1867—-8.] C IVT Y D O C U M E N T. [No. 10. ‘(Films Qfiutxtrilmtinxm at “emxv Qfiuglmnl tn gmcrita. AN ORATION, CITY AUTHORITIES ANDCITIZENS 01+‘ 1*B.0V11)1«3NCE. J trL"Y 4m, 1 8 4'; 7. BY REVQHENRY W. RUGG. «fix “ Sn ‘ ‘ '""‘Wj ’ -92 AA PROVIDENCE: . L % KNOWVLEASV, ANTHONY 85 CO;,_PRINTERS. L 1867. xwwm (HTY DOCUMENT. gmga mm Qfinutxilmtimm at imam fingtmm tn gmerivzt. AN ORATION, CITY AUTHORITIES AND CITIZENS OF PROVIDENCE. JULY 4th, 1867'. BY'REV.HENRY‘W.RUGG. *0roum®@® Ewfifim ' PROVIDENCE: KNOWLES, ANTHONY 8: 00., PRINTERS. 1867. RESOLUTIONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 1‘ army or PROVIDENCE. [Approved July 10, 1867.] RESOLVED, That the thanks of the City Council be hereby tendered to Rev- Henry W. Rugg for the able and eloquent Qration delivered by him at the late municipal celebration of American Independence. i Rnsonvmn, That the Committee of Arrangements for the Fourth of July cele- bration be hereby authorized to wait upon Mr‘. Rugg and request a copy of the oration delivered by him on that day; and that such ‘number of copies of the same be published in such manner, by the Standing Comrnittee on Printing, as they may «deem expedient, for the use of the City Council. ‘ A true copy: witness _ . « SAMUEL_W. BROWN, Oity C'lerk. ’ THE CONTRIBUTIONS or NEW ENGLAND TOT AMERICAN GREATNESS. It is pleasant to review the past. It is «profitable that history, tradition and memory T should often repro- duce the events and movements of former times, and spread them before the mind like landscape views; thus connecting the years that have gone with the vigorous and actual present. Standing upon the highest mound that time has yet thrown. up, it is well to let the vision turn backwards, and from such survey obtain a light and a wisdom to aid in shaping the things of present thought and action. There stand the landmarks of “history! Great events and movements interwoven with the progress of civilization and religion; enter-. prises inaugurated in the interests of humanity, the prosecution of which has evoked the noblest qualities of manhood. These monuments which the past has builded, deserve to be kept steadily in view, for from their shining summits there comes an inspiration that the world can illy afford to spare. , The year has its memorial days appropriate to this work of retrospection. Among every‘ civilized people there are days set apart and kept sacred because of something of by-gone action or achievement deemed 6 Worthy of commemoration. These periods are made the gala days of a community or nation---festal occa- sions when the voice of jubileeirings out, and the glad tones of a people’s rejoicing sound through all the land. Such an occasion is the day observed in memory of the beginning of our national life-—-the day which the American people hallow and keep in remembrance of the passage and proclamation of that “most important document ever issued by uninspiredmen,” the patriotic signers of Which, so solemnly pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to the maintenance of the principles and purposes therein declared. The recurrence of i this national birthday revives in our thought the terrible ordeal of sacrifice, privationg and blood, through which the fathers passed, before they gained the WorLd’s acknowledgment of their right to self government. The battle fields, from Lexington to Yorktown, where the argument for American Inde- pendence was spoken from the cannon’s mouth, Where Liberty received its baptism in martyr blood, rise before the vision. We seem to see the patriot hosts who gathered and fought for freedom, the commanders who led them to victory, Whose deeds have""made our revo- lutionary history glorious. Oh! surely to-day We will Wipe off the dust which may have fallen on the memory of these heroes, and in reverent love we will make . a pilgrimage to their resting places, once again to“ drop the tear of grateful remembrance over their ashes. _ It also accords with the genius of this day that ,wg contemplate the Wonderful progress of the Republic since first its life began. ' p , , . Not in the spirit of vain-glorying, yet With an excus- ablepride of nationality, we draw the lines of contrast 7 . between ourformer and present greatness. N inety-one yetars ago the people of the thirteen colonies numbered less than three; millions, now, our country has a popula- tion of more than thirty millions. Then, the area of territory over which the government claimed to exer- cise authority was only a fraction‘ of what it now is, when territorial expansion has moved our national boundary lines to the Gulf‘ of Mexico and the Rio Grande in the South,«to the Pacific ocean in the West, and N orthward, at last, to a region where impenetrable snow andzice form a barrier to any further extension in that direction. The dream of the poet bids fair to have a literal fulfilment g:-T--—— » ‘ T ‘ “ No pent up Uticalcontracts our powers it ‘ For the whole, ‘boundless continent; is ours.” ~ « 3" There is likewise the reckoning of gain in material resources and possessions, advances of iiproductive in- dustry,'of commerce and trade, of literature and science --=—-p‘rogress material,’ social and political. The facts which attest this growth and development crowd upon the mind, and, often as the story is rehearsed, it does not lose itspower to charm the attention. Especially is it the subject of contemplation on Independence Day when the hurnblest of American orators has free license, to magnify the glory of the Republic. T iThe theme to’ which I invite attention may seem of sgioimewhat T narrower dimensions,‘ although I design to it’ an application broad enough to be in keeping with the memories and suggestioiis of the day we cele- brate. My subject is : y y The Contributions of New England to American