iliiijiii of the Onitietjitp of Bout Carolina Collection of il^ottft Caroliniana iFtom t^t ILibrarp of r\ f Dde^ -. ■•4< ... Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from University of Nortli Carolina at Chapel Hill Orphanage Press Oxford, N- C. o Oo Tfl 0ur doufcricrate Jltad. 18G1-18G5. oO0"=> 'Nor shall your glory be forgot While Faille her record keeps, Or Honor points to the hallowed spot Where Valor proudly sleeps Yon marble minstrel 's voiceless stone The deathless song shall tell Where many a vaniiilied year hath flown The story how ye fell ; Nor wreck, nor change, nor winter's blight, Nor time's remorseless doom. Can dim one ray of holy light That gilds your glorious tomb." ./\- MEMBERS OE GRANVILLE GRAYS CHAPTER UNITED DAUGHTERS CONEEDERACY. :\rRS. W. H. WhiTK, - - - rresi.k-nt Mrs. a. Laxius, - - - Vice-Presiilunt Mrs. W. r.. P.Ai.i.or. - - Vice-PresiiK'iit Mrs. C. 1). Ka\-, - - - - Rei^istrar ^Irs. K. T, Rawi.ixs, - Recording SL-crctary :Mrs. a. .\. Hicks. - - - Historian INIrs K H Cri-:xsiia\v. - - Treasurer :\Irs. Dkija F.(imt7. Mrs. A. H. Pcavi.;ij. Mrs. S. D. Bi^oTH ^:\Irs. J. P.. PowK.r.r. Mrs. W. a. Dkvin INIrs. \V. D. Bryan Miss P.Ki.r. Cc^cn'KR Mrs. A. H. Joiixsox Mrs. v^oi. \V. Coophr Mrs. Wii.i.iam Landis Miss Lizzik Gooch :\Irs. U. R. ^PvcKkthan ^Iiss SrsAx Grah.vm Mrs. Carolixk Oshorx :\Irs. \V. K. 3.Passi:miu-r<'. AIrs. J. I). Wiij.iams :mrs. w. z. MiTCHKLi, :\iRs s h. smith 21US. JAMES S. ROGERS Corner Stone of Confederate Monument Laid Monday, May 10th, 1909, with Impressive Ceremony. Bv Fraxx iNI. PiXNix. In spite of the inclemency of the weather, the cere- monies incident to tlie laying of the comer stone of the nionnnient to the Old Sokliers and Sailors of the Con- federacy was an entire snccess. The morning of the tenth was gloomy and Ijlack with rain and rain clonds, there heing no prospect of any sort of decent weather np to ten o'clock. Bnt the Old \'ets were here, abont a hundred and fifty of them, as chipper and spry as young bloods, and many people from the surrounding country. General B. S. Royster, the chief marshal, and his com- petent assistants, had the parade in orderly precision and the procession was most imposing and well worth seeing. At ten o'clock the Granville Grays, Capt. J. Robt. Wood commanding, and the Horner Cadets, ]\Iajor McGhee, all under the order of the chief marshal, marched down to the .Southern depot and there met the guests of honor, M,ijor-(Teneral Julian S. Carr, of Dur- ham, and Mr. Samuel H. Gattis, of Hillsboro, and the Rev. A. D. Betts, who were immediately upon arri\al driven to the K.xchange Hotel. Just before noon, as the weather seemed to be bright- ening somewhat, the procession was formed on West Hillsboro street, the Third Regiment band leading next to the marshals. The cadets and the local company, 4 each organization having iL< ranks I'uU, and iho-e great fild fe!li.>\\-; who received cheer at ter cheer a< they saucil>- ga\e the rchel yelL In the hne tolI(_>\\ing the.-e old soldiers \vere many ])ri\ale turnout^, in v>'luch rode the \vi\es and relatives ol ihe most jironiinent }ieo])le. As the jirocession was formed the carri.ige con\eying ("Tcneral Carr, the Re\-. A. L). Betts, and Mrs. W. H. While was pnt in Ihe lead, and the long line passed tlirongh what, cmsidering the bad weather, an enormous crowd, a chapter I'rom the Orphan A^_\luni being lined uj) along the whole of Main street from its intersection with College d(;wn pa-t H.iunltcm's drug store. Troops (jf children were clustered arourid the foundation of the monument. The ]'>age,uit parsed the monument site , at Hdlsboro and Main and pa:-~ed down r\Iain to Gilliam street, ar.iund to Spring street and thence u.p Main to the Court H<.n e. The Hon