;; ;4,,. _,._.._4 /_ , A .m‘:LIVEnEz2 IJv;r20W.no1.Are:1tI.,e.J4I; new A IiESPECTABT.)E .;-xuntmmcm 0nr'r1t‘.ta roan-ms ow ..-mm, .-mos... % rrr nmim %'I"HE'» ANNIV"P1RSAI"1Y GT!‘ AMERVICAN INDEPENDEN~CI§m .&5\a$-*Mw.MMMM \ é mt REV. aura M;ac0m1BEm.V. wNlNa~N¢‘w‘.nW'* mzrrzt xazrxwrozv. L @ W-- .RXfiTERa% aaum-rm» mm .r'xn~wA;ta't nmrtmuaom %m:m:1mm M“ fliglnteazxnzma. % ‘ 1°-Bfifilie % 1NTRoI)UciT‘i0N. T111; lreasoii that I appeared in public was, that I I l had often been grievecltoeseee, and hear, how that l day was improved: by’éon1e ‘drinkin-g and quarrel- linggand acme p1'ofaniag’”th%eh name of that God who e % d‘eli3vei*ied us. “ *'W11ich' put “me in min(T‘Qf,.tl1e i(l*el~ihvér"-l‘ ahce of the children of Israel lfrdm the ltyrannicald ‘powers of‘Egypt.: and after theix-_ deliverance, were lcommandedlto keep that day in remembrance ; (and speak ofit to their children, as they satin their hous- es, and as theylwalked byrthe way; and lltolmanifest their love and obedience to their God that delivered them. And wllenthey improved their time. in this‘ way, they were a pe‘op.le the;-niost highly favoured of 1 _; the Lord of any nation on earth; and came off‘ con- queror over all nations. But when they profaned the name of the grellt” Gs“od,.~ and his Sabbaths, and despised his ’wen‘de1*full works, repeated judgments came upon them froml»lhea\'en.-;v and many of them. ‘fell into the hands of their enemies under tyranni- cal powers again. % _ % H % ‘ And it is evident, that the same God that deliver- ed them, delivered Amelricafrom the powers of Britain. Andlever since. we have been the most highly favoured of the Lord of any nation on earth. Butifwe go on profhning the name of the God of heaven, in disobedience and rebellion, and making a light of hia:.aranderfnl.wonk, we may depend upon his sendia’g' 1-'epe_atleL1jud§;men-ts uplen-this land ; and thereby we shall ezqgose ou:jse1ves— to come under tyrannical ‘mower agala. l ’ 7 . l . l Foam; Oitflfliwfii A ' , all you yo.11njg'_(Ame%ricans;»-.% " ' Professox-s o¥t11-r.:soi1;—»% % % I pray=t1'1at% you would now attend :f To you, 0:11 I men, I call. ‘ ‘Come I1e:u* my voice, I will rehearse What VVOfld€.‘I‘S God hath done, ” Here in this }1ow'1ing‘.\vi1de;-ness, Befbztektliaat yotmvere born; A land of plenty and of peace,_ With joyjmu call your own ;e~-.~ A. ‘land of 1ib'erty¢and qnse, A kingdom scarce1y%'km>wn. . But 011 1“ what have yma Aheardthem tell, 1~Iave"not your%fathe%z‘s %toVld« 7 % How manyfclxousmcl‘victitfis RH, In blood their garments roll 5'»- Oh ! oafizmmind ‘Co1x1mbus,’”voyag-3 9 ‘Who first this hmd espiecl; A % Who but the Lord v~co,uld~be his guide; Through ragning vrindancl ticlje? . Perils by11va.n'd,..«p&evi1s‘= by sea, % % He nften passed thrcmg'h., To find this land oflibel-'ty,. % That now belongs to you. H ' % __ After this my .ge_.;1;herc.waa%a-;&1in%om j; of refuge ib'r»m~"flae% )« % mm: énemi‘e»s(w_ho mgeAAj%anapomA3 ' % "T" theigfiliberty. % % % % ~ 1 M - ; « V4auVgh%AAP%1ymouth L ’% Yet _1:hrey th¢%%Lo%xjd?ygGu1d V ' Of %I«m:1d,.