FUQUAY SPRINGS ACADEMY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Cp379.k Wl PROSPECTUS F uquay Springs Academy FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. IOTH 1906 i es pe eve aPerncreat REV. A. A. CRATER | INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT M he ge Ra ile Niapiernee ELANCE NG AN ae I eel ne abate Rs ER Nig Ee hi Primary DEPARTMENT MISS ALICE TAYLOR Lees ; Music | | MISS ELIZABETH TAYLOR FUQUAY SPRINGS ACADEMY NATURE AND OBJECT The School is maintained by public funds together with a special tax fund voted by the community, but the Board of Managers have arranged to admit outside pupils upon the payment of a tuition fee of from one dollar to three and one half dollars per month, according to grade entered. Tuition must be paid in advance or satisfactorily arranged with the Board. There will bea graded course of study from the primary department leading up to and including preparation for college. LOCATION This School is located at the noted Fuquay Springs, whose mineral waters have been famous for half a century. The School may be reached by rail over the Raleigh and Southport Railway or the Durham and Southern Railway. BUILDING AND GROUNDS The building is a new one, just completed, well located, lighted and heated, and is furnished with modern school furniture. This School won the prize offered by the Ladies Betterment Association to the school making the greatest improvement during the year. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE The community is quiet and free from those vices found in larger places. There are four churches in the village, viz.: M. E. Church, South, Christian, Free Will Baptist and Missionery Baptist. All these churches maintain sunday schools. pIt9s7 BOARD Board may be had in good families near the School at from $7.50 to $10.00 per month. , MUSIC SCHOOL The Musical Department of the School is supported by private funds and a tuition fee of $10.00 per term of four months will be charged. No music pupil will be entered for less than one term. TEACHERS The very best teachers to be had have been secured and nothing will be left undone to make this School equal to the best. , INFORMATION Further information may be had by applying to the Principal or to Mr. J. R. Ragsdale, Chairman of the Board of Managers, Fuquay Springs, N. C. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 10TH, 1906 R N Ly