4 v Intr=odue.tory. ------x~-a®e~=z----- At A 3. meeting A of eitize11sA1e1<«:1(;l the Poliee Court j R;<:>o1:n, on Mondzzny eveI1i:1*1g, J"1;me 123, it was voted A to eel- ebwte, in ii. ;fitt.ing 1nz>uf1n.e1‘, on the 4th of July ixext, the one ]:1u11dred:th a1f111ive1'sm'y of the 01#gz:n11iz2Ltio11 of the town of Axxnltxemt, zmcl the fb11<;>wi.eng ge11t1en1e11 were amppoirxtetl‘ A :*:ueo1‘x11:11it‘t;ee to con.sider the xnutter, m:1.de repert at :1, 1nee%ta« Levi St<.i;c:1:1)ric1gm, (?re<>rg'e M(L'.)fl+t1?Lg1;1£§, II. I). Imgezxrixxg, % L. D. %IiT,i.11s3. J. L. eSkin1:1er,e e .I%I;. J. Cnte,% O. W. Lc:ss*(~sy, E. C<;>c>k, ‘J. P. Gray, W. W.%Smit11, Flavel C3‘r:Lye1cm;1, J} IT~’I. M. %I.ee11e1.n(l, 0.1+‘. I3ig'e1<)W, J. L._L0v0V1l, I3‘. I’. Aim3w'(])rt}1,% % e C)hm'Ies Iiellogg, e % *R:mseom_Cow1ea, % ing zéu‘; the smne place, on Wednesclay evening, June 14: I?Izu4rison Ingxmxu, M. W. I‘I<;>Wa,rd, Wfl.tS<311 W. Cowles, %% .Tc>hn B. Brown, A e A. R.%C11ssh11‘1.:m, W; L. 'Robce1't.s%, \ e Ami. Adzum, A. J. Ro1)inson,% J. E. Reaud, A. I’. M¢:~,r1‘ick,V C. L. G(>o<"l:=L1e, Stetson Ilzmwley, R. B. Bridg'1nm1, 17". D. fipmilding, L; H. Allen, Noah Die-lcinson, e % J. ‘A. ‘Pierce. 1v M % = INTRODUCTORY. A The Committee of Arrm1ge111ents met A at t11ePo1ieet Com*t Rooln. a.ooordi11g to zmppointment, on Wech1esda.y eV*eni11g, J une 14. J. L. Skinner was e11oeen o11a.ir11m.n, A and H. M. MoC1oud eeo1*eta1*y. The A followixlg _com111:it— tees were then chosen: A PRESIDENT or 'I.‘I~IE DAY.--H011. Levi Stoekh:vidge.‘ Cmme I\/.[..s.1zs1«x.A.L.—-—-J. L.‘ Sk.irmer. S13<3x1Iarr.x1%.'xf AN!) T1"-tI§.’a.SURICI.t.—-H. M. 1\IcC1cmc1. . M.«s.:N.s.e.-ING C(")MMI’1"1.‘1«}E.—-I{(‘)11. Levi Stoe1.«:b1'iL1ge, D1‘. Eclwzwd Hitehcoczk, D1‘. H. J- Catte. . Conmxrrvrmm VON O.I1.A.TOR.---I‘I011. Levi Stockb1'idg;'e, George 1\:'Iont:1g11e, H. M. McC1oud. CC)M£MI’I"1‘IflI~3 ON Glmuutoe.--'W'. W". Hunt, P. D. S17>m11.c1i11g;, A. 1-‘. Mer- eriekz, VV. VV. Ssmith, Flzwel Gztylord, I~I:1.2rve,y Wt1:u'.te. t . COMMI.'lI‘TEE ON‘R1a:xm1ss;1sI1\.1.:r:N're.+——R.z1,n.~3o1'x1 Cowlee, R. W’. Stmtton, J; P. Gmy, J. A. Pierce, N0£l.11 Dickinson, J. E. Read, A. J. Robinson, M. VV. Iloward, L. Roberts, Stetson Hmvley, J.%B. Brown, Asa. e Adzmxe, A. P.oMer1'iek, Clmrles I{e11<)gg', H. D. F€3i1.1‘.in_£_;',’. COMMITTEIE ON FI"NJLNCl§J.--C. W. Le3eec*y, A. R. C11e1.11'r1a.n, F. P. Ains- wortlx, R. B. B1'i<.j1g;man, I~I2L1~risontI11,gg*r::L111, O. G. Couch. ‘ M CoiVIMIT':v1=m ON Frmes, GUNS, AM3\IUNI'1‘ION, &(3.———Ca.pt. T. VV. Slozm, W. B. Graves, J . L. Lovell, H. H. Goodell. . QO1\IMIT'[‘EE ON 1‘/I'Us:re.-—-J . L. Skinner, E. B. Fitts, L. H. Allen, W. S. VVestce1'.t, A. A. Sm.1t11wiek. , e v ‘ Cemm'rTEm 0197 ]§‘1m:.W11 of the one 111m.c11'edt]:1 bi1At1:1fl::a,y of the Town alld of our NeA.t,i0ne.1 I1i1de1i)e11c1e1f1.ee wee ue].A:1e1‘e(1 in A by a salute of 38 g‘1L1l.”.1S, zitb<)L1At S'L‘H')A1‘iSG,A mxd the 1?i1i1g;i1e1g 0! belle en other (3len1on.et1%atie1A1s 1ix,1:eA1.de by the yO1;1'1"lg(A31‘ 1:)<:>1'—~ A A A '75 tion of the eomxxluxxity eont1':i.b11te<:1 to A1A1A1:;z,1s:.e emrly 1”‘.i.&§e1f'SA etf A V1*11AostA of our eitizertxte. Although mt 01.11. the 1.'e§gL11ze;:.1L' A A1:»1~e-AA A g1'e11A11ne of the day, the p1'<:>eeeeieeeA1:1 of AA1:1.t;iqt1tcae zA;x,1A:A1c1 ]:A;II m*-- M ribleete, which 111zu'<::}eA:1e<:1 :.aL1A1d, e0111A;:1.te1:*1im1.'e}i;1e(:1 1A.111.*<:>1;;1gh the .st1'eete,, Aabout 6 c>’e1oe1«:'., s;L1;;tmei:e(1 an. ]t::AL1rge 1:n11;xA1AI.)e1~ 01;‘ 1A;>e<;:)-A Aple, zmcl vvae quite e.Ae1'e(;1eit:A1,1;e>1e (1iSp12i:L_y”. At 9.80 0e’e1eek the 1;n1*eeessie1:1 ffbI"AIiI1(£3(;1 on the em1“xA1mt, :A.md :1. 1(;»Izg line ()1 C:21I‘1“i2lgGS.A .A1‘1‘iViAI1lg’AA at the C»‘rAreAve,, §'l.TfiiAGf 1Ar111e:ie Ahy the AeABAe.1“1d, p1'2;1e1.yeI' W’2T;LS 0flf'ered bye Itev. Dr. D. ATVV. Mz;ms1e1, of 9 North Amherst. ilillfmil. Levi A Si:;Aet (aw- % clielwelecuznete :e11t};A1e ttfeetitvitieesQeml en;joy1tAne11te or this A AA ‘ ‘ ‘ .~ A A l'V1 A , A INTRODUCTORY. A ocea,eio11. Theoenturytie completed since theAmerioaa1 colonies cleolemecl tlaemeelvee independent of the mother country, zmcl to-day fortyomillions of people, ooeupyi11g a * te1:'1'ito1*y sweeping away tl1oL1se,m:le of miles from; ocean to A ooeim, a,11(l fi*e111 the St. Johns to th‘eRio G‘rm11de, by one epo1o.te11eoue out.hu1‘et .mel«:e the 121.1161 reeomucl with sounds c>f_jr;>y e..11(l gl:1cl11ess. Let the multituclee shout and sing; letthe thu11(le1‘ of e:.1m1o11 eeho from hil1-top to xnountztixx, and firo111 valley to Valley, e,11cl4 deep in our he:u't of l1ee.1*t.e 111zty ell ohe1*iel1 emotions of jcay, 131'e:i.ee and otl1e.11l:sgiVing, for all the Way in Wl'1l(3l'.1 the Lord lme led us these huh- ('jl}.‘(~}Cl yeme; for etwely he lms (leelt hy us ee he lme dealt A by no other 13e()ple. CL>1:x1pz1,1*ecl with etller llELl3lOljl.S We were then :1.lfeehle1:)eople; 11<:‘>W We are one of the g'1*e::tt 1:i>owerso of the globe; _i.11‘f.lL1€él1‘l3l21l,l_, l10l'10I'(3Cl end reepeotetl lily all, Wl1eteVe1* their :1,tt::LiI1111e1:1te in eivilizetioll. A tl11.111(l1'ecl years ego We oceu.pi.ecl only it 1"1£?L1“I'O’W strip of ee1;u:1t1*y elong the Atlmtrlzio eee,hoa.1*<;l; how We eover the A oo,n.ti11e11t,, ehcl localities tl_1e11 :f‘:.u:' :.m*ey in the weete1*11 Wilma; e:x“1d l«:11oWn only hy n:»1,1f11e es the eo111:1ei1o:md t1rz11‘oL1g;l1t to our very (loom; lmveheoome grez:1,t oomme1roi::z,1 empo-f _I‘i11me, witli .l1L111d1‘e(:ls of %t.l1oL1ee.1:1(le of i1:1l1ahita.nte, and where we getl;1e1‘ec1 the procltxotze of all elo:iu1ee and all ‘pee-— J plee, .-zmcl the i11stiotut,ilometofthemoet eclwmoecl oivilimtrion. Tluoewilclemees zmcl the eolitm'yeou.11t1:*y are dcxttecl all A ” ll over Writhx lh1'n1 houses e,11cl?p1:'c>l(.l‘11oetiV.re fz11"111e5 z:Ll1;1cll the fltookt A ‘e11clltl1ee1?(l are g§1i‘azi1'1g on the 1"l..2??i.l;i.1V‘€§ liuumte of the elk: zmd buffalo. Ouxfgreet la.keeendriVe1"s, whoeel“we.tere were rib INTRODUCTORY. A . A ‘V11 A undisturbed but by the bark ozuioe or the lV£Ll3G1'ft1l1., have become busy avenues oft1*anspo1't for the G01l11f'.l1(3l‘C*.G of e A continent, or converted into power to give three to the V machinery of an endless Variety of I1l€t]1L1.f£ELOt11lf‘l1lg ir1clne.~ tries. But at hundred years of p1'og1‘eee hes not been alone in mete1‘ia.l objects. The long trielp l.1e.e provergl thzztt at gove1‘11111e11t by the people zznid for the people, is et1'c>1“1p; enough to Withe'te,ncl the cliei11t:;ep,'1'zttit1:xg i.‘1iiitlue1’1<;:e:s* of peace emcl War, to secure and protect ell the i1*:i,g;l‘;1t:;e of the i1i(li~ Viclnel, end to perpetne.te iteelf to TfiJl‘tI.‘[l1‘8 g;g.;e11e1*:::.t.it)1ie. r G1*ee.t eyeterne of G(l11(3i;LtlO1’1, free to all, have A1;i)e(~3:1ilo1. i;.l‘xo11gl;i1‘t A out emcl firrnly eetnl>l.iel1ecl, e.r1<:l ii.netitnt»i.<:‘»ne <:>t'1*<:a”lig2;ic)nr, be»-h rnevolence and hi gl1e1* l6tt1’X1rll1lg hu;i1t up einl. eimowed 5 encl if A i We are not the pioneers, we lend the "V"’”::tT.1 of the tit(lV‘27ttlIil.(3l.l'.1;£‘?,‘ hosts of modern oivili:2:etio11. All tltiie the result of e A century oftA1x1eriroen inrlepencle1'1oe, z*n::1<:l ehoulcl lteml me to e.xo1ei1n,l“Veri1y, wliet he.tl1 the Lorcl Wl‘011gl.1ii.” 1*3L1t‘ Whilewe, the people of A1*nl:1eret, teyrn.pe.tl1ize with, ntml participate in the A general 1'1;tt.ionnl 1?e;joio<.:iong~ of the (l2:;1.y, we have oooa,siontb1* joy :e1,ncl thElL1TL1{Sgl.V.l.l1§§ll3ll£5L'iJ ie 1;:>eeu~ ' liarly local to ourselves, Vfor we plinve now c:ornpleteA<:1*e. r century since our fetliere (leelewecll tlrxerneelves :i.n(lepencl~ A tent of the mother eopnntry, Old liledley, zntnl set Anp by ‘i ; permit of the legislature, at A1nnnieip2:x.l governmentl of their own. This prevolution blooolleee, though not nriet- tended with opposition, but frorn reeperetion ‘until the present tin1e,tl1e most hfreternetl relations h:,weiexieted1;>e~ Q l tween the mother eniddeug11ter,:aLncl each line 'I'(-3JOl(3€3Cl in, t and givepne; helping 7he.nd toeid the prosperity of the Ohheh Though hheh11i1dhae0uteI‘0Wh hh9PhT9nhiT1p D00 V111 A A ‘% INTRODUCTORY, popL11ati011 mad Wea.1t11_., she has not in bemxty, %vi1'tue or ir1te11yigeI1ce, zmd to-day sz1.1utes 11er with filial-110n0r a;1'1c1% reg:&L1‘d. But here I t1*ex1c11 on ground to be Voccupiecl by one of A_m.11e1fst’s eloquent zmcl a.cc0mp1:is11ed sons, the omtorf of the ‘day, and it only 1'ema,i11s for me to am10u11ce the%p1*0gm111111e of our grove e2~:e1‘cises. V At the close of President St0c:k.b1'idge’s 1‘e111:;u:ks, ‘smcl ;si11gi11Vgby the A111];1e1'st Qu:'u;1tetteA 011113, the Deolamatioxx A A c»fI1iu1epe1f1;:1.e1;me xwvas 1*ez:u1 by Rev. IIem'y F.A11e1;1. The P1'eside11t ‘c.11ei1iI1‘t1'0dL1cedthe 0mt0%1' of the dz1.y, M. 13‘. Die1~;:.im3Q11, J 33., of Bost011%.% A A Historical Address. —--«¢j4z~vv%r.:c:m.r;«zvA-«- Tlxe people <1)!’ tluzz ULl1i.‘t-O(1 Stat :v1,1'(;> t11fi;s* y<:2:%;1.1' ‘Ltpc:>V1%1 :1. pi1g'1.'i111z1.ge. A T];1(3iT1‘ lVIe;>(3 “zzzu is 1:11:10 City mil" ]3.1;'<:>f:1*1e1.']%y ]Zu;>L\r<;=: 5 the .:s'111:i.n.e t<:>Wz:m1 ”\?VhiLi.‘.]71 1:,11c:>i1_* 71313 at 21.11;: ];:1%z11,.5tc>1VV1"iA1i1. i'.$‘ ‘Hm old State II<:;11se <%_%>f P01:111S_y’1Vzui1i:%1,---~I11%<’1c31)(m<%1t {#110 U.1il.O(']_11£;l.1(I3 <1 in1t<3;1%‘1mti<:»1ml <%].i;~:;{p1z4x.