THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Transferred from the Department of Archives and History Cp353 N87p3 1922 UNWIN MN 00043546653 | This book must not be taken from the Library building. 5 Caepecee _ TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE CORRECTED TO APRIL 11, 1922 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE CORRECTED TO APRIL 11, 1922 Ae eR? Shp Na ee eR Oa Rt ‘Soe ive iv eigran 4 Lh { waa ae ge ih ; Le Onis POF LG 19” STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 156 149 105 216 217 218 216 218 218 216 273 OUTSIDE 271 OUTSIDE 269 274 264 265 261 263 264 268 270 267 280 273 OUTSIDE OUTSIDE 262 274 266 273 268 268 269 A Abernethy, Miss Frances, Corporation Commission Adams, Miss Meta, Department of Revenue Adams, Judge W. J., associate justice Supreme Court ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE: Metts, J. Van B., Adjutant General Smith, Maj. Gordon, assistant Adjutant General Barden, Chas., clerk Dye, Miss Lelia M., executive clerk Ives, Capt. Albert, U. S. A. Mitchell, Frank, clerk Ristine, Maj. Ben. F., U. S. A. . AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF: Agricultural editor Agronomy Division (1210) Analytical Laboratory Animal Industry (536) Botany Division Branch Experiment Stations Chemistry Division Curator of Museum Entomology Division Executive office Extension Service Food and Oil Division Girls’ Home Demonstration Division Horticulture Division Markets Division (main office) Publications Division Serum Plant (1526-W) State Farm Demonstration Agent (1699) Statistician (crop) Test Farms Veterinary Division Alford, A. O., chief elerk Division Publications Allen, W. M., food and oil chemist Allen, Miss S. G., general clerk, Food and Oil Division Allen, Miss Susie D., assistant seed analyst 4 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF—Continued Arthur, G. L., assistant chemist Barnes, K. W., secretary Department Agriculture Bartel, F. O., drainage engineer Birdsong, Miss M. S., Sec. Ext. Serv. and Div. Chemistry Bowditch, E. D., garden specialist Bradford, Z. B., assistant chemist Brimley, H. H., curator Brimley, C. S., assistant entomologist Brown, B. F., chief Division of Markets Brown, J. P., in charge U. S. Warehouse Act Burgess, J. L., botanist Crook, H. L., assistant chemist Davis, Harry T., assistant curator Dewar, E. S., assistant chemist Dunn, Miss Frances, stenographer Dyer, J. M., assistant horticulturist Evans, H. C., auditor Extension Service Faulhaber, L. J., assistant veterinarian Graham, W. A., Commissioner of Agriculture Gray, J. M., assistant director of Extension Green, R. W., agricultural editor Haig, Mrs. Catherine Whitten, clerk Halverson, J. O., feed chemist Hart, P. H., specialist cotton marketing Hatch, J. F., chief clerk Division of Markets Haywood, W. G., fertilizer chemist Haynes, Miss Mabel, stenographer Jones, W. D., Jr., assistant agricultural statistics Judd, Mrs. if: 1Ey etctosracuce Kilgore, B. W., director Expt. Sta. and Ext. Service Killen, E. H., pretation Knight, Miss Mary, stenographer Leiby, R. W., assistant entomologist Lewis, V. W., specialist livestock marketing Mabee, W. B., Extension entomologist Magill, W. W., Extension horticulturist Marion, Miss Almer, stenographer Matthews, C. D., State Horticulturist Michaux, Miss K. V., stenographer Miller, F. H., assistant director Branch Expt. Stations Mitchell, T. B., assistant entomologist Moore, Wm., State Veterinarian McKimmon, Miss Mary Hull, chief clerk McKimmon, Mrs. J. S., State Home Demonstration Agt. McLure, J. H., Warehouse Organization Nelson, L. H., assistant horticulturist Nixon, L. M., assistant chemist Owen, F. D., Hog Cholera Work Owens, Miss Thelma, clerk Parker, T. B., Warehouse Organization Parker, Frank, agricultural