W” K 41"/”§.u’c:.««aI~?L//"=:»’:r.n¢» AT TI-IE% REQIEST OF THE INHABITA-N'1‘3 74 0F TE-IE :mWN OE BOS?”OZV,_, IN coMMEMo1z:_AT1ofiI 01? iiimmiran§i1tnepe11ne11m L Mr“ % ,................... «---aw:--«e.-~»=r--M-—»-.-» A A AA A By WARREN DUTTOM; % A :""V0'!nIunuuuu-nu-uwd"'"'\gun—uu-nun--aw-3")‘ MD‘ A. Ncwelf, Prirztw", Dc:/ovyézlre S2.‘rcat; . % W OF fr‘;-M TOMWNZ % V A’T' ” cz Meetz'7zg qf tzirefree/§o!¢r['é"rs arm’ at/Ear 2'22/Ea/5z'£a77ts of” Mn: tafu-55’. €3)';§’L3/Zorz, % duly gzurzlgficd and [egaz.’.s'r wzzrézcd 2'72 fjimt’2!z'c razor:-meetz'ng,, %aj%7."772z‘5!a :jZ'%%;zt f".zzzc7m'!~Hc2Zl, t/fie gm c..’m_y cg/“,7zu:y, A. D. 1805, a’+‘~%‘%71z rv‘t2'o7z,%% I’oteaf, ,7§'.'3Véé.-'3 Me .§~.:Q’a~E?2nen 56, and /$:em5_y are c2fi;’2o.2'nzea?° a %?Cm'miitcc to wazif on WARREN BUTTON, 2'72 tfize mzmc cf t/M ibzfwz, mza’~2t.éErcz7z1z»&z'nz for Me eifqrrezntfi and fp2':3"z'te’d% 0rzztz'zm, 2)éz'sday dc.- Z2'i1c“*5'cd%tfey%%%1’zz'_1}z, at t/2.;3 -rcqz.zt /’zamzr,'u:’.e _fc=r'm72£, ‘WA.RREN 1:)t%J%"r’x'c;m;. Tm: “Sr;Lm‘;c%r:»x%i€ir¢ 0312* Bosmm ‘‘‘'‘''y "' illtlllliflltlllullafis!“HM!fl|!mIn Alvtdh‘ . “““‘ W ,;‘iCi‘f‘~§" e.9€?7../,’£7.../“7’"0,jx/5 p;:>1*t:.mt bcznefits, is no leaf; :3. duty’, than :1 ikmtixnenfs cmf the heart. ‘While we dwell on the remen1bmncc 0£’1;hei1* 11113011173, i:hc:i1+ ihfl7::1*i11gs, thr.:+ir wifdom, and ‘£‘:}.mi1" Va.10u1* ; While flit’: evidmixce of thefe is found % R 4{l"‘IT'UDE* tofhofe, M10 hive co%i'1f’e:rrecl‘%irx1.g A 3111 all we feeg feel, and enjoy, «*efl1:0u1d~1ikewife re», ”me111bve1', that it is our facred duty, as well as 01.11:? intczmfi, to‘Apx*e£?;-rv¢;,wri-tl%; C21',1'v1:2.';""sE$/1‘1;=z,fi; has been givezn, :3§~r1<:1m.1*ge tomxr virtues. A A 'TI1e %retu1*n 051:} is day a"ava1~:.e11s a train ofrefleéticms, 1 4 A ,e=:1I11::1'acing; all tlmt is; g*1*e=:21t orinte1*efl1ng1nthe condiu-% A tmn and fate of 1mm. 11: we loo «:2 back upon the Inf} mry of a fc~:?W %yezu:'s% we :&find it czmwded with thofe g1~eat events, which qafi: a glow uponthecharafiter auf nzztioxus, and juR1y%1n3.Is:c3 me11‘pr0udAoft11eir courx-% try 5 but w'I1e11 wa1001~: forwzmrd, the fear of what c:o1‘m=:w 11ereaf1je3:f%, throws; an anxiety =Ovfe1*A%%the pmfpecfir, and createsa %fQ]ia::itude for the\f:ec1irity of AA the bleffings we in¢}fé[ri%t. A The apprehenfionof lofixgig *z:11en'1 ‘xnakes A us feelV 'g;»e1*11f5: wlncla; bs:-W; fl’I‘ei1“V2~‘Lh.1e. “We look at the” **e%%~e§1;;1111i;1e%% the ; evxls A &fi’111€?~!3_A' 4 3 thteatenue, net tcryfurnifli reafehs for indeierme, er eztcufes for defpendency ; but to find out the ineans A % zaf contmuiing or fubduing’ their force. A difpo-~ Awiiition to face thefe dangers, te explore the nature and, rideney of thefe Aeviis, carzgfiee healing remedies with tiih creating the refourcee, and exciting the virtues In this way", We may xneke daily ofieringe 1deiiito_ the iliuitrious Faithere of our countrygt. 