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Toward the middle of the month of May, in the year 1660, at nine o'clock in the morning, when the sun, already high in the heavens, was last absorbing the dew from the ravenelles of the castle of Blois, a little cavalcade, corn- posed of three men and two pages, re-entered the city by the bridge, without producing any other effect upon the passengers of the quay beyond a first movement of the hand to the head, as a salute, and a second movement of the tongue to express, in the purest French then spoken in France: "There is Monsieur returning from hunting." And that was all. While, however, the horses were climbing the steep acclivity v\hich leads from the river to the castle, several shop-boys approached the last horse, from whose saddle-bow a number of birds were suspended by the. beak. At seeing this, the inquisitive youths manifested with rustic freedom their contempt for such paltry sport, and, after a dissertation among themselves upon the disadvan- tages of hawking, they returned to their occupations. One | only of the curious party, a stout, chubby, cheerful lad, having demanded how it was that Monsieur, who, from his great revenues, had it in his power to amuse himself so _ much better, could be satisfied with such mean diversions. "Do you not know,** one of the standers-by replied, "that Monsieur's principal amusement is to weary himself?"' The light-hearted boy shrugged his shoulders with a ges- ture which said as clear as day: "In that case I would rather . be plain Jack than a prince." And all resumed then- labors. In the meantime, Mousieur continued his route with an 2 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. air at once so melancholy and so majestic, that he certainly would have attracted the attention of spectators, if specta- tors there had been; but the good citizens of Blois could not pardon Monsieur for having chosen their gay city for an abode in which to indulge melancholy at his ease, and as often as they caught a glimpse of the illustrious ennuye, they stole away gaping, or drew back their heads into the interior of their dwellings, to escape the soporific influence of that long, pale face, of those watery eyes, and that languid address; so that the worthy prince was almost cer- tain to find the streets deserted whenever he chanced to pass through them. '"jSow, on the part of the citizens of Blois this was a culpable piece of disrespect, for Monsieur was, after the king — nay. even, perhaps, before the king — the greatest noble of the kingdom. In fact, God, who had granted to Louis XIV., then reigning, the honor of being son of Louis XIII., had granted to Monsieur the honor of being son of Henry IV. It was not then, or, at least, it ought not to have been, a trifling source of pride for the city of Blois, that Gaston of Orleans had chosen it as his residence, and held his court in the ancient castle of its states. But it was the destiny of this great prince to excite the attention and admiration of the public in a very modified degree wherever he might be. Monsieur had fallen into this situation by habit. It was not, perhaps, this which gave him that air of list- lessness. Monsieur had been tolerably busy in the course of his life. A man cannot allow the heads of a dozen of his best friends to be cut off without feeling a little excite- ment; and as since the accession of Mazarin to power no heads had been cut off, Monsieur's occupation was gone, and his morale suffered from it. The life of the poor prince was then very dull. After his little morning hawking-party on the banks of the Beuvion, or in the woods of Chiverny, Monsieur crossed the Loire, went to breakfast at Chambord, with or without an appetite, and the city of Blois heard no more of its sovereign lord and master till the next hawking-day. So much for the ennui extra muros; of the ennui of the interior we will give the reader an idea if he will with ue follow the cavalcade to the majestic porch of the Castle of the States. Monsieur rode a little steady-paced horse, equipped with a large saddle of red Flemish velvet, with stirrups in the THE VICOMTE DE BRaGELONNE. 3 shape of buskins; the horse was of a bay color; Monsieur's pourpoint of crimson velvet corresponded with the cloak of the same shade and the horse's equipment, and it was only by this red appearance of the whole that the prince could be known from his two companions, the one dressed in violet the other in green. He on the left, in violet, was his equerry; he on the right, in green, was the grand veneur. One of the pages carried two gerfalcons upon a perch, the other a hunting-horn, which he blew with a careless note at twenty paces from the castle. Every one about this listless prince did what he had to do listlessly. At this signal eight guards, who were lounging in the sun in the square court, ran to their halberts, and Monsieur made his solemn entry into the castle. When he had disappeared under the shades of the porch, three or four idlers, who had followed the cavalcade to the castle, after pointing out the suspended birds to one an- other, dispersed with comments upon what they saw; and when they were gone, the street, the place, and the court, all remained deserted alike. Monsieur dismounted without speaking a word, went straight to his apartments, where his valet changed his dress, and as madame had not yet sent orders respecting breakfast, Monsieur stretched himself upon a chaise-longue, and was soon as fast asleep as if it had been eleven o'clock at night. The eight guards, who concluded their service for the day was over, laid themselves down very comfortably in the sun upon some stone benches; the grooms disappeared with their horses into the stables, and, with the exception of a few joyous birds, startling one another with their sharp chirping in the tufts of gillyflowers, it might have been thought that the whole castle was as soundly asleep as Monsieur was. All at once, in the midst of this delicious silence, there resounded a clear, ringing laugh, which caused several of the halberdiers in the enjoyment of their siesta to open at least one eye. This burst of laughter proceeded from a window of the castle, visited at this moment by the sun, which united it in one of those large angles which the profiles of the chim- neys marked out upon the walls before midday. The little balcony of wrought iron which advanced in front of this window was furnished with a pot of red gilly- flowers, another pot of primroses, and an early rose-tree, 4 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. the foliage of which, beautifully green, was variegated with numerous red specks announcing future roses. In the chamber, lighted by this window, was a square table, covered with an old, large-flowered Harlem tapestry; in the center of this table was a long-necked stone bottle, in which were irises and lilies of the valley; at each end of this table was a young girl. The position of these two young people Avas singular; they might have been taken for two boarders escaped from a convent. One of them, with both elbows on the table s and a pen in her hand, was tracing characters upon a sheet of fine Dutch paper; the other, kneeling upon a chair, which allowed her to advance her head and bust over the back of it to the middle of the table, was watching her com- panion as she wrote, or rather hesitated to write. Thence the thousand cries, the thousand railleries, the thousand laughs, one of which, more brilliant than the rest, had startled the birds of the ravenelles, and disturbed the slumbers of Monsieur's guards. • We are taking portraits now; we shall be allowed, there- fore, we hope, to sketch the two last of this chapter. The one who was leaning in the chair — that is to say, the joyous, the laughing one — was a beautiful girl of from eighteen to twenty, with brown complexion and brown hair, splendid, from eyes which sparkled beneath strongly marked brows, and particularly from her teeth, which seemed to shine like pearls between her red coral lips. Her every movement seemed the result of a springing mine; she did not live — she bounded. The other, she who was writing, looked at her turbulent companion with an eye as limpid, as pure, and as blue as the heaven of that day. Her hair, of a shaded fairness, arranged with exquisite taste, fell in silky curls over her lovely mantling cheeks; she passed across the paper a deli- cate hand, whose thinness announced her extreme youth. At each burst of laughter that proceeded from her friend, she raised, as if annoyed, her white shoulders in a poetical and mild manner, but they were wanting in that rich full- ness of mold which was likewise to be wished in her arm.-; and hands. "Montalais! Montalais!" said she at length, in a voice soft and caressing as a melody, "you laugh too loud — you laugh like a man. You will not only draw the attention of messieurs the guards, but you will not hear madame's bell when niadame rings." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 5 This admonition neither made the young girl called Mon- talais cease to laugh nor gesticulate. She only replied: "Louise, you do not speak as you think, my dear; you know that messieurs the guards, as you call them, have only just commenced their sleep, and that a cannon would not waken them; you know that madame's hell can be heard at the bridge of Blois, and that consequently I shall hear it when my services are required by madame. What annoys you, my child, is that I laugh while you are writing; and what you are alraid of is that Madame de St. Remy, your : mother, should come up here, as she does sometimes when we laugh too loud, that she should surprise us, and that she should see that enormous sheet of paper upon which, rn a quarter of an hour, you have only traced the words Moti- sieur Raoul. Now, you are right, my dear Louise, because after these words, 'Monsieur Raoul,' others may be put so significant and so incendiary as to cause Madame de St. Remy to burst out into fire and flames! Hein! is not that true now? — say." And Montalais redoubled her laughter and noisy provo- cations. The fair girl at length became quite angry; she tore the sheet of paper on which, in fact, the words "Monsieur Raoul" were written in good characters; and, crushing the paper in her trembling hands, she threw it out of the window. "There! there!" said Mile, de Montalais; "there is our little lamb, our gentle dove angry! Don't be afraid, Louise — Madame de St. Remy will not come; and if she should, you know I have a quick ear. Besides, what can be more permissible than to write to an old friend of twelve years' standing, particularly when the letter begins with the words 'Monsieur Raoul?' " "It is all very well — I will not write to him at all," said the young girl. "Ah, ah! in good sooth, Montalais is properly punished," cried the jeering brunette, still laughing. "Come, cornel let us try another sheet of paper, and finish our dispatch off-hand. Good! there is the bell ringing now. By my faith, so much the worse! Madame must wait, or else do without her first maid of honor this morning." A bell, in fact, did ring; it announced that madame had finished her toilet, and waited for Monsieur to give her his hand, and conduct her from the salon to the refectory. This formality being accomplished with great ceremony, 6 THE YICOMTE BE BRAGELOSTNE. the husband and wife breakfasted, and then separated till the hour of dinner, invariably fixed at two o'clock. The sound of this bell caused a door to be opened in the offices on the left hand of the court, from which filed two maitres d' hotel, followed by eight scullions bearing a kind of hand-barrow loaded with dishes under silver covers. One of the maitres d' hotel, the first in rank, touched one of the guards, who was snoring on his bench, slightly with his wand; he even carried his kindness so far as to place the halbert which stood against the wall in the hands of the man, stupid with sleep, after which the soldier, without explanation, escorted the viande of Monsieur to the refec- tory, preceded by a page and the two maitres d' hotel. Wherever the viande passed, the soldiers ported arms. Mile, de Montalais and her companion had watched from their window the details of this ceremony, to which, by the bye, they must have been pretty well accustomed. But they did not look so much from curiosity as to be assured they should not be disturbed. So guards, scullions, maitres d' hotel, and pages having passed, they resumed their places at the table; and the sun, which, through the window- frame, had for an instant fallen upon those two charming countenances, now only shed its light upon the gillyflowers, primroses, and rose-tree. "Bah!" said Mile, de Montalais, taking her place again; "madame will breakfast very well without me!" "Oh, Montalais, you will be punished!" replied the other girl, sitting down quietly in hers. "Punished, indeed! — that is to say, deprived of a ride! That is just the way in which I wish to be punished. To go out in the grand coach, perched upon a doorstep; to turn to the left, twist round to the right, over roads full of ruts, where we cannot exceed a league in two hours; and then to come back straight toward the wing of the castle in which is the window of Mary de Medici, so that madame never fails to say: 'Could one believe it possible that Mary de Medici should have escaped from that window — forty- seven feet high? The mother of two princes and three princesses!' If you call that relaxation, Louise, all I ask is to be punished every day; particularly when my punish- ment is to remain with you and write such intere&ting let- ters as we write!" "Montalais! Montalais! there are duties to be performed." "You talk of them very much at your ease, my little heart! — you, who are left Quite free amid this tedious THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 7 court, You are the only person that reaps the advantages of them without incurring the trouble — you, who are really more one of madame's maids of honor than I am, because madame makes her affection for your father-in-law glance off upon you; so that you enter this dull house as the birds fly into yonder court, inhaling the air, pecking the flowers, picking up the grain, without having the least service to perform, or the least annoyance to undergo. And you talk to me of duties to be performed! In sooth, my pretty idler, what are your own proper duties, unless to write to hand- some Raoul? And even that you don't do; so that it looks to me as if you likewise were rather negligent of your duties." Louise assumed a serious air, leaned her chin upon her hand, and, in a tone full of candid remonstrance, "And do you reproach me with my good fortune?" said she. "Can you have the heart to do it? Ypu have a future; you be- long to the court; the king, if he should marry, will require Monsieur to be near his person; you will see splendid fetes; you will see the king, who they say is so handsome, so agreeable!" "Ay, and still more, I shall see Raoul, who attends upon Monsieur le Prince," added Montalais maliciously. "Poor Raoul!" sighed Louise. "Now is the time to write to him, my pretty dear! Come, begin again, with that famous 'Monsieur Raoul' which figures at the top of the poor torn sheet." She then held the pen toward her, and with a charming smile encouraged her hand, which quickly traced the words she named. "What next?" asked the younger of the two girls. "Why, now write what you think, Louise," replied Montalais. "Are you quite sure I think of anything?" "You think of somebody, and that amounts to the same thing, or rather even worse." "Do you think so, Montalais?" "Louise! Louise! your blue eyes are as deep as the sea I saw at Boulogne last year! No, no, I mistake — the sea is perfidious; your eyes are as deep as the azure yonder — lock — over, our heads!" "Well, since you can read so well in my eyes, tell me what I am thinking about, Montalais." "In the first place, you don't think, Monsieur Raoul; you think, My dear Raoul." 8 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONXE. "Oh " "Never blush for such a trifle as that! 'My dear Raoul,' we will say, 'You implore me to write to you at Paris, where you are detained by your attendance on Monsieur le Prince. As you must be very dull there, to seek for amusement in the remembrance of a provinciate ' " Louise rose up suddenly. "No, Montalais," said she, with a smile; "I don't think a word of that. Look, this is what I think;" and she seized the pen boldly, and traced, with a firm hand, the following words: "I should have been very unhappy if your entreaties to obtain a remembrance of me had been less warm. Every- thing here reminds me of our early days, which so quickly passed away, which so delightfully flew by, that no others will ever replace the charm of them in my heart." Montalais, who watched the flying pen, and read, the wrong way upward, as fast as her friend wrote, here inter- rupted by clapping her hands. "Capital!" cried she; "there is frankness — there is heart — there is style! Show these Parisians, my dear, that Blois is the city for fine language!" "He knows very well that Blois was a paradise to me," replied the girl. "That is exactly what you mean to say; and you speak like an angel." "I will finish, Montalais;" and she continued as follows: "You often think of me, you say, Monsieur Raoul; I thank you; but that does not surprise me, when I recollect how often our hearts have beaten close to each other." "Oh! oh!" said Montalais. "Beware, my lamb! You are scattering your wool, and there are wolves about." Louise was about to reply, when the gallop of a horse resounded under the porch of the castle. "What is that?" said Montalais, approaching the window "A handsome cavalier, by my faith!" "Oh! Raoul!" exclaimed Louise, who had made the same movement as her friend, and, becoming pale as death, sunk back beside her unfinished letter. "Now, he is a clever lover, upon my word!" cried Mon- talais; "he arrives just at the proper moment." "Come in, come in, I implore you!" murmured Louise. "Bah! he does not know me. Let me see what he haa come here for," THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 9 CHAPTER II. THE MESSENGER. Mlle. de Montalais was right; the young cavalier was goodly to look upon. He was a young man of from twenty-four to twenty-five years of age, tall and slender, wearing gracefully the pic- turesque military costume of the period. His large boots contained a foot which Mile, de Montalais might not have disowned if she had been transformed into a man. With one of his delicate but nervous hands he checked his horse in the middle of the court, and with the other raised his hat, whose long plumes shaded his at once serious and in- genuous countenance. The guards, roused by the steps of the horse, awoke, and were on foot in a minute. The young man waited till one of them was close to bis saddle-bow; then, stooping toward him, in a clear, distinct voice, which was perfectly audible at the window where the two girls were concealed, "A message for his royal highness," he said. "Ah, ah!" cried the soldier. "Officer, a messenger!" But this brave guard knew very well that no officer would appear, seeing that the only one who could have appeared dwelt at the other side of the castle, in an apartment look- ing into the gardens. So he hastened to add: "The officer, monsieur, is on his rounds; but, in his absence. Monsieur de St. Remy, the maitre d' hotel, shall be informed." "Monsieur de St. Remy?" repeated the cavalier, slightly blushing. "Do you know him?" "Why, yes; but request him, if you please, that my visit be announced to his royal highness as soon as possible." "It appears to be pressing," said the guard, as if speaking to himself, but really in the hope of obtaining an answer. The messenger made an affirmative sign with his head. "In that case," said the guard, "I will go and seek the maitre cV hotel myself." The young man, in the meantime, dismounted; and while the others were making their remarks upon the fine horse the cavalier rode, the soldier returned. "Your pardon, young gentleman; but your name, if you please 5 " "The Vicomte de Bragelonne, on the part of his highness Monsieur le Prince de Conde." 10 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. The soldier made a profound bow, and, as if the name of the conqueror of Rocroy and Sens had given him wings, he stepped lightly up the steps leading to the antechamber. M. de Bragelonne had not had time to fasten his horse to the iron bars of the perron, when M. de St. Remy came running, out of breath, supporting his capacious stomach with one hand, while with the other he cut the air as a fisherman cleaves the waves with his oar. "Ah, Monsieur le Vicomte! You at Blois!" cried he. "Well, that is a wonder. Good-day to you — good-day, Monsieur Raoul." "I offer you a thousand respects, Monsieur de St. Remy." "How Madame de la Vail — I mean, how delighted Ma- dame de St. Remy will be to see you! But come in. His royal highness is at breakfast — must he be interrupted? Is the matter serious?" "Yes, and no, Monsieur de St. Remy. A moment's delay, however, would be disagreeable to his royal high- ness." "If that is the case, we will force the consigne, Monsieur le Vicomte. Come in. Besides. Monsieur is in au excel- lent humor to-day. And then you bring news, do you not?" "Great news, Monsieur de St. Remy." "And good, I presume?" "Excellent." "Come quickly, come quickly, then!" cried the worthy man, putting his dress to rights as he went along. Raoul followed him, hat in hand, and a little disconcerted at the noise made by his spurs in these immense salons. As soon as he had disappeared in the interior of the palace, the window of the court was repeopled, and an animated whispering betrayed the emotion of the two girls. They soon appeared to have formed a resolution, for one of the two faces disappeared from the window. This was the brunette; the other remained behind the balcony, concealed by the flowers, watching attentively through the branches the perron by which M. de Bragelonne had entered the castle. In the meantime, the object of so much laudable curiosity continued his route, following the steps of the maitre d'hotel. The noise of quick steps, an odor of wine and viands, a clinking of crystal and plates, warned them that they were coming to the end of their course. The pages, valets, and officers, assembled in the office THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 11 which preceded the refectory, welcomed the newcomer with the proverbial politeness of the country; some of them were acquainted with Kaoul, and all knew that he came from Paris. It might be said that his arrival for a moment sus- pended the service. In fact, a page, who was pouring out wine for his royal highness, on hearing the jingling of spurs in the next chamber, turned round like a child, without perceiving that he was continuing to pour out, not into the glass, but upon the tablecloth. Madame, who was not so preoccupied as her glorious spouse was, remarked this distraction of the page. "■Well?" exclaimed she. "Well!" repeated Monsieur; "what is going on then?" M. de St. Eemy, who had just introduced his head through the doorway, took advantage of the moment. "Why am I to be disturbed?" said Gaston, helping him- self to a thick slice of one of the largest salmon that had ever ascended the Loire to be captured between Painbceuf and St. Nazaire. "There is a messenger from Paris. Oh! but after mon- seigneur has breakfasted will do; there is plenty of time." "From Paris!" cried the prince, letting his fork fall. "A messenger from Paris, do you say? And on whose part does this messenger come?" "On the part of Monsieur le Prince," said the maitre (V hot el promptly. Every one knows that the Prince de Conde was so called. "A messenger from Monsieur le Prince!" said Gaston, with an inquietude that escaped none of the assistants, and consequently redoubled the general curiosity. Monsieur, perhaps, fancied himself brought back again to the happy times when the opening of a door gave him an emotion, in which every letter might contain a state secret — in which every message was connected with a dark and complicated intrigue. Perhaps, likewise, the great name of M. le Prince expanded itself, beneath the roofs of Blois, into proportions of a phantom. Monsieur pushed away his plate. "Shall I tell the envoy to wait?" said M. de St. Kemy. A glance from madame emboldened Gaston, who replied: "No, no; let him come in at once, on the contrary. Apropos, who is he?" "A gentleman of this country, Monsieur le Vicomte de Bragelonne." "Ah, very well! Introduce him, St. Kemy— introduce him.*' 13 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOIOTE. And when he had let fall these words, with his accustomed gravity, Monsieur turned his eyes, in a certain manner, upon the people of his suite, so that all, pages, officers, and equerries, quitted the service, knives and goblets, and made toward the second chamber a retreat as rapid as it was disorderly. This little army had dispersed in two files when Raoul de Bragelonne, preceded by M. de St. Eemy, entered the refectory. The short moment of solitude in which this retreat had left him permitted Monsieur the time to assume a diplo- matic countenance. He did not turn round, but waited till the maitre d'hotel should bring the messenger face to face with him. Kaoul stopped even with the lower end of the table, so as to be exactly between Monsieur and madame. From this place he made a profound bow to Monsieur, and a very humble one to madame; then, drawing himself up into military pose, he waited for Monsieur to address him. On his part the prince waited till the doors were hermetic- ally closed; he would not turn round to ascertain the fact, as that would have been derogatory to his dignity, but he listened with all his ears for the noise of the lock, which would promise him at least an appearance of secrecy. The doors being closed, Monsieur raised his eyes toward the vicomte, and said, "It appears that you come from Paris, monsieur?" "This minute, monseigneur." "How is the king?" "His majesty is in perfect health, monseigneur." "And my sister-in-law?" "Her majesty, the queen-mother, still suffers from the 3omplaint in ner lungs, but for the last month she has been rather better." "Somebody told me you came on the part of Monsieur le Prince. They must have been mistaken, surely?" "No, monseigneur; Monsieur le Prince has charged me to convey this letter to your royal highness, and I am to wait for an answer to it." Kaoul had been a little annoyed by this cold and cautious reception, and his voice insensibly sunk to a low key. The prince forgot that he was the cause of this apparent mystery, and his fears returned. He received the letter from the Prince de Conde with a haggard look, unsealed it as he would have unsealed a sus- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 13 picious packet, and in order to read it so that no one should remark its effect upon his countenance, he turned round. Madame followed, with an anxiety almost equal to that of the prince, every maneuver of her august husband. Kaoul, impassible, and a little disengaged by the atten- tion of his hosts, looked from his place through the open window at the gardens and the statues which peopled them. "Well V cried Monsieur, all at once, with a cheerful smile ; ''here is an agreeable surprise, and a charming letter from Monsieur le Prince. Look, madame !" The table was too large to allow the arm of the prince to reach the hand of madame ; Eaoul sprung forward to be their ' intermediary, and did it with so good a grace as to procure a flattering acknowledgment from the princess. "You know the contents of this letter, no doubt?" said Gaston to Eaoul. "Yes, monseigneur; Monsieur le Prince gave me the mes- sage verbally, but upon reflection his highness took up his pen." "It is beautiful writing," said madame, "but I cannot read it." "Will you read it to madame, Monsieur de Bragelonne?" said the duke. , "Yes; read it, if you please, monsieur." Eaoul began to read, Monsieur giving again all his atten- tion. The letter was conceived in these terms: "Monseigneur: The king is about to set out for the frontiers. You are aware that the marriage of his majesty is concluded upon. The king has done me the honor to appoint me his marechal-des-logis for this journey and as I knew with what joy his majesty would pass a day at Blois, I venture to ask your royal highness' permission to mark the house you inhabit as our quarters. If, however, the sud- denness of this request should create to your royal highness any embarrassment, I entreat you to say so ny the messenger I send, a gentleman of my suite, Monsieur le Vicomte de Bragelonne. My itinerary will depend upon your royal high- ness' determination, and instead of passing through Blois, we ►shall come through Vendome and Eomorantin. I venture to hope that your royal highness will be pleased with my ar- rangement, it being the expression of my boundless desire to make myself agreeable to you." "Nothing can be more gracious toward us," said madame, 14 THE VICOMTE DE BRAOELONNE. who had more than once consulted the looks of her husband during the reading of the letter. "The king here!" ex- claimed she, in a rather louder tone than would have been necessary to preserve secrecy. "Monsieur," said his royal highness in his turn, "you will offer my thanks to Monsieur le Conde, and express to him my gratitude for the pleasure he has done me." Kaoui bowed. "On what day will his majesty arrive?" continued the prince. I "The king, monseigneur, will in all probability arrive this evening." "But how, then, could he have known my reply if it had been in the negative?" "I was desired, monseigneur, to return in all haste co Beaugency, to give counter-orders to the courier, who was himself to go back immediately with counter-orders to Monsieur le Prince." "His majesty is at Orleans, then?" "Much nearer, monseigneur; his majesty must by this time have arrived at Meung." "Does the court accompany him?" "Yes, monseigneur." "Apropos, I forgot to ask you after Monsieur le Cardinal." "His eminence appears to enjoy good health, mon- seigneur." "His nieces accompany him, no doubt?" "No, monseigneur; his eminence has ordered the Mesde- moiselles de Mancini to set out for Brouage. They will follow the left bank of the Loire, while the court will come by the right." "What! Mademoiselle Mary de Mancini quit the court in that manner?" asked Monsieur, his reserve beginning to diminish. "Mademoiselle Mary de Mancini in particular," replied Eaoul discreetly. A fugitive smile, an imperceptible vestige of his ancient spirit of intrigue, shot across the pale face of the prince. "Thanks, Monsieur de Bragelonne," then said Monsieur. "You would, perhaps, not be willing to render Monsieur le Prince the commission with which I would charge you, and that is, that his messenger has been very agreeable to me; but I will tell him so myself." Kaoul bowed his thanks to Monsieur for the honor he had done him. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 15 Monsieur made a sign to madame, who struck a bell which was placed at her right hand. M. de St. Remy entered, and the room was soon rilled with people. "Messieurs," said the prince, "his majesty is about to pay me the honor of passing a day at Blois; I depend upon the king, my nephew, not having to repent of the favor he does my house." " Vive le Roi!" cried all the officers of the household with frantic enthusiasm, and M. de St. Remy louder than the rest. Gaston hung down his head with evident chagrin. He had all his life been obliged to hear, or rather to undergo, this cry of Vive le Roil" which passed over him. For along time, being unaccustomed to hear it, his ear had had rest, and now a younger, more vivacious, and more brilliant royalty rose up before him, like a new and a more painful provoca- tion. Madame perfectly understood the sufferings of that timid, gloomy heart; she rose from the table; Monsieur imitated her mechanically, and all the domestics, with a buzzing like that of several beehives, surrounded Raoul for the purpose of questioning him. Madame saw this movement, and called M. de St. Remy. "This is not the time for gossiping, but working," said she, with the tone of an angry housekeeper. M. de St. Remy hastened to break the circle formed by the officers round Raoul, so that the latter was able to gain the antechamber. "Care will be taken of that gentleman, I hope," added madame, addressing M. de St. Remy. The worthy man immediately hastened after Raoul. "Madame desires refreshment to be offered you," said he; "and there is, besides, a lodging for you in the castle." "Thanks, Monsieur de St. Remy," replied Raoul; "but you know how anxious I must be to pay my duty to Mon= sieur le Comte, my father." "That is' true, that is true, Monsieur Raoul; "present him, at the same time, my humble respects, if you please." Raoul thus once more got rid of the old gentleman, and pursued his way. As he was passing under the porch, lead- ing his horse by the bridle, a soft voice called him from the depths of an obscure path. "Monsieur Raoul!" said the voice. The young man turned round surprised, and saw a dark- complexioned girl, who, with a finger on her lip, held out 16 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. her other hand to him. This girl was perfectly unknown to him. CHAPTER III. THE INTERVIEW. Raoul made one step toward the girl who thus called him. "But my horse, madame?" said he. "Oh! you are terribly embarrassed! Go out that way — there is a shed in the outer court; fasten your horse, and return quickly." "I obey, madame." Raoul was not four minutes in performing what he had been directed to do; e returned to the little door, where, in darkness, he found his mysterious conductress waiting for him, on the first steps of a winding staircase. "Are you brave enough to follow me, Monsieur Knight Errant?" asked the girl, laughing at the momentary hesi- tation Raoul had manifested. The latter replied by springing up the dark staircase after her. They thus climbed up three stories, he behind her, touching with his hands, when he felt for the baluster, a silk dress, which rubbed against each side of the staircase. At every false step made by Raoul, his conductress cried, "Hush!" and held out to him a soft and perfumed hand. "One would mount thus to the donjon of the castle with- out being conscious of fatigue," said Raoul. "All of which means, monsieur, that you are very much perplexed, very tired, and very uneasy. But be of good cheer, monsieur; here we are, arrived." The girl threw open a door, which immediately, without any transition, filled with a flood of light the landing of the staircase, at the top of which Raoul appeared, holding fast by the balustrade. The girl continued to walk on — he followed her; she entered a chamber — he did the same. As soon as he was fairly in the net, he heard a loud cry, and, turning round, saw at two paces from him, with her hands clasped and her eyes closed, that beautiful fair girl with blue eyes and white shoulders, who, recognizing him, had called him Raoul. He saw her, and divined at once so much love and so THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOSTNE. /? much joy in the expression of her countenance, that he sunk on his knees in the middle of the chamber, murmur- ing, on his part, the name of Louise. "Ah! Montalais! Montalais!" she sighed, "it is very wicked to deceive me so." "Who, I? I have deceived you?" "Yes; you told me you would go down to inquire the news, and you have brought up monsieur!" "Well, I was obliged to do so — how else could he have received the letter you wrote him?" And she pointed with her ringer to the letter which was still upon the table. Raoul made a step to take it; Louise, more rapid, although she had sprung forward with a suf- ficiently remarkable physical hesitation, reached out her hand to stop him. Raoul came in contact with that trem- bling hand, took it within his own, and carried it so respect- fully to his lips that he might be said to have deposited a sigh upon it rather than a kiss. In the meantime Mile, de Montalais had taken the letter, folded it carefully, as women do, in three folds, and slipped it into her bosom. "Don't be afraid, Louise," said she; "monsieur will no more venture to take it hence than the defunct King Louis XIII. ventured to take billets from the corsage of Made- moiselle de Hautefort." Raoul blushed at seeing the smile of tho two girls; and he did not remark that the hand of Louise remained in his. "There!" said Montalais, "you Lave pa doned mo, Louise, for having brought monsieur to you . ard you, mon- sieur, bear me no malice for having followed me to see mademoiselle. Now, then, peace bein? ade, let us chal like old friends. Present me, Louise to Monsieur de Bragelonne." "Monsieur le Vicomte," said Louise, with her quiet grace and ingenuous smile, "I have the honor to present to you Mademoiselle ~Aure de Montalais, maid of honor to her royal highness, madame, and moreover my friend — my ex- cellent friend." Raoul bowed ceremoniously. "And me, Louise," said he; "will you not present me also to mademoiselle?" "Oh, she knows you — she knows all!" This unguarded expression made Montalais laugh and Raoul sigh with happiness, fo r he interpreted it thus: "She knows all our love." 18 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONtfE. "The ceremonies being over, Monsieur le Vicomte," said Montalais, "take a chair, and tell us quickly the news you bring flying thus." "Mademoiselle, it is no longer a secret; the king, on his way to Poitiers, will stop at Blois, to visit his royal high- ness." "The king here!" exclaimed Montalais, clapping her hands, "What! are we going to see the court? Only think, Louise — the real court from Paris! Oh, good heavens! But when will this happen, monsieur?" "Perhaps this evening, mademoiselle; at latest, to- morrow." Montalais lifted her shoulders in sign of vexation. "No time to get ready! No time to prepare a single dress! We are as far behind the fashion as the Poles. We shall look like portraits of the times of Henry IV. Ah, monsieur! this is sad news you bring us!" "But, mesdemoiselles, you will be still beautiful." "That's stale! Yes, we shall be always beautiful, because nature has made us passable; but we shall be ridiculous, because the fashion will have forgotten us. Alas! ridicu- lous! I shall be thought ridiculous — I!" "And by whom?" said Louise innocently. "By whom? You are a strange girl, my dear. Is that a question to put to me? I mean everybody; I mean the courtiers, the nobles; I mean the king." "Pardon me, my good friend; but as here every one is accustomed to see us as we are " "Granted; but that is about to change, and we shall be ridiculous, even for Blois; for close to us will be seen the fashions from Paris, and they will perceive that we are in the fashion of Blois! It is enough to make one wild!" , "Console yourself, mademoiselle." "Well, so let it be! After all, so much the worse for those who do not find me to their taste!" said Montalais philosophically. "They would be very difficult to please," replied Eaoul, faithful to his regular system of gallantry. "Thank you. Monsieur le Vicomte. We were saying, then, that the king is coming to Blois?" "With all the court." "Mesdemoiselles de Mancini, will they be with them?" "No, certainly not." "But as the king, it is said, cannot do without Made- moiselle Mary?" THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELONNE. 19 "Mademoiselle, the king must do without her. Monsieur le Cardinal will have it so. He has exiled his nieces to Brouage." "He! the hypocrite!" "Hush!" said Louise, pressing a finger on her friend's rosy lips. "Bah! nobody can hear me. I say that old Mazarino Mazarini is a hypocrite, who burns impatiently to make his niece Queen of France." "That cannot be, mademoiselle, since Monsieur le Car- dinal, on the contrary, has brought about the marriage of his majesty with the Infanta Maria Theresa." Montalais looked Raoul full in the face, and said, "And do you Parisians believe in these tales? Well! we are a little more cunning than you at Blois." "Mademoiselle, if the king goes beyond Poitiers and sets out for Spain; if the articles of the marriage contract are agreed upon by Don Luis de Haro and his eminence, you must plainly perceive that it is not child's play." "All very fine! but the king is king, I suppose?" "No doubt, mademoiselle; but the cardinal is the car- dinal." "The king is not a man then! And he does not love Mary Mancini?" "He adores her." "Well, he will marry her then. We shall have war with Spain. Monsieur Mazarin will spend a few of the millions he has put away; our gentlemen will perform prodigies of valor in their encounters with the proud Castilians, and many of them will return crowned with laurels, to be re- croAvned by us with myrtles. Now, that is my view of politics." "Montalais, you are wild!" said Louise, "and every ex- aggeration attracts you as light does a moth." "Louise, you are so extremely reasonable that you will never know how to love." "Oh!" said Louise, in a tone of tender reproach, "don't you see, Montalais? The queen-mother desires to marry her son to the infanta; would you wish him to disobey his mother? Is it for a royal heart like this to set such a bad example? W T hen parents forbid love, love must be banished." And Louise sighed; Raoul cast down his eyes, with an expression of constraint. Montalais, on her part, laughed aloud. 20 THE YICOMTE DE PRAGELONNE. "Well, I have no parents!" said she. "You are acquainted, without doubt, with the state of health of Monsieur le Comte de la Fere?" said Louise, after breathing that sigh which had revealed so many grief* in its eloquent utterance. "No, mademoiselle," replied Raoul, "I have not yet paid my respects to my father; I was going to his house when Mademoiselle de Montalais so kindly stopped me. I hop<$ ,the comte is well. You have heard nothing to the con- trary, have you?" "No, Monsieur Raoul — nothing, thank God!" Here, for several instants, ensued a silence, during whiok two spirits, which followed the same idea, communicated perfectly, without even the assistance of a single glance. "Oh, heavent!" exclaimed Montalais, in a fright, "there is somebody coming up." "Who can it be?" said Louise, rising in great agitation. "Mesdemoiselles, I inconvenience you very much. I have, without doubt, been very indiscreet," stammered Raoul. very ill at ease. "It is a heavy step," said Louise. "Ah! if it is only Monsieur Malicorne," added Monta- lais, "do not disturb yourselves." Louise and Raoul looked at each other to inquire who M. Malicorne could be. "There is no occasion to mind him," continued Monta- lais, "he is not jealous." "But, mademoiselle — " said Raoul. "Yes, I understand. Well, he is as discreet as I am." "Good heavens!" cried Louise, who had applied her ear to the door, which had been left ajar; "it is my mother's step." "Madame de St. Remy! Where shall I hide myself?" exclaimed Raoul, catching at the dress of Montalais, who looked quite bewildered. "Yes," said she; "yes, I know the clicking of those pattens. It is our excellent mother. Monsieur le Vicomte, what a pity it is the window looks upon a stone pavement, and that fifty paces below it." Raoul glanced at the balcony in despair. Louise seized his arm, and held it tight. "Oh, how silly I am!" said Montalais; "have I not the robe-of-ceremony closet? It looks as if it were made on purpose." It was quite time to act; Mme. de St. Remy was coming THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 21 up at a quicker pace than usual. She gained the landing at the moment when Montalais, as in all scenes of surpiises, shut the closet by leaning with her back against the door. ''Ah!" cried Mme. de St. Remy, "you are here, are you, Louise?" "Yes, madame," replied she, more pale than if she had committed a great crime. "Well, well!" i "Pray be seated, madame," said Montalais, offering her a chair, which she placed so that the back was toward the closet. "Thank you, Mademoiselle Aure — thank you. Come, my child, be quick." "Where do you wish me to go, madame?" "Why, home, to be sure; have you not to prepare your toilet?" "What did you say?" cried Montalais, hastening to affect surprise, so fearful was she that Louise would in some way commit herself. "You don't know the news, then?" said Mme. de St. Remy. "What news, madame, is it possible for two girls to learn up in this dovecote?" "What, have you seen nobody?" "Madame, you talk in enigmas, and you torment us at a slow tire!" cried Montalais, who, terrified at seeing Louise become paler and paler, did not know to what saint to put up her vows. At length she caught an eloquent look of her companion, one of those looks which would convey intelligence to a brick wall. Louise directed her attention to a hat — Raoul's unlucky hat, which was set out in all its feathery splendor upon the table. Montalais sprung toward it, and, seizing it with her left hand, passed it behind her into the right, concealing it •« she was speaking. "Well," said Mme. de St. Remy, "a courier has arrived, announcing the approach of the king. There, mesdemoi- selles; there is something to make you put on your best looks." "Quick, quick!" cried Montalais. "Follow madame, your mother, Louise; and leave me to get ready my dress of ceremony." Louise arose; her mother took her by the hand, and led. her out on to the landing. 22 THE VICOMTE DE ERAGELONNE. "Come along," said she; then adding, in a low voice, "When I forbid you to come to the apartment of Montalais, why do you do so?" "Madame, she is my friend. Besides., I .» T as but just come." "Did you see nobody concealed while you were there?" "Madame!" "I saw a man's hat, I tell you — the hat of that fellow, that good-for-nothing." "Madame!" repeated Louise. "Of that do-nothing, De Malicorne. A maid of honoi to have such company — fy, fy!" And their voices were lost in the depths of the narrow staircase. Montalais had not missed a word of this conversation, which echo conveyed to her as if through a tunnel. She shrugged her shoulders on seeing Raoul, who had listened likewise, issue from the closet. "Poor Montalais!" said she, "the victim of friendship! Poor Malicorne, the victim of love!" She stopped on viewing the tragic-comic face of Raoul, who was vexed at having, in one day, surprised so many secrets. "Oh, mademoiselle!" said he, "how can we repay your kindness?" "Oh, we will balance accounts some day," said she. "For the present, be gone, Monsieur de Bragelonne, for Madame de St. Remy is not overindulgent; and any indis- cretion on her part might bring hither a domiciliary visit, which would be disagreeable to all parties." "But, Louise — how shall I know " "Be gone! be gone! King Louis XI. knew very well what he was about when he invented the post." "Alas!" sighed Raoul. "And am I not here — I, who am worth all the posts in the kingdom? Quick, I say, to horse! so that if Madame de St. Remy should return for the purpose of preaching me a lesson on morality, she may not find you here." "She would tell my father, would she not?" murmured Raoul. "And you would be scolded. Ah, :icomte, it is very plain you come from court; you are as timid as the king. Peste! at Blois we contrive better than that, to do without papa's consent. Ask Malicorne else." And at these words the girl pushed Raoul out of the room by the shoulders. He glided swiftly down to the THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 23 porch, regained his horse, mounted, and set off as if he had had Monsieur's guards at his heels. CHAPTER IV. FATHER AND SON. Raoul followed the well-known road, so dear to his memory, which led from Blois to the residence of the Comte de la Fere. The reader will dispense with a second description of that habitation; he, perhaps, has been with us there before, and knows it. Only, since our last journey thither, the walls had taken a grayer tint, and the brick-work assumed a more harmonious copper tone; the trees had grown, and many that then only stretched their slender branches along the tops of the hedges, now, bushy, strong, and luxuriant, cast around, beneath boughs swollen with sap, a thick shade of flowers or fruit for the benefit of the traveler. Raoul perceived, from a distance, the two little turrets, the dovecote in the elms, and the flights of pigeons, which wheeled incessantly around that brick cone, seemingly with- out a power to quit it, like the sweet memories which hover round a spirit at peace. As he approached he heard the noise of the pulleys which grated under the weight of the mossy pails; he also fancied he heard the melancholy moaning of the water which falls back again into the wells — a sad, funereal, 6olemn sound, which strikes the ear of the child and the poet — both dreamers — which the English call splash, Arabian poets, gasgachau, and which we Frenchmen, who would be poets, can only translate by a paraphrase — "the noise of water falling into water." It was more than a year since Raoul had been to visit his father. He had passed the whole time in the household of M. le Prince. In fact, after all the commotions of the Fronde, of the early period of which we formerly attempted to give a sketch, Louis de Condehad made a public, solemn, and frank reconciliation with the court. During all the time that the rupture between the king and the prince had lasted, the prince, who had long entertained a great regard for Bragelonne, had in vain offered him advantages of the most dazzling kind for a young man. The Comte de la Fere, still faithful to his principles of loyalty and royalty, 24 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. one day developed before his son in the vaults of St. Denis — the Comte de la Fere, in the name of his son, had always declined them. Moreover, instead of following M. de Conde in his rebellion, the vicomte had followed M. de Turenne, fighting for the king. Then, when M. de Turenne, in his turn, had appeared to abandon the royal cause, he had quitted M. de Turenne, as he had quitted M. de Conde. It resulted from this invariable line of conduct, that, as Conde and Turenne had never been conquerors of each other but under the standard of the king, Raoul, how- ever young, had ten victories inscribed on his list of services, and not one defeat from which his bravery or conscience had to suffer. Eaoul, therefore, had, in compliance with the wish of his father, served obstinately and passively the fortunes of Louis XIV., in spite of the tergiversations which were endemic, and, it might be said, inevitable, at that period. M. de Conde, on being restored to favor, had at once availed himself of all the privileges of the amnesty to ask for many things back again which had been granted him before, and among others, Raoul. M. de la Fere, with his invariable good sense, had immediately sent him again to the prince. A year, then, had passed away since the separation of the father and son; a few letters had softened, but not removed, the pains of absence. We have seen that Raoul had left at Blois another love in addition to filial love. But let us do him this justice — if it had not been for chance and Mile, de Montalais, two tempting demons, Raoul, after delivering his message, woul] have galloped off toward his father's house, turning his head round, perhaps, but without stop- ping for a single instant, even if Louise had held out her arms to him. So the first part of the distance was given by Raoul to regretting the part which he had been forced to quit so quickly, that is to say, his lady-love; and the other part to the friend he was about to join, so much too slowly for his wishes. Raoul found the garden gate open, and rode straight in, without regarding the long arms, raised in anger, of an old man dressed in a jacket of violet-colored wool, and a large cap of old faded velvet. The old man, who was weeding with his hands a bed of dwarf roses and marguerites, was indignant at seeing a horse thus traversing his sanded and nicely raked walks, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOKNE. 25 He even ventured a vigorous ''Humph!" which made the cavalier turn round. Then there was a change of scene; for no sooner had he caught sight of Raoul's face than the old man sprung up and set off in the direction of the house, amid interrupted growlings, which he meant to be paroxysms of wild delight. When arrived at the stables, Raoul gave his horse to a little lackey, and sprung up the perron with an ardor that would have delighted the heart of his father. He crossed the antechamber, the dining-room, and the salon, without meeting with any one; at length, on reach- ing the door of M. de la Fere's apartment, he rapped im- patiently, and entered almost without waiting for the word "Enter!" which was thrown to him by a voice at once sweet and serious. The comte was seated at a table covered with papers and books; he was still the noble, handsome gentleman of for- mer days, but time had given to this nobleness and beauty a more solemn and distinct character. A brow white and void of wrinkles, beneath his long hair, now more white than black; an eye piercing and mild, under the lids of a young man; his mustache, fine but slightly grizzled, waved over lips of a pure and delicate model, as if they had never been curled by mortal passions; a shape straight and sup- ple; an irreproachable but thin hand — this vvr- what re- mained of the illustrious gentleman whom so ma y illus- trious mouths had praised under the name of Athos. He was engaged in correcting the pages of a manuscript book, entirely filled by his own hand. Raoul seized his father by the shoulders, by the neck, as he could, and embraced him so tenderly and so rapidly that the comte had neither strength nor time to disengage himself, or to overcome his paternal emotions. "What, you here, Raoul — you? Is it possible?" said he. "Oh, monsieur, monsieur, what joy to see you once again!" "But you don't answer me, vicomte. Have you leave of absence, or has some misfortune happened at Paris?" "Thank God, monsieur," replied Raoul, calming himself by degrees, "nothing has happened but what is fortunate. The king is going to be married, as I had the honor of in- forming you in my last letter, and, on his way to Spain, will pass through Blois." "To pay a visit to Monsieur?" "Yes, Monsieur le Comte. So, fearing to find him un- 26 THE VICOMTE DE BEAGELONNE. prepared, or wishing to be particularly polite to him, Mod. sieur le Prince sent me forward to have the lodgings ready." "You have seen Monsieur?" asked the eomte eagerly. "I have had that honor." "At the castle?" "Yes, monsieur," replied Eaoul, casting down his eyes, because, no doubt, he had felt there was something more than curiosity in the comte's inquiries. "Ah, indeed, vicomte? Accept my compliments there- upon." Eaoul bowed. "But you have seen some one else at Blois?" "Monsieur, I saw her royal highness, madame." "That's very well; but it is not madame that I mean." Eaoul colored deeply, but made no reply. "You do not appear to understand me, Monsieur le Vicomte," persisted M. de la Fere, without accenting his words more strongly, but with a rather severer look. "I understand you quite plainly, monsieur," replied Eaoul, "and if I hesitated a little in my reply, you are well assured I am not seeking for a falsehood." "No, you cannot lie; and that makes me so astonished you should be so long in saying yes or no." "I cannot answer you without understanding you well; and if I have understood you, you will take my first words in ill part. You will be displeased, no doubt, Monsieur le Comte, because I have seen " "Mademoiselle de la Valliere — have you not?" "It was of her you meant to speak, I know very well, monsieur," said Eaoul, with inexpressible sweetness. "And I ask you if you have seen her." "Monsieur, I was ignorant, when I entered the castle, that Mademoiselle de la Valliere was there; it was only on my return, after I had performed my mission, that chance brought us together. I have had the honor of paying my respects to her." "But what do you call the chance that led you into the presence of Mademoiselle de la Valliere?" "Mademoiselle de Montalais, monsieur." "And who is Mademoiselle de Montalais?" "A young lady I did not know before, whom I had never seen. She is maid of honor to madame." "Monsieur le Vicomte, I will push my interrogatory no further, and reproach myself with having carried it so far. I had desired you to avoid Mademoiselle de la Valliere, and THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELONJs'E. 27 not to see her without my permission. Oh, I am quite sure you have told me the truth, and that you took no measures to approach her. Chance has done me this injury; I do not accuse you of it. I will be content, then, with what I formerly said to you concerning this young lady. I do not reproach her with anything — God is my witness; only it is not my intention or wish that you should frequent her place of residence. I beg you once more, my dear Eaoul, to understand that." , It was plain the limpid, pure eye of Eaoul was troubled at this speech. "Now, my friend," said the comte, with his soft smile, and in his customary tone, ''let us talk of other matters. You are returning, perhaps, to your duty?" "No, monsieur, I have no duty for to-day, except the pleasure of remaining with you. The prince kindly ap- pointed me no other, which was so much in accord with my wish." "Is the king well?" "Perfectly." "And Monsieur le Prince also?" "As usual, monsieur." The comte forgot to inquire after Mazarin; that was an old habit. "Well, Kaoul, since you are entirely mine, I will give up my whole day to you. Embrace me — again, again! You fire at home, vicomte! Ah! there is our old Grimaud. Come in, Grimaud; Monsieur le Vicomte is desirous of em- bracing you likewise." The good old man did not require to be twice told; he rushed in with open arms, Eaoul meeting him halfway. "Now, if you please, we will go into the garden, Eaoul. I will show you the new lodging I have had prepared for you during your leave of absence; and while examining the last winter's plantations, and two saddle-horses I have just changed for, you will give me all the news of our friends in Paris." The comte closed his manuscript, took the young man's arm, and went out into the garden with him. Grimaud looked at Raoul with a melancholy air as the young man passed out; observing that his head nearly touched the traverse of the doorway, stroking his white rot/ale, he allowed the single word, "Grown!" to escape him. 28 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. CHAPTER V. IN WHICH SOMETHING WILL BE SAID OF CROPOLI — OF CROPOLI AND OF A GREAT UNKNOWN PAINTER. While the Comte de la Fere, with Raoul, visits the new buildings he has had erected, and the new horses he has bought, with the reader's permission we will lead him back to the city of Blois, and make him a witness of the unaccus- tomed activity which pervades that city. It was in the hotels that the surprise of the news brought by Raoul was most sensibly felt. In fact, the king and the court at Blois, that is to say, a hundred horsemen, ten carriages, two hundred horses, as many lackeys as masters — where was this crowd to be housed? Where were to be lodged all the gentry of the neighborhood, who would flock in two or three hours after the news had enlarged the circle of its report, like the in- creasing circumferences produced by a stone thrown into a placid lake? Blois, as peaceful in the morning, as we have seen, as the calmest lake in the world, at the announcement of the royal arrival, was suddenly filled with the tumult and buzzing of a swarm of bees. All the servants of the castle, under the inspection of the officers, were sent into the city in quest of provisions, and ten horsemen were dispatched to the preserves of Chambord to seek for game, to the fisheries of Beuvion for fish, and to the gardens of Chiverny for fruits and flowers. Precious tapestries, and lusters with great gilt chains, were drawn from he wardrobes; an army of the poor were engaged in sweeping the courts and washing the stone fronts, while their wives went in droves to the meadows be- yond the Loire, to gather green boughs and field flowers. The whole city, not to be behind in this luxury of cleanli- ness, assumed its best toilet with the help of brushes, brooms, and water. The kennels of the upper city, swollen by these continued lotions, became rivers at the bottom of the city, and the pavement, generally very muddy, it must be allowed, took a clean face, and absolutely shone in the friendly rays of the sun. Next the music was to be provided ; drawers wore emptied : the shop keepers had a glorious trade in wax. ribbons, and sword-knots; housekeepers laid in stores of bread, meat, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONtfE,. 29 and spices. Already numbers of the citizens, whose houses were furnished as if for a siege, having nothing more to do, donned their festive clothes, and directed their course to- ward the city gate, in order to be the first to signal or see the cortege. They knew very well that the king would not arrive before night, perhaps not before the next morning. But what is expectation but a kind of folly, and what is that folly but an excess of hope? In the lower city, at scarcely a hundred paces from the Castle of the States, between the mall and the castle, in a sufficiently handsome street, then called Eue Vieille, and which must, in fact, have been very old, stood a venerable edifice, with pointed gables, of squat and large dimensions, ornamented with three windows looking into the street on the first floor, with two in the second, and with a little ceil de bceufin the third. On the sides of this triangle had recently been constructed a parallelogram of considerable size, which encroached upon the street remorselessly, according to the familiar uses of the edility of that period. The street was narrowed by a quarter by it, but then the house was enlarged by a half; and was not that a sufficient compensation? Tradition said that this house with the pointed gables was inhabited, in the time of Henry III., by a councilor of state whom Queen Catherine came, some say to visit, and others to strangle. However that may be, the good lady nrnst have stepped with a circumspect foot over the thresh- old of this building. After the councilor had died — whether by strangulation or naturally is of no consequence — the house had been sold, then abandoned, and lastly isolated from the other houses of the street. Toward the middle of the reign of Louis XIII. only, an Italian, named Cropoli, escaped from the kitchens of the Marquis d'Ancre, came and took possession i of this house. There he established a little hostelry, in which was fabricated a maccaroni so delicious that people 1 came from miles round to fetch it or eat it. So famous had the house become ^or it that when Mary de Medici was a prisoner, as we know, in the castle of Blois, she once sent for some. It was precisely on the day she had escaped by the famous window. The dish of maccaroni was left upon the table, only just tasted by the royal mouth. This double favor, of a strangulation and a maccaroni, conferred upon the triangular house, gave poor Cropoli a 80 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONN1. fancy to grace his hostelry with a pompous title. But his quality of an Italian was no recommendation in these times, and his small, well-concealed fortune forbid attracting too much attention. When he found himself about to die, which happened in 1643, just after the death of Louis XIII. , he called to him his son, a young cook of great promise, and with tears in his eyes he recommended him to preserve carefully the secret of the maccaroni, to Frenchify his name, and at length, when the political horizon should be cleared from the clouds which obscured it — this was practiced then as in our day — to order of the nearest smith a handsome sign, upon which a famous painter, whom he named, should de- sign two queens' portraits, with these words as a legend: "To the Medici." The worthy Cropoli, after these recommendations, had only sufficient time to point out to his young successor a chimney, under the slab of which he had hidden a thou- sand ten-franc louis, and then expired. Cropoli, the younger, like a man of good heart, supported the loss with resignation, and the gain without insolence. He began by accustoming the public to sound the final i of his name so little, that, by the aid of general complaisance, he was soon called nothing but M. Cropole, which is quite a French name. He then married, having had in his eyes a little French girl, from whose parents he extorted a reason- able dowry by snowing them what there was beneath the slab of the chimney. These two points accomplished, he went in search of the painter who was to paint the sign, and he was soon found. He was an old Italian, a rival of the Eaphaels and the Caracchi, but an unfortunate rival. He said he was of the Venetian school, doubtless from his fondness for color. His works, of which he had never sold one, attracted the eye at a distance of a hundred paces; but they so formidably displeased the citizens that he had finished by painting no more. He boasted of having painted a bath-room for Mme. la Marechale d'Ancre, and moaned over this chamber having been burned at the time of the marechal's disaster. Cropoli, in his character of a compatriot, was indulgent toward Pittrino, which was the name of the artist. Per- haps he had seen the famous pictures of the bath-room. Be this as it may, he held in such esteem, we may say in such friendship, the famous Pittrino, that he took him into his own house tfHE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. ^1 Pittrino, grateful, and fed with maccaroni, set about propagating the reputation of this national dish, and from the time of its founder he had rendered, with his inde- fatigable tongue, signal services to the house of Cropoli. As he grew old he attached himself to the son as he had done to the father, and by degrees became a kind of over- looker of a house in which his remarkable integrity, hit acknowledged sobriety, and a thousand other virtues useless to enumerate, gave him an eternal place by the fireside, with a right of inspection over the domestics. Besides this, it was he who tasted the maccaroni, to maintain the pure flavor of the ancient tradition ; and it. must be allowed that he never permitted & grain of pepper too much or an atom of parmesan too little. His joy was at its height on that day when called upon to share the secret of Cropoli the younger and to paint the famous sign. He was seen at once rummaging with ardor in an old box, in which he found some pencils, a little gnawed by the rats, but still passable; some colors in bladders, almost dried up ; some linseed-oil in a bottle, and a palette which had formerly belonged to Bronzino, that dieu de la pit- toure, as the ultra-montane artist always called him. Pittrino was puffed up with all the joy of a rehabilitation. He did as Raphael had done — he changed his style, and painted, in the fashion of the Albanian, two goddesses rather than two queens. These illustrious ladies appeared so lovely on the sign — they presented to the astonished eyes such an assemblage of lilies and roses, the enchanting re- sult of the change of style in Pittrino — they assumed the poses of sirens so Anacreontieally — that the principal Schevin, when admitted to view this capital piece in the salle of Cropole, at once declared that these ladies were too handsome to figure as a sign in the eyes of passengers. To Pittrino he added, "His Royal Highness Monsieur, who often comes into our city, will not be much pleased to see his illustrious mother so slightly clothed, and he will send you to the oubliettes of the state; for, remember, the heart of that glorious prince is not always tender. You must efface either the two sirens of the legend, without which I forbid the exhibition of the sign. I say this for your sake, Master Cropole, as well as for yours, Signor Pittrino." What answer could be made to this? It was necessary to ffi THE VTCOMTE DE BRA4EL0KNE. thank the Schevin for his kindness, which .Cropole did. But Pittrino remained downcast, and said he felt assured oi what was about to happen. The edile Avas scarcely gone when Cropole, crossing his arms, said: "Well, master, what is to ha done?" "We must efface the legend," said Pittrino, in a melan- choly tone. "I have some excellent ivory-black; it will be done in a moment, and we will replace the Medici by the nymphs or the sirens, whichever you prefer." "No," said Cropole; "the will of my father must be car- ried out. My father considered " "He considered the figures of the most importance/' said Pittrino. "He thought most of the legend," said Cropole. "The proof of the importance in which he held the figures," said Pittrino, "is that he desired they should be likenesses, and they are so." "Yes; but if they had not been so who would have recognized them without the legend? At the present day even, when the memory of the Blaisois begins to be faint with regard to these two celebrated persons, who would recognize Catherine and Mary without the words 'To the Medici?'" "But the figures?" said Pittrino, in despair; for he felt that young Cropole was right. "I should not like to lose the fruit of my labor." "And I should not wish you to be thrown into prison, xnd myself into the oubliettes." "Let us efface 'Medici,' " said Pittrino supplicatingly. "No," replied Cropole firmly. "I have got an idea, a sublime idea — your picture shall appear, and my legend likewise. Does not 'Medici' mean doctor, or physician, in Italian?" "Yes, in the plural." "Well, then, you shall order another sign-frame of the smith; you shall paint six physicians, and write underneath 'Aux Medici,' which makes a very pretty play upon words." "Six physicians! impossible! And the composition?" cried Pittrino. "That is your business, — but so it shall be — I insist upon it — it must be so — my maccaroni is burning." This reasoning was peremptory — Pittrino obeyed. He composed the sign of six physicians, with the legend; the ecltevin applauded and authorized it. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNL. 33 The sign produced an extravagant success in the city, which proves that poetry has always been in the wrong be- fore citizens, as Pittrino said. Cropole, to make amends to his painter-in-ordinary, hung up the nymphs of the preceding sign in his bedroom, which made Mme. Cropole blush every time she looked at it when she was undressing at night. This is the way in which the pointed gable house got a sign ; and this is how the hostelry of the Medici, making a fortune, was found to be enlarged by a quarter, as we have described. And this is how there was at Blois a hostelry of that name, and had for painter-in-ordinary Master Pittrino, CHAPTER VI. THE UNKNOWN. Thus founded and recommended by this sign, the hostelry of Master Cropole held its way steadily on toward a solid prosperity. It was not an immense fortune that Cropole had in per- spective; but he might hope to double the thousand louis d'or left by his father, to make another thousand louis by the sale of his house and stock, and at length to live happily like a retired citizen. Cropole was anxious for gain, and was half-crazy with joy at the news of the arrival of Louis XIV. Himself, his wife, Pittrino, and two cooks, immediately laid hands upon all the inhabitants of the dovecote, the poultry-yard, and the rabbit-hutches; so that as many lamentations and cries resounded in the yards of the hos= telry of the Medici as were formerly heard in Rama. Cropole had, at the time, but one single traveler in his house. This was a man of scarcely thirty years of ago, hand- some, tall, austere. He was dressed in black velvet with jet trimmings; a white collar, as plain as that of the severest Puritan, set off the whiteness of his youthful neck; a small, dark-colored mustache scarcely covered his curled, disdainful lip. He spoke to people looking them full in the face, without affectation, it is true, but without scruple; so that the brilliancy of his black eyes became so insupportable, that 34 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. more than one look had sunk beneath his, like the weaker sword in a single combat. At this time, in which men, all created equal by God, were divided, thanks to prejudices, into two distinct castes, the gentleman and the commoner, as they are really divided into two races — the black and the white — at this time, we say, he whose portrait we have just sketched could not fail of being taken for a gentleman, and of the best class. To ascertain this, there was no necessity to consult airything but his hands, long, slender, and white, of which every muscle, every vein, became apparent through the skin at the least movement, and the phalanges reddened at the least crispation. This gentleman, then, had arrived alone at Cropole's house. He had taken, without hesitation, the principal apartment which the hotelier had pointed out to him with a rapacious aim, very praiseworthy some will say, very reprehensible will say others, if they admit that Cropole was a physiognomist, and judged people at first sight. This apartment was that which composed the whole front of the ancient triangular house; a large salon, lighted by two windows on the first stage, a small chamber by the side of it, and another above it. Now, from the time he had arrived, this gentleman had scarcely touched any repast that had been served up to him in his chamber. He had spoken but two words to the hose, to warn him that a traveler of the name of Parry would arrive, and to desire that, when he did, he should be shown up to him immediately. He afterward preserved so profound a silence that Cro- pole was almost offended, so much did he prefer people who were good company. This gentleman had risen early the morning of the day on which this history begins, and had placed himself at the window of his salon, seated upon the lectge, and leaning upon the rail of the balcony, gazing sadly but persistently on both sides of the street, watching, no doubt, for the arrival of the traveler he had mentioned to the host. In this way he had seen the little cortege of Monsieur return from hunting, then had again partaken of the pro- found tranquillity of the street, absorbed in his own expecta- tion. All at once the movement of the poor going to the meadows, couriers setting out, washers of pavements, pur- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 35 veyors of the royal household, gabbling, scampering shop- boys, chariots in motion, hairdressers on the run, and pages toiling along — this tumult and bustle had surprised him, but without losing any of that impassible and supreme majesty which gives to the eagle and the lion that serene ami contemptuous glance amid the hurrahs and shouts of hunters or the curious. Soon the cries of the victims slaughtered in the poultry- yard, th-e hasty steps of Mme. Cropole up that little wooden staircase, so narrow and so sonorous; the bounding pace of Pittrino, who only that morning was smoking at the door with all the phlegm of a Dutchman; all this communicated something like surprise and agitation to the traveler. As he was rising to make inquiries, the door of his cham- ber opened. The unknown concluded they were about to introduce the impatiently expected traveler, and made three precipitate steps to meet im. But, instead of the person he expected, it was Master Cropole who appeared, and behind him, in the half-dark staircase, the pleasant face of Mme. Cropole, rendered trivial by curiosity. She only gave one furtive glance at the handsome gentleman, and disappeared. Cropole advanced, cap in hand, rather bent than bowing. A gesture of the unknown interrogated him, without a word being pronounced. "Monsieur," said Cropole, "I come to ask how — what ought I to say: your lordship, Monsieur le Comte, or Mon- sieur le Marquis?" "Say monsieur, and speak quickly," replied the un- known, with that haughty accent which admits of neither discussion nor reply. "I came, then, to inquire how monsieur had passed the night, and if monsieur intended to keep this apartment?" "Yes." "Monsieur, something has happened upon which we could not reckon." "What?" "His Majesty Louis XIV. will enter our city to-day, and will remain here one day, perhaps two." Great astonishment was painted on the countenance of the unknown. "The King of France coming to Blois?" "He is on the road, monsieur." "Then there is the stronger reason for my remaining," said the unknown. 36 THE VICOMTE DE ERAGELON-NE. "Very well; but will monsieur keep all the apartments?" "I do not understand you. Why should I require less to-day than yesterday?" "Because, monsieur, your lordship will permit me to say, yesterday I did not think proper, when you chose your lodging, to fix any price that might have made your lord- ship believe that I prejudged your resources; while to- day " The unknown colored; the idea at once struck him that he was supposed to be poor, and was being insulted. "While to-day," replied he coldly, "you do prejudge." "Monsieur, I am a well-meaning man, thank God! and simple hotelier as I am, there is in me the blood of a gen- tleman. My father was a servant and officer of the late Marechal d'Ancre. God rest his soul!" "I do not contest that point with you; I only wish to know, and that quickly, to what your questions tend?" "You are too reasonable, monsieur, not to comprehend that our city is small, that the court is about to invade it, that the houses will be 6verflowing with inhabitants, and that lodgings will, consequently, obtain considerable prices." Again the unknown colored. "Name your terms," said he. "I name them with scruple, monsieur, because I seek an honest gain, and that I wish to carry on my business with- out being uncivil or extravagant in my demands. Now, the room you occupy is considerable, and you are alone." "That is my business." "Oh! certainly. I do not mean to turn monsieur out." The blood rushed to the temples of the unknown; he darted at poor Cropole, the descendant of one of the officers of the Marechal d'Ancre, a glance that would have crushed 'him down to beneath that famous chimney-slab if Cropole had not been nailed to the spot by the question of his own proper interests. "Do you desire me to go?" said he. "Explain yourself — but quickly." "Monsieur, monsieur, you do not understand me. It is very delicate — I know — that which I am doing. I express myself badly, or, perhaps, as monsieur is a foreigner, which I perceive by his accent " In fact, the unknown spoke with that slight defect which is the principal character of English accentuation, even among men who speak the "F^^h language vith th3 sreat est purity. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 37 "As monsieur is a foreigner, I say, it is perhaps he who does not catch my exact meaning. I wish for monsieur to give up one or two of the apartments he occupies, which would diminish his expenses and ease my conscience. In- deed, it is hard to increase unreasonably the price of the chambers, when one has had the honor to let them at a reasonable price. " "How much does the hire amount to since yesterday?'* "Monsieur, to one louis, with refreshments and the charge for the horse." "Very well; and that of to-day?" "Ah! there is the difficulty. This is the day of the king's arrival; if the court comes to sleep here, the charge of the day is reckoned. From, that it results that three chambers, at two louis each, make six louis. Two louis, monsieur, are not much; but six louis make a great deal." The unknown, from red, as we have seen him, became very pale. He drew from his pocket, with heroic bravery, a purse embroidered with a coat of arms, which he carefully con- cealed in the hollow of his hand. This purse was of a thin- ness, a flabbiness, a hollowness, which did not escape the eye of Cropole. The unknown emptied the purse into his hand. It con • tained three double louis, which amounted to the six louis demanded by the host. But it was seven that Cropole had required. He looked, therefore, at the unknown, as much as to say, "And then?" "There remains one louis, does there not, Master Hotelier?" "Yes, monsieur, but " The unknown plunged his hand into the pocket of his haut-de-chausse, and emptied it. It contained a small pocketbook, a gold key, and some silver. With this change he made up a louis. "Thank you, monsieur," said Cropole. "It now only remains for me to ask whether monsieur intends to occupy his apartments to-morrow, in which case I will reserve them for him; whereas, if monsieur does not mean to do so, I will promise them to some of the king's people who are coming." "That is but right," said the unknown, after a long silence; "but as 1 have no more money, as you have seen, and as I yet must retain the apartments, you must either sell this diamond in the cii.Y* or hold it in pledge." 38 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONTSE. Cropole looked at the diamond so long that the unknown said, hastily: "I prefer your selling it, monsieur; for it is worth three hundred pistoles. A Jew — are there any Jews in Blois? — would give you two hundred or a hundred and fifty for it — take whatever may be offered for it, if it be no more than the price of your lodging. Be gone!" "Oh! monsieur," replied Cropole, ashamed of the sudden inferiority which the unknown retorted upon him by this noble and disinterested confidence, as well as by the un- alterable patience opposed to so many suspicions and eva- sions. "Oh! monsieur, I hope peopl are not so dishonest at Blois as you seem to think; and that the diamond, being worth what you say " The unknown here again darted at Cropole one of his withering glances. "I really do not understand diamonds, monsieur, I assure you!" cried he. "But the jewelers do; ask them," said the unknown. "Now I believe our accounts are settled, are they not, Mon- sieur l'Hotelier?" "Yes, monsieur, and to my profound regret; for I fear I have offended monsieur." "Not at all," replied the unknown, with ineffable majesty. "Or have appeared to be extortionate with a noble traveler. Consider, monsieur, the peculiarity of the case." "Say no more about it, I desire; and leave me to myself." Cropole bowed profoundly, and left the room with a stupefied air, which announced that he had a good heart, and felt genuine remorse. The unknown himself shut the door after him, and, when left alone, looked mournfully at the bottom of the purse, from which he had taken a small silken bag containing the diamond, his last resource. He dwelt likewise upon the imptiness of his pockets, turned over the papers in his pocketbook, and convinced himself of the state of absolute destitution in which he was about to be plunged. He raised his eyes toward heaven, with a sublime emo- tion of despairing calmness, brushed off with his hand some drops of sweat which trickled over his noble brow, and then cast down upon the earth a look which just before had been impressed with almost divine majesty. That the storm had passed far from him, perhaps lie had prayed in the bottom of his soul. THE VLCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 39 He drew near to the window, resumed his place in the balcony, and remained there, motionless, annihilated, dead, till the moment when, the heavens beginning to darken, the first flambeaus traversed the embalmed street, and gave the signal for illumination to all the windows of the city. CHAPTER VII. PARRY. While the unknown was viewing these lights with inter-' est, and lending an ear to the various noises, Master Cro- pole entered his apartment, followed by two attendants, who laid the cloth for his meal. The stranger did not pay them the least attention; but Cropole, approaching him respectfully, whispered: "Monsieur, the diamond has been valued." "Ah!" said the traveler. "Well?" "Well, monsieur, the jeweler of S. A. R. gives two hun- dred and eighty pistoles for it." "Have you them?" "I thought it best to take them, monsieur; nevertheless, I made it a condition of the bargain that if monsieur wished to keep his diamond, it should be held till monsieur was again in funds." "Oh, no, not at all; I told you to sell it." "Then I have obeyed, or nearly so, since, without having definitely sold it, I have touched the money." "Pay yourself," added the unknown. "I will do so, monsieur, since you so positively require it." A sad smile passed over the lips of the gentleman. "Place the money on that trunk," said he, turning round and pointing to the piece of furniture. Cropole deposited a tolerably large bag as directed, after having taken from it the amount of his reckoning. "Now," said he, "I hope monsieur will not give me the pain of not taking any supper. Dinner has already been refused; this is affronting to the house of les Medici. Look, monsieur, the supper is on the table, and I venture to say that it is not a bad one." The unknown asked for a glass of wine, broke off a mor- sel of bread, and did not stir from the window while he eat and drank. Shortly after was heard a loud flourish of trumpets; cries 40 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. arose in the distance, a confused buzzing filled the lowei part of the city, and the first distinct sound that struck the ears of the stranger was the tramp of advancing horses. "The king! the king!" repeated a noisy and eager crowd. "The king!" cried Cropole, abandoning his guest and his ideas of delicacy to satisfy his curiosity. With Cropole were mingled, and jostled, on the staircase, Mme. Cropole, Pittrino, and the waiters and scullions. The cortege advanced slowly, lighted by a thousand flam- beaus, in the streets and from the windows. After a company of musketeers, and a closely ranked troop of gentlemen, came the litter of M. le Cardinal, drawn like a carriage by four black horses. The pages and people of the cardinal marched behind. Next came the carriage of the queen-mother, with her maids of honor at the doors, her gentlemen on horseback at both sides. The king then appeared, mounted upon a splendid horse of Saxon race, with a flowing mane. The young prince ex- hibited, when bowing to some windows from which issued the most animated acclamations, a noble an. handsome countenance, illumined by the flambeaus of his pages. By the side of the king, though a little in the rear, the Priuce de Conde, M. Dangeau, and twenty other courtiers, followed by their people and their baggage, closed this veritably triumphant march. The pomp was of a military character. Some of the courtiers — the elder ones, for instance — wore traveling-dresses; but all the rest were clothed in warlike panoply. Many wore the gorget and buff coat of the times of Henry IV. and Louis XIII. When the king passed before him, the unknown, who had leaned forward over the balcony to obtain a better view, and who had concealed his face by leaning on his arm, felt his heart swell and overflow with a bitter jealousy. The noise of the trumpets excited him — the popular acclamations deafened him; for a moment he allowed his reason to be absorbed in this flood of lights, tumult, and brilliant images. "He is a king!" murmured he, in an accent of despair. Then, before he had recovered from his somber reverie, all the noise, all the splendor, had passed away. At the angle of the street there remained nothing beneath the stranger but a few hoarse., discordant voices, shouting at intervals, " Vive le Roil" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONN'E. 41 There remained likewise the six candles held by the in- habitants of the hostelry les Medici, that is to say, two for Cropole, two for Pittrino, and one for each scullion. Cro- pole never ceased repeating, "How good-looking the king is! How strongly he resembles his illustrious fi.ther!" "A handsome likeness!" said Pittrino. "And what a lofty carriage he has!" added Mme. Cro- pole, already in promiscuous commentary with her neigh- bors of both sexes. Cropole was feeding their gossip with his own personal remarks, without observing that an old man on foot, but leading a small Irish horse by the bridle, was endeavoring to penetrate the crowd of men and women which blocked up the entrance to the Medici. But at that moment the voice of the stranger was heard from the window. "Make way, Monsieur l'Hotelier, to the entrance of your house!" Cropole turned round, and, on seeing the old man, cleared a passage for him. The window was instantly closed. Pittrino pointed out the way to the newly arrived guest, who entered without uttering a word. The stranger waited for him on the landing; he opened his arms to the old man, and led him to a seat. "Oh, no, no, my lord!" said he. "Sit down in your presence? — never!" "Parry," cried the gentleman, "I beg you will; you come from England — you come so far. Ah! it is not for your age to undergo the fatigues my service requires. Rest yourself." "I have my reply to give your lordship, in the first place." "Parry, I conjure you to tell me nothing; for if your news had been good you would not have begun in such a manner; you go about, which proves that the news is bad." ! "My lord," said the old man, "do not hasten to alarm yourself; all is not lost, I hope. You must employ energy, but more particularly resignation." "Parry," said the young man, "I have reached this place through a thousand snares, and after a thousand difficulties; can you doubt my energy? I have meditated this journey ten years, in spite of all counsels and all obstacles — have you faith in my perseverance? I have this evening sold the last of my father's diamonds; for I had nothing where- witii to pay for my lodging, and my host was about to turn me out." 42 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. Parry made a gesture of indignation, to which the young man replied by a pressure of the hand and a smile. "I have still two hundred and seventy -four pistoles left, and I feel myself rich. I do not despair, Parry; have you faith in my resignation?" The old man raised his trembling hands toward heaven. "Let me know," said the stranger — "disguiss nothing from me — what has happened?" "My recital will be short, my lord; but in the name of heaven do not tremble so!" "It is impatience, Parry. Come, what did the general say to you?" "At first the general would not receive me." "He took you for a spy?" "Yes, my lord; but I wrote him a letter." "Well?" "He received it, and read it, my lord." "Did that letter thoroughly explain my position and my views?" "Oh, yes!" said Parry, with a sad smile; "it painted your thoughts faithfully." "Well— then, Parry?" "Then the general sent me back the letter by an aid-de- camp, informing me that if I were found the next day within the circumspection of his command he would have me arrested." "Arrested!" murmured the young man. "What! arrest you, my most faithful servant?" "Yes, my lord." "And notwithstanding you had signed the name Parry!" "To all my letters, my lord; and the aid-de-camp had known me at St. James', and at Whitehall, too," added the old man, with a sigh. The young man leaned forward, thoughtful and sad. "Ay, that's what he did before his people," said he, en- deavoring to cheat himself with hopes. "But, privately — ■ between you and him — what did he do? Answer!" "Alas! my lord, he sent to me four cavaliers, who gave me the horse with which you just now saw me come back. These cavaliers conducted me, in great haste, to the little port of Tenby, threw me, rather than embarked me, into a fishing-boat about to sail for Brittany, and here I am." "Oh!" sighed the young man, clasping his neck convul- sively with his hand, and with a sob. "Parry, is that all? —is that all?" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE, 43 "Yes, my lord; that is all." After this brief reply ensued a long interval of silence, broken only by the convulsive beating of the heel of the young man on the floor. The old man endeavored to change the conversation; it was leading to thoughts much too sinister. "My lord," said he, "what is the meaning of all tne noise which preceded me? What are these people crying ' Vive le Roi!' for? What king do they mean, and what are all these lights for?" "Ah ! Parry," replied the young man ironically, "don't you know that the King of France is visiting his good city of Blois ? All those trumpets are his, all those gilded hous- ings are his, all those gentlemen wear swords that are his. His mother precedes him in a carriage magnificently in- crusted with silver and gold. Happy mother ! His minister heaps up millions, and conducts him to a rich bride. Then all these people rejoice ; they love their king, they hail him with their acclamations, and they cry, Vive U Roi!' "Well, well, my lord," said Parry, more uneasy at the turn the conversation had taken than at the other. "You know," resumed the unknown, "that my mother and my sister, while all this is going on in honor of the King of France, have neither money nor bread ; you know that I myself shall be poor and degraded within a fortnight, when all Europe will become acquainted with what you have told me. Parry, are there not examples in which a man of my condition should himself " "My lord, in the name of Heaven " "You are right,Parry ; Iamacoward, and if I do nothing for myself, what will God do ? No, no ; I have two arms, Parry, and I have a sword." And he struck his arm violently with his hand, and took down his sword. "What are you going to do, my lord ?" "What am I going to do. Parry ? What every one in my family does. My mother lives on public charity, my sister begs for my mother ; I have, somewhere or other, brothers who equally beg for themselves; and I, the eldest, will go and do as all the rest do — I will go and ask charity." And at these words, which he finished sharply with a nervous and terrible laugh, the young man girded on his sword, took his hat from the trunk, fastened to his shoulder a black cloak, which he had worn during all his journey 44 THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELONNE^ and pressing the two hands < f the old man, who watched his proceedings with a look of anxiety: "My good Parry," said he, '"order a fire, drink, eat, sleep, and be happy; let us both be happy, my faithful friend, my only friend. We are rich, as rich as kings!'' He struck the bag of pistoles with his clinched hands as he spoke, and it fell heavily to the ground. He resumed that dismal laugh that had so alarmed Parry; and while the whole household was screaming, singing, and preparing to install the travelers who had been preceded by their lackeys, he glided out by the principal entrance iuto the street, where the old man, who had gone to the window, lost sight of him in a moment. CHAPTER VIII. WHAT HIS MAJESTY KING LOUIS XIV. WAS AT THE AGE OF TWENTY-TWO. It has been seen, by the account we have endeavored to give of it, that the entree of King Louis XIV. into the city of Blois had been noisy and brilliant; his young majesty had therefore appeared perfectly satisfied with it. On arriving beneath the porch of the Castle of the States, the king met, surrounded by his guards and gentlemen, with S. A. R. the duke, Gaston of Orleans, whose physiog- nomy, naturally rather majestic, had borrowed on this solemn occasion a fresh luster and a fresh dignity. On her part, madame, dressed in her robes of ceremony, awaited, in the interior balcony, the entrance of her nephew. All the win- dows of the old castle, so deserted and dismal on ordinary days, were resplendent with ladies and lights. It was then to the sound of drums, trumpets, and vivats that the young king crossed the threshold of that castle in which, seventy-two years before, Henry III. had called in the aid of assassination and treachery to keep upon his head and in his house a crown which was already slipping from his brow, to fall into another family. All eyes, after having admired the young king, so hand- some and so agreeable, sought for that other king of France, much otherwise king than the former, and so old, so pale, so bent, that people called him the Cardinal Mazarin. Louis was at this time endowed with all the natural gifts which make the perfect gentleman; his eye was brilliant, THE VICOMTE BE BRAr T ELONNE. 45 mild, and of a clear azure blue. But the most skillful physiognomists, those divers into the soul, on fixing their Looks upon it, if it had been possible for a subject to sustain bhe glance of the king — the most skillful physiognomists, we say, would never have been able to fathom the depths ipf that abyss of mildness. It was with the eyes of the king las with the immense depth of the azure heavens, or with those more terrific, and almost as sublime, which the Medi- terranean reveals under the keels of its ships in a clear sum- mer day, a gigantic mirror in which heaven delights to reflect sometimes its stars, sometimes its storms. The king was short of stature — he was scarcely five feet two inches; but his youth made up for this defect, set off likewise by great nobleness in all his movements, and by considerable address in all bodily exercises. Certes, he was already quite a king, and it was a great thing to be a king in that period of traditional devotedness and respect; but as, up to that time, he had been but sel- dom and always poorly shown to the people, as they to whom he was shown saw him by the side of his mother, a tall woman, and M. le Cardinal, a man of commanding ^presence, many found him so little of a king as to say: "Why, the king is not so tall as Monsieur le Cardinal!" Whatever may be thought of these physical observations, which were principally made in the capital, the young king was welcomed as a god by the inhabitants of Blois and almost like a king by his uncle and aunt, Monsieur and madame, the inhabitants of the castle. It must, however, be allowed that when he saw, in the ,hall of reception, chairs of equal height placed for himself, his mother, the cardinal, and his uncle and aunt, a disposi- tion artfully concealed by the semicircular form of the assembly, Louis XIV. became red with anger, and looked laround him to ascertain by the countenances of those that were present if this humiliation had been prepared for him. [But as he saw nothing upon the impassible visage of ths cardinal, nothing on that of his mother, nothing on those of the assembly, he resigned himself, and sat down, taking care to be seated before anybody else. The gentlemen and ladies were presented to their majes- ties and M. le Cardinal. The king remarked that his mother and he scarcely knew the names of any of the persons who were presented to them; while the cardinal, on the contrary, never failed, with an admirable memory and presence of mind, to talk to 46 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. every one about his estates, his ancestors, or his children, some of whom he named, which enchanted those worthy country gentlemen, and confirmed them in the idea that he alone is truly king who knows his subjects, from the same reason that the- sun has no rival, because the sun alone warms' and lightens. The study of the young king, which had begun a long time before, without anybody suspecting it, was continued then, and he looked around him attentively, to endeavor to make out something in the physiognomies which had at first appeared the most insignificant and trivial. A collation was served. The king, without daring to call upon the hospitality of his uncle, had waited for it im- patiently. This time, therefore, he had all the honors duie, if not to his rank, at least to his appetite. As to the cardinal, he contented himself with touching with his withered lips a bouillon served in a gold cup. The all-powerful minister, who had taken her regency from the queen, and his royalty from the king, had not been able to take a good stomach from nature. Anne of Austria, already suffering from the cancer which six or eight years after caused her death, eat very little more than the cardinal. For Monsieur, already puffed up with the great event which had taken place in his provincial life, eat nothing whatever. Madame alone, like a true Lorrainer, kept pace with his majesty; so that Louis XIV., who, without this partner, might have eaten nearly alone, was at first much pleased with his aunt, and afterward with M. de St. Remy, her ■maitre cVhotel, who had really distinguished himself. The collation over, at a sign of approbation from M. d<* Mazarin, the king arose, and, at the invitation of his aunt, walked about among the ranks of the assembly. The ladies then observed — there are certain things for which women are as good observers at Blois as at Paris — the ladies then observed that Louis XIV. had a prompt and bold look, which promised a distinguished appreciator of beauty. The men, on their part, observed that the prince was proud and haughty, that he loved to look down those who fixed their eyes upon him too long or too earnestly, which gave presage of a master. Louis XIV. had accomplished about a third of his review, when his ears were struck with a word which his eminence pronounced while conversing with Monsieur. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOtfNE. 47 This word was the name of a woman. Scarcely had Louis XIV. heard this word than he heard,, or rather, listened to, nothing else; and neglecting the arc of the circle which awaited his visit, his object seemed to be to come as quickly as possible to the extremity of the curve. Monsieur, like a good courtier, was inquiring of M. le Cardinal after the health of his nieces; he regretted, he said, not having the pleasnre of receiving them at the same time with their uncle; they must certainly have grown in stature, beauty, and grace, as they had promised to do the last time Monsieur had seen them. What had first struck the king was a certain contrast in the voices of the two interlocutors. The voice of Monsieur was calm and natural while he spoke thus; while that of M. de Mazarin jumped by a note and a half to reply above the diapason of his usual voice. It might have been said that he wished that voice to strike, at the end of the salon, any ear that was too distant. "Monseigneur," replied he, "Mesdemoiselles de Mazarin have still to finish their education; they have duties to ful- fill, and a position to make. An abode in a young and brilliant court would dissipate them a little." Louis, at this last sentence, smiled sadly. The court was young, it was true, but the avaricg of the cardinal had taken good care that it should not be brilliant. "You have, nevertheless, no intention," replied Mon- sieur, "to cloister them or make them bourgeoises ?" "Not at all," replied the cardinal, forcing his Italian pronunciation is such a manner that, from soft and velvety as it was, it became sharp and vibrating; "not at all; I have a full and fixed intention to marry them, and that as well as I shall be able." "Parties will not be wanting, Monsieur le Cardinal," replied Monsieur, with a bonhomie worthy of one tradesman congratulating another. "I hope not, monseigneur, and with reason, as God has been pleased to give them grace, intelligence, and beauty." During this conversation, Louis XIV., conducted by ma- dame, accomplished, as Ave have described, the circle of presentations. "Mademoiselle Auricule," said the princess, presenting to his majesty a fat, fair girl of twenty-two, who at a village fete might have been taken for a peasant in Sunday finery * "the daughter of my music-mistress." 48 THE VICOMTE DE BRAftELOtfNE. The king smiled. Madame had never been able to extract four correct notes from either viol or harpsicjhord. "Mademoiselle Aure de Montalais," continued madame; "a young lady of rank, and my good attendant." This time it was not the king that smiled; it was the young lady presented, because, for the first time in her life, she heard given to her by madame, who generally showed no tendency to spoil her, such an honorable qualification. Our old acquaintance Montalais, therefore, made his majesty a profound courtesy, the more respectful from the necessity she was under of concealing certain contractions «f her laughing lips, which the king might not have at- tributed to their real cause. It was just at this moment that the king caught the word which startled him. "And the name of the third?" asked Monsieur. "Mary, monseigneur," replied the cardinal. There was, doubtless, some magical influence in that word, for, as we have said, the king started at hearing it, and drew madame toward the middle of the circle, as if he wished to put some confidential question to her, but, in reality, for the sake of getting nearer to the cardinal. "Madame my aunt," said he, laughing, and in a sup- pressed voice, "my geography-master did not teach me that Blois was at such an immense distance from Paris." "What do you mean, nephew?" asked madame. "Why, because it would appear that it requires several years as regards fashion, to travel the distance! Look at those young ladies." "Well; I know them all." "Some of them are pretty." "Don't say that too loud, monsieur my nephew; you will drive them wild." "Stop a bit, stop a bit, dear aunt," said the king, smil- ing, "for the second part of my sentence will serve as ai corrective to the first. Well, my dear aunt, some of them appear old, and others ugly, thanks to their ten-year-old fashions." "But, sire, Blois is only five days' journey from Paris." "Yes, that is it," said the king; "two years behind for each day." "Indeed! do you really think so? Well, that is strange! It never struck me." "Now, look, aunt," said Louis XIV., drawing still nearer to Mazarin, under the pretext of gaining a better point of THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNB. 49 view, "look at that simple white dress by the side of those antiquated specimens of finery, and those pretentious coiffures. She is probably one of my mother's maids of honor, though I aon't know her." "Ah! ah! my dear nephew!"' replied madame, laughing, ":ermit me to tell you that your divinatory science is at ,:ault for once. The young lady you honor with your praise is not a Parisian, but a Biaisoise." "Oh, aunt!" replied the king, with a look of doubt. "Come here, Louise," said madame. And the fair girl, already known to you under that name, approached them, timid, blushing, and almost bent beneath the royal glance. "Mademoiselle Louise Franchise de la Beaume Leblanc, +he daughter of the Marquis de la Valliere," said madame ceremoniously. The young girl bowed with so much grace, mingled with the profound timidity inspired by the presence of the king, that the latter lost, while looking at her, a few words of the conversation of Monsieur and the cardinal. "Daughter-in-law," continued madame, "of Monsieur de St. Eemy, my maitre d'hotel, who presided over the con- fection of that excellent daube truffee which your majesty seemed so much to appreciate." No grace, no youth, no beauty, could stand out against such a presentation. The king smiled. Whether the words of madame were a pleasantry, or uttered in all inno- cence, they proved the pitiless immola ion of everything that Louis had found charming or poetic in the young girl. Mile, de la Valliere, for madame, and b; rebound, for the king, was, for a moment, no more than the daughter of a man of a superior talent over dindes truffees. But princes are thus constituted. The gods, too, were just like this in Olympus. Diana and Venus, no doubt, abused the beautiful Alcmena and poor Io when they de- scended, for distraction's sake, to speak, amid nectar and ambrosia, of mortal beauties at the table of Jupiter. Fortunately, Louise was so bent in her reverential salute that she did not catch either madame's words or the king's smile. In fact, if the poor child, who had so much good taste as alone to have chosen to dress herself in white amid all her companions — if that dove's heart, so easily accessible to painful emotions, had been touched by the cruel words of madame, or the egotistical cold smile of the king, it would have annihilated her. 50 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "• And Montalais herself, the girl of ingenious ideas, would not have attempted to recall her to life; for ridicule kills beauty even. But fortunately, as we have said, Louise, whose ears were buzzing, and her eyes veiled by timidity — Louise saw noth- ing and heard nothing; and the king, who had still his attention directed to the conversation of the cardinal and his uncle, hastened to return to them. He came up just at the moment Mazarin terminated b\ raying: "Mary, as well as her sisters, has just set off for Brouage. I made them follow the opposite bank of the Loire to that along which we have traveled; and if I calcu- late their progress correctly, according to the orders I have given, they will to-morrow be opposite Blois." These words were pronounced with that tact — that measure, that distinctness of tone, of intention, and reach — which made Del Signor Giulio Mazarini the first comedian in the world. It resulted that they went straight to the heart of Louis XIV., and that the cardinal, on turning round at the simple noise of the approaching footsteps of his majesty, saw the immediate effect of them upon the countenance of his pupil, an effect betrayed to the keen eyes of his eminence by a slight increase of color. But what was the ventilating of such a secret to him whose craft had for twenty years deceived all the diplomatists of Europe? From the moment the young king heard these last words, he appeared as if he had received a poisoned arrow in his heart. He could not remain quiet in a place, but cast around an uncertain, dead, and aimless look over the as- sembly. He with his eyes interrogated his mother more than twenty times; but she, given up to the pleasure of conversing with her sister-in-law, and likewise constrained by the glance of Mazarin, did not appear to comprehend any of the supplications conveyed by the looks of her son. From this moment, music, lights, flowers, beauties, all became odious and insipid to Louis XIV. After he had a hundred times bitten his lips, stretched his legs and his arms like a well-brought-up child, who, without daring to gape, exhausts all the modes of evincing his weariness — ■ after having uselessly again implored his mother and the minister, he turned a despairing look toward the door, that is to say, toward liberty. At this door, in the embrasure of which he was leaning, he saw, standing out strongly, a figure with a brown and THE VICOMTE DE BRAOELONNE. 