L 2-4 ,??://7 gverage Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Fall 1971 Page Technical note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-86 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-115 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of Labor Statistics 1973 Copies available on request from the Office of Prices and Living Conditions, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. For limitations on the use of these data, see the Technical Note, p. 1. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Fall l97l Technical Note -In the fall of l97l, the Bureau of Labor Statistics conducted an experimental pricing program designed to provide average price data for research on place-to-place price comparisons and for analysis of diff- erences in price levels among various quali- ties of merchandise. In each of the 56 urban areas which constitute the Consumer Price Index (CPI) "city" sample, prices of approximately 204 highly detailed nonfood commodity and service specifications were collected by BLS data collectors during September, October, and November of 1971. In the 5 largest areas, some of the data collected in each month; in the other areas all data were collected in 1 of the 3 months. Price collection in a given city was scheduled so that it did not coincide with the data collection workload for the CPI program in that city. were Most of the specifications usedlj are selected quality choices of specifications used in the CPI program. Some specifica-. tions were prepared especially for this project and are not priced for the CPI. Each of the 204 specifications for which prices were collected attempts to define a particular level of quality within the range of qualities of that item existing on the market. For most items, a single quality level was priced; for some items, specifica- tions representing two or three different qualities for an item were priced. Prices of deviating qualities are not included in the summary statistics. Where feasible, regular CPI pricing procedures were followed in collecting the data. The number of price quotations varied by specification and by city depending on factors such as the variation in prices among reporters, the extent to which re- quired data were available in the sample outlets, and the size of the city. The number of quotations required ranged from 30 for some specifications in the large cities to 4 for other specifications in the small cities. Prices were obtained from a sample of retail stores and service establish- ments, some of which are outlets from which price data are obtained for the CPI. In cases where it was not possible to obtain the number of price quotations in the CPI sample of outlets, additional outlets were contacted. For some specifications more than the requested number of quotations were readily available and in such instances there was no restriction placed on the maximum number of price quotations that could be reported for a specification, either at the establishment level or the city level. I The average of prices collected for each specification, including and excluding sales taxes, and the number of price quo- tations used in each average are provided on the following pages for 39 large metro- politan areas and for the United States as a whole. Prices collected for the 17 other areas are included in the U.S. averages for each specification. The U.S. average of prices collected for each specification was calculated by applying 1960 population weights used in the regular CPI program to the average price for each city. ‘Since the probability of selection of outlets and specifications cannot be deter- mined because of significant nonresponse, the extensive use of alternate outlets, and the lack of information as to the size of the specification universes, users are cau- tioned not to interpret these data as being statistically reliable estimates of average prices for the areas shown or the U.S. as a whole. They are instead average prices for the 204 specifications for the outlets from which price quotations were obtained. I] See pages 88-115 for the specifications used in the collection of prices. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 United Stateslj Atlanta Expanded Average Price £4’ Average Price_f/ Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 489 $ 8.38 $ 8-73 11 $ 3-39 $ 8-54 Reshingling house roof 229-0 329 3/ 353.24 3 3/ 235.00 Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 328 3/ 329.03 4 3/ 492.76 Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 411 2.61 2.74 4 2.84 2.92 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 585 4.58 4.79 9 4.61 4.75 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 415 5.68 5.95 5 4.71 4.85 Bed pillow 262-0 265 7.36 7.71 3 7.33 7.55 Blanket: Polyester/rayon 263-1 289 5 .79 6.07 5/ - — - - Acrylic 263-2 301 10.94 11.46 3/ - - - - Wool 263-3 191 24. 39 25.57 5/ - - - - Bedspread 267-0 548 10.29 10.79 12 8.47 8.72 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 604 1.23 1.29 8 1.19 1.22 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 577 2.60 2.73 12 2.47 2.55 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 291 4.25 4.45 8 3.47 3.58 Curtains (pair) 275-0 490 5.49 5.75 7 5.58 5.74 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 351 10.55 11.06 3 8 48 8.74 Lined 276-3 286 17.07 17.88 8 13.79 14.20 Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 649 438.45 459.23 22 451.48 465.02 Cocktail table 289-0 554 56.86 59.54 13 56.99 58.70 Convertible sofa 292-0 718 273.46 286.49 8 272.44 280.61 Bedding set 295-0 1048 144.78 151.68 23 113.10 116.49 Bedroom dresser 298-0 626 209.81 219.78 15 221-43 228-07 Bedroom chest 299-0 570 138.54 145.13 12 134.72 138.77 Dining room chair 303-0 542 40 . 08 41 . 99 9 41 . 01 42 . 24 Household appliances: Refrigerator—freezer 326-0 654 309.68 324.25 16 311.21 320.54 Gas range 330-1 427 218.07 228.29 12 221.61 228.26 Electric range 330-2 513 231.36 242.27 13 234.75 241.80 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1 679 35.26 36.90 25 38.14 39.29 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 640 58.63 61.39 18 60.64 62.46 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 592 223.25 233.80 16 215.45 221-91 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 765 254.06 266. 03 19 259. 64 267 . 43 Deluxe model 333-3 623 299.58 313.69 10 289.75 298.44 Clothes dryer 334-0 516 177.22 185.55 11 179.04 184.41 Room heater 337-0 584 17.16 17.97 16 17.77 18.30 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 1049 12.77 13.37 27 13-11 13-50 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 752 16.69 17 ~43 18 17. 95 18- 49 Iron: Standard model 340-1 761 11.29 11.82 18 12.42 12.79 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 768 17.78 18.62 23 16.46 16.96 Deluxe model 340-3 953 21.70 22.72 20 22.81 23.50 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 674 11.14 11.68 7 12.74 13-12 Carpet sweeper 358-0 374 11.70 12.26 5 10.34 10.65 Light bulb 387-0 464 .30 .32 21 .34 .35 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 771 .37 .39 41 .37 .38 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 613 .41 .42 38 .42 .43 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 988 .39 .41 58 -41 -42 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 754 .47 .49 46 .49 .51 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 533 .40 .42 27 .42 .43 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 909 .58 .60 40 .59 .61 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 1020 .99 1.03 54 1.05 1.08 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 774 .33 .35 37 .36 .36 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 731 20 .21 25 .21 .22 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 943 .19 .19 40 21 .22 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 897 .11 .11 29 13 -13 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 389-0 310 3.40 3.43 8 2. 36 2/ Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 914 77.98 81.08 32 70.46 72.58 Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 913 123.80 128.69 13 125.31 129.07 Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 493 200.70 209.06 9 206.11 212.29 Slacks: Fair workmanship 433-1 990 10.04 10.44 35 12.07 12.44 Clean workmanship 433“? 988 23.27 24.20 29 21.94 22.60 Good workmanship 433-3 311 48.83 50.88 4] -- —— -3- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 U ‘t :1 St 1: 1/ . M1 '08- Expanded 51 5Aver§g§5rr1ce 4 Kfigrage Price 2] Item Pricing Nuber ' 5' Number' . Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 435-0 511 $ 5.62 $ 5-36 6 $ 5-15 $ 5'30 Work shirt 438-0 1-86 !-.62 1-.82 5 1-.58 ‘--72 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 662 3.93 3.10 2h 5-96 5-10 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 665 7.914 8.25 10 3-15 3-39 Nationally advertised, single-needle 88 tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 323 12-79 13-32 3 12'50 12‘ Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 331 1.01 1.05 15 - 1'00 1'22 Combed cotton 441-2 633 1.62 1.68 9 1-61 1' Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 711: 1.02 1.06 11 .98 1-01 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 619 1-55 1-70 9 1.65 1.70 Pajamas: 8 Carded cotton 444-1 606 5-17 5-33 7 3'70 3' 1 Polyester/cotton 444-2 935 7-29 7-50 12 0'90 7'17 Socks: 8 8 Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 637 -37 -90 11 ' 7 1' 3 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 672 1-37 1-53 12 1-50 h'58 Fur felt hat 443-0 1126 15.50 16.12 11 111.15 1 .5 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported. 457-1 519 25°07 20°00 15 iO’gi 2g'§g Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 012 55°03 57°22 10 E’ 6 5 ‘ho Sweater 460-0 653 13.37 13.90 17 l -9_ 15- Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 571 3-93 5-13 10 3'70 3'53 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 391 3-16 3-59 12 7-03 '07 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: h Fair workmanship 482-1 798 5.18 5-39 15 5-25 5'h1 Clean workmanship 482-2 909 3-53 3-92 25 10-15 10' 5 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 605 -70 -73 7 '70 '73 Combed cotton 483-2 335 -93 1-02 0 '95 6'9h Sweater 484-0 562 6-93 7-21 11 0'35 '5 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 310 3.62 3.76 3 2-93 2°21 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 2H4 5.58 5.80 8 6.h9 . 9 Sport shirt: 0 Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 737 3-62 3-70 17 3'33 3'63 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 757 5-00 5-20 17 5' 5' All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 229 17'00 10'g0 2 ::'ig :§'i2 Clean workmanship 487-2 302 20'h0 29°83 8 '6 '67 Socks 488-0 505 '70 ' 1 ' 5 ° Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 129 l7'50 l0'20 5/ " " Clean workmanship 491-2 1-15 31.02 32.27 11 29.31 30.19 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 550 5-02 5-01 10 5'72 5’i% Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 353 6.59 6.85 21 7.2 2-62 Polyester woven 511-3 359 13-15 13°07 32 12‘25 1 ° Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 593 3.59 3-73 25 2-37 2-22 Non—c1j_ng ' 3 ' Panties: Acetate 525-1 775 -65 '00 10 '00 '83 Nylon 525_2 51.9 1.57 1.63 12 1.62 1.67 Nightgown 526-0 675 5-56 5'05 23 5'10 5'30 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 300 3-03 3'70 6 §‘i§ §°§g Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 205 0-02 5-00 7 ' 0' h Nylon 527-3 510 9.87 10.26 13 10.23 1 .5 Girdle 529-0 768 9-37 9-71* 23 9'32 fi'6g Brassiere 533-0 913 11.69 11.88 32 11.61: .7 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 E70 1'23 :'$E fig :'§g :'gg Plain knit with opaque Panty 534-2 6%; :.h§ 2-53 16 2-05 2-11 gives 22:3 738 3:10 3.22 20 2.70 2.78 Coat: _ Sport or casual, fair workmanship S53-1 70: gi'gE gg'g$ ii 2$'gg 23:3; Sport or casual, clean workmanship SS3-2 71h 1 6' O 1h2'O0 15 l25‘l3 128.88 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 59 3 '5 ' ‘ Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 000 22°50 i3'3i :6 §;'§2 §é'i: Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 599 39' 0 1'0 5 ' ' Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 331 3.87 3.8: 12 g-93 3-ii Acrylic, full-fashioned S57-2 326 0'50 ' 18 2'2: 12'60 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned SS7-3 312 12'01 13'32 1 ' ' Slacks: ' . 8.08 8.32 Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 939 7-00 0'12 23 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 1006 10-00 l7'53 35 15‘1h 15'6o -4- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, by City, Fall 1971 Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, U ited States 1! Aflanfa i_1 Expanded Average Pfice_2] Average Price,§f Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: \ Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 796 $ 5.17 $ 5.37 20 5.01 $ 5.16 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 666 8.63 8.98 18 8.00 8.23 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 867 10.13 10.54 31 9.26 9.54 Blouse 582-0 735 4.47 4.65 17 4.24 . 4.37 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 316 1.40 1.45 8 1.37 1.41 Clean workmanship 583-2 458 2.38 2.48 10 2.60 2.68 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 618 .53 .55 12 .49 .50 Nylon 584-2 474 .87 .91 13 .80 .83 Coat: W001: fair W0rkmanShiP 585-1 113 22.16 22.99 3 15.99 16.47 Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 587 20.76 21.58 10 21.39 22.03 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 319 36.58 38.01 10 31.50 32.44 Knee socks 586-0 771 1.01 1.05 18 .98 1.01 Sweater 588-0 658 5.34 5.56 17 4.97 5.11 Skirt 593-0 608 6.32 6.57 19 5.51 5.68 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 377 5.07 5.27 14 . 5.78 5.95 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 437 10,15 ~ 10,56 9 11,73 12,13 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 320 4.40 4.58 7 4.78 4.93 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 496 8,71 9,06 4 3,13 8,42 Side upper 610-2 638 20.63 21.46 16 19.73 20.32 Calf upper 610-3 637 29.33 30.49 7 31.43 32.37 Men's work shoes 614-0 514 15.01 15.66 7 14.09 14.51 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper. may be imported 617-1 524 9.08 9.44 24 8.73 8.99 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 702 13,22 13,74 11 14,00 14,42 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 711 22,59 23,49 12 24,67 25,40 Women's play shoes 622-0 594 13.81 14.36 13 12.38 12.75 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 613 3,03 3,15 19 2,35 2,93 Capeskin 626-2 404 7.17 7.46 8 5.93 6.11 Children's shoes 627-0. 442 12.31 12.80 9 12.55 12.93 Boys"street shoes 628-0 500 14.45 15.02 9 13.10 13.49 Boys' sneakers: V Tennis type 629-1 386 4.36 4.52 4 4.24 4.36 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 634 5.45 5.67 9 4.51 4.65 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 393 7.66 7.97 7 7.78 8.01 Girls‘ boots .630-0 359 3.90 4.05 12 4.35 4.48 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 494 12.47 12.97 7 12.42 12.80 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 505 1,12 1,16 6 1,24 1,28 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 626 3.19 3.31 6 2.91 3.00 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 342 3/ 1.34 3 3/ 1.33 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 345 3/ 6.18 3 3] 5.75 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 399 1.72 1.73 8 1.44 §/ Women's dress 688-0 395 1.76 1.77 8 1.48 2/ Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 369 .25 .25 8 .22 §/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: = First line, bias ply 747-2 357 33.91 35.49 7 32.71 33.69 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 371 43.20 45.21 9 41.56 42.81 Storage battery 750-0 802 28.70 30.06 14 27.43 28.26 Chassis lubrication 757-0 428 6/ 2.27 10 3/ 2.30 Motor tune-up 760-0 704 '3] 30.29 19 3/ 30.16 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 605 §/ 47.93 18 3/ 45.08 Front end suspension 765-0 647 6/ 17.03 19 15147 2/ Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 763 2,64 2,73 13 2,54 - 2,72 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 724 7.98 7.98 15 8.27 2/ House visit 831-0 668 13.30 13.31 14 16.07 5/ Hospital visit 838-0 556 9.24 9.24 10 8.90 5/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 442 8.17 8.17 12 8.67 2/ Extraction 841-0 370 10.52 10.52 7 10.71 5/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 395 9.94 9.94 8 9.25 5/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 166 30,21 30,66 3] —— -- Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 176 29,43 29,88 5! -— -- Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 78 21.35 21.35 4/ -- -- Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 271 44.80 44.80 6 59.17 2! Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 United States 1] Atlanta Expanded Average Price f/ Average Price2/ Item Pricing Number -' Number “ Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 370-0 1009 $ 0.13 $0.13 41 s 0.14 s 0.15 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 1414 .88 .91 36 .89‘ .92 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 1056 .80 .84 47 .82 .85 Shampoo (7 ounces) 376-0 1254 .95 1.00 30 .87 .89 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 929 .50 .53 42 .51 .53 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 973 .32 .33 37 .37 .38 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 337 2.48 2.48 8 2.38 g] Women's haircut 892-0 398 2.73 2.73 7 3.00 §/ Boys‘ haircut 893-0 381 2.35 2.35 7 2.46 ;/ Permanent wave 894-0 393 14.22 14.23 8 14.50 ;/ Shampoo and set 895-0 338 3.63 3.63 8 3.75 1/ Recreation: Black‘and white television, portable, 19 inch 897-0 748 141.10 147.76 20 146.90 151.31 Table model radio ' 911-0 735 26.32 27.56 14 25.58 26.34 Portable radio 912-0 849 32.49 34.03 19 31.47 32.42 Radio phonograph 914-0 606 196.31 205.63 21 221.14 227.77 Phonograph record 918-0 1163 4.46 4.67 23 4.42 4.55 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 297 g] 1.99 8 3/ 2.09 Motion picture admission, child 944-0 262 Q] .77 7 3/ .93 Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 1285 .18 .19 60 .17 .18 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 1213 .11 .11 51 .10 .11 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 — 12 ounce cans) 986-0 1006 1.40 1.45 37 1.82 1.88 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 261 4.97 5.16 7 4.90 5.05 Bourbon whiskey (1/5'gal1on) 988-0 255 5.04 5.23 8 ‘5.12 5.27 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 278 1.11 1.15 5 1.79 1.84 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 240 1.11 1.16 S 1.39 1.43 1/ The U.S. average price is based on fewer than 56 cities for some specifications. (See table, page 87). Also, the U.S. average price includes some city average prices that are not-published. 2] Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. 3/ Sales tax is included in.the reported price. 4/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. §/ Sales tax does not apply. 6/ Sales tax is included in the reported price in some cities. (See text, page 1) -6- Expanded Item Pricing Number Specification of Number Prices Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 13 Reshingling house roof 229-0 8 Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 8 Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 3 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 10 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 7 Bed pillow 262-0 5 Blanket: - Polyester/rayon 263-1 2/ Acrylic 263-2 3/ Wool 263-3 3/ Bedspread 267-0 fa Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 6 _Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 8 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 5 Curtains (pair) 275-0 6 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 2/ Lined 276-3 7 Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 7 Cocktail table 289-0 9 Convertible sofa 292-0 13 Bedding set 295-0 17 Bedroom dresser 298-0 9 Bedroom chest 299-0 10 Dining room chair 303-0 8 Household appliances: Refrigerator—freezer 326-0 8 Gas range 330-1 8 Electric range 330-2 10 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1 10 Semi-de1uxe,model 331-2 4 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 8 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 13 Deluxe model 333-3 12 Clothes dryer 334-0 13 Room heater 337-0 8 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 13 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 11 Iron: Standard model 340-1 9 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 10 Deluxe model 340-3 11 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 9 Carpet sweeper - 353‘0 4 Light bulb 387-0 7 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 10 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 9 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 12 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 12 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 8 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 11 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 331-0 11 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 9 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 9 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 8 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 15 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 339-0 6 Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 14 Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 14 Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 9 Slacks: Fair workmanship 433'1 7 Clean workmanship 433'2 8 Good workmanship 433-3 2/ Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 V Austin -7- Average Price 1] Excluding Sales Tax $ 8.60 3/ 536.75 55.76 294.71 158.64 227.48 159.58 35.74 327.96 251.71 244.35 33.44 77.47 238.58 263.96 326.12 210.26 17.79 12.42 17.25 12.69 19.27 22.62 9.17 12.22 .29 .11 2.23 84.98 115.00 215.56 10.14 29.12 Including Sales Tax 3 9.03 238.15 272.00 1.07 3.24 4.78 5.68 15.51 563.59 58.55 309.44 166.57 238.86 167.56 37.52 344.35 254.29 256.57 35.12 81.34 250.51 277.16 342.43 220.78 18.68 13.04 18.11 13.32 20.23 23.75 9.63 12.84 .30 C12 89.23 120.75 226.33 10.64 30.58 Number of Prices ouooxo win ~<'eSt<‘—r/raY°n 263-1 3 3.49 3.59 4 5.81 6.10 Acrylic 263-2 2/ ---- ---- 2/ ---- ---- W001 263-3 3 21.66 22.31 2/ ---- ---- Bedspread 267-0 10 10.06 10.37 9 10.52 11.04 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 9 1.18 1.22 9 1.08 1.13 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 11 2.28 2.35 7 2.54 2.66 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 4 4.50 4.64 4 4.38 4.59 Curtains (pair) 275-0 7 5.94 6.12 6 5.93 6.23 Draperies (pair): ' Unlined 276-2 6 7.95 8.19 7.73 8.12 Lined 276-3 5 13.16 .13.55 2/ ---- ---- Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 17 392.89 404.67 23 396.34 416.15 cocktail table 289-0 14 64.21 66.14 14 55.13 57.89 convertible sofa 292-0 16 278.68 287.04 22 296.10 ‘310.90 Bedding set 295-0 23 117.90 121.43 24 146.29 153.60 Bedroom dresser 298-0 12 190.58 196.30 11 205.80 216.08 Bedroom chest 299-0 8 142.49 146.76 10 142.18 149.29 Dining room chair 303-0 13 35.52 36.58 12 35.80 37.59 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 14 318.25 327.80 9 322.51 338.64 Gas range 330-1 7 233.25 240.25 10 209.06 219.51 Electric range 330-2 10 257.04 264.75 8 228.22 239.64 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1 7 30.12 31.02 14 34.35 36.07 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 7 52.21 53.78 9 51.69 54.27 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 9 224.02 230.74 13 213.66 224.34 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 7 262.40 270.27 11 253.15 265.80 Deluxe model 333-3 9 307.41 316.63 10 293.16 307.82 Clothes dryer 334-0 11 183.70 189.20 7 168.96 177.41 Room heater 337-0 7 19.48 20.06 4 23.29 24.46 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 16 13.72 14.13 10 12.38 13.00 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 10 16.82 17.32 13 17.33 18.19 Iron: Standard model 340-1 9 11.91 12.27 14 11.42 11.99 5emi_de1uxe model 340-2 6 16.41 16.90 7 20.18 21.19 Deluxe model 340-3 13 20.59 21.21 15 22.49 23.61 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 10 9,94 10,24 16 10,63 11,22 Carpet sweeper 358-0 5 12.47 12.85 6 11.37 11.94 Light bulb 387-0 10 .29 .30 8 .30 .32 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 7 .41 .42 14 .35 .36 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376'0 9 .39 .40 10 .41 .43 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 17 .40 .41 33 .38 .40 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 13 .49 .51 9 .45 .47 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379'0 5 .39 .40 9 .39 .41 Air deodorizer (8 Ounces) 330-0 15 .53 .54 20 .60 .62 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 13 .93 1101 27 .95 1,00 Scouring pads (10 pads) 3_82-0 15 .35 .36 11 .34 .35 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 12 .20 .21 16 .19 .20 scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 16 .21 .21 19 .17 .18 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 17 .11 _12 23 ,1o _11 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 339'0 5 2.80 2.88 5 2.90 4/ Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 13 80.75 83.17 16 88.21 92.62 Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 9 116.11 119.59 8 134.38 141.09 Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 6 187.78 193.41 2/ ---- ---- Slacks: Fair workmanship 433-1 14 9.88 10.18 13 9.48 9.96 Clean workmanship 433-2 7 19.91 20.51 16 18.87 19.81 Good workmanship 433“3 5 26.08 26.86 2/ ---- ---- -19.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Cedar Rapids Champaign-Urbana Expanded Average Price 3J7 Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 10 $ 6.01 $ 6.19 8 $ 5.50 $ 5.77 Work shirt 438-0 9 5.16 5.32 7 .50 4.72 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 7 4.48 4.62 6 4.38 4.60 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 11 8.00 8.24 10 7.20 7 56 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 6 12.50 12.88 3 11.83 12.42 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 16 .94 .97 11 1.08 1.14 Combed cotton 441-2 11 1.48 1.53 13 1.60 1.68 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 9 1.01 1.04 7 .98 1.02 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 12 1.43 1.47 8 1.48 1.56 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 7 4.92 5.07 10 3.89 4.08 Polyester/cotton 444-2 14 5.54 5.71 16 7.65 8.03 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 15 .89 .92 8 .81 .85 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 8 1.55 1.59 11 1.34 1.41 Fur felt hat 448-0 8 15.18 15.63 4 13.46 14.14 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 3 29.62 30.51 7 24.36 25.58 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 13 56.50 58.19 18 51.53 54.10 Sweater 460-0 15 13.64 14.05 4 13.50 14.17 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 10 4.53 4.55 3 5,05 5_31 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 5 8,10 8,34 5 7,58 7,96 Boys‘ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 12 4.11 4.23 15 5.76 6.05 Clean workmanship 482-2 13 7.08 7.29 23 9.39 - 9.86 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 7 .67 .69 7 .74 .77 Combed cotton 483-2 7 .92 .94 6 1.02 1.08 Sweater 484-0 7 7 . 60 7 . 83 13 7 . 50 7 . 88 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 2/ ---- ---- 2/ ---- ---- Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 4 4-50 4-63 3/ ---- ---- Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 13 3.85 3.96 11 3,18 3,33 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 10 4.53 4 66 8 4.99 5.24 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 2/ ---- ---- 2/ ---- ---- Clean workmanship 487-2 6 25.98 26.76 3 43.33 45.50 Socks 488-0 8 .77 .79 11 .75 .79 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 ,;/ ---- ---- 2/ ---- ---- Clean workmanship 491-2 5 26.22 27.01 3 25.98 27.28 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 5 3.76 3.87 7 5.36 5.62 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 16 6.52 6.72 20 6.75 7.09 Polyester woven 511-3 14 11.92 12.28 10 13.50 14.18 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 5 3.55 3.65 3 4.22 4.43 Non-cling 524-2 14 6.36 6.55 11 6.08 6.38 Panties: Acetate 525-1 14 .60 .62 11 .69 .72 Nylon 525-2 9 1.42 1.46 6 1.46 1.53 Nightgown 526-0 8 4.53 4.67 6 4.98 5.23 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 4 3 24 3.34 2/ ---- ---- Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 4 5.00 6.18 3 4.93 5.23 Nylon 527-3 9 9.44 9.73 9 9.11 9.57 Girdle 529-0 21 7.62 7.85 17 8.96 9.40 Brassiere 533-0 12 4.62 4.76 19 4.89 5.13 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 12 1.37 1-41 14 1-44 1-52 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 3 2-34 2-93 3 2-84 2-98 Gloves 541-0 12 2.50 2.58 14 2.03 2.13 Hat 543-0 10 3.67 3.78 ' 15 3.45 3.62 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 10 42-00 43-25 17 51-35 53-91 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 13. 73.38 75.58 21 101.86 V 106.95 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 14 132-35 135-33 11 139-73 145-71 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 11 23-48 24-13 3 21-00 22-05 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 7 34.71 35.76 10 41.50 43.58 Sweater: Acrylic, cut—and-sewn 557-1 11 5.35 5.51 6 6.66 7.00 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 9 7.77 8.00 9 10.00 10.50 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 2/ ---- ---- 2/ ---- ---- Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 14 6.62 6.82 14 8.83 9.27 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 22 15.72 16.20 14 16.57 17.40 -20- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 cedar Rapids Channaion-Urbana Expanded Average Price 1] 5 Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax 'Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 13 $ 4,37 5 5,02 14 $ 4,55 $ 4,90 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 7 3,55 3,32 5 7,92 3,31 ACrY1iC 0r Polyester knit 531'3 14 9.43 9.71 15 7.39 7.76 Blouse 582-0 16 4.00 4.12” 13 4.67 4.90 Slip: Fair W°rkm3DShiP 583-1 3 1.05 1.08 4 1.74 1.82 Clean workmanship 583-2 5 2.80 2.88 4 2.37 2.49 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 9 ,54 ,55 9 ,55 ,53 Nylon 584-2 6 .88 .90 6 .86 .90 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ - - 2/ - - Acrylic pile. fair workmanship 585-2 11 20.53 21.14 16 23.24 24.40 W001: Clean Workmanship 585'3 3 31.33 32.27 3 36.67 38.50 Knee S°CkS 535'0 18 1.07 1.11 11 1.03 1.08 Sweater 583-0 12 5.58 5.75 10 5.34 5.61 Skirt 593-0 10 5.92 6.10 18 5.94 6.23 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 2/ - - 4 4,05 4,25 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 5 9,40 9,63 6 ,10,03 10,59 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 10 4,49 4 ,53 7 - 3 , 74 3 ,92 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 4 8,58 8,84 2/ - - Side upper 610-2 6 21.32 21.96 11 21.52 22.60 ~ Calf upper 610-3 7 29.55 30.44 11 29.31 30.78 Men's work shoes 614-0 , 12 14.80 15.24 7 17.12 17.98 Women's dress shoes: A Vinyl upper. may be imported 617-1 10 9.08 9.36 6 9.49 9.96 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 9 12,55 13,03 3 12,49 13,12 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 8 21,49 22,14 39 23,20 24,36 Women's play shoes 622-0 9 14.33 14.76 13 15.23 15.99 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 3 3,13 3,23 10 2,94 3,09 Capeskin 626-2 2/ - - 4 7,75 3,14 Children's shoes 627-0 10 11.54 11.88 6 11.67 12.25 Boys‘ street shoes 2 628-0 11 15.80 16.28 5 13.99 14.69 Boys‘ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 5 4.59 4.73 4 4.23 4.44 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 10 5.65 5.82 8 6.37 6.68 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 5 7,20 7,41 2/ - - Girls’ boots 630-0 5 4.18 4.31 3 4.99 5.24 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 8 12.54 12.92 10 12.50 13.12 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 5 1,15 1,19 12 1,21 1,27 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 9 3 25 3 35 9 3 93 4 13 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 3 3/ 1.38 4 3/ 1.38 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 3 3/ 7.04 4 3/ 6.69 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 10 1.89 1.94 8 1.61 3/ Women's dress 688-0 10 1.89 1.95 8 1.61 4/ Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 4 .26 .27 8 .23 4/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line. bias ply 747-2 7 38.76 39.93 8 35.48 37.26 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 3 42,30 43,57 8 44.34 46.55 St0r38e battery 750-0 15 26.25 27.03 8 28.22 29.63 Chassis lubrication 757-0 11 2,41 2,48 7 2,18 4/ Motor tune-up 760-0 15 §/ 30.08 15 1/ 25.02 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 15 5/ 55,44 15 5/ 42,99 Front end suspension 765-0 14 15,75 15,24 14 ;/ 15,17 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 15 3,00 3,09 14 2,40 2,51 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 12 6,42 5/ 12 7.58 4/ House visit 831-0 12 10,57 4/ 11 12,82 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 12 6,25 4/ 8 7.50 3/ Dental care: Filling 340‘0 6 8.17 4/ 6 7.67 4/ Extraction 841-0 4 9.25 4/ 6 10.00 4/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 6 9,67 4/ 6 9.67 3/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 2/ - - 3 30.63 32.16 Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 2/ - - 3 30.17 31.67 Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ - - 2/ * ' Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 5 45.90 3/ 6 38.42 4/ -21.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Cedar Ra ids Phamraion-urban; Expanded Everage Price 1]’ ' _Average rice _ Item Pricing Number Number‘ Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Lgales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet S03P (regular Sizecako) 870-0 19 $ 0.13 $ 0.13 13 $ 0.12 $ 0.13 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 18 .93 .96 1 24 .85 .90 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 17 .82 .84 15 .77 .80 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 27 .95 .98 24 .93 .97 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 18 .50 .51 21 .47 .49 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 15 .34 .35 25 .29 .30 Personal care services: Men's haircut ' 891-0 3 2,75 2,34 3 2_59 4/ Women's haircut 892-0 8 2,80 2,39 3 2_52 ‘Z/ Boys‘ haircut 893-0 3 2,75 2,34 3 z_41 4/ Permanent wave 894-0 8 15.72 16.19 8 14.69 3/ Shampoo and set 895-0 3 3,32 3,42 3 3,66 2/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable. 19 inch 897-0 8 132.66 136.64 13 132.86 139.50 Table model radio 911-0 15 30.08 30.99 18 26.79 28.12 Portable radio ‘ 912-0 14 37.34 38.46 17 33.70 35.38 Radio phonograph 914-0 12 235.78 242.85 10 181.66 190.74 Phonograph record 918-0 11 4.53 4.67 _ 25 4.61 4.84 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 5 2.05 2.11 8 1.81 3/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 4 .75 .77 8 .78 4/ Tobacco products: ‘ Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 22 .15 .16 25 .15 .16 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 18 .10 .11 35 .11 .11 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 16 1.42 1.46 20 1.42 1.49 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 2/ - - 8 4,35 4,53 Bourbon whiskey (1/S gallon) 988-0 Q] - - 3 4,53 4.92 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 gj - - 7 1,01 1,05 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 g/ - - 5 _93 1_o2 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page 1) 2/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 5/ Sales tax does not apply. -22- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Phi -N-rthwestern Tndiana _ . . ‘n ‘n t‘ Expanded Average Price 1] Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 11 $ 8.79 $ 9.21 10 $ 8.28 s 8.66 Reshingling house roof 229-0 10 2/ 285.32 5 2/ 416.00 §/ Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 8 §/ 379.06 5 2/ 396,80 Household textiles: 4 Sheet: Cotton muslin _ 261-1 14 2.62 2.74 8 2.37 2.48 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 25 4.30 4,50 9 4,72 4,94 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 16 5,45 5.71 3 6.66 6.97 Bed pillow 262-0 10 7.17 7.52 6 7.50 7.84 Blanket: Polyester/rayon 263-1 14 5,23 5,53 _2_/ --—.. -..-.. Acrylic 263-2 18 9.11 9.55 8 6.98 7.30 W001 263-3 9 28.66 30.03 2/ ---- ---- Bedspread 267-0 20 10.37 10.87 9 11.51 12.04 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 25 1,35 1,42 13 1,09 1,14 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 21 2,72 2,86 9 2,61 2,73 Approx- 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 11 5.13 5 38 4 4.88 5.10 Curtains (pair) 275-0 18 6.34 6.65 6 6.03 6.30 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 17 9.52 9.97 4 10.72 11.20 Lined 276-3 9 15.92 16.69 4 14.72 15.39 Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 27 422.87 443.20 16 422.92 442.20 Cocktail table 289-0 22 54.95 57.59 10 50.22 52.51 Convertible sofa 292-0 34 270.22 283.21 21 271.70 284.09 Bedding set 295-0 39 139.86 146.59 31 127.03 132.82 Bedroom dresser 298-0 26 230.59 241.68 21 191.44 200.17 Bedr°°m Chest 299‘0 21 153.21 160.58 14 117.38 122.73 ' Dining room chair 303-0 29 36.57 38.32 23 32.84 34.34 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 23 292.33 306.39 14 287.03 300.12 Gas range 330-1 16 211.66 221.84 12 195.64 204.56 Eleotrro range 330-2 14 233.83 245.08 15 212.10 221.77 Vacuum cleaner: 3 Standard model i 331”1 16 35.97 37.70 20 31.55 32.99 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 20 56.04 58.73 14 53.87 56.33 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 23 221.58 232.24 19 206.50 215.91 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 24 260.78 273.32 15 218.24 228.19 Deluxe model 333-3 25 289.50 303.42 14 271.33 283.70 Clothes dryer 334-0 7 174.41 182.80 21 160.06 167.36 Room heater 337-0 24 16.47 17.26 12 14.04 14.67 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 45 12.56 13.17 28 11.64 12.17 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 31 16.34 17.12 15 14.80 15.48 Iron: Standard model 340-1 27 11.06 11.59 9 9.60, 10.04 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 31 17.58 18.42 19 17.14 17.92 Deluxe model 340-3 34 21.42 22.45 22 21.26 22.23 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 20 12,03 12,51 27 10,15 10,61 Carpet sweeper 358-0 16 10.87 11.39 14 10.39 10.86 Light bulb 387-0 11 .27 .28 10 .30 .31 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 21 .39 .41 17 .34 .36 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 16 .40 .42 17 .37 .39 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 22 .40 .42 23 .38 .40 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 17 .48 .50 16 .50 .53 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 17 .40 .42 16 .39 .41 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 20 .62 .64 18 .62 .64 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 20 .96 1.01 24 .90 .94 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 19 .31 .32 19 .31 .32 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 17 .18 .19 16 .20 .20 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 21 .17 .18 21 .16 .17 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 24 .11 .12 20 .11 .12 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 389-0 10 3.79 3/ 8 3.40 3/ Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 35 86.07 90.21 18 85.18 89.06 Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 60 125.78 131.83 23 136.52 142.74 Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 27 212.22 222.43 22 219.09 229.08 S1 k : :21: workmanship 433-1 25 10.14 ‘ 10.62 26 10.93 11.43 Clean workmanship Good workmanship 433-3 16 53.81 56.40 7 65.56 68.55 ..23_ Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Expanded oh‘ -No‘thw%%%%%%El%%5%%é:T"' I Av2¥2§E"3§1Ee 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 20 $ 5.55 $ 5.82 11 $ 5.18 $ 5.42 Work shirt 438-0 20 4.67 4.90 11 4.24 4.43 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 24 4.06 4.25 16 3.35 3.50 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 35 7,93 8.31 17 7.65 8.00 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 14 13.04 13.66 13 12.69 13.27 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 31 1.02 1.07 18 .99 1.03 Combed cotton 441-2 27 1.65 1.73 13 1.61 1.68 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 29 1.05 1.10 15 1.00 1.05 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 24 1.71 1.79 14 1.60 1.68 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 19 3.68 3.85 13 3.22 3.37 Polyester/cotton . 