«mm. ‘ «A “Kt ,,.A.“, 41,‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V‘ .4_, X‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘T An‘; Jfemg‘ -J‘ ‘A‘ B‘iJRL;INGTON. I A amimwzm AT w1~u«:A 1aumr2:% xinmas »0Jmc:x«:., % % A A A ...182z3... 3A A A‘ Bzwlz'7zgtm2, A 52711 .]‘zzZ'_2/, 18:28. Sm, t % The Committee of Arraxagexrxents have instructed -me to return you their hearty tl1a1tI{s for the fétithffulfebIe‘t%Or%zntiton,yyitl1 which the {'1-iends of‘ the Administration vte1*e yesterday’Jentez-ta\inc-(T;‘end, in the full persuasion that it will very strongly tend to the correction ofpoliticel error and the difflzsiorz % of correct principles, they have directed me to request that you will fuxntieh ‘ them with d. copy for publication. V t e t ‘ izmce with this request will much gratify every one whom I have l1ea.rd'p@a.k en the snlnject, and 11#ep%e more thzm ; V % . ’ fettrttsirieere friend, Y t ’w _ t JAIVIES DEAN, Cltairvngzvz. % I~Ion. tJo1m_C. %T1-rotmsom, .5 ; ,4 “»\ V ‘ ‘ ‘ t v t 3: - ‘x u , ¢,~ ‘ " a ~' V I 'm “MM ’* ‘ - “‘“' " A ' V ' ‘ ‘ A A Bm~lz'n.gton, July 7, 1828. Damn Sm, Your kind note oft11e5tt1W:iyr;:a~%tant,t .:nVbejh;;1r’or the Comrnittcee of A Armngements, com.n1upiceti_t1,gj tg0fm.e tI :tei’L'r Oration pronounteed % on the recent%e1:%ne‘ive‘reiti?37 t$t’*om~ N atiohel Itxdefaendietieee, and politely request» ing at eopyet‘ the Salgjtekgfprfi,.tp~u§h1iCfl.tipn, eotniix1gtt%eWsj\i%t ‘did {gem my l1ig;hly esteen1ed frietnds anfi”*%'lTeWbei't§i%efi§,t%‘%Wes =%rTeo‘3eTiivemci"" vttitll much respect and. good t'eeI’ir1gg M eThe %Adc1%re*ss, whit}: was :ptrepztred4 under mzlmy embarrasements, has, at %tm:eet,t_not%%othter merit than%thAa.%tteftl1aving collected and presentedeome impor- tant facts and principles, essentially contneeted with the welfare of our eountry. In the'ho.pe that it tmey "‘ tend to tlaetcorrectien of ‘political error,” and in the . belief that the”efi'orts of every men, ltowever humble, should be made subee1f- ‘V vient to the public go—od*;"’I‘ :t;ete*i&b'nté1udee,r% to comply with your request. e t ~ e t ‘ ” W e « Bet pleztsede to "tender to the Com ittee,ta.nd aecep-t for yourself‘; ix1tdimidually,t ’% tgltettassurence of my cordial and sinceretfriendship. W V - t % t t % _ t t, " _ JOHN C. THOMPS%_ON.t . Mr. JAMES DEAN,_ At ; e t ~ t C t % Liltctimzzaiz of the C'o2nm_z‘me qf .251-mmganwnIs.t wt ‘ ma‘. ; ; ‘ t. g ‘ ‘ t t ', ryttfnx ~t?wir genit¢1ttinfl*uenc¢ iht 1?~<=y<>tt‘ tdesptotism. ‘ ‘VVAQ h{:ti1%%tttthet‘..d.a.y, ewhiolmva hope is xxottdistatg; Ajlution inttlxetctonditiontofxnuntkind. t A M The occasion b1'i11gs,Wit,l"1,it associa, ions eeeesmm A %% '\?\7fi:ttI1:tve:y~cO1nc2 vtogether, fe11imv~c:itizena,_ tot.thi11k and talk of jtlm blessings andtglory ant’! i*htere::~st,s of our c:ountry., j {Bo expom %t11tetdangc.\.r:a wlfich tltreaten her t;we1ft%tr¢;f 'I‘:o_ look backt upon =tl‘1:e3_«sstt)1*my_%perAipd, ttwhern with the fiacblenesgs of infancy, ‘telnet Aernergtul from hm‘ cdlbnial de- pextdence, and laicl broad and deepy t13ie‘tfo;t1'ndationA of M1‘ grg>q.tnea~s.t To c:«rxntcm';pIute her pmscnt giant strength and *power,tund1ook forward to tIm%}1ig11 deattigaigstt11ta£,ta.Awati‘t hgrg Q 2 “ t _ M % % A M V - thia;to;t1s‘15% ’ t{fif>1¢1:3%“r1zaty are jeightened tlsytttlatq reflecti§>n,t11:tt ,,tvetcQ111m}am§5i?£tt(a~*a,n tavmtt f'm.ugAl1t% with no disastrous conseqmanccést tn‘ c>:u1iVse;21ves;,_,orAtlzcétwor1dt‘i‘*‘*“1>;:1ttwlmitch‘ msultad in our owrtmoml and I>P01iti(:al V % itnprovem.ent;ti. and Atlm, e:§s;ta.l;yiJ.ttg]*1txn,mg;t of‘p1::1%gcip1test which; lmva extendexl limits of our country, We reflfiicge % tlmttthe pzjoxxnmggatifloxt oftlmae prtitncvipms has ope-rpated fupon the t taitlutaxytt change in the lnoml undt po1itica,]%%tf'ee1ing End: sgfnt-« .tflfl1\@,Jn’t8:‘»‘:%£%n1ang“ practidal tlasgtcan f‘urnis11edAbyt11e Americ{ant%% 1ut1on,t has already cpnfotlnateatttyrantst and shalmn t.1%T1¢’3tt1T%%I1‘1’011t>‘gflS* of influence ofthat great eventtttshztll have tco«ntsuminqtgd% «irevo; R It excite the gratitnude and make g1ad‘thte}1m1rtsof interwttgle % tttbteast feelings of our nature; and call forth a; fpui‘re% and hmfiagea A10 % that Bteixig wlm was our great dQ1'i‘V7er$rAiI1_fah,3.d7fl«Y‘Qf,tI7ifl«1!;H t W recdilectibtjstvwcfilfiflfltéfil _t\t0 ttV'Fhr§VI)fec1arat”ion oftInde;p%e:x1td¢n%c_c:, which has juSL_b:(@r(5't'11‘efid,.CQ11tai1f1fi3 an a.ble trsumr‘I'1,ary1 ofthe trig?l‘1ta ‘Q%f'm.£L%11,tttand of .tI1t§ oxir father?! VA‘ 4 ll endured; together with their solemn resolution to moinlmin “those 1~iglm=, and lr.edres's those wrongs. In 1’a.r1gL1age which would seem to have been dictated by the wisdom of'lins;pira.t.ion;p it pxfoclairned the et,ernal principle:-: of civil liberty. The patriots and sages who, at It gloomy and portentoue period, signed and proclaimed tlmt Declaration], were tl'1(':‘.*mp0stl a.ug11et ahdltranscendantly dignifiedlnbody" tl1e,tevero,ssAen1,bledAto deliberate ‘upon human ppldestllnies.l The mo1-allA grohdeulr ofthatAt.r“ansaot;'LonAwillcontinue to excite‘ admiration until the last leaf oflilstory shall llaveybreetlfillrlied. A band of adventtmrers, :x_1li:e;dA;by eomindn finpterelsts and cor11mo11lclaI1ge.m, A in defiance of‘ a po‘Wérlllstrengtl1en’ed and cemented by ages, with their fellow A‘ ens and fellghwl lsuf‘l’erers,A eArhbarl{ed‘amiclst storm and tempest, upon an untried ocean. t Tlxeppvoydge was long and perilous, but with at skillful‘ poilot, brave marlinels vahdllstoimt ho-arts,‘ they at last roaclxeclpp their destined phtweo inltrion1pl‘;l‘m1d peace; A? ?A I "I‘hAe 5Re\?*olt1tioIiislti1oltvn,‘ to roost of ue, but from plfistory. A few only lrlernAa‘.:'u’1 ‘ to rehearse the story to their children and participate in its won»d‘erfol"1?esults‘.p‘ Happy they who livetll atlthat eventfull era, andyet live, to see the mighty Amt:-xrclh of 3; great nation‘. M uy they long rproain to ‘enjoy the reward of their toils and so.crifi‘ces, and rejoice in ‘lasting p ‘( benefits conferred by their servicesuponApth~ei1ioounj;1fy;l A _ A A Wlelore indeed‘ Alldietingtlished l)y*gl're:1’t‘ enidllpllecoll l\We possess all the means that tend to a ‘nation’svgrez1tnoSs. “ h@WithM as climate p llh‘ aoldl productive, the fiiurmeryilo sure of l his rewafdflsld °lD45II1;oStic5lt manufactures are ‘ lencoowragecl an‘dA protec:Alted'.--l-’- .l l A Ilntotnol limpro‘veei1ierit"ilslp progressipg; Our lwzmtons in ‘every varied litri‘c1‘health7f’uli, ‘.e.nd’ soil ' breelile Whitéfls ‘every sea. mgarded the maxim lthotl “ knoAwl- 1eel‘tl‘g5e“' A A rhent*,“ ” l”tdsl‘ffbet’ehl‘~ Ad*iifl'L1“sedda'mdng all c1a.*sees”.p l()7ur* instituti~ons: are f‘réél£'»-’tY1i§"l’tdfl‘g'de,’ lthe:pponAAAaAr1d‘ thei press erefree; the clonsolence is: A "fi'ee;l and thellriglitlsl equally protlectedttnder a wise am?‘ able act. l ministrationg*ovlernment'.l Our common Welfare demonde tl1§eztlAlolllA of us ' sh'ou‘ldl dotrlotell dour talents axxdloorlgblest services“ to‘plerpetuwmtheese A ulnrivalledlblessings; " V l 1» ll l ll ” l l l l l ll Liherty,Ait has beer; said, and ‘well his lllvottcheafegtl to mood“-pop«oh p the°colr1ditior17‘lof etle“ma1l'vigilaAooe."’plllItis fllintereetpfilltllienw, laowell as _lotm'*du't'yl,;ltolguagrdlthe"p1‘eoiou.s*herltttgeg jvirhiolt l;Wlzrs*Altl1eA ofousr fatheré’ blooldgtlxotll be t'runsmitted, AAunpim4pa,i%red*'a,n~dl‘lperfected, to foturepge11era.tio11ls.p l lowefithisp great to tlt%~eip’rnempo‘.typ of Vo.