51 lefty countenance, an aquiline nose, a stern but brilliant eye, gray and long hair, a black mustache, the true type of military beauty, whose gorget, more sparkling than a mir- ror, broke all the reflected lights which concentrated upon it, and sent them back as lightning. This officer wore his gray hat with its long red plumes upon his head, a proof that he was called there by his duty, and not by his pleasure. If he had been brought thither by his pleasure — if he had been a courtier instead of a soldier, as pleasure must always be paid for at the same price — he would have held his hat in his hand. That which proved still better that this officer was upon duty, and was accomplishing a task to which he was accus- : tomed, was, that he watched, with folded arms, remarkable indifference, and supreme apathy, the joys and ennuis of this fete. Above all, he appeared like a philosopher, and all old soldiers are philosopher? — he appeared above all to comprehend the ennuis infinitely better than the joys; but in the one he took his part, knowing very well how to do without the other. Now he was leaning against the carved door-frame, when the melancholy, weary eyes of the king, by chance, met his. It was not the first time, as it appeared, that the eyes of the officer had met those eyes, and he was perfectly ac- quainted with the expression of them; for, as soon as he had cast his own look upon the countenance of Louis XI V., and had read by it what was passing in his heart — that is to say, all the ennui that oppressed him — all the timid de- sire to go out which agitated him — he perceived he must render the king a service without his commanding it — almost in spite of himself. Boldly, therefore, as if he had given the word of command to cavalry in battle, "On the king's service !" cried he, in a clear, sonorous voice. At these words, which produced the effect of a peal of thunder, prevailing over the orchestra, the singing, and the buzz of the promenaders, the cardinal and the queen- mother looked at each other with surprise. Louis XIV., pale, but resolved, supported as he was by that intuition of his own thought which he had found in the mind of the officer of musketeers, and which he had just manifested by the order given, arose from his chair. "Are you going, my son?" said the queen, while Mazarin satisfied himself with interrogating by a look which might -iave appeared mild if it lied not been_so piercing. 02 THE VICOMTE I>E BRAGELONNE. "Yes, madame," replied the king; "I am fatigued, an4 besides, wish to write this evening." A smile stole over the lips of the minister, who appeared, by a bend of the head, to give the king permission. Monsieur and madame hastened to give orders to the officers who presented themselves. The king bowed, crossed the hall, and gained the door, where a hedge of twenty musketeers awaited him. At the extremity of this hedge stood the officer, impassable, with his drawn sword in his hand. The king passed, and all the crowd stood on tiptoe, to have one more look at him. Ten musketeers, opening the crowd of the antechambers and the steps, made way for his majesty. The other ter surrounded the king and monsieur, who had insisted upon accompanying his majesty. The domestics walked behind. This little cortege escorted the king to the chamber destined for him. The apartment was the same that had been occu- pied by Henry III. during his sojourn in the states. Monsieur had given his orders. The musketeers, led by their officer, took possession of the little passage by which one wing of the castle communicates with the other. This passage was commenced by a small square antechamber, dark even in the finest days. Monsieur stopped Louis XIV. "You are passing now, sire," said he, "the very spot where the due De Guise received the first stab of the poniard." The king was ignorant of all historical matters; he had heard of the fact, but he knew nothing of the localities or the details. "Ah!" said he, with a shudder. And he stopped. The rest, both behind him and before him, stopped likewise. "The due, sire," continued Gaston, "was nearly where I stand,- he was walking in the same direction as your majesty; Monsieur de Lorgnes was exactly where your lieutenant of musketeers is; Monsieur de St. Maline and his majesty's ordinaries were behind him and around him. It was here that he was struck." The king turned toward his officer, and saw something like a cloud pass over his martial and daring countenance. "Yes, from behind!" murmured the lieutenant, with a gesture of supreme disdain. And he endeavored to resume the march, as if ill at ea?e at being between walls formerly defiled by treachery. But the king, who avz/pared to wish to be informed, was ct»*posed to gije anoth<» )o«k at„this dismal spot. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 53 Gaston perceived his nephew's desire. "Look, sire," said he, taking a flambeau from the hands of M. de St. Remy, "this is where he fell. There was a bed there, the curtains of which he tore with catching at them/' "Why does the floor seem hollowed out at this spot?" asked Louis. "Because it was here the blood flowed,' replied Gaston; "the blood penetrated deeply into the oak, and it was only by cutting it out that they succeeded in making it disap- pear. And even then," added Gaston, pointing the flam- beau to the spot, "even then this red stain resisted all the attempts made to destroy it." Louis XIV. raised his head. Perhaps he was thinking of that bloody trace that had once been shown him at the Louvre, and which, as a pendant to that of Blois, had been made there one day by the king, his father, with the blood of Concini. "Let us go on," said he. The inarch was resumed promptly; for emotion, no doubt, had given to the voice of the young prince a tone of command which was not customary with him. When arrived at the apartment destined for the king, which com- municated not only with the little passage we have passed through, bat further with the great staircase leading to the court: "Will your majesty," said Gaston, "condescend to oc- cupy this apartment, all unworthy as it is to receive you?" "Uncle," replied the young king, "I render you my thanks for your cordial hospitality." Gaston bowed to his nephew, who embraced him, and then went out. Of the twenty musketeers who had accompanied the king, ten reconducted Monsieur to the reception-rooms, which were not yet empty, notwithstanding the king had retired. The ten others were posted by their officer, who himself explored, in five minutes, all the localities, with that cold and certain glance which not even habit gives unless that glance belongs to genius. Then, when all were placed, he chose as his headquarters the antechamber, in which he found a large fauteuil, a lamp, some wine, some water, and some dry bread. _ He refreshed his lamp, drank half a glass of wine, curled his lip with a smile full of expression, installed himself n? his large armchair, and made preparations for sleeping. 54 THE VIC0MTE DE JPcAGELONNE. CHAPTER IX. IN WHICH THE UNKNOWN OF THE HOSTELRY OF LES MEDIC, LOSES HIS INCOGNITO. This officer, who was sleeping, or preparing to sleep, was, notwithstanding his careless air, charged with a serious re sjsonsibility. Lieutenant of the king's musketeers, he commanded all the company which came from Paris, and that company consisted of a hundred and twenty men; but, with the ex- ception of the twenty of whom we have spoken, the other hundred were engaged in guarding the queen-mother, and more particularly the cardinal. Monsignor Giulio Mazarini economized the traveling ex- penses of his guards; he consequently used the king's, and that largely, since he took fifty of them for himself — a peculiarity which would not have failed to strike any one unacquainted with the usages of that court. That which would not, still further, have appeared, if not inconvenient, at least extraordinary, to a stranger, was, that the side of the castle destined for M. le Cardinal was brilliant, light, and cheerful. The musketeers there mounted guard before every door, and allowed no one to enter, except the couriers, who, even while he was travel- ing, followed the cardinal for the carrying on of his corre- spondence. Twenty men were on duty with the queen-mother; thirty rested, in order to relieve their companions the next day. On the king's side, on the contrary, were darkness y silence, and solitude. When once the doors were closed, there was no longer an appearance of royalty. All the servitors had by degrees retired. M. le Prince had sent to know if his majesty required his attendance; and on the customary "No" of the lieutenant of musketeers, who was habituated to the question and the reply, all appeared to sink into the •xms of sleep, as if in the dwelling of a good citizen. And yet it was possible to hear from the side of the house occupied by the young king the music of the banquet, and to see the windows of the great hall richly illuminated. Ten minutes after his installation in his apartment, Louis XIV. had been able to learn, by a movement much more distinguished than marked his own leaving, the departure THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 55 of the cardinal, who, in his turn, sought his bedroom, accompanied by a large escort of ladies and gentlemen. Besides, to perceive this movement, he had nothing to do but to look out at his window, the shutters of which had not been closed. His eminence crossed the court, conducted by Monsieur, who himself held a flambeau; then followed the queen- mother, to whom madame familiarly gave her arm; and both walked chatting away, like two old friends. Behind these two couples filed nobles, ladies, pages, and officers; the flambeaus gleamed over the whole court, like the moving reflections of a conflagration. Then the noise of steps and voices became lost in the upper floors of the castle. No one was then thinking of the king, who, leaning on his elbow at his window, had sadly seen pass away all that light, and heard that noise die off — no, not one, if it was not that unknown of the hostelry Des Medici, whom we have seen go out, enveloped in his cloak. He had come straight up to the castle, and had, with his melancho^ countenance, wandered round and round the palace, from which the people had not yet departed; and finding that no one guarded the great entrance, or the porch, seeing that the soldiers of Monsieur were fraterniz- ing with the royal soldiers — that is to say, swallowing Beaugency at discretion, or rather, indiscretion — the un- known penetrated through the crowd, then ascended to the court, and came to the landing of the staircase leading to the cardinal's apartment. What, according to all probability, induced him to direct his steps that way, was the splendor of the flambeaus, and the busy air of the pages and domestics. But he was stopped short by a presented musket and the cry of the sentinel. "Where are you going, my friend?" "I am going to the king's apartment," replied the un- known, haughtily but tranquilly. The soldier called one of his eminence's officers, who, in the tone in which a youth in office directs a solicitor to a minister^ let fall these words: "The other staircasp, in front." And the officer, without further notice of the unknown, resumed his interrupted conversation. The stranger, without reply, directed his steps toward the staircase pointed out to him. On this side there wac no noise, there were no more flambeaus. 56 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONlirE. Obscurity, through which a sentinel glided like a shadow; silence, which permitted him to hear the sound of his own footsteps, accompanied with the jingling of his spurs upon the stone slabs. This guard, was one of the twenty musketeers appointed tor attendance upon the king, and who mounted guard with the stiffness and consciousness of a statue. "AVho goes there?" said the guard. "A friend," replied the unknown, "What do you want?" "To speak to the king." "Do you, my dear monsieur? That's not very likely. M "Why not?" "Because the king is gone to bed." "Gone to bed already?" "Yes." "No matter; I must speak to him." "And I tell you that is impossible." "And yet " "Go back!" "Do you require the word?" "I have no account to render to you. Stand back!" And this time the soldier accompanied his word with a threatening gesture; but the unknown stirred no more than if his feet had taken root. "Monsieur le Mousquetaire," said he, "are you a gentle- man?" "I have that honor." "Very well! I also am one; and between gentlemen some consideration ought to be observed." The soldier lowered his arms, overcome by the dignity with which these words were pronounced. "Speak, monsieur," said he; "and if you ask me any- thing in my power " "Thank you. You have an officer, have you not?" "Our lieutenant! Yes, monsieur." "Well, I wish to speak to him." "Oh, that's a different thing. Come up, monsieur." The unknown saluted the soldier in a lofty fashion, and ascended the staircase; while the cry, "Lieutenant, a visit!" transmitted from sentinel to sentinel, preceded the un- known, and disturbed the slumbers of that officer. Dragging on his boots, rubbing his eyes, and hooking his cloak, the lieutenant made three steps toward the stranger. "What can I do to serve you, monsieur?" asked he. THE VlCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 57 "You are the officer on duty, lieutenant of the mus- keteers, are you?" "I have that honor," replied the officer. "Monsieur, I must absolutely speak to the king." The lieutenant looked attentively at the unknown, and in that look, however rapid, he saw all he wished to see — that is to say, a person of high distinction in an ordinary dress. "I do not suppose you to be mad," replied he; "and yet you seem to me to be in a condition to know, monsieur, that people do not enter a king's apartments in this man- ner without his consent." "He will consent." , "Monsieur, permit me to doubt that. The king has re- tired this quarter of an hour; he must be now undressing. Besides, the word is given." "When he knows who I am he will recall the word." The officer was more and more surprised, more and more subdued. "If I consent to announce you, may I at least know whom to announce, monsieur?" "You will announce His Majesty Charles II., King of England, Scotland, and Ireland." The officer uttered a cry of astonishment, drew back, and there might be seen upon his pallid countenance one of the most poignant emotions that ever an energetic man en- deavored to drive back to his heart. "Oh, yes, sire; in fact," said he, "I ought to have recog- nized you." "You have seen my portrait, then?" "No, sire." "Or else you have seen me formerly at court, before I was driven from France?" "No, sire, it is not even that." "How, then, could you have recognized me, if you have never seen my portrait or my person?" "Sire, I saw his majesty, your father, at a terrible moment." "The day " "Yes." A dark cloud passed over the brow of the prince; then, dashing his hand across it, "Do you still see any difficulty in announcing me?" said he. "Sire, pardon me," replied the officer, "but I could not imagine a king under so simple an exterior; and yet I had the honor to tell vour majesty just now that I had seen 58 THE VICOMTE DE BRA6ELONNE. Charles I. But pardon me, monsieur; I will go and inform the king." But returning after going a few steps, "Your majesty is desirous, without doubt, that this interview should be a secret?" said he. "I do not require it; but if it were possible to preserve it » "It is possible, sire, for I can dispense with informing the first gentleman on duty; but, for that, your majesty must please to consent to give up your swori." "True, true; I had forgotten that no one armed is per- mitted to enter the chamber of a King of France." "Your majesty will form an exception, if you wish it; but then I shall avoid my responsibility by informing the king's attendant. " "Here is my sword, monsieur. Will you now please to announce me to his majesty?" "Instantly, sire." And the officer immediately went and knocked at the door of communication, which the valet opened to him. "His Majesty tho King of England!" said the officer. "His Majesty the King of England!" replied 'the valet de chambre. At these words a gentleman opened the folding-doors of the king's apartment, and Louis XI V. was seen, without hat or sword, and his pourpoint open, advancing with signs of the greatest surprise. You, my brother — you at Blois!" cried Louis XIV., dismissing with a gesture both the gentleman and the valet de chambre, who passed out into the next apartment. "Sire," replied Charles II., "I was going to Paris, in the hope of seeing your majesty, when report informed me of your approaching arrival in this city. I therefore prolonged my abode here, having something very particular to com- municate to you." "Will this closet suit you, my brother?" "Perfectly well, sire; for I think no one can hear ua here." "I have dismissed my gentleman and my watcher; they are in the next chamber. There, behind that partition, is a solitary closet, looking into the antechamber, and in that antechamber you found nobody but a solitary officer, did you?" "No, sire." "Well, then, speak, my brother; I listen to you." THE VICOMTK PE BRAGELONNE. 59 "Sire. I commence, and entreat your majesty to have pity on the misfortunes of our house." The King of France colored, and drew his chair closer to that of the King of England. "Sire/' said Charles II., "I have no need to ask if your majesty is acquainted with the details of my deplorable history." Louis XIV. blushed, this time more strongly than before? then, stretching forth his hand to that of the King of Eng- land, "My brother," said he, "I am ashamed to say so, but the cardinal scarcely ever speaks of political affairs be- fore me. Still more, formerly I used to get Laporte, my valet de chambre, to read historical subjects to me; but he put a stop to these readings, and took away Laporte from me. So that I beg my brother Charles tc tell me all those matters as to a man who knows nothing." "Well, sire, I think that by taking things from the be- ginning I shall have a better chance of touching the heart of your majesty." "Speak on, my brother — speak on." "You know, sire, that, being called in 1650 to Edinburg, during Cromwell's expedition into Ireland, I was crowned at Scone. A year after, wounded in one of the provinces he had usurped, Cromwell returned upon us. To meet him was my object; to leave Scotland was my wish." "And yet," interrupted the young king, "Scotland is almost your native country, is it not, my brother?" "Yes; but the Scots were cruel compatriots for me, sire; they had forced me to forsake the religion of my fathers; they had hung Lord Montrose, the most devoted of my servants, because he was not a Covenanter; and as the poor martyr, to whom they had offered a favor when dying, had asked that his body might be cut into as many pieces as there are cities in Scotia id, in order tha' evidence of his fidelity might be met with everywhere, I could not leave one city, or go into ano'her, without passing under some fragments of a body whi Ji had acted, fought, and breathed for me. "By a bold, almost desperate march, I passed through Cromwell's army, and entered England. The Protector set out in pursuit of this, strange flight, which had a crown for its object. If I had been able to reach London before him, without doubt, the prize of the race would have been mine; but he overtook me at Worcester. "The genius of England was no longer with us, but with 80 ' Kl£ VICOMTE BSTKRlGEI/ONITE. -J him. On the 5th of September, 1651, sire, the anniversary of the other battle of Dunbar, so fatal to the Scots, I was conquered. Two thousand men fell around me before 1 thought of retreating a step. At length I was obliged to fly. "From that moment my history became a romance. Pur- sued with persistent inveteracy, I cut off my hair, I dis- guised myself as a woodman. One day spent amid the branches of an oak gave to that tree the name of the Royal Oak, which it bears to this day. My adventures in the county of Stafford, whence I escaped with the daughter of my host on a pillion behind me, still fill the tales of the country firesides, and would furnish matter for ballads. I will some day write all this, sire. "I will first tell how on arriving at the residence of Mr. Norton, I met with a court chaplain, who was looking on at a party playing at skittles, and an old servant who named me, bursting into tears, and who was as near and as cer- tainly killing me by his fidelity as another might have been by his treachery. Then I will tell of my terrors — yes, sire, of my terrors — when, at the house of Colonel Windham, a farrier who came to shoe our horses declared they had been shod in the north." "Hoav strange !" murmured Louis XIV. "I never heard anything of all that ; I was only told of your embarkation at Brighthelmstone and your landing in Normandy." "Oh !" exclaimed Charles, "if Heaven permits kings to be thus ignorant of the histories of one another, how can they render assistance to their brothers who need it?" "But tell me," continued Louis XIV., "how, after being so roughly received in England, you can still hope for any- thing from that unhappy country ?" "Oh, sire ! since the battle of Worcester everything is changed there. Cromwell is dead, after having signed a treaty with France, in which his name was placed above yours. He died on the 5th of September, 1658, a fresh anniversary of the battles of Dunbar and Worcester." "His son has succeeded him." "But certain men have a family, sire, and no heir. The inheritance of Oliver was too heavy for Eichard. Richard was neither a republican nor a royalist ; Richard allowed his guards to eat his dinner, and his generals to govern the republic ; Richard abdicated the protectorate on the 22d of April, 1659, more than a year ago, sir*. tHE VtCOMTE DE BRAGKLONNE, 61 "Prom that time England is nothing but a tennis-court, in which the players throw dice for the crown of my father. The two n ost eager players are Lambert and Monk. Well, sire, I, in my turn, wish to take part in this game, whero the stakes are thrown upon my royal mantle. Sire, it only requires a million to corrupt one of these players and make an ally of him, or two hundred of your gentlemen to drive them out of my palace at Whitehall, as Christ drove the money-changers from the temple." "You come, then," replied Louis XIV., "to ask me " "For your assistance; that is to say, not only for that which kings owe to one another, but that which simple Christians owe to one another — your assistance, sire, either in money or men. Your assistance, sire, and within a month, whether I oppose Lambert to Monk, or Monk to Lambert, I shall have reconquered my paternal inheritance without having cost my country a guinea or my subjects a drop of blood, for they are now all drunk with revolutions, protectorates, and republics, and ask nothing better than to fall staggering to sleep in the arms of royalty. Your assistance, sire, and I shall owe you more than I owe my father — my poor father, who bought at so dear a rate the ruin of our house! You may judge, sire, whether I am un- happy, whether I am in despair, for I accuse my own father!" And the blood mounted to the pale face of Charles II., who remained for an instant with his head between his hands, and as if blinded by that blood which appeared to revolt against the filial blasphemy. The young king was not less affected than his elder brother; he threw himself about in his fauteuil, and could not find a single word of reply. Charles II., to whom ten years in age gave a superior strength to master his emotions, recovered his speech first. "Sire," said he, "your reply? I wait for it as a criminal waits for his sentence. Must I die?" "My brother," replied the French prince, "you ask me for a million — me, who was never possessed of a quarter of that sum! I possess nothing... I am no more King of France than you are King of England. I am a name, a cipher dressed in jleur-de-lised velvet — that is all. I am upon a visible throne; that is my only advantage over your majesty. I have nothing — I can do nothing." "Can it be so?" exclaimed Charles II. "My brother," said Louis, sinking his voice, "( have un €2 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOBTNE. ^ergono miseries with which my poorest gentlemen ar« unacquainted. If my poor Laporte were here, he would tell you that I have slept in ragged sheets, through the holes of which my legs have passed; he would tell you that afterward, when I asked for carriages, they brought me conveyances half-destroyed by the rats of the coach-houses; he would tell you that when I asked for my dinner, the servants went to the cardinal's kitchen to inquire if there were any dinner for the king. And look! to-day, this very day even, when I am twenty-two years of age — to-day, when I have attained the grade of the majority of kings — to-day, when I ought to have the key of the treasury, the direction of policy, the supremacy in peace and war — cast your eyes around me, see how I am left! Look at this abandonment — this disdain — this silence! While yonder — look yonder! View the bustle, the lights, the homage! There — there you see the real King of France, my brother!" "In the cardinal's apartments?" "Yes, in the cardinal's apartments." "Then I am condemned, sire?" Louis XIV. made no reply. "Condemned is the word; for I will never solicit him who left my mother and sister to die with cold and hunger — th* daughter and granddaughter of Henry IV. — if Monsieur de Ketz and the parliament had not sent them wood and bread." "To die?" murmured Louis XIV. "Well!" continued the King of England, "poor Charles [L, grandson of Henry IV., as you are, sire, having neither Earliament nor Cardinal de Ketz to apply to, will die of unger, as his mother and sister had nearly done." Louis knitted his brow, and twisted violently the lace oi his ruffles. This prostration, this immobility, serving as a mark to in emotion so visible, struck Charles II., and he took the young man's hand. "Thanks!" said he, "my brother. You pity me, and that is all I can require of you in your present position." "Sire," said Louis XIV., with a sudden impulse, and raising his head, "it is a million you require, or two hun. dred gentlemen, I think you say?" "Sire, a million would be quite sufficient." "That is very little." "Offered to a single man it is a great deal. Conviction* aave been purchased at a much lower price; and I should iiave nothing to do but with vonalities." THE VlCOMTE t>E BRAGELOJTNE. 63 "Two hundred gentlemen! Reflect! that is little more than a single company." "Sire, there is in our family a tradition, and that is, that four men, four French gentlemen, devoted to my father, were near saving my father, though condemned by a parlia- ment, guarded by an army, and surrounded by a nation." "Then if I can procure you a million, or two hundred gentlemen, you will be satisfied; and you will consider me your well-affectioned brother?" "I shall consider you as my savior; and if I recover the throne of my father, England w\ll be, as long as I reign, at least, a sister to France, as you will have been a brother to me." "Well, my brother," said Louis, rising, "what you hesi- tate to ask for, I will e myself demand; that which I have never done on my own account I will do on yours. I will go and find the King of France — the other — the rich, the powerful one, I mean. I will myself solicit this million, or these two hundred gentlemen; and — we will see." "Oh!" cried Charles; "you are a noble friend, sire — a heart created by God! You save me, my brother; and, if you should ever stand in need of the life you restore me, demand it." "Silence, my brother — silence!" said Louis, in a sup- pressed voice. "Take care that no one hears you! We have not obtained our end yet. To ask money of Mazarin — that is worse than traversing the enchanted forest, each tree of which inclosed a demon. It is more than setting out to conquer a world." "But yet, sire, when you ask it " "I have already told you that I never asked," replied Louis, with a haughtiness that made the King of England turn pale. And as the latter, like a wounded man, made a retreating .movement — "Pardon me, my brother," replied he. "I have neither a mother nor a sister who are suffering. My throne is hard and naked, but I am firmly seated on mj throne. Pardon me that expression, my brother; it was thac of an egotist. I will retract it, therefore, by a sacrifice —I will go to Monsieur le Cardinal. Wait for me, if you please — I will return." 64 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNB. CHAPTER X. THE ARITHMETIC OF II. DE MAZARIN. While the king was directing his course rapidly toward the wing of the castle occupied by the cardinal, taking nobody with him but his valet de cliambre, the officer of musketeers came out, breathing like a man who has for a long time been forced to hold his breath, from the little cabinet of which we have already spoken, and which the king believed to be quite solitary. This little cabinet had formerly been part of the chamber, from which it was only separated by a thin partition. It resulted that this parti- tion, which was only for the eye, permitted the ear the least indiscreet to hear every word spoken in the ,hamber. There was no doubt then that this lieutenant of mus- keteers had heard all that passed in his majesty's apartment. "Warned by the last words of the young king, he came out just in time to salute him on his passage, and to follow him with his eyes till he had disappeared in the corridor. Then, as soon as he had disappeared, he shook his head after a fashion peculiarly his own, and in a voice which forty years' absence from Gascony had not deprived of its Gascon accent, "A melancholy service," said he, "and a melancholy master!" These words pronounced, the lieutenant resumed his place in his fauteuil, stretched his legs, and closed his eyes, like a man who either sleeps or meditates. During this short monologue and the mise-eii-scene that had accompanied it, while the king, through the long cor- ridors of the old castle, proceeded to the apartment of M. de Mazarin, a scene of another sort was being enacted in those apartments. Mazarin was in bed, suffering a little from the gout. But as he was a man of order, who utilized even pain, he forced his wakefulness to be the humble servant of his labor. He had consequently ordered Bernouin, his valet de chambre x to bring him a little traveling-desk, so that he might write in bed. But the gout is not an adversary that allows itself to be conquered so easily; therefore, at each movement he made, the pain from dull became sharp. "Is Brienne there?" he asked of Bernouin. "No, monseigneur," replied the valet de chambre; "Monsieur de Brienne, with your permission, is gone tc THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELON"NE. 65 bed. But, if it is the wish of your eminence, he can speedily be called." "No; it is not worth while. Let us see, however. Oursed ciphers!" >■ And the cardinal began to think, counting on his fingers the while. "Oh! ciphers is it?" saidBernouin. "Very well! if your eminence attempts calculations I will promise you a pretty headache to-morrow! And with that please to remember Monsieur Guenaud is not here.'* "You are right, Bernouin. You must take Brienne's place, my friend. Indeed, I ought to have brought Mon- sieur Colbert with me. That young man goes on very well, Bernouin, very well; a very orderly youth." "I do not know," said the valet de chambre, "but I don't like the countenance of your young man who goes on so well." "Well, well, Bernouin! We don't stand in need of your advice. Place yourself there; take the pen, and write." "I am ready, monseigneur; what am I to write?" "There, that's the place; after the two lines already traced." "I am there." "Write seven hundred and sixty thousand livres." "That is written." "Upon Lyons — " The cardinal appeared to hesitate. "Upon Lyons," repeated Bernouin. "Three millions nine hundred thousand l^res." "Well, monseigneur?" "Upon Bordeaux, seven millions." "Seven?" repeated Bernouin. "Yes," said the cardinal pettishly, "seven." Then recollecting himself, "You understand, Bernouin," added he, "that all this money is to be spent?" "Eh! monseigneur; whether it be to be spent or put away is of very little consequence to me, since none of these millions are mine." "These millions are the king's; it is the king's money I am reckoning. Well, what were we saying? You always interrupt me!" "Seven millions upon Bordeaux." "Ah! yes; that's right. Upon Madrid four millions. I give you to understand plainly whom this money belongs to, Bernouin, seeing that everybody has the stupid it) to believe me rich in millions. I repel the silly idea. A 66 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOKNE," minister, besides, has nothing of his own. _ Come, go on. Rentrees generates, seven millions; properties, nine mil- lions. Have you written that, Bernouin?" "Yes, monseigneur." "Bourse, six hundred thousand livres; various property, two millions. Ah! I forgot — the furniture of the different chateaus " "Must I put of the crown?" asked Bernouin. "No, no; it is of no use doing that — that is understood Have you written that, Bernouin?" "Yes, monseigneur." "And the ciphers?" "Stand straight, one under another." "Cast them up, Bernouin." "Thirty-nine millions two hundred and sixty thousand livres, monseigneur." "Ah!" cried the cardinal, in a tone of vexation; "there are not yet forty millions!" Bernouin recommenced the addition. "No, monseigneur; there want seven hundred and forty thousand livres." Mazarin asked for the account, and revised it carefully. "Yes, but," said Bernouin, "thirty-nine millions two hundred and sixty thousand livres make a good round sum." "Ah, Bernouin; I wish the king had it." "Your eminence told me that this money was his majesty's." "Doubtless, as clear, as transparent as possible. These thirty-nine millions are bespoken, and much more." Bernouin smiled after his own fashion — that is, like a man who believes no more than he is willing to believe — • while preparing the cardinal's night-draught, and putting his pillow to rights. "Oh!" said Mazarin, when the valet had gone out, "not yet forty millions! I must, however, attain that sum, which 1 had set down for myself. But who knows whether I shall have time? I sink, I am going, I shall never reach it! And yet, who knows that I may not find two or three mil lions in the pockets of my good friends the Spaniards? They discovered Peru, those people did, and — what the devil! they must have something left." As he was speaking thus, entirely occupied with his^ ciphers, and thinking no more of his gout, repelled by a preoccupation which, with the cardinal, was the most pow- THE V1C0MTE DE BKAGKELONNE. 67 erful of all preoccupations, Bernouiu rushed iuto the cham- ber quite in a fright. "Well!" asked the cardinal, "what is the matter now?" "The king, monseigneur — the king!" "How? the king!" said Mazarin, quickly concealing his paper. "The king here! the king at this hour! I thought he was in bed long ago. What is the matter then?" The king could hear these last words, and see the terri- fied gesture of the cardinal rising up in his bed, for he entered th'e chamber at that moment. "It is nothing, Monsieur le Cardinal, or at least nothing which can alarm you. It is an important communication which I wish to make to your eminence to-night — that is all." Mazarin immediately thought of that marked attention which the king had given to his words concerning Mile, de Mancini, and the communication appeared to him probably to refer to this source. He recovered his serenity then instantly, and assumed his most agreeable air, a change of countenance which inspired the king with the greatest joy; and when Louis was seated: "Sire," said the cardinal, "I ought certainly to listen to your majesty standing, but the violence of my com- plaint " "No ceremony between us, my dear Monsieur le Car- dinal," said Louis kindly; "I am your pupil, and not the king, you know very well, and this evening in particular, as I come to you as a petitioner, as a solicitor, and one very humble and desirous to be kindly received, too." Mazarin, seeing the heightened color of the king, was confirmed in his first idea; that is to say, that love thoughts were hidden under all these fine words. This time, polit- ical cunning, keen as it was, made a mistake; this color was not caused by the bashfulness of a juvenile passion, out only by the painful contraction of the royal pride. Like a good uncle, Mazarin felt disposed to facilitate the confidence. "Speak, sire," said he, "and since your majesty is will- ing for an instant to forget that I am your subject, and call me your master and instructor, I promise your majesty rry most devoted and tender consideration." "Thanks, Monsieur le Cardinal," answered the king; "that which I have to ask of your eminence has but little to do with myself." "So much the worse!" replied the cardinal; "so much 68 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. the worse! Sire, I should wish your majesty to ask of mi something of importance, even a sacrifice; but whatever it may be that you ask me, I am ready to set your heart at rest by granting it, my dear sire." "Wei*, this is what brings me here," said the king, with a beating of the heart that had no equal except the beating of the heart of the minister; "I have just received a visit from mj brother, the King of England." Mazarin bounded in his bed as if he had been put in relation with a Leyden jar or a voltaic pile, at the same time that a surprise, or rather a manifest disappointment, in- flamed his features with such a blaze of anger that Louis XIV., little diplomatist as he was, saw that the minister had hoped to hear something else. "Charles II.?" ex- claimed Mazarin, with a hoarse voice and a disdainful movement of his lips. "You have received a visit from Charles II.?" "From King Charles II.," replied Louis, according in a marked manner to the grandson of Henr^ IV. the title which Mazarin had forgotten to give him. "Yes, Mon- sieur le Cardinal, that unhappy prince has touched my heart with the relation of his misfortunes. His distress is great, Monsieur le Cardinal, and it has appeared painful to me, who have seen my own throne disputed, who have been forced, in times of commotion, to quit my capital- -to me, in short, who am acquainted with misfortune — to lpave a deposed and fugitive brother without assistance." "Eh!" said the cardinal sharply; "why had he not, as you have, a Jules Mazarin by his side? His crown would then have remained intact." "I know all that my house owes to your eminence," re- flied the king haughtily, "and you may believe well that , on my part, shall never forget it. It is precisely because my brother, the King of England, has not about him the powerful genius who has saved me, it is for that, I say, that 1 wish to conciliate the aid of that same genius, and beg you to extend your arm over his head, well assured, Monsieur le Cardinal, that your hand, by touching him only, would know how to replace upon his brow the crown which fell at the foot of his father's scaffold." "Sire," replied Mazarin, "I thank you for your good opinion with regard to myself, but we have nothing to do yonder; they are a set of madmen who deny God, and cut off the heads of their kings. They are dangerous, observe sire, and filthy to the touch after having wallowed in roya, THE VICOMTL DE BRAGELONNE. 69 blood and covenantal murder. That policy has never salted me — I scorn it and reject it." "Therefore you ought to assist in establishing a better." "What is that?" "The restoration of Charles '11., for example." "Good heavens!" cried Mazarin, "does the poor prince flatter himself with that chimera?" "Yes, he does," replied the young king, terrified at the difficulties opposed to this project, which he fancied he could perceive in the infallible eye of his minister; "h« only asks for a million to carry out his purpose." "Is that all— a little million, if you please!" said the cardinal ironically, with an effort to conquer his Italian accent. "A little million, if you please, brother! Bah! a family of mendicants!" "Cardinal," said Louis, raising his head, "that family of mendicants is a branch of my family." "Are you rich enough to give millions to other people, sire? Have you millions to throw away?" "Oh!" replied Louis XIV., with great pain, which he, however, by a strong effort, prevented from appearing on his countenance; oh! yes, Monsieur le Cardinal, I am well aware I am poor, and yet the crown of France is worth a million, and to perform a good action I would pledge my crown, if it were necessary. I could find Jews who would be willing to lend me a million." "So, sire, you say you want a million?" said Mazarin. "Yes, monsieur, I say so." "You are mistaken, greatly mistaken, sire; you want much more than that — Bernouin! You shall see, sire, how much you really want." "What, cardinal!" said the king, "are you going to con- sult a lackey upon my affairs?" "Bernouin!" cried the cardinal again, without appearing 'to remark the humiliation of the young prince. "Come here, Bernouin, and describe the account I made you go into just now." "Cardinal, cardinal! did you not hear me?" said Louis, becoming pale with anger. "Do not be angry, sire; I deal openly with the affairs of your majesty. Every one in France knows that; my books are as open as day. What did I tell you to do just now, Bernouin?" "Your eminence commanded me to cast up an account/'' "You did it, did you not?" 70 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Yes, monseigneur." "To verify the amount of which his majesty, at this moment, stands in need. Did I not tell you so? Be frank, my friend." "Your eminence said so." "Well, what sum did I say I wanted?" "Forty-five millions, I think." "And what sum could we find, after collecting all our resources?" "Thirty-nine millions two hundred and sixty thousand." "That is correct, Bernouin; that is all I wanted to know. Leave us now," said the cardinal, fixing his brilliant eye upon the young king, who sat mute with stupefaction. "But yet — " stammered the king. "What, do you still doubt, sire?" said the cardinal. "Well, here is a proof of what I said." And Mazarin drew from under his bolster the paper cov- ered with figures, which he presented to the king, who turned away his eyes, his vexation was so profound. "Therefore, as it is a million you want, sire, and that million is not set down here, it is forty-six millions your majesty stands in need of. Well, I don't think that any Jews in the world would lend such a sum, even upon the crown of France." The king, clinching his hands beneath his ruffles, pushed away his chair. "So it must be, then!" said he; "my brother, the King of England, will die with hunger." "Sire," replied Mazarin, in the same tone, "remember this proverb, which I give you as the expression of the soundest policy: 'Rejoice at being poor when your neighbor is poor likewise.' " Louis meditated for a few moments, with an inquisitive glance directed to the paper, one end of which remained under the bolster. "Then," said he, "it is impossible to comply with my demand for money, Monsieur le Cardinal, is it?" "Absolutely, sire." "Remember, this will secure me a future enemy, if he succeeds in regaining his crown without my assistance." "If your majesty only fears that, you may be quite at ease," replied Mazarin eagerly. "Very well, I say no more about it," exclaimed Louis XIV. "Have I at least convinced you, sire?" placing his hand upon that of the young kin^. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 71 "Perfectly." "If there be anything else, ask it, sire; I shall be most nappy to grant it to you, having refused this." "Anything else, monsieur?" "Why, yes; am I not body and soul devoted to your majesty? Bold! Bernouin! lights and guards for his majesty! His majesty is returning to his own chamber." "Not yet, monsieur; since you place your good-will at my disposal, I will take advantage of it." "For yourself, sire?" asked the cardinal, hoping that his niece was at length about to be named. "No, monsieur, not for myself," replied Louis, "but still for my brother Charles." The brow of Mazarin again became clouded, and he grumbled a few words that the king could not catch. CHAPTER XI. mazaein's policy. Instead of the hesitation with which he had accosted the cardinal a quarter of an hour before, there might be read in the eyes of the young king that will against which a struggle might be maintained, and which might be crushed by its own impotence, but which, at least, would preserve, like a wound in the depth of the heart, the re- membrance of its defeat. "This time, Monsieur le Cardinal, we have to do with a thing much more easy to be found than a million." "Do you think so, sire?" said Mazarin, looking at the king with that penetrating eye which was accustomed to read to the bottom of hearts. "Yes, I think so; and when you know the object of my request " "And do you think I do not know it, sire?" "You know what remains for me to say to you?" "Listen, sire; these are King Charles' own words " "Oh, impossible!" "Listen. 'And if that miser, that beggarly Italian,' said he " "Monsieur le Cardinal!" "That is the sense, if not the words. Eh! Good heavens! I wish him no ill on that account; every one sees with his passions. He said to you: 'If that vile Italian refuses the 72 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. million we ask of him, sire, if we are forced, for want of money, to renounce diplomacy, well, then, we will ask him to grant us five hundred gentlemen.' " The king started, for the cardinal was only mistaken in the number. "Is not that it, sire?" cried the minister, with a triumphant accent. "And then he added some fine words; he said, 'I have friends on the other side of the channel, and these friends only want a leader and a banner. When they shall see me, when they shall behold the banner of France, they will rally round me, for they will comprehend that I have your support. The colors of the French uniform will be worth as much to me as the million Monsieur de Mazarin refuses us/ for he was pretty well assured I should refuse him that million. 'I shall conquer with these five hundred gentlemen, sire, and all the honors will be yours.' Now, that is what he said, or to that purpose, was it not? turning those plain words into brilliant metaphors and pompous images, for they are fine talkers, that family! The father talked, even on the scaffold." The perspiration of shame stood upon the brow of Louis. He felt that it was inconsistent with his dignity to hear his brother thus insulted, but he did not yet knoAv how to act with him before whom he had seen every one blench, even his mother. At last he made an effort. "But," said he, "Monsieur le Cardinal, it is not five hundred men, it is only two hundred." "Well, but you see I guessed what he wanted." "I never denied, monsie'ir, that you had a penetrating eye, and that was why 1 thought you would not refuse my brother Charles a thing so simple and so easy to grant him as what I ask of you in his name, Monsieur le Cardinal, or rather in my own." "Sire," said Mazarin, "I have studied policy thirty years] first, under the auspices of Monsieur le Cardinal de Eiche- lieu; and since, alone. This policy has not always been over honest, it must be allowed, but it has never been un- skillful. Now that which is proposed to your majesty is dishonest and unskillful at the same time." "Dishonest, monsieur!" "Sire, you entered into a treaty with Cromwell." "Yes, and in that very treaty Cromwell signed his name above mine." "Why did you sign yours so low down, sire? Cromwell found a good place, and he took itj that was his custom THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOKKE. 73 [ return, then, to Monsieur Cromwell. You have a treaty with him, that is to say, with England, since when you signed that treaty Monsieur Cromwell was England." "Monsieur Cromwell is dead." "Do you think so, sire?" "No doubt he is, since his son Richard has succeeded him, and has abdicated." "Yes, that is it exactly. Richard inherited after the> death of his father, and England at the abdication of Richard. The treaty formed part of the inheritance, whether in the hands of Monsieur Richard or in the hands of England. The treaty is, then, still as good, as valid as ever. Why should you evade it, sire? What is changed? Charles wants that to-day which we were not willing to grant him ten years ago; but that was foreseen and provided against. You are the ally of England, sire, and not of Charles II. It was doubtless wrong, in a family point of view, to sign a treaty with a man who had cut off the head of the brother-in-law of the king, your father, and to con- tract an alliance with a parliament which they call yonder the Rump Parliament; it was unbecoming, I acknowledge, but it was not unskillful in a political point of view, since, thanks to that treaty, I saved your majesty, then a minor, the trouble and danger of a foreign war, which the Fronde — you remember the Fronde, sire?" — the young king hung down his head — "which the Fronde might have fatally com- plicated. And thus I prove to your majesty that to change our plan now, without warning our allies, would be at once unskillful and dishonest. We should make war with the aggression on our side; we should make it, deserving to have it made against us; and we should have the appearance of fearing it while provoking it, for a permission granted to five hundred men, to two hundred men, to fifty men, to ten men, is still a permission. One Frenchman, that is the nation; one uniform, that is the army. Suppose, sire, for example, that, sooner or later, you should have war with Holland, which, sooner or later, will certainly happen; or with Spain, which will perhaps ensue if your marriage fails" — Mazarin stole a furtive glance at the king — "and there are a thousand causes that might still make your marriage fail — well, would you approve of England's sending to the United Provinces or to Spain a regiment, a company, a squadron even, of English gentlemen? Would you think that they kept within the limits of their treaty of alliance?" Louis listened; it seemed so strange to him that Ma*arin ?4 THE VTCOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. should invoke good faith, and he the author of so many political tricks, called Mazarinades. "And yet," said the king, "without any manifest authorization, I cannot pre- vent gentlemen of my states from passing over into Eng- land, if such should be their good pleasure." "You ought to compel them to return, sire, or at least protest against their presence as enemies in a country allied with you." "Well, but come, Monsieur le Cardinal, you who are so profound a genius, try if you cannot find means to assist this poor king, without compromising ourselves." "And that is exactly what I am not willing to do, my dear sire," said Mazarin. "If England were to act exactly according to my wishes, she could not act better than she does; if I directed the policy of England from this place, I should not direct it otherwise. Governed as she is gov- erned, England is an eternal nest of contention for all Europe. Holland protects Charles II., let Holland do so; they will become angry, they will fight. They are the only two maritime powers. Let them destroy each other's navy; we can construct ours with the wreck of their vessels, and shall save our money to buy nails with." "Oh, how paltry and mean all that is you tell me, Mon- sieur le Cardinal!" "Yes, but nevertheless it is true, sire; you must confess that. There is this, still further. Suppose I admit, for a moment, the possibility of breaking your word, and evad- ing the treaty — such a thing sometimes happens, but that is when some great interest is to be promoted by it, or when the treaty is found to be too troublesome — well, you will authorize the engagement asked of you: France — her banner, which is the same thing — will cross the Straits and will fight; France will be conquered." "Why so?" "Ma foil there is a pretty general for us to fight under — chis Charles II. ! Worcester gave us good proofs of that." "But he will no longer have to deal with Cromwell, monsieur." "But he will have to deal with Monk, who is quite as dangerous. The brave brewer of whom we are speaking, was a visionary; he had moments of exaltation, faintings, during which he ran over or split like a too full cask; and from the chinks there always escaped some drops of his thoughts, and by the sample the whole of his thought was to be made out. Cromwell has thus allowed us more than THE VICOMTE DE BBAGELONNE. 75 ten times to penetrate into his very soul, when one would have conceived that soul to be enveloped in triple brass, as Horace has it. But Monk! Oh, sire! God defend you from ever having anything politically to transact with Monk. It is he who has given me, in one year, all the gray hairs I have. Monk is no fanatic; unfortunately he is a politician; he does not split, he keeps close together. For ten years he has had his eyes fixed upon one object, and nobody has yet been able to ascertain what. Every morn- ing, as Louis XL advised, he burns his nightcap. There- fore, on the day when this plan, slowly and solitarily ripened, shall break forth, it will break forth with all con- ditions of the success which always accompany an unfore- seen event. That is Monk, sire, of whom, perhaps, you have never heard — of whom, perhaps, you did not know the name even, before your brother, Charles II., who knows what he is, pronounced it before you. He is a wonder of depth and tenacity, the two only things against which in- telligence and ardor are blunted. Sire, I had ardor when I was young; I always had intelligence. I may safely boast of it, because I am reproached with it. I have done very well with these two qualities, since, from the son of a fisherman of Piscina, I am become first minister of the King of France; and in that quality your majesty will per- haps acknowledge I have rendered some service to the throne of your majesty. Well, sire, if I had met with Monk on my way, instead of Monsieur de Beaufort, Mon- sieur de Ketz, or Monsieur le Prince — well, we should have been ruined. If you engage yourself rashly, sire, you will fall into the talons of this politic soldier. The cask of Monk, sire, is an iron coffer, in the recesses of which he shuts up his thoughts, and no one has the key of it. Therefore, near him, or rather before him, I bow, sire, for I have nothing but a velvet cap." "What do you think Monk wishes to do, then?" "Eh! sire, if I knew that, I would not tell you to distrust him, for I should be stronger than he; but with him I am afraid to guess — you understand my word? — for if I thought I had guessed, I should stop at an idea, and, in spite of my- self, should pursue that idea. Since that man has been in power yonder, I am like those damned souls in Dante, whose neck Satan has twisted, and who walk forward, looking behind them. I am traveling toward Madrid, but I never lose sight of London. To guess, with that devil of a man, is to deceive one's self, and to deceive one's self is to ruin 7(5 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. one's self. God keep me from ever seeking to guess what he aims at; I confine myself to watching what he does, and that is pretty well enough. Now, I believe — you observe the extent of the word 1 believe? — / believe, with respect to Monk, ties one to nothing — I believe that he has a strong inclination to succeed Cromwell. Your Charles II. has already caused proposals to be made to him by ten persons- he has satisfied himself with driving these ten meddlers from his presence, without saying anything to them but, 'Be- gone, or I will have you hung.' That man is a sepulcher! At this moment Monk is affecting devotion to the Rump Parliament; of this devotion, observe, I am not the dupe. Monk has no wish to be assassinated — an assassination would stop him in the midst of his operations; and his work must be accomplished; so I believe — but do not believe what Ibelieve,sire; for I say I believe from habit — I believe that Monk is keeping well with the parliament till the day comes for his dispersing it. You are asked for swords, but they are to fight against Monk. God preserve you from fighting against Monk, sire; for Monk would beat us, and I should never console myself after being beaten by Monk. I should say to myself, Monk has foreseen that victory ten years. For God's sake, sire, out of friendship for you, if not out of consideration for himself, let Charles II. keep quiet. Your majesty will make him a little revenue here; you will give him one of your chateaus. Yes, yes — wait awhile. But I forgot the treaty — that famous treaty of which we were just now speaking. Y r our majesty has not even the right to give him a chateau." "How is that?" "Yes, yes; your majesty is bound not to afford hospitality to King Charles, and to compel him to leave France even. It was on this account we forced him to quit it; and yet here he is returned again. Sire, I hope you will give your brother to understand that he cannot remain with us; that it is impossible he should be allowed to compromise us; or I myself " "Enough, monsieur," said Louis XIV., rising. "For to re- fuse me a million, perhaps, you have the right; your millions are your own. To refuse me two hundred gentlemen, yon have still further the right; for you are first minister, and you have, in the eyes of France, the responsibility of peace and war. But that you should pretend to prevent me. who am king, affording hospitality to the grandson of Henry IV, y to my cousin-german^ to the companion of my child- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOtfttE. 11 hood — there your power stops, and there commences my Will." "Sire," said Mazarin, delighted at being let off so cheaply, and who had, besides, only fought so earnestly to arrive at that, ''sire, I will always bend before the will of my king. Let my king, then, keep near him, or in one of hischateaus, the King of England; let Mazarin know it, but let not the minister know it." "Good-night, monsieur," said Louis XIV.; "I go away in despair." "But convinced, and that is all I desire, sire," replied Mazarin. The king made no answer, and retired quite pensive, con- vinced, not of all Mazarin had told him, but of one thing which he took care not to mention to him; and that was, that it was necessary for him to study seriously both his own affairs and those of Europe, for he found them very difficult and very obscure. Louis found the King of Eng- land seated in the same place that he had left him in. On perceiving him, the English prince arose; but at the first glance he saw discouragement in dark letters upon his cousin's brow. Then, speaking first, as if to facilitate the painful avowal that Louis had to make to him: "Whatever may it be," said he, "I shall never forget all the kindness, all the friendship, you have exhibited toward me." "Alas!" replied Louis, in a melancholy tone, "only sterile good-will, my brother." Charles II. became extremely pale; he passed his cold hand over his brow, and struggled for a few instants against a faintness that made him tremble. "I understand," said he at last; "no more hope!" Louis seized the hand of Charles II. "Wait, my brother," said he; "precipitate nothing; everything may change; it is extreme resolutions that ruin causes; add another year of trial, I implore you, to the years you have already under- gone. You have, to induce you to act now rather than at another time, neither occasion nor opportunity. Come with me, my brother; I will give you one of my residences, whichever you prefer, to inhabit. I, with you, will keep my eye upon events; we will prepare. Come, then, my jrother, have courage!" Charles II. withdrew his hand from that of the king, and drawing hack, to salute him with more ceremony, "With all my heart, thanks!" replied he, "sire; but J have prayed 78 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONHE. without success to the greatest king on earth; now 1 will go and ask a miracle of God." And he went out without being willing to hear any more, his head carried loftily, his hand trembling, with a painful contraction of his noble countenance, and that profound gloom which, finding no more hope in the world of men, appeared to go beyond it, and ask it in worlds unknown. The officer of musketeers, on seeing him pass by thus pale, bowed almost to his knees as he saluted him. He then took a flambeau, called two musketeers, and descended the deserted staircase with the unfortunate king, holding in his left hand his hat, the plume of which swept the steps. Arrived at the door, the musketeer asked the king which way he was going, that he might direct the musketeers. "Monsieur," replied Charles II., in a subdued voice, "you wb.o have known my father, say, did you ever pray fqr him? If you have done so, do not forget me in your prayers. Now, I am going alone, and beg of you not to accompany me, or have me accompanied further." The officer bowed, and sent away the musketeers into the interior of the palace. But he himself remained an instant under the porch to watch the departure of Charles II., till he was lost in the turning of the next street. "To him, as to his father formerly," murmured he, "Athos, if he were here, would say with reason, 'Salutation to fallen majesty!' " Then, reascending the staircase: "Oh! the vile service that I follow!" said he at every step. "Oh! my pitiful master! Life thus carried on is no longer tolerable, and it is at length time that I do something! No more generosity, no more energy! The master has succeeded, the pupil is starved forever. Mordioux ! I will not resist. Come, you men," continued he, entering the antechamber, "why are you all looking at me so? Extinguish these flambeaus, and return to your posts. Ah! you were guarding me? Yes, you watch over me, do you not, worthy fellows? Brave fools! I am not the Due de Guise. Be gone! They will not assassinate me in the little colander. Besides," added he, in a low voice, "that would be a resolution, and no resolutions have been formed since Monsieur le Cardinal de Richelieu died. Now, with all his faults, that was a man! It is decided; to-morrow I will throw my cassock to the nettles." Then, reflecting: "No," said he, "not yet! I have om- great trial to make, and I will make it; but that, and ) swear it, shall be the last, mordioux /" THE VICOMTE BE BRAGELONNE. 79 He had not finished speaking, when a voice issued from the king's chamber. "Monsieur le Lieutenant!'* said this voice. "Here I am," replied he. "The king desires to speak to you." "Humph!" said the lieutenant; "perhaps this is for what I was thinking about." And he went into the king's apart- ment. CHAPTER XII. THE KING AND THE LIEUTENANT. As soon as the king saw the officer enter, he dismissed his valet de chambre and his gentlemen. "Who is on duty to-morrow, monsieur?" asked he. The lieutenant bowed his head with military politeness, and replied, "I am, sire." "How! you still?" "I always, sire." "How can that be, monsieur?" "Sire, when traveling, the musketeers supply all the posts of your majesty's household; that is to say, yours, her majesty the queen's, and Monsieur le Cardinal's, the latter of whom borrows of the king the best part, or rather the most numerous part, of the royal guard." "But in the interims?" "There are no interims, sire, but for twenty or thirty men who rest out of a hundred and twenty. At the Louvre it is very different, and if I were at the Louvre I should rest upon my brigadier; but when traveling, sire, no one knows what may happen, and I prefer doing my duty myself." "Then you are on guard every day?" "And every night. Yes, sire." "Monsieur, I cannot allow that — I will have you rest.'' "That is very kind, sire; but I will not." "What do you say?" said the king, who did not at first comprehend the full meaning of this reply. "I say, sire, that I will not expose myself to the chance of a fault. If the devil had an ill turn to play me, you understand, sire, as he knows the man with whom he has lo deal, he would choose the moment when I should not be 80 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOKNE. there. My duty and the peace of my conscience before everything, sire." "But such duty will kill you, monsieur." "Eh! sire, I have performed it thirty years, and in all France and Navarre there is not a man in better health than I am. Moreover, I entreat you, sire, not to trouble yourself about me. That would appear very strange to me, seeing that I am not accustomed to it." The king cut short the conversation by a fresh question. "Shall you be here, then, to-morrow morning?" "As at present? yes, sire." The king walked several times up and down his cnamber; it was very plain that he burned with a desire to speak, but that he was restrained by some fear or other. The lieu- tenant, standing motionless, hat in hand, leaning on his hip, watched him making these evolutions, and, while look- ing at him, grumbled to himself, biting his mustache: "For a demi-pistole, he has not resolution enough! Parole d'honneur! I would lay a wager he does not speak at all!" The king continued to walk about, casting from time to time a side glance at the lieutenant. "He is the very spirit of his father," continued the latter, in his secret monologue; "he is at once proud, avaricious, and timid. The devil take his master, say I." The king stopped. "Lieutenant," said he. "I am here, sire." "Why did you cry out this evening, down below in the salons: 'On the king's service! His majesty's musketeers!' " "Because you gave me the order, sire." "I?" "Yourself." "Indeed, I did not say a word, monsieur." "Sire, an order is given by a sign, by a gesture, by a glance, as intelligibly, as freely, and as clearly as by word of mouth. A servant who has nothing but ears is not half a good servant." "Your eyes are very penetrating, then, monsieur?" "How is that, sire?" "Because they see what is not." "My eyes are good, though, sire, although they have served their master long and much; when they have any- thing to see, they seldom miss the opportunity. Now, this evening, they saw that your majesty colored with endeavor- ing to conceal your inclination to gape; that your majesty THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 81 iooked with eloquent supplications, first at his eminence, and then at her majesty the queen-mother, and at length to the door of the entrance; and they so thoroughly re- marked all I have said, that, they saw your majesty's lips articulate these words: 'Who will get me out of this?' " "Monsieur!" "Or something to this effect, sire: 'My musketeers V I could then no longer hesitate. That look was for me — the order was for me. I cried out instantly, 'His majesty's musketeers!' And, besides, that is proved to be true, sire, not only by your majesty's not saying I was wrong,, but bj proving I was right by going out at once." The king turned away to smile; then, after a few seconds, he again fixed his limpid eye upon that countenance, so intelligent, so bold, and so firm, that it might have been said to be the proud and energetic profile of the eagle in face of the sun. "That is all very well," said he, after a short silence, during which he endeavored, in vain, to look his officer down. But, seeing the king said no more, the latter pirouetted on his heels, and made three steps toward the door, mut- tering, "He will not speak! Mordioux ! he will not speak!" "Thank you, monsieur," said the king, at last. "Humph!" continued the lieutenant; "there only wanted that. Blamed for having been less of a fool than another might have been." And he gained the door, allowing his spurs to jingle in true military style. But when he was upon the threshold, feeling that the king's desire drew him back, he returned. "Has your majesty told me all?" asked he, in a tone we cannot describe, but which, without appearing to solicit the royal confidence, contained so much persuasive frankness, that the king immediately replied: "Yes; but draw near, monsieur." "Now then," murmured the officer, "he is coming to it at last." "Listen to me." "I will not lose a word, sire." "You will mount on horseback to-morrow, at about half- past four in the morning, and you will have a horse saddled for me." "From your majesty's stables?" "No; one of your musketeers' horses." "Very well, sire. Is that all?" i '\4fid you. will accompany Hie," 82 THE VICOafTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Alone?" "Alone." "Shall I come to seek your majesty, or shall I wait?" "You will wait for me." "Where, sire?" "At the little park gate." The lieutenant bowed, understanding that the king h*(1 told him all he had to say. In fact, the king dismissed him with a gracious wave of the hand. The officer left the chamber of the king, and returned to place himself philo- sophically in his fauteuil, where, far from sleeping, as might have been expected, considering how late it was, he begar to reflect more profoundly than he had ever reflected before The result of these reflections was not so melancholy as the preceding ones had been. "Come, he has begun," said he. "Love urges him on, and he goes forward — he goes forward! The king is nobody in his own palace; but the man perhaps may prove to be worth something. Well, we shall see to-morrow morning. Oh! oh!" cried he, all at once starting up, "that is a gigan- tic idea, mordioux! and perhaps my fortune depends, at least, upon that idea!" After this exclamation, the officer arose and marched, with his hands in the pockets of his justau-corps, about the immense antechamber that served him as an apartment. The wax-light flamed furiously under the effects of a fresh breeze which stole in through the chinks of the door and the window, and cut the salle diagonally. It threw out a reddish, unequal light, some- times brilliant, sometimes dull, and the tall shadow of the lieutenant was seen marching on the wall, in profile, like a figure by Callot, with his long sword and feathered cap. "Certes!" said he, "I am mistaken if Mazarin is not lay- ing a snare for this amorous boy. Mazarin, this evening, gave an address, and made an appointment as complacently hs Monsieur Dangeau could have done — I heard him, and .'. know the meaning of his words. 'To-morrow morning, 5 said lie, 'they will pass opposite the bridge of Blois. 5 Mordioux! that is clear enough, and particularly for a lover. That is the cause of this embarrassment; that is the cause of this hesitation; that is the cause of this order: e Monsieur, the lieutenant of my musketeers, be on horse- back to-morrow at four o'clock in the morning.' Which is as clear as if he had said, 'Monsieur, the lieutenant of my musketeers, to-morrow, at four, at the bridge of Blois, do you understand?' Here is a state secret, then, which I, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 83 humble as I am, have in my possession, while it is in action. And how do I get it? Because I have good eyes, as his majesty just now said. They say he loves this little Italian doll furiously. They say he threw himself at his mother's feet, to ask her to allow him to marjy her. They say the queen went so far as to consult the court of Rome, whether such a marriage, contracted against her will, would be valid. Oh, if I were but twenty-five! If I had by my side those I no longer have! If I did not despise the whole world most profoundly, I would imbroil Mazarin with the queen- mother, France with Spain, and I would make a queen after my own fashion. But let that pass." And the lieu- tenant snapped his fingers in disdain. "This miserable Italian — this poor creature — this sordid wretch — who has just refused the King of England a mil- lion, would not perhaps give me a thousand pistoles for the news I could carry him. Mordioux! I am falling into second childhood; I am becoming stupid indeed! The idea of Mazarin giving anything! ha! ha! ha!" and he laughed in a subdued voice. "Well, let us go to sleep — let us go to sleep; and the sooner the better. My mind is fatigued with my evening's work, and will see things to-morrow more clearly than to-day." And upon this recommendation, made to himself, he folded his cloak around him, looking with contempt upoD his royal neighbor. Five minutes after this he was asleep with his hands clinched and his lips apart, allowing to escape, not his secret, but a sonorous sound, which rose and spread freely beneath the majestic roof of the antechamber. CHAPTER XIII. MARY DE MANCINI. The sun had scarcely enlightened the majestic trees 01 the park and the lofty turrets of the castle with its first, beams, when the young king, who had been awake more than two hours, possessed by the sleeplessness of love, opened his shutters himself, and cast an inquiring look into the courts of the sleeping palace. He saw that it was the hour agreed upon; the great court clock pointed to a quarter past four. He did not disturb his valet de chain* ire, who was sleeping profoundly at some distance; he 84 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. dressed himself, and the valet, in a great fright, sprung up t thinking he had been deficient in his duty; but the king 6ent him back again, commanding him to preserve the most absolute silence. He then descended the little staircase, went out at a lateral door, and perceived at the end of the wall a mounted horseman, holding another horse by the bridle. This horseman was not to be recognized in his cloak and slouched hat. As to the horse, saddled like that of a rich citizen, it had nothing remarkable about it to the most experienced eye. Louis took the bridle; the officer held the stirrup without dismounting, and asked his majesty's orders in a low voice. "Follow me," replied the king. The officer put his horse to the trot, behind that of his master, and they descended the hill toward the bridge. When arrived at the other side of the Loire: "Monsieur," said the king, "you will please to ride on till you see a carriage coming; then return and inform me. I will wait here." "Will your majesty deign to give me some description of the carriage I am charged to discover?" "A carriage in which you will see two ladies, and proba- bly their attendants likewise." "Sire, I should not wish to make a mistake; is there no other sign by which I may know this carriage?" "It will bear, in all probability, the arms of Monsieur le Cardinal." 'That is sufficient, sire," replied the officer, fully in- structed in the object of his search. He put his horse to the trot, and rode sharply on in the direction pointed out by the king. But he had scarcely gone five hundred paces when he saw four mules, and then a carriage, loom up from behind a little hill. Behind this carriage came another. It required only one glance to assure him that these were ■the equipages he was in search of; he therefore turned his Vidle, and rode back to the king. "Sire," said he, "here are the carriages. The first, as you said, contains two ladies with their femmes de chambre ; the second contains the footmen, provisions, and neces saries." "That is well," replied the king, in an agitated voice. "Please go and tell those ladies that a cavalier of the corut wishes to pay his respects to them alone." The officer set off at a gallop. "Mordiovx!" said he, aa he rods on. "here is a new and an honorable employment, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 85 I hope! I complained of being nobody. I am the king's confidant; that is enough to make a musketeer burst with pride." He approached the carriage, and delivered his message gallantly and intelligently. There were two ladies in the carriage; one of great beauty, although rather thin; the other less favored by nature, but lively, graceful, and unit- ing in the light folds of her brow all the signs of a strong will. Her eyes, animated and piercing, in particular, spoke more eloquently than all the amorous phrases in fashion in those days of gallantry. It was to her D'Artagnan ad dressed himself, without fear of being mistaken, although the other was, as we have said, the more handsome of the two. "Madame," said he, "I am the lieutenant of the mus- keteers, and there is on the road a cavalier who awaits you, and is desirous of paying his respects to you." At these words, the effect of which he watched closely, the lady with the black eyes uttered a cry of joy, leaned out of the carriage window, and seeing the cavalier approach ing, held out her arms, exclaiming: "Ah, my dear sire!" and the tears gushed from her eyes The coachman stopped his team; the women rose in con- fusion from the bottom of the carriage, and the second lady made a slight reverence, terminated by the most ironical smile that jealousy ever imparted to the lips of woman. "Mary, dear Mary!" cried the king, taking the hand of the black-eyed lady in both his. And opening the heavy door himself, he drew her out of the carriage with so much ardor that she was in his arms before she touched the ground. The lieutenant, posted on the other side of the tcarriage, saw and heard all without being observed. I The king offered his arm to Mile, de Mancini, and made 'a sign to the coachmen and lackeys to proceed. It was nearly six o'clock; the road was fresh and pleasant; tall trees with their foliage still inclosed in the golden down of their buds let the dew of morning filter from their trem- bling branches, like liquid diamonds; the grass was burst- ing at the foot of the hedges; the swallows, only a few day? returned, described their graceful curves between thb heavens and the water; a breeze, perfumed by the blossom- ing woods, sighed along the road, and wrinkled the surface of the waters of the river; all these beauties of the day, all these perfumes of the plants, all these aspirations of the taarth toward the heavens,, intoxicated the two lovers, walk 86 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXKE. ing side by side, leaning upon each other, eyes fixed upon eyes, hand clasped within hand, and who, lingering as by a common desire, did not dare to speak, they had so much to «ay. The officer saw that the king's horse pulled this way and that, and inconvenienced Mile, de Mancini. He took ad- vantage of the pretext of taking the horse to draw near to them, and dismounted, and walking between the two horses he led, he did not lose a single word or gesture of the loversc it was Mile, de Mancini who at length began. "Ah, my d?ar sire!" she began, "you do not abandon me, then?" "No/' replied the king; "you see I do not, Mary." "I had been so often told, though, that as soon as w© should be separated you would no longer think of me." "Dear Mary, is it then to-day only that you have dis- covered we are surrounded by people interested in deceiv- ing us?" But then, sire, this journey, this alliance with Spain? They are going to marry you!" Louis hung his head. At the same time the officer coulc! see in the sun the eyes of Mary de Mancini shine with the brilliancy of a poniard starting from its sheath. "And you have done nothing in favor of our love?" asked the girl, after a silence of a moment. "Ah! mademoiselle, how could you believe that? I threw myself at the feet of my mother; I begged her, I im- plored her; I told her all my hopes of happiness were in you; I even threatened " "Well?" asked Mary eagerly. "Well, the queen mother wrote to the court of Eome, and received as answer that a marriage between us would have no validity, and would be dissolved by the holy father. At length, finding there was no hope for us, I requested to have my marriage with the infanta at least delayed." "And yet that does not prevent your being on the road to meet her?" "What would you have? To my prayers, to my supplica- tions, to my tears, I received no answer but reasons of state." "Well, well?"^ "Well, what is to be done, mademoiselle, when so many wills are leagued against me?" It was now Mary's turn to hang her head. "Then I must bid you adieu forever," said she. "You know that I am being exiled; you know that 1 am going to be buried alive; you know, still more, that thev want tojmarry me also." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONXE. 87 Louis became very pale, and placed his hand upcn his heart. "If I had thought that my life only had been at stake, 1 have been so persecuted that I might have yielded; but I thought yours was concerned, my dear sire, and I stood out for the sake of preserving your happiness/' "Oh, yes! my happiness, my treasure!" murmuied the king, more gallantly than passionately, perhaps. "The cardinal might have yielded," said Mary, "if you had addressed yourself to him, if you had pressed him. For the cardinal to call the King of France his nephew! do you not perceive, sire? He would have made war even for that honor; the cardinal, assured of governing alone, under the double pretext of having brought up the king and given his niece to him in marriage — the cardinal would have com- bated all wills, overcome all obstacles. Oh, sire! I can answer for that. I am a woman, and I see clearly into everything where love is concerned." These words produced a strange effect upon the king. Instead of heightening his passion they cooled it. He stopped, and said, with precipitation: "What is to be said, mademoiselle? Everything has failed." "Except your will, I trust, my dear sire?" "Alas!" said the king, coloring, "have I a will?" "Oh!" allowed Mile, de Mancini to escape mournfully, wounded by that expression. "The king has no will but that which policy dictates, but that which reasons of state impose upon him." "Oh! it is because you have no love," cried Mary; "if you loved, sire, you would have a will." On pronouncing these words, Mary raised her eyes to her lover, whom she saw more pale and more cast down than an exile who is about to quit his native land forever. "Accuse ne," murmured the king, "but do not say I do not love you." A long silence followed these words, which the young king had pronounced with a perfectly true and profound feeling. "I am unable to think that to-morrow, and after to-morrow I shall see you no more; I cannot think that I am going to end my sad days at a distance from Paris; that the lips of an old man, of an unknown, should touch that hand which you hold within yours; no, in truth, I cannot think of all that, my dear sire, without my poor heart burst* :°ng with despair." 88 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. And Mary de Mancini did shed floods of tears. On his part, the king, affected, carried his handkerchief to his month, and stifled a sob. "See," said she, "the carriages have stopped, my sister waits for me, the time is come; what you are about to de- cide upon will be decided for life. Oh, sire! you are will- ing, then, that I should lose you? You are willing, then, Louis, that she to whom you have said, 'I love you/ should belong to another than to her king, to her master, to her dover? Oh! courage, Louis! courage! One word, a single word! Say 'I will!' and all my life is enchained to yours, and all my heart is yours forever." The king made no reply. Mary then looked at him as Dido looked at iEneas in the Elysian fields, fierce and dis- dainful. "Adieu, then," said she; "adieu life! adieu love! adieu heaven!" And she made a step to depart. The king detained her, seized her hand, which he glued to his lips, and despair prevailing over the resolution he appeared to have inwardly formed, he let fall upon that beautiful hand a burning tear of regret, which made Mary start, so really had that tear burned her. She saw the humid eyes of the king, his pale brow, his convulsed lips, and cried, with an accent that cannot be described: "Oh, sire! you are a king, you weep, and yet I depart!" As his sole reply, the king concealed his face in his hand- kerchief. The officer here uttered something so like a roar that it frightened the horses. Mile, de Mancini, quite in- dignant, quitted t'ie king's arm, got precipitately intf the carriage, crying to the coachman, "Go on, go on, quick!'-' The coachman obeyed, flogged his mules, and the heavy carriage rocked upon its creaking axle, while the King of France., alone, cast down, annihilated, did not dare to look either behind or before him. CHAPTEE XIV. IN WHICH THE KING AND THE LIEUTENANT EACH GIVE PROOFS OF MEMORY. When the king, like all the people in the world who are in love, had long and attentively watched the disappearance in the horizon ol the carriage which bore away his mistress; THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOtfNE. 89 when he had turned and turned again a hundred times to the same way, and had at length succeeded in calming in a degree the agitation of his heart and thoughts, he recol- lected that he was not alone. The officer still held the horse by the bridle, and had not lost all hope of seeing the king recover his resolution. He had still the resource of mounting, and riding after the carriage; they would have lost nothing by waiting a little. But the imagination of ;he lieutenant of the musketeers was too rich and too bril- liant; it left far behind it that of the king, who took care not to allow himself to be carried away by such an excess of luxury. He contented himself with approaching the officer, and in a doleful voice, "Come," said he, ''let us be gone; all is ended. To horse!" The officer imitated this carriage, this slowness, this sad- ness, and leisurely mounted his horse. The king pushed on sharply, the lieutenant followed him. At the bridge Louis turned round for the last time. The lieutenant, patient as a god who has eternity behind and before him, still hoped for a return of energy. But it was groundless, nothing appeared. Louis gained the street which led to the castle, and entered as seven was striking. When once the king was returned, and the musketeer, who saw everything, had seen a corner of the tapestry rise at the window of the car- dinal, he breathed a profound sigh, like a man unloosed from the tightest bonds, and said in a low voice: "Now, then, my officer, I hope that it is over." The king summoned his gentleman. "Please to under- stand I shall receive nobody before two o'clock," said he. "Sire," replied the gentleman, "there is, however, some one who requests admittance." 'Who is that?" '"'Your lieutenant of musketeers." ''He who accompanied me?" J 'Yes, sire." '"'Ah!" said the king, "let him come in." The officer entered. The king made a sign, and the gen- tleman and the valet retired. Louis followed them with his eyes until they had shut the door, and when the tapes- tries had fallen behind them: "You remind me by your presence, monsieur, of something I had forgotten to recom- mend to you, that is to say, the most absolute discretion." "Oh, sh*e! why does your majesty give yourself the trou* ole of making me such a recommendation? It is plain yoa do not know me." 90 THE VICOMTE DE RRAOELONN'E. "Yes, monsieur, that is true. I know that you are dis- creet; but as I had prescribed nothing " The officer bowed. "Has your majesty nothing else to say to me?" "No, monsieur; you may retire.'' "Shall I obtain permission not to do so till I have spoken to the king, sire?" "What have you to say to me? Explain yourself, mon- sieur." "Sire, a thing without importance to you, but which interests me greatly. Pardon me, then, for speaking of it. Without urgency, without necessity, I never would have done it, and I would have disappeared, mute and insignifi- cant as I always have been." "How! Disappeared! I do not understand you, mon- sieur." "Sire, in a word," said the officer, "I am come to ask for my discharge from your majesty's service." The king made a movement of surprise, but the officer remained as motionless as a statue. "Your discharge — yours, monsieur? and for how long a time, pray?" "Why, forever, sire." "What, you ace desirous of quitting my service, mon- sieur?" said Louis, with an expression that revealed some- thing more than surprise. "Sire, I have that regret." "Impossible!" "It is so, however, sire. I am getting old; I have worn harness now thirty-five years; my poor shoulders are tired; I feel that I must give place to the young. I don't belong to this age; I have still one foot in the old one; it results that everything is strange in my eyes, everything astonishes and bewilders me. In short, I have the honor to ask for my discharge of your majesty." "Monsieur," said the king, looking at the officer, who wore his uniform with an ease that would have created envy in a young man, "you are stronger and more vigorous than I am." "Oh!" replied the officer, with an air of false modesty, "your majesty says so because I still have a good eye and a tolerably firm foot — because I can still ride a horse, and my mustache is black; but, sire, vanity of vanities all that — illusions all that — appearance, smoke, sire! I have still a young air, it is true, but I am old at bottom; and within THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 91 six months I feel certain I shall be broken down gouty, impotent, Therefore, then, sire " "Monsieur," interrupted the King, "remember your words of yesterday. You said to me in this very place where you now are, that you were endowed with the best health of any man in France; that fatigue was unknown to you; that you cared not for passing whole days and nights at your post. Did you tell me that, monsieur, or not? Eecall your memory, monsieur." The officer breathed a sigh. "Sire," said he, "old age is boastful; and it is pardonable for old men to make the eulogy of those for whom others no longer make it. It is very possible I said that; but the fact is, sire, I am very much fatigued, and request permission to retire." "Monsieur," said the king, advancing toward the officer with a gesture at once full of address and majesty, "you are not assigning me the true reason. You wish to quit my service, it may be true, but you disguise from me the motive of your retreat." "Sire, believe that " "I believe what I see, monsieur; I see a vigorous, ener- getic man, full of presence of mind, the best soldier in France, perhaps; and this personage cannot persuade me the least in the world that you stand in need of rest." "Ah, sire!" said the lieutenant, with bitterness, "what praises! Indeed, your majesty confounds me! Energetic, vigorous, brave, intelligent, the best soldier in the army! But, sire, your majesty exaggerates my small portion of merit to such a point, that, however good an opinion I may have of myself, I do not recognize myself; in truth I do not. If I were vain enough to believe onty half of your majesty's words, I should consider myself as a valuable, indispensable man. I should say that a servant possessed of such brilliant qualities was a treasure beyond all price. Now, sire, I have been all my life — I feel bound to say it — except at the present time, appreciated, in my opinion, much beneath my value. I therefore repeat, your majesty exaggerates." The king knitted his brow, for he saw a bitter raillery beneath the words of the officer. "Come, monsieur," said he, "let us meet the question frankly. Are you dissatisfied with my service, say? No evasions; speak boldly, frankly — I command you to do so." The officer, who had been twisting his hat about in his hands,with an embarrassed air, for several minutes, raised his 92 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. head at these words. "Oh, sire!" said he, "that puts me a little more at my ease. To a question put so frankly, I will reply frankly. To tell the truth is a good thing, as much from the pleasure one feels in relieving one's heart, as on account of the rarity of the fact. I will speak the truth, then, to my king, at the same time imploring him to excuse the frankness of an old soldier. " Louis looked at his officer with anxious inquietude, which was manifested by agitation of his gesture. "Well, then, speak," said he, "for I am impatient to hear the truths you have to tell me." The officer threw his hat upon a table, and his counte- nance, always so intelligent and martial, assumed, all at once, a strange character of grandeur and solemnity. "Sire," said he, "I quit the king's service because I am dissatisfied. The valet, in these times, can approach his master as respectfully as I do, can give him an account of his labor, bring back his tools, render the funds that have been intrusted to him, and say, 'Master, my day's work is Jone. Pay me, if you please, and let us part.' " "Monsieur! monsieur!" exclaimed the king, purple with rage. "Ah, sire!" replied the officer, bending his knee for a moment, "never was a servant more respectful than I am before your majesty; only you commanded me to tell the truth. Now I have begun to tell it, it must come out, even if you command me to hold my tongue." There was so much resolution expressed in the deep-sunk muscles of the officer's countenance that Louis XIV. had no occasion to tell him to continue; he continued, then, while the king looked at him with a curiosity mingled with admiration. "Sire, I have, as I have said, now served the house of France thirty-five years; few people have worn out so many swords in that service as I have, and the swords I speak of were good swords, too, sire. I was a boy, ignorant of every- thing except courage, when the king, your father, divined that there was a man in me. I was a man, sire, when the Cardinal de Eichelieu, who was a judge of manhood, divined an enemy in me. Sire, the history of that enmity between the ant and the lion may be read from the first to the last line in the secret archives of your fanily* If ever you feel an inclination to view it, do it, sire; the history is worth the trouble — it is 1 who tell you so. You will there read that the Ijon, fatigue^ harassed, out 9t oreath, at THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 93 length cried for quarter, and the justice must be rendered to him to say, that he gave as much as he required. Oh! those were glorious times, sire, strewed over with battles like one of Tasso's or Ariosto's epopees'' The wonders of those times, to which the people of ours would refuse be- lief, were everyday occurrences. For five years together, I was a hero every day; at least, so I was told by personages of merit; and that is a long period for heroism, trust me, sire, is a period of five years. Nevertheless, I have faith in what these people told me, for they were good judges. They were named Monsieur de Richelieu, Monsieur de Buckingham, Monsieur de Beaufort, Monsieur de Retz, a rough genius himself in street warfare. In short, the king, Louis XIII. , and even the queen, your august mother, who one day condescended to say, 'Thank you,' I don't know what service I had had the good fortune to render her. Pardon me, sire, for speaking so boldly; but what I relate to you, as I have already had the honor to tell your majesty, is history." The king bit his lip, and threw himself violently into his fauteuil. "I appear importunate to your majesty," said the lieu- tenant. "Eh! sire, that is the fate of truth; she is a stern com- panion; she bristles all over with steel; she wounds those she attacks, and sometimes him who speaks her." "No, monsieur," replied the king; "I bid you speak — speak, then." "After the service of the king and the cardinal, came the service of the regency, sire. I fought pretty well in the Fronde — much less though than the first time. The men began to diminish in stature. I have, nevertheless, led your majesty's musketeers on some perilous occasions, which stand upon the orders of the day of the company. Mine was a beautiful lot then! I was the favorite of Mon- sieur de Mazarin. Lieutenant here! lieutenant there! lieu- tenant to the right! lieutenant to the left! There was not a buffet dealt in France of which your humble servant was not charged with the dealing; but they soon became not contented with France; Monsieur le Cardinal, he sent me to England on Cromwell's account; another gentleman who was not over gentle, I assure you, sire. I had the honor to know him, and I was well able to appreciate him. A great deal was promised me on account of that mission. So, as I did in it quite contrary to all I had been bidden to do, I was 94 THE VIOOMTE DE BRAGELONNB. generously paid, for I was at length appointed captain of the musketeers; that is to say, to the post most envied at court, which takes the pas over the marechah of France, and with justice; for when the captain of the musketeers is named, the flower and king of the brave is named." "Captain, monsieur?" interrupted the king. "You make a mistakeo Lieutenant, you mean to say." "Not at all, sire — I make no mistake; your majesty may rely upon me in that respect. Monsieur le Cardinal gave me the commission himself." "Well." "But Monsieur de Mazarin, aa you know better than any- oody, does not often give, and sometimes takes back what he has given; he took it back again as soon as peace was made and he was no longer in want of me. Certes, I was not worthy to replace Monsieur de Treville, of illustrious memory; but they had promised me, and they had given me; they ought to have stopped there." "Is that what dissatisfies you, monsieur? "Well, I will make inquiries. I love justice; and your claim, though made in military fashion, does not displease me." "Oh, sire," said the other, "your majesty has ill under- stood me; I no longer claim anything now." "Excess of delicacy, monsieur; but I will keep my eye upon your affairs, and hereafter- — " "Oh, sire, what a word — hereafter! Thirty years have I lived upon that promising word, which has been pronounced by so many great personages, and which your mouth has, in its turn, just pronounced. Hereafter! that is how I have received a score of wounds, and now I have reached fifty- four years of age, without ever having had a louis in my purse, and without ever having met with a protector in my road — I, who have protected so many people! So I change my formula, sire; and when anyone says to me 'Hereafter,' I reply, 'Now.' It is repose I solicit, sire. That may be aasily granted me. That will cost nobody anything." "I did not look for this language, monsieur, particularly from a man who has always lived among the great. You forget you are speaking to the king, to a gentleman who is, I suppose, of as good a house as yourself; and when I say hereafter, I mean a certainty." "I do not at all doubt it, sire; but this is the end of the terrible truth I had to tell you. If I were to see upon that table a marechal's baton, the sword of constable, tie crown of Poland, instead of 'hereafter/ I swear to you, sire, that THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 95 I should still S3y 'Now!' Oh, excuse me, sire! I am from the country of your grandfather, Henry IV. I do not speak often; but when I do speak, I speak all." "The future of my reign has little temptation for xrou s monsieur, it appears," said Louis haughtily. "Forgetfulness, forgetfulness everywhere!" cried the officer, with a noble air; "the master has forgotten the servants so that the servant is reduced to forget hij mas- ter. I live in unfortunate times, sire. I see youth full of discouragement and fear, I see it timid and despoiled, when it ought to be rich and powerful. I yesterday evening, for example, open the door to a king of England, whose father, humble as I am, I was near to saving, if God had not been against me — God, who inspired his elect, Cromwell! I open, I said, the door, that is to say, of the palace of one brother to another brother, and I see — stop, sire, that presses upon my heart! — I see the minister of that king drive away the proscribed prince, and humiliate his master by condemning to want another king, his equal. Then I see my prince, who is young, handsome, and brave, who has courage in his heart and lightning in his eye — I see him tremble before a priest, who laughs at him behind the cur- tains of his alcove, where he digests all the gold of France, which he afterward stuffs into secret coffers. Yes — I un- derstand your looks, sire. I am bold to madness; but what is to be said? I am an old man, and I tell you here, sire, to you, my king, things which I would cram down the throat of any one who should dare to pronounce them be- fore me. You have commanded me to pour out the bottom of my heart before you, sire, and I cast at the feet of your majesty the bile which I have been collecting during thirty years, as I would pour out all my blood, if your majesty commanded me to do so." The king, without speaking a word, wiped the drops of cold and abundant sweat which trickled from his temples. The moment of silence which followed this vehement out- break represented for him who had spoken, and for him who had listened, ages of suffering. "Monsieur," said the king, at length, "you have pro- nounced the word forgetfulness. I have heard nothing but that word; I will reply, then, to it alone. Others have per- haps been able to forget, but I have not, and the proof is, that I remember that one day of riot, that one day in which the furious people, furious and roaring as the sea, invaded the royal palace; that one day, when I feigned to sleep in 98 THE VICOMTE D£ BRAGELONNS. my bed, one man alone, naked sword in hand, concealed behind my bolster, watched over my life, ready to risk his own for me, as he had before risked it twenty times for the lives of my family. Was not the gentleman, whose name I then demanded, called Monsieur d'Artagnan? Say, monsieur." "Your majesty has a good memory," replied the officer coldly. "You see, then," continued the king, "if I have such remembrances of my childhood, what an amount I may gather in the age of reason." "Your majesty has been richly endowed by God," said the officer, in the same tone. "Come, Monsieur d'Artagnan," continued Louis, with feverish agitation, "ought you not to be as patient as I am? Ought you not to do as I do? Come!" "And what do you do, sire?" "I wait." "Your majesty may do so, because you are young; but I, sire, have not time to wait; old age is at my door, and death is behind it, looking into the very depths of my house. Your majesty is beginning life, its future is full of hope and fortune, but I, sire, I am at the other side of the hori- zon, and we are so far from each other that I should never have time to wait till your majesty came up to me." Louis made another turn in his apartment, still wiping the sweat from his brow, in a manner that would have ter- rified his physicians if his physicians had witnessed the state his majesty was in. "It is very well, monsieur," said Louis XIV., in a sharp voice; "you are desirous of having your discharge, and you shall have it. You offer me your resignation of the rank of lieutenant of the musketeers?" "I deposit it humbly at your majesty's feet, sire " "That is sufficient. I will order your pension." "I shall have a thousand obligations to your majesty.'' "Monsieur," said the king, with a violent effort, "I think you are losing a good master." "And I am sure of it, sire." "Shall you ever find such another?" "Oh, sire, I know that your majesty is alone in the world; therefore will I never again take service with any king upon earth, and will never again have other master than myself." "You say so?" ''I swear so, your majesty." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 97 :< I shall remember that word, monsieur." D'Artagnan bowed. "And you know I have a good memory," said the king. "Yes, sire; and yet I should desire that that memory should fail your majesty in this instance, in order that you might forget all the miseries I have been forced to spread before your eyes. Your majesty is so much above the poor and the mean, that I hope " "My majesty, monsieur, will act like the sun, which looks upon all, great and small, rich and poor, giving luster to some, warmth to others, and life to all. Adieu, Monsieur d'Artagnan — adieu; you are free." And the king, with a hoarse sob, which was lost in his throat, passed quickly into the next chamber. D'Artagnan took up his hat from the table upon which he had thrown it, and went out. CHAPTER XV. THE PROSCRIBED. D'AkTAGnan had not reached the bottom of the staircase when the king called his gentleman. "I have a commission to give you, monsieur," said he. "I am at your majesty's commands." "AVait, then." And the young king began to write the following letter, which cost him more than one sigh, although, at the same time, something like a feeling of triumph glittered in his eyes: • "Monsieur le Cardinal: Thanks to your good coun- sels, and, above all, thanks to your firmness, I have sue- ceeded in overcoming a weakness unworthy of a king. You have too ably arranged my destiny to allow gratitude not to stop me at the moment I was about to destroy your work. I felt I was wrong to wish to make my life deviate from the course you had marked out for it. Certes, it would have been a misfortune to France and my family if a misunder- standing had taken place between me and my minister. This, however, would certainly have happened if I had made your niece my wife. I am perfectly aware of this, and will henceforth oppose nothing to the accomplishment 98 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. of my destiny. I am prepared, then, to marry the infanta, Maria Theresa, You may at once open the conference. "Your affectionate "Louis." The king, after reperusing the letter, sealed it himself. ' : This letter for Monsieur le Cardinal," said he. The gentleman took it. At Mazarin's door he found Bernouin waiting with anxiety. "Well?" asked the minister's valet de chambre. "Monsieur," said the gentleman, "here is a letter for his eminence." "A letter! Ah! we expected one after the little journey of the morning." "Oh! you know, then, that his majesty " "In quality of first minister, it belongs to the duties of our charge to know everything. And his majesty prays and implores, I presume." "I don't know, but he sighed frequently while he was writing." "Yes, yes, yes; we understand all that; people sigh some- times from happiness as well as from grief, monsieur." "And yet the king did not look very happy when he re- turned, monsieur." "You did not see clearly. Besides, you only saw his majesty on his return, for he was only accompanied by the lieutenant of the guards. But I had his eminence's tele- scope; 1 looked through it when he was tired, and I am sure they both wept." "Well, was it for happiness they wept?" "No, but for love, and they vowed to each other a thou- sand tendernesses, which the king asks no better than to keep. Now, this letter is a commencement of the execu- tion." "And what does his eminence think of this love, which is, by the bye, no secret to anybody." Bernouin took the gentleman by the arm, and while as- cending the staircase: "In confidence," said he, in a low voice, "his eminence looks for success in the affair. I know very well we shall have war with Spain; but, bah! war will please the nobles. Monsieur le Cardinal, besides, can endow his niece royally, nay, more than royally. There will be money, festivities, and fireworks — evervbodv wiii be delighted." "Well, for my part," replied 'the gentleman, shaking his THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOJOTE. 99 head, "it appears to me that this letter is very light to con- tain all that." "My friend," replied Bernouin, "I am certain of what I tell you. Monsieur d'Artagnan related all that passed to me." "Ay, ay! and what did he tell you? Let us hear." "I accosted him by asking him, on the part of the car- dinal, if there were any news, without discovering my de- signs, observe, for Monsieur d'Artagnan is a cunning hand. 'My dear Monsieur Bernouin,' he replied, 'the king is madly in love with Mademoiselle de Mancini, that is all I have to tell you.' And then I asked him: 'Do you think, to such a degree that it will urge him to act contrary to the designs of his eminence?' 