Grelatness. ‘ _‘ T A T - «.?F*romithe very filrstilperiod of her history, New Eng. 8 land has been in the vanguard of all real progress; She has led the march of civilization on this continent, and set an example to other States and communities, which vital interest, «contrary to their feelings and im- pulses often, has bid them follow. Principles and Institutions which have ‘now a nationalized character, have been the gift of New England in the past; and while from her mountains ‘pour down no streams spark- ling with the shining ore, while her ledges and rocks contain but little that will repay the rniner’s toil, while her skies are cold and her valleys not over rich with the products of an exuberant soil, her’s is still the guiding hand pointing ever onward, as she mounts the car of progress,‘ and heralds the shining way. i In the large sense of the word, New England has always been radical in ideas and in action. Ideas lead to actiofz. They are a fire in the bones until they are developed into something that is tangible and real. We may therefore give our first attention to the char- acter and expansion of some of these ideas peculiar to New England. a A A It was a controlling sentiment in the minds of the fathers who settled in this section that the whole people should be educated. Knowledge of right belongs to all. The intelligence of a people is the best safe guard against dangers to So- ciety and the State. Believing thus, the Puritans build- ed the school-house and provided as widely as possible the means for general ‘education. As early as 1636 the Colonial Legislature of Massachusetts made avowal that the property of the State should educate the intellect of the State. At that early period laws were passed 4 which gave to every child, from the ‘very highest to the 9 very humblest, a right to public instruction ; nay, more, by arbitrary enactment, parents and guardians were compelled to attend to the culture of the .rising race. In the opinion of Judge Story, it was “ this early legis- lation which contributed, more than any other circum- siance to give that peculiar character to the inhabitants and institutions of Massachusetts, for which, she, in common with all the New England States, indulges an honest and not unreasonable pride.” ‘ Practically this was a new idea, although the princi- ple had been given a name to live by in some forms of the old time civilization, and is still mentioned in con- nection with the ancient glory of Sparta and Athens ; but as a sentiment fully brought out and really acted upon, it was peculiar to New England. P Daniel Webster" once said: “ Where else has it ever been held that it is the bounden duty of Governments to lay the founda- tioggus of the happiness and respectability of society in universal education. If you can tell me of such a country out of New England, I shall be glad to hearo it. I know of none. Ihave readof none.” The Puritan idea of making education free and general as possible pervaded all sections of New England. The Colonists who made the first settlements upon the banks of the Connecticut river were swayed by its influence, ‘the hardy pioneers who pushed their way Northward to the hills of New Hampshire, established a system of public instruction, and Roger Williams, who came to Rhode Island as an exile, here toplace the foundations of a, better Democracy than elsewhere» had been conceived, held fast to this doctrine of the Puritans, ithatrthe strength of a state depends upon the intelli- ligenice of its people. i V 2 l0 Thisidea was not a controlling, principle of action with the other American colonies. The Dutch settlers of New -Amsterdam, mainly controlled by motives of - personal gain in the establishment of a colony on Manhattan island, were not imbued with this principle A to any large extent. The cavaliers of the South-1--tliie adventurous colonists who boasted of their Norman descent, and who meant to be lords and owners in the ‘New ‘World, utterly ignored the Puritan plan of a wide difiiusionof knowledge, Fifty years after the settlement at Jamestown, Sir William Berkely, then Governor of a the Colony of Virginia, said: “I thank God that we have no free schools'nor printing. and I hope we shall not have them these hundred years! for learning has brought heresies, and sects, and disobedience into the wand; and printing has divulged them and libels against the best government. , God keep us from both 1” The words of this old Governor only express what, with some exceptions, was the sentiment of the ruling minds of the South; that it was better to keep the masses in ignorance, and not multiply the facilities for communi- cating knowledge. The Puritan idea of general educa- tion was not acceptable to Virginia and the South. In this, as in many other things the two civiliaztions clash- ed and could not be united. g ‘ The respectability of honest vlndustry was another radical idea of New England. The old Puritan held to a literal rendering of he the declaration, “ in the sweat of T thy face shalt thou eat bread.” The men Who settled New England were not adventurers nor speculators; for the most part they were farmers belonging to the lower rank, who, even during their twelve years resi- dence in Holland, among a commercial and trading 11 people, had resolutely withstood the temptation to en- gage in more lucrative or easier pursuits, and had con- tinued in agricultural employments. There were no idlers among them. They came to the New World to be actual workers themselves, and to train up their chil- dren ‘to habits of industry. In their vievv,labor was re-4 garded as honorable. The iWOI'k€I‘ held a place of dig- nity and respect While to be a “ gentleman at ease,” Was counted both a sin and a disgrace. . The dignity of labor was not recognized by the C010- nists of