~u»rA departedl benefactors; tolouréelvesl, a,naltoA13os;terity.lllA » l ' » The formation and adoption of’ :1 ‘constitution l-lpreeerlteed an 1taekAof X A p that ifité1llge“nco is esslefitlial to freve govern“-A A l % lass importafiice; and little 1ezs»s<1i%ffic111ty,\%Athan the a%cl1ievem&=:nt of om p¢.==md‘enc«:mt1é:d‘ our J1scqo}1)l'zZ~}‘2:.e.s-;s~,%rt M‘ 1'mm::1.n skill‘ zLn¢,1%;,§:cnit%1,<3, the future clestiny of rnillions wmsxc1m~.i<1od. % T116 xmxster sptirita%C;f't:M1e time producjed the ]3‘cde1~a1%Con-- .”rgaHnizcd and We::ntinto’op.e;1*a.tionunder Hm» zmsspices ofc1.iur%t,r1.%11y great and _uz1rivzL11ec1~ W%usI'1ingto n, whog 1.1owc:v£:r his orb%ot‘ssp1cn<1our%rrmy have been réccmtly e»cli%ps=t2d by anew1ydiscovor- ed Iumim1ry"*‘ ofthc pm-scmt day, wa.s,%w1111ra*1‘1%c lived, “firm: in ‘War, first in pca"mcz,Vanc1%fimt in~$tI1;e»1};:m«:*;L:1:t_a of IVxisg couznt1'yn1en%g’? % % ‘Tim %p1%incip.a1 ftmtu1re—3: fim pdlicy bf 75l’1i,s, mL1n1ini::stratiom:%were¢mVarked by a diszj‘miui04n~ a}1%m'i%a11%und%pm2mote the p,1'ir1ciwples:%of’ freedom undaof (3q11fl.1 rigglutg toextenad % ‘-WV.‘ : 5. 2% and awry intemst .omn; cmmrmfiry; to c% %;'ff‘%c1u*.avt our conn“n¢a:rcia.l=\int%ercourse with fomig;x1%nati0ns, upon princii» }t>m*f'c3ct rec:iprc)city*; to yield um-enaduragagrnent ,;m11~d‘[grQt0%ctio11 to Aeveéry part; ‘<:~:qt,1txIu,fr1d%éaxact jxmtzicq ta as.11x1n.tion§g%,$ Eind m:;.i%ntuin our own. rig-1‘1tss; tc) % cultivate peace‘ and fri%en%c1%ss%1xip with a11%%thretl,% flno1:. only b,ayovn»d% % ‘ precexdmmt, but b%éayc.>r1d¢%tI1e mucus: ‘seam g1;1ine c:x%pe$ctatiQn% 7015 %’r,1:1r.=<:% frfiggncds of frm insti£titim1s;%in cmr m:1rcl1vt;o~We3lLh, res%pmLa;b=i1it.y and WpOV§’1G:;§§./Kilt c1\_1ri1'1g%th‘i$ Tt3.} ‘Ji(1 growdgh i1”I"p1”‘CJ&S]fJ€21'it3g:@ we I1&vej.';:x1: t.i;'nz=g$; _»._t)¢:+¢:%1:;1% xsisfit%e;:1 % with ufiilictions cm*1*11non1;o ot%1xc.#1'%Vni11,io%na.% _VVe‘1mvs:=: _ %.j*t?2r<::xr1 I:Ln‘--R ¢-i,:,g;n :1§{§gx*«9sas;aict»ns», a;1"‘:tT‘fi'<;m'1 im.+?e:e;t;inc3%%divisai01u:ss. % "I7‘Iui3%tJ9i'v1%;e3i«:;x3%*c>i‘%1.11:3 ’=‘:(’—}r=~n. %Jac:1m_¢:>r1;V % _ % % rs pooople into two ghre%athpa.rtioo commenced wit,.1<1“r;1rx‘<=2 wars of the ‘I71-.cenol1 Revolution, and‘virtuAa11y éndodot tlmehcloshej ho of'ourh%w;%a%rh with England; It arose o1‘1~i«efiy%f'mfm c1iff'erontc1% 3 31 _wm~} tested , Z o11ht%;i.; iiuti-:»n%, h oxahod fth tionatlhhhohlaroaotergo ; z;§nd%.estoabli‘s:lao;ed ‘ vour‘ %indophonc1on.o*o=rWagon va; V fir1ner~ basis. That war wkithos its h gcmlsheas «.,y H % “ ,l?.le%;,€Z‘i1’ivg_2:OV)r" itself ‘ coa;ée~d»r., %h'1‘h':i5t’f as gvaihd Federalhists, has xiotfbr n1anyhyeo,'rs oxiotod; ‘A som't3_ade:quato gmxse shall have arisen, such a di.sstinc=- otionish sincerely htobe depreca%ted.‘~ The vvp.v~es of‘ internal commotion hanveo rolled by &11dsubsided,h"a11‘d God forbid that we should again attempt to lash them-into fury-M % _h o 1 » ‘ But a. new, and it is to be feoroohd-;'hom0ro alarming divi;~sion,~I1aving no anal- ogy or nehcessary allusion to t11of‘orxn;erhd%ivision* between ho1*epub’licm!s and fec1e1'a1ists, has arisen amongstoush, whhzh portends EL cxfissis more himporv tan1;,hif'.11ot more terrific and appaling, tlxam any vvhic-11 has marked the histoory of our country. An election to fill the higllost office vtl-1o~gi«ft:h ofthe peohple, his so§onMto% he mhoclagz-:«1‘ ‘ Ami ._ thio exaltedostotion,‘jW1:wo ‘ ‘ow %diotinguoished%%1nen areh%pre$%ented;),;g;xs ocundidahos.o ‘Upon this‘ subject; tho % pvoo»1:z1oha%re% in«doed‘:%mo:shthlamenotabdo h h * » h " o A o V vm1uo,»a.;mdporma.xaox1hoyh'oo£xgpttblicun governmon1;s,7 de;p?on~d chiefihy on ahh:jo.hco1oua selection ofpnbliclwzfuxaobionorios, mod the a,bi1~1ty and intog» rity wi%th%which%hhthhom;~arog;:;a;dmmistp1';ed,with becomes‘ impomxnt‘, and oapproe ‘ priate ‘to hdoiéczuss the .qua.1ifica»tiohhns and compafimtiveh merits of the tvtfo prominent man now ~before t11eh.1mtio:n. h One of'tI1o‘peouj1iza.1* :oxo‘o:l1»omooe=s h of‘ our o. government Consists ixih.1,I;3~origlltflwhioh,is guamlitoedto;,?ov‘e1-y hman, ‘however humble, of hmmdidly h and hrespoctfullyo - the chara,ct;or% and conduct of rulvohrshandhhcundidatos foizr-ofI~ioe,, ooosfonterixxg his ‘protest agair1st‘o11hsuc}1_as he» deems %unfit%~1*for% hth~eop1o;oo:o tlmy hold, or o to which t'h ey- aspire.‘ hT11i;shorig*ht» is one oftille”of11n;mctoristic1:s‘Which ‘ r1i.stingL1is11h,free go«vernmento foam the despotism%olur ‘V subject, and gzlaim the right to investligatel fwely; but“?fa,ir1y, the _ qualificatiolns ofbwoth-, a.nd%tlm reasons %urge4¢ll;i‘nf'avor of and against eaclr. l And last it should be said that the present excitenmnt and turmoil‘h&v=e thrown at delusion lovar the %!*cl;l:mind,ll~euus“go b=&cl:‘ll’bleylondltI1e periocl ~ ‘ ’ lamelrtlwlmllélltheir Alwtspective ~%l‘mlarlactersl for talents l ~ A V * l A . ; , 1l’1‘%1;w;:_a; iii? probably 110 ,‘i?§’.;ing anjyed,j;§ifll.early life, SW31} timg'ui;$la~¢:‘sJadwantamsllfoly,lintlellw1zuaI ‘ $1*iavl@lent»as Ad:lam;sl.l *I~5£e was ll A gt‘ t»«»~1:l&a.L l gme‘ ranked as high in tlmelscéllelof lmrmilngl m;.g1lmrts4Ma;nd* duties ofman, and tlxgfe a jncyflby the cdnstantfiareiand l great PTifi°iP1@B»«fi04§t”h@: '€:;:1':>e¢‘;3$??“‘1uhti“()n’ ;195r;%I:3G‘~¢t. l «Franklin. _ He mayllbzmmmldl to lxgwe been 11:11r.tu;t:}d 8e:1?1%<1:lw;r[e;l£,lr@d,~in;»tl1e ~§SQ:hfQ5QJjO1fE‘Tflflk1ilIland "V withthe formerloflwhom he b.elcmmel»&eq1minteld at 1:hé{3«g3:Ofv6l1WV%1¥§:.lfliIl“d l wi&hqlthe%lll;a,tt:er at sixteen. % Atflthe am; of foumeen elilprivaé As%”eclre*~l ‘ 1 lt3._Ify; pf? the: Anierlican vlM‘ix1ieter‘Vl at “Rusai;a,; ‘ ofLtwmty+msm,l l_rccommendgtilon of‘Mr;.+~l Jeafi'e:rs»;o»;1%,llllhell«~lwasby l l i1)lgtg_;%app,Qix1tod llllllinistexj» a.tetl1e fllil?h6‘*1‘]%33»a_Bfi§ anjedl l * to f-M3lllll'l5M7.”‘3/l?» when our fbmi ~::llMlim:swlr8l (lorry; %’RM.Wl %K_ix1g,% Clm-lies. Cloteswortlz; Piimclmeya hhe ‘l Jtllstica Mmfsh}allll,$l..l1i111sse1i;ll;l«GW?llll l zzamiwzgminlprnwnceld.lhinw »tol‘*b¢:»l , l % tlI£!J§3510éétAVa1ual?l'o .llp;;»b.1iclt; (ch»a.raL.cl:er a;iidAf»I1@'l,¥3sbl1es»tofslallA our dipIo1na‘tick%corps, At Russia,.d*l1ed%j\vas~dxmwcz Ixdiglxly cstecmcdd,-and d4:m:11n'1a.nded more Arespect dthan any°p Eurodpgamid ,M;i1f1iste<1f atddthatdducofurtd. d And that respsectdwtas pureIY*%3~»dVO1un:ta;;?y dhdmagc tdddhisdq:a1ema%trs and A1-e— W jpublican‘ simplicity. J ;% ‘dds sat. Ghorlt, at the headddof 1:118 }:1db1destdcommissio11 t11at.d%=ever d’rep1:es'%e1a&€e=d this .013: any 7other goverxmmnt. At tlfxecvornnlencemetlntdf Mm»~M:onroe’ssI .m1mid1;1i$»tfaf1;i.o4x1d, h»e,m*aSapp0ir1ted Secretary: dofI,:,Sta'.t'e ; “ ‘ and Jacksbn daeb1a;rad1*7t}11de A-VA 5iSiei‘1ec3:*im.”» % dWitI1 suchd:‘“eexperidence,d and such cvonvincingdtestimonials of his ‘talents and virtues, Mr; Adafns bcca.inedPrflgax:sidaJnt; and the nation ha;2i1ed‘“’tZ1~»<é event as a. de1iver«a‘nA4ce£;:jfrom’”: the mimzrule :w&~o£,% Jackson. Iffa vig~%d%r?ca%11s and highlyddvcultivated inteilect integrity Myer questioned but foa1;1»tonguer;s1a:nder,i with h ~ g» ontdury’s7 e‘xperidence,d .furn‘ishrwny n*1da:idmsdd:ito»d“‘g*1‘eia.tndess§, ‘then is 1he eminently, qu'a1ified for that highdand respdQ1a2é”ib;?k,=_stda;tion.i dThat“1he‘doesdcomb;inethese spléndiduqualificaztions, wvasf“w'e=ver%doubtedfifitid ‘Ft*g;ii‘%chasstned ambition, in :3 scramble for dominion; comménced a war of extermination upon hisd'%mo1?a.1 chasractergd ‘ % dTh:eddfa‘vdrite and often répdeatdedd maxim of Gen. Ja.c‘k»s“o«n, au3%nt?iI~I-we ‘A333-4 icamea canddidate dfoiv t.hew Pdresigdemacy, dwdazsfi thaw the*:tr’ee*is9 “known and slmuldrxbe djuddged by its f.ruit..7 A. @B%y.