AN ®RATI®Nn §‘1:.lJN0'[TNC‘ED; .21. N -rm; F01} RT H J §,."i’”,9 8 £ (3,, §:5I"..I"‘C)R"f.-T '.FIIii iNl‘I.»€‘J:H'l'AN.’I.‘S (J1? '.FHE ’1‘O‘\”VN' (W 73053T()‘:s';"_ ,{\'k" 'I‘H'!‘J }'lT3,('U7'i’~l~'-‘.’!' (H-‘ TIITZ £i'EH?.C"i‘;W!I2¢" | I3 0 cu n o I 0 u 0 R E’ '17; 1?. (J R G 13 fit} IJM V .»\ N -aQI¢buvu6Iv }‘"1fH."‘.~7'.l”'.1.,‘C8 }'H;' C. 5‘3'X’I1IlEIl‘*TP¢.\ 18143, "VOTE 01*‘ 'I‘I~I}L§A ',1§'O'WN. AT :1. meeting of the ft-ceholders and other inhabitantzs of due town of ".If§(T)$3'I‘0I‘§'f, auly qualified and legally warned, in publick tn‘wx1—nu;u::ti1xg, assenxbled at the Old SOUTH Cuuncu, the 4:11 day of July, A. D. 1816. % _ "Vow:-:1), That the Selectmen be, and hereby are appointed, a committcac to wait. on GEORGE SULLIVAN, Esq. in the nmne of the ‘tuwn, and tl1zmkh'n”n flaw the ; $.13-gaht and spirited oration, this day (1e1ive1iec14i;%by~.l1imatthLt%r¢que:st at thnszs t<:»wn,, upon the Aanrxiversa % %Vof'%American%Itidepent1ei1ce;Vir1 f\v11i(:1iwcl:‘1‘c %cc>x‘1sidere(1Vt;ho. feelings, manners, an prmcxples, whlch produced the great national event; and to gtrequest of him a copy for the press. % ‘ Attest, % THOMAS CLARK, Tdwn Clem, A oeA'r1oN.. THE return of a. period which has given birth. to ixltereeting objects, reminds us how indispensable: they are to ou1'l1eppi11ees. We live surrounded eml protected by the highest political l)lGSSlI‘]§;S : enjoying at security in our persons and property, with a certainty of the duration of it 3 which leaves us; notihing; to fear, encl almost llflfllilllg to desire Hence a. deep i11een« sibility to the ‘value of our extmo1*(l:i11a'y privileges lmbitttelly pervades the eontmunity. But the return of this anniversary e.Wehe11s, in the wise and the grateful, a consciousness of their rich posseesione : Amterieane on this day eontraet with pride their ne.tio11’s freetlonl, honour and eeeurity : N ew-Englencl’e sons and clenglitere rise in pmyer and praise to that gooclneee and mercy which preserved tlrneir fetliers. : Boetonimne with gratitn(tl.e review the feelings, principles and mm» nere of their eneestom, which prodneecl and i.'I‘Z'LI1.‘3‘l1'1ll‘.~- ted the ‘freedom of their country. i r 1 Survey the lmppy condition that distinguishes you above every other people. On the first institution of yournationel government, some elaraning discrepancies of A opinion on questions of principle did indeed exiet. A It A was to he expected in an experimtent upon new nmte1~ie.le,»,L A °e"l1oeela.we of attraction and con1bine.tion were as yet on» known, that menprofonnclly skilled in the resnltse of oth». or combinations might difler in their theories of ;tl1i£a Happy indeed has been the reenlt of his bold and sub.