'Ah! don't interrogate me,' said he; 'I think the king capable of anything; he has a head of iron, and what he wills he wills in earnest. If he takes it into his head to marry Mademoiselle de Mancini, he will marry her, depend upon it.' And thereupon he left me and went straight to the stables, took a horse, saddled it himself, jumped upon its back, and set off as if the devil were at his heels." "So that you believe, then " "I believe that Monsieur the Lieutenant of the Guards knew more than he was willing to say." "In your opinion, then, Monsieur d'Artagnan " "Is gone, according to all probability, after the exiles, to carry out all that can facilitate the success of the king's love." Chatting thus, the two confidants arrived at the door of his eminence's apartment. His eminence's gout had left him; he was walking about his chamber in a state of great anxiety, listening at the doors and looking out of the win- dow. Bernouin entered, followed by the gentleman, who had orders from the king to place the letter in the hands of the cardinal himself. Mazarin took the letter, but before opening it he got up a ready smile, a smile of circumstance, able to throw a veil over emotions of whatever sort they might be. So prepared, whatever was the impression re- ceived from the letter, no reflection of that impression was allowed to transpire upon his countenance. "Well," said he, when he had read and reread the letter, "exceedingly well, monsieur. Inform the king that I thank; him for his obedience to the wishes of the queen-mother, and that I will do everything for the accomplishment of his will." 100 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. The gentleman left the room. The door had scarcely closed before the cardinal, who had no mask for Bernouin, took off that which had so recently covered his face, and with a most dismal expression, ''Call Monsieur de Brienne/* said he. Five minutes afterward the secretary entered. "Monsieur," said Mazarin, "I have just rendered a great service to the monarchy, the greatest I have ever rendered it. You will carry this letter, which proves it, to her majesty the queen-mother, and when she shall have returned it to you, you will lodge it in portfolio B, which is filled with documents and papers relative to my ministry." Brienne went as desired, and as the letter was unsealed, did not fail to read it on his way. There is likewise no doubt that Bernouin, who was on good terms with every- body, approached so near to the secretary as to be able to read the letter over his shoulder; so that the news spread with such activity through the castle that Mazarin might have feared it would reach the ears of the queen-mother before M. de Brienne could convey Louis XI V.'s letter to her. A moment after, orders were given for departure, and M. de Conde having been to pay his respects to the king, at his pretended rising, inscribed the city of Poitiers upon his tablets, as the place of sojourn and repose of their majesties. Thus in a few instants was unraveled an in- trigue which had covertly occupied all the dijilomacies of Europe. It had nothing, however, very clear as a result, but to make a poor lieutenant of musketeers lose his com- mission and his fortune. It is true, that in exchange he gained his liberty. We shall soon know how M. d'Artag- nan profited by this. For the moment, if the reader will permit us, we will return to the hostelry of les Medici, of which one of the windows opened at the very moment the orders were given for the departure of the king. The window that opened was that of one of the chambers of Charles II. The unfortunate prince had passed the night in bitter reflections, his head supported by his hands, and his elbows on the table, while Parry, infirm and old, fatigued in body and in mind, had fallen asleep in a corner. A singular fortune was that of this faithful servant, who saw recommencing for the second generation the fearful series of misfortunes which had weighed so heavily on the first. When Charles II. had well thought over the fresh defeat he had experienced, when he perfectly comprehended the complete isolation into which he had just fallen, on see- ing his fresh hope le+'t behind him, he was seized as with a THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 101 vertigo, and sank back in the large fauteuil iu which he was seated. Then God took pity on the unhappy prince, and sent to console him sleep, the innocent brother of death. He did not wake till half-past six, that is to say, till the sun shone brightly into his chamber, and Parry, motion- less with fear of waking him, was observing with profound grief the eyes of the young man already red with wakeful- ness, and his cheeks pale with suffering and privations. At length the noise of some heavy carts descending toward the Loire awakened Charles. He rose, looked around him like a man who has forgotten everything, per ceived Parry, shook him by the hand, and commanded him to settle the reckoning with Master Cropole. Master Cro- pole, being called upon to settle his account with Parry, acquitted himself, it must be allowed, like an honest man; he only made his customary remark, that the two travelers had eaten nothing which had the double disadvantage of being humiliating for his kitchen, and of forcing him to ask payment for a repast not consumed, but not the less lost. Parry had nothing to say to the contrary, and paid. "I hope," said the king, "it has not been the same with the horses. I don't see that they have eaten at your ex- pense, and it would be a misfortune for travelers like us, who have a long journey to make, to have our horses fail us." But Cropole, at this doubt, assumed his majestic air, and replied that the manger of Us Medici was not less hospita- ble than its refectory. The king mounted his horse; his old servant did the same, and both set out toward Paris, without meeting a single person on their road, in the streets, or the faubourgs of the city. For the prince the blow was more severe, from being a fresh exile. The unfortunate cling to the smallest hopes, as the happy do to the greatest good; and when they are obliged to quit the place where that hope has soothed their hearts, they experience the mortal regret which the banished man feels when he places his foot upon the vessel which is to bear him into exile. It appears that the heart already wounded so many times suffers from the least scratch; it appears that it considers as a good the momentary absence of evil, which is nothing but the absence of pain; and that God, into the most terrible misfortunes, has thrown hope as the drop of water which the rich bad man in hell entreated of Lazarus. For one instant even the hope of Charles II. had been 102 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. more than a fugitive joy — that was when he found himself so kindly welcomed by his brother king; then it had taken a form that had become a reality; then, all at once, the re- fusal of Mazarin had reduced the factitious reality to the state of a dream. This promise of Louis XIV., so soon resumed, had been nothing but a mockery, a mockery like his crown — like his scepter — like his friends — like all that had surrounded his royal childhood, and which had aban- doned his proscribed youth. Mockery! everything was a mockery for Charles II., except the cold, black repose promised by death. Such were the ideas of the unfortunate prince while sit- ting listlessly upon his horse, to which he abandoned tke reius; he rode slowly along beneath the warm sun of May, in which the somber misanthropy of the exile perceived a last insult to his grief. CHAPTER XVI. "remember!" A horseman" who passed rapidly along the road leading toward Blois, which he had left nearly half an hour before, crossed the two travelers, and, though apparently in haste, raised his hat as he passed them. The king scarcely ob- served this young man, who was about twenty-five years of age. Turning round several times, he made signals of kind- ness to a man standing before the gate of a handsome white- and-red house; that ^ to say, built of brick and stone, with a slated roof, situated on the left hand of the road the prince was traveling. This man, old, tall, and thin, with white hair — we speak ©f him standing by the gate — this man replied to the fare- well signals of the young one by signs of parting as tender as could have been made by a father. The young man dis- appeared at the first turning of the road, bordered by fine trees, and the old man was preparing to return to the house, when the two travelers, arriving in front of the gate, attracted his attention. The king, we have said, was riding with his head cast down, his arms inert, leaving his horse to go what pace he liked, while Parry behind him, the better to imbibe the genial influence of the sun, had taken off his hat, and was looking about to the right and left. His eyes encountered THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 103 those of the old man leaning against the gate, and who, as if struck by some strange spectacle, uttered an exclamation, and made one step toward the two travelers. From Parry his eyes immediately turned toward the king, upon whom they stopped for an instant. This examination however rapid, was reflected instantly in a visible manner upon the features of the tall .old man. For scarcely had he recog- nized the younger of the travelers — and we say recognized, for nothing but a perfect recognition could have explained such an act — scarcely, we say, had he recognized the younger of the two travelers, than he clapped his hands to- gether with respectful surprise, and, raising his hat from his head, bowed so profoundly that it might have been said he was kneeling. This demonstration, however absent, or, rather, however absorbed was the king in his reflections, attracted his attention instantly, and checking his horse, and turning toward Parry, he exclaimed: "Good God! Parry, who is that man who salutes me in such a marked manner? Can he know me, think you?" Parry, much agitated and very pale, had already turned his horse toward the gate. "Ah, sire," said he, stopping suddenly at five or six paces' distance from the still bending old man, "sire, I am seized with astonishment, for I think I recognize that brave man. Yes, it must be he! Will your majesty permit me to speak to him?" "Certainly." "Can it be you, Monsieur Grimaud?" asked Parry. "Yes, it is," replied the tall old man, looking up without abating in his respectful attitude. "Sire," then said Parry, "I was not deceived. This good man is the servant of the Comte de la Fere, and the Comte de la Fere, if you remember, is the worthy gentle- man of whom I have so often spoken to your majesty that the remembrance of him must remain, not only in your mind, but in your heart." "He who was present at the last moments of my father? 5- ' asked Charles, evidently affected at the remembrance. "The same, sire." "Alas!" said Charles; and then addressing Grimaud, whose penetrating and intelligent eyes seemed to search and divine his thoughts: "My friend," said he, "does your master, Monsieur le Comte de la Fere, live in this neigh- borhood?" "There," replied Grimaud, pointing with his outstretched arm "to the white-and-red house behind the gate* 104 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. "And is Monsieur le Comte de la Fere at home at present?" "At the back, under the chestnut-trees." "Parry," said the king, "I will not miss this opportunity, so precious for me, to thank the gentleman to whom our house is indebted for such a noble example of devotedness and generosity. Hold my horse, my friend, if you please." And, throwing the bridle to Grimaud, the king entered the abode of Athos, quite alone, as one equal enters the dwell- ing of another. Charles had been informed by the concise explanation of Grimaud: "At the back, under the chestnut- trees;" he left, therefore, the house on the left, and went straight down the path indicated. The thing was easy; the tops of those noble trees, already covered with leaves and flowers, rose above all the rest. On arriving under the lozenges, by turns luminous and dark, which checkered the ground of this path according as the trees were more or less in leaf, the young prince perceived a gentleman walking with his arms behind him, apparently plunged in a pro- found reverie. Without doubt he had often had this gen- tleman described to him, for, without hesitating, Charles II. walked straight up to him. At the sound of his foot- steps, the Comte de la Fere raised his head, and seeing an unknown of a noble and elegant carrriage coming toward him, he raised his hat and waited. At some paces from him, Charles II. likewise took off his hat. Then, as if in reply to the comte's mute interrogation: "Monsieur le Comte," said he, "I come to discharge a duty toward you. I have, for a long time, had the expres- sion of a profound gratitude to bring you. I am Charles II., son of Charles Stuart, who reigned in England, and died on the scaffold." On hearing this illustrious name, Athos felt a kind of shudder creep through his veins, but at the sight of the young prince standing uncovered before him, and stretch- ing out his hand toward him, two tears, for an instant, dimmed his brilliant eyes. He bent respectfully, but the prince took him by the hand. "See how unfortunate I am, Monsieur le Comte; it is only due to chance that I have met with you. Alas! I ought to have people around me whom I love and honor, whereas I am reduced to preserve their services in* my heart, and their names in my memory; so that if your serv- ant had not recognized mine, I should have passed by your door as by that of a stranger." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 105 "It is but too true," said Athos, replying with his voice to the first part of the king's speech, and with a bow to the second; "it is but too true, indeed, that your majesty has seen many evil days." "And the worst, alas!" replied Charles, "are perhaps still to come." ''Sire, let us hope." "Comte, comte," continued Charles, shaking nis head, "I entertained hope till last night, and that of a good Christian, I swear." Athos looked at the king as if to interrogate him. "Oh, .the history is soon related," said Charles. "Pro- scribed, despoiled, disdained, I resolved, in spite of all .my repugnance, to tempt fortune one last time. Is it not written above, that, for our family, all good fortune and all bad fortune shall eternally come from France? You know something of that, monsieur — you, who are one of the Frenchmen whom my unfortunate father found at the foot of his scaffold, on the day of his death, after having found them at his right hand on the day of battle.'' "Sire," said Athos modestly, "I was not alone. I and my companions did, under the circumstances, our duty as gentlemen, and that was all. You majesty was about to do me the honor to relate " "That is true. I had the protection — pardon my hesita- tion, comte, but, for a Stuart, you, who understand every- thing, you will comprehend that the word is hard to pro- nounce — I had, I say, the protection of my cousin, the stadtholder of Holland; but without the intervention, or, at least, without the authorization of France, the stadt- holder would not take the initiative. I came, then, to ask this authorization of the King of France, who has refused me." "The king has refused you, sire?" "Oh, not he; all justice must be rendered to my younger brother Louis; but Monsieur de Mazarin " Athos bit his lips. "You perhaps think I had a right to expect this refusal?" said the king, who had remarked the movement. "That was, in truth, my thought, sire," replied Athos respectfully; "I know that Italian of old." "Then I determined to come to the test, and know at once the last word of my destiny. I told my brother Louis, that, not to compromise either France or Holland, I would tempt fortune myself in person, as I had already done, with 106 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. two hundred gentlemen, if he would give them to me; and a million, if he would lend it me." "Well, sire?" "Well, monsieur, I am suffering at this moment some- thing strange, and that is, the satisfaction of despair. Tli ere is in certain souls — and I have just discovered that mine is of the number — a real satisfaction in that assurance that all is lost, and the time is come to yield." "Oh, I hope,"said Athos, "that your majesty is not come to that extremity." "To say so, Monsieur le Comte, to endeavor to revive hope in my heart, you must have ill understood what I have just told you. I came to Blois to ask of my brother Louis the alms of a million, with which I had the hopes of re- establishing my affairs; and my brother Louis has refused me. You see, then, plainly, that all is lost." "Will your majesty permit me to express a contrary opinion?" "How is that, comte? Do you take me for a mind vulgar to such a degree as not to know how to confront my posi- tion?" "Sire, I have always seen that it was in desperate posi- tions that suddenly the great turns of fortune have taken place." "Thank you, comte; it is some comfort to meet with a heart like yours; that is to say, sufficiently trustful in God and in monarchy never to despair of a royal fortune, how- ever low it may be fallen. Unfortunately, my dear comte, your words are like those remedies they call 'sovereign,' and which, notwithstanding, being only able to cure cura- ble wounds or diseases, fail against death. Thank you for your perseverance in consoling me, comte, thanks for your devoted remembrance, but I know what I have to trust to — nothing will save me now. And see, my friend, I was so convinced that I was taking the route of exile with my old Parry; I was returning to devour my poignant griefs in the little hermitage offered me by Holland. There, believe me, comte, all will soon be over, and death will come quickly; it is called for so often by this body, which the soul gnaws, and by this soul, which aspires to heaven." "Your majesty has a mother, a sister, and brothers; your majesty is the head of the family; you ought, therefore, to ask a long life of God, instead of imploring Him for a prompt death. Your majesty is proscribed, a fugitive, but you have right on your side, you ought to aspire to com- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 107 bats, dangers, business, and not to the repose of the heavens." "Comte," said Charles II., with a smile of indescribable sadness, "have you ever heard of a king who reconquered his kingdom with one servant of the age of Parry, and with three hundred crowns which that servant carried in his purse?" "No, sire; but I have heard — and that more than once — that a dethroned king has recovered his kingdom with a firm will, perseverance, some friends, and a million skill- fully employed." "But you cannot have understood me. The million I asked of my brother Louis, he has refused me." "Sire," said Athos, "will your majesty grant me a few minutes, and listen attentively to what remains for me to say to you?" Charles II. looked earnestly at Athos. "Willingly, monsieur," said he. "Then I will show your majesty the way," resumed the comte, directing his steps toward the house. He then con- ducted the king to his closet, and begged him to be seated. "Sire," said he, "your majesty just now told me that, in the present state of England, a million would suffice for the recovery of your kingdom." "To attempt" it at least, monsieur; and to die as a king if I should not succeed." "Well, then, sire, let your majesty, according to the promise you have made me, have the goodness to listen to what I have to say." Charles made an affirmative sign with his head. Athos walked straight up to the door, the bolts of which he drew, after having looked if anybody was near, and then returned. "Sire," said he "your majesty has kindly remembered that I lent assistance to the very noble and very unfortunate Charles I. when his executioners conducted him from St. James' to Whitehall." "Yes, certainly, I do remember it, and always shall re- member it." "Sire, it is a dismal history for a son to listen to, and who, no doubt, has had it related to him many times; and yet I ought to repeat it to your majesty without omitting one detail." "Speak on, monsieur." "When the king, your father, ascended the scaffold, or, rather., when he passed from his chamber to the scaffold, even with his window, everything was prepared for his 108 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOSTNE. escape. The executioner was got out of the way; a hole contrived under the floor of his apartment; I myself waa beneath the funeral vault, which I heard all at once creak beneath his feet." "Parry has related to me all these terrible details, mon- sieur." Athos bowed, and resumed: "But here is something he has not related to you, sire, for what follows passed between God, your father, and my- self 3 and never has the revelation of it been made even to my dearest friends. 'Go a little further off,' said the august patient to the executioner; 'it is but for an instant, and I know that I belong to you; but remember not to strike till I give the signal. I wish to offer up my prayers in freedom.' " "Pardon me," said Charles II., turning very pale, "but you, comte, who know so many details of this melancholy event — details which, as you said just now, have never been revealed to anyone — do you know the name of that infernal executioner, of that base wretch who concealed his face that he might assassinate a king with impunity?" Athos became slightly pale. "His name?" said he; "yes, I know it, but I cannot tell it." "And what is become of him, for nobody in England knows his destiny?" "He is dead." "But he did not die in his bed; he did not die a calm and peaceful death; he did not die the death of the good?" "He died a violent death, in a terrible night, rendered so by the passions of man and a tempest from God. His body,, pierced by a poniard, sunk to the depths of the ocean. God pardon his murderer!" "Proceed, then," said Charles II., seeing that the comte was unwilling to say more. "The King of England, after having, as I have said, spoken thus to the masked executioner, added: 'Observe, you will not strike till I shall stretch out my arms, saying — Remember!' " "I was aware," said Charles, in an agitated voice, "that that was the last word pronounced by my unfortunate father. But with what aim — for whom?" "For the French gentleman placed beneath his scaffold." "For you, then, monsieur?" "Yos, sire; and every one of the words which he spoke to THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELOffKE. 109 me, through the planks of the scaffold covered with a black cloth, still sounds in my ears. The king knelt down on one knee: 'Comte de la Fere,' said he, 'are you there?' 'Yes, sire,' replied I. Then the king stooped toward the boards." Charles II., also palpitating with interest, burning with grief, stooped toward Athos, to catch, one by one, every word that escaped from him. His head touched that of the comte. "Then," continued Athos, "the king stooped. 'Comte de la Fere,' said he, 'it is not possible to be saved by you, it is not to be. Now, even though I commit a sacrilege, I must speak to you. Yes, I have spoken to men — yes, I have spoken to God, and I speak to you the last. By sup. porting a cause which I thought sacred, I have lost the throne of my father, and diverted the heritage of my children.' " Charles II. concealed his face in his hands, and a bitter tear glided between his white and slender fingers. " 'I have still a million left,' continued the king. 'I buried it in the vaults of the Castle of Newcastle, a moment before I quitted that city.' " Charles raised his head with an expression of such painful joy as would have drawn tears from any one acquainted with his misfortunes. 'A million!" murmured he. "Oh, comte!" " 'You alone know that this money exists; employ it when you think it can be of the greatest service to my eldest son. And now, Comte de la Fere, bid me adieu!' " " 'Adieu, adieu, sire!' cried 1." Charles arose, and went and leaned his burning bi'ow against the window. "It was then," continued Athos, "the king pronounced the word 'Remember!' addressed to me. You see, sire, that I have remembered." The king could not resist or conceal his emotion. Athos beheld the movement of his shoulders, which undulated convulsively; he heard the sobs which burst from his over- charged breast. He was silent himself, suffocated by the flood of bitter remembrances he had just poured upon that royal head. Charles II., with a violent effort, left the win- dow, devoured his tears, and came and reseated himself by Athos. "Sire," said the latter, "I thought till to-day that the time was not yet arrived for the employment of that last resource; but, with my eyes fixed upon England, I thought 110 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. it was approaching. To-morrow I meant to go and inquire in what part of the world your majesty was, and then I purposed going to you. You come to me, sire; that is an indication that God is with us." "Monsieur," said Charles, in a voice choked by emotion, "you are, for me, what an angel sent from heaven would be — you are a preserver, sent to me from the tomb of my father himself; but, believe me, since ten years of civil war have passed over my country, striking down men, tearing up the soil, it is no more probable thatNgold should remain in the entrails of the earth than love in the hearts of my subjects." "Sire, the spot in which his majesty buried the million is well known to me, and no one, I am sure, has been able to discover it. Besides, is the Castle of Newcastle quite destroyed? Have they demolished it stone by stone, and uprooted the soil to the last tree?" "No, it is still standing; but at this moment General Monk occupies it, and is encamped there. The only spot from which I could look for succor, where I possess a single resource, you see, is invaded by my enemies." "General Monk, sire, cannot have passed the treasure I speak of." "Yes, but can I go and deliver myself up to Monk, in order to recover this treasure? Ah, comte, you see plainly I must yield to destiny, since it strikes me to the earth every time I rise. What can I do with Parry as my only servant, with Parry, whom Monk has already driven from his presence? No, no, no, comte, we must yield to this last blow." "But what your majesty cannot do, and what Parry can no more attempt, do you not believe that I could succeed in?" "You — you, comte — you would go?" "If it please your majesty," said Athos, bowing to the king: "yes, I will go, sire." "What, you are so happy here, comte?" "I am never happy when I have a duty left to accom- plish, and it is an imperative duty which the king, your father, left me' to watch over your fortunes, and make a royal use of his money. So, if your majesty honors me with a sign 1 will go with you." "Ah, monsieur!" said the king, forgetting all royal etiquette, and throwing his arms round the neck of Athos, ''you prove to me that there is a God in heaven, and that THE VICOMTE* DE BRAGELONNE. Ill this God sometimes sends messengers to the unfortunate who groan upon the earth." Athos, exceedingly moved by this burst of feeling of the young man, thanked him with profound respect, and ap- proached the window. "Grimaud!" cried he, "bring out my horses." "What, now — immediately?" said the king. "Ah, mon- sieur, yon are indeed a wonderful man." "Sire," said Athos, "I know of nothing more pressing than your majesty's service. Besides," added he, smiling, "it is a habit contracted long since, in the service of the queen, your aunt, and of the king, your father. How is it possible for me to lose it at the moment your majesty's service calls for it?" "What a man!" murmured the king. Then, after a moment's reflection: "But no, comte, I cannot expose you to such privations. I have no means of rewaidmg such services." "Bah!" said Athos, laughing. "Your majesty is joking; have you not a million? Ah! why am I not possessed of the half of such a sum? I would already have raised a regiment. But, thank God, I have still a few rouleaus of gold and some family diamonds left. Your majesty will, I hope, deign to share with a devoted servant." "With a friend — yes, comte; but on condition that, in his turn, that friend will share with me hereafter." "Sire," said Athos, opening a casket, from which he drew both gold and jewels, "you see, sire, we are too rich. Fortunately, there are four of us, in the event of meeting with thieves." Joy made the blood rush to the pale cheeks of Charles II., as he saw Athos' two horses, led by Grimaud, already booted for the journey, advance toward the peristyle. "Blaisois, this letter for the Vicomte de Bragelonne. For everybody else I am gone to Paris. I confide the house to you, Blaisois." Blaisois bowed, shook hands with Grimaud, and shut the gate 112 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. CHAPTER XVII. IN WHICH ARAMIS IS SOUGHT FOR AND ONLY BAZIN FOUND. Two hours had scarcely passed away after the departure of the master of the house, who, in Blaisois' sight, had taken the road to Paris, when a cavalier, mounted on a good pied horse, stopped before the gate, and with a sonorous "hola!" called the horse-boys, who, with the gardeners, had formed a circle round Blaisois, the historian in ordinary to the household of the chateau. This "hold,!" doubtless well known to Master Blaisois, made him turn his head and exclaim: "Monsieur d'Artagnan! Run quickly, you chaps, and open the gate." A swarm of eight brisk lads flew to the gate, which was opened as if it had been made of feathers; and every one loaded him with attentions, for they knew the welcome this friend was accustomed to receive from their master; and for such remarks the eye of the valet may always be de- pended upon. "Ah!" said M. d'Artagnan, with an agreeable smile, balancing himself upon his stirrup to jump to the ground, "where is my dear comte?" "Ah, how unfortunate you are, monsieur!" said Blaisois; "and how unfortunate will Monsieur le Comte, our master, think himself when he hears of your coming! By bad luck, Monsieur le Comte left home two hours ago." D'Artagnan did not trouble himself about such trifles. "Very good," said he. "You always speak the best French in the world; you shall give me a lesson in grammar and correct language, while I await the return of your master." "That is impossible, monsieur," said Blaisois; "you would have to wait too long." "Will he not come back to-day, then?" "No, nor to-morrow, nor the day after to-morrow. Mon- sieur le Comte is gone a journey." "A journey!'' said D'Artagnan, surprised; "that's a fable, Master Blaisois." "Monsieur, it is no more than the truth. Monsieur has done me the honor to commit the house to my charge; and he added, with his voice so full of authority and kindness- that is all one to me. 'You will say I am gone to Paris.' ' "Well!" cried D'Artagnan, "since he is gone toward THE VICOMTE DE BRAGBLONNE. 113 Parish that is all I want to know. Yon should have told me so at first, booby! He is then two hours in advance?' 5 "Yes, monsieur.." "I shall soon overtake him. Is he alone?" "No, monsieur." "Who is with him then?" "A gentleman whom I don't know,, an old man, and Monsieur Grimaud." "Such a party cannot travel as fast as I can — I will start." "Will monsieur listen to me an instant?" said Blaisois, laying his hand gently on the reins of the horse. "Yes, if your don't favor me with fine speeches, and make haste." "Well, then, monsieur, that word Paris appears to me to be only a lure." "Oh, oh!" said D'Artagnan seriously, "a lure, eh?" "Yes, monsieur; and Monsieur le Comte is not going to Paris, I will swear." "What makes you think so?" "This — Monsieur Grimaud always knows where our mas- ter is going; and he had promised me that the first time he went to Paris he would take a little money for me to my wife.' r ' "What, have you a wife, then?" "I had one — she was of this country; but monsieur thought her a noisy scold, and I sent her to Paris; it is sometimes inconvenient, but very agreeable at others." "I understand; but go on. You do not believe the comte is gone to Paris?" "No, monsieur; for then Monsieur Grimaud would have broken his word, he would have been perjured — and that is impossible." "That is impossible," repeated D'Artagnan, quite in a study, because he was quite convinced. "Well, my brave Blaisois, many thanks to you," Blaisois bowed. "Come, you know I am not curious — I have serious busi- ness with your master. Could you not, by a little end of a word — you, who speak so well — give me to understand — one syllable only — I will guess the rest." "Upon my word, monsieur, I cannot. I am quite igno- rant where Monsieur le Comte is gone to. As to listening at doors, that is contrary to my nature; and, besides, it is for- bidden here." "My dear lad," said D'Artagnan, "this is a very bad be- J 14 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. ginning for me. Never mind; you know when Monsieur le Comte will return, at least?" "As little, monsieur, as the place of his destination." "Come, Blaisois, come, search." "Monsieur doubts my sincerity? Ah, monsieur, that grieves me sensibly." "The devil take his gilded tongue!" grumbled D'Artag- nan. "A clown with a word would be worth a dozen oi him. Adieu!" "Monsieur, I have the honor to present you my respectL '■ "Cuistre!" said D'Artagnan to himself, "the fellow is insupportable." He gave another look up to the house, turned his horse's head, and set off like a man who has nothing either annoying or embarrassing on his mind. When he was at the end of the wall, and out of sight: "Well, now, I wonder," said he, breathing quickly, "whether Athos was at home. No; all those idlers, stand- ing with their arms crossed, would have been at work if the eye of the master was near. Athos gone a journey? — that is incomprehensible. Bah! it is all devilish mysterious. And then — no — he is not the man I want. I want one of a cunning, patient mind. My business is at Melun, in a cer- tain presbytery I am acquainted with. Forty-five leagues — ■ four days and a half. Well, it is fine weather, and I am free. Never mind distance." And he put his horse into a trot, directing his course toward Paris. On the fourth day he alighted at Melun, as he had intended. D'Artagnan was never accustomed to ask anybody the road, or for any common information. For these sorts of details, unless in very serious circumstances, he confided in his perspicacity, which was so seldom at fault, in his ex- perience of thirty years, and in a great habit of reading the physiognomies of houses, as well as those of men. At Melun, D'Artagnan directly found the presbytery — a charm- ing house, plastered over red brick, with vines climbing along the gutters, and a cross in sculptured stone, sur- mounting the ridge of the roof. From the ground floor of this house escaped a noise, or, rather, a confusion of voices, like the chirping of young birds when the brood is just hatched under the doAvn. One of these voices was spelling the alphabet distinctly. A voice, thick, but yet pleasant, at the same time scolded the talkers and corrected the faults of the reader. D'Artagnan recognized that voice, and as the window of the ground floor was open, he leaned THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOtfNE. 115 down from his horse under the branches and red fibers of the vine, and cried: "Bazin, my dear Bazin! good-day to you." A short fat man, with a flat face, a cranium ornamented with a crown of gray hairs, cut short, in imitation of a ton- sure, and covered with an old black velvet cap, arose as soon as he heard D'Artagnan — we ought not to say arose, but bounded up. In fact, Bazin bounded up, drawing with him, his little low chair, which the children tried to take away, with battles more fierce than those of the Greeks endeavor- ing to recover the body of Patroclus from the hands of the Trojans. Bazin did more than bound; he let fall both his alphabet, and his ferule. "You!" said he; "you, Monsieur d'Artagnan?" "Yes, myself. Where is Aramis — no, Monsieur le Cheva- iier d'Herblay — no, I am still mistaken — Monsieur le Vicaire-Gen eral ?" "Ah, monsieur," said Bazin, with dignity, "monseigneur is at his diocese." "What did you say?" said D'Artagnan. Bazin repeated the sentence. "Ah! ah! but has Aramis a diocese?" "Yes, monsieur. Why not?" "Is he a bishop, then?" "Why, where can you come from," said Bazin, rather irreverently, "that you don't know that?" "My dear Bazin, we pagans, we men of the sword, know very well when a man is made a colonel, or mestre-de-ca?np, or mareclial, of France; but if he be made a bishop, arch- bishop, or pope — devil take me, if the news reaches us be- fore three-quarters of the earth have had the advantage of it!" * "Hush! hush!" said Bazin, opening his eyes; "do not spoil these poor children, in whom I am endeavoring to inculcate such good principles. In fact, the children had surrounded D'Artagnan, whose horse, long sword, spurs, and martial air they very much admired. But, above all, they admired his strong voice; so that, when he uttered his oath, the whole school cried out: "The devil take me!" with fearful bursts of laughter, shouts, and stamping, as delighted the musketeer, and bewildered the old pedagogue. "There!" said he, "hold your tongues, you brats! You are come, Monsieur d'Artagnan, and all my good principles fly away. ' With you, as usual, comes disorder. Babel is revived. Ah, good Lord! Ah, the wild little wretches!' 1 116 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONtfE. And the worthy Bazin distributed right and left blows which redoubled the cries of his scholars by making them change the nature of them. "At least/' said he, "you can no more debauch any one here." "Do you think so?" said D'Artagnan, with a smile which made a shudder creep over the shoulders of Bazin. "He is capable of it," murmured he. "Where is your master's diocese ?" i "Monseigneur Bene is Bishop of Vannes." "Who caused him to be nominated?" "Why, Monsieur le Surintendant, our neighbor." "What, Monsieur Fouquet?" "To be sure he did." "Is Aramis on good terms with him, then?" "Monseigneur preached every Sunday at the house of Monsieur le Surintendant at Vaux; then they hunted to- gether." "Ah!" "And monseigneur composed his homilies — no I mean his sermons — with Monsieur le Surintendant." "Bah! he preached in verse, then, this worthy bishop?" "Monsieur, for the love of Heaven, do not jest with, sacred things." "There, Bazin, there! So, then, Aramis is at Vannes?" "At Vannes, in Bretagne." "You are a deceitful old hunks, Bazin; that is not true." "See, monsieur, if you please; the apartments of the presbytery are empty." "He is right there," said D'Artagnan, looking attentively at the house, the aspect of which announced solitude. "But monseigneur must have written you an account of his promotion." "From when does it date?" "A month back." "Oh! then there is no time lost. Aramis cannot yet have wanted me. But how is it, Bazin, you do not follow your master?" "Monsieur, I cannot; I have occupations." "Your alphabet?" "And my penitents." "What, do you confess, then? Are you a priest?" "The same as one. I have such a call." "But the orders?" "Oh," said Bazin, without hesitation, "now that mon- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. 117 •eigneur is a bishop, I shall soon have my orders, or, at least, my dispensations." And he rubbed his hands. "Decidedly," said D'Artagnan to himself, "there will be no means of uprooting these people. Get me some supper, Bazin." "With pleasure, monsieur." "A fowl, a bouillon, and a bottle of wine." "This is Saturday, monsieur — it is a, jour maigre." "I have a dispensation," said D'Artagnan. Bazin looked at him suspiciously. "Ah, ah, master hypocrite!" said the musketeer, "for whom do you take me? If you, who are the valet, hope for dispensation for committing a crime, shall not I, the friend of your bishop, have dispensation for eating meat at the call of my stomach? Make yourself agreeable with me, Bazin, or, by heavens! I will complain to the king, and you shall never confess. Now, you know that the nomination of bishops rests with the king — I have the king, I am the stronger." Bazin smiled hypocritically. "Ah, but we have Monsieur le Surintendant," said he. "And you laugh at the king, then?" Bazin made no reply; his smile was sufficiently eloquent. "My supper," said D'Artagnan, "it is getting toward seven o'clock." Bazin turned round and ordered the eldest of the pupils to inform the cook. In the meantime, D'Artagnan sur- veyed the presbytery. "Pugh!" said he disdainfully, "monseigneur lodged his grandeur but very meanly here." "We have the Chateau de Vaux," said Bazin. "Which is, perhaps, equal to the Louvre?" said D'Artag- nan jeeringly. "Which is better," replied Bazin, with the greatest cool- ness imaginable. "Ah, ah!" said D'Artagnan. He would, perhaps, have prolonged the discussion, and maintained the superiority of the Louvre, but the lieutenant perceived that his horse remained fastened to the bars of a gate. "The devil!" said he. "Get my horse looked after; your master the bishop has none like him in his stables." Bazin cast a sidelong glance at the horse, and replied: "Monsieur le Surintendant gave him four from his own stables; and each of the four is worth four of yours,." 118 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXXE. The blood mounted to the face of D'Artagnan. His hand itched, and his eye glanced over the head of Bazin, to select the place upon which he should discharge his anger. But it passed away; reflection came, and D'Artagnan con- tented himself with saying: "The devil! the devil! I have done well to quit the serv- ice of the king. Tell mc, worthy Master Bazin," added he, "how many musketeers does Monsieur le Surintendant retain in his service?" "He could have all there are in the kingdom with his money," replied Bazin, closing his book, and dismissing the boys with some kindly stripes of his cane. "The devil! the devil!" repeated D'Artagnan, biting with all his might at the tough fowl they had served up to him, and which they had evidently forgotten to fatten; "it appears to me that I have done wrong in not going to take service in the suite of that master yonder. A powerful noble, this intendant, seemingly. In good truth, we poor fellows know nothing at the court, and the rays of the sun prevent our seeing the large stars, which are suns also, at a little greater distance from our earth — that is all." As D'Artagnan delighted, both from pleasure and system, in making people talk about things which interested him, he fenced in his best style with Master Bazin, but it was pure loss of time; beyond the fatiguing and hyperbolical praises of M. le Surintendant of the Finances, Bazin, who, on his side, was on his guard, afforded nothing but plati- tudes to the curiosity of D'Artagnan, so that our mus- keteer, in a tolerably bad humor, desired to go to bed as soon as he had supped. D'Artagnan was introduced by Bazin into a mean chamber, in which there was as poor a bed; but D'Artagnan was not fastidious in that respect. He had been told that Aramis had taken away the key of his own private apartment, and as he knew Aramis was a very particular man, and had generally many things to con- ceal in his apartment, that had not at all astonished him. He had, therefore, although it appeared comparatively even harder, attacked the bed as bravely as he had done the fowl; and, as he had as good an inclination to sleep as he had had to eat, he u ook scarcely longer time to be snoring harmoniously than he had employed in picking the last bones of the bird. Since he was no longer in the service of any one, D'Ar- tagnan had promised himself to indulge in sleeping as soundly as he had formerly slept lightly; but with whatever THE VIGOMTB DE BRACxELOlOrE. 119 good faith D'Artagnan had made himself this promise, and whatever desire he might have to keep it religiously, he was awakened in the middle of the night by a loud noise of carriages and servants on horseback. A sudden illumina- tion flashed over the walls of his chamber: he jumped out of bed and ran to the window in his shirt. "Can the king be coming this way?" he thought, rub- bing his eyes; "in truth, such a suite can only be attached to royalty." "Vive Monsieur le Surintendant!" cried, or, rather, vociferated, from a window on the ground floor, a voice which he recognized as Bazin's, who, while so crying, waved a handkerchief with one hand and held a large candle in the other. D'Artagnan then saw something like a brilliant human form leaning out at the window of the principal carriage; at the same time loud bursts of laughter, pro- voked, no doubt, by the strange figure of Bazin, and which issued from the same carriage, left, as it were, a train of joy upon the passage of the rapid cortege. "I might easily see it was not the king," said D'Artag- nan; "people don't laugh so heartily when the king passes. Hold, Bazin!" cried he to his neighbor, who was still lean- ing three parts out of the window, to follow the carriage with his eyes as long as he could. "What is all that about?" "It is Monsieur Fouquet," said Bazin, in a patronizing tone. "And all his people?" "That is the court of Monsieur Fouquet." "Oh, oh!" said D'Artagnan; "what would Monsieur de Mazarin say to that if he heard it?" And he returned to his truckle-bed, asking himself how Aramis always con- trived to be protected by the most powerful persons in the kingdom. "Is it that he has more luck than I, or that I am a greater fool than he? Bah!" That was the conclud- ing word by the aid of which D'Artagnan, become wise : now terminated every thought and every period of his style. Formerly he said, ' Mordioux!" which was a prick of the spur, but now he had become older, and he murmured that philosophical "Bah!" which served as a bridle to all the p»RKionf 120 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. CHAPTER XVIIL IK WHICH D'ARTGNAN SEEKS FOR PORTHOS, AND ONLS FINDS MOUSQUETON. When D'Artagnan had perfectly convinced himself that the absence of the Vicaire-General d'Herblay was real, and that his friend was not to be found at Melun, or in its environs, he left Bazin without regret, gave an ill-natured glance at the magnificant Chateau de Vaux, which was be- ginning to shine with that splendor which brought on its ruin, and, compressing his lips like a man full of mistrust and suspicion, he put spurs to his pied horse, saying: "Well, well! I have still Pierrefonds left, and there I shall find the best man and the best-filled coffer. And that is all I want, for I have an idea of my own." We will spare our readers the prosaic incidents of D'Ar- tagnan's journey, which terminated on the morning of the third day within sight of Pierrefonds. D'Artagnan came by the way of Nanteuil-le-Hardouin and Crepy. At a distance he perceived the Castle d'Orleans, which, having become part of the crown domain, was kept by an old concierge. This was one of those marvelous manors of the Middle Ages, with walls twenty feet in thickness, and a hundred in height. D'Artagnan rode slowly past its walls, measured its towers with his eyes, and descended into the valley. From a distance he looked down upon the chateau of Por- thos, situated on the shores of a small lake, and contiguous to a magnificent forest. It was the same place we have already had the 'lonor of describing to our readers; we shall, therefore, satisfy ourselves with naming it. The first thing D'Artagnan perceived after the fine trees, the sun of May gilding the sides of the green hills, long rows of feather-topped wood which stretched out toward Com- piegne, was a large rolling box pushed forward by two serv- ants and dragged by two others. In this box there was an enormous green-and-gold thing, which stole along the smil- ing glades of the park, thus dragged and pushed. This thing, at a -distance, was not to be made out, and signified absolutely nothing; nearer, it was a tun muffled in gold- bound green cloth; when close, it was a man, or, rather, a ponssa, the inferior extremity of which, spreading over the interior of the box, entirely filled it; when still closer, the man was Mousqueton — Mousqueton, with gray hair and a 'ace as red as Punchinello's, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 121 "Pardieu!" cried D'Artagnan; "why, that's my dear Monsieur Mousqueton!" "Ah!" cried the fat man — "ah! what happiness! what joy! There's Monsieur d'Artagnan. Stop, you rascals!" These last words were addressed to the lackeys who pushed and dragged him. The box stopped, and the four lackeys, with a precision quite military, took off their laced hats and ranged themselves behind it. "Oh, Monsieur d'Artagnan!" said Mousqueton, "why can I not embrace your knees? But I am become impotent, as you see." h 'Dame! my dear Mousqueton, it is age." "No, monsieur, it is not age; it is infirmities — troubles." "Troubles — you, Mousqueton?" said D'Artagnan, mak- ing the tour of the box. "Are you out of your mind, my dear friend? Thank God! you are as hearty as a three- hundred-year-old oak." "Ah! but my legs, monsieur, my legs!" groaned the faithful servant. • "What's the matter with your legs?" "Oh, they will no longer bear me!" "Ah, the ingrates! And yet you feed them well, Mous- queton, apparently." "Alas! yes. They have nothing to reproach me with in that respect," said Mousqueton, with a sigh; "I have al- ways done what I could for my poor body; I am not selfish." And Mousqueton sighed afresh. "I wonder whether Mousqueton wants to be a baron, too, as he sighs after that fashion?" thought D'Artagnan. "Mo?i Dieu ! monsieur," said Mousqueton, as if rousing himself from a painful reverie, "how happy monseigneur will be that you have thought of him!" "Kind Porthos!" cried D'Artagnan, "I am anxious to embrace him." "Oh!" said Mousqueton, much affected, "I will certainly write to him." "How!" cried D'Artagnan, "you will write to him?" "This very day; I will not delay it an hour." "Is he not here, then?" "No, monsieur." "But is he near at hand? — is he far off?" "Oh, can I tell, monsieur, can I tell?" "Mordioux!" cried the musketeer, stamping with his foot. "lam unfortunate. Porthos is such a stay-at-home!" "Monsieur, there is not a more sedentary man than mon- leigneur; but " 123 TH? YICOMTE DE BRAGELOITirE. "But what?" "When a friend presses you " "A friend?" "Doubtless — the worthy Monsieur d'Herblay." "What, has Aramis pressed Porthos?" "This is how the thing happened, Monsieur d'Artagnan* Monsieur d'Herblay wrote to monseigneur " "Indeed!" "A letter, monsieur, such a pressing letter that it threw us all into a bustle." "Tell me all about it, my dear friend," said D'Artagnan; ; 'but remove these people a little further off first." Mousqueton shouted: "Fall back, you sirs!" with such powerful lungs that the breath, without the words, would have been sufficient to disperse the four lackeys. D'Artag- nan seated himself on the shaft of the box and opened his ears. "Monsieur," said Mousqueton, "monseigneur, then, received a letter from Monsieur le Vicaire-General d'Her- blay eight or nine days ago; it was the day of champetre pleasures — yes, it must have been Wednesday." "What means that?" said D'Artagnan. "The day of champetre pleasures?" "Yes, monsieur; we have so many pleasures to take in this delightful country, that we were encumbered by them; so much so, that we have been forced to regulate the dis- tribution of them." "How easily do I recognize Porthos' love of order in that! Now, that idea would never have occurred to me; but then I am not encumbered with pleasures." "We were, though," said Mousqueton. "And how did you regulate the matter, let me know?" said D'Artagnan. "It is rather long, monsieur." "Never mind, we have plenty of time; and you speak so well, my dear Mousqueton, that it is really a pleasure to hear you." "It is true," said Mousqueton, with a sign of satisfac- tion, which emanated evidently from the justice which had been rendered him, "it is true I have made great progress in the company of monseigneur." "I am waiting for the distribution of the pleasures, Mous- queton, and with impatience. I want to know if I have arrived on a lucky day." "Oh, Monsieur d'Artagnan," said Mousqueton, in a mel- ancholy tone, "since monseigneur's departure all the pleasures are gone, too." THE VICOMTE BE BRAGELUXNE. 123 "Well, my dear Mousqueton, refresh your memory." "With what day shall I begin?" "Eh, pardieu I begin with Sunday; that is the Lord's day." "Sunday, monsieur!" "Yes." "Sunday pleasures are religious; monseigneur goes to mass, makes the bread-offering, and has discourses and in- structions made to him by his almoner in ordinary. That is not very amusing, but we expect a Carmelite from Pari? who will do the duty of our almoner, and who, we are as sured, speaks very well, which will keep us awake, whereas our present almoner always sends us to sleep. These are Sunday religious pleasures. On Monday, worldly pleasures. " "Ah, ah!" said D'Artagnan, "what do you mean by that? Let us have a glimpse at your worldly pleasures.'-' "Monsieur, on Monday we go into the world; we pay and receive visits, we play on the lute, we dance, we make verses, and burn a little incense in honor of the ladies." "Peste! that is the height of gallantry," said the mus- keteer, who was obliged to call to his aid all the strength of his mastoid muscles to suppress an enormous inclination to laugh. "Tuesday, learned pleasures." "Good!" cried D'Artagnan. "What are they? Detail them, my dear Mousqueton." "Monseigneur has bought a sphere or globe, which I will show you; it fills all the perimeter of the great tower, ex- cept a gallery which he has had built over the sphere; there are little strings and brass wires to which the sun and moon are hooked. It all turns; and that is very beautiful. Mon- seigneur points out to me seas and distant countries. We don't intend to visit them, but it is very interesting." "Interesting! yes, that's the word," repeated D'Artag nan. "And Wednesday?" "Champetre pleasures, as I have had the honor to tell you, Monsieur le Chevalier. We look over monseigneur's sheep and goats; we make the shepherds dance to pipes and reeds, as is written in a book monseigneur has in his library, which is called 'Bergeries.' The author died about a month ago." "Monsieur Racan, perhaps?" said D'Artagnan. "Yes, that was his name — Monsieur Racan. But that is not all; we angle in the little canal, after which we dine, crowned with lowers. That is Wednesday." 124 THE flCOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. '■Teste!" said D'Artagnan; "you don't divide youf pleasures badly. And Thursday? — what can be left for poor Thursday?" "It is not very unfortunate, monsieur," said Mousque* ton, smiling. "Thursday, Olympian pleasures. Ah, mon- sieur, that is superb! We get together all monseigneur's young vassals, and we make them throw the disk, wrestle, and run races. Monseigneur can't run now, no more can I; but monseigneur throws the disk as nobody else can throw it. And when he does deal a blow, oh, that proves a mis- fortune!" "How so?" "Yes, monsieur; we were obliged to renounce the cestus. He cracked heads, he broke jaws, beat in ribs. It was charming sport; but nobody was willing to play with him." "Then his wrist " "Oh, monsieur, more firm than ever. Monseigneur gets a trifle weaker in his legs — he confesses that himself; but his strength has all taken refuge in his arms, so that " "So that he can knock down bullocks, as he used for- merly." "Monsieur, better than that — he beats in walls. Lately, after having supped with one of our farmers — you know how popular and kind monseigneur is — after supper, as a joke, he struck the wall a blow. The wall crumbled away beneath his hand, the roof fell in, and three men and an old woman were stifled." "Good God, Mousqueton! And your master?" "Oil, monseigneur, his head had a little skin rubbed off. We bathed the wounds with some water which the monks gave us. But there was nothing the matter with his hand." "Nothing?" "No, nothing, monsieur." "Deuce take the Olympic pleasures! They must cost your master too dear; for widows and orphans " "They all had pensions, monsieur; a tenth of monsei- gneur's revenue is spent in that way." "Then pass on to Friday," said D'Artagnan. "Friday, noble and warlike pleasures. We hunt, we fence, we dress falcon, s and break horses. Then, Saturday is the day for intellectual pleasures; we furnish our minds; we look at monseigneur's pictures and statues; we write, even, and trace plans; and then we fire monseigneur's cannon." "You draw plans and fire cannon?" 1H1 VtCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 125 "Yes, monsieur." "Why, my friend," said D'Artagnan. "Monsieur du Vallon, in truth, possesses the most subtle and amiable mind that I know. But there is one kind of pleasure you have forgotten, it appears to me." "What is that, monsieur?" asked Mousqueton, with anxiety. "The material pleasures." Mousqueton colored. "What do you mean by that, monsieur?" said he, casting down his eyes. "I mean the table — good wine — evenings occupied in the circulation of the bottle." "Ah, monsieur, we don't reckon those pleasures — we practice them every day." "My brave Mousqueton," resumed D'Artagnan, "pardon me, but I was so absorbed in your charming recital that I have forgotten the principal object of our conversation, which was to learn what Monsieur le Vicaire-General d'Her- blay could have to write to your master about?" "That is true, monsieur," said Mousqueton; "the pleas- ures have misled us. Well, monsieur, this is the whole affair." "I am all attention, Mousqueton." "On Wednesday " "The day of the champMre pleasures?" "Yes — a letter arrived; he received it from my hands, I had recognized the writing." "Well?" "Monsieur read it, and cried out, 'Quick! my horses, my arms!' " "Oh, good Lord! then it was for some duel?" said D'Artagnan. "No, monsieur; there were only these words: 'Dear Por- thos, set out, if you would wish to arrive before the Equinox. I expect you.' " "Mordioux!" said D'Artagnan thoughtfully, "that is pressing, apparently." "I think so; therefore," continued Mousqueton, "mon- seigneur set out the very same day with his secretary, in order to endeavor to arrive in time." "And did he arrive in time?" "1 hope so. Monseigneur, who is hasty, as. you know, monsieur, repeated unceasingly, 'Tonne Dieu ! What can this mean? The Equinox? Never mind, the fallow muai be well mounted if he arrives before 1 do.' ' 136 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. "And you think Porthoswill have arrived first, do you? - asked D'Artagnan. "I am sure of it. This Equinox, however rich he mny be, has certainly no horses so good as monseigneur's." D'Artagnan repressed his inclination to laugh, because the brevity of Aramis' letter gave rise to reflection. He followed Mousqueton, or, rather, Mousqueton's chariot, to the castle. He sat down to a sumptuous table, of which they did him the honors as to a king. But he could draw nothing from Mousqueton — the faithful servant seemed to ahed tears at will, but that was II. D'Artagnan, after a night passed in an excellent bed, reflected much upon the meaning of Aramis' letter; puz< zled himself as to the relation of the Equinox with the affairs of Porthos; and being unable to make anything out, unless it concerned some amour of the bishop's, for which it was necessary that the days and nights should be equal, D'Artagnan left Pierrefonds as he had left Melun, as he had left the chateau of the Comte de la Fere. It was not, however, without a melancholy, which might by good right pass for one of the dullest of D'Artagnan's humors. His head cast down, his eyes fixed, he suffered his legs to hang on each side of his horse, and said to himself, in that vague sort of reverie which ascends sometimes to the sublimest eloquence: "No more friends! no more future! no more anything! My energies are broken like the bonds of our ancient friendship. Oh, old age arrives, cold and inexorable; it envelopes in its funereal crape aP that was brillant, all that was embalming in my youth; + hen it throws that sweet burden on its shoulders and carries it away with the rest into the fathomless gulf of deat\." A shudder crept through the heart of the Gascon, so brave and so strong against all the misfortunes of life; and during some moments the clouds appeared black to him, the earth slippery and full of pits as that of cemeteries. "Whither am I going?" said he to himself. "What am I going to do? Alone, quite alone — without family, with- out friends! Bah!" cried he all at once. And he clapped spurs to his horse, who, having found nothing melancholy in the heavy oats of Pierrefonds, profited by this permis- sion to show his gayety in a gallop which absorbed two leagues. "To Paris!" said D'Artagnan to himself. And on the morrow he alighted in Paris. He had devoted six days to this journey. THE VICOMTE DE BIUGELONNE. 12? CHAPTER XIX. i WHAT D'AKTAGNAN WENT TO DO IN PARIS. The lieutenant dismounted before a shop in the Rue de c [Lombards, at the sign of the Pilon d'Or. A man of good appearance, wearing a white apron, and stroking his grfjy ■Eustache with a large hand, uttered a cry of joy on per- ceiving the pied horse. "Monsieur le Chevalier/' said he > "ah, is that you?" " Bon jour, Planchet," replied D'Artagnan, stooping to enter the shop. "Quick, somebody," cried Planchet, "to look after Mon- sieur d'Artagnan's horse — somebody to get ready his charm )ber — somebody to prepare his supper." "Thanks, Planchet. Good-day, my children," said D'Artagnan to the eager boys. "Allow me to send off this coffee, this treacle, and these raisins," said Planchet; "they are for the office of Monsieur le Surintendant." "Send them off, send them off!" "That is only the affair of a moment, then we will sup." "Order so that we may sup alone; I want to speak to :ycu." Planchet looked at his old master in a significant manner. "Oh, be at ease, it is nothing unpleasant," said D'Ar- tagnan. "So much the better — so much the better!" And Plan- ohet breathed freely again, while D'Artagnan seated him- self quietly down in the shop, upon a bale of corks, and took connaissance of the localities. The shop was well stocked; there was a mingled perfume of ginger, cinnamon, and ground pepper, which made D'Artagnan sneeze. The shop-boys, proud of being in company with so'renowned a man of war, of a lieutenant of musketeers, who approached the person of the D king, began ^to work with an enthusiasm which was something like delirium, and to serve the cus- tomers with a disdainful precipitation that was remarked by several. Planchet put away his money and made up his accounts imid civilities addressed to his old master. Planchet had with his equals the short speech and the haughty familiar- ity of the rich shopkeeper who serves everybody and waits for nobody. D'Artagnan observed this shade with a pleas- ure w hich we will analyze presently. He saw night come if% THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONtfE. on by degrees, and at length Plr.nchet conducted him to a chamber on the first story, where, amid bales and chests, a table very nicely set out awaited the two guests. D'Artagnan took advantage of a moment's pause to ex- amine the countenance of Planchet, whom he had not seen for a year past. The shrewd Planchet had acquired a slight protuberance in front, but his countenance was not puffed. His keen eyes still played with facility in its deep-sunk orbit; and fat, which levels all the characteristic saliences of the human face, had not yet touched either his high cheek-bones, the index of cunning and cupidity, or his pointed chin, the index of acuteness and perseverance. Planchet reigned with as much majesty in his dining-room as in his shop. He set before his master a frugal, but a perfectly Parisian repast; roast meat, cooked at the baker's, with vegetables, salad, and a dessert borrowed from the shop itself. D'Artagnan was pleased that the grocer had drawn from behind the fagots a bottle of that Anjou wine which, during all his life, had been D'Artagnan's wine by predilection. ''Formerly, monsieur," said Planchet, with a smile full of bonhomie, "it was I who drank your wine; now you do me the honor to drink mine." "And, thank God, friend Planchet, I shall drink it for a long time to come, I hope; for at present I am free." "Free? You have leave of absence, monsieur?" "Unlimited." "You are leaving the service?" said Planchet, stupefied. "Yes, I am resting." "And the king?" cried Planchet, who could not suppose it possible that the king oould do without the services of such a man as D'Artagnan. "The king will try his fortune elsewhere. But we have supped well, you are disposed to enjoy yourself; you pro- voke me to repose confidence in you. Open your ears, then." "They are open." And Planchet, with a laugh more frank than cunning, opened a bottle of white wine. "Leave me my reason, though." "Oh, as to losing your head — you, monsieur!" "Now my head is my own, and I mean to take better care of it than ever. In the first place, we will talk of finance. How fares your money-box?" "Wonderfully well, monsieur. The twenty thousand livres I had of you are still employed in my trade, in which THE VICOMTE DE BR AGELONG E. 129 I they bring me nine per cent. I give you seven, so I gain ' two by you." ''And you are still satisfied?" "Delighted. Have you brought me any more?" ''Better than that. But do you want any?" "Oh! not at all. Every one is willing to trust me now. I am extending my business." "That was your project." "I play the banker a little. I buy goods of my necessitous brethren; I lend money to those who are not ready for their payments." "Without usury?" "Oh, monsieur! in the course of the last week I have had t two meetings on the boulevards, on account of the word 'you have just pronounced." "What?" "You shall see; it concerned a loan. The borrower gives me in pledge some raw sugars, upon condition that I should sell if repayment were not made at a fixed period. I lent a thousand livres. He does not pay me, and I sell the sugars for thirteen hundred livres. He learns this and claims a hundred crowns. Ma foi ! I refused, pretending ■that I could not sell them for more than nine hundred livres. He accused me of usury. I begged him to repeat that word to me behind the boulevards. He was an old guard, and he came; and I passed your sword through his i left thigh." lt Tu dieul what a pretty sort of banker you make!" said iD'Artagnan. "For above thirteen per cent. I fight," replied Planchet; '"that is my character." "Take only twelve," said D'Artagnan, "and call the rest [premium and brokerage." "You are right, monsieur; but to your business." "Ah! Planchet, it is very long and very hard to speak. 3 ' "Do speak it, nevertheless." D'Artagnan twisted his mustache like a man embarrassed with the confidence he is about to repose, and mistrustful of his confidant. "Is it an investment?" asked Planchet. "Why, yes." "At good profit?" "A capital profit, four hundred per cent., Planchet." Planchet gave such a blow with his fist upon the table that the bottles bounded as if they had been frightened. ISO THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Good heavens! is that possible?" "I think it will be more," replied D'Artagnan coolly; "but I like to lay it at the lowest." "The devil!" said Planchet, drawing nearer. "Why, monsieur, that is magnificent! Can one place much men ay in it?" "Twenty thousand livres each, Planchet. " "Why, that is all you have, monsieur. For how long a time?" "For a month." "And that will give us " ' "Fifty thousand livres each, profit." "It is monstrous! It is worth while to fight for such interest as that!" "In fact, I believe it will be necessary to fight not little," said D'Artagnan, with the same tranquillity; "but this time there are two of us, Planchet, and I will take all the blows to myself." "Oh, monsieur! I will not allow that." "Planchet, you cannot be concerned in it; you would be obliged to leave your business and your family." "The affair is not in Paris, then?" "No." "Abroad?" "In England." "A speculative country, that is true," said Planchet; "a country I am well acquainted with. What sort of an affair, monsieur, without too much curiosity?" "Planchet, it is a restoration." "Of monuments?" "Yes, of monuments; we will restore Whitehall." "That is important. And in a month, you think?" "I will undertake it." "That concerns you, monsieur, and when once you are engaged • "Yes, that concerns me. I know that I am about; never- theless, I will freely consult with you." "You do me great honor; but I know very little about architecture." "Planchet, you are wrong; you are an excellent architect, quite as good as I am, for the case in question." "Thanks, monsieur. But 3 T our old friends of the mus- keteers?" , "I have been, I confess, tempted to name the thing to those gentlemen, but they are ail absent from their houses. It is vexatious, for I kuow uone more bold or more able." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 131 "Ah! then it appears there will be an opposition, and the enterprise will be disputed?" "Oh, yes, Planchet, yes." "I burn to know the details, monsieur." "They are these, Planchet — close all the doors firmly." "Yes, monsieur." And Planchet double^.ocked them. "That is well; now draw near." Planchet obeyed. "And open the window, because the noise of the passers-by vnd the carts will deafen all who might hear us. Planchet jpened the window as desired, and the puff of tumult vbich filled the chamber with cries, wheels, barkings, and [steps deafened D'Artagnan himself, as he had wished. He Lhen swallowed a glass of white wine, and commenced in ese terms: "Planchet, I have an idea." "Ah, monsieur! I recognize you so well in that!" replied ?lanchet, panting with emotion. CHAPTER XX. )F THE SOCIETY "WHICH WAS FORMED IN" THE RUE DES LOMBARDS, AT THE SIGN OF THE PILON D'OR, TO CARRY OUT THE IDEA OF M. D'ARTAGNAN. After an instant of silence, in which D'Artagnan ap- oeared to be collecting, not one idea, but all his ideas: "It ':annot be, my dear Planchet," said he, "that you have not leard speak of His Majesty Charles I. of England?" "Alas! yes, monsieur, since you left France in order to :arry him assistance, and that, in spite of that assistance, ie fell, and was near dragging you down in his fall." "Exactly so; I see you have a good memory, Planchet." "Peste! the astonishing thing would be if I could have ost that memory, however bad it might have been. When »ne has heard Grimaud, who, you know, is not given to .alking, relate how the head of King Charles fell, how you ;ailed the half of a night in a scuttled vessel, and saw rise ip upon the water that Monsieur Mordaunt with a certain ;old-hafted poniard sticking in his breast, one is not very ikely to forget such things." "And yet there are people who forget them, Planchet." "Yes, such as have not seen them, or have not heard jrrimaud relate them." "Well, it is all the better that you recollect all that; I 132 THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELONNE. shall only have to remind you of one thing, and that is \,hai Charles I. had a son." "Without contradicting you, monsieur, he had two," said Planchet; "for I saw the second in Paris, Monsieur le Duke of York, one day, as he was going to the Palais Royal, and I was told that he was not the eldest son of Charles I. As to the eldest, I have the honor of knowing him by name, but not personally." "That is exactly the point, Planchet, we must come to,, it is to this eldest son, formerly called the Prince of Wales s and who is now styled Charles II., King of England." "A king without a kingdom, monsieur," replied Plan* chet sententiously. "Yes, Planchet, and, you may add, an unfortunate prince, more unfortunate than a man of the dregs of the people in the worst quarter of Paris." Planchet made a gesture full of that sort of compassion which we grant to strangers with whom we think we can never possibly find ourselves in contact. Besides, he did not see in this politico-sentimental operation any sign of the commercial idea of M. d'Artagnan, and it was in this idea that D'Artagnan, who was, by habit, pretty well acquainted with men and things, had principally interested Planchet. "I am coming to our business. This young Prince of Wales, a king without a kingdom, as you have so well said, Planchet, has interested me. I, D'Artagnan, have seen him begging assistance of Mazarin, who is a cuistre, and the aid of Louis, who is a child, and it appeared to me, who am acquainted with such things, that in the intelligent eye of the fallen king, in the nobleness of his whole person, a nobleness apparent above all his miseries, I could discern the stuff of a man and the heart of a king." Planchet tacitly approved of all this; but it did not at all, in his eyes at least, throw any light upon D'Artagnan 's idea. The latter continued: "This, then, is the reasoning which I made with myself. Listen attentively, Planchet, for we are coming to the conclusion." "I am listening." "Kings are not so thickly sown upon the earth that people can find them whenever they want them. Now, this king without a kingdom is, in my opinion, a grain of seed which will blossom in some season or other, provided a skill- ful, discreet, and vigorous hand sow it duly and truly, selecting soil, sky, and time.'* Planchst still apnroved by a nod of his head, which THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. i33 ehowed that he did not perfectly comprehend all that was said . " 'Poor little seed of a king,' said I to myself; and really I was affected, Planchet, which lead me to think that I am entering upon a foolish business. And that is why I wished to consult you, my friend." Planchet colored with pleasure and pride. " 'Poor little seed of a king! I will pick you up and caai. you into good ground.' " "Good God!" said Planchet, looking earnestly at his old master, as if in doubt of the state of his reason. "Well, what is it?" said D'Artagnan; "who hurts you? 1 '* "Me! nothing, monsieur." "You said, 'Good God!'" "Did I?" "I am sure you did. Can you already understand?' 5 "I confess, Monsieur d'Artagnan, that I am afraid •** "To understand?" "Yes." "To understand that I wished to replace upon his throne this King Charles II., who has no throne? Is that it?" Planchet made a prodigious bound in his chair. "Ah, ah!" said he, in evident terror, "that is what you call a restoration!" "Yes, Planchet; is not that the proper term for it?" "Oh, no doubt, no doubt! But have you reflected seriously?" "Upon what?" "Upon what is goirlg'inr yonder." "Where?" "In England." "And what is that? Let us see, Planchet." "In the first place, monsieur, I ask your pardon for med dling in these things, which have nothing to do with mj trade; but since it is an affair that you propose to me — io\ you propose an affair to me, do you not?" "A superb one, Planchet." "But as it is business you propose to me, I have the righl to discuss it." "Discuss it, Planchet; out of discussion is born light*" "Well, then, since I have monsieur's permission, I will tell him that there is yonder, in the first place, the parlia- ment." "Well, next?" "And then the army.** 1M THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. ''Good! Do you see anything else?'* "Why, then the nation." "Is that all?" "The nation which consented to the overthrow and death of the late king, the father of this, and which will not be willing to belie its acts," "Planchet," said D'Artagnan, "you reason like a cheese! The nation — the nation is tired of these gentlemen who give themselves such barbarous names, and who sing songa to it. Chant for chant, my dear Planchet; I have remarked that nations prefer singing a merry chant to the plain chant. Kemember the Fronde; what did they sing in those times? Well, those were good times." "Not too good, not too good! I was near being hung in those times." "Well, but you were nofc." "No." "And you laid the foundation of your fortune in the midst of all those songs?" "That is true." "You have nothing to say against them, then." "Well, I return, then, to the army and parliament." "I say that I borrow twenty thousand livres of Monsieur Planchet, and that I put twenty thousand livres of my own to it; and with these forty thousand livres I raise an army." Planchet clasped his hands; he saw D'Artagnan was in earnest, and, in good truth, he believed his master had lost his senses. "An army! ah, monsieur," said he, with his most agreea- ble smile, for fear of irritating the madman, and rendering him furious, "an army! How many?" "Of forty men," said D'Artagnan. "Forty against forty thousand! that is not enough. 1 know very well that you, Monsieur D'Artagnan, alone, are equal to a thousand men; but where are we to find thirty- nine men equal to you? Or, if we could find them, who would furnish you with money to pay them?" "Not bad, Planchet. Ah, the devil! you play the courtier." "No, monsieur, I speak what I think, and that is exactly why I say that, in the first pitched battle you fight with your forty men, I am very much afraid " "Therefore, I will fight no pitched battles, my dear Plan- chet," said the Gascon, laughing. "We have very fine ex- amples in antiquity of skillful retreats and marches, which THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 135 consisted in avoiding the enemy instead of attacking them. You should know that, Planchet, who commanded the Parisians the day on which they ought to have fought against the musketeers, and who so well calculated marches and counter-marches, that you never left the Palais Eoyal." Planchet could not forbear laughing. "It is plain," replied he, "that if your forty men conceal themselves, and. are not unskillful, they may hope not to be beaten; but you propose to yourself some result, do you not?" "No doubt. This, then, in my opinion, is the plan to be proceeded, upon in order to replace quickly His Majesty Charles II. on his throne." "Good!" said Planchet, redoubling his attention; "let us see your plan. But in the first place, it appears to me we are forgetting something." "What is that?" "We have set aside the nation which prefers singing merry songs to psalms, and the army which we will not fight; but the parliament remains, and that seldom sings." "And which does not fight, either. How is it, Planchet, that an intelligent man like you should take any heed of a set of brawlers who call themselves Eumps and Barebones. The parliament does not trouble me at all, Planchet." "As soon as it ceases to trouble you, monsieur, let us pass on." "Yes, and arrive at the result. You remember Crom- well, Planchet?" "I have heard a great deal of talk about him." "He was a rough soldier." "And a terrible eater, moreover." "What do you mean by that?" "Why, at one gulp he swallowed all England." "Well, Planchet, the evening before the day on which he swallowed England, if any one had swallowed Monsieur Cromwell?" "Oh, monsieur! that is one of the axioms of mathematics that the container must be greater than the contained." "Very well! That is our affair, Planchet." "But Monsieur Cromwell is dead, and his container is now the tomb." "My dear Planchet, I see with pleasure that you have not only become a mathematician, but a philosopher." "Monsieur, in my grocery business I use much printed paper, and that instructs me." "Bravo! You know then^ in that case — for you have not 138 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELO^XE. learned mathematics and philosophy without a little history — that after this Cromwell so great, there came one who was very little." "Yes; he was named Richard, and he has done as you have, Monsieur d'Artagnan — he has given in his resigna- tion." "Very well said — very well! After the great man who is dead, after the little one who gave in his resignation, there is come a third. This one is named Monk; he is an able general, considering he has never fought a battle; he is a skillful diplomatist, considering that he never speaks in public, and that having to say 'good-day' to a man, he meditates twelve hours, and ends by saying 'good-night;' which make people exclaim 'miracle!' seeing that it falls out correctly." "That is rather strong," said Planchet; "but I know another polite man who resembles him very much." "Monsieur Mazarin, don't you mean?" "Himself." "You are right, Planchet; only Monsieur Mazarin does not aspire to the throne of France; and that changes every- thing. Do you see? Well, this Monsieur Monk, who has England ready-roasted in his plate, and who is already opening his mouth to swallow it — this Monsieur Monk, who says to the people of Charles II., and to Charles II. himself, 'Nescio vos' — " "I don't understand English," said Planchet. "Yes, but I understand it," said D'Artagnan. " 'Nescio vos' means, 'I do not know you.' This Monsieur Monk, the most important man in England, when he shall have swallowed it " "Well?" asked Planchet. "Well, my friend, I will go over yonder, and with my forty men I will carry him off, pack him up, and bring him into France, where two modes of proceeding present them- selves to my dazzled eyes." "Oh, and to mine too!" cried Planchet, transported with enthusiasm. "We will put him in a cage and show him for money." "Well, Planchet, that is a third plan, of which I had not thought." "Do you think it a good one?" "Yes, certainly; but I think mine better." "Let us see yours, then." "In the first place. I will set a ransom on him," THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 131 "Of how much?" "Peste ! a fellow like that must be well worth a hundred thousand crowns." "Yes, yes!" '- You see, then — in the first place, a ransom of a hundred thousand crowns." "Or else " "Or else, which is much better, I deliver him up to King "Jharles, who, having no longer either a general or an army f,o fear, nor a diplomatist to trick him, will restore himself, and when once restored, will pay down to me the hundred thousand crowns in question. -That is the idea I have formed; what do you say to it, Planchet?" "Magnificent, monsieur!" cried Planchet, trembling with emotion. "How did you conceive that idea?" "it came to me one morning on the banks of the Loire, while our beloved king, Louis XIV., was pretending to snivel upon the hand of Mademoiselle de MancinL" "Monsieur, 1 declare, the idea is sublime. But " "Ah! is there a lutf\ "Permit me! But this is a little like the skin of that fine bear — you know — that they were about to sell, but which it was necessary to take from the back of the living bear. Now, to take Monsieur Monk, there will be a bit of a scuffle, I should think." "No doubt; but as I shall raise an army to " "Yes, yes; 1 understand, parbleu ! — a coupe de main. Yes, then, monsieur, you will triumph, for no one equals you in such sorts of encounters." "I certainly am lucky in them," said D'Artagnan, with a proud simplicity. "You know that if for this affair I had my dear Athos, my brave Porthos, and my cunning Aramis, the business would be settled; but they are all lost, as it appears, and nohody knows where to find them. I will do it, then, alone. Now, do you find the business good, anc? the investment advantageous?" "Too much so — too much so." "How can that be? 51 ' "Because fine things never reach the point expected." "This is infallible, Planchec, and the proof is that I un- dertake it. It will be for you a tolerably pretty gain, and for me a very interesting stroke. It will be said, 'Such was the old age of Monsieur d'Artagnan;' and 1 shall hold a place in stories, and even in history itself, Planchet. I am greedy of honor " 138 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. '"Monsieur," cried Planchet, "when I think that it is here in my home, in the midst of my sugar, my prunes, and my cinnamon, that this gigantic project is ripened, my shop seems a palace to me." "Beware, beware, Planchet! If the least report of this escapes, there is the Bastile for both of us. Beware, my friend; for this is a plot we are hatching. Monsieur Monk is the ally of Monsieur Mazarin — beware!" "Monsieur, when a man has had the honor to belong tc you, he knows nothing of fear; and when he has the advan ' tage of being bound up in interests with you, he holds his tongue." "Very well; that is more your affair than mine, seeing that in a week I shall be in England." "Be gone, be gone, monsieur — the sooner the better." "Is the money then ready?" "It will be to-morrow; to-morrow you shall receive it from my own hands. Will you have gold or silver?" "Gold; that is most convenient. But how are we going to arrange this? Let us see." "Oh, good Lord! in the simplest way possible. You shall give me a receipt, that is all." "No, no," said D'Artagnan warmly; "we must preserve order in all things." "This is likewise my opinion; but with you, Monsieur d'Artagnan " "And if I should die yonder — if I am killed by a musket ball — if I should burst with drinking beer?" "Monsieur, I beg you to believe that in that case I should be so much afflicted at your death, that I should think nothing about the money." "Thank you, Planchet; but that will do. We will, like two lawyers' clerks, draw up together an agreement, a sort of act, which may be called a deed of company." "Willingly, monsieur." "I know it is difficult to draw such a thing up, but will try." "Let us try, then." And Planchet went in search of pen, ink, and paper. D'Artagnan took the pen and wrote: "Between Messire d'Artagnan, ex-lieutenant of the king's musketeers, at present residing in the Rue Tiquetonne, Hotel de la Chevrette; and the Sieur Planchet, grocer, re- siding in the Rue des Lombards, at the sign of the Pilon d'Or, it has been agreed as follows: A company, with & THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. 139 capital of forty thousand livres, and formed for the purpose of carrying out an idea conceived by Monsieur d'Artagnan, and who approves of it in all points, will place twenty thou- sand livres in the hands of Monsieur d'Artagnan. He will require neither payment nor interest before the return of Monsieur d'Artagnan from a voyage he is about to make into England. On his part, Monsieur d'Artagnan under- takes to find twenty thousand livres, which he will join to the twenty thousand already laid down by the Sieur Plan- chet. He will employ the said sum of forty thousand livrea as good to him shall seem, but still in an undertaking which is described below. On the day in which Monsieur d'Ar-. tagnan shall have re-established, by whatever means, His Majesty King Charles II. upon the throne of England, ho will pay into the hands of Monsieur Planchet the sum of " "The sum of a hundred and fifty thousand livres,'' said Planchet innocently, perceiving that D'Artagnan hesitated. "Oh, the devil, no!" said D'Artagnan, "the division cannot be made by half; that would not be just." "And yet, monsieur, we each lay down half," objected Planchet timidly. "Yes; but listen to this clause, my dear Planchet, and if you do not find it equitable in every respect when it is written, well, we can scratch it out again: " 'Nevertheless, as Monsieur d'Artagnan brings to the association, besides his capital of twenty thousand livres, his time, his idea, his industry, and his skin — things which he appreciates strongly, particularly the last — Monsieur d'Artagnan will keep, of the three hundred thousand livres, two hundred thousand livres for himself, which will make his share two thirds.' " "Very well," said Planchet. "Is it just?" asked D'Artagnan. "Perfectly just, monsieur." "And you will be contented with a hundred thousand Uvres?" "Peste! I think so. A hundred thousand for twenty thousand!" "And in a month, understand." "How, in a month?" "Yes, I only ask one month." !40 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. f ' Monsieur/' said Planchet generously, "I will g?ve you six weeks." "Thank you,' 5 replied the musketeer civilly Aftef which the two partners reperused their deed. "That is perfect, monsieur," said Planchet; "and the late Monsieur Coquenard, the first husband of Madame Is Baronne du Vallon, could net have done it better." "Do you find it so? Let us sign it, then." And both affixed their signatures. "In this fashion," said D'Artagnan, "I shall have no obligations to any one." "But I shall be under obligations to you," said Planchet. "No; for whatever store I set by it, Planchet, I may lose my skin yonder, and you will lose all. Apropos — peste ! — that makes me think of the principal, an indispensable clause. I will write it: " 'In the case of Monsieur d'Artagnan succumbing in this enterprise, liquidation will be considered made, and the Sieur Planchet will give quittance from that moment to the shade of Messire d'Artagnan for the twenty thousand livres paid by him into the caisse of the said company.' " This last clause made Planchet knit his brows a little; but when he saw the brilliant eye, the muscular hand, the back so supple and so strong, of his associate, he regained his courage, and, without regret, he at once added another stroke to his signature. D'Artagnan did the same. Thus was drawn the first act of a company known*: perhaps such things have been abused a little since, both ir form and principle. "Now," said Planchet, pouring out the last glass of Anjou wine for D'Artagnan, "now go to sleep, my deal master." "No," replied D'Artagnan; "for the most difficult part now remains to be done, and I will think over that difficult part." "Bah!" said Planchet; "I have such a great confidence in you, Monsieur d'Artagnan, that 1 would not give my hundred thousand livres for ninety thousand livres down." "And devil take me if I don't think you are right!" Upon which D'Artagnan took a candle and went up to hi? bedroom. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 141 CHAPTER XXL IN WHICH D'ARTAGNAN PREPARES TO TRAVEL FOR TI1B HOUSE OF PLANCHET & COMPANY. D'Artagnan reflected to such good purpose during the Alight that his plan was settled by morning. "This is it," said he, sitting up in bed, supporting his elbow on his knee, and his chin in his hand — "this is it. I will seek out forty steady, firm men, recruited among people a little compro mised, but having habits of discipline. I will promise them five hundred livres for a month if they return; nothing if they do not return, or half for their kindred. As to food and lodging, that concerns the English, who have beasts in their pastures, bacon in their bacon-racks, fowls in their poultry-yards, and corn in their barns. I will present my- self to General Monk with my little body of troops. He will receive me. I shall gain his confidence, and will abuse it as soon as possible." But without going further, D'Artagnan shook his head and interrupted himself. "No," said he; "I should not dare to relate this to Athos; the means is not then honor- able. I must use violence," continued he, "very certainly, I must, but without compromising my loyalty. With forty men I will traverse the country as a partisan. But if I fall in with, not forty thousand English, as Planchet said, but purely and simply with four hundred, I shall be beaten. Supposing that among my forty warriors there should be found at least ten stupid ones — ten who will allow them- selves to be killed one after the other, from mere folly? No; it is, in fact, impossible to find forty men to be de- pended upon — they do not exist. I must learn how to be contented with thirty. With ten men less I should have the right of avoiding any armed rencounter, on account of the small number of my people; and if the rencounter should take place, my chance is much more certain with thirty men than forty. Besides, I should save five thousand francs; that is to say, the eighth of my capital; that is worth the trial. This being so, I should have thirty men. I will divide them into three bands, we will spread ourselves about over the country, with an injunction to reunite at a given moment; in this fashion, ten by ten, we should excite no suspicion — we should pass unperceived. Yes, yes, thirty — that is a magic number. There are three tens — thr.ee, tnat divine number! And then, truly, a company of thirty 142 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONSTE. men, when all together, will look rather imposing. Ah, stupid wretch that I am!" continued D'Artagnan, "I want thirty horses. That is ruinous. Where the devil was my head when I forgot the horses? We cannot, however, think of striking such a blow without horses. Well, so be it, that sacrifice must be made; we can get the horses in the country — they are not bad, besides. But I forgot — peste! Three bands — that necessitates three leaders; there is the diffi- culty. Of the three commanders I have already one — that is myself; yes, but the two others will of themselves cost, almost as much money as all the rest of the troop. No; decidedly I must have but one lieutenant. In that case, then, I should reduce my troop to twenty men. I know very well that twenty men is but very little; but since with thirty I was determined not to seek to come to blows, I should do so more carefully still with twenty. Twenty — that is a round number; that, besides, reduces the number - of horses by ten, which is a consideration; and then, with a good lieutenant — Mordioux ! what things patience and calculation are! Was I not going to embark with forty men, and I have now reduced them to twenty for an equal success? Ten thousand livres saved at one stroke, and more safety; that is well! Now, then, let us see; we have nothing to do but to find this lieutenant— let him be found, then; and after — ? That is not so easy; he must be brave and good, a second myself. Yes; but a lieutenant must have my secret, and as that secret is worth a million, and I shall only pay my man a thousand livres, fifteen hundred at the most, my man will sell the secret to Monk. Mor- dioux I no lieutenant. Besides, this man, were he as mute as a disciple of Pythagoras, this man would be sure to have in the troop some favorite soldier, whom he would make his sergeant; the sergeant would penetrate, the secret of the lieutenant, in case the latter should be honest and unwill- ing to sell it. Then the sergeant, less honest and less ambi- tious, will give up the whole for fifty thousand livres Come, come! that is impossible. Decidedly the lieutenant is impossible. But then I must have no fractions; I can- not divide my troop into two, and act upon two points at once, without another self, who — But what is the use of acting upon two points, as we have only one man to take? What can be the good to weaken the corps by placing the right here, and the left there? A single corps, Mordioux ' a single one, and that commanded by D'Artagnan. Very well. But twenty men marching in one band are suspected THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE? 143 by everybody; twenty horsemen must not be seen march- ing together, or a company will be detached against them, and the orderly word will be required; and which company, upon seeing the embarrassment of the troop in giving it, would shoot Monsieur d'Artagnan and his men like so many rabbits. I reduce myself then to ten men; in this fashion I shall act simply and with unity; I shall be forced to be prudent, which is half success in an affair of the kind I am undertaking; a greater number^might, perhaps, have drawn me into some folly. Ten horses are not many either to buy or take. A capital idea; what tranquillity it infuses into my mind! No more suspicions — no orderly words — no more dangers! Ten men, they are valets or clerks. Ten men, leading ten horses laden with merchandise of what- ever kind, are tolerated, well received everywhere. Ten men travel on account of the house of Planchet & Co., of France; nothing can be said against that. These ten men, clothed like manufacturers, have a good cutlass or a good musketoon at their saddle-bow, and a good pistol in the holster. They never allow themselves to be uneasy, because they have no evil designs. They are perhaps, at bottom, a little disposed to be smugglers; but what harm is in that? Smuggling is not, like polygamy, a hanging offense. The worst that can happen to us is the confiscation of our mer- chandise. Our merchandise confiscated — a fine affair that. Come, come! it is a superb plan. Ten men only — ten men, whom I will engage for my service; ten men, who shall be i as resolute as forty who would cost me four times as much, i and to whom, for greater security, I will never open my mouth as to my designs, and to whom I shall only say, 'My friends, there is a blow to be struck.' Things being after l this fashion, Satan will be very malicious if he plays me one i of his tricks. Fifteen thousand livres saved — that's superb —out of twenty!" Thus fortified by his laborious calculations, D'Artagnan : stopped at this plan, and determined to change nothing in ; it. He had already, on a list furnished by his inexhausti- ble memory, ten men illustrious among the seekers of ad- ventures, ill-treated by fortune, and not on good terms with justice. Upon this D'Artagnan rose, and instantly set off on the search, telling Planchet not to expect; him at break- fast, and perhaps not at dinner. A day and a half spent in rummaging among certain cabins in Paris sufficed for his recruiting; and, without allowing his adventurers to com- imunicate with one another, he had picked up and got to- 144 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNB, gether, in less than thirty hours, a charming collection of ill-looking faces, speaking a French less pure than the Eng- lish they were about to attempt. These men were, for the most part, guards, whose merit D'Artagnan had had an opportunity of appreciating in various rencounters, andwhom drunkenness, unlucky sword-thrusts, unexpected winnings at play, or the economical reforms of Mazarin, had forced to seek shade and solitude, those two great consolers of irritated and chafed spirits. They bore upon their coun- tenances and in their vestments the traces of the heartaches they had undergone. Some had their visages scarred, all had their clothes in rags. D'Artagnan comforted the most needy of these fraternal miserables by a prudent distribu- tion of the crowns of the society; then having taken care that these crowns should be employed in the physical im- provement of the troop, he appointed a rendezvous with them in the north of France, between Berghes and St. Omer. Six days were allowed as the utmost term, and D'Artagnan was sufficiently acquainted with the good-will, the good-humor, and the relative probity of these illustrious recruits, to be certain that not one of them would fail in his appointment. These orders given, this rendezvous fixed, he went to bid farewell to Planchet, who asked news of his army. D'Artagnan did not think proper to inform him of the reduction he had made in his personnel. He feared he should make an abatement in the confidence of his associate by such an avowal. Planchet was delighted to learn that the army was levied, and that he, Planchet, found himself a kind of half-king, who, from his throne- counter, kept in pay a body of troops destined to make war against perfidious Albion, that enemy of all true French hearts. Planchet paid down, in double-louis, twenty thou- sand livres to D'Artagnan, on the part of himself, Plan- chet, and twenty thousand livres, still in double-louis, on account of D'Artagnan. D'Artagnan placed each of the twenty thousand francs in a bag, and weighing a bag in each hand, "This money is very embarrassing, my dear Plan- chet," said he. "Do you know this weighs thirty pounds?" "Bah! your horse will carry that like a feather." D'Artagnan shook his head. "Don't tell such things to me, Planchet; a horse overloaded with thirty pounds, in addition to the rider and his portmanteau, cannot cross a river so easily — cannot leap over a wall or ditch so lightly; and the horse failing, the horseman fails. It is true that you. Planchet, who have served in the infantry, may not be uv> .ue ol all that." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. £.45 ''Then what is to be done, monsieur?" said Planchet, greatly embarrassed. "Listen to me," said D'Artagnan. "I will pay my army on its return home. Keep my half of twenty thousand livres, which you can make use of during that time." "And my half?" said Planchet. ^ "I will take that with me." "Your confidence does me honor," said Planchet; "but suppose you should not return?" "That is possible, though not very probable. Then, Planchet, in case I should not return — give me a pen; I will make my will." D'Artagnan took a pen and some paper, and wrote upon a plain sheet: "I, D'Artagnan, possess twenty thousand livres, laid up, sou by sou, during thirty years that I have been in the service of his majesty the King of France. I leave five thousand to Athos, five thousand to Porthos, and five thou- sand to Aramis, that they may give the said sums in my name and their own to my young friend, Eaoul, Vicomte de Bragelonne. I give the remaining five thousand to Plan- chet, that he may distribute the fifteen thousand with less regret among my friends. With which purpose I sign these presents. "D'Artagnan." Planchet appeared very curious to know what D'Artag- nan had written. "Here," said the musketeer, "read it." On reading the last lines the tears came into Planchet's eyes. "You think, then, that I would not have given the money without that? Then I will have none of your five thousand francs." D'Artagnan smiled. "Accept it, accept it Planchet; and in that way you will only lose fifteen thousand francs in- stead of twenty thousand, and you will not be tempted to disregard the signature of your master and friend by losing nothing at all." How well that dear M. d'Artagnan was acquainted with the hearts of men and grocers! They who have pronounced Don Quixote mad because he rode out to the conquest of an empire with nobody but Sancho his squire, and they who have pronounced Sancho mad because he accompanied his master in his attempt to conquer the said empire, they cer- tainly will have no hesitation its extending the same judg- 146 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. ment to D'Artagnan and Planchet. And yet the first passed for one of the most subtle spirits among the astute spirits of the court of France. As to the second, he had acquired by good right the reputation of one of the longest heads among the grocers of the Rue des Lombards; consequently of Paris, and consequently of France. Now, to consider these two men from the point of view in which you would consider other men, and the means by the aid of which the}' contemplated to restore a monarch to his throne, compara- tively with other means, the shallowest brains of the coun- try where brains are most shallow must have revolted against the presumptuous madness of the lieutenant and the stupid- ity of his associate. Fortunately, D'Artagnan was not a man to listen to the idle talk of those around him, or to the comments that were made on himself. He had adopted the motto, "Act well, and let people talk." Planchet, on his part, had adopted this, "Act, and say nothing." It re- sulted from this, that, according to the custom of all superior geniuses, these two men flattered themselves, intra pectus, with being in the right against all who found fault with them. As a commencement, D'Artagnan set out in the finest of possible weather, without a cloud in the heavens — without a cloud on his mind, joyous and strong, calm and decided, great in his resolution, and consequently carrying with him a tenfold dose of that potent fluid which the shock of mind caused to spring from the nerves, and which procure for the human machine a force and an influence of which future ages will render, according to all probability, an account more arithmetically than we ean possibly do at present. He was again, as in times past, in that same road of adven- tures which had led him to Boulogne, and which he was now traveling for the fourth time. It appeared to him that he could almost recognize the trace of his own steps upon , the road, and that of his fist upon the doors of the hostel- ries; his memory, always active and present, brought back that youth which had not, thirty years before, belied either his great heart or his wrist of steel. What a rich nature was that of this man! He had all passions, all defects, all weaknesses, and the spirit of contradiction familiar to his understanding, changed all these imperfections into corre- sponding qualities. D'Artagnan, thanks to his ever-active imagination, was afraid of a shadow, and ashamed of being afraid, he marched straight up to that shadow, and then became extravagant in his bravery, if the danger proved to THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 14? be real. Thus everything in him was emotion, and there- fore enjoyment. He loved the society of others, but never became tired of his own; and more than once, if he could have been heard when he was alone, he might have been seen laughing at the jokes he related to himself, or the tricks his imagination created just live minutes before ennui might have been looked for. D'Artagnan was not perhaps so gay this time as he had been with the perspec- tive of finding some good friends at Calais, instead of that oi joining the ten scamps there; melancholy, however, did not visit him above once a day, and it was about five visits that he received from that somber deity before he got sight of the sea at Boulogne, and then these visits were indeed but short. But when once D'Artagnan found himself near the field of action, all other feelings but that of confidence disappeared never to return. From Boulogne he followed the coast to Calais. Calais was the place of general ren- dezvous, and at Calais he had named to each of his recruits the hostelry of Le Grand Monarque, where living was not extravagant, where sailors messed, and where men of the sword, with sheath of leather, be it understood, found lodg- ing, table, food, and all the comforts of life, for thirty sous per diem. D'Artagnan proposed to himself to take them by surprise in flagrante delicto of wandering life, and to judge by the first appearance if he could reckon upon them as trusty companions. He arrived at Calais at half-past four in the afternoon. CHAPTER XXII. D'ARTAGNAN TRAVELS FOR THE HOUSE OP PLANCHET k COMPANY. The hostelry of Le Grand Monarque was situated in a little street parallel to the port, without looking out upon the port itself. Some lanes cut — as steps cut the two parallels of the ladder — the two great straight lines of the port and the street. By these lanes, passengers debouched suddenly from the port into the street, from the street on to the port. D'Artagnan, arrived at the port, took one of these lanes, and came out in front of the hostelry of Le Grand Monarque. The moment was well chosen, and might remind D'Artagnan of his start in life at the hostelry of the Franc-Meunier at Meune. Some sailors who had been 148 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE, playing at dice had knocked up a quarrel, and were threat- ening each other furiously. The host, hostess, and two lads were watching with anxiety the circle of these angry gamblers, from the midst of which war seemed ready to break forth, bristling with knives and hatchets. The play, nevertheless, was continued. A stone bench was occupied by two men, who appeared thence to watch the door; four tables, placed at the back of the common chamber, were occupied by eight other individuals. Neither the men at the door nor those at the tables took any part in the play or the quarrel. D'Artagnan recognized his ten men in these cold, indifferent spectators. The quarrel went on increas- ing. Every passion has, like the sea, its tide, which ascends and descends. Arrived at the climax of passion, one sailor overturned the table and the money which was upon it. The table fell, and the money rolled about. In an instant all belonging to the hostelry threw themselves upon the stakes, and many a piece of silver was picked up by people who stole away while the sailors were scuffling with one another. The two men on the bench and the eight at the tables, although they seemed perfect strangers to one another, these ten men alone, we say, appeared to have agreed to remain impassible amid the cries of fury and chinking of money. Two only contented themselves with repulsing with their feet combatants who came under their table. Two others, rather than take part in this disturbance^, buried their hands in their pockets; and another two jumped upon the table they occupied, as people do to avoid being submerged by overflowing water. "Come, come," said D'Artagnan to himself, not having lost one of the details we have related, "this is a very fair gathering — circumspect, calm, accustomed to disturbance, acquainted with blows. Peste! I have been lucky." All at once his attention was called to a particular part of the room. The two men who had repulsed the strugglers with their feet were assailed with abuse by the sailors, who had become reconciled. One of them, half-drunk with passion, and quite drunk with beer, came, in a menacing manner, to demand of the shorter of these two sages by what right he had touched with his foot creatures of the good God who were not dogs. And while putting this question, in order to make it more direct, he applied his great fist to the nose of D'Artagnan's recruit. This man became pale, without ita being discerned whether his pale- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELON*N>E. 149 mess arose from anger or from fear; seeing which, the sailor concluded it was from fear, and raised his fist with the manifest intention of letting it fall upon the head of the stranger. But, without the threatened man having ap- peared to move, he dealt the sailor such a severe blow in the stomach as sent him rolling and howling to the other side of the room. At the same instant, rallied by the esprit de corps, all the comrades of the conquered man fell upon the conqueror. The latter, with the same coolness of which he had given proof, without committing the imprudence of touching his arms, took up a beer-pot with a pewter lid, and knocked down two or three of his assailants; then, as he was about to yield to numbers, the seven other silent men at the tables, who had not stirred, perceived that their cause was at stake, and came to the rescue. At the same time, the two indifferent spectators at the door turned round with frowning brows, indicating their evident inten- tion of taking the enemy in the rear, if the enemy did not cease their aggressions. The host, his helpers, and two watchmen who were passing, and who, from curiosity, had penetrated too far into the room, were confounded in the tumult and loaded with blows. The Parisians hit like Cyclops, with an ensemble and a tactic delight to behold. At length, obliged to beat a retreat before numbers, they formed an intrenchment behind the great table, which they raised by main force; while the two others, arming them- selves each with a trestle, so that, using it like a great sledgehammer, they knocked down at a blow eight sailors upon whose heads they had brought their monstrous cata- pult in play. The floor was already strewn with wounded, and the room filled with cries and dust, when D'Artagnan, satisfied with the test, advanced, sword in hand, and strik- ing with the pommel every head that came in his way, he uttered a vigorous hold! which put an instantaneous end to the conflict. A great back-flood directly took place from the center to the sides of the room, so that D'Artagnan found himself isolated and dominator. "What is ali this about?" then demanded he of the as- sembly, with the majestic tone of Neptune pronouncing the Quos ego. At the very instant, at the first sound of his voice, to carry on the Virgilian metaphor, D'Artagnan 's recruits, recognizing each his sovereign lord, discontinued, at the same time, his anger, his plank-fighting, and trestle blows. On their side, the sailors, seeing that long naked sword, 150 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONSTE. that martial air, and the agile arm which came to the rescue of their enemies, in the person of a man Avho seemed accus- tomed to command, on their part, the sailors picked up their wounded and their pitchers. The Parisians wiped their brows, and viewed their leader with respect. D'Ar- tagnan was loaded with thanks by the host of Le Grand Monarque. He received them like a man who knows that nothing is being offered that does not belong to him, and then said till supper was ready he would go and walk upon the port. Immediately each of the recruits, who under- stood the summons, took his hat, brushed the dust off his clothes, and followed D'Artagnan. But D'Artagnan, while observing, examined everything, took care not to stop; he directed his course toward the dune, and the ten men — sur- prised at finding themselves going in the track of one an- other, uneasy at seeing, on their right, on their left, and behind them, companions upon whom they had not reck- oned — followed him, casting furtive glances at one another. It was not till he had arrived at the hollow part of the deepest dune that D'Artagnan, smiling at seeing their shy- ness, turned toward them, making a friendly sign with his hand. "Eh! come, come, messieurs," said he; "let us not de- vour one another; you are made to live together, to under- stand one another in all respects; and not one to devour the other." Instantly all hesitation ceased; the men breathed as if they had been taken out of a coffin, and examined one another complacently. After this examination they turned their eyes toward their leader, who had long been ac- quainted with the art of speaking to men of that class, and improvised the following little speech, pronounced with an energy truly Gascon: "Messieurs, you all know who I am. I have engaged you from knowing you are brave, and from being willing to associate you with me in a glorious enterprise. Figure to yourselves that in laboring for me you labor for the king. I only warn you that if you allow anything of this supposi- tion to appear, I shall be forced to crack your skulls imme- diately, in the manner most convenient to me. You are not ignorant, messieurs, that state secrets are like a mortal poison; as long as that poison is in its box and the box is closed, it is not injurious; out of the box, it kills. Now draw near, and you shall know as much of this secret as I am able to tell you." All drew close to kirn with an ex' THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOTOTE. 