.J.. 1) A IJ}§3IfJT‘\"ERED m .3 9' 3 . : ? THE TAMMANY SOC ETY, AT Lv 1V TAN}. H A LL, NEW ‘,x‘?'c:%>1%«:,1A:V{'. J I’ 3/ alt}!/V. 18’7’3. . .. m, HON. OLAR SON N. POTTER. “ 1.mII:1*vz'W (‘.(1)NHl'F$'l"f4 IN rmra 1: VIrxw1‘xnNss- rm‘ c.-.<:>v1~:n.N':vr%m~z'r.“ NEW ‘YOR'K: A A A A A; I). TAYLOR, LAW. BOOK AND JOB‘ T’R.TN'1‘ER, ( ma. FIIIJTON A1: NA.SS7AU STS. A A was. A Mu. (5‘r1m_N;1> Smsnximr. VA.VNfIT) Fil<}.'I.‘I;(i)‘\\' (';.‘:1"A1“1m::\':-‘. ‘: VVG: lmve :a,&:.s'.:c+.1%111.%>1Mc_=.L‘:1t;<%> cel.c=.1%)1%-:Lt»e. the 11‘i11c*t.y-.sr0\*ca11_t}1 :11111iver-» s:1i1 of A111ca1‘ic:'L11 I11<%1c2;];>e1xdeuce. 1't.Vx*:1;s :3» ][“)(z~ u.1:J1.1':a.‘oi<'>11 11;1:uJ1c*. :.1.n'1i<1’r.s zmd (1:*L1"l.gE.¥].‘S ruxél c1ifi1'%<:1%:1lti(a.~‘4. “I'1‘,'Vv21,;<: mzmi11f.:“Li11c4a(1% only :mft.(31' %1.0‘11g' St1*11gg1<:as zvmd sm.e1~i"ficees :i111d :m*I’fer~— in An (1 its xms fi1:1:m11y f(')11(§)WC‘.(Z1 by :1%1m.tim1:?L1. p1rospo:1‘i.ty .~t~;<:> ,~:,L1:. as 130 };1:Wc-. c>;1%1<1(e2nrc:~.<‘1 131w x'rm1:1:f1<%>1'y (’")f the d::1.y,, not". oinly to tzlw ]j)L.\.0p%le of %t:»h:~Lt gca1?x<:»1é:mti%()114, but‘: :;.1,1.~tm 11¢.) 1v1\1ui1- 1'-.1:1*i1<11'cm :u1c’.l f/lmi%1' chi%1.1%1’.~: c-.]1ild1'<.m. An (1 y«.m H10 Mi‘-1l)1iI1':’L1‘»i(”)I1 of him 1f»c1~.o1;>lc nit‘ tV.hc+e4e. ST:2¥L’(.(*¥S ' ‘f’1'<‘im1 Gr‘l‘(*2l»t3 ’IT3;r:it:<1i11 c<;ml(1%, in no (;-.’v‘m1t2,, h:%L\'o 1":=1ri1m1M 'l<**>1“1g .~;%»'i1.A1c:ee. to ]mvc.>. t:=LVkc>.‘1‘1 _1 >lm:c.;*. ; :m<*1 'VV}lt‘.Lt(3V'(.!1' 1.mLy be cmr p1'(»..~;4c;a11t'. j1?1g:u'.i<*>,1‘1 1‘,>y':my 1fl111'o}_>c:§:1t1 pmvm-, or (;W(?Il 1V<‘>.~s.~.*. curt’ 1m.t”.ii11g; tlwm. 'flT‘hi..$3 :l;I1llli\'(31‘H:Ll.l'y <.%~.<“>r);1(2.~:; “(.0 1:154, ‘r.hcm, as his 1>i'rt;l%:1u1--~—-m:>t Mr» nmch ms .511, ("my on 'wj.1;1i<::h to 1'(.aj(‘)‘i(“zc% 1f)C'.(“:.‘:3L1‘l.‘~‘t‘§ he Wm‘ 1m_1'n%, M 01'1«.~ <:m whi1%“1:4id<~:=.1' upottx lids .~t:i’t.‘tmt‘.io1:1, hiss «.1%ut3ieH, :"iLI'l(A1 his 71’1;1t11:1'p1e 'w1i1%0$c: (1(:£C:].£T).1‘£L13i0I'1 of i11de;a- %1;)er1d(>.n<3e We (3(%1(31i")1‘£.l.te, 1:11am t.hin1_y sca,t.te1'ed 2>.L1<:m the Atl.zm_1;ic: sc=:a1:>o:“»m.‘1'd, have gt-ow‘11 to lw the forty :r1:1i11i%o11s of our t.i1me. 143Ve1'y%W}i1em. t.hi.$ ‘people lmvtza 1V>1%1.=31u;~.r1 1:>ac:1< the f01%est. smd s11b—. dlmcad t}w W‘i1(:1e1'nVess. 'l7‘0-da,y t1I1e.y%1m1%<1 the (30nti11e,11t from. one of tI1e g1*e:~,:a.t <:‘>o.e»m1s ofvt-,11(~«. warm to the other. '1‘11roug'h~ 3? out all this vast t.e1'1-‘itmy, rieh in all the I:f]..()(?l,l1(:.stJtu‘ of the torrid 21.1161 12e1'11per.‘.-Ltezo%11es,—--hzmimlete and \'i11::Lg;es, zmd even gireat eitties, have been lmilt up ; _ye:a.*1r by yem: the produce of their fields zmd their fioc.-k.~s, t.hei1.- oree :111d their 1:1'1i11em1.~3, their ®O£t1\fi :iL11(1 their oiils, t1.1_eir mi1]:;< :eLnd .f:1eto1.*ies m;1(_1 f111'n:1.c:e.s: ljmwe i11e1'ezmsse<:1. Ye:-L1‘ by yca:.‘L1.'tle1.e»y have g0ne<')1.1 (:01:1st1r11<::ti1e.1g s1;1ips .:::Lnd 1)o:1,ts, 1'C):'.-LC1S :=.L11<:1 em:1:1.1.s, 1.':1i.]."Vv:1.ys :1md te1eg1r:5L1*:>1:m,, 1‘u.1t.il. mi. lzmt the eintire lzuld knit t()g'et}1e1' with the 1::1.:1e:m..s: of :'111.~st::1.1_1t i11t,e1'c01:n1n11'uicm.ti<:>11 ::u1<;1 1*:iLpi<;1 i11te.r<3<;m. \’(%_\":?L1e.l(3L‘~. Ym1° 1);’ ye::L1'13he e1:ix;1ig1'z"Lti0_1i1 fro111 <;>the1' s1101'e..m., their tmziule g:eLtl1e1‘S its riczlles f1'cm:1 every 1:‘-md, :.mC1 the "VV’(L‘fL1t11 ::.L.m:1 1:mWe1' z:L1'1pl.e me k1i1mv11%::L1e1d :1.d111itted of all n:—1«ti.m:xs. ‘While 1;1t11*oug-}1c>11t 11ce:71.'1f%I.*y all th‘i.~:4 evzmetg <;1o.I11::Li11,‘beymld eeveu t1:1e.~;.11 snlso p1'evail., mad with t1‘*1e1x111nb0‘unC;led :w.t;ivit.y, 1:u1ti1'ing e1;L1~e;1-gy, :'*1.1'.u3l. i.1e1c:1'e:imei1‘1g we:J.1t11——z7ml1 c01n13.i11.i11g, on this :a.x.111ieve1rs:::u:y, to swell our 1'1ez=x:x'ts with j11.st and p:,Lta~i<:>ti<;: priéle. But with :n.1'1d "1I>eyonc”l ::Ll.j1 this I112l.1‘VG11OI.lS 1:>1'<:e>:5}::>e1'ity, Imiwe we 110 '1-eel g;r<:n'u1d for :;L1::u'm? Vzmtlyr we VS*11‘1e'1mes our F:LLt}l€1‘S in 1.1111111;>e1‘.M;1.,11<;1 Wezflth z;m«fl p0We.1.~, me We not ’1.<'i>si1‘1g the p111)- e1i.evi.1'm1e 31,1161 the p1'iv::;Lte ‘Worth Whicsh :*Lc1m'1:1ed. t.]:;1eir1i'ves 'VVith our 111::Lte1~_i::L]. 1f>1'c)s1:>e1e'i.ty h:7Ls e§g;1'c>w1;1 up everyw11e1.'e 11.11 in-~ satiate wiesilfe fer 1fi(13h(3S, 111”11:;>1'id.led luxury mld 1'e(:k1ees extx-:wag'a1'1eee. In their blind I.‘)Ll1'S11i13 of WezJ;1th, men hzwe ceasecl to <1-.m;1side.1' how it was .‘:7L(i‘.(”11Tli\1'€3(Z1 if only its" cmuld be eeelynred. On all Asiclee greecl zmcl e0rrupt.io11 :1.1:)o1111d. Smtse zmcl n1unieipa.l OO111‘1(3iI.S, eI‘1<:'>se1;1 to legislate for the well 1;:>ein %ofthe%pe0p%1e, we too often <;)c-eupiecl with priv:a.te jobs zmd e schemes of pltlmiler. % '.lCI1e'i1'% (.:0irr11ptic>11 line becc>111e so flzzzgniuixt 4% as to be the mbjecis of <>0Imt11011 1'e1e1f1:;u'l< a;1'1<;?1 g€3ITle1‘2l1.:EtSS111'I1]T)t.i(.)11. ?Wi.t1'1‘ Wlnimt. m1xi~ety on t11e%pa1'f. of all hcnxest. people is the Vvorst. 5s“Va.g%”%a,n<;1%the “ ‘szmtlrp<:atlf>:;1.ggcn',” 1'(;iigIl in th(~:i1' stu.:%Lt"l. VVi.th 'V\"}1z':ux 1'«;~.l'i(=ef is its :1cIj(')1%11'1i1me c.01f1t1'ol.1ed 1i)y 01m p.:'u"t'.y or 1:»)? the 0t1‘1e1'. Tn vvhax. g;1>e:L1f. city are Imt. t.:eLX-1>a;ym'.~": .~'a'111V:i>ject.ed to pl_1%111él.c31- by 1:111%1:‘1(3c3ca:ss4:11'_$\" .~‘]‘)e1i1%i.:1x;__;;sf, ‘l‘l..l’lj11S1? :1%sSe.9s:x$1::crmflit111'es ‘.7’ In <:c)r11mc*tAi.<:w1:1 Witll. wlmi; A].‘)I’l1')]i(‘. ofl1‘m;-a is t..};u::1'e n<:>t 1)(E?f1.i.(?.V0d to 11¢». a. Rixjn ; wit]: wlmt p:'1.17.'1-m:1- zmgca smtxw :%c:<::;1'c_et g:%1.i.'1_1 ‘E’ VVhile Imm 'W%it.l1m1t:. p1'.i11(~i1'>l.o, s(w:kM.i'11g p1'0fit%t}11*()‘ug}_:1 ]“i>0il%iti%(m1. (,>1'g,;,f:1.1.I i.'/,.:‘1%t,im.1.~3, :‘1.1ly 17I.1c>1.‘x'1s(:a]\'c::.~? with tyhc;-. «jlcmtiltin:+m.1; 1.):‘.n.*ty of 11-lm 1'11<‘“)"rm:11t, :<1.m1 (“::Il~11 tr}'1<»:*.xns(-»l.\A'0.s‘ ]3{.e]._i»11bli- cm1.s Lin 1::’}1.iil_:ui1e]v1;>hi:%1., cu.‘ ]%.)e,n_1<;)c1'2‘1%t.~: in Nmv York., in 01‘d(5l’ 1:0 ’ 'wi<:+1d tiling i;1:1fl.1'1(;nme :u1<_‘1 <«<">1f11".%1'l t.fl’w >:'1,t.1'<:>'1'1:?1.<"vc<+. (1)71? t'.]1(;e 1 ):;L1't;' ' for ‘ E3 “ . ] )(:*.I‘S()1.‘1:*L1 :**l,H.(‘TT]. .~55<;:‘1fi:‘.1'111it>'_y 1':1.i.su..~4 :1. tzuzlu})m':‘1.'1'y public,-. i11dig;11:1rt*i%c>11 :m<:1 t}'1e9_§* u,.1'e d1ri%v<311, as t1}1c;*..~?:(.*. w:L1‘I.~.4 1w:1.1' Tw'i1‘.1':1ess, :f:'r0.n;1% tulle 1)(')W0l’ t‘.}.1oy :.1.'l.>l1sm1 ::u;1<%1 t.'.lw. .sr11.(~,%It".(':1' of the llillllfifi‘ :‘Lm’1 the S(f")(??‘iC+t~Y t.})u_y?}1m'o. (‘»1.1t1%-::1.gm1. I1‘;x\'¢a1-11’rm;a1'1t ll(§2€Ll‘I.}’ t.en ycazmm ::1,g-(A), :‘m(l% wl.:1;i(::h Im.~:4 M-,(i=.1V1 tum tr31.')€3(3i2%L] .~z11'l:>;jm;:t; :t'» its p:*Lt;c1+1'11:1C1% (f:2.?I.1‘G, w1‘*1‘ic:}‘*1 .}1lz‘LS 1%:V>.c+ca‘1: (*,(L)1§l.~‘4f;l,'l‘1(2t)(;3(:.l. .m1(l I‘(.*L‘.('f)l.lS13l.'ll(.511ck(fl, z:u1.d (.3V'(3]11i1.l. 1;>:¢L1'tm ma-1.'c.3c~.1astrt1<:tte<7l, :1. c~,o11(‘1iti%(m of 1>L1,L'l%»%li%ci-.4710-% mo1*:a,1,iz:1.ti<1>1;1 1f)1.‘(i%\«'€itfilH “wink.