444-2 46 7.87 8.25 16 6.46 6.76 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 21 .97 1.02 15 .79 .82 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 25 1.45 1.52 16 1.35 1.41 Fur felt hat 448-0 26 13.93 14.60 12 15.35 16.05 All-weather coat: ~ Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 13 28.35 29.71 8 25.71 26.88 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 24 58.96 61.79 17 55.29 57.82 Sweater 460-0 26 14.27 14.96 10 11.07 11.57 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 23 3.74 3.92 18 3.44 3.60 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 21 8.76 9.18 2/ ---- ---- Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair W°rkm3nShiP 432‘1 27 4.84 5.07 23 5.45 5.70 Clean workmanship 482-2 33 8.18 8.57 19 8.34 - 8.72 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 17 .67 .70 13 .68 .71 Combed cotton 483-2 13 1.02 1.07 10 .89 .93 Sweater 484-0 23 6.32 6.62 15 5.53 5.78 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 6 3,27 3.43 5 3.67 3.84 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 3 6 67 6.99 7 5 71 5 97 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 29 3.19 3.34 20 3.37 3.52 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 37 4,69 4.92 9 3.83 4.00 All—purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 8 21.04 22.05 6 16.17 16.91 Clean workmanship 487-2 16 28.21 29.56 9 27.99 29.26 Socks 488-0 20 .75 .79 11 .73 .76 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 3 15.95 16.71 3 23.33 24.39 Clean workmanship 491-2 11 33.68 35.30 8 30.74 32.14 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 20 4.41 4.62 8 5.40 5.65 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 27 5,50 5.76 23 6,86 7,17 Polyester woven 511-3 43 14.04 14.72 18 12.39 12.95 Slip: Not anti—static 524-1 25 3.38 3.54 16 3.78 3.96 Non-cling 524-2 31 6.31 6.61 17 6.94 7.26 Panties: Acetate 525"l 35 .61 .64 13 .58 .61 Nylon 525-2 19 1.46 1.53 9 1.72 1.80 Nightgown 526-0 37 4.46 4.68 15 3.96 4.14 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 9 3,49 3,66 8 3,12 3,26 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 13 6.92 7.26 4 6.25 6.54 Nylon 527-3 20 9.65’ 10.11 7 11.86 12.40 Girdle 529-0 26 9.11 9.55 10 7.90 8.26 Brassiere 533-0 35 4.51 4.72 21 4.83 5.05 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 34 1.30 1.36 ' 23 1.36 1.42 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 23 2.66 2.78 16 2.78 2.91 Gloves 541-0 14 2.55 2.67 7 2.34 2.44 Hat 3 543-0 28 3.16 3.31 18 2.18 2.28 Coat: ' Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 23. 51.39 53.86 16 46.31 48.42 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 26 89,73 94,05 25 101.64 106.27 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 16 173,69 182.04 22 146.86 153.56 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 24 25,63 26,86 16 21,43 22,40 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 30 42,56 44,61 3 51,00 53', 32 Sweater: Acrylic. cut-and-sewn 557-1 22 4.75 4.98 5 4.88 5.10 Acrylic, fu11—fashioned 557-2 17 7,09 7,43 2/ ---- ---- Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 12 14,03 14,76 2] ---— ---- Slacks: — Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 31 8.07 8.46 18 6.38 6.67 Polyester. wool. or polyester/wool 561-2 42 16.09 16.87 12 13.90 14.54 -24- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Chicaoo—Northwes tern Indiana Cincinnati Expanded Average Price 1] Average Price 1j“* Item Pricing Number ‘ Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 28 $ 4,68 3 4,90 15 $ 4,35 $ 5,07 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 22 10,72 11,24 11 5,41 5,55 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 35 12.06 12.64 12 10.16 10.62 Blouse 582-0 26 4.19 4.39 18 3.60 3.77 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 10 1.29 1.36 5 1.15 1.20 Clean workmanship 583-2 22 2.33 2.44 11 2.41 2.52 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 20 .52 .54 19 .50 .52 NY1°n 534-2 18 .84 .88 4 .84 .87 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ -—-- ---- 2/ ---- -_-- Acrylic pile. fair workmanship 585-2 23 21.11 22.12 5' 19.99 20.90 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 5 42.80 44.86 8 38.25 39.99 Knee socks 586-0 30 1.06 1.10 18 .91 .95 Sweater 588-0 23 4.61 4.83 10 4.94 5.17 Skirt 593-0 25 6.42 6.73 10 5.14 5.37 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 11 4,53 4,30 5 4,23 4,42 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 10 9,90 10,37 5 7,20 7,53 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 12 4,49 4,70 7 4,55 4,77 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper. may be imported 610-1 12 9.51 9.96 15 8.88 9.28 Side upper 610-2 28 21.19 22.20 17 17.97 18.79 Calf upper 610-3 21 29.02 30.41 27 26.71 27.93 Men's work shoes 614-0 19 15.01 15.73 13 14.64 15.31 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper. may be imported 617-1 17 10.01 10.50 19 8.45 8.83 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 25 14,33 15,03 12 13,23 13,33 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 33 22,41 23,49 7 24,13 25,23 Women's play shoes 622-0 20 15.33 16.07 14 13.50 14.11 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 11 3,53 3,31 14 2,93 3,11 Capeskin 626-2 13 6.15 6.44 14 6.71 7.02 Children's shoes 627-0 14 12.92 13.54 12 12.78 13.36 Boys’ street shoes 628-0 11 15.34 16.08 12 13.32 13.92 Boys‘ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 14 3.69 3.86 17 2.90 3.03 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 20 5.51 5.77 20 5.88 6.14 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 10 7,30 7,55 11 7,31 3,17 Girls’ boots 630-0 14 3.74 3.92 15 3.36 3.51 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 24 12,69 13,30 2/ -_-- ---- Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 21 1,14 1,19 9 1,07 1,11 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 22 2.89 3.03 12 2.60 2.72 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 10 3/ 1,40 3 3/ 1,30 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 10 3] 5,73 3 3] 6,22 Dry cleaning and pressing: " _ Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 13 1.89 4/ 9 1.66 4/ Women's dress 688-0 13 1.89 Z7 7 1.62 Z7 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 10 ,25 §/ 3 ,22 §/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 13 33.38 34.98 6 31.62 33.06 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 9 40,91 42,33 3 42,57 44,51 Storage battery 750-0 25 30.39 31.85 12 26.00 27.18 Chassis lubrication 757‘0 13 2.29 4/ 6 1.70 4/ Motor tune-up 760-0 18 3/ 33.88 8 3/ 25.53 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 19 3] 49,46 5 3/ 39,66 Front end suspension 765-0 14 37 24.37 10 37 15.59 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 22 2,53 2,65 9 2,43 2,54 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 18 7.56 4/ 16 6.69 4/ House visit 831-0 14 12.28 Z7 16 10.50 Z7 Hospital visit 838-0 11 9.27 Z7 15 8.33 Z7 Dental care: ' — Filling 840-0 14 9.28 4/ 13 7.77 4/ Extraction 841-0 11 12.54 Z7 10 10.50 Z7 Cleaning teeth 343-0 8 11.88 Z7 12 8.67 Z7 Eye care: " Dispensing of eyeglasses. adult 845-0 3 28.00 29.31 8 31.68 33.12 Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 3 23,00 29,31 8 30,89 32,30 Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ ---- -_-_ 2/ ---_ ---- Examination, prescription and dispensing of _' _ eyeglasses 846-0 5 36.40 3/ 8 40.69 3/ -23- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 (‘hi " thwes tern Tndi ana Cincinnati Expanded Average Price 1/ Average Price 1/ Item Pricing Number Number Specification of .Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 23 $ 0.13 $ 0.14 29 $ 0.11 $ 0.11 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 64 .91 .95 27 .77 .80 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 32 .82 .86 20 .74 .77 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 51 1.00 1.04 22 .90 .94 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 26 .54 .56 18 .48 .50 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 25 .31 .32 23 .29 .30 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 10 3.02 4/ 8 2.53 4/ Women's haircut 892-0 12 2.92 4/ 8 2.00 4/ Boys‘ haircut 893-0 11 3.00 4/ 8 2.19 4/ Permanent wave 894-0 12 12.96 §/ 8 12.50 Z/ Shampoo and set 895-0 7 3.71 4/ 8 2.97 §/ Recreation: Black and white television. Portable, 19 inch 897-0 24 138.96 145.64 23 130.87 136.84 Table model radio 911-0 31 24.99 26.19 21 24.63 25.75 Portable radio 912-0 27 32.75 34.32 ‘ 32 29.01 30.33 Radio phonograph 914-0 19 195.74 205.16 16 196.96 205.94 Phonograph record 918-0 41 4.47 4.69 36 3.87 4.04 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 9 2.17 4/ ' 8 2.09 4/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 6 .88 3/ 7 .80 4/ Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 37 .18 .19 34 .17 .18 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 37 .10 .11 15 .11 .11 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 45 1.31 1.37 18 1.26 1.31 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 10 4.63 4.85 3 4.90 5.12 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 9 4.33 4,59 3 4,79 5.01 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 9 1.05 1.10 6 1.40 1.47 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 9 1.04 1.10 3 1.34 1.40 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page 1) 2/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 4/ Sales tax does not apply. 3] Price for self-sealing shingles. -25- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Item Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) Reshingling house roof Repainting living room and dining room Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin - Polyester/cotton percale, white Polyester/cotton percale, solid color Bed pillow Blanket: Polyester/rayon Acrylic Wool Bedspread Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen Approx. 10 pounds per dozen Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen Curtains (pair) Draperies (pair): Unlined Lined Furniture: Sofa and chair Cocktail table Convertible sofa Bedding set Bedroom dresser Bedroom chest Dining room chair Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer Gas range Electric range Vacuum cleaner: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Washing machine: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Clothes dryer Room heater Toaster: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Iron: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting Carpet sweeper Light bulb Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) Liquid detergent (15 ounces) Solid detergent (20 ounces) Spray starch (14 ounces) Laundry soap (13 ounces) Air deodorizer (8 ounces) Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) Scouring pads (10 pads) Paper napkins (80 napkins) Scouring powder (14 ounces) Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring Approx. number 4 grade tailoring Approx. number 6 grade tailoring Slacks: Fair workmanship Clean workmanship Good workmanship Dallas Average Price 1] ("I ave] and Expanded Pricing Number Specification of Excluding Number Prices Sales Tax 221-2 12 $8.27 229-0 8 3/ 230-0 7 3/ 261-1 10 2.48 261-2 16 4.81 261-3 11 6.24 262-0 10 7.32 263-1 9 6.45 263-2 10 12.23 263-3 7 27.78 267-0 16 11.79 268-1 19 1.21 268-2 15 2.51 268-3 10 - 4.84 275-0 13 6.12 276-2 14 9.86 276-3 11 15.54 283-0 17 439.84 289-0 7 58.96 292-0 13 258;71 295-0 27 124.37 298-0 11 217.35 299-0 9 152.88 303-0 9 42.07 326-0 19 308.35 330-1 17 221.85 330-2 9 236.12 331-1 18 32.58 331-2 25 55.64 333-1 12 245.34 333-2 13 289.78 333-3 12 325.07 334-0 6 177.57 337-0 14 16.53 339-1 17 14.50 339-2 18 17.33 340-1 15 13.04 340-2 17 20.50 340-3 24 22.80 346-0 9 11.62 358-0 16 12.01 387-0 9 .28 375-0 18 .35 376-0 3 .40 377-0 18 .37 378-0 5 .51 379-0 8 .40 380-0 18 .58 381-0 18 .96 382-0 18 .30 383-0 13 .20 384-0 18 .18 385-0 17 .10 389-0 6 3.48 427-1 22 75.26 427-2 19 119.45 427-3 16 205.62 433-1 22 10.05 433'? 22 24.59 433‘3 11 59.77 Including Sales Tax $8.64 368.12 403.46 459.63 61.62 270.35 129.97 227.13 159.76 43.96 322.23 231.84 246.74 34.04 58.14 256.38 302.82 339.70 185.56 17.27 15.15 18.10 13.62 21.42 23.82 12.14 12.55 .30 78.64 124.82 214.88 10.50 25.70 62.46 Number of Prices F‘ (13030 25 16 18 12 24 24 22 19 35 16 22 20 33 0-‘ (I3(DLn 31 10 21 22 Average Price 1] Excluding Sales Tax $7.35 2/ 1.07 2.30 4.89 4.80 8.09 15.00 438.08 57.67 257.66 150.47 237.25 133.23 45.57 330.85 249.59 241.25 36.99 61.19 228.72 255.50 308.97 186.05 16.46 12.58 16.35 10.88 17.64 20.86 13.22 11.03 .35 91.80 129.44 223.50 9.72 25.86 56.89 Including Sales Tax $7.72 244.27 269.00 2.66 4.94 7.87 1.12 5.13 5.04 8.50 15.74 459.99 60.56 270.54 157.99 249.11 139.89 47.85 347.39 262.07 253.31 38.84 64.25 240.16 268.28 324.42 195.35 17.28 13.21 17.17 11.43 18.52 21.91 13.89 11.58 037 96.39 135.92 234.68 10.21 27.15 59.73 Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 p avg] allas _ Expanded Average rice __ Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of 'Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers ~ 436-0 10 $ :5.96 $ 6.23 17 $ 5.32 $ 5.59 Work shirt 438-0 10 4.87 5.09 17 4.33 4.55 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 17 4.93 5.16 20 4.01 4.21 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 17 8.18 8.54 22 7.98 8.38 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes , 439-3 17 13.26 13.86 11 12.77 13.41 Undershirt: 1 Usually carded cotton 441-1 19 .99 1.03 25 .98 1.03 Combed cotton 441-2 14 1.66 1.73 24 1.63 1.72 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 15 1.06 1.10 23 1.00 1.04 Batiste. polyester/combed cotton 443-2 20 1.53 1.60 23 1.74 1.83 Pajamas: Carded cotton ‘ 444-1 15 5.06 5.29 16 3.95 4.15 Polyester/cotton ‘ 444-2 21 7.90 8.26 30 7.93 8.33 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 15 1.00 1.05 23 .82 .86 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 14 1.48 1.55 26 1.57 1.64 Fur felt hat 448-0 11 15.43 16.12 12 16.79 17.63 . All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 9 28.76 30.05 11 23.66 24.84 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 18 57-52 50-11 21 50-73 53-25 Sweater ' 460-0 18 12.02 12.56 22 16.09 16.89 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 21 4.34 4.54 15 3.97 4.17 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 16 7.68 8.03 16 8.66 9.09 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 21 4.53 4.73 20 5.02 5.27 Clean workmanship 482-2 21 8.02 8.38 24 8.51 - 8.93 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 14 .73 .76 25 .70 9.74 Combed cotton 483-2 10 .92 .97 11 1.08 1.13 Sweater 484-0 12 7.16 7.48 14 7.14 7.49 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 11 3.61 3.77 7 2.98 3.13 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 8 6.62 6.92 2/ — - Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 16 3.62 3.78 15 3.06 3.22 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 18 5.55 5.80 26 5.22 5.48 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 12 20.98 21.92 3 16.66 17.49 Clean workmanship 487-2 13 33.50 35.01 4 31.50 33.08 Socks 488-0 15 '.88 .92 23 .85 .90 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 12 19,24 20,11 2/ - - Clean workmanship 491-2 15 32.99 34.48 16 29.52 31.00 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 17 4.96 5.18 10 3.92 4.12 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 13 5,47 6,76 21 6,23 6,60 Polyester woven 511-3 21 13.19 13.78 29 12.27 12.88 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 19 3.53 3.69 10 3.62 3.80 N°n‘C1in8 2 524-2 20 6.65 6.95 18 6.61 6.94 Panties: Acetate 525-1 16 .71 .74 30 .62 .65 Nylon 525-2 12 1.54 1.61 18 1.63 1.71 Nightgown 526-0 22 4.06 4.25 23 4.80 5.04 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 12 4.17 4.36 6 4.16 4.36 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 10 7.00 7.32 5 5.60 5.88 Nylon 527-3 17 11.94 12.48 17 9.65 10.13 Girdle 529-0 13 11.30 111.81 16 9.22 9.68 Brassiere 533-0 31 4.62 4.83 34 4.72 4.96 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 22 1.67 1.75 25 1.51 1.59 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 11 2.95 3.08 9 2.62 2.75 Gloves 541-0 18 2.80 2.93 17 2.07 2.17 Hat 543-0 14 4.14 4.33 24 3.30 3.47 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 17 43.48 45.44 31 40.82 42.86 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 20 89.50 93.53 12 76.82 80.67 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 16 145.30 151.84 13 115.07 120.82 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 18 24,42 25,52 23 19,23 20,19 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 18 39,24 41,01 5 44,60 46,83 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557‘1 16 5.05 5.28 18 5.46 5.74 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 14 1o,oo 10,45 5 9,79 10,23 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 13 15,46 16,16 4 14,25 14,96 Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 29 7,54 7,88 33 8,12 8,53 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 18 19.83 20.72 23 16.78 17.62 -23- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 eveland Dallas Expanded Average Price 1/ Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number ' Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 16 $ 5.00 $ 5.22 35 $ 4.96 $ 5.21 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 28 8.45 8.83 18 10.27 10.79 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 27 10.96 11.45 17 10.82 11.36 Blouse 582-0 21 4.68 4.89 16 5.00 5.25 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 15 1.64 1.72 4 1.31 1.37 Clean workmanship 583-2 14 2.21 2.31 7 2.36 2.47 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 18 .60 .63 18 .62 .65 Nylon 584-2 16 .81 .84 10 1.12 1.18 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 12 19.49 20.37 2/ - - Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 14 22.09 23.09 23 20.21 21.22 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 13 35.15 36.73 4 38.99 40.94 Knee socks 586-0 21 1.04 1.08 20 .94 .99 Sweater 588-0 17 5.70 5.96 10 5.28 5.55 Skirt 593-0 19 6.39 6.68 16 5.72 6.01 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 14 6.19 6.46 10 5.11 5.36 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 14 10.82 11.30 16 10.46 10.98 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 10 4.84 5.05 7 4.55 4.78 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 10 10.54 11.01 12 8.58 9.01 Side upper 610-2 20 21.28 22.24 23 21.84 22.93 Calf upper 610-3 17 28.23 29.50 32 30.30 31.82 Men's work shoes 614-0 12 16.56 17.31 12 12.98 13.62 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 19 12.24 12.79 12 8.79 9.23 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 16 14.98 15.66 21 12.50 13.12 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 17 23.87 24.95 17 23.11 24.26 Women's play shoes 622-0 17 11.34 11.85 27 15.65 16.44 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 18 3.22 3.37 19 3.13 3.28 Capeskin 626-2 9 7.72 8.06 15 6.66 7.00 Children's shoes 627-0 14 12.14 12.68 21 12.19 12.80 Boys’ street shoes 628-0 12 12.99 13.57 23 15.99 16.79 Boys‘ sneakers: Tennis CYPe 629-1 15 4.49 4.69 12 5.82 6.11 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 17 5,96 6,22 2/ - - Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 6 8.24 8.61 52 7.12 7.48 Girls’ boots 630-0 10 4.66 4.87 2/ - ‘- Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 14 12.64 13.20 28 12.70 13.33 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 12 1,08 1,13 18 1,04 1,09 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 13 3.31 3.46 23 2.75 2.89 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 3 3/ 1,34 8 3/ 1,47 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 3/ 14 8 2/ 6,53 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 9 1,93 4/ 3 1.47 4/ Women's dress 688-0 9 1.97 4/ 8 1.82 4/ Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 7 .26 4/ 8 .19 4/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 9 34.01 35.54 8 38.00 39.90 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 9 43.09 45.02 10 43.48 45.66 Storage battery 750-0 20 26.10 27.28 16 31.66 33.25 Chassis lubrication 757-0 9 2.10 4/ 10 2.18 4/ Motor tune-up 760-0 13 2/ 30.66 16 3/ 30.25 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 12 3/ 44.65 18 3/ 49.32 Front end suspension 765-0 10 §/ 21,40 17 3/ 14.69 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 15 2,53 2,70 23 2,72 2.85 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 17 8.68 4/ 16 8.56 4/ House visit 831-0 15 15.27 4/ 14 16.36 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 15 8.80 4/ 15 11.93 4/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 12 7.67 4/ 12 11.75 4/ Extraction 841-0 9 12.00 4/ 10 12.10 4/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 12 10.83 4/ 12 11.92 4/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 3/ - — 3/ - - Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 3/ - - 2/ — - Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ - - 2/ — - Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 6 48 . 67 4/ 6 46 . 17 4/ -29- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 (‘I pvnkan:L Dallas Expanded verage Price 1/ Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 370-0 25 $ 0,11 $ 0.11 24 $ 0.13 $ 0.14 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 24 .99 1.03 31 -34 -88 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 21 .85 .89 24 .76 .80 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 22 .96 g 1.01 32 .92 .96 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 18 .55 .57 22 .46 .48 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 18 .29 .30 16 .32 -34 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 8 2.97 3/ 8 2-41 3/ Women's haircut 892-0 8 3.41 4/ 8 2.94 4/ Boys‘ haircut 893-0 8 2.91 4_/ 8 2-34 3/ Permanent wave 894-0 8 19.31 4/ 3 13-75 3/ Shampoo and set 895-0 8 4.25 4/ 7 4.14 4/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable, 19 inCh 897-0 20 136.10 142.23 27 142.26 149-37 Table model radio 911-0 19 27.84 29.09 20 26.95 28.30 Portable radio 912-0 14 31.92 33.35 26 32.44 34.07 Radio phonograph 914-0 15 204.26 , 213.45 14 174.88 183-63 Phonograph record . 918-0 33 4.74 4.96 26 4.45 4-67 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 8 2.19 4/ 3 1-94 3/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 8 .91 4/ 5 -84 3/ Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 27 -13 -19 25 -19 3/ Cigar (regular size) 933-0 23 .09 .10 26 .12 3/ Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 2/ ’ ' 16 1'42 1'49 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 3/ - - 7 5-4° 5-67 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 .2/ - - 8 5.52 5.79 Dessert wine (1/S gallon) 991-0 8 1.38 1.44 8 .99 1.04 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 6 1 19 1.24 7 .93 -93 ;j Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page 1) 2/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 57 Sales tax does not apply. -30- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Dayton Denver Expanded Average Price 1] Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number 2 Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 10 $ 9.07 $ 9.47 11 $ 7.96 $ 8.37 Reshingling house roof 229-0 7 * 3/ 314.67 8 3/ 303.01 Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 8 §/ 359.88 8 3/ 298.92 Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 8 2.29 2.39 8 2.43 2.56 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 9 4.52 4,72 11 4.29 4,51 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 3 5,82 6,08 8 6,13 6.44 Bed Pillow 262-0 3 7.33 7.65 5 7.39 7.77 Blanket: Polyester/rayon 263-1 2/ -- -- 4 5.24 5.51 Acrylic 263-2 3 11.99 12.52 4 9.48 9.97 Wool 263-3 2/ -- -- 2/ -- -- Bedspread 267-0 8 10.22 10.68 8 10.12 10.63 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 11 1.06 1.10 7 1.34 1.41 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 6 2.43 2.54 5 3.26 3.42 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 5 4.33 4.52 6 5.50 5.78 Curtains (pair) 275-0 9 4.73 4.94 10 ,5.66 5.95 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 2/ -- -- 4 14.60 15.34 Lined 276-3 4 13.74 14.36 9 15.05 15.82 Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 14 439.38 458.98 14 448.87 471.89 Cocktail table 289-0 17 54.23 56.65 11 82.53 86.77 Convertible sofa 292-0 12 287.97 300.81 13 279.61 293.95 Bedding set 295-0 30 128.26 133.98 24 138.49 145.59 Bedroom dresser 298-0 15 192.43 201.01 11 215.06 226.10 Bedroom chest 299-0 16 131.00 136.84 13 142.93 150.27 Dining room chair 303-0 18 35.59 37.18 6 39.90 41.95 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 15 327.03 341.62 13 296.64 311.86 Gas range 330-1 5 222.56 232.49 12 215.37 226.42 Electric range 330-2 11 234.52 244.97 15 213.82 224.79 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1 12 35.83 37.42 18 34.95 36.75 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 7 56.24 58.75 11 49.69 52.24 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 12 242.06 252.85 12 214.36 225.36 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 22 264.29 276.08 18 243.44 255.93 Deluxe model 333-3 17 320.79 335.10 13 287.02 301.74 Clothes dryer 334-0 15 179.63 187.64 17 174.42 183.37 Room heater 337-0 12 16.74 17.48 11 17.13 18.01 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 20‘ 13.47 14.07 27 12.82 13.48 Semi—deluxe model 339-2 14 17.68 18.46 14 16.92 17.78 Iron: Standard model 340-1 17 11.59 12.10 13 9.66 10.16 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 19 18.64 19.47 18 16.56 17.41 Deluxe model 340-3 15 22.48 23.48 28 20.91 21.98 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 12 8.03 8.39 14 10.05 10.57 Carpet sweeper 358-0 6 11.28 11.78 8 10.70 11.25 Light bulb 387-0 12 .31 .32 8 .30 .31 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 12 ,33 ,39 16 .37 .38 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 15 _38 ,4o 14 ,41 .43 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 24 .39 _41 16 ,4o .42 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 13 _43 ,50 16 .47 .50 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 12 _39 ,40 15 .40 .42 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 22 .59 ,62 16 .57 .60 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 22 _98 r,o3 16 .98 1,04 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 14 .34 .36 16 .34 .36 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 13 .21 .22 15 _21 .22 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 13 _13 .13 15 _19 .20 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 22 .11 .12 13 .11 .12 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 389-0 7 2.62 4/ 8 2.29 4/ Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 20 64.64 67.52 10 71.60 75.27 Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 18 128.57 134.31 21 127.26 133.79 Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 7 201.64 210.64 8 203.12 213.54 Slacks: Fair workmanship 433-1 29 11.12 11.62 30 8.66 9.11 Clean workmanship 433-2 27 26.20 27.37 20 25.50 26.80 Good workmanship 433-3 3 47.33 49.44 3 61.67 64.83 -31- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Dayton Denver Expanded average Price 2] KVErZ§E7Price 2] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Includingx Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 14 $ 5.30 $ 5.53 7 $ 5.29 $ 5.56 Work shirt 438-0 12 4.51 4.72 8 4.40 4.63 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 16 3.96 4.14 9 4.01 4.22 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 13 8,35 8,72 19 8.03 8.44 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 14 12.78 13.36 8 13.38 14.06 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 19 .98 1.02 16 .98 1.03 Combed cotton 441-2 15 1.60 1.67 16 1.69 1.77 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 23 1.03 1.08 11 1.00 1.05 Batiste. Polyester/combed cotton 443-2 14 1.59 1.66 8 1.42 1.49 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 12 3.49 3.65 12 4.55 4.78 P°1YeSter/cotton 444-2 19 6.84 7.14 17 7.03 7.39 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 14 .78 .82 11 .74 .77 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 12 1.50 1.57 16 1.56 1.64 Fur felt hat 448-0 14 15.48 16.17 17 14.96 15.72 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 10 24.39 25.48 11 31.17 32.77 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 20 52.44 54.78 17 59.79 62.86 Sweater . 460-0 15 11.18 11.68 14 13.17 13.85 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 9 2,86 2.99 9 4.76 5.00 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 8 7.44 7.77 7 8.93 9 39 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 16 5.30 5.54 14 4.34 4.56 Clean workmanship 482-2 16 9.03 9.43 18 9.30- 9.78 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 13 .69 .72 14 .69 .73 combed cotton ‘ 483-2 5 .99 1.04 3 .98 1.03 Sweater 484-0 9 4.76 4.98 13 7.00 7.36 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 2/ -- -- 3 3.62 3.80 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 2/ -- -- 2/ -- -- Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 14 3.08 3.22 12 3.52 3.70 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 10 5.04 5.27 12 5.62 5.91 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 5 17.39 18.16 3 14.95 15.72 Clean workmanship 487-2 7 29.42 30.73 3 28.33 29.79 Socks 488-0 15 .87 .90 16 .92 .97 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 2/ -- -- 2/ -- -- Clean workmanship 491-2 3 30.17 31.51 6 32.00 33.64 women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 6 4.50 4.70 15 4.65 4.89 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 14 6.56 6.85‘ 17 6.47 6.80 Polyester woven 511-3 11 12.52 13.07 18 14.61 15.36 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 13 3.68 3.84 3 4.12 4.33 Non—cling 524-2 13 6.54 6.83 16 6.69 7.03 Panties: — Acetate 525-1 17 .62 .65 18 .74 .78 Nylon 525-2 12 1.50 1.56 13 1.80 1.89 Nightgown 526-0 11 . 4.25 4.44 12 4.52 4.76 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 3 3.86 4.03 5 4.01 4.21 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 2/ -— -- 4 7.00 7.36 Nylon 527-3 8 11.50 12.01 13 10.38 10.92 Girdle 529-0 15 7.85 8.20 20 9.98 10.49 Brassiere 533-0 21 4.42 4.62 16 4.93 5.18 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 18 1.38 1.44 17 1.42 1.49 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 9 2.61 2.72 15 2.87 3.02 Gloves 541-0 15 2.48 2.59 11 2.67 2.80 Hat 543-0 20 3.04 3.17 . 19 3.48 3.66 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 16 56.42 58.93 19 51.68 54.33 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 11 108.54 113.39 25 91.96 96.68 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 6 ‘ 140.17 146.42 12 147.82 .155.41 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 10 19.98 20.87 18 23.59 24.80 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 8 40.45 42.25 9 42.66 44.84 Sweater: Acrylic. cut-and-sewn 557-1 3 4.85 5.07 5 4.09 4.30 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 6 8,42 8,79 6 7,33 7,71 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 3 14.00 14.62 7 11.28 11.86 Slacks: < Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 25 6.27 6.55 23 6.77 7.12 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 20 18.05 18.86 31 20.84 21.91 -32- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Dayton Denver Expanded Average Price 2] Average Price 2[ Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 13 $ 4.30 $. 4.49 25 $ 4.48 $ 4.71 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 2/ -- _- 10 8.55 8.99 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 6 13.92 14.54 12 11.66 12.26 Blouse 582-0 9 4.98 5.21 14 4.95 5.21 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 4 1.30 1.35 7 1.22 1.29 Clean workmanship 583-2 5 2.10 19 9 2.28 2.39 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 10 .49 .51 14 .53 .56 Nylon 584-2 5 .87 .90 9 .90 .95 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ -- -- 2/ -- -- Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 4 19.11 19.96 19 18.65 19.61 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 4 39.25 41.00 2/ -- -- Knee socks 586-0 14 .96 1.00 23 1.01 1.06 Sweater 533-0 9 5.27 5.51 19 4.74 4.99 Skirt 593-0 6 6.30 6.58 11 5.95 6.26 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 5 5,59 5,84 2/ _- _- Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 3 9,67 10,10 9 9,73 10,23 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 9 4,43 4,62 9 4,42 4.65 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 12 10,14 10,59 9 7.80 8.20 Side upper 610-2 14 21.04 21.98 15 21.51 22.61 Calf upper 610-3 18 29.93 31.26 13 28.68 30.15 Men's work shoes 614-0 12 16.47 17.21 9 15.75 16.56 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 14 8,69 9,08 8 8.72 9.16 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 10 13,64 14,24 10 12.09 12.71 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 23 22.30 23.30 13 21.84 22.96 Women's play shoes 622-0 7 13.71 14.32 7 14.28 15.02 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 16 3.06 3.20 15 3.23 3.40 Capeskin 626-2 10 7.55 7.88 9 7.72 8.12 Children's shoes 627-0 10 12.90 13.47 8 12.68 13.32 Boys’ street shoes 628-0 11 13.72 14.33 12 16.49 17.33 Boys’ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 8 4.30 4.49 5 5.87 6.17 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 11 5.97 6.24 14 5.97 6.28 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 9 7,66 8,00 6 8,32 8.75 Girls' boots 630-0 10 3.79 3.96 7 4.06 4.26 Girls‘ dress shoes 631-0 8 12.37 12.92 8 12.25 12.88 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 10 1.10 1.15 9 1.01 1.06 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 15 3,69 ,85 12 2,79 94 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 8 2/ 1.39 8 3/ 1.48 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 3/ 6,17 8 3/ 7,39 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 8 1.68 3/ 8 1.67 3/ Women's dress 688-0 8 1.68 3/ 8 1.72 3/ Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 8 .30 / 8 .21 3/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 9 36.34 37.96 7 33.12 34.82 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 7 41.06 42.89 8 41.85 ‘44.00 Storage battery 750-0 25 29.84 31.18 18 24.93 26.21 Chassis lubrication 757-0 11 1.97 3/ 11 1.93 3/ Motor tune-up 760-0 21 3/ 27.66 20 3/ 27.59 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 17 3/ 49.48 15 3/ 45.46 Front end suspension 765-0 12 3/ 15,37 22 3/ 15,19 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 15 2,31 2,42 18 2,47 2,60 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 16 7.12 3/ 16 7.16 3/ House visit 831-0 16 12.38 3/ 16 13.81 3/ Hospital visit 838-0 9 7,55 _/ 15 7,13 3/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 12 8.08 3/ 12 8.42 3/ Extraction 841-0 8 9.62 3/ 12 12.17 3/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 8 8.25 _/ 12 10.17 3/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 8 35,65 37,24 2/ -_ -- Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 8 33,96 35,48 2/ __ -- Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ -- -- 2/ —- -- Ex mination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 9 47.57 4/ 6 51.63 3/ -33.... Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Dayton Denver Expanded Average Price lf Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number ‘ Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 23 $ 0. 13 $ 0. 13 21 $ 0. 13 $ 0.14 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 27 -33 -37 35 -85 -90 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 13 -79 -32 29 -78 -82 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 25 .82 .86 30 .92 .97 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 23 -52 -54 16 -51 -54 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 21 -31 -32 15 -32 -33 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 8 2.28 4/ 7 2.43 4/ Women's haircut 892-0 8 2.24 4/ 8 2.91 4/ Boys‘ haircut 893-0 8 2.28 4/ 8 2.28 4/ Permanent wave 894-0 8 12.62 4/ 8 16.28 4/ Shampoo and set 895-0 8 3.18 4/ 8 3.66 4/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable 19 inch 897-0 11 129.32 135.09 18 133.32 140.16 Table model radio 911-0 7 22.96 23.98 19 26.51 27.87 Portable radio 912-0 10 32.82 34.29 21 33.93 35.67 Radio phonograph 914-0 7 189.68 198.13 18 173.94 182.86 Phonograph record 918-0 28 4.04 4.22 22 4.56 4.80 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 8 2.09 4/ 8 2.02 4/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 8 .81 4/ 6 .75 4/ Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 25 .15 .15 18 -15 .16 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 24 -10 -10 23 -11 -11 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 25 1-30 1-35 16 1-22 1-23 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 2/ -- -- 3 4-35 4-53 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 2/ -- -- 8 4-47 4-70 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 9 1.41 1.47 8 .88 .92 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 4 1-22 1-23 3 -93 -98 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, pagel ) :2] Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 2 3 / / Sales tax is included in the reported price. Sales tax does not apply. -34- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Durham -35- Detroit Expanded Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 10 $3_59 $9_o4 9 Reshingling house roof 229-0 8 3 322,12 4 Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 7 3/ 371,93 ‘2/ - Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 12 2_49 2_59 5 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 13 4.53 4_g2 5 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 13 5_99 5.23 4 Bed pillow 262-0 9 5_93 7.20 2/ Blanket: Polyester/rayon 263-1 9 5.41 v5_63 2/ Acrylic 263-2 4 13 .43 14 .02 2/ W001 263-3: 6 23 . 24 24.16 2/ Bedspread 267-0 13 9.96 10.36 ’ 3 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 12 1_31 1_35 5 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 11 3_o2 3_14 5 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 4 5.33 5.59 2/ Curtains (pair) 275-0 15 5.33 5_12 5 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 1o 9 . 