__ ..c?"».;“«*fi«# C,/€m<:z~sa.,:;_ ""‘“~». mi’ »’ u :‘ mg," I’ " »"’1’*ffiZ§.«*¢,.m!«;IM»>'z.~-£’,§e««¢/ «L:-2;» .‘ I. ‘ ‘ ’, M’ ~:-»~a»a want" 0:.‘ pm». __H_. ‘''----~--‘ ~‘'*"'‘"'' ~...-—_....-—..,. -.-yr”, x v- ‘V’ W 3"" ur..r~..r..r..r~..r~..r-.r..r*wmmwwwmwwwwwwwwwmwwwwwww mwwwmw R A TE ltwfa EOELIVERED JIISFORE THEA TAMMANY swcmfma Wr ' flammhisan “ 1;2.EPUBLIcA.N CITIZENS M D? $,*_BrU‘&J£?£I£t‘itfx3" arm witfi aéizizxitgg _ W W- T0 WN.IJ0U«$,’Es .Qx THE‘ ANNVXVERSMAY ma: » . , , V ‘ ‘ ~ ~ , 1 _ _ , , . ‘ ,. A A _, w p u ‘ ! H '4!‘ ‘ . I-"' A ‘ ‘ .5 - ‘ \ .‘ .‘ . ' ‘ I w ‘ I V‘ ‘ ‘ u pr *4!-.. @~iME12I0xzJv?ImD&,E~,g2mf:D:3Mé225§4 A w ; ?$T.,Hy 1310a By HENRY ‘W'I~I3iZAT‘ON, _ PROVIDENCE .2 FROM THE PHENIX PRES& 1 Péz'owfa7erza;-9, July 1§Oz‘r:7”z, 1810;, B2"oz‘}zar,L A A ~ ~ “ % IVE /zereby present you If/ze t/za22A's Q/’é./’.2c= Tafizmavzy Saciety or Uolzmzéiarz Order, J:a’eavc*7?.% Trélze, .7V'o. 1, flor the elegant, ‘dzgngfied {znd patr2'oz‘z'c, Orcmon delivgzgcd %l23.g. you %z.zz‘4z‘/’zc=z'x.. yfcgzumzt on the 4273, 2'nst. andreguest a copy cf:/ze sarzzejbzf tlzeprcss. Saznzzei T/zzyéer, Jo/zn PM-nzang jun. Henry T. Cooke, , vagggwzzzog Hezzry Wfzeatan, Esgfo Provfiicnbeg Jizly 101’/2, I-810» GRATEFUL as ‘I rim fbrk 2‘/ze (1’isZ,:7ngzzzsr’zAe-3&5 edfzonor cozgférred upon ,12:z¢: by 2‘/23 Tammrmg;_ Society, {£13’2;‘et,/3e?°@, andjbr t/zcgfézvor 'wz'z‘/z -wlzz'c}2 they /zave been j2ieasec3g.~ $0, regard my }zum6!e.%e_fi£zrts to n2c=§‘z'zf-t/262'?‘ c07gfide22cc,, Ivan perceive no more prjofmf mode Q/‘(’J31‘(J2f‘¢§fS:9i7?g'-7223'/L g:*a%titzzfidz:, 2‘./um 12y canzplyiizgzwit/z“t/wir 2'cg*u cst ggzadc i/Tzrougfz 3/oz;._ A § L ' ‘ lfanz ycwr (§raz‘lzer,_ V% .H2*2zr_y 71/ X; aging»! Samzzci T/zzzréer, .-~»»-«% Jo/222 Pitman, jzm. A Henry T, Coo1ce,».Esgz:frc;.a".;MV-~ t ORATIOM Fmmms AND ilovzwrayuzmt WE are assembled tcv celebrate the thirty—fb_u_r.th A an11ivex‘sary of our Indcpe11dence.-we F01" this pclfiod of time t11_;.we we enjoyed the bless». ings ofa frce1~epul31ican govemmczutq Of ail the blessings of Ditrfme Providence, there is n,Q11f3 which confcré T such true and permanent dignity%upon man, If we Wopcn thevolttnle of Itistory, we shall find gt few pages 3;IIj,1_n1i11ed with the bright rayfsr:»f1ib- erty; whilst all the rest are blackened and dis- figuretl with the crigrges ofty'11ants_, and the sufierings; at their unhappy “victims.” Nor do we always find the reiility, where we lzear the name of fnrcdmn. Hcrir()_§ce% is often counterfeit:cd 17>}? l:;a.sse }a}'pocritcss to disgttise ‘a’ despotism, which is mrzdcred the more cruel aficl b3,tte1', by bcizzg e:s:c1'ci:;.cd in her holy name. BL1”t‘we'1w;ac enjoyed the rare felicity‘ of the substance? tcgether with the majestic farms cf republican institgtigns. For thirty—f0ur years we have flourished under the tzzrqtecticn of a rep1‘c3sen~ ‘tative government, and_ of mild Etlld e x_t,a1‘1zu=vs.-—- ‘i1"‘h,iss_ gcvernme11t has czxrrif;-ti Q5 safely througlt the‘ fidctithtigzxs of a stormy 1*ew~c;1y,tiQ11, and 11313 *::'c- Served its in :1 period of the ‘;"vrC)};":d-5.‘ 1:fle};amp1e'd m the mzigzgittlde zmdrapidity of its c11a:1g;cs.~m'1’%h1*ones and Cdfilrrlcnwealtlts have been subverted. Na~ tiozis '11aw'ep_as.sec1fton1 the ddmixxio-_n of their am- cientkings ant}, lgrds, t1_11jough restless, bicodyt, and minous ima1*c}1y*, ixito the hands of new dynzisties. ‘We a1'e*““the~ofiIyrepublic retnainiaxg in the world. 