('■■ PRIMER, FOR THE USE OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS PREPARED FOR THE GENERA.L PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PRINTED ASD PUBLISHED BY THE KENFR\L PROTESTANT EP;SCOPAJ SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. Depository, No. 20John-street *' No. 228. f J A f te, ye children, hearken unto me . f spfi teach you the fear of the Lord. Psalm xxxiv. \\. A PRIME IU A 3 k Br T 4 • A PRIMER. AH ' BY HE IT NO LA ME DO ■OH MY AM WE OF SO AY AN YE* ; AS IS GO Til OH BE OX AT IN UP LO J ) US * AX OxV 1 3 >; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I A PRIMER. 5 a b 1 e 4 li e f S i lit J k 1 11 o P 4 F i t u Y w x y z m «e I* / 6 A PRIMER. Arm. Bee. Cat. Dog. Fan. Globe. Hog. 8 A PRIMER. Quail. Ship. Urn. Watch. Rose. Tree. Vine. A PRIMER. All the Words of Two Letters in the English Language, LESSOX 1. ain mi as at he me we ye if in is 'it la do go io no so 10 A PRIMER. LESSON 2. mo to wo IlO oh of on or ox ax by my ay up us LESSON 3. ab eh ib ob ub ad ed id od ud af ef if of uf LESSON 4. ap ep ip op up at et it ot ut ax ex ix ox ux LESSON 5. \ ba be bi bo bu da de di do du la le li lo i„ A PRIMER. n LESSON 6. pa pe pi po pu ra re rl ro ru sa se si so su . Words of Three Letters. LESSON i. Ibla ble bli bio blu fra fre fri fro fru | sla sle sli slo slu LESSON 2. sta ste> sti sto stu sha she shi sho shu spa spe spi spo spu A PRIMER A GOOD CHILD. Go on. Go out. Go as I do. Go in. Go to it. Can you go up ? Go up. Go by me. I do go up. I am to do so. Is lie to do it, if i am ? Is my ox to go in to it ? Oil no, it is I to go up. If ye do go on so. Is it he or I? it is he. I am to go on to it. A PRIMER, 13 THE NEAT GIRL. LESSON I. cry are j men bid now GOD out 1 has put let you bad | ask way did not sin for Do not sin, for God can see you if you do : and if you sin, you can not go to God. All who sin are bad men ; for God has bid us to do no sin. Yet, we all of us do ill, and go out of the way of our God. But, let us cry to God to aid and put us in his own way, and not let us sin. O let me not die in my sin. 14 A PRIMER. SAY -ING THE LES-SON. LESSON II. can but all his see eye day ill may try pen law boy did how was You can not see God, but God can see you ; for his eye is on you all the day, and can see you and all you do. If you do ill, God can see you, if men do not. If you see a boy do ill, do not you do so, but go out of his way, or you may sin too. You are to try all by the law of God. What God loves, do you love ; and what God hates, do you hate. A PRIMER. 15 U^-^ j-- GO say lie joy bid bow ear out try law N G TO CHURCH. LESSON III. fit | end J own aid I add son cup | new | set Say to God, O my God, let me try to go on in thy way, and do as I am bid in thy law. Let me not lie. Let me not be a bad boy. All who go in it are in the way to God. Bow thine ear to me, and put me and all men in the way fit for us. A PRIMER A DYING LESSON die off see may now new lot well how not let yea old what man sin fit put To die is the lot of all men ; but the bad are not fit to die. Own thy sin to God, and ask him not to let you die in it. To be fit to die, you are to be as a new man, and put off the old man. The old man is sin. And sin is to be put off by all who go to God ; yea, all who do so, put off sin day by day. A PRIMER. 17 * THE NICE NEW BOOK. . LESSON V. The Son of man is the way to God, for he is God. You are to own God in his Son, and no one but him. You are to own the Son to be God, for so it is that He has bid you to own him ; and if you do not, He will not own you. If we do not own him, we can not go to God at all, for we have no way but Him. He will rid us of our sin, if we own him. If a man be not made clean from his sin by the Son of God he will die in it. 18 A PRIMER. PRAYER. LESSON VI. How good and kind God is. The Lord will keep them safe that pray to him ; for he is near to all who call on his name. God both can and will save them from all sin. Sin will kill the soul if God do not take it from iis.« Now God has sent his dear Son to save us from all our sins. O let us then no to him. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH. HARLAEM. L.KSSOX VII. kind | hear | from will I clown give i 1 o good save I take send come | with The love of God to Men. How good was God to send his dear Son to die, to save us from hell ! God will take all who come to him in the name of his Son, to be with him. We do a?l sin day by day, yet God will hear us when we pray to him in the name of his Son. 20 A PRIMER, ST. THOMAS' CHURCH, NEW-YORK. LESSON VIII. We must not pray to God in our own name. We may not go to God in our own name. For if we do, God will not hear us : but he has said, that he will hear all them that pray to him in the name of lis dear Son, and that he will do for us all that we ask of him, as far as it will be for our good. We are too apt to ask' for what will hurt us; now God will not give us that, for he loves us too much to do so. A PRIMER. 21 ST. PAUL'S CHAPEL, NEW-YORK. LBSSOX IX. They who do not fray, can not go to God. If we do not pray to Ctpo, we can not live with him ; but must be cast down to hell with all bad men. For God will not love them that do not call on his name, but will put them in the lake of fire. Yet this will be the lot of all who do not pray to him. Do you pray to God ? If you do not pray now, you will at the last day, but then it will be too late. Now is the time to pray. LESSOR X. What God will do for them that pray to him. If you pray to God, and love him, and try to do as he bids you in his word, then when you die you will go to be with him. You will have no more pain, but have joy all the day long. God will lead you, and feed you, and will be your own God. And the Son of God will be your friend. A PRIMER. 