AN ORATION ‘IEELIVEREAD ON THE FOURTH of JULY} M‘ THE NoR.T’1—1 MEETING HOUSE’, m SALEM, MAssAci4xUs22:T:m rem ICHABOD NICHOLS, V 8 A L E .* tmxuwzzn M JOSHUA cvsnxmw, 180%.;-. AT a large meeting of t/ae Fzmzxum .RI2PU.E'1’.IC'ANS of Szzlom, llvolclm at Comserz‘-Hall on .1‘/not 4.z‘lJ of ffuly, 1805, it was UN..4NI- MOUSLT mated, ‘T/Bat tbe tlvorzlnr of tire meeting be prcfintod to .M1a.. ICHAVBOD N I C H OLS , lartz'u.r,fi2r tlae excellent Ora,/ztfon wlicb be lm: £1527: day clelimred, at the /blioifaiiozz of tboir Conzrnimo flrrarzgeznerztx, in commemoration of tlzo In¢lependence of the Uniled l State: of Alrncrioa ; ‘mad that lye be regzxg/Zezl tofzzmi/Zr or ocpy for we przfs-. A A ‘info fial. V0 arm), Tlaat 2‘/Se Committee cf flrmngomemtr be regzu;/led to wait‘ on Mr. NICHOLS for flu: purpq/79 of mrryizzg 2‘l.'7e Maw wot: l B. GOODHUE, I"n_.'/lclerzt of flu: Moétlng. —::flfl::—«~ SIR y 7 l y l V I am llceply _/Ezrglflble z‘l:e_l.2onor,‘ tbaz‘ l.m.r boar} clone mu: by my rzflefialle fellow citimonw in “loci? vota of lbanlv for my Ora»- Salonz, _‘j"uly 5, I 80 lion, and rogue‘/Z of a copy for 1/3: jbregfiw--Izulaiol: you loam‘/E2 politely y tommuniooml to ma. lWJatemr may 5; my own rwi J£’.f, izz compliu arm’ will: tlwinr, Ifllmit tlgo pwformance to puolication ,- not clouoh y érzg tlml any apology, that can on made, will be camlidly cor_z/klerccl. I lmm Ilse laorzor to lo, ‘var re of? all , y out:/jlwuilvlllo‘/Z:I'warzt, l » y y y sICHrl.BOD NICHOLS, go’. TIM Hon. WILLIJM PRESCOTT, l l Clzairman Ila: Federal Clommitlocl of} xlrrangemmtw, 55¢. A A I-IIS is the anniverfary of ouripolitical nay f tivity. he The day, on which we rofe to fow- ereignty, and took rank among the nations. Lethe no tongue, no be11,lno cannon withhold its joy, Decency, A patriotifm, policy demand it. ’ BUT, my fellow citizens, however glorious in itfelf the event, we celebrate, it is impoflible 2.1-; together to abflraét it from the unpleafant Cite- cnmftances, under which we are convened. e Up» V on this oeca,fion, alliflmuld have felt their bro. i tl1erhood,:;md been a1Te1nb1eclto‘have rejoiced 1 together over ‘thofe exalted privileges, thofe no»-«V ble treafu¢1;§§wV&AW4wl1iVg;l;eW their anceftorsi have _ tlneathed them‘ ; _ to have congratulated eachotlier, uh that they remained inviolate; that no i daringfi ‘ hand had rifled, no linfidiousi canker Wes lcolr; rodin E 6 :1 wording theme or; r-with honefi pride to 11aveeeexu1tec1r; that they weretheirs, and ihouldt be their chil-g dren’s. A day, upon which 311 ihould have confo- ciated to have quenched the burnings of every inflarnedpaflion, and removed the gnawings of every macerating, enmity, over the feitive“ board. % An anniverfnry, that was defigned to anfwer the fame amicable r purpofes .With the celebrated Olympic fefiival of ancient Greece : on winch zgll, o-f,eveI'Y t~»~rI1£mi1¢:r, of ¢V€1‘Y pflliticeal efétbétutrey aonci of my garb of fentiment, fhc;u1c1,ohavtc V A collefted to jhave. recognized their? indiyidnafl-ity A1;... to have ;tfe}1yt,y that they yvvere .A,mericans ;,y and,‘ while warmed by thecontemplation of; comxnons