81 10.20 2/ Lined 276-3 6 20.10 20 .90 3‘ Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 13 431.55 443_92 10 Cocktail table 289-0 14 51_25 53_3o 9 Convertible sofa 292-0 15 257_42 273_11 8 Bedding set 295-0 28 159.34 165.71 10 Bedroom dresser 298-0 15 2o3_30 211_43 10 Bedroom chest 299-0 15 133_99 144_55 3 Dining room chair 303-0 13 39_22 40_79 4 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 22 3oo_05 312_o5 3 Gas range 330-1 8 224.25 233.22 3 Electric range 330-2 20 229_35 233.52 5 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1 24 33_35 34_7o 10 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 20 57_2o 59_49 3 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 23 225.05 235_1o 2/ Semi-deluxe model 333-2 30 253_71 253_35 5 Deluxe model 333-3 17 296.26 308.10 3 Clothes dryer 334-0 8 187.59 195.10 4 Room heater, 337-0 17 16.46 17.12 6 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 30 12.33 12.83 20 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 17 15.09 15.69 5 Iron: Standard model 340-1 14 9_95 10.35 20 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 17 16.73 17.40 17 Deluxe model 340-3 30 20.18 20.98 11 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 22 9.87 10.27 4 Carpet sweeper 353'0 9 12.49 12.98 2/ Light bulb 387-0 13 .32 .33 12 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 20 _37 _33 20 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 5 .43 .45 35 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 19 _35 -_33 47 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 12 _45 _47 21 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 10 _42 _44 20 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 5380-0 13 _4g .50 27 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 19 _92 395 37 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 13 .31 .32 21 Paper napkins (80 napkins) ‘383-0 10 _15 .17 23 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 334-0 21 . / .18 25 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 21 .10 .10 26 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 339-0 8 4.61 3/ 8 Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 3 80.71 83.93 18 Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427”2 28 129.23 134.46 10 Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 26 216.86 225.54 6 Slacks: Fair workmanship 433-1 26 10.99 11.43 24 Clean workmanship 433‘2 25 23.87 24.82 22 Good workmanship 433-3 11 57.52 59.82 2/ 5Average Price 1] Excluding Sales Tax $8.56 2/ 395.56 46.20 276.60 132.74 250.49 136.86 39.88 346.30 216.62 250.38 33.02 56.62 254.55 319.80 194.25 19.19 13.38 16.19 11.01 17.13 23.38 76.63 112.70 182.50 B2)-‘ !-‘O I 0:0 D-‘D-0 Including Sales Tax 411.38 48.05 287.67 138.05 260.51 142.34 41.47 360.15 225.28 260.40 34.34 58.88 264.73 332.59 202.02 19.56 14.44 16.83 11.45 17.82 24.31 2.46 79.70 117.21 189.80 10.41 22.48 Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Detroit Durham Expanded Average Price if verage riEE7I7_— Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax _§§les Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 15 $ 5.34 $ 5.56 7 $ 5 27 $ 5.48 Work shirt 438-0 16 4.56 4.74 6 4.32 4.50 Dress shirt: 1mPorted 439-1 17 4.10 4.26 7 4.14 4.30 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 16 7,78 8,09 11 8,32 8,65 Nationally advertised, single—need1e tailoring, Yarn dyed Stripes 439-3 16 13.62 14.17 4 14.25 14.82 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 25 1.00 1.04 12 1.04 1.08 Combed cotton 441-2 17 1.62 1.69 5 1.77 1.84 Undershorts: Br°adC1°th. carded cotton 443-1 22 1.05 1.09 7 1 02 1.06 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 15 1,71 1,78 7 1 65 1,72 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 12 3.90 4.06 7 4.42 4.60 Po1yester/ cotton 444-2 17 7 .38 7 .67 17 7.17 7 .45 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 16 .74 .77 10 1.04 1.08 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 15 1,45 1.51 8 1 62 1,69 Fur felt hat 448-0 11 15.40 16.01 5 15.08 15.68 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 12 26.57 27.64 3 19.59 20.37 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 16 57.96 60.28 8 50.31 52.32 Sweater 460-0 13 14.91 15.51 4 11.72 12.19 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 15 3.73 3.88 2/ ---- ---- Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 21 8.39 8.73 2/ ---- ---- Boys’ clothing: Slacks: _ Fair workmanship 482-1 20 4.85 5.04 13 6.06 6.30 Clean workmanship 482-2 30 8.21 8.54 10 9.10 ~ 9.46 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 19 .71 .74 8 .71 .74 Combed cotton 483-2 9 1.03 1.08 6 .98 1.02 Sweater 484-0 18 5.64 5.87 8 6.51 6.77 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 5 3.56 3.70 5 3.67 3.82 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 2/ -~-- ---- 2/ ---- ---- Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 14 2.94 3.05 4 3.99 4.15 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 18 5.72 5.95 12 5.46 5.67 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 7 17.43 18.12 3 18.00 18.72 Clean workmanship 487-2 8 33.31 34.64 3 25.61 26.64 Socks 488-0 11 .72 .74 10 .80 .83 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 2/ ---- ---- 2/ ---- ---- Clean workmanship 491-2 8 31.84 33.12 5 33.70 35.05 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 11 4.47 4.65 2/ ---- ---- Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 17 6.70 6-97 11 5-35 5-52 Polyester woven 511-3 22 13.64 14.18 5 12.40 12.89 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 9 3_5o 3_54 8 3-28 3-41 Non-cling 524-2 25 6.48 6.74 5 7.10 7.38 Panties: Acetate 525-1 19 .61 .64 11 .90 .94 Nylon 525-2 16 1.49 1.55 5 1 83 1.90 Nightgown 526-0 18 3.62 3.76 5 5.38 5.60 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 5 3.70 3.85 2/ ---- ---- Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 7 6.00 6.24 2/ ---- ---- Nylon ""’ ""' girdle 529-0 13 8.03 8.35 16 8.44 8.77 Brassiere 533-0 24 4.73 4.92 9 5.16 5.37 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 17 1-33 1-38 8 1-38 1-43 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 12 2 30 2-39 6 2-73 2-86 Gloves 541-0 6 3.08 3.21 3 2.75 2.86 Hat 543-0 20 2.92 3.04 10 2.78 2.89 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 10 43-85 45-52 13 49-07 51-03 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 14 98.71 102.66 7 79-23 32-45 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 14 147-71 153-52 10 103-30 " 107-43 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 20 19-34 20-11 5 20-73 21-51 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 13 44-14 45-90 7 34-13 35-49 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 5 4-59 4-73 5 3-15 3-23 Act;-11¢, full-fashioned 557-2 9 6.99 7.27 3 10 66 11.09 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 7 11.71 12.18 2/ ---- ---- Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 21 6-52 5-33 7 6-99 7-27 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 13 17-44 13-13 9 13-65 14-21 -36.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 etroit Durham Expanded Average Price 1] Average Price 1/7 Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 14 $ 4.46 $ 4.64 10 $ 4.96 $ 5.16 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 18 7.16 7.45 7 8,56 8,91 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 16 9.12 9.48 7 10.71 11.14 Blouse 582-0 15 4.53 4.71 11 4.50 4.68 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 7 1.55 1.61 2/ --5- --—- Clean workmanship 583-2 13 2.18 2.62 5 2.40 2.50 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 10 .50 .52 7 .62 .65 Nylon 584-2 16 .90 .94 5 .82 ..85 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ ---- ---- 2/ ---- ---- Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 17 18.97 19.73 6 22.46 23.36 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 5 32.39 33.68 7 37.84 39.36 Knee socks 586-0 20 1.05 1.09 12 1.04 1.08 Sweater 588-0 14 5.48 5 .70 g/ --—- --—- Skirt 593-0 12 5.49 5.71 7 6.28 6.53 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 12 4.49 4.67 2/ --—- ---- Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 11 10.36 10.78 6 12.00 12.48 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 9 4.84 5.03 2/ --—- ---- Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 21 9.28 9.65 4 7.71 8.02 Side upper 610-2 11 20.16 20.96 4 20.25 21.06 Calf upper 610-3 16 29.57 30.75 3 30.65 31.87 Men's work shoes 614-0 13 15.90 16.53 4 15.74 16.37 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 17 9.51 9.89 2/ ---- ---~ Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 21 13.47 14.01 3 14.66 15.25 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 21 22.95 23.86 5 20.60 21.42 Women's play shoes 622-0 16 12.87 13.38 4 14.75 15.34 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 14 3.07 3.19 4 3.50 3.63 Capeskin 626-2 10 7.60 7.90 3 6.83 7.11 Children's shoes 627-0 7 11.85 12.33 2/ ---' '*-' Boys‘ street shoes 628-0 13 13.63 14.18 3 14.98 15.58 Boys’ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 6 5.16 5.36 2/ --~- '“-' Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 21 5.44 5.66 6 6.38 6.64 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 5 7-91 8-23 5 8-19 8-52 Girls’ boots 630-0 11 3.95 4.10 3 4.64 4.83 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 10 12.35 12.84 2/ --—- ---- Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 17 1.09 1.14 8 1.20 1-25 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 19 3.06 3.18 11 3.28 3.41 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 9 3/ 1.35 3/ ---- ---- Men's half soles and heels 687-0 9 3/ 6.08 g/ ---- ---- Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2—piece suit 686-0 8 1-98 3/ 9 1-79 1-35 Women's dress 688-0 8 2.01 4/ 9 1.79 1.86 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 8 -28 3/ 7 -32 -33 Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 8 31.46 32.71 3 33.63 34.98 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 7 40-50 42-12 4 41-70 43-37 Storage battery 750-0 23 27.53 28.63 5 22.42 23.31 Chassis lubrication 757-0 11 2-41 fi/ 7 2-04 §/ Motor tune-up 760-0 18 3/ 29.78 3 3/ 31.48 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 18 3/ 46.64 2/ ---* --'- Front end suspension 765-0 14 3/ 16.94 3 3/‘ 12.60 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 24 2-30 2-46 12 2-94 3-05 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 18 9-28 3/ 10 9'00 3/ House visit 831-0 12 15.00 3/ 10 13.20 3/ Hospital visit 838-0 17 9-48 5/ 7 3-71 5/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 12 8.75 3/ 6 9.42 4/ Extraction 841-0 11 9'73 3/ 6 11:50 2/ Cleaning teeth 843-O 12 10-08 3/ 6 10°00 3/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 3/ "" "" 9 32°89 3/ Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 3/ "“ "" 7 32°14 5/ Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 3/ "" "" 3/ "" "” Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeeleeeee 846-0 6 43.27 4/ 6 52.33 I 4/ -37.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Detroit Durham Expanded Average Price 1] _Average Price gj Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 14 $ 0.13 $ 0.14 28 $ 0.13 $ 0,14 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 40 .80 .83 28 .88 ,92 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 16 .78 .81 42 .83 .86 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 33 .90 .94 25 .88 .91 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 21 .50 .52 24 .54 .56 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 24 .29 .30 23 .37 .38 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 8 2.94 4/ 8 2.25 4/ Women's haircut 892-0 8 2.94 4/ 8 2.31 4/ Boys’ haircut 893-0 8 2.91 4/ 7 2.25 4/ Permanent wave 894-0 8 13.41 4/ 8 13.44 4/ Shampoo and set 895-0 8 3.97 4/ 8 3.50 4/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable, 19 inch 897-0 17 130.62 135.85 4 167.21 173.90 Table model radio 911-0 27 25.67 26.70 7 22.90 23.82 Portable radio ' 912-0 28 33.47 34.81 4 33.59 34.94 Radio phonograph 914-0 13 177.81 184.92 3 186.62 194.08 Phonograph record 918-0 27 4.49 4.67 35 4.63 4.81 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 8 2.22 4/ 5 1.60 4/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 5 .67 4/ g/ - - Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 24 .19 .19 47 .15 .16 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 29 .10 .10 29 .10 .10 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 22 1.38 1.44 34 1.43 1.48 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 1/ - - 2/ - - Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 g/ - - g/ - - Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 7 1.10 1.14 7 1.05 1.09 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 6 1.00 1.04 3 1 11 1.15 / Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page 1) / Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. / Sales tax is included in the reported price. / Sales tax does not apply. -33- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Item Hartford Average Price 1] Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) Reshingling house roof Repainting living room and dining room Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin Polyester/cotton percale, white Polyester/cotton percale, solid color Bed pillow Blanket: Polyester/rayon Acrylic Wool Bedspread Bath towel: Approx. 4 toh4 1/2 pounds per dozen Approx. 10 pounds per dozen Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen Curtains (pair) Draperies (pair): Unlined Lined Furniture: Sofa and chair Cocktail table Convertible sofa Bedding set Bedroom dresser Bedroom chest Dining room chair Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer Gas range Electric range Vacuum cleaner: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Washing machine: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Clothes dryer Room heater Toaster: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Iron: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting Carpet sweeper Light bulb Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) Liquid detergent (15 ounces) Solid detergent (20 ounces) Spray starch (14 ounces) Laundry soap (13 ounces) Air deodorizer (8 ounces) Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) Scouring pads (10 pads) Paper napkins (80 napkins) Scouring powder (14 ounces) Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring Approx. number 4 grade tailoring Approx. number 6 grade tailoring Slacks: Fair workmanship Clean workmanship Good workmanship -39- Green Bay Expanded Pricing Number Specification of Excluding Number Prices Sales Tax 221-2 11 $ 8.82 229-0 7 3/ 230-0 3 3/ 261-1 5 2.47 261-2 5 4.59 261-3 4 5.59 252-0 3 7.99 263-1 5 3/ ---- 263-2 3 12.99 263-3 gl ---- 267-0 5 10.35 268-1 9 1.58 268-2 8 2.95 268-3 3/ --—- 275-0 5 5.90 276-2 4 11.23 276-3 3 14.98 283-0 8 464.72 289-0 16 54.82 292-0 10 285335 295-0 12 171.57 298-0 8 235.48 299-0 8 136.85 303-0 8 35.15 326-0 7 307.98 330-1 3 243.28 330*2 4 218.98 331-1 3 36.59 331-2 4 57.32 333-1 6 224.82 333-2 7 261.97 333-3 7 319.12 334-0 3 182.30 337-0 7 19.50 339-1 15 12.57 339-2 6 16.78 340-1 gl --—- 340-2 9 18.94 340.3 15 21.44 346-0 11 8.86 358-0 9 10.84 387-0 8 .28 375-0 9 .41 376-0 3/ --—- 377-0 14 .40 378-0 ;/ --—- 379-0 6 .38 380-0 13 .56 381-0 18 .92 382-0 9 .34 383-0 5 .20 384-0 17 .19 385-0 10 .11 389-0 7 2.46 427.1 11 80.94 427-2 9 134.99 427-3 3/ --—- 433-1 19 10.81 433—2 8 21.98 433-3 gl ---- Including Sales Tax $ 9.17 359.88 262.17 483.30 57.02 296.76 178.43 244.89 142.32 36.56 320.30 253.01 227.73 38.06 59.61 233.82 272.45 331.88 189.59 20.28 13.07 17.45 19.69 22.29 9.21 11.27 I30 84.17 140.39 11.24 22.86 Number of Prices 9-‘ QQN 17 10 28 16 25 32 Average Price 1] Excluding Sales Tax $ 8.76 3/ 2.66 4.68 5.65 7.74 5 048 9.24 23.31 7.82 1.07 2.16 3.84 4.34 13.05 19.04 459.64 52.97 273.12 159.60 224.32 138.96 37.76 319.26 222.70 231.06 33.10 58.73 236.26 260.66 308.44 173.52 18.55 12.05 15.91 10.84 16.46 21.57 9.54 10.38 .30 65.96 112.65 192.00 9.11 18.41 34.95 Including Sales Tax $ 9.33 389.12 421.62 2.83 4.98 6.02 8.25 5.84 9.84 24.83 8.33 1.14 2.30 4.09 4.62 13.90 20.28 489.52 56.42 290.87 169.98 238.90 147.99 40.22 340.01 237.18 246.08 35.25 62.54 251.61 277.61 328.49 184.79 19.75 12.84 16.94 11.54 17.53 22.97 10.16 11.06 .32 70.24 119.97 204.48 9.70 19.60 37.22 Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Green Bay Hartford Expanded nveidge Price 1] Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number ' Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 8 $ 5.64 $ 5.87 17 $ 5.29 $ 5.63 Work shirt 438-0 7 4.64 4.82 15 4.75 5.06 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 5 4.46 4.64 5 25 3.48 3.70 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 14 7,50 7.79 16 8.16 8.69 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 2/ ---- ---- 12 13.33 14.20 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 10 1.03 1.08 32 1.02 1.09 Combed cotton 441-2 8 1.67 1.73 16 1.66 1.76 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 6 .99 1.03 31 1.03 1.10 Batiste. polyester/combed cotton 443-2 7 1.45 1.51 22 1.68 1.78 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 5 4.49 4.67 27 4.02 4.28 Polyester/cotton 444-2 10 6.40 6.65 31 6.65 7.08 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 5 .71 .74 27 .90 .95 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 8 1.50 1.56 20 1.48 1.58 Fur felt hat 448-0 6 13.12 13.64 6 14.99 15.96 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported . 457-1 3 22.61 23.52 23 24.07 25.63 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 5 44.97 46.77 22 46.59 49.62 Sweater 460-0 12 16.33 16.98 18 11.10 11.82 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 8 5.74 5.97 21 3.50 3.73 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 8 8.00 8.32 20 8.02 8.54 Boys‘ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 12 5.02 5.23 25 5.11 5.44 Clean workmanship 482-2 17 9.70 10.08 30 7.71 . 8.22 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 7 .66 .68 16 .74 .78 Combed cotton 483-2 4 .96 .99 11 .98 1.05 Sweater 484-0 11 7.68 7.99 19 6.42 6.84 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 2/ ---- ---- 9 3-40 3v52 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 2/ ---- ---' 11 5-95 5~34 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 10 3-50 3-74 22 3-58 3-92 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 15 4-56 4-75 18 4-99 5°32 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 ,2/ ---- --" 13 16-97 13-07 Clean workmanship 487-2 4 21.80 22.67 20 29.09 30.98 Socks 488-0 10 .73 .76 11 .99 1.05 Sport coat: 7 Fair workmanship 491-1 3 20.64 21.47 3 22.16 23.60 Clean workmanship 491-2 4 24.24 25.20 17 29.23 31.13 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 8 4.32 4.50 22 4.03 4.29 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 9 7.11 7.40 27 5.14 5.48 Polyester woven 511-3 11 12.54 13.05 27 11.92 12.70 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 2/ ---- ---- 28 3.02 3.22 Non-cling 524-2 9 5.56 5.78 18 7.44 7.93 Panties: Acetate 525-1 10 66 .68 23 .61 .65 Nylon 525-2 11 1.27 1.32 13 1.74 1.85 Nightgown 526-0 9 4.54 4.72 18 4.80 5.11 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 2/ ---- "" 13 3-31 3-53 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 3 5.67 5.89 9 6.28 6.68 Nylon 527-3 3 8.67 9.01 11 9.00 9.58 Girdle 529-0 16 9.93 10.33 22 7.82 8.32 Brassiere 533-0 14 4.63 4.81 19 4.20 4.47 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 6 1.74 1.81 23 1.45 1.54 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 8 2.52 2.62 9 v 2.43 2.58 Cloves 541-0 7 2.93 3.04 15 2.55 2.71 Hat 543-0 14 3.01 3.13 21 3.07 3.26 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 20 47.00 48.88 30 40.13 - 42.74 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 10 92.40 96.09 35 76.24 81.20 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 8 156.25 162.50 18 164.44 175.12 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 19 27,20 28,29 15 26.26 27.96 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 7 45,43 48,28 17 38.00 40.47 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 5 4.54 4.72 20 4.52 4.81 Acrylic, fu1l—fashioned 557-2 7 7.86 8.17 22 6.31 6.72 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 3 15.33 15.95 17 10.28 10.95 Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 15 10.27 10.68 27 8.37 8.91 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 19 17.58 18.28 g 32 15.50 16.50 -40- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Green Ba Hartford Expanded ~ Average Price 3/ Average Price 3/4 Item Pricing Number Number . Specification 3 of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 11 $ 5,90 $ 6,14 24 $ 5,76 $ 6,14 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 2/ ---- ---- 26 8.42 8.97 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 13 7.33 7.62 24 10,06 10,72 Blouse 582-0 5 3.69 3.84 26 3.84 4.08 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 6 1.28 1.33 12 1 20 1.28 Clean workmanship 583-2 7 2 13 2.22 14 2 53 2 69 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 8 .53 .55 21 .47 .50 Nylon 584-2 6 .88 .92 19 .88 .94 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 3/ ---- ---- 6 16.15 17.20 Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 12 19.74 20.53 10 20.90 22.25 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 3/ ---- ---- 16 34.66 36.91 Knee socks 586-0 14 .99 1.03 18 1.11 1.18 Sweater 588-0 17 4.63 4.82 14 4.69 5.00 Skirt 593-0 14 5.91 6.14 26 6.69 7.13 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 3 5,14 5.34 29 5.02 5.34 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 8 7,50 7,80 18 11,19 11,92 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 3 4.31 4.48 16 4.25 4.53 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 8 9.32 9.69 28 7.95 8.46 Side upper 610-2 16 18.23 18.96 12 19.64 20.92 Calf upper 610-3 10 28.17 29.30 10 30.69 32.68 Men's work shoes 614-0 9 16.87 17.54 11 15.77 16.79 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 9 8.26 8.59 14 9.17 9.77 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 15 13.19 13.72 13 14.22 15.14 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 10 21.60 22.46 16 23.12 24.63 Women's play shoes 622-0 12 13.32 13.85 17 13.70 14.59 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 9 2.95 3.07 19 3.04 3.24 Capeskin 626-2 4 7.37 7.67 16 7.47 7.95 Children's shoes 627-0 4 10.48 10.90 15 13.10 13.95 Boys’ street shoes 628-0 7 12.98 13.50 13 14.23 15.15 Boys' sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 3 4.65 4.84 12 4.47 4.76 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised _ 629-2 7 5.34 5.55 30 5.05 5.38 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 5 7.50 7.80 13 7.88 8.39 Girls‘ boots 630-0 3/ ---- ---- 18 4.95 5.27 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 4 11.48 11.94 17 13.24 14.10 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 9 1.16 1.20 17 1.13 1.20 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 9 3.54 3.69 17 2.91 3.10 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 8 3/ 1.54 10 3/ 1.45 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 3/ 5.79 10 3/ 6.16 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 8 1.96 2.03 8 1.91 / Women's dress 688-0 8 1.96 2.03 8 1.92 4/ Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 8 28 4 8 25 4/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 5 34.18 35.55 10 32.41 34.52 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 9 48.04 49.96 9 41.33 44.02 Storage battery 750-0 9 25.62 26.64 23 31.14 33.16 Chassis lubrication 757-0 12 2.17 2.26 10 2.19 3/ Motor tune-up 760-0 18 3/ 24.23 16 3/ 29.50 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 13 3/ 33.15 16 3/ 50.40 Front end suspension 3 765-0 16 14.20 14.77 18 3/ 15.88 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 7 2.61 2.71 24 2.73 2.90 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 10 5.50 3/ 13 9.23 3/ House visit 831-0 10 10.30 4/ 13 12.31 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 10 5.80 3/ 12 9.75 3/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 3 8.00 3/ 6 6.33 3/ Extraction 841-0 3 11.33 4/ 3 11.00 4/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 3 8.67 4/ 5 9.80 4/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 3/ ---- ---- 4 35.50 4/ Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 3/ ---- ---- 4 35.50 4/ Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 3/ ---- ---- 3/ ---- ---- Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 3 45.50 4/ 3 54.50 4/ -41.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Green Bay Hartford Expanded 7K§erage Price 1] Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number . Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 13 $ 0o11 $ 0-11 22 $ 0-12 $ 0-12 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 20 -31 -34 39 -81 ~85 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 9 2/ .49 .51 19 .77 .82 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 12 .89 .92 29 .88 .94 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 10 .49 .51 22 .48 .51 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 16 .30 .31 25 .23 .24 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 4 2.62 4/ 4 2.75 4/ Women's haircut 892-0 8 2.12 4/ 9 3.08 4/ Boys‘ haircut 893-0 8 2.03 4/ 8 2.62 4/ Permanent wave 894-0 8 10.14 4/ 8 15.72 4/ Shampoo and set 895-0 4 2.56 5/ 4 4.38 5/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable, 19 inch 897-0 15 134.24 139.61 16 143.89 153.24 Table model radio 911-0 12 25.94 26.98 21 22.87 24.36 Portable radio 912-0 18 30.78 32.01 26 31.75 33.81 Radio phonograph ‘ 914-0 7 226.94 236.02 19 208.32 221.86 Phonograph record 918-0 18 4.24 4.40 30 4.26 4.53 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 4 3/ 1.44 4 2.69 4/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 4 3/ .50 4 .99 4/ Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 22 -14 -14 25 -20 -21 cigar (regular size) 983-0 14 .09 .10 24 .10 .11 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 16 1.20 1.25 37 1.56 1.66 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 4 3.91 4.07 4 4.85 5.17 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 4 4o53 4«37 4 5'13 5-52 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 3 .98 1.02 3 1-17 1-25 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 3 -93 -97 3 L30 1-39 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page 1) 2/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 4/ Sales tax does not apply. El Price of a 10 to 11 ounce container, converted to 6 1/4 ounces. -42- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Honolulu Expanded Average Price 2/ Item Pricing Number Specification of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Home maintenance and repgip: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 4 $ 9.14 $ 9.50 Reshingling house roof 229-0 6 2/ 408.86 Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 6 2/ 349.17 Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 7 2.98 3.09 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 7 4.76 4.95 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 4 6.44 6.70 Bed pillow 262-0 2/ -- -- Blanket: Polyester/rayon 263-1 8 5.75 5.98 Acrylic 263-2 2/ -- -- Wool 263-3 2/ -- -- Bedspread 267-0 9 11.75 12.22 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 8 1.17 1.22 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 5 3.05 3.17 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 2/ -- -- Curtains (pair) 275-0 6 5.77 6.00 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 6 11.27 11.72 Lined 276-3 2/ -- -- Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 2/ -- -- Cocktail table 289-0 2/ -- -- Convertible sofa 292-0 11 373.32 388.25 Bedding set 295-0 20 168.17 174.90 Bedroom dresser 298-0 10 252.37 262.46 Bedroom chest 299-0 11 164.71 171.30 Dining room chair 303-0 7 49.56 51.54 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 E 20 388.11 403.63 Gas range 330-1 § 2/ -- -- Electric range 330-2 Q 16 310.27 322.68 Vacuum cleaner: 1 Standard model 331-1 i 15 39.43 41.01 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 : 9 84.95 88.34 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 12 288.70 300.25 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 19 305.19 317.40 Deluxe model 333-3 15 377.99 393.10 Clothes dryer 334-0 _ 13 224.44 233.41 Room heater 337-0 7 15.59 16.22 Toaster: Standard model ' 339-1 24 14.44 V 15.02 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 , 20 19.29 20.06 Iron: ' Standard model 340-1 ’ 15 12.70 é 13.21 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 5 27 19.66 ’ 20.45 Deluxe model 340-3 1 25 22.76 23.67 Miscellaneous ‘- n--2 Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 - 6 10.28 10.69 Carpet sweeper 358-0 ‘ 7 11.11 11.55 Light bulb 387-0 E 6 .30 .31 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach (1/2 gallon) 375-0 E 8 .55 .57 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 ’ 2/ -- -- Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 1 9 .50 .52 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 E 7 .54 .57 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 3 6 .50 .52 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 3 14 .64 .66 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 15 1.16 1.20 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 12 .42 .44 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 6 .30 .31 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 17 .23 .24 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 12 .13 .14 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 389-0 5 3.33 3.47 Men's clothing: Suit, tropical weight 430-0 16 132.31 137.60 Slacks: Fair workmanship 433-1 19 10.74 11.16 Clean workmanship 433-2 4 25.94 26.98 Good workmanship 433-3 7 43.50 45.24 -43- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales fixes by City, Fall 1971 Honolulu Expanded Average Price 1/ Item Pricing Number Specification .of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 12 $ 6.52 $ 6.78 Work shirt 438-0 3 5.24 5.45 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 5 4.69 4.88 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 15 8.33 8.67 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 2/ —- -- Undershirt: — Usually carded cotton 441-1 18 1,01 1.05 Combed cotton 441-2 12 1.58 1.65 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 19 1.11 1.15 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 10 1.66 1.73 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 16 4.19 4.36 Polyester/cotton 444-2 15 7.19 7.48 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 21 .90 .94 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 20 1.30 1.35 Fur felt hat 448-0 2/ -- -- Sweater 460-0 19 13.32 13.85 Sport shirt 475-0 15 7.70 8.01 Boys‘ clothing: Sport coat 480-0 5 25.80 26.83 Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 22 6.09 6.33 Clean workmanship 482-2 12 8.17 8.49 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 11 .72 .75 Combed cotton 483-2 5 .92 .96 Sweater 484-0 2/ -- -- Dungarees: — Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 2/ -- -- Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 2/ -— -- Sport shirt: — Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 4 4.36 4.54 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 11 5.64 5.86 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 2/ -- -- Clean workmanship 487-2 2/ -- -- Socks 488-0 -6 1 . 03 1 . 07 Women's clothing: Jacket 510-0 15 25.93 26.96 Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 4 5.29 5.50 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 2/ -- -- Polyester woven 1 511-3 16 14.93 15.53 Slip: 1 Not anti-static 524-1 12 3.51 3.65 Non-cling 524-2 12 7.16 7.45 Panties: Acetate 525-1 19 .70 .72 Nylon , 525-2 12 1.41 1.47 Nightgown 526-0 7 5.11 5.32 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 2/ -- -- Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 2/ -- -- Nylon 527-3 "4 10.25 10.66 Girdle 529-0 8 7.74 8.04 Brassiere 533-0 14 4.49 4.67 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 17 1.57 1.63 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 5 3.05 3.17 Gloves 541-0 9 2.72 2.83 Hat 543-0 6 4.16 4.33 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 9 3 4.31 4.48 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 2/ 5 . -- -- Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 2/ § -- -- Slacks: — Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 20 ' 9.41 9.78 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 19 1 18.58 19.32 Sport coat 567-0 4 _ 38.75 40.30 Girls‘ clothing: Skirt 580-0 6 3,74 3.89 Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 11 5.04 5.24 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship - 581-2 17 1 7.89 8.21 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 19 E 10.60 11.03 Blouse 582-0 16 1 4.56 4.74 Slip: i Fair workmanship 583-1 5 1.31 1.36 Clean workmanship 583-2 2/ -- -- Panties: — Combed cotton 584-1 11 .51 .53 Nylon 584-2 8 .74 .77 Knee socks 586-0 6 1.16 1.21 Sweater — 588-0 6 ’ 5.36 5.58 Coat 592-0 6 15.77 16.40 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 12 4.66 4.85 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 14 10.71 . 11.14 -44- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Honolulu Expanded, Average Price 3/ Item Pricing Number Specification of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 3/ $ -- $ -- Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 3/ -- -- Side upper 610-2 18 22.00 22.88 Calf upper 610-3 12 31.48 32.74 Men's work shoes 614-0 10 14.46 15.03 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 13 9.75 10.14 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 19 14.96 15.56 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 11 21.70 22.56 Women's play shoes 622-0 17 15.38 15.99 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 10 2.97 3.08 Capeskin 626-2 5 5.79 6.02 Children's shoes 627-0 3/ -- -- Boys‘ street shoes 628-0 8 14.34 14.91 Boys‘ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 4 3.99 4.15 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 18 4.97 5.17 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 6 8.10 8.43 Girls‘ boots 630-0 3/ -- -- Gir1s' dress shoes 631-0 4 12.21 12.70 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 12 1.14 1.18 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 12 3.65 3.80 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 6 3/ 1.58 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 6 3/ 7.74 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 6 1.80 1.87 Women's dress 688-0 6 1.72 1.79 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 6 .24 .25 Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 7 35.64 37.07 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 5 52.82 54.93 Storage battery 750-0 20 27.88 28.99 Chassis lubrication 757-0 7 2.93 3.04 Motor tune-up 760-0 12 3/ 33.09 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 10 3/ 58.10 Front end suspension 765-0 10 19.08 19.84 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 13 2.44 2.54 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 16 7.88 8.19 House visit 831-0 15 18.33 19.07 Hospital visit 838-0 6 9.67 10.05 Dental care: Filling 840-0 12 7.65 7.95 Extraction 841-0 6 11.83 12.31 Cleaning teeth 843-0 6 9.00 9.36 Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 6 35.34 36.75 Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 6 29.39 30.57 Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 3/ -- -- Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 6 47.50 49.40 Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 370-0 13 .15 _16 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 21 .88 .91 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 20 .78 .82 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 18 1.06 1.10 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 12 .58 .60 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 16 .41 .42 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 6 2.38 2.47 Women's haircut 892-0 6 3.00 3.12 Boys’ haircut 893-0 6 2.08 2.17 Permanent wave 894-0 6 15.17 15.77 Shampoo and set 895-0 6 4.00 4.16 -45- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 1 Honolulu Expanded Average Price 1/ Item Pricing Number Specification of Excluding, Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Recreation: Black and white television, portable, 19 inch 897-0 16 $144.91 $150.71 Table model radio 911-0 12 28.17 29.29 Portable radio 912-0 24 35.51 36.93 Radio phonograph 914-0 17 189.82 197.42 Phonograph record 1 918-0 27 4.46 4.64 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 6 3/ 2.12 Motion picture admission, child 944-0 6 3/ .54 Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) A 980-0 28 .25 .26 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 ‘ 36 .15 .16 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) . 986-0 20 1.51 1.57 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 6 5.64 5.86 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 6 5.58 5.80 Dessert wine (1/S gallon) 991-0 6 1.24 1.29 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 6 1.28 1.33 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page 1 ) 2/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. -46.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Item Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) Reshingling house roof Repainting living room and dining room Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin Polyester/cotton percale, white Polyester/cotton percale, solid color Bed pillow Blanket: Polyester/rayon Acrylic Wool Bedspread Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen Approx. 10 pounds per dozen Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen Curtains (pair) Draperies (pair): Unlined Lined Furniture: Sofa and chair Cocktail table Convertible sofa Bedding set Bedroom dresser Bedroom chest Dining room chair Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer Gas range Electric range Vacuum cleaner: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Washing machine: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Clothes dryer Room heater Toaster: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Iron: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, S—piece place setting Carpet sweeper Light bulb Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( l/2 gallon) Liquid detergent (15 ounces) Solid detergent (20 ounces) Spray starch (14 ounces) Laundry soap (13 ounces) Air deodorizer (8 ounces) Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) Scouring pads (10 pads) Paper napkins (80 napkins) Scouring powder (14 ounces) Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring Approx. number 4 grade tailoring Approx. number 6 grade tailoring Slacks: Fair workmanship Clean workmanship Good workmanship -47- H°“5t°U Indianapolis Expanded Average Price ljl verage Price l] Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax 221-2 10 $ 8.71 s 9.14 41 $ 8.08 $ 8.24 229‘° 8 .3 263.75 7 1/ 304.85 23°"° 8 3/ 234.72 8 3/ 331.52 261-1 10 2.55 2.68 11 2.64 2.69 261-2 19 4 .60 4 .82 11 4,53 4_77 261-3 17 5.45 5.72 g/ - - 262-0 5 7.79 8.18 6 7.50 7.64 263-1 7 5.20 5.46 3 4.47 4.56 263-2 4 13.50 14.18 7 6.91 7.05 263-3 .2/ - - 3 25.33 25.84 267-0 15 9.10 9.56 12 9.89 10.09 268-1 16 1.34 1.40 14 .93 .94 268-2 18 2.39 2.51 18 2.48 2.52 268-3 11 3.70 3.88 4 3.69 3.76 275-0 11 4.81 5.05 10 4.59 4.68 276-2 7 5.96 6.25 12 8.98 9.16 276-3 3 15.66 16.44 10 14.84 15.14 283-0 16 424.77 446.01 15 426.29 434.82 289-0 13 66.88 70.23 12 51.88 52.91 292-0 20 306.16 321.46 16 284.66 290.35 295-0 29 143.12 150.28 18 137.76 140.52 298-0 13 205.93 216.22 11 202.95 207.01 299-0 17 135.62 142.40 14 120.46 122.87 303-0 11 38.74 40.68 10 33.36 34.02 333-0 18 321.29 337.35 14 295.47 301.38 7 13 232.16 243.77 10 218.47 222.84 330'? 5 251.38 263.95 13 225.10 229.60 331-1 19 36.36 38.18 17 37.41 38.16 331-2 17 62.43 65.55 14 54.09 55.17 333-1 15 217.83 228.72 13 221.80 226.24 333-2 17 247.84 260.23 16 257.38 262.53 333-3 17 300.72 315.75 12 315.84 322.16 334-0 15 173.36 182.03 13 186.63 190.36 337-0 12 17.97 18.87 15 14.13 14.41 339-1 25 15.03 15.78 27 12.48 12.73 339-2 16 17.25 18.11 18 16.66 16.99 340-1 15 10.11 10.62 16 11.17 11.39 340-2 14 16.64 17.47 15 18.26 18.63 340-3 24 21.32 22.39 27 21.96 22.40 345-0 7 10.56 11.08 9 10.39 10.60 353-0 4 9.86 10.35 5 11.77 12.00 337-0 11 .29 .31 8 .31 32 §;2'g 13 .38 .40 19 .36 .37 ‘ 20 .39 . 1 . . 2. .. :2 :2 :3 378-0 20 :52 :54 23 '46 '47 379'° 13 .40 .42 7 .38 '39 333:3 30 .59 .62 25 .59 .60 8 0 27 1.01 1:06 25 .95 .97 3 2' 16 .34 .35 15 .32 .32 °33"° 15 .19 .20 12 .19 .20 384-0 24 .19 .20 21 .17 .18 385-0 18 .11 .12 26 .11 .11 389-0 8 2.76 4/ 3 3.49 4/ 427-1 18 75.02 78.77 22 69.89 71.29 427-2 17 122.03 128.13 18 118.17 120.53 427-3 16 226.56 237.89 11 200.00 204.00 433-1 18 8.67 9.11 24 9.26 9.44 433-2 15 22.13 23.24 21 22:90 23:35 433-3 13 54.50 57.22 3 49.17 50.15 Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Houston Indianapolis Expanded Aveidgc Price 1j” Average1Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax work trousers 436-0 11 $ 5.35 $ 5.62 12 $ 5.05 $ 5.15 work shirt 438-0 11 4.27 4.48 13 4.06 4.14 Dress shirt: ImP0rted 439-1 19 3.41 3.58 20 4.09 4.17 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 9 7,77 8,15 13 8,04 8,20 Nationally advertised, single—needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 7 12.34 12.96 12 13.21 13.47 Undershirt: U5Ua11Y carded cotton 441-1 14 1.01 1.06 19 .95 .96 Combed cotton 441-2 17 1.71 1.79 13 1.65 1.69 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 15 ,9(, 1,01 17 ,9s 1,oo Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 15 1,54 1,52 13 1,53 1,56 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 13 4.20 4.41 16 3.61 3.68 Polyester/cotton 444-2 22 6.90 7.24 16 7 21 7.36 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 15 .99 1,04 18 .82 .84 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 15 1,38 1,44 14 1.46 1.49 Fur felt hat 448-0 10 17.15 18.01 4 13.71 13.99 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 7 26,30 27,62 11 19,56 19,95 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 10 47,90 50,30 8 58.12 59.29 Sweater 460-0 17 12.16 12.76 15 13.11 13.38 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 18 3,67 3,86 18 4,11 4,19 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 12 7,01 7,36 8 8,19 8,35 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 20 5.07 5.32 22 4.61 4.70 Clean workmanship 482-2 20 7.97 8.37 16 10.81 - 11.03 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 15 ,74 ,77 15 .66 .67 Combed cotton 483-2 9 1,01 1.06 5 .84 .85 Sweater 484-0 15 7.43 7.80 10 5.42 5.53 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 5 3,95 4,15 6 2 82 2 87 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 8 4,93 5,18 2/ - - Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 23 3.08 3.23 13 3.54 3.61 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 21 4,80 5,04 11 6,26 6.39 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 2/ - - 2/ - - Clean workmanship 487-2 2/ - - 8 30.98 31.59 Socks 438-0 12 .72 .75 13 .77 .79 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 3 18,83 19,77 2/ - - Clean workmanship 491-2 16 32.06 33.66 7 28.71 29.28 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 17 4.40 4.62 13 4.46 4.55 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 27 6,23 6,54 25 5,80 5,91 Polyester woven 511-3 18 12.39 13.00 19 13.42 13.69 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 18 3.55 3.73 15 2.37 2.42 Non-cling 524-2 17 6.88 7.23 12 6.62 6.76 Panties: Acetate 525-1 18 .61 .64 21 .57 .58 Nylon 525-2 13 1.70 1.79 12 1.51 1.54 Nightgown 525-0 16 3.93 4.13 15 4.04 4.12 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 5 2.77 2.90 9 3.64 3.71 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 7 8.57 9.00 3 6.67 6.80 Nylon 527-3 9 10.00 10.50 11 9.36 9.55 Girdle 529-0 16 11.59 12.17 19 9.10 9.28 Brassiere 533-0 18 4.85 5.09 19 4.92 5.02 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 17 1.54 1.61 15 1.43 1.46 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 8 2.57 2.70 8 2.87 2.93 Gloves 541-0 16 2.28 2.39 19 2.46 2.51 Hat 543-0 13 3.04 3.19 14 3.41 3.48 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 16 37,38 39,25 16 40.04 40 84 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 17 71,53 75,10 8 68.86 70.24 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 13 121,23 127,29 9 168.89 '172.26 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 13 24,54 25,76 14 18,71 19,08 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 13 43,62 45,80 12 37,58 38,33 Sweater: Acrylic. cut-and-sewn 557-1 14 6.32 6.64 11 4.11 4.19 Acrylic. full-fashioned 557-2 11 10.04 10.54 12 8.25 8.42 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 15 15_o5 15,31 6 11,17 11,39 Slacks: ' Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 13 5.99 7_34 22 6,69 6,82 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 22 15_32 16,08 20 15,90 16,22 -4 8- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes: by City, Fall 1971 Houston Indianapolis Expanded Average Price 1/ Average Price 2] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 24 $ 5.94 $ 6.24 12 $ 4.95 $ 5.04 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 17 8.67 9.10 11 7.85 8.00 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 20 11.15 11.70 20 11.25 11.47 Blouse 582-0 20 4.70 4.93 13 4.77 4.87 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 8 1.48 1.55 9 1.02 1.04 Clean workmanship 583-2 10 2.55 2.68 14 2.43 2.48 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 18 .48 .51 15 .47 .48 Nylon 584-2 13 .94 .99 12 .85 .87 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ - - 2/ - ' Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 11 20.53 21.55 15 19.75 20.15 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 2/ - - 8 38.38 39.14 Knee socks 586-0 19 .92 .97 15 1.05 1.07 Sweater 588-0 18 5.27 5.54 16 6.39 6.52 Skirt 593-0 17 5.56 5.84 13 6.38 6.51 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 4 4,73 4,96 17 4,92 5,01 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 15 9,75 10,24 7 10,36 10,56 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 4 4,25 4,46 12 4,28 4,37 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 17 9,25 9,71 16 7,49 7,64 Side upper 610-2 9 21:65 22.74 8 21.33 21.76 Calf UPPET 510-3 12 30.14 31.65 10 29.08 29.66 Men's work shoes 614-0 13 15.81 16.60 12 14.43 14.72 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 8 8,36 8,77 11 7,68 7,84 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 13 10,95 11,50 15 13.66 13.93 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 11 22.89 24.04 15 23.00 23.46 Women's play shoes 622-0 11 13.09 13.74 8 15.62 15.94 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 15 3.08 3.23 20 2.85 2.90 Capeskin 626-2 10 6.85 7.19 11 6.59 6.72 Children's shoes 627-0 6 11.40 11.97 10 11.60 11.83 Boys' street; shoes 628-0 7 15.48 16.26 8 15.37 15.67 Boys' sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 13 4.80 5.04 3 3.48 3.55 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 2/ - ' 15 4.72 4.82 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 9 7.72 8.11 10 7.58 7.74 Girls’ boots 630-0 9 3.30 3.46 12 3.59 3.66 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 11 12.63 13.26 10 12.95 13.20 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 9 1.03 1.08 14 1.18 1.20 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 14 3.84 4.04 22 3.28 3.35 Clothing services: Shoe repair: - Women's heel lifts 685-0 8 2/ 1.25 8 2/ 1.12 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 2/ 6,25 8 2/ 5.84 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2—piece suit 686-0 8 1.39 ,4/ 8 1.96 3/ Women's dress 688-0 8 1.59 &/ 8 1.96 fl/ Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 8 21 5/ 8 .23 3/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 8 27.90 29.29 8 33.06 33.72 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 10 39.61 41 59 8 43 72 44.60 Storage battery 750-0 15 22.98 24.12 18 23.10 23.56 Chassis lubrication 757-0 9 1.94 3/ 9 2-17 3/ Motor tune—up 760-0 17 2/ 27.70 14 2/ 26.74 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 12 2/ 40.21 14 2/ 43-60 Front end suspension 765-O 20 2/ 12.38 13 2/ 17-12 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 8 2.75 2.88 15 2.30 2.35 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 16 8.25 4/ 15 7.07 4/ House visit 831-0 12 14.75 4/ 14 13.93 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 16 9.84 4_/ 15 6.93 4/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 12 10 . 83 3/ 6 6 . 67 _4_/ Extraction 841-0 12 13.50 3/ 6 10.33 2/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 12 12.08 4/ 6 10.00 4/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 2/ - - 2/ - ' Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 2/ - - 2/ - ' Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ - - 2/ - - Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 6 44.58 3/ 3 45.50 4/ -49- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Houston Indianapolis Expanded Average Price 1] Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 22 $ 0.12 $ 0.13 13 $ 0.14 $ 0.14 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 28 .79 .83 29 .83 .85 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 35 .73 .77 22 .80 .81 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 25 .93 .97 29 .92 .93 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 16 .52 .55 25 .50 .51 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 22 .33 .35 27 .29 .30 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 8 2.88 4/ 4 2.75 4/ Women's haircut 892-0 10 3.82 4/ 8 2 81 4/ Boys’ haircut 893-0 9 2.83 4/ 8 2.66 4/ Permanent wave 894-0 9 18.06 4/ 8 14.56 4/ Shampoo and set 895-0 8 3.69 4/ 4 4.12 4/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable , 19 inch 897-0 22 137.55 144.43 17 136.16 138.88 Table model radio 911-0 19 27.76 29.15 15 29.42 30.00 Portable radio 912-0 18 29.46 30.93 16 32.07 32.71 Radio phonograph . 914-0 18 174.16 182.86 12 233.25 237.92 Ph0n08r3Ph reC°rd 913*0 25 4.76 5.00 30 4.64 4.74 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 8 1,81 3/ 4 2.00 4/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 8 .68 4/ 2/ ' ' Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 28 .19 4/ 27 .15 .15 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 26 .12 4/ 23 .10 .10 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 33 1.34 1.41 17 1.40 1.43 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 8 4.64 4.87 4 4.99 5.09 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 8 4.78 5.02 3/ - - Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 7 1.00 1.05 3 1.29 1.32 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 5 1.01 1.06 2/ - - 1] Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page]-) 2/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 37 Sales tax is included in the reported price. &/ Sales tax does not apply. -55. by City, Fall 1971 Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, Kansas City Lancaster Expanded Average Price 1] verage Price 1/ Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 13 $ 8.50 $ 8.78 9 $ 8.02 $ 8.50 Reshingling house roof 229-0 7 3/ 335.77 7 3/ 467.09 Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 8 3/ 444.65 8 3/ 359.20 Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 7 2.33 2.41 9 2.46 2.61 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 13 3.95 4.08 9 4.39 4.65 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 6 4.99 5.15 8 5.90 6.26 Bed pillow 262-0 4 7.48 7.73 10 7.49 7.94 Blanket: Polyester/raY0n 253-1 9 5.10 5.27 4 7.20 7.64 Acrylic 263-2 8 7.28 7.52 3 11.31 11.99 Wool 263-3 2/ -— —- 4 17.20 18.24 Bedspread 267-0 9 8.69 8.97 9 11.39 12.07 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 6 1,31 1,35 10 1.10 1.17 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 8 2,29 2,37 9 2.11 2.23 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 2/ -- -- 7 3.78 4.00 Curtains (pair) 275-0 14 5.05 5.22 6 5.94 6.30 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 ’9 6.92 7.15 8 7.97 8.45 Lined 276-3 3 12.32 12.73 6 15.46 16.38 Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 13 390.47 403.36 4 446.71 473.51 Cocktail table 289-0 8 54.95 56.76 7 48.69 51.61 Convertible sofa 292-0 15 263.54 272.24 8 269.60 285.78 Bedding set 295-0 25 109.28 112.88 13 159.08 168.62 Bedroom dresser 298-0 13 204.43 211.18 7 208.41 220.92 Bedroom chest 299-0 13 137.21 141.74 8 124.93 132.43 Dining room chair 303-0 11 35.16 36.32 11 35.66 37.80 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 12 316.64 327.09 8 307.74 326.20 Gas range 330-1 13 229.35 236.92 2/ -- -- Electric range 330-2 12 234.27 242.00 7 230.83 244.68 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1 15 37.65 38.89 6 26.43 28.02 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 8 52.56 54.29 8 47.22 50.06 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 15 211.30 218.27 7 215.90 228.86 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 16 249.90 258.15 8 260.16 275.77 Deluxe model 333-3 8 294.47 304.18 7 305.26 323.57 Clothes dryer 334-0 12 177-93 183.80~ 4 179.22 189.98 Room heater 337-0 17 15.02 15.51 8 16.13 17.10 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 32 12.89 13.31 11 11.69 12.39 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 21 15.66 16.17 11 15.98 16.93 Iron: Standard model 340-1 20 11.53 11.91 8 9.78 10.36 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 26 15.80 16.32 8 18.44 19.55 Deluxe model 340-3 25 19.90 20.56 10 21.33 22.61 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 18 9.75 10.07 9 9.28 9.84 Carpet sweeper 358-0 8 10.88 11.24 6 10.54 11.181 Light bulb 387-0 7 .29 .30 9 .30 .32 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 12 ,39 _4o 3 .35 4/ Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 12 .40 _41 10 .40 4/ Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 12 _4o ,41 1o ,39 4/ Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 10 .47 ,43 14 _42 4/ Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 11 _4o ,41 8 ,42 4/ Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 15 _53 .50 12 ,56 _59 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 15 1_o5 1_o9 13 .98 4/ Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 13 _35 _35 3 _33 4/ Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 13 _22 _23 3 .20 4/ scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 16 .19 _2o 10 .18 4/ Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 15 .13 _14 3 _11 4/ Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 389‘0 8 3.16 3.18 4 3.18 4/ Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 18 83.47 86.22 10 79.39 4/ Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 18 127.78 131.99 11 119.09 4/ Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 10 203.00 209.70 4 178.75 4/ Slacks: Fair workmanship 43371 18 9.91 10.24 6 9.74 4/ Clean workmanship 433-2 20 22.09 22.82 8 21.62 4/ Good workmanship 433‘3 8 37,12 38,35 2/ -- -- -51.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 ‘ L t Expanded Ka%%%%§%%£¥TTEE']7'"‘""_—__—-—-—_fln%%%E%%E_Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 11 $ 5.01 $ 5.17 5 $ 5.41 $ 5.73 Work shirt 438-0 9 4.38 4.53 5 51 4.78 Dress shirt: Imported . 439-1 18 3.56 3.68 8 3.66 3/ Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 12 7.71 7.96 10 7.35 ‘4/ Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 3 12.50 12.91 3/ -- -- Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 18 .98 1.01 13 1.00 4/ Combed cotton 441-2 17 1.56 1.61 9 1.60 4/ Undershorts: ' Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 17 1.02 1.05 13 1.13 4/ Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 14 1.76 1.82 9 1.61 4/ Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 10 3.67 3.79 3 4.07 _/ Polyester/cotton 444-2 16 7.81 8.07 8 6.35 4/ Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 17 .86 .89 9 .73 / Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 14 1.48 1.53 8 1.53 4/ Fur felt hat 448-0 5 14.76 15.25 5 15.30 / All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 10 27.80 28.72 6 24.98 4/ Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 19 51.70 53.41 9 50.00 4/ Sweater ‘ 460-0 14 13.15 13.59 8 15.12 4/ Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 5 3.70 3.82 10 3.61 4/ Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 7 8.14 8.41 10 6.69 4/ Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship "482-1 21 5.30 5.47 10 5.06 4/ Clean workmanship _ 482-2 19 8,13 8,40 12 9.40 - 44/ Undershorts: « Usually carded cotton 483-1 17 .74 .76 5 .68 ‘4/ Combed cotton 483-2 7 .97 1.01 6 1.01 4/ Sweater 484-0 13 8.55 8.83 8 6.38 4/ Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 8 3.42 3.54 6 3.60 _/ Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 7 5.78 5.97 4 5.79 4/ Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 17 3.93 4.06 10 3.72 _/ Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 '18 5.15 5.32 11 5.00 4/ All-purpose coat: . Fair workmanship 487-1 2/ -- -- 6 20.45 4/ Clean workmanship 487-2 8 30.36 31.36 4 30.00 4/ Socks 488-0 13 .72 .75 10 .90 4/ Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 3 14.65 15.13 2/ -- -- Clean workmanship 491-2 13 30.69 31.70 6 32.32 4/ Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 10 5.39 5.56 10 4.91 4/ Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 17 7.04 7.27 9 6.77 4/ Polyester woven 511-3 21 11.86 12.25 11 12.91 _/ Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 14 3.32 3.43 3 2.19 4/ Non-cling . 524-2 15 7.20 7.44 11 6.73 4/ Panties: Acetate 525-1 19 .64 . .66 8 .68 4/ Nylon 525-2 11 1.54 1.60 7 1.61 4/ Nightgown 526-0 18 3.90 4.03 10 5.09 4/ Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 7 3.39 3.50 g/ -- -- Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 6 8.00 8.26 10 6.50 4/ Nylon 12 9.42 10 8.12 Girdle 529-0 17 7.87 8.13 9 8.47 4/ Brassiere 16 4.90 11 Pantyhose: » Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 17 1.43 1.48 8 1.70 4/ Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 12 2.17 2.24 4 3.00 4/ Cloves 541-0 16 2.19 2.26 9 2.57 2.73 “at 543-0 22 2.92 3.02 10 2.90 4/ Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 17 31.99 33.04 9 42.24 4/ Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 20 69.84 72.13 14 64.86 4/ Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553:3 18 134.55 138.96 7 129.14 4/ Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 20 22.92 23.67 8 25.37 4/ Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 12 41.66 43.02 5 44.00 4/ Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557‘l 5 3.95 4.08 7 5.71 4/ Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 6 7.66 7.91 7 9.28 4/ Premium quality acrylic, fu11—fashioned 557-3 7 10.71 11.06 7 15.00 4/ Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 21 ~8.25 8.52 10 9.57 4/ Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 27 17,07 17,63 10 5 14.29 4/ -52.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Kansas Cit Lancaster Expanded Average Price 2/ Average Price 2/ Item Pricing Number Number. Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls‘ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 9 $ 5.05 $ 5.21 9 $ 5.53 $ 4/ Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 9 10.89 11.24 9 6.40 4/ Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 24 9.28 9.59 8 8.06 4/ Blouse 582-0 14 3.77 3.90 9 4.78 4/ Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 3 1.20 1.23 6 1.30 4/ Clean workmanship 583-2 9 2.22 2.29 6 .58 4/ Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 10 .51 .52 10 .46 4/ Nylon 584-2 6 .-99 1.02 7 .70 4/ Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 5 23.08 23.83 2/ -- -- Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 15 18.86 19.48 9 22.15 4/ Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 5 35.66 36.83 5 36.00 4/ Knee socks 586-0 14 1.02 1.05 10 1.15 4/ Sweater 588-0 16 4.70 4.85 8 4.82 4/ Skirt 593-0 17 5.58 5.76 9 7.16 4/ Robe: _ Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 11 4,11 4,24 8 4,48 4/ Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 6 10.33 10.67 7 10.14 E/ Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 12 4.19 4.32 2/ -- -- Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 15 7.76 8.02 3 9.30 4/ Side upper 610-2 21 20.07 20.73 7 18.85 4/ Calf upper 610-3 11 29.88 30.86 6 28.83 2/ Men's work shoes 614-0 7 14.69 15.17 5 15.54 16747 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 5 9.19 9.49 6 8.51 4/ Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 11 14.27 14.74 7 13.40 4/ Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 12 22.58 23.32 10 21.89 4/ Women's play shoes 622-0 9 12.54 12.95 3 14.00 4/ Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 13 2.52 2.60 10 3.45 4/ Capeskin 626-2 10 5.84 6.03 6 7.33 4/ Children's shoes 627-O 3 11.25 11.62 7 11.85 4/ Boys‘ street shoes 628-0 10 13.23 13.67 6 17.62 4/ Boys’ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 13 3.93 4.06 8 4.50 4/ Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 25 5.10 5.26 5 5.05 4/ Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 4 8.36 8.63 8 7.43 4/ Girls’ boots 630-0 13 3.58 3.70 4 4.24 4/ Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 7 11.78 12.17 7 13.00 4/ Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 9 .19 1.22 5 1.23 _/ Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 13 10 3.20 9 3.75 4/ Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 3 2/ 1.25 8 2/ 1.38 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 2/ 6.78 8 2/ 5.72 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 11 1.72 1.73 9 1.92 4/ Women's dress 688-0 11 1.76 1.77 9 1.93 4/ Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 11 .25 4/ 8 .24 4/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 9 32.94 34.02 7 37.14 39.36 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 6 40.77 42.11 8 43.19 45.78 Storage battery 750-O 15 30.00 30.99 12 29.22 30.98 Chassis lubrication 757-0 7 1.98 1.99 8 2.09 2.22 Motor tune-up 760-O 15 2/ 30.85 12 2/ 28.70 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 14 3/ 48.42 10 §/ 39.01 Front end suspension 765-0 15 15.43 15.53 15 15.20 16.12 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 15 2.44 2.52 9 2.76 4/ General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 15 7.27 4/ 13 5.54 4/ House visit 831-0 11 13.18 4/ 13 8.85 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 15 8.20 4/ 6 5.33 _/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 12 8.75 4/ 3 6.33 4/ Extraction 841-0 9 10.83 4/ 3 8.00 4/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 8 10.50 4/ 3 8.33 _/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 7 31.13 32.15 2/ -— -- Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 8 30.30 31.29 2/ -- -- Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ -- -- 2/ -- -- Examination, prescription and dispensing of 345-0 9 46.16 4/ 3 41.33 4/ eyeglasses -5 3.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Kansas City Lancaster Expanded Kverage Price lfl Kverage Price 2] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 15 $ 0.12 $ 0.12 12 $ 0.13 $ 0.14 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 32 .93 .96 16 .82 3/ Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 24 .78 .81 15 .77 .82 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 26 .96 1.00 18 .93 .99 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 20 .49 .50 12 .50 3/ Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 17 .30 .32 13 .31 3/ Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 8 3.00 3/ 4 2.09 3/ Women's haircut 892-0 8 3.09 3/ 8 2.56 3/ Boys’ haircut 893-0 8 3.00 3/ 8 2.08 3/ Permanent wave 894-0 8 17.78 8 3/ 8 12.94 3/ Shampoo and set 895-0 8 4.19 3/ 4 3.50 3/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable, 19 inch 897-0 15 143.18 147.91 8 138.82 147.15 Table model radio 911-0 14 22.45 23.19 10 24.78 26.26 Portable radio 912-0 17 29.74 30.72 11 37.07 39.29 Radio phonograph 914-0 16 150.89 155.87 8 179.33 190.09 Phonograph record 918-0 26 4.06 4.19 12 4.00 4.23 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 8 3/ 1.81 4 2.19 3/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 8 3/ .72 3 .75 3/ Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 25 .15 .15 15 -17 -13 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 28 .10 .10 13 .11 F .11 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 24 1.34 1.38 7 1.71 3/ Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 6 4.82 4.98 2/ -- -- Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 7 3.74 4.90 2/ -- -- Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 6 1.01 1.04 2/ -- -- Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 5 1.19 1.23 2/ -— -- 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. / Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 3/ Sales tax does not apply. -54- (See text, page1 ) Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Los Angeles-Long Beach Milwaukee Expanded , Average Price 1] verage Price 17 Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 12 $ 7.51 $ 7.89 11 $ 8.49 $ 8.83 Reshingling house roof 229-0 11 3/ 346.47 8 3/ 360.96 Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 10 3/ 299.55 8 3/ 298.59 Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 12 2.77 2.90 12 2.69 2.79 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 24 4.89 5.13 15 4.55 4.74 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 21 6.35 6.67 8 5.66 5.88 Bed Pillow 262-0 15 6.99 7.34 6 7.80 8.12 Blanket: Polyester/r3Y°n 263-1 7 5.12 5.37 5 5.40 5.62 Acrylic 263-2 12 14.24 14.95 7 13.27 13.80 Wool 263-3 10 26.40 27.72 13 27.52 28.62 Bedspread 267-0 21 11.53 12.11 9 10.59 11.02 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 15 1,23 1,34 18 1.14 1.19 Approx- 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 24 3.09 3.25 13 2.72 2.83 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 20 4.52 4.75 5 4.59 4.77 Curtains (pair) 275-0 19 5.53 5.81 12 5.93 6.17 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 19 13.34 14.01 12 10.06 10.46 Lined 276-3 14 19.21 20.17 8 16.30 16.95 Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 15 460.20 483.21 13 435.31 452:72 Cocktail table 289-0 13 59.30 62.27 17 57.02 59.30 Convertible sofa 292-0 22 252.45 265.07 15 260.78 271.21 Bedding set 295-0 29 159.07 167.02 19 125.02 130.02 Bedroom dresser 298-0 16 227.96 239.36 14 194.16 201.93 Bedroom chest 299-0 16 131.29 137.85 9 134.44 139.82 Dining room chair 303-0 9 47.53 49.91 10 37.58 39.09 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 18 275.07 288.82 10 325.17 338.18 Gas range 330-1 18 196.35 206.17 10 227.66 236.77 Electric range 330-2 7 220.14 231.14 9 238.53 248.07 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1 17 37.18 39.04 15 33.14 34.46 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 17 58.15 61.05 12 62.42 9 64.92 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 19 225.47 236.74 8 214.60 223.18 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 24 241.43 253.50 11 252.06 262.14 Deluxe model 333-3 11 292.20 306.82 9 290.52 302.15 Clothes dryer 334'0 9 165.50 173.78 9 174.08 181.05 Room heater 337-0 18 17.42 18.29 13 15.00 15.60 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 28 12.10 12.71 24 12.47 12.97 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 16 17.02 17.87 12 14.60 15.18 Iron: Standard model 340-1 25 10.53 11.06 16 11.18 11.62 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 23 18.44 19.37 12 18.38 19.11 Deluxe model 340-3 25 22.09 23.20 21 22.00 22.87 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 38 9.98 10.48 31 9.95 10.35 Carpet sweeper 353-0 11 11.73 12.32 7 10.13 10.54 Light bulb 387-0 12 .29 .30 9 .30 .32 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 22 _35 _37 17 ,4o ,42 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 27 _33 .39 5 _39 .40 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 24 _37 _33 13 ,4o ,42 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 15 _45 .47 3 ,43 ,5o Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 11 2/ .35 .38 6 .40 .42 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 27 .56 .59 17 .58 .61 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 37 _95 -1_oo 13 .93 ,97 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 18 .34 .36 18 .33 .34 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 33 .15 .17 15 ,2o ,21 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 34 .18 _19 18 .20 .20 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 43 .10 _11 13 ,11 .11 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 389-0 10 3.14 4/ 8 3.81 3.96 Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 23 76.43 80.25 24 87.82 91.34 Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 39 122.43 128.55 27 132.41 137.70 Approx- number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 29 221.90 232.99 18 189.17 196.73 Slacks: Fair workmanship 433’1 28 10.32 10.83 26 8.88 9.24 Clean workmanship “33‘2 39 25.42 26.70 28 23.12 24.04 Good workmanship 433'3 15 47.83 50.22 7 44.28 46.06 -55.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Expanded - L” ‘ M’1 fi?f Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax _§§1es Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 16 $ 6.11 $ 6.42 13 $ 5.19 $ 5.39 Work shirt 438-0 15 4.75 4.99 12 4.32 4.49 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 30 4.46 4.68 16 4.12 4.28 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 16 7.97‘ 8.37 21 7.83 8.14 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 16 13.00 - 13.65 6 12.08 12.57 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 27 1.04 1.09 16 .99 1.03 Combed cotton 441-2 26 1.62 1.71 12 1.64 1.70 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton ’ 443-1 27 1.03 1.08 19 1.04 1.08 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 19 1.76 1.84 21 1.58 1.64 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 24 4.19 4.40 7 3.64 3.79 Polyester/cotton 444-2 31 7.61 7.99 21 7.18 7.46 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 22 -34 -33 15 -79 -32 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 23 1.46 1.54 16 1.42 1.48 Fur felt hat 448-0 8 14.75 15.49 12 15.53 16.15 A11—weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 12 27.75 29.14 12 20.45 21.27 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 21 51.55 54-52 16 53-75 55-90 Sweater 460-0 18 13.74 14.42 7 12.56 13.06 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 22 4.02 4.22 16 3.95 4.10 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 12 9.46 9.93 14 6.97 7.25 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 24 5.72 6.01 13 4.82 5.01 Clean workmanship 482-2 22 8.95 9.40 20 9.10 - 9.46 Undershorts: ' Usually carded cotton 483-1 18 .69 .73 16 .69 .71 Combed cotton 483-2 10 1.01 1.06 10 .97 1.01 Sweater 484-0 16 7.09 7.44 11 7.23 7.52 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 8 4.05 4.25 5 3.46 3.60 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 6 5.38 5.64 2/ -- -- Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 28 3.78 3.97 19 2.76 2.88 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 21 5-40 5.67 19 5.10 5.31 A11—purpose coat: Fair workmanship 6 21.14 5 Clean workmanship 487-2 3 31.67 33.25 7 30.50 31.72 Socks 488-0 18 .88 .92 12 .75 78 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 2/ -- -- 4 15-74 17-41 Clean workmanship 491-2 19 30.10 31.61 10 33.60 34.94 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 24 5.15 5.41 22 4.67 4.86 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 24 5.77 6.05 16 5.43 5.65 Polyester woven 511-3 28 14.00 14.70 16 12.56 13.06 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 20 4.06 4.27 12 3.65 3.79 Non-cling 524-2 18 6.67 7.00 14 7.93 8.24 Panties: Acetate 525-1 25 .62 .65 22 .59 .61 Nylon 525-2 15 1.60 1.68 14 1.52 1.58 Nightgown 526-0 21 4.59 4.82 10 3.78 3.93 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 8 3.62 3.81 17 3.40 3.54 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 11 6.63 6.96 4 6.25 6.50 Nylon 527-3 25 9.60 10.08 9 10.00 10.40 Girdle 529-0 21 8.42 8.85 24 _8.05 8.37 Brassiere 533-0 31 4.72 4.95 22 4.58 4.77 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 27 1.34 1.40 19 1.02 1.06 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 17 2.59 2.72 12 2.71 2.82 Gloves 541-0 19 2.09 2.19 I 10 2.08 2.16 Hat 543-0 18 3.20 3.36 1 21 2.78 2.89 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 39 41.93 44.02 33 46.16 48.01 Sport or casual, c1ean'workmanship 553-2 15 - 86.32 90.63 13 98.85 102.80 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 29 113.00 118.65 12 172.75 179.66 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 22 19.50 20.48 29 22.45 23.34 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 4 35.50 37.27 11 49.09 51.05 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 _ 8 5.81 6.10 16 4.76 4.95 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 15 8.48 8.90 9 7.33 7.62 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 7 12.88 13.52 10 11.90 12.38 Slacks: . Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 29 . 8.36 8.78 30 6.72 6.99 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 22 19.45 20.43 30 17.03 17.71 -55- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Los Angeles-Long Beach Milwaukee Expanded Average Price 1/ ‘Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number ' Specification of Excluding Including of ’Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls' clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 19 $ 6.26 $ 6.57 20 $ 4.88 $ 5.07 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 18 9.74 10.23 16 8.13 8.46 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 22 9.97 10.47 27 9.29 9.66 Blouse 582-0 21 4.33 4.54 14 5.04 5.24 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 7 1.79 1.88 7 1.40 1.45 Clean workmanship 583-2 20 2.42 2.55 12 2.39 2.48 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 18 .49 .52 19 .49 .51 Nylon 584-2 19 .87 .92 13 .90 .94 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ -- -- 2/ -- -- Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 19 21.04 22.10 16 21.67 22.54 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 9 38.67 40.60 13 34.22 35.58 Knee socks 586-0 22 1.02 1.08 20 .99 1.03 Sweater 588-0 21 5.98 6.28 16 4.60 4.79 Skirt 593-0 11 8.31 8.73 17 6.34 6.59 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 8 5.10 5.35 9 4.92 5.12 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 17 10.10 10.61 17 10.03 10.43 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 3 3.91 4.11 12 4.32 4.49 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 15 7.79 8.18 17 7.53 7.83 Side upper 610-2 21 20.65 21.68 21 18.26 18.99 Calf upper 610-3 16 29.61 31.09 17 29.62 30.81 Men's work shoes 614-0 17 14.32 15.04 13 15.67 16.30 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 15 9.92 10.42 21 9.14 9.50 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 19 13.25 13.92 40 11.48 11.93 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 33 22.78 23,92 21 22.52 23.42 Women's play shoes 622-0 26 14.84 15.58 17 13.11 13.64 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 21 3.04 3.20 17 3.02 3.14 Capeskin 626-2 15 7.30 7.66 14 7.36 7.65 Children's shoes 627-0 13 13.00 13.65 17 13.07 13.60 Boys’ street shoes 628-0 14 14.66 15.40 15 14.24 14.81 Boys’ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 11 4.47 4.69 12 4.90 5.09 Basketball or deck type, not fl1LluHally advertised 629-2 14 5.45 5.72 20 5.96 6.20 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 15 7.93 8.33 12 7.61 7.92 Girls' boots 630-0 12 3.48 3.65 11 4.44 4.62 Girls' dress shoes 631-0 13 13.22 13.89 16 12.86 13.38 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 16 1.14 1.20 11 1.00 1.04 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 21 3.08 3.23 16 3.11 3.24 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 10 §/ 1.53 8 §/ 1.30 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 9 §/ 5-92 3 §/ 5.11 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 10 1.97 4/ 8 1.96 2.03 Women's dress 688-O 10 2.30 4/ 8 1.80 1.88 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 10 .21 ‘4/ 8 .24 4/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 9 35.06 36.81 7 39.79 41.38 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 9 50.35 52.88 7 45.15 48.00 Storage battery 750-0 20 29.75 31.24 19 28.25 29.38 Chassis lubrication 757-0 13 2.42 4/ 10 2.04 2.12 Motor tune—up 760-0 18 §/ 31.18 18 3/ 29.25 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 20 §/ 45.64 12 §/ 49.31 Front end suspension 765-0 16 3/ 17.67 13 15.38 15.99 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 20 2.86 3.01 24 2.83 2.94 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 20 10.25 3/ 12 6.67 4/ House visit 831-0 20 17.92 4/ 12 11.75 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 19 13.45 4/ 13 7.92 4/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 16 11.75 4/ 12 7.17 4/ Extraction 841-0 16 14.12 4/ 11 10.27 4/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 17 12.59 4/ 12 8.46 4/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 2/ -- -- 2/ -- -- Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 g/ -- -- 7 39.38 4/ Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ -- -- 2/ -- -- Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 6 6 39.00 -57- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Los Angeles-Long Beach Milwaukee Expanded Average Price 3] Average Price 3] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 30 S 0.12 $ 0.13 13 $ 0.14 $ 0.14 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 35 .92 .96 25 .81 .85 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 14 .84 .88 23 .82 .86 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 27 1.02 1.08 22 1.00 1.04 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 22 .46 .48 17 .56 .58 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 38 .30 .31 18 .33 .35 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 10 2.58 3/ 8 2.72 3/ Women's haircut 892-0 10 2.82 3/ 8 2.56 3/ Boys‘ haircut 893-0 10 2.52 3/ 8 2.50 3/ Permanent wave 894-0 10 14.69 3/ 8 11.56 3/ Shampoo and set 895-0 10 4.12 3/ 7 3.32 3/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable , 19 inch 897-0 24 142.59 149.72 20 138.16 143.69 Table model radio 911-0 14 25.86 27.15 19 26.15 27.20 Portable radio . 912-0 22 31.78 33.36 20 33.80 35.15 Radio phonograph 914-0 15 194.11 203.82 12 199.62 207.60 Phonograph record ‘ 918-0 35 4.34 4.56 24 4.58 4.76 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 9 2.22 3/ 8 3/ 1.78 Motion picture admission, child 944-0 9 .78 3/ S 3/ .70 Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 32 .20 .21 26 .19 .20 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 39 .13 .13 25 .11 .11 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 58 1.26 1.32 16 1.22 1-26 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 10 5.39 5.66 8 4.40 4.57 Bourbon whiskey (l/5 gallon) 988-0 10 5.43 5.70 8 4.71 4.90 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 10 .99 1.04 7 .95 .98 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 9 1.03 1.08 6 .94 .98 3/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, pagel ) 3/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 3/ Sales tax does not apply. 