111:? lahmirs to pteferve and ttzmftnit the in; e, mahte their primzipies "izminortal. Le-av» fingitheh to faithful hiflttiry, the care of their achieve“ it gtmenteiiin the cabinet and in the fieid; I will atte111pt t ithteeilefe pleafing tail; of pointing out fame of thofe evils, towhichiour fyitems are eztpofed, in the full e beliefa thatiA to“ be cenrvin-ted‘ of the. danger, is the _ bait tprepa1*atio11 for refifhince, 901.1‘? gqveztnment is fa much founded. in 0piX1i.O1Z23, that emtoifs in f eculeltion "will fre uenti reduce: . n A OF A A _ ‘.1. P practical I1"11fCh1€fSg Iflence the 11npo1*tance of com A ;i~ecEt notione, and the utility of expofing prevailing and popufi1at°’erro1*e. Eeteufe the people of tliefe Rates are enlightened, they have been tAei;c:i, that they ‘ate all intelligence; ibecaufe they are t“vittu0u‘s, they Allzwe been taught, thet they 11:weAnAeiA ‘Vices. Bet whiieiit is fetid "W7Zi~7i2h honeit pride, thezt nopeopie everexiited, vvhefe l12i.bit:-35,‘ mamiete, and’, A opinionémeuld give fech "po‘we1*fu1 aide ta 1:}. free gov» ernment ; it ought to be {aid with equal fineerity, A ~ti1ettI1ey aretfubjefzt t0 likeipaflions with other nieii. A They ~CCflfifl£~iiOf~i the tieii and the poet, the firnpie, ‘end the wife, A the iciie and the indu£ii~i0ue, the ‘fi_?’Ii1"--:~9 iituT013ie[ ifand the depriwed. 'i They Iwsvet prejudieesi, A which etetiitteizg Aim propetftieniiae they are \um1*ee~e.;.= fetiahie ,3 they tiiieve va.ni'ty,,"Which maybe flatte1‘edf.;, teeci paflions vrhtichAcaAi1.he% -e3é£Cii“._fiCi..,i' They are Aiimet A AWyiaM.tientiof reitrtainte, when ti1eyAe1'e felt ; they are tjredtiicxtus, of cemrfe, iZAi'1E.‘:iE1‘t'3‘§IM£)f3:l”I1§CJ~fl0iIfS, liable tea A A :il'1CiPuif:3S,«biiildwixll th§§%;rzee}., . 2.iid_ vicxlent A ”“”“""§ €52 imifi flTt(‘.l*i17t1't3*f(i*11t1Tf1€3I'1tS. 'I”}1et.e 22.11 lnelottg to hutmzm tam- ture, -zmd philcnfizaphy has not yet fcmnd out their C”L11‘E3 ; till it does, governnlents mutt tbefi.1itedttt)_% men as they are. ~ Recentiy efcaped frqm the gmfp of atbitjzfa power, and {till frnarting with the pain, the%7ttpet‘>p1e‘W Of this «:;0u.m:;ry ‘behold no dancrers but in t1 t fm:m_ t;3rf3't10113.1TC}“1y‘, Time A p1“'eV£ti.HI).g tentiment 13,} people cannon; have too much power, nort éermnent mo little. t”WhifiE1e it is uncontrouled Owe Itzmdes, it is ltzarxnhizfis, and becomes te1*rib1§e¢::$ #5 when e:ste1*cife_t1 in the jform of regular authd @—0ve1*mnen‘t:i3 1*ega1‘ded 213 it m21.tte1‘ ofconvenien rm:l1er‘than ne;;efiit";r ; and as there is little need of enyg. it Inzty be chzmged or new modeiled without hezzard. tAttre2wo1utiQ»nt, t11eretore, ~c:arr1es no te1'rmx<.=; éwitlltit, becaufe it is Aconfidered as an expeiiment, Which, like p1*efi::rip'tion in medicine, may be fiztfeljgr tried till it tflttzceeds. Such opinioms are natural, me ‘they are funneled in 21 jut’: :tb1‘1orrcnce of defpotifin 3;. tttery we d.:tn.ge1‘ot1s bwsrcztttfe they are e:s:tire1"x1e,, axtd Mittxtit us; to the a*p1:»ro:tch of evils, mozrte palpable, and nearer home. % e A Another popular error cmmecfted with this ie,tthat the power of the peeplte is their liberty, or tthtet: ‘whzttever they teen do, they have 21 tright to de. It is true, ‘that every man has a right,tbyl1ox1eity induil. try, 120 ;g;§;1“0tv rich or as lezarned as his ne1ghbou1r ;; _ bt1t%teW.ty nmn has met the difpt:>fit10n or ability, Heme real ¢I1i‘flf’iI1£‘?C§.(.‘21'1t-'3 will eztift, which are entitlect etc) equal p1~0tecEti0n ; bttt indolence and Vice fey, are V tluzt all men equal, and are we not poor E’ The I17l@1'K1Wr % hem: ; f (fleutgrefs from Pennfylvarxia, itthis 1ate21d~ dxrete to.hisM oonfiitiuents, obfervee, that he I1as%now’ returnedt t0 hie plough. and. {hall ufe his Theft em deavotzrs to prevent 211:1 rich men, and men of talentsg :Em::t11 being; eleéted to ofiice. If fuel": fentiments prew A ‘Vital? t.1mt}.ze;t* trhe nah.