uy O > p o To Oo (e) Ww (S) CS uy ie) i?) 3 (00) rc J > jaa) 1896 tae incinna the. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL iS THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA PRESENTED BY Family of the late Kemp Plummer Battle Ce ee C3a7b } pie ee Poa No © oe © kel Ta eins ea is Deve Sevath* Porth Earolina Dociely of fhe Cincinnall. ——_—$+0 0 —$ t be as changing permanently the order of succession but, upon the death of such member, the old order hag be restored. | VIII. As the Society, for the support of the principles to which it is pledged, may justly require its members kept full, it may, upon satisfactory evidence that an eligible person has had knowledge of his claim and neglected within a reasonable time, treat it as a waiver of the claim. If a vacancy has existed for many years, the Society ; ma y a any descendant of the original member at its discretion. ey Secrion 8.. The amount to be contributed to the permanent fund of the Society, before an epnleeue shall member thereof, shall be deter mined in each case by the Standing Committee, but in no case shall it be less than one and fifty dollars. ty oat por ‘Srorron 4. The admission of honorary members, for life only, shall be confined to those who shall b descendants or representatives of those who were distinguished by high military or civil virtues and services in the tionary War. An honorary member has no title to any portion of the funds of the Society and no one shall be ad tied honorary membership except upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee. — f Suction 5. Members of this Society shall subscribe to the following declaration : tie oe Fs NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. and, having Pal the honor to be admitted to membership in the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati, I do he solemnly promise and engage that [ will be guided and governed by the rules of said Society which may, have: ) hereafter be established, agreeable to the Institution as signed by the Founders of the Society. a4 In testimony whereof I hereunto subscribe my name and pledge my sacred honor. OTC ibe ict eM ats AS im SR een ot i whe eS on the.u. 2425 a4. seed ay hapeiiesdiaiicock pg tthtes SECTION 6. These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any meeting of the Society, notice having been give substance of the alteration or amendment proposed, by the Secretary, in ealling the PCa e fas Cal , mS > ack \ \ my i eee os ; ee ; OF, pra ih ae ass r q j f %, ° . .: (o) P e e ° Dorth Carolina Docicly of fhe Cineinnadi. JULY Ath, 1896. <0 0 it 0 — <0 Organized at Hillsborough, North Carolina, October, 1783. Reorganized at Raleigh, North Carolina, April 4th, 1896. a Officers. PresIDENtT—WILSON GRAY LAMB. — . Vicn-Presmrunt—J AMES IREDELL McREE. SECRETARY—CHARLES LUKENS DAVIS. AgsISTANT SEcrETARY—GRAHAM DAVES. _ TreasurER—JOHN COLLINS DAVES. (These officers constitute the Standing Committee.) ffereditarn Members. i ese 4 2S eee eS Dh reek: i, one he we te Washington, N. C. menrNevev nite BLOUNT .-..... 2. ---___.- Ee OREM, Ae eee oe NS yn noe. Mocksville, N. C. } (>: . eS eee xf See ae Seles. ee Baltimore, Md. f MOH BAUD DEXON, M. D.____--..-_------- Pee ee Se P AE ee eee i+. 2a Henderson, Ky. 1 BS 2 eS ee ee ee ee a5 22 Scott, Lonoke County, Ark. BeRGEON NELSON MACPHERSON FEREBEE, U. 8. Navy-._-----.-..._-_--__-..___ ue Norfolk, Va. 7 ‘PORTERFIFLD PUAIDGERYN