f ‘OR THE GOVERNMENT — De HO) du ed February 15th, 1896. inances and Charter — = jie yaar ORDINANCES AND CHARTER FOR ‘THE GOVERNMENT OF THE (OWN OF CHAPEL HILi, | NORTH CAROLINA. Ratified February 15th, 1896. ——— eeee eee seer oe eo CHAPEL HILL: UNIVERSITY PRESS CO. 1896. EP NCe .. 4 NcU DIRECTORY OF CHAPEL HILL. —_—___. MAYOR: ALGERNON S, BARBEE. COMMISSIONERS: J, A, HOLMES, J. A.-LONDGOS, W. N. PRITCHARD, H. H. PATTERSON, THOMAS F. LLOYD. CLERK AND TREASURER: A. J. MCDADE, CONSTABLE: H. W. SPARROW. -WEIGHMASTER: W. L. TANKERSLEY. In compliance with a resolution of the Commission- ers of Chapel Hill at a meeting held on the 2nd day of December 1895, we have revised and prepared the following ordinances and rules for the government of. the town. which we respectfully submit for adoption. | ALGERNON S. BARBER, ALPHONSO J. MCDADE, Committee, ORDINANCES. Be it ordained by the Commissioners of Chapel Hill, and it is hereby ordained by the au- thority of the same: Election of Mayor and Commissioners. Sec. 1. The election of a Mayor and five Commissioners shall take place on the first Monday in May of each year, under such rules and regulations asare or shall be provided by law. Meeting of Board of Commissioners. Sec. 2. The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall be on the first Monday in each month. The Mayor or a majority of the Board may call special meetings when in their opinion the public interest shall require it. Three Commissioners shall constitute a quo- rum for the transaction of business, except as may be hereafter otherwise ordered in these cS an dol- lar for each offence. Injury of Shade Trees on the Streets. Sec. 38. Any person who shall injure any ' shade tree upon the streets and sidewalks of | the town shall pay a fine of twenty dollars for each offence. ? Sec. 39. Every person is forbidden to trim any shade tree upon the streets and sidewalks without special permission of the Mayor or the Board.of Commissioners, undera pea of ten dollars for each offence Removal of Sand or Soil from the Streets. SEc. 40. Any person who shall remove any sand or dirt from the streets or sidewalks shall pay a fine of one dollar for each offence. Obstructions in the Streets. Suc. 41. No brick, stone, wood or tte substances shall be allowed to lie in the streets of the town for a longer period than twenty-_ 17 four hours; Provided, however that the re- moval or repairing of any building, building material, earth and other obstructions of like character may, by permission of the Mayor in writing, be allowed under such restrictions as he may impose. And no person shall place in any street or upon any sidewalk boxes, casks, crates, barrels, or other obstructions; /vo- vided, that horse racks may be erected on any street except Franklin street; Provided, that any person may plant a hitching post in front of his or her premises, said post not to be ex- ceeding four feet from the sidewalk. Any person offending against these provisions shall be fined one dollar for each offence. And if any obstruction shall not be remov- ed within twenty-four hours after notification by the Constable to remove the same, the per- son offending shall pay a fine of one dollar for each day such obstruction shall remain there- after. Openings on Streets from Cellars or Vaults. Sec. 42. Every owner of a house on a street which has a cellar door or vault ina sidewalk, shall keep the same in good repair; and any one who, after having been notified by the Constable, shall fail to do so, he shall forfeit and pay a fine of two dollars for each and every day it remains in that condition. | 18 Injury to Bridges, Culverts, Pavements, &c. See. 43. Any person who shall injure or displace any bridge, rock-wall, or pavement of the streets or sidewalks, and culverts, ditches and drains, or other property belonging to the town, or shall place any obstruction in any culvert, ditch or drain, shall forfeit and pay five dollars for each offence. | Removal or Injury of Signs, Lamps, &c. Sec, 44. Any person who shall injure or displace any sign or sign-post, lantern, lamp, or lamp-post or bulletin board upon the streets and sidewalks of the town, belonging to an- other, shall be fined two dollars for each of- rence, Pollution of Public or Private Wells or Springs. SEc. 45, Any person who shall throw any filth or rubbish of any kind into any of the public wells of the town, or shall in any man- ner injure the same, shall be fined five dollars for each offence. | Src. 46. Any person who shall pollute any private or public well or spring within the corporate limits of the town, shall pay a fine of ten doilars. Watering or Feeding Stock Near Public Wells. Sec. 47. Any person who shall water stock within ten feet, or feed stock within fifty feet 19 of the public wells of the town, shall pay a fine of one dollar, for each offence. Public Nuisances in Streets or Elsewhere. Suc. 48. Any person whoshall keep or suf-. fer to be kept, any lot, or house or out-house within the corporation, to him