AVID EVE “‘ ]Y42~m’»9E ,~m:a;rm szxhpect me: of my age %v To wfimk in gimcb/Mr: an aim S5tM§€." _ % .B"3é“' FRANCIS EVI:?1RIi’XI"I‘ BL.AKj14£:. DAVID EVERETT BY TFRANCIS E. BLAKE THE subject of this sketch, a native of Princeton, Mass., has been chiefly known to many for several gener- ations, as the author of a poem. for juvenile declamation, beginning “You’d scarce expect one of my age,” while his greater work, in a literary point of view, has escaped their notice. This sketch is prepared with the design of setting forth briefly his character and work, in order that due honor may be rendered to his name. He was the son of David Everett and Susanah Rolph whowere married in Princeton Oct. 29, 1767. They had five children, David being the second child and the eldest son. He was born Mar. 29, I770. The father came from Dedharn and within a year of his marriage purchased a hundred acres or more, adjoin» ing land already owned by his wife’s father. It was in Lot No. eleven (I I) on the west side of Wachusett Moun- tain, on the old county road to Barre. On this land he erected two or three dwelling--houses and a blacksmith shop, all of which he sold not long afterward, the larger part to some of his old neighbors from Dedham. Later, catching the spirit of the times, which was manifest even in remote localities, he joined the Continental Army with others of his town. His military service was, however, brief, for he died in the army June :26, I775. The widow kept the family together, though doubtless with difficulty, as her husband left no real estate, and but little personal property, while all the money, as far as is known, that the widow i received as pay for his military service was sixteen pounds. I 2 a David Everett The locality of the house is known, and is nearly opposite the school-house now designated as No. 8.. It was isolated, although on the county road, the travelling being infre- quent, and the boy’s earliest associations were with the neighboring school-house. He must have imbibed the patriotic spirit of the times, which shows itself in the pro-- ductions of his mature years. When he was about ten years of age he went to live with his grandmother, Mary (Everett) Gerould, in Wren- tharn. The journey must have been a great event in the boy’s life. It may well be supposed that the educational advantages in Wrentham were superior to those in Prince- ton where his father’s library, according to the inventory, consisted of “two old Bibles, and a few other old books,” valued at six shillings. These new conditions more ade- quately met the wants of a “bright, ambitious boy,” as he is said to have been. By his perseverance and “in- domitable ambition” he made his way to New Ipswich, N. H., being attracted by the opportunities offered by the Academy recently established there. The only evidence we have of this progress there is found in a manuscript preserved in the Academy, of an original drama entitled “TheHonest Lawyer,” composed in 1791. During his stay in the town he taught one of the schools of the village, or town, probably with the View of obtaining means for a college education. It was during this period that he wrote for a public school exhibition the declarna- tion so well known, beginning “You’d scarce expect one of my ‘age To speak in public on the stage.” This will be spoken of more in detail laterin these pages. Other writings of his, including school--boy declamations, and also some more mature articles were probably pro- duced during his stay in New Ipswich, and during his college course. Some of these were published in the first edition of the “Columbian Orator,” issued in 1797, and» David Everett 3 show extensive reading, and a marked versatility of talent as a writer. He entered Dartmouth College and graduated in 1795. On that occasion he had the honor of the valedictory poem in which he predicted the future of our country as follows: “The Muse prophetic views the coming day, When federal laws beyond the line shall sway; Where Spanish indolence inactive lies, And every art and every virtue dies,-— Where pride and avarice their empire hold, Ignobly great, and poor amid their gold,- Colum.bia’s genius shall the mind inspire, And fill each breast with patriotic fire. Nor east nor western oceans shall confine The generous flame that dignifies the mind; O’er all the earth shall Freedom’s banner wave, The tyrant blast, and liberate the slave; Plenty and peace shall spread from pole to pole, Till earth's grand family possess one soul.” After his graduation he went to Boston to study law, and was subsequently admitted to the bar. He taught for a time in one of the Boston schools. During this time he was a contributor to “The Nightingale” a “Melange de Litterature” published in Boston. Lemuel Shaw, after- ward Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachu- setts, studied law under Mr. Everett, and when the latter removed to Amherst, N. H., Where in addition to the law he did some literary work, Mr. Shaw went with him. A Judge Shaw always maintained a high opinion of Mr.’ Everett’s character and ability, and felt “under great obligation to him.” Yet Mr. Shaw did not rise rapidly to distinction, and Judge Thomas in the American Law Review of Oct. 1867 remarks, “during these years of small beginnings. perhaps the future chief justice found encour- agement in the lines of Mr. Everett, “Large streams from little fountainsflow.” 4 David Evereft r The marriage of Mr. Everett to Dorothy, daughter of Isaac Appleton of New Ipswich, took place Dec. 29, 1799. She survived him, dying Jan. 16, 1859 at New» Ipswich, to which place she had returned soon after his death. They had no children. From Amherst Mr. Everett returned to Boston and to the practice of law there. In 1809 he established the “Boston A Patriot” devoted to the interests of the Democratic party. It was in this paper that EX-——-President John Adams, who had become disaffected toward the Federal party, Wrote historical reminiscences and political essays. In 1812 he conducted “The Yankee” and engaged also in “The Pilot” which had only a brief existence. He was appointed in I811 Registrar of Probate for Suffolk Co. by Gov. Gerry, who on taking office had re-— moved a number of officials throughout the State. On the accession of Gov. Strong, however, the former officials were reinstated, and, consequently, Mr. Everett held the office but eight months. This change in his prospects necessitated new plans for the future, and the condition A of his health requiring a chtange of residence, he went to Marietta, Ohio, probably by the way of ‘Wheeling, Va. At Marietta he, with others, doubtless by previous ar- rangement, established a newspaper called the “American Friend.” But after eight months of connection with it he died, Dec. 21, 1813, at the age of forty-three years and nine months. i i A month after his arrival at Marietta the first issue of the “American Friend” had appeared bearing the date April 26, 1813. In his address to thepublic, he says the editor “feels himself impelled by every principle that actuates his heart to give his utmost aid to the great cause in which We are engaged, in the vindication of the clear bought and invaluable rights of America against a haughty, powerful, persevering, and unprinciplecl foe. Believing in the sincerity of his soul that heaven is in our side, and will ultimately crown our struggles with success, he can- not forbear, on this and all occasions, to prtest against David Everett: 5 that treachery to our own country, and that blasphemy against heaven, which extol her as the protectress of our rights, and the bulwark of our religion. While he pays particular attention to subjects of great national concern, it will be his aim to present his readers that variety of miscellaneous matter and current news which are expected in a public journal.” The first issue of the paper after his death contained the following obituary notice: Obituary. Died in this town on the morning of Dec. 21st. 1813, of a lingering consumption, which he bore with the fortitude of a philosophical mind, David Everett, Esq.., the editor of the American Friend, aged 4.4 years. The interment of his remains was performed with masonic honors, on the 22nd. inst., and his funeral attended by a large con- course of friends, acquaintances and citizens, collected on the melancholy occasion, to pay the last sad duties to heism whose virtues commanded the highest respect and esteem, and whose remembrance will ever be dwelt upon with melancholy sensations. Mr. Everett was a native of Massachusetts, and was regularly educated to the profession of Law. For some years previous to his emigration to this State, he resided in Boston; where he conducted, as editor, several news- papers of distinguished celebrity. s From his youth he devoted his attention to literature, and to the culture of a mind naturally strong and capacious. His unremitted industry, and the sedentary habits of his life, gradually enfeebled his constitution. To endeavor to restore his health by the salubrious air of a milder climate, he left Boston in January, 1813, and arrived at Marietta the March following. Here he re-commenced his labors as an editor, and his assiduity to effect the object of his highest ambition, to be useful to his country by disseminating, through the medium of a weekly newspaper, correct politi~ cal principles, and general literature, completed the ruin of his .health, and deprived the State of one of its most 6 David Everett estimable literary characters, and the republic of a firm patriot. p Mr. Everett was the author of many valuable works, in which he displayed splendid talents, a prolific imagination, and an exalted genius. In some of his literary productions the force and sublimity of his thoughts, the purity and elegance of his style delight the reader of correct taste. In those of a political nature, his mind proves itself acute, penetrating and capable of illustrating the most abstruse subjects, --—-- his arguments are strong, conclusive, and like a torrent bear down every opposing barrier, and force conviction upon the mind. As an editor, he invariably wrote the impulses of an honest heart, with the boldness of an independent mind. He despised that servility which would flatter, fawn around, and crouch to a man invested with popular favor, or clothed with “a little brief authority.” He detested the sycophant, and abhorred the demagogue. He was a republican in principle, and a strenuous advocate for his country’s rights; and his proud soul could never brook an infringement of those rights, by an insolent foe, without feeling and expressing the liveliest indignation. Such was David Everett --a philanthropist --—-— a patriot --~ and a man of undoubted integrity and honour. Although he died in middle life, his literary work was quite extensive. Beside his labors as editor he made con» tributions to various papers, and delivered addresses upon national topics. r His services for Fourth of July orations were frequently in demand and during President lVladison’s term of office he freely discussed national affairs in the papers he edited. ‘He also delivered addresses on Free Masonry in which he had early become interested as a member of St. John’s Lodge, Boston. _, His style was keen and incisive, especially in his political writings, but he was not known to descend to low abuse. His love of poetry frequently showed itself, especially in his pamphlets, and he found a delight in dramatic composi-» David Everett 7 tion. His knowledge of the classics is plainly seen, an aptness for satire is often in evidence, and a regard for youth is apparent, especially in his early manhood, by his writings for their benefit. The “Columbian Orator” in its first edition, 1797, con- tains several selections from the pen of Mr. Everett. Among these is the well-known juvenile deelamation as follows: You’d scarce expect one of my age, To speak in public on the stage; And if I chance to fall below Demosthenes or Cicero, Don’t View me with a critic’s eye, But pass my imperfections by. Large streams from little fountains flow; Tall oaks from little acorns grow; And though I now am small and young, Of judgment weak, and feeble tongue; Yet all great learned men like me, Once learned to read their A, B, C. But why may not Columbia’s soil Rear men as great as Britain’s isle; Exceed what Greece and Rome have done, Or any land beneath the sun? Mayn’t Massachusetts boast as great As any other sister state? Or where’s the town, go far and near, That does not find a rival here? Or where’s the boy, but three feet high, Who’s made improvements more than I? These thoughts inspire my youthful mind To be the greatest of mankind; Great, not like Caesar, stained with blood; But only great, as I am good. This is written by him in New “Ipswich, N. H., in I791 to be spoken at a public school exhibition by a boy seven s r David Everett years of age. The boy was Ephraim H. Farrar, son ef Rev. Stephen Farrar, the first minister of New Ipswich. There is no evidence that the poem led Mr. Farrar to the practice of oratory, but he became a teacher in Boston being a writing master in the school of Lawson Lyon in 1813. He had as pupils Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Rev. Samuel J. May, Rev. Ralph Waldo Emerson and others who rose to eminence. After many years spent in Boston, he returned to New Ipswich where he died Jan. 8, 1851. Mr. Farrar related that the poem was handed to him in manuscript by Mr. Everett and he had always considered it as belonging to himself. “When therefore,” he says, “I saw in a printed copy the substitution of two words for two in the original, namely, ‘Massachusetts’ and ‘sister’ for New Hampshire and Federal, I thought there was either a gross mistake in the printer or an infringe- rnent upon my rights. Whether this was done by the author or not I am not able to say. I am rather inclined to think the latter was, for he afterwards became a politi- cian of the Jefferson school, and edited a paper called The Patriot and the word Federal became extremely obnoxious to many of that party. But that my native state should receive suchan insult I felt very indignant.” He adds that, after a residence of some years in Massachusetts, seeing that every little boy read the piece as if it were his own, he became reconciled to the change, provided that every boy who spoke the piece should have the liberty to sub-— stitute the name of his own state. It is interesting to learn that at the centennial celebra- tion in New Ipswich, Sept. 1850, Mr. Farrar was called to personate the youth for whom that effusion was written, and immediately rising, merely repeated the first two lines, “ You’d scarce expect one of my age To speak in public on the stage.” which moved the audience to laughter. The lines were frequently attributed to Edward Everett, but, at a public lexamination of the High School in Carn- David Everett bridge, Mass, he corrected that opinion and said they were written by a distant relative. Many imitations and parodies of these lines have been written, to which they easily lend themselves, but the following must suffice: You'd scarce expect one of my age To speak in public on the stage--~ That was the tune you all well know For children, fifty years ago. We modern children don’t profess To understand such silliness. "We have to meet your expectations For better juvenile orations. We know we are young and weak, To stand before a crowd to speak, But mighty oaks from acorns grow, And some of us, for aught we know, May climb the hills of Fame And make a great and lasting name. Everett was evidently familiar with the Latin classics and when he wrote these lines he may have had in mind a passage in the poet juvenal, Satire X, I14-I17, in which Cicero and Demosthenes are held up as models of oratory for the ambitious boy. These lines of Juvenal have been thus translated: “The urchin whom a slave conducts to school, Has scarce acquired his first and earliest rule, Ere ardent hopes his little bosom seize, To rival Tully or Demosthenes.” It is noticeable that while Everett’s urchin modestly dis- claims rivalry, JuVenal’s urchin seeks it. In addition to this juvenile poem of Everett the Colum- bian Orator contains the following from his pen: Slaves in Barbary, a drama in two acts. 10 David Everett The Conjuror, a dialogue. A general description of America--——--An extract from a poem spoken at Dartmouth on Commencement Day, I795. The Last Day, an extract from a manuscript poem. A dialogue between an inhabitant of the United States and an Indian. A dialogue between Edward and Harry. A forensic dispute on the question, “Are the Anglo- Americans endowed with capacity and genius equal to Europeans?” A list of his other writings is as follows: Common Sense in Dishabille, appearing first in a series of papers in the “Farmer’s Weekly Museum,” 1797, and afterwards published in book form. Duranze1, the Persian Poet, a tragedy in five acts per- formed at the Federal St. Theatre, in Boston. Demonstration of the truth of the Scriptures as fulfilled in the Prophecies (devoted to proving the people of the United States to be distinctly alluded to by Daniel and St. John). Poem I901, before Phi Beta Kappa, Cambridge. Oration July 4,1804 at Amherst, N. H. Oration July 4, I809, before Bunker Hill Association. Play (in manuscript) entitled, “ The Honest Lawyer,” New Ipswich. V Essay, 1807, On the Rights and Duties of Nations. (Relative to Fugitives from Justice considered with reference to the Chesapeake case.) (An Appendix to this, 1808, is titled the 56th edition, and an Addition is made entitled, “Embargo on Common Sense, Taken off by U. S.”) * 1 A satirical poem also appears beginning as follows: “Hail Britannia, wondrous land, Whose floating bulwarks guard our strand "‘ Note-won the title page is found the following: ’ “Your legs so long, yourstride so fast, a Run as we may, we come out last”, A David Everett II Or bear thy thunders o’er the wave And greatly deal thy bolts to save. Cannon! Proclaim your sovereign might, And tell the world that power is right.” Report on Contested Elections in Belchertown 1811. Address on “Principles of Free Masonry” Oct. 6, 1803 before St. John’s Lodge, Boston. Address, “Vindication of Free Masonry,” Sept. 28, 1803 at Washington, N. H. Oration at Marietta, Ohio, July 5, 1813. In the “American Friend” of Aug. 7, I813, he criticises Webster’s Resolutions in Congress,and later announces his intention to issue a history of the War of 1812. I find that the “Common Sense in Dishabille,” in the Farmers’ Museum, began in the issue of May I7, 1797 and there is no hint as to the author. The following para‘- graph heads the first article under the above title: --- “ To the Editor: ~—---- F or a considerable time, I have had on hand, a small stock of raw materials, which with the help of a word mill, a few rhetorical figures and borrowed ornaments, might pass current, with those superior geniuses, who can judge of the merit of a man by his coat, or feel the glow of en--~ , thusiam at the sight of a painted cheek or fine gown. To accommodate those who are not possessed of this happy talent and save myself the trouble of reading rules of authorship, I shall adopt a less expensive mode of writing. My pen shall extemporize, my ideas shall spend no time at the toilet, but parade themselves as fast as they are summoned by this important marshal! of the paper field. Without any futher ceremony, if you give your consent, I will open my little retail shop in one corner of a your Farmers’ Museum, where probably I shall continue to carry on my business until the ground is occupied by better tenants, or I am obliged to shut up for want of stock. My sign shall be ‘ Common Sense in Dishabille.’ "’ i 12 David Everett Extracts from the first article appearing under “ Com- mon Sense in Dishabi11e:” -—-—- “It is seldom addressed to one in Latin or Greek but in plain English. Quit your pillow, and go about your L business, if you have any, is its first injunction: if not, seek some. “ Let the sun’s first beams shine on your head in the morning, and you shall not want a good hat to defend your head against the scorching rays at noon; earn your break- fast before you eat it, and the sheriff shall not deprive you of your supper,” etc. The following subjects were discussed in succeeding issues: ----~- The Poor Woman. Short Way to Poverty. The Pound. Win Gold and Wear It. Earn Industriously and Spend ‘Prudently. He Cuts a Dash. ., The Penknife. W S Family Government, --;- several articles. Liberty and Equality. Tommy Tiptoe’s Case- School Government. He is a Genius. Nature’s University. Every One to His Trade. What Shall a Man Do Who Has No Trade? Learn One. To—-morroW. , A Penny Saved is Twopence Earned. Shoes. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine. Cure for the Hypo. A The Unruly Horse. Bought Wit. . There is No Friendship in Trade; or the Author’s Seo- L ond Coat. The Worth of Man; or the Man of Worth. David Everett S 13 The last-mentioned article occurred in Dec. 26, 1797, and I could find nothing furtherin 1798 or 1799. If Mr. Everett wrote political articles it was not over his signature. » _ I noticed in the Massachusetts Spy, under date of Mar. 13, 1799, an advertisement of a pamphlet just put on sale at the bookstore in Worcester, written by Peter Pencil, containing the articles which appeared in the Farmers’ Museum, under the head of “Common Sense in Dishabille,” also several essays never before published, a New Year’s poem for 1798, a Perpetual Calendar, etc. It goes on to say, “The general circulation of the numbers under the title ‘Common Sense in Dishabillei that have already been published and the avidity with which they are read by all classes, precludes the necessity of any encomium on the work. The writings of Peter Pencil have been sparingly exhibited to the public; but produced copious applause from the amateurs. The 12 essays of the Economical Almanack, adapted to each month in the year, have never appeared in print before. “ They are fraught with useful observations cornmuni--. cated in an easy, familiar style, and dictated by sound judgment and correct style. “ On the whole 1 think this little volume win afford as much ‘useful information’ and ‘innocentamusement’ as any of its size that have been offered to the public, and may safely be recommended to the youth of the country, to industrious mechanics and farmers, and to the library of every patron of useful and ingenious American Publi-» cations.” Among the many parodies that have appeared is the following: From Temperance Selections Edited by John H. Becktel. Penn. Pub. Co. You’d scarce expect one of my age To plead for temperance on the stage; 14 David Everett And should I chance to fall below Portraying all the drunl