■ . ■ ' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA V781.3 H726e Music Library This book must not be taken from the Library building. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/essaytowardsratihold A N S S A TOWARDS A RATIONAL SYSTEM of MUSIC By JOHN HOLDEN. Mufic To which refpondent ihakes the varied foul. Thomson. €ntereu in Stationery -$all* GLASGOW: Printed by Robert Urie for the Author. MDCCLXX, T G His Grace WILLIAM, Duke of MONTROSE, etc Chancellor of the University of Glasgow, Sir ADAM FERGUSSON, of KILKERRAN, Baronet, Lord Rector, The Reverend Mr. JOHN CORSE, Dean of Faculties; AND TO Doctor WILLIAM LEECHMAJ, Principal, And all the PROFESSORS of Glasgow College; PATRONS of useful and polite LITERATURE; This ESSAY is humbly infcribed, by their moft obedient Servant, JOHN HOLDEN. PREFACE. r 1 y H E defign of the following Treatife is to explain, in a rational and familiar way, and to dif- -* pofe, in a fyftematic order, thofe particulars with which every one ought to be acquainted, who defires either to perform Mulic with propriety and fpirit, or to hear it with judgment and tafte ; and therefore I have intitled it, An Essay towards a Rational System of Music. Having hit upon feveral new obfervations, which, according to the opinions of the beft judges in Mufic, whom I could confult, deferved to be communicated to the Public ; and confidering alfo, that many valuable improvements, lately made in this fcience by foreign authors, and particularly by the French, had not yet made their appearance, in an intelligible form, in our own language, I was ir- refiftibly conftrained to attempt this talk, however unqualified for it. The plan of this work was formed feveral years ago, and the fucceffive chapters printed off at different times, as they could be got ready ; for I found a neceffity of giving fome months attention, at all leifure hours, to every particular fubject, in order to bring them to that ftate, imperfect as it is, in which they now appear. I shall therefore make no other apology for the faults of the following Piece than this, which feems to be the only proper one an author can make, / have done my befl : and as I have had occafion to enter into fome enquiries where abfolute certainty is hardly to be expected, fo I am equally prepar- ed to enjoy the approbation of the judicious, fo far as I am right; or to profit by their candid correcti- ons, where I may be wrong. *b C vi ] O N N PART I. The Rudiments of practical Mufic. CHAP. I. Of the natural Scale. Preliminary explanations, Art. I to 6 Tones and femitones, where fituated, 7 to 14 The whole fcale confijls but of feven founds repeated, I J to 27 A new rule for determining the places of tones and femitones, 1 8 further remarks on the fcale, 19 Practice recommended with cautions, 20 Different effeils of notes, 21, 22 The fourth of the fcale variable, 23 andthefixth, 24 Thefe variations ufeful to be known, 25 and not imperceptible, 26 CHAP, II. Application of the Scale. Direclions to the finger, 2j, 28 A conjlani remembcrance of the key is both neceffary and natural, 29 to 31 Of the ufe offingingfyllables, 32,33 Tunes ofajbarp fries to be examined, and diflinguijhed from thofe of a flat feries, 34 to 36 Remarks on the foregoing chapter, 37 CHAP. III. Of the modern Syftem of Mafic. Of a femitonic fyflem denoted by letters and other characters, 38 to 41 The twelve different fcales felecled, and their founds denominated, 42 to 48 Remarks on the general fcheme, 49 to 51 The three vocal oclaves difpofed on eleven lines, and their fpaces, 52,53 Of cliffs, and their ufe, 54, 55 Qf enlarging the compafs of mufic by leger lines, 56 Offoarps or flats after the cliff, 57 to 59 A new rule for finding the place ofxs\\ and of the key, 60 Of diftinguifnng the fliarp and flat feries in written muff c, and when feveral parts are fet together, 61 A practical direilionfor the ready finding the degrees of any fcale, 62 CHAP. IV. Of Time. Of the meaning of notes, 63, 64 Kefs, 65 Augmentations, 66 Diminutions, 67 All regular mufic divided into meafures, 68, 69 Of bars, 70 Of the fubdivijions of the meafure, 7 1 Of comtnon time, 72 to 78 Of triple time, 79 to 84 Of mixed triple time, 85 to 87 Of cojnpound triple time, 88 to 91 The different values of rejls, 92 Ofmufic in f core, 93 Of accented and unaccented parts of the meafure, 94 to 97 Of prctracled and fyncopated notes, 98, 99 and their correfpondent refts, 100 Poetry and mufic compared, 10 1 to 103 Hints relating to expreffton 104, 105 Of the abfolute time of mufic, 106 to 108 CHAP. V. Mifcellaneous Explanations. Of a double bar, — a hold and clofe, 109 1 10 THE CONTENTS. Of a repeat, Article 1 1 1 — Da capo and dal fegno, 112 — a diretl and volti, 1 1 3 — a tye andjlaccato 1 1 4 — Forte and Piano, 1 1 5 — a trill orjhake, 1 16 — Appoggiatura, 1 1 7 — Recitative and air, 1 18 — Symphony and fong. Prelude and in- terlude, 119 Titles of different forts of airs, 120 Italian ntsords ufed to denote the time and manner of performance, 121 Comparative degrees of 'movement ', 123 Titles of entire pieces, 1 2 4 CHAP. VI. Of Harnaonical Confonances. Definition of a chord, 1 25 Of otlaves, Jingle, double, and triple, 126 Of the p erf eel chord, 1 2 7 Names of compounded intervals, 128/0130 Of the full perfeel chord, 13 1, 133 Of diflocations and omiffions, 133 to 137 Inverftons, 138 Of the fiat perfeel chord, 139,140 Of the tiuo forts of perfeel chords, 141. 142 D'iflinclion of chords into final and medi- al, 143, 144 Examples, 145, 146 Of all the perfeel chords in the fcale, 147, Of the choice of chords, 149, 150 Of the fundamental and figured thorough- bafs, 151, 152 Anew definition of concord and difcord, 1 5 3 Enumeration of concords, 154 Of the fundamentals of concords, 155 CHAP. VII. Of Diffonances. General remarks, 156 /o 158 Of diffonances by addition, 1 59 /a 170 Of omiffions in thefe chords, 171, 172 Of diffonances by fufpenfion, 173 /a 175 0/~ /^ fundamentals of diffonant chords, 176 /o 185 Of extraneous fundamentals introduced by fufpenfion, 106, 187 Recapitulation, 188 CHAP. VIII. Of Fundamental Progreffions. Of cadences, 189, 190 Of the perfeel regular cadence, 191 /o 196 V P a Jf a g es derived from the regular ca- dence, 197 /o 199 Of the perfeel cadence on the fourth, fifth, and fxth of the fcale, and of the occa- Jionally altered notes in each y 200 to 205 Of irregular cadences, 206/0 208 Of the falfe cadence, 209 Of the gradation on the fifth, 2 IO to 2 1 2 Enu?neration of fundamental paffages hi- therto treated of, 213 Of hartnonic phrafes, 214* 215- Examples, 216/02 18 Reafons for various omiffions, 219 Remarkable circumftances accounted for on the foregoing principles, 220 /o 225 £///$ o/rf third or fixth, and the ft ep of a fecond, 226/0232 Of modulation, and the fucceffion of occafi- onal new keys, 233/0243 Vll P radical rules, 244,245 Of imitations, 246 Examples, 247,248 0/ /^ fundamental fequence offevenths, and the preparation ofdifcords, 249/0254 Of fundamental licences, 255,256 CHAP. IX. Of the Flat Series. Peculiarities of the flat fries, 257, 258 Of finding the key by the marks at the cliff, and contrarinuife, 259,260 Various methods of fitting mujic of a flat fries, 262 Praclice recommended, yet to difcover, in all paffages, thefe fmall alterati- ons to which the fourth and fixth notes are liable, is one of the moft critical matters in the whole practice of mufic, and what no beginner ought to expect, let his natural talents be ever fo good, without a great deal of practice. It is by practice only, that our natural faculties of retaining and comparing mu- fical founds are to be improved and perfected; and therefore, fuch as cannot immediately difcover the difference of the two fuccefllve fourths, as defcribed, Art. 23. ought not, on that ac- count, either to difpute the reality of the fact, or to doubt of the fufficiency of their own talents for mufic. If thefe differences had been very obvious, the overfight of all the writers on mufic, from theearlieft antiquity, down to the prefentage, would have been inexcufable; fince none of them have given us any diftinct account of thefe occafional varieties: however, they are far from being imperceptible, when a prac- titioner partly knows what they are, and where to expect' them. Chap. II. Application of the N a t u . r a l Scale. . ., TT7HEN by often practifing the Gamut, as fcend and defcend by fingle ffeps, he may occafionally do it by /• YV recommended above, the proper found of larger leaps ; and thus become able to give the proper founds to each note is become familiar to the learner, it will be very eafy any mufical * fucceffion of notes which may be propofed. to vary their order; and inftead of being confined always to a- If it be required, immediately after the key, to found the * A fucceffion of notes, propofed at random, might chance to be very difficult, even for the mod expert, to execute; fo that a learner need not be difcouraged, on finding it almoft impoffible to perform fome leaps, which are but too frequently found in initial leflbns : he may, on thefe occafions, reft allured, that fuch leaps, as are very hard to execute, have but little to do in mufic : becaufe here, in general, whatever is eafy, is agreeable; and what- ever is difficult, is harfh. Thefe impracticable combinations of founds, in mufic, are fomething like clutters of confonants, without a proper intermixture of vowels, in writing; which no body can pronounce, and therefore do not at all belong to fpeech. Chap. II. Direclions to the Singer, third, dr fourth, or fifth, or fixth above; the directions ufu- ally given to a learner of vocal mufic are ; firft, to run up the fteps of the fcale, from the key, to the note required, as quick- ly as poffible, and afterwards to join the firft and laft notes to- gether, omitting the intermediate fteps. The fame directions are given for learning to execute the defcending leaps, from the key to the fixth, or fifth, or fourth, or third, or fecond below. Again, if it be propofed, immediately after the fecond, to take the fourth, or fifth, or fixth ; the infertion of the interme- diate fteps of the fcale, in as fhort notes as poffible, is ftill di- rected; until the learner be fo far advanced in the command of his voice, and fo habitually acquainted with the peculiar air and effect of each leap, that he has no more occafion to touch the intermediate fteps at all. By this method, a perfon may learn to perform all leaps, from any one note of the fcale, to any other ; and it is often of no fmall ufe, even to the more expert, in difficult or unufual paf- fages. 28. If the peculiar effecl: of each note of the fcale, as menti- oned, Art. 21. be carefully attended to, it will greatly affift the finger in the attainment of this neceffary qualification; and prevent the troublefome, and oftentimes difagreeable infertion of the intermediate notes; which frequently cannot be heard without altering, and perhaps fpoiling, the genuine air of the tune. Thus, for inftance, when the fourth is required to be fung, the learner, who is acquainted with the peculiar grave tone of the fourth, will be able immediately to give its proper found, without regarding how many fteps of the fcale are between it, and the former note : thus alfo, the fupplicative third and fe- venth ; and the plaintive fecond and fixth, may be kept in rea- dinefs to be inferted, whenever they are required. "The Key always to be kept in Mind. 9 In this way, we are fuppofed to keep the key note conftant- ly in view, during the whole courfe of a tune ; and to confider all the other notes of the fcale, chiefly with regard to their feveral relations to the key 5 and that this is the beft and moft natural way, I might venture to alien from the uncommon progrefs fome beginners have made, by being taught after this method; but more pofitively from the following confederations, which are obvious to all readers who have any tafte for mufic. 29. The common Pfalm tunes of the church are more uni- rerfally known than any other pieces of mufic; and therefore, we Jfhall make ufe of thefe for examples, whenever they will ferve the purpofe. Let a perfon fing, or play over the well known Pfalm tune, called York or Stilt, as reprefented, Exam. IX. and if he fings, let him apply the fyllable la to each note, rather than the words of any verfe ; the hearer will find, all along, a fort of expecta- tion of fomething ftill to follow, until the performer arrives at the laft note of the fourth line ; at which note, the expectation ceafes, and the hearer is perfectly fatisfied with a conclufion on that note : whereas, if the performer were to ftop at any other place of the tune, fuch an abrupt ending would be quite unfa- tisfactory, and a plain difappointment to the hearer. * This natural expectation, which never ceafes till fome pro- per fucceffion of notes occur, leading to, and terminating upon one certain found, is not peculiar to a few tunes only, but is common to all : we have chofen York tune, as an inftance, only on acconnt of its eafinefs : and here let it be obferved, that if a- ny reader be not already acquainted with this tune ; at leaft, fo as to fing or play it by the ear, as it is ufually called, he muft in- evitably learn to do this, before he can properly proceed any further. Thefe fucceffions of notes, which properly lead to the final * "We have, in this Example, directed the finger to ufe the unmeaning fyllable la, rather than any connected words ; becaufe, the natural expectation, intended to be exemplified, is often kept up by the uniinifhed fenfe of the words fung; when otherwife, the mufic might admit of a final clofe. This ex- pectation has alfo a dependence on the time and mtafure of the mufic, as will be fhewn when we come to ipeafc of thefe particulars. ^Application of the Scale. found, are called regular cadences ; and will be more particular- ly defcribed hereafter; and this final found, with which we are obliged to conclude, becaufe no other will fully fatisfy the hear- er, is always the key note of the tune ; and in all tunes of the fame fort * with that we have here ufed, the key of the tune is alfo the key of the natural fcale, as explained in the former Chapter ; and all the other notes are feconds, thirds, fourths, etc. to the key. Now it muft be acknowleged, that the hearer, who fo con- flantly expects the occurrence of this key note at the conclufi- on, muft, all along, keep the idea of it in his mind ; for if ever he were fuppofed to have totally forgot it, what then could hinder him from being as fully fatisfied with a final clofe, upon fome other note ? It is plain then, that in the practice of mufic, the key note is conftantly kept in mind; and all other notes which are ad- mitted, are fomeway compared with the key. Thefecomparifons, and the confequent perceptions, are, indeed, the very effence of mufic. It is impoffible for us to hear two different founds, ei- ther together, or in fucceffion, without attempting to make fome comparifon, either between one and the other, or between each of them, and fome third found, with which our mind may previoufly be poffelfed, and which we regard as a key note. 30. As we neceflarily conclude every piece of mufic with the key note, fo we naturally begin with the fame : this is the cafe in York tune, and moft part of the other Pfalm tunes in com- mon ufe. If we fometimes begin with another note of the fcale, it muft be one of thofe which are more nearly related to the key, viz. the third or the fifth f; and the initial paffages muft be fuch, as will fufficiently point out, to an experienced Part I. hearer, the real key of the following piece. This neceflity of having the key plainly pointed out, at the beginning of every piece, may be accounted for, by obferving that fo long as a hearer remains in fuipenfe, which note to fix upon for a key, he has no enjoyment of the mufic; and if he were to pitch upon a wrong one, it would be ftiil worfe ; for the fucceffive founds, when compared with a different key from that which the com- pofer intended, would either produce jarring and offeniive fen- fations, the very reverfe of mufic ; or they would, at beft, pro- duce fuch as were altogether foreign to the true air and defign of the piece. For an inftance of this, fuppofe a man to come within hear- ing of the fineft and moft connected piece of mufic, at the mid- dle of fome ftrain ; fuch a man, not having heard the beginning, and confequently, not knowing what note to pitch upon for a key, would not know what to make of it; it would, for a little time, feem to him an unmeaning, unconnected jargon of founds; till fome pafiage occurred which fhould point out to him the proper key of the whole ; and the more he was practifed in mufic, he would the fooner be able to determine what was the initial key, and would be the final, from the fpecies of the middle paffages. An unfkilful hearer, in fuch a cafe, might probably never be able toafcertain the proper key, till the final clofe; much like a fchool-boy, who enters, when the mafteris in the middle of one of Euclid's demonftrations ; and can nei- ther difcover the connexion, nor the defign of the reafoning, for want of knowing what is the principal propofition intended to be demonftrated. 3 1 . It is the uninterrupted rememberance of one certain found, as a principal key, which connects together all the fucceffive * There is another fort of tunes which conclude upon the fixth, or fecond of the natural fcale; or rather, which afiume a different feties made up, by piece-meals, out of two natural fcales, fo fituated, that the fifth of one fcale, is the key of the other ; and therefore, the fixth of one fcale, is the fame found as the fecond of the other; and this found, partly fixth, and partly fecond, is to fuch tunes a final, or key note; preferable to the real key of either of the two natural fcales, when thus intermixed. f This nearer affinity between fome certain notes of the fcale, will be particularly explained, under the head of harmonica! confonances. Chap. II. *d conftant Rememberance of the Key parts of one piece of mufic. When a perfon has fixed his at- tention on one found as a key note, if other founds accidentally intrude upon his ears, which belong to a different key, they have often a moft difagreeable effect ; although thefe other founds, when compared with their proper key be ever fo agreeable ; yet, in cotnparifon with his key, they muff be in fome degree extra- neous, and they may be quite incompatible * : and before he can hear fuch incompatible founds, with fatisfaction, he muff quit his own former key, and turn his attention altogether on that to which they properly belong : this is what we uiually ex- prefs by a man's being put out of his tune. He that will refolutely go on with his own tune, when fuch founds interfere, finds himfelf under a neceffity of confining his attention clofely to his own notes ; and, as it were, fhutting his ears to thefe incompatible founds. The Dutch concert f is a moft admirable leffon for this purpofe. The faculty of retaining theimpreiTions of mufical founds, for fome confiderable time after they ceafe to be heard, is purely natural, and requires no improved abilities at all. The plough- driver who quits his tune abruptly, whenever occafion re- quires ; and refumes it again, juft where he broke off. even af- ter an interruption of feveral minutes, is a notable inftance of this. It feems as natural to remember the tone of founds which we have lately heard, as the (hape or colour of objects which we have lately feen : but to turn our attention readily from one key note, and the founds dependent upon it, to another dif- ferent key, which introduces with it a different fett of founds, is , proved to be both neceffary and natural. I L an attainment due to practice alone, and a kind of force upon nature. 32. From thefe, and numberlefs other inftances, which will daily occur to the diligent obferver, it will plainly appear, that a conftant rememberance of the key note is both neceffary for the purpofes of mufic, and natural to the human mind ; from hence we infer, that whoever practices mufic, with a view to improve his judgment, concerning the propriety and juftnefsof each fucceffive found, ought principally to regard the relation of every one of them to the key ; he ought never to ufe a found without confidering it as fuch a degree of the natural fcale ; and for this purpofe, if he apply feven different finging fyllables, to the feven degrees of the Gamut, fuch as thofe of the Italians, defcribed, Art. 13. ; he ought to regard his fyllables as a kind of technical terms, which, in plain Englifh, mean no more than the key, the fecond, the third, etc. of the natural fcale, refpec- tively ; and herein confifts the advantage of thefe fyllables, that he who confiders them in this manner, adopts into his language a fett of (hort, fluent monofyllables, which can eafily be applied to the founds of a tune; and which, to him, fufficiently exprefs the feveral degrees of the natural fcale, and confequently the proper effect of every note he ufes. It is very certain, that by conftantly ufing fuch fyllables, and confidering them in the manner above directed, a finger will, in time, affociate the idea of each found in the fcale, with its pro- per fyllable, fo that he will habitually give fa the found of a fourth, fol that of a fifth, la that of a fixth, etc ; and will plainly * We call every different key, in fime 'degree extraneous, or foreign ; but yet fome are much more fo than others. There is fuch an affinity hetween the key and its fifth or fourth, that we can for a little while turn our attention upon either of thefe as an occafional new tey, without entirely relinquiihing our principal key ; but all other natural fcales, except thefe dependent upon the fifth or fourth, are incompatible with the principal fcale. But of this, more hereafter. f So called, in burlefque ; when a company of muficians fall to, all at once, each finging or playing a different tune on a different key, and in a different inood of time, as his own choice happens tc lead him ; and he that can hold out his tune longetr, is efteemed the beft performer. It is a droll enough talk, efpecially for a fing;r, to keep his own tune, and at the famctime to be upon the watch, fo as to be able to point out any other of the company, when he goes wrong. 1 2 lApplicatiofi of the Scale perceive an error, when any fyllable is not applied to its own Part I. found : but we muft own that it requires a long time, and a care- ful application, to arrive at this degree of proficiency ; and after we have got thus far, we may ftill be at a lofs, when we would apply the words of a verfe to a tune, at firft fight : fuch a pro- ficient may be able lofolfa, as it is called, but yet not able to fing, at fight. 33. Confidering that we have occafion, in finging, to apply all forts of fyllables to every found; and in inftrumental mufic, we have nothing to do with articulate fyllables at all; it feems not worth the while to be at fo much pains to afTociate every found with a particular fyllable; and ifitbean unneceffary trou- ble to learn fol-fa-ing in the Italian method, the Britifh me- thod, defcribed, Art. 14. is ftill more difficult, and lefs to the purpofe; for which reafon, our moft difcerning authors have, long ago, juftly reprefented_/j/-_/k-z7zg-, as a very laborious and ufelefs attainment. Thefe are fome of the reafons for which we would advife e- very learner of mufic, whether vocal or inftrumental, not to beftow much time in aflbciatingunmeaning fyllables with founds, which are already fuffkiently diftinguifhable by their effects, as fhewn, Art. 21.; and whofe fituations in the natural fcale are better and more familiarly exprefled, as we have hitherto done, by the ordinal numbers : let him rather turn his attention on the very founds themfelves ; and if he have formerly made him- felf perfect in the Gamut, as recommended in the laft chapter; Jet his next ftudy be, whenever he either performs, or hears a piece of mufic; firft, to afcertain its proper key, which he may always do by attending to the characteriftics of the key already given, Art. 29. and then to determine what degree of the natural fcale correfponds with each fucceffive found. Thus, by obferving that the firft found of York tune is the fame as the laft, the learner may conclude it to be the key note of the fcale j which being determined, he may, if neceffary, run over all the fteps of the Gamut pretty quickly, both up- ward and downward, for the better fixing in his mind the idea of each found, before he proceed to the tune. This done, he will eafily perceive that the fecond note of the tune is the fame found as the third of the Gamut; and that the third note of the tune is the fifth note of the Gamut : fo that the three firft notes of York tune are, the key, the third, and the fifth of the fcale. Proceeding in the fame manner through the whole tune, he will find each note correfponding with that degree of the Ga- mut, which is fptcificd by the K, or the figure fubjoined, in Exam. IX. : And if he fhould happen to be in any doubt con- cerning the real degree of any note, he may eafily have recourfe to the key, which, at any event, he will remember; and by running either upward or downward from the key, till he comes to the fame found, he will infallibly difcover what it is. 34. In this manner, we fhall fuppofe the learner to examine every plain eafy tune, with which he is acquainted, it it be of the fame fort with this ; but it muft be obferved, that there is another fort of tunes, which, as hinted in the note to Art. 29. have a different fcale, and are called tunes of a mixed or flat fe- ries ; in contra-diftinction to the fort we now propofe to be ex- amined, which are called tunes of a natural or (harp feries., The full explanation of the mixed feries muft be delayed till the affinity between the key and its fifth or fourth, mentioned in the note to Art. 31. be more fully handled; only it becomes neceffary here to give fome directions, whereby the learner may know whether any tune, with which he is acquainted, be of the one or the other fort; fo that he may not be baffled in at- tempting to apply the natural fcale to the wrong fort of tunes. The moft palpable difference between thefe two forts of tunes is in the third note; which, as we have already feen, is a kind of fupplicative found, and only a femitone below the fourth in the natural fcale; whereas, the third of the flat fcale is a Chap. II. T'unes ofajbarp Series, how to be examined, and how diflingu'ifbed from thofe of a flat Series. remarkably grave found, much like the fourth of the natural fcale, and is only a femitone above the fecond. The third of the natural fcale is called a major ox greater third, and is two tones above the key; and the third of the flat fcale is called a minor or lefs third, being only one tone and a femi- tone above the key. Thefe two forts of thirds are alfo fometimes diftinguifhed by the epithets fiarp and fat, rather improperly, as will appear when we come to (hew what are the received meanings of thefe epithets among muficians : however, our bufinefs is not fo much to afcertain the propriety of words, as of founds. 35. The direction given, Art. 29. for afcertaining the key note, is equally good in both forts of tunes. Now, we (hall fup- pofe that the learner, after he has found the proper key of any tune, proceeds to try whether it be natural for him to take the greater, or the lefs third above the key, while the rememberance of that tune lafts ; and in this trial he cannot be deceived ; be- caufe it is very difficult to turn our attention from one fort of a fcale to the other, while we retain the fame key note ; therefore, if he find it natural to take the lefs third above the key, imme- diately after he has either played, or fung, or heard any par- ticular tune, or even when he has been only thinking of it, he may fafely conclude that it belongs to the flat feries; and there- fore may, for the prefent, defer all further examination of fuch a tune. For one infiance of the change of attention neceflary to be made between the fharp and flat feries, we fhall fuppofe the reader to be acquainted with the old Pfalm tune, called Martyrs, reprefented Exam. X. which is of the flat fort. Let him firft fing, or play this tune over, and then immediately try to begin York tune in the fame found with which hefinifhed this other; he will find that in (lead of the lefs third, which is the fecond note of Martyrs tune, he mule now apply a quite different found, viz. a greater third, in order to come into the true air *3 of York tune; and that before he can properly found fuch a greater third, the rememberance of the lefs third, and indeed of every other note, which he had formerly applied in Martyrs tune, muft be entirely difregarded, and quite new ideas fubfti- tuted in their ftead. The truth is, thefe two different fcales are derived from quite different ways of conceiving the key note, The key of the flat feries is confidered as a plaintive found, much like the fixth of the natural fcale ; and can never, to our imagination, affume the boldnefs neceflary to the key of a fharp feries, Art. 21. until every idea of its effect, as key of a flat feries, be entirely fet afide. To make this change of attention flill more perceivable, let the learner, after he has begun either of thefe tunes, and found- ed only two or three of the firft notes, flop fhort there, and attempt to begin again on the fame key as before, but with the other tune: this experiment he may repeat feveral times, be- ginning the one and the other alternately; and thus by com- paring the beginning of T01 k tune, with the beginning of Mar- tyrs, he may, in a few minutes, acquire a more diflin£t idea of the difference between a greater and a lefs third, than can be conveyed to him by all the words in the world, without fome fuch trial. It is needlefs to dwell any longer on the difference between thefe two forts of fcales ; as almoft every one who has a turn for mufic, will perceive it at the firft glance of thought: and fuch as cannot partly find it out, by comparing the beginnings of Tork and Martyrs together, as directed above, need not ex- pect to receive much intelligence from any thing we can fay on the fcience of mufic; at leaft, not till they have made further progrefs in the art, by the affiftance and inftrucYions of a roafter. 36. It is impoffible here to point out any particular tunes which will be the moft proper for every reader to examine ; becaufe, thofe only are the moft proper for this purpofe, which Application of the Scale. Part I. the reader can already fing or play by the ear ; and of this fort every different reader will have a different collection. Among the common Pfalm tunes, the Old C. Pfalm, French, London New, St. David's, St. Ann's, Stroudwater, St. Matthew's, etc. are all tunes of the natural, or (harp feries ; and therefore may be examined at this time: and Dundee or Windfor, St. Mary's, Walfal, Bangor, Crowle, Norwich, St. Neot's, St, Ive's, Zi- on, etc. are all tunes of the mixed, or flat feries; and, therefore, mud be omitted at prefent. The compafs of fome tunes lies wholly or chiefly above the final key ; fuch as, French, London New, and St. David's : others are for the mod part below the final key ; fueh as, St. Ann's : and others extend both above and below the key ; fuch as, the Old C. Greenock, St. Paul's, Stroudwater, and St. Matthew's. This laft mentioned fort of tunes have been fometimes called plagal, to diftinguiih them from the other, which are denomi- nated authentic ; but this diftinction feems to be of very little ufe, in the prefent flate of mufic. 37. In impofing upon the learner this tafk of confidering and examining the tunes with which he is acquainted, we are departing from the common courfe of introductory treatifes on this fubject. The learner is generally left to the quiet en- joyment of every ftrain which he can already perform, and is hurried on to a parcel of initial leffons, which he neither knows how to perform, nor can the dumb leaves of a book lend him the leaft affiftance. It is plain, that a book can neither fing, nor fpeak ; it can only refer the reader to certain words which he has formerly afTociated with their reprefentative let- ters ; or to certain founds, which he has afTociated with their proper characters and names. Therefore we prefume, that as a perfon muft be able to pronounce a great many words be- fore he begins to learn the alphabet; fohe fhould be acquaint- ed with feveral tunes, before he begins to ftudy the application of the fcale, which is the alphabet of" mufic ; and as we fhould fir ft learn to fpell and read our mother-tongue ; (o we fhould firft learn to apply the fcale, if I may ufe the exprefflon, to our nurjis tunes. The courfe we propofe to the learner is briefly this ; firft, to determine the proper key of any tune, with which he is ac- quainted, by the directions given Art. 29.; then to try whe- ther it be of the fharp or flat feries, by the rule, Art. 35.: if it happens to be of the flat fort, he may defer all further exami- nation for the prefent; but if it be of the fharp feries, let him proceed according to the method prefcribed, Art. 33. to afcer- tain the degree of each fucceffive found, through the whole tune : and if thefe enquiries fhould prove a little abftrufe and difficult at firft, he may affure himfelf that every fucceffive trial will render them more and more eafy ; until the proper degrees of every fticceffion of founds which he hears, become even as obvious to his imagination, as the letters which fpell any word. This is the perfection he ought to afpire at, and thefe are the readieft and moft effectual fteps, we can propofe to be taken for the attainment of it . This will ferve to give an idea of what we call the practical application of the fcale; in which, the learner's progrefs muft depend altogether on his own diligence in examining, and na- tural ability in judging of mufical founds. — We come next to fhew how thefe degrees are reprefented by the lines and fpaces of our written mufic, which will afford fufficient matter for another chapter. Chap. III. The Semi tonic Sy/iem defcribed, and its fixt Sounds denoted by Letter. ijr Ch III. Of the Modern System o/Music, . ft ^TT^HE natural fcale, of which we have hither- Ar ic e 3 . J^ to treated, has always been, and will always be the fame in all ages and countries i it feems to have been one of thofe laws which the great Author of nature prefcribed to bimfelf, in the formation of the human mind, that fuch certain degrees of found mould, conltitute mufic: but the names by which thefe degrees have been diftinguifhed, and the ways of reprefenting them in writing, being things quite arbitrary, have undergone many alterations; infomuch, that a whole volume would fcarce fuffice to give art account of all the different fyf- tems, which are to be found among the authors of different ages. Happily for us, of the prefent age, we have one eftabliftied fyftem, which is received by all the muficians in Europe; and therefore, we may fafely confine ourfelves to the explanation of this modern fyftem, leaving all thofe of the antients, as matters of more curiofity than ufe. 39. We fuppofe all thofe intervals in the natural fcale, which we have hitherto called tones, capable to be fubdivided into two femitones each, by inferting an intermediate found between them: and thus, inftead of five tones, and two femitones, which, as formerly feen, are the natural intervals between any one found and its octave, we have always twelve femitones. By this means we conceive a fyftem of founds, indefinitely proceeding both upward and downward, by fteps which we call femitones each; and we fuppofe, that if any one of the founds of this fyftem be conftituted the key of a natural fcale, we (hall.' always find, among the other founds of the fyftem, all the o- ther degrees of the fcale, fufficiently near for practice; by o- m-itting one found, and taking the next, when a ftep of a tone is naturally required ; and by taking the two contiguous founds for the natural femitone, when it occurs. 40. Thus we have a femitonic fyftem of founds, which we fuppofe fixed and immutable; yet fo regulated, as that any one of thefe fixed founds may be the key of a natural fcale. For denoting thefe fixed foiinds, we make ufe of the feven firft let- ters of the alphabet, in this manner, viz. T*A*BC*D*EF*G*a*bc*d*ef*g*a*bc*d*ef*g. The loweft found is reprefented by the Greek T on the left hand ; the next found, which is a femitone above T, is repre- fented by an afterifm *, the next femitone is A, the next is an afterifm, the next is B, and the next C ; fo that the letters B and C are placed contiguous to each other. In the fame manner, the letters E and F are contiguous ; and all the other have an intermediate found between them, reprefented by the *. Thus, the feven letters, with five afterifms interfperfed, re- prefent twelve degrees, or an octave, of this femitonic fyftem, Art; 39.: fo that, when we come to a repetition of the fame letter over again, we come alfo to the fame found, an octave higher, Art. 1 5; and 16. ; and for diftinguifhing thefe founds in different octaves, we have put the loweft octave in capitals; the middle octave in Roman fmall ; and the uppermoft in Italic fmall, in the abo've fcheme. 41. Thefe three octaves comprehend the whole compafs or- dinarily affigned to the human voice. For inftance, T repre- fents the graveft found, which a man of a tolerable voice can clearly form ; and g is the acuteft found, which a Woman's voice is ordinarily fuppofed to reach: and, although the fcale Of the Modern Syjiem of Mufic. 16 for fome inftruments extends much farther, both upward and downward, yet thefe three, which we may call vocal octaves, are all for which we affign lines and fpaces in our written mu- fic : whatever exceeds this compafs, is put upon leger lines, Art. 17, 42. According to the above difpofition, it will eafily be ob- ferved, that if C be conftituted the key of a natural fcale, all the degrees of the fcale will coincide with the letters C. D. EF.G. a. b c. etc. becaufe, in this cafe, the femitones, which are na- turally the next above the third, and the next below the key, Art. ,8. are from E to F, and from b to c; which agrees ex- actly with the difpofition of the letters in our fyftem; fo that, in the key of C, we have no bufinefs with any of the founds marked with the *. 43. The cafe is different if we make any other found a key; for inftance, G. The rule requires, that the femitones in the key of G, be above b, and below G; now, above b, we have c, which is properly a femitone; but below G, we have F, a whole tone: therefore, inftead of this F, we muff ufe the note at the *, next below G, which is a femitone higher than F, and which we therefore call F fharp ; and fuch elevation of a note, a femitone above its proper found, is fhewn by affixing this character $, called a fharp, to its denominative letter. 44. If F be conftituted a key, the femitone from E to F, be- low the key, is right fituated ; but above a, the third, we have b, a whole tone, inftead of a femitone ; fo that, in the place of this b, we muft take the note at the *, next below b, which being -a femitone lower than b, is called b flat ; and this depref- fionofanote, a femitone below its proper found, is denoted by affixing this character \), called a flat, to its denominative letter. 45. The proper found of any letter is called natural, to dif- tinguifh it from that of the fame letter, when elevated a femi- tone by an occafional fharp, or depreffed the fame quantity by Part I. aflat; both which altered founds are denominated fictitious: according to this diftinction, all the notes of the fyftem marked with the * are fictitious ; although they may fome- times be called the fharp of the letter below ; and at other times, the fiat of the letter above: thus the *' between G and a. is fometimes called G fharp, and at other times, a, flat ; and fo ot the reft. 46. To determine what name properly belongs to every fic- titious note, which, in any particular fcale, we find a neceffity of ufing, it may be obferved, that for every fictitious note, which we take in, we muft of courfe leave out a natural note, either immediately above or below ; and therefore, we allot to fuch fictitious note, the name of the natural note, whofe place it fup- plies, with the proper addition of fharp or flat, according to its fituation above or below the natural. By this means the feven letters, which denominate the natu- ral notes of the fyftem, come to be all of them ufed, in every particular fcale, though differently affected with occafional (harps or flats. — The following general fcheme will fufficiently illuf- trate this. 47. For the better underftanding of this fcheme, we mayob- ferve, Firft,That there can be no more than twelve different fcales, anfwering to the twelve femitones in an octave, any one of which may be conftituted a key. Secondly, That in the order thefe different fcales are here ranged, every fubfequent fcale has either one fharp more, or one flat fewer, than that immediately pre- ceding. Thirdly, That the fourth of every preceding fcale, by adding a fharp to it, or by taking away a flat from it, always be- comes a feventh in the fubfequent fcale. Fourthly, That for rendering the comparifon between each of thefe fcales and the general fyftem more obvious, we have carefully placed each note with its proper name, exactly under the correfportdent note in the general fyftem. Fifthly, That we have begun each of the particular fcales with its key note, and terminated with the oc- Chap. III. The Sounds of each particular Scale felecled, and denominated by Letters and other Marks. 17 tave of the key, in order that the analogy between each of thefe progreflions and the natural fcale, formerly defcribed, may be more diftin&ly feen. Neverthelefs, each of them may be continued at pleafure, either upward or downward, by a re- ed into that of D flat, in the fubfequent line ; being the very fame founds, but differently named, viz. having five flats and two natural notes ; and thus, when we are come to fix fliarps as inN° 7. we take five flats for the next fcale, rather than fe- petition of the lame letters, in the fame order. Sixthly, That ven fliarps ; and fo proceed to diminifli the number of flats when the number of fharps amounts to feven, all the natural for each fubfequent fcale, until none of them remain, and notes are a femitone elevated, being each of them afFe&ed by a we arrive again at the fame natural fcale of C, with which we fliarp ; and in this cafe, the fcale of C lharp, N° 8. i9 convert- began. 48. Scheme of the Formation of the Twelve particular Scales from the General System. Genera] Syftem. N°i. Sharp Series of C 2. ofG 3- ofD 4- of A 5- ofE 6. ofB 7- ofF^ "•I ofC& or of D\) 9- of A\) 10. ofE[, 11. ofB[, 12. ofF The fame as at firft, C * D . D . D . D E b . E b . Eb • E b . * G . G F*G F^G F* • G^a . F* E&F& F G\, F F F F F G*. Ga[, Gaj, G . G . G . b c b c e f g * a, etc. all natural. F fliarp. F and C fliarp. F C and G fliarp. b . c% . d$ e . . F C G and D fliarp. :b FCGDandA fliarp. c%d a&b . c% FCGDA and E fliarp. bb : c% all fliarp. d b . . . e\> • . c b c BEADandGflat B E A and D flat B E and A flat. B and E flat. B flat, all natural. } 18 Of the Modem 49. It will eafily appear, that, as in beginning from the top of this fcheme, every fubfequent fcale differs from the preced- ing only in one note ; which, being always a fourth in the pre- ceding fcale, is elevated a femitone, and becomes a feventh in that which follows ; fo if we begin at the bottom, and pro- ceed upward, we (hall find every fcale differing from the next below; in that the feventh of the lower fcale, by being de- preffed a femitone, becomes a fourth in the upper: and thus it mull always be, that the fharpened fourth becomes a feventh, and the flattened feventh becomes a fourth, of a new fcale. 50. The fourth and feventh are the only notes liable to be dif- placed, in paffing from one key to another : this remark belongs more properly to another place ; only it feemed not amifs to take notice of it here, that the reader may be the better recon- ciled with the feeming irregularity in the arrangement of the fe- veral fcales above. The truth is, the fourth and feventh are the two terms of the tritone, Art. 11.; and by.elevating the lower or depreffmg 1 ' the upper term of the tritone, we make it a ditone and a femitone; and at the fame time, what was before a ditone and femitone, beqomes a tritone; fo that the proper degrees of the natural fcale flill exift, but the key note is chang- ed : whereas, if we were to fharpen any other note except the fourth, or flatten any other except the feventh, fuch a diiloca- tion would fpoil the order of the founds, and render them not confiftent with any natural fcale. Take any of the fcales, in Art. 48. at pleafure; fuppofe that of C, which is there the firft and laft, viz. . C . D . E F . b it will plainly appear that if anyone of thefe founds, viz. C, or D, or F, orG, or a, were flattened, and all the reft continued as they are, there would be an undivided interval of three femitones, called a trihemitone, between the flat note and the next above ; but there is no fuch undivided interval in the natural fcale. In Syftem of Mufic. Part I. the fame manner, if any one of thefe, viz. D, or E, or G, or a, orb, were made fharp, and all the reft remaining unaltered; the fame undivided and unnatural interval of three femitones would be produced, between the fharp note and the next ber low ; fo that it is evident no one note can be flattened, except E or b, nor can any one be fharpened, except C or F, without producing a trihemitone. Now, if C were made fharp, or E made flat, we fnould have four fucceffive tones together, viz. from F to C$, or from E[> to b, which is inconfiftent with the fteps of the natural fcale ; therefore, none but F can be fharpened, and this produces the fcale of G, as in N° 2.; and none but b, can be flattened, and this produces the fcale of F, as in N° 12. In the fame manner it will appear, that the fharpened fourth of every fcale, Art. 48. produces the fcale next below, and the flattened fe- venth produces that next above-; and that thefe are the only fmgle alterations which. can be made,. without fpoiling the natu- ral order of the founds. ' 51. There is yet fomething to be obferved in regard to the feventh fcale in. Art. 48. which has fix fharps, viz. F, C, G, D, A, and E; and of which Y% is the key. In this pofition, t% takes the place off natural ; and this cannot be avoided, with- out tranfgreffing the rule given, Art. 46. viz. that all the feven letters muff be ufed in naming the founds of each particu- lar fcale ; and this rule is of the utmoft importance, becaufe, as we fhallfhortly fee, 'each letter has its proper line or fpace allotted in our written. mufic ; at the beginning of which, we prefix the proper mark, to fhew if fuch letter be affected with either fharp or flat, in the particular fcale we are then making life of: fo that if one letter were to occur twice over, different- ly affected, and the next letter were quite left out, we mould have one double-meaning line or fpace, which muft occafionally denote two different founds, and an adjacent fpace or line, with- out any meaning at all, as having no found appropriated to it. Remarks on the foregoing Scheme. Of naming Lines and Spaces by Letters. Chap. III. Thus if we were to ufe f, inftead of e% in the feventh fcale, Art. 48. wefhould have the letter f, twice over, viz. firft natu- ral, and then fharp, and the letter e, would be quite excluded ; and thus the line or fpace allotted to e, would have no meaning, while that of f, would have more than could conveniently be ex- ' pre fled. For the fame reafons v/e alfo take B$: in the place of C natu- ral, in the eighth fcale, Art. 48. when all the {even letters are fharp ; but this fcale, as already (hewn. Art. 47. is better ex- prefled with five flats, in the fubfequent line. 52. We now proceed to fhew how thefe feveral fcalesare ex- preffed by the lines and fpaces of our written mufic ; and here as obferved, Art. 41. we have only three octaves, called vocal octaves, to provide for ; we therefore take eleven lines, which, with their intermediate fpaces, are fufficient for this purpofe. Upon thefe lines and fpaces v/e fuppofe the letters to be rang- ed in order, as fhewn below ; where obferve, that the whole compafs of three octaves, being much more than any fingle voice can perform; we therefore aflign the five loweft lines, with their fpaces, to the graved: of men's voices, which we call Bafs ; and thefe five loweft lines are called the Bafs ftaff: and the five uppermoft lines we appropriate to women's voices, which we call Treble; and thefe we call the Treble flaff. Thus the lowed octave, denoted by capital letters, belongs properly to the Bafs; and the higheft octave, denoted by Italic fmall letters, belongs to the Treble. Between the Bafs and the Treble ftafF, there is one interme- diate line, which exprefies the c of the middle octave, viz. of that octave which we denote by Roman fmall letters, and which may be called the Tenor octave. To this intermediate line, we therefore fometimes add the two loweft lines of the Treble ftaff, and the two uppermod of the Bafs ftafF; and fometimes more of the Bafs lines, and fewer of the Treble ; or more of the Treble, and fewer of the Bafs, fo as always to make up five lines 19 in whole; which we allot to the middle voices, under the name of Tenor, Medius or Contra. 53. Scheme of the Difpofition of the Letters upon Lines and Spaces. 2* 1 The Treble, or G cliff. I The Tenor, or C ciiff. H — c g ej The 3, orF ciiff Q; -D S^ pa 54. Now, in order to fhew what letter belongs to each line and fpace of our written mufic; and alfo, whether fuch letter ought to be underdood as in the Bafs, or Tenor, or Treble oc- tave ; we prefix to every ftaff of lines a certain mark, called a cliff; of which we have three forts, as reprefented above, viz. iji, The Bafs cliff is a kind of inverted C, with two points af- Of the Modern Syfte?n of Muftc. Part. I. terit ; and this fhews that the line on which it is placed, i. e. the line between the two points, is F, of the Bafs ottave. It is gene- rally fet upon the fourth line of the Bafs ftaff, as in the pre- ceding fcheme. idly, The Tenor cliff is two upright and two tranfverfe ftrokes ; and fhews that the line between the tranfverfe flrokes is c, of the Tenor octave. This cliff is occafionally fet upon any of the five lines, except the uppermoft : wherever it ftands, the lines above it may be conceived as belonging to the Treble ftaff, and the lines below to the Bafs. 3 dly, The Treble cliff partly refembles a carelefs G ; and (hews that the line on which it ftands is the g, immediately be- low the treble o&ave. This cliff is always fet, as above, on the fecond line of the Treble ftaff 55. The name of the cliff line being thus determined, the names of all the other lines and fpaces follow of courfe, viz. by counting upward from the cliff, in the alphabetical order of the letters ; obferving after G, to begin again with A ; and by count- ing downward from the cliff, in the fame order reverfed *. The learner ought to praftife this method of naming the lines and fpaces by letters, till it become quite familiar to him ; efpe- cially in the Bafs and Treble ftaffs; not only, becaufe thefe two are moft commonly ufed, but alio, becaufe the Tenor ftaff, as fhewn above, is made up by joining fome part of each of thefe to the intermediate, or Tenor cliff line; fo that the Tenor ftaff has nothing properly its own, but the cliff line ; whatever is a- bove may be conceived as borrowed from the Treble; and what- ever is below, from the Bafs. * Though any of the feven letters, placed at the beginning of a ftaff, might have anfwered the purpofe of a cliff, to determine the places of all the reft; yet the firft inventor probably made choice of thefe three letters, C, G, and F, rather than any other ; becaufe, as has been already fhewn, Art. 41. tlfeq. thefe are the letters which can be conftituted keys, with fewer diilocations of the natural founds of the fyftem than any other; fo that they may, properly enough, be called keys, or cliffs, by way of eminence, even in our modern fyftem. Among the antients, thefe three letters were dill more diftinguilhable. Gui'do Arctinus, to whom the invention of lines, marked with cliffs, is generally attributed, had, indeed, no other keys but thefe ; neither were the fcales, even of thofe, quite entire in his fyftem, according to our modern form; for he admitted none of our fictitious notes, except bty ; whereas the modern fcale of G requires F fharp, for its feventh note, which was not in Guido's fyftem. The truth is, the ancients did not confider dll the feven founds of the Gamut, as depending immediately on the principal key ; but fome of them, in cer- tain paffages, were fuppofed to depend either upon the fifth or fourth, as an occafional new key, [See the firft note to Art. 31.] and the feventh note in particular was always referred to one of thefe; fo that the fcale of any found was fuppofed to be, at the moft, only fix notes, called a hexachord ; to which Guido appropriated the fix fyllables, ut, re, mi, fa, fo], la, beginning firft from r, then from C, then from F, then from G, etc. as here reprefented. B C . D . E F . G . a & b c . d . e, mi fa . fol . , la . ut . re . mi fa . fol . la . . . ut re , . mi fa . fol , . la ut . re . mi fa . ut . fol re . . la etc. We fhall have occafion to confider this fcheme hereafter; it may ferve at prefent to fliew Guido's reafon for placing fo particular a regard on thofe letters. It will alfo ferve to account for thofe, feemingly, barbarous names which the muficians ftill ufe, viz. Gamut, A re, B mi, Cfa ut, Dfol re, etc. : as thefe names will appear to be taken exa&ly from Guido's fyftem ; by annexing to each letter all the fyllables by which it may occafionally be cxpreffed, and which, in this fcheme, fall directly below the letter. Chap. III. Of Cliff's, and the Sharps or Flats placed after them. 56. Thofe founds which afcend ftlll higher than the Treble octave, and which are therefore placed upon leger lines above the Treble ftaff, are denominated by the fame letters, in the fame order, with the addition of the words in alt. ; thus, the fpace above the five lines being called G, the firft leger line a- bove is A in alt. the fpace above that line is B in alt. the fe- cond leger line is C in alt. and fo on. On the contrary part, the notes below the Bafs octave, which are placed on leger lines below the Bafs ftaff, are called double Bafs, and expreffed by doubling the denominative letter ; thus, T being the lowed: line of the Bafs ftafF, the fpace below is cal- led double F, and denoted thus F F ; the firft leger line is E E ; the fpace below that is D D ; the fecond leger line is C C ; and fo on. 57. When any letter ought to be either fharp or flat, in the particular fcale, to which we propofe to adapt our tune, we place the refpective character upon the line or fpace belonging to fuch letter, immediately after the cliff; and we look upon the (harps or flats, which thus ftand at the beginning, as .in- fluencing all the notes, which ftand on the fame lines or fpaces, throughout the whole tune. For inftance, if we would write a tune of a fharp feries, for a Treble voice or inftrument, upon the key of G ; we begin with placing the Treble cliff upon the fecond line ; then we confider that if G, which here is the cliff line, be intended the key of the tune, we muft fharpen F, agreeable to the fecond fcale, Art. 48. ; we therefore place the fharp character upon the fpace below the cliff line, which is the place of F ; and be- caufe the fame letter F occurs again, on the uppermoft line, we may alfo place another fharp there, or we may omit this other fharp at pleafure ; it being a conftant rule, that if the fame letter occur twice in one ftaff of lines, and one of its places be marked with either fharp or flat, the other is alfo underftood to be affected in the fame manner, whether the mark be there or not. See Plate I. Exam. I. at the beginning: alfo Exam. VII. In thefe the fharp is placed upon both the upper and the lower F, immediately after the Treble cliff. See alfo Exam. IV. and IX. in which only the lower F is marked fharp, the other F is underftood to be the fame, though not marked. The key of the natural fcale in each of thefe Examples is G, as we have all along fuppofed it to be; the reader will now un- derftand that fo it muft be, whenever F is made fharp. In Exam. VI. there is neither fharp nor flat after the cliff, and therefore, all the letters are natural ; from whence we con- clude that C is the key of the natural fcale, Art. 42. and by counting upward fromG, the cliff line, we find the third fpace, viz. the fpace above the middle line belongs to C ; therefore, we conclude this to be the place of the key. See Art. 1 7. In Exam. X. we have two flats, viz. B and E, after the cliff, which correfponds with the eleventh fcale of Art. 48.; and therefore, B[? ought to be the key of the natural fcale; but yet this tune, being one of the mixed or flat feries, has its final or key note upon G, which, as will eafily be feen, is the flxth of the natural fcale. See Art. 35. and the fecond note to Art. 29. 58. In the fame manner, we may always determine the key of a fharp feries, by the fharps or flats which follow the cliff: and this we may do, by obferving only the number of them, al- though they fhould happen to be a little mifplaced ; for when- ever we fee two fharps, we may conclude that they are, or ought to be, upon F and C, and that D is the key of the fharp feries ; agreeable to the third fcale, Art. 48. Three fharps muft be F, C, and G, with A as key of the fharp feries, as in the fourth fcale; and fo on. In like manner we may conclude, when we fee one flat, that its place is B, having F for a key. Three flats are B, E, and A, with B[; asa key; and fo of the reft: obferving always that if the fame letter occur twice in the compafs of the ftaff, and both its places be marked fharp or flat, yet thefe two Of the Modern Syfteiri- of Muftc. Part I. marks are to be accounted only as one, agreeable to the pre- ceding Article. On the contrary, if we would write a tune of a {harp feries, and intend to make fuch a certain note the key, we may al- ways, by infpecYing the Scheme, Art. 48. find out the particu- lar fcale of our intended key, and the number and pofition of the {harps or fiats, necefTary to be prefixed. 59. From what is already faid, it will plainly appear, that every perfon, who would make any progrefs in the knowlege of our written mnfic, muft be familiarly acquainted with the two preceding Schemes, Art. 48. and 53.; and it would be well if every reader, who finds himfelf not able fufficiently to re- tain them in his memory, would be at the pains to copy them fair over with his own hands; for I can fafely affirm, from ex- perience, that by once actually copying fuch fchemes as thefe, he- will acquire a more complete idea of them, than by forty times looking tranfitorily over them. 60. There can be no occafion for any more than once copy- ing over the Scheme, Art. 53. for imprinting it fufficiently on the memory of a learner; but that in Art. 48. being more complex, the learner may ftill find a difficulty in retaining it fo completely in mind, as to be able, without the book, to apply it on any occafion: therefore the muficians find advantage in fubftituting a kind cf technical memory , for this purpofe. Of this fort are the rules for finding mi, which are to be found in different forms, among our authors; the following feems to be more comprehenfive and eafier to retain, than any I have feen ; Name thus your {harps, F, C, G, D, A, E : Your fiats call, B, E, A, D, G, and C : Of fliarps the laft ; of flats the following letter's mi. The meaning is this ; when we have {harps after the cliff, whe- ther there be more or fewer of them, F is to be accounted the firfl; C, the fecond ; G, the third, and fo on ; according to the order in which they fucceffively enter, in defcending from the top of the Scheme, Art. 48.; and when we have named all our {harps in this order, the laft named letter is always the feventh of the fcale, or the mi of our Britifh fyllables, Art. 14. When we have flats after the cliff, B is to be accounted the firfl: ; E, the fecond ; A, the third, and fo on ; according to the order in which they fucceffively enter, in afcending from the bottom 1 of the Scheme, Art. 48. ; and when we have named all our flats in this order, the following letter, or that which would come next in courfe to be flattened, is the feventh of the prefent fcale, i. e. mi. This will plainly appear to be the cafe by infpecYing the Scheme itfelf, with the third obfervation in Art. 47.: be- caufe, in adding {harps, the laft added {harp always becomes the prefent feventh ; and in taking away flats, the letter laft re- ftored to its natural place is the prefent. feventh: which letter is always the next following, in the above order of flat letters. Having thus found the place of mi, which is the feventh of the fcale; the femitone next above mi, is to be accounted the key. A few examples will make all this abundantly plain. For inftance, one Angle {harp is always ¥%, and here F^: be- ing laft, as well as firft, is mi, and G, which is a femitone high- er, is the key. Two {harps are F$, and C$ : here C$ is mi, and D, a femi- tone higher is the key. Three {harps' are F-$, C$, and G$; here G% is the mi, and A is the key : and fo of the reft, until we come to the fix {harps, of which the laft is E^< ; and this being the fame note with F natural , we therefore ftep a femitone higher to F$, which is then the key; as in the feventh fcale, Art. 48. Again, one fingle flat is B\), and here E, which is the next following letter, is mi; and F, the femitone next above E, is the key. Two flats are B\) and E|>; here A is mi; and B[j, a femitone higher, is the key. Three flats are B|>, E\>, and Ajj ; here D is mi, and E[> is the key ; and fo of the reft, until we Chap. III. Practical Rules for finding the Key, come to five flats, of which the Lift is G\j, and the follow- ing letter is C, which is therefore mi, and D[j, the femitone next higher ; is the key ; as in the eighth fcale of Art. 48. It may be obferved that C, which is the laft letter of the or- der for flats, is never itfelf marked flat at the cliff; neither is B ever marked fharp. We admit no more than fix (harps, or five flats, at the cliff. 61. Having hitherto fuppofed the learner to apply his atten- tion to tunes of the fharp feries only, without meddling with thofe of the flat feries; it becomes neceftary here to obferve, that after afcertaining the key of the natural fcale, of any written mufic, by the preceding rules ; if he be not already acquainted with the air of it, he muft look to the final note ; and if he find that it ends upon the key of the natural fcale, he may fafely conclude, that it is of the fharp fort; but if it ends upon the fixth or fecond, he may conclude that it is of the flat fort. He muft obferve alio, that when feveral different flafFs are placed below each other, and coupled together by a large bracket, at the beginning, it fignifies, that while one voice or inflrument goes on with the notes of one of the ftaffs, other voices or in- struments are to accompany with the notes of the other ftaffs ; each in the proper degrees of found, asfhewn by the cliffs pre- fixed to the feveral ftaffs ; fo that one, two, three, four, or more different tunes' are to be carried on together; and the joint effect, of thefe compounded tunes, when properly per- formed, is called harmony ; in contradiftinction to the effect of one Angle tune, which is called melody. In regard to this fort of compofitions, we (hall only ob- ferve for the prefent, that each tune, in refpecl: of the whole, is called a part ; and that whatever number of parts be affigned to Treble, or to Tenor voices, or inftruments, there muft always be one Bafs part, which is a kind of fundamental to all the reft ; and which is fuppofed to attract the hearer's attention, at the by the Marks at the Cliff: and vice verfa. 23 ends of feveral ftrains, or portions of the tune ; and more par- cularly at the final concluflon. Thefe parts are known by their cliffs, as fhewn Art. 54. and alfo by their fituation under each other: the Bafs is always put loweft, the Trebles higheft, and the Tenors, if any be. are put in the middle between them :' and for afcertaining the key note of one of thefe compofitions in feveral parts, we muft always look to the laft note of the Bafs; becaufe, the hearer's attention be- ing here chiefly upon the Bafs, it is the only part which muft neceffarily conclude v.iih the key. The upper parts are often allowed to end upon the third or fifth of the fcale ; fee the note to Art. 30. 5 and yet they muft all have the fame key as the Bafs ; or otherwife they could not be heard together, with any fatisfaction. This does not contra- dict what was faid, Art. 29.: for if one of thefe upper parts, which ends upon the third or fifth, were performed alone, fuch an ending would not be fully fatisfaftory ; but would feem to require fomething more to follow, contrary to the charadterif- tics there given of the key note. 62. After afcertaining the place of the key note, of any writ- ten tune, the places of all the other degrees of the fcale will be known of courfe ; and it is worth a learner's while to obferve, that if the key note be upon a line, the third, fifth, and feventh above will alfo be upon lines; and the fecond, fourth, fixth, and octave above, upon fpaces : on the contrary, if the key note be upon a fpace, the third, fifth, and feventh above will alfo be upon fpaces; and the fecond, fourth, fixth, and octave, upon lines. This remark has been found of confiderable ufe, especially in learning to ling, at firft fight, by the notes ; be- caufe the finger has nothing elfe to direct his choice of notes, but the knowlege of their feveral lelations to the key, and their peculiar effects, as defcribed, Arf. 21.; fo that every remark which tends to make thefe relations more obvious, is a valuable 24 Of 'Time. acquifition to the finger in particular, and indeed to every per- former in general; for although feveral inftruments be managed, in a mechanical way, by the lingers, yet the performer's ear and judgment muft affift him to relith, and enter into the true fpirit of his piece, as obferved, Art. 25. We come next to explain what belongs to the article of Time ; Part. T this being indifpenfably neceffary to be underftood, before a per- fon be qualified to attempt the performance of mufic, by help of the notes only ; for it is to no purpofe that we know how to give each note its proper found, unlefs we alfo know how long time each found ought to be continued. Ch a^. IV. Of T 1 m e, and the Charatlers relating thereto. • ' \l t\ A ^ t ^ ie different degrees of tune or pitch are re- 3. j-^ p re f en ted by the fitnations of certain charac- ters, upon different lines or fpaces, with proper cliffs, and other marks prefixed, in the manner already explained ; fo the diffe- rent proportions of time, or duration of the founds of mufic are fhewn by feveral forts of characters, which we make ufe of, for that purpofe; their names, forms, and meanings, are to befeen in Plate II. Exam. XL 64. The femibreve, which is a round note, expreffes the longeft duration of time, among our modern characters ; and. may be efteemed as a kind of meafure which regulates all the reft: the minim is the fame round note, with a ftem added to it, and denotes half the time of a femibreve: the crotchet is a black head with a ftem; and is half a minim, or a fourth part of a femibreve : the quaver has a ftroke a-crofs the ftem, or elfe the extremity of the ftem turned back again in the form of a hook, and is half a crotchet *'. The femiquaver has two ftrokes a-crofs the ftem, or elfe a kind of double hook ; and is, as its * There is an impropriety in calling the ftraight-ftemmed note a crotchet ; which, though it may be but of little importance to the mufician, is ftill lefs honor to the linguift, who fiift adopted this name into our language. The word feems to come directly from the French crochet, which fignifies a hook, or pick-lock; and therefore belongs properly to the note we call a quaver ; and, which makes the nu'f-application ftill more inexcusable, the French muficians have all along called their hooked note by the name of creche. The names femibreve and minim are not very proper at prefent, but may be difpenfed with, if we confider the firfl: rife of them. For fome ages, after the invention of lines and cliffs, they ufed nothing but three forts of fquare characters, of different fizes, which they placed in various manners, to denote the proportions of the time of founds; thefe characters were called by the Italians, majjima, longa, and breve ; meaning the largeit, the long, and the fliort, refpectively. Afterwards came the femibreve into ufe, which was at firft of a diamond form, but is now made round ; then followed the minima, or fhorteft note ; and hence arofe the two names, femibreve and minim, which we dill retain. The fhorter notes are of later date, and feem to have been taken in one after another, as the longer were caft off: however, it it is more than probable, that in former times, the maffima, or large, was fung not much longer than our femibreve is at prefent, in church mufic ; fo that the alteration is rather in the forms and names of the feveral notes, than in the real length of the founds of mufic. We here fubjoin the French, and Italian names of the notes Quaver, English. Semibreve, Minim, Crotchet, French. Ronde, Blanche, Noire, Italian. Semibreve, Miiiima, Scmimbrima, Examp. XI. Semiquaver, Demi-quaver. Croche, Double Croche, Triple Crochc. Chroma, or Fufa, Semichroma, Bif -chroma. Plate 1?* Exam. 1. * 33=©: ia-o 5=Gz^ 5-rr-Q: a K. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. K. 2, 3. 4. ' 5. 6. 7. 8. K. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. Ex.4* h a o Ex.5i th a — O: - pr— -Q-- - o — o- 5E=oE=5r^ m Uf. 7\?. mi Ex. 6 * /to. /£/. /•?. ^y^* **£ Fa. fcl. la. fa. iol. la. mi, fa. I -© — o- O -&- ^=S: =0==0: -€>- JQ =©= 7. K. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. K. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. K,&c BritifhSyllab: mi> &< &1 . h _ la _ foL Ia _ mL fa _ fol> u# fa _ foL j a _ mi _ &-8<:c Jfa/ia?iSy/£ji~. uf. re. -w/. /«. /?/. yfe. ./£'. uf. re. zvt. /a. /&/. (a. /c. ut. &c Ex 7*h _ c Ex.8t h x & _ ^ __i__ ^|_6Ui-5— 1— 1 W- if-5-XJZ -^.jJ a.*' r q_j c_c _ Ex. 9 ! h YORK TUNE K. 2. 3. 4. 4. 3. 2. K. iM5^ ^ K 3546352 2 3 562 5 K35 4635 Ex 10^ h MARTYRS TUNE. 3 4 3 5 2 K l^^^a^^^a^^ ^ ^j ^ a i Qhap.IY. Of 'Notes, Re/Is, Augmentations , and^Diminutions. The 'Divifion of all regular Mufic into Meafures. 25 to be performed in the time of one minim : three quavers, figured over with a three, are equal to one crotchet ; and fo on. See Exam. XIII. where the figured notes are placed above, and name imports, the half of a quaver. Demi-femiquavers, fome- times called, by contraction, demi-quavers, are joined by three crofs ftrokes, and are each the half of a femiquaver: thefe arc the fhorteft notes which ordinarily occur in modern mufic ; four of them are equal, to one quaver; eight, to one crotchet; fix- teen, to one minim; and thirty two, to one femibreve. 6$. After each of thefe notes, in Exam. XI. is placed ano- ther character, which is called a Reft, or Paufe ; and is ufed to denote a filence, or cefiation of found, equal in length to the value of the, note which there precedes it, and from whence it takes its name : thus, the black fquare character which projects downward from any line, is called a femib.reve reft * ; the fame character projecting upward from any line, is a minim reft; the crotchet reft is like a tenter-hook, turned towards the right- hand ; the quav;er reft is the fame, turned towards the left-hand; the femiqtiayec reft is a double hook ; and the demi-femiquaver reft, a triple hook, turned towards the left hand. 66. A dpjt or point put after any of thefe notes augments its value, and makes it juft one half longer: thus, a pointed femi- breve is equal to a femibreve and a minim, or three minims : a pointed minim is equal to a minim and a crotchet, or three crotchets : a, pointed crotchet is equal to three quavers, and fo on. See Exam. XII. where the pointed notes are placed above, and the equivalent plain notes below. 6.7. The figure 3, placed over three equal notes of any kind, fhews that thofe three notes are diminished in value, fo as to, be all performed in the fame time which two of them would other- wife require :. thus, three crotchets, figured over with a 3, are the equivalent plain notes below. It may beobferved from this, and the two precedingexamples, that if we pitch upon any plain note, except the longeft or the fhorteft, we can always exprefs its double, or its half; and its triple, or its third part, by the above methods of notation : for the next longer plain note is always double, and the next fhorter is half; the double note, with the addition of a point, becomes triple; and the half, by figuring it over with a 3, becomes a thhd part. 68. To explain the proper method of applying thefe charac- ters, we obferve, that although the fucceffive founds of mufic are often vaftly unequal, in refpcct to their length, or duration; yet ftill there are certain due proportions of time which muft be adhered to, with the greateft care and exactnefs, or otherwife the mufic will appear wild and incoherent : and in order to dif- cufs this matter fully, we muft firft take notice of the natural divifion of all regular mufic into certain equal-timed parcels, called Meafures. 69. This meafure is, in regard to the time of mufic, fome- thing like the key note, in regard to the tune or pitch of founds ; for as every degree of found muft bear its proper relation to one eftabliihed key note, fo the length of every found muft bear a due proportion to one eftabliihed meafure, which runs through the whole piece f . This equal-timed meafure fometimes com- prehends more, and fometimes fewer different founds, according * The femibreve reft is alfo ufed to denote the reft of a bar, even though the bar fhould contain more or lefs than fliew : there were alfo other characters formerly in ufe, which denoted the reft of two, or four, or eight bars, or m and a more intelligible method of exprefling fuch long filences is fubftituted in their ftead. The Italians name the refts in the fame manner we do, viz. [unfa di femibreve, pat/fa di minima, paufa di femiminir, concife names which are well worth our notice : they call the femibreve reft, {imply uhc paufe ; the minim reft, demi-paufe a figh ; the quaver reft, demi-foupir ; and the femiquaver reft, quart defoupi, a femibreve, as we fliall hereafter >re ; but they are now laid afide, etc. ; but the French have more- die crotchet reft, foapir, which is f There is a moft remarkable analogy between the choice of the mind i yet been taken notice of; and which we fliall endeavour to purfue to ud\ egard to the time, and its choice in ntage, when we come to {peak of the theory. G to the tune of founds, which has never 2 6 Of 'Time. Part. I. as the founds are longer or fhorter ; but ftill the length of all the notes, taken together, ought naturally to be the fame, in eve- ry meafure throughout a whole tune. 70. In written mufic thefe meafures are feparated by fmall perpendicular lines drawn acrofs the ftaff, which we call Bars; and although thefe lines be properly fo called, yet we often ufe the fame word to exprefs the notes comprehended between two bars, i. e. the meafure of the mufic ; fo that a meafure and a bar are often fynonymous terms. 71. Befides this neceflary diftribution of the fucceffive founds of mufic into certain equal-timed parcels, called meafures, or bars ; it is alfo requifite that each meafure be conceived as di- vided and fub-divided into fmaller equal parts : and on exami- nation of the feveral kinds of divifions and fub-divifions, which are admitted in the meafure of mufic, it is very remarkable, that we never find any other parts, but fuch as arife either from bi- fedtion or trifedtion ; that is, fuch as are either halves, or third parts of the whole meafure, or of fomeof its parts. Thus the di- vifion into four, or eight, or fixteen parts, arifes from a conti- nual bifedtion : the divifion into five equal parts is not admitted : a fixth part may be either the half of a third part, or the third part of a half: a feventh part is never ufed : a ninth partis the third, of a third part ; a tenth part is rejected on account of its implying a divifion by five, which is not admitted ; tor the tenth part would either be the half of a fifth, or the fifth part of a half : an eleventh pait is impracticable: a twelfth part may be either the half of a fixth, or the third part of a fourth. Thus we might proceed to afcertain the other practicable and impracticable divifions of the meafure in mufic, which have their parts ftill fmaller and more numerous than thofe above-mention- * This latter mood is called by the Italians, tempo alia breve; in contra-diitincTiion to the former, which is called tempo alia femihreve ; which terms feem to intimate that the quantity of two femibreves, or a breve, molt properly belongs to the mood of the barred C: but although, in this mood,_ the notes ought to be made fnorter than in the other, yet they are not fo much fhortened as to bring the whole breve into the time which a iemibreve requires, in the other mood ; nor indeed is there any fixt rule for the comparative proportions of the time of a bar, in different moods. ed ; the fame rule ftill takes place, viz. that the number of e- qual parts which we imagine the meafure to contain, muff be a number fome way produced, by repeated multiplication, from one, or both of the fmall factors, 2 and 3. But we need not to purfue this fpeculation any further at prefent. 7 2. If we conceive the entire meafure to be continually bifect- ed, which is the eafieft and moft natural fub-divifion, fuch a partition conl'.itutes the fpecies of time, called double or com- mon time; which we mark, in written mufic, when flow, by a large C after the cliff; when quicker, by the fame C, with a bar drawn down through it. See Exam. XIV. and XV. Thefe marks for denoting the fpecies of the time, are called Moods. In the firft of the above-mentioned moods, which is a plain C, every bar contains the quantity of a femibreve; in the other, which is a barred C, we fometimes find the quantity of two femibreves ; and fometimes only one in every bar *. 73. For acquiring a proper idea of the natural fub-divifions of the meafure in common time, the following obfervations will be found of great ufe to a learner. Upon applying a watch to our ear, and Mening to its beats or pulfes, we always find them proceeding by pairs, i. e. by two and two together ; which is owing to the pulfes being alternately a little ftronger and weaker, even in the very beft of watches ; and they are often much more fo, in the common fort. Thefe pulfes we can moft eafily count, 1,2, 1,2, 1,2, and fo on; and in this way of count- ing, each fingle pulfe may properly enough reprefent the time of a femiquaver. We can alfo, with a very little attention, place our regard on the alternate ftronger pulfes, and difregard the weakerones.foas to apply the fame way of counting, i;2; i;2; i;2; etc. in a flower manner, to the fucceffive pairs of fingle pulfes ; Chap. IV. Of the Sub-divifwns of the Meafure ; and fir ft of Common Time. confidering each pair, for the time, as conftituting one pulfe of a flower fort, anfwering to the time of a quaver. We can pro- ceed yet further, in the fame manner, to regard two of thefe pairs, i. e. four Angle pulfes as conftituting one pulfe of a ftill flower fort, anfwering to the time of a crotchet ; and thefe par- cels, of two pairs in each, we can alfo count, 1:2:1:2:1:2: etc. or we can count them, 1! 2: 3: 4: i: 2: 3: 4: and fo on; which laft method reprefents exactly the divifiori of the common time meafure into four crotchets, and the fub-divifion of each crot- chet into four femiquavers. This being a moft ufeful, and, as far as I can learn, a new method*; we here fubjoin a reprefentation of the fucceffive fingle pulfes, by a row of frriall perpendicular lines; alternately longer and fhorter, to denote the ftronger and weaker, or, as we may call them, the naturally accented, and unaccented pulfes; under which are placed figures to illuftrate the method of counting, as above recommended, by 4 in a parcel. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 123412 etc. The fpace of time, from 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, etc. in this way, is almofta fecbnd of a common houfe-clock; and the time from 1 to 1 again, is to be efteemed the entire meafure, or bar. It matters not though the real length of the meafure ought to be made fomething more, in Church mufic ; and often much lefs, in Opera mufic: the learner, who by practice in counting the pulfes of a watch, after this manner, has rendered this fort of fub-divifion familiar to his mind, will find no difficulty in ap- plying it to any meafure, whether longer or fhorter. * Several authors advife the counting of the fingle beats of a houfe-clock for crotchets-, but a watch is vaftly preferable; becaufe the quick pulfes of a watch, taken by 4 and 4 together, give an idea of the natural fub-divifion of the crotchet; and this fub-divifion is as effential to the common time moods, as the primary divifion itfelf. The watch is alfo preferable, becaufe a learner will have it ready, in any place. 27 74. The cuftom of maintaining fome uniform motion, either with the hand or foot, to denote the proper divifion of a tune into meafures, and the fub-divifion of each meafure into certain parts ; which is called beating time, is very advantageous to a learner; and abfolutely necefTary for the moft expert performers, when a number join together, in the parts of a harmonic com- pofition : with this difference, that the learner ought to begin with quicker, and more frequent motions ; becaufe, it re- quires practice to judge of the equality, when the motions in beating time are very flow; fo that in fuch moods as the expert mufician needs only one motion for a whole bar, the begin- ner ought toufe two, or, perhaps, four motions in the fame time. 75. It is beft to begin to beat flow common time with four mo- tions in a bar, thus ; let the learner fit with a table or defk before him, and applying a watch to his ear with the left hand ; let him count its pulfes by 4 and 4 together, as directed Art. 73.: let the right-hand be put down at 1 , the fingers raifed a little, with- out moving the wrift from the table, at 2 ; the hand raifed to- wards the left breaft, at 3 ; and from thence towards the right ear, at 4 ; then down again at 1 ; and fo on. This method muft be followed till he can f^rform thefe four motions, in equal time, without the help of .he watch; which will coft fome attention and practice ; but it will, in the iffue, abundantly requite all the pains which may be bellowed up- on it. 76. Thofe who apply themfelves to the practice of inftrumen- tal mufic, in which the hands are to be otherwife employed, may, inftead of the four motions of the hand, as above, fubfti- tute correfpondent motions of the foot, fuch as thefe ; viz. while the heel continues conftantly on the ground, let the toe be raif- •>3 cd a little, and fo kept in readinefs, to be put down exactly at i ; railed again at 2; put down again at 3 ; and raifed at 4 ; and fo on : and in order to attain the habit of performing thefe alternate motions in equal time, fuch as have not the opportu- nity of counting a watch, or a houfe-clock, will find it ufeful to ftand and move the whole body, inclining a little for- ward, and back again, as the toe is put down and raifed % but, if this is done, it muftbe with Ipecia! caution, that the motion of the body be no longer ufed, than till the learner can keep e- qual time without it ; which he will eafily experience, by try- ing bow he fucceeds, when fitting. There is nothing more ridiculous than to fee a man's body vibrating like a pendulum, all the while he fings or plays. 77. When the manner of beating ilow common time, by four motions in a bar, is become pretty familiar to the learner, be ought to proceed to the quicker mood of the barred C ; in which it is proper to begin with only two motions in a bar; and in- deed, after a little practice, even in the fioweft mood., the mo- tions may be reduced to two. in a bar; viz. a putting down of the hand, or toe, at the beginning of the bar, and c raifing it at the middle ; tlem down again at the next beginning, and fo on. r f 78 There are two other moods of common time, frequently ufed in Opera mufic, which are ftill quicker than the barred C ; viz. one marked with the fame barred C, but inverted, which is called the retorted mood ; and another marked with a 2 above, and a 4 below : fee Exam. XVI. and XVII. The retorted mood contains the quantity of a femibreve in each bar; but then the length of time due to each note, is only about half of what be- longs to them in the flow mood ; fo that the motions are about the fame quicknefs, for two in a bar in this mood, as for four in a bar in the flow mood. The other, and ftill quicker mood, marked with 2 and 4, placed in the form or a fraction, contains only the quantity of two crotchets, or a minim in each bar ; Of Time. Part I. and here the motions are abont the fame quicknefs for 2 in a bar, as they would be for 4 in a bar, in the mood of the bar- red C ; and as it is moft proper to ufe only two motions in a bar, in the mood of the barred C ; fo here it is beft to ufe only one, viz. to drop the toe at the beginning of one bar, and to raife it at the beginning of the next, and fo on. 79 If the entire meafure be divided into three equal parts, and yet each of thefe parts fub divided into 2 and 4, etc. like the parts of common, time ; this fort of divifion is called fimple Triple time: for which, if the movement be flow, we take a pointed femibreve, or three minims, to a bar ; and mark the mood with 3 above, and 2 below : if the movement be quicker, we take a pointed minim, or three crochets to a bar ; and mark the mood with 3 above and 4 below: fee Exam XVIII. and XIX. 80. In order to get the proper idea of this fort of time, the counting of a watch by 4 and 4 fingle pulfes together, will ftill be ufeful; but then we muft only proceed to the number 3, and then begin with one again; inftead of going on to 4, as in Art. 73. See a reprefentation of this way of counting, deiign- ed after the fame manner, as that of the above-cited Article. I . I I I I M I I I M I I I I etc. 3 etc. Here, as before, the meafure is fuppofed always to begin at 1 : and in the flower mood of three minims, each fingle pulie re- presents a quaver, and the fingle pair reprefents a crotchet; but in the quicker mood of three crotchets, each fingle pulie repre- fents a femiquaver; and the fingle pair, a quaver. 8r. For learning to beat this fort of time, let a watch be ap- plied to the ear, as formerly, and its pulfes counted in the man- ner reprefented above; put down the right-hand at 1, raife the fingers a little, without moving the wrift from the table, at 2; raife the hand towards the right ear, at 3 : then down again, Chap. IV. Directions for beating Common 'time. Of the Moods, Names and Ways of 'beating'TripleT'ime. 29 at 1, and fo on. If the foot is made ufe of, Jet the toe be put down, and prefTed a little to the ground, at 1 ; withdraw the prefTure, but let the toe remain on the ground, at 2; raife the toe, at 3; prefs it down again, at 1 ; and foon. Here alfo, as before, in Art. 74, we have occafion to recom- mend the frequent practice of one, or both, of thefe methods of beating triple time, with three motions in a bar; until the learner can perform the motions, in equal time, without the help of a watch : after which, he will find but little difficulty in conforming to any meafure, whether longer or fhorter ; by making the motions refpectively flower, or quicker. A houfe-clock may ferve, in default of a watch, by counting its fingle beats, 1:2:3: 1 : 2: 3: etc. ; fo that here, every fingle beat of a clock flands in flead of four pulfes of a watch; and the length of each meafure is juft three feconds. 82. There are alfo two other moods of fimple triple time, which exprefs quicker movements, and are often ufed in Opera mufic ; viz. one marked with 3 above and 8 below ; in which the meafure contains only the quantity of a pointed crotchet, or three quavers ; fee Exam. XX. : and another marked with 3 above and 1 6 below, in which the meafure is only a pointed quaver, or three femiquavers. The eafieft way of conceiving the meaning of thefe, and all other moods, which are marked by figures, placed in the form of a fraction, is, to fuppofe them a real fraction, refpefting a femibreve as the integer ; and thus, the lower figure, or de- nominator, fhews the number of parts into which the femibreve is divided; and is always either 2, 4, 8, or 16, anfwering to minims, crotchets, quaver9, or femiquavers, refpeftively ; and the upper figure, or numerator, fhews how many of thofe parts conOitute one meafure or bar; and in all the moods of fimple triple time, the upper figure is always 3 ; becaufe it is the cha- rafterifiic of this fort of time, that three equal notes go to one meafure. 83. There are feveral ways of naming thefe figured moods, as fhewn in the following table. Moods. Names. 3 C Three to two, three halves, 2 £Slow triple, or triple of minims. 3 ( Three to four, three fourths, 4 I Common triple, or triple of crotchets. 3 C Three to eight, three eighths, 8 £ Quick triple, or triple of quavers. 3 ("Three to fixteen, three fixteenths, 1 6 £ Very quick triple, or triple of femiquavers. Of thefe four feveral names of each mood, the laft, which expreffes both the fort of time, and the conftituent note, feems to be the moft proper, and moft intelligible. We fhall there- fore hereafter name the moods in this manner. 84. The method of beating time, defcribed, Art. 81. which is called three in a bar, agrees very well with the triple of mi- nims, and with the triple of crotchets in Church mufic; but in the triple of quavers or femiquavers, and often in the triple of crotchets in Opera mufic, the fucceffion is too quick to ad- mit of three motions in a bar; and in thefe cafes it is moll conve- nient to ufe only one motion for a bar, putting down the hand, or toe, at the beginning of one bar, and raifing it at the begin- ning of the next bar, and fo on : and in this way the triple di- vifion of the meafure is fupplied by the imagination, while the motions determine nothing but the length of each entire mea- fure. See Exam. XIX, and XX. In the very quick triple of femiquavers, we may take fiill greater liberty, and include two, or even four bars, under one motion: but fiill the imagination muft fupply all the divifions II 3 o • i Oftt. and fubdivifions, which are left undetermined by the motions of beating time. 85. As we fometimes join together two, or four, quick tri- ple bars, under one motion, in beating time ; fo the compofers often join together two, or -four, quick triple meafures, in one bar ; and from hence arife the forts of time called, in general, mixt triples; which are not fo much a different fpecies of time, as a different manner of barring the fimple triples. Thus the triple of crotchets, Exam. XIX. by omitting one bar, and inferring the next, and fo on, alternately, becomes a fextuple, or a double triple, of crotchets, as in Exam. XXI. ; and is therefore marked with 6 above : the triple of quavers, Exam. XX by proceeding in the fame manner, becomes a fex- tuple of quavers, as in Exam. XXII. • The joining of four quick triple meafures in one bar, con- ftitutes the dodecuple, or quadruple triple moods, as in Exam. XXIII, and XXIV; which are marked with 12 above : and it is evident, that any of thefe mixt moods might be brought into the form of fimple triples, by inferring the omitted bars, in their proper places. 86. In regard to the time of thefe mixed triples, it may ge- nerally be efreemed fomething quicker than that of the fimple triples, of the fame denomination; and the dodecuples, fome- thing quicker than the fextuples. It is for this reafon that the fextuple of crotchets, Exam. XXI. is direfted to be beat by two in a bar, moderate ; when the triple of crotchets, Ex. XIX. is made one in a bar, JIow '.- in the fame manner the dodecu- ple of quavers, Exam. • XXIII. is called two in a bar, moderate ; and the fextuple of quavers, Exam. XXII. is oneinabar,y7cw; and fo of the reft. e. . Part. I. 87. We (hall here only add the following table of mixed tri- ples, which are in ufe among modern authors. Sextuples, or Double Triples. I Of crotchets, marked, 4 Sextuple — Q S tw^ 12 12 12 Ex.XVIII three in a Bar, moderate. 2 12 1 Ex. XIX. One in a Bar, slow. O— q — q=cp rr^: Q — p cri?' BZ 12 312312312 3 123 1 2 1 2 I Ex.XX.One in a Bar, moderate. Ex.XXI.two in a Bar, moderate. Ex.XXII.One in a Bar, slow. m p-p tm w? q-p ffcrcrh-isrTcia: p p pp pp ess: p 1112 1 Ex.XXIII.two in a Bar, moderate. 12 12 1 Ex. XXIV One in a Bar, slow. 1 2 1 Ex. XXVI three in a Bar, moderate. L2bt WFPP ^f-' i ifff^ fi B Bl fr J 1 2 1 Ex. XXVI. One in a Bar, slow. 2 12 Ex XXVII One in-, a Bar, moderate. 2 3 Jfr-9- ^-HH^m£&^ p m^g 16- K V* m Chap. IV. diftinguifhes one fpecies of time from another; fo that a hearer is naturally led to diftribute a tune into its proper meafures, though he fhould take no notice of the manner of beating time; nay, though he fhould know nothing at all of the rules relat- ing to the time of mufic. We are naturally pleafed with equal- timed meafures, divided and fub-divided in certain eligible man- ners ; but it is a work of time and fpeculation to afcertain what thofe divifions are, which give us pleafure. The emphafis always falls upon the number i, in the me- thods of counting a watch, or clock ; and accompanies the put- ting down of the hand, or toe, in beating time, as directed a- bove. 95. There is no occafion to make the beginning, or empha- tical part, of the meafure, always ftronger, or louder than the reft, though it is fometimes beft to do fo ; for, it is not fo much the fuperior loudnefs of the found, as the fuperior regard which a hearer is led to bellow upon it, that diftinguifhes one part of the meafure from another. This is a truth of great impor- tance, as will hereafter appear, and deferves to be well fixed in mind, before we proceed. For illuftration of this, it may be obferved, in the method of counting a watch, reprefented, Art. 72- that although the alternate ftronger pulfes, reprefent- ed by the longer lines, be undoubtedly all equal, yet when we count one, and pafs over the next, and count the next, and pafs over the next, and fo on ; we imagine the pulfes which we count, to be really ftronger than the intermediate ones, which we pafs over. The fuperior regard which we beftow on the counted pulfes is, here, the fole caufe of thefe imaginary ac- cents. Again, in the method of counting a watch, reprefented, Art. 90. the pulfe which we count acquires a greater emphafis, than either of the two following equal ones, which we pafs over. If we extend thefe obfervations ftill further, we fhall find, that in all the methods of counting a watch, the pulfe which Of the accented, and unaccented Parts of the Meafure. 33 anfwers to i, that is, the pulfe which begins the meafure, feems ftronger than any of the others ; efpecially after we have continued the fame method of counting, for feveral times over. We {hall find, alfo, that the pulfe which anfwers to the num- ber 3, in common time, will leem ftronger than either of thofe which anfwer to 2, or 4 ; and even in triple time, the fame number 3, is more emphatical than 2. The cafe is juft the fame with the fucceffive founds of mufic, becaufe we naturally conceive thefe founds, as pofieffing fuch. and fuch parts of the eftablifhed meafure of the piece. The regard, paid to the beginning of every meafure, renders the note, which pofiefies that part, more remarkable, and therefore, more emphatical, than any of thofe which occupy the other parts of the meafure ; the beginning of the third divifion of the meafure, is alfo accented, in a fmaller degree, both in common and triple time; and the beginning of every primary divifion of the meafure is more emphatical than that of any of the fecondary fub-divifions. All thefe remarks are direct confequences from the foregoing obfervations. 96. From hence, it appears, that the ideas of the length of the whole meafure, and of its proper divifions and fub-divifions, are as conflantly kept in mind, through the courfe of a tune, as the key note was obferved to be, in Chap. II. : and that the conftant rememberance of the meafure and its divifions regu- lates the time, and accent, of each found which we ufe; much, in the fame manner as the key note determines the tune or pitch of all thofe which follow it. 97-j To preferve the idea of the proper divifion of the mea- fure, it is beft for a beginner to divide all the long notes which occur into parts, anfwer^ng to the parts of the meafure which it occupies, by making feveral d\[Vm&: Jwells in the found ; and this may be very eafily done with the voice or violin, or any wind inftrument; but is impracticable in the pulfatile kind, fuch as, the harpfichord, lute, harp, guitar, etc. ; becaufe the 34 Of time. Part. I. founds of thefe inftruments muft inevitably decreafe from ntft The fyncopated note often happens to be prolonged from the to laft, and are not capable of any fwells, without repeating the end of one meafure to the beginning of another; in which cafe, flroke: and hence we may conclude that it is much more diffi- if it be a femibreve or a minim, and one half of it belonging to cult to keep true time, with fuch inftruments, except the voice each meafure, the bar may be drawn down through the middle be accuftomed to go along with them. of the note; or it may be reprefented by two fhorter notes, For an inftance of this way of dividing long continued founds, with the bar between them, and an arch drawn over the whole ; let a learner fing the beginning of Exam. XIV. which is in flow common time, and directed to be beat with 4 motions in a bar; applying the fyllable la to each note. Here the firft note, being itfelf a complete bar, muft employ all the four motions ; let it therefore have four diftinft and e- qual fwells, anfwering to the four motions, or parts of the bar, thus, la — a — a — a. The fecond and third notes, by the fame rule, are to have two fwells each, thus, la — a, la — a. The four next notes, which conftitute the third bar, are juft equal to the four divifions of the meafure; and therefore are fnng, fimply, la, la, la, la. It is to be obferved, that thefe fwells are of no ufe, except when fome primary divifion of the meafure begins within the time of one continued note. 98. All notes, which, by being longer than the primary di- vifion of the meafure, muft necefTarily belong to two, or more, which (hews that they are be confidered as one note : fee the letter M, in Plate III. Exam. XXVIII.; where the notes in the lower ftaffare defigned as a kind of explanation of thofe in the upper ftafF. Sometimes a note, at the end of one meafure, is carried on to the beginning of the next meafure, by means of a point of augmentation, in which cafe the bar is drawn between the note and the point: fee letter N in Exam. XXVIII. where the point- ed note in the upper ftafF is explained below. The notes at H, I, K, in this Example, are to be efteemed protracted notes ; and thofe at L, M, N, O, P, Q^ are fynco- pated. 99. If it be convenient to divide the protracted note into di- ftindt fwells, for preferving the proper idea of the time, as di- rected Art. 97. ; it is much more necefTary, to divide the fyn- copated note in this manner, by making a perceivable fwell divifions, may be diftinguifhed into protracled and fyncopated when the accented part of the meafure begins ; and this is the notes. Such as begin with a part of the meafure which has an equal, or a greater emphalis than any of the fucceeding parts which they are continued upon, are called protracted or length- ened notes; but fuch as begin with a lefs emphatical part, and are afterwards continued upon a more emphatical part, are cal- reafon why we generally find it beft to ftrike thefe notes twice, in playing the harpfichord, or any other pulfatile inftrument, after the manner reprefented in the lower ftafF of Exam. XXVIII. 100. When an equal time of filence is fubftituted inilead of fyncopated note, we ufe two characters reprefenting the two led fyncopated notes : or, in other words, the protracted note parts of the note, as it ought to be divided by the fwell. Thus, is moft accented at the beginning, and the fyncopated note is if the note at L, were to be converted into a filence, we muft 910ft accented fome time after the beginning*. place two crotchet refts, rather than a minim reft. In like •■The word fyncopated takes is rife froffi a Greek verb, synkopto, which iignifies to beat or ftrike, and probably has been appropriated to thefe forts of notes, becaule it generally happens, that we are to make one of the motions of beating time, during the continuance of the note. Chap. IV. Of protracted and fyncopated Notes. Poetry manner, any of the notes at O, P, Q^ muft be reprefented by two quaver refts, rather than a crotchet reft. 101. The divifion of mufic into equal timed meafures, an- fwers exactly to the divifion of poetry \n\ofeet ; and when mu- fic is adapted to poetry, thefe divifions, moft naturally, coin- cide with each other; fo that he who can /can the verfes, may immmediately difcover the meafure of the fong. It muft be acknowleged, that this order is pretty often inter- rupted, efpecially in the works of the more eminent compof- ers; and more, or lefs, than one foot of the poetry, allotted to one meafure of the mufic : but then, fuch pafiages are, in fome degree, (trained and unnatural ; and are introduced for variety, or for heightening the expreflion of fome paffion, etc. and ought to be ufed with great caution and {kill. The moft natural and eafy paffages are expreffive of a calm unruffled temper of mind ; but when any violent emotion is fuppofed to take place, the ft riff, rules both of tune and time, in mufic, may, and ought to be partly fet afide. 1 02. Our attention is ftill more lhble to be diverted from obferving the ftrict rules of time, by the fenfe of the words, in poetry; but fo far as we may be fuppofed at liberty to regard the time, of poetry, we ftiall find that the very fame rules take place here, as in mufic, viz. the fucceflive feet of a verfe, moft naturally, require each an equal time of pronunciation ; the firft fyllable of every foot is accented ; and every foot is, in imagination, divided either into three, or into four, equal parts. The two firft of thefe particulars will plainly appear to all, who are, in the leaft degree, accuftomed to the reading of poetry; and the laft particular, though not quite fo obvious, will be found equally true, on a more careful examination. 103. Befides the diftribution of mufic into equal meafures, it is alfo neceflary to go yet further, and to imagine fome num- bers of fuch meafures, as conftitutiog certain phrafes, or Jlrains, of a tune. Thefe phrafes may, very aptly, be compared with and Mufic compared. Hints relating to Expreflon. gy verfes, in poetry : for, as there can be no poetry, without a proper intermixture of cadences, at the ends of the lines, fo there can be no mufic, without fome kind of partition into phrafes. Thefe phrafes contain more, or fewer meafures, as verfes confift of more or fewer feet ; but both muft always end with an accented part of the meafure. When the fucceflive phrafes in mufic are of unequal lengths, it refembles that kind of free, unconfined poetry, which is commonly called Pindaric: and, as this fort of compofition is the moft capable of variety of expreflion ; fo, the greateft ma- ilers, both in poetry and mufic, often make ufe of it. 1 04. A lively expreflion of the feveral fentiments and paflions, is undoubtedly the perfection of mufic, as well as of poetry and painting. There are numberlefs different modifications of founds, which a fkilful compofer may avail himfelf of, for this purpofe ; fuch as the different qualities of loud and foft, of hoarfe or rough, and clear or fmooth founds : the various de- grees of gravity and acutenels, in the pitch of the whole piece ; the different effects of certain degrees of the fcale, and of certain fucceflions in the melody of fingle parts, as well as of confonan- ces, in the harmony of compounded parts; befides feveral other circumftances in the manner oi performance, fuch as the diftinct, oxjlepping, and the indiftinct, or fliding manner ; the keeping one uniform equality of loudnefs, and the occafional fwelling or foftening of the founds, etc.; and, among the reft, the dif- ferent moods of time, have no fmall (hare in contributing to the expreflion of mufic. Thefe come in cour'e to be fpoke of, be- fore we conclude this Chapter. 105. The particular manners, and modulations of the voice, which, naturally, or by the cuftomof a particular country, habitu- ally accompany fuch emotions of the mind, in common fpeech, are the fureft guides to expreflion in mufic. From hence we conclude, in general, that flow or quick movements of mufic 3 6 ought to be introduced, according as the fentiment, intended to be expreffed, would require a flow or quick delivery, in the way of fpeaking : and of this it is very eafy to judge. For in- ftance, forrow, humility, and reverence, require a flow move- ment, with gentle, eafy inflexions of the voice; but joy, thankf- giving, and triumph, ought to be diftinguifhed by a quicker movement, with bolder inflexions, and more diflant leaps, from one found to another. A moderate movement, with fre- quent fwells, andfoftenings,is expreffive of tendernefs andcom- paffion ; a quicker, more, uniform, and ftrongly accented move- ment, exprefles refolution and fortitude. Anger is generally quick, loud, and unconnected; hope and expectation, more moderate, foft, and eafy, and fo of others. 106. The different forts of time have, in fome degree, each their peculiar character. Common time is naturally more grave and folemn; triple time, more chearful and airy. And for this reafon, it is generally agreed, that every mood of triple time ought to be performed fomething quicker, than the correfpon- dent mood of common time ; for inftance, the meafure in the flow triple of minims, ought to be made fhorter than the meafure in the flow common time, marked with a plain C ; and the meafure, in the triple of crotchets, fhould be fhorter than the meafure, in the mood of the barred C; and fo on. After all, it muft be acknowleged, that the abfolute time which ought to be allowed to different pieces, is the moft undetermined matter, that we meet with, in the whole fci- ence of mufic. There is one infuperable difficulty, which fruftrates ail attempts towards regulating this particular, viz. the different humours and taftes of different perfons ; which are fo various, that one perfon fhall think a tune much too quick, for the intended expreffion, while another thinks it not quick enough. 1 o/. If we proceed upon thefe principles, which feem moft reafonable, that thofe who have a brifker flow of fpirits, a more Of Time. Part I. ready conception, and a quicker fucceffion of ideas, require quicker mufic, for the fame expreffion, and vice verfa; we may conclude, in regard to Church mufic, that the fame Pfalm ought to be fung quicker, when the congregation confifts moftly of young people; and flower, when the greater part are old : quicker, in general, in a town, than in a country church; quicker, in places where mufic is more generally praftifed; and flower, where it is lefs in ufe : quicker, when only one Angle part is fung, and flower, as the parts are more numerous ; be- caufe the ideas of fingle founds are much more readily conceiv- ed, than thofe of feveral founds, joined together in harmony : quicker, when ihe voices are few and weak, and flower, when the choir is numerous and flrong ; becaufe nothing can be quite agreeable to the hearers, which feems laborious to the perform- ers. Many other fuch like diflinclions, according to the various circumftances, both of performers and hearers, will occur to the coniiderate reader, from the fame principles. Thefe obfer- vations may, with equal propriety, be extended to Opera mufic. The Italians, whofe compofitions are juftly efleemed the flandards of true tafte in mufic, do not reflricT: themfelves alto- gether to the diftiniftions of flow and quick, by the feveral moods, as above defcribed ; but rather make ufe of certain words, placed at the beginning of the piece, and elfewhere, asoccafion requires ; which ferve to direct the performer, not only in re- gard to the time, but alfo the particular expreffion, and manner of performance, as we fhall fhew in the next Chapter. 108. We fhall conclude this Chapter, with obferving, that the writers on Church mufic feem to be pretty well agreed, that the time of a fecond, may ferve, at a medium, for the length of a crochet, in Pfalm tunes, in the triple of crotchets, and in the mood of the barred C; and that the minim, in the triple of minims, ought to be made nearly equal to the crotchet, in the mood of the plain C ; and that either of thefe two ought to be longer than the fecond of a clock. Chap. V. Of- a double Bar, a Hold, a Clofe, and a Repeat. 37 Chap. V. Miscellaneous Explanations. J f l ioo nr^HERE are Several other characters and "' JL terms ufed in mufic, which have not yet come under confideration. We fliall, in this Chapter, explain fuch of them as are mod frequently met with, and moft necef- fary to be underftood. A double bar is ufually put at the end of every line, in Pfalm tunes; but in other kinds of mufic the double bars are not fo frequent, and are ufed only at the ends of fome larger fections, or parts of the tune. When the laft meafure, or bar, of the part is complete, the double bar alfo fupplies the place of a fingle bar, for dividing the time, as mentioned, Art. 70. et feq. : but the double bar often takes place when the meafure is not complete, in which cafe, the remainder of the meafure follows immediately after, and the double bar fhews only the end of the fecYion or part, but is of no fignifkation in refpedl: to the divifion of the time. It muft be obferved, that although the double bar, when it occurs, makes no change in the progreffion of the meafure and its divifions, as denoted by the fingle bars ; yet it generally im- plies a paufe in the performance; but then it is a different kind of a paufe from thofe which we call refts, as explained in the laft Chapter : the meafure is conceived as regularly going on during the time of the reft; but the double bar implies a kind of unlimited, or difcretionary paufe, not only in the progreffi- on of founds, but alfo in the meafure itfelf : or, in other words, the reft is a meafured filence, but the paufe, at the conclusion of a part, is unmeafured ; and may be made longer or fhorter, at pleafure. no. The fame kind of unmeafured paufe or fufpenfion is often introduced in the middle of a piece, to give the finger an opportunity of dwelling upon fome particular word, beyond its due time, for heightening the expreffion, or for other reafons, at the difcretion of the compofer, and is called a hold. The hold is denoted by a fmall arch, with a point in the mid- dle, placed over or under the note which is intended to be pro- longed, thus t or thus o. The fame character fometimes fhews that the note, to which it is affixed, is to be the laft, or clofing note of the piece ; and is then called a clofe. This becomes neceffary when a piece of mufic is to be finiffied with a repetition of fome of the firft or middle parts. The double ufe of this character, viz. as a hold, and as a clofe, caufes no ambiguity : for it is plain, as was obferved in the laft article, that the clofe always implies a hold ; and when- ever this mark is ufed, fimply as a hold, the unfinifhed expec- tation of the ear infallibly fhews, that it cannot, in that fituati- on, be confidered as a final clofe. in. The repetition of fome certain part of a piece of mufic is marked by points affixed to the double bars, or by a pointed .S* placed over the beginning, or end, of the part to be repeated ; when it happens not to begin, or not to end, at a double bar. Exam. XXIX. Plate III. reprefents feveral varieties of repe- titions, which will fully fuffice for the learner's information in this matter. It is to be obferved, that each letter, which ftands in the If aff of lines, reprefents a portion of mufic, which may be, and generally is, of a confiderable length, comprehending feveral fingle bars, or meafures, although the letters are croud- ed near together, and no fingle bars placed in this Exam- 3 8 MifeUaneous Explanations. pie; which is done for the fake of including all the varieties in one ftaff of lines. The portions H, I, K, are each to be repeated, becaufe of the points at the two firft double bars : the pointed .S', be- tween K and L, fhews that the repetition extends only to the part K, fo that we muft not proceed to the part L, till after K has been repeated. The parts L and M are not to be repeated, becaufe the double bar which feparates them, is not pointed; but the part N muft be repeated, becaufe of the ,S- at the be- ginning, and the points preceding the double bar. O is not re- peated, but at the beginning of P we have the mark for a repe- tition, which extends over one double bar, not pointed, and to the next double bar ; fo that, after P and QJiave been once gone through, we muft return to P again, and fo go forward. The part R is to be once performed, S is to be repeated becaufe of the marks, and T is not to be repeated. See the order of the parts fubjoined to the Example. At the conclufion of fome portions of mufic, we often find two parcels of notes, tied together by arches over, or under each ; with the figure I , in the former arch, and 2, in the latter ; this always intimates a repeat, and fhews that, for the firft time, we are to take the notes marked, 1 ; and when we come to the fame place, a fecond time, we are to pafs over the notes at 1, and take thofe marked, 1, 112. Da capo or D. C. at the end of a piece fignifies that we are to begin again at the head and conclude with the firft part. Dal fegno fignifies that we are to begin again at fuch a certain mark, as at a pointed .S", or any other mark, at the tranfcriber's pleafure; but it is beft to put the fame mark, in- tended to be referred to, over, or after the words daV fegno, to prevent miftakes ; when feveral marks have occurred in the preceding piece. In thefe pieces the clofing note ought to be diftinguifhed, as mentioned, Art. 1 1 o. Part I. 1 1 3. A kind of fmall W put upon any line or fpace is called a diretl or index. This is often put at the end of a ftaff of lines, to fhew the place of the next note in the following ftaff, and efpecially when the ftrain is incomplete. Volti at the foot of a page fignifies, turn over ; Volti fubito, is, turn over quickly, The tranfcribers of inftrumental mufic ought to avoid as much as poffible, the breaking of a connect- ed ftrain, at the foot of a page, becaufe of the inconvenience, and lofs of time, in turning the leaf. 114. An arch o\ r er or under feveral notes, is called a tye or Jlur ; and fhews that all the included notes belong to one fyl- lable, in vocal mufic. The fame mark, in inftrumental mufic, fhews that the found muft be made to flide from one note to a- nother, without any breaking off, or interruption; foastoi- mitate the voice, as nearly as the nature of the inftrument will admit. How this and other fuch like effects are to be produced on any particular inftrument, may be learned from the inftruc- tion books which are compofed exprefsly for that inftrument ; and ftill better from the directions and examples of experienced mafters; but does not belong to this place: as we propofe on- ly to give the general Rudiments of the Art, which in fome meafure concern all forts of performers. We fhall only obferve, that a great part of the merit of all inftrumental performance confifts in a ftriking imitation of the natural inflexions of the human voice; and it is on this account that we often fay, a ma- fterly performer makes his inQirumexW. fpeak ; and thus, it was faid of the late inimitable Sig': Tartini, that he made the violin fing, rather than play. There is indeed no other inftrument as capable of this imita- tion as the violin ; but then all others may fafely be pronounced defective, in fo far as they fall fliort of it. This may ferve to apologize for the frequent addreffes we have hitherto made, and fhall hereafter make, to the finger in particular; becaufe the human voice is the true ftandard of all Of fever al Marks and Terms relating to particular Pafages, and to larger Sections. Chap. V. mufic; and he who knows how a paffage (hould be fung, knows alfo how it fhould found, when played ; and wants only to be- come fo far a mafter of his inftrument, as to be able to reduce his knowlege to practice. The flaccato, which is marked by fmall perpendicular dafhes over each note, is juft the reverfe of the flur; and fhews that the notes muft be feparated more diftinctly than ordinary. 115. Forte, fometimes wrote, by contraction, /*>. fignifies ftrong or loud. Piano, or P°. fignifies weak or foft. The fuperlatives Fortiffimo and PianiJJimo are fometimes ufed, to de- note extreme loudnefs and foftnefs, refpectively. Moderato, expreffes the mean between thefe. 116. The {hake or trill is marked by tr, put over a plain note : this is by far the fineft grace in mufic, and generally cofts the" performer the molt pains to acquire it. It may, with fufficient propriety, be called a quick, alternate repercuffion of two founds, whereof the lower is reprefented by the note itfelf, and the upper is the next fuperior degree of the fcale. The finger, who would attain this capital qualification of executing a Ihake, muft begin with founding two contiguous degrees of the fcale alternately, and Jlovjly ; increafing the quicknefs of fucceflion, as the voice grows more flexible : he muft be parti- cularly careful to let each found be clearly and diftinctly heard, every time he recurs upon it ; left, by too much eagernefs to arrive at a quick execution, he run the hazard of acquiring an indiftinct and confufed one ; which is more properly Stammer- ing, than finging. Sometimes the note next below that marked with the trill is inferted, juft before the end of the (hake, as fhewn, Ex. XXX. and then it is called a turned (hake. At other times, none but the two principal notes are ufed, as in Exam. XXXI. and then it is called a plain (hake. Sometimes the make is not begun till one half of the note be fung plain. Thefe and other fuch va- rieties are generally left to the performer's choice, being all in- 39 difcriminately marked in the fame manner, except in leffons intended only for one particular kind of inftrument; where the feveral graces, proper for that inftrument, are fpecified by feveral marks, eftablifhed for that purpofe ; and of which every different kind of inftrument admits of a different collection. 117. The occafional infertion of other notes befides thofe reprefented in the written mufic, when judicioufly managed, adds greatly to the fpirit of a performance; but then, fuch freedoms ought to be ufed with great difcretion, and feldom with any other view than that of imitating the naturalinflexi- ons of the voice; if this be difregarded, and a luxuriant fancy let loofe, the true defign of the compofer is fure to be buried under a heap of extravagant flourilhes and graces ; which are neither confiftent with the original defign, nor with each o- ther. In written mufic, and efpecially in the vocal parts, we often find notes of a fmaller fize inferted here and there, which are not to be reckoned in the time, for the bars are complete with- out them. Such a fmall additional note is called an appoggia- tura, which word is derived from the Italian verb appoggiare, to lean or reft upon, probably becaufe the voice ought to touch, and make fome ftay upon that found, in its pafTage from the preceding, to the following ■principal note. The appoggiatura fhould always be tied to one of the principal notes; and, tho' we are not ftrictly obliged to give it juft the time which its fi- gure would require, yet whatever length of time is beftowed upon it, muft be, as it were, borrowed from the principal note with which it is tied ; fo that the appoggiatura and principal note, both taken together, may be no longer than the principal note would be of itfelf. See Exam. XXXII. Thefe fmall notes may be looked upon as the finifhing touches of the compofer, and the trueft fpecimens of fuch oc- cafional infertions as are fuitable to the genuine fpirit of the piece. 4 o 1 1 8. Vocal mufic is diftinguifhed into The word Recitative comes from recitare to recite or rehearfe; and expreffes a particular' ilyle of mufic, nearly related to the manner of fpeaking, which may be called a kind of mufical de- clamation. The chief difference between recitative, and declamation, lies in the difference between a mufical tone, and natural fpeech, ob- ferved in the former note to Art. 21. This fort of mufic is wrote with as much regularity of time and meafure, as any o- ther ; but yet the finger is more at liberty to tranfgrefs the ftricT: rules of time, for the fake of expreffion. In general, the fentiment ought 10 engage our attention, more than the mufic, in Recitatives; and the mufic, more than the fentiment, in Airs. 1 19. Symphony is a term applied only to certain kinds of in- ftrumental mufic; when this is interfperfed with vocal, the parts belonging to each are diftinguiihed by the words fymphony and fong, or Sy. and So. placed at the beginning of each. An introductory or initial fymphony is called an Overture or Pre- lude; and thofe which are interfperfed with the fong are called interludes. 1 20. A Solo is an air for one fingle part, or one part and a Bafs. A Duo is for two parts with, or without, a Bafs: the diminutive Duetto is the fame as a fmall or fhort Duo. A Trio, is for three parts. A Chorus is when feveral parts join toge- ther in full harmony. A Minuet is an air, in brifk triple time, generally confiding of two parts, each being repeated. It ought to begin with an accented note, i. e. with the beginning of a meafure, and to be wrote in the mood of triple quavers: we frequently write them in the triple of crotchets, which makes no material difference, becaufe the name itfelf determines the quicknefs of the time. A Saraband is much the fame air as a Minuet, but in a flow- er movement. A Gig is a very quick and fprightly air in triple time, and JS/Iifcellaneous Explanations Part. I. Recitative and Air. generally in the dodecuple, or nonuple, of quavers ; which of- ten moves by large intervals or leaps, and is therefore fometimes called Saltarella, from faltare, to leap. A March, is a martial air in pretty brifk common time ; and has its name from its ufe in military exercife. A Gavot, is an air in common time, always equally divided, and difiinclly accented, and for the molt part pretty quick. An Allemand, is in flow common time. All thefe different airs generally confift of two parts, each to be repeated, as was obferved of the Minuet. A Mufette, is an air in a particular flyle, fo called from the French, une mufette, which is an inftrument of the fame fpecies with our bag-pipe. Its movement is moderate, and molt fre- quently in common time. The names Hornpipe and Rigadoon, belong to certain fpecies of dances, to which the tunes are adapted. 121. When a portion of mufic falls under no particular de- nomination expreilive of the time and manner of performance, the Italians ufe other words for that purpofe ; which being in fome meafure adopted by all civilized nations, are become a kind of univerfal language among muficians. We here fubjoin a fpecimen of fuch as firlt occurred, ranked in alphabetical or- der; acknowleging at the fame time that there are feveral, pur- pofely omitted, which relate to particular inftruments only ; and may, very probably, be others overlooked, of equal ufe with fome of thefe : for, in truth, the Italians freely make ufe of any word which feems moft fuitable for their purpofe ; and almoft every new author introduces new terms of his own, fo that the half of the Italian language would fcarce be too much, for a mufician to underftand, in reference to his own art. • dagio, q. d. at leifure, expreffes a flow, eafy movement. When twice repeated, thus, Adagio Adagio, it expreffes a very flow movement. Chap. V. Of Italian Words ufed Ad libitum, [Latin,] at pleafure. Thefe words placed at the beginning of certain ftrains, fignify, that the time may be made quicker or flower, equal or unequal, at the per- former's difcretion. Affettuofo, affectionately. A moderate movement, with fre- quent fwells and foftenings. Allegro, gay. A pretty brifk and fprightly movement. The diminutive Allegretto is lefs gay and fprightly, and therefore not quite fo brifk a movement, a9 Allegro. Amorofo, amorous. Nearly the fame as affettuofo. Andante, walking. A regular, diftincT:, and moderate move- ment. The diminutive andantino is fomewhat quicker than andante, as if it were to be meafured by a little mm- cingftep. Andante allegro. A regular, diftincl, and pretty brifk move- ment. A diftincT: allegro, Animato, bold. A pretty brifk movement, with a firm and bold manner : a bold allegro. Ariofo, airy. A ftyle and manner refembling finging. AJfai, enough. As AJJai allegro, fignifies a fufflcient degree of brifknefs, but not too much. Brillante, brilliant. A pretty brifk movement with a pleafant and jocund manner: a mirthful Allegro. Brio, vivacity. See Con. Cantabile, that may be fung. Nearly the fame as Ariofo. Con, with. As con brio, or con fpirito, with fpirit ; con dolce maniere, in a fweet, agreeeable manner; con diligenza, with care and exaftnefs ; con furia, with fury, or in a violent and rapid manner. Crefcendo, increafing. This word following piano, or pre- ceding forte, fhews that the found muft increafeand grow gradually ftronger. Diligenza, care. See Con. Dolce, fweet. See Con. among Muficians. 41 E, or ed, or et, and. As dolce e piano, fweet and f6ft. An- dante ed affettuofo, regular, diftincT: and affectionate. Ecco, echo. The repetition of fome part of a ftrain, in a foft manner, imitating a natural echo. Furia, fury. See Con. Fine, or ilfine, the end. This is fometimes ufed inftead of the character called a Clofe. Gratiofo, graceful. A moderate movement, nearly the fame, but not fo pathetic, as affe'ttuofo. Grave, grave A flow and folemn manner. Some authors define it a movement, flower than Adagio; others, a de- gree quicker than Adagio ■ but it ought, 'probably, to be confidered rather as a particular manner, than a mood of time. Languente, or Languido, languishing. A flow, plaintive manner. Largo, large, or ample A flow movement. There are different explanations given of this word. Some will have it, a large, and frequently, unreftricTed meafure, flower than Adagio ; others, more conformably to its modern ac- ceptation, define it, a flow Andante; but not fo flow as Adagio: and in this fenfe Largo, compared With Andante, is like an ample ftride, compared with art ordinary ftep. The diminutive Larghetto, is fmaller, or lefs ample; and therefore denotes a movement fomething quicker. Lento, flow. A movement nearly the fame as Largo. Ma, but. Maeftofo, or Maeftuofo, majeftic. A flow movement, with a bold and emphatical manner. Men, or Meno, lefs. As men forte, lefs ftrong, or not fo loud; men allegro, lefs gay. Mezzo, half. As mezzo forte, a middling degree of flrength. Moderate, moderate. This word is often put to exprefs a moderate degree of any quality ; as Allegro moderato, mo- derately gay. 4 2 Mifc elk neons Explanations. Non, not. Phi, more. As piu piano, or P.P. more foft; piu allegro, more gay. Poco, or un Poco, a little. As un poco allegro, a little gay ; meaning much the fame as Allegretto. Un poco piu, and un poco men, exprefs a little more, and a little lefs, that is, an increafe and diminution, of any quality, to which thefe words are prefixed. Prefto, quick. A quick movement. The fuperlative Pref- tiffimo denotes a very quick movement. Rondo, or Rondeau, [French,] a piece which concludes with a repetition of the firft part. Senza, without. As fenza Violini, without violins. Siciliana, Sicilian; of, or belonging to Sicily. A particular air in triple time, wrote in the fame mood as our Gig; but much flower, and better adapted for finging. Stentato, painful. A forced, (training manner; expreffive of the crying of a perfon in pain. Tar do, lazy. A flow, and feemingly idle, or negligent manner. Tempo, time. J tempo, or A tempo giujlo, placed after a Re- citative, or other free and irregular piece, denotes that the time muff be juftly kept in the part which follows. A tempo ordinario, placed at the beginning of a piece, of a well known ftile and movement, fhews that it is to be performed in the ordinary and accuflomed time. Tempo di Minuetto, di Cavotta, etc. denote that the following part is to be performed in Minuet time, in Gavot time, etc. ; though it be not properly a Minuet, Gavot, etc. : becaufe not reftricted to the particular length of Arams, and the repetitions which characterize thefe airs. Timorofo, timorous. A faint and trembling manner ; expref- five of fear. Part I. Troppo, too much. As Allegro ma non troppo, gay, but not too much fo. Tutti, all. This word is often placed after a Solo, or other piece, for certain detached parts ; and fhews that all the parts are to join, in what follows. Vigorojo, vigorous. A bold and firm manner, expreffing re- folution and fortitude. Vivace, lively. A lively and fpirited manner; near the fame, but not quite fobrifk a movement, as Allegro. i 2 2. From this fpecimen it will eafily be obferved, that the greateft part of thefe words rather denote the particular expref- fion, or manner of performance, than the movement, or quick- nefs of time : and indeed it would be to no purpofe, to attempt to feparate thefe two particulars of expreffion and movement ; becaufe the chief ufe of different movements is only to heighten the different expreffions. 123. There maybe pieces of mufic, as there are pictures, which are, limply, fine and pretty, without aiming directly at any particular expreffion ; and among this clafs, it is to be feared, too many of our inftrumental pieces may be juftly ranked. To give a better idea of the comparative degrees of move- ment, denoted by thofe words which chiefly relate to the time, the following lift may be of fervice ; where the floweft move- ment is placed uppermoff, and the others are gradually quicker, to the bottom. Adagio, Adagio, very flow. Adagio. , Largo, or Lento. Larghetto. Andante. Andantino. Chap. V. Comparative Degrees of Movement. Of the 'Titles of entire Pieces. Allegretto, or Poco Allegro, or Vivace. Allegro. Pre/h. PreJliJJimo, very quick. * i 24. The following titles of entire pieces deferve to be tak- en notice of, before we finifh this Chapter. A Sonata, or Suonata, is a piece of mufic for inftruments only. The name is taken from fuonare, to found; intimating, that it is a fucceffion of founds only, in contra diftinction to a Cantata, which is a piece fet to words, and therefore to be fung ; from cantare, to fing. Both thefe titles are, by cuftom, appropriated to fuch pieces as are of a confiderable length, and contain a variety of differ- ent movements; the fhorter pieces are called tunes and fongs, refpectively. A Motetto is much the fame, in church mufic, as a cantata in the moral kind. Our Anthems generally belong to this clafs. An Opera, literally fignifies a work, or labor ; but is ap- plied, by way of eminence, to mufical entertainments of the dramatic kind. An opera is a dramatic poem, fet to mufic, and exhibited on the ftage, by feveral performers, who perfonate the characters of the drama. A Burletta, is a comic opera. The word fignifies a burlefque, or jocund performance. An Oratorio is a kind of fpiritual opera. The mufic is in a ftile fuitable for religious purpofes, and the fubjeft taken from fome part of the Scripture hiftory. A Concerto is a grand piece of harmony, employing feveral inftruments, and generally of feveral different kinds. Among thefe, there ought to be one principal part, to engage the 43 hearers attention more particularly, while the others ferve only to fill up the harmony. The inlfrument, for which chis part is adapted, is diftinguifhed by the epithet concertino; and the reft are called concertanti. As Violino concertino, the firft or principal violin: Flauto conceriante, the accompanying flute. A Voluntary is a piece of mufic not refracted to any fixed length of ftrains, or fimilarity of phrafes, like other regular compofitions; but is, as it were, an extempore flight of the performer's fancy ; and is therefore called, by the Italians, Phan- tafia, a fancy ; Capricio, a caprice or whim ; Ricercata, a fearch- ing, or feeling, for fomething ; Tajlatura, an eflay or trial, etc. A Serenata, or ferenade, is a title given to nocturnal mufic, performed in the open air, near to fome perfons door or win- dow, whom the performers have a mind to entertain with an unexpected concert. A Fugue is a piece of mufic for feveral parts ; fo called from fuga, a flight, or running away ; becaufe, after one leading part has begun, and proceeded fome length with a ffrain, o- ther parts fucceffively begin the fame ; and, as it were, fall in behind, and purfue the leading part, which continues to flee before them at a certain diftance. The following part fometimes takes the very fame pitch wherewith the leading part began ; fometimes an octave below, or above it ; and fometimes a fifth, or fourth below, or above it ; and hence arife the diftinftions of fugue in the unifon, in the octave below, or above; or in the fifth, or fourth below, or above. A Canon is a felf-returning fugue; where each part fuccef- fively re-commences at the beginning, as often as the perform- ers pleafe; fo that the parts purfue each other, at ftated di- ftances, in an endlefs round. * The celebrated Mr. Roujfeau of Geneva, in the mufical articles of the French encyclopedic, fays, that the Italians have eftablifhed the four words, adagio, andante, allegro, and frefto, for expreffing four principal degrees of llownefs and quicknefs in mufic. We have kept clofe to his explanation in this rc- fpect, admitting the word largo, as a fpecies of andante. 41 Of harmonica! Confonances. Part I. No more but the leading part of thefe piece9 is ordinarily marks are, properly, the caMni, or rules of performance ; and wrote, affixing a certain mark, as a double bar, or a pointed hence the name canon came to be appropriated to this fort of .S - , where each of the following parts is to fall in : thefe compofitions. Chap. VI. OJHarmonical Consonances. Article 125. HP' H E nature and effects of harmonical confo- nances muft be, in fome degree, underftood, before we can properly proceed to explain the affinity of cer- tain natural fcales, and the origin of the flat feries. A Chord is a combination or various mufical founds, heard together. When the feveral founds mix and unite, in a man- ner agreeable to the hearer, it is called a confonance, or confonant chord; when they do not unite, but feparately diffract the at- tention of the ear, it is called a dijfonance, or ■ diffonant chord. 1 26. The moil perfect confonances are the octaves, as obferv- ed, Art. 15. The fingle octave and its replicates, viz. double octave, triple octave, etc. have each their peculiarities, which ought not to be overlooked. When the two terms of the fingle octave are founded, com- pletely true, the upper term unites fo perfectly with the lower, that the ear is fenfible of nothing more than the found of the lower term, made louder and fuller, by the concurrence of the upper term. The cafe is different with the double octave, or the octave of the octave. Here the upper term will be heard diflinctly, as well as the lower, and the ear is abundantly fenfible of two founds, but at the fame time, they are fo perfectly like to each other, that we can attend to both without any difficulty or diffraction. F The terms of the triple octave are not fo eafy to he compared together, without the interpofition of fome other found between them. The triple octave is too large an interval to be conceiv- ed undivided : and much more the quadruple, and the other ftill more diftant replicates of the octave. 127. Along with the double oP, and the other by the character P. fimply, or rather %¥. to prevent miflakes. Thus, from the, perfect chord of C, which we count arifes the Chord of the fixth on E, which we count and that of fixth and fourth on G, which we count viz. C- -E— G c . -3-5 8 E— G c i-3 6. G c— e 1 4—6 Thefe inverted chords are juftly efteemed imperfect reprefen- tations of the fundamental chord, but ftill they are representa- tions of it. The chord of the fixth is beft when the founds are neareft to each other, in the fame order as they ffand above ; but they may be farther diftant. That of the fixth and fourth is better, when the fourth found, which reprefents the funda- mental, is carried an octave higher, and fo made a double fourth to the bafs note. It is obfervable, that in all pofitions of this perfect chord, whether creel: or inverted, the note which makes the third, at- tracts our attention, more than that which makes the fifth to the fundamental found. 139. There is another fpecies of chord which takes a lefs third inftead of a greater, and is alfo denominated perfect, be- The \) P chord takes place upon the fixth, or fecond, or third of the natural fcale, without caufing any remarkable alte- rations : for thefe three have a lefs third, and a perfect fifth a- mong the founds of the fcale. 140. It may be obferved of the ^ P chord, that it is more perfect when the third to the fundamental is covered by fome higher found ; if the third be placed in the bafs, by inverfion, it is ftill equally good : but yet, iri every pofition, the lefs third, in fo far as we attend to it, caufes a kind of diffraction, and is an abatement to the perfection of the chord';' fo that the trueft perfection of this chord, is to omit the lefs third altoge- ther, and take in only the fundamental, and its octaves and fifth. Thus, the [>P chord of A may be or it may be C ■ or beft of all, A : c — e a ■ — e a - — e a pro- The order of this \ P chord may be varied feveral other ways, and diflocations, omiffions, and inverfions practifed much the fame as with the % P chord, and yet ftill the fame effect duced, in fome degree. 141 . There is an eflential difference between the % P and the [/P chords, in all pofitions. The >^P chord, and all its deri- vatives are bold and commanding, the [j P, and its derivatives are dejected and plaintive. The greater third of the $ P is a found which attracts our attention, but the lefs third of the [, P Chap. VI. Of the flat perfetl Chord. "Diftinclion of Chords Into final and medial. is a kind of difregarded, or loft found F in all fituations; and our attention is rather turned upon the fifth in its ftead. Further, the third of the % P chord is a fupplicative tone ; but the third of the \) P chord 1 is heavy and fpirit lefts. 142. In either kind of perfect chord, the founds unite bet- ter, and the effect is more fatisfactory and conclufive, when the fundamental is rather ft ronger, or more diftinguiftjablc than the others : and the unity of the whole is deftroyed, when the third or fifth attracts too much of our attention. The joining of the octaves to any found renders it ft ronger, and therefore the perfect chord is beft when the upper octaves of the fundamental found are heard along with it, asreprefent ed, Art. 127, and 140. But the joining octaves with the third or fifth, which the muficians call doubling of thefe notes, is an abatement to the perfection of a chord. The reafon is this. It is one neceflary property of a fatisfac- tory and conclufive chord, that the third and fifth be conceiv- ed, only, as proceeding from, and ferving to fortify the natu- ral confo?ia?ices of the fundamental ; and therefore they ought not to be fo ftrong, or fo diftinguifhable as the fundamental. The artifts fay, veryjuflly, that the doubling of the third or fifth takes off* their dependence upon the fundamental. Of the two, it is commonly better to double the fifth than the third of a perfect chord ; becaufe the fifth has a more near relation to, and is more prevalent among the natural confonan- ces of the fundamental : the third of a [j P chord, efpecially, can- not be doubled without diffracting the hearer's attention from the fundamental, and fixing it too much on the fame third ; which, as we have faid above, ought to be a difregarded, loft found. When we fpeak thus of doubling founds, it ought to be un- derftood only in refpect to founds of equal ftrength, or nearly fo ; for, as to founds much weaker, they pafs unregarded ; and N 49 it is the fame thing in effect whether they be there or not. Thus, a few womens voices may join with the tenor of a church tune in the octave above, by which every note of the tenor will be doubled in reality, and yet, if the mens voices be confiderably ftronger, the harmony is not fenfibly hurt : and thus, in the compound flops of an organ or harpficord, every note of a full chord is accompanied by its upper octave, and frequently o- thers of the harmonics of its own perfect chord, and yet, thefe being in due fubordination as to flrength, do not at all confufe or diffract the hearer. 143. Although the doubling of the harmonics of a chord, as above, partly fubverts the natural order of the confonance, yet that does not hinder fuch chords from taking place, and be- ing of the greateft ufe in harmony, but then they are to be ad- mitted as medial, and not as final or conclufive chords ; becaufe there is always an expectation of fomething more fatisfactory to follow ; and it is as neceflary to keep up the expectation of the ear in the middle of a piece, as to put an end to it at the con- clufion. What is here faid of the founds of a chord, made ftronger' by being doubled, is equally true in regard to founds, when louder than the reft, though not doubled : fo that the ear is not fatisfied if the third or fifth of a chord be louder than the fundamental. 144. Some founds of a chord are more diftinguijbable than 0- thers, by their fttuation. Thus our attention is carried either to the loweft or the higheft found which exifts in a chord, ra- ther than any of thofe which lie, as it were, concealed in the middle. We expect to find the fundamental loweft, and the har- monics, as hinted above, fortifying the natural confonances of the fundamental i but when this is not the cafe, as in inverted chords, it is beft to have the octave of the fundamental higheft, that the hearer, being difappointed of it below, may yet find it 5^ Of Harmomcal Confonances. I. above ; and it is for this reafon, with the concurrent tefKmony of experience, that we pronounce the inverted chords better, as defcribed, Art. 138. Hence alfo it is exprefsly forbidden to place the octave to the bafs note of an inverted chord uppermoft ; except in paftages where it would be no detriment to the harmony to confider that bafs as being itfelf a fundamental. All inverted chords may juftly be efleemed medial ,■ for how- foever our attention may be carried to this or the other upper found, through the courfe of a tune, it is fure to fall upon the bafs at the end. See Art. 61 . If fome pieces of mufic end with the chord of the fixth upon the third of the key as bafs, it is a licence, allowed in adapting mufic to certain imperfect inftru- ments, fuch as the Trumpet and French horn ; and is tolerated only through cuftom, but is unfatisfactory to all who are not accuftomed with it. J4J. Some founds are alfo rendered more diftingiiifl.iable by the fuccejjion in which they occur : but this muft be poftponed till we come to confider chords in fuccefiion. We fpeak, at prefent, only of chords, fingly confidered. In Exam. XXXIII. Plate III. the chord of G is drawn out upon the treble and bafs ftaves, in feveral different arrangements, for the convenience of fuch as have practiced upon a key'd in- ftrument, and of confequence can more readily ftrike the chords, when reprefented in this manner, than by the letters as above. This chord of G may ferve as a fpecimen of all the % P fort. Exam, XXXIV. reprelents feveral arrangements of the chord of A, in the fame manner, as a fpecimen of all the \) P fort. Thefe chords arc diftinguifhed into final and medial, agreeable to the preceding obfervations. Many more of each clafs might be added, but thefe may ferve to evidence both the truth and the importance of fuch obfervations ; which, till of late, have been too much neglected, even by the moft fkilful writers on this fubject. 146. Annotations to Exam. XXXIII. and XXXIV. Thefe examples are divided into bars, marked with the let- ters H. I. K. L. M. for the fake of references. The firft chord of G, in the firft bar H, is the fame with thofe defcribed Art. 127.; confifting of the fundamental, and its fingle octave, double fifth, double octave, and triple greater third. In the fecond chord, the fingle octave of the fundamen- tal is omitted. In the third chord, the fifth is alfo omitted : and the fourth and laft chord, in this bar, wants the fifth, and both the octaves of the fundamental ; and the greater third on- ly remains joined with the fundamental found. If thefe four chords be ftruck fucceffively, in the order they fland, a hearer will plainly perceive a deficiency in the fulnefs of each fucceeding chord, compared with that which went be- fore it : there is a kind of breach occafioned by the omiffion of the intermediate notes of the chord, which renders the defective chords unfatisfactory to the ear, while we retain the impreffion of a more full and complete chord, which we have juft before heard ; but yet fuch defective chords are abundantly fatisfacto- ry and conclufive, when introduced after others which ate equal- ly defective. A full chord is neceffary to conclude a full har- mony ; but a defective chord ought to conclude a defective and incomplete harmony. The chords of A, in the bar H, differ from thofe above in the difpofition of the founds ; for, in thefe, the fifth takes the uppermoft place, whereas the third is higheft in thofe ; and in the omiffions the third is here caft out, and the fifth retained to the laft ; whereas there the fifth is caft out, and the third re- tained : and in truth, if any refemblance be found between the effects of the different founds of a ^ P, and thofe of a [3 P chord, we muft compare the third of a ^ P chord with the fifth of a \) P ; and the fifth of a $ P chord with the third cf a \j P ; as will appear upon a careful examination and trial of thefe examples. The bar I differs from the former, in both examples, only in I PI. Ill Ex.XXVIII vz*]P fa<■/!,> /.;. H H.I. 1. K. K. i. M. X. X. O.T. Q. P. Q. R. S. Ki.JCXX. Aturnd-Shakc cxpl.aiifd. Ex.^XXl. A pi sin Sh»kr expltin'd . Ex. \Y^\\.At>Bogg/afu>-a. i^ rff f f^fwffl llfr MfN J Bid. ^-y^ V^^ gg IT Ei XXXIV. Hi rrrrrrnr-rrrt ~6 — 6—t> — o . ' . 4 — 4"" ~ ? — 4" ^ T* Ve-fO.ordofj •Si — r S s =i ^^ffi^Wp i^j p pf^ pE «-r-6— "6 -6 >' 4 — 4 — * 4" m Chap. VI. Examples of 'final and medial Chords. Scheme of all the ferfetl Chords in the natural Scale, yi the order of the founds, the harmonics being deprefled below the double octave of the fundamental. The chords in the bar K, in both examples, may be juftly efteemed medial, on account of their imperfection, although they are erebl : the fir ft of thefe is the whole chord brought down into the firft octave above the fundamental, and in this fixati- on the harmonics are too far deprefled below their natural places. See Art. [35. The fecond chords of this bar K have only one, aod that the more allowable one, of the harmonics, in this de- prefled fituation : for it may be obferved, that the note which mod naturally (lands uppermoft can leaft be allowed to be plac- ed next the fundamental ; and therefore the fifth of a % P chord is more tolerable, in this fituation, than the third would be ; and the third of a jjP is more tolerable than the fifth. The third and fourth chords of the bar K, have the fifth of the $ P, and the third of the \, P uppermoft ; which circumftance alone is enough to prevent them from being fatisfattory. We fhall (hew the reafon hereafter. The bar L confifts of chords of the fixth, and the bar M of fixth and fourths by inverfion. In all the different pofitions of thefe chords, it may be obferved, that the doubling of the bafs note is avoided. See Art. 144. At N is rep.refented a bad chord, being as much as pofiible the reverfe of every thing which makes a chord good : and thus much may ferve for the learners examination and amufement at prefent. We have begun the article of confonances with this fhort fur- vey of the perfect chords, becaufe it is neceflary to conceive, not only the compound founds of harmony, but alfo every Angle found in melody, as belonging to fome perfect chord, in order to account for their various effects, and the preference due to fome fucceffions of founds rather than others : as will be better feen hereafter. 147. It is neceflary to obferve, in the mean time, that the natural fcale of any note affords fix different chords, three of them being % P, viz. thofe of the key, the fifth, and the fourth ; and the other three being fj P, viz. thofe of the fixth, and the fecond, and the third : or, in other words, we have fix notes in the natural fcale, ariy of which may be conftituted the funda- mental of a perfect chord, without reiinquifhing the principal key. To avoid ambiguity in fpeaking of thefe chords, we fhall di- ftinguifh the fundamental note of any chord by the letter/" an- nexed to it. The neceflity of fome diftinition of this kind will appear, becaufe, as we have already feen, Art. 138. there is a chord called the chord of the fixth, arifing From the perfect by inverfion, which is quite different from the perfect chord of the fixth, as fundamental : and the fame ambiguity would happen in the names of other chords, not yet fpoke of, unlefs the fun- damental found be fome way diftiriguifhed. See now the following fcheme of the perfect chords in the natural fcale. T Of the key/, contains the K — 3d — 5. The $P 3 Of the 5th/. contains the 5th— 7th — 2d. (_Of the 4th/. contains the 4th — 6th— K. TOf the 6th/. contains the 6th— K— 3d. The (j P } Of the 2d'/. contains the 2d — 4th — 6th. (_ Of the 3d/. contains the 3d— 5th— 7th. We fay thefe chords contain thefe notes, reflectively, by which we would be underftood to mean, that thefe notes, not only in the order they ftand here, but in any order, either eretl or inverted, ftill constitute the fame chord, thongh in different degrees of perfection, as fhewn above. 148. The feventh of the fcale is the only note which cannot have a perfect chord applied to it, becaufe it has not a perfect fifth in the fcale : for it may be remarked, that the perfect fifth always contains four fteps of the fcale, three of which fteps are tones, and one a femitone ; but above the feventh we have firft « Of Harmonical Confoi Part I. a femitone, then two tones, and then another femitone, which brings us to a fifth, which is only two tones, and two femitones above the feventh ; and this is called afalfe fifth, being a femi- tone lefs than the perfect fifth ; and is a difl'onance. The famcconclufion follows from obferving, that the perfect fifth always contains a greater third and a lefs third, and that the greater third is fituated below in the $ P chord, and the lefs third is below in the [j P chord, which makes the difference between the two forts of perfect chords ; but that above the fevertth we have two lefs thirds contiguous to each other, viz. from the feventh to the fecond, and from the fecond to the fourth ; fo that unleis either the feventh be flattened, or the fourth fharpened, the interval between thefe two will be afalfe fifth. Now, by flattening the feventh, we make it capable to be the fundamental of a $P chord; and by (harpening the fourth, we make the feventh fufceptible of a ^ P chord : but then either of thefe alterations caufes a change of the key, as was obferved, Art. 50.; fo that, without relinquifhing the key, we cannot give the feventh a perfect chord, • that is, the, feventh cannot be a fundamental note. 149. From the above fcheme it appears, that any note of the fcale may occafionally belong to two or three different per- fect chords. For inftance, the key may belong to three chords; for, it may be the fundamental of its own perfect chord, or it may be a third in the chord of the fixth /, or a fifth in that of the fourth/. Again, the fecond may belong to two chords; for, it may be the fundamental of its own chord, or a fifth in the chord of the fifth/.- and thus every note may belong to two perfect chords at lead, one of which is always % P, and another & P. If the feventh had been fufceptible of a chord, like the other notes of the fcale, then every note would have be* longed to three perfect chords ; viz. each note would have been the fundamental of one chord, the third of another, and the fifth of another ; but becaufe the feventh cannot have a perfect chord, therefore the feventh, and fecond, and fourth, belong only to two perfect chords each ; while the key, the third, the fifth, and the fixth belong to three. 1 50. It appears then, that when any note of the fcale is founded, we have the choice of two or three chords to which we may refer it ; and becaufe one of thefe chords is always $ P, and another [j P, we have therefore two forts of harmony, call- ed fiiarp and fiat harmony ; in the former of which, the $P chords are more frequent, and in the latter, the \) P. If we have begun with conceiving the key note, as bearing a $ P chord, which is the cafe with the natural fcale, defcribed Ch. I. and II. we chufe to refer all the following notes to fome $ P chord, as often as we can doit, confiflent with other rules which we lhall fpeak' of in due courfe » and if we have begun with a key note, bearing a \) P chord, the fame preference is due to the ^ P chords, fo long as we retain that key note. This may ferve at prefent to give fome idea of the two different forts of harmony ; which we lhall examine more minutely, after difpatching what is farther neceffary to be previoufly obferved in regard to confo- nances. 151. Within thefe laft fifty years, the greateft writers on mu- flc have very affiduoufly purfued thefe enquiries concerning the nature and propriety of fundamental fuecejjions ; which they oc- cafionally exhibit in an additional ftaff of lines, placed below the others, and called a fundamental bafs, This bafs is not intend- ed to be performed along with the other parts, for the reafons given, Art. 134.; but inftead thereof, another bafs is fubftitut- ed, confifting of fundamentals and harmonics intermixed, which is called the continued or thorough-bafs. The ufe of the funda- mental bafs, when fubjoined, is only to fhew from whence eve- ry confonance is derived, and to what note each of the founds ought to be refered. The fundamental bafs is never fubjoined to a piece of mufic, except in examples defigned for beginners, but inftead of it there Chap. VI. Of the choice of Chords. Of the fundamental, and figured thorough-hafs . Concord and e Difcord defined. 52 The reader ought to be advertifed, that the method of iigur- are figures, and other marks put above or below certain notes of the thorough bafs, to denote the fpecies of every borrowed chord which occurs, and this is called a figured thorough- bafs. 152. When the thorough-bafs takes the third of a perfect chord* we have already feen, Art. 138. that the upper parts then become fixth and third to this. bafs, and it is called a chord of the fixth ; and when the thorough-bafs takes the fifth of a perfect chord, the upper parts become fixth and fourth to this bafs, and it is called a chord of the fixth and fourth. The exiftence of a chord of the fixth is known by the figure 6.. and that of fixth and fourth, : by the figures 6 and 4. over or under the bafs note. See the bars L and M of Ex. XXXIII. and XXXIV. When the thorough-bafs coincides with the fundamental, in a perfefr chords there is no occafion for any figures. The accompanyment of the third, fifth, and octave, belonging to a fundamental, is fuppofed to take place, either with or without any of thefe figures, 3, 5, 8. annexed to the note * This is all that relates to the figuring of the perfect chords in the fcale, and their derivatives ; and it is very eafy to re- member, becaufe the inverted chords are figured juft as they are named. The manner of figuring other chords will be explain- ed, when thefe come under confideration. thorough-bafs is not fo completely fettled among mufici- ans, but that different mafters denote the fame chord in diffe- rent manners. We fhall endeavour, in the courfe of this work, to explain the method ufed by Signior Pafquali, in his Thorough- bafs made eafy, being the fame which is molt generally received in Britain ; and at the fame time add, in the fubjoined notes, fuch remarks concerning the figuring of foreign mafters, as feem pertinent and ufeful. 1 53. Two founds are faid to be concord betvieen themfelves, when both of them can be refered to one and the fame funda- mental perfect chord; and two founds are called difcord, when they cannot both be refered to one perfect chord. This is the molt fimple, and, at the fame time, the moft fa- tisfadfory definition we can give of concord and difcord: for, al- lowing that the mind naturally chufes to conceive every found in mufic as belonging to fome perfect chord, it is plain, that two founds willymtt to unite, when both of them are included in the idea of one perfect chord ; and that they will not .unite, but feparately diflracl our attention, when this cannot be done, or when they muft neceflarily be refered to two different funda^ mentals. . • Neverthelefs, difcords, when judicioufly chofen, and proper- * Though the third and fifth be implied, when no figures are annexed to a thorough-bafs note, yet there are cafes in which it is neceffary to figure the perfect chord as well as any other. For inftance, when the fame note occurs feveral times over in the bafs, and having firft born fome other chord, comes afterwards to bear a perfecSt chord : in this cafe it is necefiary to denote theenterance of the perfect chord by one or more of thefe figures, 8. j. 3. becaufe otherwife the former chord would appear to be continued; for it is a rule, when any note is feveral times repeated, that, in playing thorough-bafs, the chord of the firft note is. to be continued upon all the reft, unlefs contradicted by other figures. >j . It is alfo proper to figure the perfect chord, in fome pafTagts, where it is introduced out of the ordinary courfe, and, of confequence, partly unexpected ; becaufe the performer, feeing no figures to direct him, might follow the ordinary courfe, and fo run contrary to the defign of the compofer. As it is fometimes necefiary to figure the perfect chord, it is alfo fometimes convenient to figure the chord of the fixth with 8 and 6, or with 6 and 3', ra- ther than 6 fimply; and this often happens, when a former chord is to be contradicted upon the repetition of the fame note, as will be better underftood hereafter. In the fame manner, and for the fame reafon, the figure 8 is fometimes added to the 6 and 4, which ufually denote the chord of the fixth and fourth. It is evident, that the occasional addition of thefe figures creates no difficulty, becaufe, whether they be there or not, the founds which they reprefent, ire always implied in the ftrudture of the chord, as fhewn, Art. 138. o ca Of Harmomcal Confonances. Part I. ly inferted, are of great ufe in harmony, and produce the caufe no other chord contains both thefe notes, For the lame moll agreeable effects f. We can frequently admit of, and re- reafon the 2d and 6th muft be refered to the if, and the 3d ceive a particular pleafure from the intermixture of two funda- mental perfect chords, if fuch dijjbnant or dov.bl' meaning chords be properly preceded and followed by others ; or, in the mufi- cian's language, if the difcords be properly prepared and refriv- ed, of which more hereafter. 1 54. According to the above definition of concord, it will eafily appear, that all the thirds which exift in the fcale-, whe- and 7th to the 3/: and fo of all other perfect fifths and fourths. When the K and the 3d ftand together, they conftitute a greater third, when erect, andalefs fixth, when inverted ; and thefe two may be conceived as belonging to the chord of the Kf, or to that of the 6f; for either of thefe chords contains both thofe notes : fo that here it is in our option to chufe either the lower term of the third, viz. the K, or the note which is ther they be greater or lefs ; and, by inverfion, all the fixths another third below this term, viz. the 6th-, for a fundamen- in thefcaie are concords : as alfo all the fifths in the fcale are tal ; and the preference muft be given to owe or the other of concords, except the falfe fifth-, which lies in afcending, be thefe, in compliance with other rules and reftlictions, to be treat- tween the 7th and the 4'h ; and> by inverfion, all the fourths ed of hereafter. ' are concord's, except the tritonc, fee Art. 1 1. which is the in- Again, when the 2d and 4th ftand together they conftitute verfion of the falfe fifth, and lies in afcending between the a lefs third, when erect, and a greater fixth, inverted ; and 4th and the 7th. thefe two muft be refered to the if, and ho other, becaufe 155. It is alfo evident, that both the terms of every perfect were we to feek a fundamental, another third below this lower fifth mult be refered to the lower term as fundamental, and of term, we fhould fall upon the 7th, which, as (hewn Art* 148. confequence both the terms of every perfect fourth muft be re- cannot be admitted as fuch. fered to the upper term as fundamental : but- in regard to thirds and fixths, fometimes the lower term of a third, or the upper term of a fixth, is to be efteemed the fundamental ; and 'fome- times another found, which is a third below thefe terms, muft be pitched upon, and oftentimes it is in our option to chufe ei- On the contrary, when the 7th and 2d ftahd together as a lefs third, we are obliged to defcend a third below the lower rerm, which brings us to the £/". becaufe here the lower term itfelf is the 7th. From thefe inftances it will eafily appear, that the avoiding ther of thefe for a fundamental ; but neither the upper term of of the 7th of the fcale in the fundamental bafs, is the fole caufe fifth, Or a third, h6r the lower term of a fourth, or a fixth, can be efteemed the fundamental, becaufe, in thefexrafes, theo- ther term will not belong to the chord. A few examples will make this fufficiently plain. When the Kand the 5th ftand together they conftitute a perfect fifth when erect, and a perfect fourth, when inverted, and in either pofi- rion thefe two muft be refered to the Kf. arid no other, bc- of all thefe varieties in the choice of fundamentals. Thus much may fuffice, at prefent, in regard to confonances. We muft crave the reader's farther patience and attention to a few remarks conceE-ning diffonances, which are neceffary before we can properly proceed to the application ; but fhall be as con- cife as poffible. f The definition commonly given of dlfcord in general, viz. that it is the efeft of two founds, ivhofc union difplcafes, or is difcgrceublc to the car, is not pro- per; becaufe, though all difcords diftracf. our attention, yet they do not all difpleafe us, but, on the contrary, fome difcords are much more pleafing and agreeable, in certain fituations, than concords would be. It feems neceflary to make a farther diftinelion between what only divides our attention, and what difplcafes- The former of thefe is properly a difcord in mufic, and the latter a falfe or inharmonical relation. Chap. VII. Of Concords, and their Fundamentals. OfDifcords, and Chords dijjbnant by addition. ss C H A P. VII. Of D I S S O N A N C E S. A 5 tervals ; fo alfo are all intervals of a feventh,. or a fecond : the reafon is plain from the premifed principles, be- caufe two notes, including either of thefe intervals, cannot both belong to one perfect chord. i 57. Seconds and fevenths are diftinguifhed, like thirds and fixths, into greater and lefs. The whole tone is called a great- er fecond, and the femitone a lefs fecond ; the feventh, which is a femitone lefs than an octave, is called a greater feventh ; and that which is a tone lefs than an octave, a lefs feventh. The greater feventh, and lefs fecond, may either of them be conceived as an inversion of the other ; in the fame manner the lefs feventh, and greater fecond, are derived one from the other by inverfion. So that we need only to confider the feconds in particular, as whatever properties belong to them, may, for the moft part, be equally attributed to the fevenths, only changing the epithet greater for lefs, and vice verfa. 158. The lefs fecond, or femitone, is a much more harfh and impracticable difcord than the greater fecond, or whole tone. The former of thefe can only be admitted feldom, and with great caution; but the latter is very often introduced. Thus the 7th and K, or the 3d and 4th of the natural fcale, are feldom joined in harmony ; thefe being intervals of a femi- tone only: but the K and 2d, or the 2d and. 3d, or the 4th: and 5th, or the 5th and 6th, or the 6th and 7th of the natu- ral fcale, are often fet together ; thefe being all intervals of a whoie tone. 1 59. A difTonant chord may be produced either by adding another found to a perfect chord, or by omitting one of the proper harmonics of a perfect chord, and fubftitutlng another note in its ftead. The former of thefe is more commonly prac j tiled, and therefore deferves to be firft considered. Every erect perfect chord confifts of two contiguous thirds, fituated next above the fundamental, and a perfect fourth above thefe, which brings us to the octave of the fundamental. Now, it is plain, that the addition of another found, to fuch a chord, can be beft allowed within the limits of the fourth, in fuch manner that this fourth may be divided by the added found in- to a lefs third and a whole tone ; becaufe, by this means, the dif- cords created among the mutual relations are the feweft and moft tolerable ; and the degree of harfhnefs, in every difTonant chord, may juftly be eftimated by the number and quality of the difcords which exift together. 160. Hence it follows, that the added found, in a difTo- nant chord, is generally either the lefs feventh, or the greater fixth, above the governing fundamental ; that is, above the found which would be the fole fundamental, if the difcord were not heard ; for, it muft be obferved, that no one found can properly be called the fole fundamental of a difTonant chord, be- caufe of the divided attention which the difcord ereates ; but notwithftanding we muft be fuppofed to have two fundamen- tals partly in view, yet one of them may, for various reafons, claim the greater fhare of our regard ; and therefore may be properly called governing, or predominant. 161. All fundamentals are fufceptible either of a lefs feventh or a greater fixth, according as the feventh above is a lefs fe- venth, or the fixth above is a greater fixth. in the natural fcale to which they belong. Thus the chords of the K/, and the 5« Of 1)i (finances. Part L 4/, can have a fixth added, but not a feventh, becaufe they have a greater fixth, but not a lefs feventh in the fcale. On the contrary, the chords of the 3/, and the . 6f, can have a feventh added, but not a fixth, becaufe they have a lefs feventh, but not a greater fixth in the fcale. The chords of the if, and the 5/, may have either a fixth or a feventh added, be- caufe they have both a greater fixth and a lefs feventh in the fcale. All this may be fuppofed obvious to the reader, being drawn entirely from the fituation of the tones and femitones in the natural fcale. It is plain, that if the added difcord mud divide the interval of the fourth, which exifts between the fifth of any fundamental and its octave, into a whole tone and a lefs third, fuch added difcord muft either be a whole tone above the fifth, or a whole tone below the octave of the fundamen- tal : therefore, thofe fundamentals which have a whole tone next above the fifth, are fulceptible of an added fixth; and thofe which have a whole tone next below the fundamental, or its octave, are fucceptible of an added feventh. 162. As we have formerly feen, Art. 147. that the natural fcale affords fix perfect chords, viz. one for each degree of the fcale, except the 7th;. fo we may here obferve, that the fame fcale affords eight of this fort of chords diflbnant by addi^ tion. This larger number of diflbnances by addition is occasi- oned by the, two fundamentals, viz. if and 5/, which are each of them fufceptible of both kinds of added difcords. Of thefe eight diflbnant chords there are four which have the added fixth, viz. the Kf, 4/, 5/, and if: and the other four have the added feventh, viz. the 6f if 3/, and $f. But it is farther to be obferved, that there are three with the added fixth, and other three with the added feventh, which contain the very fame degrees reflectively, and differ only in the efiimation of the fundamental. Thus the Kf, with an added fixth, contains the very fame degrees as the 6f with an added feventh ; and the difference between thefe two lies only in the manner of conceiving the founds : fo that the 6th of the fcale, which is the added difcord in the former, is the fundamental in the latter chord. In the fame manner the 4/, with a fixth added, and the if, with a feventh, confift both of the fame founds : thus alio the 5/, with an added fixth, and the 3/, with an added feventh, differ only in the manner of conceiving the founds ; fo that if we account the two chords, which thus coincide together, only as one, we (hall reduce the number of difTonances, by addition, in the fcale, to five ; of which fee the following reprefentation, where the proper dif- cord added, is denoted by a fmall figure put over the funda- mental. f 6 7 Kf or 6f contains the K — 3d — 5th,6th — 6 7 4/ or if contains the K 2d — 4th — 6th — 6 7 5th— 7th 1 — 7th [ if contains the — 2d — 4th— 6th 7 th 5-f or 3/ contains the — 2d 3d 5/ contains the — 2d — 4th 5tl In this reprefentation, we have taken the liberty of inverting fome of the chords, fo as to comprehend all their founds with-' in the compafs of an octave above the key, to render the fcheme more compact, and alfo that the occurrence of the fame note, in- different chords, may be more readily feen : and we fay, as be- fore, Art. 147. that thefe chords contain thefe founds reipective- ly, to intimate that different arrangements ffill constitute the fame chord. 163. We may conclude, that there can be ordinarily no more than five chords diflbnant, by addition, among the founds of the natural fcale, from obferving, that there are but five de- grees which are greater feconds, i. e. whole tones, and the dif- Chap. VII. Scheme of Chords diffonant by addition fonant chord always contains a greater fecond, or, which is the fame in effect, a lefs feventh, among the mutual relations : See Art. 158.; and this lefs feventh is always divided by the other accompanying founds, into three intervals of a third each ; one of which three is a greater third, and the other two are lefs thirds ; and the greater third is either below the two lefs thirds, or between them, or above them, according as the fteps of the natural fcale allow. 164. In regard to the fpecies of thirds, which refult from the above-mentioned divifion of the fevenths, it will be ufeful to obferve, that when the lefs feventh is added to a % P chord, which can only happen in the chord of the 5/, the greater third is fituated below two lefs thirds ; and when the greater fixth is added to a \> P chord, which can only happen in the chord of the if, the greater third is above two lefs thirds ; but in all other chords diffonant by addition, the greater third is between two lefs thirds. 165. The fpecies of the three contiguous thirds, would be more eafily feen, if each chord were difpofed in an erect form, fo as to bring the proper fundamental, which bears an added feventh, into the loweft place, and the feventh itfelf uppermoft ; for thus every chord would plainly appear to confift of three fucceffive thirds, in afcending from the fundamental, and the fpecies of each third could not fail to be obvious, becaufe the very names of the founds exprefs their fituation in the natural fcale, and of courfe, the places of the femitones, which always conltitute one of the two fteps of a lefs third. We (hall inftance the firft of the chords in the fcheme, Art. 162. which is that of the Kfi with a fixth, or the 6/, with a feventh added ; therefore the 6th is to be brought into the low- eft place, and then the chord ftands thus, 6th — K— 3d— 5th. where we have three fucceffive thirds in afcending from the 6th to the 5th. Now, the femitones being the next below the K, . Of the mutual Relations of their founds. $j and the next above the 3d, it is plain, that the intervals fith— K, and 3d — 5th, are lefs thirds, becaufe they include one ftep of a femitone : the interval K — 3d is a greater third, becaufe both the included fteps are tones : fo that this chord is compof- ed of a greater third between two lefs, as obferved above. After the fame manner, the other chords, in Art. 162. might be arranged and examined ; but this we fhall leave as a tafk for the exercife of fuch readers as do not clearly apprehend the ftructure of them, in the fevera! inverted forms there given. It may reafonably be expected that few readers will have found any difficulty in this matter. 1 66. By obferving the fpecies of the thirds, we come eafily to the knowlege of the perfect and falfe fifths, which exift in thefe chords : for if it be remembered, that two contiguous lefs thirds con ftitute a falfe fifth, Art. 148. it will evidently appear, that the chords which have the greater third, either below or above both the lefs thirds, have inevitably a falfe fifth, or by inverfion, a tritone, among their mutual relations: but the others, which have the greater third between the two lefs, have no fuch interval. Thus, the two loweft chords in the fcheme, Art. 162.; viz. the 5/ with a feventh, and the 2/ with a fixth added, have a tritone, viz. 4th 7th, which the three uppermoft chords in that fcheme have not : and herein confifts the moft material difference among this fort of chords, as will be fhewn below. 167. The perfect chord of either kind, with an added fe- venth, is called a chord of the feventh, and figured with a 7. Sometimes one or both of the figures 5'. 3. are added below the 7, or even above it ; but this makes no difference, becaufe the founds reprefented by them are always implied, whether they be there or not. 168. The thorough-bafs may take any of the harmonics be- longing to a chord of the feventh, viz, the third, the fifth, or the feventh ; and hence arife three other chords by inverfion : P i« Of 'Dijfonances. Part T. thus, when the thorough bafs takes the third, the other accom- panyments are fixth, fifth, and third, to this bafs, and it is cal- led a chord of the fixth and fifth, and figured with 6 and 5, one under the other. When the thorough-bafs takes the fifth of the fundamental chord, the other accompanyments are fixth, fourth, and third, to this bafs ; and it may be properly called a chord of the fourth and third, and figured with 4 and 3, one under the other ; the exiftence of the fixth being implied, tho' not figured : but it is more ufual, among our Britifh muficians, to add. the fixth alfo, both In the naming and figuring of this chord. When the thorough-bafs takes the feventh of the fun- damental chord, the other accompanyments are fixth, fourth, and fecond to this bafs, and it is called a chord of the fecond, and figured either with 2 fimply, or with 4 and 2, or 6, 4, and 2: the exiftence of the fixth and fourth being implied along with the fecond, although none but the fecond be expreffed either in the naming, or the figuring of this chord. 169. For the better underftanding of the chord of the feventh, and its derivatives, fee the following reprefentation of the chord of A, which is formed in the fame manner as thofe already given. The chord of the feventh to A, A— C— E— G which we count 1 — 3 — 5 — 7 The fixth and fifth to C, C— E— G a which we count 1—3 — 5 6 The fourth and third to E, E— G a— c which we count 1 — 3 4 — 6 The fecond to G, G a — c — e which we count 1 2 — 4 — 6 See alfo Plate IV- Exam. XXXV. the firft bar of the ex- ample; where the fame chord of A, and its inverfions, are re- prefented in the treble and bafs ffaves, with the fundamental bafs fubjoined. It may be obferved, that when the bafs takes the feventh of the fundamental chord, it is not proper to double the bafs note in the accompanyment, as in the fourth chord of this bar, becaufe fuch doubling would render the diflbnant fe- venth too remarkable. 1 70. In this example, the fundamental bafs is put A with 7, or C with 6 and 5 ; becaufe this, and its inverfions, pro- duce, apparently, the very fame founds as the other, and the difference lies only in the eftimafion of the fundamental. Thus, if the note C, bearing fixth and fifth, were eftimated the fundamental, the note A, bearing a feventh, would be one of its inverfions, and the note E, bearing fourth and third, and G, bearing a fecond, would be its other inverfions. 171. It is often more proper to omit fome of the founds of a diffonant chord, in the accompanyment, and in feveral cafes thefe omiffions may be, and ufually are, (hewn by a different manner of figuring. Thus, for inftance, if it be proper to o- mit the diffonant feventh in a chord of 7, or the fixth in a chord of 6 and 5. the thorough-bafs is left without any figure, or with fuch only as denote the perfect chord, Art. 152. Thus alfo, if the fifth be omitted in a chord of 6 and 5, or the fourth in a chord of 4 and 3, in fuch cafes either of thefe chords is figured with 6 only, or with 6 and 3, to denote the exiftence of the fixth and third. Again, if the third be omitted in a chord of 4 and 3, or the fecond in a chord of 2, the thorough bafs is figured with 6 and 4, becaufe in thefe cafes the fixth and fourth only remain. 172 We muft therefore take notice, that a chord in the thorough-bafs may put on the appearance of the perfect chord, or one of its inverfions, and yet in reality be derived from a fundamental diffonant chord ; with the omiffion of one of the two contiguous founds, which conftitute the difTonance : and in order to comprehend this matter more fully, let the fecond and third divifions of Exam. XXXV. be carefully examined. The former of thefe divifions contains the derivatives of the Chap. VII. Of the Names and Ways of figuring the Chord of the Seventh, and its Liver fions. Of Sufpenfons. ^ chord of A, with 7, which, by omiffion of the feventh, or of the eighth above the fundamental, appear to be the produce of the perfect chords of A, or C, refpectively. The latter divifion reprefents the derivatives of the chord of G, with an added 7, in the fame manner : and here it muft be obferved, that although the original chord contains a falfe fifth, viz. from B to F. (fee Art. 166.) yet when the octave of the fundamental is omitted, as in the three laft chords of this example, the thorough-bafs is figured in the fame manner as if the chords were derived from the perfect of B ; although B is incapable of a perfect chord, on account of the falfe fifth. In this, and fuch like in- ftances, therefore, the falfe fifth, and the tritoneorgre.it fourth, are denoted in the fame manner as if they were perfect ; and it is left to the performer to apply fuch intervals as the fcale al- lows * ; which ought to be well remembered. 173. In regard to the fecond fpecies of diffonances, Art. 159. viz. thofe which have another found fubftituted inftead of one of the proper harmonics, the fubftituted found for the moft part only difappoints, or fufpends, the hearer's expectation, for fome part of the time, and afterwards gives place to the proper found ; and therefore thefe may be juftly called dhTonances by fufpenfwn. The moft common diffonances of this clafs, derived from the perfect chord, are, ift, The chord of the fourth, which is figured with a 4, or with 5 and 4 ; in which the fourth only fufpends the third, the fifth and octave at the fame time taking place as ufual. 2d, The chord of the ninth, which is figured with a g, or with 9 and 5, or 9 and 3 ; in which the ninth only fufpends the octave, but the fifth and third take place as ufual. 3 J, The chord of the ninth and fourth, figured with 9 and 4, or 9, 5, and 4 ; in which both thefe fufpenfions take place at once, and the fifth only retains its proper place. 174. The fame kind of fufpenfion frequently takes place in the chord of fixth, viz. 1/?, The feventh fufpending the fixth, in a defcending fuccef- fion, which is called afequence of feventh s andfixths, and figur- ed with 7, 6. one after the other. Care muft be taken to di- ftinguifh this feventh, fufpending the fixth, in a defcending fe- quence, from the fundamental chord of the added feventh ; becaufe they are both figured in the fame manner with a 7. and yet the former muft not be accompanied with the fifth, which is an effential part in the latter chord. But the figure 6 fol- * There is a material difference between our method of figuring, and that of the French, in this refpeet. The French, following their great leader, Monf Ramcau, figure all their chords as if they were full, and leave the choice of omijfioiis entirely to the performer's difcretion ; hy which means the deri- vation of each chord is more plainly fhewn, but the propriety and delicacy of the accompanyment is more obfeure and indetermined. Thofe chords in particular, which imply a falfe fifth, or a tritone, fuch as the inverfions of the chord of G with a 7. in the laft divifion of Ex. XXXV. are diftinguifhed both by peculiar names and figures. The chord of the 6 and j. which has E for its bafs, is called, accord de faujfe quintc, and figured with 5 h, or s with a dafli through the body ; and this is conftantly done, whether any omiilions take place in the accompanyment or not. In like manner, the chord of 4 and 3 , which belongs to the note D, is called accord de fixte fcnfible, and figured with 6 $, or 6 with a dafli through the head : and the chord of the fecond to F, is called accord de triton, and figured with 4 $, or 4 with a dafh through the horizontal ftroke. See the figures fubjoined to the thorough- hafs, in the laft divifion of Exam. XXXV. The productions of other chords of the feventh, which do npt include a falfe fifth, are named and figured much in the fame manner as ours ; and fome- times the chord of the fixth and fifth is called accord de grande fixte : and that of the fixth, fourth, and third, accord de petite fixte. Thefe are all the material differences between the Britifh and French methods of naming and figuring the chord of the feventh, and its derivatives, which it feemed proper to explain in this place, more on account of the tbeorifis, than the compofcrs, which that nation has produced. We flatter ourfelves, that, by following the Italians, we have adopted a better method of figuring, and of more immediate ufe to the performer ; although the origin of fome chords may, in our method, be more uncertain. 60 Of e DiJ/onances. lowing upon the fame, note, fufficiently indicates the fe- quence, id, The fifth fufpending the fixth in an afcending fucceiTion, which is called a fequence of fifths andfixths, and figured with 5, 6, one after the other. 2(1, The ninth may fufpend the octave and the feventh fuf- pend the fixth, both at the fame time, in a chord of the fixth; in which cafe the third only retains its proper place ; and this is called a chord of the ninth and feventh, and figured with 9 and 7, or with 9, 7, and 3. 175. Some of thefe chords may be inverted, and from thence other chords formed, which have alfo their proper ufe ; and befides the above, there are feveral other fufpenfions practicable in mufic, the fall detail of which would be too tedious in this place. It may be obferved in general, that fuch paffages fome- times affect the fundamental progreffion, and fometimes not : and they are then only, properly fufpenfions, when the funda- mental progreflions is not affected by them. 1 76. In order to judge of the fundamental to which a diffo- nant chord ought to be refered, it is ufeful to obferve, that eve- ry note which has its own harmonics, and efpecially its fifth ex- iting along with it, will in fome degree attract our attention as a fundamental, agreeable to what is remarked, Art. 155. ; and if, in conjunction with this circumfhince, fuch a note be rendered more dift inguifhable, by its fituation below or above the reft, as explained, Art. 144. it will inevitably be regarded as a governing fundamental, for the time : but if it be concealed in the middle of the chord, another note, in a more confpi- cuous fituation, may take the preference. It will be neceffary alfo, in confidering the fucceffive chords, as connected together in harmonic fhrafes, to take into account the expectation, whether founded on nature or cujl.om, of hear- ing fuch particular fundamentals in fucceffion, which often takes place, and may be fo ffrong, in fome paffages, as to overcome all oppofition in favour of a different fundamental note. Partt . 177. Such enquiries as thefe are of the utmoft confequence In mufic, and are yet perfectly new. The various effects of different inverfions of the fame chord, which are circumftan- ces well known among the practical muficians, but impene- trable fecrets among the theorifts, are by this means accounted for, with the greateft eafe and fimplicity. We fhall here add a few inftances. 1 78. The chord of the feventh, when the fundamental bears a lefs third, may be confidered as a mixture of two perfect chords, whofe fundamentals are the two terms of the fame lefs third. Thus the chord of A with a feventh is made up of the \) P chord of A, and the % P chord of C ; becaufe each of thefe notes has its perfect chord in the accompanyment. Now, if this chord be arranged in its erect form, as at H, in Exam. XXXVI. in this cafe the note C, being partly concealed in the middle, and A at the bottom, the note A is undoubtedly the governing fun- damental : but at K the fame chord is arranged with C upper- moft, and A in the middle ; in which cafe C will command our principal attention. At L, the note A is uppermofr, and C loweft ; which caufes a divided attention, or double fundamental, and the preference due to one or the other is to be determined from other confiderations. The cafe is much the fame at I, where both C and A are in the middle. In thefe ambiguous cafes, if one of the notes which thus ffand in competition, be doubled, or be made more remarkable by falling in with the expectation of the hearer, the choice will be determined by either of thefe circumftances. In the fraff of lines fubjoined to Exam. XXXVI. the govern- ing fundamentals are reprefented by notes, and the other by di- rects : and the ambiguous or double fundamentals have two directs. 1 79. Thefe ambiguities have no place in a chord of the fe- venth, when the fundamental bears a greater third, becaufe the fifth above that greater third isafalfe fifth. Thus, for infiance, the chord of G with a feventh, and all its inverfions, muff in- Of the Fundamentals of dljfonant Chords. Chap. VII. conteffibly be refered to Gf, becaufe no other found has its perfect fifth exifting along with it, in that chord. The falfe fifth has alfo a very peculiar property of refering the hearer to a fundamental note, at the diftance of a greater third below its lower terra, even although that fundamental note do not appear at all, in the chord. Thus the falfe fifth B — F, will plainly point out G for its fundamental, though G itfejf be altogether omitted, as at M, Exam. XXXVI.. The fame is to be obferved of all other falfe fifths : for inftance, F % C mufl be refered to Df C* G to A/ G« — D to E/ &c. and this property mull be carefully attended to. 1 80. The tritone, which is the inverfion of the falfe fifth, rather refers to a fundamental, at the diftance of a lefs third below its lower term. Thus the tritone F B has a na- tural tendency to point out D for its fundamental ; efpecially if the note A be heard along with it, as reprefented at N : be- caufe A is the perfect fifth to that fundamental ; and more- over the fame A prevents G from taking place as a fundamental ; whereas if A were not heard, and if the fucceffion of chords could conveniently admit of it, G might be efteemed the fundamental of the tritone F B, as well as of the falfe fifth from which it is an inverfion. There is fomething curious in thefe effects of the falfe fifth and tritone, which we fhall endeavour to account for in the theory. 181. The chord of the fourth, as reprefented at O, is a mix- ture of the chord of the fufpending fourth, along with that of the fundamental ; becaufe this chord confifis of the fundamen- tal, with its perfect fifth, and the fourth with its perfect fifth ; but then die fundamental, being both in the lowefl and higheft place, will undoubtedly attract our principal attention : and even if the fourth were to poffefs the higheft place, as at P, the 6l fame fundamental would ftill prevail, becaufe it is more natural to conceive the lowefl found as a fundamental, than the higheft. But if the fame chord be inverted, as at Q, where the fourth polTelTes the loweft place, the cafe will be altered, and in this chord, fingly confidered, the loweft found will become the go- verning fundamental ; and the chord be effectually a chord of the ninth, to that fundamental ; but yet, in a fucceffion which more properly leads to the fundamental of the original chord O, even this arrangement at Q^may pais for an inverfion of that chord, and in fuch cafes it ought to be figured with 5 and 2, as it is there done, and care mult be taken not to double the bafs note in the accompany men t, becaufe it is not one of the proper harmonics of the chord. The fame is to be obferved of the arrangement at R, which is an inverfion of the fame chord of the fourth, having the fifth loweft. This chord, fingly confidered, would feem to belong to the higheft found as fundamental, but when it occurs in a fucceffion wherein it may properly be taken for an inverfi- on of the chord at O, it is then to be figured with 7 and 4. And this, as will be fhewn, Art. 186. is the only proper introducti- on of the feventh and fourth to any bafs note. 1 8 2. The chord of the uinth, at S, is a mixture of the chord of the fifth note, along with that of the fundamental ; becaufe the ninth ftands as a fifth to the fifth note : but here the fun- damental will naturally take the preference, as being the loweft found, and therefore this ninth i,s properly a fufpenfion. The fufpending ninth may tje a falfe fifth above the fifth note of the chord, in which cafe the fifth note is incapable of being a fundamental ; and this happens in the chord of the ■if of the natural fcale, as in phe chord of E, reprefented at T : and here we have a right to conclude, from the property of the falfe fifths, defcribed, Art. 179. that the attention of the hear- er is divided between G and E, that is, between the fifth and the third'of the natural fcale. 61 Of T>iJJbnances. There may be other chords formed by inverting the chord of the ninth, but being very rarely made ufe of, we mail pafs them over at prefent. 183. The chord of the ninth and fourth, as at U, tends dill more directly than that of the fimple ninth towards introducing the fifth note for a fundamental, in preference to the lowed note ; becaufe here, the fufpending fourth, not only hinders the ente- rance of the third, which is one of the proper harmonics of the lowed note, but that fourth alfo ftands in the relation of a feventh to the fifth, which circumffance alfo gives additional influence to the fifth ; and therefore we conclude this chord, even in its erect form, to have a dubious or double fundamen- tal, as reprefented in the example. 184. The feventh fufpending the fixth in a defcending fe- quence, when that feventh is a perfect fifth above the third, tends to introduce the fame third for a fundamental, and the fixth which follows and refolves the feventh, has a right by its fituation to be regarded as the fundamental of the next chord, as reprefented at W. ' 185. Upon the fame principles, the fifth fufpending the fixth, in afcending, when it is perfect, will appear to introduce along with it the lowed: note of the chord, for a fundamen- tal, during its exidence; and when the fixth fucceeds to the fifth, that fixth appears to have a right to be condituted a fun- damental, as fhewn at X. But in both thefe fequences the ex- pectation of the hearer often Counteracts thefe motives, and o- bliges us to afiign other fundamentals to feveral of thefe chords, as will be ihew when we come^tb treat of fundamental progreffi- ons. ' r - 186. To finifli this difquifition at prefent, which probably the reader, not acquainted with the application, will have thought too long ; we fhall obferve in general, that the co-exidence of the perfect fifth above, or fourth below any found, ferves to fortify that found, and to draw the hearer's attention to it. Part I. much in the fame manner as if it were doubled ; and therefore it is not proper to introduce a note, by fufpenfion, which has its perfect fifth in the chord, unlefs that note could properly take place as a fundamental ; and it is equally improper that the fufpending note dand as a fifth to any of the other notes of the chord, unlefs that other note could, on occafion, fucceed as fundamental. Thus, for indance, the fixth mud not be made to fufpend the fifth, in a perfect chord, at the fame time that the third keeps its place, becaufe that third, exiding along with the fixth, would in effect double the fufpending fixth, and render it too remarkable ; but the fixth may fufpend the fifth, at the fame time that the fourth fufpends the third, and this is very frequently pra&ifed. Thus alfo, in a chord of 7, the fourth mud not fufpend the third, becaufe that fourth would render the didbnant feventh too remarkable by its affinity with it. The fame obfervations may be extended to all the other chords. 187. The new principle we have chiefly to infid upon, which accounts in the mod familiar and rational manner for the vari- ous fucceffions of diffonant chords, practicable in mufic, is, that almod all chords of this kind imply, in fome degree, a double fundamental, and that it is neceffary that each of the implied fun- damentals naturally follow what has preceeded, and alfo be na- turally fucceeded by what follows: and this principle, joined with a certain propenfity in fome founds to defcend, and in others to afcend, which feems to depend partly upon their relations to the key note, abdract from any regard to the fundamental prefently exiding, and which we fhall endeavour to explain in due courfe, will carry us with eafe and perfpicuity through a fnbject which has hitherto perplexed and baffled the mod dili- gent enquirers. 188. The following recapitulation of the chords explained in this and the preceding chapter, will be of fervice to affid the learner's memory. j. Toe perfect, or common chord, confids of the 8 th, 5th, and Chap. VII. Of extraneous Fundamentals, introduced by Sujpenjion 3d, to the bafs note, and is denoted by all or any of thefe fi- gures, or is underftood to take place when no figure is annexed to the bafs — the 3d may be greater or lefs, and the fifth perfect or falfe, according as the fcale allows, in which the mufic is fet. 1. The chord of thefixth, confifts of the 8th, 6th, and 3d,, and is figured with 6, either with or without the other figures. It is an inverfion of the perfect chord, the bafs taking the third- note of that chord. 3. The chord of the ftxth and fourth, confifts of the 8th, 6th, Recapitulation. 63 10. The chord of the feventh and fourth, figured with 7 and 4, is an inverfion of the chord of the fourth, the bafs taking the fifth note of that chord. The chord of the ninth, is the perfect chord with the 9th and 4th, and is figured with 6 and 4. It is an inverfion of the perfect chord, the bafs taking the fifth note of that chord; 4. Tlie chord of the feventh, is the perfect chord with the 7th added, and is figured with 7. either with or without any of the figures 8. 5. 3. — It is the chief of all diffonances by addition, and all the others may be deduced from it, by inverfion. 5.. The chord of thefixth and fifth, is the perfect chord with a 6th added ; or it is an inverfion of the chord of the feventh, the bafs taking the third note of that chord, and is figured with 6 and 5. -6. The chord of the fourth arid third, commonly called fixth, fourth, and third, and figured accordingly, is an inverfion of the chord of the feventh, the bafs taking the fifth note of that chord. '.".'7. The chord of the fecond, confifis of the 6th, 4th, and 2d, and is figured with 2, either with or withont the other figures. Jt is an inverfion of the chord of the feventh, the bafs taking the feventh, or diflbnant note, of that chord. 8. The chord of ', the fourth, is the perfect chord with the 4th inftead of the 3d, and is figured with 4, or with 5 and 4. Here the 4th only fufpends the 3d. for a time, and muft after- wards defcend into it. 9. The chord of the fifth and fecond, figured with 5 and 2, is an inverfion of the chord of the fourth, the bafs taking the fourth or fufpending note of that chord. inftead of the 8th, and is figured with 9, either with or with- out the figures 3, 5. Here the 9th only fufpends the 8th for a time, and muft afterwards give place to it. 1 2. The chord of the ninth and fourth, figured with 9 and 4, or 9, 5, and 4, is the perfect chord with the 9th, fufpending the 8th, and the 4th fufpending the third, both at the fame time. Thefe notes mull; afterwards give place to the proper har- monics. 13. The fequence of fevenths and fixths, figured with 7 and 6, one after the other, is a chord of the fixth, wherein the 7th fufpends the 6th, in a defcending fucceflion, for fome part of the time, and afterwards gives place to it. 14. The fequence of fifths and fixths, figured with 5 and 6, one after the other, is a chord of the fixth, in which the 5th fufpends the 6th, in an afcending fucceflion, tor fome part of the time, and afterwards gives place to it. 1 5. The chord of the ninth and feventh, figured with 9 and 7, or with 9, 7, and 3. is a chord of the fixth in which the 9th fufpends the 8th, and the feventh fufpends the 6th, both at the fame time. Thefe notes muft afterwards defcend. Signior Pafquali, in his Thorough- Bafs, enumerates and ex- emplifies twelve chords, as being all which ordinarily occur. The reader, who is acquainted with that valuable piece, wilt obferve, that eleven of them are in this recapitulation, befides two others at N° 9 and 10. which are not there. The chord in Pafquali's, book, which we yet want, is that of the 2d, 4th, and 7th, and is only introduced by licence, when the bafs holds upon the key-note, of which we fhall fpeak hereafter. H Of Fundamental ProgreJJions. Part I. Chap. VIII. Of Fundamental Progress ions. 189. T N regard to fundamental progrefTions, it Is of the great- JL eft importance to underftand well the pafTages called cadences in mufic, and therefore we begin with thefe. Cadences in mufic are like points in writing, or paufes in fpeaking ; and ferve in the fame manner to diftinguifh the end- ing of every fmaller portion, or phrafe, as well as of the whole piece : and as there are different forts of paufes neceffary to mark out the larger, and the lefs divifions of a fentence, fo there are different forts of cadences, fome more and fome lefs fatisfa&ory and conclufive. 190. The fpecies of a cadence depends on the mutual relation of two fucceflive chords, the latter being always on the moft accented or emphatical part of the meafure, as at the beginning of a bar. The former of thefe is called the leading chord, and the cadence iB faid to be made upon the latter ; which manner of fpeaking is currently made ufe of among muficians, and muft be well obferved in order to the underftanding of what fol- lows. 191. When the fundamental bafs falls a fifth, or rifes a fourth, upon an accented part of the meafure, that paffage is called a regular cadence ; and when the leading chord of fuch a cadence bears a greater third and a feventh, it is called a perfebl regular cadence ; but when the leading chord bears a lefs third, the ca- dence is imperfetl, and inconclufive. The perfect reguhr cadence upon the principal key muft al- ways conclude the piece, like the full flop in writing ; and there is no other way in nature of coming into the chord of the key, without leaving an expectation of fomething more to follow, but by the chord of the 5/, bearing a greater third and feventh, as a leading chord. * 192. In order that this cadence be fully fatisfaclory, it is ne- ceffary alfo, that the thorough bafs coincide with the funda- mental ; or, in other words, the chords which conftitute the final cadence, muft not be inverted, but taken in their erect form ; that is, the thorough-bafs muft pafs from the 5th upon the K, either by a leap of a fourth afcending, or a fifth defcend- ing. We muft likewife obferve, that the harmonics, or accompa- nyments of the perfect regular cadence, are alfo limited in their progreffion. Thus the leading chord of the 5/ contains. 5th — 7th— 2d — 4th. Now, as the bafs which takes the 5th muft pafs by a leap in- to the K, fo the part which takes the 7th muft afcend by a ftep of a femitone into the fame K, or its oftave, the 2d ought to de- fcend by a tone upon the fame K, and the 4th muft defcenct by a femitone upon the 3d. This is the final cadence in four parts ; of which fee the following reprefentation. 5th — 7th — 2d — 4th K K — 3d where the meeting of the 7th and 2d, upon the fameK, in the fubfequent chord, is denoted by the horizontal bracket. * The French theorifts call the chord of the key la tonlqnc, and this leading j f, la domlnante tonique, as if th;"s chord governed the other, becaufe the other i obliged to follow it ; but in truth the key governs all the reft, and therefore this method of naming the chords, though but lately adopted, feems to need further reformation. The leading chord which bears a lefs third and feventh, is called by the French, dominant 'e fimple. Chap. VIII. Of the perfeft regular Cadence. See alfo Exam. XXXVII. Plate IV. at the letter H, where the fame cadence upon C is reprefented in the treble and bafs ftaves, and the natural progreffion of the notes in the accom- panyment is fhown by the direction of fmall ftrokes inferted be- tween the two chords. It may feem prepofterous to begin the article of fundamen- tal progreffions with explaining the final paffage, but never- thelefs it is the molt proper way, for this plain reafon, be- canfe it is the molt fatisfactory of all paflages, and the only one which puts an end to the expectation of the hearer; and by examining what way this expectation may be fatisfied, and the attention wholly fixed upon one chord, we come eafi- ly to under/land how it may be difappointed or fufpended, and the attention carried to different chords. Add to this, that the iame kind of cadence, made fucceffively upon different notes, proper for the purpofe, will be found to conftitute more than one half of all fundamental progreffions. 193. The moft remarkable circumflance, and what inevita- b!y attracts the chief attention of the hearer, in this regular ca- dence is, the refolution of the falfe fifth, which exifts in the •leading chord. It is an undoubted fact, that whenever a falfe fifth is perceived, and fuch can fcarcely ever pafs unperceived, it immediately becomes our principal concern to hear its terms minced to a better agreement ; the jarring founds muft be re- conciled before we leave them, and this is what we call the reflation of the difcord. The falfe fifth in the leading chord mutt be refolved by its two terms approaching nearer together, and conftituting a third In the foMowing chord ; thus in the leading chord defcribed a- Ijotc, the falfe fifth exifts between the 7th and the 4th, and thefe two founds approaching nearer together, each by a ftep of afesnitone, conftitute a greater third, viz. K — 3d, in the next chord ; and this fucceffion is fo conformable to the expec- tation of the ear, that we cannot go contrary to it, with any degree of fatisfaction. The 7th muft by no means defcend, nor the 4th afcend, nor muft either of them keep their place when another chord fucceeds. 194. The fecond is not fo ftrictly limited in its progreffion to defcend upon theK, for in fome cafes it may with equal pro- priety afcend into the 3d, as fhewn at I. Exam. XXXVII. In the fituatiqn reprefented at H, it would have been improper to have both the 2d and 4th meeting upon the 3d, becaufe that 3d being the higheft note, would by that occurrence be ren- dered more remarkable than it ought to be in a final chord : but this can be fafely allowed at I, becaufe here the 3d is in a more obfeure place, being, as it were, concealed below the octave of the K. 195. There may be two other parts added to the final ca- dence as reprefented at I ; viz. one which takes the 5th and continues upon it, and another which takes the 2d, and de- fcends into the K ; and thus the cadence will confift of fix parts, as fhewn at K : where the fmall ftrokes inferted between the chords ftill fhew the progreffion of each part, and the two which ifiue from the note D, in different directions, fhew that two parts are fuppofed to have previoufly taken that note, and muft go from it in different progreffions, one defcending upon the K, and the other afcending upon the 3d. 196. We may obferve in general, that the natural defire of hearing a difcordant interval properly refolved always limits, in fome degree, the progreffion of the terms of fuch an in- terval ; while the other founds, which are concordant, are at liberty in that refpect. Thus in all the arrangements of the perfect regular cadence, the two terms of the falfe fifth muft take their limited courfe, viz. the fourth of the fcale, which ftands as a feventh to the 5/", and is the upper term of the falfe fifth, muft defcend ; and the 7th of the fcale, which is the third to the 5/, and the lower term of the falfe fifth, muft a- fcend : thefe motions may be called nece/fary in this cadence, Of Fundamental ProgreJJions. 66 while the progrefTion of the 2d, which ftands as a fifth to the 5/ and of the 5th, being the octave to the 5/", when thefe notes take place in the leading chord, is unlimited, or acciden- tal, and may be various according to the different defigns of .the compoler. Thus if a. final cadence, or clofe, be intended, the leading chord mufr.be fo difpofed as that the neceffary mo- tions iury lead into one of the arrangements of the chord of the key which ;is denominated final, in Art. 145, 146. and the accidental motions muR be fo conducted as 'not to counteract this defign, by fortifiying, or rendering too remarkable, the harmo- nics of the K, which ought, ill this cafe, to make no other ap- pearance than as dependents upon the principal. This will ap- pear to be the rule obfervedin the arrangements defcribed above. The fame confiderationsmuff be attended to in the forma- tion of all other final cadences ; of which we cannot fail to meet with fufficient examples, in the profecution of this fubject. It the regular cadence be introduced, as it frequently is, in the courfe of a piece, where the expectation needs not to be fully fatisfied, and where a cadence may with equal propriety be made upon one of the chords called medial, in thefe cafes the necef- fary motions muff flili be conformed to, the falfe fifth mull ftill be properly refolved, but the accidental motions may be taken at pleafure, as beft fuits the air of the upper part in which they occur: the chords may be inverted, and by this means the thcrough-bafs may take the air of an upper part, and a vaff va- riety of paffages be introduced, which, to an unfkilful perfon, will appear widely different, and yet in reality all depend upon the fame fundamental progreffion : for the underftanding of which matter, the learner is defired to examine carefully the latter part of the XXXVII example, with the following Anno- tations, 197. Annotations to Exam. XXXVII. In this, example, the reference letters H. I. K. f m the leading chord, defcends by a ftep of a full tone upon the K, thereby making a lefs third to the 6f in the following chord, whereas in all the other cadences the feventh of the leading chord defcends only a femitone, and becomes a greater third in the following chord. At O, the 5th is again made natural, and the treble takes the fundamental progrefhon of a cadence upon the K. Here, ofnecef- fity, the fundamental bafs takes the fame notes with the treble, but the natural needs not be put before the bafs note, becaufe the fharp, which took place upon the fame degree, in the former part of the bar, has not appeared in the bafs, but only in the fi- guring; and as thefe figures relate only to the upper parts, which are played with the right-hand, a change among the figures is not fuppofed to influence the following real notes ot the bafs, which belong to the left-hand, in playing a key'd inftrument. At P, a cadence is made upon the 4th, as already obferved, in fpeaking of the paffage at K. At Q__the treble moves from the 6th to the 7th, which is Ex.xxxvBr c'V CC&dt07t4Uth '/?/ a/terr?/' 1'r/r, H T K _L M 1ST Q P _Gi_ R ,' 7 i b.7 _ * ^7 I » 7 . V I 7 ■ .. FundBafc Exxxxix jsP^P^S^ 6th K 4-tk 5 th K ^ ^% H ^ ^^^ i Ex .XL YiS ,XLI , 7_ Iff -.- _ ? \>>7 % 7 W _]L _ L__x£ .. V* } --6 £ ^ ?/-' if •vcW tn£e' , )u\'e d W m V, K Hi 7th is denoted the fame way as in the natural key ; but the ^ 4th is expreiTed by rendering the 4th natural, which is originally flat at. the cliff. The % 5th, if there be no more than two flats at the cliff, will take its own proper character, as in Exam. XL. but if there be three or more flats at the cliff, the 5th of the fcale will be one of the flat notes ; and then the natural, contradicting a flat, mufl be ufed to exprefs the % 5th alfo. Upon the whole, it is to be remembered, that the true mean- ing of the natural character is ambiguous, and depends entire- ly upon what precedes it. J natural, cent radioing a flat, is to be looked upon as an occafional Jharp ; but when it contra' dicls a Jharp, it is, in effect, an occafional 'flat. 71 205. The reader will take notice that our chief defign in the preceding part of this chapter has been to point out what motions in the trebie are necelTary in each regular cadence, and what are only accidental ; and it is worth while to obferve, up- on the whole, that the afcent or defcent of a femitone, upon an accented part of the meafure, always is, or may be, efteemed a necelTary motion in a regular cadence : the afcent or defcent of a full tone is never more than accidental in fuch a cadence, except in the cafe of the 2d defending upon the K, in a ca- dence upon the 6th, as explained in fpeaking of the paffage at N. It may not be improper to obferve alfo that the example, a- bove refered to, is very far from being a piece of good mufic, the treble part is but barely tolerable along with the bafs, and quite fhocking when alone. To make good mufic there muff, be an agreeable variety of air and movement in the leading part, and at the fame time a natural, eafy fucceffion of chords in the thorough bafs ; the powers of melody and harmony mult con- fpire together for this purpofe. Now, one of the principal re- quifites in melody is variety of divifwn, which refults from the breaking and fubdividing the fucceffive bars or meafures, in fe- veral different manners ; of which the example before us is to- tally deftitute ; and in regard to the harmony, the attention is too much hurried from one cadence to another; we have no fooner felt the cadence upon one key, than we are obliged to quit it, in order to purfue another, and this next jnlt fervesus the fame way. This makes the fucceffion of chords feemwild and incoherent ; and, inffead of being pleafed, we are rather puzzled to know what the founds mean, and how to reconcile them one with another. In order to obtain a more connected fucceffion of chords, and yet not wanting variety, it is necelTary to admit of other kinds of cadences, befides the perfect, already defcribed, fome of which ferve to fufpend, and fome to difappoint the natural Of Fundamental ProgreJJio Part I. expedition of the ear, fo as not to fuffer our attention per- fectly to fettle, either upon the principal key, or any other, until fome certain phrafc or Jlrain of the tune, Art. 103. be finifhed ; or until the fenfe of the words, fet to mufic, may properly admit of a reft or paufe. 206. The attention is kept in fufpence, by the cadence ufu- ally called irregular, which is juft the regular cadence revcrfed ; viz. the chord of the K, preceding or leading into that of the 5th, inftead of the 5/, leading to the K/, as in the regular cadence : and it is known by the fundamental bafs rifing a fifth, or falling a fourth, upon an accented part of the meafure. In this irregular cadence the diiTbnant feventh muft not be added to the chord of the 5th, now ufed as a following chord, becaufe the proper ufe of diifonances, in all cafes, is to excite an expectation of another chord to follow, in which the diflb- nance fhall be heard refolved, Art. 196. But here we are fup- pofed to bring the harmony to a kind of paufe, though not to a full concllifion ; fo that a diflbnance may here be more pro- perly added to the chord of the K, now ufed as a leading chord : and the proper diflbnance for this purpofe is the added fixth ; of which we fhall fpeak below. 207. The regular cadence takes place occasionally upon the fame degrees of the fcale, which are capable of leading in a re- gular cadence, as (hewn above : fo that as we have four regular, we have alfo four irregular cadences, reprefented, Exam. XLI. where each irregular cadence is fo placed as to precede imme- diately the regular from whence it is derived. In this example the notes which form the irregular cadences bear only their per- fect chords, in which cafe there is not any motion in the up- per parts which can properly be called necejjary, becaufe there is no difcord to be refolved ; and therefore we have put no tre- ble part above the fundamental bafs. 208. The added fixth in the leading chord of an irregular cadence is brought in by intermixing the irregular and a part of the regular cadences together, in pafling upon the K, or the ^th : as both of thcfe notes may be introduced by either kind of cadence. Thus the paflage at I, in Exam. XXXVIII. which we there take as part of a regular cadence on the K, Art. 203. might be admitted in the treble, at the fame time that the fun- damental bafs palfes, by the irregular cadence, from the 4th up- on the K ; and the paffage at Q^ in the fame example, might take place, while the fundamental bafs paffes, by the irregular cadence, from the K upon the 5th. In both thefe cafes the former notes of the treble would become added fixths in the leading chords, and afcend by one degree upon the third of the following chords ; and this motion is the proper refolution of the difcord in the irregular cadence : we mall give examples hereafter. 209. The falfe cadence is a regular cadence difappointed, by the fundamental bafs afcending only one degree, inftead of a fourth, and thereby introducing a fundamental note, a third below that which would have taken place, if the falfe cadence had not been admitted. This paffage is properly a gradation or Jlepping from the lead- ing chord of a regular cadence, upon the 'degree next above, and is chiefly praclifed from the K upon the 2d, in place of the regular cadence on the 4th ; and from the 5th upon the 6th, in place of the regular cadence on the K. The leading chord in this falfe cadence, or gradation, may bear an added feventh, the fame as in the regular cadence ; becaufe the neceflary moti- ons which refolve the difcord, as fhewn above, may in this cafe be ufed, as they lead to the third and fifth of the following chord. 210. The fame kind of gradation from the chord of the 4th/, upon that of the 5th, is often ufed in bringing the harmony to a kind o^imperf eel paufe, or reft, on the chord of the 5th : but although this paffage is very frequently found in our mufic, yet it has not been ranked among the clafsof cadences, by the wri» Chap. VIII. Of irregular and falfe Cadences. Of the Gradation on the fifth. 73 upon the K, by the irregular cadence, our principal regard is placed upon the 4th : but in making a gradation upon the 5th, our attention is rather turned to the 2d ; which, as we have formerly feen, ought to precede the 5th, in a regular cadence. A direcT: is placed at I, in Exam. XLII. upon the 2d, in the fundamental bafs, to exemplify this matter. There are other ways of difappointing both the regular and irregular cadences, but being very feldom admitted at the con- clufion of a phrafe, where a formal cadence is expected, we (hall pafs them over at prefenr. 213. To make an end of this difquifition concerning caden- ces, let the following account of all the fundamental paflages, which have already been explained, be well obferved. From the K/, as a leading chord, we can make an irregu- lar cadence on the 5th, a regular cadence on the 4th, or a falfe cadence on the 2d, of the fcale. From the 5th/*, as a leading chord, we can make a regular cadence on the K, an irregular cadence on the 2d, or a falfe cadence on the 6th. From the 4th/, as a leading chord, we can make an irregu- lar cadence on the K, or a gradation on the 5th. From the 2&f we may make a regular cadence on the 5th. From the 6th/, we may make an irregular cadence on the From the 3d/, we may make a regular cadence on the 6th, or a falfe cadence on the 4th, In every regular and falfe cadence the proper difcord in the leading chord is the added feventh ; and in the irregular ca- dence and gradation, the added fixth : yet thefe added difcords may be left out, and in many cafes it is neceffary to do fo ; of which hereafter. ters on this fubject, and therefore we (hall not prefume to make innovations in this refpett, but (hall give it the title which firft occurred, of a gradation on the 5//;. 211. In this pafTage, the leading chord of the 4th/ may take an added fixth, after the fame manner as in the irregular ca- dence on the K, mentioned, Art. 108;. but with this djffe rence in the movement of the upper parts, in order to form the following chord, viz. here the 2d of the fcale, which makes the added fixth, muff keep its place, and become a fifth; and the K muft defcend, and become a third, in the following chord ; as reprefented at I, in Exam. XLII. Plate VI : where as in the irregular cadence on the K, the 2d afcends upon the 3d, while the K keeps its place, and becomes the fundamental, as (hewn at H, in the fame example. The reader will obferve, that this example is in the fcale of G, with a (harp upon F, at the cliff* and that the treble takes one of the abovementioned movements, while the other is fhewn by directs : and it is ufeful to remember, that in both thefe pafTages, the difcordant interval, which exifts between the 2d of the fcale and the K ({landing as fixth and fifth in the lead- ing chord) is refolved by one of its terms moving a Jiep far- ther from the other ; and, in both pafTages, the moving term makes the third in the following chord: and that whenever the fundamental bears an added fixth, one or the other of jhefe motions becomes neceffary, for the refolution of the dif- cord. 212. To account for this double ufage * of the chord of the 4/, with an added fixth, it may be obferved, that this chord has an ambiguous, or double fundamental, as (hewn, Art. 1 78. and Exam. XXXVI. Our attention is divided between the 4th of the fcale, and the 2d ; and in paffing from this chord * This liberty of ufing the chord of the 4/, with an added fixth, either as leading; to the Kf, or the ? /", is called, by the French theories, U double ph\ dehdijfonance. " J " •> T 74 Of Fundamental If thefe paflages be well remembered, we fhall have little fur- ther difficulty in affigning the proper fundamental progreflions for the beginnings and middle parts of harmonic phrafes, where no formal cadence is expected. 24. In an harmonic phrafe it is mod natural to difpofe the fucceffive chords fo, that every fundamental paflage from one chord to another, may be an mutation of fome of the above de fcrfbe ' cadences; efpecially the paffiagesfrom an unaccented toan accented note ; as from the end of one bar or meafure to the be- ginning of the next : and fuch difpofitions become the more nec'effary as the movement is flower. In the common pfalm tunes, for inflance, there is ordinarily a cadence imitated at e- very bar ; and thefe imitations are often introduced, without altering any of the degrees of the fcale, although fome occafi- onal alteration would be necefTary to make the cadence perfect in its kind. Thus the paflage from the 3d/ to the 6th accent- ed, or from the 6th to the 3d accented, is often admitted with out altering the 5th ; though the former imitates a regular; and the latter an irregular cadence, in both of which the % 5th is an eflential note. Art. 20:, and 207. The fame liberty may be ufed in other imitations, as we (hall fee below. 215. The movement of the fundamental bafs is lefs reftrict- ed, in palling from an accented to an unaccented note ; and e- fpecialiy afcer a cadence has been heard upon the former, becaufe then the narmony is brought to a kind of paufe, and we aie not much concerned about the connexion; yet even in thefe cafes there are feveral cautions necefTary, in order to produce an agreeable effect, which we fhall endeavour to explain in courfe. It will not be difagreeable to the reader, in the mean time, to fee a little of the application of what is already faid, in fome familiar examples. We fhall begin with the fun damenrai of the natural fcale afcending and dekending, as re- prefented in the latter- part of Exam. XL1I. ProgreJJlo Part I, 216. The natural fcale, confiding of eight fucceffive founds, when performed in a flow manner, as denoted by the minims, divides into two phrafes of four founds each, both afcending and defcending, as (hewn by the dotts in this example : and the expectation of cadences falls particularly upon the conclufi- on of each of thefe phrafes, which we here refer to, by the let- ters K, L,'M, N. Each of the phrafes in this example ends with a regular ca- dence, VIZ: ■ At K, a regular cadence is made on the adjunct 4th ; At L, the fame is made on the principal key ; At M, the fame is made on the adjunct 5th ; At N, the final cadence is made on the key : and it is plain, from what is formerly laid down, that the ca- dences at K and L are implied in the motion of the treble, and that at N is necefTary for making a conclufion : but it remains to be (hewn, why the paffage in the treble, from the 6th upon the 5th- of the fcale, at M, could not with equal propriety have been refered to an irregular cadence upon the K ; as, by fo doing, theenterance of the altered note in the aceompanyment, denoted by the % in the figuring, would have been prevented, and, of confequence, the original key more flrictly retained. For this purpofe we may obferve, according to Art. 213 and 214. that every fundamental paffage in this example imitates fome cadence ; as will eafily appear upon the flighted exami- nation: and although this reflriction is not always indifpcnfible, yet, in general, the lefs we deviate from it, the more eafy and natural is the fucceflion. Now, having pafled, in imitation of the irregular cadence, from the Kf, upon the 5th/", at the two firft notes of the phrafe M, we cannot take the 4th for the next fundamental note, in order to form the irregular cadence on the K, without deltroying the connexion ; as the paflage from the 5th/ to the 4th/, does not reprefent any cadence. Chap. VIII. Of harmonic Phrafes. Examples But this is not all ; for there are other reafons why the 5th muft not be followed by the 4th in the fundamental bafs, of which we fhall fpeak hereafter. It is on the fame account, that We refer thedefcent from the 4th upon the 3d of the fcale, at the beginning of the next phrafe N, to a regular cadence on the K, wherein the 4th be- comes a fcventh in the leading chord of the 5th/~, rather than to an irregular cadence on the K, wherein the 4th might have been the leading fundamental. This latter would have intro duced more variety, and therefore have been more eligible, had not the preceding chord of the 5th/ at M, prevented its admif- iion. The next example XLIII, will fufficiently illuftrate this matter. 2t 7. This example confifts of phrafes of fix notes in each, and the expectation of cadences falls upon the two laft notes in each phrafe, as fhewn by the fubjoined letters O. P. Q^R. The pafTage in the treble, from the 3d to the 4th, in the phrafe O, which naturally reprefents a regular cadence on the fame 4th/", as at K, is here difappointed, by introducing, in the bafs, an imitation of the falfe cadence on the 2d ; and, by this' means, the 2d is brought in as leading to the 5th/, at the conclufion of this phrafe, which is the mod eligible bafs, as it imitates a regular cadence on the 5th ; although the ca- dence is imperfect in regard to the treble, becaufe the 4th is not made fharp. In truth, this pafTage is a mixture of two funda- mental progrefTions, the bafs moving by the regular cadence, while the treble makes a gradation on the 5th, and the leading chord has a double fundamental, as fhewn by the direct. The diligent reader, will probably have obferved, that the fame double fundamental is alfo reprefented in the phrafe L, and a queftion may occur, which it will be very proper to an- fwer, before we proceed, viz. Why is the 4th reprefented as a governing fundamental at L, and the 2d at O.; for, in either pafTage, any of the two is allowable, according to the rules ofProgreJJions, imitating the Cadences. 73- already laid down ? For anfwer, let it be obferved, that this ought to be the cafe, whenever diflonant chords of an ambigu- ous fundamental are introduced, as hinted, Art. 187. and to account for the preference due to one of thefe fundamentals, rather than the other, in the two cafes now before us, we muft further obferve, that a confeculion of perfect concords, viz. octaves or fifths, between the treble and the fundamental bafs ought to be avoided, when it can be done, without tranfgref- fing other rules. Now, had the 2d /taken place at L, there would have been two confecutive fifths, at the pafTage from the K to the 2d/; and if the 4th/ had taken place at O, there would have been two confecutive octaves, at the pafTage from it to the 5th/. There is a fort of drynefs, and want of variety, in fuch con- fecutions, which renders it neceflary to avoid them, as much as pofhble. The firft four notes of the phrafe P, are accompanied the fame way as at L, but the laft two are here taken as part of a regular cadence on the 5th, in which the K in the treble be- comes a feventh in the leading chord, and defcends upon the 7th of the fcale, now taken as a third in the following chord. The irregular cadence might have been ufed in this pafTage, the fame way as at the beginning of the phrafe M; but the regular is preferable, becaufe it is better to vary the harmony, upon the repetition of the fame note in the treble, where it can conveniently be done : and if the irregular cadence had been ufed at the conclufion of this phrafe, the two fucceffive K's, in the treble, muft have been both refered to the Kf. The phrafe Q_ends with a cadence on the 4th, which obliges us to take the preceding 5th, in the treble, as belonging to the Kf: and in order to do this, we muft not refer the 6th, which goes before it to the /d/, as at M, becaufe the defcent, from the 2d to the K, could not be allowed in the fundamental bafs, in this place, and therefore we here make the 6th itfelf.a 7m^. jsppglpf^ JFactna Jay*?' ?{> '^M undMa/s^ | J" fy mN j%^ sa =iE fO ^Mpj I m 1 ' a° K I ExXLH B SEaeai gBlil ' i Ql u l l JlKU nl Oll- G-K I tf r- cii e 33 ,FundJ3a/s' i §§| XI EiXLIT ^-W 5^«> H^ 1 €ha iz m i OMTQ gBIM in €hQ XT W I Chap. VIII. Various Reafons for Omiffions in At Q__the fame feventh is omitted for no other reafon but to prevent the cadence from being too conclufive ; for it requires fome fkill and caution in the ufe of the regular cadence on the 4*h, left it Ihould deftroy the expectation of the principal key ; and there is lefs hazard of this in the other regular ca- dences. One reafon is, that the principal key, though it be retained in memory, yet reconciles itfelf to our imagination, as a fifth to the 4th/; if the cadence on the 4th be too formally made, or too often repeated. At T and X the fixth is not added to the chord of the K, leading in the irregular cadence, becaufe that fixth, joined with the 5th of the fcale, muft have afcended to the feventh, while the 5th had kept its place; but here the 5th does not keep its place, but defcends upon the 2d, in the treble part, and there- fore the difcord is omitted, becaufe it could not be properly refolved. In the phrafe Qjhe feventh is not added to the 5th/, lead- ing in a falfe cadence on the 6th, becaufe the treble defcends from the 7th to the 6th of the fcale, whereas the addition of the 4th of the fcale, as a feventh to the leading chord, would require the 7th of the fcale to afcend into the K. In the phrafe L, the 4th/, which precedes the cadence, is %ured with 6 only, inftead of 6 and 5, as at I ; the fifth be- ing left out in this chord ; becaufe, if ic were admitted, along with the fixth, it muft neceflarily defcend upon the 7th of the fcale, but the treble afcends upon the fame 7th, and therefore this omiffion takes place here, to prevent the necefiity of dou- bling the 7th. The fame is to be obferved of the 4th/, in the phrafe P. In the phrafes R. T. X. and Y. the 4th/, leading in the irregular cadence, bears only its perfect chord, without the added fixth, as at H : becaufe, in thefe paffages, the treble de- fcends upon the 3d of the fcale, and if the added fixth were ufed, it muff afcend upon the fame 3d. U the Chords of a Fundamental Bafs. 77 220. To fupport the afTertion, that not only fuch as are complete judges of harmony, but even all who have any enjoy- ment of mufic, although they be quite ignorant of its prin- ciples, do naturally conceive the fucceffive founds as belonging to fome fundamental progreffion, we may obferve, that while a man of a good natural turn for mufic, without any far- ther acquirements, fings a tune, Ihould another fupply the proper fundamental of each found, as a bafs, the finger would immediately find additional pleafure arifing from the perception of the harmonious relations between his founds and this bafs ; he would be able to attend to this bafs without any hazard of lofing, or being put out ofhxs tune; on the contrary, fuch fub- joined founds would rather fupport and guide him to a more juft performance of his own part. Thefe are facts fufficiently attefted by experience. 221. If an objector fhould fay, " I can fing feveral tunes as " well as one of you who underftand mufic, and I know no- " thing about it, neither am I fenfible of any regard paid to " any other founds, except thofe of the tune, as they fucceed " one another ; what influence then can thefe other founds you " call fundamentals have upon my voice ?" Our anfwer is, that their influence may take place, juft as effectually, when we are not apprized of it, as when we are; there are numbers of cu- Jlomary operations, both of mind and body, which we perform, without ever ftudying the philofophical principles of the mat- ter. Thus we ftand and walk, P chords, viz. thofe of the 6th/, the 2d/, and the 3d/: See Art. 147: fo thefe degrees may all beaome keys ; and muff, in that cafe, bear the fame fpecies of chords refpettively. 2d, That the adjuncts of every key naturally bear the fame fpecies of chord as the key to which they belong ; except, in particular occurrences, the adjunct fifth belonging to a key with a \) P chord, bears its ^ P chord, for the fake of rendering the cadence perfect. Thus when the [j 7th and K, on the K and 2d, come in as adjuncts to the 4th or 5th, refpectively ; each of thefe notes bears its $P chord: but when the 2d and 3d, or the 5th and 6th. or the 6th and 7th, come in as adjunct fourth and fifth, to the 6th, or 2d, or 3d, refpectively: the former, viz, the adjunct fourth, bears its jj P chord ; but the latter, viz. the Chap. VIII. Of the Syftem of Modulation. adjunct fifth, bears fometitnes a jj P, but more frequently a % P chord, for the reafon hinted above. 241. The adjunct fourth of every key may take an added fixth, and the adjunct fifth may take a feventh for their pro- per diflbnances, after the fame manner as in the principal key. But thefe diflbnances are to be admitted more fparingly in keys which are more remote from the principal, for the reafon hint- ed, Art. 232. in f peaking of the paflage at H; becaufe the harmony muft not dwell long in fuch keys, but mull pafs from them either into the principal key, or at leaft into one more nearly related to it : otherwife the rememberance of the princi- pal key would be loft. 242. Thefe confiderations will afford us clear and fatisfac- tory ideas of the natural relation of keys one to another. We have already faid, that the 4th, 5th, and 6th, are the degrees which can moft naturally be made new keys, fubordinate to the K of the natural fcale, as principal, in tunes of a (harp feries ; and that the 2d and 3d may come in only asfubjiitutes, in the fcales of the 4th and 5th respectively, or as adjuncts to the 6th. We may now conclude, that the new key of the 5th is more nearly related to the principal K, than that of the 4th, on account that the latter brings with it an altered note, viz. the \j 7th, as its adjunct fourth, whereas both the adjuncts of the former are notes of the natural fcale. We may conclude alfo, that the new key of the 2d is more eafy to be introduced than that of the 3d, becaufe the latter brings with it the 7th of the fcale as its adjunct fifth, and this 7th cannot naturally become a fundamental ; whereas the former has both its adjuncts a- mong the other founds of the principal fcale, which can natu- rally become fundamentals. Thus, by taking into account the adjuncts along with every key, we come at a folution of this, otherwife, myflerious queftion, viz. Why is the new key of the 3d more difficult to be introduced than that of the 2d ; and yet the fcale of the 5th, in which that third takes place, Practical Rules for the Succejjion of Keys. 85" is eafier brought in than that of the 4th, upon which the fe- cond depends ? Experience confirms this to be the cafe ; but yet no writer, that I .know of, has attempted to account for it. 243. It is neceflary to obferve farther, that the adjunct fifth to any key is more eflentially neceflary to be ufed, than the ad- junct fourth : for, without the chord of the fifth wc cannot lead the attention to any key at all, but the harmony may pro- ceed from the chord of the fifth upon that of the key, and contrariwife for a confiderable time, without touching upon the chord of the fourth ; fo that, to afcertain the natural fue- ceflion of keys, with greater precifion., we are not to regard the two adjuncts as equally connected with the key : the ad- junct fifth mufi be introduced, in order to determine the key ; but the adj unci fourth may take place or not, as the cmnpofer pleafes, or as the given melody requires. 244. Thefe things being premifed, we may lay down the following practical rules for retaining or relinquishing the prin- cipal key. (1.) For retaining the principal key, in the ftricteft manner, we ought to ufe no chords except thofe of the K/, the 5th/i and 4th/; (viz. the key and its two adjuncts ;) and the chord of the 5th/onght to have an added feventh, and that of the 4th/an added fixth, as often as thefe can be admitted, and properly refolved, as directed above. (2.) We retain the principal key, in a larger fenfe, fo long as we ufe none but the feven founds of the fcale belonging to that key, in the accompanyment of the thorough-bafs. The key is never effectually changed till an altered note appears ; and thus any degree of the fcale may be a fundamental, except the 7th, without introducing a change of the key, provided its chord be fuch as the fcale of the key affords, as defcribed Art. 147 ; and provided the paflages be chofen with difcretioa, as hinted Art. 232. u (3.) A change of the key is made by introducing one of the adjuncts, (generally the 5th) of the intended key into the fun- damental bafs, with the proper accompanyment which belongs to it as fuch, Art. 246, 241. And if the 5th of the new key be not firft introduced, it mud however be brought in as foon as convenient, becaufe the key is never effectually determined till the chord of its 5th be heard. 245. The order of the fucceffionof new keys depends much on the fancy of the compofer : one principle however well de- ferves our obfervation, viz. that the rememberanceof the prin- cipal key may and ought to be kept up by means of a well chofen fucceflion of new keys : and this is effected by making fuch tranfitions from one key to another as could not be allow- ed, if either of the two were the principal, and confequently fuch tranfitions as plainly indicate the dependance of both the new keys upon another principal. Thus, for inflance, it is very common to pafs from the new key of the 4th to that of the 5th, and contrariwife ; both of thefe keys bearing a $ P chord : and fuch a tranfition plainly fhews that neither of thefe is the principal key ; becaufe, if the lower were the principal key, the upper would be its fecond, and in this cafe the latter could not eafily follow as a key, and if it were brought in as fuch, it ought to bear a [j P chord : and if the upper were the prin- cipal key, the lower would be its flat feventh, and this, as fhewn formerly, cannot be a key at all ; but yet thefe two, confider- ed as adjuncts to another principal, have a fine effect in fuc- cetfion. In the fame manner the fubfUtuted 6th of the principal key may eafily either follow or precede the adjunct 5th, as a new key, or the 4th, 5th, and 6th may take place fucceffively. Thus alfo the new key of the 3d may be introduced next to that of the 2d, both of thefe keys bearing a \> P chord, though this laft is a more difficult tranfition than any of thofe menti- oned above ; and, in Short, as all the degrees of the fcale, ex- Of Fundamental Progrejjlons. Part I. cept the 7th, may become new keys, dependent on the princi- pal, fo a tranfition may be made, on occafion, from any one of them to any other, except from the 3d to the 4th, & vice verfa ; between which the relation is fo diftant as to render the quick tranfition from one to the other almoft, if not altoge- ther, impracticable. Upon the fame principle we can immediately return to the piincipal key at any time, and from any of the new keys with- out the leaf! difficulty. 246. But in order to fucceed in the enquiry concerning the natural fuccelfion of keys, and the tendency of chords fo- reign to the prefent key, we muff take particular notice of the propenfity of the mind towards imitations; s or the defire of hearing the harmony proceed in a new key, in a manner fome- what fimilar to what has been heard in a former key. This propenfity is fo prevailing, in many cafes, as to overcome all other confiderations, and to tranfport usr, without any previ- ous preparation, into keys which could not immediately fol- low, without the utmoft difguft, were it not for the fake of imitation. Thefe imitations, being merely matters of tafte, are there- fore not to be afcertained by rules, and will be beft learned by carefully obferving the works of good compofers. One cir- cumffance however is worth our notice, viz. that whether the original phrafe or portion we imitate be longer or fhorter, whether the imitation be an exact copy of the original, or whe ther fome variations be allowed, yet ftill the imitating notes muff be accented in the fame manner with the original ; that is, the accent or emphafis muff fall upon fimilar parts of each paffage, or otherwife the refemblance will be totally loft. Thus, for inftance, a paffage from an unaccented to an accented note, cannot be faid to be imitated by a paffage from an accented to an unaccented note. In Exam. XLV. the three notes at the firft ftar, are three Chap. VIII. Of Imitations in the Fundamental Bafs. ?<7 times imitated at the following ftars : but the paflage at the ftar, in Exam. XLVI. though it confifts of the fame notes, is not any imitation of that firft paflage, in Exam. XLV ; be- caufe it is differently accented. 247. We fhall proceed to give further exam pies of the appli- cation andufeof all that has hitherto been faid on this fubjecl:. In Exam. XLVII. XLVIII. XL1X. and L. the imitations, marked by the horizontal brackets below, confift but of one cadence each : thofe in Exam. XLVII. and L. are regular; thofe in Exam. XLVIII. and XLIX. irregular. The defign of thefe examples is to fhew, what influence the natural propenfity of the mind towards imitations has upon our choice of fundamental progreffions. In Exam. XLVII. the 2d following a regular cadence on the 4th, is made leading note in another fimilar cadence on the 5th ; but in Ex. XLVIII . the fame 2d, following an irregular cadence on the 5th, is made leading note in another fimilar cadence on the 6th. In Exam. XLIX. the 6th following an irregular cadence on the 5th, is made leading note in another fimilar cadence on the 3d; but in Exam. L. the fame 6th, following a regular cadence on the 4th, is made to lead in another fimilar cadence on the 2d. Thus the imitations are purfued throughout each example, ex- cept in as far as the regular cadence which is always necefTary at the conclufion, does not fall in with the preceding imitati- ons, in Exam. XLVIII. and XLIX. We need not to dwell any longer on thefe examples, as their fcope will not fail to be obvious to every reader : only it may be obferved, that the cadences are the fame with thofe fpecifi- ed, Art. 207. and Exam. XLI. but neither the altered notes, nor added dilTonances, are here admitted, in the middle ca- dences ; by which means, the impreffion of the principal key is more clofely retained, and the tranfition from one key to another rendered more eafy, as remarked, Art. 232. There was no abfolute neceffity for this, but we found them fo in Mr. Lampe's Tborovgh-bafs, and in borrowing our examples from theftudied compofitions of fo great a ma Iter, we give she ftrongeft poilible proof both of the truth and importance of the principles delivered above. 248. The Exam. LI. contains all the perfect regular ca- dences which are practicable in the fyftem of modulation of G, as principal of a {harp feries : and here the imitation is purfu- ed, all along, from one cadence to another, by making the bafs to afcend one degree from the following note of one ca- dence to the leading note of the next; until we arrive at the cadence upon B, in the feventh bar, where we are obliged to flop ; becaufe, if we were to purfue the imiiation but one flep further, the next cadence wouid fall uponF; which, as- we have formerly feen, Art. 238 and 239. does not belong to the fyftem of G: therefore, after forming the cadence upon B, we return immediately to the principal key G, in order to make the final clofe there. We may alfo trace out another imitation in this example, wherein each ftrain comprehends two cadences, as (hewn by the brackets put below: and, in this view, the laft four notes of the bafs may be confidered as an imitation of what is gone before ; only thefe are to be differently accompanied in the up- per parts, as directed by the figures, the note C taking an ad- ded fixth, as adjunct 4th to the key G, in order to render the final clofe more fatisfattory. This example is alfo taken from Mr. Lampe's Thorough- bafs. The reader will readily obferve, that the marks put im- mediately below the notes of all the laft five examples, fhew what degree of the principal fcale each note is : and further, that in Ex. LI. the occafional new keys which take place, and the names of the notes in relation to thefe new keys are added in a line below, and that the changes, from one key to another, are fhewn by the parenthefis J , occuring in this lower line. There was no occafion for this additional line under the other Of Fundamental ProgreJJlo 22 examples, becaufe there is not, in reality, any change of keys in them : for, although the movement of the bafs plainly aims ,at a new key in every middle cadence, yet thefe motives are counteracted in the accompanyments, as obferved, Art. 232. 249. There is another kind of fuccedion frequently admit- ed in harmony called a fundamental fequence of ' fevenths ; which we have purpofely omitted to fpeak of, till the propenfity of the mind towards imitations had been confidered ; becaufe it feems to be intirely founded thereon. The fundamental fequence of fevenths is a fucceflion of re- gular cadences frill moreclofely connected than thofein Ex. LI. for in that fequence every paifage it? the bafs reprefents a regu- lar cadence, but thefe cadences are continually dilappointed in the accompanyment; by giving the leading/chord a lefs third, when the fcale of the key requires it, and by continuing the third of the leading chord, which becomes a feventh to that which follows, and by that means turns the following chord of one cadence, into a leading chord of another : and thus the bafs proceeds by leaps of a fourth afcending, or fifth defending from one chord of the feventh to another, till we come to the perfect regular cadence on the key, which puts an end to the fequence. 250. This fequence may begin upon any degree of the fcale as fundamental, provided the found which makes the feventh in the firft chord of the fequence be a continuation of any of the founds of the chord which precedes it ; and this is called preparing the feventh, and muft be well obferved in this place, though we have not fpoken of it before; becaufe though all fevenths are beft introduced when they come in as a continua- tion of a former found, yet that preparation is not abfolute- ly BecefTu-y in the added feventh, which belongs to the adjunct 5th of any key ; and fuch were all the fevenths we have former- ly had to do with. 251. The feventh to the firft chord of this fequence, and every other feventh, will be found prepared, if the fund, bafs Part I. the note ( rife a fecond, or a fourth, or a fixth, 7 f 1 fall a feventh, or a fifth, or a third, 3 Irom which precedes it, and all the fucceeding fevenths are prepared in the natural courfe of the fequence ; as may be feen in Exam. LII. 252. Annotations to Example LII. This example is in the natural fcale of C, and the fequence of fevenths is four times introduced, and always ends upon the principal key. At H the fequence begins upon the 2d of the fcale, and the difcord is prepared by the bafs rifing from the K. At I the fequence begins upon the 6th of the fcale, and the difcord is prepared by the bafs falling from the K. At L the fame fequence begins upon the 3d of the fcale, and the difcord is prepared by the bafs falling from the 5th of the fcale. At M the fequence begins upon the 4th of the fcale, the difcord being prepared by the bafs rifing from the K ; and here the bafs is obliged to run through all the notes of the natural fcale of the key before the fequence come to a conclufion ; and it is worth while to obferve that the length (or number of ftepsj of the fequence always depends upon the place of its be- ginning. At K the feventh is prepared and introduced in the fame manner as at H, but the occafional $ third being admitted in the next chord, brings the harmony into the new key of G, where a perfect regular cadence is made at the next ftep • and it may be ufefully remarked that if the occafional $ third be admitted in any chord of this fequence the next following note of the bafs will become a new key, and there the fequence will end with a perfect regular cadence. The upper parts of this example are annexed in a ftafFof chords, to give the reader an opportunity of feeing more di- ftinctly how the fevenths are prepared and refolved, and after what manner the courfes of the upper parts are reftricled ; as fhewn by the direction of the ftrokes which occur among the chords. Plate VH. faevnytf g8. Ex.XEVI. Ba/J ' : (S%fci:i; ' V^H iWj^JUMtJ^ S E^XEVJL ExXLVIIL E^XLIK. 7 E3 ^£ ^ _g i_£ ft 4 , 2 g 4 k i k k: 1 6_^ 4 k: .5 ic ^m^MiS i I) ■o K. 4 & J2 ^ K KK 45 K. 2 ,5' 6 23 6*75 Kl ^5 K ":)-) £ k)5 ls) /S g Ic)^ k K \ „ 7 - ' -v- ) ~1»~ . 1 7 . 7 t 7 . » z_ Z_a _Z j 7 V 7 21 7 z ;- ^ X HI K. ' -' Ij ■ M ^ Of the fundamental Sequence offevenths, and the Preparation of 'Difcords. Chap. VIII. Thefe ftrokes take their rife fucceffively by two and two to gether from the notes which make the feventh and fifth of one chord, and tend downward to the third and octave of the next chord, while the other two notes of the chord are held on, and become feventh and fifth in the following chord : fo that in e very ftep oi this fequence, there are two defcending and two holding notes ; and the parts, which defcend at one ftep, hold on at the next ftep, and foon, alternately defcending and hold- ing, till the per feci cadence on theK takes place ; which is ac- companied as directed formerly, Art. 196. and Ex. XXXVII. and this courfe the upper parts are reftricted to take, when the accompanyment is full (z e. when no omiffions take place) except that on occafion the loweft note of the chord may be allowed to afcend by a leap of an octave, inflead of holding on, in order to avoid running too low. Thus the note E, at the bottom of the firft chord of the fequence at L, is tranf ferred, at the flair, to E at the top of the next chord, by a leap of an octave. The fame note E keeps its place at the ftar in the next fequence ; and hence arifes the difference in the fucceeding chords of thefe two fequences. 253. The greater feventh to the chord of F at M is allow- ed to defcend, like the other fevenths, though it is not its na- tural courfe, for the fake of a regular fucceffion ; and, for the fame reafon, the next note B has a chord of the feventh given 89 not to confider the noteB as the real fundamental of the chord which is given to it, though it appears as fuch ; for the real fundamental is G bearing the feventh, which belongs to the adjunct 5th of the key, and a ninth by way of fufpenfion of th° octave into which it afterwards defcends, Art. 173.; and yet G is not admitted in the bafs, but B is placed inftead of it, for prefeiving the uniformity of the fequence. A direct is put upon G, and the figures 9 and 7, fubjoined in the example, to fhew the true origin of the chord above it. 254. The introduction of all difcords, by preparation, is founded on a natural principle, which we have formerly'had oc- cafion to mention. Art. 137. viz. that when we have pre- vioufly fet our attention upon any particular tone, we are rea- dy to imagine we hear the fame tone exifting along with the other accompanyments of the next following chord, if the difcords thereby introduced be not too harfh : for inffance, an added feventh along with a third and fifth ; or a ninth fufpend- ing the octave, along with the fame third and fifth ; or a fourth, fufpending the third, along with the octave and fifth : and, in general, all fufpending notes, fuch as are enumerated in Art. 188. ought to be prepared by exifting in the harmony of the preceding chord. 255. The fundamental bafs is fometimes made to pafs by a leap of a third defcending from one chord of the feventh to an- to it, though it cannot naturally be a fundamental in the fcale other, and fometimes by a gradual afcent, fuch as the falfe ca- of C, neither can the leap of a falfe fifth, which is between F dence or gradation, each chord bearing a ieventh ; but thefe and B, properly take place in the fundamental bafs, Art. 230. paffages are to be efteemed licences, and to be ufed with cau- To reconcile this pafitge to the rules formerly given, we are tion and fkill f . f The modern French theorifts have been at fome pains to eftablifh another fundamental fequence, wherein the bafs proceeds by leaps of a fifth afcend- jng, or fourth defcending, in imitation of the irregular cadence ; and each note is to be taken as an adjunct 4th, and to hive an added fixth : but if, ac- cording to the 3d part of Art 144.. it be neceffary to introduce the adjunct jth, in order to determine the key, and if it be necefTary that every new key which we admit be fufficiently determined, then we may prefume, that fuch a fequence as is defcribed above, where nothing but adjunct 4ths appear, muft not enter into the lift of fundamental progreffions ; and this preemption is ftrongly fupported, by obferving, that among all the variety with which the moft judicious modern compoier* ftudy to enrich their works, no one inftance of fuch a fequence can be found. Z 9° Of the Flat Series. Part I. 256. There is a Aill greater fundamental licence frequently introduced by the Italians, and adopted by other nations in ittri- to be met with in modern mufic, where the feries is fuddenly ration of them: and will be better underflood when the flat fe-. changed from fharp to fiat, and contrariwife, upon the fame ries has been more fully difcuffed in the next chapter. key note, in the middle of a piece. This was probably firfr C 11 a p. IX. Of the Flat Series. Article 257.XTTAVING occafionally made mention of fe- Xj|_ veral of the moff. important particulars re- lative to the flat feries, in the preceding parts of this treatife, we (hall not need to be fo prolix in treating exprefly of it in this chapter ; but fhall rather briefly recapitulate and lay to- gether the remarks formerly made, with the addition of fuch further obfervations as feem neceffary or ufeful. In the note to Art. 2gth, the flat feries is faid to be ' made ' up by piece-meals out of two natural fcales, fo fit u a ted that * the 5th of one fcale is the key of the other,' EA. * * * # * ###7 7##*7* **f f « Ilia .III a 6' '.S6 *« 5-6 §&* i*. 56 M 4g i.:4 3 ^ c ac^GCGGCTGcracaG c edge af & a a A- 3 7 teqfV. f— £-i-¥ ^pig f JX iii s 4 g 4 5 A. E .A. X) C G CA E A. Ex-XXIX. ^ A -** E A IE A D A r * A .EA E .A. fpx^g (3) §=x (4) ? iQ ES& tdfcg X} X2 3 n Sp5 9=a ^^%?=4=n4 m T -o Rules for the Thorough-Bajs in regard to the Fundamental, and to the Treble Chap. XI. leaping an oftave up or down is confidered the fame as Hand- ing ftill. (2.) While one part ftands ftill, the other may take any motion which is confiftent with the fundamental harmony. (3.) When both parts move, they ought to take contrary motions as often as is convenient ; that is, the bafs ought to afcend while the treble defcends, and vice verfa : and this ei- ther by degrees or leaps; the variety thereby introduced hav- ing always a good efFect. (4.) Both parts may afcend or defcend together by fingle de- grees, or by fmall leaps, in a fucceffion either of thirds or fixths, as far as fuch a fucceffion does not interfere with the other rules of harmony ; but feldom by any leaps larger than a fourth. (5.) Both parts moving the fame way by leaps of any kind, except in the cafe of fucceffive thirds or fixths, as above, ought to be avoided, when the fundamental changes ; unlefs the leaps be in fome manner effential to the air of each part. Such paf- fages always make a breach in the harmony, and are beft al- lowed when the bafs takes a fundamental cadence, while the treble leaps a third or fixth. (6 ) When the fundamental ftands ftill, both parts may take any leap which the chord allows, provided they do not meet upon and double the third of the fundamental, or the difcord, if it bear one. (7.) The bafs muft not take a note to which the treble ftands in the relation of a fourth, unlefs that fourth defcend one degree when the chord changes : except in the chord of feventh fourth and fecond, when the bafs holds upon the key, for here the fourth may afcend on occafion. Thefe (even rules are fucceffively applied, in Ex. LXIX. (8.) A note which is a difcord to the fundamental, or which refolves a preceding difcord, muft not be doubled. Neither ought the third or fifth of the fundamental to be doubled, ex Cc cept it be to favour the contrary motion of the parts, or when the fame third or fifth might eafily be admitted as a funda- mental at that occurrence. (0 ) Imitations, as defcribed, Art. 246. and fugues, de- fcribed, Art. 1 24. are always agreeable, when different parts can be made to fall fucceffively into them : there is alfo a beau- ty called inverted imitation, where the defcent in one part bears fome refemblance to the afcent in another, and vice ver- fa ; alfo another called rccle <& retro, in which one part is made to repeat backward, what another part has already done forward. All thefe varieties are eafieft introduced in figurative de- fcant, where the compofercan avail himfelfof feveral liberties, not yet fpoken of, to anfwer his defign ; yet as fomethiDg of the fame kinds may be praclifed even in plain defcant, it is proper to have them in view. (10.) If no more parts thanafirft treble and bafs are intend- ed, a good fhare of melody may be given to the bafs, and fu- gues, imitations, and fequences of thirds or fixths, freely ad mitted; efpecially in inftrumental muficj (for the baffies to fongs ought to be fimple, that the attention may not be drawn off from the finger;) but if a fecond treble is to be added, it is beft to referve the greateft fhare of thefe beauties for that part, and confine the bafs more clofely to the fundamental progreffion : and for this purpofe, when they occur to a com- pofer, it will often be proper to put them down immediately in the fecond treble, and afterwards join a bafs to both tre- bles. 302. The fecond treble and tenor ought generally to be fo conducted as to fill up the fucceffive chords as much as is con- venient. For as every perfecl chord contains three different founds, and every diflbnant chord four, there will always be one found in a perfefl chord, which neither the treble nor bafs takes, and which therefore one of thefe parts ought to 102 Of Plain Defiant. take, while the other coincides with any part whofe found can admit of being doubled ; and there will be two founds wanting in adifibnant chord, which thefe two parts ought to fupply. For inllance, if the bafs take G, bearing a perfect chord, while the treble takes D (the fifth,) there is ftill B (the third) left for one of thefe parts, while the other may take the octave of the bafs : and if the bafs take F, bearing a chord of fixth and fifth, while the treble takes C (the fifth,) there will ftill be D (the fixth,) and A (the third,) left for thefe inner parts to fupply, if it can be brought about without iranfgref- fing any of the following rules. 303. Rules for the inner parts with refpect to the principal parts, and to each other. (1.) All the rules prefcribed, Art. 301. between the bafs - and treble, ought to hold good between the bafs and any o- ther upper part ; but a tranfgreffion of thefe rules is of lefs confequence, according as the part in which it occurs is lefs the object of a hearer's attention. (2.) The neceflary motions in the tefolution of difcords, mull: be ftriclly complied with, in whatever part the difcord is introduced ; and fuch difcords as need to be prepared, mufl be prepared in the fame part, and introduced by a continuati- on of the preparing note. (3.) The fecond treble ought in general to be kept below the firft, and the tenor below the fecond, but above the bafs: there are the natural places of the parts ; and if at any time one of them go out of its natural place, the higheft part is ftill to be efteemed the firft treble, and the loweft part the bafs, for the time. (4.) The upper parts ought not to lye too far afunder. In general the larger and more perfect intervals ought to be below in a chord, and the fmaller and more imperfect, above. See Art. 127. and 133. (5.) A confecution of perfect concords of the fame kind mufl Part I. be avoided between one upper part and another, as well as between each of them and the bafs. When the firft and fe- cond treble are made to go together, or the tenor to go on with the octaves of the bafs, for fome time, fuch occurrences are no exceptions to this rule ; for in thefe cafes the two parts which coincide are confidered only as one. (6.) The rules prefcribed between the bafs and treble, in regard to doubling the harmonics of a chord, Art. 301. N° 8. ought alfo to be obferved between one upper part and another; though a fmall deviation from thefe rules, may be allowed among the inner parts. 304. For examples of plain defcant the common fetts of pfalm tunes in four parts may be taken ; obferving this pecu- liarity, that the church part, ufually called the tenor, muft here be confidered as the leading part, becaufe it contains the principal melody, and is beft heard in the performance ; fo that it is properly a firft treble carried an octave lower, in or- der to fuit the generality of mens voices ; and the part ufually called treble, which is adapted to womens and boys voices, is properly a fecond treble in the defcant ; and the contra is the inner part. Exam. LXX. Plate XI. is a fpecimen of this kind of com- pofition, with the fundamentals fubjoined in letters, and the relation of each note to the thorough bafs marked over it, for the learner's perufal. 305. The fequence of fevenths, as defcribed, Art. 249, and Exam.LII. when the thorough bafs keeps the fundamen- tal progrefhon, requires four upper parts to make it quite full ; but all the fevenths are brought in by two parts, which take alternately the 3d and 7th of the fundamental chords ; as will appear by infpecting the example; while the other two parts fill up the 5th and 8th of each chord by turns : and the effect is much the fame though one or both of thefe parts be omitted. The thorough bafs may take any of the parts of this fe- Plate xi. fcEAx Cheirful n b f> 3 6 5 5iU S. MATTHEWS, or GLASGOW. j 7 5 s e e % 6 8 5.7 .7 g 3 R -r 8 „ g i T2: IS Treble ©-€> <>Q i oct^ € 5 8 g gpg. 0=^ saftati te ffic^i^ iM^ > 1 6 * fi~ yji, 3 8 5 5 8 8 Continued £ ff g 5 b 5 5, 2- <^onr.muea , < s S 5 ? 8 < =3 ^2 E=T ITf^F^ B g ens* §A J \ M 3 8 rjfllAj 55 8 7 g f8j7 ~T^ jta.7. g . e g #J f ^jgjp 6 87 O: * A "7 C C'd T T B i CJ 7 a- c a t a 6 .7 Chap. XII. Rules for the inner Parts. Of Parages derived from the Sequence offevenths quence, bearing fuch chords as are derived from the funda- mental by inverfion : and if fome of the drfcords be omitted, fuch omiffions give feveral liberties in the movement of the parts ; from whence arife a vafl: variety of paffages, all origi • nally founded on thefequence offevenths, which the ftudious 103 will obferve in the courfe of practice ; but it would be rather tedious to take a full account of them here. In all cafes the proper movement of the parts will be found out, as far as be- longs to plain defcant, by a careful obfervation of the foregoing rules. Chap. XII. (^Figurative Melod Article 3o6. r T"*HE liberties allowed in compofing zfigura- JL five or florid melody, from a plain melody and its bafs given or previoufly compofed, of which we mall take a particular view in this chapter, are either fufpenfions, fubflitutions, or breakings. ' 307. The mod ufual fufpenfions are defcribed, Art. 113, and 114.: and it is to be obferved in practice, that the fu- fpending notes muft always be prepared ; that is, they muft be brought in as continuations of former founds : which are generally made to fyncopate, and by that means the difcords are introduced on the accented part of the meafure. 308. The various kinds of fufpenfions muft alfo be ufed with proper caution, that the fufpending notes may not im- ply fundamentals which are foreign to the harmony ; and for this purpofe it may be neceflary to read over again from the 181 to the 187th article; with the applications which here follow. 309. The chord of the fourth is obferved, Art. 181. to be «' a mixture of the chord of the fufpending fourth along with ** that of the fundamental :" therefore this fufpenfion is moft properly ufed on the adjunct: 5/, both in (harp and flat har- mony, becaufe the fufpending note is the principal key. It is alfo eafily allowed on the K/, becaufe the fufpending note is the adjunct 4th. Thefe are the chords to which this li- cence naturally belongs : but it may be ufed on all fundamen- tals, except the 4th in (harp harmony, and the 2d and 6th in flat harmony, for the fake of a regular fucceffion, or to fa- vour an imitation of what is gone before; if the fufpending notes be found prepared ; thefe fufpending notes in all cafes being allowed to take place as co-exiftent fundamentals in the harmony, 310. Neither this chord of the fourth, nor any other chord diflonant by fufpenfion, may be inverted, except when they are ufed in their molt natural place. The molt, practicable in- verfion of any chord of this fpecies is that wherein the bafs takes the difibnant note, viz. where the fufpenfion is practif- ed in the bafs. But the chord of the fourth, being the moft harmonious fufpenfion, admits of the greatefl liberties on that account; and therefore both itsinverfions are practifed in mufic. The 5th/ is the natural place of the chord of the fourth, and in this fituation its inverfions produce the chord of fifth and fecond, on the fyncopated key, followed by the 7th of 104 the fcale ; and that of feventh and fourth the fcale, followed by the fixth and third, or fixth fourth and third on the fame note. 311. The chord of the ninth, Art. 182. tending to intro- duce the fifth of the fundamental as a co exiftent fundamen- tal, takes place properly on the Kf, and on the adjunN> r i . — ° . '»<> — 7 fr , «@ — t«h — < — » , ?% x y . a ? . *» -_ Chap. XII. Of Sufpenftons, Subflitutions, and 'Divifions, per found has fucceeded ; that is. mains the fame after the pr< after the difcord is refolved. Ex. LXXII. contains inftances of the ufe of all the licences in this and the two preceding articles, in the flat feries of D. 315. In breaking, or fubdividing a note of an upper part into feveral fmaller ones, it mult be obferved, that if the fun- damental chord, which exifts at the time, be perfeft, we may break any note into as many fmaller ones as we pleafe, ufing none but the notes of the chord : but if the chord contain a diflbnance, and confequently force of its founds be reftricled in their motion, care mult be taken, that if the figurative melody touch upon one of thefe reftri duce a combination of tones offenfive to the ear, we fay it founds falfe, or is miftuned, and on that account reject it; therefofe the real choice of the ear might be afcertained, pret- ty fatisfactorily, by examining carefully what are the properties of thofe founds which we receive into our mufic : which en- quiry Monf. Rameau purfued with great ardour in his Genera- tion Harmonique, printed at Paris, 1737, and other following works. But ftill it may be objected, that this is only prov ing that the ear chufes fuch founds becaufe it chufes them, and no philofopher ought to reft fatisfied with this method of rea- foning. We Want, if poffible, to know why the ear chufes and refufes, as we find it doe6 ; and, for this purpofe, fome new principle muft be adopted. The following one, which, to propofe and fupport, was one principal defign of this part, feems to promife good fuccefs in this enquiry. 10. The new principle we have here to propofe, as being that whereby the various choices of a mufical ear are beft ac- counted for. is that ot our diftributing the vibrations of mu- fical founds by ifochronous, or equal-timed parcels, fomething \A netv Principle propofed. 1 1 1 very fimilar to the diftributions we find natural to be made a- mong quavers, or other fhort notes, in the timing of mufic. 11. To fupport this principle we may obferve, in various inftances, where equal and equidiftant Objects affect our fenfes, that there is a certain propensity in our mind to be Subdividing the larger numbers into fmaller equal parcels ; or., as it may be juftly called, compounding the larger numbers of feveral fmall factors, and conceiving the whole by means of its parts. When we caft our eyes on nine equidiftant windows in a row, they are no fooner feen than fubdivided into three times three : eight appears at firft fight to be two fours, and each of thefe fours, two twos : feven we conceive as two threes disjoined, and one in the middle ; fix moft naturally di- vides itfelf into two threes; but if feen along with nine, or immediately after it, we then trifect it, in conformity with nine, and it appears three twos : five becomes two twos dif - joined, and one in the middle ; four is two twos, and fingle three or two need no fubdivifion. 1 2. In the above cafe, the whole number prefent themfelves to our fenfe at once ; but in the timing of mufic, the notes occur in fucceffion, which occafions fome difference : for here we have to do not only with the choice of the mind, but alfo with the memory. The mind infifts that all our notes be made up, as it were, into ifochronous parcels, which we call bars, or meafures, and that the number of equal fhort notes which conftitutes each meafure, be a number fomeway compounded of the fmall factors two and three multiplied together, andrate- ly admits any larger factor than thefe. 13. Thus the firft, or primary divifion of the reeafu re/in common time, is into two parts, and the primary divifion of the triple meafure is into three parts ; thefe may be again fub- divided, either into two or three each, and thefe fecondary divifions again fubdivided into two or three, and fo on. The divifion into four parts refolves into two and two ; and an e- Ill qual divifion into five parts is not eafily admitted * in timing of mufic, and much lefs feven. Thefe particulars are largely difcuffed in Part I. Chap. iv. of Time. 14. Befides this diftribution of mufic into meafures, the mind extends its views, and as far as the memory can be fup- pofed diftinftly to retain, goes on to conftitutefome number of meafures into ifochronous phrafes, or ftrains of a tune; and thefe ftrains may contain a greater number of meafures in quick time than in flow time, becaufe of the inability of the memo- ry ; but here, as before, the number of meafures in a ftrain muft always be either two or three, or fome produft of thefe numbers : for here five bars in one ftrain is not ufed, and feven proves much more intolerable. For an ioftance of this it may be obfeived, that in the flow tedious way of finging pfalms, which is in ufe among us, the memory has enough to do to retain the length of one fingle bar ; as the number of pfalm fingers, who do not keep true time, plainly evidences : here we cannot conftitute any larger portions or ftrains, and one bar is all we regard at once ; fo that if the firft line employ four bars, and the next line only three, we are not fenfible of any impropriety : but let us try to fing a pfalm tune, adapted to the common meafure, where the lines are alternately 8 and 6 fyllables, much quicker than ufnal, and we (hall find ourfelves under a neceffity either of holding on the laft notes of the fecond and fourth lines, or of reding at the ends of thefe lines, till the time of the firft and third lines be elapfed : becaufe in this way of finging the memory retains the whole length of the line, and therefore we muft make thefe lengths all equal, they muft be ifochronous ftrains. Of Single Mufical Sounds. Part II. Common minuets and marches generally confift of ftrains containing 4 bars each ; and here we are fenfible of no impro- priety, although the firft part of the tune fhould contain only 12 or 16 bars ; that is, 3 or 4 ftrains, and the next fucceed- ing part perhaps 20 or 24 bars ; that is, 5 or 6 ftrains ; for we do not commonly advert to any greater portion than 4 bars at once. Where the movement is much quicker, as in jigs, . 1 in. lJ \'\' V. t.g. VI. t.l. VLIJJ.K. t.r. II. t.g. III. t.l. %lV.f.p.V. 6c. Scale of the adjunct fifth. Chap. III. The Syflem of Modulation examined by the preceding Rules. 63. For underftanding this fcheme it muft be carefully ob- ferved, (j.) That the degrees of the fcale are here denoted by nu- meral letters, in (lead of figures, to avoid the confufion of too many figures. ( 2.) That fuch of thefe degrees as occafionally become grave or acute, in fome of the fcales, are marked with the proper ac- cents over them. (3.) That the names of the intervals, or fteps, from each degree to the next are denoted by fmall Italic letters put be- tween them : thns t.g. ftands for a greater tone ; 1. 1, for a lefs tone; and t.r. for a redundant tone: f.fi ftands for a proper femitone ; and/, d. for a deficient femitone. We (hall fpeak below of the magnitude of each of thefe. (4.) That the numbers which ftand in every alternate line (hew the ifochronous parcels of vibrations of the degrees of the fcale which ftands over or under them : and becaufe the fcale of the principal key is one way formed with regard to the adjunct fourth, and another way with regard to the ad- junct fifth, Art. 45 ; the numbers belonging to the fcale of the key, in the former cafe, are put above, with the title of fnedial; and thofe belonging to the fame fcale, in the latter cafe, are put below, with the title of final ; this being the fcale with which we are always obliged to conclude. (5 ) The meaning of the lines of letters is obvious, only it may be obferved, that the (harp fifth of each fcale is added a- mon<* the letters which (land below it, and its ifochronous parcel among the numbers ; though no notice is taken of them in the fcales themfelves. Thus, among the upper row of let- ters we have put c^;, being the (harp fifth in the fcale of the adjunct fourth ; and among the lower row, g$, and al- fo d$ ; the former of thefe being the (harp fifth in the fcale of the key, and the latter the (harp fifth in the fcale of the adjunct fifth. '1* 64. Thefe things being premifed, it will be proper for the ftudent firft to feek out the component factors of each num- ber in the fcheme, in order to be aftured that they are all har- monic numbers, according to the characteri flics given in the firft and fecond chapters. Thus, 32, 64, and 128 are juft powers of 2 48, and 96 are powers of 2, multiplied by 3. 36, 72, and 144 are powers of 2, multiplied by the fquare of 3 (9) 54, and 108 are powers of 2, multi- plied by the cube of 3 (27) 81 is the fourth power of 3. All thefe numbers are therefore compofed of the fmalleft primes 2 and 3. Farther, the numbers 40 and 80 are powers of 2, mul- tiplied by 5. 60, and 1 20 are powers of 2, multiplied by 3x5 (15). 45 is 3 x 3 x 5, and yo is the fame doubled. 5 50, and 100 are powers of 2, multiplied by 5x5(25). 75 is 3, multiplied by 5 x 5. Some of thefe numbers include 5, and others the fquare of 5, along with 2 or 3. Again, 42 and 84 are powers of 2, multiplied by 3X 7 (21). 63 is the fquare of 3, multiplied by 7, and 1 26 is the fame doubled. Here we have 7 included along with 2 or 3. Thefe are all the numbers in the fcheme, and thus they are all found to be harmonic numbers. 65. It is farther to be obferved, that if we exclude the third power of 5, the fecond power of 7, and the product of 5 x ->, which it is reafonable to fuppofe we ought to do, becaufe the larger factors cannot be fo often compounded as the fmaller ones, without becoming too complex to be received ; we (hall then find that the fcheme contains all the poffible harmonic numbers between 32 and 144, viz. between the lowed and the higheft number in it; except fuch as might be formed of the powers of 2, multiplied fimply by 7 ; and thefe numbers we (hall hereafter (hew, have no place in our mufic. 66. In regard to the intervals, or fteps of the fcale, it muft be remembered, that a great tone may always be reprefented 132 by 8 to 9 ; a lefs tone by 9 to lo ; and a proper femitone, by 15 to 16: a redundant tone, by 7 to 8 ; and a deficient- femi- tone, by 20 to 2f. And if the ifochronous parcels of any two contiguous degrees in the fcheme, be reduced into their fmallett numbers, as directed in this chapter, the refult will a'ways be iome one of the above proportions, viz. that which correiponds with the fpecies of tone or femitone, which is marked between the lame degrees, in the fcheme. Thus, the two firft numbers in the fecond line, viz. 32 and 36, b\ re- duction, become 8 and 9, correfponding to a great tone,: as maiked between the IV and V in the firft line. Proceeding forward in the fame lines, 36 and 40, by. reduction, become 9 and 10; anfwering to the lefs tone between V and VI : Again 40 and 42, by reduction, become 20 and 21 ; anfwer- ing to the deficient femitone between VI and VIi[j : and 42 and 43 are reducible into 7 and 8, anfwering to the redun- dant tone between VI ty and K ; (the number 45, which ftands between the other two, not being taken any notice of, in the fcale above it). After the fame manner 48 and 54 (neglect- ing the 50 which ftands between them) are reducible into 8 and o, anfwering to the great tone between the K and-II. In this manner the ftudent may, at his leifure, examine all the other contiguous degrees in each of the three fcales, by their numbers ; and fuch an examination will be the more ufe- ful as it will tend to familiarize the compofition of harmonic numbers, and to fix the numbers themfelves in the learner's memory. 67. The fteps of each of the three fcales are exactly the fame, and in the fame order, viz. t, g; t, /,• f, d ,• t, r ; t,g; t, I -, f. p. This order agrees exactly with that which has formerly been eftablifhed by the writers on this fubject, ex- cept in the fourth of the fcale, which we make a grave, in- fread of a perfeB fourth ; and hence arifes the deficiency of the femitone next below, and the redundancy of the tone next Of Harmomcal Arithmetic. Part II. above it : for if the fourth were made perfect, the femitone below it would be a proper femitone, 1 5 to 16, and the tone above it would be an exact geat tone, 8 to 9 : as will eafily appear by fubftituting 64 inftead of 63, in the medial fcale oi" the principal key, viz. the 4th line of the fcheme. Our reafons for this innovation will be feen in the following chap- ter. 68. From this arrangement of the fteps of the fcale there arife two different forts of great thirds, and three different forts of lefs thirds ; all of which have their ufe in mufic. The proportion of 4 to 5 we call a fundamental great third, and this exifts between the K and III, and between the V and VII of the fcale The proportion of 7 to 9 we call a redundant great third, and this exifts only between the grave IV and the acute Vl of the fcale. Here it is neceffary to obferve, that the flat VII of the fcale is naturally and • immutably a grave fourth; and the II of the fcale is naturally an acute fixth. in, refpett to the adjunct IV as a new key ; and that every grave fourth includes the number 7. The proportion of 5 to 6 we call a fuperftructed lefs third, becaufe it always lies between the fundamental great third and the fifth ; and this exifts be- tween the III and V, and between the Vll and II o! the fcale. The proportion of 6 to 7 we call a deficient lefs third, and this is found only between the II and the grave IV of the fcale, The proportion of 2" to 32, which exifts between the acute VI and the K, reprefents the fundamental lefs third of the flat feries, of which we have to (peak hereafter. 69. The fame arrangement produces one redundant and one deficient fifth, befides that which is well known by thetitle of the falfe fifth. The redundant fifth exifts between the grave IV and the K; and has its terms in the proportion of 21 to 32. The deficient fifth is between the acute VI and the III, and is as 27 to 40. The falfe fifth, between the Vil and the grave IV, is as 5 to 7. . , Chap. IV. e tbe Intervals of the Scale afcertained and compared. All the other fifths in the fcale are perfect, in the propor- tion of 2 to 3 : and, in practice, the redundant and deficient »33 fifths, mentioned above, are alfo rendered perfect , by the oc- cafional temperament of one of their founds. 70. The inverfions of the different forts of thirds produce as many different forts of fixths ; bat as all inverted chords are of the fame nature and produce much the fame effects as the erect chords from which they are derived, we fhall not trouble the learner with a particular name to each of thefe fixths; but rather denominate them by the thirds from which they are derived. Now, to exprefs the inverfion of any chord lefs than octave, we have only to compare half the upper term, if it be an even number, with the fame lower term ; or to compare double the lower term, with the fame upper term, if it be an odd number: this being in effect either carrying the upper term an octave lower, or the lower term an octave higher. Thus the fixth inverted from the fundamental great third 4 to 5, is 5 to 8 ; and this exifts between the III and K, and between the VII and V. The fixth inverted from the redundant great third 7 to 9, is 9 to 14 ; and this exifts between the acute VI and the grave IV. The fixth inverted from the fuperftrudt- ed lefs third 5 to 0, is 3 to 5 ; and this exifts between the V and III, and between the II and "V II. After the fame manner 7 to 1 2 is the inverfion of the deficient lefs third, and 16 to 27, that of the fundamental lefs third, of Art. 68. 71. We fhall next take a furvey of the fmall differences of the tones, femitones, and other intervals, mentioned above, (r.) The acute note exceeds the natural note of the fame name by the difference of a cvmma, 80 to 8 1 . This appears at the fecond A in the third line of the fcheme ; which, as a natural VI, takes the parcel 80, above it, and as an acute VI the parcel 81, below it. The fame difference of natural and acute appears again at E, in ti^e feventh line; and is denoted by the fame numbers above and below it. See alfo Art. 41. LI (-.) The grave note falls fhcrt of the natural note of the fame name by the difference of a bearing, 63 to 64. This appears at the fecond F, in the third line; and again at the C, in the feventh line of the fcheme. See alfo Art. 44. (3.) The greater tone exceeds the lefs tone by a comma. This may be found by (ubtracling 10:9 from 9:8, by the ruie, Art. 56 ; and appears in the fcheme between the fecond occurrence of G and A in the third line ; and between D and E in the feventh line ; for in thefe occurrences the natural up*- per note makes a lefs tone, and the acute upper note a greater tone, while the lower note remains the fame. (4.) The redundant tone exceeds the greater tone by a bearing. This is feen at C, D, in the feventh line of the fcheme; where the natural C is a greater tone, and the grave C a redundant tone, below D. (5.) The proper femitone exceeds the deficient femitone by a bearing. This is feen at E, F, in the third line ; where the natural F is a proper femitone, and the grave F a deficient fe- mitone, above E. 72. The differences of all larger intervals of the fame name will ffill be either a comma or a bearing, or both thefe, fome way compounded ; becaufe all larger intervals are made up of fingle degrees, and muft therefore be affefted with the fame differences as the degrees which compofe them. We fhall juft mention a few of thefe differences, which are of the molt importance to be known and remembered ; and leave it to the ftudents own indufiry to find them out in the fcheme, and to extend the fame enquiry to other intervals, as he thinks proper. (1.) The redundant great third exceeds the fundamental great third, by the difference of 35 to 36; which is the fum of a bearing and a comma. ( 2.) The deficient lefs third falls fhort of the fuperfiruct- ed lefs third, by the fame quantity. (3.) The fundamental lefs third falls fhort of the fuper- 134 ftructed, by a comma Op Jiarmomcal Arithmetic, and exceeds the deficient,, by a bear Part IT. (4.3 The redundant fifth is a bearing) more, and :the defi- cient fifth is a comma lefs than the per fth. . Thefe are forne of the moft material./;^//, and hitherto al- mo(i unob'fcrved differences of intervals ; and he who has the method of ascertaining thefe can be at. no lofs for the larger differences between intervals of different, names; So that we fhall not give any particular detail of them at pre.fent. 73. To finifh this chapter with a praxis to the rules relat- ing to the comparison of mufical intervals, Art. 60 and 6t, fuppofe it be required to find how many commas and deci- mals of a comma,, are in every ftep of the natural fcale. This may be done by fir ft feeking how many. commas make a bearing, a deficient femitone,. and a lefs tone; and after- wards all the other ileps are eafily made up, from thefe, by addition, (1.) For the Comma. Log. 81 1.9084850 Log. 80 1. 9030900 M . ■ - 5395° (3.) For the def. femit. Log. 21 1. 3222193 Log. 20 1. 3010300 Diff. 211893 (2,.).. For the Bearing. Log 64 1.806(800 Log. -63 f. 799340 5 Diff. 6S39S (4.) For. the lefs tone. Log. 10 i. 0000000 Log. 9 0.954-2425 Diff. 457575 Now, the quotient of 68395, divided by 53950, viz. 1.2677, (hews the commas and decimal in a bearing. The quotient of 21 1893, divided by 53950, viz. 3.9276, fhews the commas and decimals in a def. femitone. The -quotient of 457575, divided by 53950, viz. 8.4815, fhews the commas and decimals in a lefs tone. To the def. femit. .3,9276 add the bearing 1.2677 The fum To the lefs tone 8 add one comma ' 1 5.1953 the commas in a proper femitone. 4815 The fum is '9.481 5 the commas in a great tone, add the bearing 1.2677 The fum is 10.7492 the commas in a redundant tone. For proof of the above work, range thefe quantities one be- low another, as their correfpondent intervals occur in the fcale, and then add them together ; thus, Commas. Proper femitone 5.1953 Lefs tone ■ 8.4815 Greater tone 9-4815 Redundant tone 10.7492 Deficient femitone 3.9276 Lefs tone - 8.4815 Greater tone 94815 C to B. B to A acute. A to G. G to F grave. F to E. E to D. D to C. The fum 557981 is the commas in an octave. Divide now the ofrave 3010300, (fee Art. 60.) by the comma 53950, and it will yield the fame quotient, within one five thoufandth part of a comma j which proves the truth of the whole. I -ns .■]■ G H A P. IV. Of GO M B I N E D SOU N D S. Article 74.VT /H EN two different founds are heard toge- W ther, their combination always either really produces, or. efleotiaSJy implies, a third found, whofe vibra.- tions are equal to the difference of the vibrations of the two founds, in the fame time. ,;Thus C, 64, heard together with G„ 96, (fee the 6th and 7th lines of the fcheme, Art; 62.) produces 32 ; which as C an octave below : and G, 64, heard along with E, .80, produces 16, which is C, a double octavg below. We take thefe examples in the large numbers of the fcheme ; bat the refelt will be. the fame if the intervals be ex- prefled in their fraalleft numbers. Thus, the perfect fifth, whofe terms are as 2 to. 3, produces 1, which is an octave. below the lower term ; and the fundamental great third, whofe terms are as 4 to 5, produces, 1, which is a double octave below the lower term. . After the fame manner, the produced or implied found of every other internal may be af- ; certained. • . -.- 1 75. We are the Jefs follidtons to account for this effect up- on philofophical principles, .becaufe the fact -is confirmed, by, experience, and is introduced as an eff-ntial principle of har- mony by M. Serre of Geneva, in a fyltem printed at Paris. 1753, intitkd, Efals fur ks principes de I' barmonie ; and by M. Tartini, to whom the Erft difcovery of it is attributed, and whofe experiments are related in the Encychpedie, under the article Fundamental, and his whole fyflem briefly explained in Mr. Rouffeaa's Diiffimaire de Mujiqtte, under the article Sy- Jleme. The fenfe of his affertion relating to this matter is as follows. ."Whenever two bud, uniform, and continued founds are *' heard together, there refults from their claming [cbocj a " third found, more or lefs perceivable, in proportion to the *' fimplicity of the relation of the two former founds, and to '■' the delicacy [JineJJe ] of the ear of the hearer. " To render this experiment the mod perceivable, fet two M hap tbois,. well tuned, fome paces afunder, and place your- " felf between the two, at equal diftance from each Inftead " of Hautbois one may take two violins, which, although % .their founds are weaker, will, by playing firong and uni- '.'. f,orm,.[>2 touchant avec force et jujle£e\ be fuffkient to make " the third, found diftinguifhable." . M. RoufTeau then proceeds to fpecify the third found pro- duced by each of the concords, according to M. Tartini; and in every one of them, it is affigned juft an octave higher than that which arife's from the difference of vibrations, as above, Art. 74. We (hall leave it to the curious to determine whe- ther this can be accounted for by confidering the courfe and recourfe of each particle of air, which together conflitute on- ly one pulfe, as each producing a fimilar and equal effect on our organs of hearing, fo that we perceive two coincidences for every one pulfe which the acuter term gains ; and that thefe coincidences become, as it were, the pulfes of a fee- ble grave found, generated by the combination of the other 1 3 6 Of Combined two; which may be actually heard in the fituation and cir- cumfiances above defcribed. M. Tartini attempts no phyfi- cal explication of this matter, but M. Serre exprefly derives the generated third found from the coincident vibrations of the two generating founds : and to remove an objection which naturally occurs, and which M. Rouffeau adds at the foot of the article Battemens, againft this hypothefis, viz. that the real coincidences of vibrations occur rnoft rarely when two founds approach neareft to the true ratio of a concord, but yet differ fome very little from it; and therefore one would think that the generated third found fhould vanifh away, as the two founds drew near to a perfect concord, and prefent itfelf again at the inffant the concord became juft : let it be obferved, that although the raz/ coincidences happen feldom, yet the appa- rent or Jenfib le coincidences fall out nearly in the fame order, whether the ratio of the vibrations be the exact ratio of a con- cord, or only near to it : with this difference only, that when the ratio is perfect, thefe coincidences follow each other in a regular and uninterrupted fucceflion ; whereas, if the ratio be imperfect, the fucceflion of apparent coincidences, after con- tinuing for a little time, is interrupted for a little time, and then takes place again, and fo on : and thefe periodical con tinuances and interruptions occur more frequently as the dif- ference from the true ratio is greater ; and are the very caufes of the fenfation which Dr. Smith calls the beating of imperfect confonances. Now, according to the hypothefis of M, Serre, the third found ought to prefent itfelf during the continuance of the fenfible coincidences, and to difappear during their interrup- tion ; fo that the difference between a perfect and aa imper- fect concord is no more than this, the perfect concord pro- duces ah uniform and uninterrupted third found, and the im- perfect pioduces the fame third found periodically interrupt- Sounds. Part II. ed ; and this being precifcly the cafe in nature, it is a ftrong proof that the hypothefis is right. If we fuppofe any analogy to exift between the perception of different combined founds, and the viewing of different motions in one and the fame diiedtion, it may be infered, that as the velocity with which one moving body approaches to- wards or recedes from another (which may be called its rela- tive motion, and is equal to the difference of the two abfolnte motions,) is a circumftance which always attracts part of our regard ; fo the difference of the vibrations, or the relative ve- locity of the pulfes of one found in comparifon to thofe of the other, may fome way be perceived, abfiract from all confide- rations either of real ox fenfible coincident pulfes : and the fci- ence of mufic may probably receive confiderable improve- ments from a critical enquiry into thefe matters, by fuch as are qualified for it. 76. We fhall proceed to fhew the confequences of thefe ge- nerated or implied founds in the chord called the perfetl chord, Part. I. Art. 127. which is the final or concluding chord of all fharp harmony. The perfect chord in its moft complete and natural arrangement, has the fundamental found, or key note, for its bafs ; above which ftand the tingle octave, double fifth, double octave, and triple greater third; fee Part I. Art. 130. to 134. The proportions of thefe founds, expreffed iu their fmalleft numbers, are, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively; viz. fuppofe the fundamental to be reprelented by 1 ; its tin- gle octave will be 2 ; its double fifth, 3 ; its double octave, 4 ; and its triple greater third, 5. Thefimplicityof the mutual relations of he founds expreffed by this progredion of fmall numbers is, in part the reafon of their being heard together with fatisfaction, or conftitutingan agree- able chord ; but befides this, it is alfo neceffary to take into con - fideration the implied founds, arifing from the mutual differ- Chap. IV. Of generated or implied Sounds. ences of the terms, in order to prove that this chord brings with it no idea foreign to the natural conffitution of the key, and therefore is perfectly conclufive when applied to the key as fundamental Now, it is plain that the difference of any two terms in this progreffion, i. 2. 3. 4. 5, any way taken, will always be equal to fome one of the terms themfelves ; viz. either 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, Thus the difference of any two adjacent terms is always 1, and confequently any two adjacent founds will always generate the fundamental. The difference of any two terms, feparated by an interjacent term is always 2, or the octave above the fundamental. The difference of any two terms, feparated by two interjacent terms, is always 3, or the doable fifth to the fundamen;al : and the difference of two terms, feparated by three interjacent terms, is 4, or the double octave to the fundamental, From hence it appears that the implied founds, in this per- fect chord, produce no other effect than that of fortifying, or doubling, all the real founds of the chord, except the high- en;. It is further to be obferved, that the difference between two adjacent terms will always be more remarkable than that between two terms which are feparated by one or more inter- jacent ; and alfo that the generated found is more perceivable when it falls below both the generating founds, than when it falls between them; confequently as every two adjacent terms, in the above chord, generate the fundamental, or loweft found, 1 ; this fundamental will be much more remark- ably fortified than any of the other founds. 77. All thefe circumftances are exactly agreeable to the na- tural conffitution of the key. For, (1.) The octaves in the accompany ment are perfectly na- tural to the key ; becaufe the manner of parcelling the vibra- tions of the key, by continual reduplication, as formerly de- fcribed, effentially implies the co-exiftence of all its octaves, M Of the full perfeSt Chord. j 3 ? both above and below, not exceeding the limits of audible found. (2.) The key muff be the principal object of our attenti- on ; which is inevitably the cafe when the perfect chord is applied to it; not only on account of the octaves in the ac- companyment, but alfo on account of the generated founds, as above. (3.) The perfect fifth and fundamental great third are ad- mitted along with the key, in modern harmony, but only as dependent founds, or harmonics ; becaufe it is eafy to admit three inftead of two, or five inffead of four-, as already fhevvn : and the double fifth, and triple great third, are preferable to the fingle intervals of the fame names, becaufe of the regular progreffion which is thereby formed. 78. It maybe afked why this progreffion is not farther con- tinued ? and why the founds represented by 6 and 7 are not admitted in the perfect chord, along with thofe reprefented by the fmaller numbers ? To this it is fufficient to anfwer, that 6, being the octave of 3, viz. the fifth, cannot be ad- mitted without rendering the fame fifth too remarkable, and thereby taking off its dependance on the key. See Part I. Art. 142. And that 7, being a difficult factor in the par- celling of vibrations, produces a found difficult to be fung, and unfatisfactory, except when it can be properly followed by another more eafy found, in the way of refolution : on which account it cannot have place in a final chord. 79. The predominancy of the founds of this perfect chord among the natural confonances of every mufical found, obferv- ed, Part I. Art 137. is a neceffary confequence of the fmall- nefs of the numbers which exprefs their lelations : for in the production of every mufical found the air is agitated by a va- riety of other impulfes, befides thofe of the principal and uni- form vibrations by which we eftimate the tone; as will plain- ly appear by considering what muff inevitably happen to the m I g 8 Of Combined air within the found box of any ftringed inffrument : for as the vibrations of founds are again and again reflected by ftrik- ing againft the back, or the fides, or the belly of the found box, this will occafion the air within the box to partake of an infinity of different vibratory motions, croffing and intermix- ing with each other in the mod complicated manner imagin- able ; aud the fame complicated motions will be communicat- ed to the contiguous air, and propagated along with the uni- form vibrations of the firing, from whence will arife a multipli- city of founds, acuter than the principal, and in due fubor- dination one to another : thofe whofe relations to the princi- pal found aie exprefied in the fmaUefl: numbers, and whofe vibrations therefore do moft frequently coincide with the principal, being thereby kept up and preferved, while thofe whofe vibrations more rarely coincide with the principal are defiroyed. One may venture to afftrt, that except the air be thus agi- tated, and put into a kind of ferment, no mufical found can be produced ; elfe why does not a ftretched firing yield its found when apart from a founding box or board ? as when a weight is hung by it from a hook in the middle of the roof of a room. The firuclure of different infiruments occafions their founds to be more or lefs compounded ; thus the founds of a German flute are lefs compounded than thofe of a com- mon flute, and thefe lafi much lefs than thofe of a haut- bois, becaufe the trembling of the edge, which cuts the blaft in wind-infiruments, has a confiderable fhare in introducing thefe conlonant vibrations; and this, joined with the additi- onal agitations which the air afterwards fuffers within the pipe, ferves them infiead of any other found box : apd the edge which cuts the blafi in a German flute is lefs pliable than that in a common flute, and this laft is much lefs pli- able than the reed of a hautbois. it may be further obfeived, that the confonanccs of any Sounds. Part II. mufical found, whether inflrumental or vocal, are much lefs diftinguiihable in the open air than in a room ; becaufe the reflection of the found, from all parts of the room, contributes towards the breaking and fubdividing the total vibrations. The confonances of every fpeciesof mufical founds alfo become more perceivable as the principal fouud itfelf is made graver in its tone. Thus we can fcarcely efiimate the pitch of the lowefl firing of a fpinnet, or even of a violoncello, but by means of their confonant upper offaves. Thefe remarks feemed pertinent in this place, not only that the reader may have the pleafure of obferving the perfect agreement between the nature of found, and the choice of the human ear -, but alfo becaufe feveral modern theorifis have not hit upon the true caufe of the multiplicity of found. 80. The famenefs of effect of the different arrangements and inverfions of this perfect chord, taken notice of in Part I. Art. 13} to 136, is to be accounted for by obferving that we eafily fubftitute the octaves above or below any found infiead of the found itfelf, or we mentally carry any found fome octaves higher or lower, upon occafion ; and thus we form the natnral arrangement of the perfect chord in imagination, though the real founds of the chord which we hear be diffe- rently fituated. 8r. The implied founds, arifing from the differences of vi- brations, do alfo contribute, in the moft part of thefe cafes, towards forming the idea of the perfect chord. Thus, when the fingle great third and fifth are joined with the fundamen- tal, and confequently the founds of the chord are reprefent- ed, in fmall numbers, by 4, 5, and 6; the difference Between 4 and 5, and alfo that between 5 and 6, generate 1, or the double octave below the fundamental 4 ; and the difference between 4 and 6 generates 2, or the fingle octave below the fame fundamental. Again, in the inverted chord, called the chord of the Jixth Of 'the different Arrangements, Liver fions, and Parts of the per feci Chord. Chap. IV. upon the third of the fundamental asbafs, reprefented by 5, 6, and 8; where the fundamental is carried an octave higher, and made the uppermoft fonnd, the difference between 5 and 6 generates 1, or the triple octave below the fundamental 8; that between 6 and 8 generates 2, or the double octave be- low the fame fundamental ; and that between 5 and 8 gene- rates 3, or the octave below 6, which is the fifth to the fun- damental. If the loweft found of the fame inverted chord be deprefTed another octave lower, the chord will then be reprefented by 5, i 2, and 16 : in which cafe it becomes much lefs harmoni- ous, both becaufe the fundamental great third, reprefented by 5, is farther removed from its natural place, and alfo be- caufe the difference between 5 and 1 2 generates 7, which is an unfatisfactory found, as obferve J, Art. 78; and the dif- ference between 5 and 16 generates 1 1, which is an unnatu- ral found : and although thefe generated founds are lefs per- ceivable becaufe the relation of the founds themfelves is lefs fimplethan before, yet fiill they contribute fomething towards the imperfection of the chord. Thus alfo in the inverted chord called the chord of the fixtb and fourth, upon the fifth of the fundamental as bafs, repre- fented by 3, 4, and 5; the difference between 3 and 4, and alfo that between 4 and 5 generate 1, or the double octave below the fundamental 4 ; and the difference between 3 and. 5 generates 2, or the fmgle octave below the fame fundamen- tal. If the middle found or fundamental of this inverted chord be carried an octave higher, the chord will then be re prefented by 3, 5, and 8 ; in which cafe it becomes more har- monious, becaufe the difference between 3 and 8 generates. 5, and the difference between 5 and 8 generates 3, fo that thefe generated or implied founds are the very fame which really exift in the chord ; while the difference between 3 and 5 ge- nerates 2, or the double octave below the fundamental 8. 139 Thefe confiderations may ferve to account for the effects ta- ken notice of in Part I. Art. 138. 82. To afcertain the nature and effect of any two combin- ed founds, it feems necelTary, in all cafes, to confider thefe three particulars. (1.) The formation of the parcel of each found. (2.) The fimplicity of the ratio, or the fmallnefs of the numbers by which the int^^al between the two given founds may be exprefled. (j.f°the implied third found, arifing from the difference of vibrations of the two given founds, which difference may be doubled and redoubled, when neceffiry, in order to bring the implied found as near as pof- fible to the other two, and to obferve what kind of chord re- fults, at lalt, from all the three. For example, the interval of a perfect fifth is exprefled by the ratio of 2 to 3 ; aud on account of the fmallnefs of thefe numbers we may fafely conclude that the terms of a fifth are concord to each other ; but we cannot determine which of the two ought to be efieemed the fundamental without con- fidering the formation of each parcel ; from whence we im- mediately obferve, that as 2 is fimpler than 3, fo the lower term of the fifth has always a fimpler parcel than the upper term, becaufe this- latter involves 3 in place of 2 of the form- er, whatever be the other factors which enter equally into both parcels, therefore the lower term naturally takes place as the fundamental : and this conclufion is farther confirmed byobferving, that the implied found, reprefented by 1, is al- ways the octave below the fame iower term. Thus alfo the interval of a fundamental great third, 4 to 5, is a concord, becaufe of the fmallnefs of the numbers; and the lower term is the fundamental, becaufe it is fimpler than the upper, and becaufe the implied found is the double octave below the fame lower term : but the interval of a perfect foutth, 3 to 4, refpects the upper term as a fundamental, be- caufe here the upper term is fimpler than the lower, and be- ||vjj|| 140 Of Combined MB '■ - caufe the implied found is the double octave below the fame ™3 upper term. Again, the interval of a fuperftrudted lefs third, 5 to 6, is alfoefteemed a concord, though in a more imperfect degree; but here the implied found, reprefented by 1, is not the octave of either of the terms, but being brought near by doubling and redoubling, becomes £~ zK viz. the fifth below the upper term, and the fundamental gfreat third below the lower, and this implied found is itfelf the fundamental. In all cafes it may be obferved, that when the difference of the vibrations of two founds, exprefled in their fmalleft num.- Sounds. Part II. bers, is I, or 2, or 4, the implied found, reprefented by that difference will always be the fundamental, en account of the fimplicity of its parcel, whether it be or be not the oftave of either of the given founds, 83. Hitherto we have examined only the $ perfect chord and its parts, whofe places in the fyftem of modulation may be fuppofed well enough known to the reader. It will not be improper here to fubjoin the fcheme, in order to exhibit more clearly the fituation of the other chords which remain to be examined. SCHEME of the System of Modulation ofC. "IV. t.g. V. t. I. Vl.fJ.VU]). t.r. K. t.g. II. t.l. 111./. p. IV. 6c. Scale of the adj unci: fourth. 32. F. 36. 40. 42. 45- 48. 50- 54- 60. 64 72. 80.84. 90. 96. 100. 108. G. A. ty. B. C. c% D. E. F. G. A. ty. B. C. c%. D. C Medial 48. 54- 60. 63. 72. 81. 90. 96. prin.Key K. t.g. II. t.l. lll./i.IV. t.r. V. t.g. VI. t.l.Vll./.p.K.&c. C Final 64. 72. 80. 84. 9 6. 108. 120. 128. G. g& A. B. C. D. d& E. F. %. G. g*. A. B. C. D. 48. £0. 54- 60. 63. 72. 75- 81. 90. 96. 1 00. 108. 120. 126. 144. V. t.g. VI. t.l. VII./^K. t. r. II. t>S III. t.l. *lV./f.\ . 6c. Scale of the adjunct fifth. Chap. IV. the Syjlem of Modulation further explained. 141 84. Befides the explanations of this fcheme, given, Art. 63 and 67, it may be ufeful here to add the following, viz. (1.) Each of the three fcales in the fyftem has a grave fourth and an acute fixth in reference to its own key ; tho' this circumftance does not fully appear in the adjunct fcales of the fcheme, becaufe the degrees of thefe fcales are all deno- minated from their relations to the principal key. Thus the VII [j is naturally and immutably a grave fourth in refe- rence to the IV, as a key, and the II is naturally an acute fixth, in the fcale of the IV, N° 1,2, 3. Again, the grave K is a grave fourth, and the acute III is an acute fixth in refe- rence to the V, as a key, N° 7, 8, 9. And it will be very convenient for the reader to familiarize the com pari fons of each degree of the principal fcale with both the adjunct keys, in order to enter fully into the meaning of this fcheme, and of what we have farther to add in regard to the nature and conftitution of chords. He ought alfo to fix in his memory the altered, or occajionally tempered degrees which belong to each fcale, thefe not being any way diftinguifhed in written mufic, nor known but by a nice attention to the different ef- fects of the fame note in different occurrences, on many of our modern inftruments. Thus the fcale of the adjunct IV brings in a perfect IV, and a natural VI, befides the VII \, ; though this laft is the only altered note which appears in our mufic; while the fcale of the principal K takes a grave IV, and an acute VI ; and the fcale of the adjunct V introduces a grave K, and an acute III, befides the % IV which takes place in our written mufic. (2.) It muff alfo be well remembered, that the epithets grave and acute, which we here annex to certain degrees of the fcale, do not at all import, that fuch degrees are to be depreffed or elevated in an unnatural ox forced manner : they only ferve to diftinguifh the different founds of notes, which are apparently the fame, on different occafions, according as one or another of the three fcales takes place at the time. Thus the grave IV and acute VI, in the fcale of the princi- pal key, are as natural as the perfect IV and natural VI, ia the fcale of the adjunct IV ; and fo of others : and if it fhould feem improper to denominate one ftate of thefe variable founds natural, when the other ftate is aflerted to be equally na- tural in its proper place, let it be obferved, that we have cho- fen thefe epithets with a view to conform, as near as poffible, to the language of muficians, and to the fcale formerly efta- blifhed by theorifts. We alfo gain another advantage by this application of the terms grave, natural, and acute, viz. that the real quantities of the occafional temperament are thereby eafily remembered, as obferved in the firft and fecond para- graphs of Art. 71. We now proceed to examine the proportions of other chords. 85. The chord of the 7th, with a greater third, which is the leading chord of every perfect regular cadence, is pro- duced by admitting the found which divides the module into 7, along with the other harmonics of the perfect chord, as al- ready explained. This chord is alfo the production of the natural confonances of a mufical found, as obferved, Art. 79; for the coincidence at every feventh pulfe is fufficient to ren- der this added feventh perceivable ; and Mr. Rameau, in his Generation Harmonique, acknowledges, that he diftinguifhed it among the reft, but calls it a loft found [fon perdu]. But however loft it may have been to the theorifts, the practitio- ners have not failed to make great ufe of it, and to relifh its effect very highly. This added feventh, in a leading chord, naturally refolves by falling into the third of the following chord. Thus the leading chord of the regular cadence on the principal key confifts of the V, VII, II, and grave IV, which, taken in the numbers of the principal fcale, intitled^SW, viz, the 6th line of the fcheme, and reduced, become 4, 5, 6, Nn 1^2 Of Combined Sounds and 7, refpettively. The fame may be obferved of the K, III, V, and VII |j, which form the leading chord to the ad junct IV, taken in the numbers of the 2d line ; and alfo of the II, ^IV, acute VI, and grave K, which form the lead- ing chord to the adjunct V, taken in the numbers of the 8th line. 86. We have alfo the fame kind of chord upon the III of the fcale leading in a regular cadence on the fubfiituted VI as a key; fee Part I. Art. 200: by joining together the III, ■% V, VII, and II ; with this difference only, that here the II, {landing as an added feventh to the III/", ought to be re- prefented by 70, inflead of 72, as in the 6th line of the fcheme ; or elfe the proportions of 4, 5, 6, and 7, which be- long to every perfect leading chord, will not take place; the confequence of which is, that the II, in this occurrence, muft either be depreffed below its natural place, in the proportion of 35 to 36, by way of accidental temperament, or, at leaf!, its parcel muft be conceived as formed of the factors 7x5, in order to reconcile this chord to the imagination : and it is very probable, that the difficulty of conceiving fuch a parcel, as obferved, Art. 65, is the only reafon why beginners in fmg- ing find it much harder to join a feventh to the leading chord of a flat than to that of a fharp feries. 87. The fame chord alfo occurs again in each of the ad- junct fcales, taking jud the fame degrees, in reference to the keys of thefe fcales, as that above mentioned does in reference to the principal key. Thus the VI, ^K. Ill and V, form a leading chord to the II, as fubfiituted fixth in the fcale of the adjunct IV, viz. the 2d line of the fcheme ; and the VII, %l\, $IV, and VI, form a leading chord to the III, as fub- fiituted fixth in the fcale of the adjunct V, viz. the 8th line of the fcheme : but as each of thefe requires the note which makes the added feventh to be accidentally tempered, like the II in the preceding article ; and as fuch temperament is found Part II. very difficult, even in the fcale of the principal key, where the greateft liberties can be taken, it would be extremely dif- ficult, in an adjunct fcale, unlefs the key of that fcale were really taken as a new key, for the time ; we therefore conclude, as in Part I. Art. 200. that the key muft effectu- ally be changed, and the IV, or the V, muft be received as a new key, before either of their fubfiituted fixths can be in- troduced as fuch. 88. In regard to the VI note, which we have all along cal- led the fubfiituted VI, as being made the principal key of a flat feries without introducing any change in the fcale, ex- cept the $ V and tempered II, which are properly only acci- dental alterations ; fee Part I. Art. 200, &feq. It muft be obferved, that this is always the acute VI of the fcale; and that the principal chord of the flat feries, which we call the \) P chord, Parti. Art. 139. confifts of the acute VI, theK, and the acute III of the fcale : concerning which chord the following particulars muft be obferved. (1.) This chord is not to be found in any one of the fcales in the fyftem, but takes its fifth note (viz. the acute HI) from the fcale of the adjunct V, while the third note, (viz. the K) belongs to the fcale of the principal key, and the fun- damental note, (viz the acute VI,) belongs indifferently to both thefe fcales This is one inftance of a chord formed by the intermixture of two fcales, which may be fuppofed to di- vide our attention at that time, as obferved, Art. 45. and hence it appears, that the flat feries is really a mixture of two fcales, and its key note is a found partly fixth and partly fe« cond. See Part I. Art. 34, 257, 261, and 262. ( 2.) The proportions of this chord, taken in the numbers of the fcheme, in the 8th and 6th lines, are 54, 64, and 81 ; the two firft of which reduce to 27 and 32, but no lower; and the firft and laft reduce 10 2 and 3, viz. a perfect fifth. The largenefs of the numbers 27 and 3 2 has induced Of leading Chords, and of the flat perfecl Chord. Chap. IV. all former theorifts to conclude the interval expreffed by them to be afalfe, or difcordant lefs thi. J ; and fuch a conclufion would be inconteftible, if the perfection of a concord were al- ways to be truly eftimated by the fmallnefs of the numbers, or the frequency of coincidence of its terms : but this is not the cafe, for the implied found, as we have already feen, muff be taken into account ; and it is more than probable, in regard to the fimplicity of the ratio, which is another necef- fary circumftance, fee Art. 82. that a ratio may be fimple or intelligible to the mufician, if its two terms be fufficient- ly fimple and eafy to be conceived, though not reducible in- to very fmall numbers. However this be, we find by experi- ence, that the principal key of the flat feries is really the a- cute VI of the natural fcale ; and that the K of the fcale, when it is taken as a fundamental lefs third above this VI, is not perceivably altered in its pitch, like the other occafionally tem- pered notes, but only becomes a difregarded found, for the time, and therefore we conclude the fundamental lefs third of the flat feries to be reprefented by 27 to 32, and not by 5 to 6, as has been fuppofed by all writers on this fubject ; in defence of which material innovation we obferve, (3.) That the proportion of 27 to 32 generates 5, which, by doubling, becomes 20; that is, the acute VI and K, when heard together, generate the III, which we take as a perfect fifth to the fame VI, and on that account the VI becomes a funda- mental. I fay, " we take it as a perfect fifth," becaufe it is nearly fo, being only deficient by a comma. Were the K to make 32 vibrations and one fixteenth part, for 27 of the VI, the implied found would become 20 and one fourth, or 81 ; viz. the acute III, which is the perfect fifth of the key of the flat feries : and in this cafe, the proportion of the key to its lefs third would be 432 to 513, which reduces to that of 16 to 19. Now 16, 19, and 24, are probably the very proporti- ons which flrike our fenfe on hearing the \) P chord, though at m the fame time we do not ceafe to regard the key and its third as confifting of 27 and 32 vibrations or parts refpectively, agreeable to their natural conftitution in the fcale : fo that the third of the flat feries becomes a difregarded found, becaufe the parcel 19, which it partly aflumes at that time, is not eligible, neither can be received into mufic otherwife than with refpect to the implied founds; that between it and the key of the feries, reprefented by 3, being the perfect: fifth of the feries ; and that between it and the fifth, reprefented by 5, being a fundamental great third to the key : but if our at- tention be in any degree fixed on the fame lefs third, it imme- diately becomes the principal key of the fyftem, agreeable to its natural conftitution. (4.) This fuppofition is further confirmed by obferving, that as the VI of the fcale is never conftituted a key without the affiftance of the $V, either in the chord immediately pre- ceding, or in that following ; fo this ■$. V being a fundamen- tal great third to the III, and the III being taken as an acute III, in order to its being the perfect fifth to this key, the $V of confequence feems to bear to this key the exact proportion of 1 5 to 16, like the VII and K of the fharp feries. Now, this proportion being both more fimple and more familiar to us than that of 25 to 27, is eafily perceived, tho' the latter is the true proportion ; fo that the paflage from the $V to the VI, and vice verfa, naturally inclines us to give fome atten- tion to 1 6 vibrations of the VI ; and this imperfect and diftant refemblance between the keys of the two different feriefes pro- bably firft gave rife to thofe fudden tranfitions from the fharp to the flat feries, and contrariwife, upon the fame key, taken notice of in Part I. Art. 256 : it feems alfo to have fuggeiled the joining of a fharp third to the final chord of flat harmony, called by the French, la tierce dePicardie. At the fame time we are not to fuppofe that a new module is really adopted con- taining 16 vibrations or parts of the acute VI, when the flat 1 44 Of Combined feries is introduced, but only that the abovementioned pro- portions are perceived as accidentally taking place, while the module continues the fame as in the fharp feries. In fhort, the flat feries is juftly reputed a kind of impofition or trick put upon the hearer, to make him acquiefce in a conclufion which is not in itfelf the moft natural. (5.) That the key and the lefs third of the flat feries are not in the proportion of 5 to 6, or not conceived as fuch, may be infered from thefe confiderations. If they were conceived by the proportion of 5 to 6, the implied found, reprefented by 4, would inevitably prefent itfelf to the imagination along with 5 and 6; that is, the lefs fixth of the feries would always take place along with the key and its lefs third ; and further, . this lefs fixth would be efteemed the fundamental, according to Art. 8 2 ; and the lefs third, having a Ampler parcel than the key, would therefore attract the greater part of our attention : how widely different thefe circumftances are from the truth no one need be told who has read this treatife, or indeed who has any fenfibility of the effect of mufic. Several other argu- ments might be brought in defence of this ne-iv proportion af- figned to the fundamental lefs third, which we here omit ; prefuming, that if truth be on its fide, we have faid enough ; and if not, too much. 89. Thus far we have treated only of fuch chords as are rezMy fundamental chords, in the ftricteft fenfe of the word ; but there are feveral other chords which enter into our har- mony, which we have alfo called by the fame name, as con- fiding of a fundamental, and its third and fifth, though the attention is not fo entirely placed on the fundamental found. Of this fort is the chord of the IV of the fcale, leading in a gradation on the V, Part I. Art. 210. and the chord of the II, with its lefs third, leading in an imperfect cadence on the fame V. The IV in this gradation is always a grave IV, and accompanied with the acute VI, (being its redundant great Sounds. Part II. third,) and the grave K, (being its perfect fifth.) Now, tho' the perfect fifth always generates the octave below its lower term, yet the redundant great third, 7 to 9, generates 2, or the double octave below the intermediate tone 8 ; and the de- ficient lefs third 6 to 7, which lies between the upper term of this third and the fith, generates 1, or rhe triple oclave be- low the next fuperior tone 8 : that is, though the grave K in effect doubles the grave fourth, yet the acute VI, joined with the fame grave IV, generates the V ; and the fame VI, with the grave K, generates the II of the fcale ; fo that the V and II of the fcale being effentiafly implied in this combi- nation, it follows, that this chord has a dependence on, and connexion with the chord of the V. and this, in all probabi- lity, is the reafon why the muficians have generally reprefent- ed this chord as derived from that of the V, and arifing from the feventh, ninth, and eleventh of the fame V. In like manner, the chord of the 11/, confifting of the II, grave IV, and acute VI, has been found, by the artifts, to bear fome relation to the fame V ; and has therefore been e- fteemed as its fifth, feventh, and ninth : the reafon now ap- pears to be, becaufe the V is the implied found in both of the thirds which conftitute this chord. 90. The only chord which has the lefs third 5 to 6 be- low the great third 4 to 5, or which, according to our me- thod of defigning chords, has a fuperftructed lefs third below a fundamental great third, is the chord of the III/, confifting of the III, V, and VII of the fcale ; and here the attention, inftead of being wholly fixed on the III as fundamental, as it ought to be, if this were really the \>? chord of the key of the flat feries, is partly carried away to the V of the fcale, and partly to the key, as coexiftent fundamentals. Such a multiplicity of fundamentals claiming our attention at once, is a fufficient reafon why this chord ought to be feldom ufed j and accordingly it is but rarely found in the compofi- Chap. IV. tions of the beft matters, except in paffages where it is taken as an attempt to pafs into the new key of the fubftituted VI, counteracted, by retaining the natural V in the accompany- ment. See Part I. Art. 2:4. 91. It appears then that we have no lefs than three diffe- rent forts of chords, each confiding of a fundamental with its lefs third and fifth, and two forts confifting of a funda- mental with its great third and fifth ; which differences are entirely owing to the differences of the thirds, as defcribed above : for every fundamental fifth is to be fuppofed perfect ; and this affords us a quite new and extenfive profpect of va rieties in harmony, which, if found upon impartial trial to be real, will deferve a more minute furvey. The public is defired to confider what we have here at- tempted as a kind of rough draught of a defign, which we are in fufpenfe whether to finifh or cafl away, till their judg- ment fhall afcertain its defert. This being the cafe, we fhall not here pretend to fay whe- ther there may not be yet other forts of chords fometimes ad- mitted, different from any of the above, or their inverfions : for, though it feems pretty clear, that the generality of chords belong to one or another of thefe forts, yet it is not impof- fible but that other proportions may be perceived, and efpe- cially in the fubftitu tions ufed in fiat harmony, by way of accident, fomething fimilar to what is obferved of the princi- pal chord of this feries, in Art. 88, N° 4. It is for the fame reafon, and to avoid the cenfure, often toojuftly due to the propofers of new fyftems, of forcibly de- ducing every thing from a favourite principle, that we have omitted to afcertain the fmalleft interval which can be a con- cord, from the principle of implied founds ; though it is very probable that as an interval of three octaves is known by ex- perience to be too large to be conceived without fome inter- mediate found, fee Part I. Art. 1 26. fo no combination Of other Chords, improperly called per feci. \^ ought to be efieemed a concord, however /imple and eligible its terms may be in every other refpect, if the implied found be three octaves, or more, below the lower term ; and this ex- cludes the interval of a greater tone 8 to 9, and every other lefs than this, from the clafs of concords; and alfo fhews us why thedifcord necefiarily becomes greater, as the founds ap- proach nearer, becaufe the implied found becomes more and more remote, till their difference be fo inconfiderable that they pafs foi unifons. It is alfo very probable, that the fame principle of implied founds may be the reafon why the more perfect concords ought to be below, and the lefs perfect above, in a chord ; and whyaa interval, which is concord in the upper parts, is often no con- cord when taken in the bafs : for if we lay itdoWn as a rule, that the implied found of a concord ought always to be with- in the limits of audible found, and that the loweft audible found is an octave below the FF of the bafs, fee Art. 25 ; it will follow, that if the lower term of a fifth be below FF ; or the lower term of a fundamental great third below F, the bafs cliff line, thefe intervals will ceafe to be concords. Af- ter the fame manner might the fituationsof all other concords be afligned, but we fhall not infift on thefe particulars at prefent. 92. If this theory be received, the imperfections of the or- gan, and all inftruments conftructed on the principles of a femitonic fyfiem of fixed founds, will become much more con- fpicuous than they have hitherto been. It mult immediate- ly appear furprizing, that fuch great thirds as are tuned ex- actly in the proportion of 5 to 4, do not prove quite intoler- able, in fituations where we conceive them by the proporti- on of 9 to 7. The fame may be faid of the lefs third 6 to 5 in fituations where we conceive its terms by the proportion of 7 to 6 : as in thefe occurrences the error of the interval is 36 to 35: Art. 72. N° 1 and 2, which is a complete quar- Oo 146 Of Combined ter of a tone. And although by tuning the fifths fomething too fmall, which the nature of the fyftem renders inevitable, and alfo the great thirds a fmall matter too large* which many muficians have thought eligible, thefe errors sire every where dimini(hed ; yet as ail the diflocation or temperament which the ear can allow in a fundamental great third, or even in a fifth, does not exceed a quarter of a comma ; fo no reme- dy for the abovementioned errors can be obtained by any fcheme of tuning. And yet for all this imperfection, joined with all others, which arife from thefe principles, or have been obferved by former theories, the oigan exhibits a delight- ful variety of fine harmony ; though it muft be acknowlegeu, that the variety is much greater, and more fti iking in a con- cert of violins, &c. whofe founds are variable at the difcie- tion of the performers. 93. Shall we then venture to fay, that on attending to the harmony of a well-tuned organ, where thefe redundant and deficient thirds cannot really exift ; as for inftance, in the key of C natural, we do not admit any idea of fuch proportions ; but conceive every great third by the proportion of 5 to 4, and every lefs third by that of 6 to 5, to which they nearly correfpond ? The fallacy of fuch an afiertion would be too glaring; for if the idea of the proportion of 6 to 7, have place no where elfe, yet it muft certainly exift between the II and IV of the fcale, when this latter comes in as an added feventh in the leading chord of a final cadence on the key ; and the falfe fifth between the VII and the fame IV is un- doubtedly taken as 5 to 7 : and accordingly this proportion of the falfe fifth has been afiigned by feveral late authors ; though the confequences necefiarily refulting therefrom, and which we have endeavoured to trace out in this ElTay, have not been attended to. In the fame leading chord, when the VI is alio joined, as an added ninth, the proportion of 7 to 9 muft unqueftionably exift between the IV and VI. Now, if Sounds. Part II. thefe proportions could not be received into organ mufic, the confequence would be, that added fevenths and ninths Ihould be totally excluded in the leading chords of regular cadences in compofitions for that inftrument ; but this is far from be- ing the cafe, and the eftecl: of fuch added diflonances is much the fame on the organ as with violins. 94. The moft fatisfaclory folution of this difficulty is got by obferving that the lefs fimple any ratio '19, the lefs follici- tousweare concerning the juftnefs of the terms between which that ratio is conceived to exift ; and confequently al- though octaves, fifths, and fundamental great thirds, are obliged to be nearly juft before we acquieice in them ; yet lefs thirds of all kinds, falfe fifths, redundant great thirds, he. may differ widely from the true proportions, and yet pafs without offence ; though at the fame time the nearer they ap- proach to the true proportions, the more agreeable is the ef- fedT: ; and this is the only fuppofition which will rightly ac- count for our tolerating the. falfe relations which often inevit- ably occur in mufic ; though perhaps no one ever fufpe&ed that errors fo large as a quarter-tone were thus paffed over. Now, to prove, by a familiar inftance, that errors even larg- er than this are tolerated in fome chords of mufic, we need only to obferve, that from the very nature of the French- horn and Trumpet, the IV of the fcale of thefe inftruments really bears to the key the proportion of 1 1 to 8. (See Phil. Tianf. N° 195. andabrigedby Mr. Low thorp, vol. I. p. 607.) while the II bears to the fame key the juft proportion of 9 to 8. therefore the interval between the II and IV is exactly 9 to 1 1 : and yet this interval, in compofitions for a firft and fecond horn, is very frequently ufed where the ear muft ine- vitably conceive the founds by the proportion of 6 to 7. Here the difference of the interval really exifting, from that which is conceived to exift, is no lefs than 22 to 21, viz. about three eighth parts of a tone ; and though it is true, that we perceive Chap. IV. Of ImperfeSlions in the Semitonic Syftem. Experiments propofed. this IV to be too fharp, yet it is alfo true that we are not Shocked with it, in this occurrence, as we fhouid be with the III, or V, it either of thefe were diflocated but the third part of the above quantity. In the cafe here inftanced, it is fur- ther to be obferved, that the whoie error of the interval 1 arifes from the error of the IV, which is fo much too fliarp, while the II is perfectly juft ; whereas, when an error of a quarter- tone occurs in the organ, it always takes its rife from two fmaller errors added together, one of the founds being a little toofharp, and the other a little too flat, at that occurrence; and on this account the error of either of the founds will be much more inconfiderable. 95. Though the imperfections of our femitonic fyftem are by this means fet in a new light, yet it will appear that the received method of tuning the organ and harpficord is ftill the beft of which the fyftem is capable ; for we ought to make all our fifths and fundamental great thirds good, if it could be done; but as this is abundantly proved to be impoffible, and appears very plainly in the Ample inftance of the hnpof- fibility of dividing a perfect. octave into three tolerable funda- mental great thirds ; it is beft to make eight of the moft ac- cuftomed great thirds good, and let the remaining four bad ones be between F $ and B [>, between G% and C, between B and E\), and between C$ and F, which are lefs ufed : and this may be effected by making all the fifths in the fcale one fifth part of a comma lefs than perfect, except that between G $ and E[j, which is leaft ufed, and which will, by this method, be very bad, being more than a comma and a quarter too large. The good great thirds will be one fifth of a comma greater than perfect, and the bad ones will be a comma and a half too large. And although by tuning the fifths a quarter of a comma lefs than perfect, the good great thirds might be ren- dered quite perfect, yet the four bad great thirds, and the one bad fifth, would then be larger and worfe. Indeed, if care were M7 taken to compofe and fet mufic always in fuch keys that thefc large great thirds might come in, where the proportion of 7 to 9, or that of 64 to 81 were wanted, one might venture to pronounce them perfections rather than otherwife, and to afcertain the beft method of tuning from our new principles; but as this is not often the cafe, nor likely foon to become fo, we can only obferve, at prefent, what effect thefe too large great thirds have, when they happen to come in places where the redundant thirds ought to exift. Now, the moft proper keys for fuch trials are thofe with three flats at the cliff; viz. the fharp feries of E [?, and the flat feries of C : for here the great third between the IV and VI of the fcale, that is from G $, (now taken for A [/,) to C, is a large great third, on account of the IV being too grave ; for the interval from E»h to A \j is lefs than a perfect fourth, by as much as the inter- val from A \) to E [j exceeds a perfect fifth, which, in the moft approved method of tuning, comes very near to the quantity which we have all along called a bearing. Let it then be tried, on fome fimple flop of a well tuned organ, whether the note A[j, when it occurs as an added feventh to B[j as fundamen- tal, leading in a regular cadence on E \/ as a key, have not a finer effecl: than any other feventh in the organ ; and if it be found preferable, this fingle inftance will ferve to prove the eligiblenefs of the proportions which we have affigned, in this Treatife, to the leading chord of every cadence. It may be further tried, whether the large great third between A \> and C be any way offenfive, when thefe two are joined as feventh and ninth to B [> ; or when they ftand as third and fifth to F, leading in an imperfect cadence on B[>, as adjunct fifth, in the fame fcale of E fy ; or when the fame chord F, A |>, and C occurs as chord of the adjunct fourth, in the flat feries of C. In all thefe occurrences, and many others of the fame kind, the large great thirds were found not only tolerable, but con- feifedly preferable to the perfect fundamental thirds which 1 48 Of Combined occur in fimilar fituations, in other keys, according to the judgment of all the expert muficians whom the author has had opportunity of confulting : and he earneftly defires the moft fkilful, into whofe hands this Effay may come, to endeavour to fatisfy themfelves and the world in regard to the truth of the principles above delivered, by thefe or any other trials, which their knovvlege may fuggeft as proper and fufficient. 96. It is not fo eafy to prefcribe proper trials whereby the juft proportion of the fundamental lefs third maybe afcertaia- ed, becaufe, as hinted above, the ear is not very critical in regard to this cihord, the upper note is a difregarded found, and, as fuch, may vary greatly from the juft proportion, be- fore we difcover any error: but if the implied founds, as formerly defcribed, do really take place, and, if the manner of perceiving the pulfes, by certain eligible parcels, prove to be really the director of the human mind in the choice of mu- fical founds, it feems impoffible to affign any other proporti- on to the fundamental lefs third, than that which is given a- bove, confiftent with thefe principles. 97. The fcale of the organ, tuned as ufual, has nine lefs thirds, each falling fhort of the proportion of 5 to 6, by a- bout two fifth parts of a comma, and the three other lefs thirds are very near the proportion of 6 to 7 ; viz. thofe from Efr to ¥% from F to G% and from Bfc, to C$ : fo that the organ does not afford any lefs third in, or near, the pro- portion of 27 to 32, (or 16 to 19) whereby to make trial whether fuch a third be more fatisfactory in the final chord of flat harmony ; but yet the trial may eafily be made by flat- tening, for the time, that note which makes the lefs third of the feries. Sounds. Part II. 98. Before the author came to a refolution of publifhing this (ketch of a theory, he made feveral accurate trials of the different forts of thirds, by the well-known method of put- ting two firings of the fame fize on a violoncello, tuned ex- adtly unifons, and flopping off one of them after the manner of a monochord, by proper divifions on the finger board ; and he found that altho' among the lefs thirds, 5 to 6, is the beft concord, yet the mind is naturally led to regard the upper found rather than the lower. In the lefs third, 16 to 19, the lower found inevitably attracts our attention, and the up- per is difregarded. In the deficient lefs third, 6 to ?, the lower found alfo prevails, but the upper feems dejected and unconclufive. The fame dejected effect attends the lower found of the redundant great third, 7 to 9 : and the great third, 19 to 24, taken without any other accompanyment, is intolerable difcord ; probably becaufe the lower found, re- prefented by 19, cannot, in this fituation, be difregarded, as it would be, if another found reprefented by 16 were alfo added. As a farther trial of thefe principles, he alfo publifh- ed, fome time ago, a fmall collection of Pfalm-Tunes, in parts, with the grave and acute notes marked by accents, according to the view he then had of the matter, of which copies may be had, by applying to thofe who fell this Treatife. As the Author has not been fparing, either of time or flu- dy, in order to difcover, and publifh, what appeared to him to be truths of the greateft importance in the fcience of mu- fic ; fo he expects his Work will not be haftily cenfured, nor condemned, without as fair and impartial a trial as the cafes in queftion will admit of. FINIS.