statistician Perry, Miss Etta, stenographer Queen, W. A., gasoline chemist Raney, E. R., farm engineer STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 268 268 262 261 266 261 179 280 269 279 262 262 280 180 273 266 270 266 271 262 277 274 270 OUTSIDE 167 273 259 268 268 269 OUTSIDE 271 229 230 228 AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF—Continued Rhodes, L. B., chemist Rhodes, Mrs. L. B., assistant chemist Rhodes, W. H., Jr., assistant agricultural statistics Sams, C. L., bee specialist Schell, Mrs. Margaret Newsom, stenographer Sherman, Franklin, chief Division of Entomology Sherwood, F. W., assistant chemist Sherwood, Miss Katharine, clerk Shore, Miss Mary, assistant bacteriologist Shumaker, Gorrell, agent in marketing Simpson, Mrs. Robt., clerk Stainback, Miss Annie Burt, clerk State Warehouse Superintendent Stephenson, M. R., recording clerk Swain, Mrs. Mary A., stenographer Vaughn, Paul, U. S. Bureau Animal Industry Wallace, Miss Maud H., Asst. State Home Dem. Agent Watts, C. C., assistant veterinarian Williams, B. C., assistant chemist Williams, Miss Rebecca, clerk Workman, J. M., warehouse engineer Wright, Miss Louise B., clerk Young, Miss Emma, clerk Agronomy Division, Department of Agriculture (1210) Alderman, Mrs. J. T., Insurante Department Alford, A. O., Department of Agriculture Allen, A. T., Department of Public Instruction Allen, W. M., Food and Oil Division, Dept. of Agriculture Allen, Miss S. G., Department of Agriculture Allen, Miss S. D., Department of Agriculture Animal Industry Division, Dept. of Agriculture (536) Arthur, G. L., Department of Agriculture ATTORNEY-GENERAL: Manning, James S., Attorney-General Nash, Frank, assistant Attorney-General Sherwood, Mrs. Frank W., stenographer 5 6 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 137 136 138 137 135 140 138 139 137 222 136 218 263 162 266 117 260 213-2 248 264 227 220 244 245 120 119 249 241 248 247 246 243 248 248 247 249 AUDITOR, STATE: Aycock, Connor, tax clerk Baker, E. H., chief clerk Briggs, J. B., assistant bookkeeper Dixon, W. T., traveling auditor Durham, Baxter, State Auditor Gay, Mrs. Hattie, pension clerk Stephenson, Miss Lina, assistant bookkeeper Terry, Daniel W., corporation clerk Aycock, Connor, Auditor’s office B Bagwell, Miss Minnie, Secretary of State’s office Baker, E. H., Auditor’s office Barden, Chas., Adjutant General’s office Barnes, K. W., Department of Agriculture Barrow, C. E., custodian State Departments Building Bartel, F. O., Department of Agriculture Beasley, W. L., secretary State Board of Elections Bell, Miss Gertrude, Department of Public Instruction Bestor, O. B., Highway Commission Bickett, Mrs. T. W., State Board of Health Birdsong, Miss M. S., Department of Agriculture Blackburn, Miss Willie, Child Welfare Commission Blair, J. J.. Department of Public Instruction BOARD OF HEALTH, STATE: County Health Work Engineering and Inspection Epidemiology Bureau Laboratory of Hygiene Mailing room Main office Maternity and Infancy Bureau Medical Inspection of Schools Nursing and Infant Hygiene Vital Statistics Bureau Bickett, Mrs. T. W., Maternity and Infancy Bureau Bonner, Dr. K. P. B., Maternity and Infancy Bureau Cooper, Dr. Geo. M., Medical Inspection of Schools Hulin, Miss Lucy, mailing room STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 118 245 244 120 246 243 241 119 242 248 267 271 138 261 265 168 239 164 251 112 112 250 180 128 272 272 235 162 160 126 126 269 BOARD OF HEALTH, STATE—Continued Long, Dr. EK. F., County Health Work Miller, H. E., Engineering Bureau Miller, Dr. K. E., County Health Work Mitchener, Dr. J. S., Epidemiology Bureau Ehrenfeld, Miss Rose M., Nursing Register, Dr. F. M., deputy State registrar Rankin, Dr. W. S., secretary State Board of Health