‘ {x1Qr% the: wifew::an long hope fife}; eemein eeeeeful ebfcurity ; thee preepeerty of thee -{me vzrifl be CU1‘fisC2.t€d, and’ the other drive11 into» T} ('1 o. 3 '1! exile. The 0p§;.....or1eis not new; but not the lefs efiangerous far that region. It is in the very fpirit J;:e::1<: Ca.de’s projecfi". for §;*efomnation, of z3.gr:11*ian L3§'*§§*s,"a.nd national dee1*eee....% eeiéuafet is not the cr'ea,turee ef 2. &a3[._.,. 1101‘ cam it be ‘#3 bgr merely meeing 9. new Co21fiitution,e or altering an old one. It is to the political body ~ov11at, ehealtfieis to the nature}; the efleflz. of 21 well zadjtxfied e fyfisexn, It is the 1'efi1fL:i: of the 1n01*a1 fenfe or ligius c01"1fciem:e% 0f men, eperatillg upon. their tlmougghts zmd defizrzes ;; of knewn laws wifely made, imde admi:t1’i=Pte1:ed uI1ifo;x'n11y., ‘without fee-.:1=+ or partiw A zxlity, fi1ppO1‘ted in the 1afi:1"e:§.'O1;t by rthe arrn of g0-Ve1‘11ment. }E"ac':1:im1s will exifiz, lawful auth01‘ity‘ A WEE be 1*eefiP:ed ; the3:'e rnufi: then be 21 power, which £31’! be relied upon. for the pmte&:i«;:m 0f 1'igI1ts, the fuppreflelx of infL1r1"e&i011s, and the refiiizzmce of pepuiar de'iufi011.e This i"ecu1*ii:'y, witheut Whie*h Amex*e cxm bee1w1i1.:»e1't*5r, cau.g};ht not to ref: upon me §nfi?uenc:e or p1i11de. If he feeks 0ffice,1fl:~3 fo110wer's aereeiemmediately put to their refine. One is emplcryefl me%b1zL*;z.o11°e}1ie fuppofed vhrtues, zmeethezrjto 1~u_b out the % {pots in lxisrepfetation. He is foone fitted A and futu- *%3:mifl1ec1 to hisefi*a1:iec>11,e exzfl nmfi preferve it, by the ifamneemeaxaes, eheeufed to acquire it. ~He isethereeforeg A adeelmlgogue in oflice, more dangerous than before, gen 3;1gop0rtione21s.eetl1e exxxyire of hyyecricy xseezllargefi, E73?» mad "E1110 zmzans: offp§:~e:u1ing populm: deh‘§:fi0'h%s 1nAuM»; plied. I*i}-:3 operms his g1*<3at w*2a1*e—1$1c>%1i{e of c()1'mp- ‘don where 1'<3p11tation b0Lzg§l2.t zmcl fald, and tlxzmkw 3"mi'y receives the £>fi'e~1*in§:;s of the piflory ancitjh '0- Jail. E10 becomes c>f'c0u1*i£:r, 1‘.2.(f')fiZ.;.L’.'-.“ to 2131 1’ab0&1*?%_ tion and jufi a%uth.ori1:7j,r 3 the enemy 0f that I§1J3e:%rty ‘which fpe1*111it.iwe‘xre1‘v mm to fit urmtlez: hiss 0'wi{1wfi1L1e% mad fig;-t1*ce, fwithou:t fea1* of 11101€:fl“£i§;i031_. A Such is the t1'e1“m[1*1dm1s ‘z:.fi%§.fl%22.."«;,.m*cA.‘~:a' be:-at‘: mocmc*y and rept1b1icaé1ififn¢ A A _ "f11@ abufe of 1:1mg'L1ag;‘@, or the f:.V:L'mfl"itu*7' nalnes fox‘ 1*e:fliti«as, muzs of the ;mo'fi: :{iA2Vcc:e:i%;1“tft1* 11 fl1*ume11t.$ <;3ve3=1* RR-’LiE.‘1(;'i@d in t}‘.7:.c2 d€§1'1"iQ}.E.i;.§;f.”,W1 1m2ry,, cozatzxizumg :2. mmabmc «uf w.*=.:0Ms; zmfnzi phxnfbsa, wditlx the 1*em:».3u»--* 1;.i:r1:=u*y €L§v:§W1:§'}:5.;1l1Ig:’a‘%:.i£;X~2‘S9 «:%e.i5g;11e<1 §HZ11“ii£31,i1£fii“3'y 1591* the jmfs»‘.% of flee gmve1'1‘1m<~:m3:9. Openin *.et:hi3 bmakr, zuud looking at the w‘0x*d “‘ mmamy,” we 111ig,'ht 1*e.:»1d tlais w;pi;2z3;t2vz:.ti<>.n. AA Word; 11.fi§?d ?3ycIe1n:1gogueVsi%m anti. czwltmzaf cmffice, ta) delucle the 1111fl‘i;iU:’id@ ;, the ‘:m: of g1*oWing§; 1*id1*with0ut 1*eVem1e, and fl1'oI1g with-a out fbrce,~—--~:.2}.