‘y cm ]73‘z1i1i;ii%V1:'1;11<:m:1;1t P27.L1‘k Wllich offemms tlw lzw z~.1.t.t1%':i1.(;13t;»i4%<:%%>:1%1S tn tylqm t}:1m_1ghttfitxl st:1r:*1.1f1.ge1' Wm) nmv for '(31i‘il('3 fiwst tiin1(L> 1‘:ii%:1"1$<71V.s ]'l1.1'l1.S(i31f in 17’Il.,x:i 1- i;L(;1(;‘.1IL)]11.i£'-.1. AT.he 1%1:1.:;1.g11i%%"fi.(3(mt ex];):1.1"1s<;: 1(7.)f H1 0 Ii};x11%:ifl%;) :i‘ti<;m, omw <;1e<;1 wi.t}f1‘the g:%A1.1.*1%V1e1.‘<;3(A1 'V?V7'C*.fi1,.HI[l;‘1 (i‘)f j.ili'l.(].11F§{ZT:1I'§7 ::.m<;."l. mrt 'fi:m11 every q11::1,1*trer of izflgm, g]0}:)0, 1:1i%:Lus~;%t, :i1"If’t<;>i1:' 31,11, ’_},»*ti%c;v:],¢:‘l% 1:;[l:i1 an c1‘1ief' 1:>1:11.,cze of i1%‘1%tea1:*est% to 12.110 2\“‘1\’.!‘”1l(\:?Ji((r‘l§1‘l‘f;' b11'i11'ic;: next, 01* of the i.1np <:>1.'tm:1At. 1%%’(:3s:s‘1:1$1‘r%.~4:s ‘w}:‘1:i%<;:Il:1 1m.'Vc3 %2L11'@:1,<;1y g1*<:>W11 om; <;:>f' ti.t-w1*essL11.t;~;: ‘W1.1%i.<;:]f1 11:.;Lw.~3 :I:7'mr <2>:s{<::<::ac:<:]%0<%%f1 ‘D the 1aL1*geste;xpe<;3i'z%1.tiJ<;>1_:1s. <:>if tlm 11':1'<;31:‘1 <;):t' 177 (3----<:>.1.* 0:1 ialilca sti11A11101*eA1110111e11t0us ir1te1'e&s¢t:s ’w11ic11 still he L‘l1'1(1.iS010S@d A 10 i ‘ THE DECLARATION. in the future, the Declaration of Independence stands preeininent a1nong the events of modern times. Its only rival in American revolutionary history is the battle of Bunker Hill. Each was typical of the patriot struggle--— Bunker Hill,’ of the experiences of the War 5 the Decla- ration, of the great social and political principles which the war for Iiidepeiideiice vindicated and established. On the one hand, the defeat of the New England yeo- inanry on the 17th of June, 1775, proved to be, in its results, a great victory 5 and such, to a large exteiit, were the experiences of the American army throughout that entire struggle. It lost many of its battles, but i it steadily advanced its cause. On the other hand, the Declaration of Independence first massed and formulated all the ideas upon which colonial opposition to the policy of the Crown really rested. It became like the pillar of. cloud and of fire; it rose ever in the advance, leading the Way, through the Weary days and anxious niglits of eight years of disheartening war. It has been said that “ it embodied so faithfully the current thought of Americans as to mirror the soul of the nation 3” and Mr. Buckle styles it “ that noble declaration, which oiiglit to be liuiig up in the nursery of every kiiig, and blazoned on the porch of every royal palace.” As much superior as ideas are to mere force, so inuch grander, as We estimate it to- da 7', was the proclaination of American liberty in Phila- A delphia, in “T6, than the vindicationof American prowess, at Charlestown, in “T5. Massachusetts, therefore, may well yield to Pennsylvania the preeminence in this year JOSEPH HAWLEY. 11 t of jubilee. The 1netr0p01ie of New Eng1a.11d concedes that the hdghest hexmre of the eente11n.ia.1 ee1'1m1e1n0retio11 belong to her sister city upon the ha.11h:s of the De1:1Nve1“e. Let the g1":t11ite shaft at Ch:u:‘1eete\v1;1 do oheisenee to—c1e.y to the g1‘ez*;t‘te1* 11a.me zt11(1 higher fz;t1e11e of I11depende11ee I"Ie,11! [That portion of the 2.tdd1'ess which gox.1te.ir1ed £1. c1ise1.1esioI1 of the condition of the colonies when the treaty of 17’u.rie., in. ll"/"(‘.‘-3, settled the pro1"ni1.1euc:e of the Ii‘.x1g;1iel'1 speztliirxg mce upon the North .Ameri~ can eentir1er1t, ef the ezmees which led to the (1i:*..3[I)1Tlt(.‘. with the methex‘ e country, and of the events which ended in the Ixeceeeietzy eff’ indepen-— deuce is neceemrily onrxittecl. t§3e1r1e aeeexmt xvee ;;§iver1ef' the Iemlitxg s'tat.esrx1eu of’ the Rev(:>111tien2t1'y ere. Of‘ the l'l"1(;').“3tMdifitiltlg'lt1i5$}t1(3(1R.(3V-Y elutioxxmy pzttriot of‘ Weste1'n lVIz1.seec:l'11:1eetee, the emter spoke he follows :] ‘ N 0 true son of Weetern Mz'itSS2TLC3}111S0‘ttS Weuhl :fh.fi.1 to discern ahcl point eut, in t1;‘1ie rem21.1:'1a:::th]te g1e'<.;>111)$, the peer- less stat‘ of N<;>1't.1'1,z‘1,111pte'1"1---—-Jose]j>11 ililztwl e y. 'I‘];et1e };t1eiet<.:>— 1:i,zm, B:t11.c:1‘(3:ft, plzmee him in the hi g]'1e<3et:. 1e'e.1e1.].s: mt1;1<:n:1 the 1ea(;1e1's of the Revolutie1:m.1:'y 1:>e1:‘ie(tii1. It:It.ihi1:1~eth. :tee(;>c:ih:;‘tt:,ee his nzutle with those of Otie, 1{It:‘1.‘x‘1e«e)ek :=ui1.(1 S2fe1.1:*1%‘1t1ee1 A.<’]e::1e.1e11e, hand says that, e.f:'t1*1e ec>u11t1*y 11].O1T].1tj)€3‘1i‘.*f~3 in the B’I.2:l.i'~3S€l.(f.3}.1'11* sette Hettee of Re1:>:1‘eee11tz,x.ti‘Vee, mime ]i'1tl,.(L1 m11e1e1 i|1JlA'II]-11“ enee as Mr. Hewley. F01‘ yemre he Wee the ef;‘(;e»;1;‘<:e,mi1.<,).s;4t 1f:LWy(-31‘ of this ::t11e:ie1.1t eetmty (iifII2;.l.1fI‘1:'p$111170,€?Tt1i1.(.1 of” West em M::tee:te1111setts. He Wzzxe the fi_i1:1ttie1:‘rm,t<:3 :[:’1'ie1;1(‘:1 :ex,11<;1 e011st:;u1t e,c1Vise1* of Samuel. A(h;t1"11e in the t17’1:~<:)'V?i.1:1.eizt1 C‘mr1- greseee. I*Im111:>e1*1i1*e county elzld the A Cem1t1:1.e11Weze1.1th ewe 11111011 to his tVV.i$3(;“1C)1”r1 zmcl liris we1:t]:1. He V we 1;:)<)e11:'ne in Ne1"th:ttmpt<)11,_in 1724, wee e. - "m111:1te of Y ale in 17-<1:f.?.4, S.tL1(1iedtC1i\7iI1.1:JDy, zmcl p1'ezi1.ehed ee"ve1r:;1.1 yee1*+e,e but Wes A never settled. Tlwugh at A first violently opposed to ]~;1d- 12 JOSEPI-I IIAWLEY. wa1'ds’s t11e<)10gic2t1 Views, he 2tfte1°Wa,1*(1s heca.111e their ea.1'11est aclvocate. He V 721.3 it c.1mp12:1.:i.11 in the Fre11c:h. mu} I11(1iz1.11 VV2."-L1‘, and took part in the seitge of IJ(:)L1T.Sbl1T.'g'. The report is that he hegzm the p1:-acctice of law in N01rt]h1atmp- ton about 1749. He heca,111e one of the three %1em1e1‘s of the I~I:m1ps11i1*e hz.Lr,, W11ib11 i1’1c-,1u(;1e(1 all wast of VVor<3»e.~=r.t:e1r (aounty. His o111y 1'iVz1,1$We1‘e C01. VV<:)1't11hi1t1gtoiix of S1t>1"iht1“1g— field zitlld Mr. Ly11m11 of Stlifieltl, t11e1;t1 i1"1(3TL1(](3(j1 in 1\T2':’l.E§E5i“1~ G11L1SGttF5. U1:1<:h31* tlwse 111011 the I“:I:tL1:1h1_ps:_<1ht1i1*c; 1;)zt1:+ \‘V:(l.S 1'z=1.i.Se<:1 f1:0111 21. p0.=s.iti0i1 1;) elmv ]If11(:3(.TT(I)G1.'TTLy to 011m (;)f 1;1.t1‘11h:1;<,4'1:1hzth1.:l 1;)1'ii11iz1.11(;:y, In t11ei1' dztiy, it Wztssz GStEl.T§l')1iST.'il0(T ;f1.S at 1‘1;1.1<:> of 1I)1‘5LGtiC(-3, t~h:tt three y(3z>1.t1‘.~3 st.11dy s}1111(1 be 1i'<:aef<;>1t*e t1:1ei1* :1.<1i11is:.s:i<31:1 to tlm 1h‘c>s<1:>'o<1 in g1*e:1.t:. siI111)1icit§r. The 1zxtc:11—stt1‘i11,g <:>f 1111453 ]:1m1ss0 wz‘1ts 1"10'\t*c:1* w“i‘t1i1- (i11L'£1..W'11., :;:1.11<‘1 he Ltsed 1:10 }”‘)iT“l‘}:‘? 1:) <:>].t, 1‘1o1' 1»: «by. N 0 1'il"1£"l.1'1 ]1c:1‘e~ :1.ho11t$ at all t~:;'1»1f)1I)1‘C)2'Zl,C‘«T10(1 him in the 1;>11h1:'u1: e3:%5ttee111;, tfhr T163 "w*:1.s‘ 1:)i<:>ms*,, cieavout, ge1t1.e1-<:t>11.<3, 1:t)t1h1:;>1i(:~ss1_>ifitted ::u:1.(t1 <;>1<:>- q11e1:t1t. I11 tlw JC'xe11e1*2t1\ C(:>111L‘t, (lfif \’V’]I1.'i.(3].1 110 VV2"l.S f1.'(I‘.(]"l1()‘1;il.t]y zt 111€>n:1he1', he etfiice11c2<:]. 2111 in tl:10 S(I)L11f.1h(TTlO.SS :f‘ T".l"i$ 1? T321.E§(Tf.)’l.1 :7u'1.1:11<1e1:1t fiA1t'11t11tt1h0ss with ’w]:1tic;+.'l:1. he 11'121,iI1JC~i.1»i11G(."1 his Vihew:-3. Afic31' the 1.'<31:>e:§1.1 of Hi 3 St:1,1n‘p Acittz, A that E11g1iss11 111i1:1is'st1i~y :i.11tim2Lt<3<:;1 to the 1c3g;;_§i:s1,:‘1,tt111;-£3 oft‘ JL1h.(:3 1VT:7LSS21G11L‘1SGtJCS colony that 1'estit11tiho1.1 wits} ex.1;><3c:t,ef 1t;)1:'<:)p- e1'ty..i11 €:1..f—t(~31I11)Jpi.]flg to (3'I"1f(.)1‘(30 thzi;1.t ob1‘1<;>xhit(i>11;s:: st.:‘1.t11*t,<3. The ‘fi:>1t'111 of the zms-f4We1;* of the Gt-e1‘1eh "$1.1 C<;n.11:'t. V ‘$1.3 .~1is*1.1g— gcassted by lVI:*1j. Iflfsmley. FIG <:)1:j>1:)0set (1 :1.t1i1y 1:'@1io:afi., ezszcizcmt JOSEPI-I HAWLEY. 13 on co11dit:io11 of 21, ge1f1e1_*_a,1 £1,1111:1A0$ty. In the <;1eb2iLte 1113011 this questiomrx, he fi_1;-st a,n11m111<3ec1 the (1()(3t1l'i1T1.6 tlmt P:~1.r].i:1~ Inent 11z7u:1 110 riglat to 1eg;i:~s12%1%te fI‘l:j>1' A11V101'i%.ca.. Jz'>1,1:11es OH?) rose in his p1:rLc:e to t1'.1z*LIj'11{ Mr. IcI;j1.w1e y fol? t:1‘1.ki.11 tlixis p0si%ti011, S€l.yi1i'l. it Vmss :f'a,1't§].1e1* tlxzfutl he ]:1i1%1‘1.s<:>1:f 11:»*1.d yet gmle in the 1"~I.o11se.% The 1:1eXt yem;' M17. Hzuwloy was c01‘1- S‘L1ilj'O(..1_, and s11.9spe1V‘%1de<1 ff1m‘11 pm(:%t:i<:s0 in. the (:(fj)1flI.‘tS, :f'<1»1? ex- 1:>1*eSsi*1:%‘1 1)C)1Ti.'t-i(.32i‘L]. s5<31:1ti‘11%1<:>1%¢1t;e: Vt<¢j><:) 1i.b(~:~.1%'21,]. t<> s11it tlm g(%:)\*<;214‘1J1.— 1:11e1:1t; but he V *z;1..s 1‘ess‘t1:*m1 }:)(3.f2“>1:'e 177(). S0 .i'lLTl.Tf.~'i‘I‘)”1.:Hf.(£‘1 aml 'fi;*i(~31u:11y were 141 1.*e1z%1.ti<.:i>1$‘:1.;sf Wi.t}:1 S:)1.1n;11.:m1 A(1z‘141.11S» 1‘;1i1:1.1:. the 12it.tte1: 1'e1i0d_ l.1T‘11flC1l. 111:‘>(f>1:1 11,110 t1"11'1Vgylm ha §gz1!Tl. km?>VVh:[:<1Vg(:3 2].1'll.(”1 excellemz (A1i:e:(:1.‘<;>Vti<;%>:1‘%%1 uf 11i.~i["’t:m1 W.1.*<:>“c20 to M I:{%I[A:m'1<3§*, 1:111I;>:s:<_)1‘1%1i11 ]:V1i.~%:1:‘>1::111;‘1:~“:4, ]:x;%i4::»7% flminfs mxd }.1i.as ]:1<:>_p M1-. 1?I2:1;w1(ey 11:31.11 :1. <1'l<;:ep 1'<3%lig;iA<:;%rL1,a 1‘1%M:tm‘11:'@, out of %\V1*[1i4<3.1i%L1 1fl<;»w(;u;1 nflll t.}1<:: .941?) <;;»:{' .1311<;>'tii;\>'0 M111 (%,u1;1d'L1c.t. “‘ Dm;1’t. 1:i>11t 011:’ the: 1;;>‘<;>z:1ii,” u1ri%e<]. sulxm tilntid one in the Ge1xe%1:':1%]% C<%;m1;"t, in 1774;; “ D(.">1%4x.’t 1;L)1;1.1; ‘M1’ {ylm 1) (mt till yotl k.T1”l.(j)‘VV \'V]i?1<;31%'(> ;§«'m;1, ‘WIIII. ],z1,:n.Cil.” “%*Gm1 Wi"lf.]_ b1'i1:1 11,5; 13¢) :51. .%f‘jl.ff.