[BYTIM C W STR0‘-We C)‘raEt:Io:Y1 _c<:}n-~* “f[iT駑am . « THE imoN, Esq. for his. excellent "An’niVvé1*s % Torinity to ‘the cgef1era1'Wish of ciliej;-’a”tiiiicinc_e,;f1rcéqu c6'ast'Ieto}2,.J2aly 6,~1812A." A A A A 7'SEIV..;AH G'R ‘» c 2 SA AL; M1N'o12. A vim‘ » A Tciwthgc Gomiizittea qfi4‘r2*awgé27z*e§2fc; * A GENTILEMEN2 % %' .~ 3% _ ‘ ‘V A . L? ’ , Your requestof a copy"o_f'1ny _,pra.ti6n,“" in cozuformitycto ctliewishes “of the audiehce,is;‘fiattering*“'é$rideiicé“'AoftfiAé%ii*'"afiprfibation of the principlesv %' and sentiments Written in haste; at an impo1"cant crisis ofpublic a.fi"ai1*s.c My compliance will exposce mevto the uncanclid 0bS_(31.‘fV3.1Zi011S and censureg A °f °a4?Pi???5ra%*’i?i91‘%c 1” Indy A expect; i1r2}t'Inpa1?ag*imzsiénxxdcfserfi‘cences'«Axvil1icm1~iv§deécI‘ian:d ccsub;-d~11vided,; % angl even Words %transVposedVt‘o rliscolour sentifnents and make out faiese posi--3 % %'tic~ns‘a.n;1J_ffic'té. "V flfo vcoffrectfinisrepi-esentation, agd to ’g~1fatifyt]-ye csgliciun I f11.fi‘ons¢:‘6f': mycfricnds, I have coiicludéd ‘Co sub111it)a\c0pyV to yo%L1ifc<~:1'is‘}‘)<;>Msal._ c 73116 pub1icé.fion~ will afibljd any satiSfacfio11,' or in'foi'm:itio11"cV'o%t}1%e ‘loin! %% +~*"'”“'”/érs ax:1d¢trueg:supportérsi“‘of ratid111:;a,;1'cc1iI3e1't"_v, ‘ixV1H‘ép‘end“cncc, it" Will’ :9. A A;e1c1x~i~ewam1:o use pu1:»11ck’s« Hfubley se1»x«.mt,, V _CHAUNCY cLAN@D0m«~ ‘. , :,. , c c c ». ,, vn ;. M “ 53‘ - ‘ «aw 'm;';:' ‘M N! , I H W v. H‘ W “ V ‘ - ‘ 1 , -‘ 3 W “ = ‘ : ‘ x‘ ‘ 1 . % ; V V we“ c ~ \ c cc c M ‘ 3 -‘ ._ ‘ Z, ‘ ‘ ‘V ‘ .» ’ . ."“n ~ v ‘ . ‘ . M”, . ‘ A \‘ ‘ \ ‘ c v ~. A c c 1 c - 0 % — % ‘ c 1 , “ ‘ \' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ «N u ' “ , ‘ n. ‘ I ‘ _’ ~ '. ' i g c _f'*<=+¢?'*,_'+ V A HE gQvGi*n1ncfit:ccof$%o1«114 chohice re111a.ix1~s~;->-Jet the 2Lccc‘{a.~A» ‘an AA “1?1cat.i0%1S[iif frcceAemencasce7n.i1‘tMhe thro.,.:1e 19f» .cHIi‘viT Whocc !"UIes“4t1ie armies of Jhezwfen, and directs cthe destinies of «1i1C1' Iw The qfyou~r liberty, guard 1:113, ‘a.1‘ck_ of our pea.c.eLanc1 safety, G“a.ncd z'ej0&ii3.ce with fear and trenib1i4ng.” c % cc ; ‘ The 1.anite(.le‘ne17g‘y of fxfeemen, protected by the God of the cllotwe A r: so weal: becanaesirong ;w—--the yoL1thfL~:I éwtnies, thi2°tyW six years ago, shook Mtlnectyramnic tlnione of Q%u3' mcot11e1'% conntryto‘ its centre, ; and the hancl of liberty ph1.<:ked_t~he ljxfigixtest gem from her icmperial crown.‘ _ c C'[%’}jA1e motlxéf hzxd y fopgottcnc her s1w,ckincgc % child Vi:-;--An as c c PL1 ara,ol1c’csc ;cl:.m1ghtér“ccc‘*h~e11eld%Ifl1e$ qs¢s% c %%%I1is; M 4 arm” an host ‘ c:md%fi.ec.essity soon 12LLl§;'h't.,L1S,c~ci¥1~h.f3FcSC}1001'Of %e:s:perciecnce, the _Wi%sd,on1» and pcrguc1e¥}.1;ce%'$QLf% ages. ,AdvVifcew : VVfaS‘ lav; are-;.. -cctét1* wc-3l l ‘flieivf parts, and cem1ifla}fed iecaclx, A %cGi%cT1ei* s7%~se‘f'*¢e%}aI1ds,ra,Ve,1.heir Cot1nt=ry;;> A » A ‘ u ‘ t ‘ ".1 The snzpplianp vvflojc\g3*%%cof%' vir’5c 1:10i:s»cf1'e % n reacxaeacctzsg ‘ throne."<>fc11eay'£m ;..,.,.;1~nd~‘< He who %u r%t;l‘eSjc%1:h€§ nation“s_o,f~ 1113; c <_:arth with :1 rod, saw Atlle c%L1“cagva,iI df¢ourcsop1sca.na was satis-A iz1ed;.”—c M 7Hec:spa1l %the%%‘patr1~otic¢%4rofessions; df ,a:r%/disinterested lover of% % b 4% | promises; op1jrd~bF:rim1\s ¢p..~§ % % ‘A 1 J ?et%sc;f Vmdern @ po11t;cal * vocabulary"; yet“ Awill: ; nangee4o£ A 9-I efi ”"n.nd~int,e::_;~rity, according %)1o.q the §.fLm.e» A A of oL1fere}1o;1y religion ;se3;e moulcl men s?za¢z£cl:.doe‘zmtEo« yen, A gdleeeeem the s4cme%unteo et}‘ze7'nI.e J Ilfmst eSte'em?a11de treat‘ A4 his. w%fe1!o\v_mener1d his _supe‘ea-?i,o1ews~eeihemerit aa.nd ‘ office with be-» cenpizxg defe:‘*e%e,ne;ee%e; X101‘ dehaee; elzzignxself by cringir3ge1;yepoe4 Ifisynoz:obta.in'jfevo1*‘s advantages AA Tdishonerafibie A e mans, Hee;~1n:L1st~n;eteact as if the eyes of the pubIi;cee%We1‘ee only upoeng11in_1, and with aeeviewflco epleese all; but %111m~:.te 4i~’ee1% and 8.{J‘13‘vE1SeZLI’.1 3;UC70L1I1table ,beiug to a; mall i11e;for111ecteco“2x-3 eseieencemid toVehis;(;‘rod. The Virtuous Mcgleictates eofa. :m:m’s \ A mwrn 1)1*eas£em%eeeeease3a god Witllinvhis mind. eiTheyea¢1*e«a.%per~% m2ment,anc1er:o1"1rectrule of his Jmeemleancl civi.leeo11dL1ct.*s e V %Tha.tep0yL1te1im*i‘ty, ew'hic11;is ofte11?so11ght after by flatteringf words a.:ac1 pu.1‘»a17ic actions, afi‘o1*ds.11oei11\va.rde satisfaetioaa, nor 1asti11g«I12L})peiness. "eBLri,et.11eat, ew11%i(:h-isebestowed Lxpon e a. 111a.n¥fer his geed and%veirtuous-actions, and will bear the! test ofeti1ne,eie:eworth en-J'ey%ir1o-. e T 11:-It efmne, w11ic1‘1is efiaen acq11ei.z'ed*£wit11ox1t x11e1'it,eand as easily losst., isgas the 11o;‘:ique fVa.peo11r ofrseta;gxmn1'.ewaters heated bywthe seorc11ix1gesu:ex.