£Ab thesr 1nai11\tananVce of c0u1'ts ‘with-«: out judges ; tfim fitiexlce of pmvveiuting war by mxnexmcria and fubzxaxfluazag or 2-2; mrziizerxgzaefs to pay: £01‘ A what is o11e7s%0wn, pmvided the e:~:}7enfe%%o£' figlxta ring for it can be favmd ; in fine, adifpofition to ii=..5ve every t}1img; but which is worth A faving, or the erm- chaiagm c>fn:.1tionaI11011011r for i1:mnea17:.11'z1b1e t1';a.é?cs of wilderneiia. “ PoZz'z‘ic.<:z[ t0A'¢’7*z¥fi07z,” or equzzaivand exarfi: jufiice to all men gm-~a plxmfc often ufacl bymen new in oflice, to gai11 the confidence Qfthe cmdulous, and gzliflipate the f<;~z11*s of thofe, who can be§1:nade%ea.fy by their hapesm--alfo t11epunifl11rnm1t%of p01i~1;iC:3J her; ety. “ ./5l"rMatrat"" or “ Fm'em/Zr‘/r,’t’ ~2t.'l1ei"l"l'.1 of t'e%:=2 preach, applied to the ebleli: and melt virtuous men, of a. cotmtry to render them unpopular. A F‘ Iyzdeperzah Judiciary” at plttafe not to be found in this diam 1.2 Y, wt A H Vidett e. iliideed they are ex beyenti the rtezmh or eh eff either; tot‘ Ilfltlllllg is to hmrd as ta’ ,"ré.a:f'~\5a1n3.fl ettt ef wlmt he was never 1*ea.fot1ez:l. etinytmlyllet pertitztele him to; look at evidence, when he .;.I1g;q?”previot_tfly‘ detettnined net to open his eyes. liF’orl fetch reafetxe cl,emelgegues3 are for the moftp211*t ttlnlanfwetztblea They atreicl all explanetien, whet: ytyheyitttiflt to eiteite p1“e_:h.1diceiehd liatredy by the ape plication of odiette ttetneel A wlzefe influence is to be deitreyetlg it; called en 2.ri:ttecm.1:, 0:»: H’1OI1:tl“-~ ehilt; and with this elpfizieetiott ztttztellecl to hitm; becosmes the ebjeét oi’ titfpicion. Tl-"t.e"WO1”d3 met fleet underlined in any clefinite fehfet, anti “l‘.l10l.~e»‘Wl1tt txfe.ethelm, do next intend they ilmll be ;, but within tlteit‘ ~t.t2t:li inclefure is ieutid VVl121tt3‘V‘eI‘ is tneit feared and deteited. The f2tthe1*s of our cettntry, the fmmere ef our céonfiitutiens lmve been i“ :tccui"ed of 3. fyitem» letic defig1't to clettroy the Worlt: of tlteir 0"W"l1 lt;tmi:'s3, ttmd ereét upon its mzmst the proud tm**e1‘e of rmmtea erchy. V‘ While the g0*tte1*nmen't was in their lte.t1clt._., theft: fuggeittcms were employed te dr1ve them from A *:itg;t and theytare new pertiitedt inytto keep dtrvvtt y the ixtfluence of their A virtue:-Ly lt is their ohlly fin, end for that reafoxt, they are never to be forgiven. A Thtet .A‘lLl1fm.l2lIl, who voted fin‘ the hanifliment 0tt’:’ l»t'r~g%ide.s tzcmltl give no reztfoin, but that he yvae ti1'e&;% llyefi1earingl1imealled “ the jutt.” How then can lteeh llaeeufatione he eneeuntered,; or tlwith whet Weepenscan feelt enemiestbe etfagiletd ? Do wetfay that allthe feelings, the» ptejudicee, tlitre“ llnmnlners, [tleopulargtnveritmesrtte fuch ebttfee will exiit,“ in ;alltyttl1e power of atggumtent, 0rtt“tl1e light 0;’? habits, political and teligieus linititutttiens ~ of the* I9] !c3otr.ir.tryg, aided by its beit fenfe and judgment, are oppofed to this; Wflem E’ is it urged, that free gov” ernments never can encroach upon the people, through the medium of 1*egt1l:rr :mthotrity.;, becaufe its opetetions are known, watched, and ever tieipatod. E is it deo19.red,thet the moi’: hardy ()'v ';'lZ1I1~€3i‘1'\f:[\ eccttiers lizwe rrever dared to make the clxarge whjerer it could be met, and their 1‘ept1ta.tion was A ~ fupport it, by fztéts or arguments f’ it is in V e M ezmfe loft, beczmfe the defence is too CC3n’1plf ,_a1“df. H punifl1me1"1t xnuflt follow; becaufe it is 1ee..rrw11oete