Mm. A vm22sa*.2:«:A=’a A \ uwN1vxsxmARY AnR£ss*, JUL'&" 4111, 1 806.; ., ,, I'‘‘<‘Q1“U‘*<» ._. ., _ . . ..,.,. ‘ ‘ " ‘_ _‘ ' V’-W’ " 1';-I-‘ :‘."m~x‘='-‘ '*w"-‘-W" “‘ ““ “" ..I..IItlIwbuduuA ‘ r P up/" _)7W\-:«7«”::’ ’. /I " ,~:::"'” ..»J‘ fr/‘ ,., , w,...—Q,Z:.u—5. ( (r~«t’../,-.t:~‘ L4?’ ,4" t.-”‘"e'/£4’/V ‘C '3'" I ' .»«' {M U’ " ‘L x‘ .7‘ ‘ r_,,»‘ ~- ’‘~»- (A.---’ ~ " r,_x - - ‘ " V’ [ MI ‘ ‘ Cl - I; ‘ V /‘ ‘R / A L~ .» if FA ’ I 4" afww In , , ‘,2’/fl , --~ -~ LA * 41,4/7'5: K ('29 4 M.’-* 6'~z”o.,.» xi" M.» “ 1 “ % I A / 2’ I m.~“', —"fl ‘ ‘ , ¢'~VA"3'%’”‘«~’*¢V§?33Z?""”%% z~‘-/ 4 %;:.’1~*j yr /4%/’. c MA. t«~'t~ ii? 5 e~’~/#74» 2',‘ _ N_‘ '' n ‘ WF,~:V /J’ ' I !_ATA..%_. cu, ¢"(» /"A :7’ (.4 C 461"?» 5“-';‘}‘-{’~j-- '-«.f, Y 11¢ _ , V I ’ _ 1 V -~~-A MA M c 4 ad <' 4",‘-““'fl"{./fr’ ;¢"«.~-~«t~:«z«—£ in» 6-W "I- C-4~'7‘-~ .-" .»' ‘ . "’ ‘ w- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’““",¢"/..i»—2— / 7='-/“" ‘ ‘K '—’ é?”l'£-‘T.’ E M V’ V?‘ ~ &-'1M.. (1 C,-"(I C. 1;’ t’--. KIA c{7;,’-~”i~'-- féi M V M’. 1'. , “.2 ’ M 1 ~(.- //«t (-.~«~j;;+’A.. ' , ‘”“'j A '{’/’%"’7’ ”' C ' A umyf ah, ~ V i v I ' A % V A z...A,%a r~¢-- -- £~ A /1 ;;;.4.. ~u..»c2Aam.% v» A A _ A /’ ,.;:j;g" I .~ /,7’ A .. I V x ,. ¢ J 7, av! % ¢,AA/' w , /' in V it,» (A "L C“ 6"‘ M Ai’(\“‘o £.~(..r-{ “L L L r ( )'~/ %,.A V % % % _ % W H V I, _ A A A AA ‘ _ ‘ - rfA< A «W A % ‘M/L,‘;_,.[t#,. ‘,('...v£-£+"“'-"C'.’?" %'(.«fi(~ /l“"'" K", , "W law \ ’ 4% /c. ’ M WA’ Q1" ‘#55,. M 1‘ AAA~~:A5o«r—««~ A w 5' ‘5"~*; "5""[ J 55‘ "CV * VT‘ W4. f J W ). '1 V r» » V v V” ‘ , _A , k ” .- . 1%,; A,’¢,jA‘_,%% ‘ .-L. wt % I" ‘M’ g {R A V % . /. A kw» I , % ‘ V 0% W4 £¢,;%,,,%,¢__,,.,.¢,(/. re rIF , . 4}“ .,? » W ‘ A IV‘ '1: ‘ « LA N . °%9}«Wfi3f~t~éw iégmm A ANNIVERSARY flhhrwz, ‘.DI:'!-I.I'VER‘£D I8-2FDR.E'n T113: FEDERAL GENTLEMEN ca 1' gozmonn AND ITS v1c1m*x‘ A*s:';, A JULY 4th, 1806. 13? DANIEL WEBSTER. -—-—-----umnmwmluu-----~ mzou ‘rm: rnnss or GEORGE Irourm, caxwonn, N. H. % ~..-.-.--......;---..-mm 1ao6. f . ‘ 5 ~ 0 I I J I lflo WWWWWWW A flnnibérsary Qihhress. A » % THIS %Cmmt1'y ¢2£hibiyts%%an i'ntcrcsting-spectacle. She isthe last of the litt1e*fami1y%% of Repu;bIics..T She hath fsurvivéd all her friends, and now exists, in the midst ‘ of an envimts world, Without the scbciety of cm: nations With, which she is as$ociatedMAbysinmilarity of Government 311‘! “h‘*rfi¢ter.