0/; ‘R
ézortccmn, N; H.
ximwmao me‘ mm. Mm manzm,
‘THSAAE restless citizmms of a Repumic tam Aofm
33:91-1 “ lasll the ocean to Vvzaft a fbetther.” But
the late adahess of the Secvetzwy of State is
;?an% object of no t1°iAfliz1g Innlgalimde : and
thot1g~§1'fn4'0xai:. smile (_pm.1**te:'=i‘s the fie1*cest ‘fury
ofwvintnd and vvave lms beaten 1133.901): it, wetmsa:,,
flmt its 111*‘-inciples am “fm;1nded on $1, 1*oc};.5,°?*
and will prrwe impeI;*isl1::mble.
Tine a1:at.lf10Mnfimmu:§>fl, too, one of our l"ip€-35%
scholars, am @X])9,E”‘i€R1CC(1 smtesmalw, and th(:
czixfizen of sstewlfinlg pa-i.vz4:te worth, on ‘whcmm,
the 637% of Axm=:.1*i.c.:J;. we turned as “H183 caaldi-~ %
dznéte i:'o1* hear l.1*ig,§hzest Vhonours: this man,
l1(1!.1St expeect to bmmme a-1 fn'eq11m1t mark {'0}?
the .€sl%m‘;J't't.9 0fq:=>m’y {c.1141 f3«a.c§l¢i0n. Fat‘ be it
from ms to pmtemi, that e.ithe1' 119 01' his 01%
‘Hon are iA11v'ul,nezmple. But we rm :;3.W..‘B", whet}:-
cewsixese Sfl'§0i‘.tll“(%S 'l3ef011m;1 in Him dull 01'.»-
gies of Eielfam Ga2;:e£te,%m1rltim Cmsshla cmak-4
‘ixmgfs o'£’“I;he l%f*ich»;rno':ju£ Enq2m°e1*,Aon*in oracu-
lar mvmws frmm. tlmz “.fi*:311z1po1’*iu1V11V0f Lit»
g2x':a1tum,” t3mtt§mi;1' 1”flj'c1IhI_1€1‘iS g.f§e11m*aHy ilk;-t
juaiici0us~::md; HM: n".mm=.1* of sorrm *0fi“,‘thmn*.
most.dc;-1~og':;ato1‘y't0 the {me i‘n1te1~ests of %¢:a: ;1,j
p;nu;»;;>m*-y., Of c;1rM:hja;5,Aa:xa1a} &emV“pm*:w@cmzigism
We surely foei no disposition to conipioiofi
its influence is so.luta1‘*y. iBut why is not
the groceless task of covoi“ing;' with sneoi-s9
sarcasm and coarse caiumny our own piitoiw
tuna and g0Vel‘l1111Bmi3, left to the fp1*ofessio11o.i
iibeilors of E:-sgianci? Adniit that tho ad-
dress ofMt-. Aiioms is not a1i'og;oti1orafauiit«
loss p:'*odnction ; yet why should this cirg
ounistmico he 1:"o'itomtod as an heinous offence,
when every thing huinan is oh;no:x:i.ous to 3,
;s_imilar charge 3 " A A
‘The, acldross is not 3. folio voiumog nor tho:
‘rev-ised copy of a disser‘tatioo after the V com
rections of twenty years g but it is the fllgi...
tive and almost extoliipomrneous effusiolo of
tho moment. A Is "the genuine test ofits sinere-A
its", then,thofeehl'eI1pess of‘ a. period, itheiimisu
use of an expletive, .th~e transposition of an
iadverb ? Let us Iiatller: ask, wliatever may
be its impoI'fection‘s, who is there among the
disciples of that r*epob1icanism3 which broke
ii our colonial chains, that has not felt his heart
¥bum. at1;heporusa1 of it? And if this hath i
been its operation, if it hath kinsdliod in push
move ardent glow of patriotism, and rou14=w,-:;ecl by ma Pwplm. Even A l*a.1*1iament
11%a%L: never attemptedto Nintmdums: a ‘stuAcx:ea»-
$:im31,»Imt fuumled on legitimate descentpfmm.
a11isl1pimte%s¢l1‘ Nonrnan robbem. Ixldéed
V the princijziesof %%legitima.ny“’»a1*e bvandetl fw-
every page (if her history, am1.he1' people
V 215
aim s;z§¢*Em::e :1-cE1.*a?1°te1‘0a'%a; 1A“i;g-‘éz.t WMchA ilsfgé
hat hm: m*e$te~d h'§,rfl1e&swol*zl. A Bax: it is the
tenure: by w'E:aicEh E16264 pngxmalzztiozl 131017;} tl1eVii'
n5i§:_z;hts,”1M"%aic§i ei:ons5timta;as the g‘1'éat JEs%tinc..
