§ ” %PRON5Ufi¢Ea Mae Smdmts qf U}z2°vcr3£tyg, 4*’ ‘ ‘.1 an. W31” %'E‘HE gF’IRST CC3»NGIj%';EGA.’I“IQNAL MEE'I'IN’G«-HOUSE In P1"oVid.c11c.;e_., % July 5, i 8 13;. 4 IN COMMEPVIORATION i§.A¢2nivcrsa}‘y qf 1NDEPENDEN”GE« A 4 A ' B“‘.':i‘ 41i4;M13:1+assc>N1=aA,1N1::4, % ~;;;mmn or «mzz M§ENI0I2',CL.a’w£3'. .....-....v 4“ Wm; fimvfdfcwr freecfiom in z‘fm2‘r 5‘¢£'?2«‘%’££’i€6’3 mzmd, V 9“ Yet mzz flavolr, «av/z¢:':un~ try.‘ The policy of Washingtotm, as therhistory, of out Qrosperity evinces, was calculated to secure the best inst teresteef the American republice By fair analser of reasoning, the reverse at this might be ianticipated , an opposite policy. And the present staterof rottrrnationvg ail iiztiiitirs proves, beyond controversy, that such reasoning tires correct, and the inference just. Our navy has been reduced, our commerce destroyed, our national revenue ditninislied elmost to nothing, out‘ national Debt ittcreass ed, and the rnation precipitated into a war,, unprepared stoic rneet the enemy, and without resources , to maintain the contest. , The I1¢~s‘1¢cfr of naval Preparations hmcleft 1inrigation,i our extensive sea#bog1rd*defe11cclcsse~gg-gs he devietiota from that 11eutr:ai1 pztth which Vlfashington. ei1=‘Su€d»11a$ terminated in open lmstilities with Gffieie Britain-e--0ttr idefenceless seaports fared *I1oW, exposed A to A 9? invaders; and the period of their pulnder and conflagrat. tion will be, protraotedr only‘ by the delay”: of A the’ enemy. t A‘ V The l project of foreign conquest has oommeniced; and Canada, is invaded, Without competent forces to in», sure ,success, and without nieansf to support the chivelrio few who, like the Knight En-ant of 1?ornjance, have at.» tacked forts, log-houses and wigwams, not doubting that these are the Giants which must be vanquished, or the Lernean Hydra that demands their Herculean strength. This policy has withered the strength, blighted the A prosperity, and blasted the l fairest hope“s'riz~.tnd the brightest prospects of the nation. The destruction of the revenue’ has destroyed the credit of our Generali~ Governnientiii and individuals deerni it uiisire io relievers the exigencyii of the nation by loans. 'l‘he people must be t loaded with taxes to support the government in the prosecution of foreign invasions. Ill prepared are our it citizens to “be burdened with enormous taxation, at this period when the great sourcegof their A ‘ . \ Commerce is destroyed; and ' with it the mans of support are ‘withdrawn from thousands. Our ships dis» mantled, and rotting at the whar‘ves, remind’, every be. holder of our calamities, ‘ tDi‘vested,‘ liabnndonédt, and wasting ‘by, the loosening touches of deicay,,theyi present on scene, gloorny to contemplate, as ideinolishedt temples, and the ruined heaps of cities, depopulated byipestilence,‘ or ravaged by invaders. The cheerful hum of sailors is no longer heard in our ports-41-I\lo longer” do you find them at their accustomed task, furling the sail, and un-» lading the l:7>ark~—--But, destitute‘ and hopeless, you be- hold t‘hern~ “reclining? on the wharves-, or strolling, the streets without an ol:t>jiec:t.,---—«»'I‘he Workshops of the met ehanic are shut, and the sound of the hammer scarcely as assails the ear.-«---Our merchants are thrown out of em”: ploy, and many of them '.§'11Il1’J,C(:i1'.-‘tr-I.4;,u'cll'ld€?(_1 property is TC-'2 duced, and the heartless husbandmall H9 longer an.tici- pates the reward of his tOi1~:"'“"'CiYi1 Discord rages, and an overgrown faction, poisoned with French Philosopliy, fills with dismay the mind of every patriotic beholder---~ This is the scene presented to our view, whenever we a turn our eyes uporr the condition” of our C(_)'t1I1_l‘I')7-_ ., Was it for this, that our fathers faced the enemies their t‘:ountt=y, and repelled the invading foe? For. this did they nobly defend their liberties, and shed their blood, to transmit freedom and independence to their children ‘.3. r VVas for this that Wzisliington fought, Warren and i ii " 'tgomery bled ?vDid those heroic spirits, th0S€» venerated patriots of set_*enty-six, who told the World deeds of valour, that ?“ these United States are, and of. right, ought to be free and igl_d€})€l“1(_1§'311t,'” perform those , illustrious achievements, deliver their country from the dominations of a foreign tyrant, that they might leave a_ goodly heritage to the rude hands of domestic nsnrpa-— tiara anclhrtrthet; polluted touch, of Faction . t r r A faithful few arernain, true to that sacred oausorwhieh warmed the hearts of our patriotic fathers.» "A faithful remnant, true to, the “initerests of our bleeding country, Vilith this band, is deposited the ark of American safe», tytg Let them form a phalanx round the sacred deposit, and defend to the latest hour, this our paternal inheri, ‘ tanee. Let them watch with an eye. that never sleeps, and guard with a zeal that never tires, the inheritance of Oo1umhia’s, fr-ee~bom sons, On this Anniversary, saw ored to the memory of that day which gave. birth to our V liberties, let us renew our vows to rnaintain our freedom, t .'§ll1,Cii11Ci,€p;§fiiC:i_€i}C‘_€, and defend our dearest rights 4 from at the imrasion of’ every ~foe..w ~Thougl1.i theprospect A iai gloomy and almost hopeless ;% though thioko%‘fc1o1;ds.tt and darkness, are round about us,” we mayo not desa s pair, ; The frieocla of liberty will not desertt the cause in» thehour ofpcra. » A Let those who wpulcl rescue the American repub1ic_i~ from the iinundationsh of Democracy, step fO1‘l2i1”i1’l these. at times of rebuke, and form a barrier against the odious ‘ flood, Let them tell the sons of A Gaul, that the fierce spirit of Amerioant liberty is not yet broken down and subdued. Let them tell the minions of the Corsican, ,Despot,i that : Americans have sworn, and are determined -"to be free. Let them tell the worshipers of the Fgench Dragon, that neither they not their some will everewiem a Gallic A chain, Let the sons of freedom announce in thunder to the hetrayers of their country, that they will ‘V never aicl a trans-atlantic Despotism in schemes of con- quest, plmofler, and devastation” _ The only means to preserve our country fromt the aleadly min which impends, are the dissemination ofV tmthg .antl the propagation of souncl A principles, C oulfl all the vehicles of falsehood in this nation be destroyed, it will not alander my country by saying, that othere is not virtue in her sons sufiicient to preserve the Rfipllb-v lie. Men have naturally a predilection for truth, and art ahhorrence of falsehood, And desperate is the depmvi. ty of that maniwho hears the voice of truth, reoognizew her heavenly form, and loathes, to obey her mandates. L,et tmtlz be known, and sound prtinc:-iplea prevail, anti‘ our Republic shall emerge from that gulf in which "she is sinking; and instead of beholding the mehnohol» ly prospect that now A meets our view, We shall soon hail with rapturous delight; the returning days of out Pr0S» parity anal Glory» lllzxlaélmoocl will retire lo llfis 0W1 mil.” five aluminium, and lfllrromzr to hia sllazxclmry vdmnaim. he principles of tlw “ Terrible Rt:pul)li.c” sl1all~rm longer prevail in ltlw cmmcils of the nation, and all tllat shall be seen of Democracy, will be her dezadlyjaxud pollllted ruins" Civil anal Rcrligious Liberty shall find .2: lasting residence in our Republic, and Peace ssllall wave her downy pirzléms over united Anlcrlcam-For“ the Palladium of our Lilxarty slmll be sec11rm.lfi"0mtl1e rude grasp of the Gallic Dlomcrdes, and the Ark of wt‘ Covenant shall be mturnccl from tlu: hmmc: of Dagom