SMe T—Ag USteTey ‘Teqtdsoy eye4¢g °9 THE UNIVERSITY OF NoRTH CAROLINA LIBRARY From the ERNEST HAYWOOD LIBRARY Established in Memory of John Haywood, Trustee 1789-1827 Edmund Burke Haywood, 1843-46 Ernest Haywood, ’80 by Burke Haywood Bridgers, '03 Co3G2.2 ROL a BLISI ED BY THE Lem eaais tal nN. ¢ ‘ay eis Ss ees BY-LAWS ESTABLISHED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS losane ASyiin NORTH CAROLINA. RALEIGH : _ Edwards, Broughton & Co., Printers and Binders. 1878. a - sey EY “lle? SE ae ety Maen pe mg - ey eee : he ae — om EA eer BOPP A oe Tet oa Pina . a a ae . 4 > Asiana 7 ae Be . i ee AWS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Annual Meeting of the Directors shall be held on the First Wednesday in December; but all other meetings may be held at such stated times as shall be agreed upon. In the absence of the President, the senior Di- rector shall preside at the meetings ; and when the Clerk is absent, a Clerk pro tempore shall be ap- pointed. All questions brought forward for the considera- tion of the Board shall be submitted in writing, and decided by a majority of the members present. The Executive Committee shall consist of three members, two of whom shall reside in the city of Raleigh, and be fully competent to transact busi- ness. They shall be, in the absence of the Board of Directors, the advising body with whom the Super- intendent of the Asylum shall confer in regard to the business of the Institution ; and they shall be clothed with full powers to do all acts which may be necessary for the proper conduct and manage- ment of -the Institution, except in such cases as the law requires the action of a full Board, or where prevented by a special order of the Board; and they shall meet monthly at the Asylum, or such place in the eity of Raleigh as may be agreed upon, for the transaction of all business within the scope of their duties. On these occasions, it shall be their especial duty to examine the books of the Treasu- rer, and to examine and audit the accounts of the ‘Steward for the expenditures of the preceding month. 4 DUTIES OF SUPERINTENDENT. The Superintendent being required by law to reside in or near the Asylum buildings, and to de- vote his whole time to its welfare, becomes the chief executive officer under the Directors of the establishment, from whom all persons employed by him, with the approval of the Directors, will receive their instructions ; while it shall be his duty to see that all the officers and employees of the In- stitution are energetic, industrious, punctual, exact, and in all respects faithful in the performance of their several duties as prescribed in these By-Laws. He shall visit all the patients frequently and learn their condition, and shall visit those requiring it as often as necessary, and shall direct such medical, moral, and physical treatment as in his judgment will be conducive to their comfort and amelioration, or best adapted to their relief. He shall keep a record of the name, age and res- idence of each patient, and the supposed cause of his insanity, and the length of time he has been afflicted; also of the time when received and re- moved, whether cured or relieved, whether eloped or dead, and, in case of death, of what he died, and shall conduct the correspondence of the Insti- tution. At each monthly meeting of the Executive Com- mittee, he shall exhibit all the records of the Insti- tution, its general state, the names of persons received or removed, with such remarks and sug- vestions as he may deem useful ; and at the annual meeting, furnish a tabular view of the condition of the Institution for the year, deduced from the records. It shall be his duty to give to all persons em- ployed in the Asylum such instructions as are best adapted to carry into effect all the rules and regu- lations of this Institution ; and he shall take care to see that these rules and regulations are strictly and faithfully observed and executed. | 5 Subject to the instructions of the Board of Di- rectors, and, in their absence, of the Executive Committee, he shall determine what attendants and other assistants are necessary, and with them arrange their rate of wages. When wishing to be absent from his duties for more than one day, he shall report the same to the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. No money shall be spent upon the premises, except for ordinary repairs and current expenses, nor for anything connected with the Asylum,.un- less so directed by the Board, or approved by the Executive Committee. 2.059400 ASSISTANT PHYSICEAN. He shall assist the Superintendent in the medical, moral and physical treatment of the patients, keep a record of cases under treatment, and perform any other duty connected with the medical department, required by the Superintendent. He shall have charge of the medical office, see that all medicines are properly prepared and put up, and shall report the same to the Superintendent. He shall receive company and conduct them through the Asylum, in the absence or by the re- quest of the Superintendent He is required to spend his time during the day, and in the night when necessary, in the Asylum, and in his intercourse with the inmates will exert what moral influence he can, and endeavor by every proper and lawful means to further the views and wishes of the Superintendent. He shall care- fully study the character and peculiarities of the patients, direct their éxercise and amusements, and report to the Superintendent any neglect of duty or misconduct that may come under his notice. He shall discharge the duties of the Superintendent in his absence, and be clothed with his authority. 