Virginia and the Carolinas. They were hampered by ideas which Were‘ dominant in the ages of feudal barbarism. when the only laborers were slaves, and labor was therefore regarded as a. degradation. It was the prevailing sentiment in the minds of those who shaped the social and political system of the South, that the hard-handed day laborer and sturdy mechanic were infinitely removed from the level of gentleinen of leisure -—the born aristocrats of the world. They were an ignobleclass, demeaned by theirtoil to a rank With. the beastsiof burden. The beast and the laborer were necessary, indeed, for the use of T the higherrorders of r en, and were entitled. to much the same treatment and regard. This being the prevailing notion respecting A labor and the laborer, it is not surprising to hear bne of South Carolina’s ablest sons, at a later period, charac- terizefthe Working men of“ the land as the “, mudsills of society.” a i T T ” . y A The establishment and ~ rapid increase "of African slaveryin the South, gave tone -and strength to this feeling,for it must be remembered that it vvas notalone the‘ blackllslave iwho was a borne down by this ‘legrading A A systern, but the «white ‘man also who was forced by his poverty to labor withhis hands to get bread for himself L and his family. I i l i Here, again,the antagonism of the two civilizations is ; manifested. N eWvEngland was radical in her ideas con- cerning the nobility of honest toil ; Virginia and the whole South conservative, according to the spirit of ' ancient aristocracy. Next We may notice, y The New England idea of human rights and equality. i The Puritan Fathers at least set the argument in clearer light than others, that liberty, under the just restraints of law, is the right of all men—-—-a right in-r volved in the very creation of humanity. God himself * gave the entire race a capacity for. freedom, and through this capacity men derive their primal claim, their first ' and best% title to liberty. This recognition of the brotherhood of humanity, on which is based the doctrine of equal rights for all men, permeated the general faith of New England all through her colonial life ; but sometimes it was poorly actualized in the Puritan legislation and practice. Here in Rhode Island, how- ever, the light shone more clearly, for Roger Williams and his early associates were determined to found a comnionwealth on the principles of true democracy. It was the leading sentifnent in all theiraction that the rights of each citizen should be held sacred as to the largest liberty and happiness. They sought to regulate social intercoursie and public policy by the spirit of the Gospel statement that “ if one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or if one member be honored, all the membersrejoice with it.” We do not forget that the institution of slavery had a nominal existence in New England for a long time. 13 _ But it never flourished in this section of the country. The soil was not favorable to its growth. It never had more than a sickly, hot house sort of life. It never succeeded in building up an aristocracy to despise labor, and to rejoice in the limitation of human rights. At no time did it possess suficient power to blind the faith of the fathers, that in liberty and equality rest the vital forces of national prosperity.’ Slavery becamethe pivotal idea on which the whole economy of the South turned. It Was strengthened by cognpacts and legisla- lative provisions; it became an institution rooted in the ground‘ WO1‘k.Of Southern society and politics; it grew inrespectability and eminence, until it was judged the greatest of blessings--—a sort of divine institution, and so, at last became firmly seated on its throne of dominion ; but there was never a time when the moral sense‘ of the descendants of the pilgrims was not ready to pro- nounce the system of slavery an evil. lt was regarded as‘ an abnormal and transitory institution. It “Was looked upon as a monster which had been embraced in i an unguarded moment, and which must be got rid o A at the first opportunity. The religious element, which entered into and so largely controlled New England civilization, deserves special mention. In the original incentives of action which impelled the various immigrations to America, v religion was not often a leading motive. Material objects were the spur to enterprise with the colonists of Jamestown and the men who settled upgonpthe South- ern Atlantic coast. It Wasdesire for gain, the looking, “ to material advantages and profit that caused the Dutch — settlers of N eWYork to found trading settlements on 3%“ Manhattenand further northward on the banks of the 14 Hudson; it was purely a religious motive which . allured the Puritans to Plymouth. They left their homes, notinsearch for wealth, or power, or ease, but that they might enjoy religion and find a free soil in which to plantthe seeds of Christian faithand service. A religious idea being the moving power which led to the settlement of New England, we might expect to find the influence of’ moral convictionrand practical piety controlling the policy and politics of the coloniesthusls. established. N 0 people, since the days when the Hebrews so near to Jehovah, have possessed a more . faith in God than our Puritan ancestors. No ‘people ever sought more anxiously to know and obey the Di- vine requirements; none have manifested a larger degree of reverence for the Bible and the Christian Sabbath. In the Puritan mind, the moulding of society, the fixing of laws and institutions, the building of the political structure, involved questions which were to be tested by a moral standard, while the whole work needed to be interfused with a religious spirit That this was so, is the crowning glory of the Puritan char- acter. Let us now give a