Manufacturers of COFFINS 482 CASKETS < s z r : Ae BS EST PLS : ‘eid fo 8 ce : E Sad car ‘Kini y ALGA Sanoz EE Li eee Hes eee si px SgQeQgseo == OTTTeyou ydeoxe pepuLvulop ST 7Zvuy SurugAéue 4Sou eyeul gous UT *“si0jT0o {Te UT OXTS SUGLPTTUO puUe yYTnpe UGoOU SyvysBo pedeAOD YYZOTO FO SULT eo yu LLVA B SuyMeu MOU Sde om STUY OF WOTSET PPR UF YnYy ‘out? Stuy 4e@ SUTT Veug UF gyno ue3308 eaey om SuTug ATUO ey SF YoOTUM YSTT eotad SALYATAOSep ino ssoToue om enSoTeyRo ano Jog eqep yUueved go ysonded Gnok YRTausupAéy dey —2iTS cba "TUN S@y equtes OL penton, DI OVAL PLP aS SSS x es SS XN As N 7% S = Ss TY: RN N ¥ ~ SG S y SS x Selves SENS BRE BS SS Be 27s 3 Xx XN S S XS a YB XN S NS S S SSA BSS CPS WY SS GNY “= Sg Sait GSS 3 a N aw 40 SUaUN.LOVINNVN ©) " a usw ant Berge vr ey Sead] 9 °29¢ ‘YI7TIINY VY 1 LYLE ; q ; Fae at / ay ape ‘< YSadd 4 ‘CIHIWdy 7 ie, 4 2 iG = gee : mT = SL ag ae yezezZ ae Ae . © Sal AVSONT Y f° OE! ; as PIS . he 3 ; Rare th, qe d a pS Nae : ~ A 4 f= , i ans 5 ° . PD e al iy he Trad s ko The Trade 1s ee +) ae Le @ 5 We hereby present you with our Descriptive Wholesale e. ~ Price-List, which we hope you will carefully examine og TN and jpreserve for future reference. oO = Our line, so far, includes ‘‘Varnished Goods’’ only. SS ‘‘Cloth Covered’’ &c., will be added as soon as practica- TS re: wy : ble. é oN It is our earnest desire and intention to build up a sub- tn 2 stantial business, and we realize that to do this, our goods rahe CP, must be RIGHT and our prices RIGHT. | 4 © BS To those of the trade who have bought our goods and Gy is WW encouraged us in other ways, we hereby tender our most sencere thanks, to those of the trade who do not know us, or our goods either, we respectfully ask for a fair trial. We make a specialty of Coffin Hardware, Robes and Linings, and are fixed to guarantee both goods and prices in these lines. 3 TERMS: We will allow a trade discount of O per cent from these prices. Prices subject to change © rie without notice. 90 days net, or 5 per cent. off foi/cash se 4 pit in 30 days from date of invoice. dU > St a a2] or] ro ey ) Q Cee ; Cx, ma HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY. Ate pm ema eMalroeneca nat tanensanes(cusascans it ee eee ee (BOC w am mel sewn wnn mar ewewaneactsecensaaetacsce FRO mee OOO TREE MOR Dat sen ewes a atenessee ace n ceca Varnished Udood eas No. 72 Coffin—Square Ends, Sawed Slides, Plain Imitation MAHOGANY or ROSEWOOD finish, no glass, striped $ I 25 BO pecan ati ee $ 2 I 40 ig @ Rees Pee | I) os Bl 2 1.50 1 Ne OOo Mt et aD lore on 2 I 65 AO Hees hs one ee 2 Tez 7s is nA ee a et 2 I 90 5 ft. to 6-3 2 2 00 ; ms No. 1 Coffin—Square Ends, SawedSides, Plain Imitation MAHOGANY or ROSEWOOD finish, with glass, striped $ I 50 Kye eee cn ep ee hw gS $ 2 I 65 APO ice rcittong pont ios ee be) Tee ew ee Seeenas tae vecenasccvcccconteescecccen) 40 50 HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY, 3 CO 3 ae be a5 The BtMon eR $ 2 65 Dm Ores ort neti eec tM