‘ A Whcth%er%%‘i~t fbfi Apossibldrto Vexpcvinzrwfjt A . 4:113 ~iI1 pznplxlatimv. wwealuh: glam/3 q pwserve d%&1§$I?*%¥>1i98n I-wit 3114 health; is til? Q‘-Wi°».%A mind. This inquiry is paramount to a11 othc-gs. Wheth, er this or that political party rise or fall ; whether this or that a~dminis1t1'a.tiox; posgeas most%"”ta1ents and “E n fi’g"i’s~tr%.fa %:m: A;:momt7 favcmblg W, A -.3 A ;A?AAAV‘essA of lmlmtmlt In many AreA8P6CfS. are *‘t0'fl1se last degrcie, so far, fmd so far ogly, as thgy a_fi‘¢g§ aw imam : ”ri_ty%ofthc% Constitution. A A A %% A To this point, every good ‘man’s V A ‘ It as thcmbj eat of his :n‘0~gta~1-dgnf wimgs, ,a,f1d hmimost actxvc cxertxons. I cannot, onthis mu’ *“@d?““e‘ my Wm attentivna noxwwm wiéh to A jest. Isour‘ efisting Co%r1+stit%i1tion¢wdrth presérving? Is itg as ha.t:hbeen*,the1aSt hope of %despon%ding* human AA ?Is'“it’the;braze n ser}3h:Mm3t,t;dwhic11 we turn iv1*iVefi %fl?w'oi*r§éVd wthé» fielflv éiernpents of fzilse patriotism and false politics ? Guard itthen, as you would guard the seat :of%% lisfey ‘r Guard it, not only za:giiinstthe‘b1adws%0f open violence, but “also against that s1§:$irit’Tof% change, which, like” deadly”? momifigation, «i"'f:;it‘,.'cIri<”~:A ‘~1e%Xt1T~émitieS, with siviff ‘find fatal ~pr5t1gress,%.. fa7pp;roaohresV ytcgit «the: hevaift. -130 you Jde-em 53; * A A K AA {he :.»mvaAs@£d@ccmn mayfbexatg ages, without moving it from A its *B+r;wA“nr. not a;\:-§s‘e”1‘-*1: % this p“'Iace,~%%?%sacred% a%s?it%%is;totru1fh, and unacc%ust?om% edm » a exisred,~whichwasfermed by the den e . . ‘ H ‘ . ‘ . V ‘ IN. ‘ _‘ . ‘ 1 ; A .4‘, "-G 4: ‘.‘ -In “"9; ‘ W“ " ‘ «- . I~ang‘tIage~Butthat ofVt:_onvicti%on.,' Men are % subject m " “ ‘ % « ermmes. % % ‘ ‘- ‘ ' w w‘ L , ‘ sw , ra .‘ " \ ,5‘-~ ‘ ‘,:=%- ‘ '. 1| V ~ If ‘L ; wWm‘I". ,m,.Wr~v». «'+~nv"~ «:M~v«~ 3 *4‘ " ~ ‘‘~'"’ M » ~ VA M M VA the uni 4 ~ rate} cunsuIta— , :.:»;:.: f_I‘hat, V msi %‘1€??PR@¥¥3% “b‘.i1a1? m.1L‘g§‘3I;..;;ix).%% thousand years, Ahe,,-«’/'3?"