passing glance to the G-2'owt/2 and eazpansion of these ideas. The migratory character of the people of New England has been a potent agency in the dissemination of these principles throughout the land. The members of the Plymouth Colony had scarce made a clearing in the wilderness before they started the first wave of emigra. tion westward. “ The west” at that time, however, only meaning the banks of the Connecticut river. Since that daythe current has never ceased to flow. The voice 15 soundinggin the ears of the young men of New England hasbeenthe utterance of that guiding genius which we are told whispered continually in the ear of Colum- bus on the gray waste‘ of waters, “ever westward, to the west.” Obedient to the“ call, the hardy sons of New England pushed Westward to the Alleghanies and the Great Lakes, to the plains and forests bordered by the Mississippi and its tributaries. They invaded the hunting-grounds of the Indians in far ofi territories, and paused not, until at last, their feet pressed the sand of the Pacific shore. These pioneers and emigrants never forgot the civi- lization in which they had been trained. Blended with their sweet memories of hills, valleys and streams, the peaceful village and the old homestead, was there- membranes of principles which had been instilled into their minds by the fathers and mothers they had left behind. Wherever they wandered, the force of this training was: manifest both in their words and their actions. As they cleared theforest, tilled the fertile prairies, caused villages and towns to spring up in the depths of the wilderness, and organized the social and. ppolitical structure of new communities, they were moved by a desire to be faithful to the doctrines of their New England training. The School--house, the printing-press and the Church were considered as imperative needs to their new life. The traditions of the fathers, command- ing respect for manhood and reverence toward God, were a power of good tofix personal faith and regulate public policy. i Thus the tide of New England ideas flowed forth A over the West through emigration. Migration and colonization have always been the great agents to edus 16 . Gate and civilize the world- More than three thous- and years ago, little hands of colonies from Egypt and Phoenicia and Asia Minor came to Attica and Argos and there planted the seeds from which spring Greek culture ‘ and civilization. Then fbrth from Greece as the radi- _ ating point, the light flashed. Emigration carried the if torch of learning to _Rome,thence to the countries of Northern Europe, and thus the treasures of philosophy and science were scattered broadcast over a continent. In like manner, by the same means, the wealth of New England ideas was diffused to theVVestern borders of America. Southward, the expansion of ~Puritani'nflu~ A ence was checked by the _worse than Chinese wall which the system of slavery had builded, but the ideas of New England were received into the mighty heart of the Young Giant of the West, and given therefrom a new enunciation with the largest and noblest results. Passing from the ideal to the actual, the statement can truthfully be made that New England has led the country in action as well as in ideas. -She has been the pioneer in all practical movements and reforms, when free thought, and a free press and a free conscience have been felt to be of primal value to mankind. Loyal to great ideas, she has been faithful in working out those ideas to logical and practical conclusions. If by her radical principles she has taken an advanced posi- tion, not less has she always stood in the front in times of public danger and need. A New England led the march of the thirteen 6'0Zon2'es toward Independence. It is a matter of historic record, that as early as 17 43 there was an active sentiment of Unionism pervading many of the leading minds of New England. These 17' men were‘ wise and far-seeing enough to discover that if the colonies would grow and prosper, they must com- bine their strength, forget their jealousies, and enter into the bonds of a closer fellowship. Great Britain wanted no such effective combination 5 and it was only under a war pressure, when the French joined with the Indians to wrest from England her colonial possessions ‘ in the New World, that the mother country consented, to the compact of alliance agreed upon by the delegates from eleven colonies who met in Albany in 1754. It was the influence of New England that led to that meeting “ where the gierrn of the future Congress was planted, where the idea of union pwas ripened, and a plan developed which seems to have furnished the idea and outline of the present Constitution of the United States.” i ' ~ b After the close of the French war in 1763, a war de- manding so much of the Northern colonies, and return- ing to them few benefits;-—a war, however, in which their-enterprise and patriotism were so conspicuous, as r to win this high compliment from Lord Chatharn in the British Parliament: “I remember, my lords, when New England raised four regiments on her own bottom,and - took Louisburg from the veteran troops of France,”--;- after this war ended the feeling of unionism grew stronger‘; the firesof liberty began to glow with a fer- vent heat; the exactions of the mother country were nolonger accepted with tame “submission; the Voice of protestand indignation was heard, and the watchword of the hourrang out: “Resistance to tyrants is obedi-i ence to God.” ~ . V New England led in these things. She was ready for separationlog before the 4th of July, That pro- 3. 