A j A A AG1A-and BaI1¢oon¢ Astcefiasiomz A 17 I 11137 4th: @EN‘t?ENNE.2Z$m CITY OF NEW HAVE N. @ELEB§;t t UNDERAA nmmcmxon 012‘ THE JOINT SPECIAL COMMITTEE 012* t THE any coUNCIAL,A A A FOR THE ACELEBRATION OF THE _ A A @119 fiutulrcdth gnuivcmatrg of meritan gjtulepmulenmt. A - t ‘ “Ac. A A A MSUNRISE, A Ringing ofABe11s andAAASa1uteA of Thirteen Guns A A in honor of the Thirteen Original States. W AA M29 0’CLOCK A. AMA.A« ~e - U G‘rrandMi1itary and Civic Paracle, AA gA A A , A’I.‘110’OLO_CK A.M1. A A A AA A A AA AGrand Military DressPaArade. AT.120’CLOOK, AMA. AA AA 1 ‘ AAtAAfiingin;igAA of Bella and Salute of Twenty-four A‘ AAGunsA,A§for the Twenty-four States of that t A‘A?U:1i«oun§at the cioset ofAthe_firstAAAhalf 3 A t M A century of the:RAepub1ic.A AA ‘A .1 AM. Al A AA > A A A m0’0L0CKP N A V AA-eria1S;hiptEAG» A A A A ‘A A A enemmat A AM 2.3A6AAAo*QLo0K P; AM; A A A t Address by AI-"Ic>An, E. K. Fosterg Re2A1.ding;of%tha A A Declaration of Indepe;3AAgience%hyA Pmf. Mark Bailey, and tHistori”cAAa1 Oration by Rev. A at» t A— Leonard Bacon, D.D.,‘;L.[;,D., A ‘A at Center C11L1‘rch.A A ‘ A W A A- ATA4 07033001: P. M.‘ Grand Concert on the Public AASAAq’uare by 2,800 A AA childrentof the Public Schools (who will sing the music printed elsewhere), ‘u1A1deArA the Adirection ofAPrAof'.A%Benj. AA J epson, assisted by the ATeu.- I A tonia A MaeAnnerchorA of A New Haven A! A ATSUNSET, A A Ringing AdfttBei1«s~.AAAa31d Salute of A Thirty~é1ght~A A V ~ 9A_G11ns foArAthe Thirty-eight States 9 A A A in the Union. A AAT 8ofcL0¢1:P;M. “‘ t:A 4 ¢ Ana A Grand Display or Fireiworks. A: Q rounm or JULY PARADE. General Order of the Chief, Marshal. _ S _ . NEW HAVEN, CONN., June 24., 1876. Commanding cfficers of the different organizations parading in this city on the 4th of July . next, will assemble their commands in ample time to report them ready to move at 9 o’clock A. M. ,—--«the Military" on Orange street, between‘ Elm and Grove streets, right resting on Elm street; the Fire Department on Church street, between Elm and Grove streets, right resting on Elm street; A the Civic Societies “Anti ues and IE[orribles”i and other organizations on Tern 1e street north 1 q ,7 D 1 P J of, and right resting on Elm street. A F The procession will move precisely at 9:15 A. 113., through the following streets: Up A Elm to _, .York,‘ York to Chapel, Chapel to Wooster Place, WoosterPlaoe to Green, Green to Olive, Olive to ?Ji:iGrand, Grand to? State, State to George, George to Church, Church to Elm, Elm to and through . S the north gate on to the Public Square, where the line will be dismissed. C.7”/.r‘0RDER OF :I.=-:R.oC:E..ssIoN.§ . POLICE. . American Band of N ew Haven, J. Rosinus, Leader. Second Regiment Drum Corps and Tiumpeters. ' CHIEF MARSHAL. A A , S Col. S. E. SMITH, Commanding Second Regiment, C. N. G.,_and Stafr‘. _ Second Regiment Connecticut National Guard C(10-Companies). A A Go. A, g-Chatfield Guards, "Waterbury, Capt. Aug. I. Goodrich. , C , J A A Co. K, Light Guards, Wallingfbrd-,' Capt. W. J. Leavenvvorth. A A F . . A 00. H, .Man.sfie1dGuards, Middletown, Capt. J as. S. Cuzner. , Co.,G, Sedgewick Guards, Waterbury, Capt. Chas. R. Bannon. 