The Auxiliary to the 
 Medical Society 
 of THE 
 State of North Carolina 
The Auxiliary to the 
 Medical Society 
 of THE 
 State of North Carolina 
 Organized April 18, 1923 
 Asheville, North Carolina 
 Cover designed by 
 Dr. Frederick R. Taylor 
 Associated With The 
 to the 
 "Service to Others" 
 Foreword 5 
 Membership Pledge 5 
 Object 5 
 Origin 6 
 Charter Members 7 
 Constitution and By-Laws 8 
 Plan of Organization Diagram 15 
 Advisory Committee 16 
 Policy 16 
 Auxiliary Representation in Other Organizations 16 
 Basic Tools for Officers and Committee Chairmen 18 
 Important Addresses 18 
 Administration of Stale and County Auxiliaries 19 
 Board of Directors 19 
 The President 19 
 Qualifications 19 
 Duties and Responsibilities 19 
 President-Elect 20 
 First Vice-President 20 
 Second Vice-President 21 
 Corresponding Secretary 21 
 Recording Secretary 22 
 Treasurer 22 
 State Finance Adviser 23 
 Parliamentarian 23 
 District Councilors 23 
 State Standing Committees 24 
 American Medical Education Foundation 24 
 Auxiliary News 25 
 Awards 25 
Bulletin 26 
 Civil Defense 26 
 Doctor's Day 26 
 Historian 27 
 Legislation 27 
 Memorials 28 
 Mental Health 28 
 Nominations 28 
 Program 29 
 Publicity 29 
 Community Service 29 
 Radio and Movies 30 
 Paramedical Careers Recruitment 30 
 Research 30 
 By-Laws 31 
 Community Health 31 
 Safety 31 
 Sanatoria Beds 31 
 Scrap Book 32 
 Student Loan Fund 32 
 Today's Health 32 
 Year Book 33 
 Stale Meetings of the A uxiliary 33 
 Board Meeting 33 
 Annual Convention 33 
 County Presidents 35 
 County Treasurers 35 
 Parliamentary Pointers 37 
 Past Presidents 39 
 Convention Cities 40 
 Map of State Showing Organization 42 
 Acknowledgements of Handbook Committee 43 
 The purpose of the Handbook is to provide members of the 
 Auxiliary to the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina 
 with a clearer understanding of the Auxiliary, its methods, its 
 policies, and its functions on the national, state, and county levels. 
 It is necessary that all members agree on fundamental policies, 
 principles, and practices. However, the Handbook is not intended 
 to be an arbitrary set of rules. It is to be used as a guide to assist 
 members in solving some of their problems. 
 This Handbook is dedicated to the Past Presidents whose efforts 
 have been largely responsible for the continuity of growth and 
 success of the Auxiliary through the years. 
 "I pledge my loyalty and devotion to the Woman's Auxiliary to 
 the American Medical Association. I will support its activities, 
 protect its reputation, and ever sustain its high ideals." 
 The object of this organization shall be to interpret the aims of 
 the medical profession to other organizations interested in the 
 promotion of health education; to assist in the entertainment at 
 the meetings of the Medical Society of the State of North Caro- 
 lina; to promote friendliness among the families of the medical 
 profession; and to do such work as may be approved from time 
 to time by the Advisory Committee appointed by the Medical 
 Society of the State of North Carolina. 
 The Woman's Auxiliary to the American Medical Association 
 was organized in St. Louis, Missouri, May 26, 1922. It was a 
 logical outgrowth of the state and county auxiliaries which were 
 already in existence in five states. The idea of a National Auxiliary 
 originated with the State Medical Association of Texas. Mrs. 
 Samuel Clark Red of Houston, Texas was the first president. 
 With Mrs. Paul Pressly McCain acting as chairman, the organi- 
 zational meeting of our Auxiliary was held in the ballroom of 
 the Kenilworth Inn in Asheville, on the morning of April 18, 1923; 
 this was at the time of the seventieth annual meeting of the Med- 
 ical Society of the State of North Carolina. Mrs. Samuel Clark 
 Red was present and made an address and helped with the organi- 
 The Auxiliary seal was designed in 1946 by Dr. Frederick Ray- 
 mond Taylor of High Point. 
 In May, 1957 at the annual meeting in Asheville, pins were 
 presented to each past president or a member of her family in 
 recognition of service. This pin will be presented to each succeed- 
 ing president of the State Auxiliary. 
 Mrs. Paul Pressly McCain 
 Whose Devotion, Wise Counsel, And Un- 
 daunted Spirit Have Moulded and Fashioned 
 This Auxiliary For Its First Thirty Years — 
 May Her Interpretation Of "Service To Oth- 
 ers" Be Its Guiding Spirit Through All The 
 Years To Come. 
 Mrs. E. C. Ashby — Mount Airy 
 Mrs. B. L. Ashworth — Marion 
 Mrs. A. McNeil Blair Southern Pines 
 Mrs. A. C. Bulla— Raleigh 
 Mrs. Jack H. Bullock— Oxford 
 Mrs. Paul C. Carter — Weldon 
 Mrs. B. O. Choate — Sparta 
 Mrs. G. W. Choate — Salisbury 
 Mrs. B. S. Compton — Oteen 
 Mrs. T. C. Craven — Ramseur 
 Mrs. H. Carlyle Dixon— Madison 
 Mrs. I. W. Faison — Charlotte 
 Mrs. Charles F. Gold — Ellenboro 
 Mrs. Graham Harden — Burlington 
 Mrs. Battle A. Hocutt— Clayton 
 Mrs. W. P. Holt— Duke 
 Mrs. W. L. Jackson — High Point 
 Mrs. T. C. Johnson — Lumberton 
 Mrs. James A. Keiger — Greensboro 
 Mrs. R. C. Kendricks — Elizabeth City 
 Mrs. A. A. Kent — Lenoir 
 Mrs. B. J. Lawrence — Raleigh 
 Mrs. R. C. Linney — Charlotte 
 Mrs. A. Y. Linville — Winston-Salem 
 Mrs. E. F. Long — Raleigh 
 Mrs. John W. Long — Greensboro 
 Mrs. R. McBrayer Sanatorium 
 Mrs. P. P. McCain — Sanatorium 
 Mrs. John W. McConnell — Davidson 
 Mrs. Hettie W. McGeachy — Kinston 
 Mrs. J. V. McGougan — Fayetteville 
 Mrs. C. Banks McNairy — Kinston 
 Mrs. W. A. McPhaul— Charlotte 
 Mrs. John McRae— Asheville 
 Mrs. J. S. Milliken — Southern Fines 
 Mrs. R. C. Mitchell— Raleigh 
 Mrs. Charles E. Moore — Greensboro 
 Mrs. K. C. Moore — Wilson 
 Mrs. J. Gerald Murphy — Wilmington 
 Mrs. John Q. Myers- Charlotte 
 Mrs. D. Heath Nisbet— Charlotte 
 Mrs. John B. Ray — Leaksville 
 Miss Edith Redwine — Asheville 
 Mrs. Charles R. Russell — Granite Falls 
 Mrs. D. E. Sevier — Asheville 
 Mrs. J. T. Sevier — Asheville 
 Mrs. H. L. Sloan — Charlotte 
 Mrs. H. F. Starr — Greensboro 
 Mrs. C. M. Strong— Charlotte 
 Mrs. George T. Watkins, Jr. — Durham 
 Mrs. J. Howell Way— Waynesville 
 Mrs. Frank D. Worthington — Charlotte 
 Revised 1956 
 The Auxiliary to the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina shall be 
 guided in all its activities by the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina 
 through an Advisory Committee of the Medical Society of the State of North 
 Section I - The name of this organization shall be The Auxiliary to the Medical 
 Society of the State of North Carolina, a branch of the Woman's Auxiliary to 
 the American Medical Association. 
 Section I - The objects of this organization shall be to interpret the aims of the 
 medical profession to other organizations interested in the promotion of health 
 education; to assist in the entertainment at the meetings of the Medical Society 
 of the State of North Carolina; to promote friendliness among the families of 
 the medical profession; and to do such work as may be approved by the Advisory 
 Committee of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina. 
 Section 1 - Membership in the Auxiliary to the Medical Society of the State of 
 North Carolina shall be composed of the wives and widows of members of the 
 Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, and may be restricted only upon 
 instructions from the Advisory Committee of the Medical Society. 
 Section J - Honorary Membership - (a) At any regular meeting of the House of 
 Delegates, a member may be voted to honorary membership by a majority vote, 
 provided the name has been presented to and passed upon at the Fall Board 
 Meeting. To be nominated, a member must have rendered distinguished service 
 in the work of the Auxiliary. Such honorary member shall be entitled to all privi- 
 leges of the Auxiliary and shall be exempt from payment of all dues. The State 
 Auxiliary shall assume the responsibility for payment of national dues for such 
 a member. 