- Vlime e.xperiment! Honest diflerence of opinion is can» '1 (lidly allowed, and the tranquillity which has succeedetl. to an ali7t1"1‘l1lI]g vggar, brings you the assurance that your constitutions awe competent to the exigencies of your eonntry. Oonipare them with the governments of 0th- erna.tions. VVhere will you find laws operating like otzrs with eq11zt1pressnl1'e on every branch of admin- ietmtion are on; the people P where will you tinclpoWo1* so stripped of i1tf1mhu11;;rittty and prerogative ? where the interest of b;0Vet’1ln1e:11t so perfectly coincident with the \Ve.:1f€llt‘{;‘>y of the people, tha,t it‘ justice even were (liscztrd-l 6111; from ctl1:e+breaet~ of; legislative and telxecutive power, _int;erest alone Vmutlcl give solidity to 9. wise aclminis... tration. In these respects no equztl l1aseve1' exietetl. I11; tllotrepnhlieks of Gree;ce, either the people were the ‘e?e11ton.c tyrants rover governnnenlt, “or: the government V":V"€«‘I$.> 3, fiml1i0.11»S tyiminy over the people. For a; moment Rolixe eeeme to present ft resem,blan.cein, the annual election; of her eoiienle. It is to this the learned Mon- tesqnien zmerihee her gloryendt her trimnphs. But her glory Wee p.urel1aeed« by a.mbi.tion, at an expenee. of it fin1i%llione ofei*tizel1ie, and her tritnmplist.lwtere s-o1. laden V'}V'ltl'-1tl1("3‘SpOllS of conqueet,tha.t eventtmlly they shook. lt%l1etfo:11t11(l2i.tions‘of the wrepubtlic. The reeexnblzmcetwas Orllytin form. Tile tendency of ‘that ,g*ovte1‘nn1e11tt‘ was Jftto. inereaeec its power hy:tttl1lelt.~slevery of the people. A Il3:fWa,S.1?t3SB1"tZ{:tl=Wf0I7 modern times,wlienctheetxperh A ;tr=lez1ee ofegest hail:Cli€5V6l*OpB(l1lZll€5 pritncinslee of‘ttheeleooiat 5 eompaet, anti the progress of mind had subdued the eeeptre of power, to establish by controlling forms of government the 1'ig}1ts and interests of men. Legis- lation, as a science, pregressively improving with the F melioration of society, first eppeaxezl in ti’1e1em1ofyom;* ancestors. There the perfect and eo1nma11dieg~”fo1~1n of jurisprotlenee was first revealed to tnortal eyes. “The wise and valiant, fromewhom yourfethere sp1'ung;, reared to her, as to e aztivillity, a. vest mu} splendid temple, whose tfountdetions were lein upon the wisdom of the entients, whose eolumns were modelled by the experience of netioxase, and sustain a. fine mu} massive canopy, that seems to defy the elements of eonvulsioza, and the decay of empire:-::. . It was the temple of Jue. tice ; the steedyluetre of her lexmp has eest its inetme» tive light upon our shores 1:, end the wisdom, the geniue and eloquence of me.nyi1l«ustrioos judges and mivoeatee of our own time, whose lipsteere closed in death, have bequeathed us the mezule of fotlndingg zm eeyhzml, hroett es‘ om“ eountr , for the 1*efu:ge of justice 3% should the destioyof nations eoneign Eaxglexzél, like Carthage, te the silence of mine. - The st?ehi1it,t of her eovernment howevert hafiibitffll. W . as r 2 V tmemt : eonqueeet or revolution. 11ee.,w1tttn111 the leetteetxuttzry, overtmmetli eve1*3*netiontin Eu1'ope, save only the h;ing« donx of Greet»Britein. The summary of l1e1-history discloses the ezmeeoi’ her security and of yetxrs to be the same. "Whilee in some nations, as they :o."oee frame the tl11*e1domtof feudality, the nobles conspired with the eovereiglx a,g,'a.inst the people, the nobles in Engleml eonnhineclhwitlx A the eubjeet against t11eix1ona.1*e11, and by ggretltxel rhedetetionttt A of ttxehpowter of tlteerownge raised. ti the spirit of liberty among the people.