-.h il11:1stmt;c~s the 1'es1%:11ts 01i"1'1*1]%e by t,l\1c~;~% In 'whi.<4<:2, tl:1.~<<;~,-. 1'110.~3t i1;1te1'e>stc-ad in t}l(;‘. \w1if':,u'ca :md? 1:>;1's1:;c1*%ity f thté secttion, are s11ut_<:>11t from itsc%c)1111ce%i%I.s:, ::m«fl[ t;1;:1<;+. :x<‘1¢\rcmt111-«;§:1', film “sc::a,1lu- I11 Wlltibll 1)1‘1111<1¥l$e1-,~ 111_1de1- Elm t1*'m:'1n of MW, lms bemix sac) ge11ce1‘2:L%1:11%1él%s<:) % l3lf1()1.'11101'lS :15»: 1:0 (1y pu1i>1*ic‘~.% :=Lm;1yz(% e'v‘en. p1'i'v:>;m;! Nor tlfis <‘1cm:1c)mlizattion collfilmd to ofliczial czonduct or to 0r1e1'9;y. V pu1:>1:ic, lifce.‘ -...__.__.__._,..-_._____._..__.____.,._.___ . _._ _. 1\Im-l<:,]:1oVv even in l1n'l’V'fLt(?.llft‘. 1119.11 :11-e 1'(§gfll1.(1(fi“1 for tlwir fm-t1111o::~' mtller tlmn fo‘r'tl.1ei1_' w01'tl'1 ; how :?<1:1c.ec:c>.ss C321J1S€‘.S fmlud .-"md VV’1‘()l1.£1‘ to be m'e.r1(>0ls:cu:l ; Vvlmt fl. st1'11ggl.e goes on f01'post.s L of 1')1ll‘f')ll(" :'1.11(1 };")1'i.V'dte. t1‘11st., whictll, 1.'ig}l1t1y filled, C‘.O1ll(Ll mlly be ]:>1*¢;>fitles:s l:m.(:l. l.>111'<:le1'1s1t11e ; how, f1l-o1'n (~3Ve.1'y pmt, 11:10.11 seek t.l“1e g1.'ee:1t 11T1:?L1.'t-S to try tllflil‘ f'<;1)1‘f;111l‘1e;s' in the ’Ve1'1t1'11'€.>..< of _tl'1e l1C)1H‘, l1op'i11§_vg to g'zf1.tll1e1." '\'vl1e1fe. t,l1ey Il:_1:w<3. mm toilecl ; how g:un- bltixxg in .~:t.0cks, Vviltllln. tlw <:l:'inutirmS it li1l1\"ite.~": :.;1.m;l tlw cam-1-11pti_m1 it e::1‘.1a<:>1*11':1.5_;§e.s, lm<'e<.:>111.e go.1l1e1.-:lL]l. _; limw ”\"(‘.I‘ll2’Ll i1.is1ll1l:l1.1.i1_1.:‘L1'tf. of the m:%1lc:l‘1i.11(ani-y to til‘1.(2.~:l<(.s c-zmjls. ()l")S(-31‘\~'(i‘.,110(7), lmw 1-:1.$l1 :L(Tl'\’€‘«I1t1f11'(3S take tlm plzlm of Stemly iml‘ust.1'y, how wilcl u.\'ltl1'z1v:=1.g:111ce is ap1;i>1:1L11(“le(l, :Ju1e l'l(.:l1. A A Now, w'lm.t slmll. We say of tlzwse evils 1’ Are. they tlm "fruitts of t.l.1is. ll'11'l(.‘!ll. v:1.11n1:.ml .s*yst0.rn of govcnl-1ll1l111c+.1It: of c>1‘11-3, (91% <:1l11x1 (;>t}l1(¢’1' and I12l.lI»l,l'l,‘§fll c.:u'1ses whi<':l1 t.l‘1cs "t’<_‘)1111.(‘llel1's of t.lw.sca govc3;1'r11i1:m1;1t;s l1'es;cae, fLl1](Il, tl.'1e.1'c>.fc>17@, l (:m..1l.(l.l not: lluwo. pl-<">V'i.<:l<;uil 2’Lg,‘:TLl.l1Hl., 2’ ‘And how f:*1,1' it };>()ssilf>1el tn 11lm, or to <::l..mc.l{ tllesc evils lay :*L11_\j5* c:l1:11i1ges in mm.- ‘ existing; gt)vca1'1‘11“xm1l1lts ? 'l‘ll1e.% :1Lm quc:~..Ts*ti(:>1.1.~;4 'Wl.T1l(.‘-llll it S(L’:GI'l'1!~;§ tact) n‘m clexinancl the t,l'1011gl.1tf11l, c+.:m1e:s*t, (1‘i$\E):lI%$Si(“‘)I‘l1ELYL1-he czcrxlxsicle. ':2Lti11 of all citizms, ‘ :;Lt1<”lle.~.4peL3i:1,'llmV* of all wlm ("*.<7>1l'1m;-.1'1;1 lt.l1u1‘1'1selV'<3S with 1)0liticr::ll or }_)l.1ll)llC» zxffzvliw. I J Olf1l1'l£§Lg(3 lmas xxot, Vl‘)€*.€3I1w1l'.:iL‘\l’()l':1Ll.)ll1% 170 such reflec/c.i<:>11.s. W’ith tltle l.*‘zl'l=1,"rl,1;1‘«.~31-:‘l~;zllwli1<> fI‘§v1IlI1'€3.(l~(l‘)1lll' gcfyvm-11 1’1l1e1l1t.s tlxis was 0tl1c21‘-wise.‘ 'l.7‘l1c*.y l1a<;l givezix to tlm plll.ll(f).$‘()pl\y of g'0‘ve1'1f1n1e11t yé.‘-2‘l»1.‘S of )1'('>lf<')111l14‘l mxll. diffic111ties W}1:i(.=}.1 .s7111'-— ]T(.)1l]‘Il.C1@d t11e y<.1.11'111g <7é.(.:11"1fe1'111.1< :11.1111'<“1s11:1u1'if1y ]1:',111gel131 ‘r.}1<_1 1rc11:4‘1:111', of n:'1t1‘11':"1l :1<1.1x':11,11t:i1ges, ]1:1:1v<1 gi'\'u11 s1i.g}1t1 }_1c1(1<1‘I to 11111.1 11111-:i111(.11ip]‘e.~.< t;]11es+c1 f<:m:11s '1ve1'i1 1'1<;':1i1t;i.1:;4 ; 131113 ]:1.:?1.v<;>. gom, (1.11 c1i..~m1‘1ssi.1.1g 1121111113 i.‘~‘:9%11(.1:~! 1‘1111t1il, 1.111 'h'11«fl (11111'seI1ve.9 111 fame: «;1:[’ :21 (“1("T*..'l"n(ij.)1‘:fl»1fiZfl.1‘1iml .‘si*t. <]iv.i11e (11*igi11; t1l'1z;1t~%it%<1xi1i1tc1(il1 for tlie 1:1e1m.fit. of the. g<_1vL>.1"'1'1c1(1 i1110t t,}'1e. 1'11Ic11'.¢4, 5111131 T:]'f.l.£l1'b it de- rived 2111 its j511,st }11o1v(.+11's %f1'<111‘1. t1hc:1i1' <1:c111.s'c11:11t,. T111111 w:1.s,, i.1111e1e1(1, :1 new g0s1;1e.1%of gove1~:1;111'1e11’onc1ver11t0‘ be too 11111csh 1‘10rne1 in 8 mind. But beyolmtl this the I?‘a.th.ers <::1.1:'c+f11]l1ly amfl Wisely 0011- :s;i.(.le.re;1.>ec:t, the :1,11t.1:.10.1'ity* of g‘OV'G.l.'.1f1I1.1€I1t Sl1C)l1'1l.d be <.i.le.fi 1:1e\'lcému1c~11t.,———--:x.11\v<§n',—--—i11 t.l*'1e.i1' fi§"‘%1f’(‘Il'1‘V|1‘ of gc.)\'01#11.1*nc~.nt, tll1'1'<~:+.0. c.z1.1'(li.11:*Ll_ p1'il11c.ipl.es were dee111e<;l t.‘.tTs‘.*.~'@.l'1t»l.:?l.l. '_lf‘.l:1e fix-st. “\v:‘1.sl tlmtt. gove1'11.1.1:1en1..~ slm111.<:l l_L)( :‘? 1r<;*/s(‘*=‘1'i1;)c~austi.t1l1t.i<“)1;‘1.s (l0fi1i'1.e<.l xvlmt. ;_._;;<)\t"e.1r1.11x'1(s11‘r. 1:1.1lilg‘l:‘1.f. (lo, :'u;1d 1;>1_'c>Vi(le\re1‘1l11l11e1";1t$ (;lee1r.i‘\>'e<.jl ::1.1l tli1_c~ :i1,1.1tl:1m.'it.y t.ll:m_\1.r lm,<:l, zmd it. xv-as only by ’r.ll'1c3s(3 O(ff)lTlST«l,'C1.1tl.()11:81 tlmt. t.lm_\¢*' llml ;'1.1T1yjli1.‘$t :’imf.l:101'it.y w"l'1:31.t.<~.=:V'e,1f. S11ct.l:1 Cc:nl':L::4t;it1l1- timls W€5l"(*-3 at owe, tlm s01‘11‘c30, tlm 1‘m3:.tLs111'e, zmd the llimit of all t.heir just 1)<:)\2m1's ()V(E‘.1.‘ the gc)ve.1'11e(:"1. l T119 soc-.o11<1 c2.~?».~‘.i::a,l~ izczsd. Tliley had. 1'el)e>lle1l1 lWi.t.l1<:mt rep1‘ese1:1t:,Lt‘.‘ionl, l 1101' hec:.:1.11;s:c§ of any S._];)(';%0l£:Ll, 11:1ez1,s;11res: of 0pp1'essio1‘1; for as ‘r.lw.y tlll1«;xr1l1sel\'leS clecl_m*(~.sd “ 'I’l1:l11l{l1l (l :L11‘(3 Inore clisposed to suffer ‘While evils; zmm suffemblca t.l:1::m to 1~igll1t; ltlmexxmellves by :ml)oli3l‘1ir1.g fo1m'mlt.0 Wl1i(3l1 t.}1_c:y :?u_'0 zui-,c:11:4;-l t,on.1e.(1.” Rev'0lut,i<_m Wcmlmcl in t,lw. end lmvczs come (;aVe11 wi.t'.l1- out. tl1e%lp:a.1'tics11I..m' gt*il@.‘va.11.c:c:.s of 'Wl‘1lC‘.l.”1 they (:0 %1{np1n,li1*u«;sf l l mont,hs ‘ of time 1‘e1:n<>vcacl f‘1*mn 13110 r1'1l'il1:1lg g*0'Ve.r11me11t, tlmt; foreign power could never l justl.y know nor Ilnclerstand xvlmt *9 tlaey 1re<:111i1~@ 1'r1.att<-31* how Wise 1101' well dis1;:><)sc+cl,——l>e z=1.l:i>l.e to :=:1;pp1'e<;:i:41,t0 nor 1-ig}1t.l_\t' ];>1'0lvin, ::m<::l i11<:?l1,:1.~:sm-y, free g0ve1_'111n.e11t 1‘n11St c.<:>1‘1sis’o in S(;3lf~gO‘V'(;§1.'1'1.111lG1’1t; :'1.1;1d they 1'ezLlize(l a.l.s*o, tlmt S@lf—g<:)'ve1'nmcmt O()1.”1SiSl3(3Cl. in 1"r1enlg<;>v'c31'11i'1‘1g tl;m‘n;1~ 2-M‘-.*.l.V"'(i’:t.T~.‘, not in tlTlGl1' g0ve1'11i.1'1g Of.l‘1G>.i1' 1;>c§(‘)_1;:)1(+. Tlmt to <.‘le.cicl¢~. Vvlmt 111611 .$;:l1cml<:l mt. <..l>1"\ve:1.1', Wl;1:.Lt'. '1'<,>:.1.e.11e‘(l, or lli<:*.c;=,1'1t:l4«=.->3 gim:1.1, lzwy’ tlm votyo of tfillliefi wlmlcia peoplca, wm11_1:;>p1'essi\'c+ :13 tack) l;1::we .‘%I41l(.'.lTl, ‘1nc21.l :>u11d %i1l1cliv:r(l11::Llll q1f1estic:>11s clc<..-,i po.l.ic:y 01’ 0111‘ l*‘:Lt..lxm'.~‘: lalmtl 0:iLGlil COI1.1I1l).1fllIillTJy .~4l1m1ltless, my f1'i\l‘ " :f:m1ilic.as l)ette1' tlmwyx you or "Alf g<:>w1r:11 011m. lYe.t'. lxw sl;mul gc;>v<2.1r1l1 mtr l :fmfr1li1.iess f()1~1'1.~4. IE$u.’o nwt. only slimulcl 'W(‘¥ 1:.ll1i1‘.1l;: 1;l':1i.~4% :21, g'1'(a$Lt l‘1:3u‘dsl1.Ai1:.:), 1;iu.1t. y<:.)u nmy be. .s*11'1'c: mu‘ ,f':‘1,1.xl1liillier+: w<;:>ul<:l fin<1lit,:<1y g1‘e:. Not 1“,(‘Il?;(‘V“:.4Ll1“‘gv‘£‘m’l 1*.l':cw: mm might i'1<;f21; lm better tl1z:u1l We :=1,m ; not. l)csc:L11.~m tl.1L=3y' 111.ig}1t,V not. be Wif‘-il0.l‘l3l1:;:l.Yl We l me ; lmt l“)(:‘.C‘».‘r?l.11S@ G-c;l><‘l ll:LS givcm tlmml no 31.1011 1'c:elm3ic)11 to (our lf:2un.i1ies.% l:l...‘\' jlxce. llzm givmx to 1'1.‘4, so tlmt they c:<)‘1:11cl%11<9:ve1* 1l11:1<5le1i-stmlxl, as Xvu. <;::::m, Wlill2*);l3.(;)l1'l.‘ f:‘L1lnlillie:s 1'e<:111i1>c~. % l _ ns’ols0 Witll g‘(?)V01'l1'I'Ill0Illt. )TlflL‘h g0Vcm'11x1@.1’1t of {L g‘]"(?£Ll} ;n:mt‘io11, by an :lLl).s7.0111to. cenlixtlfzml :'1,utl1o1'ity, 7i:s' lllike t.l1c>.g'<:)V*e1'r:1-l 1ne.1i;t; of l<;i>1m m:u1’s fz:m1lillyl»)y :21. s3131‘m'1g<-.1‘; lis likq the govc31*1‘1~ xlxzuai-,11"o <'y[i‘ «me »n:.»1.tli<;>1l1 by :lL%‘f<_)1.*eig1:l1. m«Ltiw _j11.~‘:st they may Im, it will 17)(";¥ i.1r1av<:>id:1ble that they é:1.11.11<:)t; know Wlmt tshe 1<)L::.m1ities: which. they g0'v<'~;>.1‘1'1 1'e- qllire ; mld, t:}'1e1‘ef(;>1'e, .:3'c)j'r;rr ms‘ malciztes to Zocmal 92"2.az.tzfr39"s, sulczh a. goVe1'1;1111e:11t. £33111‘) ot fail tn ltm :L 1j‘>m5l% zm<7l an <)1.)1)1'c:.~i~::‘»ri%‘\e'(:: gm)- \re1'1"1n1e1*1t.. % 'l.‘]‘i1e. 1'e11:1%:"-Li1'1i1%1 fu.11<'1:m1e11ml 1_n'i11ci1t)1e of rm F:a.t,1f1L‘~n's’ s;y.s*terx1 of g(j)\'e1'11111e1"1t', %*a.s t.h:1.1: L11_c—n'0 showtltl be no c1:i1,s4:.~.: p1.‘iVi1ege<:1% to pet-p<3,t.11:‘1;te sLc.c.111111%1l:1ti<)1'1s ()f _p1.'<)pe1't.y. '.[‘1:1ey]%eft eve.1fy11'1:%1,11 f1'eé to ::u301111:1111:Lte, \V.ith :‘1,1I. tlfle powem Grml lmd given. him, W1:1_:%‘Lt.e\'e1' 1:>1j<:)1:)e%1't.y he 1:L’w'.f111]y 1‘x'1.ig1“1t. ]I:31‘i13 ;s*i:1'1c.@. Gr<['f)(1 ‘]‘1:1.S4 gi%ven to 110 11:'m;11 tile 1.) 0 W(;H.‘. to t.:'L]nt1'01 ‘c.h£+. 11 of Wlmts he may l.(~3:‘i1.ve."1:>e11i11c1 him by 17.‘Iw :'=1,M <“>,f_ ])(")Hiti\'"0A1.:'L'\V,£l t1*:1(;=.y wiswly 0: no 1:"n:‘L1;1 po‘w<;.~.r 13(1) 1;)e1'pc:t.1'1:m3 his m;-.c11n”1%1;11atiolls. Ac:(:0?1%'<5li1‘1,g;1.y, they ]_:n'(f.)]1i.bitwied e11t:‘Li1cu;1% c»st:'1.t¢c+.:s.', 1-ig-1A*1t.$ by 1)1'i%r1:;1.<;)gu11i.t1.1re, (.1)r<;1er.s: <;>f 1'm1f>i1%4i.t,y, n:1<:>1%"mm.i%1*'1%, :mc1 ;5‘ca11@.1':%;1,ll y f:1.‘v<;)1_'e.d the Wi.(T71G'&gS‘fT» (1iS1".rib1‘1ti.<.:>11 of <;)11t t}.1(£‘.:'.-‘.13 gmle 111.1 ‘1._)1‘i1l(i%iI\)1.(?S t.11e1'0 W:~:1..~i: no (.".1i.fi‘€h1'0ll(3C¥ :m1m1 the F:'1,t11<:21's3. 1I)(;)W"(i?.l':E§ :+:}1c>11I<1 be c1i.~:t41'.1'i1;>11t,Lu1 ; as 't.() wh:”Lt". p0%\7v"m-S \v'e1"0 to 1;>o 1%c><1g;e ’Gh(i% St:1.t.ca genVe1%1'111;1<:ni1.ts. fI:31i1t 2m ‘(.0 t.}’1u. 1rVig}:1ts of it1di"Vid1m1S. I§‘c>.de;1*:‘L1i}st“.s :m<“1 De.m<:>c1+:'x.t3 :1.g1'ee.c1. It was the I4‘e<:1em1'is:t A1m.~::a,11<:1c».1%r I::Im1‘1il.to11% who defi1:m.d :1, cfiesmotism as zm g0Ve.r1m.1cmt in. Vvhiceh 21,11 p0wc=.r is: g+.<)1%x<::m1’r,r:1.t;e<71 in :".LHi’l"1g‘10 l'><:)<1y,'\V}'1@.th.m.' e10<3t;i%*v<.2. or ~11ot.% It w*:;1.s%}%1:'1.s‘ g1‘e,:»'L’c, :f<:>1.1.<;;>\v(:1', the VV'l1ig, ].'):mi0,1 W’"ca3}V%)st(.ar, who d@.c;:1:1.1“'c>d flilftt 1ibcn't«y c:o1’1$ist%e(1 in the lilllitiltifillfif. of % g0'V'e1'1f1111. (1isc11sS“i()1“1s; W(;?eI'(3 not, as to Wlmt 1.;)()W'(~3I'S ‘gove1*t11114er1t Inight eXe1*ois4e vm;' the go- Aviemmed, but 0%1<11y a.s to how ‘t.11c.>»se rpowers, :w1<11ow1edge(1 ::1.s % Mam <§li_.ff7cam<:1, and <:1.iff<::~.ro(1 Wi(1e.ly, 121.8 to how 11 proper to be exmeisecl by Ilepllblicmlx g‘(T",)’\’G1'lT1.T1‘]Gilt, S]'l01Ll1(1 be diSt1'ibutec1; W1:1i(;z1iLsh<)t1lp1e ‘W11i('th-—-——Sh(i)1.‘t :f'm~ :11. mLtic>11 ms the i%11te1'\’ca11i11g tixxw lxzm 1)<3e.1*1--~%\v::L:s :1. c:c>1%1<7l%itio1:1 'Wh.o1l_y (1iffe1‘e1%1t f 1-om tlmt. ozf 0111' (my. I~EI?<:>w g‘1'£-H”-11) ’r;I1<-3 «‘1‘if”fe'1'— cmcse 1)etWee1V.1 Well the States :1.1*x‘le "W]1'u;+.h eig11ty'~1?i\r'e yam.-.9 ago :u10]g>t(3c1 tlpw 1c»m..is‘<;e11t3 I‘.PG(1C§1‘:?L]. Cmns:ti.it;11t:.iu11 :.m<.‘I 1:h<'>:~‘4c2 of 0111' t'i1:1.1c.=-., it not (ae:‘Lsy“ now to 1'e:1LlAi.ze. At tlmt tinm, t.11c;2 13hi1.'t,ee1;1 States Whic.e1“1. fcf):1'1‘.x,1<;ut1 t';hi.~;< g‘Ve'1.-1:1- ment wvere e1::1ti.1'el.y s<:»”v(-=3.1.‘<=-:a*ig~1ti1 :1u:u;1 S€h1jT):',L1‘:TLtO. '.[‘l';1.c.y lay st.1'e.t:c};1ed :2L1c>11g the Atlzimtie (.50:§LSI3, }1::m‘vi11gg; 1:‘>u]%:ri11,(1_ t]:1.wn. The 1k:>ca<;>p]c of 13131039, 't:'c:e'1:)l%e St;’;Lt.c3s .sf]j)1'ig_3'i11.4s haul 1;>eu11 c1iffem1%1%t, 131“1Gil.'}l:TL1’j)i13S ¢f1i..~;.4si111iI.:;1.1r, t1“1ei,1r '\-'iQ'Wt%é 111i1.li.lw. C?<:)1“n1'm1- 1‘li(32TL13i(§)l1 'l.:><;etW<30.1:1 ‘r/lxem was 1'z2m;a :;L11, ijmltm % M161 3 . . % i%1'1i’1'eqL1(;>.11t;. 'l.‘1%1‘c;~.1%"1. an :t"o.w 1'<:‘;>:<.w1.~:; Vverte. <1‘)]1.)m“1(‘3.(’;1 1&1 c:~.:'1._1'% 1’}h(£~3(§(')2"‘L.‘3t, alcvixg wh1ic:.h Agxwaziut ‘xvzmixls tci‘)c%’1:-y, w1,1%il%m.'>:1i 131m 1%1:1<:>ro, ‘i.1“11:“:1,1u’:1 W.‘d._y*S t1':;1.“ffi%cL: ‘Wm; (;L*.‘:3L1‘1 'i(:?',(.] cm by tnlm p:%w1s:—l*.1c“>*1’.~'sc4>; zmd tlim. ::411*1V1‘11::)tc-3'1." fm1.1.11é.V Mom (11.-i:f’t;m:1 ;s*11~1m; :aL1:n?1 t.1w ‘1:>:xt.m:rL1%1x 111) 131110 cm1.'~ re1:.11; by the aid of t,h.c+. .~mi1 or th,G. s0tti1*‘:1g 1:i>o1.@, ztuui 121111.13 c;*.m'1"iec1 on the i:1‘11m1d n::wigzLt.ic:>11, now g“t‘c>w1‘x to over *fc)1¢1r II1i11'i(')I”l$ of tons ‘year. -T1191}, :21, p<:>111:1(T:l of tam <:»1f2mi1ke.1'11~L l. 111x:u1'y, mud in 1)1-igl;’1t 1':i1)1)on Vwns :1. ]:;u:L*1%1¢i1.~:401'1::1«:*. 19rese1%1t. Evexx J effe1's%c>11,% Whéill S€3C$1'C%13§L1‘y of State, mu] ceallead in };1astc:% to Axrmet with blue ("I‘,:«1,1:‘>‘i11c:t, was |%t'We1i1ty-c:ig1‘%1t days of cliligczmt t1':mv*eli11g %fr0n1%1;x%is%% h<:>Ix1e to t1:1is city, m1(1 ‘ now one (am leave Ahere % at niglxt, :;m(I 1'%m-,1%1 Mic)1‘1ti(3e1%lc:>% czonlfortzably thee riext %noon. % It for States thus Vvcmk,m1<.1 se1:L>a1~:1te, m1(1 poor, fmsfl 12 people th1.1.s distinct, 2u.:u:1 f1'11ga1, n,V1V1d t11.¢i>11gg‘}'1%t.f1.:1l, with 0c:~ c,111.'>at.io11s, :'a.11d 11a1:>its, zmd te1111:)t.:‘%Ltio11s 'W}:10].1y r11‘.11i1{e th0.~3e of our g<.me1'a.t.i011, t.11.,-My our F‘:mt11e1's sought to eSt§:Lb1iS1'l go've1'11~ ."I1’1G311t. And if, in e!st2L1"%>1iV$}1i11g it, 1311e.y £L1)p1‘e.1;1eI1«:1ec1 evils Whic+.h 11eve1' arose, :1..11(1 failed to 1,)l‘(.T)\’id('-43 for t11ose wlixich (:10 now exist, it. Wm; becmtlse the .~:m1%jW)sist)i.11g‘ (*,Vi1S Imxe c:*c>n1e in with :1 growtlx, riches, mind (":011S(i)1i.d£L'CiL‘)1;1 wholly unpxrecjzedelltwi, and umillly 1'eS111tii1%1g from i11Ve11t%ic>1'1%s, :*L1i1.d nxetlzxcwdsgz of i11te1%'c-01m'1‘111- 11i.c:atic>1:1 then Lllmslxspc-gated. S(“)'13}1:".1»'(3 tlm 1_:x1'<3se:1it we:1.1t1:1 :-md <‘:e.11t1':1,1iz£~Ltic>11 of the e0111:1t1'y could xmt t11e11}%1z5r\'e.1f>ee1%1 f<:>1'ee- seexx, nor p1‘OVi.$iC)11 1',l.1t1.(1(i :mgai1i‘1st they _p:m1-ticz111::1.1.' m';i%1s. wlxich :tt- t<~;.=.1.1.d it. The pm'ti.e.s VV1:1ic:1:1 were fo'1'n:1ec1 upon the. (:.§:.3t.":L1‘)1ifS1‘1] l‘1C:§‘1‘1t7 of the F(%(.’-1(;‘.1'.‘L:‘I.1 Go\*e1'111:1i1m.1t, Wem, t}.1e1'e:f01*e, 1:1:-1.t1:1m.1_'1y' }"):1.1'ties; rm 120111110 <;n:)11:s't1§11cstio1*1 to be g;i;ve11 to the C<;mstit11t.ion mind the 1'mWe1*s w}.*,1i.c.el1 1:11igl.;1t. be e'xe1:c-.ise(1 unclear it. In tlm very Q-.:ur- liest C5o11g1'es$est.11e "power of C301.1.g1'@$s 1;0i1L1%11;)rme~, <:111tic>s for p1*ote..cti.011, to I'112':L1{€% i1’1.1;(~31'1'1:1.1 i.1V:1i11;.')