then can emdimte fi.1ch prejudices, which i[h1*ubbe1"y on at b:r1‘1'en p1:;ti11 defies the p1OL1g§}'lfl}R1‘8, * zmd yieldrz r‘2()t}:“1i31g to the }.1:mTc.:'1 of t:m1tv_rre 3’ "Who will enter this 12-1r1d% of e11o11anti1r1e23t¢wthi:s "vaft elm-4. pire of niethintg, etude "£7§’7'i’th. dthefe fiends of xnonarclry, who Mfume an the formed of “terror, image giriation can lend E’ Thofe, who are'fL1H'e1*in§; under the tymiuny of this pov.rer, who fee nothirtg clearly, Aexcept in the twrilighty and believe nothing» but whztt pr'eteroet'ur;Id @2111 find no relief in t;_r'u‘t1i. The ac-~ tu;11ih.fie1*in.ge of men ztdlfzrrit of 1r1z.«.tn*§,r alleviatione ; but tltofe irrflit?‘tt'2d by the power of fancy, :a2.re ad §ncur*e;b}e :1etl1ey are ;into1erab1e. 4 A V It ddug11t rtevet to be forgotten, that popular gov» emments rare de+ft1*o§red by rpopttimr mezmsa Politicai d1*ea.1ners,, W110 lcwe to inhabit the metephyfitoel wor'1dr; oi*'t1‘1eir own c1*eation, think nothing to urn» lgoropitrious flability. Rrojeéts of refo1‘mation, therefore, and e:3:pe1'in1entrs upon man occupy their thoughte, till they behold him iffuing from the pro»! eete, :1 gorgeous, renovated being, capable of felt» govermnent, without prejudices or paflions, all light? and :111;ene1*gy. Thefe are a rnui11erot1sifec't, wlaordifé like the old modes of moral ahd political improve» zmemz, byrepentenoe and legal reitraint, and find‘ it more convenient to verniflr private Viflefi A with pub»? JbAm%ces. 1'0 lie. zeal, to fin1§:fec1*eAt fl.2£.nd'«a i11‘11niV“erfz£1 cI1a.rit‘3r.; and conlpenfate for Indwidual mgufllce, by 21 Azeixl-A« ous attachment to the nghts of mm. Such men are: the pioneers of zmarchy, who fmooth the road fol? _ o:f lefs fpectmtioxm, who Imving xaothixag to lOff3.;,.~ Ach to gain by confufion, puxfue the bufinefs er and vengeance‘. L A % A claim p1*oteE?t§;o11 for their modflemtion, with A they %foph«2rs,the111£e§ves, As1rhetEAmr Aaifimggr Ajgrieid, 01” ‘ all viflcilms alike ;; f£:i}I at 1@1}:C%'t11l, ti'1c~:f:2 evifm Mfin~dt»%AAA,eir own fad m.1;::‘e in we ;m.tI3.0;1*i.ty of mm, w1710 A 1na1Ant21iAn by forcze wEi1:,1t he Ti1A.2u:s ::m;qui1'£;~<:1 by A ”rz1uc:1 and vi01er1ce;% All 1*iifi<::»Ary tmx<:..}1@s t11‘is; %x:11c":l;1x.1i» c.11o1yAtr1A1‘rh; it a t§x11*11ipi]r;a«1'0;1el, w1A1%e1*1*1mfgxivzzxfzizx, dc» mo-zzréxcy 112123 alxready I1‘.i;1de p3:og_,:5:a:ef:s Ac;:~m:m;:;h to Ai:e2u.:.h us w.1fdom;5 ’l7‘l1e- pxfojecfi: of 3. co=nw:11tic>11 to A11ew'A Lmode1theAACo‘nfi:ituti0n iAspowe:~fu11y fupporteri by c<31'tai.n focieties-:3 whc-A flyle th~eA:mfe1m=:A$ tlae friena:i%::; of the people; "fhias it}; t1i1e*fecor1d ciafa of patriots in tlmt Rate, as hofiiieto t1A1r:—.éAfi.1'fi, as both wmce origi. nally to the Fed«21‘"aiifiS. G~ovze31*m)r lwfisaan, zmd hia friends, *»vh~0xl1:.1.ve taken the leiisz popvlar nzmie of ACQnPci.t;1tiQna1ifi5, hznwre been fir»: years in oflice, ob- taineclin the fi1“ugAg1e *with the F ed.er2s*.?;i1Pt:s, by 211*tfs::., Which have 110w “ 1?ez;u1*11ed to plaiggtze the ix1*v'ento1j‘s.,’f’ Then they atffefierci my t1*sa:rr1A{v].e at the deeplaid fche-mes of t11eVFeder;1§ii‘ts A; nmv tlmry Atrenxble in-- deed, at the p1*o§e;€c:3 if their own pupils, who iii-H tend to have fofne Aprzuftical bem.efit of %th«=:+ix‘ infirucx tions. They lmow w."i1at this :f1"iendfi1ip for the pee» Aple mmms, and 