-RALEGH LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA STUCLEY( Sir Lewis) The humble petition and information of Sir Lewis Stucley, Knight Vice-admirall of Deuon, touching his owne behaviour in the charge committed vnto hiia, for the bringing up of Sir Walter Raleigh, and the scandalous • aspersions cast upon him for the same. B.Norton and J.Bill 1616 Sm.4tc., unbound, wants Ist. blank (Al) which in this tract takes the place of a regular title-page, as we can testify from other copies that have passed through our hands. S.T.C. 23401 (only ed.j. Copy at auction, U.S. A. in 1918 l\ brought £18.10.- TO THE KINGS moft Excellent Maieftie, The humble petition and infor- mation of Sir Lewis Stuclcy, Knight, Vke* admit aU ofD cuo n, touching his of^ne beha- uiour in the charge committed Vnto him^for thc-abringing *vpof Sir Walter Raleigh, and the Jtandaloiis aS^erfionscaft wt f hrongh my fides indrre6l \y, ay- ming at a higher maWe. All men haue long knowen , that this mans whole Jife Was a nicerc 'r6phffl:i'(:K^6h;^SHd fuch washis death , m whidh • ;|re¥?y61:9d^d-i<>meEiriftWrcofholineire, which ^^h(?^s Xrtibri|*-* ^^ ^-'^ ritable 5 ritable charitis, not much vnlikethat mansrc- pencance, who purposing to hang himfelfe, writes his repentance of that finne bcTore hand in his booke, which he did purpofe co comojic. Yet will not I take vpon mc tosiudge of his laft rcpentancejieauehim vncoGodjto whom hee ftands or fallsi but I would he had giuen a better figneof it , then by godly words atiiis death to gather credit to himfelfe.toworkc vpon the com- pafsion of men, thereby to in fufe more warily thcvcnomeof iedttioninto ihehcartsof as ma- ny as hee might, and to gainc reputation vpon his Soucraignc , but to fpend his malice vpon mceyour pooreifemaat , who did nothing , but execute your iult Commands, with the periUof my \ik. Witneffe his open inuitationof diuers to his death , wherein hee meant, a$ in his laft Wilkand TeHamcnt, to Icauea; Lega^cieof his hatred vnto meitobc execjated vpon me byfili^m totny dcftrudioo. li But itis nothing in rcfpe^ft of his-generall end, to.fpreadby them whom hcehadinuucd, liie contagion;of his fcditious humour vntootherSj which the eucnt doth manifeft: Thatit gto wcs veric, queilionable , whether this man did more hurt by his Jife , or by his death : By f^ his life fhcbugh his ill example ; By his' death ^ through his falfeccftmiony to traduce the Iiiftice V-^ & inftcum^nts of the State. Yea buc.ic was the tc- ,^j Aimony of adyidgman^now a penkent(asalfay) N^ ■;.^.^.^:^. A 3 as ^ as fome fay , a Sainr, cucn tbcn when as himfclfe faid, it was' no time to flatter or feare Princes : yea , but it was the teftimony of an enemic, of a periurd, of a condemned man. Firft, ofancnemie,andofanangricencmic,cuenwith yourMaieftie that would haue iuftice executed onhim,vponhis originall condemnation, who were fatisfied , as he publikely did fpeake of his innocencieinthat caure,as priuately before hec bewrayed hisdeepedircontcntmenc.whcn it was vrged, that the teftimony of the Lord cMam wa^ neuer retraced , SirfValur Bjileigh did per- wtiptorily denie it. To whom an(werc was made , that then the pubhke Aft regiftredin the Counfell booke would manifcft it, for there ic appearcs. So fainc would this man caft afperfion vponyour luftice for taking the life of an inno- cent in that caufe, wherein hee was condemned by his Countrey. When this would notfcrue his curne, then did he flie to the Commifsion of a generally pleading it as an implicit pardon of that former offence; Not confidering that being already a man condemned for treafbn, he was, as the learned in the Law held, vncapable of ano- ther triall ,by which hee might haue been found as iV<7fdr»/ as before. For he hauing a Commif- lion, to goe into thofe parts of y4;??mfitt€r enemy , of a periurd and cendemned man, which is againftallreafonjConTciencCjandlaw : That I may haue your Maiefties leatic to the confirmation of the cruth;wbich \ toeavowed to be fufficient jto receiuic the Saoiainenc vpon it in your Maiefties Giiappeh . The next is^that your Maieftie will be To gracious vnto mee, as to fuffer a declaration to come forth from the State, for the cleering of thsfc matters,and further fatif- fadion of the world : By which it may appeare^ that the luftice of God, and the lufticeof the King, did neuer better meete together in one man: Which my iuft and humble requeft,! hope your Maieftie will not deny to Your Maiejlies loyall Sublet md Sermnt, Lb vVBS St vcLi r. efS Imprinted at L o n d o n by BONHAM NORTONandlOHN Bi hJ^i Printers to the Kings moft Excellent Maicftic. Anno i^x8. V ^^^%^'