Shore, Dr. C. A., Laboratory of Hygiene Wilson, R. B., assistant secretary Bonner, Dr. K. P. B., State Board of Health Bowditch, E. D., Department of Agriculture Bradford, Z. B., Department of Agriculture Briggs, J. B., Auditor’s office Brimley, C. S., Department of Agriculture Brimley, H. H., curator Department of Agriculture Brockwell, Sherwood, Insurance Department Brogden, L. C., Department of Public Instruction Bronson, H. T., Insurance Department Brooks, EH. C., Superintendent of Public Instruction Broughton, Miss Carrie, State Library Broughton, Mrs. W. S., State Library Brower, A. S., Department of Public Instruction Brown, J. P., Department of Agriculture Brown, Roy M., Charities and Public Welfare Brown, B. F., Department of Agriculture Brown, B. F., Department of Agriculture Browne, T. E., Department of Public Instruction BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Barrow, C. E., custodian State Departments Building Central Heating Plant Sanders, R. H., gardener Terry, W. D., superintendent buildings and grounds Burgess, J. L., Department of Agriculture 8 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE C 162 Campbell, S. F., Insurance Department 150 Carson, A. S., cashier, Department of Revenue 227 Carter, E. F., Child Welfare Commission CHARITIES AND PUBLIC WELFARE, STATE BOARD OF: 128 Brown, Roy M., field agent 130 Dark, Miss Fannie, chief clerk 131 Holding, Mrs. Arthur, stenographer 127 Johnson, Mrs. Clarence A., commissioner 130 Powell, Miss Clyde, stenographer 129 Shotwell, Miss Mary 129 Tuttle, Miss Emeth 101 Clark, Judge Walter, chief justice 207 Clingman, J. B., highway commissioner 237 Coggin, Geo. W., Department Public Instruction 148 Collie, J. R., Department of Revenue 213 Connor, C. N., highway commissioner 247 Cooper, Dr. Geo. M., Board of Health CORPORATION COMMISSION: 151 Lee, W. T., chairman 152 Maxwell, A. J., commissioner 153 Pell, Geo. P., commissioner 156 Abernethy, Miss Frances, stenographer 158 Banking Department 159 Jones, Emanuel, messenger 157 Latham, Clarence, chief bank examiner 158 Latham, Miss Alice, stenographer 158 Lee, Miss Grace, stenographer 154 McPherson, T. J., reporter 158 Morris, Miss Mabel, stenographer 155 Riddick, Miss Elsie G., assistant clerk 154 Self, R. O., chief clerk 155 ‘Shaw, Miss Mary, stenographer 156 Womble, W. G., rate clerk 156 Womble, Edgar, Rate Department STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 9 211 Craven, Wm. L., Highway Commission 233 Credle, W. F., Department Public Instruction OUTSIDE Cridlin, G. C., Highway Commission 268 Crook, H. L., Department of Agriculture 256 Crosby, W. C., Department Public Instruction 158 Crump, W. O., State bank examiner D 130 Dark, Miss Fannie, State Board of Charities and Public Welfare 234 Davis, G. D., Department Public Instruction 278 Davis, Harry T., assistant curator, Department of Agriculture 254 Delamar Miss Marybelle, Department of Public Instruction 223 Denmark, L. Polk, Secretary of State’s office. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: 228 Manning, Jas. S., Attorney-General 229 Nash, Frank, assistant Attorney-General 230 Herring, Miss Eugenia, stenographer 271 Dewar, E. S., Department of Agriculture 280 Division of Markets, Department of Agriculture 137 Dixon, W. T., Auditor’s office 109 Dobbins, G. W., mimeographer, Supreme Court clerk’s office 250 Douglas, C. D., Department of Public Instruction 280 Dunn, Miss Frances, Department of Agriculture 135 Durham, Baxter, State Auditor 216 Dye, Miss Lelia M., Aujutant General’s office 267 Dyer, J. M., Department of Agriculture E 224 Edwards, Miss Sarah, Secretary of State’s office 246 Ehrenfeld, Miss Rose M., Department of Health ELECTIONS, STATE BOARD OF: iA ee Pearsall, Col. P. M., chairman 117 Beasley, W. L., secretary 