-. i P1'ee1ni11entl;y favoured among, European nations, with this only pure fountain of legislation and justice, she has been the ad» miration of all. Ages had been consumed in the struc- ‘ tare, of her government; and the project of establishing; _ i ,; i iuithisi country, at once, a constitution of equal efficiency A iwas ridiculed there EtS‘(‘5lll1’11('31‘lCi3.l-———2tI1 utopian bubble, that might glitter‘ for a while in the sunbeam, but would surely burst on contact fwith the slightest obstacle. i Ourfatliers had profited of their opportunities too Wellnot to disappoint such partial expectations. Tliey had mastered the political wisdom of the age. And have they not shown that, if we have reason to rejoice 111 ourdescent, England has scarcely less to be proud of alierddescendants? Security at home, power and respectabilityab1road,areto a certain taextent neeessa.-t rily incident to every vigorous government. But it is A peculiar to governments, whose principle of action is chiefly theinterest of the people, that the security of person and property at home is not sacrificed i.n obtain--i biting power andirespectability abroad. This principle of action, in the ggoverument of England, is (20il11lI1l,l1f._?.;l€~3(l. with a desire of honour, too often found repugnant to the real interests of the snh_ject. Ambition, intluenced A by turns with ardent desire of personal distinction, audit ea selfish clove Gfrgfllll, nourished from lll1(3l3l'lI’011B{:1S the fountain i of honour, is there the open approved incite— meat togweatness. Witli us such ambition is ocliou*s,- and inpNew.-England forever defeats its purpose., It niipagz, and has acquired wealth and power, but never honourable fame.) The prayers and the respect ofthe goodand the tjvisedonot follow it in. retirement, nor *2’ do these, emhelm with elfectioii its lifeless remains. Men, in every country, under every government, are allure-d to publick life, by the charms of distinction. Ambition forever renders homage to the power confer- ring it. Hence ambition is devoted to prerogative inf monarchy, and to the public]: good, or to the 1*ulir1g r o passion in repuhliehs. Thus e.n1I)itiou, the motive power of all govermnents, is so cllitSi;@l1G(llI1 yours, that an enlightened intelligence of your own interests steed- ily pursued, will give in practice, as in theor , indu- A hiteble excellenceito your constitutions shove every other. But like otliers, it is exposed to the irregular action of party. A A , . A fedemtive system of sovereign states ne,tu1'elly tending to mmrchy a1nong; themselves produces occo.- sious for pertyacouflict peculiar to their coufederacy. Yet While their true interest is most surely obtained up by the union of all; the only rerneiuing suhjectof contest-M-possessiori of the brief authority of 1'11ling' rm.