eo ei ARR A se pe en ji OP ew |
LOULE Re FILSC ri rms OF. P32) 4,0MNT! cevrew 4 HEL, EN
B Boo hss ace ae a ain! ey A
y a et SES oe ae ve ia, ob pa 2h ae
ee y
Serer eS ake a ; j s x va ey
i! i i UNIV: 28 ef 2.0 FOG TH. Sah oht Maw Rat 8 i
Aerteturs tore ee | DCR ci
WT at | de Saeed a re
bis ek = The. tekdot the meeting of thie aasoc ination at Hew Haven in Raton.
peur, ‘two years ago, every editor of an ‘alumni publication ty : A
m #,
ie @oneeious of having presented hie readers with elt torset (
e ogame concerning ‘suavess ively important, lant, oom s ih F
| Dot } ‘sideration. i
4 * sl i, “Ptret « of aly . eee war reoord of every alums '
We Soe iy ae a is
ie ay 4 AY
- entering the service | wae dem ended. Next, subseriptions ae
‘ia pies alumni periodica’ for overaeag. men were. colette
iy ‘Then! tottowes the request for lettore from alumni, at, the | pe kiit ®
| Se eronty anton, in turn, pave place to preparation for wiptos
Pcs ‘Teunions,’the printing of the record of the wer Activities 4
t sary" ct yh ss. ot e Shey
a UE of othe universttice, and finally the planning of bamicials 2
(fo Nhe Geedrwio fel! in the defense of "the ger :
’ tiny heaett a a Mat
wor k The war over, emphasis was” placed: upon ove! .
the curriculums, cutting ont useless c vroea, apec :
up and intensifying the eduea tional machine, tret 14
“the etudent in. ‘such. & definite, rhopenehnan i
aa wed 3
p> yd he o esttetiht could aeowetawney Dy wh
the entteten sues os ve 9h
rae eo. Ty ee a 4 H » * " 4 Tn a. :
Wits ' Pele a Fie * i ‘the teh + , i 7 Rs
in PS A ts ee : : ¢ : _y aa = .. ae *
fh ope 3 ¢ ; f \ = ae a us
e sant item spreadsheet i . a
» ey é' , say ry Wa ‘ ,
“4 Cw A eae p, t , e - + ty . ) P a
, Yen," i ue a } per el Le es "ihe t
iB pr 4 Pale ;
Z ‘ :
ie im x
| gat eee lear, Iowa ne. 6 sptiie reo, 1048, erpeY, « ows ALA a eee ey
_ Collection: Wilson ee a
oa ae Dea:
| WATE! ‘a yar te sent, suppres sf 20 . | i tt Sty ae
et ee oe wR PT i he ks.|
itil « aro rHTSGANIAO “bs uel:
ai sever eL acest te: anttoes add eonla iN nea a
fopredibe eke bheboat tit, gtascen Banit, to pio loeiog: eh By
uy NEM GR ae } Wee ae
lovteceooos ni inven ‘eta soce
“tte “paws fe tog so
Bigs wah me ate | | pues Hy
panies Btove 0 prego ‘ame: ote tamos o atta te dout if : | ) ’
| Bobnovet oem ooivree odd saitotne BERN) |
ene ita brs edye « bref i i
{hedtetton ony ae + ao era fot ‘no boven inmate ot? ot ry
ett ts inns io coxt amotio’ tot feorpot ode power toy ent
“ghodaty ot ft Hrecensieg 0 eoetn ova is ot etotdtw ‘ono
“eatdivitos coe ont me rt Lied ont Tesmanbimita oft weno bauer rie
h ie ae) OR Sapecialh Conk F pas
: at cadet ‘bos eld texevinw ont to ave
of eae co tet hameititae | ee
ehendoes e100 7a¥ oft
Sy. Ses ieee Ke 4 j oT. ae eee) De, ol Ow ee oa es Maz aA ya pee, “Waar FS "
yee wih Ltt eR Aan? f ag wo Re hl gl See ee