3/ Price of a 32 ounce size, converted to 13 ounces. -58- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Item Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) Reshingling house roof Repainting living room and dining room Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin Polyester/cotton percale, white ‘Polyester/cotton percale, solid color Bed pillow Blanket: Polyester/rayon Acrylic Wool Bedspread Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen Approx. 10 pounds per dozen Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen Curtains (pair) Draperies (pair): Unlined Lined Furniture: Sofa and chair Cocktail table Convertible sofa Bedding set Bedroom dresser Bedroom chest« Dining room chair Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer Gas range Electric range Vacuum cleaner: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Washing machine: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Clothes dryer Room heater Toaster: Standard model Semi—deluxe model Iron: Standard model Semi—deluxe model Deluxe model Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting Carpet sweeper Light bulb Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) Liquid detergent (15 ounces) Solid detergent (20 ounces) Spray starch (14 ounces) Laundry soap (13 ounces) Air deodorizer (8 ounces) Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) Scouring pads (10 pads) Paper napkins (80 napkins) Scouring powder (14 ounces) Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring Approx. number 4 grade tailoring Approx. number 6 grade tailoring Slacks: Fair workmanship Clean workmanship Good workmanship Expanded Pricing Specification Number 221-2 229-0 230-0 261-1 261-2 261-3 262-0 263-1 263-2 263-3 267-0 268-1 268-2 268-3 275-0 276-2 276-3 283-0 289-0 292-0 295-0 298-0 299-0 303-0 326-0 330-1 330-2 331-1 331-2 333-1 333-2 333-3 334-0 337-0 339-1 339-2 340-1 340-2 340-3 346-0 358-0 387-0 375-0 376-0 377-0 378-0 379-0 380-0 381-0 382-0 383-0 384-0 385-0 389-0 427-1 427-2 427-3 433-1 433-2 433-3 ‘S9- Minnpnnnl s - St. Paul Nashville Prices Number Average Price 1] of I-‘ oflnauab ¢~:--0 g ! 16 11 10 22 15 10 15 10 15 20 14 17 \.l 17 13 18 Excluding Sales Tax $9.02 3/ 2.52 4.63 5.95 7.51 5.84 11.38 10.18 1.19 3.13 4.41 5.94 9.33 16.00 468.11 57.70 290.48 147.69 215.65 149.64 36.63 302.78 237.32 218.04 35.20 53.96 212.76 243.02 299.16 174.07 17.05 12.50 15.94 10.93 18.00 20.99 8082 10.95 .31 78.50 130.60 192.54 8.61 14 35.98 Including Sales Tax $9.38 374.20 481.65 486.84 60.01 302.10 153.60 224.27 155.63 38.09 314.89 246.81 226.76 36.61 56.12 221.26 252.74 311.12 181.03 17.73 13.00 16.58 11.37 18.72 21.83 9.17 11.38 .32 Number of Prices ®®\.| 24 20 12 14 20 16 Sales Tax Excluding $8.15 §/ 409.67 58.83 283.74 149.20 203.26 147.23 41.28 310.77 228.25 35.46 54.68 188.13 241.31 273.50 180.31 16.38 12.77 17.12 12.12 17.34 21.32 ;o.3s 12.52 .31 81.95 125.15 207.08 8.22 20.34 verage Price 1/ Including Sales Tax $8.56 277.23 234.05 2.78 4.72 7.79 430.15 61.77 297.92 156.66 213.43 154.59 43.34 326.30 239.66 '37.24 57.42 197.54 253.38 287.17 189.32 17.20 13.41 17.97 12.73 18.21 22.39 11.42 13.15 .32 86.05 131.41 217.44 8.63 38.40 40.32 Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Minneapolis - St. Paul _ Nashvilla Expanded average Price if Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 10 $5.76 4/ 15 $4.94 $5.19 Work shirt 438-0 11 4.88 4/ 15 4.03 4.24 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 10 3.53 4/ 18 3.19 3.35 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 12 8.08 A 4/ 17 9.11 9.57 Nationally advertised, single-needle — tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 11 13.09 4/ 5 12.70 13.34 Undershirt: — Usually carded cotton 441-1 18 1.08 4/ 21 1.04 1.09 Combed cotton 441-2 22 1.66 4/ 10 1.65 1.74 Undershorts: — Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 16 1.05 4/ 18 1.06 1.12 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 17 1.80 4/ 14 1.66 1.75 Pajamas: _ Carded cotton 444-1 11 4.31 4/ 13 3.48 3.65 Polyester/cotton 444-2 18 7.64 4/ 20 7.44 7.81 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 12 .75 4/ 17 .77 .81 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 15 1.73 4/ 18 1.72 1.81 Fur felt hat 448-0 11 17.17 4/ 8 15.15 15.91 A11-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 10 25.54 4/ 15 25.89 27.19 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 18 61.60 4/ 8 62.88 66.02 Sweater V 460-0 15 12.80 4/ 27 12.56 13.18 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 5 3.25 4/ 17 3.29 3.46 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 12 10.04 4/ 9 8.22 8.63 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 15 4.62 4/ 17 5.30 5.56 Clean workmanship 482-2 19 8.02 4/ 10 10.59 11.12 Undershorts: _ , . Usually carded cotton 483-1 13 .71 4/ 16 .73 .76 Combed cotton 483-2 10 .96 4/ 6 .92 .97 Sweater 484-0 15 8.12 4/ 22 5.72 6.00 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 7 3,01 4/ 16 3,03 3,18 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 6 5 03 Z/ 9 5,67 7,00 Sport shirt: _ Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 16 3,39 4/ 24 3,11 3,27 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 23 5,91 Z] 14 5,20 5,46 A11-purpose coat: _ Fair workmanship 487-1 6 24.52 4/ 5 11.78 12.36 Clean workmanship 487-2 5 32,55 4/ 7 29,41 30,33 Socks 488-0 13 .89 4/ 17 .65 .68 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 3 16.93 4/ 6 14.53 15.26 Clean workmanship 491-2 11 26.29 4/ 5 34.40 36.12 women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 8 3.57 4/ 18 4.48 4.71 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 13 7,11 Z/ 15 6,53 5,35 Polyester woven 511-3 14 13.07 4/ 21 14.67 15.40 Slip: — Not anti-static 524-1 14 3,97 4/ 17 3,29 3,45 Non-cling 524-2 17 6.70 4/ 15 6.33 6.65 Panties: Acetate 525-1 13 .64 4/ 22 .65 .68 Nylon 525-2 20 1.52 ' 4/ 8 1.64 1.72 Nightgown 526-0 12 4.66 4/ 23 3.99 4.19 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 5 3.91 4/ 14 3.67 3.85 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 16 6.94 4/ 5 7.60 7.98 Nylon 527-3 15 10.47 4/ 10 11.40 11.97 Girdle 529-0 21 9.66 4/ 14 11.88 12.48 Brassiere 533-0 17 4.97 4/ 24 4.82 5.06 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 23 1.38 3/ 26 1.45 1.52 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 12 2.45 4/ 11 2.77 2.91 Gloves 541-0 15 2.84 4/ 19 2.16 2.27 Hat 543-0 16 3.50 4/ 17 2.95 3.10 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 15 36.00 4/ 22 43.45 45.62 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 29 101.79 4/ 17 87.00 91.35 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 14 174.93 4/ 9 125.67 131.95 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 11 27,61 4/ 23 21,15 22,20 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 16 47,44 4/ 15 40,13 42,14 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 11 4.78 4/ 17 4.46 4.68 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 9 9,22 4/ 10 8,50 8,92 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 3 16,62 4/ 13 13,15 13,81 Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 17 6.87 4/ 33 9.06 9.52 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 20 19,05 4/ 19 17,74 18,62 -60- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding 53133 Taxes’ by City, Fall 1971 Minneapolis - St. Paul Nashville Expanded Average Price 1/ Average Price 1/ Item Pricing Number Number 7 Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls‘ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 25 $4.78 $ 4/ 32 $5.07 $5.32 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 17 9.23 4/ 26 7.76 8.14 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 21 10.33 4/ 27 8.37 8.79 Blouse 582-0 18 4.68 4/ 29 3.77 3.96 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 7 1.46 4/ 7 1.42 1.50 Clean workmanship 583-2 10 2.50 2/ 8 2.62 2.76 ‘Panties: 7 ___ Combed cotton 584-1 14 .59 §/ 11 .46 .48 Nylon 584-2 10 1.00 4/ 6 1.00 1.06 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ - - 6 16.64 17.47 Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 535-2 11 23.35 4/ 13 17.60 18.48 Wool, clean workmanship 535-3 14 35.57 Z/ 10 31.99 33.59 Knee socks 586-0 16 1.02 4/ 18 .89 .93 Sweater 588-0 18 5.96 Z/ 25 4.18 4.39 Skirt 593-0 - 13 6.57 4/ 25 5.10 5.36 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 6 5.99 4/ 11 5.32 5.58 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 11 10.14 4/ 8 8.88 9.32 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 ‘10 4.18 4/ 4 4.00 4.19 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 11 9.20 4/ 21 6.79 7.13 Side upper 610-2 21 20.78 §/ 15 21.18 22.24 Calf upper 610-3 20 29.28 4/ 13 29.82 31.32 Men's work shoes 614-0 14 15.83 4/ 9 14.86 15.61 Women's dress shoes: _ Vinyl UPPGI‘. may be imported 617-1 11 9.69 4/ 3 7.32 7.68 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 20 13.30 4/ 12 13.49 14.16 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 18 24.17 4/ 17 24.47 25.69 Women's play shoes 622-0 10 12.59 4/ 12 13.24 13.90 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 16 2.92 4/ 14 2.71 2.84 Capeskin 626-2 8 7.87 4/ 8 6.75 7.08 Children's shoes 627-0 10 12.00 4/ 10 11.14 11.70 Boys‘ street shoes 628-0 14 13.99 4/ 12 14.12 14.83 Boys‘ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 15 4.52 4/ 6 3.27 3.43 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 14 6.80 4/ 5 5.79 6.08 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 4 7.87 4/ 16 7-12 7-48 Girls‘ boots 630-0 9 3.93 4/ 5 2.51 2.64 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 10 12.80 4/ 10 12.40 13.02 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 8 1.24 4/ 9 1.02 1.07 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 13 3.36 4/ 12 3.60 3.78 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 8 _/ 1-52 3 2/ 1-01 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 §/ 7-16 3 2/ 5-16 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 8 1.95 4/ 3 1 59 1-67 Women's dress 688-0 3 1-91 4/ 5 1 61 1-69 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 3 24 4/ 3 -28 4/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 8 32.32 33.61 9 36.42 38.24 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 10 44-90 46:70 9 45-29 47-55 storage battery 750-0 14 29.83 31.02 17 27.71 29.10 Chassis lubrication 757-0 7 2.28 3/ 8 1.93 2.02 Motor tune-up 760-0 15 4/ 31-20 13 2/ 28-69 Brake shoe replacement - 761-0 10 4/ 43-32 12 2/ 47-21 Front end suspension 765-0 14 §/ 13-12 18 13-63 14-31 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 24 2-61 2-71 25 2-58 2-81 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 16 6.81 3/ 16 7.28 3/ House visit 831-0 15 13.00 4/ 15 13.27 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 16 6.69 3/ 9 7.72 3/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 11 7. 77 4/ 6 7. 83 4/ Extraction 841-0 10 10-30 4/ 4 8.75 4/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 11 10-00 4/ 3 9-33 4/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 _Z/ - - 4/ - - Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 ,§/ - - 3/ - - Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ - - 2/ “ ‘ Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 6 43-92 4/ 8 53-44 4/ -51- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 M‘! g - $3; an N 11 Expanded “flea n1{Average Prize lj aq vi %§erage’Pfice lj Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: T0i1et S03P (regular size cake) 870-0 29 0_13 o_13 21 0 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 45 $ _84 $ 87 31 $ ‘fig $ o':3 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 22 .78 '81 23 '81 '85 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 39 .91 '95 37 '94 '99 Sanitary napkins (box Of .50 .49 .51 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 20 _34 _36 20 :33 '35 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 8 Women's haircut 892-0 9 3:32 ‘%; 2 3'22 2; Boys‘ haircut 893-0 8 2.75 Z7 8 2.03 :7 Permanent wave 894-0 6 15_58 Z7 8 15 44 av Shampoo and set 895-0 8 3_62 Z7 4 3'38 2” Recreation: Black and white television, portable, 19 inch 897-0 20 136_3o l42_28 20 135 71 142 49 Table m°de1 radi° 911-0 19 29.88 31.07 ‘ 22 29:70 31.18 P°rtab1e radi° 912"’ 25 33.62 34.96 18 29.22 30.68 R3510 Ph°n°8raP1‘~ ‘ 91‘*'° 17 177.96 185 03 12 176 54 185.37 Phonograph record 918-0 20 4.60 4:79 28 4:35 4.57 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 8 3/ 2.31 4 1.56 4/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 3 37 _94 4 .69 27 Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 24 _2o _2o 31 _14 _15 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 22 _13 _13 26 .09 _10 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 936-0 19 1.26 1.31 17 1.57 1.65 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 3 4.93 5.13 4 5.65 5.93 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 938-0 8 5 51 5_73 4 5.71 6.00 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 3 1.33 1.43 4 1.35 1_42 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 5 1 13 1 13 4 1.40 1_47 lj Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page].) 3] Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. Q] Sales tax is included in the reported price. 4] Sales tax does not apply. -52- by City, Fall 1971 Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, Item Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) Reshingling house roof Repainting living room and dining room Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin Polyester/cotton percale, white Polyester/cotton percale, solid color Bed pillow Blanket: Polyester/rayon Acrylic Wool Bedspread Bath towel: ‘ Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen Approx. 10 pounds per dozen Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen Curtains (pair) Draperies (pair): Unlined Lined Furniture: Sofa and chair Cocktail table Convertible sofa Bedding set Bedroom dresser Bedroom chest Dining room chair Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer Gas range Electric range Vacuum cleaner: Standard model Semi-deluxe model washing machine: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Clothes dryer Room heater Toaster: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Iron: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting Carpet sweeper Light bulb Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) Liquid detergent (15 ounces) Solid detergent (20 ounces) Spray starch (14 ounces) Laundry soap (13 ounces) Air deodorizer (8 ounces) Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) Scouring pads (10 pads) Paper napkins (80 napkins) Scouring powder (14 ounces) Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring Approx. number 4 grade tailoring Approx. number 6 grade tailoring Slacks: Fair workmanship Clean workmanship Good workmanship New York-Northeastern New Jersey Orlando -53- Expanded Average Price 27 Pricing Nuber Number Specification of Excluding Including of Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices 221-2 9 $ 8.15 $ 8.65 9 229-0 11 2/ 463.12 8 230-0 11 2/ 288.07 4 261-1 13 2.95 3.13 7 261-2 23 5.14 5.45 8 261-3 17 5.90 6.27 8 262-0 10 7.39 7.85 5 263-2 17 11.20 11.88 4 263-3 15 27.04 28.70 2/ 267-0 20 12.04 12.78 9 268-1 22 1.58 1.67 9 268-2 22 2.86 3.03 8 268-3 22 4.38 4.65 4 275-0 18 6.22 6.60 9 276-2 18 12.02 12.76 8 276-3 16 19.89 21.11 7 283-0 22 449.33 476.87 12 289-0 18 57.36 60.87 8 292-0 22 274.17 290.97 14 295-0 25 144.83 153.70 19 298-0 17 201.49 213.84 17 299-0 12 141.82 150.52 11 303-0 17 44.09 46.79 9 326-0 13 304.57 323.24 16 330-1 10 202.36 214.77 2/ 330-2 9 219.65 233.12 10 331-1 17 32.09 34.06 11 331-2 14 58.84 62.45 8 333-1 13 219.12 232.55 12 333-2 20 242.78 257.66 19 333-3 14 282.74 300.07 13 334-0 13 166.73 176.95 13 337-0 16 19.72 20.93 23 339-1 21 13.01 13.81 29 339-2 23 16.23 17.22 20 340-1 21 10.85 11.51 27 340-2 17 17.78 18.87 22 340-3 25 20.92 22.20 23 346-0 26 13.56 14.38 22 358-0 10 14.03 14.89 10 387-0 11 .31 .32 10 375-0 18 .36 .38 16 376-0 21 .42 .44 15 377-0 21 .37 .40 16 378-0 21 .46 .49 15 379-0 18 .39 .41 7 380-0 22 .55 .58 16 381-0 21 .95 1n01 16 382-0 21 .32 .34 16 383-0 15 .23 .25 16 384-0 21 .19 .20 16 385-0 18 .11 .12 15 389-0 10 5.21 4/ 8 427-1 26 77.93 81.68 22 427-2 21 130.48 136.75 7 427-3 17 188.58 197.66 2/ 433-1 17 12.19 12.78 19 433-2 36 25.53 26.76 12 433-3 11 53.63 56.21 2/ verage Price 2/ Excluding Sales Tax $ 2/ 426.79 ' 61.20 246.19 104.74 207.04 129.26 40.81 321.04 254.58 36.57 59.58 226.88 264.54 325.20 174.60 16.78 11.80 15.31 11.71 18.04 22.24 9.47 12.23 .30 .38 73.74 120.00 9.86 23.28 Including Sales Tax $ 9.36 294.81 269.25 5/ 443.86 63.65 256.03 108.93 215.32 134.43 42.44 333.88 264.76 38.04’ 61.96 235.96 275.12 338.20 181.58 17.45 12.28 12.18 18.76 23.13 9.85 12.72 .31 .12 76.68 124.80 10.26 24.21 Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 New York-Northeastern New Jersey Orlando Expanded nvciagc Price 1] KverageTPrice 2] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax _§§les Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 13 $ 6.24 $ 6.54 9 $ 5.80 $ 6.03 Work shirt 438-0 13 5.13 5.37 9 4.15 4.32 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 26 3.73 3.91 4 4.49 4.67 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 17 7,88 - 8,26 14 7,46 7,76 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 12 12.25 12.84 3 11.83 12.31 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 21 1.03 1.08 17 1.05 1.09 Combed cotton 441-2 17 1.61 1.69 7 1.67 1.73 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 24 1.07 1.12 9 1.00 1.04 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 21 1.61 1.69 9 1.70 1.77 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 31 4.94 5.18 9 4.00 4.16 Polyester/cotton 444-2 33 7.93 8.31 17 7.85 8.16 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 17 1.04 1.09 20 .82 .85 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 26 1.50 1.57 ~ 21 1.32 1.37 Fur felt hat 448-0 15 18.80 19.70 3 13.98 14.54 Al1—weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 9 25.14 26.35 7 25.80 26.83 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 20 57.66 60.44 6 50.83 52.87 Sweater ' 460-0 19 12.94 13.56 18 14.11 14.67 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 23 4.31 4.51 3 4.32 4.50 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 17 7.97 8.35 10 9.20 9.57 Boys' clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 24 5.70 5.98 4 5.08 5.28 Clean workmanship 482-2 36 8.12 8.51 16 7.50 ‘ 7.80 Undershorts: I Usually carded cotton 483-1 17 .70 .73 11 .71 .74 Combed cotton 483-2 12 .97 1.02 4 ‘.99 1.02 Sweater 484-0 21 8.16 8.55 9 7.23 7.52 Dungarees: ' Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 14 4.01 4.20 3 2.38 2.47 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 13 6.18 6.47 2/ -- -- Sport shirt: . Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 19 4,10 4,30 2/ -- __ Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 36 4.95 5.19 7 5.10 5.30 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 16 20.16 21.13 2/ -- -- Clean workmanship 487-2 19 30.06 31.50 2/ —- -- Socks 488-0 14 .76 .79 11 .83 .86 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 7 18.56 19.45 2/ -- -- Clean workmanship 491-2 21 37.56 39.37 7 27.86 28.97 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 17 5.70 5.97 3 4.99 5.19 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 19 7.79 8.16 18 6.94 7.22 Polyester woven 511-3 25 13.78 14.44 14 12.00 12.48 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 23 4.02 4.22 11 4.80 5.00 Non-cling 2 524-2 22 7.27 7.62 15 6.80 7.07 Panties: Acetate 525-1 21 .67 .70 14 .77 .80 Nylon 525-2 12 1.66 1.74 12 1.70 1.77 Nightgown 526-0 13 4.83 5.06 10 3.99 4.15 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 21 3-31 3-99 3 4-33 5-02 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 17 6.82 7.15 4 6.00 6.24 Ny1on 527-3 17 9.44 9.90 7 11.57 12.03 c1rd1e 529-0 18 10.05 10.53 16 9.43 9.81 Brassiere 533-0 23 4.85 5.09 21 4.82 5.02 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 23 1-55 1-52 14 1-53 1-75 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 16 2-51 2-74 13 2-71 2-31 Gloves 541-0 23 2.67 2.30 10 2.23 2.32 Hat ' 543-0 20 3.22 3.37 13 3.20 3.33 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 25 55-79 59-52 9 40-54 42-15 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 29 92.82 97.28 4 83.50 86.84 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 26 155.92 163.41 2/ -- -- Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 19 22.50 23.59 11 25.90 26.93 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 16 39.56 41.46 3 33.67 35.01 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 19 4.72 4.95 5 5.19 5.40 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 18 8.05 8.44 8 7.86 8.17 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 15 11.62 12.18 3 15.33 15.95 Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 27 A 8.73 9.15 18 9.27 9.64 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 30 18.50 19.39 18 15.11 15.71 -64- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 New York-Northeastern New Jersey Average Price 2/ Orlando -65- Expanded Item Pricing Number Specification of figmber Pric§§__ Girls' clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 21 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 33 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 30 Blouse 582-0 23 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 12 Clean workmanship 583-2 16 Panties: . Combed cotton 584-1 21 Nylon 584-2 20 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 6 Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 19 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 27 Knee socks 586-0 15 Sweater 588-0 17 Skirt 593-0 20 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 17 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 22 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 3 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 20 Side upper 610-2 13 Calf upper 610-3 21 Men's work shoes 614-0 18 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 16 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 25 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 26 Women's'play shoes 622-0 16 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 16 Capeskin 626-2 11 Children's shoes 627-0 15 Boys‘ street shoes 628-0 14 Boys’ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 16 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 22 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 16 Girls‘ boots 630-0 13 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 19 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 11 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 18 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 10 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 10 Dry cleaning and pressing:' Men's 2—piece suit 686-0 10 Women's dress 688-0 10 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 10 .Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 10 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 7 Storage battery 750-0 22 Chassis lubrication 757-0 10 Motor tune—up 760-0 14 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 10 Front end suspension 765-0 13 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 20 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 24 House visit 831-0 24 Hospital visit 838-0 10 Dental care: Filling 840-0 20 Extraction 841-0 10 Cleaning teeth 343*0 10 Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 10 Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 10 Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 10 Average Price 2]’ Number Excluding Including of Excluding Including Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax 3 6.07 s 6.37 10 $ 6.30 $ 6.55 8.28 8.68 19 8.89 9.25 10.10 10.59 19 11.21 11.66 4.43 4.64 15 5.16 5.37 1.43 1.50 9 1.73 1.80 2.40 2.51 6 2.75 2.86 .58 .61 9 .49 .51 .82 .86 9 .85 .88 24.66 25.84 2/ -- -- 21.04 22.05 6 23.32 24.26 34.10 35.74 2/ -- -- 1.02 1.07 17 .96 1.00 5.88 6.16 6 6.33 6.59 6.70 7.02 4 5.24 5.45 4.83 5.06 2/ -- -- 10.36 10.86 8 9.75 10.14 4.62 4.85 2/ -- -- 9.00 9.43 7 7.84 8.16 21.38 22.41 17 18.77 19.52 28.75 30.13 19‘ 27.82 28.93 15.10 15.82 11 14.34 14.91 9.00 9.43 10 9.18 9.55 13.34 13.98 36 14.10 14.66 21.92 22.98 8 24.00 24.96 13.75 14.41 20 14.28 14.86 3.16 3.31 20 3.07 3.19 7.32 7.67 5 7.90 8.21 13.26 13.90 18 12.04 12.52 14.00 14.67 10 11.98 12.46 3.82 4.00 8 3.92 4.08 5.18 5.43 10 4.09 4.25 7.40 7.76 12 7.91 8.23 4.32 4.53 3 4.00 4.16 12.68 13.29 18 11.41 11.87 1.09 1.14 12 1.12 1.17 3.53 3.70 20 3.65 3.80 2/ 1.28 8 2/ 1.36 2/ 5.64 8 2/ 6.02 1.58 13/ 9 1.59 4 1.59 3/ 8 1.56 3/ .27 3/ 4 .21 3/ 34.72 36.85 8 35.94 37.38 43.63 46.30 9 47.06 48.94 30.76 32.64 12 28.76 29.91 2.22 2.36 9 2.19 2.27 2/ 28.64 16 2/ 29.95 2/ 50.35 14 2/ 43.89 19.87 21.09 13 13.09 13.61 2.66 2.69 12 2.90 3.01 11.00 3/ 13 9.38 3/ 17.17 _3/ 8 14.88 3/ 14.80 3/ 13 11.15 3/ 8.12 3/ 6 8.50 3/ 10.00 3/ 6 10.83 3/ 10.20 3/ 7 10.00 3/ "' """ 23.03 _3/ 2/ -- -- ._ ... _2_/ -- -- 30.57 23/ 6 46.83 4/ Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 New York-Northeastern New Jersey Orlando Expanded Kverage Price 1] Kverage Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Nuber Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax ______________________"_____________1L__________ Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 370-0 21 $ 0.13 $ 0.13 23 $ 0.13 $ 0.14 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 32 ~37 -92 45 -92 -95 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 22 .83 .88 40 .79 .82 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 28 .94 1.00 33 .98 1.02 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 22 .53 .56 22 .54 .56 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 21 .31 .33 16 .34 .36 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 9 2.36 4/ 8 1.94 4/ Women's haircut 892-0 10 3.22 4/ 11 2.48 4/ Boys‘ haircut 893-0 10 2.15 4/ 8 1.78 4/ Permanent wave 894-0 10 15.10 14/ 10 14.40 ‘4/ Shampoo and set 895-0 10 4.05 ‘4/ 8 3.56 4/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable , 19 inch 897-0 17 137.51 145.94 21 137.24 142.73 Table model radio 911-0 20 25.23 26.78 13 23.77 24.72 Portable radio 912-0 21 33.06 35.09 18 29.85 31.04 Radio phonograph 914-0 8 184.62 195.94 13 221.65 230.52 Phonograph record 918-0 26 4.67 4.95 24 4.54 4.72 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 10 2.38 .4/ 7 3/ 1.82 Motion picture admission, child 944-0 8 .80 .4/ 6 3/ .75 Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 29 -24 -25 41 -17 -17 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 22 1-37 1-43 14 1-45 1-51 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 10 4-34 5-13 3 4-31 5-00 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 8 5.04 5.35 7 4.98 5217 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 9 1-00 1-05 8 1-29 1-34 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 9 1-18 1.25 5 1.21 1.26 1] Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page 1) 3/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 4/ Sales tax does not apply. 3/ Price is for a single coat of paint. -66.. Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Phi 1 2:191 nhia Expanded Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Specification of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 8 $ 9.48 $ 10-03 Reshingling house roof 229-0 3 §/ 510.44 Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 8 §/ 283.78 Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 10 2.49 2.63 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 21 4.93 5.21 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 16 5.72 6.06 Bed pillow 262-0 10 7.27 7.69 Blanket: Polyester/rayon 263-1 5 6.08 6.44 A¢rY1iC 263-2 9 9.87 10.45 Wool 263-3 14 25.07 26.53 Bedspread 267-0 20 10.25 10.84 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 14 1.06 1.12 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 22 2.73 2.89 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 16 4.02 4.25 Curtains (pair) 275-0 12 5.16 5.46 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 10 9.09 9.62 Lined 276-3 6 15.66 16.57 Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 15 415.68 439.87 Cocktail table 289-0 15 54-21 57.37 Convertible sofa 292-0 16 278.54 294.75 Bedding set 295-0 18 134.56 142.39 Bedroom dresser -298-0 10 181.39 191.95 Bedroom chest 299-0 10 132.83 140.56 Dining room chair 303-0 12 38.66 40.91 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 12 295.57 312.78 Gas range 330-1 7 213.96 226.42 Electric range 330-2 14 221.33 234.21 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1 15 36.14 38.25 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 19 58.91 62.34 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 15 220.65 233.49 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 16 257.65 272.65 Deluxe model 333-3 20 304.40 322.12 Clothes dryer 334-0 10 159.37 168.64 Room heater 337-0 12 17.44 18.46 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 18 12.02 12.72 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 13 17.16 18.15 Iron: Standard model 340-1 17 10.30 10.89 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 12 19.37 20.50 Deluxe model 340-3 19 22.18 23.47 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 13 11.03 11.67 Carpet sweeper 358-0 10 12.25 12.96 Light bulb 387-0 10 .35 .37 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 22 .33 .34 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 15 .39 .40 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 23 .37 .37 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 23 .42 .43 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 16 .41 .41 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 21 .54 .57 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 24 .92 .93 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 19 .30 .30 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 19 .19 .19 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 21 .17 .17 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 18 .10 .10 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 339-0 3 3-90 Q] Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 24 77.23 3/ Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 18 130.83 4/ Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 17 182.06 fif Slacks: Fair workmanship 433’1 21 7.52 4/ Clean workmanship 433‘2 32 23.55 4/ Good workmanship 433'3 14 42.46 4/ -57- Number of Prices 11 12 17 12 23 21 Pittsbur h verage rice _ Excluding Including Sales Tax Sales Tax $ 9.11 $ 9.66 3/ 550.06 3/ 306.81 2.67 2.83 4.20 4.45 5.07 5.37 7.27 7.71 5.12 5.43 10.23 10.84 26.81 28.42 10.73 11.37 1.00 1.06 2.25 2.38 3.79 4.02 5.77 6.12 8.28 8.77 14.80 15.68 439.21 465.56 57.99 61.47 314.42 333.29 167.83 177.90 203.18 215.36 145.43 154.15 38.11 40.40 296.18 313.95 210.36 222.98 230.11 243.92 35.17 37.28 55.52 58.86 230.22 244.04 251.23 266.30 279.42 296.18 167.02 177.04 15.97 16.93 13.50 14.31 17.36 18.40 12.53 13.28 18.77 19.89 21.91 23.22 9.58 10.16 11.96 12.68 .29 .30 .35 4/ .40 9/ .50 4/ .41 4/ .61 .65 .98 5/ .32 5/ .20 4/ .19 4/ .12 5/ 3.71 3/ 73.89 3/ 127.04 3/ 199.58 4/ 8.36 4/ 21.94 3/ 41.50 4/ Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Expanded I*”§€§§%§£1?rieej;/5 ]ffgR$§§2§E_Price I] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Pricggd Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 12 $ 5.81 $ 6.10 14 $ 5.05 $ 5.36 Work shirt 4 438-0 13 4.65 4.88 14 4.28 4.53 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 16 3.67 4/ 22 3.68 4/ Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 16 7.97 . ,4] 20 7.77 4] Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 14 12.89 4] 14 12.61 4] Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 23 1.04 4] 23 1.00 4] Combed cotton 441-2 15 1.62 4] 22 1.55 4] Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 25 1.06 4] 21 .98 V 4] Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 16 1.75 4] 22 1.60 4] Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 17 4.49 4] 23 4.06 4] Polyester/cotton 444-2 20 7.52 4] 29 7.99 4] Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 15 .85 4] 17 .81 4] Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 16 1.43 4] 19 1.39 4] Fur felt hat 448-0 15 15.38 4/ 12 15.23 4/ All-weather coat: . Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 17 21.98 4] 13 25.56 4] Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 20 54-50 4] 19 59-21 4] Sweater 460-0 10 14. 99 4/ 2o 13 . 02 4/ Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 13 3.60 4] 9 3.99 4] Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 15 8.16 4] 13 8.62 4] Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 15 4.69 4] 26 4.34 4] Clean workmanship 482-2 19 8.89 4] 18 7.90 - 4] Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 12 .76 4] 19 .69 4] Combed cotton 483-2 9 .96 4] 12 1.00 4] Sweater 484-0 11 6 . 87 4/ 14 7 . 07 4/ Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 10 4.65 .3] 14 3.14 4] Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 8 5.75 4] 3 4.33 4] Sport shirt: ' Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 14 4.32 ,4] 22 3.84 4] Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 18 5.11 4] 22 4.81 4] All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 5 15.98 4] 5 14.96 4] Clean workmanship 487-2 12 31.86 4] 14 24.27 4] Socks 488-0 12 .74 4/ 16 .91 4/ Sport coat: ' Fair workmanship 491-1 3] - - Z] - ’ Clean workmanship 491-2 13 28.78 4] 7 36.14 4] women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 10 5.05 4] 17 4.74 4]. Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 13 6.22 4] 19 6-07 4] Polyester woven 511-3 18 14.33 4] 22 13.73 4] Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 11 3.86 4] 16 3.78 4] Non-cling 524-2 15 6.40 4/ 19 6.45 4/ Panties: 1 Acetate 525-1 16 . 63 4/ 24 . 64 4/ Nylon 525-2 11 1.47 4/ 17 1.51 4/ Nightgown 526-0 15 3.74 4/ 19 3.48 4/ Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 8 3.86 4] 6 4-24 4] Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 8 6.74 4] 8 6.88 4] Nylon 527-3 9 10 . oo 4/ 16 9 . 25 4/ Girdle 529-0 24 10.51 4/ 15 7.90 4/ Brassiere ‘ 533-0 24 4.56 .4/ 28 4-94 4/ Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 18 1.53 4/ 26 1.47 4/ Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 16 2.66 4/ 14 2-35 .4] Gloves 541-0 10 2.40 2:51 16 2.38 2.52 hat 543-0 11 3. 33 4/ .1 17 3 . 35 4/ Coat: . Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 16 45.23 4] 21 39.12 4] Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 12 86.17 4] 23 66.26 4] Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 11 146.27 4] 21 140.76 4] Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 14 21.20 4] 12 22.69 .4] Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 12 41.50 4] 16 38.75 4] Sweater: Acrylic, cut—and-sewn 557-1 7 4.56 4] 12 5.02 4] Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 12 7.87 4/ 12 9.12 4/ Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 10 13.08 4/ . 8 11.38 4/ Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 18 6.16 4/ 23 6-77 4/ Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 16 ” 17.62 4] 4 27 16.73 4] _68._ Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 P1 1' 1 ads-1nh'i a Pittsburgh Expanded Average Price 1] Average Price 1]’ Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including 4 of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls' clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 13 $ 5.61 $ 4] 18 $ 5.37 3 4] Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 19 7.48 4/ 24 8.85 4] Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 16 10.22 4] 21 11.69 4] Blouse 582-0 20 4. 75 4/ 18 4 . 16 4/ Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 10 1.29 4] 7 1.24 4/ Clean workmanship 583-2 12 2.38 4] 15 2.47 4] Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 15 .54 4/ 16 .50 4/ Nylon 584-2 15 .87 4/ 15 .86 4/ Coat: ’ Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ - - 2/ - ‘ Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 10 19.97 4] 13 20.13 4] W001, clean workmanship 585-3 17 40.11 4] 13 41.77 4] Knee socks 586-0 13 1.14 4/ 24 1.00 4/ sweater 588-0 13 5.49 4/ 14 6.10 4/ Skirt 593-0 12 6.38 4/ 14 6.74 4/ Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 10 4.43 4/ 6 3.76 4/ Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 14 10.14 4] 17 9.20 4/ Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 8 4.37 4/ 8 4.74 4/ Men's street shoes: " Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 10 7.00 4] 13 8.53 4] Side upper 610-2 22 19.60 4/ 14 20.56 4/ Calf upper 610-3 15 30.37 4/ 14 28.98 4/ Men's work shoes 614-0 15 13.18 13.82 14 15.90 16.86 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 11 10.72 4] 6 8.64 4/ Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 18 12.21 4] 18 13.43 4] Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 13 22.31 4/ 19 21.68 4/ Women's play shoes 622-0 13 13-53 4/ 13 14.53 3/ Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 11 2.99 4/ 14 3.19 4/ Capeskin 626-2 13 7 . 71 4/ 14 7. 36 4/ Children's shoes 627-0 9 12.50 4/ 16 12.58 4/ Boys’ street shoes 628-0 12 13-78 4/ 15 15-32 3/ Boys’ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 9 4.60 4/ 7 5.78 4/ Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 16 _ Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 7 :_2: E; ii 3'2; 2; Girls' boots 630-0 9 4.66 27 6 4'03 27 Girls' dress shoes 631-0 10 12_4O Z7 15 12'33 Z7 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 13 1.17 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 12 3_03 E; ii %:§§ if Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 8 5] 1,38 3 3/ 1.40 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 §] 5,91 8 37 6.06 Dry cleaning and pressing: ‘- Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 9 1.70 4/ 9 1.31 4/ Women's dress 688-0 9 1.69 4] 9 1_34 Z7 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 8 .26 4] 9 _25 2] Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 7 32.08 33.94 8 30,25 32_07 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 8 40.44 42.79 5 40.49 42.92 Storage battery 750-0 20 33.24 35.18 22 28.12 29.80 Chassis lubrication 757-0 10 2.05 2.17 10 2_o5 2.17 Motor tune—up 760-0 18 §] 32,37 17 3/ 29_44 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 12 §_/_ 42.72 11 3/ 52.26 Front end suspension 765-0 14 15,21 17.16 13 i§_92 l6_88 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates $100 capsules) 800-0 15 2_73 2_75 19 2_53 4/ General practitioner or internist: " Office visit 830-0 18 7.44 4/ 17 6.82 4/ House Vlslt 831-0 18 11.39 4/ 17 10.59 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 9 8.78 4] 15 5,53 2] Dental care: " Filling 840-0 12 7.42 4] 12 7_53 4/ Extraction 841-0 10 10. 