SSS Ganassesmes 
 “Et ala ll gala iesaec mth clei tat 
 ABCC ws One 
 Wu OEV ER is acquainted with the history 
 of the Reformation, cannot fail to have observed 
 the extreme anxiety displayed by our Martyrs ~ 
 and Reformers for the free circulation of the 
 Bible. The same feeling has been found to ani- 
 mate wise and good men in every age, since the 
 promulgation of the Gospel; and some of the 
 charitable: institutions which have arisen in mo- 
 ‘dern times, hold out the pleasing assurance, that 
 this Christian principle still survives ; that many 
 are still emulous to follow the example before 
 them, and are in some degree influenced by. the 
 spirit of those who have long since gone pare 
 resting-place of the just. 
 One of the most important and sflethivie insti- 
 tutions which the world has ever seen, is the Bri- 
 tish and Foreign Bible Society. _ Its means are 
 great, but its projects are magnificent. . It pro- 
 poses to do nothing less than to diffuse the bless- 
 ings of Revelation to all men. Its operations 
 must be considered in a twofold view: as a Bri- 
 tish Society, it directs its first regards to the wants | 
 at home; and as a: Foreign Society, 1t encourages 
 the reprinting and dissemination of acknowledged © 
 versions, where they already exist, and promotes 
 translations, and the circulation of the Scriptures, 
 where they are wholly unknown. 
 The efforts and utility of such an institution can 
 be limited only by its means; and in. proportion 
 to. the augmentation of its funds, will it extend — 
 the empire of knowledge and of truth. The as- 
 sistance which has been afforded. by Auxiliary 
 Societies in many parts of the country, can hardly 
 be estimated at too high a rate. By calling the 
 attention of the opulent to the want of Bibles in 
 their own vicinity, they have contributed very es- 
 sentially to the benefit of thousands, who might 
 otherwise have remained’ in ignorance; and by 
 aiding the funds of the parent institution, they 
 have enabled it to carry on its foreign operations 
 with great and increasing success. _ Many are the 
 prayers which have ascended from distant lands _ 
 on behalf of their benefactors in Britain, and 
 many are the blessings which: ‘eat been invoked 
 on their heads. | 
 That a project of this godlike dete. so full 
 of mercy, and so abundant in reward, should be 
 checked or narrowed by the want of resources, is 
 a citcumstance deeply to be lamented. Yet no- 
 thing is more certain, than that the efforts already 
 made, however glorious and however unexampled, 
 are not commensurate with the magnitude of the 
 case. Here is a world in ignorance! a world to 
 be enlightened, and evangelised! To the reflecting 
 mind it must be obvious, that a plan, which shail 
 at the same time adequately supply the demands 
 at home, and effectually meet the hopes and ex- 
 pectations of those myriads of human beings; 
 who, in other lands, suffer ‘‘a famine of the 
 word of the Lord,” must be supported by more 
 general interest, and aided by more extensive 
 means. el 
 To complete the system biel has commenced; 
 and been conducted with such happy results, no 
 measure seems to have oceurred of such reasonable 
 tig as Bible Associations*. The contributors 
 M4 Bible renee have pate Si taeds in many places. 
 The Auxiliary Bible Society for Blackheath and its neigh- 
 bourhood, has ten within its district; and one, within the 
 town of Darlington, produces after the rate of 701. a year; 
 _ being more than adequate to supply the deficiency of the 
 Scriptures amongst the poor of that town; thereby com- 
 pletely liberating the funds of the Auxiliary Bible Society for 
 Darlington and its vicinity, so far as relates to the town of 
 Darlington itself, for the ‘supply of foreign parts, 
 to the Institution in London, and to its. Auxilia2 
 ries and Branches: in different parts of the coun- 
 try, consist, in general, of that class of persons 
 who are somewhat elevated in the scale of society. 