151 pression of curiosity. "Approach/' continued D'Artag- nan, "and let not the bird which passes over our heads, the rabbit which sports in the dunes, ^he fish which bounds from the waters, heav us. Our business is to learn and to report to Monsieur le Surintendant of the Finances to what extent English smuggling is injurious to French merchants. I will enter every place, and will see everything. We are poor Picard fishermen, thrown upon the coast by a storm. It is certain that we must sell fish, neither more nor less, like true fishermen. Only people might guess who we are, and might molest us; it is therefore necessary that we should be in a condition to defend ourselves. And this is why I have selected men of spirit and courage. We will lead a steady life, and we shall not incur much danger, seeing that we have behind us a powerful protector, thanks to whom no embarrassment is possible. One thing alone puzzles me; but I hope, after a short explanation, you will relieve me from that ditficulty. The thing which puzzles me is taking with me a crew of stupid fishermen, which crew will annoy me immensely, while if, by chance, there are among you any who have seen the sea " "Oh! let not that trouble you," said one of the recruits; "I was a prisoner among the pirates of Tunis three years, and can maneuver a boat like an admiral." "See," said D'Artagnan, "what an admirable thing chance is!" D'Artagnan pronounced these words with an indefinable tone of feigned bonhomie, for D'Artagnan knew very well that the victim of pirates was an old corsair, and he had engaged him in cpnsequence of that knowledge. But D'Artagnan never said more than there was occasion for saying, in order to leave people in doubt. He paid himself with the explanation, and welcomed the effect, without appearing to be preoccupied with the cause. "And I," said a second, "I, by chance, had an uncle who directed the works of the port of La Rochelle. When quite a child, I played about the boats, and I know how to handle an oar or a sail as well as the best Ponantais sailor." The last did not lie much more than the first, for he had rowed on board his majesty's galleys six years, at Ciotat. Two others were more frank; they confessed honestly that they had served on board a vessel as soldiers on punishment, and did not blush at it. D'Artagnan found himself, then, the leader of ten men-of-war and four sailors, having at once a land army and a sea force, which would have carried the pride of Plaochet to its height, if Planchet had knowa the details. 152 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE, Nothing was now left but the general orders, and D'Ar- tagnan gave them with precision. He enjoined his men to be ready to set out for the Hague, some following the coast which leads to Breskens, others the road to Antwerp. The rendezvous was given by calculating each day's march at fifteen days from that time, upon the chief place at the Hague. D'Artagnan recommended his men to go in couples, as they liked best, from sympathy. He himself selected from among those with the least hanging look two guards who he had formerly known, and whose only faults were being drunkards and gamblers. These men had not entirely lost all ideas of civilization, and under proper habiliments their hearts would have renewed, their beatings. D'Artagnan, not to create any jealousy to the others, made the rest go forward. He kept his two selected ones, clothed them from his own kit, and set out with them. It was to these two, whom he seemed to honor with an abso- lute confidence, that D'Artagnan imparted a false confi- dence, destined to secure the success of the expedition. He confessed to them that the object was not to learn to what extent the French merchants were injured by English smuggling, but to learn how far French smuggling con Id annoy English trade. These men appeared convinced; they were effectively so. D'Artagnan was quite sure that at the first debauch, when thoroughly drunk, one of the two would divulge the secret to the whole band. His plav appeared infallible. A fortnight after all we have said had taken place at Calais, the whole troop assembled at the Hague. Then D'Artagnan perceived that all his men, with remarkable intelligence, had already travestied themselves into sailors, more or less ill-treated by the sea. D'Artagnan left them to sleep in a cabin in Newkerke street, while he lodged comfortably upon the Grand Canal. He learned that the King of England had come back to his old ally, William II. of Nassau, stadtholder of Holland. He learned also that the refusal of Louis XIV. had a little cooled the protection afforded him up to that time, and in consequence he had gone to reside in a little village house at Scheveningen, situated in the dunes, on the seashore, about a league from the Hague. There, it was said, the unfortunate banished king consoled himself in his exile, by looking, with the melancholy peculiar to the princes of his race, at that im- mense North Sea which separated him from his England. as it had formerly separated Mary Stuart from France. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 153 There, behind the trees of the beautiful wood of Scheven* ingen, on the fine sand upon which gi'ows the golden broom of the dune, Charles II. vegetated as it did, more unfor- tunate than it, for he had life and thought, and he hoped and despaired by turns. D'Artagnan went once as far as Scheveningen, in order to be certain that all was true that was said of the king. He beheld Charles II., pensive and alone, coming out of a little door opening into the wood, and walking on the beach in the setting sun, without even attracting the attention of the fishermen, who, on their return in the evening, drew, like the ancient m iriners of the Archipelago, their barks up upon the sand of the shore. D'Artagnan recognized tho king; he saw him fix his melancholy look upon the im- mense extent of the waters, and absorb upon his pale countenance the red rays of the sun already sloped by the black line of the horizon. Then Charles returned to his isolated abode, still alone, still slow and sad, amusing him- self with making the friable and moving sand creak beneath his feet. That very evening D'Artagnan hired for a thou- sand livres a fishing-boat worth four thousand. He paid a thousand livres down, and deposited the three thousand with a burgomaster, after which he embarked without their being seen, and in a dark night, the ten men who formed his land army; and with the rising tide, at three o'clock in the morning, he got into the open sea, maneuvering ostensi- bly with the four others, and depending upon the science of his galley-slave as upon that of the first pilot of the port. CHAPTER XXIII. IN WHICH THE AUTHOR, VERY UNWILLINGLY, IS FORCED TO DO A LITTLE HISTORY. While kings and men were thus occupied with England, which governed itself quite alone, and which, it must be said to its praise, had never been so badly governed, a man upon whom God had fixed His eye aud placed His finger, a man predestined to write his name in brilliant letters in the book of history, was pursuing in the face of the world a work full of mystery and audacity. He went on, and no one knew whither he meant to go, although not only Eng- land, but France, but Europe, watched him marching with a firm step and a lofty head. All that was known of thia 154 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGlLOffNE. man we are about to tell. Monk had just declared for tht liberty of the Rump Parliament, a parliament which Gen- eral Lambert, imitating Cromwell, whose lieutenant he had been, had just blocked up so closely, in order to bring.it to his will, that no member, during all the blockade, was able to go out, and only one, Peter Wentworth, had been able to get in. Lambert and Monk — everything was resumed under these two men; the first representing military despot- ism, the second representing pure republicanism. These men were the two sole political representatives of that revo- lution in which Charles I. had at first lost his crown and afterward his head. As regarded Lambert, he did not dis- semble his views; he sought to establish a military govern- ment, and to be himself the head of that government. Monk, a rigid republican, some said, wished to maintain the Rump Parliament, that visible representation, although degenerated, of the republic. Monk, artful and ambitious, said others, wished simply to make of this parliament, which he affected to protect, a solid step by which to mount the throne which Cromwell had made empty, but upon which he had never dared to take his seat. Thus Lambert, by persecuting the parliament, and Monk, by declaring for it, had mutually proclaimed themselves enemies of each other. Monk and Lambert, therefore, had at first thought of creating an army each for himself; Monk in Scotland, where were the Presbyterians and the royalists, that is to say, the malcontents; Lambert in London, where was found, as is always the case, the strongest opposition against the power which it had beneath its eyes. Monk had paci- fied Scotland; he had there formed for himself an army, and found an aslyum. The one watched the other. Monk knew that the day was not yet come, the day marked by the Lord for a great change; his sword, therefore, appeared glued to the sheath. Inexpugnable in his wild and moun- tainous Scotland, an absolute general, king of an army of eleven thousand old soldiers, whom he had more than once led on to victory; as well informed, nay, even better, of the affairs of London than Lambert, who held garrison in the city — such was the position of Monk, when, at a hun- dred leagues from London, he declared himself for the parliament. Lambert, on the contrary, as we have said, lived in the capital. That was the center of all his opera- tions, and he there collected around him all his friends, and all the lower class of the people, eternally inclined to cherish the enemies of constituted power. It was then in THE TICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 155 London that Lambert learned the support that, from the frontiers of Scotland, Monk lent to the parliament. He judged there was no time to be lost, and that the Tweed was not so far distant from the Thames that an army could not march from one river to the other, particularly when it was well commanded. He knew, besides, that as fast as the soldiers of Monk penetrated into England they would form on their route that ball of snow, the emblem of the globe of fortune, which is for the ambitious nothing but a step growing unceasingly higher to conduct him to his object. He got together, then, his army, formidable at the same time for its composition and its numbers, and hastened to meet Monk, who, on his part, like a prudent navigator sailing amid rocks, advanced by very short marches, his nose to the wind, listening to the reports and scenting the air which came from London. The two armies came in sight of each other near New- castle; Lambert, arriving first, encamped in the city itself. Monk, -always circumspect, stopped where he was, and placed his general quarters at Coldstream, on the Tweed. The sight of Lambert spread joy through the army of Monk, while, on the contrary, the sight of Monk threw disorder into the army of Lambert. It might have been believed that these intrepid warriors, who had made such a noise in the streets of London, had set out with the hope of meeting no one, and that now, seeing that they had met an army, and that army hoisted before them not only a standard, but still further, a cause and a principle — it might have been believed, we say, that these intrepid warriors had begun to reflect that they were less good re- publicans than the soldiers of Monk, since the latter sup- ported the parliament, while Lambert supported nothing, not even himself. As to Monk, if he had had to reflect, or if he did reflect, it must have been after a sad fashion, for history relates — and that modest dame, it is well known> never lies — for history relates that the day of his arrival at Coldstream search was made in vain throughout the place for a single sheep. If Monk had commanded an English army, that was enough to have brought about a general desertion. But it is not with the Scotch as it is with the English, to whom that fluid flesh which is called blood is a paramount neces- sity. The Scotch, a poor and sober race, live upon a little barley crushed between two stones, diluted with the water of ihe fountain, and cooked upon another stone, heated* 156 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. The Scotch, their distribution of barley being made, cared very little whether there was or was not any meat in Cold- stream. Monk, little accustomed to barley-cakes, was hungry, and his staff, at least as hungry as himself, looked with anxiety to the right and left to know what was being got ready for supper. Monk ordered search to be made; his scouts had, on arriving in the place, found it deserted and the cupboards empty; upon butchers and bakers it was of no use depending in Coldstream. The smallest morsel of bread, then, could not be found for the general's table. As accounts succeeded one another, all equally unsatis factory, Monk, seeing terror and discouragement upon every face, declared that he was not hungry; besides, they should eat on the morrow, since Lambert was there, prob- ably with the intention of giving battle, and, consequently, to give up his provisions, if he were forced in Newcastle, or to deliver the soldiers of Monk from hunger forever if he were conquered. This consolation was not efficacious but upon a very small number; but of what importance was it to Monk, for Monk was very absolute, under the appear- ance of the most perfect mildness? Every one, therefore, was obliged to be satisfied, or, at least, to appear so. Monk, quite as hungry as his people, but affecting perfect indiffer- ence for the absent mutton, cut a fragment of tobacco, half an inch long, from the carotte of a sergeant who formed part of his suite, and began to masticate the said fragment, assuring his lieutenants that hunger was a chimera, and that, besides, people were never hungry when they had anything to chew. This pleasantry satisfied some of those who had resisted Monk's first deduction from the neighbor- hood of Lambert's army; the number of thp. dissentients diminished then greatly; the guard took their posts, the patrols began, and the general continued his frugal repast beneath his open tent. Between his camp and that of the enemy stood an old abbey, of which, at the present day, there only remain some ruins, but which then was in existence, and was called New- castle Abbey. It was built upon a vast site, independent at once of the plain and of the river, because it was almost a marsh fed by springs and kept up by rains. Neverthe- less, in the midst of these strips of water, covered with long grass, rushes, and reeds, were seen elevated solid spots of ground, consecrated formerly to the kitchen-parden, the park, the pleasure gardens, and other dependencies of the abhey. lik« i»hr of (.hose great sfsi-KpuWs whyse hony i| THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONME. 157 ound while the claws go diverging round from this circum- ference. The kitchen-garden, one of the longest claws of the abbey, extended to the camp of Monk. Unfortunately it was, as we have said, early in June, and the kitchen- garden, being abandoned, offered no resources. Monk had ordered this spot to be guarded, as most subject to sur- prises. The fires of the enemy's general were plainly to be perceived on the other side of the abbey. But between these fires and the abbey extended the Tweed, unfolding its luminous scales beneath the thick shade of tall green oaks. Monk was perfectly well acquainted with this position, Newcastle and its environs having already more than once been his headquarters. He knew that by day his enemy might, without doubt, throw a few eclaireurs into these ruins and promote a skirmish, but that by night he would take care to abstain from such a risk. He felt himself, therefore, in security. Thus his soldiers saw him, after what he boastingly called his supper — that is to say, after the exercise of mastication reported by us at the commence- _ment of this chapter — like Napoleon on the eve of Auster- litz, sleeping seated in his rush chair, half beneath the light of his lamp, half beneath the reflection of the moon, com- mencing its ascent into the heavens, which denoted that it was nearly half-past nine in the evening. All at once Monk was roused from his half-sleep, factitious, perhaps, by a troop of soldiers, who came with joyous cries, and kicked the poles of his tent with a humming noise as if on purpose ! to wake him. There was no need of so much noise; the general opened his eyes quickly. "Well, my children, what is going on now?" asked the general. "General," replied several voices at once, "general, you shall have some supper." "I have had my supper, gentlemen," replied he quietly, "and was comfortably digesting it, as you see. But come in, and tell me what brings you hither." "Good news, general." "Bah! Has Lambert sent us word that he will fight to- morrow?" "No; but we have just captured a fishing-boat conveying fish to Newcastle." "And you have done very wrong, my friends. These gentlemen from London are delicate; they smack of their first service; you will put them sadly out of humor this evening, and to-morrow they will be pitiless. It would 158 THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELOtfNE. really be in good taste to send back to Lambert both un fish and his fishermen, unless" — and the general reflected an instant. "Tell me," continued he, "what are these fishermen, if you please?" "Some Picard seamen who were fishing on the coast oi France or Holland, and who have been thrown upon ours by a gale of wind." "Do any among them speak our language?" "The leader spoke some few words of English." The mistrust of the general was awakened in proportion as fresh information reached him. "That is well," said he. "I wish to see these men; bring them to me." An officer immediately went to fetch them. "How many are there of them?" continued Monk; "and what is their vessel?" "There are ten or twelve of them, general, and they were aboard of a kind of chasse-maree, as it is called — Dutch- built, apparently." "And you say they were carrying fish to Lambert's camp?" "Yes, general; and they seem to have had good luck in their fishing." "Humph! We shall see that," said Monk. At this moment the officer returned, bringing the leader of the fishermen with him. He was a man from fifty to fifty-five years old, but good-looking for his age. He was of middle height, and wore a justau-corps of coarse wool; a cap pulled down over his eyes; a cutlass hung from his belt, and he walked with the hesitation peculiar to sailors, who, never knowing, thanks to the movement of the vessel, whether their foot will be placed upon the plank or upon nothing, give to every one of their steps a fall as firm as if they were driving a pile. Monk, with an acute and pene- trating look, examined the fisherman for some time, while the latter smiled, with that smile, half-cunning, half-silly, peculiar to French peasants. "Do you speak English?" asked Monk, in excellent French. "Ah! but badly, my lord," replied the fisherman. This reply was made much more with the lively and sharp accentuation of the people beyond the Loire, than with the slightly drawling accent of the countries on the west and north of France- "But you do speak it?" persisted Monk, in order to ex- amine his accent once more THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 159 "Eh! we men of the sea," replied the fisherman, '"speak a little of all languages. " "Then you are a sea fisherman?" "I am at present, my lord — a fisherman, and a famous fisherman, too. I have taken a barbel that weighs at least thirty pounds, and more than fifty mullets; I have also some little whitings that will fry beautifully." "You appear to me to have fished more frequently in the Gulf of Gascony than in the Channel," said Monk smiling. "Well, I am from the south; but does that prevent me from being a good fisherman, my lord?" "Oh! not at all; I will buy your fish. And now speak frankly, for whom did you destine them?" "My lord, I will conceal nothing from you. I was going to Newcastle, following the coast, when a party of horse- men who were passing along in an opposite direction made a sign to my bark to turn back to your honor's camp, under penalty of a discharge of musketry. As I was not armed for fighting," added the fisherman smiling, "I was forced to submit." "And why did you go to Lambert's camp in preference to mine?" "My lord, I will be frank; will your lordship permit me?" "Yes, and even if there be occasion, shall command you to be so.' ; "Well, my lord, I was going to Monsieur Lambert's camp because those gentlemen from the city pay well — while your Scotchmen, Puritans, Presbyterians, Covenanters, or what- ever you choose to call them, eat but little, and pay for nothing." Monk shrugged his shoulders, without, however, being able to refrain from smiling at the same time. "How is it chat, being from the south, you come to fish on our coast?" "Because I have been fool enough to marry in Picardy." "Yes; but even Picardy is not England." "My lord, man shoves his boat into the sea, but God and the wind do the rest, and drive the boat where they please." "You had, then, no intention of landing on our coast?" "Never." "And what route were you steering?" "We were returning from Ostend, where some mackerel have been seen already, when a sharp wind from the south drove us from our course; then, seeing that it was useless to struggle against it, we let it drive us. It then became accessary, not to loss our fish, which were good, to go and 160 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. sell them at the nearest English port, and that was New* castle. We were told the opportunity was good, as there was an increase of population in the camp, an increase of population in the city; both, we were told, were full of gen- tlemen, very rich and very hungry. So we steered our course toward Newcastle." "And your companions, where are they?" "Oh! my companions have remained on board; they are 'sailors without the least instruction." "While you—" said Monk. "Who, I?" said the patron, laughing; "I have sailed about with my father, and I know what is called a sou, a crown, a pistole, a louis, and a double-louis, in all th& languages of Europe; my crew, therefore, listen to me as they would to an oracle and obey me as if I were an admiral." "Then it was you who preferred Monsieur Lambert as the best customer?" "Yes, certainly. And, to be frank, my lord, was I wrong?" "You will see that by and by." "At all events, my lord, if there is a fault, the fault is mine; and my comrades should not be dealt hardly with on that account." "This is decidedly an intelligent, sharp fellow," thought Monk. Then, after a few minutes* silence employed in scrutinizing the fisherman: "You come from Ostend, did you not say?" asked the general. "Yes, my lord, straight as a line." "You have, then, heard speak of the affairs of the day: for I have no doubt that both in France and Holland thsj excite interest. What is he doing who calls himself Kinc of England?" "Oh, my lord!" cried the fisherman, with loud and ex- pansive frankness, "that is a lucky question, and you could not put it to anybody better than to me, for in truth I can make you a famous reply,, , Imagine, my lord, that when putting into Ostend to sell the few mackerel we had caught, I saw the ex-king walking on the dunes, waiting for his horces which were to take him to the Hague. He is a rather tali, pale man, with black hair, and somewhat hard- featured. He looks ill, and I don't think the air of Holland agrees with him." Monk followed with the greatest attention the rapid, heightened, and diffusive conversation of the fisherman* ia THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 161 a language which was not his own, but which, as we have said, he spoke with great facility. The fisherman, on his part, employed sometimes a French word, sometimes an English word, and sometimes a word which appeared not to belong to any language, but was, in truth, pure Gascon. Fortunately, his eyes spoke for him, and that so eloquently that it was possible to lose a word from his mouth, but not a single intention from his eyes. The general appeared more and more satisfied with his examination. "You must have heard that this ex-king, as you call him, was going to the Hague for some purpose?" "Oh, yes," said the fisherman, "I heard that." "And what was his purpose?" "Always the same," said the fisherman. "Must he not always entertain the fixed idea of returning to England?" "That is true," said Monk pensively. "Without reckoning," added the fisherman, "that the stadtholder — you know, my lord, William II. " "Well?" "He will assist him with all his power." "Ah! did you hear that said?" "No, but I think so." "You are quite a politician, apparently," said Monk. "Why, we sailors, my lord, who are accustomed to study the water and the air — that is to say, the two most mobile things in the world — are seldom deceived as to the rest." "Now, then," said Monk, changing the conversation, "I am told you are going to provision us." "I will do my best, my lord." "How much do you ask for your fish, in the first place 9 " "Not such a fool as to name a price, my lord." "Why not?" "Because my fish is yours." "By what right?" "By that of the strongest." "But my intention is to pay you for it." "That is very generous of you, my lord." "Is it worth " "My lord, I fix no price." "What do you ask, then?" "I only ask to be permitted to go away." "Where? — to General Lambert's camp?" "I!" cried the fisherman; "what should I go to New- castle for, now I have no longer any fish?" "At all events, listen to me." 162 THE VTCOMTE DE BRAfiELONNE. "I do, my lord." "I will give you counsel." "How, my lord? — pay me and give me good counsel like- wise? You overwhelm me, my lord." Monk looked more earnestly than ever at the fisherman, of whom he still appeared to entertain some suspicion. "Yes, I will pay you, and give you a piece of advice; for the two things are connected. If you return, then, to General Lambert " The fisherman made a movement of his head and shoul- ders, which signified, "If he persist in it, I won't contradict him." "Do not cross the marsh," continued Monk; "you will have money in your pocket, and there are in the marsh some Scotch ambuscaders I have placed there. Those people are very intractable; they understand but very little of the language which you speak, although it appears to me to be composed of three languages. They might take from you what I had given you, and on your return to your country you would. not fail to say that General Monk has two hands, the one Scotch, and the other English; and that he takes back with the Scotch hand what he had given with the English hand." "Oh, general, I will go where you like, be sure of that," said the fisherman, with a fear too expressive not to be ex- aggerated. "I only wish to remain here, if you will allow me to remain." "I readily believe you," said Monk, with an impercepti- ble smile, "but I cannot, nevertheless, keep you in my tent." "I have no such wish, my lord, and desire only that your lordship should point out where you will have me posted. Do not trouble yourself about us — with us a night soon passes away." "You shall be conducted to your bark." "As your lordship pleases. Only, if your lordship would allow me to be taken back by a carpenter, I should be ex- treme! v grateful." "Why so?" "Because the gentlemen of your army, in dragging my boat up the river with a cable pulled by their horses, have battered it a little upon the rocks of the shore, so that I have as least two feet of water in my hold, my lord.'-" "The greater reason why you should watch )'our bout, I think." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 103 "My lord, I am quite at your orders," said the fisher- man. "I will empty my baskets where you wish; then you will pay me, if you please to do so; and you will send me away, if it appears right to you. You see, I am very easily managed and pleased, my lord." "Come, come, you are a very good sort of a fellow," said Monk, whose scrutinizing glance had not been able to find a single shade in the limpid eye of the fisherman. "Halloo, Digby!" An aid-de-camp appeared. "You will conduct this good fellow and his companions to the little tents of the canteens, in front of the marshes, so that they will be near their bark, and yet will not sleep on board to-night. "What is the matter, Spithead?" Spithead was the sergeant from whom Monk had bor- rowed a piece of tobacco for his supper. Spithead, having entered the general's tent without being sent for, had drawn this question from Monk. "My lord," said he, "a French gentleman has just pre- sented himself at the outposts, and asks to speak to your honor." All this was said, be it understood, in English; but, not- withstanding, it produced a slight emotion on the fisher- man, which Monk, occupied with his sergeant, did not remark. "Who is the gentleman?" asked Monk. "My lord," replied Spithead, "he told it me; but those devils of French names are so difficult to be pronounced by a Scotch throat, that I could not retain it. I believe, how- ever, from what the guards say, that it is the same gentle- man who presented himself yesterday at the halt, and whom your honor would not receive." "That is true; I was holding a council of officers." "Will your honor give any orders respecting this gentle- man?" "Yes; let him be brought here." "Must we take any precautions?" "Such as what?" "Binding his eyes, for instance?" "To what purpose? He can only see what I desire should be seen; that is to say, that I have around me eleven thousand brave men, who ask no better than to have their throats cut in honor of the Parliament of Scotland and England." "And this man, my lord?" said Spithead, pointing to the fisherman, who, during; this conversation, had remained 164 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOtfNE. standing and motionless, like a man who sees but does not understand. "Ah, that is true," said Monk. Then turning toward the fisherman; "I shall see you again, my brave fellow," said he; "I have chosen you a lodging. Digby, take him to it. Fear nothing; your money shall be sent to you presently." "Thank you, my lord," said the fisherman; and after having bowed, he left the tent, accompanied by Digby. Before he had gone a hundred paces he found his compan- ions, who were whispering with a volubility which did not appear exempt from inquietude; but he made them a sign which seemed to reassure them. "Hola! you fellows!" said the patron, "come this way. His lordship, General Monk, has the generosity to pay us for our fish, and the goodness to give us hospitality for to-night." The fishermen gathered round their leader, and, con- ducted by Digby, the little troop proceeded toward the canteen, the post, as may be remembered, which had been assigned them. As they went along in the dark, the fisher- men passed close to the guards who were conducting the French gentleman to General Monk. This gentleman was on horseback and enveloped in a large cloak, wlrch pre- vented the patron from seeing him, however great his curios- ity might be. As to the gentleman, ignorant that he was elbowing compatriots, he did not pay any attention to the little troop. The aid-de-camp installed his guests in a tolerably com- fortable tent, from which was dislodged an Irish canteen woman, who went, with her six children, to sleep where she could. A large fire was burning in front of this tent, and threw its purple light over the grassy pools of the marsh, rippled by a fresh breeze. The installation made, the aid- de-camp wished the fishermen good-night, calling to their notice that they might see from the door of the tent the masts of their bark, which was tossing gently on the Tweed, a proof that it had not yet sunk. The sight of this ap- peared to delight the leader of the fishermen infinitely. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOiNHSTE. 165 CHAPTER XXIV. THE . TREASURE. The French gentleman whom Spithead had announced to Monk, and who had passed, so closely wrapped in his cloak, by the fisherman who left the general's tent five minutes before he entered it — the French gentleman passed through the various posts without even casting his eyes around him, for fear of appearing indiscreet. As the order had been given, he was conducted to the tent of the gen- eral. The gentleman was left alone in the sort of ante- chamber in front of the principal body of the tent, where he awaited Monk, who only delayed till he had heard the report of his people, and observed through the opening of the canvas the countenance of the person who solicited an audience. Without doubt, the report of those who had accompanied the French gentleman established the discre- tion with which he was conducted; for the first impression the stranger received of the welcome made him by the gen- eral was more favorable than he could have expected at such a moment, and on the part of so suspicious a man. Never- theless, according to his custom, when Monk found himself in the presence of a stranger, he fixed upon him his pene- trating eyes, which scrutiny the stranger, on his part, sus- tained without embarrassment or notice. At the end of a few seconds, the general made a gesture with his hand and head in sign of attention. "My lord," said the gentleman, in excellent English, "I have requested an interview with your honor, for an affair of importance." "Monsieur," replied Monk, in French, "you speak our language well for a son of the Continent. I ask your par- don — for doubtless the question is indiscreet — do you speak French with the same purity?" "There is nothing surprising, my lord, in my speaking English tolerably; I resided for some time in England in my youth, and since that I have made two voyages to this country." These words were spoken in French, and with a purity of accent that bespoke not only a Frenchman, but a Frenchman from the environs of Tours. "And what part of England have you resided in, mon- sieur?" "In my youth;, London, my lord; then, about 1635, I 166 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONISTE. made a pleasure trip to Scotland; and lastly, in 1648, I lived for some time at Newcastle, particularly in the con- vent, the gardens of which are now occupied by your army." "Excuse me, monsieur; but you must comprehend that these questions are necessary on my part, do you not!-'" "It would astonish me, my lord, if they were not made.'' "Now, then, monsieur, what can I do to serve you? What do you wish?" "This, my lord — but, in the first place, are we alone?" "Perfectly so, monsieur, except, of course, the post which guards us." So saying, Monk pulled open the can- vas with his hand, and pointed to the soldier placed at ten paces at most from the tent, and who, at the first call, could have rendered assistance in a second. "In that case, my lord," said the gentleman, in as calm a tone as if he had been for a length of time in habits of in- timacy with his interlocutor, "I have made up my mind to address myself to you, because I believe you to be an honest man. Indeed, the communication I am about to make to you will prove to you the esteem in which I hold you." Monk, astonished at this language, which established be- tween him and the French gentleman equality at least, raised his piercing eye to the stranger's face, and with a sensible irony conveyed by the inflection of his voice alone, for not a muscle of his face moved — "I thank you, mon- sieur," said he; "but, in the first place, whom have I the honor of speaking to?" "I sent you my name by your sergeant, my lord." "Excuse him, monsieur, he is a Scotchman, he could not retain it." "I am called the Comte de la Fere, monsieur," said Athos, bowing. "The Comte de la Fere?" said Monk, endeavoring to recollect the name. "Pardon me, monsieur, but this ap- pears to be the first time I have ever heard that name. Do you fill any post at the court of France?" "None; I am a simple gentleman." "What dignity?" "King Charles I. made me a Knight of the Garter, and Queen Anne of Austria has given me the cordon of the Holy Ghost. These are my only dignities." "The Garter! the Holy Ghost! Are you a knight of those two orders, monsieur?" "Yes." "And on what occasions have such favors been bestowed upon you?" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. 16? "For services rendered to their majesties." Monk looked with, astonishment at this man, who ap- peared to him so simple and so .great at the same time. Then, as if he had renounced endeavoring to penetrate this mystery of a simplicity and grandeur upon which the stranger did not seem disposed to give him any other infor- mation than that which he had already received, "Did you present yourself yesterday at our advanced posts?" "And was sent back? Yes, my lord." "Many officers, monsieur, would not permit anybody to enter their camp, particularly on the eve of a probable bat- tle. But I differ from my colleagues, and like to leave nothing behind me. Every advice is good tome; all danger is sent to me by God, and I weigh it in my hand with the energy He has given me. So, yesterday, you were only sent back on account of the council I was holding. To-day I am at liberty — speak." "My lord, you have done so much the better in receiving me, from that which I have to say having nothing to do with the battle you are about to fight with General Lam- bert, or with your camp; and the proof is, that I turned away my head that I might not see your men, and closed my eyes that I might not count your tents. No, I come to speak to you, my lord, on my own account." "Speak then,. monsieur," said Monk. "Just now," continued Athos, "I had the honor of tell- ing your lordship that I for a long time lived in Newcastle; it was in the time of Charles I., when the king was given up to Cromwell by the Scots." "I know," said Monk coldly. "I had at that time a large sum in gold, and on the eve of the battle, from a presentiment, perhaps, of the turn which things would take on the morrow, I concealed it in the principal vault of the convent at Newcastle, in the tower of which you may see from hence the summit silvered by the moon. My treasure has then remained interred there, and I am come to entreat your honor to permit me to withdraw it before, perhaps, the battle turning that way, a mine or some other war engine may destroy the building and scatter my gold, or render it so apparent that the soldiers will take possession of it." Monk was well acquainted with mankind; he saw in the physiognomy of this gentleman all the energy, all the reason, all the circumspection possible; he could therefore only attribute to a magnanimous confidence the revelation 168 THE VICOMTE DE ERAGELONNE. the Frenchman had made him, and he showed himself pro- foundly touched by it. "Monsieur," said he, "you have augured justly by me. But is the sum worth the trouble to which you expose your- self? Do you even believe that it can be in the place where you left it?" "It is there, monsieur, I do not doubt." "That is a reply to one question; but to the other. I dsked you if the sum were so large as to lead you to expose yourself thus." "It is really large; yes, my lord, for it is a million I in- closed in two barrels." "A million!" cried Monk, whom this time, in his turn, Athos looked at earnestly and long. Monk perceived this, and his mistrust returned. "Here is a man," said he, "who is laying a snare for me. So you wish to withdraw this money, monsieur," replied he, "as I understand?" "If you please, my lord." "To-day?" "This very evening, and that on account of the circum- stances I have named." "But, monsieur," objected Monk, "General Lambert is as near the abbey where you have to act as I am. Why, then, have you not addressed yourself to him?" "Because, my lord, when one acts in important matters, it is best to consult one's instinct before everything. Well, General Lambert does not inspire me with so much confi- dence as you do." "Be it so, monsieur. I will assist you in recovering your money, if, however, it can still be there; for that is far from likely. Since 1648 twelve years have rolled away, and many events have taken place." Monk dwelt upon this point, to see if the French gentleman would seize the evasions that were open to him, but Athos did not lift his brow once. "I assure you, my lord," he said firmly, "that my con- viction is, that the two barrels have neither changed place nor master." This reply had removed one suspicion from the mind of Monk, but it had suggested another. Without doubt this Frenchman was some emissary sent to entice into error the protector of the parliament; the gold was nothing but a lure; and by the help of this lure they thought to excite the cupidity of the general. This gold might not exist. It was Monk's business, then, to seize in the act of THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONHE. 1G9 falsehood and trick, the French gentleman, and to draw from the false step itself in which his enemies wished to entrap him a triumph for his renown. AVhen Monk was determined how to act — "Monsieur," said he to Athos, "without doubt you will do me the houor to share my supper this evening?" "Yes, my lord," replied Athos, bowing; "for you do me an honor of which I feel myself worthy, by the inclination which drew me toward you." It is so much the more gracious on your part to accept my invitation which such frankness, from my cooks being but few and inexpert, and from my providers having re- turned this evening empty-handed; so that if it had not been for a fisherman of your nation who strayed into our camp, General Monk would have gone to bed without his supper to-day. I have then some fresh fish to offer you, as the vender assures me." "My lord, it is principally for the sake of having the honor to pass an hour more with you." After this exchange of civilities, during which Monk had lost nothing of his circumspection, the supper, or that which was to serve for one, had been laid upon a deal table. Monk made a sign to the Comte de la Fere to be seated at this table, and took his place opposite to him. A single dish filled with boiled fish, set before the two illustrious guests, promised more to hungry stomachs than to delicate palates. While supping, that is, while eating the fish, washed down with bad ale, Monk got Athos to recount to him the last events of the Fronde, the reconciliation of M. de Conde Avith the king, and the probable marriage of the king with the infanta of Spain; thus he avoided, as Athos himself avoided it, all allusion to the political interests which united, or rather which disunited at this time, Eng- land, France, and Holland. Monk, in this conversation, convinced himself of one thing, which he must have re- marked at the first words exchanged: that was, that he had to do with a man of high distinction. He could not be an assassin, and it was repugnant to Monk to believe him to be a spy; but there were sufficient finesse, and at the same time firmness, in Athos to lead Monk to fancy he was a con- spirator. When they had quitted table, "You still believe in your treasure, then, monsieur?" asked Monk. "Yes, my lord." "Seriously?" "Quite seriously." 170 THE VIPOMTE DE BFAGELONKE. "And you think you can find the place again where it was buried?" "At the first inspection." "Well, monsieur, from curiosity I will accompany you. And it is so much the more necessary that I should accom- pany you,' that you would rind great difficulties in passing through the camp without me or one of my lieutenants.^' "General, I would not suffer you to inconvenience your- self if I did not, in fact, stand in need of your company; but, as I recognize that this company is not only honorable, but necessary, I accept it." "Do you desire we should take any people with us?" asked Monk. "General, I believe that would be useless, if you yourself do not see the necessity for it. Two men and a horse will suffice to transport the two casks onboard the felucca which brought me hither." "But it will be necessary to pick, dig, and remove the earth, and split stones; you don't reckon upon doing this work yourself, monsieur, do you?" "General, there is no picking or digging required. The treasure is buried in the sepulchral vault of the convent, under a stone in which is fixed a large iron ring, and under that a little stair of four steps opens. The two casks are there, placed end to end, covered with a coat of plaster in the form of a bier. There is besides an inscription, which will enable me to recognize the stone; and as I am not will- ing, in an affair of delicacy and confidence, to keep the secret from your honor, here is the inscription: 'Hie jacet venerabilis, Petrus Gulielmus Scott, Canon Honorab. Con* ventiis Novi Castelli. Obiit quarta et decima Feb. ana- Dom. mccviii. Requiescat in pace.' " Monk did not lose a single word. He was astonished either at the marvelous duplicity of this man, and the superior style in which he played his part, or at the good loyal faith with which he presented his request, in a situa- tion in which was concerned a million of money, risked against the stab of a poniard, amid an army that would have considered the theft as a restitution. "That is well." said he; "I will accompany you; and the adventure appeals to me so wonderful, that I will carry the flambeau myself." And saying these words, he girded on a short sword, placed a pistol in his belt, disclosing in this movement, which opened his pourpoint a little, the fine rings of a coat of mail, destined to screen him from the first poniard stroke of an * THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 171 assassin. After which he took a Scotch dirk in his left hand, and then turning to Athos, "Are you ready, mon- sieur?" said he. "lam." Athos, as if in opposition to what Monk had done, un- fastened his poniard, which he placed upon the table; un- hooked his sword-belt, which he laid close to his poniard; and without affectation opening his pourpoint, as if to seek nis handkerchief, showed beneath his fine cambric shirt his naked breast, without arms, either offensive or defensive. "This is truly a singular man," said Monk; "he is with- out any arms; he has an ambuscade placed somewhere yonder." "General," said he, as if he had divined Monk's thought, "you wish we should be alone; that is very right; but a great captain ought never to expose himself with temerity. It is night, the passage of the marsh may present dangers; be accompanied." "You are right," replied he, calling Digby. The aid-de- camp appeared. "Fifty men, with swords and muskets," said he, looking at- Athos. "That is too few if there is danger, too many if there is not." "I will go alone," said Monk; "I want nobody. Come monsieur." CHAPTER XXV. THE MARCH. Athos and Monk traversed, in going from the camp toward the Tweed, that part of the ground which Digby had traversed with the fishermen coming from Tweed to the camp. The aspect of this place, the aspect of the changes man had wrought in it, was of a nature to produce a great effect upon a lively and delicate imagination like that of Athos. Athos looked at nothing but these desolate spots; Monk looked at^iothing but Athos — at Athos, who, with his eyes sometimes directed toward heaven, and some- times toward the earth, sought, thought, and sighed. Digby*'' whom the last orders of the general, and particularly the accent with which he had given them, had at first a little excited, Digby followed the night-walkers about twenty paces, but the general having turned round as il as* 172 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. tonished to find his orders had not been obeyed, the aid-de- camp perceived his indiscretion, and returned to his tent. He supposed that the general wished to make, incognito, one of those reviews of vigilance which every experienced captain never fails to make on the eve of a decisive engage- ment; he explained to himself the presence of Athos in this case as an inferior explains all that is mysterious on the part of his leader. Athos might be, and, indeed, in the eyes of Digby, must be, a spy, whose information was to enlighten the general. At the end of a walk of about ten minutes among the tents and posts, which were closer together near the head- quarters, Monk entered upon a little causeway which diverged into three branches. That on the left led to the river, that in the middle to Newcastle Abbey on the marsh, that on the right crossed the first lines of Monk's camp; that is to say, the lines nearest to Lambert's army. Beyond the river was an advanced post, belonging to Monk's army, which watched the enemy; it was composed of one hundred and fifty Scots. They had swum across the Tweed, and, in case of attack, were to recross it in the same manner, giv- ing the alarm; but as there was no post at that spot, and as Lambert's soldiers were not so prompt at taking to the water as Monk's were, the latter appeared not to have much uneasiness on that side. On this side of the river, at about five hundred paces from the old abbey, the fishermen had taken up their abode amid a crowd of small tents raised by the sohiiers of the neighboring clans, who had with them their wives and children. All this confusion, seen by the moon's light, presented a striking coup d'ceil; the half shade enlarged every detail, and the light, that flatterer which only attaches itself to the polished side of things, courted upon each rusty musket the point still left intact, and upon every rag of canvas the whitest and least sullied part. Monk arrived then with Athos, crossing this spot, illumined with a double light, the silver splendor of the moon, and the red blaze of the fires at the meeting of the three causeways; there he stopped, and addressing his com- panion: "Monsieur," said he, "do you know your road?" "General, if 1 am not mistaken, the middle causeway leads straight to the abbey." "That is right; but we shall want lights to guide us in the vaults." Monk turned round. "Ah! I thought Digby was following us!" said he. ''So much the better; he will procure us what we want." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 173 "Yes, general, that is a man yonder who has for some time been walking behind us." "Digby!" cried Monk. "Digby! come here, if you ;, please." But, instead of obeying, the shadow made a motion of ] surprise, and, retreating instead of advancing, it bent down and disappeared along the jetty on the left, directing its course toward the lodging of the fishermen. "It appears not to be Digby," said Monk. Both had followed the shadow which had vanished. But it was not so rare a thing for a man to be wandering about ;at eleven o'clock at night, in a camp in which are reposing t ten or eleven thousand men, as to give Monk and Athos ; any alarm at his disappearance. "As it is so," said Monk, "and we must have a light, a lantern, a torch, or something by which we may see where to set our feet, let us seek this light." "General, the first soldier 'we meet will light us." "No," said Monk, in order to discover if there were not any connivance between the Comte de la Fere and the fishermen. "No, I should prefer one of these French soldiers who came this evening to sell me their fish. They will leave to-morrow, and the secret will be better kept by them; whereas if a report should be spread in the Scotch . army that treasures are to be found in the abbey of New- castle, my Highlanders will believe there is a million con- | cealed beneath every slab and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in the building." "Do as you think best, general," replied Athos, in so i natural a tone of voice as made it evident that soldier or ! fisherman was the same to him, and that he had no prefer- i ence. Monk approached the causeway behind which had disap- peared the person he had taken for Digby, and met r, patrol who, making the tour of the tents, was going toward head- quarters; he was stopped with his companion, gave the password, and went on. A soldier, roused by the noise, unrolled his plaid, and looked up to see what was going forward. "Ask him," said Monk to Athos, "where the fishermen are; if I were to speak to him, he would know me." Athos went up to the soldier, who pointed out the tent to him; immediately Monk and Athos turned toward it. It appeared to the general that at the moment they came up, a shadow, like to that they had already seen, glided into 174 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELOKNE. this tent; but, on drawing nearer, he perceived he must have been mistaken, for all of them were asleep pele mele, and nothing was seen but arms and legs joined, crossed, and mixed. Athos, fearing he should be suspected of con- nivance with some of his compatriots, remained outside the tent. "Hola!" said Monk, in French, "wake up here." Two or three of the sleepers got up. "I want a man to light me," continued Monk. "Your honor may depend upon us," said a voice which made Athos start. "Where do you wish us to go?" "You shall see. Alight! come quickly!" "Yes, your honor. Does it please your honor that I should accompany you?" "You or another, it is of very little consequence, pro- vided I have a light." "It is strange!" thought Athos; "what a singular voice that man has!" "Some fire, you sirs!" cried the fisherman; "come, make haste!" Then addressing in a low voice his companion nearest him: "Get a light, Menneville," said he, "and hold your- self ready for anything." One of the fishermen struck light from a stone, set fire to some tinder, and by the aid of a match lighted a lantern. The light immediately spread all over the tent. "Are you ready, monsieur?" said Monk to Athos, who had turned away, not to expose his face to the light. "Y T es, general," replied he. "Ah' the French gentleman!" said the leader of the fishermen to himself. "Peste! I have a great mind to charge you with the commission, Menneville; he may know me. Light! light!" This dialogue was pronounced at the back of the tent, and in so low a voice that Monk could not hear a syllable of it; he was, besides, talking with Athos. Menneville got himself ready in the meantime, or, rather, received the orders of his leader. "Well?" said Monk. "I am ready, general," said the fisherman. Monk, Athos, and the fisherman left the tent. "It is impossible!" thought Athos. "What dream could put that into my head?" "Go forward; follow the middle causeway, and stretch out your legs," said Monk to the fisherman. They were not twenty paces on their way, when the same ?HE VICOMTE BE BRAGELOtfKE. 175 shadow that had appeared to enter the tent came out of it again, crawled along as far as the piles, and, protected by that sort of parapet placed along the causeway, carefully observed the march of the general. All three disappeared in the night haze. They were walking toward Newcastle, the white stones of which appeared to them like sepulchers. After standing for a few seconds under the porch, they penetrated into the interior. The door had been broken open by hatchets. A post of four men slept in safety in a corner; so certain were they that the attack would not take place on that side. "Will not these men be in your way?" said Monk to Athos. "On the contrary, monsieur, they will assist in rolling out the barrels, if your honor will permit them." "You are right." The post, however fast asleep, roused up at the first steps of the three visitors among the briers and grass that in- vaded the porch. Monk gave the password, and penetrated into the interior of the convent, preceded by the light. He walked last, watching even the least movement of Athos, his naked dirk in his sleeve, and ready to plunge it into the veins of the gentleman at the first suspicious gesture he should see him make. But Athos, with a firm and sure step, traversed the chambers and courts. Not a door, not a window was left in this building. The doors had been burned, some upon the spot, and the charcoal of them was still jagged with the action of the fire, which had gone out of itself, powerless, no doubt, to get to the heart of those massive joints of oak fastened together by iron nails. As to the windows, all the panes having been broken, birds of darkness, alarmed by the torch, flew away through the holes of them. At the same time, gigantic bats began to trace their vast, silent circles around the intruders, while their shadows appeared trembling upon the lofty stone walls in the light projected by the torch. Monk concluded there could be no man in the convent, since wild beasts and birds were there still, and fled away at his approach. After having passed the rubbish, and torn away more than one branch of ivy that had made itself a guardian for the soli- tude, Athos arrived at the vaults situated beneath the great hall, but the entrance of which was from the chapel There he stopped. "Here we are, general," said he. "This, then, is the slab?" -''res." 176 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Ay, and here is the ring — but the ring is sealed into the stone." "We must have a lever." "That's a thing very easy to find." While looking round them, Athos and Monk perceived a little ash of about three inches in diameter, which had shot up in an angle of the wall, reaching to a window, which its branches darkened. "Have you a knife?" said Monk to the fisherman. "Yes, monsieur." "Cut down this tree, then." The fisherman obeyed, but not without notching his cut- lass. When the ash was cut and fashioned into the shape of a lever the three men penetrated into the vault. "Stop where you are," said Monk to the fisherman. "We are going to dig up some powder; your light may be dangerous." The man drew back in a sort of terror, and faithfully kept to the post assigned him, while Monk and Athos turned behind a column at the foot of which, through a spiracle, penetrated a moonbeam, reflected exactly by the stone of which, the Comte de la Fere had come so far in search. "This is it," said Athos, pointing out to the general the Latin inscription. "Yes," said Monk. Then, as if still willing to leave the Frenchman one means of evasion: "Do you not observe that this vault has already been broken into," continued he, "and that several statues have been knocked down?" "My lord, you have, without doubt, heard say that the religious respect of your Scots loves to confide to the statues of the dead the valuable objects they have possessed during their lives. Therefore the soldiers had reason to think that under the pedestals of the statues which ornament most of these tombs, a treasure was hidden. They have consequently broken down pedestal and statue; but the tomb of the venerable canon, with which we have to do, is not distinguished by any monument. I f . is simple, there- fore it has been protected by the superstitious fear which your puritans have always had of sacrilege. Not a morsel of the masonry of this tomb has been chipped off," "That is true," said Monk. Athos seized the lever. "Shall I help you?" said Monk. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 177 "Thank you, my lord; but I am not willing your honor should put your hand to a work of which, perhaps, you would not take the responsibility if you knew the probable consequences of it." Monk raised his head. "What do you mean by that, monsieur?" "I mean — but that man " "Stop," said Monk; "I perceive what you are afraid of. I will make a trial." Monk turned toward the fisherman, the whole of whose profile was thrown upon the wall. "Come here, friend," said he in English, and in a tone of command. The fisherman did not stir. "That is well," continued he; "he does not know Eng- lish. Speak to me, then, in English, if you please, mon- sieur." "My lord," replied Athos, "I have frequently seen men in certain circumstances have the command over themselves not to reply to a question put to them in a language they understood. The fisherman is perhaps more learned than we believe him to be. Send him away, my lord, I beg of you." f "Decidedly," said Monk, "he wishes to have me alone in this vault. Never mind, we will go through with it; one man is as good as another man; and we are alone. My friend," said Monk to the fisherman, "go back up the stairs we have just descended, and watch that nobody comes to disturb us." The fisherman made a sign of obedience. "Leave your torch," said Monk; "it would betray your presence, and might procure you a musket-ball." The fisherman appeared to appreciate the counsel; he laid down the light, and disappeared under the vault of the stairs. Monk took up the torch, and brought it to the foot of the column. "Ah, ah!" said he; "the money, then, is concealed under this tomb?" "Yes, my lord; and in five minutes you will no longer doubt it." At the same time Athos struck a violent blow upon the plaster, which split, presenting a chink for the point of the iever. Athos introduced the bar into this crack, and soon large pieces of plaster yielded, rising up like rounded slabs. Then the Comte de la Fere seized the stones and threw them away with a force that hands so delicate as his might nut have been, supposed capable of. 178 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "My lord," said Athos, "this is plainly the masonry of which I told your honor." "Yes; but I do not yet see the casks," said Monk. "If I had a poniard," 6aid Athos, looking round him, "you should soon see them, monsieur. Unfortunately, I left mine in your tent." "I would willingly offer you mine," said Monk, "but the blade is too thin for such work." Athos appeared to look around him for a thing of some kind that might serve as a substitute for the arm he desired. Monk did not lose one of the movements of his hands, or one of the expressions of his eyes. "Why do you not ask the fisherman for his cutlass?" said Monk; "he has a cut- lass." "Ah! that is true," said Athos; "for he cut the tree down with it." And he advanced toward the stairs. "Friend," said he to the fisherman, "throw me down your cutlass if you please; I want it." The noise of the falling arm resounded over the marshes. "Take it," said Monk; "it is a solid instrument, as I have seen, and of which a strong hand might make good use." Athos only appeared to give to the words of Monk the natural and simple sense under which they were to be heard and understood. Nor did he remark, or at least appear to remark, that when he returned with the weapon, Monk drew back, placing his left hand on the stock of his pistol; in the right he already held his dirk. He went to work then, turning his back to Monk, placing his life in his hands, without possible defense. He then struck, during several seconds, so skillfully and sharply upon the inter- mediary plaster, that it separated in two parts, and Monk was able to discern two barrels, placed end to end, and which their weight maintained motionless in their chalky envelope. "My lord," said Athos. "you see that my presentiments have not been disappointed." "Yes, monsieur," said Monk, "and I have good reason to believe you are satisfied, are you not?" "Doubtless I am; the loss of this money would have been inexpressibly great to me; but I was certain that God, who protects the good cause, would not have permitted this gold, which should procure its triumph, to be diverted to baser purposes." "You are, upon my honor, as mysterious in your words THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 179 as in your actions, monsieur," said Monk. "Just now I did not perfectly understand you when you said that you were not willing to throw upon me the responsibility of the work we were accomplishing." "I had reason to say so, my lord." "And now you speak to me of the good cause. What do you mean by the words 'the good cause.' We are defend- ing at this moment, in England, five or six causes, which does not prevent every one from considering his own not only as the good cause, but as the best. What is yours, monsieur? Speak boldly, that we may see if, upon this point, to which you appear to attach a great importance, we are of the same opinion." i Athos fixed upon Monk one of those penetrating looks which seem to convey to him they are directed to a chal- lenge to conceal a single one of his thoughts; then, taking off his hat, he uegan in a solemn voice, while his inter- locutor, with one hand upon his visage, allowed that long and nervous nand to compress his mustache and beard, at the same time that his vague and melancholy eye wandered about the recesses of the vaults. CHAPTEK XXVI. HEART AND MIND. "My lord," said the Comte de la Fere, "you are a noble Englishman, you are a loyal man; you are speaking to a noble Frenchman, to a man of heart. This gold contained in these two casks before us, I have told you was mine. I was wrong — it is the first lie I have pronounced in my life, a temporary lie, it is true. This gold is the property of King Charles II., exiled from his country, driven from his palaces, the orphan at once of his father and his throne, and deprived of everything, even of the melancholy happi- ness of kissing on his knees the stone upon which the hands of his murderers have written that simple epitaph which will eternally cry out for vengeance upon them: 'Here lies Charles I.' " Monk grew slightly pale, and an imperceptible shudder crept over his skin and raised his gray mustache. "I," continued Athos, "I, Comte de la Fere, the last, the only faithful friend the poor abandoned prince has left, I have offered him to come hither to find the man upon 180 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONHE. whom now depends the fate of royalty and of England: and I am come, and have placed myself under the eye of this man, and have placed myself naked and unarmed in his hands, saying: 'My lord, here is the last resource of a prince whom God made your master, whom his birth made your king; upon you, and you alone, depend his life and his future. Will you employ this money in consoling England for the evils it must have suffered from anarchy; that is to say, will you aid, and if not aid, will you allow to act, King Charles II.? You are master, you are king, all-powerful master and king, for chance sometimes defeats the work of time and God. I am here alone with you, my lord; if the success being divided alarms you, if my complicity annoys you, you are armed, my lord, and here is a grave ready dug; if, on the contrary, the enthusiasm of your cause carries you away, if you are what you appear to be, if your hand in what it undertakes obeys your mind, and your mind your heart, here are the means of ruining forever the cause of your enemy, Charles Stuart. Kill, then, the man you have before you, for that man will never return to him who has sent him without bearing with him the deposit Avhich Charles I., his father, confided to him, and keep the gold which may assist in carrying on the civil war. Alas! my lord, it is the fate of this unfortunate prince. He must either corrupt or kill, for everything resists him, every- thing repulses him, everything is hostile to him; and yet he is marked with the divine seal, and he must, not to belie his blood, reascend the throne, or die upon the sacred soil of his country. "My lord, you have heard me. To any other but the illustrious man who listens to me, I would have said: 'My lord, you are poor; my lord, the king offers you this million as an earnest of an immense bargain; take it, and serve Charles II. as I served Charles I., and I feel assured that God, who listens to us, who sees us, who alone reads in your heart, shut up from all human eyes — I am assured God will give you a happy eternal life after a happy death.' But to General Monk, to the illustrious man of whose standard I believe I have taken measure, I say: 'My lord, there is for you in the history of peoples and kings a bril- liant place, an immortal, imperishable glory, if alone, with- out any other interest but the good of your country and the interests of justice, you become the supporter of your king. Many others have been conquerors and glorious usurpers; you, my lord, you will be content with being the most vir- THE VICO^TE DE BRAGELOXNE. 181 tuous, the most honest, and the most incorrupt of men; you will have held a crown in your hand, and instead of placing it upon your own brow, you will have deposited it upon the head of him for whom it was made. Oh, my lord, act thus, and you will leave to posterity the most en- viable of names, in which no human creature can rival you.' " Athos stopped. During the whole time that the noble gentleman was speaking, Monk had not given one sign of either approbation or disapprobation; scarcely even, during this vehement appeal, had his eyes been animated with that fire which bespeaks intelligence. The Comte de la Fere looked at him sorrowfully, and on seeing that melancholy countenance, felt discouragement penetrate to his very heart. At length Monk appeared to recover, and broke the silence. "Monsieur," said he, in a mild, calm tone, "in reply to you, I will make use of your own words. To any other but yourself I would reply by expulsion, imprisonment, or still worse, for, in fact, you tempt me and you force me at the same time. But you are one of those men, monsieur, to whom it is impossible to refuse the attention and respect they merit; you are a brave gentleman, monsieur — I say so, and I am a judge. You just now spoke of a deposit which the late king transmitted through you to his son — are you, then, one of those Frenchmen who, as I have heard, en- deavored to carry off Charles I. from Whitehall?" "Yes, my lord; it was I who was beneath the scaffold during the execution; I, who had not been able to redeem it, received upon my brow the blood of the martyred king. I received at the same time the last word of Charles I.; it was to me he said, 'Remember!' and in saying, 'Remember!' he made allusion to the money at your feet, my lord." "I have heard much of you, monsieur," said Monk, "but I am happy to have, in the first place, appreciated you by my own observations, and not by my remembrances. I will give you, then, explanations that I have given to no other, and you will appreciate what a distinction I make between you and the persons who have hitherto been sent to me." Athos bowed and prepared to absorb greedily the words which fell, one by one, from the mouth of Monk — those words rare and precious as the dew in the desert. "You spoke to me," said Monk, "of Charles II.; but pray, monsieur, of what consequence to me is rhat pnantom of a king? I have grown old in a war and in a policy which 182 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. are nowadays so closely linked together that every man of tue sword must fight in virtue of his rights or his ambition with a personal interest, and not blindly behind an officer, as in ordinary wars. For myself, I perhaps desire nothing, but I fear much. In the war of to-day resides the liberty of England, and, perhaps, that of every Englishman. How can you expect that I, free in the position I have made for myself, should go willingly and hold out my hands to the shackles of a stranger? That is all Charles is to me. He has fought battles here which he has lost, he is therefore a bad captain; he has succeeded in no negotiation, he is therefore a bad diplomatist; he has paraded his wants and his miseries in all the courts of Europe, he has therefore a weak and pusillanimous heart. Nothing noble, nothing great, nothing strong, has hitherto emanated from that genius which aspires to govern one of the greatest kingdoms of the earth. I know this Charles, then, under none but bad aspects, and you would wish me, a man of good sense, to go and make myself gratuitously the slave of a creature who is inferior to me in military capacity, in politics, and in dignity! No, monsieur. When some great and noble action shall have taught me to value Charles, I will perhaps recognize his rights to a throne from which we have cast the father because he wanted the virtues which his son has to this time wanted; but hitherto, in fact of rights, I only recognize my own; the revolution made me a general, my sword will make me protector, if I wish it. Let Charles show himself, let him present himself, let him pass through the concurrence open to genius, and, above all, let him re- member that he is of a race from whom more will be looked for than from any other. Therefore, monsieur, say no more about him. I neither refuse nor accept; I reserve myself — I wait." Athos knew Monk to be too well informed of all concern- ing Charles to venture to urge the discussion further; it was neither the time nor the place. "My lord," then said he, "I have nothing to do but to thank you." "And for what, monsieur? For your having formed a correct opinion of me, and for my having acted according to your judgment? Is that, in truth, worthy of thanks? This gold which you are about to carry to Charles, will serve me as a test for him, by seeing the use he will make of it. I shall have an opinion which now I have not." "And yet does not your honor fear to compromise your- self by allowing such a sum to be carried away for the service of your enemy?" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELO^NE. 183 "My enemy, say you? Eh, monsieur, I have no enemies. 1 am in the service of the parliament, which orders me to combat General Lambert and Charles Stuart — its enemies, and not mine. I combat them. If the parliament, on the contrary, ordered me to unfurl my standards on the port of London, to assemble my soldiers on the banks to receive Charles II. " "You would obey?" cried Athos joyfully. "Pardon me," said Monk, smiling, "I was going — I, a gray-headed man — in truth, how did I forget myself? I was going to speak like a foolish young man." "Then you would not obey?" said Athos. "I do not say that either, monsieur. The welfare of my country before everything. God, who has given me the power, has, no doubt, willed that I should have that power for the good of all; and He has given me, at the same time, discernment. If the parliament were to order such a thing, I should reflect." The brow of Athos became clouded. "Then I may de- cidedly say that your honor is not inclined to favor King Charles II.?" "You continue to question me, Monsieur le Comte; allow me, in my turn, if you please." "Do, monsieur; and may God inspire you with the idea of replying to me as frankly as I will reply to you." "When you shall have taken this money back to your prince, what advice will you give him?" Athos fixed upon Monk a proud and resolute look. "My lord," said he, "with this million, which others would per- haps employ in negotiating, I would advise the king to raise two regiments, to enter by Scotland, which you have just pacified; to give to the people the franchises which the revolution promised them, and in which it has not, in all cases, kept its word. I should advise him to command in person this little army, which would, believe me, increase, and to die, standard in hand, and sword in sheath, saying: 'Englishmen! I am the third king of my race you have killed; beware of the justice of God!' " Monk hung down his head, and mused for an instant. "If he succeeded," said he, "which is very improbable, but not impossible — for everything is possible in this world — what would you advise him to do?" "To think that by the Avill of God he lost his crown, but by the good will of men he has recovered it." An ironical smile passed over the lips of Monk. "Unfor- 184 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. tunately, monsieur/"' said he, "kings do not know how to follow good advice.'' "Ah, my lord, Charles II. is not a king," replied Athos, smiling in his turn, but with a very different expression than Monk had done. "Let us terminate this, Monsieur le Comte — that is your desire, is it not?" Athos bowed. "I will give orders that these two casks shall be trans- ported whither you please. Where are you lodging, mon- sieur?"' "In a little bourg, at the mouth of the river, your honor." "Oh, I know the bourg; it consists of five or six houses, does it not?" "Exactly. Well, I inhabit the first — two net-makers oc- cupy it with me; it is their bark which placed me on shore." "But your own vessel, monsieur?" "My vessel is at anchor, a quarter of a mile at sea, and waits for me." "You do not think, however, of setting out immediately?" "My lord, I will try once more to convince your honor." "You will not succeed," replied Monk; "but it is of con- sequence that you should quit Newcastle without leaving on your passage the least suspicion that might prove injuri- ous to me or you. To-morrow my officers think Lambert will attack me. I, on the contrary, will be bound he will not stir; it is, in my opinion, impossible. Lambert leads an army devoid of homogeneous principles, and there is no possible army with such elements. I have taught my sol- diers to consider my authority subordinate to another, which causes that after me, around me and beneath me. they still look for something. It would result, that if I were dead, whatever might happen, my army would not be demoralized all at once; it results, that if I chose to absent myself, for instance, as it does please me to do sometimes, there would not be in my camp the shadow of uneasiness or disorder. I am the magnet — the sympathetic and natural strength of the English. All those scattered arms that will be sent against me I shall attract to myself. Lambert, at this moment, commands eighteen thousand deserters; but I have never mentioned that to my officers, you may easily suppose. Nothing is more useful to an army than the ex- pectation of a coming battle; everybody is awake — everybody is on his guard. I tell you this that you may live in perfect security. Do not be in a hurry, then, to cross the seas; THE VIOOMTE DE BRAGELCWNE. 185 within a week there will be something fresh, either a battle or an accommodation. Then, as you have judged me to be an honorable man, and confided your secret to me, I have to thank you for this confidence, and I will come and pay you a visit or send for you. Do not go before I send you word. I repeat the request." "I promise you, general," cried Athos, with a joy so great, that, in spite of all his circumspection, he could not nrevent its sparkling in his eyes. Monk surprised this flash, and immediately extinguished it by one of those mute smiles which always broke, between these two interlocutors, the way which Athos believed he had made in his mind. "Then, my lord, it is a week that you desire me to wait?" "A week; yes, monsieur." "And during these days what shall I do?" "If there should be a battle, keep at a distance from it, I conjure you. I know the French delight in such amuse- ments; you might take a fancy to see how we fight, and you might meet with some chance shot. Our Scotchmen are very bad marksmen, and I do not wish that a worthy gentleman like you should return to France wounded. I should not like either to be obliged, myself, to send to your prince his million left here by you; for then it would be said, and with reason, that I paid the Pretender to enable him to make war against the parliament. Go, then, mon- sieur, and let it be done as has been agreed upon." "Ah, my lord," said Athos, "what joy it would give me to be the first that penetrated to the noble heart which beats beneath that cloak!" "You decidedly think, then, that I have secrets," said Monk, without changing the half-cheerful expression of his countenance. "Why, monsieur, what secret can you expect to find in the hollow head of a soldier? But it is getting late, and our torch is almost out; let us call our man." "Hola!" cried Monk in French, approaching the stairs; "hola! fisherman!" The fisherman, benumbed by the cold night-air, replied in a hoarse voice, asking what they wanted of him. "Go to the post," said Monk, "and order a sergeant, in the name of General Monk, to come here immediately." This was a commission easily performed; for the sergeant, uneasy at the general's being in that desolate abbey, had drawn nearer by degrees, and was not much further off 186 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOtfNE. than the fisherman. The general's order was therefore heard by him, and lie hastened to obey it. "Get a horse and two men," said Monk. "A horse and two men?" repeated the sergeant. "Yes," replied Monk. "Have you any means of getting a horse with a pack-saddle or two paniers?" "No doubt, at a hundred paces off, in the Scotch camp." "Very well." "What shall I do with the horse, general?" "Look here." The sergeant descended the three steps which separated him from Monk, and came into the vault. "You see," said Monk, "that gentleman yonder?" "Yes, general." "And you see these two casks?" "Perfectly." "There are two casks, one containing powder, and the other balls; I wish these casks to be transported to the little bourg at the mouth of the river, and which I reckon upon occupying to-morrow with two hundred muskets. Yon understand that the commission in a secret one, for it is a movement that may decide the fate of the battle." "Oh, general!" murmured the sergeant. "Mind, then! Let these casks be fastened on to the horse, and let them be escorted by two men and you to the residence of this gentleman, who is my friend. But take care that nobody knows it." "I would go by the marsh if I knew the road," said the sergeant. "I know one myself," said Athos; "it is not wide, but it is solid, having been made upon piles; and with precau- tion we shall get there safely enough." "Do everything this gentleman shall order you to do." "Oh! oh! the casks are heavy," said the sergeant, trying to lift one. "They weigh four hundred pounds each, if they contain what they ought to contain, do they not, monsieur?" "Thereabouts," said Athos. The sergeant went in search of the two men and the horse. Monk, left alone with Athos, affected to speak to him of nothing but indifferent things, while examining the vault in a cursory manner. Then, hearing the horse's steps: "I leave you with your men, monsieur," said he, "and return to the camp. You are perfectly safe." "I shall see you again, then, my lord?" asked Athos. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 187 ''That is agreed upon, monsieur, and with much pleasure. " Monk held out his hand to Athos. "Ah! my lord, if you would!" murmured Athos. "Hush! monsieur, it is agreed that we shall speak no more of that." And bowing to Athos, he went up the stairs, passing, about the middle of them, his men who were coming down. He had not gone twenty paces, when a faint but prolonged whistle was heard at a distance. Monk listened, but seeing nothing and hearing nothing, he continued his route. Then he remembered the fisherman, and looked about for him; but the fisherman had disap peared. If he had, however, looked with more attention, he might have seen that man, bent double, gliding like a serpent along the stones and losing himself in the mist, floating over the surface of the marsh. He might have equally seen, attempting to pierce that mist, a spectacle that might have attracted his attention; and that was the rigging of the vessel, which had changed place, and was now nearer the shore. But Monk saw nothing; and think- ing he had nothing to fear, he entered the deserted cause- way which led to his camp. It was then that the disappear- ance of the fisherman appeared strange, and that a real suspicion began to take possession of his mind. He had just placed at the orders of Athos the only post that could protect him. He had a mile of causeway to traverse before he could regain his camp. The fog increased with such in- tensity that he could scarcely distinguish objects at ten paces' distance. Monk then thought he heard the sound of an oar over the marsh on the right. "Who goes there?" said he. But nobody answered; then he cocked his pistol, took his sword in his hand, and quickened his pace, without, however, being willing to call anybody. Such a summons, for which there was no absolute necessity, appeared un- worthy of him. CHAPTER XXVII. ' THE NEXT DAY. It was seven o'clock in the morning, the first rays of day lightened the pools of the marsh, in which the sun was re- flected like a red ball, when Athos, awaking and opening the window of his bedchamber, which looked out upon the 188 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. banks of the river, perceived, at fifteen paces' distance from him, the sergeant and the men who had accompanied him the evening before, and who, after having deposited his casks at his house, had returned to the camp by the causeway on the right. For what could these men, after having returned to the camp, come back? That was the question which first pre- sented itself to Athos. The sergeant, with his head raised, appeared to be watching the moment when the gentleman should appear, to address him. Athos, surprised to see these men there, whom he had seen depart the night before, could not prevent himself from expressing his astonishment to them. "There is nothing surprising in that, monsieur," said the sergeant; "for yesterday the general commanded me to watch over your safety, and I thought it right to obey that order." "Is the general at the camp?" asked Athos. "No doubt he is, monsieur; as when he left you he was going back." "Well, wait for me a moment; I am going thither to ren- der au account of the fidelity with which you fulfilled your duty, and to get my sword, which I left upon the table in the tent." "That falls out very well," said the sergeant, "for we were about to request you to do so." Athos fancied he could detect an air of equivocal bonhomie upon the countenance of the sergeant; but the adventure of the vault might have excited the curiosity of the man, and he was not surprised that he allowed some of the feel- ings which agitated his mind to appear in his face. Athos closed the doors carefully, confiding the keys to Grimaud,who had chosen his domicile beneath the shed itself, which led to the cellar where the casks had been deposited. The ser- geant escorted the Comte de la Fere to the camp. There a fresh guard awaited him, and relieved the four men who had conducted Athos. This fresh guard was commanded by the aid-de-camp Digby, who, on their way, fixed upon Athos looks so little encouraging, that the Frenchman asked himself, whence arose, with regard to him, this vigi- lance and this severity, when the evening before he had been left perfectly free. He continued his way not the less to the headquarters, keeping to himself the observations which men and things forced him to make. He found under the general's tent, to which he had been introduced THE VICOMTE DE BEAGELONKE. 189 the evening before, three superior officers; these were Monk's lieutenant and two colonels. Athos perceived his sword: it was still on the table where he had left it. Neither of the officers had seen Athos, consequently neither of them knew him. Monk's lieutenant asked him, at the appear- ance of Athos, if that were the same gentleman with whom the general had left the tent. "Yes, your honor," said the sergeant; "it is the same." "But," said Athos haughtily, "I do not deny it, I think; and now, gentlemen, in my turn, permit me to ask you to what purpose are these questions asked, and particularly some explanations upon the tone in which you ask them?" "Monsieur," said the lieutenant, "if we address these questions to you, it is because we have a right to do so, and if we make them in a particular tone, it is because that tone, believe me, agrees with the circumstances." "Gentlemen," said Athos, "you do not know who I am, but I must tell you I acknowledge no one here but General Monk as my equal. Where is he? Let me be conducted to him, and if he has any questions to put to me, I will answer him, and to his satisfaction, I hope. I repeat, gentlemen, where is the general?" "Eh! good God! you know better than we do, where he is," said the lieutenant. "I?" "Yes, you." "Monsieur," said Athos, "I do not understand you." "You will understand me — and, on your part, in the first place, do not speak so loud." Athos smiled disdainfully. "We don't ask you to smile," said one of the colonels warmly; "we require you to answer." "And I, gentlemen, declare to you that I will not reply until I am in the presence of the general." "But," replied the same colonel who had already spoken, a you know very well that that is impossible." "This is the second time I have received this strange re- ply to the wish I express," said Athos. "Is the general absent?" This question was made with such apparent good faith, and the gentleman wore an air of such natural surprise, that the three officers exchanged a meaning look. The lieutenant, by a tacit convention with the other two, was spokesman. "Monsieur, the general left you last night in the bounda- ries of the monastery," 190 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. °Yes, monsieur.'" "And you went " "It is not for me to answer you, but for those who nay© accompanied me. They were your soldiers, ask them." "But if we please to interrogate you?" "Then it will please me to reply, monsieur, that I do not appeal to any one here, that I know no one here but the general, and that it is to him alone I will reply." "So be it, monsieur; but as we are the masters, we con- stitute ourselves a council of war, and when you are before judges you must reply." The countenance of Athos expressed nothing but aston- ishment and disdain, instead of the terror the officers expected to read in it at this threat. "Scotch or English judges upon me, a subject of the king of France; upon me, placed under the safeguard of British honor! You are mad, gentlemen!" said Athos shrugging his shoulders. The officers looked at one another. "Then, monsieur," said one of them, "do you pretend not to know where th« general is?" "To that, monsieur, I have already replied." "Yes, but you have already replied an incredible thing." "It is true, nevertheless, gentlemen. Men of my rank are not generally liars. I am a gentleman, I have told you, and when I have at my side the sword which, by an excess of delicacy, I last night left upon the table whereon it still lies, believe me, no man says that to me which I am unwilling to hear. I am at this moment disarmed; if you pretend to be my judges, try me; if you are but my executioners, kill me." "But, monsieur — " asked the lieutenant in a more cour- teous voice, struck with the lofty coolness of Athos. "Monsieur, I came to speak confidentially with your gen- eral about affairs of importance. It was not an ordinary welcome that he gave me. The accounts your soldiers can give you may convince you of that. If, then, the general received me in that manner, he knew what were my titles to his esteem. Now, you do not suspect, I should think, that I should reveal my secrets to you, and still less his." "But these casks, what do they contain?" "Have you not pat that question to your soldiers? What was their reply?" "That they contained powdev and ball.' "From whom had tbey that information? They must have told you chat . ^ THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOHNB. 191 s 'From the general; but we are not dupes." "Beware, gentlemen; it is not to me you are now giving the lie, it is to your leader." The officers again looked at one another. Athos contin- ued: "Before your soldiers the general told me to wait a week, and at the expiration of that week he would give me the answer he had to make me. Have I fled away? No; 1 wait." "He told yoa to wait a week!" cried the lieutenant. "He told me so, clearly so, monsieur, that I have a sloop at the mouth of the river, which I could with ease have joined yesterday, and embarked. Now, if I have remained, it was only in compliance with the desire of your general; his honor having requested me not to depart without a last audience, which he fixed at a week hence. 1 repeat to you, then, I am waiting." The lieutenant turned toward the other officers, and said, in a low voice: "If this gentleman speaks truth, there may still be some hope. The general may be carrying out some negotiations so secret that he thought it imprudent to in- form even us. Then the time limited for his absence would be a week." Then, turning toward Athos: "Monsieur," said he, "your declaration is of the most serious importance; are you willing to repeat it under the seal of an oath?" "Monsieur," replied Athos, "I have always lived in a world where my simple word was regarded as the most .sacred of oaths." "This time, howevej, monsieur, the circumstance is more grave than any you may have been placed in. The safety waved it in the air. Some one seized his arm in the very i height of his expansive loyalism. (In 1660 that was so I termed which we now call royalism.) "Athos!" cried D'Artagnan, "you here!" And the two I friends seized each other's hands. "You here! — and, being here," continued the musketeer, "you are not in the midst of all those courtiers, my dear comte. What! you, the hero of the fete, you are not prancing on the left hand of the king, as Monsieur Monk is prancing on the right? In truth, I cannot comprehend your character, nor that of the prince who owes you so much!" f 'Still a railer! my dear D'Artagnan," said Athos. "Will you never correct yourself of that vile habit?" "But you do not form part of the orteaef" 218 THE riCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "I do not, because I was not willing to do so.*' "And why were you not willing?" "Because I am neither envoy, nor embassador, nor repre- sentative of the King of France; and it does not become me to exhibit myself thus near the person of another king than the one God has given me for a master." "Mordioux ! you came very near to the person of the Jang, his father." "That was another thing, my friend; he was about to die." "And yet that which you did for him " "I did it because it was my duty to do it. But you know I hate all ostentation. Let King Charles II., then, who no longer stands in need of me, leave me to my repose, and in the shade, that is all I claim of him." D'Artagnan sighed. "What is the matter with you?" said Athos. "One would say that this happy return of the king to London saddens you, my friend; you who have done at least as much for his majesty as I have." "Have I not," replied D'Artagnan, with his Gascon laugh, "have I not done much for his majesty, without any one suspecting it?" "Yes, yes; but the king it well aware of it, my friend," cried Athos. "He is aware of it!" said the musketeer bitterly. "By my faith! I did not suspect so, and I was even, a moment ago, trying to forget it myself." "But he, my friend, will not forget it, I will answer for him." "You tell me that to console me a little, Athos." "For what?'-' "Mordioux! for the loss of all the expense I have been at. I have ruined myself, my friend, ruined myself for the restoration of this young prince who has just passed, capering upon his isabelle-co\or&i horse." "The king does not know yes have ruined yourself, my friend; but he knows he owes you much." "And say, Athos, does that advance me in any respect? for to do you justice, you have labored nobly. But I — I, who in appearance marred your combinations, it was I who really macte them succeed. Follow my calculations closely; you might not have, by persuasions or mildness, convinced General Monk, while I have so roughly treated this dear general that I furnished your prince with an opportunity THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 219 of showing himself generous; this generosity was inspired in him by the fact of my fortunate mistake, and Charles is paid by the restoration which Monk has brought about." "All that, my dear friend, is strikingly true," replied Athos. "Well, strikingly true as it may be, it is not less true, my friend, that I shall return, greatly noticed by Monsieur Monk, who calls me 'dear captain' all day long, although I am neither dear to him nor a captain, and strongly appre- ciated by the king, who has already forgotten my name; it is not less true, I say, that I shall return to my beautiful country, cursed by the soldiers I had raised with the hopes of large pay, cursed by the brave Planchet, of whom I bor- rowed a part of his fortune." "How is that? What the devil had Planchet to do in all this?" "Ah, yes, my friend; but this king, so spruce, so smiling, so adored, Monsieur Monk fancies he has recalled him, you fancy you have supported him, I fancy I have brought him back, the people fancy they have reconquered him, he himself fancies he has negotiated so as to be restored; and yet, nothing of all this is true, for Charles II., King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, has been replaced upon the throne by a French grocer, who lives in the Kue des Lombards, and is named Planchet. And such is grandeur! Vanity, says the Scrip- ture, vanity, all is vanity!" Athos could not. help laughing at this whimsical outbreak of his friend. "My dear D'Artagnan," said he, pressing his hand affec- tionately, "should you not exercise a little more philosophy? Is it not some further satisfaction to you to have saved my life as you did by arriving so fortunately with Monk, when those damned parliamentarians wanted to burn me alive?" "Well, but you, in some degree, deserved burning a little, my friend." "How so? What, for having saved King Charles' million?" "What million?" "Ah! that is true; you never knew that, my friend; but you must not be angry, for it was not my secret. That word 'Remember' which the king pronounced upon the scaffold." "And which means, souviens-toi /" "Exactly. That was signified. "Remember, there is a million buried in the vaults of Newcastle Abbey, and that million belongs to my son,' " 220 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Ah! very well, 1 understand. But what 1 understand likewise, and what is very frightful, is, that every time II is Majesty Charles II. will think of me, he will say to himself: 'There is the man who came very near making me lose my crown. Fortunately, I was generous, g.eat, full of pres- ence of mind.' This is what will say the young gentleman in a shabby black pourpoint, who came to the chateau of Blois, hat in hand, to ask me if I would grant him access to the King of France." "D'Artagnan! D'Artagnan!" said Athos, laying hi& hand on the shoulder of the musketeer, "you are unjust." "I have a right to be so." "No — for you are ignorant of the future." D'Artagnan looked his friend full in the face, and began to laugh. "In truth, my dear Athos," said he, "you have some words so superb that they only belong to you and Monsieur le Cardinal Mazarin." Athos frowned slightly. "I beg your pardon," continued D'Artagnan, laughing. "I beg your pardon, if I have offended you. The future. Nein! what pretty words are words that promise, and how well they fill the mouth in default of other things! Mor- dioux! After having met with so many who promised, when have I found one who performed ? But let that pass!" continued D'Artagnan. "What are you doing here, my dear Athos? Are you king's treasurer?" "How — why the king's treasurer?" "Well, since the king possesses a million, he must want a treasurer. The King of France, although he is not worth a sou, has still an intendant of finance, Monsieur Fouquet. It is true, that, in exchange, Monsieur Fouquet, they say, has a good number of millions of his own." "Oh! our million is spent long ago," said Athos, laugh- ing in his turn. "I understand; it was frittered away in satin, precious stones, velvet, and feathers of all sorts and colors. All these princes and princesses stood in great need of tailors and dressmakers. Eh! Athos, do you remember what we fellows expended in equipping ourselves for the campaign of La Kochelle, and to make our appearance on horseback? Two or three thousand livres, by my faith. But a king's robe is more ample; it would require a million to purchase the stuff. At least, Athos, if you are not treasurer, you are on a good footing at court." "By the faith of a gentleman, I knpw nothing about it/' said. Athos simply. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONXE. 221 "What! you know nothing about it?" "No; I have not seen the king since we left Dover.'' "Then he has forgotten you, too! Mordioux! that is shameful!" "His majesty has had so much business to transact." "Oh!" cried D'Artagnan, with one of those intelligent grimaces which he alone knew how to make, "that is enough to make me recover my love for Monseigneur Giulio Mazarini. What, Athos! the king has not seen you since?" "No." "And you are not furious?" "I! why should I be? Do you imagine, my dear D'Ar- tagnan, that it was on the king's account I acted as I have done? I did not know the young man. I defended the father, who represented a principle — sacred in my eyes — and I allowed myself to be drawn toward the son by a sym- pathy for this same principle. Besides, he was a worthy knight, a noble mortal creature, that father. Do you remember him?" "Yes; that is true, he was a brave, an excellent man, who led a sad life, but made a fine end." "Well, my dear D'Artagnan, understand this: to that king, to that man of heart, to that friend of my thoughts, if I durst venture to say so, I swore, at the last hour, to preserve faithfully the secret of a deposit which was to be transmitted to his son, to assist him at his need. This young man came to me; he described his destitution; he was ignorant that he was anything for me but a lively re- membrance of his father. I have accomplished toward Charles II. what I promised Charles I.; that is all. Of what consequence is it to me, then, whether he be grateful or not? It is to myself I have rendered a service, by reliev- ing myself of this responsibility, and not to him." "Well, I have always said," replied D'Artagnan, with a sigh, "that disinterestedness was the finest thing in the world." "Well, and you, my friend," resumed Athos, "are you not in the same situation as myself? If I have properly un- derstood your words, you have allowed yourself to be affected by the misfortunes of this young man; that, on your part, was much greater than it was upon mine, for I had a duty to fulfill, while you were under no obligation to the son of the martyr. You had not, on your part, to pay him the price of that precious drop of blood which he let fall upon my brow, through the floor of his scaffold. That 222 THE VICOMfE DE BRAGELONSTE. which made you act was heart alone— the noble and good heart which you possess beneath your apparent skepticism and sarcastic irony; you have engaged the fortune of a servant, and your own, I suspect, my benevolent miser, and your sacrifice is not acknowledged. Of what consequence is it? You wish to repay Planchet his money. I can com- prehend that, my friend; for it is not becoming in a gentle- man to borrow of his inferior without returning him princi- pal and interest. Well, I will sell La Fere, if necessary, and if not, some little farm. You shall pay Planchet, and there will be enough, believe me, of corn left in my grana- ries for us two and Kaoul. In this way, my friend, you will owe an obligation to nobody but yourself; and, if I know you well, it will not be a small satisfaction to your mind to be able to say, 'I have made a king!' Am I right?" "Athos! Athos!" murmured D'Artagnan thoughtfully, "I have told you more than once that the day on which you shall preach I will attend the sermon; the day on which you shall tell me there is a hell, mordiovx! I shall be afraid of the gridiron and the forks. You are better than I, or, rather, better than anybody, and I only acknowledge the possession of one merit, and that is, of not being jealous. Except that defect, damme, as the English say, if I have not all the rest." "I know nobody equal to D'Artagnan," replied Athos; "but here we are, arrived gently at the house I inhabit. Will you come in, my friend?" "Eh! why this is the tavern of the Come du Cerf, I think?" said D'Artagnan. "I confess I chose it on purpose. I like old acquaint- ances; I like to sit down on that place whereon I sank, overcome by fatigue, overwhelmed with despair, when you returned on the 31st of January." "After having discovered the abode of the masked execu- tioner? Yes, that was a terrible day." "Come in, then," said Athos, interrupting him. They entered the large apartment, formerly the common one. The tavern in general, and this room in particular, had undergone great changes; the ancient host of the mus- keteers having become tolerably rich for an innkeeper, had closed his shop, and made of this room, of which we were speaking, an entrepot for colonial provisions. As for the rest of the house, he let it ready furnished to strangers. It was with unspeakable emotion D'Artagnan recognized all the furniture of the chamber of the first story; the wainscot- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE, 223 ing, the tapestries, and even that geographical chart which Porthos had so fondly studied in his moments of leisure. "It is eleven years ago," cried D'Artagnan. ll Mordioux! it appears to me a century." "And to me but a day," said Athos. "Imagine the joy I experience, my friend, in seeing you there, in pressing your hand, in casting from me sword and poniard, and tasting without mistrust this glass of sherry. Ard, oh! what still further joy it would be if our two friends were there, at the two angles of the tables, and Kaoul, my be- loved Raoul, in the threshold, looking at us with his large eyes, at once so brilliant and so soft." "Yes, yes," said D'Artagnan, much affected, "that is true. I approve particularly of the first part of your thought; it is very pleasant to smile there where we have so legit- imately shuddered at thinking that from one moment or another Mordaunt might appear upon the landing." At this moment the door opened, and D'Artagnan, brave as he was, could not restrain a slight movement of fright. Athos understood him, and smiling: "It is our host," said he, "bringing me a letter." "Yes, my lord," said the good man; "here is a letter for your honor." "Thank yon," said Athos, taking the letter without looking at it. "Tell me, my dear host, if you do not re- member this gentleman?" The old man raised his head, and looked attentively at E ' Artagnan. "No," said he. "It is," said Athos, "one of those friends of whom I have spoken to you, and who lodged here with me eleven years ;ago." "Oh, but," said the old man, "so many strangers have I lodged here." "But we lodged here on the 30th of January, 1649,''" , added Athos, believing he should stimulate the lazy memory i of the host by this remark. "That is very possible," replied he, smiling; "but it is so long ago!" and he bowed, and went out. "Thank you," said D'Artagnan; "perform exploits, accomplish revolutions, endeavor to engrave your name in stone or upon brass with strong swords! there is something more rebellious, more hard, more forgetful than iron, brass, or stone, and that is, the brain become old of the letter of lodgings, enriched by his trade; he does not know me. Well, I should have known him. though." 524 THE VICOMTE DK BRAGELONNE. Athos, smiling at his friend's philosophy, unsealed his letter. "Ah!" said he, "a letter from Parry." "Oh! oh! said D'Artagnan, "read it, my friend, read it; it no doubt contains news. Athos shook his head, and read: Monsieur le Comte: The king has experienced much regret at not seeing you to-day, near him, at his entrance. His majesty commands me to say so, and £0 recall him to your memory. His majesty will expect you this evening, at the Palace of St. James, between nine and ten o'clock. "I am, with respect, Monsieur le Comte, your honor's very humble and very obedient servant, Parry." "You see, my dear D'Artagnan," said Athos, "we must not despair of the hearts of kings." "Not despair! you have reason to say so!" replied D'Artagnan. "Oh, my dear, very dear friend," resumed Athos, whom the almost imperceptible bitterness of D'Artagnan had not escaped. "Pardon me, can I have unintentionally wounded my best comrade?" "You are mad, Athos, and to prove it I will conduct you to the palace, to the very gate, I mean; the walk will do me good." "You will go in with me, my friend; I will speak to his majesty." "No, no!" replied D'Artagnan, with a true pride, free from all mixture; "if there is anything worse than begging yourself, it is making others beg for you. Come, let us go, my friend, the walk will be charming; I will, in pass- ing, show you the house of Monsieur Monk, who has de- tained me with him. A beautiful house, by my faith. Being a general in England is better than being a marechal in France, please to know." Athos allowed himself to be led along, made quite sad by D'Artagnan's forced attempts at gayety. The whole city was in a state of joy; the two friends were jostled at every moment by enthusiasts who required them, in their intoxication, to cry out, "Long live good King Charles!" D'Artagnan replied by a grunt, and Athos by a smile. They arrived thus in front of Monk's house, before which, as we have said, they had to pass on their way to St. James'. Athos and D'Artagnan said but little on their THE VICOMTE BE BRAGELONNE. 