S. M. Ciattis, of Hiilsboro, Grand ?ilaster, with the Grrand Lodge of Ma-ons, laid the cc)rner stone of the monument with a most impressixe and imj) s ng ceremony. Following this, the \-eterans leading the way, the people went into the Court House and filled e\ery seat- ing space, there to hear the beaniiful introductory -Speeches, the music, and the magnificent eflorl of v.euerai J'lrr, which elicited ]:)raise and admiration from ex'erv quarter. The Old Soldiers were gi\-en seats of honor in the bar. and lliat being inadtcjuate, the_\- were assigne.l the best places ju'clock the Chief Kxecuti\'e ar.d honored guests were met at the Southern station by the city officials, the distinguished citizens of Oxford and the Daughters of the Con federac_\-. The spectacidar parade formed at the depot, moving up Penn a\-enue to College street, thence to Hillsboro street, to (T^illiam, to Front, to Main and back to the confluence of Hillsboro and Main streets, where the stately shaft, upon which will stand the statue of a Confeilerate warrior at "Ready!" — gun in hand, e\-e on the enemy — will be forever an in- spiration to the youth of (Tranville and a perpetual re- minder to numhood and womanhood of the heroism, fortitude and faithfulness to duty of their sires. Heading tlie grand procession, the Third Regiment Band, stirring the flesh with thrills of martial nmsic ; following, a dashing array of nuirshals, and after these one hundred and eleven of the vSouthern immortals, a Time and Battle-W'orn remnant of the world's noblest army, comprising half the number living of the daunt- less 2,100 who offered themselves up as a sacrifice for their country. Soldiers of the future contests of the mart .uid forum, and ol if need l)e, followed the ser- ried ranks of \'elerans, the l-.attalion of Horner'.s Military School, every one a manly man ; after these the (iran- ville Grays, under Capt. J. Robt. Wood, gallant-looking successors to the patriots who covered the name of their company with glor^-. After the military a great line of carriages, the first containing Governor and ."Mrs. Kitchin. Capt. and Mrs. W. H. White, and after these th? Oxford Fire Department, with its splendid equipment, and gaily decorated floats. On the float of Capt. J. Robt. Wood was tlisplayed a portrait of Capt. Augustus Landis, \\ho commanded the famous Granville Grays during the Civil War. To General B. S. Royster, chief marshal of the dedica- tion, is due the credit for the perfect march, without the loss of a moment or an untoward e\ent. The line of march was flanked by thousands of Ijeauti- ful women and handsome men, and as many of Ciod's sweetest smiles — numberless happy-faced children. None were more attracti\e, none presented a finer ap- pearance than the several hundred orphans under the guardianship of the Masons of North Carolina. Neither was anything lovelier than the hundreds of young women of Oxford Seminary, and no braver front could be presented than that of the cadets of Horner military Academy. The State does not hold a more contented and progressive citizenry than the inhabitants of Gran- ville. The country v»as enfolded in the liberal and hos- pitable arms of Oxford. Its men and women showed that red blood ran through them; thej were well dressed, of excellent manners and are people of a high order of intelligence. A-; lli(i~L' invited assunieil llieir -eats upcm the ])l;!t- Icinii. iu-\l t{ where the im miinient will wateh tae cily, r KUc-hin remarked lur\i-\' i;| the streets ami laiildin^^- rexe.iled ])e(>]jle e\er\ where the eve ennld reaeh. The rciol' oi the c nnhdu-e \\a- >larreil with h()ys t)rii;hl emintenanee-- : women's laee~ inipearled e\ery wind(jw ci>mHiandiny a \ iew e-f the street, from tlio-e o\ erloiikin^i; it to Ihe .uaily festooned oriels of the I'uMic ],ed.;j,er ofliee. The rehel Nell a,>;ainsl the -ky a- the hand -truek the first in-piriiiL; notes (it 'T)i\ie." It rose ai;ain and a,L;ain. It was a sMurce ^f rei;ret thai the statue for the momi- ment had nut arriveil. a- it wa- ]_)ro]i(ised to nn\eil the nionnnient to-day. The --haft, made of Warren County granite, come, Ijut the hron/.e st.ilue, hecause of ci>nge>lion ol Ireightson Western road^, had n(jt arrived fi"iim riiieago, although it had heen ex]ieeted for several d.iys. The nmnumeiit is lhirt\-lour leet in height, the Statue seven ieet, heing a Confederate soldier with gun in hand, standing at the jio-ition of •T!':R.\'Ln^; Ukad i8hi — i8b5." The words on the die are : "(^tRAxvili.i-: CtRavs CH.\rTl{R U. D. C ( )n the ])lintlie are the letters ••C. vS. A." and oil the niiiidle section nf tlie shaft are eiioraxeil tU'O Confederate fhigs, crossed. Other inscriptions in bron/.e will be jjlacecl on the nionnnient, among ther.i the names of the battles in which the (Tran\-ilie soldiers participated. Two immeti-e pendants, Confederate flags, co\'ered the front of the conrthonse. These were to luwe formed the \-eil of tiie ni Minment. Miss Angnsta Lindis, younge-t daughter of Capt. Au- gustus Landis, came from IJurhaui, where she now' makes her home, by invitation, to unx'eil the mcmument. The monument is an adornment to the cit\-. It occu- pies the ele\-ation in the center c^f the city, an exeriast- ing sentinel to keep eternal \igiis, Ijy night and 1)\- dav addressing in soul-words all who \"iew it, dirLCting them to ways oi honor and dutv. The exercises commenced at noon. The inxocation was pronounced l)y a \enerable father in Israel, Rev. J. A. Stradley, an ancient Baptist di\ine, who served through the entire War. He called the blessings of Jehovali on the gray hairs, bended forms and feel)le frames ot the ol i soldiers of (iran\-ille, pray- ing tliat the}- all might be soldiers of Christ and when the roll is called up Yonder thev'l be tliere. The band pl.iyed "My Country 'Tis of Tlue, " followed by an inspiring rendering of the State hymn by the Daughters of tlie Confederacy. (Tcneral B. S. Roaster, master of ceremonies, a golden- tongued orator, in a futing speech, presenled Judge Augustus \V. iTraham, who made the formal tender of the monument. 10 Acidress of h!on. A. \V. Graham. ?Jks. rRi';sii)i':xT, DAnwrn-.RS of thk Coxi'KdkracV, lyADii'.s \M> ( Ti:x'rr,ivMi;x : vSince Ur- crciiticn el CTr.iinil'.c Comity in 174^1, ^he iia- occi'.]iii'il a place ci' ] ^r. )ininence amoiitf her si-lL-rs. WliL'tliLi" in ])caci- (ir in war, anion^ licr sons have l)L-fn t'onnd kaiRTs ol the lime- in which they lixcd. Tho-. I'cr-on w\i- a councillor and Iculcr in Hk- war of the Rei^nialors and did to lYi.-ter ihe -iiirit of !i!>ert\' in onr horders. Joh.n Peun was one of th- three sioners of the Declara- li( n of Inde];ce, July 4. 777(1, on 1ieh,ilf of North 'c'art>Iina, and as a niend>er (/t the I'roxincial Coni;re,-s became one of the nio>t active and trusted ad\-ocales of the re\«'hitiou and m Williams, a nati\e of (Vr.mxille, who had taken u|) his residence in S.mth Carolina, the Lei;itimLin\- to his hit;h ch.iracter, hraxerv ami inteLiiity witnessed duriui; the Re\ohuionary W'.ir, when alter the di-astrous defeat of (iates at Camden, it ];laceil Ihe lio-pitaN or the haUlt fieKl lo tiud lhi;>c' who were wr kindn.'d ;,ri.l lriend~. So tender and eon-i.ler- ate wa^ he. thai it i- -l.ited, when (>n the ^harj;-lioolers' line, ju-t a- he drew a liead oil a Winlcee and jiulled the tri.i;,L;er, he would -end up the i)ra\'er "inav <'od lia\e nierex on \ tor de\otioii to ])rineiiile and ealm,\-, was not excelled l>y anv, h'irst he on the tiriiiL; lin_- wliere hi- ner\e and hr.iverv .ittr.ided the .aieiilion of liis -uperior oflicers, ,ind lu- was then ])laeed in c nnm.ind of the litter eor]->-, a jio-ition fr,iu,L;ht with the j;reale-t (hinder, and no ex'^'r fell on our side, when the lire was loo IkjI, <> ^r man with a family of t,n chihlren, Vihen Jacoh w;i conscriji'.ed, tliere was consternaiion in the l.imih, for lie was tlieir sole dependence for a li\i:ig. J, e, a mere strii)lini,'- rif .1 h.v. not ih ye.irs old, dem iiided that lie he allowed to t;o in hi- failier'.