teeta: stages betel yee o t i i+|oiei=) histerecei= iit Hg teyritiee aeheeeatei sere } ish) “4 iy igitt= 4. ti ti isisisist ; ph 3533 aes: += $a + i o{otet—te led ertitperett ca dbaeeheiyaats Linh tshist ras aac) co ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR — N THE TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL, 2 On the 19th day of February, 1829, 5 FOR THE ae ‘ 2 ‘eee . , GQOD GOVERNMENT OF SAID TOWN. VUBVYVUBB LAY HILLSBOROUGH: _ PRINTED BY DENNIS HEANTT. 4 HH ling re eee » ‘ORDINANGRS. aanian et THE TOWN OF CHAPEL-HILL. we Vea venr_ue Section 1. BE it ordained by the bourd of commission- ers for the town of Chapel Hill, That all the white male inhabitants of said town, except the acting commission- ers, between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, shall be distributed into classes to act as bodies of pa- trol, af such times and upon such occasions as the com- missioners may require; and the person whose name shall be placed first upon the list of his class, shall be considered as captain of that class. It shall be the duty of the captain of every class, to call out his company to serve aS a patrol two nights in every week, or oftener if required by the magistrate of police, who shall issue his orders to any captain during said week: and every cap- tain of patrol shall, on the Friday after receiving his orders, by twelve o’clock, make report on oath before the magistrate of police of the services he and his com- ‘ pany may have performed during the previous week. And if any captain shall fail to act in conformity. with this ordinance, he shall be subject to a fine of two dol- lars; and if any member ‘of the company shall not dis-— charge bis duty as required by the captain, he shall be “subject to a fine of one dollar. The magistrate of police may, however, on satisfactory reasons rendered by the 4 F captain, or member of any company, remit the said fines. And in the event of the captain being absent, or unable from sickness to perform his duties as aforesaid, the person whose name is next on the list. shall perform the aforesaid duties, under the like penalties as are im- posed on the captain. And it is further ordained, that the aforesaid companies commence, their duties at eight o’clock in the evenings of autumn and winter, and at nine o’clock in the evenings of spring and summer. Sect. 2. And be it further ordained, That it shall be un- jawful for any slave to be abroad in any of the streets, lanes or lots of the town of Chapel-Hill onthe Lord’s day, (commonly called Sunday,) or at any time during tlre week between the hours of eight o’clock inthe even- ing and five o’clock in the morning, unless he or she have a pass in writing from his or her master, mistress or overseer, specifying the time of bis or herabsence. If ‘any slave be found in the violation of this ordinance, he or she may be punished forthwith by the captain of the patrol and his company, with not more than ten lashes on his or her bare back, or be released by paying a fine of one dollar without delay; nor shall any slave be permit-, ted to sell any article in the town of Chapel-Hill, with. out a written permission from his or her master, mistress or overseer, specifying such articles.as he or she may have for sale, under the penalty of ten lashes on his or her bar e back, or the immediate payment of one dollar. Sect. 3. And be it further ordained, That it is unlawful for a slave to hire their own time, or live by themselves, in the town of Chapel-Hill, not being under the immedi- ate direction and care of some free white person, under the penalty of ten lashes whenever found in that situa- tion. or subject to be committed to the jail of Orange county as a runaway slave by the magistrate of police. Hoy i selge ' en (PI: Sect. 4. And be i further ordained, That it shall be unlawful for any person to shoot a gun, or any piece of five arms, in sport, wontonness or Jicentiousness, within — the town of Chapel Hill, under the penalty of being fined one dollar for each offence; and if a slave, he shall receive not less.than ten lashes on his or her hare back, unless the fine aforesaid, with costs, be paid by the owner, or by the slave: Provided, however, That firing on days of. public rejoicing, or at musters, be not prohibited by this ordinance, | Sect. 5. And be it further ordained, That it shall he unlawfal for any white, or free colored person, to work or labor at his or her usnal employment, or hire it to be done, in the town of Chapel Hill, on the Lord’s day, commonly called Sunday, unless it be a work of necessjz ty or mercy, under a penalty of paying a fine of two dol- lars, upon conviction before the magistrate of police; nor ‘Shall any slave perform any species of labor on thé afores said day, in said town, with the exceptions aforesaid, un- der the penalty of ten lashes on his or her bare back, un-— less the slave or owner pay the fine aforesaid. © Sect. 6. And be it further ordained, That it shall be unlawful for any white person to buy or sell any article on the Lord’s day, unless in