225 route, for the simple reason that they would have had so many things to talk about if they had spoken. Athos thought that by speaking he should evince satisfaction, and that might wound D'Artagnan. The latter feared that in speaking he should allow some little acerbity to steal into his words which would render his company unpleasant to his friend. It was a singular emulation of silence between contentment and ill-humor. D'Artagnan gave way first to that itching at the tip of his tongue which he so habitually experienced. "Do you remember, Athos," said he, "the passage of the 'Memoires de d'Aubigny,' in which that devoted servant, a Gascon like myself, poor as myself, and, I was going to add, brave as myself, relates instances of the meanness of Henry IV.? My father always told me, I remember, that D'Au- bigny was a liar. But, nevertheless, examine how all the princes* the issue of the great Henry, keep up the character of the race." "Nonsense!" said Athos, "the kings of France misers? You are mad, my friend." "Oh! you are so perfect yourself, you never agree to the faults of'others. But, in reality, Henry IV. was covetous, Louis XIII., his son, was so likewise; we know something of that, don't we? Gascon carried this vice to exaggeration, and has made himself, in this respect, hated by all who sur- round him. Henrietta, poor woman, might Avell be avari- cious, she who did not eat every day, and could not warm herself every winter; and that is an example she has given to her son, Charles II., grandson of the great Henry IV., who is as covetous as his mother and his grandfather. See if I have well traced the genealogy of the misers?" "D'Artagnan, my friend," cried Athos, "you are very rude toward that eagle race called the Bourbons." "Eh! and I have forgotten the best instance of all — the other grandson of the Bearnais, Louis XIV., my ex-master. Well, I hope he is miserly enough, who would not lend a million to his brother Charles! Good! I see you are be- ginning to be angry. Here we are, by good lack, close to my house, or, rather, to that of my friend, Monsieur Monk." "My dear D'Artagnan, you do not make me angry, you make me sad; it is cruel to see a man of your merit out of the position his services ought to have acquired; it appears to me, my dear friend, that your name is as radiant as the greatest names in war and diplomacy. Tell me if the Luyues, the Bellegardes, and the Bassompierces have 226 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKe! merited, as we have, fortunes and honors? You are right, my friend, a hundred times right." D'Artagnan sighed, and preceding his friend under the porch of the mansion Monk inhabited, at the extremity of the city, "Permit me," said he, "to leave my purse at home; for if in the crowd those clever pickpockets of Lon- don, who are much boasted of, even in Paris, were to steal from me the remainder of my poor crowns, I should not be able to return to France. Now, content, I left France, and wild with joy, I should return to it, seeing that all my prejudices of former days against England are returned accompanied by many others." Athos made no reply. "So, then, my dear friend, one second, and I will follow you," said D'Artagnan. "I know you are in a hurry to go yonder to receive your reward, but, believe me, I am not less eager to partake of your joy, although at a distance. Wait for me." And D'Artagnan was already passing through the vestibule, when a man, half-servant, half- soldier, who filled in Monk's establishment the double functions of porter and guard, stopped our musketeer, say- ing to him in English: "I beg your pardon, my Lord d'Artagnan!" "Well," replied the latter, "what is it? Is the general going to dismiss me? I only wanted to be expelled by him." These words, spoken in French, made no impression upon the person to whom they were addressed, and who himself only spoke an English mixed with the rudest Scotch. But Athos was grieved at them, for he began to think D'Artag- nan was not wrong. The Englishman showed D'Artagnan a letter. "From the general," said he. "Ay, that's it, my dismissal!" replied the Gascon. "Must it be read, Athos?" "You must be deceived," said Athos, "or I know no more honest people in the world but you and myself." D'Artagnan shrugged his shoulders and unsealed the let- ter, while the impassible Englishman held for him a large lantern, by the light of which he was enabled to read it. "Well, what have you?" said Athos, seeing the count*?* nance of the reader change. "Read it yourself," said the musketeer. Athos took the paper and read: THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 227 "Monsieur D'Artagnan: The king very much regrets you did not come to St. Paul's with his cortege. You have failed with him as you failed with me, my dear captain. There is but one means of repairing all this. His majesty expects me at nine o'clock at the Palace of St. James; will you be there at the same time with me? His gracious majesty appoints that hour for an audience he grants you." This letter was from Monk. CHAPTER XXXIII. THE AUDIENCE. "Well?" cried Athos, with a mild look of reproach, when D'Artagnan had read the letter addressed to him by Monk. "Well?" said D'Artagnan, red with pleasure, and a little with shame. "To be in such a hurry to accuse the king and Monk was a politeness — which leads to nothing, it is true, but yet it is a politeness." "I had great difficulty in believing the young prince un- grateful," said Athos. "The fact is, that his present is still too near to his past," replied D'Artagnan; "but, after all, everything to the present moment proves me right." "I acknowledge it, my dear friend, I acknowledge it. Ah! there is your cheerful look returned. You cannot think how delighted I am." "Thus, you see," said D'Artagnan, "Charles II. receives Monsieur Monk at nine o'clock; me he will receive at ten; it is a grand audience, of the sort which at the Louvre are called 'distributions of holy court water.' Come, let us go and place ourselves under the spout, my dear friend. Come along." Athos replied nothing; and both directed their steps, at a quick pace, toward the Palace of St. James, which the crowd still surrounded* to catch, through the windows, the shadows of the courtiers, and the reflection of the royal person. Eight o'clock was striking when the two friends took their places in the gallery filled with courtiers and politicians. Every one gave a glance at these simply dressed men in foreign habits, at these two noble heads so full of character and meaning. On their side, Athos and 228 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. D'Artagnan, having, with two looks, taken the measure of the whole of the assembly, resumed their chat. A great noise was suddenly heard at the extremity of the gallery — it was General Monk who entered, followed by more than twenty officers, all anxious for one of his smiles, for he had been the evening before master of all England, and a glorious morrow was looked for for the restorer of the family of the Stuarts. "Gentlemen," said Monk, turning round, "henceforward I beg you to remember that I am no longer anything. Lately I commanded the principal army of the republic; now that army is the king's, into whose hands I am about to replace, at his command, my power of yesterday." Great surprise was painted on the countenances of all, and the circle of adulators and suppliants which surrounded Monk an instant before, was enlarged by degrees, and finished by being lost in the large undulations of the crowd. Monk was going into the antechamber, as others did. D'Artagnan could not help remarking this to the Comte de la Fere, who frowned on beholding it. Suddenly the door of the royal closet opened, and the young king appeared, preceded by two officers of his household." "Good-evening, gentlemen," said he. "Is General Monk here?" "I am here, sire," replied the old general. Charles stepped hastily toward him, and seized his hand with the warmest demonstration of friendship. "General," said the king aloud, "I have just signed your patent — you are Duke of Albemarle; and my intention is that no one shall equal you in power and fortune in this kingdom, where — the noble Montrose excepted — no one has equaled you in loyalty, courage, and talent. Gentlemen, the duke is commander of our armies, by land and by sea; pay him your respects, if you please, in that character." While every one was pressing round the general, who re- ceived all this homage without losing his impassibility for an instant, D'Artagnan said to Athos: "When one thinks that this duchy, this command of the land and sea forces, all these grandeurs, in a word, have been shut up in a box six feet long and three feet wide " "My friend," replied Athos, "much more imposing gran- deurs are confined to boxes still smaller — and remain there forever." All at once Monk perceived the two gentlemen, who held themselves apart until the crowd had diminished; he made THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 229 himself a passage toward them, so that he surprised them in the midst of their philosophical reflections. "Were you speaking of me?" said he, With a smile. "My lord," replied Athos, "we were speaking likewise of God." Monk reflected for a moment, and then replied gayly: "Gentlemen, let us speak a little of the king likewise, if you please; for you have, I helieve, an audience of his majesty." "At nine o'clock," said Athos. "At ten o'clock," said D'Artagnan. "Let us go into this closet at once," replied Monk, mak- ing a sign to his two companions to precede him; but to which neither would consent. The king, during this so French debate, had returned to the center of the gallery. "Oh, my Frenchmen!" said he, in that tone of careless gayety which, in spite of so much grief and so many crosses, he had never lost. "My Frenchmen! my consolation!" Athos and D'Artagnan bowed. "Duke, conduct these gentlemen into my study. I am at your service, messieurs," added he in French. And he promptly expedited his court, to return to his Frenchmen, as he called them. "Monsieur d'Artagnan," said he, as he entered his closet, "I am glad to see you again." "Sire, my joy is at its height, at having the honor to salute your majesty in your own Palace of St. James." "Monsieur, you have been willing to render me a great service, and I owe you my gratitude for it. If I did not fear to intrude upon the rights of our general commandant, I would offer you some post worthy of you near our person." "Sire," replied D'Artagnan, "I have quitted the service of the King of France, making my prince a promise not to serve any other king." "Humph!" said Charles, "I am sorry to hear that; I should like to do much for you; you please me greatly." "Sire " "But, let us see," said Charles with a smile, "if we can- not make you break your word. Duke, assist me. If you were offered, that is to say, if I offered you the chief com- mand of my musketeers?" D'Artagnan bowed lower than before. "I should have the regret to refuse what your gracious majesty would offer me," said he; "a gentleman has but his word, and that word, a? I have had the honor to tell your majesty, is engaged to the King of France." 230 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOX"E. "We will say no more about it, then," said the king turn* ing toward Athos, and leaving D'Artagnan plunged in the deepest pangs of disappointment. "Ah ! I said so !" muttered the musketeer. "Words ! words ! Court holy water ! Kings have always a marvelous talent for offering us that which they know we will not accept, and in appearing generous without risk. So be it — triple fool that I was to have hoped for a moment !" During this time, Charles took the hand of Athos "Comte," said he, "you have been to me a second fathers the services you have rendered me are above all price. 1 have thought of a recompense, notwithstanding. You were created by my father a Knight of the Garter — that is an order which all the kings of Europe cannot bear ; by the queen regent, Knight of the Holy Ghost — which is an order not less illustrious; I join to it that of the Go.den Fleece, which the King of France has sent me, to whom the King of Spain, his father-in-law, gave two on the occasion of his marriage. But, in return, I have a service to ask of you." "Sire," said Athos with confusion, "the Golden Fleece for me ! when the King of France is the only person in my coun- try who enjoys that distinction." "I wish you to be in your country and elsewhere the equal of all those whom sovereigns have honored with their favor," said Charles, drawing the chain from his neck; "and I am sure my father smiles on me from the depths of his tomb." "It is unaccountably strange," said D'Artagnan to him- self, while his friend, on his knees, received the eminent order which the king conferred on him. "It is almost in- credible that I have always seen showers of prosperity fall upon all who surrounded me, and that not a drop ever reached me ! If I were a jealous man, it would be enough to make one tear one's hair, parole d'honneur" Athos rose from his knees, and Charles embraced him tenderly. "General !" said he to Monk — "Pardon me, duke, I mean. No wonder if I mistake, the word duke is too short for me; I always seek for some title to elongate it. I should wish to see you so near my throne that I might say to you, as to Louis XIV., 'my brother !' Oh ! I have it; and you will be almost my brother, for I make you Viceroy of Ireland and Scotland, my dear duke. So, after that fashion, henceforward I shall not make a mistake." The duke seized the hand of the king, but without THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 231 enthusiasm, without joy, as he did everything. His heart, however, had been moved by this last favor. Charles, by skillfully husbanding his generosity, had left the duke time to wish, although he might not have wished for so much as was given him. "jMordiouz!" grumbled D'Artagnan, "there is the shower beginning again! Oh! it is enough to turn one's brain!" and he turned away with an air so sorrowful and so comically piteous, that the king, who caught it could not restrain a smile. Monk was preparing to leave the closet to take leave of Charles. "What! my trusty and well-beloved," said the king to the duke, "are you going?" "If it please your majesty, for in truth I am tired. The emotions of the day have worn me out; I stand in need of repose." "But," said the king, "you are not going without Mon- sieur d'Artagnan, I hope." "Why not, sire?" said the old warrior. "Well! you know very well why," said the king. Monk looked at Charles with astonishment. "Oh! it may be possible; but if you forget, you, Mon- sieur d'Artagnan, do not." Astonishment was painted on the face of the musketeer. "Well, then, duke," said the king, "do you not lodge with Monsieur d'Artagnan?" "I have the honor to offer Monsieur d'Artagnan a lodg- ing; yes, sire." "That idea is your own, and yours solely?" "Mine and mine only, yes, sire." "Well! but it could not be otherwise — the prisoner is always at the home of his conqueror." Monk colored in his turn. "Ah! that is true," said he; "I am Monsieur d'Artagnan'r prisoner." "Without doubt, duke, since you are not yet ransomed; but take no heed of that; it was I who took you out of Monsieur d'Artagnan's hands, and it is I who will pay your ransom." The eyes of D'Artagnan regained their gayety and their brilliancy. The Gascon began to comprehend. Charles advanced toward him. "The general," said he, "is not rich, and cannot pay you what he is worth. I am richer, certainly; but now that he is a d ke, and if not a king, almost a king, he is worth a snm I could not perhaps pay. Come, Monsieur d'Artag- pan, be moderate with me*. how mnoh d.p. I owe you?" C32 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGEI.ONNE. D'Artagnan, delighted at the turn things were taking, but not for a moment .osing his self-possession, replied: "Sire, your majesty has no occasion to be alarmed. When I had the good fortune tc take his grace, Monsieur Monk was only a general; it Is therefore only a general's ransom that is due to me. But if the general will have the kind- ness to deliver me his rword, I shall consider myself paid; for there is nothing in tl e world but the general's sword whish is worth so muc 11 as himself." "Odds fish! as my lather said,"' cri d Charles. "That is a gallant proposal, and a gallant man, is he not, duke?" "Upon my honor, yes, sire," and he drew his sword. "Monsieur," said he to D'Artagnan, "here is what you demand. Many may h ve ' andled a better blade; but how- ever modest mine may be, I have never surrendered it to any one." D'Artagnan received with pride the sword which had just made a king. "Oh! oh!" cried Charles II.; "what! a sword that has restored me to my throne — to go out of the kingdom — and not, one day, to figure among the crown jewels! No, on my soul! that shall not be! Captain d'Artagnan, I will give you two hundred thousand livres for your sword! if f ,hat is too little, say so." "It is too little, sire," replied D'Artagnan, with inimita- ble seriousness. "In the first place, I do not at all wish to sell it; but your majesty desires me to do so, and that is an order. I obey, then; but the respect I owe to the illustrious warrior who hears me, commands me to estimate at a third more the reward of my victory. I ask three hundred thou- sand livres for the sword, or I will give it to your majesty for nothing." And taking it by the point, he presented it to the king. Charles broke into hilarious laughter. "A gallant man, and a joyous companion! Odds fish! is he not, duke? is he not, comte? He pleases me! I like him! Here, Chevalier d'Artagnan, take this." And going to the table he took a pen and wrote an order upon his treasurer for three hundred thousand livres. D'Artagnan took it, and turning gravely toward Monk: "I have still asked too little, I know," said he; "but be- lieve me, Monsieur le Due, I would rather have died than allow myself to be governed by avarice." The king began to laugh again, like the happiest cockney of his kingdom. "You will come and see me again before you go, cheva- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 233 iier?" said he; "I shall want to lay in a stock of gayety now my Frenchmen are leaving me." "Ah! sire, it shall not be with the gayety as with the dnke's sword; I will give it to your majesty gratis," replied D'Artagnan, whose feet scarcely seemed to touch the ground. "And you, comte," added Charles turning toward Athos, "come again, also; I have an important message to confide to you. Your hand, duke." Monk pressed the hand of the king. "Adieu! gentlemen," said Charles holding out each of his hands to the two Frenchmen, who carried them to theii lips. "Well," said Athos, when they were out of the palace, "are you satisfied?" "Hush!" said D'Artagnan, wild with joy, "I am not yet returned from the treasurer's — the spout may fall upon mj head." CHAPTER XXXIV. OF THE EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES. D'Artagnan lost no time, and as soon as the thing was suitable and opportune he paid a visit to the lord-treasurer of his majesty. He had then the satisfaction to exchange a piece of paper, covered with very ugly writing, for a pro- digious number of crowns, recently stamped with the effigies of his very gracious majesty Charles II. D'Artag- nan easily recovered his self-possession; and yet, upon this occasion, he could not help evincing a joy which the reader will perhaps comprehend, if he deigns to have some indul- gence for a man who, since his birth, had never seen so many pieces and rouleaus of pieces juxta-placed in an order truly agreeable to the eye. The treasurer placed all the rouleaus in bags, and closed each bag with a stamp of the arms of England, a favor which treasurers do not accord to everybody. Then, impassible, and just as polite as he ought to be toward a man honored with the friendship of the king, he said to D'Artagnan: "Take away your money, sir." Your money] These words made a thousand chords vibrate in the heart of D'Ar- tagnan which he had never felt before. He had the bags packed in a small cart, and returned home meditating pro- 234 THE VICOMTB DE BRAGELONNE. foundly. A man who possesses three hundred thousand livres can no longer expect to wear a smootli brow; a wrinkle for every hundred thousand livres is not too much. D'Artagnan shut himself up, eat no dinner, closed his door against everybody, and, with a lighted lamp and a loaded, pistol on the table, he watched all night, ruminating upon the means of preventing these lovely crowns, which from the coffers of the king had passed into his coffers, from passing from his coffers into the pockets of any thief what- ever. The best means discovered by the Gascon was t© inclose his treasure, for the present, under locks so solid that no wrist could break them, and so complicated that no master-key could open them. D'Artagnan remembered that the English are past-masters in mechanics and conserv- ative industry; and he determined to go in the morning in search of a mechanic who would sell him a strong box. He did not go far. The Sieur Will Jobson, dwelling in Picca- dilly, listened to his propositions, comprehended his wishes, and promised to make him a safety lock that should relieve him from all future fear. "I will give you," said he, "a piece of mechanism entirely new. At the first serious attempt upon your lock, an in- visible plate will open of itself and vomit forth a pretty copper bullet of the weight of a mark, which will knock down the intruder, and not without a loud report. What do you think of it?" "I think it very ingenious," cried D'Artagnan; "the little copper bullet pleases me mightily. So now, Monsieur the Mechanic, the terms?" "A fortnight for the execution, and fifteen hundred il/*es, payable on delivery," replied the artisan. D'Artagnairs brow darkened. A fortnight was delay enough to allow the thieves of London time to remove all occasion for the strong box. As to the fifteen hundred livres — that would be paying too dear for what a little vigi- lance would procure him for nothing. "I will think of it," said he; "thank you, monsieur." And he returned home at full speed. Nobody had yet touched his treasure. That same day Athos paid his friend a visit, and found him so thoughtful that he could not help expressing his surprise. "How is this?" said he, "you are rich and not gay — you, who were so anxious for wealth!" "My friend, the pleasures to which we are not accu? tomed oppress us more than the grief we are familiar with THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 235 (rive me your opinion, if yon please. I can ask you, who have always had money: when we have money, what do we do with it?" "That depends." "What have you done with yours, seeing that it has not made you a miser or a prodigal? For avarice dries up the heart, and prodigality drowns it — is not that so?" "Fabricius could not have spoken more justly. But, in truth, my money has never been a burden to me," "How so? Do you place it out at interest?" "No; you know I have a tolerably handsome house, and that house composes the better part of my property." "I know it does." "So that you can be as rich as I am, and, indeed, more* rich, whenever you like, by the same means." "But your rents, do you lay them by?" "No." "What do you think of a chest concealed in a wall?" "I never made use of such a thing." "Then you must have some confidant, some safe man of business, who pays you interest at a fair rate." "Not at all." "Good heavens! what do you do with it, then?" "I spend all I have, and I only have what I spend, my dear D'Artagnan." "Ah! that may be. But you are something of a prince; fifteen or sixteen thousand livres melt away between your fingers; and then you have expenses and appearances " "Well, I don't see why you should be less of a noble than I am, my friend; your money would be quite sufficient." "Three hundred thousand livres! Two-thirds too much!" "I beg your pardon — did you not tell me — I thought I heard you say — I fancied you had a partner " "Ah! mordioitx! that's true," cried D'Artagnan, color- ing, "there is Planchet. I had forgotten Planchet, upon my life! Well! there are my hundred thousand crowns broken into. That's a pity! it was a round sum, and sounded well. That is true, Athos; I am no longer rich. What a memory you have!" "Tolerably good; yes, thank God!" ''Bravo, Planchet!" grumbled D'Artagnan; "he has not nad a bad dream! What a speculation! Peste! Well, what is said is said!" "How much are you to give him?" 'Oh!" said D'Artagnan, "he is not a bad fellow; I shall 236 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. arrange matters with him. I have had a great deal ot trouble, you see, and expenses, all that must be taken into account." "My dear friend, I can depend upon you, and have no fear for the worthy Planchet; his interests are better in your hands than in his own. But now that you have noth- ing more to do here, we will be gone, if you please. You can go and thank his majesty, ask if he has any commands, and in six days we may be able to get sight of the towers of Notre Dame." "My friend, I am most^anxious to be off, and will go ac once and pay my respects to the king." "I," said Athos, "am going to call upon some friends in the city, and shall be then at your service." "Will you lend me Grimaud?" "With all my heart. What do you want to do with him?" "Something very simple, and which will not fatigue him; I will only beg him to take charge of my pistols, which lie there on the table near that coffer." "Very well!" replied Athos imperturbably. "And he will not stir, will he?" "Not more than the pistols themselves." "Then I will go and take leave of his majesty. Au re voir /" D'Artagnan arrived at St. James', where Charles II., who was busy writing, kept him in the antechamber a full hour. While walking about in the gallery, from the door to the window, from the window to the door, he thought he saw a cloak like Athos' cross the vestibule; but at the moment he was going to ascertain if it were he, the usher summoned him to his majesty's presence. Charles II. rubbed his hands at receiving the thanks of our friend. "Chevalier," said he, "you are wrong in expressing grati- tude to me; I have not paid you a quarter of the value of the history of the box into which you put the brave general — the excellent Duke of Albemarle, I mean." And the king laughed heartily. D'Artagnan did not think it proper to interrupt his majesty, and bowed with much modesty. "Apropos," continued Charles, "do you think my dear Monk has really pardoned you?" "Pardoned me! yes, I hope so, sire!" "Eh! but it was a cruel trick! Odds fish! to pack up the first personage of the English revolution like a herring. In your place, I would not trust him, chevalier." THE VICOMTE DE BTtAGELOHNE. 237 "But, sire " "Yes, I know very well that Monk calls you his friend. But he has too penetrating an eye not to have a memory, and too lofty a brow not to be very proud, you know, grande supercilium." "I certainly will learn Latin," said D'Artagnan to him- self. "But stop," cried the merry monarch; "I must manage your reconciliation; I know how to set about it; so " D'Artagnan bit his mustache. "Will your majesty per- mit me to tell you the truth?" "Speak, chevalier, speak." "Well, sire, you alarm me greatly. If your majesty un- dertakes the affair, as you seem inclined to do, I am a lost man; the duke will have me assassinated." The king burst forth into a fresh roar of laughter, which changed D'Artagnan's alarm into downright terror. "Sire, I beg you to allow me to settle this matter myself, and if your majesty has no further need of my services " "No, chevalier. What, do you want to leave us?" re- plied Charles, with a hilarity that grew more and more alarming. "If your majesty has no more commands for me." Charles became more serious. "One single thing. See my sister, the Lady Henrietta. Do you know her?" "No, sire, but — an old soldier like me is not an agreeable spectacle for a young and gay princess." "Ah! but my sister must know you; she must, at her need, have you to depend upon." "Sire, every one that is dear to your majesty will be sacred to me." "Very well! Parry! Come here, Parry!" The lateral door opened, and Parry entered, his face beaming with pleasure as soon as he saw D'Artagnan. "What is Rochester doing?" said the king. "He is upon the canal with the ladies," replied Parry. "And Buckingham?" "He is there also." "Thatis well. You will conduct the chevalier to Villiers; that is, the Duke of Buckingham, chevalier; and beg the duke to introduce Monsieur d'Artagnan to the Princess Henrietta." Parry bowed, and smiled to D'Artagnan. "Chevalier," continued the king, "this is your parting audience: vou can afterward set out as soon as you please." 238 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Sire, I thank you." "But be sure you make your peace with Monk!" "Oh, sire " "You know there is one of my vessels at your disposal?" "Sire, you overpower me. I cannot think of putting your majesty's officers to inconvenience on my account." The king slapped D'Artagnan upon the shoulder. "Nobody will be inconvenienced on your account, cheva- lier, but for that of an embassador I am about sending to France, and to whom you will serve willingly as a coinpan ion, I fancy, for you know him." D'Artagnan appeared astonished. "He is a certain Comte de la Fere — he you call Athos/ ; added the king, terminating the conversation, as he had begun it, by a joyous burst of laughter. "Adieu, chevalier, adieu. Love me as I love you." And thereupon, making a sign to Parry to ask if there were any one waiting for him in the adjoining closet, the king disappeared into that closet, leaving the place to the chevalier, perfectly aston- ished with this singular audience. The old man took his arm in a friendly way, and led him toward the garden. CHAPTER XXXV. UPON THE CANAL. Upon the canal of waters of an opaque green, bordered with marble, upon which time had already scattered black spots and tufts of mossy grass, there glided majestically a long flat bark, pavoisee with the arms of England, sur- mounted by a dais, and carpeted with long damasked stuffs, which trailed their fringes in the water. Eight rowers, leaning lazily to their oars, made it move upon the canal with the graceful slowness of the swans, which, disturbed in their ancient possessions by the approach of the bark, looked from a distance at this splendid and noisy pageant. We say noisy — for the bark contained four players upon the guitar and the lute, two singers, and several courtiers, all sparkling with gold and precious stones, and showing their white teeth in emulation of each other, to please the lady Henrietta Stuart, granddaughter of Henry IV., daughter of Charles I., and sister of Charles II., who occupied the seat of honor under the dais of the bark. We know this young princess; we have <^en her at the Louvre with her THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 239 mother, wanting wood, wanting bread, and fed by the coadjuteur and the parliament. She had, therefore, like her brothers, passed through a troublous youth; then, all at once, she had just awakened from a long and horrible dream, seated on the steps of a throne, surrounded, by courtiers and flatterers. Like Mary Stuart, on leaving prison, she aspired not only for life and liberty, but for power and wealth. The Lady Henrietta, in growing, had attained remarka- ble beauty, which the recent restoration had. rendered cele- brated. Misfortune had taken from her the luster of pride, but prosperity had restored it to her. She was resplendent, then, in her joy and her happiness, like those hot-house flowers which, forgotten during a night of .the first frosts of autumn, have hung their heads, but which on the morrow, warmed once more by the atmosphere in which they were born, rise again with greater splendor than ever. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, son of him who played so conspicuous a part in the early part of this history, Villiers of Bucking- ham, a handsome cavalier, melancholy with women, a jester with men, and Wilmot, Lord Rochester, a jester with both ;sexes, were standing at this moment before the Lady Hen- rietta, disputing the privilege of making her smile. As to that young and beautiful princess, reclining upon a cushion of velvet bordered with gold, her hands hanging listlessly so as to dip in the water, she listened carelessly to the i musicians without hearing them, and heard the two courtiers without appearing to listen to them. This ILady Henrietta — this charming creature — this woman who joined the graces of France to the beauties of England, not having yet loved, was cruel in her coquetry. The smile, then, that innocent favor of young girls, did not even enlighten her countenance; and if, at times, she did raise iher eyes, it was to fasten them upon one or other of the cavaliers with such a fixity that their gallantry, bold as it generally was, took the alarm, and became timid. In the meantime, the boat continued its course, the musi- cians made a great noise, and the courtiers began, like them, to be out of breath. Besides, the excursion became doubt- less monotonous to the princess, for all at once, shaking her head with an air of impatience: "Come, gentlemen, enough of this; let us land." "Ah, madame!" said Buckingham, "we are very unfor- tunate! We have not succeeded in making the excursion tgreeable to your royal highness." HO THE VICOMTE BE ERAGELONNE "My mother expects me," replied the princess; "and • must frankly admit, gentlemen, I am ennuyee." And jvhile uttering this cruel word, Henrietta endeavored to console by a look each of the young men, who appeared ierrified at such frankness. The look produced its effect — the two faces brightened; but immediately, as if the royal coquette thought she had done too much for simple mortals, she made a movement, turned her back to both her adorers. and appeared plunged in a reverie in which it was evident they had no part. Buckingham bit his lips with anger, for he was truly in love with the Lady Henrietta, and, in that case, took every- thing in a serious light. Rochester bit his lips likewise; but his wit always dominated over his heart; it was purely and simply to repress a malicious smile. The princess was then allowing the eyes she turned from the young nobles to wander over the green and flowery turf of the park, when she perceived Parry and D'Artagnan at a distance. "Who is coming yonder?" said she. The two young men turned round with the rapidity of lightning. "Parry," replied Buckingham; "nobody but Parry." "I beg your pardon," said Rochester, "but I think he has a companion." "Yes," said the princess, at first with languor, but then: "What mean those words, 'Nobody but Parry;' say, my lord?" "Because, madame," replied Buckingham, piqued, "be- cause the faithful Parry, the wandering Parry, the eternal Parry, is not, I believe, of much consequence." "You are mistaken, duke. Parry — the wandering Parry, as you call him — has always wandered for the service of my family, and the sight of that old man always gives me satis- faction." The Lady Henrietta followed the usual progress of pretty women, particularly coquettish women; she passed from caprice to contradiction; the gallant had undergone the caprice, the courtier must bend beneath the contradictory humor. Buckingham bowed, but made no reply. "It is true, madame," said Rochester, bowing in his turn, "that Parry is the model of servants; but, madame, he is no longer young, and we only laugh at seeing cheerful objects. Is an old man a gay object?" "Enough, my lord," said the princess coolly; "the sub ject of conversation is unpleasant to me." THE VICOJITE DE BRAGELOSTNE. 241 Then, as if speaking to herself, "It is really unaccounta- ble," said she, "how little regard my brother's friends have for his servants." "Ah, madame," cried Buckingham, "your royal highness pierces my heart with a poniard forged by your own hands." "What is the meaning of that speech, which is turned so like a French madrigal, duke? I do not understand it." "It means, madame, that you yourself, so good, so charm- ing, so sensible, you have laughed sometimes — smiled, I should say — at the idle prattle of that good Parry, for whom your royal highness to-day entertains such a marvelous susceptibility." "Well, my lord, if I have forgotten myself so far," said Henrietta, "you do wrong to remind me of it." And she made a sign of impatience. "The good Parry wants to speak to me, I believe; please order them to row to the shore, my Lord Rochester." Rochester hastened to repeat the princess' command; and a moment after the boat touched the bank. "Let us land, gentlemen," said Henrietta, taking the arm which Rochester offered her, although Buckingham was nearer to her and had presented his. Then Rochester, with an ill-dissembled pride, which pierced the heart of the un- happy Buckingham through and through, led the princess across the little bridge which the rowers had cast from the royal boat to the shore. "Which way will your royal highness go?" asked Rochester. "You see, my lord, toward that good Parry, who is wan- dering, as my Lord of Buckingham says, and seeking me with eyes weakened by the tears he has shed over our misfor- tunes." "Good heavens!" said Rochester, "how sad your royal ! highness is to-day; we have, in truth, the air of appearing ridiculous fools to you, madame." "Speak for yourself, my lord," interrupted Buckingham, • with vexation; "for my part, I displease her royal highness to such a degree that I appear absolutely nothing to her." Neither Rochester nor the princess made any reply. Hen- rietta only urged her cavalier to a quicker pace. Bucking- ham remained behind, and took advantage of this isolation to give himself up to such rage, in his handkerchief, that 1 the cambric was bitten in holes. "Parry, my good Parry," said the princess, with her 242 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. weak voice, "come hither. I see you are seeking for me and I am waiting for you." "Ah, madame," said Rochester, coming charitably to the succor of his companion, remaining, as we have said, be hind, "if Parry cannot see your royal highness, the man who follows him is a sufficient guide, even for a blind man, for he has eyes of flame. That man is a double-lamped lantern." "Lighting a very handsome martial countenance," said the princess, determined to be as ill-natured as possible. Rochester bowed. "One of those vigorous soldier's heads seen nowhere but in France," added the princess, with ths perseverance of a woman sure of impunity. Rochester and Buckingham looked at each other, as much as to say, "What can be the matter with her?" "See, my Lord of Buckingham, what Parrv wants," said Henrietta— "go!" The young man, who considered this order as a favor, resumed his courage, and hastened to meet Parry, who, followed by D'Artagnan, advanced slowly on account of his age. D'Artagnan walked slowly but nobly, as D'Artagnan, doubled by the third of a million, ought to walk, that is to say, without conceit or swagger, but without timidity. When Buckingham, who had been very eager to comply with the desire of the princess, had stopped at a marble bench, as if fatigued with the few steps he had gone — when Buckingham, we say, was at a distance of only a few paces from Parry, the latter recognized him. "Ah, my lord!" cried he, quite out of breath, "will your grace obey the king?" "In what, Monsieur Parry?" said the young man, with a kind of coolness tempered by a desire of making himself agreeable to the princess. "Well, his majesty begs your grace to present this gentle- man to her Royal Highness the Princess Henrietta." "In the first place, what is the gentleman's name?" said the duke haughtily. D'Artagnan, as we know, was easily affronted; the tone of the Duke of Buckingham displeased him. He surveyed the courtier from head to foot, and two flashes beamed from heneath his bent brows. But after a struggle, "Monsieur lc Chevalier d'Artagnan, my lord," replied he quietly. "Pardon me, monsieur; that name teaches me your name, but nothing more." "That is'to say " THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 243 "That is to say, I do not know you." "I am more fortunate than you, monsieur," replied D'Artagnan, "'for I have had the honor of knowing much of your family, and particularly my Lord Duke of Bucking- ham, your illustrious father." "My father?" said Buckingham. "Well, I think now .'. remember. Monsieur le Chevalier d'Artagnan, do you, say?" D'Artagnan bowed. "In person," said he. "Pardon me; but are you one of those Frenchmen who had secret relations with my father?" "Exactly, Monsieur the Duke, I am one of those French men." "Then, monsieur, permit me to say that it was strange my father never heard of you during his lifetime." "No, monsieur; but he heard of me at the moment of his death. It was I who sent to him, by the hands of the valet ■ de chambre of Anne of Austria, notice of the dangers which threatened him; unfortunately, it came too late." "Never mind, monsieur," said Buckingham. "I under- stand now, that, having had the intention of rendering i a service to the father, you are come to claim the protec- tion of the son." "In the first place, my lord," replied D'Artagnan phleg- matically, "I claim the protection of no man. His Majesty Charles II., to whom I have had the honor of rendering some services — I may tell you, my lord, my life has been passed in such occupations — King Charles II., then, who wishes to honor me with some kindness, has desired I shall be presented to her Eoyal Highness the Princess Henrietta his sister, to whom I shall, perhaps, have the good fortuns to be of service hereafter. Now, the king knew that you ; at this moment, were with her royal highness, and has senj me to you, by the intermission of Parry. There is no other mystery. I ask absolutely nothing of you; and if you will not present me to her royal highness, I shall be compelled to do without you, and present myself." "At least, monsieur," said Buckingham, determined to have the last word, "you will not go back from an explana- tion provoked by yourself." "I never go back, monsieur," said D'Artagnan. "As you have had relations with my father, you must be ac- quainted with some private details?" '"These relations are already far removed from us, my iord — for you were not then born — and for some unfor- 244 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. tunate diamond studs, which I received from his hands and carried back to France, it is really not worth while awaken- ing so many remembrances." "Ah, monsieur!" said Buckingham warmly, going up to D'Artagnau, and holding out his hand to him, "it is you, then — you whom my father fought for so earnestly, and who had a right to expect so much from us?" "To expect, monsieur; in truth, that is my forte ; all my /life I have expected." ', At this moment, the princess, who was tired of not see- ing the stranger approach her, arose and came toward them "At least, monsieur," said Buckingham, "you shall not wait for the presentation you claim of me." Then turning toward the princess and bowing: "Ma- dame," said the young man, "the king, your brother, de- sires me to have the honor of presenting to your royal high- ness, Monsieur le Chevalier d'Artagnan." "In order that your royal highness may have, at your need, a firm support and a sure friend," added Parry. D'Artagnan bowed. "You have still something to say, Parry," replied Henri- etta, smiling upon D'Artagnan, while addressing the old servant. "Yes, madame; the king desires you to preserve relig- iously in your memory the name, and to remember the merit of Monsieur d'Artagnan, to whom his majesty owes, he says, the recovery of his kingdom." Buckingham, the princess, and Rochester looked at one another. "That," said D'Artagnan, "is another little secret, of which, in all probability, I shall not boast to his majesty's son, as I have done to you with respect to the diamond studs." "Madame," said Buckingham, "monsieur has just, for the second time, recalled to my memory an event which excites my curiosity to such a degree that I will venture to ask your permission to take him on one side for a mo- ment, to converse in private." "Do, my lord," said the princess; "but restore to the sister, as quickly as possible, this friend so devoted to the brother." And she took the arm of Rochester, while Buckingham took that of D'Artagnan. "Oh! tell me, chevalier," said Buckingham, "all that affair of the diamonds, which nobody knows in England, not even the son of him who was the hero of it." 'My lord, one person alone had a right to relate all THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELONNB, 245 that affair, as yon call it, and that was your father; he thought proper to be silent. I must beg you to allow me to be so likewise." And D'Artagnan bowed like a man upon whom it was evident no entreaties could prevail. "Since it is so, monsieur," said Buckingham, "pardon my indiscretion, I beg you; and if, at any time, I should go into France — •" and he turned round to take a last look at the princess, who took but little notice of him, totally occupied as she was, or appeared to be, with Rochester. Buckingham sighed. "Well?" said D'Artagnan. "I was saying that if, any day, I were to go into France " "You will go, my lord," said D'Artagnan; "I will answer for that." "And how so?" "Oh, I have strange powers of prediction; if I do predict anything I am seldom mistaken. If, then, you do come to France?" "Well, then, monsieur, you, of whom kings ask that valuable friendship which restores crowns to them, I will venture to beg of you a little of that great interest you avowed for my father." "My lord,'' replied D'Artagnan, "believe me, I shall deem myself highly honored if, in France, you remember having seen me here. And now permit " Then, turning toward the princess: "Madame," said he, "your royal highness is a daughter of France; and in that quality I hope to see you again in Paris. One of my happy days will be that on which your royal highness shall give me any command whatever which will assure me that you have not forgotten the recommendations of your august 'brother." And he bowed respectfully to the young prin- cess, who gave him her hand to kiss with a right royal grace. "Ah, madame!" said Buckingham, in a subdued voice, "what can a man do to obtain a similar favor from your royal highness?" "Dame! my lord," replied Henrietta, "ask Monsieur d'Artagnan; he will tell you." 246 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. CHAPTER XXXVI. HOW d'artagnan drew, as a fairy would have donr A COUNTRY SEAT FROM A DEAL BOX. The king's words regarding the wounded pride of Monk had not inspired D'Artagnan with a small portion of appre- hension. The lieutenant had had, all his life the great art of choosing his enemies; aud when he had found them im- placable and invincible, it was when he had not been able, under any pretense, to make them otherwise. But points of view change greatly in the course of a life. It is a magic lantern, of which the eye of man every year changes the aspect. It results that from the last day of a year on which wa saw white, to the first day of the year on which we shall see black, there is but the interval of a single night. Now, D'Artagnan, when he left Calais with his ten scamps, would not have hesitated a little in attacking a Goliath, a Nebuchadnezzar, or a Holofernes as he would in crossing swords with a recruit or caviling with a landlady. Then he resembled the sparrow-hawk, which, fasting, at- tacks a ram. Hunger blinds. But D'Artagnan satisfied — D'Artagnan rich — D'Artagnan a conqueror — D'Artagnan proud of so difficult a triumph — D'Artagnan had too much to lose not to reckon, figure by figure, with probable bad fortune. His thoughts were employed, therefore, all the way on the road from his presentation, with one thing, and that was, how he should manage a man like Monk, a man whom Charles himself, king as he was, managed with diffi- culty; for. scarcely established, the protected might again stand in need of the protector, and would, consequently, not refuse him; such being the case, the petty satisfaction of transporting M. d'Artagnan, or to confine him in one of ihe Middlesex prisons, or to drown him a little on his pas- sage from Dover to Boulogne. Such sorts of satisfaction kings are accustomed to render to viceroys without disa- greeable consequences. It would not be at all necessarj for the king to be active in that contrepartie of the piece in which Monk should take his revenge. The part of the king would be confined to simply pardoning the Viceroy of Ireland all he should undertake against D'Artagnan. Nothing more was necessary to place the conscience of the Duke of Albemarle at rest than a ie ahsolvo said with a .augh, of the scrawl of "Charles the King," traced at the foot of a parchment; and with these two words pronounced , THE VICOMTE t»E BRAGELONNE- 24? and these two words written, poor D'Artagnan was forever crushed under the ruins of his imagination. And then, a thing sufficiently disquieting for a man with such foresight as our musketeer, he found himself alone; and even the friendship of Athos could not restore his confidence,, Certes, if the affair had only concerned a free distribution of sword- • thrusts, the musketeer would have reckoned upon his com- panion; but in delicate matters with a king, when the perhaps of an unlucky chance should arise in justification of Monk or of Charles of England, D'Artagnan knew Athos well enough to be sure he Avould give the best possible col- oring to the loyalty of the survivor, and would content him- self with shedding floods of tears on the tomb of the dead, supposing the dead to be his friend, and afterward compos- ing his epitaph in the most pompous superlatives. "Decidedly," thought the Gascon; and this thought was the result of the reflections which he had just whispered to himself, and which we have repeated aloud — "decidedly, I must be reconciled with Monsieur Monk, and acquire a proof of his perfect indifference for the past. If, as God forbid it should be so! he is still sulky and reserved in the expression of this sentiment, I will give my money to Athos to take away with him; I will remain in England just long enough to unmask him, then, as I have a quick eye and a light foot, I will seize the first hostile sign; I will decamp, or conceal myself at the residence of my Lord of Bucking- ham, who seems a good sort of devil at bottom, and to whom, in return for his hospitality, I will then relate all that history of the diamonds, which can now compromise nobody but an old queen, who need not be ashamed, after being the wife of a poor creature like Mazarin, of having formerly been the mistress of a handsome nobleman like Buckingham. Mordioux! that is the thing, and this Monk shall not get the better of me. Eh! and, besides, I have an idea!" We know that, in general, D'Artagnan was not wanting in ideas; and during his monologue, D'Artagnan buttoned his vest up to the chin, and nothing excited his imagination like this preparation for a combat of any kind, called accinction by the Romans. Pie was quite heated when he reached the mansion of the Duke of Albemarle. He was introduced to the viceroy with a promptitude which proved that he was considered as one of the household. Monk was in his business closet. "My lord," said D'Artagnan, with that expression of 248 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. frankness which the Gascon knew so well how to assume, "my lord, I am come to ask your grace's advice." Monk, as closely buttoned up morally as his antagonist was physically, replied: "Ask, my friend," and his counte- nance presented an expression not less open than that of D'Artagnan. "My lord, in the first place, promise me secrecy and indulgence." "I promise you all you wish. What is the matter? Speak." "It is, my lord, that I am not quite pleased with the king." "Indeed! And on what account, my dear lieutenant?" "Because his majesty gives way sometimes to pleasantries very compromising for his servants; and pleasantry, my lord, is a weapon that seriously Avounds men of the sword, as we are." Monk did all in his power not to betray his thought, but D'Artagnan watched him with too close an attention not to detect an almost imperceptible redness upon his face. "Well, now, for my part," said he, with the most natural air possible, "I am not an enemy to pleasantry, my dear Monsieur d'Artagnan; my soldiers will tell you that even many times in my camp, I listened, very indifferently, and with a certain pleasure, to the satirical songs which the army of Lambert passed into mine, and which, certainly, would have made the ears of a general more susceptible than I am tingle." "Oh, my lord," said D'Artagnan, "I know you are a complete man; I know you have been, for a long time, placed above human miseries; but there are pleasantries, and pleasantries of a certain kind, which, as to myself., have the power of irritating me beyond expression." "May I inquire what kind, my friend?" "Such as are directed against my friends, or against peo- ple I respect, my lord." Monk made a slight movement, but which D'Artagnan perceived. "Eh! and in what?" asked Monk, "in what can the sjtroke of a pin which scratches another tickle your skin? Answer me that." "My lord, I can explain it to you in one single sentence; it concerns you " Monk advanced a single step toward D'Artagnan. "Con- cerns me?" said he. "Yes, and this is what I cannot explain: but that arises. THE VK.'OMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 249 perhaps, from my want of knowledge of his character. How can the king have the heart to joke about a man who has rendered him so many and such great services? How can one understand that he should amuse himself in setting by the ears a lion like you with a gnat like me?" "I cannot conceive that in any way," said Monk. "But so it is. The king, who owed me a reward, might have rewarded me as a soldier, without contriving that his- tory of the ransom, which affects you, my lord." ' "No," said Monk, laughing; "it does not affect me in !any way, I can assure you." "Not as regards me, I can understand; you know me, my lord; I am so discreet that the grave would appear a bab- bler compared to me; but — do you understand, my lord?" "No," replied Monk, with persistent obstinacy. "If another knew the secret which I know " "What secret?" "Eh! my lord, why, that unfortunate secret of New- castle." "Oh! the million of Monsieur le Comte de la Fere?" "No, my lord, no; the enterprise made upon your grace's person." "It was well played, chevalier, that is all, and no more is to be said about it; you are a soldier, both brave and cun- ning, which proves that you unite the qualities of Fabius and Hannibal. You employed your means, force and cun- ning; there is nothing to be said against that; I ought to have been more guarded." "Ah! yes; I know, my lord, and I expected nothing less from your partiality; so that if it were only the abduction in itself, mordioux ! that would be nothing; but there are " "What?" "The circumstances of that abduction." "What circumstances?" "Oh! you know very well what I mean, my lord.' 5 "No, curse me if I do." "There is — in truth, it is difficult to speak it." "There is?" "Well, there is that devil of a box!" Monk colored visibly. "Well, I have forgotten it." "Deal box," continued D'Artagnan, "with holes for the nose and mouth. In truth, my lord, all the rest was well; but the box, the box! decidedly that was a coarse joke!" Monk fidgeted about in his chair. "And, notwithstanding 250 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. that I have done that," resumed D'Artagnan, "I, a soldie:* of fortune, it was quite simple, because by the side of that action, a little inconsiderate, I admit, which I committed, but which the gravity of the case may excuse, I possess circumspection and reserve." "Oh!" said Monk, "believe me, I know you well, Mon- seigneur d'Artagnan, and I appreciate you." D'Artagnan never took his eyes off Monk, studying all vhich passed in the mind of the general, as he prosecuted hi? idea. "But it does not concern me," resumed he. "Well, then, whom does it concern?" said Monk, who began to grow a little impatient. "It relates -o the king, who will never restrain his tongue." "Well! and suppose he should say all he knows?" said Monk, with a degree of hesitation. "My lord," replied D'Artagnan, "do not dissemble, I implore you, with a man who speaks so frankly as I do. You have a right to feel your susceptibility excited, how- ever benignant it may be. What, the devil! it is not the place for a man like you, a man who plays with crowns and scepters as a Bohemian plays with his balls; it is not the place of a serious man, I said, to be shut up in a box like a curious object of natural history; for you must understand it would make all your enemies ready to burst with laugh- ter, and you are so great, so noble, so generous, that you must have many enemies. This secret is enough to set half the human race laughing, if you were represented in that box. It is not decent to have the second personage in the kingdom laughed at." Monk was quite out of countenance at the idea of seeing himself represented in his box. Ridicule, as D'Artagnan had judiciously foreseen, acted upon him in a manner which neither the chances of war, the aspirations of ambition, noi the fear of death had been able to do. "Good," thought the Gascon, "he is frightened; I am safe." "Oh! as to the king," said Monk, "fear nothing, my dear Monsieur D'Artagnan, the king will not jest with Monk, I assure you!" The flash of his eye was intercepted in its passage by D'Artagnan. Monk lowered his tone immediately: "The king," continued he, "is of too noble a nature, the king's heart is too high to allow him to wish ill to those who do him good." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 251 ""Oh! certainly/' cried D'Artagnan. '"I am entirely of your grace's opinion with regard to his heart, but not as to his head — it is good, but it is trifling." "The king will not trifle with Monk, be assured." "Then you are quite at ease, my lord?" "On that side, at least; yes, perfectly." "Oh! I understand you; you are at ease as far as the king is concerned?" "I have told you I was." "But you are not so much so on my account?" "I thought I had told you that I had faith in your loyalty and discretion." "Without doubt, without doubt, but you must remember one thing " "What is that?" "That I was not alone, that I had companions; and what companions!" "Oh! yes, I know them." "And, unfortunately, my lord, they know you too!" "Well?" "Well; they are yonder, at Boulogne, waiting for me." "And you fear." "Yes, I fear that in my absence — Parbleu! if I were near them, I could answer for their silence." "Was I not right in saying that the danger, if there was any danger, would not come from his majesty, however dis- posed he may be to joke, but from your companions, as you say — To be laughed at by a king may be tolerable, but by the horse-ooys and scamps of the army! Damn it!" "Yes, I comprehend, that would be insupportable; that is why, my lord, I came to say, do you not think it would be better that I should set out for France as soon as poss: ble?" "Certainly, if you think your presence " "Would impose silence upon these scoundrels? Oh! i am sure of that, my lord." "Your presence will not prevent the report from spread ing, if the tale has already transpired." "Oh! it has not transpired, my lord, I will be bound. At all events, be assured I am determined upon one thing." "What is that?" "To blow out the brains of the first who shall have prop- agated that report, and of the first who has heard it. After which I will return to England to seek an asylum, and per- haps employment with your grace." 352 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOtfNE. "Oh, come back! come back!" ''Unfortunately, my lord, I am acquainted with nobody here but your grace, and if I should no longer find you, or if you should have forgotten me in your greatness?'' "Listen to me, Monsieur d'Artagnan," replied Monk; "you are a superior gentleman, full of intelligence and courage; you merit all the good fortune this world can bring you; come with me into Scotland, and I swear to you I will create you a destiny which all may envy." "Oh! my lord, that is impossible at present. At present I have a sacred duty to perform; I have to watch over your glory, 1 have to prevent a low joker from tarnishing in the eyes of our contemporaries — who knows? in the eyes of posterity — the splendor of your name." "Of posterity, Monsieur d'Artagnan?" "Doubtless. It is necessary, as regards posterity, that all the details of that history should remain a mystery; for, admit that this unfortunate history of the deal box should spread, and it should be asserted that you had not re-estab- lished the king loyally, and of your free will, but in conse- quence of a compromise entered into at Scheveningen be- tween you two. It would be in vain for me to declare how the thing came about, for me who knew I should be be- lieved, it would be said that I had received my part of the cake, and was eating it." Monk knitted his brow. "Glory, honor, probity!" said he, "you are but words." "Mist!" replied D'Artagnan; "nothing but mist, through which nobody can see clearly." "Well, then, go to France, my dear Monsieur d'Artag- nan," said Monk; "go, and to render England more attrac- tive and agreeable to you, accept a remembrance of me." "What now?" thought D'Artagnan. "I have on the banks of the Clyde," continued Monk, ''a little house beneath trees, a cottage, as it is called here. To this house are attached a hundred acres of land. Ac- cept it as a memorial." ' "Oh, my lord " "Darnel you will be there in your own home, and that will be the place of refuge you were talking of just now." "For me to be obliged to your lordship to such an ex- tent! Eeally, your grace, I am ashamed." "Not at all, not at all, monsieur," replied Monk, with an arch smile; "it is I who shall be obliged to you. And," pressing the hand of the musketeer, "I will go and draw up the deed of gift," and he room. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGEL02TNE. 253 D'Artagnan looked at him as he went out with something :of a pensive and even an agitated air. "After all," said he, ''he is a brave man. It is only a : sad reflection that it is from fear of me, and nob affection that he acts thus. Well, I will endeavor that affection may follow." Then, after an instant's deeper reflection, "Bah!" -Baid he, "to what purpose? He is an Englishman." And he in his turn went out, a little confused with the combat. "So," said he," I am a landowner! But how the devil am IE to share the cottage with Planchet? Unless I give him the land, and I take the chateau, or that he takes the house and I — Nonsense! Monsieur Monk will never allow me to share a house he has inhabited with a grocer. He is too ! proud for that. Besides, why should I say anything about ut to him? It was not with the money of the company I (have acquired that property, it was with my mother-wit i»lone; it is all mine, then. So, now I will go and find Athos." And he directed his steps toward the dwelling of the Comte de la Fere. CHAPTER XXXVII. HOW D'ARTAGNAN REGULATED THE "PASSIVE" OF THE COMPANY BEFORE HE ESTABLISHED ITS "ACTIVE." "Decidedly," said D'Artagnan to himself, "I am in good vein. That star which shines once in the life of every man, which shone for Job and Iris, the most unfortunate of the Jews and the poorest of the Greeks, is come at last to shine on me. I will commit no folly, I will take advan- tage of it; it comes quite late enough to find me reasonable." He supped that evening, in very good humor, with his friend Athos; he said nothing to him about the expected donation, but he could not forbear questioning his friend, while he was eating, about country produce, sowing, and planting. Athos replied^ complacently, as he always did. His idea was that D'Artagnan wished to become a pro- prietor; only he could not help regretting, more than once, the absence of the lively humor and amusing sallies of the cheerful companion of former days. In fact, D'Artagnan was so absorbed, that, with his knife, he took advantage of the grease left at the bottom of his plate to trace ciphers and make additions of surprising rotundity. The order, or rather iicensa, for their embarkation, arrived at x\thos' 254 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. lodgings that evening. At the same time this paper Vf*s remitted to the comte, another messenger brought to D'A*- tagnan a little bundle of parchment adorned with all the seals employed in setting off property deeds in England. Athos surprised him turning over the leaves of these differ- ent acts which establish the transmission of property. The prudent Monk — others would say the generous Monk, had commuted the donation into a sale, and acknowledged the receipt of the sum of fifteen thousand livres as the price of the property ceded. The messenger was gone. D'Artag- nan still continued reading. Athos watched him with a smile. D'Artagnan, surprising one of those smiles over iais shoulder, put the bundle into its wrapper. "I beg your pardon," said Athos. ''Oh! not at all, my friend," replied the lieutenant, "I will tell you " "No, don't tell me anything, I beg you; orders are things so sacred that to one's brother, one's father, the person charged with such orders should never open his mouth. Thus I, who speak to you, and love you more tenderly than brother, father, or all the world " "Except your Raoul?" "I shall love Raoul still better when he shall be a man, and I shall have seen him develop himself in all the phases of his character and his actions, as I have seen you, my friend." "You said, then, that you had an order likewise, and that you would not communicate it to me." "Yes, my dear D'Artagnan." The Gascon sighed. "There was a time," said he, "in which you would have placed that order open upon the table, saying, 'D'Artagnan, read this scrawl to Porthos, Aramis, and me.' " "That is true. Oh! that was the time of youth, confi- dence, the generous season when the blood commands, when it is warmed by feeling!" "Well! Athos, will you allow me to tell you?" "Speak, my friend." "That delightful time, that generous season, that dom- ination of the heated blood, were all very fine things, no doubt; but I do not regret them at all. It is absolutely like the period of studies. I have constantly met with fools who would boast of the days of pensums, ferules, and crusts of dry bread. It is singular, but I never loved all that; for my part, however active and sober I might be (you THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 255 mow if I was so, Athos), so simple as I might appear in iny clothes, I would not the less have preferred the braver- ies and embroideries of Porthos to my little porous cassock, yhich admitted the wind in winter and the sun in summer. should always, my friend, mistrust him who would pre- 'end to prefer evil to good. Now, in times past, all was vil with me, the times past in which every month found a resh hole in my cassock and in my skin, a gold crown less in jay poor purse; of that execrable time of small beer and -eesaw, I regret absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing, but lur friendship; for within me I have a heart, and it is a liracle that heart has not been dried up by the wind of overty which passed through the holes of my cloak, or iierced by the swords of all shapes which passed through he holes in my poor flesh." "Do not regret our friendship," said Athos; "that will nly di? with ourselves. Friendship is composed, above all lings, of remembrances and habits, and if you have just ow made a little satire upon mine, because I hesitate to 3II you the nature of my mission to France " "Who! I? Oh, heavens! if you knew, my dear friend, low indifferent all the missions of the world will hence- orth become to me!" And he laid his hand upon the larchment in his vast pocket. Athos rose from the table and called the host in order to lay the reckoning. "Since I have known you, my friend," said D'Artagnan, II have never discharged the reckoning. Porthos oftez ad, Aramis sometimes, and you, you almost always drew it your purse with the dessert. I am now rich, and iould like to try if it is heroic to pay." : 'Do so," said Athos, returning his purse to his pocket. The two friends then directed their steps toward the I irk, not, however, without D'Artagnan's frequently turn- Lg round to watch the transport of his dear crowns. Night id just spread her thick veil over the yellow waters of the ihames; they heard those noises of casks and pulleys, the • ecursors of preparing to sail which had so many times ade the hearts of the musketeers beat when the dangers the sea were the least of those they were going to face. bis time they were to embark on board a large vessel, lljich awaited them at Grayesend, and, Charles II., always dicate in small matters, had sent one of his yachts, with /ejve men of his Scotch guard, to do honor to the embas- dor he was deputing to France. At midnight thf yacht 256 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. had deposited its passengers on board the vessel, and at eight o'clock in the morning the vessel landed the embas- sador and his friend before the jettee at Boulogne. While the comte, with Grimaud, was busy in procuring horses to go straight to Paris, D'Artagnan hastened to the hostelry where, according to his orders, his little army was to wait for him. These gentlemen were at breakfast upon oysters, fish, and aromatized brandy when D'Artagnan appeared. They were all very gay, but not one of them had yet ex- ceeded the bounds of reason. A hurrah of joy welcomed the general. "Here I am," said D'Artagnan; "the cam- paign is ended. I am come to bring each his complement of pay, as agreed upon." Their eyes sparkled. "I will lay a wager there are not, already, a hundred livres remaining in the purse of the richest among you." "That is true!" cried they in chorus. "Gentlemen," said D'Artagnan, "then this is the last order. The treaty of commerce has been concluded, thanks to our coup de main which made us masters of the most skillful financier of England, for now I am at liberty to con- fess to you that the man we had to carry off was the treas- urer of General Monk." This word treasurer produced a certain effect on hie army. D'Artagnan observed that the eyes of Menneville alone did not convince perfect faith. "This treasurer," continued D'Artagnan, "I have conveyed to a neutral terri- tory, Holland; I have forced him to sign the treaty; I have even reconducted him to Newcastle, and as he was obliged to be satisfied with our proceedings toward him — the deal coffer being always carried without jolting, and being lined softly, I asked for a gratification for you. Here it is." He threw a respectable-looking purse upon the cloth; and all involuntarily stretched out their hands. "One moment, my lambs," said D'Artagnan; "if there are benefices, there are also charges." "Oh! oh!" murmured they. "We are about to find ourselves, my friends, in a position that would not be tenable for people without brains. I speak plainly: we are between the gallows and the Bastile." "Oh! oh!" said the chorus. "That is easy to be understood. It was necessary to ex- plain to General Monk the disappearance of his treasurer. I waited for that purpose till the very unhoped-for moment of the restoration of King Charles II., who is one of mj friends." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 257 The army exchanged a glance of satisfaction in reply to the sufficiently proud look of D'Artagnan. "The king being re- stored, I restored Monk his man of business, a little plucked, it is true, but, in short, I restored him. Now, General Monk, when he pardoned me, could not help repeating these words to me, which I charge every one of you to engrave deeply there, between the eyes, under the vault of the cranium: 'Monsieur, the joke has been a good one, but I don't naturally like jokes; if ever a word of what you have done' (you understand me, Monsieur Menneville) 'es- capes from your lips, or the lips of your companions, I have, in my government of Scotland and Ireland, seven hundred and forty-one wooden gibbets, of strong oak, clamped with iron, and fresh greased every week. I will make a present of one of these gibbets to each of you, and observe well. Monsieur d'Artagnan,' added he (remark it also, Monsieur Menneville), 'I shall still have seven hun- dred and thirty left for my private pleasures. And still further ' " " "aIi! ah!" said the auxiliaries, "is there more still?" "One trouble more. 'Monsieur d'Artagnan, I expedite to the King of France the treaty in question, with a request that he will cast into the Bastile provisionally, and then send to me all who have taken part in this expedition; and that is a prayer with which the king will certainly comply.' " A cry of terror broke from all corners of the table. "There! there! there!" said D'Artagnan, "this brave Monsieur Monk has forgotten one thing, and that is that he does not know the name of any one of you; I alone know you, and it is not I, you may well believe, who will betray you. Why should I? As for you, I cannot suppose you will be silly enough to denounce yourselves, for then the king, to spare himself the expense of feeding and lodging you, will send you ofE to Scotland, where the seven hundred and forty-one gibbets are to be found. That is all, messieurs I have not another word to add to what I have had the honor to tell you. I am sure you have understand me per- fectly well, have you not, Monsieur Menneville?" "Perfectly," replied the latter. "Now the crowns," said D'Artagnan. "Shut the doors," he cried, and opened \he bag upon the table, from which rolled several line gold crowns. Every one made a move- ment toward the floor. •"Gently!" cried D'Artagnan. "I insist upon it nobody stoops, and then I shall not be out in nay reckoning." He 258 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXXE. found it all right, gave fifty of those splendid crowns to each man, and received as many benedictions as he be- stowed pieces. "Now," said he "if it were possible for you to reform a little, if you could become good and honest citizens " "That is rather difficult," said one of the troop. "What then, captain?" said another. "Because I might be able to find you again, and who knows? refreshed from time to time by some windfall." He made a sign to Menneville, who listened oO all he said with a composed air. "Menneville," said he, "come with me. Adieu, my brave fellows! I need not recommend ;ou to be discreet." Menneville followed him, while the salutations o^ the auxiliaries were mingled with the sweet sound of the money clinking in their pockets. "Menneville," said D'Artagnan, when they were once in the street, "you were not my dupe; beware of being so. You did not appear to me to have any fear of the gibbets of Monk, or the Bastile of His Majesty King Louis XIV., but yon will do me the favor of being afraid of me. Then listen: at the smallest word that shall escape you, I will kill you as I would a fowl. I have absolution from our holy father the pope in my pocket." "I assure you I know absolutely nothing, my dear Mon- sieur d'Artagnan, and that your words have all been to me so many articles of faith." "I was quite sure you were an intelligent fellow," sa : ci the musketeer; "I have tried you for a length of time. These fifty gold crowns which I give you more- than the rest will prove the estimation I hold you in. Take them." "Thanks, Monsieur d'Artagnan," said Menneville. "With that sum you can really become an honest man," replied D'Artagnan, in the most serious tone possible. "It would be disgraceful for a mind like yours, and a name you no longer dare to bear, to sink forever under the rust of an evil life. Become a gallant man, Menneville, and live for a year upon thos^ hundred gold crowns; it is a good pro- vision; twice that of a high officer. In a yea.'- come- to me, and mordioux! I will make something of you." Menneville swore, as his comrades had sworn, that he would be as mute as a tomb. And yet some one must have spok3n; and as, to a certainty, it was not one of the nine companions, as equally certainly it was not Menneville, it must have been D'Artagnan, who. in his quality of a. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 259 Gascon, had his tongue very near to his lips. For, in short, if it was not he, who could it be? And bow can it be explained that the secret of the deal coffer pierced with holes should come to our knowledge, and in- so complete a fashion that we have, as has been seen, related the history of it in all its details the most intimate; details which, be- sides, throw a light as new as unexpected upon all that portion of the history of England which has been left, up to the present day, completely in the shade by the histo- rians of our neighbors? CHAPTER XXXVIIL IK WHICH IT IS SEEN THAT THE FRENCH GROCER HAD ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. His accounts once settled, and his recommendations made, D'Artagnan thought of nothing but regaining Paris as soon as possible. Athos, on his part, was anxious to reach home and to repose a little. However entire may remain the character and the man after the fatigues of a voyage, the traveler perceives with pleasure, at the close of the day — even though the day has been a fine one, that night is approaching, and will bring a little sleep with it. So, from Boulogne to Paris, jogging on side by side, the two friends, in some degree absorbed each in his individual thoughts, conversed of nothing sufficiently interesting for us to intrude upon our readers with. Each of them, given up to his personal reflections, and constructing his future after his own fashion, was above all anxious to abridge the distance by speed. Athos and D'Artagnan arrived at the barriers of Paris on the evening of the fourth day after leaving Boulogne. "Where are you going, my friend?" asked Athos. "I shall direct my course straight to my hotel." "And I straight to my partner's." "To Planchet's?" "Good Lord, yes; at the Pilon d'Or." "Well, but shall we not meet again?" "If you remain in Paris, yes; for I shall stay here." "No; after having embraced Raoul, with whom I have appointed a meeting at my hotel, I shall set out immediately for La Fere." 260 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. "Well, adieu, then, dear and true friend. " "Au revoir! I would rather say, for why can you not come and live with me at Blois? You are free, you are rich. I will purchase for you, if you like, a handsome property in the environs of Cheveray or of Bracieux. On the one side you will have the finest woods in the world, which join those of Chambord; on the other, admirable marshes. You who love sporting, and who, whether you admit it or not, are a poet, my dear friend, you will find pheasants, ravl, and teal, without reckoning sunsets and excursions on the water P to make you fancy yourself Kimrod and Apollo themselves. Awaiting the acquisition, you can live at La Fere, and we will go together to fly our hawks among the vines, as Louis XIII. used to do. That is a quiet amusement for old fel- lows like us." D'Artagnan took the hands of Athos in his own. "Dear comte," said he, "I will neither say 'Yes' nor 'No/ Let me pass in Paris the time necessary for the regulations of my affairs, and accustom myself, by degrees, to the heavy and glittering idea which is beating in my brains and dazzles them. I am rich, do you see, and from this moment till the time I have acquired the habit of being rich, I know myself, and 1 shall be an unsupportable animal. Now, I am not enough of a fool to wish to appear to have lost my wits before a friend like you, Athos. The habit is handsome, the habit is richly gilded, but it is new, and does not seem to fit me." Athos smiled. "So be it," said he. "But apropos of this habit, dear D'Artagnan, will you allow me to offer you a little advice?" "Yes, willingly." "Y/ou will not be angry?" ■'Proceed." "When wealth falls to any one late or all at once, that any one, in order not to change, will most likely become a miser; that is to say, will not spend much more money than he had done before; or else become a prodigal, and contract so many debts as to become poor again." "Oh! but what you say looks very much like a sophism, my deal philosophic friend." "I do not think so. Will you become a miser?" "No, pardieu! I was one already, having nothing. Let us change." "Then be prodigal." 'Still less, mordiouz ' Debts terrify me. Creditors THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 261 appear to me by anticipation, those devils who turn the damned upon the gridirons; and as patience is not my dominant virtue, I am always tempted to thrash those devils." "You are the wisest man I know, and stand in no need of counsel from any one. Great fools must they be who think they have anything to teach you. But we are not at the Rue St. Honore?" "Yes, dear Athos." "Look yonder, on the left, that small, long white hous«> is the hotel at which I lodge. You may observe that it has but two stages; I occupy the first; the other is let to an officer whose duties oblige him to be absent eight or nine months in the year, so 1 am in that house as at my own home, with- out the expense." "Oh! how well you manage, Athos. What order and what liberality! They are what I wish to unite. But of what use trying; that comes from birth, and cannot be acquired." "You are a flatterer! "Well! adieu, dear friend. Apropos, remember me to Master Planchet, he was alway a lad of spirit." "And of heart, too, Athos. Adieu." And they separated. During all this conversation, D'Ar- tagnan had not for a moment lost sight of a certain pack- horse, in whose panniers, under some hay, were spread the sacoches (messengers' bags) with the portmanteau. Nine o'clock was striking at St. Mine; Planchet's lads were shut- ting up his shop. D'Artagnan stopped the postilion who rode the pack-horse at the corner of the Rue des Lombards, under a pent-house, and calling one of Planchet's boys, he desired him not only to take care of the two horses, but to watch the postilion; after which he entered the shop of the grocer, who had just finished supper, and who, in his little private room was, with a degree of anxiety, consulting the calendar, from which, every evening, he scratched out the day that was past. At the moment when Planchet, according to his daily custom, with the back of his pen, erased another day, D'Artagnan kicked with his feet at the door, and the blow made his steel spur jingle. "Oh! good Lord!" cried Planchet. The worthy grocer could say no more; he perceived his partner, D'Artagnan entered with a bent back and a dull eye; the Gascon had an idea with regard to Planchet. "Good God!" thought the grocer, looking earnestly at the traveler,"he looks verv sad!" The musketeer sat down. 262 THE VICOMTE DE BEAGELONNE. "My dear Monsieur d'Artagnan!" said Planchet, with a horrible palpitation of the heart. "Here you are! and your health?" "Tolerably good, Planchet! tolerably good!" said D'Av- tagnan, with a profound sigh. "You have not been wounded, I hope?" "Pugh!" "Ah! I see," continued Planchet, more and more alarmed, "the expedition has been a trying one?" "Yes," said D'Artagnan. A shudder ran through the whole frame of Planchet. "I should like to have something to drink," said the musketeer, raising his head piteously. Planchet ran to the cupboard, and poured D'Artagnan out some wine in a large glass. D'Artagnan examined the bottle. "What wine is that?" asked he. "Alas! that which you prefer, monsieur," said Planchet; "that good old Anjou wine, which was one day nearly cost- ing us all so dear." "Ah!" replied D'Artagnan, with a melancholy smile, "Ah! my poor Planchet! ought I still to drink good wine?" "Come, my dear master," said Planchet, making a super- human effort, while all his contracted muscles, his paleness, and his trembling betrayed the most acute anguish. "Come! I have been a soldier, and consequently have some courage; do not make me linger, dear Monsieur d'Artagnan; our money is lost, is it not?" Before he answered D'Artagnan took time which apjDeared an age to the poor grocer. Nevertheless, he did nothing but turn about upon his chair. "And if that were the case," said he slowly, moving his head up and down, "if that were the case, what would you say, my dear friend?" Planchet, from being pale, turned yellow. It might have been thought he was going to swallow his tongue, so full became his throat, so red were his eyes. "Twenty thousand livres!" muttered he. "Twenty thousand livres, though " D'Artagnan, with his neck elongated, his legs stretched out, and his hands hanging listlessly, looked like a statue of discouragement. Planchet tore up a sigh from the deep- est cavities of his breast. "Well," said he, "I see how it is. Let us be men! It is all over, is it not? The principal thing is, monsieur. that you have saved your life." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 263 "Doubtless! doubtless — life is something — but I am ruined!" "Cordieu! monsieur!" said Planchet; "if it is so, we must not despair for that; you shall become a grocer with me; I will make you my partner, we will share the profits, and if there should be no profits, well, why, then we will share the almonds, raisins, and prunes, and we will nibble together the last quarter of Dutch cheese." D'Artagnan could hold out no longer. " Mordioux /" cried he, with great emotion, "thou art a brave fellow, by my honor, Planchet. You have not been playing comedy, have you? You have not seen the pack-horse with ths sacoches under the shed yonder?" "What horse? What sacoches ?'■' said Planchet, whose trembling heart began to suggest that D'Artagnan was mad. "Why, the English bags, mordioux J" said D'Artagnan, all radiant, quite transfigured. "Ah! good God!" articulated Planchet, drawing back before the dazzling fire of his looks. "Imbecile!" cried D'Artagnan, "you think me mad. Mordioux ! on the contrary, never was my head more clear, or my heart more joyous. To the sacoches, Planchet, to the sacoches!" "But to what sacoches, mon Dieu ?" D'Artagnan pushed Planchet toward the window. "Un- der the pent-house yonder, don't you see a horse?" "Yes." "Don't you see how his back is laden?" "Yes, yes!" "Don't you see your lad chattering with the postilion?" "Yes, yes, yes!" "Well, you know the name of that lad, because he is your ■)wn. Call him." "Abdon! Abdon!" vociferated Planchet from the window. "Bring the horse!" shouted D'Artagnan. "Bring the horse!" screamed Planchet. "Now give ten livres to the postilion," said D'Artagnan, m the tone he would have employed in commanding a maneuver; "two lads to bring up the two first sacoches, two to bring up the two last, and, move, mordioux! be alive !" Planchet precipitated himself down the stairs as if the devil had been at his heels. The moment after, the lads ascended the staircase, bending beneath their burden. <>64 THE TICOMTE DE RRATtELOXXE. D'Artagnan sent them off to their garrets, carefully closed th<> door, and addressing Planchet, who, in his turn, looked a little wild: "Now, we are by ourselves," said he; and he spread upon the floor a large cover, and emptied the first soroche into it. Planchet did the same with the second; then D'Artagnan, all in a tremble, let out the precious bowels of the third with a knife. When Planchet heard the provoking sound of the silver and gold — when he saw bubbling out of the bags the shining crowns, which glittered like fish from the sweep-net — when he felt himself plunging his hands up to the elbow in that still rising tide of yellow and silver pieces, a giddiness seized him, and he sank, like a man who is thunder-struck, heavily down upon the enormous heap, which his weight caused to roll away in all directions. Planchet, suffocated with joy, had lost his senses. D'Ar- tagnan threw a glass of white wine in his face, which, in- continently, recalled him to life. "Ah! good heavens! good heavens! good heavens!" said Planchet, wiping his mustache and beard. At that time, as they do now, grocers wore the cavalier mustache and the lansquenet beard, only the bains cV argent, already become rare in those days, have become almost unknown now. " Mordioux!" said D'Artagnan, "there are a hundred thousand livres for you, partner. Draw your share, if you please, and I will draw mine." "Oh! the lovely sum! Monsieur d'Artagnan, the lovely sum!" "I confess that, half an hour ago, I regretted that I had to give you so much; but I now no longer regret it; thou art a brave grocer, Planchet. There, let us close our ac- counts, for, as they say, short reckonings make long friends." "Oh! rather, in the first place, tell me the whole history," said Planchet; "that must be better than the money." "Ma foi /" said D'Artagnan, stroking his mustache, "I can't say no; and if ever the historian turns to me for in formation, he will be able to say he has not dipped his bucket into a dry spring. Listen, then, Planchet, I will tell you all about it." "And I will build piles of crowns," said Planchet "Commence, my dear master." "Well, this is it," said D'Artagnan, drawing breath. "And that is it," said Planchet, picking up his first handful of crowos. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE, 265 CHAPTER XXXIX. mazarin's gaming party. In a large chamber of the Palais Royal, covered with a dark-colored velvet,, which threw into strong relief the gilded frames of a great number of magnificent pictures, on the evening of the arrival of the two Frenchmen, the whole sourt was assembled before the alcove of M. le Cardinal de Mazarin, who gave a party, for the purpose of play, to the king and queen. A small screen separated three prepared tables. At one of these tables the king and the two queens were seated. Louis XIV., placed opposite to the young aueen, his wife, smiled upon her with an expression of real happiness. Anne of Austria held the cards against the cardinal, and her daughter-in-law assisted her in the game, when she was not engaged in smiling at her husband. As for the cardinal, who was reclining on his bed, his cards were held by the Comtesse de Soissons, and he watched them with an incessant look of interest and cupidity. The cardinal had been painted by Bernouin; but the rouge which glowed only on his cheeks, threw into stronger con- trast the sickly pallor of his countenance and the shining yellow of his brow. His eyes alone acquired a more lively expression from this auxiliary, and upon those sick man's eyes were, from time to time, turned the uneasy looks of the king, the queen, and the courtiers. The fact is, that the two eyes of the Signor Mazarin were the stars more or less brilliant in which the France of the seventeenth cen- tury read its destiny every evening and every morning. Monseigneur neither won nor lost; he was, therefore, neither gay nor sad. It was a stagnation in which, full of pity for him, Anne of Austria would not have willingly left him; but in order to attract the attention of the sick man by some brilliant stroke she must have either won or lost. To win would hav3 been dangerous, because Mazarin would have changed his indifference for an ugly grimace; to lose would likewise have been dangerous, because she must have cheated, and the infanta, who watched her game, would, doubtless, have exclaimed against her partiality for Mazarin. Profiting by this calm, the courtiers were chatting. When not in a bad humor, M. de Mazarin was a very delonnaire prince, and he, who prevented nobody from singing, pro- vided they paid, was not tyrant enough to prevent people from talking, provider 1 they made up their minds to lose. 26G THE VTCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. They were chatting then. At the first table the king's younger brother, Philip, Due d'Anjou, was admiring his handsome face in the glass of a box. His favorite, the Chevalier de Lorraine, leaning over the fauteuil of the prince, was listening, with secret envy, to the Comte de Guiche, another of Philip's favorites, who was relating in choice terms the various vicissitudes of fortune of the royal adventurer Charles II. He told, as so many fabulous events, all the history of his peregrinations in Scotland, and his terrors when the enemy's party was so closely on his track', of nights passed in trees, and days passed in hunger and combats. By degrees the fate of the unfortunate king interested his auditors so greatly that the play languished, even at the royal table, and the young king, with a pensive look and downcast eye, followed, without appearing to give any attention to it, the smallest details of this Odyssey, very picturesquely related by the Comte de Guiche. The Comtesse de Soissons interrupted the narrator, "Con- fess, comte, you are inventing." "Madame, I am repeating like a parrot all the histories related to me by different Englishmen. I am compelled, to my shame, to say I am as textual as a copy." "Charles II. would have died before he could have en dured all that." Louis XIV. raised his intelligent and proud head. "Ma- dame," said he, in a grave tone, still partaking something of the timid child, "Monsieur le Cardinal will tell you that in my minority, the affairs of France have been in jeopardy, and that if I had been older, and obliged to take sword in hand, it would sometimes have been for the evening meal." "Thanks to God," said the cardinal, who spoke for the first time, "your majesty exaggerates, and your supper has always been ready with that of your servants." The king colored. "Oh!" cried Philip inconsiderately, from his place, and without ceasing to admire himself, "I recollect once, at Milan, the supper was laid for nobody, and that the king eat two-thirds of a slice of bread, and abandoned to me the other third." The whole assembly, seeing Mazarin smile, began to laugh. Courtiers flatter kings with the remembrance of past distresses, as with the hopes of future good fortune. "It is not to be denied that the crown of France has always remained firm upon the heads of its kings," Anne of Austria hastened to say, "and that it has fallen off from THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONSTE. 267 that of the King of England; and when, by chance, that crown oscillated a little — for there are throne-quakes as well as earth-quakes — every time, I say, that rebellion threatened it, a good victory restored tranquillity." "With a few gems added to the crown," said Mazarin. The Comte de Guiche was silent; the king composed his countenance, and Mazarin exchanged looks with Anne of Austria, as if to thank her for her intervention. "It is of no consequence," said Philip, smoothing his hair; "my cousin Charles is not handsome, but he is very brave, and has fought like a Eeister; and if he continues to fight thus, no doubt he will finish by gaining a battle, like Rocroy " "He has no soldiers," interrupted the Chevalier de Lor- raine. "The King of Holland, his alley, will give him some. I would willingly have given him some if I had been King of France." Louis XIV. blushed excessively. Mazarin affected to be more attentive to his game than ever. "By this time," resumed the Comte de Cuiche, "the for- tune of this unhappy prince is decided. If he has been deceived by Monk, he is ruined. Imprisonment, perhaps death, will finish what exile, battles, and privations have commenced." Mazarin's brow became clouded. "Is it certain," said Louis XIV., "that His Majesty Charles II. has quitted the Hague?" "Quite certain, your majesty," replied the young man; "my father has received a letter containing all the details; it is even known that the king has landed at Dover; some fishermen saw him entering the port; the rest is still a mystery." "I should like to know the rest," said Philip im- petuously. "You know — you, my brother." Louis XIV. colored again. That was the third time within an hour. "Ask Monsieur le Cardinal," replied he, in a tone which made Mazarin, Anne of Austria, and every- body else open their eyes. "Which means, my son," said Anne of Austria, laughing, "that the king does not like affairs of state to be talked of out of the council." Philip received the reprimand with a good grace, and bowed, first smiling at his brother, and then at his mother. 268 THE VICOMTE DE BRACJELOXXE. But Mazarin saw from the corner of his eye that a group was about to be formed in the corner of the room, and that the Due d'Anjou, with the Comte de Guiche and the Chev- alier de Lorraine, prevented from talking aloud, might say, in a whisper, what it was not convenient should be said, lie was beginning then to dart at them glances full of mistrust and uneasiness, inviting Anne of Austria to throw perturba- tion amid the unlawful assembly, when, suddenly, Ber nouin, entering under the tapestry of the bedroom, whis pered in the ear of Mazarin, "Monseigneur, an envoy from His Majesty the King of England." Mazarin could not help exhibiting a slight emotion, which was perceived by the king. To avoid being indiscreet, still less than not to appear useless, Louis XIV. rose imme- diately, and approaching his eminence wished him good- night. All the assembly had risen with a great noise of rolling of chairs and tables being pushed away. "Let everybody depart by degrees," said Mazarin, in a whisper to Louis XIV., "and be so good as to excuse me a few minutes. I am going to expedite an affair about which I wish to converse with your majesty this very evening." "And the queens?" asked Louis XIV. "And Monsieur le Due d'Anjou," said his eminence. At the same time he turned round in his rueUe, the cur- tains of which, in falling, concealed the bed. The cardinal, nevertheless, did not lose sight of the conspirators. "Monsieur le Comte de Guiche," said he, in a fretful voice, while putting on, behind the curtain, his robe de chambre, with the assistance of Bernouin. "I am here, monseigneur," said the young man, as he approached. "Take my cards, you are lucky. Win a little money for me of these gentlemen." "Yes, monseigneur." The young man sat down at the table from which the king withdrew to talk with the two queens. A serious game was commenced between the comte and several rich courtiers. In the meantime, Philip was discussing the questions of dress with the Chevalier de Lorraine, and they had ceased to hear the rustling of the cardinal's silk robe from behind the curtain. His eminence had followed Ber nouin into the closet adjoining the bedroom. THB VICOMTE DE BRAGELONHE. 269 CHAPTER XL. AN AFFAIR OF STATE. The cardinal, on passing into his cabinet, found th« Oomte de la Fere, who was waiting for him, engaged in ad- miring a very fine Raphael placed over a sideboard covered with plate. His eminence came in softly, lightly, and silently, as a shadow, and surprised the countenance of the comte, as he was accustomed to do, pretending to divine by the simple expression of the face of his interlocutor what would be the result of the conversation. But this time, Mazarin was disappointed in his expectation; he read noth- ing upon the face of Athos, not even the respect he was accustomed to meet with on all faces. Athos was dressed in black, with a simple lacing of silver. He wore the Holy Ghost, the Garter, and the Golden Fleece, three orders of such importance that a king alone, or else a player, could wear them at once. Mazarin rummaged a long time in his somewhat troubled memory to recall the name he ought to give to this icy figure, but he did not succeed. "I am told," said he, at length, "you have a message from England for me." And he sat down, dismissing Bernouin, who, in his qual- ity of secretary, was getting his pen ready. "On the part of His Majesty the King of England, yes, your eminence." "You speak very good French for an Englishman, mon- sieur," said Mazarin graciously, looking through his fingers at the Holy Ghost, Garter, and Golden Fleece, but more particularly at the face of the messenger. "I am not an Englishman, but a Frenchman, Monsieur le Cardinal," replied Athos. "It is remarkable that the King of England should choose a Frenchman for his embassador; it is an excellent augury, Your name, monsieur, if you please." "Comte de la Fere," replied Athos, "bowing more slightly than the ceremonial and pride of the all-powerful minister required. Mazarin bent his shoulders, as if to say: "I do not know that name." Athos did not alter his carriage. "And you come, monsieur," continued Mazarin, ' to tell me " "J come on the part of His Majesty the King of Great 270 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. Britain to announce to the King of France" —Mazarin frowned — "to announce to the King of France," continued Athos imperturbably, "the happy restoration of Ilia Majesty Charles II. to the throne of his ancestors." This shade did not escape his cunning eminence. Mazarin was too much accustomed to mankind not to see in the cold and almost haughty politeness of Athos an index of hostility, which was not of the temperature of that hot house called a court. "You have powers, I suppose?" asked Mazarin, in a short, querulous tone. "Yes, monseigneur." And the word "monseigneur" came so painfully from the lips of Athos that it might be said it skinned them. "In that case show them." Athos took from an embroidered velvet bag which he carried under his pourpoint a dispatch. The cardinal held out his hand for it. "Your pardon, monseigneur," said Athos. "My dispatch is for the king." "Since you are a Frenchman, monsieur, you ought to know what the position of a prime minister is at the Court of France." "There was a time," replied Athos, "when I occupied myself with the importance of prime ministers; but I have formed long ago a resolution to treat no longer with any but the king." "Then, monsieur," said Mazarin, who began to be irri- tated, "you will neither see the minister nor the king." Mazarin rose. Athos replaced his dispatch in its bag bowed gravely, and made several steps toward the door. This coolness exasperated Mazarin. "What strange diplomatic proceedings are these?" cried he. "Are we again in the times in which Cromwell sent us bullies in the guise of charges de affairs ? You want nothing, monsieur, but the steel cap on your head, and a Bible at your girdle." "Monsieur," said Athos dryly, "I have never had ; as you have, the advantage of treating with Cromwell; and J have only seen his charges de affairs sword in hand; I am, therefore, ignorant of how he treated with prime ministers. As for the King of England, Charles II., I know that when he writes to His Majesty King Louis XIV., he does not write to His Eminence Cardinal Mazarin. I see no diplomacy in that distinction." "Ah!" cried Mazarin, raising his attenuated hand, ancf THE VICOMTE DE BRAOxELONN-Eo 271 striking his head, "I remember now!" Athos looked at him in astonishment. "Yes, that is it!" said the cardinal, continuing to look at his interlocutor; "yes, that is cer- tainly it. I know you now, monsieur. Ah, diavolo! I am no longer astonished." "In fact, I was astonished that, with the excellent memory your eminence has," replied Athos, smiling, "you had not recognized me before." "Always refractory and grumbling — monsieur — monsieur — what do they call you? Stop — a name of a river — Potamos; no — the name of an island — Naxos; no, perGiove! the name of a mountain — Athos! Now I have it. De- lighted to see you again, and to be no longer at Eueil, where you and your damned companions made me pay ran- som. Fronde! still Fronde! accursed Fronde! Oh, what grudges! Why, monsieur, have your antipathies survived mine? If any one had cause to complain, I think it could not be you, who got out of the affair not only in a sound skin, but with the cordon of the Holy Ghost around your neck." "Monsieur le Cardinal," replied Athos, "permit me not to enter into considerations of that kind. 1 have a mission, to fulfill. Will you facilitate the means of my fulfilling that mission, or will you not?" "I am astonished," said Mazarin, "quite delighted at having regained the remembrance;" and, bristling with malicious points, "I am astonished, monsieur — Athos — that a Frondeur like you should have accepted a mission to Mazarin, as used to be said in the good old times — " And Mazarin began to laugh, in spite of a painful cough, which cut short his sentences, converting them into sobs. "I have only accepted the mission to the King of France, Monsieur le Cardinal," retorted the comte, though with less asperity, for he thought he had sufficiently the advan- tage to show himself modej-aie "And yet, Monsieur le "Froudem-," said Mazarin gayly, "the affair with which you charge yourself must, from the king " "With which I am charged, monseigneur. I do not run after affairs." "Be it so. I say that this negotiation must pass through my hands. Let us lose no precious time, then. Tell me the conditions." "I have had the honor of assuring your eminence that the '.etter alone of His Majesty King Charles II. contains the revelation of his wishes." 272 THE TICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE, "Fooh! you are ridiculous with your obstinacy, Monsieur Athos. It is plain you have kept company with the Puri- tans yonder. As to your secret, I know it better than you do; and you have done wrongly, perhaps, in not having shown some respect for a very old and suffering man, who has labored much during his life, and kept the field bravely for his ideas as you have for yours. You will not communi- cate your letter to me? You will say nothing to me? Wonderfully well! Come with me into my chamber; you shall speak to the king— and before the king. Now, then, one last word: who gave you the Fleece? I remember you passed for having the Garter; but as to the Fleece, I did not know " "Recently, monseigneur, Spain, on the occasion of the marriage of His Majesty Louis XIV. sent King Charles II. a brevet of the Fleece in blank; Charles II. immediately transmitted it to me, filling up the blank with my name." Mazarin arose, and leaning on the arm of Bernouin, he returned to his ruelle at the moment the name of M. le Prince was being announced. The Prince de Conde, the first prince of the blood, the conqueror of Rocroy, Lens, and Nordlingen, was, in fact, entering the apartment of Monseigneur de Mazarin, followed by his gentlemen, and had already saluted the king, when the prime minister raised his curtain. Athos had time to see Eaoul pressing the hand of the Comte de Guiche, and to return him a smile for his respectful bow. He had time, likewise, to see the radiant countenance of the cardinal, when he perceived before him, upon the table, an enormous heap of gold, ^bich the Comte de Guiche had won in a run of luck, after his eminence had confided his cards tc him. So, forgefr ting embassador, embassy, and prince, his first thought was of the gold. "What!" cried the old man— "all that— won?" "Some fifty thousand crowns; yes, monseigneur," replied the Comte de Guiche, rising. "Must I give my place to your eminence, or shall I continue?" "Give up! give up! you are mad. You would lose all you have won. Peste!" "Monseigneur!" said the Prince de Conde, bowing. "Good-evening, Monsieur le Prince," said the minister, in a careless tone; "it is very kind of you to visit an old sick friend." "A friend'" murmured the Comte de la Fere, at witness- ing with stupor this monstrous alliance of words — "friends' vyi en the parties are Conde and Mazarii>.! M THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 273 Mazarin seemed to divine the thought of the Frondeur, for he smiled upon him with triumph, and immediately: "Sire/' said he to the king, "I have the honor of present- ing to your majesty Monsieur le Comte de la Fere, embas- sador from his Britannic majesty. An affair of state, mes- sieurs," added he, waving his hand to all who filled the chamber, and who, the Prince de Conde at their head, ail disappeared at the simple gesture. Raoul, after a last look cast at the comte, followed M. de Conde. Philip of Anjoi and the queen appeared to be consulting about departing. "A family affair," said Mazarin suddenly, detaining them in their seats. "This gentleman is the bearer of a letter, in which King Charles II., completely restored to his throne, demands an alliance between Monsieur, the brother of the king, and Mademoiselle Henrietta, granddaughter of Henry IV. Will you remit your letter of credit to the king, Monsieur le Comte?" Athos remained for a minute stupefied. How could the minister possibly know the contents of the letter, which had never been out of his keeping for a single instant? Nevertheless, always master of himself, he held out the dispatch to the young king, Louis XIV., who took it with a blush. A solemn silence reigned in the chamber of the cardinal. It was only troubled by the dull sound of the gold which Mazarin, with his yellow, dry hand, piled up in a coffret while the king was reading. CHAPTEE XLL THE RECITAL. The malice of the cardinal did not leave mucn for the embassador to say; nevertheless, the word "restoration" had struck the king, who, addressing the comte, upon whom his eyes had been fixed since his entrance: "Monsieur," said he, "will you have the kindness to give us some details of English affairs? You come iiom that country, you are a Frenchman, and the orders which I see glitter upon your person announce you to be a man of merit as well as a man of quality." "Monsieur," said the cardinal, turning toward the queen- mother, "is an ancient ppwan*" ( ? your majesty, Monsieur le Comte de la Fere." 274 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. Anne of Austria was as oblivious as a queen whose life had been mingled with fine and stormy days. She looked at Mazarin, whose malign smile promised her something disagreeable; then she solicited from Athos, by another look, an explanation. "Monsieur/' continued the cardinal, "was a Treville musketeer in the service of the late king. Monsieur is well acquainted with England, whither he has made several voyages at various periods; he is a subject of the highest merit." These words made allusion to all the remembrances which Anne of Austria trembled to evoke. England, that was her hatred of Richelieu and her love for Buckingham; a Tre- ville musketeer, that was the whole Odyssey of the triumphs which had made the heart of the young woman throb, and of the dangers which had been so near overturning the throne of the young queen. These words had much power, for they rendered mute and attentive all the royal personages who, with very various sentiments, set about recomposing at the same time the mysterious, which the young had not seen, and which the old had believed to be forever effaced. "Speak, monsieur," said Louis XIV., the first to escape from troubles, suspicions, and remembrances. "Yes, speak," added Mazarin, to whom the little piece of malice inflicted upon Anne of Austria had restored energy and gayety. "Sire," said the comte, "a sort of miracle has changed the whole destiny of Charles II. That which men, till that time, had been unable to do, God resolved to accomplish." Mazarin coughed, while tossing about in his bed. "King Charles II.," continued Athos, "left the Hague neither as a fugitive nor a conqueror, but like an absolute king, who, after a distant voyage from his kingdom, returns amid universal benedictions." "A great miracle, indeed," said Mazarin; "for, if the news was true, King Charles II., who has just returned amid benedictions, went away amid musket-shots." The king remained impassible. Philip, younger and more frivolous, could not repress a smile, which flattered Mazarin as an applause of his pleasantry. "It is plain," said the king, "there is a miracle; but God who does so much for kings. Monsieur le Comte, neverthe- less employs the hands of man to bring about the triumph of His designs. To what men does Charles II. principally owe his re-establishuieat;'" THE VTCOMTE DE BRAGELOKJTE. S?5 "Why," interrupted Mazarin, "without any regard for the self-love of the king, does not your majesty know that it is to Monsieur Monk?" "I ought to know it," replied Louis XIV. resolutely; "and yet I ask Monsieur the Embassador the causes of the change in this Monsieur Monk?" "And your majesty touches precisely the question," re- plied Athos; "for without the miracle I have had the honor to speak of, Monsieur Monk would probably have remained an implacable enemy to Charles II. God willed that a strange, bold, and ingenious idea should enter into the mind of a certain man, while a devoted and courageous idea took possession of the mind of another man. The combina- tion of these two ideas brought about such a change in the fDosition of Monsieur Monk that from an inveterate enemy le became a friend to the deposed king." "These are exactly the details I asked for," said the king, "Who and what are the two men of whom you speak?" "Two Frenchmen, sire." "Indeed! I am glad of that." "And the two ideas," said Mazarin; "I am more curious about ideas than about men, for my part." "Yes," murmured the king. "The second idea, the devoted, reasonable idea — the least important, sir — was to go and dig up a million in gold, buried by King Charles I. at Newcastle, and to purchase with that gold the adherence of Monk." "Oh, oh!" said Mazarin, reanimated by the word million. "But Newcastle was at the time occupied by Monk." "Yes, Wonsieur le Cardinal, and that is why I venture to call the idea courageous as well as devote. It was neces- sary, if Monk refused the offers of thp negotiator, to rein- state King Charles II. in possession of this million, which was to be torn, as it were, frotn the loyalty and not the loyalism of General Monk. T^is was effected, in spite of many difficulties; the general proved to be loyal, and allowed the money to be taken away." "It seems to me," said the timid, thoughtful king, "that Charles II. could not have known of this million while he was in Paris." "It seems to me," rejoined the cardinal maliciously, "that His Majesty the King of Great Britain knew perfectly well of this million, but that he preferred having two millions to having one." "Sire," said Athos firmly, "the King of England, while 276 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. in France, was so poor that he had not even money to take the post; so destitute of hope that he frequently thought of dying. He was so entirely ignorant of the existence of tha million at Newcastle that but for a gentleman — one of your majesty's subjects — the moral depositary of the million, and who revealed the secret to King Charles II., that prince would still be vegetating in the most cruel forgetfulness." "Let us pass on to the strange, bold, and ingenious idea," interrupted Mazarin, whose sagacity foresaw a check. "What was that idea?" » "This — Monsieur Monk formed the only obstacle to the re-establishment of the fallen king. A Frenchman imag- ined the idea of suppressing this obstacle." "Oh! oh! but that is a scoundrel, that Frenchman," said Mazarin; "and the idea is not so ingenious as to prevent its author being tied up by the neck at the Place de Greve, by decree of the parliament." "Your eminence is mistaken," replied Athos dryly; "I did not say that the Frenchman in question had resolved to assassinate Monsieur Monk, but only to suppress him. The words of the French language have a value which the gen- tlemen of France know perfectly. Besides, this is an affair of war; and when men serve kings against their enemies they are not to be condemned by a parliament — God is their judge. This French gentleman, then, formed the idea of gaining possession of the person of Monk, and he executed his plan." The king became animated at the recital of great actions. The king's younger brother struck the table with his hand 4 exclaiming: "Ah! that is fine!" "He carried off Monk?" said the king. "Why, Monk was in his camp." 