-‘ ‘ V ‘ V A T , imP0r‘-Wt ri%*hfis>4 %eVsVapwaatiael:w# is H Constitution. As? GOvcrn;m§nt; i:1sti;t%t1ted the defence“ andf protection _0f;the % citiz ens,;they will reluqa tantlyfsuportiit, when themre. taught that i:1¢o_m- V patent tdfeffect these ends;., The surrendezfofust claims, under pfetencethat the A‘ Qphs~titutiop4 hath moat A 11M-ERc;1(~ % mou="g%h:toVVVVc1}efend Mthiem Clignity, V‘7 is c,a1umniatVing% it the ,7 _sa:ry to its: éxistencea " '7 A rRepi1b1ica:'r1 Asystém Vha.§::h xx0 :basis but the peop1@’s , % chfiice. ~ “ % You weakflenf it,“ there- 1 . A A I zit C”OI1t¢¢I'I1ptib1’B, yOIJ.7finiSh‘~ it: It is nbt*a*l%aboréd inference.Ay4*7fm14%hdjA%Azipfiréflehesiun,(zimi ;(fou1€i.:ha*%<é of "cT1;’% i 1*i s<-:5 ”t6 %%%?~Y(:o‘riif‘i1%ei"Ce A A * this %Co‘untry 1”’ %ciahs “ I gas 2. 12118; 7 the xv ms small, % .7; I, pblitiwl ‘i:%¢?é31icei?ns%% of % A ,;;;EuropeyWithas. is~ *ih*th°e i*ié£'a.r 7 wach% wbrillizincefl “Abe W ‘ " 3*‘ was-uumlpw-@ wfiich “be “a‘isrega&-aed.d “ commerce ‘is 5ma’=“g'3 Gian, which this anni”hi1atesiw . distances ,r1sfl*.r They ar*“e the 1::'m:>£hampion‘s,Q‘cone ??¢!1dingA»i*x1A%VaA1a~s.t for w'r3c§mczrYA 5 the smaller fe?9;e fions around them, unsafe to act an irgglcpqgdent pmtg: % “ within. the wind of such commotion,” ,¢:itI}wTr retire from the scene, or s“eekAsI1e1ter%%‘t1n‘d;er%t}ie%pdivvierofone % ‘t:>f*th‘e éombdtanfsfi AL A tiger‘ termination A and less than orhers,” ofi our .pasVsio1mVWot1ld tem‘ptu"s to Believe‘; ‘ % % ‘ ‘ A .% Ev.n1R*x%' imti;%pn, as we«15;a's[ e:v:eny'man,Vhath passion. 7% It hath % some darling objectg it ?«pW“sMen in preference to all others.‘ “Hera is tentletr sifle. “‘Tou*ch this, i and you A touch a iaervvfV?%'1§W1idhWi%rfateaa directly to ‘t191e?I1eart.% ' Ad In GreatwBritair1, this% ruling P&ssionIi6 i “This is the apple of‘h*ei* gyé. ‘ ~Hcrsituati0n‘” iI1sdicatgE‘fi ‘th'is employment for t11esupport4o£Vher immenwé ‘ ulatiofig aLnzd% habit hath complétely mouldfid, “of her pe0p1'e«f0 the exigexmies of t11eir«§5f‘13fl5m- She 34’?-A “pbwerfu1%,, beyond rivalship, in hernavy, find assidiibtis, B A fbp3ion¢_l, eflbi;§it3ef,lll int lcixtcplatingl Ahl¢1’ll;,t1’fiCl6 $11?“-1~8l1e ’3‘V'€1'Yt iaei1_;;AtA~.arxd;e;a1ftery of ecomrnercial Siwatem. «'I‘he~se I1aAfi7finA .Ap.m'su determine the‘nati0naleechameter-. On thesubject of naval rights, she is jealous, haughty‘, and Ai5fr1l*Ac5,AAgax),u ;:>;+%4? -*It3n;fi0n*.Lf” 1 9 A ¢ ‘ ‘“ %- F1‘. ,. . .;,fl.;,« Fixavxarz. is not so dreadful?