fioh% an&M1icH1 eEéV'3tes the 1iu.mb}est Arnéziy
cm; to gfeaxtxicss z1mai%<};eg§£*zadés the p1*0L1(lé:~3i:
'B1*¥iVtoninw 2:, slave. V A ’% %A V‘ V A
Vvileaj ;<__%§0$1ia1 i3(°3V3.e‘Wex~3, th%é1‘éfun"é,
ht “ such s'tL1fl’ as; thi%%s A address is made of,”
tl1éy%fi)n'ge%ty%'that .A(f!:%am.i3 was riot brcfl W
tliné court 0f Su;1V*s;!anap2iEu4é, But in thé primi-
tive puritan #s1md4e.~3 of A :1” ym.ung7ReVpL1blic
mat; to 11i'm4 M10 waé=.§ 1'dcked inme c1*z.1dleAn€’
the m;~vo1117tiz)i1, lfioéth vibe A ixmli élavm‘ 7' ” are;
moI1stefi*s of 5‘hidcot;as nai(3n,’5 émd that Atlid
é:oui'-age 7213 Wellns liberty to ¢iiex1m1ncc them
were his biz*tln~'right.V Nor” it my re-9
prozich. on small :1 irimmi to V be Hl.2elle’(I ,in%
place, M1e1'é fun? t§fVeén1t;y‘y«;3:%x14*s tl1e>"am:E£0r of
tlm Dr:-.clm+:1tio1'1VoHi?s%dep%endenc£5 Wz'1.s a. ‘st-a;nt1-J
ing tlmne ¢:if' fiéwsp.-ape1'&1t'iI)alc{1¥_y, and VVll(‘§I"”€3,”
¢'lu’rir1g.tlié same 'perirod4, ’I7"»;1~itie3E%1 "1*é€riéwe1*s“,,
spies; ole-191m and s%ta;§e actor's iuive “ljeen%,&Wel~;
con1e'dfio' tliee do"mestic«1%1eax~t:x A ivith‘ p‘i'0d:fg‘aI A
Ixosliitalityfi AA
If’, in tl%1isf"“%e1'zi oi’ g-o0'1A1at accouI1tA MIPAW
6 SVS‘i'Vje‘,- _1iAV..lr.° A A.da‘mis,~ Afm?sVo*t;1f;|*1,; [law dAi'sc«ov-~"
cream; 111 ¢éte11*1P€=r.”' With few ammxg us,
gmland is, inWde%ed,A “°'tIi,e 1r111’4wa1~}; 0-fqyur A re,
1ji3‘AiA°¥1a %1‘3*(.1A4«r17‘3l6I' 7IfI.1(A)IL‘u1il?cl%‘1¢“vVtlT 3 Clefend er of tllje?
Faith!” “How, »«tI1_ena- [c_aI~1 tlieiiv II}0I"'a1it{ifiSf‘
1i.votio%n to liber‘t3r-aw A
thei1'Vsle*epless~ vigi1anVcem-the-‘i 1* abl’10‘vV1~e»11ce of
Britisllioppression--—thei1' i.tn4teg'x'ity tn tileif
own altars and lmmesa
The reviewer,w in fine, has Arnade the rxafzn-:"
ble discoVe1‘y,% tl 1a.tV:i3l1e Whole‘ address" is A Im-*~
flistingu*islwd “‘ from the at-dinmvy ca-cnvdhfim
performances on the amine o‘ccasior1.” Ant?
yefgtv ifs‘ zitnpormnce is ~su:ch:1s'to' VeI‘ic?%it from’
Mm tvmntyor tlliriiy pages of (:riticiis*111,»a%n&i*
sAi)Ae VofAitswto_pics are “ Well selected,”
i1a(1eEéfnl4 j“ 1:h,egene1val plali” 01‘. We wvmo arm
tion, ‘f-‘A’ very happy..’%’ A H;;e%l1:as made fliis“ AA j1fm~" A
t;ar,l>l'¢; discovery df %it»s%1n'edi0;m§itry, 'ifoo,;_ ,a:fgg1«*%
the , a,drd5re~sys had been ;¥rep1‘i21tesd antli Em
an%(1»Aadmimd from MaiTne» my 191024-id.«a.— A *‘%§'Ve(%
nan. 5? gxmss out,” likewise, thza-1:] &suchivslz4e[aw"¢ '
imfpm1ence* ;I’1as»¢.»elc1om“ :beém~1= ; A:fm1i'1d.