% ‘but Wot ~.ortreas‘11res%that~I ' * % Jabu.t_ida”rice 1’ % G‘u‘r fatlie " 5 But af"te1' those, a number name ‘ Off‘ from the British land ; As for their views, ’tv/ere not the‘ same‘, They were :3. cruel band. , V V To rob and steal, they were en,gag’§l, “A Of the poor Indians store ; And set the Indians in a_ rage, For to‘ proclaim a war. 3 From” time to time the war increas’d, The Indians rage and yell ; V‘ But the poor gaints tl_1ei;- God would praise, Though lmmlx-eds victims fell. And af't<~;.r this a number mo:-e;~ Pro1°ess’cl this liberty; * But pray examine their error, And you may plainly see, l '1' hey wh'1r,st, :mclhang’d, and banisl1’d suxneg ’l‘ha“t I. do now believe Are game to lllfifll‘ eternal home, 111 Christ forever live, ' l And some ‘they made to pay a fine, l 'l‘h6:ix' charges to clef’:-ay, l I320/auzse they could not with thenujoim And say as they did saf,l’3‘f- 1 But Oh «! what liberty is this! l I-Ierelin this‘ gospel day, 1 when forty rzh’-.ll'xngs, more or less, Poor sz1inltsvlco1npelI’d to pay !- Compr-.-ll to pay, or to prison go, 101* pa).:;.a certain sum To ministers who did not knew ’I”hélg'olspel’s tmnxnpet souncl. . “ And for these culmes, and many more, I‘ God’s judgmenta they calm‘; downy V l Ffmall arms and; cannon thejx diid :*oa1', '1‘he~. earth in tremvbling sound. After Icame on the stage, The Frcench war did commence, And in that War K was 0n_L§;ag’d, To stand in our defE2nce.< As For the stlfféringa we Went thtcugh, 1‘vfy_io:1g.\;ue nnr pen can’t ‘tell, mu we obtain’d the victory, '1‘hozxg!1 thousmuls victims Fail. '2-“kFte1' this war this land had peace But for a little space ; £.mc‘1 then came on Urcai: B:-itairfs "orce, "Fwgms worse than aflcthce rest. Ta see their numerous shgpscof War, -“Come thtmdering all zarmxnci, Anni th'z'eat’ning vengeance’ Frotn afar, On our defc1'1ce~1ess towns. To see the cruel tyrants ragre, And hear their cannon 1-oar, And British powers were all engag’c!", ‘To ttlke away our store. Our ha:-’i‘2ours b1ock’d, our towns in flames .; 011 2 what an awfui sight ! To see the poor Amcz'icans,;’g In £1-oubfie take them flight ! And then pursu’d by Bwitissh troops, All :u'm’d and tum’:-’d Wail; Oh I could we have a glimpse of hope When thousands victims fcli ! Females, and males, and children too, Fell in their barbarous hands; And hired another savage crew, To take our frontier lauds.‘ * Into thew,,rsgav>a To leave my f Three humlt-eds% % ” :& *A11%b+yxhas%cmé‘Ij; 4 _ _ And in mam % F11-’d% night, 7' V I chd engmge.Vw§i ,, For to Vdeféifix Ana III that yew: ‘am aws * H In%a1m;ost M %M.:my~%des=ertedbl1'9::;p__;~9m-9 % And to the B’rit9n:s“went.;=_f gs % - poor O1 that inhuman %cx:»ew» ‘ Q “wk ~ ,‘~ Vve, oan’t des»c?t-ibe by t9;}gu§ge‘ nprfi pgn A; 3 Wlmat sufiwrings ,t1[‘Jeyw«ent t»I;mu§1a;:‘%% M "]‘his»..very f}ma.v: we wane ¥15roc1a*im’d ; % As ii1Lxgl; rough and rug-god roadgl;-"v lI'ex'e in ‘this lmwling wilderness, 'I‘he place of my abode. And as I pa:=::~:’d from town to towel, And islands of the sea, No clmrch or minister did find, In fellowship with me‘. But 1 be-lEev’d there was a G-only And be was on his Way, . To bring down sinners by his xvorcl, Tlaulgovspol tmobey. o Wloxile I was rmusingf on the w'ay,, How sw eat my minutes roll’d,, 11 found a man clear as noon day, ‘ Which rejoic’c1 my very soul. To see llltn stancl on I’isg*a1*’s top, Ancl vievv the promis’d land, And hold in holding God’s truths up; Clear in the gospel plan; I never S:-iw this man before, On *Pisgar’s top he stood: ll-lea made. the gospel tmmpet sound, To warm them in the wood. He soon became :1 ranger hole}, The gospel to dlfipllly - n ‘Tine truths: of Goal did not witlllaold, ~ But labouficl night and day. Full sixteen years he travell’d on In this wide: xvilclerzueoss ; l ‘Many sons and dau rhter-s xvere born, Tlzrougln rich an sov’reig'n grace. % And then his body was infirm, Wlxioh-oausedwhim to cease! ‘ A T0’ . ‘But still holds up the gosfml plan gflut when we saw that .g3l‘3CC\adO!