‘3 ].1:;1.1'b.f" tlgicg 1):::1,t‘1+iiot of 1i"I.2Il.111.f1:1;:)ES]fl.i1,'(.;‘3. :VV1'1e1:1%. the l\:*I:‘1.s3.::+::%%1.<;31V1:11sstgatts (1 c;>1<;2 g:'i1.t,<3s ta) tihe I7i.1,*.¢;»*1:.‘ C3m:1- Aw t,i.1:1e:1:%1t2i1.1 (*3¢)1‘1wg;1L'ce$$ zxzt; ]?.lf4lTi.].2lJ(1(311j)]'flif}. }:‘1m1 1;'<3z1.(:141c31.g, thcey 1.'c3<::¢;>.:iV'(»z;f' tfL(1‘V‘i.(;fiC,% 'f’1A~<;>m A the wise 1:: <:)t111s(211.o1' <:>f N (nitlinm:n.pt(4‘>1*%1.. ‘ “ VVG i1;1*11.:1.s¢t: Ifi §,,r]:11t,,’ ’ szlyirl he, “ if W'€3 <3:;1.1”11:1r:>t (§f)t]’1.0'1."VV"iE5(:3 1.'i (1 111'*ssca].‘%\»” vii" Bf1:i*i;=i:is'11 té"l.‘X2fl.T;i(fi)1"l.. Tim‘ f‘<;>1:*1:u of gczriv‘c3‘1;*1m11c3A1:;1t c31%‘;zy1.;:te¢1 f'01;' I18 by film B11“iti.f$]1 1”)2f'l.'I'1fiz'l,1"l‘1.C3UT; (:‘:V';il 2'7l.g2fIl,i“l.1S13 1*i%g1“%1’t, I§lltt(§).]l.'1y ii 1;%11i:<%>1e1%;':%L~ ble to evmy 1:in.:11.1:1 Wlrm ]&"xz‘%1.&s*. :ia.111y i.<"1(;m. 01> :r1m:14i%;%;g ciyf’ 1.‘"ig].11f. 01‘ 1:i.%1;)m"t.y. *5 *“' % * ]3‘%i.g]%‘%1.Ai:. ‘W0 1;11.11.~"si;, 14 A A A A JOSEPH IIAWLEY. finnloly, unlees B1*:ite..i11 1‘(3l31T'6€Ll3S. ”“‘t 3* *“' _()u1~ S:j—LlV&Lfl011 clepemle upon "a. pe1°eeVe1‘ih11g union. EVe1~y g1;*ievu,11ce of my one colony mucst he held as it g1“iem11ee A to the Whole, and Some plan must he settled for e oontin- ution of eo11ggreseee, even tl1o11gll1 oc>11g1"essee Wi].l soon be 11 of I11depen<.lex:1ee, the eoxoiten1ent.o of’ polities were much less felt in M:1sse<3l1ueetts than hefore, u1At1lis3l1, sl1u1lfind defenclers a.111<:u1g a. free and enlightened people. ‘ A ate ‘ axe ewe as l axe l l -H6 ale ->lét A A By a pleumnt coincidence, this year of , the Nut,iono.1 AMI-IERST CENTENNIAL. 15 centexirliztlelese I11tFl.1‘l{'.S the 0eute11;11i21l of the town of Am»- lierst. True, she is somewhat more tlizm ehe lmm;l1'e(:l years‘ old 3 but, by the 1‘ecor1"esented to tliis l3::2i1'w(l.e1'y mill at An<;l<;t>Ve1* hy scIfil11t1011 ».c..iiI‘ITlll'lIl, with pifepeir ee1l'tittiee.tee, z1ig1‘eeeble to :31, 1*eeelVe 'p€\.S.‘3€(fl in J1;i1;1e lest, :am(;l hy E5(i)l"ll8l 1nise1:>prelie1'1eien the e“ town l;12'.t$‘:‘A been cliezmp<:»i;1i1.tecl in. 1‘eeeivi11,g the same ; fl.1'l(,l it hein jticilgecl e:~;1f;>e<;li.er1.t 1:.lim.t the town he fu1‘11iel.1eLl fei'tl:1Witl:1 with tile 1T)(;)W(l.G‘.l.' z1.fi_::1'ee:‘i1ii(l, as “(is S2tl(l amine el’ it wentectl 'llj)1‘ the Iiee <:»:{" the 'l‘11‘(i)(Q1l1T):~;‘a deetinecl fo 1.‘ C2:x11:1(l:fi, in theil‘ 1‘I1m*el.1i t.l11;“ugli t he ‘vv<.)e<;l:-":5 to SlVV(‘le1‘ fore the Town of A.1‘l1l‘.lt;‘.1l‘t‘5l7, he paying 1;l1e1'efor at the lime of 5 21. lh. 'tot1‘e“ (;‘e1n- 1niesa,1'y.” From the (3£?.L1‘llGSl3 ‘0e<::upziit;iL‘>3:1 of the i:;e1'1*it,<)1'y until. the year 1753, tlrxie plztee wee l;:2:‘e.lle<;l “New f5hm1tx1p,” “ llealley Fzt1'1ns,” ‘°E2ttSl1,F2'l.1'1l1S,” “lil::1.st.l—le(lley,” or “Il:~i,clleyS:hl A Precinct.” At that (lztute, E:1outl;1 lgluclley lxziving; heeu in.- co1‘p0i1"etec1 e. Llietriczt, tliiie ilJGO£l.1'If1€. ““ llziiclley flcl I)l'G(3l,T1'1Ct,” mud in the yem-A1759 vves lI1(3C)1‘pO“:l't8(;l es the “Di,et:1*iett of jArnhe1'st.” The term preeinet. Wee am eeelesizi1.stie:1.l clieeig~— nation ; it 1nee.nt eiinply e. pz?i,1‘ieh, :;1.m:li Wes it (livi.~:5ie1;1 cite. town having power of levying taxes to su1:~p<;»1‘t at mii11iet‘e1'. 16 « A y THE NAME AI»1I~I11ns'r. A(LllSt1‘.l(3l3, however, enjoyed a, complete town o1égeniz:ai- tion, with full town powers, except the right to send rep- resentntives to the General Court. 1 The act of District 'inco1‘porntio11 was signed February 13,, 1759; In the Bill, as it passed through its several stages, the name is left hle,nl«:. This appease usually to lmve heen the case with the newly created clistricts of that peliocl. The 1*igl1t of nziinirag "’the1n was treated as am p1‘e1'o‘getive of the Colonial Cl-overnor, who gexierelly i:I1.ssrigr1ed the name when he :‘r1.flix:ecl his sig11etu1'e to the hill. There is 1"1OJ[:l1l11g in the State mrchivesywto show the 1“e:1,sonl which inflneiicecl Governor P<:)Wn_n.ll to cell the new clistricti Am/’acr'sz‘. But the that e.ppezi.1"s W011 the recortls that he Wes on terms of f1'iendship‘witl1 G-en. Jeffrey Am-— herst, who liecl just received his n,p1:)<>i11t111e1i1t f1'o1n the Kixlrrlig, eml who shortly after beczimie the hero of Lc>uisl3urg;, zit the faunous seigzgei of that town in which t.rcops fro.1in ]Zf[:1n1psl1i,1"e county bore a corxspicuously g:.1.llz.L1i1t past... To n:.1.n1e the district after so renownecl :31, sol<:lie1j'W:i1,s 2111 act of‘g1'nce'l’L1l courtesy on the part of the OOlO1”1lf;l.l Governor, maul must lmve heen not only highly g1*:.Ltify'i1:1g; to the General himself, but especially pleasing to his Mnn1‘cl:1. II2~,1(Tll8y Wes settled in 1659, by men from Wez11@<1 of equzfxl Vzmlue, ztmd 21.15%» in the t11i1'<:1, Whticll W'2l.1?[.4 of less Value. In the f01;‘11’1e1r 2?L11()JD1'I'1G11JC, the ]i1e:'u1 of 21. f2].l)f!l'.li]t.y (11'c>W 264- €t(;?1‘(3S; :1 111271.11 (0Ve1* sixteen) ‘witlgmut :1 fE:11"t1f1tit1_y, (how lmltf as 1n11<:—.h. In the e21,ste1*11 di.vit.s:~1:‘i 01151 :1. 11<;t>11s;e]:1o1de1‘ <]tt1'e\>V 41% :::1.m:'es. Mr. J ud d, the m3c<:‘>1t1:1.p]_it:s}t1e<21 ]:t1ist<.t‘>1fit z'=1.11 of’ 1*T:1,<]].<3y, :1. m:1.11 W11c>.93e é1,]’)_{1it'i.GS :1.1i1.<:1 £t1.tJE:2"l.i11.1'lf1(}17lJ[vS fitt;0cfi 11 mix. fm* t];i1<;3 ]‘t13itg1:"1tc2st 11is.:tc>1.fic.:1.1 W01:~].{,, s:i1.y.$a t;1‘:1<:m:~. jis 1:1 (M1171 1:1it<:e Till.f(Lt)1‘].7l”l2‘ttit(j)"l'1 ss11<:>w- ing ‘vsthen liincm i(71t1t‘s;t 11) (3 gf2i1,n to ]:T\)L.1IE“l"]*.’Vl{:] thc31.1w31Vc»s in A1tt1*1]tt1c3.1t*s3tf», firsat cm.].1e<;>t 0, :15; s:1.‘id to ]:1::1.Ve put 11p :1, 1;'1;1<1(: <"1w<;~jIIlt‘itt1t"1 in ]¥}::1,.~i1+t1:1 of Wlinemre the :e;<;s<;M;<.3<1_ to ;__r0t :1. 1ti.\tt':itng,_,A>f tT1”t1(Z.’.’1,‘*(I?: 11> y fl h111“1tt:i1it1g :t1.11.d fifi S]‘.1i]"1 lmt ':i\T‘;'Viy‘i.'11(.—’E\5(.‘lV :7t1.‘m7l M)zt1."1“1t<1<.t>1*:ca—“I”< rflftl y. S\fz"m1_p.” tWiltt1ti].t<:a (1:t1.11g'(;§1.* W: mp1~%>1‘l"l“1 tflfm :Ii1‘1- c1im‘1.a', them "WflE%§ 1i'ttfI<‘+3t (§:]\i;‘\‘-Q-}")(,T)’g‘ii"i(u)‘1‘ll to (j)(j‘«(ilZ‘.171]:)“'}j,"’“ (1:>1ttt1t1yiit1t‘: ]2n:1«’tlt:i< 0.f't]f1etmvms; 1;;>1:1t;Mt<:::1:' ‘t:;]:m <*r]t<‘w;a (‘W “t”]i‘nt}t“1<:3t1:' Itfl1t¢t;»’s W 2'1,*1‘*,””“ in the fall <:f>:Ifi’ 1.725, t1]’t1tt‘it.>;1t1.'i:. W 1‘C.¥1l'l.(j7)‘V(3(]t,, WT) t1"1:‘:1.t at tho; ;5»*<:e:‘1.1:'s4 1 727 011' 1728 we tlmtmy :4:t1.fi;>{l.y p1:i1.<;;+.<:s tlm fimat. 1?) <:s1:'1t‘.n:*1,1t1<:*.1t‘1t .%2<:xti.‘t.1(;m1u‘11t 1‘t*:i‘s,j:_,%>V*i-— 1151.1 s11‘1'Ve_y :in.n_d t:11l«;;>t:[11t1m11t by iIt[*tIt7zI1.‘<1t.1my in 170 33, tI<1¢{:a;~‘-:<:.*. ]:1.i111d.ss were 1111<;1¢:>'x1}:wt<:>.(filly 11m<;e.l:i1 i1'l’Il.:_[i)1I‘(Tt‘)’V'(f}(1, .<:4<:>t1t1:t1t<;a tp<:»1:'ti<:m of 1;;.Tliu‘sm %w:t1;.~t-: c1@.m:'0 (1 :u*1. zt1.‘1t’(:2‘1* t:t1:1<:: ti 13et1*111zme11t ('1\7\\’(*";‘3]n].(??L!1I‘.“:1. I11 1 731 tlnzs 1tt1t1t:ntr'11:_>e1r oi’ :V“l'(4."“’1y“"i”5I‘:‘§l’Tlv Set-t t1ers‘Vx?:mS ei g]t1tAe<:a1tttt1, ‘Viz : '.Tn}1t1jt‘1 Ing1:':‘1.1“1f1_,,AS1;'..,, J(fit)]T'l1‘1 I‘ll‘l.l.1;Ilfi1, J13, Ebc:11.eze1:* ]{,(;e11c;tf> Juhn. C3<:>p111:m13i<:>1;1 11zi1.(:1 138001118 g1'ez=Lte1‘ t11:;1.11 t1;m;t of 171.18 11mt11e1‘ town, zm(1 in 1790 A11111e1‘.~st 11311 2l.1;;)(f)L1t 121.11) 1?) i1n1m.11:‘)- i.tz1,11.ts,1w111i1e 1*Im;11ey 11:1.<:1 only $01113 6111). ’I‘1;u3 1‘i1.*s;t 1;» er- 1:11z=1.11e11t ss@1:t1e1' in H163 E:iI'.S17(31‘11 D.1V1..S11f1. was J 01111 1\*1<;)1ftm11, W110 1:>ui1t 11:is 11<;»11se1 :11::><::>*11t the ye:x1* 1745. 1 O11 t1:1e fift1:1 of Jz11,1;1112:1,11'y,, 1 73 0,, :1. (3(fZ)I’li'1.11‘1.1.13JE04115 Wzils :1 11>- 1;)<;i)_11I‘11i@(T1 13y 1I:t11e1‘.s: 13)(31j.111’1(j)1Til.(L}(1 131m C1<:31f1- @1‘:T1,1 C<:.>111_'t to 1::)e 1111:1110 21. se1:):;:1.I'z1t 1i)1;'ec:i112111(;+.13, 11{1."m1i11 (3 y gsmmt ’1:5‘.\.1T‘)1'... Lu1§:e Sxxxitll to B(fL)St('T>1Il. to C)1f)p(._)$$(3 it,, :fm<11 it :7\11ff):[i‘)(§:11.1.‘.9§ t1mt 1:11:19 (1)1f)1f.)(T)S11:1(H1. "Wm t1;1mi1 ei1717b c:t11:?1.1, f1:n.'i,1;11 Dec: L?‘.1‘"1l1.1f;j}C,5Tl1’ 1‘<:>1- 1¢;;\w*i1L’1g xxx: ifi1:i1.(*;‘.1,i1'1:]1(i1>1.‘1 We t1:'m/t. tlley 1‘11~i,g11t be Gt.‘)1‘11S'1}f1.1_‘fl11.,(3(1 :I11111I:<1.(11Il<::y J[111.11'(§1 11>1‘0ci111(:et1, Wtit1:1 :1. ’ce1*1.'itn1#y S-3(3V(3].'). 1fl”.111.0S 10171 1:1>y’i:w<::r :m<1.1 ‘1j»11.1‘.‘G(3-111;)'111.’1Z»1'1S miles w:i.(10,, 1:><:n1m10<11 1;11>y Smpldm'1:1.1u1,, 1:110 1:3:Ly I’ ;<:niu1, E(11'l1;11\f£jL1Glfflfp 01" Pe111;1:1,1::r1., 1€il.1T1(11E%, ml (1 1111.*:"1.(.1i1(‘;3_§«” Co1im:11:1m1.::‘,, 51.1.“: 4.1 i1t‘\\*:1.ss g;1*:‘x111'1te<1 01.1 CK?)1f'.1(’111.11.(fi)lj'11JE11f1lx1»1}1'1(3 1;n:'<:s<1;:i1n(:-11;. 514111411111 1)11i1(1 51. 111ee1ti11.1g;1 1,'1<:>11s;:c3, z":1.11:1«;11 S(E3t‘1T:1G zi J 1c::¢1.1:'1im(1 O1'1:11:1u;‘>~ (11%: ]“1f1111j'l.T.1;*;‘~1"(;‘,111‘ in t111“(2‘.(3 yestmz. T1110 ‘1§;‘111*sa‘c. 1i>1.‘<;e<::i1:wt 1T'l.10C.‘.1T..1.l1l Vvm 11c>>1d 0("313(7)1“1 :31‘ 81311, 1735,, w11’1e1‘1. it V F215;; V(f)11(’)(1 hi» 1111i1ro :1; 111711.”l.11é-W81‘ a,11<;1 1)11i_1(.1 :1 11wc3ti111: g~1M'1<:)11$ca. D:‘il.V1(.1 13’:11mo1:’1.:?:~, .1'r., ’[:1:1<3 fimt 1;)£Tl.Sf(;)1‘, WW.-3 {L 111211“ V:im:1 g1;'2?1.c111z1\Jte, 21.11 <11 1:.)eg§:"111‘ to pr<:e:1.c.11 119113 in 1735. H13 :1(3-(3(31I)132-l,1T1CG of 1:119 c.:1.1111 w':i1.S as _f'<:>11«:m*;~:‘_<: ‘‘ C¢;:>1*11p1y’(1 Wit11 11.1110 1'eq1;1esst¢ oifi’ tlm '1"1f1.1]:fI1.1i)1.11.fl.