* * » ” *A * %*A * 4* JU[_Y4th|9[8_ ,,, += av -K :9 .14- ~x :4- +: ___..__,,______,,, » Loyalty Day Celebration in Honor of the ‘_ A S S and its Associates in the War A‘ 4; A 1, UNDER THE CALL % ‘K A % OF V % 1- A: WOODROW WILSON ‘*‘A President of the United States A A '_ at- q_ RUFFIN G. PLEASANT 3+ Governor of the State of Louisiana A AND +« 3+ MARTIN BEHRMAN AA Mayor of the City‘ of New Orleans A.“ y y I % V‘ ‘x CITY HALL AND LAFAYETTE SQUARES A A A 2:» SEVEN P, M. PROGRAMME 6:30 P. M. Ringing of church bells and chimes throughout the city. 6:45 P. M. Presidential salute of tWenty~—one taps on the fire bells, fol- lowed by the blowing of factory and locomotive Whistles and whistles of vessels in the harbor. ‘? :00 P. M. Raising of American Flag in Lafayette Square by I-ION. A. G. RICKS, Acting Mayor of the City of New Orleans GUARD OF HONOR, Detail from Thirteenth Company, New Orleans Coast Artillery, Sergeant Albert Prindle, Commanding. “THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER.” Oh, say, can you see, by the daWn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming; Whose broad stripes and bright stars thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there ? Oh, say, does that star—spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave ‘.7 Oh, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their loV’d home and war’s desolation; Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n rescued land Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer We must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: “In God is our trust!” . And the star—spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Invocation, H18 GRACE, ARCHBISHOP JOHN W. Si-La W. Who will be introduced by Mr. W. J. Waguespaclc, Vice-Chairman of the General Committee. Reading; of Message from the President, by MR. D. H. THEARD, State Chairman Four-Minute Men. 7:15 P. M. CITY HALL: PAGEANT, “IN THE CAUSE OF FREEDOM.” Arranged by Miss Anna R. Nesom, Miss Lois Janvier, Miss Stella Herron, Miss Minnie Wexler, Mrs. W. McF. Alexander, Mrs. W. A. Porteous. Director, MISS JESSIE E. THARP. Musical Director, Miss M. M. Conway. “Independence Day dawns with all right-thinking nations. united in a common struggle for the freedom of humanity. The picture that we would present symbolizes the triumph of Freedom in this cause. At the opening, Humanity and her Happy Children dance upon the scene. They meet a group of refugees fleeing from the ravages of barbarian militarism. I-Iumanity contrasts the unhappy children of the refugees with her joyous little ones. She summons Justice to her aid, who calls upon the nations of the world to enlist in the cause of Humanity and Freedom. The nations rally to the support of Right. The symbols of War-—-the Warrior, the Red Cross, the War Loan and Food Supply--~ :;:¢b1'01€;_JE'11't E§2rx1;'e1‘d, and Freedom appears, welding all 1*ig11t-thinking 10113 036 81‘ 111 a. common cause.” “AMERICA.” My country! ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land Where my fathers died, Land of the pi1g1~im’s pride, From ev’ry mountain side, Let freedom ring! 0111: fe.ther’s God! to Thee, Author of Li'r:xe1'ty, To Thee we sing; Long 1113.37’ our land be bright With freedom’s 11 37 light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King! God bless zmd keep our men, Our gallant, fighting men. Oh, guard our men; Make them vietoriousv, ’I‘hei1' valor glorious, They are so deer-;" to us-—- God save our men! PARTECIPANTS IN THE PAGE.