‘%cd11.§uIri}3ti}<$n.:" ‘ion vsch.o*I*1=:c;'1* I*i*;; 75? we are ificliw émd% defencc1‘eés§_} rapacity will‘ Wprey‘r.:1po1”'1 us: The Ciovérnment oughtVi*:it‘he1* to de‘f¢3fit1~V1:hé"i:ne1*cha3fifl°, or £0 rcpeal the laws which reétrain 11i111M%f1~Qm %defe11Ad%i4n4g 21in1sejIf.% It oL1ght%to%%affox?d%1“iih1 the %a$%sjist:i11}5C% Of i1f‘m¢ed' v«;=:ss%e%1s,,Qr %t%c:;» sufie:1~ h1rx1t0.H%arm hmown v%e§§+§IM mg/zt not to bind him, hzmcjl and fo%of,a11?.4;$ 12 we- ;0rrT._th~i's subject‘of the prbtecmiou oftommerce, * m'ucFw % has l;3een%5£i;'1da and zqpiigniorrs eJ:1=terta.ined. %'l7‘herc‘ inais is a,4%s:){&ter1?;15;~%V;1tvIfimich 5;»: A opposec1ito= every degree of naval jiréparat-iflh. There are «men, W1‘-10 would not defend eommerce ”a1”1-inch beyond the land. They choose to 13011145-idt;1,‘ W gzhgq ': Uni1;ed “Statgs as exclusively agricultural ;; a :great_;N:1a;;d%a:;irha1, whose». walks me: VA confined to: I,l1is;;1a;tiv%e »f0_)tjBSt§, . a,:;1dV%?xvho%;:;h~a;f.3 ngthing to do’ with the I:og:ean,% but to drink a.t its shores, Aor‘ Ascmthe his slumbers 1?Yt11e Iwisa its waves-?§.%A Thia %sY%Sf:~‘31¥1 :m*1Y ham‘ som¢“brig1¥t;pwartS*s&mbut§ as 4a,wh016a 51113 i‘mpraCticab1e ?and%absurd,{ L —Like%rthc sun in Qclipse, a few rays of brilg Iiant % lustre mé1y3.ecof%zte itsc outer edges», but the great body sf light is intercepted. % THIS’ Countryfs cbmtnercial, %as‘{vé1las agricu'Itui°aI.4 $61dBIé.bon&sL C'(Ji‘iI 1c(:t~I‘li1'h wfio plougtaisthe 1a.nd‘, deem. Nature hath ‘placed &xo*c;avz=rnrnent-can ‘alter theaeszimion. Habits, com. 4%: f1rme%d%by two centuries, are Lndt ‘to be Aéhangedu An immeI;s.e:‘pQ17tion of%ouir«properAty is on the%w;aves. Six.- % jtXor$ ei»Vg1}tytI1?ousanc1§4$of % bur fiibsf useful ci$tizvensV are ghere, avndvare ;en,ti1:1¢dr to such pmtezction from the Gave ; their ciisé réqui1*es. ‘ AA 15 it said; “wvfe ought waver di£fea»et:&:eswith other natitgns, which may féri§1tér'°fiaeasui*és'c3f‘pr25tecti‘on V hecessaryé i’s ‘“aswvise to -Asay,’ that *b1astsm‘1d 3‘ MrV. Randblfwi. % us 5:‘ ‘and murfle-£r‘ai‘;Tc$hii%1?é5it*e,ff*ViyyfaA%riiisfi méldiefws %oug}'1t never to visit our%fie1dsA. _Th6}_f uponus, ,jnevitab1y,%% and vie_ have nothing to do, <;2oq$i%dc::rA how we may ‘act, wit}; mo"st dignity and eflkct. Or is it said, we wi’11%havano na‘v'y,V hcigatxse we cannot hm one A1=tr8¢€n°ugh W éubchw th:e“B¥i*i$h$ fleet?