18 tracted and weary debate in Independence Hall before the grand decision was reached, and the State-House bell rang out its peals in accordance with the inscription it bore : “ Proclaim liberty throughout the land, to all the inhabitants thereof,” was not made necessary by the backvvardness of the Eastern colonies. The patriots of this section were determined to resist even if they had to standalone. Their armies were already enrolled and equipped; irregular acts of vvaprfare had been com- mitted ; down in yonder bay an English War vessel had been destroyedfiby a body’ of brave men, who never could be found when a royal commission was at Worl: ’ to bring them to condign punishment ; but the survivors of the expedition answered, readily to theicallwhen you assigned them ‘places of honor in your civic pro«- cession forty-one years ago today. In 1775 Ne England was mustering her forces for a conflict that she felt was near at hand. Almost a year and a half before the declaration of independence the Colonial Assembly of Rhode Island provided for the raising of an “ army of observation” of fifteen hundred men. This army was not designed for mere home occupation and use, for the act creating it expressly recites that vvhen- ever it shall be necessary for the safety and preservation of any of the colonies, these troops shall join and ,co- operate with the forces of the neighboring colonies. The form of the oath of enlistment also shows how broad Was the spirit of Rhode Island patriotism in those days. The oath of the soldier bound him to a Work “for the preservation of the liberties of America.” Then succeeded that long and terrible struggle in the successful issue of which nationality and freedom were Won. All sections of the country stood to the Work, 19 aking‘ their ‘ willing sacrifices, and contributing of and of blood from first tothelast; but it is a matter of historic record that of all the soldiers, regular and Inilitia, who u served in the war of the Revolution,i , V Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island, these four states, furnished considerably more than one half of the number. r Of the leaders in that war,,wise counsellors in legisla- tion, and able generals in the field, New England con-i, tributed her full share. Virginia’s noble son was made General-in-Chief of the American armies. ’No other man deserved the high position while he was living; but next to Washington, the judgment of a grateful people writes the name of a New England man---Gen. Nathaniel Greene-e---.a worthy son of Rhode Island. The military skill, courage, patriotism and long-time services of this distinguished leader have made his name glori- ous in history and in remembrance; and no hostile ' criticism, originating in however high a source, can de-Oi pose shim from the pladefof honor whichhe holds in the estimation of the Americanlpeeopele. 'I‘henearly eighty 1 years of eventful national life that followed the close of the revolutionary ‘period, I do not propose to reviews‘ Let us pass ata bound the history they have some of it so wonderfully grand and glorious,-—-—some of it marked by ignoble compromises and surrenders of principle, against which the unavailing protest iof New England was often spoken--—-and come at once to that day, which seems but yesterday, when the two civiliza- tions planted upon this continent met in conflict, ante whole world was aroused by their fearful clashing. VVlze*re was New England than .? ~ r The people of the North did not earzticrgfmztethe coming. it 20b of civil war. The war cloud of 1860' seemed no larger to the general vision thana man’s hand ; but it rolled up its black masses with a terrible rapidity, ‘and broke in fury upon the land ere a twelve month had passed. There were not many men even in this section who foresaw the coming struggle; but to a few minds the gift of prophesy and foresight seems to have been given. The other day, at Boston, Mr. Seward told the people that more than twenty years ago, a Massachusetts lstatesmanhad informed him that in the defence of human rights a terrible civil war was impending which would imperil the existence of the American Union. John Quincy Adams was the statesman who had such ‘ keen discernment of the signs of the times. There was a New England Governor, too,who, believ- ing that a mighty struggle between the North and the South was near at hand, acted in his oficial capacity with direct reference to such anevent.. This man, Gov. lBa.nks of Massachusetts, organized and made eflicient the militia of his State, and revived to a considerable degree, the military ardor of her citizens. What he did, stimulated like action on the part of the authorities other Northern States, and even the little of warlike preparation that resulted therefrom, was worth more than words can tell in those April days of ’6l, fraught with such extreme dangers to the Republic. ' ‘ At last the lingering hour came nigh, when the great conspiracy was disclosed in its formidable proportions. The rebel leaders openly declared their purpose to get rid of Yankee ideas and influences; to terminate the history of the Puritans, of the Republic, of popular gov- ernment, of freedom ; to uproot the work of the fathers, and to build upon the ruins of the American Union a 21. V ‘Uonfederacy, the corner stone of which‘ should be slavery.