 (b) Any member who has been a member of the Auxiliary continuously 
 for thirty (30) years, and who has paid dues continuously during that time, shall 
 become a life member and shall be entitled to all privileges of the Auxiliary. 
 Such member shall then be exempt from payment of dues, and national dues shall 
 be paid by the State Auxiliary. 
 County Auxiliaries may, at any time, by unanimous vote, elect honorary 
 or life members in accordance with (a) and (b). The County Auxiliary shall assume 
 responsibility for paying State and national dues for such members. 
 (c) Widows - Upon the death of a doctor in good standing, his widow 
 may continue to enjoy the privileges of the Auxiliary, provided such member 
 continues to pay dues according to local auxiliary by-laws. Such member may 
 vote, hold office, and represent the Auxiliary on any occasion, and is entitled 
 to honorary or life membership as outlined under Section 2 - (a) and (b). 
 Section 3 - Life membership may be conferred on the payment of $100.00. 
 Section 4 - The Annual Dues shall be used to pay the dues of the National 
 Auxiliary, and the balance shall be used to defray the expenses of this Auxiliary 
 as outlined in Article VIII - Section 3 (a). 
 Section I - The House of Delegates shall be the legislative and business body 
 of the Auxiliary and shall consist of the Board of Directors and delegates elected 
 by the component auxiliaries. 
 Section 2 - The House of Delegates shall meet during the Annual Meeting of 
 the Auxiliary. 
 Section 3 - This body shall hear all reports and act on recommendations from 
 the Board of Directors. 
 Section 4 - Each component Auxiliary shall be entitled to one delegate for the 
 first twenty-five (25) members or less, and an additional delegate for each addi- 
 tional twenty-five (25) members or any additional major fraction of twenty-five 
 Sections - Members of the County Auxiliaries and members-at-large may attend 
 the meeting of the House of Delegates unofficially. 
 Section 1 - The officers of this Auxiliary shall be a President, President-Elect, 
 First Vice-President. Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding 
 Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. The Organizing President shall be 
 the Honorary President for life and shall have all the privileges of an elected 
 Section 2 - The office of President-Elect shall alternate, if possible, between 
 the eastern and western sections of the State. The out-going President automat- 
 ically becomes First Vice-President. The in-coming President shall appoint the 
 Corresponding Secretary and the Parliamentarian. The Recording Secretary shall 
 be elected in odd years, and the Second Vice-President and Treasurer in even years. 
 Section 3 - All officers except the Corresponding Secretary and Recording 
 Secretary shall have previously served on the Board of Directors, and shall have 
 the endorsement of their local organization. 
 Section 4 - A majority of the delegates present and voting at an Annual Meeting 
 shall constitute an election. 
 Section 5 - There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of five members 
 and two alternates, no two of whom shall come from the same District. These 
 shall be elected at the Board Meeting immediately preceding the Annual Meeting. 
 They shall hold an organizing meeting at once to elect a Chairman from their 
 own number. The Recording Secretary may poll this vote by mail. 
 Section 6 - The Nominating Committee shall confer and come to an agreement 
 before asking anyone to serve, and shall obtain the consent of all nominees before 
 presenting their names. Nominations shall be permitted from the floor. 
 Section 7 - No officer, except the Treasurer and the Parliamentarian shall be 
 eligible for more than two consecutive years in the same office. 
 Section 8 - A vacancy occurring in an office shall be filled by the Executive 
 Committee. The President, as Chairman of the Executive Committee, may request 
 the Nominating Committee to submit a list of eligible candidates to fill a vacancy, 
 from which the Executive Committee may appoint an officer to fill the vacancy. 
 The vote may be taken by mail. 
 Section 1 - (a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Auxiliary, of 
 the Executive Committee, and of the Board of Directors. She may call special 
 meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and of all special 
 committees except the Nominating Committee. 
 (b) The President shall approve for disbursement all items in the An- 
 nual Budget and additional orders on the Treasury. She shall have general super- 
 vision of all affairs of the Auxiliary. 
 (c) The President shall appoint chairmen of standing committees 
 according to the procedure given in Article XV, Section 2. 
 (d) The President, as Chairman of the Board of Directors, shall present 
 its Annual Report and other business of importance to the Auxiliary at its An- 
 nual Meeting. 
 (e) The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees 
 except the Nominating Committee, and shall be consulted by them concerning 
 their work. 
 Section 2 - The President-Elect shall act as aide to the President, performing 
 all duties assigned by the President. She shall keep in touch with the activities 
 and projects of the Auxiliary to insure the continuity of the work. 
 Section 3 - Also to carry out the continuity of the work, the retiring President 
 shall automatically become First Vice-President, and shall be in charge of organi- 
 zation. If for any reason the President is unable to carry out the duties of her 
 office, this shall be considered a vacancy and shall be filled by the Executive 
 Committee. The First Vice-President shall have direct supervision of the work 
 of the Councilors and shall give their report at the Annual Meeting. 
 Section 4 - The Second Vice-President shall serve as Chairman of Activities. 
 It shall be her duty to promote the endowment and maintenance funds of the 
 beds at the State Sanatoria and the Auxiliary Loan Fund. She shall be permitted 
 to appoint such chairmen as may be deemed essential to raise funds and to interest 
 the membership in these activities. 
 Section 5 - The Recording Secretary shall keep in permanent form the Minutes 
 of the Auxiliary, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. She shall 
 keep a file of these members and notify them of their appointment. She may 
 work with a committee of three appointed by the President to prepare the 
 transactions of the Annual Meeting to be published in the September issue of 
 the North Carolina Medical Journal. 
 Section 6 - The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct such correspondence 
 as may be assigned by the President. 
 Section 7 - The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds of the Auxiliary. She 
 shall disburse them in accordance with the fiscal Budget or upon written order 
 of the President, who shall in turn be guided by the Finance and Budget Com- 
 mittee as to advisability of extraordinary expenditures. She shall make an Annual 
 Report of her stewardship, which shall be audited by a Certified Public Accountant. 
 Section 8 - The Parliamentarian shall interpret the By-Laws, and when called 
 upon, shall advise regarding procedure as directed by these By-Laws. 
 Section I - The Annual Meeting of the Auxiliary shall be held at the same time 
 and place as that of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina. If for 
 any reason an annual meeting cannot be held, the Board of Directors may transact 
 all business usually acted upon by the membership, including the election of 
 Section I - There shall be a Finance and Budget Committee, consisting of the 
 Treasurer, who by virtue of her office shall act as Chairman, the President- 
 Elect, and the First Vice-President. This Committee shall act in an advisory 
 capacity in all transactions involving the expenditure of Auxiliary funds. Any 
 suggestions for starting new projects must be approved by the Advisory Com- 
 mittee from the Medical Society. If they involve the expenditure of Auxiliary 
 funds, they must also be approved by the Finance and Budget Committee, and 
 then be voted upon at an Annual Meeting. 
 Section 2 - The Finance and Budget Committee shall submit to the Board of 
 Directors at its pre-convention meeting a budget for the ensuing year. This 
 Budget, together with any changes adopted by the Board, shall be submitted 
 to the Annual Meeting for discussion and adoption. It shall then be controlling 
 upon the Executive Committee. 
 Section 3 - (a) From the annual dues, the National Auxiliary dues shall be paid, 
 and the remainder shall be used to defray the expenses of the State Auxiliary, 
 subject to recommendations from the Finance Committee, and approved by the 
 Board of Directors and House of Delegates at the Annual Meeting. 
 (b) Moneys received from interest on United States Savings Bonds 
 held in safekeeping for the endowment funds, viz., McCain, Martin L. Stevens, 
 George M. Cooper and Paul Allison Yoder, shall be used for the upkeep of 
 these beds in the four State Sanatoria and shall be deposited in an account to 
 be known as the "Sanatoria Fund". At the end of each fiscal year the moneys 
 left in this fund, over and above $500.00, shall be divided among the endowment 
 funds which have not reached their goal, until such a time as a ten thousand 
 dollar ($10,000.00) total has been established for each of the beds. At such time 
 it shall be divided as directed by the Board of Directors and approved at the 
 Annual Meeting. 
 Section 4 - Moneys in the various funds: viz., McCain, Martin L. Stevens, 
 George M. Cooper, and Paul Allison Yoder Endowment Funds, have been 
 solicited and contributed by individuals interested in these special activities 
 and may not be used for any other purpose, until such time as a ten thousand 
 dollar ($10,000.00) endowment fund has been established for each of these beds. 
 At such time, future contributions may be allocated to other projects with the 
 approval of the Board of Directors and the House of Delegates at the Annual 
 Meeting. (See Article VIII, Section 1 and Article XI, Section 4). 
 Section 5 - Officers and chairmen whose work has necessitated the expenditure 
 of money during the year shall present an itemized statement to the Treasurer 
 two weeks before the Annual Meeting. These amounts shall not exceed the amounts 
 budgeted for any specific activity or officer. All budgeted funds not used shall 
 remain in the general fund. The Auxiliary is not responsible for any moneys 
 spent by any officer or chairman over and above the budgeted amount unless 
 approved by the Budget Committee and voted by the Executive Committee. 
 This vote may be taken by mail by the Chairman of the Budget Committee. 
 Section 6 - The Treasurer shall close her books after the Annual Meeting with 
 the close of the fiscal year, June 30 of that year, and shall present them to a 
 Certified Public Accountant for auditing. A copy of the Auditor's report shall 
 be placed in the Treasurer's records. The Auditor's report shall be published in 
 the North Carolina Medical Journal with the Annual Report of the Treasurer. 
 Section 7 - The Student Loan Fund shall be administered strictly according 
 to the By-Laws, Article XII. 
 Section 1 - The Executive Committee shall consist of the duly elected officers 
 and the Organizing President. 
 Section 2 - The Executive Committee shall perform the duties of the Board of 
 Directors between meetings of the Board, shall act in emergencies, and shall 
 transact all business referred to it by the Board. 
 Section 1 - The Board of Directors shall consist of the members of the Exec- 
 utive Committee, the Councilors, Chairmen of all Committees, Past Presidents, 
 Corresponding Secretary and Parliamentarian. 
 Section 2 - The management and control of the Auxiliary between the Annual 
 Meetings shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall meet prior to 
 the Annual Meeting each year to receive the reports of committees and officers, 
 and to formulate recommendations for the work of the coming year; and in the 
 fall of the year at the call of the President, to present plans for the year. 
 Section 3 - No general communication may be sent out by any member of the 
 Board of Directors, or by any other member of the Auxiliary without first being 
 submitted to the President for approval. 
 Section I - The members of this Auxiliary shall have as their major projects 
 the upkeep of the McCain Bed at McCain, Martin L. Stevens Bed at the Western 
 Sanatorium at Black Mountain, the George M. Cooper Bed at the Eastern Sana- 
 torium at Wilson, and the Paul Allison Yoder Bed in the Gravely Sanatorium 
 at Chapel Hill. 
 Section 2 - Doctors and members of doctors' families shall be given preference 
 as occupants of these beds. 
 Section 3 - Should no member of a doctor's family have need for these beds, 
 they may be used by any worthy person chosen by the Superintendents of the 
 Sanatoria and confirmed by the Chairmen of the Beds. 
 Section4 - There shall be endowment funds often thousand dollars ($10,000.00) 
 for each one of the beds at the four State Sanatoria, which shall be kept in 
 separate accounts and shall be known as the McCain Endowment Fund, The 
 Martin L. Stevens Endowment Fund, The George M. Cooper Endowment 
 Fund and The Paul Allison Yoder Endowment Fund, respectively. Money 
 may be given until the ten thousand ($10,000.00) total has been reached, to any 
 or all of these funds, and may not be voted for use by any other activity. These 
 funds shall be administered strictly according to Article VIII, Sections 3 and 4. 
 Section 5 - All moneys given to the Auxiliary without special designation shall 
 be divided among the endowment funds which have not reached their goal. 
 Section I - There shall be an Auxiliary Student Loan Fund, from which money 
 shall be lent to worthy individuals for use in the Junior and Senior years of their 
 study and training in medicine, nursing and allied fields. The choice of school 
 shall be left to the recipient of the loan. Preference shall be given to the sons 
 and daughters of doctors, but in all cases shall be based on financial need. 
 Section 2 - The loan shall be limited to $500.00 a year for two years to any one 
 Section 3 - No loans shall be made without the consent of the Executive Com- 
 mittee and the Advisory Committee of the State Medical Society, and shall be 
 disbursed by the Treasurer upon their advice. 
 Section 4 - All notes given as security for the loans shall mature in three years. 
 Interest at the rate of 3° shall begin one year after maturity. 
 Section I - The number of Councilors shall correspond to those of the State 
 Medical Society. 
 Section 2 - Councilors may be elected by their Districts or appointed by the 
 President. Under the direction of the First Vice-President, they shall have charge 
 of the extension work in their respective Districts, and shall serve for a term of 
 three years. 
 Section 1 - The Standing Committees may be created by the Board of Directors 
 as they are needed to promote the work of the Auxiliary. 
 Section 2 - The Chairman of the Committee on Nominations is elected for one 
 year only (See Article V, Section 5). The Chairmen of the Committee on Awards 
 and Press and Publicity are appointed by the President for one year only, and 
 may be reappointed. All other chairmen are appointed for a term of two years, 
 and may serve two consecutive terms. 
 The following Chairmen are to be appointed in ODD years: 
 Civil Defense Program 
 Doctor's Day Community Service 
 Legislation Radio, TV and Movies 
 Memorial Today's Health 
 Mental Health Safety 
 The following Chairmen shall be appointed in EVEN years: 
 American Medical Education Paramedical Careers Recruitment 
 Foundation Research 
 Auxiliary News By-Laws 
 Bulletin Community Health 
 Historian Scrap Book 
 Section 3 - According to Article VI, Section 4, the Second Vice-President may 
 appoint chairmen for the Sanatoria Beds and Student Loan Fund. These are 
 appointed for two years, or the term of her office, and may not be reappointed 
 for a consecutive term. 
 Section I - The Councilor to the Southern Medical Auxiliary shall be, ex-officio, 
 a member of the Board of Directors of this Auxiliary. 
 Section 2 - This Auxiliary shall have Chairmen of Research and Doctor's Day, 
 who shall interpret and promote these activities of the Southern Medical Auxiliary 
 in this organization. They shall work directly under the corresponding Chairmen 
 of the Southern Medical Auxiliary, reporting to them, to the State Councilor of 
 the Southern Medical Auxiliary, and to the Board of Directors of this Auxiliary. 
 Section 3 - The Research Chairman shall prepare such articles as may be requested 
 by the Research Chairman of the Southern Medical Auxiliary, and shall send 
 three typewritten copies to the Research Chairman of the Southern Medical 
 Auxiliary, one to the State Councilor, one to the Recording Secretary of this 
 Auxiliary, and keep one in her files to pass on to her successor. 
 Section 4 - The Chairman of Doctor's Day shall promote the observance of 
 March 30th as the day on which members of this Auxiliary will honor in some 
 manner the doctors of North Carolina. 
 These By-Laws may be amended at any Annual Meeting by a two-thirds vote 
 of the Delegates present and voting; provided the amendment has been presented 
 to the Board of Directors at its Fall meeting and is approved by it, or if the 
 amendment has been presented to the membership in writing, or has been pub- 
 lished in the Auxiliary News, at least thirty (30) days prior to the pre-convention 
 meeting of the Board of Directors and approved by them and the voting body 
 at the Annual Meeting. 
 Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the Parliamentary Authority for 
 this Organization. 
 Revised 5/31/ 56 
 What Is The Auxiliary to The Medical Society of the State of North 
 An organization serving as an aid to the medical Society in 
 promoting the objectives of the profession in the state. It has a 
 responsibility to the Woman's Auxiliary of the American Medical 
 Association as well as to the Medical Society. 
 How is it Organized? 
 The legislative and business body of the Auxiliary, under the 
 direction of the Advisory Committee of the Medical Society, is: 
 composed of 
 Executive Co'nraittee - 
 President President-Elect 
 Organizing President 
 First Vice-President ~ Second Vice-President 
 Recording Secretary Treasurer 
 I Past Presldunts 
 | Councilors"! 
 Appointed Officers 
 Corresponding Secretary 
 Auxiliary News 
 Radio and Movies 
 Civil Defense 
 Doctor's Day 
 Rural Health 
 Sanatoria Beds 
 Mental Health 
 Student Loan Fund 
 Nominations I else 
 Councilor to Southern 
 Medical Auxiliary 
 County auxiliaries are formed with the consent of the County 
 Medical Society. Hence, an advisory committee or council from 
 the county society to work closely with the officers of the auxiliary 
 is of major importance. Usually three or five physicians, well 
 versed in the work of the county society, are appointed by the 
 president of the county society to serve for one year. 