« this umewrinvgteat the Friends Of} a% 3%‘ ylems sincw‘ ‘id .‘j%’;Wn%d:ddo£»»a ;L,&‘:~enda.at:“ea:zf+% ®;liJ}§g'?}I€fi€;;:SrSd, ‘ "~had sp1endid~1:a1en‘dtsd‘tdofill tl1de‘d1aigl1esfi~ofii&i§ ” Adams are willmghe shotfld hm %t;1ried.i* %But1%;her ~v*Ge+n—era1’s firienvdsg dsifn cded % his pious se¢1usionaz the “ I*I«ermi®age,~ d”1wdherre he ~v’{w~s»~ bI4eic«0~nwe9 more than a. ‘-" second Vvashington,” and “ms.-ithe:r dse»ek::sd~ nor «1'afuse+sd~?0fIice,” seem to Adoubtrthe ob1i'gation‘Of‘thi§ maxim, and thetreédwith‘Very~'Ii*tt1c V ‘ dIftheIi1easurcs:adVis‘c=d »ora>dop~tédbyA.»/diiriisdhuve 1‘(3$IJ.1fi®(’1 % ” ficially to the na.t;itm ;_d and t11;z;t:thdey%ha;v»e=~n0t, the most devout; % o 3’. pTWT§Ui11g tfxe A “y xecomiQ;1:¢md¢d%: #1133 aAd\Qpte1d%by% his» p1‘ edecess%ors—% Q23 ho1%§1s%?~;ts ¢en;1pi1*eove1i passion and de1usvioI1,%£fl1‘d% ” mVea§nVres% mum: be ap1nfoAvec1- He is is C11B1‘i$h~i1fj1g and car1'ying%into eff'63Q%‘E%t1V1egre§;4t p1‘-i11cip11es% 0f.the% policy % %au1o%pteAd by Je fi‘e1-son, WhQSe”*?.4;:§ndmilxlfistramqn Ims bgzen made the %s%tandard% ‘ fby which_td test every~fsuccc=:eding_on:@eV%=01-Ie has zxdvancecl no 'pr1n%c%ip1e; which even the%‘pre;s~¢m.t% Congress,. a; maj ority ofwhichis -mostbitte1*1yj%a:nd recklessly '1‘%%opp‘o$'éd rto him, has not %suata.ined. h'11e-there has been n1%u&c;h¢Vfa,l$@ and senseless clarwr a,b:Qut %hi~s4%fl%isbuifi§e1m@e%g%t%of the publiqk . fuhds, this aa.;peA Congress %has%made Imam - V%ori;ations,t11:an» _ 'any& prece<1i11g Congress. Wlfiie hcev11%a;s; been.Achzuirg$ed with, extmvae gzmce, "1_t%1mss been conclusively proved at11a.t“‘his‘ achninistration % havéz" 'b,e;en” ~ Adam~s;%%fin?‘&‘~:sWmce him for ‘w:::m:e;miJ§e?meént%%$ :s:tain.ce:s,%ma;y be :accompanzi%éd?by pifl:g1';wcVe:=; % “ condticted with a‘more: t‘igid*‘%1‘eg'%wwd%to mzonomy than any prece<1ingm:1— 12'r1ir1i$t1*jamini% tlm increase +vpopu1atioLn foreign relations, hé ha.s* 5ex§:>‘end:@}d* twelw wa1?ik2s;»of‘ débt; % . ~:: Arovemgnts, and thw3grty~«tl2,o~aa millions of‘ .th%c ~pub«1;ic1:% Giles; and Troup. and‘ McDufIie,, and t:hVeVWfho1e tribe ofI~1otspursa.tthe: his gaomfimruotion: the ‘C}%onus1=1;itutim», by Whi<.a11¢'do~ ’ A % V H % % ”‘ %%’c3%1*u1;i~es1;, and the A an 13,193,‘, and kindrcc1 , spirits: zwthe é®:a§i;?»?<'i>ris‘,*;;:;$V%\{i%t%1é.t§,sickening nifecta-4 mete ‘1¢ti;.jaeopwVa1m1ize% tlm best %:i:xxteres’ts of hfrwic a. ;:}fIws;1;i&io us‘- ‘ c:1>men~, Whloee te1e11te have; ruetiedend rnoulded through la.ck7of Aecolnfidentce ,.y.et his country Ime been ‘so stupid as neverto»haeve‘*o‘::discovoereiTKo‘ them. Since,‘ hOW(3V01’.; his; friends heve relied euponj eervieese aso“otestim«o~1&;ie1s of his greoeteeee, othey shall not paes‘oo'unnoticeet1.?:% oupomethise\subje'et, Aoeomeftrifling error: Ashoould efirsto be! correcterl; e I-Ie neveewwae eippoienteed District uflttow e nay nor ‘Attorney General, by oPresidemt e~venev*e1e}c:eec1,oao member of the tLegisIa;tu:1re~ of T73I1h5e*SjeSfG1858:3111$fJ:iQfld5Soha;Ve5a;SS6)!t8d- e was elected to Con{g#ree*s ’96, aQndTh_e*1de his ee:ee~ffice.in the nalgiorg. -1 The 'l‘e1:1~ito:ry ofTenneeseeA15e_ge;,1 e1;o‘1w;Aeeett1»ed%ee1)y vlvhitevpeople just‘ befureee t}1e.reyQ1uniex1,medbeeceneeee%q4Aindependentsteteii1,%e?96.% In '98 Gen. Jecks0r1=beeerr»e ea judge oéfixe eupmme ceevrt-ee Izeedsom judges, since et1“1et'period in % % % ek §g;;,,1~.:,1;"e,,Vw11o were en1i%g11tened_‘%\ee;nr;g xetmo A e[*&°%!:,‘noW1ede'e' 4 bly deficieamt in ec1gma%11;io1n:.; me thist1;,ey m:1I§e%¢ea§%%Ase1;1bjeeét of boasting rather tlmn regret. eMen T1a.v,e smmetimes bggome gréat,%wit1*1out early educe.tio1'1, but Prod‘igi2s ureextremely rare, and it is e VIer%y%ques- be obvib11;ee~tlf;;eteeehee;is e. equenimity oeftemper ’ .1‘ W H’ A 5 He has .r~endeered «much in his life be ciLep1or;e,,$ there is, to epprovfe. With % Aintelligent people. HFe1f~o; < rash, turbu1en1:<,. :vin%dictjwe, %e%h%ese countgy t1aeeda,yof__heL1* trial, Aamde fr ethieee he x«eceive€1 e lib cempegxsgggien i11_,t1;i;§ goods, and them: ‘mag Wangle % A» ( 3 Some Jxfivz‘ \ gm; performing a gallant Wet, lmt of?iienee;:;Leee.taL‘vés;§¥ti3 V wi1'.ho%ut% proatituting *~Q.f‘%%1:>riva.W:i%gbv%e15 Aprostraterl thew % V umctions of Jhb»-sL1A%4‘ % H “ % 1e4gyisl:mtiv@»1% ‘* dAAex¢1uc1?e%a mc«¥»inberé~t~; a,r*mste4d th;?c:%%%% A judge , «ta f & 'judici~a;1 functions,” and dmggedhim thiwmlgh the stmets a*mi:1itttryg1i‘ard. He} prohibited the G'over11or of %Georgiz-1mf%'romexc:cu'f;in»g his c%0”i*is12ivtt:t1;ion%a1. command over V the{ militia or his-yawn State. xxsurpvewdé» 1;h@3'%¥:1w12)*s¢3o§.1ute cL@ntro1~of"the timeof ’peac c:»:,»j by directing; his % ofihersl wd“:em3‘% from elm {War do-~ partmmgg‘, Hut s;11~c;rh » A % A ,__, éd law :of r;1atio1%%1sS ex~é*c11fieflMa.%"'~n‘V@Nv=“code of his oW5n,‘ &(i1évised4in V'13.assionanc1e:;emt,eTr1 b119»d;’M.&n~d, all this aw A much mom was done with %a%rb:itmry»~’%%: A1“vwpe1ty, which cox1sti%tt1t%o‘v~%%tvhcA very essmce» wir«@~ll~yéI?% . ; Vrhase Achamctér ‘is thus by eveify at wli§a:mhaa"%m%ay%»% 5 za.%%tyVfi=ax1t,=$a'i%;¢in‘f=it to be the ruler of" 9, ‘_ ma. friee p=¢owple."’f A‘ 1 ‘th mend%o%us acts of’ v1oleno»e,und% , % F1%62**"'»a;n.c:3:«‘j*w§tice,»V I appeal not only to %A}1)1113; 1%V*i’ic1< % of thoi1sand s~Wh<5 }-are? new proc1aim:in]g‘his Alixmmaé _ ¢ “ Shanna a,n*t.7l ¢~canfusi=o»nV to=1:he*tongue‘ that pronoun¢caa;,%ssm;ah§m‘% a .s*?ec%oan*.rl% IVdsh9£ngftom % V M % % % The prid:dte%1?‘%5m'a.et»er%%%f the G»Gnera»I%- skétd:lie¢d fa’:-:m%r1a‘stae§’“1f1“3r? % 11:1nd?*‘ before l1egbe?cumeVfi. *caIidic;1aé;We %% ae‘si"&en~c4y« I picturre as evidence Vcc:-%rnir?1g% from one * V and? c1i:stisn~% guished rank a.r1d reputat~'ro11, arr1O¢131g5*%‘%}§i»s%Ai é‘iipp051:%te-rmMrW‘i* ~ %% % % W“ Ifisflm-It%%consy)-iau¢)u;§~¢zet3~vwcre‘ at the ram 1 ./It sun}; -plczce.sf,g wfrm up to the gimme the % conspicuous character; t]z.gfa4;t wk¢_ts+%_noto%ra£A‘ous, lz;g§e!¢Iom%le% t__.r1. race ground without hawingpa7’rt£cipa£ed in an cg§“a«2:zy%% afar) is wh ola .....____ I % *The Hon. Thomasfl. VB,ent.c$Vn,, S‘V:.e’t1§.LtVdrfrom &i\?I;ijssoi1x'i. N: '53 ’ m%rm M72: jr2n*i7fLtA%tr,:s*:(z (M2/'?'?24 7I1~Im7«;- f.r 2* dm*iw~gg~ q.oIz.icZL /z.‘I3f?3””e‘fW mm bee-nA %nn;,.9r(tgc.=c[ M ¢am;gro%u.g_%an'd glcmlly nc¢t~zm:<.%” ' % . Q/"¢';: _ Jw ]L§L,$f Tm‘ in rzwmfi A V1337iii1:iPa:,%. ; A Am all _t11_c; } ea.c1i:1Vg pa1tti%sa;fis; now my- <*0?*%‘*f<5%uring1><>Aef1’fé%}¢"» om sis W was rec0nt1y«1ep1'Aa{W0d as o'f‘%%t‘I?ie hc av.i¢.3$t curses with‘w11icL1I*I,ea,vcncQ1i3I%dV%%vi"sit%thfl R%ej$;11%)1icIz§ % then,‘ let.‘ it be asliedg iixythc name ~a.11g'_ch‘a.t is%;%wa1%.L;u13]mane} dam" iih k;>f1‘J1*,%c_oun1;ry, do men,“ mxjd ‘abov§3%%a11‘,tricn', ‘stfivé _t1cfrz:L'i%sr.~: such .z-1x cliafzicter to 1;he ch,ief1n§a.gistracy_!‘ %C?