erdeasatasnct anes IPOD) Bn Ominctetecrsd ossesaatenstr-tctdereendbsownat 275 GOR ee th | 4 2 00 Pre Coots oe Meet a Ome eee ous ood 3 00 Cet ee A 2 15 ts Bi Rey crag pecans It a meee 75 No, 1% Coffin—Square Ends, Sawed-Srdes, Plain Imitation WALNUT finish, no glass, striped CAR Oe EDN cord LE aed). ¢ I 25 Baath top Bel p ay eis nas $2 15 7 aL He NN el i wel. ALO Meee De ener ve 225 DTG Pelee Noise yr bora nig 1 F540) 7h i Sel Sab ahs peeve 2 40 am aeproe net ras ee ea I 65 An Oar rteattrc ncaa caisate bedestendsteets oaacs 2 50 CMa) op eem eee mcr ma ir cree 175 49 SO eee : RBM O AIM mE 2 65 B-Ovecrecneceseseeeseaeneer seneeneneete erees 2 00 Py oue to 6-3. , seneeee cororneenresee “= ony No. 2 Coffin—Square Ends, See coteen bial Imitation WALNUT finish, with glass, striped =O ateaies ne deere $ 1 50 ECS asm ren enutey cesreseaon $ 2 40 DoF cvosbiesresnestenee-canesenates eee EO 5 Bei Osbrraprnase sabi tiasiccee uments ees: serkepeee 2 50 4 HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY. 20 terracotta $175 Ah 3 ebeenneeeluerdrean cra: sete Unt vee $ 2 65 Be ssodes «amt eee ee ee ag I 90 4-Ocneeen intl ili DRI 2 75 Ree Reremees A AM gic 2 00 AsO nieret rene ee cee me seers 3 00 ei scocknason MRO ote 2100 5! as 5 i tgtoy 6-3 i a as 220 cise: Ree ee ZS No. 2% Coffin—Square Ends, Steam-bent Sides, Finished Imitation ROSEWOOD grained, shaded and striped, no glass 5 feetitorG-3 sie Honea Co ER EMS A pha ie saa Ae a $4 00 No. 3 Coffin—Square Ends, Steam-bent Sides. Finished Imitation | WALNUT grained, shaded and striped, no glass 5 Meet LOO; 5 teeter 1d. smerm emenemmnamernyy 0 2) ua 11a RAR $4. 00 No. 37% Coffin—Square Ends, Steam-bent Sides, Finished Imitation AK grained, shaded and striped, no glass 5 feet to 6-3 iT dnian si sata so NUUar 2 etre teres CAS0as sees ces anvas onmabentnele wth cicauced docs Oe ok $a Oo HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY. Ste No. 4 Coffin—Square Ends, Steam-bent Sides, Finished imitation ROSEWOOD grained, shaded and striped, with glass 5 OCU amORs edi. ee 32 casein ope Oe LO $4 75 No. 4% Coffin—Square Ends, Steam-bent Sides. Finished Imitation WALNUT grained, shaded and striped, with glass Coe PATO Oe ASS oe GA one Ss I BOR EN aE re $4 75 No. 5 Coffin—Square Ends, Steam-bent Sides, Finished Imitation OAK | grained, shaded and ESS with glass [ee ea SYM ole ek oe RR eh SN Se ere ee $a 75 No. 5% Coffin—Square Ends, Steam-bent Sides, Finished GLOSS WHITE striped with gold, no glass BSOG ea di Liner eee gr 75 Sif acre eRe Pe ere cam § wees 3 75 Fer en, Pemnren, k eet ae 2 00 NEE pe NEL ey MR ahs vad a 4. 00 PEN NRT hn PRP els AK 2 25 STA rs anen Stipa tboeg re ore 4 25 D = Qsscschuengibvan-Uoevestobagdnonbes>asaneg oe 2/56 4-6 TSS ee ERE) EER a i a 4 50 =O secsuesen drrere dune eemteiguamse reer 2°95 YM pe ROS RE ee 4 75 a3, costecnseenzn cevcocnvsseete asembegeneraae a OG Lesa, Mee We, eee See pe eee. eA 6 HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY, No. 6 Coffin—Square Ends, Steam-bent Sides, finished GLOSS WHITE striped with gold, with glass 920 cd. ss ¢ 2 00 DF son tnwn ARR ter tbes eegaeces ease 2825 B26. ee eee. 2 50 D0) ie. cs- Meee reas Py 6 9fis Br Omecd Pe 1 ee ee 3 00 em ye Sieree Bhat B85 2 O seianccatemenenaterteresensecennsesenn sass 3°75 on eeeceee we scacesw essences sss = ~~“ yescewe seme R Cees FaManswes Geen iameeencconasesecess seme wee et tocenesecteusscauaneenncesemetucces se eeenseeeowscsesasesesed s-Resemascussecunat No. 7 Coffin—Round Corners, raised Top, finished GLOSS WHITE striped with gold, and a beautiful Coffin, with glass D20..::: ee Desierto epee a50 226 Loe iibae at ene Do... Meee eet een, 2917-5 3 Oneness SE OMI... Olathe ie Mn soe 32°00 PR a item dain of aid ill. de SC Me ee acinestooves toc 3225 Lc RPE cle Ny 2 = Ooo scm ages ne eam os esoronsranee 3 50 AiO creer reteset ene SOIR ere gs Bid re a5 A =O Miss eetees stesso tee eee No. 7% Coffin—Round Corners, Raised Top, finished imitation ROSEWOOD Grained, Shaded and Striped, no glass. PLC CERLO O82 rieccsteae nacclt sca 3 comets, ee oe Pen 00 50 00 40) 50 fe) HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY. | nx No. 8 Coffin—Round Corners, Raised Top, finished imitation WALNUT Grained, Shaded and Striped, no glass PMR eee co care tec eer eck reac tta eopnecScace, See stee caiblicueonpebivecsoserensneren: $5 50 No. 8% Coffin—Round Corners, Raised Top, finished imitation OAK. ‘Grained, Shaded and Striped, no glass SESS ERE Reh sg ee Ef SR sre ee $5 50 No, 9 Coffin—Round Corners, Raised Top, a beautiful ROSEWOOD finish, and one of our Leaders. It is Grained, Shaded and Striped, and has Large Glass Befeett0/0732neeeaceene hosbebern tight ed iin fate oe eae en ge $6 50 No. 9% Coffin—Has Round Corners, Raised Top. The finish is a fine imitation of BLACK WALNUT Grained, Shaded and Striped, with glass Su fOOL RL 0-3 aertre meets a Sreomean tae Metts sectirg ret Se rors cese are Ae tet $6 50 3 HIGH POINT COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY. re oe a eet a a a No, 1o Coffin—Round Corners, Raised Top. A similar Coffin to Nos. g and 9%, except the finish, which is almost a perfect Imitation of Quartered OAK is Grained, Shaded and Striped, with glass, and one of our ‘‘Best Sellers.”’ 5 feet to 6-3 No. 11 Coffin—Has Round Corners, a Raised Top; with Base Moulding aud a ioe Sliding Glass, an excellent Finish in Imitation ROSEWOOD Rubbed and Flowed, Grained Shaded and Striped 5 feeiptoc6=3 24: “eeeetecssssst seeceenesorennasstseeeesseessnceseeten wernersanseeetwassaeennseen fh] 5O No. 117 Coffin—Much the same as No. 11 except the Finish, which is a splendid reproduction of WALNUT Base Moulding and Large eee Glass, Rubbed and Flowed 5 feet to 6-3 No. 12 Coffin—Round Corners, Raised Top, with Base Mouldiug and Large Sliding Glass. The finish is a perfect imitation of Fine Quarter Sawed HIGH POINT COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY 9 OAK and never fails to please; Rubbed and Flowed, Grained, Shaded and Striped. Wet a Ra Ses lrcas cea NEE ER, eR be tact cas tece bans stutcbninted -neseoete Pee tecacds-. 