6. STEWARD---HIS DUTIES. The Steward, under the direction of the Super- intendent, shall purchase furniture, fuel, stores, implements, and all supplies for the Asylum, and shall be responsible for the safe keeping and eco- nomical use of the same. He shall keep methodical and accurate accounts of all purchases, and of all moneys expended by him, as well on account of the patients as for the Institution. He shall exhibit his vouchers, books and accounts to the Executive Committee at their monthly meetings, and shall furnish an abstract of the same to the Treasurer of the Asylum at the end of each month. He shall constantly observe the condition of all persons employed in subordinate positions, see they do their duty, and report to the Superintendent any instance of neglect or misconduct that he may observe, or of which he may be informed. Under the direction of the Superintendent, he shall attend to the business of the farm, stock, gar- den, grounds, fences and out-buildings, and see that they are always kept in order. He shall assist in maintaining the police of the establishment; shall see to the opening and closing of the house, and that the attendants and servants rise and commence their business at the ringing of the bell, and retire in proper season at night ; that the bell is rung at proper hours; that the warmth, cleanliness and ventilation of the house is attend- ed to. He shall receive visitors, give them all suitable information, and accompany them to such parts of the building as are open for examination. It shall be the duty of the Steward to be in the presence of the male patients as much as possible, to see that they are kindly treated, that their clothes are taken care of, that their food is properly 7 served and distributed, and that they take the same in a proper manner; that the rooms, passages and other apartments under his care are kept clean and in good order, and properly warmed and ventila- ted; and that the male attendants observe his orders and directions and in all respects do their duty. It shall be his duty to devote his whole time to the Institution; to assist the Superintendent as Secretary, when desired so to do; to preserve order in the house and faithfulness amongst the assist- ants, and to see that all the regulations here adopt- ed shall be fully put in practice. —-—0020-0———_. ms MATRON. It shall be the duty of the Matron to look care- fully to the female patients, to be with them as much as possible, to direct the nurses. in their duty, to see that the patients are kindly treated, that their food is properly served and distributed, that their apartments are kept clean and in order, prop- erly warmed and ventilated, and that the female attendants do their duty in all respects. She must also superintend the kitchen, the cooking, the washing and ironing, and take care of the clothes and bedding, and see that they are always clean and in order; keep a record of the clothing of pa- tients when they enter and during their continu- ance in the Asylum, and watchfully superintend the bathing of the female patients. Indeed, she must look into every department fr equently and see to the good order of the whole house—direct the employment and amusement of the female patients, and spend as much time with them as her other duties will allow; and thus, by devoting her whole time to the Institution, spare no effort. to promote the comfort and recovery of the patients, and the general welfare of the Asylum. ‘SUPERVISOR. It shall be the duty of the Supervisor or chief attendant to see that the moral treatment of pa- tients, and the conduet of the attendants conform in all respects to these by-laws and the instructions of the Superintendent and Assistant Physician. He shall always be present when food or medi- eine is administered coercively ; and he shall inva- riably be present when restraint is applied, and when patients take their baths. He shall keep a faithful list or record of the patients’ clothes, and also frequently pass through the different wards, aiding and encouraging the attendants in their efforts to amuse or employ the patients; and in every way indeed endeavor to promote the good order and discipline of the Asylum, by seeing ‘that the Superintendent’s or Assistant Physician’ s in- structions in reference to occupation and exercise are faithfully and cautiously fulfilled, and by guarding against disturbances, escapes, suicides, exposure, &¢c. He shall also wait upon visitors, when called on for that. purpose, and perform BY other service required of him, —— 0-09 00 —— ATTENDANTS. The Attendants shall treat the patients with uniform attention and respect—greet them with friendly salutations, and exhibit such other marks of kindness and good will, as evince interest and sympathy. ‘They shall speak in a mild, persuasive tone of voice, and never address a patient coarsely, or by a nick-name. On arising in the morning, every Attendant shall see that each patient confided to his or her care is 9 washed, hair combed, and that he or she is decently dressed for the day. Attention shall be given to the person und dress of each patient during the day as often as required by disorder or any want of cleanliness. One Attendant must always be with the patients, and must not leave them under any circumstances. but when relieved by another. ‘An Attendant must always be present at the meals—earve the food, and distribute it to such as are not competent to do it for themselves, and to see that each one has his or her proper supply, and that they take it in a proper manner. Care shall be taken that no patient carries away a knife, fork, or other article from the table, and the knives and forks shall be counted after each meal, to prevent any being lost. No Attendant shall ever apply any restraining apparatus to a patient except by order of the Su- perintendent, or of a resident officer under his direction. The patients are to be soothed and calmed when irritated, encouraged and cheered*® when melan- choly and depressed. They shall never be pushed, collared, nor rudely handled. When Attendants receive insulting