'WI1i1st we prostrztte otxrselvcs in profc-und a.c1o::a-c “tiou at thefeet of thzrt Being, under whose preteen. A '€:icm wchave arrivecl at this "our p;=:esent maturity ef‘ national greatz1ess, it bewnaes me seriously to em quire into the cggusee §fi711;ph_YL1}_§:€§§.w us to lndepena dance; the means .0.:f 1>1‘€Se1fvi:1g‘ it; the dang€1‘Se which t}:1z*eate11 our liberties, and the precautions by which those daugeres may be averted, A The znen who first settled this ceeuxatry, and Whom we may justly be proud to call eurancesto1*s, were adorned by 2111.th0se%‘qualities which" digzaifgi hun1a1111atu‘fe. Piety, valor, and the love oflibere A ‘g"T‘}»‘,e;I1,_L_‘i‘1“”]£C_:§‘1CC14'M'atZ‘(“) f__guj1n._t}§e bfiglgt Iglggze of their excels 1’e11cé. hey goyrefi theigé 11£}ti\;'€1‘c}I1d; ebL1t.t11»ey7 loved“ 11f1.0I‘€ ’thEf;i1‘ cixgil and 1“€ _Hgi_0L1SA1ib€1‘tiCS.=----:- 1j7atigued with the toil of op1>0si11g t}1‘e despetism of the Sftuarte, they Ief: their QQU:11tTfy'mr~_S0ug11t 3. refttge in this newworld ; z_u{1dhe1*eA iaid, strong‘ and deeepa "gzhe fo1m,dationse,;;>,f' freeciom. N Q‘_cWithsta11ding theizbf cetintry had cast them from her besom, and 61 "Even; vthezneacroess the stormy ocean, deprived “of many of the 1‘esou1*eeese cf acivifiizatiozm, obliged to 1na.i11-,3. §;aVin, ,2; preca;_ri<>us contest of arms anal Qf policy i\’.);“ aeqyxire from the na¢tiveAs pf these /1“egiQns :1 new (10; gfnaiaa yet they V‘(’1££d net e.e%ase to regard that country‘ wi_t}1 fiiial Vreverezaee and affeetiozu, V’ They aei;:;1%ovVL= edged tl1e;u.1the3*§4ty of her king. They modelied flfieir 1?01iC;V' §3P0fl1.‘1¢1" C0¥1$’mi1fiQ11 = 7%3eU‘€'i3“+*}’i11‘fL1S€C3+ i1f1f0‘T:e’cezi efirtion €31°?.1§?~Ji:h and vigor clerived’ ecm it m'c>re of the @214 athietéc form of :1 I'€1mbieic«- C In this oiar zéiafiwe estate £1163’ é1ecIa2~e;cL z‘«’£?z~?4‘% 2% Jfvvneqf rzzmbnf ¢’We5ei?~f>?fi¢’f«’ 2?/1?0.=51/£37 <5? D E M 0:: 11 A '1’ ~ A "zc; ex, a,1t«deannQuncec1 their:1ete,1"mi;1z;tiQ11% ‘E {d /zoia’ ‘fjbzrgf/2 cz lzfpeiy, e;;nt]'2eg*;,§x2;§;;>2e2et, z‘/zczt cz % :,=,2%os*2S% flo;:::fi3.&2'r:g the stozrss ,9f ‘i31€iI‘«ow:vz1, i%Wex1ti$*¢iwr$sc1c2m» afid eravc A g:iz;z'{ s:frzz‘e mqgig estczzzdg mzcuiuéesar 66 ixzgzizzzaézzed, 'wz'[/.2 my F]‘};[Z;[Z5ez.'f5/i2z'7“c*/z;g'iQ;;,$ ep7gg:erzz:r;eazz.‘§;” W In tlxtlg min- g~}§.11g+et0get13e:* me sweete of gciidl mud 1*e1igio2.1s %fz'ee.» WA dam, ffcigezte Zfflflgiepzes, _(W3.‘;~1fI‘e imm0;ftaIe_foLi11de:1*, wage folio‘. *ed by ’C’eef;i/z'_g;,3’V ffgifjeverf, Fmd 71.7"V'2*'Z;/iczzzz P372729 ‘E11086 fi1ust1*10:uS 11161:: gsmxebexéedeto the world a % ~“ 7:: “fear is re s'a3r,%a goe¢xnr£3ent’”he1d%eAbyetfieewfxeeand ‘arahzmary consent of all, or the greaterpart cftehe free in? I2§:13.1z:».:1«.ts.~”. ' ‘ W V’ “A ‘ V V - V1 51."}fJrCC'[2ZYC1€ which it hzid not seen Since 'U1et1;1j*s flee Greece and Rome :4-o>»sta.tes, wheré the mind ieft unconiro11e‘t1'u*as »sufiE-:rv:°c1 to expand in its ofivrt §‘L1x.L1ria11cc, anclto worshivp its creator ou11*cra1_*11V<éHe‘c’{ by huinaza institutio11s.« A ‘F By :3. si11gu1a1~ felicitjrg, the speculative ‘trutlls of philosophy 1V1::‘;1'=r3 b§3e21 véri-‘ fled throughout this ezsztensive c‘ominent.» % F1*o1ntho shores of tho“ :4:t1-z»mtio, to the b‘a11?£as of the Missisip: §T>i,,tI1e citi:ze11 Aclnoost-:-so his own oabtar ; thie soot %‘pr'o4» videso1°-or its own: pastor ;1 and from i~1;1depem1t;-nit oong1*eg‘atiioms,o uncherished by tho parti:-11 s§1pport of the state,van‘hm‘1=n;o11f.io11smo&?e1*z1tio1i'i¢s tfie 1’-mivelu A salres11lt.o”‘ This"ré1igioLis liberfy ‘We lime ever cherished as “‘ the i1nn1coc1‘iate j<:wvel of our sou1s.”‘ it well c1&:se1*ves our aff'ec’tio1mtc:, €L‘iIf21Ch1‘I1C‘11‘t; :mci‘« oilght to be handecl c‘:own to our posterity unimucumh bored and u11Wasted,oast1t.-{e b1'ig11teSt, best .i.=11h€:1*ito:.1o11c€:' We can leave theha. ” V ' ‘ Under such atxspicem our «:3o‘L“mtrjv coontinuebd to grow, and fio11rish,{:md lift ufpoivts head as a dis-gs- iE5~1ig‘L1iSh‘€d zn°¢n:be':* of the British mnpife, W'ha1.2 We rec'eiV€:-d frjom Br'i‘tai'-11 in protection, We anoré *£hah"’re}‘)ziid 11e"1j in om-1:i:sha1;e11 at.ta.cI1r::nc:nt ; in th«::~ 1*no11opoIy ou1't1~aAlc5Ie, which We s11fi‘e1*cd her « tog: émjoy ; 2_111dii1_appea1ing ‘to hexf as om“ oommoxa um- pire; So l<3i1§2; as She coi1ti11z1ec1s21ti3fiod with ti:-aw» .s§ubstz111tial préz-e;mi1‘1%éi1c<:, xvwe wsare contéx1'tod am} I*1a'ppy.o But A wlaieoii she beca1no A intoxicated . .Wi;th:~ pros1?o1:i"t3?,. A‘ai1c1‘ flfuslaed iviila heir recon: triuomaphsfi 0V'€1"’h€1‘ :.-inoi&e'11to éi”1~s.%"i‘-11y’, the dcmoolx of ambitioiiig dE=:.scenc1§*{1 and 'to’o1~.: full possession of her bréefzstg , v Shoattemptoéd to lozad us fi*it»3.1 tribute ;, and a.ddc:&; xnsult to '1neVc1i‘t:ite‘(1 i13j11%z*y, by accusing us of in’-; grat1tu‘d‘e. But We ropc-zfled her 11n1neritcd%2‘c'~2: preaches, £u1‘d seemed we 'tez*rors of her powzan Eng: vain did ‘heézr b’:-’:*s1: jia1’f&1*iots i1i1dhez*oos warn “her to ware how ‘;€~:h‘eo pi~ow‘o1:oc1 the slumbering, but fio1*c€:r; ° :§1:ri‘ritoof&fi~oedom. Ii1%‘¢':ii“1adidfl:wey vrith wophetio gemus predxct, fchézt thxs mfimt A Horcaofies woulrzi arise, and stfa11gI4eix7it11 bio yomag ache: osozrpezat who" A oSoug‘h"t his d‘est1‘uctioI1. The fatincrs of our countrvz solemnly ‘to vthoin‘ Britislz b:*{:th1‘e2n. Had ;-at they not “ll been deaf to the vbiee cifcensahgtiinity ;”‘ -—-—hz1d they checked the corruptiontof their own go- vernment, weltihight have been a free and a Great people together. But a co1nmun1eat1oz1ao.f grandeur and offreedomg it seems, was below i their dignity. The road ta happiness and to glery Was, however, apex} to us alonee.-. ‘We have echmhed It apart from them ; ii andtwe have arrived at an eminence ofguilt—- less fimie, Where ‘Q78 have no reason to envy the glitteritig splexidor of their banners, “ Thcmgh, fann’d by ¢;snque1t’s_ erintfen tving, “Tlley mock thei air with idle Rate." s It vrouid he difficult; and zfriight be i:ividious—,- to assign to any one of the zmmerous patriots and sages Wholplanned the great WOI‘i{ of our national i11dep‘en-5 dence, their due share of praise; But the man tithe» had the honor to take the lead in ”e:~:pres’singthe de» termination of America not to submit to British trib- ute, was .Pae.‘ficfl' Herzry. This great man saw with the rapid glance of genius the nature ofthe” crisis,’ produced by the imposition of the stamp tax. An.- ticipating the necessity of our malting 2: firm“, standiat this first encroachmlent upon our r'ights,lhe triovedt in the Assembly <3f7Virginia those‘ famous and daritzg resolutians; by whichlthe aatlterity of‘ the Btithish king and parliament to levy taxeslulpori this eouiitryf was denied, and our other natural and civil 1‘igh'tst were asserted, Massachusetts added the {veight of hervoice to the noble declaration ofhezf-elder sister; er patriots,‘ firczncoc./Z",l the two fldazzzsés and Gehjz/,_ hastened to the councils? of tlueizfcountry. Herd Ifiizrrerz rushed to the field of battle, and sealed attr- fI‘€.’t‘(~iOm Vvitlt his bibed‘. " The Wo11Ade1‘fu1l'eventsi (if the contest which followed; its battles” ; its siegies the matchless exatnples of disinterested «pat2‘iotisni, undzmnted valet‘, and patient enrduraztce ofpoverty, ‘pain, disease, and death, which distiitguishetlit have been 1*e‘co1‘tledwith the faithful pen. of hist<;>ry.