“lI"lItS <:>rft11e 1“1‘11.1"('1 p1.%<;mi.1i'1<:+t of 1‘1:‘111(111ey, 1:>e1_* me D:;1.Vi111111s,1 J1*."’ 1:119: O1‘(1L111£‘l.t1(f)11.,. 1i1C)'W(2>‘Ve.‘1.‘,, (1i<1;1 ~1:10t (3-(3(fi111' 131111111. 1739.. TI-IE .1+“I"R,SfI.‘ IVIIEETING IIOUSE. A 21% His m'11fn,1z'iL1 S2511]-::l'1:';57. Va,1‘ie<:1 fi*<:>111 Sixizy to ei.g].1ty 1;><:>u1:1 ste1*1i11g,D DOSid@S one 11111%1d1;'e(:1 g(){)d 1(.f)2‘1,(.'D"sT 1; t].1::1,t of M1‘. 110015: 631‘ at N C)1"'t1.1€.l;IiIil.1)U’)11. M11‘. TP:*r1‘;'so:1;1$ d.ioy]1i.<;a' S(j)1I1 David P£"Dl.1'S(.If)]D.Dl.S, _D. D. This S@H31(-31DflTlO1f1t "\7V’fi.S 1:>:ii1flCs1'}%y <%%"»D_[.:)-- p<:>.s*c3<;1 by Czmpt. 1iH.:.>e1:‘1.ez01.' N[:LH}(;)(§)1T1 2‘1.11Dt:]:101:'s, 21m (1 it w:J1..~: in (:<:>11&:0qA1.1e1;:1<::e (t>1‘.'tfl%1iD:s D1’1D%<.1 1i‘)£\l,D1.‘7i..*f~']‘i]. V ':a..~“4 fim‘x1ed at tlm Iiizmt» Stm<:>t“i1%1‘ 1.782 011‘ 17393. '..l}‘}:u:: :fffi:31.'s:: 1; 1‘fx1eoi;‘i1'1 g—1:1.11:~3(:e in 13110 tmivljl. 1D;>g14:11DD1~ i n. 17.‘:.i38, 1i>11t ‘x\":1,s:~f 1101; D.1T‘1i.S1”1G(.1 11'.l.,l,tf»i..1 1753, t];1<;:m 1‘ne.(3ti;:i%1Dxg.~3 \V<;;n:'<;s Ijimlcl 5111 it 1)1.'f'l_(f)1‘ to 17~'.i~f?.. It .~‘:»’t:.D<:f:>od 'VV’i'H.D1iilf’1 1:[l.m 1D>D1%'c:m::1D1D%D{*; O<%D>Tl]<;35._:;<:3 guf)1111 1wi1%';~'1s<;.»1D.1« “ to 1A)].<%DA>xvtflDD1<:a K'L111l<..” ’1‘ll:‘1‘i>+: %\\*:1D.~‘~f.% the u*1;m.1 :I:'<::n;' D:mj}.:)1*i.aD°. V5\’(.[)1.‘H].‘‘llfi ;) ::md 'xD1;D1.<:>(;et;:iD1’1Vmax. 'l“‘]%'Dx<;m::: H(j.h(}l1‘1S " ED «'73 to ]:;1m/"0 1;>0ei1:fL S(j)ilIl.10 <%?1'i.a:‘D1,g1%*c><;m"1<:31at 214m ('D)'lil.g the .~D=%<<;a‘Hiflc;*.~41.'.¢:4., ms "M w11em tlm 1;11<;3(;:ti:1lg»-];1o11s<;e &s]:;m1,1]A<;‘1 1;.><:: :i\(:)(v“'z’x‘I'{""(¥‘:;}(;.:1h At ;lDDh'.~ea1;; it ‘wms? V<.i>’rc:d to i1T:‘“111) the; ]:1i{lDDl,, ‘;::imi; of’ J(.T)]'I‘fl1‘l N:D%1..~f~¥l%D‘D1":~3 1:14;‘>11.%e ;, “” :1. ‘1V‘1‘l(L,.l)1‘x‘1I{:“’\’}4:‘ulI ]%zV%:1,"i:;m',, N<%">%\’c3D1VD1D1"}»;w)or 25%, 1il]i‘l({.‘.“‘)DD'" '\l"(.)1T,(}(1 hi» Miafj; it “'1j10zL1‘ tlw Ii}?iTI£lj't»1‘i_DlIDl, StzDt.1V<.(;a_.,” .9312) (M41. ad. I111), D ca we H111) <31‘ 1;11c2y <::]1zL1«1'1g0<1 t}.1<;a 1li)1:_Dl.(f.L1(3.*. z:1,g.;;:D1.iD1:1D, fl..'17Ld fi1m[IIl¢y iii. 1. 17 $38,, 1;?Iin:;:5«* 1‘ast<:>1.'e<.%>ssV(;;s(1 Dlm'i,l(lDi%1,1g to ‘H_;1<;:: .$:ii1:c:: (j.)”l;”‘il.,:Dl,‘]j1y" <::];1<;).~'s(;e11D,, w].1m'e it W'2'LS bxxilf. T:I,:1iD:9s ‘”-‘ flfjf.';m;'if:Il%i%Dlxg St:.:1.1s:«;'_2 "’ w*:1..=s £1. 11c>t1e<;1 &a'1:>ot, <:>:[f’tm:'1. 11310D1(1:iT:i¢1“““}%’ 0’f fl:u:~3 tc>w1;1, z1.1;:1.<:1 W:;'LS m'>z11,1% 1;]:m 1;>12'1.<;;< <3 w]_D:1c3::1“*<;3 t]1D<;> ilfDl1]’fl(§&i1I'.“.D:‘~J[: I[9J[m1:i4e 110W ::§t‘:iL1::u13. D I 1i111i1.~t;«f1; limt mnit to 1:‘1’r,.i,m9 th<;3 b :i%t1t01‘ (W11t11'(,)‘\3'(Z3'lL'fi§y D\‘;’]i.1ji('..‘.11 :1.1:*0.<:«t0 in Cfi(f)1‘1.1‘l.(3(j}%ti01.1 Wi D11 1it‘”Im 1%>1:1.“ildi1DD1 of 11:10 :”F%(;?D,(Tf.l”)DlTl.(1 :;mtv;- 11110‘ 1‘10u.% ‘1_1sst; ’I;)<1>[l:5>m tlrw I{.(3 \"<%:i>lIj1;1'ti<;>1:1. It .~3:I:u:s<:;>]+.:fl t'Dl;1c;> ‘(::<;*.c'Lc1(:::s— 22 TI-IE GREAT C()N’1“R0”V'iE]ftS".Y'. i:1.stiea,1 a,m:1 scminl fCi)L1T1(];21JE»it(Z)1Tl.S of the JC-(T,)W1T1., 2T1/.1*f1. (1 e1‘1tege11.— de1*e<1fe11(;1s w1:1'ic.11 ham} not been f<;*>1.'g«;>tjtle1t1 S(}\’01T1ty-'fi7V’”® yezlrs 12f1.te1‘. O\xrie1t1g to the i11e1;'e21 .se of poptzmhttxiten, the ohil 110113 e ha. (1 ]i‘)€)(301.'.I”l(-3 t 0 0 s11im11 for the W’(.7L)1.‘ESh.i1ff)17)(L‘Ll‘S, zi1;1J1 (1 in 1771 the C1'L1@tSfi()1‘1 of huildilmg :1. 1T1.C‘,.W" (me 1t)eg::*:.1t‘t1. to he :fx.gi~ t‘:"l\‘{"‘(.v’(‘1. The mat 1)e1'111m1e1e1.t .~3é?tt»1e1';s: h:u_1 1(f.)(‘jfi:HI?(")(1 1:m:1.r Whntt nmv the centre \7i1].:i;1gc3, :1,1u71. t:he1'e the 1n1eeti11 {,5- 11<:m::;e wn.s 1fm.trn.1:'::1,11y 1;>1e:“u::ed. The m1:'e el;i l >1e huts: we1t'e fllllltfi tn.ke11 up e:1,1;'1y, my ’t]’1:‘li7 the 1:;nr‘i 1‘mipz:1.]. :x..(;t\.:t‘=:;~it4i¢"»1te1.~t=. in latex‘ ye;1.1's were in the 1ftl1 mix (1 Sm.1th \“'i.u2’1. At 1<:>11tgt,It‘1. t,;he:% u‘t:1t..~i‘<”ls:t‘i1‘t*iLt:.s:: <;f+m11.e to c:1‘"1t,:=Li.11 :1. 1l'1:'lj(I)T1‘f‘i.J[;y wilt“ the 1j’)(f)1f)"l;1M1.:I.1”.'i{tt)1.‘1V ml eh 1:mtz]1- g<:»e1*S, ttmilh tzixkifn i5t1.(1'V"21.17l.J[?flgflfi it' ;~;*.1t1t1<;2 7I‘E1.1t1te1ti1y 1'ei\»'2tex,’11,*i1t1.%y of the e‘Xt1tj'<;;211t1t<:2;se; :t1t‘;,gf:‘11‘i1t1,s4i'i. the we1t11;c1fe,, :1. plzem Vm'.171e1fu:a <1 :f‘ %;t line t.1'11'«t>t11.g;11t the (7f.(T,*«‘l’1.’f'11.'(;I‘,,, mwln ;p:e1;1*t to e<::t>‘11stitu*te :71. p z*1.1?z1.tG Dtiet‘1:‘i1:~ (:r[;’ the 1f)1'(‘)1:,_)(i.).‘“.w.‘(L‘.i1 tf}tt1er 111eeet.i1te1g Wz1,s1t1eT1t<1 April 14, ]t77f{3, 'w'l:f1<;:m. :1. t:e<11 ““t<:>h1i1i1<_1 txwe 1;1.e'W 1"l"l C3(3fi'1il.§."_f,'”mIL'tl <:ttt»t1‘1s4c>.‘, at th (1: (“mt expense of the W].”1<fi)1(1“. D;is:t1;*it[f’ tlt ';W1‘. ‘“Vv":1,s4ttMLi>(.> 1c>e:*1.tte<1 11em* the cte1'1.t.1'e, zit 1:>hm. h’V’i151i..('3”l1 ‘xmltxl <1 1:fle1tm\V' the 1“1em*ieet S].1:1.1‘® of the (3(ii)ESt 011 the VV'(.3£L1't].’ly t:tx.-1»:t1.y<;s1t's ]'iV‘“- i11.g there, aml at the M1110 t:irn.e 1e:t’\;e\>"e t,h1n. the new 11c>11:s#es.4. The 1‘tt1111'1t:ix1;> er <:;rI':‘ '1rct:~. :11 GH{'§1M".(;-;‘. 0wne1*s in toxxm when the C“.C)1"1.t1:‘(;i)’V01I‘Sy h (:3g:te1.1‘1, "\W\.S ]t.f'3(’§), of\v11o111 7'0-—----:.»*L good Illilj(31;‘i.hy--*'--\V@]Tt3 <1» 1:) p msecfil. to my (11 x*i-— CJ3 THE GREAT 00Nt1*1§0‘V1m.sY. 2 sion, zzmd in :f;iw01* of p1:i;wi11g.g; the new 11%1eetAi1:‘1Vg~11c»11.~3e 11e>a.1° the site 0ft11e <:>].(101;1.e. But in :;1.11 to 1:119 121) 1:m.<;1 0\v11<-ms, fl.1<31fe WC—)1‘(3 :;1J:m11t legzxl v0te1'.<;<3 at the cmds of the D.iVst1'i0t,-~11:1<:>53‘c1y 'J‘7'z%*t;1'111A<3:1.*’.~5 .~“_<<%:)1;1.~3---~t<:> Whcml t;hei1‘ fi{L'f;1”l(31'S 11%-l.d C(L')11V’G_§’Bd slmll t;1*:.1;ci-is <;;>:f'1z1.1"1d,, {:0 ¢;*.11.:,1bh§z t]:1e11%%t1 9 as the }1zw.=' t11e31%1 W:‘LS, to V<;;>te cm Hm <11.1e:3ti.141. at 'i:~s;s;a11e. Tllese 1.1V1.:;L(1e 21 <3,1<~:::iL1' .1;1mj<:;:>;r;i”ty in f2l.‘V(;"»1‘ <):f‘ 1;)L1Lii.Mi%1%:1% ‘L?w¢:> h()L1S()S. I111 t;]%11is diF1em1%%1:m., We :3c3\*<3%1izt§,r 1:1 (3£iM.S oif :f':1.%mi1i%c.:>.~*.~:---—~ liviixtxg 1J1%t1<11J):3'f%1§,r tin. %t:1:1e c:<:a1;"1.t:1%'c> &JTiL]v\‘1'é'I\\‘t' ‘$_j..%A§<,%,—~—-—--:%.1;p_[i:1"i<;,~.<1 to H:1<;:>. I¢<;:3g:is~ 1£};l.tU1‘:[” 1:‘s1A':“)c:@@di.1%%1. 21.11:?! :1. 1:1(1m.1.'ii11g. "l‘.I*:1<;~i%.1' pet.iti.(:n:1 S‘tZ:1/U%3(1 't,};%:1z1.t t»l;;1e ‘t;¢:>t;z>1,1 1.‘::*t%,{“;z7x};>1e;a <;*a.'~3tzi1,“r;<:=: in A1A%%11.I.:\m4-s{*~, %exL:].%1:1,si\L'<3 of W};1:;x.t ‘xmss ];1e{1_(f1 11;) 11 0 1*t1.-1f<:2.~si«jl (;’31l.1jT~{‘S, w:;L.~:» 5€7,,5‘J7.5, uf %VV:l;71i<;:11 ‘r.x11L3 1ti>e1i;iti_<:1:1‘1<;ms.~es \m1.'<;~3% thezz ; u;if” ‘t;7lu;z D%irsf:41.*i%%L:t:, W1%1<:;> 1;) <.:>1‘<3 17I&y1e :p1"i1i1.<;:.fi.W1 1;:>:;uft._ Hf H11 0 ¢l1W>1x?1.'<.%"{.n:1¢1_ of b 1*\V2m{1 t{l:1<:3 .<:a‘c.»‘ij%:%’t’%1<3:1114<;mt :\.t I’L1.'.s#1',; of 1j)11i.1(1i.1)£§ 1, 1.l].0(Bt;i.1).g-]‘1(]‘_)1T.I.:%3€35 of .s311mi:>mfti1;1g ftlyu-;z mi):i::st:ryp z-1.1.1d 21.11 <;>t11@1' (3]V1:%%?1.1'g'(;>ss; mm (1 11ml <1:«;ni1ti:1¢1.11<.3<1 to 11> <;a:i1:15 H11 (9 g1'e::21.t%ca1* 1m1't <:>;f (%X1;)(9‘1“l.-SCBS <;f>f cmaalry ki1%1%<%1 IfT.f1.'(i')]l‘l, ¢t]1<.<.> mii ‘.g;iA;1i%1%z;x.’l. sett:.1e141%%1c31'1t uf tflinsz 1%:-i.~;;1¢1 to t:TIi1%:“1.t; :f1;‘ec11i.1.‘i%1%1o* U(1(¥:31'llf1, 't:<.:> T]")2L1/V" i7.];i1(_~.~. ]m;'.<~V'<;:,a1.' " >mrt;. M Q, ‘ .. H «:33 ., tlw cjmst» <:>;f‘t1.1e t‘w0 1%1’1<;u:>t;1¢11:%1.1:m<;3&; W]; 2: 1'1. ‘ri.];1<::* '%\V(;‘,I1.‘(;‘. *t;<;) 1:%;>o % % 2 .. deprigv (11 <91: film :*1.<;1'V.2;1.41.1.iian. tv}1c31:A1_ (ism _yec1, as tlym <1ii\~‘idiV1%1 111110 1;)etx;\rec;a1:1. the ]'."10‘VV 1f)£11.]."i..‘317l€3S, <31%;1*1i%n 27113 t]:;1<;»« (;+!<;>:1i1iir1t<;: M’ the tmV11_., W0111<::1 Tlcawxre t]:L1%c21:11 in 1111.0 (..)1‘L1t!fi§].Ci1‘J[I~fi33 ts]/my <3.111- 1L)hé'LSfi,Z@(j_‘1 t»]f1G‘,;f£?1l.(3t t]:12%1.t tlttte ‘wlaole te1.*ri.t<;>1.'y xm.~:s 1i‘.1%m:. t(;><:f> 1231,71" We ifbli 0110 t(:>W1;1 2'-L1Tl.d (:>1t1(~3 U01‘).<-"IT3”‘2;1,fi(I1>]i’1. 2m (1 tfI:1%:V_t.t ‘t:<;:> E11’) M ‘ . ‘ M ETD 3’ n;1a.k:e the V1;>m:t1t1o11 would be‘ to c1‘ezxt%eA “ two Weak, z:m<.1 a,1rea.dyrL1in.ed,” societies; and they oorxcludecl with t1*1i.s+ 24 THE GARAEAT OON'l‘'~tOVE1?tSY. : 111*ge11t appeal: A “ Yo L11‘ petitio11e%1*S :fu1*the1' 1'ep1'ese1:1t that they lmxve never used my undue method to nmltiply their Votere, e11oosi11g 1‘2Lt11€-31“ to Want at 111z1j<)1‘;ty than: to 1)r0eure it by u11f:;Li1' n1ezéms. And now, findi1'zg all z1,tte111pt:s of :;1.eee111111edation to he in M111; a.11d d€S1).2},i1‘i1"1g of jmstiee without the i11te1#pessit,i011 of Legisslative power, t11eyt1me1ty the atte11ti011 of your Exeellemy £11161 Honors to their 1111- 11::1.ppy SitL1:?LJ[1iO};')..” Oh the '18th. of Jtme ih110Wi1’1g,, the Legie]tz:x,t»111‘e puesetl 2111 e1"'<;1e1t', etz:tyi11g 211.11 1:)1'0<3ee<1it1t1tg§:s 1'e1z;1.— tive to t11eh11i1c1i11g c>f’m::1y new1t11.eetihx1g-}1<)11ee 01% 1I1eeti1:1g~ h<;mee.<3i11 the Dietriet, ex;eep’tir1g upxm or nezinr the spot‘ where the house then :-steed; zmcl Fehlmxary 4:, 17 ‘T 4, :31, ecm1mitt»ee, e011eieti1;1g; of _A.1‘te111z1,:s VVa.1‘d‘ of the Coumfll, zmcl l\“I1:. 