3]iflcentt| atth Market ^tr^cts O^rgantzeb January 6, Bebicateb JHarcij 3, 1918 Acting Pastor Rev. Marion S. Huske fibers Mr. H. Lacy Hunt Mr. W. a. Woods Mr. C. W. Woodward Mr. W. W. Love Mr. J. F. Mann Mr. L. E. Hall Mr. J. H. Davis Mr. W. S. Johnson Mr. F. L. Pearsall Mr. Joseph Sharrock Mr. W. D. McCraig Mr. W. p. Sprunt Mr. O. L. Browne Mr. C. p. Gorman R. C. Jones Mr. J. O. Carr "Have respect therefore to the prayer of thy servant, and to his supplication, Lord my God, to hearken unto the cry and the prayer which thy servant prayeth before thee: That thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night. — n. Chronicles, 6:19-20." Organ Prelude. Doxology. Invocation. Anthem — "O Power Eternal" Luzzi Hymn No. 61 ''Come Thou Almighty King" Psalter Selection No. 29. Congregation standing. ''Gloria." Reading of Scripture. Morning Prayer. Offertory — "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem" . . Maunder Hymn No. 304 .... "The Church's One Foundation" Dedication Sermon . . Rev. Alexander Sprunt, D. D. Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S. C. "The Covenanting God" Matthew 22-^2. Prayer. "Significance of the Memorial Window . Mr. James Sprunt Hymn No. 672 . . "Founded on Thee, Our Only Lord" Benediction. Organ Postlude. Organ Prelude. Hymn No. 300 "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord" Psalter Selection No. 5L Congregation standing. Reading of Scripture. Prayer. Offertory Hymn No. 301 . . ''Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken" Address — "Steps Leading Up to the Organization of the Church of the Covenant" . Rev. Jno. M. Wells, D. D. Address — "The Possibilities of a New Church" Rev. Andrew J. Howell Anthem Address — "Reflex Blessings to Older Churches" . . Rev. Alexander D. McClure, D. D. Address . Rev. Alexander Sprunt, D. D. Prayer. Hymn No. 345 .... "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" Benediction. Organ Postlude. 4 ^t0ps "^eahtng la tl|c CPrgantzatton of tl|e d|urt:l| of t\]t (Eo^cnant More than fifteen years ago, at a meeting of the Session of the First Presbyterian Church, the matter of the estab- lishment of a church in the eastern section of our city was the subject of prayerful thought and discussion. By some, the necessity was then thought to be remote, but those with a vision of the future spoke for such action as would prepare the way for the time when such a church must be organized. Colonel Walker Taylor, a Ruling Elder of the First Church, on December 27, 1911, at the request of the Pastor, purchased a corner lot at Fifteenth and Market Streets, with a view of holding it until such a church as had been consid- ered might be organized. In the years 1913-1914 a very rapid extension of our city to the eastward so increased the population of this section, that the need for a church and Sunday School was admitted. At this time our Heavenly Father put in the hearts of those through whose love and devotion this church was made possible, the desire to accomplish this end and a small number of Presbyterians then residing in this part of our city were commissioned to secure a suitable site for this church. After mature consideration it was decided the location selected years before was the best for many reasons, and this lot was purchased November 22, 1915. As the plans for this church were developed it was found the original ground would not accommodate the structure; therefore, a second lot to the west of the property was ac- quired April 4, 1916. Plans and specifications were prepared and building was begun in summer of 1916. The corner-stone was laid Janu- ary 6, 1917, with appropriate services. The following sketch of the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander Sprunt was prepared for this occasion: ^i|tsi Cornerstone JSIas "^aih lanuarg ^ixtlj, 1917 This building, the Church of the Covenant, was erected by James Sprunt and William H. Sprunt, as a memorial of their parents, Alexander and Jane 5 Dalziel Sprunt. Both these parents were born and reared in Scotland. Imme- diately after their marriage, they made their home at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, where Mr. Sprunt was a RuHng Elder in the Presbyterian Church, as three generations of his ancestors had been in their home churches in Scotland. Mrs. Jane Dalziel Sprunt's family record showed five succeeding generations of Ruhng