Che Library uf the Universtiy of North Carolina ‘ pee me oo pee “ ee i ja pabat er oy ey, Oe or bagg* " ei qa a) Rules ande — Regulations — -— Governing the Rorth Zarolina Prisonee« eS . ‘e Adopted May 17, 1899, by the ss Executive Zommittee. : RULES AND. REGULATIONS FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA. ed by said Clerk on the books of the Prison. Said morandum shall show every item received, from suit for any product of the institution, it shall show e kind and quantity thereof, and the price obtained refor. . . The Superintendent shall deposit with the State asurer, at least once every month, all funds received him in behalf of the Prison. | The Superintendent shall report in writing to the jairman of the Executive Board, on or before the 5th of each month, all articles of the Prison sold, ex- nged, or in any way disposed of during the preced- month, with the names of the person or persons to n sold, or exchanged, and the price received there- or, together with such report of all his transactions and valings with the business of the Institution as will ake a complete history of his management thereof uring the past month. = Z 4, The Superintendent and the Manager and Purchas- ing Agent shall report to the Chairman of the Execu- tive Board, on or before the Sth day of each month, every article purchased during the preceding month, the person from whom bought, and the price thereof, for his approval, or that of the Executive Board if in session, and the Superintendent shall not issue any voucher, or pay for any such article, nor for any ac- count or other charge or debt of the Prison, until the same has been approved by the Chairman of the Ex- ecutive Board, or the said Board when in session; and shall not at any time issue a voucher for, or pay on any account or liability any greater amount than shall be so approved. | This rule is subject to modification in such emergen- cies as, in the opinion of the Executive Board, necessi- tate ib. 5. All articles of every kind for the use of the Prison shall be purchased by the Manager. and Purchasing Agent, who shall keep a careful record of the same, showing the person from whom purchased, and the price paid therefor. No other person shall purchase any article of any kind for the Institution. | 6. The Supervisors of the several farms shall make re- quisition in writing upon the Manager and Purchasing Ageat for all articles of all kinds necessary for the use - of the convicts and the farms under their charge; and the Warden shall make such requisition for all articles needed at the Central Prison. Such requisition shall be filled by the Manager and Purchasing Agent only after approval by the Superintendent. 7. Every person from: whom any article is purchased for the Institution shall be required to furnish and send to the Chairman of the Executive Board a duplicate of the bill therefor. 3 8. The Warden of the Central Prison, and every Su- pervisor of a farm, or of a camp, shall keep a record of the time made by all overseers, guards and other em- ployees, deducting all time lost from their duties on ac- count of sickness or other causes; and said Supervisors, not later than the 2d day of each month, shail send to the Superintendent by registered mail a certified copy of such record, and the Warden shall at the same time hand such copy of his record to the Superintendent, who shall, before payment of any such employees, submit the sameto the Chairman of the Executive Board for his approval. 9. No salaries of any officers or employees shall be paid by the Superintendent until the same has been ap- proved by the Chairman of the Executive Board, and it Shall be the duty of said Chairman to disapprove any payment that may be irregular, and refer the same to the Board of Directors at their next meeting. 10. The Supervisors of the several farms shall, on or before the third day of each month, on a form to be pre- pared by the Executive Board, make a written report, in duplicate, to the Chairman of the Executive Board and the Superintendent, showing the kind of work in which the convicts under their charge have been engaged in the preceding month, an estimate of the amount of work done, the number of convicts employed, time made, and the condition and prospects of the crops; also a statement of all produce and other property turned _ over to the Superintendent, or shipped at his direction; also the condition and health of the convicts in his charge, the names of those punished, how punished, for what cause and by whom; also the condition of the team and other property in their charge. | 11. The Warden of the Central Prison shall at the same time make a similar report in regard to the con- victs in the Central Prison. + 12. The Superintendents of all industrial departments that may be operated at the Central Prison shall make a written report, in duplicate, one to the Superintendent, and one to the Chairman of the Executive Board, on or before the third day of each month, showing the num- ber of convicts engaged in their several departments during the preceding month, the time made, the quan- tity of work turned out, how much of the product of their department has been turned over to the Superin- tendent, or shipped at his direction, and the general con- dition of their several departments. 