13ie1§;e1‘ing; zmd Col. Bm3<;)1‘1 of the ]§Iouse_, \*:’1,S di-5 reeted to 1'epz;a,i1* to A11111e1'et«, View the F-J»:§f§l1T1”1(3_, ].’1€3£7;1.1‘ the pz:L1*- ties, zmct 11’12].hI.G 1'ep01't; zmcit it was Orderecl ‘‘ tlmt the I111:1uJ;>it:.mtes in the 11t1e:1.11 time Whelly sL11'ee::1.sse 21.11 proceed- t ihge 1‘e1z:LtiVe to building my new 11t1eeti1:1g—11011ee or 1ueet- i.1i’lg-11011SeE3 in eaid District.” This z:1,eti;0n of the Le§.>,ie1:L- tu1'e zu.1<;1 the eot111i11g on of the W211‘, sseem to 1'l2}W€;’: 1jmt 211.11 end to the phumu for dividixmg the town, t1'1‘0u.g1'1 the eoeizttl A h1'ez1,c:h was not hezztled during thutt gen.e1*e.ti01:1. The new meeting 11m1ee in the centre wzts mt hui1tu1;1ti11788, some five» or six yemre after the eee011d pau:is11 11zlLt1 been fmsmecl at the East Street. A V A A1t:11ot1g11 Amherst was .ine01.°p01'z1ted EL Dist1*iet in 1759, it did not enjoy the I'itg11t of 1‘ep1:esent:.«1,ti011 in the Legie-t ‘ht hitture until the opening oftettlme Revolution. Its fi1‘et- sep- arate 1*epre.se11ta.tive Wes Nzxtlmniel DiO1§.ifiS0l1, J12, who DISTR.ICTS AND TOWNS. ‘ 25 Wassent to the firet pP1;'ovi11eie,1 Oc)11g1.'eeep, W]p1iA<:-oh met at S221.-A-AA lem, 2u.1joL11‘1*1e<:1 to C‘(:>11o(>1‘d, z~i1,11(1 then to Cz1,1pe111:)1‘i11s Aof t1:1eA A A i_1'1e1'eesi1f1g power of therep1‘eee1:1t2t1tive feetL11'e <:>f‘t1p1e].\iI:1e— p A se.o1'1_L1eettet Colony. The 0()10IA1fi£L1 G5oVe1'1?1o1' W213 tIp1e1'e“lh1'eo A i.nstp1'uot,edepto give t1eI1isAz1seeIe1t to the iAfl001"p01'2Tl.ti(§)Iil of no I A new t<)xv11e,,A unleees Ae. 1'eetr:.1i1eL1tA shouhl he 1:>]zA1,<;:ed,, in ezwlflt A ease, 1;A1pAonAt1'1e power of ee‘x‘xdi.1f1g 1'ep1fesexrltzxtives. Ifletlee the sy,~3te1:11 of (1iSAh1‘iGt7S, wlifwh oAon;[’errec1 an the fL1AI‘1(§3tfi_A(.)I1t;~' of t.oW11s, except t]:1ie one A of AelAeetin rep1'eAeenpt::1,t§7vee. By :.1. geue1':1.1 121W o;t‘e1786,, all pdietriets A i.neo1*pomtec1 pi*iorA to .AI::u“1ua.1'y 1st,, A1777, AWe1'e_AdecAl:':L1fe<"1 towlpele, mul A.I11]‘.1€‘1.’:~3_At V Wes itixeltilded in t1fmtp1:1u1:I'1A’oe1'. A Still? fi‘(A.")lAiAl1 the ope1ni1'1pgoI1'Ap A the 1{,evo111tioItp1eI“y eorlteet in 1774, tloxievioilimgee);~e1*oieee1,,oAA AA A une1t1a.11e11ge(1, the A p1‘ivi1peg;es ::1,11d i1'11A1x:1e‘);e1c:et of t<)w1A1, mild oeeSu1'ned t11e>teit1e fi1‘1A 1776, all iI1ViC>1€{1.ti(_')n, pwbzxhily, A ofthis 1t-eetA1?ietio11A1;)y the omwn- A A _ T11isi.1i1oi(1e11t of Illilflistlfl-}1‘.i.2.t1.j(§€L1013lSyi.11l1St1‘£1t(3S t]:1eAi,I’11++e po1‘t.~;mt plzieeiwhgiolex the town occupiedi1:1ot11eNevvI<}x1gg~ A A ]a.nd1:>o1iptAy.AIt%1:m.s‘1:>eensty1ed “ttphe x111o1eueofAourpo1it-.{" thie 12t1.et I:1:i1ic1i::m. "V’V2:L];*, A1754--1763, mfe 1'11OI’8 <30II1Ap].ete of e1[A11i;s*’cAe1A1, ~,IAA.A':G].ij:-AlAi7lA., Ie2;1.2:1e W2:1i.1AA'c1,AJ1*., BeA1:1-e f'l.1’li1,".l1.A1iA A1"I£L1'VV(f)()(Li A€1.A1.A1<;1 Miea.1Ai Gt1iIl:fe1‘1f1if1p:t::iei:t1gig eiiX.te‘e1*1. Ae11et1i]i;1e1:ei; A A men, ive1‘eAAm:(:1e1red out. “tc:> c1e:fe1;u1 the WGSteC31‘l.lI“1T()Ifl.i1Ai(3I‘.S$ ‘A A AWhe1;1 ]3‘o1rt Wi.11i:im IIe1e11'y1Vii)eeeeig;ec1 in 1757.” SG‘lf‘gt. A A R.eA11;Ab Di;c:1{iIA1se1‘1A, (W1:1<:> A1?:;)e(;zz.1,1:Ax1e tA];:1e Ai1fA1i<:>ite(:1iA Ci2A1.II)tE:.LiI1 in t.lfi1eA - V 1"£eVe11.1A1ai.<:>11.)with five AII1i’1@1‘S15 1A1’,l(;")1'1i,i\Vzfl.S in Ca:1.pt. M()SGS AP01*te1>’e A e<7>111p21.11y, in ’C1j1eAAOe1*ee“W=1"1i Pi1A1t e‘xpeAdiiti<::i1 of A A AA1,’T55,e :i.1idw:1..ssmit i1:1t1'1e“B1c:)m:1y M01?r1iexe1gSefiAt11iz;Lt yew, 111i(:i01’f1C((f)1. Ep111:*::1,i.1x1 Wi11i,:i1e1i1e, A AW110ife1lAth;£Ltiii(1ey,}:1.11ti frexn w]:101nA the ei,et,e1? Cellegeiiin A eBier1{e}1i1§e (1e1‘iAVeAs}AiAi‘its I I121.llYA1@A. A Sm1111e1AHzivvley, hi.sA .son ,AAAA A thAx~ee otslxers iI1‘(3€1i1}>t- Nauxzziaiiiiel Dxviglws * 281 1 1 Toms. A 1::1,11<1 were e11g;:¢1,ger]11i1:1 the sa,1fAx1e @X.13e(fi1iti_(j)I1. At 13119 end of _ A t}1_@, 1':z'1;111.1:»2:1,i1,gAz;1*1. Ain. De<3.Ae111b er, Seigt.‘Di(31{i111sm1 :1.1.1<:1 :1, ssq11:1.<:1 “ 131610, 1 11.1? of the ]3.BV(§)1L1tfi.A(”f)1T1. A A of 1:1i1e1:1 1éet111;‘11.e(Tl 11011116t111r0L1g‘11t]1e W00 (18 , 1?21.t11e1r thzm W:J1.it fcn.‘ t1.':111sp (11;'1’r1é1.%ti<:>11:‘11 by, ‘L110 A t1;a\#ce1‘e1‘tz‘1.11t -(Z}111ti(~3S1 t11ey1AWe1:‘eA :3o(>11 to :1ss1111'1e 111 A‘11.1111:1fl:A1m“ of the 1B€1-(].i.I'l%'A A1:i11Ae1:1. of. A1f11},1<11:*st Wc1f1i‘(a~. 1111: A A=f1'"i <:111<;11y to 1:110 ReV0111t.i1011A, 11(1t:’1.1;>1<3 :?1.1111<31:11g "Vx1*AiA:11<1:>111111 11*0.:1'A0 1 M15. ];’:;1111‘sic)111s, 131111 111.i11:1.ist,e1f, 1 :111.1:11<11 Es;q11:i1;*c1 (.:]1Tl,£7l.1,.1‘liA'l. (ia(1y. J1:1d (1 1:11:A1.1‘i1:1A10.% :6 .b<;i1A11t :11 <10zer1‘1. (f)TfAA “tT}_71(L‘ 10:11<].i.1:’1g 1ii1101:‘1, ‘VV]1(Z') W'(AAf:31‘(]: 1::.<:f>1'i<:~‘::=4A. Mr. ]7;’21'11,1:':?-:~<:nt11;~“:'.’ iA1.l1"1.fl.1,1.G1i“1(365 \V:1+i; 111111?) ::1];)1y 111m ,111111stA c1fi*i.<:ic;:1*1113 cf.A::1.11ss¢:a 1:1 p1:'<:1»d11<::i11:1 ’[1.}11.i.S 1'Ac;»s:.<1:11t. A ]i‘I1i1.«:sA1‘i11ti11:111:1.1:.c;1 .{fA.A1,‘."Ai1(i‘,‘1l'.l.('1A‘1A., R.<:W.. A:m;>1i1 }};lji]11 11:11:’ S]i11111:1c;ss11111‘y, W2fA1..~1 21111311 21. m2*111<1.1>11s 1y:1’1.1isst;,1 :1.11d _1f1..‘5(Z'3 (1 to S1il('t11 (j)fiAA€%1.1SG to t1:1<:,sA 1:‘u:><1»1;.11e 11 <;111'(:>._, 1:1) 11.11 (:1 <:111::<.’1- A1;:>11'<:3%ri<11>1*1 of 11111:) :i1.t1?i.(fi)1'1iC% Vie W1"l(E)Tl1 17163 (.,‘.".*1s1.(\T‘»]1’l:iTl,1il. g(;1<;1 w:iA1:.11 N[1;'. A;P;‘;1.1fs<:>AI11s, thzmt tlmy fi1:m.111y V'”('§)J[1(Z§(;1 in t(jWV1"'1 11:1<‘10At.i1111 1;h:1:tf. ha :»3]11u111<11"1:.:1(1p1*o]:"1i1:>it<:s<1theAA‘1111111'1e1'Stt. ]j>1:11A1:1it., A T1Al1‘11(1 ‘t11:w:7l1ie- ‘ M11 t].1::1.At§s(;1>1%1*11e1:11i11A1C1S, (11111%1'i11g; tlm 1i111t<;111*W111 of (1 iV":i hm. WW. S1"1‘iA 1:1 <';>11AA S1‘1i'1.(.1z”..1.y_, W111 AA1:”1.1:1(:1 t1(;f»1;'i11<%3 xv:1»gc31(.Al AE§1°l(A".1"1 :1. Will‘ M _AVV"’.(.')11‘(1S Athzxt A.‘Ev11«3‘_y' (]1'1'it(Z¥ A}:;>1*<:i>1<0 1:111 1211:1113 :1.ftm‘111(.101:1 1‘1'11<;11f:1t.1i11As;,,}f'; A1 A A1 It q111i1:e 1“1i)o.1s?.$=t.'i11:1>1c1 t];1z1.t tlw ‘ 11i111b].i.(iL>A1 F.~3GV’”C§1,‘(*3 11p] 111;f:,i<1111>1’1; AA Moat of t]11e1'111 we1*0 111911 of 1‘I1:1.t1111;‘c>1 ye:1,1i*s:s, A<;)f_ (1:0rm<:11‘V::1.t:iiVc3 A A A\zi011*..~1_, of sL1}:)st;;111.ti 51.1 p1'c;>1:)e1;.tyAA, :11,1:1Ad0f'A c::(:A1111.ssidc§11*:11b1e: A st1z*1.1111 1:14»-1 A AA i111:111gA:f111'11‘1 i111'[‘111c:11.sr.t.A:1.t st11€1.1<0 iA_1t1 AAtl;:1e L A co1'1_te:a#t., W110 A11A:1.d; .1110s{'.1t0 1(")S.4.(A;.'-3i1f1A:*1.(1iS§t1l.1”15(31'1S1T;:fl.tAG “of pub-— A 1li1<::1a'f“f‘:;11.i1':s*, 1it1t;1eAtjQg;2Li11 by z1.11yAc111211.1f1A;g_1_v¢, an (1 11po11 Who111,r AA AA NATI-IANIEL DICKINSON, Am. 29 VA in case of fa.i1u1*e, ‘L113 Ve1f1g;ea,11ce *4 of the (31‘0W11 was likely fimt to‘ fzmll. A It is 11<:>t St *%*21.11g;e tlmt s11c.11A 11191.1 ].1esita.1;ec1 too 1o11g bef<:>1;'e 0o111111i.tti11g "tA11e111se1'Ves mmd their p0ssesI~3i.o11s to the <'3m.1se of i11de_pe11de11oe. Still, the g1*ea,t I11:1j<;>1*it§r of t};1e1:3e<:>1:>1e of An:1he1*st were e€L1”‘1lGSt in the ca11seAc)f1ibe1'ty. The p21,t1;‘i0t 1ea,c1e1's were 11t1st1y A youil 111911. F(‘)]j‘@111(i)E5JD ::Lr1m11 t1:1e1n in 1:110 m?do1* w*;i%1:,l:1 W11i(31“1 he clevote C1 ]:1i1.:x1_se1f to the 1:>op11]%:71.1i'% caxmse, W1"-l.;S :Nfl;J[:}L1_'- zmiel Di(A:1{i.11S(A:>1%1L, J13, W};1<;:), with tlm 11?1wiV1%%1_is4te.1."s5 sc>1f1.,, ])z1r\‘*%i(1 A P:”1A1:u~:a(.:*>1%1s, J1‘. , :Lf!t’®]:.“?EA‘]l1A‘(1H SG(3('j).'1;'1(;1 1%114i%%1f1i.1].ege, .‘é.l,T1'1,(1_,' so f:1uA;' I c::fuf1 1em,1;»1:1%%, t,};1<;~3 <:>1:11.y'1:*1A:;1,t%iw3s o:I:A’t11<;: to \V;1i1 W];:10we‘1;*e g1%':'1.<1— 11¢:*1.‘t:e<:1 21.1; ]I:I:11,1‘V:1,i1.'t E}:;>e1wmze14‘ B (,f§f)].tW()(ff) (:1, W110 'VWl.S two ye:“x.1;'s:: tlwil‘ ‘L11.1i(;f)];‘ at tAl:12*1,t i1:1sti.t11‘ti01:1. Mr} Di<3]§iw1”1%sm1:‘1. ‘wzits :1. :1:1?<::>t.(:2(] <;:112~1%.1A‘zI:1.(:ter in ]§."l.i£~..‘» %<;12i_1,y,, z71.1:u:.1 1n:f1.1¢1y t1“£Il,diJl'£iC“)1[lS (f)‘.fAA his er:<;2e:1:%1.t1.':i.(3 <;s1.;1:L fza1.<%;+.t$(31' z;1.11.(.1 ez7.1.1V*1V1%(~»3tA 'tc~>:11’1V 1i;)e1* zi1.1'e 1:>1*eess5111eA ma»- q*t1i1:'e1:ixL1.(f3ms A«::>f tI;im.t 1')(31I'.i(.”.)(f1’, to st~11dy tlym 1m *5 £7il.lJI1(j1 in 1774, WhmT1 tt,]*1(:: 1:i1in0 01:’ tjlmta :é;c:a:Wi%<::<3 (3;‘i(.1"j,)ii1f(13(’1, tlm y111f1g;‘1n;wyca1f, t}'1e1i1 t.\v011t »?~‘I:1;i>111t' re2'1:1:'s uld I;f)1;:11:f1m(‘1 itti.) e1'tA (W(43%1°" I" % % % 2 % 3 e1A1e1+gyof ym1t}.1 :1;1J1(,1%11ig}1 mlelixt i1 1 1:><:a1;1:<1.1f c:>f H10 1i1J)mr—% Atie.<7A.A of 1.‘1%i.s C3(T)l11i],t1"y. ‘Was at cfmcse (f71j'1(”){:'3€31Tl. d0]0g::1.t:r3 A A of i:}:1fis town to tlue fi1:J'st p1:'0v.i.1:1czia].A C§1?)1T1.g1'0.‘~$."i? ; z1.g;:1i11., to A A the se(:3Ac>11«;1 whi 01:1 met at C:L11;1b1;*id in :B‘<;§b1?1V1:1.1.‘y, 17’? 5 5 A u g :zL1:1.(‘1%‘A‘%s1:%i%A11 :mg:‘L‘i1%‘1 t~<:>A the tJ1i1'd, w]f1i(:.h 111017. at W:'1.fi‘01:‘ii«()\N’1:1 in Mztmyof the s:1,11mAye::14.1'.%% A Aw'2":1,s7 1%i1a:ewi..<3e Re1:>1;'ese%1:‘1Am-- A 30 7 GENERAL MATTOON. ‘ ‘Live to the Gexleml Court in 1778, 1780 a11d111783. 