‘e rtiiinly éométhin J‘, «0thér;th_a'n7 a; desire 1)xom9g;e£ the pfi b1iVc1:' wlea1_, must{¢ui'g*c to such %%desper‘ati.on. It; be % rJg3§esne'cea%$ary therefore to eX,amine t11e%o1‘igin a,%m1‘%1a’togress of tha ~>cspp¢3‘s[iLiox1,*= togot1xer v%vitL11%thc matexmsVyv,;gx1J»yw1a”1qh‘A ::g=3igA%gAoAmpascc1, and 1.110 princilalcsinvolvedixm its cQnfo?rma£ic§11A§' . %. % V\ M % The lmst Prosidoxntial election xvmg‘ a, %guI3ajA%@¢t. of%‘intgng¢.intQygg1; _f,(j) '[,]1e pc>0p10.m‘2<1 ix;§;e1‘matWus ?imagVe%%asg:d‘ a,£tcr% m<2 fi1ct% was amrta.11ma 1 “ ‘msjt cl We 1 V we,1Z*1;z5i1s:==.«pf;I2;e manta “thV¢;3si<,1e4.<;>f‘fG<3ng ~ votes frofij 1'; o11egQV~ofEIQ%':.téir$,.V%p they xvercfietxxriifecl to the IvIous«é2,%%%%tiit{?:1%% t h$},ca 1;)i'0%vi§iong§;;;»0f t1m?VCo«nstit,uA ticm, from thexn the clloice was necessa,Ari1y%t,d% be nmdc. Mr._ having i1isL1po1‘aL)1%c: objections- to (3-en.%%,Jac1{a~s0n, and of '(3rawfgrdfe2 l1cV§x1;3;Ah”beingF;f S1J;\fl.8tC) p1€1.C€.’:A him b%<;2yonc1%%tI1e of'suc%cess, MM my imd but one .«couiscV1cf't,\¢e~II?oWot;ga,d for‘ Mr. Aclams and the contest; rd- :=an1tcdiz;%1%1iM>1ect'.ion upcm ‘cl: first Irximcdia.tc1y after, and before Mr. %%A,(1z1ma's 1xz1.d cllizmfod upcm his (11;n,ic2.¢s,"%t1ic clieazwpointecl part1» mm; of Jzmlcson, VC1~awI‘<;m1 and (mm, c.<::mbir1c:rd. A1‘1d,for first tinm in t]:1'1sm' any qt11or part of tlm wc>r1<1.,n. r:ona1t:im.<:y was ofrfl1j1izc:«l».vv1Lich a,vc:»:we(11y‘ exc:I1.1de<,1 c:ven% the forms nf'j1:xst.im':, rmzl c.1i:'src2tr,_"Ag'z1L1'c:'.Wp<3i11ted«::md die=a.11’pcted (if 21.11 pn.1ft;10:3, aim} :1. mu.$'.:‘~3 <:>f‘x:m1,tr::riz1.1:=s. wzL:~;~: momi c_::c»1'l<::(:1;<3d %:1.1f1‘<,1 c:<2xx f<;:c1ér::i_.C1ic>c1‘, wh'1cIx elaficza all (L1m+s<3x*ipt..1<$sx1 m:uf1:.1.'l1 1m;1*zL11¢;a1. I..u;*r11,<;_r;~ <“::~:1:;st;‘i%n;,jg; z:x.nt§1;‘>t1L}%1'xe5;: .1zx'x«fl:;;c>!*.1l4;:d$ l1u.‘t;1"<;:«1 v~.;<:n;: :-m:,la1r.:11'l%_y rmd rx“2yat{<:3ric)u::~3ly"r:;:(‘:k.)11Cil<:aLA; r;r1i:.tm1l ~cc§u‘ntry.A_ Y%etAtTrcséA“Athreé men, ‘4Ca1hQun°; t]Eta.11_?c1*o1ptI1-- , ifiecaznet’ head of AA A A genuine “ ‘tr, A t1r1i*3A AAP61iti¢aI at , M AcAI1‘:J;1A’:1.Ac,"t*£A'—,-1A*,;_ A mimination ancl recrimin ation were“susljtgznft‘ti“iW «~15-sabiktttzr \*intdjpti'tze;g.et1et mies, by so1nernir:1Acu1'cn.1s transforxtfiitiont,‘ AA n. A1?IA?A1Q11" em vAiewst and Adifi'ei-ant'p;incip1éé,=—-ewtarti*tmc1~ rage A and the ‘enemiesAof_it1térna1A « WhitAe,~ rbhje splrits and g5réy-~-%a11AA _ “C purpose. AA At t _t t John tRando1p1i;? Ttapprbfpriattty A cm by bliglmtedt ambition ea,r1y cthtneh of .f»rtefi"e:-- son’~.-'3 Adrhinistratidngt attached fhiméelf to any but with a.A11&’theAAhumaIA1AraceA gAroSs:, 'tht;;é V in twenty AAyeAm-AS‘ ‘Asuflicietitiy % s Atéi e'fi1iAstttliewstraluge A AOAIi ‘desperate 31tt1avingAt‘ enlisted tI1ett‘bann*ertstAofA % , _ ‘ _ this coAt1ntrj'5 ~beca;me ViAcetPresi- dént. tHéI1ad tptolitictal a.nc1tv«%tperso11”“ti1 enemy of Randolph. He had denounced Vail Buren a.sAzA:xn enemy «to the ‘”bAest* interests of his; Bumn, ?trt?t.tté1n.ptingt to‘ describe. on%y'?~%¥tAf@1“&édA‘from E-£51": ,3.» »;;,.u‘ H ‘ , '1‘: fiiature, buAttAtria.i1y;ofAitS members, until r‘ecent13r;‘t‘ta.dbeten and open revilers of Gen. Jé.c1"§éofi.A‘ A'TIiey with all the t-Aviru1cAa.n*ce, of A A AA i5ton,At the perttarbed “hpiriits ‘of’ % A t1Aytttde1in"e\tité§'d‘ the Gentera17s*»v‘ttp1-ivztto to tA‘2Airr51?1‘c'i‘ as an assassin, % was melted into‘ Aeneas, anfl %’*iA‘ic2:triytbt'iéc:3:7et the “ Iifem of two ‘wars” and the 1"1€1.titE)%1A’ASA hdt15eV£ihdAgI*csry. A%t't‘Rz1nd€31f3hAAAhad accused his new candidate oftan grossAtvio]atiAont ofthetConstitu1:i011;A zmd morooverA‘1i‘%1fi‘jti§T€éT‘%e*dt‘tt°t,l15ftAthe jfeopZe¥ swére not yet tcorr-uptt‘%enougI1tto nuke Many others Afitargect him with having vib1Ah=- ted all A1aws,AAAhumaf1ditrinegalfid‘ “ him, in 1e*ga1 co11tAmAmAp1zL» tidng ii tde1ib.eratet°tm‘u;derer;A ‘SAuc11Ltt1Weftié~ tt11%iiA.A4Att~*ma.teriz11s which composed the a.11Aiance, A ofi'Ae‘nsAive‘ and téubVertAAA‘th¢* p‘r¢S0Dt Administratidn} A% t A AA 5 A ‘ t N AA A % A A The War ccim1Iiéri‘cAeAc1 with an attttclc‘ tupontthett Aréputa.ti*t*3ri7b"f Mr. Adams m1AAd”MrA. Clay. The tmiser£1AbAIe”cdA:nspimcy Awh1c”¢}1*A}iad b’etént‘previou;s41y_ formed by J:1cks0n.A,AA Ca1I1oun,A‘t‘AMcDu‘fI“ic %1ndtEtLtdn7,t ::Am’AdA A intendedto be carried into effect through thc-A3, AinstruIn.c~nta1'ity m°At;hc- noto1*ious%tGe0rgc I~i’1'c1ner,11atvi:ng; been exgosggq gncltlxrcxxtrxxttm ‘H117? ‘winds, arfangcxzioxitg V 1iinina.riesai1d A;p¢£m-.1ng*[At1;ej: V ignatj1qn.T.‘% %’The1‘%in%f'érence froxnis % Sééretiwy was A “voi~a.b1e *ausp1ces;%;% «glut; w§wj%=?t1e%eme@d%%%*nee- 11% St-it't‘1in§%1§h; pre- t‘11at% :11 e and xsblcli.er% and pm, patri,QgGeh. Jaakson,A*x%éi1ei,adfiyhe théfofmcif &“‘C:O‘%/).\’:‘L“'l‘r“lJ“‘1)t“ pro— to 1am by A4thmag11[t11Ae ggengywa, dist1nguis1:Aed membe‘r of Cqx1g‘r‘6:$S“'=‘,”' :.f11icV11v§fo§s,At11at 11e§,wQI111d"g9iV6fAasS1;3,ra1j;ce t11at;%nvi:=tM* of whom-he ‘llacl 7 9 eqlcd fQ1~%e%videnc.e. ‘*% he Axmver V nin1ity td admit that 110% had,b¢cn%%decciv%ed. % ail A t11e“ma.gna~ K '%“g;;t1je gsw;ahd%_%%;%%px:uption% ‘ should ft1I1Vé1ej;:go ,3‘ A v %1:;~ec o;ming' A %l** aidu%.,ggrrup%t_jA%%fbamgain ' l 3oth. wIieneveiVtl}e$ir%gu$i1t A L “misubJ§A¢ctin%A%AA yes. He had rope’a_3t;ed1§r t4 a+z,Q:—.wfl Qnrfipticna V V should rxMQtVAb4e fqrgotten%% % 1113 ry J'w Vitn;eAss% to % Mr. HC1a.y I1a§%a1é-0 A the I1<5ri»’1’I‘m 11* The % % m : 7 ;_ W pill debé'p£4iQn‘11pon;Lt11e . r.Ada,;:«11s"e1ectio11. They%c‘Lwnf;(;nd- ’c;J%I71€:I?Q»n %sena&e or cmmmon% hone$ty,$ that A ‘A of 01 A ca- 1- ed with ,m%t >17a« . £iabsu1;c1it3§.1;]:ia.nA % % % ham} obt:xin«d,c1i‘1m1o‘ e,,Vot<£fi, ' ha rvm ch % m * was% to A :I3;tao;rfiP0P*¥ Z?1~*5%%5* t % « »u1;* eg,{ van. ~ as‘.c.ert::{med ‘1?'a.tiQ tI14e4~a,c‘t11'zi.1* A %V*‘iAith%the»W$111>e~ J 7 _Adaans‘hagclin%pre~%pdpu1a;1f,votés % % " _“Ge1a.. vJa:<:I:s%o11 rece‘ivet1‘"x1iue electoral % .‘ A1tAisara;a:w»ox ‘i*:§pE:'cialA t;J1e« VV Vbnly fimr; ‘ p rVopor.tioxiiiAx)g"the _e1ca?C‘t61* V ufive A i f 1 !t171(3AA.VX?§>t‘é@Sv‘ »of' :th;1 V _: AJ3A,¢I§so;i Are‘ A *~W»‘<1 W Gt? ’ I J thAosc wfhi ">- "17‘h~:2 f3'tate}ss:WI1§cI1%‘V0tc(1Vfd%1%-.l\Irg Adz£1i1s‘::u:'1Lair;1’»%:‘V5%§: mfeda, Hwfzite‘ ;fo pu1.:1.v» -A 1»’il1is»j%%i§:gc ess ;w%a,£s.Mtndré_ ti'1an't;i1ie:twehtAyfSii§§lif’p'a;1*tE§Fthe~f‘wIib1éLfmifxlbér (if, mum cf .VtV¢ét*3fSAAi11 those States,V where t11e%e1e¢co‘:s % °th?¢f4Sta?esz i2 appears thatAtheag~~ ~°f P<21iii1a41‘A‘V°W%% give“ £9” i¢1$¢¢9<39dw4th0se giVe¥x dA ‘ ” %A%Aif0r %G¢h- J a¢k%$*?*1V by‘ I1e?‘+1‘Ty At\Ve1V¢‘i th°j¥1Ai*s*i1?1d Iiundred and L that g-ivvé11% , ; M'I‘l _.1i_S1‘7i:;xlc§1Ii:.'ti’o‘n }1fi'w‘¢ve"r5 d:O_€jS fiiijt’ twig; _ . ’ %‘ %i%’¢te1itk5~fMr.fida113’s4§%popuIa: st1~e;1gth,‘»_VgVbeftizluse%those‘__St;ates Vv113re“Iié % ‘ stxpjd-or%t%,Ajt}1;3‘%p1*Mc?,»..in the’ clibilcc-2.Voi* elem A A A VA “ 1n%1yI;u~3;1;;na4a.;;a%xj11inoisA1v1x~.iA 3;; V t f'kro*ir: tI;%osé Sta.teé ' ‘I Ailaxrzs 01113’, fo‘uV1?. ‘ wry few Votes Were4J%%giW*i— 1If'po13u14i1V‘1* vizyice had Ixmimfl etl5%%M4r, %§n7‘iA5t1i%d_Ii:§.vé»receivc:i. A? ;ai11éty~fo.u1;_é:1 a1»vcv;]tA,e s_a.i11“éI" 3GJen.v ~ %,zv63itica%1 r*o~€erA,JAa$ iI1fiAV@“*1°H*+%; A . Stzfigtcs Geri. 'J.a.cl«;As5c)1?:1A% %.f§)1‘ty-fO~L1(r‘§:1eo»f‘b14;L1"‘Lv*O?té:eg%;"zin,d%%’il\Ir.% Adam; Gen. Jackson was v" (1 1na3q‘i$1fiieQ‘;° ;.