Mm':< A OI{ATION A A ‘ rnomoumfmnw ' A JULY 4.», 1814, ,7A_9r THE REQUEST oi; i‘HnsELEcTMEN 01‘ THE TOWN om‘ BOSTON, IN OOMMEMORATION or mu? 4 mv*Js~Irr231es.z2121f OF .MIE1i’ICu3JV‘ INDEPENDENCE} % zmmj ‘A BENJAMIN WHITWELL, Esq. ‘BOSTON: PUBLIf5I-IED BY CHARLES CALLENDER“; 3em.- 11, MARLBORO’ s'.mmmf.% 1814” VOTE OF THE TOWN. Qumran AT‘ :1 meeting of the ficeeholders and other inhabitants of‘ the town of Boston, assembled at ]”anezail—IIalZ, on Monday the 4th day of July, A. I). 1814-, 9 o'clock, A. M. and then adjournecl to the Old Srmt/a Church—-Vot.ecl,--—-'l‘l1at the Selectmen be, and hereby are ap- pointed :1. committee to wait on Bx-mJ.A.z~xI1~r VVm'.rw1«:Lr., Esq. in the name of the town, and thank him for the elegant and sphritecl Ora»- tion this day delivered by him at the request of the town, upon the Anniversax-y of American Independence, in which were <:onsi1*mpte¢l zu10tlw1'. The hnnegt me+.1*c.lm1nt Vvms. mb!w.¢1 my t:.m'ich vv;ith the p1m1d¢:%%1* wine vcngtl pumi- clam. WP!~ll1S with (4-ii::“"l)(')1£‘ 22.1.1 Vpolwicy, be compelled the viwiln "whiclx lm 1mtc}m1*¢;et.1 to provitile the instru_1nents “<:ri’ :sm(c1*i.ficc.4 If tl%1epre..~;-:m;nt king should i’av0u1~ the 'xw;>1"l.41 with am secoml. vulunme of the hisstory 01‘ flaat t::;1.himz:t%, it Il'l'i.§.flIt :?mm)ly the re.nmining fmgxnmlts of t}1%¢)sm n1m;iAlzLtm'l zzml .h2LU:-S1fl])]§)l‘(;355SGd (1(>r:nu111e,m;s Wliiczh nut‘ ”Pl.’f.§.‘?5i(1(.‘:‘l'}H; 1‘(;:1a,1ctz1,z'1fly yieldccl to C0ng1'essss, umh-Lr Mm inju‘x&’:w<:tVi¢>11 that tkmy sslmuld Ilnthe (mpied for the fi1i1se;11u'~.:u!;i<%)1A1ofthe people. As be 112155 (la-clzL1'e(}tE1at }i"'1*:;t1'1(:e xxmxtutl muncy and lllliffit lmve it, tlxese &1‘Ch«- ims lnight (%'l;<3»m:, hovv*1:x1uc:l%1 she wva.z1*ted—--what sum we 1*e.m;—:ivmI--.z2m«L1 lmw a-“she ex1wnde(1wit.w-'l"i1ey Inight vr*evmtl ‘the mice t} 1J0u;..1;}1t our p1*0stitL1t:3d pmsses :‘<~Lml um f‘?0‘r*o.§ga:1 editors, am’! lmann it blaze of light on fi;}m.;t Hm: «I, vvhitzil H2113 tiirectecl in d€z.I'LZ‘Il(~3SS, the amt» c::hi1m of g;<"»w'u1“11rxnerxt. * _ A V V ‘ 'S'h0"ii!wm the pmlsiotl 1is~:~st fie publishefl, how xmmy ¢.1en1m:m*tic cvfiicexwis, besides those of M%a$sach‘u.settss,;‘ x1‘fig.;i'1t exile tl¢se1"ns¢21*.w2rs to ("I‘£a11ada., that Anwricmm S:?3‘ibe1°ia fen: <.1i.sg1'm:cd. c,0u1°tie:1*.s9. .A,‘r:zd%if G.W:1‘ theirzi; 1% fluence of the court should be too feeble to resist the cell of national justice, plenary evidence may he procured to accuse certain greet pe1'sona.ges with ”h, of trust, and to support an in1pea.ehm.ent. Had the usurper continued on the throne, his :uefa.rious designs on our liberties might eventually have been accomplished. His hirelings lmcl from time to time hamrded a, course of experiments, not one of which has so Well succeeded that they t'.l.z‘t1‘0(l to repeat it. The vigilance of freemen has frust ntexl {their purpose, and the overthrow of tl1e:ir1nester¢les- troyed their power. Can it be doubted that such means have been employed to contr(;)ul our 11a,tio:rml councils, to deceive the people and inflame them at. gninst Great—B1-itnin? Their e1nissa,ries have s\vurm.. ed through the countr ; except in NcW—Eng3le11(l, they have infested every city in the Union. 