-v-+9 ‘Will M=;i%th*en1éave4_ou1;‘ ports % and dflféficélesga §§JeGE;L1S‘3 We~canI1otmak e coIiqt1ests thjeMB~ritish4chan§- meal, «Or set Loridon on fire with bomb-shells 1 Shall $11rT2~nk%%V$f'rorxx the _defc-mce ofour owrif ltpusg %.%beca.u::,e we are not strdng enough to pull ? doW11?=&1t:he%.‘hou3e of ougr Igxeighbor‘?-A-«That sentiment be to_¢himt,, wc-{I19 shoiil. dgrss broad cnoughflto’ bear the C1§sgr'a=ge' ,Qfit.» _% It is] the ofl7apring% of A fa1seeconomy%,Vor‘ in%0rdinate% avari‘c¢*:~ nevcar isprahg from the altar bf “Seve?nty»~As%ix. ”7 % ' % j c=gpca:n,van the hatfibfof N‘éW-Y'oric," aaev~ér:e4xve'r1 ea1c1:taw’d~:o ‘try the spirit dffhe times. In ~is“”*2i*€1’ieir-+ fiI0fl i~ét"er, by which rn”ayLbe detcrznined the ta‘mperatLi1*’t% mu '0'? ‘the the. p+earp1e.~«~—~‘ ~ In . when fi§£e‘Wnitm1$fafes were *CoIonfi‘c3 of thié, before they hadV%%mI11edthemse1vesa Nati'Qn, or gilreavimecl Aofmludependence, %‘s%o%me% British so1di¢1*sL%i”h‘%o5. V Indepmcm aire ripened by the lapse »of” . ton, pVrdvo"k%ed4by manaces and pelted? Withbrialfi-Bats,» fired among our citizens, Akilhled s~o1ne,4 and wounded A athérs. “The” ac: rouzetl Ameriwcal A The rose to arms. The cry df%"BToo%d wafiabroaci i1:£tT1eI”Ia néI .—-~;A.m1 from~th;at. d-utceftlflw Vsevefanwpe of’ the M 1806, Wham %th@_}{ my ‘ , . ‘ ‘ years, Am. c3*uringwi1%%iAc31 Atixne%‘n%atic1m1%~:7Iaorior hath 1'c:c%t1t11‘t171.?e%l)fzxi11s of 13}ii10's,dp1icfs, AA x*;{poro;1s,é1?gzd evgtxnccsw «ems flw mists 9f~«t1ae;¢¢A¢s1r2s% yet " itA1%vvfi>2~11«?l Acc:nti1i~if<2:s‘tt3 clzzmge>f ?%né:tiz5n‘a1A4r;;11m.;ct“er, which ce ntu;rié'”s* A ‘Wr?5ix“g*I*1t:‘* 4»»:e*a~afcIi*a:;1t‘e%%4z:he exnrx... ~I?atiom ;‘t0j ,% %ue~:I1ch .t:1,1%a§é: :‘2:.c;;%-3.‘! wj::t2‘;5V11I:a%dz,:Qt%I1e_ iesuitisnz and vs.’ ’ ‘~‘$ ‘ “'3. 4 r*'.'.'. ~ * “ 4, *5.‘ Y ‘La iwara ure 0.“ 4.‘; 5. 1, 1.. “ 1. 1 %r“* [ %..»s;=r* S. 1.114 f_%1%:11 _1t% Mt“ ftI:1£,M1'mt 01 *=; 112*‘ V0 1. ofvjuc % It is; thczse: Vj3c:1§13Léilfici91t.;‘¢;i,us5m;~:.,L gicjtthe te;mpc$ta1*y form of « “ W W‘ ‘ N ‘ ‘W “ Mthe;xzatx%oms cbf thwart7i1.A WY Awmbztiqn is ‘ ‘ w: ‘- ‘ ~ ‘ M =-\-«. .~ “V3.2 t W“ 3*.