00. D, National l_31ues-,rNeW Haven, Capt. Hrenryrb. Phillips. , _ Co. E, Light Guards, New Haven, Capt. Chas. A. Buttricks. _ Co. C, Sarsfielcl Guards, N ew Haven, Capt. Maurice,F. Brennan. ‘ A S Co. B, City Guards, New Haven, Capt. Carl G. Engel. . « (Companies F and Inot parading, excused.) . J Drum Corps. , . , Emmet Guard, New Haven, Capt. John Clancy. A . A German Independent Rifle Company, N ew I-Iaiven, Capt. Frank W. Tie-sing. A A ‘ A Mitcl1ell’s Band, Hartford. . , Bolan’s Battalion Drum Corps. Major H. Layne, Commanding Wilkins’ Battalion, and Staff‘. A F ‘ A Wilkins’ Battalion (3 Companies.) V l Co. HWooster Guard, New Haven, Capt. J as. H. Wilkins. A . , _ Co. B, Union Gr.uard,f Hartford, -Capt. rSeymour., . 0 . A A A A ‘ Co. C, Welch Guards, Bridgeport, Capt.lFrank.N. Welcli. A St. Patrick’s- T. A. B. Band, N ew Have, John Lyon, Leader. , Chief-Engineer A. C. Hendrick, Commanding New Haven Fire Department.‘ A . ; J ._ Kennedy, Assistant Engineer. A A "‘.Washington” Steam Fire Engine Co. N o. 1,rJas..'.l.‘. J orey, Foreman. ‘ . in ‘l‘ H. M.‘We1cl1”. Fire Engine Co. N o. 2, J as. A. Church, Foreman. . , “Mutual” Hook and Ladder Co. N of. 1,,John H. Pardee, Foreman. A A : , " A . John L."‘DishroW, Assistant Engineer. - A , , r A C: 7'“ Constitution ?’ Steam Firellflngine C0..rNo.*3,,i-¢Chas.<_->I.<_>.<;,...........' ' I THE GLORIOUS FOURTH OF JULY. UNISON CZHTOZBUS. '”*I: I.~.I~+a II. = - I. I“ I _I\ I‘ II ‘- I I I I I .1 1" | I II" ' A "I/‘I I I-0 .2 ILII I .I+ ~U I II... IIIIII I Ii"I‘“'i 0 ' If I_I I W» Lu 0 9 -' I I I - ,0, I ‘ I f ‘I11!’ ~ I ‘1. A song for Nthoda.yI beaming o’er us, An anthem of: ju - - 1:-"mt joy, I 2 Our fathers, in War1i1:eI employment, Detexfminod to conqtler or die : I But ours is a. 1)I(?£LCef111 ex1joyn1o:I:1t., The fxwxits of Islmir Fourth of July. The fruits of their Fomrth of July, I I The .s.ou1-stirring Fourthhhof July ; _ We flourish in peaceful enjoyment, "A The fruits of their Fourth of ‘ July. o ,3 Our Stotosrin frfl.I}(3‘1‘11fL1IC0I11II11111II.O11. All traitors andr ibers shall defy, I I So Iongas WEI cling to the “U11io11,” I IADII honor the Fourth of JIrI1y..v I I I — ‘And honor the I"ourthof‘Ju1y, I N I I o ~: j IThejg1o1'ioI1s Fourth of July; I I I I I ” I y SoII1ongIasIIWo o1ingto_the o“UI:1ion,”. Q ;:AndI ho;I1o.r?theIIFou1'th’ of July. f: I ' I A Now up wiIthIIIthe voiooof thanksgiving, I’ I ~ % < jg-ToIIGod,othIa“great Giver on highI; I I I f while[inftheI%1ar1dI of the: living, ‘ Still Ihonor the Fourth of J uly. I S-till ho.11Io'r the Fojurth of J u1y,.I The glorriotis Fourth of;J1;1%1y ;' ' «II I r Ye2‘3,I while -iII_IE‘t]~1eII,1I{1¥1-1C1-I‘I()f’ the~.;1iving,r ~ ~ ” IIWBI11 honorothe IF(IJU.1?thIIIOf Ju1y;I 1 f a~ I.—... ..$4-.4....__.I RED, WHITE AND BLUE. (sow BY WOOLSEY swoon.) n Q & u s I ‘ K ‘ ‘ A’ K runny-urn -I1 tn as ta-_._.| 5‘ N’ 1. If p _._. \;r‘ “1 fiw‘¥t~E—h—b~Fi—+ra“-0-b~‘t1<[Efi*r5-V-v~‘F:h~H—w—#T—rF*'—é-3| .31 =» r» F v r» :‘”L' v =4 W» 1. 0 Co - lum -bia, the gem of the ocean, The home of the brave and the f‘ a Q I ' ‘ IE1 11: . 5 ' ‘ #¢F:-‘-392.17%’-—+,I--.*—.0-~.4"----~!“— fiJ~p~ - .a—~ M \j 5 "' I » Li I .’ 1 I {J V 1 ' E n ‘ I ‘__f F". ‘ "' U E L_. _ ,1 ~---- V 4 V ‘ V 1 ' V "'- V yr r 0 free, Thehshrine of each pa.t1'iot’s clevotioné--« A world of - fers hoxminge to r _ ‘ n 'uiH.P-fi‘ I sf"-. In.‘ I n W ! r 3 1 9 HT!‘ 1 H P%P*kflflfi—+%Ffi”$‘fl”'+*‘F*Pff'*4?*+t::§: .H3U “:.-‘ r::‘fiL L‘ :2 r ‘-9! 9 '--=.‘[; ‘ m "flJJ_4‘ T T I _.l V’ V CHORUS by all the Schools. 