- derthe constitution, can hardly e11(.lange,r the d.urutiou , of tllet constitution; because the disappointment of to day is cverclieered with the hope of success to-marrow... Power cannot ulweys rest in any one section. r Jieel-W. ou.sy_Will supply at motive to opposition, should no A other exist, which will lforever A give to power in our nation, n.per2unbuletory character, that tiwillrpreelucle f the nequisitiouof rt destructive influence by any one state, and cherish the hope of possessing power iual... most every other. There is therefore a sufficient coon; te1*pois,e,tAoi1~egulete this otlnerwfise alarming tendency ot‘ytl1eAsta,tes to almrcliy arnong themselves. A ,_Hore yiehling to the ,feeling;s,~of habitual Arespeet and 3 vetieratioxi the em“ moither country, eireeellectien of but“ ms-igin, the inestimable gift of laws, and thelight of science we have received at her hands, would forbicl a. further c01Iip3.1‘iS0l];. But is itlnot time for A1nei'iea,ns» terespect themselves? Shall we longer ascribe to lfF1*a,nee or Eiiglemtl a, superierity which policy as Well estruth tiznvokes us to claim fee ourselves? They are indeed preenlinent in science, in srts, in literature and in refinement theie e0pi<.m,s streams have eVe1'fleW«- exit and every whe1f*e.em*iehetl em: country. Identity of iengtteget and eimilitude of habits and nmnners, 1121559 fa.eili»tated a. wider (lifi"usieu among us Qf the iiivexiztioiis, leerning and taste of England, and we have naturally ewartletltu 1191' tlltbillltlsilt exalted rank as: at nation. Yet ':while we yiehl to her the aclmired results of supiem. lltltltlatlcfl'Qf_V{€3tft.li3ll€tI1ti excess efipop111a.tio1i,et111ay we ti«iTmt r-ej'eieeiiii:iliiieu1*texemption from tlieluxury and the miser , that these entail en their possesses, “ Ainieriee. is perhztps tee neeessitous teigivet her time to every hranelt ef speculative science‘, or the pl'0diUCl_i}l.(JflS of yea ‘tinted literature. But in pxmctical science Wlitttimitiexi excels the ingenuity tttltl helclnessei’ her artists it Gen’- fessedly equal in l13t'v‘ttl zu*el1iteetu1*e, i21‘FB‘t‘i01’l10 mile in the facilities of C0l1’lme1‘Cit1ltl‘2t11S§}01‘ta.i.i0tTt, suilépassting all inthe variety and ‘value of 0111' ‘£"i('.l1li3tl1‘21lpt’0tltl.C~=y «Aliens, 1'iv2tlling even the W’0i:‘i{Sil01}S of Europe with the g >p1.'ed~uet ofeemeelmeittlmfyf, 1na.3r We iiietltthelpeifmittetl to ass sumetllet it is the apmieatiezi of seieeeeto useful pm‘- poee which eensititutes its value. If too we“111usta.llow teupétfierityinliteriatere zmtl taste ; A is it e not some essur-. itmeeiof our fut}mretie1nii11e~11ce that herbest autliru1'sm'e, e;te1east,es I g,enet*a,llystucl:iet1 here as in England; that Q 1 eome ofitlie most eminent peinters~, Whose penoils‘ emblazoned the name of England with a. glory, are natives of Alnerica. V i ” ‘ A 7 Inferior as we may be in science, have not Americ- cane yet reason to heproud of their country? Greater i i'ree(lomt inipoliticall inetitiitions, superior intelligence‘ among the community, a. etete of morals, pa.1*a(loxicai as it inayseelxl, p1*ogressively improving with the meaxzsor lurttlry ; a religion lW‘it%hon“t superstition, Witli-4 out hypocrisy, and without state i.nfloenee, e:x:hihitit:ng here thestrongeot proof’ of its entheinticity, by efi'ect« ing its own progress without theexeitetnent of intolel-; "a.nee,torthe political aid of government. gt a jiuris:p1'n-4 de11eelequnl1e(l only in one nation, on adininistration of justice surpassing ellotl1e1*e;' tAi governnient whose eptringg and balance are the peo.veu1' mi" Mae fimds Wz.1ssaleVm1t1y pmpit.iatec.l anntnyg; the :mt§.e'a.1t:a, ethei1'e xmvtiemzal ent.hue~~ eizmn was xvre:.fx;_;’m; to the inig; epiteh of pereeaml ea-- erifiee, " Their (fievtwima g;;a.eve them l3ig_.ghe.1' motives; than Wealth or pewszirz et'Ens:i1' heme.