AW w R A T I <0 Amomoumczm JULY 4, mos, -&'i°' TEE}; REQUEST Q15’ THE FEDERAL REPUBLICANS 03? THE TQW-‘N 03'? . CIM’RLE8’T0 WW; AT THF. ..wNxvEVnsAnvcm/:M:aMoRATxoN rof flmvrimw :imvww:nhwtm% ..z.:~2 iv” ,Ax1‘:..z»20ia:v IMLL PUTNAM; ‘ % v -f--mm-axe-mm»--~ % ” “ Use Iihcrty with moderation, last it turn to Iicentiaueancrszs. wh'ich as it Ea -1. '“ $}'X‘m1I1\y itself‘, so it m.suall}' occuaions the corruption and convcrsion of z: firm mute ‘” imw monarI.:hica1tyr;1nxxy.” % " 31m1:»n2:*sr.; % % cfldamrwmwrw : % _W;1NwE.0 BY SA1\:*tmL Emifitiwiamg. M‘VHfiIfiWQ’I!Il!‘ltIU¥‘!!fl “ 1305. A 1:wrea%A:h2s%dase;;wa%{ vs A c;ma‘r;r:MmV‘.; V “ A ‘\ A % % 1”ACK'NOWLE‘flG’E ‘with 'g1~:a.t'i1:1‘;,§31_<:% the inau1gen;:a,wim which my fe11owA of Independence, x8o_-3. vorzn, That the Hon. 3-osmn BARTLETT, Messrs. omvzm HOLDEN. an& % THATCHER. GODDARD; be a‘Com2rgi1;t;ee tq1_fwga,it on Mr. {KARON H. FUTNAM9 with the thanks ofthis Assgmbry, ;-?i”1:1‘i;«. ::?p:;;sig:aa‘%%ancwpptopria:e% o1wrxo2~I;dc- % Arrest, Edwmn Goonwm; $4».-*5-. ~a_;-—-emu----» ‘ ‘ k a 6.113055 citizens have feceived the address ofwhich they%havc%dorié_me%1EheV hqnotir torequeét a copy, through :1 medium so respectable. I: was not written with tiha intentio1i’or”e:$:~ pectation of being made public. But: having since understooc1VAthfi;jx: the fge1it1gs%andi9:'n~ timenrs I have expressed. have ‘beam misumndcrsgoosi, C1r%%VVihterifi<5fl:);1£'1y misrepresented an mzzrepuazican, at am im1uced.wi:hg:~eac aiaaaéhaeg to‘ submit it :0 ~;.'ub1ic-man. Ami ‘V again to request the candour and indulgence of my fellow citizens toward a pcrforma % ancewwkiclz ax.-£11 mzsear the test of criticism. I ‘liivé the Tndntitii‘ {:0 be, Gentlgmen, . with Vgweat fe$pe”m:; Your Obi“. Humble Servant, % ‘ A. H. PUTNAM» % ~ T0 the honourable ffbsiak Htxrtleff, Messrs. Oliver Holden. and Thafcfzcr Goddard» A afiommmme pf 31;: £‘¢d:;a1%Z?g¢9u3;1i¢§agns q£ch;«r1¢a:a%m‘ A ‘ A _ ATE. meétifig; M‘ the Federal Republicans bf‘ Chatleatown, on the anniversary 5;; A4, e no euncommeonetbiflg, fellow citizens, that or... A aiors of the day, onethis and similar o?cAoaAsiAonse, “Aim the A A language ‘ovfAdeoo1amation,e; pathetically Adescribe our countrymen, beforeA_the revolution, groaning xindexfthe chai11sofA%%s1evefyoppressed and “trampled uponby British tyranny; A ABM is not tl1isAeA;Xagg%:+1'atio11 3’ 115 not A the ideé1~i‘njLtriOi3s ‘to the manly character of our heroic A AA ancestors 3 Is it true 3% Diwdethey ever ‘how their necks A A A tothe yoke of tyranny? Were they t1*amp1edA upon if I;.i1-.:e__the tame slavesgof eeeterne*%despotism; ; did