;? y^t UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00022230131 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/swissfamilyrobinOOwys 1H THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON; OR, ADVENTURES OF A FATHER AND MOTHER AND FOUR SONS IN A DESERT ISLAND: THE GENUINE PROGRESS OF THE STORY FORMING A CLEAR ILLUSTRATION OF THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL HISTORY, AND MANY BRANCHES OF SCIENCE WHICH MOST IMMEDIATELY APPLY TO THE BUSINESS OF LIFE. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, NOTES OF REFERENCE, EXPLANATORY OF THE SUBJECTS TREATED OF. WITH TEN CUTS PROM NEW DESIGNS, AND A MAP OF THE ISLAND. FROM SEVENTH LONDON EDITION. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY MUNROE AND FRANCIS. AND CHARLES S. FRANCIS, NEW YORK. 1839. JM Library, Univ. of North Carolina CONTENTS. Chapter Page 1 . A Shipwreck, and Preparations for Deliverance 1 1 2. A Landing, and consequent Occupations ... 23 3. Voyage of Discovery 40 4. Return from the Voyage of Discovery; — a Noc- turnal Alarm 61 5. Return to the Wreck . 79 6. A Troop of Animals in Cork Jackets ... 91 7. Second Journey of Discovery, performed by the Mother of the Family 103 8. Construction of a Bridge 118 9. Change of Abode 130 10. Construction of a Ladder %. 144 11. The Settling in the Giant Tree 153 12. The Sabbath and the Parable 158 13. Conversation, a Walk, and important Discover- ies 174 14. Continuation of the preceding Chapter, and more Discoveries 182 15. Hopes of a Sledge; — some short Lessons in use- ful Things 193 16. A Bathing, a Fishing, the Jumping Hare, and a ^- Masquerade 197 !* 17. More Stores from the Wreck 207 o- * 6r ""5 X CONTENTS. Chapter Pag» 18. The Tortoise harnessed 211 19. Another Trip to the Wreck 219 20. The Cracker, and the Pinnace 228 21. Gymnastic Exercises; — various Discoveries; — singular Animals, &c 242 22. Excursion into unknown Tracts ...... 257 23. Useful Occupations and Labours; — Embellish- / ments; — a painful but natural Sentiment . . 270 24. A new Domain; — the troop of Buffaloes; — the Vanquished Hero 279 25. The Malabar Eagle; — Sago Manufactory; — Bees 292 26. Treatment of Bees; — Staircase; -r- Training of various Animals; — Manufactures, &c. . . . 303 27. The Wild Ass;— Difficulty in Breaking it;— the Heath-Fowl's Nest 315 28. Flax, and the Rainy Season 326 29. Spring; — Spinning; — Salt-Mine 336 30. House in the Salt-Rock; — Herring Fishery . .349 31. New Fishery; — new Experiments; — New Dis- coveries, and House 356 32. Completion of two Farm-Houses; — a Lake; — the Beast with a Bill;— a Boat 369 Postscript by the Editor 384 Notes .389 PREFACE TO THE 7TH EDITION OF THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. The Editor confesses that he expected the favour which has been shown by the Public to the present work, in the sale of six large editions; for the situations it exhibits of the best affections of our nature, are such as to "come home to every bosom," to interest and gratify both parents and children of all ages and descriptions. I*n its pages the use- ful, the moral, and the entertaining, so naturally mix with or succeed each other, that every generous taste is suited. No story can be better calculated than this of the Swiss Pastor and his Family to awaken and reward curiosity, to excite amiable sympathies, to show the young inquirer after good, that the accidents of life may be repaired by the efforts of his own thought, and the constancy of his own industry; and to rouse the most inert to emulation. — What youthful reader of lively dispositions, who would not try to possess, or dream of the possession of, a saw, a hammer, and some nails, and hurry in fancy to the contrivance of a Vi PREFACE. Family Bridge, a staircase to Falcon's Nest, or a parlour, a bedroom, and a kitchen, in a Rock of Salt? What lad who can see with unflushed cheek, Ernest, and Jack, and Fran- cis, all together on the back of their ferocious but now sub- dued buffalo, and guiding his motions at their pleasure; or descry "Fritz driving along our avenue like lightning," on his disciplined onagra, without feeling his personal courage ex- pand as he turns the page ? What heart that will not swell with kindness for the exemplary mother of the family, who tastes not of the refreshing draught obtained by her own care and labour, till all her dear ones have drunk and are refreshed ? — or what eye repress a tear when her little Fran- cis, clinging to her side, cries, " Welcome!" too, "though not well knowing whether he was to be sad or merry V Who does not partake the affecting sentiment of the interesting group, who, "with their heads sinking on their bosoms, took the road to Tent-House," when the ship had disappeared forever! And can we sufficiently admire the fortitude, the self-sacri- fice, the industry, the fervour, the almost unexampled skill, that guided this affectionate pair to results so happy, in circumstances of such dismay and danger! ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. A Pastor or Clergyman of West Switzerland, having tost his fortune in the Revolution of 1798, resolved, on re- flecting on the family he had to bring up, to become a voluntary exile, and to seek in other climates the means of support. He sailed, accordingly, with his wife and child- ren, four sons, from twelve to five years of age, for Eng- land, where he accepted an appointment of Missionary to Otaheite; not that he had any desire to take up his abode in that Island, but that he had conceived the plan of passing from thence to Port Jackson, and domiciliating himself there as a free settler. He possessed a considerable knowledge of agriculture, and by this means hoped, with the aid of his sons, to gain an advantageous establishment, which his own country, convulsed with the horrors of war, denied him. He turned the small remnant of his fortune into money, and bought with it seeds of various sorts, and * a few cattle, as a farming stock. The family took their passage accordingly, satisfied with this consolation — that they should still remain together; and they sailed with fa- vourable winds till in sight of New Guinea. Here they were attacked by a destructive and unrelenting tempest; and it is in this crisis of their Adventures that the Swiss Pastor, or Family Robinson, begins the Journal which is now presented to- the Public. SETTLEMENT OF THE SWISS PASTOR AND HIS FAMILY IN THE DESERT ISLAND. [See Map on the opposite page.] A. Arcadia. B. Sugar Canes. C. Cabbage Palm Wood. D. Gourd Wood. E. Bamboos. F. Pass — Drawbridge. G. Acorn Wood H. Rice Marsh. I. Monkey Wood. K. The Farm L. Lake. M. Cotton Wood. N. Flamingo Marsh. O. Cascade. P. Falcon's Nest. Q,. Palm Cocoa Wood. R. Family Bridge. S. Potato Plantation. T. Tent House. U. Grotto. V. Marsh. W. Shark's Island. m THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON CHAPTER I. A Shipwreck, and Preparations for Deliverance. Already the tempest had continued six days; on the seventh its fury seemed still increasing; and the morn- ing dawned upon us without a prospect of hope, for we had wandered so far from the right track, and were so forcibly driven toward the southeast, that none onboard knew where we were. The ship's company were exhausted by labour and watching, and the courage which had sustained them, was now sinking. The shivered masts had been cast into the sea; several leaks appeared, and the ship began to fill. The sailors forbore from swearing; many were at prayer on their knees, while others offered miracles of future piety and goodness, as the condition of their release from danger. "My beloved children," said I to my four boys, who clung to me in their fright, " God can save us, for nothing is im- possible to him. We must however hold ourselves resigned, and instead of murmuring at his decree, rely that what he 12 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. sees fit to do is best, and that should he call us from this earthly scene, we shall be near him in heaven, and united through eternity. Daath may be well supported when it does not separate those who love." My excellent wife wiped the tears which were falling on her cheeks, and from this moment became more tranquil: she encouraged the youngest children, who were leaning on her knees; while I, who owed them an example of firmness, was scarcely able to resist my grief at the thought of what would most likely be the fate of beings so tenderly beloved. We all fell on our knees, and supplicated the God of Mercy to protect us; and the emotion and fervour of the innocent creatures, are a convincing proof that, even in childhood, devotion may be felt and understood, and that tranquillity and consolation, its natural effects, may at that season be no less certainly experienced. Fritz, my eldest son, im- plored in a loud voice, that God would deign to save his dear parents and his brothers, generously unmindful of him- self: the boys rose from their posture with a state of mind so improved, that they seemed forgetful of the impending danger. I myself began to feel my hopes increase as I beheld the affecting group. Heaven will surely have pity on them, thought I, and will saye their parents to guard their tender years! At this moment a cry of " Land, Land!" was heard through the roaring of the waves, and instantly the vessel struck against a rock with so violent a motion as to drive every one from his place ; a tremendous cracking succeeded, as if the ship was going to pieces; the sea rushed in, in all directions; we perceived that the vessel had grounded, and could not long hold together. The captain called^out that all was lost, and bade the men lose not a moment in putting THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, 13 out the boats. The sounds fell on my heart like a thrust from a dagger: "We are lost!" I exclaimed; and the children broke out into piercing cries. I then recollected myself, and addressing them again, exhorted them to cour- age, by observing that the water had not yet reached us, that the ship was near land, and that Providence would as- sist the brave. " Keep where you are," added I, "while I go and examine what is best to be done. I now went on the deck. A wave instantly threw me down, and wetted me to the skin; another followed, and then another. I sustained myself as steadily as I could; and looking around, a scene of terrific and complete disaster met my eyes: the ship was shattered in all directions, and on one side there was a complete breach. The ship's com- pany crowded into the boats till they could contain not one man more, and the last who entered, were now cutting the ropes to move off. I called to them with almost frantic en- treaties to stop and receive us also, but in vain; for the roaring of the sea prevented my being heard, and the waves, which rose to the height of mountains, would have made it impossible to return. All hope from this source was over, for while I spoke, the boats, and all they contained, were driving out of sight. My best consolation now was to ob- serve, that the slanting position the ship had taken, would afford us present protection from the water; and that the stern, under which was the cabin that inclosed all that was dear to me on earth, had been driven upwards between two rocks, and seemed immovably fixed. At the same time, in the distance southward, I descried through clouds and rain several nooks of land, which, though rude and savage in appearance, were the objects of every hope I could form in this distressing moment. , 14 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Sunk and desolate from the loss of all chance of human aid, it was yet my duty to appear serene before my family: "Courage, dear ones," cried I, on entering their cabin, "let us not desert ourselves: I will not conceal from you that the ship is aground; but we are at least in greater safety than if she were beating upon the rocks: our cabin is above water; and should the sea be more calm to-morrow, we may yet find means to reach the land in safety." What I had just said, appeased their fears; for my family had the habit of confiding in my assurances. They now be- gan to feel the advantage of the ship's remaining still; for its motion had been most distressing, by jostling them one against another, or whatever happened to be nearest. My wife, however, more accustomed than the children to read my inmost thoughts, perceived the anxiety which de- voured me. I made her a sign which conveyed an idea of the hopelessness of our situation, and I had the consolation to see that she was resolved to support the trial with resig- nation: " Let us take some nourishment," said she, " our courage will strengthen with our bodies; we shall perhaps need this comfort to support a long and melancholy night." Soon after, night set in: the fury of the tempest had not abated; the planks and beams of the vessel separated in many parts with a horrible crash. We thought of the boats, and feared that all they contained must have sunk under the foaming surge. My wife had prepared a slender meal, and the four boys partook of it with an appetite to which their parents were strangers. They went to bed, and exhausted by fatigue, soon were snoring soundly. Fritz, the eldest, sat up with us: "I have been thinking," said he after a long silence, " how it may be possible to save ourselves. If we had some THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 15 bladders or cork-jackets for my mother and my brothers, you and I, father, would soon contrive to swim to land." "That is a good thought," said I: "we will see what can be done." Fritz and I looked about for some small empty firkins: these we tied two and two together with handkerchiefs or towels, leaving about a foot distance between them, and fastened them as swimming-jackets under the arms of each child, my wife at the same time preparing one for herself. We provided ourselves with knives, some string, some turfs, and other necessaries which could be put into the pocket, proceeding upon the hope, that if the ship went to pieces in the night, we should either be able to swim to land, or be driven thither by the waves. Fritz, who had been up all night, and was fatigued with his laborious occupations, now lay down near his brothers, a#d was, soon asleep; but their mother and I, too anxious to close our eyes, kept watch, listening to every sound that seemed to threaten a further change in our situation. We passed this awful night in prayer, in agonizing apprehensions, and in forming various resolutions as to what we should next attempt. We hailed with joy the first gleam of light which shot through a small opening of the window. The raging of the winds had begun to abate, the sky was become serene, and hope throbbed in my bosom, as I beheld the sun already tinging the horizon. Thus revived, I summon- ed my wife and the boys to the deck, to partake of the scene. The youngest children, half forgetful of the past, asked with surprise why we were there alone, and what had become of the ship's company? I led them to the recollection of our misfortune, and then added: "Dearest children, a Being more powerful than man has helped us, and will, no doubt, 16 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. continue to help us, if we do not abandon ourselves to a fruitless despair. Observe, our companions, in whom we had so much confidence, have deserted us, and that Divine Providence, in its goodness, has given us protection! But, my dear ones, let us show ourselves willing in our exertions, and thus deserve support from Heaven. Let us not forget this useful maxim, and let each labour according to his strength." Fritz advised that we should all throw ourselves into the sea, while it was calm, and swim to land. — " Ah! that may be well enough for you," said Ernest, " for you can swim; but we others should soon be drowned. Would it not be better to make a float of rafts, and get to land altogether upon.it? " " Vastly well," answered I, "if we had the means for contriving such a float, and if, after all, it were not a dan- gerous sort of conveyance. But come, my boys, look each of you about the ship, and see what can be done to enable us to reach the land." They now all sprang from me with eager looks, to do as I desired. I, on my part, lost no time in examining what we had to depend upon as to provisions and fresh water. My wife and the youngest boy visited the animals, whom they found in a pitiable condition, nearly perishing with hunger and thirst. Fritz repaired to the ammunition room; Ernest to the carpenter's cabin, and Jack to the apartment of the captain; but scarcely had he opened the door, when two large dogs sprang upon him, and saluted him with such rude affection, that he roared for assistance, as if they had been killing him. Hunger, however, had rendered the poor creatures so gentle, that they licked his hands and face, uttering all the time alow sort of moan, and continuing their caresses till he was almost suffocated. Poor Jack exerted THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 17 all his strength in blows to drive them away: at last he be- gan to understand, and to sympathise in their joyful move- ments, and put himself upon another footing: he got upon his legs; and gently taking the largest dog by the ears, sprang upon his back, and with great gravity presented himself thus mounted before me, as I came out of the ship's hold. I could not refrain from laughing, and I praised his courage: but I added a little exhortation to be cautious, and not go too far with animals of this species, who, in a state of hunger, might be dangerous. By and by my little company were again assembled round me, and each boasted of what he had to contribute. Fritz had two fowling-pieces, some powder, and small shot, con- tained in horn flasks, and some bullets in bags. ~ Ernest produced his hat filled with nails, and held in his hands a hatchet and a hammer; in addition, a pair of pin- cers, a pair of large scissors, and an auger, peeped out at his pocket-hole. Even the little Francis carried under his arm a box of no very small size, from which he eagerly produced what he called some little sharp-pointed hooks. His brothers smiled scornfully. "Vastly well, gentlemen," said I; "but let me tell you that the youngest has brought the most valuable prize: and this is often the case in the world; the person who least courts the smiles of Fortune, and in the calm of his heart is scarcely conscious of her existence, is often he to whom she most readily presents herself. These little sharp-pointed hooks, as Francis calls them, are fishing- hooks, and will probably be of more use in preserving our lives, than all we may find besides in the ship. In justice, however, I must confess, that what Fritz and Ernest have contributed, will also afford essential service." B 18 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. " I, for my part," said my wife, " have brought nothing; but I have some tidings to communicate which I hope will secure my welcome : I have found on board, a cow and an ass, two goats, six sheep, and a sow big with young: I have just supplied them with food and water, and I reckon on being able to preserve their lives." "All this is admirable," said I to my young labourers; " and there is only master Jack, who, instead of thinking of something useful, has done us the favour to present us two personages, who, no doubt, will be principally distinguished by being willing to eat more than we shall have to give them." " Ah! " replied Jack, " but if we can once get to land, you will see that they will assist us in hunting and shooting." " True enough," said I, "but be so good as to tell us how we are to get to land, and whether you have contrived the means? " " I am sure it cannot be very difficult," said Jack, with an arch motion of his head. "Look here at these large tubs. Why cannot each of us get into one of them, and float to the land? I remember I succeeded very well in this manner on the water, when I was visiting my godfather at " Every one's thought is good for something," cried I, "and I begin to believe that what Jack has suggested is worth a trial: quick! then, boy, give me the saw, the au- ger, and some nails; we will see what is to be done." I recollected having seen some empty casks in the ship's hold: we went down, and found them floating in the water which had got into the vessel; it cost us but little trouble to hoist them up, and place them on the lower deck, which was at this time scarcely above water. We saw with joy, that they were all sound, well guarded by iron hoops, and in every THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 19 respect in good condition; they were exactly suited for the object; and, with the assistance of my sons, I instantly be- gan to saw them in two. In a short time I had produced eight tubs, of equal size, and of the proper height. We now allowed ourselves some refreshment of wine and bis- cuit. I viewed with delight my eight little tubs, ranged in a line. I was surprised to see that my wife did not partake our eagerness; she sighed deeply as she looked at them: " Never, never," cried she, " can I venture to get into one ofthese." *" Do not decide so hastily, my dear," said I: " my plan is not yet complete; and you will see presently, that it is more worthy of our confidence than this shattered vessel, which cannot move from its place." I then sought for a long pliant plank, and placed my eight tubs upon it, leaving a piece at each end, reaching beyond the tubs; which, bent upward, would present an outline like the keel of a vessel: we next nailed all the tubs to the plank, and then the tubs to each other as they stood, side by side, to make them the firmer, and afterwards two other planks, of the same length as the first, on each side of the tubs. When all this was finished, we found we had produced a kind of narrow boat, divided into eight compartments, which I had no doubt would be able to perform a short course, in calm water. But now we discovered that the machine we had contrived was so heavy, that with the strength of all united, we were not able to move it an inch from its place. I bade Fritz fetch me a crow, who soon returned with it: in the mean- while, I sawed a thick round pole into several pieces, to make some rollers. I then, with the crow, easily raised the foremost part of my machine, while Fritz placed one of the rollers under it. 20 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. "How astonishing," cried Ernest, "that this engine, which is smaller than any of us, can do more than our unit- ed strength was able to effect! I wish I could know how it is constructed.'* I explained to him as well as I could, the power of Ar- chimedes's lever, with which he said he could move the world, if you would give him a point from which his mechan- ism might act, and promised to explain the nature of the operation of the crow when we should be safe on land. One of the points of my system of education for my sons was, to awaken their curiosity by interesting observations, to leave time for the activity of the imagination, and then to correct any error they might fall into. I contented myself now, however, with this general remark, that God suffi- ciently compensated the natural weakness of man by the gifts of reason, of invention, and the adroitness of the hands; and that human meditation and skill had produced a science, called mechanics, the object of which was, to teach us how to make our own natural strength act to an incredible dis- tance, and with extraordinary force, by the intervention of instruments. Jack here remarked, that the action of the crow was very slow. "Better slow than never, Jack," replied I. "Experi- ence has ever taught, and mechanical observations have es- tablished as a principle, that what is gained in speed, is lost in strength i the purpose of the crow is not to enable us to raise any thing rapidly, but to raise what is exceedingly heavy; and the heavier the thing we would move, the slower is the mechanical operation. But are you aware what we have at our command, to compensate this slowness? " " Yes, it is turning the handle quicker." THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 21 " Your guess is wrong; that would be no compensation: the true remedy, my boy, is to call in the assistance of pa- tience and reason: with the aid of these two fairy powers, I am in hopes to set my machine afloat." As I said this, I tied a long cord to its stern, and the other end of it to one of the timbers of the ship, which appeared to be still firm, so that the cord being left loose, would serve to guide and restrain it when launched. We now put a second and a third roller under, and applying the crow, to our great joy our machine descended into the water with such a velocity, that if the rope had not been well fastened, it would have gone far out to sea. But now a new difficulty presented it- self: the boat leaned so much on one side, that the boys all exclaimed they could not venture to get into it. I was for some moments in the most painful perplexity; but it sudden- ly occurred to me, that ballast only was wanting to set it straight. I drew it near, and threw all the useless things I could find into the tubs, so as to make weight on the light side: by degrees the machine became quite straight and firm in the water, seeming to invite us to take refuge in its protection. All now would get into the tubs, and the boys began to dispute which should be first. I drew them back, and seeking a remedy for this kind of obstacle, I recollected that savage nations make use of a paddle for preventing their canoes from upsetting. I once more set to work, to make one of these. I took two poles of equal length, upon which the sails of the vessel had been stretched, and having descended into the ma- chine, fixed one of them at the head, and the other at the stern, in such a manner as to enable us to turn them at pleasure to right or left, as should best answer the purpose of guiding and putting it out to sea. I stuck the end of each pole, or 22 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. paddle, into the bung-hole of an empty brandy-keg, which served to keep the paddles steady, and to prevent any in- terruption in the management of our future enterprise. There remained nothing more to do, but to find in what way I could clear out from the incumbrance of the wreck. I got into the first tub, and steered the head of the machine, so as to make it enter the cleft in the ship's side, where it could remain quiet. I then remounted the vessel, and some- times with the saw, and sometimes with the hatchet, I clear- ed away to right and left, every thing that could obstruct our passage; and that being effected, we next secured some oars for the voyage we resolved on attempting. We had spent the day in laborious exertions; it was al- ready late; and as it would not have been possible to reach the land that evening, we were obliged to pass a second night in the wrecked vessel, which at every instant threat- ened to fall to pieces. We next refreshed ourselves by a regular meal; for, during the day's work, we had scarcely allowed ourselves to take a bit of bread, or a glass of wine. Being now in a more tranquil and unapprehensive state of mind than the day before, we all abandoned ourselves to sleep; not, however, till I had used the precaution of tying the swimming apparatus round my three youngest boys and my wife, in case the storm should again come on. I also advised my wife to dress herself in the clothes of one of the sailors, which were so much mOre convenient for swimming, or any other exertions she might be compelled to engage in. She consented, but not without reluctance, and left us to look for some that might best suit her size. In a quarter of an hour she returned, dressed in the clothes of a young man who had served as volunteer on board the ship. She could not conceal the timid awkwardness so natural to her sex in THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 23 such a situation: but I soon found means to reconcile her to the change, by representing the many advantages it gave her, till at length she joined in the merriment her dress occasioned, and one and all crept into our separate ham- mocks, where a delicious repose prepared us for the renewal of our labours. CHAPTER II. A Landing, and consequent Occupations. By break of day we were all awake and alert, for hope as well as grief is unfriendly to lengthened slumbers. When we had finished our morning prayer, I said, "We now, my best beloved, with the assistance of Heaven, must enter upon the work of our deliverance. The first thing to be done, is to give to each poor animal on board a hearty meal; we will then put food enough before them for several days; we cannot take them with us; but we will hope it may be possible, if our voyage succeeds, to return and fetch them. Are you now all ready ? Bring together whatever is absolute- ly necessary for our wants. It is my wish that our first cargo should consist of a barrel of gunpowder, three fowling pieces, and three carbines, with as much small shot and lead, and as many bullets as our boat will carry; two pair of pocket-pistols, and one of large ones, not forgetting a mould to cast balls in; each of the boys, and their mother also, 24 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. should have a bag to carry game in; you will find plenty of these in the cabins of the officers." — We added a chest containing cakes of portable soup, another full of hard bis- cuits, an iron pot, a fishing-rod, a chest of nails, and anoth- er of different utensils, such as hammers, saws, pincers, hatchets,, augers, &c., and lastly, some sail-cloth to make a tent. Indeed, the boys brought so many things, that we were obliged to reject some of them, though I had already exchanged the worthless ballast for articles of use in the question of our subsistence. When all was ready, we stepped bravely each into a tub. At the moment of our departure the cocks and hens began to cluck, as if conscious that we had deserted them, yet were willing to bid us a sorrowful adieu. This suggested to me the idea of taking the geese, ducks, fowls, and pig- eons with us; observing to my wife, that if we could not find means to feed them, at least they would feed us. We accordingly executed this plan. We put ten hens and an old and a young cock into one of the tubs, and cov- ered it with planks; we set the rest of the poultry at liberty, in the hope that instinct would direct them towards the land, the geese and the ducks by water, and the pigeons by the air. We were waiting for my wife, who had the care of this last part of our embarkation, when she joined us loaded with a large bag, which she threw into the tub that already contain- ed her youngest son. I imagined that she intended it for him to sit upon, or perhaps to confine him so as to prevent his being tossed from side to side. I therefore asked no questions concerning it. The order of our departure was as follows: In the first tub, at the boat's head, my wife, the most ten- der and exemplary of her sex, placed herself. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 25 In the second, our little Francis, a lovely boy six years old, remarkable for the sweetest and happiest temper, and for his affection to his parents. In the third, Fritz, our eldest boy, between fourteen and fifteen years of age, a handsome curl-pated youth, full of intelligence and vivacity. In the fourth was the barrel of gunpowder, with the cocks and hens and the sail-cloth. In the fifth, the provisions of every kind. In the sixth, our third son Jack, a light-hearted, enter- prising, audacious, generous lad, about ten years old. In the seventh, our second son Ernest, a boy of twelve years old, of a rational, reflecting temper, well-informed for his age, but somewhat disposed to indolence and the plea- sures of the senses. In the eighth, a father, to whose paternal care the task of guiding the machine for the safety of his beloved family was entrusted. Each of us had useful implements within reach; the hand of each held an oar, and near each was a swimming apparatus in readiness for what might happen. The tide was already at half its height when we left the ship, and I had counted on this circumstance as favourable to our want of strength. We held the two paddles longways, and thus we passed without accident through the cleft of the vessel into the sea. The boys devoured with their eyes the blue land they saw at a distance. We rowed with all our strength, but long in vain, to reach it: the boat only turned round and round: at length I had the good fortune to steer in such a way that it. proceeded in a straight line. The two dogs perceiving we had abandoned them, plunged into the sea and swam to the boat; they were too large for us to think of giving them admittance, and I dreaded lest they should 26 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. jump in and upset us. Turk was an English dog, and Flora a bitch of the Danish breed. I was in great uneasiness on their account, for I feared it would not be possible for them to swim so far. The dogs, however, managed the affair with perfect intelligence. When fatigued, they rested their fore-paws on one of the paddles, and thus with little effort proceeded. Jack was disposed to refuse them this accommodation, but he soon yielded to my argument, that it was cruel and unwise to neglect creatures thrown on our protection, and who indeed might hereafter protect us in their turn, by guarding us from harm, and assisting in our pursuit of ani- mals for food. "Besides," added I, "God has given the dog to man to be his faithful companion and friend." Our voyage proceeded securely, though slowly; but the nearer we approached the land, the more gloomy and un- promising its aspect appeared. The coast was clothed with ' barren rocks, which seemed to offer nothing but hunger and distress. The ,sea was calm; the waves, gently agitated, washed the shore, and the sky was serene; in every direc- tion we perceived casks, bales, chests, and other vestiges of shipwrecks, floating round us. In the hope of obtaining some good provisions, I determined on endeavouring to se- cure some of the casks. I bad^ Fritz have a rope, a ham- mer, and some nails ready, and to try to seize them as we passed. He suceeded in laying hold of two, and in such a way that we could draw them after us to the shore. Now that we were close on land, its rude outline was much soft- ened; the rocks no longer appeared one undivided chain; Fritz with his hawk's eye already descried some trees, and exclaimed that they were palm trees. Ernest expressed his joy that he should now get much larger and better cocoa THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 27 nuts than those of Europe. I for my part was venting au- dibly my regret, that I had not thought of bringing a tele- scope that I knew was in the captain's cabin, when Jack drew a small one from his pocket, and with a look o'f tri- umph presented it to me. The acquisition of the telescope was of great importance ; for with its aid I was able to make the necessary observa- tions, and was more sure of the rout I ought to take. On applying it to my eye, I remarked that the shore before us had a desert and savage aspect, but that towards the left, the scene was more agreeable: but when I attempted to steer in that direction, a current carried me irresistibly to- wards the coast that was rocky and barren. By and by we perceived a little opening between the rocks, near the mouth of a creek, towards which all our geese and ducks betook themselves; and I, relying on their sagacity, followed in the same course. This opening formed a little bay; the water was tranquil, and neither too deep nor too shallow to receive our boat. I entered it, and cautiously put on shore on a spot where the coast was about the same height above the water as our tubs, and where, at the same time, there was a quantity sufficient to keep us afloat. The shore extended inland in something of the form of an isosceles triangle, the upper angle of which terminated among the rocks, while the margin of the sea formed the basis. All that had life in the boat jumped eagerly on land. Even little Francis, who had been wedged in his tub like a potted herring, now got up and sprang forward; but, with all his efforts, he could not succeed without his mother's help. The dogs, who had swam on shore, received us as if appointed to do the honours of the place, jumping round us with every demonstration of joy : the geese kept up a 23 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON loud cackling, to which the ducks, from their broad yellow beaks, contributed a perpetual thorough-bass: the cocks and hens, which we had already set at liberty, clucked: the boys chattering all at once, produced altogether an over- powering confusion of sounds: to this was added the disa- greeable scream of some penguins and flamingos, which we now perceived, some flying over our heads, others sitting on the points of the rocks at the entrance of the bay. By and by the notes of the latter had the ascendant, from their num- bers; and our annoyance was increased by a comparison we could not avoid making, between the sounds they ut- tered, and the harmony of the feathered musicians of our own country. I had however one advantage in perspective; — it was that," should we hereafter be short of food, these very birds might serve for our subsistence. The first thing we did on finding ourselves safe on ierra Jirma, was to fall on our knees, and return thanks to the Supreme Being who had preserved our lives, and to recom- mend ourselves with entire resignation to the care of his paternal kindness. We next -employed our whole,, attention in unloading the boat. Oh ! how rich we thought ourselves in the little we had been able to rescue from the merciless abyss of waters! We looked about for a convenient place to set up a tent under the shade of the rocks; and having all consulted and agreed upon a place, we set to work. We drove one of our poles firmly into a fissure of the rock; this rested upon another pole, which was driven perpendicularly into the ground, and formed the ridge of our tent. A frame for a dwelling was thus made secure. We next threw some sail-cloth over the ridge, and stretching it to a convenient distance on each side, fastened its extremities to the ground with stakes. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 29 Lastly, I fixed some tenter-hooks along the edge of one side of the sail-cloth in front, that we might be able to enclose the entrance during night, by hooking in the opposite edge. The chest of provisions and other heavy matters we had left on the shore. The next thing was to desire my sons to look about for grass and moss, to be spread and dried in the sun, to serve us for beds. During this occupation, in which even the little Francis could take a share, I erected near the tent a kind of little kitchen. A few fiat stones, I found in the bed of a fresh-water river, served for a hearth. I got a quanti- ty of dry branches:' with the largest I made a small enclosure round it; and with the little twigs, added to some of our turf, I made a brisk cheering fire. We put some of the soup- cakes, with water, into our iron pot, and placed it over the flame; and my wife, with her little Francis for a scullion, took charge of preparing the dinner. In the meanwhile Fritz had been reloading the guns, with one of which he "had wandered along the side of the river. He had proposed to Ernest to accompany him; but Ernest replied, that he did not like a rough, stony walk, and that he should go to the sea shore. Jack took the road towards a chain of rocks which jutted out into the sea, with the in- tention of gathering some of the muscles which grew upon them. My own occupation was now an endeavour to draw the two floating casks on shore, but in which I could not suc- ceed; for our place of landing, though convenient enough for our machine, was too steep for the casks. While I was looking about to find a more favourable spot, I heard loud cries proceeding from a short distance, and recognised the voice of my son Jack. I snatched my hatchet, and ran anxiously to his assistance. I soon perceived him up to his 30 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. knees in water in a shallow, and that a large sea lobster had fastened its claws in his leg. The poor boy screamed pi- tiably, and made useless efforts to disengage himself. I jumped instantly into the water; and the enemy was no soon- er sensible of my approach, than he let go his hold, and would have scampered out to sea, but that I indulged the fancy of a little malice against him for the alarm he had caused us. I turned quickly upon him, and took him up by the body and carried him off, followed by Jack, who shouted our triumph all the way. He begged me at last to let him hold the animal in his own hand, that he might himself pre- sent so fine a booty to his mother. Accordingly, having observed how I held it to avoid the gripe, he laid his own hand upon it in exactly the same manner; but scarcely had he grasped it, than he received a violent blow on the face from the lobster's tail, which made him loose his hold, and the animal fell to the ground. Jack again began to bawl out, while I could not refrain from laughing heartily. In his rage he took up a stone and killed the lobster with a single blow. I was a little vexed at this conclusion to the scene. — "This is what we call killing an enemy when he is unable to defend himself, Jack; it is wrong to revenge an injury while we are in a state of anger: the lobster, it is true, had given you a bite; but then you, on your part, would have eaten the lobster. So the game was at least equal. Another time, I advise you to be both more prudent and more merciful." — "But pray, father, let me carry it to my mother, " said Jack, fearless now of further warfare ; and accordingly he carried it to the kitchen, triumphantly ex- claiming, "Mother, mother, a sea lobster! — Ernest, a sea lobster! Where is Fritz? Where is Fritz? Take care, Francis, he will bite you." In a moment all were round THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 31 him to examine the wonderful creature, and all proclaimed their astonishment at his enormous size, while they observ- ed that its form was precisely that of the common lobster so much in use in Europe. "Yes, yes," said Jack, holding up one of the claws; "you may well wonder at his size: this was the frightful claw which seized my leg, and if I had not had on my thick sea pantaloons, he would have bit it through and through; but I have taught him what it is to attack me: I have paid him well." / "Oh, oh! Mr. Boaster," cried I, "you give a pretty account of the matter. Now mine would be, that if I had not been near, the lobster would have shown you another sort of game ; for the slap he gave you in the face compel- led you, I think, to let go your hold. And it is well it should be thus; for he fought with the arms with which na- ture had supplied him, but you had recourse to a great stone for your defence. Believe me, Jack, you have no great reason to boast of the adventure." Ernest, ever prornpted by his savoury tooth, bawled out that the lobster had better be put into the soup, which would give it an excellent flavour: but this his mother opposed, observing, that we must be more economical of our provis- ions than that, for the lobster of itself would furnish a din- ner for the whole family. I now left them and walked again to the scene of this adventure, and examined the shallow: I then made another attempt upon my two casks, and at length succeeded in getting them into it, and in fixing them there securely on their bottoms. On my return, I complimented Jack on his being the first to procure an animal that might serve for subsistence, and Eromised him, for his own share, the famous claw, which ad furnished us with so lively a discussion. 32 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. cc Ah! but J have seen something too, that is good to eat," said Ernest; " and I should have got it if it had not been in the water, so that I must have wetted my feet " "Oh, that is a famous story," cried Jack: "I can tell you what he saw, — some nasty muscles: why, I would not eat one of them for the world. — Think of my lobster!" " That is not true, Jack; for they were oysters, and not muscles, that I saw: I am sure of it, for they stuck to the rock, and I know they must be oysters." "Fortunate enough, my dainty gentleman," interrupted I, addressing myself to Ernest; " since you are so well ac- quainted with the place where such food, can be found, you will be so obliging as to return and procure us some. In such a situation as ours, every member of the family must be actively employed for the common good; and, above all, none must be afraid of so trifling an inconvenience as wet feet." " I will do my best, with all my heart," answered Ernest ; " and at the same time I will bring home some salt, of which I have seen immense quantities in the holes of the rocks, where I have reason to suppose it is dried by the sun. I tasted some of it, and it was excellent. Pray, father, be so good as to inform me whether this salt was not left there by the sea?" M — No doubt it was, Mr. Reasoner, for where else do you think it could come from ? You would have done more wisely if you had brought us a bag of it, instead of spending your time in profound reflections upon operations so simple and obvious ; and if you do not wish to dine upon a soup without flavour, you had better run and fetch a little quickly." He set off, and soon returned : what he brought had the THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 33 appearance of sea-salt, but was so mixed with earth and sand, that I was on the point of throwing it away; but my wife prevented me, and by dissolving, and afterwards fil- tering some of it through a piece of muslin, we found it ad- mirably fit for use. " Why could we not have used some sea-water," asked Jack, " instead of having all this trouble?" " Sea-water," answered I, " is more bitter than salt, and has, besides, a sickly taste." While I was speaking, my wife tasted the soup with a little stick with which she had been stirring it, and pronounced that it was all the better for the salt, and now quite ready. "But," said she, " Fritz is not come in. And then how shall we manage to eat our soup without spoons or dishes? Why did we not remember to bring some from the ship?" — "Because, my dear, one cannot think of every thing at onco. We shall be lucky if we have not forgotten even more important things." — " But, indeed," said she, " this is a matter which cannot easily be set to rights. How will it be possible for each of us to raise this large boiling potto his lips?" I soon saw that my wife was right. We all cast our eyes upon the pot with a sort of stupid perplexity, and looked a little like the fox in the fable, when the stork desires him to help himself from a vessel with a long neck. Silence was at length broken, by all bursting into a hearty laugh at our want of every kind of utensil, and at the thought of our own folly, in not recollecting that spoons and forks were things of absolute necessity. Ernest observed, that if we could but get some of the nice cocoa-nuts he often thought about, we might empty them, and use the pieces of the shells for spoons. "Yes, yes," replied I; " if we could but get, — but we 3 34 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON have them not; and if wishing were to any purpose, I had as soon wish at once for a dozen silver spoons; but alas! of what use is wishing?" " But at least," said the boy, " we can use some oyster- shells for spoons." " Why, this is well, Ernest," said T, "and is what I call a useful thought. Run then quickly for some of them. But, gentlemen, I give you notice, that no one of you must give himself airs because his spoon is without a handle, or though he chance to grease his fingers in the soup." Jack ran first, and was up to his knees in the water before Ernest could reach the place. Jack tore off the fish with eagerness, and threw them to slothful Ernest, who put them into his handkerchief, having first secured in his pocket one shell he had met with of a large size The boys came back together with their booty. Fritz not having yet returned, his mother was beginning to be uneasy, when we heard him shouting to us from a small distance, to which we answered by similar sounds. In a few minutes he was among us, his two hands behind him, and with a sort of would-be-melancholy air, which none of us could well understand. — " What have you brought?" asked his brothers; "let us see your booty, and you shall see ours." — " Ah! I have unfortunately nothing." — " What! nothing at all?" said I. — "Nothing at all," answered he. But now, on fixing my eye upon him, I perceived a smile of proud" success through his assumed dissatisfaction. At the same instant Jack, having stolen behind him, exclaimed, "A sucking pig! a sucking pig! " Fritz, finding his trick discovered, now proudly displayed his prize, which I imme- diately perceived, from the description I had read in different books of travels, was an agouti, an animal common in that THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 35 country, and not a sucking pig, as the boys had supposed. "The agouti," says M. de Courtills, in his voyage to St. Domingo, " is of the size of a hare, and runs with the same swiftness; but its form is more like the pig, and he makes the same grunting noise. He is not a voracious animal, but is nice in the choice of his food. When his appetite is satiat- ed, he buries what remains, and keeps it for another time. He is naturally of a gentle temper; but if provoked, his hair becomes erect, he bites, and strikes the ground with his hind feet like the rabbit, which he also resembles in digging himself a burrow under ground: but this burrow has but one entrance; he conceals himself in it during the hot- test part of the day, taking care to provide himself with a store of patates and bananas. He is usually taken by coursing, and sometimes by dogs, or with nets. When it is found difficult to seize him, the sportsman has only to whistle. As soon as the agouti hears the sound, he is instantly still, remains resting on his hind feet, and suffers himself to be taken. His flesh is white, like that of the rabbit; but it is dry, has no fat, and never entirely loses a certain wild flavour, which is disagreeable to Europeans. He is held in. great esteem by the natives, particularly when the animal has been feeding near the sea on plants impreg- nated with salt. They are therefore caught in great num- bers, and for this reason the species is much diminished." — " Where did you find him? How did you get at him? Did he make you run a great way?" asked all at once the young brothers. " Tell me, tell us all ..." &c. I, for my part, assumed a somewhat serious tone. — "I should have prefer- red," observed I, "that you had in reality brought us nothing, to your asserting a falsehood. Never allow your- self, even in jest, my dear boy, to assert what you know to 36 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. ' . be an untruth. By such trifles as these, a habit of lying, the most disgusting of vices, may be induced. Now then that I have given you this caution, let us look at the animal. Where did you find it?" Fritz related, that he had passed over to the other side of the river. "Ah!" continued he, "it is quite another thing from this place; the shore is low, and you can have no notion of the quantity of casks, chests, and planks, and different sorts of things washed there by the sea. Ought we not to go and try to obtain some of these treasures?" — " We will consider of it soon," answered I, " but first we have to make our voyage to the vessel, and fetch away the animals; at least you will all agree, that of the cow we are pretty much in want." — "If our biscuit were soaked in milk, it would not be so hard," observed our dainty Ernest. — " I must tell you too," continued Fritz, "that over on the other side there is as much grass for pasturage as we can desire; and, besides, a pretty wood, in the shade of which we could repose. Why then should we remain on this barren desert side?" — "Patience," replied I, "there is a time for everything, friend Fritz; we shall not be with- out something to undertake to-morrow, and even after to- morrow. But, above all, I am eager to know if you discov- ered, in your excursion, any traces of our ship companions?" — " Not the smallest trace of man, dead or alive, on land or water; but I have seen some other animals, that more re- sembled pigs than the one I have brought you, but with feet more like those of the hare ; the animal I am speaking of leaps from place to place ; now sitting on his hind legs, rub- bing his face with his front feet, and then seeking for roots, and gnawing them like the squirrel. If I had not been afraid of his escaping me, I should have tried to catch him with my hands, for he appeared almost tame." THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. S7 We had now notice that our soup was ready, and each hastened to dip his shell into the pot, to get out a little; but, as I had foreseen, each drew out a scalded finger, and it was who could scream the loudest. Ernest was the only one who had been too cautious to expose himself to this mis- fortune: he quietly took his muscle-shell, as large and deep as a small saucer, from his, pocket, and carefully dipping it into the pot, drew it out filled with as much soup as was his fair share, and casting a look of exultation on his brothers, he set it down till it should be cold enough to eat. "You have taken good care of yourself, I perceive," said I. " But now answer me, dear boy, is the advantage worth the pains you take to be better off than your compan- ions? Yet this is the constant failing of your character. As your best friend, I feel it my duty to balk you of the ex- pected prize; I therefore adjudge your dish of delicious soup to our faithful followers, Turk and Flora. For our- selves, we will all fare alike; we will simply dip our shells into the pot till hunger is appeased; but the picked dish for the dogs, Ernest; and all the 7°est alike!'" This gentle reproach sunk, I perceived, into his heart; he placed the shell, filled with soup, upon the ground, and in an instant the dogs had licked up every drop. We on our parts were as sharp set as they, and every eye was fix- ed on the pot, watching for the steam to subside a little, that we might begin dipping; when, on looking round, we saw Turk and Flora standing over the agouti, gnawing and tear- ing him fiercely with their teeth and paws. The boys all screamed together: Fritz seized his gun, and struck them with it; called them the unkindest names, threw stones at them; and was so furious, that if I had not interfered, it is probable he would have killed them. He had already bent 38 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. his gun with the blows he had given them, and his voice was raised so high as to be reechoed from the rocks. When he had grown a little cool, I seriously remonstrated with him on his violence of temper. I represented to him what distress he had occasioned his mother and myself for the event of a rage so alarming: that his gun, which might have been so useful, was now spoiled; and that the poor ani- mals, upon whose assistance we should probably so much depend, he had, no doubt, greatly injured: " Anger," con- tinued I, "is always a bad counsellor, and may even lead the way to crimes: you are not ignorant of the history of Cain, who, in a moment of violent anger, killed his brother. " — " Say no more, my dearest father," interrupted Fritz in a tone of horror. — " Happy am I to recollect on this occasion," resumed I, "that it was not human creatures you treated thus. But an angry person never reasons; he scarcely knows whom he attacks. The most convincing proof of this is, that you just now fell upon two dumb animals, incapable of judgment, and who most likely thought that your agouti was placed there, as the soup had been before, for them to eat. Confess, too, that it was vanity which excited the fu- rious temper you exhibited. If another than yourself had killed the agouti, you would have been more patient under the accident." Fritz agreed that I was right, and, half drowned in tears, entreated ray forgiveness. Soon after we had taken our meal, the sun began to sink into the west. Our little flock of fowls assembled round us, pecking here and there what morsels of our biscuit had fal- len on the ground. Just at this moment my wife produced the bag she had so mysteriously huddled into the tub. Its mouth was now opened; it contained the various sorts of grain for feeding poultry — barley, peas, oats, &c, and also THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 39 different kinds of seeds and roots of vegetables for the table. In the fulness of her kind heart she scattered several hand- fuls at once upon the ground, which the fowls began eagerly to seize. I complimented her on the benefits her foresight had secured for us; but I recommended a more sparing use of so valuable an acquisition, observing, that the grain, if kept for sowing; would produce a harvest, and that we could fetch from the ship spoiled biscuit enough to feed the fowls. Our pigeons sought a roosting place among the rocks; the hens, with the two cocks at their head, ranged themselves in a line along the ridge of the tent ; and the geese and ducks betook themselves in a body, cackling and quacking as they proceeded, to a marshy bit of ground near the sea, where some thick bushes afforded them shelter. A little later, we began to follow the example of our wing- ed companions, by beginning our preparations for repose. First, we loaded our guns and pistols, and laid them care- fully in the tent: next, we assembled together and joined in offering up our thanks to the Almighty for the succour af- forded us, and supplicating his watchful care for our pre- servation. With the last ray of the sun we entered our tent, and after drawing the sail-cloth over the hooks to close the entrance, we laid ourselves down close to each other on the grass and moss we had collected in the morning. The children observed, with surprise, that darkness came upon us all at once ; that night succeeded to day without an intermediate twilight. — " This," replied I, " makes me sus- pect that we are not far from the equator, or at least between the tropics, where this is of ordinary occurrence ; for the twi- light is occasioned by the rays of the sun being broken in the atmosphere; the more obliquely they fall, the more their feeble light is extended and prolonged ; while, on the other 40 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. hand, the more perpendicular the rays, the less their decli- nation: consequently the change from day to night is much more sudden when the sun is under the horizon." , I looked once more out of the tent to see if all was quiet around us. The old cock, awaking at the rising of the moon, chanted our vespers, and then I lay down to sleep. In pro- portion as we had been during the day oppressed with heat, we were now in the night inconvenienced by the cold, so that we clung to each other for warmth. A sweet sleep began to close the eyes of my beloved family ; I endeavoured to keep awake till I was sure my wife's solicitude had yield- ed to the same happy state, and then I closed my own. Thanks to the fatigue we had undergone, our first night in the desert island was very tolerably comfortable. CHAPTER III. Voyage of Discovery. I was roused at the dawn of day by the crowing of the cocks. I awoke my wife, and we consulted together as to the occupations we should engage in. We agreed, that we would seek for traces of our late ship companions, and at the same time examine the nature of the soil on the other side of the river, before we determined on a fixed place of abode. My wife easily perceived that such an excursion could not be undertaken by all the members of the family; and full of confidence in the protection of Heaven, she courageously consented to my proposal of leaving her with THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 41 the three youngest boys, and proceeding, myself with Fritz on a journey of discovery. I entreated her not to lose a moment in giving us our breakfast. She gave us notice that the share of each would be but small, there being no more soup prepared. — " What then," I asked, " is to become of Jack's lobster?"- — "That he can best tell you himself," answered his mother. " But now pray step and awake the boys, while I make a fire and put on some water." The children were soo'n roused; even our slothful Ernest submitted to the hard fate of rising so early in the morning. When I asked Jack for his lobster, he ran and fetched it from a cleft in the rock, in which he had concealed it: " I was determined," said he, "that the dogs should not treat my lobster as they did the agouti, for I knew them for a sort of gentlemen to whom nothing comes amiss." — " I am glad to see, son Jack," said I, " that that giddy head upon your shoulders can be prevailed upon to reflect. ' Happy is he who knows how to profit by the misfortunes of others/ says the proverb. But will you not kindly give Fritz the great claw, which bit your leg (though I promised it to you), to carry with him for his dinner in our journey?" "What journey?" asked all the boys at once. "Ah! we will go too: a journey! a journey! " repeated they, clapping their hands, and jumping round me like little kids. — " For this time," said I, " it is impossible for all of you to go; we know not yet what we are to set about, nor whither we are going. Your eldest brother and myself shall be better able to defend ourselves in any danger, without you; besides that with so many persons we could proceed but slowly. You will then all three remain with your mother in this place, which appears to be one of perfect safety, and you shall keep Flora to be your guard, while we will take 42 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Turk with us. With such a protector, and a gun well load- ed, who shall dare treat us. with disrespect? Make haste, Fritz, and tie up Flora, that she may not follow us; and have your eye on Turk, that he may be at hand to accom- pany us; and see the guns are ready." At the word guns, the colour rose in the cheeks of my poor boy. His gun was so bent as to be of no use; he took it up and tried in vain to straighten it; I let him alone for a short time; but at length I gave him leave to take another, perceiving with pleasure that the vexation had produced a proper feeling in his mind. A moment after, he attempted to lay hold of Flora to tie her up; but the dog recollecting the blows she had so lately received, began to snarl, and would not go near him. Turk behaved the same, and I found it necessary to call with my own voice, to induce them to approach us. Fritz then in tears entreated for some bis- cuit of his mother, declaring that he would willingly go without his breakfast to make his peace with the dogs; he accordingly carried them some biscuit, stroked and caress-' ed them, and in every motion seemed to ask their pardon. As of all animals, without excepting man, the dog is least addicted to revenge, and at the same time is the most sen- sible of kind usage, Flora instantly relented, and began to lick the hands which fed her; but Turk, who was of a more fierce and independent temper, still held off, and seemed to feel a want of confidence in Fritz's advances. — " Give him a claw of my lobster," cried Jack, "for I mean to give it all to you for your journey." " I cannot think why you should give it all," interrupted Ernest, "for you need not be uneasy about their journey. Like Robinson Crusoe, they will be sure enough to find some cocoa-nuts, which they will like much better than your THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 43 miserable lobster: only think, a fine round nut, Jack, as big as my head, and with at least a tea-cup full of delicious sweet milk in it!" " Oh! brother Fritz, pray do bring me some," cried little Francis. We now prepared for our departure: we took each a bag for game, and a hatchet: I put a pair of pistols in the leath- er v band round Fritz's waist, in addition to the gun, and provided myself with the same articles, not forgetting a stock of biscuit and a flask of fresh river water. My wife now called us to breakfast when all attacked the lobster; but its flesh proved so hard, that there was a great deal left when our meal was finished, and we packed it for our jour- ney without further regret from any one. The sea-lobster is an animal of considerable size, and its flesh is much more nutritious, but less delicate, than the common lobster. Fritz urged me to set out before the excessive heat came on. — " With all my heart," said I, " but we have forgot one thing." — "What is that'" asked Fritz, looking round him; "I see nothing to do but to take leave of my mother and my brothers." — "I know what it is," cried Ernest; "we have not said our prayers this morning." — "That is the very thing, my dear boy," said I. " We are too apt to for- get God, the giver of all, for the affairs of this world; and yet never had we so much need of his care, particularly at the moment of undertaking a journey in an unknown soil." Upon this our pickle Jack began to imitate the sound of church-bells, and to call "Borne! borne! bidi bome, bidi- man, borne. To prayers, to prayers, bome, bome!" — "Thoughtless boy!" cried I, with a look of displeasure, "when, oh! when will you be sensible of that sacredness in devotion that banishes for the time every thought of levity or 44 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. amusement ? Recollect yourself, and let me not have again to reprove you on a subject of so grave a nature." In about an hour we had completed the preparations for our departure. I had loaded the guns we left behind, and I now enjoined my wife to keep by day as near the boat as possible, which in case of danger was the best and most speedy means of escape. My next concern was to shorten the moment of separation, judging by my own feelings those of my dear wife; for neither could be without painful appre- hensions of what new misfortune might occur on either side during the interval. We all melted into tears; — T seized this instant for drawing Fritz away, and in a few moments the sobs and often repeated adieus of those we left behind, died away in the noise of the waves which we now approach- ed, and which turned our thoughts upon ourselves and the immediate object of our journey. The banks of the river were everywhere steep and diffi- cult, excepting at one narrow slip near the mouth on our side, where we had drawn our fresh water. The other side presented an unbroken line of sharp, high, perpendicular rocks. We therefore followed the course of the river till we arrived at a cluster of rocks at which the stream formed a cascade: a few paces beyond, we found some large frag- ments of rock which had fallen into the bed of the river: by stepping upon these, and making now and then some haz- ardous leaps, we contrived to reach the other side. We proceeded a short way along the rock we ascended in land- ing, forcing ourselves a passage through tall grass, which twined with other plants, and were rendered more capable of resistance by being half dried by the sun Perceiving, however, that walking on this kind of surface in so hot a sun would exhaust our strength, we looked for a path to descend THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 45 and proceed along the river, where we hoped to meet with fewer obstacles, and perhaps to discover traces of our ship companions. When we had walked about a hundred paces we heard a loud noise behind us, as if we were pursued, and perceived a rustling motion in the grass, which was almost as tall as ourselves. I was a good deal alarmed, thinking that it might be occasioned by some frightful serpent, a tiger, or other ferocious animal. But I was well satisfied with Fritz, who, instead of being frightened, and running away, stood still and firm to face the danger, the only motion he made being to see that his piece was ready, and turning himself to front the spot from whence the noise proceeded. Our alarm was, however, short; for what was our joy on seeing rush out, not an enemy, but our faithful Turk, whom in the distress of the parting scene we had forgotten, and whom no doubt our anxious relatives had sent on to us! I received the poor creature with lively joy, and did not fail to com- mend both the bravery and discretion of my son, in not yielding to even a rational alarm, and for waiting till he was sure of the object before he resolved to fire: had he done otherwise, he might have destroyed an animal likely to af- ford us various kinds of aid, and to contribute by the kind- ness. of his temper to the pleasures of our domestic scene. — " Observe, my dear boy," said I, "to what dangers the tumult of the passions exposes us: the anger which over- powered you yesterday, and the error natural to the occasion we have this moment witnessed, if you had unfortunately given way to it, might either of them have produced an irretrievable misfortune." Fritz assured me he was sensible of the truth and impor- tance of my remarks; that he would watch constantly over 46 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. the defects of his temper: and then he fell to caressing the faithful and interesting animal. Conversing on such subjects as these, we pursued our way. On our left was the sea, and on our right the con- tinuation of the ridge of rocks which began at the place of our landing, and ran along the shore, the summit every- where adorned with fresh verdure and a great variety of trees. We were careful to proceed in a course as near the shore as possible, casting our eyes alternately upon its smooth expanse and upon the land in all directions, to dis- cover our ship companions, or the boats which had conveyed them from us; but our endeavours were in vain. Fritz proposed to fire his gun from time to time, that, should they be any where concealed near us, they might thus be led to know of our pursuit. "This would be vastly well," I observed, "if you could contrive that the savages, who are most likely not far distant, should not hear the sound, and come in numbers upon us." — " I am thinking, father," interrupted Fritz, "that there is no good reason why we should give ourselves so much trouble and uneasiness about persons who abandoned us so cruelly, and thought only of their own safety. — " "There is not only one good reason, but many," replied I: " first, we should not return evil for evil; next, it may be in their power to assist us; and lastly, they are perhaps at this moment in the greatest want of assistance. It was their lot to escape with nothing but life from the ship, if in- deed they are still alive, while we had the good fortune to secure provisions enough for present subsistence, to a share of which they are as fully entitled as ourselves." " But, father, while we are wandering here, and losing our time almost without a hope of benefit to them, might we THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 47 not be better employed in returning to the vessel, and saving the animals on board?" " — When a variety of duties present themselves for our choice, we should always give the preference to that which can confer the most solid advantage. The saving of the life of a man is a more exalted action that the contributing to the comfort of a few quadrupeds, whom we have already supplied with food for several days; particularly as the sea is in so calm a state, that we need entertain no apprehen- sion that the ship will sink or go entirely to pieces just at present." My son made no reply to what I said, and we seemed by mutual silent consent to take a few moments for reflection. When we had gone about two leagues, we entered a wood situated a little further from the sea: here we threw our- selves on the ground, under the shade of a tree, by the side of a clear running stream, and took out some provisions and refreshed ourselves. We heard the chirping, singing, and motion of birds in the trees; and observed, as they now and then came out to view, that they were more attractive by their splendid plumage that by any charm of note. Fritz assured me that he had caught a glimpse of some animals like apes among the bushes, and this was confirmed by the rest- less movements of Turk, who began to smell about him, and to bark so loud that the wood resounded with the noise. Fritz stole softly about to be sure, and presently stumbled on a small round body which lay on the ground: he brought it tp me, observing that it must be the nest of some bird. — "What makes you of that Opinion?" said I. "It is, I think, much more like a cocoa-nut." " But I have read that there are some kinds of birds, which build their nests quite round; and look, father, how the outside is crossed and twined." 48 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. "But do you not perceive that what you take for straws crossed and twinedbythe beak of a bird, is in fact a coat of fibres formed by the hand of Nature? Do you not. remem- ber to have read, that the nut of a cocoa shell is inclosed within a round, fibrous covering, which again is surround" ed by a skin of a thin and fragile texture? I see that in the one you hold in your hand, this skin has been destroyed by time, which is the reason that the twisted fibres (or inner covering) are so apparent; but now let us break the shell, and you will see the nut inside." We soon accomplished this; but thenut, alas! from lying on the ground, had perished, and appeared but little differ- ent from a bit of dried skin, and not the least inviting to the palate. Fritz was much amused at this adventure. " How I wish Ernest could have been here!" cried he. " How he envied me the fine large cocoa-nuts I was to find, and the whole tea-cup full of sweet delicious milk which was to spring out upon me from the inside! — -But, father, I myself believed that the cocoa-nut contained a sweet refreshing liquid, ti little like the juice of almonds: travellers surely tell untruths!" "Travellers certainly do sometimes tell untruths, but not, I believe, on the subject of the cocoa-nut, which is well known to contain the liquid you describe, just before they are in a state of ripeness. It is the same with our European nuts, with the difference of quantity; and one property is common to both, that as the nut ripens, the milk diminishes, by thickening, and becoming the same substance as the nut. If you put a ripe nut a little way under the earth, in a good soil, the kernel will shoot and burst the shell; but if it remain above ground, or in a place that does not suit THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 49 its nature, the principle of vegetation is extinguished by- internal fermentation, and the nut perishes as you have seen." M I am now surprised that this principle is not extinguished in every nut; for the shell is so hard, it seems impossible for a softer substance to break it." "The peach-stone is no less hard; the kernel, notwith- standing, never fails to break it, if it is placed in a well- nurtured soil." " Now I begin to understand. The peach-stone is divid- ed into two parts, like a mussel-shell; it has a kind of seam round it, which separates of itself when the kernel is swelled by moisture: but the cocoa-nut in my hand is not so divid- ed, and I cannot conceive of its separating." " I grant that the cocoa-nut is differently formed; but you may see by the fragments you have just thrown on the ground, that Nature has in another manner stepped in to its assistance. Look near the stalk, and you will discover three round holes, which are not, like the rest of its surface, covered with a hard impenetrable shell, but are stopped by a spongy kind of matter ; it is through these that the kernel shoots." " Now, father, I have the fancy of gathering all the pieces together and giving them to Ernest, and telling him these particulars: I wonder what he will say about it, and how he will like the withered nut." " Now the fancy of your father, my dear boy, would be to find you without so keen a relish for a bit of mischief. Joke with Ernest, if you will, about the withered nut; but 1 should like to see you heal the disappointment he will feel, by presenting him at last with a sound and perfect nut, provided we should have one to spare." E 50 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. After looking for some time, we had the good luck to meet with one single nut. We opened it, and finding it sound, we sat down and ate it for our dinner, by which means we were enabled to husband the provisions we had brought. The nut, it is true, was a little oily and rancid; yet, as this was not a time to be nice, we made a hearty meal, and then continued our route. We did not quit the wood, but pushed our way across it, being often obliged to Cut a path through the bushes overrun by creeping plants, with our hatchet. At length we reached a plain, which af- forded a more extensive prospect and a path less perplexed and intricate. We next entered a forest to the right, and soon observed that some of the trees were of a singular kind. Fritz, whose sharp eye was continually on a journey of discovery, went up to examine them closely. " O heavens! father, what odd trees, with wens growing all about their trunks!" I had soon the surprise and satisfaction of assuring him that they were of the gourd-tree kind, the trunks of which bear fruit. Fritz, who had never heard of such a tree, could not conceive the meaning of what he saw, and asked me if the fruit was a sponge or a wen. — " We will see," I replied, " if we cannot unravel the mystery. Try to get down one of them, and we will examine it minutely." " I have got one," cried Fritz, " and it is exactly like a gourd, only the rind is thicker and harder." "It then, like the rind of that fruit, can be used for mak- ing various utensils," observed I; "plates, dishes, basins, flasks. We will give it the name of the gourd-tree." Fritz jumped for joy, — " How happy my mother will be!" cried he in ecstasy; " she will no longer have the vexation of thinking when she makes soup, that we shall all scald our finders!" THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 51 "What, my boy, do you think is the reason that this tree bears its fruit only on the trunk and on its topmost bran- ches?" " I think it must be because the middle branches are too feeble to support such a weight." " You have guessed exactly right." " But are these gourds good to eat?" " At worst they are, I believe, harmless; but they have not a very tempting flavour. The negro savages set as much value on the rind of this fruit as on gold, for its use to them is indispensable. These rinds serve them to keep their food and drink in, and sometimes they even cook their victuals in them." " Oh father! it must be impossible to cook their victuals in them; for the heat of fire would soon consume such a substance." " I did not say the rind was put upon the fire." " How droll! pray how are victuals to be cooked without fire?" ie JNor did I say that victuals could be cooked without a fire; but there is no need to put the vessel that contains the food upon the fire." "I have no idea what you mean; there seems to be ? miracle." " So be it, my son. A little tincture of enchantment is the lot of man. When he finds himself deficient in intelli- gence, or is too indolent to give himself the trouble to reflect, he is driven by his weakness to ascribe to a miracle, or to witchcraft, wliat is, most likely, nothing but the most ordi- nary operation of Art or Nature." " Well, father, I will then believe in what you tell me of these rinds." 62 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. s the danger of that prefidious element the sea." THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 119 " We will then think seriously of the matter; but let us have a well-digested scheme of operation before we leave this spot for your favourite wood. First, we must contrive a store-house among the rocks for our provisions and other things, and to which, in case of invasion in the wood, we can retreat and defend ourselves. — This agreed, the next thing is to throw a bridge across the river, if we are to pass it with all our family and baggage.' 1 "A bridge!" exclaimed my wife: "can you possibly think of such a thing? If we stay while you build a bridge, we may consider ourselves as fixed for life. Why should we not cross the river as we did before? The ass and the cow will carry all we possess upon their backs." " But do you recollect, that to keep what they carry dry, they must not perform their journey as they did from the vessel? For this reason, then, if for no other, we must contrive' a bridge. We shall want also some sacks and baskets to contain our different matters; you may therefore set about making these, and I will undertake the bridge, which, the more I consider, the more I find to be of indis- pensable necessity; for the stream will, no doubt, at times increase, and the passage become impracticable in any other way. At this moment it would be found so for our shortest- legged animals, and I am sure you would not wish to see them drowned." " Well, then, a bridge let there be," said my wife, "and you will leave our stock of gunpowder here, I hope; for I am never easy with it so near us: a thunder-storm, or some thoughtless action of one of the boys, might expose us to serious dangers." "You are right, my love; and I will carefully attend to your suggestion. We will keep on hand only a sufficient 120 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. quantity for daily use; I will contrive a place in the rock for the rest, where it will be safe from the chance of fire or dampness. It is an article which, according to the use which is made of it, may become, on the one hand, a most dangerous enemy, and, on the other, a most useful friend." Thus, then, we decided the important question of remov- ing to a new abode; after which we fixed upon a plan of labour for the day, and then awaked the boys. Their delight on hearing of our project may easily be conceived, but they expressed their fear that it would be along while before a bridge could be built; a single hour appearing an age to them, with such a novelty in view as the prospect of remov- ing to the wood, to live under the giant trees. They, in the fulness of their joy, entreated that the place might be called The promised Land. We now began to look about for breakfast; Fritz taking care not to neglect his monkey, who sucked one of the goats as contentedly as if she had been its mother. My wife un- dertook to milk another, and then the cow, and afterwards gave some of the milk to each of the children; with a part of what remained she made a sort of soup with biscuits, and the rest she put into one of the flasks, to accompany us in our expedition. During this time, I was preparing the boat for another journey to the vessel, to bring away a sufficient quantity of planks and timbers for the bridge. After break- fast we set out; and now I took with me Ernest as well as Fritz, that we might accomplish our object in a. shorter wime. We rowed stoutly till we reached the current, which soon drew us on beyond the bay; but scarcely had we passed a a little islet, lying to one side of us, than we perceived a prodigious quantity of seagulls and other birds. I had a THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 121 curiosity to discover what could be the reason of such an assemblage of these creatures. I steered for the spot; but, finding that the boat made but little way, I hoisted my sail. To Ernest our expedition afforded the highest delight. He was in ecstasies at seeing the sail begin to swell, and the motion of the streamer in the air. Fritz, on his part, did not for a moment take his eyes from the islet where the birds were. Presently he suddenly exclaimed, " I see what it is; the birds are all pecking, tooth and beak, at a monstrous fish, which lies dead upon the soil." I approached near enough to step upon the land, and af- ter bringing the boat to an anchor with a heavy stone, we stole softly up to the birds. We soon perceived that the object which attracted them was in reality an enormous fish, which had been thrown there by the sea. So eagerly were they occupied with the feast, that not one of them attempt- ed to fly off. We observed with astonishment the extreme voracity of this plumed group; each bird was so intent upon its prey, that we might have killed great numbers of them with our sticks alone. Fritz did not cease to express his wonder at the monstrous size of the animal, and asked me by what means he could have got there? "I believe," answered I, "you were yourself the means: there is every appearance that it is the very shark you wounded yesterday. See, here are the two balls which you discharged at its head." "Yes, yes, it is the very same," said my young hero, skipping about for joy: "I well remember I had two balls in my gun, and here they are, lodged in his hideous head." " I grant it is hideous enough," continued I; "its aspect even when dead makes one shudder, particularly when I recollect how easy it would have been for him to have L 122 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. devoured us. See what a huge mouth he has, and what a rough and prickly skin! one might almost use it for a file; and his length must be above twenty feet. We ought to be thankful to Providence, and a little to our Fritz also, for having delivered us from such a monster! But let us take away with us some pieces of his skin, for I have an idea that it may in some way or other be useful to us. But how to get at him is the difficulty." Ernest drew out the iron ramrod from his gun, and by striking with it to right and left among the birds, soon dis- persed them. Fritz and I then advanced and cut several long strips of the skin from the head of the shark, with which we were proceeding to our boat, when I observed, lying on the ground, some planks and timbers which had recently been cast by the sea on this little island. On measuring the long- est, we perceived they would answer our purpose; and, with the assistance of the crow and a lever which we had brought with us, found means to get them into the boat, and thus spare ourselves the trouble of proceeding to the vessel. With great exertion of our strength, we contrived to bind the tim- bers together, with the planks upon them, in the manner of a raft, and tied them to the end of the boat; so that, through this adventure, we were ready to return in four hours from the time of departure, and might boast of having done a good day's work. I accordingly pushed again for the current, which soon drove us out to sea; then I tacked about, and resumed the direct rout for the bay. All this succeeded to my utmost wishes; I unfurled my sail, and a brisk wind soon conveyed us to our landing-place. While we were sailing, Fritz, at my request, had nailed the strips of skin we cut from the shark to the mast to dry; and he now observed to me that this was wrong, as they had THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 123 taken its round shape in drying, and could not be made flat again. "That was precisely my intention," replied I; "they will be more useful to us round than flat ; besides, you have still some left, which you may dry flat; and then we shall have a fine provision of shagreen, if we can find a good method to rub off the sharp points, and afterwards to polish it." "I thought," said Ernest, " that shagreen was made of ass's skin." "And you were not mistaken," rejoined I; "the best shagreen is made in Turkey, Persia, and Tartary, from skin taken from the back of the ass and the horse. While the skin is yet moist, it is stretched upon a kind of hard fat; they then beat the skin, by which means the fat is incorporated, and gives the surface the appearance of a kind of file: but very good shagreen is also made from the skin of sea-fish, particularly in France." Ernest asked his brother if he knew why the mouth of the shark is not, as in other animals, placed in the middle of the snout, but directly under. Fritz confessed his inability to answer this question. "I suppose," rejoined Ernest, " that the mouth of the shark is thus placed, with the intention of preventing him from depopulating the sea and the land. With so excessive a voraciousness of appetite as he possesses, nothing would escape him if he had the power to seize his prey without turning his body ; but as it is, there is time enough for a smaller animal to make his escape." " Well reasoned, my young philosopher," cried I; " and though we should not always be able to comprehend the in- tention of the Creator in the objects which surround us, at least the conjectures we are induced to form respecting them cannot fail of being a useful exercise *.o the mind." 124 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. We were, once more landed safely on our shore, but no one of our family appeared. We called to them as loud as we could, which was answered by the same sounds in return, and in a few minutes my wife appeared between her two little boys returning from the river, a rising piece of ground having concealed her from our sight : each carried a hand- kerchief in hand, which appeared filled with some new prize ; and little Francis had a small fishing-net formed like a bag and strung upon a stick, which he carried on his shoulder. No sooner did they hear our voices, than they flew to meet us, surprised at our quick return. Jack reached us before the rest ; and his first act was to open the handkerchief he held, and pour out a large number of lobsters at our feet: their mother and little Francis produced each as many more, forming all together a prodigious heap, and all alive; so that we were sure of excellent dinners for some days at least. Some of the animals tried to escape in different directions; and the boys, in following them, were kept in full chase, sometimes pleased and somtimes angry; sometimes laugh- ing, sometimes scolding at the bootless trouble they were engaged in; for no sooner had they seized on the deserter, than ten more had followed his example. "Now, have I -not been very lucky, papa?" said little Francis; " for you must know it was I who found them out. Look, there are more than two hundred of them, and see how large they are, and what fine claws they have! I am sure they will be quite delicious!" Father. — Excellent indeed, my little fellow, and particu- larly if it was your industry that first discovered them. Jack. — Yes, father, it was Francis who saw them first ; but it was I who ran to' tell mamma, and it was I who fetch- ed the net and put it to rights, and it was I who went up to my knees in water to catch them. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 125 Father. — You make a charming story of it together, my boys; but as it is an interesting subject, you may tell me as many particulars as you please; it is indeed an event of some importance for our kitchen, and I have great pleasure in looking forward to partaking of a dish of your providing. Jack. — Well then, papa, as soon as you were gone, mamma sat down outside the tent and began to work, while Francis and I took a little walk towards the river, to find out a proper place for you to begin the bridge. Father. — Bravo, Mr. Architect; but joking apart, I am much gratified to find that careless head of yours for once employed upon a useful subject. Did you find a proper place for me to begin the bridge ? Jack. — Yes, father, yes. But listen, and you will know all. When we reached the river we saw a large stone just at the edge, and little Francis kneeling down, and touching it, suddenly cried out, " Jack, Jack, Fritz's jackall is cover- ed all over with lobsters! Run as fast as you can." I sprang to him in an instant, and saw not only the jackall covered with them, but legions more coming in with the stream. I ran to tell mamma, who quickly got the net you brought from the vessel. Partly with this net, and partly with our hands, we caught those you see in a very few minutes; and we should have caught a much larger number if we had not heard you call, for the river is quite full of them. — " You took quite enough for once, my boy," said I: "A little at a time is the maxim that suits us best, and I should even advise your taking the smallest of them back to the river, where they will grow larger; we shall still have sufficient for several magnificent repasts." — This, then, said I to myself, is a new source for our support : even here, in these arid regions, we find means to procure not only the neces- 126 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON saries of life, but even luxuries. May we never cease to evince our gratitude to Providence, by the exercise of a more than ordinary care and industry! After giving in our turn an account of our voyage, my wife set about dressing some of the lobsters, and in the mean- time Fritz and I employed ourselves in untying the raft of timbers and planks, and in moving them from the boat. ' I then imitated the example of the Laplanders, in harnessing their rein-deer for drawing their sledges. Instead of traces, halters, &c. I put a piece of rope, with a running knot at the end, round the neck of the ass, and passed the other end between its legs, to which Iiied the piece of wood which I wished to be removed. The cow was harnessed in the same manner, and we were thus enabled to carry our materials, piece by piece, to the spot which architect Jack had chosen at the river, as the most eligible for our bridge: to say the truth, I thought his judgment excellent; it was a place where the shore on each side was steep, and of equal height; there was even on our side an old trunk of a tree lying on the ground, which I foresaw would have its use. ' ' Now then, boys, " said I, ' ' the first thing is to see if our timbers are long enough to reach to the other side: by my eye, I should think they are; but if I had a surveyor's plane, we might be quite sure, instead of working at a venture." "But my mother has some balls of packthread, with which she measured the height of the giant tree," interrup- ted Ernest, " and nothing would be more easy than to tie a stone to the end of one of them, and throw it to the other side of the river; then we could draw it to the very brink, and thus obtain the exact length that would be required for our timbers." "Your idea is excellent," cried I; "nothing gives me THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 127 more pleasure than to see you exercise your invention: run quickly and fetch the packthread." He returned without loss of time; the stone was tied to its end, and thrown across as we had planned; we drew it gently back to the river edge, marking the place where the bridge was to rest: we next measured the string, and found that the distance from one side to the other was eighteen feet. It appeared to me, that to give a sufficient solidity to the timbers, I must allow three feet at each end of extra length for fixing them, ma- king therefore in all twenty-four ; and I was fortunate enough to find that many of those we had brought did not fall short of this length. There now remained the difficulty of carrying one end across the stream; but we determined to discuss this part of the subject while we ate our dinner, which had been waiting for us more than an hour. We all now proceeded homewards, and entering the kitch- en, we found our good steward had prepared for us a large dish of lobsters; but before tasting them, she insisted we should look at something she had been employed about: she produced two sacks intended for the ass, which she had seamed with packthread; the work, she assured us, had with difficulty been accomplished, since, for want of a needle large enough to carry packthread, she had been obliged to make a hole with a nail for every stich; we might therefore judge by her perseverance in such a task, of the ardour with which she longed to see her plan of a removal executed. She received on this occasion, as was well her due, abundance of compliments and thanks from her companions, and also a little good-humored raillery. For this time we hurried through our meal, each being deeply interested in the work we were about to undertake, and thinking only of the part which might be assigned him towards the execution of the 128 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Nonsuch; for this, for mutual encouragement, was the name we gave our bridge, even before it was in existence. Having consulted as to the means of laying our timbers across the river, the first thing I did was to attach one of them to the trunk of the tree, of which I have already spo- ken, by a strong cord, long enough to turn freely round the trunk; I then fastened a second cord to the other end of the timber, and tying a stone to its extremity flung it to the op- posite bank. I next passed the river as I had done before, furnished with a pulley, which I secured to a tree; I passed my second cord through the pulley, and recrossing the river with this cord in my hand,. I contrived to harness the ass and cow to the end of the cord. I next drove the animals from the bank of the river; they resisted at first, but I made them go by force of drawing. I first fixed one end of the beam firm to the trunk of the tree, and then they drew along the other end, so as gradually to advance over the river: pre- sently, to my great joy, I saw it touch the other side, and at length become fixed and firm by its own weight. In a moment Fritz and Jack leaped upon the timber, and, in spite of my paternal fears, crossed the stream with a joyful step upon this narrow but- effective bridge. The first timber being thus laid, the difficulty was consid- erably diminished; a second and a third were fixed in suc- cession, and with the greatest ease. Fritz and I, standing on opposite sides of the river, placed them at such distances from each other as was necessary to form a broad and hand- some bridge: what now remained to be done was to lay some short planks across them quite close to each other, which we executed so expeditiously, that our construction was com- pleted in a much shorter time than I should have imagined possible. The reader should have seen our young work- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 129 men, to form the least conception of the delight they felt: they jumped, danced, played a thousand antics, and uttered a thousand joyful sounds upon their bridge. For my own part, I could hardly restrain myself from joining in these demonstrations of their perfect happiness; and my wife, who had been the mover of all our operations, was as little dis- posed to a silent calm enjoyment of our success as any of .the rest: she ran to one, and then to another, embracing each in turn, and was never tired of passing and repassing on our piece of workmanship, which was every where safe and even, and at least ten feet in breadth. I had not fas- tened the cross planks to each other, for they appeared to be close and firm without it; and besides, I recollected that in case of danger from any kind of invasion, we could with the greater ease remove them, and thus render the passage of the river more difficult. Our labor however had occasioned us so much fatigue, that we found ourselves unable for that day to enter upon new exertions; and the evening beginning to set in, we returned to our home, where we partook heartily of an excellent supper, and went to bed. I 130 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. CHAPTER IX. Change of Abode. As soon as we were up and had breakfasted, the next morning, I assembled all the members of my family together, to take with them a solemn farewell of this our first place of reception from the awful disaster of the shipwreck. I con- fess that for my own part I could not leave it without regret; it was a place of greater safety than we were likely again to meet with ; it was also nearer to the vessel. I thought it right to represent strongly to my sons the danger of exposing them- selves, as they had done the evening before, along the river. — " We are now going," continued I, "to inhabit an unknown spot, which is not so well protected by nature as that we are leaving: we are unacquainted both with the soil and its inhabitants, whether human creatures or beasts; much caution is therefore necessary, and take care not to remain separate from each other." Having unburdened my mind of this necessary charge, we prepared for setting out. I directed my sons to assemble our whole flock of animals, and to leave the ass and the cow to me, that I might load them with the sacks as before concerted; I had filled these, and made a slit longways in the middle of each, and to each side of the slits I tied several long pieces of cord, which crossing each other, and being again brought round and fastened, served to hold the sacks firmly on the back of the animal. We next began to put together all the things we should stand most in need of for the two or three first days in THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON". 131 our new abode: working implements, kitchen utensils, the captain's service of plate, and a small provision of butter, &c. &c. I put these articles into the two ends of each sack, taking care that the sides should be equally heavy, and then fastened them on. I afterwards added our hammocks to complete the load, and we were about to begin to march, when my wife stopped me. — " We must not," said she, "leave our fowls behind, for fear they should become the prey of the jackalls. We must contrive a place for them among the luggage, and also one for our little Francis, who cannot walk so far, and would interrupt our speed. There is . also my enchanted bag, which I recommend to your particular care," said she, smiling, c ' for who can tell what may yet pop out of it for your good pleasure." 1 now placed the children on the ass's back, fixing the enchanted bag in such a way as to support him, and I tied them together with so many cords, that the animal might even have galloped without danger of his falling off. In the meanwhile, the other boys had been running after the. cocks and hens and the pigeons, but had not succeeded in catching one of them; so they returned empty-handed and in ill-humour. — " Little blockheads!" said their mother, " see how you have heated yourselves in running after these untractable creatures! I could have put you in a way to catch them in a moment; come with me and see." — She now stepped into the tent, and brought out two handfuls of peas and oats, and by pronouncing a few words of invitation in the accustomed tone, the birds flocked round her. She then walked slowly before them, dropping the grain all the way, till they had followed her into the tent. When she saw them all inside, and busily employed in picking up the grain, she shut the entrance, and caught one after the other without !32 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. difficulty. The boys looked at each other half ashamed, though much amused with the adventure. The fowls were then tied by the feet and wings, put into a basket covered with a net, and placed in triumph on the top of our luggage. We packed and placed in the tent every thing we were to leave, and, for greater security, fastened down the ends of the sail-cloth at the entrance, by driving stakes through them into the ground. We ranged a number of vessels, both full and empty, round the tent, to serve as a rampart, and thus we confided to the protection of heaven our re- maining treasures. At length, we set ourselves in motion*, each of us, great and small, carried a gun upon his shoulder, and a game bag at his back. My wife led the way with her eldest son, the cow and the ass immediately behind them; the goat conducted by Jack came next; the little monkey was seated on the back of his nurse, and made a thousand grimaces. After the goats, came Ernest, conduct- ing the sheep, while I, in my capacity of general superin- tendent, followed behind and brought up the rear; the dogs for the most part pranced backwards and forwards, like adjutants to a troop of soldiers. Our march "was slow, and there was something solemn and patriarchal in the spectacle we exhibited; I fancied we must resemble our forefathers journeying in the deserts, accompanied by their families and their possessions. — " Now then, Fritz," cried I, "you have the specimen you wished for of the patriarchal mode of life; what do you think of it?" — ■" I like it much, father," repli- ed he: "I never read the Bible, without wishing I had lived in those good times." "And I too," said Ernest, "I am quite delighted with it ; I cannot help fancying myself not merely a patriarch, but a Tartar, or an Arab, and that we are about to discover * 134 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. I know not how many new and extraordinary things. Is it not true, father, that the Tartars and the Arabs pass their lives in journeying from one place to another, and carrying all they have about them?" *' It is certainly for the most part true," replied I, " and, they are denominated wandering tribes; but they generally perform their journeys attended by horses and camels, by means of which they can proceed a little faster, than if, like us, they had only an ass and a cow. For my part, I should not be sorry if I were quite sure that the pilgrimage we are now making would be our last." — "And I too am of your way of thinking," cried my wife, "and I hope that in our new abode we shall be so well satisfied with the shade of such luxuriant trees, that we shall not be inclined to further rambles." We had now advanced half way across our bridge, when the sow for the first time took the fancy of joining us. At the moment of our departure she had shown herself so res- tive and indocile, that we were compelled to leave her be- hind us; but seeing that we had all left the place, she had set out voluntarily to overtake us; taking care, however, to ap- prize us, by her continual grunting, that she disapproved of our migration. On the other side of the river we experienced an incon- venience wholly unexpected. The tempting aspect of the grass, which grew here in profusion, drew off our animals, who strayed from us to feed upon it; so that, without the dogs, we should not have been able to bring them back to the line of our procession. The active creatures were of great use to us on this occasion; and when every thing was restored to proper order, we were able to continue our jour- ney. For fear, however, of a similar occurrence, I directed * THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 135 our march to the left, along the sea-side, where the produce of the soil was not of a quality to attract them. But scarcely had we advanced a few steps on the sands, when our two dogs, which had strayed behind among the grass, set up a sort of howl, as if engaged in an encounter with some formidable animal. Fritz in an instant raised his gun to his cheek, and was ready to fire; Ernest, always somewhat timid, drew back to his mother's side; Jack ran bravely after Fritz with his gun upon his shoulder; while I, fearing the dogs might be attacked by some dangerous wild beast, prepared myself to advance to their assistance. But youth is always full of ardour; and in spite of my exhorta- tions to proceed with caution, the boys, eager for the event, made but three jumps to the place from which the noise proceeded. In an instant Jack had turned to meet me, clapping his hands and calling out " Come quickly, father, come .quickly, here is a monstrous porcupine!" I soon reached the spot, and perceived that it was really as they said, bating a little exaggeration. The dogs were running to and fro with bloody noses about the animal; and when they approached too near him, he made a frightful noise, and darted his quills so suddenly at them, that a great number had penetrated the skins of the valiant creatuies, and remained sticking in them; and it was no doubt the pain they occasioned which made them howl so violently. While we were looking on, Jack determined on an attack, which succeeded well. He took one of the pistols which he carried in his belt, and aimed it so exactly at the head of the porcupine, that he fell dead the instant he fired, and before we had a notion of what he was about. This suc- cess raised Jack to the height of joy and vanity; while Fritz, on the other hand, felt a sensation of jealousy almost to 136 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. shedding tears. — "Is it right, Jack," said he, "that such a little boy as you should venture to fire off a pistol in this manner? How easily might you have wounded my father or me, or one of the dogs, by so rash an action!" — " Oh yes, to be sure, and what do you suppose hindered me from seeing that you were all behind me ? Do you think I fired without taking, care of that? Do you take me for an idiot? The porcupine could tell you about that, brother Fritz, if he could but speak. My first fire — pop — dead as a herring! This is something like, brother Fritz, and you would be glad enough to have had such a chance yourself!" Fritz only replied by a motion of his head. He was out of humour because his younger brother had deprived him of the honour of the day; and he sought a subject of complaint against him, as the wolf did with the poor little lamb. "Come, come, boys," said I, "let me hear no envious speeches and no reproaches; luck for one to-day, for another to-morrow; but all for the common good. Jack was, per- haps, a little imprudent, but you must allow that he showed both skill and courage; let us not therefore tarnish the glory of his exploit." We now all got round the extraordinary animal, on whom nature has bestowed a strong defence, by arming his body all over with long spears. The boys were at a loss what means to use for carrying away his carcass. They thought of dragging it along the ground; but as often as they attempted to take hold, there was nothing but squalling, and running to show the marks made by his quills on their hands. — " We must leave him behind," said they; " but it is a great pity." While the boys were talking, my wife and I had hastened to relieve-the dogs, by drawing out the quills and examining their wounds. Fritz had run on before with his gun, hoping THE SWISS PAMIX.Y ROBINSON. 137 he should meet with some animal of prey. What he most desired was to find one or two of those large bustards which his mother had described to him. We followed him at our leisure, taking care not to expose our health by unnecessary fatigue; till at last, without further accident or adventure, we arrived at the place of the giant trees. Such, indeed, we found them, and Our astonishment exceeded all descrip- tion. — "Good heavens! what trees! what a height! what trunks! I never heard of any so prodigious!" exclaimed one and all. — " Nothing can be more rational than your ad- miration," answered I, measuring them with my eyes as I spoke. " I must confess I had not myself formed an idea of the reality. To you be all the honour, my dear wife, for the discovery of this agreeable abode, in which we shall en- joy so many comforts and advantages. The great point we have to gain, is the fixing a tent large enough to receive us all, in one of these trees, by which means we shall be per- fectly secure from the invasion of wild beasts. I defy even one of the bears, who are so famous for mounting trees, to climb up by a trunk so immense, and so destitute of branch- es." We began now to release our animals from their burdens, having first thrown our own on the grass. We next used the precaution of tying their two fore legs together with a cord, that they might not go far away, or lose themselves. We restored the fowls to liberty; and then seating ourselves upon the grass, we held a family council on the subject of our future establishment. I was myself somewhat uneasy on the question of our safety during the ensuing night; for I was ignorant of the nature of the extensive country I be- held around me, and what chance there might be of our being attacked by different kinds of wild beasts. I accord- M 138 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. ingly observed to my wife, that I would make an endeav- our for us all to sleep in the tree that very night. While I was deliberating with her on the subject, Fritz, who longed to take his revenge for the porcupine adventure, had stolen away to a short distance, and we heard the. report of a gun. This would have alarmed me, if, at the same moment, we had not recognised Fritz's voice crying out, " I touched him! I touched him!" and in a moment we saw him running to- wards us, holding a dead animal of uncommon beauty by the paws. — "Father, father, look, here is a superb tiger cat," said he, proudly raising it in the air, to show it to the best advantage. — "Bravo! bravo!" cried I; "bravo, Nimrod the undaunted! Your exploit will call forth the gratitude of our cocks, hens, and pigeons, for you have rendered them what they cannot fail to think an important service. If you had not killed this animal, he would no doubt have demol- ished in one night our whole stock of poultry. I charge you look about in eyery direction, and try to destroy as many of the species as fall in your way, for we cannot have more dangerous intruders." Ernest. — I wish, father, you would be so good as to tell me why God created wild beasts, since man seems to be appointed to destroy them. Father. — This indeed is a question I cannot answer, and we must be contented with taking care to arm ourselves against them: neither can I explain to you why many other things, which to us appear to have only injurious qualities, have been created. With respect to beasts of prey, I am inclined to believe, that one of the ends of Providence, in giving them existence, is their embellishing and varying the works of the creation; of maintaining a necessary equilibri- um among creatures endowed with life; and lastly, to fur- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 139 nish man, who comes naked into the world, with materials for protecting himself from the cold, by the use of their skins, which become the means of exchange and commerce between different nations. We may also add, that the care of protecting himself from the attacks of ferocious animals invigorates the physical and moral powers of man, supports his activity, and renders him inventive and courageous. The ancient Germans, for example, were rendered robust and valiant warriors, through their habitual exercises in the field, which enabled them, a-t a time of need, to defend their country and their liberty with as little difficulty as they would have experienced in killing a wolf or a bear. — But let us return to the animal Fritz has killed. Tell me all the particulars of your adventure. How did you kill him? Fritz. — With my pistol, father, as Jack killed the porcu- pine. Father. — Was he on this tree just by us? Fritz. — Yes, father, I had been observing that something moved among the branches. I went softly as near as I could; and on seeing him I knew him for a tiger cat. I fired, when he fell at my feet, wounded and furious; and then J fired a second time and killed him. Father. — You were very fortunate, for he might easily have devoured you. You should always take care, in aim- ing at animals of this kind, to be at a greater distance. Fritz. — Why so, father ? I might have missed him if I had been further off. I, on the contrary, tried to be as near him as possible, and fired close to his ears. Father. — This was acting in the same way as your broth- er Jack, whom you so much derided for his want of care, and may serve you as a lesson not to blame in your brothers, what you would yourself be perhaps obliged to do in the 140 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. same situation; also not to interrupt their joy with unkind reflections, but rather to partake with them the pleasure of their success. Fritz. — Well, father; all I now ask of Jack is, that he will be so good as not to spoil the beautiful skin of this ani- mal as he did that of the jackall. Only observe what beautiful figures it is marked with, and the fine effect of the black and yellow spots; the most richly manufactured stuff could not exceed it in magnificence. What is the exact name of the animal? Father. — You may for the present give it the name of the tiger cat. I do not, however, think that it is the animal which is so denominated at the Cape of Good Hope; I rather think it is the margay, a native of America, an animal of extremely vicious dispositions and singular voraciousness; he attacks all the birds of the forest, and neither a maa, a sheep, or goat, that should fall in his way, could escape his rapacity. In the name of humanity, therefore, we ought to be thankful to you for having destroyed him. Fritz. — All the recompense I ask, father, is, that you will let me keep the skin; and I wish you would tell me what use I can make of it. Father. — One idea occurs to me; skin the animal, care- fully, so as not to injure it, particularly the parts which cover the fore legs and the tail. You may then make yourself a belt with it, like your brother Jack's. The odd pieces will serve to make some cases to contain our utensils for the table, such as knives, • forks, spoons. Go then, boy, and put away its bloody head, and we will see how to set about preparing the skin. The boys left me no moment of repose till I had shown them how to take off the skins of the animals without tear- N THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 141 ing them. In the meanwhile Ernest looked about for a flat stone as a sort of foundation for a fire-place, and little Fran- cis collected some pieces of dry wood for his mother to light a fire. Ernest was not long in finding what he wanted, and then he ran to join us and give us his assistance, or rather to reason, right or Wrong, on the subject of skinning ani- mals; and then on that of trees, making various comments and inquiries respecting the real name of those we intended to inhabit. — "It is my opinion," said he, "that they are, really and simply, enormously large hazel trees; see if the leaf is not of exactly the same form." — "But that is no proof, " interrupted I: "for many trees bear leaves of the same shape, but nevertheless are of different kinds." Ernest. — I thought, father, that the mango tree only grew on the seashore, and in marshy soils ? Father. — You were not mistaken: it is the black mango tree which loves the water. But there is, besides, the red mango, which bears its fruit in bunches, something like our currant bushes. This kind of the mango tree is found at a considerable distance from the sea, and its wood is used for dyeing red. There is a third sort, which is called the mountain mango, or yellow wood, and this is the kind whose roots produce the beautiful arches you now see around" us. Presently little Francis came running, with his mouth crammed full of something, and calling out, "Mamma, mamma, I have found a nice fruit to eat, and I have brought you home some of it!" "Little glutton!" replied his mother, quite alarmed, "what have you got there? For Heaven's sake, do not swallow, in this imprudent manner, the first thing that falls in your way; for by this means you may be poisoned, and then you would die." She made him open his mouth, and 142 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. took out with her finger what he was eating with so keen a reli'sh. With some difficulty she drew out the remains of a fig. — " A fig!" exclaimed I: "where did you get this fig?" Francis. — I got it among the grass, papa; and there are a great many more. I thought it must be good to eat, for the fowls and the pigeons, and even the pig, came to the place and ate them in large quantities. Father. — You see then, my dear, said I to my wife, that our beautiful trees are fig-trees, at least the kind which are thus named at the Antilles. I took this occasion to give the boys another lesson on the necessity of being cautious, and never to venture on tasting any -thing they met with, till they had seen it eaten by birds and monkeys. At the word monkeys, they all ran to visit the little orphan, whom they found seated on the root of a tree, and examining with the oddest grimaces the half-skinned tiger cat, which lay near him. Francis offered him a fig, which he first turned round and round, then smelled at it, and concluded by eat- ing it voraciously. — "Bravo, bravo! Mr. Monkey," ex- claimed the boys, clapping their hands; "so then these figs are good to eat! Thank you, Mr. Monkey, for, after your wise decision, we shall make a charming feast on them." In the meanwhile my wife had been busy in making a fire, putting on the pot, and preparing for our dinner. The tiger cat was bestowed upon the dogs, who waited impatiently to receive it. While our dinner was dressing, I employed my time in making some packing-needles with some of the quills of the porcupine, which the boys had contrived to draw from his skin, and bring home. I put the point of a large nail into the fire till it was red-hot; then taking hold of it with some wet linen in my hand, by way of guard, I with great ease perforated the thick end of the quills with it. I had THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 143 soon the pleasure of presenting my wife with a large packet of long, stout needles, which were the more valuable in her estimation, as she had formed the intention of contriving some better harness for our animals, and had been perplexed how to set about them without some larger needles. I, however, recommended to her to be frugal in the use of her packthread, for which I should soon have so urgent a need, in constructing a ladder for ascending the tree we intended to inhabit. I had singled out the highest fig-tree; and while we were waiting for dinner, I made the boys try how high they could throw a stick or stone into it. I also tried myself; but the lowest branches were so far from the ground, that none of us could touch them. I perceived, therefore, that we should want some new inventions for fastening the ends of my lad- der to them. I allowed a short pause to my imagination, during which I assisted Jack and Fritz in carrying the skin of the tiger cat to a near rivulet, where we confined it under water with some large stones. After this we returned and dined heartily on some slices of ham and bread and cheese, under the shade of our favourite trees. 44 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. CHAPTER X. Construction of a Ladder. Our repast ended, I observed to my wife, that we should be obliged to pass the night on the ground. I desired her to begin preparing the harness for the animals, that they might go to the seashore, and fetch pieces of wood, or other articles which might be useful to us. I, in the meantime, set about suspending our hammocks to some of the arched roots of the trees. I next spread a piece of sail-cloth large enough to cover them, to preserve us from the dew and from the insects. I then hastened with the two eldest boys to the seashore, to choose out such pieces of wood as were most proper for the steps of my ladder. Ernest wpj so lucky as to discover some bamboo canes in a sort of bog. I took them out, and, with his assistance, corripletely cleared them from the dirt; and stripping off their leaves, I found, to my great joy, that they were precisely what I wanted. I then instantly began to cut them with my hatchet, in pieces of four or five feet long; the boys bound them together in fagots, and we prepared to return with them to our place of abode. I next secured some of the straight and most slen- der of the stalks, to make some arrows with, of which I knew I should stand in need. At some distance from the place where we stood, I perceived a sort of thicket, in which I hoped to find some young pliant twigs, which I thought might also be useful to me; we proceeded to the spot; but THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 145 apprehending it might be the retreat of some dangerous rep- tile, or animal, we held our guns in readiness. Flora, who had accompanied us, went before. We had hardly reached the thicket before she made several jumps, and threw herself furiously into the middle of the bushes; when a troop of large-sized flamingoes sprang out, and with a loud rustling noise mounted into the air. Fritz fired, when two of the birds fell among the bushes: one of them was quite dead; the other was only slightly wounded in the wing, and find- ing that he could not fly, he ran so fast towards the water, that we were afraid he would escape us. Fritz, in the joy of his heart, plunged up to his knees in the water, to pick up the flamingo he had killed, and with great difficulty was able to get out again; while I, warned by his example, proceeded more cautiously in my pursuit of the wounded bird. Flora came to my assistance, and running on before, caught hold of the flamingo, and held him fast till I reached the spot and took him into my protection. All this was effected with considerable trouble ; for the bird made a stout resistance, flapping its wings with violence for some time. But at last I succeeded in securing him. Fritz was not long in extricating himself from the swamp; he now appeared holding the dead flamingo by the feet: but I had more trouble in the care of mine, as I had a great de- sire to preserve him alive. I had tied his feet and his wings with my handkerchief; notwithstanding which, he still con- tinued to flutter about to a distressing degree, and tried to make his escape. I held the flamingo under my left arm, and my gun in my right hand. I made the best jumps I was able to get to the boys, but at the risk of sinking every mo- ment in the mud, which was extremely deep, and from which it would have been difficult to release me. N 146 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, The joy of the boys was excessive, when they saw that my flamingo was alive. — "If we can but cure his wound and contrive to feed him, what a happiness it will be! 1 ' said they. "Do you think he will like to be with the other fowls?" "I know," answered I, "that he is a bird that may be easily tamed; but he will not thank you for such food as we give our fowls; he will make his humble petition to you for some small fish, a few worms, or insects." Ernest. — Our river will furnish him with all these: Jack and Francis can catch as many as he will want; and very soon, with such long legs as he has, he may learn the way to the river and find them for himself. But, father, are all flamingoes like this, of such a beautiful red colour, and the wings so exquisitely tinted with purple ? I think I have seen the flamingo in my Natural History, and the colours were not like these: so perhaps this is not a flamingo at last. Father. — I believe it is a flamingo, Ernest, and that this difference in the plumage denotes the age of the bird: when very young they are gray; at a more advanced age they are white; and it is only when they are full grown, that they are adorned with this beautiful tinted plumage. But one of you must hold our live flamingo, while I repeat my visit to the canes, for I have not done with them yet. I accordingly selected some of the oldest of the stalks, and cut from them their hard pointed ends, to serve for the tips of my arrows, for which they are also used by the savages of the Antilles. Lastly, I looked for two of the longest canes, which I cut, for the purpodfe of measuring the height of our giant tree, about which I felt so deep an interest. When I told my sons the use I intended to make of the two longest canes, they indulged themselves in a hearty laugh at me, and main THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 147 tained, that though I should lay ten such canes up the trunk of the tree, the last would not reach even the lowest branch. I requested they would oblige me by having a little pa- tience; and I reminded them, that it was not long ago that they defied their mother to catch the fowls, because they themselves had not known how to set about it. We now thought of returning. Ernest took the charge of the canes; Fritz carried the dead flamingo, and I resumed the care of the living one. We had now reached the spot where we had left the three bundles of bamboo-canes; and as my sons were sufficiently loaded, I took charge of them myself. We at length arrived once more at our giant trees, and were received with a thousand expressions of interest and kindness. All were delighted at the sight of our new cap- tures. My wife, with her usual anxiety about the means for subsisting, asked where we should get food enough for all the animals we brought home? — "You should consider," said I, "that some of them feed us, instead of being fed; and the one we have now brought you need not give much uneasi- ness, if, as I hope, he proves able to find food for himself." I now began to examine his wound, and found that only one wing was injured by the ball, but that the other had also been slightly wounded by the dog laying hold of him. I applied some ointment to both, which seemed immediately to ease the pain. I next tied him by one of his legs, with a long string, to a stake I had driven into the ground, quite near to the river, that he might go in and wash himself when he pleased. In the meantime, my little railers had tied the two long- est canes together, and were endeavouring to measure the tree with them; but when they found that they reached no 148 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. further than the top of the arch formed by the roots, they all burst into immoderate fits of laughter, assuring me, that if I wished to measure the tree, I must think of some other means. I however sobered them a little, by recalling to Fritz's memory some lessons in land-surveying he had re- ceived in Europe, and that the measure of the highest moun- tains, and their distance from each other, may be ascertained by the application of triangles and supposed lines. I in- stantly proceeded to this kind of operation, fixing my canes in the ground, and making use of some string, which Fritz guided according to my directions. I found that the height of the lower branches of our tree was forty feet: a particular I was obliged scrupulously to ascertain, before I could deter- mine the length of my ladder. I now set Fritz and Ernest to work, to measure our stock of thick ropes, of which I want- ed no less than eighty feet for the two sides of the ladder: the two youngest I employed in collecting all the small string we had used for measuring, and carrying it to their mother. For my own part I sat down on the grass, and began to make some arrows with a piece of the bamboo, and the short sharp points of the canes I had taken such pain3 to secure. As the arrows were hollow, I filled them with the moist sand, to give them a little weight; and lastly, I tipped them with a bit of feather from the flamingo, to make them fly straight. Scarcely had I finished my work, than the boys came jumping round me, uttering a thousand de- monstrations of joy: — "A bow, a bow, and some real ar- rows!" cried they, addressing each other, and then running to me. — "Tell us father," continued they, "what you are going to dp with them; do let me shoot one; — and me; and me too," cried one and all as fast as they could speak. Father. — "Have patience, boys; I say, have patience. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 149 Have you, my dear, any strong thread?" said I to my wife; " I want some immediately." — " We shall see," said she, "what my enchanted bag, which has never yet refused its aid, can do for you." She then threw open its mouth. — "Come," said she, " pretty bag, give me what I ask for; my husband wants some thread, and it must be very strong See now, did I not promise you should have your wish? — here is a large ball of the very thread you want." Ernest. — But I do not see much magic, however, mother, in taking out of a bag exactly what we had before put into it. Father, — If we are to discuss the matter seriously, Ernest, I cannot but allow that your observation is a just one; but in a moment of dreadful apprehension, such as we experi- enced on leaving the vessel, to think of a variety of little things that might be useful to one or all of us, was an act that we may truly call magical; only from the best of wives and mothers, could it have proceeded: it is, then, something like a truth, that your mother is a good fairy, who constantly provides for all our wants: but you young giddy things think little of the benefit you thus enjoy. Just at this moment Fritz joined us, having finished meas- uring the string : he brought me the welcome tidings that our stock, in all, was about five hundred fathoms, which I knew to be more than sufficient for my ladder. I now tied the end of the ball of strong thread to an arrow, and fixing it to the bow, I shot it off in such a direction, as to make the ar- row pass over one of the largest branches of the tree, and fall again to the ground. By this method I lodged my thread securely, while I had the command of the end and the ball below. It was now easy to tie a piece of rope to the end of the thread, and draw it upwards, till the knot should reach the same branch. Having thus made quite sure of being 150 THE SWISS FAMILY ' ROBINSON. able to raise my ladder, we all set to work with increased zeal and confidence. The first thing I did was to cut a length of about one hundred feet from my parcel of ropes, an inch thick; this I divided into two equal parts, which I stretched along on the ground in two parallel lines, at the distance of a foot from each other. I then directed Fritz to cut portions of sugar-cane, each two feet in length. Er- nest handed them to me, one after another; and as I re- ceived them, I inserted them into my cords at the distance of twelve inches respectively; fixing them with knots in the cord, while Jack, by my order, drove into each a long nail at the two extremities, to hinder them from slipping out again. Thus, in a very short time, I had formed a ladder of forty rounds in length, and, in point of execution, firm and compact, and which we all beheld with a sort of joyful astonishment. I now tied it with strong knots to the end of the rope which hung from the tree, and pulled it by the other, till our ladder reached the branch, and seemed to rest so well upon it, that the joyous exclamations of the boys and my wife resounded from all sides. All the boys wished to be the first to ascend upon it; but I decided that it should be Jack, he being the nimblest and of the lightest figure among them. — Accordingly, I and his brothers held the ends of the rope and of the ladder with all our strength, while our young adventurer tripped up the rounds with per- fect ease, and presently took his post upon the branch; but I observed that he had not strength enough to tie the rope firmly to the tree. Fritz now interfered, assuring me that he could- ascend as safely as his brother: but as he was much heavier, I was not altogether without apprehension. I fast- ened the end of the ladder with forked stakes to the ground, and then gave him instructions how to step in such a way as THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 151 to divide his weight, by occupying four rounds of the ladder at the same time, with his feet and hands. It was not long before we saw him side by side with Jack, forty feet above our heads, and both saluting us with cries of exultation. Fritz set to work to fasten the ladder, by passing the rope round and round the branch; and this he performed with so much skill and intelligence, that I felt sufficient reliance to determine me to ascend myself, and well conclude the busi- ness he had begun. But first I tied a large pulley to the end of the rope, and carried it with me. When I was at the top, I fastened the pulley to a branch which was within my reach, that by this means I might be able the next day to draw up the planks and timbers I might want for building my aerial castle. I executed all this by the light of the moon, and felt the satisfaction of having done a good day's work. I now gently descended my rope ladder, and joined my wife and children. Finding an inconvenience in being three together on the branch, I had directed the boys to descend first. My aston- ishment, therefore, on reaching the ground, where neither Fritz nor Jack had made their appearance, it is easier to conceive than to describe. While I was endeavouring to conjecture where they could be, we suddenly heard the sound of voices which seemed to come from the clouds, and which chanted an evening hymn. I soon perceived the trick our young rogues had played, who, seeing me busily em- ployed in the tree, instead of descending as I had desired, had climbed upwards from branch to branch, till they had reached the very top. My heart was now lightened of my apprehensions for their safety. I called out to them as loud- ly as I could to take great care in coming down. It was almost night, and the light of the moon scarcely penetrat- 152 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. ed the extreme thickness of the foliage. They presently descended without any accident, when they told us, that scarcely had my voice reached to the great height at which they were. I now directed them to assemble all our ani- mals, and to get what dry wood we should want for making fires, which I looked to as our defence against the attacks of wild beasts. I explained to them my reasons for this; informing them that in Africa, a country remarkable for its prodigious numbers of ferocious animals, the natives secure themselves from their nocturnal visits by lighting large fires, which all these creatures are known to dread and avoid. My wife now presented me with the day's work she had performed: it was some traces, and a breast-leather each for the cow and the ass. I promised her, as a reward for her zeal and exertion, that we should all be completely set- tled in the tree the following day, and we then assembled to supper. All our animals came round us, one after the other. My wife threw some grain to the fowls, to accustom them to draw together in a particular spot; and when they had eaten it, we had the pleasure of seeing our pigeons take their flight to the top of the giant tree, and the cocks and hens perching and settling themselves, and cackling all the time, upon the rounds of the ladder. The quadrupeds we tied to the arched roots of the tree, quite near to our hammocks, where they quietly lay on the grass to ruminate in tranquillity. Our beautiful flamingo was not forgotten, Fritz having fed him with some crums of biscuit soaked in milk, which he ate very heartily; and afterwards putting his head under his right wing, and raising his left foot, he abandoned himself with confidence to sleep. And now the gaping of one. and the outstretched arms of THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 153 another, gave us notice that it was time for our young labour- ers to retire to rest. We performed our evening devotions. I set fire to several of the heaps, and then threw myself con- tentedly upon my hammock. My young ones were already cased in theirs, and we were soon greeted with their murmurs at being obliged to lie so close to each other that they could not move their limbs. — "Ah, gentlemen," cried I, "you must try to be contented. No sailor is ever better accom- modated than you are now, and you must not expect beds to drop from the clouds on your behalf!" I directed them how to put themselves in a more convenient posture, and to swing their hammock gently to and fro. "And see," added I, "if sleep will not visit you as soon in a hammock as on a bed of down." They profited by my advice, and all, except myself, were soon asleep. CHAPTER XI. The settling in the Giant Tree. I had thought it necessary to keep watch during this first- night. Every leaf that stirred gave me the apprehension that it was the approach of a jackall or a tiger, who might attack us. As soon as one of the heaps was consumed, I lighted another; and at length, finding that no animal appear- ed, I by degrees became assured, and fell into a sound sleep, The next morning we took our breakfast, and fell to work. My wife, having finished her daily occupation of milking the cow and preparing the breakfast, set off with Ernest, 154 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Jack, and Francis, attended by the ass, to the sea-shore; they had no doubt of finding some more pieces of wood, and they thought it would be prudent to replenish our exhausted store. In her absence, I ascended the tree with Fritz, and made the necessary preparations for my undertaking, for which I found it in every respect convenient ; for the branch- es grew close to each other, and in an exactly horizontal di- rection. Such as grew in a manner to obstruct my design, I cut off either with the saw or hatchet, leaving none but what presented me with a sort of foundation for my work. I left those which spread themselves evenly upon the trunk, and had the largest circuit, as a support for my floor. Above these, at the height of forty-six feet, I found others, upon which to suspend our hammocks; and higher still, there was a further series of branches, destined to receive the roof of my tent, which for the present was to be formed of nothing more than a large surface of sail-cloth. The progress of these preparations was considerably slow. It was necessary to raise certain beams to this height of forty feet, that were too heavy for my wife and her little as- sistants to lift from the ground. I 4iad, however, the re- source of my pulley, which served to excellent purpose, and Fritz and I contrived to draw them up to the elevation of the tent, one by one. When I had already placed two beams upon the branches, I hastened to fix my planks upon them; and I made my floor double, that it might have sufficient solidity if the beams should be warped from their places. I then formed a wall of staves of wood like a park-paling, all round, for safety. This operation, and a third journey to the sea-shore to collect the timber necessary, filled our morning so completely, that not one of us had thought about dinner. For this once we contented ourselves with a bit of THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 155 ham and some milk, which we ate, and returned to finish our aerial palace, which began to make an imposing ap- pearance. We unhooked our hammocks from the pKoject- ing roots, and by means of my pulley, contrived to hoist them up the tree. The sailcloth roof was supported by the thick branches above; and as it was of great compass, and hung down on every side, the idea occurred to me of nail- ing it to the paling on two sides^ thus getting not only a roof, but two walls also; the immense trunk of the tree forming a third side, while in the fourth was the entrance to our apart- ment; and in this I left a large aperture, both as a means of seeing what passed without, and admitting a current of air to cool us in this burning temperature. We also on this side enjoyed an extensive view of the vast ocean, and its lengthening shore. The hammocks were soon hung on the branches, and every thing was ready for our reception that very evening. Well satisfied with the execution of my plan, I descended with Fritz, who had assisted me throughout the whole; and as the day was not far advanced, and I observ- ed we had still some planks remaining, we set about contriv- ing a large table, to be placed between the roots of the tree, and surrounded with benches; and this place, we said, should be called our dining-parlour. For this time, we performed our task imperfectly, for I confess I was much fatigued. The table, however, was such as might be well endured, and my wife expressed her approbation as she looked on, busied with preparations for our supper. In the meantime, the three youngest boys collected all the pieces of wood we had thrown down from the tree, and a quantity of small wood, to dry in a heap, at a small distance from our fire-place. Exhausted by the fatigues of the day, I threw myself on a bank, and my wife having seated herself near me, I thank- 156 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. k ed her for the tender care she was ever imposing on her- self; and then I observed to her, that the many blessings we enjoyed led the thoughts naturally to the beneficent giver of them all; and to-morrow being a Sabbath-day, we would rest from work, in obedience to his command, and other- wise keep it holy. We then summoned our young family, and prepared them for the intended solemnity. I called their recollection to the nature of the Sabbath-day; to the gratitude due from us to an Almighty being, who had saved and comforted us in the hour of peril, and the duty of our prayers and acknowledgements. I informed them that, after performing with them the service of the church, I should read to them a paper I had composed for the occa- sion, and to which I had given the name of a parable of the Great King. The children expressed their approbation of what I had said, each in his own way, and we now assem- bled round our table to supper, my wife holding in her hand" an earthen pot, which we had before observed upon the fire, and the contents of which we were all curious to be inform- ed of. She took off the cover, and with a fork drew out of it the flamingo which Fritz had killed. She informed us that she had preferred dressing it this way, to roasting, be- cause Ernest had assured her that it was an old bird, which would prove hard and tough, and had advised her to im- prove it by stewing. We rallied our glutton boy on this foible of his character, and his brothers gave him the name of the cook. We, however, had soon reason to know that he had conferred upon us an important obligation; for the bird which, roasted, we perhaps should not have been able to touch, now appeared excellent, and was eaten up to the very bones_ While we were enjoying our repast, the live flamingo stalk- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 157 ed up to the place where we were sitting, in the midst of our flock of fowls, to receive his part of the repast. He had now become so tame that we had released him from the stake. He took his walks gravely from place to place, and looked perfectly contented with his company. His fine plumage was a most pleasing sight; while, on the other hand, the sportive tricks and the grimaces of our little monkey af- forded the most agreeable spectacle imaginable. The little animal had become quite familiar with us; jumped from the shoulder of one to that of another; always caught adroitly the meat we threw him, and ate it in so pleasant a way. as to make us laugh heartily. The boys now, by my direction, lighted one of the heaps of wood. We tied long ropes loosely round the necks of our dogs, purposing to mount to our tent with the ends in my hand, that I might be able to let them loose upon the enemy at the first barking I should hear. Every one was eager to retire to rest, and the signal for ascending the lad- der was given. The three eldest boys were up in an instant; then came their mother's turn, who proceeded slowly and cautiously, and arrived in perfect safety. My own ascen- sion was last, and the most difficult; for I carried little Francis on my back, and the end of the ladder had been loosened at the bottom, that I might be able to draw it up in the tent during the night: every step, therefore, was made with the greatest difficulty, in consequence of its swinging motion. At last, however, I got to the top, and, to the ad- miration of the boys, drew the ladder after me. It appear- ed to them that we were in one of the strong castles of the ancient cavaliers, in which, when the draw-bridge is raised, the inhabitants are secured from every attack of the enemy. Notwithstanding this apparent safety, I kept our guns in 158 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. readiness for whatever event might require their use. We now abandoned ourselves to repose; our hearts experienced a full tranquillity; and the fatigue we had all undergone induced so sound a sleep, that daylight shone full in the front of our habitation before our eyes had opened. CHAPTER XII. The Sabbath and the Parable. On awaking in the morning, we were all sensible of an unusual refreshment, and a new activity of mind. "Well, young ones," cried I, jocosely, "you have learned, I see, how to sleep in a hammock: I heard not a single complaint all the night; no disputing about room from any one of you; all was still and tranquil." — "Ah," answered they, stretch- ing and yawning as they spoke, "we were so heartily fatigued yesterday, that it is no wonder we slept soundly." Father. — Here, then, my children, is another advantage derived from labour; that of procuring a sweet and peaceful sleep. My wife could not help wishing we had some place like a church for the worship of the Sabbath, till I said to her, "There is no place in the world that may not serve for a church, because we may entertain pious sentiments every- where; and this majestic arch of Heaven, the immediate work of the Almighty, ought more effectually to raise the THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 159 soul and touch the heart, than an edifice of stone made by the hand of man!" \^e descended the ladder, and breakfasted on warm milk; ; we served the animals also with their meal, and then we all sat down on the tender grass; the boys full of impatient cu- riosity; their mother absorbed in silent reflection, her hands joined, and her eyes sometimes turned towards the sky; while I was penetrated with the most lively desire to im- press upon the young minds of my children, a subject I considered of the highest importance for their well-being, both in this world and in that which is to come. All now standing up, I repeated aloud the church service, which I knew by heart, and we sang some verses from the hundred-and-nineteenth psalm, which the boys had before learned; after which we sat down, and I began as follows: "My dear children, there was once a Great King, whose kingdom was called The Country of Light and Reality, because the purest and softest light of the sun reigned there Continually, which caused the inhabitants to be in a perpet- ual state of activity. On the furthest borders of this king- dom, northward, there was another country, which also be- longed to the Great King, and the immense extent of which was unknown to all but himself. From time immemorial, a plan the most exact of this country had been preserved in the royal archives. This second kingdom was called The kingdom of Obscurity or of Night, because every thing in it was gloomy and inactive. ' "In the most fertile and agreeable part of his empire of Reality, this Great King had a residence called the Heaven- ly City, in which he lived and kept his court, which was the most brilliant that the imagination can form an idea of. Millions of guards, and servants high in dignity, remained THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 161 for ever round him, and a still larger number held them- selves in readiness to receive his commands. The first of these were clothed in robes of cloth that was lighter than silk, and white as snow; for white, the image of purity, was the favourite colour of the Great King. Others of his 'at- tendants carried flaming swords in their hands, and their garments displayed the most brilliant colours of the rainbow; each of these stood in waiting to execute the will of the King, with the rapidity of lightning, on receiving from him the slightest sign. All were happy to be admitted into his presence; their faces shone with the mildest joy: there was but one heart and one soul among them; the sentiment of paternal concord so united these beings, that no envy or jealousy ever arose among them. The common centre of all their thoughts, and all their sentiments, v/as devotion to their sovereign: it would have been impossible either to see or converse with them, without desiring to obtain their friendship, and to partake their lot. Among the rest of the inhabitants of the Heavenly City, there were some less close in their attendance upon the Great King; but they were all virtuous, all happy, all had been enriched by the benefi- cence of the monarch, and, what is of still higher price, had received constant marks of his paternal care; for his sub- jects were all equal in his eyes, and he loved them and treated them as if they had been his children. " The Great King had, besides the two kingdoms I have been describing, an uninhabited island of considerable ex- tent: it was his wish to people and cultivate this island, for all within it was a kind of chaos: he destined it to be for some years the abode of such future citizens as he intended to receive finally into his residence, to which only such of his subjects were admitted, as had rendered themselves wor- O 162 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. thy by their conduct. This island was called Earthly Abode, he who should have passed some time in it, and by his vir- tues, his application to labour, and the cultivation of the land, should have rendered himself worthy of reward, was afterwards to be received into the Heavenly City, and made one of its happy inhabitants. " To effect this end, the Great King caused a fleet to be equipped, which was to transport the new colonists to this island. These he chose from the kingdom of Night, and for his first gift bestowed upon them the enjoyment of light, and the view of the lovely face of nature, of which they had been deprived in their gloomy and unknown abode; It, will easily be imagined that they arrived joyful and happy, at least they became so when they had been for a short time accustomed to the multitude of new objects which struck their feeble sight. The island was rich and fertile when cultivated. The beneficent King provided each individual who "was disembarked upon it, with all the things he could want rn the time he had fixed for their stay in it, and all the means for obtaining the certainty of being admitted as citi- zens of his magnificent abodes when they should leave the Earthly Island. All that was required to entitle them to this benefit was, that they should occupy themselves unceas- ingly in useful labour, and strictly obey the commands of the Great King, which he made known to them. He sent to them his only son, who addressed them from his father in the following terms: "'" My dear children, I have called you from the kingdom of Night and Insensibility, to render you happy by the gifts of life, of sentiment, and of activity. But your happiness for the most part will depend upon yourselves. You will be happy if you wish to be so. If such is your sincere desire, THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 163 you must never forget that I am your good King, your ten- der father; and you must faithfully fulfil my will in the cultivation of the country I have confided to your care. Each of you shall receive, on his arriving at the island, the portion of land which is intended for him; and my further commands respecting your conduct, will be soon communi- cated to you. I shall send you wise and learned men, who lain to you my commands; and that you may of your- selves seek after the light necessary for your welfare, and remember my laws at every instant of your lives, it is my jivill that each father of a family shall keep an exact copy of wjem^nrhis house, and read them daily to all the persons who belong to him. Further, each first day of the week I require to be devoted to my service. In each colony, all the people shall assemble together as brothers in one place, where shall be read and explained to them the laws contain- eid in my archives. The rest of this day shall be employed in making serious reflections on the duties and destination of the colonists, and on the best means to fulfil the same : thus it /shall be possible to all to receive instruction concerning the best manner and most effectual means of improving the land which has been confided to your care: thus you will each day learn to manure, to sow, to plant, to water, and cleanse the land from tares, and from all evil weeds that may choke the good seed. On this same day, each of you may present his supplications, may tell me what he stands in need of, and what he desires to have, to forward the perfection of his labour: all these requests will appear before me, and I shall answer, by granting such as I shall think reasonable, and tending to a salutary end. If your heart tells you that the various benefits you enjoy, deserve your gratitude, and if you will testify it by doubling your activity, 164 THE SWISS FAMIL1 ROBINSON. and by consecrating to me the day I have chosen for myself, I wil] take care that this day of rest, instead of being an in- jury to you, shall become a benefit, through the salutary repose of your body, and that of the animals given you to assist your labours, and who, as well as yourself, should en- joy repose on that day, to recruit their strength. Even the wild animals of the field, and of the forests, ought on that day to be protected from the pursuit of the hunter. '- • He who, in his Earthly Abode, shall most strictiy have observed my will, who shall have best fulfilled the du- ties of a brother towards his fellow inhabitants, who shall have preserved his land in the best order, and shall show the largest produce from it, shall be recompensed for his deeds, and shall become an inhabitant of my magnificent residence in the Heavenly City. But the neglectful and the idle man, and the wicked man, who shall have spent their time in interrupting the useful labours of others, shall be condemned to pass their lives in slavery, or, according to the degree of their wickedness, shall be condemned to live in subterraneous mines, in the bowels of the earth. " ' From time to time, I shall send ships to fetch certain individuals from the Earthly Island, to reward or punish them, according as they have done well or ill; and as none will be warned beforehand, of the time of the coming of my messenger, it will be well for you to keep watch, that you may be ready to perform the voyage, and worthy to be received into the Heavenly City. It will not be permitted for any one to pass by stealth on board the ship, and leave his abode without my orders ; for such a one shall be se- verely punished. I shall have the most certain knowledge of all that passes in the Earthly Island, and no one will be able to deceive me. A magical mirror will at all times THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 165 show me the actions of each individual in the island, and you shall be judged according to your most secret thoughts and actions.' "All the colonists were well satisfied with the discourse of the Great King, and made him the most sacred promises. After a short time allowed for repose from the fatigue of the voyage, a portion of land, and the proper instruments for labour, were distributed to each of the strangers. They received also seeds, and useful plants, and young trees, for producing them refreshing fruits. Each was then left at liberty to act as he pleased, and increase the value of what was confided to his care. But what happened? After some time, each followed the suggestions of his fancy: one planted his land with arbours, flowery banks, and sweet- smelling shrubs; all pleasing to the sight, but which brought forth nothing. Another planted wild apple-trees, instead of the good fruit, as the Great King had commanded ; content- ing himself with giving high-sounding names to the worth- less fruit he had caused to be brought forth. A third had indeed sown good grain; but not knowing how to distin- guish the tares that grew up along with it, he pulled up the good plants before they were mature, and left only the tares in his ground. But the greater part let their land lie fallow, and bestowed no labour upon it, having spoiled their imple- ments, or lost their seed, either from negligence or idleness, or liking better to amuse themselves than to labour; many of them had wilfully misunderstood the instructions of the Great King, and sought by subtle turns to change their meaning. "Few, very few, worked with diligence and courage, and seeking to improve their land, according to the orders they had received. The great fault of these was, that they 166 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. would not believe what the Great King had sent to tell them. All the fathers of families had indeed a copy of the laws of the Sovereign, but most of them omitted to read in the book: some saying that it was useless to read it, for they knew it by heart, while they never employed their thoughts upon it. Others pretended that these laws were good for times past, but were no longer beneficial for the present state of the country. Some had even the audacity to assert, that it contained many inexplicable contradictions; that the laws it prescribed were merely supposed or falsi- fied, and that they had therefore a right to deviate from them. Others among them maintained, that the magical mirror was a mere fable; that the King was of too merciful a nature to keep galleys; that there was no such place as the subterranean mines; and that all would at last enter the Heavenly City. From habit they continued to celebrate the first day of the week, but by far the smallest part of it was consecrated to the honour of the Great King. Great numbers of them dispensed with going to the general as- sembly, either from idleness, or to employ themselves in oc- cupations which had been expressly forbidden. By far the greater part of the people considered this day of repose as intended for pleasure, and thought of nothing but adorning and amusing themselves as soon as daylight appeared. There were only then a small number of persons who kept the 'day according to the decree; and even of those who frequent- ed the assembly, many had their thoughts absent, or were sleepy, or engaged in forming empty projects, instead of listening to the words which fell from the lips of the minister of the Sovereign. The Great King, however, observed unalterably the laws he had laid down and announced, re- specting them. From time to time, some frigates appeared THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. • 167 on their coasts, each bearing the name of some disastrous malady; and these were followed by a large ship of the line, named the Grave, on board of which, the admiral, whose name was Death, caused his flag of two colours, green and black, to be constantly floating in the air. He showed the colonists, according to the situation in which he found them, either the smiling colour of Hope, or the gloomy colour of Despair. " This fleet always arrived without being announced, and seldom gave any pleasure to the inhabitants. The admiral sent the captains of his frigates, to seize the persons he was ordered to bring back with him. Many who had not the smallest inclination, were suddenly embarked, while others, who had prepared every thing for the harvest, and whose land was in the best condition, were also seized. But these last took their departure cheerfully, and without alarm; well knowing that nothing but happiness awaited them. It was those who were conscious they had neglected to cultivate their land, who felt the most regret. It was even necessary to employ force, to bring them under subjection. When the fleet was ready for departure, the admiral sailed for the port of the Royal Residence; and the Great King, who was present on their arrival, executed with strict justice both the rewards and punishments which had been promised to them. All the excuses alleged by those who had been idle, were of no avail. They were sent to the mines and to the galleys, while those who had obeyed the Great King, and well cultivated their land, were admitted into the Heavenly City, clothed in robes of brilliant colours, one exceeding the other according to the degree of merit." — Here, my dear children, ends my _parable. May you have thoroughly un- derstood its meaning, and may ycu reap the advantage it is 168 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. capable of affording you! Make it the subject of your re- flections the whole of this day. You, Fritz, I see, are thoughtful: tell me what struck you most in my narration. Fritz. — The goodness of the Great King, and the ingrati- tude of the colonists, father. Father. — And you, Ernest, what is your thought? Ernest. — For my part, I think they were great fools to have made so bad a calculation. What did they get by conducting themselves as they did? With a little pains they might have passed a very agreeable sort of life in the island, and would have been sure of going afterwards to the Hea- venly City. Jack. — To the mines, gentlemen, away with- you! you have well deserved it. Francis. — For my part, I should have liked best to have lived with the men who were dressed in the colours of the rainbow. How beautifully they must have looked! Father. — This is well, my boys. I perceive that each of you, according to his age and character, has seized the meaning of my parable. I have by this image endeavoured to represent to you the conduct of God towards man, and that of man towards God: let us see now if you have com- pletely seized the sense. — I then put different questions to them, and explained what they had not perfectly compre- hended; and after a short review of the principal parts of my discourse, I concluded by a moral application. " Human creatures," said I, " are the colonists of God; we are required to perforin the business of probation for a certain period, and, sooner or later, are destined to be ta- ken hence. Our final destination is Heaven, and a perfect happiness with the spirits of just men made perfect, and in the presence of the bountiful Father of us all. The piece THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 169 of land entrusted to each is the soul; and according as he cultivates and ennobles it, or neglects or depraves it, will be his future reward or punishment. At present, dear chil- dren, that you know the true sense of my parable, each of jou should make the application of it according to his own consciousness. You, Fritz, should think of the subjects who planted the wild apples, and wished to make them pass for sweet savoury fruit of a superior kind. These represent persons who make a parade of the natural virtues belonging to their character, and which are consequently exercised without any trouble to themselves; such as courage, strength, &c; who prefer them to more essential qualities acquired by others, with sacrifices and labour to themselves; and who, full of presumption and arrogance, consider them- selves as irreproachable, because nature has given them personal courage, and bodily strength, and a certain skill in the use of these qualities; " You, Ernest, should think of the subjects of the Great King, who cultivated their land so as to produce arbours, flowery banks, and sweet-smelling shrubs, and such produc- tions in general as would please the eye, but which produc- ed no fruit. These are they, who give their whole atten- tion to the acquiring unfruitful knowledge, sciences, &.c. and consider with a sort of contempt the things more imme- diately required for the conduct of life; who exert them- selves solely for the understanding, and neglect the heart; whose principal aim it is, to obtain self-indulgences, and who neglect what is useful in society. " You, Jack, and you, Francis, should apply to your- selves the case of those men who let their land lie fallow, or, in their thoughtlessness, mistook the grain, and sowed tares instead of wheat. These are the neglectful subjects, 170 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. who neither think nor learn, but give to the winds what is taught them, or entirely forget instruction; who reject vir- tuous sentiments, and let the bad ones grow in their hearts. But for ourselves, one and all, we will adopt the model of the good and zealous labourers; and should our exertions be a little painful, we shall think of the reward which awaits us, when we shall have adorned our souls with all that is good, just, and praiseworthy. Thus, when death, which cannot fail to come at last, shall summon us, we may follow him with joy to the throne of the Good and Great King, to hear him pronounce these sweet and consoling words: 'O good and faithful servant! thou hast been tried, and found faithful in many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.'" — With these words, and a short prayer of benediction, 1 concluded the solemnity of our Sunday; and I had the satis- faction of seeing, that my four sons had not only listened at- tentively, but that they were struck with the application I had made to each of them. — They remained for a short time reflecting in silence. Jack was the first to break it : — ' ' You have explained to us every part of the parable, father, except the copy of the laws of the Great King, which was to be kept and read in every family: have you one of these copies? for you never read it to us." Father. — My children, this copy is the Holy Bible, which contains all God's laws, and which we ought constantly to study. I cannot forgive myself for not having thought of bringing it from the vessel. Should we not be able to go another voyage, we shall forever be deprived of this divine doctrine. My Wife. — Have you then forgot my enchanted bag, which I have promised shall furnish every thing you can desire? You wish for a Bible. In a minute I will put one THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 171 into your hands; and heartily do I rejoice in having the power to procure you so great a satisfaction. Father. — Most excellent of women! Give me then the inestimable book, these laws of the Great King, which from this moment we will take for the rule of our lives. She opened her bag, and with joy I received from her the book of life. I opened it, and read some passages from it to my family. In this solitude, in which for so long a time we had heard only our own thoughts expressed in an appropriate language, we were singularly affected with the voice from Heaven, which now seemed to address us: we felt forcibly that, notwithstanding our exile, we were still connected with the community of mankind by the invisible tie of the same religion, and the same Father: we were forever numbered among the children of God, to whom he enjoins laws, and on whom he bestows his care, no less in a desert, than in an immense capital. I. explained with the utmost care what I read to them, and I gave the book in turn to each of the boys, that they might have the pleasure of reading for them- selves. I chose in preference, such passages as were ap- plicable to our circumstances. We then raised our hearts to God, to thank him for so signal a benefit as the preserva- tion of our Bible. My young folks still remained thoughtful and serious; but by and by the gaiety natural to their age prevailed, and each slipped away to seek the recreation he liked best. The next morning, the boys assembled round me with a petition that I would show them how to use arrows. We accordingly sat down on the grass; I took out my knife, and, with the remains of a bamboo cane, began to make a bow. I was well satisfied to observe them one and all take a fancy to shooting with an arrow, having been desirous to ac- 172 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. custom them to this exercise, which constituted the prin- cipal defence of the warriors of old, and might possibly be- come our only means of protection and subsistence: our pro- vision of powder must at last be exhausted; we might even, from moment to moment, be deprived of it by accident; it therefore was of the utmost importance to us, to acquire some other means of killing animals, or attacking our enemies. The Caribbees, I recollected, were taught at a very tender age, to strike an object at the distance of thirty or forty steps; they hit the smallest birds perched on the top of the tallest trees. Why then should it not be possible for my boys to learn to do the same ? While I was silently reflecting on the subject, employed in finishing a bow, Ernest, who had been observing me for some time, slipped suddenly away; and Fritz coining up at the same moment, with the wetted skin of the tiger-cat in his hand, I paid no attention to the circumstance. I began my instructions to my eldest boy respecting the trade of a tanner. I told him the method of getting rid of the fat of the skin, by rubbing it over with sand, and placing it in running water till it had no longer any appearance of flesh, or any smell; next to rub it with soft butter, to make it sup- ple, and then to stretch the skin in different directions; and also to make use of some eggs in the operation, if his mo- ther could spare them. You will not at first produce such excellent workmanship as I have seen of this kind from England; but with a little patience, regretting neither your time nor your labour, you will have completed some decent- looking cases, which will give you the more pleasure, from being the work of your own hands. W T hen your skin shall have thus been prepared, Cut certain small cylinders of wood of the size and length required; scoop these cylinders hoi- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 173 low, so as to form a convenient case for a knife, a fork, or a spoon; then stretch your softened skin upon the surface of the cylinders, in such a manner, that the skin may reach a little beyond the extremity of the wood, and close at the top; you have nothing more to do, than to let the skin cling to, and dry upon these moulds. At this moment we heard the firing of a gun, which proceed- ed from our tent in the tree, and two birds at the same time fell dead at our feet. We were at once surprised and alarm- ed, and all eyes were turned upwards to the place. There we saw Ernest standing outside the tent, a gun in his hand, and heard him triumphantly exclaiming, " catch them! catch them there! I have hit them; and you see I did not run away for nothing." He descended the ladder joyfully, and ran with Francis to take up the two birds; while Fritz and Jack mounted to our castle, hoping to meet with the same luck. One of the dead birds proved to be a sort of thrush, and the other was a very small kind of pigeon, which in the An- tilles is called an ortolan: they are very fat, and of a deli- cious taste. We now observed, for the first time, that the wild figs began to ripen, and that they attracted these birds. I foresaw, in consequence, that we were about to have our table furnished with a dish which even a nobleman might envy us. I gave the boys leave to kill as many of them as they liked. I knew that, half roasted and put into barrels with melted butter thrown over them, they would keep a long time, and might prove an excellent resource. My wife set about stripping off the feathers of the birds, to dress them for our dinner. I seated myself by her side, and proceeded in my work of arrow-making. Thus finished another day. Supper ended, and prayers said, we ascended the ladder in procession; and each got into his hammock to taste the sweets of a tranquil sleep. 174 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. CHAPTER XIII. Conversation, a Walk, and important Discoveries. Jack had finished the trial of his arrows: they flew to admiration; and he practised his new art incessantly. Lit- tle Francis waited with impatience for the moment when he should try also, and followed with his eyes every stroke I made. But when I had finished my bow, and prepared some little arrows for him, I must next undertake to make him a quiver; I took some bark from the branch of a tree, which came off in a round form; and folding the edges over each other, I stuck them together with some glue produced from our soupcakes. I next stuck on a round piece to serve for the bottom; and then tied to it a loop of string which I hung round his neck. He put his arrows into it; and, quite hap- py, took his bow in his hand, and ran to try his skill by the side of his brother. Fritz had also cleaned and prepared his materials for the cases, when his mother summoned us to dinner. We cheerfully placed ourselves under the shade of our tree, round the table I had manufactured. At the end of the repast, I made the following proposition to the boys, which I was sure would give them pleasure. " What think you, my good friends," said I, "of giving a name to the place of our abode, and to the different parts of the country which are known to us? I do not mean a general name to the whole island, but to the objects we are most concerned with: this will make us better understand THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 175 each other, when conversing about them; and also present to us the soothing illusion, of inhabiting a country already known and peopled." They all exclaimed, joyfully, that the idea was excellent. Jack. — Oh! pray, father, let us invent some very long names, and that are very difficult to be pronounced. I should be glad that those who shall read about us, should be a little puzzled to remember the names of the places and things that belonged to us. What pains has it not cost me to remember their Monomotapa, their Zanguebar, their Coromandel, and many other still more difficult. * Ah! now we shall take our revenge of them. Father. — This would be well, if it were probable that our history in this country, and the names we shall have bestow- ed, were likely to be objects of public curiosity; but in the meanwhile you forget that our own organs will be fatigued, by frequently pronouncing such barbarous words as you propose. Jack. — How shall we manage, then? What pretty hame3 can we find? Father. — We will do as all sorts of nations have done be- fore us. We will call the places by different words from our own language, that shall express some particular cir- cumstance with which we have been concerned. Jack. — Well, so we will: I shall like this still better. Where shall we begin ? Father. — We shall naturally begin with the bay bv which we entered this country. What shall we call it ? What say you, Fritz? You must speak first, for you are the eldest. Fritz. ---Let us call it Oyster Bay: you remember what quantities of oysters we found in it. Jack. — Oh, no! let it rather be called Lobster Bay: for 17b THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. you cannot have forgot what a large one it was that caught hold of my leg, and which I carried home to you. Ernest. — Why then we may as well call it the Bay of Tears, for you must remember that you blubbered loud enough for all of us to hear you. My Wife. — My advice would be that, out of gratitude to God, who conducted us hither in safety, we ought to call it Providence Bay, or the Bay of Safety. Father. — These words are both appropriate and sonorous, and please me extremely. But what name shall we give to the spot where we first set up our tent? Fritz. — Let us call it simply Tent House. Father. — That will do very well. And the little islet at the entrance of Providence Bay, in which we found so many planks and beams that enabled us to make our bridge, how shall it be named? Ernest. — It may be called Sea-Gull Island, or Shark Is- land; for it was here we saw those animals. Father. — I am for the last of these names, Shark Island: for it was the shark that was the cause of the sea-gulls be- ing there; and thus we shall also have a means of commem- orating the courage and the triumph of Fritz, who killed the monster. Jack. — For the same reason, we will call the marsh, in which you cut the canes for our arrows, Flamingo Marsh. Father. — Quite right, I think; and the plain, through which we passed on our way to this place, Porcupine Field, in memory of your skilful encounter with the animal. But now comes the great question, — What name shall we give to our present abode? Ernest.— It ought to be called, simply, Tree Castle. Fritz. — No, no, that will not do at all; that is the same THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. . 177 as if, when we wanted to name a town, we called it The Town. Let us invent a more noble name. Jack. — Yes, so we will. I say Fig Town. Fritz. — Ha, ha, ha! a noble name, it must be confessed! Let us call it The Eagle's Nest, which I am sure has a much better sound. Besides, our habitation in the tree, is really much more like a nest, than a town, and the eagle cannot but ennoble it, since he is the king of birds. Father. — Will you let me decide the question for you? I think our abode should be called The. Falcon's Nest; for, you are not arrived at the dignity of eagles, but are, too tru- ly, poor simple birds of prey; and like the falcon, you also are, I trust, obedient, docile, active, and courageous. Er- nest can have no objection to this; for, as he knows, falcons make their nests in large trees. All exclaimed, clapping their hands, " Yes, yes, we will have it The Falcon's Nest! the sound is quite chivalrous; so health to Falcon's Nest Castle!" cried they, all looking up to the tree, and making low bows. I poured out a small quantity of sweet wine, and presented it to each, to solemnize our baptism. — " Now then," said I, "for the promontory, where Fritz and I in vain wearied our eyes, in search of our companions of the vessel ? I think it may properly be called Cape Disappoint- ment." JUL — Yes, this is excellent. And the river with the bridge Father. — If you wish to commemorate one of the greatest events of our history, it ought to be called The Jackall's River; for these animals crossed it when they came and attacked us, and it was there that one of them was killed. The bridge I should name Family Bridge, because we were all employed in its construction, and all crossed it together 12 178 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. in our way to this place Let me ask you all, if it will not be a great pleasure to converse about the country we inhab- it, now that we have instituted names as if every thing belonged to us? Ernest. — It will be just as if we had farms and country houses, all dependent upon our castle. Francis. — It is the same as if we were kings. My Wife. — And the queen-mother is not without hope, that her little slips of majesty will conduct themselves mer- cifully towards their subjects, the birds, the agoutis, the geese, and the flamingoes; the What more shall I say? for I do not know the family name of all your vassals. Let me therefore end, by hoping that you will not depopu- late your kingdom. Fritz. — No, mother, we will take care of that. We will endeavour to extirpate only those among our subjects who are wicked. In this pleasing kind of chat, the time of dinner passed agreeably away. We settled the basis of a geography of this our new country; and amused ourselves with saying, that it must go by the first post to Europe. As the evening advanced, and the intense heat of the day began to diminish, I invited all my family to take a walk. "Leave your work for this time, my boys," said I, "and let us make a short excursion; let us seek, in the beautiful face of nature, the traces of the wisdom and goodness of the Creator. Which way shall we direct our steps?" Fritz. — Let us go to Tent House, father; we are in want of powder and shot for the little consumers of our figs; nor must we miss our dinner for to-morrow, or forget that we are to secure a supply for winter. My Wife. — I too vote for Tent House; my butter is near- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 179 ly gone, for Fritz took an unreasonable share for his new trade of tanning; also, I have never failed to observe, that those who most zealously preach a life of frugality and economy, are at least as Well satisfied as the rest, when I present them with'a savoury dinner. Ernest. — If we goto Tent House, let us try to bring away some of the geese and ducks with us: they will look very well swimming about in our stream here, by Falcon's Nest. Jack. — I will undertake to catch them, if any one will help to bring them home. Francis. — And I will catch my handkerchief full of lob- sters in the Jackall's River, and we will put them into Fal- con's Stream, where, no doubt, they will thrive to admira- tion. Father. — You really all of you assign such good reasons, that I see T must yield to them. To Tent House, then, we will go; but we will not take our accustomed road along the sea-shore, but rather vary our pleasure, by trying to explore some other way. We will keep along our own little stream as far as the wall of rocks: it will be easy for us to cross it, by jumping from stone to stone, and so to get to Tent House: we will return with our provisions by the road of Family Bridge, and along the sea-shore. This new route may possibly furnish some additional discoveries. My idea was highly applauded, and all was soon arrang- ed for our setting out. Fritz was adorned with his fine tiger-cat-made belt. Jack had his belt also armed with two pistols, round his waist. Each carried a gun and a game bag; even little Francis had his bow in his hand, and his quiver on his shoulder. Their mother was the only person not burdened with a gun; but she carried her large butter- pot, to fill it at our large storehouse. Turk marched before 180 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. us, with his coat of mail studded with spikes, but it was ap- parent that he felt intimidated and ill at ease; his step was therefore slow and quiet. Our route along the stream was at first extremely agree- able, being sheltered by the shade of large trees, while the ground under our feet was a short and soft kind of grass. To prolong the pleasure of our walk, we proceeded slowly, amusing ourselves with looking about us to the right and left; the eldest boys made frequent escapes on before, so that we sometimes lost sight of them. In this manner we reached the end of the wood; but the country now appear- ing to be less open, we thought it would be prudent to bring our whole company together. On looking forward, we saw the boys approaching us full gallop, and this time, for a wonder, the grave Ernest was first. He reached me pant- ing for breath, and so full of joy and eagerness, that he could not pronounce a single word distinctly; but he held out his hand, which contained three little balls of a light green colour. "We have found a prize, indeed, father," cried he at last, when he had recovered his voice; "we have found some potato seed!" "What say you? potato seed?" inquired I joyfully; "have you really been so fortunate? Come near, every one of you, and let me look at your little balls;" fori scarce- ly dared believe in so happy an event, as the discovery of a plant which would place us forever beyond the reach of hunger, and even of apprehension. We all hastened to the place where these tubercles had been gathered, and, with extreme joy we found there a large plantation of potato plants; a number of them were cover- ed with their lilac and yellow blossoms, the sight of which THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 181 conveyed more pleasure to our hearts than if they had been the most fragrant roses. Jack bawled out, jumping for joy, "They are really potatoes! and though it was not I who discovered them, at least it shall be I who will dig thern up." Saying this, he knelt down and began to scratch them up from the earth with his hands; the rest of us, unwilling to be idle spectators, set to work also: with our knives and sticks we soon procured a sufficient number to fill our bags and our pockets. "There are," observed I, " different kinds of vegetables, more succulent and more delicate than the potato; but it is this plain sustenance, that can be eaten for the longest time together, without satiety: accordingly, food of this nature, such as bread, rice, potatoes, obtains on the whole, a pre- ference over provisions possessing a higher flavour. Can you tell me, boys, the reason of this?" Ernest. — I know; it is because they are more whole- some. Jack. — And because they occasion no disgust: I could eat potatoes every day of my life, without being tired of them. Father. — All you say is true; in future they will serve us for bread, and often indeed for our whole dinner. But let us for the present dismiss the subject of our unexpected good fortune, and resume our expedition. 182 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. CHAPTER XIV. Continuation of the preceding Chapter; and more Discoveries. Conversing on different subjects, we reached the long chain of rocks, over which our pretty Falcon Stream made its escape in a cascade, delighting at once the eye and the ear in its progress. We thus reached JackalPs River,, and from thence to Tent-House, having with difficulty pushed through the high grass which presented itself. Our fatigue, however, was relieved by the uncommon beauty of the scenery around: on the right hand was a boundless sea; on the left, the island, with the bay by which it was accessible, and the chain of rocks, forming altogether an assemblage of the picturesque, equal to what the liveliest fancy could de- sire. We distinguished different families of grasses, many of them of the thorn-leaved species, and stronger than those cultivated in the green-houses of Europe. There was also in abundance the Indian fig, with its large broad leaf; aloes of different forms and colours; the superb prickly candle, or cactus, bearing straight stalks, taller than a man, and crowned with long straight branches, forming a sort of star. The broad plantain spread along the rocks its innumerable boughs twisted with each other, hanging down perpendicu-^ larly, and ornamented with flowers, which grew in large tufts, and were of the brightest rose-colour, while that which pleased us best, and which was found there in great abun- dance, was the king of fruits, both for figure and relish, the crowned pine-apple, of which we all partook with avidity. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 183 Soon after, I was fortunate enough to discover among the multitude of plants which grew either at the foot or in the clefts of the rock, the karata (the Bromelia Karata of Lin- naeus), many of which were now in blossom. Travellers have given so perfect a description of this plant, that it was impossible I should mistake it. I pointed out to the boys the immense size of its leaves, hollowed in the middle like a saucer, in which rain is for a long time preserved; also, its beautiful red flowery. As I was acquainted with the properties of this useful plant, the pith of which is used as tinder by the Negroes, who also make a strong kind of thread from the fibres of its leaves, I was not less satisfied with the discovery than I had been with that of the potatoes. Wishing to exhibit one of its uses to my children, I desired Ernest to take out my flint and steel. I took a dried stalk of the tree, stripped off the bark, and there appeared a kind of dry spongy substance, which I laid upon the flint; and then striking it with a steel, it instantly caught fire. The boys looked on with astonishment, and soon began to caper about, exclaiming: "Long live the tinder-tree!" "Here, then," said I, ."we have an article of greater usefulness than if it served merely to gratify the appetite. Your mother will next inform us what materials she will use for sewing your clothes, when her provision of thread from the enchanted bag is exhausted." My Wife. — I have long been uneasy upon this very sub ject, and would willingly exchange our greatest luxury for some hemp or flax. Father. — And your wish shall be accomplished. If you examine, you will find some excellent thread under the leaves of this extraordinary plant, where all-provident nature 184 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. has placed a storehouse of this valuable article, though the lengths of thread will be found not longer than the leaf. I accordingly drew out of one of the leaves a strong piece of thread of a red colour, which I gave to my wife. " How fortunate it is for us," said she, "that you have had the habit of reading and of study! None of us would have had a thought about this plant, or have conceived that it could be of any use: — but will it not be difficult to draw out the lengths of thread through the . prickles that surround them?" Father. — Not in the least; we shall put the leaves to dry, either in the sun, or by a gentle fire. The useless part of the leaf will then separate by being beaten, and the mass of thread will remain. Fritz. — I see clearly, father, that we ought not to trust to appearances; but one may, I suppose, assert that there are no good qualities in the prickly plants, which are growing here in all directions, and wounding the persons who go near them: of what use can they possibly be? Father. — The greatest part of these possess medicinal virtues; great use is made in pharmacy of the aloe, which produces such abundance of beautiful flowers; in green- houses in Europe, some have been seen to bear more than three thousand blossoms. At Carlsbad, upon the estates of Count de Limbourg, there was an aloe-tree twenty-six feet in height; it had twenty-eight branches, which branches bore more than three thousand blossoms in the space of a month. At Paris, at Leyden, in Denmark, there have been also seen some exceedingly curious specimens of this tree; many of them are full of a resinous sort of sap, of which valuable gums are made. But look, here, too, is the Indian fig, or prickly pear, a vegetable of no common interest; THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 185 it grows in the poorest soils, and, as you see, upon the rocks; the poorer the soil, the more luxuriant and succulent its leaves; I should be tempted to believe that it was nour- ished by the air rather than by the earth. It is also called the racket-tree, from the resemblance of its long, thick, flat leaves to that well-known instrument. The plant bears a kind of fig, which is said to be sweet and palatable when ripened in its native, sun, and it is a salutary and refreshing food. This, then, is another plant of great utility. I next instructed them how to gather this prickly fruit without in- jury to their ringers. I threw up a stone, and brought down a fig, which I caught upon my hat; I cut off one end, and was thus enabled to hold it on a knife while I peeled off the skin. I then resigned it to the curiosity of my young com- panions. The novelty, rather than the taste, of the fruit, made them think it excellent: they all found means to gather some of the fiffs, and each was busied in inventing the best method of taking off the skins. In the meantime, I perceived Er- nest holding a fig upon the end of his knife, turning it about in all directions, and bringing it close to his eye with a look of curious inquiry. — " I wish I could know," said at length our young observer, " what little animals these are in the fig, which feed so eagerly upon it, and are of quite a scar- let colour." Father. — Ha, ha! this too will perhaps turn out a new discovery, and an additional source of usefulness. Let me look at your fig; I will wager that it is the insect called the cochineal. Jack. — The cochineal ! what a droll name ! What is the cochineal, father? Father. — It is an insect of the kind called auckerSy or a 186 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON kermes. He feeds upon the Indian fig, which, no doubt, is the cause of his beautiful colour, so much esteemed in dye- ing; for nothing else produces so fine a scarlet. In Ameri- ca, they stretch pieces of linen under the branches, and then shake the tree; and when the insects have fallen in great numbers, the ends of the linen are folded together to en- close them; the insects are sprinkled with vinegar or cold water, and then dried, and sent to Europe, where a high price is paid for them. But I have not yet mentioned a still superior usefulness, peculiar to the Indian fig-tree: — what if I should assert that it can be used as a protection to man? Fritz. — As a protection to man! Why, how can that be, father ? Father. — It is well adapted for enclosing the dwellings of man; for you see, that besides the prickles, there is a large thorn at each of the knots in the stalk, well calculated for repelling the attacks of animals or men. This, then, you see, is a third usefulness the Indian fig-tree can boast, and of which I was not at first aware. You must perceive of what importance these enclosures are; and the rather, as they are made with so little trouble; for if you plant only one of its leaves in the ground, it immediately takes root, and grows with astonishing rapidity. Jack, the thoughtless, here cried out, that with the assis- tance of a knife, or even a stick, it would be easy to get over such a hedge; and he began to cut down with his clasp-knife a pretty large plant, striking to right and left with all his might, till one of the divided leaves fell with such violence on his leg, that the thorns struck into the flesh, and Jack roared out piteously, and quickly sat down to draw them out. I could not, as I assisted him, refrain from laughing a little at his adventure. I observed to him, how THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 187 difficult it must be for savages, who wear no clothes, to force such a barrier as they formed; and for this once, I had the pleasure of convincing him. Ernest. — Ah, father, do let us make a hedge of these plants round our tree; we shall then have no further occa' sion for fires to preserve us from wild beasts, or even from the savages, who may arrive in their canoes, as they did on Robinson Crusoe's Island. Fritz. — And we could, then, easily gather the cochineal, and try to make the same beautiful scarlet colour. Father. — We shall have time enough for many things, my dear children; but for the present, it is sufficient to prove to you, that God has not made anything to be wholly useless; and that it is the duty of man, on whom he has bestowed the gifts of wisdom and intelligence, to employ those faculties in discovering the utility of the different productions he has allowed to exist. Jack. — For my part, I have done with the Indian fig-tree, its fruit, its cochineal, and its ugly thorns, and I will never go near it again. Father. — If the plant could speak, it would most likely say, That little boy shall not come near me any more. Without any reason, or any necessity, but purely out of contradiction to his father, he attacks and destroys me; me, who would have done him service, if he would but have treated me with kindness, and have been careful in coming near me. — And now, Jack, if your leg is still painful, apply a leaf of the karata to it, for I recollect that the plant pos- sesses the property of curing wounds. He accordingly' took my advice, and in a few minutes was able to join us on our road to Tent-House. " Now then," said Ernest, " I have had an opportunity 188 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. of learning the valuable properties of the karata tree, and of the Indian fig-tree : but I wish I could also be informed what those tall plants are which look like sticks covered with thorns, that I perceive every where about us; I see neither fruit nor insects on them: of what use, then, father, do you think they can be?" Father. — It is not in my power to explain to you the uses of all the plants in the world; I presume that many exist which have no other than that of contributing to the suste- nance of different kinds of animals; and, as I have already told you, it is for man, by his superior intelligence, to dis- cover those that can be applied to his own use. Many possess medicinal qualities of which I am ignorant, and which will become better known as the world advances in age. The plant you speak of is perhaps the prickly candle,, described by Bruce, in his Travels to Abyssinia, and of which he gives a drawing; the only difference that I per- ceive being the size. "They serve," says he, "for food to the elephant and the rhinoceros; the first with his strong teeth, or his trunk, and the latter with his horn, lays hold of this seeming stick, and rips it up from one end to the other; they then devour the pith, and sometimes the rind." Ernest.- — The palate of these animals must surely be made of iron, to be able to chew such a thorny substance without injury. Fritz. — Why so? Camels and asses are very fond of thistles, and appear to digest them extremely well. It is probable, therefore, that the stomach of these animals is so formed, that ihese prickly substances occasion in it only an agreeable excitation, favourable to their appetite and their digestion. Father. — Your idea is not a bad one; and if it be not true, it is at least probable. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 189 Fritz. — Will you tell me, father, the precise difference between trite and py^obablel Father. — Your question is one of those which have occu- pied the attention of philosophers for countless years, and would be too tedious for discussion at this moment; I will, however, endeavour to make my answer such, as to be of use to you, in the science of logic, or the art of reasoning. Let us see if you will understand it — What we call true, is that which cannot in any way be contradicted, and which exactly agrees, in every point, with the idea we conceive of a certain object, or as it really exists before our eyes: for example, when I make an impression with my seal on some warm wax, it is absolutely true that the figure impressed on the \vax, is the same as that on the seal. A thing is proba- ble, when we have a variety of motives for believing it true, without, however, being able to bring any proof. Again, we call false, that which is in positive contradiction to all our notions, our reason, and our experience. Is it true, pro- bable, or false, that a man can fly up into the air? All. r— It is false, absolutely false. Father. — How so? Jack. — Because the thing is impossible. Father. — Very well, my young philosopher, and why is the thing impossible ? Jack.— Because it is not possible. father. — Ha, ha, ha! here is a pretty round of possible and impossible. It is false because no such thing can be done, and no such thing can be done, because it is not possible. Presently you will tell me that it is impossible because it is false. Try again, my lads, we must have some better rea- sons. What say you, Ernest? Ernest. — I say, that the thing cannot be done, bee-use it 190 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. is not in the nature Of man to fly; that haying no wings, he is not formed for flying. Father. — Well, but if some one should assert, that a man is able to make a machine, by the assistance of which he can raise and support himself in the air without wings, and without the machine resting upon any thing; would this be probable or improbable"? What think you Fritz? Fritz. — I think I should have said improbable, if I had not known that people have accomplished what you describe, by the invention of balloons. Father. — And why should you have thought it improba- ble! Fritz. — Because man is, in his nature, heavier than the air; and I should have supposed, that a machine of what- ever kind, instead of diminishing, would only add to his weight. - ' Father. — Very well reasoned. But you would be told that this machine is of large dimensions, and composed of a close, light kind of silk, and that it is filled with air chemi- cally prepared, which being much lighter than atmospheric air, tends perpetually to ascend, and supports the man in the air, as bladders support you upon the water. Do you understand all this, my boy? and what have you to say in answer ? Fritz. — Yes, father, I understand it; and I perceive how it might be probable, that since man has discovered a means to be sustained upon water, he might also find the means fr^ to raise and sustain himself in the air. Father. — And when a multitude of persons of veracity, and of different ages, shall declare that with their own eyes they saw a balloon, to which a parachute was fastened filled with men, and that all mounted in the air together, and dis- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 19 i appeared above the clouds; should you still maintain that it is false that a man can fly ? All. — No, to be sure, we should say that it is quite true that he can iiy. Father. — And yet you all said, but a minute ago, that it was absolutely false. Fritz. — Ah! but" we said that, father, of a man by himself, independently of any machine he might construct; for though nature has refused him wings, she has not failed to bestow on him an inventive mind, which more than compensates for til at deficiency. Father. — Your observation is perfectly just, and I hope you will not fail to profit by it. With the aid of his intelli- gence, and his reason, there is scarcely any thing which man cannot attain to. But to return to our example: you will find in it the definition of the words which you ask me about: it is false, that a man of himself can fly; it is proba- ble, that by the aid of a machine of his own invention he_ may be enabled to mount and sustain himself in the air; and it is also absolutely true, that this has been effected by man, though without his having yet found a certain "means of guiding these factitious wings; a defect which, in a great measure, renders his discovery useless. At this point of our discourse, we reached Jackall's Riv- er, which we crossed, stepping with great care from stone to stone, and shortly arrived at our old habitation, where we found every thing as we had left it; and each went in pur- suit of what he intended to take away. Fritz loaded him- self with powder and shot: I and my wife and Francis em- ployed ourselves in filling our pot with butter, the carrying of which on our return it was agreed was to fall on me. Er- nest and Jack looked about for the geese and ducks; but 192 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. as they were become somewhat savage, the boys could not succeed in catching one of them. The idea then occurred to Ernest, of taking a small bit of cheese, and tying it to the end of a piece of string, and holding it to float in the water. The voracious animals hastened eagerly to seize it. In this way, Ernest drew them towards him, one by one, with the cheese in its mouth, till he had caught the whole: each bird was then tied in a pocket handkerchief, leaving tbe head at liberty, and fastened one to each game-bag, so that all had a share in carrying them. We had a thought of taking back a provision of «alt; but the sacks being occupied with potatoes, we could only throw a small quantity loose into one of them, to lie between the potatoes: in this way we secured a tolerable supply. We now set out loaded on our return. The ducks and geese, with their heads and necks stretching out at our shoulders, cackling with all their might, gave us a truly sin- gular and ludicrous appearance, and we could not help laughing immoderately as we passed the bridge, one after another, accoutred in so strange a fashion. Our mutual . jokes, and the general good humour which prevailed, served to shorten the length of the walk, and none complained of fatigue, till seated under our tree at Falcon's Stream. My wife now prepared to console us^ by putting some of the potatoes which we so eagerly desired to taste, immediately on the fire. She next milked the cow and the goat, and gave us a draught of their warm milk. The kind creature-, fatigued at least as much as any of us, made no attempt to rest herself, till she had provided us with all she had to give for our refreshment. Having dined heartily on our potatoes, we concluded the day with evening-prayers, and then joy- fully climbed our ladder to seek the blessing of repose in our aerial castle. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 193 CHAPTER XV. Hopes of a Sledge — Some short Lessons in useful Things. I had observed along the shore many pieces of wood, of which I thought I could make a kind of conveyance for our cask of butter and other provisions from Tent-House to Falcon's Stream, and had secretly determined to go early the next morning, before my family should be awake, to the spot. I had fixed upon Ernest for my assistant, thinking that his indolent temper required to be stimulated to exer- tion. I made him feel as a great favour the preference I gave him, and he promised to be ready at a very early hour. I was also desirous to leave Fritz with the family, as, being the tallest and strongest, he was more able to afford protection. At the first dawn of morning I quietly awoke Ernest. He got up, and we descended the ladder without being perceiv- ed by the rest, who continued to sleep soundly. We roused the ass, and I made him draw some large branches of a tree, which I w r anted for my undertaking. We were not long in finding the pieces of wood, and set to work to cut them the proper length, and we then laid them cioss-ways on the branches, which we thus converted into a kind of vehicle. We added to the load a little chest, which we found half buried in the sands, quite close to the waves, and then we set out on our return to Falcon's Stream. When we reached our abode, the chest we had brought was 194 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. soon opened by a strong hatchet, for all were eager to see what was within. It contained only some sailors' dresses and some linen: and both were wet with the sea. We then sat down tranquilly to breakfast; and I next in- spected the booty of the young sportsmen, who had shot, in all, no less than fifty ortolans and thrushes, and had used so large a quantity of powder and shot, that when they were about to resume their sport, my wife and I stopped them, re- commending a more frugal use of those valuable materials. I taught them how to make -some snares, to be suspended from the branches of the fig-tree, and advised them to use the thread of the karata, which is as strong as horse-hair, for the purpose. What is new always amuses young persons, and the boys accordingly took a great fancy to this mode of sporting. Jack succeeded in his very first attempt; I left Francis to assist him, and took Fritz and Ernest to help me in making the new carriage. As we were hard at work, a prodigious clatter was heard among the fowls; the cock crowed louder than the rest, and the hens ran to and fro, as if pursued. "I wonder what is the matter with the creatures," cried my wife, rising; " ev- ery day I hear the hens clucking as if they had been laying eggs." At this moment Ernest happened to look at the monkey, and remarked that he fixed his piercing eyes on the hens; and when he saw my wife approaching, driving the hens before her, he jumped quickly into a hollow place under one of the roots of the tree, and hid himself. Ernest was at the place as soon as he, and caught him with a new- laid egg in his paw, which he was going to conceal. The monkey sprang away to another hole, and Ernest followed; here also he found some eggs, and brought them in his hat to his mother, who received them with great pleasure. The THE SWISS FAMi^Y ROBINSON. 195 monkey, greedy of such food, had seized the eggs as soon as the hens had laid them. We inflicted no other punish- ment upon him for this little piece of knavery, than that of tying him up when the hens were about to lay. My wife expressed her joy at this new acquisition, and soon collected a great number of eggs, and we waited with impatience for the time when the hens would sit, in the hope of seeing their species multiplied. In the meanwhile, Jack had got up into the tree, and had suspended some of the snares to the branches, to catch the little devourers of our figs; he came down again to bring us the acceptable intelligence, that our pigeons had made a sort ofnest there of some dry grass, and that it already contained several eggs. I therefore forbade the boys from firing any more in the tree, for fear of alarming or wounding these gentle creatures. I also directed that the snares should be frequently examined, to see that the pigeons were not caught in them, as they might be strangled in their efforts to get loose. My sons had all murmured a little at my pro- hibition of the gunpowder; and little Francis with his in- nocent face came running to tell me, that he was going to ask his brother to help him to sow some gunpowder, that they might have plenty. We all laughed heartily at the idea, and Professor Ernest did not overlook the occasion to display his science. During these arrangements, the boys and I had been busily employed: our work was completed. Two bent pieces of wood, the segments of a circle, which I fixed in their places by a straight piece of wood placed across, and firmly fixed to the bent pieces in the middle, and at the rear, for- med the outline of my machine. I then fastened two ropes in front, and here was a sledge as perfect as could be de- 196 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. sired. As I had not raised my eyes from my work, I did not know what my wife and the two youngest boys had been about. On looking up, I perceived that they had been strip- ping off the feacners from a quantity of birds which the boys had killed, and that they afterwards spitted them on an offi- cer's sword, which Fritz had fancied and brought from the ship, and which my wife had turned into this useful kitchen utensil. I approved of the idea; but I blamed her profusion, in dressing more birds at once than we could eat. She re- minded me, that I had myself advised her to half roast the birds before putting them into the butter, to be preserved for future use. She was in hopes, she said, that as I had now a sledge, I should not fail of going to Tent-House after dinner, to fetch tha cask of butter, and in the meanwhile, she was endeavouring to be ready with the birds. I had no objection to this, and determined on going to Tent-House the same day, requesting my wife to hasten the dinner for that purpose. She replied, that this was already her inten- tion, as she also had a little project in her head, which I should be informed of at my return. I, for my part, had one too, which was to refresh myself after the heat and fa- tigue of my laborious occupations, by a plunge into the sea. I wished that Ernest, who was to accompany me, should bathe also ; while Fritz was to remain at home for the pro- .ection of the family. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 197 CHAPTER XVI. A Bathing, a Fishing, the jumping Hare, and a Masquerade, At the moment of departure, Fritz presented his brother and myself with a case of his own workmanship, which we stuck into our belts, and which, in reality, were well con- trived for holding spoons, and knives and forks, while room was left in the middle for a little hatchet. I praised Fritz for having thus brought his idea to perfection, and for con- triving to make two cases with his skin instead of one. . We had harnessed the ass and the cow to our sledge; we each took a piece of bamboo-cane in hand, to serve as a whip; and resting our guns upon our shoulders, began our journey. Flora was to accompany us, and Turk to remain behind. We bade adieu to our companions, and put our animals in motion. We took the road by the sea-shore, where the sands afforded better travelling for our vehicle, than the thick wild grass. We reached Family Bridge, on Jackall's River, and arrived at Tent-House without either obstacle or adventure, and unharnessed the animals to let them graze, while we set to work to load the sledge with the cask of butter, the cask of cheese, a small barrel of gun- powder, different instruments, some ball, and some shot. These exertions had so occupied our thoughts, that it was late when we first observed that our animals, attracted by the ex- cellent quality of the grass on the other side of the river, had repassed the bridge, and wandered so far as to be out of sight. 198 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. I was in hopes they would be easily found, and directed Er- nest to go with Flora and bring them back, intending in the meantime to look for a convenient place, on the other side of Tent-House, to bathe in. In a short time I found myself at the extremity of Providence Bay, which ended, as I now perceived, in a marsh, producing some fine bulrushes; and further on, a chain of steep rocks, advancing somewhat into the sea, and forming a kind of creek, as if expressly contri- ved for bathing. The juttings of the rock even seemed like little cabinets, for separate accommodation. Enchanted with this discovery, I called out to Ernest to come and join me, and in the meantime amused myself with cutting some of the rushes, and imagining what use I could apply them to. I desired him to fill a small bag with some of the salt he had formerly observed here, and then to empty it into the large one for the ass to carry; and to take care to fill equal- ly on each side. " During this time, I will take the refresh- ment of bathing; and then it will be your turn to bathe, and mine to take care of the animals." I returned to the rocks, and was not disappointed in my expectation of an enjoyment the most delicious; but I did not stay long, fearing my boy might be impatient for his share of so new a pleasure. When I had dressed myself, I returned to the place to see if his work had advanced: pre- sently 1 heard his voice calling out, "Father, father, a fish! a fish of monstrous size! Run quickly, father, I can hardly hold him! he is eating up the string of my line!" I ran to the place from which the voice proceeded, and found Ernest lying along the ground on his face, upon the extremity of a point of land, and pulling in his line, to which a large fish was hanging, and struggling to get loose. I ran hastily and snatched the rod out of his hand, for I feared the weight and THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 199 activity of the fish might pull him into the water. I gave the line length, to calm the fish, and then contrived to draw him gently along, into a shallow, from which he could no longer escape, and thus he was effectually secured. We ex- amined him thoroughly, and he appeared to weigh not less than fifteen pounds; so that our capture was magnificent, and would afford the greatest pleasure to our good steward of provisions at Falcon's Stream. " You have now really laboured," said I to Ernest, " not only with your head, but with your whole body; and I would advise you to wipe the perspiration from your face, and keep a little quiet before you venture into the water. You have procured us a dish of great excellence, which will last for several days, and have conducted yourself like a true cavalier, without fear and with- out reproach." " It was at least fortunate," observed he in a modest tone, " that I thought of bringing my fishing-rod." Father. — Certainly it was. But tell me how you came to see this large fish, and what made you think you could catch it? Ernest. — I used to remark great quantities of fish in the water, just hereabout, and this made me determine to bring my fishing-tackle with me. In my way to the salt, I per- ceived a great number of little crabs, upon which fishes feed, near the water's brink; I thought I would try to bait my hook with one of them; so I hastened my work, and came to this spot, where I caught only a dozen little fish, which are there in my handkerchief; but I remarked, that they were chased in the water by fishes of larger size. This gave me the idea of baiting my hook with one of the small ones; but the hook was too small, and my rod too weak. I then took one of the finest of the bulrushes you had just 200 - THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. gathered, and put a larger hook to my line, and in a short time the large fish you see there seized upon the bait, and paid his life for his voracity. However, I must confess, that if you had not come to my assistance, I must either have let go my line, or have been dragged into the water; for the fish was stronger than I. We now examined the smaller fishes, which were mostly trout and herrings, while I felt certain that the large one was a salmon. I cut them all open, and rubbed them in the in-, side with salt, that they might not be injured by the heaf. While I was thus employed, Ernest went to the rocks and bathed, and I had time to fill some more bags with salt, be- fore his return. We then harnessed and loaded our ani- mals, and then resumed the road to Falcon's Stream. When we had proceeded about halfway, Flora, who was before us, suddenly sprang off, and by her barking gave notice that she scented some game. We soon after saw her pursuing an animal, which seemed endeavouring to escape, and made the most extraordinary jumps imaginable. The dog continuing to follow, the creature, in trying to avoid him, passed within gun-shot of the place where I stood. I fired, but its flight was so rapid, that I did not hit. Ernest, who was at a small distance behind, hearing the report of my gun, prepared his own, and fired it off at the instant the singular animal was passing near him, seeking to hide itself among the tall herbage just by: he had fired so skilfully, that the animal fell dead at the same instant. I ran with extreme curiosity to ascertain what kind of quadruped it might be. It was as large as a sheep, with the tail resem- bling that of a tiger; both its snout and hair were like those of a mouse, and its teeth were like a hare's, but much larger; the fore legs resembled those of the squirrel, and were ex- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 201 tremely short; but to make up for this, its hind legs were as long as a pair of stilts, and of a form strikingly singular. We examined the creature a long time in silence; I could not be sure that I had ever seen an engraving or description of it in any natural history, or book of travels. Ernest at length, clapping his hands together, joyously exclaimed, "And have I really killed this wonderful animal? What will my mother and my brothers say ? How astonished they will be! a*hd how fortunate I am in securing so fine a prize! What do you think is its name, father? I would give all the world to know." Father. — And so would I, my boy; but I am as ignorant as you. One thing, however, is certain, that this is your lucky day. Let us again examine this interesting stranger, that we may be certain to what family of quadrupeds it be- longs: this will perhaps throw a light upon its name. Ernest. — I think it can hardly be named a quadruped; for the little fore legs look much more like hands, as is the case with monkeys. Father. — They are notwithstanding legs, I can assure you. L°t us look for its name among the animals who give suck; on this point we cannot be mistaken. Now let us examine its teeth. Ernest. — Here are the four incisory teeth, like the squir- rel. Father. — Thus we see that it belongs to the order of Nib- blers. Now let us look for some names of animals of this kind. Ernest. — Besides squirrels, I recollect only mice, mar- mots, hares, beavers, porcupines, and jumpers. Father. — Jumpers! That short word furnishes the neces- sary clue ; the animal is completely formed like the gerboa 202 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. or jumping hare, except that it is twice the size of those of which I have read a description . Wait a moment - — an idea strikes me: I will wager that our animal is one of the large jumpers, called kangaroo; it belongs properly to the genus Uidelphis or Philander; because the female, who never bears more than one young one, carries it in a kind of purse placed between her hind legs. To the best of my knowledge, this animal has never been seen but on the coast, of New Holland, where it was first observed by the cele- brated navigator Captain Cook. You may then be highly flattered with your adventure of killing an animal at once so rare and so remarkable. But now let us see how we shall manage to drag him to the sledge. Ernest requested that I would rather assist him to carry it, as he was afraid of spoiling its beautiful mouse-coloured skin by dragging it on the ground. I therefore tied the fore legs of the kanga- roo together; and, by means of two canes, we with consi- derable trouble contrived to carry it to the sledge, upon which it was securely fastened. Having now nothing more to detain us, we continued our road towards Falcon's Stream, conversing on the subject of natural history, and on the necessity of studying it in our youth, that we might learn to class plants and animals ac- cording to their characteristic marks; and we observed, that to such a knowledge as this it was owing that we had recog- nised the kangaroo. Ernest entreated me to tell him all I knew about the animal. "It is," said I, "a most singular kind of creature. Its fore legs, as you see, have scarcely the third part of the length of the hind ones, and the most it can do, is to make them serve the purpose of walking; but the hind legs enable it to make prodigious jumps, the same as in the flea and the grashopper. The food of the kan- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 203 garoo consists of herbs and roots, which they dig up very skilfully with their fore legs. They place themselves upon their hind legs, which are doubled under them, as if on a chair, and by this means are able to look above even the tall kinds of grass; they rest too upon their tail, which is exceedingly strong, and is also of great use to them in jump- ing, by assisting the spring from the ground. It is said that the kangaroo, if deprived of its tail, would scarcely be able to jump at all." We at length arrived happily, though somewhat late, at Falcon's Stream, having heard from a great distance the salutations of our family. Our companions all ran to meet us: but it was now, on seeing the ludicrous style of the dress of the three boys, our turn for immoderate fits of laughter: one had on a sailor's shirt, which trained round him like the robe of a spectre; another was buried in a pair of pantaloons, which were fastened round his neck, and reached to the ground; and the third had a long waistcoat, which came down to the insteg^and gave him the exact form of a travelling portmanteau. They all tried to jump about, but finding this impossible, from the length of their garments, they next resolved to carry off the whole with an air, by strutting slowly to and fro, in the manner of a great personage in a theatre. After some hearty laughing, I in- quired of my wife what could be the cause of this masquer- ade, and whether she had assisted them in attempting to act a comedy for our amusement. She disclosed the mystery by informing me, that her three boys had also been bathing, and that, while thus engaged, she had washed all their clothes; but as they had not dried so soon as she expected, her little rioters had become impatient, and had fallen on the chest of sailors' clothes, and each had taken from it THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 205 what article he had pleased. "I preferred," said she, " that you should see them in this odd sort of a disguise, rather than quite naked, like little savages;" in which opin- ion I assured her that I heartily joined. It was now our turn to give an account of our journey: as we advanced in our narrative, we presented, one after another, casks, bulrushes, salt, fish, and lastly, with infinite triumph, our beautiful kangaroo. In a trice it was sur- rounded, examined, and admired by all, and such a variety of questions asked, that Ernest and I scarcely knew which to answer first. Fritz was the only one who was a little silent. I saw plainly by his countenance what was passing in his mind. He was jealous of the good fortune of his brother Ernest; but I also saw that he was struggling man- fully against the ascendancy of so mean a passion. In a short time he had succeeded so completely, that he joined frankly and unaffectedly in our conversation and merriment. He came near the kangaroo, and examined it; then turning to his brother, he observed to him, in a kind tone, that he had had good luck, and that he must be a good shot to have killed the animal with so little difficulty. — "But, father," said he, "when you go again to Tent-House, or on any other excursion, will it not be my turn to accompany you? For here at Falcon's Stream there is nothing new to amuse us; a few thrushes, and some pigeons; this is all we have from day to day, and I find it very tiresome." " I promise you cheerfully what you desire, my dear boy," said I, " for you have valiantly combated the jeal- ousy and ill-humor which assailed you on witnessing your brother's success with the kangaroo. I therefore engage that you shall accompany me in my very next excursion, which will probably take place at no greater distance of time £06 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. than to-morrow; and it will be another journey to the ves- sel. But in the meantime, let me observe to you, that the high opinion I have shown of your prudence and judgment, in leaving you here, in charge of your mother and your brothers, ought to be felt by you as more flattering than the applause you would have gained by killing a kangaroo. You have accomplished an important duty, in keeping near them all the time, and not suffering yourself to be allured by such amusements as presented themselves to your fancy; and this conduct has increased my affection and respect for you. Praise is also due to Ernest, for the moderation with which he has felt his triumph, in so extraordinary an occur- rence; for he has not even told you of my humiliating failure in attempting to shoot the kangaroo. To triumph over our passions, and to have on all occasions a perfect government of our temper, is an acquisition of infinitely more value, than the showing a certain skill in firing off a gun, and happen- ing to kill an animal. In our situation, we are forced upon the cultivation of such arts as these; but though we may practise them as necessary for our existence, we have no reason to be proud of them." We concluded the day with our ordinary occupations: I gave some salt to each of our animals,- to whom it was an acceptable treat. We then skinned our kangaroo, and put it carefully aside till the next day, when we intended to cut it to pieces, and lay such parts in salt as we could not im- mediately consume. We made an excellent supper on our little fish, to which we added some potatoes; nor were our faithful companions Turk and Flora neglected. The la- bours of the day had more than usually disposed us all to seek repose; we therefore said our prayers at an early hour mounted our ladder, and were soon asleep. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 207 CHAPTER XVII. More Stores from the Wreck. I rose with the first crowing of the cock, descended the ladder, and set about skinning the kangaroo, taking care not to deface its beautiful smooth' coat. Our dogs relished their meal on the entrails of the animal so much, that they in- tended themselves the pleasure of a breakfast on the carcass. Before I could descend, they had got off its head, as it hung by the hind feet, and, half friends, half foes, they were going to share their prize when I made my appearance. Recollecting our want of the means of protection against similar depredations, I thought it right to give them a slight correction for their fault. My wife, awaked by the growl- ing they made as they slunk away to the hollow of a tree, was alarmed, and came down the ladder to see what was the matter; and now I had to perform the farther task of appeasing her kind heart for what she called a cruel act. "Kind-hearted creature," said I, "well I know how glad you would be if there were not a stick in the world! But I did not beat Turk and Flora through anger or revenge, but from prudence and precaution: they intended modestly only to eat up our kangaroo, which you promised yourself such pleasure in cooking; and unable as I was to acquaint them in the canine tongue, that it was not placed there for their use, it was proper to let them know this in such a way as to 208 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. deter them in future ; otherwise, as they are strongest, they would end by devouring ail our stock." My wife owned I was in the right: but I observed her from a corner of my eye hovering about the hollow tree, and patting the dogs to console them. I now set about stripping my kangaroo, without injuring the skin; but I advanced so slowly in the business, that my family were assembled about us, and calling out Famine ! before I had finished my work. Having at last completed it, I went to the river to wash my- self thoroughly, and then to the sailors' chest to change my coat, that I might appear with decency at breakfast, and give my sons an example of that cleanliness which their mother was so eager to inculcate. Breakfast over, I order- ed Fritz to get ready for Tent-House, where we should pre- pare the boat, and proceed to the vessel. After taking an affectionate leave of my wife, we began our journey. I left Flora with her, and entreated her not to be uneasy, and to commit herself to the care of the kind Providence who had till then so graciously watched over us, and who would again bring us back to her safe and sound, enriched with many things conducive to our welfare. But to bring her to reason on the subject of these trips to the vessel was impracticable: I left her bathed in tears, and praying God that this might be the last. We took Ernest and Jack a little way with us, and then I sent them back with a message to their mother, which I had not the resolution to deliver myself — that we might be forced to pass the night on board the vessel, and not return till the evening of the following day. It was most essential to get out of it, if yet afloat, all that could be saved, as a moment might complete its destruction. I instructed my sons how they should soothe their mother; I exhorted them THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 209 to obey and to assist her; and that their excursion might not be useless, I directed them to gather some salt, and enjoined them to be at Falcon's Stream before noon. We got.into the boat, and gaining the current, quickly- cleared Safety Bay, and reached the vessel, whose open side offered us an ample space to get on board. When we had fastened our boat, our first care was to select fit materials ta construct a raft, as suggested by my son Ernest. Our boat of staves had neither room nor solidity enough to carry a considerable burden; we therefore looked about, and found a sufficient number of water-casks which appeared to me proper for my new enterprise. We emptied them, re- placed the bungs carefully, and threw the casks overboard, after securing them with ropes and cramps, so as to keep them together at the vessel's side: this completed, we placed a sufficient number of planks upon them to form a firm and commodious platform or deck, to which we added a gunwale of a foot in depth all round, to secure the lading: Thus we contrived a handsome raft, in which we could stow thrice as much as in our boat. This laborious task had taken up the whole day; we scarcely allowed ourselves a minute to eat some cold meat we had provided, that we might not lose any time in looking for the provisions on board the vessel. In the evening, Fritz and I were so weary, that it would have been impossible for us to row back to land; so having taken all due precautions in case of a storm, we lay down in the captain's cabin, on a good elastic mattrass, which induced such sound repose, that our prudent design to watch in turn, for fear of accident, was forgot, and we both slept heavily, side by side, till broad daylight opened our eves. We rose, and actively set to work to load our raft. We began with stripping the cabin of its doors and win- S 210 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. dows, with their appendages; next we secured the carpen- ter's and gunner's chests, containing all their tools and im- plements: those we could remove with levers and rollers were put entire upon the raft, and we took out of the others what rendered them too heavy. One of the captain's chests was filled with costly articles, which no doubt he meant to disposeof to the opulent planters of Port Jackson, or among the savages. la the collection were several gold and silver watches, snuff-boxes of all descriptions, buckles, shirt-but- tons, necklaces, rings; in short, an abundance of all the trifles of European luxury. But the discovery that delight- ed me most, was a chest containing some dozens of young plants of every species of European fruits, which had been carefully packed in moss for transportation. I perceived pear, plum, almond, peach, apple, apricot, chestnut trees, and vine shoots. I beheld with a feeling I cannot describe, those productions of my dear country, which once so agree- ably embellished my rural dwelling, and which, I might hope, would thrive in a foreign soil. We discovered a num- ber of bars of iron, and large pigs of lead, grinding-stones, cart-wheels ready for mounting, a complete set of farrier's instruments, tongs, shovels, ploughshares, rolls of iron and copper wire, sacks full of maize, pease, oats, vetches, and even a little hand-mill. The vessel had been freighted with every thing likely to be useful in an infant colony so dis- tant. We found a saw-mill, in a separated state, but each piece numbered, and so accurately fitted, that nothing was easier than to put it together for use. I had now to consider what of all these treasures I should take or leave. It was impossible to carry with us in one trip such a quantity of goods; and to leave them in the ves- sel, was exposing ourselves to be wholly deprived of them. TKE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 211 We with difficulty and hard labour finished our loading, having added a large fishing-net, quite new, and the vessel's great compass. With the net, Fritz found two harpoons and a rope-windlass, such as they use in the whale-fishery. He asked me to let him place the harpoons, tied to the end of the rope, over the bow of our tub-boat, and thus be in readiness in case of seeing any large fish; and I indulged him in his fancy. Having completely executed our undertaking, we stepped into the tub-boat, and with some small difficulty, which a little reflection and a few experiments soon enabled us to overcome, we pushed out for the current, drawing our raft triumphantly after us with a stout rope, which we had been careful to fasten securely at its head. CHAPTER XVIII. The Tortoise harnessed. The wind was favourable, and briskly swelled our sail. The sea was calm, and we advanced at a considerable rate. Fritz had for some time fixed his eyes on something of a large size which was floating on the water, and he now de- sired me to take the glass, and see what it could be. I soon perceived that it was a tortoise, which had fallen asleep in the sun on the surface of the water. No sooner bad Fritz learned this, than he entreated me to steer softly within view of so extraordinary a creature. I readily consented; but as 212 , THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. his back was towards me, and the sail between us, I did not observe his motions, till a violent jerk of the boat, a sudden turning of the windlass, and then a second jerk, accompanied by a rapid motion of the boat, gave me the necessarv expla- nation. "For Heaven's sake, what are you about, Fritz?" exclaimed I, somewhat alarmed. " I have caught him! — I touched him!" cried Fritz, without hearing one word I had been saying. — " The tor- toise is ours; it cannot escape, father! Is not this, then, a valuable prize, for it will furnish dinners for us all for many weeks?" I soon perceived that the harpoon had caught the animal, which, feeling itself wounded, thus agitated the vessel in its endeavours to get away. I quickly pulled down the sail, and seizing a hatchet, sprung to the boat's head to cut the rope, and let the harpoon and the tortoise go; but Fritz caught hold of my arm, conjuring me to wait a moment, and not so hastily bring upon him the mortification of losing, at one stroke, the harpoon, the rope, and the tortoise: he proposed watching himself, with the hatchet in his hand, to cut the rope suddenly, should any sign of danger appear; and I yielded to his entreaties. Thus, then, drawn along by the tortoise, we proceeded with a hazardous rapidity. I soon observed that the crea- ture was making for the sea; I therefore again hoisted the sail: and as the wind was to the land, and very brisk, the tortoise found resistance of no avail: he accordingly fell into the track of the current, apd drew us straight towards our usual place of landing, and by good fortune without striking upon any of the rocks. We, however, did not disembark without one difficult adventure. The state of the tide was such as to throw us upon a sand bank: we were at this time THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 213 within a gunshot of the shore; the boat, though driven with violence, remained upright in the sand. I stepped into the water, which did not reach far above my knees, for the pur- pose of conferring upon our conductor his just reward for the alarm he had caused us, when he suddenly gave a plunge, and then disappeared. Following the rope, I _presently saw the tortoise stretched at length at the bottom of the water, where it was so shallow that I soon found means to put an end to his pain, by cutting off his head with the hatchet, and he bled to death. Being now near Tent-House, Fritz gave a halloo, and fired- a gun, to apprize our relatives that we were not only arrived, but arrived in triumph. This soon produced the desired effect: the mother and her three young ones soon appeared, running towards us;" upon which Fritz jumped out of the boat, placed the head of our sea-prize on the muzzle of his gun, and walked to shore, which I reached at the same moment; and all were once more received with the kindest salutations, and such questions as kindness best knows how to propose. After some gentle reproaches from my wife, for leaving her and the boys for so long a time, the history of the tor- toise was related, and excited much merriment in our audi- tors. The tender-hearted mother, after heaving a sigh for the hard fate of the creature, began to shudder at the thought of the danger we had been exposed to, and the escape we had effected. Our conversation ended, I requested my wife to go with two of the younger boys to Falcon's Stream, and fetch the sledge and the beasts of burden, that we might see at least a part of our booty from the ship put safely under shelter the same evening. A tempest, or even the tide, might sweep away the whole during the night! We took every precau- 214 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBESON. tion in our power against- the latter danger, by fixing the boat and the raft, now, at the time of its reflux, as securely as we could without an anchor. I rolled two prodigious masses of lead, with the assistance of levers, from the raft upon the shore, and then tied a rope to each, the other ends of which were fastened, one to the raft, and the other to the boat, and thus satisfied myself that they could not easily be forced away. While we were employed on this scheme, the sledge ar- rived, and we placed the tortoise upon it, and also some other articles of light weight, mattrasses, pieces of linen, &c. ; for I reckoned that the animal itself weighed at least three quintals. The strength of our whole party was found necessary to move it from the raft to the sledge; we therefore all set out together to unload it again at Falcon's Stream. Our first concern, on reaching our abode, was the tor- toise, which we immediately turned on his back, that we might strip off the shell, and make use of some of the flesh while it was fresh. Taking my hatchet, I separated the upper and under shell all round, which were joined together by cartilages. The upper shell of the tortoise is extremely convex; the under, on the contrary, is nearly flat. I cut away as much of the flesh of the animal as was sufficient for a meal, and laid the rest carefully on the under shell, which served as a dish, recommending to my wife to cook what I had cut off, on the other shell, with no other seasoning than a little salt, and pledged myself that she would produce a luxurious dish. " We will then," said I, " rub salt on what we mean to keep, and distribute the head, entrails, and {eet to the dogs; for all, you know, must live." " Oh dear papa," cried Francis, " do give me the shell, it will be such a pretty plaything!" THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 215 t{ No, no," bawled out another; and one and all contend- ed for the preference. I imposed silence, declaring that the right was entirely in Fritz; " but," continued I, "it may , be well to ask what each of you thought of doing with the shell, if he had obtained it?" Ernest. — / should turn it into a shield to defend myself with, if the savages should come upon us. Father.- — Ah, there is my egotist again; but let us see in what way you would use it. You would fling it across your shoulders, no doubt, and take to your heels manfully. I have guessed right, my poor Ernest, have I not? — And you, Jack, what have you to say? Jack. — I should make a nice little boat of it, which would help to amuse us all. I was thinking how cleverly we could fill it with potatoes, or the other things we want to take from Tent-House to Falcon's Nest; it would glide along so nicely with the stream, and we should be saved all the fatigue we now have in carrying them. Father. — Your scheme, I grant, is not ill-imagined; but a small raft, or an old chest, would do just as well for your purpose. — And now for my little Francis; I wonder what pretty plan he had thought of? Francis. — I thought I should build a little house, papa, and the shell would make such a nice roof to it! Father. — Vastly well, my lads, if we had only our amuse- ment or our ease to think of; but I want you all to form the habit of thinking and acting for the general good, rather than that of what will most gratify or accommodate his single self. — Now, then, let me ask, to what use Fritz, the only rightful claimant to the shell, had intended to apply it? Fritz. — I thought, father, of cleaning it thoroughly, and fixing it by the side of our river, and keeping it always full 216 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. of pure water for my mother's use, when she has to wash the linen, or cook our victuals. Father. — Excellent, excellent, my boy! all honour to the founder of the pure ivater-tub! This is what I call thinking for the general good. And we will take care to execute the idea as soon as we can prepare some clay, as a solid foun- dation for its bottom. Jack. — Hah, hah! Now then it is my turn; for I have got some clay, which I have put by to keep for use, behind those old roots yonder. Father. — And where did you get it, boy? Mother. — Oh, you may apply to me for this part of the in- formation; to my cost I know where the clay was got. — This morning early, my young hero falls to digging and scrambling on the hill you see to the right, and home he comes with the news, that he has found a bed of clay; but in so dirty a condition himself, that we were obliged to think next of the washing-tub. Jack. — And if I had minded a little dirt, mother, T should not have discovered this bed of clay, which you will see will be of great use to us. As I was returning from looking for potatoes, I thought I would take the high path along the river, just to see how rapidly it runs and forms those nice cascades: by and by I came to a large slope, watered by the river; it was so slippery, that I could not keep upon my legs; so I fell, and dirtied myself all over: on looking, I saw that the ground was all of clay, and almost liquid, so I made some of it into balls, and brought them home. Ernest. — When the water-tub is complete, I will put some roots I have found to soak a little in it, for they are now extremely dry. I do not exactly know what they are; they look something' like the radish, or horse-radish; but the plant THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 217 fiom which I took them was almost the size of a bush: being ignorant, however, of its name or nature, I have not yet ventured to taste the roots, though I saw our sow eat hearti- ly of them. Father. — If my suspicion is right, you have made a ben* eficial discovery, which, with the assistance of our potatoes, may furnish us the means of existence as long as we may remain in this island! I think your roots are manioc, of which the natives of the West Indies make a sort of bread or cake which they call cassave. But we must first carry the production through a certain preparation, without which it possesses pernicious properties. Try to find the same place, and bring a sufficient quantity for our first experi- ment. We had finished unloading the sledge, and I bade the three eldest boys accompany me to fetch another load before it should be dark. We left Francis and his mother busy in preparing a refreshing meal for supper, the tortoise having presented itself most opportunely for this purpose. Having reached the raft, we took from it as many effects as the sledge could hold, or the animals draw along. One object of my attention was to secure two chests which con- tained the clothes of my family, which I well knew would afford the highest gratification to my wife, who had frequent- ly lamented that they were all compelled to wear clothes that were not their own; reminding her at every moment, she said, how much they might be wanted by their proper claimants. I reckoned also on finding in one of the chests some books on interesting subjects, and principally a large handsomely printed Bible. I added to these, four cart- wheels and a hand-mill for grinding; which, now that we had discovered the manioc, I considered of signal importance. T 218 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. These and a few other articles completed our present load. On our return to Falcon's Nest, we found my wife looking anxiously for our arrival, and ready with the welcome she had promised, of an ample and agreeable repast. Before she had well examined our new stores, she drew me, with one of her sweetest smiles, by the arm, — " Step this way," said she/and leading to the shade of a tree, — "this is the work I performed in your absence," pointing to a large cask half sunk in the ground, and the rest covered over with branches of trees. She then applied a small cork-screw to the side, and filling the shell of a cocoa-nut with the contents, presented it to me. I found the liquor equal to the best canary I had ever tasted. — "How then," said I, " have you performed this new miracle? I cannot believe the en- chanted bag produced it."— -" Not exactly," replied she: "for this time it was an obliging white wave which threw it on shore. I took a little ramble in your absence yesterday, to see what I could find, and well my trouble was rewarded! The boys ran for the sledge, and had but little difficulty in getting the cask to Falcon's Stream, where we dug this place in the earth to keep it cool." My wife now proposed that all should be regaled with some of the delicious beverage. My own share so invigo- rated me, that I found myself able to complete my day's work, by drawing up the mattrasses we had brought from the ship, to our chamber in the tree, by means of a pulley. When I had laid them along to advantage, they looked so inviting, that I could scarcely resist my desire of at once committing myself to the kind relief they seemed to offer to my exhausted strength. But now the savory smell of the tortoise laid claim to THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Q19 my attention. I hastened down, and we all partook heartily of the luxurious treat. We returned thanks to God, and speedily retired to taste the blessing of sound repose upon the said mattrasses. CHAPTER XIX. Another Trip to the Wreck. I rose before day to go to the sea-side and inspect our two vessels. I gently descended the ladder without awak- ing my family. Above, the scene was all repose; below, every thing was in life and motion. The dogs jumped about me, the cock and the hens flapped their wings and chuckled, and our goats shook their long beards as they browsed. I quickly roused and harnessed the ass, and the dogs followed without bidding. As I approached the shore, animated at different moments by hope and fear, I soon saw that the boat and raft had resisted the tide, though it had partially heaved them up. I got quickly on the raft, took a small loading, and returned to Falcon's Stream in time for break- fast; but not a single creature of its inhabitants appeared, though the sun was high above the horizon. — I gave a shout as loud as a war-whoop, which awoke my wife. "Really, my dear," said she, " there must be a magic charm in the mattrass you brought yesterday, that has lulled us into so sound a sleep." — " Up, my lads," exclaimed I, once again; "the more we venture to parley with sloth, the longer she 220 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. holds us in her chains ; brave youths like you ought to awa^e at the first call, and leap quick and gaily out of bed. Fritz, a little ashamed, was dressed first; Jack soon after him, and Francis next; the ever slothful Ernest was the last. — " It is so delightful," cried he, " to lose oneself again after having been awakened! one feels sleep come on afresh so gently." — " But it is my duty to tell you, Ernest, and that gravely, that he who indulges himself in all that flatters his senses, will end by falling a victim to them." After this short admonition, we all came down; and breakfast over, we returned to the sea-side to complete the unloading of the raft, that it might be ready for sea on the ebbing of the tide. We were not long in taking two cargoes to Falcon's Stream. At our last trip the water was nearly up to our craft. I sent back my wife and the boys, and re- mained with Fritz till we were quite afloat; when observing Jack still loitering near, I guessed at his wish, and consented to his embarking with us. Shortly after, the tide was high enough for us to row off. Instead of steering for Safety Bay to moor our vessels there securely, I was tempted by a fresh sea-breeze to go out again to the wreck; but it was too late to undertake much, and I was unwilling to cause my dear partner uneasiness by passing another night on board. I therefore determined to bring away only what could be obtained with ease and speed: we searched hastily through the ship for any trifling articles that might be readily removed. Jack was up and down every where, at a loss what to select; and when I saw him again, he drew a wheelbarrow after him, shouting that he had found a vehicle for carrying our potatoes. But Fritz next disclosed still better news, which was, that he had discovered behind the bulk-head amid ship, a THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 221 pinnace (i. e. a small craft, the forepart of which is square) taken to pieces, with all its appurtenances, and even two small guns for its defence. This intelligence so delighted me, that I quitted every thing else to run to the bulkhead, when I was convinced of the truth of the lad's assertion: but I instantly perceived, that to put it together, and launch it, would be an Herculean task. I collected various uten- sils, a copper boiler, some plates of iron, tobacco-graters, two grinding-stones, a small barrel of gunpowder, and an- other full of flints, which I much valued. Jack's barrow was not forgotten; two more were afterwards found and added, with straps belonging to them. All these articles were hurried into the boat, and we re-embarked with speed, to avoid the land wind that rises in the evening. As we were drawing near to shore, we were struck with the ap- pearance of an assemblage of small figures ranged in a long line on the strand, that seemed to be viewing us attentive- ly: they were dressed in black, and all uniform, with white waistcoats and full cravats: the arms of these beings hung down carelessly; now and then, however, they seemed to extend them tenderly, as if they wished to embrace or offer us a token of friendship. " I really think," said I to the boys, who were steadfastly gazing at them, " that we are in the country of the pygmies, and that they wish to form a friendly alliance with us." Jack, — Oh, no! father, they are certainly Lilliputians, though somewhat bigger than those of whom I read the de- scription in Gulliver's Travels. "You then, child," said I, "consider those travels as true ; that there is an island of Lilliput, and inhabited by dwarfs?" Jack. — Gulliver says so. He met also with men of an immense stature, besides an island inhabited by horses £22 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Ci And yet I must tell you that the only reality in all his -discoveries is the rich imagination of the author, whose taste and feeling led him to resort to allegory for the purpose of revealing grand truths. Do you know, Jack, what an allegory is?" " It somewhat resembles a parable, I presume." " Right, one is very similar to the other." Jack. — And the pygmies you mentioned, are any to be found? " JNo more than there are Lilliputians; they exist only in poetical fiction, or in the erroneous account of some an- cient navigators, in which a group of monkeys has been fallaciously described as diminutive men." Fritz. — Such probably are the manikins that we see now stretching out their arms towards us. — Ah, now I begin to perceive that they have beaks, and that their arms are short drooping wings; — what strange birds! " You are right, son, they are penguins or ruffs. Ernest killed one soon after our arrival. They are excellent swim- mers, but cannot fly; and so confused are they when on land, that they run in the silliest way into danger." While we were talking I steered gently towards shore, to enjoy the uncommon sight the longer; but the very moment we got into shallow water, my giddy Jack leaped up to his waist into it, and was quickly on land, battering with his stick among the penguins before they were aware of his approach, so that half a dozen of them were immediately laid flat; the remainder, seeing they were so roughly accost- ed, plunged into the sea, dived, and disappeared. As the sun declined, and we despaired of finishing before night set in, each of us filled a barrow, in order to take home something. I requested that the tobacco-graters and iron plates might be in the first load. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 223 Arrived at Falcon's Stream, my wife exhibited a good store of potatoes which she had got in during our absence, and a quantity of the roots I had taken for manioc, and in which I was not mistaken; I much applauded her diligence and foresight, and gave Ernest and little Francis their share of approbation. " But now," said I, "for some supper and repose; and if my little workmen should be industriously inclined to- morrow, I shall reward them with the novelty of a new trade to be learned." This did not fail to excite the curiosity of all; but I kept my word, and made them wait till the follow- ing day for the explanation I had to give. I waked the boys very early, reminding them that I had promised to teach them a new trade. " What is it? What is it?" exclaimed they all at once, springing suddenly out of bed and hurrying on their clothes. Father. — It is the art of the baker, my boys. Hand me those iron plates that we brought yesterday from the vessel, and the tobacco-graters also, and we will make our experi- ment. Ernest, bring hither the roots found underground: but first, my dear, 1 must request you to make me a small bag of a piece of strong wrapper cloth. My wife set instantly to work to oblige me; but having no great confidence in my talents for making either bread or cakes, she first filled a copper boiler with potatoes, and put it on the fire, that we might not be without something to eat at dinner time: in the meanwhile I spread a piece of coarse linen on the ground, and assembled my young ones round me; I gave each of the boys a grater, and showed him at the same time how to rest it on the linen, and then to grate the roots of manioc; in a short time each had produced a considerable heap of a substance somewhat resembling pol- 224 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. lard. The occupation, as is always the case with novelties, was amusing to them all, and they looked no further into the matter: one showed the other his heap, saying in a ban- tering tone: " Will you eat a bit of nice cake made of grated radishes V I now informed them that the manioc was known to be the principal sustenance of whole nations of the Continent of America, and which the Europeans who inhabit those countries prefer to even our wheaten bread. I added " there are many kinds of manioc: one of these shoots rapid- ly, and its roots become mature in a short time; a second sort is of more tardy growth; and there is another, the roots of which require the space of two years to be fit for use. The first two kinds have pernicious or unwholesome qualities when eaten raw, but the third may be eaten without fear: for all this, the two first are generally preferred, as being more productive, and requiring a shorter time for being fit for use." By this time my wife had completed the bag. I had it well filled with what we called our pollard, and she closed it securely by sewing up the end. I was now to contrive a kind of press: I cut a long, straight, stout branch, from a neighbouring tree, and stripped it of the bark; I then placed a plank across the table we had fixed between the arched roots of our tree, and which was exactly the right height for my purpose, and on ^his I laid the bag; I put other planks again upon the bag, and then covered all with the large branch, the thickest extremity of which I inserted under an arch, while to the other, which projected beyond the planks, I suspended all sorts of heavy substances, such as lead, our largest hammers and bars of iron, which, acting with great force as a press on the bag of manioc, caused the A'HE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 225 sap it contained to issue in streams, which flowed plentifully on the ground. Fritz. — This machine of yours, father, though simple, is as effectual as can be desired. Father. — Certainly. It is the simplest lever that the art of mechanism can furnish, and may be made extremely useful. Ernest. — I thought that levers were never used but for raising heavy masses, such as blocks of stone, and things of that degree of weight; I had no notion that they were ever used for pressing. Father. — But you see that the point at which the lever rests on the planks must always be the point of rest or com- pression; the point at which its extremity touches the roots of the tree would no doubt be that of the raising power, if the root was not too strong to yield to the point of the lever; but then the resistance at the point of compression or rest is still stronger, and presses effectually, as you see, the con- tents of the bag. The Negroes, however, have another manner of proceeding; but it would have been much too tedious in the process for us to imitate. They make tresses of the bark of a tree, and with it form a kind of basket of tolerable size; they fill it with manioc, and press it so tightly, that the baskets become shorter, and increase in breadth; they then hang the baskets to the strongest branches of trees, and fasten large stones to them, which draw the baskets again lengthways; by which action upon the manioc the sap runs out at the openings left by the tresses. Mother. — Can one make no use of this sap? Father. — Certainly, we may: the same Negroes use it as food, after mixing with it some pepper; and when they can procure them, some sea-crabs. 226 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Fritz. — Father, it no longer runs a single drop; may we not now set about making the dough? Father. — I have no objection; but as there are some poi- sonous kinds of manioc, it will be prudent to make only a small cake at first, by way of experiment, which we will give ;o the monkey and the fowls, and wait to see the effect, in- stead of exhausting our whole store at once. We now opened the bag, and took out a- small quantity of the pollard, which already was dry enough; we stirred the rest about with a stick, and then replaced it under the press. The next thing was to fix one of our iron plates, which was of a round form, and a little hollow, so as to rest upon two blocks of stone at a distance from each other; under this we lighted a large fire, and when the iron plate was completely heated, we placed a portion of the dough upon it with a wooden spade. As soon as the cake began to be brown un- derneath, it was turned, that the other side might be baked also. Ernest. — O how nicely it smells! what a pity that we may not eat some of it immediately! Father. — I believe you might safely venture, but it is per- haps better to wait till the evening, and run no greater risk than the loss of one or two of our fowjs or of the monkey; and we may say this trial of the cake will be the first service he has rendered us. As soon as the cake was cold, we broke some of it into crums, and gave it to two of the fowls, and a larger piece to the monkey, who nibbled it with a perfect relish, making all the time a thousand grimaces, while the boys stood by envy^ ing the preference he enjoyed. Fritz. — Now tell me, father, how the savages manage to grate their manioc, for surely they have not, like us, an instru- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON'. . 22? merit fitted for the operation; — and tell me also, if they call their composition by the name of cake or bread, as we do? Father. — The savages having no such article as bread in their bill of fare, have consequently no word in their Ian- gnage to express it. At the Antilles, the bread from the manioc is called cassave ; the savages make a kind of grater with sharp stones, or shells; or when they can get nails, or which they set a high value, they drive them into the end ot a plank, and rub the manioc upon it. But now, I pray you,, good wife, give us quickly our potato dinner, and we will afterwards resume the baking trade. The first thing after dinner was to visit our fowls. Those which had eaten the manioc were in excellent condition, and no less so the monkey. — "Now then to the bakehouse, young ones,'* said I, "as fast as you can scamper." — The grated manioc was soon emptied out of the bag, a large fire was quickly lighted, and I placed the boys where a flat sur- face had been prepared for them, and gave to each a plate of iron and the quantity of a cocoa-nut full to make a cake a piece, and they were to try who could succeed the best. They were ranged in a half circle round me, that they might observe how I proceeded, and adopt the same method for themselves. The result was not discouraging for a first experiment, though it must be confessed we were now and then so unlucky as to burn a cake; but there was not a greater number of these than served to feed the pigeons and the fowls, which hovered round us to claim their share of the treat. My little rogues could not resist the pleasure of frequently tasting their cake, a little bit at a time, as they went on. At length the undertaking was complete; the cakes were put in a dish, and served, in company with a handsome share of milk, to each person; and with this addition they fur- 228 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. nished us with an excellent repast: what remained we dis- tributed among our animals and fowls. The rest of the day was employed by the boys in making several turns with their wheelbarrows, and by myself in different arrangements in which the ass and our raft had a principal share, both being employed in drawing to Tent- House the remaining articles we had brought from the ship. When all this was done we retired to rest, having first made another meal on our cakes, and concluded all with pious thanks to God for the blessings his goodness thought fit to bestow upon us. - CHAPTER XX. The Cracker and the Pinnace. From the time of discovering the pinnace, my desire of returning to the vessel grew every moment more irresistible; but one thing I saw was absolutely necessary, which was, to collect all my hands to get her out from the situation where we had fourid her. I therefore thought of taking with me the three boys: I even wished that my wife should ac- company us; but she had been seized with such a horror of the perfidious element, as she called it, the sea, that she as- sured me the very attempt would make her ill and useless I had some difficulty to prevail upon her to let so many as three of the children go: she made me promise to return the same evening, and on no account to pass another night on THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 229 board the wreck; and to this I was, though with regret, oblig- ed to consent. After breakfast then, we prepared for setting out. The boys were gay and on the alert, in the expectation of the pleasure that awaited them, particularly Ernest, who had not yet made a single voyage with us to the vessel. We took with us an ample provision of boiled potatoes and cassave; and in addition, arms and weapons of every kind. We reached Safety Bay without any remarkable event: here we thought it prudent to put on our cork jackets; we then scattered some food for the geese and ducks which had taken up their abode there, and soon after stepped gaily into our tub-raft, at the same time fastening the new boat by a rope to her stern, so that she could be drawn along. We put out for the current, though not with- out considerable fear of finding that the wreck had disap- peared. We soon, however, perceived that it still remained firm between the rocks. Having got on board, all repaired, on the wings of curiosity and ardour, to that part of the vessel called the bulkhead, which contained the enviable prize, the pinnace. On further observation, it appeared to me that the plan we had formed was subject to at least two alarming difficulties; the one was the situation of the pinnace in the ship; and the other was the size and weight it would necessarily acquire when put together. The enclos- ure which contained the pinnace was in the interior of the ship, and timbers of prodigious bulk and weight separated it from the breach, and in this part of the deck there was not sufficient space for us to put the pinnace together, or to give her room when done. The breach also was too narrow and too irregular to admit of her being launched from this place, as we had done with our tub-raft. In short, the separate "230 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. pieces of the pinnace were too heavy for the possibility of our removing them even with the assistance of our united strength. What therefore was to be done ? and how could we meet such formidable difficulties? I stood on the spot ab- sorbed in reflection, while the boys were running from place to place, conveying every thing portable they could find, on board the raft. The -cabinet which contained the pinnace was lighted by several small fissures in the timbers, which after standing in the place a few minutes to accustom the eye, ennabled one to see sufficiently to distinguish objects. I discovered, with pleasure, that all the pieces of which she was composed were so accurately arranged and numbered, that without too much presumption, I might flatter myself with the hope of being able effectually to collect and put them together, if I could be allowed the necessary time, and could procure a conven- ient place. I therefore, in spite of every disadvantage, de- cided on the undertaking; and we immediately set about it. We proceeded at first so slowly as to have produced dis- couragement, if the desire of possessing so admirable a little vessel, quite new, perfectly safe, easy to conduct, and which might at some future day be the means of our deliverance, had not at every moment inspired us with new strength and ardour. Evening, however, was fast approaching, and we had made but small progress; we were obliged to think of our promise to my wife; and though with reluctance, we left our occupation and re-embarked. On reaching Safety Bay, we found there our kind steward and little Francis; they had been, during the day, employed in arrangements for our living at Tent-House as long as we should have occasion to continue the excursions to the vessel: this she did to THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 231 shorten the length of the voyage, and that we might be always in sight of each other. In return for her kindness/I made the best display I could of two casks of salted butter, three of flour, some small bags of millet seed and of rice, and some other articles of utility and comfort for our establish- ment; and the whole was removed to our storehouse at the rocks. We passed an entire week in this arduous undertaking of the pinnace. I embarked every morning with my three sons, and returned every evening, and never without some small addition to our stores. We were now so accustomed to this manner of proceeding, that my wife bade us good-by with- out concern, and we, on our parts, left Tent-House without anxiety; she even had the courage to go several times, with no companion but her little Francis, to Falcon's Stream, to feed and take care of the poultry, and to bring back pota- toes for our use. As night successively returned, we had a thousand interesting things to tell each other, and the pleas- ure of being together was much increased by these short separations. At length the pinnace was completed, and in a condition to be launched: the question now was, how to manage this remaining difficulty. She was an elegant little vessel, per- fect in every part: she had a small neat deck; and her mast and sails were no less exact and perfect than those of a little brig. It was probable she would sail well, from the light- ness of her construction, and in consequence drawing but little water. We had pitched and towed all the seams, that nothing might be wanting for her complete appearance: we had even taken the pains of further embellishing, by mount- ing her with two small cannon of about a pound weight; and, in imitation of larger vessels, had fastened them to the deck 232 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. with chains. But in spite of the delight we felt in contem- plating a work, as it were, of our own industry; the great difficulty still remained: the said commodious, charming little vessel, still stood fast enclosed within four walls; nor could I conceive of a means of getting her out. To effect a passage through the outer side of the vessel, by means of our united industry in the use of all the utensils we had secured, seemed to present a prospect of exertions beyond the reach of man, even if not attended with dangers the most alarm- ing. We examined if it might be practicable to cut away all intervening timbers, to which, from the nature of the breach, we had easier access; but should we even succeed in this attempt, the upper timbers being, in consequence of the inclined position of the ship, on a level with the water, our labour would be unavailing: besides, we had neither strength nor time for such a proceeding; from one moment to another, a storm might arise and ingulf the ship, timbers, pinnace, ourselves, and all. Despairing, then, of being able to find a means consistent with the sober rules of art, my impatient fancy inspired the thought of a project, which could not however be tried without hazards and dangers of a tremendous nature. I had found on board a strong iron mortar, such as is used in kitchens. I took a thick oak plank, and nailed to differ- ent parts of it some large iron hooks: with a knife I cut a groove along the middle of the plank. I sent the boys to fetch some match-wood from the hold, and I cut a piece suf- ficiently long to continue burning at least two hours. I placed this train in the groove of my plank: I filled the mor- tar with. gunpowder, and then laid the plank, thus furnished upon it, having previously pitched the mortar all around; and, lastly, I made the whole fast to the spot with strong THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON 233 chains, crossed by means of the hooks in every direction Thus I accomplished a sort of cracker, from which I expect- ed to effect a happy conclusion. I hung this machine of mischief to the side of the bulk head next the sea, having taken previous care to choose a spot in which its action could not affect the pinnace. When the whole was arrang- ed, I set fire to the match, the end of which projected far enough beyond the plank to allow us sufficient time to escape. I now hurried on board the raft, into which I had previously sent the boys before applying a light to the match; and who, though they had assisted in forming the cracker, had no sus- picion of the use for which it was intended, and believing all the while it concealed some subject of amusement for their next trip to the vessel, I confess I had purposely avoided giving them the true explanation, from the fear of the entire failure of my project, or that the vessel, pinnace, and all that it contained, might in consequence be blown up in a moment. I had naturally, therefore, some reluctance to announce my- self before the time as the author of so many disasters. On our arrival at Tent-House, I immediately put the raft in a certain order, that she might be in readiness to return speedily to the wreck, when the noise produced by the crack- er should have informed me that my scheme had taken ef- fect. We set busily to work in emptying her; and during the occupation, our ears were assailed with the noise of an explosion of such violence, that my wife and the boys, who were ignorant of the cause, were so dreadfully alarmed as instantly to abandon their employment. ''What can it be? — what is the matter? — what can have happened?" cried all at^ once. "It must be cannon. It is perhaps the captain and the ship's company who have found their way hither! Or can it be some vessel in distress? Oan we go to its relief?" U 234 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON'. Mother. — The sound conies in the. direction of the wreck: perhaps she has blown up. — From the bottom of her heart she made this suggestion, for she desired nothing more earnestly than that the vessel should be annihilated, and thus an end be put to our repeated visits. Father. — If this is the case, said I, we had better return immediately, and convince ourselves of the fact? Who will be of the party? "I, I, I/ 7 cried the boys; and the three young rogues- lost not a moment in jumping into their tubs, whither I soon followed them, after having whispered a few words to my wife, somewhat tending to explain, but still more to tran- quillize her mind during the trip we had now to engage in> We rowed out of the bay with more rapidity than on any former occasion; curiosity gave strength to our arms* When the vessel was in sight r I observed with pleasure that no change had taken place in the part of her which faced Tent-House, and that no sign of smoke appeared: we ad- vanced, therefore, in excellent spirits; but instead of rowing, as usual, straight to the breach, we proceeded round to the side, on the inside of which we had placed the cracker. The horrible scene of devastation we had caused now broke upon our sight. The greater part of the ship's side was shivered to pieces; innumerable splinters covered the sur- face of the water; the whole exhibited a scene of terrible destruction, in the midst of which presented itself our elegant pinnace, entirely free from injury! I could not refrain from the liveliest exclamations of joy, which excited the surprise of the boys, who had felt the disposition such a spectacle naturally inspired, of being dejected. They fixed their eyes upon me with the utmost astonishment. — "Now then she is ours!" cried I — "the elegant little pinnace is ours! for no- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 235 thing is now more easy than to launch her. Come, boys, jump upon her deck, and let us see how quickly we can get her down upon the water." Fritz. — Ah! now I understand you, father, you have yourself blown up the side of the ship'with that machine you ■contrived in our last visit, that we might be able to get out the pinnace; but how does it happen that so much of the •ship is blown away ? Father. — I will explain all this to you when I have con- vinced myself that the pinnace is not injured, and that there is no danger of any of the fire remaining on board; let us well examine. We entered by the new breach, and had soon reason to be satisfied that the pinnace had wholly es- caped from injury, and that the tire was entirely extin- guished. The mortar, however, and pieces of the chain, had been driven forcibly into the opposite side of the enclos- ure. Having now every reason to be satisfied and tranquil, I explained to the boys the nature of a cracker, the manner of its operation, and the important service for which I was indebted to the old mortar. I then examined the breach we had thus effected, and next the pinnace. I perceived that it would be easy, with the help of the crow and the lever, to lower her into the water. In putting her together, I had used the precaution of placing her keel on rollers, that we might not experience the same difficulty as we had formerly done in launching our tub-raft. Before letting her go, however, I fastened the end of a long thick rope to her head, and the other end to the most solid part of the wreck, for fear, of her being carried out too far. We put our whole ingenuity and strength to this undertaking, and soon enjoyed the pleasure of seeing our pretty pinnace descend gracefully into the sea; the rope keeping her suffi- <236 TH£ SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON*, ciently near, and enabling us to draw her close to the spot where I was loading the tub-boat, and where, for that pur- pose, I had lodged a pulley on a projecting beam, from which I was enabled also to advance with the completing of the necessary masts and siils for our new barge. I endeavour- ed to recollect minutely all the information I had ever pos- sessed on the art of equipping a vessel; and our pinnace was shortly in a condition to set sail. On this occasion, a spirit of military affairs was awakened in the minds of my young group, which was never after ex- tinguished. We were masters of a vessel mounted with two cannon, and furnished amply with guns and pistols! This was at once to be invincible, and in a coridition for resisting and destroying the largest fleet the savages could bring upon us! In the height of exultation, it was even almost wished they might assail us! For my own part, I answered their young enthusiasm with pious prayers that we might ever escape such a calamity as the being compelled to use our fire-arms. Night surprised us before we had finished our work, and we accordingly prepared for our return to Tent- House, after drawing the pinnace close under the vessel's side. We arrived in safety, and took great care, as had been previously agreed on, not to mention our new and in- valuable booty to the good mother, till we could surprise her with the sight of it in a state of entire completeness. In answer, therefore, to her inquiries as to the noise she heard, we told her that a barrel of gunpowder had taken fire, and had shivered to pieces a small part of the ship. Two whole days more were spent in completely equipping' and loading the beautiful little barge we had now secured. When she was ready for sailing, I found it impossible to re- sist the earnest importunity of the boys, who, as a recompense THE SWISS FAMILY R0BINS0X. 237 for the industry and discretion they had employed, claimed my permission to salute their mother, on their approach to Tent-House, with two discharges of cannon. These accord- ingly were loaded, and the two youngest placed themselves, with a lighted match in hand, close to the touch-holes, to be in readiness. Fritz stood at the mast, to manage the ropes and cables, while I took my station at the rudder. These matters being adjusted, we put off with sensations of lively joy, which was demonstrated by loud huzzas and suitable gesticulation. The wind was favourable, and so brisk, that we glided with the rapidity of a bird along the mirror of the waters; and while my young ones were transported with pleasure by the velocity of the motion, I could not myself refrain from shuddering at the thought of some possible dis- aster. Our old friend the tub-raft had been deeply loaded, and fastened to the pinnace, and it now followed as an accom- panying boat to a superior vessel. We took down our large sail as soon as we found ourselves at the entrance of Safety Bay, to "have the greater command in steering the pinnace; and soon the smaller ones were lowered one by one, that we might the -more securely avoid being thrown with violence upon the rocks so prevalent along the coast: thus, proceeding at a slower rate, we had greater facilities for managing the important affair of the discharge of the cannon. Arrived within a certain distance — "Fire!" cried Commander Fritz. The rocks behind Tent-House return- ed the sound. — " Fire!'''' said Fritz again — Ernest and Jack obeyed, and the echoes again majestically replied. Fritz at the same moment had discharged his two pistols, and all joined instantly in three loud huzzas. "Welcome! welcome! dear ones," was the answer from 238 • THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. the anxious mother, almost breathless with astonishment and joy! "Welcome! " cried also little Francis, with his feeble voice, as he stood clinging to her side, and not well knowing whether he was to be sad or merry ! We now tried to push to shore with our oars in a particular direction, that we might have the protection of a projecting mass of rocks, and my wife and little Francis hastened to the spot to re- ceive us: "Ah, dear deceitful ones!" cried she, throwing herself upon my neck, and heartily embracing me, what a fright have you, and your cannon, and your little ship, thrown me into! I saw it advancing rapidly towards us, and was unable to conceive from whence it could come, or what it might have on board: I stole with Francis behind the rocks, and when I heard the firing, I was near sinking to the ground with terror; if I had not the moment after heard your voices, God knows where we should have run to — but come, the cruel moment is now over, and thanks to Heaven, I have you once again in safety! But tell me where you got so unhoped-for a prize as this neat charming little vessel? In good truth, it would almost tempt me once more to venture on a sea-voyage, especially if she would promise to convey us back to our dear country! I foresee of what use she will be to us, and for her sake I think that I must try to forgive the many sins of absence you have committed against me." Fritz now invited his mother to get on board, and gave her his assistance. When they had all stepped upon the deck, they entreated for permission to salute, by again dis- charging the cannon, and at the same moment to confer on the pinnace the name of their mother — The Elizabeth. My wife was particularly gratified by these our late ad- ventures; she applauded our skill and perseverance: "but THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 239 do not," said she, "imagine that I bestow so much com- mendation without the hope of some return in kind: on the contrary, it is now my turn to claim from you, for myself and little Francis, the same sort of agreeable recompense; for we have not, I assure you, remained idle while the rest were so actively employed for the common benefit. — No, not so; little Francis and his mother found means to be doing something also, though not at this moment prepared to furnish such unquestionable proofs as you, by your sal- utations of cannon, he; b.ut wait a little, good friends, and our proofs shall hereafter be apparent in some dishes of excellent vegetables which we shall be able to regale you v/ith. — It depends, to say the truth, only on yourselves, dear ones, to go with me and see what we have done." We did not hesitate to comply, and jumped briskly out of the pinnace for the purpose. Taking her little coad- jutor Francis by the hand, she led the way, and we follow- ed in the gayest mood imaginable. She conducted us up an ascent of one of our rocks, and stopping at the spot where the cascade is formed from Jackall's River, she dis- played to our astonished eyes a handsome kitchen-garden, laid out properly in beds and walks, and, as she told us, everywhere sowed with the seed of useful plants. "This," said she, " is the pretty exploit we have been engaged in, if you will kindly think so of it. In this spot the earth is so light, being principally composed of decayed leaves, that Francis and I had no difficulty in working in it, and then dividing it into different compartments: one for po- tatoes, one for manioc, and other smaller shares for lettuces of various kinds, not forgetting to leave a due proportion to receive some plants of the sugar-cane. You, dear husband, and Fritz, will easily find means to conduct sufficient water 240 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. hither from the cascade, by means of pipes of bamboo, to keep the whole in health and vigour; and we shall have a double source of pleasure from the general prosperity; for both the eye and the palate will be gratified. But you have not yet seen all: there, on the slope of the rock, I have transplanted some plants of the ananas. Between these I have sowed some melon seeds, which cannot fail to succeed, thus securely sheltered, and in so warm a soil: here is a plot allotted to pease and beans, and this other for all sorts of cabbage. Round each bed or plot I ha3 7 e sowed seeds of maize, on account of its tall and bushy form, to serve as a border, which at the same time will protect my young plants from the scorching heat of the sun." I stood transported, in the midst of so perfect an exhibi- tion of the kind zeal and persevering industry of this most amiable of women! I could only exclaim, that I should never have believed in the possibility of such a labour in so short a time, and particularly with so much privacy as to leave me wholly unsuspicious of the existence of such a project. Mother. — To confess the truth, I scarcely myself expect- ed to succeed, so I resolved to be silent, to avoid being put to the blush for my presumption. But as I found my little calculations answer better than I expected, I was encourag- ed, and the hope of suprising you so agreeably gave me new strength and activity. I, however, was not without my suspicions that your daily visits to the wreck were connect- ed with some great mystery, which at a certain time you would unfold. — So, mystery for mystery, thought I; and thus my love, it has turned out. Though acting in different directions, one only object has been our mutual aim — the substantial good of our beloved companions of the desert! THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 241 After a few jocose remarks, with which we closed this conversation, we moved towards Tent-House. This was one of our happiest days; for we were all satisfied with our- selves and with each other; we had conferred and received benefits; and I led my children to observe the goodness of Providence, who renders even labour a source of enjoyment, and makes our own happiness result from that of the objects of our affection, and our pride to arise from the commen- dations of which those objects may be deserving. "I had almost forgot, though," said my wife, after a short pause, " one little reproach I had to make you: your trips to the vessel have made you neglect the bundle of pre- cious fruit-saplings we laid together in mould at Falcon's Stream; I fear they by this time must be dying for want of planting, though I took care to v/ater and cover them with branches. Let us go, my love, and see about them." I readily consented, as many other matters required our presence at Falcon's Stream. We had now in possession the greater part of the cargo of the vessel ; but almost the whole of these treasures were at present in the open air, and liable to injury from both sun and rain. My wife prepared with alertness for our walk. We hastened to unload the boat, and to place the cargo safely under shelter along with our other stores. The pinnace was anchored on the shore, and fastened with a rope, by her head, to a stake. When all our stores were thus disposed of, we began our journey to Falcon's Stream, but not empty-handed; we took with us everything that seemed to be absolutely wanted for comfort; and when brought together, it was really so much, that both ourselves and our beasts of burden had no easy task to perform. W 242 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. CHAPTER XXI. Gymnastic Exercises; various Discoveries; singular Ani- mals, Sfc. I recommended to my sons to resume the exercise* of the shooting of arrows; for I had an extreme solicitude about their preserving and increasing their bodily strength and agility. Nothing tends more to the extinction of personal courage in a human being, than the consciousness of want- ing that strength of limb, or that address which may be ne- cessary to aid us in defending ourselves, or in escaping from dangers. On this occasion, I added the exercises of run- ning, jumping, getting up trees, both by means of climbing by the trunk, or by a suspended rope, as sailors are obliged to do to get to the mast-head. We began at first by mak- ing knots in the rope, at a foot distance from each other; then we reduced the number of knots, and before we left off we contrived to succeed without any. I next taught them an exercise of a different nature, which was to be effected by means of two balls made of lead, fastened one to each end of a string about a fathom in length. While I was pre- paring this machinery, all eyes were fixed upon me. — "What can it be intended for?" cried one: "How can we use it?" asked another: " Will it soon be ready?" con- tinued a third. " I am endeavouring," said I, "to imitate the arms used by a valiant nation, remarkable for their skill in the chase, and whom you all must have heard of: I mean the Patago- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 243 nians, inhabitants of the most southern point of America; but, instead of balls, which they are not able to procure, they tie two heavy stones, one at each end of a cord, but consider- ably longer than the one I am working with: every Pata- gonian is armed with this simple instrument, which they use with singular dexterity. If they desire to kill or wound an enemy, or an animal, they fling one of the ends of this cord at him, and begin instantly to draw it back by the other, which they keep carefully in their hand, to be ready for another throw if necessary: but if they wish to take an animal alive, and without hurting it, they possess the sin- gular art of throwing it in such a way as to make it run sev- eral times round the neck of the prey, occasioning a per- plexing tightness; they then throw the second stone, and with so certain an aim, that they scarcely ever miss their object: the operation of the second is, the so twisting itself about the animal as to impede his progress, even though he were at a full gallop. The stones continue turning, carry- ing with them the cord: the poor animal is at length so en- tangled, that he can neither advance nor retire, and thus falls a prey to the enemy." This description was heard with much interest by the boys, who now all entreated I would that instant try the ef- fect of my own instrument upon a small trunk of a tree which we saw at a certain distance. My throws entirely succeeded; and the string with the balls at the end so com- pletely surrounded the tree, that the skill of the Patagonian huntsmen required no further illustration. Each of the boys must then needs have a similar instrument; and in a short time Fritz became quite expert in the art, as indeed he was in every kind of exercise that required strength or address: he was not only the most alert of my children, but being the $44 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, eldest, his muscles were more formed, and his intelligence was more developed, than could yet be expected in the other three. The next morning as I was dressing, I remarked from my window in the tree, that the sea was violently agitated, and the waves swelled with the wind. I rejoiced to find my- self in safety in my home, and that the day had not been destined for out-of-door occupation. I observed then to my wife, that I should not leave her the whole day, and there- fore was ready to execute any thing she found wanting in our domestic arrangement. We now fell to a more minute examination than I had hitherto had time for, of all our vari- ous possessions at Falcon's Stream. She showed me many things she had herself found means to add to them during my repeated absences from home: among these was a pair of young pigeons which had been lately hatched, and were already beginning to try their wings, while their mother was again sitting on her eggs. From these we passed to the fruit trees we had laid in earth to be planted, and which were in real need of our assistance. I immediately set myself to prevent so important an injury. I had promised the boys, the. eve- ning before, to go all together to the wood of gourds, to provide ourselves with vessels of different sizes to keep our provisions in: they were enchanted with the idea, but I bar- gained that they must first assist me to plant all the young trees; which was no sooner said than set about. When we had finished, the evening was too far advanc- ed for so long a walk. By sunrise the next morning all were on foot; for nothing can exceed the alertness of young persons who act in expectation of a pleasurable change of scene. The ass, harnessed to the sledge, play- ed the principal character: his office was to carry our din- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 245 ners, a bottle of Canary wine, and some powder and shot, and to bring home our service of empty gourds. Turk, ac- cording to custom, led the way as our advanced guard: next followed the three eldest boys, equipped for sporting: after them, the tender mother, leading the little one: and Flora brought up the rear, with the monkey on her back, to which the boys had given the name of Knips. On this occa- sion I took with me a double-barrelled gun, loaded on the one side with shot for game, and, on the other with ball, in case of meeting with an enemy. In this manner we set out, full of good-humour and high spirits, from Falcon's Stream. Turning round Flamingo Marsh, we soon reached the pleasant spot which before had so delighted us. Fritz took a direction a little further from the seashore; and sending Turk into the tall grass, he fol- lowed himself, and both disappeared. Soon, eager for sport,, we heard Turk barking loud; a large bird sprung up, and al- most at the same moment a shot from Fritz brought it down: but though wounded it was not killed; it raised itself, and got off with incredible swiftness, not by flying but by run- ning. Turk followed, and seizing the bird, held it fast till Fritz came up. Now a different scene succeeded from that which took place at the capture of the flamingo. The legs of that bird are long and weak, and it was able to make but a poor resistance. The present captive was large in size, and strong; it struck the dogs, or whoever came near, with its legs, with so much force, that Fritz, who had received a blow or two, dared not again approach the enemy. Fortunately I reached the spot in time to give assistance, and was pleased to see that it was a female bustard of the largest size. I had long wished to possess and to tame a bird of this species for our poultry-yard, though I foresaw that it would be some- what difficult. 246 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. To secure the bird without injuring it, I threw my pocket handkerchief over the head of the bustard; it could not dis- engage itself, and its efforts only served to entangle it the more. As it could not now see me, I got near enough to pass a string with a running knot over its legs, which, for the present, I drew tight, to prevent further mischief from such powerful weapons. I gently released its wing from Turk's mouth, and tied it, with its fellow, close to the bird's body. In short, the bustard was our own! and that in a condition to promise its preservation when we should once have con-, veyed it to Falcon's Stream, and could administer care and kindness to compensate for the rough treatment it had ex- perienced at our hands. We removed the prisoner to the spot where our com- panions had been waiting our rettlrn. Ernest and Jack ran briskly forward, bawling out, " Oh, what a handsome bird! And what a size! What beautiful feathers!" — "I think it is a female bustard, "said Ernest. "And you are right," answered I; " its flesh is excellent, having somewhat of the flavour of the turkey, to which it also in some other respects has resemblance. Let us endeavour to tame and preserve it by all means. We have gained for our poultry-yard a bird of rare value on account of its size, which will, it may be hoped attract its mate, and thus furnish us with a brood of its species." I now fixed the bustard on the sledge, in a posture the most favourable to its ease. As we advanced on our way, I was frequently obliged to use the hatchet to make a free pas- sage for the ass in the tall grass. The heat also increased, and we were all complaining of thirst, when Ernest, whose discoveries were generally of a kind to be of use, made one of a most agreeable nature. He has already been de- scribed as a lover of natural history, and now he had gath- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 247 ered, as he proceeded, such plants as he met with, with the view of adding to his stock of knowledge. He found a kind of hollow stalk of some height, which grew at the foot of trees, and entangled our feet in walking. He cut one of them, and was surprised to see a drop of pure fresh water issue at the place where thp knife had been applied: he showed it to us, put it to his lips, and found it pure, and felt much regret that there was no more. I then fell to examining the phe- nomenon myself, and soon perceived that the want of air prevented a more considerable issue of water. I made some more incisions, and presently water flowed out as if from a small conduit. Ernest, and after him the other boys, quenched their thirst at this new fountain, in the completest manner. I tried the experiment of dividing the plants long- ways, and they soon gave out water enough to supply even the ass, the monkey, and the bustard. For my own part, touched with deep gratitude for the goodness of God towards me and my beloved family, I raised my eyes to Heaven in thankfulness. We were still compelled to fight our way through thick bushes, till at length arrived at the wood of gourds, we were not long in finding the spot were Fritz and I had once before enjoyed so agreeable a repose. Our companions had not soon done admiring and wondering at the magnificence of the trees they now beheld, and the prodigious size of the fruit which grew upon the trunk. Jack and Ernest employed themselves in collecting dried branches and flints, while their mother was occupied in attending to the poor bustard. She remarked to me, that it was cruel to keep her any longer blinded, and her legs tied together on the sledge. To please her, I took off the covering and loosened the string on the legs, but still left 248 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. it so as to be a guard against its running away, or inflicting blows on those who might approach. I tied her by a long string to the trunk of a tree, that she might relieve herself by walking about. My wife now gave us notiqe, that she should want some vessels to contain milk, a large flat spoon to cut out butter by pieces, and next, some pretty plates for serving it at table, made from the gourd rinds. Father. — You are perfectly reasonable in your demand, dear wife, said I; and, on my part, I require some nests for the pigeons, some baskets for eggs, and some hives for bees. All. — Oh yes, these things must all be made, we will set earnestly to work. Jack. — But first, father, tell us how to divide one of the rinds with a string;. I made them gather or collect, till we were in possess- ion of a sufficient number. We now began our work: some had to cut ; others to saw, scoop out, and model into agreeable forms. It was a real pleasure to witness the activity exhib- ited in this our manufacture of porcelain: each tried what specimens he could present for the applause of his compan- ions. For my own part, I made a pretty basket, large enough to carry eggs, with one of the gourds, leaving an arch at the top to serve as a cover. I likewise accomplished a certain number of vessels, also with covers, fit to hold our milk, and then some spoons to skim the cream. My next attempt was some bottles large enough to hold fresh water, and these occasioned me more trouble than all the rest. It was necessary to empty the gourd through the small open- ing of the size of one's finger, which I had cut in it; I was obliged, after loosening the contents with a stick, to get them THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 249 out by friction with shot and water well shaken on the in- side. Lastly, to please my wife, I undertook the labour of a set of plates for her use. Fritz and Jack engaged to make the hives for the bees and nests for the pigeons and hens. For this last object, they took the largest gourds, and cut a hole in front, the size of the animal for whose use it was intended: they had, when finished, so very pretty an appearance, that little Francis was ready to cry that he was not quite small enough to get into and live in one of them. The pigeons' nests were intended to be tied to the branches of our tree; those for the hens, the geese, and the ducks, were to be placed between its roots, or on the sea shore, and to represent a sort of hen-coop. Our work, added to the heat of the day, had made us all thirsty; but we found nothing on this spot like our fountain plants, as we had named them. The boys entreated me to go with them in different directions, and try to find some water, not daring by themselves to venture further into the wood. Ernest with great eagerness proposed relieving me of this trouble, and putting himself in my place. It was not long before we heard him calling loudly to us, and saw him returning in great alarm. "Run quick, father, " said he, " here is an immense wild boar. Oh, how he frightened me ! I heard him grunting quite close to rne, and then he scam- pered away to the wood. I hear him at this very moment." I then cried out to the boys to call the dogs quickly. "Halloo, here, Turk! Flora!" The dogs arrived full gallop. Ernest was our leader, and conducted us to the place where he saw the boar; but he was gone, and we saw nothing but a plot of potatoes which appeared to have been ransacked by the animal. The ardour for the chase had 250 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. been somewhat checked in Jack and Ernest, when they con- sidered that they had so formidable a creature to encounter: they stopped short, and began to dig potatoes, and left it to Fritz and me to follow the traces of the \3ogs. We soon heard the cry of the latter ; for they had overtaken the runaway, and soon after the most hideous growling assailed our ears from the same quarter. We advanced with caution, holding our guns in readiness to fire together the instant the animal should be within the proper distance. Presently the spec- tacle of the two brave creatures attacking him on the right and left presented itself; each held one of his ears between their teeth. But it was not a boar, but our own sow which had runaway and so long been lost! After the first surprise we could not resist a hearty laugh; and then we hastened to disencumber our old friend of the teeth of her two ad- versaries. Her frightful squalling resounded through the wood, and drew our young companions to the place, when a warfare of banter and accusation went round among the parties. But here the attention of all was attracted to a kind of small potato which we observed lying thick on the grass around us, and which had fallen from some trees which ap- peared loaded with the same production: our sow devoured them greedily, thus consoling herself for the pain and fright the dogs had occasioned her. The fruit was of different colours, and extremely pleasing to the eye. Fritz expressed his apprehension that it was the poisonous apple called the Mancenilla; but the sow ate them with so much eagerness, and the tree which bore them hav- ing neither the form nor foliage ascribed by naturalises to the Mancenilla, made me doubt of the truth of his idea. I desired my sons to put some of the fruit in their pockets, to make an experiment with them upon the monkey. We now 252 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. again, from extreme thirst, began to recollect our want of water, and determined to seek for some in every direction. Jack sprang off, and sought among the rocks, hoping that he should discover some little stream: but scarcely had he left the wood, than he bawled to us that he had found a crocodile! " A crocodile!" cried I with a hearty laugh, "you have a fine imagination, my boy! who ever saw a crocodile on such scorching rocks as these, and with not a drop of water near? Now, Jack, you are surely dreaming " " Not so much of a dream as you may think, father," an- swered Jack, trying to speak in a low voice; " fortunately he is asleep; — he lies here on a stone at his full length; — do, father, step here and look at it; it does not stir in the least." We stole softly to the place where the animal lay; but instead of a crocodile, I saw before me a large sort of lizard, named by naturalists Leguana or Yguana, an animal by nature of a mild character, and excellent as food. Instantly all were for seizing him, and presenting so rare a prize to their mother. Fritz was already taking aim with his gun; but I prevented him, observing, that the animal being pro- tected by a coat of scales, it might be difficult to destroy him, and that he is known to be dangerous, if approached when angry. "Let us try," said I, "another sort of ex- periment; as he is asleep, we need not be in a hurry: only a little contrivance is necessary to have him safe in our power alive, and the process will afford us an amusing- spectacle." I cut a stout stick from a bush, to the extremity of which I tied a string with a running knot. I guarded my other hand simply with a little switch, and thus with cautious steps approached the creature. When I was very near to him, I began to whistle a lively air, taking care to make the sounds THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 253 low at first, and to increase in loudness till the lizard was awaked. The creature appeared entranced with pleasure as the sounds fell upon his ear; he raised his head to receive them still more distinctly, and looked round on all sides to discover from whence they came. I now advanced by a step at a time, without a moment's interval in the music, which fixed him like a statue to the place. At length I was near enough to reach him with my switch, with which I tickled him gently, still continuing to whistle* one after the other, the different airs I could recollect. The lizard was bewil- dered by the charms of the music; the attitudes he threw, himself into were expressive of a delirious voluptuousness; he stretched himself at full length, made undulating motions with his long tail, threw his head about, raised it up, and by this sort of action, disclosed the formidable range of his sharp-pointed teeth, which were capable of tearing us to pieces if we had excited his hostility. I dexterously seized the moment of his raising his head, to throw my noose over him. When this was accomplished, the boys drew near also, and wanted instantly to draw it tight and strangle him at once; but this I positively forbade, being unwilling to cause the poor animal so unmerited a suffering. I had used the noose only to make sure of him, in case it should happen that a milder mode of killing him, which I intended to try, failed of success, in which case I should have looked to the noose for protection; but this was rendered unnecessary. Continuing to whistle my most affecting melodies, I seized a favourable moment to plunge my switch into one of his nos- trils. The blood flowed in abundance, and soon deprived him of life, without his exhibiting the least appearance of being in pain: on the contrary, to the last moment, he seemed to be still listening to the music. 254 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. As soon as he was dead, I allowed the boys to come quite near, and to tighten the noose, which we now found useful to draw him to the ground from the large stone on which he lay. My sons were delighted with the means I had used for killing him without pain. We had now to consider of the best way for transporting to Falcon's Stream so large and valuable a booty. After a moment of reflec- tion, I perceived that I had better come at once to the de- termination of carrying him across my shoulders; and the figure I made with so singular an animal on my back, with his tail dragging on the ground, was not the least amusing circumstance of the adventure. Fritz and Jack presented themselves as pages, contending which should support my train, as they called the tail, which, independently of the good humour inspired amongst us, considerably eased me of the weight, and gave me the air of an old Chinese emperor, habited in a superb royal mantle of many col- ours; for those of the lizard shone like precious stones in the eyes of the sun. We were proceeding in our return, when we distinguished the voice of my wife and little Francis calling loudly upon my name. Our long absence had alarmed them: we had forgot on this occasion to give them notice of our approach by firing our gun, and they had imagined some terrible dis- aster must have befallen us. No sooner, however, did our cheerful notes reach their ear, than their lamentations were changed to joy, and we were soon the happiest of beings, assembled under a large gourd tree, where we related every particular of the excursion we had made, and laid the lizard at her feet. We had so many things to tell, that, till reminded by my wife, we forgot to mention that we had failed of procuring any water. My sons had taken out THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 255 some of the unknown apples from their pockets, and they lay on the ground by our side. Knips soon scented them, and came slily up and stole several, and fell to chewing them with great eagerness. I myself threw one or two to the bustard, who also ate them without hesitation. Being now convinced that the apples were not of a poisonous na- ture, I announced to the boys, who had looked on with envy all the time, that they also might begin to eat them, and I myself set the example. We found them excellent in quality, and I began to suspect that they might be the sort of fruit called guava, which is much esteemed in such countries. The tree which bears them is sometimes twenty feet in height, and of so fertile a nature, that in inhabited countries they are sometimes thinned and cut down, on ac- count of the quantity of land they would occupy. This re- gale of the apples had in some measure relieved our thirst; but on the other hand, they had increased our hunger; and as we had not time for preparing a portion of the lizard, we were obliged to content ourselves with the cold pro- visions we had brought with us. We had scarcely finished, before my wife earnestly en- treated we would begin our journey home, and it appeared to me, as the evening was so far advanced, that it would be prudent to return this once without the sledge, which was heavy laden, and the ass could have drawn it but slow- ly: I therefore determined to leave it on the spot till the following day, when I could return and fetch it, contenting myself with loading the ass, for the present, with the bags which contained our new sets of porcelain; the lizard, which I feared might not keep fresh so long; and our little Fran- cis, who began to complain of being tired. I took these arrangements upon myself, and left to my wife and Fritz 256 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. the care of confining the bustard in such a manner that she could walk before us without danger of escaping. When these preparations were complete, our little caravan was put in motion, taking the direction of a straight line to Falcon's Stream. The course of our route now lay along a wood of majestic oaks, and the ground was covered with acorns. My young travellers could not refrain from tasting them, and finding them both sweet and mild to the palate, I had the pleasure of reckoning them as a new means of support. On considering, I recognised that they were a kind of oak which remains always green, and are a common production of the woods in Florida, and that the Indians of North America extract from its fruit an excellent kind of sweet oil, which they use in cooking their rice. Numerous kinds of birds subsist upon these acorns. This we were led to remark, by the wild and discordant cries of several sorts of jays and parrots, which were skipping merrily among the foliage and the branches. We arrived shortly at Falcon's Stream, and had time to employ ourselves in some trifling arrangements, before it was completely dark. My wife had great pleasure in taking out her service of porcelain, and using some of the articles that very evening; particularly the handsome egg-basket, and the vessels for the milk. Fritz was instructed to dig a place in the ground, to serve for a kind of cooler, the better to preserve the milk; and we covered it with boards, and put heavy stones to keep them down. Jack took the pigeons' nests, and scampered up the tree, where he nailed them to the branches; he next laid some dry moss within, and placed one of the female pigeons we had contrived to tame, and which at the time was brooding, upon it; he put the eggs carefully under the mother, who seemed to accept his services, and to coo in return, with gratitude. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. c 251 We concluded the exertions of the. day with a plain repast, and the contriving a comfortable bed for the bustard by the side of the flamingo, and then stretched our weary limbs upon the homely couch, rendered by fatigue luxurious, in the giant tree. CHAPTER XXIL Excursion into Unknown Tracts. My first thought the next morning, was to fetch the sledge from the wood. I had a double motive for leaving it there, which I had refrained from explaining to my wife, to avoid giving her uneasiness. I had formed a wish to penetrate a little farther into the land, and ascertain whether any thing useful would present itself beyond the wall of rocks. I was, besides, desirous to be better acquainted with the ex- tent, the form, and general productions of our island: I wished Fritz only, who was stronger and more courageous than his brothers, and Turk, to accompany me. We set ■out Ye^rj early in the morning, and drove the ass before us for the purpose of drawing home the sledge. As we were picking up some acorns, different birds of exquisite plumage flitted about us; for this once, I could not refuse Fritz the pleasure of firing upon them, that we might learn their species. He brought down three. 1 .recognised one to be the great blue Virginia jay, and the ether two were parrots. One of the two was a superb red parrot; the other was green and yellow. X 258 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. While Fritz was reloading his gun, we heard a singular sort of noise, which came from a distance. At one moment it resembled a muffled drum, at another, the noise made in sharpening a saw. My first idea was of music played by savages, and we retreated quickly to hide ourselves among^ the bushes to listen. By degrees we advanced towards the place from whence the sound appeared to come: but per- ceiving nothing to alarm us, we separated some of the branches with our hands, and then discovered a handsome bird, about the size of the English cock; and, like it too r adorned with elegantly formed smooth feathers round the neck, and a comb upon his head. The animal stood erect on a decayed trunk of a tree, which was lying on the ground,, and at this moment exhibited some singular gestures. His tail was spread in the form of a fan, similar to that of the turkey-cock, but shorter; the feathers round his neck and head were erect and bristling. He sometimes agitated them with so quick a motion, as to make them appear like a vapour which suddenly inclosed him: sometimes he whirl- ed himself round and round on the trunk of the tree; at others he moved his head and eyes in such a manner as to express a state of distraction, making, at the same time, the singular kind of noise with his voice which had alarmed us, and which was preceded and followed by a sort of explosion.. This last was caused by the motion of his wing striking in a quick measure on the trunk, which was hollow and dry, and made the noise resemble a muffled drum. There were assembled around him a great number of birds of the same species, but much smaller, and of a less beautiful form. One and all fixed their eyes upon him, and seemed delighted with the pantomime. I contemplated this extraordinary spec- tacle, of which I had formerly read an account, with astonish- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON 259 ment. The number of the spectators of the feathered actor increased every moment, and the performance increased in spirit also in proportion, presenting the idea of a perfect intoxication or delirium of the creature. At this moment Fritz, who stood a little behind me, put an end to the scene by firing off his gun. The actor fell from the stage, and stretching himself on the sand, breathed his last, and the spectators betook themselves suddenly to flight. I must confess, the interest I took in the exhibition was of so lively a nature, that I could not refrain from reproaching Fritz in an angry tone. " Why," said I, " must we be always ap- plying the means of death and annihilation to the creatures that fall in our way ? Is not nature a thousand times more exhilarating in her animated movements, which express life and enjoyment, than in the selfish scheme of destruction you seem so fond of? Some allowance should no doubt be made for the curiosity of youth, for necessities caused by our situation, and even for the taste you have acquired for sporting. I, therefore, as you well know, do not object to your killing now and then a little game, or some singular or dangerous kind of animal; but moderation is on all occa- sions useful, and the spectacle of this bird, employed in such earnest endeavours to draw his females around him, was at least as amusing, as to see him stretched there at length, and lifeless, who but two minutes ago exhibited such rapid and lively motions! His pretty hens too, all dispersed in terror, and deprived of the possibility of ever more admiring him, or being his companions!" Fritz looked down, ashamed and sorry. I observed to him, the thing being done, there was now no remedy; tjiat the fetras, or heath-cock, was much esteemed as game; and that he had better take it from the ground, and carry it to his mother 260 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, We now laid the dead cock upon the ass's back, and pro- ceeded on our journey. We soon arrived at the guava trees, and a little after at the spot where we had left the sledge, when we found our treasures in the best possible condition: but as the morning was not far advanced, we entered upon our intended project of penetrating beyond the wall of rocks. We pursued our way in a straight line at the foot of these massy, solid productions of nature, every moment expect- ing to reach their extremity, or to rind some turn, or breach, or passage through them, that should conduct us into the interior of the island, if, as I presumed, it was not termina- ted by these rocks. We walked on, continually looking about, that nothing might escape us worthy of notice, and to anticipate and avoid such dangers as should threaten. Turk, with his usual bravery, took the lead, the ass followed with lazy steps, shaking his long ears, and Fritz and I brought up the rear. We next entered a pretty little grove, the trees of which were unknown to us. Their branches were loaded with large quantities of berries of an extraordinary quality, being^ entirely covered with a wax which stuck to our fingers as we attempted to gather them. I knew of a sort of bush pro- ducing wax that grows in America, and named by botanists Myrrca cerifera; I had no doubt that this was the plant,, and the discovery gave me great pleasure. "Let us stop- here," said I to Fritz, "for we cannot do better than collect a great quantity of these berries as a useful present to your mother." A short time after, another object presented itself with equal claims to our attention; it was the singular modes of behaviour of a kind of bird scarcely larger than a chaffinch* THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. £61 and clothed in feathers of a. common brown colour. These birds appeared to exist as a republic, there being among them one common nest, inhabited at pleasure by all their tribes. We saw one of these nests in a tree, in a somewhat retired situation; it was formed of plaited straws and bulrushes in- termixed; it inclosed great numbers of inhabitants, and was built round the trunk of the tree: it had a kind of roof formed of roots and bulrushes, carefully knit together. We ob- served in the sides small apertures, seemingly intended as doors and windows to each particular cell of this general receptacle; from a few of these apertures issued some small branches, which served the birds as points of rest for enter- ing and returning: the external appearance of the whole, excited the image of an immensely large open sponge. The inhabitants were very numerous; they passed in and out con- tinually, and I estimated that it might contain at least a mil- lion. The males were somewhat larger than the females, and there was a trifling difference in their plumage: the num- ber of the males was very small in proportion to the females: I do not know whether this had been the cause of their thus assembling together. I While we were attentively examining this interesting little colony, we perceived a very small kind of parrot hover- ing about the nest. Their gilded green wings, and the variety of their colours, produced a beautiful effect; they seemed to be perpetually disputing with the colonists, and not unfrequently endeavoured to prevent their entrance into the building; they attacked them fiercely, and even tried to peck at us, if we but advanced our hand to the structure. Fritz, who was well trained in the art of climbing trees, was earnestly desirous to take a nearer view of them, and to secure, if possible, a few individuals. He threw his 262 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. burden down, and climbed to the nest; he then tried to introduce his hand into one of the apertures, and to seize whatever living creature it should touch, in that particular cell; what he most desired, was to find a female brooding, and to carry both her and the eggs away. Several of the cells were empty, but by perseverance he found one in the situation he wished; but he received so violent a peck from an invisible bird, that his only care was now to withdraw his hand; presently, however, he ventured a second time to pass his hand *into the nest, and succeeded in seizing his prey, which he laid hold of, and, in spite of the bird's re- sistance, he drew it through the aperture, and squeezed it into the pocket of his waistcoat; and buttoning it securely, he slided down the tree, and reached the ground in safety. The signals of distress sent forth by the prisoner collected a multitude of birds from their cells, who all surrounded him, uttering loud cries, and attacking him with their beaks, till he had made good his retreat. He now released the prisoner, and we discovered him to be a beautiful little green parrot, which Fritz entreated he might be allowed to pre- serve, and make a present of to his brothers, who would make a cage to keep him in, and would then tame him and teach him to speak. On the road home, we observed to each other, that from the circumstance of this young nestling within the struc- ture, it appeared probable that the true right of property was in this species, and that the brown-coloured birds we at first observed, were intruders, endeavouring to deprive them of it. " Thus we find," said I to Fritz, " the existence of social dispositions in almost every class of the animal kingdom, which leads to the combining together for a com- mon cause or benefit. A multitude of causes may induce THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON". 263 animals to form a body or society, instead of living singly: among them may be supposed the deficiency of females or of males; the charge of the young; providing them with foocl; or as a means for their safety and protection. Who shall dare to fix limits to the instinct or to the faculties of the animal creation?" Fritz. — I do not, however, recollect any kind of animals who live thus together in society, except the bees. - Father. — What say you then to wasps, drones, and dif- ferent kinds of ants? Fritz. — I did not indeed recollect the ants, though I have so often amused myself with looking at them: nothing can be more interesting than the ingenious little houses they con- struct; observing them attentively, we perceive their indus- try, their economy, their care of their young, in a word, all their undertakings, conducted on a plan of society and num- bers. Father. — Have you also observed with what a provident kind of instinct they bring out their eggs to be warmed by the sun, and for this end remove them from place to place till the time of their maturity? Fritz. — Is it not probable, father, that what we take for eggs, are chrysales of ants, which, like many other insects, are thus shut up while the process of their taking wings, is in the operation ? Father. — You may be right. Writers on natural history have considered the industry and frugality of these insects, as a subject not unworthy of their consideration; but if the common ant of our own country excited so much of your ad- miration, what will be your astonishment at the labours per- formed by the ants of other regions! There is a kind which build nests of four, six, and eight feet in height, and large 264 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON". in proportion: the external walls of these structures are so thick and solid, that neither sun nor rain can penetrate them. They are houses which contain within, little streets, arched roofs, piazzas, colonnades, and particular apartments for the offices of housewifery. The ant is an animal of pilfering propensities, on the profits of which it principally lives; it is also remarkable for constancy in its. designs, and remaining ever in- one place: a species of them exists, however, in America, which is known by the name of the cephalate, or visiting ant; they make their appearance in numerous troops every two or three years, and disperse themselves in every house; as soon as their visit is observed, it is customary to open all the apartments and receptacles for stores; they en- ter every where, and in a short time it is found that they have exterminated as effectually the rats, mice, bugs, ka- kerles (a sort of insect that gives great annoyance in hot countries); — in a word, all the different animals offensive or injurious to man, as if sent on a special mission to remedy the evils these occasion. They do no injury to man, unless they find in him an enemy, who pursues and disturbs their quiet; in which case they attack his shoes so violently, that they are destroyed with incredible rapidity. This curious species does not build its house above ground, but digs holes, sometimes not less than eight feet in depth, and plas- ter the walls according to the rules of the art of masonry. Fritz. — You mentioned just now, that in each class of the animal creation there were some individuals which formed themselves into societies; pray tell me which they are? Father. — I l^novv of no instance among birds, but that we have just been witnessing: but among quadrupeds there is at least one striking example of the social principle: — try to recollect it yourself. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 265 Frtlz. — It is perhaps the elephant or the sea-otter. Father. — Neither is the one I thought of: the animals you have named discover also a strong disposition to Hve in so- ciety with their species, but they build nothing like a com- mon house of reception: — try again. Fritz. — Ah, is it not the beaver, father? Is it hot true, that these animals possess an intelligence, that enables them to contrive and place dams to such streams or rivers as" obstruct their design of building entire villages, and that by this operation they are furnished with a sort of ditch, which they use for their purposes? Father. — You are quite right; and, strictly speaking, the marmoset also may be included in the number of sociable quadrupeds ; for they dig themselves a common place of abode, a sort of cavern, in the mountains, and in these whole families of them pass the winter comfortably, in a continual sleep. We reached a wood, the trees of which in a small degree resembled the wild fig-tree; at least the fruit they bore, like the fig, was round in form, and contained a soft juicy sub- stance full of small grains. Their height was from forty to sixty feet: the bark of the trunk was scaly, like the pine- apple, and wholly bare of branches, except at the very top. The leaves of these trees are very thick; in substance, tough, like leather; and their upper and under surfaces are different in colour. But what surprised us the most, was a kind of gum, which issued in a liquid state from the trunk of the tree, and became immediately hardened by the air. This discovery awakened Fritz's attention: in Europe he had often made use of the gum produced by cherry-trees, either as a cement or varnish in his youthful occupations; and the thought struck him, that he could do the same with what he now saw. Y 266 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. As we walked, he looked frequently at his gum, which he tried to soften with his breath, but without success: he now discovered a still more singular property in the sub- stance; that of stretching on being pulled at the extremities; and, on letting go, of reducing itself instantly, by the power of an elastic principle. He was struck with surprise, and sprang towards me, repeating the experiment before my eyes, and exclaiming, " Look, father! if this is not the very thing we formerly used, to rub out bad strokes in our drawings." "Ah! what do you tell me?" cried I with joy: "such a dis- covery would be valuable indeed. The best thanks of all will be due to you, if it is the true caoutchouc tree which yields the Indian r,ubber. Quick, hand it here, that I may examine it." — Having satisfied myself of our good fortune, I had now to explain, that caoutchouc is a kind of milky sap, which runs from its tree, in consequence of incisions made in the bark. " This liquor is received in vessels placed ex- pressly for the purpose: it is afterwards made to take the form of dark-coloured bottles of different sizes, such as we have seen them, in the following manner. Before the liquor has time to coagulate, some small earthen bottles are dipped into it a sufficient number of times to form the thick- ness required. These vessels are then hung over smoke, which completely dries them, and gives them a dark colour. Before they are entirely dry, a knife is drawn across them, which produces the lines or figures with which you have seen them marked. The concluding part of the operation is to break the mould, and to get out the pieces by the pas- sage of the neck, when there remains the complete form of a bottle." Frilz. — This process seems simple enough, and we will make some bottles of it for carrying liquids, when we go far THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 267 in pursuit of game. But still I do not perceive how the discovery is of so much value to us? Father. — Not by this use of it alone, certainly; but its quality is excellent for being made into shoes and boots with- out seams, if we can add the assistance of earthen moulds of the size of the leg or foot to be fitted. We must consider of some means of restoring masses of the caoutchouc to its liquid form, for spreading upon the moulds; and if we should not succeed, we must endeavour to draw it in sufficient quantities, in its liquid state, from the trees themselves. We continued our way till we reached another wood, the skirts of which we had already seen, it being the same which stretches from the sea shore to the top of the rocks. In this spot alone, and mixed with a quantity of cocoa-trees, I discovered a sort of tree of smaller growth, which I presumed must be the sago palm: one of these had been thrown down by the wind, so that I was able to examine it thoroughly. I perceived that the trunk of it contained a large quantity of a mealy substance; I therefore, with my hatchet laid it open longways and cleared it of the whole contents; and I found on tasting, it was exactly like the sago I had often eaten in Europe. We now began to consider how much further we would go: the thick bushes of bamboo, through which it was impossible to pass, seemed to furnish a natural conclusion to our journey. We were' therefore unable to ascertain whether or not we should have found a passage beyond the wall of rocks: we perceived then no better resource than to turn to the left towards Cape Disappointment, where the luxurious plantations of sugar-canes now again drew our attention. That we might not return empty-handed to Falcon's Stream, and might deserve forgiveness for so long an absence, we each took the pains to cut a large bundle of the canes, which 268 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON* we threw across the ass's back, not forgetting the ceremony of reserving one apiece to refresh ourselves with along the road. We soon arrived on the well-known shore of the sea, which at length afforded an open and a shorter path; we next reached the wood of gourds, where we found our sledge loaded as we had left it the night before; we took the sugar- canes from the ass, and fastened them to the sledge, and then we harnessed the ass, and the patient animal began to draw towards home. We arrived at Falcon's Stream without any further ad- venture. We received at first some kind reproofs; we were next questioned, and lastly thanked, as we displayed our various treasures, but particularly the sugar-canes: each of the boys seized one and began to suck it, as did their mother also. Nothing could be more amusing than to hear Fritz relate, with unaffected interest, our new discoveries, and to see him imitate the gestures of the heath-cock, as he held it up for examination: — his hearers continued to shout with laughter for many minutes. Then came the history of the colony of birds and their singular habitation, and of the green parrot, all of which was listened to with the delight excited by a fairy tale. Fritz showed them the handsome red parrot dead, also the great blue jay, both of which they did not cease to admire; but when he took out of his pocket the little green parrot all alive, there were no bounds to their ecstasy: they jumped about like mad things, and I was oblig- ed to interpose my authority to prevent their tearing him to pieces, in the struggle who should have him first. Francis nearly devoured the little animal with kisses, repeating a thousand times pretty little parrot! At length the bird was fastened by the leg to one of the roots of the trees, till a cage could be made for him ; and was fed with acorns, which he 270 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. appeared exceedingly to relish. We next gave an account of the prospect I now had of furnishing not only candles but boots and shoes. Fritz took a bit of the rubber from his pocket and drew it to its full length, and then let it go sud- denly, to the great amusement of little Francis. Soon after night-fall, we partook of a hearty meal: being much fatigued, we went earlier than usual to rest, and hav- ing carefully drawn up the ladder, we fell exhausted, into sound and peaceful slumbers. CHAPTER XXIII. Useful Occupations and Labours. — Embellishments ; a pain- ful but natural Sentiment. On the following day, my wife and the boys importuned me to begin my manufactory of candles: I therefore set myself to recollect all I had read on the subject. I soon perceived that I should be at a loss for a little fat to mix with the wax I had procured from the berries, for making the light burn clearer; but I was compelled to proceed without. I put as many berries into a vessel as it w r ould contain, and set it on a moderate fire; my wife in the mean- time employed herself in making some wicks with the threads of sail-cloth. When we saw an oily matter of a pleasing smell and light green colour, rise to the top of the liquid the berries had yielded, we carefully skimmed it off and put it into a separate vessel, taking care to keep it THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 271 warm. We continued this process till the berries were ex- hausted, and had produced a considerable quantity of wax; we next dipped the wicks one by one into it, while it re- mained liquid, and then hung them on the bushes to har- den: in a short time we dipped them again, and repeated the operation, till the candles were increased to the proper size, and they were then put in a place and kept, till suffi- ciently hardened for use. We, however, were all eager to judge of our success that very evening, by burning one of the candles, with which we were well satisfied. In con- sequence of this new treasure, we should now be able to sit up later, and consequently spend less of our time in sleep; but independently of this advantage, the mere sight of a candle, which for so long a time we had been deprived of, caused ecstasies of joy to all. Our success in this last enterprise, encouraged us to think of another, the idea of which had long been cherished by our kind steward of provisions: it was to make fresh butter of the cream we every day skimmed from the milk, and which was frequently, to her great vexation, spoiled, and given to the animals. The utensil we stood in need of, was a churn, to turn the cream in. Having earnestly ap- plied my thoughts, as to the best manner of conquering the difficulty, I suddenly recollected what I had heard read in a book of travels, of the method used by the Hottentots for making butter; but instead of a sheep-skin sewed together at its extremities, I emptied a large gourd, washed it clean, filled it again with cream, and stopped it close with the piece I had cut from the top. I placed my vase of cream on a piece of sail-cloth with four corners, and tied to each corner a stake: I placed One boy midway between each stake, and directed them to shake the cloth briskly, but 272 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. with a steady measure, for a certain time. This exercise, which seemed like children's play, pleased them mightily, and they called it rocking the cradle. They performed their office singing and laughing all the time, and in an hour, on taking off the cover, we had the satisfaction of seeing some excellent butter. We heartily congratulated each other, and praised the workmen, who by their con- stancy of labour, had thus produced a most agreeable article for food. I had now to propose to my sons a work of a more difficult nature than we had hitherto accom- plished: it was the constructing a cart, in all its forms, for the better conveyance of our effects from place to place, instead of the sledge, which caused us so much fatigue to load and draw. Many reasons induced me to confine my attempt in the first instance to a two-wheel cart, and to observe the result before I ventured on one with four- wheels. I tried earnestly and long to accomplish such a machine; but it did not entirely succeed to my wishes, and I wasted in the attempt both time and timber; I however produced what from courtesy we called a cart, and it an- swered the purpose for which it was designed. When I had no occasion for the boys, they with their mother engaged in other useful matters. They undertook to transplant the European fruit-trees, to place them where they would be in a better situation for growth, according to the properties of each. They planted vine shoots round the roots of the magnificent tree we inhabited, and round the trunks of some other kinds of trees which grew near; and we watched them, in the fond anticipation that they would in time ascend to a height capable of being formed into a sort of trellis, and help to cool us by their shade. Lastly, we planted two parallel lines of saplings, consisting of chest- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSOJV. 273 nut, cherry, and the common nut-trees, to form an avenue from Family Bridge to Falcon's Stream, which would here- after afford us a shaded walk to Tent-House. This last un- dertaking was not to be effected without a degree of labour and fatigue the most discouraging: — the ground was to be cleared of every thing it had produced, and a certain breadth covered with sand, left higher in the middle than on the sides for the sake of being always dry. The boys fetched the sand from the sea-side in their wheelbarrows. Our next concern was to introduce, if possible, some shade and other improvements on the barren site of Tent-House, and to render our occasional abode or visits there more secure. We began by planting in a quincunx all those sorts of trees that thrive best in the sun, such as lemon, pistachio, almond, mulberry, and lime-trees; lastly, some of a kind of orange- tree, which attains to a prodigious size, and bears a fruit as large as the head of a child. The commoner sorts of nut- trees we placed along the shore. The better to conceal and fortify our tent, which inclosed all our stores, we form- ed on the accessible side, a hedge of wild orange and lem- on-trees, which produce an abundant prickly foliage; and to add to the agreeableness of their appearance, we here a: d there interspersed the pomegranate ; nor did I omit to make a little arbour of the guava shrub, which is easily raised tktfH slips, and bears a small fruit rather pleasant to the taste. We also took care to introduce at proper places a certain number of the largest sorts of trees, which in time would serve the double purpose of shading annual plants, and, with benches placed under them, of a kind of private cabi- net. Should any accident or alarm compel us to retire to the fortress of Tent-House, a thing of the first importance would be to find there sufficient food for our cattle. For the 274 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. greater security, I formed a plantation of the thorny fig-tree, of sufficient breadth to occupy the space between our fort- ress and the river, thus rendering it difficult for an enem) to approach. The curving form of the river having left some partial elevations of the soil within the inclosure, I found means to work them into slopes and angles, so as to serve as bastions to our two cannon from the pinnace and our other fire arms, should we ever be attacked by savages. When this was all complete, we perceived that one thing more was wanting, which was to make such alterations in Family Bridge as would enable us to use it as a drawbridge, or to take it away entirely, this being the only point at which the passage of the river could be easily effected. But as we could not do all at once, we contented ourselves, for present safety, with taking away the first planks of the bridge at each end every time we passed it. My concluding labour was to plant some cedars along the usual landing places, to which we might fasten our vessels. We employed six whole weeks in effecting these laborious arrangements; but the exercise of mind and body they im- posed, contributed to the physical and moral health of the boys, and to the support of cheerfulness and serenity in our- selves. The more we embellished our abode by the work of our own hands, the more it became dear to our hearts. The constant and strict observance of the Sabbath-day afford- ed such an interval of rest as could not fail to restore our strength, and inspire us with the desire of new exertions. The sentiment of gratitude which filled our minds towards the Supreme Being, who had saved us from destruction, and supplied us with all things needful, demanded utterance, and on Sundays we might allow ourselves the indulgence of pouring out our hearts in thankfulness. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 275 By this time we had nearly exhausted our stock of clothes, and we were compelled once more to have recourse to the vessel, which we knew still contained some chests fit for our use. To this motive we added an earnest desire to take another look at her, and, if practicable, to bring away a few pieces of cannon, which might be fixed on the new bas- tions at Tent-House, and thus we should be prepared for the worst. The first fine day I assembled my three eldest sons, and put my design into execution. We reached the wreck with- out any striking adventure, and found her still fixed between the rocks, but somewhat more shattered than when we had last seen her. We secured the chests of clothes, and what- ever remained of ammunition stores; powder, shot, and even such pieces of cannon as we could remove, while those that were too heavy we stripped of their wheels, which might be extremely useful. But to effect our purpose, it was necessary to spend sev- eral days in visits to the vessel, returning constantly in the evening, enriched with every thing of a portable nature which the wreck contained; doors, windows, locks, bolts, nothing escaped our grasp: so that the ship was now entire- ly emptied, with the exception of the large cannon, and three or four immense copper caldrons. We by degrees contrived to tie the heaviest articles to two or three empty casks well pitched, which would thus be sustained above water. I supposed that the wind and tide would convey the beams and timbers ashore, and thus with little pains we should be possessed of a sufficient quantity of materials for erecting a building at some future time. When these mea- sures were taken, I came to the resolution of blowing up the wreck, by a process similar to that with which I had so 276 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. well succeeded with the pinnace. We accordingly prepared a cask of gunpowder, which we left on board for the pur- pose: we rolled it to the place most favourable for our views: we made a small opening in its side, and at the moment of quitting the vessel, we inserted a piece of matchwood which we lighted at the last moment, as before. We then sailed with all possible expedition for Safety Bay, where we arriv- ed in a short time. We could not, however, withdraw our thoughts from the wreck, an^from the expected explosion, for a single moment. I had cut the match a sufficient length for us to hope that she would not go to pieces before dark. I proposed to my wife to have our supper carried to a little point of land from whence we had a view of her, and here we waited for the moment of her destruction w T ith lively im- patience. About the time of nightfall, a majestic rolling sound like thunder, accompanied by a column of fire and smoke, an- nounced that the ship, so awfully concerned with our pecu- liar destiny, which had brought us to our present abode in a desert, and furnished us there with such vast supplies for general comfort, was that instant annihilated, and withdrawn forever from the face of man! — At this moment, love for the country that gave us birth, that most powerful sentiment of the human heart, sunk with a new force into ours. The ship had disappeared forever! Could we then form a hope ever to behold that country more? We had made a sort of jubilee of witnessing the spectacle: the boys had clapped their hands and skipped about in joyful expectation; but the noise was heard; — the smoke and sparks were seen! — while the sudden change which took place in our minds could be compared only to the rapidity of these effects of our concert- ed scheme against the vessel. We all observed a mourn- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 277 ful silence, and all rose, as it were, by an impulse of mutual condemnation, and with our heads sinking on our bosoms, and our eyes cast upon the ground, we took the road to Tent-House. My wife was the only person who was sensible of motives for consolation in the distressing scene which had been passing; she was now relieved from all the cruel fears for our Safety in our visits to a shattered wreck, that was liable to fall to pieces during the time we were on board. From this moment she conceived a Stronger partiality for our island, and the modes of life we had adopted. A night's repose had in some measure relieved the melan- choly of the preceding evening, and I went rather early in the morning with the boys, to make further observations as to the effects of this remarkable event. We perceived in the water, and along the shore, abundant vestige& of the departed wreck; and amongst the rest, at a certain dis- tance, the empty casks, caldrons, and cannon, all tied to- gether, and floating in a large mass upon the water. We jumped instantly into the pinnace, with the tub-boat fasten- ed to it, and made a way towards them through the num- berless pieces of timber, Stc. that intervened, and in a little time reached the object of our search, which from its great weight moved slowly upon the waves. Fritz, with his ac- customed readiness, flung some rope round two four-poun- ders, and contrived to fasten them to our barge; after which he secured also an enormous quantity of poles, laths, and other useful articles. With this rich booty we returned to land. We performed three more trips for the purpose of bring- ing away more cannon, caldrons, fragments of masts, &c, all of which we deposited for present convenience in Safety 278 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Bay: and now began our most fatiguing operations, — the removing such numerous and heavy stores from the boats to Tent-House. We separated the cannon and the caldrons from the tub-raft, and from each other, and left them in a place which was accessible for the sledge and the beasts of burden. With the help of the crow we succeeded in getting the caldrons upon the sledge, and in replacing the four wheels we had before taken from the cannon; and now found it easy to make the cow and the ass draw them. The largest of the boilers or copper caldrons we found of the most essential use. We brought out all our barrels of gunpowder, and placed them on their ends in three sep- arate groups, at a short distance from our tent; we dug a little ditch round the whole, to draw off the moisture from the ground, and then put one of the caldrons turned upside down upon each, which completely answered the purpose of an out-house. The cannon were covered with sail-cloth, and upon this we laid heavy branches of trees; the larger casks of gunpowder we prudently removed under a project- ing piece of rock, and covered them with planks, till we should have leisure for executing the plan of an ammunition store-house, about which we had all become extremely earnest. My wife, in taking a survey of these our labours, made the agreeable discovery, that two of our ducks and one of the geese had been brooding under a large bush, and at the time were conducting their little families to 'the water. The news produced general rejoicings; and the sight of the lit- tle creatures, so forcibly carried our thoughts to Falcon's Stream, that we all conceived the ardent desire of returning to the society of the numerous old friends we had left there. One sighed for his monkey, another for his flamingo; Fran- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 279 cis for his parrot, and his mother for her poultry-yard, her various housewifery accommodations, and her comfortable bed. We therefore fixed the next day for our departure, and set about the necessary preparations. CHAPTER XXIV. A new domain. — The troop of Buffaloes. — The Vanquished Hero. On entering our plantation of fruit-trees forming the avenue to Falcon's Stream, we observed that they had not a vigorous appearance, and that they inclined to curve a little in the stalk: we therefore resolved to support them with sticks, and I proposed to walk to the vicinity of Cape Dis- appointment, for the purpose of cutting some bamboos. I had no sooner pronounced frhe words, than the three eldest boys and their mother exclaimed, at once, that they would accompany me. Their curiosity had been excited by our accounts of the amusing objects we had met with in our vis- it to the spot: each found a sound and special reason why he must not fail to be of the party. Our provision of can- dles was nearly exhausted, and a new stock of berries must therefore be procured, for my wife now repaired our clothes by candle-light, while I employed myself in composing a journal of the events of every day: — Then, the sow had again deserted us, and nothing could be so probable as that we should find her in the acorn-wood: Jack would fain gather 280 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. some guavas for himself; and Francis must needs see the plantation of sugar-canes. In short, all would visit this land of Canaan. We accordingly fixed the following morning, and set out in full procession. For myself, I had a great desire to ex- plore more thoroughly this part of our island. I therefore made some preparations for sleeping, should we find the day too short for all we might have to accomplish: I took the cart instead of the sledge, having fixed some planks across it for Francis and his mother to sit upon when they should be tired: I was careful to be provided with the different imple- ments we might want; some rope machinery I had contri- ved for rendering the climbing of trees more easy; and lastly, some provisions, some water in a gourd-flask, and one bottle of wine from the captain's store. When all was placed in the cart, I for this time harnessed to it both the ass and the cow, as I expected the load would be increas- ed on our return; and we set out, taking the road of the po- tato and manioc plantations. Our first halt was at the tree of the colony of birds, which I now examined with more at- tention, and recollected to what species they belonged, by naturalists named Loxia Gregaria (Sociable GrossbeakV It was not without much difficulty that we conducted the cart through the thick entangled bushes, the most intri- cate of which I everywhere cut down, and we helped to push it along with all our strength. We succeeded tolera- bly well at last; and that the poor animals might have time to rest, we determined to pass several hours in this place, which furnished such a variety of agreeable and useful ob- jects. We began by gathering a bag full of the guavas; and after regaling ourselves plentifully, we put the remainder into the cart. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 281 We continued our way, and so#n arrived at the caout- chouc, or gum-elastic trees. I thought we could not do better than to halt here, and endeavour to collect a suffi- cient quantity of the sap to make the different utensils, and the impenetrable boots and shoes, as I had before proposed. It was with this design that I had taken care to bring with me several of the most capacious of the gourd rinds. I made deep incisions in the trunks, and fixed some large leaves of trees, partly doubled together lengthways, to the place, to serve as a sort of channel to conduct the sap to the vessels I had kept in readiness to receive it. We had not long begun this process before we perceived the sap begin to run out as white as milk, and in large drops, so that we were not without hopes, by the time of our return, to find the vessels full, and thus to have obtained a suffi- cient quantity of the ingredient for a first experiment. We left the sap running, and pursued our way, which led us to the wood of cocoa-trees; from thence we passed to the left, and stopped half-way between the bamboos and the sugar-canes, intending to furnish ourselves with a provision of each. We aimed our course so judiciously, that on clear- ing the skirts of tho wood, we found ourselves in an open plain; with the sugar-cane plantations on cur left and on •our right those of bamboo interspersed with various kinds of palm-trees, and, in front, the magnificent bay formed by Cape Disappointment, which stretched far out into the sea. The prospect that now presented itself to our view was of such exquisite beauty, that we determined to choose it for our resting place, and to make it the central point of every excursion we should in future make: we were even more than half disposed to desert our pretty Falcon's Stream, and transport our possessions hither: a moment's reflection, Z 282 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. however, betrayed the folly of quitting the thousand com- forts we had^ there with almost incredible industry assem- bled; and we dismissed the thought with promising ourselves-, to include this ravishing spot ever more in our projects for excursions. We disengaged the animals, that they might graze and refresh themselves under the shade of the palm- trees, and sat down to enjoy our own repast, and to converse on the beauty of the scene. It was now evening; and as we had determined to pass- the night in this en-chanting spot, we began to think of form- ing some large branches of trees into a sort of but, as is practised by the hunters in America, to shelter us from the dew and the coolness of the air. While we were thus en- gaged, we were suddenly roused by the loud braying of the ass, which we had left to graze at a distance but a short time before. On going to the place, we saw him throwing; his head in the air, and kicking and prancing about; and while we were thinking what could be the matter, he set ofF on a full gallop. Unfortunately, Turk and Flora, whom we sent after him, took the fancy of entering the plantation of the sugar canes, while the ass had preferred the direction of the bamboos on the right. We began to* fear the approach of some wild beast might have frightened the creature,, and to think of assembling our firearms. In a little time the dogs returned, and showed no signs, by scenting the ground or otherwise, of any pursuit. I made a turn* round the hut to see that all was well, and then sallied forth with Fritz and the two dogs in the direction the ass had taken, hoping the latter might be enabled to trace him by the scent. Fatigued, and vexed with the loss of the useful creature,. I entered the hut, which I found complete, the boys having covered it with sail-cloth, and strewed branches on the THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 283 gTOund for sleeping, and collected some reeds for making a fire, which the freshness of the evening air rendered agreea- ble to all: it served us also for cooking our supper. When all was safe, I watched and replenished the fire till midnight, rather from habit than the fear of wild beasts, and then took possession of the little corner assigned me near my slumber- ing companions. The following morning we breakfasted on some milk from the cow, some boiled potatoes, and a small portion of Dutch cheese, and formed during our meal the plan of the business for the day. It was decided that one of the boys and myself, attended by the two dogs, should seek the ass through the bamboo plantation. I took with me the agile Jack, who was •almost beside himself with joy at this determination. We soon reached the bamboo plantation, and found means to force ourselves along its intricate entanglements. After great fatigue, and when we were on the point of relinquishing all, further hope, we discovered the print of the ass's hoofs on the soil, which inspired us with new ardour in the pursuit. After spending a whole hour in further endeavours, we at length, on reaching the skirts of the plantation, perceived the sea in the distance, and soon after found ourselves in an open space, which bounded the great bay. A considerable river flowed into the bay at this place, and we perceived that the, ridge of rocks which we had constantly seen, ex- tended to the shore, and terminated in a perpendicular pre- cipice, leaving only a narrow passage between the rocks and the river, which during every flux of the tide must necessa- rily be under water, but which at that moment was dry and passable. The probability that the ass would prefer passing by this narrow way, to the hazard of the water, determined us to follow in the same path: we had also some curiosity to 284 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. ascertain what might be found on the other side of the rocks,, for as yet we were ignorant whether they formed a boundary to our island, or divided it into two portions; whether we should see there land or water. We continued to advance, and at length reached a stream which issued foaming from a large mass of rock, and fell in a cascade into the river. The bed of this stream was so deep, and its course so rapid, that% we were a long time finding a part where it might be most practicable for us to cross. When we. had got to the other side, we found the soil again sandy, and mixed with a fertile kind of earth: in this place we no longer saw naked rock; but the print of the ass's hoofs were again visible on the ground. By observing closely, we saw with astonishment, the prints of the feet of other animals, much larger and different in many respects from those of the ass. Our curiosity was so strongly excited, that we resolved to follow the traees; and they conducted us to a plain at a great distance, which pre- sented to our wondering eyes a terrestrial paradise. We ascended a hill which partly concealed from our view this delicious scene, and then, with the assistance of a glass, we beheld an extensive range of country exhibiting every kind of rural beauty, and in which a profound tranquillity had seemed to take up its abode. To our right appeared the majestic wall of rocks which divided the island. Some of these appeared to touch the heavens; others to imprint the clouds with wild fantastic forms, while mists, broken into pieces, partially concealed their tops. To the left, a chain of gently rising hills, the long green verdure of which, tinged with blue, stretched as far as the eye could discern, and were interspersed at agreeable distances with little woods of palm-trees. The river we had crossed flowed in a sei> THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 285 pentine course through this exquisite valley, presenting the idea of a broad floating silver riband, while its banks were adorned with reeds and various aquatic plants. I could with difficulty take my eyes from this enchanting spectacle, and I seated myself on the ground to contemplate and enjoy it at my leisure. Neither on the plain nor on the hills was there the smallest trace of the abode of man, nor of any kind Qf cultivation; it was everywhere a virgin soil, in all its original purity; nothing endowed with life appeared to view, excepting a few birds, which flew fearlessly around us, and a quantity of brilliantly coloured butterflies, which the eye frequently confounded with the different sorts of unknown flowers, which here and there diversified the surface of the soil. By straining our eyes, however, as far as we could see, we thought we perceived at a great distance some specks upon the land r . that seemed to be in motion. We hastened towards the spot; and as we drew nearer, to our inexpres- sible surprise beheld a pretty numerous group of animals, which in the assemblage presented something like the out- line of a troop of horses or of cows. I observed them some- times run up to each other, and then suddenly stoop to graze. Though we had not lately met with farther traces of the ass, I was not entirely without the hope of finding him among these animals. On a nearer approach, we per- ceived they were wild buffaloes. This animal is formed at first sight to inspire the beholder with terror; it is endowed with an extraordinary degree of strength, and two or three of them would have been capable of destroying us in a moment, should they attack us. My alarm was so great that I remained for a few moments fixed to the spot like a statue. By good luck, the dogs were far behind us, and th§ 286 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. buffaloes gave no sign of fear or of displeasure at our ap- proach: they stood perfectly still, with their large round eyes fixed upon us in vacant surprise: those which were lying down got up slowly, but not one among them seemed to have any hostile disposition towards us. The circumstance of the dogs' absence was most likely, on this occasion, the means of our safety; as it was, we had time to draw back quietly, and prepare our firearms. It was not, however, my intention to make use of them in any way but for de- fence, being sensible that we were unequal to the encounter, and recollecting also to have read, that the sound of a gun drives the buffalo to a state of desperation. I therefore thought only of retreating; and with my poor Jack, for whom I was more alarmed than for myself, was proceeding in this way, when unfortunately Turk and Flora ran up to us and we could see were noticed by the buffaloes. The animals instantly, and all together, set up such a roar as to make our nerves tremble ; they struck their horns and their hoofs upon the ground, which they tore up by pieces and scat- tered in the air. I with horror foresaw the moment when, confounding us with the dogs, which no doubt they mistook for Jackalls, they would seize upon and tear us to pieces. Our brave Turk and Flora, fearless of danger, ran, in spite of all our efforts, into the midst of them, and, according to their manner of attacking, laid hold of the ears of a young buffalo, which happened to be standing a few paces nearer to us than the rest; and though the creature began a tre- mendous roar and motion with his hoofs, they held him fast, and were dragging him towards us. Thus hostilities had commenced; and unless we could resolve to abandon the cause of our valiant defenders, we were now forced upon the measure of open war, which, considering the strength THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 287 and number of the enemy, wore a face of the most pressing and inevitable danger. Our every hope seemed now to be in the chance of the terror the buffaloes would feel at the noise of our musketry, which, perhaps, for the first time, would assail their organs, and most likely excite them to flight. With, I must confess, a palpitating heart, and trem- bling hands, we fired both at the same moment: the buffaloes, terrified by the sound and by the smoke, remained for an in- stant motionless, as if struck by a thunderbolt, and then one and all betook themselves to flight with such incredible rapidity, that they were soon beyond the reach of our sight. We heard their loud roaring from a considerable distance, whi-ch by degrees subsided into silence, and we were left with only one of their terrific species near us; this one, a female, was no doubt the mother of the young buffalo which the dogs had seized and still kept a prisoner; she had drawn near on hearing its cries, and had been wounded by our guns, but not killed; the creature was in a furious state: after a moment's pause, she took aim at the dogs, and with her head on the ground, as if to guide her by the scent, was advancing in her rage, and would have torn them to pieces, if I had not prevented her by firing upon her with my double- barrelled gun, and thus putting an end to her existence. It was only now that we began to breathe. A few mo- ments before, death, in the most horrible and inevitable form, seemed to stare us in the face! But now we might hope that every danger was over: I was enchanted with the behaviour of my boy, who, instead of giving way to fears and lamentations, as other lads of his age might have done, had stood all the time in a firm posture by my side, and had fired with a steady aim in silence. I bestowed freely on him the commendation he had so well deserved, and made 288 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. him sensible how necessary it is in times of danger to pre- serve a presence of mind, which in many cases is of itself sufficient to effect the sought-for deliverance. The young buffalo still remained a prisoner with his ears in the mouths of the dogs, and the pain occasioned him to be so furious, that I was fearful he might do them some injury; I therefore determined to advance and give them what assistance I might find practicable. To say the truth, I scarcely knew in what way to eiTect this. The buffalo, though young, was strong enough to revenge himself if I were to give the dogs a sign to let go his ears. I had the power of killing him with a pistol at a stroke; but I had a great desire to preserve him alive, and to tame him, that he might be a substitute for the ass, which we had but little hope of recovering. I found myself in a perplexing state of indecision, when Jack suddenly interposed an effective means for accomplishing my wishes. He had his string with balls in his pocket; he drew it out hastily, and making a few steps backward, he throw it so skilfully as to entangle the buffalo completely, and throw him down. As I could then approach him safe- ly, I tied his legs two and two together with a very strong cord; the dogs released his ears, and from this moment we considered the buffalo as our own. Jack was almost mad with joy. " What a magnificent creature ! How much bet- ter than the ass he will look, harnessed to the cart! How my mother and the boys will be surprised and stare at him as we draw near!" repeated he, many and many times. The question was now, how we were to get the buffalo nome: having reflected, I conceived that the best way would be to tie his two fore legs together so tight that he could not run, yet loose enough for him to walk; " and," pursued I, " we will next adopt the method practised in Italy: you will THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 289 think it somewhat cruel, but the success will be certain; and it shall afterwards be our study to make him amends by the kindest care and treatment. Hold you the cord which confines his legs with all your strength, that he may not be able to move: — I then called Turk and Flora, and made each again take hold of the ears of the animal; I took from my pocket a sharp pointed knife, and taking hold of the snout, I made a hole in the nostril, into which I quickly inserted the string, which 1 immediately tied so closely to a tree, that the animal was prevented from the least motion of the head, which might have inflamed the wound and in- creased his pain. I drew off the dogs the moment the operation was performed. The creature, thus rendered furious, would have run away, but the stricture of the legs and the pain in the nostril prevented it. The first attempt 1 made to pull the cord, found him docile and ready to ac- commodate his motions to our designs, and I perceived that we might now begin our march, I left him for a short time to make some other preparations. I was unwilling to leave so fine a prey as the dead buffalo behind us: I therefore, after considering what was to be done, began by cutting out the tongue, which I sprinkled with some of the salt we had in our provision-bag: I next took off the skin from the four feet, taking care not to tear it in the operation. I remembered that the Americans use these skins, which are of a soft and flexible quality, as boots and shoes, and I considered them as precious articles. I lastly cut some of the flesh of the animal with the skin on, and salted it, and abandoned the rest to the dogs, as a re- compense for their behaviour. I then repaired to the river to wash myself, after which we sat down under the shade of a large tree, and ate the rest of our provisions, A A 290 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. As we were not disposed to leave the spot in a hurry, I desired Jack to take the saw and cut down a small quantity of the reeds, which from their enormous size might be of use to us. We set to work, but I observed that he took pains to choose the smallest. — *** What shall we do/' said I, " with these small-sized reeds? You are thinking, I pre- sume, of a bag-pipe, to announce a triumphal arrival to our companions?" — "You are mistaken, father," answered Jack; " I am thinking of some candlesticks for my mother, who will set so high a value on them!" "This is a good thought," said I; "I am pleased both with the kindness and the readiness of your invention, and I will assist you to empty the reeds without breaking them: if we should not succeed, at least we know where to provide ourselves with more." We had so many and such heavy articles to remove, that I' dismissed for that day all thoughts of looking further for the ass. I began now to think of untying the young buffa- lo ; and on approaching him, perceived with pleasure that he was asleep, which afforded me a proof that his wound was not extremely painful. As I began to pull him gently with the string, he gave a start; but he afterwards followed me without resistance. I fastened another string to his horns, and led him on by drawing both together; and he performed the journey with so unexpected a docility, that to ease ourselves of a part of our heavy burdens, we even ventured on the measure of fastening the bundles of reeds upon his back, and upon these we laid the salted pieces of the buffalo. The creature did not seem aware that he was carrying a load; he followed in our path, as before, and thus on the first day of our acquaintance he rendered us an es- sential service. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 291 111 a short time we found ourselves once more at the nar- row passage between the torrent and the precipice of the rocks, which I have already mentioned. I had tied the young buffalo to a tree near the cascade, without remarking of What species it might be; when I went to release him, I saw that it was a kind of small palm-tree, and on looking about me, I also observed some other palm-trees, which I had not before met with. One of the kinds, I now remark- ed, was from ten to twelve feet in height; its leaves were armed with thorns, and it bore a fruit resembling a small cucumber in form, but which at this time was immature, so that we could not taste it. The second, which was smaller, was also thorny; it was now in blossom, and had no fruit. I suspected that the first of these was the little royal palm, sometimes called aiviva, or Adam's needle; and the other, the dwarf palm. I resolved to avail myself of both, for further fortifying my enclosure at Tent-House, and also to protect the outer side of the narrow pass immediately over the tor- rent of the cascade. I determined to return and plant a line of them there, as close to each other as the considera- tion of their growth would allow; for my intention, of course, was to effect this by means of the young shoots, which pre- sented themselves in great abundance: we also hoped by that time to find their fruit ripe, and to ascertain their kind. "W e repassed the river in safety, and accompanied by the agreeable sounds of its foaming cascades, we regained the narrow pass at the turn of the rocks. We proceeded with caution, and when safe on the other side, we thought of quickening our pace to arrive the sooner at the hut. The first solicitudes about health and safety being an- swered, we entered upon the narrative of our adventures; when question after question was so rapidly proposed to us, 292 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. that we, on our parts, were obliged to ask for the necessa- ry time for our replies. All agreed that our success with the buffalo was the most extraordinary of our achievements: all longed for the morning, when they might take their fill of looking at the spirited creature we had brought with us. The day concluded with supper, and sound repose. CHAPTER XXV. The Malabar Eagle; — Sago Manufactory ; — Bees. My wife the next morning began the conversation. She told me that the boys had been good and diligent; that they had ascended Cape Disappointment with her, and had gathered wood, and made some torches for the night and, what seemed almost incredible had ventured to fell and bring down an immense palm-tree. It lay prostrate on the ground, and covered a space of at least seventy feet in length. To effect their purpose, Fritz had got up the tree with a long rope, which he fastened tight to the top of it. As soon as he had come down again, he and Er- nest worked with the axe and saw to cut it through. When it was nearly divided, they cautiously managed its fall with the rope, and in this manner they succeeded. Fritz was in high spirits too on another account: he brought me on his wrist a young bird of prey, of the most beauteous plumage; he had taken it from the nest in one of the rocks near Cape Disappointment. Very young as the bird was, it had already THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 293 all its feathers, though they had not yet received their full colouring; it answered to the description I had read of the beautiful eagle of Malabar, and I viewed it with the admira- tion it was entitled to: — meeting with one of these birds is thought a lucky omen ; and it being neither large nor ex- pensive in its food, I was desirous to keep it and train it like a falcon, to pursue smaller birds. Fritz had already cover- ed its eyes and tied a string to its foot; and I advised him to hold it often, and for a length of time, on his hand, and to tame it with hunger, as falconers do. When all the narratives were concluded, I ordered a fire to be lighted, and a quantity of green wood to be put on it, for the purpose of raising a thick smoke, over which I meant to hang the buffalo meat I had salted, to dry and preserve it for our future use. The young buffalo was beginning to browse, and we gave him also a little of the cow's milk; and in a few days we fed him with a heap of sliced potatoes, which he greedily devoured; and this led us to conclude that the pains from the wound in his nose had subsided, and that he would soon become tame. The morning of this day was spent in again talking over our late extraordinary adventures; we left our meat suspend- ed over the smoke of the fires during our sleep; we tied the young buffalo by the side of the cow, and were pleased to see them agree and bid fair to live in peace together. At night the dogs were set upon the watch. Fritz resolved to go to bed with his eaglet fastened on his wrist, and its eyes still bound: it remained in this state throughout the nig it without disturbing its master. The time of repose elapsed so calmly, that none of us awoke to keep in the torch-lights, which now for the first time the industry of the boys had sup- plied us with, and we did not get up till after sunrise. After 294 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. a moderate breakfast, I chanted the accustomed summons for our setting out; but my young ones had some projects in their heads, and neither they nor their mother were just then in the humour to obey me. " Let us reflect a little first," said my wife: " as we had so much difficulty in felling the palm-tree, would it not be a pity to lose our labour, by leaving it in this place? Ernest assures me it is a sago-tree ; if so, the pith would be an ex- cellent ingredient for our soups. Do, my dear, examine it, and let us see if in any way we can turn it to account." I found she was in the right: but in that case it was ne- cessary to employ a day in the business; since, to lay open from one end to the other a tree of such a length and sub- stance, was no trivial task. I however consented; as, inde- pendent of the use of the farinaceous pith, I could, by emptying it, obtain two handsome and large troughs for the conveyance of water from Jackal's river to my wife's kitchen- garden at Tent-House, and thence to my new plantations of trees. Fritz. — One of the halves, father, will answer that pur- pose, and the other will serve as a conduit for our little stream from Falcon's Nest into my pretty basin lined with tortoise- shell; we then shall be constantly regaled with the agreea- ble view of a fountain close to our dwelling: — I fancy it now before my eyes, and that I see its course. " And I, for my part," said Ernest, " long for a sight of the sago formed into small grains, as I have seen it in Europe." I now desired them to bring me the graters they had used for the manioc, and observed that they had to assist me in raising the palm-tree from the ground, which must be done, continued I, by fixing at each end two small cross pieces or props to support it; to split it open as it lies would be a THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 295 work of too much labour: this done, I shall want several wooden wedges to keep the cleft open while I am sawing it, and afterwards a sufficient quantity of water. "There is the difficulty," said my wife; " our Falcon's Stream is too far off, and we have not yet discovered any spring in the neighbourhood of this place." Ernest. — That is of no consequence, mother; I have seen hereabouts so great an abundance of the plants which con- tain water, that we need not be at a loss; for they will fully supply us, if I could only contrive to get vessels enough to hold it. We now produced the enormous reeds we had brought home, which being hollow, would answer the purpose of vessels; and as some time was required to draw off the water from such small tubes, he and Francis at once set to work; they cut a number of the plants, which they placed, slantingly over the brim of a vessel, and whilst that was filling, they were preparing another. The rest of us got round the tree, and with our united strength we soon suc- ceeded in raising the heavy trunk, and the top of it was then sawed off. We next began to split it through the whole length, and this the softness of the wood enabled us to effect with little trouble. We soon reached the pith or marrow that fills up the middle of the trunk the whole of its length. When divided, we laid one half on the ground, and we pressed the pith together with our hands, so as to make temporary room for the pith of the other half to the trunk, which rested still on the props. We wished to empty it entirely, that we might employ it as a kneading- trough, leaving merely enough of the pith at both ends of prevent a running out; and then we proceeded to form our paste. £96 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. My young manufacturers fell joyfully to work: they brought water, and poured it gradually into the trough, whilst we mixed it with the flour. In a short time the paste appeared sufficiently fermented; I then made an aperture at the bottom of the grater on its outside, and pressed the paste strongly with my hand; the farinaceous parts passed with ease through the small holes of the gra- ter, and the ligneous parts which did not pass were thrown aside in a heap, in the hope that mushrooms, &c. might spring from them. My boys were in readiness to receive in the reed vessels what fell from the grater, and conveyed it directly to their mother, whose business was to spread out the small grains in the sun upon sailcloth, for the purpose of drying them. Thus we procured a good supply of a wholesome and pleasant food; and should have had a larger stock of it, had we not been restricted as to time; but the privilege of renewing the process at pleasure, by felling a sago-tree, added to some impatience to take home our two pretty conduits, and employ them as proposed, prompted us to expedite the business. The paste which remained was thrown upon the mushroom-bed, and watered well to pro- mote a fermentation. We next employed ourselves in loading the cart with our tools and the two halves of the tree. Night coming on, we retired to our hut, where we enjoyed our usual re- pose, and early next morning were ready to return to Fal- con's Stream. Our buffalo now commenced his service, yoked with the cow; he supplied the want of the ass, and was very tractable: it is true, I led him by the cord in his nose, and thus restrained him whenever he was disposed to deviate from his duty. We returned the same way as we came, in order to load THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 297 the cart with a provision of berries, wax, and elastic gum. I sent forward Fritz and Jack as a vanguard, with one of the dogs; they were to cut an ample road through the bush- es for our cart. The two water conductors, which were very long, produced numerous difficulties, and somewhat impeded our progress. We reached the wax and gum trees with tolerable speed and without any accident, and halted to place our sacks of berries in the cart. The elastic gum had not yielded as much as I expected, from the too rapid thickening caused by an ardent sun. We obtained how- ever about a quart, which sufficed for the experiment of the impenetrable boots I had so long desired. We set out again, still preceded by our pioneers, who cleared the way for us through the little wood of guavas. Suddenly we heard a dreadful noise, which came from our vanguard, and beheld Fritz and Jack hastening towards us. I began now to fear a tiger or panther was near at hand, or had perhaps attacked them. Turk began to bark so fright- fully, and Flora joined in so hideous a yell, that I prepared myself for a bloody conflict. I advanced at the head of my troop to the assistance of my high-mettled dogs, who ran furiously up to a thicket, where they stopped, and with their noses to the ground, and almost breathless, strove to enter it. I had no doubt some terrible animal was lurking there; and Fritz, who had seen it through the leaves, confirmed my suspicions ; he said it was about the size of the young buffalo, and that his hair was black and shaggy. I was going to fire at it promiscuously in the thicket, when Jack, who had thrown himself on his face on the ground to have a better view of the animal, got up in a fit of laughter — " It is only," exclaimed he, "our old sow, who is never tired of playing off her tricks upon us." Half vexed, half laugh- 298 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. ing, wo broke into the midst of the thicket, where in reality we found our old companion stretched supinely on the earth, but by no means in a state of dreary solitude; she had round her seven little creatures, which had been littered a few days, and were sprawling about, contending with each other for the best place near their mother for a hearty meal. This discovery gave us considerable satisfaction, and we all greeted the good matron, who seemed to recollect and welcome us with a sociable kind of grunting, while she lick- ed her young without any ceremony or show of fear. And now a general consultation took place — should this new family be left where we found it, or conveyed to Falcon's Stream? Opinions being at variance, it was decided that for the present they should keep quiet possession of their retreat. We then, so many adventures ended, pursued our road, and arrived at Falcon's Stream in safety, experiencing what is so generally true, that home is always dear and sacred to the heart, and anticipated with delight. All was in due order, and our animals welcomed our return in their own jargon and manner, but which did not fail to be expressive of their satisfaction in seeing us again. We threw them some of the food they were most partial to, which they greed- ily accepted, and then voluntarily went back to their usual stand. It was necessary to practise a measure dictated by prudence, which was to tie up the buffalo again, to inure it by degrees to confinement; and the handsome Malabar eagle shared the same fate: Fritz chose to place it near the parrot on the root of a tree ; he fastened it with a, piece of packthread, of sufficient length to allow it free motion, and uncovered its eyes; till then the bird had been tolerably quiet; but the instant it was restored to light it fell into a species of rage that surprised us; it proudly raised its head, THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 299 its feathers became ruffled, and its eyeballs seemed to whirl in their orbits, and dart out vivid lightnings. All the poul- try were terrified and fled; but the poor luckless parrot was too near the sanguinary creature to escape. Before we were aware of the danger, it was seized and mangled by the formidable hooked beak of the eagle. Fritz vented his an- ger in loud and passionate reproaches; he would have kill- ed the murderer on the spot, had not Ernest ran up and entreated him to spare its life: "Parrots," said he, "we shall find in plenty, but never perhaps so beauteous, so mag- nificent a bird as this eagle, which, as father observes, we may train for hawking. You may, too, blame only yourself for the parrot's death; — why did you uncover his eyes? I could have told you that falconers keep them covered six weeks, till they are completely tamed. But now, brother, let me have the care of him; let me manage the unruly fellow; he shall soon, in consequence of the methods I shall use, be as tractable and submissive as a new-born puppy." Fritz refused to part with his eagle, and Ernest did not long oppose giving him the information he wanted: — "I have read," said he, "somewhere, that the Caribs puff to- bacco smoke into the nostrils of the birds of prey and of the parrots they catch, until they are giddy and almost sense- less; — this stupefaction over, they are no longer wild and untractable." Fritz resolved on the experiment: he took some tobacco and a pipe, of which we had plenty in the sailors' chests, and began to smoke, at the same time gradually approaching the unruly bird. As soon as it was somewhat composed, he replaced the fillet over the eyes, and smoked close to its beak and nostrils so effectually, that it became motionless on the spot, and had the exact air of a stuffed bird. Fritz 300 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. thought it dead, and was inclined to be angry with his brother; but I told him it would not hold on the perch if it were lifeless, and that its head alone was affected; — and so it proved. The favourite came to itself by degrees, and made no noise when its eyes were unbound; it looked at us with an air of surprise, but void of fury, and grew tamer and calmer every day. The care of the monkey was now by all adjudged to Ernest as a reward, and he took formal posses- sion of it, and made it lie down near him. We next began a business which we had long determined on; it was to plant bamboos close to all the young trees, to support them in their growth. We had our cart loaded with canes in readiness, and a large pointed iron to dig holes in the ground. We began our work at the entrance of the avenue nearest to Falcon's Stream. The walnut, chestnut, and cherry-trees we had planted in a regular line and at equal distances, we found disposed to bend considerably to one side. Being the strongest, I took the task of making holes with the imple- ment upon myself, which, as the soil was light, I easily per- formed. The boys selected the bamboos, cut them of equal lengths, and pointed the ends to go into the ground. When they were well fixed, we threw up the earth compactly about them, and fastened the sapling by the branches to them with some long straight tendrils of a plant which we found near the spot. In the midst of our exertions we entered into a conversation respecting the culture of trees. Till then my boys had only thought of eating fruits, without giving themselves much trouble about their production; but now their curiosity was excited, and they asked a thousand questions, which I answered as well as I could. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 301 Towards evening, a keen appetite hastened our return to Falcon's Stream, where we found an excellent and plenti- ful supper prepared by our good and patient steward. When the sharpness of hunger was appeased, a new subject was introduced, which I and my wife had been think- ing of for some time: she found it difficult, and even dan- gerous, to ascend and descend our tree with a rope ladder: we never went there but on going to bed, and each time felt an apprehension that one of the children, who scrambled up like cats, might make a false step, and perhaps be lamed forever: bad weather might come on, and compel us for a long time together to seek an asylum in our at rial apartment, E.nd consequently to ascend and descend oftener. My wife had repeatedly applied to me to remedy this evil, and my own anxiety had often made me reflect if the thing were really possible. A staircase on the outside was not to be thought of; the considerable height of the tree render- ed that impracticable, as I had nothing to rest it on, and should be at a loss to find beams to sustain it; but. I had for some time formed the idea of constructing winding stairs within the immense trunk of the tree, if it should happen to be hollow, or I could contrive to make it so: I had heard the boys talking of a hollow in our tree, and of a swarm of bees issuing from it, and I now, therefore, went to examine wheth- er the cavity extended to the roots, or what its circumference might be. The boys seized the idea with ardour; they sprang up, and climbed to the tops of the roots like squirrels, to strike at the trunk with axes, and to judge from the sound how far it was hollow; but they soon paid dearly for their attempt; the whole swarm of bees, alarmed at the noise made against their dwelling, issued forth, buzzing with fury, at- 302 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. tacked the little disturbers, began to sting them, stucli to their hair and clothes, and soon put them to flight, uttering lamentable cries. My wife and I had some trouble to stop the course of their uproar, and cover their little wounds with fresh earth to allay the smart. Jack, whose temper was on all occasions rash, had struck fiercely upon the bees' nest, and was more severely attacked by them than the rest: it wa3 necessary, so serious was the injury, to cover the whole of his face with linen. The less active Ernest got up the last, and was the first to run off when he saw the consequences, and thus avoided any further injury than a sting or two; but some hours elapsed before the other boys could open their eyes, or be in the least relieved from the acute pain that had been inflicted. When they grew a little better, the desire of being revenged of the insects that had so roughly used them had the ascendant in their minds: they teased me to hasten the measures for getting everything in readiness for obtaining possession of their honey. The bees in the meantime were still buzzing furiously round the tree. I prepared tobacco, a pipe, some clay, chisels, hammers, &c. I took the large gourd long intended for a hive, and I fitted a place for it, by nailing a piece of board on a branch of the tree; I made a straw roof for the top, to screen it from the sun and rain; and as all this took up more time than I was aware of, we deferred the attack of the fortress to the following day, and got ready for a sound sleep, which completed the cure of my wounded patients. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 303 CHAPTER XXVI. Treatment of Bees ; — Staircase ; — Training of various Animals; — Manufactures, Sfc. Next morning, almost before dawn, all were up and in motion; the bees had returned to their cells, and I stopped the passages with clay, leaving only a sufficient aperture for the tube of my pipe. I then smoked as much as was requisite to stupify, without killing the little warlike crea- tures. Not having a cap with a mask, such as bee-catchers usually wear, nor even gloves, this precaution was necessa- ry. At first a humming was heard in the hollow of the tree, and a noise like a gathering tempest, which died away by degrees. All was become calm, and I withdrew my tube without the appearance of a single bee. Fritz had got up by me: we then began with a chisel and a small axe to cut out of the tree, under the bees' hole of entrance, a piece three feet square. Before it was entirely separated, I re- peated the fumigation, lest the stupefaction produced by the first smoking should have ceased, or the noise we had been just making revived the bees. As soon as I supposed them lulled again, I separated from the trunk the piece I had cut out, producing as it were the aspect of a window, through which the inside of the tree was laid open to view; and we were filled at once with joy and astonishment on beholding the immense and wonderful work of this colony of insects. There was such a stock of wax and honey, that we feared our vessels would be insufficient to contain it. The whole interior of the tree was lined with fine honey-combs: I cut 304 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. them off with care, and put them in the gourds the boys constantly supplied me with. When I had somewhat clear- ed the cavity, I put the upper combs, in which the bees had assembled in clusters and swarms, into the gourd which wa3 to serve as a hive, and placed it on the plank I had purpose- ly raised. I came down, bringing with me the rest of the honey-combs, with which I filled a small cask, previously well washed in the stream, Some I kept out for a treat at dinner; and had the barrel carefully covered with cloths and planks, that the bees, when attracted by the smell, might be unable to get at it. We assembled round the table, and regaled ourselves plentifully with the delicious treat. My wife then put by the remainder; and I proposed to my sons to go back to the tree, to prevent the bees from swarm- ing again there on being roused from their stupor, as they would not have failed to do, but for the precaution I took of passing a board at the aperture, and burning a few hand- fuls of tobacco on it, the smell and smoke of which drove them back whenever they attempted to return. At length they desisted, and became gradually reconciled to their new residence, where their queen no doubt had settled herself. I took this opportunity to relate to my children all I had read, in the interesting work by Mr. Huber of Geneva, of the queen bee, this beloved and respected mother of her subjects, who take care of and guard her, work for her, nourish the rising swarms, make the cells in which they are to lodge, prepare others of a different structure, as well as nutriment for the young queens destined to lead forth the fresh colonies. These accounts highly entertained my youthful auditory, who almost regretted having molested the repose of a fine peaceable kingdom that had flourished so long without interruption in the huge trunk. I now ad- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 305 vised that all should watch during the night, over the whole provision of honey obtained while the bees were torpid, who, when recovered, would not tail to be troublesome, and come in legions to get back to their property; and to this end we threw ourselves on our beds, in our clothes, to take an early doze: on awakening about nightfall, we found the bees quiet in the gourd, or settled in clusters upon near branches, so we went expeditiously to business. The cask of honey was emptied into a kettle, except a few prime combs, which we kept for daily consumption; the remainder, mixed with a little water, was set over a gentle fire, and reduced to a liquid consistence, strained, and squeezed through a bag, and afterwards poured back into the cask, which was left upright, and uncovered all night to cool. In the morning the wax was entirely separated, and had risen to the surface in a compact and solid cake that was easily removed; beneath w:as the purest, most beautiful and deli- cate honey that could be seen: the cask was then carefully headed again, and put into cool ground near our wine- vessels. This task accomplished, I mounted to revisit the hive, and found every thing in order; the bees going forth in swarms, and returning loaded with wax, from which I judged they were forming fresh edifices in their new dwell- ing place. I had been surprised that the numbers occupy- ing the trunk of the tree should find room in the gourd, till I perceived the clusters upon the branches, and I thence concluded a young queen was among each of them. In consequence, I procured another gourd, into which I shook them, and placed it by the former: thus I had the satisfac- tion of obtaining at an easy rate two fine hives of bees in activity. We soon after these operations proceeded to examine the THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, inside of the free. I sounded it with a pole from the open- ing I had made; and a stone fastened to a string served us to sound the bottom, and thus to ascertain the height and depth of the cavity. To my great surprise, the pole penetrated without any resistance to the branches on which our dwell- ing rested, and the stone descended to the roots. The trunk, it appeared, had wholly lost its pith, and most of its wood in- ternally. It seems that this species of tree, like the willow in our climates, receives nourishment through the bark; for it did not look decayed, and its far-extended branches were luxuriant and beautiful in the extreme. I determined to begin our construction in its capacious hollow that very day. The undertaking appeared at first beyond our powers; but intelligence, patience, time, and a firm resolution, vanquish- ed all obstacles. We were not disposed to relax in any of these requisites; I was pleased to find opportunity to keep my sons in continual action, and their minds and bodies were all the better for exertion. They grew tall and strong, and were too much engaged to regret, in ignoble leisure, any of their past enjoyments in Europe. We began to cut into the side of the tree, towards the sea, a door-way equal in dimensions to the door of the captain's cabin, which we had removed with all its frame-work and windows. We next cleared away from the cavijy all the rotten wood, and rendered the interior even and smooth, leaving sufficient thickness for cutting out resting places for the winding stairs, without injuring the bark. I then fixed in the centre the trunk of a tree about twenty feet in length, and a foot thick, completely stripped of its branches, in order to carry my winding staircase round it: on the out- side of this trunk, and the inside of the cavity of our own tree, we formed grooves, so calculated as to correspond THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. $01 with the distances at which the boards were to be placed to form the stairs. These were continued till I had got to the height of the trunk round which they turned. I made two more apertures at suitable distances, and thus completely lighted the whole ascent. I also effected an opening near our room, that I might more conveniently finish the upper part of the staircase. A second trunk was fixed upon the first, and firmly sustained with screws and transverse beams. It was surrounded, like the other, with stairs cut slopingly; and thus we happily effected the stupendous undertaking of conducting it to the level of our bedchamber. Here I made another door directly into it. To render it more solid and agreeable, I closed the spaces between the stairs with plank. I then fastened two strong ropes, the one descend- ing the length of the central trunk, the other along the in- side of our large tree, to assist in case of slipping. I fixed the sash-windows taken from the captain's cabin in the ap- ertures we had made to give light to the stairs; and I then found I could add nothing further to my design. When the whole was complete, it was so pretty, solid, and convenient, that we were never tired of going up and coming down it. Our success was owing to the firm resolution adopted by all, to persevere in patient industry and constant efforts to the end; and it employed us many weeks. I have now to re- late some occurrences that took place during the construc- tion of our staircase. A few days after the commencement of our undertaking, our brave Flora whelped us six young puppies, all healthy, and likely to live. The number was so alarming, that I was under the necessity of drowning all but a male and fe- male to keep up the breed. A few days later, the two she- goats gave us two kids, and our ewes five lambs; so that we 508 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. now saw ourselves in possession of a pretty flock: but lest the domestic animals should follow the example of the ass, and run away from us, I tied a bell to the neck of each. We had found a sufficient number of bells in the vessel, which had been shipped for trading with the savages; it being one of the articles they most value. We could now immediately trace a deserter by the sound, and bring it back to the fold. Next to the winding stairs, my chief occupation was the management of the young buffalo, whose wound in the nose was quite healed, so that I coufd lead it at will with a cord or stick passed through the orifice, as the CarTrarians do. I preferred the stick, which answered the purpose of a bit, and I resolved to break-in this spirited beast for riding as well as drawing. It was already used to the shafts, and very tractable in them; but I had more trouble in inuring him to the rider, and to wear a girth, having made one out of the old buffalo's hide. I formed a sort of saddle with sail-cloth, and tacked it to the girth. Upon this I fixed a burden, which I increased progressively. I was indefat- igable in the training of the animal, and soon brought it to carry, patiently, large bags of potatoes, salt, and other ar- ticles, in the place of the ass. The monkey was his first rider, who stuck so close to the saddle, that, in spite of the plunging and kicking of the buffalo, it was not thrown. Francis was then tried, as the lightest of the family; but throughout his excursion I led the beast with a halter, that it might not throw him off. Jack now showed some impatience to mount the animal in his turn. I next passed the stick through the buffalo's nose, and tied strong packthread at each end of it, bringing them together over the neck of the animal, and put this new-fangled bridle into the hands of the 310 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. young rider, directing him how to use it. For a time the lad kept his saddle, notwithstanding the unruly gestures of the creature; at length a side jolt threw him on the sand, without his receiving much injury. Ernest, Fritz, and lastly myself, got on successively, with more or less effect. His trotting shook us to the very centre, the rapidity of his gallop turned us giddy, and our lessons in horsemanship were reiterated many days before the animal was tamed, and could be rode with either safety or pleasure. At last, however, we succeeded without any serious accident ; and the strength and swiftness of our saddled buffalo were prodigious. It seem- ed to sport with the heaviest loads. My three eldest boys mounted it together now and then, and it ran with them with the swiftness of lightning. By continued attentions it at length became extremely docile: it was not in the least apt to start; and I really felt satisfaction in being thus enabled to make my sons expert riders, so that if they should ever have horses, they might get on the most restive and fiery without fear: — none could be compared to our young buffalo; and the ass, which I had intended to employ in the same way, was far surpassed by this new member of our family. Fritz and Jack, with my instructions, amused themselves in train- ing the animal as horses are exercised in a ridinghouse: and by means of the little stick through the nose, they were able to do what they pleased with him. In the midst of all this, Fritz did not neglect his eagle: he daily shot some small birds which he gave it to eat, placing them sometimes between the buffalo's horns, sometimes on the back of one of the hens, or of the flamingo, or on a shelf, or at the end of a stick, in order to teach it to pounce like a falcon upon other birds. He taught it to perch on his wrist whenever he called or whistled to it; but some time elapsed THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 311 before he could trust it to soar without securing its return by a long string, apprehending its bold and wild nature would prompt it to take a distant and farewell flight from us. Our whole company, including even the inert Ernest, was infected with the passion of becoming instructers. Ernest tried his talents in this way with his monkey, who seldom failed to furnish him with work. It was no poor specimen of the ludicrous to see the lad; he whose movements were habitually slow and studied, now constrained to skip and jump, and play a thousand antics with his pupil during training hours, and throughout, against the grain, carrying forward the lesson the grotesque mimic was condemned to learn, of bearing small loads, climbing the cocoa-trees, and to fetch and bring the nuts. He and Jack made a little hamper of rushes, very light; they put three straps to it, two of which passed under the fore, and one between the hind legs of the animal, and were then fastened to a belt in front, to keep the hamper steady on the back of the mischievous urchin. This apparatus was at first intolerable to poor Knips: he gnashed his teeth, rolled on the ground, jumping like a mad creature, and did every thing to get rid of it: but all in vain, for education was the standing order, and he soon found he must, submit. The hamper was left on day and night; its sole food was what was thrown into it; and in a short time pug was so much accustomed to the burden, that he began to spit and growl whenever we attempted to take it off, and every "thing given to the creature to hold was instantly thrown into it. Knips became at length a useful member of our society; but he would only obey Ernest, whom he at once loved and feared, thus affording a proof of at least one of the great ends of all instruction. These different occupations filled up several hours of the $12 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. day ; when, after working at our stairs, we assembled in the evening round our best of friends, the good mother, to rest ourselves: and forming a little circle, every individual of which was affectionate and cheerful, it was her turn to give us some agreeable and less fatiguing occupation in the do- mestic concerns of Falcon's Stream: such as improving our candle manufactory, by blending the berry and the bees' wax, and employing the reed-rnoulds invented by Jack : but having found some difficulty in taking out the candles when cold, I adopted the plan of dividing the moulds, cleaning the inside, and rubbing it over with a little butter, to prevent the wax from adhering to it; then to rejoin both halves with a band that could be loosened at pleasure, to facilitate the extraction of the tapers. The wicks gave us most trouble as we had no cotton. We tried with moderate success the fibrous threads of the karrata, and those of the algava or flame-wood; but each had the inconvenience of becoming: a sort of coal or cinder. The production which gave us the most satisfaction was the pith of a species of elder; but it did not, however, lessen our desire to discover the only appropriate ingredient, the cotton-tree. We now began to think of manufacturing our impenetra- ble boots without seams, of the caoutchouc or elastic gum. I began with a pair for myself; and I encouraged my child- ren to afford a specimen of their industry, by trying to form some flasks and cups that could not break. They began by making some clay moulds, which they covered with layers of gum, agreeably to the instructions I had given them. In the meanwhile I filled a pair of stockings with sand, and covered them with a layer of clay, which I first dried in the shade, and afterwards in the sun. I then took a sole of buf- falo-leather, well beaten, and studded round with tacks, which THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 313 served me to fix it under the foot of the stocking; after this I poured the liquid gum into all the interstices, which on drying produced a close adhesion between the leather and stocking sole. I next proceeded to smear the whole with a coat of resin of a tolerable thickness; and as soon as thi3 layer was dried on, I put on another, and so on till I had applied a sufficiency with my brush. After this I emptied die sand, drew out the stocking, removed the hardened clay, shook off the dust, and thus obtained a pair of seamless boots, as finished as if made by the best English workman; being pliant, warm, soft, smooth, and completely water- proof. I hung them up directly, that they might dry without shrinking. They fitted uncommonly well; and my four lads were so highly pleased with their appearance, that they skipped about with joy, as they asked me to make each of them a pair. I i chained from any promise, because I wished to ascertain their strength previously, and to com- pare them with boots made out of mere buffalo-leather. Of these I at once began a pair for Fritz, with a piece of the slaughtered buffalo's skin. They gave far more trouble than those manufactured with the caoutchouc, which I used to cover the seams and render them less pervious to water. The work turned out very imperfect, and so inferior to my incomparable boots, that Fritz wore them reluctantly; and the more so, as his brother shouted with laughter at the diffi- culty he had to run in them. We had also been engaged in the construction of our fountain, which afforded a perpetual source of pleasure to my wife, and indeed to all of us. In the upper part of the stream we built with stakes and stones a kind of dam, that CC 514 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. raised the water sufnciently^to convey it into the palm-tree troughs; and afterwards, by means of a gentle slope, to glide on contiguous to our habitation, where it fell into the tortoise-shell basin, which we had elevated on stones to a certain height for our convenience; and it was so contrived, that the redundant water passed off through a cane pipe fitted to it. I placed two sticks athwart each other for the gourds, that served as pails, to rest on; and we thus produc- ed, close to our abode, an agreeable fountain, delighting with its rill, and supplying us with a pure crystal fluid, such as we frequently could not get when we drew our water from the bed of the river, which was often encumbered with the leaves and earth fallen into it, or rendered turbid by our waterfowls. The only inconvenience was, that the water flowing in this open state through the narrow channels in a slender stream, was heated, and not refreshing when it reached us. I resolved to obviate this inconvenience at my future leisure, by employing, instead of the uncovered conduits, large bamboo canes fixed deep enough in the ground to keep the water cool. In waiting the execution of this design, we felt pleasure in the new acquisition; and Fritz, who had suggested the notion, received his tribute of praise from all. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 315 CHAPTER XXVII. The Wild Ass; — Difficulty in breaking it; — The Heath' Fowl's Mst We were scarcely up one morning, and had got to work in putting the last hand to our winding staircase, when we heard at a distance two strange kind of voices, that resem- bled the howlings of wild beasts, mixed with hissings and sounds of some creature at its last gasp; and I was not with- out uneasiness: our dogs too pricked up their ears, and seemed to whet their teeth for a sanguinary combat with a dangerous enemy. From their looks we judged it prudent to put ourselves in a state of defence; we loaded cur guns and pistols, placed them together within our castle in the tree, and prepared to repel vigorously any hostile attack from that quarter. The howlings having ceased an instant, I descended from our citadel, well armed, and put on our two faithful guardians their spiked collars and side-guards: I assembled our cattle about the tree to have them in sight, and I reascended to look around for the enemy's approach. Jack wished they might be lions — " I should like," said he, " to have a near view of the king of beasts, and should not be in the least afraid of him. " At this instant the howlings were renewed, and almost close to us. Fritz got as near the spot as he could, listened attentively and with eager looks, then threw down his gun, and burst into a loud laughter, exclaiming, " Father, it is our ass! the deserter comes back to us, chanting the hymn 316 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. of return: listen! do you not hear his melodious brayings in all the varieties of the gamut?" I listened, and afresh roar, in sounds unquestionable, raised loud peals of laughter amongst us; and then followed the usual train of jests and mutual banter at the alarm we had one and all betrayed. Shortly after, we had the satisfaction of seeing among the trees our old friend Grizzle, moving towards us leisurely, and stopping now and then to browse; but to our great joy, he was accompanied by one of his own species, of very su- perior beauty; and when it was nearer, I knew it to be a fine onagra, or wild ass, which I conceived a strong desire to possess, though at the same time aware of the extreme difficulty there would be in taming and rendering him sub- ject to the use of man. Some writers, who have described it under the name of the OEigitai, (or long-eared horse), given it by the Tartars, affirm that the taming it has been ever found impracticable; but my mind furnished an idea on the subject, which I was resolved to act on if I got posses- sion of the handsome creature. Without delay I descend- ed the ladder with Fritz, desiring his brothers to keep still; and I consulted my privy-counsellor on the means of sur- prising and taking the stranger captive. I got ready, as soon as possible, a long cord with a run- ning knot, one end of which I tied fast to the root of a tree; the noose was kept open with a little stick slightly fixed in the opening, so as to fall of itself on the cord being thrown round the neck of the animal, whose efforts to escape would draw the knot closer. I also prepared a piece of bamboo about two feet long, which I split at the bottom, and tied fast at top, to serve as nippers. Fritz attentively examined my contrivance, without seeing the use of it. Prompted by the impatience of youth, he took the ball-sling, and proposed THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 317 aiming at the wild ass with it, which he said was the short- est way of proceeding. I declined adopting this Patagonian method, fearing the attempt might fail, and the beautiful creature avail itself of its natural velocity to evade us be- yond recovery: I therefore told him my project of catching it in the noose, which I gave him to manage, as being nimbler and more expert than myself. The two asses drew nearer and nearer to us. Fritz holding in his hand the open noose, moved softly on from behind the tree where we were concealed, and advanced as far as the length of the rope allowed him: the onagra started on perceiving a human figure; it sprang some paces backward, then stopped as if to examine the unknown form; but as Fritz now remained quite still, the animal resumed its composure, and continued to browse. Soon after he approached the old ass, hoping that the confidence that would be shown by it, would raise a similar feeling in the stranger: he held out a handful of oats mixed with salt; our ass instantly ran up to take its favourite food, and greedily devoured it; this was quickly perceived by the other. It drew near, raised its head, breathed strongly, and came up so close, that Fritz, seizing the opportunity, succeeded in throwing the rope round its neck; but the motion and stroke so affrighted the beast, that it instantly sprang off. It was soon checked by the cord, which, in compressing the neck, almost stopped its breath: it could go no farther, and, after many exhausting efforts, it sunk panting for breath upon the ground. I hastened to loosen the cord, and prevent its being strangled. I then quickly threw our ass's halter over its head; I fixed the nose in my split cane, which I secured at the bottom with packthread. Thus I succeeded in subduing the first alarm of this wild animal, as farriers shoe a horse for the first time. 318 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. I wholly removed the noose that seemed to bring the crea- ture into a dangerous situation; I fastened the halter with two long ropes to two roots near us, on the right and left, and let the animal recover itself, noticing its actions, and devising the best way to tame it in the completest manner. The rest of my family had by this time come down from the tree, and beheld the fine creature with admiration, its graceful shape, and well-turned limbs, which placed it so much above the ass, and nearly raised it to the noble structure of the horse. In a few moments the onagra got up again, struck furiously with its foot, and seemed resolv- ed to free itself from all bonds: but the pain of its nose, which was grasped and violently squeezed in the bamboo, forced it to lie down again. Fritz and I now gently undid the cords, and half led, half dragged it, between two roots closely connected, to which we fastened it afresh, so as to give the least scope for motion, and thus render its escape impracticable, whilst it enabled us to approach securely, and examine the valuable capture we had made. We also guarded against master Grizzle playing truant again, and tied him fast with a new halter, confining its fore-legs with a rope. I then fastened it and the wild ass side by side, and put before both plenty of good provender to solace their impatience of captivity. We had now the additional occupation of training the onagra for our service or our pleasure, as might turn out to be most practicable: my boys exulted in the idea of riding it, and we repeatedly congratulated each other on the good fortune which had thus resulted from the flight of our ass. Yet I did not coneeal that we should have many difficulties to encounter in taming it, though it seemed very young, and not even to have reached its full growth. But I was THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 319 inclined to think proper means had not been hitherto adopt- ed, and that the hunters, almost as savage as the animals themselves, had not employed sufficient art and patience, being probably unconscious of the advantages of either. I therefore determined to resort to all possible measures. I let the nippers remain on its nose, which appeared to dis- tress him greatly, though we could plainly perceive their good effect in subduing the creature; for without them no one could have ventured to approach him. I took them off, however, at times, when I gave it food, to render eating easier, and I began, as with the buffalo, by placing a bun- dle of sail-cloth on its back, to inure it to carry. When ac- customed to the load, I strove to render the beast by degrees still more docile, by hunger and thirst; and I observed with pleasure, that when it had fasted a little and I supplied it with food, its look and actions were less wild. I also com- pelled the animal to keep erect on its four legs, by drawing the cords closer that fastened it to the roots, in order to subdue gradually by fatigue its natural ferocity. The chil- dren came in turns to play jvith it, and scratch its ears gently, which were remarkably tender; and it was on these I resolved to make my last trial, if all other endeavours fail- ed. For a long time we despaired of success; the onagra made furious starts and leaps when any of us went near it, kicked with its hind feet, and even attempted to bite those who touched it. This obliged me to have recourse to a muzzle, which I managed with rushes, and put on when it was not feeding. To avoid being struck by its hind feet, I partially confined them, by fastening them to the forefeet with cords, which, however, I left moderately loose, that we might not encroach too much upon the motion necessa- ry for its health. It was at length familiarized to this dis- 320 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. cipline, and was no longer in a rage when we approached, but grew less impatient daily, and bore to be handled and stroked. At last we ventured to free it by degrees from its res- traints, and to ride it as we had done with the buffalo, still keeping the fore-feet tied: but notwithstanding this precau- tion and every preceding means, it proved as fierce and un- ruly as ever for the moment. The monkey, who was first put on its back, held on pretty well by clinging to its mane, from which it was suspended as often as the onagra furious- ly reared and plunged; it was therefore for the present im- practicable for either of my sons to get upon it. The per- verse beast baffled all our efforts, and the perilous task of breaking it was still to be persevered in with terror and ap- prehension. In the stable it seemed tolerably quiet and gentle; but the moment it was in any degree unshackled, it became wholly ferocious and unmanageable. I was at length reduced to my last expedient, but not without much regret, as I resolved, if it did not answer, to restore the animal to full liber^v. I tried to mount the ona- gra, and just as in the act of rearing up violently to prevent me, I seized with my teeth one of the long ears of the en- raged creature, and bit it till it bled; instantly it stood al- most erect on its hind feet, motionless, and as stiff as a stake; it soon lowered itself by degrees, while I still held its ear between my teeth. Fritz seized the moment, and sprang on its back; Jack, with the help of his mother, did the same, holding by his brother, who on his part clung to the girth. When both assured me they were firmly seated, I let go the ear: the onagra made a few springs less violent than the former, and checked by the cords on its feet, it gradually submitted, began to trot up and down more quiet- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 321 ly, and ultimately grew so tractable, that riding it became one of our chief pleasures. My lads were soon expert horsemen; and their horse, though rather long-eared, was very handsome and well broken in. Thus patience on our parts conquered a serious difficulty, and gained for us a proud advantage. I now explained to my companions that I learned this ex- traordinary mode of taming from a horsebreaker I met with by chance. He had lived long in America, and carried on the skin-trade with the savages, to whom he took, in ex- change, various European goods. He employed in these journeys half-tamed horses of the southern provinces of that country, which are caught in snares or with nooses. They are at first unruly, and resist burdens; but as soon as the hunter bites one of their ears, they become mild and sub- missive, and at last so docile that any thing may be done with them. The journey is continued through forests and over heaths to the dwellings of the savages; skins are given in barter for the goods brought them, with which the horses are reloaded. They set out again on their return, and are directed by the compass and stars to the European settle- ments, where they profitably dispose of their skins and horses. In a few weeks the onagra was so effectual 7 v tamed, that we all could mount it without fear: I still, how * ver, kept his two forelegs confined together with the cord, to moderate the extreme swiftness of its running. In the room of a bit, I contrived a curb, and with this and a good bite applied, as wanted, to the ear, it went to right or left at the will of the rider. Now and then I mounted it myself, and not without an emotion of pride at my success in subduing an animal that had been considered by travellers and naturalists as absolute- 322 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. ly beyond the power of man to tame. But how superior was my gratification, on seeing Fritz spring at any time on the creature's back, drive along our avenue like lightning, and do what he pleased with it, in depicting to my fond imag- ination, that even on a desert unknown island, I could qual- ify my dear children to reenter society, and t become in such respects its ornament! In beholding their physical strength and native graces unfold themselves, and these keeping pace with the improvement of their intelligence and their judg- ment; and in anticipating that, buried as they were in a distant retreat, far from the tumult of the world, and all that excites the passions, their sentiments would be formed in ex- act conformity to the paternal feelings of my heart! I had not lost the hope that we should one day return to Europe in some vessel chance might throw on our coast, or even with the aid of our pinnace: but I felt, at the same time, and my wife still more, that we should not leave the island without a lively regret, and I determined to pursue my arrangements as if we were to close existence on a spot where all around us prospered. During the training of our horse, which we named Light- foot, a triple brood of our hens had given us a crowd of little feathered beings; forty of these at least were chirping and hopping about us, to the great satisfaction of my wife, whose zealous care of them sometimes made me smile. Some of these we kept near us, while others were sent in small colo- nies to feed and breed in the desert, where we could find thern as they were wanted for our use. This increase of. our poultry reminded us of an under- taking we had long thought of, and was not in prudence to be deferred any longer; this was the building, between the roots of our great tree, covered sheds for all our bipeds and THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 323 quadrupeds. The rainy season, which is the winter of these countries, was drawing near, and to avoid losing most of our stock, it was- requisite to shelter it. We began by forming a kind of roof above the arched roots of our tree, and employed bamboo canes for the purpose: the longest and strongest supported the roofing in the place of columns, the smaller more closely united and composed the roof itself. I filled up the interstices with moss and clay, and I spread over the whole a thick coat of tar. By these means I formed a compact and solid covering, capable of bearing pressure. I then made a railing round it, which gave the appearance of a pretty balcony, under which, between the roots, were various stalls sheltered from rain and sun, that could be easily shut and separated from each other by means of planks nailed upon the roots: part of them were calculated to serve as a stable and yard, part as an eating-room, a store- room, 8tc, and as a hayloft to keep our hay and provisions dry in. This work was soon completed; but afterwards it was necessary to fill these places with stores of every kind for our supply throughout the wet season. In this task we engaged diligently, and went daily here and there with our cart to collect every thing useful, and that might give us em- ployment when the weather prevented our going far. One evening, on our return from digging up potatoes, as our cart loaded with bags, drawn by the buffalo, ass and cow, was gently rolling along, seeing still a vacant place in the vehicle, I advised my wife to go home with the two youngest boys, whilst I went round by the wood of oaks with Ernest and Fritz, to gather as many sweet acorns as we could find room for. We had still some empty sacks. Ernest was ac- companied by his monkey, who seldom left him; and Fritz, horseman like, was on his dear onagra, which he had appro- 324 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. priated to himself, inasmuch as he had helped to take and tame it, and indeed because he knew how to manage it better than his brothers. JErnest was too lazy, and prefer- red walking at ease with the monkey on his shoulder, and the more so, because it spared him the trouble of gathering fruit. When we reached the oaks, Lightfoot was tied to a bush, and we set actively to work to gather the acorns that had dropped from the trees. While all were busily employed, the monkey quitted its master's shoulder and skipped unper- ceived into an adjoining bush. It had been there some time when we heard on that side the loud cries of birds and flap- ping of wings, and this assured us a sharp conflict was going on between master Knips and the inhabitants of the bushes. I despatched Ernest to reconnoitre. He went stoutly to- wards the place, and in an instant we heard him exclaim, "Come quickly, father! A fine heath-fowl's nest full of eggs; Mr. Knips, as usual, wished to make a meal of them; the hen and he are fighting for it: come quick, Fritz, and take her; I am holding greedy-chops as well as I can." Fritz ran up directly, and in a few moments brought out alive the male and female heath-fowl, both very beautiful; the cock finely collared, similar to one he had killed on a former occasion. I was rejoiced at this discovery, and helped my son to prevent their escape, by tying their wings and feet, and holding them while he returned to the bush for the eggs. And now Ernest came forward driving the monkey before him, and carrying his hat with the utmost care: he had stuck his girdle full of narrow sharp-pointed leaves, in shape like a knife-blade, which reminded me of the production named sword-grass; but I did not pay much attention, as I was too busily engaged in our egg-hunt, and THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 325 Considered "his decoration as childishness. On coming up to me he uncovered hid hat, and gave it me in a transport of joy, crying out, "Here, father, are some heath-fowl's eggs. I found them in a nest so well concealed under these long leaves, that I should not have observed them had not the hen, in defending herself against the monkey, scattered them about. I am going to take them home, they will please my mother; and these leaves will amuse Francis, for they are like swords, and he will like them for a plaything." I applauded Ernest's kind thought, and I encouraged him and Fritz to be thus ever considerate for the absent. The kindnesses conferred on those who are separated from us have in theme! ves more merit, and are more valued, than those which are personally received. It was now time to think of moving homeward: my two sons filled the bags with acorns, and put them on Lightfoot. Fritz mounted, Ernest carried the eggs, I took charge of the hen, and we proceed- ed to Falcon's Stream followed by our train-wagon. Our good cattle were in such complete subjection, that it was only necessary to speak to them. I remarked Ernest often applying his ear to the hat which held the eggs, as if he thought the little ones were near coming forth; I listened also and observed some shells already broken and the young protruding: we were overjoyed at our good luck, and Fritz could not refrain from trotting on briskly to bear the tidings to his mother. When arrived, our first care was to examine the eggs: the female bird was too frightened and wild to sit upon them: fortunately we had a hen that was hatching; her eggs were immediately removed, and the new ones put in their place: the female heath-fowl was put into the parrot's cage, and hung up in the room, to accustom it to our soci- ety. In less than three days all the chickens were hatched; 326 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, they kept close to their foster-mother, and ate greedily a mixture of sweet acorns bruised in milk, such as we gave our tame poultry: as they grew up I plucked out the large feathers of their wings, lest they should naturally take flight: but they and their real parent gradually became so domes- ticated, that they daily accompanied our feathered stock in search of food, and regularly came back at night to the roost I had prepared for them, and in which this little new colony of feathered beings seemed to delight. CHAPTER XXVIII. Flax; — and the Rainy Season. Francis for a short time was highly amused with his sword-leaves, and then, like all children, who are soon tired of their toys, he grew weary of them, and they were thrown aside. Fritz picked up some of them that were quite soft and withered; holding up one which was pliable as a riband in his hand: "Francis," said he, "you can make whips of your sword-grass, and they will be of use in driving your goats and sheep." It had been lately decided that it should be the business of Francis to lead these to pasture. Fritz accordingly sat down to help him divide the leaves, and afterwards plat them into whip-cords. As they were work- ing, I saw with pleasure the flexibility and strength of the bands; I examined them more closely, and found they were composed of long fibres or filaments; and this discovery led THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 327 me to surmise that this supposed sword-grass might be a very different thing, and not improbably the flax-plant, of New Zealand, called by naturalists Chlomidia, and by others Phormion. This was a valuable discovery in our situation: 1 knew how much my wife wished for the production, and that it was the article she felt most the want of: I therefore hastened to communicate the intelligence to her, and she ex- pressed the liveliest joy: "This," said she, "is the most useful thing you have found; lose not a moment in search- ing for more of these leaves, and bring me the most you can of them; I will make you stockings, shirts, clothes, thread, ropes In short, give me flax, looms, and frames, and I shall be at no loss in the employment of it." I could not help smil- ing at the scope she gave to her imagination, on the bare mention of flax, though so much was to be done between the gathering the leaves, and having the cloth she was already sewing in idea. Fritz whispered a word in Jack's ear; both went to the stable, and without asking my leave, one mount- ed Lightfoot, the other the buffalo, and galloped off towards the wood so fast that I had no time to call them back: they were already out of sight: their eagerness to oblige their mother in this instance pleaded their forgiveness, and I suffered them to go on without following them, purposing to proceed and bring them back if they did not soon return. In waiting for them I conversed with my wife, who pointed out to me, with all the animation and spirit of useful enter- prise so natural to her character, the various machinery I must contrive for spinning and weaving her flax for the manufactory of cloths, with which she said she should be able to eauip us from head to foot; in speaking of which, her eyes sparkled with doing good, the love of the purest kind of joy, and I promised her all she desired of me. 328 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. In a quarter of an hour our deserters came back: like true hussars, they had foraged the woods, and heavily loaded their cattle with the precious plant, which they threw at their mother's feet with joyful shouts. It was next pro- posed that all should assist her in preparations for the work she was to engage in, and previously in steeping the flax. Fritz. — How is flax prepared, father, and what is meant by steeping it? Father. — Steeping flax, or hemp, is exposing it in the open air, by spreading it on the ground to receive the rain, the wind, and the dew, in order in a certain degree to liquify the plant; by this means the ligneous parts of the flax are separated with more ease from the fibrous; a kind of vege- table glue that binds them is dissolved, and it can then be perfectly cleaned with great ease, and the parts selected which are fit for spinning. Fritz. — But may not the natural texture of this part be destroyed by exposing it so long to wet? Father. — That certainly may happen when the process is managed injudiciously, and the flax not duly turned; the risk, however, is not great, the fibrous part has a peculiar tenacity, which enables it to resist longer the action of hu- midity: flax may be even steeped altogether in water without injury. Many think this the best and quickest method, and I am of their opinion. My wife coincided with me, especially in the sultry cli- mate we inhabited: she therefore proposed to soak the flax in Flamingo Marsh, and to begin by making up the leaves in bundles, as they do hemp in Europe. We agreed to her proposal, and joined in this previous and necessary prepara- tion of the flax during the rest of the day. Next morning the ass was put to the small light car, THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSOX. 329 loaded with bundles of leaves; Francis and the monkey sat on them, and the remainder of the family gaily followed with shovels and pick-axes. We stopped at the marsh, di- vided our large bundles into smaller, which we placed in the water, pressing them down with stones, and leaving them in this state till it was time to remove and set them in the sun to dry, and thus render the stems soft and easy to peel. In the course of this work we noticed with admiration the instinct of the flamingoes, in building their cone-shaped nests above the level of the marsh, each nest having a re- cess in the upper part, in which the eggs are securely depo- sited, while the contrivance enables the female to sit with her Legs in the water: the nest is of clay closely cemented, so as to resist all danger from the element till the young can swim. In a fortnight we took the flax out of the water, and spread it on the grass in the sun, where it dried so rapidly that we were able to load it on our cart the same evening, and carry it to Falcon's Stream, where it was put by till we had time to make the beetles, wheels, reels, carding-combs, &c. required by our chief for the manufacture. It was thought best to reserve this task for the rainy season, and to employ the present time in collecting a competent stock of provisions for ourselves and for all the animals. Occa- sional slight showers, the harbingers of winter, had already come on: the temperature, which hitherto had been warm and serene, became gloomy and variable; the sky was often darkened with clouds, the stormy winds were heard, and warned us to avail ourselves of the favourable moment to get all that might be wanted ready. Our first care was to dig up a full supply of potatoes and yams for bread, with plenty of cocoa-nuts, and some bags DD 330 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. of sweet acorns. It occurred to us while digging, that the ground being thus opened and manured with the leaves of plants, we might sow in it to advantage the remainder of our European corn. Notwithstanding all the delicacies this stranger land afforded us, the force of habit still caused us to long for the bread we had been fed with from child- hood: we had not yet laid ourselves out for regular tillage, and I was inclined to attempt the construction of a plough of some sort as soon as we had a sufficient stock of corn for sowing. For this time, therefore, we committed it to the earth with little preparation: the season, however, was proper for sowing and planting, as the ensuing rain would moisten and swell the embryo grain, which otherwise would perish in an arid, burning soil. We accordingly expedited the planting of the various palm-trees we had discovered in our excursions, at Tent-House, carefully selecting the smallest and the youngest. In the environs we formed a large handsome plantation of sugar-canes, so as to have hereafter every thing useful and agreeable around us, and thus be dispensed from the usual toil and loss of time in procuring them. These different occupations kept us several weeks in un- remitted activity of mind and body; our cart was incessantly in motion, conveying home our winter stock: time was so precious, that we did not even make regular meals, and limited ourselves to bread, cheese, and fruits, in order to shorten them, to return quickly to our work, and despatch it before the bad season should set in. Unfortunately, the weather changed sooner than we had expected, and than, with all our care, we could be prepared for: before we had completed our winter establishment, the rain fell in such heavy torrents, that I could not refrain THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 331 from painful apprehension in surmising how we should resist such a body of water, that seemed to change the whole face of the country into a lake. The first thing to be done, was to remove our aerial abode, and to fix our residence at the bottom of the tree, between the roots and under the tarred roof I had erected; for it was no longer possible to remain above, on account of the furi- ous winds that threatened to bear us away, and deluged our beds with rain through the large opening in front, our only protection here being a piece of sail-cloth, which was soon dripping wet and rent to pieces. In this condition we were forced to take down our hammocks, mattrasses, and every article that could be injured by the rain; and most fortunate did we deem ourselves in having made the winding stairs, which sheltered us during the operation of the removal. The stairs served afterwards for a kind of lumber-room; we kept all in it we could dispense with, arid most of our cu- linary vessels, which my wife fetched as she happened to want them. Our little sheds between the roots, construct- ed for the poultry and the cattle, could scarcely contain us all; and the first days we passed in this manner were pain- fully embarrassing, crowded all together, and hardly able to move in these almost dark recesses, which the fostid smell from the close adjoining animals rendered almost insupport- able: in addition, we were half stifled with smoke whenever we kindled a fire, and drenched with rain when we opened the doors. For the first time since our disaster, we sighed for the comfortable houses of our dear country: — but what was to be done! we were not there, and losing our courage and our temper would only increase the evil. I strove to raise the spirits of my companions, and obviate some of the inconveniences. The now doubly-precious winding stair 332 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. was, as I have said, every way useful to us; the upper part of it was filled with numerous articles that gave us room below: and as it was lighted and sheltered by windows, my wife often worked there, seated on a stair, with her little Francis at her feet. We confined our live-stock to a smaller num- ber, and gave them a freer current of air, dismissing from the stalls those animals that, from their properties, and being natives of the country, would be at no loss in provid- ing for themselves. That we might not lose them altogeth- er, we tied bells round their necks; Fritz and I sought and drove them in every evening that they did not spontaneous- ly return. We generally got wet to the skin and chilled with cold, during the employment, which induced my wife to contrive for us a kind of clothing more suitable to the oc- casion; she took two seamen's shirts from the chest, and with some pieces of old coats, she made us a kind of cloth hoods joined together at the back, and well formed for cov- ering the head entirely: we melted some elastic gum, which we spread over the shirts and hoods; and the articles thus prepared answered every purpose of water-proof overalls, that were of essential use and comfort to us. Our young rogues were ready with their scornful jokes the first time they saw us in them: but afterwards they would have been rejoiced to have had the same: this, however, the reduced state of our gum did not allow, and we contented ourselves with wearing them in turn, when compelled to work in the rain, from the bad effects of which they effectually preserv- ed us. As to the smoke, our only remedy was to open the door when we made a fire; and we did without as much as we could, living on milk and cheese, and never making a fire but to bake our cakes: we then used the occasion to boil a THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 333 quantity of potatoes, and salt meat enough to last us a num ber of days. Our dry wood was also nearly expended, and we thanked Heaven the weather was not very cold; for had this been the case, our other trials would have much increas- ed. A more serious concern was, our not having provided sufficient hay and leaves for our European cattle, which we kept housed to avoid losing them; the cow, the ass, the sheep, and the goat, the two last of which were increased in number, required a large quantity of provender, so that we were ere long forced to give them our potatoes and sweet acorns, which by the by, they found very palatable, and we remarked that they imparted a delicate flavour to their milk; — the cow, the goats, and even the sheep, amply supplied us with that precious article: milking, cleaning the animals, and preparing their food, occupied us most of the morning, after which we were usually employed in making flour of the manioc root, with which we filled the large gourds, previ- ously placed in rows. The gloom of the atmosphere and our low windowless habitation, sensibly abridged our day- light; fortunately, we had laid in a huge store of candles, and felt no want of that article: when darkness obliged us to light up, we got round the table, where a large taper fixed on a gourd gave us an excellent light, which enabled my wife to pursue her occupation with the needle, while I on my part was forming a journal, and recording what the reader has perused of the narrative of our shipwreck and resi- dence in this island, assisted from time to time by my sons and their admirable mother, who did not cease to remind me of various incidents belonging to the story. To Ernest, who wrote a fine hand, was entrusted the care of writing off my pages in a clear legible character: Fritz and Jack amused themselves by drawing from memory, the plants and ani- 334 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. mals which had most struck their observation; while one and all contributed to teach little Francis to read and write: we concluded the day with a devotional reading in the Holy Bible, performed by each in turn, and we then retired to rest, happy in ourselves, and in the innocent and peaceful course of our existence. Our kind and faithful steward often surprised us agreeably on our return from looking after the cattle, by lighting a fagot of dried bamboo, and quickly roasting by the clear and fervent heat it produced, a chicken, pigeon, or duck, from our poultry yard, or some of the thrushes we had preserved in butter, which were ex- cellent, and welcomed as a treat to reward extraordinary toil. Every four or five days the kind creature made us new fresh butter in the gourd-churn; and this, with some fragrant honey spread On our manioc cakes, formed a col- lation that would have raised the envy of European epi- cures. These unexpected regales represented to our grate- ful hearts so many little festivals, the generous intention of which made us forget our bad accommodations and confine- ment. The fragments of our meals belonged in right to our do- mestic animals, as part of the family. We had now four dogs, the eagle, and the monkey, to feed; they relied with just confidence on the kindness of their respective masters, who certainly would have deprived themselves to supply the wants of their helpless dependants. Francis had taken under his mighty protection the two puppies; my wife, Flora; and I, the brave Turk: — thus each had his attend- ant, of which he took care, and no one was dispensed from the offices of tenderness and vigilance. If the buffalo, the onagra, and pig, had not found sustenance abroad, they must have been killed or starved, and that would have given THE SWISS FAMILY ROBlNSOxN. 335 US much pain. In the course of these discomforts, it was unanimously resolved on, that we would not pass another rainy season exposed to the same evils; even my gentle- tempered and most beloved consort, was a little ruffled now and then with our inconvenient situation, and insisted more than any of us on the plan of building elsewhere a more spa- cious winter residence: she wished, however, to return to our castle in the tree every summer, and we all joined with her in that desire. The choice of a fresh abode now engross-, ed our attention, and Fritz in the midst of consultation came forward triumphantly with a book he had found in the bot- tom of our clothes' chest. "Here," said he, "is our best counsellor and model, Robinson Crusoe; since Heaven has destined us to a similar fate, whom better can we consult? As far as I remember, he cut himself a habitation out of the solid rock: let us see how he proceeded; we will do the same, and with greater ease, for he was alone; we are six in number, and four of us able to work." This idea of Fritz was hailed by all. We assembled, and read the famous history with an ardent interest; it seemed, though so fam 1- iar, quite new to us: we entered earnestly into every detail, and derived considerable information from it, and never failed to feel lively gratitude towards God, who had rescued us all together, and not permitted one only of us to be cast, a solitary being, on the island. The occurrence of this thought produced an overwhelming sense of affection among us; we could not refrain from throwing ourselves into each other's arms, embracing repeatedly, and the pathetic scene ended in mutual congratulations. Francis expressed his wish to have a Man Friday; Fritz thought it better to be without such a companion, and to have no savages to contend with. Jack was for the savages, 336 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. warfare, and encounters. The final result of our delibera- tions was to go and survey the rocks round Tent-House, and to examine whether any of them could be excavated for our purpose. Our last job for the winter, undertaken at my wife's solicitation, was a beetle for her flax, and some carding combs. I filed large nails till they were even, round, and pointed; I fixed them at equal distances in a sheet of tin, and raised the sides of it like a box; I then poured melted lead between the nails and the sides, to give firmness to their points, which came out four inches. I nailed this tin on a board, and the machine was fit for work. My wife was im- patient to use it; and the drying, peeling, and spinning her flax, became from this time a source of inexhaustible de- light. CHAPTER XXIX. Spring; — Spinning; — Salt Mine. I can hardly describe our joy, when, after many tedious and gloomy weeks of rain, the sky began to brighten, the sun to dart its benign rays on the humid earth, the winds to be lulled, and the state of the air became mild and serene. We issued from our dreary hovels with joyful shouts, and walked round our habitation breathing the enlivening balmy ether, while our eyes were regaled with the beauteous ver- dure beginning to shoot forth on every side. Reviving na- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 357 ture opened her arms, every creature seemed reanimated, and we felt the genial influence of that glorious luminary which had been so long concealed from our sight, and now returned, like a friend who had been absent, to bring us back blessings and delight. We rapidly forgot in new sensations the embarrassments and weary hours of the wet season, and with jocund, hopeful hearts, looked forward to the toils of summer as enviable amusements. The vegetation of our plantation of trees was rapidly ad- vancing ; the seed we had thrown into the ground was sprout- ing in slender blades that waved luxuriantly; a pleasing tender foliage adorned the trees; the earth was enamelled with an infinite variety of flowers, whose agreeable tints diversified the verdure of the meadows. Odorous exhala- tions were diffused through the atmosphere; the song of birds was heard around; they were seen between the leaves, joyfully fluttering from branch to branch; their various forms and brijliant plumage heightened this delightful picture of spring, and we were at once struck with wonder and pene- trated with gratitude towards the Creator of so many beau- ties. Under these impressions we celebrated the ensuing Sunday in the open air, and, if possible, with stronger emo- tions of piety than heretofore. The blessings which sur- rounded us were ample compensation for some uneasy moments which had occasionally intervened ; and our hearts, filled with fresh zeal, were resolved to be resigned, if it should be the will of God, to pass the residue of our days in this solitude with serenity of soul. The force of pater- nal feelings, no doubt, made me sometimes form other wishes for my children; but these I buried in my own breast, for fear of disturbing their tranquillity: but if I secretly in- dulged a desire for some e\ent that might prolong and even THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. increase their happiness, I nevertheless wholly submitted all to the Divine will. Our summer occupations commenced by arranging and thoroughly cleaning Falcon's Nest, the order and neatness of which the rain and dead leaves blown by the wind had disturbed: in other respects, however, it was not injured, and in a few days we rendered it fit for our reception; the stairs were cleared, the rooms between the roots re-occu- pied, and we were left with leisure to proceed to other em- ployments. My wife lost not a moment in resuming the process, of her flax. Our sons hastened to lead the cattle to the fresh pastures; whilst it was my task to carry the bun- dles of flax into the open air, where, by heaping stones to- gether, I contrived an oven sufficiently commodious to dry it well. The same evening we all set to work to peel, and afterwards to beat it and strip off the bark; and lastly to comb it with my carding machine, which fully answered the purpose. I took this laborious task on myself, and drew out such distaffs full of long soft flax ready for spinning, that my enraptured wife ran to embrace me, to express her thankfulness, requesting me to make her a wheel without delay, that she might enter upon her favourite work. At an earlier period of my life I had practised turnery for my amusement; now, however, I was unfortunately destitute of the requisite utensils; but as I had not forgotten the ar- rangement and component parts of a spinning-wheel and reel, I by repeated endeavours found means to accomplish those two machines to her satisfaction; and she fell so eagerly to spinning, as to allow herself no leisure even for a walk, and scarcely time to dress our dinners: nothing so much delighted her as to be left with her little boy, whom she employed to reel as fast as she could spin, and some- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 359 times the other three were also engaged in turns at the wheel, to forward her business whilst she was occupied in culinary offices; but not one of them was found so tractable as the cool-tempered, quiet Ernest, who preferred this to more laborious exertions. Our first visit was to Tent- House, and here we found the ravages of winter more con- siderable than even at Falcon's Stream: the tempest and rain had beaten down the tent, carried away a part of the sail-cloth, and made such havoc amongst our provisions, that by far the largest portion was spotted with mildew, and the remainder could be only saved by drying them instantly. Luckily, our handsome pinnace had been for the most part spared; it was still at anchor, ready to serve us in case of need; but our tub-boat was in too shattered a state to be of any further service. In looking over the stores, we were grieved to find the gunpowder, of which I had left three barrels in the tent, the most damaged. The contents of two were rendered wholly useless. I thought myself fortunate on finding the remain- ing one in tolerable condition, and derived from this great and irreparable loss, a cogent motive to fix upon winter quarters, where our stores, our only wealth, would not be exposed to such cruel dilapidations. Fritz and Jack were constant in their endeavours to make me undertake the excavation in the rock, but I had no hopes of success. Robinson Crusoe found a spacious cavern that merely required arrangement; no such cavity was apparent in our rock, which bore the aspect of extreme solidity and impenetrableness; so that, with our limited pow- ers, three or four summers would scarcely suffice to execute the design. Still the earnest desire of a more substantial habitation, to defend us from the elements, perplexed me 340 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBlNSOtf. incessantly, and I resolved to make at least the attempt of cutting out a recess that should protect the gunpowder, the most valuable of all our treasures. I accordingly set off one day, accompanied by my two boys, leaving their mother at her spinning with Ernest and Francis. We took with us pickaxes, chisels, hammers, and iron levers, to try what im- pression we could make on the rock. I chose a part nearly perpendicular, and much better situated than our tent: the view from it was enchanting; for it embraced the whole range of Safety Bay, the banks of Jackal's Stream, and Family Bridge, and many of the picturesque projections of the rocks. I marked out with charcoal the opening we wished to make, and we began the heavy toil of piercing the quarry. We made so little progress the first day, that, in spite of our courage, we were tempted to relinquish the undertaking; we persevered, however, and my hope was somewhat revived as I perceived the stone was of a softer texture as we penetrated deeper: I concluded from this, that the ardent rays of the sun striking upon the rock had hard- ened the external layer, and that the stone within would in- crease in softness as we advanced; and it occurred to" me, that the substance might be a species of calcareous stone. When I had .put about a foot in depth, we could loosen it with a spade like dried mud; this determined me to proceed with double ardour, and my boys assisted me with a spirit and zeal beyond their years. After a few days of assiduous labour, we measured the opening, and found we had already advanced seven feet into the rock. Fritz removed the fragments in a barrow, and discharged theni in a line before the place, to form a sort of terrace; I applied my own labour to the upper part, to enlarge the aperture; Jack, the smallest of the three, was THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 341 able to get in and cut away below. He had with him a long iron bar sharpened at the end, which he drove in with a hammer, to loosen a piece at a time; suddenly he bawled out: " It is pierced through, father! Fritz, I have pierced it through!" " Hah, hah, master Jack at his jokes again! — But let us hear, what have you pierced? Is it the mountain? Not peradventure your hand or foot, Jack?" cried I. Jack. — No, no, it is the mountain, (the rocks resounding with his usual shout of joy); huzza, huzza! I have pierced the mountain! Fritz now ran to him. " Come, let us see then: it is no doubt the globe at least you have pierced," said he, in a ban- tering tone: "you should have pushed on your tool boldly, till you reached Europe, which they say is under our feet; I should have been glad to peep into that hole." Jack. — Well, then, peep you may, but I hardly know what you will see; come and look how* far the iron is gone in, and tell me if it is all my boasting. " Come hither, father," said Fritz, " this is really extra- ordinary; his iron bar seems to have got to a hollow place; see, it can be moved in every direction." I approached, thinking the incident worth attention: I took hold of the bar, which was still in the rock, and working it about, I made a sufficient aperture for one of my sons to pass, and I observed that in reality the rubbish fell within the cavity, which I judg- ed, from the falling of the stones, was not much deeper than the part we stood on. My two lads offered to go in together and examine it: this, however, I forbade. I even made them remove from the opening, as I smelled the mephitic air, that issued abundantly from it, and began myself to feel giddiness in consequence of having gone too near; so that I was com- 342 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. pelled to withdraw quickly, and inhale a purer air. " Be- ware, my dear children," said I, in terror, "of entering such places, for the loss of life might be the consequence." Jack. — How can that be, father? Father. — Because the air is mephitic, that is, foul, and therefore unfit for breathing in. Jack. — How does air become mephitic? Father. — In different ways: for example, when it is replete with noxious vapours, or when it contains too many igneous or inflammable particles, or when it is too heavy or dense, as fixed air is;, but in general, when it merely loses its elas- ticity, it no longer passes freely into the lungs; respiration is then stopped, and suffocation speedly ensues, because air is indispensable to life and the circulation of the blood. Jack. — Then all to be done is, to be off quickly when one feels a stoppage of breath. Father. — This is certainly the natural course, when it can be taken; but the attack usually begins by a vertigo or diz- ziness of the head, so violent as to intercept motion, which is followed by an insurmountable oppression; efforts are made to breathe, fainting follows, and, without speedy help, a sudden death takes place. Fritz. — What assistance can be administered? Father. — The first thing to be done is to remove the person so affected to pure fresh air, and to throw cold water over his body; he must then be well dried, and afterwards rubbed with warm cloths; vital air must be infused, or tobacco-smoke thrown up; — in short, he must be treated like a drowned per- son till signs of reanimation appear, which is not always the result. Fritz. — -But why do you think, father, the air in this cav em is mephitic, as you term it, or dangerous to breath in ? THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 843 Father. — All air confined and wholly separated from that .of the atmosphere, gradually loses its elasticity, and can no longer pass through the lungs: in this state it generates in- jurious qualities that interrupt the process of respiration. It is in this act that the atmospheric air diffusea around us, unites intimately with the blood, to which it communicates one of its most essential parts, called vital air, for without it life cannot be supported. This air failing, respiration ceas- es, and death succeeds in a few minutes: the consequence is similar when this air is impregnated too abundantly with injurious parts, Fritz. — And by what is good air known? How judge that one may respire freely at a few paces from this mephiticcave? Father. — This becomes evident when inspiration and expi- ration are performed with ease; besides, there is an infallible test: fire does not burn in foul air, yet it is made the means of correcting it. We must light a fire of sufficient strength in this hole to purify the air within, and render it friendly to respiration: at first the bad air will extinguish the fire, but by degrees the fire in its turn will expel the bad air and bum freely. Fritz. — Oh! that will be an easy matter. The boys now hastened to gather some dry moss, which they made into bundles; they then struck a light and set fire to them, and threw the moss blazing into the opening; but, as I had described, the fire was extinguished at the • very entrance, thus proving that the air within was highly mephitic. I now saw that it was to be rarefied by another and more effectual method; I recollected that we had brought from the vessel a chest that was full of grenades, rockets, and other fireworks, which had been shipped for the purpose of making signals, as well as for amusement. I sought it 344 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. hastily, and took some of these, together with an iron mortar for throwing; out of it I laid a train of gunpowder, and set fire to the end which reached to where we stood: a general explosion took place, and an awful report reverberated through the dark recess; the lighted grenades flew about on all sides like brilliant meteors, rebounding and bursting with a terrific sound. We then sent in the rockets, which had also a full effect. They hissed in the cavity like flying dragons, disclosing to our astonished view its vast extent. We beheid too, as we thought, numerous dazzling bodies, that sparkled suddenly, as if by magic, and disappeared with the rapidity of lightning, leaving the place in total dark- ness. A squib bursting in the form of a star, presented a spectacle we wished to be prolonged. On its separating, a crowd of little winged genii came forth, each holding a small lighted lamp, and the whole fluttering in every direction with a thousand varied reverberations: every thing in the cavern shone brilliantly, and offered instantly a truly en- chanting sight; but they dropped in succession, fell to the ground without noise, and vanished like ethereal spirits. After having played off our fireworks, I tried lighted straw: to our great satisfaction, the bundles thrown in were entirely consumed; we could then reasonably hope nothing was to be feared from the air; but there still remained the danger of plunging into some abyss, or of meeting with a body of water. From these considerations, I deemed it more prudent to defer our entrance into this unknown re- cess, till we had lights to guide us through it. I despatched Jack on the buffalo to Falcon Stream, to tell his mother and brothers of our discovery, directing him to return with them, and bring all the tapers that were left: my intention was to tie them together to the end of a stick, and proceed with it THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 345 lighted to examine the cavity. I had not sent Jack on his embassy without a meaning; the boy possessed from nature a lively imagination: I knew he would tell his mother such wonders of the enchanted grotto, of the fireworks, and all they had brought to our view, that he would induce her to accompany him without delay, and bring us lights to pene- trate the obscure sanctuary. Jack, overjoyed, sprang on the buffalo, gayly smacked his whip, and set off so boldly, that I almost trembled for his safety. The intrepid boy was unincumbered by fear, and made a complete race-horse of his horned Bucephalus. In three or four hours we saw them coming up in our car of state, which was now drawn by the cow and the ass, and conducted by Ernest. Francis too played his part in the cavalcade, and contended with his brother for the ropes that served as reins. Jack, mounted on' his buffalo, came pranc- ing before them; blew through his closed hand, in imitation of the French horn, and now and then whipped the ass and cow to quicken their motion. When they had crossed Family Bridge, he came forward on the gallop; and when he got to us, jumped off the beast, shook himself, took a spring or two from the ground, and thus refreshed, ran up to the car to hand his mother out, like a true and gallant knight. I immediately lighted some of the tapers; but not togeth- er, as I had intended; I preferred each taking one in his right hand, an implement in his left, another taper in his pocket, flint and steel; and thus we entered the rock in sol- emn procession. I took the lead, my sons followed me, and their beloved mother, with the youngest, brought up the rear. The interest and curiosity she felt were not unal- loyed with tender aporehensions; and indeed I felt myself 346 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. that sort of fear which an unknown object is apt to excite; even our dogs that accompanied us betrayed some timidity, and did not run before as usual; but we had scarcely advan- ced four paces within the grotto, when all was changed to more than admiration and surprise. The most beautiful and magnificent spectacle presented itself. The sides of the cavern sparkled like diamonds, the light from our six tapers was reflected from all parts, and had the effect of a grand illumination. Innumerable crystals of every length and shape hung from the top of the vault; which, uniting with those of the sides, formed pillars, altars, entablature;, and a variety of other figures, composing the most splendid mas- ses. We might have fancied ourselves in the palace of a fairy, or an illumined temple. In some places, all the colours of the prism were emitted from the angles of the crystals, and gave them the appearance of the finest pre- cious stones. The waving of the lights, their bright corus- cations, dark points here and there intervening, the dazzling lustre of others — the whole, in short, delighted and enchant- ed the sight and the fancy. The astonishment of my family was so great as to be al- most ludicrous; they were all in a kind of dumb stupor, half imagining it was a dream. For my own part, I had seen stalactites, and read the description of the famous grotto of Antiparos; my sensations, therefore, were not the same. The bottom was level, covered with a white and very fine sand, as if purposely strewed, and so dry, that I could not see the least mark of humidity anywhere. All this led me to hope the spot would be healthy, convenient, and eligible for our proposed residence. I now formed a particular con- jecture as to the nature of the crystallizations shooting out on all sides, and especially from the arch-roof. They could THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 347 scarcely be of that species of rock-crystals produced by the slow filtering of water falling in drops and coagulating in succession, and seldom found in excavations exhibiting so dry a nature, nor ever with so many of the crystals perpen- dicular and perfectly smooth. I was impatient to evince the truth or falsehood of this idea by an experiment, and discov- ered with great joy, on breaking a portion of one of them, that I was in a grotto of sal gem, that is, fossil or rock salt, found in the earth in solid crystallized masses, generally above a bed of spar or gypsum, and surrounded by layers of fossils or rock. The discovery of this fact, which no longer admitted a doubt, pleased us all exceedingly. The shape of the crystals, their little solidity, and finally their saline taste, were decisive evidences. How highly advantageous to us and our cattle was this superabundance of salt, pure and ready to be shovelled out for use, and preferable in all respects to what we collected on the shore, which required to be refined! As we advanc- ed in the grotto, remarkable figures formed by the saline matter everywhere presented themselves; columns reaching from the bottom to the top of the vauk appeared to sus- tain it, and some even had cornices and capitals: here and there undulating masses which at certain distances resem- bled the sea. From the variegated and whimsical forms we beheld, fancy might make a thousand creations at its pleas- ure: windows, large open cupboards, benches, church or- naments, grotesque figures of men and animals; some like polished crystals or diamonds, others like blocks of alabas- ter. We viewed with unwearied curiosity this repository of wonders, and we had all lighted our second taper, when I ob- served on the ground in some places a number of crystal frag- 348 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. merits that seemed to have fallen off from the upper part. Such a separation might recur, and expose us to danger; a piece falling on any of our heads might prove instantly fatal. But on closer inspection, I was convinced they had not drop- ped of themselves spontaneously; the whole mass was too sol- id for fragments of that size to have been so detached from it; and had dampness loosened them, they would have dissolv- ed gradually: I concluded they were broken off by the con- cussion caused by the explosion of our artillery and fire- works, and I thought it prudent to retire, as other loosened pieces might unexpectedly fall on us. I directed my wife and three of the children to place themselves in the entrance, while Fritz and I carefully examined every part that threat- ened danger. We loaded our guns with ball, and fired them into the centre of the cavern, to be more fully assured of what produced the separation of the former pieces; one or two more fell; the rest remained immovable, though we went round with long poles, and struck all we could reach. We at length felt confident, that in point of solidity there was nothing to fear, and that we might proceed without dread of accident. Loud exclamations, projects, consultations, now succeeded to our mute astonishment! Many schemes were formed for converting this magnificent grotto into a convenient and agreeable mansion for our abode. We had possession of the most eligible premises; the sole business was to turn them to the best account; and how to effect this was our unceasing theme: some voted for our immediate establishment there, but they were opposed by more saga- cious counsel, and it was resolved that Falcon's Stream should still be our head-quarters till the end of the year. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 349 CHAPTER XXX. House in the Salt Rock; — Herring Fishery. The lucky, discovery of a previously existing cavern in the rock, had, as must be supposed, considerably lessened our labour: excavation was no longer requisite: I had more room than was wanted for the construction of our dwelling; to render it habitable was the present object, and to do this did not seem a difficult task. The upper bed of the rock, in front of the cavern, through which my little Jack had dug so easily, was of a soft nature, and to be worked with mod- erate effort. I hoped also that, being now exposed to the air and heat of the sun, it would become by degrees as hard and compact as the first layer that had given me so much trouble. From this consideration I began, while it retained its soft state, to make openings for the doors and windows of the front. This I regulated by the measurement of those I had fixed in my winding staircase, which I had removed for the purpose of placing them in our winter tenement. In- tending Falcon's Nest in future as a rural retreat for the hottest days of summer, the windows of the staircase be- came unnecessary; and as to the door, I preferred making one of bark similar to that of the tree itself, as it would the better conceal our abode, should we at any time experience' invasion from savages or other enemies: the door and win- dows were therefore taken to Tent-House, and to be here- after fixed in the rock. I had previously marked out the openings to be cut for the frames, which were received into grooves for greater convenience and solidity. I took care 350 THE SWISS FAMILY ZlOBINSOX. not to break the stone taken from the apertures, or at least to preserve it in large pieces, and these I cut with the saw and chisel into oblongs an inch and half in thickness, to serve as tiles. I laid them in the sun, and was gratified in seeing they hardened quickly; I then removed them, and my sons placed them in order against the side of the rock, till they were wanted for our internal arrangements. When I could enter the cavern freely with a good door- way, and it was sufficiently lighted by the windows, I erect- ed a partition, for the distribution of our apartments and other conveniences. The extent of the place afforded ample room for my design, and even allowed me to leave several spaces in which salt and other articles could be stored. At the request of my children, I was cautious to injure as little as possible the natural embellishments of this new family mansion; but with all my care, I could not avoid demolishing them in the division allotted to the sta- bles: cattle are fond of salt, and would not have failed to eat away these ornaments, and perhaps in a prejudicial quantity: however, to gratify and reward my obedient children, I pre- served the finest of the pillars, and the most beautiful pieces to decorate our saloon. The large ones served us for chairs and tables; the brilliant pilasters, at once enlivened and adorned the apartment, and at night multiplied the reflection of the lights. I laid out the interior in the following man- ner: A very considerable space was first partitioned off in two divisions; the one on the right was appropriated to our residence; that on the left was to contain the kitchen, stables, and work-room. At the end of the second division, where windows could not be placed, the cellar and store-room were to be formed; the whole separated by partition-boards, with doors of communication, so as to give us a pleasant and com- THE SWISS FA?rIILY ROBIN SCLV. 351 fortable abode. Favoured so unexpectedly by what nature had already effected of the necessary labour, we were far from repining ungratefully at what remained to be done, and entertained full hope of completing the undertaking, or at least the chief parts, before winter. The side we designed to lodge in, was divided into three -apartments; the first, next the door, was the bedroom, for my wife and me, the second a dining-parlour, and the last a bedroom for the boys: as we had only three windows, we put one in each sleeping-room; the third was fixed in the kitchen, where my wife would often be. A grating for the present fell to the lot of our dining-room, which, when too cold, was to be exchanged for one of the other apartments. I contrived a good fireplace in the kitchen, near the window; I pierced the rock a little above, and four planks nailed togeth- er, and passing through this opening, answered the purpose of a chimney. We made the work-room near the kitchen, of sufficient dimensions for the performance of undertakings of some magnitude; it served also to keep our cart and sledge in: lastly the stables, which were formed into four compartments, to separate the different species of animals, occupied all the bottom of the cavern on this side; on the other were the cellar and magazine. It is readily imagined, that a plan of this extent was not to be executed as if by enchantment, and that we satisfied ourselves in the first instance with doing what was most ur- gent, reserving the residue for winter; yet every day forward- ed the business more than we had been aware of. On every excursion, we brought something from Falcon's Stream, that found its place in the new house, where we deposited likewise, in safety, the remaining provisions from the tent. The long stay we made at Tent-House during these em- 352 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBIN SOX. ployments, furnished us an opportunity of perceiving several advantages we had not reckoned upon. Immense turtles were often seen on the shore, where they deposited their eggs in the sand, and they regaled us with a rich treat; but, extending our wishes, we thought of getting possession of the turtles themselves for live stock, and of feasting on them whenever we pleased. As soon as we saw one on the sands, one of rny boys was despatched to cut off its retreat; mean- while we approached the animal, and quietly, without doing it any injury, turned it on its back, then passed a long cord through the shell, and tied the end of it to a stake, which we fixed close to the edge of the water. This done, we set the prisoner on his legs again; it hastened into the sea, but could not go beyond the end of the cord; apparently it was all the happier, finding food with more facility along shore than out at sea; and we enjoyed the idea of being able to take it when wanted. I say nothing of sea-lobsters, oysters, and many other small fishes, which we could catch in any number. The large lobsters, whose flesh was tough and coarse, were given to the dogs, who preferred them to potatoes; but we shortly after became possessors of another excellent winter provision, which chance unexpectedly pro- cured us. One morning, when near Safety Bay, a singular sort of spectacle presented itself. At some distance from the shore an extensive surface of the water seemed in a state of ebul- lition, as if heated by a subterraneous fire: it swelled, sub- sided, foamed, like boiling water: a large number of aquat- ic birds hovered over it, sometimes they darted along the surface of the water, sometimes rose in the air, flying in a circle, pursuing each other in every direction; we were at a loss to judge whether sportiveness, pleasure, or warfare produced their motions. THE SWISS FAXILY ROBINSON. 353 My wife and the boys stood for a long time admiring this phenomenon and indulged themselves in various ludicrous conjectures concerning it, till I at last informed them that the movable bank before us was neither more nor less than a shoal of herrings about to enter Safety Bay, and fall into our hands. All now had questions without end to pro- pose about their appearing in such numbers, and I answered, that at a certain season, herrings leave the Frozen Sea to- gether in a heap. They swim so close to each other, and occupy such a space, as to appear like a bank or island of sand, several leagues in breadth, some fathoms deep, and sometimes above a hundred thousand long. They afterwards divide into bodies, directing their course to the coasts and bays, where they spawn, that is, leave their eggs anions the stones and sea-plants, and to these spots fishermen from all parts go to catch them. The herrings appear eager to reach those parts where the tide is lowest, to escape the voracity of the large fishes which pursue them, by getting into shal- low water; but in doing this, they become an easier prey to the birds and to man. Exposed to destruction in so many ways, one might wonder the species is not extinct, if nature had not provided against these accidents by their astonish- ing fecundity: 68,656 eggs have been found in a moderate- sized female: thus they continue undiminished, notwithstand- ing the vast numbers which are destroyed. By this time the shoal of herrings had reached the entrance of our bay. They made a loud rustling noise in the water, leaping over each other, and displaying their scales of sil- ver hue. This accounted for the luminous sparks we had seen emitted from the sea, and which we could not previ- ously explain. We had no time for further contemplation, but hastened to unharness our team, and supply the want of FF 354 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. nets with our hands in catching the herrings: the boys trsed the largest gourds in lieu of pails, which were no sooner dip- ped in than filled; and we should have been at a loss where to stow them, had I not thought of employing the condemn- ed boat of tubs. It was accordingly drawn to the water's edge by the buffalo, and placed on rollers. My wife and the two youngest lads cleaned it, whilst the other two went to the cavern for salt, and I quickly fitted ftp a sort of tent of sail-cloth on the strand, so as to keep off the rays of the sun while we were busied in salting. We then all engaged in the task, and I allotted to each a share adequate to his strength and skill. Fritz took his station in the water, to bring us the herrings as fast as caught. Ernest and Jack cleaned them with knives; their mother pounded the salt; Francis helped all, and I placed them in the tubs as I had seen done in Europe; while a joyous shout declared the gen- eral activity. I put a layer of salt at the bottom of the bar- rel, then of fish, the heads towards the staves, proceeding: thus till my tubs were nearly full: I spread over the last lay- er of salt large palm-tree leaves, on these, a piece of sail- cloth, and fitted in two half-rounded planks for a heading, which I pressed down with stones. This effected, I put the buffalo and the ass to the cart again, and conveyed it to our cool cellar in the rock. In a few days, when the herrings were sunk, I closed the barrels more accurately by means of a coating of clay and flax over the cloth, which kept out air and moisture completely, and secured us an excellent food for winter. Scarcely had we finished our salting, when another nov- elty occurred: a number of sea-dogs came into the bay and river, that had followed the herrings with the utmost greedi- ness, sporting in the water along shore, without evincing any THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 355 fear of us. The fish presented no attraction to the palate, but its skin, tanned and dressed, maizes excellent leather. I was in great need of it for straps and harness, to make sad- dles for Fritz and Jack to ride the onagra and buffalo, and in short for our own use to cut up into soles, belts, and pan- taloons, of which articles we much wanted a fresh supply: besides, I knew the fat yielded good lamp oil, that might be substituted for tapers in the long evenings of winter; and that it would be further useful in tanning and rendering the leather pliant. We had the good fortune to b-e again successful, and in a short time we secured a sufficient number of them, and care- fully preserved the fat, of which we collected a large quan- tity; it was first put into a copper, melted and cleansed prop- erly, then poured into casks, and kept for the tan-house and lamp. When time should allow, I purposed making soap with it, and this design excited my wife's zeal in the unpleas- ant though ultimately useful task we were engaged in. We also took care of the bladders, which are very large, for the purpose of holding liquids; the remaining parts that could not be turned to account were thrown into the river. At this time I likewise made some improvements in our sledge, to facilitate the carrying of stores from Falcon's Stream to our dwelling in the rock at Tent-House. I rais- ed it on two beams, on axle-trees, at the extremities of which I put on the four gun-carriage wheels I had taken off the cannon from the vessel; by this alteration I obtained a light and convenient vehicle, of moderate height, on which boxes and casks could be placed. Pleased with the operations of the week, we set out all together with cheerful hearts for Falcon's Stream, to pass our Sunday there, and once more offer our pious thanks to the Almighty, for all the benefits he had bestowed upon his defenceless creatures. 356 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSOIST. CHAPTER XXXL JVew Fishery; — New Experiments; — .Yew Discoveries, and House. The enterprise of our dwelling went on, sometimes as a principal j sometime& as an intermediate occupation, accord- ing to the greater or less importance of other concerns; but though we advanced thus with moderate rapidity, the pro- gress was such as to afford the hope of our being settled within it. bj the time of the rainy season. From the moment I discovered gypsum to be the basis of the crystal salt in our grotto, I foresaw some great advan- tages I should derive from it; but to avoid enlarging the dimensions of our house by digging further, I tried to find a place in the continuation of the rock, which I might be able to blow up: I had soon the good fortune to meet with a nar- row slip between the projections of the rock, which I could easily, by the means I proposed, convert into a passage that should terminate in our work-room. I found also on the ground a quantity of fragments of gypsum, and removed a great number of them to the kitchen, where we did not fait to bake a few of the pieces at a time when we made a fire for cooking, which, thus calcined, rubbed into a powder whe i cold: we obtained a considerable quantity of it, which I put carefully into casks for use, when the time should come for finishing the interior of our dwelling. My notion was, to form the walls for separating the apartments, of the squares of stone I had already provided, and to unite them to- gether with a cement of this new ingredient, which would he m THE SWISS FAMELY ROBINSON". 357 the means, both of sparing the timber, and increasing the beauty and solidity of the work. It is almost incredible the immense quantity of plaster we had in a short time amassed; the boys were in a constant state of wonder as they looked at the heap. I seized the op- portunity of imprinting on their minds the value of a firm and steady perseverance in an object once engaged in, the reward of which they now so agreeably experienced, " When we first cast our eyes," continued I, "on this rock, how little did we conceive it possible to transform it into a comfortable dwelling-place; yet we have not only in our per- sons sufficed for carpenters and masons, but even plasterers too; and so effectually, that, if we had it much at heart, we might adorn our walls with stucco, as is the mode in Europe: we possess both the materials and the intelligence; and with the addition of patience and industry, there is scarcely any thing, even what at first should seem impossible, too difficult for our performance." The first use I made of the plaster was to complete some covers I had begun with other materials for my herring tubs, four of which I stopped down to render them impenetrable to the air; the rest of the herrings we intended to dry and smoke. For this purpose we erected a little sort of hut of reeds and branches, as is practised in Holland and America by the fishermen: we placed rows of sticks, reaching from side to side, across the hut, laid the herrings upon them, and then lighted a heap composed of moss and fresh cut branch- es of trees, to produce a stronger and more effective vapour for the purpose: we made the door tight, and had soon the pleasure of adding a large stock of exquisitely flavoured dried herrings to our former store for the ensuing winter. About a month after the singular visit of the herrings, 358 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. which had now entirely left our shores, we received another, and not a less profitable one, from a fish of a different species: we observed Safety Bay to be filled with large fishes, which seemed eager to push to the shore, for the purpose of de- positing their eggs among the stones in fresh water. As Jack and I were walking near the mouth of Jackal's River we perceived immense quantities of a large fish mov- ing slowly towards the banks. As they came nearer, I dis- tinguished the largest to be sturgeons by the pointed snout, while the smallest I pronounced to be salmon. Jack now strutted about in ecstasies. " What say you now, father?" said he; "this is nothing like your little paltry herrings! A single fish of this troop would fill a tub!"^— " No doubt," answered I: and with great gravity I added, — " Prithee, Jack, step into the river, and fling them to me one by one, that I may take them home to salt and dry." He looked at me for a moment with a sort of vacant doubt if I could possibly be in earnest; then seizing suddenly a new idea — " Wait a moment, father," cried he, " and I will do so:" and he sprang off like lightning towards the cavern, from whence he soon returned loaded with a bow and arrows, the bladders of the sea-dogs, and a ball of string to catch, as he assured me, every one of the fishes. I looked on with in- terest and curiosity to mark what was next to happen, while the animation of his countenance, the promptitude and boy- ish gracefulness of his motions, and the firm determination of his manner, afforded me the highest amusement. He tied the bladders round at certain distances with a long piece of string, to the end of which he fastened an arrow and a small iron hook; he. placed the large ball of string in a hole in the ground, at a sufficient distance from the water's edge, and then he shot off an arrow, which the next THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 359 instant stuck in one of the largest fishes. My young sports- man uttered a shout of joy. At the same moment Fritz joined us, and witnessed this unexpected feat without the least symptom of jealousy. " Well done, brother Jack," cried he, " but let me too have my turn." — Saying this, he ran back and fetched the harpoon and the windlass, and returned to us accompanied by Ernest. We were well pleased with their opportune arrival, for the salmon Jack had pierced struggled so fiercely, that all our endeavours to. hold the string were insufficient, and we dreaded at every throw to see it break, and the animal make good its escape. By de- grees, however, its strength was exhausted, and aided by Fritz and Ernest, we succeeded in drawing it to a bank, where I put an end to its existence. This fortunate beginning of a plan for a fishery inspired us all with hope and emulation. Fritz eagerly seized his harpoon and windlass; I, for my part, like Neptune, wielded a trident; Ernest prepared the large fishing-rod; and Jack his arrow with the same apparatus as before, not forgetting the bladders, which were so effectual in preventing the fish from sinking when struck. We were now more than ever sensible of our loss in the destruction of the tub-boat, with which we could have pursued the creature in the water, and have been spared much pains and difficulty; but, on the other hand, such numbers of fishes presented themselves at the mouth of the river, that we nad only to choose among them. Jack's arrow, after missing twice, struck the third time a large sturgeon, which was so untractable that we had great difficulty in securing him. I too had caught two of the same fish, and had been obliged to go up to the middle in the water to manage my booty. Ernest, with his rod and line and a hook, had also taken two smaller one- Fritz. 360 the swiss family robinson. with his harpoon, had struck a sturgeon at least eight feet in length, and the skill and strength of our whole company were found necessary to conduct him safe to shore, where we harnessed the buffalo to him with strong cords to draw him to Tent-Kouse. Our first concern was to clean our fish thoroughly inside, to preserve them fresh the longer. I separated the eggs I found in them, and which could not be less than thirty pounds, and put them aside to make a dish called caviar, greatly relished by the Russians and the Dutch. I took care also of the bladders, thinking it might be possible to make a glue from them, which would be useful for so many purposes. I advised my wife to boil some individuals of the salmon in oil, similar to the manner of prepairng tunny fish in the Mediterranean: and while she was engaged in this process, I was at work upon the caviar and the glue. For the first, I washed the berries in several waters, and then pressed them closely in gourd-rinds in which a certain num- ber of holes had been bored. When the water had run off, trie- berries were taken 'out in a substance like cheese, which was then conveyed to the hut to be dried and smok- ed. For the second, we cut the bladders into strips, which we fastened firmly by one end to a stake, and taking hold of the other with a pair of pincers, we turned them round and round till the strip was reduced to a kind of knot, and these were then placed in the sun to harden; this being the simple and only preparation necessary for obtaining glue from the ingredient. When thoroughly dry, a small quan- tity is put on a slow fire to melt. We succeeded so well, and our glue was of so transparent a quality, that I could not help feeling the desire to manufacture some pieces large enough for panes to a window- frame. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 36'1 When these various concerns were complete, we began to meditate a plan for constructing a small boat as a substi- tute for the tub-raft, to come close into shore. I had a great desire to make it, as the savages do, of the rind of a tree; but the difficulty was to fix on one of sufficient bulk for my purpose ; for though many were to be found in our vicin- ity, yet each was on some account or other of too much value to be spared. We therefore resolved to make a little excursion in pursuit of a tree of capacious dimensions, and in a situation where it was not likely to yield us fruit, to re- fresh us with its shade, or to adorn the landscape round our dwelling. In this expedition, we as usual aimed at more than one object: eager as we were for new discoveries, we yet allowed ourselves the time to visit our different plantations and stores at Falcon's Stream. We were also desirous to secure a new supply of the wax berry, of gourds, and of elastic gum. Our kitchen-garden at Tent-House was in a flourishing condition; nothing could exceed the luxuriance of the vegetation, and, almost without the trouble of cultiva- tion, we had excellent roots and plants in abundance, which came in succession, and promised a rich supply of pease, beans of all sorts, lettuces, &c; our principal labour was to give them water freely, that they might be fresh and succu- lent for use. We had besides, melons and cucumbers in great plenty, which, during the hottest weather, we valued more than all the rest. We reaped a considerable quantity of Turkey wheat from the seed we had sown, and some of the ears were a foot in length. Our sugar-canes were also in the most prosperous condition, and one plantation of pine-apples on the high ground was also in progress to re- ward our labour with abundance of that delicious fruit. 362 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. This state of general prosperity at Tent-House gave us the most nattering expectations from our nurseries at Fal- con's Stream. Full of these hopes, we one day set out altogether for our somewhat neglected former ahode. We arrived at Falcon's Stream, where we intended to pass the night. We visited the ground my wife had so plentifully sowed with grain, which had sprung up with an almost incredible rapidity and luxuriance, and was now nearly ready for reaping. We cut down what was fairly ripe, bound it together in bundles, and conveyed it to a place where it would be secure from the attacks of more expert grain consumers than ourselves, of which thousands hovered round the booty. We reaped barley, wheat, rye, oats, pease, millet, lentils, — only a small quantity of each, it is .true, but sufficient to enable us to sow again plentifully at the proper season. The plant that had yielded the most was maize, a proof that it best loved the soil. It had already shown itself in abundance in our garden at Tent-House; but here there was a surface of land, the size of an ordinary field, entirely covered with its splendid golden ears, which still more than the other plants attracted the voracity of the feathered race. The moment we drew near, a dozen at least of large bustards sprang up with a loud rustling noise which awakened the attention of the dogs; they plunged into the thickest parts, and routed numerous flocks of birds of all kinds and sizes, who took hastily to flight: among the fugitives were some quails, who escaped by running; and lastly some kangaroos, whose prodigious leaps enabled them to elude the pursuit of the dogs. We were so overcome by the surprise such an assemblage of living creatures occasioned, as to forget the resource we had in our guns; we stood as it were stupid with amazement THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 363 during the first moments, and before we came to ourselves, the prey was beyond our reach, and for the most part out of sight. Fritz was the first to perceive and to feel with indig- nation the silly part we had been playing, and to consider In what way we could repair the mischief. Without further loss of time, he took the bandage from his eagle's eyes (for the bird always accompanied him perched upon his game- bag), and showed him with his hand the bustards still flying, and at no great distance. The eagle took a rapid flight. Fritz jumped like lightning on the back of his onagra, and galloped over every thing that intervened, in the direction the bird had taken, and we soon lost sight of him. We now beheld a spectacle which in the highest degree excited our curiosity and interest: the eagle had soon his prey in view; he mounted above one of the bustards in a direct line, without losing sight of it for an instant, and then darted suddenly down; the bustards flew about in utter con- fusion, now seeking shelter in the bushes, then crossing each other in every direction, in the attempt to evade the common enemy; but the eagle remained steady in pursuit of the bird he had fixed upon for his prey, and disregarded all the rest: he alighted on the unlucky bustard, fixed his claws and his beak in its back, till Fritz, arriving full gallop, got down from the onagra, replaced the bandage on the eagle's eyes, seated him once more upon the game-bag, and having relieved the poor bustard from his persecutor, he shouted to us to come and witness his triumph. We ran speedily to the place. At the conclusion of this adventure, we hastened forward to Falcon's Stream, and dressed the wounds of the bustard. We perceived with pleasure that it was a male, and foresaw the advantage of giving him for a companion to our solitary 364 THE SWISS FAMIbY ROBltfSON. female of the same species, which was completely tamed. I threw a few more bundles of maize into the cart, and without further delay we arrived at our tree, one and all sinking with faintness from hunger, thirst, and fatigue. It was on such occasions that my exemplary partner evinced the superior fortitude and generosity of her temper: though necessarily more a sufferer than the rest, her first thought was always what she could administer to relieve us in the shortest time. On this occasion, as we had consumed our little store of wine, and could not soon and easily procure milk from the cow, she contrived to bruise some of the maize between two large stones, and then put it in a linen cloth, and with all her strength squeezed out the sap; she then added some juice from the sugar-canes, and in a few minutes pre- sented us with a draught of a cool refreshing liquid, inviting- ly white to the eye, and agreeable to the taste, which we re- ceived at her hands with feelings of grateful emotion. The rest of the day was employed in picking the grains of the different sorts of corn from the stalks: we put what we wished to keep for sowing, into some gourd shells, and the Turkey wheat was laid carefully aside in sheaves till we should have time to beat and separate it. Fritz observed that we should also want to grind it; and I reminded him of the handmill we had secured from our departed ally, the wrecked vessel. Fritz. — But, father, the handmill is so small, and so sub- ject to be put out of order: — why should we not contrive a watermill, as they do in Europe? We have surely rapid streams of water in abundance. Father.— -This is true; but such a mechanism is more dif- ficult than you imagine. The wheel alone, I conceive, would be an undertaking far beyond our strength or our THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 365 capacity. I am, however, well pleased with the activity and zeal which prompted your idea; and we will hereafter consider whether it may be worth while to bestow upon it further attention. We have abundance of time before us, for we shall not want a watermill till our harvests are such as to produce plentiful crops of corn. In the meantime, let us be thinking of our proposed excursion for to-morrow;. for we should set out, at least, by sunrise. We began our preparations accordingly. My wife chose some hens and two fine cocks, with the intention of taking them with us, and leaving them at large to produce a colony of their species at a considerable distance from our dwell- ing places: I, with the same view, visited our beasts, and selected four young pigs, four sheep, two kids, and one male of each species; our numbers having so much increas- ed, that we could well afford to spare these individuals for the experiment. If we succeeded in thus accustoming them to the natural temperature and productions of our island, we should have eased ourselves of the burden of their support, and should always be able to find them at pleasure. The next morning, after loading the cart with all things necessary, not forgetting the rope-ladder and the portable tent, we quitted Falcon's Stream. The animals, with their legs tied, were all stationed in the vehicle. We left abun- dance of food for those that remained behind; the cow, the ass, and the buffalo, were harnessed to the cart; and Fritz, mounted on his favourite, the onagra, pranced along befo/e us, to ascertain the best and smoothest path for the caval- cade. We took this time a new direction, which was straight forward between the rocks ^and the shore, that we might make ourselves acquainted with every thing contained in 366 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, the island we seemed destined forever to inhabit. In effect, the line proceeding from Falcon's Stream to Safety Bay, might be said to be the extent of our dominions: for as to the adjacent exquisite country of the buffaloes, Fritz and I had discovered, that the passage to it by the end of the rocks was so dangerous, and at so great a distance, that we could not hope to domiciliate ourselves upon its soil, as we had done on our side of the rocks. We found, as usual, much difficulty in pushing through the tall tough grass, and alter- nately through the thick prickly bushes which everywhere obtruded themselves. We were often obliged to turn aside, while I cut a passage with my hatchet: but these accidents seldom failed to reward my toil by the discovery of different small additions to our general comforts ; among others, some roots of trees curved by nature to serve both for saddles and yokes for our beasts of burden. I took care to secure sev- eral, and put them in the cart. In about an hour we found ourselves at the extremity of the wood, and a most singular phenomenon presented itself to our view: a small plain, or rather a grove of low bushes, to appearance almost covered with flakes of snow, lay ex- tended before us. Little Francis was the first to call our attention to it, he being seated in the cart. " Look, father, " cried he, "here is a place full of snow; let me get down, and make some snow-balls." I could not resist a hearty laugh, though myself completely at a loss to explain the nature of what in colour and appearance bore so near a re- semblance to it. Suddenly, however, a suspicion crossed my mind, and was soon confirmed by Fritz, who had darted forward on his onagra, and now returned with one hand filled with tufts of a most excellent species of cotton, so that the whole surface of low bushes was in reality a plantation THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 367 of that valuable article. This most useful of almost the whole range of vegetable productions bestowed by Provi- dence on man, which, with the cost of only a little labour, supplies him with apparel, and commodious beds for the re- pose of his limbs, is found in such abundance in islands, that I had been surprised at not meeting with any before. The pods had burst from ripeness, and the winds had scat- tered around their flaky contents; the ground was strewed with them, they had gathered in tufts on the bushes, and they floated gently in the air. The joy of this discovery was almost too great for utter- ance, and was shared by all but Francis, who was sorry to lose his pretty snowballs; and his mother, to soothe his regret, made the cotton into balls for him to play with, and promised him some new shirts and dresses; then turning to me, she poured out her kind heart in descriptions of all the comfortable things she should make for us, could I but con- struct a spinning-wheel, and then a loom for weaving. — We ended with collecting as much cotton as our bags would hold, and my wife filled her pockets with the seed, to raise it in our garden at Tent-House. It was now time to proceed ; and we took a direction to- wards a point of land which skirted the wood of gourds, and, being high, commanded a view of the adjacent country. I conceived a wish to remove our establishment to the vicinity of the cotton plantation and the gourd wood, which furnished so many of the utensils for daily use throughout the family. I pleased myself in idea, with the view of the different colo- nies of animals I had imagined, both winged and quadruped; and in this elevation of my fancy, I even thought it might be practicable to erect a sort of farm-house on the soil, which we might visit occasionally, and be welcomed by the 368 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. agreeable sounds of the cackling of our feathered subjects, which would so forcibly remind us of the customs of our forsaken but ever-cherished country. We accordingly soon reached the high ground, which I found in all respects favourable to my design; behind, a thick forest gradually rose above us, which sheltered us from the north wind, and insensibly declined towards the south, ending in a plain clothed luxuriantly with grass, shrubs, and plants, and watered by a refreshing rivulet, which was an incalculable advantage for our animals of every kind, as well as for ourselves. My plau for a building was approved by all, and we lost no time in pitching our tent, and forming temporary accom- modations for cooking our victuals. When we had refresh- ed ourselves with a meal, I, for my part, resolved to look about in all directions, that I might completely understand what we should have to depend upon in this place, in point of safety, salubrity, and general accommodation. I had also to find a tree that would suit for the proposed construc- tion of a boat: and lastly, to meet, if possible, with a group of trees, at such fit distances, from each other as would assist me in my plan of erecting a farm-house. I was for- tunate enough in no long time to find in this last respect ex- actly what I wanted, and quite near to the spot we on many accounts had felt to be so enviable. I returned to my com- panions, whom I found busily employed in preparing excel- lent beds of the cotton, upon which, at an earlier hour than usual, we all retired to rest. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 369 CHAPTER XXXII. Completion of two Farm- Houses ; — a Lake; — the Beast with a Bill ; — a Boat. The trees that I had chosen for the construction of my farm embellishments, were for the most part one foot in di- ameter in the trunk; they presented the form of a tolerably regular parallelogram, with its longest side to the sea, the length twenty-four feet, and the breadth sixteen. I cut lit- tle hollow places or mortices in the trunks, at the distance often fe t, one above the other, to form two stories. The upper one I made a few inches shorter before than behind, that the roof might be in some degree shelving; I then in- serted beams five inches in diameter respectively in the mor- tices, and thus formed the skeleton of my building. We next nailed some laths from tree to tree, at equal distances from each other, to form the roof, and placed on them, in mathematical order, a covering composed of pieces of the bark of trees, cut into the shape of tiles, and in a sloping position, for the rain to run off in the wet season. As we had no great provision of iron nails, we used for the purpose the strong pointed thorn of the acacia, which we had discov- ered the day before. We cut down a quantity of them, and laid them in the sun to dry, when they became as hard as iron, and were of essential service to our undertaking. We found great difficulty in peeling off a sufficient quantity of bark from trees to cover our roof. I began with cutting the bark en- tirely round at distances of about two feet all the length of the trunk; I next divided the intervals perpendicularly into 1 370 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. two parts, which I separated from the tree by sliding a wedge under the corners, to raise the bark by degrees; I next placed the pieces on the ground, with stones laid on them to prevent their curving, to dry in the sun; and lastly, I nailed them on the roof, where they had the appearance of fishes' scales — an effect that was not only pleasing to the eye, but reminded us of the roofs of our native land. On this occasion we made another agreeable discovery: my wife took up the remaining chips of the bark for light- ing a fire, supposing they would burn easily; we were sur- prised by a delicious aromatic odour, which perfumed the air. On examining the half-consumed substance, we found some of the pieces to contain turpentine, and others gum inas- tich, so that we might rely on a supply of these ingredients from the trees which had furnished the bark. It was less with a view to the gratifying our sense of smelling, than with the hope of being able to secure these valuable drugs for mak- ing a sort of pitch to complete our meditated boat, that we indulged our earnestness in the pursuit. The instinct of our goats, or the acuteness of their smell, discovered for us anoth- er pleasing acquisition: we observed with surprise, that they ran from a distance to roll themselves on some chips of a particular bark which lay on the ground, and which they be- gan to chew and eat greedily. Jack seized a piece also, to find out what could be the reason of so marked a preference as the goats had shown. My wife and I then followed his example, and we were all convinced that the chips were cinnamon;, though not so fine a sort as that from the isle of Ceylon. This new commodity was certainly of no great importance to us; but we regarded it with pleasure, as it might assist to distinguish some day of rejoicing. The tree from which THE SWISS FAMILY R0BIJSTS07T. ST I we had taken our bark was old, and the cinnamon was the coarser flavoured on this account: I remembered to have read, that young trees produce this spice in much greater perfection. After our next meal we resumed with ardour our under- taking of the farm, which we continued without interruption for several days. We formed the walls with matted reeds interwoven with pliant laths to the height of six feet; the remaining space to the roof was enclosed with only a simple- grating, that the air and light might be admitted. A door was placed in the middle of the front. We next arranged the interior with as much convenience as the shortness of the time and our reluctance to use all our timber would al- low; we divided it half way up by a partition wall into two un- equal parts ; the largest was intended for the sheep and goats y and the smallest for ourselves, when we should wish to pass a few days here. At the further end of the stable we fixed a house for the fowls, and above it a sort of hayloft for the forage. Before the door of entrance we placed two benches,, contrived as well as we could of laths and odd pieces of wood,, that we might rest ourselves under the shade of the trees^ and enjoy the exquisite prospect which presented itself on all sides. Our own apartment was provided with a couple of the best bedsteads we could make of twigs of trees, rais- ed upon four legs, two feet from the ground, and these were destined to receive our cotton mattrasses. Our aim was to- content ourselves for the present with these slight hints of a dwelling, and to consider hereafter what additions either of convenience or ornament could be made, such as plaster- ing, &c. &c. All we were now anxious about, was to provide a shelter for our animal colonists, which should encourage and fix them in the habit of assembling every evening in one 372 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. place. For several days, at first, we took care to fill their troughs with their favourite food, mixed with salt, and we agreed that we would return frequently to repeat this indi- rect mode of invitation for their society, till they should be entirely fixed in their expectation of finding it. I had imagined we could accomplish what we wished at the farm in three or four days; but we found in the experi- ment that a whole week was necessary, and our victuals fell short before our work was done. We began to consider what remedy we could apply to so embarrassing a circum- stance; I could not prevail upon myself to return to Falcon's Stream, before I had completed my intentions at the farm, and the other objects of my journey. I had even come to the determination of erecting another building upon the site of Cape Disappointment; I therefore decided, that on this try- ing occasion I would invest Fritz and Jack with the im- portant mission. They were accordingly despatched to Falcon's Stream, and to Tent-House, to fetch new supplies of cheese, ham, potatoes, dried fish, manioc bread, for our subsistence, and also to distribute fresh food to the numer- ous animals we had left there. I directed one to mount the onagra, and the other the buffalo. My two knights-errant, proud of their embassy, set off with a brisk trot; they at my desire took with them the old ass, to bring the load of provis- ions. Fritz was to lead him with a bridle, while Jack smacked a whip near his ears to quicken his motions; and certainly, whether from the influence of climate, or the ex- ample of his companion the onagra, he had lost much of his accustomed inactivity; and this was the more important, as I intended to make a saddle for my wife to get on his back, and relieve herself occasionally from the fatigue of walking During the absence of our purveyors, I rambled with Er- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 37-3 » nest about the neighbouring soil, to make what new dis- coveries I could, and to procure, if possible, additions to our store of provisions. We followed the winding of a river towards the middle of the wall of rocks; our course was in- terrupted by a marsh which bordered a small lake, the as- pect of which was enchantingly picturesque. I perceived, with joyful surprise that the whole surface of the swampy soil was covered with a kind of wild rice, ripe on the stalk, and which attracted the voracity of large flocks of birds. As we approached, a loud rustling w 7 as heard, and we dis- tinguished on the w T ing, bustards, Canada heath-fowl, and great numbers of smaller birds. We succeeded in bringing down five or six of them, and I was pleased to remark in Er- nest a justness of aim that promised well for the future. The habits of his mind discovered themselves on this as on many previous occasions; he betrayed no ardour, he did every thing with a slowness that seemed to imply dislike; yet the cool deliberation and constancy he applied to every attempt so effectually assisted his judgment, that he was sure to arrive at a more perfect execution than the other boys. He had practised but little in the study of how to fire a gun to the best advantage; but Ernest was a silent inquirer and observer, and accordingly his first essays were generally crowned with success. Presently we saw Master Knips jump from Flora's back, and smell along the ground among some thick growing plants, then pluck off something with his two paws, and eat of it voraciously. We ran to the spot to see what it could be, when, to the relief of our parched palates, we found he had discovered there the largest and finest kind of strawberry, which is called in Europe the Chili, or pine strawberry. — On this occasion, the proud creature, man, generously con- 374 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, descended to be the imitator of a monkey: we threw otn> selves upon the ground, as near to Knips as wo could creep, and eat as fast as we could swallow, till we felt refreshed. Many of these strawberries were of an enormous size, and Ernest, after devouring an immense quantity, recollected his absent friends, and filled a small gourd-shell with the finest fruit, then covered them with leaves, and tied them down with a tendril from a neighbouring plant, to present them in perfection to his mother. I, on my part, gathered a spe- cimen of the rice to offer, that she might inform us if it was fit for culinary purposes. Pursuing our way a little further along the marsh, we reached the lake, which we had descried with so much pleasure from a distance, and whose banks, being overgrown with thick underwood, were necessarily concealed from the momentary view we had leisure to take of surrounding ob- jects, particularly as the lake was situated in a deep and abrupt valley. No one, who is not a native of Switzerland, can conceive the emotion which trembled at my heart, as I contemplated this limpid, azure, undulating body of water, the faithful miniature of so many grand originals, which I had probably lost sight of forever ! My eyes swam with tears! Alas! a single glance upon the surrounding picture, the dif- ferent characters of the trees, the vast ocean in the distance* destroyed the momentary illusion, and brought back my ideas to the painful reality, that I and mine were— strangers in a desert island! Another sort of object now presented itself to confirm the certainty that we were no longer inhabitants of Europe; it was the appearance of a quantity of swans gliding over the surface of the fake; but their colour, instead of white, like those of our country, was a jetty black, and their plu- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSONr 375 mage had so high a gloss as to produce, reflected on the water, the most astonishing effect. The six large feathers of the wings of this bird are white, exhibiting a singular contrast to the rest of the body; in other respects these birds were remarkable, like those of Europe, for the haugh- ty gracefulness of their motions, and the voluptuous ease of their nature. We remained a long time in silent admiration of them: some of the swans pursued their course magnifi- cently on the bosom of the blue water; others stopped and seemed to hold deliberations with their companions, or to admire themselves, or caress each other; many young ones followed in the train of the parent bird, who frequently turned half round, in execution of her watchful and matronly office. This was a spectacle which I could not allow to be interrupted by bloodshed, though Ernest, rendered a little vain by his success and my encomiums, would have been ready to fire upon the swans, if I had not absolutely for- bidden the attempt; at the same time I consoled him with the promise, that we would endeavour to -obtain a pair of the interesting creatures for our establishment at Falcon's Stream. Flora at this moment dragged out of the water a creature she had killed. It was somewhat in shape like an otter, and like the tribe of water birds, web-footed: its tail was long and erect, and covered with a soft kind of hair; the head was very small, and the ears and eyes were almost in- visible; to these more ordinary characters was added, a long flat bill, like that of a duck, which protruded from its snout, and produced so ludicrous an effect that we could not resist a hearty laugh. All the science of the learned Ernest, joined with my own, was insufficient to ascertain the name and nature of this animal. We had no resource but to re- 376 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. main ignorant; in the meantime we christened it by the name of Beast with a Bill, and decided that it should be care- fully stuffed and preserved. We now began to look for the shortest path for return- ing to the farm, which we reached at the same time with Fritz and Jack, who had well performed the object of their journey. We, on our parts, produced our offering of straw- berries and our specimen of rice, which were welcomed with shouts of pleasure and surprise. The beast with a bill was next examined with eager curi- osity, and then laid aside for the plan I had formed. My wife proceeded to pluck and salt the birds we had killed, reserving one fresh for our supper, which we partook of to- gether upon the benches before the door of our new habita- tion. We filled the stable with forage, laid a large provision of grain for the fowls within their house, and began arrange- ments for our departure. The following day we took a silent leave of our animals, and directed our course towards the eminence in the vicinity of Cape Disappointment; we ascended it, and found it in every respect adapted to our wishes. From this eminence we had a view over the country which surrounded Falcon's Stream in one direction, and in others of a richly diversified extent of landscape, comprehending sea, land, and rocks. When we had paused for a short time upon the exhaustless beauties of the scene, we agreed with one voice, that it should be on this spot we would build our second cottage. A spring of the clearest water issued from the soil near the summit, and flowed over its sloping side, forming agreeable cascades in its rapid course; in short, every feature of the picture contributed to form a landscape worthy the homage of a taste the most delicate and refined. I presented my THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 377 children with an appropriate word. — "Let us build here," exclaimed I, "and call the spot — -Arcadia;" to which my wife and all agreed. We lost no time in again setting to work; our experience at the farm enabled us to proceed with incredible rapidity, and our success was in every respect more complete. The building contained a dining-room, two bedchambers, two stables, and a storeroom for preserving all kinds of pro- visions for man and beast. We formed the roof square, with four sloped sides, and the whole had really the appearance of a European cottage, and was finished in the short space of six days. What now remained to be done, was to fix on a tree fit for my project of a boat. After much search, I at length found one of prodigious size, and in most respects suitable to my views. It was, however, no very encouraging prospect I had be- fore me, being nothing less than the stripping off a piece of the bark that should be eighteen feet in length, and five in diameter; and now I found my rope-ladder of signal service; we fastened it by one end to the nearest branches, and it enabled us to work with the saw, as might be necessary, at any height from the ground. Accordingly, we cut quite round the trunk in two places, and then took a perpendicular slip from the whole length between the circles; by this means we could introduce the proper utensils for raising the rest by degrees, till it was entirely separated. We toiled with increasing anxiety, at every moment dreading that we should not be able to preserve it from breaking, or uninjured by our tools. When we had loosened about half, we supported it by means of cords and pulleys; and when all was at length detached, we let it down gently, and with ioy beheld it lying safe on the grass. Our business was J hh r 378 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSOtf. next to mould it to our purpose, while the substance con tinued moist and flexible. The boys observed that we had now nothing more to do, than to nail a plank at each end, and our boat would be as complete as those used by the savages; but, for my own part, I could not be contented with a mere roll of bark for a boat; and when I reminded them of the paltry figure it would make, following the pinnace, I heard not another word about the further pains and trouble, and they asked eagerly for my instructions. I made them assist me to saw the bark in the middle of the two ends, the length of several feet; these two parts I folded over till they ended in a pointy I kept them in this form by the help of the strong glue I had before made from fish-bladders, and pieces of wood nailed fast over the wlhole: this operation tended to widen the boat in the middle, and thus render it of too flat a form; but this we counteracted by straining a cord all round, which again reduced it to the due proportion, and in this state we put it in the sun, to harden* and fix. Many things were still want- ing to the completion of my undertaking, but I had not with me proper utensils: I therefore despatched the boys to* Tent-House, to fetch the sledge, and convey it there for our better convenience in finishing. Before our departure for Tent-House, we collected sev- eral new plants for our kitchen-garden; and lastly, we made another trip to the narrow strait at the end of the wall of rocks, resolved, as I before mentioned, to plant there a sort of fortification of trees, which should produce the double effect of discouraging the invasion of savages, and allowing us to keep our pigs on the other side, and thus secure our different plantations from the chance of injury. We accomplished all these intentions to our entire satis- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 379 faction, and in addition, we placed a slight drawbridge across the river beyond the narrow pass, which we could let down or take up at pleasure on our side. We now hastened our return to Arcadia, and after a night's repose we loaded the sledge with the boat and other matters, and returned to Tent-House. As soon as we had despatched some necessary affairs, we resumed the completion of the boat: in two days she had received the addition of a keel, a neat lining of wood, a small flat floor, benches, a small mast and triangular sail, a rudder, and a thick coat of pitch on the outside, so that the first time we saw her in the water, we were all in ec- stasies at the charming appearance she made. Our cow in the meantime had brought forth a young calf, a male; I pierced its nostril, as I had so successfully practised with the buffalo, and it gave promise of future docility and strength. We had still two months in prospect before the rainy sea- son, and we employed them for completing our abode in the grotto, with the exception of such ornaments as we might have time to think of during the long days of winter. We made the internal divisions of planks, and that which sepa- rated ns from the stables, of stone, to protect us from the offensive smell occasioned by the animals. Our task was difficult, but from habit it became easier every day. We took care to collect or manufacture a sufficient quantity of all sorts of materials, such as beams and planks, reeds and twigs for matting, pieces- of gypsum for plaster, &c. &c. At length the time of the rainy season was near at hand, and we thought of it with pleasure, as it would put us in possession of the enjoyments we had procured by such unremitting industry and fatigue. We had an inexpressible 380 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSONS longing to find ourselves domiciliated, and at feisure to con- verse together on the subject of all the wondrons benefits bestowed upon us by an ever watchful and beneficent Prov- idence! We plastered over the walls of the principal apartments on each side with the greatest care, finishing them by pres- sure with aflat smooth board, and lastly a wash of size, in the manner of the plasterers in Europe. This ornamental portion of our work amused us all so much, that we began to think we might venture a step further in European luxu- ry, and agreed that we would attempt to make some carpets with the hair of our goats. To this effect we smoothed the ground in the rooms we intended to distinguish, with great care; then spread over it some sail-cloth, which my wife had joined in breadths, and fitted exactly; we next strewed the goats r hair^ mixed with wool obtained from the sheep,, over the whole; on this surface we threw some hot water, in which a strong cement had been dissolved; the whole was then rolled up, and was beaten for a considerable time with hard sticks; the sail-cloth was now unrolled, and the inside again sprinkled, rolled, and beaten as before; and this process was continued till the substance had become a sort of felt, which could be separated from the sail-cloth, and was lastly put in the sun to harden. We thus produced a very tolerable substitute for that enviable article of Eu- ropean comfort, a carpet: of these we completed two; one for our parlour, and the other for our drawingroom, as we jocosely named them; both of which were completely fit for our reception by the time the rains had set in. All we had suffered during this season in the preceding year doubled the value of the comforts and conveniences with which we were now surrounded. We were never THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 381 tired of admiring our warm and well-arranged apartments, lighted with windows, and well secured with doors from wind and rain, and our granary filled with more than a suf- ficient winter supply of food for ourselves and for our cattle. In the morning, our first care was to feed and give them drink; and both these were now constantly at hand, without the pains of fetching or preparing: after this we assembled in the parlour, where prayers were read, and breakfast immediately served: we then adjourned to the common room, where all sorts of industry went forward, and which contained the spinning-wheel and loom I had, though with indifferent success, constructed to gratify my wife. Here all united in the business of producing different kinds of substances, which she afterwards made into apparel. I had also contrived to construct a turning machine, having used for the purpose one of the small cannon wheels, with the help of which the boys and I managed to produce some neat utensils for general use. After dinner, our work was resumed till night, when we lighted candles; and as they cost no more than our own trouble in collecting and man- ufacturing the materials, we did not refuse ourselves the pleasure of using many at a time, to admire their lights splendidly reflected by the crystals every where pendent. We had formed a convenient portion of our dwelling into a small chapel, in which we left the crystals as produced by nature; and they exhibited a wondrous assemblage of col- onnades, porticoes, altars, which, when the place was lighted to supply the want of a window, presented a truly enchant- ing spectacle. Divine service was performed in it regular- ly every Sunday. I had raised a sort of pulpit, from which I pronounced such discourses as I had framed for the in- struction of my affectionate group of auditors. Jack and 382 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. l Francis had a natural inclination for music. I did the most I could in making a flageolet apiece for them of two reeds, on which they so frequently practised as to attain a tolera- ble proficiency: they accompanied their mother, who had a sweet-toned voice, the volume of which was doubled by the echoes of the grottos, and they produced together a very pleasing little concert. Thus, as will be perceived, we had made the first steps towards a condition of civilisation: separated from society, condemned, perhaps, to pass the remainder of life in this desert island, we yet possessed the means of happiness; we had abundance of all the necessaries, and many of the com- forts, desired by human beings! We had fixed habits of ac- tivity and industry; we were in ourselves serene and con- tented; our bodily health and strength increased from day today; the sentiment of tender attachment was. perfect in every heart; we every day acquired some new and still improving channel for the exertion of our physical and moral faculties; we every where beheld, and at all times acknowledged, marks of the divine wisdom and goodness; our minds were penetrated with love, gratitude, and ven- eration for the Providence who had so miraculously rescued and preserved us, and conducted us to the true destination of man — that of providing by his labour for the wants of his offspring! I trusted in the same goodness for restoring us once more to the society of our fellow men, or for bestow- ing upon us the means of founding in this desert a happy and flourishing colony of human beings, and waiting in si- lence for the further manifestation of his holy will, we pass- ed our days in a course of industry, innocent pleasures, and reciprocal affection. Nearly two years have elapsed with- THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 383 out our perceiving the smallest trace of civilized or savage man; without the appearance of a single vessel or canoe upon the vast sea by which we are surrounded. Ought we then to indulge a hope that we shall once again behold the face of a fellow creature? — We encourage serenity and thankfulness in each other, and wait with resignation the event! 384 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. POSTSCRIPT BY THE EDITOR. I have presented the public with the part I had in my possession, of the Journal of the Swiss Pastor, who, with his family, was shipwrecked on a desert island. It cannot es- cape observation, that it exhibits a lively picture of the happiness which does not fail to result from the practice of moral virtues. Thus, in a situation that seemed calculated to produce despair, we see piety, affection, industry, and a generous concern for fellow sufferings, forming the basis of an unexpected state of serenity and happiness. We also see the advantage of including in the education of boys such a knowledge of the natural productions of the earth, of the various combinations by which they may be rendered serviceable, and of the use of tools of every kind, as may qualify them to assist others, or preserve themselves, under every possible occurrence of adversity or danger. It now remains for me to inform the reader by what means the Journal of the Swiss Pastor came into my possession. Three or four years subsequent to the occurrence of the shipwreck of the pastor and his family, an English transport was driven by a tempest upon the same shore. The name of the vessel was The .Adventurer, Captain Johnson: it was on a voyage from New Zealand to the eastern coast of THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 385 North America, by Otaheite, in the South Seas, to fetch a cargo of skins and furs for China, and to proceed from Can- ton to England. A violent tempest, of several days' dura- tion, drove it from its track. The vessel continued to beat about in unknown seas, and was now so injured by the weather, that the best hope of the captain and his company was to get into some port where they might refit. They discovered a coast with some high lands, and as the wind had somewhat abated, they made with all speed for the shore. When within a short distance, they cast their an- chor, and put out a boat containing some of the officers, to examine the coast, and find a place for landing. They row- ed backward and forward for some time without success: at length they turned a promontory, and perceived a bay whose calm waters seemed to invite their approach. This was the Safely Bay of the wrecked islanders: the boat put on shore, and the officers with astonishment beheld the traces of the abode of man. A handsome, well-conditioned pinnace and a small boat were there at anchor: near the strand, under a rock, was a tent, and further on, in the rock, a house-door and windows announced European com- forts and workmanship. The officers advanced towards the spot, and were met half-way by a man of middle age, dress- ed like a European, and armed with a gun. The stranger accosted them with friendly tones and gestures; he spoke first German, and then some words in English. Lieutenant Bell, one of the English officers, who spoke the German language, answered. A mutual confidence immediately ensued. We need not add, that the stranger was the Fam- ily Robinson, whose wife and children happened at the mo- ment to be at Falcon's Stream. He had discovered the English ship in the morning with his glass; and, unwilling THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 387 to alarm his family, he had come, perceiving she bore that way, alone to the coast. After an interchange of cordial feelings, and a hospitable reception of the officers at the dwelling, the Swiss Pastor put his Journal into the hands of Lieutenant Bell, to be con- veyed to Captain Johnson, that he also might become ac- quainted with the story of the solitary islanders. At the end of an hour's conversation, the newly-found friends separated, in the pleasing expectation of meeting again on the following day. — But Heaven had otherwise ordained. During the night the tempest revived with new terrors. The Adventurer could not be held at anchor, but was oblig- ed to steer for safety to the bosom of the ocean. As there was no favourable change of weather for several days, the vessel was driven so far from the coast of Safety Bay, as to leave no possibility of returning, and Captain Johnson was compelled to renounce the gratification of seeing this ex- traordinary family, or of proposing to convey them all to Europe. Captain Johnson brought the Journal of the Swiss Pastor to England, from whence it was transmitted to a friend in Switzerland, who has deemed its contents an instructive les- son to the world. There was found attached to the Journal a rough sketch of the features of the island, which Lieuten- ant Bell thinks the Swiss Pastor informed him was execu + ed by his son Fritz. — The Editor subjoins it, supposing it will be considered an object worthy of the interest of his young readers. NOTES. Penguin (pages 73, 222) ; a bird of the goose kind, found near the Straits of Magellan. It is about the size of the Indian cock; the feath- ers on the back are black, and on the belly white. It has a large neck, circled round with a white collar. Properly speaking, it has no wings, but two pinions hang like two little arms from its sides, having no feath- ers beyond the joint. These pinions serve the purpose of fins, in ena- bling the penguin to swim with ease, but it cannot fly. The tail is short; the feet black; the beak narrow, and rather larger than that of the raven. The bird carries its head erect in walking, and the pinions fall at its side ; so that when many of them are seen in a line along the shore, where they are accustomed to assemble in large numbers, they may from a distance be mistaken for little men. Their flesh is well- tasted, but their skin is so tough, that, but for the extreme stupidity of their nature, it would be difficult to destroy them. — Valmont de Bro- ntare. Flamingo (p. 145). This bird takes its name from the singular colour of its plumage, being of a bright flamecoloured red. It is to be found both in the old and the new continent. It is a gregarious animal, fre- quenting the seashore and the marshes occasionally covered by the sea. When the flamingo sets out upon a fishing expedition, the birds range themselves in file, so as, at a distance, to produce the appearance of an extended line of soldiers. When drawn up in their military array, there are always sentinels fixed, who, in case of alarm, utter a loud cry, capable of being heard at a great distance, and considerably resembling the sound of a trumpet : the sentinel then takes wing, and all the others follow. They avoid all inhabited places, and live on the small fry of fish, or shellfish, and on insects that they find in the mud, into which they plunge their long and singular beak. The flamingo builds its nest on the ground, and generally in marshes ; they scrape the mud into a heap with their feet, so as to make little hillocks of a conical figure, and a foot and a half in height^; the hillock is a little hollowed at the top ; and in this hollow the female lays two or three eggs at most, upon which she Bits : her legs, which are very long, resting upon the level ground, or 390 NOTES. plunged into the water, while, with the back part of her, body, she keeps the eggs in a proper state of warmth. The young ones run with inex- pressible quickness in a few days after their birth, but do not begin to fly till they have acquired their fall size. Their plumage is at first of a pale gray approaching to white; it grows redder as the young flamingo increases in age ; but nearly a year elapses before this bird reaches its full stature ; at which time it first shows its robe of a brilliant flamecolour. The flamingo is considered as a delicate morsel for the table, having some resemblance to the partridge in flavour. When in full growth, it is more than four feet long from the beak to the tail, and nearly six feet high to the extremity of the talons. The neck and legs are ex- tremely long ; the plumage varies in colour on the different parts of the body, from a bright vermilion to a beautiful rose colour, and the legs and feet are of the same tint. There are, however, a few black feathers in each wing ; the beak in some is red, and in others yellow ; but the ex- tremity in all is black. — See Nouveau Dictionnaire d' Histoire Naturelle. Great Bustard (p. 246) ; of the gallinaceous order. This is the largest bird of European climates ; the male being four feet in length from the beak to the tail, seven in breadth with the wings extended, and weighing about thirty-five pounds. The females are commonly a third less in every respect. Though the wings of the bustard are small in propor- tion to the body, yet the bird can raise and sustain itself in the air, but cannot proceed out of a straight direction. It loves open spacious plains and avoids the water. The bustard is timid, and difficult to approach ; it however defends itself furiously when attempted to be caught, by beat- ing the enemy with its legs. If taken when young, it is easily tamed, and brought to feed with other poultry. The most common colour of this bird is black, slightly tinged with red on the back, and the under parts white, mixed with fawn colour; a down of bright pink appears at the roots of the feathers. There are many kinds of this animal, both in- digenous and exotic : the African ; the tufted ; the blue ; the white bus- tard, &c. — JYeio Dictionary of Natural History. Yguana (p. 252) ; a reptile of the family of lizards; it is found in South America and its islands. The animal is from four to six feet in length, of which the tail makes at least half. The head is small, flattened at the sides, covered with scales, and provided with large jaws and sharp-point- ed teeth. A protuberance like a wen appears in the front of the neck. The body is every where clothed with hard scales. The colour of this creature is variable ; its common hue is green tinged with yellow ; some- times k exhibits gray or blue tints, and at others a mixture of all these. NOTES. 391 \ colours together, like the chameleon, which the yguana greatly resem- bles.— The whole family are found to love music passionately; a sure means of attracting them is by musical sounds or whistling ; in this man- ner the yguana is subdued. — When the musician is sufficiently near, he plunges the end of a switch into the nostril of the animal, who dies in- stantly without pain. — Dictionary of Natural History. Canadian Heath- Cock (p. 558). This bird is found also in Maryland Pennsylvania, and adjacent parts. Its modes of life are similar to the heath-cock of Europe, and is called by some authors simply the crested heath-cock. The head and neck are of a deep glossy black, which in all other parts is tinctured with green. The bill is covered with a yellow skin, except at the extremity, where it is bare and black ; the eyes are also encircled with a skin of the same colour. On the top of its head there is a crest formed of several handsome feathers two inches and a half in length. The feathers on the neck, which are also of a beautiful fibre form, fall gracefully down ; but when the creature is agitated, they, as well as those on the head, become erect. When he wishes to call his females round him, the feathers assume this state ; he trains his wings on the ground, and spreads his tail into the form of a wheel, and in the velocity of his motions makes a singular kind of noise like distant thunder or a muffled drum. — New Dictionary of Natural History. Myriai cerifera, or Wax-tree(p. 260) ; it grows in Louisiana, and a small- er kind in Carolina. It is a pretty aquatic shrub, and bears whitish-col- oured flowers, the fruit of which hangs in small clusters. It is about the height of a very small cherry-tree, and in the form and smell of the leaves resembles the myrtle. The berries are of a gray colour, and con- tain kernels which are covered with a kind of wax, of which the natives make good candles. Naturalists are of opinion that it might be easily made to flourish in" other climates. — See Valnwnt de Bromare, and Dic- tionary of Natural History. Tuiete (p. 262). This is the smallest kind of Brazilian parrot. There is an infinite variety in their plumage. Ants (p. 263). Among other authors, see M. Huber of Geneva : he has published a volume of his observations upon ants, no less agreeable than instructive in the perusal. — See also History of the Insects of America, by Mademoiselle Merian. Caoutchouc (p. 265) ; the tree which furnishes elastic gum; it is called by the natives of Brazil, where it is produced, Hhevi. Buffalo (p. 285) ; a ruminating quadruped of the ox species, which it nearly resembles in form and stature ; the head is larger, the snout long- 392 NOTES. er, and its horns, which almost touch at the root, spread to a distance of five feet at their extremities ; its ears are also larger and pointed. The whole form of the buffalo, and no less its motions, announce amaz- ing vigour and strength; but the enormous size of the head, the singular curvatures of its long horns, under which appears a large tuft of bristly hair of a yellowish white colour, give a terrific ferocity and wildness to its physiognomy. The animal inhabits hot countries. It is used in Italy as a domestic beast for tillage and drawing. The method adopted for taming the buffalo is by fixing a ring in the nostril when about three years old. The operator contrives to entangle the legs with a string, and the animal falls to the ground ; several men fall upon it and confine the legs, while others make the wound and pass the ring ; it is then left : it runs furiously from place to place, and endeavours to get rid of the ring; in a short time it begins to be accustomed to its fate, and by degrees to learn obedience. A cord is fastened to the ring to lead the buffalo ; if it resists, it suffers pain ; it therefore prefers to yield, and thus is brought to follow a conductor willingly. After a certain time, the ring falls oil"; but the creature has, ere this, become attached, and will follow its master. Nothing is more common than to see a buffalo return from a distance of forty miles to seek him. Their young keepers give them a name, which they never fail to answer to; and, on hearing it pronounced, they stop short in the midst of a company of their species. Troops of buffaloes are found together in the plains of America and Asia that are washed by rivers : they do not attack men unless provoked ; but the report of a gun renders them furious, and extremely dangerous : they run straight to the enemy, throw him down with their horns, and do not desist till he is crushed to death in the struggle. A red colour irritates them, and they are hunted with infinite care and precaution. — Dic- tionary of Natural History. Prickly palm, or Adam's needle (p. 291). — The leaves of this tree are sometimes ten feet in length ; they are winged in form, and the petals are furnished with long sharp thorns, which stay on the trunk even when the leaves are decayed, and form, from their numbers and strength, a Bure defence against being approached. The fruit of this tree is larger than a pigeon's egg, of an oblong shape, of a yellow colour, and like velvet to the touch. Malabar, or Indian Eagle (p. 292,) is small ; not above the size of a large pigeon ; but in the smallness of its volume, elegance of symmetry and beauty of plumage are united ; the animation of its eyes, its lively move- ments, the boldness of its look and attitudes, give to its whole physiog- NOTES. 393 Homy the appearance of pride and courage. The Malayese have made it one of their idols, and offer it a kind of worship. A tuft of large feathers, of a dazzling white, the lower part of which is of a deep shining black, covers the head, the neck, and all the breast of this handsome bird; the rest of the plumage is of a very bright chestnut-colour, with the excep- tion of the tip of the six first feathers of each wing, which is black. The beak is ash-coloured, and of a yellowish green at the point; its mem- brane is blue, feet yellow, talons black. This species is found in Malabar, Visapour, the Mogul Empire, &c. In voracity it does not fall short of any other. — Dictionary of Natural History. Sago-palmist (p. 294). Of all the palm-trees which are natives of Asia, the sago-palmist is one of the most useful and interesting: a liquor runs from incisions made in its trunk, which readily ferments, and is both salutary and agreeable for drinking. The marrow, or pith of the tree, after undergoing a slight preparation, is the substance known bjr the name of sago in Europe, and so eminently useful in the list of nutritious food for the sick. The trunk and large leaves of the palmist-sago are a powerful resource in the construction of buildings ; the first furnishes planks for the carpenter, and the second a covering for the roof. From the last are also made cord, matting, and other articles of domestic use. P. 303. M. Huber Lullin, of Geneva, has published an excellent trea- tise on the economy of bees ; he has given the most singular and best- attested circumstances of the queen bee ; but what more astonishes is, that he, who has thrown such lights on this attractive object of natural history, is blind. Onagra, (Eigitai, and Koulan (p. 316) ; apparently different names for the same animal, varying according to the countries where it is found, and authors who have spoken of it. In shape and structure it holds the midway betwixt the horse and ass ; its head is strong, and erect in the state of rest; it proudly snuffs the air in its course, which is more fleet than the swiftest horse. Its neck finely turned, chest full and open, back long, spine concave and rough, haunches taper, hoofs like the ass, mane short and thick, the jaw containing thirty-four teeth, tail two feet long, and exactly like a cow's, shoulders narrow and bare of flesh : it has great suppleness in all its members and motions. The hair is mostly of a yel- lowish brown ; a reddish yellow covers the fore-part of the head, and between the legs ; the mane and tail are black. Along the back is a dark- brown stripe, that grows broader from the loins upwards, and becomes narrower towards the tail. In winter its hair is long, curling, waving; in summer short and glossy. These animals stray in numbers over the 394 NOTES. vast deserts and open plains abounding with saline herbage : they never approach the woods or mountains. They have the senses of hearing and smelling in perfection. Their neighing, somewhat peculiar, is much louder than that of the horse. They are timid and wild, and their chief defence is in their speed ; yet they are of a peaceful, social nature. They commonly troop together from twenty to thirty, sometimes a hundred : each troop has its leader, that watches over its safety, conducts it, and gives the signal of flight when danger is near. The token of alarm is bounding thrice round the object of their fear. If their leader is killed, (and he frequently is, by approaching closer to the hunters than the rest,) the troop disperses, and it is easy to kill and take them. The Mon- gou Tartars highly prize the flesh, which they find delicious ; but the osigitai has not yet been tamed, even when taken young. Could it be domesticated, it would doubtless be a prime beast for the saddle, but it is of an untamable disposition ; when the utmost attempts have been made to subdue them, they have died in breaking rather than submit to the restraint. Phormion, or Flax-plant (p. 326) ; — a plant of New Zealand made known by Cook. The inhabitants of that island get from its leaves a very strong flax, with which they make stuffs, nets, ropes, &c. They are two or three feet long, two inches broad, shaped like a sword. Steep- ed in water, they produce fibres longer and stronger than those of flax, and which are equal in fineness. The climate where this useful plant is found, inclines one to think it might be cultivated with success in Europe, and turned to considerable account. When these leaves aie opened upon the plant, an inodorous gum issues from them, which is transparent, of a straw colour, and in every respect similar to gum arabic. Sal gem (p. 347) ; a name given to a kind of salt, harder than common salt, and which sometimes has the transparency and colour of precious stones. It is found invariably in the same soil as gypsum, in the neigh- bourhood of which constant observation has proved it to be never want- ing : and even the strata of salt and gypsum frequently alternate. The sal-gem forms itself sometimes into large undivided beds, sometimes it runs in large detached cubes, behind beds of clay and rock. The mines (I may say the quarries) of sal-gem are found at every height, and now and then on a level with the plains. In all parts of the known world, no production of nature is more abundant than salt. Most of the sal- gem mines in Spain and England are of several hundred feet extent. The town of Cardona in Spain, is situated at the foot of a rock of solid salt, rising almost perpendicular to the height of four or five hundred NOTES. 395 feet, without interstice, fissure, or separate layer. This immense mass of salt is about a league in circuit ; its depth, and consequently the bed on which it rests, is unknown. From top to bottom the salt is of the purest white, or of a light transparent blue. This prodigious mountain of salt, quite free from gypsum, and other extraneous matter, is the only one of the kind in Europe. In the county of Chester, in England, near the Irish sea, is a very extensive mine of sal-gem behind a ledge of rock ; and after having worked through twenty-five feet of salt, in several places of a fine deep red, from twelve to fifteen feet of rock again ap- peared, and salt under that: a fact which destroys the hypothesis of sal- gem being produced from saline lakes dried up. — Dictionary of Natural History. Gypsum (p. 347). — A mineral substance composed of chalk and sul- phureous acid: in strictness, it may be considered as a neutral salt; but being soluble only in a sniall degree, and having the external char- acter of stone, mineralogists class it as a stony substance. Black Swan (p. 374) ; — discovered by M. de la Biilardiere on a lake of New Zealand. Beast with a Bill (p. 375). — This singular creature was, like the last, discovered in a lake of New Zealand. Blumenbach's Natural History. Arcadia (p. 377), — according to the poets, was the most beautiful and the happiest of all countries. MUNROE & FRANCIS, No. 128, WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, Continue to publish, having already printed large editions of this Terr valua- ble work, THE LITTLE CHILD'S OWN BOOK, OR SPELLING AND READING ILLUSTRATED BY EMBLEMATIC FIGURES. The design of this Book is to give young children a series of Pictures with short definitions, for the purpose of amusement and instruction until they art capable of more extensive reading. The Pictures which constitute the charm of the work, belong to interesting stories, related by some of the best authors for children ; and there is only enough said on each picture to excite the little readers to a taste that may hereafter be more extensively gratified. Mothers will find this a delightful book to amuse the child yet iu the tap. Upwards of 500 Engravings. MUNROE & FRANCIS, Have received from London, a new work, with elegant engravings, whicb they have republished, EASY LESSONS ; OR LEADING STRINGS TO KNOWLEDGE. In Three parts; the First and Third by a Lady for her own Ckildm; frt Second, arranged by the late Mrs. Trimmer. With Sixteen Copperplate Engravings. PUBLISHED EVERY MONTH AT $1 A YEAR. Postage for a single number, 1| cent ; if over one hundred miles, 2£ cents. PUBLISHED ON THE SAME DAT BY CHARLES S. FRANCIS, 252 BROADWAY, NEW- YORK, AND JOSEPH H. FRANCIS, 128 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. This popular and extensively circulated work, which is now nearly 5 years old, continues to hold its original and interest- ing complexion, and to be taken and read by young folks throughout America. It. is published in Boston, by Joseph H. Francis ; and in New-York, by Charles S. Francis ; where application can be made for it, if by letter, post paid. It is sent to almost all the post-offices in the Union, and application to a postmaster will probably be sufficient; if not, inclose a dollar-bill to either of the publishers, or a five-dollar-bill, if six copies are wanted, and the books shall be regularly sent. It is taken by Schools and Academies, as well as private fami* lies, as it serves for an excellent reading book for classes, KIT" Teachers are invited to examine the work. MARMADUKE MULTIPLY. MUNROE & FRANCIS Have published a very pretty little work, full of pictures, to learn children how to calculate figures, and to get by heart the sums of addition and multiplication : Serving as a book of amusement as well as of instruction. PETER PARLEY'S BOOK OF BIBLE STORIES, FOB CHILDREN AND YOUTH. In this little volume I propose to tell you some of the stories which are found in the Bible. This book consists of two parts, — the Old Testament, and the New Testament. The Old Testament tells us how God made this great round world upon which we live, with its mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes and seas. It tells us how He covered the land with trees and plants, and ftmr- footed beasts ; how He filled the air with birds and insects, and the waters with fishes of a thousand forms. It tells us how He created mankind, and how they disobeyed Him — how they multiplied and built great cities, and how, at length, the whole world was swept by a terrible flood of waters. It tells us the long and interesting history of the Jews, who inhabited a country now called Palestine, which lies more than four thousand miles from us in a south-easterly direction. It gives us an account of Moses, Joshua, Daniel, David, Solomon, and many other interesting characters. It reveals to us, in short, the wonderful story of the first ages of the world ; the great events which happened — how men lived, thought and acted ; and how God, in that remote period, dealt with mankind. The New Testament gives an account of Jesus Christ, who must be regarded as the most extraordinary personage that ever appeared on this earth. His story is at once the most wonderful, and the most affecting that has ever been written. He appeared among the Jews about eighteen hundred years ago, for the purpose of restoring that knowledge which mankind had nearly lost. You will therefore perceive that the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testament, is a very interesting book, and full of the most im- portant truths. In the following pages you will find some of the most remarkable stories which it contains ; but in after-days, when you get older, I beg you to make the Bible your constant companion, and look upon it as a good and wise friend, that, if listened to, will guide you to happiness here, and bliss hereafter. PETER PARLEY. RHYMES FOR THE NURSERY. MUNROE & FRANCIS Have prepared and printed in one little volume all the RHYMES FOR THE NURSERY, contained in the famous books, called " The Daisy," " The Rosebud," " The Pink," " The Lily," " Poetry Without Fiction," &c. &c. — with pictures on almost every page, to serve as a constant source of amuse- ment and instruction to children, either by themselves or in the arms of the Nurse. This, with the famous MELODIES OF MOTHER GOOSE, will constitute almost all the literature necessary for the Nur- sery ; and will amply reward the purchaser. All tastes will be suited, the serious and comic, the sedate and the fanciful. Those who esteem the Melodies too imag- inative for two-year-olds, can take the Rhymes ; and those who think the Rhymes too heavy, can hold to the Melodies : We recommend both. Washington-street, Boston, have just published a new and neat edition 05 - ORIGINAL POEMS FOR INFANT MINDS. BT JANE TAYLOR AND HE'S SISTERS. ' In one volume, square 16mo. w-ith numerous engravings. A new and handsome square lGmo edition of BY MBS. TRIMMER, With many copperplate and other engravings. iM^mi^ ®mw&ms>3 m®®%L% OR, SPELLING AND HEADING ILLUSTRATED BY EMBLEMATIC FIGURES. *1 netc and improved Edition. With more than -500 engravings. The design of the Little Child's Book (ap- proved by the sale of several large editions) is to give young children a series of pictures with short definitions, for their amusement and instruction until they are capable of more extensive reading. In square I6mo. The same work is likewise published in 4 separate books, with appropriate titles, &c. to each. THE BOIT 5 ® STORY BOOK. O-R, EDWARD AND HIS LITTLE FRIENDS. A book for the Holidays. In one vol. square 16mo, with ten engravings by Anderson. A new and handsome square Ifime edition of &&&&&& &®m ebbs spwskssmi^B Wrth numerous elegant engravings. MUNROE & FKANCIS r 128 Washington-street, Boston, have recently published the Boy's Editiow of In one vol. square l6mo r Being the whole complete edition,, as written by the author. With 16 new- Designs on wood, by Anderson. The best and cheapest edition- ever publishedl The popular work r SA1VDFORD AND MERTOIV. In one volume, square 16mo. THE ©A8KITT ®F THE GIFT OF AN UNCLE AND AUNT. Illustrated by fine wood Engravings by Anderson, This handsome volume consists of the popular and valuable Letters of Uncle am? Aunt Newbury on important subjects for the young, published in au elegant 16mo square- volume of nearly 300 pages. THE ^■* VMM ^19V# ^tmm WV *9*m &^ t«M *i>» • » m v^ W'* VtffVV m WIN' BT MARIA EDGEWORTH, In one vol. square 16mo, with 35 engravings by Anderson. A new and handsome edition of Square 16mo. An interesting and popular new work, with 30 engravings in Hartwell's best style. OCCUPATION FOR PLAY HOURS. MUNROE & FRANCIS, lave published ^n entire original Book for Girls, embellished with handsonta pictures, designed by the audior, and engraved by Anderson, entitled, CHE AMERICAN GIRL'S BOOK, OCCUPATION FOR PLAY HOURS. BY MISS LESLIE, Author af The Mirror, Young Americans, &©. In books, or work, or healthful play Ma.j my first years b# pas*«d. — Watts. This work is a fine collection of Sports and Pastimes fb? the play hours of girls, illustrated with dialogue, and of course very easy to comprehend ; containing also rules for making amusing and useful work, such as Pincushions,. Needlebooks, Reticules, Lamp Stands, Dolls, &e. &c. With a great variety of Riddles, Conundrums, Enigmas^ Charades, and Rebuses, mostly new. The working part illustrated by nearly fifty cuts. This book contains — PART I. SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Lady Queen Anne. Robin's Alive. The Bookbinder. How many miles to Babylon? Whoop, or hide and seek. Copenhagen. Track the Rabbit. Puss in the Corner. Hot buttered Beans. Stir the Mush. Twirl the Trencher. How many Fingers. Mr. Pope and his lady. Honey Pot. Bread and Cheese. Frog in the middle. The Blind Pointer. CONTENTS OF THE CHILD 's OWN BOOK, Cinderella, or the Glass Slipper. The Discreet Princess. Diamonds and Toads. Fatal and Fortune. Fortunatus. Fortunio. Fisherman and the Genii. Fair one with Golden Locks. Goody Two Shoes Griselda. Graciosa. Gulliver's Travels. Hop o' my Thumb. History of Little Jack. History of King Pippin. Jack the Giant Killer. Nourjahad. Puss in Boots. Philip Quart. Peronelia. Prince Le Boo. Riquet with the Tuft Robin Hood. Robinson Crusoe. Seven Champions. Three Wishes. Tom Thumb. Valentine and Orson. White Cat. Whitington and his Cat. Yellow Dwarf. Akrtriin, or Um Woaderfal Limp. CONTENTS OF THE AMERICAN GIRI/S BOOK. 3 Sewing School. The Dutch Doll. The Christmas Bag. The King and his Train. Hen and Chickens. Hunt the Slipper. The Thimble. The Ten Fine Birds. Farmers and Mechanics. Of what trade is our Favorite. King aud Queen. She can do little, who can't do this Blindman's Buff. The Prussian Exercise. The Bell of London. Dressing the Lady. The Throne of Compliments. The Apprentice. The Traveller. Chitterbob. Magical Music. How do you like it. What is my thought like. The Elements. The Lawyer. The Secret Word. The Watch Word. Many Words in one. The Newspaper. The Merchants. Tea Table. My Lady's Toilet. The Dumb Orator. Consequences. I love my love. Selling Pawns or Forfeits. PLAYS WITH TOYS The Graces. Battledore and Shuttlecock. Loto. Domino. Chequers. Fox and Geese. Morrice. Jack Straws. Expedition. Recruiting Officer. Tommy come, tickle me. Old Maid or Old Bachelor Speculation or Matrimony. Lend me your Bundle, neighbor. PART II. Enigmas Charades. Rebuses. Conundrums. PART III. AMUSING WORK. A Brick Pincushion. A Flannel Pincushion. A Heart Pincushion. A Pincushion in gores. A Corded Pincushion. A Basket Pincushion. A Strawberiy. A Bunch of Hearts. A Bunch of Roots. A Melon-seed Pincushktt A Star Pincushion. A Boot Pincushion. A Swan Pincushion. A Guitar Pincushion. A Woman Pincushion. CONTENTS OF THE AMERICAN GIRl's BOOK. NEEDLE BOOKS A Bellows Needle Book. A Thistle Needle Book. A very convenient Needle Book. A Needle Book Work Bag. A Pincushion Needle Book. A Three sided Needle Book. RETICULES. A Doll Bag. A Pocket Reticule. A Three sided Reticule. A Plaited Reticule. A Halbert Shaped Reticule. A Circular Reticule. A Melon Reticule. A Pocket Book Reticule. A Pointed Reticule. A Dimity Reticule. A Braided Reticule. VARIETIES. A Lamp Stand. A Match Box. A Riddle Flower. A Dancing Doll. A jointed Linen Doil. A common Linen Doll. A Black DoH. Pen Wipers, three or four kinds Hexagon Patch Work. Court Plaster Case. MUNROE AND FRANCIS, 128, Washington Street, have just republished from the London edition, in a similar style, THE CHILD'S OWN BOOK, ILLUSTRATED WITH UPWARDS OF TWO HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS. This is a volume of innocent and instructive amusement for young readers. Got up under the inspection of a Lady who would admit nothing in the least immoral in sentiment, nor loose in expression. All the best of those romantic tales fshich excited our youthful fancy are here presented in an improved dress. The pictures are in beautiful style, done in Anderson's best manner, and the names of the pieces are as follows. Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp. Ali Baba, or the Forty Thieves. Beauty and the Beast. Blanch and Rosalinda. Blue Beard. The Children in the Wood- Jack and the Bean Stalk. Invisible Prince. Little Hunchback. Little Red Ridinghood. La Perouse. Miranda and die Royal Ram. t