117 Glover, Miss Blonnie, stenographer 175 Ellington, Miss Vera, State Treasurer’s office 10 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, Dept. of Labor and Printing: 141 Shipman, M. L., director 143 Travis, Miss Annie, assistant director 148 Harris, Miss Ruth, stenographer 261 Entomology Division, Department of Agriculture 264 Evans, H. C., Department of Agriculture EXECUTIVE OFFICE: 121 Morrison, Hon. Cameron, Governor 121 Richardson, Wm. H., private secretary 122 Willis, Miss Margaret V., executive secretary 123 Turner, Miss Mamie, executive clerk 264 Extension Service F 206 Fallis, W. S., Highway Commission 277 Farm Engineering, Department of Agriculture OUTSIDE Farmer, C. D., Highway Commission (1291-J) — 266 Faulhaber, L. J., Department of Agriculture 232 Ferguson, G. H., Department Public Instruction 175 Ferrell, Miss Ethel, State Treasurer’s office 163 Fletcher, A. L., Insurance Department 268 Food and Oil Division, Department of Agriculture 240 Fulghum, Miss Susan, Department of Public Instruction STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 11 260 140 270 117 208 121 121 122 123 263 266 158 273 221 262 179 158 276 272 2138 280 271 107 160 207 230 255 253 201 202 203 207 G Garnett, Miss Irene, Department of Public Instruction Gay, Mrs. Hattie S., Auditor’s office Girls’ Home Demonstration Work, Dept. of Agriculture Glover, Miss Blonnie, State Board of Elections Goehl, Geo. J., U. S. A., highway engineer GOVERNOR’S OFFICE: Morrison, Hon. Cameron, Governor Richardson, Wm. H., private secretary Willis, Miss Margaret V., executive secretary Turner, Miss Mamie C., executive clelrk Graham, W. A., Commissioner of Agriculture Gray, J. M., Department of Agriculture Grainger, C. S., assistant State bank examiner Greene, R. W., Department of Agriculture Grimes, J. Bryan, Secretary of State H Haig, Mrs. C. W., Department of Agriculture Halverson, J. O., Department of Agriculture Harrison, L. H., assistant State bank examiner Hart, P. H., Department of Agriculture Hatch, J: F., Department of Agriculture Hawkins, W. E., Highway Commission Haynes, Miss Mable, Department of Agriculture Haywood, W. G., Department of Agriculture Haywood, Marshall DeLancey, Supreme Court marshal and librarian Heating Plant (Central) Henderlite, H. B., Highway Commission Herring, Miss Eugenia, Attorney-General’s office Herring, Miss Mexie, Department of Public Instruction Highsmith, J. Henry, Department of Public Instruction HIGHWAY COMMISSION: Chairman (Frank Page) Assistant to Chairman State Highway Engineer Assistant to State Highway Engineer 12 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE HIGHWAY COMMISSION—Continued 211 Senior Bridge Engineer 212 Bridge Department 214 Senior Highway Engineer 215 Road Department 209 Tests and Investigations 210 Testing Laboratory (Highway Building) OUTSIDE Testing Laboratory (Mechanical Depot) 205 Publications and Statistics 213 Assistant Engineers 207 Maintenance Superintendent 212 Bridge Superintendent 204 Accounting Department 206 Purchasing Department 208 U. S. Bureau of Public Roads 213-2 Principal Locating Engineers OUTSIDE Mechanical Depot (1291-J) 213-2 Bestor, O. B. 207 Clingman, J. B. 213 Connor, C. N. 211 Craven, Wm. L. OUTSIDE Cridlin, G. C. 206 Fallis, W. S. OUTSIDE Farmer, C. D. (1291-J) 208 Goehl, George J. 213 Hawkins, W. E. SOT Henderlite, H. B. 208 Hooper, A. L. 209 Hutchinson, G. W. 202 Joslin, H. V. 208 Macnab, G. T. 212 Morrison, W. F. 213 McNutt, G. E. 210 Oberholser, R. E. 213 Olbrich, E. R. 201 Page, Frank, chairman 204 Peele, Homer 213-2 Preisler, E. J. OUTSIDE Pritchett, Frank S. 213 scott, H. C. 213 Strohm, E. EH. 214 Syme, Geo. F. 212 Taylor; 'C./B: 211 Trumbull, M. M. 203 Upham, C. M. 205 Witherspoon, H. K. 212 NW OUlL Os. 132 Hill, Dr. D. H., secretary