Elders in Scotland. He was a member of the large mercantile firm of Reed, Irving & Co., of London and Port-of-Spain, and held the civil office of Queen's Commissioner or Magistrate. Later, they spent several years in England and Scotland, and in 1851 came to America, and made their home in Wilmington, N. C. Here they identified themselves with the First Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Sprunt was made a Ruling Elder. In 1858 they became charter members of the Second Presbyterian Church, which was a colony from the First Church, and for several years worshipped in a little building on Chestnut Street, between Seventh and Eighth Streets. They contributed largely to the growth and development of this colony, which afterwards became St. Andrews Church. This is now a large and growing congregation, occupying the large building on the corner of Fourth and Campbell Streets. In connection with this church is a beautiful and well-equipped building for Sunday School and social work, given by William H. Sprunt as a memorial of his parents and other founders of the church. In 1865, after the close of the War Between the States, Mr. Sprunt founded the business of the present cotton exporting house of Alexander Sprunt & Son, which has its main office in Wilmington, with six branch offices in the United States and Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Sprunt brought five children with them to America, and four others were born to them in Wilmington. The oldest child, Margaret Tannahill, was married in April, 1871, to B. F. Hall, of Wilmington, and after forty-three years of happy married life, died in April, 1914, leaving her hus- band and seven children to cherish the sweet memory of her unselfish and holy life. At the date of the laying of this corner-stone the other eight children are still living, inheritors of the blessings of their Godly parents, and bringing forth the fruits of righteousness from the seed sown in their youthful minds. In the order of their ages, they are as follows: James Sprunt. Mrs. Mary Sprunt Wood (widow of the beloved physician. Dr. Thomas F. Wood), both of Wilmington, N. C. John D. Sprunt, Berkhampstead, England. Rev. Alexander Sprunt, D.D., Pastor of the First Presby- terian Church, of Charleston, S. C. T. E. Sprunt, WiUiam H. Sprunt and Mrs. Anna Sprunt Munds, of Wilmington, N. C. Mrs. Jeanie Sprunt Holmes, of Washington, D. C, widow of Dr. J. A. Holmes, the founder and first Director of the United States Bureau of Mines, 6 Besides these eight children, there are thirty-three grandchildren and twenty great-grandchildren, all baptized members, and, all who are over twelve years of age, communing members of the Presbyterian Church, and giving promise of exemplary and useful lives. Among the descendants of these godly parents are one Presbyterian minister, two foreign missionaries, and another preparing for the foreign mis- sionary field, and serving the two churches with which they were connected in Wilmington are three Ruhng Elders, three Deacons, and many others doing active work as private members, both in Wilmington and elsewhere. '''The Lord knoweth the days of the upright, and their inheritance shall he forever.'^ This corner-stone was laid in the presence of members of the family residing in Wilmington and a few friends. Simple services of Scripture reading and prayer were conducted by Rev. J. M. Wells, D. D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, and Rev. A. D. McClure, D. D., Pastor of St. Andrews, the two churches in which Mr. and Mrs. Sprunt served so faithfully, and from whose congregations the mem- bership of the Church of the Covenant will be largely drawn. With this paper the following memorials w^ere placed in the corner-stone: History of the First Presbyterian Church, 1817-1892, by Rev. P. H. Hoge, D. D. History of the First Presbyterian Church, 1892-1913, by Rev. J. M. Wells, D. D. History of St. Andrews Church. Cape Fear Chronicles, by James Sprunt. A Memorial Volume of Luola Murchison Sprunt, the beloved Wife of James Sprunt, who died February 17, 1916. The architects of this building were Mr. K. M. Murchi- son, of New York, associated with Mr. James F. Cause. Builders, Messrs. Rhodes & Underwood. The church building was finished in every detail and com- pletely furnished in December, 1917. The church was organized on June 6, 1918, just one year after laying the corner-stone, by a commission appointed by Wilmington Presbytery. 7 Heporl of Commtsston of HStlttttngton Presb^ter^ Appotntfb la O^rgams^ n Church at the Corner of ^Fifteenth anh ^arket Streets, JiStlmtngton, C^, Hlattuar^ 6, 1918 The Commission appointed by Presbytery to organize a church on the corner of Fifteenth and Market Streets, Wil- mington, N. C, met in the Session Room of the new build- ing at 7:30 P. M., Sunday evening, the 6th of January, 1918. There were present Rev. A. D. McClure, D. D., Rev. J. M. Wells, D. D., Rev. Andrew J. Howell, and Ruling Elders James Sprunt, W. H. Sprunt and B. F. Hall. Dr. McClure acted as Moderator, and Mr. Howell was appointed Clerk. The meeting was opened with prayer by Ruling Elder Hall. Four persons presented themselves before the Commis- sion, and were received upon statement of their former church membership, as members of the church to be organized. Three persons were received upon profession of faith. The Commission then proceeded to the Auditorium, the Moderator presiding. The Clerk read certificates of dismission for two persons from Immanuel Presbyterian Church and five persons from Delgado Presbyterian Church. Dr. Wells read a certificate from the First Presbyterian Church, dismissing sixty-five persons. Ruling Elder W. H. Sprunt read a certificate from St. Andrews Church, dismissing thirty-nine persons. These testimonials were received by the Commission. The Moderator then proposed the covenant required in Article 27 of the Book of Church Order and receiving the proper response, the church was declared to be duly consti- tuted. Mr. W. D. McCaig proposed for the new church the name of "The Church of the Covenant," which was by vote adopted. The Committee on Organization, previously appointed at a meeting of the persons proposing to join the new church 8 made the following nominations for Ruling Elders, the names being read by the Moderator: Mr. H. Lacy Hunt Mr. F. L. Pearsall Mr. W. A. Woods Mr. Joseph Sharrock Mr. C. W. Woodward Mr. W. D. McCaig They were unanimously elected by the congregation. Dr. Wells, on behalf of the Committee on Organization, read the following nominations to serve as Deacons: Mr. W. W. Love Mr. W. P. Sprunt Mr. J. F. Mann Mr. O. L. Browne Mr. L. E. Hall Mr. C. P. Gorman Mr. J. H. Davis Mr. R. C. Jones Mr. W. S. Johnson Mr. J. O. Carr They were unanimously elected. Mr. C. W. Woodward proposed the names of the follow- ing persons to serve as Trustees: Dr. R. B. Slocum Dr. W. H. Moore Mr. Warren S. Jones Mr. W. D. Hall Dr. E. R. Hart They were unanimously elected. A sermon was preached by Dr. Wells from John 8:32: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." The Elders-elect being present, they were ordained and installed according to the Book of Church Order, the Moder- ator propounding the constitutional questions and Dr. Wells offering the ordination prayer. The Deacons-elect being present, with the exception of Mr. O. L. Browne, they were likewise ordained and installed, the ordination prayer being offered by Mr. Howell. The Moderator addressed suitable words of congratula- tion to the new officers, and also to the members of the church. He made reference to the construction and presen- tation of the building by Messrs. James Sprunt and W. H. Sprunt, as a memorial to their parents, and the transfer of the property to the Trustees of Wilmington Presbytery for the benefit of the Church of the Covenant. Deacon J. O. 9 Carr, who is also Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Pres- bytery, made a fitting response. Upon dismissal of the congregation and the reading and approval of the minutes, the Commission adjourned with prayer by Ruling Elder W. H. Sprunt. Signed : A. D. McClure, D. D., A. J. Howell, Moderator. Clerk. Note. — Mr. O. L. Browne, who was absent from church on account of illness, Jan. 6th, was ordained and installed a Dea- con Jan. 13th. Since organization of the church, services have been held each Sunday, and several branches of church work have been organized. On January 13th, Rev. W. M. Baker preached and at this service the Deacons presented to the congregation the budget covering expenses for the year. The members of the congre- gation were called upon by the Deacons during the following week and their response was both cheerful and liberal. At this time every member is contributing to the support of the church. Early in January the Session called as Stated Supply, Rev. Marion S. Huske, of Fayetteville, N. C, who is under appointment to the foreign field. He began his work on January 20th, and under his acceptable ministry the church is going forward in unity, gaining strength daily for the work of God's Kingdom. therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all loivlhiess and meekness, with longsuffering, for- bearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace . ' ' — Ephesians 4:1-3. 10 The Ladies' Committee, of which Miss Margaret Gibson was Chairman, appointed to perfect the organization of a Sunday School, arranged for the first meeting to be held on the last Sunday of the year (December 30, 1917), at which time they presented a very carefully tabulated report, show- ing list of officers and teachers who had accepted positions temporarily pending permanent selection after organization. The list included nine classes, having thirteen teachers, with the four officers: Mr. C. W. Woodward, Superintendent; Mr. L. E. Hall, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Walter P. Sprunt, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. W. C. Munds, Musician. The prospective enrollment totalled ninety-one persons. A number of those on the prospect list did not become members, but notwithstanding this, on the 17th of January our enrollment was 164, showing a steady increase. Our rapid growth is also indicated by the following record of our weekly attendance: We regard this as an exceptionally good record, especially when we recall the large number of very cold, inclement Sun- days we have had during the past two months. Dec. 30th Jan. 6th Jan. 13th Jan. 20th 43 89 115 105 Jan. 27th Feb. 3rd.- Feb. 10 th Feb. 17th 116 110 138 143 11 On January 31, 1918, the women of the Church of the Covenant met in the Sunday School room for the considera- , tion of plans for the woman's work of the church. Mrs. \V. M. Baker, President of the Wilmington Presby- terial Auxiliary, presented the plan of organization adopted by the Woman's Advisory Committee and approved by th General Assembly of our church. This plan was unanimously adopted. The organization to be known as the Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of the Covenant was completed, with a charter membership of thirty-one, and the election of officers as fol- lows: President — [Mrs. J. O. Carr. Vice-President — Mrs. R. B. Slocum. Secretary — ]Mrs. E. R. Hart. Treasurer — Mrs. C. L. Meister. Secretarpes of Causes. Secretary of Foreign Missions — Mrs. H. L. Hunt. Secretary of Assembly Home Missions — Mrs. R. R. Christie. Secretary of Young Peoples' Work atid Sunday School Exten- sion — Mrs. E. Pliilyaw. Secretary of Literature — Mrs. J. B. Huntington. Secretary of Synodical Preshyterial Congregational Home Mis- sions — ]Mrs. J. Sharrock. Secretary of Christian Education and Ministerial Relief — IMrs. M. G. Burr. Secretary of Orphanage Work — ^]Mrs. C. W. Woodward. Secretary of Pastor's Aid — Mrs. F. L. Pearsall. Secretary of Social Activities — Mrs. W. S. Johnson. Circle Chairman. Mrs. Walter P. Sprunt. Mrs. M. L. Gibson. Mrs. W. H. Pemberton, Miss Rose Grant. GirW Auxiliary Leader — Mrs. J. K. Wise. Junior Auxiliary Leader — ]Miss Blanche Parsley. 12 "O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye peo- ple. For his merciful kindness is great tovjard us: and the truth of the Lord endureth forever. Praise ye the Lord."" — Psalm II'/. Ptlmtngton, Anders, Mrs. Ella J.. ....415 North 4th Street Anders, Mr. Leon 1616 Orange Street Anders, Mrs. Leon..... ...1616 Orange Street Anders, Car\-el King 1616 Orange Street Anders, Malinda.. 1616 Orange Street Bell, Mr. Paul B _ ..1902 Woolcott Avenue Bell, Mrs. Paul B ...1902 Woolcott Avenue Bellamy, Mr. Chesley C Castle Hayne Road Bellamy, Mrs. Chesley C. Castle Hayne Road Birmingham, Mr. Callie C 415 North 4th Street Birmingham, Mrs, Callie C 415 North 4th Street BoRDEAU, Miss Jimmie A. ..307 North 16th Street Browne, Mr. O. L 1809 Chestnut Street Browne, Mrs. O. L. .. ...1809 Chestnut Street Browne, Miss Grace V...__ ._ .,..1809 Chestnut Street Browne, Miss Alice E 1809 Chestnut Street Browne, Miss Gertrltje A . .. 1809 Chestnut Street Burr, Mrs. Mason G. 202 North 15th Street Carr, Mr. J. O 1901 Market Street Carr, Mrs. J. O 1901 Market Street Christie, Mr. Robert R., Jr. 114 Wrightsville Avenue Christie, Mr. Robert R., Jr. 114 Wrightsville Avenue CoLW^ELL, Mrs. Robert F 1716 Orange Street Davis, Mr. J. Holmes. 