23 HOW TO PRAY. LESSOR XI. A Short Prayer in Easy Words. O Lord my God, who hast sent thy dear Son to save my soul, make me to feel my need of him. Show me my sins, and make me to hate them and try to shun them. I am poor and weak, and my soul must die if thou do not give me help. I come to thee, and hope in thy word, for thou hast said, that thou wilt not turn them back that come to thee in the name of thy Son. It is in his name I come, and on him I fix all my hope. O hear me for his sake. Amen. 24 A PRIMER. BAPTISM. LESSON XII. child true faith serve church friends help died christ young* teach please When a child is made one of those who are the Church of Christ, the Church asks, that some of his friends will say for him what he is too young to say. His friends say, in his name, that is, for him, — that he will give up all sin ; that he will have faith in all that the Church says of God, and Christ, and those who love God and Christ ; and that he will do all that God may bid him to do. Then his friends, if they do what they say, will teach him to pray, to read God's word, and to love and serve the Son of God, who died for us, and will save the souls of all such as wili love him. If you are a A PRIMER. 25 [ &&a» ^£&&2* m>: — .iii^lH I.--; Lii .--:' -.'. \. '■- .!i:fii!litl|:|l|IH:!: ~* i rTI m ■ HII jJtTl^L 3^**^ t49nBra HI » 1 '"' '''lilBISi B |C|| ■si ^sypiiniiTnnijTi — - '-'-■' — .— true child of God and love Christ, you will try, by the help of God, to do what will please God. And if you pray to him, he will help you, for Christ's sake. 26 A PRIMER. CATECHISM. LESSOR XIII. lambs flock ought learn help best else hand lives earth know much more right please teach Each child who is one of the lambs of Christ's flock, ought to learn what the Church of Christ tells him to learn, or else he is not a good child. If he learns it well, it will do him good, as long as he lives. It will teach him what he ought to know, and what he ought to do. It will help him to live as it is best for him to live ; and it will help him to die, as it is best for him to die. It is good to be one of the lambs of Christ's flock on earth, but () how much more, to be one of the lambs of his flock, where he now is at the right hand of God. If you wish to be with him, and A PRIMER. 27 CATECHISING. have him love you, you must Jearn to love him and to do what wil ease him. 28 A PRIMER. THE CHILD'S MORNING HYMN. Now I awake And sec the light, 'Tis God has kept Me through the night. To him J lift My voice and pray, That he will keep Me through the day. If 1 should die Before 'tis done, O God accept Me through thy Son. A PRIMER. 29 THE CHILD'S EVENING HYMN. And now I lay Me down to sleep, I pray the Lord My soul to keep. If I should die Before I wake, I pray the Lord My soul to take. 30 A PRIMER, A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify ; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky : From youth to hoary age, My calling to fulfil : O may it all my pow'rs engage To do my Master's will. Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live, And O ! thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give : Help me to watch and pray, And % on thyself rely ; Assur'd if I my trust betray, I shall f>r ever die. A PRIMER. 31 THE ffiSSST OOUUARBttaHW I. Thou shalt have none other gods but me. II. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth be neath, or in the water under tbo earth. Thou shalt not bow down i 32 A PRIMER. to them, nor worship them : for I the Lord thy God am a jealo *s God ; and visit the sins of the fa- thers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me ; and show mercy unto thousands in them that love me, and keep my com- mandments* III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. IV. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath-day. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all that thou hast to do ; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord tiiy God. In it thou shalt do no manner of work ; thou, and thy sou, and thy daughter, thy man- servant, and thy maid-servant, thy A PRIMER. 33 cattle, and the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day ; where- fore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it. V. Honor thy father and thy mother ; that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. VI. Thou shalt do no murder. VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery. VIII. Thou shalt not steal. IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his servant, nor his inard, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. Hear also what our Lord Jesus Christ saith. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind : this is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it ; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy- self. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets j A PRIMER. 35 TSS APOST&HS' CSUSSD. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth : And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord ; Who was con- ceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried ; He descended into hell ; The third day he rose from the dead ; He ascended into hea- ven, And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty ; From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost ; The holy catholic Church ; The communion of saints ; The for- giveness of sins; The resurrection of the body, And the life everkst ing. Amen. 36 A PRIMER. THU SORB'S ^RASTER. Our Father, who art in heavei. Hallowed be thy Name ; Thy king- dom come : Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; Give us this day our daily bread ; And for- give us our trespasses, as we for- give those who trespass against | us ; And lead us not into tempta- tion ; But deliver us from evil ; for thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 2 Corinthians, xiii. 14. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of Goo, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be *vith us all evermore. Amen.