40 4/ 10 8.00 Z7 Cleaning teeth 843-0 11 8.45 4] 10 9_0o 2] Eye care: ‘“ Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 5 31.90 4] 5 32_19 4/ Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 5 30.10 4/ 5 23,50 27 Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ - — 2/ _ ': Examination, prescription and dispensing of '- eyeglasses 846-0 6 43.42 4] 7 43_73 4/ -69- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 h“! d?! ' P Expanded P a 2232a Price lj Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 370-0 22 o_13 0_14 27 0 12 1 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 23 $ .89 $ .90 42 $ :87 $ 2} 3 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 20 _32 _87 24 .79 ‘T84 5hamP°° (7 °‘m°eS) 375*’ 20 1.03 1.09 33 .88 .93 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 12 .55 _55 28 _5o 4/ Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 18 _30 .31 19 .33 ‘:7 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 2 Women's haircut 892-0 3 §'$2 2; 13 3'2: %; Boys' haircut 893-0 ° '“ ' -' 8 2.28 4/ 9 2.42 4/ Permanent wave 894-0 8 13.78 Z7 12 l5_08 Z7 Shampoo and set 895-0 7 3.54 E] 8 3.62 5] Recreation: Black and white television, portable: 19 inch 897-0 15 143_23 155_91 14 140_3o 143.72 Table model radi0 911'0 16 27.14 28.72 20 24.13 25.58 Portable radio 912-0 14 35.38 37.44 15 29.31 31.06 Radio phonograph _ 914-0 17 198.20 209.74 18 224.78 238.27 Phonograph record 918-0 21 4.50 4.76 24 4.69 4.97 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 8 2_15 5/ 3 1_34 3/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 7 .95 5/ 3 _75 3/ Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 30 .20 .21 27 ,18 .19 Cigar (regular size) 933-0 27 .11 .11 39 .10 .11 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 18 1,55 5/ 15 1,55 5/ Blended whiskey (1/S gallon) 987-0 3 5,33 5_43 2/ _ _ Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 3 5_2o 5_25 E7 - Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 2/ _ _ E7 - _ Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 -3 1_o3 1_o4 2] _ _ 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page].) 2/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. §/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 4/ Sales tax does not apply. -70.. by City, Fall 1971 Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, Item Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) Reshingling house roof Repainting living room and dining room Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin Polyester/cotton percale, white Polyester/cotton percale, solid color Bed pillow Blanket: Polyester/rayon Acrylic Wool Bedspread Bath towel: I Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen Approx. 10 pounds per dozen Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen Curtains (pair) Draperies (pair): Unlined Lined Furniture: Sofa and chair Cocktail table Convertible sofa Bedding set Bedroom dresser Bedroom chest Dining room chair Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer Gas range Electric range Vacuum cleaner: Standard model Semi—deluxe model Washing machine: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Clothes dryer Room heater Toaster: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Iron: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting Carpet sweeper Light bulb Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) Liquid detergent (15 ounces) Solid detergent (20 ounces) Spray starch (14 ounces) Laundry soap (13 ounces) Air deodorizer (8 ounces) Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) Scouring pads (10 pads) Paper napkins (80 napkins) Scouring powder (14 ounces) Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring Approx. number 4 grade tailoring Approx. number 6 grade tailoring Slacks: Fair workmanship Clean workmanship Good workmanship Portland, Maine St. Louis -71- Expanded Average Price 1] ’4Average-Price 1] Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax 221-2 3 $ 8.77 $ 9.20 10 $ 8.41 $ 8.74 229-0 9 3/ 478.18 9 3/ 269.17 230-0 8 3/ 322.53 % 3/ 295.29 261-1 8 2.32 2.44 12 2.65 2.75 261-2 14 4.16 4.37 22 4.52 4.70 261-3 9 5.32 5.58 8 5.63 5.85 262-0 5 8.00 8.40 4 7.24 7.52 263-1 2/ -- -- 10 5.45 5.66 263-2 7 10.14 10.64 9 10.49 10.90 263-3 5 23.00 24.14 8 21.62 22.45 267-0 12 8.87 9.31 16 10.07 10.46 268-1 11 1.16 1.21 23 1.23 1.28 268-2 6 1.92 2.02 25 2.55 2.65 275-0 7 4.79 5.03 13 5.75 5.97 276-2 7 14.95 15.70 12 11.59 12.04 276-3 6 27.32 28.69 7 18.62 19.35 283-0 9 441.43 463.50 15 427.45 444.03 289-0 5 56.28 59.09 11 53.37 55.44 292-0 10 298.80 313.74 22 272.83 283.42 295-0 10 162.84 170.98 25 129.84 134.88 298-0 8 182.25 191.36 12 200.40 208.17 299-0 6 141.33 148.40 13 133.76 138.95 303-0 8 34.17 35.88 10 33.53 34.83 326-0 9 304.75 319.98 17 323.85 336.41 330-1 4 222.22 233.33 15 228.95 237.84 330-2 6 215.81 226.60 10 263.16 273.37 331-1 10 33.54 35.21 18 35.28 36.65 331-2 10 51.95 54.55 20 58.11 60.36 333-1 8 234.10 245.80 14 222.25 230.87 333-2 9 248.09 260.50 17 263.90 274.14 333-3 9 316.10 331.90 10 297.76 309.31 334-0 9 181.42 190.49 9 175.64 182.45 337-0 8 18.23 19.14 16 16.02 16.65 339-1 16 11.18 11.74 28 14.73 15.30 339-2 11 14.33 15.05 18 16.83 17.48 340-1 9 9.02 9.47 20 11.13 11.56 340-2 15 15.67 16.45 17 17.20 17.86 340-3 12 20.49 21.52 30 21.38 22.21 346-0 19 10.98 11.53 24 10.16 10.55 358-0 6 11.07 11.63 12 10.76 11.18 387-0 8 .30 .31 8 .31 .32 376-0 8 .39 .41 _g/ - ‘ 377-0 8 .39 .41 15 .39 .40 379-0 6 .39 .40 12 .40 .41 380-0 8 .57 .60 14 .59 .61 381-0 8 .91 :95 11 .94 .98 382-0 8 .29 .31 15 .33 .35 383-0 8 .23 .24 16 .20 .21 384-0 8 .18 .19 16 .18 .18 385-0 8 .10 .10 14 .11 .12 389-0 8 2.92 4/ 7 3.67 4/ 427-1 12 70.38 73.90 18 72.22 75.02 427-2 13 105.75 111.04 29 121.71 126.43 427-3 5 174.00 182.70 16 206.03 214.02 433-1 12 11.16 11.72 23 9.30 9.66 433-2 23 20.86 21.91 35 23.14 24.04 433-3 3 32.50 34.12 13 53.46 55.54 Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Portland, Maine St. Louis Expanded EV§f§§E‘PfTE€fi[T“""‘_———__—__——K§E?§§E—P?ice I] Item Pricing Number Number ' Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 5 $ 5.59 $ 5.87 14 $ 5.01 $ 5.20 Work shirt 438-0 6 4.37 4.59 13 4.42 4.59 Dress shirt: ImP°rted 439-1 12 3.52 3.69 24 3.66 3.80 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 10 8.00 < 8.40 20 7,82 8,13 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 4 12.00 12.60 12 13.08 13.59 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 14 .98 1.03 23 .94 .97 Combed cotton 441-2 6 1.65 1.73 18 1.50 1.56 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 10 1.06 1.11 17 ‘ .98 1.02 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 6 1.65 1.73 19 1.58 1.64 Pajamas: ‘ ' Carded cotton 444-1 13 3.83 4.02 19 4.04 4.20 Polyester/cotton 444-2 17 6.79 7.13 31 6.26 6.51 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 11 .78 .81 21 .82 .85 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 11 1.43 1.50 13 1.50 1.56 Fur felt hat 448-0 5 18.17 19.08 6 13.81 14.34 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 8 36.49 38.31 16 27.19 28.25 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 7 56.43 59.25 18 61.11 63.48 Sweater - 460-0 5 13.38 14.05 19 13.49 14.01 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 10 3.24 3.40 24 3.76 3.90 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 8 8.19 8.60 13 9.27 9.63 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 9 5.83 6.12 23 6.21 6.45 Clean workmanship 482-2 8 8.88 9.32 25 7.27 - 7.55 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 6 .74 .77 17 .71 .74 Combed cotton 483-2 4 .87 .92 6 1.03 1.07 Sweater 484-0 8 8.75 9.18 16 7.55 7.84 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 2/ -- -- 10 3.54 3.68 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 2/ -- -- 10 6.00 6.23 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 12 4.21 4.42 24 3.05 3.17 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 12 4.88 5.12 28 4.32 4.49 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 5 15.15 15.91 6 17.98 18.68 Clean workmanship 487-2 7 24.12 25.32 9 24.99 25.96 Socks 488-0 6 .77 .81 13 .91 .95 Sport coat: . Fair workmanship 491-1 6 14.56 15.39 2/ -- -- Clean workmanship 491-2 7 31.19 32.75 15 22.60 23.47 women's clothing: Blouse: NylOI'1 jersey knit Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 12 6.29 6.60 2/ -- -- Polyester woven 511-3 18 11.00 11.55 22 12.04 12.51 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 8 3.12 3.27 20 3.07 3.19 Non-cling 524-2 10 6.40 6.72 18 6.87 7.13 Panties: 1 Acetate 525-1 8 .72 .75 22 .62 .64 Nylon 525-2 11 1.62 1.70 15 1.41 1.47 Nightgown 526-0 10 3.81 4.00 21 5.07 5.26 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 6 3.26 3.42 10 4.14 4.30 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 5 5.60 5.88 7 6.93 7.20 Nylon 527-3 6 9.83 10.32 17 9.12 9.47 Girdle 529-0 9 11.06 11.61 23 11.02 11.45 Brassiere 533-0 12 4.46 4.68 18 4.86 5.05 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 14 1.39 1.46 24 1.24 1.29 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 8 2.34 2.45 11 2.72 2.82 Gloves 541-0 11 2.49 2.61 20 2.71 2.82 Hat 543-0 8 3.06 3.21 /21 2.86 2.98 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 6 46.55 43.93 17 40.92 42.51 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 7 _ 91.23 95-35 16 73.92 76.79 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 11 143.99 156.44 13 123.16 133.13 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 7 17.42 13.29 20 24.73 25.74 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 8 38.62 40.56 18 41.26 42.86 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 8 3.52 3.69 15 6.08 6.32 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 9 8.11 8.51 15 10.72 11.14 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 7 11.57 12.15 5 14.39 14.95 Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 17 7.81 “ 8.20 21 8.11 8.42 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 13 ‘ 14.66 15.39 23 12.99 13.50 Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Expanded Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Girls’ clothing:" Dresszr Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 13 $ 3,38 3,54 19 $ 5,55 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 14 7,07 7,42 19 8.62 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 14 9,50 9,97 26 8,51 Blouse 582-0 12 4.73 4.96 27 3.90 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 7 1.38 1.44 16 1.60 Clean workmanship 583-2 8 50 2,52 14 2.05 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 6 .54 ,56 15 .48 Nylon 584-2 5 .82 .86 16 .67 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 4 24.47 25.69 3/ -- Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 7 22.85 23.99 23 20.90 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 5 34.16 35.87 6 42.00 Knee socks 586-0 8 1.05 1.10 21 1.02 Sweater 533-0 10 5.80 6.09 18 4.08 Skirt 593-0 14 7.25 7.61 16 5.24 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 8 5,11 5.36 _17 4.57 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 8 10,00 10,50 10 9.10 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 8 4,41 4,63 7 5,43 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 9 7,84 8,24 11 8,67 Side upper 610-2 11 22.35 23.47 16 21.68 Calf upper 610-3 6 33.16 34.82 20 27.49 Men's work shoes 614-0 7 15,12 15,37 9 15,05 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper. may be imported 617-1 7 9.91 10.41 26 9.15 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 8 15.25 16.01 16 15.03 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 12 23.58 24.76 20 21.59 Women's play shoes 622-0 6 12.50 13.12 17 12.97 Women's house slippers: . Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 7 3.14 3.30 13 3.09 Capeskin 626-2 3 8.17 8.57 13 6.11 Children's shoes 627-0 6 12.00 12.60 9 10.99 Boys’ street shoes 628-0 7 15.71 16.50 11 13.58 Boys‘ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 5 3.87 4.06 9 3.30 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 8 6.26 6.57 21 5.56 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 6 7.15 7.51 6 8.08 Girls’ boots 630-0 6 2,77 2,91 13 3.33 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 8 12.37 12.99 13 11.69 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 6 1,11 1,16 15 .97 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 9 76 2.90 16 3.13 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 635‘0 8 3/ 1.05 8 3/ Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 3/ 5.27 7 3/ Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 8 1.69 74/ 9 1.92 Women's dress 633-0 3 1.71 4/ 9 1.94 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 8 .27 4/ 8 .21 Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 9 34.97 36.72 3 31.28 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 7 46.68 49.02 6 43.91 Storage battery 750‘0 13 26.64 27.98 22 27.76 Chassis lubrication 75770 3 2.03 74/ 9 3/ Motor tune—up 760'0 14 3/ 30.18 16 3/ Brake shoe replacement 761-0 14 3/ 50.51 14 3/ Front end suspension 765-0 12 3/ 14.24 13 3/ Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 10 2.74 2.87 23 2.66 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 12 7.62 4/ 18 7.11 House visit 831-0 12 12.50 4/ 18 11.67 Hospital visit 838-0 4 7.50 4/ 17 8.06 Dental care: Filling 840-0 3 5.00 4/ 12 8.25 Extraction 841-0 3 9.33 4/ 12 9.33 Cleaning teeth 843-0 4 9.00 4/ 12 9.67 Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 4 27.25 .4/ 3/ -- Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 4 28.12 4/ 6 27.42 Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ -- -- 3/ -- Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846") 4- 5 38.08 -73- Portland, Maine St. Louis Average Price 3] Including Sales Tax 21.71 43.63 1.06 4.24 5.45 4.74 9.45 9.00 22.52 28.56 15.64 9.51 15.61 22.43 13.47 3.21 6.35 11.41 14.11 5.77 8.39 3.46 12.14 32.49 45.61 28.84 2.17 35.78 53.54 17.48 Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 . Portland, Maine ‘ St. Louis Expanded Average Price 1] Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 12 $ 0-12 $ 0-13 27. $ 0-12 $ 0.12 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 12 1.01 1.05 33 -35 -89 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 ‘ 11 .80 .84 25 .81 .84 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 11 .98 1.03 30 .90 .94 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 3 .53 .56 24 .51 .53 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 3 .32 .34 16 .31 .33 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 3 2.25 3/ 8 2.88 33/ Women's haircut 892-0 3 2.62 3/ 8 2.34 3/ Boys‘ haircut 893-0 9 2.19 _3/ 8 2.69 3/ Permanent wave 894-0 3 13.19 3/ 8 10.22 3/ Shampoo and set 895-0 4 3.50 3/ 8 2.75 3/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable, 19 inch 897-0 7 134.96 141.70 15 139.94 145.37 Table model radio 911-0 9 29.07 30.52 12 23.50 24.41 Portable radio 912-0 5 33.95 35.65 22 29.34 30.48 Radio phonograph _ 914-0 7 226.93 238.27 22 144.95 150.57 Phonograph record 918-0 15 4.45 4.67 25 4.76 4.94 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 4 .3/ 2.12 8 3/ 1.62 Motion picture admission, child 944-0 3 ‘3/ 1.08 7 43/ .71 Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 12 .20 .21 27 .15 .16 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 12 .11‘ .12 30 .10 .11 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 3 1.37 1.44 18 1.27 1.32 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 2/ -- -- 8 4.56 4.73 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 3/ -- -- 7 4.08 4.24 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 3/ -- -- 7 1.02 1.06 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 3 1.09 1.14 7 1.12 1.16 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, pagel ) gj Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 3/ Sales tax does not apply. -74- by City, Fall 1971 Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, Item Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) Reshingling house roof Repainting living room and dining room Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin Polyester/cotton percale, white Polyester/cotton percale, solid color Bed pillow Blanket: Polyester/rayon Acrylic Wool Bedspread Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen Approx. 10 pounds per dozen Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen Curtains (pair) Draperies (pair): Unlined Lined Furniture: Sofa and chair Cocktail table Convertible sofa Bedding set Bedroom dresser Bedroom chest Dining room chair Household appliances: Refrigerator—freezer Gas range Electric range Vacuum cleaner: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Washing machine: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Clothes dryer Room heater Toaster: Standard model Semi—deluxe model Iron: Standard model Semi-deluxe model Deluxe model Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting Carpet sweeper Light bulb Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) Liquid detergent (15 ounces) Solid detergent (20 ounces) Spray starch (14 ounces) Laundry soap (13 ounces) Air deodorizer (8 ounces) Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) Scouring pads (10 pads) Paper napkins (80 napkins) Scouring powder (14 ounces) Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring Approx. number 4 grade tailoring Approx. number 6 grade tailoring Slacks: Fair workmanship Clean workmanship Good workmanship Specification Number Expanded Pricing 221-2 229-0 230-0 261-1 261-2 261-3 262-0 263-1 263-2 263-3 267-0 268-1 268-2 268-3 275-0 276-2 276-3 283-0 289-0 292-0 295-0 298-0 299-0 303-0 326-0 330-1 330-2 331-1 331-2 333-1 333-2 333-3 334-0 337-0 339-1 339-2 340-1 340-2 340-3 346-0 358-0 387-0 375-0 376-0 377-0 378-0 379-0 380-0 381-0 382-0 383-0 384-0 385-0 389-0 427-1 427-2 427-3 433-1 433-2 433-3 S2 D1 San Franoiqnn—Oak1and Number of Prices UIUIW ¢~¢~ \JUflh30\ xnnauaua c~a\oqN \ \ \ mic» P‘ lnaoxm ¢~\nm<»\o \ F* a>£~c> \10\U1 \D-D lgich GD\D-b ¢~o\ 13 10 16 P00 Average Price 1/ Sales Tax 2/ -75- Excluding $ 8.91 3/ 10.00 15.50 534.85 252.74 121.18 223.11 144.96 41.95 302.64 212.97 30.92 59.96 199.70 231.96 308.46 184.78 9.74 15.43 11.18 16.83 21.69 8.36 11.36 .33 79.56 122.62 207.00 9.80 22.67 Number Including of Sales Tax Prices ———————— ‘-fl $ 9.35 12 354.80 7 369.48 8 - 3 5.47 14 7.27 10 7.61 9 8.04 4 11.54 6 - 9 12.44 12 1.10 6 - 12 3.94 8 5.46 16 10.49 11 16.28 7 561.60 12 - 11 265.37 28 127.24 32 234.26 16 152.21 16 44.05 18 317.77 15 223.61 9 - 7 32.47 '10 62.96 18 209.69 13 243.56 24 323.88 17 194.02 11 - 17 10.22 23 16.20 20 11.74 20 17.67 17 22.78 25 8.77 14 11.93 13 .35 19 .39 33 .38 19 .49 27 .43 30 .99 50 .36 34 .18 29 .19 58 .11 38 3/ 3 83.54 19 128.75 33 217.35 8 10.29 29 23.81 22 - 2/ Average-Price 1] Sales Tax $ 8.99 Excluding §/ 524.92 57.96 265.48 164.50 (234.42 141.59 40.40 311.36 224.28 243.82 36.14 58.78 238.42 268.25 311.36 185.51 15.17 12.68 17.20 12.93 18.30 23.25 17.82 12.34 .31 3.77 85.56 120.81 184.25 10.03 24.37 Including Sales Tax $ 9.47 330.74 403.68 2.76 553.16 61.08 279.76 173.36 247.03 149.21 42.58 328.12 236.35 256.94 ‘38.08' 61.94 251.24 282.68 328.11 195.49 15.99 13.36 18.12 13.63 19.28 18.78 13.00 .32 90.17 127.31 194.16 10.57 25.68 Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 E _1S%n_Die%oIr____2rr__________San.Erangiscc=Q§¥Q&nEL1I7__ xpanded verag rice __ . verage r1ce__ Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 3 $ 6.74 $ 7.08 8 $ 6.67 $ 7.03 Work shirt 438-0 5 5.55 5.82 8 5.18 5.45 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 4 3.99 4.19 16 4.54 4.78 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 3 8.50 8.92 14 7.92 8,35 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 2/ - - 4 13.25 13.96 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 6 .96 1.00 15 1.05 1.11 Combed cotton 441-2 5 1.62 1.70 15 1.66 1.75 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 6 1.05 1.10 15 1.04 1.10 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 2] - - 13 1,57 1.65 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 7 4.46 4.69 19 4.37 4.60 Polyester/cotton 444-2 12 7.38 7.75 29 7.39 7.78 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 2] — - 12 1.07 1.12 Crew_sock. acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 7 1.50 1.58 14 1.41 1.48 Fur felt hat 448-0 3 16.33 17.15 5 16.49 17.38 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 2] - - 5 23.98 25.27 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised ' 457-2 7 53_35 61.80 11 58.85 62.02 Sweater ‘ 460-0 3 18.67 19.60 11 13.46 14.18 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 2] - - 14 4.65 4.90 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised . 463-2 5 8.90 9.34 16 8.16 8.59 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 2] — — 17 5.58 5.88 Clean workmanship 482-2 5 8.30 8.71 24 9.19 - 9.68 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 5 .69 .73 10 .74 M .78 Combed cotton 483-2 9 .96 1.00 11 .96 1.01 Sweater 484-0 4 10.25 10.76 7 5.98 6.30 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 2] - - 2] - - Polyester cotton, clean workmanship . 485-2 2] - - 2/ - - Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 2] - - 11, 4.09 4.31 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 6 7.26 7.63 11 5.40 5.69 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship. 487-1 2] - - 2/ - - Clean workmanship 487-2 _2_/ — - 6 23.14 24.39 Socks 488-0 6 1.12 1.18 18 .92 .97 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 2/ - - 2/ - - Clean workmanship 491-2 2/ ‘ ' 6 31-33 33-02 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 5 6.19 6.50 6 5.57 5.87 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 6 7.66 8.05 19 6.74 7.10 Polyester woven 511-3 8 14.75 15.48 20 13.45 14.17 Slip: Not anti-static 524-1 2] - - 8 4.19 4.41 Non-cling _ 524-2 4 6.75 7.09 18 6.22 6.56 Panties: Acetate 525-1 5 .54 .56 17 .61 .64 Nylon 525-2 11 1.60 1.68 17 1.58 1.66 Nightgown 526-0 8 5.25 5.51 11 5.16 5.44 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 2] - - 2] - - Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 2] - - 7.50 7.90 Nylon 527-3 6 10.83 11.37 18 10.78 11.36 Girdle 529-0 2] - - 11 9.03 9.51 Brassiere 533-0 8 5.12 5.38 18 4.71 4.97 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 6 1.56 1.64 18 1.46 1.54 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 7 3.00 3.15 13 2.56 2.70 Gloves 541-0 4 1.74 1.83 6 2.67 2.81 Hat 543-0 6 3.25 3.41 20 3.66 3.86 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 9 50-44 52-96 19 45-98 48-45 Sport or casual, clean workmanship . 553-2 2/ - ' 18 30-71 85-06 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 2/ * - 10 133-90 141-10 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 7 24.85 26.09 13 21.84 23.01 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 2] - - 3 34.67 36.53 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 4 4.61 4.84 8 5.10 5.38 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 3 6.33 6.65 3 7.00 7 38 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 2] - - 2] - Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 8 6.99 7.34 19 8.36 8.80 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 8 ’20.62 21.66 23 18.22 19.20 -76- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Tran r- 1 e r~n—0a_kia_nd "an_DiegQ Sa Expanded Average Price l]’’ n Average Price 1/ Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls‘ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 2/ $ - $ - 15 $ 4.94 $ 5.21 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 2/ - - 15 7.66 8.08 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 3 11.66 12.24 14 10.27 10.82 Blouse 582-0 3 6.49 6.81 11 5.11 5.38 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 3 1.07 1.13 3 1.21 1.28 Clean workmanship 583-2 4 ’2.25 2.36 8 2.34 2.47 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 8 .56 .59 11 .60 .63 Nylon 584-2 9 .92 .96 9 .83 .87 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ — - 2] - - Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 6 22.66 23.79 14 21.99 23.18 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 2/ - — 2/ — - Knee socks 586-0 7 1.04 1.09 16 ’l.0l 1.06 Sweater 588-0 8 6.00 6.30 11 5.89 6.21 Skirt 593-0 gl - - 7 7.64 8.05 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 2/ — - 3 5,63 7,04 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 27' - — 3 12.00 12.64 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 2/ - - 11 4.76 5.02 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 3 11.32 11.89 4 9.73 10.25 Side upper 610-2 3 23.98 25.18 16 21.93 23.11 Calf upper 610-3 4 31.98 33.57 14 30.07 31.68 Men's work shoes 614-0 5 14.89 15.64 13 16.07 16.93 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 7 9.42 9.89 4 9.49 10.00 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 9 9.98 10.48 8 12.37 13.04 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 7 23.28 24.44 25 21.15 22.29 Women's play shoes 622-0 4 15.50 16.27 23 16.04 16.90 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 4 2.75 2.88 12 2.62 2.76 Capeskin 626-2 4 8.12 8.53 16 6.87 7.24 Children's shoes 627-0 _2_/ - - 8 11.75 12.38 Boys‘ street shoes 628-0 2/ - - 10 15.55 16.38 Boys‘ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 3 4.42 4.64 5 5.09 5.36 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 4 5.49 5.76 14 6.10 6.43 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 5 7.80 8.18 9 7.94 8.37 Girls‘ boots 630-0 4 2.87 3.01 10 4.04 4.26 Girls‘ dress shoes 631-0 3 13.00 13.64 14 12.64 13.32 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 7 1.12 1.18 6 1.29 1.36 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 7 2.80 2.94 14 3.66 3.86 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 8 3/ 1.27 8 3/ 1.53 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 3/ 6.87 8 3] 7-82 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 8 1.54 4] 8 2.25 4/ Women's dress 688-0 - 8 1.58 4/ 8 2-45 .3] Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 3 -21 4/ 7 .22 4/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 5 31.37 32.93 8 32.45 34.20 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 8 40.56 42.59 3 40-57 42-75 Storage battery 750-0 17 28.80 30.24 15 28.94 30.49 Chassis lubrication 757-0 7 2.61 4/ 9 2.97 4] Motor tune-up 760-0 19 3/ 30.31 13 3/ 38.33 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 13 3] 46.45 16 §/ 63.01 Front end suspension 765-0 19 3/ 16.95 15 3] 18.60 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 10 2.67 2.80 20 2.23 2.35 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 16 8.84 4/ 18 9.14 5/ House visit 831-0 15 16.17 4/ 17 16.18 5/ Hospital visit 838-0 15 9.93 4/ 17 10.62 3/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 12 12.33 4] 12 11.08 4] Extraction 841-0 10 15.30 _4_/ 11 15.18 4/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 11 11.73 4/ 11 14.09 5/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 2/ - - 2/ “ “ Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 3/ * * 2/ ‘ ' Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ - - 2/ “ ‘ Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 846-0 5 48.40 4/ 5 56.50 4/ -77- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 San Diego San Francisco-Oakland Expanded Average Price 1] Kverage Price 1] Item Pricing Number . Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 18 $ 0.14 $ 0.14 47 $ 0.14 $ 0.14 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 24 .86 .91 48 .96 1.02 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 12 .70 .73 26 .82 .86 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 20 1.00 1.04 44 1.10 1.16 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 16 .44 .46 40 .51 .54 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 16 .29 .31 45 .35 .37 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 3 2.40 4] 8 3.06 4] Women's haircut 892-0 3 2,59 5/ 3 3,33 .3] Boys‘ haircut 893-0 8 2,34 3] 3 2,97 5/ Permanent wave 894-0 8 14,50 3/ 9 13,59 5/ Shampoo and set 895-0. 8 3.34 4] 8 4.84 4] Recreation: Black and white television, portable, 19 inch 897-0 10 140,44 147,47 20 139,72 147,24 Table model radio 911-0 5 29.96 31.46 20 26.86 28.31 Portable radio A 912‘0 10 35.76 37.55 19 33.41 35.21 Radio phonograph 914-0 7 217.09 227.95 12 241.38 254.37 Phonograph record 918-0 23 4.30 4.52 30 4.43 4.67 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 3 1,64 5y 8 2,38 4] Motion picture admission, child 944-0 7 .61 4] 7 .89 4] Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 26 .17 .18 27 .16 .17 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 22 .11 .12 22 .10 .10 Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 — 12 ounce cans) 986-0 20 1.27 1.33 51 1.24 1.30 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 0 987-0 7 5.39 5.66 8 5.24 5.52 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 7 5.12 5 37 8 5.24 5.52 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 6 .99 1.04 8 1.00 1.06 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 7 1.00 1.05 7 1.02 1.08 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page1 ) 2] Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 4/ Sales tax does not apply. -78- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 seatt1e Washington Expanded Average Price 1]’ verage4Price 1]” Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 12 $ 8.62 s 9.05 12 $ 8.21 8 8.54 Reshingling house roof 229-0 4 3/ 288.80 6 3/ 348.33 Repainting living room and dining room 230-0 4 3/ 365.01 8 3/ 372.18 Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 13 2.70 2.83 5 2.56 2.66 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 12 4,64 4.87 12 4.06 4.23 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 9 5,38 5.64 9 5.68 5.91 Bed Pillow 262-0 2/ ---- ---- 6 7.43 7.72 Blanket: " P°1YeSter/raY°n 263-1 4 5.73 6.02 5 6.69 6.96 Acrylic 253-2 2/ ---- ---- 6 11.83 12.30 _ W001 263-3 3 24.98 26.23 7 24.35 25.32 B3dSPre3d 257‘0 12 9.56 10.04 11 9.76 10.15 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 12 1.27 1.34 16 1.51 1.57 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 10 2-40 2-51 15 2-3° 2-91 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 £/ ---- --" 12 3-93 4-14 Curtains (pair) 275-0 7 5.45 5.72 12 6.24 6.49 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 10 10.14 10.64 5 9.42 9.79 Lined 276-3 3 16.83 17.67 6 16.33 16.98 Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 . _9 490.36 514.88 14 425.10 442.10 Cocktail table 289-0 5 63.89 67.08 12 58.63 60.97 Convertible sofa 292-0 16 259.42 ‘ 272.39 15 272.11 282.99 Bedding set 295-0 28 _ 174.90 183.64 21 118.94 123.70 Bedroom dresser 298-0 18 262.44 275.57 15 211.94 220.42 Bedroom chest 299-0 18 157.50 165.37 12 128.61 133.75 Dining room chair 303-0 17 48.79 51.23 15 38.21 39.74 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 14 309.79 325.28 11 308.42 320.76 Gas range 330-1 2/ ---- ---- 6 227.63 236.74 Electric range 330-2 14 241.23 253.29 6 226.29 235.34 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1. 16 36.32 38.14 14 34.28 35.65 Semi-deluxe model 331-2 19 53.29 55.95 13 68.91 71.66 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 17 238 .07 249 .97 10 227 .24 236 .33 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 21 257.38 270.25 15 260.60 271.02 Deluxe model 333-3 16 312.39 328.01 10 316.64 329.30 C1°theS dryer 334-0 18 176.16 184.97 6 . 175.76 182.79 Room heater 337-0 21 15 .05 15 .80 7 15 .02 15 . 62 Toaster: Standard model ‘ 339-1 32 13.01 13.66 21 12.40 12.90 Semi-deluxe model ' 339-2 25 16.31 17.13 12 15.47 16.08 Iron: Standard model 340-1 20 10.50 11.03 16 10.91 11.35 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 24 18.93 19.88 10 16.35 17.00 Deluxe model 340-3 25 20.64 21.67 13 20.47 21.28 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 12 13.17 13.83 11 9.04 9.40 Carpet sweeper 358-0 14 11.77 12.36 13 12.75 13.26 Light bulb 387-0 18 .32 .33 8 .32 .33 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid bleach ( 1/2 gallon) 375-0 33 .37 .39 13 .35 .36 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 2/ ---- ---- 16 .40 .42 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 24 .41 .43 16 .39 .41 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 18 .52 .55 15 .48 .49 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 9 .42 .44 14 .41 .42 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 36 .58 .61 16 .58 .60 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 53 1.01 ’1.06 16 1.00 1.04 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 28 .36 .37 16 .33 .34 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 44 .19 .20 15 .22 .23 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 45 .20 .21 15 .18 .19 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 56 .11 .12 11 .11 .11 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 389"'0 8 lb Men's clothing: Suit: ' Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 18 75.41 79.18 21 59.73 62.12 Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 35 121.61 127.69 16 119.53 124.31 Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 21 191.51 201.09 10 191.00 198.64 Slacks: Fair workmanship 433-1 26 10.90 11.45 12 9.12 9.49 Clean workmanship 433-2 23 23.97 25.17 34 24.35 25.32 Good workmanship 433-3 4 73.25 76.91 _2/ ---- ---- -79- Average Retail Prices of Selected Comodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Seattle Washin ton Expanded nvczagc Brice lj verage r§I§?jj'_— Item Pricing Number Number _ Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436--0 12 $ 5.95 6.25 12 $ 5.47 $ 5.69 Work shirt 438-0 10 4.82 5.07 10 4.28 4.46 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 11 5.91 6.20 10 3.46 3.60 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 16 7.07 7.43 15 8.16 8.49 Nationally advertised, single—needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 4 13.88 14.57 5 12.60 13.10 Undershirt: - Usually carded cotton 441-1 19 .99 1.04 17 1.07 1.11 Combed cotton 441-2 15 1.65 1.74 13 1.66 1.72 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 14 1.09 1.15 18 1.06 1.10 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 15 1.75 1.84 12 1.62 1.68 Pajamas: Carded cotton 444-1 20 5.09 5.34 12 4.28 4.45 Polyester/cotton 444-2 20 7.72 8.11 24 7.18 7.47 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 15 1.00 1.06 16 .78 .81 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 14 1.38 1.45 15 1.49 1.55 Fur felt hat ‘ 448-0 15 15.20 15.96 9 15.22 15.83 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 5 24.29 25.51 12 28.94 30.10 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 11 60.91 63.95 11 58.18 60.51 Sweater 460-0 16 13.69 . 14.38 12 14.57 15.16 Sport shirt: ' Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 11 4,59 4,82 10 3,60 3,74 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 7 6.16 6.47 10 7.70 8.01 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 7 - 5.43 5.70 14 5.05 5.25 Clean workmanship 482-2 40 8.19 8.60 24 8.62 - 8.97 Undershorts: _ Usually carded cotton 483-1 13 .77 .81 13 .72 .75 Combed cotton _ 483-2 6 .99 1.04 7 1.01 1.05 Sweater 484-0 10 6.64 6.98 13 6.00 6.24 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 6 4.59 4.82 12 3.54 3.69 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 7 4.87 5.11 10 5.85 6.08 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 17 3.84 4.03 19 4.02 4.18 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 15 4.84 5-03 17 4-40 4-57 All-purpose coat: Fair workmanship 437-1 2/ ‘ ' 10 13-10 13-82 Clean workmanship 487-2 2/ ‘ ' 15 23-33 29-93 Socks 488-0 15 .77 .81 14 .86 .89 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 2/ ' ' 3 14-31 14-88 Clean workmanship 491-2 5 33.80 35.49 12 35.04 36.44 Jomen's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 8 5.12 5.37 17 4.96 . 5.16 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 24 7.39 7.76 15 8.27 8.60 Polyester woven 511-3 27 13.88 14.58 18 14.83 15.43 Slip: Not anti-static _ 524-1 11 3.96 4.16 10 3.46 3.60 Non-cling 524-2 12 6.75 7.09 16 6.16 6.40 Panties: Acetate 525-1 13 .63 .66 11 .60 .62 Nylon 525-2 10 1.82 1.92 10 1.56 1.63 Nightgown 526-0 6 4.74 4.98 12 3.80 3.96 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 5 3.89 4.09 5 3 91 4.0/ Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 2/ - - 9 6 33 ' 6.59 Nylon 527-3 10 10.80 11.34 9 11.22 11.67 Girdle 529-0 8 7.69 8.07 15 10 26 10.67 Brassiere 533-0 19 4.87 5.12 23 4 58 4.76 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 36 1.56 1.64 18 1.55 1.61 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 12 2-72 2-35 / 2-78 2-90 Cloves 541-0 7 2.31 2.43 V’8 2.67 2.77 Hat 543-0 18 2.91 3.06 14 3.26 3.40 Coat: _ Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 27 _ 46-37 48-59 11 4/-32 49-73 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 17 86.93 91.27 14 88.06 91-59 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 22 121.63 127.71 17 138.86 144.42 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 17 23.37 24.54 10 24.77 25.76 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 6 41.32 43.39 15 44.53 46.31 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 4 4.74 4.98 14 5.88 6.11 Acrylic, full-fashioned 557-2 5 9.38 9.84 8 10.12 10.53 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 13 11.92 12.52 12 13.57 14.12 Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 561-1 22 A 7.97 8.37 16 9.25 9-52 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 41 16.96 17.81 20 17.95 18.67 -39- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Seattle Washington Expanded Average Price 1/ 1 Average Price 1]!’ Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 13 $ 5.15 $ 5.40 21 $ 5.40 $ 5,62 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 5 8.98 9.43 19 7.84 8.15 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 32 9.32 9.79 22 9,27 9,54 Blouse 582-0 19 4.65 4.88 17 5.43 5.65 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 2/ ' - 7 1,34 1 40 Clean workmanship 583-2 10 2.55 2.68 11 2.50 2.60 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 16 .48 .51" 14 .63 .66 Nylon 584-2 9 .99 1.04 15 .76 ,78 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2/ - - 6 21_49 22.35 Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 11 21.54 22.61 12 19,73 20,52 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 6 37.17 39.02 10 32.20 33,48 Knee socks 586-0 28 1.08 1.14 15 1.06 1.11 Sweater 588-0 19 6.46 6.78 16 6.38 6,63 Skirt 593-0 18 6.53 6.85 12 6.71 6,97 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 4 6.61 6.94 14 5.91 6.15 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 21 9.71 10.20 6 '9.66 10.05 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 14 4.20 ‘ 4.42 8 4.44 4.61 Men's street shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 14 8.39 8.80 10 10.23 10,64 Side upper 610-2 16 22.71 23.84 12 21,24 22,09 Calf upper 610-3 25 29.98 31.48 16 33,99 35,34 Men's work shoes 614-0 8 14.72 15.46 13 15,22 15,33 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 12 11.65 12.23 15 .' 9,37 9.75 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 23 13.09 13.74 15 14,46 15,04 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 19 21.66 22.75 16 23,62 24,56 Women's play shoes 622-0 12 13.65 14.33 16 10.49 10.91 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 17 2.91 3.05 11 3.03 3.16 Capeskin 626-2 6 6.99 7.34 12 7.04 7,32 Children's shoes 627-0 9 12.25 12.87 9 12.55 13,06 Boys’ street shoes 628-0 11 15.33 16.10 12 14.08 14.64 Boys’ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 8 4.73 4.97 9 4,47 4,64 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 11 5.65 5.94 10 5.83 6.07 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 9 7.58 7.96 9 7,94 8,26 Girls’ boots 630-0 11 3.30 3.46 8 4,39 4,56 Girls’ dress shoes 631-0 12 12.53 13.15 12 11,83 12,30 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 18 1.18 1.24 10 1.14 1,18 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 15 3.46 3.63 13 3.12 3.25 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 6 3/ 1,70 3 3/ 1_54 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 6 3/ 7,56 3 3/ 6_92 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 9 1.89 1.98 8 1,75 1_77 Women's dress 688-0 9 2.06 2.16 8 1.76 1.77 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 7 .21 .22 9 ,23 4/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 11 35.52 37.30 7 34.17 34.45 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 11 46.13 48.43 9 42.29 42.63 Storage battery 750-0 15 32.21 33.82 15 28.07 28.30 Chassis lubrication 757-0 7 3.06 3.22 8 2.25 2.29 Motor tune-up 760-O 3 §/ 40.32 14 3/ 33,31 Brake shoe replacement 761-0 8 3/ 46.89 8 3/ 53,73 Front end suspension 765-0 9 19.33 20.30 11 17.30 17.58 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 16 2.65 2.78 19 2.17 2,20 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 16 8.56 4/ 23 9.13 4/ House visit 831‘0 13 14-54 . 