u-....-...---w.--. I699 PROGRAMME 1--Centennml TOWN OF DURHAM CONNECTICUT I899 \- 1699 A 1899 Sunday, July the Second. The Methodist Church, 10. 30 A. 4 Hymn 6-————“Come, Thou Almighty King.” the Hpostlee’ Creed. A [£)rayer~—--the Lordfe Drayer. Responsive Reading of Selected Psalms. Gloria patri, - 5- A -— ~ C /zm/[es Zllezeze/ée Dymn 1 103-—-——“ Great God, beneath whose pie1"cing5 eye.” Lesson from the Holy Scriptures. A Che Doxology. A i Qrayer. A Hn 1bistorical Discourse. THE REV. WILLIAM B. CLARKE, Pasfor of 2725 Fz'7'sz‘ C/%’zz¢rc/z of C/zrisz‘ 2'72 .Dm'/tam. fiymn 776————“Glorious things of Thee are Spoken.” Offering. Offertory Hntbem-—“Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah.” Solo With Chorus, - - A A. M. A S/may Benediction. fl The following Iinéomposea’ for the occasion, cwere sang in Durham, Connecffczxz‘, af the Centennial Celefirafion on ftzly 42%, 1876. Where, swift and hot, fell cannon shot, While answered rnuskets’ rattle, VVas heard our glorious Yankee tune Amid the din of battle. Yankee doodle, freernen shout, Yankee doodle dandy; Drive the hireling red coats out, Yankee doodle dandy. The contest done, the victory won, Rejoicing millions crowned them. Sweet freedom, peace and honor theirs, Glad plenty smiled around them. Yankee doodle, still they sang, Yankee doodle dandy. Freedorn’s day with joy bells rang, Yankee doodle dandy. A hundred years through strifes and fears, Her power and fame increasing, Columbia’s sons have sung her praise In anthems never ceasing. Yankee doodle, loud and long, Yankee doodle dandy. Join the chorus, swell the song, Yankee doodle dandy, Her gloriespgrow as centuries go, And true hearts fail her never; Fair freedorn’s friend, oppression’s foe. America forever! ‘Yankee doodle-, let it ring From Maine to Rio Grande, Father, son and grandsire sing, Yankee doodle dandy. Q r699’ C 1899 The Church of the Epiphany, 3.30 P. M. THE CHlLDR‘EN’S SERVICE. processional Fiymn 51 6-—-—-“ Onward, Christian Soldiers.” Sentences. Invocation. Che Lord’s prayer. Che psalms, IOC7, I14, I46. Gloria Datri. fiymn 194--5-“ God of our fathers, whose almighty hand.” Che Lesson-—-——-Romans xii. Che Hpostles’ Creed, and prayers. fiymn 311‘----“Ancie11t of Days, who sittest throned in Glory.” Hddress. True REV. E. CAMPION AcHEsoN, Rector of 2'/fie C/aura/z of if/Z6’ ffoéy Trz"¢zz'zfy, .Mz'a’a7Z.e2‘owrz. Che Offering. Offertory Hnthem——“ Fear not ye, O Israel,” Dudley Beta/5 MISS CATHARINE W. FOWLER Hdclresses. A fiymn 512-----“ Rise, my Soul, and stretch thy Wing's.” Benedietien. Retroeessional I5ymn4o8—~“Jerus2flem, the Golden.” 1699 1899 The Congregational Church, 7.30 P. Opening Services. Hymn 176——--“Guide me, 0 Thou Great Jehovah.” Lesson from the Holy Scriptures. Bi-Centennial fiymn-—“O God Omnipotent.” prayer. Hddrese of welcome, - TI-IE REV. W114. B. CLAREE Hclclress. THE REV. ALVIN P. KNELL, Pastor of 2723 _/lfez‘/zodisz‘ C/zurc/z. Hymn 36-1---~—“Lord of heaven, and earth, and ocean.” Hddreee. “The Puritan Ideal of Society.” THE REV. PROF. WILLIAM NORTH RICE, D. D., of W esleyczrz U 722':/Iersz'z_‘y, }l[z'(Za’Zez‘07wz. Solo, - - - - MISS SUSANNE N.[ATH.EWSON Hcldrces. A THE REV. HERBERT WELCH, Pastor of the Fzfrsz‘ M ez‘./201272192‘ C/zzarc/2, .M'z'a’a’Zez‘azmz. fiymn 1336---“My Country, ’tis of Thee.” Benediction. I699 1899 7.15 P. M. Public Meetifig Of the People of Durham, 111 the Congregational Church. CHAIRMAN, - - - - ME. CURTIS C. ATWELL prayer. Bi-Centennial fiymn————“GOd, We OWI1 Thy g1‘aciOus hand.” Roster offlmr/zmzzflfevz 2'7/L z%..r: Wa7”5, MR. E. N. BRAINERD Hddrcsfi-—~—Du1-11am in the Wa1's, M11. CURTIS C. ATWELL HddI*e88--—-«Durham during the Civil Wax‘, MR. HENRY I-I. NEWTON figmn 760---—“LOvc—: divine, all love excelling.” Bi-Centennial Ode. MR. VVEDWORTH VVADSWORTH Old Cimes cm the West Side, MR. WM. T. COE Solo, - - -~ - MISS SUSANNE MA'l‘I~IEWSON DOen1—---“ Our Ancestors,” MISS CATHARINE W. FOWLER fiynm 1284-———“WhO are these in bright array P” Recollections of Mr. james D. 1-‘octe, A COMPILED BY MRS. H. H. NEWTON Durham Doctors, - - E. A. MARI{I~IAM, M.D. Doem—-—~“A Voice from the Old Celnetery.” 