and abusive language, they must keep cool, and forbear to recriminate or threaten. Violent hands shall never be laid upon patients under any provocation ; and a blow shall never be returned, unless in the clear- est case of necessary self-defence. Sufficient force to prevent injury to themselves or others shall always be applied gently. Authority must be maintained by kindness of manner and dignity of deportment. Attendants shall never place in the hands of pa- tients, or leave where they can obtain, any razor, knife, rope, cord, medicine, or any dangerous wea- pon or article. Neither shall they deliver any letter or writing to or from a patient, without per- 10 mission of the Superintendent—nor retain in their possession any writing of a patient. Attendants must never leave-the Institution without permission from an officer, and always return by nine o’clock at night, unless leave be expressly given to stay out longer. When abroad, the conduct and conversation of patients must not be reported. No company must be admitted into the apartments occupied by the patients, at any time, except by express permission of the Physi- cian. But all other parts of the Asylum may be exhibited by the Steward or Matron, and it is ex- pected that great respect will be shown to strangers who visit the Institution. It shall be the duty of the Attendants to keep the patients’ rooms and halls perfectly clean and well ventilated ; to have the beds aired and sunned, and made in proper season ; all the doors of rooms to be kept closed when the patients are in bed. The Attendants must never give up the key of the passages, nor let any one into the halls without permission; and no male Attendant shall enter a female apartmént without permission of an officer. Every patient must be in the charge of some responsible individual at all times, unless per mitted to be at large by the Physician. No patient shall be permitted to go out of the ward in which his apartment is situated without the consent of an officer, and no new pate without. the order of the Physician. No Attendant shall discontinue service of the Asylum without giving to the Superintendent or Steward at least fifteen days’ notice. It is required that all persons who have duty to perform in the Asylum will rise at the ringing of the morning bell. 11 WATCHMAN. The duties of the Watchman are of a most re- sponsible and important character. He should be careful, therefore, to keep up the strictest vigilance during the night, never allowing himself to sleep while on duty, or to fail in any particular to dis- charge his trust with fidelity. He must commence his rounds at half-past nine o’clock at night, having first rung the Asvlum bell to announce the hour for closing the Institution for the night; and after that time no employee must be out without the express permission of the Superintendent. It shall be his duty to pass around the buildings at least every hour in the night, and have a par- ticular care over the apartments occupied by the female patients, besides strictly observing such special directions for the night as shall be given him by the Superintendent or other superior officer. He shall notice all unusual sounds in the patients’ rooms, and give immediate information of the same to the proper attendant. He shall report to the Superintendent all irregu- larities or violations of the rules of the Institution which may come under his notice, and enter in his watch-book any remarks he may have to make upon the occurrences of the night. Should he discover fire in any part of the Asylum or out-buildings, he shall immediately give notice first to an officer, and then to the Attendants, but never raise a general alarm. At daylight of each day he shall ring the Asylum bell again, when his duties will cease until the next night. 12 TREASURER. The Treasurer, besides acting as Clerk to the Board, shall keep, in a regular set of books, clear and methodical accounts of all moneys received or paid out by him for the Institution, &c., and shall exhibit these accounts to the Directors or Executive Committee quarterly or oftener if required, made out in full, with all the items specified. He shall hold the funds of the Asylum at all times subject to the claims of the Institution. He shall not at— any time draw from the State Treasurer a sum greater than three-fourths of his official bond, and except for contingent expenses and such other matters as the Board of Directors may direct, shall pay out money only on the order or draft of the Superintendent, which order or draft must in all cases be accompanied by an itemized account, signed by the person to whom the order or draft is made payable. For contingent expenses and to cover small bills, asum not exceeding two hundred dollars per month, shall be drawn by the Superintendent and placed in the hands of the Steward, which he shall account for monthly to the Executive Committee by item- ized bills, approved by the Superintendent, and that all bills for purchases and expenses shall be approved by the Superintendent, and audited by the Executive Committee before they are paid. 13 ~ OTHER EMPLOYEES. All other employees about the Institution, whose duties have not been specifically defined in the foregoing by-laws, shall strictly conform to their general spirit, and shall always be selected with reference to their fitness, not only for the purpose for which they have been specially employed, but likewise for the companionship and oversight of the patients while at work out of the wards, and in their walks over the Asylum grounds. Goa O88 TERM OF OFFICE. The term of office, which has not been prescribed by law, of the different officers of the Asylum, shall PPC EOE GNC Ga. =... +. -+...4% and terminate SEO Ly ot a i in each year. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00043578850 This book must not he taken from the Library building.