—-- 4 The n.1zm, who hismind to pursue aefteer eve1'y‘p!op~ fuIa.j;; j,e;11e1)x,;lse, bfiflflmlesg; a slave ewijghgeut wages:-1-:--but he, ‘f whose vani pat. eeeflxperience ha.s.toId us, ancbhistory has coe‘fifi1*1 ed turned to eexecratieoaiswetheeenexte,‘ elmNeei%eagerly pm‘-e vented after popuelaree.pepIeLxJse,§e zuxdfi a«::q1xirec1,for a;,;tigne,et11e % e%2~Tccz!'rie;ts%,% % T} et, ecs%weS%oer1, % "eetritth ‘has A strip- e e defiaxvay theweileeefrni ‘deln%~sei?on=,jthey appeam i;ne’t1f;eIrnat+_ A ural%defe1‘1:nity5‘th»easeasesins z)felib»ert;y.ee. ° ,; “ C man, govertxed be . , ecorreeetqpr1nCi;)«Ies,~:end eepm'ie?en1o- ‘ fives, Willi everfeeleane*acte11imAseee1f. 4*%e Ad0r11ede‘Witl1 ‘integ- V rity andea. good Conscience, he wi11eecexx:e1m.med»;t11efrien*ds11ip J and esteem of good men, andthe?iV11wa1'd,fi1et1gh reluetzmt, respect of the bad. * Free from a servile dependence “on others, he can ca.lmly : l0ok%e%%‘“arpm1d onthe V ufiseriees afld Vc11anges of life and %t11eworld,ewith an serenity of %mind,e which alone can make 23. man ehafppyg anc1eis““ as an ancher V of the soul, both smte and se%t.eajci£’a;s‘i;.%”‘ % Such agxmn is truly: ] free! e%%fSL1eh.:3,ee11'_1”e1x1 is truly independent 1% $eSeueh\_n1ene%%i:neof- A eijicee will difiusewtlxe I;>1eesiegs of A freedom? and : imiepe11dence‘V ty 1eafd}s h'i1n%1;Qn1i;s«tea.ke the ef fa moli) r % % H18 ~ fact, A that the shogutseof ‘t11e%x11uItitLxde on 4oneKda.‘y», wi1l%be 7 ‘firmllncl A ;l?e:cc’eplt lb lxvillllinlg” l sIa’vesl.l MSL1cI1naé1&~a»l A V ‘J will consti£11tlé la;1. g,-1jeaL,$lll.lfnele, anrll invincible mi.ti4on 2 %n1a.n, fwholl is devoted to am y? inan“ or ; His passion s, ‘prqjludices, * ltliolllglxtg ; and a,_c- , tidlisllfii1aké;ljlhiin a; slalvel to the Will, caprice and vines of oth-A l A Atlfirstilvi(42w,lAitxnay appear cotxciliatlory and pleasant; ” AAto_tl:le%%taste,7butl in the end, it will be as Wormwood and ga.lll.l V Flt ‘fill bite like a serpent and sting like an ads.,lerl.’l’V V %“§Ca.n we call Qhat man free, W110 113,5 nothing tlmt is jhisl A M’ '34--'-43% W11 V fmeldlom and ind K V _ t%o% promote lthe lute own ?, whose hezirt and hands we the sportllof forttmel llandir of“0theI's 9 ?[w?ho,“m ust bea;rllw,1'thj%t,his f%111&m’s» caplrice % V 7 %m‘a,Ii’s. scorlnl? nnust profejssfriendlshjplllwhlerel l1:ml,~e*sl,~ ”fa.nlc1f:l respgglt ;s:rlle,§rQ l?’l’;, . A A l whose won l at A tljCT,"p€IlS§é.Cll‘7t€(i‘ b “ 3* ~84 Party Of imam ELre;llsl2Wes‘>i‘ir1deedI----To 3/zcmz, I1a.Li0l”l3iLI ,, 4» 2/, V - l5“), % 7 ‘e1)enden::e, lare “as sounding brass at: tinkli11glsyml>o1s.’7 V l A \ V ‘Believe me, my friends, that ho clmins bind so lmrd, and no fetéers are so sir as A xll Eel "0S1“n0lTf1f'e1]1tary V _ is Whi§.h l£‘:5:14l tlagln .‘ ”‘ l ‘ V-”=‘fllWhoIa1;:j;V11<1s hgsv lim-I M. V l * l:1f1atii‘life?sll and jc:ss7e:1lce%S l;nem~13~ l Biz:Imximnnatl11*;im"A%::.1:»out“¢4;: boast, flauer, and bluster along ; but soon step“ :ih%t?b:th’(: pit,%% A and_ are %s¢eLr1% no¢'more wlleilst tllemexfiorionis p.ass%‘11nhee.d:: . 7e~d b'y; Some, filled% as with irxflamable aiAr,1vapo:mr% a1‘o{md,‘ ‘and I;e1;7d‘ in is111oke. Others, impelled by ra;g£§,%%1naIi(§e; a.r”1d”re~venge, rush ?%or11ik%e 1nad men, and set’t11e wm.1d;m1% % fire.‘ Few, Very fevv;entert.l1e stage %of‘actio171, afi ‘ the ;c,; 11[§ . of othev1's,5a.ct well their part, uniformly’ Apagg t}1e va1.iduS'. sc.e11‘es of life, and unblem1shedstep behind t11eVcurtaix1%of‘ tin1e;.” Fewe1*st1,lI, wa1ki%ma3e%st1c%i:1 their own sp‘her”e=$o‘f ac- ti%ori,«a11d, unpollutedg withthe stain‘of.vice,f“ ascend the‘ 4 th€m%ne of ViK‘t.l1;(~3, wi1;h 1E.1eV_\e1‘ Vfadi1'1g“ la%u1feIs,.%and finaI‘ly oI;j.; tain a crown of g-lofiy. M M ‘ _ ; W ‘expIoreM the rerztesses of the 11umqun“I1eartV, tI~év‘elc5pé “ V ’ éd;%%%%%tp%1%wt1nfoM1fl T’to.pu.bli‘c[ view t“;11eA Q 11 task; 11 * ”? _ co‘=mte111%p1atiVe W V‘sCenéS' Shofilld we % % b%eh0Id[ I-3-;I*IoW j 1f1af1§7L rise a§t‘ts “to‘(1‘e:C%eiVe,% V3.1':&d ApvdTI=§ti~ca;l n1a.;~ [ ' % V noe*uv ers% to circVumvex1t;degra1ide,% d ‘finalg % % 1y to subjugatear;£iVensIa.ve¢ others? t%or?§%A‘tIfémaeFVé3s 3?-:- V 4 and% generally call‘. it,%'r1‘w: ”Ij'<:jv1:*;4 ‘ or ‘I1»IE%%"r1:«c5?i’L%LE% ‘ ' We A shall % see thenlproject pI2Ams~%%cme~5T%r wa.jr,j a,5“.nd‘ 'eX%ec%ute5o 1* accomplish tllefia another :~—an*dfOftien b yT_;1;he T1nea'¢o%s%%of eIj'I‘or;4 p'1fejL1diC€3 x d eI usion% 1”-.