“ .. % the4A%1Weredy1ng ‘worm, ¢'§*%v?h§k::}1M$ fémihis E1 fattem. in % tlié "of the G.imI.. ‘T%o%a;p c;agVL:r11e;:‘§:s ijZc:§1*%%%};5t21*s3or1r;x1 (1iSti1j Cti0I1,‘ 21130 izddéd 5;%ei:i1~sa%“£¢;;s¢natamx g'h:>z"y';, 'uix11ea1‘d%%%OfdVsi1'LC§e j thé days *«;~.£ Roitieg imd u:1eq1.ia'l}crJ:, pcefrlmaps, gfiifién by i;hé: Rolnatxsi ‘THE intc%11e3ct1iir1 m*‘m:1d* iV£;‘*%+Vcom:ssi’d%eI*<éd theztxtrfle of ‘ ‘tzcintestsynnt less‘"?fh%a.11Miée wxaturaig‘ ‘The ~mom1s’ and 0 ~ sc~11i;‘i‘1T1'?e§ntsAtxffzlxe flatim1is11§we“ Iseem. ad:dedLmhe “Fmn‘ch%?I'l1npi§*e, Almve 'i)t~;-£3171‘ asccw1x1p1««3teIyVsubdu;~eH, £115 1;11eir}:2h}~s‘i:3a11:atrtari‘§g;th.4 V “'~'I_’I;:£+; i’xm1 :§;nd% s‘tfv1*d* of "philoso-« phy T1a've a duty of desa:»I21t3%mn%%:z,ssVign%e¢;1thetrn, as well as the fire and xsword bf the :42,z?xnj;r.~»-4‘W¢a mi-peat, therxzafore, A c éthat these" caupes e_:s;ijstj ¢Lex1c ),uWsive1y‘ in %th§:%,na1;iona1 czhae-V meters» the %r¢1igion dlimature of Vthw=o9n‘Fry s :.:.1nd~ have no". c%onne:Xi0n W_ith‘,th¢ % f0I‘m Of % the w%§3~pv7er~11r % ;n1e:11’c.. VThey wou1d have been as powerfgl, if I,og.1is Jmad Qc,cL1piA%ed»‘;%hiS%:thrO11€: ti11%thi-$:.?fim¢a% as they¢4»xi04W}'=ir¢.» *a1¢£= as po\%erf'd now, A ‘4 at Qarm momezgm %0fm%the “ ,3-»g,?“#g,%‘ ‘.;;s:‘.“n. ‘)§‘(”"‘“', . ‘ M 3‘, N $3-o‘: ‘ ‘,‘»“. ,‘ :" “ w ‘ ‘, ‘ V ‘K ' )3’ H, W.‘ ‘ : .t .x H wv - “ H N I , T“ ‘ “ . ‘ M“ r y “l M. ‘, ‘, ‘I3 \ 2“ aw: :;T;;snotAV%tozse* 4#:;.ferr;sa ’f1*oi§i th¢sc¢e1narks;AAtz;%gt e;Vea_t.B;a¢{a:1& 4'rhe fri‘e§id§111ip,' i12iti:r3i1S;§s:x{6 4 ;s~ra;;~aer jam their “fififigiiég pwa; csf3:i‘et”.-.t,”in %diffi=:rent cji}_anne1s,i,J‘ant‘1‘Vunder %ci1iAife1A*exitS}\i3.1i%es,V B ”i’;tt‘w%rith V M. eq11z11w%disr:3gard. V thé intgaresf of bthers. AA AA % “HOW fai'thQei* tbt=,j j3oi&*cr bf Fratlcefyrnéijf em- A v'er, of "*c_11e_ 1%_1uIna:1 race, % can wish see *it“%é§:t€:nd¢c1 %4iqE'arthe’%r.} I V ‘is V infatuaiioii % to“ AA des§i:t*c—:% cine ‘ knagionr %o 1 Ce; thA:a%ocean itself s<:mf’op should Pafisimo higshmds W¢aT$TEh¢ i1‘°='Mr0Wn of ,the 1an~dp’W“5-H¢aven%%protectth§s%%%%AC%ountry, V and tha «:5;- avwilizcd fworlcl‘, AaMgai4nstA suichy uax_1 _cV€;nt.! A y ritai:n is emit» s*1W‘°11°%&m6drit f9r:fightin#g for ow*12«ex4ister:c4e:4 MM --u-mama-«nun-v is ccntexidixag, %i1ot for“ us, but for herself. %%St;2inding, hc«wex}ér,; as she doth, "the sole obstacle to %uni%ve'rsa1 p»c‘>we$r% ‘Europe, ittis the part of‘ uinutterable fd1Iy‘¢“td dcsire ?he1'- 1311. A M cSU?ccH,cc%%%I*‘c1Iowl?