- place, hut w.i- told that he w.i< too snnill to i^o. He -aid, "X'e-, I ,1111 too little to su]i]>ort the family, l.)ut I am not too little to h.i^ht." And he was so iiersistent that finally he was permitted to take his f.Uher's ])lace. What a gallant soldier he iiKule, let his comrades testify. At the battle of South Anna liriilge. on July 2b, 1863, Col. Hargrove, wiih C ). A, b2 men, and 15 men from ^laj. Bingham's Com- pany from Orange, suecessfnlly le-isted for four hours the assault of Col. v^pears with i5(JO U. S. ca\•alr^•. When at la-t thev were overpowered, a strapping ser- geant charged up to ]oe, c dling "surrender ! surren- der!" Joe's only reply was to run him through with his bayonet. Tiien Col. Spe.irs himself demande 1 his surrender. Joe turned and saw Col. Hargrove still fighting, and his reply to Col. vSpears was, "ril ne\er surrendir until my own colonel tells me," and with that he m.ide for Col. Spears with his bayonet, when he was shot down. But, my friends, howe\-er alluring the theme of the bra\-ery of the sons of Granville, I am admoni>hed I must de-ist. That is not my prominence to-day. To others has been alloted that pleasant task. To-day you behold the fruition of the hopes, the prayers and the ceaseless endea\orof the noble band of daughters of Granxille, wdio for five long }-ears have struggled to perpetuate in ende.iring stone, the memory of the deetls of valor of their love 1 ones, and the principles of the ca 'se for which they foaglit and fell. You will see on this ground that eulogy in stone and be enchanted by its S3un metrical proportions and the grace of its outlines. But, li3w few can realize the labor, the anxiety, the patriotic courage and devotion it represents. It is truly a labor of love. It is the incarnation of the spirit of those mothers, sisters antl sweethearts, who made possi- ble tho:;e glorious deeds of the Confederate soldier of iSSi to 1865. u Niine of 11^ now apjireciate the inilifftTL-nci.- and o])po- siliou 111 il li.hl to lit o\'L-rcoiiic l)y ]i:itit:-ncL', ]ier-everaiice aiiil tact, and wIkmi tlicy hail t)"ynn ti> acLunmlatt- a small sum aiiti tliL- reward nl their labors \va^ ntarh- in si^lit, a ]) >rli()n of their tiiiid wonld ha\'e ti) he di\erted, in case (if emerL;encv, tii snsf who iicirly lifty yt-ars ai^o aii~\\XTL'(l the call of lliL'ir Aldllier Sou 111 w trc I he- iiR-n Iroiu ( iramillt; CuiiiUy ; men Willi wlioiii \(ni ami I and all (il us may well lie ]n'<)nil Ui elann tlic kiii--lii)i of naUirc ; nu-n in who,-e \ein< llanK-(l iht- fathcr-l.l;ir- to- of I'.ig Bethel, ol Re. 1111-^' Station, of or of (Tettyshurg. Yon xeterans who for four long ye.irs carried the fortunes of the Confeder,ic\- on the ])tiints of your hayonets; yon to whom the hitter memories auil unhirgelahle sufferings of that dread time are still Iresh an e her fair, fresh son to feed the northern cannon ; to her who sent her loved and best to the bridal-bed of death ; to 3c u and all. Daughters of an heroic Mother, who by your exertions ha\-e made this structure a possibility and a reality : to you their I'resi- dent, most of all, wdiose seal and devotion through all the difficulties and discouragements wiiicli lia\'e beset your pathway has neither flagged nor waned. Sir, iVdiii \ our liaiicN 1 take- tlii- innnurcie'iU ; mil IliriniL;!