7MRN No. 13 Coffin—Round Corners, Double Top, Base Mould and Large Sliding Glass, Fine Imitation of ROSEWOOD Rubbed and Flowed, Grained, Shaded and s/Fetelaee EY MN Re eS ae ec oe le i «See Ret CI a a 8 50 No. 13% Coffin—Round Corners and Double Top, same as No. 13 except Finished in Exact Imitation of Black WALNUT Rubbed Ati Flowed Grained, Shaded and Striped. Fie: Lolo hs kee respec eke secrete ay Sea Ste RISE EA Bina Ihe 8 50 No. 14 Coffin—Round Corners, Double Top, Large Sliding Glass and same as Nos. 13 and 13% except the finish, which is a Tip Top Imitation of Fine Quartered OAK Rubbed and Flowed, Giained, Shaded and ease 5 feet £0 6-3 .--rnsencernnve BES se MSS ee eee ne as Sato ee ee AY, 8 50 10 HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY. Varnisbeo Uloo0d Caskets. No. 20 Casket—Round Corners, Double Top, Base Moulding and Large Sliding Glass, is carefully Rubbed and Flowed, with Fine Varnish. The Finish is Imitation ROSEWOOD This Casket being one of our main ‘‘Leaders,’’is gotten up altogether in a way that never fails to please the Trade. 5 feetutorG-3 Only neces gel clbacideew pee OI tae Be he SSSR 8 5o- No, 21 Casket—Is same as No. 20 except the Finish, which is our un- equaled Jmitation of WALNUT the Striping being done in Ebony and Gold; Ebony only, Gold only, or not Striped at all, any way yoa want them. 5 feetitoiG 3” vom) yoo. aerate eee ee ne eect et rae a 8 5e— No. 22 Casket—Is the same wood work as Nos. 20 and 21 and has all the good features, including Sliding Glass, Base Moulding, etc., and is Finished par Excellence in that very Popular Style of Fine Quarter-Sawed OAK and wherever one of them goes they want more. BEREGU LO 16-3 5-0 HI Wretees. ve -casventsantesecrsse¥ Pena peeierarianen ese muss can ee Uoatie 8 5e- HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY, II No. 23 Casket—is our beautiful Gloss White Finish, with slight Pearl Tint aud has stepped right into popular favor with all the Trade who have seen them. We now make it in all sizes, 2 feet to 6-3. While a large Gloss White Casket may surprise some, we are Sell- ing a number of these in 5 feet to 5-9 Jengths, which seem to be very appropriate for a certain class of trade. We get this up with Base Moulding, Double Top, Round Corners, and SLIDING GLAss IN ALL SIZES, and Striped with Gold, et @ Pee oy i Bae sia ooh ¢ 4 00 Q- Buceeccersncccestersatensssccescnce serneenes Av 5 eG old BL aero eee 4 50 Q- Qinceesene stenereatrnesnesnessereneenes eoees ASS B-Onnrsssene seseenterreeteonen neeeer arenes yacO hi ee Vekearetecceeets ae Go) a Giclee ees 4 6 50 PBs Oeste te tavacten aioe a cccerettes coptoos oct $ 7 25 JLB co hope a or 8 CO Hk ott RE WOES, 5, 8 75 Tec, hag 4 i a ee, ae g 50 TEAS oa) rer np ea - IQ 00 5 ft. to 6-3 PUN hey IO 50 No. 25 Casket—Full Elliptic, Round Ends, Extra Heavy O. G. Top, Elliptic Ledge Rail, very Heavy Artistic Base Mould, making a beautiful massive Casket that is rarely excelled. ‘Finished in the Best Imitation of ROSEWOOD caretully Rubbed down and Flowed with a fine Varnish of High Gloss, Nicely Striped in any Style & feet. £0, 0- 3 mesmo tes nce mmeree te I2 HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY. No. 26 Casket—Is same as No. 25 (please note carefully description of No. 25) except the Finish, which is a Perfect Imitation of Fine BLACK WALNUT and Striped to pore g with the vis of finish 5 feet to 6-3... FN heal Saas ake a2 fea jah aclu eee Oe eo $11 00 No. 27 Casket—Is again the same as No. 25 (please note carefully description of No. 25) except it is finished in that most popular style of Quarter Sawed | OAK the Oak Grain showing to perfection; also striped to correspond with the style of finish, altogether making one of our most popular and best selling Caskets 5 LOL O RO a5 Sis, casccc cect cx tncigs Scarae ee ce eT rere ee oe ae ee €1I OO HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY. 13 ‘baroware. We quote a few NET prices on Coffin Hardware in order to give the Trade an idea as to the stock we carry in this line, a full list requireing much more space than we have at our command: No: ‘r20rssun- silver Plate Bale Handle; per dozen pair,—........".. $ 1 80 No: 1202°O Im ollver*riate BalesHandle, per dozen*pair,:............% pi ake No. ror1B 6 in, Silverand Plush Bar Handle, per dozen pair,.......... 4 00 No. 103B 7 in. Silver and Plush Bar Handle, per dozen pair,........ 5 40 No. 1267 7 in. Silver Plate Bale Handle, per dozen pairs.,............ 2 10 No. 1264 7 in. Silver Plate Heavy Bale Handle, per dozen pairs, 2 50 No. 1oo1Q t11in. Silver Plate Heavy Bar Handle, per dozen pairs, 600 No. 409Q 12 in. Silver Plate Heavy Bar Handle, per dozen pairs, 600 No. 505Q 11 in. Silver Plate Heavy Bar Handle, per dozen pairs, 7 25. No 2002Q 13 in. Silver Plate Heavy Bar Handle, perdozen pairs, 9 60 No. 1727B 14 in. Silver Plate Heavy Bar Handle, per dozen pairs, 12 00 No. 1727E 15 in. Silver Plate Heavy Bar Handle, per dozen pairs, 14 00 No. Croo8 rr in. Silver and Black Satin Heavy Bar Handle, per Paley Ac ierg O21 Sop ccsrey rey tee SAC oh Eien a AE 7 25 No, C842 14 in, Silver and Black Satin Heavy Bar Handle, pc dozen pairs,.............. 9 60 No. E1719 15 in, Silver and Black Satin | Heavy ‘Bar Handle, ‘per cLOzentpaltowenrs cre Sst den TOO HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY, rE . €824 15 in. Silver and Black Satin Heavy Bar Handle, per COZEn Apa lest: no. nee.-teeeeee ee Pret at J 14 00 Extension Handles. No. '10302——5 feet :toi0-3 7 Silver Plate, per sete excuse cceceerts oes One No: 6054-5 feet to 6-3; Stiver plate, per Seti. tee ere 9 60 No. 1049) 5 feet to16-3; silver; Plate; perset se... es eee 12 00 No, C1030—5 feet to 6-3, Silver and Black Satin, per set,............. 6 00 No. C356—5 feet to 6-3, Silver and Black Satin, per set, ................. 