%.1'<:>?vc:a1inex‘m,ts, ::md to c2st:iAL1i>%1i.5:4'l1 2.1. % l\T:3Lti(.m:‘Ll 13:7u11s: 'We1‘(;=e .'2::Li.~5e<'1 mld clisctlssed. '.[‘11ese qt1@sti<)11s:§ were i1"1d.c-3.c.ad not q11es’r.i01"1s ::L;s' 1:0 \v1mrt.11fe1.' 1:119 1;):11‘tic:111.zL1# :Lut'.I.1ori.t‘y in o011t1'0v(m‘sy 1fr‘1ig11t be t..‘XL"~5l.'(j.‘.i$Gd at, all. 14‘01- 110 one 1fega.1'<1ed tl1ea1:)11:i1di1.1g; of am doceli, or 17118 c>yc>1;1(‘1t.]1e 1:>1><:>v*i11C:e of g*0 Ve1'n1ne11t ; mid i%1:id<3ed tl.1eSe wmro po‘We1.'.‘s‘ Wl%:1i.c]i1% hii.(1 all 1;.>%ee11 6X61J'(I$i.S.'Gd by the States.‘ B1.1tt.l1ca diffe1'e11ce :=1;l;>111; t.hen1 was only as to ‘VV}1i(31i1 of our d11::1.1 G‘: owx-1*:11:11e11t:s' s1;1c~.h :;mth.ority vvzims lodged in. ‘ About such questions, w1”1e1'e.ver~ ‘ulixe lzzungxmge of the Chim- sstitution was not c:1Ve:;xr 2m1d explicsit, the vieaws of I%%1<:>11e;s:t% :md % (3C)I1f3CéieI1tOL1S men might well diffcer; % Those who f2>wo1'ec1 a systenl of p::Lter.1m,1 gove1‘11:u:1e11t ; who d€:$i.1'e.d go\ree1'11111ea11t 11<:>t only to p1'1es<-;+rve <)rder :‘1,1:1<1111::Li;1f1132a,ix1.% ‘ ‘ sec:111'i%ty,*L)L1t%to u11de1'tz=Lke the protectioxl of i:r1dust1*y, t;1%1(~:-. ' §_;._;<")ve1.'m11e1'1t, 11:?Lt1.i1':=L11_y .~':i.<'1e,if the ]::t11g1'1:‘e1.ge of the CMustitlxttim1 e The 1.m.1.*t;y of State 1'ig}1t.~Js emr1e to he ealtled ]f)e1x1<)e1*z;1,ts ; wot, A/2,(:m:¢3‘2.:e1“-,tletms 7°«rmz,.f intern:-‘-11 in1p1'm'emente, the dh.'ectimJ1 of the 'fiI1:%L]1C.‘.€.T\‘, the ec>1‘1t1'01tof ed11cs:1tio1:1, would 1‘1:7Lt1.11':1.11.y, when :.1.11y qllestiom moee to W1;.1ethe1- :1, 1;>e,1't.tiee1,t11zL1' power should he exe1'cised by St.e.’te or Fedeml :.L1'1tho:1_'ity, look with 1’:1vo1t' upon its exercise by the ce11t1‘:'.L1 gove1'1;11‘nent; While, on the othter l1e11d, men, whose f1':ém1e (Df 1'x:1i11.1_)1'(%1.1e1;1si\'e of :-tut.1101'ity zmd jemlotts of tlgxe riglxte of i11(t1'i.\'iC11.1fl;1S, wcm].<‘1, even if {it p:u'— tieL11.::t1' pmvel‘ W§1.S one e<)11fe.ss0C1It_y 1;)1'c>p'e1' to he etxzentzised by ? :‘§l.(;11.“I1it13<£‘,('1 of (1<:'>11tht, :itg:1.i1.1e1‘. the t.1':m.:s'fe1' of the power .f1‘mn the 1'1£L1'1.‘(”)'VV"(¥il' h':i1.1.1g<;>. of St:L1'.L‘.‘. to the wider t':1.11ge of II+‘e11t were t}‘1.os.e. of F ec1e1':11 zjmafl of S’("«fL’D(?. 1‘ig1i1te. Am1ei1'1ee, f1'verrmxents, 13}‘1(:‘¢74(.*. were the rmlty 11:.Lti.0m1.1 '].:.):’il.1.‘f»i€’~S‘ the time ':L<;hhe'1t1itted of. 5/a,«a)2~2,.s~¢eZ"att:as '27*2nj_:2(,t>r)t*21‘r‘err'2hz;If, «a:ezwj.)t (Is z‘/2,«a;a,/ z.fe92.aZ to ]")7"(i:,‘h$'(3'7"Z.7¢';3 Zcwzl ¢:.:m.ciZ Ztz.?m,z‘2f«a¢‘Z _(/mva9“v2.7~-mm.t crtmfl If/ms .9«_a(m7'e Z/2.6 wig/z.ts Qr'1tt2ra9/'.ss+()9z.s~h, (mt Zm(:c.mse z‘./u;>.w—:e Wig/a.t.$* ’?(:'(’.7"(4 t/am: *2I¢2,c’l~2I7'ec:z7lj2/iv-'2,w9Z2:ec7Z.t " h For sixty years :tfte1' the C‘v()I1S13i1?11tiOl7‘lt was :=td0pte<::1, the views of the people 01:1 theee questi<:n:1s of the <:li;'s‘*t1'i1>1e1t,itc>1:1 of power 1'err1:a.i1w(;1 s1;1hetentit::Ll1y the s:=1.11:1e.. I)111'i.n all tl'1(asc2 yems, the isetxee of lmnlc, of tm'iff, end of i.I’it:(i¢l?’l'l.:%L1 "itn.11.)rove— merxts eon.ti1med to be £1iS0l?_lSSOd, and Were indeed the 'l4)i.i1‘I‘.1£i3i]:4)£:i1 n.etei011aI. i$st1es. And the views to thedistrib11ti.o110f the tainqed hy M ::tdie<;>11 mad his c,cm.1pee1fs. % t ’l‘hie <;h,:u::L1 syetenm of go‘ve1'1t11ne1e1t, this t<;f:orr1.bi.ua,ti0I1 of .<:o've~" 14 reign states into one sovel-ei.g_2;n n:‘a,ti011, this double ellhegimucee which eaeh eiti7.e1:1 owed to the State m'1<;1 Fetfle1f:t1Geve1~11- ments, VV:'LE4 one of t.11.0se_t11i1'1ge few fo1'eig11e1‘s <:;~.o111d 1111(:1e1r~ .~’;ta.11d,hut it ‘we,e‘011e,twentty yemfs ego, clieetjlssed in every c:.m111tt,1'y store, ta,11s:ed over ::u'm.u1d every him‘-'1.'o0m. fi1'e, nrevivecl upo11. the st111‘11p zmd p1:»ttf01'1:u at e.V<;.e1'y election frexn M:;1.i1;1e to (“~$‘re01-g_i:1t. EV'e1'yx\V11e1;e it was 1;:11'1(lhe1'.~i.4t0c>d, and W e1.'y\V1"1e1'e the 1.'eSt,1':ti11ts igmd 1.‘i.Illifl&t‘i.0]lS of the ‘T011stitlltien were i1'1sistte(1 upcm. ]i3ut.i1:1 tzime :1 !l.(~3W c.111est.io1:1 mmee—-—--t1..1:*Lt of $1:«1;\t'e1ry' in the Territe1'iee. Upon. that q1:1ehsti011.1:n:.t11y fDC3It11(')(€1‘:”Lt§3 sidecl with the South, net 11)ee::mse they fe.v'e1*e(l .~41;’we1t-y, but 1't>ec:e.11ee the Fec1e1'e1 Gr(.“)\"C%lTI'lh111€%I.11J, hzzwing lreeu eet:L1,t)1hishe<.?1 by Slztve St:1,tee,h :‘md }“‘1:L\ri1:1g 1'ef:eive<:1 no _1.;>0VVe1.' to (‘1(3£L1. with e1:;Lve...1.'y' except to 1:>1'<:;)- vide t'o1.- the 1*etu.1'r1 of fltttgitixree f1‘(ii)I‘lf1 service, (.-.m11c1 n0t,i11 :T1m,t is, L'1pe11 the sh1.v'ery q1'1eet.i.m1,I)e1fx:1oc3':1.t.e took the Sitcle of the their j11<':1g*11i1e1h1t, 1.'ig1‘1t.‘f1111y ’i,1:t1te1‘fere with .~:s1:‘LVe1'y. ri.cr11t.~3 of the S13:*LtL?¥S w.h‘ieh he 3 .t>e1t1ed to he the sicle (TT)f elzwervg CD 4 ha ‘ ltmt they did this, not hec:::L1;1se they" were for s1m'e1~y, but he- ns; the 1"ig11tS(‘)f g0ve1'1'1n.1e11t ever the gc>ve1'1.1ec1, as Well :1.e the extelmt of Fede- ml power. h Men talked then of the }h1ig~I1e1' law, mxd of :3, fluty above the C01;1stitutim:1,. Tt diwidecl the I)eIn.0c.1'::Ltic. pmty it-V self, 2111.01, Th :31. degree, took the place of the 1;>1‘e\riou>3 q1'1eeticm.~:< V about t11ec1iSt1'i1mti0n of the p<:>‘we1'e of g0ver111:ne11t.‘ 1VJIe:m" t.in1e:3L11eW genere.t,io11 was growing; up, zamd the eha11g'esi11 the :nature of the e<:>u1‘1’t1ry iteelf-h--—"»v1:1ic-.h, in the end, p1'c>Ved more e0ht1‘o11ing thzm a,1‘1ypuh1i(: ("1’1SC.1111SSi(’)1'1 or pr-;L1"r.y mc~.tive1'nment; would a,hs0rh too 1;n11c~.h power, but t.h:~1,t theS1;2;Lte g<;>Ve1'11n1e1"1t.s;: w'o111("1 c1'ipp1<-3., resist,‘ mld defy it. Un<5le1' the c.i.1'c:111“ns‘r.:?1.1i1(.303 then exAist’ing, these vi.ew.~_:: were ’p1‘<;>1_):?1,1h)]y jltétihfieuil. Bllt the i1’11:.1'()<:hu:ti<)11 uf ste:1..r11. 11a.‘\'i_sg;:1.ti()1h‘1 g::.1,ve :1. 1143 :m<’l Ir1:1.1"v011011s: <;1e\'<3IQp1'1.*1e11t to the xmtllml. unity of tj}_nc3 ]:1.n<1. For In) .~smi>11c»1' hzhufl the .~4t,e:1.11h1h1><:>:1.t 1>og;11t1 jo1'11'1my$ up the g;1h'e.:;1.t 1'ive.1.'.~:2. of t}1c>. i1,1te1.“io1', th:1.1*1 it.'(h'mv to- g<;at.11e1‘ within cfl:?1.ys of ezmlm cwtlxer, pcaoplo 1h>he.f'()1‘o S(31.)211'2.Lt@(.‘:l‘ by \v(;re,ks. Th1:1.s i1i1t.e1:1*'1:1.]. t.m.<31e \v:71,s dt-?V'h(:‘.1O‘1f)(?§(471 mm] with it wealth zuuil 1:)c>p111z:1.t3i.c>1'1 i11<::h1'(-'.>.::1,.¢se.<7l,, :m 0st.;"L1;)1iS}"mc'.1. :I:{m‘1.c1.<: ;w'c;e1‘<> c;s;\:t.e1h1<“1e.ui;It, o.n,1“1:‘1.1s (fling, 1:)c)st 1‘(Tf)11mS n:1111ht:i1;>1hied, 11e2V\'.9:p::1.}_»e1's (‘Iis1;r.ih11tf.e<1 ; <}l:Ie: glfehwv’ 1'ic+.he1- ; th<:=, xxrilve1'cc>1'ne, ;, tmde mxcil ilf1tz@I.'C(;])l1l,‘H(-3 1‘)(~?’f:VV’"(;%(ié1Il c1i:ffe:1'<43.nt 1::>::1,1:'1'..