¥ ieee ; Paid at fh) eee al iS pe cb ia ee ; Z ( % jes a oh 1 Wasa)
*,} * m 7 ry r { a . “y 7
Pe lee gurtiepitie.)) 2st lett. Heforeane elvan snd the |
— Povernine avthorities the need of @ minute cone iteration orth
entire edueational pelley of the vnivere ity and wept? the: mate ps
j fer/in the fore: front: until a complete plan of reorgenigation,
2 largely infiueneed by alumni thoueht ond profoundly affeoting eae
; therfuture work of the whole university, wae evolved, on fi. ut Ni
soo toe The. plight. of. the poverty strieken professor, with sub« a A
@eauent. drives for endownent to relieve hie dietress, and to
| | maintain the phygieai, equipment, of institutione, hag, recent) y
4 “received the attention. of 8 lumni writers, and todsy the money
returns, from these nation-wide efforts ar: steadily elinbdr
a up into, the. mil.ions, | | “3 dilly ty he
be pe ne AR. the part. of alumni the reaponee to this. Sort. (of. Suge moh
MS gration. as presented by. a0 liege authorities snd eluant oud= £
“aN Iteations has, beon inetant and who ‘le hearted. Evidence hag i
socumvlated, that alumni thought and behavior have, been, more ok Be
| Serious: in these two. years than ever before, and the gonvietion Ne i
hae deepened | throughout, the nation that this high seriouanes:, ee
this ‘Great, reservoir of powers shovld regularly be. more, OMe ety
_tensively. drawn, upon in promoting not only, HR, educational |
Work of ,Averiean,eolleges and en iverasis ods oinks ae
@1 policies of, the nation ae yell... setion foe the. Ta oe
» MAt2 thie introduction out ofthe ways. iT, come. 9. aa
rea, porpeee. of this papers nanely.s tence thier
an: “otek either heightened seriousness on awh ins
Lat wy eu: ‘S catthady MbLitges to the sae: ig Pi an
pie ‘bei Inexin tt ovated Mot. 1 At yratwonaeag tetmaeasen ‘
“one ‘oo ‘do izewibs anos ‘oidinde « a to ‘been eda” ‘eott}todéne - sntnroven a
nn nit BVOL Lo to 7.04 froaRe bua HOX » inno
meas teapots eat wnat Atuaa Gh? 2 xo irom Lape , fag legdg ote kad et we
‘ wiemes ott yaa oe be senagizw dow! » ze Soltnedte add, bextooes
adem eth F m4 i)
Bhd are vilbaerh “aa Bimot te sAtwendeq oegdd moxt aah
oS | Le. dt eons hid
| pes: gate te oe aide ot snaoqoey allt nwo £9 Yo ix aq oat 10 Rea 1
"i. te i . pit \ aN we “! a ia Aoi.
gun te bam tole odd ce ener tc 2 we beta roeng es M0 fs ee8. ‘
is ons het sbetteot abi de, foo ‘tnat ond 904. Ad eqedtaont © &
Giese it ae A
; a ae ss “eons: feed ered ‘oteded: Joo diauoes innate fend, Petatantinny
Pus weld eimos ond fina sorated, ‘ove. ads, 219% owe ooodomd swotten
So a ebenenni ‘toe fina okt dei, 809 a8 gar todgvonde: ‘homage sh vad
| foto 9m nd prsoaen saitey tds
a ae i he's seoute, one, Liste on snd tc out, ii ise award ‘tobias iy
See on
Gee Bk ond inee be, edt. te, sont szeetne: bre Hagel be china Yo. tro ara
‘sftow ne’ Bo thi of 40 00804 fog.