'I‘ was not a. place of resort for health or pleasure, where our ears were not inflamed by sle.nderm.1s whispers or stunned by I‘(~3[)t.1lT)llC.{J.11 §,.’;t1.S(5()‘Il€i.(l(3, Not at nieesure could be adopted by the Eng'lisl1, wliich they did not denounc.e-m--—l)y the French, which thtzy did not ::td.vo- cete and espouse ; not an ot11t1'ege com1nitted., whicli they did not pelliate ; not a, crime perpe‘t;ru,*ted,, W’hl(‘2l‘1l they did not excuse. W'hi1c Fxnncc stiled herself a. republic, the friends of peace were pr()n<:n_txnc<-.:(l unis»- tocrets; when she became despotic, Il](“)l'lfll.’t3lllS't5; while, with all the inconsistency of snppo1;'tiug lewless tyranny, they assumed to themselves the modest . name of republicans. The influence thus acquired, has been employed l to ipreperettlle country for a. provincial ,g;ove1'1t,1me11t:, and farniiiarize , it to the tcontroul of a ntilitary chief. Wllenr we a have complained of nnconstituti-. onal laws and violated rights, the minions of Na» poleon have threatened to enforce silence with the sword. After they had reconciled the people to en-. dure the war, to enforce their measures, they dared to ' recommend that most horrible feature of an arbitrary government, a military prescription, and to establish martial law, under pretence of punishing as spies _A.me1* citizens. To destroy conznnerce, they im-. posed such severe restrictions, that if continued, would have transformed a maritime country to an inland. desert. The legislature of Massachusetts has had the ‘proud honour to compel them “to retrace their steps.” The temperate, firm conduct of this state has eifected the repeal of the law violating our con- stitutional rights. They knew that ha legislature which had declared a law not obligartoiy, would never permit any of its citizens who should resist its autho- rity, to suflier its penalties. Had they persisted, avcivii war must have ensued. They were step by step par... suing the course of the French people; if we had succeeded, we had to apprehend anarchy----gif defeat» ed, dcsp~otism-mwhen that Power, who directs the storm, suddenly averted it whenready to burst upon our heads, and saved us from destruction. , The scrutahle purposes, of Wl1ic.l1 this scourge of nations was the instrument, having been completed, he sinhts to his original insigniiicance. With the fall of the nsurper, peace will be restored to the World-—-peace too must revisitA1nerica. ‘Whatever our 1l1lI'llSil1‘_V may pretend, the ability to conduct the war, depends on 1.4% the {lie-peeitielt. of the people, aml they em": lemlere it me longer. W’"l1etl:e1'i‘t will be hem;.>mblete1* ¢lisg1*ac,e~ tel, we fear may (lepeml less 011 «our own, thmu the Beitieh gevezmment. ‘We should be p1*epa,1*e¢l for the ‘worst. The claegereue eeerete, with which Fmnee may fumielta our enemymeey enable him to fix zt‘p1“lC.G, Wlliell miglat min NeW—E11gla.m;l, by eempelling hex‘ to the alamtxclenmetat of the fisheries, or migl1t l1umble~ the pritle of the ffieutll, by requiring the eeseion of Leuieizme. These tmay a.p;_m.1'ently be the terms 01' purchase, Wlwlll in 1-eelity but the bribe to secure secrecy. Like him who has tottereatl on the lgrilik of :3. pleeipiee, it is with te1*1'01' We vleWtli1.e ¢;l:imgere We have esearpetl. But for the elewnfzxll of the ‘tyrant, your p1'0pe1~ty would have been seized to clieelzztrge exe1'l)ita.nt taxes, your ellildren led to the c(mse1'i1)tien, y0u1*eelve.e to the scaffold. All these have been t.hree» te.netl---a.mll div] they ever threaten, aml if able, fail to perfemn. 