Historical Commission 112 Hill, Miss Pauline, State Library STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 132 133 133 1038 131 234 208 267 133 249 209 161 162 162 163 163 164 164 164 164 165 165 165 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 HISTORICAL COMMISSION OF NORTH CAROLINA: Hill, Dr. D. H., secretary House, R. B., archivist Terrell, Miss Marjorie, stenographer Hoke, Judge Wm. A., justice Supreme Court Holding, Mrs. Arthur, Board Charities and Public Welfare Holland, Mrs. Annie W., Department Public Instruction Hooper, A. L., U. S. highway engineer Horticulture Division, Department of Agriculture House, R. B., Historical Commission Hulin, Miss Lucy, Board of Health Hutchinson, G. W., Highway Commission I INSURANCE DEPARTMENT: Wade, Stacey W., Insurance Commissioner Campbell, S. F., chief deputy Royster, W. M. Fletcher, A. L., chief clerk Farrow, I. G., accountant Bronson, H. T., actuary Joyner, Andrew, publicity Keys, W. J., examiner Mumford, George W., deputy Powell, Miss Eva, license clerk Lucas, Miss L. E., file clerk Young, Miss Fannie, assistant license clerk Brockwell, Sherwood, engineer Canady, N. E., electrical inspector Alderman, Mrs. J. T., Safety Education Cobb, Miss Bobbie, stenographer Montgomery, Miss Ida, cashier Jordan, Miss Pattie, stenographer Davis, Miss Susie, stenographer 13 14 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 174 Ivey, H. M., State Treasurer’s office J 115 Johnson, Miss Charlotte, Library Commission 127 Johnson, Mrs. Clarence, Board Charities and Public Welfare 115 Johnston, Miss Ophelia, Library Commission 240 Johnston, Mrs. T. E., Department Public Instruction 159 Jones, Emanuel, messenger Corporation Commission 262 Jones, W. D., Jr., Department of Agriculture 170 Jordan, Miss Pattie, Insurance Department 210 Jordan, W. L., Highway Commission ? 202 Joslin, H. V., Highway Commission 166 Joyner, Andrew, Insurance Department 264 Judd, Mrs. L. B., Department of Agriculture K 219 Kelly, Miss Elizabeth, Department of Public Instruction 158 Kerr, R. E., assistant State bank examiner 264 Kilgore, B. W., Department of Agriculture 266 Killen, E. H., Department of Agriculture 236 King, Mrs. Thos. W., Department Public Instruction 263 Knight, Miss Mary, Department of Agriculture L LABOR AND PRINTING, DEPARTMENT OF: 141 Shipman, M. L., commissioner 142 Nichols, Lawrence E., assistant commissioner 142 McIntyre, J. G., bookkeeper-stockman 142 Williamson, Miss Gladys, stenographer-clerk 144 Paper Storage Warehouse STATE-FEDERAL FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 141 Shipman, M. L., director 1438 Travis, Miss Annie, assistant director 143 Harris, Miss Ruth, stenographer STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 172 255 148 158 157 158 151 261 279 114 114 115 115 115 1138 112 112 112 112 116 111 107 107 Lacy, Benjamin R., State Treasurer Lacy, Miss Frances, Department Public Instruction Lambe, Luke, Department of Revenue Latham, Miss Alice, Corporation Commission Latham, Clarence, chief State bank examiner Lee, Miss Grace, Corporation Commission Lee, W. T., chairman Corporation Commission Leiby, R. W., Department of Agriculture Lewis, V. W., Department of Agriculture LIBRARY COMMISSION: Palmer, Miss Mary B., secretary Petty, Miss Annie F., assistant secretary Yates, Miss Mary S., librarian Johnston, Miss Ophelia, clerk Johnson, Miss Charlotte, stenographer Store-room LIBRARY, STATE: Broughton, Miss Carrie L., librarian Broughton, Mrs. W. S. Hill, Miss Pauline Weathers, Miss Aline Store-room LIBRARY, STATE LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE: London, Henry M., librarian LIBRARY, STATE SUPREME COURT: Haywood, Marshall DeLancey, librarian and marshal Murray, Edward, assistant librarian 15 16 