In attempting to point out these ways and meana Ian |
thrown back upon the necessity of asking you ae representatives
of thid ‘Assoctation to visualise vividly the eitvation which
confronts American institutions of higher learning today, to
draw deeply upon your own experiences ae to the best methode
of theetine it successfully, and to permit me to rely upon il-
lus trations taken ‘from my own inatitution - fhe University of
Worth Carclina, |
By ape Any plan which really eoea to the heart of thie matter
3 must recognize | the impor tance of enployineg thie fine alumni
teases s in eadition to the waye already faniliar to
ues in three definite ways, Firet of ally alumni in local
| communitics we ne put to work upon “a tters ‘that vitally
in the tir
affect me Yoeal oom anit Instead of meeting once a year,
nmoctings ano: 14 be hela frequently, like Rotary and Kawanis
organizations, ‘the ‘local associations ehowla partielpare as
alvani erovpe in “promoting | the wolfare of the loeal eommuni+
te Reniniseence should, sive way in part to the considera
den of Oz ne tructive po lkeles for the community and a ried Rane
” oF
What q. neve. in mind was recently iilustrated by ‘the | re
eh ymni of Charlottes An plage: loeal caspaigna was being ae
eget. in Se. Ratt to oarry a bond ieaue election for the | Ty
erection of a ‘splendid city high sonool building. Approximate-
i 5 ge es
ly 200 ¢ alumni had membership in the loca} association. | The ao
Orr ty
: association wont on record ae favoring the ob jeot and olay
“garry it ‘throughs
aco ane iee aaherns BrP GR thaw Pau barat
+ be Se ¥ 4 : ' # uae % ul
lnc oh NILE sae “feo aa On whog 58. My ORR 2
oaT hod ne co eat. ee per anita: to “leoooen-adt aoe af
oat noktug ne. wet eibtvey eel (arate ‘at ntbtetoosse ante to B
<8 gabe, smanwaed ale So ome Maths ust nioob deh a q
eboeson Med Ons of 8m SMeHoR tee tHe achiehansadinsanerssssn ;
EL wevney, ay! ae, ae eat 3 kere ne oa sul iotanesone ts
he Uohaver ing any * “nbad we Rte, ‘ ‘eat not ot
Ka rye ae ae eye Ria a gs yy , hia “i
rok sa 1 eee Gua Ea) ‘ ae Bons py ORS. ORS
qe dhew wtte att oY sat evog! yt tao ona sete Fe ahi
“thew in abt ede auiyotaie %6 semottomad oft eatoyoose tenn
‘gd wen ftnatt ‘ehewr te ‘eye bie or ‘noldtbbe hi oie behav
apo! at inoare fie te th a ernie hat i ‘ag
Hes Ail buh.
ufiveiy gade exvedtat “neat bow o? tg of denn aotvinereoa
ag 65 Bachied calle ag! Bk eee aN ae a
Oe 8 eof: Shivson Yo ‘bees eat xtinwenoe favo of ae mir
tl sea! sein ray
binewer feb yeaa sit san dios hin snl
ag erie iv lt te Titers: ano? aa
‘ipiiisine 6 Paes f° ‘ott ‘t6" drab eee gen
et iw @ “oom
oda ontk set? Ideembe Wit tet oto ce evita ano
ace a total it Feit pair i Od ow
Gmten! sites nate eh
Noting the effectiveness of auch activity ae thie, the
alumhi of the Asheville Association have reeentiy propoeed to
the Generel Alumni AeSociation a pian'b wich the locals will.