~3 z1s“«3pi1*ed to mnk with gods or be i;n1mex~mi in the sz:t:1iptL21-ed nmlme. Aznung the G';1'eeks, relif_:;i0n was dvggrmled by zmfi1*ihutes of in-— eollstaney and selfish passssiexiss 2 zmxeng the ]{(); it was BXELUCMI ‘by :‘xse1'ipm;»<:1 ei"f2wm1e1* to puhliek vi.1't11e. Aee_ording1ytie1e(i3e1'e«.2izm heroes awe r»{'t.en szaeen ax*1~zx.yed in zwme a;_z_;zLinettl1e.i1' mv1‘1eomxet1gy : the h(;.*.I‘(f)L‘,$ erf H()m(3, never, saveiu tll€:i1'1.‘:3tz1I1c(3 of (”3orio1ar1us. 'I‘he*rnist(»4- A eles and Aleibimlee were 1'eetm*e«(l to f€lVOl1'l' and power : Cerielamxs, never i;‘o1*give11,e 1w1'is‘a}1ex.1 mi:aera,bly. Not less distinct is the the influemze uf a-stale and free relig» im in 1110de1*nytimes.. The former is eonletimes cloaked with hypocrisy, tee ef(:e11 :91. pagemxt of ceremony. A that lives only in the publiek eye : the latter is sincere % :1 I seeks no pamde, dwells only in the lxemrt. H,o&wein4~ flzlential tllis, on your netioml ehe.mete1*, is nmnifest Q A ;m the modemtien it ev%ex'yvWhere imposes on peesion.e 1 ; '1‘-i+ A1ietl1ei=me.:meei' ermlting this eil1su=ee~tei* claims your ettentien. Iriterininggletl with otlier mitiees in the elem» petitiens of eemmeifee, Whose tlfluihilihl rights are ties}, timed to serve as pretexts fer i'.utu1'e miiiimsitieel, you must be pi'epa.1°etl to sm‘1'emlei* yem't1*e(le, yeu1'preper~ ty, and homes; err yeti must p1:epzi1'e i‘ei~ war. You have leametl,tl1et it is not en e eugiyiy of arms or eimmmitiens of xver, new even tlie_meelizmiee.l (.liSt:.-.l- pline ofexereiee and m:meeuvi°ee, tliet your eeu.ntry ezm rely fer defence. "i’t7liet i'.i"iD{i_J§il eemmunity of danger imty rally all te tlie "field, will net at sense ei'gi*eate1*(le11« gee drive them in peniek te tlleir liemee. The velour of freeiiieii, of i'e,tlie.i°s, bretliere, and liusbemie in arms must not depeml ee eeese ef (leng;ei'. Amine amid the art ef War, anti the itieeiitive oi’ (leziger will avail nothing without that publiel; spirit, wliieli tieliggllitstte efl’e1°, and that piiblielt. g~mt.ituun:~3e1:-3 at‘ VVast1ing2;t0n. Vflxen the2'et‘3m°e he lmd withd1*avvn,n0 ,eta.11ttm°d oftgenetml policy seemed to remain. Argu- men°te acldresésed te individual i’ntere9st were ‘vainly up- 7P"flSe(I1)3r appeals to peinciple. Vein were the (teteru1ii1~ ed etttwts to resistthis torrent Oftjfl-il10t.1tSy and irnp:1;ssinn— Gd flfiflflflxny. Their triumph seented, in the opinion of nmny ‘WLQEZC zmdi leaxned setatesanen, to jeepzmcl the dam.