~:s' i1‘]C‘...1‘(;".:?l.Se(“l, 1’L1”1(T1 :1, hetztc-.1‘ 1111<1<31h'$t:1V1h‘1di11 g; :‘1.mj1 gm:h1,te1‘hom(;>ge11e(>11s:1‘1em zmmcmg the pe<')]_::)hlca of tlm <‘1iffm-mat S(7:Lt.GR f<)1l<;»‘wcad - untiil :1/c« lzmt t.h.e Ra-Ihilh ML W215‘ 9 Y i11w11‘r,ecl,, clmxviclxg t<)g<;».t}1e1.' w.ithin }:1h<)1‘11's:,’t]"10 }:);<,L’r. }“'l'::‘.l‘(-‘:17 o11ly h1r11g1i1t. ‘;Vit,]1‘i\rI1 <'51:s1,y.s' of <;>:u:~.11 0t.ho1- ; :m<7l h tllam last, :'L11- :~L1h't.%<1>i"131ml:1.n<1 TiIlt(T> i.1".1s1::u1tcon1m1h11h1fi<::1[hti<;h>11A with em.(;:]”1 <:)tI"1m'. % h I3ey(>1h1<71:7L11this, of 21.11 ’r,l"1e. t}‘1ih1'ty-sevelx St.:mteJS, twollhty-fm11' 11ev'e1' WG1'@()lTigiI12:l.1 St:?Ltes at all. h N eamly zmlhlhof tI:1ese ]'l:91-’V’(3 known no life. tlmt 'xV:‘:m nut ]f>m't. of or cc)1111ca0tec1 with tlmt, of the Fe(.‘1@.1:':1:ies, h1i_x*i1hhmg txptm I¥“ec1<—3.1*:;-1.1% ,hmmt,y, ‘h (2011- trollecl by hI4‘ec1c:>1-:11 ofiiciacam, smhject i1h1hh.:11lt1:1i11g.sv to .F‘eder:LL1 leg»: islation - and 'xV}w11 ’ohe* c-mne at last to 1')ehSt.z1I1;es: t}1ei1' m 516* V 3 1 ‘ 3 h V 0o1:11.<:1 not forget the te1h'1'it<:n'i:11 1'91:-mi<;>h1h'1:+:h‘0f their G2%Ll‘l.i€.’I‘ ‘ye-um, 1101' l1a.veht1m.t3 Statpe plficlle h:>u1<.7l that Ve11e1'2Ltim1 for Stztte hriglmts which the. citizetms of the origixmal States p%ossess.% 16 F_r0m the moment, the1'ef<:n'e, the question of Slzwery ripened into hseeeseion, zmd thus hrought on :11, test of "p}1ysic:—L1 stre1:1 gth, . the e}:1m'.1ges in the nature of the em1r1t1'y were a,ppe1'ent. It would have been just as 11111:m*fh1 to have seeeded fifty yGfl~"le'S hefo1'e,h11t}:1rLc1 s11e11 e seeessiell then <)(3cu1'1.'ec1, it \“v011lt<’1 not h:1,\'e heen put down. But, when the late War h1'0ke out, the people of the North, who Imd hee11.1a.1‘ge1y t1':1de1's, 1."I1ft1‘11'1fz"LCt111‘01‘S :1.f1t111s01i(?1zi1.tei“1ztmd (me, mufl muet he kept t.c>g;c~t1‘1e1* _; and with a Wo11e1.'1:ntitte<:1 t11(‘;*:F€*-("1€i)':1\1 p:Lw'm' h tn exercise dttring the War g‘e11em.1e :md :'1.hec.>1ute :u.1t'1101>;it.y'. But the people of the South who 11:L(11'eI11a.ined e}“1ie'fly z1grie1.11— tlnists, z1;n10r1g whcmxl the planter was; the fi1‘S‘b critizen,$\V}“x<;>s<: te1'1'it0ry Vves mue1:1 imore .spa1'ee1y settled, eynmd whose tmde :‘1.1‘1c".l me:-me of intereommmixiezttion were few e<:1, helie\«'- ed in no sue1t1 ecm.s01.i1‘1:tLiety of the W}101GmCf()1il1]tI‘y. In % m.1'1fy'i11g; on the ‘vv'm.‘ the Fedeml. C§h:>w"e1éI1u1et1t 1'm.<:1, heeideee e.\:~ V e1.'ei.si.11g its 01.'<:1i,1t1e::1,ry 1.)<:>Vve1+.s;*, i.1:1‘1_1;::>1ieeeep0l.ized the eo11t,1-01 ef the hz1.11]ris1_1gIh1- out, of its own W111, the _moet ge11em.1 {Mld the xncmt :ths<<)111te ne,ti0na,1 1;)owers. The Wm? 1'ee1‘1t1tte(l in the n.1:>o1itioh_ 0:! .93I:L\'e.1-y and the eonquest of theSc)11th. VVith hpe:;1ee t1:1eU11it¢e<1 S’t:,1.te~' s:t«t;m<;1 forth with but twenty-five Stzittee, the (.i)tvh(§:1.‘S ’\v<;m:s its conquered %ter1'it0jry.t ‘But it ::14tm><_1 f<,>rth with h11:1t.ie<.;h>%1m1t 1m;=.~h1.1r1t1.'y 1’1p<:>11 ea.rt.h. Ft()110‘Wil’1g'hth@ Wm‘, caxne reeonet1'1wtio1e1, with the 1'eg111::1.t.i%r::.>1h1t1 — 17 of s1:1ff1.‘:we 51,11 cl tline (::<:>nt1-é(;>l of elecmiorw 1:) Oo1‘1o~_1-ess arid L‘: . _ . D 3 fi1;1:1Lll T the esta,l)l.isl1n.1e11t of its L)()W(31‘ over Ves‘r.ecl 1*i.<'vll1ts. ‘ All 3 as in effect \V()1‘l{l1'1g :1, 1'e.v01ut.ion ; zm mvolutiolgx wl1ic.li1 the <;3l,1:a,11ges in blue pl'1ysic;z*Ll c<:>1:11'e.;>::u'i.111<‘»‘ tl’1Q*.\ mc) ;:»l.c~3. for but 'Wlf1."lClT1 tlfxe ’W"2?11st1'm;:- him. the Der;x_;1_m31':'1.t,icz lf’:lu't. ' mised ins‘ v<;>ic:e for the. '1+i0'l.1ts of 3 «T33 St:mt.c3.s, :2:1.1_1cl zfLg2_',‘::.L'i1l1.~;t. the1131211-p::Lti.o11s0f tlle. Fe1l1 of tlm <:*.<;>111i1tr 7* 3 xvczre C3lJ‘1t:L1.1g0(.7l, ;1;mt A1)ca'l::‘A1.‘1ll1$c;a the pc3<)1;>l.e .110 1011 :{?:*Lv<:;1'<=2,d l,lIjIlltL}€l :1.ml lc)<::1.lil:/Ami v<3.1'I1.m0»11t; ::1lt1e:1.st $.:<;> 'l":‘1l.'1'l:1.h‘."(.l’lTl(;3 tl‘1<:>1.w'l1t 1:5 7 . L‘: M all-ji)<;>ut1..p1'il1i(:i‘ple$ at 21.11.. :I;31:1t silmx;-3. lirvl-i-"7lliV‘t““L‘\"||8l‘)E1 zixml ll<:_><::Lliz(;:1.*c;=a.isl.‘e.1l1tl.@.e.<)1f>Ie tl1<:;>1l1gl1.t., 11:1.t,im'1zmlity :'91,m:l 121110 11lec:c;~ss:L1'y :.:111‘>1l'c;z1:1‘1.:u;-.y <:>f the. Fe<:le‘1?:e1.l. (tJl"O'V'tE!1‘1ll'I'l;‘l.(Z’zll1’(':, :;m<.’l .9i1l1<;-.0. t;.l‘w.y Vve.1'c7: (‘1.(4““t;’(“1§.I‘>I.‘I’1i‘]l{;B(’?F1D :1.l:mve all ’ul1il1‘1gss, n1::>(:;>n 11l1l::1.il1*.1m:i1lli1il)g n:1,t.i<:>rm.1li.t.y, tlmy ".‘1Cl(‘,.1i.‘(llc.'.11(E]» 221.5 tlmy (lid. I11 t.l1<;ei1.~ 11:?Lta11m, in tlmiir claw <22] <:;>p11*:1c.~.1‘1.13, in tlmi:1l' 1'c:al21.Lt,i.c>1"l1l:s', Aim. tli1e.ir i1i1te1%c:<)t11+s3e, ‘nlll1ca";$}‘t'.:il>1,t3c:x:l4 l1:’1.vca fl1‘Ll(lC‘»Q.(:‘l g1‘()‘W11lt(i‘)Ag(3tli1€§1‘ ; :?:u:111 (.i)f t;h«:2 ‘ ‘ Fe,(l(a.1':‘L'1 Gr(‘T)V’”(3TI'}fi1II‘llt&1lJ13 to t.lm St:Ltem,l SC) fm f1r<:m1 :1Lc.:cs<,>1*rc.'ls .+:.L15l“1c::1* 'w:itli1 tlw 1'c:a;l I‘C3l.‘?Lt.l.(.)1’) of tltxe. Fea<:lem1 (.T}(T)V'(i?9171fil'I.il.l(;‘»l7Ll’C: to 13110. r.l.‘C¥I'l.'l.l3(L)I'l(3H. If you <:a.1i1q11i1.‘e. of the l ounn‘ In.e11 of film c:<;)1:n1t1'l .‘1L1’l(1 of tlfm W<:>l1‘11m1 of \vl1:a;tc:aV*m'l :1. Are- l an you will filiufl l:l).27iLl3, am to at l.e:mt tl1‘1*ee~fo111*tl:1s of tllmnx, $11011 tl%1elx1a,t1l11'e of VV'l'1:"Ll3@.V’(i3I‘ views on the s11l.)je<.3t tlxey ha.ve.l If, tlwxn, tl:‘1elc:ll1::Lr1g@ucac>1;i>le.l1:a,V<:3 lgreera so g1'es:»m3,lc>111* fimt duty isrto xrecog-: .niz«;=,~. the fa.<3t.l It. is; 21.1lwa.y:;~; am dt1tylf1t-m1l:1.y to 1'c-"aa<.>gr‘1ize m~u1, to nmlrm. tlm limzst of tile inevita.l:)1.ce. .AT1lC.’illhOVV’(3V(3«1‘l(fl1(3é3L‘I‘l it Illiity lye to who }s;Lre f2"il.II1ilia1“ with the csoxxlxpirornises of tltxelOc>'mz1;it11til01**1 zmcl the 1*ilgl1l13:::~.: of 1:119 %St:;ttes,ltha.t the Fec..le1'::m1 18 GreVer111x1e11t}'1ee 2?1.SSl.1lI16d]_)O\V(:31‘S alike 1:mW:?m*a,1;1ted a,nd 1.1I.1- he0r1stit11ti011e1, We must not let the 11nzw0idab1e logic of our eollvietions, prevent us f1'<7m1. rememhex.-ing that hehi11d:1.11 emr1- etittltimle 1'e11m,i.t1e the 1'ig11t of 1'ev01uti011. Th::-Lt wh:21.t the pee- ple as it Whole, really, eoherly, zmd fi.m:t]t1y dete1'mi11e 11p<;m, they Wi11.1’1.‘«;1.V0, mad, as this dzty 1'e111i11ds. us, ]‘f12:1;VG :-L 1'ighttt<:> lmve. For :t1'ter M1, this Federal GroVe1'1m;1e1;1t V'::LS estehldieltxetl by the People, zmd for the People. Its; just right::s' depend 111;)- on th.e'11_' e01;1se11t. They did indeed e1'd:*.1,i1'1 $1. f1111d.m11e1.1.t:;1.1 law, and p1'ese1~i.be11m’ zildolile it should be emellded. But 9, new e011diti.<:>1:1 of t11i1J.ge 1i1:iwi11g 1il1.‘iSG1‘l. they imsietecl 1‘1pOl1 eI.1:m1t1g;_;;ee in that Iew mut]. did in feet <311e.1'.1 it. PG1.‘h:?L1I)S 1reg*11I.e1'1y £a,r.1 d ‘Wisely, :m.<::1 pe1'}:1:Lps, ms 11105517. of us lmve thc>1:1ght, di.1*1'eg111:2L1*1y tmd mlwieely, 1:m’r. nmle th}11e did they ehmil it. the e0111'ee. of pew‘e1', ::L<:3e01111.t:thIe only to tIt1emeeh1t\u'ee 3 ::m1y, it th:'1.t this is :. 11f'Lt-i011, not :1. czoexetxfcaclemtioml of sovereign States 3‘ that within its lixnidte st1:1;ve1'y elxetll. .remn.ih :;1.1)e1i.