9 60 No. C1048—5 feet to 6-3, Silver and Black Satin, per set, ............... 12 00 Name Plates. . SILVER-PLATED SMALI, SIZES. No. 10g OuUteLOved One. per adozer. ee aren tenat coer Aten ee ae ¢ 1 80 No, 10Ge-Olr. Darling per.dozen gees eee, ne eee eee 2 20 NO. 2 ee Ute Darling petidozeueese = atte oe ee 2 40 No. 244bv.6—Our Darling» per .dozen ft .-c-t terete nee ere pe aOO LARGE SIZES. No... 23a At Rest = pemidozents see 0. tek wee emo mten se tee ee 3 60 INO :5; 22 RCS INE PEACE Apel COZEN teens, corcte arene Pace yee ene tea 3 60 NO. 22h eA ten Gstm pened OZ en ie rnte ngsub ere eee ene Peper Rte as 4 00 No.); Zee etest In sPeAces per COZCIG tery. cence ewe cee ter. ncs een mana No.. Soae- A tehest per -dOzenie.. otis .dc eee eee eee 5 20 No. Sage estuinel cace. petadozen cna ner a ae Satis Hikes 5 20 HIGH POINT COFFIN & CASKET COMPANY. 5 No) @52--At Rest, per dozen... Cais Bs at aa aR ag 6 00 WOhG5e- ween Feace,-peridozen...2 GES IN Se 6 00 No 952—Father, per dozen.............+ oS geo Pa pres ott 2. a . 6 00 De ree ay OS LO ZO on creat ncee ote vet ans bends soe coestedeveerenssoeec eh 6 co No 845—At Rest, per doze... So cchtie de eae ae a eel SAREE. 7825 DN eT CACC CTC OLE siscrarce.tactrctstsetes noctcearaccne Jans wsecocsnnneeet 726 INO Sere ty CTs CLO ZEN aicceseel sere aasercteovieddrcesseces ncanetunseanaseeredttes eR 7.25 ITB OBC he Pel GZ CIN sete cecy che cei eccgrcsneessdevccauteaieb wlaetactcaansicuescaonsoedeelt 7 25 Ie fo) Melee ee JSS). elas Aue do) aliermeecse, meee ata nae ChE ein een 9g 60 ING O60 — Wesbeis PEACes Pot) COZE tie scsi sa sasesh An scecsesitagfesctosctectpenecall 9 60 AN Paps Sto recede eles foxes cle Ley {oye etree Seen ee en my eee .-:OEOO Folate lofamceeds Cal@aX ssc elchere key A trys maemo, themes ri a a ec er 9 60 Coffin Studs No 69—Star, per gross.......-.. $ 90} No 65—Star, AS $ 1 60 No 7o—Diamond, per gross 80 | No 78— ‘' sé 2 00 INOS 2. ss a OO O8 72. Diamond sake 2 40 No 79— ¢6 ‘c 90 | No 59— ‘6 ‘6 3 60 No 74— cc, 66 I 25 Thumb Screws and Escutcheons No 30—1 44-inch Thumb Screws, per grOSs....---eseccsssscsesescseeeeeeentasersne $2 50 No 30—Hscutcheons, Per STOSS -.-.-sess-sssscsecssseeersessneecseesntsssnssenseeen snceeseneeeeeesents 2030 No 45—1 Winck Thumb Screw, per QrOSS....--cccceecssccssssseeeseeeeessernsn sess 2 50 16 HIGH POINT COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY No 45—Hscutcheons; pera gross se: ac) ee ee $2 40 No #65—-eh mb: Stre wy sper et 0SS.ccne- caesarean cca en eee 3 60 INO 765— EBScutcheons, sper SLOSS si acarratorteerc-c..teat ee ee : 433 200 NO *936—=S 8 birmb Screw, Pers St OSS .ccgenterssane nesezs seen tte eee eee 5 40 No .936—Escutchéons, per, 2TOSS.2 0222 e.--cn-ssosccreneeie eee No ———Light Escutcheons, per Sr0ss.-...eeccssscssssces es sccescnesunees sesnsecnneses- 90 No —-— ‘ i So enlankddna bag tui ichs 2g . ieee aes tara emaiad HED No 33— 32“ my © Ss sntecetsd Lipo A ae I 60 Cap Lifts No 21—Cap Lift, per dozea,.......n-- I i a8 ob Serio iS i -$ 60 No 146 sap Liits