heet régularty six or oleht times a yoar, the hour of meeting
being the ¢ame for a1 the loonla, ‘The object of these méct~
inge te to promote the welfare of the Inetitusion to whieh
they owe ailertence and the good of the toea! sonwnlty,
©) °° WEth the-ending of the war, there haa come a quiekened
eonescionanese on the part of tniveraiticoa and @ollerea of |
their dbreet responsibility to the general public. The central
western universitice recipniged thia even before the war, and
through a conprehentive systes of univers ity extension, wore
definitely promoting the larger jirset evbite good, But only
if the véry recent past have tho ereat onetern and eonthorn
inetitutions recornised thie duty, and only Pedently have made
‘tho first beginnings in thie important fieldg More then;
in backing the extension service of the colleges in their ef-
fort $o roach in alreet helpfulness & wider ‘publie,is a second
“@istines field for alumni’service, © sachet
Btn! 1912) when the Univerelty of North Carolina wae firat
projecting ite extension service, a brouf of aluani, former
interecltertate debetare, a-neetved the idea of promoting a
ae?) eee a ee ee ee ye a ee 9 sadiir bai eat’ tide e.apebscivo ween’ heapiehine
affecting sehoolss health, child. labor, juvenile courte, high-
waye and taxation ever placed updén the statute book? of the
States. In July the’exeevtive Achartmants in attempting to put
‘the’how lawel tntoverfeet found themselves confronted with a aN
masa. “of Rew: @etaiid and comsiicatea intérsbelationss ‘the pr proper ae
: ‘ > oa . : ; i Me ae i _— _ ‘
N a e. hay Yee ies " i has: T.¥ % 8% 7 BAY ay 5 t ~ y ; oe
es ej a ne : . » RS a3 ce ” Te ,
i a m GOA .1 Py. on a F 4 Lae : & > ie b Lo tee eh INS
ah guides Sais Leth re ri
She Rap ae weal iy si to oe i,
lied ataetad, “o98 opty 008. 97%, bor laste pone ee
ome irs lated . 4 PRB. eros ade d bey ts | recy Box !
| -doe off. «Zlieopne bopedo dt, inte, 2 sy. ine Pict
| eeboor{ lex, te, Tige team, sfempreveg sped nee Aes todos bid [ 1) .
tha. toh ead, idva, £al32 pubak, again L cniligud pdeion: |
etoaides = onerihes, aamow boa «even bepraige, oo «tebbladye
sevieserdd siashyte, oft, te, eteetegead aft stobatonnd py fonte. : i
faci, weed? te aol fined e720 hear : nopted 8 a8 botedixiac. bas ,
‘Wahot Noifan edt To moknette od sndgonte, ore do ldw ona tte fe)
ebb) eft Rotowere owed Lemire, oils; sroweven, ebid -antlondysy
tf Hotartsncmos ovat _otede, fant: em mirto: 9090-96: 39 |
eloosee yrsbscese iat eH20d %0,96H 968. be. solner AL 2o.d900- : ‘i
xy do aniione). degot, to. phos haued, dee, eyed, bap scenes ity, be f
ro Ofuepn #8880 [hop of Bhoodon Hast ont festelateid bre
ote sexoero tat spt eodepe epost a) Bevlooes noltateanee : Pi,
eiromttRGen. coco ote, were. beds a0, 8 ead, ina ¢ ‘4) Me
~obo Snokeule sede, ¢fuent edt didw, «hE foods
edauoidt sired ven @- sel foaaoed- ered. phair one ee
aah ar
4 * #2
aphe: soutgaanse tT
ae a ee | iene ag bt _ ey Gia ERI Ba
6 «
of al1 the Etate ana County officers concérned, Membors of
| the Extension Diviaion of the University sensed the situation,
| secured the bagking of an aluanne who wags willing to under
ke pil the idea if need bes and as a reault the Governor of the
Etate, the heads of the ‘state departmenta of ; PAGERS LOD Health,
| owed Welfare, Highways and Taxation, together with ‘eounty
officials tO the number of four hundrea, met on the camous for
a flvecdoy conference and evolved a plan of co-operation which
hac been invaluable in the nonthe that have followed, $0 aud
cessful | in facts was he: getting * owe thar: that a permanont |
pode tate and County Couneit hea been founded at the Uni~
vereity to pets er coordinate the machinery of | State ana-
county, ‘eovernnents in oarrying | ouban inte! igen: prosran of
spate, om. gounty betterment. any Ve
and “other instances might be -ehtod’ in which xara ohh
is orepree or statewide ackitity
promoted by the University has given it vitality ant Teach,
m do not. include at. thie points. any reference #9. She e8 tab : r
Aiehment af Socholarahips, fel) owshins.s endownonta, and dona-
‘tione for buildings, librarics, hoapitais, and other, require-
manta of the modern college or univere lige, These things of .
eotrse are ‘essential and have lone @ince been recognised as,
‘auch and provided for by alumnis But in addition to the.
part which alumni can play in direct service to their col-
Neges, to their local comaunities, and throueh cooperation
Eh chalg: dts sn canted acon toate tom 180 10 whole, there ie a.