interefis, common bleflingfls, eornmon *gIories,t while glowing with the prido of nationrra1~‘\rchoar« a_éi:er,to;‘have melted into uniony How mortti»-* A fyingbtherefre throoughtri _thato “"»l,1pcxI]‘:‘-id day,:~ when a11,rytfOJ: 112116 A Inomenttat 1ea,{t,fl1on1 eeny incorporated yintoyioner body, andrbeeon aniw mated‘ With: .4 one foul, fuchtor diyifxonts, yfi1TCh. A tiiunimfitiesy oultdexiit, toot rrender as; concur» hops; o t~io~n,;tha«1;;o“’€heb nearer “their: 3‘,,Ppr0aCh;\\thC\%;fij§'V'.r Iafillflérof parties A not; only im15r3.€ficab1e,but, per?-»f’ A mortifying: t1xectter1,i and when yen and I all real patriots are 1amenting,that they” are not; itvmufli be~iaseuncongenial’ to yoiuirifeelingse, as unfuiitable i 150 fzhe oecafion, to’ declaimiupon inflammatery poififs. A FbfAdiecl”a.n*ia1i3ii'o%hiis"“ti1e~7eI37“ alternative, 7 after the judicious ilmemionof more fubjeéis, which ‘you have irecei%red~Af1*om»* my .ipredecefl"on. Leavinig " thefe irnportanti topics to i t11‘Of65 Whofcé‘ iemirfe of Pcudyand extenfive acquaintance with political world have given greater authority‘ A to‘th’ei1:*opinions wee foiieiti yourattention, for’ 1:he"few*‘minuies‘, we propdfe toeeengaigeit, an A exmfninatiah ofifome “of the prinicipal caufes A there-—u ” P¥~~i~~d.ifE&vencesi; which, at this miemtiih f>:1rtituilai*gifiit i:s:impoflib1e,i inm: A cuiliarui 1y‘i;€O7 "d”€PI'x€C3t"6i grarxci if':‘_.,1j1ii.i[1 profectmtisonof = (‘.116 ' i fi1bje€t,wei..iha;11t11em,itfo‘ itleplorablyhindehfs the Coming from thei‘ht'o us. Let it be for thofe, x%eI1<)fe interefl; it is, to'p every; ihvidious difeincfizion, to '"{‘;‘X.C:.lt6 prejudices, to inflame the thhhe moflr. haudaehious 0ut1‘ages upmi A V p1“ivate_ -ca V ‘ *3 3 W “pvixrate o<:ha.rac‘?ci:rA toprovoke us totrctztliatcfln fine, to keep t11e.que£tion fron1'tu1*nit1g upon any thing but the truth; but let thofo, whofc: cauf:-: rafts A ‘upon being calmly heard and fa.i%1*1y undorfiood, perflfi: in every tlxing mild and d»ifp_:a.fliooate. "Who lgnows liow rnucltdépends upon fuch c'onVd‘u;€t? ahd wliol-;nows%tl$1a;tfti%fA tholxoneft couldwbyyoany meansbe g;ainod,iftI1e fifly, orAt11o 2'tc:a—‘2zty,Wo%r tile 2’§'7z Could be ‘induced to quit tho do- ;l'”€*rVt3d%dCftrL1CE‘ti011 would not foon fall upo11 tI1o“ t'c1minc1c1'? ..Anc1that,wit11out ahy £'upern:ttu- tal interpofition. T11cfi-2 men give to their pm-L ty its setpeambilityoaxad 11mi11fupport.‘t "12; 4cV11era.a-.“ jrou zxrcetornally 1'*efcrred, when You profs your Opponents wvitficloficiexzcoy of moral cI1o1‘ac§‘tc1';‘ It is loy recurring to t11e{b,‘t1121t1"nany', when facftsi flare them in the face, contrive to I1ufl1“*tt1eir Cloubts and cafe tlmeir conwfcicncm. It is by no- ticing tllcfo, thatx1ot2tfotr§', efpeciztfly otthore,“ W§vho%I1avettattendod but little to the fubjocft, ztro lcsd to the crudo opinion; that, "int politics, as inore1igion,tht—:re are as xnanyt‘ great and good 4 than upon tthotoxie title, as upon tl1e‘tot»l1er and that_t11o difputet turns Aupon tpointtsg t wit11 wlxich common people’ lmfve noconc4e1“4r1.