7 MRS. FRED P. HUBBARIJ Solo, - - - - MISS SUSANNE MATHEWSON Schools and 9cbool—ma9tcrO, MR JAMES R- TUCKER, .Prz'_7zc2;z>aZ of East ffarzfora’ I172}:/2 S:/moi. A Evening, July the Third, Hddress, - - ‘- MR. MILES TALCOTT MEIWVIN” Impromptu Hddrceees. , fiymn 1 64--Qua1-tette--—“ Softly now the light Of day.” A A ‘Che Doxology. Benediction. A ORGANISTS AT ALL THE SERVICES, . A . MRS. W. A. ALLING A MRS. E. N. ROBINSON 1699 1899 July the Fourth. BI--CENTENNIAL DA Y. %--®rber of the Eat;--—=<~:— I0.00 A. M. C;@7[1xsig, - - THE NATIONAL BAND, VVALLINGFORD ‘D (the procession. Gmmi _/Wars/Ea], - - MR. CURTIS C. ATWELL. Az'zz’e.s‘. Mr. FRED. H. PAGE. Mr. PHILIP J. RICHE. Mr. WALTER WILCOX. Bicycle Parade. The Indian Proprietors of Durham. Floats.‘ The Indians in a VVigwam. General Wadsworth. The Original Thirteen States. Ancient Vehicles. Ancient Agriculture. Modern Agriculture. Old Shoe Industry. The Schools of Durham. Britannia and Columbia. John Bull and Brother Jonathan. Speakers of the Day and Invited Guests in Carriages. T/Be [2326 of masrc/2 ze/2'1! fie from fire Swat/zel Hozzse to Me old A FVaa7s'ze/art/z House, and refurn to tile Greeiz. 1699 1899 11.00 A. M. Jfiiaaentermial Exercises on the (Breen. §[ifl1Isi.c, - - - - - -— By THE BAND .%i;1“ng‘i1‘L‘.,g---——-“ My Country, ’tis of Thee,” LEI) BY '1‘14n~:‘. BAND ‘igkbhrcss I13; the ‘fimcsihent of 1:131: flag, I-IENRY G. NEVVTON, ESQ. ‘£c2~xh5c1t.,g' nf Bfiettms nf ‘§_ljeg'rei. nboem. M131. WEBS’1‘E1{ R. VVALKLEY. iflietorical ®ration. THE REV. JOSEPH HOOPER. fiinging--——-“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,” .LED BY THE BAND 1699 1899 1.00 P. M. (Donation. After dinner speeches are expected from ;His Excellency George E. Lounsbury, Governor of the State of Connecticut; His Honor Lyman A. Mills, Lieuten- ant Governor of the State of Connecticut; the Hon. 0. Vincent Coffin, EX-Governor of the State; the Rev. Dwight W. Seward, D.D., of South Norwalk; the Rev. Professor Samuel Hart, D.D., first Vice- President of the Connecticut Historical Society; judge Lynde Harrison, President of the New Haven Colony Historical Society; Mr. Franklin H. Hart of New Haven; the Hon. L. M. Hubbard of Wal- lingford; the Rev. Edwin S. Lines, D.D., first Vice- President of the New Haven Colony Historical Society; Prof. David N. Camp of New Britain; Prof. Charles G. Rockwood of Princeton University; the Rev. Frederick E. Snow, Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Guilford; the Rev. E. E. Lewis of Haddam; Mr. Lindley W. Luke of Guilford; M. C. Hazen, M.D., of Haddam; and others. 4.30 P. M. fiznnrns nub" fiarzns mt tlgc crrsmm. iflxrsir by 1132 ‘fircnh. 8.30 P. M. 3 fiiaplag Hf gjfire moths. filusir by 1313:: Earth. 1699 1899 ‘jfiiectentennial G:ommittee."“ The Rev. JOSEPH HOOPER, C/zazwmm. Mr. TALCOTT P. STRONG. E. A. MARKHAM, M.D. MR. W. A. PARSONS. Mr. ANDREW M. CAMP, Secretary mm’ Treczszmar. Mr. CURTIS C. ATWELL. HENRY G. NEWTON, EsQ.f Mr. W. A. ALLING. The Rev. WM. B. ‘CLARKE.