'l‘l1et.ymnt llt-Ml a,l1"'e:3u.l.y merlied lais vie-» time. He never f1'g;ew*e you the eeptu1'e of the In.. surgent and Be1'eeeu 5 fer tlilis he would have mnihi.» lated your na,vy,, as he lme p1'eee1~il;e1l your ee1mne:r.'c:e. The speeches of your putt"-iete were 1'eee1-(led eml their nzmmes enter-ed on the list of p1.*eeeriptien, hie mtfielm @X8€’;!'!ti{)1'H;;l'S“ mezmeed the pitllagge of y(.n:11' p’m- perty eml the 1mmle1' of yeu1*pe1'sm1s; l'e1't1:1Imtel,y, the Ineesee1?e at "lfi'»22,lti11101'e wee p1*e1t1"zet1t‘a'1'e expert. ment l.l(£'f0]?€5tl1Bl.}il.lNllttl were completely 01‘f_.§a1]iZ0(l and their sehelnee of eenspimey matured. A But, g;_2;le1'y te God! the t_y1'm1t fallen, eml We are tlellverecl. W/ling) lzunzent his fate? Wlm are t.le1e1"e to fel.lew the pell et‘ (l;epzw-teal .g1'eet11ees? (lees it gee 3l111l.€l'fiG.11(led to the grave P are there ne mourners from l1isdieeeve1'ed houelxeld? Hellzmcl end ltely «lesert him ; the Gre1*1nan family he had eelleetesfl, return te the h.e1'edi'lm'y lnzmeiong tl3~.e1*elis not a. emle0e11t.e- mmee worn in Europe, except by the American em. beeey. ‘With the tyzmlt nlustvaeiszh his wlmle heel; A 7 ef'1*etei11e1'e, epies, izafernlers, meetitutecl ed'ltere, fugi- tives frmn Tyburn eml'les. Ales, their veee.- ‘tien is g.;e11e ! l1illae1*t0 they hewe turned with l'l1ereV0- lI]l1l;('j)l:1-Of the political ‘Wlaeel, and e,01m~iVe(l alw'z-lye to be Ielappetwnoet. "Will they te,ne:ler the.i1* services to the l 11«e\wrlking*? tinat vi1*Lueus-3 II10Ilm’(tll wmxld, assoen reu lmeeleollxrielte from prison, aml introduce them inle lxie ca.ll)i.11et. "Will they1*eelu1*n to,Eu1*ope? elaei, they eupexetitieuely believe tlmt e1'essir1g; the water woultl (lisssolve the‘ cl1arI11 which new eeeures tltxem fame Tylm1'1l1. \Vl1e1'e will yell fitml ‘them next, if their friemle at home (leeert ‘rfhenl E’ Aml y0u1*'self,iI1e21u- ¢ timae m~;welle1*! you will 1n‘eeH;l1em o'n.ltl1el1igl1wa.y. VVit:.l1 tl1elty1'zmt bee A fletl tllmut vene1'atile11lm:1{l (:%Ol"l‘l.l(l(%'I]l(3E‘/3, which 5:, ge11e1*c»us,el)ult clelmled people lmzull 1*epesed in their politieall elxilefi The head which lxmtl l;)ee11 turned lbythe l1l0neurs“o1‘ French citizen. e11ip,%o11g;l1t~l navel’ to lmve been “tl1e> head of the Ame1*iee11 people. Leftlo the te1*m1'eofl1ieme1°se, per- ]1a.1)s there is not anetlzerbeixxg so n1iee.1'ehle on this side the Isle 0flElbe. History will reeerd, and posterity denote lliln----«net, as he nllglxt luwe been eon- sixlered, aslthe sueeeseer ofVVael1i11gltoz'1~—-lmtthe cen- fetlemte of Bonaparte 5-—-—-not as the elxerislzed friend A of the A_me1*iem1 l1ere--—~lml; the albjeet (lependant of an e Imlimi a.4.lventL11'en';~—-not like Wasehingtezl, i11sulale«.l. 16 item fereigxi emmectiens, and standing on the pecles-s tel efhis own gyeetliessm-hut, ignominiously cliinging lite at fullest eeilessus, wliieh has (51’l1Sl1ed him umler Aits weiglit. They who sliametl the friendship must p&§””ti0l:§;3afl.t@‘ tee enmities of the usurper---a.n(l he, was the Emit-3X3"l;§J ef lxtmian liilld. Into What an abyss mist ii in’: lime '* ll1l"l9‘(’:‘§tl eur eeuntr I Almost ruined a.) _ . ti» V V lay El-‘ii eamzieals, whitlier can slie turn for relief? If site reittiml me }Tl‘(3l'ECl1 1n0n:t1‘*el1 of the ties of ‘m1C.1E.