- bility of the constitution. .Mutu:tl excitement p1:esent1y itttentifiedtinttze opinimi of all, the success of pa1*tywit11 the Interests ef the c0m1tr;y. The eotlfliet was wuewetl J t;?z;ntdtpu1*sueitt; withfivhat ‘acerbity let it be 1'ememh1*ed afmly tube av0i‘L1e(L endured" till the late f01*t%u1mte tttpa;e1fic.a,’tio11 seemed to grant an amnesty t0*b0tI1. A '1‘he tttecltievexmentseef each ereenmlled with the histoljyot’ A :31 their c0u11try, zuml the pas-;ei‘0ns that tossed them lmve subsided ft)1‘t;-W31’. It is therefore pemnitted, mi this day, A (30!lSt3C1“'£Lt(3d to the nation :u1d’se‘t aside frem party, to etmeez out the eeeeeqeeneess efifeetittg em“ netienal elm..- meter amt p1*es‘perity; xvtaieh hevee arisen from this eenfiiet. A ' The party pt*eV’a1iti!1gby appeals to the deminaltt ])'£tSSi()2".l_., em} ttnet tjeeteuey of the peopie Were, of eem*:se, ettetigett to §§l‘i-Lttsfjyr ttmtttpélfifiitbtl with etfttce mad. en1wh;m1e11t en the on e heed; and with the extxihition of Ieiggiat eetrmmxy en the oétixerd Ttne p1‘&p:11‘:1ti{)I}S for de» i~"e:1ee wttien tVeetxi11gteeze1 lmd enjoined, and thewhele mt;'u)at1 new :?tppt'0‘V?"e, were of (3()L11’St3‘ deemed tttmeees- eeengy. A A e A .A.jea,1m1ey of etztte int1:.1et1ee, exeited by the avowed exnhi.ti<:m of one state, Vves 't’eete.veurit:-ml. Pldmptltzttitanses of setfieh state ptjtrpoees netutmltly t"etlewe‘d,t em! were 1*et%uritedtWitl1 the t1g;e;z*ztVzLt(att imputation of t1*:t‘itm'eue ssutbservieliey to E1'1g;l:tn'1d. VVis:-;htee flcnr the eueeeee of the eetuee of thete emjmtry Warm! exp1'e:seed, !._ry one party in N‘GVV’~EXlg~ mm}. 'ft't1H'I1jt1$~;t views of the interests at fix'et,t0f Europe,’ A z1ft(*.I'VV't1l‘“t'[£E3 of‘ this eotmtry, furneisl1a"l1tthef.;1*eend%se0t’ thie erin"n'i1t1a.tien1. It wane Iletuml to hurl beck ttzett re- erin1imz.tion ef ]').FLl‘tJiit1it1y to Fmutee. * These pmvem 0011111 net but believe :in the exitetmltee of such parties in their fevmnni Etlglantl .:u1:.x,ptetd her po1iey« to this be}- tiet’, strut the det'e11eelese state of em‘ eountry xvit11ta,Vtfe~ tat ezwgyteity. He1* example was feltevved by almest V eeverty other pewer in }$i11"‘(')[4)(:‘., till ettllmost ew*e1*yh2ttio11 ttthet emtltd fire at gx1‘11 11ad»p1t111de1'edyoureemmeree; A A» Where‘ menew the p1*eefe 01:‘ eubservi~eney to Exlg- 2.?» lemlytl? » How idle; the im~;mt.e,tloe that the meet intelllig gi3llty1)0!‘lLl0l1_0f the union should. be willing teeumler e tlmtunion, which even ieferier men £llS8Bl‘Il(’:tl,la.t1{l{llS» cemetl truly, to be more essential to the pmeperity of N,esv- Englend ~the110f eny ether section of the Cflt1t"ltl‘3". Nay, that the sens of New-Eng.;l2md sheultl etm=entlle1' their liberties to a nation, wlxom their fatl1e1'elhe(l been the first to eppeee at ll‘i3Xll&Z:‘tl‘il ef their lives emlyp1'ep— erty. Englaml ere long (lieccvered the ye1'1'e1*yintoy wlzclt she lmd been <’lre.wn, by tllBSe«t1l1f0tlI1tle(l. imputetieons ;: am! this discovery, it is Well lmewn, put eml to the VVEU“. Haw tnemenltcus the yeetabliellment zuml maintenance ef ltflllfilll-l‘£1l)ltB 11_a,tioz1el cl12tmcte’l~ neetle no fuethe1* yillue-. t1'21tlm1. Areas maty eetztblieh for e wleile, but pulyliclc epirit only een Ina.intein it. fllhis must emzmetey from New-Eee1ent1;» bleeeueelslxe aleee live l’vr0n&lS;‘.§ to per: clenentl forget. . A A y- A A new state of things is new rising eat of tlteyclmoe of the pellticel. world, and no one can predict the cen.