TAX AND ASSESSMENT ACTS, AND AMENDMENTS. THE TAX ACT OF 24th APRIL 1863, AS AMENDED. AM ACT to amend an Act entitled " An Act to lay taxes for the common defence and carry on the Government of the Confederate States," approved Ajjril 2£th, 1863. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That an Act entitled " An Act to lay taxes tor the common defence, and carry on the Government of the Confederate States," approved April 24, 1863, be and the same is hereby amended, so as to read as follows : REGISTRATION OF BUSINESS. Sec. 1. Every person engaged or intending to engage in any busi- ness named in the fourth section of this act, shall within sixty days Business to be reg- ., . l-, . ,. * » ■ ■ - i_ • ' < 1 istered within six after the passage of this act, or at the time of beginning business, and tydays after P as- on the first day of January in each year thereafter, register with the ^ t ge ££j£h ''"„ district collector, in such form as the commissioner of taxes shall pre- each year there- scribe, a true account of the name and residence of each person, firm, a or corporation engaged or interested in the business, with a statement of the time for which, and the place and manner in which the same is to be conducted, and of all other facts going to ascertain the amount of tax upon such business for the past or the future, according to the provisions of this act. At the time of such registry, there shall be specific tax paid paid to the collector the specific tax for the year, ending on the next at time of registry. thirty-first of December, and such other tax as may be due upon sales or receipts in such business, at the time of such registry, as herein provided ; and the collector shall give to the person making such reg- istry a copy thereof, with a receipt for the amount of tax then paid. Sec. 2. That any person failing to make the registry, and to pay the tax required by the preceding section, shall io addition to all other taxes do °^e U t 'at r . s pay upon his business imposed by this act, pay double the amount of the specific tax on such business, and a like sum for every thirty days of such failure. / Sec. 3. That except where herein otherwise provided, there shall be a separate registry and tax for each business mentioned in the fourth separate regis section of this act, and for each place of conducting the same, but no ry ep ' tax shall be required for the mere storage of goods at a place other than 2 THE TAX ACT. the legistcrcd place of business. Upon every change in the place of conducting a registered business, there shall be a new registry, but no incase of 'leath additional Ux shall be required. Upon the death of any person Con- or chang; of place ducting a business registered and taxed as herein required, or upon made? 8 * ° ° '* the transfer of the business to another, the business shall not be sub- jected to any additional tax, but there shall be a new registry in the name of the person authorized by law to continue the business. **• BANKER8, AUCTIONEERS, DEALERS, ETC. Sec. 4. That upon each trade, business or occupation hereinafte r named, the following taxes shall be levied and paid for the year, en-ding Tax paid for on the thirty -first of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and year ending 8ist f or eacn ana " every year thereafter, viz : I. Bankers shall pay five hundred dollars. Every person shall be Banke s woo deemed a banker within the meaning of this act who keeps a place of business where credits are opened in favor of any person, firm or cor- poration, by the deposit or collection of moDey or currency, and by whom the same or any part thereof shall be paid out or remitted upon the draft, check or order of such creditor ; but not to include any bank notfociuded iS *° e l e g a % authorized to issue notes as circulation, nor agents for the sale of merchandize for account of producers or manufacturers. II. Auctioneers shall pay fifty dollars and two and a half per centum ..A on the gross amount ot sales made: Provided however, That on all and two a»d a half sales at auction of stock or securities for money, the tax shall be one gausonefoufaS f° ur i a 0I> one P er centum on the gross amount of sales. Every person one per cent, en shall bo deemed an auctioneer, within the meaning of this act, whose occupation it is to offer property for sale to the highest or best bidder at public outcry. The tax upon the auctioneers shall be deemed a tax upon the personal privilege, to be paid by each individual engaged in the business, and without regard to the place at which the same is conducted. No tax shall be required upon auction sales made for No tax on per dealers in a business registered and taxed, and at their place of business, Bom regista red or U p n official sales at auction, made by judicial or executive officers, iind taxed. , r . ,. ' ,. ' J . or by personal representatives, guardians or committees. III. Wholesale dealers in liquors of any and every description, in- whoiesaie deal- eluding distilled spirits, fermented liquors, and wines of all kinds, shall and"s p q er°«eat on ? av two hundred dollars, and five per centum on the gross amount of gross sales. t : a l e s made. Every person, other than the distiller or brewer, who shall sell or offer for sale, any such liquors or wines, in quantities of more than three gallons at one time, to the same purchaser, shall be regarded as a wholesale dealer in liquors, within the meaning of this act. All persons who shall sell, or offer for sale, any such liquors or wines, in quantities less than three gallons at one time to the same person, shall be regarded as a retail dealer in liquors. 'Retail dealer* in ^' Retail dealers in liquor, including distilled spirits, fermented liquors, lloo and liquors and wines of every description, shall pay one hundred dollars gro£ e jiaiei. n ' °" an( l ten per centum on the gross amount of all sales made. V. Retail dealers whose quarterly sales shall exceed one hundred dollars, and shall be less than five hundred dollars, shall pay twenty- five dollars, and two and a-half per centum on the gross amount of sales made ; and where quarterly sales exceed five hundred dollars, the specific tax shall be fifty dollars, and two-and-a-half per centum on the gross amount of sales made. Every person whose business or occupa- nt THE TAX ACT. 3 tion it is to sell or offer to sell groceries or any goods, ware9, merchan- Retall x dise or other things of foreign or domestic production, in leas quanti- when quarterly ties than a whole original piece or package at one time, to the same Md^sstbanSMo' person, (not including wines, spirituous or malt liquors,) shall be re- less than $28 ami garded as a retail dealer under this act : Provided, however, That any tro^eoHia tax mechanic, who shall sell only the products of the labor of himself and and?xp« eeut. his own family, shall be exempt from this tax. VI. Wholesale dealers shall pay two hundred dollars and two and a half per centum on the gross amount of all sales made. Every person aJg^iTand^two whose business or occupation it is to sell or offer to sell groceries, or and a half „per any goods, wares or merchandise, of foreign or domestic production, " by ono or more original packages or pieces at one time to the same purchaser, not including wines, spirituous or malt liquors, and every person whose business it is to sell or offer to sell slaves, shall be deemed as a wholesale dealer under this act ; but having been registered as a wholesale dealer, such person may also sell, as aforesaid, as a retailer. Provided, That contractors working for, and selling their own products exclusively to the Confederate States, to an amount not exceeding five . thousand dollars a year, and such dealers as sell exclusively to con- sumers, and not to others to sell again, shall not be regarded as whole- sale, but as retail dealers. VII. Pawnbrokers shall pay two hundred dollars. Every person, Pawnl)rok rg whose business or occupation it is to take or receive, by way of pledge, 5200. favor or exchange, any goods, wares or merchandiic, or any kind of personal property whatever, for the repayment or security of money lent thereon, shall be deemed a pawnbroker under this act. VIII. Distillers shall pay two hundred dollars, and twenty per cen- tum on the gross amount of all sales made; and also, twenty per Distillers $200 centum on the value of all liquors distilled for any other person, and saies, e and^ amoon the tax on distillers shall be a lien on the still or stills used, and upon the ™ lu ? . ,°, f ''i" ™ „ . , , . . , . 11111 distilled lor other fixtures and articles for carrying on the business, and shall have others. priority over all other liens or claims. Every person or co-partnership, who distills or manufactures spirituous liquors for sale, shall be deemed a distiller under this act : Provided however, That distillers of fruit, for or fruit f#r s» ninety days or less, shall pay sixty dollars, and also fifty cents per gal- A w* $60. Ion on the first ten gallons, and two dollars per gallon on all spirits dis- tilled beyond that quantity. IX. Brewers shall pay one hundred dollars, and two and a half per centum on the gross amount of sales made. Every person, who man- an a 2>» per eeat. ufactures fermented liquors of any name or description for sale from malt, wholly or in part, shall be deemed a brewer under this act. X. Hotels, inns, taverns and eating houses shall be classified and rated according to the yearly rental, or if not rented, according to Hoteisj, inns.&c the estimated value of the yearly rental of the house or property oc- cupied or intended to be occupied as a hotel, inn, tavern or eating house, as follows, to-wit : in cases where the actual «r estimated rent shall amount to ten thousand dollars, or more, they shall constitute the first lateiaaa, $soo. class, and pay an annual sum of five hundred dollars ; in cases where said rent shall be five thousand dollars and less than ten thousand dollars, they shall constitute the second class, and pay an anuual sum of three hundred dollars ; and in cases where said rent shall 2d elas3 « $3D0 be two thousand and five hundred dollars, and less than five thousand dollars, they shall constitute the third class, and pay ttnwt. rt f o 4 THE TAX ACT. *a aiaii, $200. an annual sum of two hundred dollars ; in cases where said rent shall be one thousand dollars, and less than two thousand five hundred dollars, they shall constitute the fourth class, and pay 4th cia«i, $ . an anmua ] sum f one hundred dollars ; and in cases where said rent shall be less than one thousand dollars, they shall constitute the fifth lass $80 c l ass > aQ d P a y aa a ooual sum of thirty dollars. Every place where food and lodgings, or lodgings only, are provided for and furnished travel- lers, sojourners or boarders in view of payment therefor, the income or receipts from which amount to five hundred dollars from that source, shall be regarded a hotel, inn or tavern under this act. XI. That every place where food or refreshments of any kind are provided for casual visitors and sold for consumption therein, and every boarding house in which there shall be six boarders, or more, shall be deemed an eating house under this act. $200 'SSL Brokers shall pay two hundred dollars. Any person whose business it is to purchase and sell stocks, coined money, bank notes or other securities, for themselves or others, or who deals in exchanges relating to money, shall be deemed a broker under this act. Commercial bro- XIII. Commercial brokers or commission merchants shall pay two ker9,$200and2»< hundred dollars, and two and a half per centum upon all sales made. per cent. » fr r Any person or firm, except one registered as a wholesale dealer or banker, whose business it is, as the agent of others, to purchase or sell goods, or seek orders therefor in original or unbroken paokages, or produce consigned by others than the producers, to manage business matters for the owners of vessels, or for the shippers or consignors of goods, or whose business it is to pui chase, rent, hire or sell real estate or negroes, shall fee deemed a commercial broker or commission mer- chant under this act. t5o T °an a d C 2X p« XI ^* Tobacconists snau P a y fifty dollars and two and a half per g «nt. cent, on gross amount of sales. Any person whose business it is to sell, at retail, cigara, snuff, or tobacco in any form, shall be deemed a tobacconist under this act. But registered wholesale and retail dealers shall not be taxed as tobacconists. and h 5 per e c«n' 8 on XV. Theatres shall pay five hundred dollars, and five per cent, on re««ipts. all receipts, which tax shall be paid «t>y the owner of the building. Every edifice used for the purpose of dramatic representations, plays or performances, and not including halls rented or used occasionally for concerts or theatrical representations, shall be regarded as a theatre «i(f lrcU h ex'hiw- un( ^ er ^is act - Each circus shall pay one hundred dollars, and a tax idon. of ten dollars for each exhibition, which tax shall be paid by the manager thereof. Every building, tent or space, or area, where feats of horsemanship or arobatic sports are exhibited, shall be regarded as juggUrs, $50. a c i rcus under this act. Jugglers and other persons exhibiting shows, shall pay fifty dollars. Every person who performs by slight of hand shall be regarded as a juggler under this act: Provided, That no registry made in one State shall be held to authorize exhibitions in another State ; and but one registry shall be required under this act to authorize exhibitions in any ©ne State. Bo Tir"?d r'om" XVI. Bowling alleys and billiard rooms shall pay forty dollars for $40- each alley or billiard table registered, which tax shall be paid by the owner thereof. Every place or building where bowls are thrown or billiards played, and open to the public, with or without price, shall be THE TAX ACT. O regarded as a bowling alley or billiard room respectively under this act. XVII. Livery stable keepers shall pay fifty dollars. Any person Livery stables, whose occupation or business is to keep horses for hire or to let, shall * dU- be regarded as a livery stable keeper under this act. XVIII. Cattle brokers shall pay the sum of fifty dollars, and two Cattle broken, and half per centum on the gross amount of sales made. Any person oen t. whose business it is to buy and sell and deal in cattle, horses, hogs or sheep, shall be considered a cattle broker. XIX. Butchers and bakers shall pay the sum of fifty dollars, and dSSJiflo *£$ one per centum on the gross amount of sales made. Any person per cent. whose business it is to butcher and sell, or offer for sale in open market or otherwise, the flesh of cattle, hogs or sheep, shall be deemed a butcher under this act ; and any person whose business it is to bake and sell, or offer for sale, bread, shall bo deemed a baker under this act. . XX. Pedlers shall pay fifty dollars, and two and a half per centum Pedlers, $50 on the gross sales. Any person, except persons engaged in peddling aml 2 '- per cent - exclusively periodicals, books, newspapers, published in the Confede- rate States, bibles, or religious tracts, who sells, or offers to sell, at Books, newspa- retail, goods, wares, or other commodities, travelling with his goods pew, Ac, exempt. from place to place in the street, or through different parts of the country, shall be deemed a pedler under this act : Provided, That any packag I , $ 1 00 pedler who sells, or offers to sell, dry goods, foreign or domestic, by an(i 2 <* P er oent> one or more original pieces or packages at one time, and to the same person or person's as aforesaid, shall pay one hundred dollars, and two and a half per cent, on the gross sales ; and any person who peddles jewelry shall pay fifty dollars, and two and a half per centum on the ^aif^ej cent" gross sales. The tax upon pedlers shall be deemed a tax upon the per- sonal privilege, to be paid by each individual engaged in the business, without regard to place at which the same is conducted. XXI. Apothecaries shall pay fifty dollars, and two and a half per Apothec aries centum on the gross amount of sales made. Every person who keeps $*> t » nd 2 # P er a shop or building where medicines are compounded or prepared according to prescriptions of physicians, and sold, shall be regarded as an apothecary under this act. XXII. Photographers shall pay the sum of fifty dollars, and two Photographers , and a half per centum on the gross amount of sales made. Any $5 f > and 2# per person or persons who make for sale photographs, ambrotypes, daguer- reotypes, or pictures on glass, metal, paper or other material, by the action of light, shall be regarded a photographer under this act. XXIII. Lawyers actually engaged in practice shall pay fifty dollars. L m , g « 50 Every person whose business it is for fee or reward, to prosecute or defend causes in any court of record or other judicial tribunal of the Confederate States, or of any State, or give advice in relation to causes or matters pending therein, shall be deemed to be a lawyer within the meaning of this act. XXIV. Physicians, surgeons and dentists actually engaged in the „, . . .