+-lf'ii; :7s.iiszit';};3 VW1ll lie net reply-—-A--“ These ties you lime iolllifyg .&al§',ii”:.e mig_.A:.;z*2i:tei’e.1ll;y* cut asunder. No soon-; er dial yam see the ljkletitl of your benefactor flew from the scziz.'li’eltl, time you elasgjetl the reeking lmtml of his II1l.1l°(l;f3:l‘€3't‘S. If not wslneipztl, yeti were a.c,c.essAa1'y to rel) me at 31137’ crown, my subjects and my life, and to aid in the Jillzwet :—.m.(l ina.sse.e1'e of Euro e.” A V as A A V I-low tliel1e:;irtisiel:e11s, zmtl tshame tlnges the fallen emmtenzmee, to feel, that 0111* nation lms added its weigl1't,te (lepiess the fe1'tu11es of this illustrious fmnily. Tliet we like sztvages, lizwe ml01*ed tlireugli feel‘ that (lestmc.tive tlzemen who (ml Wzwe his A 2 2:» fr-iemls the miserable mvllewe to be the last he .2: J ‘slleeltl ¢;le‘veut*. But rm» this fetal peliey, We migllt this day lmve eelelamtetl the festivztl of lium:;i.11i1;y.—-tl1e mliversel jubilee eff mttiuns; in humble :1(l01’a.i;'i01l 111i.gl1tl1a.Ve lmelt with the assembled erewns of Europe, en-. eirelitig the altar of peace, and Worsliipping the God of ltemfeai. Gut §;TI7L‘i:’«&t.ilt yam, tminetl in the school elf l1(BllUm‘, the nlUI“i§5e¥iEt of mzmlsy p1*ineiple,111igl1t luwe fleuglit te rescue mmltitid from the op:p1*esse1*, luiider‘ tlm lm}m'iei‘?s ef the tl.elit'e'tei* ef ;lTu11'(1pe, of that inmi-= h ”‘ meh who Best on the list of time, is first 01112116 roll of heroes. A . A ; A A A A A ‘ Could We have heilecl the 1*eet0retion of tlmt f:1miIy,-hwheee at-In supported usvin ourhunequal con- ‘hestvwicthh Britain ; could we have aided to conduct their king; to the throne of his zmeeetors, and have re- eei%vVed‘;e his grateful eehllewletlgments that We had thus extzieguished theg01=igi~na.1 debt, vvli1icl1hg1‘atit:,1de had written in. 0:22 hearte; on this day, the f*ete1*nii;y ef nations migllt lmve united in one gt-and celebmtiolx ef the Indepenéieneehef the ‘Eastern and VVeste1*n xverld. From myriads of voices, Europe end.Amee1*ice ‘would lmveeh resoeuhdedwithgrateful aeelanxetione, while the opposite slwree of the Atlantic re.-eeho to each ‘other, the names of their hereie deliverers “WELLINGTON and VVASHINGTON. "We should he aliens ffrcml the principles elm} feelings of An1e1*ie.:ms, if we did not exult in the 110.» iiivelenee ofm::>.nkin«1.% Though eonnpelled to pmctieifi jpe.te in an unjuet W211" zmgaizxhet EngEend,hWe n111:sf;‘ e.c:}«:znexvle«.1g;e htlmt but for her exertions we enaigght h‘mg_2; emee hzwee been slaves of the ueu“rpe1*. In em: ‘wee wiilen ]55¢‘1=:1nee whet protected mu: commerce 111165,. 1-esah'z1i1e1e«l her zmmies fmm the inveei011ef'e111*she1*esE’ The Iflritielx nmvy; whete.I*1"eetedht}e1e eeuree 01' in» *é;:*ig;L1caw'1h1ic:}1 was eeeretly nh1mEe1'1xai21i:1g; our lihemiee? hunt the eue»ee:~se of we British and allied:-1h1'mies.. ‘We predietecl the d0¥V1‘1f2lM of Engglmxd at the mement eheh pI~e1"m.'z'e(1 to rescue us frmzu ruin. She crushed that serpent coiling round the neck of his sleeping; victim, who unemlecious of deng;e1*, was d1*ea.111ing; of her (1e1iVe1'e1"e deeh;'m:thiee.. 