 It is the object of Bible Associations to bring into 
 action also the inferior classes; to collect sub- 
 scriptions not merely from the opulent, but like+ 
 wise from that large body of the people, who are 
 unable to give much, and are yet not unwilling to 
 give a little. If the number of contributors be 
 ereat, the accumulation even of small sums will 
 not be contemptible; and it may be presumed, 
 - that most persons, who are not absolutely in the 
 lowest walks of life, can afford a sons gga of a 
 penny a week. | | | ) 
 A series of resolutions, recommended for wach 
 tion by Bible Associations, is subjoined to this 
 address. In illustration of that paper, it may be 
 proper to observe, that while the committees of 
 such associations are formed from the contri- 
 butors themselves, yet the stimulus must be af- 
 forded by others. On the formation of an Aux- 
 iliary Branch Society, the members of the com- 
 mittee (under the designation of sub-committees), 
 “should select certain districts for their own more 
 immediate exertions, and endeavour to awaken) 
 the attention of the inferior classes to the i impor- 
 tance of rendering - whatever aid they can afford. 
 It would be expedient to appoint’ a numerous 
 committee for each Association, in order that a 
 - greater interest may be excited, and that the 
 ‘ wants of the poor may be more accurately known. 
 Certain members of the Auxiliary or Branch 
 committees, should also be appointed frequently 
 to sit with the committees of Bible Associations. 
 A proper direction will: thus be given to their 
 efforts ; -a similarity of system will be maintained; 
 and the parent Society, with all its auxiliaries and 
 dependencies, will thus present a perfect whole, 
 correspondent in plan and) united in harmony: a 
 noble fabric, in which all the parts are combined 
 at once for beauty and for strength; whose foun- 
 dations are laid deep in the ground, but its pillars 
 are seen from afar, and its turrets sparkle in the 
 skies. © eden y abtaes Lait onde odds 
 '' As the object and tendency of the measure 
 here recommended, is to promote the. widest cir- 
 culation of the Scriptures, and to excite the 
 greatest attention to ‘them through the whole mass © 
 of the community, it may seem almost superfluous 
 to enlarge upon the benefits which must result 
 from its adoption. In a land professing to be 
 Christian, where is the man who would arrest the 
 free streams of heavenly mercy? Where is the 
 man, who’ would not rather rejoice to behold 
 every mound and barrier swept away by the 
 ample tide ?—to see the liberal current “overflow 
 and pass over” in all its rich and fertilizing in- 
 fluence? that the soil, which has hitherto been 
 parched and unfruitful, or ‘ fertile only to its 
 own disgrace,” may new attraction, and 
 cheer the eye with strange luxuriance. 
 If, in these awful times, we conceive ourselves 
 to be placed upon an eminence from which we 
 may contemplate the ever-varying scenes which 
 are flitting around us, how melancholy is the 
 prospect! The face of nature, indeed, continues 
 the same; the works of creation still reflect the 
 wisdom and goodness of the Creator; seed-time 
 and harvest, and summer and winter, acknow- 
 ledge their appointed course; the earth expands 
 her beauties to the day, and the lights of heaven 
 still rise and descend obedient to the will that 
 formed them. But the moral world is thrown into 
 convulsions; the image of God is defaced; the 
 impress of the Divine hand seems to be almost 
 obliterated; and the best and chiefest. of his 
 works—for the sake of which this fair and fertile 
 earth. is commanded to yield her increase, and 
 the lights of heaven to travel. on their destined 
 way—presents little else than the fragments of a 
 mighty wreck. Public principle has been violated, 
 public order inverted ; the fury of the nations has 
 shaken, even to their base, the pillars. of civilized — 
 society, and the stately edifice itself seems tot- 
 tering to its fall. Long have we remained in. 
 tranquillity, spectators of the scene. We have 
 heard, indeed, the rolling of the thunder; but 
 it was a distant sound. We have seen the ter- 
 rors of the lightning; but its violence has been 
 spent upon others. The day seems now to be 
 approaching, when: this Cidatel of Liberty itself 
 may have to encounter the storm; to be rocked 
 by the heavings of that earthquake, which has 
 tumbled into ruins| so many of the kingdoms 
 around us. The ordinary checks of opinion and 
 of. law have been trampled upon with scorn. 