‘ Yet, as_ these avowals were unblushingly made,while State after State passed acts of secession ‘ ‘ and prepared for actual War upon the National Govern- ment, the North continued apathetic and unbelieving. It slumbered, until one day the lightning flashed through all the land its mournful burden’ of intelligence that a a national fortress had been surrendered to armed traitors y---that the flag of the Republic had been pulled down at*the mandate of South Carolina Rebels. Then it awoke- The‘ latent patriotism of the North leaped forth into vigorous life, and all the world might see that there was toibe S a struggle before. treason would ‘ be allowed to pluck the fruit of its iniquitous plans. New England was no laggard in those dark ‘days. To * the appeal of the government for aid, she gave prompt responses. On the third day after‘ Sumter’s fall, ea zassachusetts regiment was on the way to Washington a,:~bodyof brave men who gave the first baptism of blood T work of beating back thehosts-of rebellion, be- fore they had reached the National Capital. It was not many hours later that a regiment of Rhode Island in- fantry, and battery of artillery, fully equipped, embarked ‘for theseat of War, the regiment under command’of that man who, when he was asked how son he could arrange his business to lead the volunteers of this State tothe field. gave answer in two short Words, “ at once.” The events which followed need not be recalled. . ‘ The story of the three thousand skirmishes andbattles has been Written with the pen of history; Great were the toils and sacrifices demanded of the Whole loyal A people, and these were freely rendered. It vvould be most iinbecomingp to makaeinvidious comparisons con-d 22 cerning the contributions of d:ifi'erent sections of the loyal land in this mighty..struggle.v I have no disposi- tion for such Work, nor would I claim . superiority for New England over any other portion. of the country. All that need be said of her is that she stood . in the front rank in the beginning of the strife,and never turned backward till the end was reached. In the darkest hours of the struggleshe never’ thought of compromise with those who would destroy the nation and crush liberty. She gave without stint her means and her influence, and the livesiof the best beloved of her sons. On all the great battle-fields therdescendants of the Pilgrims stood shoulder to shoulder with the brave men of the West and those of the Middle States, and to-day they are sleeping in unshrouded graves beneath the rank mosses of the Peninsula, or the grass- covered mounds of the wilderness, or where the_sigh- ing pines of the Carolinas sing their requiem, or, more fittinglydoes their dust repose in the quiet of those great cemeteries which thenation has consecrated and adorned as the place of sepulchre for her, martyred children. The day of victory came. The symbol of the nation . floated on everyfort and arsenal and public building through all the land; There was but one flag, but one government for the American people. Territorial in- tegrity had been preserved, and the disseverment of the union not accomplished; but greater issues than these had been decided, for the victory won was the tri- umph of humanity, of freedom and of religion. There, was .a time when the contest between the North and the South was too much regarded as a mere struggle for power. For nearly two years the war was 23 conducted on a superficial andinfidel basis. The effort was made to blink out of sight the great ideas of civili- zation and human rights which had led to the conflict ; to turn aside from the «clear, shining light of justice which pointed steadily in one direction. v iAs late as the summer of 1862, President. Lincoln declared to Mr. Greeley that the question of slavery Was a secondary matter in the conduct of the War, so far as the purposes of p the government were concerned. If he could save the union by the preservation of the foul institution he would do so; but gradually it came to be seen that the claims of God and humanity could not be thrust aside in the prosecution of the War ; that just so long. as the nation closed its ears to the cries of the bondmen, so long would it Wait in vain for any large successes. It was New England influence, to a very considerable degree, that led to this advanced sentiment; which prepared the way for the emancipa- tion proclamation; made acknowledgment of the manhood of the black race, and Welcomed the African to the side of the White man in the struggle against a common enemy. These steps of progress once taken, the light dawned : the beginning of the end was already at hand, when a glorious victory should be achieved in thesacred name of liberty. The War decided that secession was treason. It killed the hydra-h eaded monster which South Carolina‘ had petted from the ratification of the Federal Consti- tution, and which had grown strong on the food which A the teachings of . Calhoun supplied. It decided that henceforth there should be a nationiand not a Confeder-— acy; that for the American people there could be but one government and one destiny. It decided, more-, 24 over, the question of vicarious labor. The South went into the war to strengthen the defences of that “ peculiar institution ;” the war ended, and there was no slave in all the land. The South took up arms to resist the on-sweeping march of Yankee ideas and institutions ; it laid down the sword when Richmond fell and Lee surrendered,imaking confession that Puritan civilization had won the day 3 that the ideas of the Puritan————free- dom, manhood, intelligence—--had proven stronger than the sentiments of the cavalier, based upon aristocracy, ignorance and servile labor. This pivotal period past, what is now demanded? The answer has been more than suggested already. The vital ideas of Northern civilization must control the social and public policy of the whole nation. To save the country from dangers that still threaten; to A resolve the problems of the hour in such 21 way as to establish the greatness of the Republic on sure founda- tions, we must go back to first principles, and in this time of golden opportunity build afresh upon the ideas and maxims of the fathers. Freedom and equality must be recognized asthe birth- right of all men. The Declaration of Independence must not be looked upon as a “mass of glittering generalities.” It must be given aliteral rendering.and enforcement. It must be made to mean equal and exact justice