--"v‘%%7%%c=,-M sha1lVsee%%th{ein%Tc0mpassing the ocearm the earth througll seas of blood a’nd'»~ca.ru‘age', end‘u1‘i"”ng *‘aII~the evils :«.md horrors of civil and foreign “vmrs, to 5._2;1-ati%fy'% l1a’tre$d, fnalice, or revenge “S”Vor%toVohta.iz1“tV11e bL>1bbIe,jca.1:l%ed¢ or a'”co1‘diaI peafie, which is eqttally interesting; and» dc7is%if214b1e ‘t’o_%b?Ioth "parties ! A V7Vc: %s}1a}IAT gee the most %insidious-,: V stible ! AVV:e*%be§15Id ”‘Ah%orn&V1m«:%«t1w; :_ 1)ound1eSs«fié1d 136 me ix}; a°rié1i%4%izmT” 3 4 Hm: if we view%n1a11kindjc%onf%%‘demtedin civil éociety,'the A i It M :Vg1*5ts% fwd jpu1'ests“b;enév{31ém:e AbIe1{d%éc1 tog<§t}1e2*w-andfh5@ ’ Vilest ’strat.ag'e1nsAconcemled umler the veil ofpatz'i0tis111 arm! the p»L1bIitJ:%good : *and% the int’eres:ts, rigllts, lfljiberties m1d :l1%a.ppinéss%"f~ off Anations sacrificecl to the sordid :paasio%ns, vanity: ‘ - ‘ vv “ . “o “ ‘. ‘u .. j . ‘ m ._ and ]awl%es#samb1t1on%sof lndxvlduals I---J10 trace the Asprmgs “of l"mmanactioLn to t11ei1'%~so11rces would, ihdeé(l,4% fu::*r1ish U3 %ivitI1 “%a; sf‘Loz'e hpusve %ofeX%per%ie2%1ces. ?The %orig§in.,%%ris%e a.nd%f2Ll1 cf ?:n1at%ions, Astates and e111pires¢; the Aefibrwts and[fxiL1%its%o%f*geni11Vs¢ %;A?;tke infi%11‘enm. and efléctsw of V %~v5me %a.n*E1 The W oindwful \%»o§~1*»9*1<‘43‘»3’7%3 2md% %})Vri13g % ¢eAsks*Wo‘m::1d be '“ AA ‘T33 .l£bEr‘ty a 1cme t11k3i.t"g“iV@S’ 'flb%§i?ers % I V V ""“.’Of»‘flep1;, ltieg miter the;la.ndleof prmmige. "4HEAtl1erebj,r tough.t them les- V 87Ql1SiOflHWiSd(l)1’£1d by tfieirj sufierlings, which they; iweeldinet learn from 1113 goedness; I Tl1is%lnz1tiox1‘ C011i.llj1LIC5{1 Vui1de1‘t.hat form of gove?:3me§alt.llun~$”i i ‘til the 'dTea;tl1 eflSeumel ; when they cixoee a king to mlel ever tijiem against the will of 1G-0d,«e.n£1 inculrrelszl Hi-side-~ gimzeietionws fer their folly. l l V ‘ A ‘ e % ll 1 In their‘. elections, they omen p1'efe’r3:‘el£l‘tl1elibidineusizmdl "vicious someo£thleir,11eml~111a.ids, to l:li7e4Vi1'tuous$ aml legiti-l Anéfce children of their deliverers end“ benelfaetors, and were as often chastised by thel objects oftlieir .choiee, Vlferitlie ‘abuse ef their ‘libertly 3.Yl'd.l;}l1€‘l.I" iiigraiittide. -V The history‘ X .-}efi§_tl1e.tlll11;i1;LiQn clemozfxstréxtes the fact, that na.ti0nalecala1ni- Qtiles are I finseperebly «%co1i:1vected with n-a.1;io'n_al sins, and lthe l .‘;"&ll)@:1‘Se<" of f1’eedem 1:. Tlzatl tfzee miekcgl i2jule,lll the lpeQ%bile‘i 2'61)WclltolaevI2¢o1>le»:l ‘ , 4 i % Qftelil t%ook.aVvia;yV freinitlieir cez1nciIs,lllll*l“ lzlieinighty man Wand the lease of war, J the judge and the prophet, and the «pa:%~udei1t’ai'1dtl=xe ancient; and gave children to be their prizlzc%es, and lmbiese to r11llel1ove;*j;hem .s’lf’l Te the end tiliet the »ili»emhl ;f9rff t1l1e;iI‘l sf? l ii = :li>eoi>lel‘ nlieht 0P}:)rC'S$li19ixlinliySh'\Ba’C11‘¢theré "@nfl”$f-‘ filatiihe “ Ghild niiehlt; behave piltazxcilylaigeixlstl the aged, alidthelmsee l legreliinén % the l10nozizz.l*31e;’7 lD;ilvi%ne ‘ revelatiiolnffl _twl1us_ c1ella.::1g,+ V .ei1ews 'tl1a.t1nenarc11y, or the abuses of go;vern111ent5 1:}evg- _ er metlwitli Diy*ine,a,pprQbvation; " s l All nations eglree%1itl1el; Somelforlnlief geveridment is ahea- lutely necessary for ‘their geace,elha;ppix1ess' zmcl[se.fel;y _; _ and V/fl1a.t a. supreme_ power ‘C-f0.‘*»‘41«&:‘ltitA‘x‘l‘te‘S“’ti-lie e,eenc,e of geverln... Wnleet. “The. vesting lief tl1ellsupee1i1elpewei' designatesilie _fiform%; which is either simple or C0fl£1pO1illd. % % % ; l The simple forms of government ereDeni1ocraey, A,1fi$toc1f;1~ % _ l eeygand Mona.rehy.——-All other ferms of gollvernmelnt a;r%ellcom-” jpdurlded of Athese. ‘ A l - % I1i;‘2LlDen:1ocrzLcy, ltlie supreme lpojxver is ‘vested in theiwliolle ofltheiepeople. Tl1eyla.1"e Qolisiideredl as%a§l1ic_¢lee;l,l4erjx1ie};ta- MW’! F . W - all person, having but one nriIl;l1n11st have stated times and places for the whole l nobody of the people to meet together to deliberate, and express that Willl,,whiejh«lisl the law of the it land; andrltheir judgment, thus met~,is ether sentence of the law. The will of a majority must be considerede asthe will ~ of the Whole. l ' l * = In an Aristocracy, itis vested in some of the principal «men in the nation ; and is either he1‘editary,er electivell , In an electivpyeygovernnnent any party, onset of men, *cIaim- ing or exercising an exclusive right of ofice is an aristocra-l whichiseither elective or hereditary ; Andfwherever the sovereigii is, theretis the government. l a V l p » Each form has itsifclefects and ehcellencies. The defects are generally in therulers; and sometimes in the governed pment itself. 4 A bad government, Well administered, is bet«-- ter than a good government badly administered. i c In a;Monarchy the supreme power is vested in one man‘; , Ina monarchy the defects of the person or rulers, are *wh,en» the king, or sovereign has not the necessary qualities to govern ; to wit, genius, wisdom, integrity, virtue and, love of the people. In an aristocray, when by hereditary right,loryby in? * trigue, faction, or any corrupt means, Weak or Wickedl men ,be»come,lor are eIected,ll1:n,ember'sl of the national councils, to l the ilrexclusionilsof; men ofmeritlandfinforination.' A .