• 1 11 /»/. ■■ 11 -i-i !•••/• Physicians, sur- practice snail pay fifty dollars. Every person whose business it is, for geona ami den- fee or reward, to prescribe remedies, or perform surgical operations tIRts * * 50- for the cure of any bodily disease or ailing, shall be deemed a physi- cian, surgeon or dentist within the meaning of this act, as the case may be ; and the provisions of paragraph number twenty-one shall not 6 THE TAX ACT. extend to physicians who keep on hand medicines solely for the par pose of making np their own prescriptions for their own patients. The tax upon lawyers, physicians, surgeons and dentists shall be deemed a tax upon the personal privilege, to be paid by each individual Surgeons a nd ln the business, and without regard to the place at which the same is physicians in the conducted : Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not apply amy exemp . ^ physicians and surgeons exclusively engaged in the Confederate Confectioner s , Service. $5n una 2# per XXV. Confectioners shall pay fifty dollars and two and a half per centum on the gross amount of sales. Every person who sells at retail confectionery, sweetmeats, comfits, or other confects, in any building, tjhall be regarded as a confectioner under this act. LIST AND RETURN OS REGISTERED BUSINESS. Registered per- s E0# 5 # And every person registered and taxed upon the gross turn 1st Jufyj amount of sales as aforesaid shall be required, on the first day of July, 1MU - eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to make a list or return to the asses- sor of the district of the gross amount of such sales as aforesaid, to- wit : From the passage of this act to the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, inclusive, and at the end of every three months, or within twenty days thereafter, after the said first day of July, eighteeu hundred and sixty three, make' a list or return to the assessor of the district, of the gross amount of such sales made as aforesaid, with the amount of tax which has accrued, or should accrue To be returned thereon, which list shall have annexed thereto a declaration, under under oath. oath or affirmation, in form or manner as may be prescribed by the commissioner of taxes, that the same is true and correct, and shall, within such time as the collector may designate, by public notice, which time shall not be less than ten nor more than thirty days from the date of such notice, pay to the collector the amount of tax there- upon, as aforesaid, aud in default thereof, shall pay a penalty in double the amount of the tax. SALARIES. salaries— l per g c g •j^ upon ^ e sa i ane8 f a n salaried persons serving in C't. on first $1,500, . r jT ■ » . a per cent, on ex- any capacity whatever, except upon the salaries of persons in C Mmury fnd^a- tho military or naval service, there shall be levied and collected a tax vai exempt. f one p er centum on the gross amount of such salary, when not ex- ceeding fifteen hundred dollars, aud two per centum upon an excess over that amount, to be levied and collected at the end of each year, in the manner prescribed for other taxes enumerated in this act : Pro- vided, That no taxes shall, be imposed by virtue of this act on the salary of any person receiving a salary not exceeding one thousand dollars per annum, or at a like rate for another period of time, longer or Salaries 1.88 than a V nrtm r I i,oou exempt. snonei. INCOMES FROM ALL VOCATIONS. as- Sac. 1. That tho Secretary of the Treasury shall cause to be incomes and pro sessed and ascertained, on the first day of January next, or as soon tits assessed first thereafter as practicable, the income and profits derived by each per- son, joint stock company and corporation from every occupation, em- ployment or business, whether registered or not, in which they may have been ongaged, and from every investment of labor, skill, property THE TAX ACT. or money, and the income and profits derived from any source what Except salaries. ever, except salaries, during the calendar year preceding tho said first day of January next, and the said income and profits shall bo ascer- tained, assessed and taxed in the manner hereinafter prescribed. I. If the income be derived from the rents of houses, lands, tene- ments, manufacturing or mining establishments, fixtures and machine- Rents from .„ . ft. ■ , • n 1 ii • houses, lamls. &c. ry, mills, springs of salt or oil, or veins ot coal, iron or other mine- rals, there shall be deducted from the gross amount of the annual rent a sum sufficient for the necessary annua] repairs, not exceeding ten ■ per centum on said rent, except that the rent derived from houses shall ducted, 5 per ct. be subject to a deduction not exceeding five per centum for annual re- house's/ 6 pairs, MANUFACTURING, ETC. II. If the income be derived from any manufacturing or mining [ business, there shall be deducted from the gross value of the products of the year; first, the rent of the establishment and fixtures, if actu- ari i I ^ i f n acturlI1g ally rented, and not owned by the person prosecuting the business ; second, the cost of the labor actually hired and paid for; third, the actual cost of the raw material purchased and manufactured : fourth, if ihe iucome be derived from the production of pig metal or bloom iron, from the ore, there shall be deducted tho cost of labor, food, and necessary repairs. NAVIGATING ENTERPRISES. III. If the income be derived from navigating enterprises, there Navigating. shall be deducted from the gross earnings, including* the value of freights on goods shipped by the person running the vessel, the hire of the boat or vessel, if not owned by the person running the same, or if owned byjbim, a reasonable allowance for the wear and tear of the same, not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, and also the cost of run- ^^ r cent ' d8 " ning the boat or vessel. SHIP BUILDING, ETC. IV. If the income be derived by the tax payer from boat or ship- building, there shall be deducted from the gross receipts of his occu- building. patron, including the value of the ship when finished, if built for him- self, the oofct of the labor actually hired and paid by himself, and the prime cost of the materials, if purchased by him. SALES ' F MERCHANDIZE AND OTHER PROPERTY. chandize. V. If the income be derived by the tax payor from the sale of merchandize or any other property, real or personal, there shall be de- Sale of ducted from the gross amount of sales, the prime cost of the property sold, including the cost of transportation, salaries of clerks actually paid, and the rent of the buildings employed in the business, if hired and not owned by himself. 8 THE TAX ACT. ALL OTHER OCCUPATIONS. From any other VI. If the income be derived by the tax payer from any other oc- or clerks' audTent cu P a ^o n » profession, employment or business, there shall be deducted of office, &c, de- from the gross amount of fees, cc mpensation, profits, earnings, or com- dueted. missions, the salaries of clerks actually paid, and the rent of the office or other building used in the business, if hired and not owned by himself, the cost of labor actually paid and not owned by himself, and the cost of material other than machinery purchased for the use of his business, or to be converted into some other form in the course of his business ; and in case of mutual insurance companies, the amount of losses paid by them during the year. The income derived from all incomes from ail other sources shall be subject to no deduction whatever; nor shall for- ? tb t e ' 80urc J®-W*> r eigners be subject to a tax upon any other income than that derived tion. from property owned, or occupations or employments pursued by bustaeea In "con* them within the Confederate States, and in estimating income there federate .states, shall be included the value of the estimated annual rental of all dwell- ings, houses, buildings or building lots in cities, towns, or* villages, oc- cupied by the owners, or owned and not occupied or hired, and the value of the estimated aunual hire of all slaves not engaged on plan- tations or farms, and not employed in some business or occupations, the profits of which are taxed as income under this act. When the ceeding U |sit) ex- income shall be thus ascertained, all of those which do not exceed em P l - five hundred dollars per annum shall be exempt from taxation. On $510 and not ex- all inoomes reoeived during the year over five hundred dollars and not per'^ntf^over exceeding fifteen hundred dollars, a tax of five per cent, shall be paid ; $1,500 and less on all incomes over fifteen hundred dollars, and less than three thou- per'cent'lur.on is! sand dollars, five per cent, shall be paid on the first fifteen hundred $11,500 and ^io per dollars, and ten per cent, on all excess ; on all incomes of (or) over over" $8,ooo and three thousand dollars, and less than five thousand dollars, a tax of io%er h cTnt.*ov J er ^ en P er cen ^ SDa ^ be P a ^> on a ^ incomes of (or) over five thousand dol- $5000 and 'less lars and less than ten thousand dollars, a tax of twelve and a half per percent.'; aii ovif cent, shall be paid ; and on all incomes of (or) over ten thousand *p 0,0 " .,'f per *' dollars, a tax of fifteen per cent, shall be paid. All joint stock compa- to reserve one- nies and corporations shall reserve one-tenth of the annual earnings, tenth annual earn- ge ^. a p ar t f or dividend and reserved fund, to be paid to the collector of the Confederate tax, and the dividend then paid to the stockholder shall not be estimated as a part of his income for the purposes of this act. All persons shall give in an estimate of their income and profits derived from any other source whatever, and in doing so shall first state the gross amount of their receipts as individuals or members of a firm or partnership, and, also, state particularly each item for which a deduction is to be made and the amount to be deducted for it : Pro- vided, That the incomes and profits upon which the above tax is to products oi°iand De imposed shall not be deemed to include the products of land which taxed in kind, are taxed in kind, as hereinafter described: Provided further. That in case the annual earnings of said joint stock companies aod corpora- tions set apart as aforesaid, shall give a profit of more than ten and less than twenty per cent, upon their capital Btock paid in, one-eighth of said sum so set ap;irt shall be paid as a tax to the collector afore- said, and in case said sum so set apart shall give a profit of more than twenty per cent, on their capital stock paid in, one-sixth thereof shall be reserved and paid as aforesaid. The tax levied in this section shall THE TAX ACT. » Tax to be col- be paid on the first day of January next, aud on tho first day of Janu- !«*•£*■' da y of ary of each, year thereafter. FALSE ^RETURNS. REFEREES. Sec. 8. That if the assessor shall be dissatisfied with the state- meat or estimate of income and profits derived from any s<. irce what- ever, other than products in kind, which the tax payer is required to render, cr with any deduction claimed by said tax payer, he sLall se- lect one disinterested citizen of the vicinage, as a referee, and the tax Referees tob» payer shall select another, and the two thus selected shall cal! in a g^* e ,* ^StJSh third, who shall investigate and determine the facts in reference to flea with return. said estimate aud deductions, and fix the amount of income and pro- fits on which the tax payer shall be assessed, and a certificate signed by a majority of the referees, shall be conclusive as to the amount of Certificate of ref- income and profits on which the tax payer shall be assessed : Provided, "g^Lt taxpayer* That if any person shall fail or refuse to render the statement or esti- ff statement con- mate aforesaid, or shall fail or refuse to select a referee as aforesaid, f 0ur fifths of true the assessor shall select three referees, who shall fix the amouat of in- am't. tax payer to ,/» i-ii iiii i c i.1. P a y * u P er cent, come ana profits on which the tax pay er shall be assessed irom the on amount. best evidence they can obtain, and a certificate signed by a majority of said referees shall be conclusive ou the tax payer : And 'provided further, That in any case submitted to referees, if they, or a majority of them, shall find and certify that the statement or estimate of in- come and profits rendered by tho tax payer does not contain more than four-fifths of the true and real amount of his taxable income and pro- fits, then the tax payer, in addition to the income tax on the true amount of his income and profits ascertained and assessed by the ref- erees, shall pay ten per ceutnm on the amount of said income tax, and the assessor shall be entitled to one-fifth of said additional ten per centum over and above all other fees aud allowances: And provided Assessor enti- further, That the assessor may administer oaths to referees, the tax the 10 per "cent. ° f payer, and any witness before the referees, in regard to said estimate, Assessor may ad and any deduction claimed, or any fact in reference thereto, in such minister oaths. form as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. PROFITS ON FLOUR, BACON, ETC., DURING THE YEAR 1862. Sec. 9. On all profits made by any person, partnership, or corpo- ration during the year eighteen hundred and sixty -two, by the pur- chase within the Confederate States and sale, during the said year, of any flour, corn, bacon, pork, oats, hay, rioe, salt, or iron, or the manu- factures of iron, sugar, molasses made of cane, leather, woolen cloths, - .. , , iiii ii p in fronts on flonr shoes, boots, blankets aud cotton cloths, a tax of ten per centum shall bacoD, pork, & c .,' be levied and collected, to be paid on the first day of July next : Pro- is^fo ^ t%£ vided, That the tax imposed by this section shall not apply to pur- *° ?| P aid lst J«- chases and sales made in the due course of the regular retail business, ' and shall not continue beyond the present year. TAX IN KIND. Sec. 10. That each farmer and planter in the Confederate States, 5« bushels sweet after reserving for his own use fifty bushels of sweet potatoes, and fifty ei^wsh potatoes," bushels of Irish potatoes, one hundred bushels of the corn, or fifty erAushei 18 "h™' bushels of the wheat produced in the present year, shall pay and de- reserved. liver to the Confederate Government, of the products of the present year, one-tenth of the wheat, corn, oats, rye, buckwheat or rice, sweet 10 THB TAX ACT. wheat '",OT ,f i! e ai) d I" 3 * 1 P°tatoeff, and of the cured hay aud fodder ; also one tenth of m a, tax iu Ub4. the sugar, molasses made of cane or of sorghum, where more than thirty gallons are made, cotton, wool and tobacco ; the cotton ginned and packed in some secure manner, and tobacco stripped and packed in boxes ; the cotton to be delivered by him on or before the first day Reserve u bmb- °^ M arcu > aQ d tne tobacco on or before the first day of July, next after tis peas or buanu, their production. Each farmer or planter, after reserving twenty lliV. busU,ls * f bushels of peas or bean?, but not more than twenty bushels of both, for his own use, shall deliver to the Confederate Government, for its use, one-tenth of the peas, beans and ground peas produced and gath- ored by him during the present year. As soon as each of the afore- said crops are made ready for market, the tax assessor, in case of dis- agreement between him and the tax payer, shall proceed to estimate Referees u b« the same in the following manner : The assessor and tax payer shall each select a disinterested freeholder from the vicinage, who miy call thira person iu a m a third in uase of difference of opinion, to settle the matter in dis- pute ; or if the tax payer neglects or refuses to select one such freehold- er, the said assessor shall select two, who shall proceed to assess the crops as herein provided. They shall ascertain the amount of the crops either by actual measurement or by computing the contents of the rooms or houses in which they sre held, when a correct computa- tion is practicable by such a method, and the appraisers bhall then es- Appraisers t» es- timate under oath, the quantity and quality of said crops, including Mm ate, under what may have been sold or consumed by the producer prior to said quality amTvaiua estimates, whether gathered or not; excepting from said estimates •1 the produce. suc h portion of said crops as may be necessary to raise and fatten the hogs of such farmer, planter or grazier, for pork ; Provided, That the following persons shall be exempt from the payment of the tax in kind, Exemptie.s, imposed by this section, via: eaeh family not I. Each head of a family not worth more [than] five hundred worth more thaa ,l„ll Qt . - $500. dollars. II. Each head of a family with minor children, not worth more than $5oo, and for fi ve hundred dollars for himself, and one hundred dollars for each $500 for each mi- minor living with him, and five hundred dollars in addition thereto, for " or ,. iLV"?'