or her belong- ing or in possession, in such a condition as to be a nttisance, (to be adjudged of by the May- or,) and after due notice by the Constable, shall fail or refuse to abate said nuisance, shall be fined two dollars, and the further sum of one dollar for each day the said nuisance shall re- main after notification by the Constable. Suc. 49. Any person who shall throw any- thing, by whatsoever name known, in any of the streets or lots of and in the town, which may operate as a nuisance (to be adjudged of by the Mayor) shall pay a fine of one dollar, and the further sum of one dollar for each day the same shall remain after notice, by the Con- stable, to remove the same. Drunkenness on the Streets. Sec. 50. Any person who shall be found drunk upon the streets of the town shall pay - a fine of two dollars for each offence. Cock Fighting. 3 Src. 51. Cock fighting within the limits of the town is forbidden, and any person who 20 shall be guilty thereof, shall forfeit and pay i two dollars for each offence. : ae Hog Pens. Sec. 52. Any person who shall have, or | shall erect or have built any hog-pen within | ten yards of any street of the town; or who | shall make a practice of feeding any hog, or — hogs in the streets or upon the sidewalks, or who shall fail to keep his or her hog-pen in a clean and healthful condition, shall forfeit and pay one dollar for each offence, and a like sum for each day it shall continue after notice by the Constable. Privies. SEC. 53. Any person who shall have a privy within thirty feet of any street or side- walk of the town, or who shal! not keep his or her privy properly cleaned and disinfected; or who shall not so enclose it as to prevent the access of hogs, shall forfeit and pay two dol- lars for each day it shall thus remain after notice by the Constable. Removal of Dead Animals. SEC. 54.. Any owner or occupant of a town lot who shall not remove from the same any dead animal which may happen to be thereon, without the corporate limits, shall be fined one dollar, and the further sum of one dollar 21 for each day it shall remain after notice by the Constable. - Slaughter Pens. Sec. 55. No slaughter pen shall be within one hundred yards of the main thoroughfares or streets of the town. Any person violating this ordinance shall forfeit five dollars for each day it shall continue to exist after notice by the Constable. Improperly Constructed Chimneys, Flues, &c: Sec. 56. Any person who shall erect or so construct, or who shall use after erection and construction in the town, any chimney, flue, stove, or stove pipe as would be insecure from danger by fire to property; or who shall store loose straw, hay, fodder, or other proven- der, in any building or out-house or other place in the town the proximity of which to any building in which fire is kept, would like- ly be dangerous—shall be fined five dollars for each offence, and a like sum for each day it shall so remain after notice by the Consta- bie. Storing of Hot Ashes in or near Houses. Src, 57. Any person who shall store or de- posit hot ashes ia or within ten feet of any pbuilding or out-house in the town, shall be fined five dollars for each offence. 22 Burning out Chimneys or Flues. Sec. 58. Any person who shall burn out any chimney within the limits of the town — other than on rainy or snowy days; or who shall not keep the: same, or any flue or stove-pipe | properly cleaned of soot or other ignitable | matter therein, shall be fined one dollar for each offence. Public Carriers Must Pay Special Tax. sec. 59. No person shall engage in the business of transporting passengers or bag- gage, or draying for pay within the corporate limits of the town without first paying the tax- es required by law and procuring a license from the Mayor under a penalty of five dol- lars. ao oe The tax on each horse, mule, or other ani- mal so engaged shall be one dollar and fifty cents. The license year shall run from May 1st to May 1st in each year and no license shall be transferable; Provided, that this ordinance as to transfer of license shall not apply to — persons who transfer their business by sale. q Bringing Merchandise within the Limits of the Town. SEC. 60. Any person who shall bring by — wagon, or other conveyance, any goods, wares, or merchandise, and unload the same within 23 ‘the town on the Sabbath, except -in case of unavoidable accident or necessity, shall be fined two dollars for each offence. Keeping Open of Stores on Sunday. Src. 61. No person shall keep open any shop or store (Drug stores excepted) on Sun- day. Nor shall any shop or store be opened on Sunday for the purpose of buying or selling except in case of necessity; Provided, that Drug stores shall sell no goods whatever on ° Sunday except such as are required strictly for medical purposes; and upon conviction of a violation of this ordinance the person so of- fending shall pay a fine of five dollars for each offence. : Indecent Behavior. _ Sec. 62 Any person who shall indecently | expose him or herself in any place in the town in open day, or do any obscene act, or write "any obscene marks or drawings in any public place, shall forfeit and pay two dollars for each offence. . Sec. 63. Any woman who skall on any street, or other public place of the town, so- licit, by word, signs, or otherwise, men to have carnal intercourse with her or any other female shall be arrested and tried, and upon convic- tion shall be fined five dollars for each offence. 