1 Once when the tory 1ni11ister,A 1111*. P23330113, was compelled dto 1‘(~3fLC1 f1'01n thé pulpit a.p1*001a.111atio11iss11e<:1«» by z3Lut1101*-~ ity of the new g0Ve1'11111eA11t, he a.dded to the 1.1Sua1 fO1‘II1a11 c.c>11c111si<:>11 “ God save the Co1111in0nwea1t11 of MaSs2Lc11u~ setts,” the followirxg eXpressi011 of his own views, “But I .s*agy, Goal some 25/ze Ifi7212,5r.” The impu1.siVe 1::L11d pz:1.t1'i<:>tic y0L111.g W1‘1i_g lzznwyel‘ csould 1101: e1:1du1:'e 31101.1 @111 i11su1t froln the tory 1:)z1.1xso11.A He ::s'p1'a.1i‘1g to 111.9‘. feat in 111$ pew, and in excaited tc>‘11es criec1 out, “I say 3/cm. we at m.s*caZA.,A” p1*ef::wi11g t1.1e epitlwt with an expletivo w1ii1i(:11p V *::.L:3 t11oug1.1t 1;)y t]:1<;>:=se W110 .11€€L1'C1 it to be 172111“ 1TI1(jf)1‘@ e111_p11:1tic ‘t11:41m.1 pi<:>1;1s. M1‘. Di(31{iI1SC)I'1 was 1111<:>s:~:t :f1,<;~>ti‘ve 11p<:m the fS@."V81‘:7.l.1-t()\VI’.1 (3(f)Il.11’1'11tJE(3GS‘ of <3<:»1‘1'(«3.1:1L1e11<3e, “xvzm 11119 z:L1:.1t11<;>1' of :1, 1:iL1%ge 1Z)£7L].‘t of file R(mi>1u~ t.i0m‘1.1'y pz:1.w31‘As of t11ca t0‘w1'1, S(i)1fl'1(~3 of‘ ‘VV1l'11("311 2:111-*3 ssti1.1 pm- A se1*Ved_, r'::Ls 1fx1c>c1<31'zfm:>1* at 11(T)W1.'1 I11eetipI1g$,,1 tow1;1<::1e1'1§;2<1.m1 JD11'0€jLSL1I‘G]i‘, se1ec:t1‘I1z:x.1;:1, :1,ssess<::>1', a11d he gave :1 1p2:1,1;'g,r__§.A;e p::L1'*‘r. of A 1'1iss titne to pu1p)1:id<::‘1:)L1:si71;1pes5s. I11 17 81 he W€iLS n.1:>1:><;:>ifif1.ti(:ave{1:11<:>1r 1Ia.1:1(:o<31<.,* z1.ft0A1r W1i1i<::11 1:10 xvziws 1<::om1;:n01.i11y 1~:.11:*11m\*1:.1 “" Squ.i1:'0 N::ut..”’ 1'10 xvzdtjsd m11c1'1 0<;:c+.111:>iec1pi11. tlm 131‘.1€il11(‘,)i1‘17lT1ff1§1;‘1(if)17 (3€:p.L1S(E§§3, m:1c1witI1i1 1:110 1i)G1‘f()1‘II1£l.1?.1Ge101.11(fT)t1Z1(31‘ 1:‘x1z1(gi.s:t e~.1*i2i1.1 d1;1tie, w1'1i.<::11d in JE/1.1('Li)‘.'$‘(‘; V (:1::z_y:3 z:Lt7t:w1“1e<1 to A t1'1e (ff)1171(3G3_\V11,1C1.’1 11e11@:1(1. I10pc1ie(1‘i111 1 11802, Az1.t1d;7t11ep12xge Qf 52Ayea;1*s. AA A A A 1 A A1 A A Ebem-3291*1V1:1.tt.001:1,, dJ1*.,----17)ett(a1‘ .1§Z1j'1()W'I1121‘;l.S Gen. Mat» 1 A A 'tC)(j)1'l-—-1Tli1£»1.11ypA 11cm will 1fe111e1'111':)e1*;1 for ‘ 1:10 <;1ie(1 A 21.1: an A1Azu.11V‘z1.111<::ec12L1;ge in 1843. 1'1€31\V1:Ll5§ ::1.1'1ot].f1c~3r Of131fl(3i”L1L'(1(£31lJD *".I3l_1is o1~ig;i1m.1 co‘1n1nissiox1is in 1t1xe1AsLut1A11<)1'A’s7posseassion. COMMITTEE OF CQRMSPONDENCE. A 31’ yetxng W11ige of A11"1];1e1'et. He wee gmdtleted at Dzieust-t 1neut1.1 in 17 76, zimd wee for 1ne1:1y yemre Rt)1)1'6S81‘1t2Lt~i'V70 a;11d Sellzettot in the Legie1z.1tu1'e; z;tftte1'We1'de .111e1‘nhe1' of C011.g;1'eee, S11e1*i1’t of HV2ZLI111f)S11i1'G county a.1:1d Adjuttzmt Ge11em1 of the State. He Wf;LS, 011 the whole, the 1;1:1.eet diet~.i1e1g11ie11ec1 puhlie 1e11e.11 Imtive of the tci>We11—-—-v\:11<:) 1;12e1e 1‘eeided .i.11Am11e1'et. He, e.1eo, 'wz:1,e <:;1::1.1.y tWe1:1ty-fou1' yezgwe e of it 'W];1e11 he 1;>ee::m1e £1. 1;‘G1)1'(3f:¥(£31i1JE.z;l.ti.V’€¥, 11.11 17 81,“ e.t1;u:1 his g1%eztLt i;1:1flue11ee eo11tt1'ihute<§l in :1. 111.:L1']e:e(1 deeggree et,<:;>w::é;u.*de A 1{eepi‘1;1g,; A111e1"1e1e*et‘ 011 the 1;‘Ti ei<1e in the Rev<;>'lh1:1t:im;1z;wy A st1'11gg;1e. A In J z<1.1e11.1:;ury, 17 74,, A1111.he1‘et 21.1.)1;>ei1;h1.tte<1 ms e<.:>1111.11i.‘t;.tee of c:c)1.'1'eep<;)1;1hdenee Moses D;ie].<.;i.1:e1e<:)1e1e, Re1;11he1;1 Dieki 1j1ee1eee1,, A Jee<;)1:) MeDe.1:1ie1e, N :;ttli1z‘1,1:1i.e1 D i.e]a;i.11ee«eee>1e1, J12, z11Jf1<;1 Jeee];>lhh1 Willizmxe, :1L1:1(1 1 11:1 1\i[2e1.1L'c:]t1 the e0.1:m11itt;ee 1'e1:>m.‘t,e(1 to the te'w11 their <;1.1h':;1,ftA of :1. lfeply to the I3et<;)11 (‘$011Il_1t.1'1.i.’HZ€3ti3, which VV2?;LE$ eeeepted by Vote zm<;1 <;m:1e1'e(;1 to he 1h'eee1*ded. A A A The doemrnente ie vig<;)1'<;)11e z;t.1u;.1 &';L1'l.i1"1“1é‘;1,’[:G(;1 in style, e,1u:1 Iiliglllye p:;1.t1*ic;)tieiI1 ite tmtxe. A The <)1'i,gi:1eh1a1 still G2,‘Lw1‘C§f1.'11.]y I)'1.'GSG1"V@(.1-1‘)yty(;)13l1' eeteelhtxxetl t(;)‘VV“.1‘1e e1e1‘kA., M1‘. Oztrtelr. It t is e g: ‘ep1e1i.e eX1i)1‘eeeio1:*1. ;<;>:f‘ the e;xeit»e11e1e1j:1teml £'hlJ]\:{il)]‘I\bl‘I'i<'i' ,1:li>‘(;§1|1 A pe1"Va,<:1e (1 the puh].ie t1:ni.1::1 (:1 at the 1:) e1A'i.0t<:1 of ’w]:11eiee]:‘1 I epez;t1<., e e.m:1’ i1eh1'L1et1*et.teeA how t1e1(.e)r1;1eetec1 the proVi1‘;1ee tex for thz:1,tA year, they S].1f:l»11 A peythe ee.1te11ett<) eelxlmittee of five e;[)e1e'e()1.1e, c:c)t1i1.eietie11t‘g of A A A " A J 0eephEeet1na11, N£Lt}j12{l.1e'f1.iG1 Di.C?1{i,1fl.S(LZ)]fl., J 1)., Et)eneze1*B(>1t+ A _ gwoocl, Simeell Clerk éuid Meeee Dielcirxeoxx, W110 e11a.11A pey 32 AMHERSTA VOTES FOR ' INDEPENDENCE. the sah1e to IIe111'y Gzéml.11e1' of Stow, ilzxstezul of II£iL1‘1‘;lS()1)1 In tl;1ie ‘1’l1%l.171'l1€1‘l3l1(3 G(i)lC)11l.2;Itl tea: A Gray of Boston. cliv'e1‘tet;l frozm the rc)y:.e1.l to the p1'oVi11oi2;1.l t,1'e:j1l;~:"§111.*e:1*. In 1776, two tories were se1o1t to N11ely inin1iez:1.l to A1:o11e1‘ie2:1,11 lil)e1*ty 5 ” the otl1e1* l3eeamA:s'e he AV ms “ 21.121 e1:1e111y to , 2?.m<;l ::1,e‘te<;l in <;¥1f‘.)1§)1'St 1‘1o1itlitiza1.. At :21. 1:;noet:,iug of oflioAe1*s3 in N<:>1‘tl1z1,1:1o1pton, in Novemloer, 177 ltllow 1t;iI»1"o1~m,» 1:11e11 1'e11ou:1‘1 oecl in w1.'i.tio1;1g' all 2:1.11otl:1«;:>1*.ity u1*1<;le1: tl1elfiLlii1tofI;:1~ i11son o01111niseio11s, EL1’lCl sul:)seque1lo1tl1y 1*epez‘11.’te<:1 the (lie-~ C:l:l.l1”11(31‘fELl3 Amherst. But th.e Wloligs were ;%3Ll£Lfi?1I,)l(3l()l;l$3: of Cl:1:;Lu11eey, and required him to “h1.11'1:1A22L1l the <3o1l1111‘1is5ei11e he h::1<;l ever reoeivecl f1"on:xtl1eki1“1g.” T1*a.dition eaye tlo1ieA oeremolmy tool: place, with some cli.splz::1.y, 111’1ClGlZ' :1. tree, 011 the 13th of June, 1776, in 1'espo11ee to :1; A1'eqM11etl se11tl">y the Greneral Assembly of M2ms3sz1o1:111set;t,:3 to all the towns, for:.L11 eXp1'essilo11%11pon the e“xpecli.en.ey of *I)eel:m1.~l “tion of I11de1:>e11denee, Amlxerstvoted as folloWAs: F” Tlmt should the Hot1omhle Co11g1'ees, ,E'o1' the safety of'tho 'AAU1;;1.i~ ted Colonies in AmeI‘iee,; declare them i171clepe11(le11t of the Ki11;°_>,w them to leave their .homes only to attend 1]1("3('3i3iI7'l,§._Lf on EE31:n'1- day. Two of these who were un<5le1*“t11is eepi<">1't1:tt1ige were Isszme C}.’1i9l.L11i'1(l3(~3y ::1.11d Lieut. Ite1:)e13't: Boltwoed. .'?3c:>1i,l'1 ]"l:1(i gone to Colzmectieut, the f(I)1‘I1'1G1‘i1’1dG3iitHjl.(1@ 0.t’1:1ie pz5t1'(.')iiG_,, the lzitteif on the plea, of ill hez1.1titI~e1, :.m<1 both were i\*\“72»L11"i(3(i };;>::;1.ek.. The A.r11hte1'et (L‘eIx11x1iet,tee <;>'[*’ Safety t;het'eii:>1'e took the 1im*1.ttie1" in »11::u“1(,1, 21.23 :?'l.}‘)];)(3:vl,I‘53 by iT{i"1(’:‘: tf‘o‘l1‘VViI1g; <:.i1.'i*. 'A.;'\I’f{[]i3il:t.‘I‘:‘TlT‘., l\’fk.\$S., A1:1p;11et: 3%., f1776. V‘V.1’1e1'ez*1e Iem:1.<;: O[1;:1:;1.“111:1.<;: ey of mi“ «:1 A.e1ex'1l'1'et1net, ee l.1Vit(:«if=G(fIi. of iaeing; notm%it011e]y i11:i1‘1'1.i ml to the Ame‘1.*i"f’ Cm:1.11ec::;ti-— cut, on r‘lWr14(.)‘ gz;m:>1.'e to <'1e:—mi1.'e tlm % goocl people W(;)Tf t}:12ti.1.t .il‘titw<*;md. of mic] A111}*1tc:1:et, C:01'1‘V’i(i:t6 (1 ztufuil <::()1”1fi1i1e(fl e.1i'(;t>1'ee:;1t.i<31, ];”1zew’i1:'1g 01%.) iZ»2il,i.1Tl e (:1 1ih-' A erty to j ou1_'t1:1e y to N e W .lI.t:~1.tVe1i1. cm. tEt(3(3(f')L11’.l.t of ];'1i.st.hez;1.1t;:11., hath e.i:)ee1‘1.te (1 }f1i1'1T.1fi elf mm:-.11 1t«;i)1jt1g;e1:* the.1:1 W ms eX.1:>e0tea.c1~: 1vc111111ta1~i1y, we we mt 1011111.‘ Pe:1*11z—1,ps 1 t111-3136 were the F‘1;W0 A11111e1‘st t111'ies” W111) 1111111111 to N1)1'1:1111,1111pt.011 j11.i1.1 In 1777 it 11121113 1171111311 111121112 1111112 11;:011.1"11113.t1:1f%ReV. David 111?1»11*s11>1111 "1' is not 1'r:'1e11d1y E111 1*ega,1‘c1. to the 130111111011 c:11,1;1se, 121111111 t1111t 1:1 c11111111i,t1ee 111c1ti:f’y1 111111 11f t11i1~3 1111.116.” 1TW1:i1 11111‘ 11':~:: 11:1e11131;> 11115 V'~V€;‘.1.'6 11z?11.111::11e11 17171111“ 121111 se1r1vii13e,, 111,11: W111111: 11111111 11113 111111113111. 07f't11ei11‘ 1313111 11p1L1;111 11111111 11i_13t1:1ry 11121.55‘ ‘1T1(j.)”1- 111-;~1;111111'1_1e11. It 1111 1:19 p1'1a1s;111111e1;1, 1_1111111*e"1m11r, 1"1*11i111111 17118 te111p1«11' 1111’t1f111:1 1111111111115, 171f1111t 11‘111:1t111 11111015 111111 s11j»1111et11i1f111g 111;» $21151‘, 1111111 ’11f11.1:1.13_ 141113 p111‘-— HES 1111:1111 :21. p1'et1;y 1'1*11.1;1111: 11:1i111 p111:1i11 :i1:1te11.*11111{1111ge 1111' v:ie11»v.~3, 1111111” 131113 31111111137 11111111. 111::1.1:'1s<;111'1 11121.15? 11:11:) 1;: 11*z71.'1+'13-1:11. 1111 1778 11111111 131i1w1111 V1f1t1a1T1 111111111171» “ :11—31‘:s'1;11111s 1f111:1t 1:11 W 111111111 121% 11111111=1~pe1111e1111311 1111111 11:10. C1'1;»11111 1711151‘ G1*1e1111.1t. B1*i1i111i1‘1, z11.,1j.;'11*ee::111:11y to 1111;-. D11 1;+1111.1'2¢11‘1111i1111111 111:‘ (I11)111g1:'eas, 15111111 11111. v1i>te.‘” 1 F1'1:1111 111111 1-1 M11.fs"1:L1-111' I{1;111s,W::1,111c11 1:1t111:1111' 1~1=,~1:1~1»11-1111.111-111 11.11111 19711111111111.1111 1'131;1:'11»'1;11"s 1:11.11 B1:1s1t11;1111, :11. 11:>1:'e1tty1 111111 2:11.11-11;1:,1_1111"1113 11211111111111 g11.1;1111 15111'13~1’1. 1111' t1f1e p11.1”'t 11t1:1,l11'.1:=>11. 11;:>y t111~:1 A1111111a11%1s 1: M:i111it1i11:1,4, .111 1111111 11111i111171—‘_1111'1-”.>.1f11’1:. 1;:11111111p11,i1g11s :1"111r1:11i11 1.775 to ]178?1.’’‘‘ 1V.’.[y‘ ti11‘111e: W111 1;1111§l11w 1111111” 1:1111.y' z111.1111:)1.‘i.ef131i1111111i11111g1.1'y. N‘ 1;-.11111j1«1p111.11y 1111' i\111i'1.171.1T,G) 1\I12:.1i11 [111111i11;1 11311121111 11;111'g::1111ize11 111111113 111111111 11111‘ 1 7'7 41, c:1:11111;>1:1111>1f1. 111111‘ 1111.111?1i11r11'1“s 1111‘) 111 1A1:111‘1e11*st1,1S1:1111t1:1:~313111';,r 111.1111111:1 1111,1(7§'\7’(31L‘C§1T1J[;,, "111111111;»11:' 110111'1111111.1;1,1111:1 1111' Capt. I1..1a1111;:11?11"11 D i1;:11:11i1111s(:111‘1 1:11’ .A111111111:11€1:1;'.1~;1*11;. T1:1111 1111~1w11e11 0i1"1:1t1111e 1i;11‘111:t»1e. 11:11.