~‘3he«;:1, and pe1iti.e:1,1, 1rig;];1dte1e)e <:1eui,ed to no ir1;1m1 1:)em1ee of mee 01- color, :7md that the Fedé e1-:11 G«;'>ver11111e1t1dt sdh:.1,11 have 1:)oWe1' to p1.'e:~:4e1've and enfm'ee these ri.gI‘1t.e. VVe find <:)1d11'eca1ves, therefore, f:u:+.e. to tfeee t}1;i.~:.: day with it new ~.:s'idtu::1.ti<;m. A V2LSt17OVVt§]?ft1]. Imited I1:1ti()11 lme ta.ker1 the place of a few sepemte-+ imd ecw'e1d'eigrd1 States. Our ee11t1':tl. govet-1m1e1t1t 1:1:Ls,hy :m1e1e1dmerrt.s, by (:o11st.r11etid1i.tie:a,1 results, ewe (32?LI11]l_Ot expect to I.'(‘¥VO1'S€“ those 1'esu1te. But. if We could reverse t".h0:s'e 1'esu1t.s', we s}'1011ld. even then but 1m1,'t.i:>1,1tl_y" 2‘-L11d i41'1.h1¢perfeetly 1'e111e('1y the e\'hil.~‘< Wh‘it<:+f}‘1 now exist. 'J.‘hese. evils £".L1f'iS(E!, fimt zmda{l:;mve:Ll1, T ‘r.1.1iuk, f.1'mn. the peWe.1' of p1-i.'vete zmd ;s;(]_‘>e<:r.ie:1,1 Iteg;is1:?Ltic)1:1. ‘ In :1. pom.‘ :u1<§l spm.'.~3e ee1‘111;m:u1ity ust eet:m1hh>1eis}t1,;i11g :1, geve1'1‘1- ment, this Smte was it eentlury ego, the lc>e:iL1 <:.111eetie11s :1.m1 jlfiut es. the State g1.'c)w*s richer the O1)1..)C)1.'fi1ilI’1iti,GS for 17)1“Ofit in the l.'om.1 of g1.‘:‘:u:1ts }")t‘.iV’:Ll.t@ elteime W}{liC:1'l exist are i.1'1eig1i1_ifi.c:e1xt.. of spcaeiel. mivielegee zsmcl f:':.me11isee it11c*:1_*c>.u.se, rmd the ir7u:11h1ee- 11.1.e1"1,te to eo1'1'L11:>t 1e.ggisl4ztti.0.11 i«11te1'e:71.ee with tI"1csse :;Le<:pu1:1,ti<:)11 1t2m1*gcsh1r ::1,1i1,(1 ’\~':;l;St[fy 1'iehe1;' t}'1:fL1f1p tlmt <;:>::I:' the Wlmlte c;:1h111t1'y' at the Rev<:>111t‘it(.')1:1. Men em: fi‘1;1t<71fy the n1c>11e1;.m1t‘ies of fer1"iee an (1 1‘¢:;:';L<11s:11t1t(1st1'eeteit.s iI}egie- 1::1.tu1'e em: grmlt. 'l.‘he pc:)we1* tllzitt.L(;§g‘i.S1fIL1}1.l 1'i)<:>ssc;aeecae 13(5) c-.1'e:1,th.e c-.01-Apc>1re,tie1t1,e, to :emtIt1.<:')1t*izet (‘.C)I”Il1T")i11iil.ti(f)IlS,, to g,_g;1.':L11t ];;>h1-i.hxe'i1.eg(ae, and c:e1‘1fe1' epeceizitlt rights is; the 1;_:>eWeh1* to e1:11'i<::~.h one mml. at tlhle (*‘3Z3‘{l1‘TTj)(l‘.1t1S€*.h()‘f the Whole. Few SO11ght sueh r;zeh1e1101;>e]tiee in the em-lye t(f'1z"LyS of the State lyeczzmee few such nxcmepol.iee were then ‘fé%1‘11a“ h We ; lmt 1'1 OW, that sme1:1 g1”‘fi,1H3Sh27l.\/‘<3’1t)G!(3(')]I11€%'V£‘l.1l1£t1f)1(3, thlhxcmetwlhxe szeek them 1:)eeie5g;e the Legie1.et1'L1re for their gift until it #11213 :f:' late Ayemre heeeme 2?» prey to .ee}‘1e1:x1es for p1'iva.te g*tm11t;s. an (:1 privztte geixthle. Those who such gmumte not only seek to h i1e1fi11e1th1ee%2m<“1 eormpt the Legi.s1e;tu1'e but to ecmt1*to1. it. Be- gi.1111i1h1gWit11 the pt'i.r11e.1'ies they put their men f0rW::L1'<:1, OM11-y- hing them through the 11oIi1i1mting (conventions mlél S1ISt:1'i11iI’1g' them at the polls, so that such members, if e1.eeted, got to Albany, not to represent the people, but the jebbers that elevated them. Every year the number of p1-ivete mats i.11c:1r(a2:Lses3. They 1111mber a11'e:«.Ldy nine-tenths of the ’Wh(7)1(3 1egis1atic)11. W'e h.€we indeed repe:-mtedly seen the Legielntlltfe e0nti111.1ing to sit for weeks beyond :1 1egiti111:mte ees§si<:>11 With011t imy known or 1e.W- ful eo1n1:$e11se,t.io11 1:)ec-mlee of tbe number of its 1;>1'iva.te bills. I11dee<:1, no ptlblie :1L£1x':111t.:tg'e 0:‘-m1 result from any priv.‘-Lte. grzmt ; While, as 1'eg::1,1'de 1(_T>(I.‘,:'-ll 1eg'ieb1:;1,t.ibo11, since the Leg;is1.:2tt111*e c:::L1t;1110t know What 1'0ede or 1)1'i(igee or cc_>rp01':1.ti01y1s are neede(;1 in p:i::,1'tic~.L11::u' localities, in acti11g on e11e1’1b zmd kindred q1e1eetit01ye1.~s' it e::1.11110t but act. b1inc11_y, if not recklessly fmcl <30r1:upt1y. Such evils are not eoxixfined to New York. T1“1eyprev:ti1i1‘1:21,l1 the States Where p1'iV:.1,te.legielation is of “-y'::t1\l'.1(ifi zmd i.spe1.'mitted. They are zunong those evils I 1'epeet Which were not. f<:>1'e~— seen, 3.1161 eotlld 11ot11:we1;*>ee1‘1 :?mticsipz=1.te]_e of 1i_111it;i11g the 1'::1.1g;e smd :7u3.t.im1 of g0v‘e1'1‘1n:1e1:1bt which liee at the f01:,u1deti.<7)11 of the Fe,the1*.fs" syete111. In eVe1'_y State of V t.}1i::-.1 Union mixcl in most E11r0pee,n 1m.tio~11s it 1‘".lfrLS been found ‘ €3SS(31f1ti:‘l.1 to im.p<:>se ecmme ec)1y1.etit11ti01m.1 1ir1b‘1itz:Lti.c>1:1e 111mm g<)“v~4 e1-11m.e1:1t. So that w1'1ether by 1ff)G1'.'fHL‘01‘1S born to place, or (3h.OSe1‘"1 by the 1::)eo1;f)1e, gc)y'V‘"e1'1‘1111e11t eb01f1I.c1 eqtmlly be 1'eetmi1:1ed, in f:>1,Vo1' of i11divid11z7-L1 1‘ig}.1t.~:~'. fmm eXe1'eiei11 c.*.e1'- tein. pC)W'Eé1‘S. On the same p1'i1'1c:i1:b>1e, Wh::Lt needed to ml)- ta.1"1.tie.11yboverecmle the evils 1'ee111ti11g; from the late e11<5>m:1011:~f< g1-owth» of private ::md special legieletioxm is to 1'e.st.1~ibc:t; the Legislature from sue11 powers of 1egis1et.im;1. 7 T}f1i.e Ime elready been done in some of the Weste1y'1‘1 States, no- tably in the RepL1b1ie:m State of Iowa, a.11.<:1 with the best efl:'eete. In tlmt State the Legis1a,ture is p1'ohibite<.1 by the f“1111i1an1e11te1 lyaw fzmrxx ]_:>asei11g any private iatet. VV1m.teve1' bis gr} I I I I ‘ dcme nxuet be done by pubhe eet equally open to e11yc+.1t1zens.t Such :21 provision. may be a.ttenc"lec1 at times with some incon- venie11ce,'tho‘11gh I dbotlbt even the need of tlmt, but S[lG17li11- V ‘ eonvenieneet if it exists is of small ixnportenoe e0n11:>2u°ed with W 2:1 the 1f_)l11‘”)1i('.'. §g;o0so1.1.1te cmd to 01,'1'1.1pt leg'is1:mtih<)11 by (lap)-i‘vi.11g*the Legis~ 1£1,tu1'e of 1311163 1i>0‘W01' to permit 1:>1111’1de1'. Tlfle. late ::?1,1:1:1e11d1‘neuts to 0111' C011st.it11ti%o1"1 p1'o];msec1 by the Ccmst-itutioxml C<:m:m1is— .<:.ion, n1t.]%"1c:)11g151 in t]i1i.‘s;' 1rc~s1;i>(sct less t,]%%1()1'<‘*>11glL1 t.-}“1:”-L1-1 I ce0111<:1 have Wislmci, Wm11<1 hm'e. ]f)Ci(.!1f.1 ::L 101mg‘ st,1-_i<1e in ‘(.130 1'ig}*:1t <:1i1'ec+t.io1"1, :’»u1dtI:w. n'11113i1:1ti%(:m of t}1os(a z;m1e1‘1d1ne11t1s by* ‘rm-. IJeg‘is1:1tx11'c> is, i1‘1Vc10e<"1, g;1fc:x:?1.t'1y t<:i> be 1'c$g1-c~tt.ca<1. 1%")? mmthin .41-ut>1%'tc>ii’ :1 c}fx:1.1:1gca in t.1w flim1.'11.’r.111e, vmry1%1:?L13'11:1>m:>f t1‘1i.11g.s* 1<;‘>1:1g :i{L'S_‘[3110171C3(%Q?Si€4:"L1.‘y 1:m1)— 11i(i‘. ].cagis1:‘1.13‘i<"'>1%1 is .9m;1:‘21,11, z1;m1 1;")1'iV:LtC¥ l_og;is1:w1ti'fit- :“1.1:)I.e, so 1(;').l.l must, $11011 <;2’vil,s 130. in $1, ‘_<.__;'1r<=2.:a,t<:~:1f (fin: c%1cag14'ec3 ' 10<;)]<.m1 ifor, ml <71 I'c;+:f"1'1':11 in 1::I'1c:asc: 1.'c»s1M‘>c;~(:-t.s 1)1‘(I)'V0 1:11:11? 1{T):3L1‘ti£’L1 :7m<’l 1:m‘1;V1V1:) <;:>1':‘1.1'y. A $t".:“Lt“.ca in VV*}'li(’3}11 11101.1 :11'c:~. left. my 1*’ 1111 1i1'w1‘tt.y to f(I‘f).H(f)’VV" t}‘m.i1:' T1..‘,“‘)]“i"":‘L‘tM'(~“ 1:>1j1;.Ws¢.'~“: Wi1i,I:xc>m; t»1?<:)1flf>1:i1*1 t‘1‘1c:1‘%1;ixsc¢].%\*cs :;1,1:%:>(L:>121t 1:)1*:11">1_iA<;‘+. 2i1,fl?2"l.i1'S is, (i1(i)1l‘1\)t1€?SS, 21. 1l'f1()H13 f<:>1't.1‘1n:1t“.(a Stmca, }.')1‘(i”)- vi<‘1m'l s1‘10}:*1% 1;1%c:rQ;'1_(2.l.y 1:>e1.'I'1:1it;tc2<1, :im<:1 w'i.I‘l. :nc>t: 1‘1c:cws:s:z‘L1%'i1.y <;>.11(1‘i11. 1c>2%Lv‘i1:1g tlm f:}‘,'O‘\v'€§1.'I1I‘!Tl.G31‘l,t to 1311c: \VC)1.‘St, (1.9 _ mill 9"";r.;:-welt w..~/zwaW?m39~ Z7/M? ‘ v.(%m"szf (I,lr r/w jaw;/‘lit by (2r;m~'2.<"Za.m2timy 5/rjmn (:W2.m.cm.Zf. Wee ..s?1.1:L]1. Im ‘fl.‘@(}% to i1'x<1*1'11gc~ in mu;-.1;1 1*1eg;1.eiacst. in }3>1'<;)»- ‘ pci)1~t.‘im:1 .2%L.~s' We: Iirnit 121149 1:mwm* of gm(:1-1:11:x':1.cmt; £Lg'2§Lil‘lS1‘: 1‘:I"1.:’Lt pri- 'v:a,to; ibfld .~:4}*‘)c:a<::i%:a,1% 1u‘gis%l%zILtic‘:1j1 Whit:-.h m‘I?o1:~d:ts i1'1<;1%11<:~(:eIx1(‘:1"1t;sz to (emu 1 1'11pbic>1%1, m:u:7l 1.'c!$t1‘i<:t. it to t1':l(7)SC‘.. ‘p1.11"‘)1i.0 I11(~3£.LE'»11l.‘(I¥S vv‘hic.l1, 0pem- % ting‘ c2q11::1.].%ly1V1% all (j:iti2$(1*.I“lt"i-‘., 1.e:1'\'e: no S1.T>C~‘.C1i2?L] ::~1,<:1“.‘*2~1,1i1‘r..:ga,g_;,,V~*(;2‘ to "lm % s<:>11ght% 01' gz:Li1’1e<‘3l bym:1y. VVl::un:1 so much <:>.f II*1 113% especially f~Lff(fi(3:17S t}“1osc3 1<‘>c::<:x.1i,t.ie.<_:%i.<:z 1.'e1cag~ate(1%t0 U118 c.~.m.mty and town :>u11;1*101~i,t,i m:wtt1.1i1'1 duceme11t to e0rr11pt.i011 will e0:ni1e also. 22 VVI.1e1'e the ea1'eass 1‘C*.111f.Lil1S there will the vultures be also. % If t1;1e1'e1:)e :1. necessity for such 1-este1':?1.ints ~1;1po1‘1't{he Stme 3‘r0‘\'e1'x1111e1e1ts, still more are they likely to be, :'~:L11("1 mt. rm disa- t.-:'mt time needed in 1'espeet of the Fedelnl. pc>We1'. VVhe11 (_‘Jo1e1g1'ess shzmll have fully entered on the 1;i)11si11esS of priV:m’r.e legislationxg ‘W11G1'1 it .:s*11:;11el pm-oeeed g‘e11ea1':"1.11y', :15: it 1151:; juet 1_»egu11 to do, to g1:2u1t pri wmte C2}.'1£L1't€¥];‘S :fmc1 c-.re:1te ::~_q'»eci:e1,], p1'iV"11eg;esm1d :f1'5L1‘1eIi1ieeses 239/'2, if/M xS'm2:(3.s', the 1+ese1:11et will be to m1ite 1113011 Wzxs11eie1e1gto1e1. 51.11% the "lc>1)bi.11t there :1 (:r.m.'1-1.:1pt3i<:>1f1, {LS 1;x1.1:1eh 'WO1.'S(3 t1.1:::L11 t.1;1.:.mt: wliliczh 1;>1'ev“a,i1s at any St.:a.t,«.«> Capi4t:1.le, as the 1_:>0Wer of the 14‘e<;1- eml Go\.'e1‘1m1ent is f.g;1ée::1.t<;~1' zmd 1eex:m1'e §.};(?:I"l(,! ‘:11 thml t1;1:;Lt of my 55t:1.t7e. Hithe.1't0 the legiSI:?L%t.i01:1 of C?<)1.1g1‘€»:$ ];1:”L:4 1;:)ee11. chiefly ge1'1— Q~“ly".-:T/L/1!! lD(f>1'11:)f.1e:.~:s* its p<:7>We1' to c1ef.e1_'1‘1'1..i1i1e W111 at Slllzltn be ex- pe.11c1e<1 fox‘ pu1:)l:i.c. WO1‘kS ziuld b1.1i1di1:1 in Vp:‘1.:1.‘t3i(~.1:11_mr 1OC‘«:fL1.iT:i(f.*S too oftell C‘.(I)I”l'l'.l'01H Re1)1‘ese1‘1tzmtiVes,» :‘m<:1 leads to evil eLt, exczept gmrexts of the 1i:m1';>1ie. 1m:1c1s:, S111Z)eSi(1iGS, zmcl th.1"1 I fem‘ the op1:)ort;1:111ity for m1d%in- I)oub1s1esS Sll('31'l1 s.)ecia11eo~is1:;Ltion%is not Wa1'm1;1tec1‘ b tlxose con:st1'11ct.icme of I % t':.> the power of C011g1'ess W1‘li¢2h f0 rn1e.1*1y p1'e‘v‘a'i.1e<.“1; mad to re--% ~.tur111:0 stelch eo11st1'uetions would tend to prevc-.2nt these evils. But such econstructions we liuzmsed upon 21. general 1'1a,1'rc>w11<.=..~iss ‘ of Federal powers in conflict with the pr-eva,i1i11g ideas. But. to 1~estrai11 Co11g‘ress by di‘rec:’r. an1endmen13 from suc-.11 legislae Alation is to conflicstwith 110 Views of how %t}‘1e% Conetitu-~ 23 ti(;m.sh0ue1d he <.:tuth01°ity tvlnieh .]‘1:~tV'(3. xntevertltlteless m;>\v 1;)ee<.;>me cl:t11gem11s :.u:1d evil. Imfleed there are 1'espeet.eAin which it 111i_gI'1t be for the i11ter~ eat of t.}m 1‘)£fi(|w)'I‘:")1A(rIL?’i\i:‘ the pmvem of Oo11g1‘ese were e2nl:t1rg;e<:.1. F()1‘ ti1:1stm1ee so as to pemxit it to p1re.s‘e1'i.1)e11nit:f<:>1'm regu1:L‘ti.<)1t1s in 1°e~.:+pc;>et“. off “ e<:m.n_r1e1‘ei:::1,1 p:1.pe.1",” :i1.11d the 1i:1,hi1.ity :t11.<::1 d1‘1ti.e.~7s of eonxmon e:m.'ier;s'. But 'wo111<;71 it not he better in every re-A .~4peet if i11;s*t3e:L1t'cess:lty giV'erth1 it, :m<:;1 its; ether‘ powem he at the smile time 3(1) limited :1m1in in1p:ti1'ing ve..~s*te1':1d tltmt 1:'1‘the1~ :isfc)1t11+(;a.<;a of’ <::>i1r presexlte evils is to he fmlrld in the ter:um*n<:ms ~i1te1c:t1'e:tse miuil ee1‘1ti'a,1imtio1e1 of offiteiztl ].t:»e1n;'o1!1:tge. VVi.th the g1:-owth efthe ec>1111thtryefl’iees m’1<;1 pzttrolmge have‘ grown ztltso. But GS‘p€;5(.3i£t11y is this true of the Federal ];>e.t1‘otr1:Lge. So~ Wholly ti1'1. ep1;>eint1nents over which he exereises zthsoe lute mld iu1medi:2tte e<7>r1tml, Before the te1egre.p11, :.1.1theugh this tpéttxroxmge was large it Vvee impossible for him to exereiseh it esnow. Ooxnmxxnieetioti by mail was then too slow to zsuilmtit of proper enq1.1i1'ies allél prornpt clieseilspline i1t1h1<-emote pmts of the eotimtry, am} the patronage was the:-efhore lmeeesé eerily largely delegated, 24 But now, by the aid of the te1egra.pI1, the Presidexat knows in the 11'101'11i11g as Well W11.:~1.t]:1:ts 11a.ppe11ed the «Jay 1i>ef0re in Oregolx ::1,.s in l\5‘Izt1'y1:md ; zmcl can discipline every office ho1<:1e1‘ AA who fiitilfi "to keep his s.heu1c1e1.' 111.) to the a,d1‘11yinist17:1ti011. 00113.1‘, even in the 1‘€%111(i)t(3St 1;)::'u'ts, as 1)1'0.u11;)t1.y 11.8 if he were at clerk in t1"1e'.1‘1'e:_1.:ss1.11*y. The 1'es11b1t is, that he wields th::1,t ':>1,1'my of c>fliei:.f1,1s as if it were one 111:1.n. And with their active, i1:;1teres4t, a,1'1c:1 tlmt of their £1-ie1b1<;1s fL11C1].'€31£LtiO1.1S, they Otttll :m1r11oet e<;m~ trol not <:>111y 11o1b11ib1m.ti.ous but @1€§(Bti(:)]A]‘%' T1i'1iS C§‘V7'i.1, of VV11i.(fi11 we mwe felt the eem.1:11e_nc.e.rne11t only, it 11:13‘ been 1.f)].‘(f‘)1T_)(i)S0d to eure by whztt is styled civil service reforn1. b.I?31i1t n‘ ex.::1.111i— 11£L13iC)I“1 1101‘ pmfie'i.e11c:y in 1em.'1'1i11g will W'Q1‘k any s11.17>et:;t1b[1ti.:1.1 cure ffmr tbi.~i.: evil. It mam be 1':m<:1’ic::m11yy e1;u*e<3101'1]yby <1e<;:e11-— t.b1f:t1,izing,r :»1.11d 1in;1.iti11g; this p<:>yve1'. In twlbmt 1:):1'e<:ziee ‘way it 1'n:eLy1')e d‘i.f'Ifim11t new to £511 ]§’eb1b'1b1b:7L1.>s:4 by 1c><::::L1ib7;.‘i1y“1 the se1eeti<:m of slmb effi1'<;.>p<;=,1'1.y “ be Lz1"1c:>s<;~,t1b1. by the 1oezt1.ities~—m+s, for i1e‘1st:1.11<;se, 1.>c:)st1“1:12'eLste1's :Lin(1 tzmx g:mt.}b1e1rca1‘s, mxd 1j>oiA1;1t.e(1 by the P1'es‘ide.11t. <_Tle1:»e1:1<:1 11p<:;1‘1 g<;)o<:1 be1*1::wim11'. But. c:e1_*t::Li1b1 it that tlixiss }‘)2;Lt.1?()11z‘1.g;e is 110W so e1'1<;»1'11.m1.‘1s t.]m.t it 11;111.~:=t 1;)ei1‘1 $(;)I'I1('3. wzty 1'e:st1>iet,e(1 mncl’ 1'e(l11eecTi if it Imt t0 eolltixlue to be nbtlsecil. ‘Finally, as *1reg:i1.1'c;>.rpet11:1te zaeetlm11121,‘r.i<;>1;1.95 of p1;'c>pe1‘ty-—p1‘z*Ly 1*ega,1%<:1 the b g1'en,t <:o1*'1:>o1*::1,ti01'.1.sy of our day. fS1;)1'i.11~gi1b1g* from stnzitll f:l.SS(T)(‘-i€ttiO1lS ; 2m11oWec1,:ix:1 the s11p1:><‘>sec1 . tie eoncernzs that new eve1's}e1adow the 1z:;1.1:1d. I“Io1C1i1;1gc2sta,tee vaster thzm my nob1e,ywith~0ut (:(‘>ns:cxie1:1(3e, without II1()1'€L].<01' the like, :L1’1(i1 by e1b:1j;1:Lkei1.1 g the terlmre of 0fii<;+.e for those ape-, intereste Qf't1*a,<:1e to i11c:1'<;:2:;1.;s?e‘b::L*1b13d eo1'1s.c)1ibc12Lte--11ote the gigmx-b liwersolml aeeotmmbility, arid Without yelrujl, ::u1(i1 Without 1;>ossif1::>le mdubcembent to seek the public ‘good. 3 H:«;wing for thebi1F' best object the 1.).I.‘lV:?l.t(;3 §g;a.i1e1 of the (}()l‘]‘_i)O].‘£'Lt0]‘b‘, often only the w1'o;1h1gf111 g::1,in of their 111:t1mg%e1's. Tolcley some of 'tl1ese co1:1- oenls :?Ll)SOl11t(3ly oon.t1'olo the States tl'1et o1'e:éLtecl them. ()the1's t extend over tl1o11s:;mcle of miles of territory, and will §oo11, if they do not now, control. the Selection of every meiiiher of the L6g‘lSl2ILt11‘1‘G and of Going-1-ess along their routes, :?L11(Tl be 1'e,:i-dty to combine with others of their kind to control the nation. Since the WO1‘ldl')@.g:ILI’.l. nothing so cle1ig;e1*o11s to good govern— ment :.1is*t.l1esw gigmmtie :=.Lrti.fioi:tl o1'e:.1,tu.1'es ever existed. I*‘o1r they not only 1'x1<;>11<:>_1m1ize power, eeiitmlize WG:.Ll.tl1, zfvrid exer- cise control. withctmt. 1respo11s'io1:)itlity, but their ehamee :tflf’o1'(l f:toilit.y ::u;1él teitnptetioii to epecziilzttioizi :.‘.'t11Cl eorrtiptioxi W.h.ieh 1‘I1fLl{G the influence of these oorn.pn,r1ties ztlil1.1e :?t1’1<‘l. _1j)e1'.pe,t11a,l :f1,‘rtifi\c:ia.l o1'c;a:1.t1h‘11'er3 are nee<1e<;>mtione* of the 1:>re..<.:ent. élzm ge1'o11s ];:>mve1t#ezt11cl <.lim<.=.»..n— .sri<:)11s. Neither Ifxeecl any one 'l:>o :iL]j)1')1.‘(%l1L'"*.I“1:%.‘”iV’(;‘. 2?Ll3)0l.1t interfeiring with the I1::1,t1"1.m;l 1‘iglh1ts of (‘3().I.‘1])(.')l.'fLl3l()I"lfii. ]”)<:>1’11;>t'ltc.>..ee tlmt. the lh‘)est gove1h~1h1me11t Whiczh, while it _[)I'(RS(1.‘.1'V(3S orcler 2L1’.l(:li seeutrity, governs least ; :ime1-t.y I/>1':i.c:ticz2eLl9le to all. But eo1*pora,ti1h1e {LS :11, gleztt eo1'por:.tti<;>11. 5 it was left to the folly or the wiekeclneee of men to contrive it. Being the ore:«ltt111'e of the law it lmS11(") 1-igl1ts except those‘ given by tl1e law, .mi1(:1, like otlier inoiisters lioeneed by goverriiment, it eshoulcll for p11b1iio"'e2L:fet,y, if brought in at all; be lj)rought in oegecil. h ’ l ‘ ‘ Now, 110 1~e:;mtion in respect of the powers of the Federaili 26 GOVe1?11II):G‘.1‘lt-~1'1O retmrn to old eonstruetioiis will give the eotmtry the remeclies against these evils it now neeclsi They ean only he zitteiiied by clireet :1-L1’1Cl positive limitations of the powers of go"ve1'mne1i1t. Not only do revolutioiis not go l;)a,elle to make the people of these thi1'ty-seve11 St:ttes,—---the majority of them born enege:r.1, mic] knit to- gether by every f:ieil'ity of t.1'z1icle and C3011]II111]."ll(§3§ltl0Il,---f@(3l in respeet of St.:Ltep1'ii(le zémd State rights as our F2itl1e1's felt; but if we eoulcl go lmek to these e<:>.r1st1'uetione of Fecieml power t.l1ese evils ewoulcli not even then he emr_ecl. '.l7I1at e:i..n. only be clorie by positive limlit:itt‘io11s on the powers of the Legisl.:tt.u1'es, li;>otli1 St.:‘Lt.e suici Fecliere,l. ; i.11l1il:'>itir1g the e;x:erei.se l of those powers tlmt shouhil not he exe1'ei.se(l at titll ; 1(;:>cr.:t1iizi11g, where 1:.)1reeti<:*.:*1,l:>l.e, the exeireise of the powers th.:Lt must he re- t:1,i1‘1e(‘l; tmcl 1‘(3St1'l(‘/Cll']g Witliiiu sztfe l.imits the :21,utt.li.1o1'ity :im(l the e.<:>rnl;>iI:1z1,tio11s of the g1*e:;tt CC)l‘pO1':It13i(f)l1S. Imlistoryo fu1~11ishe.-3 no 1..).l'L¥U(i¥(l.(;‘.lll} for the possil:)I.e f11t.ure of this Iietioli. Vest, fertile, :93:-‘tll11l‘;)1‘io1‘1s, settled at it late age, zftucl tlius em-i.l)led to zwztil itself of iltll the leairriixig, expe1'ienee, :1mfi11m111feot111'e, eiicl of tmcle ; lying in the oczeene l‘.)€’/GW't‘.(¥:‘.I1ytl1(5 Orient ::1,11<;‘l Eixrope 3 it has within the century ]_§)it£Sb3L’~3Clf1'OII1 {L few feeble eolmiies to :.1. nation of the mightiest power *a,m;l weztltli 5 While in<;lefi11ite room for growth and pro- gress still remains to it. i But, eleis ! the clifiieulties in go've1'm11ent lIT1(31'(3btLS(3 with the V numbers g‘oVemecl.i If but few men dwelt alone upon this island, eeeli migl1ti1'eta.in the lamgest liberty. But as numberjs inieyreesle, mid men erowpdi upon eeoli other, each must in some dpegi'eei1'est1~a.i11 the exercise his owniriglitsg, or trench upon ‘,4, _ 39),». 27 those of his neighbor, mid thus the diflieulties of government begili. VVith ine1'en.~5i1Jg number :;mn<:l i11e1‘e:1si11g e:,i.pitel, they ine1'e:1sye. Our people l1:welbee1“1 disposed to think that the form of goVe1'n1n.ent beque:-Ltlied thpem by their F{Lt.l').(:‘.1'S would of itself work a enre for all the evils of luimnnity. At length it must be seen tlmt this is not so. A1r1clz;L1tl1o11gl'l1 the mitioiliel (,lOII1zll11iSt:ii‘lfLlf()1'(l:-3 :?t1.'Gf11g‘(3 to the l::Ll:)<:>ri.ng n'm,n, when erowded down by eoinpetition in the gre::Lt oities, Wl"1i(.3l7l. E11l‘(f)1.)@£,Ll'1 ne- tions do not lm.ve--—~Wl*:1iel1 is in itself it 1'e:.1sc.>11 wh y these lé:tI1Clt‘;% should not be p:-1.rted witli, except in liniited (L|11il€3tl1l3l.i}i(3S to netmtl s5et.tlers«~—-yet g1':;.we diflienltiee mid grave evils do ilow exist. It is time our 1:)e,<;)1:)le re:;-1,li,zed that to nas.‘ is now given the :;1,1'<.:l1.u711e tmszlc of :1l::L1'.~:se. ::.m(.l poor nnd fl'l1g'iLl. people, to the .1'l11'1111l")e1i'.;'s_' 27t1I).(.'1 'we:Lltl:1. ml l.uX.x11*y of our time. That the government ()1‘‘ :21. g;1re.nt mition c;::n::n1ot, e:¢tfe1y be left to neg.l,eet, nor to the ewe of tl‘1o:“»'e who S0€;*.l{ it o1.1lrytl’o1.‘ the pe1'elLt,ures, the pa,t1-omige of the Executive, and the ggrowtli and privileges of private cor- porations. ‘ Limitation by eonstruetion if may be, if not by l ‘ direct constitutional amendment, but in any event, limitation; 28 10c:a,lizati0_n by St:‘1.te.s.‘ a.11d within Sta.tes, hut yet 1oc:a1iz~ ation. _ Now, Vvhat,eve1' 11:1::Ly lm the pmties of the fut.111*e,I shall he funnel o11l_tl1e, side of ’0li1L%Se who see]; by such truly clen1oc:1'atic tr11ea.1.1s t.o1lp11t li>ou1;1pose<“1 thee ex- i::t.ing Cl01’_1stit11ti.(:)11 lmcl, ::Lft.e.1.' its :3L(5l01;)ti()1‘1, cz<,)11f0r1'11e1‘o A1o11g to :1. <:*.m:1t.rol. of t.l':1e. c-.m;1t1t1.'_y, l:Lst.i1“1g for fifty y'm-1-.~‘-._:, my wish wolllrl he.~—-that. tl1ih.~3 sa,r.11<:*. g1.*<:=.m3 De11.1<.>c1.-::1.t.i<: 1:>:m't:y slmlllltl mme 1n_m'e fully zmncl f1l':m.l{ly c.01:1:I:'r(;mt. 13110. Sll3l1:1.ti0n; £AL1‘1(.1VD 1'e(;0g1.1iz- litllg tlm 1fev(:>l11t.i<)11 13];11'011gli1 Wl‘1icsl1 the c:0111'1t1‘y llxzms 11):.L.~3$@<1 until the olm11geSi1h1h the ;_;§0“ve1'11ment which l'.lfl.V€3 1.'0sl11llte<.Zl, $l:m11ld :7mp1:>lhy to the exist.i1'xg $i’ou::'Lti0n t110Se 1)1'i11cip1es of li11*1iltli11.g zmcll l0C32LllZl1"lg‘ g0ve.1f1"1111e11t. tlmt. lie at “Lille founc1:“1;ti<:>1i1 of mu‘ f:_\.itzh. 'l.‘lm1; lmvilug 1;>111'ge1:1 of gxrezmt (3()1'pC)1.'2L’C:l(L)Ifltfi, ’ulf1(:% :*Ll‘;)l1S»t5 oil’ exu- :‘Lt1'<.'>1:1affe, 2m<§;lh all f'<:)1*1‘x1,.~s of 1,n'iv:Lte :.m:1(1 :~3p¢..>.- (“'i-:‘-)l:lv,71‘ 1egis51:=Lt.io1.1, :.7l{I1,(j1l sll1o1:1lcl (32111 ::u'm1nd it. all t.ll)ms'(‘: Who, wlmt- ezvcer tlmir views 11~e1'etofc)1re, nowl scseli to limit. m1<’.l loczalilze blue poxvers. of govcn-11meI'1t. A‘11~ l cmticz p1-i11ci1;:>le.~:s, ll10xve,w_a1> sep:e1,1':Lt.(acl by tlm (~3X(3G1.')l3iO]l:*Ll evmxts of late yeaxrts, (T.)1’1C3Q ulom 1_'es11n'l1e tlmt c0r1t.1.'c:>l. of tltle c1~.(:‘)1“111try it so long exmrcisecfl to its own <.:1*e