“third RN in'whieh they can function in an even ean WAY. e j
oy ane drei shoatbonca sxtoito: ins0d ‘tae evans soi: tts tw le
% AW a a, eae Beni re ax A
pheerd ere ‘odd fended wih erovint | edd Ne. no ivi a0 ae
wted JF whet “put die ’ enna A hae *y sel tr bel, bcuuae .) si
odd te Sooveroe ote rfweed BD os bad (oe boon 21 webl o oui ef
alt tao (tor desi Se ‘eitnbme teed Seer aif Yo @. ‘i mG ae A
ginves Mtv wodvenes (cio bake tine eines " otente a
ok ademap oct NOS ehe sherbet rok: te rodnon ‘ite ee ri ia I oF oe
‘ohio aoltareagesce! ‘kon te fer al ber Lowe bre’ oohes gine santy FY
“O78 Of «Bewod fot evar: toes; exibesoet ont mt of oldanternt toed at
sngeseres fe Atte sxatdenoy eaidteg orlts now stoetemt Piwteseo
ne odd ta hesnag’, weed ‘eon #tearen: ‘qincon bis! ooaborianinn |
bis eiaet, te Wianttdvae ode eden Lb1008 rented or tose
te anos: tneps tlotaaine tse: wl pak ds ednontrovon (sst08 ?
Nene tae Get Ny le tawmrea ted eens) wisi aahe ie
a ave ecg dealt ‘tyaie! 1 ee a
sito * ‘bets leis eee ¥anyty pies sae , 7 i
sistas edt ot Gone tater ‘eta etn :
“eae brn Stroio bay” veg Hdone TOR ! set icechlask dial yl
retings’ ‘yada @ hata mvcnind Ctihaceil veniatio ‘ tooth ca
of the nation, ’ faa in a “Genoeracy such, ag fe ours “and whieh
we wish to beoone finer and stronger, der tainly thie euprene
| opportuni ty Of combined aluant servi ce should ve imned | ‘ately,
3 em 4 wf
deised and fully utilized.
Porated, 11
At Greensboro North Cars line hoe was hela laet wee¥
the moe sient ficant odvoati onal gonferance the Stat @ has
convened in a generation. Through the coopera tl: ‘on of the
cove re
Ue fe Gonntee toner of Raucationy che tate department of Edu»
gare gy
gation, educa: ores ‘business men, women? 2 elabe. Rotarians, and
Bama th awe
others interes te’ in the wnttare € ' the ftate, the educa t Lona |
2s te he
ericis which confronte the State and nation was hoddly faced,
fA were 7%
Throughout t the nation ‘thousande of achoois! door 8 have not been
eee (it me a, |
nen during the year on account of the lack of teachers.
