Inoepemlonoe Day Celebration. ADDRESS HON. s. D. Foss. oeoem, h DELIVERED IN INDE]§’ENDENCEA . SQUARE; PHILADEL-%- PHIA, I’A.., JULY 4, 1914. (l?rintod in the CONGRIDESSIONAL Rmcono, July 9, 1914.) Mr. FESS saicl: “ Mr. Chairman, members of the committee of the greater '.ll‘oo1'th of July, zmcl fellow oitlzenss, 138 years ago today the <;:e:x1l:en:;1io.l celebrattloxx of the :;1clo};.ll:.loo. of the Deolamtion of ;Inde~pe11tlooee was held to thi:;< oity. Wltile the hletox-lo docu— ment was being; reutl, l;>ehi1.1cl the Ireacler, by the eicle of Gen. (.1:-rant, the Preeident of the United States, sat at W'hite~hai1-ed, White-bez.1r<:le(.l old gelltlelnaxx with :1 fotled p:.u*t:hn:1e11t in his 1[li'lILld$. As he followed the roo.<;li11g of the i1m::oortol dowment he frequently broke out, ‘ ‘Womlerfulo document! Wonderful docu- ment I " '1“hose 11e211* him noticed tours; tI‘l(315Z1‘lllg down. his cheeks as he thoo spolie. Little clitl those who hearszl him thin}; that in less than a. dozzen years the people over whom he was then. 1't11i'11g, who loved him poosionotely, but who knew that his presence in Brozzil prevented it €3L')I")lSlIIltlllZi0Il{ll govemxnent, would my to him ‘ While we love you ztrtlently, We love oomstitutionol ,o;ove1'1.:m:1e‘nt better.’ IEIi.'~:; own people b2T’l.l.liSh£3(1 him and. ;;)en- oiohed him for life that they meight troinelote into ooto.-:.s.'l govem- ment the msincriples fou'txclod in the A1:oelri<:::ixn Deo1o1'o.1:i<.m of .IJ:1<:1epende11ce. Hence Dom Pedro was banished, and Brazil, having gone to becl one night :1 momtrehy, arose the hem: mom» mg on repuhlie. "This wvos the effect of the p1.‘iI1