24 SEC. 64. Any prostitute or woman whose general reputation for chastity is bad who shall be found on the streets plying her voca- tion, or soliciting men, or drinking, or loiter- ing from place to place in the town, or con- ducting herself in a forward or improper man- ner, Shall be arrested and tried and upon con-— viction shall be fined five dollars for each of- fence. Houses of Ill Fame. — Sec. 65. Any person who shall keep a dis- orderly house or house of ill-fame within the corporate limits of the town, and any person who shall knowingly rent any house to be used as a house of ill-fame shall forfeit and pay ten dollars for every day the house is so. kept; and all adult persons living in such houses shall be considered the kcepers thereof and be subject to the penalties of this section. Sec. 66. Any owner of a slut who shall suffer her to run at large within the corporate limits of the town when ‘‘proud” shall be fin- ed five dollars. Sec. 67. No person shall exhibit or show off any stud horse or jackass in the streets of the town, nor shall hitch either of said animals (excepting a regularly worked stud horse) upon the streets or in any conspicuous place in the : 25 town. Any person violating this ordinance Shall forfeit and pay five dollars. Care and Protection of Cemetery. Sec. 68. No person shall cut, break, or in any other manner injure or destroy any tree, shrub or plant,or wantonly injure or destroy atly flower, grass or grass-plot, or any enclosure ; of any grave, in the Cemetery of the town, un- dera penalty of five dollars for each offence. Sec. 69. No person shall throw or deposit — any filth or unclean and offensive substance in the Cemetery of the town, under a penalty of five dollars, SEc. 70. Any person who shall in digging a’ grave abandon it without properly filling up . the same and removing all rocks .and litter produced from such digging without the en- closure of the Cemetery of the town, Shall be fined two dollars for each offence. Appropriation of Money or Action on Ordinances shall be Provided for at the Regular Meetings of the Board. Sec, 71. Noresolution to appropriate mon- _ey, or to alter or repeal any rule or ordinance of the Board, or toenact any new ordinance, or establish any new rule, shall be offered at any other than a regular meeting; and any resolution to alter or repeal any existing rule 26 or ordinance shall be first submitted in writing and entered in the minutes, and shall at the next succeeding or subsequent regular meeting receive a majority of the entire Board before its adoption. Repeal of Ordinances in Conflict with the Above. Sec. 72. All rules and ordinances hereto- fore passed for the government of the town of Chapel Hill, which are repugnant to the rules and ordinances above set forth, are hereby fe- pealed; but no offence committed and no penal- ties incurred under any ordinances hereby re- pealed shall be affected by the repeal. These rules and ordinances shall be in force from and after their ratiflcation by the Board. Ratified this 15th day of February, 1896. CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL, N. ©. AN ACT FOR THE BETTER REGULATION OF CHAPEL HILL. Srcrion1. Be tt enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and itis hereby enacted by the authority of the same: That Manuel Fetter, Jesse Hargrave, Patterson H. McDade, Elisha Mitchell and Jones Watson, and their successors in office, shall be a body politic and corporate, by the name of ‘ihe Commissioners of Chapel Hill,” and as such shall have all the powers and privileges necessary for the proper government of said village. SECTION 2: Be it further enacted, that in every year the citizens of Chapel Hill shall elect five per- sons Commissioners thereof, who shall Ergin in of- fice one year and until the election of their successors. SecTION 3. Be it further enacted, that no person shall be eligible as a Commissioner, unless he be a resident. SECTION 4. Be it further enacted, that any Justice of the Peace or any two citizens of the village, eligi- ble to the office of Commissioner (in case there be no resident Justice of the Peace) may hold the election and determine who are elected. 