 Plots of misrule, and confederacies strange to 
 Englishmen, have spread with alarming rapidity, 
 and have been accompanied by atrocities of sad 
 and fearful expectation. Success has given con- 
 fidence to crime; the incendiary hardly waits | 
 tor the cover of darkness, and the hand of the 
 assassin has executed its purpose even in the 
 light of day. | : 
 These are scenes at voit wise men are con- 
 founded, and good men turn pale. Nor will the 
 considerate mind be much eased of its anxiety, by _ 
 turning to the occurrences of private life, espe- 
 cially among the ignorant and uninstructed. In 
 poverty there is nothing which necessarily tends — 
 to. debase the character. Many have ‘‘ wandered 
 about in sheep-skins and goat-skins, being desti- 
 tute, afflicted, tormented, of whom the world was 
 not worthy:” ‘ the Son of Man” had “ not 
 where to lay his head :” but who can dwell, with- 
 out emotion, upon the wretched state of the un- ’ 
 tutored and irreligious poor?’ It is here that we 
 see human nature in its lowest condition, de- 
 graded and sunk in shame. We behold a crea- 
 ture, formed after the Divine resemblance, but 
 without one feature remaining to indicate his 
 heavenly origin. For him there exists no reci- 
 procal charity, no real union of affection, no 
 Christian sentiment of mutual regard. ‘To these 
 feelings he is unable to rise ; he knows them not, 
 neither does he desire to know them. "That state 
 which was intended, by the Giver of every good 
 and perfect gift, to add, above all earthly means, 
 to the happiness of man, by the society of one 
 who should be, at the same time, the ornament 
 and the blessing of social life, presents little else 
 than the spectacle of cruelty and of suffering. 
 The wickedness of the parent is reflected in his 
 offspring. Scarcely has the infant tongue learned 
 to articulate, before it begins to blaspheme its 
 Maker. ‘The language of cursing and reviling is 
 there; and those who ought to be the pledges 
 of affection, contribute only to exasperate evil, 
 and accumulate misery ; —the scandal of their 
 neighbours, and the disgrace of their kind; — 
 without comfort i in this world, without hope for 
 the next... 
 Many, are thie esti oth of a waht and. pri- 
 vate nature, to which human legislation can apply 
 no remedy: they are to. be removed by that in- 
 fluence alone which can reach the heart; by those 
 sacred, principles which are. developed and. en- 
 forced in the records of ‘unerring wisdom. The 
 Scriptures have ever been acknowledged, by good 
 men, as the best foundation of morals ; and those 
 who labour to give them general circulation, and 
 to excite a general interest: for the perusal of 
 them throughout the great body of the people, 
 must: be considered:as rendering no common ser- 
 vice both to. individuals and to their country. 
 . Let it:be granted, that by,any means the Holy 
 Scripture i is perused with diligence by every poor 
 man who, is able to»read. it ;:what would be the 
 consequence? -Is it too, much to hope, that the 
 noise of tumult and disorder may be hushed in 
 peace ?. that men may be taught to fear God, and 
 to, honour the king? to do unto others as they 
 wish that, others should. do:unto them: and to 
 _ discharge with fidelity all the duties and relations 
 of life? Is it, an unreasonable. expectation, that 
 husbands may learn to cherish their wives and to 
 love their children? that woman may rise to her 
 just elevation and legitimate influence ? and that 
 the virtues of the parents may shine forth in their 
 ofispring? If the blessings of Christianity should 
 be extended to all according to the measure in 
 which they are enjoyed by many, how would this 
 world of sorrow and of pain be converted into a’ 
 picture of Heaven! Should we refer to past ex- 
 perience, there is no fact more certain, than that 
 “the religious and moral state of every country 
 may be fairly estimated by the facility of procur- 
 ing Bibles, and the disposition’ to. read them. 
 ‘‘ Appeal to a Christian, in any age and in any 
 country, and ask him, what is the greatest benefit \ 
 which one child of mortality can confer upon an- 
 other: will he not refer you: to the Bible? «He 
 will tell:you, that the streams of charity may,» in- 
 deed, flow ‘in ten thousand channels; and that they 
 will not fail: to! convey blessings ' wherever ‘their 
 course can’ be directed; but that the records‘of 
 Heaven are calculated, above:all other means;’ to 
 meet the wants and to diminish the sufferings of 
 man: to point out to him his condition : to point 
 out to him, also, his’ privileges : to’ improve’ his 
 state, and to brighten his prospects : to impart 
 consolation as he proceeds upon his earthly /pil- 
 grimage, and to cheer his last hours, even in the 
 agonies of dissolving nature, with a hope full of 
 immortality *.” It would seem as if the very 
 oe Dealtry’s Speech on the formation ‘of the Southwark 
 Auxiliary Bible Society, 
 touch of the inspired volume had power to com- 
 municate new feelings, and to kindle new desires ; 
 to elevate the standard of principle, and to raise 
 the tone of morals; to purify the springs of do- 
 mestic happiness, to tame the fierceness of the 
 passions, to civilize manners, to bind in harmony 
 the various ‘‘ members of the embodied state,” 
 and to give to the family on earth some resem- 
 blance of the family above. Whenever Chris- 
 tianity has been permitted to walk forth in the» 
 native majesty of her form and the loveliness of 
 her character, a blessed influence has travelled by 
 her side. Her charms have fixed the regards of 
 infancy and of age. \The mouth which was once | 
 _“ full, of. cursing; deceit, and fraud,” has learned 
 to utter the language of sincerity and praise. The 
 feet. which. were. “‘ swift to shed blood,” have run 
 with alacrity: i in the-way of God’s commandments. 
 . Mankind have been taught: to love one another, 
 and have delighted in the assembling of them- 
 selves together: the house of prayer has been 
 crowded with worshippers, and the sentiment of 
 every heart has echoed responsive to the sweet 
 singer of Israel: ‘“ How amiable are thy taberna- 
 cles, O. Lord of Hosts! My: soul longeth, yea, 
 even fainteth, for the courts of the Lord: my 
 heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God. 
 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: <i 
 will be still praising thee.” Let it be granted that 
 the Scriptures are read it assiduity through the 
 whole extent of. our population, and results like 
 these may be confidently anticipated. | “‘ My word 
 “shall not return unto me void, but it shall accom- - 
 plish that which I please, and it shall prosper in 
 the. thing whereto I send-it.” What though the 
 effects. are. not. immediately perceptible; what 
 though the, groans of the creation are not at once 
 hushed. in repose, or converted into sounds: of 
 joy : the promise is indisputable, and the blessing 
 is sure... The.change. in the moral world will re-) 
 semble the change in the natural: the sun arises, — 
 and the dews descend; but the rigours: of winter 
 do not instantly abate, nor does the face of nature 
 at once resume the gaiety of spring: yet the great 
 principle of life and fertility is secretly at work ; 
 it 1s, imperceptibly. operating in.ten ‘thousand 
 channels, and: gradually ‘covers: the regions of 
 sterility with luxuriant vegetation and abundant 
 harvests. : | 
 If this be a just. representation df the moral 
 change. which a knowledge of the Bible is calcu- 
 lated, to:produce, and if the system of Bible Asso- 
 ciations tend, in-an especial degree, to the general 
 diffusion of that knowledge, few arguments can 
 be so powerful as those which recommend their 
 adoption... To the rich and. to the middle ranks 
 it may be urged,—“ You have a deep interest in 
 the welfare of the poor. If the security of a state 
 depend upon the loyalty and morals of its people, 
 by what other means can you contribute so 
 essentially to the preservation of order, to the au- 
 thority of the law, and the stability of the govern- 
 ment? Among what description of men will you 
 look for patience and industry, for sobriety and 
 obedience? Who are the persons most decent in 
 their demeanour, most frugal in their habits, and 
 (what is no mean political consideration) most 
 anxious to avoid the necessity of becoming charge- 
 able to their parishes? The answer is obvious. 
 And is it not, then, a matter of policy, as well as 
 of duty, to create an interest among the lower 
 _ classes for the possession and perusal of those sa- 
 cred records from which benefits so great and 
 various are acknowledged to. flow ? | 
 “And if © righteousness éxalteth a nation,’ if 
 national piety be recompensed by national mer- 
 cies, in what way can you hope so effectually to 
 secure to your native country the protection of 
 Him by whom ‘kings reign and princes. decree 
 judgment,’ as by extending the knowledge of his 
 name and the blessings of his religion? By such 
 means: may this empire be fixed indeed, upon the 
 Rock of ages,—tranquil amidst general distur- 
 bance, and safe amidst surrounding ruin, 
 , me 
 “Your zeal has already been attended by 
 great success. By your liberal exertions, Britain . 
 has already become the benefactress of distant 
 lands; and, while the nations are crumbling 
 around her, she stands alone and pre-eminent. 
 You have opened many channels through which 
 the streams of mercy and of life may flow: but 
 extensive deserts are still to be found, and Eng- 
 land itself yet contains many a parched and 
 thirsty waste. If the lower orders be ignorant, it 
 must be yours to instruct them; if they be care- 
 less and indifferent in this good cause, it must be 
 yours to rouse them into action. Shew them 
 their privileges and their duty : lay before them 
 the benefits which they must themselves expe- 
 rience from hearty co-operation in such a service, 
 and appeal to their best feelings by displaying the 
 blessings which they will confer upon others. Let 
 a concern for the circulation of the Scriptures be 
 thus excited through the great body of our popu- 
 Jation, and the lapse of a few years will furnish 
 every poor family in the British dominions with 
 the treasure of a Bible. If the poor can be in- 
 ‘duced to subscribe even the smallest weekly sum, 
 for the possession of the Scriptures, and the dis- 
 tribution of them to others still poorer—if they 
 can be led to inquire into the wants of their 
 neighbours, and to arrange the best means of 
 supplying them—an interest will gradually be 
 created in their own minds, to which they have 
 hitherto been strangers ; and that, which at first 
 was matter of indifference, will become the object 
 of earnest attention. Such is the natural progress 
 of the human mind. Those who give the Bible” 
 will soon find a desire to peruse it; and while en- 
 gaged in recommending it to others, they will be 
 impelled to examine it for themselves ; to read it 
 in their houses ; to teach it to their children, and 
 to make it the frequent subject. of their thoughts 
 and conversation. — 
 “ Let not coldness or timidity suggest, that the 
 attempt will be abortive: if despair of success 
 should be the guide of our counsels, what great 
 project could ever be accomplished? Had this 
 feeling been suffered to damp the ardour of those 
 {who first raised the standard of Christianity 
 among our ignorant forefathers, or to depress the 
 “_spirit of our Reformers, what might have been, at 
 this day, the condition of England! Was it in de- 
 spair of success, that the champions of humanity ” 
 ‘fought, for twenty long years, the battles of in- 
 jured Africa? Was it thus that they rose again 
 and again, after combat and defeat, still fresh for 
 engagement? No! confident in their good cause, 
 and in the approbation of Him who is the Friend 
 of the poor and needy, hoping as against hope 
 they pursued with determination their glorious 
 way, till at length they broke her chains, and gave 
 freedom to her sable sons. And why should you 
 doubt of success in attempting to interest the poor > 
 upon the most interesting of all subjects? Have 
 they not senses, feelings, affections, passions, like 
 yourselves? Are they not influenced by the ordi- 
 nary motives of hope and fear? Shall the ebulli- 
 tions of folly, and the senseless harangues of de- 
 mocracy, awaken their enthusiasm for earthly 
 liberty, when they can complain of no oppression, 
 and can urge no wrong; and shall they be utterly 
 insensible, when called to contemplate that hea- 
 venly liberty which makes them free indeed ? 
 which releases them from the dominion of those 
 sordid habits and degrading passions whose ty- 
 ranny they experience every day ? which rescues 
 them from the bondage of Satan, and converts 
 them into the children of God? Are they, in so 
 may instances, ready to confer a trifling benefit 
 ‘upon their poor neighbour, and will they deny 
 him the greatest which a child of mortality can 
 ~ bestow? Shall the motives which direct and. go- 
 ‘yern them in the ordinary transactions of life, 
 fail in that instance alone from which they derive 
 tenfold force and incalculable importance ? Shall 
 ‘the impression be less as the reasons are more 
 powerful ? 