=.sv¢ @1§ i::lj.e;sag1%1e ; mes ’ xvh'<—‘.':1‘t-3“ 4 A A 'ho1z2i::g ¢ uces‘Aa1‘4¢:;¢+1:%; tggw-he x;mm,¢1~ f V of votes: hhrn iin‘ evach f$tg;te,’it);§¢p’enjdc§n.t_ cfibnfipratlufied &by't1V1%é’f ilzfééa;/ifthsl ¢‘ ';fl¢W3*i % Q V n,; Mi‘;7Adaifl§VWtmldV % Im-,_% 111$ puma ‘thi3r:;1,11;fja;;%t,i%r;m:1% ’ the Ilouscv fflepzese ' §",f;".?‘=V?<‘%jwf§ra.s%by“"’A;‘3tEa}1;eé’,;:i§§é; _ ' ,A%¢achi;; 9 V ej'jvQ~t'e__*:e:_bf’ if'o'i11?jStéE:%.te.e2:, huvixmg 21. pop-’- 6 The St§:;1;§3 }§3; voted» for; ‘ f1*be%’V 1Jere3fdn—sT': ” om. ex«§1L:%din Won, A%IiI<%eJ4%pAow1at1o%n at 1 76,381 Aand" mm «r:m¢se»vz2- S % u ; Ac A % Staté LL % _ AStates,fixavixag a; ;sq;;1x1;;c1¢A:1AV¢f_s.v,590,-A _ .V£°5siWirfxic11’v€5f@Eé’3! Mr; Adatingé czgntain :1." ’ ' 'O11tain%c§»(IjV%_i'x;‘,1.f‘t‘I‘x‘t>:§&:€."_whi;ch VC3tf3~C1_ flit" V ' ave ’Wl1;h€3Ie‘i‘pgpi;3atiT;bi'!bf the ’ ' " V%ASimi1%ar;4?V%%1?°Iim184ti°11V‘% f°f’ V A1é333é5@5~9rV*A f‘Mttriis%i4¢:Ai?i1*5I1iI1 J 44 enerai " M VA A 1ic%)n of‘%.AA4',4.28,828%; those which___.Av£)ted 7{:f'g§jr ; prinAcAip1es;‘*As1: % hv ‘ f % ¢ %q;i°esa % ye“ai1?s% A‘; %%a1i5‘%§111%5%%1m1nA%e iiS%u V p-rinc_ip1e s hosti%I13¢5:15‘ j fi;e‘é% gdve1'nment. %itemiIi"tl1?é-;VV_cataIog11e Cf’ 'accusa.ti %‘ V‘ % 3 % a Iid measu%f3§éi2y;of§' %¢r= %a.re$ the A _ Witli"‘7Sc%drc%e1yA an % at'tAt§;1111it s11 r,=;‘w tl1zx}tAs uch prixuéiples wqxje ever % A che‘ris1;w:«j%VO‘i' %:~i£:1>%1~cI1~»%A&%in%easu1f1es%: éve % % ” 1~m:aA fich % %§I.t%tac1§,i\%v A % A gre:;t%A?%*xn*ah;%‘ _ A j m‘ernory§_:%=Ai1nd_% his‘:virt1:ieS _ ’ ‘ha*.veV b%e"é%n: %%fo_1"gptteh& Afqi- _. “ M t11?§.trfi1ar'uvhOm A % ‘1i§dn§4ccS1iti}éxin’,a&. iI:.coAun‘At'ryAA,5 e:~:cA'e‘ptAi‘1A1 his 'A‘<:a_.p*aci't‘y‘o?f‘fpreigIj;”1VIinister, ~dr:as anocCaAsiQ11a1»AA. ‘ ‘ A_ A %A A1tis%%f§§'Atii+‘A}A51éAis“i11A$ ’z1%q:t1im;, V aAy0u%, I;5rQ_f'¢ss‘eg be :1; A1-epub1ic%an A0 _eve1j rsi1i1,;ju1[1de1*A false COIOQLIIFSAAA fi'drts"wer.ee:;4artAAC¢d{,,in its sup- A his oppor1e.nts%qi*¢="‘"‘his party % % Wxgxoeption mmong the n%eJ\vA-liglxtf % undeAArA1i1{e! Acircu_mAs_tances, a,I_1AAd¢At1ie A<”eAAA;_‘~‘?4"5A1‘!-1ALA£A=:AM(§f.‘A Apgrties, h§3;. JWduA1d},again A be ‘same 1ra.nk%s~.A* Whé,the,r_I1¢$, xvtifild at 1%At11Ai§*fAt‘irr_1%A_<.~.A $‘u‘.P‘mQr£At1‘*‘Q) claims of; a. %f'é:(1_c§ra.]ist to % ‘the? AAAPrA6$idAen(;y, Ttllfié ‘o¢"«A%§s‘:o%r1A%t1t:§es'%%fibt%1~ca1l IuApAox; % him to say; AA‘ASAE’ cAji1 will excuse-% thi:7§Aref‘¢;:rét1(§e%j1;o %1*r)}_{s§:aAe:.}%f'%. dee1naed_itA nea cessa,ry to the pm‘13oAse%of‘1'x1y argumefit.; AA>“A\‘}?AA" ptevent@7§~m%ist%akes in (inf ‘d= fe d‘er P%i‘cke%1-ing Sm*d' ?s%éiii*éa‘:%a1%%%é%F‘%distin=~ o.se 1;%o; ftigrn at at Mpe_rsOn _; «to _ c%o‘nv‘ert‘ % % _ %;I“o41fjH _ aprote” j_:ag__ Ans mbde of pQ1it”i céL1% transformatiozu. % Like Gen; .Ta;ckso'r1’s militarywccniduct, “‘ itisftcno szmzmarg/.” % %Mempean- not be made %repu7)b1icar 17r; by"t%he%rnere*ceremo1jy%of‘ christening; or the‘ solerim1no_ckéry“of’1:$c51itica1baptism; It” isciuite In nusing to hear people, e;gat«t%s(l.-4.ix;A%;'% _ % w}'1o-'bétiom~eé; ‘ _f?t;_agi‘n%,J,% \vl1;%etI1%%er_;\frbm p1-1re %gobd % ..hd1iors~;ot'%t}1e% Qr cT:r~é1f. g He is‘ ‘ for ” _::-sub%ordix1ate% r.é¢nk 7bti\rVj%‘%o[%wn V , ‘arm atuibboxfifly consistenfiig-%a:s‘ % ~‘a.<3pi1'antw in I'1i-.-3 the apple11£Ltii$4r1 . % Who%in“181%4 had hardly efn%é:rg,red~frOx'iI"%§1»11eir&%% Wailid othersgwhp hi1dU % been.feder%a1ist%s«a11%their lives, fwiphinjm1e%'L:week5;%A;a. ‘tha bppos.i- % ‘tion ranks, éxpatiating uponh _tIie ’ importance of 1’riai11taini1n%g%%t11e integrity M andAindividua.1i'ty% of‘: the rep1i1$1ican%p‘:;.rty;1- A % Mr.; A.da.ms’ %fé%d“er:tIism has b7een disqoverfq-d% since Ins ,e1_e»ct%1%on ‘for J previous to ‘that, all *t11ieL; c.air14didgg,te$.‘% i?\7Vef‘econf'g9;s.aéu11yrGpLi15 Hcsw A % 113$ he Acontrived since%"f‘?m, .di%vL1%Ige;thi$ ,bes_etii11g§’Eéin‘%? fo13i*ned__l1is£%‘ % cabinet f'rc);;‘x:i¢.t11e ra.n]:;s1°;Ti‘.%%:”Li;}wjd ,}1]aa Mp%u 1*suéd %Q s&arri?mv3§pb]icy -”a.dop%ted%by%Mr‘;.‘;fMzonr%o “'I‘;he£_Gene§’i€¥1.I’jxét%%»frienr]%s,;11a've% _ ?éjV%’:i*en1nrI:- \ able discovery, 3:eco11eVctihg:t11at 11$’ fe dertx1*ii&:ti%<%%i5r1180.8-4» a fact t:1iey had : "fiémewhat“IQ1i~ger:"‘t1i&n.:,.;1ihey had the battle of ..7V'e'wOrlea7i.9." % %% A % "t % V V% % ' y% - % 7 % ‘,. I t has a1i'éa;3t3%y=1f1V5jiéei1fJshewnthat no «wpgxrt}Ll1é*~‘Vpt5%I%ifVi~%% cal contests oAfthe~c1ountry%j)r.eifi:or % 6 %%;§)R%he%wa;s:fe]éEfe‘d;‘a AA ‘ Séxxator of‘ Ma ssac‘h11‘setts,% %and=~~>if1 T1 in opposition. to %'1_‘iti'1ot.hy %Pi%¢1:;e.’j“ ‘ V. A wag Vx?i1s“i151ié.~'flg%edA%%tIo neither party ;- %f.in%d unliiée sbmeo’ s§1)¢1r-xf,{~f tIfia.t’ hoW—afHici; f.he5 cdmmorfwealth, he llonestly %jI1d%gé% .e; N dVmifiistriJ,tiO1gV‘byvits meas11res. and policy, and %appr%ov%e :d%&~o_r ¢jor_1demij?é’d%.:isa51?xi%S‘5 k.:qfi%$¢i-éncf¢~.%%aind" his jxxdgee‘ sment directed. ~A .In5r1808‘ we Légi.s1a;tui‘:e“5oF5 then decidedly ‘if tl1eUni_tedVS%tat:es, % }feder_aI, %passe‘d s”un’djry resolutions,*in%»tIi<§Yn%xt»I:39i§ bf%in:=§1i%r:.?xc:tic)11s‘t%c: tvimig? % , dencé, ‘Hugs- réso111ti<0énsf;* fb1;1"‘t;% 11xn%m*i11ingf‘r.d% M A 0* ! on 11P$m‘;% P M ’ mld. n iégws of :11;fi$% €95 %£’,41j1%35[* % % at , M ‘\ ‘ V ‘ i’3"' .-%%%%%°‘£me& Ta »f7éi1‘é‘i' 1%iSi;%’%anc1 consifl9%e1*éd7ucsfibelcmgillg fi % ral4}5:.§rt;}"‘§4A§-A'3b§1Li‘t, h‘r.=z"1’::.u;1 acted the % Apart V of? em honest ‘indepeinflefit €t n'd% t:1\o:11 . ; F From the Atim-e of llisrgsigmation ti11 t}1e g1ho1iam1%t%, he ha..=.-2 acted with ’W'hGn’é%V7cr ypa..rtyA:.11a.<3 * acted H " f'i'c>4rh% 1:116: féde1Va1 %p%a:rty,‘ posééssi1’1g5 i%ts7ei1tire \con fA'1~ A océupying 1'esponsaib1e% ‘Stations '1;11c1c§;?;f§j.%_~tm%c.$%1}% Adminis:~t.rat'ion, % %% and ‘receiving izhe cc>rditL1 Fapprol)%n.ti0Fl«» aflvveryV'i"I"*mSideI1t,,V»»ga.s he ‘ hz1cI % before of \Vashi1'lgt011; At all times profassirxg to ampub1ic21n,”am1 %% his conduct on all occasions co11fi?rxni,n§gm:I%xe% :asi%ncerity ofbhis p1-ofi-m.~::_io11s, no‘ “ man h.asV,;,i%%d“ ht‘ dgij I1o*:%»intell’igent man Aclcacs doubt the gj;e1“x11i11enesss Aoflxisz» AIf;Jnot%witl$asmnd%1r'xg, 11¢ yet as;f‘c;dera.1i.~2;t,%, he posh sa in jpbliticnl 1e:a,:rg,*erd£31‘n:3Lj:1%tV¢: L :§.nyVé;t1:wr g}u11‘1ivixag~. weptionis doing so1r;uVc:h«dttfloroxnota ca%rdihal cqaim-y,AitVisv{most (1ev.ou1;11y!*1;o.A;%be?~u~1s1:ec1 uma,11*c1ge m1. 1oweri=zof‘Ge‘n.‘ Juclcsson, at 1e:‘.:=§t;, fvs*mrel1;.im. t 11can%C}%cn. .Ta.c1»:s;on % be ercclmi-mzly the candidate of‘ t,%11erep1%1b:1ican pa.rt%y,; Why sslxoultl f'eflr2~.ral~« % V isstjs or repmllalimxns bc:_de11a1‘1ncc.2 d jf'c:>r c11ocs*ir1g?to%%$uppo1‘tgunotlmr man; % w h o,if' notthc raptlblicancanditlatzfiz, is; nt1gaas.s't'n. w:p2.abZ'ir:czn», m1d%a1t.ogét}1- % er more~:vcbmpe£ten°ty%$‘ByWvlmt %‘mmgi¢1: lm. he become the c:1.nrJi<1at.re of‘tl‘1e‘r.(3p§;1a1ican party? T:I~i5:% purtim1mvc1ai%m for him a‘lxig11ea'%di%$tirm— t.ion,mr1d a;sse1~1:%tl1nt ha: is: tzhe. pt>.mpl¢3‘.9’ (:m1e1%ic1zz.tt*;e.%%%% MAMA 1.110 people ail 'r_cap1.11)%1i(:‘z:Ln%s%? If‘ so, tIWin.$sertio11 prm*c%M”c.30 m11n1'1,*f'0r\mca1'e t11m1Im._?/‘1he people claim ;71I7~é. .fl drzm.sr %zsLsx t.1‘mir mmL1idu.1;c, mm] M ice: 1;1'xc2refc,»1'c2 1;hr.+re- Apublican cjmttdidate.;j{‘ § ‘ A * ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ j T%he%assert.i%ontl1at (7}efi‘.“ Ja.c1.¢,4‘L%Tl1ce vz1.1¢io%m:s%1*c:m;sdns;Ju1'ge3d%*i;r1 his sI1pp%o1tt:, '.in% diiTere11t_wpm'tss of the:cdii11t;1'y§%gifVé £1%xra~1%iIcN:1ire%1_.i1jEe.i~§',-‘,‘%% przncipze%i;s%f A Englanfl ziréf becauée he infarudrof’ %Mr.