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 111 118 261 208 267 228 261 227 267 152 216 267 274 245 244 158 218 261 120 173 266 169 236 158 121 212 158 250 107 142 270 263 180 213 154 London, Henry M., Legislative Reference Librarian Long, Dr. E. F., Board of Health M Mabee, W. B., Department of Agriculture Macnab, G. T., Highway Commission Magill, W. W., Department of Agriculture Manning, Jas. S., Attorney-General Marion, Miss Almer, Department of Agriculture Markham, D. R., Child Welfare Commission Matthews, C. D., Department of Agriculture Maxwell, A. J., Corporation Commissioner Metts, J. Van B., Adjutant General Michaux, Miss K. V., Department of Agriculture Miller, F. E., Department of Agriculture Miller, H. E., Board of Health Miller, Dr. K. E., Board of Health Mitchell, John, assistant State bank examiner Mitchell, J. F., Adjutant General’s office Mitchell, T. B., Department of Agriculture Mitchener, Dr. J. S., Board of Health Moody, W. F., chief clerk, State Treasurer’s office Moore, Dr. Wm., Department of Agriculture Montgomery, Miss Ida, Insurance Department Moran, Miss Katherine, Department of Public Instruction Morris, Miss Mabel, Corporation Commission Morrison, Hon. Cameron, Governor Morrison, W. F., Highway Commission Morris, Miss Mabel, Corporation Commission Moses, Miss Carrie, Department of Public Instruction Murray, Edward, Supreme Court Library Me McIntyre, John G., Department Labor and Printing McKimmon, Mrs. Jane, Department of Agriculture McKimmon, Miss M. H., Department of Agriculture McLure, J. H., Department of Agriculture McNutt, T. E., Highway Commission McPherson, T. J., Corporation Commission STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 17 N 229 Nash, Frank, assistant Attorney-General 267 Nelson, L. H., Department of Agriculture 158 Newbold, H. L., State bank examiner 231 Newbold, N. C., Department Public Instruction 142 Nichols, L. E., assistant Commissioner Labor and Printing 179 Nixon, L. M., Department of Agriculture O 210 Oberholser, R. E., Highway Commission 213 Olbrich, E. L., Highway Commission 266 Owen, F. D., Department of Agriculture 273 Owen, Miss Thelma, Department of Agriculture P 114 Palmer, Miss Mary B., Library Commission 201 Page, Frank, chairman Highway Commission 262 Parker, Frank, Department of Agriculture 270 Parker, T. B., Department of Agriculture 240 Parrott, Miss Hattie, Department Public Instruction 117 Pearsall, Col. P. M., chairman State Board of Elections 204 Peele, Homer, Highway Commission 153 Pell, Judge Geo. P., Corporation Commissioner 117 Pearsall, P. M., State Board of Elections 270 Perry, Miss Etta, Department of Agriculture 114 Petty, Miss Annie F., Library Commission 251 Pittman, W. H., Department Public Instruction . 130 Powell, Miss Clyde R., Board Charities and Public Welfare 165 Powell, Miss Eva, Insurance Department 231 Pratt, Miss Annabel, Department of Public Instruction 213-2 Preisler, HE. J.. Highway Commission OUTSIDE Pritchett, Frank S., Highway Commission 273 Publications Division, Department of Agriculture 18 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DEPARTMENT OF: State Superintendent Public Instruction Division of: Certification Finance and Statistics Negro Education Publication School Extension Schoolhouse Planning Supervision Teacher Training Vocational Education Allen, A. T., director Teacher Training Bell, Gertrude, stenographer Blair, J. J., director of Schoolhouse Planning Brogden, L. C., supervisor of Elementary Schools Brooks, EH. C., State Supt. of Public Instruction Brower, A. S., director of Certification Browne, T. E., director of Vocational Education | Coggin, G. W., supervisor Trade and Industrial Educ. Credle, W. F., assistant director of Schoolhouse Plan’g Crosby, W. C., director of Public School Extension