 Likewise, after the annual meeting of the state society in May 
 of each year an advisory committee is appointed by the president 
 of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina to work 
 closely with the officers of the State Auxiliary. The chairman of 
 the advisory committee is the special advisor to whom the pres- 
 ident may turn for advice frequently and quickly. This committee 
 must advise upon all matters of policy and review the program 
 of the State Auxiliary. 
 The Auxiliary to the Medical Society of the State of North 
 Carolina is a federacy of its component Auxiliaries and a constit- 
 uent Society of the Woman's Auxiliary to the American Medical 
 This Auxiliary shall not affiliate with other federated organiza- 
 tions nor endorse any commercial interest nor candidate for pub- 
 he office. Neither the name of the Auxiliary nor the name of any 
 officer in her official capacity shall be used in any connection with 
 a commercial concern, or with any political interest; however, 
 the Auxiliary may endorse or oppose pending legislation and 
 assume a stand on matters of public policy if so recommended 
 by its Advisory Committee from the Medical Society of the State 
 of North Carolina. 
 1 — The North Carolina Council of Women's Organizations 
 This Council which was organized in 1952, holds a Leadership 
 Training Workshop each year for delegates from member organi- 
 zations. The Auxiliary, a charter member, has two delegates ap- 
 pointed by the president. 
 2 — The North Carolina Family Life Council 
 We first sent a representative to this council in 1952. Its ob- 
 jectives are sponsoring Family Living Courses in all state high 
 schools and establishment of receiving homes for juvenile offend- 
 3 — The North Carolina Health Council 
 The Auxiliary has been represented since 1952 by two represen- 
 tatives appointed by the president. 
 4 — The North Carolina Mental Health Association 
 The state chairman of Mental Health of the Auxiliary serves 
 as the representative of this organization. She also serves as liaison 
 between the North Carolina Mental Health Association and the 
 county chairmen of Mental Health. She also promotes the ob- 
 servation of Mental Health Week. Our affiliation began in 1954. 
 5 — The Advisory Committee to the Medical Society Committee on 
 Rural Health and Education 
 The state chairman of Rural Health has served this group since 
 1956 as our representative from the Medical Auxiliary. She helps 
 plan the District Rural Health Conferences. 
 6 — North Carolina League for Nursing 
 Since 1956 the state Recruitment chairman has represented the 
 Auxiliary at the annual meeting of the North Carolina League 
 for Nursing. 
 7 — Eye Bank for Restoring Sight, Inc. 
 The president appointed the first representative from the Aux- 
 iliary in 1956. The Auxiliary has aided the educational drives 
 of this organization. 
 8 — Florence Crittenden Home 
 We have had a representative for this organization since 1956. 
 This is a home for unwed mothers in Charlotte. Our contribution 
 has been in educating the public about the home, giving money 
 and being influential in having the Home included in the budget 
 of local Community Chests. 
 HANDBOOK for State and County Auxiliaries. Published by 
 Woman's Auxiliary to A.M. A., 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 10, 
 Illinois; Cost — Fifty cents. 
 BULLETIN of Woman's Auxiliary to American Medical Associa- 
 tion. Published quarterly; subscription $1.00 per year. 
 TODAY'S HEALTH Magazine for both professional and lay 
 people. Published monthly by American Medical Association; 
 subscription $1.50 for physicians' families. 
 AUXILIARY NEWS, the publication of the Auxiliary to the 
 Medical Society of North Carolina. Published by the Public Re- 
 lations Department of Hospital Savings Association in Chapel 
 Hill, N. C. and sent free to all members of the Auxiliary to the 
 Medical Society of the State of North Carolina. 
 GUIDE TO SERVICES (Current Edition, American Medical 
 The American Medical Association Washington Letter, 1523 L 
 Street, N. W., Washington 5, D. C. 
 iliary members in September Issue; Minutes of Annual Meeting 
 in Special Supplement in October. 
 FILES of material from predecessor. 
 American Medical Association, 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 10, 
 The Medical Society of the State of North Carolina; Mr. James 
 T. Barnes, Executive Director, 203 Capital Club Building, Ral- 
 eigh, N. C. 
 Mr. William N. Hilliard, Executive Assistant for Public Relations, 
 212 Capital Club Building, Raleigh, N. C. 
 Rural Health Consultant, 203 Capital Club Building, Raleigh, N.C. 
 Southern Medical Association, Birmingham, Alabama 
 The A.M.A., Washington office— 1523 L St., N. W., Washington 
 5, D.C. 
 I Board of Directors 
 (Seep. 12. Constitution and By-Laws) 
 II Officers 
 The President 
 Qualifications: The State President must be an active member 
 of the Woman's Auxiliary to the American Medical Association. 
 In addition, she must have had at least one year's experience as 
 a county president; two years' experience as an active member 
 of the State Board; and the endorsement of her local organization. 
 Duties and Responsibilities: The President is the chief executive 
 of the state auxiliary, and in this capacity, her chief duty is to 
 promote the objectives of the auxiliary as set forth in the consti- 
 tution and by-laws. She shall represent the auxiliary at all meetings 
 of other organizations with which the auxiliary is affiliated, to 
 which she is invited, insofar as possible. 
 1. Select the chairmen of standing and special committees, 
 unless otherwise provided for in the constitution and by-laws. 
 2. Consult the Advisory Committee from the Medical Society 
 on all proposed policies and projects. 
 3. Plan the program and work with the help of the Executive 
 Committee, with a specific goal in mind for the year's work. 
 4. Compile a yearbook. 
 5. Preside at all meetings of the auxiliary, (a) Select place and 
 date, and plan the Fall Board Meeting and Workshop with the 
 help of a local arrangements committee, (b) Plan Annual Conven- 
 tion with help of local arrangements committee. 
 6. Attend the annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary to the 
 American Medical Association and the mid-year Conference of 
 State Presidents, Presidents-Elect, and National Committee Chair- 
 men held in Chicago. (Expenses to the latter paid by the State 
 Medical Society). 
 7. Assist county presidents and district councilors: (a) Field 
 visits, (b) Communications through personal and form letters, 
 (c) Messages in The Auxiliary News. 
 8. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the 
 nominating committee. 
 9. Submit reports: (a) Annual report to the auxiliary, (b) An- 
 nual report to the Medical Society, (c) List of state officers and 
 chairmen with addresses to the Woman's Auxiliary to the Ameri- 
 can Medical Association, immediately after the Annual Conven- 
 tion, (d) Annual report to the Woman's Auxiliary to the American 
 Medical Association. 
 10. Expense account sent to the Treasurer by April 10th. 
 The President shall remember at all times that she represents 
 an organization of over 2,000 members, and that her responsibility 
 extends beyond the actual work of the auxiliary program. 
 State President-Elect — The State President-Elect is the person 
 upon whom the office of President is expected to fall at the next 
 Annual Convention. Her duties are: 
 1 . Serve as a member of the Executive Committee and Board 
 of Directors. 
 2. Serve as a member of the Budget and Finance Committee. 
 3. Act as aide to President. 
 4. Attend National Conference of State Presidents and Presi- 
 dents-Elect in Chicago. Expenses paid by Medical Society. 
 5. Use the year as a period of self-education in all Auxiliary 
 6. Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and the 
 Board of Directors. 
 7. Select chairmen of committees prior to Annual Convention. 
 8. Request the appointment of an Advisory Committee from 
 the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina after the An- 
 nual Convention. 
 9. Annual report due when requested by president. 
 10. Expense account should be sent to the treasurer by April 10. 
 First Vice-President — The office of First Vice-President is auto- 
 matically filled by the retiring President of the State Auxiliary. 
 Her duties are: 
 1. Chairman of Organization and Membership. 
 2. Direct the work of the District Councilors who are respon- 
 sible for the county organization in her District as well as mem- 
 3. Serve as a member of the Executive Committee and Board 
 of Directors. 
 4. Serve as a member of the Budget and Finance Committee. 
 5. Preside in the absence of the President. 
 6. Annual report of the work of the Councilors when requested 
 by president. 
 7. Expense account sent to the Treasurer by April 10. 
 8. To encourage membership-at-large in unorganized counties. 
 Second Vice-President — The Second Vice-President is elected in 
 even years for a term of two years. Her duties are: 
 1. Chairman of Activities. 
 2. Serve as member of the Board of Directors and the Exec- 
 utive Committee. 
 3. Preside in the absence of the President and the First Vice- 
 4. Appoint the following Chairmen and keep them informed 
 of their duties: 
 (a) Cooper Bed Chairman 
 (b) McCain Bed Chairman 
 (c) Stevens Bed Chairman 
 (d) Yoder Bed Chairman 
 (e) Student Loan Fund Chairman 
 5. Annual report of the appointed chairmen when requested 
 by president. 
 6. Expense account sent to the Treasurer by April 10. 
 State Corresponding Secretary — The State Corresponding Secre- 
 tary is appointed by the President for a term of one year. Her 
 duties are: 
 1 . Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 2. Conduct the general correspondence of the Auxiliary as 
 authorized by the President, keeping a carbon copy of all corre- 
 3. Send notification of the Board of Directors Meetings. 
 4. Annual report due when requested by president. 
 5. Expenses included in President's account. 
 State Recording Secretary — The State Recording Secretary is 
 elected in odd years for a term of 2 years. Her duties are: 
 1 . Serve as a member of the Board of Directors and Executive 
 2. Keep in permanent form the minutes of the Auxiliary, the 
 Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors meetings. 
 3. Prepare the transactions of the Annual Convention for 
 publication in the North Carolina Medical Journal. 
 4. Deliver official minutes and records to her duly elected and 
 installed successor. 
 5. Annual report due when requested by president. 
 6. File copy of minutes with C.P.A. 
 State Treasurer — The State Treasurer is elected in even years 
 for a term of 2 years. Her duties are: 
 1 . Serve as a member of the Board of Directors, the Executive 
 Committee, and Chairman of the Finance Committee. 
 2. Prepare the annual budget for approval of the Finance Com- 
 mittee, Executive Board, and House of Delegates at Convention. 
 3. Send packets with instructions and necessary materials to 
 County Treasurers in September, impressing upon County Treas- 
 urers the necessity for early collection of dues and sending $2.00 
 per member to the State Treasurer between January 1 and January 
 3 1 (or as much before as possible). 
 4. Send dues of $1.00 per member to National before March 
 15 in order that all members may be in good standing. 
 5. Obtain from County Treasurers a list of deceased members. 
 6. Receive and disburse funds in accordance with the current 
 7. Receive and disburse funds contributed to the Endowment 
 Funds and the Student Loan Fund, making reports at frequent 
 intervals before Convention to the Chairmen of these funds. 
 8. Purchase United States Savings Bonds for the Endowment 
 Funds when necessary, keeping these Bonds in a bank Safe De- 
 posit Box. 
 9. Assist the Student Loan Fund Chairman by handling loans 
 which are approved and also collecting the loans upon maturity. 
 10. Keep an alphabetical card file of members showing the years 
 dues are paid and the state offices held. 
 1 1 . Send lists to the Auxiliary News Chairman and President- 
 Elect of new members, "dropped" members, and changes of address. 
 12. Make reports to the President at frequent intervals in order 
 that she may be informed regarding the financial status of the 
 13. Make an Annual Report which shall be audited by a Certi- 
 fied Public Accountant. 
 14. File audited report with the State Medical Society Office 
 for publication in the North Carolina Medical Journal, including 
 a brief narrative of the year's work. 
 15. Compile alphabetical list of members with addresses, indi- 
 cating county auxiliary by "key" numbers, for publication in the 
 North Carolina Medical Journal. 
 16. File a Financial Report of Convention Income and Expenses 
 with Mr. James T. Barnes, Executive Secretary of the Medical 
 State Finance Adviser — (Immediate Past Treasurer — Appointed 
 by the President) — Duties: 
 1. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 2. Act in advisory capacity on financial questions whenever 
 requested to do so. 
 State Parliamentarian — The State Parliamentarian is appointed 
 by the President for a term of 1 year. Her duties are: 
 1 . Be present at all meetings of the Auxiliary and the Board 
 of Directors. 
 2. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 3. Be familiar with Robert's Rules of Order Revised, and with 
 the State By-Laws. 
 4. Render a parliamentary opinion when called upon to do so. 
 HI State District Councilors 
 The State District Councilors are elected at District Meetings or 
 appointed by President for a term of 3 years. Their duties are: 
 1. Represent the members-at-large and Auxiliaries of her Dis- 
 trict on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and the An- 
 nual Convention. 
 3. Be familiar with the counties of her district and work with 
 the President of each County Auxiliary. 
 4. Serve under the First Vice-President in organizing new coun- 
 ty auxiliaries and securing members-at-large. 
 5. Arrange with the President of the hostess County Auxiliary 
 and the District Councilor of the Medical Society details and 
 program for the District meetings. 
 6. Send invitations to the District meetings to all County Aux- 
 iliaries comprising the district, its members-at-large, those eligible 
 for membership, as well as the State President and President-Elect. 
 7. Preside at District Meetings. 
 8. Keep informed on all Auxiliary projects. 
 9. Hold the election of her successor at the District Meeting 
 in the event her term is expiring, or if no District Meeting is held, 
 to secure someone to serve in that capacity, reporting the name 
 to the President and President-Elect for official appointment. 
 10. Secure from County Presidents the names of those women 
 in the District able and willing to fill the vacancies occurring on 
 the Board of Directors. Those names to be sent to the President- 
 Elect January 1. 
 1 1 . Annual report due when requested by president. 
 12. Are responsible to the state president for the annual reports 
 of the county presidents in her district. 
 13. Expense account sent to Treasurer by April 10. 
 IV State Standing Committees 
 American Medical Education Foundation — The American Med- 
 ical Education Foundation is a fund-raising project of the Ameri- 
 can Medical Association designed to alleviate the financial diffi- 
 culties of the nation's medical schools through private funds. 
 Chairman appointed in even years for a term of 2 years. Her 
 duties are: 
 1. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 2. Inform members of the importance of this project through 
 County Chairman. 
 3. Deposit promptly contributions to the AMEF Auxiliary 
 Fund bank account. 
 4. Keep the following records accurately: 
 (a) Income report form 
 (b) Amounts contributed 
 (c) Names of contributors 
 (d) Type of contribution — Memorial or Honorary 
 (e) Name of school, if any, for which contributions are 
 5. Acknowledge all contributions. 
 6. Send to State Doctor's Day Chairman a list of those Aux- 
 iliaries making contributions to AMEF in honor of Doctor's Day. 
 7. Annual report for State President due February 20 in trip- 
 licate, double spaced and typed. Retain one for files, send two 
 to President. 
 8. Expense account (see budget) to Treasurer by April 10. 
 9. Forward all funds to National Auxiliary AMEF Chairman 
 with Income Form Report by May 15. 
 Auxiliary News — In August 1949, when Mrs. Thomas Leslie Lee 
 was president, Mrs. H. M. Dalton, press and publicity chairman 
 sent a newsletter to all Board members of the Auxiliary. In 1952 
 the Hospital Care Association of Durham sponsored a quarterly 
 newsheet which was sent to all Auxiliary members. 
 This Chairman is appointed in even years for 2 years. Since 
 1953 the Auxiliary News is published by the Public Relations 
 Department of Hospital Savings Association in Chapel Hill, the 
 Auxiliary supporting the costs of mailing list and dispatch post- 
 age. Each member receives it upon payment of her $2.00 State 
 Dues. Duties are: 
 1 . Serve on Board of Directors 
 2. Encourage each County Chairman to: 
 (a) send in interesting local Auxiliary news as well as 
 clippings and glossy prints from the local newspaper. 
 (b) report any changes of address and names and address- 
 es of new members. 
 3. Serve as a medium of communication from State officers 
 to the membership and to interpret the activities and achievements 
 of the Auxiliaries to the membership. 
 4. Deadlines are: 
 September 15 — Fall Issue 
 December 15 — Winter Issue 
 March 15 — Spring Issue 
 June 15 — Summer Issue 
 5. Annual report due when requested. 
 6. Expenses for Auxiliary News is a budgeted item. 
 Awards — This Chairman appointed annually by the President. 
 Her duties are: 
 1 . Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 2. Appoint 3 members to serve with her on this committee 
 (considering the proximity of the appointees) 
 3. Outline method of reporting for the County Presidents. 
 4. Check with all donors of past Awards to see if they are to 
 be continued. 
 5. Present report of the Awards Committee at the Annual 
 6. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Bulletin — The BULLETIN is one of our chief means of com- 
 munication. It is published in Sept., Jan., March, and May. The 
 price is one dollar per year. It is a MUST for all officers and 
 chairmen of state and county. A member cannot be informed on 
 National Auxiliary activities unless she has the BULLETIN as a 
 source. Auxiliary activities? Read about them in the BULLETIN. 
 Its duties are: 
 1. Encourage 100% subscription by membership, possible by 
 including the price of the subscription in the dues. 
 2. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 3. Annual report due February 20. 
 4. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Civil Defense — Appointed in even years for 2 years. Civil De- 
 fense has become a part of our daily living. It is essential that 
 each Auxiliary member know how to care for her family in the 
 event of an enemy attack or natural disaster. Duties are: 
 1 . Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 2. Attend regional and state meeting of Civil Defense. 
 3. Provide material for Civil Defense programs for County 
 4. Urge the establishment of Civil Defense Organizations in 
 those counties in which they are absent. 
 5. Urge a real contribution to Civil Defense through the local 
 Civil Defense Director. 
 6. Encourage participation in the Emergency Food Storage 
 7. Annual report due when requested. 
 8. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Doctor's Day — Appointed in odd years for a term of 2 years. 
 March 30 - Project of the Auxiliary to the Southern Medical 
 Association. The purpose of Doctor's Day is to honor the medical 
 profession. The official flower is the red carnation. Duties are: 
 1 . Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 2. Send list of suggestions for observance of Doctor's Day to 
 County Chairmen. 
 3. Arrange displays of posters and scrapbooks from County 
 Auxiliaries pertaining to Doctor's Day at the Annual Convention 
 (Posters and scrapbooks are the responsibility of county chair- 
 4. Annual report due when requested. 
 5. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Historian — Appointed in even years for 2 years. Duties are: 
 1. Collect, arrange, and file reports from State Officers and 
 Chairmen, Councilors, County Presidents and such special reports 
 as are appropriate. 
 2. Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 3. Compile annual history of the State Auxiliary and send to 
 National History Committee. 
 4. Report should include: 
 (a) list of names and addresses of officers and standing 
 committee chairmen 
 (b) list of members in the state who hold national positions 
 (c) outstanding achievements of the Auxiliary year 
 (d) brief summary of the Annual Meeting, including date 
 and place, number registered, special guests and speak- 
 ers and a copy of the program 
 5. Annual report to the President due when requested. 
 6. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Legislation — Appointed in odd years for 2 years. The future of 
 American Medicine will, no doubt, hinge upon future legislation. 
 It is therefore essential that the Auxiliary membership keep in- 
 formed on proposed Federal and State legislation in fields of 
 health and welfare programs. An active cooperation by the Aux- 
 iliary with the Medical Society is of the utmost importance. Duties 
 1. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors 
 2. Forward the names and addresses of the State Committee 
 members and County Chairmen to National Auxiliary's central 
 office, requesting placement on the AMA Washington Office 
 mailing list for material on legislation (Washington Letter - A.M. A. 
 Washington Office, 1523 L St., N. W., Washington 5, D. C.) 
 3. When possible, establish friendly relationship with congress- 
 men and other lawmakers, and encourage the County Chairmen 
 to do likewise. 
 4. Keep informed by reading available material on Medical 
 5. Send suggestions to County Chairmen on specific legislation 
 requiring attention. 
 6. Emphasize the importance of each County President request- 
 ing a brief report on current health legislation at each meeting. 
 7. Consult frequently with Program and Public Relations Chair- 
 men for closer cooperation. 
 8. Annual report due when requested. 
 9. Expense account to Treasurer April 10. 
 Memorials — Appointed in odd years for 2 years. Duties are: 
 1. Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Obtain from the Treasurer or Memorials Chairmen of each 
 County Auxiliary a list of deceased members of that year. 
 3. Send list of deceased members to the National AM A Aux- 
 iliary Office. 
 4. Conduct Memorial Service at Annual Convention. 
 5. Annual report due when requested. 
 6. Expense included in Convention Budget. 
 Mental Health — Appointed in odd years for a term of 2 years. 
 Mental Health is the number one health problem in our nation 
 today. Duties are: 
 1. Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Study existing conditions in the state and nation regarding 
 mental health facilities and needs. 
 3. Attend the meetings of the North Carolina Mental Health 
 4. Encourage active participation in the North Carolina Mental 
 Health Association and observance of Mental Health Week. 
 5. Urge the inclusion of the topic of Mental Health in County 
 6. Annual report due when requested. 
 7. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 State Nominating Committee — The State Nominating Commit- 
 tee is composed of five members, no two of whom shall be from 
 the same district; elected, with two alternates, at the Pre-Con- 
 vention Board Meeting for a term of 1 year; the Chairman to be 
 elected at their meeting immediately following their election. Its 
 duties are: 
 1. Present a slate of officers at the Annual Convention as 
 Odd Years: President-Elect, Recording Secretary. 
 Even Years: President-Elect, Second Vice-President, 
 2. Notify the President-Elect of the slate upon its completion. 
 3. Report shall be made public only at the Annual Convention. 
 4. If any vacancy should occur in any office the President may 
 request the Nominating Committee to submit a list of eligible 
 5. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Program — Appointed in odd years for 2 years. Duties are: 
 1. Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Distribute suggestions for program material from the Na- 
 tional Office. 
 3. Stress the importance of accurate files for County Chairmen 
 to be used the following year if necessary. 
 4. Work closely with other State Chairmen in distribution of 
 specific material for programs. 
 5. Annual report due when requested. 
 6. Expense account due April 10 to Treasurer. 
 Publicity — Appointed annually by the President. Duties are: 
 1. Publicize Auxiliary activities through the press as well as the 
 Auxiliary News, particularly concerning the annual convention. 
 2. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Community Service — No one month or special time is designated 
 for public relations because public relations are full time. Your 
 contacts as auxiliary members are public relations. As you are 
 recognized and identified as a member of the Auxiliary, you for 
 the moment personify the Auxiliary to your audience or beholder. 
 The impression created of our organization will be the impression 
 created by you. 
 Appointed in odd years for 2 years. Duties are: 
 1 . Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Send a current copy of County Public Relations Chairmen 
 to the State Society and National offices. 
 3. Provide a list of selected approved suggestions for County 
 4. Collaborate with the Public Relations Committee of the 
 Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, Mr. William N. 
 Hilliard, Executive Assistant, by sponsoring the High School Es- 
 say Contest — Topics 1956-57 "The Advantages of Private Med- 
 ical Care", and "The Advantages of the American Free Enterprise 
 5. Annual report due when requested. 
 6. Expense account due to Treasurer April 10. 
 7. Clippings of each medical related story appearing in local 
 newspapers should be mailed to Executive Assistant for Public 
 Relations, 212 Capital Club Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. 
 Radio and Movies — Appointed in odd years to serve for 2 years. 
 The primary function of this committee is to assist in arranging 
 worthwhile radio and television programs and to provide appro- 
 priate films for various Auxiliary activities. Duties are: 
 1 . Serve on the Board of Directors 
 2. Present special project for the year. 
 3. Prepare list of available material. 
 4. Annual report due when requested. 
 5. Expense account due to Treasurer April 10. 
 6. Collaborate with State Society, Public Relations, Visual 
 Education, Refer to Mr. William N. Hilliard. 
 Paramedical Careers Recruitment — Appointed in even years for 
 2 years. Duties are: 
 1. Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Stimulate interest in careers in nursing and encourage close 
 cooperation with the North Carolina State Nurses Association, 
 and the North Carolina League for Nursing. 
 3. Work with the Student Loan Fund Chairman to publicize 
 the available fund for nursing careers. 
 4. Make available program and recruitment material for Coun- 
 ty Auxiliaries. 
 5. Request reports from County Auxiliaries of available schol- 
 arships and loans with full particulars to be kept in accurate file. 
 6. Annual report due when requested. 
 7. Expense account due April 10 to Treasurer. 
 Research — Appointed in even years to serve for two years. A 
 project of Southern Medical Association Auxiliary. Duties are: 
 1. Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Request for retention in files: 
 a. Information on outstanding contributions to the progress 
 of Medicine in each county. 
 b. Honors bestowed upon doctors. 
 c. Biographies of pioneer doctors. 
 d. Clippings concerning doctors in county. 
 3. Annual report due when requested by president. 
 4. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 By-Laws — Appointed in even years for a term of two years. 
 Duties are: 
 1. Serve on Board of Directors. 
 2. Be familiar with the State By-Laws as well as the By-Laws of 
 the Woman's Auxiliary to the American Medical Association. 
 3. Be familiar with Robert's Rules of Order Revised. 
 4. Publish proposed revisions to the By-Laws in the Auxiliary 
 News, thirty days prior to the Annual Convention. 
 5. Annual report due when requested by president. 
 6. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Community Health — Appointed in even years for a term of two 
 years. Duties are: 
 1. Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Stimulate interest in the Rural Health program. 
 3. Attend the annual Rural Health Conference as a represen- 
 tative from the Auxiliary. 
 4. Annual report due when requested by the president. 
 5. Serve on the Advisory Committee to the Medical Society 
 Committee on Rural Health and Education and help plan the 
 District Rural Health Conferences. 
 6. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Safety — Safety committee began in 1958. The Chairman is ap- 
 pointed in odd years for a term of two years. Duties are: 
 1 . Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Stimulate interest in Safety. May have a Safety Exhibit at 
 the Annual Convention for this purpose. 
 3. Annual report due when requested by the president. 
 4. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Sanatoria Beds — Appointed by the Second Vice-President in 
 even years. Duties are: 
 1. Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. To determine, by recommendations from the Medical Staff, 
 who will occupy the beds. 
 3. Solicit funds for the completion of the Yoder Bed Endow- 
 ment Fund. 
 4. Keep in touch with the occupant of each bed, and inform 
 the Auxiliary of his needs. 
 5. Supply County Auxiliaries with a remembrance schedule for 
 each bed and request clearance with each chairman to prevent 
 duplication of gifts. 
 6. Encourage visits to bed guests. 
 7. Annual report to president and second vice-president when 
 8. Expense account due to the Treasurer April 10. 
 Scrapbook — Appointed in even years for two years. Duties are: 
 1. Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Request all news items, pictures and other materials con- 
 cerning County Auxiliaries for Scrapbook. 
 3. Request Yearbooks from those Auxiliaries publishing them. 
 4. Request Chairman in county holding District Meeting for 
 news items. 
 5. All material for State Scrapbook must be sent in by April 15. 
 6. Compile and display Scrapbook at Annual Convention. 
 7. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Student Loan Fund — The Student Loan Fund was created May, 
 1930, for the purpose of providing education for doctors' children 
 who by some circumstance would need a temporary loan. In 1952 
 the amount of the loan was increased to $500.00 per person in- 
 stead of $100.00 and in 1955 it was made available to worthy 
 individuals for use in their junior and senior years in their study 
 and training in medicine, nursing, and allied fields. 
 To procure a loan, application is made to the Chairman, who 
 in turn must consult with the Executive Committee and the Ad- 
 visory Committee. 
 Appointed by the Second Vice-President in even years for a term 
 of two years. Duties are: 
 1. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 2. Investigate all applications in cooperation with the Executive 
 Committee to award the loans. 
 3. Report on the progress of the recipient of the loan. 
 4. Encourage contributions to support this fund. 
 . Annual report to the president and the second vice-president 
 when requested. 
 6. Expense account to the Treasurer by April 10. 
 Today's Health — Appointed in odd years for two years. The 
 circulation of the American Medical Association's publication, 
 Today's Health, is the responsibility of every Auxiliary member. 
 Duties are: 
 1. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
 2. Act as liaison between County and National Chairmen. 
 3. Distribute lists of renewals sent out by the National office. 
 4. Keep an accurate account, by counties, of subscriptions over 
 the state. 
 5. Encourage wider circulation. 
 6. Annual report to President when requested. 
 7. Expense account to Treasurer by April 10. 
 Yearbook — Duties are: 
 1 . Serve on the Board of Directors. 
 2. Appoint a committee to assist her in her work. 
 3. Revise Yearbook material as necessary. 
 4. Edit annual publication of the yearbook. 
 5. Expenses included in President's budget for Printing and 
 I-Board of Directors Meeting 
 The Board of Directors shall meet in the fall at the call of the 
 president. With the help of the Executive Committee she selects 
 the place and date. The local County or District Auxiliary shall 
 be responsible for the arrangements committee. 
 A. Duties and Responsibilities of the Chairman: 
 a. Place of meeting 
 b. Hospitality and Information 
 c. Registration and Distribution of packets 
 d. Entertainment (luncheon menu and decorations) 
 e. Equipment (committee meeting rooms etc.) 
 f. Credentials 
 If possible, plans for this meeting should be announced at the 
 State Convention. (President-Elect's Board Meeting). 
 1 1 -Annual Convention 
 The Annual Convention of the Auxiliary shall be held at the 
 same time and place as that of the Medical Society of the State 
 of North Carolina. The voting delegates of the convention are: 
 Board of Directors and the delegates elected by the component 
 All members of the Auxiliary may attend the sessions of the 
 convention and doctors' wives who are not members are privi- 
 leged to attend as guests. 
 The Annual Convention is the outstanding opportunity of the 
 year for stimulating the state work. The counties most successful 
 in promoting the work of the Auxiliary are those whose officers 
 and members avail themselves of this opportunity. The State 
 Auxiliary directs the plans for the Annual Convention. They 
 should be made and approved by January each year and should 
 be widely publicized. The president-elect should be consulted 
 and given an opportunity to hold a convention board meeting. 
 The local county or district auxiliary shall be responsible for 
 the arrangements committee with the assistance of the president's 
 county auxiliary if desired. 
 The president should appoint a Convention Chairman and meet 
 with her and her committee to work out all details of the meeting 
 as early as January. 
 Duties and responsibilities of the Convention Chairman: 
 1 . As soon as appointed the chairman should confer with the 
 chairman of the committee on local arrangements from the Med- 
 ical Society as to: Headquarters and general plan of entertainment. 
 2. She should appoint the chairmen and co-chairmen of the 
 following committees; (subject to change if needed) 
 a. Information and hospitality 
 b. Credentials 
 c. Entertainment (luncheon, tea, golf, fashion show, bingo, 
 bridge party, etc.) 
 d. Flowers and decorations 
 e. Transportation 
 f. Publicity 
 g. Exhibits 
 h. Executive Meetings 
 i. Convention equipment 
 3. She should give specific instructions to each committee, the 
 membership of which should be according to the duties. 
 4. She should keep in touch with all committee chairmen and 
 the State president. 
 5. A gift of $500.00 (Five hundred dollars) is given to the Aux- 
 iliary each year by the Medical Society of the State of North 
 Carolina to cover the cost of the Convention. The fund is dis- 
 bursed by the State Treasurer upon the authorization of the State 
 Convention Chairman. 
 6. She should be careful to keep Convention expenses within 
 the $500.00 allocated for the Convention. 
 County Presidents 
 Duties and responsibilities: 
 A President is selected because of her interest in Auxiliary work, 
 her ability and leadership. Her enthusiasm and leadership are 
 reflected in the work done by her Auxiliary. Her duties are: 
 1. Represent her Auxiliary at the State Convention. 
 2. Required to attend Fall Workshop. 
 3. Organize county on same plan as state. 
 4. Choose projects from suggested material suitable for her 
 5. Request appointment of an Advisory Committee from her 
 County Medical Society. 
 6. Keep accurate files to be turned over to her successor. 
 7. Have all projects approved by the Advisory Committee of 
 her County Medical Society. 
 8. Be prompt with reports to the State Auxiliary President and 
 see that committee chairmen file their reports on time with the 
 corresponding State Officers and Chairmen. 
 9. Send names of officers and committee chairmen to state 
 president as soon as appointed. 
 10. Send annual report to District Councilor. 
 1 1. Annual report due when requested. 
 May - Send names of Committee Chairmen (Form 1) for the 
 coming year to President-Elect. 
 January - Send names of newly elected officers to President- 
 Elect and President; send name of newly elected Treasurer to State 
 Treasurer; send recommendations for vacancies occurring in State 
 offices to District Councilors. 
 March 1 - Send names of delegates to Annual Convention 
 (1 delegate for first 25 paid members or less and an additional 
 delegate for every additional 25 paid members) 
 Instructions for County Treasurers 
 1. The State fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. Dues 
 for the "current" year should be sent between January 1 and Jan- 
 uary 31, or as much before as possible, to the State Treasurer. 
 The dues are $2.00 per member. (The State Treasurer sends $1.00 
 of this to the National Treasurer for each member.) 
 2. Packets containing instructions and necessary materials will 
 be mailed to County Treasurers in September. Careful reading of 
 the instructions will eliminate many of the problems for both the 
 County Treasurer and the State Treasurer. These may change 
 slightly from year to year with revised forms, and although the 
 past year's records may be helpful, it is essential that the new 
 forms be used and new instructions followed carefully. 
 3. An essential "tool" is the supplement to the North Carolina 
 Medical Journal which contains the alphabetical list of members 
 as well as a list by counties. These are sent to every physician who 
 is a member of the Medical Society. If you wish to have your own 
 copy and not use your husband's, one may be secured from Mr. 
 James T. Barnes, Executive Secretary, The Medical Society of the 
 State of North Carolina, Capital Club Building, Raleigh, at a cost 
 of $2.06 per copy. 
 4. Another "tool" which is most helpful is the HANDBOOK 
 of the Woman's Auxiliary to the A.M. A. 
 5. Maintain the individual card file system. This is an important 
 record for each county because it shows the individual's record 
 of payment throughout her auxiliary years. Records of inactive 
 members should not be destroyed. Often those who have been 
 dropped because of non-payment of dues may later wish to be 
 reinstated. Resigned members frequently rejoin. Cards of deceased 
 members should be kept for a reasonable length of time. 
 6. Contributions to the Endowment Funds and the Student 
 Loan Fund should be sent to the State Treasurer by February 15, 
 a separate cheek for each, denoting the fund for which it is intended. 
 7. Contributions to the A.M.E.F. should be sent to the A.M.E.F. 
 chairman. These funds do not go through the State Treasurer's 
 8. A list of deceased members (active or inactive) should be sent 
 to the State Treasurer. A list of these names should also be sent 
 to the Memorials Chairman. 
 9. Information concerning members who move should be given 
 the State Treasurer. The master file can be complete only insofar 
 as the County Treasurer keeps the State Treasurer informed. 
 When a member moves from one county to another, a transcript 
 of her previous record will be sent to the County Treasurer by 
 the State Treasurer. 
 10. At the end of your term, send the name of your successor 
 to the State Treasurer. If you remain in office another term, please 
 advise her so. 
 1 1 . Call upon your State Treasurer at any time for whatever 
 assistance she may be able to give you. 
 Parliamentary Pointers 
 Parliamentary rules have been developed to assure justice and 
 courtesy to all; to allow the majority to rule and at the same time 
 to protect the rights of the minority, and to maintain order. 
 The president and president-elect are ex-officio members of 
 every committee except the nominating committee and should be 
 notified of all committee meetings. 
 Pointers for conducting a meeting: 
 1. Open the meeting on time. 
 2. Strike once with the gavel and say, "The meeting will please 
 come to order" or if an annual convention say "By the authority 
 invested in me as President of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Med- 
 ical Society of the State of North Carolina I now declare the 
 annual convention in session." 
 3. Stand when addressing the meeting. It adds to the self-con- 
 fidence of the president and keeps the attention of the members. 
 4. Follow a regular order of business and watch the timing. 
 a. Call the meeting to order. 
 b. Invocation 
 c. Pledge 
 d. Ask the secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting, 
 followed by, "Are there any additions or corrections to the min- 
 utes? If not, they stand approved as read;" or "The minutes stand 
 approved as corrected." 
 e. Ask for the treasurer's report, followed by, "This will be 
 placed on file." 
 f. Reports from standing and special committees. 
 g. Unfinished business. 
 h. New business. 
 i. Program (When ready for the program, the president will 
 say, "The Program Chairman will now take charge of the meeting 
 and present the program.") 
 j. The president never leaves the chair unless necessary for 
 personal remarks or reports and then she asks the vice-president 
 to take the chair. 
 k. After the program the president asks if there is any further 
 business today? If not, she asks for a motion of adjournment. 
 Someone then says, "Madam President, I move we adjourn." 
 The motion is seconded. The president then says: "It has been 
 moved and seconded to adjourn. Those in favor will say Aye; 
 those opposed will say No. The ayes have it and the meeting is 
 5. The business of the auxiliary is done by a series of motions. 
 The president may give any information she may have involving 
 the business before the group but does not enter the discussion. 
 The president should say, "It has been moved and seconded that 
 Is there any discussion? Any further discussion? If 
 not, those in favor say Aye, those opposed No." She should state 
 whether the motion is carried or lost. 
 6. The president retains the right to vote but it is not customary 
 for her to do so except: 
 a. When the vote is by ballot or roll call. 
 b. In case of a tie: A tied vote is a lost vote unless the president 
 decides to vote in favor of it and create a majority. 
 Past Presidents 
 Organizing Chairman — Mrs. Paul P. McCain 1 923 
 Mrs. Paul P. McCain — Southern Pines 1924 
 Mrs. I. W. Faison*— Charlotte 1925 
 Mrs. J. Howell Way — Waynesville 1926 
 Mrs. R. S. McGeachey* — New Bern 1927 
 Mrs. B. J. Lawrence — Raleigh 1 928 
 Mrs. A. B. Holmes — Fairmont 1929 
 Mrs. G. H. Macon — Warrenton 1930 
 Mrs. W.B. Murphy— Snow Hill 1931 
 Mrs. R. S. McGeachey* — New Bern 1932 
 Mrs. W. P. Knight — Greensboro 1933 
 Mrs. J. W. Huston*— Asheville 1934 
 Mrs. J. B. Sidbury*— Wilmington 1935 
 Mrs. C. P. Eldridge— Raleigh 1936 
 Mrs. J. R. Terry — Lexington 1937 
 Mrs. W. T. Rainey—Fayetteville 1938 
 Mrs. Joseph A. Elliott*— Charlotte 1939 
 Mrs. C. F. Strosnider — Goldsboro 1940 
 M rs. Clyde Hedrick — Lenoir 1 94 1 
 Mrs. Sidney Smith — Raleigh 1942 
 Mrs. R. A. Moore — Winston-Salem 1943 
 Mrs. K. B. Pace— Greenville 1944 
 Mrs. J. T. Saunders — Asheville 1945 
 Mrs. Erick Bell— Wilson 1946 
 Mrs. Frederick R. Taylor — High Point 1947 
 Mrs. W. Reece Berry hill— Chapel Hill 1948 
 Mrs. Raymond Thompson — Charlotte 1949 
 Mrs. Thomas Leslie Lee — Kinston 1950 
 Mrs. Harry L. Johnson — Elkin 1951 
 Mrs. B. Watson Roberts — Durham 1952 
 Mrs. Roscoe D. McMillan — Red Springs 1953 
 Mrs. Gilbert M. Billings — Morganton 1954 
 Mrs. Powell G. Fox— Raleigh 1955 
 Mrs. Robert D. Croom, Jr. — Maxton 1956 
 Mrs. Harvey C. May — Charlotte 1957 
 Mrs. Donnie M. Royal — Salemburg 1958 
 Convention Cities 
 1923 Asheville 
 1924 Raleigh 
 1925 Pinehurst 
 1926 Wrightsville Beach 
 1927 Durham 
 1928 Pinehurst 
 1929 Greensboro 
 1930 Pinehurst 
 1931 Durham 
 1932 Winston-Salem 
 1933 Raleigh 
 1934 Pinehurst 
 1935 Pinehurst 
 1936 Asheville 
 1937 Winston-Salem 
 1938 Pinehurst 
 1939 Bermuda 
 1940 Pinehurst 
 1941 Pinehurst 
 1942 Charlotte 
 1943 Raleigh 
 1944 Pinehurst 
 1945 No Annual Meeting 
 Board Meeting - Raleigh 
 1946 Pinehurst 
 1 947 Virginia Beach 
 1948 Pinehurst 
 1949 Pinehurst 
 1950 Pinehurst 
 1951 Pinehurst 
 1952 Pinehurst 
 1953 Pinehurst 
 1954 Pinehurst 
 1955 Pinehurst 
 1956 Pinehurst 
 1957 Asheville 
 1958 Asheville 
 (This Doctor's Day emblem was presented by the Greensboro 
 Branch of the Guilford County Auxiliary and was officially 
 adopted by the Auxiliary to the Medical Society of the State 
 of North Carolina at the Annual Meeting held in Asheville May, 
 1957. The gold caduceus is a symbol of the high ideals of the 
 medical profession, and the three red carnations placed at the 
 top represent faith, hope, and courage.) 
 May we be dedicated to the ideal of promoting the physical 
 healing, mental happiness, and spiritual well-being of all North 
 May we possess the hope to visualize ultimate success, the faith 
 to plan on a grand scale, and the courage to overcome the prob- 
 lems which must confront us. 
 The Handbook committee wish to acknowledge the debt of 
 gratitude we owe to all Auxiliary leaders both National and 
 State whose ideas have been incorporated in this book. 
 We wish to thank Dorothy Royal (Mrs. Donnie M.), president, 
 who appointed us to do this job and who met with us and shared 
 her ideas; Mary Johnson (Mrs. Paul W.), incoming president, 
 who came and looked over our plans and gave us the benefit 
 of her thinking; and the committee whose chairman was Mary 
 Gay (Mrs. Charles H.) who edited the Yearbook for 1956-57 
 which incorporated handbook material. We have used much of 
 this material in our effort to present a comprehensive and useful 
 handbook for all auxiliary members. Mary Gay is a valuable 
 member of our committee. Special appreciation is extended our 
 printer, Mr. Randall McLeod, for his painstaking care in making 
 this book as correct and attractive as possible. 
 Each member of the Handbook committee has contributed 
 thoughts and ideas; reviewed the manuscript and made important 
 It has given us great satisfaction to produce the first Hand- 
 book for the Auxiliary to the Medical Society of the State of 
 North Carolina. 
 Mrs. Bennett Watson Roberts 
 Chairman, Handbook Committee 
 Mrs. Roscoe D. McMillan 
 Mrs. Robert D. Croom, Jr. 
 Mrs. Charles H. Gay 
 Mrs. Joseph M. Hitch