‘If now; by any private applicattioxié, by aoyinfinuV:1ting % t tt:1ddrefi:,,A addrefs, and few can refiftthefe tliimgs, when backed by truth, by any means whatfoever, co-nfiflent with dignity, thefe honefi; men could} be foe far undeceived, as only tonwithdraw their fuuport, and leave. the eharaéters-, and princie-r ples, and conduft of their party to“ nftandi upon t.l1eir own merits, What Could your d.efire. more ; DEMoc:aA1:', Republican,theriname is :r1*otl’1i'n'gt--»v you, that love your country, who prize religion- and morality above every thing, convinced. that everything depends upon them, who know, that no man can have the leaft pretenfion, to-» patriotifm or any thing good, who is defiitute of them, why, why will you not look around you? Look throughout your country, and ail: howl it, that fo many hungry adventurers, fo many immoral, irreligious, urofligate men are‘ l upon myfide How is A it, that fuchya elioud of vultures, ravens, and birds of that black featlier, are hovetingharound me? There inuft be can rion fomewhere, There mutt be. fomething ‘Wr0n'>‘, fomepérnieious -tendencies, in my prin- eiples, whether I fee them, or not, to induce all fuch men to advocate them ; and that too with fo much. zeal. N In religion and other things, A M‘ i A A where vehere the ibieflzimen are engaged in the 'beihi caufes,I fee none of this impaflioned earneitnefs 5-, i but rather languor, and indifference, and negli- gence, Can it be, that, that ifot cares for any thing but his bottle ; ,that, that turbulent man is overturning, every thing to eftablifli good or‘-,-Y dergy that, that knave is raging for jufiice and the rope Ibefeech yozu, my refpaeétead fellow countrymen, by every thing tender, by every thing facred, be not deceived. rYour ‘political principles, as they ftand modified in your minds, may be perfeétly -compatible with honefiy. A But it is not to much from what,you may think, nor from A what others may profefs, were there i nothing licentious in their profefiions, that the principal danger is to be apprehended; but from their proceedings, when they have gained that confequence, and attained that power, at which theyare aiming. »Can* you believe,‘ that men, who are regardlefs of they duties of private life, who cannot be held by the deareit ties, the fcrongefti obligations, be reitrained by the Weakeft 3 that»; they twill: be governedby abitraét notions or by any coniid- erations of duty or fitnefsn; that they will» : not do ‘with your liberties, as they would with your A E 154 3. fireut pulrfes? fEven4tl1e bell: dlfpofed 1Iie11vV4fir:a§,,. it not a, little difficult to fubjeét their pallions ‘£0 tl1elr principles M; and canyon expeét it of thee weifit? No, v it is not; in human nature ; and the events of tl1e.Frenc:l1t revolution are an eternal demo:lft1'ati0n, that ltlis not. The leaders of tlmt revolutionbegan. with ,tl1e fulalixnelt profefllom me‘ 1l'eg211'clfo1* libe1*ty, for tl1eir%c0unt1*yj, and manleind. All was difintefeftednefsg all véas pe- trietifm and plfilanthropjr. A Thefe “W'_t':I'ti’,tl.16l‘fV1» foe common, tl121tl‘all yeurbztfe, :Qmorzxlitiees,.a.s juflice, l10neftj,r,l1u1nanity,‘ endl