‘C%itizcn3;*~ are cthc ‘princicpal nations “ with whichfortune hath connected us; in the cciniyier-A course o'f"the%wor1dc. Agaixast the power of either", tlxcrc is nerve and muscle enough in this Country toff defend‘ our “Gov7crnment;‘ if Wisdom‘ enlighten our councils, ‘and % union give energy‘ to our e:‘xerti‘o11s.c‘ States seldom £111 till they have deserved their fate. The%%hie3tc1'y of the world hath flzrnishcd few instzmcccs, and the last hundred years aiforcl none, *<>f rmyc1mtcion’ac.c~ falling beneath the 1 Cfllfiih of superior V power, united, courageous, andipcatrictic. Armies wiIIVbc%ca§i1y repuI- sad, if Myciu have, in the first filace, clueckcclcfhc “i:o1~rcnt flood” of disunion and faction. You M11 withstiind the chock of military hosts, if you have, successfully, with-‘ c.«to0ci“thé=A omcsrt of *cm*u,cb2fj (0}>z'72ia2z.9i, which, A like the locusts of Egypt; «acme on the Ea;9m~22 wind.” 'I“HEsfi fii‘§?: duties ‘dcpencvl on Gui‘ Vxnftifi, atidcur P;&'rmo*r*4cxcs‘M+g Without these, it is vain‘ to ctalkflot‘ a good*G~ovcrnmcnt; and with ‘them, iti“sA11ot easy to have a bad one. ccrrect andwene1*gcticAtoneof pcublicz morals is the prop, on which free Canstimticons rest. Afiftcr zillcthat can be said, the truth is,%t'imt LIBERTY." consistc more 'in thecmo1*aIs and habits cf Vthe ' péoplc,‘ than zanything e1se.c W1: the publicjaecomes ‘ t11oroiighlyVvi£Ectcd acndcdep1¥m~ecd,c cvcry“attc1npt%4<.toc Mlfllfflflfll pre.serrs*e~pAuH&v:. I§i”brs;rty znfi:3t‘b_£: V,&*zin..—. _ .La.w's% are’ their 3; ,nu1}i=ty, and C01'1sstitutio11sVWwa§tespap%er..' yguji ¢:}1eck.the x.fv'inci wiftha_s:;)11g, V01? stay ogcezm withai% bullrush 3‘ Then you thihk Bf éjpposing Ccmstituu-4 tions am! charters, to the progresa of an M afxibitious~ usuz-per, €1I‘C0'u1'£5i_1g€d.v in his vi-evwcs-,I and supported» in his measm-es«,%% by Ia; corrupt »profl?1ga;te coxnmunityra ~ The, ' Ceaar::-s,ai1d Cata1ines%?Ahaw;e;%4;hei::a onlgy check »%t_he Pub-%« 1ic;Ir1o1*a1i-1cyf- . Wiiwr th63*= '1‘;‘3"a '”fup to dA0 evil, they mu“ fi11dthe111se1v¢s stanclihg a1o11e._ %E.:s:pe1iience% hat1'1 certi—r ficdth¢A tr1ifh»4:ti113¥“‘=Pi1‘?