60'‘ h banners make t ty - _ra.n~r1y tremble, % by the red, "White and blu A 2 Wheri W Winged its wide deso1n.tion,; 3 The Union, the Uniohnmtevex, And -thrmrtened our lzmdto deform, y r Ourrglorrioua nation’s_,sweat Q r The ark then. of freedoms foundation, Maytrthe wreaths; itfhzrs iwczztig never With_er,. f . :w _ 4 Columbia rode safe through the storm. I t A Norrtthartstnr°oi‘rvrirt§ g1};:&:ryt:trrgrorwtrdim%;; I, 4 Wirt1“1%11erg:rr1ands of victory around her, t _ Mary the hsexwtee Lrnitedwt 3:bjr:rt3evér,ttr “ t r t When so proud1yhshaboreher'bra.ve crew, Butttheyto their colromhiprove truat! r , _Withrhertflagrfioatingtproudlyrbetbre her, ‘Thearmy an¢1nrrvy‘.tiforraver, r ” V r r r%'I‘he,r1:>om3t‘of themed, ‘White and blue.“ v’.l?hrea ch«eers;%fortthe trecLr%white:ranc1.h1ue.. W The, bozrstxof the red, t "white and blue, r r r %%Threet%ro116ers for the rad3:%j:'”white a:nclt;,;b11re,%%ttt r : u ‘ V ‘ V , A54-tw--.-t The of _ rfvrhitah tandjblue. V '1‘hre‘e chteers for met-red, aml blue!’ , ,.____, V .. .. r g . V tn».-m .» . V thee.’ V Thy mandates make heroes as-r-sem-ble, When lib-er - ty’S form stands; in vie*s,v;% r.rn1-IIJ3 ‘VJ r r K .. . - 1 N ‘ r V. * " _- % *’‘‘=—?-»‘'5rF“‘?‘!"L~ 'Jma:”3§1i75“':] «J % "" ' "“ V "T Thy banners make t.y1mn-my tremble, When borne the red, white anti b1u«s;r'r % h , t r ‘ . M V‘ ‘y béme hy the red, white and blue, % h V borne by rtherehd, white anti b1ue,Th§h"h‘t "h V V ‘ r7;I‘1rxerboz1s:trtof htlretrehd, white n.nc1-b1uhe,_ ~ : wflfhree >‘chee.1~sh :for,t11*’e’rheél;?vvhite_a.nc1th1ue; % r Wztlr her flag floatingdfrtorxdly before her, r Th@';‘&7l7my‘ anal tmvyWforev%er,j r;g;;:; » V“ - * 6 THE BATTLE CRY OF FREEDOM, I I (SOLO BY DVVIG-HT SCHOOL.) n I I u I ~ I I " I A A 4‘ ‘K’ In I ‘ E‘ L j ‘ :3-I"‘I{:I.-= ;'J. F. rug: : ,I..*‘I,: I-=I-=.~g:‘c_,I?} Lg-HJJL {VI 4:)‘ l V V ‘V .'.g ' ‘ LJPI IV» IV! ‘ . ' I 1.’ Yes’, Weill ml - 1y round the flag, boys, we’1] rel - 1y once 9. -\g8.1I1, .ijIIg:'}, 3 15 J». . IN ...ip if? D = n I: p _., lee“ .~' .I...~: 3‘ 4:". :4 II $4.-2J{“'v' I» I; III I-=h I II ‘I - 0 I V; ' ‘ V ’ ' I II I I U Shouting the battle cry of‘ Freedom; We will rel «I 1y from the hill-side, we’11 i"“LII3“’. - = I 3: +5 »-I one =- §,E:-» .=fl I |@‘’ 4!’. I’. I,‘ ‘I I5’ I} a .'I. ..I"I~I.II .' :~. .2 LI 1 . Id ‘ V I V pr I ‘ V U I V I r ‘ I I I AI I I I gath - er from the plain, Shouting the hat - tle cry of Freedom. /n L CI-IoRU'§. I, 3) _ ‘_ II. I I.’ .. . 1 I I -I - I ,9 - DI W7 filth‘ II_._. I5 . I: I__L I ~_.'_. - 5» I :; - f._-I - "II WIL I,‘ ‘I1; . MI I L I1. I :I V. II I U I M ' V V I I I I J V I I V I . " The un - ion. for ev —- er, hur-rah, boys, hur-1'ah! Down with the trmtor, I II I I 4. 1- 4 "‘, cg 41- I. '5 " I _ i. I I L‘. I‘ pf IJ‘ I5‘. *1 I I -III I2 H 52 -:4 52 I U—'! L1 P I L!" 9 '2 L7 I” W} _/ ' L‘ I’ i L i L. I I it - I I t I h K N LN I . L: P _ ,I ,I I _ ,I\ e _I |fi"‘ ‘I,.,_ - I V 1% I 2 I‘ v 4 - I'.' I I I up with the star, While we 12.1 - 1y round‘ the flag, boys, / :4" I ‘ I :7) I’; L...J I I L . I" ‘ : I I II V V V V V D h I I i I . I. I k i : I I ' ' i I;/I - ‘ I »‘»-I-4‘. Ia : TiI'4::‘?:£ I ,1 g I .. _‘,_ _aI_ I % d---'d*~;I---_g_--%--av a I e v. on i i I mi - Ily once a - gain, Shouting V the bet - tile cry of Free - Idom. I ,__ . I _.