-f Mr. SILAS W. FOWLER,I Mr. OLIVER D. HUBBARI),I ~Mr. VVILLIS I. PA12.MELEI.:,]‘, Se/1<:cz‘7¢zm of z‘/ze Tote/72 of Dm'/zcmz. The Rev. ALVIN P. KNELL.j|f SUB-«-COIVIIVIITTEES. Inw'z‘czz‘z'a 725. The Rev. Wm. B. Clarlce. Henry G. Newton, Esq. Mr. W. A. Alling. Lz'iermy. The Rev. Joseph Hooper. Henry G. Newton, Esq. Mz¢sz'c. Mr. W. A. Alling. . Miss Catharine W. Fowler. Bami .M'mz'c. % Mr. Andrew M. Camp. C'oZlaz‘z'072. Mr. W. A. Parsons. * Appointed by the Selectmen in accorclance with at vote of the Town, October, 1897. 1' Added by a vote of the Town, October, 1898. ‘ it Added by the Bi--Centennial Committee, March, 1899. I699 I899 Fimmce. Henry G. Newton, Esq. Mr. VV. A. Parsons E. A. Markham, M.D. T/ze Lama Exfizfit. E. A. Markham, M.D. W ar 133507135. Mr. Talcott P. Strong. . Mr. E. N. Brainerd Mr. Curtis C. Atwell. .Processz'cm. Mr. Curtis C. Atvsrell. Gro:mza’5. Mr. Silas W. Fowler. Mr. Oliver D. Hubbard Mr. Willis I. Parmelee. Games. E. A. Markharn, M.D. Mr. Andrew M. Camp. Mr. W. A. Ailing Dz'Mc*2‘0r of Gcmzes. Mr. E. F. White. AUXILIARY COMMITTEES. (Appointed by the Chairman of Procession Committee.) ]mz’z'mz _Proprz‘ez‘07*5 of D247”/Exam. Mr. Eckford I. Morse. Mr. Leonard B. Markham. Mrs. Earl iMathewson. T/ze 0rz:gz'7zaZ T/zz'rz‘een States.” Miss Maude M. Markham.‘ Miss Josephine Hooper. T/ze Sc/72.00! C'flz'[a’re1z. _Miss Mary E. Asman. . Miss Myra Groodale. 1699 1899 Tim .Bz'cyrZe Pamela. Mr. Jesse Riche. Decomz‘z'o¢z of ale’ P1’/'aa’.vze/on‘/lz Harare. Mrs. Will C. Hubbard. General Wadszwort/E. Mrs. Gertrude L. Hart. Agrz'cz¢[z‘m'e. The Durham Grange. Z723 S/we fvzdzzsfry. ‘ Mr. A. V. Brainard. (the ‘Loan Exhibit. The old Wadsworth house, now the residence of Mr. Reuben Hubbard, will be open on Monday, July the third, from nine to twelve o’clock in the morning, with a collection of relics. This _ house is said to be the oldest in Durharn. The General Wadsworth house, now the residence of Mrs. Mary A. Carrier,lwi11 be open on Monday, July the third, from eleven in the morning to four in the afternoon, and on Tuesday, M July the fourth, from three to five in the afternoon, with a col- lection of relics. J The Goodrich house, new the residence of Mr. George H. Davis, built in 1763, by the Rev. Elizur Goodrich, the second minister of the town, will be open” on Monday, July the third, i i from two to five in the afternoon. All the money taken in the collections will be for the Public r Library Biiilding Fund. I899 BI-CENTENNIAL HYIVIN. Worms BY THE REV. Josarn Hoornn. God, We oWn~Thy gracious hand Holy Spirit, in Thy fires O Led our sires to this fair land, a To proclaim, with Thee to bless, Freedom in the wilderness. Jesus, Thy religion pure Gave them courage to endure, Fed their lone and fatherless, Kept their souls from world’s deface. ' Purge our souls from base desires, Guide our feet where fathers trod. O Till with them We rest in God. “ Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three in One, Glory as of old to Three, New and ever more shall be.” ‘BI--CENTENNIAL HYIVIN. , ,_M'''bRx>s Bvl MISS CA.’J.‘HARINE WORTHING’rON FOWLER. MUSIC BY MR. JOHN S. CAMP. O lGod, Omnipotent ll VVe how all reverent-m BIess’d be Thy name‘; . For while the seasons wane T Thy Wisdorn doth constrain ; Thy‘ Truth, doth still remain,- Thouart the same. , Our sires were ledlbyi Thee, . by Of Those loyalrnen and free, E p . Wit'hr hope aglow; Whatever foes lassailedrl, O ” Theircourage never quailed, Tl16lI‘ll1§)1’,1,QI'.,I1eV€’:F failed, , T 3 In earth 1;: woe. Hereour forefathers wrought And valiant spirits sought Thy guiding Hand ; On this triumphal day Oh »We humbly kneel to pray I Thy holy Presence may Defend our land. ; ‘ Through scenes of peace orstrife T VVilt Thouenrich ourlife T G And make us Thine; We know that in Thy sight Our hearts are judged arighte-—-p Send down, O God .of Might, O O Thy ‘Light Divinexz