18 Our adversaries accuse us of foreign partiality, we love no country like our own; we are attached V to the union, being all members of one body, of which Virginia assumes to he the head, but we know that New ENGLAND is the ‘heart; her sons have no cer- tificates of French citizenship to divide their love. She has no patriots by adoption, those exotica weeds, which exterminated from their native soil, take root i on any spot Where they casually fall. ‘A Her sons trace their descent from ancestors, Whose institutions they preserve and whose memory they vencrate. She requires no mixture of the best nation on earth in her political composition, let the llead, and the heart and the arm be purely American. Our sires achieved the Independence We now c'elehrate,in as, just cause, like them we should feel but one sentiment; they did not nicely calculate the chance of success, with God and their rights, our rude yeomanry withstood the disciplined veterans of Eng;-. land. They required no diplornatick skill to dis. cover their wrongs; they were taught them by the ‘voice of nature, it was not persuasive,---it was imperi- ous,----not the cold step—hy,-step process of algtxmerlt ; it was the electricity of instinct, pe11etrating;iin an instant the sultry sands of Greo1*gia and the icy mountains of Maine. In a just cause, the feelings of the fathers would revive in the children. They ap- pealed to Heaven, and when like them, then eanst thus appeal, beloved New England! we will again A confront thine adversary on the ocean or on the field. He dares not despise thee,----(leath at Bunrke1"ts hill, stripped off the ridicule he had thrown on thy yam- 19 free soldiers, olndrne or THE Lann,itl1e coin tempt he had cast on thy fresh water sailors. t It is rude moeker T to declare to our merchants and seamen that the real object of the War was to pro- tect their rights, when but a few years since our politiw cal chief 1°BC'50'l11I1'lE:Il(lB(l them “ to abandon the ocean altogether, and to cultivate the soil.” Strange as it. is, the passions of those who suffer, are far less exci- ted, than of those who sympathize; our sailors 1'igl1ts are vindicated in the Woods, and the champions of our lnerchants, are the hunters of Kentucky ; theyinvite our gallant seamen who in the storm of War have shed a stream of gloryen the wave-----to share with them the darkness lwhich overspreads the field. "They promise our enterprising merchants a fertile soil and a temperate region ; ease unbonght by ex.- ertion, and abundance without industry. But what would they relinquish in exclxange, for this sensual paratlise. The friends of their youth, the habits and manners in which they liad been educated, and their ancient institutions of religion and literature. Spirits of our ancestors ! until we are unworthy of your virtues, we will preserve our civil and sacred rights of inheritance, and in this temple where you have worshipped will renewedly resolve, that where you died, we will die, and there will we be buried ; your people shall be our people, and your God our God. For our shield of defence against foreignand domestic fees, in is the A “SANCTUARY OF OUR GOD AND THE SEPULOHRE Oh‘ l0UR FA.T.HERS.”