1:}1za-y hzwa m«.i:5z.'e r.;11:%ma;«:1 of A it, thzm; jothers, for they 1:niLz.ft be the f;‘i%1'*1'7’a: obje<5A‘ts0f its em» A A A The mriezipon ofthe pzmriots is reformatiam T118 1>3:efent G0ve1'x1n1entA1A1;-wtoo much of refiraint The timid and the mu-% [11] £111: ;, in fame §‘12fi:-antes, it has kept ignora11ce and infz1111y out of oifice, and Mad the power of law to punifl1 contempt, ofl%:1*ea“1 to the i"o1emn% tribunals of ‘fiufiice. For this ;h.1dgesM hzwe been impeached, and H1e wI'1o1efyfie1I1A0f"% j3't'1l'i'i:}_3TUdCnCe aflZ1iled.' Th;eA_ avowed iI1teIifi0n of tm: pzitriats gs to reducrsg;*th*e7 ; AA povwazrs of the eXecm;i"Ve and fffienate ; to maket Jud.ic:?m~V' dc” endent andof courfe corru t a; 1 % 9 A % V P 5 b0Lm1:.2.1* b1;*zmcI1 i'a»P1*e‘1‘ne 0ve1* all. Ihen f 4 he éeleélzions, ux1§.verfa1 iUH~age, émd univerfal A tion will im;1'odTlicz11‘1 f_y'flm11, is thG1"E: treated as a, di£"q'L1:a.1ifimti-m1£017 ofl’icc: ;. :3.11a:;‘i 21 1;11*ge pr«.:>portim1 <2:)gftI“1(;* p0pu1::L1' Y:>1”:mr1c:3;1_ is zxlxjemdy cQ1"x1p0fed of duly q11a1i.Jfieci 1‘1w1"1“1'Y.“Je'm:;. ' A If in the few rcmnzalfks, I xmiuy Oflrfllf upon the fpirit and tendency of the pmfexztA.dminifira1ti0n, I fall‘! in-[ ‘€10 error*és %; 1:hey will be thoztfé of *5‘ opinim 2111dA‘may7 be fufely tolerated, w*h{:1*e xmibxu is left free to coxnss ‘bm: t}.1e11‘1.f93 A % ' A A A A A qui.c1<;nef's to 1*efem, 3. 1*t321d.i-11efs; to redrefis injug zgies, 01* a punc?fi1i%0u3' rc:~ga1*d to nzuzional honor is as :a"LeceHZa.ry to prefexwe {he Indepe11cience%0fRepub1ic#s,w as of Mom;1*cl‘1ies.%% It is this fpirit, which confcitutes” ' ¢::I£1e~ cheap de:fe11ce of nations, It does n0tAre"je:g$‘1;; A $11 @ve‘rm1*es cu? per-M26 ; it Irequims r;m«m.:‘h§mg ‘izmz j‘L1ficiCa, it facfaxreg that, by being a"iWary'$ ready to B.‘?»7€¥I'lguf;"f, injnifiice. It is mat a. qua;*:1“elf0rnei’:g.:)iriL, ~M".n,ic1"1 fleelzza opportunivties of war‘; buiti: Lzeeeps in a>2m:~: finch 3:, fpirgit in other nations“ It infpi1*es CODfim!.‘§.@11C@ at 110m?-*5 3-Kid, refpeflc abmad. It has no pmrtialitiess, nae “ ; but 13 always erLe;‘3’c, am*aye~:: d1gr11fied.m~» ;It 1s}%‘;:jt §ji?s"'fpir:It, fa delicate jynr:-t £0 firm in im n2mt‘r11'e,, f~aa=.r%I1iz:h[wz4r§L11s vir3;o1“ies wiflmut a combartg it is :3. giant :.a,}wa.ygin .'a.r1n.ou:;:', wharm. rm thrveafizs cam 1:e.1:r:rifif‘y nu» gfmraawfxxbolize. But if national honar i.:~t~; made the %fla,Veof natiegnal We:a!.t§;1, and put into%the% livery cf’ izhis baéibfi zmd 1m::::1ne{’c of mafters, “it w*i1lu.1way:as% be 3,»r.11o\wn and treated as 3 i1a.ve.*% "1‘he1,*e.=i:;=» an emnomjyg, ‘ w11:.icl1 11f1a.1<;423_a nation c011tempt:ib1e, wi.th«;*mt 111z1king it 1f§.{:1).. The moznexmwt it flops; to xwclmn the ezxcpemm 0:? vizadicatixttg i:é::fs% 1.m;m‘>1;;, w.hi«:h ;1EV.rv;1j;:"s ms t::m<;: ma tereih, it caaiies to be ficee. It 21ftc.1‘w'Va2:a;.*1s liwrz; ~3.1pm1 mzegzffz d%Vm.:¢.":~*1l1*::;.:;:=_:;e:%:"a ‘J; ihfference and t3.l;:e5 ass 22. fzwoy v+;ii'1;1't it ought to dew? :g1j1a.11d 3. right. A V , f A A Theprmftxce of %tu:::*111%mg' men-fronm ofl1ce,, for d1fE'm.*~:« cmcia of cpinisang 1:55 hovfkilée ta %a.aw%f0r::x1 Qf free gmrw e3z;‘z1mex1‘é:.' "lbs Cl”€7iiZé?'*V2%.C&flCie;E§ feimr the p11x"pofe%0f"fi’m» §.l‘i;~Q;t.1’Z*;817.