Cece Boe aol, ts and Boxes, TO THE TRADE! E are pleased to present you this, our latest Catalogue and Price List. Our line is now ideal and complete for the more moderate as well as the most exacting demands of the trade. When in need of our goods do not wait for our salesman, but order them out by letter, telegram or by tele- phone, and the same will have our very careful attention. When you do this you are responding to the true mission of this Catalogue, and the act is sure to prove to our mutual advantage. Thanking you for your many favors in the past, we solicit your larger orders this season and wish for your continued prosperity. ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET CO., ROSE HILL, NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS : G In making up orders give stock number, telegraph word and size. @ Our terms are 5 per cent. discount in 30 days, net in 60 days. @ We allow freight only on all bills paid before they are due. @ On all rush orders by express our customer pays for same. We pay no express. @ We pay no War Tax levied by the Government on freight shipments. ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 400% OCTAGON CASKET, THREE-PANEL TOP, INCLINED PLATE PANEL No. Telegraph Word Description 400% Jackson White Five-fold-Fringed-Draped Casket, Covered in Embossed White Plush 401 Alice Same as No. 400%, Supplied with Metal Lining 675 Batts White Four-fold-Fringed-Draped Casket, Covered in Embossed White Plush 975 Luke Same as No. 675, Supplied with Metal Lining We also quote any of the above numbers COMPLETE in our price list, with or without Metal Lining. See second column of price list. ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 400 OCTAGON CASKET, THREE-PANEL TOP, INCLINED PLATE PANEL No. Telegraph Word Description 400 Lee Black Five-fold-Fringed-Draped Casket, Covered in Fine Black Broadcloth 405 Adel Same as No. 400, Supplied with Metal Lining ays) Stewart Black Four-fold-Fringed-Draped Casket, Covered in Fine Black Broadcloth 526 Vander Same as No. 525, Supplied with Metal Lining We also quote any of the above numbers COMPLETE in our price list, with or without Metal Lining. See second column of price list. 3 ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 600 OCTAGON CASKET, THREE-PANEL TOP, INCLINED PLATE PANEL No. Telegraph Word Description 600 Bachelor Black Five-fold-Blind-Draped Casket, Covered in Fine Black Broadcloth 625 Burke Same as No. 600, Supplied with Metal Lining See second column We also quote both numbers above COMPLETE in our price list, with or without Metal Lining. of price list. ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 500 STATE CASKET, OVAL CUT TOP, HINGED CAP, COLUMN CORNERS No. Telegraph Word Description 500 Grant Black Five-fold-Fringed-Draped Casket, Covered in Fine Black Broadcloth WES France Same as No. 500, Supplied with Metal Lining 800 England Black Four-fold-Fringed-Draped Casket, Covered in Fine Black Broadcloth 900 Ireland Same as No. 800, Supplied with Metal Lining ae he also quote all the numbers above COMPLETE in our price list, with or without Metal Lining. See second column of price list. 5 No. 700 761 762 763 764 765 ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 700 STATE CASKET, OVAL CUT TOP, HINGED CAP, COLUMN CORNERS Telegraph Word General Captain King Queen Utmost Paul Description Covered in Fine Black Broadcloth Same as No. 700, Supplied with Metal Lining Covered in Fine Embossed Purple Plush Same as No. 762, Supplied with Metal Lining Covered in Fine Embossed Grey Plush Same as No. 764, Supplied with Metal Lining We also quote all the numbers above COMPLETE in our price list, with or without Metal Lining. 6 ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS OCTAGON CASKET, THREE-PANEL TOP, INCLINED PLATE PANEL No. Telegraph Word Description 300% Rose Fancy Swell Corners, Covered in White Embossed Plush 304 July Same as No. 300%, Supplied with Metal Lining 486 Vernon Fancy Swell Corners, Covered in Steel Grey Plush 487 | August Same as No. 486, Supplied with Metal Lining 482 Bank Fancy Swell Corners, Covered in Silver Grey Plush 483 October Same as No. 482, Supplied with Metal Lining We also quote all the above numbers COMPLETE in our price list, with or without Metal Lining. See second column of price list. ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 300 OCTAGON CASKET, THREE-PANEL TOP, INCLINED PLATE PANEL No. Telegraph Word Description 300 Hill Fancy Swell Corners, in Fine Black Broadcloth 310 Magnolia Same as No. 300, with Metal Lining We also quote these two numbers COMPLETE in our price list, with or without Metal Lining. See second column of price list. ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 375 OCTAGON CASKET, THREE-PANEL TOP No. Telegraph Word Description Dip) Carolina Covered in Black Broadcloth 388 May Covered in Black Crepe 395 Governor Covered in Lambskin 390 Atlanta Covered in Grey English Crepe BOOZ Boston Covered in Lavender Crepe B93 South Covered in Purple Crepe 394 North Covered in Black Doeskin 396 Fast Covered in Grey Doeskin 397 Man Covered in Grey Embossed Plush 398 Holly Covered in White Embossed Plush Plushes and Broadcloths are supplied with beaded caps and inclined plate panels. We quote all the above numbers also COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. We also furnish any number with swell corners, if desired, at an extra charge. See our price list. 9 ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 77% PURE ARMCO SOLID METAL CASKET No. Telegraph Word Description 77% Bradford Covered in Fine Black Broadcloth, Half-Glass-Inner-Sealing Top, Good Plain Silk Pillow-Set, with Hinged-Faced Cap to match. Antique Silver Extension Handles and Name Plate, with White Pine Box—COMPLETE. 10 ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 78 PURE ARMCO SOLID METAL CASKET No. Telegraph Word Description 78 Niles Covered in Black Broadcloth. Good Jap Silk Pillow-Set, Silver Extension Handles and Plate. Prices include Good Grade of Lining and White Pine Box—All COMPLETE. 1] No. 16 17 19 30 3| Bye 33 34 ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 16 SQUARE COVERED CASKET, THREE-PANEL TOP Telegraph Word Description Hat Covered in Black English Crepe Card Covered in Grey English Crepe Dixie : Covered in Lavender English Crepe Japan Covered in Purple English Crepe Cabbage Covered in Black Doeskin Copper Covered in Grey Doeskin Iron Covered in White Lambskin Lead Covered in Black Broadcloth We also quote all the above numbers COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. (ze ADULTS’ COVERED CASKETS No. 40 SQUARE COVERED CASKET, FLAT THREE-PANEL TOP No. Telegraph Word Description 40 House Covered in Black English Crepe 4] School Covered in Grey English Crepe 49 Mallard Covered in Lavender English Crepe 43 Boney Covered in Purple English Crepe 44 Brown Covered in Black Doeskin 45 Smith Covered in Grey Doeskin 46 Wells Covered in White Lambskin We also quote all the above numbers COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. 13 CHILDREN’S COVERED CASKETS No. 70% OCTAGON CASKET, HINGED TOP AND CAP No. Telegraph Word Description 70% Pender Four-fold-Fringed, Draped in White Embossed Plush We also quote COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. 14 CHILDREN’S COVERED CASKETS No. 60% OCTAGON CASKET, HINGED TOP AND CAP No. Telegraph Word Description 60% Sampson Swell Corners, in White Embossed Plush We also quote COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. CHILDREN’S COVERED CASKETS No. 50% OCTAGON CASKET, HINGED TOP AND CAP No. Telegraph Word Description 50% Duplin Without Swell Corners, in White Embossed Plush 47 Only Without Swell Corners, in Lambskin We also quote both numbers COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. 16 CHILDREN’S COVERED CASKETS No. 55 SQUARE CASKET, TWO-PANEL CUT TOP, STATIONARY GAUZE, DOWELL CAP NOTE—ONE-PANEL TOP, FULL STATIONARY GAUZE, FULL LENGTH CAP, FOR ALL SIZES UNDER THREE FEET LONG No. Telegraph Word Description 35) Virginia Covered in White Lambskin We also quote COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. 17 CHILDREN’S COVERED CASKETS SQUARE STILLBORN CASKET No. Telegraph Word Description 18 Daisy Covered in White Lambskin We also quote COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. 18 ADULTS’ VARNISHED CASKETS No. 14 SQUARE CASKET, THREE-PANEL TOP No. Telegraph Word Description 14 Otis Imitation Rosewood, Gold Stripe We also quote COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. 19 ADULTS’ VARNISHED CASKETS No. 20 SQUARE VARNISHED CASKET, THREE-PANEL TOP No. Telegraph Word . Description 20 Vann Imitation Rosewood, Gold Stripe We also quote COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. 20 Adults’ and Children’s Varnished and Covered “A” and “B” Coffins No. 5% No. Telegraph Word Description B5% Dale Imitation Rosewood, Gold Stripe, Glass or Chiffon Top IEE Sumpter Covered with Crepe, Glass or Chiffon Top CE Hampton Covered with Lambskin, Glass or Chiffon Top JN) Clover No Cap, No Glass, Imitation Rosewood, Gold Stripe We also quote any number above COMPLETE in our price list. See second column of price list. ZA SHIPPING AND BURIAL STEEL VAULTS No. Telegraph Word Description 6 New Major Opens at Top, Oval Lid, Adjustable, Sealing with Set-Screw Clamps, Water Tight, Strong Yet Light, ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ON THE MARKET. We carry in stock 6—3. Any other sizes can be ordered out on short notice. I ‘No. No. No. No. No: No. No. COMPLETE CASKET TRIMMING SETS A Few of Our Best Sellers— Others Furnished Upon Application 3430.—Telegraph Word, JONES. Description.—Two Square Bar Extension and Two End Handles, Silver Finished, Plate “At Rest,” suited to High-Class Adults’ Caskets. 3431.—Telegraph Word, THOMAS. Description.—Same as No. 3430, in Ebony Finish. 122N3.—Telegraph Word, UNIQUE Description —Six Bxeclent cain Swell Bar Handles, Plate “At Rest,” Good Grade for Adults’ Covered Caskets. 4800W.—Telegraph Word, WOODROW. Description.—Six Excellent Silver Rope Bar Handles, Plate “At Rest,” Thumb Screws, Escutcheons, Cap Lifters, Handle Screws, complete for Good Grade Adults’ Varnished Caskets. 9362N.—Telegraph Word, LANGDON. Description.—Four Excellent Satin Swell Bar Handles, Plate “Our Darling,” Cap Lifts, complete for Children’s High- Class Covered Caskets. 42.—Telegraph Word, BAIL. Description.—Four Silver Finished Bail Handles, Plate “Our Darling,” Thumb Screws, Escutcheons, Cap Screws, Lifter, Handle Screws, Pins, complete for Children’s Good Grade of Covered Caskets. 29.—Telegraph Word, DARLING. Description.-—Four Silver Finished Bail Handles, Plate “Our Darling,” Thumb Screws, Escutcheons, Cap Screws, Lifters, Handle Screws, Plate Pins, complete for Children’s Medium Grade Coffins and Caskets. . 75.—Telegraph Word, MAGAZINE. Description.—Six Silver Finished Bail Handles, Plate “At Rest,” Thumb Screws, Escutcheons, Cap Screws, Lifters, Handle Screws, Plate Pins, complete for Adults’ Coffins. .4520.—Telegraph Word, STAR. Description. —Two Extension Silver Rope Bar and Two End Handles, complete for Good Casket Jobs for Adults. . 4522.—Telegraph Word, SEA. Description. —T'wo Extension Satin Rope Bar and Two End Handles, complete for Good Casket Jobs for Adults. 23 Boxes, Crating, Lining, Etc. We make first-class pine boxes, which we sell with or without coffins or caskets. Extra charge for staining. There is an extra charge for lining coffins and caskets, except for our COMPLETE jobs. There is also an extra charge for crating and wrapping coffins and caskets such as are sold without boxes. We use a grade of lining to match the job in every case. 24 ak 8 %y