% féde%ra'Z 8”‘ u ;"%1;3j‘in%Sorha s%ec‘ti%ons bécziilsé % %11dj;i_,r,;1 he: 'de%serte‘(1% ‘pm-ty% % andjoinedV._t*11~e‘£Z}.ain'ocv~atik%7ci’ [;-A-Lu o 4p1a;ce&bEa¢?mse for the 017506 ' % H - The"Ia*s‘t4.Presidéntiiéllzflec _ % \ dent o£Ath%eAo1dpmtfi“e A d%?:‘ea‘ch%‘ A mg internalfimlfiofifémexitg and ?A¢anar1aateAA;wA% agi A parties. ‘ ‘ It ‘ is true, that”-.'Whi1e x1ez}L % ” ‘Adam .5 .,,‘ bec,a.u‘sWe ,aZzist,‘: manyjpf the puromment A ~me; par£»ysi+e%a;gd St 1[ ;seheAisq‘repubz%1:mn.[Manyoft1aeVhig-1u:oAn%ed federaliéié hV{xv%é‘%$i3e5Ver ‘consented to f'org,'ive._fdr«fo'r.ge%t therein of’ % what they are pleased to term his Vdesertion from their is” % in vain that fpC>litica.1 delusion seeks» tb convince any man; that % Gen. J ackson is in any sense exclusifvglythe pandidgxté bf’ ’j:i3I*i1e~.répub%licaAn 2 ‘Who are V le avdiifiig-"friendé"‘% 1'5. ' I TIzéy%% c’omv-V prisé V ninety-nine in every hundredyof ‘the prominent men who be]bngec1 . to the repub1ica.n%pzn't3’7 i11“-1"81-4"; whose. side‘ have your %G?a11ish;a.%,, your Butler, your O1i1:i,‘ and%‘Seymo,1n"an(1 Chase :Lnd**MaI1a1'y and Cra%f'ii§ L‘ % and Hutclainson .a;r1d and A1dis%$,% a1;id“%‘~Vl’1und‘xeds "of other‘ abIe3%R%e-y % f t11e ¢thAéi3‘ f V V publicakmé armyed l1%:.w:e% the”memb_ers of your L_egis~« % -2% %.]%a.t u re,%Wit.I1 %a%%voicé al ?dé§i%gnated as suit£Lb1e‘persons for cw Pxe‘sia%e;ritAmaaviceVPres;iaen£‘s Arefi they f'edera1istsP "Or? am they ainb ng:'* the Are vthésé men supp(5rfi%%% _ ' {:n:gahd3'1&intrepi‘d réjbublficans «:c>f't¢;11e%co’uh191}try % "ag1eéra.l’-ci1ndidattke%,' %o%rWt11e ablest Stat%esman% 3 of the age a.1'1d theVc;a.7rJ’diwc1a1 :éA natiqn? How manyWQf_f thef republicans, seconded: by A?‘ disting;‘uish%e%d‘ VzA1nd"disinter_e:stéc1% Afe,fid?“e r%z»111_%§tT$;,‘,” _ areto; be;f'ound in% the ranks of ?t1*m ;I%1eérjc_)%?‘ =«_'P:I1§y can Best c§Qmp%u te%tI1eiI‘ [I % numbér s %a1_1:d "assign the caiuséiofé i361W'%erSi611.%% A very large majo1~it y of %th%e_%inteil7i%g'ént anid-h.ones£,men'of' both t hAe'o‘Id ” 1 ” ’% ‘ parties Iias; u"'pon n 11iit,cd t(> ‘B11_s_tait1 %AdVn1i11ist%i'ation ';_zi%11d‘ AA % % save tI1e%co:1mt%ryV froifl%i1ja:vdjeso1a.£id%n% Off.(igxibrancéi1nd~ Irii1ifa:ry‘ "1:uIe_. % ‘ % Thisunion in*s1,1ppr)i*t ca%£i7%%pfr1%14cip1e a. r15.fj;civ%i‘1.jd1fder;‘%«is;1;bj1eLsS terrific]: tlxan ‘ A thwr;-. %l1:;11 1‘d tl1a.fLinsc1'iheéd TV:s%x::ax. paV1i:K: e. of BVe?1shazza1'. .,Tt %% a1isatf:t1ijb%és aaafd%ap;p:als~.: %tl1e%%I{ii1g.of'tI1M¢‘ “ I‘I0r1n”itagé_%‘%;%%”. a.n‘d his fric3nd:"~3 _am * % % *~ % % ' M1 fc%andi.date,A M 9r W*~m9“"@”W1’1°8“ V Wag/;’* A ‘A; lm”s: the highest %% ' % %% % 5 evidence V * ii, A 9S‘?~€~31‘=‘J‘5*»5i9”= tT~% 90? V j _ z_mte”the v dvcliamed hge 4:‘ hwdAv@<2=tvlII1:§V0"s%%1;L Fear, Vthat thiel i %A 11%iha,AA4wu1me irucy u'p*on AA 'I‘191j€: -e1e‘v?a.tio:%n ;o%f~fa;:nv » :1: j are % %m*£l*2Zt_ nary £237 a; y2‘c£;cz3/22;-lc % V * »~s1;‘51*\%r,-z%111C111oVt tax in the g~‘-‘ p0 m»p% TC %u1wf po1ic1y: or." 2,; ; all, % every %%expe:E1*irxmnt‘ tllmtj’ m V _11'1i»li13fa15y' .d%m.tatiOn-shou1:-d' be op,p;Scd prorr1p.1;]y v ”f'ea.rle%ss1y.' No Th3. VSY11'AS % * . % Ge11e1*a1s% and people was ever »ens1aved% by military %%%Lusurpa1:iC:I1L, Awlzosaxvfinxd rcazsisstccl the danger%in*seaso11.~ Arnbitious €1:£3magog‘u%es %1;ave%LV%irre¢voca;b1%y fixetl their yoke upon the xacckaofthe peopleby in%g;l4i%§r«;m1;,A %;a11d‘%Ao;1Imnh_;% ;i1:r:1pe1*cep.. tible enc):oacl1m_ents.& They llavgj Aw ’ %*Vupr’e{mre%% power by valiant d%aec1%sg :%by;§p1%e11~di£1 Vi;ct;_0r,i9fi5,w; 3' V 1*eatv.1ove far the people. % There is an chamfxny%.in%%rtii1it%t11y%vglory:%3;1iagt c»lothesy.%% often forged the vmfi'yp claaing % % .HiSt01'y§iS full Qf its %§1,_dmQ»11Aitions on”; b<3a.co%11s$%%vvam¢i % ‘ ‘ % % V ‘ ?¥ °f' a1‘II1s.L12$1Ve % s11%a.vc3r_y. ‘ % Akljta” v%o1umeS%ar e% so xxxaxny /H. ‘fun G en. aclgson, A% M »Qt"in;;;1:1,c>1iticl;s; as in every ‘I‘.hi11g else, his; au1dVs‘o will sayL‘ ev:eiry:m wishes it to be ,%c%li.g§z'72,c&; y O rnen ofsense d9linomwA9£:at%%jt%his \:WVe1L$ % “ “ land m§i1ni1‘ntiQ%11 to % V A: 1;‘ ;otImr s;;iTt)i,1ndje%1je;;1%.% % A‘ “ gtlmei‘ tim'es%%fvm11;,=; %sp1endic1 ; Welré % tyrants. g {Q3316-A 7-%.»°.'a,;L<):$asj1;<1"%%V:;;;L,ws~ar%milk]‘%sq9g%z;id é1§o%_xJ1aparte ;% _ W1101ust$.ina11 time1§VtoA%%A¢dm¢4l 1% m'.stO0Ll %c>§Ific“e%; % but he is not qu1?tcso%sha11oxv;asA no %wj%%;11%,% vm-ily AA AA *ai*(3 Vpulling ~ ‘those who A fImque1st~ionab1y 11o%ne:s%tA,v:%AAAbut, A, are" recI:1e3S:»%~v%%o?%% tlie ?1igh1:- ; f:%11:1é‘< % 1%. epro“sti’t‘ution"$0f Press fin: hig;Im«:AA4tim A mid _ %%%hc%%L¢IéLima of‘ * 4“astMs’he% «%prmgr3e%s8%%%m’A$Vtliis rmwf Amtxny stk1ouJ*azx:nd;«3;% lurk w‘it11.~ir1 fc)*u1‘ 1i1'x1i.1:ea % who ‘ Tthcay will ‘~é1;ese1*s’r¢a, ‘ as ‘ t1A1;;:y% c:c=:rta.i'n‘1 y will ha.vg#, %1;fi,é ‘re13ro‘ixchés o 4 f¢xoWV.,<:%~13UszvLIa2ta+.sV%1ezzmI.a:1—2m9, _ V % A M6tiae?cela+?29~a:§ia22.’ 91$]; qr July I)'ytlzaL/‘§~Ei¢ntZé the ./€lc7§n‘i7iis£5~txst‘}”cj:2i,}i A .flIT~,PT8$id1$7Alg_:ff~T'l1$ smti1*xienziV1;:s«~.%%of‘ reapact ‘axxdfriéndsliipjust ex-« Apmssecl by so,ma;1ny" of tkma best mcqxmintecl w i1:h‘“my private {and publick % «:I.:m.m;‘cte:r., cau:nut'*fai1%<‘ emz1tes‘?my m~nwita&1ityv;an%d caommasnd any a.almow1- zseclgg-xx1e11tas. Neactzm‘ % apprm1mti0;;; ,¢3%i’%%1§xi:.é:42;;>%=§zv;4_1 %cox;s?c:gic:x1ce:,% the pzmiot wifl r3st«2e1'nt1xa.t%c>f thdwitaca mid goocl. % About to astzejp off‘ him stage of publick Ii'f‘e, 1-eflectiona ‘on the past are natural. fB11t«c)r1;}.thira emlajegt '[will a:x1e3%re1y%»<3b~se%r4ve,tlmt I firmly believe A A jvg: ;t;1x:-1;1;, 1,'tm;evs% %goymrx1}a<1 jzgugxd t1‘1e_vc<:)11rS£: *C‘.«0nficiO:t)m:}’Wil1;31%-3353 n 1» H A V %1;i:xa.t°1um by V pub1;c%kA_ c\m‘ c;§£‘:;“wI1en it ::If1za,1111a.w=:tear« -I rejmm to §?c~:¢«::1; ) fi2.aWv%:it:.*@:1;nz*:1ii¥;%i%>*%1at@.¢1 cw_my%%y;@mi in our country %z1.1_1d Impc ~at;1jxm‘y*lm~1rept.%xx1~Vave:wfrxmnJqrm1;g:¢atcmim and qf‘,t;irnc;g.% % _ “ ‘ ‘ ilwzmmnal ’°fl1he:=-,r1;_ V n,1%‘%%1g;:a(;io%11%a _wwca},~ % 1:)_1.1,t_ 111 no §c%m1nt;ry‘% can ever cm is ;m2nne:rar,tio11.£:2nj%oyi“;t“lzcmt‘»1r1’u4a11%ig*:s:jxf1«ctCa‘*anfl ;int%egri"1;‘y‘%;‘ and t1;uésae%if' t1“n'¢.::y 1‘ , r ‘mziat iw111§:>1«ppm1.rA £11» %1;}iw,-;w§csbq;l%véa.¢:*;tic:;1)% :c:»%f%'.m1-e;°m.. A , Virftuea 11%} xm.11'y a.dmirem: bu.1;«i~11»:im:’1ix’ot t13:tC>c)xx1,1‘x:um1WgC1rse%%fb%r01'no£4b%i1i%u.dtJ%1£1.ti0n,%to decoy, (lecc.2'1v<=e. $.noL%*rLni11.~ Lf:‘ac.a ' .1.ibmrty*‘11a.sa ‘iw +.é1c1gtr1%%i&rar:3% tl1ro1]1g11oL1t ‘tlxease &‘§t.uteea, z3.n(l y é/r. % 7% would 1m.'2:a;rd, if'n<:>t ah‘alrte‘9:%%%a.Way,;a.11v%than is‘%dge1*a,r to tile f1~iem‘1(1s ~c:»f z:.n.11:‘ country for “t11e%%sh_m~t~ lizvéed venjloymxantjofJmnm'7;;_a,ng1%»pp‘wer; % "I§11jmg~rf;1;y%i111%~tI1e grcagagt ghody of ting: rpeopmir;-x as essexitial .tq;: tJ1_é;viprc2;scrva,tioii%$¢5 sfrec: "gove~rt1mc:11tja;%s‘is[t.h¢ xxxbsttirxflaxilyle vi1;%t1;x;e*c(:,%~%%’t‘h¢;; pmsgexjwxtion:bf§1:ri<1ivié1u%al% cl1zxract‘eji~;§%%” If'"1;l.m frefanfgman .of%our% c:c;u111;ry‘sh%ou1d%may‘b¢¢;c;>xgxm ?wsQ%%.1%ostAte; the dxdfiatilifi of‘;vyis4~ -dom and tm:r%t‘h as ;to,1mza.rrl:m1d fina.]1y%%1oc&a%e}t1'1eir da:2a.r%VVbouwght 221' jheiirown ~cox1iécic::ncLi=:£s, xxndgtlw czurxtrmxpt c::f“'th(»: wise;ar1d~“;go%od%o+f~év~é%1€yr1z1;1:ir5x1,"x«:i;i1c1 ravcwy sum:ec2<1ing% t1g"3--th4e3y will %A%c\%c:s%earved1y [s1n1c;1;”o% %a%%s1:ajtc2go%t’ ds:efg;*a4tl:1+ tic>raé:-¢~+f?:a;x %w11ic1x.L%Imy wi11'%be_fu1ly pwparfc;:d.