 “Will it be insinuated, that the lower orders 
 would rather associate and contribute for a bad 
 purpose than for a benevolent object ? The very 
 persuasion of their proneness to associate, should 
 be an argument for attempting, with all your 
 might, to give a right direction to that tendency 
 and to correct and improve it; if, by thus em- 
 ploying them in a good cause, they can be pre- 
 served from base and injurious combinations, you 
 will render, both to them and to society, a double 
 service. In times like the present, these consi- 
 derations come with peculiar force. 
 Will it be urged, that we have no encourage- 
 ment to proceed in this work of charity ? What! 
 when millions are rousing themselves, in different 
 quarters of the world, from the lethargy of ages, 
 anxious to behold ‘the Desire of all nations,’ 
 can we possibly need any additional encourage- 
 ment or motive for circulating those imestimable 
 records which testify of Him ? 
 “Will it be contended, that no great effect 
 can be produced by small contributions? The 
 contribution of an individual to the government 
 is small ; but it is by the aggregate of such sums 
 that the state is supported. A ray of light and a 
 drop of rain are small; but it is by the sun and 
 the shower that our harvests wave in the field, 
 and by the accumulation of waters that the riches 
 _of all lands are transferred to this. 
 «“* Freely ye have received, freely give :’ if you 
 acknowledge for yourselves the blessed influence 
 of Divine Revelation, invite others to partake of 
 it. The light of Heaven is streaming, in all its 
 effulgence, above and around you: O, let not the 
 beams be interrupted ? Open for it a free passage 
 into the dwellings of the poor!” 
 To men of humbler condition it may be observ- 
 ed, in addition to the arguments already adduced ; 
 ‘«* Although, for reasons best known to Infinite 
 Wisdom, the Almighty has withheld from you 
 rank and opulence, yet has he given to you the 
 privilege of conferring benefits on others, and of 
 conferring them in the highest degree. The faci-. 
 _lities which you possess, for discovering the wants 
 of those immediately around you, may be consi- 
 dered as an intimation of Providence, that, ac- 
 cording to your ability, you should seek to relieve 
 them. Silver and gold you may have none to 
 give ; but you can give that which is better than 
 rubies. You cannot, indeed, raise your poor 
 neighbour above the pressure of the times, or re- 
 move those afflictions which are especially inci- 
 dent to his condition; but you can furnish him 
 with a remedy for all : you can present him with 
 eS 4 ee 
 those oracles of wisdom, which will enlarge his 
 views and brighten his prospects; which will 
 teach him, that this scene of trouble is but the 
 pilgrimage of a day; that he is but the tenant of 
 an earthly tabernacle, which shall presently be 
 dissolved ; and that the disembodied spirit shall 
 then seek its everlasting home, shall ascend to 
 that * building of God, the house not made with 
 hands, eternal in the heavens.’ 
 “‘ Since the beginning of time, no method has 
 ever been devised, by which you might do good 
 on so large a scale, and by such easy means. 