for all men; universal freedom restrained only by impartial laws in the framing of which the , whole people shall have a voice. The theories concerning master races and slave races may be put aside with the old lumber of the past, as not suited to the reconstruc- tion of our national edifice. In fact, as well in name, let us now have a free nation. Let there be no com- promises madeconcerning the vexed questions growing 25 4 out of the war, so far as they affect the rights and lib- erties of men. a Settle them oncefor all on the broad basis of human brotherhood and christianity, thus sav- ing posterity from the discipline of another fiery ordeal like that through which this generation has been forced to pass. This work can be thoroughly done in the ex- ercise of 6 a just magnanimity to the conquered, and without the display of a vindictive spirit toward any classof people, or against any section of our common h country, Confiscation, severe penalties affecting life or property, will not help forward the great result. work can best be carried on in the catholic spirit finds expression in the closing words of Presi- Lincoln’s second inaugral; “ With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness to the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strivelto finish the work; to bind up the nation’s$ wounds, and to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” Another demand of the times is that The Puritan idea of education for the whole people should be ‘acted upon. A The proposition only needs to be stated, that it is ignorance which leads to social and national degrada- tion ; to weakness and ruin. ‘It is when a people are incapacitated to think for themselves, and to understand questions of vital interest concerning the general Wel- fare, that ambitious aspirants rise on their shoulders to places of power. It is when a few persons do pretty much all the thinking that political d emagogues take advantage of the simpleminded people, and with smil- ing faces and oily tongues, glide up to high positions Where they can legislate and rule for their own selfish 4- i 4 i . 26 ends. A demagogue Wants no better political capital than the aconfidence of a community Whose ideas run in a narrow channel, in whosei judgment the treasures of wisdom are of little importance. And not only is education a barrier against arts of the demagogue and a preservative principle of politi- cal rights, but it is the real strength of a nation. Al- most every page of history furnishes some illustration of this truth. Fifty years ago Prussia was a foot ball for the nations of Europe. Wise and far seeing men instituted a system of common school education; semi-» naries were founded for the training of teachers at the expense of the State; laws were passed compelling, under severe penalties, the attendance of children upon the schools; restrictions were taken oil“ from the press; the way of access to intelligence was opened to the masses, and the result is that to-day Napoleon bows at the word of Prussia and her voice is omnipotent in firziihg the destiny of nations. Uniting all Germany under one crown, Prussia‘ bids fair to become before many years the leading power of Europe. It is the intelligence which pulsates through her national life that gives her a mightier force than needle-guns and bayonets. a Free schools,‘ and other means for the general difi°u- sion of knowledge are ‘wanted in the South. New England is doing, and must continue to do, a good deal ~ of missionary work of this sort. She must contribute _ the plans for general education developed from herown experience; must supply teachers, hooks and money according to the ilarge demands of the present time. The means of education shouldbe dispensed Withliberal hand to the freedmen, from whom the light of knowledge 27 has so long been shut out! the honor of the North is at stake in this matter, and gratitude demands that We should make this return for the services rendered by the bondmen of the South during the War; but beside this motive, the sentiment of self interest should. prompt the most earnest endeavors to educate the freedmen, for, if allowed to remain in a condition of ignorance and debasement, they must become of necessity a danger- ous element in our civilization. This last incentive should also direct the effort to diffuse the blessings of education among the Whites as Well as the blacks. Such labor should be reckoned a. Work of patriotism as much as an enterprise of Christian charity. * Thanks to that large hearted philanthropist of New England birth and training, Whose munificent donation, the like of which the world has never looked upon be- fore, has so grandly opened the Way to this work. The day will surely come when the people and States of the distant South will raise a monument, if not of sculptured marble standing fair to the outward vision, at least of grateful affection in the iiheartsof those who have re- ceived the blessing, to perpetuate the memory of this. illustrious benefactor. But the great need of the times is, that The reh°gz'ou.9 element should rule in our national life even as zt did in. New England at the early period of her /zz°.s'torg.V There are perils against which freedom herself can put up no adequate safeguards ; dangers that cannot be provided against by any amount of mere intellectual culture. Infidelity and corruption fastened upon the, vitals of a nation will surely eat out its life. In proof of this any school boy will recite the lessons of antiquity. 