AN ORATION: DELIVERED BEFORE THE CITIZENS OF "BOSTON; ON THE FIFTY EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF AM E RIGAN I N DEPE N DE NOE . BY EDWARD G. PRESCOTT, BOSTON: 75.10!-IN H. EASTBURN, CITY PRINTER. ~ u fi d I H I O I 1 I O u V 0 n O O Inn 0 O D I l Q O Q n O I I fl I I V I h up CITY OF BOSTON. IN Common Couwcrn, JULY’ 4, 1833. Ordered, '.'I."1mttl1e Mayor and Alderman be 1'eq11<=:s'1;m:I topx'c2s;cr1tt:]m t11m1kz:~: of mu Gin,’ Council, to Emvmn G. Pnmscom, ]E1:s1q1;1i1'c3, fiyw the clnquunt and spiritml O1~zu.iun, d<..:1ivm'm'1 by him, at t.hcn'r~1'eq11est, upon the A11niversmry of Azxwfloun Irx(I«;~.po1‘1<:‘1cm<:ce, and m mquctat. copy for the press. Sent up for Concurrencc, JOHN P. I3IG«I3}LC3W, I’ra.wid¢:m‘,. In Board of .z.‘Zldm~:m.(m, .)’u