‘1 mrith is, to flay the lezicft, am a‘bu.fi;_: c:3fp0'=Jve1“ ; a,;2.1d’t0 1“ed:L:ce 1'1"m-an to p0v<:*r1‘t"_=;3 W110 z1:r‘a:r *fha1*mb7e 'w?'t‘Ew J$f'M"‘= :1*~«:*2c»"]w:'.i: or crime is :1 vi.¢;zM.'ati(:-11 0‘? Wu f. .. .... .. ._» 47. aw‘ N .4. ‘ A V L .v.,!. . 4.‘, the cionmm cm feeazz mar _;_”§;&.3.1*'L‘t1<.i?<;=3.. '1‘«:;> 1“<31n«;;r=w3 171;, 2[‘1*om wfice di‘:?ti11gui£§E%ned '::he:2ix%' *=a:,1*ix7;.‘i1;r.w:3:a, ;.m<.i theiz" :fn1"v?i»» ¢::e.f:;, vte%n%z:”i;a ta e::»¥:31iterza.i:e,, if:;:'m‘n the p*a.1'i71i£. 11'1i.md, mi faérafilw 0:2?’ 1“e.‘fpr.=.%<€i: and ; tenfi';‘:1t}z1c3i3“j{;::'izz.a:e:s.§ “W.§.‘t3:1 who hae.Vs3- 7;;;m tl?1e;frjE:r %j;_:s«:‘z'ii%&;Ea:::Ll tea 1‘rE%£;0II?z‘.&”I=f£ei*£f1'£‘3. henna miis "ta <:a::;1%fcvu11e;E zrzdl smm*;::,1 M ciiiis a gown ‘ ,1: as H ‘rt co’ ‘ u t1r1«:m_<:31‘1s3 mryia OJ: Y1‘1f:‘;3;f’.'£.‘zI rm-.~:',3.. A A it i.:; 232‘CT3i1’”§1..i‘£i:£’*:rCH;i’1 ::~3;~im:%;?%*;':»?3.«.:?., t,h::w; the t2:.f§.ents and «vim ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' \ J‘ ‘ ‘ g: ‘L’ wq a \ mesnf cm.r.13”tr'§rmarsggeglis. ms g.§«;«:)vem 11; ;, but tms -“ n-‘ 11*: ~ ~ ’ «m -u--« ~“fl"'v -'1» -, wk . ‘ W « 1 -* «‘ "‘ «\ _€:.{j7;;.:{l.i;7i.;“:;g; tofum €;i.a.:&: §,;»e:£%. 111.{iue;1ms.~. wf 5;...E.il€3.““{»}fl‘.1‘}-&:f3§a””“f”f1 t We‘ mwbl‘.<;3*;f’: e3;e1“§:i+:;-I:a.es mzf tffim one, 22.x;sd% t is *1:t‘her firft nuagiitrete necetieriiy pute himfeif “at the head of to petty, including all thofe, who er-tpeét favor or ‘reward. His perfonal charzufter becomes the only queition of moment to their as are patriots e by trade. They well krzoxv the condition upon which he will give, and; they icon receive gt zmci as their hopes depend art A their foccefs in;"x1ai«:ir1gptofeiy"teS, they willbeezeelm _9C)T.1S. A Such eret o1'etyo1‘siAby profeflion, who deritzmd evetythigeg by iofiin&,who defy all reftitm- . tioxtrmcl confound all fenfe. Yet {echo Amenaireyalir :pO'Wt21"f11i.. it A But there is 3. clafs of men of larger 9 ‘views, of fome talents end influence, who are ititritby A ietecl by the hope of great rewards, to inake great efm ;to1"ts. They have little regetrd to the t1'nen they fupe jporttg tlxey A ' .ee:ve him to "er‘flt infamy, I to i join one _ ‘,ertmore* popular or fuccefetiuly, A They itudy hie eheméter as they v.rou'1d1earn tl1eoi"e of on initrument ; they iooi; to otiiice and power, as the means of profit and revenge. The eieefiioto of a Prefideot, then, wilt t’ot'm the pivot on which every tliing wiilyturn. it wiii be felt in every corner of the country, giving t"1(3‘W“ii and n‘ewidiret§tioens to the great mafst of cor» mptioo in it, till eieétions become the mere apology otuiilrpetioia. t t A it y u to A ‘There areyother evils; of 3. more th1"eeter1ing nature to be encountered,onder the difguiie of ztmendmente to tire conititutiot1.' Titofe, which hzrve been made, ‘end are elreetiypropofed will leave, it is to be feared iittie of theAorigimiAAf1'ome or policy of A the A goveern-~»~ meet. The union féems to be meltingaway, under thefervizitinfluencee of the dogiter of political phi-» iofophyt its p0Wet”.S«~2tre elreadyrfo much weakened? es i‘t2‘t1"‘(Zi.i‘y to re2teh;or controul the great bodieein the riyttem. - T he tendency feems to be towardsianarchy“ in the metribere, rather than energy in the head.w« 4 Aihwitriuunlphfi and .5” 142 J r~*2T '“1W1o.%ITe iizmea, whiah «avers ahrera 5; mo pjfomi to haw .=-M1 equLa1,, we abaut ts.) 1°ea3§.Tu‘m1e their p0*wers, ta} make Federal Se-1“mto1*s dzapelldexat on their wi11,anc:1, abridge the: §La.1*i;f<:1i~&§;0n of Federal C¢:;:uI*ts. T}1eJ”u%... “diciaiéy xVhiél}COfl1_§p§:3.ss £1122 pzzxymemt 0f honefl debm A A Even $50 f01“e§.g§me1fsV; theSc;'n23:§:e, which forms 3 ch«:3t:Ir'c;#': A {&.Ip0n%?%p0pu1a1* 'e:1g1‘0a;ch1n@nt, and fometimes 1*efi.fi;s hpapular 0ppre;iiimn.,%a1*e 3, icotwge to their pride arld aslnibition my I%v0r1g;e1" m be ".tl0]‘ie11*a,te«:5l:, Hemze we find that the c:>b_jec7&:i.<321s m ti’-cm 2:.d0.pti0n of ‘aha C01‘1fi:i€:u4- faiml are renewvmcl in 11152: fozrm of ame11dxne11ts, which their efF}eaé"§:, =x:vi]1 i;m:'md11ce ad} the wdii'b1‘de1*s of tlm mic} «::0z1f~ade1*a%itim1. The evi1S,, ‘whiczh all fe%d@mtiV€: g0ve1“.nmv*e1f. %'1£‘;1';m E;g~3:'L?2.'§-vi:3 :r:.:~; X79931}. as‘ pec"u1i:a.1' i.:'1*cr:2..¢ Cvf fizhe £’3L1‘i}:i?1“37.{.3:Ii‘[€5§, are t1“'e:itc":d with the fa.1‘m.;~ 11;;;h ‘ma zm-2i‘111fe of A0111? lluxnmatioau, We 213:6: 110%; 10 mm" pi'0tec3:im1. Yet fL11*prizi11g as it mzzy i7wex::n,,, fit «efa‘+e~ ram 1"mm:a :m1onp; us; 1'1m:E.'w+:—3 of New§a*»11111fg.i:n11¢;},, \ ‘W’ %0~p1'e.€t1~:~1* the chaixis; wf mu. e~qm11t0% t;§;1c:% @qi1z11it§,=~‘%V mt *tl§in.<=;: <:+:m:§.‘a:i.t‘a.1ti«r;%2~n;. ” ‘4 Such rep»'x”e:€E:~mitztrxtiefxms ::.:,::*»:~3. 1"}. mi: 1,'§“1:‘.§.C§.:¢E? 5:11 Um fpizrit (>1? 5flGfi7(}1'1Ci€Z'?iC:s75 w7.?w.7%%<;I,i1 th m: nc3th%im_;j; C111": be dam-2 7;, nm:'i11 that (:21: (:>w:: ‘£"-s';Z1'.H.fE. ?ZI.§(f}3>E,.1:?§ LE:.?'y7;,T£(.1fi‘mf:E:fi.‘::€?m whxcfll i:;Ly.~:3 .. A ~2:§m: I1C3f121§.ng§‘%311§{‘§'5.? m We a:iwn, %:im.t t}1e%ew'§1l:s, *a5s:}':i¢:11 t}3;1"e;m:c»311 the e;%:iflem:e mi’ om‘ «e:m311‘e11t infl;i’t,u1:i011s3¢ we a1it0getVh.er of the §mi»p11121rr kiazcl, that: the}? omgght to be \1111derfl:00c1, and «cam be refified; '"J[’Zh«;*»:»’l7'<*~.=,v who Awill {ml bm*1"<3w cm'x:fidenm% r§?1*ywc)»m. t11eifi}1ope:a9 amt} l2e1iev«e110th§w11g vurhiszh requires; £~:s;:e-::*rtie:)%n, xnttfl Ac011t§a:11u.=: in th€—:i1* flumbers, till e3§.e1%=; fizions are Ltfelefs. "H1«3y will pe1"cei*ve the A mifchieafi w1’1eni'tl1ash21ppened., and. e::~:cu:{?e their A indolence-,, by e:«;preffio1r1s 0f him: :.:11na,:mm1ent.A% The tirxlici zzranvd; éthe Waryg, who {’«::;.u* to Iwfl: they fhm'u%1;§% E 1&7 3 he ‘éléffiéd Imam, .who hope :0 Qbtaim. faxvor tIwi1* 1:1euAtm1ity will iixmd *th.t-Lt the evil:-j; 0%f3'31m1'chy Wm £2111imd:iilc1:in1i3,f1ate1y, liiezze the tornado which teats izlw ml»: of an lxujnclired yea%1's from its fotindatioalg, A aim. clefpoils the 1‘1.111]1§;)}-€21}? fivsrwex" of 3. c‘aa*§;. The p1'e;{'ent time duelnimds all the talexafs the Vii‘-» fr;L1~:es;111«:1i2x'1;1.‘iu<:a:n«:‘,c: o:{‘mc~.=2n, u«'h0 am-2- emgzmgeed from p1*ix1«z.:ip1c :x11d%i1V1te1'efl:%t0 fupport our ’z;:*ul'y Repub1.i~ £21111 fy:£ha::‘i"1 QfSt;1te AGA0w_1“111I1ex1t. AA F0p’u.?.2u' A<~;=1":m1*:3: flmum be eXpof<:=€£a11d inifi"ép1'e1"emt;1ti0i1sa? ca33:“i*eé"{'edA,%A% “With the fiuxae pe1*feve:r2m.c«e with mrh.ie:.h %tfhe'y 2».1"e. iiriuzlde, 13:33.11 tram beconzes p0w'e1'il‘a11§ by h«‘;~:i:“sg wide1§rV ‘dxffrtiafech A '_£7I10fe, ‘W110 :1d.mi3*;ifl‘e1* Om‘ g£“3'W?%1“1“2l‘31C1'M£ 11aw'e 3¥10t}"1i11g; to farm" frmn the ‘t1"u*th ;§."'<:i>1* ifs ‘L111 e:~*?._r ffififild 5; famd as t0,t.he .:;1“1:;:,;L:g:.eWu A A‘ % .'“">;a:~m¥tit37;V"tA3.%:1é:: oxflgr one A 'wh1c114hzm. b