\% §3I:1ottz1¢1a;n. sp%%tr1n1c}11jo »b«:: ?da‘1r¢acia;tead weaver ;;;c:cx.1r in our %c:%c>x1nt?3?yj%$ Ait? _w111%n<:t ;,z:t.1‘Ts:z:;1*t:”x1*x(::~r \1-i"f1ibé:¢1'~ tiem 111#erma%c>x1t.«oa be; %1g);gst,%%b11,l; i.r1t.1m hope’ ;t.1m;1:; all ¢,w4n11i%%%n1a;ke% e’:1m1’I1 use df‘tIi‘§a‘i*xr pa'ivile~g»s:s=.s: t1*1:xt;%%;%tlm-it: m1jc:»y%1’r*1r.:%x1Vt%5 mn.y, ‘Abe: 7AAp%m'1:)¢:5m;i'mi;%l.A j ’ l”{1wsé1'y %fi.x‘t1i,mr.r; Fyivileges, ‘ 3 t V % ceecf, iifhe“1'z;¢.i.ii1'1'a.I‘{‘dc3nAséi1ue13ces‘ mew "W16 p8ri€yha$\'SPruWE§':, smdbe1ie;%vA A % ‘e‘r~=it‘ 2:0“-'w*1thc1r%a\v gzxll? t;Imt&Wi:;:<;1‘x:>r*:%x % _ ge“x1e%1*afi“£m, *1£i.7$"‘ we “p飑3fi‘.%Ii~§;s.bAé iI3‘i1TtA%t(1*‘-‘ftlafié j?;%%e.'-3‘c-'-‘-‘:~«éi~'V1*$1:1.»e::»:51§1:%£:).<:rii"’ lt:i;f'tI‘1"£?i:_i:“ abilizy fbri se1:f«go;v:¢ir:n%mvent.% If ’Wis.xlmx; %:;rxz:ur1i:£’e;;~s.:; in fu‘t.u‘1°e“e1a.CtioI:£$ 51,11, 1iS;:Sa;f'e‘; bi1t_:7 ShCmId'%"de€3€3‘ptiQj:1 fim;11Iy‘a;11c’«»“ ‘ M V“ _ I > .,%t;?W§1fift’co11fiict in re1a.1:ion“t=b7the= new Preaideiitiali 13g‘»,g;1@ betwveem_¢%:{§‘vi;'t;:m~= &x:c1’.i%£b1~iy.% ;€;L2:c1~.;:x:.~:» I ham b%ec:a11{b:Lct:1§Lé.tii§111f:mom1ity% vvir~3re.‘rbetVtm#~%robsLeWe;dj;1;J:mI3» WY*0t11‘315??%i,119¥1G%‘%%the% P‘5‘0P1‘“3 WEN %M13stt9d§%“~f‘13?@I L Iibex-,ty,t1m.n%o1;hersMWe;~e;c§L13a.I:;1e:0f%e;11jC1ying“4 * V A » M % The % kind vA?xz1;hoxt»“izai:%:1;Ii4?:A ég«ivé‘*%:1i % L « prm:i~ots~af%pu:r 1xi%g*1wer%flwgrWi Aha ij&I>11AV;ot11~e?3:% 9; “ $*%%feIi£i%A % tm;_13 ‘ " M V 11“ e‘$0?fai*’debm3ec1""b1:r~ 31:3 ; §n%1x}a;bitzm1‘1s?’::*s Aszrf A ’s§e1v:.*»§£>‘:= ":a:s.t*i:1">*i':*e*1*x4 A 11e2c:esssa;+y to the preservamoxz oft1aa.t»1M’0sper41ty~ ‘ % -‘,2 H4,‘ ‘ ,‘ ‘4 V\ 1: ”.-:..:~1*I ¥ f_~ 3 =1“ 1%.‘. " - 2 ., z, w . =‘ ‘ gt: ;_ ” M_ Y J 5. . ‘gm’. ::r;,; >3 ’f.'. i .I)e“;;f;:s-%&2i%a*~;fi4=-+*'x"ot1r% 1;~inVdA%Wit1~ér’im.£i6hV‘iw‘é1xaI%i*A&%%:;IwIWkdmivacanimrttea, to "atgézfl izlmf, cel»eVb%r‘a;tio n:b%ff j1;fI°_1<~> f'“§x3:fi:;iver$A?a;rjr’ opf1A1ii€?fi*'i6a:r§3 Ii"1c1ezp¢§nt1e3r;t:1‘.c?l<‘I3fé ~ w£‘:;,~2 ~%~%1V%3v£a.» % wi%1;h .‘3g.9;1,,_%%ia;;fi%_ fuhca ‘fr1ex1ds of 1:116 pA1*e}seiz1Vt'; ,Adn1i13‘i:%tr§§1:ion"of 1:110 Nrmt&@2éa*a:1AV Gover:z1:;mnt‘;€% t:>rr ’tI1a;€ d’eIi“,g_f; A zgyzzitnin 7 mt not to;A7néntifi?‘b % “‘*l%f'wiv‘1"L‘?@$1‘c:z»rr:;fza12zim.czéamrxiulzl V . iibéfdtigfwgz? '1ty“*;"9ei*2“* '*l’£:r7*mjg*’[i"c>t§‘~‘Wmzéy/;,’*?‘ 4115*‘? t/'z.f:?.t; “ ii,(7}§' qj’ifz¢ %'3)ea:-,4 fame” ‘by Rirm:m»A;mme:a»zgam:ems,¢ ‘afig-‘c»zg~é6l hm Va;z-zwz.zZ to ~ ‘I’ ‘ ‘,\ “U7 « nu: _V ‘H V. U L‘ “ ‘ - - - . *2 .mze .»=é»tIg:é2§~‘;jb«ms*z.né.s%s {of icémsgz 320732? ’4:t";:§’”A“t?fz¥—s§;:ze‘:li '2;me.. W As ~«; %’Ath;e"“9;i313ifi>at§I*1ii:Ag‘31P?x4éé:ii*a",'_ }0§i3: €9,%1§.t*‘A:m V self a _ V ~ jjéniire satisfi(1;c3ti:’ni1 ’ —r‘—" IV’tI1inkfVthatA?aAA:v1ewA=oaimiw n;bi%1imyA and»iLi11te‘gri1;y5¢vith% %*%hje;,I2ia.;'’ *‘ 1flfxa';t7 ‘I~>‘%VfieW’sft':i»*gzadffishyidfxxi £::;'i”emd‘%§' % Vxr1:t>"”‘h'§§v’e$% “foi;{§§c1'. , i1n ' _ff1;§:§:’ 7 of‘ d“ ’t‘1‘1%é’f& 1:~Ea’1’1:r%v1:i?1>3c3*;trt¢=c2i“i“i'*-‘Ha, d‘.‘:rm “ ;¢:1l‘I1”.d:<:>ife1*1irfi€iiit.‘, ‘A &z;iI1zx~%r>«z%c1w *.;b,§7I1:tI1¢3fh§‘5¢11i£i§m:d3+” -mime: A am:-c, 3%%<$:jt%I1é .."e' :ép1bits.. am; 4,;1~m.¢wc z'epub1$icz1fx sit£‘1p1ic‘ity anfii %%1Qve%_5of;. frees ASE}? f’a;41*""aér to :.]r«;:_a*si;'1L'3 é§t1*t1-: A r11§3;1,f.J:L1’,i11 e,ndAéa1_v¢u1‘{iIIgT.f’i;:j4“ plifigévféi Tfgifi"tIz:=z’?’}1fi£‘:1’ti3iJ_“fof jg*Méfh111‘e1Wa*i‘.paai*ss::§>1§1ffvvlfm ' 3v¥3.é;§‘iiQf‘Ltj$ 3r.I;.é17;(.§1a.E1'1:iil¢.si‘fi'éé;i:2s>gsfti1‘ ~cmiA1ao:r;rase m 1 A :9ende”z- to Aaeneraz Ja§ck;sm2%V i13‘1~“:t‘T1iat *}5Vxf%a’,Iise3.~*?ai1rx€1‘f “A!zn911V@?z.11*:’i“? &»:ie» mm A A fi;«sz;3,«m:4« gm:c2%.m~ces§,mz Gem:~¢r;4V maazghm : §fg‘0mtl*5 A;5o1ic§yv%va%iatu«m;%m1way4v ‘Wu-‘:\‘ "I ‘ vmhac1% 1:rAc:2j:t§+=1w'%1:f*«*Av::2i*“xztsA4ms*Au*a.t e~ than %<1;ianin@i4ah;.;t%Lhe~ ='1I]@‘,’£‘ijt cf": $%13jc»aejfa:E1fi11%A<)fl*icer ;-----~ ” ‘aimed ta Vsay, t1#1,£mu.l:‘1flifv.‘%fi¢:r .1525 (:v.1+ef‘ul .ArevAie¢AW » Qf‘ all his public 7/ A gLera@m1;A%A~AAto%%%‘pAfmsid%woveM.%%%f1ve@ anAtW;n1igl1tei1» Gd%A.TJ@%dp1‘e.» i¢un-umexnp t11%é%m$1f1n%e%Ss;,A;o_flahi;;3_%5c:c3;;1,ac1m;,t;A,.in At;a1:ing; tlfiflives arm) A A % % " % % _ A 1fota.17f di,sr*¢=g'1’a;1t:%A ;j‘%%;‘c*j1'1'?%ej}3;AA:1fAa.W:s: ;;aa1c1.%?in$s1;5;§;ut1ons AOf“hi$“]cQLxntJ7Y’ vae\éii11~'<;%?é7t’hat he is 'g'(:')j.V:‘ev=’r‘.\y,1_§]\*,“y"@%fl-"’y’:’EJ‘bé’&Y*“‘i,1‘O:‘1&L;W“‘Q;r‘;§ tha;1'.o%f'.»hia: oA7w*;1%%%_a.«r1;>itr%mty1 will, mud we 1m,-34 v1‘g3a.so1nA,1;oAAfear %f;}1utA.- l1@,;A‘WOuA1A<1_AbeA Aflangen-mus pm‘:-3,0I1; ‘A-at % the A11ea,(l wher3e;%%A % u’ “ed%en%emyAA%and*ofi'e:1ding;.so1d.i,e1'sa, tc>,g;'4.=z1t11%¢a;r wit;11_l:A1i.~"s ,0? A g.3,:Q;-V'e1:n1nAei1ts %WithAAAi1 Zé}1binetIV €A3fA‘,1Aii.:~;.=.A own; AaJ_3poii1;tIri£%13t}A ;G$pf€?1CiA£L11)’j Wlmxl 1;at~iom~tA M we vievv~’r.he preSe-m;Aé£r1«?1vi“pi‘Oba,b1ytfié more g‘e11‘e%_ra1%LrqpturAé5A%A§1:m~o§;,g§2stl‘clue AcAs:cpt.AwSiv»%A»wwAbestAxeépeawwivL.ywrae1fa:xxAa t1ze4e6mz~natt<$é~ 4 ,..<‘.’' :3‘. 3!! A AA a:mV»jAv~§5i1§sr¢$fi:Act¢f't111v Y<3r1IA1'5;I % To IaVU'm£m,I»o0M{.rs,A % u J A ,J‘,,A:M A; V'}\:‘ A. \ ‘ “ ‘ :1 ‘ V ‘ ‘ k v mm, A. ~ ‘ . ,, ‘. A ' AW‘ 1 « ;1'A‘) A A ‘M’? 1 W1: ‘N ‘ ‘rm ‘ ,.a g_.* ‘ JUDGE “' A4Txmfoxaosvssxaaglettezv ‘%1st1Tt!?«*2A¢e of the ‘U4x;it§g1%%fASwtatea po;;‘1tai;1s 1%1i§§:“opi11iimn" W:*tb*z .t“a:%u?bim?:<9:f’~.t‘I2ej§; qhargfi the ba.xga.1n, Iareferred 133$“ Jéaghrson a.ga1nst; Arl;yrx)sAa;11d Clay, in relation to the lasg Pr¢¥3*sv_i,r1e1'_1ti%a_.1%$ glgzction. 1‘1't]gc':2-:'lVT%:).i‘éIVi %LI1’:§ O17150Ttl1~A x1it&i;A_g=,: Afqg; AAl{x1AqAVVi.ng of .t11a.t trgnegefionafilgig to judge of 11620111 f:ormc}“’2;‘I;V~ A~wjiv1:.e:-amt“ ,"B.”e.:i(1~°iwstixmd:;»3txy %a;ny mzm W116) rmvcrcmces truth and ” tiisis‘ Wye‘-vs‘ * -M1 a.ppez?a rzmntfie in ~ - ' r *4 7"‘? ’§_‘~?‘fA' §(g;?*""*f5':1? ‘.Nq.*“ ‘)1 : ;jA<:,‘. A“ 1» ,,AA,A;“«'K Jt1mezmWawmpe;n@~aAq£*aAsta.te;ry1eAn1;~Aa#m,t;»heA.1m& mad.c.cA¢rta1n iremnrks um =- ‘ ‘.51 ‘ ‘ ‘A ‘:“: * ‘ Wm" 6 ‘ r ~ ‘ ‘ «« u‘1‘ 97f «H .»‘i ; Hip am A “<“VVQV‘:‘V“\"“:"t1‘J‘ "' ;A_: ‘f'm:J:«V"H;.‘;;;:; if M ,BNA . : \,V ,,L , V A ’° [A Q A H‘ .%AI‘}.xA<;:Awmyr<)r¢1;>%,%% AMzLrc}1’%_Ez9%, ?1,8:i.~‘?‘I?:A; A wilijl’, f ‘., 54',‘ ‘“‘*vAr’A1V«V*~5:‘m—~:w--Ifparcelws Iawcuri;p@.19$%1%%0MP+dd1%¥: ¢1¥i§*fJt£tt1«c>x1A warn 1:116: 1VI,=>gIf:s?~ :%1Va,ne1@xi,a wf';AQmain% ;e2c=pwsaion§s a;,wri19m17 to. If! z:csAmi:cti2ugi 1:119 'pent1ing n\ 4, ~.A.A...y, « » ~:ak2<2A1;ion:‘:§.1¥pr Preqsidganfgy .,of , jxlm +$%tz1,Ates; jwghiah I ’tl"xii‘1k it“ my "V7 “ ‘y ' 9': Q‘: " ‘ ‘ - M’ "V ‘V V r‘ W‘ M ' “A AJ<3I?:?s‘I*1I. 1.5Ar..¥7nAs;§i~:qi‘;§.; Egg. % Avaimyaxacp;;;1m.c¢mwV.% Ii[o1~dm'g:*t11m,;§j1;1iz1,f,io:t1‘I};l%c:A' qndéf film;CiovAe'r:1;ne11?t*‘cg?% A:.hmuAA4AixAad *4.SAa:at~ea, .»AhaAAveAAA%t11mz1i‘ rig!fU5{fw.A%»bs3:ixin my ; AHW: ..d'eA¢1iL1*miQfi"“s m1A~,.A1%;‘1z1[r3% elgmtxoxz M an: were %i;iL11d§‘#.;¢‘? %%“§”‘t‘z1iA&;1 ?*“}$V fi*é>mmng;*A.wn.s*e3 Ifzelt ‘r§}““t'fLée' rmx:é&r~%rc»; ‘I never_<3li<1*usse*t11e »ot1;9}.f%%V_Vgpgprezassioxxs ascribe-Ad to :%né;’“” ‘ Ifmquest you to Assay tI1ataVLIt‘l'i“Uf°i‘mL1 1:0? dectlzxm t.1m,1: the Mar'y~ ]fLTlt1A£~}ix’ fl”1i1S Mkbeen mi$i1mfQ2mnm1.