~——-—-. Poetry has exerted her powers of invention to ibillltia the brows or our heroes with the‘laurels ofvarious fame; Eloquence has been lavish in‘ the donation of W :=:4m§1zi*:1Ase._%$%” Still theséz px*a_ises have ‘fiotrisen to ?;hL‘] sublime clctrmiozx of t11eir' ssouls. I'~I1m1’a1i %lz1i1gL1ag:§.. cannot do thcitm. ustice.--Butwvl%1i1st we co11f<'3ss:_oL1r* imbi1.ity to comb.‘ upon these ’great n1e11fithe'r_mva:'ds t1*:ey%ha1v'v.: nieritedg let us rg1he1nbe1* tl1at"it °Wa4s.' i;1: mder that we xnight be frcc,_ and ggrcat, and 11app%y*,% *t1*i:itfit11t:y fouglraz, mud toilecl, and bled. % Let us ‘re: member thzxj; _they were ec1L1Qatéd in the sfclhoolof’ mzinly, 1'atid'na1 piety; Azmizl as n1L1ch%%%r3x<:‘fel_Iec1 their cimexinies in ';virtuc,; 111agmmimity, A and pzitiéfice in .{1dvex*sc: f0z*tL1x1c*%,‘as th¢eyAsAL1rpasscd them in courage,“ .€md. in the&jusiti‘(:c of theinflcafluse. A%nd shzillwe, my co1111tryn1e1i, ivr1AtI1e mz1turity of our nat%iQ4a1a1%stre11gth ; with the 1‘ic1‘1%reso4u1'ces zxccLIm1'11:xtcd in a1011g‘pe1*iod' of peace and prosperity; and wh<~";11‘we h;1_vevacquired :3. 11z.um=: and a 1‘ankz11no11gt11e ‘nati0ns§,*¢-~S1_1a1l Wdbow‘ our x1ecks't‘0A that yogke vgrhicll our ._ancc;stQ1‘sdisda1in» «Ed ; and to avoid :;;u{Jmissioz1 to whi<:11, tI1ey‘endL1red so nmny privations, made so many s21crific_c~;__sj,__ ;*¢sist- ed 30, mamy temptations, zmd OV’€r_'C0111€— staizlj forrhi-J dable obstzz ‘RES *1? Has the :~:.ou1—subdL1ing s‘pir_i;t bf av-A mice 50 bcnumbed us, that we are ins«:*1*zsib1e of‘ shame; lost; Vt_Q__s§_lory ;, and foxjgetful of the clecsds elf A m1rm1cestoi“:§? Ti1eir history znéacis to Tus 21 lesscm, wlixich, if aw: have u11dc1‘sta11c1i1%1g‘st0 comprehend, or »heart2~:« to feel czmnczt be whom iozst 1;: won us. I.t:::d-» 7 ‘ ,. .‘ ., mdnisilfifi us to union; it speakAs in :1 voice of indig-» zmtion to our contending fiic‘a‘;ions, a11d‘c0mm:=mds ‘them to be still; to cause their rude clamors, %a1'1d to aztctxfifice upon the am ofthczir country their ”mis- cI1im*0L1s.passio11s. It invok,es the ge11ius"ofpat1*iot~* ismi to shine forth, and disaipate the mists of p1*ej11~—- dice, anqi thc-;+ nqxiaus vapors of fonizigzl infi‘ue11c:e, ‘whi4;:11 infiect our air with CQ11ti'2f_1;iOi1; ‘ mdicatc fzfom our 11'c'i11*tsf11c_lasst 1i11gc2~iz2g serntiment of love to our native 1'5md%; zmd stific Em écmzr brosems <;vc1*y failing‘ 0f 1mti01j12x1priL',1:;2. A Notxw'i‘ti1gta‘11aEi11g €116 horrorfs am} s1Ifi?;:1*ii3§gfs%.‘0f cm rev0h1ti0n_; Izlotwithstaxzdizzg the z*n11h[f;p3;i;€édf%xv2"o2'i§.g;’s mi: 111m: ev%<3r_%s71nce - c:11'durec1‘f1'0m Ez*iJi;ai13, A:.r::-‘Id ivvhicl1 ztlakc fl1r: Chéiffik t0Abu1inWi‘th ss;;im'116: at :3. "%1‘c:cita1.of than“; yet: a British ixyfiytencc h;2.é~; s§J.«.=:x'zt1:v :.md in1pe1"c£-ptibAI;v gj;n.ir1c:d a COI1fJ;“C21_i1I e<:;>m‘ z::<31m=‘::j;*., It h:1er;3s§1'p41exca14and das11ed Qur'.ma—- cotmscls ;' has~::g;1in and agam t11x*eater1e€i i~;"~ im:z13%:‘iz'1 pieces our 1mtio11a1unzon, and to ztxvoivc u.~;=v A in __a ‘British aHiamcc_;‘ that grave Whicll ya-axvxus t(:~* sAwaI1ow up our i11c1'epe11dc:nce,'._ %It-has? fzfxcitecl 1315;: and c'i«c:%1u,.°;:ive cry of :1 F1*e11c11,1nfluenc’e,, to dnmt fhe at-tenvtion of the-:vg>c0-pic; £§'om’.,i%ts QW11 d’angc:m11s4 _ ,;£frt,s. It has (flax-ed A to acctaisa 111.3 zmtl-:£c3z‘%e-f the: Dem iwation of Independence ; the VmanV Ahucl bfifffll {he 1"o1=c*:énc>st’t~o incur the ccrjcan1%v vc11g_eance' of our Venenaieshzzcl they s%uLcCéeded’ in r<:c‘mcting 1.13 to slave- 2-3;; of {icing a traitor to 11is=cou1itrj_',_ zu1d sold to ex 1"'oreig‘n prsxver, ,-B":u"t where:_are the meanws ‘of _e‘smb-M fishing; the inflaencebf France 11'; our’coL1ntry? “*6 11’3ew'erI1avc beT€11"11é‘I‘ subjemis». }1<:_%;fI%a"§x*s,l1er 1n.