‘ 111511111111 1g;t11;1 11111,, .A1p1*i1 1131, 11.775, 11;'1:1~121.11;:11111=.111i1 ‘1;11ii1s 1.11111 W11 1<1,11:1111111t 1f1()(f)1I'l1 111111 t11121 i‘Z0t11, 11.11111 C1::1.p11. L17)i1:111:.;i11111111111 1:~11f11:1 111113 1:1t;1111p1i111y 1'1.ppe111' 11:11 1111.-we .1%’c111.~1.11:1'1:1-131.11 1.1:11¢111‘1;111'1:1 1i11ig111t 11:11‘ 11119 11111111113 11:11?‘ the” 11111111111011. T1111 mt:-;1,11 1111111:11111)1 1111‘ 11111111191 11111111111p1?11f1.y W:§1.S 1‘*TI.‘11ese p21.pe1.'s., and 1111111y 1111101591 1;11:‘g1'c111t 11i1st1;11ri11:1-L1 111111111 1-111111111111‘ to .A1'11111111'st, 111111ve been cg11iec1 for the a11tl1or biy 1Rev. J. II, 'I‘131111ple of I*‘111.11'1‘111g*11-111111, well 1~:111ow11 111.1 11.11111ccL11'11te h1stor1a.n. They a1'e1c epositecl, for the bmxcafit of t11e1f11t1.11'13 11111111211“, in 11111 Lib1'111*y 111‘ .A.mhe1-st College. A 1 1 V 1 % ‘*5 13AT’l‘iLE OF LEXINGTON. 3:) eixtyg twenty-eingl1t fre1:11 A111l1e1‘st, twenty fremn Sl1ntes- bury am twelve fren1 LeVe1‘ett. The first LieL1te11zu1t was Z:z1.eel1eL1s C1.‘OOl{61“, a.n<:l the first Se1‘gezm11t,lDz1.n.i.el Sl1::x.ye_., :«mfte1'W:1,1:*(:le the ntytecl rebel lencler in “ Shays’ Re- bellion,” Were betlx :firo111 Sh”L1tGSl")111"y. The A111l1e1‘etAn1e11 were {LS fellows: Capt. RGL1li)61L'1.:Dl(31{lIil.SC)1"1, Qcl Lient. Jeeeph Diel.:;i1i1e0n_, Sergt. Ezm I‘i.<")e(:l, C<:>rp. E1:)eneze1;' ll-Enst:n:1:w1,11,, Corp. Ae:1n1, J12, Jel1i11 Dieki1n1e<:>n,, Wz‘1.iinif,etill Deiel«:inns<:>1n1, A221.- l“l.2fZLl"l I)l.(?«l{.l11E5(:)lf1., El;)ene'::.e:1' D:inel§.in1:‘1eci>1f1n, llllil;’1n11 Dic:l{:i.1‘1.s3(i>11 , John E£Tl..‘.3tl.11€f1.1‘l, Ti1l1:1etl1ey Gl1;'ee1:1, Jelmn IlI<:>1f1, Cl.e:1fnenl7 M2eL1;n'e]:1zl1.lel4, AIr]’:@}:lr(;1::‘\l"‘(w‘1 Mendy, Wninlel:im1’1 Ma. , Stepl1e1:1 S1;:t1fIl;]n1,, M£n.l.1)’l»fl1in'1. 811:1 M1, Iieul:)e1t1 S1:nitl1, Silneon Sn1i.t:l1, .Ani1l;>1;'<:>ee VVil.lei;;1.1e1n1e. The e<:m1pz<1.1:‘1y V~*z:n,e in service ; :;1.e l.\{[in1;1nl;e Men eleve;n. (,1EV‘]l§r%; tl1.c>nng'l:1 nlxnny ef tl;1en1 werel 1'et:1.ine(l eixteetll. t'W"(‘3]j‘1t -«one :1.n(;l 1‘/.}}l.'l‘i1“I‘t‘ *'-ei<*n>'l1t (la 9 w % «in Y A1:)‘1:*il 30l:lh,, O2'.'L1")l1.« D1lel§.:1e11ne<,:)1:"1 cel;>1i-gz:x,1:11ze(n.l :1 new ec>1*x’1ep::1.r'1y e1n11ietel;lef%tl1e J:\_11111_e1'et Mitfllxlge Men 1.‘('*)*'('3i1'Tll.l»‘5l2(3(._]._., zmcgl, in A :71.cl(;;l:it;ie1t1, the f2;j>]1<:>‘VviL1ll1ng nil1;l:1ec:l the‘ c.e1’11p:e1,1:‘1eny: Be1:l1jm‘1l1i1‘1n l311els:1:1:1:u:1., In1p:1.ny,lsixtynet1*<:>11g;, was 2'-LLl3l12~1(i:l"10n(T1l‘liL‘) C01. R.L1gglee “W<;>e<:ll)1*i«lege’e 1*egin1:11.e1l1t, mlxtll was the only T full %c3Q1"11‘pnI1y it lec>1t1lt.:nL;ie1l1e:u;l l1emlqu:;1.1*te1*sl at lIlIm:'- V€LI'(;l College; zgftel“ tlmt, it was stotioxlecl at .P1'ospeot Hill and Leol1111e1'e“l oint. Nine of the Amherst lVlinu‘t:e Men 1i'e—-enlisted for eight» months on the 30th of April. Tl1ei1* Imnaes were Reuben Dickinson, (Ca,pta.i11), Admxx Rice, (Corpo1'a.l), Samulel Bueknlzm, Lul«.:e C0ffi1'.1,, John Dickin- son, Azzu'iz.xl1 Dieki11so11, Elilm Diolv.'.i11eo1*e1,l llll“>e1e1e2ae1' Kel-- logg, Ambrose Willizm1s. Tl1el:;1.te Squi.1'e Jo.l;m I).iols:oiiob1:‘1eo1‘1 A of lilast A1‘11l"1e1*sl:, who died in 1850, "\‘W;l..“T$ lt]:1elz;x.e'l: .‘l~"3l.l.l;‘\‘?’Lll‘v'(;§l]L‘ of 1311153 oo1npz.z,11y. I-lie pi.(j3t‘l111“8 is before you. L'i.e1:1.l:.l J z;1.1.lIllll.C3E§ 1Ie11d1'iek_., l\-losses DiUl{.i11S01’1 zgmcl Si.;n;1o1:‘1 F<_>l;>ee, {LL11 (l_)f tloxbie town, were in the tm,i.11 of z‘1,rti.lble1'y" :19-i:rFfl:,1|(f'11(3‘(TI. to Col. WooLlb1*ic>1'};). S:l,:1‘11l11<;>l Fielcl, Morsee I'IzLsti.11lgs, Si1r1eox1 'Po111.eroy, Jolm. Il3ilblio11gg;e,l‘ Al;)11e1‘ N€LSl‘l, Elias S111itl1, It;$‘£;l.éLG G<.>(”;>cl:x.le, Glicleon. ljle 1:1-b pe to stlpply the place (j)fl£:lfl(E’: eigllt mo11tl1e’l111e11, Wl1oee term ex:pi1‘ed Dee. 31st, 1775, Lieut. l Jzxmesl l;le11cl1'io1s:, p1‘on1oteLl to be C‘s;L1:m;Li1.1, xejxsecl 221, com- pany of sixty men ff'ro1I1 A1nl'1eret, Ilztulloy, S<:u1t.1e1 1Il2:l.(.l.l.Gy gz:u:1<;l Gr1'zx.11by, W110 1‘epO1't®d_ at Cha,1*1e:3tow11.,Jm:l1.13tl:‘1, A17 76} A A Itl(3()1f1t£lll.ll11(3C1lt;VV’@I1fybA1I'1llGl‘St 1;m.1io11ee.ll lU:nbde1‘* tlrle oz:1.l1 of A J mile f.35tl1, C€;l..1)l3.R.Gul3GI1Di(;:l{iI1SOI1@I1l'lSfG(.] ab o(.)1e11.bpz;1.1:1.y or V SOLDIERS 01? W7. 7 37 sixty-eig11t 111e11 f1'o11:1 AAm11e1'et and the su1'roun.ding towns for the expedition to TiooI1de1'0ga., mod Hits out f1'o1n:Ju1y A A 16th,, 1776, to Me1'o11 let, 1777. The munes of twentzy-4A four Am.11erst 1'ne11 appeal‘ on the roll. U11de1' the 0:111 of J une 19th for troops to defend Boston, eig1o1t A1'o11e1'et me1:1jc>i_1'1e<“1 Capt. Oliver Ly1‘11m:1’e oomp::1.11y and were stee- tio1:1ed at Do1‘o11eet.e1' f1'o11:1 AL1gL1st 12th,1776, to Muro1;1 31st, 1777. A The 11mn.es of fifty-fi_n_11' tA1n11e1‘et soldiers :oL1i)1:)ez:1,1:* on the roll:-3 fo1*1776, one of W1i1<:>11:1, E1;)e11.eze1' A 1_§Ze1.]7(L‘:>gg, 1.1.g>'est :re1ne111he1*ed, :“Lm1 epo1+:.e‘u of w:i.‘t1;o1 prhle by the c:>ffioe1'e::L1:1d men who 1 took part in its oz11.1:11p:iLig1:1s. Theee i:u.o1m1e<1 the hztnttle of ]3em1io1:‘1gton, :L.1.1;:u;t1 the eu1*1'e:ude1* of 13‘u1;'goy11e, a,11d1 oo1“1.et,i—- tute¢::1 the tot11t~117ih1o1og 1;><:>i1:1t of New E1:1g1:;u;1(1 e11t1o1ueiz11e1o11. U :m:1e1* the M11 iee1;17e(1 in J2x.1:‘1,u2:u*y for othmee ye:iu'e’1:11e11, A * oL11**toW11 e11.1hhiet:1ed “Willie Coy,1Reuhen D.i;okins¢:n:t1h, John ]3‘<::>x., J12, (fif'e1*)_, »‘;?i§zu1111e]o G1o111<;1, (killed), David Pettie, ’ A J<;>eep1,1 'Yo1;11oo1g (who 1.'e—e11o1iete<1 in 1780 for 1th1f°e_e% ye;11.1?e)1, A N<;>:;u:1i:1.11 Lewihe, (exxlietecl “ c1111*i1o1g t110W£1.I‘,”) Jmxxee T1.‘e111omh1e, S-m11111e1 Blfowxm, Jo1111tJ:o1111eoI1 m1(;1 J<:>1:1o2;Lt11e1:1 A B€h§l4'17»'t}1.$. ‘So1onewe1re pe,i<1 $20, ot11ere$E5C) bounty. t,1o1eht»roope o:1.11e(.1tef'c>1"ti.1'1t Ma.y “ to 1*e-enfo1'oe the tNo1*t11em A A Ao1'1o11y,” fox‘ 1;Wo 1:1:o1onthe_, sixteeniof our Amen w*e1'1t VVTH.-11 Czsxlgxt. John T11o11‘1.pe<:>x1’s o<;>1111t)m1y, in. Col. Leo11a.1*c17s 1'egi%- me1:'1t.qh Cz:1.pt. Eli P€LI‘1{.61‘ of A11111e1*st,, and 111s or)Ir1p?e11y A of eixty~fot11', 111ost11ytc>1L11~ toWr1em_e11, we1*ei1t1 the ea.111e1%egi.- 1one;11.t,, ::1.11d Lieut. Jo11:Lt.1:1:'m Diokixoleoh Withtthzree A.11:1.1“1.eI‘fet A 5 1“|1‘. l“l “!’1| joinoxol Ciept. J e:1'e1:uiu.11 A tBu.112:L1'(i1_’e _CU1fl.p€l,I1y in Col. 1 3 David Wellts’ o1*egi‘111e1‘1t, 7:111 the ea,111e1ozm1~is 01+‘ ’77 AND 18. H-4 Reuben Dieki1:1so11, after stsyixig at home four months, WtG‘1"lJ[J with his ooilipzmy in Col. Elisha, Porter’s 1‘egi.i11e11t, A i11July, zmcl W21 s ststli.or1ecl at Moses Creelsc. Six Amherst 111eniste.r~tec;l “for the relief of Be111:1.i11gtio11” in August, “ e:i.1'1*yi1i1g their own l321ggege;” a,11cl at the szmie dste, Lieut. N 02111 Diekinsoii zamd twenty men “1rmrel1eLl on ma €l.lfL1‘I11 to New Provicle11oe.” Unlrzler the cell of August Qtli for C)‘,I1B-SlX.tl1 pzmrt of the 1;11islitiz=Lto re~enforse the arifxiy", Lieut. ._To1'1z:Ltl:m.11 Diel;i11sor1:;md three melfi 111arel1eld, Aug. 144211, with Czsjirpt. Moses IIm;'vey’s eo111pa.1:1y. Czmt. Still}- tuel Cool; 2:L11(;l fort «three A111l:1erst 111e11 de :m.1*ted Aurrust 1 1:: 17th 5 zmrl i111.1nedia.tely :1.:fte1' A his return f'ro1'n Moses C.reel:_., Capt. R8U.l;)e1.1 Di.eki11scm :;1.171d his <::o1.11pzmy 111:1.roli1ed for Si;lll\V€LtG31‘. Capt. Diol§i11so11 1*eturned October 24tl1; Lieut. DlOl§.lI1.SC)1.LNOV(3II1l3(3I' 29tl1_; aml Capt. Cook: Decem- ber 'Ttl1; all were in the army under G*ensem.l Gates; _iTl.ll took :1, more or less emotive part in the lt>::1.tt].es of’iOetol:>er 7th mid 11th,, mid all were present at the sur- remfler of Buifgoyxie, October 17th. The €3l>{7.:L(3l3 number of our 1:r1e11 who were in the service this year is not laznown, but it could not lmve been less tl1e,n one 11uru;1re(;ltl:1.i1cl A tWe1:r1.ty—fou1~. V Ebenezer l.\’IéLlL't0O1'.1s, J In, commenced his mil- l itmsy cz11*ee1'£1_t tlfistime; first as 5). priveteein C2:x,pt~. Thomp- soI1’s emxipzmy,‘ amd afte1'Wards as First Lieiitemmt in Capt. Smiiliel Coolie A co1r1pz1r1yl. He was in the battle of Bemis II6'lg‘l1tR, October 7th. r A . it A iJ2IL11ua.ry 1st, 17 78, Lieut. Ebenezer Muttoon, J12, mini At otliers, jOlI16ClC2-Lpllq JOSl’111t?l. P2‘L1*l111e1'(1y’s c0111pz?11:1y 1111* :11 1.i1A_1".c~1A1 ‘11e1'111.A 111 June, 11;1e1_1 were d1';1fte1;1 for 1;1i11e 1:*1:101:1111s’ :511:1‘v1i<1e,1:11f1c1 WAe1'e 01'(:1e1‘e(1 to 1'<—1p<1.11‘t at 19131111111, July 8111;, 1111111 1111119 o1;11e=>.1's v01L11:1t.z11'i1y e1111i1st1e(1. 1\I<)st o15't11e 111911 1:~1.11G(’1 0111.111 1779 were 1111' sewice in 1.1110119 .1,1s1z~1,11 (1 11111111 11.1; Ne1vALr11111<311. Cz1.Apt... E1ij:111 D11vig11‘t’$ <::1‘1111.1Ap:1:111‘1_y‘was 11.11 the 12:1t1‘.G1‘ plzxce 111 M19 :~s1i111:1'1111i1e1‘, 11111411 Lieut. 111114111 C1>fi?i1:1 :;L11‘1(;1 11:1i171et<3e1'1“1 A1;111.1111's 3 S(;.)1.(j11{3‘1TS. 11<‘m;11‘1 1A.11111;11011'151:; 111113151 <.—>A1i11i111;<:1<;1 I111 G:.t]ff)t. 11:I(.:>se1s1\1]<1111111t1:1g;11e’11 1:011"1};121,11y, (1)1111 0 11111‘ 1151, z;1.11(1 11131.11‘ were 111 C§z11.p1.1. .I<1s11112.1 1\V<:>m;11:.11*i11gc1’s 1<3<11111'p2111y of11<3W levies in De<3e1;111111<-31~. A In 11780 111111 1781,, six 11111111111 wens‘: (‘f11."