- \i>\\ '^iVL- tlK-sc ik-\oteil wtiUKU Un- tli:inks of a ,<;r,ik-lul ]iL-o]il(,-, ;i>^iiriii^ }hall la>l aiu.ungst us llicir wurk ui!l 1r' ruim-inliercil. In prc-^fnliiii; ( '.o\ enior Kiteliin, (Tfiieral PvOvsler saiil 111 it il was always cu^loinarv on an occasion like this to havi- a ili-iin!,;!!! -htr-i! orator, ami that it vva- apjirojiriale lor tlii^ occasion to liaxc tlit- -on of a man who enli-teil in a comjjany (.■! s frt)in < Tran\il!e Ci.umty. 'With that same (k-Mation ami tiik-lily to ilnty with which the father ami the other jiatriots si-rveil the Lost C.iiise has this wortlu' son ilischargeil e\ ery iliity eoiii- mon to the walks oi life." General Roysler ileelareil that (io\ernor Kitchin had always lifeii loveil in (iran- \ ille Ci:iinU\- a.-- no man of his age haal ever lieen loveil 111 North Cart>lina. llefore the sil\-ery-\-oiceil governor hail spoken ten minutes tliere was not a lustreless e\e in the \-ast as- seniliK'. It reiiiimleil one of Rien/.i avMressing the ji'ijiu- lace of Rome. He toucheil the ocean ilepths of the people's feeling, the crest of the great sea of human life hail the motion of wa.ves as the entranced- hearts of the multitude, swayed by one insjnration, responded to the surpassing ekinnence oi (Tovernor Kitchin. He uuide them weep, hut he did not make Ihem laugh. A facetious remark or an humorous anec- dote among his profound utterances would liaxe been as out of place as a dance among the dead. He s]X)ke as one who has a message to deliver, and he delivered it 19 with a mastery of speech, a convincing force and a greatness of thought that he'd for an hour and a quarter every listener ppelUbound. It was th.e greatest tribute to his strength as a speaker and ehjquence as an orator that not one person left until he concluded his address. Lack of space forbids a complete reproduction of his v>-ords, or even a,n appreciable sunr.narv ot his address. He reviewed in a new light that was like a re\-elation the causes of the war, the events that precipitated it, the niightv fratriciilal struggle, the dark era of Recon.nruc- lion made luminous by the same heroes of '6i-'65, and the glorious achievemer,ls of the renascent South. His tributes to the veterans, to the Soulhern women of the war, and to the character of Robert E. Lee, shone like stars. When the Southern soldier, he said, left the theater of war he entered one to play, if possible, a more important part. He had lost in the conflict and returned to his home which the rnlliless hand of war had touched and left desolate. He ■>\a- determined to rclmild the shattered fortunes of the Soiitli, to reclaim the wasted fields, to reopen the schools, to tiH the churches. He encountered a tiile of crime and destruction m North Carolina such as history had never before knov>n. ^Lmy leaders were deprived of their cilizen-hip by the Federal Government, "but they found they could not deprive them of their leadership." The Federal C.TOvernment controlled by insatiable malice and bigotry, and by duress, by fraud and. corruption the Constitution was amended to accomplish the impossible racial equality. Tiie confederate in those ilays, he said, was a pillar of fire by night ami a pillar of cloud by day. The day of the scalawag and the carpet-bagger came, spreading criiiit- ami \ andali-m .ilif ad in llic l;;nil. iiial.iiiii k-ar to sit lielort- L\ei\ ii( ')r. 'i'lw in\i-ililt: eni]iin-- -]>riinL; iij), the Kii Kinx caniL- a- a i\'.ftla»l iucL-.-,.ry nmlrr IIk- l-x- i,-tiug ei'.cinii^'.a'.i.rL--. CiLi.Aii- uerc ca^t iiitti iiri-nii. chargtd with luicritr.u. Tlif Siqi'.vnie Ccnrt wa> applied til for a writ ol ha.l)ca< coi'in;-. It \\a.