28 Rome did not lose her prestige and renown and great- ness by the force and skill of barbaric arms, for against these in an earlier day she had won a complete victory. She did not go down under the onslaught of foreign powers, superior in numbers or military resources to the Roman legions. Even the hosts of Hannibal, when they sought to strike could not reach the national heart and were driven back in sore defeat. The decline of the Roman Empire was first moral and then material. In the language of the historian her star went down to its sad setting, “ when rapacity became the pre- vailing vice of the great, and licentiousness of the multitud'e.”t The Roman Senate, grown corrupt, legis- lated like a band of robbers demanding the money or the life of its victims. The claims of justice and morali- ty were derided by those who held the reins of authority, and who ruled in their day of infamy with ‘an utter disregard of both human and divine law. _ The example of those inhigh «places found its way down to the masses, ' t and in due time the moral degeneracy of rulers and people touched with a fatal blight her farthest borders. The result cannot be “otherwise with any nation that follows in the same course..- Let the leaders of a people, the lawgivers andrulers, cease to care for the require- ments of righteousness, let public sentiment become de- srnoralized, let honesty of political action be laughed out of sight, let the vices of sensualism attain a respectabil- of position in the social life of a people, free license being granted to their indulgence, and the power which binds a people firmly together is lost,---—the day of disrup« tion and ruin may be counted upon asnear approachin this line of thought ‘what patriot is there who r rdoesnotdiscover“ the chief peril of our own nation 29 t The corruption of Americanpolitics is fearful to con’- template. It pervades %all sections of the country, is chargeable on all parties, and sends forth its offensive stench from the very highest places of the ‘land. It leavesits foul trail in caucuses and conventions where oney buys nominations to office ;" it winds its sinuous path among the people at large where the votes of free electors are often bought and sold like articles of mer- chandise ; it settles like a deadly miasma on the halls of legislation, where corrupt lobbyists often carry through the most corrupt schemes by actual bribery of the servants of the people, enough of whom can always A be found ready to sacrifice principle on the altar of political knavery if the price bid be but commensurate with their desires. Now connect with these corrupt practices, this debasement of politics which no man can ‘ deny, the two great vices of the American people, licen- tiousness and intemperance, together with that practical infidelity of the times which would put God into the background, and it is easy to tell in what consists our national peril, and what the end must be if there is not , a reformation. I speak, not merely in the way of my profession, but as a man and a patriot, when I say that, above every- thing else, the nation needs a re-baptism of the old pu- ritan faith in God and loyalty to the Bible,---—a renewal of the spirit which in olden time pervaded N ewiEngland, and which caused the fathers to lay the foundations of both social and political life on what they believed to be -the basis of rectitude and truth, Let their faith and piety be ours,—-ours to improve upon, if possible, with the aids of new light and progress,——ours to spread abroad over the whole land as the best contributions of 30 New England to American greatness,---ours to transmit to posterity as the most precibus legacy of Christian civilization. Walking in the beauty of the fathers’ faith and obe- dience; imitating their rigid adherence to justice and their loyalty to the Bible ; imbibing their martyr spirit, their reverence for the law of God, their unflinching fortitude, we shall fix ournational life and pr.osperity on a solid foundation. Then shall we be made a pecu- liar people, called of the Lord “to illumine and guide all the nations of the earth to freedom. to knowledge and , to peace.” Then the flag of the Republic, with its broad stripes and bright stars, wherever its folds are flung out upon the breeze, shall symbolize power, liberty, justice, intelligence and Christianity. Then shall be realized the prophetic words of that noble Quaker statesman of England, spoken in the darkest hours of the recent war : “I cannot believe that civilization in its journey with the sun, will sink into endless night to gratify the am- bition of the leaders of a great revolt, who seek to ‘ Wade through slaughter to a throne, And shut the gates of mercy on mankind.’ But I have a far other and brighter ‘vision before my gaze. I see one vast confederation, stretching from the frozen north in one unbroken line to the glowing south, and from the wild billows of the Atlantic westward to the calmer. waters of the Pacific ; and I see one people, and one law, and one language, and one faith, and over all that vast continent, the home of freedom and refuge for theoppressed of every race andevery clime.” Be this our vision; and be our sight so quickened by the genius of Christian hope, that we shall behold not alone the better things coming to our country, but to the 1 whole world: 31 “ For truth still lives, and so shall dawn for man ' A better day I for freedom battles, still With tyrannous Wrong——_—-and so shall dawn for man A better day! For God is over all, From discords shaping harmonies divine, Making all things subservient to his will ; And so shall dawn for man a better day I A_ day when liberty shall reign supreme, And knowledge clasp the hand of liberty: A day when virtue shall in every heart Find a pure home, and fill it with light And warmth of Heaven. Then War shall stride no more With clanging arms and garments rolled in blood, But the far continents be joined in one By solemn sacrament, whose ritual, Flashed through sunless depths, is Glory to God In the highest,’ Peace on Earth! Good will to men I”