ém~~ mars, her re1igion,; hczr litvarajuma, 11er.X12u?1_s_;uage, are .211}. ib1*eig11 ta us, Are we enamQu1*etTof the 1i.1stre of the I%mpe1*iaiWdiadc1%11,=maclthe flow of the purple? VA're We dazzlccl with _ the liierarclmy {inf 6.-tilvil cfistizlc-» fions, fimzr st:11‘s,.1‘obes,.4and dec<‘:»1f21Lio11s‘. Whicxh ‘mmk them‘ ‘I7 % Have we b+3e:1‘s11c'i"denly c.21p't’m“'atc'c1 xvith the: charms of n1ili%taz*}' despotism, z:nc‘1 th<: ponap of é1l'1CSi’£ib}iSh€’x’} z'e1ig.io11 ? It is true, z*md we do not hesitate to a*»*ow,-tliat we felt the sentiment 0}" gram mdre to Fmnc%c for the‘ aid she afl’ordecl' usf. £11011? ‘$t“rugg1¢e 2*sga:'mst the I'"C)I‘I’I1id&‘tb1€VpO‘WCIx‘ of Britai 3.»!--»-~ T{«;: disd-;1iz1ec1 toVe11qu.ix'ei~z1toT1.he motives xu'uich % «=:ii::t:zt;_-‘h€;‘.‘i‘»‘E_’. the 1i§_1‘hts of religion .z1.nd7y nu!" $fi>fsci-ence bc:i7ng~ ezgtinguis-;had,%n1u%n was 1621173‘; in grape‘ ' "tray in ignoraxacc A;% and trezzdifnig; back‘ the pathq {if Civilization, <:Ic'=.'c»tm.i his whole. 3.0141 to the bau*%:»a:=:-. ous work of des‘;ru'c£i0n, of blood, and of Lozastztutzon after con‘sti‘£:ution was cstaiblished, ivZ:o- Izitefl, and r.>v~:*rtE1z*rm*z:, Our sympathy was 300:1 J 3 J.JL. :t2Tfl1*;t}11g'L13.611C£1“ int ciisgust; tug-1:iC_h xx'::s.tix:é1‘e3sedhy' the 1111] ust ’ cbndust ~01’ »Frs1‘:«;tc: ‘;(;Wtf'«‘:‘t1‘df:‘e us, .at:s1t‘c1‘tht: mh<:t~sneutz:.:.11powerst V‘~.7’e h:.~,x*e s.%.uc<: C0t1t\i;'11lt?d ta» "11f' Bt_i1'is11iz'sti’i%1.2<:~1it::.—2ss atria fved at the niaturity QfA'co1f1'~t,.1ptjo11.f Vfia l1z1w'ei1vea1'd the 11‘}_}u'.t'1E‘$ OfE,r1ta111j11Stifi€d‘; her insultstt..pnI1i:ttcd ; _flI‘id SUb1‘111='5S1».O11 to h€l’WI.‘Ot1g‘S rec.@n1tn+E:ndt:d by tour‘ ’£'€i1‘1£11‘ omtors. he-in sht: sent a man to 11s,s’1*ecL;i11g front the slattgfitfif Df.Copet1hagsr1, b_L1,_tt_C10th‘3d witlt thetsztcz-ed robes of a minister of%pet».c¢, who dzgtred to msult the govemmsnt of this nation in aflmanner Wwhiclx it‘ Iisd nevel“ jut-t stzbmittisd to c:-:ndure%, xvt: sawwithn1ing1ed"an:;;iety% zmd shztxnc for .ou;rtdis-,-1 tractcd cotmtry, his Conduszt d€fC11di';.'(:1,‘ and the rcaliu ty of the disgrace with which Awe: were th1*eate11ed., dcniréd. ‘W’c sztw the !€giSk1tQFS'Of :1 ncigltboring . state, ustzzpingg the functions of the nzttional g:;;ove1‘nw zmmt, and chsssextdixtgzg to impose upon the people am t1pO10g}" fQI‘ his insoltznce, the xvork of t31ttb(.)1‘:.1t(?. Vsophistry, :.md1*cvo1ting' to common sense. It is tttmz that this bah:-ft.11 irifiuence was (§Xtit‘pz~tt€?d f1‘otn 0m."l;m€i. I t is time that We ?...‘SSt1_1‘i1C(l s‘11z1t1o11:.tl AC,1lz1t‘L1Ct«;+1‘; um wt: btrczunéi AMERICANS. ~As jfoti ate not biassed’7by* the infittence «sf Frattce, sol trust you do notfistzmd in clrettd of her power. “;Fear scitnisttsd into -public; counsels but-= _trays1ikeVtreason.” Itis :1 bass and ignoblc spas- sion; but contagious mud? fatal in its progress. It is this fear 0fF1‘tmce W3-aicht is the tnztin fOu.I‘tdL1t1011 tm ot‘tl1at paz'ti:t11ity to Btfitttin, whiclt inclines so ma11V' of 0111‘ txitizrzetis to rciy L1j»‘i0I‘1 11:31‘ naval power as the pat- ltttlium CfO?.tl"iI“t(1(3p(?11d(§-i’§C,C. It is this \x-'h1chAmakcs ” t11em‘b1i'I1_d to ’£h€‘1i‘;§11i"(§f historiczti ergpc:-1~iencc. It is t11is?V_.v1fl1Vich 1‘€nd(3I"S f;h(3i11'?{--" <1e:.1t'tc3 t.hcc1(>qt1eAnt ruins "pf S0‘IT1131I 1yV”£iflCi€11t midi 1]1r}(‘LC1‘11,Ste‘t”?CtS, what have Vfztllsn fictims to JtI1c'ir?