- -t-rxcil on Kirk- wlio trt-ated this iiuaraiily 'i| the jji-r-rnal ri^lit-~ of citi- zen-- as a thin<^ dut of date. The Sii]ireiue Court .<^a\e out the startling conle-sion tliat tlie Judiciary had heen exhausted in a time of piece. When Holdtn and Kirk were jireparing to try the ])eople. Kirk ni~lied to Wasli- ington and v. anted the Re])ul) Pre.-idciit and Secre- tar\ of War tcj interxeue in their hehalf. The an-wef was that the court- had charge oi that r.ialter. Some of the ])ri,-oner- were taken to Sali-hnry, where they were released, and that dav the power ot Holdeii and Kirk rccei\cd its death knell. (Ttivernor Kilchin >aid he was glad th.e leaders in war had heccime the le.iders in jieace. He liojied to see the pensions of the \elerans increased, so that they might recei\e every ccimlort and care m the power ot the State to hestow upon them. The Governor's Irihiite to Southern women, couched in a thousand golden words, melteii the heart of e\ er}-- one. In concluding it he said that -uinetimcs a South.ern man would turn b.ick ,\iid pro', e traitor, hut ne\-er in all those days of war and the d.iys that followed tlid a Southern woman turn her hack on SoiUhern sentiment. He declared he '.vi-h.edi to ,^ee some day a marhle monu- ment ra.ised to Southern women, liearing upon it this inscri])tion : "The dark days (A Reconstruction found no scalawag among the women o| the South." Hi'^ trilnite to the white race was erjually strong. He ileehired he would not tresj^a-s upon the I'eeHngs of a colored man, and spoke in kinilness, but in truth. This proud race, to which the Confederate \'eteran belongs, has encountered man}- obstacles in its upward march ; it has encountered other races, but its superiority has ever been demonstrated under anything like fair cir- cuni.stances. He told what the race had accomplished, after contact with the races of e\-ery other color, no race ever being al)le to impede the onward march of the white race. He was glad many of the \eterans had lived to see the day -'when the workl is beginning to appreciate that it is not in the power of all the armies e\-er drilled or an}- constitntion ever written to make the white man and the black equal on this earth." vSo long as the descendants of the Confederate \-eterans control the destinies of the land they will be controlled in peace. In conclusic)n. Governor Kitchiu called npon all to love the Union now as the Confederates lox'ed the Con- fetleracy in '6i-'65, to ser\e the Union now as they served the Confederac}- then, having nothing to apologize for, nothing to retract, but recei\ ing inspiration for a heri- tage of inexhaustible glory from the fane=:t soldiers e\-er seen on the planet. The old .soldiers gave the Go\'ernor three cheers, end- ing with the stirring rebel yell, after which the band struck up "Dixie ' and the assemblage dispersed, the old \eterans "to the rear' for a dinner ser\-ed them at the courthouse by the Daughters of the Confederacy. At 2:30 o clock the comrades of '6i-'65 gathered at the junction of Hillsboro and ^luin streets, where Com- 23 radcjdliii P. Cannady and oUrt heroes recnuiUed their experieiue- in the time- that tried nien'-; souN, The Third Regiment Hand, conchided the exercises o! the d.ay with a delis^httul l).ind C(_)ncert. ROSTER ...of... Giaiivjllc Gravs. Coiiifanv 1), 12tli Resiiiient 1861-'65. OFFICERS. (leort^e Worthani, Cajitain, eomniandino , A]iril 22, "61, (Tran\ille co, jiro Culi^iel of 50lh Re,t;. 'May i, '61. Au.^aistus Landis, Jr., Captain com., May i, '62, (iramile CO, pro from i-t Lieutenant. A. I' . j-'pencer, Cajitain, (iranville co. Ant^ii^tus Tandis, Jr., ist Lieut, com., April 22, '61, (iranville co, \^ro. J. C. Hester, 1st Lieut, com., 'Max 1. 