- 1< 2.*' each minor son he has living, or may have lost, or had disabled in the or disabled in the . , , t army. military or naval service. III. Each officer, soldier or seaman, in the army or navy, or who has $ioo eaeh officer been discharged therefrom for wounds, and is not worth more than Ac, in the army i i i n Ae.,or discharged one thousand dollars. f»r wounds. jy jj] ac h w idow of any officer, soldier or seaman, who has died in the military or naval service, the widow not worth more than one thousand dollars : Provided, That in all cases where the farmer or planter does not produce more than fifty bushels of Irish potatoes, two potatoes,2oo bush 1 - hundred bushels of corn, or twenty bushels of peas and beans, he shall e!s » orn,2 d b , ush " n °t ^e su hject to the tax in kind on said articles, or either of them; exempt. DS and the forage derived from the corn plant, slull also be exempt in all cases where the corn is not taxed in kind ; neither shall any farmer or planter, who does not produce more than ten pounds of wool, or more lbs^cotten 1 ' for ^ een pounds of ginned cotton, for each member of the family, be eaeh member of subject to said tax in kind. The tax assessor, after allowing the ami y, exempt, exemptions authorized in this section, shall assess the value of the portion of said crops to which the Government is entitled, and shall give a written statement of this estimate to the collector, and a copy of the same to the producer. The said producer shall be required THE TAX ACT. 11 to deliver tho wheat, corn, oats, rye, buckwheat, rice, peas, bcaus, cured hay and fodder, sugar, molasses of oane.or sorghum, wool, thus to be paid as a tithe in kind, after they have been estimated as afore- said, in such form and ordinary marketable condition as may be usual in the section in which they are to be delivered, within thirty days from the date of notice given by the agent of collection, that he is ready to receive such produce, (except cotton and tobacco shall be delivered in the manner, and at the times hereinbefore provided,) at some depot not more than twelve miles from the place of production, and if not delivered by the times, and in the order stated, he shall be liable to pay five times the estimated value of the portion aforesaid, to be collected by the tax collector, as hereinafter prescribed : Provided, That Post Quartermasters may direct such delivery to be made at any time within five months after the date of said estimates, under the sanction of the penalty aforesaid, and that producers shall be paid the expenses of the transportation of their tithes from the place of production to the place of delivery at the usual -rates of compensation paid by the Gov- ernment in the State in which the delivery is made. Such delivery when required to be made of grain in bushels, shall be made in bushels, sacks to be fnr- according to the Government standard of weight per bushel : Provided, nished h J 41 \egov- mi iiiii • t. ■ i l ernment and cost lne government shall be bound to furnish to the producer sacks of barrels to be for the delivery of such articles of grain as require to be put in sacks aUowed " for transportation, and shall allow tp the producer of molasses the cost of the barrels containing the same. The said estimate shall be E ? tin »ate eon- . . ., pi • r ill elusive of amount conclusive evidence of the amount in money, of tax due by the pro- of tax in money. ducer to the government, and the collector is hereby authorized to proceed to collect the same by issuing a warrant of distress from his ST ,e 0l ^arrant° of office, under his signature, in the nature of a writ of fieri facias, distress in case of and by virtue of the same to seize and sell any personal property on efau1 ** the premises of the tax payer or elsewhere, belonging to him, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of paying the tax, Notieefor sa! , and the increase aforesaid and costs ; and said sale shall be made in of distained i»i«- the manner and form and after the notiee required by the laws of per,,y ' the several States for judicial sales of personal property, and the said warrant of distress may be executed by the tax collector or any deputy by him appointed for that purpose, and the deputy, executing the warrant shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed Fe * s all « w * d - in the respective States to sheriffs executing writs of fieri facias, said fees to be paid as costs bv the tax payer : Provided, That in all cases • , • ,» r . * r J , , ,. . Assessor a tt 4 where the assessor at.d tax payer agree on the assessment of the crops, tax payer may and the value of the portion thereof to which the government is enti- £=,™ t e o^ropsand tied, no other assessment shall be neoessary ; but the estimate agreed value «f t k « on shall be reduced to writing and signed by the assessor and tax payer, and have the same force and effect as the assessment and esti- mate of disinterested freeholders hereinbefore mentioned ; and two cop- ies of such assessment and estimate thus agreed on and signed as afore- said shall be made, and one delivered to the producer and the other to the collector; And provided further, That the assessor is hereby minuter •ata». authorized to administer oaths to the tax payers and to witnesses in regard to any item of the estimate herein required to be made : And Tenant pay the provided further, When agricultural produce in kind is paid for taxes, lessor t# be reieas- if payment be made by a tenant who is bound to pay his rent in kind, J^ j^^SS the tenth part of said rent in kind shall be paid in kind by the tenant ment. 12 THE TAX ACT, to the government as and for the tax of the lessor on said rent, and the receipt of the government officer shall release the lessor from all obligation to include such rent in kind in his statement of income, and discharge the tenant from so much of his rent to the lessor. SLAUGHTERED HOGS, ETC. niaughtereVhogs Sec. 11. That every farmer, planter, or grazier, or other person who to be exhibited to slaughters hogs, shall exhibit to the assessor, on or about the first of assessor on first •., °, . , B , ,, ,. « „ n . , , March. March, eighteen hundred and sixty-lour, an account of all the hogs he may have slaughtered since the passage of this act and before that time ; after the delivery of this estimate to the post quartermaster hereinafter mentioned by the assessor, the said farmer, planter or gra- one-tenth same fcier shall deliver an equivalent for one-tenth of the same in cured ba- an equivalent, at con, at the rate of sixty pounds of bacon to the one hundred weight rate of 6o pounds f por k T bat on the g rat f November, eighteen hundred and sixty bacon to 100 lbs. r % » & m T J pork. three, an estimate shall be made, as hereinbefore provided, ol the val- of 8t cauie', eS muie^ ue °f a 'l neat cattle, horses, mules, not used in cultivation, and asses &c, to be made, owned by each person in the Confederate States, and upon such value vaiue P , e to be paid the said owners shall be taxed one per cent., to be paid on or before 1st Jan. the first df>y of January next ensuing. If the grazier, or planter or farmer shall have sold beeves since the passage of this act, and prior to the first day of November, the gross proceeds of such sales shall Gross sales of be estimated and taxed as income, after deducting therefrom the money 1st Nov. taxed as actually paid for the purchase of such beeves, if they have been actu- M^chase^minty 1 ! a ^ purchased, and the value of the corn or peas consumed by them. value of corn con- The estimate of these items shall be made in case of disagreement be- SU in e case of disa- tween the assessor and tax payer as herein provided in other cases of greement, referees income tax : Provided, That no farmer, planter or grazier, or other person, who shall not slaughter more than two hundred and fifty pounds of net pork during any year, shall be subject to the bacon tithe imposed by this section ; and every officer, soldier, or seaman, in the military or naval service, or who may have been discharged therefrom on account of wounds, or physical disability, and any widow of such officer, soldier or seaman, or any head of a family, who does not own more than two cows and calves, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by this section on neat cattle. POST QUARTERMASTERS. masters'! ° One for Sec. 12. That the Secretary of War shall divide the service of the dM toe n otfaer B for q uarterm aster's department into two branches, one, herein denomina- distribution of ted post quartermasters, for the collection of the articles paid for tliem - taxes in kind, and the other for distribution to the proper points for supplying the army, and for delivering cotton and tobacco to the agents of the Secretary of the Treasury. The tax assessor shall trans- HTSSm^ fer the estimate o f articles due from each person, by way of a tax iu post quartermas- kiud, to the duly authorized post quartermaster, taking from the said t c e e r i P [ akinB hisre ' quartermaster a receipt which shall bo filed as a voucher with the chief collector in settling his account, and a copy of this receipt shall be Copy of receipt furnished by the chief collector to the auditor settling the post quar- luditm rn bV e 'chief termaster's account as a charge against him. The post quartermaster collector. receiving the estimate, shall collect from the lax payer the artiolea THE TAX ACT. 13 which it specifics, and which he is bound to pay and deliver as a tax to Post qu artermas- the Confederate government. The post quartermaster shall be liable ^^b^r^on'- for the safe custody of the articles placed in his care, and shall ac- sibie for their safe count for the same by showing that, after proper deductions from un- cussod y- avoidable loss, the residue has been delivered to the distributing agents as evidenced by their receipts. The said post quartermaster shall, also, state the accounts of the quartermaster's receiving from him the articles delivered in payment of taxes in kind at his depot, and make a monthly report of the same to such officer as the Secretary of terto state thTac- War may designate : Provided, That in caae the post quartermaster counts of the quar- shall be unable to collect the tax in kind specified in the estimate de- ving the articles livered to him as aforesaid, he shall deliver to the district tax collector de j 1 f V p** t d quarter- said estimate as a basis for the distress warrant authorized to be issued, masters fail to coi- and take a receipt therefor, and forward the same to the chief tax col- mated" to "e^e- lector as a credit in the statement of the accounts of said post quar- liv ® re * t0 ^ Mct termaster : Provided, That any partial payment of said tax in kind shall be endorsed on said estimate before delivering the same to the district tax collector as aforesaid, and the receipt given to him therefor by the district tax collector, shall specify said partial payment. When Partial p a yment the articles thus collected through the payment of taxes in kind have of tax in kind to been received at the depot as aforesaid, they shall be distributed to timat d .°™ ed ° n "*" the agents of the Secretary of the Treasury, if they consist of cotton, wool or tobacco, or if they be suitable for forage or subsistence, to such places and in such manner as the Secretary of War may pre- cotton, wool, k scribe. The wool collected under this act shall be retained by the [°^ cco a>st rlbu - Quartermaster's Department as supplies. Should the Secretary of secretary ge of the War find that some of the agricultural produce thus paid in and suita- Tl '|* r "^ 4c un _ ble for forage and subsistence has been, or will be deposited in places - der control of'sec- where it cannot be used either directly or indirectly for these pur- re i ar [ n p w a a c' ei poses, he shall cause the same to be sold, in such manner as he may where it cannot be prescribe, and the proceeds of such sale shall be paid into the Trea- Ba me to be Bold sury of the Confederate States. Should, however, the Secretary of f n nd P t°^ a ed r 9 y P aid War notify the Secretary of the Treasury that it would be impractica- ble for him to collect or use the articles taxed in kind, or any of them, to be received in certain districts or localities, then the Secretary of the Treasury shall proceed to collect in said district or locality the in 'certain dis- money value of said articles specified in said estimate and not required oVa'rtiou^may be in kind, and said money value shall be due on the first day of January collected. in each and every year, and be collected as soon thereafter as practica- be due tst January ble, and where in districts heretofore or which may hereafter be ascer- every year- tained to be so impracticable, quartermasters or commissaries serving with troops in the field, shall have collected or may hereafter collect from producers any portion of their tax in kind, the receipts of such officers shall be held good to the producers against the collection of the money value of their tax, to the extent and value of such portions as may have been or may be hereafter collected. And when assess- ments in practicable localities have been made and transferred to post quartermasters, and transportation is difficult to be obtained, the sup- ply of grain sacks insufficient, or the amount of produce receivable is too small to justify the expenses of collection, post quartermasters, with approval of their superior officers, shall be authorized to transfer the estimates to District Collectors, to be collected in their money value only. i4 THE TAX ACT. Sec. 13. That the assessors, whose duty it is under said act to esti- mate the taxes in kind, shall be appointed by the Secretary of War, and their duties shall be the same, and the duties shall be executed in the same manner as is prescribed by sections ten, eleven and twelve of this act, in reference to the estimates and assessment of taxes in kind on agricultural products and slaughtered hogs ; and there may be one assessor appointed for each practicable tax district, and he shall take the oath as assessor of taxes in kind prescribed by section five of the act for the assessment and collection of taxes, approved May first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, which oath shall be delivered to such officer as the Secretary of War may designate. And the assess- ors of taxes in kind shall be separate and distinct from the assessors of money tax, and shall be subject to the exclusive direction and control of the War Department, and shall receive the same compensation for siich time as they may be employed, as is allowed to other agents of the Quartermaster's Department. ESTIMATES OF INCOMES AND STATEMENTS OF SPECIFIC TAX, ETC. eomes™&c. s , deilv- Sec. 14. That the estimates of incomes and profits, other than ered by assessor to those payable in kind, and the statements or bills for the amount of the collector, and give ,_t J > , ^ reeeipt. specific tax on occupations, employments, business and professions, and of taxes on gross sales, shall be delivered by the assessor to the collector of the district, who shall give him a receipt for the same, and Receipt to be t, De gg,id assessor shall file his receipt with the chief tax collector of the collector by the State, and the collector of the district, holding said estimates, statements a Mone°y'tobepaid or bills, shall proceed to collect the same from the tax payer. The money to chief collector thus collected shall be paid to the chief tax collector of the State, and eBMrnkfeB^ic. y the estimates, statements or bills aforesaid, shall be arranged by the assessor, and general lists shall be made from them in the same man- ner and for the same purposes designated by section thirteen of the assessment act. TRUSTEES, GUARDIANS, EXECUTORS, ETC. Sec. 15. That every person who, as trustee, guardian, tutor, cura- . ' tor or committee, executor or administrator, or as agent, attorney in answerable for aii fact, or factor, of any person or persons, whether residing in tho Con- careWui requlrde federate States or not, and every receiver in chancery, clerk, register or to pay the taxes, other officer of any court, shall be answerable for the doing of all such acts, matters and things as shall be required to be done in order to the assessment of the money, 'property, products and income under their control, and the payment of taxes thereon, and shall be indem nified against all and every person for all payments on account of the taxes herein specified, and shall be responsible for all taxes due from the es- imiemniGed for tates, income money, or property in their possession or ander their payment of such control. 'taxes. INCOMES EXEMPT. Sec. 16. The income and moneys of hospitals, asylums, churches, pitais, asylum al schools and colleges shall be exempt from taxation under the provi- chuuhes, school* Q; nn „ n f 1 V>in of.f and colleges *x- S10nS 0I lD > lSl aCl ' empti THE TAX ACT. 15 RULES AND RK6U LVTIONS. Sec. 17. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby secretary of authorized to make all rules and regulations necessary to the operation T '»««»rral»»i*« of this act, and not inconsistent herewith. LIFE OF THE ACT. Sec. 18. This act shall be in force for two years after the expira- tion of the present year, and the taxes herein imposed for the present Act in force twa year, shall be levied and collected each year thereafter in the manner tion #f 186*. and form herein prescribed, and for the said time of two years, unless this act shall be sooner repealed. Approved February 17, 1864. THE TAX BILL. JHV ACT, to lay additional taxes for the common defence and support of the Government. Sec. 1. The. Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That in addition to the taxes levied by the " Act to lay taxes for the common defence and t? carry on the Government of the Confederate States," approved twenty fourth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty- three, there Bhall be levied, from the passago of this act, on the subjects of taxation hereafter mentioned, and collected from every person, co-partnership, association or corporation, liable therefor, taxes as follows, to-wit : I. Upon the value of property, real, personal and mixed, of every kind and description,|not hereinafter exempted or taxed at a different rate, five per cent : Provided, That from this tax on the value of property, employed in agriculture, shall be deducted the value of the tax in kind derived therefrom, as assessed under the law imposing it, and delivered to the Government: Provided, That no credit shall be allowed beyond five per cent. II. On the value of gold and silver wares and plate, jewels, jewelry and watches, ten per cent. III. The value of property taxed under this section, shall be assessed on the basis of the market value of the same, or similar property in the neighborhood where assessed in the year eighteen hundred a*d sixty, except in cases where land, slaves, cotton or tobacco have been purchased since the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, in which case the said land, slaves, cotton and tobacco 60 purchased, shall be assessed at the price actually paid for the same by the owner. Sec. 2. On the value of all shares or interests held in any bank, banking company or association, canal, navigation, importing and ex- porting, insurance, manufacturing, telegraph, express, railroad, and dry dock companies, and all other joint stock co.upanies of every kind, whether incorporated or not, five per cent. The value of property taxed under this section shall be assessed upon the basis ot the market value of said property in the neighbor- hood where assessed, in such currency as may be in general use there, in the purchase and sale of such property, at the time of assessment. Sec. 3. I. Upon the amount of all gold and silver coin, gold dust, gold or silver < bullion, whether held by the banks or other corporations or individuals, five per cent ; and upon all monies held abroad, or upon the amount of all bills of exchange, drawn therefor on foreign countries, a tax of five per cent ; such tax upon money abroad to be assessed and collected according to the value thereof at the place where the tax is paid. 17 THE TAX BILL. H II. Upon the amount of all solvent credits, and of all bank bills, and all other papers issued as currency, exclusive of non-interest bearing Confederate treasury notes, and not employed in a registered business, the income derived from which is taxed, five per cent. Sbc. 4. Upon profits made in trade and business, as follows : I. On all profits made by buying and selling spirituous liquors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or syrup, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fodder, raw hides, leather, horses, mules, boots, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cotton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness, coal, iron, steel or nails, at any time between the first of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and the first of January eighteen hundred and sixty-five, ten per cent., in addition to the tax on such profits as income under the " act to lay taxes for the common defence, and carry on the Government of the Confederate States," approved April twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty- three. II. On all profits made by buying and selling money, gold, silver, foreign exchange, stocks, notes, debts, credits, or obligations of any kind* and any merchandize, property or effects of any kind, not enumerated in the preceding paragraph, between the times _ named therein, ten per cent., in addition to the tax on such profits as income, under the act aforesaid. III. On the amount of profits exceeding twenty-five per cent., made during either of the years eighteen hundred and sixty-three and eigh- teen hundred and sixty-four, by any bank or banking company, insur- ance, canal, navigation, importing and exporting, telegraph, express, railroad, manufacturing, dry dock, or other joint stock company of any description, whether incorporate or not, twenty-five per cent, on such excess. Sec. 5. The following exemptions from taxation under this act shall be allowed, to wit : I. Property of each head of a family to the value of five hundred dollars ; and for each minor child of the family to the further value of one hundred dollars ; and for each son actually engaged in the army or navy, or who has died or been killed in the military or naval service, and who was a member of the family when he entered the service, to the further value of five hundred dollars. II. Property of the widow of any officer, soldier, sailor or marine, who may have died or been killed in the military or naval service, or where there is no widow, then of the family, being minor children, to the value of one thousand dollars. III. Property of every officer, soldier, sailor or marine, actually engaged in the military or naval, service, or of such as have been dis- abled in such service, to the rvalue of one thousand dollars, Provided, That the above exemptions shall not apply to any person, whose pro- perty, exclusive of household furniture, shall be assessed at a value exceeding one thousand dollars. IV. That where property has been injured or destroyed by the enemy, or the owner thereof has been temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of the means of cultivating the same, by reason of the presence or the proximity of the enemy, the assessment on such property may be reduced, in proportion to the damage sustained 18 THE TAX BILL. by the owner, or the tax assessed thereon may he reduced in the Barne ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evidence submitted to him by tho owner or as^e^sor. Sec. 6. That the taxos on property laid for the year eighteen hun- dred and sixty-four, sha'l be assessed as on the day of the passage of this act, and be due and collected on the first day of Jane next, or a3 Boon after as practicable, allowing an extension of ninety days West of the Mississippi river. The additional taxes on incomes or profits for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three, levied by this act, shall be assessed and collected forthwith ; and the taxes on incomes or profits for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, shall be assessed and collected according to the provisions of the tax and assessment acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Sbc. 1. So much of the tax act of the twenty-fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, as levies a tax on incomes derived from property or effects on the amount or value of which a tax is levied bv this act, and also the first section of paid act, are suspended for the year eighteen hundred and sixty four, and no estimated rent, hire or interest on properly or credits herein taxed ad valorem, shall be assessed or taxed as incomes under the tax act of eighteen hundred aud sixty-three. Sbc. 8. That the tax imposed by this act on bonds of the Confed- erate States heretofore issued, shall in no case exceed the interest on the same, and such bonds, when held by or for minors or lunatics, Bhall be exempt from the tax ia all cases where the interest on the same shall not exceed one thousand dollars. Approved February 17, 1864. « THE TAX BILL. 19 AN ACT, to amend so much of section eleven of the tax law, as requires one tenth of the sweet potatoes produced this year . to be paid to the Government. The Congress of the Confederate States of Arnerita do enact, That so much of section tlaven of "Au act to Jay taxes for the common defence, and carry on the Government of the Confederate States," approved April twenty fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty three, as requires farmers and planters to pay one tenth of the sweet potatoes produced in the present year to the Confederate Government, be so amended as to authorize the producers of sweet potatoes in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to make commutation, by payment of the money value of the tithe thereof, instead of payment in kind, at rates to be fixed by the commissioners under the impressment act. Approved December 23th, 1863. AN ACT for the relief of tax payers in certain cases. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That when cotton or other property subject to taxation in money, shall have been burned or otherwise destroyed, by authority of the Government, before the expiration of the time fixed by law, for the payment of the tax thereon, the tax payer may apply to the district collector, who shall investigate the facts and make report thereof to the State collector, who may, if satisfied of such destruction by Government authority, remit the said tax. If the tax in any such case, shall have been paid in advance, it shall be refunded by the State collector. The tax payer shall in every such case, have Ihe right of appeal to the Secretary of the Treasury. Section 2. That in all cases where the crop, out of whioh the tax in kind is to be paid has been taken or destroyed by the enemy, the district collector may remit the tax, in whole or in part, according to the extent of the loss sustained by the tax payer : Provided, That the facts in each case shall be reported to the tax collector, and the remission shall not be valid, until approved by him, And provided further, That in case the loss be sustained prior to assessment, the assessor, on satisfactory proof thereof may make deduction therefor in proportion to the loss. Approved February 13th, 1864. A JV ACT to be entitled an act in relation to the qualifications of State Collectors. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the provisions of section thirty-nine, of an act entitled " An act for the assessment and collection of taxes," approved May 1, 1863, shall not be construed to apply to the office of State collector. Approved February 17th, 1864. 20 THE TAX BILL. Joint Resolution explanatory of the act entitled " An act to lay taxes for the common defence, and carry on the Government," approved the twenty-fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Resolved l»j the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the daily wages of detailed soldiers, and other employees of the Gov- ernment, are not liable to taxation as income, although they may amount in the aggregate to the sum of one thousand dollars per annum. Approved February 17th 1864. AN ACT authorizing the tax in kind on bacon to be commuted by collection of salt pork as an equivalent. The Conyress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Assistant Quartermaster's, and other agents, engaged in the collection of tax in kind, may be authorized, under orders and regulations made by the Secretary of War, to demand and receive in commutation for the tax in kind on bacon, an equivalent therefor, in salt pork. Approved December 28th, 1863. ANA GT to regulate, the collection of the tax in kind, upon tobacco, and to amend an art entitled " An act to lay fa.res for the common defence, and carry on the Gov- ernment of the Gonjrdrrate States" approved April twenty-fourth, eicffiteen hundred and sixty three. The Conyress af the Confederate States of America do enact, That the tax in kind of one-tenth, imposed by said act, upon all tobacco grown in the Confederate States, instead of being collected by the Post Quartermaster, shall be collected by the agents appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury to collect and preserve tobacco, and the tax assessor shall transfer their estimates of the tobacco due from each planter or farmer,- specifying both quantity and quality, to tbe said agents, or their duly authorized sub-agents, taking their receipts there- for, and shall also transmit a copy of these estimates to the Chief of the Produce Loan Office, and when said tobacco has been collected, the said agent shall be liable for its safe custody. Sec. 2. That each farmer and planter, not earlier than the first day of June, nor later than the fifteenth day of July, shall deliver his tithe of tobacco in prizing order, put up in convenient parcels for transpor- tation, at the nearest prizing depot, of which there shall be not less than one established in each county, by the agents for the collection and preservation of tobacco, where the said tobacco shall be prized, and securely packed in hogsheads, or other packages, suitable for market, by said agents. Sec. 3. That the tax assessor shall require a statement from each farmer or planter, as to the different qualities of tobacco raised by him, and shall assess as due the Confederate States, one tenth of each of said qualities, which shall be stated separately in his estimates, and shall be delivered separately by the farmer or planter, at tbe prizing depots. Sec. 4. All acts and parts of acts, inconsistent with the foregoing, Are hereby repealed. Approved January 30th, 1864. THE ASSESSMENT ACT. AN ACT for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes, OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF TAXES CREATED. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That for the purpose of saperin tending the collection of in- ternal duties, or taxes imposed, or which may be hereafter imposed by law, and of assessing the same, an office is hereby created in the office * com Treasury Department to be called the office of the commissioner of missioner of taxes taxes ; and the President of the Confederate States is hereby au- C1-eated - thorized to nominate, and with the advice and consent of the Senate, commissioner to appoint a commissioner of taxes, with an annual salary of three how appointed. thousand dollars, who shall be charged, under the direction of the Duties! Secretary of the Treasury, with preparing all the instructions, regula- tions, directions, forms and blanks, and distributing the same, or any part thereof, and with all other matters pertaining to the assessment and collection of the duties and taxes which may be necessary to carry the laws, passed for the purpose, into effect, and with the general su- perintendence of his office, as aforesaid, and the Secretary of the Treasury may assign to the office of commissioner of taxes such number of clerks as he may deem necessary, or the exigencies of the Clmca force - public service may require. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of assessing, levying and collecting all taxes and internal duties, each State shall constitute a tax division, Ea ? h state to over which shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and division. 6 consent of the Senate, one State collector, who shall be a resident and . Sute Rectors, /••lit. in -ii .. tr now appointed. freeholder in such State, with a salary of one-tenth of one per cent, on salary. the amount collected in each State : Provided, That in no case shall the salary be less than two thousand nor more than three thousand %utations of dollars, and said State collector shall, under the regulations prescribed sa by the commissioner of taxes, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, be charged with the duties imposed upon himself, and with the superintendence and direction of all the duties of the various collector. ° f State officers in his division or State, created by this act. The said State collector shall give bond, with sureties, to discharge the duties of his office in such amount as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the **** *| g 0l i*J*| r " Treasury, and shall take oath faithfully to discharge the duties of his office and to support and defend the Constitution of the Confederate 0athof omce- States. TAX DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT COLLECTORS. Sec. 3. Each State collector shall divide his State into convenient Sub-division of collection districts, following as nearly as may be practicable the coun- tionflktriets^how ties or tax districts into which the State may have been sub-divided by regulated; 22 THE ASSESSMENT ACT. its own State government. But the Secretary of the Treasury may authorize two or more sparsely populated counties to be included in one collection district, when so recommended by the State collector, and may sub-divide large towns or cities into two or more collection districts, when so recommended by said State collector. For each of these districts a tax collector, to be called the district District collector collector, shall be appointed by the State collector, subject to the how appointed. a pp rova i f tQe Secretary of the Treasury, and each of these district collectors shall be charged with the duty of causing to be assessed aud m levied, and of collecting all taxes imposed or required to be paid by trict U coiiectors. any act of Congress, upon any persons or property within the said district. The said district collector shall be a resident freeholder of the tax district in which he shall be appointed, and shall be subject to shall be a , resi- suca regulations a3 shall be prescribed by the commissioner of taxes, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 4. That before any such collector shall enter upon the duties oi his office, he shall execute a bond for such amount as shall ..' be prescribed by the commissioner of taxes, under the direction of the ior^naVi C givubciHi Secretary of the Treasury, with not less than two sureties, to be ap- proved as sufficient by the commissioner of taxes, conditioned that said collector shall faithfully perform the duties of his office ; which bond shall be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the Treasury. Bono, form an'i And each collector shall, from time to time renew, strengthen and in- craase his official bond, as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct. And each collector, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall -lull ^ke oa ^ faithfully to discharge tbo duties of his office, and that he renew bond. will support and defend the Constitution of the Confederate States. Sec. 5. That each district collector shall be authorized to appoint, by an instrument of writing under his hand, as many deputies as he Collector's oath ma y think proper, to be by him compensated for their services, and al- so to revoke any such appointment, giving such notice thereof as the commissioner of taxes shall prescrioe; and may require bonds, or District coiiec- other securities, and accept the same from such deputy ; and each tors may appoint suca deputy shall have the like authority in every respect, to collect 'compensation of the duties and taxes levied and assessed within the portion of the dis- deputies ^ r j ct a3S jorried to him, which is by this act vested in the district col- District «ollec- a > _ J . . tors may revoke lector himself; but each district collector shall, in every respect, be re- put iTs° tr and t0 m d ay sponsible for all monies collected, and for every act done as deputy require bonds and collector by any of his deputies whilst acting as such, and for every "i^putles, autho omission of duty. The collector in each State shall appoint in eacn rity.of. district, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, an assessor or assessors, who shall be residents therein, and each assessor tor responsible for so appointed and accepting the appointment, shall, before he enters on deputies. ^e duties of his appointment, take and subscribe, before some com- , petent magistrate, or some district collector to be appointed by Assessors, how r, & » . . , rr j appointed. virtue ot this act, (who is hereby empowered to administer the same) the following oath or affirmation, to-wit : "I, A. B., do swear, or af- Assessor shall f irjn / ag jJjq case ma y De ,) that I will svpport the Constitution, of the take oath or office. ***& l .° c ™- P ' r , ' V , -. ° ... ted in district* management ot property, goods, wares and merchandise, aniens or outside of that iu objects not lying or being within the collection district in which they J^j^ ^ aTby reside, shall be permitted to make out and deliver the lists thereof them be returned required by this act, (provided the district in which the said objects thereof. a3se of duty or taxation are situated is therein distinctly stated,) at the time and in the manr er prescribed to the assessor of the district wherein such persons reside. And it shall bo the duty of the asses- List to be trans sor who receives any such list to transmit the same to the assessor "Jj*^ £° ^ d **" where such objects of taxation are situate, who shall examine such tfiet where such lists ; and if he approves the same, he shall return it to the assessor tedf erty 3 loc *~ from whom he received it, with his approval thereof; and if he fails to approve the same, he shall make such alteration thereon as he may deem to be just and proper, and shall then return the said list, with sueh alterations thereon, or additions thereto, to the assessor from whom he received the said list ; and the assessor where the person liable to pay such tax resides, shall proceed in making the assessment of the tax upon the list by him so received, in all respects, as if the said list had been made out by himself. DISTRICT COLLECTORS, AFTER COLLECTING THE LISTS, SHALL MAKE TWO GENERAL LISTS. Sec. 13. That the lists aforesaid shall be taken at such times as may be prescribed by the commissioner of taxes under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury or with reference to the t:me when said taxes become clue ; and the district collectors respectively, after collecting the said lists, shall proceed to arrange the same, and to two lists to be make two general lists, the first of which shall exhibit, in alphabetical ™£ e cto b r y g- district order, the names of all persons liable to pay any tax, residing within Lists shall con- the collection district, together with the value and assessment, or t ^ D p^y^ resfd- enumeration, as the case may require, of the objects liable to taxatiqc ing within district, within such district, for which each such person is liable, or for which any firm, company or corporation is liable, with the amount of tax payable thereon; and the second list shall exhibit, in alphabetical List of tax -pay- order, the names of all persons residing out of the collection district, cbiiectionlistrwt. owners of property within the district, together with the value and assessment, or enumeration thereof, as the case may be, with the Forms of liststo amount of tax payable thereon, aa aforesaid. The forms of the. said £e made by state general list shall be devised and prescribed by the State collector, under the direction of the commissioner of taxes, and lists taken ac- cording to such forms shall be made out by the assessor or assessors, e r«d to district 26 THE ASSESSMENT ACT. «oii*eters. an< l delivered to the district collector within thirty days after the time ure'of 1 ""! f ?' fa 't' ' fi xe ^ D y this act as aforesaid. And if any assessor shall fail toper- perform dutiw of form any duty assigned by this act within the time as aforesaid, not inuoffise. being prevented therefrom by sickness, or other unavoidable cause, every such assessor shall be discharged from office, and shall, moreover, forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the Confederate States, with costs of suit. WHERE LISTS MAY BE EXAMINED, AND WHEN APPEALS SHALL BE TAK^P, DECIDED, E1C. Sec. 14. The collectors for each collection district shall, by adver- •f^maMngUrt^te tisement in some public newspaper published within his district, if any be advertised. SU ch there be, or by written or printed notifications, to be posted up in at least four places within each district, advertise all persons con- cerned, of the time and place witbin said district when and where the miUifopen' fifteen ^ s1jS » valuations and enumerations, made and taken .within said dis- *»w trict, may be examined ; and said lists shall remain opeu for the space and PI wifere to be of fifteen days after notice shall have been given as aforesaid. And said received; notifica- notifications shall also state when and where, within said district, after tion thereof to be . ... i> • i r. * -, 1.111 • 1 11 made. the expiration of said fifteen days, appeals will be received and de- termined relative to any erroneous or excessive valuation or enumera- tions by the assessor. And it shall be the duty of each collector for Coiieetor shall eac h collection district, at the time fixed for hearing such appeal as persons. ' l aforesaid, to submit the lists taken and returned as aforesaid, to the inspection of any and all persons who may apply for that purpose. And the said collector for each collection district is hereby authorized Collector to hear a t any time within fifteen days from and after the time allowed for no- and determine ap- .. /. e -i , 1 J ■> -, . peais. titication as aforesaid, to hear and determine, in a summary way, ao- ot app^Vshan^e cor ding ^o law and right, upon any and all appeals which may be ex- determirTed b.y dis- hibited : Provided, That the question to be determined by the collec- tuet collector. ^ or ^ 0Q ftn a pp ea j inspecting the valuation or enumeration of property, or objects liable to taxation shall be, whether the valuation complained of be or be not in a just relation or proportion to othor valuations in the same district, and whether the enumeration be or not correct. made Pe in' s waiting And all appeals to the district collector, as aforesaid, shall be made in and what they writing, and shall specify the particular cause, matter, or thing respect- ing which a decision is requested; and shall, moreover, state the ground Collector h a s or principle of inequality or error complained of. And the collector power to examine s hajl have power to re-examine and equalize the valuations as shall ap- ations. ' pear just aud equitable ; but no valuation or enumeration shall be in- crea se Ce in °vaiua'- crease d without a previous notice, of at least five days, to the party tion by collector interested to appear aud object to the same, if he judge proper ; which payer. plvea tax notice shall be given by a note in writing, to be personally served or left at the dwelling house, office, or place of business of the party by such collector : Provided, That this secti"n shall not apply to eati- Section not ap- mates of income and profits, or of taxes in kind, mnde by appraisers mates' of income or referees as prescribed in the act passed in April, in the year eigh- and profits, or of teen hundred and sixtyAhree, entitled " An act to lay taxes for the common defence and carry on the government of the Confederate States." THE ASSESSMENT VCT. 27 THE PREPARATION OF LISTS FOR STATE OOLLE«TORS ADD IHZ MODE AND MANNER Or 00&L20TLN9 TAXES. Seo. 15. The district collectors shall, immediately after the expi- ration of the time for hearing and deciding appeals, make out correct ' J ', st ? ,0 be . m ,'"! e . ™ a , rr , . . anu - forwarded to lists of the valuation and enumeration in each of their districts rcspec- state collector, tively, and deliver the same to the State collector, who shall collate ^muS '°" Ut ''" the same in proper form and forward the same to the commissioner of taxes. Sec. 16. As soon as the said district collectors shall deliver their District •oiuc- lists of assessment to the State Collector, they shall respectively give ti°co sl when IT taxea notice, by advertisement published in each collection district, in one a™ d U8 and paya- newspaper printed in said district, if any such there be, and by noti- place of payment. fixations to be posted up in at least four public places in each district, that the said taxes have become due and payable, and state the time and place within said district at which he will attend to receive the same, which time shall not be less than thirty days after such notifica- Penalty for fail tion ; and all persons who shall neglect to pay the taxes so assessed when°due! y taxe " as aforesaid, upon them, to the collector within the time specified, shall be liable to pay ten per centum additional upon the amount thereof, the fact of which liability shall be stated in the advertisement and notification aforesaid. And with regard to all persons who shall h»w •oUeetn neglect to pay as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the collector in per- 8ha11 proceed in 6 •■ ", * .,.' -, , J , ," cage of failure to son, or by deputy, within twenty days after such neglect to make a de- pay taxes. mand personally, or at the dwellings or usual places of business of such persons, if any they hare, for payment of said taxes, with the ten per cent, additional, aforesaid. And with respect to all'such taxes as are OpUeetor shall not included in the lists aforesaid, and all taxes, the collection of which payment of a 1 1 is not otherwise provided for in this act, it shall be th« duty of each [a^s not included collector, in person, or by deputy, to demand payment thereof, in man- ner aforesaid, within ten days from and after the same become due by law ; and if the annual and other taxes shall not be paid within ten „ n t * days from and after such demand therefor, it shall be lawful for such shall proceed in - case of failure ta collector, or his deputy or deputies, to ^proceed to collect the said taxes by distraint and sale of the goods, chattels, or effects of the per- *; CoUe«tw pay. distrain. sons delinquent as aforesaid. And in case of such distraint, it shall be the duty of the officer charged with the collection to make, or cause to In case of di3 . be made, an account of the goods or chattels which may be distrained, t™ int . an account a copy of which, signed by the officer making such distraint, shall be Tnaif be made bj left with the owner or possessor of such goods, chattels, or effects, or e ° lleetor aild °°pt , , ,,. «.', & ; T_ ■ ' .' thereof left with at his or her dwelling with some person of suitable age and discretion, tax payer, accom- with a note of the sum demanded, and the time and place of sale ; KSJSSJjE* and the said officer shall forthwith cause a notification to be published in some newspaper within- the d»trict wherein the distraint is made, Notification »f if there is a newspaper published in said district, or to be publicly SS^S' to be ad ~ posted up at the postoffice, if there be one within five miles, nearest to the residence of the person whose property shall be distrained, and in not less than two other public places, which notice shall specify the ar- ticles distrained and the time and place fo» sale thereof, which time shall not be less than ten nor more than twenty days from the date of such notification, and the place proposed for sale not more than five disTraintshau'spe- miles distant from the place of making such distraint : Provided, eify. That in case of distraint for the payment of the taxes aforesaid, the 28 THE ASSESSMENT ACT. goods, ohattels, or effects so distrained shall and may be restored to Detrained goods, the owner or possessor, if, prior to the sale, payment or tender shall be to tax payer.' ' made to the proper officer charged v?ith the collection, of the fall amount demanded, together with such fee for levying, and such sum for the necessary and reasonable expense of removing, advertising and keeping the goods?, chattels, or effects so distrained, as may be pre- scribed by the commissioner of taxes ; but in case of non-payment or tender as aforesaid, the said officer shall proceed to sell the said goods, chattels, or effects, at public auction, and shall and may retain from the proceeds of such sale, the amount demandable for the use of the Con- seinn case of Ve- federate States, with the necessary and reasonable expenses of distraint fusaito pay taxes, an( j sa ] e an d a. commission of five per centum thereon for his own and how he is to > . r disposeof the pro- use, rerdenng the over plus, if any there be, to the person whose seeds of sale. g 00( ] s> chattels, or effects, shall have been distrained. ► Sec. 17. That in all cases where the property liable to distraint for taxes under any act of Congress, may not be divisible, so as to en- able the collector by a sale of part thereof to raise the whole amount of property is not di- the tax with all costs, charges and commissions, the whole of such icctor e 'shair pro- P r0 P ert y sna ^ be so ^» an( * the surplus of the proceeds of the sale, af- «eed. ter satisfying the tax, costs and charges, shall be paid to the owner of the property, or his or