‘~31'e}iz1nce upon t"c>1*t%ig;n pron:-c~ tie it; z1"pri)téction, in’ which there is no sczctmtjv" M diffetettt from his, who stipttlatcs for the p1*<:sm'vz1~ ftiott of his p1“Op(‘.1"t}' when he becomes 21 s12.:'»«'<3.~—-- "%’ié’Itz1t‘in this eye‘ of God is the pcm'.L~'1~'of Nap<.3l‘coz1,~~« “His Iirdn rw:own, and; trmpirc of it day 3" ‘Though itizij; its fiTJ11I1C11a‘i§»O‘E?lS Cififipill the 3 rear atieft ifs.z1damat1tine.piila:;~S ; «axial guarci its; m¥'e~ titles with the wateiifui discipline amfi. formidzilnie twin of military steexigtli ; to the sober eye ()i‘1fC£1SCm3 it has no te1‘rc2rs/ that should app;-11 a ‘people, ;gg1~e1:=2z1‘- ed to make ‘every sac:-ifice t“¢ot"‘ bieejchof toi1,;:md 05;?’- trea-sure, necessary to.presei"v’e: that_i11I1e1*;itance which, ‘tires han'ded“iiown to them by their- z-11icesito1*s.——.¢v Shouiciwe be; such a p*e.e'p'Ie:,_"we niay smile git every’ dahger," and rcgivl back the tide of every il"k‘W;_’-.SiO1A1.~:--- But should xveitean 2i1ponMa_ny‘othierpQ;We1‘tb1'7support, we‘ should run into the verv danger We meaiit to ‘avoid;t British a11ia11ce'1eac1§ with 21 rapid-zmd pre-= qcfipitate descent to irzevitabie destmcti,Q11.fi Such has been the career Wliieh every other nation has run liefore t;s;ia1"1d sueh the fatal goal at which they. have all arrivech A In the "go've1*nifa.;1e1‘1ts of eit1'1er of theseicountries we shall find Iittie to adrnizfe, little to imitate ; o1*Which should allure us ‘£0 a poiiticzai connection with eitheri For the perfection to whielig they have carried the arts and sciences that C(JI"HTt”i“ bute to iifilprove and adorn iiunian life, titty desaerve theerespeet and gratitude of mzmizind. But all t.iie:se. without the enjoyment of civil freedom,. are but Worthless Weeds; ' It is this alone W'i’1iCh ceznpieteiy. deveiopes the faculties of tnaj ; Wiiieh 1-emimtis ‘:1 of his divine origin ;_A and C1€‘§_”£1t€S"it‘;:t111 to the prop er dignity of Ijature. ' i - i ' L The eiaim qt‘ the Eiigiisii to, stiperieif antiquity’ of ’freedc31;~_1y_is the "vain boast of xzationzzl ‘t':.111iT;_’y’.--¢-=» The stiperior stability oi’iti;1ei1* ccinnstitutitan exists in, imagination alone‘, Befere the tiime of W72/Ziaryz, «f*’2e‘Co7i2_._9'zzeror, they enjoyecl the Same wild and szwaggge iiberty,‘ that all the dtiier mitioiis of'Eu1*0pe who emigrated: from the woedts QfGerman3r posses” sect, A That eotigue1*or plantedm deepethe‘ 1*0etts of the feuidai s§%st‘em,,‘ tvliicii grew up tinder I333 successers, C0'V€1¢’€’iji ‘€3__1€1'1§s. i "Um*§er the %T$zg:. ‘dors- the whole Parliaxmemi was the” hui11bk: ‘i11%str{I-¢ mezat of the Pr*iz1ce; % ff¢j12?:§«' 2‘/2:3 E23»/gi.5 pro':_:u1*e_d Vap. act g'ixring to his })(1“QC.1E;‘l1(117ltiOT} %th;C% £111 fif:>25Cs€: Qfjlavzfig zmd the oz.ni%2;si<;.:1 0i’h4iss §%te1'z‘:%%sgc€:@s.=;;Q:is' c_1'1ti‘z“cIy gzlmlissh fiat: ri:x%t§C‘hz11 1ég3s§atL1:*€, din ,0 n .}y,L‘.bcf;'E1cCp:L1nt:};,- gcd V for by the comzcémpt tE1g:y mtxst h‘i U.‘?S_Vf€1ifQ1‘.b40di(3S of zmziz, wI1ohz1d‘ p1*o%ve_c1_:jo ?%Lsc:i*¥3'ileI'y <;‘o1*n;p1ia1.ntxxrit11 theizfinost e:r;t1z'.-1i'ag:.1nt and V1:.~'ic‘I;ec1 d'esAi1*7cs. 'I’he§,r could mat in 2:gir 1e%that these la’ssen}b1.ic;s; than laying px*ostrute at th‘ei1*%f¢ct, f.voi1}.ci?%;afterwards rise, and »‘,Ef‘."€*11 dare their moxizirclws ‘to the field, :.1_ndIead iihenz /co the scafibld, to ax"::ngc‘*t1:{e iriolazfied :'rVig'I1ts4 of ‘the people. By the c:~;pulsid11 Qfthc Sz‘z,aa2:ts, the conv- stitutian sctexned to be fizwcl upon the basis of free- dom and bzilmcecl 110?»