13. The Clerk of the Prison shall keep separate ac- counts with the Central Prison, with each farm, and each industrial department of the Prison, showing the amounts expended upon the Central Prison, upon each farm and industrial department, the amount of produce or manufacture received from each one, and the net proceeds of the same. Livery article furnished by one farm or department to another shall be ‘charged to the farm or department receiving the same, and credited to the one furnishing it; said accounts shall be balanced on the first day of every month, and a synopsis of each, with a balance sheet showing the condition of the finan- ces of the Prison as a whole, be furnished to the Super- intendent and Chairman of the Executive Board on or before the fifth day of each month. | 14. Whenever the Chairman of the Executive Board, from sickness:or other cause, shall be unable to attend the Central Prison on the fifth of any month for the purpose of receiving reports and approving accounts as required by these rules, he may designate another mem- ber of said Board to act in his stead. 15. There shall not be employed on the farms more . than one overseer for each twenty-five convicts, or frac- tions thereof over fourteen: Provided, that every farm 5 may have four overseers, except the Lyrias farm, and each farm may have a gardener, or lot man. 16. No officer or employee of the Prison who has been disapproved by the Board of Directors, or discharged by the Superintendent or a Supervisor of a farm or camp, shall be reinstated, or again employed at the Central Prison or any farm or camp, until the Board of Direct- ors has reconsidered such eas or revoked the discharge. 17. No member of the Board of Directors, or of the Executive Board, shall be entitled to per diem and mile- age for any time spent in the service of the Prison unless such service is rendered at the direction of the Chair- man of the Executive Board, or by order of the Execu- tive Board, or the Board of Directors in meeting. 18. The Superintendent shall not sell, lease or hire to any Director, officer or employee, or to any of their i:n- mediate family, any property belonging to the Prison, or its farms, nor shall any Director, officer or employee of the Institution buy, rent or hire any species of prop- erty belonging to the Prison. _ 19. No Supervisor of a farm, nor overseer, Para or other employee, shall have authority to sell, exchange, or in any manner dispose of any stock, produce, or other property of any sort belonging to the Prison; nor shall they buy any article for the use of the Institution. 20. No horse, or other live stock of any kind, belong- ing to any officer or employee of the Prison shall be kept upon any of the farms or at the Central Prison. 21. The Clerk of the Prison shall record these rules on the Minutes of the Board of Directors immediately, have 200 copies thereof printed in pamphlet form, and send one to the Superintendent, the Manager and Pur- chasing Agent, the Warden, the Supervisor of each farm, and to each member of the Board of Directors. The remainder he shall keep in his office. Copies of the Rules relative to commutation and dis- cipline shall be printed on cards, and posted about the | Prison building and the farm quarters. COMMUTATION AND DISCIPLINE. The Warden of the Central Prison, and the Super- visor of each farm or camp, shall keep a record of the infraction of the rules of discipline by the prisoners, in the manner provided by section 3445 of The Code, as amended by chapter 457 of the Laws of 1899, which law, as amended, reads as follows: “The Board of Directors shall require to be kept a book in which shall be entered a record of every infraction of the published rules of discipline, with the name of the prisoner so guilty, and the punishment inflicted there- for, which record shall be submitted to the Directors at their monthly meeting, and every prisoner who may have been sentenced for aterm of years, who shall at the end of each month have no infraction of the disci- pline so recorded against him, shall, for each month, be entitled to a diminution of five days from the term of his sentence, and for every ten days he shall thus be- come entitled, he shall have a further reward of one dol- lar placed to his credit, with the Warden, to be paid to him on his discharge or sent to his family as he