THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA I % ) THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA PRESENTED BY H. Hobbs, Jr. Cp971.56 M3lik %C LAKE CYYYoftke MOUNTAINS N O T H C A 1^,0 LINA WithiriView oi the HIGHEST MOUNTAINS A CITY OF JOYOUS HOME LIFE ▼ INDUSTRY ▼ ENTERPRISE ▼ DEVELOPMENT ▼ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Such is the Motive Hereof HIS booklet presents facts and conclusions in behalf of the city of Marion that must needs command the careful attention of the whole great world of industry, commerce and finance. For Marion has earned an established place in this broad sphere of affairs and occupies in its civic relations a secure position of honor, respect and shining promise. But Marion would speak rather to the spirit than the mind of the individual reader of these lines. And Marion's voice would address the ear of that impelling spiritual power whose name is called by men— Achievement. To those who possess this vital urge, Marion’s message is clear, frank, simple and straight¬ forward. A single word gives it expression: Cornel Come to Marion, where there’s hard work to do. Where there’s welcome. Where there’s ambition. Where there’s courage. Where there’s opportunity. Where there’s help and co-operation for every worthy man and woman. Where there’s wealth to s;ain. Come to Marion— Now! The KIWANIS CLUB Marion, North Carolina 'V) ■I mm 1BI1S The Famous Falls of Linville River A Drive on the Shore of Lake ARION enjoys the unique distinction of being located close to the shores of the largest artifi¬ cial body of water in the Southern States, Lake James. This vast bowl of crystal liquid was formed by bring¬ ing together the flow of three mountain rivers behind dams 190 feet high. Its area is over ten square miles in extent. Its shore line is 152 miles in length. Matchless Lake James, nestled in the very bosom of the Blue Ridge Mountains, its surface reflecting panoramas of unutterable beauty, is the brightest jewel in a diadem which nature made for man’s inspiration and delight. Fish in Lake James for the big ones. Boat to your heart’s content. Camp on its quiet and lovely shores. Dive in its tremendous depths. Swim along its shallow beaches. Take joy in Lake James. / antes Shaded Porches and Shining Pawns F you would live richly, locate your home in Marion and join a most delightful company of neighbors, cultured and hospitable, sociable and sincere. Marion’s elevation of 1450 feet above sea-level is scientific¬ ally correct for good health. Marion has no mosquitos, no malaria, no typhoid or lingering fevers. And for children, Marion is an ideal happy home town, with a fairyland around it in which they may frolic and grow sturdier through all seasons of the year. Street Scene in Marion LEAN and substantial pavements, modern light¬ ing and all the conveniences of urban life place Marion well in the van of the most progressive cities of the New South—a South that is rushing toward a destiny of extraordinary wealth and glory. Religion and Education . Together C HURCHES and Schools in Marion are well attuned for an intimate association, each with the others, and both are equally supported by the general wishes of the citizens. Marion has no doubt that good churches endow a city with public and private morals that are vital to the progress and peace of the people and to the success¬ ful conduct of business. And Marion aspires, through the liberal education of its youth, to speed the dawning day of universal mental training and attainment. TAXES N unpleasant subject, true, but relatively good, bad or unbear¬ able, as the facts may warrant a conclusion. And Marion presents a view of the brightest side of this matter. The average total of State, County and Municipal ad valorem tax rates in the Union is 3.07%. The highest average for any state is that of Florida, in which the figure is 7.64%. The lowest average is that of North Carolina, this being only 1.47%. Based on a sixty per cent, valuation, McDowell County’s rate is 1.13%, while the levy in Marion is 1.50%. These rates are not only exceed¬ ingly low, but will almost certainly remain so under State laws and supervision that sharply limit the tax¬ ing powers of Counties and Munici¬ palities. Stocks and securities of non-resident corporations are entirely exempt in North Carolina. Resident corpora¬ tions are assessed under a fair and liberal system. Taxation in Marion is deliberately intended to invite investors and in¬ vestments. Careful study and con¬ sideration will assuredly reveal the promise that new capital is guaranteed the absolute minimum of cost from taxation. Courtesy Pisgah National Forest Mountain Laurel Courtesy Pisgah National Forest A Pastoral Prospect RURAL LIFE G OOD roads are the foundation of an extra¬ ordinarily favorable state of rural life that exists in McDowell County. And stand¬ ard consolidated elementary and high schools, supervised by the County and State alike, rank next in importance to the well¬ being and cheer of a large and growing rural population. Farming folk in McDowell County are financially able to own cars with which to move at will through their communities and to transport their products to market. An abundance of farm pro¬ duce helps materially to reduce the cost of living in Marion. McDowell County is located in the famous Thermal Belt, in which fruits and tender crops on the mountainsides are almost immune against dangers of frost and chill. The most logical lines of agri¬ culture are live stock, dairying, fruits, grains and truck. Cotton is but little grown in McDowell County—a fact that is not with¬ out considerable value in crop rotation and diversity of pro¬ duction. Strangers have always been charmed with the kindly atti¬ tude and neighborly courtesy of the rural inhabitants of Mc¬ Dowell County, and many there are who have found it pleasing to linger on byways that lead to fine and sturdy homes along the countryside. McDowell County Court House at Marion McDowell county T HE well-known unit of the good State of North Carolina of which Marion is very happily the capital and metropolis, combines conditions of urban and rural life with a ratio of and balance between agriculture and manu¬ facturing which assure an al¬ most uniform and consistent prosperity. And when to these advantages # o is added the fortunate circum¬ stance that the population is 99% native American, the socio¬ logical factor brings the situa¬ tion to a close approximation of the ideal. McDowell is a thrifty county, too, with rather a predomi¬ nance of Revolutionary Scotch ancestry. Therefore, while capital is frankly needed and sought in McDowell County, the people are not lacking in means of their own with which to develop industries, as may be seen in existing operations, or to pool their resources with new¬ comers for the establishment of all worthy enterprises that may be proposed. Labor in McDowell is plenti¬ ful and willing, and of a most intelligent, loyal and desirable kind. Under no more than reasonably fair treatment of its help, every factory or branch of industry is certain to be able to secure adequate, satisfactory and contended labor. M ARION cordially invites the inspection of firms and indi¬ viduals who may wish to investigate its desirability for any line of business or industry. Correspondence may be addressed to the Kiwanis Club. Visitors who may choose to look over the possibilities on the spot will be shown every courtesy, and will be conducted to the source of such first¬ hand information as may be desired. MARION BAT CAVE CHIMNET ROCK Rutherfordton HENDERSONVILLE COLUMBUS BREVARD TRYON g * unville falls spruce Z *. LENOIR- THE MAP ABOVE HE territory that is presented with geographical precision by the map above reveals a remarkable strategy in Marion’s location and a very unusual combination of conveniences for travel and transport. Two great railway systems cross at Marion, the Southern Railway and the Clinchfield Railroad, thus establishing a highly competitive situation in rates, service and accommodations to shippers. One of these rail routes affords a direct connection between coal and cotton, with outlets North and South that offer many advantages to manufacturers, brokers, jobbers and distributors. The other system practically covers the eastern half of America and controls thousands of miles of trackage, affiliated connections and quick communication with the most important centers. Motor highways to Marion are linked with all the leading routes in the country. Approaching Marion, the highways offer beautiful scenic tours, sylvan camping places and an intimate acquaintance with the great Blue Ridge Playground region of North Carolina and ad¬ joining states. Motorists will gladly be routed to Marion from any point, upon request addressed to the Kiwanis Club. Marion the d Location jo ] Manufacture \ Jobbers Resort Hote Hydro Elect Residential I Moving Piet Pleasure Pai Educational Scenic Enter Summer Can NEWTON V R O UNCOLNTON Tra n sp o rta ti o n B Y rail in five direc¬ tions and by nu¬ merous paved or all - weather - surfaced State and County High¬ ways Marion is provided with facilities of trans¬ portation that make this city easily the leading Westernmost shipping center of North Caro¬ lina. logical velopments * Studios ' 5 istitutions jises ; > Mountain Transportation Shown below a flume for delivery of timber products cut from mountainsides MARION’S PURE WATER SUPPLY C LEAR and sparkling, cool, ap¬ petizing and germ-free, Marion’s municipal water sup¬ ply is received from the virgin