‘I1'V(:l.5 * Of free: and sov_’reign grace. And aftér many sons were born, l b Throughriclx and sdfreign g'racE, 3 “God rais’d amumber Well adorn’d,~ For to supply his place. How far and wide the gospel sounds, Here in this eastern land ; b ‘-To sinners -lg-‘race doth much. abound, b"'Whic11‘comesfrom God’s right hand; L l % ‘W hen we began churcheslétoform, -Our numbers were but small ; V "0"! that was all inl--all!‘ ‘ l "‘%‘.-Twas‘ tribulation mlre or less, “We daily passefl ftfhroughr‘; l l ~ ‘Bu1t~.4whenAw%e were sorely *oppress’d3. l l We mu1tip1y’d and grew; M W hen .we~=s’aw this-‘great salvatigfi, M vI=Our churches number three,‘ I'We fox-m’d an association 9 V And We did well agree.‘ M ‘?I?'his~ duty then it was’ peg-form’d, % In the yeanéighteen hundred ram-A: V ; When eighty-sixl%co.mmenc’d, ‘ - -Lctluvs adore the mighty l J . bl J J]-‘or our additions since.“ » . -Our churche-3% forty-nine ; Two'thousandl»4:b;-cthren if not mole l :In«11nionvwcl‘lcomb~in‘.'d, ‘A T ,, l % M % ”.A1*ld bask our Jiumber vats * 90 gre§t,= lThufught«*prop¢r to divide; - H £»Dne“dn the west -ofVKennebeGk‘g l one on t’o§h¢r aidgei‘ 4% M 11 Ancllone of them is L'incoln call’d, "l‘he other Bowdolnham ; l Glory to the ct-ernal All, We are become two bands. Now glory to the dying Lamb, lWh0 died and bled for me Letall the brethren say amen», And sing the jubilee,” Come brethren look upon my head; What do you see me have P l You see me drawing near the dead, A The tokens of the grave. V W hen I depart, I leave you here, I leave oh with the Lord ; , ‘ 0h 1 ma you all lxcmxeforth, appear; To be ot'lone accorcl.. W . And if I never see you more Whilc‘: we on 9'.-1l"tll remain, Oh ! may we meet on Canaarfs shore, And never part again): l l % % Where. we mayjoin to sing Godfls praistm. And all his wonlclerss tell, ~ l l An-rl triumph in his holiness, l 550 brethren now f'ax;c@}vell, M-:1: fl"“"............"“"""".....""'.'."_1w VEROQ E. I~‘xsnnn.-.—Ta Me tznle q/‘the B6521’?!/r&t,er, EllOLI) my friencls how (leeply we, l ‘ Have felt divine clispleasm-e, Om; land before has swam knolwn, H A_ (if wyath so gtjeat a gu;-¢«. 1.0 ‘JIIII ‘ Our commerce has beenrall destro'y"d, «Our merchants were in trouble, Day a1"t.er. day they sought for peace, 2‘ ~Bu=t found‘ their sorrows double. The lab’:-ing helpless poor were fiwd, V17 ith sorrow and vexation, Some had no food and. some no clothes, And some no habita.ticn. The tradesmen were in deep distress, 'No bread fell on their floors, And few eoulq get one single cent Ofcredxt at Line stores. Before the War, ‘poor people !iv’d, They then had store offishea, “But after that the scene was chang’_d, And they haul empty dishes. Because the men were chiefly gone, ‘Where drums and cannon rattie ‘And women griexfd for fear that may Soulcl lose their friends in bzmie. I*'~"oW if we ask what was the cause, E Di‘ these our gweat distresses, ‘We soon shall find it was our sins, Which made such woes oppress us. ‘How can we hope for pleasant times, Vflhiie we go on trr.nsgx‘essing ? If We don’t rshortly mend our Wzzys, ‘We can“; expect a, blessmg. . The laws at present seem asieep, And vices are not punis;h’d, "The viciousrdojust what they please, ,A'Itho:.rgh so of: ndmonisifirol, or W11»! ass» a ‘ :3 5» i_"_Pea‘kifl~ fgwh , = %T.ln_s~;’i‘1' sfriixgfimt §{sve§y,t9e» }. * And every g*efd”’7£‘ors,a‘.@ ‘ ‘Where two‘ or tl1W:é% %°'in % Far A % Says, Ch1~i§“r, ‘ah, My vmrrcl slum‘ % " 4;‘ - ’ idem never, % ,% fMc§®e% ‘I,’ {n Tl1»¢re’s~ ,, ' ‘ ». Aare; 3. Ea V %% ‘ * Who%.%Vrwdmcfi»lm % h_a Ve Ta‘ s}5f¢1?e“«‘é Vdhance, % Will clfxea-€ mam bf: meek-%l»abor‘s,% eat sdéxn he fg.-ll bestow“ we héart; " * 4“ Ami %‘8iAfiW9* a W And thus =w*il~1dl;1ea12a% ajildl «and. When feiéif D -.. ‘Worth more t11%anva ;gvon, , bile sitting‘ Aifll ' ' Are ca1l%’d% to The irighte%o3us Before the sinners" mswwaxn may beg-into 5sr.ake,AA 3: And t:t»=embl‘e at 1>.h;e% aentefic‘ % % g Because they sli?g2~hteé11?@racé,%% % . .AndVdied without 1'«E:p%e11tance%.. ‘ % » ithlou %rep\a“ut in » The G‘oS!pe?l fb*‘as bwn s%l"i,%g‘.»l¢1t¢é<.1;%- % While saints ra~:_1oic:’1cl=i*m Jesud’ narnfq. in By wiéked met: with i'§g‘te §;pi<'t_.¢,.» fan: e]Ve:l'Y{ fay % ace pvmsiseafg % % Ancl now the Lokrcfhdra‘ want us Apmwe; * %% } i V Andev’:ry% heart 1;~vej?o"w¢s.,§ M _ ; E if V " -But should we celebrate the same, 9 I % rcjmvmd V?‘ ~ V “ ' MA ",4 m.eanurc4? L aWearinag%a§1tof %‘Imtead %of:g"ivfiqgA ‘ . AH W % 15%, 16 'spenc'1~-’:11eix- time.anei%m1sh‘Vto rnaké :. % The cannon ratt1$e.1(mder.l % 'We’d better m?ake~a warwith Sig, And .,.str'we %-for" reformatiorx, A And leave t'né,_nest to h'nn~ who dzed To purchase our salvatwn..% % %% beat them.backjW?’ %A1~¢W‘Wi*¥* Far % Sheaéht her 7flef*a2t“s*‘ émc“:l % To ravag*e,%1:iM‘ 3pd%p1%und;er,',%%%_%% % :ir%tn2e's :0; e Ourheroels‘ met them on the sfbv dfetfs am! on th~e‘rr% 9 V 9”" §Wa;8 “‘l’1 time I ne’e1: comd finfclfi.‘ iv 57! h ithunm }e:r .“ % V fw: they wouldnot « ,.%’a»rev.he %v:e " thio" WHO b1'W(§I»1t gta n”d'our'I’n e-p_ic‘ndt=:“r.1t:e:.A% V % .} ~ ;;;;1d«ij¢rs and on; “ s=em1;xen mo, W fi t1~aSgl*) ’n to 111 H A “Our 1-» %V'VVJ'ftl:1.»A¢;;mura If: S‘ a*h~%ys in “ »_‘ . ‘ WM ‘ 1" . ..m % And £;l1'hi’s~fl¢e~t % °or1a~» erwm _whgnAPn§voatVmhuas1maA Ha gave om; specials V as» 'I_‘hc luczkleas Generak: bmm He flércl WW: Afiflaéen . [ V ‘ Higlx cm x%he%w:av1ng»wate The M acecI§ofi‘i.2aw‘r‘x %AndI1ome%_in$t1~i . } “I-le 'b1*ot1g~lh’f % 1), A 5-_wre1:~J%t% th{e; {fa . " % By fo%rt~t.m:e qmt ' ‘He Wis ‘ On 1 2'- Q9' 54:) 0' . 13‘or his whole army m~1eexma;%y F, :~ And %lYe&‘Vi”:% the » '*l“h,rd’ ~dx:_¢ms*y jjx»-om Maoomh;*%~a:fi%f§,eeti. % 1 Wil laj him _l’\_*0%1': b;® M '20 ‘ _ I*‘<3.xf1iEs“cani;3aig‘n, was worse than wing, A coward and a traitor ; ‘V ’ " % V ;ForLp2i1tx'y gold his army; sold, To Brock the speculzttor‘. A ’ 'WlxeixPrOcto'r found brave Harrison," * ’Ha.dlanded onrhis region; . ~ * Away the:“tim’rous creature 1‘*ur1«,‘- . Yvith all his savage legion... ._ A But”ove‘rtak:efi Were, and triost _ % ’ 1 Of them were kiI1’d ;m‘d taken, But Prcctgm soon ._ fo‘r's0ok.. his; post,, And fled as quite.f'ox;sa1zen. . . > _ . At:'LittIe_York, beneatiflhe g‘un.~§ ’ Must tartiish‘ British glory,- Qf Chauncey, Dearb