-A cefm1et1xt net'1cml111aytbe ebligezl to take in it. Let us leave, while we y can, the e.t‘f'e.i1*s of Eurcpetto them-: selves ; we have llepgaily lived to see the destroyer of nations conducted to his lonely isle. A There from some xgmle, craggy cliff let him gaze on the 1*estless ocean es en emblem of l]lS_OWl1 tumultuous lwsenl, till the worltl, in pity for lgis deep deslpairl endtottephzg 1‘ea.soe,,y shell’ y;i"ergivye his A crimes. A A A V ()u*;1* concern is with eureelves“ : A the political calm which gives repose toparty do-ubtlesst p1'eeages ye new eruptient, Its lava may separate old friends, and bring l ltegetlxerolcld enemies. lYourlVesuviustis in tl1em0un.- teinls of tlxeweet. A Thlat section of tthelcountry,ea.fte1* the 9333 11 exht cm1s11c~..z, wiil semla ‘larger de1egatim1 to Conmgmsaes than any other. Tle lave of power wiil gmvv with the naeam. of acqu‘Ering.; ‘it. Already the dread of lasing ithlms excited a jealmmy of the Western stateshin the zxlhltierxtdmninitm as they de11mnina.teVirginia. But the Vv:.u*lihe. and adventurous h.=:a.hits of the west, the pa.- cu1i:1r 1‘~Eh1&1fi(i}l1S t.haay sttstain with their neighhm1r im the south, eaeem tn ix1dic:-zwethat, fur the lwresmat, theyh a.1"~*«=: not tlnclimeast dc.zpnsit(>1-icshof pnwer. Slmuld this nmv (zonxflitzt arise, the probable expen- die~.nv.y in” this; (went of the c:o-ope1'ati0n of .V(axV-Etag» land with otlmr states, im*0hes a; hstemlype1*5eve1*m1ce in those ssscmlul p1~in(-,iplcs, which WVasl1i11g;to11 beqm2ath.~ ml us: for mxtlxingg but 1'cgh;a1h'(1to g;;enera1i21te1*hhee3thca11 unite sstzms of smchv.21riuuss1ml)its mxdviews. Let Ne§‘w- Exnglzxlm ho. satmdy to her pe.m11ia1' ix1te;restss, ifshe hmw: ‘mom 3 but let lmr e.xtm1d an equal 1‘eg;a1*(1 be other see»- hti()ms of the courltry. Lest her svuspelld h&1~1*pa1‘tialities, _ if 9.1m feel them lxowcvem wcl1—-fuumlcd in superior morztls and 1na1m(:a1*s. Her wissdoln will tlmu he listelm-~ ed to with i1‘1c,1*m1seh(1 1’(?£.~‘$[)(!(tt by all. If in this; h:.1s~:aty View (sf Hm 1‘i5st3 and progress of ansu tiun, born to tl1e1'3ig11essf, clcstixaies, we hzwe repemsed film. s-istmry of mu‘ a11c.m=st01*s with fresln itxtemst in tlxeir virmesg ifthcir1(h3pe.1*1mleru:e these proclucegl has b-emu hlesswxl with 21 Il”i()1"'(3 ratimml felicity than the sun sslzilws upon eh:-:ewhlne1'e in his course 3 if we ‘lizwe reason to be, proud of our country and its c(>11stitufio11s of gov.- e1'111m.>nt; if We fiml in tl',1stb some hassnranhcehofihziglx» er, purm‘ puhlick .«3pi1*it for the fl.11'.liR1‘k3 ; if We fee1ha11?m.:~ terxdozd‘ h(;%ll(3.VD]€‘.I1(E(3 rissing towards 0urcm.'mtry;then let the xnmxmoliy of our hhancehhstolw he :1nn1m1ly~h 1*ec.:1]h-ml $i’x-%1+ Withpiuus gratitucle. Let this a1111i\'<-31*s>z*u';y be the po- litical sabbath of pzwties when they shall recur to the first prilmiples of lmblick virtue, so exnimmtiy ex.- wzplified in the fntlzer of his couxmy. Then, lnay We not hope that the happiness of our nation, both publick and jp1'iva.te shall he ulzeqtlalled, but by its Fa.1ne..$¢