they e A A“ * A" A Qppreofiaioh ns; Americans nawefewere, we hope A Vein1‘1e3;ven, Vt/Jay 22eear%vilZ5cAsZa=ve$.A fl V5/'eA trust, they A eiwille *tI71€:”"A°A Aimee‘, e;t1dee;toA the Britishr~mon. WC“; 2 A AA zone, to =rZomi7ieeri1zg, zyranrzical fcz€riwzA‘qfA eoumawn 7e’ imperial ‘ede“spotAoAee of AA‘ France; or, fellow citi: A A bozzrzrry. It was that noble A“ passAio11 for ir1depend- V A A A enoe,” thatvigilaent jealousy of tlaeimriglmts and 1iber- AA fies;,peou1iarAto A tluemyxvlaiclu stimulated our brave 'fl111‘1’£1"5’1'I1f311,A.’A‘A\ftA}*11AA@1‘1 those liberties were in danger, to throw ofi’thei’r allegiance, and date the 1_;p1ifted,eegigar1,» e fA~"fi.C an-AA11‘A1 of 1Britis.11 pom-*er.:A A g \ I‘r.A11aLS( beenjo. every agegAproba}b1y alwayswill A » AA<:mse&A.,A tlmte the motlxer.Aoountry, xviA11wfee1A ant‘! at A %.vit11ee‘e~s11s1“5i;:i¢j~o$jealousy towarcl their‘ oolonialee poseeetm, ” *s'io:ec:am€* ifmredtc:sAfi.ztigue:;{’1::1r1Agf<:*f*andcitaath. itself’, AAwereAfiami1ia:~ to therm. They A simn besécanxc A}1s11*c1§;3 briawr, and €:“:§{p£*Tit?I1CE3dSQ1diC1“S. Ancixvlierf tafte;-rAw:9trAr;l1c3rc1t«r3thce combVat4against the vetex*2mAAand AA disgziplixmratl tramps «of ,Frz.1ncc=:, Atl*AAxc most AAb’fi11iar1tAAA*m1t:A;A A e:.€.e:=rAA.~:-:3 attentiecl thfiil" .2.*1A15Ai"z'1s. ” A A A AI tlw; A i*areAiI1tAerW;:114s of sacuritgr, fi‘o1nthe chrprctdm {nuns ctxf 'At1A1eéi1*A savagcA ‘nei%ghbo1_1Ars amti the inxwimns ’1A‘he spiritlcss ”s1z.1AvcsA A of vdrsspotism. would Imavrzf re», s::0iAbAcé<;1A xwth A H Imrror, :I‘romA Athve He21*cu1¢amAAan; of t11ecoL1nAtry,t1ut:y began i'api<flyAtO 1A*AisAeAAi1iAA cA5pu.~.. A 16116.6 and c0nsAe:quAence,. A The-11Ait was, that a spirit of *!:‘~’3.tC1'ifl1A1 j<~:a10usyA,and suspicion discovered itself in theAaAounci1s a1idAmea;aA$.ures~of Athe mothezr cou11trytd~ A%%'I‘1I~mri[~:T[s1wifice mfiiandedé%tak~ than 13rovi11cAia1VAA hoops, hzA-id A marked a11dArAepAorteAAC1A,Ai1oAt ori1y%t1*1»s:i%r it1ti*epiclV2z1oL1r ; but their fei-Aizént lave pf libm-ty,AA thgzir AAstrQAng*%propensityfor aAAArépul:A:licauforn1«0f gov§A{*1iIment. AT11cAcivi1oAfliAcer:s A depé-nde.11t o:1At1:;eV%Ax:i:“ov;é11,,A 112idA1ii0réfrAeAAqu%ent occasion A A =toobserve, and to contendwit1i4th3.:a éApiAfifOfAffééd§iiAfi“§. 11" was early prAec!i«:A:teAd by politiciails, with fAAC:23.1A"AAf'v.i1A -amsziety, thatu111AesJsAA§:11ec1«;ed, Aas the Colbnieé a_dva11ced Aim opulexiceAai1cl%r€2sbu:‘-mes; they would becA<:A:»me sensi.-A T616: Aoftheir streiagtlz and CO11S€‘q_Ll€flC€ ; that when a fa.