Of the 7000 echo: ehouses in Nor th Carolina, 700 were shut
Poarnrine %
and the pupils in the dist: iota whi ch they were supposed to
eerve | went wit neat ins touetion + ON unthinkable situation for
a State already confronted with a high white illiteracy and a
very short © school torm. Furthermore, of the 125 500 white
teachers only one sixth have satisfied the full requirenenta
essential to securing & “ade A ce tificates and 2000 of the
total do not measure up to the minimum requirenents essential
to receive a ‘certificates the obstacle is the lack of school
funde ag Wark ae the lack of norma! @chools. Here, oo-tainly,
is a eituat‘ion which the aluont not only of the Univers ity
of Morth 6, r lina but of every gollege in the Sta e, could
ina tently improve ie beet f went definitely ‘and pur-osefully
ch record ae “in favor of adequate salaries for teachers and
property supported | training achoole. tf they world play
do 1% bee (eas ye 6 ud Ub ie aus ALF
ey ea me 2 hae ace aie pt aay ae
eres u8. eas kintedao etogrot se: |
's gies: 3 e
‘4 “9 See ae
bAA AS ian ake! ite! om eo We Sonera ees
plete. Bermt od Btvodts « eb lva0 8 Iounes fe send yeia avd eae ye
BM MCU A a ge ake Ae Pay bs
: sbonthits yiet hus Soul
ng! Ate aaa ig es wk despa Ate ey ene’ hd ee ees
tose tent cr sey bad! and fore doco oxvodeseot) Phe. ae
= MRR ES Shs IRN EGG ria Sa a Nei be ‘eh ae
gait #3 ate omg ‘pone rotre9 age st soube iaeottinsis babevosd ode
DD des aie" 2 eer team fr Nase. agit; s Sap S. a igh A ‘ :
i ts mo ‘areze68 ae Agee tolzeTenes 0
PRCA: OE ORE IMG BREE Oa I Sa ay ac Beet hie be ‘
ome. %o dnesrd tage h oda oF? erie oubt to ‘tenol sete ied #3 al ‘ey
rae. Ma Det is sin dD got as: athe? anges Sevan fe
Oia smilie OF; cedote staonoy me Saeatesd sero taorhe wolieo
roe ‘ ODRARES SN A 2 RARRRGT Be Ret MRT eine ti GN eS ee alata
jae) sovke odd ‘yatar’, Re! I to Oye? tow edt a! heteemtnt aredto
aD A NTRS ( WRN Sune edly hae eae
oboe at yibted Bay noi den hen efat3 ort? sanortsno tho Letw" sisi
; Re el AB i ana a ine Oa 8 a} SRA gel ' Ns cee
ood te prict #008 *eloodos to ebsoeoo dt nol? on ade. due: ;
. day SSN” RO ai ana ae ta alins SRA gina” “i nese
seretowet Yo ana, oda to savopoe ae beryl and? bare web Benoqo —
sori ortow o0y 190 texan 470m Hy ‘soamode: ood
yt si
| ot tence: oe orew ore fo id ‘efel- seth eit a
eit no! smd 8 dante he * xe ation! tee
ge ise ) 008, aF adi ce are a iat
Siassectuvex “thet ‘Sah Keres tinny, + dd
Rue ye 6008 ite tie it o 1. be
ee, Fm
8 |
their, £01, part, in the performance of _thia high duty of in-
Aoiiieont citizenship, ag well ag me et at hletie expenses or
f pile up endowment within canpue walle, their consributions to
State life. would be. mbltiplied a. hunired-fold, In this con-
ferences. if the local Siumni associations, inetesd of having
eatebliched the reputation of devoting their thovght and energy
AG dargely to reminiacence and athletioas, had, like Rotary and
im Kawanig clubs, or like the Charlotte , Aesociation to which
reference has already been mde, oatabl ached A reputation for
‘constructive, com uni ty enterprise, their place in this reat
eae vous. have beon that of ‘command ing honor ana powers
Ant what Le true in this tremendously important particular in
fate of
North Carolina, te equaily true in every state * the nation.
GOL lagee ec:
In ‘the govth the alumni of the hiker institutions of
Neuracee today atand in a particulerly favorable cosition to
riiteat’ the real destinies of the nation. Today the gouth te
finaneisily etronger than 1¢ had evér been Wof>fe, “In 1919
‘fexae Ved ‘the forty-eight states in the miton in ths protue~
‘$fou of érdp ‘valves heaving produce’ over $1,000,000,000 worth
‘of erope. My own Stabe, North Carolina; wae fourth in the
liat being preceded ‘by Texas, Towa, and Tlifmo@e and having
“produced approximately 700,000,000, fo thie she added over
“£460,000,000 in manufactured products, the-oby producing over
“81,100,000,000 of new values in the yoar, “With thie vadt’ in-
" Sorease in wealth; with the ea@tablishment of ports on the
“Southern coast, and the reaching out after international t-ade, =~
"Ene"sonth Heede the fail participation of all s4eee 4%) 97
The mon or training in the work of building an enduring, fine ‘
wel to yin foi + enue te. ocearrote49 edd mt
Rar 4 we: base Ne Ds BEV “ht gs: may aah
"eo lecobotais ei oivetdee dashed is flow hd pateaaastl o ine
ae a? ielerarts e aM rt “pS I Mw ar aia ey boidhui,
o@ eml9ud Prieo sleds aioe ee te wee i |
aes 1 ey ¥s eee ean Ties” a, old Bee mys ie CY.