3/ 21 15.62 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 16 9.03 4/ 15 mm 2/ Dental care: - Filling 340-0 12 8.75 4/ 15 10.23 4/ Extraction 841-0 10 11.00 4/ 12 10,75 Z/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 12 10.75 4/ 12 12,50 §/ Eye care: _ Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 8 37.96 39.86 2/ - - Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 9 33.73 35.42 2/ - - Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ - - 2/ - - Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeglasses 345-0 5 51-05 4/ 6 47.17 4/ -31- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Seattle Washington Expanded Average Price 1] Kverage Price 3] Item Pricing Number Number Specification of Excluding Including of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 370-0 40 $ 0,13 3 0,14 21 3 0,12 s o_13 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 64 .88 .92 24 .84 .87 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 15 .78 .82 14 .77 .80 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 50 .99 1.04 22 .90 .94 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 41 .53 .55 16 .51 .53 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 60 .34 .36 16 .30 .31 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 6 2.79 3/ 8 2.34 3/ Women's haircut 892-0 7 2.75 3/ 8 3.81 3/ Boys’ haircut 893-0 8 2.75 3/ 8 2.22 3/ Permanent wave 894-0 8 16.94 3/ 8 23.47 3/ Shampoo and set 895-0 8 3.53 3/ 8 5.00 3/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable. 19 inch 897-0 23 148.89 156.33 14 145.04 150.84 Table model radio 911-0 17 27.03 28.38 11 32.70 34.01 Portable radio 912-0 26 32.39 34.01 14 31.59 32.85 Radio phonograph . 914-0 16 181.68 190.77 12 171.50 178.36 Phonograph record 918-0 31 4.29 4.50 24 4.49 4.67 Motion picture admission, adult 943-0 3 2.03 5/ 8 2.45 3/ Motion picture admission, child 944-0 7 .84 3/ 6 1.06 3/ Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 32 .24 .26 26 .18 .19 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 26 .15 .15 18 .11 .12 .Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 50 1.27 1.33 16 1.38 1.44 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 3/ ---- ---- 8 4.21 4.36 Bourbon whiskey (1/5 gallon) 988-0 3/ ---- ---- 8 4.48 4.63 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 7 1.21 1.26 8 1.02 1.07 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 6 1.26 1.31 5 1. 7 1.12 3/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, pagel ) 3/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. 3/ Sales tax is included in the reported price. 3/ Sales tax does not apply. -32- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Wichita Expanded Average Price 1/ Item Pricing Number Specification of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Home maintenance and repair: Exterior house paint (gallon) 221-2 13 $ 7-47 $ 7-59 Reshingling house roof 229-0 8 §/ 266-23 Repainting living room and dining room 230-O 8 §/ 271-51 Household textiles: Sheet: Cotton muslin 261-1 9 2.39 2.46 Polyester/cotton percale, white 261-2 10 4.33 4.46 Polyester/cotton percale, solid color 261-3 8 5.62 5.78 Bed Pillow 262-0 5 6.99 7.20 Blanket: Polyester/rayon 263-1 13 6.07 6.25 Acrylic 263-2 11 12.53 12.91 Wool 263-3 3/ - - Bedspread 267-0 11 9.87 10.17 Bath towel: Approx. 4 to 4 1/2 pounds per dozen 268-1 9 .90 .93 Approx. 10 pounds per dozen 268-2 16 2.79 2.88 Approx. 13 to 14 pounds per dozen 268-3 2/ - - Curtains (pair) 275-0 8 4.78 4.93 Draperies (pair): Unlined 276-2 3 10.91 11.23 Lined 276-3 3 14.33 14.76 Furniture: Sofa and chair 283-0 15 406.23 418.42 Cocktail table 289-0 13 58-04 59-73 Convertible sofa 292-0 20 254.42 262.05 Bedding set 295-0 20 145.33 149.69 Bedroom dresser 298-0 16 192.18 197.94 Bedroom chest 299-0 15 142.56 146.83 Dining room chair 303-0 16 36.16 37.25 Household appliances: Refrigerator-freezer 326-0 19 328.17 338.02 Gas range 330-1 5 236.15 243.23 Electric range 330-2 17 248.44 255.89 Vacuum cleaner: Standard model 331-1 12 36.98 38.09 Semi—deluxe model 331-2 16 53.62 55.23 Washing machine: Standard model 333-1 12 215.30 221.76 Semi-deluxe model 333-2 20 262.55 270.43 Deluxe model 333-3 16 308.96 318.23 Clothes dryer 334-0 9 187.86 193.50 Room heater 337-0 14 15.18 15.63 Toaster: Standard model 339-1 24 13.67 14.08 Semi-deluxe model 339-2 16 17-43 13-00 Iron: Standard model 340-1 17 11.48 11.82 Semi-deluxe model 340-2 21 18.59 19.14 Deluxe model 340-3 15 21-37 22-01 Miscellaneous housewares: Dinnerware, 5-piece place setting 346-0 16 9.60 9.89 Carpet sweeper 358-0 8 11.22 11.56 Light bulb 387-0 9 .30 .30 Housekeeping supplies: Liquid b1each_( l/2 gallon) 375-0 17 .38 .40 Liquid detergent (15 ounces) 376-0 12 .47 .48 Solid detergent (20 ounces) 377-0 18 .40 .42 Spray starch (14 ounces) 378-0 20 .49 .50 Laundry soap (13 ounces) 379-0 3 .40 .42 Air deodorizer (8 ounces) 380-0 18 .58 .60 Floor wax (27 fluid ounces) 381-0 18 1.00 ‘1.02 Scouring pads (10 pads) 382-0 18 .34 .35 Paper napkins (80 napkins) 383-0 17 .20 .21 Scouring powder (14 ounces) 384-0 18 .20 .20 Toilet tissue (650 sheet roll) 385-0 18 .11 .11 Housekeeping services: Laundry flatwork 389-0 5 2.41 2.48 Men's clothing: Suit: Approx. number 1+ grade tailoring 427-1 18 69.00 71.07 Approx. number 4 grade tailoring 427-2 24 93.41 96.21 Approx. number 6 grade tailoring 427-3 13 215.38 221.84 Slacks: Fair workmanship 433-1 17 3.39 3.54 Clean workmanship 433-2 15 13,43 19,04 Good workmanship 433-3 12 48.54 49.99 .8 3- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Wichita , Expanded Average Price 1] Item Pricing Number ' Specification of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Work trousers 436-0 8 $ 5.76 $ 5-93 Work shirt 438-0 7 4.71 4.85 Dress shirt: Imported 439-1 13 4.31 4.44 Nationally advertised, solid color 439-2 17 7.85 8.09 Nationally advertised, single-needle tailoring, yarn dyed stripes 439-3 6 13.17 13.56 Undershirt: Usually carded cotton 441-1 18 1.03 1.06 Combed cotton 441-2 14 1,59 1.64 Undershorts: Broadcloth, carded cotton 443-1 11 1.06 1.09 Batiste, polyester/combed cotton 443-2 13 1.59 1.64 Pajamas: Carded cotton _ 444-1 8 4.61 4.75 Polyester/cotton 444-2 28 6.28 6.47 Socks: Dress sock, stretch nylon 446-1 13 -77 -79 Crew sock, acrylic/stretch nylon 446-2 13 1.54 1-58 Fur felt hat 448-0 14 17.52 18.05 All-weather coat: Fair workmanship, may be imported 457-1 14 25.02 25.77 Clean workmanship, nationally advertised 457-2 14 55-64 58-33 Sweater 0 460-0 18 14.41 14.84 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, imported 463-1 11 4.18 4-30 Collar with neckband, nationally advertised 463-2 12 _ 8-12 8-37 Boys’ clothing: Slacks: Fair workmanship 482-1 22 5.42 5-53 Clean workmanship 482-2 30 7.57 7.80 Undershorts: Usually carded cotton 483-1 8 73 -75 Combed cotton 483-2 5 .96 -93 Sweater 484-0 11 7.77 8-00 Dungarees: Carded cotton, fair workmanship 485-1 8 4.42 4.55 Polyester cotton, clean workmanship 485-2 10 5.90 6.08 Sport shirt: Collar without neckband, batiste or gingham 486-1 22 3.62 3.73 Collar with neckband, broadcloth 486-2 17 4.60 4.74 All—purpose coat: Fair workmanship 487-1 3 15.97 16.45 Clean workmanship 487-2 8 23.62 24.32 Socks 488-0 14 79 .82 Sport coat: Fair workmanship 491-1 .2] - - Clean workmanship 491-2 4 27.37 28.19 Women's clothing: Blouse: Nylon jersey knit 511-1 10 4.04 4.16 Polyester/cotton woven 511-2 23 5.50 5.66 Polyester woven 511-3 19 13.47 13.88 Slip: Not anti-s tatic 524-1 12 3. 30 3.40 Non-cling » 524-2 12 6.33 6.52 Panties: Acetate 525-1 14 _ .71 .73 Nylon 525-2 8 1.81 1.87 Nightgown 526-0 20 4.77 4.91 Pajamas: Carded cotton broadcloth 527-1 3 3.15 3.25 Polyester/cotton broadcloth 527-2 13 5.61 5.78 Nylon 527-3 12 10.33 10.64 Girdle 529-0 15 8.22 8.47 Brassiere 533-0 19 4.81 4.95 Pantyhose: Mesh knit with heavier knit panty 534-1 19 1.53 1.58 Plain knit with opaque panty 534-2 11 2-70 2 78 Gloves 541-0 19 2.27 2.34 Hat 543-0 13 3.09 3.18 Coat: Sport or casual, fair workmanship 553-1 16 38.20 39.34 Sport or casual, clean workmanship 553-2 18 * 72.32 74.49 Dress or casual, fur trimmed, clean workmanship 553-3 18 137.31 141.43 Carcoat: Careless uneven stitching, unmatched thread 556-1 17 24.05 24.78 Careful even stitching, matching thread 556-2 14 38.43 39.58 Sweater: Acrylic, cut-and-sewn 557-1 7 5.50 5.66 Acrylic, full—fashioned 557‘? 9 9.78 10.07 Premium quality acrylic, full-fashioned 557-3 6 20.17 20.77 Slacks: Nylon or bonded acrylic 56l‘1 21 6.52 6.71 Polyester, wool, or polyester/wool 561-2 31 13.90 14.32 -84- Including.and Exclud by City, Fall 1971 Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, ing Sales Taxes, Wichita Expanded Average Price 1/ Item Pricing Number Specification of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Girls’ clothing: Dress: Polyester/cotton, fair workmanship 581-1 29 $ 5.24 $ 5.40 Polyester/cotton, clean workmanship 581-2 13 9.14 9.41 Acrylic or polyester knit 581-3 17 9-94 10-23 Blouse 582-0 25 3-54 3-75 Slip: Fair workmanship 583-1 8 1.47 1.52 Clean workmanship 583-2 10 2.35 2.42 Panties: Combed cotton 584-1 15 .52 .54 Nylon 584-2 8 .89 .92 Coat: Wool, fair workmanship 585-1 2] - - Acrylic pile, fair workmanship 585-2 18 20.71 21.33 Wool, clean workmanship 585-3 10 38.70 39.86 Knee socks 586-0 21 1.13 1.16 Sweater 588-0 19 5.89 6.06 Skirt 593-0 20 6.34 6.53 Robe: Quilted acetate tricot 595-1 8 5,10 5,25 Quilted cotton percale or flannel 595-2 9 9,44 9,73 Footwear: Men's dress rubbers 609-0 2/ — — Men's street shoes: - Vinyl upper, may be imported 610-1 6 11.47 11.81 Side upper 610-2 11 19.44 20.02 Calf upper 610-3 9 27.88 28.71 Men's work shoes 614-0 9 14.10 14.52 Women's dress shoes: Vinyl upper, may be imported 617-1 9 8.10 8.34 Side leather, suede or vinyl patent upper 617-2 21 10.89 11.21 Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper 617-3 10 22.59 23.27 Women's play shoes 622-0 9 12.54 12.91 Women's house slippers: Velour or plain terry cloth 626-1 11 2.78 2.86 Capeskin 626-2 4 6.74 6.94 Children's shoes 627-0 2/ - - Boys’ street shoes 628-0 14 12-91 13-30 Boys‘ sneakers: Tennis type 629-1 9 3.86 3.98 Basketball or deck type, not nationally advertised 629-2 15 5.23 5.39 Basketball or deck type, nationally advertised 629-3 9 7.03 7.24 Girls’ boots 630-0 6 3.70 3.81 Girls‘ dress shoes 631-0 10 11.73 12.08 Clothing materials: Polyester/cotton broadcloth (yard) 661-0 15 1.03 1.06 Polyester crepe (yard) 667-0 12 2.84 2.92 Clothing services: Shoe repair: Women's heel lifts 685-0 8 §] 1.52 Men's half soles and heels 687-0 8 §/ 7.34 Dry cleaning and pressing: Men's 2-piece suit 686-0 8 1.65 1.70 Women's dress 688-0 3 1-65 1.70 Automatic laundry service (10 pounds) 689-0 9 -21 3/ Transportation: Tubeless tire: First line, bias ply 747-2 8 38.55 39.71 Premium line, bias belted 747-3 8 45.55 46.92 Storage battery 750-0 15 31.45 32.39 Chassis lubrication 757-0 14 1.86 1.91 Motor tune-up 760-0 15 28.53 4/ Brake shoe replacement 761-0 12 42.76 4/ Front end suspension 765-0 13 14.66 15.10 Medical care: Multiple vitamin concentrates (100 capsules) 800-0 19 2.32 2.38 General practitioner or internist: Office visit 830-0 15 7.07 3/ House visit 831-0 15 13.07 4/ Hospital visit 838-0 16 7.28 3/ Dental care: Filling 840-0 12 7. 33 3/ Extraction 841-0 11 10.27 5/ Cleaning teeth 843-0 12 8.25 4/ Eye care: Dispensing of eyeglasses, adult 845-0 2/ - - Dispensing of eyeglasses, child 847-0 2/ ’ ' Examination and prescription for eyeglasses 846-1 2/ " - Examination, prescription and dispensing of eyeg1ass_es 846-0 6 47.28 -35- Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities and Services, Including and Excluding Sales Taxes, by City, Fall 1971 Expanded mi?iverage Price 1] Item Pricing Number Specification of Excluding Including Number Prices Sales Tax Sales Tax Toilet goods: Toilet soap (regular size cake) 870-0 17 $ 0,12 $ 0,12 Tooth paste (6 3/4 ounces) 871-0 30 ,95 _98 Shaving cream (6 1/4 ounces) 872-0 30 _31 ,33 Shampoo (7 ounces) 876-0 23 _92 _94 Sanitary napkins (box of 12) 877-0 22 ,51 ,53 Cleansing tissue (box of 200 double) 886-0 18 ,32 ,33 Personal care services: Men's haircut 891-0 5 2,29 4/ Women's haircut 892-0 3 2,55 Z7 Boys’ haircut 893-0 3 2,25 3] Permanent wave 894-0 3 15,52 4/ Shampoo and set 895-0 3 3,50 4/ Recreation: Black and white television, portable, 19 inch‘ 897-0 21 135,57 140,55 Table model radio 911-0 18 27,93 23,75 Portable radio 912-0 19 27,39 23,73 Radio phonograph 914-0 13 167 . 39 172.41 Phonograph record 918-0 25 4,33 4,51 Motion picture admission, adult . 943-0 7 3/ 1,35 Motion picture admission, child 944-0 5 3] ,75 Tobacco products: Pipe tobacco (1 ounce) 980-0 25 ,14 ,14 Cigar (regular size) 983-0 25 ,1Q ,1Q Alcoholic beverages: Beer (6 - 12 ounce cans) 986-0 22 1,24 1,23 Blended whiskey (1/5 gallon) 987-0 3 4,33 4,97 Bourbon whiskey (l/5 gallon) 988-0 3 5,23 5,44 Dessert wine (1/5 gallon) 991-0 7 1,20 1,23 Table wine (1/5 gallon) 992-0 7 1,03 1,11 1/ Average of collected prices; these may or may not be representative of the city (or U.S.) average price. (See text, page 1) 2/ Number of price quotations for items conforming to specification are insufficient for publication. §] Sales tax is included in the reported price. 3/ Sales tax does not apply. -36- U. S. Average Prices Based on Fewer Than 56 Cities Specification Number Specification Number Number of Cities Number of Cities 511-1 54 229-0 54 527_l 51 230-0 55 527_2 51 252'“ 54 543-0 55 263-1 53 553_l 55 263-2 53 553_2 53 263-3 42 553_3 55 267-0 55 556_l 55 268-2 55 556_2 55 268'3 46 557_l 52 276-2 51 557_2 54 276-3 45 55 557_3 45 283-0 55 58l_2 54 292-0 55 582_0 54 298-0 55 583_l 55 5299‘° 55 583-2 55 3°3‘° 55 584-1 55 33°‘1 54 584-2 54 330-2 55 585_l 55 334’° 55 585-2 55 337-0 55 585_3 45 346-0 54 588_O 54 358‘° 52 593-0 54 375‘° 54 595-1 53 378-0 55 595_2 54 379-0 52 609_O 49 389*“ 55 610-1 54 427-1 55 6l7_1 55 427-2 54 6l7_5 55 427‘3 50 626-2 55 433-3 43 627_0 55 439-1 55 628_0 55 439‘2 55 629-1 54 439‘3 42 629_3 54 443-1 55 630_0 55 444‘l 54 63l_O 54 446‘l 55 838_0 55 446‘2 55 845_O 53 457-1 52 846_1 50 457‘2 54 847_O 53 463-1 54 87O_0 55 463-2 55 872_O 55 483‘2 54 886_O 55 484-0 53 9l4_O 55 485-1 52 943_O 55 485-2 52 944_O 54 486-1 55 986_0 54 487-1 46 987_0 55 487”2 49 988-0 55 491-1 42 99l_0 53 491-2 52 992_O 53 -87- SPECIFICATIONS HOME MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT 221-2 White exterior house paint, 1a;ex,,f1rst quality. Trim paint excluded. One—gallon can. Nationally advertised. RESHINGLING HOUSE ROOF 229-O Reshingling (excluding removal of old shingles) a plain gable-type roof, 1000 square feet, with 2 ventpipes, without dor- mer; reflashing 2 vent pipes and 1 average size chimney ( 2 feet square). Position of roof approx. 15 feet from ground (1 story house), 4-to-8 inch rise per foot or 15- to-35 degree pitch, previously covered with asphalt shingles. Material to include: 10 squares (plus waste allowance) of asphalt strip shingles of uniform thickness, 3-in-l strip (12 x 36 inches), approx. 235 pounds per square, fire resistant, nationally ad- vertised; standard roofing nails; approx. 12 square feet of non-metallic flashing; and 2 roof flashing units for vent pipes. High quality workmanship. REPAINTING LIVING AND DINING ROOM 230-O Repainting living room and dining room, 2 coats (same color as previous paint); smooth plaster wall surfaces; 2 doors, standard size in each room; 3 windows, double hung, regular size in each room; furniture moved as needed within room by contractor and protected by dropcloth; no radiators. Approximate size of living room, 15 x 18 x 8 feet or 800 square feet; dining room 12 x 14 x 8 feet or 600 square feet; total approx. 1400 square feet including openings. Labor to include: painting ceilings, sidewalls, all wood trim and baseboards with 2 coats; trim includes 4 flush doors ( 1 side only) and 6 windows (1 side only); including average pointing up (filling in small cracks and nail holes) per contractor's de- finition; no other work done in house. High quality workmanship. Materials to include. All surfaces first coat, undercoat prime ..88_ REPAINTING LIVING AND DINING ROOM -Continued sealer, or the same as the second coat: second coat; for walls and ceilings, flat oil paint, first quality; for trim, doors and baseboards, enamel, first quality. Both paint and enamel nationally adver- tised (if nationally advertised brand not available, price a local brand rep- resentative of the city). HOUSEHOLD TEXTILES SHEET 261-1 Muslin, white, carded cotton, regular finish, thread count approximately 128 (type 128-133), size 8lxlO4—108 inches. SHEET 261-2 Percale, white, 50% polyester/50% cotton, permanent press, thread count approxi- mately 183 (type 180), size 8lxlO4 inches. SHEET 261-3 BED PILLOW Percale, solid color (exclude white), 50% polyester/50% cotton, permanent press, thread count approximately 183 (type 180), size 8lxlO4 inches. 262-O Pillow specifications set by fiber manu- facturer, filling of polyester continuous filament or staple fiber with registered trademark, cover of cotton or polyester/ cotton percale, permanent press or dura- ble press, corded edge, may have zipper closure, size 20-21 inches x 26-27 inches, approx. 8 inches thick, 17 to 21 oz. 230-O BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BEDSPREAD 263-1 Non-woven "need1e—punch" process, solid color, 50 to 65% polyester/balance rayon, 5 to 6 inch nylon binding on two ends, approx. 80 x 90 inches, weight 2% to 3 lbs. 263-2 Double or single woven, solid color, 100% acrylic, may contain up to 30% reprocessed fibers, 6% to 8 inch nylon binding on two ends, size approx. 80 x 90 inches, weight 3% to 3-3/4 lbs. 263-3 Double or single woven, solid color, all new wool, 6% to 8 inch nylon binding on two ends, size 80 x 90 inches, weight 2-3/4 to 4% lbs. 267-0 Corded rib, solid color, woven, all cotton or cotton/rayon blend with up to 20% rayon, approximately 3 inch plain fringe, hand tied or knotted or ball fringe ex- cluded, regular or permanent press finish, full double bed size, Queen and King sizes excluded. BATH TOWEL 268-1 White, solid color, or striped,Jacquard designs excluded, 3 pick, regular terry, cotton, 4 to 4 % lbs. per dozen, selvage sides, hemmed or fringed ends, plain (cam) border, approx. size 20 to 25 x 40 to 45 inches. BATH TOWEL 268-2 White or solid color, may have contrast- ing color borders, Jacquard designs ex- cluded, sheared terry (one side), cotton, BATH TOWEL 268-2 — Continued approx 10 lbs per dozen, selvage sides, hemmed or fringe ends, plain (cam) or dobby border, approx. side 25 x 48 inches. BATH TOWEL 268-3 Solid color terry, may have contrasting borders (Jacquard design excluded), regular terry, 3 pick, cotton, approx. 13 to 14 lbs. per dozen, selvage sides, hemmed ends, dobby border, approx. size 26 to 27 x 50 to 54 inches. CURTAINS 275-0 Tailored, white or eggshell, pinch pleats or weighted corners excluded, ninon, 68 x 72 thread count, 70 denier polyester yarn, 140 denier excluded, hemmed and headed, bottom hem 3 to 5 inches, side hems 1 inch to 1% inches, finished rod pockets, faced-back and corded edge cur- tains excluded, approx. panel size 40 to 42 inches wide, 81 to 84 inches long, per pair (2 panels). DRAPERY UNLINED 276-2 Pleated, solid color, unlined (lined dra- peries excluded), antique satin, 180 to 186 x 50 to 54 thread count, approx. 60 to 70% rayon/balance acetate, pinch pleats, top hem 3% to 4 inches, bottom hem 4 inches, side hems l to 1% inches, 24 to 25 inches wide (per panel), 84 to 90 inches long, per pair (2 panels). DRAPERY LINED 276-3 Pleated, solid color, lined, antique satin, 180 to 186 x 50 to 54 thread count, approx. 60 to 70% rayon/balance acetate, pinch pleats, top hem 3% to 4 inches, bottom hem 4 inches, side hems 1 to 1% inches, 24 to 25 inches wide (per panel), 84 to 90 inches long, per pair (panels). -89.. FURNITURE SOFA AND CHAIR 283-0 Upholstered living room furniture, modern or contemporary style, good quality (promotion- al excluded), sofa seating platform 60 to 90 inches. Composition of Suite: Sofa and chair which may be priced from open stock or as a suite with matching or harmonizing chair of comparable quality. Frame of kiln- dried hardwood, glue blocked, and reinforced throughout. Well padded hard or spring edge, self-decked. Base of coil springs or sinuous construction. May have exposed wood arms or legs. Tight back. Concealed zipper cushion covers. Reversible, compact and smooth, loose seat cushions. Cushion material should consist of high density latex and/or urethane foam, polyester fibers, or any combination. Any good quality upholstery fabric of flat, pile, or textured weaves, and synthetic, natural or blend fibers (excluding lOO% flax). Scotchgard or Zepel stain resistant finish. COCKTAIL TABLE 289-O Early American style made of solid maple or birch. Classic Italian Provincial style made of pecan or other veneer. No drawers. Medium quality, smooth luster, sanded under- surfaces and glued joints. (Approximate) Length: 44” to 52"; Width: 20"; Height: 15" to 16". SOFA, CONVERTIBLE 292-O Convertible or dual-purpose sofa with full size bed unit (approx. 54"). Contemporary, Lawson, or Early American Style (Exclude sofa with large areas of exposed wood on arms or back). Fabric: base grade of volume selling fabric, may be any fiber or combination of fibers and any weave of construction, may have been treated for stain-resistance (Zepel or Scotchgard). Hardwood frame. Tight back, may have simple button design (exclude deeply tufted and elaborately SOFA, CONVERTIBLE 292-O -Continued quilted designs). Bonnel, Marshall-type, no sag, or zigger—type springs. Seat cushions and mattress of urethane and/or latex foam, or coil mattress with urethane foam cushions. Steel frame. Link or mesh springs fastened to frame with helicals. BEDDING SET 295-O Box spring and mattress, full size, approx. 54 by 75 inches. Frame of soft wood. Innerspring mattress. Coils of heavy gauge carbon steel, wire tied or Marshall type. Insulation (Box spring and mattress); sisal, cellulose, and/or cotton felt which may have flexolator of metal with wire or fabric cord. Print fabric covering made of cotton rayon or rayon/cotton blend. Lifting straps (mattress or set): BEDROOM DRESSER 298-O Triple dresser of solid and/or veneer wood with framed plate glass mirror, medium to medium-high quality. Contem- porary or modern style made of walnut, mahogany, oak, elm ash, or tupelo wood; or Early American or Colonial style made of maple or birch wood. 9-drawers. Finish of soft clear sheen, uniform color, matched grain with all imperfections fill- ed, stained and finished. Sturdy con- struction, solids and veneers. All parts carefully joined and well-fitted. Smooth- acting drawers with dovetailed corners, center guides, and sturdy side and bottom panels. Custproofed throughout. BEDROOM CHEST 299-0 Chest of solid and/or veneer wood, -90.. Welted cord or plastic. BEDROOM CHEST 299-O -Continued oak, elm, ash, or tupelo wood; or Early American or Colonial style made of maple or birch wood. 5—drawer. Finish of soft clear sheen, uniform color, matched grain with all imperfections filled, stained and finished. Sturdy construction. All parts carefully joined and well-fitted. Smooth-acting drawers with dovetailed corners, center guides, and sturdy side and bottom panels. Dust-proofed through- out. DINING ROOM CHAIR 303-O Side (or mate's) chair, solid or solid and veneer wood, medium to medium-high quality. Contemporary or Modern style made of walnut, mahogany, oak, or pecan wood; or Italian Provincial style made of pecan, cherry, or oak wood. Slip seat (upholstered in a good grade fabric). Finish of soft clear sheen, uniformly blended color and grain with all imper- fections filled, stained and finished. Sturdy construction. All parts care- fully joined, well-fitted and glued. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER 326-O Semi-deluxe model without ice maker, two outside doors. Fully automatic defrost in refrigerator and freezer. May have adjustable rollers. White baked enamel or acrylic exterior. Porcelain enamel, polystyrene, or plastic interior. 14.6 to 15.7 cu. ft. net capacity overall (including freezer). Separate full- width top freezer, 3.0 to 5.7 cu. ft. net capacity, 2 to 4 ice trays, freezer door equipped with rack or shelf. 2 to 4 refrigerator shelves which may be ad- justable and/or removable or pull-out, 2 crispers or hydrators (may have 1 full- width), racks and/or shelves and butter keeper on refrigerator door, may have cheese keeper. ...9]_... GAS RANGE 330-l Semi-deluxe model gas range with glass oven window, not installed; 4 standard top burners. White vitreous porcelain enamel top, baked enamel or acrylic front and side panels, full porcelain enamel in- terior. Stove length approximately 30 inches; Lamp, electric clock, and manual interval timer; pilot light; may have appliance outlet (s), and/or cook and keep warm oven control. Single standard size oven, fully insulated, thermostatically controlled, "Full-width" under-oven broiler with pan and grid, May have lift- off oven door and/or broiler door. ELECTRIC RANGE 330-2 Semi-deluxe model electric range with glass oven window, 4 surface elements. White vitreous enamel top, baked enamel or acrylic front and side panels, full porcelain enamel interior. Stove length approximately 30 inches. Lamp, automatic clock timer, appliance outlet (s). Single standard size oven, fully insulated ther- mostatically controlled with signal light, broiler pan and grid. VACUUM CLEANER 331-l Standard model, canister type, vinyl hose, furniture guard, non-mar wheels, storage space for tools, suction type, l to l% peak horse power rating, single speed motor, toggle type on/off switch, non-re- tractable power cord, rug and floor tool, upholstery brush, dusting brush, crevice tool, 2 wands. VACUUM CLEANER 331-2 Semi-deluxe model, canister type, furniture guard, non-mar wheels, storage space for tools, may have simulated wood trim finish, suction type, over l l/3 peak horsepower rating, single speedlmotor, l or 2 speed fan, 1 to 3 power selections or variable suction control, step-on on/off switch, VACUUM CLEANER 331-2 -Continued automatic cord rewind, bag fill indicator. Rug and floor tool upholstery brush, dust- ing brush, crevice tool, 2 wands. May have one curved wand, telescoping or ex- tension wands. WASHING MACHINE 333-l ‘WASHING MACHINE Standard model, not installed, fully automatic (washes, rinses, and damp dries), 2 washing speeds (selectable agitator speeds), 3 cycle and 3 water temperature selections, 2 to 3 water-level selections, lint filter (not self-cleaning), may have unbalanced load control and bleach dis- penser. Sheet steel exterior and frame- work. Exterior of white baked acrylic enamel with porcelain enamel top and lid. Porcelain enamel tub. Washers with sub- savers, stainless steel tubs, or mini- baskets are excluded. 333-2 Semi-deluxe model, not installed, fully automatic (washes, rinses, and damp dries), two washing speeds (selectable agitator speeds), 3 to 6 cycles and water tempera- ture and water level selections, automatic bleach dispenser, lint filter (may be self- cleaning), may have lighted control panel, may have unbalanced load control. Sheet steel exterior and framework. Exterior of white baked acrylic enamel with porcelain lid and top. Porcelain enamel tub. Washers with sud savers or stainless steel tubs are excluded. WASHING MACHINE 333-3 Deluxe model, not installed, fully auto- matic (washes, rinses, and damp dries), two to three washing speeds (selectable agitator speeds), multicycle and multi- water temperature selections, Variable water level selections, lint filter (may be self- -92- WASHING MACHINE 333-3 -Continued cleaning), automatic bleach and fabric softener dispenser (may have detergent dispenser), full-width fluorescent light, onbackguard,automatic load balance or reset button and/or buzzer. Sheet steel exterior and framework. Exterior of white baked acrylic enamel with por- celain enamel top and lid. Porcelain enamel tub. May have stainless steel tub. CLOTHES DRYER 334-O Electric, semi-deluxe model, full auto- matic, not installed, thermostatic tem- perature control, safety switch on door (shuts off machine when door is opened), lint trap, may have interior light. Sheet steel exterior and framework of white baked acrylic enamel, may have porcelain top. Steel drum with porce- lain, zinc or similar coating. 60 cycles, 230 volts. Models with stain- less steel drum and "no Vent" models are excluded. ROOM HEATER 337-O Semi-deluxe portable electric room heat- er, thermostatic temperature control, single speed fan, safety tip-over switch, 1320 watts. Metal case, reflector, and grill. Metal or plastic handle, ex- clude models with built-in timer. TOASTER 339-l Standard 2 slice automatic "pop-up" toaster with color or shade selector, modern design, square or rounded corners, chrome plated body with black plastic trim and handle, lowering handle or lever located on end panel, hinged crumb tray. TOASTER 339-2 Semi-deluxe 2 slice automatic "pop-up" toaster with color or shade selector, modern design, square or rounded corners, satin or polished chrome body with plastic handles or end panels and lowering handle or lever in any color, may have simulated wood grain on end panels, heavy wire toast guides, hinged crumb tray. Thin line models and decorative side panels are ex- cluded. IRON 340-l Standard model steam-dry iron. Aluminum sole plate with vents, temperature set- ings, fabric guide chart, black plastic handle. Spray type models are excluded. IRON 340-2 Semi-deluxe spray-steam-dry iron. Aluminum non-stick coated or stainless steel sole plate with vents, manual spray, temperature settings, fabric guide chart, water level indicator, any color plastic handle, may have reversible power cord. Models with an uncoated sole plate, variable steam control, continuous spray control, or pulse of steam control are excluded. IRON 340-3 Deluxe, automatic, steam-dry iron. Stain- less steel or non-stick (teflon) sole plate with vents. Variable steam control, continuous spray control or pulse of steam control, temperature settings, fabric’ guide chart, water level indicator, any color plastic handle, may have reversible power cord. -93- LIGHT BULB MISCELLANEOUS HOUSEWARES .DINNERWARE 346-O Fine china, 5 piece place setting (din- ner plate, approximately lO", salad plate, bread and butter plate, cup, and saucer), standard or coupe, current de- sign, first selection, ivory to white, overglaze decoration, printed patterns, print—and-fill—in and/or metallic "hair- line". Promotionals, casual china, and eartheware are excluded. Japanese im- port. CARPET SWEEPER 358-O Manually operated. Case: steel, baked enamel or chrome-plated. Handle: locking or "stay-up” type, steel or chrome. One brush: adjustable or self- adjusting to rug thickness, nylon or hog-bristel. Steel dustpan. 387-O Standard incandescent lOO watt bulb, medium screw base, inside frosted, white. 3-way bulbs and "soft-white" bulbs are excluded. HOUSEKEEPING SUPPLIES LIQUID BLEACH 375-0 1/2 gallon container of liquid household bleach used as a cleaning, laundering or disinfecting agent. Sodium hypochlorite as a base. Dry bleaches and nylon or special-purpose bleaches are excluded. LIQUID DETERGENT 376-O Synthetic liquid detergent, general pur- pose cleaner. 15 ounce container (can, glass or plastic). SOLID DETERGENT 377-O Detergent (soapless cleaner), granules or powder without enzymes, for general laundry use. 20 ounce box. SPRAY STARCH 378-O Spray laundry starch in aerosol can. l4 oz. net weight. LAUNDRY SOAP 379-O Laundry soap, flakes, chips, granules or powder, for fine fabrics. 13 ounce box. AIR DEODORIZER 380-0) Air deodorizer or refreshener in aerosol can. Disinfectant sprays are excluded. 8 ounce can. FLOOR WAX 381-O Self-polishing liquid floor wax. Waxes such as those for hardwood floors are excluded. l pint, ll ounces (27 fluid ounces) container. SCOURING PADS 382-O Scouring pads of steel wool, soap filled, box of IO pads. PAPER NAPKINS 383-O Light weight embossed paper napkins of medium quality, white or colored, approxi- mately l3 inches x l3% inches. Extra soft, finer quality napkins are excluded. Package of 80 napkins. SCOURING POWDER 384-O Scouring powder or cleaner, l4 ounce container. TOILET TISSUE 385-O One roll of toilet tissue, medium quality, 650 sheets to a roll. Rolls with double sheets are excluded. HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES LAUNDRY FLATWORK 389-O Basic rate for washing and ironing or, for turkish-type materials, tumble drying. ‘Any bundle, service and/or insurance charges are included in the price. Pric- ing unit; l0-pound bundle or a bundle consisting of: 4 flat sheets, 4 pillow cases, 4 kitchen or hand towels, 4 bath towels, 4 wash cloths. -94.. MEN'S SUIT MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S SUIT 427-l Single or double breasted, 2 piece (1 coat and 1 pair of trousers), regular sizes, year-round weight, all new wool worsted or blend of polyester and worsted wool, approximately No. l + grade tailoring. MEN'S SUIT 427-2 Single or double breasted, 2 piece (1 coat and 1 pair of trousers) regular sizes, year round weight, all new wool worsted or blend of polyester and worsted wool, approxi- mately No. 4 grade tailoring. 427-3 Single or double breasted, 2 piece (1 coat and 1 pair of trousers), regular sizes, year round weight, all new worsted wool or blend of polyester and worsted wool, approxi- mately No. 6 grade tailoring. MEN'S SLACKS 433-l Man-made fiber slacks, regular trim or con- tinental style, may have flared or straight leg, plain front, belt loops, with or with- out cuffs. 35 to 50% rayon and/or acetate balance with other man-made fibers, gabar- dine, bengaline, or crepe. Year round weight (12 to 14 oz/yd), or tropical (up to ll oz/yd). Finish may be stain resis- tant or permanent press. Fair workmanship. Regular (approx. 30" to 38" waist) size range. MEN'S SLACKS 433-2 Wool slacks, pleated or plain front, may have self belt, waistband extended ("DAK") or with belt loops, may be slim line or tapered. New wool worsted fabric, 10 to -95- MEN'S SLACKS 433-2 - Continued 13% oz/yd. Clean workmanship. Regular (approx. 30" to 38" waist) size range. MEN'S SLACKS 433-3 Wool slacks, pleated or plain front, may have self belt, waistband extended ("DAK") or with belt loops, may be slim line or tapered. New wool worsted fabric, l0 to 13% oz/yd. Full cut, good workmanship. Regular size range. MEN'S WORK TROUSERS 436-O Twill fabric, full cut, 50% polyester/ 50% cotton, permanent press, clean’ workmanship, waist sizes 30 to 42 inches. MEN'S WORK SHIRT 438-O Twill fabric, full cut, plain pockets with button flaps, 50% polyester/50% cotton, permanent press, clean workman- ship, regular (14 to 17 inch neckband) sizes. MEN'S DRESS SHIRT 439-l Business or dress shirt, band neck, wide spread or long pointed collar, 2 button cuffs, solid colors, 65% poly- ester/35% cotton broadcloth, permanent press, full cut, clean workmanship, over lock seams with safety stitch. Regular (14 to 17 inch neck band) size range. Not nationally advertised brand. Imported from Taiwan, Korea or Hong Kong. MEN'S DRESS SHIRT 439-2 Business or dress shirt, band neck, _MEN'S DRESS SHIRT 439-2 -Continued wide spread or long pointed collar, 2 button cuffs, solid colors, 65% polyester/ 35% cotton broadcloth, 128 x 72 thread count, permanent press, full cut, clean workmanship, over lock seams with safety stitch. Regular (l4-l7 inch neck band) size range. Nationally advertised brand. MEN'S DRESS SHIRT 439-3 Business or dress shirt, band neck, wide spread or long pointed collar, 2 button cuffs, yarn dyed stripes, 65% polyester/ 35% cotton broadcloth, lOO x 60 thread count, permanent press, full cut, clean workmanship, single needle sleeving, sleeve placket opening reinforced with extra material on the outside. Regular (14-17 inch neck band) size range. Nationally advertised brand. MEN'S UNDERSHIRT 441-1 T-shirt, crew—neck, flat knit, lOO% cotton (usually carded may be combed), single ply yarn (exclude Pima, Egyptian, or other long staple cotton), all cotton l x l rib knit collarette, may be shrinkage controlled, fair workmanship, may have taped neck or taped neck and shoulders. Small, medium, large or 34 to 44 size range. MEN'S UNDERSHIRT 441-2 T-shirt, crew—neck, flat knit, lOO% combed cotton, single ply yarn (exclude Pima, Egyptian or other long staple cotton), l x l rib knit collarette rein- forced with l5 percent or more manmade fiber such as nylon or polyester, shrink- age controlled, clean workmanship, taped neck and shoulders. Small, medium, large or 34 to 44 size range. _96_ MEN'S SHORTS 443-l Undershorts, boxer type or yoke front with gripper snap closure and elastic inserts at sides, printed patterns, carded cotton broadcloth, lOO x 60 thread count, colorfast to washing, residual shrinkage of 1% or less, fair workman- ship. 30 to 44 inch waist size range. MEN'S SHORTS 443-2 Undershorts, boxer type or yoke front with gripper snap closure and elastic inserts at sides, printed patterns, 65% polyester/35% combed cotton batiste, 96 x 72 thread count, colorfast to washing, residual shrinkage of 1% or less, permanent press, full cut, clean workmanship. 30 to 44 inch waist size range. MEN'S PAJAMAS 444-l Coat or pullover style, long sleeves, prints, carded cotton broadcloth, thread count 80 x 60, l% or less residual shrinkage, fair workmanship; small, medium, large, extra large, size range. MEN'S PAJAMAS 444-2 Coat or pullover style, long sleeves, solid colors, 50-65% polyester/balance cotton, lOO x 60 - ll2 x 60, permanent press finish, clean workmanship, full cut, over lock seams with safety stitch. Small, medium, large and extra large size range. MEN'S DRESS SOCK 446-l Dress, seamless, slack (anklet) length, solid colors, rib knit stretch nylon, approximately 200 needles, heel and toe may be reinforced. One size to fit l0 to l3 foot. MEN'S HAT MEN'S CREW SOCK 446-2 Crew, seamless, slack (anklet) length, solid colors, 75-85% acrylic/balance stretch nylon, rib knit top (1 x l or 2 x 2), flat knit foot, approximately 84 needles, heel and toe may be reinforced. One size to fit 10 to 13 foot. Nationally advertised brand. 