cases of necessity or mercy, under the penalty of five dollars, recoverable before the “Magistrate of police; and if any slave shall buy or sell any article on the aforesaid day, in said town, he or she — shall be subject to a penalty of ten lashes, or pay a fine of two dollars: and further, it is unlawful for any mer- chant or shop-keeper to vend merchandize, or any other, articles, on said day, under a penalty of ten dollars, with the exceptions aforesaid. Ba, Sect. 7: And be it further ordained, That if any white ar free colored person shall be found engaged in any con- } | | via 6 duct erpssly immoral, of evil example to-society, or in any noisy drunken behaviour, of a mischievous nature, _ calculated to disturb the peace and good order of the community, within the town of Chapel- -Hill, the magis- trate of|police may issue his warrant against such, to be Sed by the town constable, for bringing the author or authors of such disorders before bim for examination, to be hea upon conviction, to a fine of two dollars; and for offending in tike manner a second time, the magis- trate of police may compel the offender to give security “for his good behaviour. or may order his pues to the jail of Orange county. Sect. 8. And be it further ordained, That it shall be unlawful for any person to try, or puta stud horse, or _ jack-ass to a mare, any where in the streets, lanes or lots of the town of Chapel-Hill, under the penalty, if a free man, of ten dollars for each offence, and if aslave, ten lashes on his bare back, well laid on, ualess the slave or owner. shall pay the fine aforesaid and costs. _ Sect. 9. And be it further ordained, 'That the streets of the town of Chapel-Hill shall be worked and kept in re- pair, as often as may be necessary, by all the male white persons in said town, except the acting commissioners, between the age of eighteen and forty-five years; and by all the male black persons between sixteen and fifty years of age; and that the commissioners of said town may, at any time, appoint some suitable person to attend to said business, under the direction of said commissioners; and for his services aforesaid, he shall be paid a reasonable sum per day out of the funds of the town. And it shall be lawful for said person to notify said hands to work on the streets, when and at what place the commissioners may deem best; and every hand who, after being duly no- - tified by the aforesaid person, shal! neglect or fail to at- vf tend according to such notification, shall for each fail- ure be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty cents, recoyer- able before the magistrate of police, upon his warrant. Sect. 20. 4nd be it further ordained, That a constable for the town of Chapel-Hill be annually appointed, who shall, for his services in the execution of his office, be en- titled to the same fees as are allowed to such officers in the county of Qrange, for similar services. Also a trea- surer and clerk shall be appointed annually for said town, by the board of commissioners. The constable and trea- surer for said town, before entering on the execution of. their respective offices, shall enter into bond with approv- ed security, made payable to the acting magistrate of police on his successor in offi ice, for the faithful perfor- mance of the duties incident to their respective offices; and if the aforesaid constable should be absent, or una- ble to attend to his duties, the magistrate of police may depute any inhabitant. of said town to perform the duties of constable. Sect. 11. And be it further ordained, That all fines, forfeitures and penaities, incurred under these erdinan- ces, or any of them, are made recover able before the act- ing magistrate of police; and any case coming within his own knowledge, or information made to him by any per- _ son, the magistrate of police is authorized to issue his war- rant to the town constable for arresting and punishing any person who shall be charged with the violation of these ordinances, or ahy of them; and the monies so re- covered, shall be paid into the hands of the treasurer for .. the use of town purposes. Sect; 12. And be tt further ordained, 'That if any mem- ber of this board be absent from any meeting regularly “appointed, he shall be fined one dollar, unless he render 8) s tint ie excuse to the board of coitnissioners, for: his absence, at the succeeding meeting. Sect. 13.° aud be it further ordered, That three commis-— sioners, with the magistrate of police, shall constitute a quorum to. transact business. Sect. 14. And be it further sPiainday That all meet- \y ings of the board be held by adjournment, or by appoint-| ment of the magistrate of police, or a majority of the commissioners present. upon his or their giving due no- tice to the board of the time and place of the meeting. Sect. 15. And be it further ordained, That all ordi- nances and. resolutions made heretofore, which comes: Within the meaning and paryiew. of the foregoing ordi- nances, or otherwise, be, and the same are baht re-\ pealed and made void. (age, te fi }