__,___ I I t ' I ' 1 g""'—""“I‘""‘11 P‘““'"~’”‘P.I I I L . I ° I II II I V I‘ I t . i I I M V L I I1 L [1 _LI _I__\. Ir %v_' yI J ,4 / % I _ 2 We are springing tothe ‘call of our brothers gone before, I Shouting the battle cry of Fi~ee‘domI; Q % I V I And we’ll fill the *va.ca;ntIrenks with a. million freeman more, Shoutingthe ba.trt1eIc1:yIozt‘ Freedom. Oho. I 0 e .t3t ‘We will welcome to coIi£i1umbews‘ all the loyal, true and brave, ‘ Shouting» the Ibattle of F1'eeIc'l9mI;I t % ‘And although they may be poor, 11otI'e! man shall be aslave, S_hoIatingIthe battle of Freedom. I I V I I ‘ A I ¢ So we’re Ispringing toiIIithe{ca.11 from the East and fromflthe West, I I‘ *1 V II Shouting thebatfle cry of FreedomI;I A * I II I I II I _ I And we’i1IIhur1 the rebe1j§crewI from theI1and we love the best, Ie I I Shouting the:batt1eI*t§ry‘o£ F1'ee;dom.I 0ho.II I I “ I t I 7 I UNION DIXIE. Round arpast undim’d in 1ustre,IWh:'Ilé We sing, While We sing, While we sing,Whi1é We sing. czfrgxazorcvs. I I I I I I And in I the fu - ture we can see, Still waving, still waving; The starry banner I I I -.9-— .‘ I I of the free,I _IUpborne by its own des - ti - ray, Still waving, still _ I 2 As We gaze upon our naI1IionI,I I _.. I And its bIumn‘Ing constellatiorx. % I I I II: Bmvelyh won, bravely won, :H I I ‘ I get us t*bVt‘.1‘II)(35‘B‘I}01113I-II‘IIe«_a?aII'I3t’J(1. I . I Even as_ the greatIdIIaparted,I I % I M Ilzwashmgton. Wws111ngton- =I|I II I I CHo.~e-—_’I‘rue to the soul that gave Ibwth, I I I, I J I I For ever, for evcan I I I I II ‘IIIWeI1oveIit for iItsIInIaItive-wort-I1,IIII I ;III I I ‘And awoar to co1I1IgImI,1IaIte “itSI3aIrthI,‘,‘ I II I I II ‘I I IIJIIIFIIIII ever, foxéwiver, I I‘ I :To1ibert3III+11fl’ glory-I:‘II I I I 4 _. ' , . III. -1 ~ Dr. MGNIIAL. (SOLO BY WASHINGTON SCHOOL.) Arr. by B. J‘. II "'I%hI‘~ .'I“I"I‘ -'I‘~I%I =:I a I. I». :1”"'?""";L..I .I ..I I"‘IIa' C a'- .I~'Il'*4"“U 7. .‘.J 'Ia'C”'1 “:l': I‘ I ' |"I J I I "' " ' ¢ I_ "' —‘V, ‘ ') "V Fl ‘V -.0'- -a'- 4- ' " I ' I .V ’ I 1 Of our country’s mme and glo-try, Of her sons who lxve 111 sto...ry! Let us G_ I I N I I I I"*_ I I .4 I In I PA. I». -1 I D K‘ I D 0 ' K I . In I I _... If.‘ I J ' ”'I I I ‘ L '1 @I I) ..“Lf ...II h.‘I4 D I-.II I_\l I. I; 5:.‘ I".J_.I .I ..I III I I ICI '' LJ " ..‘“I_'- .‘\.."I I III II"I"I.IcI-' I’ -'I ;""”|I ‘J 7 I T . C h.‘ .*I -‘ ' t . ‘ 7 ‘ Is111g,I Let us smg, Let us s1ng_._ Let us smg, For a. thousand memories cluster. 9 III I‘ Ijw Is I gm In ‘ - . L I _ Iu.II I. I I I I I I I I III I nu F‘ .. p .—.I 5 I-up - Is.‘ I».I I I. I». I U a a ...I It - *m If F. U VII II) ..IILII ..II KL...‘ In I -' I ' VI_J:J VL‘ n V II -' "L: - "I*«‘'‘I&’I.. U V ' ' 4'- ‘ ‘ hove a hap- py people, Still waving, still waving, A.- hove a. hap -py i peoplen‘ 8 HAIL COLUMBIA. (‘UNISON CHORUS BY ALI._'.I?H1E SCHOOLS.) 1. Hail 00 --111111 - bia. hap-py lanci, Hail ye he - roes heaven-brorn band, Who fgught and bled in free - dom’s cause, IWho fought and bled "hr n I I I I U I I AL I I I I I I II I I I I I In A I A ‘ I I I I I —I ' IH‘ I I ‘I I - V " ' ‘." I I C ‘ I I 4' 4" 4' fl IH' ' J I —I ‘ 'I ' I ’ ' ' I I I ' . I OJ I-""' ‘ “ . free -I<1om’s cause, And when the storm of war - was gone en I-I I I I I I I I - I I __ I I I I‘ I I’. I. 0 ' A I I A ' -7 A I WMMI V I I 4‘ I _‘ I I J I I K I I II I " I I I": F " A I I ..v' III...‘ III I I‘ I ‘I II :1 LII I I. w- I ‘O1; "3 " "I " -0’--' '-d- -04% -0- I‘ I’ I ""'.""“‘ joyed the peace your val - or Won. Let in %- de-pendence be your boast, _ f\ I L 41 K # _.._I%l I U I I K I I T I I I I I J‘ I I I I I I I I _"I ,' II?‘ IITIIUI a‘I;P;5 ..~II=-5. ‘Ia-="o’*'r"‘ : . v I L V Iv LI I ’ : J_ ? 1 H I1 3 I _IeIs .I I us % % be, IRa.11y - mg round our 11b - er .- - by, III‘: I I I ______ I T I_I i ‘,_._I—“ _._ I I I I TI V I I =' !I:a.*—e:=* I.a.I.=:'J;+:I4 I I U % . ' L1 ' ; I I 5 3 V II :‘ LC 1 As band of broth-era joined, Peace‘ and safe-ty we shall “find. I2“Sound, sound the trump ofhfalme, _ V I I I “ I Let Washin I n’s great name I I I Ring thrcmg the ear-th with loud appla *1 e! _Ring the earth with loud applause! Let every elime toIfreeeIom% dear, ‘ I I Listen with] a joyful ear I; % I W ith equal skill, xvithrsteady power, % He fgovemsgi:n the fesIrfu1‘ho'_u.r[ V ‘ % Of horridrwar, or guides with I The happzier time of honest peace; I am. I I 9 —. VW| ........_.a.-.—.a- ” DEAR NATIVE LAND. (SOLO IBY EATON SCHOOL.) “Watch on the Rhine." . "I9" I I I I I I. I - 3’ .. I I I- 1:. Irv ;I A I I I I n I ' I I -' I n o .. .. I I Irnl 1 ..I I I _l 2 ..I I I I u 4 g I I I I’ -' ..I I \\I.1 ' I I A ' " I .. o ' I ;r“ LI ' I I LI I . I " I ‘J 37. T A T I I I «J ‘ ' "" I ‘W . ‘'5!’ peace -ful homes, a. ‘proud er I- ray, Smile on thee; loved and hotfxored day. ‘Deer I .-‘v’ - In I- .. I o . I" L_ I ' F I I J 4' A I I I.) I I LI I L._ I \ I 1:‘ 4' H.‘ _I I I’) I I LI " " " J ' I L L‘ V I L_‘;’ "' IIII" _J I ma. -I tive land our gift we bring, From loyal hearts thy praises ring, One pledge, the In I III; I A » I I U I J‘ ‘ I + I I ‘D I I /9 5. I , " I em-—-.*--.-—~a I . . r I'II'- I.) I I II I I”_~I5I-I L.lJ_L./I I I I I I L‘ I I I I J__I ' ‘ L‘ I ‘ I I I I I ‘ ea ‘- cred pledge of love to‘ thee, Henceforth thy sure defence, thy se.fe-gIIII.rd be. (menus. I I I I Q I I _ “II I Deer native land ourdgiyfit we bring, From'1oye1'heerts thy praises ring,OneIi31edge,bheI O O 0 I 7 sacred pledgeef love to Ifhee, HBDOBfOrthS”I11‘8CI£%‘I'e1'1G€},H135’I-II~I\fII§4gI1I’II1‘I:If)t‘:II_ If I9: 2 In notes I Swell thesong, Leltrightpreveil,a.ndcrushedIbeIWrongI I I" ‘I:I~‘:I M Hea.rI:;spea;k toI11ea‘r-t, the wetqhword high, K I I I « God help us thus ytoydo.oIrdieIII”_I I I ' I I I yDear native ilend our giftywe I I Ire I 1:IromI1oya1 hearts Ithypmises ri I , _ One gI1edgeI,the‘yeaoredI;Ip1edge I‘ =to;thee, V ‘ fHe;Iceforth_tIhy sure defe1:Ice;§- “£I'I3._'d_b6 '10 sum .. ‘. .,.,.._. .. ...v.,.‘ ...‘...w . . GOD GLORIOUS. % cwxzm sow rm: wmsstrnn SCHOOL.) Rusgian National Hymn. 1.%C‘rod ev - er glo - ri - ous! sov - ’reign , of ma, - tions, .of ‘ Thine ' is h the Vic - ;t’ry, and Thine the ‘ h h h ' -0-‘ -A I h Strong; de _- liv - - er, h own” we % Thy hand. I --f- nu... \_ h 2 God the A11-merciful! %e:arthW;:1a'uthh forsaken, h: % Thy “ways an holy, and sligilited Thy iworcltz Let‘ notgffhy wrath in its terror awaken ; h h h h Give to ushpzsurdon. and peace, , O Lord. 3 So will Thy peop1e,_with thankful devotion % ' H Pmiaehim who saved them from peril andsword ' h Shouting in ahpms, f1jomf?ocea.n to hocesm, _ Ah 9 ‘Peaaehto hthe%;na‘;tionsh,Vand praisehtoh the Lord. h h ‘ 11 1E BEAUTIFUL FLAG; ' (WITHISOLO BY SKINNER SCHOOL.) I SOLO. I I I ” 1. Beauti I-I ful flag, our count:ry’s _p1'Iic'Ie, Let thy Stars and Stripes float Wide _. n I L I] I K In 5 K I'"fI I I‘ In; .' I "IT I _I‘ 4 ‘ I II ‘ I I - I III I fi 0 - I " H A I E 4' I 4 III. I 4' I U I" I l_ I "I Q J '. I V V " 11.0 V I I I I I U v -' J .I _I J V I r V V O - ver land and 0 - ver sea, Beau -‘t1 - ful flag of the n I g k L I W I‘ K I 7‘ K I._I I H K I g I I‘ I I O I A I I ‘ I‘ K I .. I I ‘ 1 IW U A I I I I I": C 4‘ I I‘ I I‘ C 4.‘ I I , I I -' _' I I)‘ V. -' a I HI I_ I ' I .1 ...../ I I ....«~' I I-0’- no - - 1316 free, _% Beau - ti - ful flagI of the no“ - - ble free! I CHORUS]. I I %;I3eau .,. ti-ful flag, ......... Beau-~ tigful /3-‘I II Bean -V-ti - ful flag, I % I Beau - ti fnl Iflag-,_ I I of the na »- —- _—-I -tion, Beauti I-Iful, beau-ti -I ful Iflag! I‘ I‘ I I Ina.-tion, na. --'tion, 2 Bought by our faflners blood and tail, I Planted first in Ifreedonfs soil; I I % I I IF1oaIt'mg now-o’.e%r and cregg II H H: Travelers haIi1I“‘th;§e5 beautififl I “g. :||II II Be_au%tifu1I Iflag, I I I I I I 3 F1oa.tI on,I float on o'er port and tower,* I Gloriousinthysilent power; I II I A ‘ A I ' I EveryI1ivingfreeman:holds,I I I I II C ‘I I ‘ I I ‘ I<9Il=AI6hmIiI!1IIth°iWaVeof th¥8i1k611If°1d&I =III. T I ‘L 12 MYCOUNTRY, ’TIS OF THEE. " (UNISON CHORUS BY ALL THE SCHOOLS.) % C l 1. My coun —t1*y,’tis of thee, Sweet land of lib - er - ty, Of theell %I sing. ‘ where my 1%». - them died, Land of the pll »- gri1n’s pride, ‘ l " l ‘ -0- : F1-om ev A-A ery Inmml — min side, V l Let free V-} dom ring. 2 Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees, % Sweet freedoms song; Lei; mortal tongues awake, Let. an that breathe partake, » Let ro%cks_their silence break, %% _ ‘ Thefsound prolong, % 3 Our fzmther’sE'rod, to thee, Author oflllliberty, . ’ l To thelelwe Sing. % % Long om: land ‘be: bright, l % "With freedorufs holy light,‘ ; A A A - thy migha A WA ’ 1.. * ' .,v '4 wm .......-.‘._,“Ai «. . ,....». , an.‘ 4 .ma«..p.~-.., 13 YANKEE DooD”LE. (SOLO BY HAMILTON SCHOOL.) I I 2% ~Ye.nkIeeI doodle, hoyv it brings ‘'an - kee doo - dle let us sing“, I Yen - kee cloo - dle den - cly, I I Till we make the ring, wel -I kin The good old days before us, Who go Two or three began the song, Millions join the chorus, ' Yankee doodle roll it round, y % Yankee doodle dandy, y Victory and Washington, I I I Yankee doodle dandy. 4: Yankee doodle I‘ not alone The Icontitnent will hear it,” But all the world shell catch the And every traitor fear it. — Yankee I doodle roll it round, , 3 ‘% Yankee doodle‘ de.ndy.d._ to fight our battles, But yank the traitors to the tune I Of Yankee doodle, yank ’en:1. I Yankee doodle, on the sea, I Yankee doodle Idendy ; ’ Yankee doodle, doodle do, I A. Yankee doodle, yank ’em. I tune" I %%Yankee doodle‘ da.njdy,_;I I I I “W sono. 2 n p .-' 4' Ira 1' V .. I 1 .9 .-V : La .. 4' I . £5 [4 I I I I I’) L; I;J T. "" I JV: 7;) Iflf 5 I ¢/IA“7‘J: IVJ ‘ I71 ‘ V ‘ I 2') V W 2’) F U I y 1. Yen - kee (loo - dle," long a - go They playeclmt to de I nde us, But I f'\ A ' L L U * 4- i T“ ~ 5 - D 4. I M I'\ _I_‘ F I ‘(L I at :9 I" I J I I I P’ D I 4:. I ‘ 3 4 I. 5 D I I {H I I I I I I I) I I/I I) I I I I 2" A I " I I .'~ I U I) I) V "' I ' 9' I7 I I I "' ~. ‘I I I‘ __I u U I ‘ 7 I . 7 V I’. ‘ - now we march to I we -4 to - ry, And Vthetfe the tune to gmde us. Yam -kee I doo «Idle v den _-Vdy. 4 Land and sea proloneiehe soundly I I I I f I <2- 3 '.I.‘hen cheer the gallant Yankee Boys, I I I I 14: ' zwlel + a .. «a If. - . ——l g A‘ D n’: 0 fig : “I e p. n _: I : v we‘ l H U ta I a’ o- 5." '.*. Q 4. '_'jLv' V’ 5’ "75-«T 1 IIJ \. W - V 5 re 7') 1 1-. ‘D ‘x R !\l L 11 A 4 ‘ L‘ 1 J‘ .'\ A H 2‘ pal ?\ .3 3”‘ . 1 «-11: 7:‘:- V ._-l 5‘ - 0 - I " - A‘: 3." s In . \L» : ‘, . ‘ 7 g . vd ‘ % ____/ _ %‘ CA ' a L! vhf‘: AD 1 We’ a .L='= =.. -~,} I ._ L L 3 u II ‘ . Ev n n F u 1 I . V :‘ . .1 5 7'1 "“‘."""“"“"“‘””"iV"'l'!5"'°—’/"I _ a 1 1. .0 1.7 V V 0 L 1. Li L L J .1 a - V ' r l = ' I“ 1 l % Old time custonis are fast vanishing trom8égh.t ,*»% Eaton, Webster, Skinner, Hamilton, and Dzaighzf ; x l Old time errors are fast yielding to the right ; Woolsey, loved as honored; Wooster first in fight ; e %% New born powereaare now rising-i11 their might, Close the roll with Hilzhouse; Washingtonhi in sight, % % % While trutlz, moves brcwely on. And we‘ll march proudly on. % l Glery,rGlory, &c.« t % ' l ’ ‘ % Chews. % I old time Kcingclemel are now crumbling into dust, Well tried leaders are directing all our way; Monarchsltremble,_lwe1lZcnowing that theymust. l Wise in counsel and kindly in their sway, ‘ .. In the people’s Izecmt our kings securely trust, % ‘Neath their guidance we shall surely win the day. % Speed them bravely on. "l r . ‘ % % r Three cheers for one and all. V GLoPfY HAI_.LEI_..UJAH. (SOLO BY Wooscmexa SCHOOL.) F F. CHORUS. C'Izoru.s.l » ll % rt l l%?C7¢orAus. 15 THE STARSPANGLED BANNER. cwrm so:r.;o AND DUET BY HILLHOUSE HIGH scHooL.) SOLO. u _;./ 1. 0 say, can you see by the da.wn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the ' n ‘[2 t In ‘ r t T T RI I .1 | —--. ‘=. H 4 3‘ 5 :_ _l 1, arm '"’»_’j'+¢**-e:r—.“;‘-“L-4-'-4*"---~1H ‘wu % ' g L * 4 ‘ate ix 1 _l 1 0' 4 - ; L 3-. ¢__L.Q___fl.__:.._‘ _.J I , ‘If we 5 -3- + l M -2* 7- 3;; I, v’ twilighfla last gleaming; Whose broad stripes and bright stars thro’ the perilous fight, 0‘er the "b t l V*DUET. 'ra.mpa.rts Wewatehed were so gallant-1y strea.ming,l And the roeket’e red glare, the bombs In t bursting in air, proof thro’ the night that our Flag was there. tofionue K-‘\!‘1'-"\ % say ‘does the star - spanglecl than - ner ‘ yet . wave, V And the etar- span - glerl than - ner for - ev - er shall we've, wave, I I And the stem-~ span - gled ban -1161‘ for «- ev - er b shall * u t t 4- -0- t 5br:we.- \‘.V b 2 And wa.r’s clemors o’er, with her mantle hath peace‘ Once again, in its folds, the nation. enshirouded; e Let no fratricide hand, uplifted e’er be t t . The glory to dim which now is uncloucled :‘ ‘ 1 Not as «North or as South in the futuxe we’11 stand, ‘ l l * But as brothers united throughout our broad lend. Cho. ‘ 3 Othus b-e it ever when ffreemen shall stand t l l ‘ Between‘ their loved homes and the were desolation; Blest with viet’ry and peace, may theVhlea’ven—rescued land l _ _ =*Praiee the power that has meldelandupreserved us a. nation. u u h Then‘. oonquerttwlel must, when tohureeuset itis ljtuet, to u this be our motto—--—u“In God. ie_ourltrust;” Che. l 16 OLDHUNDREDQ ' 1 mm? A.LLrm1«: SCHOOLS" AND ASSEMRLED MULTITUDE.) Praise God, from‘ whom‘ all bless - ings I’mise % L ' % crea - - tures here» Praise Him h a. -% -A bove, _ Vye % heaven 1y %_ host, _J_"\ djtiintrrtlyg at I «- ,ceived and duly considered. I Invitation of 4th of J uly Comxnittee. I M NEW HAVEN, May 20, 1876. PROF. B.~ JEPsoN—Sir---A committee of the Court of _IOo1:n1nonfGormcil, em powered to make a1~1'ang'ements for an appropriate celebration of the Centennial I , Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, to take place upon the public Green of our city, desirous of making that 0CC8.S1OI1 one not only of interest to all the adult people of the city, but one which the rising; generation in our midst will carry pleasing recollections of for many years to come, Wish to add to the other features of the celebration an Open-air Concert to be given under yourdirection, by such of the children attending the public schools as may be invitecl by you to join in the performance of so patriotica work. V The committee have therefore voted to cordially invite you to engage to arrange, forsuch a Concert to‘ be given on the Green, and to embrace in its se- lections songs of a patriotic and national character. The committee would be highly gratified to receive your assent to such a proposition, and they are con» I ficlent the public will derive great pleasure from the carrying out of such a, pro_i_;ramn1e. In behalf of the cominittee, , HENRY G. Lewis, Chairman. ...—-...-»_._...»-.¢ To His Honor the Jlfag/or : H. G. LEWIS»--l76’(t'7" Sirr-—-—Your..con1munication honoring nae with an -..i;nv'i— I tation to direct an Open-air Concert on the Fourthof July, 1876, has been re: _ p In reply, I will say that I hesitate only in view of the limited time left for preparation. IWith the approval, howevenof the Board of Education, and with the co-operation of the parents of such children ” . as may be selected to take part, as also the assistance of such voluntary aid as I may receive in carrying out the details,~I shall be pleased to undertake the enterprise. I I Respectfully yours, etc, I I " I I I . B. Jnrson. New Haven, May 26, 18%. ..».—..._..-an Vote of the Board of EdncationI. “Whereas the city authorities of New Haven have invited Mr. Jepson, teach- er of music in New Haven public schools,to assemble the pupils onlthe Green the 4th of July next, to take part, in the exercises celebrating the Oentenn‘iaI.l_ IA-nlniversary of our National llndepenclence; it is therefore resolved that the , Board assure the city authorities of their hearty col-operationl in properly eels» I brating the occasion, and hereby direct the Committee on Schools to atlbrd Mr. I "Jepson all necessary facilities for preparing pupils in our schools for their part in the celebration.” V I I I « I I I T110 abovexmsolution was unanhnously passed by tthe Boardofi Education I I a specia1lmeIeti,n,e; he1dfMon?dayl evejniing‘.l I , , I I j I I I II I I « ‘ I It ; “I HQRAGENIIDAy,,Sjec1-etary.If 5. Hail. Oolmnbia, S Beautiful Flag. . 1__My Country “sis of Thee, A a(l@rsnrl fisnlsonisl Qliomzeri . Umleflhe D11*ect1u11 of Prof. B. Jensen, GIVEN VVITI-I SA CHORUS 01: 2800 SINGERS. TI-IE PROGRAMME. S1. The Glorious.Fourtl1 of J uly, _ Unison Chorus by all the schools. S ‘.3. Red, White, and Blue. . Full Chorus, with Solo by the sc_hola.1's of Woolsey School. Rally Round the Flag, S S f S ' Full Chorus, with Solo by the Scholars of Dwight School. 4. Union Dixie. % S _ % ‘ S Full. Cl1orus,.with Solo by the schole.rs of Washingtortr School. Unison Chorus by all the schools. Selection of Music by the Teutonia. Maennerchor. S SS % 6. Watch on the Rhine (words written for the occasion), "Full Chorus, with Solo by the_Ssch<>lsrs of Eaton School. '7. Russian National Hymn (Aniericsn words), i S S . . Full Chorus, with Soloby the scholzrrs of .Webster School. Full Chorus, with Solo by the scholars of Skinner School. 10. SS Yankee Doodle, S . . S . % l Full Chorus, with Solo byothe scholars of Hamilton School. S S11. ; S Glory Hallelujah (words written for the occasion), Full Chorus, with Solo by the scholars of Wooster School. Selection ofSMusic by the Teutonia. Maennerchor. -12. Star Spanglecl Banner, S Solo, Dust, and Cl1.orus--~witl1 Solo by Sthe class of “Y6, Duet by the scholars of the High School, and full Chorus by all the schools. Original Sche.1'a.cte1'istic song by Bro. J ona.tha.n. S13. Old Itlnndred, with “ Praise God from ‘W1’10Sl11 ell blessings flow ” % By all the schools and the assembled people. % Let all Szoha sing quote]; the 0oncZ2mtor’s SBa2.‘