quest. A ~ If *ti1at4J1oz1ru.~alV, with the’ %ux1f01'tt1r1.éi€e
6c$”Ve1~_5rw?%rith%a 1*e111:ai1*k;_,,‘th‘.~éx;tyhe was iw':.~z:~«iiz~>e£ “it? t
i'nse1“i: it £12 the .N'0'r%tJIz-V4.m:i‘e‘zV*'iczz':2.~ ,7 b:,1t.1;!mt hi.s37 %
éeagérness to % pluck ”e:M:iie1°%lam.n:°eis i"r0‘m a~*t:l.1e§
public Ap1‘eve4nte£!. -er; cmm1‘p:§ia11ce=% with the 1'-cé
Ath~ié%Iiiatt%ficlii:enes§ ” of the.“ fieoltnleea a1fii:al1g*
"wh0m.°it is ‘printedg h“a}7i1"L¢3h£a.hged.;, i‘I1%AAf7lAi‘1”f'e(a%
brief Amtrnithé, its g:~afié:€3%ei:1sh1*es on.‘
a11d?l;1e1- po'I}1ticim1s ixm) amxsmf Anus:-ica;
a11dAf7l'md pmcefedéad to mprobatc flue "stricture Q
5I)ef'0Are made as? “‘ dirty w0irk,’5I 7a1u‘i‘avowed 4:1‘;
am-adi11és%s ta pe1*forfi1pei1ance for” film “cc)11't1'ci’-is
*Versy,” we must confess; that 0111* }'n0I“‘tifiCt1-4
tionat such an apoétacy wo‘ul(l have »been(‘3X-«'
treme. Nat that Eng1i.sh1ne~.n' enough liy?
bi1~t11andAaf”e%virby principle Allave §ev'm* hm;
Wanting i:u,.o11r11o1't11ern troApo1isto ljecdm,e3‘
“the champimls of :B[‘itflIll].ifl”,”2Xfla “4 the
chivalrous l4':nig’ht9~of cI1arté1*ed liberties and
the ro’tteI1 borough ;” andtu shout with the-. re...i
1'rieWer,athat by England A “the wimle r:,i£riI:i‘zet1‘
world has been saved fmm~t11fe stiwnest cles--"
potlsmwllich eveli‘ oppressed it,” As if“ 1;~o“
be saved frumax single diespnt, for the pm----‘ A
page of wearing t11e‘clm;ins ofan“ ‘H50IyAA6lli~
3l1cI?3’= of despots, de1nan‘¢1edAa,S’*lau‘d has anflas
gas the salvatian bythe Cross‘. Butt tlmt mm
tivef A'V1ne’1*i‘cansV--~_-vwho11.-ave mediytatéd on %otx’3f*f
w 1
h«its£tost~y%-a»-s‘tmliett t11‘e‘ttt[xxsim:ip1'es of‘ mm A‘gw6v4t A
er.ri11i61it-+£1dt‘1'gti»I‘e&tti t'hte%wiir-maest 'c»Jf'.m1r
dime faelmvis, tfeIt,»ttintttEwi‘t1*tt }3ei»son‘?s¢,~
“ the vs c-Ms tment. p2mti«e1:‘rt¥tft"t 5tn'1e?ri.*"t of ttlaév” nzmtt t 3
Vwridrthy ttté~rke?swZi;,~wAon%1»l bade time ' 'stre§h -j'7“
antVvi*MctI1é's‘as;t0’liek e1ae~haud'which s1mite4s" “V
them, is: imt‘_7to‘ tctretcfitfetd. "With kill‘ i*%ntel.rVVt*
ligfeyItt'p4oliti}c~ism gs, tIie*qt1efst‘“i‘0n'If9tst not A wl§1et}fl1té If
Ehglaxrfi bet*;mrewtq“f it t%pjaI4adtifs'e tha"n tM"fie1*i-'~
cii:%f'crrtt ki”rrgvs,t4ttitob‘*l’e*$kam! priestst ; b%LttT twhethé “
ef tllé; great lnasst bf" _he1"tppp’uIati%on pat-tit5i—
pate iii ‘SVu4cI1%rig?l'1t“s Ac0t1nf'ortS-—-4-whethe1‘¢%V%
t1‘1'etfi5ri1'i~of“ lief tgove“rnment"t and A the“ ttctontli-3 A
titjn of "her t1no‘raYsMb,e Tsd pf:Vreeenii‘ne:r‘ft aéttot J 1
my unéspalting ggz,utse,wm¢h my travexu
lflérts, oratorst and tauthmrs constantly’ I1e)ap*
on us.
W Anotfleratzcusatioll against Adams, is,,%
that he ’cIetcrriest"‘tl1e richttandnoble Iitératturé
o”ftI*1'Dg1aI1d~’?’% But it (Mist to be I‘BI';IlB[Ilbel‘e.dé,
that evefy tP1iAu;g-., which “he utters on this
point, isin answer to a taunting iriterrogay
tory‘ in the .Edinburgh Reyview as Htofwliat,
America hastdonte “ for tlxetbenefit Q1’ man- A
kind :77 A and that his 1'en1a14ks tare directed,‘
not toher comparative prog1.*es.s i11%b%elles-let;-;@%A
tres,,bI1t"%ctl1ie4fiy to What «A.meI'ica.ns4 hattetkafii A
chit«3v4e“d‘" in tltmse sciélmées arid arts,'v§rhicfi‘
‘confer direct 11sef11lne‘ss~on’the gr-ea;t 1n—a-sseef‘
society; e 4111 his enimetedsurvey of tlmisesub- _
ject, if »some retaliatory e“‘esneers‘” Aescape
frame him, 4 the .£raud«uIem? 1'evieWerw knows, ~e.i£ A
is, not at the “ rich arrde enable Iiteretulie 4 ef
EMn§gr1and;*=«I)ut»atthee restless attempts of'..he1* ._
scholars “to aggrandize a.bstr11se and speeula--4
tive .resee1'el:nees$ in tl1eir “wbenefit~1:oeman- .
kind}? over the exertions, which distinguish
_A,m;e1'ica.for the amelioration of the -lower
orders of society-—--f0r her“%im,provements e.i11
goveri1:iiem:§her% inventions in mechaniAcs.ee
If .3, A sexitence or two flames AWit111*etoeter1
‘*‘bitte1*.ness,” it is not towamls Bacon ‘ore
Locke‘; but against thexpurblind,politi¢;iame,
who cw discern no “benaefit te mankind?’ in.
red11cin§to practice what athm have mxly
suggested. A If his ‘5manne1' be reproaechf11l,=’%
reviewer knows it is not at “ Miss Edge-—
we1~i;h4 and the author-< of %VVave1'-ley,” but at
the%rnyI5ia§.ds eff‘ "-‘fustian remances,°’ with
W‘l1ich%‘England has delug'ed ‘"and enermted
the 1~.isineg generation, and which are urged
byher as a “' benefit to 1'nenkind” in compe1;i~
tion with wllet has here bee11’etVcl1ieved% in
eduoationeaneecumeorcseax“the pom-.~Vint11e
rigl1tse?eie'coliseieneeéwthe security eofefnfixfwer;
1,y----arxtithe%1miV“‘ei“Sal enj oymem of equa.l1ib~
"erty. Not at tl1é~moml*ver.se~ofShakspearé,
Miiconl andt*Cowper,~b1ttI at txhe“ sptawnerst of
I'°ZlusAc'ivious- lyricks; ;”~ one of‘ Whom; onjcel en-
tl tjoyed: the hospitalities; ofi‘ “this colmtry, and
e»vincied. his gratitude« by the») defama.t.iio;1l
lW'ashiington.A. Such “ spawnarsaof. lascivsiafws
*lyricks”‘as}- scatter» imi-tations-~.l of An~a'c~reonv,
Eatullus and‘ Ovid» lover-; the" Sll16lVeS‘xi0fi?.t1«12h6
young, to taint their lips With‘-~ gilded imlpimify
“anti to distilinto«thetir~l1eaItts. the unholy es-
,sence» of ‘ all that is matwkish in. 4 sent-imengt or
ltinfidiel in belief. A I«l7»st1.(:l1‘authorslare thougll-t
iby:the~ reviewer to clonfer tmost “Vbenefitlto11
mankind 57’ or evep “ the iinveutorst of»Co11-—
greve- rockets 1 and Sl1rapne_lT ttslt1ehe Mel :5mm'e pe-t-em: to "1;l1i‘s’l duty
"tlm11 mm: lALlams,l Vwfilmlse A standin g.
zlsmmety, ¢°Wh’0se eloquence anal lplatriotisvna
llllarletfialélulated to shed over those c~au*se*s”~ rthle
lélealtlllllesls ligl1t»of' tru-tl1;~ ~Wl1en*cnrmc__y', am
alreadyw smtte1'ingg; fimh1*£1t:ds; am‘! 1:mism1"1,i%t:
Vbelxoves e\*ea%'y WM! wi:s?.M31:* to Mac: 1'epn1Mic tn
awake. Itis(m.e 0f'M1'. Adm11£r1A :nne1}'.;
its valiofis Bea1*i1:n_gs too ¢iis2ta11't. But in ‘Elm
mean time, if the chéu'acte1' of Mr. Adams i$
destined to be mangled aL}deV*erg1 c1'11cifi_e¢l to
gratify British sycop1V"1an'ts or the sinister
views of demagogues, whose ]):ML111}00flic0
is obstructed by his virtues; let the ternpest
“ An honest man is still an unmoved rock,
Washed whiter, but not shzaken by the slxoclc.”