'ii2, Gran\ille co, pro from 2nd Lieut. J. C. Hester, 2ud Lieut, com., April 22, '61, Gran\-ille CO, p. J. B. Hunter, 2nd Lieut, com., April 22, '61, r Jan. i, 'b2. Non-Comnnission Officers. \Vm. C. INLiIlory, 2d Sergeant, en April 22, 'hi, Gran- uille CO. Thos. C. Crews, 3d Sergeant, en April 22, '61, Granville CO. 23 Tlios. ]\I. Smyth, 4lh Sergeant, en April 22, '61, Gran- ville CO. Saninel T. Williams, ist Corporal, en April 22, '61, Gran- ville CO, pro A. C. S. Wm. H. Young, 2d Corporal, en April 22, '61, Gran\ille CO. A. W. Rowland, 3d Corporal, en April 22, '61, Granville CO. T. J. Minor, 4tli Corporal, en April 22, '61, Granxille co ; killed vSept. 17, '62, at Sharpsburg. PRIVAIEIS. Allen, R. L,. enlisted April 22, 1861. Allen, G. E. H., en April 22, 1861, discharged. Adams, Reuben, en Feb. 28, 1863; Union co; discharged April 30, 1863. Barnett, J. H., en April 22, 1S63; Gran\-ille co; died of wounds received at Cold Harbor. Battle, D., en June 8, 1861; Gran\-ille co; transferred. Battle, J. C, en April 22, 1861; Orange co; died of wounds received at South ^lountain.. Beasley, F. S., en April 22, 1861; Granville co; killed July I, "63, at Malvern Hill. Bell, L,. R., en April 22, '61; Granville co; killed July i, '62, at Malvern Hill. Blalock, M., en April 22, '61; Granville co; p. vSergeant. Brodie, E. G., en April 22, '61; Granville co; tr to 54th Regt. Brocius, W. R., en April 22, '61; Granville co; dis- charged. Bennett, Wm., en Oct. 17, '62; Kentuck}-; c. Brown, James, en Nov. 26, '62; Virginia; c. ^4 liarnes, (i. \V., en A])ril 22. '61: (irainille co: p .Sergl; c. Barclielt, C. R.. t-n Au,L;nst 25, "64; Wake co. ]'>l<.iunt. Julin, en I<"cl). 26 '03; Union co. r..irker, ]). T., en Fel>. 3, '64; Wake co. Cinu].i, A. L.. en SeiVienih^-r S, '64, Wake CO. Case, J. J., en Se])lenil)er 24, '64: Wake co. C lie. R. L,, enli-leil ( )cluber II, '62; (ieorgia. Cannaily, J. P., en Ajiril 22, 'm; Granville co; Ir to 23(1 Ret;t. Cannady, J. F. en A])ril 22, '62; (rranville co: dis- cliari Calalian, John, en N()\enil>er 20, '62: \'ir,L;inia. Crndnp, Josiali, en A]iril 22. 'hi; d An.i^nsl 1, '61. Chandler, S., en Ajiril 22, "61; Granx ille co; c. Critclier. W. H., en A])ril 22, '61; Granville co; d Jul_v 29, '62. Critclier, Joseph, en April 22, '61; Granville co; dis- charged. Clement. A. G., en Oct. 4, '62; Granville co: c. Ca>li, T. J., en June i, '62: (Tranville co; killed June 27, 'h2, at Cold Harbor. Culbreth, J. J., en April 3, '61; Florida; p Corporal. Carpenter, P. H., en FCel). 26, "63; Cleveland co; c. Carpenter, J. ^I., en F'el). 26, '63; Cle\-eland co; c. I) ivis, James, en April 22, '61; Granville county; disg. Daniel, George B., en April 22, '61; Gran\ille co; p. Daws, H. A., en July 4, '64; Wake co. Dorsey, Howard, en I'eb. i, '64; Granxdlle co; c. F^lickson, James, en A]iril 22, '61; fTran\-ille co. Flanagin, M., en Dec. 31, '62; \'irginia. Ciregory, Wm. H., en April 22, '61; (iranville co. Gregory, C. A., en April 22, 'bi; Granville co. Gregory, H., en April 22, '61, Grainille co. Gregory, R. en April 22, '61; Gr.mville co. Griffin, G. M., en April 22. 'bi; Tennessee. Godfey, \V. R., en March 22, '63; Union co. Goocli, George P., en June i, '64; Gran\-ille co; w. Hancock, F. C, en August i, '61; iTranxille co. Hargro\e, J. H., en April 22, "61; (iranville co. Harl, T. C, en April 22, 'bi: Gran\'ille co. Hart, R. A., enlisted April 22, '61; Gran\ille co. Hayes, J S., en April 22, '61; Granville co. Hobgooil, T., en April 22, '61; Gran\-ille co. Hobgoo(l,J. L., en May 6, '62; Gramille co. Hobgood, R. H., en ^Nhi}- &, '62; Granville co. HoUoway, W. T., en April 22, '61; Granville co. Hart, Henry, en April 22. '61; Granville co. Jones, R. B., en April 22, '61; Gramille