ns Hf : Pi \ if es anne are!
oy 2
ntves ‘te bapi 96 renoiteteceee saa feobt a ua
Se ari Pets) i te eyes Meee ae Sue bak
UP LOTS sue ottx ‘od hed? gattoves to no liasuen
x tae x
eae meee wat eree wee vi
: ‘ “ee i
bre qtsder omit abad Wsoltordee, aa eonoostntne | | f°
ve EM re Jo a? vk “ae
do pate or tot faroasés aste rreno beim oat +o aedute. , en in A
oe we tts Te AOE RR CERI fe
708 wo fraser a texte ida eo obte hood vient oad ore -
A yemiiieahhe pln ce! bile Fes ent AN
d ae eid nt ponte ateds 08 Perotae gt tmwme0 dvitocrtema || 4
Le Se RE ai Wh RE aR ee: mT RATE %
ster [ow er toned 1 Dram 9 to dant nod oved nee sito |
eS OS a ae ie gee re i yh ieee A ase pV MESSY Chak BL Ae ee es i.
gh wal te beatae Inabroqa vievobnemert side m2 outt el ta
? BR RS oe I aaa Ril age ae ha Fe ie ae: Fak Bani
oti0 8 00% oa tm ajage erero oi out liaupe al ont fore de vier gh
; at + 6a ade Bi: Sah RD GE Se Ea: ar fy HERES Na S
edd to Janate ord dtwok ont sn Gaul
es enn tutte oad “a
| i i Bf. dessa thal: alee 2 EN Fai
ot motdreat @! beer eitelwoltzed rn hoe saints wake ‘wns
aE hace 8 By Ba en
af devez etd vanon “sroltan odd v0 seiuiaeob Faet edd ¢
* iP By. » r rT
i We be Bs sa by a a $3 ks a Bey pate ‘
rer ar aot oll 00d t0v0 ‘end an sodd teanarte | toh i .
a A mae fs it a - MEE a a Pia 8 w
~onthorse: ede he Rohe ode ak ‘sotete, itigten tot way bot:
Be ie yt oe ins pe He Grhy ais Fa ie Us, ‘
Atmore 900 1000 000 ff wove ooutowe nalvad vootar y
: Boe 2 NO ae el
on? ai Samant Bow ae. Ht is haa esti NP tat
ger Baa. aA
te ahha bile
ee | % |
‘@ivilization, Me pitfell of making money for mere money's
‘ake @hovld be avoided, Phe real value of @ mon and hie _
‘Couplete Aévelopnerif’ at the Hanad “of soctety, shuld be
he chile? concern of tho State and dartioularly a0 of the men
‘and’ women who, within campue walls have learned to Aiscover
“rath, ant have beet thucht the hich oblication of applying it
Go the work-a-day Life of all sen, |
SP ONan BRALttONAl obligation Le aia upon the aluani of
‘Southern inatitutions, This euddoen accession of wealth, in
sonnoet ion with the. recent eagtabi ishment of estate sys tema
of high ‘gohoola: is goins to x: och in an overwhelming in«
pr Ae of coliere atudente, therefore. not only are southern
. Gol loges | confronted ae are northern and western coll em@sa, with
the necessity of inereaging their endowment and maintenance
funds $o enable them to meet the fierce competition for good
teachers, but in addition they must aise double and trable
their physics] equipment. Leadership of a high order is de-
manded here, leadershinr which ean come from but one souree ~
the alumni and educated men of the Souths
Before concluding I am minded to say one further word, e ae
_ Fortunately t live in a section that hae been partionlarly. AR ATE ee