 The effects arising from other acts of charity, 
 must often be confined to the immediate object : 
 but the influence of your liberality will probably be 
 permanent, and descend with increasing blessings 
 ‘from age to age. It is an enterprize of exalted 
 benevolence, which would become a sovereign 
 better than his crown, and add a greater lustre to 
 his throne than the widest enlargement of domi- 
 nion. This is a work which may bring all classes 
 into action without prejudice to any: here the 
 rich and the poor may meet together in common 
 exertion, for common good: poverty itself may 
 be thus enriched, and the lowest rank ennobled : 
 one generous feeling may animate all the orders 
 of society, may impel them to the same labour of 
 love, and crown them with the saine reward. | 
| 24 
 ‘What pleasure can be derived even from 
 wealth, like the pleasure of doing good? And this 
 is a gratification which, without riches, you may 
 enjoy in its highest measure. Look upon your 
 poorer brethren, and then ask, whether any de- 
 light can surpass the enjoyment of charity like 
 this ’—of charity, that extends blessings the most 
 pure and exalted, to the humblest of mankind— 
 that produces ‘an elevation of mind and of feel- 
 ing, which no poverty but Christian poverty can 
 exhibit ’—that gives light to the blind, heals the 
 broken in heart, brings life and immortality to 
 light among those who sit in darkness and the 
 shadow of death, and renders the poor of this 
 world rich in faith and heirs of the promises. If 
 the blessings of those who are ready to perish be 
 worthy of acceptance, then may you be blessed ; 
 if there be joy in heaven over one sinner that re- 
 penteth, then may the angels of God rejoice even 
 in your labours, and the Father of mercies himself 
 look down with approbation upon you. Above 
 all other considerations, let this be supreme ; if 
 by engaging in these acts of benevolence, you are 
 induced to read your Bibles with more earnest- 
 ness for yourselves, you may become Christians 
 indeed ; and, however low your situation in this 
 life, the treasures of that better world will be 
 your rich and eternal repayment.” 
 And is it not a recommendation to men of all 
 classes, that this system will soon carry the tidings 
 of salvation into the most distant lands? When 
 the demands at home shall have been satisfied by 
 the contributions of the poor, the subscriptions of 
 the more opulent to the parent Society and all 
 the Auxiliaries may be wholly converted into 
 foreign channels. Thus will the lower orders, by 
 their exertions at home, greatly contribute to the 
 increase of the supply abroad; and, in this 
 view, may even they be considered as elevating 
 on high the standard of Christianity, as becom- 
 ing “heralds of salvation to the ends of the 
 They will share in the services and in the 
 triumphs of those who, by the blessing of the Al- 
 mighty, shall be made the instruments of ‘‘ shew- 
 ing his glory” to the millions of their fellow-crea- 
 tures that sit in utter darkness, or that hitherto 
 have only caught glimpses of the light of Revela- 
 tion, like interrupted flashes distantly shooting 
 across a gloomy sky. They will march, if we 
 may so speak, in the retinue of Him who shall 
 come forth ‘“‘ conquering and to conquer.” They 
 will add wings, as it were, to that angel of mercy, 
 who shall fly into all lands, bearing the everlast- 
 ing Gospel. Their hearts will be gladdened by 
 the gratitude of those whom, under God, they 
 shall have assisted to save; and they will receive 
 yet a far ampler reward in that place, where 
 err eee 
 “AT a Meeting of several Friends to the British and Foreign 
 Bible Society, in the Chair, 
 “* Resolved, 
 <* 1. That we form ourselves into an Association for the 
 purpose of contributing toward the circulation of the Holy 
 Scriptures, without note or comment, particularly among 
 the poor of this neighbourhood, and that it be denominated 
 the Bible Association of 
 “2. That every Member of this Association subscribe 
 not less than One Penny a week. 
 “« 3. That for every fifteen or twenty Members, the Com- 
 mittee shall appoint a gratuitous Collector (or that office 
 may be filled by the Subscribers in rotation, each for a cer- 
 tain period), to receive the Contributions, who shall pay the 
 same to the Treasurer on the first day of every month. 
 “« 4. That the business of the Association be under the 
 management of a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Committee 
 consisting of _ other Members ; and that 
 the ‘Treasurer, Secretary, and three fourths of the other 
 Members who have most frequently attended the Committee, 
 shall be eligible for the ensuing year, 
 “5. That the Committee shall meet once every month, 
 or oftener, on some day to be fixed by themselves, and 
 that shall form a quorum. 
