OCTOBER 4, 1922 | CHAPEL HILL, N. C. CERTAIN DEFECTS | Two years ago when I discussed this the cost of county government, the size of the bonded indebtedness, or the question before a similar conference’ floating debt, or the expenditures of here at Chapel Hill, said Dr. E. C. the several departments. Hence they Brooks our state superintendent of| donot know what rates of taxes to Public Instruction, I ealled attention to. levy. Therefore each General Assem- certain defects that were seriously di-| bly is called upon to refund the float- minishing the public benefits that we ing indebtedness. This is an evidence had a right to expect of our county of- that certain municipalities and counties ficials. The information was not de- are living partly on bondissues for cur- rived from hearsay stories but from rent expenses rather than levying the personal investigation of the records of required amount of taxes for their le- a number of counties. Since that time gitimate néeds, or they are living be- | we have inaugurated an auditing sys-| yond their means, and in either case _tem of school accounts which shows they are piling up trouble for the fu- that in the main these same defects ex- | ture. ist to a greater or less extent in a large Hy percent of the counties today. They are as follows: 1, Fromten percent to fifteen per- cent of the taxes in some counties re- main uncoilected from year to year and} the records fail to show what becomes | of the delinguent lists. Therefore, from eighty-five percent to ninety per- cent of the people seem to carry an ex- tra tax burden of from ten percent to fifteen percent. _ 2. The fines, forfeitures, and penal- ties of the towns and cities and the fines | and penalties of the magistrates court | frequently are not applied to public _ school support in the county in accord-| ance with law but are spent illegally. 8. The funds collected are not segre- gated in accordance with law and ap-} plied to the several departments as a good budgeting system would demand. Therefore the illegal excess spent by a department may be an additional bur- den on the county and it certainly be- comes necessary to borrow in order to meet the legitimate needs of other de- partments. Thus the county’s indebt- _ edness is increased. 4, The special local taxes are not al- ways properly levied, collected, and dis- Since these charges were made two years ago some notable improvements | have been begun. The General Assem- | bly has made a beginning and the State | Auditor has at last been able to secure enough information to tabulate the a- mount of the bonded indebtedness of ' all the counties save one. A _ budget "been installed in a number of counties, thus increasing the number of better | governed counties. An _ accounting system has been authorized and the people will have access to information ,that they have never been able hereto- fore to secure. But one of the most encouraging signs is the interest the _ public is taking in this question and es- pecially the new determination of the commissioners to reorganize the gov- ernment to meet modern conditions, and sooner or later the people will de- mand a correct exhibit of public busi- ness and in terms they can understand. The Pitt County Idea I wish now to call attention especial- ly to one county that has made notable improvement. Two years ago it ap- peared that Guilford maintained the best standard of all the counties we bursed. I have on my table now a let-|| had studied. But I am now inclined to ter from a citizen of one county asking; | believe that Pitt county is in the: lead. if certain corporations in the district | | J realize that I am running great risk should pay special. taxes for the sup- | when I begin to specify, but since I port of the school and the local govern- have said it is the duty of some one to | ment and if so how far back can the of-, hold up good examples of an entire | ficials collect. | county working effectively, I shall plunge in whether the water is fine or not. BROOKS ON COUNTY GOVERNMENT | 5. Officials in many counties do not know The commissioners of Pitt for some time have been keenly interested in ways and means of improving their county government, and judging it by good business standards it seems to be. more efficiently governed than any oth- | er county in the state of which I have. any knowledge. If there are others better organized and more efficiently | governed, I hope this address will call them to the front. I am informed that less than one percent of the legitimate taxes in Pitt county was uncollected in 1920. Therefore, the public burden is equally distributed. The commis- sioners have secured the services of a whole-time auditor, (he might be called county-manager just as well as county auditor,) who is the executive of the .board. His duties'seem to be as fol- lows: 1. He, instead of the Register of Deeds, makes up the tax books for the ‘year and holds a copy of these books in : | his office for the correction of errors, for system has been inaugurated and has] checking against other departments, and for keeping up with all legitimate refunds. Therefore the income can be measured fairly accurately at the be- ginning of the year. . . | 2. He superintends all buying for the county, keeps a record of the same, the prices paid, and the needs. Hach de- partment, therefore, can be kept with- in its legal requirements, and made to live within its income, unless an emer- gency arises. Then, of course, the ‘commissioners can follow the law in meeting all such emergencies. 3. He audits all accounts presented to the commissioners for payment and checks them according to the provisions in the budget, and I am informed that the commissioners “‘can tell the finan- cial condition of each fund in the county at a moment’s notice, what proportion of the taxes have been collected, and what taxes are in arrears atany time.’’ | 4, The commissioners employed a man to work under the auditor, whose duties are to study the county’s tax- ables and to ascertain how much is not | listed. During the first two months of his services he put on the tax books over $2,000,000 worth of property, some | of which was real property that had not been listed in several years, and. under good management this property will remain on the tax books. Of ‘course, itis clear that the income is public support lighter on those who have heretofore paid their taxes. Such ‘are the reforms that have been made ‘in Pitt county during the past two ‘years, I may add also that in the ad- ministration of the public school funds the same good business methods are employed, as the records in our office show. | Reform Principles _ There are two principles contained in these reforms that should be noted. First. The commissioners have separ- ated the strictly executive functions of the board from the purely legislative. ‘As a result they can devote their best ‘energies to planning for the county’s welfare and outlining the work of this executive officer. Second. They have taken from the ‘Register of Deeds and the sheriff cer- tain functions that in many counties are seriously affected by political pres- sure, and placed them in the hands of ‘an executive who can perform his du- ties without fear or favor. Many of the defects in county admin- istration are due to the fact that those who have in their custody the record of property values and those who receive the funds from the people are too often ‘easily influenced by those on whom they | rely for political support. Therefore these two functions should be removed as far as possible from party influences. How They Work in Pitt In taking the improvements in Pitt ‘county asa good example of reforms in the right direction, suppose we ap- ply some of the accepted principles of | good government to them. Article I | of our Constitution is called the Declara- tion of Rights. Section 8says, ‘‘The leg- islative, executive and supreme judicial powers of government ought to be for- ever separate and distinct from each oth- er.’’ This distinctidn is fairly well main- tained in the organization of our state \government, and our judicial system | throughout is fairly well divorced from | the other two divisions. But in county | government, as a rule, it is difficult to tell in many cases which is the execu- tive and which is the legislative. Article VII of the Constitution says, “Tt shall be the duty of the commis- sioners to exercise a general supervision and control of the penal and charitable institutions, schools, roads, bridges, levying of taxes, and finances of the county, as may be prescribed by law.’’ But section 14 gives the General Assembly power to modify this section. However, it still i a as the ighest authority. ree ho ¥ greatly increased and the burden of |, _ The Board of County Commissioners| "The Provision’in the Con has then both legislative and executive bi t shall be the duty ‘of ‘the commis- functions. It may pass certain rules sioners to exercise a general supervi- and regulations of a very broad nature sion and control’’ of the affairs of a that have the force of law. These, ‘eounty, is wise, and they : should be re- therefore, would be legislative acts,|Sponsible directly to the people. But} At the same time it acts as an execu-| When they as a board undertake to ex- tive body when attempting to carry ecute a number of rules and regulations out these rules and regulations, al- 2nd state laws, they cannot exercise though the total time devoted to both the general supervision and control may not exceed in many instances twelve that this modern day demands. Theres) days within a period of twelve fore their dutiesshould be legislative. , months. This is perhaps long enough 1¢Y should select a competent execu- for their legislative duties, but certain- tive to carry out their rules and regula- | duties. | tinually functioning to see that the , rules of the board or the laws of the | separate emoluments or privileges from ly not long enough for their executive | Moreover, after the commissioners pass rules and regulations geverning | the several departments of a county thére is no central executive head con- state are obeyed. Therefore. indivi- duals or communities or classes that can bring the greatest pressure to bear on the board are sometimes the most] Rights, which says that ‘‘No man or set of men are entitled to exclusive or the community but in consideration of public services.’’ Pitt county has-separated many oe | the executive functions of the county | commissioners from their legislative ones by placing the former in the hands of an executive employed by them and responsible to them. If he is held to strict accountability, and no member of the board is permitted to interfere with his acts except as they may be reviewed by the whole board, it is reas- onable to suppose that, if he is a com- petent man, Pitt county will be! greatly benefited. The evidences justi- fy this conclusion. But under the old confused method, ‘if ten percent of the people are exempt from taxation they are receiving emol-. feos and privileges not enjoyed by' the other ninety percent. If towns and) ‘eities are spending the fines, forfeitures | land penalties, they are using money a part of which belongs to the country people. If one department of govern- ment is receiving more than its legal share of the funds and the others are compelled to borrow as a result, one part of our population may be receiving benefits not enjoyed by the other part. | | the best practice as well as the best ' tice. aD tions and the state law, and hold him responsible for their execution. not know whether he should be called I do an auditor or a business manager or by some other name. The name does not matter so much. There are counties today employing auditors who are mere- ly book-keepers, and careless ones at that, while there are other counties em- ploying auditors who are real execu- tives and worth thousands of dollars to their counties in excess of their sala- fortunate, thus violating directly or in- ries. In fact, sofar as I have been able directly Section 7 of the Declarati f| . * eT aT the most progress are those that have’ the best auditors, and I suspect their | _ duties vary in different counties. can estimate to learn, the counties that have made Who the value of Auditor Holden to Wake County, and Auditor Orrell to New Hanover? But an auditor with the duties usual. ly assigned to him is not enough. We need a real executive with broad pow-| ers, and I do not believe it is necessary to increase the number of officials in © order to secure it. By a rearange- ment of functions the county’s busi- ness can be transacted by the same number of officials as at present. It will be necessary, of course, to increase the number of clerks in order to trans- | j act twenty times more business ass than in 1900. pastas State Sapetvnidt Finally it is the duty of the state to help the counties set up a standard of good county government. Governor Morrison in his fine passion to see North Carolina go forward along all lines has appointed a Commission to report to the next General Assembly a plan for the improvement of county govern- ment. Wemay look in vain through the statutes of the General Assembly for any plan or even a suggestion of a good form of organization. Therefore great good may result from the acts of this Commission if it brings toyether thought and embodies them in a statute on county government as a guide to all public officials. However, it should somewhat elastic until a complete form jof good county government has been worked out and Proven by actual prac- ty oa. 1 Wa | But after a standard is set up it is | the duty of the state to exercise super- | Nene and require the counties to meet The State Bank Examiner closes a’ ee as soon as it reaches the danger line. And many a bank has been closed and the officials. punished for doing less than certain county officials do with— ‘impunity. Covnty officials, therefore, -should'be required by the state to meet a similar standard of safety. For ex- ample: suppose a bank should let a few of its depositors overdraw their ac- ‘counts until the reserve is far below the amount required by law to meet the daily demands of the bank! Yet | this is exactly what a number of coun- | ties do today. They permit certain de- partments of government to take money |as long as any may be found in the treasury, regardless of the amounts due those departments. | A system of traveling auditors under the jurisdiction of the State Auditor ‘can easily tell whether the county’s | business is in safe hands. If it, is not properly safeguarded the guilty officials should be removed atonce, leaving to the Commissioners the power to fill the va- |cancy until the next election. | More- |over, the State Auditor should be au- | thorized to conduct an institute for all | new officials who are ignorant of their duties and they should be allowed a reasonable time to qualify. But they should qualify! The duties and respon- sibilities of our officials are twenty-fold greater today than they were twenty years ago. Therefore the old methods of book-keeping and of managing coun- ty affairs will ge suffice for this new day. Tam ambitious to see North Carolina the best governed state in the, world. In order to be the best governed, it | must have the best citizenship, and to have the best citizenship it must have the best system of schools—not the | most costly, but the. best. But when | we consider how little has been done | by the state to help the county expand | and equip its organization to meet the new and increasing demands of the | public, the wonder is not that we have many defects, but that we have worked lout an organization as efficient as | we findin many counties. There are evidences that the people are seeking for something better, that patriotic of- ficials are giving of their time and money to make their counties respond | justly to the needs of the people, and that heroic men and women in every | section of our pies. me qeonnst Real of. old | \ tae oy _DoRS NORTH CAROLINA READ? _ Table ewes (1) the eunbined careulation | in North Gardienk, of The Pro- gressive Farmer, Literary Digest, Ladies Home J ournal, and Saturday Evening Post, on June 30, 1922, in each county of the state, (2) the number of inbab- itants per paper, and (8) the rank of the counties. _ In this study the average for the state is 26 lohabieants per Daan: aie | ty-seven counties fall behind this average. Mainly they are (1) the counties with large negro populations, (2) the remote rural counties, and (8) all the mountain counties, Buncombe and Henderson excepted. L. R. Wilson, Librarian, University of North Carolina. ie No. Inhabs. No. _ Inhabs, Rank County papers per paper| Rank County papers per paper 1 Buncombe.......... 5000 «18 QR NA NBON foe 2 vu say 890 32 2 New Hanover ...... 2967 14 62) Bertie 4.0 Wegiae 8 Mecklenburg....... 5310 15 Ava l E EG b-day aaa es 1344 333 4 Wake..... eae. 4685 16 62 Hamete scion | 38 A Guilford. 2 sice es 4846 16 SeesPerson. i 5 578-33 6° Moore: Vues rl 12 8. BO Swain. cs eres Beal hoe Bi Puram: Sve ose a6 hee 2355 18 66 Sampson’ s.3 gi 53 1048 34 B PGatawDa sue su ese. 1769 4910 06 Camdens ey as 158 84 SG OPENS. ue’ es ku 925 Ae 56, Alexander.......... 359 34 BO Aes il ate Cute a's! 5 0 Weis af 659 20. 60 / Davidson sc .rh) 995 35 1k Alamance 76. 05. 1568 = 21 60: Currituck.) 3k ke. 206 «=. 85 11 Cumberland...... -.. 1633 21 BUF Ey dels 8 eae 240 35 11 Edgecombe......... TSO9} 2 60 Onslow 490 §) 85 ditoe Riehmond: <2 v.05. > 1234 21°: GO: Pamliso ny; peso 260 °° 35 1 Rowan eee: . 2066 21 Ob Tyrrelbr ose 134.36 16. Carteret...... ..... 704 22 OOOH mae lige uh 246. 86 UG) Porsy th. wih sa35 2a. 3523 22 67 McDowell.......... 452 37 18 MOHOWAN. «ns ones als sis 460) 3 4 28. 67 Martin. 570. 87 TS OPAVEDIN. So ets cee te 1258 23 Ol: < SEPP Yee tn oe 866 37 AR erode lise ee eee oe be 1659 23 67 Warren SIE 8 5A" 37 18 Pasquotank......... TA 28 Ti Caldwell a gon cas 529.338 B85 eRGOIpR. 25.0 64/3 aia. 1366 =. 28 fle Burke vay cua snes 609 88 23: Columbusy'.2. ccee ees 1244 24 73: Hay wood:in hi. 25.555 602 39 238° Henderson........ . 769 24 BS Limeolny iis. vs. coke 457 39 aR PRONE foils cis. ssid was 12th! 24 Wei Macony co ssae si oie 3828 =. 39 Bee Vane uve yyleds 988 24 76 Transylvania... ... 286 ae Sie BOAULOLG se sdivins nae 1266 =6.25 16": Hertford: s./.) 401 40 27 st aphine cease eee 1223 25 16< Brankline io jucste 669 40 27 Rutherford... ..050% 1244 25 19 Hote. aioe. ie. sas StF 4" 27. Scotland: . 3. ac... 629 25 80 . Johnston .... 2.085. 1137 43 31 Montgomery...:.... 557 =. 26 Bly Onesie. Oi. oa cree be 2238 44 BE DAVIC. ee yareess po Pe Olt 26 GEM MEOK OB eyes ee ai 472. 44 81 Cleveland........... 1292 26 81 Cherokee.....:...... 350 44 BA PIER aie aa i ates se TOO) SOT Se Yadkin sete ce 362 45 84) Stanly... 4.2. + ese eee 1016) 27 84 Brunswick.......... 309 = 48 34° Wayne... 25s sj00 005 L6L7 2s 27 84. Greene o.060) 45... 339 48 BC GERODEBOD GS Sain dc diahess 1960 28 4. J BCKSOM. You ccanes 280 48 OTT MCG DARTUR sche iy 0 bie 1220.28 SS ass aaa a THE AS Be 89. Gatesis. | cb esiky cee a 363 - 29 BO: VRSCSS 2 UU ON ev wae 607 54 39 Perquimans......... 882 29 90:5 Mitchells) oe (202 56 PAO) RMON). s/o ewe oh, 4d 1242 89.29 91 Caswell....... shuathe 262 ~=—-60 42 Wilson ....... Ph aN 1209 30 G2 \ CMe Says oman ates 76 38661 42 Washington... 382 =. 30 93 Watauga........... 216. G2) yap Ag Pender. s0i..40 aghe st 491-30 94 Yancey. ee oe ME sain Sao, CB g 42 Northampton...:i:. 762° 30 Ob: ANGRY os tute, ean 146, 70... 46 Gaston ...i...A 059.05 16672 81 96 Madison.......... Pes tary. Has 46urGranville) 72.04.02 (BBL “SPS < [ST Dare .. 0... esa ns wisi Shang SAO 48.Rockingham..../:...: 1877 °° 82-198 Alleghany.. Saas aie 20% event 48 b Bladen)... Lo. 619 82 99 ee 189; ddd 148 Chatham RRS Aaa 87929 1.100 Graham i 2.0L 05 bie? | 20>, Sete eh bn mers WR Ns on saan ay SEE ye ocak teen SU Oa Py cn he aa Bu te ‘ ete ial eis cate a AMER Gren Cb bate 4 Nive SETA SSS a ee ae a if 2 Pri jaar