1707 Princess Street D.4\t:s, Mr. S. J 8 Wrightsville Avenue Farmer, Mr. George L 1901 Perry Avenue Farmer, Mrs. M.4.ria.... ._ 1901 Perry Avenue Gibson, Mrs. R. W 1804 Market Street Gibson, Miss Margaret .1804 Market Street Gorman, Mr. C. P ...1900 Woolcott Avenue Gorman, Mrs. C. P 1900 Woolcott Avenue Gr.abam, Mr. Eugene E Y. M. C. A. Grant, Miss E. Rose _ 205 North 13th Street Hall, Mr. L. E . 711 Dock Street Hall, Mrs. E. W 1511 Orange Street Hall, Mr. W. D .. .1701 Market Street Hall, Mrs. W. D. ...1701 Market Street Hall, Miss Katherine F..._ ...1701 Market Street Hart, Dr. E. R 1613 Princess Street 14 Hart, Mrs. E. R.. 1613 Princess Street Howe, Mr . J. G Wrightsville Avenue Hubbard, Mr. T. L., Jr 1004 Market Street Hubbard, Mrs. T. L., Jr 1004 Market Street Hunt, Mr. H. Lacy, 1009 Market Street Hunt, Mrs. H. Lacy..... 1009 Market Street Hunter, Mrs. J. W 1918 Market Street Huntington, Mr. J. B.... 205 North 13th Street Huntington, Mrs. J. B .205 North 13th Street Jarman, Mr. J. Frank 1910 Princess Street Jarman, Mrs. J. Frank...... .1910 Princess Street Jones, Mr. R. C. ...1615 Grace Street Jones, Mrs. R. C 1615 Grace Street Jones, Mr. Warren L 1609 Princess Street Johnson, Mr. Warren S 1519 Chestnut Street Johnson, Mrs. Warren S ...1519 Chestnut Street Kelly, Mr. J. R 1910 Perry Avenue Kelly, Miss Annie S 1701 Market Street King, Mr. A. M 307 North 16th Street King, Mrs. A. M 307 North 16th Street Lewis, Mrs. Louise Wise 1713 Market Street Little, Mr. Malcolm G 115 North 3rd Street Little, Mrs. Malcolm G ...115 North 3rd Street Love, Mr. W. W... 305 North 15th Street Love, Mrs. W. W .305 North 15th Street Mann, Mr. J. F.. .' .1802 Perry Avenue Mann, Mrs. J. F 1802 Perry Avenue Mann, Kenneth 1802 Perry Avenue Mann, Miss Evelyn 1802 Perry Avenue Mann, Mr. E. 4 Wrightsville Avenue Mann, Mrs. Eugenia 4 Wrightsville Avenue Mann, Miss Katie 4 Wrightsville Avenue Mann, Miss Ethel 4 Wrightsville Avenue Meister, Mr. Conrad L .1915 Market Street Meister, Mrs. Conrad L ...1915 Market Street Moore, Dr. W. Houston .203 North 3rd Street Moore, Mrs. W. Houston 203 North 3rd Street MuNDS, Mrs. W. C 818 Market Street McCaig, Mr. W. D 1711 Princess Street McCaig, Mrs. W. D 1711 Princess Street McDonald, Mr. Thomas Wrightsville Sound McDonald, Mrs. Thomas.. ...Wrightsville Sound Oliver, Mrs. David S 714 Market Street 15 Parsley, Miss Blanche... 1901 Market Street Pearsall, Mr. F. L.. 1708 Chestnut Street Pears ALL, Mrs. F. L 1708 Chestnut Street Pearsall, Mr. Horace..... No. 24 Colonial Apartment Pearsall, Mrs. Horace No. 24 Colonial Apartment Peschau, Mr. E. V. H... 210 Wrightsville Avenue Peschau, Mrs. E. V. H ...210 Wrightsville Avenue Pemberton, Mr. W. H 715 Dock Street Pemberton, Mrs. W. H 715 Dock Street Pemberton, Miss Elizabeth T 715 Dock Street Pemberton, Miss Hattie .. .715 Dock Street Peterson, Mr. H. E 1818 Castle Street Peterson, Mrs. H. E 1818 Castle Street Philyaw, Mrs. Eugene 1802 Market Street Pigott, Mr. J. C... 811 Ann Street Pigott, Mrs. J. C 811 Ann Street Pridgen, Mr. J. W 1707 Carolina Avenue Pridgen, Mrs. J. W 1707 Carolina Avenue Prease, Mrs. Thomas B 2020 Market Street Sharrock, Mr. Joseph 219 North 15th Street Sharrock, Mrs. Joseph ... ...219 North 15th Street Slocum, Dr. R. B 1811 Chestnut Street Slocum, Mrs. R. B...... , 1811 Chestnut Street SouTHERLAND, Mr. C. S 1701 Market Street Southerland, Mrs. F. McKoy 1618 Orange Street Sprunt, Mr. Alexander 223 North 3rd Street Sprunt, Mr. Walter P 219 North 3rd Street Sprunt, Mrs. Walter P ...219 North 3rd Street Underwood, Mr. A. M ... 211 South 17th Street Underwood, Mrs. A. M.. ... 211 South 17th Street Underwood, Miss Pauline . ..211 South 17th Street Underwood, Mr. Ural Alexander East Wilmington Walton, Mr. H. E . 19 South 9th Street Walton, Mrs. H. E ...19 South 9th Street Walton, Russel Elwood 19 South 9th Street Walton, Miss Annie Gertrude 19 South 9th Street Williams, Miss Martha. . .....20 South 5th Street Wise, Mrs. Jessie Kenan.... 1713 Market Street Woods, Mr. Walter A . Delgado Woods, Mrs. Walter A ..Delgado Woods, Miss Neenah F Delgado Woods, Miss Madge S Delgado Woods, Joseph T Delgado Woodward, Mr. C. W. 1903 Princess Street WooDviLLE, Mr, G. H 1911 Pender Avenue Woodville, Mrs. G. H .1911 Pender Avenue 16