-’(3I‘.;: Insthe: long and ybloody contest ag_;21i1%1st tlliss z1rbitm‘1‘},r’%liouses, zmd in the great *W0t*ls:. of the EngglishV1§év4OIL2tio11, our ancestors dis- ti11g’i;is11ed' 'thc1i1selves £1‘§i";011g %t1.;c _fqre1nos't.----Eveix the histofian .i’%[a.m2c has: a_c1~:11QWIec1ge&d.,. that “ to these jZ’:;rz2rza‘z'cT.v;*, the Emg;-IAisI1% tiatipn ;3i_i(,‘€i)7€€d. for" s:vha%tc-ve1*% o1~‘1‘:~e%ec1om. it e11_jQys'.” ‘§-‘Va-A a(:.z:c*p£:%%%the~ fifa.'3C_)1i.‘1:§3j:i‘i1‘I”:§€3I‘;‘t, whi1:_”s%t We (.1espi.sc the} %ssa:'+::z1:wan1.-~«}§;*3‘»%L1t ”'co1‘rupti0.11s0Q1i begsul to» mm. I<}:c;1“ :w.=:.:y the fouzzciaw “{:ions of t11e.‘st1‘uctu19e%they hzucl c<3.11t1~ibuted to 1'aise, _:1nd’h:xis:v:711t1;;sAt cim?e1'<3d%tI1c: Vwhple bAcady of the Vstztfie with hfil”. cqrrodixag p.O.iSQ11?. ‘ The su%sp:::ns%io.:1 of the .H.-abeas Corpus, mow become inveterate,‘ has t3.1%:e%n mvay this: great .é;eCurity';i1gzzVinst, a1'bi;tra2- r imp1*i:s<3n~ meat ; the go_vcrzxm,ent threatms to bec<:.:me .3. n1‘i1i,—- tzézry despotism; zmd the Ez1g~1%i~sI1pe<3p1e appear to be updnj the verge O3f£11}C3g'3;1_"?,_,¢;‘3If’ st1‘1Vz%g‘;fle, vvhich fore- ‘bodes a mpre violent and; s_23.n§3“1!,i11a1‘y confiict, than ;¢u1y’tI1ey have ycit ¢ndu1'e%:i.—e-Ifwe tumn. our eyes to. Wards F 17.3.1106, shall we Qb'S€I“\;'€ :1 more e:»:}1i1iratiz_1g prospect ? ii the d‘epV2§rted "C1€Sp.O€iSII1 (fifths B,0urf~ 130113 We are called% upoi1_—tQ_adn1iiie a11d1*eg§:*et it ‘$316 revolutionary ana1f£;I1y5 wI1%ic;h) f01lo%vvec‘i, xsvhic;-b;. mockeci arid b1Xasted.;%9th”k:'hwo;3es. Qfits vomries%, and held f0,1'th the most sp.1endid: "prospects 0f%improvemen«t,% ‘ oxilyfo deludc" and t5 jects_; Securing his newythrone by trlliaficel with those ancient fam1hc'_s Whose roots h._i1fvet'strucktlee15iiit1 the :'Eui'op€'zm 5033;: end bindioghis brows V»’i‘£l1AVilV'AlClLO2'iO1,lS xir1*eatl1s;, the nmrchesi e‘ontot“'l1iis ‘object’.-.-—.."l‘he freedom ct" ispeech, andi..of‘"tl1e”preiss, in tr. country where the right of trial by "j‘11‘+‘Y$ tallfil. the privileges oi’ ” the Habeas Corpus are onltnown,‘ 1As»:mdu‘1ge-cl no fsrtheri than the pleasure of the sorereiign per.-as imits. A jeeiottsiahd V_igii§ll1tvPOliC€ Wtttfll with :m:;-. iety the slightest hreezeeof commotion, "and repress with rigor’ everyrourmt11* of co11‘1plai11't, The um i happly victim of oppression hasino r€:fug-elseeure from their activity, and their powert A pensioned p1~iest-.- iho_ocl‘eadornetl with the pomp; and ern1eclWitl1tl1le terrors of r_e.li.gion, teach the mzi5u_r f?eIlo‘tv-citizens,; tbatb fL_h¢ % sgza is the e1e«mb:;nt ubpon; ‘which we aticbto win i*%;nit'y‘s,%.::1bax1d__iriC1is4c;s‘; and that the Festablisllnlent “cl? :.+::wy’ WQu1£1bIfo':.*n1 it ”shie1d“‘:for*‘ ‘ . - 0 . T6 t'i'*1epz‘otee‘tio‘e2‘i ofoure con“n‘:1::ri§ié,' s‘eg;:M2ee us ageflixaset i‘11fvasion, aric1'sij§;rz;x1i§:e7t11e mler, sl-fill zmd a__etivit3.r of our countrymexi. But if’We .recd.l1eet that ' m21rz—1« timeforce éidequate to these ends, .“;\«:’C\JI.V!.}'.'1.f;.} absmb‘ in itsMsuepporttliexivhole "profits of this efJ1nfne1*ee,a17d eould d;13y be 2'11a111'1ed% eb~y‘2m iiwas‘io11‘e of A t1‘1eEibe:ty* of a Wiiole class of our citizens by i1‘*np1~ess1neint:s, we ' sham e11ave’% reasr;m; to d0L1bt"t§?1e 'SO1.I’11dfi€SS of this o§piniox1g “ T l1riL3’a}1usio11 to%i1np1‘essments rez€n.i:e:ids'11ese of témt foul clisgrzzee ~t0V%0u"1* _1‘mtio1~1a1 1*ep'txtatieon, fvhieh Withers the laurels acquired? in the War ofomr reyelutiozen, ma. alniost effaces the g1Q~ries of its t}i"' m'r;p}:s. *’1?"