28 SECTION 5. Be it further enacted, that the Com- missioners, as soon as may be after their election, shall choose a resident of the village [not of their own body] a Magistrate of Police, to preside at their meet- ings, and give the casting vote in case of a tie; a town ‘Treasurer, Constable and Clerk. They shall ascertain and settle the boundaries of Chapel Hill, and cause a plot thereof to be recorded in the Journal of their proceedings; and may on or before the 1st day of April in each year, assess the value of town prop- erty, lay such taxes on persons and property [stu- dents of the University, and property owned by the Trustees thereof excepted] as they may deem proper, and apply the revenue arising therefrom to the con- struction, improvement and repair of the streets, and to such other purposes, as they may deem conducive to the prosperity of the village. SECTION 6. Be it further enacted, That the Town Constable, when directed by the Commissioners shall proceed to collect the taxes; and in the execution of this duty shall have all the authority, and may use all the means, exercised and used by the Sheriffs of this State in the collection of public taxes. Section 7. Be it further enacted, That all resi- dents of the village and persons owning property therein, shall on, or before the first day of April, an- nually, make a written statement of all taxable polls and property for which they may be accountable and deliver the same to the Magistrate of Police; any per- 29 > sons failing to make such statement, or making a false statement, shall be subject to double tax; and it shall be the duty of the town Constable, on the req- wisition of the Commissioners to proceed to collect the same on all such unreturned persons or property. Srcrion 8. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Commissioners to adopt proper ordi- nances, and use all other lawful measures for the sup- pression of nuisances, the proper regulation of shop- keepers, and the exclusion of itinerant venders of spirituous liquors, and all other articles the sale of which is not licensed by the laws of this State. \Secrion 9. Be it further enacted, That all enact- ments coming within the purvue of this act, are here- by repealed, and this act shall be in force from and after its passage. Ratified 29th January, 1851. CHARTER AMENDMENT, 1879. The General Assembly of North Carolina do énact; Sec, 1, That the Mayor of the said town of Chapel Hill be clothed with all the powers [of the| peace in the County of Orange. Src. 2. Beit further enacted, That the Commis- sioners of said town may build or rent a house for the confinement of those who are sentenced to imprison- ment for the violation of the ordinances of the town or for contempt of the Mayor’s court, at a cost not exceeding three hundred dollars, and until said house 30 is built or rented the county jail shall be used for _ that purpose, and the Sheriff or Jailor shall receive f such persons and shall charge the same fees as in ~ cases of other prisoners, and in case the person socon- victed is insolvent the Board of Commissioners of Chapel Hill shall pay the jail fees and charges, and the Commissioners shall have power, under such rules and regulations as they may adopt, to require © any person so imprisoned or fined to work on the streets in said town until the prison fees, fines and — costs are paid, Src. 3. Be it further enacted, That the board of commissioners of said town shall have authority to assess and collect annual taxes for municipal purposes on all persons and property within the corporate lim- its which are taxed for State and county purposes: Provided that the basis of taxation between persons and property shall be the same as established by the constitution of the State, and taxes so collected shall not exceed two-thirds the amount collected for State and County purposes. Sxc, 4. Be it further enacted, That said Commis- sioners shall be further empowered to collect a license tax of not more than five dollars annually from per- sons engaged in any trade or occupation that is taxed by the State. | Src. 5. Be itfurther enacted, That any violation of such ordinances as may be passed under said char- — ter, and are not inconsistent with the constitution f ” 31 and laws of the State of North Carolina, shall be a “misdemeanor and as such shall be punishable by any -j Court of the State having jurisdiction. Sec. 6. This Act shall be in. force from and after 3 its ratification. Ratified on the 14th day of March, 1879. CHARTER AMENDMENT, 1895. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: SEc, 1.. That the charter of the town of Chapel Hill, in Orange County, North Carolina, be and the same is hereby, amended as follows: That in lieu of electing the mayor of said town by the vote of the board of commissioners, that on the first Monday in May, Highteen hundred and ninety-five (1895) and in each succeeding year thereafter, there shall be an election held for mayor and board of commissioners in like manner as prescribed in section three thousand ' seven hundred and ninety-four of the Code, for the - election of such officers. \ -Sxc. 2° Be it further enacted, That all acts, or clauses of acts, in conflict with this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed and made void. Ske. 3. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the 6th day of March, A. D. 1895. . 5 f