may elect; and for every five dollars of commutation he shall be entitled to, five additional days dimunition: and it shall be the duty of the Warden to discharge such con- vict from the Penitentiary when he shall have served the time of his sentence less the number of days he may be entitled to have deducted therefrom, in the same manner as if no deduction had been made: Provided, if such convict shall be guilty of a violation of the printed and published rules of the Prison after he shall © ti have become entitled to a dimunition of his term of ser- vice to which he has been sentenced, the Directors shall have the power to deprive, at their discretion, such con- vict of a portion or all (according to the flagrance of such violation of discipline) of the dimunition of term of sentence or commutation to which he had previously been by this section entitled. Any convict who shall make an assault on any officer, overseer or guard, or who shall be engnged in an insurrection, or make an attempt to escape, shall not be entitled to the benefits of this section.’ The increased commutation as provided for in the above-quoted law shall be credited to well-behaved pris- oners only after and including the month of March, 1899; and their commutation for all time prior to said month shail be allowed only at the rate and in the man- ner as provided by the law as it was prior to the enact- ment of chapter 457 of the Laws of 1899. DUTIES OF PRISONERS. 92. The prisoners are to labor faithfully and diligently, are to obey all orders promptly, and are to preserve un- ‘broken silence while at work. 23. They are not to exchange a word with each other under any pretence, or to communicate any intelligence to each other in writing, and are not to make use of any signs except such as are necessary to convey a knowl- edge of their wants to the officer having them in charge. 24. They must approach their overseers in a respect- ful manner, and be brief in their communication; they are not to speak to them on ordinary topics, nor address them except when it becomes necessary in regard to their work or their immediate wants. 25. They shall not at any time, or under any pretence, without leave, speak to any person who does not belong 8 to the Institution, or receive from such person any Iet- ter, paper, tobacco, or other thing whatever; they are not to leave the place where they are put to work, nor the work they are set to do, without the special permis- sion or order of the proper officer; and they are not to suffer their attention to be taken from their work to look at visitors, nor are they to gaze or look at them when unemployed. | 96. All prisoners whose conduct has been unexcep- tionable will be allowed, in the preseuce of the Warden, Deputy, or some other authorized officer, to see and converse with their friends once in each month. They will also be allowed to receive all ietters sent to them through the Warden’s office, and will be Pera to write monthly. 27, No prisoner is willfully or carelessly to injure his | work, tools, wearing apparel, bedding, or any other thing belonging to or about the Prison; nor will any prisoner be suffered to mark. injure or in any way de- face the wails or any part of his cell or night-room; nor. is he to execute his work badly when he has the ability to do if well. ) 28. No prisoner shall receive or transmit any letter or paper except under the inspection of the Warden; nor shall any prisoner converse with any visitor without the consent and presence of the Warden, a or some other authorized officer. 29, Hach prisoner, so far as practicable, shall occupy the same cell every night. As he enters his cell, each prisoner, after setting down his bucket, must draw the door to until it strikes the jamb, and must stand in that position, holding the door, until the officer locks the same. 30. Every prisoner who has not previously gone to bed must do so immediately at the ringing of the bell; and from that time, profound silence must be observed 9 until the ringing of the bell in the morning, when every prisoner must immediately dress himself and prepare to receive his breakfast. 31. The prisoners shall always march in order as may be designated by the officer in charge. While march- ing, as well as while in their cells and at all other times, all unnecessary noise must be avoided. 32. No prisoner will be suffered to sleep with his— clothes on, or in wet clothes. _ 88. If a prisoner becomes sick, or from any cause feels unable to work, he shall report himself to the officer under whose charge he may be. The twelve printed rules adopted as a whole by the Committee. Adopted by Committee on Rules at meeting on May 17, 1899. ATSB YOUNG Chairman of Committee on Rules. Pee LRAVIS, Secretary Committee. Ton FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION \ UNCPS 55514