‘h~e A1neri'C‘a1iCitiVzeenis seizecfby rmfffizizm vioiexxce his bcm is seaxnedwith ceruel scars; 11i~sr— limbs are nzutiiated ; his free‘,e‘ m;ir11y,T anfi eree_' spirit is broE«:;e11 down; and he iseeonstraineeci 1:0 fight the ebzazeties of his o;p‘pre§s01*s,. ethm;u;g11, this bar*b:trous, bioody, :/smd inte1*n1im1bl.e Wa.1*.., X'C@.“ have nmsomed with our superfluous VV'£;‘2”s1i'th our 11n:% 'f0rtunate breth1‘e11'\vho wee%reensI21ver.1 by the bar” barians of .z~‘s.friez1 ; but we su‘r'fer% these our cou11t2*}*=4 Amen tolinger out their ezvzisteme, in :1 stili more grading servituedeee. VJ e haveshouted--—---M'iz’4’z"orrmv;*”e“i>2*°' dqféirzr,-:5, 5242.‘ rm‘ (2 c€r"zz*f(3~r triffute !»——xv11iIs1; we pay to this grim idol the tr1bu"te of the ‘toil; the 1'i3:)e1'1.y=.;;,; a11"c1i the blood of t-1ou:~3€=.11ds' of oi?:1*%ci*tiz%e‘11s, an«dec‘ieen'1 thee sée'C“1‘ifiee," “‘ rid essezztial L't.‘;‘3Fj‘L1I.""«'4.”—-e?-jVVh$n,- e0:_2.nt1"_v111en,'. sI1a11’%this%%st2.i11 up013m1i* mt,i01_1a1 honor be wfi1e)edraWay ‘.7 The pirates‘ offB;11jb211*y have the thundezfs of our fmfixnt 11z1?Lrj,'.‘;ee;but theilj te1*1‘om’ have not been able te{seei11‘e our citizéexm f1*om‘thi<_i :?g1“:ominy'. '}Th1*ec:' j,'e.:i;fsV have ‘ now e‘ie-apsecl since t11etrezzc11ei*o:r.s: zxtmeit orrthe Ciieszzpealce. e VVf1"t§1i;:1 sigizt of thoseee :~_:Jm:‘es,exx?1f2ez'e% 'C‘0r§1\V’21}IiS and his C'c*.p1'ZiA\-‘€“I<:“{35‘i€‘!1‘1.’~3, 1:,:id7dow:n‘ 'their% arm.s,e the lstzizxdrard ~ ef?ou1' Union dmoped witl1*disg1'§-ace. Tl1e1=Ameri-5 ‘Vt . . {.3 ."* 1 u fin‘: ‘r. y‘ {.411 eagl , fiqggecaflhls Hang. ‘“ _::.cn::h‘d in dar1;A5e1o;1§¢1s qfvfi1_1‘n'§ber.eI§e, e ‘ ~ .“ 'l'hc terror 9;‘ his beg§;,and1ighcenir;g of his eye.” A Three times hmre we assembled to ee7eEmte_ ia:i?;h festive 3:33", and pze,2ms Of tr‘iL‘jL1nphant fi?XLl_1~“{E1’§iO11 the natai 1213' 0i“"oLn* fmedozn. Yete thi:~:. 132159 agp;ressi<>11 u remains; R\’\»’l’thQ1.1t latonlement. ‘Without atoncmexxt l_ did I say ‘? It is still coilEix1L1ed_ and Aagglmvaigd by tlm detention of our citizcgns who vr;:re"tl1us.ta%l;ez1 in; ‘I clellance ol the un1ve1*sull21w zmd usage:*of'.'na‘a:ic511s.--ell‘ It is clismvowcd iufilrm ; but it is acknowledged “in. _/Em: ; and we are now told by the nmn, who bore to Dfilllllflfli “the nxamclate xvlxiclm conssignccl her capital to the llssmacs, that no SZltlSll;lCtlOI1 Wl1'.1tC\"€i‘I‘ will bearer»- clerealf f'<:>2* it, unless we recognize tlm’ right of his mzxsg tar to_pez~slst in the very prm:tlcc,llofxvhlcl1 WC so” jzxstly c0mpl:1in. « l The zxwst z'mmero1.1s and best disciplined arlnles a11(lI11?LVl€:‘S, and <‘:v<:11 ‘ashc Inost pe1*§€c:t militairy 02‘g£n1.~l iazutlon cf :1 whole peopléz, are zzlcne insufficlent :fo:* l’.l%(;3.°3i‘3Ct11‘.lt}' ol'fr£:ccloz*z1, Her citaclcl 1118.)’ lift‘ its‘ lofty tm'x‘cts; in proud dellcmce of open menaces anal zlssaxults ; Wllllélt its fi)’i‘lIi£lé‘1’ClOI1S ale secretly am-ll izln,» pcrccptlbly Szlppiicl zxmllcrmzlzblecl to ruin, ‘or its garg risen is excitccl to l?oul"lx*evolt by the int;'lig;uing arts of its fo<::~3. A nation may be conqzlezmi, witlwut beincr inmclc;-d; and tlae lil3<31'ties ofl{i1*im %fthe dfiparifgd sages who Watched in the council, and of the heroes who died in the fieid, ta misc, not *?:‘ht:1'z1s<:1ves,; but “their country, to g:m21tx1ess,% 10014: down upon their poste1‘if,y, and call 1153031 us to dc; iazzzzci the szxcred work oftik-*i1* hi:{ncIs.%%%‘ T1105’ felt hoVxxr:sxvéet‘i*tis todie for our couzutrj,-n, They <:0m-- mand 11swnot%%*m%d¢%s%p;1ir, ’s:§.11c,e:_t1’1zzt reraotnrcc at last will be left 113:: H7*¢this fai1*_fabriC 0f"na#;i0r1al {raze- dam, 1~€:are