*+ti ‘évi11%a~Wed1y:~ ‘tattcr dmruzz .;t}z.at_§ .éd£*€ce bqffm:eido4m, A w/zic/2 ~ 5.3 zzotfoztvzdm" an pzzélic rvirtzw-.. % BUT ' virtu:%eVhath its esséfnce in 1*eIigicaL1's sentixnent. V T75/'ithou"»: that, iriiftuewis;a1'eaIx11of frost. Its influence‘ igsjcolder than Mthe No1?them %star%.% The temple a.v11d% the altar M9.r§%;mth¢*%be8f.p1&ed; Vifivtflfillaifiiotxal happiAnes§, f and he“ that worships%:her€» t1:e"‘b*es4c AAItJfA«"we11 to. cherish thge:mpectatiQn_'gj;;fL}ture being, VVou1dyou have gaod citizfins 3 Iieave $0 111611, then, the consola- tions ‘of refigiotts hopey sltazrnof aux-; F1.~eed¢,m, $hou1( 1 be ;,p1a»f::c~:d% niear ta %the: z1I%tar of Of_1lIV‘ R;€31igi€)-n$’ Thus Shall “the: - A11ni?;,hW;P0%3*’er,4 %7Who%A pmtectzs his ‘own»AV~»W¢;>rsh%%ip, % p1"-owtect ‘£‘&1S:;{-flr‘ Quxtfi vLibexftie$<.;;,** % _INAwI..Z.Y,1étl‘L:3. themrishttrue AP2itriotisA1*rig, p Le%’c n.ot’ the cufirehcy of fl'1r:'c3 coizntefrféit, téxfimzitfitiswfddisbelieva t}1e;%%e::i,?stencp cf the _g§e21%§iinVe.,fI”hé14¢{ isq. sg::iti1i1ent. of’ h%Cmes,tL P*;£”1f.ri'<:‘:tiisiI1; find o~1:e o:f %f11efir%.irast4 and.’ 2"1~ snnnflufll u—ua-venom:-an-an noblest that inhabit the heart. It is~equa.lly salutary to him that possesses it, and to the Country, the objectofi its regard. It hath at source of consolation, that ‘cheers the heart, in those unhappy times, when good men are rendered odious, and? bad" men popular; when great men are made littlegand little men are imacle great. i A genuine patriot, above the reach of personal consii§d’e1'« ations, with his eye and his heart on the honor and happiness of his Country, is 21 ch.ameter,.t as easy and satisfe.cto‘ry toihimself, as venerable in the eyes of the 'world.. While his Country i exijoys Freedom i and‘ Peace, he will rejoice and be thankful ; and if it be in the counsel of Heaven to send the storm and the tem- pest, he meets the tumult of the poliitioal elements with composure and dignity". t Abotze_fI<:czr, _a60*v(3 al£’z7zge:*, above rejzroaclz, /zefiwz-Z.s°~ that 2/zpe last mo’._, tolzic/2 can lwja-t jam to any man, vzever comes too soon, lzefitll in deptezzce (if the Law cmd Liéerty Qflzis Cauzztfy.