 * 6. That the Committee divide this neighbourhood into 
 Districts, and appoint a Sub-Committee for each District, 
 for the purpose of soliciting Subscriptions from the inha- 
 bitants thereof. 
 *¢ 7. That the Committee shall make it their business to 
 inquire, by the appointment of Sub-Committees, whether 
 any families or individuals, residing within its sphere, are 
 in want of Bibles or Testaments, and unable to procure 
 them ; in which case it shall be the duty of the Committee 
 to furnish them therewith at reduced prices, or gratis, ac- 
 cording to their circumstances. | 
 “ 8. That the whole of the Funds of this Association, 
 whether arising from Subscriptions, Donations, or the sale 
 of Bibles or ‘Testaments, at prime cost or reduced prices, 
 shall, from time to time, be expended in’ the purchase of 
 Bibles and Testaments, to be sold or given among the 
 poor of this neighbourhood, as before directed, until they 
 shall be adequately supplied with the Holy Scriptures; in 
 which case, the amount of future Subscriptions and Dona- 
 tions shall be remitted to the Auxiliary Bible Society at 
 , or the Branch Bible Society at 
 , in aid of its benevolent designs. 
 *« 9. That application be made by the Committee to the 
 Committee of the Auxiliary Bible Society at 
 » or to the Branch Bible Society at : 
 for permission to lay out the funds of this Association, in 
 purchasing, at the Depository of the said Society, Bibles 
 and ‘Testaments at the cost prices. _ 
 “10. That a General Meeting of the Subscribers be held 
 at the in each year, when 
 the Accounts (as audited by the Committee), shall be pre- 
 sented, the proceedings of the past year reported, and a 
 Treasurer, Secretary, and Committee-men ap- 
 pointed. | 
 “41. That be Treasurer, Secretary, 
 and Members of the Committee for the year 
 © 42. That Subscriptions and Donations be now entered 
 into, and that they be also received by the Treasurer, Se- 
 cretary, and the Members of the Committee.” 
 The Sub-Committees should inquire of the poor, first, 
 whether they possess copies of the Scriptures, and in what 
 condition; secondly, if not, and yet are desirous of pos- 
 ‘sessing them, whether they have the means, in whole or in 
 part, at once, or by degrees, of purchasing copies; thirdly, 
 if any, and how many, of the family can read: and enter 
 such information in separate columns. 
 The plan of selling the Scriptures to the poor has been 
 tried, and has been found to possess several important ad- 
 vantages (where practicable) over gratuitous distribution. 
 When purchased, even at a low rate, they are generally 
 held in higher estimation, and more carefully preserved, 
 than when given. The expediency of extending this mode 
 of supply as widely as possible, is forcibly urged by the 
 consideration, that, if sold at an average but of one half of 
 the cost price, and the money so received invested in the 
 purchase of more books, and this repeated till the whole 
 fund and stock be exhausted, the number of copies thus cir- 
 culated will be nearly double that which could have been 
 gratuitously circulated by the expenditure of the original 
 sum. This average of one half may be obtained by carry- 
 ing the price, according to the circumstances of the parties, 
 from one fourth to three fourths of the cost price, or even 
 from one eighth to seven eighths. If the parties cannot pay 
 immediately, they may be allowed to discharge the small 
 debt by weekly instalments ; which will enable a very large 
 proportion of the poor to purchase the Scriptures, and ren- 
 der it unnecessary to give them excepting to a very few. 
 The effect which the adoption of this system will have in 
 accelerating the supply at home, and in enabling the Society 
 to enlarge its exertions abroad, must be obvious to every 
 considerate person. 
 Ae oe es eee 
*,* The Contents of this Pamphlet are printed ina 
 cheap form, for general distribution, and may be had of the 
 Printers hereof, in quantities of 250 or upward, at the fol- 
 lowing prices—viz. 
 ees fn a es ae tee, OS Le. 6 
 MMe dine. Te ena s sotn sere te Mat eae 
 1000, or upwards, in the latter proportion. 
 ———— ae 
 Ellerton and Henderson, Printers, Johnson’s 
 Court, Fleet Street, London.