co. Kingsbury, C. F., en April 22, '61; Granville co. Kittrell, E. P., en .April 22, 'bi; (Tranville co. Kitchin, W. H., en June 16, '61; Halifax co; pr Captain. Luidis, Geo. \V., en April 22, '61; Granville co. Luigford, T. H., en April 22, '61; Granville co: pro. 2d S-rgeant; tit. L,oil, C, en February 14, '64; c. Mallory, A. C, en A.pril, '61; Granville co, dt. IMdler, M. V., en November 25, '63. McBane, D., en September 28, '64; Wake co. Mu-ray, W. J., en September 28, '64; Wake co. M illory, J. S , en April 22, 'bi; Granville co. Mallory, S. C, March 4, '62; Gran\ille co. Meadows, L. P., en April 30, '61; Granville co. Meadows, J. S., en April 30, '61; (Tramille co; lost arm. Meadows, T. P., en April 30, 'bi; ('/rauN-ille co. .Minor, A. (t., en Ajjril 22, '61; (iraiu'ille co. Mitchell, R. H., l-ii Ajiril 30, 'hi: (iraiu illc co. Ali/.e, R. Iv., cii -April 30, 't)i; (Tr.nuille co. M.iore, H. D. K., en .Xni^nst 5, 'hi: X'iruinia. Moore, J. \V., en April 22, "hi: (Transille co. Moss, K. T., en .\pril 22, 'lu: <7ran\-ille co: il. ^IcAden, , en A])ril 22, '01: \'iryinia. ^IcCann, I'". J., en ,\pril 22, 'bi: Rennsyh-ania. McCi'lm, J. S. H., en A])ril 22, '61, \'iri;inia. IMcClanehan, T. \\'., en ,\pril 22, 'bi: < Tran\ille co. Macon, J. H., en .\pril 22. '61, (ir.nnille co. ]\Iinor, J. H., en A])ril 22, '61: ( Vransille co. Null, W. 11. en Ajiril 22, '61, (Iranville co. Paschall, S. A., en Aj)ril 22, '61: Duplin co. Paschall, Wni. H., en April 22, hi: (jranville co, Paschall, R S., en .April 30, 'hi; Florida. Parhani, Jo^iah, en .\]iril 22, '61, i: (Tran\ille co: dl. Ro3-ster, G. W., en .August .|, '62: (.Tran\-ille co: c. Rowland, A. W., en .Vpril 22, '61: Gran\i!Ie co. Rowland, T. J., en Al.iy h, '62: Granxille co. Rnssell, Wni. II., en April 22, '61: (iran\il!e co. 27 Shanks, Win. B., en April 30, '61; Granville co. Smith, John, en April 22, 'bi; Granville co. Smith, H., en April 22, '61; Gran\-ille co; dt. Sto\"all, Wilkins, en April 22, '61; Granville co. Skinner, Wni. H., en Octoher 30, '62; Granville co. Satterwhite, J. A., en April 22, '61, Gran\-ille co. Stone, Thomas A., en April 30, '61; Granville co; w. Stone, D. B., en April 30, '61; Granville co; dt. Spencer, A. F., en April 22, "61; Granville co; pr Captain and wounded. Sigman, Barnett, en February 30, '63; Cleveland co. Siguian, B., en February 30, '62; Cleveland co. Smith, Thomas M., en .\pril 22, 62; Granville co. Taylor James H., en April 22, '61; Gran\-ille co. Terr}', L,. D., enlisted April 22, '61, Granville co. Thomas, R. W., en April 22, '61; Granville co. Thorpe, Peterson, en 22, '61, Granville co. Tamore, Philip, en July 5, '62; Virginia. Terry, J. C, en July 4, 64, Wake co; dt. Tunstall, R. A., en October 10, '64; Granville co. Thomson, James, en September 30, '64; Wake co. Tharrington, W. W., en August 5, '62; Wake co; c. Vaughan, A. J., en April 22, '61; Granville co. Watson, J. G., en April 30, '61; Granville co. Williams, J., en August 18, '62; Virginia. Whismount, John, en February 30, '63; Cleveland co. Williams, S. T., en April 22, '62, Granville co. Weaver, G. W., en April 22, '61, Granville co. Webb, Wni. H.. en April 22, '61, Gran\-ille co. Williams, C. H., en April 22, '61, Granville co. Williams, P. H., en April 22, '61, Gr.mville co. Williams, R. A., en March 4, '62, Gran\ille co. 28 Wii^.i^ins, Joseph, eii A])ril 22. '61, Granxilie Co. Wi.UK''!'^' J'l'ii'-'^. t^n A])ril 22. 'in, ( Tram ilk- co. V.incf\-, P. H., en Apri] 22, 'hi, (irainillc co. Vork, J- \V., en Ajiril 22, '61, (rrainille co. York, J. C, cii February i, '64, (iramiUe co. ^L^ ^[^ Binder Gaylord '.res. Inc. Makers Syracijse, N. Y. PAT. JAN 21, 1308 UNIVERSITY OF N,C, AT CHAPEL HILL 00030751311 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTIC