Program of Dedication Excercises Asheville High School September 25th, 26th, 1919 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Cp379.5 A82p Program of Dedication Exercises New High School Building, Asheville, North Carolina September 25th and 26th, 1919 hm tm tt tt tt tt BN NN NN NE hy Nm st it th em Le He Hf Ae Ee fee Hm tf Mime tec ee a He ee tee | me fm ae = re tcc ne Mt —— heme Honea AN oe Thursday, September 25th 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.—Building open to the Public. 7:45 P.M.—Orchestral Concert. 8:00 P.M.—High School Auditorium, Hon. J. E. Rankin, Presiding. IN VET TC Ay age Seto coy sao ne eee aeal a Soe RSE eat nies eee eee: CCR Cee en ee Audience OpeningwPrayer/.cce ema rs nee tate, Hie anes one ie Se ee ee Dr. E. K. MeLarty Mitte Lc VEE WWIGAVCTS Sho a reer feubue cota dated, meh A, SRM sino MR ORST OY ene TO eo ae Cos UE ere Board of Trade Wirt A oot ee Bik. acne ote aeiiass Ayes kp hie oo ike BENG! shits okies an afew tee os 0 8 ii Beane ees Ministers Association Mie: CR ee Whe@elign hy Stix aace te ei eee GAG en ge ee potash cSt ca URE re Ca eae re KGwanis Club Frome 3,7 ake Bertie, os cy ote cco oe Sos stn estee ea ee ce) Ce ace ne nec toe Asheville Times INE teres Ais says: ently ictls, ceca Se I es eo nce st Mr. Kk. L. Teubner, Tenor-Baritone Hor Cina. “As SW ebb rc tea Se ce sh ces oe See Re oars 8 en ee en gat oe Asheville Citizen Mi harties® BS (Barrettr a occ tgs coer oie ea eee Som Deen cn eee eer Freche MRS Gna Asheville Advocate Mesclobn. As Caripbellat\ aoe sismctccvere och ort asecha a tee ee ae High School Parent-Teachers’ Association Ma sel. Eoatehins., Sek ofsd a arcietto eats crt es aeons = eee ree eee are ea Principal High School Two-Minute Talks by Individuals in the Audience ||) fe |] et eee me 1 Ne me me me NN mm mmm hmmm mm HY mmf mmm femme 1 em emf ee mt ee || | i | | ef | } Le | fe ff | oe | || | | | | || || || | | | | (| es ||| ff | ff || em ff ff || || | | cm || a || |] ee ff || ff |] || co || se SB 8 1h 8 NN BE Nh HH he fff ee jf ee fff oe [fff a || | ff | | of He Friday, September 26th 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.—Building open to the Publie. or 6:00 P.M.—Parade of Labor, Fraternal, Professional and other Civie Organizations. pa 7:45 P.M.—Orchestral Concert. 8:00 P.M.—High Sehool Auditorium, Mayor Gallatin Roberts, Presiding. OTC eee Re eet A frase cr re ns, Seebayal O's SURG Sys, ccf MENA oly at, Mela: Motte Par me ces tine Audience IPS siete Sone cic gta py ROS ene ace NEE oa eR My oa .. Dr. R. F. Campbell Peererrculsketch ot the Asheville City Schools. 0.0.0... 0055 ccc ee ew es centres Mrs. M. W. Williamson Reminiscences.................Mr. W. F. Randolph See’y First Board of Education, City of Asheville Me eV) oo fenie S a a se o's Bes Pe Ha RR Oe Os Mr. M. KX. Weber, Superintendent of Schools REI Ee oe yo Bie an) cs eo ls ie 40) ae WSR pr elsler see Prof. N. W. Walker, State High School Inspector Wremiorka Dy..............-.......Judge J. D. Murphy, Chmn. Buncombe County Board of Education Remarks by Architect W. H. Lord and delivery of keys to the new building to Mayor Gallatin Roberts kU sf a Rev. Willis G. Clark > Musie under the direction of Mr. Willis J. Cunningham, Supervisor of Music, Asheville City Schools Bt 4 0 hm Ht te Ht I Vi |) ff ee ff ff ee ff ff ff |]