-"3;NT HUIWANITY T‘»’I’is<-'1 Vigflet Eentz CHILDREN OF HUMANITY . . Lucile Laporte, Jeanne Schwertz, Roma Brewerton, Olga Hag- stette, Louise Morgavi, Yuki Hinata. REFUGEES _______ .. Miss Hazel Lampert, Miss Helen Lampert, Miss Alma, Bittenhring, Miss Ethel Hedriclxz, I‘/Iiss Rosth Pettigrove, and -ohilchsen. JUSTICE _ "Wis. Bernarci Hszfley AIDES ...... ..Mrs. Wiley Burnett, Mr. Peter Siren, Miss Lydia Griffith WARRIOR Sidney M. Oriel WAR LOAN ................. ..Miss Edna Rhodes FOOD SUPPLY M1~s. Levering‘ Moo:-we RED CROSS .-..-Miss Violet Drott FREEDOM ‘Miss Jessie E. Tharp AIDES Miss Lula May Cross, Miss Alieaxa Robinson PRESENTATEEQN OF OF THE NA_'HONS U3_\TI'1‘ED ST.ATES-... . ._ Miss Nellie 8. Hart “Yankee Dood'ie."’ _ RUSQTA __ _______________ ____________________________ "Miss May Levskl “"Russiz=m National Hymn.” _ t FRAN(_‘}E_ " .Miss Yvonne Garsaud “La Ma.1'sei11eise.” BELGIUM ________________________________________ __Mi:;s Yvonne ‘Wol'fea:s.'t “B1'abanconne.” s M GREAT BR1'1‘_p,_3{N ______________________________________________________ __Mi:;s .:5“;.i}.een Doneiiem “God Save the ;i{ing.” __ ‘ _ MQNTENEGRQW ”1‘vhs‘= 1?v£3.1'1e Ge1~gurov1c:h “Onamo, Za Brde Owe.” t sERBm._ _ _ . Miss Alice Sexvic “O Serbzans, Rise” . 5 ' .l.~l.I:?.¢l.N' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .._l‘\/hrs. T0men.atsL1 Hinata Kim-—ga-—Yo."’ ITALY _ Miss: Olga Ferrata “Marcia Reale Itali.ana.” SAN MARINO T‘/‘Flags Gezmaine Chauviere “ll Tr0vat01°e.” I;-’0RTUG,._M. __ Miss Julie Lhoste “Portuguese Hymn.” . RGUMANIA ‘ ll/Piss l\r;‘[a2:*g;ue1"ite Coulon “Long Live Our Noble King.” GREECE a Miss Ourania Premos “Hymn to Freedom.” CUEBA. .................. ._ ll/Kiss:-*. Maria Soto “Culoan National Hymn.” PANAMA .................................................................. ..Miss Hermelinda Calvo “Hymno Naeioual de Panama.” NICARAGUA Miss Mathilde Alfaro “National Hymn.” SLA..M.-... Miss Shirley Patton “National Hymn.” CHIN it Miss Shu Kern Fong‘ “The Wo1~lcl’s Delight.” COSTA RICA Miss Eugenie Beckley “De la Patria.” BRAZTI. ivfis-22:: Ruth de Silva “United States of Brazil.” GUATEMALA Miss: Freeda Luthy “Guatemala, En. Tu Limpia Bande1'a.” ARABIA. ll/fies: Minnie Schulze “Kadj0uja.” ECUADOR Miss: Marie Louise Garcia “Salve, O Patria.” HONDURAS Miss Gloria Alvarado “Dios Salve a Honduras.” URUGUAY Mis-as: Emilia Brauer “National Hymn.” ARMENIA Mrs. M. D-ombourian “Nor Oghchion.” FINLAND lvfiss-1 Mary Rotmdtree “Our Land, Our Fatherland.” SIBERTA Mien Ethel Hedrick “Over There.” PALESTINE Miss: Florence Pailet “Hativrol-:.” POLAND Miss Bluma Oppenhe-im “Poland 15 Not Yet Dead in Slavery.” SLAVONTA . Miss Camille Hercegoyic “Mila Nasa Domovina.” SYRIA. ” Miss Philippa David YU GO SLAVE “National Hymn.” a Miss Rose Trazivuk “Natmnal Hymn.” ARGENTINE REPUBLIC BOLIVIA Miss Corinne J. Dabezies “Did, Mortales, El Grito Sagrado.” “Bolivia Noe E1 Ha.” 1”-.‘{ is-‘.1-*4 Lcmi.~:~:e Levy CW!"'i".1W} ' ................ ........ ..Misss Evefxyn Souls: “Dulce Pat1'ia.” C{)L0l\f9IBYA Miss Anlm, Kern * ‘ W “National Hymn.” D'*3N1V{!1R%‘v\ 'M*3s:s: Alva, Nielsen _ __ “King: Christian.” H.OLLAI‘*JD. H " _ EH33 Inna Sutton _ A A “IWEGEI Nierlandsch B108-d.”_ LUXEMBOURG Mm. W, 8. Hero _ F “‘Wi31e1'11 Ban Nass::».m.en.” - —i"+'1E5‘%-1C0» ..................................... ..M;iss Laura T-:3et2~.nca:>u1":: _ “Me:u:icano::;, A1 Grito de Guem*::1.” L‘?~£U1‘M‘«/AY “S f NI ”Mr.<3.. Martin Meyer onner A J. <)1¢§.='e.” PARAGUAY. D ”i\/ifim-4 Julia Dz;-.1*“ns _ ‘ “Saludemos a Patxia.” .::’ERU ....................... . .;;.c& I ‘h ” {Stems-., Fm:tu21o . OTHHQ .1 'S“’£3-Q SJfiLE4TJ.i4k«UOR: .... ,,év;’{i.'=s Mmgot Soto “Hixnno Nacion .211 de La Reptxblica’ .E":‘{W' ITZERLA1‘-.';' D .. %.l‘./Kiss Bertha Luthy H“ H J, “Hail the Helvetia” ;a_ SP..£3..II‘T ................. .. W1V’i'i;c:§§ Juanita Gonzales _‘ “‘Ma1-cha Real.” SWEDEN _ Mrs. John L. Arvidson “Ur Svenska HJe1:“ta11s.” VENEZUFILA _ Miss Anna Teresa Aguilar “Giana Al Bravo Pueblo.” % LIBERIA Y“ “A17. Hail, Liberia, Hail!” IrI,.é’%_ ' F‘La. Dessa1ienne.” S:‘?:LI'~J DOMINGO ................................ .. . IN “Quisgo Ya. Nos Balientce.” 1.4: VIA .................................................................................................... ,_ “National Song.” ~...... . ...._............. _......__.................‘.a....‘.,...._...._......... .. MARCH OF THE FLAG~BEA.REj-RS. to 1?Ja:faye-tte t.':$c1ua1*e, where the Flags will 1:s.'i_s2u»c~:-3%,’: amun_d “Old G‘§‘<’)I"_‘,«,/'.'M “THE CALL OF THE FLAGS.” En.a1‘11"in’d in our cc :;a:z1‘t1-é.«;23’ 1~‘a.re they nzmnrzezsx Of mem Of :zfr.:1§gfg?*;1't, Our heroeses of land anti hem:w:e:3 of 133452?!» Are the nations’ beacons of 1;ig11‘t, Our men of the past were bZV.‘2§3.V~'@, And brave are our men of 1'30-day, I-Ee'roe::'s and patriots and leaders of old Are guming them. on their Way. (Cho1'us.) {Mr countrieg: we ~.3a11i11g_.7;', we’11 a11:;\rre>‘z‘ 'L‘.hVei1* cm}?! Our nations demand us, We’ll give them our all! Our flags: we’11 :mfu1°1, o’e1;' mo11n.ta“3.:n zasmgi ;~;:«;z3,, - The flags; which belangz to the lands of the flee. Benediction Rev. George H. Cornelson "£7219 audience is e:*~:pec*i;ed_ toyrjoin in the sixqging of “The Star»- §§p:;z.:1g;;;1:ec1 .E3&zn11e1"’ and “America. ‘ GENERAL C0lVlMl’fi‘T‘EE GOVERNOR R. G. PLEASANT. MAYOR MARTIN BEHRMAN. W. O. HART, Cl1a.i3:'1"na.n W. J. WAGUESPACK, Vice-Chairman ‘E. A. PARSONS, Assislzant to ‘Vice-Chairman H. DABEZIES, Treasurer JUAN M. O. MONASTERIO, Secretary‘ A. P. Abascal M. S. Mahoney Gonzalo Abaunza Col. J. P. l\'I:-we K. M. Ahboud T. Mikel limique Alvarado F. T. Mooney N. Bellamore R. Morejon Chin Bing Miss A. R. Ne-som J. A. Buisson J. Chris. Nielsen Frank Buliiilic A. dell’O1~to Jose B. Calvo A. Patomo N. Carbajal J olm W. Phillips L. C. Carvalho M. Popovich J os. di Cerlo Mrs. Wm. A. Porteous. Rev. R. Carra A. G. Ricks M. Dembourion J. G. Rousel J. F. Denecliaud M. J. Sanders W. A. Dilzell Luigi Scale. Charles Dittman P. Schwartz Emile S. Ecuyer A. Steeg Chev. G. Ferrata N azario Soriano Philip Foto Carlos Soto Dr. H. A. Gabert B. P. Sullivan Octave Garsaud J. A. Swanson R. Gjertsen George Trazivuk Julius Goldman A. E. U gland J uan M. Gonzalez J. M. Vex-gnolle Mrs. Hilda Phelps Hammond A. Vidak H. A. N. J acobsen J. F. C. Waldo Jos. J urisich Alfred Wery I. Kalil Manuel Zavala Rev. George Kent Paul Zibilieh Dr. Miguel La.rreine.ga. Andre Lafargue L. Zwikel EXECUTIVE COMMETTEE R. G. Pleasant, Martin Behrman, W. 0. Hart Chairman; W. J. Wagner.- pack, Vice—Chairman; E. A. Parsons, Juan M. O. Monasterio, H. Dabezies, B. P. Sullivan, A. G. Ricks, N. Bellamore, Chevalier Guiseppe Ferrata, J. F. Denechaud, J. A. Swanson, A. del1’Orto, A. Lafargue, J . G. Rousel. _ INVITATION COMMITTEE Martin Behrman, Chairman; A. Lafargue, Secretary; Mrs. A. Porteous. FLAG C.OMl‘vIITTEE A. G. Ricks, Chairman; H. Dabezies, E. A. Parsons, Miss A. R. Nesom. Mrs. J. R. Bonneval, J. A. Swanson, George Trazivuk. INVOCATION AND BENEDICTION COMMITTEE W. J. Waguespack, Chairman. RECEPTION COMMITTEE E. J. (llermy, Chairman. MUSIC TCOIWIMKTTEE Chevalier Guiseppe Ferrata, Chairman. PROGRAM COMMITTEE H. Dabezies, Chairman; B. P. Sullivan, Octave Garaaud, Miss A.‘R. Nesom, Chevalier G. Ferrata. LIGHTING COMMITTEE W. A. Dilzell, Chairman. POLICE COMMITTEE Frank T. Mooney, Chairman. Music by the Military Band of the 43rd. Infantry, Michael Ugrim, Leader. Flags Made by Mrs. J. R. Boameval, of New Orleans, La.