Davis, G. D., supervisor of Rosenwald Buildings Delamar, Miss Marybelle, Secy. of Div. of Certification Douglas, C. D., Loan Fund clerk Ferguson, G. H., assistant director of Negro Education Film Shop Fulghum, Miss Susan, supervisor of Teacher Training Garnett, Miss Irene, stenographer Herring, Miss Mexie, stenographer Highsmith, J. H., State Inspector of High Schools Holland, Mrs. Annie W., supervisor of Negro Ele. Schs. Johnston, Mrs. T. E., supervisor of Teacher Training Kelly, Miss Elizabeth, supervisor of Teacher Training King, Mrs. Thos. W., stenographer Lacy, Miss Frances, Asst. Secy. of Div. of Certification Moran, Miss Katharine, Asst. Sup. Home Econ. Educa. Moses, Miss Carrie, stenographer Newbold, N. C., director of Negro Education Parrott, Miss Hattie, supervisor of Teacher Training Pittman, W. H., director of Publications Pratt, Miss Annabel, Secy. Div. of Negro. Education Ranson, P. J., Asst. Sup. of Industrial Rehabilitation Ray, Miss Lillian, stenographer. Ray, Miss Willa M., stenographer Rhodes, M. L., Asst. Sup. Trade and Industrial Educa. Roberts, Mrs. B. R., stenographer Robertson, Miss Ruby, stenographer Robinson, W. A., Sup. of Teacher Hise and H. S. Shipping Room Snow, Miss Helen, stenographer Stanton, H. L., supervisor Industrial Rehabilitation Stell, Miss Elizabeth, stenographer to State Supt. STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE t9 236 219 260 256 275 277 241 238 231 253 243 146 147 148 148 150 149 147 237 268 268 262 121 155 259 238 234 PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DEPARTMENT OF—Continued Thomas, Miss Edith M., Sup. Home Economics Educa. Wade, Miss Betsy, stenographer Wiggs, Miss Mary, stenographer Williamson, J. B., director of mechanics Q Queen, W. A., Department. of Agriculture R Raney, E. R., Department of Agriculture Rankin, Dr. W. S., secretary Board of Health Ranson, P. J., Department of Public Instruction Ray, Miss Lillian, Department of Public Instruction Ray, Miss Willa M., Department of Public Instruction Register, Dr. F. M., Board of Health REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF: Watts, Col. A. D., commissioner Thompson, O. S., chief clerk Lambe, Luke, deputy commissioner Collie, J. R., deputy commissioner Carson, A. S., cashier Adams, Miss Meta Lindsay, W. C. Rhodes, M. L., Department of Public Instruction Rhodes, L. B., Department of Agriculture Rhodes, Mrs. L. A., Department of Agriculture Rhodes, W. H., Jr., Department of Agriculture Richardson, Wm. H., executive office Riddick, Miss Elsie G., Corporation Commission Roberts, Mrs. B. R., Department of Public Instruction Robertson, Miss Ruby, Department of Public. Instruction Robinson, W. A., Department Public Instruction 20 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 261 126 226 213 266 106 106 221 226 222 223 224 226 225 154 OUTSIDE 155 S Sams, C. L., Department of Agriculture Sanders, R. H., gardener Sawyer, J. E., Automobile License Department Scott, H. C., Highway Commission Schell, Mrs. M. N., Department of Agriculture Seawell, J. L., Supreme Court clerk Seawell, Edward C., deputy Supreme Court clerk SECRETARY OF STATE’S OFFICE: Grimes, J. Bryan, Secretary of State Sawyer, J. E., automobile license clerk Bagwell, Miss Minnie, corporation clerk Denmark, L. Polk, grant clerk Middleton, Mrs. Sarah E., bookkeeper Automobile License Department Record room Self, R. O., chief clerk Corporation Commission Serum Plant, Agricultural Department (1526-W) Shaw, Miss Mary, Corporation Commission Sherman, Franklin, Department of Agriculture Sherwood, F. W., Department of Agriculture Sherwood, Mrs. Frank W., Attorney General’s office Sherwood, Miss Katharine, Department of Agriculture Shipman, M. L., Commissioner of Labor and Printing Shumaker, Gorrel, Department of Agriculture