wilderness of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and is delivered to its destination by the power and law of gravity alone. The United States of America owns the generous boundary of mountain lands from which are gathered the liquid contributions of hundreds of springs and streamlets that compose the supply. Thence via big covered mains the flow rushes over the intervening miles to Marion, where it is distributed to con¬ sumers at purely nominal rates. The Marion watershed, held under long-term lease from the Government, is fenced, posted and patrolled to prevent all possibility of human contamination in any form. And for still greater pre¬ caution, laboratory analysis of the water is regularly repeated and maintained. Marion water is collected from such lovely spots as those shown on the op¬ posite page and below, and in all essen¬ tial qualities of wholesome goodness, it is scientifically supreme in purity. Buck Creek Falls Beautiful Catawba Falls Courtesy Pisgah National Forest Veranda , Lake Mountains THE MARION LAKE CLUB H ERE the social life of the community is centered, on the sightly shores of Lake James, and newcomers are here drawn into intimate acquaintance with the fine fellowship that results from cordial contacts offered them by the older residents. Here, too, is one of the principal sources of the brilliant civic spirit that has thoroughly established Marion as a city whose destiny is without limit or pause. Fairway and Hazard FORE! OLF is another civic shape and substance Lake Club. asset of Marion that has taken under the labors of the Marion And Marion offers a sporty brand of golf—up hill and down dale, with surprises for the unwary—in a scenic environ¬ ment that is not surpassed by any golf course beneath the sun. 1 1 * ' ■: [ i | Neighbors in Industry FACTORIES W HEN new manufacturing enterprises are fully estab¬ lished in Marion; after the die is cast by large invest¬ ments and the owners are compelled to abide by conditions as they may develop—then they learn that Marion people are truly friendly towards industries. For only then can Marion show an attitude of definite good will in the larger way. Then there are tax assessments to be adjusted, and Marion’s attitude is fair and constructive. There are water, sewerage and utilities to be supplied, and Marion’s spirit is liberal. There are police and legal protection to be pro¬ vided, and Marion’s response is certain. There are many, many ways, indeed, in which Marion evidences a public sentiment in behalf of industries that will always be valuable and pleasing to the proprietors of new enterprises. Grandfather Mountain NATIONAL PLAYGROUNDS T HE American Government owns hundreds of thousands of acres of forest-covered lands throughout the region in which Marion is located. And all these large areas, except compara¬ tively small portions that are leased mainly for watersheds and lumber¬ ing, are free and wonderful play¬ grounds of the people. Mountains in these National Forests reach the greatest altitudes of all eastern America. The highest point is more than a mile and a quarter above the level of the sea. A hundred peaks soar six thousand feet into the pure blue above. There are scores of gorges, waterfalls, cliffs and matchless scenes. There are dozens of splendid places to camp, well kept motor roads, bridle paths and carefully marked trails for hiking. There is protected wild big game in one section, and in others hunters will find bear, deer, turkey and small quarry. There is good fishing, too, especially for the wary, wily and wiry mountain trout. There’s joy in these vast virgin forests, of which every American may partake to his heart’s content! Kiwanis Hospitality V ISITING Kiwanians will find a warm welcome at the weekly meetings of the Kiwanis Club, on Tues¬ days at 12:30 p.m., at the Marianna Hotel. All visitors in Marion are referred to individual officers or members of the Club for any aid, courtesy or service that may be desired. Every Kiwanian will esteem it a privilege to meet visitors and to serve them with a true spirit of kindliness. Marianna Hotel, Kiwanis Headquarters \ \ r ~V HE people who populate the city of j Marion have learned the greatest of all lessons in civic progress. And that lesson is the one which teaches—team¬ work. Marion people get together, work to¬ gether, play together, stay together—and there’s nothing can beat this plan for results in happiness and achievement for all con¬ cerned. With a single mighty voice, therefore, and with a heart united in purpose, Marion calls to those who would claim the highest prizes of life—Come! The Kiwanis Club Marion, North Carolina .. fy UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL | 00030741412 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION