waa {at eran eeals tity ad AH SEGUE TIGR AD EUG AU Aa aah ae i i CAAT abhti ~ be Librarp of the Ciniversity of Morth Carolina Chis book teas presented bp THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF - NORTH CAROLINA : ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHILANTHRO?IC SOCIETIES | £ DOT AE oe RAE SRG i te SEP 11 73peseRVE READING REO! iil 1000 FN.C. AT CHAPEL HILL cu 0259667 This book is due at the WALTER R. DAVIS LIBRARY on the last date stamped under “Date Due.” If not on hold it may be renewed by bringing it to the library. DATE RET. EC eam et Mi Me) abp Ot He A A ; Ory i ant hy Th Aa fe i nS, ; ny f ve ibe rE | i ; pe ane , Pat! i naar eX.) tag ist Want’ i 4 hwy). Aiey hi * 5 @ P a ¢ ht a Ars ra ‘eCe ahve 4 EF eS Lae ee Ze rae ¥ Z jo : SE: ce a a . Tim p e ELE: 3 ot a tid ae — , — < Let te i 42. a DP ce * 22% SEMO fo ne a ‘| 2 =e Y Saleen % ‘ct eeu? Pris in pie es bee ; “A ‘ ‘ ee capil. 7 ve a i ok i H i - ' i a par i ‘ Fae hag . ¥ * eh ; y a , Ps = _ “ ae . “ oo ir { : , ‘ of ; =" 2 @, | “pe Ge ES A ARDS _* ee > eee rk. Se) Ms SRSLY Nites SS — ~ ~ r ye a as oY te . “Siew ‘ ‘ = > ‘ : ‘\ +2 . or .2%> * “ x. ts. > aw” >. 7 all be & Sa -* eae Nn ae * . ~a Spo, * } ’ we ~~ at Se ~, oF hati xi wo ~ te ON. pg Ni amg ao yee ON 9 is wet a6 nbs ; % ; | ir. aD) ae ie pe ee ae e % “ a eh B >* FASS . : 4 . : . aa 4 an Gs; | % [Pete Ne et) ne Sa | ih ase ee | s oe > —on ee i ee eT Morning Song, Hark—hark! the lark at heaven’s gate sings, And Phoebus ’gins arise, . His steeds to water at those springs On chaliced flowers.that lies: — And waking Nary-buds begin To ope their golden eyes; With everything that pretty bin, My lady sweet, arise, Arise, arise! Shakespeare, denny. Jenny kiss’d me when we mef, Jumping from the chair she sat in; Time, you thief! who love to get Sweets into your list, put that in, Say Pm weary, say I’m sad: Say that health and wealth have missed me; Say I'm growing old, but ada— ane Jenny kiss’d me! } Leigh Hunt, ib 4 ae Penh ery he, pat Aaa ip biiek ; ohn yah) ss } Bi B Lice f Ly tg i 4 Vy MF a, Ss 4 ti), Uy) ii, Uy H fy, Wh La fi . \ My : ii Ae Y ‘ Uf TY WM} « Hy y & LLL. Mage LIZZ we Iss DICKENS. ARL Ba pe C { UT RACTOR } ALON A & ~S Philadtelphra: Pee epithets ON & BROTHERS: 306 CHESTNUT. STREET. a) 4 YD i i Uta,” ca Yh ays, é pals Paes ees 1 Ni Sane RRR et ‘ 5 he ad Sie fe ve ¥ a a VPee ti Pee Se ee Ce ee : . a oe! a ao) eee ye Lae 4, as Pine . ‘ 4 OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, CHARLES DICKENS. GES Ores) WITH FORTY-TWO ILLUSTRATIONS. FROM DESIGNS BY MARCUS STONE, PETERSONS UNIFORM EDITION OF DICKENS WORKS. CONTAINING OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, GREAT EXPECTATIONS, SKETCHES BY “ BOZ,” LAMPLIGHTER’S STORY, OLIVER TWIST, DAVID COPPERFIELD, LITTLE DORRITT, DOMBEY AND SON, TALE OF TWO CITIES, NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, | _-NEW YEARS’ STORIES, PICKWICK PAPERS, DICKENS' SHORT STORIES, CHRISTMAS STORIES, MESSAGE FROM THE SEA, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, HOLIDAY STORIES, BARNABY RUDGE, AMERICAN NOTES, DICKENS’ NEW STORIES, PIC-NIC PAPERS. BLEAK HOUSE, Ree nnn nnn nnn Philadselphia: Te eBetPeneR SON & BROTHERS; 306 CHESTNUT STREET. * Rntered: according ne Act of Congress, in the Na 1865, te T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, In the Clerk’s Office of the District-Court of the United States, in aT tn Pee ‘5 Eastern District of Pennsylvania. — . aes ¥ mis ole . THIS BOOK IS INSCRIBED BY ITS‘AUTHOR TO SIR JAMES EMERSON TENNENT AS A MEMORIAL OF FRIENDSHIP. CONTENTS, BOOK THE FIRST.—THE CUP AND THE LIP. CHAPTER PAGE I.—On the Look Out........ Kvdesocheqssusesivedioswakrereeeys By sie este ee scasbews Rivliscvudisvesasesies vabacedeateid TI.—The Man from Somewhere.....cooecsscsscessossceses Wededelencsedseausodecevavedscuespivwetohezeceuanetys 19 EET TUL INO TT OLET brn Veliviouscitsvbsicecudessstousededvavovetcowove daeideSacsnaiedeleais saliva velageseeadevseerverive 24 RA ME TITRA DUT BILLY soseshicssy ti crsnssveccredeesehores oeeedivectewshdeaden onccvudicseclayes eesussabeaees 29 V.—Boffin’s Bower........s0006 Peaeseedeiiipee Suede sauiuan ecsuanedier tis ehoedday Wig ecu qeaaleasnanads segs cane diets 34 RTL ARTEL Ge scvasinecvesvasasedscstheceucdscacs duceudicdc nines vetreacgouavedes sobesaesenseponcurscwemeaiey ties 40 Per ertary Wy OPe MOCKS After Himsellf,.....istcessseettecnneessotsssceucecovsacsesccscavcevesddssueiesoepencens Ag Matha Mr. Bolin in Consultation........icc.cccsesecacyecossesccccesseevsesee dae sceetsetine, Ned onlays cu sian seo 51 ee ee RA NES, DOM, In Consultation... ...sccrserosqaierasacedesocesecnetevdgunes Uorondendeieverps 56 EMIT OETA OU oriss 6 (Su5b sacone acovas reocevncests cavenadusconcebenceaditabennecssensaseecaneditne 62 EE Ne Se A0s 8 sank acts f'n S's iba eds pond bode Va cae dinghens s440¥s velharwobosvonsedestnerdeatonens’ 68 See re weator afl Hondst. Man's Brow.......< s.5)0c0se sass eacanteeie’sannamenceees fies'8 pith ly en oe 279 #A0T,——Trevaaimen, Dustman. Binks A gain..,....eierseseccentscosses>sescyasoeep aileasthalsen Rieiuen oe 282 Bee As ReDaway, MAGCD as iasieviesesvearsyxsosneaccadpapbasupsonneecsn gee dnage taken Gah eas cia tata: Renae 286 V.—Concerning the Mendicant’s Bride.............++ pemasehe dapnsinns saocengangebpeunaed ike benenaretae tae 291 Os A rrr fer EE OE 522 DiS is kiwi b's onpad'ea. dens vpas gas noi vn’ bone t4aasinig thc dguaseealody sauce MOM RE seat saa 297 Wik Letter to. he Abel than Calvin. 1. ...<0s90caceds vhaanaclvermmisedaste seueres ovine em ssk dos ltumwe serawetraveb ees 303 VIII.—A Few Grains of Pepper...............06. SOE ATES See eer Tr a F Br Aa OV ee ey 308 IX.—Two Places Vacated......... RATE Peewee sob ars Sout SeQciviesevecad spate Ma wwEMLeeee teens bvante coon ee 312 *.—'TheDolreDrosemaker Discovers BW Odi. ..s 00.05 shes sncesccectausocesseste peakieuel es ccedeceeal 317 XI.—Effect is given to the Doll’s Dressmaker’s Discovery............sccessssseeessceseceeees ice wehnt Cokes 319 te DP Pam tnie: BiadOwelt ivi ssisitence tigeped dabvcevoodiveapeadaties! ERE Re Ors. ae 324 XIII.—Showing how the Golden Dustman Helped to Scatter Dust...............cseceesscceeeeeseesenaes 331 XIV.—Checkmate to the Friendly. Move....c...ccc.sissuscceseetesseseascaceess RpAdA TOMAAR eRe sas Rid ebcuys eee 334 XV.—What was Caught in the Traps that were Set....... i 6 nts adobe Coals cacaeins aed tae ad eal hgh ee kere acke 3 oan XVi.—Persons and Things in Gemeral....i. .ciscsese casavecceconsevscesecscqescsstasensevepiossse ehsdn els poRG ee 346. CHAPTER THE LAST.—The Voice of Society............ gd cghewdi yal sagan cep ebulgsWaedsaotadet. aR 2 350 POSTSCRIPT.—In Lieu of a IPreruee at cas base nha dno av'dvacheh eotawcbaauduveyeine teece eecece @eececcces oe 353 ILLUSTRATIONS. PORTRAIT OF CHARLES DICKENS, SQ... ccsccevescvenceccsvsseses 10 Face Mile. BERET © PPUEAPAGH: clyccccscescbecewemasscceacvescscersseer LACE POrtrau I re Ls a al veins Fem piasecwnpehegedmeneladoeeceeecagas Tree PE TMIENT (2, ius oa mess cd vieccste whee cute deus eacadcetawes cht EN he Nee aS ML e's b's we ccie ees eles caelec Ge Leda ebon ee ewe ues Mr. Venus SURROUNDED BY THE 'l'ROPHIES OF HIS ART..0. ccacccccccccccccee SUPT ROG REES 1 occ tds oak o's Wes Wield be cela teed enc vediiee ss Ne OTE ay ilk coca dieie ee eh CM ee Gin WRlelelel whl W brevis wgtaturate RR ea San eo iano. ay. 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