Shop, Department Public Instruction Shore, Dr. C. A., Board of Health Shore, Miss Mary, Department of Agriculture Shotwell, Miss Mary G., Board Charities and Public Welfare Simpson, Mrs. Robt., Department of Agriculture Smith, Maj. Gordon, assistant Adjutant General Snow, Miss Helen, Department of Public Instruction Stacy, Judge W. P., justice Supreme Court Stainback, Miss A. B., Department of Agri ulture Stanton, H. L., Department Public Instruc/ ion State Board of Elections State Warehouse Superintendent Statistician, Department of Agriculture Stell, Miss Elizabeth, Department Public Instruction Stephenson, Miss Lina P., Auditor’s office Stephenson, M. R., Department of Agriculture Store-room, Library Commission Strohm, E. E., Highway Commission STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SUPREME COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA: 101 Clark, Judge Walter, chief justice 102 Walker, Judge Platt D., associate justice 103 Hoke, Judge Wm. A., associate justice 104 Stacy, Judge W. P., associate justice 105 Adams, Judge W. J., associate justice 106 Seawell, J. L., clerk 106 Seawell, Edward C., deputy clerk 107 Haywood, Marshall DeL., marshal and librarian 107 Murray, Edward, assistant librarian 109 Dobbins, G. W., mimeographer 273 Swain, Mrs. M. A., Department of Agriculture 214 Syme, Geo. F., Highway Commission T 212 Taylor, C. B.,, Highway Commission 158 Taylor, Clyde L., Corporation Commission 139 Terry, D. W., Auditor’s office 133 Terrell, Miss Marjorie, Historical Commission 126 Terry, W. D., superintendent buildings and grounds 274 Test Farm Division, Department of Agriculture 236 Thomas, Miss Edith, Department Public Instruction 147 Thompson, O. S., Department of Revenue 1438 Travis, Miss Annie, Department Labor and Printing TREASURER, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: 172 Lacy, Benj. R., State Treasurer 173 Moody, W. F., chief clerk 174 Williamson, Henry R., teller 174 Jones, O. M., bond clerk 174 Ivey, H. M., Institution clerk 175 Ferrell, Miss Ethel, Corporation clerk 175 Ellington, Miss Vera, stenographer 21 22 STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 211 128 129 203 266 266 219 161 270 102 146 266 112 227 227 227 Trumbull, M. M., Highway Commission Turner, Miss Mamie C., executive office Tuttle, Miss Emeth, Board Charities and Public Welfare U Upham, C. M., Highway Commission V Vaughn, Dr. Paul, Department of Agriculture Veterinary Division, Department of Agriculture W Wade, Miss Betsey, Department of Public Instruction Wade, Stacey W., Insurance Commissioner Wallace, Miss M. E., Department of Agriculture Walker, Judge Platt D., justice Supreme Court Watts, A. D., Commissioner of Revenue Watts, Dr. C. C., Department of Agriculture Weathers, Miss Aline, State Library WELFARE COMMISSION, STATE CHILD: Carter, E. F., executive officer Blackburn, Miss Willie, chief clerk Markham, D. R., field agent STATE DEPARTMENTS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE 23 260 271 262 158 142 256 122 242 210 205 156 156 277 274 115 270 212 Wiggs, Miss Mary, Department of Public Instruction Williams, B. C., Department of Agriculture Williams, Miss Rebecca, Department of Agriculture Williams, W. L., Jr., State bank examiner Williamson, Miss Gladys, Department Labor and Printing Williamson, J. B., Department Public Instruction Willis, Miss Margaret V., executive office Wilson, R. B., Board of Health Winslow, D. H., Highway Commission Witherspoon, H. K., Highway Commission ‘Womble, Edgar, Corporation Commission Womble, W. G., Corporation Commission Workman, J. M., Department of Agriculture Wright, Miss L. B., Department of Agriculture Y Yates, Miss Mary S., Library Commission Young, Miss Emma, Department of Agriculture Yount, O. F., Highway Commission ©