the like tmflm, were clefplfecl zmcl trampled l111Cl€l‘f0Gt. But lmw clld thefe 1t:-.lgl1t%y mexzoi-I perfeétion concluélzi’ ‘Did they feerifice everf thing to the public Welfzxre-—m: to their own agn gmndieemeztt 3 Dial theyemanciplate their Conn; try, and nialie it tl1=- freel’t,ttl1e jweelthleft, tl1e happieft nation ugzon em*tl1——withmit fpilling av atop of blood F’ Afle ;1Pz;11'ifian.. Alla: 21 F I‘CI1Cl1- man. A 1’: is imaged amltlln to confider how thefe plfl» lofopliere lmve nuienegedtlae queltion. Vi7'l1en tlzejrf came ferwzsamil w;'ltl1 their petitions, all old 1'eceiveEl p1*ineiple4s, ztlll ole}. Il’etl1oz*ltice, all political clogxnas were tr.) be laid alfl§rle;t' 4 l‘E.t*ex*yltli%i.n was ltlT{l)lbe‘,tz11+;.‘l*-r- en t if :7 :1 o en tip anew. ‘Every point was to be inquired intoy and argued. Pure, unihackledl reafon was toibg the {ole guide; But, as upon the firfi; breaching of 4 any novel fyitem, there will always be a theft of prejudiced men, Pcarting up with their objeétions about innovation, experience, and tl1e1il«:eynyo_n-» fenfe, it iywae foundneceffaryto anfwer th_efeeiin And how did they rcmonltrive to con»- i iiutethefe narrow-minded bigotsi ‘Why, by an ' argument, on which the French have fince placed A their chief dependence in every political contro» 'verfy-ml-the moi’; acnyte, _ the melt pt penetrating in “thee World--#4-the pointof the bayonet. fLet rtheiry L y opponent be ever {'0 i Pcupid, let the b1ockl1ead”s A ikull be ever fo thick, there was always one thing, that would find his brains, if he had any ~ a icannon ball. a Did any one hefitate, did any one decline to come out openly upon their Iide, he was inftantly clapt into a dungeon, there to com A _ template th‘e’*fubjeél:~a little,’ upon? an ‘empty Pro»- tmaoh. Did not tlaieabring him to reafon, they had always onepiece of logick in referve for him, that Hanover fai1ed,’;yywhicl1~;, in confequencev of its being (0 mes/’:ra22iczt!;laniaii"air,l and the middle iterfiz beég ingthe 1'noi’ti1nportant'part of it, might be called _a guillotine, or a fyllogifm of the di.g;'um‘z‘i‘v€ Claib- 4 it C. ‘When ' K “. .V \ WE b'y théfe and ré,’“1iiti&:‘in*;*:;’ti'i6fi, .*1:hey ‘had argued %doi2vr1 all ‘thehf difputa.nt§,y Akthéuy fweemed, as is not *i1“nfi1:qxier:AAt13ithé ~c:1f’fe, flies» A%Aoodrfe é">f“a”w”arfi1 deba‘te,A to hwé ‘lea fight of the premm; andm be rc>.c¢eding.s,[ at .fuc:h 311015-:5 mififi-» anarchy and <1¢fPQtifIfH}Vi11 fqcm clofenthg A ihamaful f¢‘¢P<=- 1% mid Hm t1;rb91¢n¢§ s:2fpa;‘r mafia -Afilda éfpficiallya lct In§;r;i“fi¢r.s of afAI;nm:. tbs=ir%pmp¢x wemmqymgnt. ‘W, the ignorant an? irxdigiqys g§»in.iz1%g99I2£§: q13<=I1c$ 5 A if». amid t;h¢ 9; the V ;1;¢;nu}:1,b¢ 591* rifiyg frory $.l.,1¢ $0 1913?» $09 9}1¢r41;,i1ze%.x§i;9saA izhmg %$h.;‘6at~% ; let wiry pkatrixm gaqd beat 111% A ifid. havs: 4 $19 pq1itiC$~~¢ ;T9 at.tMen!-1% fyiritusial, tam! mt thm:9mR01‘31 A5‘???-W? hagmcsx events it an :1 stvcnits may take place ; whateyer political divifigv ions may exift, they are alwaysto be’“o1iithe: 4L0p1'd’Sflde,p and onihisflde only,“ iThisis exactly our pofition. Theyare never; ‘i for thefake of fl1PpO1“ting any; favorite political lfyitern, A of upig holding oriof overthrowing any adrniniitration, to give encouragement to any party, nor in any Way contribute to the influence and elevation of men Wlilofe ‘n:1eafures,. =principles,aor exaitilplerwill probablyoperate in therfrnallell: degree, to the r prejudice of A religion or r morality. ‘ 7 “He that lovethtr“father“ or“rnothe7r more than me ;” he that loveth any caufe more than mine, “" is not worm. thy oflxne~.’r’ Theyiparticular-ly fhonld remember th’a‘t¢ “rigliteoufnefsi oexialteth a nation, but that isareproacli to any people lg” thattpublictvir-st tue isthe fole bafis of public welffare‘r;filand upon all loccafionshrinthe face of allroppofitiong fliould openly countenance and fupport r thofe men; thofe candidates foroifice, who, in their heron-:17 fciencesg they believe, have the deepefi regard for’ God” and‘ M faceted ti things randy iwhofe‘ authority and perfonalr influence » area moit likely to betlllexa; erted in the promotion of piety landvvirttrafi When the great body‘ of? this holy order; ‘When . fhofe, iwhioi ihavelthlc fifongefi; motives l‘ to iintegri-3 A W T M 3 “ty and the bcfi inc-zans of ‘information, whofrom long reflecfitidng attent"ive obfervation, and inti» m”21te%§acquaintanccAV with ecyc1c:fiaPtica111iPg01*y a1*c:T .A‘tb6V- befi qualified to judge of 1:113 tendencicsof A things in refpefl: toreligionor morality; when’ fuclm a c1afsyofWmen,yanC1 inyNew;-Eidglanclit is I'aj.1~g.cfc1ars, rife alrriqfc to a‘:-mu in yoppoficicn my i}%nyyy1jriIicip1es,yrori¢ to any” adzninifirationg, Whit? may n0t%bc;yfl2;rt1ed 3 ‘W119 may not be a12tI‘1“I1€d BUT not to} refer to an order of men, againfi: wlyiomfoy much hasbecn i1"1finuatc:d,we yczxll upon 0111+ A ’bretI’1reI1 itlhis affeinbly, feliowsy in * youth or ixxexpctsrieynce, to liflenyy toytheyyyyuncofin-y tefced truti1,ytha.t alarge majority of the wifeflz” and worthiefi in -this country are upon the fidstz of Federalifm. A c entreat you,.G0d knows fury the fake of ndinvidious comparifons, yytyo 1001: around A you, and’ behcld how many “of yythofe, vvho1~n we 11ayc~béenytaught:yte refpeéiz, to love, to venemte, are here collefted and conflellatedhyy yo infi1Vn1ate,A that you flmuld refign yburfclvcs implicitlyy to their authority, andy%degradcyo11Mr€ 0~'vvx1 dignity fremrcfpeét forthcmy? By“ no means. Lyittle. would fucli y a yfentiment‘ comport‘ withythc manly fec1inigs,thyatt1}1is occafion ’Ihoul;d gxcima amfites Ens friends: lét 113 11°‘? 356% an depcndencétI1atAd0esAnét pertain to W» J15 in iagct an*und;e%11iab1e 1%‘-‘Cs. £118»? ?~r¢ indfibmd ‘$9’ ©ur.parenta-mur1?e3ati<:>nS=. °uF3 ‘?‘1V3int3“nCC2 €94 t9:[Pu1:D1icprintsa*ifA 11¢ 50!‘ OW 9PL,i“i°¥‘~°w A 50? 3“ A A thofe views, and fi:ate~ments, and refle&iQris,up-.~” A q11 which wegform ou_r opinions 3’ Indeed it Acam not be otherxzakifc. Situ.awted,',asV.w¢'ufua,l1j( zyreya either tow M1611 fccludeda too nmch i%nvo14ved: in bufinefs, not to mention a t110ufand other ‘Cir-~ %31mP¢aAncesa%it is; imP0flib1e for 11% to afcertain every dtrtrgtlxanngl ¢very1pQintV for o1irfe1vcs.%4% We are called to take %a.%n.% acffcivg pzust in the polit-,} ical nrerlda 1ong@b6f0r¢W¢Vh3V€ th°r°u8“h1Y in-» 'v¢%itigat;¢d, Alpng béfom W6 dcmdnfiratas $in:;c Vthgan4%’weare,£,andnccfiflarilyare, dVep¢nc;1em; t4ponot4he¥S5W110m fllall We choofe for t119’€iti¢S«3 Whflfnabilfi themafwfitx Of the: Wiffi? aH,nd%g00d%?%V-7h0IV1%bUt thflf‘? 95 Whofe integrity. wchavc ighe fulleii aiiurancez mgld on VV110f6t211_:w~ »entsA%’Aan%d4 information we can cwnfidentlyrdy 32 Survey, t1‘1ey%§.c;mh12;gVsm» before ; yqu. Mark: the; individtlszlag %tha.t compofcfitewbut I forget A fclifi Why ,d.c:x I r%efery0u_.t0 firi‘&9Cr3ts,.t@4a ncxomrchifizs, to peculators of th@VPUb1iG n}9.I1ey,,¢ traitocrfi, ccncy ii" £3 E “By Aim “enumeration of die epithets, 't*tht§;t Have been giveit them. A Oh, why have lived, . we behold “this ”fl1Jarn‘4tefu1i day 2 Why have We "titted the Afweets ‘of freedom, for foot; to be ’fl1ae« kledby the hanfis of 0111' unnatural pareittsiiwhji, A ‘ye hoary-headed men; why this fi,tbafei1eI5‘:',i7thi$_eA Aaitonifiiing degéneracy Wil1%yeAiteair: , A *AthewrAeathAfroA1n your “bArO‘AWAs A’ this Worfe than rupemmuated fotiy why, iii A Afoon to drop into the grave, will ye not 1ea;V:,eut5A the A1*iAches, ye Alxtave earned 3 %Why, oh whyj, ye noAAt c1cjV1w'eyot1~r«,e‘yesupon the welfare :of%you"1r e ~chi1aireiatA; :;a;?ncA1t‘Afna1‘<;e*thAeAAhappimefs;Afeybdir pot. A teritythe monutnent of your e? fee me A "re-ddeiiing iinnioeence. *’Tisfa1fe—-«-’tiis‘ aamname, They are not thYpOC15if'€S. "1‘he‘y are not exeeram "bIeAwretchesi. They have hot Abeen waiting tAA11?eii: lives and their fortunes in eftabliflxing the Iibeiimi tiets of their country to overturn themat th‘ei’il2i;ih they fondly hafped tohave ibeen 1~epai"d Affib ‘all their toil and all tl1eirAifacrifices in contempiau ting the glorious fruits of them, in the eafe and? honors of their latter days. How cruellyhavc they been difappoixatedi How A have .tAheY been A AA branded as traitors, and v1oadedwithAinfamy’”!i Waflnington hixixfelfww-‘Wet did entertain *tAI1evI flattering Al 2&4 fl liletterlng delufiotu, that death removed hirn from the ingrzttitude of his eountrytnem Hut fearcely had the worms yfelzred upon lrrlsil _l:><:>dy*, when ltie lnfidiouesy enemies began upon A ’_l_l1isl reputzttlozt. A HOW ltzwe they attempted te pollen his fame! I'Iemtr have hired aflltfline lbeenllabbing at his el"1m‘aél:er! But let them perfilr. He is as far above tl1e:lr malice, as their‘ ‘level. el1a.r:::.vfter needs me defence-.¢ It will % % defend itfelf. Let the blacleell clouds e:«ol1e€tan»d ltjurftupen» ltlm :tl1et.f.tmeintegrlty, that fame ' .eleV21'tl0}n,tl1at lztttrztcfts the fiery vengeance, {hall contlufl: it all}, in zafety. Yes, let them attaele with open violence. Let the “ z‘zmzzc[z‘u0zwflm” yralfe all its angry‘ Waves. Let them heave tl1€i~3E' mzmtling fpray upon the rock, lancll--fublidem‘. A its bzzfe; Let therntofs their featnilng heads on A lligh W”l1ile‘ltl1c‘l fuyntfmiles - down in contempt upon their rage. Never {hall they overwhelm his glory: never {hall they ezzttinguiflx its fplem. dor.