=:%~»; o_ryA rc_$;A13mpc;;§;fT1;1%1] gym c;»b’”t m~Avant.% ‘ 4 Q*”WdW‘“fHgMAR$H¢Lh. wast? x*<:*>. ‘M i ;:. :3: V:‘!‘.~M-”» F:.«:,a=irigst%in41~’A&-;I1atof A Jhdgé a Committée:~9fFnirfii-=<~«&“C°urrty.= M“ 1 ng :{th4;=; A txmxn W": 1%ch*=j;vVuvu~cj:dm+ % ; e municate % tlifeé‘ :u*na;n11nuus%4 vvishyofthe % aqk”s%o Qxnittee;:%f'o1f Eai1ff!1X_ F?QA11nty, éhut I my*se1fto% b ¢~3""éC$§ié?i%*d'€§§t“«ed £1 ‘ rme-mber o‘fjt1%ia1t% A * Be1ievix3wgi1fhatA;t11e utmost M purity “ ,timnd%ed%Athe ieledtioh = of Jorm to the nfficé.%»W1?i‘i°c§h % "¥hQ]ds5%%ax1d%?11as%so ably administeyefi,I’,1;1:3,ve'f %neverf%hes%izfat:ed,’ wheha, fit; occasion offered, to ex» pr'ess% my ‘sentiments **fv'avo'r;“~~bf7% ‘his‘V-fr,.%éj‘~éIed#fl' tf" ‘ 1 Wine ‘P @’h':xir. I should, ofc%ours?e,mc¢efl‘e%%fljoithé“if9§”‘fJL " % ‘ %‘ T % n%V!%ga4;;a.;w;,,g I co%u1d%%sp3:o‘m ut“e =*qWt~11}t§ef0~bj“eC:t % ‘lih; éha” ie. ex , %cting‘:sQVdnAto 1ea1v%e"1%1?his, csmmty, %n:ot~€<)-Afetfiirn :- % %é'"Ve1ectf6fi5has%passed, 1 shall %1§?i1t‘n0fYii”‘na11y,“%occ3,1§py 3;“ cA.e%:‘%In%,thfi;-;t%which might be benefi- cially filledliy some ~ % ;Wi1:hA[a% due sense ,c>f the hdi:ror;i~%%’which the%comm%itt«ee,hasconfbrred Aiyxpohn me, and With‘ %senti1tnent%s offv‘efy gre 21:» “esteem: :f_b‘1?$‘Vyo1irseIf',‘%°I~' am, ‘ Jb%1=xis*% C§.iHfm1'E1i,"Eéq. %‘ dear‘sir;your7moat¢obedientV:servaxam%%.f , _ V ~_.;,; LETTER ma AGMGE To? ,. 3 ‘ ‘ L W .,,‘ "Dear;'»S*i1¢,-++~I%}%%;13hz3;1F11¥‘Yfltlltv£01‘ imev L318 ptgrusal niof thg ;en%c1o;a$d%y The sentiments do hqx1or tq the%hea,,“_%% andwheai-t» of%%%tI1eA%»4%wr%i‘fiéfrl;‘ ”.*1n%%d“"i%"if1y Wishes would be of a.n“y'A\a.va,il, the}? éhfif11Vdg‘c5 110* you ?~%ii1“‘_t1i‘é‘ ‘strd?h’g*‘ hbpe tfiat you will not withhold merited .%pr9h:1ntion.%;A fmm; ”Mr;V%;; ADAMS,,beQau$;g he.:%isyo1.:tr,V%:son. vFo%r,»without intending rtoscompliillent t1xc;aftifher%Or ‘m'ofl1j.e1';,"or‘t%ojvcenésure,%a.ny othera, I give it .as~ my decided ' ‘o;3g:';1;ig’ior1‘,Ii ‘that %A.da;?rx1'S!;%“ig3‘ ;%m%os£”’;va1uab1e 5‘p11b1i”ckV c:1‘Ié1I“acter: "ch at we: “ha.{re ?ab1° oad,~, =ian‘;1 there ne?ma.i’n*s lno ‘dt_>‘u1V)tjin— mymind ftzflhat he *1j%%wi1l='*prove Ahimself 1:113 _%zLb1£:st \ icifigallfiixri:@1qma1;jck corpS%-N. % If‘ h«e‘9Was'.now to he ~ ”15ro1ight“j‘into%%tk1ma;t‘line;pr %zLI17y'* ;c%th__;ef%:;%Lpi 1 'b1i‘c?5 Walk‘; 1? C0é111”d’V'%11'0t%-?l1p0I1‘T the principles which have regulatecl my ritmmduict,‘ r1’isap%prover Sbif caution "which is ’hixited\ 8331.1 %thg";etter%.% ié ja':1rie.ady%' entiereth. jp”ect:onawry ta-ieernm ffever been tdeniedtyor questioned. in It y:1oity'yoyf the transaction it ndeltailsg-.——ythe pi _ ,,hiarvgesarernzgtdefi-rtlneynarnesiof.thetseivé2—~ ralii-:‘p‘ersonsl-c<5I1cléirn*edj-and Of‘ the spectators "of t’h_e' outrageous~ya_fI'ray, eve» or “Hadit“be‘en"f‘a1se;Litslfaleehoodcouldeasily have n iYe_tneithetiGen.Jacltsonnor as friends have everiat- ib11oy.wi:ag:y:ta“ttll" “ temptieditoidieproveyit, "iuovva~:Senato_r_ot' the United States from jMyiiesoturi,~iy1iya‘nid» onefof the supportere of‘ Gen. J aclceon. Yet he ‘I?lt‘.‘;‘t/i';0~3.'vp1 ‘‘ _ fiietit-aictevd la eyllablcof this statement. p y _y ‘ Fa‘.anKn1N, (T;en.)t Sept. 19, 1813. A difihrence which haclfor some tnonthebeen brewing between Gen. Jackson and myself, produced. on Saturday the 4th inst. aim the town of Nashville, the most outrageous afi"ray :ever witnessed in a civilized coun- try. In communicating this affair to -my friends and fellow-citizens, I limit rnyselftloutlle state1n’ent' of a few ‘leading facts, the truth of which I am ready to establish by judicpiulvprofl A i V 1. That niyeelf and brother, “Jeese Benton, arriving in N ashvillo on the morning of the afiiay, ‘and knowing of’ Ge1:a.Jacltso11?a threats, went a and took our lodgin e in a different honeelfrom one in which he staid, on purpose to avoid timzp rt ‘f e y t 92. That the General and acme of’hie friende carne to the house where we had put up, and comnuenoed the attack by levelling a pistol at me, when I had no weapon drawn, and advancing upon me at a quick pace, without giving me time to.:draw“‘nnga \ t 1 u ; V 3. That eeeingvfthis, my brothvetttfiredyulnonv Gen. Jaclreon, when he had gotvvitltin eightor ten feet oftne. t ‘ i 4. That four other pietolysriWere=; fired in succession :-one by Gen. J ack- son at nae; two by me at, the Gene1‘a1;_and one by Col. Coffee at me. In the course of this fixing Gen. Jaoltaonr was brought to the ground ; but I received nolhnrt. l i I l t - ’ t y 5. Thatdaggere weretthen drawn.---Col. Coffee and Mr. Alexander Donalson made at me and gave me five alight wounds. i Capt. Hammond and Mr. Stoklcy Hays engaged inyvbrother, who being still weal: f1'0II1 the effect of a severe wound he had lately received in a duel, was not ableto resist tvvolmen----they got him down; and while Capt» Hammond beathim onthe head to make him lie still, Min, Hays attempted to stab lnrn Inboth arma, as~he'lay_11pon his back partying the thrusts with his naked hands. Frointtlxie situation a geinerous hearted citizen, Mr. Sttm- 11011 relieved him. Before he came to the ground, my brother clapped-,a piiatol to the breast of Mr. Hays, to blow him through; but it missed. _ My own and brother’s pistols carried twoiballe each ;i for it was our xntexition if driven to arms, to have no chi1d’e play. The pistols fired at me were so near, the blaze of the muzzle of one ofthem burnt the cleave" of myrcoat, and the other aimed at my head at the distance of little more than arnfsilength from it. i y y l ’ l . 7. Capt. Carroll was to have taken part in tliiie affray, but was absent by the permission of‘Gen._Jackson,as‘l1e;»hae since prrovfed by the Ge-n.’a certificate; Ia certificate which reflects I know not vwhetherlleas honour upon the General or upon the Captain._ y 8. That this attack was made upon ime.iin‘*tI1e~houee l where the Judge of t«h?e"Distric=t, Mr‘. S?é»’z-11fcy:,4Tha1d¢11«i’s.1<3dg*i~fig?s.? TV So 1ii.fi1€f?‘éLi*%e1%»‘tI1e lza.i,\f.és‘~‘r-ihd its m,i11iste2%rs 1'%espeQted:!L~ u;N~.o1:;h§as~,the?;ci§vi1¢a,ut11ority::yet;;;tzi1§e11%cogniz— ance ofthis l1cnjrible%outrage4._% % .Tl1es@;. faqta _a.1fe s=uf"ficient%;;,%§;§§r‘;5fi_X;the public o”piniQ"n.‘ ;Fc>r 'my7 owri ' pa1"l:1, 'I ‘think it ”S?3an4d£aL1’Qu%S%‘thaCt V'sub%I1yfl'1ing’s "ssh ould tak p1,3;=ce at“ -any t'im-bl“; ‘but L%p:a1.irticu]%a;r1 y* 80‘ a.t'rthe% present mome11t,7W11%en .t_%l,:ne; pub}-ic; s.e~1*~vice V1'réqui,;refjs ‘the-,aid;L-0£%%~ Vialli-wi1;s% fcitizgens.---¢A‘s‘ for ti.,I_1a;1mn1e of‘ cg-u7*age,.%G0.dfo1'b.id th,a.t.¢%shou1d ever att%eLI3pMt%,tp gain %1beVco1njng ;; btflly. - T’1‘1i0s‘e%'Tw”1'1o"I:%1bVv”-ine‘; kndWV_f'Ij11"'%$;V£:1‘1%';’t%1iatIf W"c">i::t"1%_i:l give % 11.’ tI1ou~’~ ~saen‘d tixms f11io1*e*fo‘x”thx3 teputiation bf‘Creg-‘h%a11f%iz1"‘;defe11:ding his"-p~ost:, mu 1 would ftir‘"t?1eVAre1vu&a-ticzis Lof:d»11A t11ee4d11e1istw1d .g‘hdi4atL0%rs*t11.at éver.ap~ peared upon the fim:e,oft11e,‘ea,rt}1._ _~ ; , V; M I % % 3 V V j % ~ ~ ” ‘THOMAS IIART BENTON; ..g ; “:79 : I L._; %7I;L‘1:£Vil£t.L3-C§i9l.V".f3V9i/2.‘IJ?§f2zm:3€3}{.MVL yr ; ‘ V“ r‘w‘»‘!«‘v' wr «muw ‘. ‘_> ‘S J‘ " J ‘. ‘ \ 1 ‘ ‘f ‘.. Q‘ Q‘ ‘ rm ‘. A4 .. 4 A k 1*’ “ Wm» ,, 5. 1 “V W,‘ I if I .|“ QM . ‘r t.‘ 4 3 u ‘ : .u “ r .s‘ n ‘w‘' u N I Q‘ A H n m J5. A VA W a a .H .. , “,?“ n . 1 . w H ~f , 4» w