€‘11'1Ifl1i(*}(1, 11.111111 t.we1“11'>y- c1i1;;11t 1111311 e1:11i1sted :fi'o1‘11 A11:1’11;1e1‘sst. Mmst 111” 111111113111 vve:11'e y0111111g1:111e11 f1'01:11 13i.;:s:tee11 to tWe11ty~<;11;1e yc1:.11*::s (1111. T119 1 (3011°1p:11:1ie.~:s to 1w11i0'l1 tlmy xvcam :11.tt:11,1:1:1e11 VV<’3l.'B 1s1;:11“r;i(;11111d at A “\?Vest poi11t and 1101589 N12101:. ‘E11111 list c;>ft.111<;1 “ 211111.951; T111'<;1e 1 Yezxrs’ M1111,” 1111111311 for Deoe1111;_11er 2, 17 80, 1121.3 11<.1t bee1::1 V 1 l11::1ve(.1We1.t 1111113 111111111 <:1e1111:1i1s, 1;1e11:111se 1i~t.t1<«1 of’ 111.11- 1110c111.1 1“11.ssto1*;1'y1 in the 11.0 V1911} t.ic:11J111;11>y 1::;1c11*i<;1<;1 11f.11.1..~:es 11.;,>ee11 p1'e«-A 1101' ve(1 in ‘z1c0e$s13i1;11e1 'f(.T)”1i‘1"1”.1. 1'I‘1:1e 111i11:1:1.e1s of 1.»1.:11{1 11121.1 1;':iu1:s 1;r1*‘1 1776 11111s’t 11101: be loat. AIf't11e~11111<1111;1 W1:1<;1 die<11 111 1;1i1e VV111‘ A A 0ft11e Rc1be111io11 €:L1‘€3 e11131t1¢3<;1t0 11:1.Ve t11e“i1~1111e11111o1'ies p.111» A A se1'vedi11 e1:1dL11'i11.g g‘:;111ite, s111'e1y111t11e.y ::11'e w<11'1t111y of 1 eqL1:;11 re1:111en1b1*z11."1ce W110 fell i11111e W111‘ of 11113 ReV01u—- tiun. Let the lists ::~:ta,11d S1(.1B11T)_Y $i1c1e-~+~1*011.1s of (3(1L1€L1 1.l0I10'l‘.‘“”"W11}‘)O]:1 the 1.11o11L1n1e111; W11i011AA.111111e1*st‘s11z1ll s011;111e—A time build 101161‘ s3011sw1101ie “ clead 011t11e11e1d of 11011111.” A A A 40 I 1 CONCLUSION; vBut it time t0 dmxv these discursive 1'e1i11i11is0e110es 2L1T1(I1‘(31'IG(3131011S to :1 dose. I must lezwe it 101‘ 11110t11e1* 1 1 l1:11t1d to sh:ete11 the history of our town since the period of the Revolution. Such 21. future as that of which A111he1'st 1121s p1'.0n1ise,y 1:1ese1*Ves that 2111 t11e _i111p01‘t11.11t facts 0f her e11ti1'e 11ist01‘y should be ga1.t11e1*e(1 211111 p1'ese1‘Ved by some (me W110 1121s ::u:11p1e ti1:11e 111111 021.p::;10it1_y ‘F01’ such WO1'I{. When your s11111111011s to perf01"'111 t11e service I::1.1::11110w 1%e1'111e1*i11g s1‘e11011ec1 111e twe1:1ty clays e§1;0, my 0001111‘ ‘]'11(11f“§- 111e11tw0u1c1 1112:1.ve 1'esp011de11 110;, h11t111yhe:211't sz1,i1:1 yes. “‘ N0t11:'111g is i111p0ssih1e 11e1'e,” shoutecl M1"*.Wehste1* st B11111:e1* H111,‘ 01:11 the c121y of his g1‘ez;1t 01‘2;1.ti011 there, to the t11r011g who sz1i_d they 0011111 110t 1:111 10121011. So I t1111ug11t 110t11i11g should he dee111e(1 i111p0ssih1e by me 011 I11c1epe11- t1:1e11ee Day, 1876. 8111311 time as I 11z1Ve been able to s11z;1tc11 110111 engwossing duties, 1i11:1c1 such st1‘e11gt11 as I have had,’ 1121s heefi eheerfully given to this p1e2.1s111‘z.1h1e duty. »‘Su1:e1y the 01d t0vv11 1111s 11 1*ig1'1t to the service of every s01;1 011 11 Iduy like this. T11e1e1121r1'n that lingers 011 the hi11-tops, 1111710 nestles 111 t11e Valleys 0f A111herst, is not 10st hy euny I 0f'her e11i1d1'e11, I"10W6Ve1‘W1CIe their dispe1‘si011. L:11.pse 01*’ ye111's 1111s 110t di111111ed this e11:11‘1n§ 1101' 11z1ve other s0er1es eelipsecl it. 11Hu11d1‘eds of 11e211‘t1s f.-111' z.11“w1.y u11ite with us in the e0111111e11101'e,ti011s of this 110111‘, t111*0ug11 those I1T1’V’1S1~ hie 1111d .111ystie mental e111*1'e1:1ts W11‘ie111y1"11z;1ke the z1hse111t g11'ese11t with us. For them 1131 less than fer ourselves 1 J 9 We salute these a.11.eie11t*h0111este::1c1s, 211111 pay gra.tef111 hc1>111age to the 1:110the1' of us 2111.: I I I 1 A g The 111isty11i11s,withWhi0h Wea.ree11ei1'01ed_., retum y A their welcome to 0111- shouts of” greeting; the deeptu CONCLUSION. y 41 Woods murmur their selutetious; the derioiug Waters in the niountaiu brooks ofi“er tuneful music for this day of jubilee; and the ripening harvests on huudredsi of waving fields how in honor of the passing century. “On thy calm joys, with wliet delight I dream, Thou dear green valley of my native stream.” »« But whet shell the next century he‘? Will the orator at the second centennial be able to say that Arneriee. still Sl1St€-l,l11S er people who love virtue, who honor God, and who oherisl1 the free i.ustitutpi,o11s bequeathed by our fathers. God gr‘-exit it may he so, end that the twentieth century to which Meoeuley dc>ubti11gly appealed for the trial of A1neric:a;, lllfity Vi11dioete the hopes of the patriots who fought the hettles ofllfncleperidenoe, and secured our liberties through meiiy perils and great trials. Valua.ti011 List of A111he1'st, 1770. £E‘3‘S..’€>"$%°»=fi‘a**i-:"*:::E;“’§,:..’é"*‘e-*'?“ E3 was 95.5 a MS: =.:*=i‘-°~1'~z:r=a P?» 5? NAMES. 5:. 3 ‘° "§‘ g; 53% :30 m 2”“ 21 2:. =.’*«‘?—’~ = " = a a ' ' '1 .2 f3-'..._._‘’‘-’ ._11__ Martin Kellogg. 1 4 2 1 2 13 f. 10 36 5 16 25 10 51 .9 Epl11'::.i111I{ellog‘g. 1 2 2 4 x1.10 20 12 20 31 51 12 El.)enez<=.»1‘ Mattoon. 1 2 2 =1 3 13 60 20 15 58 78 10 99 5 Elijz1ll1Balg;g. 3 1 2 8 2 15 1‘. 10 90 36 9 ~10 83 119 Jc>11atl:1zL11 1)ic:kinso11. 1 2 2 2 1 20 12 12 14 128 10 41 J<.ma'tl1a1"1 DiC1{i11SO11, Jr. 1 2 1 3 1 10 12 8 17 15111146 Natlmlu 1)ic:l»:ix1.~.son. 3 3 2 6 5 16 23 8 59 96 10118 Jolm .Mmrt<:m. 111' 1 2 2 1 1 9 11 11 15 32 '1‘}m1na,s 1\i[m'ton. 1 1 1 ‘ 8 (3‘rid;<:—:011.»I)i(:1~:inso11. 2 1 2 3 3 9 13 1 22 40 53 1 I‘1L".'Zt‘f1§'.1£Ll1 139111111. 1 1 2 3 2 4: f 10 21 18 16 "9 50 18 Reuben1)icl~:ins0n. 1 2 2 3 4 1 10 24- 2 18 32 56 Grirleon I)ic:kin‘-son J1‘. 1 1 1 10 14: 20 10 22 Mmaes I-Imvley. 2 2 0 1 3 19 3 19 Jolm Hoddin. 1 1 1 1 1 218 3 £3 151 71 13 Elijall lVI<;n‘t<.m. A 1 22 38 10 38 10 Sil11£3(i)I1 1)ic1:.ix1.~:so11. 1 2 2 «.1 4 10 17 2 20 36 5: 1+3l‘)ene9:er Iicallogg. 1 1 1 10 1 10 Ebenezer Ez‘Lst11mx1. 1 4 11 4 Joseplx E:1xstx'1mn, Jr. 1 1 2 6 1 12 24 30 '1‘l1<_)<1y. 1 1 2 6 5 18 1-1 21 10; ;3O 8 JOS1fl11 1\’1()()(1_\'. 1 1 3 6 10 14 241- 10} 31 A.110xa.1-1<1t~:a:1' Smith. 2 2 2 7 1 1‘. 15 2:3 18 £35 70 511.04: 3 Josizxh ('”)I'1mx.nL:ey. 1 1 4 2 1 $1159 33 8 2-M-. -<19 10‘ 82. 18 ..Jona.t1m,n Nmsh. :2 1 2 2 :2 (“U 9 1.6 :20 1:2 11; Sz~1.1n11e1 .-.U)1.>_y. 1 1 1 1.0 ' 1 10 Aaron J.\iIz1.thL~ws. .1 1. 1'. 15 16 10 3 6 5 22 15 '1)€*.1tl,t1:L11 Slniiih. 1 1 53 1-3 10 .13 ‘:1-. 18 14: ‘:16 55.1 4: Plxilil.) II"l§g,‘1‘:LI1l. 1 1 :3 7 6 1 12 21 16 2330 17 Jzm1<:a;+. Mm'1‘Li.c:k.. 1 1 2 2 :1 7 11 18 53175 S.) 3714 'l‘irn<,><.1y. 4 1 4- :3 '1'.2(.H3C)‘38 32 :3 21 5:1 91 2 M<.me;:s f..w.‘mit11. 2 :3 (5 33 3 15 23 1!) 3 E2.‘ 5 ‘TI’; 4 Sinm<)n Smith. 1. 1 f. 15 16 1.0 20 :35 51 10 »‘:5imoz1 F¢..>l:m:.~:;. :2 1 :2 1 .3 8 £3) 18 '7 $1 18 18 Nu.t11zmie.l. T)i(:ki11:s(.>11. 1 1 1 5 3 15) 14 21 E27’ 1!) Hxam1'y l¢‘mn1-zlin. 1 1 4 :2 15 15 5 14-. :21’; «.11 5 Mc)»;m4 1)i.c!1%W:I.1'rm1‘. £2 4 : :3 13 ('3 £30 5810 '71 1.6 f1’c.-1:01‘ f:3x1nitI1. 1. 2 2 B 3 E20 16 1-1 3 21;) 43 5!) 14. 'Cl1i1.C+£L1‘) Snxitlx. 1 1 1 :3 1 41- 3 17' % 1.0 17' :24")%17’ A$2L1f1('11 l\/Iomtly. .1 1 :1. 2 10 1'. 15 23:3 {:3 18 LHS 10 .31 113 Jor'm.tlnm'1 M oody, Jr. 1. 1 :3 3 f. 20 3313 4: 4 9 4 D2-i.ni<:2l 1.-?.oof'. . 1 1. 3 3 ()3 11 1.0 1-1 1:5 A1:.~x2Lm;1e1' Smitll, Jr. 1 7 8 15 8 15 Edwvzml Smith. 3 1 1 1 3 18 12 16 1.1,) 18 Nz1.tlxz-mi€:1 Cc>1mzm. :2 1 2 7 20 :30 21 18 10 £10 111 18 ‘Joel. Ivfumly. 1 1 S) 1 7' 10 1.6 10 15;) 17 . Ely I“a.1'1:a.st-7. Eddy. 1 1 2 1 2 4 8 18 :29 4:7 110 56 31‘ 1Isra1<11»1 D1C1{1I1Sf)11. 1 1 1 2 10 151 117 1 1 Si:1'1L+m1 _C312u'1<. 3 3 .1 6 6 % 19 8 51 38 126 10 1.45 13? 1 J0s%c-phGi1es. « 1 1 l\1Ins€+s Wmfxler. 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 191'. 50 66 3 411;) 80 146 33 Aaron Wm‘ncn'. 2 1 2 3 4 101'. +13 12 33 69 1 112 13» Nz1,t11a111i¢>1 Smith. 1 2 2 4: 2 f. 10 100 36, 1611 28 57 4. 88 J o11m1111:1m Smith. 1 1 Noaxclialz Lewis. 1 1 1 11 1\1Ic»;s;11mI1‘ie1d. 3 4 2 2. 2 f 10 2516 60103 128 161 Elisha. S1111ith. 1 1 1 1 1 Giclcson _I111enc1erson. 2 2 2 3 f. 10 23 14 «:13 (36 14 1 *1. OIiverC1n1w1s. 1 1 112 3 4: 4 1214 10 1910 32 41 11 11 Jcsmatlxzmn Cfowls. 3 3 4 6 6 16 27 16 :~ 1 74 112102 Jmuzéxtlmn Cowls, Jr. 1 % 1 2 1 7 10 14 29 1.8 37 8- I)z:wid Cowls. '1 1 1 1 2 4: 1 120 30 34 1 Eleazel‘ Cowls. 1 1 10 17 1 17' N1ath.anie1 11.)ickinson. 1 2 2 218 4 8 10021 61 36 174 12 $715 18»? 11021111 S1nith.. 1 1 1 4 3 4 1 1 16 2 1 291 51813 74115- 1 Da1vi<:1 Smith. 1 1 2 21 2 9 16 1-7 10 3:342 10 42 1 6 Jpseph Williams. 1 2 1 2 1 10 1 1 618 30 52110 59181 1Rc:1:>ert Exmnons. 1 1 , 1‘. 101 10 8 131, 7 15 18 31 Ma1ry%Ingr.a.n11. 1 2 1 9 1 1 6 15 36 73 191- 801114.- ‘EdwardE1n1m11r. 2 2 2 4: 7 115 111 28154 69 1 Isaac I11ubba,rd. % 12 1 12 1 10 1 6 18 12 20 2618 John Ing1ran1.. 1 1 1 1 1 % 1 5 10* 1 5 1011 Re11benIngra.m. 111 2 4 2' 10 14% 6 20 38 512 6“ A 1 AzVariaLh.%Di<:ki11s()n. 2 1 2 2 3 9 1 1111 20 30 41111 1» _ 4E1'1e11ezer 1I)ickinso%n 3d. 1 2 2 2 7 f. 15 13 17 12 23 36 17 1 11 @Ne11emia111 Dickinson. 1 1 2 5 5 20 1 1 18 10 301 50 1 68 10* 1 _ Jacob Abbott. 1 1 1 3 1' 7 1 71911 30 50 5711191 1 1, 1 1 1Jo11nAc1an1s. 111 11 11 11511.10 117 53019 5715 75 1 1 1 William Murray. 1 1 3 211 11 1 5 16 ‘ 5 9 1 114116 IsaiahAda1njs.1 .1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 14121 21» 1% 1 Abner11A(1m11s. % 1 .1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 17 10 10 110111101“? Ephrmlixn Kellogg, Jr. 1 11311 1 2 2 11 1 9 1 10 15 17 125 1 11 1 Real1Esta1.te estimated1at 1611ye21u's1y1ea1r1jr income. ‘ A 11 11 11% 1 11 1 1 JOSIAH or-I.A1UNcEY,%1 1 1 1 1 JOHN DICKINSON, 1;AssE880RB. JONA, EDWARIDS, _ A1 11 1