- fi:A?om?ab1e opportuxuity Ap1'ese1A1ted., tAheyA would aimat Vim. dependence, tlésrow czafi‘ subjectim1A1:A0Athexncithetrcounm »;,gy,andA ¢stab1iss11% :1 A1~epAL1b1ica1fg formAAofg0vemm¢:11t. A A “AATH’:z»; .po1Ait7ica1 %AA;11ist0ryAA:3A of our ucc>11nAtAAry7,’ 7’ at this »At'iA?i1‘3Y I3A‘A$51‘iC3C1 s’3’3*‘”iT7i1"1AL?iA?’¥1?}I>’ A TAA‘€‘A15AI‘f'—’S‘5*1'1'“~‘‘~ ‘50 A 1181153 d€":t‘i"-"- A m3nedp5AeréeAxrerAaAn ciecfzf t1iemot11erA%c0imAtry,A AO1iAt11AéAAcme hAi1Aric1,A graAdAua11A37AtoAAsu1:vjug.t1At€: A and reduce the Colorzies ’i:AC).SL11A)_A}A€§AC’£A1Att_Z)i1‘2‘;11CA1dA€‘[§!L‘f1f3€'11_C€;?. A 0:1thc;A other, we be; Ahc;A1c1 theAA3pi1fit A7QfAAAf1;€x‘:AfCkj}xi1A_Ei1“id§._1’1Ci€pEi1Ad€nC€; A ser§c1*<.=:t13,rA and cm.-1tious1y,IAImt;with Afirm Azmd Arfapicl step, advzmc-— ~iAngunde1Af txaeguiseoideaanciixxg na:u;~a1ragms, W14 r€é5;ist§A:1g5 m3wa10ppzfcASAs%i011«’? t:onti11u.t«11 series‘ r,:fmAr?¢ Hi- i%r'aryjAemr0acl1tTle"nts tah6~lA%Iil5éffie7s Ayofl the calm. llnies, repelled by them withinflexible obstiAnacy~,and5 «ma%riIylAopposilti0nA. vve behold jthe‘ menacing Al?%A5ls§Al:l:3mn rapidly A gathleriing, increasing A in blacl«:11ess,lglleamingn with portentouslflashesg ‘l‘w1aen,m the a;tte1*r1‘ptillti:3lnlAtz7m: *W£lAtl1OAt1t1*€pl”€S81'1tatiOI1,7’_:it.bAurStforth in thz:mderA, withconvulsilvewvilolenne,slweptaway an traces ofclo»-« lOI‘1l’?£-1lA'.$L1l3j(”5*CtlAI‘IlE11‘lACl pendence.l A AAA A I~$~HALAL:'A11l0f- dwell uponthle Enterestixigenventsof llthatlwmolmentoua and soul trying perincl. ?Many of you, respected fiatliers Aand friends, have w'itnéssedg, have parti~cipatc=:d, Atl1elldange1~s,%lltlm horrors, and tlmsl 95 0m*lr-*mlAt1timia”ryAl Icrorxtest. A AAllAAlA1ave lwearcll these mighty deeds of “' other ti»mes,l” dnscribc-xllAAAwitlA‘l ialllthle fire and aninmtilon of patriotic eloquence. AA Or A have listened to the tale: of the patrint soldier, Awl1o,Ai:*a the narration, ~felt*AlthleAl kinAdlin»lg4spslAritAAA 0fz’75, ”?-afifll ,“ seemeclllagailxz ta fig]-1tltl1€battl’(i‘S-T‘0f Ahislcount[ry.”A A I WA.'l§LAL¢~nOtl" point to yonder llxeiglzts, and paint ta your imag,Ai1~¢ations - ‘ the lterrible ;co:nfiict whichdimned tlm scene. llIV7Wi1I‘not $o?L1lndlnlinlAyour ears :tl'1eA*thAunder“l mflbatt1eA, A:the sl1ou~t~sAofltlm* victors,fnandA A the g'roansA0f :tl1elldAying..e~l ~ A I~lAAsl»zgrA.Aa:;lr;Annhlfellow citizens,.Are¢a1l to war minds, the lre1neA1A11brzmce of ytour Antoivn A Airi AA flames, the Anhrieks of your afl'rig11t€:d wives and children, tom fvnm each othmyl Aexiled AlAfromlt11eir“ nativellillomes, ma ‘?%'c:le:pe=nd¢ntl on 9‘: tl1eAnAsympa1thy ’of':n strangjersl. A 310, ~ ltlioseclmadfu1%d6ecla‘*at‘e past,la.nd let us; forget tlmemi, A‘ ‘ A mid the’.nlclestéa1cullatigAfml"af its if A : A A A YowallA ar6A‘falmiAliar1y ”£ICqL1Na:l1T£e'Cl lVVith'tl“x.€ glm*iw3+ terminatin of our revo1utionary4 contest. confilllu» sim¢,l , f"@nrAe3:t:e9t3Cled ‘the f most sangpzliw’%=‘“h‘dpe5 ’.l1lCb; 8 o I toohavepredioter}, in its oommenoomemto, wouid have been ridiculed as visionaryand quixotic. N You all do know, thitit our fmtropidooountrymen, ‘ ttnciisoiplizxed, almost txoarmecho without fosouroes, dared to encounter A‘batt1o“ thevetéran troopso of a. A nation, or famed from ro1'x1oteA2intiquity, for its valour and military prowess. That under the auspicious conduct of WASHINGTON, ';iH:e; GREAT AND coon, ‘these: redoubtablo Mohnanapions of m*bitr:.u~y ‘ power were held at bay, repulsed and vfanquislueci, And, that fimllys the haughty British ooo‘*oo‘onérc11 wascom- pelted, AAAAiiig1l5*to‘AAAi3oc1afe4, the Unitod States Aof Afiiérioao were AA‘AA‘o Free, sovereign, and independe- c;n‘t.?"A o A THUS gloriousiy closed thogrzoicldramz-.1A of tho oikinorioan revolution. A Io whatlanguage, with What lofty figures of speech, with what triomphal straiim, Shall we attempt to eulogize the illustrious actors of those wonderful sooneoi‘ Ye, my countrymen, who were theo on the “stage of M action,” who fe:arf1*aH3;' and Aanxiously witnessed the impending dangers, A which, on everyosido, monaoed4 the%totteAring fortmms ’ of A our country; ye will excIaimo«with thospeaker, that‘neit11Aer tho persuasivo~oto1A'xgueA of Ci“oeoroA,’ nork tho thxioderiog oloqooxmc Aof ,Domost11enos, icojuldjustiy " describe AAtAAhAoT Apatriotic ejotliusiasm, A A} the AA undatmted traloouifl theAAfervonto1ovc of country, Which, Vatthat pen irioclgogloweod in ovoi~y American bosom, and irrosistm my impeuedoo them [forward the oheroic aohiovo. Atry¢.. moms, Awhioh os1eci1rf%o?c1[fl‘io independence of : our couo... o A .BtAI'Ar Améi~icaos;A toimitate]t1ieA1aog~uage ofa herow I“? IoA~i§ai11,A?’ha.Vo thosoourbrové ooootigymoo ‘ 1 A A _”{§azi"§ézi37?”z,a11t1 A A A AA which inspired their %bosdfi1s¢ andA%animA2§t€dA tg ! %¢efiA‘;A*4iri%iAii;¢thé3r ‘AAIed‘ if ave tAhA¢ir‘succe"ss‘ors, degenerate {mm "th'e s§§§ri§g»fAA,g£;z¢¢%Le zeaiotxsi z=ittAa£cI1m’en€to”_gé72z.?i7225fifigfiiy, deecls of heroism. A AAIIAIA vain have A our p2;t1:ibt}iA§:AAjA33a§Ag*}A~ es, availing tziemsefves “o£the4%c511ected AxviséIAoii1AAaAnti experience bf ages, with‘ ArI1cA>AreAA thanAAAGi*ecAianQr Rol- mz1n‘SkiII 5 erc=:fc:t$<:~“d thb hbbIe%§struCtAure Adf u 1jsA%wthe‘ samespectaole. We trace the same: effects V 1-esnmzng from sixnilar,es.,%_,:;_A Inmost?%5instances, V Eaaviiig a fibloodff :-izfidarduolié f€VQI%1iti0iA’iéi;f37:A:$t1*1.1g-. gle, M 1iEe;:at%eAd% tI1etx1s}e"1ve=sj ff0mA4tfhe clmins bf désgiutn we:11enbehgz¢1tnem, 4*« in am full taae"¢s¢e:g‘w p'eriment,’? with impétuous; career, 1:-mach forth into‘ : %'§11ef§te1npestu0us» s%a..of liber4:y;s’ ‘ ‘wesee umm;' F” §ossi1‘:gg?$ upon its Wxirildwafiéé, c1a;3114ii1gi %£t821ii1:stVit,sA l1ic1» den rocks, driven bythe furiou3,cL1r1re:11ts,of faction in %sw*4£ery4<1i—1T§‘=¢*im, hefaess, ahd sfat@S11'ienMI§“ ThVey%wVere subwfiwted by the f‘1.1I‘iouS% cO11vL1k~;i%o11‘sV of piapularVwlicexatiotisness. %% A1*tfi.z1 and. art1!3itio:;s1n=:e:'1, flatterix1gtI1e%va11i?t_ies .=:mc1 vices of tin: Im%11 At§Z%tLid<:rw%,,j flifiil" against thecstéifiégfl “EisI1edA governbment, Arose on .tl1<: A storm of Ab bpopular phrcnzy to supreme paw:-‘:rA, and erxbslaved t11ebpep1a xvbomthey had deluded wit}: tbs syren songérf ‘ liberty and equal rights. AA A ‘ A A ’T1«1E same delusive arts, which enab1edt11epam€ie.A males of a.11cib<2ntlibr:1*ty, to overthrow these illustrious A xrczpublics of Qld, l1avéL111i,f0rn1I3*been adopted by theb dezn£1§;0g11es 2u1dfa1sepatriotsAof 1110d<:*rntimes,% A ~ AA IN England” not two/cent111~ies since, t11Aey w¢A17¢ bp1‘af:-‘cised with nmsst £:0nsu.mmate address axxdcom- plate success, by the mfcli demagogue Oliver C1*0m,. will and his» fanatical comp::e1's.A A to us the bbmmsat i11tere_ssting;a11d awful scenes 0fAsanAgui.— nary rcwolutioll mild licentions clisoxdear. Clmrlezs L than on the throat-;~ of Gmaat Britain, although amiable A bTHEhi’StobryofA -.TE_.1'1gIa1”.1daA at that period, A prcsefitbb and exe111p1ary in privatp 221151 domestic life, wbasAarbig tmry :.~mc1 tyrannical in the administrationy bf bgowarxx. xnems. A Royal and AAr:gc:I€:2siawtica1 oppression, brouhspd in his; 21 1atc11t spirit 0ffl"*$3E:dQ1T1 and ma111ybboppo.+AA sition, which cliscoverc-zd itself in every bApa1*tAof‘Atha kingdom. Butambitiboubs andbdesigxuing rx1e1f;, Aunitibng withbthe rczligfious Am1d political fanatics of that day; z1vai1ingt11<2111~.3e1vés of the oppciyrtunimto accon1p1ishAA% A thc:Air awn sinister c'Iesigns,* ‘blew up this spark of fiber; tyto ‘time mgixag‘ flame: of Wild fmgaticism and frantic li-«_ centAiou”sness. They deposed thei1*« sovereign, imprism%A 0bnéd,_Aabr1A-d brou gbtluirn to tbescaffold. Monarchy wand bmjistocracyxnrere levcslled with the earth, and trabm;p1¢£3urA l&fio1istit11ltimlal rightslill anél privileges are in ditxuger; *if.Almérican liberty‘ be dammed td perish; ’ bare, shall wewitness her expiring‘ agoniesg Here; *AvA%vas§ ’herbi.rth ‘plate, Here will be herlg;i“avAL=A:lA;% “ana ye, her;/ir::2, her fiwottrite sons; wiA11IastV bemoafi ‘her fate ;: thetlast to submit to despotism, 2'/arias: of 2'cp"zx£vZim¢2s.~ ~ , BUT Who, tliat fought fortthelndependence wethis - day celebrate, wl1o..~tthat A inherits the magnanimoutt A A zmd intrepid spirit of iAjtA1r fath,ers‘,«t% what true Am63‘iCfl.1},, _ will tbedefraudec! of his ‘rights and li‘be1~ties, by the «:1-2-.“ lusivet11~t‘stcA>Af political hypocrites? Who will tgimeiy 3ub1ni‘ttoVthAe tyranny of at single despot, or of 21 triumn phant party .?~ A t M A A A A A A “ LET us hope, Americans, thitt thft good sense of of our cotutntrytnexa, will enable them to dt:scrytl1etap~tA proachitig danger, through tltemagitcal mists of damp- ‘A tion; that they will meet it with the i11t1“£’]_3id spirittof 375; thzAttw}1e11 the appeal is nmtle to arms; they will ~ range tht’l1”1“1St::1V'<;?:‘% 1.1I1derf tlm staxuclaxci of law anti tlibezy ty; tlmtt1t1epopuI;a.r cry willbe, Loizg Zizga,zZ:2¢? catmimu A 25072, rztvczy tvézla I/Be zm.éAtor,A to/370 tvozz/(Z war czAsm2:Zw~ or d'z:j1‘}:2'cc.{ z/bis r:Z2a7‘*zc*r oz;rZz"b::rz'z‘es .! t * CITIZEN SOLDIERS’; VVEA A applaud ybur patri0tismg_.; Séltlierfi, in 5:6; lecting our llatioflfll at1nivers:»11'y, for your first apptztuu A £11106 in arrxts. congratulatti you, upon your disscip1i11ecl,m2trtial and splendicl a.ppe:trm1t:t:~; yOLt‘«:‘. * appatrent,trmttnimity,and yo’tz1'attttchm<~:11t to the RJZ~2- ‘A P U'BAL IAAC A N feeliligs anclAprincip1t:s of our 11ez'<;>ic;ttfmt:s~ tors. “AA * A A THIS morning", Solcliers, your foot5tepsI1atre15ass- ed over the “AA gme11* tombs” of our cIep2t1~tt2cIItc;~:*Qt%s. Your bright arms have glittered on those‘: ntezt*zoz*ab~}::‘: lteiglxts, W4h€1"63 our fathers once: fattggltt, with more C 18 % n.................“-----%l tlian Spartan valour, in the defenca bf freksclom ancl their country. ?We believe, Solcliers, tlie lrcnxemu AA Abrance awakened in your souls, vvhateverl oflsMpatriot- A ism, of martial spirit and intrepidity ye possess. " SHOULD foreign enemies invadel our slmres‘, or (Al0mestlc.us11rpation lAZl11”€21’C€l‘1 our liberties ; mayl you mxlllate their fortit ude and Aurxclauntecl valour, in the cause of freeclom and your c:ount1~y. Lilm Atlmm, may 3701.1 clisclmill £0 submit to foreigxl ()1? do72wstic ltye» 7'.£17l7Z[j§:V A LiI~*:.e t1wn1,lbl_mayy0m app<:a1V to 'ltlfl=c:: N‘7"‘l God ‘I A of 'AAAB:'IAAll'.AlA‘.1A*AE‘.AS,A,A7’*Al?’A m1<‘.l‘cl'ic l'*iAlml:*AlAl1~*A1:l”l’12.1::x.vx‘1.'¥; N , rzltlmr tlwm 1AflVC?»; as SLAVES 3,