448-O Year-round weight, any conservative color, lined or unlined, fur-felt with rayon out- side band and leather sweat band, rayon lining (when used), good workmanship, hand or machine blocked, cemented or stitched welt edge, reeded or whipped-in sweat band. MEN'S ALL*WEATHER COAT 457-l Approximately knee-length all weather coat with acrylic pile zipout liner, slash through pockets, raglan shoulder styling, single breasted, fly front, 100% cotton or 65% cotton/35% polyester, water repellent finish, or wash and wear permanent press, fair workmanship, may be imported, regular size range (34 to 44). MEN'S ALL‘WEATHER COAT 457-2 Approximately knee-length coat, zipout liner, self fabric slash through pockets, sleeve tabs. Balmacaan (single split- shoulder sleeves, fly front) or trench coat (double breasted, back yoke, belt, set in sleeves, may have epaulets). Body of polyester/combed cotton, water repellent. Zip-out liner of alpaca and/or mohair pile or acrylic and/or modacrylic dense pile. Clean workmanship, all machine made. Regular (34 to 44) size range. Nationally advertised. SWEATER 460-O Sports cardigan or coat style, may have pockets, button closure, body of bulky rib knit, cable, etc., with cuffs and bottom of rib knit lOO% acrylic or lOO% polyester, clean workmanship, cut and sewn construction, machine—made button- holes, good quality plastic sew-through buttons. Regular (34-44 chest) size range. MEN'S SPORT SHIRT 463-l Sport shirt, long sleeves, plain button front, collar without neck band, long pointed collar, l or 2 button cuffs (excluding knits and novelty weaves), woven stripes, 50-65% polyester/balance cotton batiste, 96 x 72 thread count, permanent press. Clean workmanship, over lock seams with safety stitch. Regular (l4-l7 inch neck size) or small, medium, and large size range. Imported from Taiwan and Korea. MEN'S SPORT SHIRT 463-2 Sport shirt, long sleeves, neck band, long pointed collar, l or 2 button cuffs (excluding knits and novelty weaves), woven stripes, 50-65% polyester/balance cotton broadcloth, lOO X 60 thread count, permanent press. Clean workmanship, over lock seams with safety stitch. Regular (l4-l7 inch neck size) or small, medium and large size range. Nationally adver- tised brand. ..97_. BOYS‘ CLOTHING BOYS’ SLACKS 482-l Slim line, tapered or flared leg plain front, 2 side and 2 back pockets, belt loops, cuffless, 50 to 65% polyester with balance cotton, permanent press, may be spot and stain resistent, fair workmanship. Student regular (approximately 25" to 30" waist) size range. BOYS' SLACKS 482-2 Slim line or regular, plain front, 2 side and 2 back pockets, beltless with exten- sion tabs or belt loops, cuffed or cuff- less, 65% polyester/35% rayon or 50 to 65% polyester with balance combed cotton, permanent press, clean workmanship. Student regular (approximately 25" to 30" waist) size range. BOYS’ UNDERSHORTS 483-l Brief, all around elastic webbing waist- band, rib knit, l0O% cotton (usually carded, but may be combed), 1% residual shrinkage, fair workmanship, l4 years (approximately 28 inch waist) size. BOYS’ UNDERSHORTS 483-2 Brief, all around elastic webbing waist- band, rib knit, 100% combed cotton, 1% residual shrinkage, clean workmanship, l4 years (approximated 28 inch waist) size. BOYS' SWEATER 484-O Pullover, long sleeves, solid colors, may have contrasting color trim at neck (ex- cluding turtle neck). Body of inter-lock (l x l rib) or links knit. Neck, cuffs and bottom of rib knit. 100% acrylic yarn. Cut and sewn. Cadet or prep (approximately l3 to l2) size range. BOYS' DUNGAREES 485-l Western cut, blue denim, carded cotton, single knees, fair workmanship, prep size range, not nationally advertised. BOYS' DUNGAREES 485-2 Western cut, blue denim, 50% polyester/ 50% cotton, single knees, permanent press, clean workmanship, prep size range, nationally advertised. BOYS' SPORT SHIRT 486-l Sport shirt, long sleeves, plain button front, collar without neckband, long pointed collar, l or 2 button cuffs. Woven stripes or plaid, 50-65% polyester/ balance carded cotton batiste or woven gingham, 92 x 72 (batiste) or 78 x 56 (gingham) thread count, permanent press, clean workmanship, overlock seams with safety stitch. Cadet or prep (approxi- mately 13 to 20) size range. Domestic or imports from Taiwan, Hong Kong or Korea. BOYS' SPORT SHIRT 486-2 Sport shirt, long sleeves, plain button front, long pointed collar with neckband. Woven stripes, 50-65% polyester/balance cotton broadcloth, 100 x 60 thread count, permanent press, clean workmanship, overlock seams with safety stitch. Cadet or prep (approximately 13-20) size range. Origin: Domestic. BOYS’ ALL-PURPOSE COAT 487-1 Approximately knee length (walking coat), 50% polyester/50% cotton zipout liner, water repellent, spot and stain resis- tent, fair workmanship, all machine made, size cadet or prep regular (approximately 14 to 26) size range. A -98- BOYS’ ALL-PURPOSE COAT 487-2 Balmacaan or trench coat, double breasted, 2 slash or patch pockets, approximately knee length (walking coat), zipout lining, polyester cotton, full cut, water repellent finish, clean workmanship, all machine made. Student regular (approximately 14 to 26) size range. BOYS' SOCKS 488-O Crew, seamless, (anklet) length, solid colors, 75-85% acrylic/balance nylon stretch, rib knit top ( l x l or 2 x 2), flat knit foot. Small, medium or large or one size to fit l0 to l3 foot size range. Not nationally advertised brand. BOYS' SPORT COAT 491-l Double-breasted blazer, center vent, metal buttons, set-in lower pockets with flaps, may have third pocket, flannel or hopsacking consisting of 50 to 65% acrylic with balance rayon or wool, fair workman- Ship, all machine made, ¢adet of prep regular (approximately 13 to 20) size range. BOYS’ SPORT COAT 491-2 Single breasted with 3 pockets, soft finished fabrics, 70% polyester/30% worsted woven fabric or 100% polyester knit, medium weight, clean workmanship, all machine made, cadet or prep regular (approximately 13 to 20) size range. _99.. WOMEN'S CLOTHING ‘WOMEN'S BLOUSE 511-1 Tailored or semi-tailored, long sleeves with barrel cuffs, open front or open neck placket, shirttail or straight bottom, may have 1 pocket, white and solid colors, simple trim such as contrasting color (or white) stitching, 100% nylon jersey knit (excluding interlock knit), fair workmanship, overlock seams, misses‘ sizes. WOMEN'S BLOUSE 511-2 Tailored or semi-tailored, long or 3/4 sleeves, tucks or gathering in the back, may have 1 pocket, white or solid colors, 2 rows of stitching on collar and cuffs or other simple trim, 65% polyester/35% cotton woven broadcloth (128x72 thread count in the gray) or oxford cloth (84x50 thread count in the gray), permanent press, clean workmanship, pinked seams which may be double-stitched or overlock. Misses’ sizes‘range. WOMEN'S BLOUSE 511-3 Tailored or semimtailored neoclassic style with tucking or stitching br similiar trim, long sleeve with cuff (may be French-cuff), tailored to wear in or out, square bottom, white or solid colors, dyed-to-match or self-fabric buttons, 100% polyester woven crepe, machine washable and machine dryable, clean workmanship, blouson effect at shoulder, full sleeve, 26"-27" back, seams pinked or overlocked with safety stitch. Misses’ size range. WOMEN'S SLIP 524-1 Medium‘quality domestic lace bodice and hem (may have minimum of appliqued em- broidery), street length, adjustable narrow nylon satin ribbon straps, 30 to 40 denier 2-bar tricot knit nylon fabric (excluding anti-static), clean workman- -100- WOMEN'S SLIP 524-1 Continued ship, two overlock side seams, fitted or shirred bodice front. Misses‘ 32 to 40 size range. WOMEN'S SLIP 524-2 Medium quality domestic non-cling lace bodice and hem (may have minimum of appliqued embroidery), street length, ad- justable narrow nylon satin ribbon straps, 30 to 40 denier 2-bar tricot knit non-cling nylon fabric, clean workmanship, two over- lock side seams, fitted or shirred bodice front. Misses' 32 to 40 size range. WOMEN'S PANTIES 525-1 Tailored brief, excluding bikini style, 100% acetate 2-bar tricot (warp knit), full cut, clean workmanship, reinforced crotch, elasticized waist and leg, over- lock seam. Size range: 4 to 7. WOMEN'S PANTIES 525-2 Tailored brief, excluding bikini style, 100% nylon 2-bar tricot (wrap knit), full cut, clean workmanship, reinforced crotch, elasticized waist and leg, overlock seams. 4 to 7 size range. WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWN 526-O Sleeveless, waltz length, tailored or semi-tailored, may have small amount of trim at bodice and bottom, straight cut skirt, 30 to 40 denier 2-bar tricot nylon fabric (excluding anti-static), fair work- manship, all machine made, overlock seams. Misses' regular size. WOMEN'S PAJAMAS 527-1 Tailored, 3/4 or long sleeves, no pockets, small amount of trim (usually piping of same or contrasting color), button closure or adjustable gripper snap closure, solid colors, carded cotton broadcloth, fair workmanship, adjustable band waist with side elastic inserts or band front waist with elastic back, narrow tunnel or ex- posed elastic waistband. Misses’ size range WOMEN'S PAJAMAS 527-2 Tailored, 3/4 or long sleeves, one pocket, small amount of trim (usually piping of same or contrasting color), button closure or adjustable gripper snap closure, poly- ester/cotton broadcloth, solid colors, clean workmanship, adjustable band waist with side elastic inserts or band front waist with elastic back. Misses’ size range. WOMEN'S PAJAMAS 527-3 Tailored, 3/4 or long sleeves, small amount of trim (usually piping of same or contrasting color), 2 bar tricot (warp knit) nylon fabric, clean workmanship, all around elastic waist. Misses’ size range. GIRDLE 529-0 "Long-leg" panty girdle, pull-on, light weight junior type, front panel, may also have back panel or reinforcement, may have band or elastic facing at top, 4 garters, white. Main body of spandex power net (light weight), 10 to 30% spandex with remainder nylon or nylon/ acetate blend. Front panel of satin spandex or nylon and/or polyester woven fabric which may have machine lace over- lay. Back panel (if any) of satin spandex or double layer of spandex power net. Crotch of nylon tricot fabric or power net (detachable crotch or shield ex- cluded). Clean workmanship, up to -101- GIRDLE 529-0 Continued 2 inch depth fashioned top band or elastic facing (when used), no stays, front garters may be ribboned, minimum trim. High con- struction at waist line is excluded. Small, medium, large size range. BRASSIERE 533-0 Bandeau style, adjustable straps, adjust- able back hook closing. Nylon lace bust cups. Bust lining of cotton or nylon marquisette and/or nylon tricot, may have interlining of fiberfill or bonded fabric (contour padding of foam or fiberfill are excluded). Sides and back sections of nylon/spandex. Straps of nylon ribbon or tricot or cotton fabric (continuous stretch straps). Clean workmanship. 2 or 3 positions closure, one to three hooks (wired bust cups are excluded). 32, A to C cup, size range. WOMEN'S EANTYHOSE 534-1 Sheer stretch mesh knit stockings with heavier knit panty, sewn toe and nude heel, elasticized waist band, may have single thickness inserted crotch piece, first quality, hose portion of 15 to 20 denier nylon, panties of 30-50 denier nylon. Petite, average, tall or small, medium, large sizes. Exclude: textured or patterned type hosiery, nylon stretch yarns, and run-resistant knit. WOMEN'S PANTYHOSE 534-2 Sheer stretch stockings with opaque panty, first quality, hose of 15 or 17 denier premium nylon stretch, panties of 40 or 50 denier premium nylon stretch, regular type, plain knit, reciprocated heel and toe, crotch piece added as reinforcement, elastic at top % inch to 3/4 inch wide. Petite, average, and tall sizes. Excluded are: textured or patterned type hosiery and run resistant knit. WOMEN'S GLOVES 541-O Pull-on style, 4-button or shortie length, plain, or may have stitching (or pointing) on back or other simple detail such as embroidery, stretch nylon (preferred) or double knit nylon (double woven), suede finish, white or solid color, clean work- manship, machine-sewn, half-pique seams, round thumb. WOMEN'S HAT 543-O Knitted cloche, tam, beret or similar style. Generally solid colors, may have moderate trim such as edging fir different color stripe, 100% acrylic, machine made, body of simple knit stitch. WOMEN'S COAT 553-1 Sport or casual, without fur trim, full length wintercoat, all new wool or blends of wool and man made fiber, fair work- manship, misses sizes. WOMEN'S COAT 553-2 Sport or casual, without fur trim, full length wintercoat, all new wool or blends of wool and manmade fiber, clean workman- ship, misses sizes. WOMEN'S COAT 553-3 Dress or casual, with moderate amount of fur trim, full length wintercoat, all new woolen or hard finished worsted or blend of wool and manmade fiber, clean workmanship, misses sizes. WOMEN'S CARCOAT 556-l Single or double-breasted, button or toggle closure, self fabric or pile collar which may be converted to hood, 2 slash or inset or patch pockets which may have flaps. All cotton fabric body -102- WOMEN'S CARCOAT 556-1 Continued (such as, corduroy, suede, or poplin) which may be bonded to polyurethane foam or melton cloth of no more than 80% repro- cessed or reused wool/balance other fibers. May be water repellent finish. Full length, acrylic and/or modacrylic pile lining, approximately 18 oz. per yard (lightweight thin pile, "% to %" thickness, dull appearance). Sleeve lining may be quilted rayon and/or acetate. All machine- made, careless uneven stitching, thread, may be unmatched to fabric. Misses' size range. WOMEN'S CARCOAT 556-2 Single or double-breasted, button or toggle closure, self fabric or pile collar, may be converted to hood, 2 slash or inset or patch pockets, may have flaps on pockets All cotton fabric body (such as, corduroy, suede, or poplin, canvas) which may be bonded to polyurethane foam. May be water repellent finish. Full length, acrylic and/or modacrylic pile, approximately 24 oz. per yard (heavy Weight, dense shiny. pile). Sleeve lining may be quilted rayon and/or acetate or acrylic. All machine- made, careful even stitching, thread, matched to fabric, may be reinforced at stress points. Misses' size range. WOMEN'S SWEATER 557-1 Classic or neoclassic slipover, mock turtle neck, zipper back, long sleeves. Acrylic flat (jersey) knit body with rib knit cuffs, neck and bottom. White and solid colors. Cut-and-sewn, may be mock- fashioned, neck trim may be stitched on. Misses' size range. (WOMEN'S SWEATER 557-2 Classic or neoclassic slipover, mock : turtle neck, zipper back, long sleeves. Acrylic flat (jersey) knit body with rib knit cuffs, neck and bottom. White and solid colors. Premium quality acrylic WOMEN'S SWEATER 557-2- Continued excluded. Full sized, full-fashioned, neck trim attached to body by looping process. Misses' size range. WOMEN'S SWEATER 557-3 Slipover, mock turtle or turtleneck or drop crew neck, 8-inch back zipper, long sleeve. Premium quality acrylic similar to cashmere, fine wool hand, 2x2 relaxed rib knit. Washable. Full-sized, full fashioned. Misses‘ size range. WOMEN'S SLACKS 561-1 Pull-on (step—in) style with elasticized set-on waistband, Nnkle length or longer depending on current fashion, straight or flare leg, may have self—fabric belt and stitched creases, slacks with pockets and lined slacks excluded, solid color, may have knitted pattern, washable single knit (jersey) bonded acrylic or double knit nylon, fair workmanship, 1 inch hem, overlock seams, no zipper, "can't roll" or "won't roll" waistband excluded. Misses size range. WOMEN'S SLACKS 561-2 Pull—on (step—in) style with elasticized set-on waistband including jean style, ankle length or longer depending on current fashion, straight or flare leg, may have swing pockets and/or belt, lined slacks excluded, solid colors or patterns, washable double knit polyester or dry cleanable polyester/wool blend or dry cleanable all wool, clean workmanship, 1% inch minimum hem, overlock seams, may have "can't roll" or "won't roll" waist- band and/or zipper. Misses’ size range. -103- GIRLS‘ CLOTHING GIRLS‘ DRESS 581-1 One-piece shift, may have "2-piece" look, A-line or other style appropriate for school wear, short sleeves, moderate trim, woven polyester/cotton, permanent press, fair workmanship. Girls‘ (usually 7 to 14) sizes. GIRLS‘ DRESS 581-2 One-piece shift, may have 2-piece" look, A-line or other style appropriate for school wear, short sleeves, moderate trim, woven polyester/cotton, permanent press, clean workmanship. Girls‘ (usually 7 to 14) sizes. GIRLS‘ DRESS 581-3 One-piece A-line dress with collar, mod- erate style features, appropriate for school wear, short sleeves, no belt, 100% acrylic bonded single knit or 100% polyes- ter double knit, clean workmanship. Girls‘ (usually 7 to 14) sizes. c1RLs' BLOUSE 582-O Tailored shirt style, long cuffed sleeves, button front closing, long pointed collar with neckband, 65% polyester/35% cotton broadcloth, white or solid colors, clean workmanship. Girls‘ (usually 7 to 14) sizes. GIRLS‘ SLIP 583-1 Adjustable straps or built-up shoulders, machine lace or embroidery trim around top and/or bottom, may have small amount of lace or tucking on bodice, may have elastic inserts, 50% polyester/50% cotton,permanent press, fair workmanship. Girls‘ (usually 7 to 14) sizes. Not nationally advertised brand. -104- g1RLs' SLIP 583-2 Adjustable straps or built-up shoulders, machine lace or embroidery trim around top and on bottom, moderate amount of lace or tucking Qn bodice, may have elas- tic inserts, 65% polyester/35% cotton, permanent press, clean workmanship. Girls‘ (usually 7 to 14) sizes. Nation- ally advertised brand. GIRLS‘ PANTIES 584-1 Tailored brief, rib cuffs or elastic leg, all around outside elastic waist, rein- forced crotch, flat knit or 1 x l rib knit combed cotton, exclude pima cotton, clean workmanship. Girls‘ (usually 7 to 14) sizes. Not nationally advertised brand. GIRLS‘ PANTIES 584-2‘ Trimmed brief, elastic leg with lace, all around outside elastic waist, reinforced crotch, may have small amount of lace trim, applique or embroidery, 2-bar tricot (warp knit) nylon, clean workmanship. Girls‘ (usually 7 to 14) sizes. Nation- ally advertised brand. GIRLS‘ COAT 585-1 Heavy weight, full length dress or casual without fur trim, may have contrasting fabric trim, may have hood. Body of twill, herringbone twill, camel type, tweed, shetland type, or plaids with all new wool or chiefly new wool/balance nylon or camel hair. Lining of twill or rayon and/ or acetate taffeta (exclude satin}. Full length interlining all or chiefly repro- cessed or reused wool/balance other fibers. Fair workmanship. Girls‘ (usually 7 to 14) sizes. Not priced in Honolulu. GIRLS‘ COAT 585-2 Heavy weight, full length dress or casual, moderate trim, two pockets, may have hood. Face of medium weight 100% acrylic pile (exclude modacrylic). Back of lOO% cotton. Lining of rayon twill or rayon and/or acetate taffeta, may be quilted. Fair workmanship. Girls' (usually 7 to 14) sizes. Not priced in Honolulu. GIRLS‘ COAT 585-3 Heavy weight, full length dress or casual without fur trim, may have contrasting fabric trim, may have hood. Body of twill, herringbone twill, camel type, tweed, shetland type, or plaids, all new wool or chiefly new wool/balance nylon or camel hair. Lining of rayon twill or rayon and/ or acetate taffeta (exclude satin). Full length interlining of all or chiefly re- processed or reused wool/balance other fibers. Clean workmanship. Girls' (usual- ly 7 to 14) sizes. Not priced in Honolulu. GIRLS’ SOCK§_ 586-O Knee length, rib and/Qr cable stitch, elasticized top, white or solid colors, 70 to 75 acrylic/balance stretch nylon, machine washable, colorfast, may have san- itized finish, seamless, may have heel and toe reinforced with nylon. Girls' (usual- ly 5 to 8%) sizes. GIRLS’ SWEATER 588-O Turtle neck pullover, long sleeves, lOO% acrylic (fine gauge) flat knit or rib knit body. Rib knit cuffs, neck and bottom. Cut and sewn, may be mock-fashioned. Girls' (usually 7 to 14) sizes. -105- GIRLS’ ROBE GIRLS' ROBE GIRLS‘ SKIRT 593-O A-line with zipper closure, contour waist (no external waistband), may have self or plastic belt or other minor trim or detail. Woven acrylic bonded to acetate tricot. Machine washable. Clean work- manship. Girls' (usually 7 to 14). Not priced in Honolulu. 595-l Short length quilted robe with simple styling, button front, 3/4 or long sleeves (may have small amount of trim such as bows, lace, or piping). Acetate tricot quilted to self lining with cotton, acetate, or polyester batting. Washable. Fair workmanship. Girls' (usually 7 to l4) sizes. Not nationally advertised brand. 595-2 Long length quilted robe with moderate styling, button front, 3/4 or long sleeves(may have a moderate amount of trim such as bows, lace or piping). Printed cotton percale quilted to print- ed or solid color cotton or acetate fabric lining, or cotton flannel quilted to polyester or acetate fabric lining. Cotton or polyester batting. Washable. Clean workmanship. Girls' (usually 7 to l4) sizes. Nationally advertised. FOOTWEAR MEN'S DRESS RUBBERS 609-O Slip-on stretch rubber with sole and heel of knurled rubber (non slip), approximately 6 to ll% size range. Nationally advertised brand. MEN'S STREET SHOES 6lO-l Oxford or buckle strap. Vinyl upper (ex- Cluding poromeric). One piece synthetic rubber (PVC) outsole and heel. Synthetic insole. 3/4 or full cut plastic quarter lining. Imitation leather heel pad. In- jection molded (unit sole and heel). 6% to l2, B to D widths, size range. Domestic or imported. ' MEN'S STREEY SHOES 610-2 Oxford or buckle strap. Smooth side good quality upper. Leather outsole. Leather or syntheic insole. 3/4 or full cut leath- er or plastic quarter lining. Heel of solid rubber or heel with base of leather- board or rubber composition and a top lift. Goodyear welt. 6% to 12, B to D width, size range. MEN'S STREET SHOES 610-3 Oxford or buckle strap. Smooth or grained calf good quality upper. Semi-fine grade leather outsole. Leather or synthetic in- sole and lining. Rubber heel. Goodyear welt. Medium grade workmanship. 6% to l2, A to,D widths, size range. MEN'S WORK SHOES 614-0 6" high. quality upper. Elk tanned side leather good Vinyl or composition out- sole and heel. Leather or non-leather in- sole. Goodyear welt. Medium grade workman- ship. 6 to 12, wide width, size range. -106- WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES 6l7-l_ Pump which may have ornamentation. Vinyl uppers (patent vinyls and poromerics are excluded). Composition outsole. Composi- tion or other man-made material insole. Man-made material quarter and sock lining. Plastic or wood heel (enamel finish), medium or high, may be narrow or chunky type, composition or nylon top lift. Cement process, low medium grade workman- ship. 4 to 9, AA to C, size range. Do- mestic or imported. WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES 617-2 Pump which may have ornamentation. Kid, side leather suede, or vinyl patent upper. Non-leather outsole. Fiber insole. Split leather or simulated leather quarter lining. Fabric or simulated leather sock lining. Plastic heel (suede leather, vinyl patent, celluloid, or enamel finish), medium or high, may be narrow or chunky type, composition or nylon top lift. Cement process, low medium grade workman- ship. 4 to l0, AA to C, size range. Domestic or imported. WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES 617-3 Pump which may have ornamentation. Smooth or suede calf or kid suede upper, medium to ~high quality. Semi-fine leather or com- position outsole. Composition, cushioned fiber, or flexible split leather insole. Leather or high quality non-leather material quarter and sock lining. Plastic or wood heel (leather, simulated leather, cellu- loid, or enamel finish), medium or high, may be narrow or chunky type, composition or nylon top lift. Cement process, high medium grade workmanship. 4 to l0, AA to C, size range. Domestic or imported. WOMEN'S PLAY SHOES 622-0 Play or very informal wear pump or slip-on. Lightweight side leather upper. Lightweight leather or composition outsole. No lining. Heel of leather or composition, 3/8" to l", may be low wedge with wrapper. Cement process, medium quality workmanship. 5 to l0, medium width, Domestic or imported. size range. WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS 626-l Scuff style. Velour or plain terry cloth upper. Rubber outsole. Self-material or foam cushioned (polyurethane) insole. Machine sewn, excluding slippers with felled edges on vamp. S-M-L size range. WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS 626-2 Scuff style. Capeskin upper and wrapper. Leather or non leather outsole. Padded insole. Wood base heel, wedge type, 7/8 to l2/8 height. Slip-lasted construction. 4 to 10 medium width, size range. Nat- ionally advertised brand. CHILDREN'S SHOES 627-0 Oxford. Side leather upper (excluding split leather). Hard non-leather outsole (excluding crepe sole). Leather or non- leather insole, quarter lining, counter lining, and heel pad lining. Fabric vamp. Plastic or folded edge binding. Leatherboard base with rubber top lift heel or spring heel. Goodyear welt. 8% to l2 size range. BOYS' STREET SHOES 628-0 Oxford or buckle strap. Side leather up- per. Non-leather outsole, insole, quarter lining, and heel pad lining. Drill or non-leather vamp lining. Heel of solid -107- BOYS’ STREET SHOES 628-O — Continued rubber or leatherboard base with rubber top lift. Goodyear welt. 6% to 12 size range. BOYS' SNEAKERS 629-l Oxford tennis type, good quality cotton duck upper, crepe type rubber (non- molded) outsole, cushioned sponge rubber insole, cemented construction. 2 to 6 size range. BOYS’ SNEAKERS 629-2 Oxford, basketball or deck type, suction grip outsole, protective bumper toe guard and/or toe cap. Good quality cotton duck upper. Premolded rubber outsole. Cemented and stitched or injection mold- ed construction. 2 to 6 size range. Not nationally advertised brand. BOYS' SNEAKERS 629-3 Oxford, basketball or deck type, suction grip outsole, protective bumper guard and/or toe cap. Good quality cotton duck upper. Premolded rubber outsole. Cushioned sponge rubber insole. Cemen- ted and stitched construction. 2 to 6 size range. GIRLS' BOOTS 630-0 . Pull on, over the shoe, approximately 8 inches high, molded rubber, unlined. l2% to 3 size range. Cushioned sponge rubber insole. Nationally advertised brand. GIRLS' DRESS SHOES 631-O Strap or pump style, plain toe or vamp ornament or stitching. Patent leather (plain or crinkle) upper. Composition out- sole. Man-made, split leather, or fiber in- sole. Man-made or split leather quarter and sock lining. Fabric vamp lining. Composition heel, 3/8" to 1" height. Cement process. l2% to 3, medium width, size range. -108- CLOTHING MATERIALS ARD_ G obs 661-0 65% polyester/35% cotton broadcloth, l28 x 72 thread count(gray), solid colors, permanent press, 44 to 45 inch finished width. Price is per yard. YARD GOODS 667-O Textured polyester crepe, solid colors, machine washable, 44 to 45 inch finished width. Price is per yard. CLOTHING SERVICES SHOE REPAIR: WOMEN'S HEEL - LIFTS 685-O Charge for replacing composition lifts on women's shoes with solid heels, approxi- mately 1-3/4 inches by 1-1/2 inches. SHOE REPAIR: MEN'S HALF SOLES AND HEELS 687-O Charge for replacing half-soles and heels on men's street shoes. Half soles are "prime" grade vegetable tanned leather of approximately 10 to 12 iron and are attach- ed by sewing. Heels are half heels of rubber. If charge is based on length and width of shoe, price is for a size 8C shoe. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING: MEN'S 2-P1EcE SUIT 686-0 Regular service charge for cleaning and pressing men's 2-piece wool suit, included are any service or insurance charges. Price represents cash, carry and call-for service. -109- DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING: WOMEN'S DRESS 688-O Regular service charge for cleaning and pressing women's plain l—piece dress, without pleats, included are any service or insurance charges. Price represents cash, carry and, call-for service. AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY SERVICE 689-O Self-service (may be coin operated) basic rate for washing, rinsing and ex- tracting water (damp finish) from a l0 pound bundle of laundry constituting one machine load. The rate may include soap, detergent and other laundry supplies. TRANSPORTATION TUBELESS TIRE, FIRST LINE 747-2 Tubeless without puncture-proof sealant or other puncture-proof or blow out features, 7.75 x 14 or F78 x 14 sizes, 4-ply, bias ply, regular tread, white sidewall, load range B, first line model of manufacturer's or distributor's brand(s), cost of mounting service if any and federal excise tax is included in the price. TUBELESS TIRE, PREMIUM 747-3 Tubeless without puncture-proof sealant or other puncture-proof or blow out feature, 7.75 x 14 or F78 x 14 sizes, 4-ply, bias belted, regular tread, white sidewall, load range B, premium line model of manufacturer's or distributor's brand(s), cost of mounting service if any and federal excise tax is in- cluded in the price. STORAGE BATTERY 750-0 Automotive type, l2-volt, dry (complete with acid) or wet charge, for l969 model Chevrolet with a 327 cu. in. (235 h.p.) engine or l969 Ford with a 302 cu. in. (220 h.p.) engine, comparable in quality to original equipment, installed, 36 month guarantee. CHASSIS LUBRICATION 757-0 Complete chassis lubrication for l967 Chevrolet car which includes; checking lubricant or fluid transmission, diff- erential, and steering gear housing. MOTOR TUNE-UP 760-0 Motor tune-up for I967 model 8-cylinder Chevrolet passenger car having 283 cubic inch engine or l967 Ford passenger car having 289 cubic inch engine, test battery, -110- MOTOR TUNE-UP 760-O — Continued replace spark plugs, replace distributor points and condense , reset timing, clean air cleaner, adjust carburetor. Cleaning or overhauling carburetor, overhauling entire distributor, and testing voltage regulator are excluded. Charges for the following parts, (all comparable in quality at original equipment) are in- cluded in the price; 8 spark plugs (nat- ionally advertised brand), l set of dis- tributor points (2 pieces), 1 condenser for distributor. BRAKE SHOE REPLACEMENT 761-O Replacement of brake shoes and linings on all four wheels of standard size l967 Chevrolet or Fords. Replace all brake’ shoes, adjust parking brake and service brakes, fill master cylinder, clean drum and backing plate, check wheel cylinder condition, check brake flange bolts and lubricate necessary parts, bleed brakes, repack front wheel bearings. Replacement or overhaul of wheel cylinder or master cylinder and replacing front wheel bear- ings are excluded. Charge for the follow- ing materials are included in the price; 4 sets of lined brake shoes (comparable in quality to original equipment) less the exchange value of the shoes, brake fluid, and lubricant. FRONT END SUSPENSION 765-0 Front end suspension service for 1967 Chevrolet or Ford cars (with power steer- ing, without air conditioning). Check and correct caster, camber, and toe-in. Adjust steering gear assembly in vehicle. Balance two front wheel and tire assemblies, Charges for changing tires and price of balance weights are excluded. MEDICAL CARE MUTIPLE VITAMIN CONCENTRATES 800-O Non-prescription vitamin capsules with minimum content of: Vitamin A, 5,000 U.S.P. units; Vitamin D, 400 U.S.P. units; Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), 37.5 milligrams; Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1), 2.0 milligrams; Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), (G), 1.0 milligrams; Calcium pantothenate, 5.0 milligrams; Nicotinic acid amid, 20.0 mil- ligrams. (Container of l00 capsules. OFFICE VISIT 830-O Usual fee charged to regular patients for office visit (not first call but subse- quent calls). Special fees to participants in group hospitalization and surgical plans are excluded. HOUSE VISIT 831-O Usual fee charged to regular patients for house visit during day (usually 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.) within corporate limits of the city(not first call but subsequent calls). Special fees to participants in group hospitalization and surgical plans are excluded. HOSPITAL VISIT 838~O Usual fee for in-hospital visit to regular nonsurgical patients ( not first visit but subsequent visit on the fourth day or com- parable constant charge day). Special fees to participants in group hospitaliza- tion and surgical plans and intensive care patients are excluded. EXTRACTION 841-O Usual fee to adult for extraction without complications, local anesthetic. X-ray of tooth, if one is normally taken for this procedure, is included. -111- CLEANING TEETH 843-O Usual fee for prophylaxis which includes: scaling the teeth in which a hand instru- ment is used to remove debris above and below the gums, such as tarter, etc.; and polishing the teeth in which a powder or compound (pumice) is used to clean the flat surface. Other charges for extra treatment of gum recess, enamel decay, or pathological infection is excluded. FILLING 840-O Usual fee to adult for filling, amalgam, one surface. X-ray's are excluded. DISPENSING OF EYEGLASSES: ADULT 845-0 Usual fee to adults for services in con- nection with dispensing of single vision eyeglasses with impact-resistant glass lenses and volume selling plastic (inclu- ding zylonite) frame of any style. Premium-priced frames, novelty frames and spring-hinged frames are excluded. DISPENSING OF EYEGLASSES, CHILD 847-0 Usual fee in connection with dispensing of single vision eyeglasses to children with impact-resistant glass lenses and volume selling plastic (including zylo- nite) eyeglass frame of any style. Premium-priced frames, novelty frames, and spring-hinged frames are excluded. EXAMINATION AND PRESCRIPTION FOR EYEGLASSES 846-l Usual fee charged by an opthalmologist for complete eye medical examination which includes; consultation and/or screening, case history, external and internal ocular examinations, refraction, examination for glaucoma, professional advice and prescribing, facial measure- ments (including pupillary distance and EXAMINATION AND PRESCRIPTION FOR EYEGLASSES: 846-l decentration, etc.), progress evaluation and subsequent services. EXAMINATION, PRESCRIPTION AND DISPENSING OF EYEGLASSES 846-O Usual fee charged by an optometrist to adults for vision examination, prescrip- tion, and the dispensation of single vision eyeglasses with impact-resistant glass lenses and volume selling plastic (including zylonite) eyeglass frame of any style. Premium priced frames, novelty frames, and spring-hinged frames are ex- cluded.‘ -112- SHAMPOO TOILET GOODS TOILET SOAP 870-0 Perfumed toilet soap, hand milled, wrapped, regular size cake (approximately 3 to 4 ounces). Does not include bath size cake, detergent bars, floating and deodorant soaps. TOOTH PASTE 871-O Standard dentifrice, nationally advertised, brand 6 3/4 ounce tube. SHAVING CREAM 872-O Aerosol shaving cream, 6% ounce container. 876-O Plain liquid shampoo, 7 ounce container. SANITARY NAPKINS 877-O Sanitary napkins, regular, box of 12. Nationally advertised brand. CLEANSING TISSUES 886-0 White or colored cleansing tissue, approximately 8-3/4 inches x 9-3/4 inches, box of 200 double tissues. PERSONAL CARE SERVICES MEN'S HAIRCUT 891-O Charge for men's regular haircut. Specialty haircuts, such as razor cuts, are excluded. -113- WOMEN'S HAIRCUT 892-O Charge for a women's style cut, short-hair trims are excluded. BOYS’ HAIRCUT 893-O Charge for boys’ regular hair cut. The re- ported price is for day of week or time of day when volume of business is done, if there is a variation. PERMANENT WAVE 894-O Charge for women's permanent wave using a national advertised brand, short hair (shoulder length or less), plain or creme shampoo, hair trim or shaping, first cut- ting (e.g., long hair to feather cut) is excluded. The reported price is for a day of week or time of day when volume of business is done, if there is a variation. SHAMPOO AND SET 895-O Charge for women's plain shampoo and wave set, short hair (shoulder length or less). The reported price is for dav of week or time of day when Volume of business is done, if there is a price deviation. RECREATION TELEVISION, PORTABLE 897-O Portable model monochrome television set with carrying handle, l9 inch laminated or bonded safety glass picture tube, single Speaker, AC power only, dipole VHF antenna, non—illuminated channel indicator. Models with 100% solid state chassis and/or TV stand or cart are excluded. RADIO, TABLE 911-O Table model, fully molded plastic (poly- styrene) cabinet and back, solid state chassis, AM—FM bands with automatic fre- quency control (AFC) on FM band only, 3 to 5 inch speaker. Radios with auxili- ary jacks, push-button tuning, and tone control are excluded. RADIO, PORTABLE 912-O All transistorized portable radio with carrying handle, 3 to 6 inch speaker, AM- FM bands with automatic frequency control (AFC) on FM band only, AC-DC operation with built-in line cords or adapter, telescoping FM antenna, slide rule tuning. Radio may be part of a "gift pack" inclu- ding; earphone, case, may have batteries. Minature or pocket types, multi-band radios (short wave, marine, two-way broadcasting and receiving) are excluded. RADIO PHONOGRAPH 914-0‘ 3 piece stereophonic modular system, walnut veneer finish, solid state chassis, sealed speaker systems, full size automatic 4 speed record changer with diamond stylus. Separate bass, treble, balance and loudness controls. Headphone, tape, and/or auxiliary jacks, 20 to 40 watt power (EIA music power). AM-FM with FM stereo, automatic frequency -114- RADIO PHONOGRAPH 914-O - Continued control (AFC), lighted tuning meter, slide rule Vernier type tuning. PHONOGRAPH RECORD 918-O 12-inch pressed plastic disc, 33 1/3 RPM, domestically manufactured, long—playing stereophonic record album. (including rock) selections. Nationally advertised, first line brand. Albums of two or more records are excluded. Contemporary MOTION PICTURE ADMISSION, ADULT 943-0 Adult admission to first floor for any night Monday through Saturday, including Federal, State and/or local amusement taxes. Cinerama is excluded. The price is for the admission paid by the largest number of adults if there is a price diff- erence in the week night rates. MOTION PICTURE ADMISSION, CHILD 944-O Admission for a child usually defined as under 12 years of age, to the first floor for a Saturday or Sunday matinee; includ- ing Federal, State and/or local amusement taxes. Cinerama is excluded. The price is for the admission paid by the greatest number of children if there is a price difference in the Saturday and Sunday matinee rates. TOBACCOHPRODUCTS PIPE TOBACCO 980-O All domestic or domestic with a small amount imported tobacco (excluding special flavors such as rum, maple, walnut), l to 2 oz. package. CIGAR 983-O Domestic manufacturing, short or cut filler, leaf binder and wrapper. Domestic and/or Puerto Rican, Philippine, Central or South American, or Indonesian tobacco. Regular size, excluding Cigarillos or similar sizes. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BEER 986-O Beer, alcoholic content 3.2 percent or more by weight, package of six-12 ounce cans. SPIRIT BLEND WHISKY 98790 Whisky, blended with grain neutral spirits, 80 to 90 proof, blend consisting of at least 25 percent straight whiskies three years old or more and 75 percent or less of grain neutral spirit, fifth. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY 988-O Straight Bourbon whisky, 4 years old or more, 86 to 90 proof, fifth. Exclude whiskies bottled in bond. WINE, DESSERT 991-0 One fifth standard quality, domestic sweet- wine containing 15 to 21% alcohol by volume, sherry, if not available port or muscatal. it U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1973 O - 543-758 (27) -115- WINE, TABLE 992-0 -One fifth, standard quality, domestic red table wine, usually dry, containing lO'to l4% alcohol by volume, Exclude sparkling burgundy, rose, pink wines, Varietals, and vintage labels. University of - //IWWWIWIWWIWWWWW O 1 0-5074 1 4353 Mi ssss ri CCCCCC ia /‘ I /I I .5 / / v I‘ L242 '. 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