free from agitation by the Reda, Am ng al! the men taken in ;
Bit | day |
-) the drag net of the covennment for agitation hostile to @me |
«stituted authority only two (I quote the statement from et
bap the Us &+ Commission of Education last week) have been A et =
i ibehied the Magon and Dixon'e line, and those two wore in i ss : aa
eville 0 2 the 9 south an of ane wie ec ee ae oe an
et yence erom ‘tot
Pere: he aiid
git baa nen ‘6 We, ‘tot rw
Sa al bene ettotece to ‘wa aie’ bald
ne adé mo He “Qiaat gol dteas pepsi
‘moveoesd $2 bemueel “vat styew ena |
$7 sitet aa %6 noitiat tae ts ois it od os site
; } his Ate, Hai & ‘ haste r¢ ; as ah i wu 5 He « ae IN ay
ste tte *
ye. nesta ‘oad ae ot ‘el gall de fan
aes a eae Aa pad a aaa be aan Pay sity, “ike . aig ascth pipet
nd 1 008 to ao! peoRoR pobbere obs ph ;
Saas We CVC on tan Vaca 22 ype avid es
ace eye orate te inomder ida ae neon’ tae
LOMAS Cosnmabila nity ths Mey Buk de Beeld poh y eter i bit
“Bs atin tedeaem. me ee tiger at snipe ad sefooroe, dp .
tae COS kA Des BARE, ANE Leah ead
Siro it sc Owe tine jee soreteront at tna beta Peach t to ee
mn PS Cae OLA ee ee tN |
bua medics ote on Bosnortace eopetton |
yaks f ied ay ape! a eh ECE oa a Oe
| Pogiee tis gp ime fevere ae sige “ b . | ii oh to a
ae ye ; ine ;
: ee a
cyte yeraq Loo e 08908,
wisely direct them.
fel anots mrs wes - ay veda ea:
- ‘ 7 Cine ph Ser. Ee AO I
Snes eet tig dee
t ron ¢. S a he < ‘
10 oe tae 2 ee! hoes | Ane A
“anprieZ Ok in all ideovione, it is the duty of all eum to
recognise that they ean be the potential factor in co ngerv
anayromstine aie. democratic solidarity of our inestatations
and rovernment. phis sentiment was exoresesed yoaterday after~ i
oo Tt peas: ree ‘ca am ts and added heiuatoa: ro § ay onsit Bie.
| i % he cal ae
ne a
fi (d i'w rh oe
of the jooien bs meet the aseuasioltl incident te the great
i D
4 ¥ip pea ee
= eaval ‘Yesulting from the war, Purthernore, they mst un
5 ie
dertake thie tremendous task not in a spirit of aloofness a Die,
. resentment, but rather in that of the fine ‘loci plinarian WN
and teacher whe hae dis covered the best way of handling a a
pikis ty. Rey B ot:
unruly echodl] boye ic first to andere tend ‘then end shan”
Hae Si i ig
From: i A aes it oi) + a ina 2 ei ia eet eo t i wu t
‘Anne Conway/ | Be ree
Susan Bales ver oe BE ahi AS aE Os
Wilson Special Lone ; | < "
oe hes we
‘ ni ae OR a allele gia bee mont | ae
i es “ie Fis _ any ict ain én, am '
oe .
. in the ‘net than | stiee
He ae it Chine wah Teens sinus 1 Bete. ae. tmwaea a mies. & howe
mh 3 ayes bot tian Saran xg, odd ‘we novinonad, oii be
ee ee \inoituaeshe oie coven et
mats eck teers ont ont 6 "
0d Host 1 Rotovco ts 2
aca ea
AN ‘
' if rr | xs ae fit hi
sper ae ’ 1 its a a aR 1 d
Wioie i eCaD
: he it Wy ea
Nit i Hie, a