their legal representatives, or if he, she or they cannot be found, or refuse to receive the same, then such surplus shall be deposited in the treasury of the Confederate States, in such manner as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to be there set apart aDd held for the use of the owner, or his or her or their legal representatives, until he, she or they shall make appli- cation therefor to the Secretary of the Treasury, who. upon such ap- plication, shall, by warrant on the treasury, cause the same to be paid incase distvaiu- to the applicant. And if the property advertised for salcas aforesaid, Sufficient "o "pay cannot be sold for the amount of the tax due thereon, with the costs taxes, &c. and charges, the collector shall purchase the same in behalf of the Confederate States for an amount not exceeding the tax, with the costs and charges thereon. And all property so purchased may be sold by said collector, under such regulations as may be prescribed .by the Collector shall com mi<.p.k;ner of taxes. And the collector shall render a distinct ac- render account of • , _ . . . . . . all charges incur- count of all charges incurred m the pfde ot such property, and shall ply 'over^Bwpios ra 7 ^ nto the treasury the surplus, if any there be, after defraying the of proceeds. charge. Sec. 18. The taxes assessed upon each person shall be a statutory ♦a/fV'shlTbe^' h^n upon all property of such person for and during the term of two years from the date of listing such person, in preference to any other lien, and the lands and other property of auy collector shall be bound Property of coi- by statutory lien for five years for all monies received by him for bound byVutilto- taxes, the dato of such lien to commence from the time of his re- *y "en- cciving the money. And the said liens shall extend to each and every part of all tracts or lots of land or dwelling houses, notwithstandirfg the same may have been divided or alienated in part. SALE OF REAL ESTATE AUTHORIZED. WHERE GOODS AND CHATTELS ARE INSUFFICIENT TO 8AT1SFT TAXES. Sio. 19. That in any case where goods, chattels or efiects, sufli- n.oiiiort to seize cient to satisfy the taxes imposed by law upon any person liable to real estate. THE ASSESSMENT ACT. 29 pay the same shall not be found by the collector or deputy collector whose duty it may be to collect the same, he is hereby authorized to collect the same by seizure and sale of real estate of such person ; and the officers making such seizure and sale shall give notice to the per- Notice of seiz- son whose estate is proposed to be sold, by giving him in hand, or uretobe »* en " leaving at his usual place of abode, a notice in writing, stating what particular estate is proposed to be sold, describing the same with reasonable certainty, and the time, when, and place where, said officer proposes to sell the same. And the said collector shall first advertise the same for thirty days in a newspaper printed within the collection f seizure 6 ^ be district, if such there be, or shall post up in at least four public umde - places within the district a notification of the intended sale thirty days previous thereto and shall proceed to sell at public sale so much of the said property as may be necessary to satisfy the taxes due, to- gether with an addition of twenty per centum. But in all cases How collector where the property liable to tax under this act may not be divisible so ^n property 6 is as to enable the collector by a sale of part thereof to raise the whole not divisible. amount of the tax, with all costs, charges and commissions, the whole sen? of such property shall be sold, and the surplus of the proceeds of the s <«pius °f p'o- l ' jy l- / • it. a. x i j • • i n i ceeds of sale, how . sale, atter satisfying the tax, costs, charges and commissions, shall be toba disposed. paid to the owner of the property, or to his legal representatives, or if he or they cannot be found, or refuse to receive the same, then such surplus shall be deposited in the treasury, there to be held and drawn out in like manner as provided in this act in reference to the surplus arising from the sale of goods, chattels and effects. And if the pro- when property perty advertised for sale as aforesaid, cannot be sold for the amount of fg u^uffidenV'ito tax due thereon, with the said additional twenty per centum thereto, pay tajces, the collector shall purchase the same in behalf of the Confederate ghaii have^po^er States for the amount aforesaid : Provided, That the owner or super- t0 Bt °P 6ale - intendent of the property aforesaid, after the same shall have been, as aforesaid, advertised for sale, and before it shall have been actually sold, shall be allowed to pay the amount of the tax thereon, with an addition of ten per centum on the same, on the payment of which the sale of the property shall not take place: Provided, also, That the v *™ tt ™? u\ e * owners, their heirs, executors, or administrators, or any person on taxes may be re- their behalf, shall have liberty to redeem the lands and other property c,eeme ' 1 - sold as aforesaid, within two years from the time of sale, upon pay- ment to the collector for the use of the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, of the amount paid by such purchaser, with interest for the saoo e at the rate of twenty per centum per annum ; and no deed shall be given iB Tn h u"e ta m mtary until the time of redemption shall have expired: Provided further, service ofthecon- mi i federate Stit pa That when the owner of any land or other real property sold for taxes or an infant, or under the provisions of this act shall be in the military service of the feme C0 J er ?' ° r of r\ e j « i* i i • ••ii it,-. unsound mind. Confederate bfcates, before and at the time said sale shall have been made, or shall be an infant under twenty-one years of age, a married woman, or person of unsound mind, the said owner shall have the privilege of redeeming the said property at any time within two years after the close of his term of service, or after the disability of such infant, married woman, or person of unsound mind, is removed. And the render-In acconnt collector shall render a distinct account of the charges incurred in ° f *f\ a,u l d ? &y t offering and advertising for sale such property, and shall pay into the proceeds Ihweof. treasury the surplus, if any there be, of the aforesaid addition of twenty per centum, or ten per centum, as the case may be, after 30 THE ASSFSSME¥T ACT. Deeds for pro- defraying the charges. And in every case of the Bale of real estate, «, r &w»a£* a T which shall be made under the authority of this act by the collectors respectively, or their lawful deputies respectively, the deeds for the estate so sold shall be prepared, made and executed, and proved or acknowledged, at the time and times prescribed in this act by the collectors respectively, within whose uollection district such real estate shall be situated, in such form of law as shall be authorized and re- quired by the laws of the State in which such real estate lies, for making, executing, proving and acknowledging deeds of bargain and sale, or other conveyances for the transfer and conveyance of real estate ; and for every deed so prepared, made, executed, proved and Purchaser to acknowledged, the purchaser or grantee shall pay to the collector the pa \ fi r d aper idt sum °f tw0 dollars for tQe use °^ c °U ector or otD - er P erson effecting one p a ers S o S n ai the sale of the real estate thereby conveyed: Provided, That all lands SSffi* IKS sold to one person at the same time shall be included in one deed. deed. It shall be the duty of every collector to keep a record of all Bales of kSttfl M land made in his collection district, whether by himself or his deputy, Bales, ancT what iu w ki c h s hall be set forth the tax for which any such Bale was made, eahibit. COr * s * the dates of seizure and sale, the name of the party assessed, and all proceedings in making said sale, the amount of fees and expenses, Deputy making the name of purchaser, and the date of sale, which record shall be statement Merlof certified by the officer making the sale. And it shall be the duty of under certificate an y deputy making sale as aforesaid to return a statement of all his t0 Reeo e rd 0r thereof proceedings to the collector, and to certify the record thereof. This tvict'c'o'urtandt record shall be deposited in the clerk's office of the district court of h e prima 'fade t he Confederate States, in which thepands sold are situate,and a certified fa v cus n t e ated f tke h re e - copy thereof shall be prima facie evidence in any court of the facts in 'when lands-are stated therein. And when any lands sold as aforesaid shall be redeem- fedeemed *edte2 ed as hereinbefore provided, the collector shall certify the fact of such ■rtheaeTof'the redemption to the clerk of said court, to be filed with the record afore- eomt. sa id as evidence of such redemption. And the claim ot the govern- thr h /overnm m e n °t f ment to lands sold under and by virtue of the foregoing provisions, to lands sold for _i,yj ^ e held to have accrued at the time of the seiswre thereof. taxes accrues. RECEIPTS FOR TAXES AND DISPOSITION OF MONIES COLLECTED. Sec. 20. Upon receiving the tax due by each person, the collector Collector, shall shall sign receipts in duplicate, one whereof shall be delivered to the St s ,lup ' icate re - person paying the same, and the other shall be forwarded to the State collector of that State. The money collected during each month, Monies collected r during any shorter period which may be designated by the Secretary (vLdeTto b stat r e of the Treasury, shall be also immediately forwarded to the said State collector. collector ; and the several State collectors shall, at the expiration of every month after collections have been commenced, transmit to the BhanmakemonSj commissioner of taxes a statement of the amount of collections re- ly returns of re- cc i ve( j w ithin the month, and pay over monthly, or at such time or rira£ or taxe™ and times as may be required by the commissioner ot taxes the monies by £hVr7qui n r iCS them respectively received within the said term, and at such places as may be designated and required by the commissioner of taxes ; and District eoiiee- cacQ f the district collectors shall complete the collection of all sums iTte tfihSSZ annually assigned to them for collection, shall pay over the same to ,,fty over aii moo- tlie State collector, and shall render his final account to the said State antia. r . e . n unt collector as often as he may be required, and within six months from vrta«n«v«r rtquir- , after tbe ^ w ] icn fc e shall have received the collection lists from ed. * THE ASSESSMENT ACT. " the assessor or assessors of his district. And the Secretary of the «, e ^ a ry °..r ' 'tile Treasury is authorised to designate one or more depositories in each ^grtoderip State for the deposit and safe keeping of the monies collected by illlf , lf mon ieH. virtue of this act; and the receipt of the proper officer of such deposi- $£$?$ a b °; tory to a State collector for the money deposited by him shall be a rouchet; m* ntfa sufficient voucher for such State collector in the settlement of his ac- <:o "'' counts at the Treasury Department ; and the commissioner of taxes ( may, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, proscribe RegulatiftM for such regulations with reference to such deposits as ho maydeera ne- deposit to bepre- cessary. And the State collector shall famish tho commissioner of I^X'n^u,^. taxes with a list specifying the names and amounts of each of the tax $&*%"&*£ receipts which shall have been forwarded to him as aforesaid by the jqjssioner <>r taxes ,. r i, with lists COfltairi- distnct collectors. |tn< pamea and Sec. 21. That each collector shall be charged with the whole amounu of tax amount of taxes, whether contained in the lists delivered to him by r % e of lec 'to r chsfg- the assessors respectively, or delivered or transmitted to him by other ea with w hou collectors, and shall bo credited with the amount of taxes contained in collector h o « the lists transmitted in the manner above provided to other collectors, •"^p and by him receipted as aforesaid, And also for thetaxe? of such per- sons as may have absconded or become insolvent prior to tho day when the tax ought, according to the provisions of this act, to have been collected: Provided, That it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the ^J^*™^ °[ comptroller of the Treasury, that due diligence was used by the collec- Ba t1sflea y tiiat due tor, and that no property was left from Which the tax could have been g^y^oife* recovered. And each collector shall also be credited with the amount tor of property purchased by him for the use of the Confederate States, ^ITfL-Von- provided he shall faithfully account for and pay over 4ho proceeds federate states to thereof upon a resale of the same as required by this act. i ec - tor . DEFAULTING COLLECTORS. DISTRESS WARRANT AGAINST THEM AND THEIR SURETIES. Sec. 22. That if any collector shall fail to collect or pay over to the chief collector, the amounts collected as hereinbefore provided, it shall stata co i lector be the duty of the State collector, and he is hereby authorized and re- £$$&*{*&£ quired, immediately after such delinquency, to report the same to the lectors. commissioner of taxes, who shall issue a warrant of distress against useTThlnT'ue jsuch delinquent collector and his sureties, directed to the marshal of warrant of a i s- the district, therein expressing the amount of the taxes with which the said collector is chargeable and the sums, if any, which have been paid. And the said marshal shall himself, or by his deputy, immediately pro- Marshal sha , { ceed to levy and collect the sum which may remain due, by distress levy ^ co1 ^ and sale of the goods and chattels, or any personal effects of the delin- sal6) Ifj^'ft'Sg qaent collector, giving at least five days notice of the time and place of notice thereof. sale, in the manner provided by law for advertising sales of personal property on execution in the State wherein such collector resides: Incasegoodsof And, furthermore, If such goods, chattels and effects cannot be found collector are in- sufficient to satisfy the said warrant, the said marshal or his deputy shall g vwJL* how and may proceed to levy and collect the sum which remains due, by marshal shall pro- distress and sale of goods and chattels, or personal effects of the surety or sureties of the delinquent collector, giving notice as hereinbefore ffin of gaJe of provided. And the bill of sale cf the officer of any goods, chattels marshal to be /m- or other personal property, distrained and sold as aforesaid, shall BS^ a Q" ae t0 ™"£ prima facte evidence of title to the purchaser, and of the right of the chaser. 32 THE ASSESSMENT ACT. Lands and rt*i officer to make such sale, and of the correctness of his proceedings in anTsure^s'tou- selling the same. And for want of goods and chattels, or other per- atotrainedto case effects of such collector or hi3 sureties, sufficient to satisfy any personal effects . ,. . . , . , .. ' ,. ,. i ,,/ are insufficient to warrant oi distress, issued pursuant to tne preceding section or this di!tre ; sB Wairant ° f ac *> the hinds and real estate as such collector and sureties, or so much thereof as may be necessary for satisfying the said warrant, after be- i icg advertised for at least three weeks in not less than three public places in the collection district, and in one newspaper printed in the district, if any there be, prior to the proposed time of sale, may and shall be sold at public auction by the marshal or his deputy, who, upon such sale, shall, as such marshal or deputy marshal, make and deliver to the purchaser of the premises so sold a deed of conveyance and^deiher "deed thereof, to be executed and acknowledged in manner and form prescribed of conveyance, by the law* of the State in which said lands are situated, which said deed so made shall invest the purchaser with all the title and interest of the defendant or defendants named in said warrant, existing at the time of seizure thereof, and all monies that remain of the proceeds of Surplus of pro- such sale, after satisfying the said warrant of distress, and paying the ter d payLg al costg f ' reas01ia ^ c cosfejand charges of silo, cball be returned to the proprie- &c, to be paid tor of the lands or ro?\ estate sold as aforesaid. over to proprie- tors of land. EXTORTION AND PENALTY THEREOF. :h and every collector or his deputy, who shall exercise or be guilty of any extortion or wilful oppression under color of*this act 1 knowingly demand other or greatersums than shall Penan - r ■ ^ c au thorized by this act, f.hall be liable to pay a sum not exceeding toition by coiiec- double the amount of damages accruing to the party injured, to tur- be recovered by and for the use of the party injured, with costs of suit, and shall be dismissed from office, and be disqualified from holding such office thereafter ; and each and every collector or depuMesshaii give his deputy shall give receipts for all sums by them collected and coifJctfoM 01 a " retained in pursuance of this act. Sec 24. That all property, credits, income and profits, and every Estimate and article or object subjected to taxation, shall be estimated, valued and peny^credits &c°' assessed, at the value thereof at the time of assessment, in Confederate how to be made. note!-.. COLLECTORS AND ASSESSORS TO ENTER BUILDING. PENALTY FOR REFUSING TO ADMIT THEM. Sec. 25. That the collector or deputy collector or assessor shall be nties Ind^'asses- authorized to enter, in the day time, any brewery, distillery, manufac- »orsto have right ^ or y building, or place other than the dwelling house, where any pro of entry to all pre- J' • i i_ • i_' «. » 11 ■raises except dwei- pei ty, articles or objects subject to taxation are made, produced or 1 To inppect books, kept within his district, or in which any taxed business is conducted, so far as it may be necessary to ascertain the amount and value of said property, articles or objects, he may also inspect any books in which are kept the entries of such items as are required to make the returns required from time to time to be made ; and every owner of such Penaty for re- brewery, distillery, manufactory, building or place, other than the fusaito admit coi- dwelling house, or persons having the agency or superintendence of the same, who shall retuse to admit such officer, or to suffer him to examine said property, articles or objects, or to inspect said accounts, shall for every such refusal, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars. THE ASSESSMENT ACT. 33 COLLECTOR BEING SICK DEPUTY TO ACT. Sac. 26. That in case of the sickness or temporary disability of a Do pu t r tuthor- collector to discharge such of his duties as cannot, under existing lawt |* e f t0 * <:t ■• • 0l ; i t i ii j i ii i i x i • i • i lector In case ot be discharged by a deputy, they may be devolved by him on his dep ii«kn««oi utter, uty : Provided, That information thereof be immediately communi- cated to the Secretary of the Treasury, and shall not be disapproved th I e "e° f r ?J,*bVfo* by him : And provided further, That the responsibility of the collec- warded ae«reto# tor or his sureties to the Confederate States shall not be affected or ° ooiieetoT't* w. impaired thereby. responsible. DEATH OF COLLECTOR. Sec. 27. That in case a collector shall die, the deputy of such col- Deputy to a«t lector, if he have one, shall continue to act until the successor be ap- tor^deatti. 00 pointed : Provided, He shall not so aot for a period exceeding sixty """f,! " 8 *•*■" days; and the deputy of such collector may and shall, until a succes- sor shall be appointed, discharge all the duties of said collector ; and uemedy to v>« for the official acts and defaults of such deputy, a remedy shall be had ?> aa , °, n oiioW ,, n? • i i i^i n • * i i ii bon(J of •oliector on the omcial bond ot the collector, as in other cases ; and any bond in case of dafauit or security taken of such deputy by such collector, pursuant to the ° de P ut y- provisions in this act, shall be available to his heirs or representatives, Bondof j t to indemnify them for loss or damage accruing from any act of the to be available to proper deputy so continuing or so succeeding to the duties of such fa"L°J of°o«ftuat Collector. • of former. COLLECTORS AND DEPUTIES AUTHORIZED TO COLLECT ALL TAXES, AND PROSECUTE FOR RECOVERY OF FINES ABD PENALTIES. Sec. 28. That it shall be the duty- of the collectors aforesaid, or their deputies, in their respective districts, and they arc hereby autho- rised to collect ail the taxes imposed by law, however the same may be designed, and to prosecute for the recovery of the 3ame, and for the e ^f^« ^recov- recoveiy of any sum or sums which may be forfeited by virtue of this eredin the name act; and all fines, penalties and forfeitures which may be incurred or the Confederate imposed by virtue of this act, shall and may be sued for and recovered States - in the name and for the use of the Confederate States, in any proper form of action or proceeding, before any court of competent jurisdic- tax-payers may tion : Provided, That any person who is a non-resident of the State SHJ^^S 1 «,.., , J l 111 £ 1 MULCS 10 OtaXQ in which he may have taxes to pay, may pay the whole amount of such collector of state taxes directly to the State collector of the State in which such taxes ^"4 roperty * are due, and any person having to pay taxes in two or more collection Tax-payers may districts of the same State, may, if he resides in such State, pay the property located whole amount of his taxes in that State to the district collector of the SS5S?-££mS district wherein the tax-payer resides, and the said State or district to collector of dis- collector, as the case may be, shall issue separate receipts, in duplicate, i£a&e. eIem they to such tax-payer, for the amount of taxes due and paid on property Duplicate to re- i_- 11 J t . • , 1 ,1 • 1 .1 e -i ceipts to be given in eacm collection district where the same is located, one 01 said re- such tax papers, ceipts to be retained by the tax-payer and the other to be delivered to j^them "nd'the the district collector of the district in which the property designated other delivered to therein is situated. SPS£ £. perty therein de- FALSE 8 WEARING- HELD AS PERJURY. PENALTIES THEREOF. signated is situa- ted. Sec. 29. Oaths and affirmations required under this act, may be administered by any collector or assessor ; and if any person, in any 34 THE ASSESSMENT ACT, ad*miniBtered T by ca8C ' DjRtter > hearing or other proceeding, in which an oath or affirma- coiiecteror asiti- tion shall be required to be taken or administered under and by virtue of this act, shall, upon the taking of such oath or affirmation, know- False eweftrSuij ln $J aD( ^ willingly swear or affirm falsely, every person so offending decm«d pcrjur/. shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall on conviction thereof, be subject to the like punishment and penalties now provided by the ■JreaK for fa ' M laws of tnc Confederate States for the crime of perjury. ACCOUNTS TO BE KEPT AT TREASURY OF MONIES RECEIVED FROM EACH STATE. IN CASE OF LEVY AND SALE PARTY AGGRIEVED TO APPLY TO COLLECTOR FOR RELIEF. Sec SO. That separate accounts shall be kept at the Treasury of all monies received from each of the respective States, and the State collector shall procure from each tax collector such details as to the state collector fy x an< ] sna \i classify the same in such manner as the Secretarv of the to specify details n , iht* i ■ 3 <• it » e • of tax. Ireasury shall direct, and so as to provide fall information as to each subject of taxation. Remedy for tax- g £C gj That when any tax shall have been paid by levy and dis- payers applying J r J ,/J for relief. tiaint, any person or persons, or party who may feel aggrieved there- by may apply to the district collector for relief, and exhibit such evi- dence as he, she or they may have of the wrong done or supposed to have been done, and after a full investigation the collector shall report the cise, with such parts of the evidence as lie may judge material, in- District coiiec- eluding, also, such as may be regarded material by the party aggrieved, idencei'nThe case to the State collector, and the State collector shall, if it be made to to state collector, appear to him that such tax was levied or collected, in whole or in may refund am'ts part, wrongfully or unjustly, refund the amount, and shall have credit SSU^Sml ^«efor at the Treasury. BILL OF SALE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF COLLECTOR'S RIGHT TO SELL GOODS, ETC. Sec. 02. That iu all cases of distraint and sale of goods and chat tels for non-payment of taxes, provided for in this act, the bill of sale of such goods or chattels given by the officer making such sale to the purchaser thereof shall be prima facie evidence of the right of the officer to make such sale, and of the correctness of his proceedings in selling the same. REDEMPTION OF LAND8 SOLD FOR TAXES. COLLECTORS TO PAX FIVE PER CENT. ON MONIE8 HELD OVER. Sec. 33. That when land or other real property has been redeemed by the owner, his heirs, executors or administrators, or any one for him or them, in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this act, Collectors to pay the collectors shall, on application, pay to the purchasers the monies purchasers of land .1 -j r ii.- 1 » sold for taxes, thus paid for their use. redemption there- Sec 34. Each collector shall be charged with an interest of five "VoHectors char- P er cen t" P er montn , for all monies retained in his possession beyond gedfive per cent, the time at which he is required to pay over the same by law or by niw™ctainec£ mo " regulations established by the Secretary of the Treasury, or the com- missioner of taxes, under his direction. THE ASSESSMENT ACT. 35 . RULES AND REGULATIONS. Sjjo. 35. That the commissioner of taxes, under the direction of commissioner or the Secretary of the Treasury, is authorized to establish all rules ta * es t0 estabitah and regulations suitable and proper to carry this act into effect, which tion*. an regu *" regulations shall be binding on all officers ; he may in like manner, frame instructions as to all details, which shall be obligatory upon all parties embraced within the provisions of this act, and in cases where To /rams i ti- the time fixed for the peiformance and completion of the various duties prescribed for the various tax officers named in this act shall, to extend time from unavoidable exigencies, be insufficient, the commissioner of taxes, allowed for P er- by authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall have power to when the samVJ* make extension thereof, as circumstances and the public interest may ^ t d to be insuffl * require. And that in those States and localities, which are or may be .temporarily inaccessible, or which are so remote from the seat of To make exten- government, as to render it impracticable for lists or returns to be ce°r"ain^a^.° '" made by the time required by the provisions of this act, it shall bo the duty of the commissioner of taxes, by the authority of the Secre- tary of the Treasury, to make such extension of the time for making such lists and returns as circumstances and the public interests may require. COMPENSATION OF DISTRICT COLLECTORS. LIEN TO ATTACH FROM DATE 01P ASSESSMENT. Sec. 36. That the compensation of district tax collectors shall be five per centum on the first twenty thousand dollars collected and paid o//er, and two and a half per centum on all sums beyond that amount collected and paid over, until such compensation shall attain a maximum of two thousand dollars. And there shall be allowed and Maximum com- paid to the several assessors for their services under this act, five dol- tr e ict a coiiectorB dis " lars for every day employed in making lists and assessments under this act, the number of days being certified by the district collector Compensation and approved by the State collector, and also five dollars for every of assessor s- hundred taxable persons contained in the list as completed by such Maximum com- assessor and delivered to the collector : Provided, such compensation jJSSj** 011 of aa " shall not exceed one thousand dollars. Sec 37. The lien for the tax shall attach from the date of assess- ment, and shall follow the property into every State of this Confederacy ; Lien for tax to and in case any person shall attempt to remove any property, which JJ"*^ from date may be liable to tax, beyond the jurisdiction of the State in which the to follow proper tax is payable, without payment of the tax, the collector of the district ty " may distrain upon and sell the same in the manner as is provided in 0oUector mfty cases where default is made in the payment of the tax. distrain and B eii property about to be moved without DISBURSING CLERK FOR OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF TAXES. payment of tax. SEC 38. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall appoint a disburs- t J^^V Utk ing clerk for the office of commissioner of taxes, who shall give bond with sureties faithfully to discharge the duties of his office, in such amount as may be prescribed by ihe Secretary of the Treasury, and shall receive, in compensation therefor, the sum of seventeen hundred compensation. and fifty dollars. And it shall be the duty of said disbursing clerk to 36 THE AiSESSMENT ACT. examine and settle all accounts for salaries, commissions, and other Duties, expenses incidental to the assessment and collection of the taxes pro- vided for by law, and he shall render monthly or quarterly statements to the proper auditor, as shall be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and shall conduct the correspondence in relation thereto, under the supervision and control of the commissioner of taxes. PERSONS ELIGIBLE TO OPFICB UNDER TOE ACT. Sec. 39. No person shall be eligible to fill any of the offices enume- rated in this act, unless he shall have attained the age of forty years, < or, if under that age, shall have been discharged from military doty, by reason of disabilities received in the military service, or shall have been declared unfit for military duty, by the proper board, from other cause?. MISCELL1NE01T3 PROVISIONS. Sec. 40. That all the officers mentioned in this act, whose ap- •dic^s may 1 be pointtuents are required to be made by and with the advice and con- made by Presi- seu t, f {^q Senate, may be appointed by the President during the dent during recess . ,. _. ' •> , . , x * . , 1.1111 1 •. 3 . . of senate. recess of the Senate, and said appointments shall be submitted to the ments h to P be 1 sub- Senate fur confirmation at its next session, and in case the same be not mitted at next sea- confirmed by the Senate at said session, such appointments shall ex- "to expire in pire at the end of the session, •ase they are not -g EC £\ That the provisions of this act shall not be construed to confirmed. , . . K . , - , Act not to alter, niter, impair, or repeal any portion 01 tbe act passed at the present ihetex ac£ epea1 ' session entitled "An Act to lay taxes for the common defence and carry on the government of the Confederate States," regulating the manner of ascertainicg and assessing the income tax for the year eighteen valuations f hundred arid sixty-three, and for subsequent years, and the manner of m'deTn Confede 8 - Ascertaining, assessing aud collecting the tax in kind : Provided, That rata notes. all valuation.-; required in ascertaining and assessing the said in- come tax and tax m kind, shall be made in Confederate notes. P to er make Sec. 42. That the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe regula- pre-paympntM of tions to enable any tax-payer to pay into the treasury, in advance such to interest 'here- sum as he may choose on account of taxes to accrue against him, and •"• ... , ,, to obtain therefor a certificate beaiing interest at the rate of five per Ocrtineate there- . 111 ■ • *. 1 m •r not transfera- cent, a year until his taxes are payable, but such certificate shall not "in bonds made he transferable. jayabie to con- gj^, 43. All bonds required to be executed under the provisions of this act shall be made payable to the Confederate States. vaiuat ; o m • f Sec 44. In no valuation of credits under the provisions of this act, •"•vie. Audi any credit upon which the holder will endorse in writing his willingness to receive Confederate notes in payment, be valued at a higher rate. Approtsb May 1st, 1868. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ASSESSMENT ACT. AN ACT to amend, the " Act for the Assessment and Collec- tion of Taxes," approved May first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the u Act for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes," approved May first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, is hereby amended as follows : I. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to appoint a Chief Clerk for the office of the Commissioner of Taxes, who shall re- ceive the same compensation allowed by law to the chief clerks of the other bureaus in the Treasury Department. II. The second section of the said act is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as fol- lows : Section 2. That for the purpose of assessing, levying and collect- ing all taxes and internal duties, each State shall constitute a tax divi- sion over which shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, one State Collector, who shall be a resident and freeholder in such State, with a salary of one tenth of one per oent. on the amount collected in each State. Provided, That in no case, shall the salary be less than two thousand nor more than five thousand dollars, and said State Collector shall, under the regulations prescribed by the Commissioner of Taxes, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, be charged with the duties imposed upon himself, and with the superintendence and direction of all the duties of the various officers in his division or State, created by this act. The said State Collector shall give bond with sureties, to discharge the duties of his office in such amount as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and shall take oath faithfully to discharge the duties of his office, ancfto support and defend the Constitution of the Confederate States. Third. Thirteenth section of the said act is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : Section 13. That the lists aforesaid shall be taken at such times as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Taxes, under the direc tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, or with reference to the time when the said taxes become due, and the assessors respectively after collecting the said lists, shall proceed to arrange the same, and to make two general lists, the first of which shall exhibit in alphabetical order the names of all persons liable to pay any tax, residing within the collection district, together with the value and assessment or enumera- tion, as the case may require, of the objects liable to taxation within such district, for which each such person is liable, or for which any firm, company or corporation is liable, with the amount of tax payable thereon ; and the second list shall exhibit in alphabetical order, the names of all persons residing ouL of the collection district, owners of property, within the district, together with the value and assessment, or enumeration thereof, as the case may be, with the amount of tax payable thereon as aforesaid. The forms of' said general lists, shall be devised and prescribed by the State Collector, under the direction of 38 ' AN ACT TO AMEND THE ASSESSMENT ACT. the Commissioner of Taxes ; and lists taken according to such forms, shall be made out by the assessor or assessors, and delivered to the district collector within thirty days after the time fixed by this act as aforesaid, and if any assessor shall fail to perform any duty assigned by this act, within the time aforesaid, not being prevented therefrom by sickness or other unavoidable cause, every such assessor shall be discharged from office, and shall moreover forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the Confederate States, with cost of suit. Fourth. The twenty-fourth section of said act is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : " Section 24. That all property, coin, currency, credits, income and profits, and every article or object subjected to taxation shall be esti- mated, valued, and assessed at the value thereof at the time of assess- ment, in Confederate Treasury notes unless otherwise provided in the law imposing the tax." Fifth. The thirty sixth section of the said act is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : "Section 36. The compensation of district tax collectors, shall be five per cent, on the first twenty thousand dollars, collected and paid over, two per cent, on the next thirty thousand dollars collected and paid over, one per cent, on the next fifty thousand dollars collected and paid over and one-tenth of one percent, on all monies collected and paid over above the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, and there shall be allowed and paid to the several assessors for their services un- der this act, eight dollars for every day employed in making lists and assessments under this act, the number of days being certified by the district collector and approved by the Stale Collector, and also eight dollars for every hundred taxable persons contained in the list as com- pleted by such assessor and delivered to the collector : Provided, That in cities and large towns, when in his judgment the public interest may require it, the Secretary of the Treasury shall have power to in- crease the per diem compensation of assessors, not to exceed ten dol- lars per day." Section 2. Referees under the " act to lay taxes for the common defence and carry on the Government of the Confederate States," ap- proved April twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, shall be paid for their services five dollars a day, while so employed, and asses- sors and collectors shall have power to compel the attendance of wit- nesses, by written summons, and to require their testimony in any matter or investigation, in reference to the assessments and estimates of taxes; such witnesses shall be entitled to the same compensation allowed witnesses for attending upon Courts of record in the State where they may be required to attend. Payments to referees and wit- nesses, shall be made by the disbursing clerk, in the office of the Com- missioner of Taxes, upon accounts certified as shall be required by the regulations of said office. Section 3. "When personal chattels or goods distrained for taxes, shall be claimed by any person other than the party for whose default the distraint is made, the claimant shall file with the officer making the distraint, an affidavit, stating distinctly the nature and extent of his claim ; and thereupon the right of property shall be determined asfolj lows : The collector and the claimant shall each select a disinterested AN ACT TO AMEND THE ASSESSMENT ACT. 39 freeholder of the vicinage, who may call in a third, in case of disagree- ment. If the claimant shall neglect or refuse to select a freeholder on his part, the Collector may select two, who shall proceed as before pro- vided. Witnesses may be introduced by either party, and the deci- sion in each case shall be final and conclusive. The referees and wit- nesses in such cases, shall be paid as provided in the second section, and any witness failing to attend upon the summons of referees, in any oase meutioned in this act, shall be subject to a penalty of one hun- dred dollars, to be recovered with costs, in any court of competent ju- risdiction. Section 4. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to dispense with the use of individual lists, bills, or statements required of tax-payers under the provisions of the " Act to lay taxes for the common defence and carry on the Government of the Confederate States," approved April twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty- three, and the " Act for the assessment and collection of taxes," ap- * proved May first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and the Commis- missioner of Taxes is hereby authorized and required under the direc- tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, to devise the manner and form of making returns and estimates of taxes, and to establish such sys- tem as may be deemed best for the assessment and collection of the taxes, without the individual lists, bills or statements aforesaid ; Provided, That the estimates of referees shall be made, as heretofore, in accordance with the provisions of the acts aforesaid. Section 5. If the Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer, or depositary of money of the Confederate Slates, or any clerk in the office of such treasurer, assistant treasurer, or depositary, or any collector of taxes, shall prior to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, in the course of the lawful business of such officer, have received in payment or on deposit in such office, any forged or counterfeit treasury notes, and shall establish by proof to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury, that the receipt of such forged or counterfeit treasury notes, was not the result of any want of diligence or care, and atten- tion, on the part of such officer, but was in good faith a mistake, in- volving no fault on his part, said Secretary shall have power to re- lieve such officer from liability, on account of any forged or counterfeit note so received. Approved February fTth, 1864. INDEX. Accounts to be kept at thJ treasury of all monies &c . ' 34 Act, life of the, 10 Act Assessment, not to altir, impair or repeal tax act, 86 Apothecaries 5 Appeals from assesmentg, how made, 19, 26 collectors to hear and determine, 26 what question shall be determined, 26 1 1 be made in writing, 26 Appointments of officers to be made by President to expire in certain cases, 36 Articles taxed ad valorem, 16,17 Assessments, time of, 2,12,16, IS how to be made, 16, '23 val tation of, 23, 36 Assess >rs, how appointed, 22 q laliiication and oath of office of, 22 penalty for failure to make oath 23 to make lists in case of failure of tax. payer to do so, 23 authorized to enter premises, 24, 25 failure ti perform duties, penalty for, 26, to have right of entry to alt premises, 25, nny administer oaths, 9, to deliver estimates to collectors and file receipts to transfer estimates of tax in kind on to- bacco, iScc, to reci tire statement of quality of tobacco tax- ed in kind &c, for tax in kind to be appointed by Secretary of War, of tax in kind to be different from assessors of money tax, duties of, compensation aid fees of, 14, 35, Auctioneers, Auction sales for registered dealers official, Bacon, 9, tax in kind on, may be commuted, tithe, exemptions from, Bakers, Bank bills notes, of issue, Bankers, Beeves, 12, Bill of sa'e of marshal to be prima facie evidence of tit'e, prima facie evidence of right of officer to sell Bills of exchange, Billiard rooms, Blankets, Books, newspapers &c, sales of, exempt, maybe inspected by collector and officers, Bonds of Confederate States, tax on, Bond State collector to fcive, district collector to give, of disbursing clerk, made payable to the Confederate States, Boots, 9, Bowling alleys, Brewers, Brokers, Brokers, cattle, Business to be registered, Butchers. Cattle, J2 Cattle brokers, ' 5 Certificatas of referees conclusive, 9. 39 of oath of assessor to be to be given to collec- tor, 22 Chief clerk to commissioner of taxes, appointment, of, 37 Circus, 4 Claim of government when accruing to land sold for taxes, 3) Classification of details of tax, 27, 34 Coal, 17 Collector district, how appointed, 22 qualification and duties of, 22 shall s.F be made, 82 Counterfeit ioi^ collectors, 4c , when relieved from likbilitj lor receipt of, 39 C ':r JY ira T.-holesale, j 3 retail, ' a tax on wholesale, 2 Vtx on retail, 2 in liquor, wholesale. 2 ia liquor, retail, 2 1)90 ts, j 1 Daductions from ad valorem tax for 1804, r «. 16 Deeds for property Bold for tax <«, how wade. ' 3j shall include all land sold to one person at same time, 30 of conveyance to be given by marshal, 82 Defaultir " collectors, how proceeded against, 31 Dentists, 5 Depositaries, Secretary of the Treasury to desig- nate receipts of, to be "^uchers for State collec- tors, ". >jr -^*j regulation for * be prescribed, Deputy collectors, h „ and by whom appointed, authority of, I bond required of, may act in caso of collector's disability. 22 to act in case of collector's death, how long to act. Id case of default of, remedy, bond of to be available to heirs of collector, authorized to collect all taxes or prosecute for same, Detailed soldiers, daily wages of, exempt, 20 Disbursing clerk, bond, dutiei and compensation 3A Distillers, ' 3 of fruit for ninety days or less S Distrain, collectors authorized to, in certain cases, 27, 85 notice of to be given 27 Distraint of lands and goods of collector and sure- ties, niiy bo made of property about to bo moved without payment of taxes, Distrained, right of property, how determined goodd when returnable to owner, property, how disposed of, when not divisi- ble, property, when insufficient t.» pay taxes, Dividends of stockholders, when exempt gating houses, Eligibility to office, automates, \\, 14, 25 general lists of, to be made, 14 of income, 8 and valuation of property, ice., kow to be made, 18 Bvidouce 10 cases of appeal *0 be forwarded to State collector SO Axehaovu, bil-s of, IT 'fflx^outora, duties of, 14 Exemptions, *, 5, If, 13, 14, IT, SO BxUrtion by collwtor, ponalty for, It I 'r.ilnre to pay taxes, ponalty for, 27 I False returus, 9 swearing deemed perjury, Sij peusity for, 34 : F.:,r. 11 1 Fiduciaries answerable for all taxes ice , 14 Fiues »ud; penalties to be recovery 1 for use of Con- lederw! States, 3? j Flour. 9, 17 Fodder, 17 Forage, Secre'ary of War to sel'. in certain cases, 13 F«reigners doing business in ihe Confederate States. 8 Fraudulent list, penalty for making. 24 valuation, how made in case of, ~* Fruit, distillers of, * Oold, 15 17 wares, 15 co'n. bullioa, .Vs., H (1'iardians, 14 Harness, IT Hats, 17 H»v, »,17 Hides, IT Hogs, slaughtered, 12 Horses, 13, IT Hoteis. * Incomes, 6 tax on, 8 -tax on, when and kow collectable, 8 not to iaclude products of la-i 1 taxed in kind, 8 deductions from, when and how to be made, t how estimated, B wh>>-: i xempf; 8 estimates of to be delivered to cdJle 14 additional tax on, when to be agteeted and co'lected, 16 for year 1564, when to be exempt, 16 Inns, Interest a'.lowed on prepayments of taxea, 96 certificates of, not transferable, 16 Iron, », 17 Jewels, jewelry, Ac, 16 Jugglers, 4 Lawyers, * Leather, ». IT Lessor released when tenant has paid tithe, Lien, statutory, t«x shall be a, 8S for tax to attach from date of .n.»'.jtnent, :* Liquors, wholesale dealers in, 2 retail dealers in, 2 List*, individual may be dispensed with, . ** two general, to be made by district collec- tors, 86, 8T character of general, to be made by district collectors, 25, 17 time and place of making, to be advertised, 24 when and where open to inspection, .4 appeals from, when and where to be received, 24 to be aiade and foi warded to State collector *c , « when tax payer faiU to wake, 24 of non-residents, how they may ke Made, 24 •hail be accepted when made aad subscribed bf Assessor, 24 penalty for fraadaleat, 24 Livery Stable keepers, * Manufacturer*, of iron. Manufacturing and Mining, MarsWt! to levy nud collect hy diiUess aad sale, It bill of sale of, to be prima facie evidence o! title, »* to make and deliver de.d of conveyance, M Mechanics products, when exempt, Merchandise, sales of, Merchants c •mmbsion, Molasses, *• M Monies collected as tax-s (kail ke foiwa aed to State collector, Mules, U| ' Sails, 17 Navigating; enterprises, Nour«':deut«, property of, kow aase«»e4, .»tj; 24 INDEX 43 may pay all taxes t,r> State collector, 8J Notice of increase of valuation to be served, 26 . of time of paying taxes to be given, 27 of seizure o.' Real Ksta'e Ac, to be given, "7 Oath of oBice District collector,. 22 of office State collect.. r, ? '21 Ofi.tb. assessor or collector may administer, 9, 11, 34 certificate of assessor's oath to be given to col- lector, '22 Oais, 9, 17 Papers of lands Bold for taxes to be paid for by pur- Cha er 19 Pawnbrokers, Pedlers, Penalty for fraudulent list, how prosecuted, for failure of assessor to perform duti. for failure to pay taxes when due, for extortion by collector, for refusal to admit collector and officers, /or false swearing, and fines to be recovered In name of Confed erate States, Photographers, Physicians, Plate, Pork, Post Quartermaster's, duty of to receive estimates and give receipt?. to collect and deliver, to be liable and account for all receipts of taxables, to state accounts and make returns, to deliver estimates in case of failure to col- lect, to transfer estimates In certain cases, Potatoes, sweet, commutation of tax in kind on, Prepaynu-H ;s, taxpayers has privilege to make certificate of, not transferable, Profits, Property. of non-resident tax-payers, low assessed, advertised for sale, how disposed of, when in- sufficient to pay taxes; 2S, 29 when sold for tixes, how and when redeem- able, 29 Prosecutions for failure t* pay taxes how made, 27 Purchases of property for Confederate States, to be credited, 81 Quartermasters authorised to collect tax in kind in certain cases, (see Post Quartermaster's,) Real Estate may be seised by collector in certain cases, 27 Receipt* of Quartermaster's or Commissaries for tax in kind to be good, for taxes to be made in duplicate, Record of sales of property, by whom and how made, Redemption of property sold for taxes, 28, 29, 84 of property of infants, idiots, Ac 29 certificate of, to be made by collector, monies to be paid purchasers of lands, Referees, how selected, certificate oi, conclusive, compensation of District collectors and assessors to compel at- tendance of, 88 Refund, Stale collectors may in certain eases 19, 34 Register, when necessary to make a new, 2 separate for each business, 1 Registration of business, how and when to be made, 1 failure to make, 1 Relief of tax payers in certain cases, 19, 34 of officers in certain cases, 39 Remedy for tax payers applying for relief, 34 Rents, deductions from in certain cases, 7 Retail dealers, who are, 2 in liquor, 8 ta