‘ e 1 ; ‘ e i In A democracies, the defects Vare, in the l people gthelmse majority of them often become corrupt, turbulent and ilicentions. Blinded by hatred and prejudice; or by i11or~ ydinate love aim lattachment.-4--Deceived by flattery and falsehood they become pilncapacitateld to deliberate with lcoolness,to reason with candor, to judge correctly, or to e eproiit by the advice of their real friends. i Wl1eneve,r thisis Ives. A l case, they aretoo often impelled, by ‘envy, a prejudice, = V , hatredand; revenge, tollact ‘witl1»impetuosity, and, like a , emilgjhty torrent, sweep away the Wise, lprudentliland ljnstl; ‘V l“0pipY7eSS*ilmerit, and drive pnbiic virtrze into exile. v lD1ivis- ions sandlllainarchy ensue and the body “vpolitlie: l becomes ,_dis- . laltryactedys ,then,‘,despotism* often‘ sprinfgsl~up out of l coniu sion ; ‘an'd,l with tits arni, lays: prostrate in the (inst, all that is dearpllto?1nan=,eand sweeps away from the pee» *fple~e“Very =o?f~ liberty ;--{andeltliyey ‘become the empty; A Al5%l§skzn.i,qfanpimrzzlolatczllleziemmJ, ya = These Fdefeiotsl the pertsons ofthe rulers arek often Vcaus-in ed}by9t.heldefectsfin the governn1entlt;l.is rinynot havirlxg prop-A er cheeks and balances of power, to prevent its abuse, to in- vigorate and regulate its operations a11d‘:move1.nents in the body politic, pi ' l , s l , i y a To remedy these evils and defects, to obtain and pre- i serve greateriser;:L1rity in tlieyenjoylnent of the yscivil rights ‘ of man, ()0II1pC}1]lTlCt or mixed forms of government have been ninstituted.‘ ,'1"l1esle are co1npoL.1ndedl,.lof the tlireeslmple * forms, or either two ofthem :—--eeé;:z.cl1 forming, andyoperating as a check or balance, oftne power of other, These forms areV,e,'enerally limited Jiuonarohliesgas Great Eritian, - and are generally compounded of the three simple ‘forms, and may be liereditary or elective :—.....,or republics, which are oornpoundecl of the aristocratic. and democratic forxns. The people, in republics, generally act by their mediate or immediate representatives ; and, not by themsfelves, as in democracies. it y i i r A All governments are professed] y instituted , and our xght to be practically yadministered, to promote the peace and happi- ness ofthe people, and to,’ preserve national liberty. Liberty, or free goVe‘rnn1ents,»l1arve two mo1fta1,,,¢nemi,es,lri it divisions, and,;IlioentioL1,sness.al proof ltliese, disordiers, con f ua-' lsin, ;p?olitioal intolerance" and an implacable ,spirit of pm;-133:, inltheypeop7le,loften arise, and the consequent oppressionpin the rulers; especially, if elected , by an organized party. In allwflree and elective governments, these evils very often, if not a1ways,l generate eaohother; and, ifnot speedily rem-~ edied, will ssinevitably end finthe worstof tyranny. p It hasylbeellyrltheilauldabIe"studY Of political writers to find s that happyitexnperature in a mixed form of government, so as to checl§,~oont.roul and remedy these evils. , They have» en~deaV'oL11'ed so to frame and con1pound=them, "with proper clieoks and balances of power, as to preserve union A and en-. ergy toast, to gtlard iagainst fdivisionx and licentiousness; ‘and yet secure the people against the abuse of power, and in the uninterrupted ,enjoyment of all the rights and bles-«i sings of freedom and independence. ’l3his great desideratum, I fear, has never been found, so , esto perpetuate any form of government Wlllilollt frequent , ichanges and revolutions, which are generally injurious to i the community. England and the Swiss Cantons have A re- ‘ mailynedytlle longest, in modern times ; and one of themil M mmv no more. The Llbertiesfland n2ttio1mfl~exist$ence of the %F%ra“ve zmdAvTi1*t11eu1s Swiss 1ia%ve%%b%een perfideously seized by % {fl1eizellisIzAg%rezsp o7fthe_s(:ourge of nations. "How 1Vong%our happy form of ‘government will remain, % God” only knows, N0twitl1st2mfdi:*1g, it was formed bythe V united wisdom of A we na.ti~on, which lmd been purified Lfromher dross, inwthe furna.ce of adversity, ar1d&tau,ght in the school o1"?v.irtue4 31nd, Wpatriotismg and was orgzmized bythe cemer1ting»4%$%ha.n(f“““ of - V him,fin%Who.111the,per1”ectio%n of Inortals dgweltg yet we lmvé 5greatreaso%r1t9V fear that T fl1e*s;eed%s% of dis?%cord 2md cV1i-%- vision haVve%bee%%n;;;;lready sown, and are too vfast sprixig,-:ing~ up in this free an ¢o.m:e %hapA_py %%kgoVc-érnmentA;-wthat “we1;z;x_w_ too mimy. exotic £p}m1ts%0f a strange Ville this; ;vineya.rd mu" freedOm. 4Their_l_uxi1riant grow7th‘?fr eb%oVdes no A Jgood, * v ¥jLfli%V%évil}4A ]fea;1**s’ %in<=re:a;se with fthei}r%%%%nw1;1iI1bers;4‘and' 4,stre¥ifgt.he?&. ‘1} tljeir %?strefig‘th».% VA V Ilope df%f.Uture urgion, , p{”ez1;<:e and hap%pine%ss% sicfkens a.t t1”1_.ei1;' if1fl‘L1QncQV.f V f;A gtive AcQ1mtx'ieS,.disgorged“many bf than as %Ioa.t¢hsome". pests, m 1*est.Iess b:urtfi‘V1ens tptheirb‘ody.poIitiCg rtlpion our peaceml _and%more than h‘@spitabl"e shQres. Too‘ much caressed zmcl patronized, by maxny, as the innocent victims of tyranny fiancl the exiles 0~f%.f1'ec%»;~<1o1I1,%, they have assumed a,7t.boId‘ %_VanAd ,;di1;us<-3 .01‘ the best%bf%o;u r revoxtnmng. my c11a..rzi.c:ters,&whosélives%a,nd%fortm'2es% %h'¢L vew been Acheer; ; flzI*Iy%devoted to, agnd spent in,“ t11Aew%%se:rvice%%0f t.heir ‘country, % \‘T11at ‘infiuenc_e in society, wllich had been justly acq11irec1 ‘ by their vi1*tg1es".and integrity,7%a.nd 1‘<«3mained_.to them a,s%t11ej zarowtns of %t11ei1‘VgIo1iy, has been ;p1i.1c1;ed1 away, A ;ar1d 1:ramp,.-_ M A ;l“ed'$i%n the Vdustof‘%détrac4tionA‘!JfIhe 1:mre1sh% Mof V¢ merit ’have ;bee;n,_%su;'1feptitiousjly ta.1;§~m zLwa,y'Afron1‘ the just;}Ciaikma11tAs,% % ;%a.nd%jJl;Lk;ed%%on g%r}a;z*.e1%ess %I11e:a.ds, or thefturbulent‘ Iproxvs of -““”I‘11e Chait%fof‘ State has % Tbme-5e 11;_‘ too higlz, nor the h%un1bI~e,,c0ttage 4:00 lo.W,”,nor the intermediate walks %% % Qf*pL1b1ic a%iidL%p1'iVateg ?_1ifeV %jbeylic-..i 1 Corruption seized ] tl1etll>odj7‘ I)‘Gli“tiC\’_‘ a fetal gaiigrenel ensued afudi dissolved l tliefmorbid mess; nd the despotic power of Cesar sprung out of the polluted remains. ‘ i l l k ' T11ese.1rzeil interest preserved, it protected end regained l fron.1 time to tiilie rthe'government»l;ancl liberty of the Ath- Republilor, against lLh€’:’f€)rI'n1ida.bl-G invasions of Xerxes, l , lpdwer7o”fMPhilip.‘ « A I it V Itsxvles thisxieteifest thet g eniabled‘l'theestatesoft the Swiss Camtonsll Gerieve,Genoagtiiandlt other Euro wean re- publics to presferve,l 21.11113. the lllgreatelstr If ld1st1'essesl,and dfl.l'I*f gerst the rightsl and liberties of free and independent ne- tions; ‘ They eejeyed peace, , rosperity’l*"end iiappirness until they became liczehtious and divided; V A greats pert of’the A the arts of larriliitious of; tan d the subtlety and people were then serezimded into a. fatal lethargy, by"th~e V Syren songs of modern,phi;losop11yA japd Frencli liberty; and s of seem every r they ,3 l l 6 A that} French‘gfoVe1f;nn1§1efif, 'l\vh"os1ef“‘;”é‘l cos of death, and whose alliance iislrtlrell’a.llia,ncellof . slavery.., A ‘ ' A A r A A l t The same interest lenebled us, landwourfatl1ers, to brave % the greetest.dengers, and risersuperioreto the greetestl pow- er in fltirope, in deferncefi of Vour_,rigl1ts*, andto est-a.blish 3, “ “ ‘‘ ’ i1 ‘H‘i}}(1‘ £j f}:t‘ govleirlnment;--And God gmntlitlhat it gapay be lPERPEtTUlA.L 3 i wl1iieh%g*aveltl1e name of: FED,'EB;a-A-L'IST:s,‘t?0 its;fra,mers,( advocateslhendslsupporters.% It is an izziion of seve1*ei'gnila.nld e e independeil1t%elsta.t.es, tfmder one — rHEAD, with V ;many;cl;er::ksljai1d limitations in the exemise ‘o%f~is%oVez'eignl power; ~ leIis‘form%hesl111ore odfa;n‘:eleet,irre. .:‘%.ris'teci'eey, limit- _ ed in poiritr ofitvixxxeiend Aexrme, in :h0i(i.illlg"\ amid .exercisi1f1g. lO4ur pr‘esent form of goveramient is as Federal Republiicig “ ofii3c‘es gmclll power, fl1ZR.§'f!'_’ ofltlie io1.Ie1erl simple former of govern-l‘*1 went. V “The:-set ilimiiltatiorxs are powe1‘fu1ilroheclistothetabusae la‘ * "he1»7:t’Ci)(3$}t1i‘i1’*g‘ ; _ %iix1depez1;¢;#hc“e4A % of tfié A’ A % ~ % the ¥é1§*ia*rte%i'"_Li)fv“&L1f%:% 1i‘*:3e1~*t?‘zes, :’va;:éfic1’*%'* » % ment:1;l, dificizd,%oxf~i1j1~d'ivig:‘:ua1;'i§;11t}a e%;y_m : Mtalen£s,% :in%~e?g»,*r7itjr*A%2t%nt1; science; A V “c%erVof%%governn1ei1t; 7091‘ t1f%;é%%%goV%e7Ei‘9ti'1T5’wW%*%‘; ;; V pa.rt.yofme£n.~ V A . % ¢ powerof de%cI:1*1'ing wa:r,m3& A- 'w-j;n,Mti1e two% Ifmises caf ‘ C‘:jx3}i2;i‘e1éé,”%_M**i‘W iliélie pi*és£ideimt.:%V %i%s’%.r§:~;as0x:21!;%§.e%wV L A’ ” W % % M A ~“’I%§7§’:5!1‘e'£1"y'?,*t‘/E6'baZz?ot”fi£v:17c3‘. lxisflés l| M A V %¢ ”1if@”*9*?4£3;%%hi5 &i;i*¢£I%i anq A A V;eM€fi’¢ei, *=i%:jAti1ie~ :m;éLma ~ % ¢~e3f V:‘pJeop+l%e;%ja%n=(li% w;vii‘é;*I[34;i¢‘1%‘44:’::3€:sz;1 11%, % ‘{ \ A _1n;a 3 2'3 :0 % A V 1‘ M A ms " A ; ; f » V 2esAo4fV%~wAo4vr‘r .V%,cé*".s*a=+sti%tvc%a1;it:~,;~ » ” 13oW‘e*I'i?11g war and‘peace. ; T11*‘:e% = wi AD; < A - hem trou1o:£1aw.* It is 'p%11-few%él%j~g‘tW1érninérifi%_%é§f=F19é§7s#J*%,2‘{'é;r:*C¥ % meh. “ A It is A t116”1‘f*6fUW3 ifx1fi*ni‘:ié7 A am % iniiahmirgAde>fim*nii&aa»tions:, ¢ _ H » fe;;a‘r%Aco11tro*L1I or Apaatforisigfief efieé % L Ti‘ ém A st 9 fiiizzi gs " fiefléficlzfii. fie ’£‘1.’I*?’F3‘“,: %d1;Cé£% t71§£i' fid érfialrk‘, AA })f‘e?i§:%:fi3*?5§i: we b x,‘ zwm ‘ " I" ‘ ‘.;‘1ance ari Ashgmdowf c;s_£ 1~ib eg'%ty %ren1ain4i;:1g%4i11 %peQpI‘% kj["fi¢5uga:idé%% bf out fri%e%nds;~ mlatiyeséxnd cVo1n; pa;u;idns4wo;»11 }1ay§; fallpn a:A;%As‘a5prifice§ gogizhe a;mbitionV)%4 of me fb5.01cI%¢% V reader the iniPla*3a?E>1e»haire4fls v05\39¥?‘1‘% Qf Am?°’“w:w-'%Lj¢AI”ASW1d~~A the b”iV1;'th ref” c)urV E%a*E%E;:t)o»M ‘gatnd INn::.‘ia-33:: A a onr ;c;gVmp%aniox}s,% c%hild% 17311 and fzyiends arov1§2fzcéik»t1 % A A Fi4dtivawwe.x',“ 1;mfjpa,y§ingi V A j fi I “ :j1i:s%int1aALe t&1e%xr1sm%v:ejisV* »toA A % 7' ¢fx1¢1e114w=o>f A A M 4 f “ W 4*1ic of Athens, % thma%4%A% of % ._@fA¢sc4‘i>enV::%'e,and_ 1hex::mr1Ie of I 61* " A b V A mp d?f%¢Mda.1‘m 1 jer:;c1y~to%. do eVe~ry tizrizjgg, xv « 4 1eA~~iWvay$A N.app%3aI:aeAc1” t9_%th¢ ;:‘1>eo1o»le;A4» as? V ‘ ts, ti§:;mn; V I~I;e AALt1~1tzVs;:[,%%AA % Sgxiorx: 09 «mp ” V M ¥§r{mIfl, my‘ ,"\ m‘i‘si;‘!&¥: %5M€3A'V£%£1 a. god mmanwg n ~vam : Im zxttegetxgm M ;smmwAx.ix;:er%zm;~ Um sgnrit of pm*ty, an‘dAconc ii; than di$mfl%t%’ti§§'€§m Amati film mithority of tlie 1:333 *W¥,flrm mt gmiam xmmly p®.,saions ;%norr2i:Lvmzf;A%*v:m: A %~cwm*~ viwszmi by~ mr A A A V é A A io?t*1Am ?££‘m+4a*é3 arm: Agw-ivJa.t:é2 ‘*7 ~ wlw WW8 rm WMA % 6»? K * W @s;?tatAm‘xVxg; zAm imfialm Aev«e1‘*y*“ 5 o st ”§"‘ii«@:3,v*~s»ws*g~:a¢r*:1%1 ‘mm Acfm~ <;Ia.ngef;A%‘%’i“é£kiifl show u l1at_ A tl1ewisd%o1n;A‘q£A‘ , § 1H1%q~% x‘ ‘ , D ' w*W%“ vAi;x.~t $ % ** [M«~mwwAmmm%A$%»L A M . . mgre %dthre.a%é3a and that mm eztand readym m >% «M ~ I‘ '> _ A@rainAAdI'e‘amAS %-’ % W % V‘ w‘e:are‘.d‘w Vth tfcoid p rete;nce'.h “ N1 " um f I % _ AA % fOi]l"n?1{y AG0%d,"’ ;-%’£oV M “T speak! the %words'% %ernjes.sg w11e%-thfeer vy'qu.vsziA1I h ‘_11‘e‘t:'l-‘Iii: '%W”e,% L feel an ¢ __0% ‘V A515 %“»W3 Mind 6f”SP%% »ed[y m'et a nun1%e;:p::s V%stea.d Tof mee)tingV¢ y7staLI'i7ng' hijnf%”n%h*i;s‘%,VfaceSf§ A4 %11on1oura.b1e“ nbl em$s« pf p~ea¢¢ ;,. _ %A%~supporte V 1%-21;’11;1‘e¢l‘S»v ‘ 5 % and u if %n?%%in.;ed= by Aevergreen. I‘ M : 2 .113 DM» M f F %M0TH%ER[S; : I V I V "OF A %%THE % LDAUGHTEBS1 ’ % And %ifthé3sa%me:1ndt1ie1'%s,%Vj 11e1;th¢re% c_1efen4d?« w%iI:hi%4A11i%s4% I':if;é in%%‘%hisAI1ar§d, 1eVz:c1im thei little4 M y ‘A “4 ';mvhite," carryin';% %b‘:5JL’ske¢t$ V L » 7 ¢ A o‘ ease ‘A ~ i n" M we ;epuon, poAxve1~Mamdtyh m» 3,» _ 1_d11%%%0f% % Qgfg a W L were %%p%‘rr£)%p“fL’r.1%<;>%t%% *f V 0-} Tu» x1:e A % %V%“m'd 7‘ %ij1i1%te§I‘est.sqnd fec1ipéd ‘ % AA ~7i5‘%o>ri%cI % %M5}>;t}1;e%1%*r«:1ic5:1%V; ;~%vat%p%pa:jx*er1tI%yV %t*au:hed %a;:lmds He 5:!“ $6 '*a.}4d7~ " H ‘ " ‘ 'w?1~*5 Agwérfi 12"rom1sra;d fz1tuz*e:%%.napp%mes5%Bfxadjj lvawiang f % % % I %a.::: 1mp~I9a¢~,ab‘l=ae4 Aefi»-V-« % mézt jfanj,i ;5‘zfe1v;en’sA1v<~3_ arfis . Vrilggi A Ang'erwJO3?~éVcI,’,, AA 5: 0»1Ir‘¢iiiZV¢ns, of “'°’1I<3%i1=%4V\+*%A " “ ‘ ” % f ‘ ‘A W 2(nd r%eVo1u,ti%n % X part J ny%%4;;4 ml « . A A ;~ m>A3«rW%v%00m?iinflé4dfI3A%% S $967 UK “~a:dmini:§trat;ion m. A Jw7%;9:4%qss:pmAed asf A % i V ast in A111 ?~L§{L;r1der% 1\’I1*.%I£efi'¢r?son’#s4mglmimiestxja-9» ¢ my A t ‘ ¢I*e=%'»S"iH3x51*0£ 9% half '1 _ ~ A Vw1}fgost% a;?11,L%ttxa,t, %:We shogu V ~AATwr%lm;t AA am ; Lei» A 9-! n_‘;": \ At this time» =1“ flImin€1’i$évAaI1d w V ' % L1 . A , % mmwr Ap.I%0£o11nd peméamdfibmmexfiialAproszéaxm haté % r,es~2i1*~0M0rmer ¢a~r%r3~nA:aeI1r4e:I1ts»l “‘:a'S” ~¢nqI,'1.fe".‘tO“ PW-f_ V rm0tQ% , wun%],on,secu{f¢; I*ig"h‘t'S';j @.I%': "iI1Cl"€_%3~Sf(§';j " mwc£r»;;rc3spe;W1:ity and interests %‘;,2£s&;%%2L«~:1a§%t;ia011% ?' Falft oil otnj liztltlfi‘ ¢ hurni‘A;5at~AA ' Amy1ws%heen:dissmsed @f:wf»r~the%expenSiV§ A m;”;)eri«x:r1e%zi:Vi; of .3. gu>:e.: yboaflh 4%;;s~t:emf,. w%hicJ1 hfasé . se;:1§fM¢:g1;«i1 fig- 5\ fiI1«~11p%our‘%.hm~?)0urs %u}ithV%tkhe¢ nwhumenm o;£ A ~ m1.~tm%mt «in mm? %dock*s. ime»,,thai»% ‘th»e{ },m:151~3»C:%%;V % ,,,;],1as blc-;¢;ew;1iA;au»r:,r;11a.l1}y pawl accgrdmg “to the %six1)kiri%g4%% ftlIld,=~;f ” ;4 mm..::»zeaa:1dae«%«:seadV%by the%W“miam of HamiI*tox3;¢arxci“:é§$‘§¢» % % % I %a.::: 1mp~I9a¢~,ab‘l=ae4 Aefi»-V-« % mézt jfanj,i ;5‘zfe1v;en’sA1v<~3_ arfis . Vrilggi A Ang'erwJO3?~éVcI,’,, AA 5: 0»1Ir‘¢iiiZV¢ns, of “'°’1I<3%i1=%4V\+*%A " “ ‘ ” % f ‘ ‘A W 2(nd r%eVo1u,ti%n % X part J ny%%4;;4 ml « . A A ;~ m>A3«rW%v%00m?iinflé4dfI3A%% S $967 UK “~a:dmini:§trat;ion m. A Jw7%;9:4%qss:pmAed asf A % i V ast in A111 ?~L§{L;r1der% 1\’I1*.%I£efi'¢r?son’#s4mglmimiestxja-9» ¢ my A t ‘ ¢I*e=%'»S"iH3x51*0£ 9% half '1 _ ~ A Vw1}fgost% a;?11,L%ttxa,t, %:We shogu V ~AATwr%lm;t AA am ; Lei» A 9-! n_‘;": \ At this time» =1“ flImin€1’i$évAaI1d w V ' % L1 . A , % mmwr Ap.I%0£o11nd peméamdfibmmexfiialAproszéaxm haté % r,es~2i1*~0M0rmer ¢a~r%r3~nA:aeI1r4e:I1ts»l “‘:a'S” ~¢nqI,'1.fe".‘tO“ PW-f_ V rm0tQ% , wun%],on,secu{f¢; I*ig"h‘t'S';j @.I%': "iI1Cl"€_%3~Sf(§';j " mwc£r»;;rc3spe;W1:ity and interests %‘;,2£s&;%%2L«~:1a§%t;ia011% ?' Falft oil otnj liztltlfi‘ ¢ hurni‘A;5at~AA ' Amy1ws%heen:dissmsed @f:wf»r~the%expenSiV§ A m;”;)eri«x:r1e%zi:Vi; of .3. gu>:e.: yboaflh 4%;;s~t:emf,. w%hicJ1 hfasé . se;:1§fM¢:g1;«i1 fig- 5\ fiI1«~11p%our‘%.hm~?)0urs %u}ithV%tkhe¢ nwhumenm o;£ A ~ m1.~tm%mt «in mm? %dock*s. ime»,,thai»% ‘th»e{ },m:151~3»C:%%;V % ,,,;],1as blc-;¢;ew;1iA;au»r:,r;11a.l1}y pawl accgrdmg “to the %six1)kiri%g4%% ftlIld,=~;f ” ;4 mm..::»zeaa:1dae«%«:seadV%by the%W“miam of HamiI*tox3;¢arxci“:é§$‘§¢» f ’ta!51fShe;$1 and ' ftjtzr pezme fcmd s%a.fe;‘:y,% and %%V‘en%;g;bard A %po=s*e%d*tofitlxe »die%V0L11*ing%.%< ssvjojrfdi ;_ Md‘ see garnuents %1fol1ec“i;%i;+£ T blood Alb, ‘Wk: I__Qf?313‘m%L:%€Ad4 WMS £195 , S<":p}t}1e%i;?~ x féeble up0i¢1%1té 5 5 £01‘ %”F"311LC‘« ~,€1ying_ irV:1_;miciions '.,c§fI tliefr fhero “ to, % A -‘%w%;fl§éAVofwne‘r%sWere,% ‘F 110%-~ftg{1_ms4hea;i“h t11ezn%7f%m;' the pL1rpQfs>e%qf$ ‘ ; she;d_dix1g«%%b!oo§1, %(3:z«ce,ffpt%%1%t‘%b;e‘A%fo%1' s;eIfVdefem:e, or “in deAfenc«el ” F off’-(3*%‘%zi1r Lco'p1%z1try;.?’4 V % Are_om* coixlxiaercial .i'i;_g11ts £»inva.dec1Monthe Aecesmi‘? "Then t.1w1eA aggr1ess.p'rs _ *L0[ %respe3x;t%j our riglxts, as ‘) t117,;e;y_ ° A T i’>*11%t fm*1§_i_j .0112 %: qQmme%;fre*%%‘ff would’ AA ‘ V 5;7w.«afi;_ . %:z1r;easo31al;x_e"%Vsacrific; of -their~““‘ii1*tejrez*§ts. % Inf j V *“‘%opini’o‘n %aIm%ostA;e4veé:y%'¢1z‘eg;~uEar f0:'eigm %A%n‘1e%r»ar:i1-amt;%in4AAthe:;‘U%:1if of 0t11‘%T,é'.f111s;b';>i(1s,§RogersAé.nd ]5)ec:«itL1rs,%m1‘ghtwtaiLA 5 Hr 4 mm 4 ed %stat;es comm ?DuAmtme:ica«n;ALileA1:1ei1i and states be:;Ate:: A % M _ ii:pt'1%j who} a%r¢}_‘_L‘,w%%hoIly ~ % Em ;thefli?i';~zfig‘hts" 21,mi=5?i‘s:‘1*t§z*” 3 % -;_';!g:ij;b;jéxnt (‘>f»an¢i m V _.%(J*?i:>II¥1‘1'I:V’1°‘e:j.j:,Vt*::i:*“s;«1%Ti1tfé1‘t:0ur‘Sei;f 4' W ;efx %cQ:z;7£1%1jae1f%z;(?; % ‘ex“go1:mo¢t§S%«ams0 M "%ez:§~tyVV%i%fU%fi}r‘3:tI1‘dt!S1%1§Yii1,313%, AWJMSGMYG;*1f3t,%J%£¥éfi?E3*fi*'C1€JlI3;i?s;“‘fitiiseé ; Lci1ré‘v_«3L:1 %¢;;;3poI‘£%J 1: 1‘Aa;1%e ” i ¢.%het%’;’;‘deAp°enCies% ‘V"td%%V? 1theL% ‘ % % f % %‘pit%.f;xI% ‘$11 :11 ': *ne~%%%jh3‘i1liojn%4%% and % a1”1*haIf: {bf *dollWa,;~‘s 32:1; ‘ . t fiSj*'<1.TsQ: v'ery ‘§j~si:ig-uf!a~r,; (;>11Ltf ?A a%;1u1i%I1i%strz1tiom ‘tire ‘n10{st}% sxreswrn state%% of Vveginxm L j A 3.4’ 5"! tn! 3-! ‘have? lLitt!~e;or no fo1*8ig§x1v%%gc0§nmef¢:e,%%v;2md4.ixava I Q: ~s_ho’uld;%‘““b‘e sh iwve 1.0 éjml% i‘t<§"% AA ,r;g*hf%s;~~bn~#fi1e,%4ncefm;,f‘at 50% g're'LL‘~ and 3:’1e“::essa.:'yge%X¢§)%é;%iseof T 4mf::g:11A yasav ;ba,z~ A iih G-méaiz ;%[BJv1=i:%t.;mir1%%4%' wn2d hm: =»mI?AiAésAtoffize % % A I)1o<3di%;‘4Ait11a.11 W%%th£:A ’no;'ther&i; Sm3:es%V» « V AV A mare4flagré;%4&.VA 4 % AA i'r*:~:":;i:e;%v%a:3r1;._.es4,~ %sfmce%fl1%e promised *~e%pqa1of he » rights and inte;r6§.,ts alqxze will Abevfi a.fl°e[ct«_ec1 2‘L‘1‘ha~ ‘ ‘ votes "of." the 1ne111be~rs@=p‘x'esent%% from the Sta.tes11orth%o£Penm. I A syI%va,niaé%%w‘ere 35 ag:1.=2,,ifr1st t h.e%wa.ran(1A%%17 in fav%c)%ur three "0fth3.Ig1tter\V$’B1fe from Ty7er1noI1_t. L Fave absent%%1nemb,m§s fro New4~Yo2:k and A1‘/Ias%sachusetts‘,} it is confidently‘ %as%sez% 1;, % ed; are% against ; the war: which, ifc%oI:rect, 1wi1I%‘p1a«;;e%i thé membérs in th6%Jhmj§3e ; forty’aga.inst%_%sgvez1t<;{en4 ; iind_ greaficommercial S‘iate%%of?New-York as fourteen toj t?}%1*£eeV!f%% In the%Se‘rxa.t%e%they stzmdas ni,ne%_ toV fi¢vfe%!'7;?W;; ~ vfi1&y‘!‘:b§“.‘tlig‘fitlstyicey ofthe*w%arA aS*%%ti$V4G1-g2at*Brit- A W V aim} %itAV%is%%a%:gfrea%t fit-3part.L1re%f1'omVj4 our neu.traIity%T;j:*:2i;nd%$%its; Arelativei4jusAti«7%e, to Fmnzme %ai1&dV%;Great %Britai:r1; is very fq%ues‘~Ii" ‘ % 1.ionab1e;%%%We h3.ve’%f0rsa.ken%% 4%%;grom:d@ ‘o%fine11tjrzLI%ity5ji, and Vi1;;.tI3“(7lV§V§7VC5O1l3N }’)A};;f3(.iA f w’i1;h} the ‘: i m;$ q;ria1:;%mé3§n:da;te : of LA % “ »p3,rV;tje,%A‘¥‘ 1miV§.§%lfV%,_11a;Av’e“%%i1t)‘ne;1;tra]s;”i%%, };11ag1{esj‘Vfi(s , i%alV%i)"%‘%%"’60+%=.I1fif¥"§Lg_*t%o his g’ba.tftle%s, and ‘ aiid him fin’ grea;t V 7, ;mnil1i'IaMti ffamd th¢fima;%% * % and it! ‘ Milk;-»q’[$ “ 3 ‘ 0%nV }:o%f %fo‘;')¢ivh4' If ty‘ram~:11;c decrees. V If {he dem‘ee:s have been repealed; where is {he %ofi1pi'2LlA¢e‘v1'§_ deem-.e%?% A repealing act :31 :1 stwbe passed 1) y%the szune‘ authoi‘-i; F 3: ‘if.y,, a.n_d.*%.:=vith the necessary forums, as the act répea]cd.:;-4V’ %4A'I‘i1is, ,vertain1s'» has tram‘ CW3 to wr1have Amish ru1IyAc;omp1zed Axx‘ith tm the Theiéyronlise 017% Asovereign ]toA repe"a1A.da I??? % doeshcit anrml it ; fitf 1*e41n';1lins)%%uz1t%iLIVrepealed bypthe sameau~ % . %A«¢hm~:ty% a::1d withthbe same?sple;j1m3§ties‘has1passedfifik A V ¢ . » * % % 1 —7?T~h;é»%V%rep;da1ifigV%‘act of the hm: ‘since 'ztpp“ea;v?;é“é1',V?J%t1n‘derT1:he alt‘-2. . A ' ‘t;11cjritya11c14-v\vi th_V 1:l1§;"fo1'm~a171Lti¢s4 ccmien_c1ecI'V fmj,‘ ' a]g'1*éeab1§"z xfo *'L=I1§; ‘§;1sage$”" _ amtungwersal,pm¢tise%ofA%a1Ica~;«i1izednatAions.%A It is;"da.tec1 ;fiveT‘1?1011t}Js; % H % ‘eig‘h“t1'days after t1'1i?#‘”§s%s11in%g‘ 0f",’fl1’(’:'i_Pi1f€Sid€n‘£3S' %p1*o(”;I:L1n:iti'or;;V%=w%_ dew. % 5.11 -%hdir%T<*dE:t11a13re% ea} s0*V”as“€o“": ive.1hei1* re éa1“4efFéct%%éccn1‘flin‘ ‘1;’c?$} ‘ _ a . .V _ E . ; Am1a.*e¢Ita13q, ‘?.j4Px-(motor =of‘.<; th£:‘«oonft~§fle1+atien%4of > A gtIw..RhiI1~e, ‘ * 7 walaw §2.,0.f March '.I811, by.WhiCh‘ thé Con. L (if ‘the’ pro3vi$iQ21s-inf A Non;;a1u:em”¢urs«e,Aswmcxxgm , agf their flags V V V ,2dipVts%wthg%¢ntry:‘%into1fi§Lm¢rA _ ~ %o£%tl1 e*s1:?i*LgV§j,«*V;' time:%‘m;§rq11ja¥Vngi;i;zeVV%%‘ <:>_if 5B;?ijit2I.i1V;,l,;;:;m:K‘"polonoies" }_£Vl.31& ‘ ‘ .<1encie,s;}:. V “ " “ CDn§id'eri1ig"A resi&td2;;§§"‘ ar 13¢} :y p1vet5e‘ns_icms‘agdizancésfl Hy ihé ‘ 'Briti.~:l1A on:d§¢:1*s in! cc;ume_}%il fm*ma1V % i;,a1% to sanction ta %systtexn hostile Vto<-uth4*: M%indapewgdgfiwm;_i%%O?£3‘t5€éz%W»al:sjbtfztferlr %:é1n1:der%in noun-gf % : e*i1dat,ed‘tI1e,21 d:‘.ybi'A131ji1 1812, dec1z:.res% V“% his ,rc-:4ac1i1:e:ss% to rCVV;'0k@“ I1iS. * ' ~i§r£1érs€~1:inf C<$'1Lm<’:i‘1 '2id,optecI%% upon M.t3‘2e' }E3ae7L*1i11.5 éL1i<1&'%3~I7]&:?n;1“C11:-rrrees, §§ii:o9t‘%%%6ca75 . % ~ ‘£d‘_%%6,é:.fEwm:r.Z£3/ ma 1;nVcowz,diA§£ar,L%r4?Z:y'Vrepealetl; and “t1‘1>_eV:7 w‘ ' as é M “ 1:32. B 1*f1inL' a%§n£1—Mi-if ‘ 1 V m us %repQal_1ng‘ ; ~3¢‘V"_‘€V€£“St,.1T1@ decfee of Nap -r in 016 %' of she‘ V % VV V. V V‘ V . V‘ V V V _ ,. VV ,, . |;V rV .sV '‘V‘ V It contaxns % ;11tcrna.L;7‘and »c.onc1us1vc €’.Vu-,, . at”Pa,1'is, ta oar Ccmsnll at London. idencp that the%Eer1i:;Aand 1‘vIi1%;}n3¢1ec17ee§ >1;vc;'eV n0tVV ;:¢paa1ec1V'Vo’n“V fl1eV,1st 7 % November A 1‘810; 5°<=15it%%°3‘1‘51'¥¥°¢“5 i~’¢11i;“‘%'i“-A ' A A % VV -ta ri7£:i;V7a5;'*t pcration, 23 :i“13”1 I % assea, ‘ hex’:-ime_ bfits age“ ‘ ' 44 apt?! %The+Iin$:trxrme1.fi an Wu ; % % Hence Of%th'e Vjgegzxrget 3&1‘ ‘ wa¢yV¢z%%%1¢xmje W7e,a’nVy 1-ighfg to j¢xpe,ct any“ _’t.11ir1“,,<=;_e1se%bt;t::i4 , :ansA1;i$ wa,»c;_~ggf Ngmo . . mtél iW~?»'<101Tu1 ‘ 6 din ‘ 1 . gavelm em,” =m$¢, ._qlm§:.‘pass.ig:ms.gar V " thf “ ad: V a.t1ie%c%ifitoV:t1x‘e’_;:.p,i1%wi}t em- V , will &-1cz*a;mp1sz4 .!:Ia}J56a:1»L . ‘ % $3“ % H 111% Solemn” 7c1*.g0Y¢mment@*re%;%~as “tmng:,e;-3, ’~ . % % ’t?11[ej:V Hf’ 1'~;Ibvcifib?er (“"1 806, % fwIf1]i'dIL % % ; V V }_ the pwtiality,‘°j:usti{;e7:,%,%¢%.%%or %Wexpg'iency A‘ 1% flleir c.0%llective“ Asentijmenté: ; J1*&i*f11st% b%e»*; A évrabie W to %<%;;.$::p*:re%s<, yvlgfiali. _ I‘_,17gQp4e% % J11;ay he ;;<1%é:1:k~:ze fw*ithV % M A canqf3MVV£reed<:n1§émfl A A AA There 16 In WWIIAAA “ ” V m1r~e~t1 .13 ‘ seofve eif“g;nV,VW‘ ” ‘ of tlie Y : of Ou?' C01mt1Ty Aarmew tgo} A’ i t xipeflto sjea§I’%u%pfliemuz1£hsof freeman ;Atowsileut:e ' ‘ _ IéVieI%t1iei1'VOfli(:es a,md%ho1‘1ses‘to%tI1e grotmd; t 0 dism;§fi};I«j : %dec;&§a,’ %thc;se,r11ba;1'go "ymsA 1a.§d,,_;%wl1ich~ co1n}:2";1¢;*.t<2c1 ‘the c;irclcV of c.o:1],11“+-5 ‘ %‘Alm?sti\1j1ti’<;s% Ta:11d%.whi_c:_1x has béc:::11 so; plmsing ‘to N;f>fpt21cdn;T%%¢%that4‘ hisg %t:c§ns%e;sv%:i»tive ,S¢na,t;e,. upt:1i om‘*?re11ou11'ci‘ng” % commgrclc * %wo:~ds, t,ha*t:% we ‘3xCqu:i€f1SC(§d .i;'1 meszgures. ‘ He ~,has.:%{féV§x:%jsince~% L %h;i€i01')?%0fLpa1itics‘V deaf me-b:s* ~-%favou1'L “ V 1' mt: %4,0f%14a»W?$ p;art«ia11y m"5€9t’%A . V p1*og1Au,t:;e§1%foppo%si1%i0n, 11-. uzydgmtizemzngfi ‘to’ %1:ax-eA%mp}as% . afrer:,.i2wt. “ cszwzrdwr%Mle=:W:%~d +1 t: L% VT>f“\“i irti%z%i§§ A %e% me: 7 A V g *sor1s to be at war of pa.rt;£?,,'~%an*df*F3zri7V Vit,-04%my%:cotmtxjy‘ ' 2 1 hfi I V 2fme’i'ica»$4‘is he ~ .‘ fix AA %w1*ipe%L”%.%% V 3&1) V \ _ ‘ I V with 1;11e Alovfie ?’ofw:: ~«3:1§d4¢f¢%A; t:1le i:r:“'.‘C,0j't!'t1t1#:y::¥%{“‘ A A Vlove 0f Qm11;n;f£y‘a:1:dVV A-‘ioif V£z:*e¢[d%6+°inV,.%iWliiiclijjeryf V V 0i7?~?ia;%*f;Tob;LVtl1e ‘;wisd(5m‘30f %SVol10‘n'30r:, axed %tZ1e\%prt1dm;c%e amfij V '3" ea.1d1v1s1o”u"s,%Ato allay thespjtigt 0£pa~r2f3,», a_,:1d flow ¥<:z“‘z ‘t1“;* f var~’nf av eM1m11z1.ppy ’t;érit§:s‘Lfl peed‘y*cilbsEéi%%%f ’ of 0 rs! Wé‘s’and= ‘L336 "i?3:w‘acled Aw ‘~s~Ao':F 1; V ie_ "Tl 5 % ré, “ and; for }1e’r;gwv%e* m‘e‘;resb7IVeti$ t‘t3%§7V(31:it”;vuVe%r, These un‘itc§d'%V"%%sL‘é“ht_imex3‘s:s,$ 3¢;§,“l;%%%%t%.}1%is4s* "T11 it-"*csFiHv renovate n3.t'i6n2},I‘~V‘gldry“,%vrdi%spéI:V%fl1%”"“ ‘ 31 A 0%ish ‘ v, %=la?éam i in; they da‘y¢%%%o$;f ~ci‘a;1‘{ge‘rj7?; Am‘ ~;%%i%na=pira$i A» may 4 eIbCUt, I2fCA‘A_fll1id5 Vé.r:im=1fLeL%(}%’:a;13df(3r3l‘i%Vt*ed%fllie mlxnlnefl her 5 of%?frc%%ec§Qm,%% Mfwhiffih ”€:aus§:d%%Va.IV1 to Lmite% 7%%{Vv%itl;3%%t£;¢4igr I1 , .. .4, ‘ ‘ “ W \n '*‘.: )‘ # A A _ fm4d% w ith vea;c4h% %othe7x"4s Vbfoodv He~a;v»= V’ -fh‘cl‘.Ve nee of thze %of’a m1c.ses,A%AAt1£*epa:fi1em@ 4 mness ofja Washington, to¢‘%’%a%e*f;M*ufe.%011’1‘ w“ords% zLt‘i%dja.ctions,4%¢~% ” 7 V?7ain§1,..%£or£"i111es%iz} fiefenceo£4$:t3:.Véir;% s1~[et1m~ of V119.,ttifi1%*e‘A %fI)é‘Fé:deI%a17?Ii¢f7 *Va:$%&b&I1“i5‘;.dMo*lam u::a#4Aw%% to“‘1>e%I#p<*=iua1¢ ‘hxsjfamea ztm-1 shw -he%1. 7 “ I ir'ne;an a'Ii‘berV£y,’ __ AA ,; ‘ n~1’“‘!!’\’*/7 ‘ 0: ‘