'And the gentleman was alone, sire.-" 'That is marvelous!" said Philip. 'Marvelous, indeed!" cried the king. ''Good! There are two little lions unchained," mur- mured the cardinal.' And with an air of spite, which he did not dissemble: "I am unacquainted with these details; wfll you guarantee the authenticity of them, monsieur?" "All the more easily, Monsieur le Cardinal, from having seen the events." "You have?" "Yes, monseigneur." The king had involuntarily drawn close to the comte, tho THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 277 Due d'Anjou had turned sharply round, and pressed Athos on the other side. "Next, monsieur, next!" cried they hoth at the same time. "Sire, Monsieur Monk, being taken by the Frenchman, was brought to King Charles II. , at the Hague. The king restored Monk his liberty, and the grateful general, in re- turn, gave Charles II. the throne of Great Britain, for which so many valiant people have died without result." Philip clapped his hands with enthusiasm; Louis XIV. ; more reflective, turned toward the Comte de la Fere. "Is this true," said he, "in all its details?" "Absolutely true, sire." "That one of my gentlemen knew the secret of the mil- lion, and kept it?" "Yes, sire." "The name of that gentleman?" "It was your humble servant," said Athos simply, and bowing. A murmur of admiration made the heart of Athos swell with pleasure. He had reason to be proud, at least. Maz- arin himself had raised his arms toward heaven. "Monsieur," said the king, "I will seek, I will find means to reward you." Athos made a movement. "Oh, not for your probity; to be paid for that would humiliate you: but I owe you a reward for having participated in the restora- tion of my brother, King Charles II." "Certainly," said Mazarin. "It is the triumph of a good cause which fills the whole house of France with joy," said Anne of Austria. "To continue," said Louis XIV.: "is it also true that a single man penetrated to Monk, in his camp, and carried him off?" "That man had ten auxiliaries, taken from a very inferior rank." "And nothing but them?" "Nothing more." "And you call him?" "Monsieur d'Artagnan, formerly lieutenant of the mus- keteers of your majesty." Anne of Austria colored; Mazarin became yellow with shame; Louis XIV. was deeply thoughtful, and a drop of sweat fell from his pale brow. "What men!" murmured he. And involuntarily he darted a glance at the minister which would have terrified him, if Mazarin, at tne momejit had not concealed his head under his pillow-. 278 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. "Monsieur," said the young Due d'Anjou, placing hu hand, delicate and white as that of a woman, upon the arm of Athos, "tell that brave man, I beg you, that Monsieur, brother of the king, will to-morrow drink his health before five hundred of the best gentlemen of France." And on finishing these words the young man, perceiving that his enthusiasm had deranged one of his ruffles, set to work to put it to rights with the greatest care imaginable. "Let us resume business, sire," interrupted Mazarin, who never was enthusiastic, and who hud no ruffles on. "Yes, monsieur," replied Louis XIV. "Enter upon your communications, Monsieur le Comte ; " added he, turn- ing toward Athos. Athos immediately commenced, and offered in due foim the hand of the Princess Henrietta Stuart to the young prince, the king's brother. The conference lasted an hour; after which the doors of the chamber were thrown open to the courtiers, who resumed their places, as if nothing had been kept from them in the occupations of that evening. Athos then found himself again with Raoul, and the father and son were able to clasp hands once more. CHAPTER XLIL IN WHICH MAZARIN" BECOMES PRODIGAL. While Mazarin was endeavoring to recover from the serious alarm he had just experienced, Athos and Raoui were exchanging a few words in a corner of the apartment. "Well, here you are at Paris, then, Raoul?" said the comte. "Yes, monsieur, since the return of Monsieur le Prince." "I cannot converse freely with you here, because we are observed; but I shall return home presently, and shall ex- pect you as soon as your duty permits." Raoul bowed, and at that moment M. le Prince came up to them. The prince had that clear, keen look which dis- tinguishes birds of prey of the noble species; his physiog- nomy itself presented several distinct traits of this resem- blance. It is known that in the Prince de Oonde the aquiline nose rose out sharply and incisively from a brow slightly retreating, rather low than high, which, according to the railers of the court, a pitiless race even for genius, constituted rather an eagle's beak than a human nose, in THE VICOMTE DE BB AGELONNE. 279 I. he heir of the illustrious princes of the house of Conde. This penetrating look, this imperious expression of the whole countenance, generally disturbed those to whom the prince spoke more than either majesty or regular beauty could have done in the conqueror of Eocroy. Besides this, the fire mounted so suddenly to his projecting eyes that with the prince every sort of animation resembled passion. Now, on account of his rank, everybody at the court re- spected M. le Prince, and many even, seeing only the man, carried their respect as far as terror. Louis de Conde then advanced toward the Comte de la Fere and Raoul, with the marked intention of being saluted by the one and of speak- ing to the other. No man bowed with more reserved grace than the Comte de la Fere. He disdained to put into a salutation all the shades which a courtier ordinarily borrows from the same color — the desire to please. Athos knew his own personal value, and bowed to the prince like a man, correcting by something sympathetic and undefinable that which might have appeared offensive to the pride of the highest rank in the inflexibility of his attitude. The prince was about to speak to Raoul. Athos prevented him. "If Monsieur le Vicomte de Bragelonne," said he, "were dot one of the humble servants of your royal highness, I would beg him to pronounce my name before you, mon prince." "I have the honor to address Monsieur le Comte de la Fere," said Conde instantly. "My protector," added Raoul, blushing. "One of the most honorable men in the kingdom," con- tinued the prince; "one of the first gentlemen of France, and of whom I have heard so much that I have frequently desired to number him among my friends." "An honor of which I should be unworthy," replied Athos, "but for the respect and admiration I entertain for your royal highness." "Monsieur de Bragelonne," said the prince, "is a good officer, who, it is plain, has been to a good school. Ah, Monsieur le Comte, in your time generals had soldiers!" "That is true, monseigneur; but noAvadays soldiers have generals." This compliment, which savored so little of flattery, made to thrill with joy a man whom already Europe considered a hero, and who might be thought to be satiated with praise. "I very much regret," continued the prince, "that you should have retired from the service, Monsieui le Comte; 280 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. for it is more than probable that the king will soon have a war with Holland or England, and opportunities for dis- tinguishing himself would not be wanting for a man who, like you, knows Great Britain as well as you do France." "I bejieve I may say, monseigneur, that I have acted wisely in retiring from the service," said Athos ; smiling. "France and Great Britain will henceforward live like two sisters, if I can trust my presentiments." "Your presentiments?" "Stop, monseigneur; listen to what is being said yonder., at the table of Monsieur le Cardinal." "Where they are playing?" "Yes, monseigneur." The cardinal had just raised himself upon one elbow, and made a sign to the king's brother, who went to him. "Monseigneur," said the cardinal, "pick up, if you please, all those gold crowns." And he pointed to the enormous pile of yellow and glittering pieces which the Comte de Guiche had raised by degrees before him by a surprising run of luck at play. "For me?" cried the Due d'Anjou. "Those fifty thousand crowns; yes, monseigneur, they are yours." "Do you give them to me?" "I have been playing on your account, monseigneur," re- plied the cardinal, getting weaker and weaker, as if this effort of giving money had exhausted all his physical and moral faculties. "Oh, good heavens!" exclaimed Philip, wild with joy, "what a fortunate 3ay!" And he himself, making a rake of his fingers, drew a part of the sum into his pockets, which he filled, and still full a third remained on the table. "Chevalier," said Philip to his favorite, the Chevalier de Lorraine, "come hither, chevalier." The favorite quickly obeyed. "Pocket the rest," said the young prince. This singular scene was only taken by the persons present as a touching kind of family fete. The cardinal assumed the airs of a father with the sons of France, and the two young princes had grown up under his wing. No one then imputed to pride, or even impertinence, as would be done nowadays, this liberality on the part of the first minister. The courtiers were satisfied with envying the prince. The king turned away his head. "I never had so much money before," said the young prince joyously, as he crossed the chamber with his favorite THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 281 to go to his carriage. "No, never! What a weight these crowns are!" "But why has Monsieur le Cardinal given the money all at once?" asked Monsieur le Prince of the Comte de la Fere. "He must be very ill, the dear cardinal." "Yes, monseigneur is very ill, without doubt; he looks very ill, as your royal highness may perceive." "Certes! but he will die of it. A hundred and fifty thou- sand livres. Oh, it is incredible! But why, comte? Tell me a reason for it?" "Patience, monseigneur, I beg of you. Here comes Mon- sieur le Due d'Anjou, talking with the Chevalier de Lor- raine; I should not be surprised if they spared us the trouble of being indiscreet. Listen to them." In fact, the chevalier said to the prince in a low voice, "Monseigneur, it is not natural for Monsieur Mazarin to give you so much money. Take care; you will let some of the pieces fall, monseigneur. What design has the cardinal upon you, to make him so generous?" "As I said," whispered Athos, in the prince's ear; "that, perhaps, is the best reply to your question." "Tell, me, monseigneur," reiterated the chevalier im- patiently, as he was calculating, by weighing them in his pocket, the quarter of the sum which had fallen to his share by rebound. "My dear chevalier, a nuptial present." "How a nuptial present?" "Eh! yes, I am going to be married," replied the Due d'Anjou, without perceiving, at the moment he was pass- ing, the prince and Athos, who both bowed respectfully. The chevalier darted at the young duke a glance so strange and so malicious that the Comte de la Fere quite started at beholding it. "You! you be married!" repeated he; "oh! that's impos- sible. You would not comm.t such a folly!" "Bah! I don't do it myself; I am made to do it," replied the Due d'Anjou. "But come, quick! let us get rid of our mor_9y." Thereupon he disappeared with his companions, laughing and talking, while all heads were bowed on his passage. "Then," whispered the prince to Athos, "that is the secret." "It was not I that told you so, monseigneur. 3i "He is to marry thft sister of Charles II, ?" "I believe so." 282 THE VICOMTE DE P.RAGELONNE. The prince reflected for a moment, and his eye shot forth one of its not unfreqnent flashes. "Humph!" said he slowly, as if speaking to himself; "once more our swords are to be hung on the wall — for a long time!" and he sighed. All which that sigh contained of ambition silently stifled, of illusions extinguished and hopes disappointed, Athos alone divined, for he alone had heard that sigh. Imme- diately after the prince took leave and the king left the apartment. Athos, by a sign made to Bragelonne, renewed the desire he had expressed at the commencement of the scene. By degrees the chamber was deserted, and Mazarin was left alone, a prey to suffering which he could no longer dissemble. "Bernouin! Bernouin!" cried he, in a broken voice. "What does monseigneur want?" "Guenaud — let Guenaud be sent for," said his eminence. "I think I am dying." Bernouin, in great terror, rushed into the cabinet to give the order, and the piquer, who hastened to fetch the physi- cian, passed the king's carriage in the Rue St. Honore. CHAPTER XLIII. GUEtfAND. The order of the cardinal was pressing; Guenaud quickly obeyed it. He found his patient stretched upon his bed, his legs swelled, livid, and his stomach collapsed. Mazarin had just undergone a severe attack of gout. He suffered cruelly, and with the impatience of a man who has not been accustomed to resistance. On the arrival of Guenaud: "Ah!" said he; "now I am saved!" Guenaud was a very learned and circumspect man, who stood in no need of the critics of Boileau to obtain a repu- tation. When in face of a disease, if it were personified in a king, he treated the patient as a Turk or Moor. He did not therefore reply to Mazarin as the minister expected: "Here is the doctor; good-by, disease!" On the contrary, on examining his patient, with a very se r ious air: "Oh! oh!" said he. "Eh! what, Guenaud? How you look!" "I look as I ought to do on seeing your complaint, mon- seigneur; it is a very dangerous one," "The gout. Oh! yes, the gout," THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 283 "With complications, monseigneur." Mazarin raised himself upon his elbow, and questioning by look and gesture-. "What do you mean by that? Am I worse than I believe myself to be?" "Monseigneur," said Guenaud, seating himself by the bed, "your eminence has worked very hard during your iife; your eminence has suffered much." "But I am not old, I fancy. The late Monsieur de Richelieu was but seventeen months younger than I am when he died, and died of a mortal disease. I am young, Guenaud; remember, I am scarcely fifty -two." "Oh! monseigneur, you are much more than that. How long did the Fronde last?" "For what purpose do you put such a question to me?" "For a medical calculation, monseigneur." "Well, some ten years — off aud on." "Very well; be kind enough to reckon every year of the Fronde as three years — that makes thirty; now twenty and fifty-two make seventy-two years. You are seventy-two, monseigneur; and that is a great age." While saying this, he felt the pulse of his patient. This pulse was filled with such fatal prognostics that the physician continued, not- withstanding the interruptions of the patient: "Put down the years of the Fronde at four each, and you have lived eighty-two years." "Are you speaking seriously, Guenaud?" "Alas! yes, monseigneur." "You take a roundabout way, then, to announce to me that I am very ill?" "Ma foil yes, monseigneur, and with a man of the mind and courage of your eminence, it ought not to be necessary to do so." The cardinal breathed with such difficulty that he in- spired pity even in a pitiless physician. "There are diseases and diseases," resumed Mazarin. "From some of them people escape." "That is true, monseigneur." "Is it not?" cried Mazarin, almost joyously; "for, in short, what else would be the use of power, of strength, of will? Of what use would genius be— your genius, Guenaud? Of what use would be science and art, if the patient, who disposes of all that, cannot be saved from peril?" Guenaud was about to open his moutn, but Mazarin con- tinued: ' .Remember/' said he, "I am the most confiding of your 284 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. patients; remember, 1 obey you blindly, and that conse- quently " "I know all that," said Guenaud. "I shall be cured, then?" "Monseigneur, there is neither strength of wii!, nor power, nor genius, nor science, that can resist a disease which God doubtless sends, or which he cast upon the earth at the creation, with full power to destroy and kill man- kind. When the disease is mortal, it kills, and nothing can " "Is — my — disease — mortal?" asked Mazarin. "Yes, monseigneur." His eminence sank down for a moment, like an unfor- tunate wretch who is crushed by a falling column. But the spirit of Mazarin was a strong one, or, rather, his mind was a firm one. "Guenaud," said he, recovering from his first shock, "you will permit me to appeal from your judg- ment. I will call together the most learned men of Europe; I will consult them. I will live, in short, by the virtue of I care not what remedy." "Monseigneur must not suppose," said Guenaud, "that I have the presumption to pronounce alone upon an exist- ence so valuable as yours. I have already assembled all the good physicians and practitioners of France and Europe. There were twelve of them." "And they said " "They said that your eminence was attacked with a mor- tal disease; I have the consultation signed in my portfolio. If your eminence will please to see it, you will find the names of all the incurable diseases we have met with. There is first " "No, no!" cried Mazarin, pushing away the paper. "No, no, Guenaud, I yield! I yield!" And a profound silenca. during which the cardinal resumed his senses and recovered hisstrength, succeeded to the agitation of this scene. "There is another thing," murmured Mazarin; "there are empirics and charlatans. In my country, those whom physicians abandon run the chances of a vender of orvietan, which ten times kills them, but a hundred times saves them." "Has not your eminence observed that during the last month I have altered my remedies ten times?" "Yes. Well?" "Well, I have spent fifty thousand livres in purchasing the secrets of all these fellows; the list is exhausted, and so 18 my purse. You are not cured] and ; but for my art, you would be dead,"" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 285 "That ends it!" murmured the cardinal: "that ends it!" And he threw a melancholy look upon the riches which surrounded him. "And must I quit all that?" sighed he* "I am dying, Guenaud! I am dying!" "Oh! not yet, monseigneur," said the physician. Mazariu seized his hand. "In what time?" asked he, fixing his two large eyes upon the impassible countenance of the physician. "Monseigneur, we never tell that." "To ordinary men, perhaps not; but to me — to me, whose every minute is worth a treasure. Tell me, Guen- aud, tell me!" "No, no, monseigneur." "I insist upon it, I tell you. Oh! give me a month, and for every one of those thirty days I will pay you a hundred thousand livres." "Monseigneur," replied Guenaud, in a firm voice, "it is God who can give you days of grace, and not I. God only allows you a fortnight." The cardinal breathed a painful sigh, and sank back upon his pillow, murmuring, "Thank you, Guenaud, thank you!" The physician was about to depart; the dying man raised himself up: "Silence!" said he, with eyes of flame, "silence!" "Monseigneur, I have known this secret" two montl s; you see that I have kept it faithfully." "Go, Guenaud; I will take care of your fortunes; go, and tell Brienne to send me a clerk called Monsieur Col- bert. Go!" CHAPTER XLIV. COLBERT. Colbert was not far off. During the whole evening he had remained in one of the corridors, chatting with Ber- nouin and Brienne, and commenting, with the ordinary skill of people of a court, upon the views which develop themselves, like air-bubbles upon the water, on the surface of each event. It is doubtless time to trace, in a few words, one of the most interesting portraits of the age, and to trace it with as much truth, perhaps, as contemporary painters have been able to do. Colbert was a man in whom the historian and the moralist have an equal right. He was 286 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. thirteen years older than Louis XIV., his future master, Of middle height, rather thin than otherwise, he had deejt- set eyes, a mean appearance, coarse black and thin hair, which, say the biographers of his time, made him take early to the calotte. A look of severity, of harshness even, a sort of stiffness, which, with inferiors, was pride, with superiors, an affectation of superior virtue; a surly cast of countenance upon all occasions, even when looking at himself in a glass alone — such is the exterior of the personage. As to the moral part of his character, the depth of his talent for accounts, and his ingenuity in making sterility itself pro- ductive, were much boasted of. Colbert had formed the idea of forcing governors of frontier places to feed the gar- risons without pay with what they drew from contributions. Such a valuable quality made Mazarin think of replacing Joubert, his intendant, who was recently dead, by M. Col- bert, who had such skill in nibbling down allowances. Col- bert by degrees crept into the court, notwithstanding the meanness of his birth, for he was the son of a man who sold wine, as his father had done, but who afterward sold cloth, and then silk stuffs. Colbert, destined for trade, had been a clerk to a merchant at Lyons, whom he had quitted to come to Paris in the office of a Chatelet pro- cureur named Biterne. It was here he learned the art of drawing up an account, and the much more valuable one of complicating it. This stiffness of Colbert's had been of great benefit to him; so true is it that Fortune, when she has a caprice, resembles those women of antiquity whose fantasy nothing physical or moral, in either things or men, disgusted. Colbert, placed with Michel Letellier, Secretary of State, in 1648, by his cousin Colbert, Seigneur de St. Penange, who favored him, received one day from the min- ister a commission for Cardinal Mazarin. His eminence was then in the enjoyment of flourishing health, and the bad years of the Fronde had not yet counted triple and quad- ruple for him. He was at Sedan, very much annoyed at a court intrigue in which Anne of Austria appeared to wish to desert his cause. Of this intrigue Letellier held the thread. He had just received a letter from Anne of Austria, a letter very valuable to him, and strongly compromising Mazarin; but, as he already played the double part which served him so well, and by which he always managed two enemies so as to draw advantage from both, either by im- broiling them more and more or by reconciling them, Michel Letellier wished to send Anne of Austria's letter THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 287 go Mazarin, in order that be might be acquainted with it, and consequently would be pleased with his having rendered him a service so willingly. To send the letter was an easy matter; to recover it again, after having communicated it, that was the difficulty. Letellier cast his eyes around him, and seeing the black and meager clerk scribbling away with his scrowling brow in his office, he preferred him to the best gendarme for the execution of this design. Colbert was commanded to set out for Sedan, with posi- tive orders to carry the letter to Mazarin, and bring it back to Letellier. He listened to his orders with scrupulous attention, required it to be repeated to him twice, and was particular in learning whether the bringing back was as necessary as the communicating, and Letellier replied, sternly, "More necessary." Then he set out, traveled like a courier, without any care for his body, and placed in the hands of Mazarin, first a letter from Letellier, which an- nounced to the cardinal the sending of the precious letter, .and then that letter itself. Mazarin colored greatly while reading Anne of Austria's letter, gave Colbert a gracious smile, and dismissed him. "When shall I have the answer, monseigneur?" "To-morrow." "To-morrow morning?" "Yes, monsieur." The clerk turned upon his heel after sporting his very best bow. The next day he was at his post at seven o'clock. Mazarin made him wait till ten. He remained patiently in the antechamber; his turn being come, he entered; Maz- >arin gave him a sealed packet. Upon the envelope of this i packet were these words: "A Monsieur Michel Letellier, etc." Colbert looked at the packet with much attention; the cardinal put on a pleasant countenance, and pushed him (toward the door. "And the letter of the queen-mother, monsieur?" asked (Colbert. "It is with the rest, in the packet," said Mazarin. "Oh! very well," replied Colbert; and placing his hat 'between his knees, he began to unseal the packet. Mazarin uttered a cry. "What are you doing?" said he angrily. "I am unsealing the packet, monseigneur." "You mistrust me, then, Master Cuistre, do you? Did j,ny one ever see such impertinence?" "Oh! monseigneur, do not be angry with me! it is ce~ 288 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. tainly not your eminence's word I place in doubt, God for- bid!" "What then?" "It is the carefulness of your chancery, monseigneur. What is a letter? A rag. May not a rag be forgotten? And, look, monseigneur, look if I was not right. Your clerks have forgotten the rag; the letter is not in the packet." "You are an insolent fellow, and you have not looked," cried Mazarin very angrily. "Be gone, and wait my pleasure," While saying these words, with subtlety perfectly Italian, he snatched the packet from the hands of Colbert, and re- entered his apartments. But this anger could not last so long as not to be replaced in time by reason. Mazarin, every morning, on opening his closet door, found the figure of Colbert as a sentinel be- hind the bench, and this disagreeable figure never failed to ask him humbly, but with tenacity, for the queen-mother's letter. Mazarin could hold out no longer, and was obliged to give it up. He accompanied this restitution with a most severe reprimand, during which Colbert contented himself with examining, feeling, even smelling, as it were, the paper, the characters, and the signature, neither more nor less than if he had to do with the greatest forger in the king- dom. Mazarin behaved more rudely still to him, but Col- bert, still impassible, having obtained a certainty that the letter was the true one, went off as if he had been deaf. This conduct afterward was worth the post of Joubert to him; for Mazarin, instead of bearing malice, admired him, and was desirous of attaching so much fidelity to himself. It may be judged by this single anecdote what the char- acter of Colbert was. Events, developing themselves, by degrees allowed all the powers of his friend to act freely. Colbert was not long in insinuating himself into the good graces of the cardinal; he became even indispensable to him. The clerk was acquainted with all his accounts, with- out the cardinal's ever having spoken to him about them. This secret between them was a powerful tie, and this was why, when about to appear before the Master of another world, Mazarin was desirous of taking good counsel in dis- posing of the wealth he was so unwillingly obliged to leave in this world. After the visit to Guenaud, he therefore sent for Colbert, desired him to sit down, and said to him "Let us converse, Monsieur Colbert, and seriously, for I am very sick, and I may chance tc die t " THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 280 "Man is mortal," replied Colbert. "I have always remembered that, Monsieur Colbert, and 1 have worked in that prevision. You know that I have amassed a little wealth." "I know you have, monseigneur." "At how much do you estimate, as near as you can, the amount of this wealth, Monsieur Colbert?" "At forty millions, five hundred and sixty thousand, two hundred livres, nine sous, eight deniers," replied Colbert. The cardinal fetched a deep sigh, and looked at Colbert with wonder; but he allowed a smile to steal across his lips. "Property known," added Colbert, in reply to that smile. The cardinal made quite a start in his bed. "What do you mean by that?" said he. "I mean," said Colbert, "that besides those forty mil- lions, five hundred and sixty thousand, two hundred livres, nine sous, eight deniers there are thirteen millions that are not known of." "Ouf !" sighed Mazarin, "what a man!" At this moment the head of Bernouin appeared through the embrasure of the door. "What is it?" asked Mazarin, "and why do you disturb me?" "The Theatin father, your eminence's director, was sent for this evening; and he cannot come again to monseigneur till after to-morrow." Mazarin looked at Colbert, who arose and took his hat, saying: "I will come again, monseigneur." Mazarin hesitated. "No, no," said he, "I have as much business to transact with you as with him. Besides, you are my other confessor — and what I have to say to one the other may hear. Kemain where you are, Colbert." "But, monseigneur, if there be a secret of penitence, will the director consent to my being here?" "Do not trouble yourself about that; come into the ruelle." "I can wait outside, monseigneur." "No, no, it will do you good to hear the confession of a rich man." Colbert bowed, and went into the ruelle. "Introduce the Theatin father," said Mazarin, closing the curiains. 390 THE VICOMTE DB BRAGELONNE CHAPTER XLV. CONFESSION OF A MAN OF WEALTH. The Theatin entered deliberately, without teing too much astonished at the noise and agitation which anxiety for the health of the cardinal had raised in his household. "Come in, my reverend father," said Mazariu, after a last look at the ruelle, "come in, and console me." "That :s my duty, monseigneur," replied the Theatin. "Commence by sitting down, and making yourself com- fortable, for I am going to begin by a general confession; you will afterward give me a good absolution, and I shall oelieve myself more tranquil." "Monseigneur," said the father, "you are not so ill as to make a general confession urgent — and it will be very fatiguing — take care." "You suspect, then, that it may be long, father?" "How can I think it otherwise, when a man has lived so completely as your eminence has done?" "Ah! that is true! — yes — the recital may be long." "The mercy of God is great," snuffled the Theatin. "Stop," said Mazarin; "there I begin to terrify myself with having allowed so many things to pass which the Lord might reprove." "Is not that always so?" said the Theatin naively, remov- ing further from the lamp his thin, pointed face, like that of a mole. "Sinners are so; forgetful beforehand, and scrupulous when it is too late." "Sinners?" replied Mazarin. "Do you use that word ironically, and to reproach me with all the genealogies I have allowed to be made on my account — 1 — the son of a fisherman, in fact." * "Hum!" said the Theatin. 'That is a first sin, father; for I have allowed myself to be made to be descended from two old Roman consuls, S. Geganius Macerinns 1st, Macerinus 2d, and Proculus Mac- erinus 3d, of whom the Chronicle of Haolander speaks. From Macerinus to Mazarin the proximity was tempting. Macerinus, a diminutive, means leanish. poorish. out of ease. Oh! reverent father! Mazarini may now be carried to th6 *This is quite untranslatable, it being a play upon the words peeheu%. ft Mfloer, aod pfchtur, & flsberaiap. H js. jc vt?ry bad teste,- TiiA«». THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELOTOTE. 291 (augmentative Maigre, thin as Lazarus. Look!" and he showed his fleshless arm. "In your having been born of a family of fishermen [peclieurs), I see nothing injurious to you; for St. Peter was a fisherman; and if you are a prince of the church, mon- seigneur, he was the supreme head of it. Pass on, if you please." "So much the more for my having threatened with the IBastile a certain Bounet, a priest of Avignon, who wanted to publish a genealogy of the Casa Mazarini much too mar- velous." "To be probable?" replied the Theatin. "Oh! if I had acted up to his idea, father, that would have been the vice of pride — another sin." "It was excess of wit, and a person is not to be re- proached with such sorts of abuses. Pass on, pass on!" "I was all pride. Look you, father, I will endeavor to divide that from capital sins." "I like divisions, when well made." "I am glad of that. You must know that in 1630 — alas! that is thirty-one years ago " "You were then twenty-nine years old, monseigneur." "A hot-headed age. I was then something of " soldier, and I threw myself at Casal into the arquebusades, to show that I rode on horseback as well as an officer. It is true, II restored peace between the French and the Spaniards. That redeems my sin a little." "I see no sin in being able to ride well on horseback," said the Theatin; "that is in perfect good taste, and does honor to our gown. In my quality of a Christian, I ap- prove of your having prevented the effusion of blood; in my quality of a monk, I am proud of the bravery a monk has exhibited." Mazarin bowed his head humbly. "Yes," said he, "but i the consequences?" "What consequences?" "Eh! that damned sin of pride has roots without end. From the time that I threw myself in that manner between two armies, that I had smelled powder and faced lines of soldiers, I have held generals a little in contempt." "Ah!" said the father. "There is the evil; so that I have not thought one sup- portable since that time." "The fact is," said the Theatin, "that the generals we, have had have not been remarkable." 292 THE VICOMTE DE BRAOELONKB. "Oh!" cried Mazarin, "there was Monsieur le Prince. I have tormented him thoroughly!" "He is not much to be pitied; he has acquired sufficient glory and sufficient wealth." "That may be, for Monsieur le Prince; but Monsieur Beaufort, for example — whom I made suffer so long in the dungeon of Vincennes?" "Ah! but he was a rebel, and the safety of the state re- quired that you should make a sacrifice. Pass on!" "I believe I have exhausted pride. There is another sin which I am afraid to qualify." "I will qualify it myself. Tell it." "A great sin, reverend father." 'We shall judge, monseigneur." "You cannot fail to have heard of certain relations which I have had — with her majesty the queen-mother — the malevolent " "The malevolent, monseigneur, are fools. Was it not necessary, for the good of the state and the interests of the young king, that you should live in good intelligence with the queen? Pass on, pass on." "I assure you," said Mazarin, "you remove a terrible weight from my breast." "These are all trifles — look for something serious." "I have had much ambition, father." "That is the march of great minds and things, mon- seigneur." "Even that trifle of the tiara?" "To be pope is to be the first of Christians. Why should you not desire that?" "It has been printed that, to gain that object, I have sold Cambrai to the Spaniards." "You have, perhaps, yourself written pamphlets without too much persecuting pamphleteers." "Then, reverend father, I have truly a clean breast. I feel nothing remaining but slight peccadilloes." "What are they?" "Play." "That is rather mundane; but you were obliged by the duties of greatness to keep a good house." "I like to win." "No player plays to lose." "i cheated a little." "You took your advantage. Pass on." "Well, reverend father, I feel nothing else upon my con- THE V1C0MTE DE BRAGELON"NE. 293 science. Give me absolution, and my soul will be able s when God shah please to call it, to mount without obstacle to the throne " The Theatin moved neither his arms nor his lips* "What are you waiting for, father?" said Mazarin. "I am waiting for the end." "The end of what?" "Of the confession, monsieur.'' "But I have ended." "Oh, no; your eminence is mistaken." "Not that I know of." '"'Search diligently." "I have searched as well as possible." "Then I will assist your memory." "Do." The Theatin coughed several times. "You have said nothing of avarice, another capital sin, nor of those mil- lions," said he. "Of what millions, father?" "Why, of those you possess, monseigneur." "Father, that money is mine. Why should I speak to you about that?" "Because, you see, our opinions differ. You say that money is yours, while I, I believe it is rather the property of others." Mazarin lifted his cold hand to his brow, which was dewed with sweat. "How so?" stammered he. "This way. Your excellency has gained much wealth — in the service of the king." "Hum! much — that is, not too much." "Whatever it may be, whence came that wealth?" "From the state." "The state; that is the king." "But what do you conclude from that father?" said Mazarin, who began to tremble. "I cannot conclude without seeing a list of the riches you possess. Let us reckon a little, if you please. You have the bishopric of Metz?" "Yes." "The abbeys of St. Clement, St. Arnould, and St. Vin- cent, all at Metz?" "Yes." "You have the abbey of St. Denis, in France — a magnify cent property?" "Yes, father." 294 THE TICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "You have the abbey ol Ciuny, which is rich?" "I have." "That of St. MidarS, at Soisson, with a revenua of on3 hundred thousand livres?" "I cannot deny it." "That of St. Victor, at Marseilles, one of the best in the south?" "Yes, father.'; "A good million a year. With the emoluments of th# eardinalship and the ministry, I say too little when I say two millions a year." "Eh?" "In ten years that is twenty millions, and twenty millions placed out at fifty per cent, give, by progression, twenty- three millions in ten years." "How well you reckon for a Theatin." "Since your eminence placed our order in the convent we occupy, near St. Germain des Pres, in 1641, I have kept the accounts of the society." "And mine likewise, apparently, father." "One ought to know a little of everything, monseigneur." "Very well. Conclude, at present " "I conclude that your baggage is too heavy to allow you to pass through the gates of Paradise." "Shall I be damned?" "If you do not make restitution, yes." Mazarin uttered a piteous cry. "Restitution! but to whom, good God?" "To the owner of that money, to the king." "But the king did not give it me all.'' "A moment: does not the king sign the ordinances?" Mazarin passed from sighs to groans. "Absolution! abso- /ution!" cried he. "Impossible, monseigneur. Restitution! restitution!" replied the Theatin. "'But you absolve me from all other sins, why not from that?" "Because," replied the father, "to absolve you for tha^ motive would be a sin from which the king would never absolve me, monseigneur." Thereupon the confessor quitted his penitent with an air full of compunction. He then went out in the same man- ner as he had entered. "Oh, good God!" groaned the cardinal. "Come here, Colbert; I am very, very ill indeed, my friend." THE VICOMTE DE BRA.GELONNE. 295 CHAPTER XLVI. THE DONATION, Colbert reappeared beneath the curtains. "Have you heard?" said Mazarin. "Alas! yes, monseigneur." "Can he be right? Can all this money be badly ac- quired?" "A Theatin, monseigneur, is a bad judge of matters of finance," repled Colbert coolly. "And yet it is very possi- ble that, according to his theological ideas, your eminence has been, in a certain degree, wrong. People generally find they have been so when they die." "In the first place, they commit the wrong of dying, Colbert." "That is true, monseigneur. Against whom, however, did the Theatin make out that you had committed these wrongs? Against the king?" Mazarin shrugged his shoulders. "As if I had not snved both his state and his finances." "That admits of no contradiction, monseigneur." "Does it? Then I have received a merely legitimate salary, in spite of the opinion of my confessor?" "That is beyond doubt." •'And I might fairly keep for my own family, which is so needy, a good fortune, the whole even of what I have gained?" "I see no impediment to that, monseigneur." "I felt assured that in consulting you, Colbert, I should have sage advice," replied Mazarin, greatly delighted. Colbert resumed his pedantic lo^k. "Monseigneur," interrupted he, "I think it would be quite as well to ex- amine whether what the Theatin said is not a snare." "Oh, no; a snare? What for? The Theatin is an honest man." "He believed your eminence to be at the gates of the tomb because your eminence consulted him. Did I not hear him say: 'Distinguish that which the king has given jou from that which you have given yourself.' Recollect, monseigneur, if he did not say something like that to you? That is quite a theatrical speech," "That is possible." "In which case, monseigneur, I should consider you as required by the Theatin to " "To make restitution!" cried Mazarin, with, great warmth. "Ehl I do not say do 296 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. "What! of all? You do not dream of such a thing! You speak just as the confessor did." ''To make restitution of a part, that is to say, his majesty's part; and that, monseigneur, may have its dan- gers. Your eminenceis too skillful a politician not to know that, at this moment, the king does not possess a hundred and fifty thousand livres clear in his coffers." "That is not my affair," said Mazarin triumphantly; "that belongs to Monsieur le Surintendant Fouquet, whose accounts I have given you to verify for months past." Colbert bit his lips at the name only c>f Fouquet. "His majesty," said he, between his teeth, "has no money but that which Monsieur Fouquet collects; your money, mon- seigneur, would afford him a delicious banquet." "Well, but I am not the surintendant of his majesty's 6nances — I have my purse — certes, I would do much for his majesty's welfare — some legacy — but I cannot disappoint my family." "The legacy of a part would dishonor you and offend the king. Leaving a part to his majesty is to avow that that part has inspired you with doubts as not being acquired legitimately." "Monsieur Colbert!" "I thought your eminence did me the honor to ask my advice?" "Yes; but you are ignorant of the principal details of the question." "I am ignorant of nothing, monseigneur; during ten vears, all the columns of figures which are found in France have passed in review before me; and if I have painfully nailed them into my brain; they are there now so well riveted, that, from the office of Monsieur Letellier, which is sober, to the little secret largesses of Monsieur Fouquet, who is prodigal, I could recite, figure by figure, all the money that is spent in France, from Marseilles to Cherbourg." "Then you would have me throw all my money into the coffers of the king!" cried Mazarin ironically, and from whom, at the same time, the gout forced painful moans. "Certes, the king would reproach me with nothing, but he would laugh at me, while squandering my millions, and with reason." ' Y yci eminence has misunderstood me. I did not, the least in the world, pretend that his majesty ought to spend your money." "You said so clearly, it seems to me, when you advised Hie to give it to him." THE VICOMTE t>E BRAGELONNE. 29* ''Ah," replied Colbert, "tnat is because your eminence, absorbed as you are by your disease, entirely loses sight of the character of Louis XIV." "How so?" "That character, if I may venture to express myself thus, resembles that which monseigneur confessed just now to the Theatin." "Go on— that is?" "Pride! Pardon me, monseigneur, haughtiness, noble. Hess; kings have no pride, that is a human passion." "Pride, yes, you are right. Next?" "Well, monseigneur, if I have divined rightly, your em inence has but to give all your money to the king, and that ; mmediately." "But for what?" said Mazarin, quite bewildered. "Because the king will not accept of the whole." "What, and he a young man, and devoured by ambition?*' "Just so." "A young man who is anxious for my death!" ''Monseigneur!" "To inherit, yes, Colbert, yes; he is anxious for my death, in order to inherit. Triple fool that I am! I would pre- vent him!" "Exactly; if the donation were made in a certain form, he would refuse it." "Well; but how?" "That is plain enough. A young man who has yet done nothing — who burns to distinguish himself — who burns to reign alone, will never take anything ready built, he will construct for himself. This prince, monseigneur, will never be content with the Palais Boyal, which Monsieur de Kichelieu left him; nor with the Palais Mazarin, which you have caused to be so superbly constructed; nor with the Louvre, which his ancestors inhabited; nor with St. Germains, where he was born. All that does not proceed from himself, I predict he will disdain." "And you will guarantee that if I give my forty millions to the king " "Saying certain things to him at the same time, I guaran tee he will refuse them." "But those things — what are they?" "I will write them, if monseigneur will have the good' ness to dictate them." "Well, but, after all, what advantage will that be to me?" "An enormous one. Nobody will afterward be able to accuse your eminence oL that uniust avarice with whi^' 298 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. pamphleteers have reproached the most brilliant mind of the present age." "You are right, Colbert, you are right; go, and seek the king, on my part, and carry him my will." "Your donation, monseigneur." "But if he should accept it? If he should even think of accepting it?" "Then there would remain thirteen millions for your family, and that is a good round sum." "But then you would be either a fool or a traitor." "And I am neither the one nor the other, monseigneur. You appear to be much afraid the king will accept; you have a deal more reason to fear that he will not accept. "But, see you, if he does not accept, I should like to guarantee my thirteen reserved millions to him — yes, I will do so — yes. But my pains are returning! I shall faint! I am very, very ill, Colbert; I am very near my end!" Colbert started. The cardinal was indeed very ill; large drops of sweat flowed down upon his bed of agony, and the frightful paleness of a face streaming with water was a spectacle which the most hardened practitioner could not have beheld without compassion. Colbert was, without doubt, very much affected, for he quitted the chamber, calling Bernouin to attend the dying man, and went into the corridor. There, walking about with a meditative ex- pression, which almost gave nobleness to his vulgar head, his shoulders thrown up, his neck stretched out, his lips half open, to give vent to unconnected fragments of in- coherent thoughts, he lashed up his courage to the pitch of the undertaking contemplated, while within ten paces of him, separated only by a Avail, his master was being stifled by anguish which drew from him lamentable cries, think- ing no more of the treasures of the earth, or of the joys of Paradise, but much of all the horrors of hell. "While burn- ing-hot napkins, topicals, revulsives, and Guenaud, who was recalled, were performing their functions with increased activity, Colbert, holding his great head in both his hands, to compress within it the fever of the projects engendered by the brain, was meditating the tenor of the donation he would make Mazarin write at the first hour of respite his disease should afford him. It would appear as if all the cries of the cardinal, and all the attacks of death upon this representative of the past, were stimulants for the genius of this thinker with the bushy eyebrows, who was turning already toward the rising of the new sun of a regenerated THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 209 society. Colbert resumed his place at Mazarin's pillow tit the first interval of pain, and persuaded him to dictate a donation thus conceived. "About to appear before God, the Master of mankind, I beg the king, who was my master on earth, to resume the wealth which his bounty has bestowed upon me, and which my family would be happy to see pass into such illustrious hands. The particulars of my property will be found — they are drawn up — at the first requisition of his majesty, or at the last sight of his most devoted servant. "Jules, Cardinal de Mazarin." The cardinal sighed heavily as he signed this; Colbert sealed the packet, and carried it immediately to the Louvre, whither the king had returned. He then went back to his own home, rubbing his hands with the confidence of a workman who has done a good day's work. CHAPTER XLVII. HOW ANNE OF AUSTRIA GAVE ONE PIECE OF ADVICE TO LOUIS XIV., AND HOW M. FOUQUET GAVE HIM ANOTHER. The news of the extremity into which the cardinal had fallen had already spread, and attracted at least as much attention among the people of the Louvre as the news of the marriage of Monsieur, the king's brother, which had already been announced as an official fact. Scarcely had Louis XIV. returned home, with his thoughts fully occu- pied with the various things he had seen and heard in the course of the evening, when an usher announced that the same crowd of courtiers who, in the morning, had thronged his lever, presented themselves again at his couclier, a re- markable piece of respect which, during the reign of the cardinal, the court, not very discreet in its preferences, had accorded to the minister, without caring about dis- pleasing the king. But the minister had had. as we have said, an alarming attack of gout, and the tide of flattery was mounting toward the throne. Courtiers have a marvelous instinct in scent- ing events beforehand; courtiers possess a supreme kind of science; they are diplomatists to throw a light upon tho 300 THE VICOMTE DE BltAGELOHTKft. unraveling of difficult circumstances, captains to divine the issue of battles, and physicians to cure the sick. Louis XIV., to whom his mother had taught this axiom, among many others, understood at once that M. le Cardinal must be very ill. Scarcely had Anne of Austria conducted the young queen to her apartments and relieved her brows of the headdress of ceremony, when she went to see her son in his cabinet, where, alone, melancholy and depressed, hs was indulging, as if to exercise his will, in one of those ter- rible inward passions — king's passions — which create events when they break out, and which, with Louis XIV,, thanks to his astonishing command over himself, became such benign tempests that his most violent, his only passion, that which F. Simon mentions with astonishment, was that famous passion of anger which he exhibited fifty years later, on the occasion of a little concealment of the Due de Maine, and which had for result a shower of blows inflicted with a cane upon the back of a poor valet who had stolen a biscuit. The young king then was, as we have seen, prey to a double excitement; and he said to himself as he looked in a glass, "Oh, king! king by name, and not in fact; phan- tom, vain phantom as thou art! inert statue, which has no other power than that of provoking salutations from cour- tiers, when wilt thou be able to raise thy velvet arm, or clinch thy silken hand? when wilt thou be able to open for any purpose, but to sigh or smile, lips condemned to the motionless stupidity of the marbles of thy gallery?" Then, passing his hand over his brow, and feeling the want of air, he approached a window, whence he saw below some cavaliers talking together, and groups of the timidly curious. These cavaliers were a fraction of the watch; the groups were busy portions of the people, to whom a king is always a curious thing, as a rhinoceros, a crocodile, or a serpent is. He struck his brow with his open hand, crying: "King of France! what a title! People of France! what a heap of creatures! I have just returned to my Louvre; my horses, just unharnessed, are still smoking, and I have created interest enough to induce scarcely twenty persons to look at me as I passed. Twenty! what do I say? no; there were not twenty anxious to see the King of France. There are not even ten archers to guard my place of residence; archers, people, guards, all are at the Palais Royal. Why, my good God! have not I, the king, the right to ask of you all that?" "Because," said a voice, replying to his, and which THE VICOMTE DE JIRAGELONN'E. 301 sounded from the other side of the door of the cabinet, "because at the Palais Royal there is all the gold — that is to say, all the power of him who desires to reign. " Louis turned sharply round. The voice which had pro- nounced these words was that of Anne of Austria. The king started, and advanced toward her. "I hope," said he, "your majesty has paid no attention to the vain dec- lamations with which the solitude and disgust familiar to kings give the idea to the happiest characters?" "I only paid attention to one thing, my son, and that was, that you were complaining." "Who, I? Not at all," said Louis XIV.; "no, in truth, you mistake, madame." "What were you doing, then?" "I thought I was under the ferule of my professor, and was developing a subject of amplification." "My son," replied Anne of Austria, shaking her head, "you are wrong not to trust to my word; you are wrong not to grant me your confidence. A day will come, perhaps quickly, wherein you will have occasion to remember that axiom: God is universal power; and they alone are kings who are all-powerful." "Your intention," continued the king, "was not, how- ever, to cast blame upon the rich of this age, was it?" "No," said the queen warmly; "no, sire; they who are rich in this age, under your reign, are rich because you have been willing they should be so; and I entertain for them neither malice nor envy. They have, without doubt, served your majesty sufficiently well for your majesty to have permitted them to reward themselves. That is what I mean to say by the words for which you reproach me." "God forbid, madame, that I should ever reproach my mother with anything." "Besides," continued Anne of Austria, "the Lord never gives the goods of this world but for a season; the Lord — as correctives to honor and riches — the Lord has placed suffer- ings, sickness, and death; and no one," added she, with a melancholy smile, which proved she made the application of the funeral precept to herself, "no one can take their wealth or their greatness with them into the tomb. It thence results that the young gather the abundant harvest prepared for them by the old." Louis listened with increased attention to the words which Anne of Austria, no doubt, pronounced with a view of consoling him. 302 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. ''Madame," said ie, looking earnestly at his mothef, "one would almost^ In truth, say you had something else to announce to me." "I have absolutely nothing, my son; only you cannot have failed to remark that Monsieur le Cardinal is very ill." Louis looked at his mother, expecting some emotion in her voice, some sorrow in her countenance. The face of Anne of Austria was apparently little changed, but that was from a suffering of quite a personal character. Perhaps the alteration was caused by the cancer which had begun to consume her breast. "Yes, madame," said the king, "yes, Monsieur de Maz- arin is very ill." "And it would be a great loss to the kingdom if his em- inence were to be called away by God. Is not that yoir opinion as well as mine, my son?" said the queen "Yes, madame; yes, certainly, it would be a great loss for the kingdom," said Louis, coloring; "but the peril does not seem to me to be so great; besides, Monsieur le Car- dinal is young yet." The king had scarcely ceased speaking when an usher lifted the tapestry, and stood with a paper in his hand, waiting for the king to interrogate him. "What have you there?" asked the king. "A message from Monsieur de Mazarirf," replied the usher. "Give it to me," said the king; and he took the paper. But at the moment he was about to open it there was a great noise in the gallery, the antechamber, and the court. "Ah, ah!" said Louis XIV., who, without doubt, knew what the triple noise meant. "What did I say, there was but one king in France? I was mistaken; there are two." As he spoke or thought thus, the door opened, and the surintendant of the finances, Fouquet, appeared before his nominal master. It was he who made the noise in the ante- chamber, it was his horses that made the noise in the court. In addition to all this, a loud murmur was heard along his passage, which did not die away till some time after he had passed. It was this murmur which Louis XIV. so much regretted not hearing as he passed, and dying away behind him. "He is not precisely a king, as you fancy," said Anne of Austria to her son; "he is only a man that is much too rich -that is all." While saying these words » bitter feeling gave to the THE VtCOMTE T>E ERAGELOtftfE.' 303 words of the queen a most malicious expression; whereas the brow of the king, calm and self-possessed, on the con- trary, was without the slightest wrinkle. He nodded, therefore, familiarly to Fouquet, while he continued to un- fold the paper given to him by the usher. Fouquet per- ceived this movement, and with a politeness at once easy and respectful, advanced toward the queen, so as not to disturb the king. Louis had opened the paper, and yet he die! not read it. He listened to Fouquet making the most charming compliments to the queen upon her hand and arm. The frown of Anne of Austria relaxed a little; she even almost smiled. Fouquet perceived that the king, in- stead of reading, was attending to him; he turned half round, therefore, and thus, while continuing to be engaged with the queen, faced the king. "You know, Monsieur Fouquet," said Louis, "how ill Monsieur Mazarin is?" "Yes, sire, I know that," said Fouquet; "in fact, he is very ill. I was at my country-house of Vaux when the news reached me; and the affair seemed so pressing that I left at once." "You left Vaux this- evening, monsieur?" "An hour and a half ago, yes, your majesty," said Fou- quet, consulting a watch richly ornamented with diamonds. "An hour and a half!" said the king, still able to restrain his anger, but not to conceal his astonishment. "I understand you, sire. Your majesty doubts my word, and you have reason to do so; but I have really come so quickly, though it is wonderful. I have received from England three pairs of very fast horses, as I had been assured. They were placed at distances of four leagues apart, and I have tried them this evening. They really brought me from Vaux to the Louvre in an hour and a half, so your majesty sees I have not been cheated." The queen -mother smiled with something like secret snvy. But Fouquet caught her thought. "Thus, madame," he promptly said, "such horses are made for kings, not for subjects; for kings ought never to yield to any one in anything." The king looked up. "And yet," interrupted Anne of Austria, "you are not a king, that I know of, Monsieur Fouquet." "Truly not, madame; therefore the horses only wait the orders of his majesty to enter the royal stables; and if I illowed myself to try them, it was only out of the fear oi 304 THE VICOMTE BE BKAGELOKNE. offering to the king anything that was not positively won- derful. " The king became quite red. "You know, Monsieur Fouquet," said the queen, "that at the court of France it is not the custom for a subject to offer anything to his king." Louis started. 'I hoped, madame," said Fouquet, much agitated, "that my love for his majesty, my incessant desire to please him, would serve as a counterpoise to that reason of etiquette. It was not, besides, so much a present that I permitted my- self to offer, as the tribute I paid." "Thank you, Monsieur Fouquet," said the king politely, "and I am gratified by your intention, for I love good horses; but you know I am not very rich; you, who are my surintendant of finances, know it better than any one else. I am not able, then, however willing I may be, to purchase such a valuable set of horses." Fouquet darted a look of haughtiness at the queen- mother, who appeared to triumph at the false position the minister had got into, and replied: "Luxury is the virtue of kings, sire; it is luxury which makes them resemble God; it is by luxury they are more than other men. With luxury a king nourishes his sub- jects, and honors them. Under the mild beat of this luxury of kings springs the luxury of individuals, a source of riches for the people. His majesty, by accepting the gift of these six incomparable horses, would have piqued the self-love of the breeders of our country, of Limousin, Perche, and Normandy; and this emulation would have been beneficial to all. But the king is silent, and consequently, I am condemned." During this speech, Louis was unconsciously folding and unfolding Mazarin's paper, upon which he had not cast his eyes. At length he glanced upon it, and uttered a faint cry at reading the first line. "What is the matter, my son?" asked the queen anx- iously, and going toward the king. "From the cardinal," replied the king, continuing to read; "yes, yes, it is really from him." "Is he worse, then?" "Read!" said the king, passing the parchment to his mother, as if he thought that nothing less than reading would convince Anne of Austria of a thing so astonishing as was conveyed in that paper- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 305 Anne of Austria read in her turn, and as she read, her eyes sparkled with a joy the more lively for her uselessly endeavoring to hide it, which attracted the attention of Fouquet. "Oh! a regularly drawn-up deed of donation/' said she. "A donation?" repeated Fouquet. "Yes," said the king, replying pointedly to the surin- tendant of finances, "yes, at the point of death, Monsieur le Cardinal makes me a donation of all his wealth." "Forty millions!" cried the queen. "Oh, my son! this is very noble on the part of Monsieur le Cardinal, and will silence all malicious rumors; forty millions scraped together slowly, coming back all in one heap to the treasury! It is the act of a faithful subject and a good Christian." And having once more cast her eyes over the act, she restored it to Louis XIV., whom the announcement of the sum quite agitated. Fouquet had made some steps backward, and remained silent. The king looked at him, and held the paper out to him, in his turn. The surintendant only be- stowed a haughty look of a second upon it; then, bowing: "Yes, sire," said he, "a donation, I see." "You must reply to it, my son," said Anne of Austria; "you must reply to it, and that immediately." "But how, madame?" "By a visit to the cardinal." "Why, it is but an hour since I left his eminence," said the king. "Write, then, sire." "Write!" said the young king, with evident repugnance. "Well," replied Anne of Austria, "it seems to me, my son, that a man who has just made such a present has a good right to expect to be thanked for it with some degree of promptitude." Then turning toward Fouquet: "Is not that likewise your opinon, monsieur?" "That the present is worth the trouble? Yes, madame," said Fouquet, with a lofty air that did not escape the king. "Accept, then, and thank him," insisted Anne of Austria. "What says Monsieur Fouquet?" asked Louis XIV. "Does your majesty wish to know my opinion?" "Yes." "Thank him, sire " "Ah!" said the queen. "But do not accept," continued Fouquet. "And why not?" asked the queen. 306 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "You have yourself said why, madame," replied Fou- quet; "because kings ought not and cannot receive presents from their subjects." The king remained mute between these two so opposita opinions. "But forty millions!" said Anne of Austria, in the same tone as that in which, at a later period, poor Marie Antoi- nette replied: "You will tell me as much!" "I know," said Fouquet, laughing, "forty millions are a good round sum — such a sum as could almost tempt a royal conscience." "But, monsieur," said Anne of Austria, "instead of per- suading the king not to receive this present, recall to his majesty's mind, you, whose duty it is, that these forty millions are a fortune to him." "It is precisely, madame, because these forty millions would be a fortune that I will say to the king, 'Sire, if it be not decent for a king to accept from a subject six horses, worth twenty thousand livres, it would be disgraceful for him to owe a fortune to another subject, more or less scrupulous in the choice of the materials which contributed to the building up of that fortune.' " "It ill becomes you, monsieur, to give your king a lesson," said Anne of Austria; "rather procure him forty millions to replace those you make him lose." "The king shall have them whenever he wishes," said the surintendant of the finances, bowing. "Yes, by oppressing the people," said the queen. "And were they not oppressed, madame," replied Fou- quet, "when they were made to sweat the forty millions given by this deed? Furthermore, his majesty has asked my opinion. I have given it; if his majesty asks my con- currence, it will be the same." "Nonsense! accept, my son, accept," said Anne of Austria. "You are above reports and interpretations." "Eefuse, sire," said Fouquet. "As long as a king lives, he has no other measure but his conscience — no other judge but his own desires; but when dead, he has posterity, which applauds or accuses." "Thank you, mother," replied Louis, bowing respectfully to the queen. "Thank you, Monsieur Fouquet," said he, dismissing the surintendant civilly. "Do you accept?" asked Anne of Austria, once more. "I will consider of it," replied he, looking at Fouquet. THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELONNE. 307 CHAPTER XLVIII. AGONY. The day after the deed of donation had been sent to the king, the cardinal caused himself to be transported to Vin- cennes. The king and the court followed him thither. The last flashes of this torch still cast splendor enough , around to absorb in its radiations all other lights. Besides, as it has been seen, the faithful satellite of his minister, young Louis XIV., marched to the last minute in accord- ance with his gravitation. The disease, as Guenaud had predicted, had become worse; it was no longer an attack of gout, it was an attack of death; then there was another thing which made that agony more agonizing still — and that was the agitation introduced into his mind by the donation he had sent to the king, and which, according to Colbert, the king ought to send back, not accepted, to the cardinal. The cardinal had, as we have said, great faith in the pre- dictions of his secretary; but the sum was a large one, and whatever might be the genius of Colbert, from time to time, the cardinal thought to himself that the Theatin also might possibly have been mistaken, and that there was at least as much chance of his not being damned as there was that Louis XIV. would send him back his millions. Besides, the longer the donation was in coming back, the more Mazarin thought that forty millions were worth a little risk, particularly of so hypothetic a thing as the soul. Mazarin, in his character of cardinal and prime minister, was almost an atheist, and quite a materialist. Every time that the • door opened he turned sharply round toward that door, ex- pecting to see the return of his unfortunate donation; then, deceived in his hope, he threw himself down again in his bed with a sigh, and found his pains so much the greater for having forgotten them for an instant. Anne of Austria had also followed the cardinal; her heart, though age had made it selfish, could not help evincing toward the dying man a sorrow which he owed him as a wife, according to some; and as a sovereign, according to others. She had, in some sort, put on mourning in her countenance before- hand, and all the court wore it as she did. Louis, in order not to show on his face what was passing at the bottom of his heart, persisted in remaining in his own apartments, where his nurse alone kept him company; the more he reckoned upon the approach of the time when all constraint 308 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. would be at an end, the more humble and patient he was, falling back upon himself, as all strong men do when they form great designs, in order to gain more spring at the decisive moment. Extreme unction had been administered to the cardinal, who, faithful to his habits of dissimulation, struggled against appearances, and even against reality, receiving company in his bed, as if only afflicted with a temporary complaint. Guenaud, on his part, preserved profound secrecy; fatigued with visits and questions, he unswered nothing but "his eminence is still full of youth and strength, but God wills that which He wills, and when He has decided that man is to be laid low, he will be laid low." These words, which he scattered with a sort of dis- cretion, reserve, and preference, were commented upon earnestly by two persons — the king and the cardinal. Maz- arin, notAvithstanding the prophecy of Guenaud, still lured himself, or, rather, so well played his part, that the most cunning, when saying he lured himself, proved that they were his dupes. Louis, absent from the cardinal two days; Louis, with his eyes fixed upon that same donation which' so constantly preoccupied the cardinal; Louis did not exactly know how to make out Mazarin's conduct. The son of Louis XIII., following the paternal traditions, had, to that time, been so little of a king that, while ardently desiring royalty, he desired it with that terror which always accom- panies the unknown. Thus, having formed his resolution, which, besides, he communicated to nobody, he determined to have an interview with Mazarin. It was Anne of Aus- tria, who, constant in her attendance upon the cardinal, first heard this proposition of the king's, and who trans- mitted it to the dying man, whom it greatly agitated. Foi what purpose could Louis wish for an interview? Was it 50 return the deed, as Colbert had said he would? Was it to keep it, after thanking him, as Mazarin thought he would? Nevertheless, as the dying man felt that the un- certainty increased his torments, he did not hesitate an instant. "His majesty will be welcome — yes, very welcome," cried he, making Colbert, who was seated at the foot of the bed, u sign which the latter comprehended perfectly. "Ma- dame," continued Mazarin, "will your majesty be good enough to assure the king yourself of the truth of what I have just said?" Anne of Austria rose; she herself was anxious to have the question of the forty millions settled — the question which THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 309 seemed to lie heavy on the mind of everybody. Anne of Austria went out; Mazarin made a great effort, and, raising himself up toward Colbert, "Well, Colbert," said he, "two days have passed away — two mortal days — and, you see, nothing is come back from yonder." "Patience, monseigneur," said Colbert. "Art thou mad, thou wretch? Thou advisest me tc have patience! Oh, in sad truth, Colbert, thou art laugh- ing at me. I am dying, and thou callest out to me t(> wait!" "Monseigneur," said Colbert, with his habitual coolness, "it is impossible that things should not fall out as I have said. His majesty is coming to see you, and, no doubt, he brings back the deed himself." "Do you think so? Well, I, on the contrary, am sure that his majesty is coming to thank me." > At this moment Anne of Austria returned. On her way to the apartments of her son she had met with a new em- piric. This concerned a powder which, it was said, had power to save the cardinal; and she brought a portion of this powder with her. But this was not what Mazarin ex- pected; therefore he would not even look at it, declaring that life was not worth the pains that were taken to pre- serve it. But, while professing this philosophical axiom, his long-confined secret escaped him at last. "That, madame," said he, "that is not the interesting part of my situation. I made the king, now two days ago, a little donation; up to this time, from delicacy, no doubt, his majesty has not condescended to say anything about it; but the time for explanation is come; and I implore your majesty to tell me if the king has made up his mind on that matter." Anne of Austria was about to reply, when Mazarin stopped her. "The truth, madame," said he — "in the name of Heaven, the truth! Do not flatter a dying man with a hope that may prove vain." There he stopped, a look from Colbert telling him that he was on a wrong tack. "I know," said Anne of Austria, taking the cardinal's hand, "I know that you have generously made, not a little donation, as you with so much modesty call it, but a mag- nificent gift. I know how painful it would be to you if the king " Mazarin listened, dying as he was, as ten living men coul<$ not have listened. 310 THE riCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "That the king — " replied he. "That the king," continued Anne of Austria, 5 shoulc not freely accept what you offer so nobly." Mazarin allowed himself to sink back upon his pillow like Pantaloon; that is to say, with all the despair of a man who yields to the tempest; but he still preserved sufficient strength and presence of mind to cast upon Colbert one of those looks which are well worth a hundred sonnets, which is to say, ten long poems. "Should you not," added the queen, "have considered the refusal of the king as a sort of insult?" Mazarin rolled his head about upon his pillow, without articulating a sylla- ble. The queen was deceived, or feigned to be deceived, by this demonstration. "Therefors," resumed she, "I have circumvented him with good counsels; and ascertain minds, jealous, no doubt, of the glory you are about to acquire by this generosity, have endeavored to prove to the king that he ought not to accept of this donation, I have struggled in your favor, and so well have I struggled that you will not have, I hope, that disagreeable to undergo. "Ah!" murmured Mazarin, with languishing eyes, "ah, that is a service I shall never forget for a single minute during the few hours I have to live." "I must admit," continued the queen, "that it was not without trouble I rendered it to your eminence." "Ah, peste! I believe that. Oh! oh!" "Good God! what is the matter?" : 'I am burning." "Do you suffer much?" "As much as one of the damned." Colbert would have wished to have sunk through the flooring. "So, then," resumed Mazarin, "your majesty thinks that the king" — he stopped several seconds — "that the king is coming here to offer me some small thanks?" "I think so," said the queen. Mazarin annihilated Col- bert with his last look. At that moment the ushers announced that the king was in the antechambers, which were filled with people. This announcement produced a stir of which Colbert took advan- tage to escape by the door of the nielle. Anne of Austria arose, and awaited her son, standing. Louis XIV. ap- peared at the threshold of the door, with his eyes fixed upon the dying man, who did not even think it worth while to THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 311 jotice that majesty from which he thought he had nothing more to expect. An usher placed a fauteuil close to the bed. Louis bowed to his mother, then to the cardinal, and eat down. The queen took a seat in her turn. Then, as the king had looked behind him, the usher understood that look, and made a sign to the courtiers who filled up the doorway to be gone, which they instantly complied with. Silence fell upon the chamber with the velvet curtains. The king, still very young, and very timid in the presence of him who had been his master from his birth, still re- spected him much, particularly now, surrounded with the supreme majesty of death. He did not dare, therefore, to commence the conversation, feeling that every word must have its bearing, not only upon things of this world, but of the next. As to the cardinal, at that moment he had but one thought — his donation. It was not physical pain which gave him that air of despondency and that lugubrious look; it was the expectation of the thanks that were about to issue from the king's mouth, and cut off all hope of resti- tution. Mazarin was the first to break the silence. "Is your majesty come to make any stay at Vincennes?' , said he. Louis made an affirmative sign with his head. "That is a gracious favor," continued Mazarin, "granted to a dying man, and which will render death more mild to him." "I hope," replied the king, "I am come to visit, not a dying man, but a sick man, susceptible of cure." Mazarin replied by a movement of the head. "Your majesty is very kind; but I know more than you on that subject. The last visit, sire," said he, "the last visit." "If it were so, Monsieur le Cardinal," said Louis, "I would come a last time to ask the counsels of a guide to whom I owe everything." Anne of Austria was a woman; she could not restrain her tears. Louis showed himself much affected, and Mazarin still more than his two guests, but from very different motives. Here the silence returned. The queen wiped her eyes, and the king resumed his firmness. "I was saying," continued the king, "that I owed much to your eminence." The eyes of the cardinal devoured the king, for he felt the great moment was come. "And." continued Louis, "the principal object of my visit was to offer you very sincere thanks for the last evidence of friend- ship you have kindly sent me." 312 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELOKN'E. The cheeks of the cardinal sank in, his lips partially opened, and the most lamentable sigh he had ever uttered*, was about to issue from his chest. "Sire," said he, "I may have despoiled my poor family; I may have ruined all that belong to me, which may be r imputed to me as an error; but, at least, it shall not be said , of me that I have refused to sacrifice everything to my L king." Anne of Austria's tears flowed afresh. "My dear Monsieur Mazarin," said the king, in a more serious tone than might have been expected from his youth, "you have misunderstood me apparently." Mazarin raised himself upon his elbow. "I have no purpose to despoil your dear family, nor to ruin your servants. Oh, no, that shall never be!" "Humph!" thought Mazarin, "he is going to restore me some bribe; let us get the largest piece out of the trap we can." "The king is going to be foolishly affected, and play the generous," thought the queen; "he must not be allowed to impoverish himself; such an opportunity for gaining a for-i tune will never occur again." "Sire," said the cardinal aloud, "my family is very numerous, and my nieces will be destitute when I am gone." j "Oh," interrupted the queen eagerly, "have no uneasi- ness with respect to your family, dear Monsieur Mazarin; ' we have no friends dearer than your friends; your nieces shall be my children, the sisters of his majesty; and if a favor be distributed in France it shall be to those you love." "Smoke!" thought Mazarin, who knew better than any one the faith that can be put in the promises of kings, j Louis read the dying man's thought in his face. "Be comforted, my dear Monsieur Mazarin," said he, with a half-smile, sad beneath its irony; "the Mesdemoi- selles de Mancini will lose, when losing you, their most precious good; but they shall none the less be the richest heiresses of France; and since you have been kind enough to give me their dowry" — the cardinal was panting — "I restore it to them," continued Louis, drawing from his breast and holding toward the cardinal's bed the parchment which contained the donation that, during two days, had kept alive such tempests in the mind of Mazarin. "What did I tell you, monseigneur?" murmured in the rtielle a voice which passed away like a breath. "Your majesty returns me my donation!" cried Mazarin, so disturbed by joy as to forget his character of a benefactor. THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 313 "Your majesty rejects the forty millions!" cried Anne of Austria, so stupefied as to forget her character of an afflicted afe or queen. "Yes, Monsieur le Cardinal; yes, madame," replied Louis |[IV., tearing the parchment which Mazarin had not yet entured to clutch; "yes, I annihilate this deed which ''espoiled a whole family. The wealth acquired by his em lence in my service is his own wealth, and not mine." "But, sire, does your majesty reflect," said Anne of aistria, "that you have not ten thousand crowns in your offers?" "Madame, I have just performed my first royal action, nd I hope it will worthily inaugurate my reign?" ( "Ah! sire, you are right!" cried Mazarin; "that is truly reat — that is truly generous which you have just done." Vnd he looked, one after the other, at the pieces of the act 'oread over his bed, to assure himself that it was the orig- lal and not a copy that had been torn. At length his yes fell upon the fragment which bore his signature, and, ^cognizing it, he sank back swooning on his bolster. Inne of Austria, without strength to conceal her regret, lised her hands and eyes toward heaven. , "Oh, sire!" cried Mazarin, "be you blessed! My God! (ay you be beloved by all my family. Per Bacclw ! if ever \ij discontent comes to you on the part of those belonging > me, sire, only frown, and I will rise from my tomb!" \ This pantalonnade did not produce all the effect Mazarin !ad reckoned upon. Louis had already passed to considera- ons of a more elevated nature, and as to Anne of Austria, hable to support, without abandoning herself to the anger le felt burning within her, the magnanimity of her son id the hypocrisy of the cardinal, she arose and left the lamber, heedless of thus betraying the extent of her grief, .azarin saw all this, and fearing that Louis XIV. might ppent of his decision, he began, in order to draw attention lother way, to cry out, as, at a later period, Scapin was to ry out, in that sublime piece of pleasantry which the orose and grumbling Boileau dared to reproach Moliere ith. His cries, however, by degrees, became fainter; and hen Anne of Austria left the apartment they ceased alto- ither. "Monsieur le Cardinal," said the king, "have you any icommendations to make to me?" "Sire," replied Mazarin, "you are already wisdom itself, cudence personified; of your generosity I will not venture 314 THE VICOMTB DE BRAGELONNE. to speak; that which you have just done exceeds all that the most generous men of antiquity or of modern times have ever done." The king received this praise coldly. "So you confine yourself, monsieur," said he, "to your thanks — and your experience, much more extensive than my wisdom, my prudence, or my generosity, does not furnish me with a single piece of friendly advice to guide my future." Mazarin reflected for a moment. "You have just done much for me, sire," said he; "that is, for mine." "Say no more about that," said the king "Weil," con- tinued Mazarin, "I will return you something in exchange for these forty millions you have given up so royally." Louis XIV., by a movement, indicated that these flatteries were unpleasing to him. "I will give you a piece of ad- vice," continued Mazarin; "yes, a piece of advice — adviee more precious than the forty millions." "Monsieur le Cardinal!" interrupted Louis. "Sire, listen to this advice." "I am listening." "Come nearer, sire, for I am weak — nearer, sire, nearer." The king bent over the dying man. "Sire," said Maz- arin, in so low a tone that the breath qi his words arrived only like a recommendation from the tomb in the attentive ears of the king, "sire, never have a prime minister." Louis drew back, astonished. The advice was a confes- sion — a treasure, in fact, was that sincere confession of Mazarin. The legacy of the cardinal to the young king was composed of six words only, but those six words, as Mazarin had said, were worth forty millions. Louis re- mained for an instant confounded. As for Mazarin, he appeared only to have said something quite natural. A little scratching was heard along the curtains of the ruelle. Mazarin understood. "Yes, yes!" cried he warmly, "yes, sire, I recommend you a wise man, an honest man, and a clever man." "Tell me his name, Monsieur le Cardinal." "His name is yet almost unknown, sire; it is Monsieur Colbert, my intendant. Oh, try him," added Mazarin, in an earnest voice; "all that he has predicted has come to pass; he has a safe glance, he is never mistaken either in things or in men — which is more surprising still. Sire, I owe you much, but I think I acquit myself of all toward you in giving you Monsieur Colbert." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 31o "So be it." said Louis faintly, for, as Mazarin had said, the name of Colbert was quite unknown to him, and lie thought the enthusiasm of the cardinal partook of the delirium of a dying man. The cardinal sank back on his pillow. ''For the present, adieu, sire — adieu," murmured Maz- arin. "I am tired, and I have yet a rough journey to per- form before I present myself to my new Master. Adieu, sire." The young king felt the tears rise to his eyes; he bent over the dying man, already half a corpse, and then pre- cipitately retired. CHAPTER XLIX. THE FIRST APPEARANCE OF COLBERT. The whole night was passed in anguish, common to the dying man and the king; the dying man expected his de- liverance, the king expected his liberty. Louis did not go to bed. An hour after leaving the chamber of the cardinal he learned that the dying man, recovering a little strength, had insisted upon being dressed, farded, and painted, and seeing the embassadors. Like Augustus, he no doubt con- sidered the world to be a great theater, and was desirous of playing out the last act of the comedy. Anne of Austria reappeared no more in the cardinal's apartments; she had nothing more to do there. Propriety was the pretext for her absence. On his part, the cardinal did not ask for her; the advice the queen had given her son rankled in his heart. Toward midnight, still painted, Mazarin's mortal agony came on. He had revised his testament, and as this testament was the exact expression of his will, and as he feared that some interested influence might take advantage of his weakness to make him change something in that tes- tament, he had given orders to Colbert, who walked up and down the corridor which led to the cardinal's bedchamber, like the most vigilant of sentinels. The king, shut up in his ownapartment,dispatched his nurse every hour to Mazarin's chamber, with orders to bring him back the exact bulletin of the cardinal's state. After having heard that Mazarin was dressed, painted, and had seen the embassadors, Louis heard that prayers for the dying were commenced for the cardinal. At one o'clock in the morning, Uuenaud had 316 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. administered the last remedy. This was a relic of the old customs of that fencing time, which was abonl to disap] to give place to another time, to believe that death could be kept off by some good secret thrust. Mazarin, after having taken the remedy, respired freely for nearly ten minutes. He immediately gave orders that the news should pread everywhere of a fortunate crisis. The king, learning this, felt as if a cold sweat were passing over his . _iimpse of the light of liberty; slavery 1 to him more dark and I ptable than ever Bn the bulletin which followed entirely changed the of things. Mazarin could no longer breathe at all, and could scarcely follow the prayers which the cure of St. Nicholas des Champs recited near him. The king resui his agitated walk about his chamber, and consulted, as he wall i from a casket of which he alone had the key. A third time the nurse returned. M. de Mazarin had just uttered a joke, and had ordered his "Flora," by Titian, to be revarnished. At length, towi i two o'clock in the morning, the king could no longer i his weariness; he had not slept for twenty-four hours. p, so powerful at his age. overcame him for about an hour. But he did not go to bed for that hour; he slept iu titeuil. About four o'clock his nurse awoke him by entering the room. "Well?" asked the king. "Well, my dear sire," said the nurse, clasping her hands with an air of commiseration. "Well, he is dead!" The king arose at a bound, as if a steel spring had been applied to his legs. "Dead!" cried he. "Alas! yes." "Is it quite certain?" 'Yes." "Official?" "Yes." "Has the news of it been made public?" "Not yet." "Who told you, then, that the cardinal was dead?''" "Monsieur Colbert." "Monsieur Colbert?" "Yes." "And was he sure of what he said?" "He came out of the chamber, and had held a glass for 1 sornp minutes be-fore the rt:trd; rial's li', 1 ^" THE VICO.MTR Hi: i; ICAGELONNE. '>]'/ "Yes, a very worthy friend of mine, a great nobleman, the Viceroy of Scotland and Ireland- has endowed me with an inheritance." "An inheritance?" "And a good one, too." "Then you are rich?" "Pugh!" "Receive my sincere congratulation.'* "Thank you! Look, that is my house.'* "Place de Greve?" "Yes; you don't like this quarter?" "On the contrary, the lookout on the water is pleasant. Oh, what a pretty old house!" "The sign Notre Dame; it is an old cabaret, which I have transformed into a private house in two days." "But the cabaret is still open?" "Pardieu !" "And where do you lodge, then?" "I? I lodge with Planchet." "You said, just now, 'This is my house.' " "I said so, because, in fact, it is my house. I have bought it." "Ah!" said Eaoul. "At ten years' purchase, my dear Raoul; a superb affair. I bought the house for thirty thousand livres; it has a garden that opens to the Rue de la Matillerie; the cabaret lets for a thousand livres, with the first story; the garret, or second floor, for five hundred livres." "Indeed!" "Yes, indeed." "Five hundred livres for a garret? Why, that is not habitable." "Therefore no one does inhabit it; only, you see, this garret has two windows which look out upon the Place." "Yes, monsieur." "Well, then, every time anybody is broken on the wheel, or hung, quartered, or burned, these two windows are let for twenty pistoles." "Oh!" said Raoul, with horror. "It is disgusting; is it not?" said D'Artagnan. "Oh!" repeated Raoul. "It is disgusting, but so it is. These Parisian cockneys are sometimes real anthropophagi. I cannot conceive how Kuen, Christians, can make such speculation." "That is true." 336 THE VICOMTE DB BRAGELONNE. "As for myself/' continued D'Artagnan, "if I inhabited that house, on days of execution I would shut it up to the very keyholes; but I do not inhabit it." "And you let the garret for five hundred livres?" "To the ferocious cabaretier, who sublets it. I said then fifteen hundred livres." "The natural interest of money," said Raoul, "five per cent." "Exactly so. I then have left the side of the house at the hack, magazines, lodgings, and cellars, inundated every winter, two hundred livres; and the garden, which is very fine, well planted, well shaded under the walls and portal of St. Gervais and St. Protais, thirteen hundred livres." ''Thirteen hundred livres! why, that is royal!" "This is the history ©f it. I strongly suspect some canon of the parish (these canons are all as rich as Croesus) — I suspect some canon of having hired the garden to take his pleasure in. The tenant has given the name of Monsieur Godard. That is either a false name or a real name; \i true, he is a canon; if false, he is some unknown; but of what consequence is it to me? he always pays in advance I had also an idea just now, when I met you, of buying a house in the Place Baudoyer, the back premises of which join my garden, and would make a magnificent property. Your dragoons interrupted my calculations. But come, let us take the Bue de la Yannerie, that will lead us straight to Monsieur Planchet's." D'Artagnan mended his pace, and conducted Baoul to Planchet's dwelling, a chamber of which the grocer had given up to his old master. Planchet was out, but the dinner was ready. There was a remains of military regularity and punctuality preserved in the grocer's household. D'Artagnan returned to the chapter of Raoul's future. "Your father keeps you rather strictly?" said he. "Justly, Monsieur le Chevalier." "Oh, yes, I know Athos is just; but close, perhaps?" "A royal hand, Monsieur d'Artagnan." "Well, never want, my boy. 12 ever you stand in need of a few pistoles, the old musketeer is at hand." "My dear Monsieur d'Artagnan!" "Do you play a little?" "Never." 'Successful with the ladies, then? Oh, my little AramisJ That my dear friend, costs still more than play. It is true v. -j fight when we lose; that is a compensation. Bah! the THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNB. 337 little sniveler of a king makes men who draw pay for it. What a reign! my poor Raoul, what a reign! When we think that, in my time, the musketeers were besieged in their houses, like Hector and Priam in the city of Troy; and then the women wept, and then the walls laughed, and then five hundred beggarly fellows clapped their hands, and cried, 'Kill, kill!' when not one musketeer was hurt. Mor- dioux! you will never see anything like that." "You are very hard upon the king, my dear Monsieur d'Artagnan;,and yet you scarcely know him." "I! Listen, Raoul. Day by day, hour by hour — take note of my words — I will predict what he will do. The cardinal being dead, he will weep; very well, that is the thing the least silly he will do, particularly if he does not shed a tear." "And then?" "Why then he will get Monsieur Fouquet to allow him a pension, and will go and compose verses at Fontainebleau, upon some Mancini or other, whose eyes the queen will scratch out. She is a Spaniard, see you, this queen of ours; and she has, as a mother-in-law, Madame Anne of Austria. I know something of the Spaniards of the house of Austria." "And next?" "Well, after having torn off the silver lace from the uni- forms of his Swiss, because lace is too expensive, he will dismount the musketeers, because the oats and hay of a horse cost five sols a day." "Oh! do not say that." "Of what consequence is it to ma, I am no longer a mus- keteer, am I? Let them be on horseback, let them be on foot, let them carry a larding-pin, a sj)it, a sword, or noth- ing — what is it to me?" "My dear Monsieur d'Artagnan, I beseech you, say no more ill to me of the king. I am almost in his service, and my father would be very angry with me for having heard even from your mouth words that were offensive to his majesty." "Your father, eh! He is a knight in every bad cause. Pardieu ! yes, your father is a brave, is a Ca?sar, it is true, but a man without perception." "Now, my dear chevalier," exclaimed Raoul, laughing, "what, are you going to speak ill of my father, of him yon call the great Athos? Truly, you are in a bad vein to-day; riches render you as sour as poverty renders other people." "Pardieu! you are right. I am a rascal and in my dotage; 338 THE YICOMTE DE BRAOELCCNTNE. I am an anhappy wretch grown old, a forage-cord untwisted, a pierced cuirass, a boot without a sole, a spur without a rowel; but do me the pleasure to say one thing for me?" "What is that, my dear Monsieur d'Artagnan?" "Say this to me: 'Mazarin was a pitiful wretch.' ; ' "Perhaps he is dead." "More the reason — I say was ; if I did not hope that he was dead I would entreat you to say: 'Mazarin is a pitiful wretch.' Come say so, say so, for the love of me." "Well, I will." "Say it!" "Mazarin was a pitiful wretch," said Raoul, smiling at the musketeer, who roared with laughter, as in his best days. "A moment," said the latter; "you have spoken my first proposition, here is the conclusion of it; repeat, Raoul, repeat: 'But I regret Mazarin.' " "Chevalier!" "You will not say it? Well, then, I will say it twice for you." "But you would regret Mazarin?" And they were still laughing and discussing this digest- ing of a profession of principles when one of the shop-boys entered. "A letter, monsieur," said he, "for Monsieur d'Artagnan." "Thank you; give it me," cried the musketeer. "The handwriting cf Monsieur le Comte," said Raoul. "Yes, yes." And D'Artagnan broke the seal. "Dear friend," wrote Athos, "a person has just been here to beg me to seek for you, on the part of the king." "Seek me!" said D'Artagnan, letting the paper fall upon the table. Raoul picked it up, and continued to read aloud: "Make haste. His majesty is very anxious to speak to you, and expects you at the Louvre." "Expects me!" again repeated the musketeer. "He! he! he!" laughed Raoul. "Oh, oh!" replied D'Artagnan. "What the devil cau this mean?" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 339 CHAPTEE LIII. THE KING. The first movement of surprise overj D'Artagnan re- perused Athos' note. "It is strange," said he, "that the king should send for me." "Why so?" said Eaoul; "do you not think, monsieur, that the king must regret such a servant as you?" "Oh, oh!" cried the officer, laughing with all his might; 'you are jeering at me, Master Raoul. If the king had regretted me, he would not have let me leave him. No, no; I see in it something better, or worse, if you like." "Worse! What can that be, Monsieur le Chevalier?" "You are young, you are a boy, you are admirable. Oh, how I should like to be as you are! To be but twenty-four, with an unfurrowed brow, under which the brain is void of everything but woman, love, and good intentions. Oh, Raoul, as long as you have not received the smiles of kings, the confidence of queens; as long as you have not had two cardinals killed under you, the one a tiger the other a fox; as long as you have not — But what is the good of all this trifling? We must part, Raoul." "How you speak that! What a serious face!" "Eh! but the occasion i= worthy of it. Listen to me; I have a very good recommendation to make you." "T am all attention, Monsieur d'Artagnan." "You will go and inform your tather of my departure." "Your departure?" "Pardieu ! You will tell him that I am gone into Eng- land; and that I am living in my little country house." "In England, you! And the king's orders?" "You get more and more silly; do you imagine that 1 am going in that way to the Louvre, to place myself at the disposal of that little crowned wolf-cub?" "The king a wolf-cub? why, Monsieur le Chevalier, you are mad!" "On the contrary, I was never so much otherwise. Yon do not know what he wants to do with me, this worthy son of Louis le Juste! But, mordioux ! that is policy. He wishes to ensconce me snugly in the Bastile — purely and simply, see you!" "What for?" cried Raoul, terrified at what he heard. "On account of what I told him one day at Blois. I was warm; he remembers it." 340 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. ''You told him what?" "That he was mean, cowardly, and silly." "Good God!" cried Raoul, "is it possible that such words should have issued from your mouth?" "Perhaps, I don't give the letter of my speech, but I give the sense of it." "But did not the king have you arrested immediately?" "By whom? It was I who commanded the musketeers; he must have commanded me to convey myself to prison; I would never have consented; I would have resisted myself. And then I went into England — no more D'Artagnan. Now, the cardinal is dead, or nearly so, they learn that I am in Paris, and they lay their hands on me." "The cardinal was, then, your protector?" "The cardinal knew me; he knew certain particularities of me; I also knew certain of him; we appreciated each other mutually. And then, on rendering his soul to the devil, he would recommend Anne of Austria to make me the in- habitant of a safe place. Go then and find your father, relate the fact to him — and, adieu!" "My dear Monsieur d'Artagnan," said Raoul, very much agitated, after having looked out at the window, "you can not even fly!" "Why not?" "Because there is below an officer of the Swiss guards waiting for you." "Well!" "Well, he will arrest you." D'Artagnan broke into a Homeric laugh. "Oh! I know very well that you will resist, that you will fight even; I know very well that you will prove conqueror; but that amounts to rebellion, and you are an officer your- self, knowing what discipline is." "Devil of a boy, how noble, how logical that is!" grum- bled D'Artagnan. "You approve of it, do you not?" "Yes, instead of passing into the street, where the oaf is waiting for me, I will slip quietly out at the back. I have a horse in the stable, and a good one. I will burst him, my means permit me to do so, and by killing one horse after another, I shall arrive at Boulogne in eleven hours; I know the road. Only tell your father one thing." "What is that?" "That is: that that which he knows about is placed at Planchet's house, except a fifth, and that " THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 341 "But, my dear Monsieur d'Artagnan, be assured that if you fly, two things will be said of you." "What are they, my dear friend?" "The first, that you have been afraid/' "Ah! and who will dare to say that?" "The king, the first." "Well! but he will tell the truth— I am afraid," "The second, that you felt yourself guilty," "Guilty of what?" "Why, of the crimes they wish to impute to you." "That is true again. So then, you advise me to go and get myself made a prisoner in the Bastile?" "Monsieur le Comte de la Fere would advise you just as I do." ''Pardieu ! I know he would," said D'Artagnan thought- fully. "You are right, I shall not escape. But if they cast me into the Bastile?" "We will get you out again," said Raoul, with a quiet, calm air. " 'Mordioux ! You said that after a brave fashion, Raoul," said D'Artagnan, seizing his hand; "that savors of Athos, quite pure. Well, I will go, then. Do not forget my last word." "Except a fifth," said Eaoul. "Yes, you are a fine boy; and I wish you to add one thing to that last word." "Speak, chevalier." "It is that if you cannot get me out of the Bastile, and that I remain there — Oh! that will be so, and I shall be a detestable prisoner; I, who have been a passable man — in that case, I give three-fifths to you, and the fourth to your father." "Chevalier!" "Mordioux! If you will have some masses said forme, you are welcome." That being said, D'Artagnan took his belt from the hook ; girded on his sword, took a hat, the feather of which was fresh, and held his hand out to Raoul, who threw himself into his arms. When in the shop he cast a quick glance at the shop-lads, who looked upon the scene with a pricl^ mingled with some inquietude; then, plunging his hanas into a chest of currants, he went straight to the officer who was waiting for him at the door. "Those features! Can it be you, Monsieur Je Friedisch?" cried D'Artagnan gaylv- "Eh! eh ! what, dp we arrest oui friends?" 342 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Arrest!" whispered the lads among ;nemselves. "Yes, it is I, Monsieur d'Artagnan! Good-day Id jouP* said the Swiss, in his mountain patois. "Must I give you up my sword? I warn you, that it is long and heavy; you had better let me wear it to the Louvre; I feel quite lost in the streets without a sword, and you would be more at a loss than I should with two." "The king has given no orders about it," replied the Swiss; "so keep your sword." "Well, that is very polite on the part of the king. Let us go at once." M. Friedisch was not a talker, and D'Artagnan had too much to think about to be one. From Planchet's shop to the Louvre was not far; they arrived in ten minutes. It was a dark night. M. de Friedisch wanted to enter by the ticket. "No," said D'Artagnan, "you would lose time by that; take the little staircase." The Swiss did as D'Artagnan advised, and conducted him to the vestibule of the king's cabinet. When arrived there he bowed to his prisoner, and, without saying anything, returned to his post. D'Artagnan had not had time to ask why his sword was not taken from him when the door of the cabinet opened, and a valet de chambre called, "Mon- sieur d'Artagnan!" The musketeer assumed his parade carriage, and entered, with his large eyes wide open, his brow calm, his mustache stiff. The king was seated at a table writing. He did not disturb himself when the step of the musketeer resounded on the floor; he did not even turn his head. D'Artagnan advanced as far as the middle of the room, and seeing that the king paid no attention to him, and suspecting, besides, that that was nothing but affectation, a sort of tormenting preamble to the explana- tion which was preparing, he turned his back on the prince, and began to examine the frescoas on the cornices and the cracks in the ceiling. This maneuver was accompanied by this little tacit monologue: "Ah! you want to humble me, do you? — you, whom I have seen so young — you, whom I have saved as I would my own child — you, whom I have served, as I would a God — that is to say, fof nothing. Wait awhile! wait awhile! you shall see what a man can do who has snuffed the air of the fire of the Huguenots, unde* the beard of Monsieur le Cardinal — the true cardinal.'" At this moment Louis turned round. "Ah, are you there, Monsieur d'Artagnan?" said he D'Artagnan saw the and imitated it. "Ye% sire." said he> THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 343 "Very wall; have the goodness to wait till I have cast thi: up.'' D'Artagnan made no reply; he only bowed. ''That is polite enough/'' thought he; "I have nothing to say." Louis made a violent dash wiuh his pen, and threw it angrily away. "Ah! go on, work yourself up!" thought the musketeer? "you will put me at my ease, you shall find I did not empty the bag, the other day, at Blois." Louis rose from his seat, passed his hand over his brow; then, stopping opposite to D'Artagnan, he looked at him with an air at once imperious and kind. "What the devil does he want with me? I wish he would begin!" thought the musketeer. "Monsieur," said the king, "you know, without doubt, that Monsieur le Cardinal is dead?" "I suspected so, sire." "You know that, consequently, I am master in my own kingdom?" "That is not a thing that dates from the death of Mon- sieur le Cardinal, sire; a man is always master in his own house, when he wishes to be so." "Yes; but do you remember all you said to me at Biois?" "Now we come to it," thought D'Artagnan; "I was not deceived. Well, so much the better; it is a sign that my scent is tolerably keen yet." "You do not answer me," said Louis* "Sire, I think I recollect." "You only think?" "It is so long ago." "If you do not remember, I do. You said to me — listen with attention." "Ah! I shall listen with all my ears, sire; for it is very likely the conversation will turn in a fashion very interest ing to me." Louis once more looked at the musketeer. The latter smoothed the feather of his hat, then his mustache, and waited intrepidly. Louis XIV. continued: "You quitted my service, monsieur, after have told me the whole truth?" "Yes, sire." "That is, after having declared to me all yon thought to be true with regard to my mode of thinking and acting. That is always a merit. You began by telling me that you iiad served my family thirty years, and were tired." "X said so; yes, sire." 344 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "And you afterward admitted that mat fatigue was a pre text, and that discontent was the real cause." "I was discontented, in fact; but that discontent hafc never betrayed itself, that I know of, and if, like a man of heart, I have spoken out before your majesty, I have not even thought of the matter in face of anybody else." "Do not excuse yourself, D'Artagnan, but continue to listen to me. When making me the reproach that you weie discontented, you received in reply a promise; wait, is not that true?" "Yes, sire, as true as what I told you." "You answered me, 'Hereafter? No, now, immediately. ' Do not excuse yourself, I tell you. It was natural, but you had no charity for your poor prince, Monsieur d'Artagnan.'' "Sire, charity for a king, on the part of a poor soldier!" "You understand me very well; you knew that I stood in need of it; you knew very well that I was not master; you knew very well that my hope was in the future. Now, you replied to me when I spoke of that future, 'My dis- charge — and that directly.'" "That is true," murmured D'Artagnan, bating his mustache. "You did not flatter me when I was in distress," added Louis. "But," said D'Artagnan, raising his head nobly, "if I did not flatter your majesty when poor, neither did I betray f r ou. I have shed my blood for nothing; I have watched ike a dog at a door, knowing full well that neither bread nor bone would be thrown to me. I, although poor like- wise, asked nothing of your majesty but the discharge you sr)eak of." " ''I know you are a brave man, but I was a young man, and you ought to have had some indulgence for me. What had you to reproach the king with? that he left King Charles II. without assistance? let us say further — that he did not marry Mademoiselle de Mancini?" When saying these words the king fixed upon the musketeer a searching look. "Ah! ah!" thought the latter, "he is doing more than remembering, he is guessing. The devil!" "Your sentence," continued Louis, "fell upon the king and fell upon the man. 'But Monsieur d'Artagnan, that weakness, for you considered it a weakness?" — D'Artagnan made no reply — "you reproached me also with regard to monsieur, the defunct cardinal. Now, Monsieur le Car- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXHE. 345 dinal, did he not bring me up, did he not support me — elevating himself and supporting himself at the same time, I admit; but the benefit was discharged. As an ingrate or an egotist, would you, then, have better loved me or served me?" "Sire!" "We will say no more about it, monsieur; it would only create you too many regrets and me too much pain." D'Artagnan was not convinced. The young king, in adopting a tone of hauteur with him, did not forward his purpose. "You have since reflected?" resumed Louis. 'Upon what, sire?" asked D'Artagnan politely. "Why, upon all that I have said to you, monsieur." "'Yes, sire, no doubt " "And you have only waited for an opportunity of retract- ing your words?" "Sire!" "You hesitate, it seems." "I do not understand what your majesty did me the honor to say to me." Louis' brow became cloudy. "Have the goodness to excuse me, sire; my understand- ing is particularly thick; things do not penetrate it without difficulty; but it is true, when once they get in they remain there." "Yes, yes; you appear to have a memory." "Almost as good a one as your majesty's." "Then give me quickly one solution. My time is valua- ble. What have you been doing since your discharge?" "Making my fortune, sire." "The expression is rude, Monsieur d'Artagnan." "Your majesty takes it in bad part, certainly. I enter- tain nothing but the profoundest respect for the king; and if I have been impolite, which might be excused by my long sojourn in camps and barracks, your majesty is too much above me to be offended at a word innocently escaped from a soldier." "In fact, I know that you have performed a brilliant action in England, monsieur. I only regret that you have broken your promise." "I!" cried D'Artagnan. "Doubtless. You engaged your word not to serve any other prince on quitting my service. Now, it was for King Charles II. that you undertook the marvelous carrying off of Monsieur Monk." 346 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Pardon me, sire; it was for myself." "And did you succeed?" "Like the captains of the fifteenth century, coups dt main and adventures." "What do you call succeeding — a fortune?" "A hundred thousand crowns, sire, which I possess — that is, in one week the triple of all I ever had in money in fifty years." "It is a handsome sum. But you are ambitious, I believe?" "I! sire? The quarter of it would be a treasure; and I swear to you I have no thought of augmenting it." "What! do you contemplate remaining idle?" Yes sire " "To quit the sword?" "That is done." "Impossible, Monsieur d'Artagnan!" said Louis firmly. "But, sire " "Well?" "What for?" "Because I will that you shall not!" said the young prince, in a voice so stern and imperious that D'Artagnan evinced surprise and even uneasiness. "Will your majesty allow me one word of reply?" said he. "Speak." "I formed that resolution when I was poor and destitute." "So be it. Go on." "Now, when by my industry I have acquired a comforta- ble means of subsistence, would your majesty despoil me of my liberty? Your majesty would condemn me to the least, when I have gained the most." "Who gave you permission, monsieur, to fathom my de- signs, or to reckon Avith me?" replied Louis, in a voice almost angry; "who told you what I shall do or what you will yourself do?" "Sire," said the musketeer quietly, "as far as I see, freedom is not the order of the conversation, as it was on the day we came to an explanation at Blois." "No, monsieur; everything is changed." "I make your majesty my sincere compliments upon that, but " "But you don't believe it?" "I am not a great statesman, and yet I have my eye upon affairs; it seldom fails; now. I do not see exactly as your majesty does, sire. The reign of Mazarin is over, but that of the financiers is begun. They have the money; your THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONtfE. 34? majesty will not often see much of it. To live under the paw of these hungry wolves is hard for a man who reck- oned upon independence." At this moment some one scratched at the door of the cabinet; the king raised his head proudly. "Your pardon, Monsieur d'Artagnan," said he; "it is Monsieur Colbert, who comes to make me a report. Come in, Monsieur Colbert." D'Artagnan drew back. Colbert entered with papers in his hand, and went up to the king. There can be little doubt that the Gascon did not lose the opportunity of applying his keen, quick glance to the new figure which presented itself. "Is the inquiry then made?" "Yes, sire." "And the opinion of the inquisitors?" "Is that the accused merit confiscation and death." "Ah! ah!" said the king, without changing countenance, and casting an oblique look at D'Artagnan. "And your own opinion, Monsieur Colbert?" said he. Colbert looked at D'Artagnan in his turn. That impos- ing countenance checked the words upon his lips. Louis perceived this. "Do not disturb yourself," said he; "it is Monsieur d'Artagnan; do you not know Monsieur d'Artag- nan again?" These two men looked at each other — D'Artagnan, with his eye open and bright; Colbert, with his eye half-closed and dim. The frank intrepidity of the one displeased the other; the cautious circumspection of the financier dis- pleased the soldier. "Ah! ah! this is the gentleman who made that brilliant stroke in England," said Colbert. And he bowed slightly to D'Artagnan. "Ah! ah!" said the Gascon, "this is the gentleman who clipped off the lace from the uniform of the Swiss! A praiseworthy piece of economy." The financier thought to embarrass the musketeer; but the musketeer ran the financier right through. "Monsieur d'Artagnan," resumed the king, who had not remarked all the shades of which Mazarin would not have missed one, "this concerns the farmers of the revenue who have robbed me, whom I am hanging, and whose death- warrants I am about to sign." "Oh! oh!" said D'Artagnan, starting. "What did you say?" "Oh! nothing, sire. This is no business of mine." 348 THE VICOMTE I)E BRAGELONNE. The king had already taken up the pen, and was apply- ing it to the paper. "Sire," said Colbert, in a subdued voice, "I beg to warn your majesty that if an example be necessary that example may find some difficulty in the execution." "What do you say?" said Louis. "You must not conceal from yourself," continued Col- bert quietly, "that attacking the farmers-general ia attack- ing the surintendance. The two unfortunate guilty men in question aro the particular friends of a powerful person- age, and the day of punishment, which otherwise might be stifled in the Chatelet, disturbances will arise Avithout doubt." Louis colored and turned toAvard D'Artagnan, who took a slight bite at his mustache, not without a smile of pity for the financier, as likeAvise for the king AA r ho had to listen to him so long. But Louis seized the pen, and with a movement so rapid that his hand shook, he affixed his sig- nature at the bottom of the tAvo papers presented by Colbert, then looking the latter in the face, "Monsieur Colbert," said he, "when you speak to me of affairs, exclude more frequently the Avord difficulty from your reasonings and opinions; as to the Avord impossibility, neA r er pronounce it." Colbert bowed, much humiliated at having undergone such a lesson before the musketeer. He Avas about to go out, but, jealous to repair his check, "I forgot to announce to your majesty," said he, "that the confiscations amount to the sum of five millions of livres." "That's pretty!" thought D'Artagnan. "Which makes in my coffers?" said the king. "Eighteen millions of livres, sire," replied Colbert, bowing. "Mordioux!" grumbled D'Artagnan, "that's glorious!" "Monsieur Colbert," added the king, "you will, if you please, go through the gallery Avhere Monsieur Lyonne is Avaiting, and tell him to bring hither what he has drawn up — by my order." "Directly, sire; if your majesty wants me no more this evening." "No, monsieur; adieu!" And Colbert went out. "Now, let us return to our affair, Monsieur dWrtagnan." said the king, as if nothing had happened. "You see that, with respect to money, there is already a notable change?" "Something like from zero to eighteen millions," replied the musketeer gayly. "Ah! that was what your majesty THE VICOMTE DE BRAOELONNE. 349 wanted the day King Charles II. came to Blois\. The two states would not have been imbroiled to-day; for I must say, that there also I see another stumbling-block." "Well, in the first place," replied Louis, "you are un- just, monsieur; for if Providence had made me able to give my brother the million that day, you would not have quitted my service, and, consequently, you would not have made your fortune, as you told me just now you have done. But, in addition to this, I have had another piece of good for- tune; and my difference with Great Britain need not alarm you." A valet de chambre interrupted the king by announcing M. Lyonne. "Come in, monsieur," said the king; "you are punctual; that is like a good servant. Let us see your letter to my brother Charles II." D'Artagnan pricked up his ears. "A moment, mon- sieur," said Louis, carelessly, to the Gascon; "I must ex- pedite to London my consent to the marriage of my brother, Monsieur le Due d'Anjou, with the Princess Henrietta Stuart." "He is knocking me about, it seems," murmured D'Ar- tagnan, while the king signed the letter, and dismissed M. de Lyonne; "but, ma foi ! the more he knocks me about in this manner, the better I shall be pleased." The king followed M. de Lyonne with his eye, till the door was closed behind him; he even made three steps as if he would follow the minister; but, after these three steps, stopping, pausing, and coming back to the musketeer, "Now, monsieur," said he, "let us hasten to terminate our affair. You told me the other day, at Blois, that you were not rich?" "But I am now, sire." "Yes; but that does not concern me; you have your own money, not mine; that does not enter into my account." "1 do not well understand what your majesty means." "Then, instead of leaving you to draw out our words, speak spontaneously. Should you be satisfied with twenty thousand livres a year as a fixed income?" "But, sire," said D'Artagnan, opening his eyes to the utmost. "Would you be satisfied with four horses furnished and kept, and with a supplement of funds such as you should require, according to ocoasions and needs, or would you prefer a fixed sum which would be, for example, forty thou- sand livres? Answer." 350 THE VICOMTfc DE BRAGELOtfNE. "Sire, your majesty " "Yes, you are surprised; that is natural, and I expected it. Answer me, come! or 1 shall think you have no longer that rapidity of judgment I have so much admired in you." "It is certain, sire, that twenty thousand livres a year make a handsome sum; but " "No buts! Yes or no; is it an honorable indemnity?" "Oh! certes " "You will be satisfied with it? Well, that is well. It will be better to reckon the extra expenses separately; you can arrange that with Colbert. Now, let us pass to some- thing more important." "But, sire, I told your majesty " "That you wanted rest, I know you did; only I replied that I would not allow it — I am master, I suppose?" "Yes, sire." "That is well. You were formerly in the way of becom- ing captain of the musketeers?" "Yes, sire." "Well, here is your commission signed. I placed it in this drawer. The day on which you shall return from a certain expedition which I have to confide to you, on that day you may yourself take the commission from the drawer. " D'Artagnan still hesitated, and hung down his head. "Come, monsieur," said the king, "one would believe, to look at you, that you did not know that at the court of the most Christian king, the captain-general of the musketeers takes precedence of the marecbals of France." "Sire, I know he does." "Then I must fancy you do not put faith in my word?" "Oh! sire, never — never dream of such a thing." "I have wished to prove to you that you, so good a serv ant, had lost a good master; am 1 anything like the master that will suit you?" "I begin to think you are, sire." "Then, monsieur, you will resume your functions. Your company is quite disorganized since your departure, and the men go about drinking and rioting in the cabarets, where they fight, in spite of my edicts, or those of my father. You will reorganize the service as soon as possible." "Yes, sire." "You will not again quit my person." "Very well, sire." "You will march with me to the army, you will encamp round my tent." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 35. ''Then, sire," said D'Artagnan, "if it is only to iirpose upon me a service like that, your majesty need not give me twenty thousand livres a year. I shall not earn them." "I desire that you shall keep open house; I desire that you shall keep an open table; I desire that my captain of musketeers shall be a personage." "And I," said D'Artagnan bluntly, "I do not like easily found money; I like money won. Your majesty gives me an idle trade, which the first-comer would perform for four thousand livres." Louis XIV. began to laugh. "You are a true Gascon, Monsieur d'Artagnan; you will draw my heart's secret from me." "Bah! has your majesty a secret, then?" "Yes, monsieur." "Well, then, I accept the twenty thousand livres, for I will keep that secret, and discretion is above all price, in these times. Will your majesty speak now?" "You will get booted, Monsieur d'Artagnan, and mount on horseback." "Directly, sire?" "Within two days." "That is well, sire; for I have my affairs to settle before I set out; particularly if it is likely there should be any blows stirring." "That may happen." "We can receive them. But, sire, you have addressed yourself to the avarice, to the ambition; you have addressed yourself to the heart of Monsieur d'Artagnan, but you have forgotten one thing." "What is that?" "You have said nothing to his vanity; when shall I be a knight of the king's orders?" "Does that interest you?" "Why, yes, sire. My friend Athos is quite covered with orders, and that dazzles me." "You shall be a knight of my order a month after you have taken your commission of captain." "Ah! ah!" said the officer thoughtfully, "after the expedition." Precisely." "Where is your majesty going to send meP'° "Are you acquainted with Bretagne?'' "No, sire." "Have you any friends there?" 359 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "In Bretagne? No, ma foil" "So much the better. Do you know anything about fortifications?" "I believe I do, sire," said D'Artagnan, smiling. "That is to say, you can readily distinguish a fortress from a simple fortification, such as is allowed to chatelaines or vassals?" "I distinguish a fort from a rampart as I distinguish a cuirass from a raised pie-crust, sire. Is that sufficient?" "Yes, monsieur. You will set out, then," "For Bretagne?" "Yes." "Alone?' "Absolutely alone. That is to say, you must not even take a lackey with you." "May I ask your majesty for what reason?" "Because, monsieur, it will be necessary to disguise your- self sometimes as the servant of a good family. Your face is very well known in France, Monsieur d'Artagnan." "And then, sire?" "And then you will travel slowly through Bretagne, and will examine carefully the fortifications of that country." "The coasts?" _ "Yes, and the isles; commencing by Belle-Isle-en-Mer." "Ah! which belongs to Monsieur Fouquet?" said D'Ar- tagnan, in a serious tone, raising his intelligent eve to Louis XIV. "I fancy you are right, monsieur, and that Belle-Isle does belong to Monsieur Fouquet, in fact." "Then your majesty wishes me to ascertain if Belle-Isle is a good place?" "Yes." "If the fortifications of it are new or old?" "Precisely." "And if the vassals of Monsieur Fouquet are sufficiently numerous to form a garrison?" "That is what I want to know; you have placed your finger on the question." ''And if they are not fortifying, sire?" "You will travel about Bretagne, listening and judging.' 1 "Then I am a king's spy?" said D'Artagnan bluntly ; twisting his mustache. "No, monsieur." "Your pardon, sire; I spy on your majesty's account." "You go on a discovery, monsieur. Would you march ai THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 353 the head of your musketeers, with your sword in your hand, to ohserve any spot whatever, or an enemy's position?" At this word D'Artagnan started. "Do you," continued the king, "imagine yourself to be a spy?" "No, no," said D'Artagnan, but pensively; "the thing changes its face when one observes an enemy; one is but a soldier. And if they are fortifying Belle-Isle?" added he quickly. "You will take an exact plan of the fortifications," "Will they permit me to enter?" "That does not concern me; that is your affair. Did you not understand that I reserved for you a supplement of twenty thousand livres per annum, if you wished for it?" "Yes, sire; but if they are not fortifying?" "You will return quietly, without fatiguing your horse." "Sire, I am ready." "You will begin to-morrow by going to Monsieur le Sur- intendant to take the first quarter of the pension I give you. Do you know Monsieur Fouquet?" "Very little, sire; but I beg your majesty to observe that I don't think it very urgent that I should know him. "I ask your pardon, monsieur; for he will refuse you the money I wish you to take; and it is that refusal I look for." "Ah!" said D'Artagnan. "Next, sire?" "The money being refused, you will go and seek it at Monsieur Colbert's. Apropos, have you a good horse?" "An excellent one, sire." "How much did it cost you?" "A hundred and fifty pistoles." "I will buy it of you. Here is a note for two hundred pistoles." "But I want my horse for my journey, sire." "Well?" "Well, and you take mine from me." "Not at all. On the contrary, I give it you. Only, as it is now mine, and not yours, I am sure you will not spare it." "Your majesty is in a hurry, then!" "A great hurry." "Then, what compels me to wait two days?" "Reasons known to myself." "That's a different affair. The horse may make up the two days in the eight he has to do; and then there is the post." "No, no; the post compromises, Monsieur d'Artagnan. Be gone, and do not forget you are mine." 354 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Sire, it was not I who ever forgot it. At what nour to morrow shall I take my leave of your majesty?" "Where do you lodge?" I must henceforward lodge at the Louvre. That must not be now; keep your lodgings in the city ; i will pay for them. As to your departure, it must take pla^e at night; you must set out without being seen by any one, or, if you are seen, it must not be known that yor belong to me. A close mouth, monsieur." ''Your majesty spoils all you have said by that single word." "I asked you where you lodged, for I cannot always send to Monsieur le Comte de la Fere to seek you." "I lodge with Monsieur Planchet, a grocer, Rue des Lombards, at the sign of the Pilon d'Or." "Go out but little, show yourself still less, and await my orders." "And yet, sire, I must go for the money." "That is true; but, when going to the surintendance, where so many people are constantly going, you must mingle with the crowd." "I want the notes, sire, for the money." "Here they are." The king signed them, and D'Artagnan looked on, to assure himself of the regularity. "That is money," said he, "and money is either read or counted. "Adieu, Monsieur d'Artagnan," added the king. "I think you have perfectly understood me." "I! I understood that your majesty sends me to Belle Isle-en-Mer, that is all." "To learn?" : 'To learn how Monsieur Fouquet's works are going on: that is all." "Very well; I admit you may be taken." "And I do not admit it," replied the Gascon boldly. "I admit that you may be killed," continued the king. "That is not probable, sire." "In the first case, you must not speak; in the second, Jiere must be no paper found upon you to speak." D'Artagnan shrugged his shoulders without ceremony, and took leave of the king, saying to himself: "The English shower continues — let us remain under th» spout. " THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELONNE. 355 CHAPTER LIV. . THE HOUSES OF M. FOITQUET. While D'Artagnan was returning to Planchet's house, his head aching and bewildered with all that had happened to him, there was passing a scene of quite a different char- acter, and which, nevertheless, is not foreign to the conver- sation our musketeer had just had with the king; only this scene took place out of Paris, in a house possessed by the surintendant Fouquet in the village of St. Mande. The minister had just arrived at this country-house, followed by his principal clerk, who carried an enormous portfolio full of papers to be examined, and others waiting for signature. As it might be about five o'clock in the afternoon, the mas- ters had dined; supper was being prepared for twenty subaltern guests. The surintendant did not stop; on alighting from his carriage, he, at the same bound, sprang through the doorway, traversed the apartments and gained his cabinet, where he declared he would shut himself up to work, commanding that he should not be disturbed for any- thing but an order from the king. As soon as this order was given, Fouquet shut himself up, and two footmen were placed as sentinels at his door. Then Fouquet pushed a bolt which displaced a panel that walled up the entrance, and prevented everything that passed in this apartment from being either seen or heard. But, against all probabil- ity, it was only for the sake of shutting himself up that Fouquet shut himself up thus, for he went straight to a bureau, seated himself at it, opened the portfolio, and began to make a choice in the enormous mass of papers it con- tained. It was not more than ten minutes after he had entered, and taken all the precautions we have described, when the repeated noise of several slight equal strokes struck his ear, and appeared to fix all his attention. Fou- quet raised his head, turned his ear, and listened. The little strokes continued. Then the worker arose with a slight movement of impatience and walked straight up to a glass behind which the blows were struck by a hand or by some invisible mechanism. It was a large glass let into a panel. Three other glasses, exactly similar to it, completed the symmetry of the apartment. Nothing dis- tinguished that from the others. Without doubt, these reiterated little strokes were a signal, for at the moment 35G THE VICOMTE DE BEAOELONNE. Fouquet approached the glass, listening, the same noise was renewed, and in the same measure. ''Oh! oh!" murmured the intendant, with surprise, "who is yonder? I did not expect anybody to-day." And, with- out doubt, to respond to that signal, he pulled a gilded nail in that same glass, and shook it thrice. Then, return- ing to his place, and seating himself again, "Ma foil let them wait." said he. And, plunging again into the ocean of papers unrolled before him, he appeared to think of nothing any longer but work. In fact, with incredible rapidity and marvelous lucidity, Fouquet deciphered the largest papers and most compli- cated writings, correcting them, annotating them with a pen moved as if by a fever, and the work melting under his hands, signatures, figures, references, became multiplied as if ten clerks — that is to say, a hundred fingers and ten brains — had performed the duties, instead of the five fingers and single brain of this man. From time to time only, Fouquet, absorbed by his work, raised his head to cast a furtive glance upon a clock placed before him. The reason of this was, Fouquet set himself a task, and when this task was once set, in one hour's work, he, by himself, did what another would not have accomplished in a day; always cer- tain, consequently, provided he was not disturbed, to arrive at the end in the time his devouring activity had fixed. But in the midst of his ardent labor, the dry strokes upon the little bell placed behind the glass sounded again once more, hasty, and, consequently, more urgent. "The lady appears to begin to be impatient," said Fou- quet. "Humph! a calm! That must be the comtesse; but, no, the comtesse is gone to Rambouillet for three days. The presidente, then? Oh! no, the presidente would not assume such grand airs; she would ring very humbly, then she would wait my good pleasure. The clearest of all is, that I may not know who it can be, but that I know who it cannot be. And since it is not you, marquise, since it cannot be you, deuce take the rest!" And he went on with his work, in spite of the reiterated appeals of the bell. At the end of a quarter of an hour, however, impatience pre- vailed over Fouquet in his turn; he might be said to burn, rather than to complete the rest of his work; he thrust his papers into his portfolio, and giving a glance at the mirror, while the taps continued to be faster than ever, "Oh! oh!" said he, "whence comes all this racket? What has hap- pened, and who can the Ariadne be who expects me so im- patiently? Letu&|ef THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 357 He then applied the tip of his finger to the nail parallel to the one he had drawn. Immediately the glass moved like the fold of a door and discovered a secret closet, rather deep, in which the surintendant disappeared as if going into a vast box. When there, he touched another spring, which opened, not a board, but a block of the wall, and he went out by that opening, leaving the door to shut of itself. Then Fouquet descended about a score of steps which sank, winding, underground, and came to a long, subterranean passage lighted by imperceptible loopholes. The walls of this vault were covered with slabs or tiles, and the floor with carpeting. This passage was under" the street itself, which separated Fouquet's house from the Park of Vincen- nes. At the end of the passage ascended a winding stair- case parallel with that by which Fouquet had entered. He mounted these other stairs, entered by means of a spring placed in a eloset similar to that in his cabinet, and from this closet into a chamber perfectly empty, although fur- nished with the utmost elegance. As soon as he entered he examined carefully whether the glass closed without leaving any trace; and doubtless, satisfied with his observa- tion, he opened by means of a small gold key the triple fastenings of a door in front of him. This time the door opened upon a handsome cabinet, sumptuously furnished, in which was seated upon cushions a lady of surpassing beauty, who at the sound of the lock sprang toward Fouquet. "Ah, good heavens!" cried the latter, starting back with astonishment. "Madame la Marquise de Belliere, you here?" "Yes," murmured la marquise. "Yes; it is I, monsieur." "Marquise, dear marquise!" added Fouquet, ready to prostrate himself. "Ah, my God! how did you come here? And I to keep you waiting!" "A long time, monsieur; yes, a very long time." 'I am happy in thinking this waiting has appeared long to you, marquise!" "Oh! an eternity, monsieur; oh! I rang more than twenty times. Did you not hear me?" "Marquise, you are pale, you tremble." "Did you not hear, then, that you were summoned?" "Oh, yes; I heard plainly enough, madame; but I could not come. After your rigor and your refusal, how could I dream it was you? If I could have had any suspicion of the happiness that awaited me, believe me, madame., J 358 THE YICOMTE DE BRARELOXXE. would have quitted everything to fall at your feet, as 1 da at this moment." "Are we quite alone, monsieur?" asked the marquise, looking round the room, "Oh, yes, madame, I can assure you of that." "'Really?" said the marquise, in a melancholy tone. "You sigh," said Fouquet. "What mysteries! what precautions!" said the marquise, with a slight bitterness of expression; "and how evident it is that you fear the least suspicion of your amours to escape." "Would you prefer their being made public?" "Oh, no; you act like a delicate man," said the marquise, smiling. "Come, dear marquise, punish me not with reproaches, I implore you." "Keproaches! Have I a right to make you any?" "No, unfortunately, no; but tell me, you, who during i year I have loved without return or hope " "You are mistaken — without hope, it is true, but not without return." "What! for me, to my love? there is but one proof, and that proof I still want." "I am come to bring it to you, monsieur." Fouquet wished to clasp her in his arms, but she disen- gaged herself with a gesture. "You persist in deceiving yourself, monsieur, and never will accept of me the only thing I am willing to give you — devotion." "Ah, then, you do not love me? Devotion is but a vir- tue, love is a passion." "Listen to me, I implore you; I should not have come hither without a serious motive; you are well assured of that, are you not?" "The motive is of very little consequence, so that yo . are but here — so that I see you — so that I speak to you!" "You are right; the principal thing is that I am here without any one having seen me, and that I can speak to you." Fouquet sank on his knees before her. "Speak, speak, madame!" said he. "I listen to you." The marquise looked at Fouquet on his knees at her feet, and there was in the looks of the woman a strange mixture of love and melancholy. "Oh!" at length murmured she, "would tliat J were she THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 3^3 who has the right of seeing you every minute, of speaking to you every instant! would A ,hat I were she who might watch over you, she who would have no need of mysterious springs to summon and cause to appear, like a sylph, the man she loves, to look at him for an hour, and then see him disappear in the darkness of a mystery, still more strange at his going out than it had heen at his coming in. Oh! that would be to be a happy woman!" "Do you happen, marquise/' said Fouquet, smiling, "to fee speaking of my wife?" "Yes, certainly, of her I spoke." "Well, you need not envy her lot, marquise; of all the women with whom I am in relation, Madame Fouquet is the one I see the least of, and who has the least intercourse with me." "At least, monsieur, she is not reduced to place, as I have done, her hand upon the ornament of a glass to call you to her; at least you do not reply to her by the mys- terious, frightful sound of a bell, the spring of which comes from I don't know where; at least you have not forbidden her to endeavor to discover the secret of these communica- tions under pain of breaking off forever your connections with her, as you have forbidden all who have come here before me, and all who shall come after me." "Dear marquise, how unjust you are, and how little do you know what you are doing in thus exclaiming against mystery; it is with mystery alone we can love without trouble; it is with love without trouble alone that we can be happy. But let us return to ourselves, to that devotion of which you were speaking, or, rather, let me labor under a pleasing delusion, and believe that this devotion is love." "Just now," repeated the marquise, passing over her eyes a hand that might have been a model for the graceful contours of antiquity — "just now I was prepared to speak, my ideas were clear, bold, now I am quite confused, quite troubled; I fear I bring you bad news." "If it is to that bad news I owe your presence, marquise, welcome be that bad news; or, rather, marquise, since you allow that I am not quite indifferent to you, let me heal nothing of the bad news, but speak of yourself." "No, no; on the contrary, demand it of me; require ma to tell it to you instantly, and not to allow myself to be turned aside by any feeling whatever. Fouquet, my friend, it is of immense importance." "You astonish me, marquise; I will even say you almost 360 THE VICOMTE DE BEAOELOXNE. frighten me. You, so serious, so collected; you who know the world we live in so well. Is it, then, important?" "Oh, very important!" "In the first place, how did you come here?"- "You shall know that presently; but, first, to something of more consequence." "Speak, marquise, speak! I implore you, have pity on my impatience." "Do you know that Colbert is made intendant of the finances?" "Bah! Colbert, little Colbert?" "Yes, Colbert, little Colbert." "Mazarin's factotum?" "The same." "Well, what do you see so terrific in that, dear marquise? Little Colbert is intendant; that is astonishing, I confess, but is not terrific." "Do you think the king has given, without a pressing motive, such a place to one you call a little cuistre?" "In the first place, is it positively true that the king has given it to him?" "It is so said." "Ay, but who says so?" "Everybody." "Everybody? that is nobody; mention some one likely to be well informed who says so." "Madame Vanel." "Ah! now you begin to frighten me in earnest," said Fouquet, laughing; "if any one is well informed, or ought to be well informed, it is the person you name." "Do not speak ill of poor Marguerite, Monsieur Fouquet, for she still loves you." "Bah! indeed? That is scarcely credible. I thought little Colbert, as you said just now, had passed over that love, and left the impression upon it of a spot of ink or a stain of grease." "Fouquet! Fouquet! Is this the way you always are for the poor women you desert?" "Why, you surely are not going to undertake the defense of Madame Vanel?" ''Yes, I will undertake it; for, I repeat, she loves you still, and the proof is she saves you." "But your interposition, marquise; that is very cunning on her part. No angel could be more agreeable to me. or could lead me more certainly to salvation. But, let me ask you, do you know Marguerite?" THE Y100MTE DE BRAGELONNE. 361 "She was my convent friend." "And you say that she has informed you that Monsieur vJolbert was named intendant?" "Yes, she did." "Well, enlighten me, marquise; granted Monsieur Col- bert is intendant — so be it — in what can an intendant, that is to say, my subordinate, my clerk, give me umbrage or injure me, even were he Monsieur Colbert?" "You do not reflect, monsieur, apparently," replied the marquise. "Upon what?" "This: that Monsieur Colbert hates you." "Hates me!" cried Fouquet. "Good heavens! marquise, whence do you come? where can you live? Hates me why, all the world hates me, he as others do." "He more than others." "More than others? Let him." "He is ambitious." "Who is not, marquise?" "Yes, but with him ambition has no bounds." "I am quite aware of that, since he made it a point to succeed me with Madame Vanel." "And obtained his end; look to that." "Do you mean to say he has the presumption to hope to pass from intendant to surintendant?" "Have you not yourself already had the same fear?" "Oh! oh!" said Fouquet; "to succeed with Madame Vanel is one thing, to succeed me with the king is another. France is not to be purchased so easily as the wife of a tnaitre des comtes." "Eh, monsieur, everything is to be bought; if not by gold, by intrigue." "Nobody knows to the contrary better than you, ma- dame, you to whom I have offered millions." "Instead of millions, Fouquet, you should have offered me a true, only, and boundless love; I might have accepted that. So, you see, still, everything is to be bought, if not in one way, by another." "So Colbert, in your opinion, is in a fair way of bargain- ing for my place of surintendant. Make yourself easy on that head, my dear marquise, he is not yet rich enough to purchase it." "But if he should rob you of it?" "Ah! that is another thing. Unfortunately, before he can reach me, that is to say, the body of the place, he must 302 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. destroy, must make a breach in the advanced works, and 1 am devilishly well fortified, marquise." "What you call your advanced works are your creatures, are they not — \our friends?" "Exactly so." "And is Monsieur d'Eymeris one of your creatures?" "Yes, he is." "Is Monsieur Lyodot one of your friends?" "Certainly." "Monsieur de Vanin?" "Monsieur de Vanin! Ah! they may do what tney uko with him, but " "But " "But the^ must not touch the others?" "Well, if you are anxious they should not touch Mes- sieurs d'Evmeris and Lyodot, it is time to look about you." "Who threatens them?" "Will you listen to me now?" "Attentively, marquise." "Without interrupting me?" "Speak."_ "Well, this morning Marguerite sent for me." "And what did she want with you?" " '1 dare not see Monsieur Fouquet myself,' said she." "Bah! why should she think I would reproach her? Poor woman, she vastly deceives herself." " 'See him yourself/ said she, 'and tell him to beware of Monsieur Colbert.' " "What! she warned me to beware of her lover?" "I have told you she still loves you." "Go on, marquise." " 'Monsieur Colbert,' she added, 'came to me two hours ago, to inform me he was appointed intendant.' " "I ha\e already told you, marquise, that Monsieur Col- bert would only be the more in my power for that." "Yes, but that is not all; Marguerite is intimate, as you know, with Madame d'Eymeris and Madame Lyodot." "I know she is." "Well, Monsieur Colbert put many questions to her rela« tive to the fortunes of those two gentlemen, and as to the devotion they had for you." "Oh, as to those two, I can answer for them*, they must be killed before they can cease to be mine." "Then, as Madame Vanel was obliged to quit Monsieur Colbert for an instant to receive a visitor, and as Monsieur THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE, 363 Colbert is industrious, scarcely was the new intendant left alone before he took a pencil from his pocket, and, as thee was paper on the table, began to make pencil notes." "Notes concerning D'Eymeris and Lyodot?" "Exactly." "I should like to know what those notes were about ' "And that is just what I have brought you." "Madame Vanel has taken Colbert's notes and sent trftm to me?" "No; but by a chance which resembles a miracle she has a duplicate of those notes." "How could she get that?" "Listen; I told you that Colbert found some paper on the table." "Yes." "That he had taken a pencil from his pocket." "Yes." "And had written upon that paper." "Yes." "Well, this pencil was a lead-pencil, consequently hard; so it marked in black upon the first sheet, and in white upon the second." "Go on." "Colbert, when tearing off the first sheet, took no notice of the second." "Well?" "Well, on the second was to be read what had been writ- ten on the first; Madame Vanel read it, and sent for me." "Ay, ay." "Then, when she was assured I was your devoted friend, she gave me the paper, and told me the secret of that house." "And this paper?" said Fouquet, in some degree of agitation. "Here it is, monsieur — read it/' said the marquise. Fouquet read: "Names of the farmers of the revenue to be condemned by the Chamber of Justice: D'Eymeris, friend of M. F.; Lyodot, friend of M. F.; De Vanin, indif." "D'Eymeris and Lyodot!" cried Fouquet, reading the paper eagerly again. "Friends of M. F./' pointed the marquise with hei finger. 364 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. "But what is the meaning of these words: "To be con- demned by the Chamber of Justice?' " "Dame!" said the marquise, "that is clear enough, 1 think. Besides, that is not all. Read on, read on;" and Fouquet continued: "The first two to death, the third to be dismissed; with Messieurs d 5 Hautemont and De la Valette, who will only have their property confiscated." "Great God!" cried Fouquet, "to death, to death! Lyodot and D'Eymeris. But even if the Chamber of. Jus- tice should condemn them to death, the king will never ratify their condemnation, and they cannot be executed without the king's signature." "The king has made Monsieur ^Colbert intendant." "Oh!" cried Fouquet, as if he caught a glimpse of a yawning abyss beneath his feet, "impossible! impossible! But who passed a pencil over the marks made by Colbert?" "I did. 1 was afraid the first would be effaced," "Oh! I will know all." "You will know nothing, monsieur; you despise your enemy too much for that." "Pardon me. my diar marquise; excuse me; yes, Mon- sieur Colbert is my enemy, 1 believe him to be so; yes, Mon- sieur Colbert is a man to be dreaded, 1 admit. But I — I have time, and as you are here, as you have assured me of your devotion, as you have allowed me to hope for your love, as we are alone " "I came here to save you, Monsieur Fouquet, and not to ruin myself," said the marquise, rising; "therefore beware!'' "Marquise, in truth you terrify yourself too much, at least, unless this terror is but a pretext " "He has a deep heart, that Monsieur Colbert; bewared Fouquet, in his turn, drew himself up. "And I?" asked he. "And you, you have only a noble heart. Beware^ be- ware r» "So?" "I have done what 1 ought, my friend, at the risk of my reputation. Adieu." "Not adieu, au revoir." "Perhaps," said the marquise, giving her hand to bouquet to kiss, and walking toward the door wi^h so firm a step that he did not dare to bar her passage. As to Fouquet, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 365 i he retook, with his head hanging down and a cloud over ibis brow, the path of the subterranean passage along which "ran the metal wires that communicated from one house to the other, transmitting, through two glasses, the wishes and signals of two correspondents. CHAPTER LV. THE ABBE FOUQUET. Fouquet hastened back to his apartment by the subter- ranean passage, and immediately closed the mirror with the spring. He was scarcely in his closet when he heard some one knocking violently at the door, and a well-known voice crying: "Open the door, monseigneur, I entreat you, open the door!" Fouquet quickly restored a little order to everything which might reveal either his absence or his agitation; he spread his papers over the desk, took up a pen, and, to gain time, said, through the closed door: "Who are you?" "What, monseigneur, do you not know me?" replied the Voice. "Yes, yes," said Fouquet to himself, "yes, my friend, I know you well enough." And then, aloud: "Is it not Gourville?" "Why, yes, monseigneur." Fouquet arose, cast a last look at one of his glasses, went to the door, pushed the bolt, and Gourville entered. "Ah, monseigneur! monseigneur!" cried he, "what cruelty!" "In what?" "I have been a quarter of an hour imploring you to open the door, and you would not even answer me." "Once for all, you know that I will not be disturbed when I am busy. Now, although I might make you an excep- tion, Gourville, I insist upon my orders being respected by others." "Monseigneur, at this moment, orders, doors, bolts, locks, and walls, I could have broken, overthrown, and split them all!" "Ah! ah! it relates to some great event, then?" asked Fouquet. 366 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Oh! I assure you it does, monseigneur," replied Gour- ville. "And what is this event?" said Fouquet, a little troubled by the evident agitation of his most intimate confidant. "There is a secret chamber of justice instituted, mon- seigneur." "I know there is; but do the members meet, Gourville?" "They not only meet, but they have passed a sentence, monseigneur." "A sentence?" said the surintendant, with a shudder and pallor he could not conceal. "A sentence! and against whom?" "Against two of your friends." "Lyodot and D'Eymeris, do you mean? But what sort cf a sentence?" "Sentence of death." "Passed? Oh! you must be mistaken, Gourville; that is impossible." "Here is a copy of the sentence which the king is to sign to-day, if he has not already signed it." Fouquet seized the paper eagerly, read it, and returned it to Gourville. "The king will never sign that," said he. Gourville shook his head. "Monseigneur, Monsieur Colbert is a bold councilor; do- not trust to that." "Monsieur Colbert again!" cried Fouquet. "How is it that that name rises upon all occasions to torment my fears during the last two or three days? You make so trifling a subject of too much importance, Gourville. Let Monsieur Colbert appear, I will face him; let him raise his head, and I will crush him; but, you understand, there must be an asperity upon which my look may fall, there must be a sur- face upon which my feet may be placed." "Patience, monseigneur; for you do not know what Col» bert is — study him quickly; it is with this dark financier ai it is with meteors, which the eye never sees completely be- fore their disastrous invasion; when we feel them we are dead." "Oh! Gourville, that is going too far," replied Fouquet, smiling; "allow me, my friend, not to be so easily frightened ; Monsieur Colbert a meteor! Corbleu ! we confront the meteor. Let us see acts, and not words. What has he done?" ''He has ordered two gibbets of the executioner of Paris/ answered Gourville. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONtfE." 367 Fouquet raised his head, aud a flash seemed to. strike his eyes. "Are you sure of what you say?" cried he. "Here is the proof, monseigneur." And Gourville held out to the surintendant a note com- municated by one of the secretaries of the Hotel de Ville, who was one of Fouquet's creatures. "Yes, that is true," murmured the minister; "the scaf- fold may be prepared, but the king has not signed; Gour- ville, the king will not sign." "I will soon know," said Gourville. "How?" "If the king has signed, the gibbets will be sent this evening to the Hotel de Ville, in order to be got up and ready by to-morrow morning." "Oh, no, no!" cried the surintendant, once again; "you are all deceived, and deceive me in my turn. Lyodot came to see me only the day before yesterday; only three days ago I received a present of some Syracuse wine from poor D'Eymeris." "What does that prove?" replied Gourville, "except that the chamber of justice has been secretly assembled, has deliberated in the absence of the accused, and that the whole proceeding was complete when they were arrested." "What! are they, then, arrested?" "No doubt they are." "But where, when, how have they been arrested?" "Lyodot, yesterday at daybreak; D'Eymeris, the day be- fore yesterday, in the evening, as he was returning from the house of his mistress; their disappearance had disturbed nobody; but at length Monsieur Colbert all at once raised the mask, and caused the affair to be published; it is being cried by sound of trumpet, at this moment, in Paris, and, in truth, monseigneur, there is scarcely anybody but your- self ignorant of the event." Fouquet began to walk about his chamber with an uneasi- ness that became more and more serious. "What do you decide upon, monseigneur?" said Gour- ville. "If it really were as you say, I would go to the king," cried Fouquet. "But as I go to the Louvre, I will pass by the Hotel de Ville. We shall see if the sentence is signed." "Incredulity, thou art the pest of all great minds!" said Gourville, shrugging his shoulders. "Gourville!" t 368 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGET.ONNE. "Yes," continued he, "and, incredulity, thou ruineft them, as contagion destroys the most robust health; that is to say, in an instant." "Let us go," cried Fouquet; "desire the door to be opened, Gourville." "Be cautious," said the latter, the "Abbe de Fouquet is there." "Ah! my brother," replied Fouquet, in a tone of annoy ance; "he is there, is he? he knows all the ill news, then, and is rejoiced to bring it to me, as usual. The devil! it my brother is there, my affairs are bad, Gourville. Why did you not tell me that sooner; I should have been the more readily convinced." "Monseigneur calumniates him," said Gourville, laugh- ing, "if he is come, it is not with a bad intention." "What! do you excuse him?" cried Fouquet; "a fellow without a heart, without ideas — a devourer of wealth?" "He knows you are rich." "And would ruin me." "No; but he would like to have your purse. That is all. " "Enough! enough! A hundred thousand crowns per month, during two years. Corhleu I it is that I pay, Gour- ville, and I know my figures." Gourville laughed in a silent, sly manner. "Yes, yes, you mean to say it is the king pays," says the surintendant. "Ah, Gourville, that is a vile joke; this is not the place." "Monseigneur, do not be angry." "Well, then, send away the Abbe Fouquet; I have not a sou." Gourville made a step toward the door. "He has been a month without seeing me," continued Fouquet,* "why could he not be two months?" "Because he repents of living in bad company," said Gourville, "and prefers you to all his bandits." "Thanks for the preference. You make a strange advo- cate, Gourville, to-day — the advocat3 of the Abbe Fouquet."' "Eh! but everything and every man has a good side — the useful side, monseigneur." "The bandits whom the abbe keeps in pay and drink have their useful side, have they? Prove that, if you please." "Let the circumstances arise, monseigneur, and you will be very glad to have these bandits under your hand." "You advise me, then, to be reconciled to the abbe?' : said Fouquet ironically. "I advise you, monseigneur, not to quarrel with a hun dred or a hundred and twenty loose fellows, who, by put- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 369 ting their rapiers end to end, would form a cordon of steel capable of surrounding three thousand men." Fouquet darted a searching glance at Gourville, and pass- ing before him: "That is all very well; let Monsieur l'Abbe Fouquet be introduced," said he to the footman. "You are right, Gourville." Two minutes after, the Abbe Fouquet appeared in the doorway, with profound reverences. He was a man of from forty to forty-five years of age, half-churchman, half- soldier — kspadassin grafted upon an abbe; upon seeing that he had not a sword by his side, you might be sure he had pistols. Fouquet saluted him more as an elder brother than as a minister. "What can I (xb to serve you, Monsieur l'Abbe?" said he. "Oh! oh! how you speak that to me, brother !" "I speak it like a man who is in a hurry, monsieur." The abbe looked maliciously at Gourrille, and anxiously wt Fouquet, and said: "I have three hundred pistoles to pay to Monsieur de E/egi this evening. A play debt, a sacred debt." "Next," said Fouquet bravely; for he comprehended that the Abbe Fouquet would not have disturbed him for su ;h a want. "'A thousand to my butcher, who will supply no more." L 'Next?" ''Twelve hundred to my tailor," continued the abbe; "the fellow has made me take back seven suits of my peo- ple's, which compromises my liveries, and my mistress talks of replacing me by a farmer of the revenue, which would be a humiliation for the church." "What else is there?" said Fouquet. "You will please to remark," said the abbe humbly, "that I have asked nothing for myself." "That is delicate, monsieur," replied Fouquet; "so as you see, I wait." "And I ask nothing, oh, no; it is not for want of need, though, I assure you." The minister reflected a minute. "Twelve hundred pistoles to the tailor; that seems a great deal for clothes," said he. "1 maintain a hundred men," said the abbe proudly; "that is a charge, I believe." "Why a hundred men?" said Fouquet. "Are you & Kichelieu, or a Mazarin, to require a hundred men as a 370 THE VICOMTE DE BRAC4ELONNE. guard? What use do you make of these men? — speak— say." "And do you ask me that?" cried the Abbe Fouquet. "An! how can you put such a question — why I maintain a hundred men? Ah!" "Why, yes, I do put that question to you. What have you to do with a hundred men? Answer." "Ingrate!" continued the abbe, more and more affected. "Explain yourself." "Why, Monsieur le Surintendant, I only want one valet de chambre, for my part, and even if I were alone could help myself very well; but you, you who have so many enemies — a hundred men are not enough for me to defend you with. A hundred men! you ought to have ten thou- sand. I maintain, then, these men in order that in public places, in assemblies, no voice may be raised against you; and without them, monsieur, you would be loaded with im- precations, you would be torn to pieces, you would not last a week, no, not a week; do you understand?" "Ah! I did not know you were my champion to such an extent, Monsieur l'Abbe." "You doubt it!" cried the abbe. "Listen, then, to what happened, not longer ago than yesterday, in the Rue de la Hochette. A man was cheapening a fowl." "Well, how could that injure me, abbe?" "This way: The fowl was not fat. The purchaser re- fused to give eighteen sous for it, saying that he could not afford eighteen sous for the skin of a fowl of which Mon- sieur Fouquet had had all the fat." "Goon." "The joke caused a deal of laughter," continued the abbe; "laughter at your expense — death to all the devils! — and the canaille were delighted. The joker added, 'Give me a fowl fed by Monsieur Colbert, if you like, and I will pay all you ask.' And immediately there was a clapping of hands. A frightful scandal! you understand; a scandal which forces a brother to hide his face." Fouquet colored. "And you veiled it?" said the surintendant. "No; for it so happened I had one of my men in the crowd; a new recruit from the provinces, one Monsieur de Menneville, whom I like very much. He made his way through the press, saying to the joker: ' Mille barbes ! Monsieur the False Joker, here's a thrust for Colbert!' 'And one for Fouquet/ replied the joker. Upon which , THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 371 they drew, in front of the cook's shop, with a hedge of the curious round them, and five hundred as curious at the windows." "Well?" said Fouquet. "Well, monsieur, my Menneville spitted the joker, to the great astonishment of the spectators, and said to the cook, 'Take this goose, my friend, it is fatter than your fowl.' That is the way, monsieur," ended the abbe triumphantly,, ''in which I spend my revenues; I maintain the honor of the family, monsieur." Fouquet hung his head. "And I have a hundred as good as he," continued the abbe. "Very well," said Fouquet, "give the account to Gour- ville, and remain here this evening." "Shall we have supper?" "Yes, there will be supper." "But the chest is closed." "Gourville will open it for you. Leave us, Monsieur l'Abbe, leave us." 'Then we are friends?" said the abbe, with a bow. "Oh, yes, friends. Come, Gourville." "Are you going out? You will not sup, then?" "I shall be back in an hour; be contented, abbe." Then, aside to Gourville: "Let them put to my English horses," said he, "and direct the coachman to stop at the Hotel de Ville de Paris." CHAPTER LVI. THE WINE OF M. DE LA FONTAINE. Carriages were already bringing the guests of Fouquet to St. Maude; already the whole house was getting warm with the preparations for supper, when the surintendant launched his fleet horses upon the road to Paris, and going by the quays, in order to meet with fewer people on his route, reached the Hotel de Ville. It wanted a quarter to eight. Fouquet alighted at the corner of the Euede Long- pont, and, on foot, directed his course toward the Place de Greve, accompanied by Gourville. At the turning of the Place, they saw a man dressed in black and violet, of good mien, who was preparing to get into a hired carriage, and told the coachman to stop at Vino^nnes. He had before 372 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. him a large hamper filled with bottles, which he had just purchased at the cabaret with the sign of "L'Image de Notre Dame." "Eh, but that is Vatel! my maltre d'hotel!" said Fou- quet to Gourville. "Yes, monseigneur," replied the latter. "What can he have been doing at the sign of L'Image de Notre Dame?" ( "Buying wine, no doubt." "What! buy wine for me at a cabaret!" said Fouquet. "My cellar, then, must be in a miserable condition!" and he advanced toward the maltre d'hotel, who was arranging his bottles in the carriage with the most minute care. "Hola! Vatel," said he, in the voice of a master. "Take care, monseigneur!" said Gourville, "you will b© recognized." "Very well. Of what consequence? Vatel!" The man dressed in black and violet turned round. He had a good and mild countenance, without expression — a mathematician, less the pride. A certain fire sparkled in the eyes of this personage, a smile rather sly played round his lips; but the observer might soon have remarked that this lire and this smile applied to nothing, enlightened nothing. Vatel laughed like an absent man, and amused himself like a child. At the sound of his master's voice he turned round, exclaiming: "Oh! monseigneur!" "Yes, it is I. What the devil are you doing here, Vatel? Wine! You are buying wine at a cabaret in the Place de Greve?" "But, monseigneur," said Vatel quietly, after having darted a hostile glance at Gourville, "why am I interfered with here? Is my cellar kept in bad order?" "No, certes, Vatel, no; but " "But what?" replied Vatel. Gourville touched the elbow of Fouquet. "Don't be angry, Vatel. I thought my cellar — your cellar — sufficiently well stocked for us to be able to dispense with having recourse to the cellar of L'Image de Notre Dame." "Eh, monsieur," said Vatel, sinking from monseigneur to monsieur with a degree of disdain, "your cellar is so well stocked that when certain of your guests dine with you they have nothing to drink." Fouquet, in great surprise, looked at Gourville. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNB. 373 "What do you mean by that?" "1 mean that your butler had not wine for all tastes monsieur; and that Monsieur de la Fontaine, Monsieur Pel- lisson, and Monsieur Conrad do not drink when they come to the house — those messieurs do not like strong wine. What is to be done, then?" "Well, and so?" "Well, then, I have found here a vin de Joigny which they like. I know they come once a week to drink at the Image de Notre Dame. That is the reason why I make this provision." Fouquet had no more to say, he was almost affected. Vatel, on his part, had much more to say, without doubt, and it was plain he was getting warm. "It is just as if you would reproach me, monseigneur, for going to the Eue Planchet Milbray to fetch, myself, the cider Monsieur Loret drinks when he comes to dine at your house." "Loret drinks cider at my house!" cried Fouquet, laugh- ing. "Certainly he does, monsieur, and that is the reason why he dines there with pleasure." "Vatel," cried Fouquet, pressing the hand of his maitre d' hotel "you are a man! I thank you, Vatel, for having understood that at my house Monsieur de la Fontaine, Monsieur Conrad, and Monsieur Loret are as great as dukes and peers, as great as princes, greater than myself. Vatel, you are a good servant, and I double your salary." Vatel did not even thank his master; he merely shrugged his shoulders a little, murmuring this superb sentiment: "To be thanked for having done one's duty is humiliat- ing." "He is right," said Gourville, as he drew Fouquet's at- tention, by a gesture, to another point. He showed him a low-built carriage, drawn by two horses, upon which rocked two strong gibbets, bound together, back to back, by chains, while an archer, seated upon the thickness of the post, un- derwent, as well as he could, with his head cast down, the comments of a hundred vagabonds, who guessed the desti- nation of the gibbets, and escorted them to the Hotel do Ville. Fouquet started. "It is decided, you see," said Gourville. "But it is not done," replied Fouquet ''Oh, do not flatter yourself, monseigneur; if they have 374 THE VICOMTE DE BBAGELOKXE. thus lulled your friendship and suspicions — if things hava gone so far, you will undo nothing." "But I have not ratified." "Monsieur de Lyonne has ratified for you." "I will go to the Louvre." "Oh, no, you will not!" "Would you advise such baseness?" cried Fouquet 5 "would you advise me to abandon my friends? would you advise me, while able to fight, to throw the arms I have in my hand to the ground?" "I do not advise you to do anything of the kind, mon seigneur. Are you in a position to quit the post of surin tendant at this moment?" "No." "Well, if the king wishes to displace you " "He will displace me absent as well as present." "Yes, but you will never have insulted him." "Yes, but I shall have been base; now I am not willing that my friends should die; and they shall not die!" "For that it is necessary you should go to the Louvre." "Gourville!" "Beware! Once at the Louvre, you will be forced to defend your friends openly, that is to say, to make a profes- sion of faith, or you will be forced to abandon them irrevocably." "Never!" "Pardon me; the king will propose the alternative to you, rigorously, or else you will propose it to him yourself." "That is true." "That is the reason why conflict must be avoided. Let us return to St. Mande, monseigneur." "Gourville, I will not stir from this place, where the crime is to be carried out, where my disgrace is to be accomplished; I will not stir, I say, till I have found some means of combating my enemies." "Monseigneur," replied Gourville, "you would excite my pity if I did not know you for one of the great spirits ol this world. You possess a hundred and fifty millions, you are equal to the king in position, and a hundred and fifty millions his superior in money. Monsieur Colbert has not even had the wit to have the testament of Mazarin accepted. Now, when a man is the richest person in a kingdom, and will take the trouble to spend the money, if that be done which he does not like, it is because he is a poor man. Let us return to St. Mande, I say " THE VTCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 375 "To consult with Pellisson? We will. 5 ' "So be it," said Fouquet, with hie syes inflamed; <; yes, yes, to St. Mande!" He got into his carriage again, and Gourville with him. Upon their road, at the end of the Faubourg St. Antoine, they overtook tne humble equipage of Vatel, who was quietly conveying along his vin de Joigny. The black horses, going at a swift pace, alarmed, as they passed, the timid hack of the maitre d'hotel, who, putting his head out at the wiudow, cried, in a fright: "Take care of my bottles." CHAPTER LVII. THE GALLERY OF ST. MANDE. Fifty persons were waiting for the surintendant. He did not even take the time to place himself in the hands of his valet de chambre for a minute, but from the perron went straight into the premier salon. There his friends were assembled in full chat. The intendant was about to order supper to be served, but, above all, the Abbe Fouquet watched the return of his brother, and was endeavoring to do the honors of the house in his absence. Upon the arrival of the surintendant a murmur of joy and affection was heard. Fouquet, full of affability, good-humor, and munificence, was beloved by his poets, his artists, and his men of business. His brow, upon which his little court read, as upon that of a god, all the movements of his soul, and thence drew rules of conduct — his brow, upon which affairs of state never impressed a wrinkle, was this evening paler than usual, and more than one friendly eye remarked that paleness. Fouquet placed himself at the head of the table, and presided gayly during supper. He recounted Vatel's expedition to La Fontaine, he related the history of Menneville and the thin fowl to Pellisson, in such a man- ner that all the table heard it. A tempest of laughter and jokes ensued, which was only checked by a serious and even sad gesture from Pellisson. The Abbe Fouquet, not being able to comprehend why his brother should have led the conversation in that direction, listened with all his ears, and sought in the countenance of Gourville, or in that of his brother, an explanation which nothing afforded him. Pellisson took up the matter: 376 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Did they mention Monsieur Colbert, then?" said he. "Why not?" replied Fouquct; "if true, as it is said to be, that the king has made him his intendant." Scarcely had Fouquet uttered these words, with a marked intention, than an explosion broke forth among the guests. "The miser!" said one. "The mean, pitiful fellow!" said another. "The hypocrite!" said a third. Pellisson exchanged a meaning look with Fouquet. "Messieurs," said he, "in truth we are abusing a man whom no one knows; it is neither charitable nor reasonable; and here is Monsieur le Surintendant, who, I am sure, agrees with me." "Entirely," replied Fouquet. "Let the fat fowls of Monsieur Colbert alone; our business to-day is with the faisans truffes of Monsieur Vatel." This speech stopped the dark cloud which was beginning to throw its shade over the guests. Gourville succeeded so well in animating the poets with the vin de Joigny ; the abbe, intelligent as a man who stands in need of the crowns of another, so enlivened the financiers and the men of the sword, that, amid the vapors of this joy and the noise of conversation, the object of inquietude disappeared com- pletely. The testament of Cardinal Mazarin was the text of the conversation at the second course and dessert; then Fouquet ordered basins of confitures and fountains of liqueurs to be carried into the salon adjoining the gallery. He led the way thither, conducting by the hand a lady, the queen, by his preference, of the evening. The musicians then supped, and the promenades in the gallery and the gardens commenced, beneath a spring sky, mild and per- fumed. Pellisson then approached the surintendant and said: "Something troubles monseigneur?" "Greatly," replied the minister; "ask Gourville to tell you what it is." Pellisson, in turning round, found La Fontaine treading upon his heels. He was obliged to listen to a Latin verse, which the poet had composed upon Vatel. La Fontaine had, for an hour, been scanning this verse in all corners, seeking some one to pour it out upon advantageously. He thought he had caught Pellisson, but the latter escaped him; he turned toward Sorel, who had, himself, just com- posed a quatrain in honor of the supper and the Amphy- trion. La Fontaine in vain endeavored to gain atteutiou to THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 377 his verses; Sorel wanted to obtain a hearing for his quatrain* He was obliged to retrograde before M. le Comte de Chanost, whose arm Fouquet had just taken. L'Abbe Fouquet perceived that the poet, as absent as usual, was about to follow the two talkers, and he interposed. La Fontaine seized upon him, and recited his verses. The abb£, who was quite innocent of Latin, nodded his head, in icadence, at every roll which La Fontaine impressed upon his body, according to the undulations of the dactyls and spondees. While this was going on, behind the confiture- basins, Fouquet related the event of the day to his son-in- law, M. de Chanost. ''We must send the idle and useless to look at the fire- works," said Pellisson to Gourville, "while we converse here." "So be it," said Gourville, addressing four words to Vatel. The latter then led toward the gardens the major part of the beaus, the ladies, and the chatterers, while the men walked in the gallery, lighted by three hundred wax-lights, in the sight of all; the admirers of fireworks all ran away toward the garden. Gourville approached Fouquet and said: "Monsieur, we are all here." "All?" said Fouquet. "Yes. — count." The surintendant counted; there were eight persons. Pellisson and Gourville walked arm in arm, as if convers- ing upon vague and light subjects. Sorel and two officers imitated them, in an opposite direction. The Abbe Fou- i quet walked alone. Fouquet, with M. de Chanost, walked ; as if entirely absorbed by the conversation of his son-in-law. "Messieurs," said he, "let no one of you raise his head as he walks, or appear to pay attention to me; continue walk- ing; we are alone; listen to me." A perfect silence ensued, disturbed only by the distant cries of the joyous guests from the groves whence they be- held the fireworks. It was a whimsical spectacle this, of these men walking in groups, as if each one was occupied about something, while lending attention really to only one among them, who, himself, seemed to be speaking only to his companion. "Messieurs," said Fouquet, "you have, without doubt, remarked the absence of two of my friends this evening, who were with us on Wednesday. For God's sake, abbe, da 378 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. not stop; it is not necessary to enable you to listen; walk on, carrying your head in a natural way, and as you have an excellent sight, place yourself at the window, and if any one returns toward the gallery, give us notice by coughing." The abbe obeyed. "I have not observed the absent," said Pellisson, who, at this moment, was turning his back to Fouquet, and walk-, ing the other way. "I do not see Monsieur Lyodot," said Sorel, "who pays me my pension." "And I," said the abbe, at the window, "do not see Mon- sieur d'Eymeris, who owes me eleven hundred livres from our last game at Brelan." "Sorel," continued Fouquet, walking bent and gloomily, "you will never receive your pension any more from Mon- sieur Lyodot; and you, abbe, will never be paid your eleven hundred livres by Monsieur d'Eymeris, for both are about to die." "To die!" exclaimed the whole assembly, stopped, in spite of themselves, in the scene they were playing, by that terrible word. "Recover yourselves, messieurs," said Fouquet, "for per- haps we are watched. I said: 'to die!' " "To die!" repeated Pellisson. "What! the men I saw six days ago, full of health, gayety, and a future? What, then, is man, good God! that disease should thus bring him down all at once." "It is not a disease," said Fouquet. "Then there is a remedy," said Soreh "No remedy. Messieurs de Lyodot and D'Eymeris are on the eve of their last day." "Of what are these gentlemen dying, then?" asked an officer. "Ask of him who kills them," replied Fouquet. "Who kills them? Are they being killed, then?" criec the terrified chorus. "They do better still; they are hanging them," mur- mured Fouquet, in a sinister voice which sounded like a funeral knell in -that rich gallery, splendid with pictures, flowers, velvet, and gold. Involuntarily every one stopped; the abbe quitted his window; the first fusees of the fire- works began to mount above the trees. A prolonged cry from the gardens attracted the surintendant to enjoy the spectacle. He drew near to a window, and his friends placed themselves behind him, attentive to his least wish. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 379 ''Messieurs," said he, "Monsieur Colbert has caused to be arrested, tried, and will execute to death my two friends. What does it become me to do?" "Mordieux!" exclaimed the abbe, the first 'run Monsieur Colbert through the body." "Monseigneur," said Pellisson, "you must speak to his majesty." ''The king, my dear Pellisson, has signed the order for the execution." "Well," said the Comte de Chanost, "the execution mus' not take place, then; that is all." "Impossible!" said Gourville, "unless we could corrupt the jailers." "Or the governor," said Fouquet. "This night the prisoners might be allowed to escape." "Which of you will take charge of the transaction?" "I," said the abbe, "will carry the money." "And I," said Pellisson, "will be bearer of the words." "Words and money," said Fouquet; "five hundred thou- sand livres to the governor of the conciergerie, that is sufficient; nevertheless, it shall be a million, if necessary." "A million!" cried the abbe. "Why, for less than half I would cause the half of Paris to be sacked." "There must be no disorder," said Pellisson. "The gov- ernor being won, the two prisoners escape; once clear of the fangs of the law, they will call together the enemies of Colbert, and prove to the king that his young justice, like all other exaggerations, is not infallible." "Go to Paris, then, Pellisson," said Fouquet, "and bring hither the two victims; to-morrow we shall see." Gourville gave Pellisson the five hundred thousand livres. "Take care the wind does not carry you away," said the abbe. "What a responsibility! Peste! Let me help you a little." "Silence!" said Fouquet; "somebody is coming. Ah! the fireworks are producing a magical effect." At this moment a shower of sparks fell rustling among the branches of the neighboring trees. Pellisson and Gour- ville went out together by the door of the gallery; Fouquet descended to the garden with the five last plotters. 380 THE YlCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. CHAPTER LVIII. IHE EPICUREANS. As Fouquet was giving, or appearing to give, all his attention to the brilliant illuminations, the languishing music of the violins and hautboys, the sparkling sheaves of the artificial fires, which, inflaming the heavens with glow- ing reflections, marked behind the trees the dark profile of the donjon of Vincennes; as we say, the surintendant was smiling on the ladies and the poets, the/ete was not less gay than ordinary; and Vatcl, whose restless, even jealous look, earnestly consulted the look of Fouquet, did not ap- pear dissatisfied with the welcome given to the ordering of the evening's entertainment. The fireworks over, the company dispersed about the gardens, and beneath the marble porticoes with the delightful liberty which reveals in the master of the house so much forgetfulness of great- ness, so much courteous hospitality, so much magnificent carelessness. The poets wandered about, arm in arm, through the groves; some reclined upon beds of moss, to the great damage of velvet clothes and curled heads, into which little dried leaves and blades of grass insinuated themselves. The ladies, in small numbers, listened to the songs of the singers and the verses of the poets; others listened to the prose, spoken with much art, by men who were neither actors nor poets, but to whom youth and soli- tude gave an unaccustomed eloquence, which appeared to them preferable to all. "Why," said La Fontaine, "does not our master, Epi- curus, descend into the garden? Epicurus never abandoned his pupils; the master is wrong." "Monsieur," said Conrad, "you are very wrong in per- sisting to decorate yourself with the name of an Epicurean; indeed, nothing here reminds me of the doctrine of the philosopher of Gargetta. " "Bah!" said La Fontaine, "is it not written that Epi- curus purchased a large garden and lived in it tranquilly with his friends?" "That is true." "Well, has not Monsieur Fouquet purchased a large gar- den at St. Maude, and do we not live here very tranquilly with him and his friends?" "Yes, without doubt; unfortunately, it is neither the gaiden nor the friends which can make the resemblance, THE VICOMTE DR BRAGELOHNE. 381 Now, what likeness is there between the doctrine of Epi- curus and that of Monsieur Fouquet?" "This — pleasure gives happiness. " "Next?" "Well, I do not think we ought to consider ourselves un- fortunate; for my part, at least. A good repast — vin de Joigny, which they have the delicacy to go and fetch for me' from my favorite cabaret — not one impertinence heard during a supper of an hour long, in spite of the presence of ten millionaires and twenty poets." "I stop you there. You mentioned vin de Joigny, and % good repast; do you persist in that?" "I persist, anteco, as they say at Port Eoyal." "Then please to recollect that the great Epicurus lived, and made his pupils live, upon bread, vegetables, and clear water." "That is not certain," said La Fontaine; "and you ap- pear to me to be confounding Epicurus with Pythagoras, my dear Conrad." "Kemember, likewise, that the ancient philosopher was rather a bad friend of the gods and the magistrates." "Oh! that is what I cannot suffer," replied La Fontaine. "Epicurus was like Monsieur Fouquet." "Do not compare him to Monsieur le Surintendant," said Conrad, in an agitated voice, "or you would accredit the reports which are circulated concerning him and us." "What reports?" "That we are bad Frenchmen, lukewarm with regard to the monarch, deaf to the law." "I return, then, to my text," said La Fontaine. "Lis- ten, Conrad, this is the morality of Epicurus, whom, besides, I consider, if I must tell you so, as a myth. All which touches the least upon antiquity is a myth. Jupiter, if we give a little attention to it, is life. Alcides is strength. The words are there to bear me out; Zeus, that is zen, to live. Alcides, that is alii, vigor. Well, Epicurus, that is mild watchfulness, that is protection; now, who watches better over the state, or who protects individuals better than Monsieur Fouquet does?" "You talk etymology and not morality; I say that we modern Epicureans are troublesome citizens." "Oh!" cried La Fontaine, "if we become troublesome citizens, it will not be in following the maxims of our mas- ter. Listen to one of his principal aphorisms." "I listen." 382 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNB. ''Wish for good leaders.'* "Well?" "Well, what does Monsieur Fouquet say to us every day? 'W T hen shall we be governed?' Does he say so? Come, Conrad, be frank." "He says so, that is true." "Well, that is a doctrine of Epicurus. "Yes; but that is a little seditious, observe." "How! seditious to wish to be governed by good heads or leaders?" "Certainly, when those who govern are bad." "Patience! I have a reply for all." "Even for that I have just said to you?" "Listen; would you submit to those who govern ill? Oh, it is written: ' Cacos politeuousi.' You grant me the text?" "Pardieu /" I think so. Do you know you speak Greek as well as iEsop did, my dear La Fontaine?'' "Is there any wickedness in that, my dear Conrad?" "God forbid I should say so!" "Then, let us return to Monsieur Fouquet. What did he repeat to us all the day? Was it not this? 'What a cuistre is that Mazarin! what an ass! what a leech! We must, however, submit to the fellow.' Now, Conrad, did he say so, or did he not?" "I confess that he said it, and even perhaps too often." "Like Epicurus, my friend, still like Epicurus; I repeat, we are Epicureans, and that is very amusing." "Yes; but I am afraid there will rise up, by the side of us, a sect like that of Epictetus; you know him well; the philosopher of Hieropolis, he who called bread luxury, vegetables prodigality, and clear water drunkenness; he who, being beaten by his master, said to him, grumbling a little, it is true, but without being angry: 'I will lay a wager you have broken my leg,' and who won his wager." "He was a gosling, that Epictetus." "Granted; but he might easily become the fashion by only changing his name into that of Colbert." "Bah!" replied La Fontaine, "that is impossible. Never will you find Colbert in Epictetus." "You are right; I shall find — Coluber there, at the most." "Ah! you are beaten, Conrad; you are reduced to a play upon words. Monsieur Arnaud pretends that I have no logic; I have more than Monsieur Nicolle." "Yes," replied Conrad: "you have logic, but you are a Jansenist.' THE VICOMTE I)£ BRAGELONNE. 383 This peroration was hailed by an immense shout of 'aughter; by degrees the promenaders had been attracted by the exclamations of the two disputants around the arbor under which they argued. All the discussion had been religiously listened to, and Fouquet himself, scarcely able to suppress his laughter, had given an example of modera- tion. But the denouement of the scene threw off all re- staint; he laughed aloud. Everybody laughed as he did, and the two philosophers were saluted by unanimous felicitations, La Fontaine, however, was declared con- queror, on account of his profound erudition and his irre- fragable logic. Conrad obtained the compensation due to * an unsuccessful combatant; he was praised for his loyalty and the purity of his conscience. At the moment when this joy was manifesting itself by the most lively demonstrations, at the moment when the ladies were reproaching the two adversaries with not hav- ing admitted women into the system of Epicurean happi- ness, Gourville was seen hastening from the other end of ^he garden, approaching Fouquet, who surveyed him anx- iously, and detaching him, by his presence alone, from the group. The surintendant preserved upon his face the fjmile and the character of carelessness; but scarcely was he aut of sight than he threw off the mask. "Well," said he eagerly, "where is Pellisson? What is he doing?" "Pellisson is returned from Paris." "Has he brought back the prisoners?" "He has not even seen the concierge of the prison.'* "What! did he not tell him he came from me?" "He told him so, but the concierge sent him this reply: *If any one came to me from Monsieur Fouquet ha would have a letter from Monsieur Fouquet.' " "Oh!" cried the latter, "if a letter is all he wants — — *' "Never, monsieur!" said Pellisson, showing himself a: the corner of the little wood, "never! Go yourself, and speak in your own name." "You are right. I will go in, as if to work; let ths horses remain harnessed, Pellisson. Entertain my friends, Gourville." "One last word of advice, monseigneur," replied the latter. "Speak, Gourville." "Do not go to the concierge but at the last minute; it i brave, but it is not wise. Excuse me, Monsieur Peiiissoi 384 THE VICOMTE BE BRAGELONNE. if I am not of the same opinion as you; but believe me, mouseigneur, send again a message to this concierge — he is a worthy man, but do not carry it yourself." "I will think of it, ;/ said Fouquet; "besides., we have all the night before us." "Do not reckon too much upon time; were the time we have double what it is, it would not be too much," replied Pellisson; "it is never a fault to arrive too soon. "Adieu!" said the surintendant; "come with me, Pellis- son. Gourville, I commend my guests to your care." And he set off. The Epicureans did not perceive that the head of the school had left them; the violins continued playing all night. CHAPTER LIX. A QUARTER OF AN HOUR'S DELAY. Fouquet, on leaving his house for the second time that day, felt himself less heavy and less disturbed than might have been expected. He turned toward Pellisson, who was meditating in the corner of- the carriage some good argu- ments against the violent proceedings of Colbert. "My dear Pellisson," said Fouquet, then, "it is a great pity you are not a woman." "I think, on the contrary, it is very fortunate," replied Pellisson, "for, monseigneur, I am excessively ugly." "Pellisson! Pellisson!" said the surintendant, laughing. "You repeat too often, you are 'ugly,' not to leave people to believe that it gives you much pain." "In fact, it does, monseigneur, much; there is no man more unfortunate than I. I was handsome, the smallpox rendered me hideous; I am deprived of a great means of seduction; now, I am your principal clerk, or something of that sort; I take great interest in your affairs, and if, at this moment, I were a pretty woman, I could render you an important service." "What?" "I would go and find the concierge of the Palais; I would seduce him, for he is a gallant man, extravagantly partial to women; then I would get away our two prisoners." "I hope to be able to do so myself, although I am not a pretty woman," replied Fouquet. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 385 44 Granted, monseigneur; but you are compromising your- self very much." "Oh!" cried Fouquet suddenly, with one of those secret transports which the generous blood of youth, or the re- membrance of some sweet emotion, infuses into the heart. "Oh! I know a woman who will enact the personage we stand in need of with the lieutenant-governor of the con- ciergerie." "And, on my part, I know fifty, monseigneur; fifty trumpets, which will inform the universe of your generos- ity, of your devotion to your friends, and, consequently, will ruin you sooner or later in ruining themselves." "I do not speak of such women, Pellisson; I speak of a noble and beautiful creature who joins to the intelligence and wit of her sex the valor and coolness of ours; I speak of a woman handsome enough to make the walls of a prison bow down to salute her, of a woman discreet enough to let no one suspect by whom she has been sent." "A treasure!" said Pellisson; "you would make a famous present to monsieur the governor of the conciergerie ! Peste ! monseigneur, he might have his head cut off; that might happen; but he would, before dying, have had such happiness as no man had enjoyed before him." "And I add," said Fouquet, "that the concierge of the Palais would not have his head cut off, for he would receive of me my horses to effect his escape, and five hundred thousand livres wherewith to live comfortably in England; I add, that this woman, my friend, would give him nothing but the horses and the money. Let us go and seek this woman, Pellisson." The surintendant reached forth his hand toward the gold and silken cord placed in the interior of his carriage; but Pellisson stopped him. "Monseigneur," said he, "you are going to los'e as much time in seeking this woman as Col- umbus took to discover the new world. Now, we have but two hours in which we can possibly succeed; the concierge once gone to bed, how shall we get at him without making a disturbance? When daylight dawns, how can we conceal our proceedings? Go, go yourself, monseigneur, and dc not seek either woman or an angel to-night." "But, my dear Pellisson, here we are before her door." "What! before the angel's door." "Why, yes." "This is the hotel of Madame de Belliere?" "Hush!" 386 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONXE, "'Ah! Good Lord!" exclaimed Pellisson. "What have you to say against her!'''' "Nothing, alas! and it is that which creates my despair. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Why can I not, on the con- trary, say ill enough of her to prevent your going to her?" But Fouquet had already given orders to stop, and the carriage was motionless. "Prevent me!" cried Fouquet; "why, no power on earth should prevent my going to pay my compliments to Ma dame de Plessis-Belliere; besides, who knows that we shall not stand in need of her?" "No, monseigneur, no!" "But [ do not wish you to wait for me, Pellisson," re- plied Fouquet, with sincere courtesy. "The greater reason why I should, monseigneur; know- ing that you are keeping me waiting, you will, perhaps, stay a shorter time. Take care! You see there is a car- riage in the courtyard; she has some one with her." Fouquet leaned toward the steps of the carriage. "One word more," cried Pellisson; "do not go to this lady till you have been to the concierge, for heaven's sake!" "Eh! five minutes, Pellisson," replied Fouquet, alight- ing at the steps of the hotel, leaving Pellisson in the car- riage, in a very ill-humor. Fouquet ran upstairs, told his name to the footman, which excited an eagerness and a respect that showed the habit the mistress of the house had of honoring that name in her family. "Monsieur le Surintendant," cried the marquise, advanc- ing, very pale, to meet him; "what an honor! what an un- expected pleasure!" said she. Then, in a low voice, "Take care!" added the marquise, "Marguerite Vanel is here." "Madame," replied Fouquet, rather agitated, "I came upon business. One single word, in haste, if you please." And he entered the salon. Mine. Vanel had risen, more pale, more livid than Envy herself. Fouquet in vain ad- dressed her with the most agreeable, most pacific salutation; she only replied by a terrible glance darted at the marquise and Fouquet. This keen glance of a jealous woman is a stiletto which pierces every cuirass; Marguerite Vanel plunged it straight into the hearts of the two confidants. She made a courtesy to her friend, a more profound one to Fouquet, and took leave, under pretense of having a great number of visits to make, without the marquise trying to prevont her, or Fouquet, a prey to anxiety, thinking any- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 387 thing about her. She was scarcely out of the room, and Fouquet left alone with the marquise, before he threw him- self on his knees without saying a word. "I expected you," said the marquise, with a tender sigh. "Oh, no!" cried he, "or you would have sent away that woman." "She has been here little more than half an hour, and I had no suspicion she would come this evening." "You do love me a little, then, marquise?" "That is not the question now; it is of your dangers. How are your affairs going on?" "I am going this evening to get my friends out of the prisons of the Palais." "How will you do that?" "By buying and seducing the governor." "He is a friend of mine; can I assist you, without injur- ing you?" "Oh, marquise, it would be a sigual service; but how can you be employed without your being compromised? Now, never shall my life, my power, or even my liberty, be pur- chased at the expense of a single tear from your eyes, or of a single pain upon your brow." "Monseigneur, speak no more such words, they bewilder me; I have been culpable in trying to serve you, without calculating the extent of what I was doing. I love you in reality, as a tender friend, and as a friend I am grateful for your delicate attentions; but, alas! alas! you will never find a mistress in me." "Marquise!" cried Fouquet, in a tone of despair, "why not?" "Because you are too much beloved," said the young woman in a low vo^ce; "because you are too much beloved by too many people — because the splendor of glory and fortune wound my eyes, while the darkness of sorrow at- tracts them; because, in short, I, who have repulsed you in your proud magnificence, I, who scarcely looked at you in your splendor, I came, like a mad woman, to throw myself, as it were, into your arms when I saw a misfortune hovering over your head. You understand me now, monseigneur? Become happy again, that I may again become chaste in heart and in thought; your misfortune would ruin me!" "Oh, madame," said Fouquet, with an emotion he had never before felt, "were I to fall to the last degree of human misery, and should hear from your mouth that word which you now refuse me, that day, madame, you will be 388 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOJOTE. mistaken in your noble egotism; that day you will fancy /ou are consoling the most unfortunate of men, and you will have said, 'I love you' to the most illustrious, the most de- lighted, the most triumphant of the happy beings of this world." He was still at her feet, kissing her hand, when Pellisson entered precipitately, crying, in very ill-humor: "Monseigneur! madame! for heaven's sake, excuse me. Monseigneur, you have been here half an hour. Oh, do not both look at me so reproachfully. Madame, pray who is that lady who left your house soon after monseigneur came in?" "Madame Vanel," said Fouquet. "There!" cried Pellisson, "I was sure of that!" ''Well, what then?" "Why, she got into her carriage looking deathly pale." "What consequence is that to me?" "Yes, but what she said to her coachman is of conse- quence to you." "What, good God!" cried the marquise, "was that?" "To Monsieur Colbert's!" said Pellisson, in a hoarse voice. "Good heavens! be gone, be gone, monseigneur!" replied the marquise, pushing Fouquet out of the salon, while Pel- lisson dragged him by the hand. "Am I, then, indeed," said the surintendant, "become a child, to be frightened by a shadow?" "You are a giant," said the marquise, "whom a viper is endeavoring to bite at the heel." Pellisson continued to drag Fouquet quite to the carriage. "To the Palais at full speed!" cried Pellisson to the coachman. The horses set off like lightning; no obstacle relaxed their pace for an instant. Only, at the Arcade St. Jean, as they were coming out upon the Place de Greve, a long file of horsemen, barring the narrow passage, stopped the carriage of the surintendant. There was no means of forcing this barrier; it was necessary to wait till the mounted archers of the watch, for it was they who stopped the way, had passed with the heavy carriage they were escorting, and which ascended rapidly toward the Place Baudoyer. Fouquet and Pellisson took no further account of this circumstance beyond deploring the minute's delay they had to submit to. They entered the habitation of the concierge du palais five minutes after. That officer was still walking about in the front court THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 3S& At the name of Fouquet, whispered in his ear by Pellisson the governor eagerly approached the carriage, and, hat in hand, was profuse in his reverences. "What an honor for me, monseigneur!" said he. "One word, Monsieur le Gouverneur, will you take the trouble to get into my carriage?" The officer placed himself opposite Fouquet in the coach. "Monsieur," said Fouquet, "I have a service to ask of you." "Speak, monseigneur." ' "A service that will be compromising for you, monsieur, but which will assure to you forever my protection and my friendship." "Were it to cast myself into the fire for you, monseigneur, I would do it." "Thai, is well," said Fouquet. "What I require is much more simple." "That being so, monseigneur, what is it?" "To conduct me to the chamber of Messieurs Lyodot and D'Eymeris." "Will monseigneur have the kindness to say for what purpose?" "I will tell you in their presence, monsieur; at the same time that I will give you ample means of palliating this escape." "Escape! Why, then, monseigneur does not know?" "What?" "That Messrs. Lyodot and D'Eymeris are no longer here." "Since when?" cried Fouquet, in great agitation. "About a quarter of an hour." "Whither have they gone, then?" "To Vincennes — to the donjon." "Who took them from here?" "An order from the king." "Oh, woe! woe!" exclaimed Fouquet, striking his fore- head. "W r oe!" and without saying a single word more to the governor, he threw himself back in his carriage, despair in his heart and death on his countenance. "Well!" said Pellisson, with great anxiety. "Our friends are lost. Colbert is conveying them to the donjon. It was they who crossed our passage under the Arcade St. Jean." Pellisson, struck as with a thunderbolt, made no reply. With a single reproach he would have killed his master. "Where is monseigneur going?" said the footman. 390 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXXE. "Home — to Paris. You, Pellisson, return to St. Mande, and bring the Abbe Fouquet to me within an hour. Be gone f>- CHAPTER LX. PLA N OF B ATTLE. The night was already far advanced when the Abb6 Fou- quet joined his brethren. Gourville had accompanied him. These three men, pale with future events, resembled less three powers of the day than three conspirators, united by one same thought of violence. Fouquet walked for a long time, with his eyes fixed upon the floor, striking his hand one against the other. At length, taking courage, in the midst of a deep, long sigh: "Abbe," said he, "you were speaking to me only to-day of certain people you maintain?" "Yes, monsieur," replied the abbe. "Tell me precisely who are these people?" The abbe hesitated. "Come, no fear; I am not threatening; no romancing, for I am not joking." "Since you demand the truth, monseigneur, here it is: I have a hundred and twenty friends or companions of pleasure, who are sworn to me as the thief is to the gallows. " "And you think you can depend upon them?" "Entirely." "And you will not compromise yourself?" "I will not even make my appearance." "And are they men of resolution?" "They would burn Paris, if I promised them they should not be burned in turn." "The thing I ask of you, abbe," said Fouquet, wiping the sweat which fell from his brow, "is to throw your hun- dred and twenty men upon the people I will point out to you, at a certain moment given — is it possible?" "It will not be the first time such a thing has happened to them, monseigneur." "That is well; but would these bandits attack an armed force?" "They are used to that." "Then get your hundred and twenty men together, abbe." "Directly. But where?" THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 391 "On the road to Vincennes, to-morrow, at two o'clock precisely." "To carry off Lyodot and D'Eymeris? There will be blows to be got." "A number, no doubt; are you afraid?" "Not for myself, but for you." "Your men will know, then, what they have to do?" "They are too intelligent not to guess it. Now, a minis- ter who gets up a riot against his king, exposes himself " "Of what importance is that to you, I pray? Besides, if I fall, you fall with me." "It would then be more prudent, monsieur, not to stir in the affair, and leave the king to take this little satisfaction." "Think well of this, abbe: Lyodot and D'Eymeris at Vincennes are a prelude of ruin for my house. 1 repeat it --I arrested, you will be imprisoned; I imprisoned, you will be exiled." "Monsieur, I am at your orders; have you any to give me?" "What I told you: I wish that, to-morrow, the two finan- ciers of whom they mean to make victims, while there remain so many criminals unpunished, should be snatched from the fury of my enemies. Take your measures accord- ingly. Is it possible?" "It is possible." "Describe your plan." "It is of rich simplicity. The ordinary guard at execu- tions consists of twelve archers." "There will be a hundred to-morrow." "I reckon so. I even say more — there will be two hundred." "Then, your hundred and twenty men will not be enough." "Pardon me. In every crowd composed of a hundred thousand spectators, there are ten thousand bandits or cut- purses, only they dare not take the initiative." "Well?" "There will, then, be to-morrow, on the Place de Greve, which I choose as my battlefield, ten thousand auxiliaries to my hundred and twenty men. The attack commenced by the latter, the others will finish it." "That all appears feasible. But what will be done with regard to the prisoners upon the Place de Greve?" "This: they must be thrust into some house — that will make a siege necessary to get them out again. And — stop; 392 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXXE. here is another idea-, more sublime still: certain houses have two issues — one upon the Place, and the other into theRue de la Mortelleire, or La Yannerie, or La Texeranderie. The prisoners entering by one door, will go out at another." "Yes; but fix upon something positive." "I am seeking to do so. ; ' "And I," cried Fouquet, "I have found it. Listen to what has occurred to me at this moment." "I am listening." Fouquet made a sign to Gourville, who appeared to un- derstand. "One of my friends lends me sometimes the keys of a house which he rents, in the Place Baudoyer, the spacious gardens of which extend behind a certain house of the Place de Gr£ve." "That is the place for us," said the abbe. "What house?" "A cabaret pretty well frequented, whose sign represents the image of Notre Dame." "I know it," said the abbe. "This cabaret has windows opening upon the Place, a place of exit into the court, which must abut upon the gardens of my friend by a door of communication." "Good!" said the abbe. "Enter by the cabaret, take the prisoners in; defend the door while you enable them to fly by the garden and the Place Baudoyer." "That is all plain. Monsieur, you would make an excel- lent general, like Monsieur le Prince." "Have you understood me?" "Perfectly well." "How much will it amount to, to make your bandits all drunk with wine, and to satisfy them with gold?" "Oh, monsieur, what an expression! Oh, monsieur, if they heard you! some of them are very susceptible." "I mean to say they must be brought no longer to know the heavens from the earth; for I shall to-morrow contend with the king; and when I fight I mean to conquer — please to understand." "It shall be done, monsieur. Give me your other ideas." "That is your business." "Then give me your purse." "Gourville, count a hundred thousand livres for the abbe." "Good! and spare nothing, did you not say?" THE VICOMTE DE BEAGELONKE. 395 "Nothing." "That is well." "Monseigneur," objected Gourville, "if this should be known we should lose our heads." "Eh! Gourville," replied Fouquet, purple with anger, "you excite my pity. Speak for yourself, if you please. My head does not shake in that manner upon my shoulders. Now, abbe, is everything arranged?" "Everything." "At two o'clock to-morrow." "At twelve, because it will be necessary to prepare our auxiliaries in a secret manner." "That is true; do not spare the wine of the calaretier." "I will spare neither his wine nor his house," replied the abbe with a sneering laugh. "I have my plan, I tell you; leave me to set it in operation, and you shall see." "Where shall you be yourself?" "Everywhere; nowhere." "And how shall I receive information?" "By a courier, whose horse shall be kept in the very gar- den of your friend. Apropos, the name of your friend?" Fouquet looked again at Gourville. The latter came to the succor of his master, saying: "Accompany Monsieur l'Abbe for several reasons, only the house is easily to be known, the 'Image de Notre Dame' in the front, a garden, the only one in the quarter, behind." "Good, good! I will go and give notice to my soldiers." "Accompany him, Gourville," said Fouquet, "and count him down the money. One moment, abbe — one moment, Gourville; what name will be given to this carrying off?" "A very natural one, monsieur — the Eiot." "The riot on account of what? For, if ever the people of Paris are disposed to pay their court to the king, it is when he hangs financiers." "I will manage that," said the abbe. "Yes; but you may manage it badly, and people will guess." "Not at all — not at all. I have another idea." "What is that?" "My men shall cry out, 'Colbert, vive Colbert!' and shall throw themselves upon the prisoners as if they would tear them in pieces, and shall force them from the gibbets, as too mild a punishment." "Ah! that is an idea," said Gourville. "Pestel Mon- sieur l'Abbe, what an imagination you have!" 394: THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Monsieur, we are worthy of our family," replied the abbe proudly. "Strange fellow!" murmured Fouquet. Then lie added: "That is ingenious. Carry it out, but shed no blood." Gourville and the abbe set off together, with their heads full of the meditated riot. The surintendant laid himself down upon some cushions, half-valiant with respect to the sinister projects of the morrow, half-dreaming of love. CHAPTER LXI. THE CABARET OF THE IMAGE DE NOTRE DAME. At two o'clock the next day fifty thousand spectators had taken their position upon the Place, around the two gibbets which had been elevated between the Quai de la Greve and the Quai Pelletier, one close to the other, with their banks to the parapet of the river. In the morning also all the sworn criers of the good city of Paris had trav- ersed the quarters of the city, particularly the halles and the faubourgs, announcing, with their hoarse and indefa- tigable voices, the great justice done by the king upon two peculators, two thieves, devourers of the people. And these people, whose interests were so warmly looked after, in order not to fail in respect for their king, quitted shops, stalls, and ateliers, to go and evince a little gratitude to Louis XIV., absolutely like invited guests, who feared to commit an impoliteness in not repairing to the house of him who had invited them. According to the tenor of the sen- tence, which the criers read loudly and badly, two farmers of the revenues, monopolists of money, dilapidators of the royal provisions, extortioners, and forgers, were about to undergo capital punishment on the Place de Greve, with their names affixed over their heads, according to their sentence. As to those names, the sentence made no men- tion of them. The curiosity of the Parisians was at its height, and, as we have said, an immense crowd waited with feverish impatience the hour fixed for the execution. The news had already spread that the prisoners, transferred to the Chateau of Vincennes, would be conducted from that prison to the Place de Greve. Consequently, the faubourg and the Rue St. Antoine were crowded; for the population* of Paris in those days of great executions was divided into two categories : those who came to see the con- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONSTB. 395 demned pass — these were timid and mild hearts, but curious in philosophy; and those who wished to see the condemned die — these were of hearts desirous of emotions. On this day M. d'Artagnan received his last instructions from the king, and made his adieus to his friends, the number of whom was, at the moment, reduced to Pianchet, traced the plan of his day, as every busy man whose moments are counted ought to do, because he appreciates their impor- tance. "My departure is to be," said he, "at break of day, three o'clock in the morning; I have, then, fifteen hours before me. Take from them the six hours of sleep which are in- dispensable for me — six; one hour for repasts — seven; one hour for a farewell visit to Athos — eight; two hours for chance circumstances — total, ten. There are, then, five hours left. One hour to get my money — that is, to have payment refused by Monsieur Fouquet; another hour to go and receive my money of Monsieur Colbert, together with his questions and grimaces; one hour to look over my clothes and my arms, and get my boots cleaned. I have still two hours left. Mordioux! how rich I am!" And so saying, D'Artagnan felt a strange joy, a joy of youth, a perfume of those great and happy years of former times mount into his brain and intoxicate him. "During these two hours I will go," said the musketeer, "and take my quarter's rent of the Image de Notre Dame. That will be pleasant. Three hundred and seventy-five livres. Mordioux ! but that is astonishing. If the poor man who has but one livre in his pocket found a livre and twelve deniers, that would be justice, that would be excellent; but never does such a godsend fall to the lot of the poor man. The rich man, on the contrary, makes himself revenues with his money, which he does not touch. Here are three hundred and seventy-five livres which fall to me from heaven. I will go, then, to the Image de Notre Dame, and drink a glass of Spanish wine with my tenant, which he cannot fail to offer me. But order must be observed, Monsieur d'Artagnan, order must be observed. Let us organize our time then, and distribute the employment of it. Art. 1st, Athos; Art. 2d, the Image de Notre Dame; Art. 3d, Monsieur Fouquet; Art. 4th, Monsieur Colbert; Art. 5th, supper; Art. 6th, clothes, boots/ horse, portmanteau; Art. 7th and last, sleep." In consequence of this arrangement, D'Artagnan then went straight to the Comte de la Fere, to whom, modestly 396 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. and ingenuously, he related a part of his fortunate adven- tures. Athos had not been without uneasiness on the sub- ject of D'Artagnan's visit to the king; but few words sufficed as an explanation of that. Athos divined that Louis had charged D'Artagnan with some important mis- sion, and did not even make an effort to draw the secret from him. He only recommended him to take care of himself, and offered discreetly to accompany him, if that were desirable. "But, my dear friend," said D'Artagnan, "I am going nowhere." "What! you come and bid me adieu, and are going nowhere?" "Oh! yes, yes," replied D'Artagnan, coloring a little; "I am going to make an acquisition." "That is quite another thing. Then, I change my for- mula. Instead of, 'Do not get yourself killed,' I will say, 'Do not get yourself robbed.' " "My friend, I will inform you if I cast my eye upon any property that pleases me, and shall expect you will favor me with your opinion." "Yes, yes," said Athos, too delicate to commit himself even the consolation of a smile. Eaoul imitated the paternal reserve. But D'Artagnan thought it would appear too mysterious to leave his friends under a pretense, without even telling them the route he was about to take. "I have chosen Le Mans," said he to Athos. "Is it a good country?" "Excellent, my friend," replied the comte, without mak- ing him observe that Le Mans was in the same direction as La Touraine, and that by waiting two days, at mos':, he might travel with a friend. But D'Artagnan, more embar- rassed than the comte, dug, at every explanation, deeper into the mud, into which he sank by degrees. "I shall set out to-morrow at daybreak," said he, at last. "Till that time, will you come with me, Eaoul?" "Yes, Monsieur le Chevalier," said the young man, "if Monsieur le Comte does not want me." "No, Eaoul; I am to have an audience to-day ' l Mon- sieur, the king's brother; that is all I have to do." Eaoul asked Grimaud for his sword, which thp >ld man brought him immediately. "Now, then," added D'Artagnan, opening hh arms to Athos, "adieu, my dear friend." THE VICOMTE DE ERAGELONtfE. 3$7 Athos held him in a long embrace, and the musketeer, who knew his discretion so well, murmured in his ear, "An affair of state," to which Athos only replied by a pressure of the hand still more significant. They then separated. Raoul took the arm of his old friend, who led him along the Rue St. Honore. "I am conducting you to the abode of the god Plutus," said D'Artagnan to the young man; "prepare yourself. The whole day you will witness the piling up of crowns. Good God! how I am changed!" "Oh, oh! what numbers of people there are in the street!" said Eaoul. "Is there a procession to-day?" asked D'Artagnan of a passer-by. "Monsieur, it is a hanging," replied the man. "What! a hanging at the Greve?" said D'Artagnan. "Yes, monsieur." "Devil take the rogue who gets himself hung the day I want to go and take my rent!" cried D'Artagnan. "Raoul, did you ever see anybody hung?" "Never, monsieur — thank God!" "Oh, how young that sounds! If you were on guard in the trenches, as I was, and a spy — But, look you, pardon me, Raoul, I am doting — you are quite right, it is a hideous sight to see a person hung. At what hour do they hang, monsieur, if you please?" "Monsieur," replied the stranger respectfully, delighted at joining conversation with two men of the sword, "it will take place about three o'clock." "Oh! oh! it is now only half-past one; let us step out; we shall be there in time to touch my three hundred and seventy-five livres, and get away before the arrival of the malefactor." "Malefactors, monsieur," continued the bou geois; 'there are two of them." "Monsieur, I return you many thanks," said D'Artag- nan, who, as he grew older, had become polite to a degree. Drawing Raoul along, he directed his course rapidly in the direction of La Greve. Without that great experience musketeers have of a crowd, to which were joined an irre- sistible strength of wrist and an uncommon suppleness of shoulders, our two travelers would not have arrived at their place of destination. They followed the line of the Quai, which they had gained on quitting the Rue St. Honore, where they left Athos. D'Artagnan went first; his elbow, 398 THE VICOMTE V>V. BBAGELOBTNE. his wrist, his shoulder formed three wedges which he knew how to insinuate with skill into the groups, to make them split and separate like pieces of wood. He often made use of the hilt of his sword as an additional help; introducing it between ribs that were too rebellious, making it take the part of a lever or crowbar, to separate husband from wife, uncle from nephew, and brother from brother. And all this was done so naturally, and with such gracious smiles, that people must have had ribs of bronze not to cry "Thank you'' when the wrist made its play, or hearts of diamonds not to be enchanted when the bland smile enlivened the lips of the musketeer. Raoul, following his friend, cajoled the women who admired his beauty, pushed back the men, who felt the rigidity of his muscles, and both opened, thanks to these maneuvers, the rather compact and rather muddy tide of the populace. They arrived in sight of the two gibbets, from which Raoul turned away his eyes in disgust. As for D'Artagnan, he did not even see them: his house, with its gabled roof, its windows crowded with the curious, attracted and even absorbed all the attention he was capa- ble of. He distinguished in the Place and around the houses a good number of musketeers on leave, who, some with women, others with friends, awaited the moment of the ceremony. What rejoiced him above all was to see that his tenant, the cabaretier, was so busy he did not know which way to turn himself. Three lads could not supply the drinkers. They filled the shop, the chambers, and the court even. D'Artagnan called Raoul's attention to this concourse, adding: "The fellow will have no excuse for not paying his rent. Look at those drinkers, Raoul, one would say they were jolly companions! Mordioux ! why, there is no room any- where!" D'Artagnan, however, contrived to catch hold of the master by the corner of his apron, and to make himself known to him. "Ah, Monsieur le Chevalier," said the cabaretier, half muzzy, "one minute, if you please. I have here a hundred mad devils turning my cellar upside down." "The cellar, if you like, but not the money-box." "Oh, monsieur, your thirty-seven and a half pistoles are all counted out ready for you upstairs in my chamber; but there are in that chamber thirty customers, who are suck- ing the staves of a little barrel of Oporto which I tapped for them this morning. Give me a minute — only a minute. : ' THE VICOMTE DE RKAOELONNE. 399 "So be it, so be it!'' "I will go," said Eaoul, in a low voice, to D'Artagnan; "this hilarity is vile." "Monsieur," replied D'Artagnan sternly, "you will please to remain where you are. The soldier ought to familiarize himself with all kinds of spectacles. There are in the eye, when it is young, fibers which we must learn how to harden; and we are not truly generous and good but from the moment when the eye has become hardened and the heart remains tender. Besides, my little Eaoul, would you leave me alone here? That would be very ill of you. Look! there is yonder in the lower court a tree, and under the shade of that tree we shall breathe more freely than in this hot atmosphere of spilled wine." From the spot on which they had placed themselves the two new guests of the Image de Notre Dame heard the ever-increasing murmurs of the tide of people, and lost neither a cry nor a gesture of the drinkers, at tables, in the cabaret, or disseminated in the chambers. If D'Artagnan had wished to place himself as a vidette for an expedition, he could not have succeeded better. The tree under which he and Eaoul were seated covered them with its already thick foliage; it was a low, thick chestnut-tree, with in- clined branches, which cast their shade over a table so broken that the drinkers had abandoned it. We said that from this post D'Artagnan saw everything. He observed the goings and comings of the waiters; the arrival of fresh drinkers; the welcome, sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile, given to certain newcomers by certain others that were installed. He observed all this to amuse himself, for the thirty-seven and a half pistoles were a long time com- ing. Eaoul recalled his attention to it. "Monsieur," said he, "you do not hurry your tenant, and the condemned will soon be here. There will then be such a press we shall not be able to get out." "You are right," said the musketeer. "Bola! oh, some- body there! Mordioux!" But it was in vain he cried and knocked upon the wreck of the old table, which fell to pieces beneath his fist; no- body came. D'Artagnan was preparing to go and seek the cabaretier himself, to force him to a definite explanation, when the door of the court in which he was with Eaoul, a door which communicated with the garden situated at the back, opened, and a man dressed as a cavalier, with his sword in the sheath, but not at his belt, crossed the court 400 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNB. without closing the door; and having cast an oblique glance at D : Artagnan and his companion, directed his course toward the cabaret itself, looking about in all directions with his eyes capable of piercing walls of consciences. "Humph!" said D'Artagnan, "my tenants are communi- cating. That, no doubt, now, is some amateur in hanging matters." At the same moment the cries and disturbance in the upper chambers ceased. Silence, under such circumstances, surprises more than a twofold increase of noise. D'Artag- nan wished to see what was the cause of this sudden silence. He then perceived that this man, dressed as a cavalier, had just entered the principal chamber, and was haranguing the tiplers, who all listened to him with the greatest atten- tion. D'Artagnan would, perhaps, have heard his speech but for the dominant noise of tne popular clamors, which made a formidable accompaniment to the harangue of the orator. But it was soon finished, and all the people the cabaret contained came out, one after the other, in little groups, so that there only remained six in the chamber; one of these six, the man with the sword, took the cabaretier aside, engaging him in discourse more or less serious, while the others lighted a great fire in the chimney-place — a cir- cumstance rendered strange by the fine weather and the heat. "It is very singular," said D'Artagnan to Raoul, "but I think I know those faces yonder." "Don't you think you can smell the smoke here?" said Raoul. "I rather think I can smell a conspiracy?" replied D'Ar- tagnan. He had not finished speaking, when four of these men came down into the court, and without the appearance of any bad design, mounted guard at the door of communica- tion, casting, at intervals, glances at D'Artagnan, which signified many things. " Mordioux /" said D'Artagnan in alow voice, "there is something going on. Are you curious, Raoul?" "According to the subject, chevalier." "Well, I am as curious as an old woman. Come a little more in front; Ave shall get a better view of the place. I would lay a wager that view will be something curious." "But you know, Monsieur le Chevalier, that I am not willing to become a passive and indifferent spectator of the ivHth of the two poor devile ' THE VICOMTE DE BKaGELONKE. 401 "And I, then — do you think I am a savage? We will go in again, when it is time to do so. Come along!" And they made their way toward the front of the house, and placed themselves near the window which, still more strangely than the rest, remained unoccupied. The two last drinkers, instead of looking out at this window, kept up the fire. On seeing D'Artagnan and his friend enter: "Ah! ah! a reinforcement!" murmured they. D'Artagnan jogged Raoul's elbow. "Yes, my braves, a reinforcement," said he. "Cordieu ! there is a famous fire. Whom are you going to cook?" The two men uttered a shout of jovial laughter, and in- stead of answering threw on more wood. D'Artagnan could not take his eyes off them. "I suppose," said one of the fire-makers, "they sent you to tell us the time — have they not?" "Without doubt they have," said D'Artagnan, anxious to know what was going on; "why should I be here else, if it were not for that?" "Then place yourself at the window, if you please, and observe." D'Artagnan smiled in his mustache, made a sign to Raoul, and placed himself at the window. CHAPTER LXII. vive Colbert! The spectacle which the Greve now presented was a tright- ful one. The heads, leveled by the perspective, extended afar, thick and agitated as the ears of corn in a vast plain. From time to time a fresh report, or a distant rumor, made the heads oscillate and thousand of eyes flash. Now and then there were great movements. All those ears of corn bent, and became waves more agitated than those of the ocean, which rolled from the extremities to the center, and beat, like the tides, against the hedge of archers who sur- rounded the gibbets. Then the handles of the halberds were let fall upon the heads and shoulders of the rash in' vaders; at times, also, it was the steel as well as the wood, and, in that case, a large empty circle was formed around the guard; a space conquered upon the extremities, which underwent, in their turn, the oppression of the sudden movement, which drove them against the parapets of th» 402 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. Seine. From the window that commanded a view of the whole Place, D'Artagnan saw, with interior satisfaction, that such of the musketeers and guards as found themselves involved in the crowd were able, with blows of their lists and the hilts of their swords, to keep room. He even re- marked that they had succeeded, by that esprit de corps which doubles the strength of the soldier, in getting to- gether in one group to the amount of about fifty men; and that, with the exception of a dozen stragglers whom he still saw rolling here and there, the nucleus was complete, and within reach of his voice. But it was not the musketeers and guards only that drew the attention of D'Artagnan. Around the gibbets, and particularly at the entrances to the Arcade of St. Jean, moved a noisy mass, a busy mass; daring faces, resolute demeanors were to be seen here and there, mingled with silly faces and indifferent demeanors; signals were exchanged, hands given and taken. D'Artag- nan remarked among the groups, and those groups the most animated, the face of the cavalier whom he had seen enter by the door of communication from his garden, and who had gone upstairs to harangue the drinkers. That man was organizing troops and giving orders. "Mordioux!" said D'Artagnan to himself, "I was not deceived; I know that man — it is Menneville. What the devil is he doing here?" A distant murmur, which became more distinct by de- grees, stopped this reflection, and drew his attention an- other way. This murmur was occasioned by the arrival of the culprits; a strong picket of archers preceded them, and appeared at the angle of the arcade. The whole entire crowd now joined as if in one cry; all the cries united formed one immense how!. D'Artagnan saw Raoul was be- coming pale, and he slapped him roughly on the shoulder. The fire-keepers turned round on hearing the great cry, and asked what was going on. "The condemned are arrived," said D'Artagnan. "That's well," replied they, again replenishing the fire. D'Artagnan looked at them with much uneasiness; it was evident that these men, who were making such a fire, for no apparent purpose, had some strange intentions. The con- demned appeared upon the Place. They were walking, the executioner before them, while fifty archers formed a hedge on their right and their left. Both were dressed in black; they appeared pale, but firm. They looked impatiently over the people's heads, standing on tiptoe at every step. D'Artagnan remarked this. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOJO'E. 403 "Mordioux !" cried he, "they are in a great hurry to get a sight of the gibbet!" Kaoul drew back, without, however, having the power to leave the window. Terror even has its attractions. "To the death! to the death!" cried fifty thousand voices. "Yes; to the death!" howled a hundred frantic others as if the gneat mass had given them the reply. "To the halter! to the halter!" cried the great whole. " Vive le Roi /" "Well," said D'Artagnan, "this is droll; I should have thought it was Monsieur Colbert who had caused them to be hung." There was, at this moment, a great rolling movement in the crowd, which stopped for a moment the march of the condemned. The people of a bold and resolute mien, whom D'Artagnan had observed, by dint of pressing, pushing, and lifting themselves up, had succeeded in almost touching the hedge of archers. The cortege resumed its march. All at once, to cries of " Vive Colbert!" those men of whom D'Artagnan never lost sight, fell upon the escort, which in vain endeavored to stand against them. Behind these men was the crowd. Then commenced, amid a frightful tumult, as frightful a confusion. This time there was something more than cries of expectation or cries of joy, there were cries of pain. Halberds struck men down, swords ran them through, muskets were discharged at them. The confusion became then so great that D'Artagnan could no longer dis- tinguish anything. Then, from this chaos, suddenly surged something like a visible intention, like a will pronounced. The condemned had been torn from the hands of the guards, and were being dragged toward the house of l'lmage de Notre Dame. Those who dragged them shouted. " Vive Colbert!" The people hesitated, not knowing whic': they ought to fall upon, the archers or the aggressors What stopped the people was, that those who cried " Vive Colbert!" began to cry, at the same time, "No halter! no halter! To the fire! to the fire! Burn the thieves! burn the extortioners!" This cry, shouted with an ensemble, obtained enthusiastic success. The populace had come to witness an execution, and here was an opportunity offered them of performing one themselves. It was this that must be most agreeable to the populace; therefore, they ranged themselves immediately on the party of the aggressors against the archers, crying with the minority, which had become, thanks to them, the most compact majority. "Yes, yes; to the fire witli the tiiieves! Vive Colbert!" 404 THE VI'JOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. " Mordioux /" exclaimed D'Artagnan, "this begins to look serious." One of the men who remained near the chimney ap- proached the window, a firebrand in his hand. ''Ah, ah!" said he, "it gets warm." Then, turning to his companion, "There is the signal," added he; and he immediately ap- plied the burning brand to the wainscoting. Now, this cabaret of the Image de Notre Dame was not a very newly .built house; and, therefore, did not require much entreat- ing to take fire. In a second the boards began to crackle, and the flames arose, sparkling, to the ceiling. A howling from without replied to the shouts of the incendiaries. D'Artagnan, who had not seen what passed, from being engaged at the window, felt, at the same time, the smoke which choked him and the fire that scorched him. "Hola!" cried he, turning round, "is the fire here? Are you drunk or mad, my masters?" The two men looked at each other with an air of astonish- ment. "In what?" asked the-y of D'Artagnan. "Was it not a thing agreed upon?" "A thing agreed upon that you should burn my house!" vociferated D'Artagnan, snatching the brand from the hand of the incendiary, and striking him with it across the face. The second wanted to assist his comrade, but Eaoul, seiz- ing him by the middle, threw him out of the w f indow, while D'Artagnan pushed his man down the stairs. Raoul, first disengaged, tore the burning wainscoting down, and threw it flaming into the chamber. At a glance, D'Artagnan saw there was nothing to be feared from the fire, and sprang to the window. The disorder was at its height. The air was filled with simultaneous cries of "To the fire!" "To the death!" "To the halter!" "To the stake!" "Vive Col- bert!" " Vive le Rot !" The group which had forced the culprits from the hands of the archers had drawn close to the house, which appeared to be the goal toward which they dragged them. Menneville was at the head of this group, shouting louder than all the others, "To the fire! to the fire! Vive Colbert!" D'Artagnan began to comprehend what was meant. They wanted to burn the condemned, and his house was to serve as a funeral pile. "Halt, there!" cried he, sword in hand, and one foot upon the window. "Menneville, what do you want to do?'* "Monsieur d'Artagnau," cried the latter, "give way, give way!" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 405 "To the fire! to the fire with the thieves! Vive Colbert!" These cries exasperated D'Artagnan. " Mordioux!' said he. "What! burn the poor devils who are only condemned to be hung? That is infamous!" Before the door, however, the mass of anxious spectators, rolled back against the walls, had become more thick, and closed up the way. Menneville and his men, who were dragging along the culprits, were within ten paces of the door. Menneville made a last effort. "Passage! passage!" cried he, pistol in hand. "Burn them! burn them!" repeated the crowd. "The Image de Notre Dame is on fire! Burn the thieves! burn the monopolists in the Image de Notre Dame!" There now remained no doubt; it was plainly D'Artag- nan's house that was their object. D'Artagnan remem- bered the old cry, always so effective from his mouth: "A mot, rnousquetaires !" shouted he, with a voice of a giant, with one of those voices which dominate over cannon, the sea, the tempest. "A moi, rnousquetaires!" And suspend- ing himself by the arm from the balcony, he allowed him- self to drop amid the crowd, which began to draw back from a house that rained men. Raoul was on the ground as soon as he, both sword in hand. All the musketeers on the Place heard that challenging cry — all turned round at that cry, and recognized D'Artagnan. "To the captain! to the captain!" cried they, in their turn. And the crowd opened before them as if before the prow of a vessel. At that moment D'Artagnan and Men- neville found themselves face to face. "Passage! passage!" cried Menneville, seeing that he was within an arm's-length of the door. "No one passes here!" said D'Artagnan. "Take that, then!" said Menneville, firing his pistol, almost within touch. But before the cock had dropped, D'Artagnan had struck up Menneville's arm with the hilt of his sword, and passed the blade through his body. "I told you plainly to keep yourself quiet," said D'Ar- tagnan to Menneville, who rolled at his feet. "Passage! passage!" cried the companions of Menneville, at first terrified, but soon recovering, when they found they had only to do with two men. But those two men were hundred-armed giants; the sword flies about in their hands like the burning glaive of the archangel. It pierces with its point, strikes with its back, cuts with its e« , < ,t> : everv stroke brings dew-* its 406 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. " For the king ! " cried D'Artagnan, to every man he strnck at, that is to .say, to every man that fell. This cry became the charging word for the musketeers, who, guided hy it, joined D'Artagnan. During this time the archers, recover- ing from the panic they hud undergone, charged the aggres- sors in the rear, and regular as mill-strokes, overturn or knock down all that oppose them. The crowd, which sees swords gleaming, and drops of blood flying in the air — the crowd falls back and crushes itself. At length cries for mercy and of despair resound; that is, the farewell of th< vanquished. The two condemned are again in tho hands of the archers. D'Artagnan approaches them, and seeing them pale and sinking : " Console yourselves, poor men," said he, "you will not >tindergo the frightful torture with which these wretches threaten you. The king has condemned you to be hung ; you shall only be hung. Go on ; hang them, and it will be over." There is no longer anything going on at the Image do Notre Dame. The fire has been extinguished with two tuns of wine in default of water. The conspirators have fled by the garden. The archers were dragging the culprits to the gibbets. From this moment the affair did not occupy much time. The executioner, heedless about operating accord- ing to the rules of art, made such haste that he dispatched the condemned in a minute In the meantime the people gathered around D'Artagnan — they felicitated, they cheered him. He wiped his brow, streaming with sweat, and his sword, streaming with blood. He shrugged his shoulders tit seeing Menneville writhing at his feet in the last convul- sions. And, while Eaoul turned away his eyes in compas , sion, he pointed up to the musketeers the gibbets laden ' with their melancholy fruit. ''Poor devils !" said he, "I hope they died blessing rre for I saved them narrowly." These words caught the ear of Menneville at the moment when he himself was breathing his last sigh. A dark, iron- ical smile flitted across his lips ; he wished to reply, but the effort hastened the snapping of the chord of life — he expired. " Oh ! all this is very frightful ! " murmured Eaoul ; " let us be gone, Monsieur le Chevalier." " You are not wounded ?" asked D'Artagnan. " Not at all, thank you." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 40? "That's well! Thou art a, brave fellow, mordioux! The head of the father, and the arm of Porthos. Ah! if he had been here, that Porthos, you would have seen something worth looking at." Then, as if by way of remembrance: "But where the devil can that brave Porthos be?"' mur- mured D'Artagnan. "Come, chevalier, pray come!" urged Raoul. "One minute, my friend; let me take my thirty-seven and a half pistoles, and I shall be at your service. The house is a good property," added D'Artagnan, as he entered the Image de Notre Dame, "but decidedly, even if it were less profitable, I should prefer its being in another quarter." CHAPTER LXIII. HOW THE DIAMOND OF M. D'EYMERIS PASSED INTO THE HANDS OF M. D'ARTAGNAN. "While this violent, noisy, and bloody scene was passing on the Greve, several men, barricaded behind the gate of communication with the garden, replaced their swords in their sheaths, assisted one among them to mount a ready saddled horse which was waiting in the garden, and, like a flock of terrified birds, fled away in all directions, some climbing the walls, others rushing out at the gates with all the fury of a panic. He who mounted the horse, and who gave him the spur so sharply that the animal was near leap- ing the wall, this cavalier, we say, crossed the Place Bau- doyer, passed like lightning before the crowd in the streets, riding against, running over, and knocking down all that came in his way, and, ten minutes after, arrived at the gates of the surintendant, more out of breath than his horse. The Abbe Fouquet, at the clatter of the hoofs on the pavement, appeared at a window of the court, and be- fore even the cavalier had set foot to the ground, "Well, Danecamp?" cried he, leaning half out of the window. "Well, it is all over," replied the cavalier. "All over!" cried the abbe. "Then they are saved?" "No, monsieur," replied the cavalier, "they are hung." "Hung!" repeated the abbe, turning pale. A lateral door suddenly opened, and Fouquet appeared in the cham- ber, pale, distracted, with lips half open, breathing a cry of grief and anger. He stopped upon the threshold to listen to what was addressed from the court to the window. 408 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Miserable wretches!" said the abbe, "you did not fight then?" "Like lions.' ; "Say like cowards." "Monsieur!" "A hundred men accustomed to war, sword in hand, are worth ten thousand archers in a surprise. AVhere is Men- neville, that boaster, that braggart, who Avas to come back either dead or a conqueror." "Well, monsieur, he has kept his word; he is dead!" "Dead! Who killed him?" "A demon disguised as a man, a giant armed with ten flaming swords — a madman, who at one blow extinguished the fire, extinguished the riot, and caused a hundred mus- keteers to rise up out of the pavement of the Place de Greve." Fouquet raised his brow, streaming with sweat, mur- muring, "Oh! Lyodot and D'Eymeris! dead! dead! dead! and I dishonored." The abbe turned round, and perceiving his brother de- spairing and livid, "Come, come," said he, "it is a blow of fate, monsieur; we must not lament thus. As it is not effected, it is because God " "Be silent, abbe, be silent!" cried Fouquet, "your ex- cuses are blasphemies. Order that man up here, and let him relate the details of this horrible event." "But, brother " "Obey, monsieur!" The abbe made a sign, and in half a minute the step of the man was hea "d upon the stairs. At the same time Gourville appeared behind Fouquet, like the guardian angel of the surintendant, pressing one finger upon his lips to enjoin observation even amid the bursts of his grief. The minister resumed all the serenity that human strength could leave at the disposal of a heart half-broken with sorrow. Danecamp appeared. "Make your report," said Gourville. "Monsieur," replied the messenger, "we received orders to carry off the prisoners, and to cry ' Vive Colbert!' while carrying them off." "To burn them alive, was it not, abbe?" interrupted Gourville. "Yes, yes, the order was given to Menneville. Menne- ville knew what was to be done, and Menneville is dead." This news appeared rather to reassure Gourville than to sadden him, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 409 "Yes, certainly, to burn them alive/' said the abbe eagerly. "Granted, monsieur, granted," said the man, looking into the eyes and the faces of the two interlocutors, to ascertain what there was profitable or disadvantageous to himself in telling the truth. "Now, proceed," said Gourville. The prisoners," cried Danecamp, "were brought to the Greve, and the people, in a fury, insisted upon their being burned instead of being hung." "And the people were right," said the abbe. "Go on." "But," resumed the man, "at the moment the archers were broken, at the moment the fire was set to one of the houses of the Place destined to serve as a funeral pile for the guilty, the fury, the demon, the giant of whom I told you, and who, we had been informed, was the proprietor of the house in question, aided by a young man who accom- panied him, threw out of the window those who kept up the fire, called to his assistance the musketeers who were in the crowd, leaped himself from the window of the first story into the Place, and plied his sword so desperately that the victory was restored to the archers, the prisoners were retaken, and Menneville killed. When once recaptured, the condemned were executed in three minutes." Fou- quet, in spite of his self-command, could not prevent a deep groan from escaping him. "And this man, the proprietor of the house, what is his name?" said the abbe. "I cannot tell you, never having been able to get sight of him; my post had been appointed in the garden, and I re- mained at my post; only the affair was related to me as I repeat it. I was ordered, when once the thing was ended, to come at best speed and announce to you the manner in which it finished. According to this order, I set out, full gallop, and here I am." "Very well, monsieur, we have nothing else to ask of you,!' said the abbe, more and more dejected, in proportion as the moment approached for finding himself alone with his brother. "Have yor been paid?" asked Gourville. "Partly, monsieur," replied Danecamp. "Here are twenty pistoles. Be gone, monsieur, and never forget to defend, as this time has been done, the true interests of the king." "Yes, monsieur," said the man, bowing and pocketing 410 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. the money. After which he went out. Scarcely had the door closed after him, when Fouquet, who had remained motionless, advanced with a rapid step, and stood between the abbe and Gourville. Both of them at the same time opened their mouths to speak to him. "No excuses," said he, "no recriminations against anybody. If I had not been a false friend I should not have confided to any one the care of delivering Lyodot and D'Eymeris. I alone am guilty ; to me alone are reproaches and remorse due. Leave me, abbe.'' "And yet, monsieur, you will not prevent me," replied the latter, "from endeavoring to find out the miserable fellow who has intervened for the advantage of Monsieur Colbert in this so well-arranged affair; for, if it is good policy to love our friends dearly, I do not believe that is bad which consistsin pursuing our enemies with inveteracy." "A truce to policy, abbe ; be gone, I beg of you, and do not let me hear any more of you till I send for you ; what we most need is circumspection and silence. You have a terrible example before you, gentlemen; no reprisals, I for- bid them." — " There are no orders," grumbled the abbe, "which will prevent me from avenging a family affront upon the guilty person." "And I," cried Fouquet, in that imperative tone to which one feels there is nothing to reply, "if you entertain one thought, one single thought, which is not the absolute ex- pression of my will, I will have you cast into the Bastile two hours after that thought has manifested itself. Regu- late your conduct accordingly, abbe." The abbe colored and bowed. Fouquet made a sign to Gourville to follow him, and was already directing his steps toward his cabinet, when the usher announced with a loud voice: "Monsieur le Chevalier d'Artagnan." "Who is he ?" said Fouquet, negligently, to Gourville. "An ex-lieutenant of his majesty's musketeers," replied Gourville, in the same tone. Fouquet did not even take the trouble to reflect, and resumed his walk. "I beg your pardon, monseigneur !" said Gourville, "but I have remem- bered ; this brave man has quitted the king's service, and probably comes to receive a quarter of some pension or other/" — " Devil take him! " said Fouquet, " why does he choose his time so ill? n '"Permit me, then, monseigneur, to announce your re- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 411 fusal to him; for he is one of my acquaintances, and is a man whom, in our present circumstances, it would be better to have as a friend than an enemy." "Answer him as you please," said Fouquet. "Eh! good Lord!" said the abbe, still full of malice, like an egotistical man; "tell him there is no money, particu- larly for musketeers." ' But scarcely had the abbe uttered this imprudent speech, when the partly open door was thrown back, and D'Artag- nan appeared. "Eh! Monsieur Fouquet," said he, "I was well aware there was no money for musketeers here. Therefore I did not come to obtain any, but to have it refused. That being done, receive my thanks. I give you a good-day, and will go and seek it at Monsieur Colbert's." And he went out, after making an easy bow. "Gourville," said Fouquet, "run after that man and bring him back." Gourville obeyed, and overtook D'Ar- tagnan on the stairs. D'Artagnan, hearing steps behind him, turned round and perceived Gourville. "Mordioua! my dear monsieur," said he, "these are sad lessons which you gentlemen of finance teach us; i come to Monsieur Fouquet to receive a sum accorded by his majesty, and I am received like a mendicant who comes to ask charity, or like a thief who comes to steal a piece of plate." "But you pronounced the name of Monsieur Colbert, my dear Monsieur d'Artagnan; you said you were going to Monsieur Colbert's?" "I certainly am going there, were it only to ask satisfac- tion of the people who try to burn houses, crying ' Vive Colbert!'" Gourville pricked up his ears. "Oh, oh!" said he, "you allude to what has just happened at the Greve?" "Yes, certainly." "And in what did that which has taken place concern you?" "What! do you ask me whether it concerns me, or does not concern me, if Monsieur Colbert pleases to make a funeral pile of my house?" "So, your house! — was it your house they wanted to burn?" "Pardieul was it!" "Is the cabaret of the Image de Notre Dame vours, then?" "It has been this week." 112 THE VICOMTE DE BRAOELONNE. "'Weil, then, are you the brave captain who dispersed those who wished to burn the condemned?" "My dear Monsieur Gourville, put yourself in my place; { am an agent of the public force and a proprietor. As a ;aptain, it is my duty to have the orders of the king accom- plished. As a proprietor, it is my interest my house should jot be burned. I have, then, at the same time attended to the laws of interest and duty in replacing Messrs. Lyodot md D'Eymeris in the hands of the archers." "Then it was you who threw the man out of the window? 7 ' "It was I, myself," replied D'Artagnan modestly. "And you who killed Menneville?" "I had that misfortune," said D'Artagnan. "It was you, then, in short, who caused the two condemned nersons to be hung?" "Instead of being burned, yes, monsieur, and I am prouc jf it. I saved the poor devils from horrible tortures. Um derstand, my dear Monsieur de Gourville, that they wanted to burn them alive ! It exceeds imagination." "Go, my dear Monsieur d'Artagnan, go," said Gourville, anxious to spare Fouquet the sight of a man who had just 2auscd him such profound grief. "No," said Fouquet, who had heard all from the door of the antechamber; "not so; on the contrary, Monsieur d'Artag- nan, come in." D'Artagnan wiped from the hilt of his sw^ord a last bloody trace, which had escaped his notice, and returned. He then found himself face to face with these three men, whose coun- tenances wore very different expressions; with the abbe it was anger, with Gourville it was stupor, with Fouquet it was de- jection. "I beg your pardon, Monsieur le Ministre," said D'Artag- nan, "but my time is short ; I have to go to the office of the intendant, to have an explanation w r ith Monsieur Colbert* and tc take my quarter's pension." "But, monsieur," said Fouquet, "there is money here/* D'Artagnan looked at the surintendant with astonishment. "You have been answered inconsiderately, monsieur, I know, because I heard it," said the minister; "a man of your merit ought to be known by everybody." D'Artagnan bowed. "Have you an order ?" added Fouquet. "Yes, monsieur." "Givr? it me, I will pay you myself; come with ae. ; ' THE VICOMTE HE BRAOELONNE. 413 He made a sign to Gourville and the abbe, who remained in the chamber where they were. He led D'Artagnan into his cabinet. As soon as the door was shut,, "How much is due to you, monsieur?" "Why, something like five thousand livres, monseigneur." "For your arrears of pay?" "For a quarter's pay." "A quarter consisting of five thousand livres!" :aid Fou- quet, fixing upon the musketeer a searching look. "Does the king, then, give you twenty thousand livres a year?" "Yes, monseigneur, twenty thousand livres a year; do you think it is too much?" "I?" cried Fouquet, and he smiled bitterly. "If I had any knowledge of mankind, if I were — instead of being a frivolous, inconsistent, nd vain spirit — of a prudent and reflective spirit; if, in a word, I had, as certain persons have known how, regulated my life, you would not receive twenty thousand livres a year, but a r-imlred thousand, and you would not b.long to the king but to me." D'Artagnan colored slightly. There is in the manner in which an eulogium is given, in the voice of the eulogizer, in his affectionate tone, a poison so sweet that the strongest mind is sometimes intoxicated by it. The surintendant terminated his speech by opening a drawer, and taking from it four rouleaus, which he placed before D'Artagnan. The Gascon opened one. "Gold!" said he. "It will be less burdensome, monsieur. 1 " "But then, monsieur, these make twenty thousand livres." "No doubt they do." "But only five are due to me." "I wish to spare you the trouble of coming four times to my office." "You overwhelm me, monsieur." "I do only what I ought to d% Monsieur le Chevalier; and I hope you will not ber.r me any malice on account of the rude reception my brother gave you. He is of a sour, capricious disposition." "Monsieur," said D'Artagnan, "believe me, nothing would grieve me more than an excuse from you." "Therefore I will make no more, and will content myself with asking you a fovor." "Oh, monsieur! Fonquet drew from his finger a ring worth about a thou- sand pistoles. "Monsieur," s::,id he, "this stone was given me by a friend of my ehilJhood, by a man to whom you have rendered a great service." 414 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "A service — I?" said the musketeer; "I have rendered a service to one of your friends?" ''You cannot have forgotten it, monsieur, for it dates this very day." "And that friend's name was " "Monsieur d'Eymeris." "One of the condemned?" "Yes, one of the victims. Well, Monsieur d'Artagnan, in return for the service you have rendered him, I beg you to accept this diamond. Do so for my sake." "Monsieur, you " "Accept it, I say. To-day is with me a day of mourning; hereafter you will, perhaps, learn why; to-day I have lost one friend; well, I will try to get another." "But, Monsieur Fouquet " "Adieu! Monsieur d'Artagnan, adieu!" cried Fouquet, with much emotion*, "or, rather, au revoir." And the minister quitted the cabinet, leaving in the hands of the musketeer the ring and the twenty thousand livres. "Oh! oh!" said D'Artagnan, after a moment's dark re- flection. "Do I understand what this means? Mordioux! I can understand so far; he is a gallant man! I will go and explain matters with Monsieur Colbert." And he went out. ■ CHAPTER LXIV. OF THE NOTABLE DIFFERENCE D'ARTAGNAN FINDS BETWEEN MONSIEUR THE INTENDANT AND MONSIEUR THE SURIN- TENDANT. M. Colbert resided in Rue Neuve des Petits Champs, in a house which had belonged to Beautru. The legs of D'Artagnan cleared the distance in a short quarter of an hour. When he arrived at the residence of the new favor- ite, the court was full of archers and police people, who came to congratulate him, or to excuse themselves, accord- ing to whether he should choose to praise or blame. The sentiment >f flattery is instinctive among people of adjacent condition; they have the sense of it, as the wild animal has that of hearing and smell. These people, or their leader, had then understood that there was a pleasure to offer M. Colbert in rendering him an account of the fashion in which his name had been pronounced during the rash enterprise THE VICOMTE DE BR AOELONNE. 415 of the morning. D'Artagnan made his appearance just as the chief of the watch was giving his report. D'Artagnan stood close to the door, behind the archers. That officer took Colbert on one side, in spite of his resistance and the contraction of his great eyebrows. "In case," said he, "you really desired, monsieur, that the people should do justice on the two traitors, it would have been wise to warn us of it; for, indeed, monsieur, in spite of our regret at displeasing you, or thwarting your views, we had our orders to execute." ''Triple fool!" replied Colbert, furiously shaking his hair, thick and black as a mane; "what are you telling me, Chere? What! that I could have had an idea of a riot! Are you mad or drunk?'" "But, monsieur, they cried ' Vive Colbert!' " replied the trembling watch. "A handful of conspirators " "No, no; a mass of people." "Ah, indeed," said Colbert, expanding. "A mass of people cried, ' Vive Colbert!' Are you certain of what you say, monsieur?" "We had nothing to do but to open our ears, or rather to close them, so terrible were the cries." "And this was from the people, real people?" "Certainly, monsieur; only these real people beat us." "Oh! very well," continued Colbert thoughtfully. "Then you suppose it was the people alone who wished to barn the condemned?" "Oh! yes, monsieur." "That is quite another thing. You strongly resisted, then?" "We had three men stifled, monsieur." "But you killed nobody yourselves?" "Monsieur, a few of the rioters were left upon the square, and one among them was not a common man." "Who was he?" ''A certain Menneville, upon whom the police have a long time had an eye." "Menneville!" cried Colbert, "what, he who killed in the Rue de la Hochette a worthy man who wanted a fat fowl?" "Yes, monsieur; the same." "And did this Menneville aleo cry, ' Viae Colbert?' " "Louder than all the rest; '.ike a madman." The brow of Colbert became cloudy and wrinkled. A 416 THE VICOMTE DK BRAGELONNE. kind of ambitious glory which had lighted his face was ex- tinguished, like the light of those glowworms which we crush beneath the grass. "What then do you say, resumed the deceived intendant, "that the initiative came from the people? Menneville was my enemy; I would have had him hung, and he knew it well. Menneville belonged to the Abbe Fouquet — all the affair originated with Fouquet; does not everybody know that the condemned were his friends from childhood?" "That is true," thought D'Artagnan, "and there are all my doubts cleared up. I repeat it, Monsieur Fouquet may be what they please, but he is a gentlemanly man." "And," continued Colbert, "are you quite sure Menne- ville is dead?" D'Artagnan thought the time was come for him to make his appearance. "Perfectly, monsieur," replied he, ad- vancing suddenly. "Oh! is that you, monsieur?" said Colbert. "In person," replied the musketeer, with his deliberate tone; "it appears that you had in Menneville a pretty little enemy." "It was not I, monsieur, who had an enemy," replied Colbert; "it was the king." "Double brute!" thought D'Artagnan, "to think to play the great man and the hypocrite with me. Well," con- tinued he to Colbert, "I am very happy to have rendered so good a service to the king; will you take upon you to tell his majesty, Monsieur l'lntendant?" "What commission do you give me, and what do you charge me to tell his majesty, monsieur? Be precise, if you please," said Colbert, in a sharp voice, tuned before- hand to hostility. "I give you no commission," replied D'Artagnan, with that calmness which never abandons the banterer; "I thought it would be easy for you to announce to his majesty that it was I who, being there by chance, did justice upon Menneville, and restored things to order." Colbert opened his eyes, and interrogated the chief of the watch with a look: "Ah! it is very true," said the latter, "that this gentleman saved us." "What did you tell me, monsieur, that you are come to relate me this?" said Colbert, with envy; "everything is explained, and better for you than for any other." "You are in error, Monsieur l'lntendant; I did not at all come for the purpose of relating that to you- " THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELCNNE 417 "It »s an exploit, neverthe^sSo" "Oh!" said the musketeer carelessly, "constant habit Diu^ts the mind." "To what do I owe the honor of your visit, then?" ''Simply to this: the king ordered me to come to you." "Ah!" said Colbert, recovering himself, because he saw D'Artagnan draw a paper from his pocket; "it is to demand some money of me?" "Precisely, monsieur." "Have the goodness to wait, if you please, monsieur, till I have dispatched the report of the watch." D'Artagnan turned round upon his heel insolently enough, and finding himself face to face with Colbert, after his first turn, he bowed to him as a harlequin would have done; then, after a second evolution, he directed his steps toward the door in quick time. Colbert was struck with this pointed rudeness, to which he was not accustomed. In general, men of the sword, when they came to his office, had such a want of money, that though their feet had taken root in the marble, they would not have lost their patience. Was D'Artagnan going straight to the king? Would he go and describe his bad reception, or recount his exploit? This was a grave matter of consideration. At all events, the moment was badly chosen to send D'Artagnan away, whether he came from the king, or on his own account. The musketeer had rendered too great a service, and that too recently, for it to be already forgotten. Therefore Colbert thought it would be better to shake off his arrogance and call D'Artagnan back. "Ho! Monsieur d'Artagnan," cried Colbert, "what! are you leaving me thus?" D'Artagnan turned round: "Why not?" said he quietly, "we have no more to say to each other, have we?" "You have at least money to take, as you have an order?" "Who, I? Oh! not at all, my dear Monsieur Colbert." "But, monsieur, you have an order. And, in the same manner as you give a sword-thrust, when you are required, I, on my part, pay when an order is presented to me. Present yours." "It is useless, my dear Monsieur Colbert," said D'Artag- nan, who inwardly enjoyed the confusion introduced int« the ideas of Colbert; "this order is paid." "Paid, by whom?" "By Monsieur le Surintendant." Colbert became pale. 418 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. ''Explain yourself, then," said he, in a stifled voce; "i' you are paid why do you show me that paper?" ''In consequence of the word of order of which you spoke to me so ingeniously just now, dear Monsieur Colbert; the king told me to take a quarter of the pension he is pleased to make me." "Of me?" said Colbert. "Not exactly. The king said to me: 'Go to Monsieur Fouquet', the surintendant will, perhaps, have no money; then you will go and draw it of Monsieur Colbert.' " The countenance of M. Colbert brightened for a moment; but it was with his unfortunate physiognomy as with a stormy sky, sometimes radiant, sometimes dark as night, according as the lightning gleams or the cloud passes by. "Eh! and was there any money in the surintendant's coffers?" asked he. "Why, yes; he could not be badly off for money," replied D'Artagnan, "it may be believed since Monsieur Fouquet instead of paying me a quarter of five thousand livres " "A quarter of five thousand livres!" cried Colbert, struck as Fouquet had been, with the largeness of the sum des- tined to pay a soldier; "why, that would be a pensiou of twenty thousand livres!" "Exactly, Monsieur Colbert. Peste! you reckon like old Pythagoras; yes, twenty thousand livres." "Ten times the appointment of an intendant of the finances. I beg to offer you my compliments." said Col- bert, with a venomous smile. "Oh!" said D'Artagnan, "the king apologized for giving me so little; but he promised to make it more hereafter, when he should be rich; but I must be gone, having much to do " "So, then, notwithstanding the expectation of the king ; the surintendant paid you, did he?" "In the same manner as, in opposition to the king's ex- pectation, you refused to pay me." "I did not refuse, monsieur, I only begged you to wait. And you say that Monsieur Fouquet paid you your five thousand livres?" "Yes, as you might have done; but he did still bettei than that, Monsieur Colbert." "And what did he do?" "He politely counted me down the totality of the sum, saying, that for the king, his coilors were always lull." THE VICOMTE DP! BRA.GELONNE. 419 "The totality of the sum! Monsieur Fouquet has given you twenty thousand livres instead of five thousand ?" "Yes, monsieur," ''And what for?" "In order to spare me three visits to the money chest of the surintendant, so that I have the twenty thousand livres in my pocket in good new coin. You see, then, that I am able to go away without standing in need of you, having come here only for form's sake." And D'Artagnan slapped his hand upon his pocket, with a laugh which disclosed to Colbert thirty-two magnificent teeth, as white as teeth of twenty-five years old, and which seemed to say in their language: "Serve up to us thirty-two little Colberts, and we will grind them willingly." The serpent is as brave as the lion, the hawk as courageous as the eagle, that cannot be contested. It can only be said of animals that are de- cidedly cowardly, and are so called, that they will not be brave when they have to defend themselves. Colbert was not frightened at the thirty-two teeth of D'Artagnan. He recovered, and suddenly, "Monsieur," said he, "Monsieur le Surintendant has done what he had no right to do." "What do you mean by that?" replied D'Artagnan. "I mean that your note — will you let me see your note, if you please?" "Very willingly; here it is." Colbert seized the paper with an eagerness which the musketeer did not remark without uneasiness, and particu- larly without a certain degree of regret at having trusted him with it. "Well, monsieur, the royal order says this'. 'At sight, I command that there be paid to Monsieur d'Ar- tagnan the sum of five thousand livres, forming a quarter of the pension I have made him.' " "So, in fact, it is written," said D'Artagnan, affecting salmness. "Very well; the king only owed you five thousand livres; why has more been given to you?" "Because there was more; and Monsieur Fouquet was willing to give me more; that does not concern anybody." "It is natural," said Colbert, with a proud ease, "that you should be ignorant of the usages of comptabilite; but, monsieur, when you have a thousand livres to pay, what do you do." "I never have a thousand livres to pay," replied D'Ar- tagnan. "Once more," said Colbert, irritated; "once more, if you had any sum to pay, would you uotjpay what you ought?" 420 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. * "That only proves one thing," said D'Artagnan; "and that is, that you have your particular customs in compta- lilite and Monsieur Fouquet has his own." "Mine, monsieur, are the correct ones." "I do not say they are not." "And you have received what was not due to you." The eye of D'Artagnan flashed. "What is not due to me yet, you meant to say, Monsieur Colbert; for if I had re- ceived what was not due to me at all, I should have com- mitted a theft." Colbert made no reply to this subtlety. "You then owe fifteen thousand livres to the public chest," cried he, car- ried away by his jealous ardor. "Then, you must give me credit for them," replied D'Artagnan, with his imperceptible irony. "Not at all, monsieur." "Well! what will you do, then? You will not take my rouleaus from me, will you?" "You must return them to my chest." "I! Oh! Monsieur Colbert, don't reckon upon that." "The king wants his money, monsieur." "And I, monsieur, I want the king's money." "That may be; but you must return this." "Not a sou. I have always understood, that in matters of comptabilite, as you call it, a good cashier never gives back or takes back." "Then, monsieur, we shall see what the king will say about it. I will show him this note, which proves that Monsieur Fouquet not only pays what he does not owe, but that he does not even take care of the receipts for what he has paid." "Ah! now I understand why you have taken that paper, Monsieur Colbert." Colbert did not perceive all that there was of a threaten- ing character in his name pronounced in a certain manner. "You shall see hereafter what use I will make of it," said he, holding up the paper in his fingers. "Oh!" said D'Artagnan, snatching the paper from him with a rapid movement; "I understand it perfectly well. Monsieur Colbert; I have no occasion to wait for that." And he crumpled up in his pocket the paper he had so cleverly seized. "Monsieur, monsieur!" cried Colbert, "that is violence!" "Nonsense! you must not be particular about the man* ners of a soldier!" replied D'Artagnan. "I kiss your THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONSTE. 421 hands, my dear Monsieur Colbert.' 5 And he went out, laughing in the face of the future minister. "That man, now," muttered he, "was about to adore me; it is a great pity I was obliged to cut company so soon." CHAPTER LXV. PHILOSOPHY OF THE HEART AND MIND. ' For a man who has seen so many much more dangerous ones, the position of D'Artagnan with respect to M. Col- bert was only comic. D'Artagnan, therefore, did not deny himself the satisfaction of laughing at the expense of M. PIntendant from the Rue des Petits Champs to the Rue des Lombards. It was a great while since D'Artagnan had laughed so long together. He was still laughing when Planchet appeared, laughing likewise, at the door of his house; for Planchet, since the return of his patron, since the entrance of the English guineas, passed the greater part of his life in doing what D'Artagnan had only done from Rue Neuve des Petits Champs to the Rue des Lombards. "You are come, then, my dear master?" said Planchet. "No, my friend," replied the musketeer; "I am going, and that quickly. I will sup with you, go to bed, sleep five hours, and at break of day leap into my saddle. Has my horse had an extra feed?" "Eh! my dear master," replied Planchet, "you know very well that your horse is the jewel of the family; that my lads are caressing it all day, and cramming it with sugar, nuts, and biscuits. You ask me if he has had an extra feed of oats; but you should ask if he has not had enough to burst him." "Very well, Planchet, that is all right. Now, then, I pass to what concerns me — my supper?" "Ready. A smoking roast joint, white wine, crayfish, and fresh -gathered cherries. All ready, my master." "You are a capital fellow, Planchet; come on, then, let us sup, and I will go to bed." During supper D'Artagnan observed that Planchet kept rubbing his forehead, as if to facilitate the issue of some idea closely pent within his brain. He looked with an air of kindness at this worthy companion of his former crosses, and, clinking glass against glass, "Come, Planchet," said 422 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXXE. he, "let us see what it is that gives you so much trouble tc bring it forth, Mordiouz! speak freely and quickly." "Well, this is it," replied Planchet; "you appear to be going on some expedition or other." "I don't say that I am not." "Then you have some new idea?" "That is possible, too, Planchet." "Then there will be a fresh capital to be ventured? 1 will lay down fifty thousand livres upon the idea you are about to carry out.'* And so saying, Planchet rubbed his hands one against the other with a rapidity evincing great delight. "Planchet," said D'Artagnan, "there is but one misfor- tune in it." "And what is that?" "That the idea is not mine. I can risk nothing upon it." These words drew a deep sigh from the heart of Planchet. That Avarice is an ardent counselor; she carries away her man, as Satan did Jesus, to the mountain, and when once she has shown to an unfortunate all the kingdoms of the earth, she is able to repose herself, knowing full well that she has left her companion, Envy, to gnaw his heart. Planchet had tasted of riches easily acquired, and was never afterward likely to stop in his desires; but as he had a good heart in spite of his covetousness, as he adored D'Artagnan, he could not refrain from making him a thou- sand recommendations, each more affectionate than the others. He would not have been sorry, nevertheless, to have caught a little hint of the secret his master concealed so well. Tricks, turns, counsels, and traps were all useless, D'Artagnan let nothing confidential escape him. The evening passed thus. After supper the portmanteau occu- pied D'Artagnan, he took a turn to the stable, patted his horse, and examined his shoes and legs; then, having counted over his money, he went to bed, sleeping as if only twenty, because he had neither inquietude nor remorse; he closed his eyes five minutes after he had blown out his lamp. Many events might, however, have kept him awake. Thought boiled in his brain, conjectures abounded, and D'Artagnan was a great drawer of horoscopes; but, with that imperturbable phlegm which does more than genius for the fortune and happiness of men of action, he put off reflection till the next day, for fear, he said, not to be fresh when he wanted to be so. The day came. The Kiie des Lombards had its share of THE VICOMTE DE BEAGELONNE. 423 (^he caresses of Aurora with the rosy fingers, and D'Artag- oan arose like Aurora. He did not awaken anybody; he placed his portmanteau under his arm, descended the stairs without making one of them creak, and without disturb- ing one of the sonorous snorings storied from the garret to the cellar, then, having saddled his horse, shut the stable and house doors, he set off, at a foot pace, on his expedi- tion to Bretagne. He had done quite right not to trouble himself with all the political and diplomatic affairs which solicited his attention; for in the morning, in freshness and mild twilight, his ideas developed themselves in purity and abundance. In the first place, he passed before the house cf Fouquet, and threw into a large gaping box the fortunate order which, the evening before, he had so much trouble to recover from the hooked fingers of the intendant. Placed in an envelope, and addressed to Fouquet, it had not even been divined by Planchet, who in divination was equal to Calchas or the Pythian Apollo. D'Artagnan thus sent back the order to Fouquet without compromising himself, and without having thenceforward any reproaches to make him- self. When he had effected this proper restitution, "Now," said he to himself, "let us inhale much maternal air, much freedom from cares, much health: let us allow the horse Zephyr, whose flanks puff as if he had to respire an atmos- phere, breathe, and let us be very ingenious in our little calculations. It is time/' said D'Artagnan, "to form a plan of the campaign, and, according to the method of Monsieur Turenne, who has a large head full of all sorts of good counsels, before the plan of the campaign, it is advis- able to draw a striking portrait of the generals to whom we are opposed. In the first place, Monsieur Fouquet presents himself. What is Monsieur Fouquet? Monsieur Fouquet," replied D'Artagnan to himself, "is a handsome man very winch beloved by the women, a generous man very much beloved by the poets; a man of wit, much execrated by pretenders. Well, now I am neither woman, poet, nor pre- tender; I neither love nor hate Monsieur le Surintendant. I find myself, therefore, in the same position in which Monsieur de Turenne found himself when opposed to the Prince de Conde at Jargeau, Gien, and the Faubourg St. Antoine. He did not execrate Monsieur le Prince^ it is true, but he obeyed the king. Monsieur le Prince is an agreeable man, but the king is king. Turenne heaved a deep sigh, called Condu 'My cousin,' and swept away his army. Now, what does the king wish? That does not 424 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOSTKE. concern me. Now, what does Monsieur Colbert wish? Oh, that's another thing. Monsieur Colbert wishes all that Monsieur Fouquet does not wish. Then, what does Mon- sieur Fouquet wish? Oh, that is serious; Monsieur Fou- quet wishes precisely for all which the king wishes." This monologue ended, D'Artagnan began to laugh, while making his whip whistle in the air. He was already on the highroad, frightening the birds in the hedges, listening to the livres chinking and dancing in his leather pocket at every step; and, let us confess it, every time that D'Artag- nan found himself in such conditions, tenderness was not his dominant vice. "Come," said he, "I cannot think the expedition a very dangerous one; and it will fall out with my voyage as with that piece Monsieur Monk took me to see in London, which was called I think, 'Much Ado About Nothing.' " CHAPTER LXVI. THE JOURNEY. It was, perhaps, the fiftieth time since the day on which we opened this history, that this man, with a heart of bronze and muscles of steel, had left house and friends, every- thing, in short, to go in search of fortune and death. The one — that is to say, death — had constantly retreated before him, as if afraid of him; the other — that is to say, fortune — for a month past only had really made an alliance with him. Although he was not a great philosopher, after the fashion of either Epicurus or Socrates, he was a powerful spirit, having knowledge of life, and endowed with thought. No one is as brave, as adventurous, or as skillful as D'Ar- tagnan, without being at the same time inclined to be a dreamer. He had picked up, here and there, some scraps of M. de la Rochefoucauld, worthy of being translated into Latin by M. de Port Royal, and he had made a collection, en passant, in the society of Athos and Aramis, of many morsels of Seneca and Cicero, translated by them, and applied to the uses of common life. That contempt of riches which our Gascon had observed as an article of faith during the thirty-rive first years of his life, had for a long time been considered by him as the first article of the code of bravery. "Article first," said he, "A man is brave be- cause he has nothing. A man has nothing because he THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. 425 despises riches." Therefore, with these principles, which, as we have said, had regulated the thirty-five first years of his life, D'Artagnan was no sooner possessed of riches than he felt it necessary to ask himself, if, in spite of his riches, he were still brave. To this, for any other but D'Artag- nan, the events of the Place de Greve might have served as a reply. Many consciences would have been satisfied with them, but D'Artagnan was brave enough to ask himself sincerely and conscientiously if he were brave. Therefore to this: "But it appears to me that I drew promptly enough, and cut and thrust pretty freely on the Place de Greve, to be satisfied of my bravery," D'Artagnan had himself replied. "Gently, captain, that is not an answer. I was brave that day, because they were burning my house, and there are a hundred, and even a thousand, to speak against one, that if those gentlemen of the riots had not formed that unlucky idea, their plan of attack would have succeeded, or, at least, it would not have been I who would have opposed myself to it. Now, what will be brought against me? I have no house to be burned in Bretagne; I have no treasure there that can be taken from me. No; but I have my skin; that precious skin of Monsieur d'Artagnan, which to him is worth more than all the houses and all the treasures of the world. That skin to which I cling above everything, be- cause it is, everything considered, the binding of a body which incloses a heart very warm and ready to fight, and, consequently, to live. Then, I do desire to live; and, in reality, I live much better, more completely, since I have become richo Who the devil ever said that money spoiled life! Upon my soul, it is no such thing; on the contrary, it seems as if I absorbed a double quantity of air and sun. Mordioux! what will it be then if I double that fortune; and if, instead of the switch I now hold in my hand, I should ever carry the baton of a marechal? Then, I really don't know if there will be, from that moment, enough of air and sun for me. In fact, this is not a dream. Who the devil would oppose it, if the king made me a marechal, as his father, King Louis XIII., made a duke and constable of Albert de Luynes? Am I not as brave, and much more intelligent, than that imbecile De Vitry? Ah! that's exactly what will prevent my advancement; I have too much wit. Luckily, if there is any justice in this world, fortune owes me many compensations. She owes me, cer- tainly, a recompense fer all I did for Anne of Austria, and 426 THE YTf'OMTE DE BRAGELONNE. an indemnification for all she has not done for me. Then, at the present, I am very well with a king, and with a king who has the appearance of determining to reign. May God keep him in that illustrious road! For, if he is resolved to reign, lie will want me, and if he wants me, he will give me what he has promised me — warmth and light; so that I march, comparatively, now, as I marched formerly — from nothing to everything. Only the nothing of to-day is the all of former days; there has only this little change taken place in my life. And now let us see, let us take the part of the heart, as I just now was speaking of it. But, in truth, I only spoke of it from memory." And the Gascon applied his hand to his breast, as if he were actually seek- ing the place where his heart was. "Ah! wretch!" murmured he, smiling with bitterness. "Ah! poor mortal species! You hoped, for an instant, that you had not a heart, and now you find you have one — bad courtier as thou art — and even one of the most sedi- tious. You have a heart which speaks to you in favor of Monsieur Fouquet. "And what is Monsieur Fouquet when the king is in question? A conspirator, a real conspirator, who did not even give himself the trouble to conceal his being a con- spirator; therefore,what a weapon would you not have against him, if his good grace and his intelligence had not made a scabbard for that weapon. An armed revolt — for, in fact, Monsieur Fouquet has been guilty of an armed revolt. Thus, while the king vaguely suspects Monsieur Fouquet of rebellion, I know it — I could prove that Monsieur Fou- quet has caused the shedding of the blood of his majesty's subjects. Xow, then, let us see. Knowing all that, and holding my tongue, what further would this heart wish in return for a kind action of Monsieur Fouquet, for an ad- vance of fifteen thousand livres, for a diamond worth a thousand pistoles, for a smile in which there was as much bitterness as kindness? I save his life. "Now, then, I hope," continued the musketeer, "that this imbecile of a heart is going to preserve silence, and so be fairly quits with Monsieur Fouquet. Now, then, the king becomes my sun, and as my heart is quits with M. Fouquet, let him beware who places himself between me and my sun! Forward, for His Majesty Louis XIV.! For- ward!" These reflections were the only impediments which were able to retard the progress of U'Artagnan. These reflec- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 42? fcions onca made, he increased the speed of his horse. But, however perfect his horse Zephyr might be, it could not hold out at such a pace forever. The day after his depar- ture from Paris, he was left at Chartres, at the house of an old friend D'Artagnan had met with in a hotelier of that city. From that moment the musketeer traveled on post- horsas. Thanks to this mode of locomotion, he traversed the space which separates Chartres from Chateaubriand. In the last of these two cities, far enough from the coast to prevent any one guessing that D'Artagnan wished to reach the sea — far enough from Paris to prevent all suspicion of his being a messenger from Louis XIV., whom D'Artagnan had called his sun, without suspecting that he was only at present a rather poor star in the heaven of royalty, would, jne day, make that star his emblem, the messenger of Louis XIV., we say, quitted the post and purchased a bidet of the meanest appearance, one of those animals which an officer of cavalry would never choose, for fear of being dis- graced. Excepting the color, this new acquisition recalled to the mind of D'Artagnan the famous orange-colored horse with which, or rather, upon which, he had made his first appearance in the world. Truth to say, from the moment he crossed this new steed, it was no longer D'Ar- tagnan who was traveling, it was a good man clothed in an iron-gray justau-corps, brown haut-de-chausses, holding the medium between a priest and a layman; that which brought him nearest to the churchman was that D'Artagnan had placed on his head a calotte of threadbare velvet, and over the calotte, a large black hat; no more sword; a stick, hung by a cord to his wrist, but to which, he promised himself, as an unexpected auxiliary, to join, upon occasion, a good dagger, ten inches long, concealed under his cloak. The bidet purchased at Chateaubriand completed the metamor- phosis; it was called, or, rather, D'Artagnan called it, Furet (ferret). "If I have changed Zephyr into Furet," said D^Artag- nan, "I must make some diminutive or other of my own name. So, instead of D'Artagnan, I will be Agnan, short; that is a concession which I naturally owe to my gray coat, my round hat, and my rusty calotte." M. d'Artagnan traveled, then, pretty easily upon Furet, who ambled like a true butter-woman's pad, and who, with his amble, managed cheerfully about twelve leagues a day upon four spiudle-shanks of which the practiced eye of jD'Artagnan had appreciated the strength and safety be- 428 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. neath the thick mass of huir which covered them. Jogging along, the traveler took notes, studied the country, which he travered reserved and silent, ever seeking the pretext the most plausible to go to Belle-Isle-eu-Mer, and to see everything without arousing suspicion. In this manner he was enabled to convince himself of the importance the event assumed in proportion as he drew near to it. In this remote country, in this ancient Duchy of Bretagne, which was not France at that period, and is not even so now, the people knew nothing of the King of France. They not only did not know him, but were unwilling to know him One fact — a single one — floated visibly for them upon the political current. Their ancient dukes no longer governed them; but it was void — nothing more. In the place of the sovereign duke, the seigneurs of parishes reigned without control; and, above these seigneurs, God, who has never been forgotten in Bretagne. Among these suzerains of chateaus and belfries, the most powerful, the most rich and the most popular, was M. Fouquet, seigneur of Belle-Isle. Even in the country, even within sight of that mysterious isle, legends and traditions consecrate its wonders. Every one did not penetrate into it; the isle, of an extent of six leagues in length, and six in breadth, was a seignorial prop- erty, which the people had for a long time respected, cov- ered as it was with the name of Eetz, so much redoubted in the country. Shortly after the erection of this seigneurie into a marquisate, Belle-Isle passed to M. Fouquet. The celebrity of the isle did not date from yesterday; its name, or, rather, its qualifications, is traced back to the remotest antiquity; the ancients called it Kalonese, from two Greek words signifying beautiful isle. Thus, at a distance of eighteen hundred years, it had borne, in another idiom the same name it still bears. There was, then, something in itself in this property of M. Fouquet's, besides its position of six leagues off the coast of France; a position which makes it a sovereign in its maritime solitude, like a majestic ship which should disdain roads, and would proudly cast its anchors in mid-ocean. D'Artagnan learned all this without appearing the least in the world astonished. He also learned that the best way to get intelligence was to go to La Roche Bernard, a tolera- bly important city at the mouth of the Vilaine. Perhaps there he could embark; if not, c.ossing the salt marshes, he would repair to Guerande en Croisic, to wait for an op- portunity to cross over to Belle-Isle. He had discovered, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 42$ besides, since his departure from Chateau briaud, that noth- ing would be impossible for Furet under the impulsion of M. Agnan, and nothing to M. Agnan upon the initiative of Furet. He prepared, then, to sup off a teal and a tourteau in a hotel of La Roche Bernard, and ordered to be brought from the cellar, to wash down these two Breton dishes, some cider, which, the moment it touched his lips, he per- ceived to be more Breton still. CHAPTER. LXVI1 HOW D'ARTAGNAN BECAME ACQUAINTED WITH A POET WHC HAD TURNED PRINTER FOR THE SAKE OF PRINTING HIS OWN VERSES. Before taking his place at table, D'Artagnan acquired, as was his custom, all the information he could; but it is an axiom of curiosity that every man who wishes to question well and fruitfully ought in the first place to lay himself open to questions. D'Artagnan sought, then, with his usual skill, a useful questioner in the hostelry of La Roche Bernard. At the moment, there were in the house, in the first story, two travelers occupied also in preparations for supper, or with their supper itself. D'Artagnan had seen their nags in the stable and their equipages in the salle. One traveled with a lackey, as a sort of personage; two Perche mares, sleek, sound beasts, were their means of loco- motion. The other, rather a little fellow, a traveler of meager appearance, wearing a dusty surtout, dirty linen, boots more worn by the pavement thau the stirrup, had come from Nantes with a cart drawn by a horse so like Furet in color that D'Artagnan might have gone a hundred miles without finding a better match. This cart contained divers large packets wrapped up in pieces of old stuff. ''That traveler there," said D'Artagnan to himself, "is the man for my money. He will do, he suits me; I ought to do for and suit him. Monsieur Agnan, with the gray doublet and the rusty calotte is not unworthy of supping with the gentleman of the old boots and the old horse." This being said, D'Artagnan called the host and desired him to send his teal, tourteau, and cider up to the chamber of the gentleman of modest exterior. He himself climbed, a plate in his hand, the wooden staircase which led tc the chamber^ and began to knock at the door. 430 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Come in!" said the unknown. D'Artagnan entered, with a simper on his lips, his plate under his arm. his hat in one hand, his candle in the other. "Excuse me, monsieur," said he, "I am, as you are, a traveler; I know no one in the hotel, and I have the bad habit of losing my spirits when I eat alone, so that my re- past appears a bad one to me, and does not nourish me. Your face, which I saw just now, when you came down to have some oysters opened, your face pleased me much. Be- sides, I have observed you have a horse just like mine, and that the host, no doubt on account of that resemblance, has placed them side by side in the stable, Avhere they appear to agree amazingly well together. I therefore, monsieur, cannot see why the masters should be separated when the horses are united. In consequence, I am come to request the pleasure of being admitted to your table. My name is Agnan, at your service, monsieur, the unworthy steward of a rich seigneur, who wishes to purchase some salt mines in this country, and sends me to examine his future acquisi- tions. In truth, monsieur, I should be well pleased if my countenance were as agreeable to you as yours is to me; for, upon my honor, I am quite yours." The stranger, whom D'Artagnan saw for the first time — for before he had only caught a glimpse of him — the stranger had black and brilliant eyes, a yellow complexion, a brow a little wrinkled by the weight of fifty years, bon- homie in his features collectively, but a little cunning in his look. "One would say," thought D'Artagnan, "that this merry fellow has never exercised more than the upper part of his head, his eyes, and his brain. He must be a man of science; his mouth, nose, and chin signify absolutely nothing." "Monsieur," replied the latter, with whose mind and person we have been making so free, "you do me much honor; not that I am ever ennuye, for I have," added he, smiling, "a company which amuses me always; but never mind that, I am very happy to receive you." But when saying this, the man with the worn boots cast an uneasy look at his table, from which the oysters had disappeared, and upon which there was nothing left but a morsel of salt bacon. "Monsieur," D'Artagnan hastened to say, "the host is bringing me up a pretty piece of roasted poultry and a superb tourteau." D'Artagnan had read in the look of his companion, however rapid it had been, the fear of an attack THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE, 43? by a parasite; he divined justly. At this opening, the features of the man of modest exterior relaxed; and, as if he had watched the moment for his entrance, as D'Artagnan spoke, the host appeared, bearing the announced dishes. The tourteau and the teal were added to the morsel of broiled bacon; D'Artagnan and his guest bowed, sat down opposite to each other, and, like two brothers, shared the Dacon and the other dishes. "Monsieur," said D'Artagnan, "you must confess that association is a wonderful thing." "How so?" replied the stranger, with his mouth full, "Well, I will tell you," replied D'Artagnan. The stranger gave a short truce to the movement of his 'aws, in order to hear the better. "In the first place," continued D'Artagnan, "instead of one candle, which each of us had, we have two." "That is true!" said the stranger, struck with the ex- treme justness of the observation. "Then I see that you eat my tourteau in preference, while I, in preference, eat your bacon." "That is true again." "And then, in addition to being better lighted and eat- ing what we prefer, I place the pleasure of your company." "Truly, monsieur, you are very jovial," said the un- known cheerfully. "Yes, monsieur; jovial, as all people are who carry noth- ing in their heads. Oh! I can see it is quite another sort of thing with you," continued D'Artagnan; "I can read in your eyes all sorts of genius." "Oh, monsieur!" "Come, confess one thing." "What is that?" 'That you are a learned man." "Ma foi ! monsieur-" "Hevn?" "Almost." "Come, then!" "I am an author." "There!" cried D'Artagnan, clapping his hands, "I knew 1 could not be deceived! It is a miracle!" "Monsieur " "What! shall I have the honor of passing the evening in the society of an author, of a celebrated author, perhaps?" "Oh!" said the unknown, blushing, "celebrated, mon- sieur, celebrated is not the word." 432 THE YICOMTE frE BKA (VELO-N^ E. "Modest!" cried DArtagnan, transported, "he if modest!" Then, turning toward the stranger, with a character of blunt bonhomie: "But tell me at least the name of your works, monsieur; for you will please observe you have not told me yours, and I have been iorcad to divine your genius." "My name is Jupenet, monsieur," said the author. "A fine name! a fine name! upon my honor; and I do not know why — pardon me the mistake, if it be one— but surely I have heard that name somewhere." "I have made verses," said the poet modestly. "Ah! that is it, then; I have heard them read." "A tragedy." "I must have seen it played." The poet blushed again, and said: "I do not think that can be the case, for my verses have not been printed." "Well, then, it must have been the tragedy which in- formed me of your name." "You are again mistaken, for MM. the comedians of the Hotel de Bourgogne would have nothing to do with it," said the poet, with the smile of which certain sorts of pride alone know the secret. D'Artagnan bit his lips. "Thus, then, you see, monsieur," continued the poet, "you are in error on my account, and that not being at all known to you, you have never heard speak of me." "And that confounds me. That name, Jupenet, appears to" me, nevertheless, a fine name, and quite as worthy of being known as those of MM. Corneille, or Rotrou, or Gamier. I hope, monsieur, you will have the goodness to repeat to me a part of your tragedy presently, by way of dessert, for instance. That will be sugared roast meat, mordioiix! Ah! pardon me, monsieur, that was a little oath which escaped me, because it is a habit with my lord and master. I sometimes allow myself to usurp that little oath, as it seems in good taste. I take this liberty only in his absence, please to observe, for you may understand that in his presence — but, in truth " "Monsieur, this cider is abominable; do you not think so? And, besides, the pot is of such an irregular shape it will not stand on the table." "Suppose we were to make it level?" "To be sure; but with what?" "With this knife." "And the teal, with what shall we cut that up? Do you not, by chance, mean to touch the teal?" THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 433 •'Certainly," "Well, then " "Wait." And the poet rummaged in his pocket, and drew out a piece of brass, oblong, quadrangular, about a line in thick- ness, and an inch and a half in length. But scarcely had this little piece of brass seen the light, than the poet ap- peared to have committed an imprudence, and made a move- ment to put it back again in his pocket. D'Artagnan per- ceived this, for he was a man nothing escaped. He stretched forth his hand toward the piece of brass: "Humph! that which you hold in your hand is pretty; will you allow me to look at it?" "Certainly," said the poet, who appeared to have yielded too soon to a first impulse. "Certainly, you may look at it; but it will be in vain for you to look at it," added he, with a satisfied air; "if I were not to tell you the use of that, you would never guess it." D'Artagnan had seized as an avowal the hesitation of the poet, and his eagerness to conceal the piece of brass which a first movement had induced him to take out of his pocket. His attention, therefore, once awakened on this point, he surrounded himself with a circumspection which gave him a superiority upon all occasions. Besides, whatever M. Jupenet might say about it, by the simple inspection of the object, he had perfectly known what it was. It was a character in printing. "Can you guess now what this is?" continued the poet. "No," said D'Artagnan, "no, ma foi !" "Well, monsieur," said M. Jupenet, "this little piece of brass is- a printing letter." "Bah!" "A capital." "Stop, stop, stop," said D'Artagnan, opening his eyes very innocently. "Yes, monsieur, a capital; the first letter of my name." "And this is a letter, is it?" "Yes, monsieur." "Well, I will confess one thing to you." "And what is that?" "No, I will not. I was going to say something verj stupid." "No, no," said Master Jupenet, with a patronizing air. "Well, then, I cannot comprehend, if that is a letter, how you cau make a word." 434 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "A word?" "Yes, a printed word." "Oh, that's very easy." "Let me see." "Does it interest you?" "Enormously." "Well, I will explain the thing to you. Attend." "I am attending." "That is it." "Good." "Look attentively." "I am looking." D'Artagnan, in fact, appeared absorbed in his observations. Jupenet drew from his pocket seven or eight other pieces of brass, but smaller than the first. "Ah, ah," said D'Artagnan. "What!" "You have, then, a whole printing office in your pocket. Peste! that is curious indeed." "Is it not?" "Good God, what a number of things we learn by traveling!" "To your health " said Jupenet, quite enchanted. "To yours, mordioux! to yours. But — an instant — not in this cider. It is an abominable drink, unworthy of a man who quenches his thirst at the Hippocrene fountain — is not it so you call your fountains, you poets?" "Yes, monsieur, our fountain is so called. That comes from two Greek words — hippos, which means a horse, and " "Monsieur," interrupted D'Artagnan, "you shall drink of a liquor which comes from one single French word, and is none the worse for that — from the word grape; this cider gives me the heartburn. Allow me to inquire of your host if there is not a good bottle of Beangency, or of the Ceran growth, at the back of the large bins of his cellar." The host, being called, immediately attended. "Monsieur," interrupted the poet, "take care; we shall not have time to drink the wine, unless we make great haste, for I must take advantage of the tide to secure the boat." "What boat?" asked D'Artagnan. "Why, the boat which sets out for Belle-Isle." "Ah! for Belle-Isle," said the musketeer, "that is good." "Bah: you will have plenty of time, monsieur," replied the hotelier', uncorking the bottle, "the boat will not leave this hour." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOtftfE. 435 "But who will give me notice?" said the poet. "Your neighbor," replied the host. "But I scarcely know him." "When you hear him going, it will be time for you to go." "Is he going to Belle-Isle, likewise, then?" "Yes." "The monsieur who has a lackey?" asked D'Artagnan. "He is some gentleman, no doubt?" "I know nothing of him." "How! know nothing of him?" "No; all I know is, that he is drinking the same wine as you." "Peste f that is a great honor for us," said D'Artagnan, filling his companion's glass, while the host went out. "So," resumed the poet, returning to his dominant ideas, "you never saw any printing done?" "Never." "Well, then, take the letters thus, which compose the word, you see; A B; ma foil here is an R, two EE, then a G." And he assembled the letters with a swiftness and skill which did not escape the eye of D'Artagnan. "Abrege,*' said he, as he ended. "Good!" said D'Artagnan; "here are plenty of letters got together; but how are they kept so?" And he poured out a second glass for the poet. M. Jupenet smiled like a man who has an answer for everything; then he pulled out — still from his pocket — a little metal ruler, composed of two parts, like a carpenter's rule, against which he put to- gether, and in a line, the characters, holding them under his left thumb. "And what do you call that little metal ruler?" said D'Artagnan, "for, I suppose, all these things have names.' "This is called a composing-stick," said Jupenet; "it is by the aid of this stick that the lines are formed. ' r "Come, then, I was not mistaken in what I said; you have a press in your pocket," said D'Artagnan, laughing with an air of simplicity so stupid that the poet was com- pletely his dupe. "No," replied he; "but I am too lazy to write, and when I have a verse in my head I print it immediately. That is a labor spared." "Mordiouxl" thought D'Artagnan to himself, "this must be cleared up." And under a pretext, which did not em- barrass the musketeer, who was fertile in expedients, he left the table, went downstairs, ran to the shed under which 436 THE VICOMTE DE BRAOELONNE. stood the poet's little cart, poked the point of his poniard into the stuff which enveloped one of the packages, which he found full of types, like those which the poet had in his pocket. "Humph!" said D'Artagnan, "I do not yet know whether Monsieur Fouquet wishes to fortify Belle-Isle; but, at all events, here are some spiritual munitions for the castle." Then, rich in his discovery, he ran upstairs again and re- sumed his place at the table. D'Artagnan had learned what he wished to know. He, however, remained, none the less, face to face with his partner, to the moment when they heard from the next room symptoms of a person's being about to go out. The printer was immediately on foot; he had given orders for his horse to be got ready. His carriage was waiting at the door. The second traveler got into his saddle, in the court- yard, with his lackey. D'Artagnan followed Jupenet to the door; he embarked his cart and horse on board the boat. As to the opulent traveler, he did the same with his two horses and his servant. But all the wit D'Artagnan employed in endeavoring to find out his name was lost — he could learn nothing. Only he took such notice of his coun- tenance that that countenance was impressed upon his mind forever. D'Artagnan had a great inclination to embark with the two travelers, but an interest, more powerful than curiosity — that of success — repelled him from the shore, and brought him back again to the hotellerie. He entered with a sigh, and went to bed directly, in order to be ready early in the morning with fresh ideas and the counsel of the night. CHAPTER LXVIII. D'ARTAGNAN CONTINUES HIS INVESTIGATIONS. At daybreak D'Artagnan saddled Furet, who had fared sumptuously all the night, and devoured the remainder of the corn left by her companions. The musketeer sifted all he could out of the host, whom he found cunning, mis- trustful, and devoted, body and soul to M. Fouquet. In order then not to awaken the suspicions of this man, he carried on his fable of being a probable purchaser of some salt mines. To have embarked for Belle-Isle at Eoche Bernard would have been to' expose himself to comments THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 437 which had, perhaps, been already made, and would be car- ried to the castle. Moreover, it was singular that this traveler and his lackey should have remained a secret for D'Artagnan, in spite of all the questions addressed by him to the host, who appeared to know him perfectly well. The musketeer then made some inquiries concerning the salt mines, and took the road to the marshes, leaving the sea to his right, and penetrating into that vast and desolate plain which resembles a sea of mud, of which, here and there, a few crests of salt silver the undulations. Furet walked admirably, with his little nervous legs, along the foot-wide causeways which separate the salt mines. D'Artagnan, aware of the consequences of a fall, which would result in a cold bath, allowed him to go as he liked, contenting him- self with looking at, in the horizon, the three rocks, which rose up like lance-blades from the bosom of the plain, desti- tute of verdure. Pirial, the bourgs of Batz and Le Croisic, exactly resembling each other, attracted and suspended his attention. If the traveler turned round, the better to make his observations, he saw on the other side a horizon of three other steeples, Guerande, Le Poulighen, and St. Joachim, which, in their circumference, represented a set of skittles, of which he and Furet were but the wandering ball. Pirial was the first little port on his right. He went thither, with the names of the principle salters in his mouth. At the moment he visited the littL port of Pirial, five large barges, laden with stone, were leaving it. It apppeared strange to D'Artagnan that stones should be leaving a country where none are found. He had recourse to all the amenity of M. Agnan to learn from the people of the port the cause of this singularity. An old fisherman replied to M. Agnan, that the stones, very certainly, did not come from Pirial or the marshes. "Where do they come from, then?" asked the musketeer. ^'Monsieur, they come from Nantes and Paimbceuf." "Where are they going, then?" "Monsieur, to Belle Isle." "Ah! ah!" said D'Artagnan, in the same tone he had assumed to tell the printer that his character interested him; "are they building at Belle Isle, then?" "Why, yes, monsieur, Monsieur Fouquet has the walls of the castle repaired every year." "Is it in ruins, then?" "It is old." "Thank you. The fact is/' said D'Artagnan to himself, 438 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. "nothing is more natural; every proprietor has a right to repair his property. It would be like telling me I was for- tifying the Image de Notre Dame, when I should he purely and simply obliged to make repairs. In good truth, I be- lieve false reports have been made to his majesty, and he is very likely to be in the wrong." "You must confess," continued he then, aloud, and ad- dressing the fisherman — for his part of a suspicious man was imposed upon him by the object even of his mission — "you must confess, my dear monsieur, that these stones travel in a very curious fashion." "How so?" said the fisherman. "They come from Nantes or Paimboeuf by the Loire, do they not?" "That descends." "That is convenient, I don't say it is not; but why do they not go straight from St. Nazaire to Belle-Isle?" "Eh! because the chalands (barges) are bad boats, and keep the sea badly," replied the fisherman. "That is not a reason." "Pardon me, monsieur, one may see that you have never been a sailor," added the fisherman, not without a sort of disdain. "Explain that to me, if you please, my good man. It appears to me that to come from Paimboeuf to Pirial, and go from Pirial to Belle-Isle, is as if we went from Roche Bernard to Nantes, and from Nantes to Pirial." "By water that would be the nearest way," replied the fisherman imperturbably. "But there is an elbow." The fisherman shook his head. "The shortest road from one place to another is a straight line," continued D'Artagnan. "You forget the tide, monsieur." "Well, take the tide." "And the wind." "Well, and the wind." "Without doubt, the current of the Loire carries barks almost as far as Croisic. If they want to lie by a little, or to refresh the crew, they come to Pirial along the coast; from Pirial they find another inverse current, which car- ries them to the Isle Dumal, two leagues and a half." "Granted." "There the current of the Vilaine throws them upon an- other isle, the isle of Hoedic." "I agree to that." THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 4B9 "Well, monsieur, from that isle to Belle-Isle the way is quite straight. The sea, broken both above and below, passes like a canal — like a mirror between the two isles; the chalands glide along upon it like ducks upon the Loire; that is it." "It does not signify," said the obstinate M. Agnan; "it is very far about." "Ah! yes; but Monsieur Fouquet will have it so," re- plied, as conclusive, the fisherman, taking off his woolen cap at the enunciation of that respected name. A look from D'Artagnan, a look as keen and piercing as a sword-blade, found nothing in the heart of the old man but simple confidence on his features, nothing but satisfac- tion and indifference. He said "Monsieur Fouquet will have it so," as he would have said "God has willed it." D'Artagnan had already advanced too far in this direction; besides, the chalands being gone, there remained nothing at Pirial but a single bark — that of the old man, and it did not look fit for sea without great preparation. D'Artagnan therefore aroused Furet, who, as a new proof of his charm- ing character, resumed his march with his feet in the salt mines, and his nose to the dry wind, which bends the furze and the broom of this country. He reached Croisic about five o'clock. If D'Artagnan had been a poet, it was a beautiful spec- tacle that of the immense strand of a league or more, which the sea covers at high tides, and which, at the reflux, ap- pears gray, desolate, spread over with polypuses and sea- weed, with its pebbles dispersed and white, like the bones in some vast old cemetery. But the soldier, the politician, and the ambitious man had no longer the sweet consolation of looking toward heaven, to read there a hope or a warn- ing. A red sky signifies nothing to such people but wind and disturbance. White and fleecy clouds upon the azu: 3 only say that the sea will be smooth and peaceful. D'Ar- tagnan found the sky blue, the breeze embalmed with salim perfumes, and he said: "I will embark with the first tide, if it be but in a nutshell." At Croisic as at Pirial he had remarked enormous heaps of stone lying along the shore. These gigantic walls, de- molished every tide by the transport operated upon them for Belle-Isle, were, in the eyes of the musketeer the consequence and the proof of what he had well divined at Pirial. Was it a wall that M. Fouquet was constructing? was it a fortification that he was erecting? To ascertain 440 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. • that, he must see it. D'Artagnan put Furet into a stable, supped, went to bed, and on the morrow took a walk upon the port, or, rather, upon the shingle. Le Croisic has a port of fifty feet; it has a lookout which resembles an enormous brioche (a kind of cake) elevated on a dish. The flat strand is the dish. Hundreds of barrowsful of earth, solidified with the pebbles, and rounded into cones, with sinuous passages between, are lookouts and brioches at the same time. It is so now, and it was so two hundred years ago, only the brioche was less large, and probably there were not to be seen trellises of lath around the brioche, which constitute the ornament of it, and which the edility of that poor and pious bourgade has planted like gardes- fou8 along the passages, winding toward the little terrace. Upon the shingle were three or four fishermen talking about sardines and shrimps. D'Artagnan, with his eye animated by rough gayety, and a smile upon his lips, ap- proached these fishermen. ''Any fishing going on to-day?" said he. "Yes, monsieur," replied one of them, "we are only waiting for the tide." "Where do you fish, my friends?" "Upon the coasts, monsieur." "Which are the best coasts?" "Ah, that is according. The tour of the isles, for ex- ample." "Yes, but they are a long way off, those isles, are they not?" "Not very; four leagues." "Four leagues! That is a voyage." The fishermen laughed out in M. Agnan's face. "Hear me, then," said the latter, with an air of simple stupidity; "four leagues off you lose sight of land, do you not?" "Why, not always." "Ah, it is a long way — too long, or else I would have asked you to take me aboard, and to show me what I have never seen." "What is that?" "A live sea-fish." "Monsieur comes from the province?" said a fisherman. "Yes, I come from Paris." The Breton shrugged his shoulders; then, "Have you ttver seen Monsieur Fouquet in Paris?" asked he, "Often," replied D'Artagnan, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. 441 "Often!" repeated the fishermen, closing their circle round the Parisian. "Do you know him?" "A little; he is the intimate friend of my master.'* "Ah!" said the fishermen, in astonishment. "And," said D'Artagnan, "I have seen all his chateaus of St. Mande, of Vaux, and his hotel in Paris." "Is that a fine place?" "Superb." "It is not so fine a place as Belle-Isle/' said the fisher- man. "Bah!" cried M. d'Artagnan, breaking into a laugh so loud that he angered all his auditors. "It is very plain you have never seen Belle-Isle," said the most curious of the fishermen. "Do you know that there are six leagues of it; and that there are such trees on it as cannot be equaled even at Nantes sur le Fosse?" "Trees in the sea!" cried D'Artagnan; "well, I should like to see them." "That can be easily done; we are fishing at the Isle de Hoedic — come with us. From that place you will see, as a paradise, the black trees of Belle-Isle against the sky; you will see the white line of the castle, which cuts the horizon of the sea like a blade." "Oh!" said D'Artagnan, "that must be very beautiful. But do you know there are a hundred belfries at Monsieur Fouquet's chateau of Vaux?" The Breton raised his head in profound admiration, but he was not convinced. "A hundred belfries! Ah, that may be; but Belle-Isle is finer than that. Should you like to see Belle-Isle?" "Is that possible?" asked D'Artagnan. "Yes, with permission of the governor." "But I do not know the governor." "As you know Monsieur Fouquet, you can tell your name." "Oh, my friends, I am not a gentleman." "Everybody enters Belle Isle," continued the fisherman, in his strong, pure language, "provided he means no harm to Belle Isle or its master." A slight shudder crept over the body of the musketeer, "That is true," thought he. Then, recovering himself, *'If I were sure," said he, "not to be seasick." "What, upon her?" said the fisherman, pointing with pride to his pretty, round-bottomed bark. H% TIIE VIOOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Well, you almost persuade me," cried M. Agnan; "I will go and see Belle-Isle, but they will not admit me." "We shall enter, safe enough." "You! What for?" "Why, dame! to sell fish to the corsairs." "He! Corsairs — what do you mean?" "Well, I mean that Monsieur Fouquet is having two corsairs built to chase the Dutch and the English, and we sell our fish to the crews of those little vessels." "Come, come!" said D'Artagnan to himself; "better and better. A printing-press, bastions, and corsairs! Well, Monsieur Fouquet is not an enemy to be despised, as I pre- sumed to fancy. He is worth the trouble of traveling to see him nearer." "We set out at half-past five," said the fisherman gravely. "I am quite ready, and I will not leave yon now." So D'Artagnan saw the fishermen haul their barks to meet the tide with a windlass. The sea rose; M. Agnan allowed himself to be hoisted on board, not without sporting a little fear and awkwardness, to the amusement of the young sea urchins who watched him with their large, intelligent eyes. He laid himself down upon a folded sail, did not interfere with anything while the bark prepared for sea; and, with its large square sail, it was fairly out within two hours. The fishermen, who prosecuted their occupation as they proceeded, did not perceive that their passenger had not become pale, had neither groaned, nor suffered; that, in spite of the horrible tossing and rolling of the bark, to which no hand imparted direction, the novice passenger had preserved his presence of mind and his appetite. They fished, and their fishing was sufficiently fortunate. To lines baited with prawn, soles came, with numerous gam- bols, to bite. Two nets had already been broken by the immense weight of congers and haddocks; three sea eels plowed the hold with their slimy folds and their dying contortions. D'Artagnan brought them good luck; they told him so. The soldier found the occupation so pleasant that he put his hand to the work — that is to say, to the lines — and uttered roars of joy, and mordioux enough to have astonished musketeers themselves, every time that a shock given to his line by a captured prey required the play of the muscles of his arm and the employment of his skill and strength. The party of pleasure had made him forget his diplomatic mission. He was struggling with an awfully large conger, and holding fast with one hand to THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 443 the side of the vessel, in order to seize with the other the gaping jowl of his antagonist, when the patron said to him: "Take care they don't see you from Belle-Isle." These words produced the same effect upon D'Artagnan as the hissing of the first bullet on a day of battle; he let go of both line and conger, which, one dragging the other, returned again to the water. D'Artagnan perceived, within half a league at most, the blue and marked profile of the rocks of Belle-Isle dominated by the white majestic line of the castle. In the distance the land with its forests and verdant plains; cattle on the grass. This was what first attracted the attention of the musketeer. The sun darted its rays of gold upon the sea, raising a shining mist or dust around this enchanted isle. Nothing could be seen of it, owing to this dazzling light, but the flattened points; every shadow was strongly marked, and cut with a band of dark- ness the luminous sheet of the fields and the walls. "Eh! eh!" said D'Artagnan, at the aspect of those masses of black rocks, "these are fortifications which do not stand in need of any engineer to render a landing difficult. What the devil way could a landing be effected on that isle, which God has defended so completely?" "This way," replied the patron of the bark, changing the sail, and impressing upon the rudder a twist which turned the boat in the direction of a pretty little port, quite coquet- tish, quite round, and quite newly battlemented. "What the devil do I see yonder?" said D'Artagnan. "You see Leomaria," replied the fisherman. "Well, but there?" "That is Bragos." "And further on?" "Sanger, and then the palace." "Mordioux ! It is a world. Ah ! there are some soldiers/ 5 "There are seventeen hundred men in Belle-Isle, mon- sieur," replied the fisherman proudly. "Do you know that the least garrison is of twenty companies of infantry?" "Mordioux !" cried D'Artagnan stamping with his foot. "His majesty was right enough." They landed. 444 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELONNB- CHAPTER LXIX. IN WHICH THE READER, NO DOUBT, WILL BE AS ASTONISHED AS D'ARTAGNAN WAS TO MEET WITH AN OLD ACQUAINT- ANCE. There is always something in a landing, if it be only from the smallest sea-boat — a trouble and a confusion which do not leave the mind the liberty of which it stands in need in order to study at the first glance the new place that is represented to it. The movable bridges, the agitated sailors, the noise of the water upon the pebbles, the cries and the importunities of those who wait upon the shores are multiplied details of that sensation which is summed up in one single result — hesitation. It was not, then, till after standing several minutes on the shore that D'Artagnan saw upon the port, but more particularly in the interior of the isle, an immense number of workmen in motion. At his feet D'Artagnan recognized the five chalands laden with rough stone which he had seen leave the port of Pirial. The stones were transported to the shore by means of a chain formed by twenty-five or thirty peasants. The large stones were loaded upon carriages which conveyed them in the same direction as the shards, that is to say, toward the works, of which D'Artagnan could as yet apppreciate neither the strength nor the extent. Everywhere was to be seen an activity equal to that which Telemachus observed on his landing at Sarentum. D'Artagnan felt a strong inclination to penetrate into the interior; but he could not, under the penalty of exciting mistrust, exhibit too much curiosity. He advanced then only little by little, scarcely going beyond the line formed by the fishermen on the beach, observing everything, saying nothing, and meeting all suspicions that might have been excited with a half-silly question or a polite bow. And yet, while his companions carried on their trade, giving or selling their fish to the workmen or the inhabitants of the city, D'Artagnan had gained ground by degrees, and, reassured by the little at- tention paid to him, he began to cast an intelligent and confident look upon the men and things that appeared be- fore his eyes. And his very first glance fell upon move- ments of earth in which the eye of a soldier could not be mistaken. At the two extremities of the port, in order that the fires should cross upon the great axis of the ellipsis THE VtCOMTE DE BRAGELOtftfE. 44?> formed by the basin, in the first place, two batteries had been raised, evidently destined to receive flank pieces, for D'Artagnan saw the workmen finishing the platforms anc. making ready the demi-circumference in wood upon which the wheel of the pieces might turn to embrace every direc- tion over the epanlment. By the side of each of these bat- teries other workmen were strengthening gabions filled with earth, the lining of another battery. The latter had em- brasures, and a conductor of the works called successively men who, with cord:, tied the saucissons, and those Avho cut the lozenges and right angles of turfs destined to retain tdie matting of the embrasures. By the activity displayed in these works, already so far advanced they might be con- sidered as terminated, they were not yet furnished with their cannons, but the platforms had their gltes and their madriers all prepared; the earth, beaten carefully, had con- solidated them; and, supposing the artillery to be on the island, in less than two or three days the port might be completely armed. That which astonished D'Artagnan, when he turned his eyes from the coasb batteries to the for- tifications of the city, was to see that Belle-Isle was de- fended by an entirely new system, of which he had often heard the Comte de la Fere speak as a great advancement, but of which he had never yet seen the application. These fortifications belonged neither to the Dutch method of Marollais, nor to the French method of the Chevalier An- toine de Ville, but to the system of Manesson Mallet, a skillful engineer, who, for about six or eight years, had quitted the service of Portugal to enter that of France. These works had the peculiarity that, instead of rising above the earth, as did the ancient ramparts destined to defend a city from escalades, they, on the contrary, sank into it; and what created the height of the walls was the depth of the ditches. It did not take long to make D'Ar- tagnan perceive the superiority of such a system, which gives no advantage to cannon. Besides, as the fosses were lower than, or on a level with, the sea, these fosses might be inundated by subterranean sluices. Otherwise, the works were almost complete, and a group of workmen, re- ceiving orders from a man who appeared to be conductor of the works, were occupied in placing the last stones. A bridge of planks, thrown over the fosses for the greater convenience of the maneuvers connected with the barrows, joined the interior to the exterior. With an air of simple curiosity, D'Artagnan asked if he might be permitted to 446 THE VICOMTE BE BRAOELONNI. cross the bridge, and he was told that no order prevented it. Consequently, he crossed the bridge, and advanced toward the group. This group was superintended by the man whom D'Ar- tagnan had already remarked, and who appeared to be the engineer-in-chief. A plan was lying open before him upon a large stone forming a table, and at some paces from him a crane was in action. This engineer, who, by his evident importance, first attracted the attention of D'Artagnan, who wore a justau-corps, which, from its sumptuousness, was scarcely in harmony with the work he was employed in, which would rather have necessitated the costume of a master mason than of a noble. He was, besides, a man of high stature and large square shoulder's, wearing a hat covered with feathers. He gesticulated in the most majes- tic manner, and appeared, for D'Artagnan only saw his back, to be scolding the workmen for their idleness and want of strength. D'Artagnan continued to draw nearer. At that moment the man with the feathers had ceased to gesticulate, and, with his hands placed upon his knees, was following, half bent, the effort of six workmen to raise a block of hewn stone to the top of a piece of timber destined to support that stone so that the cord of the crane might be passed under it. The six men, all on one side of the stone, united their efforts to raise it to eight or ten inches from the ground, sweating and blowing, while a seventh, got ready when there should be daylight enough beneath it, to slide in the roller that was to support it. But the stone had already twice escaped from their hands before gaining a sufficient height for the roller to be introduced. There can be no doubt that every time the stone escaped them they bounded quickly backward, to keep their feet from being crushed by the retailing stone. Every time the stone, abandoned by them, sank deeper into the damp earth, which lendered the operation more and more difficult. A third effort was lollowed by no better success, but with progressive dis- couragement. And yet, when the six men were bent to- ward the stone, the man with the feathers had himself, with a powerful voice, given the word of command, "Firm!" which presides over all maneuvers of strength. Then he drew himself up. "Oh! oh!" said he, "what is all this about? Have I to do with men of straw? Come de bcenf! stand on one side, and you shall see how this is to be done." THE VTCOMTE DE SRAGELONNE. 447 "Pesfe!" said D'Artagnau, "will he pretend to raise that rock? That would bo a sight worth looking at." The workmen, as oommanded by the engineer, drew back with their ears down, and, shaking their heads, with the exception of the one who held the plank, who prepared k» perform the office. The man with the feathers went up to the stone, stooped, slipped his hands under the face lying upon the ground, stiffened his Herculean muscles, and, without a strain, with a slow motion, like that of a machine, be lifted the end of the rock a foot from the ground. The workman who held the plank profited by the space thus given him, and slipped the roller under the stone. "That's the way," said the giant, not letting the rock fall again, but placing it upon its support. "Mordioux I cried D'Artagnan, "I know but one man capable of such a feat of strength." "Ilein!" cried the colossus, turning round. "Porthos!" murmured D'Artagnan, seized with stupor, "Porthos at Belle-Isle?" On his part, the man with the feathers fixed his eyes upon the disguised lieutenant, and, in spite of his met- amorphosis, recognized him. "D'Artagnan!" cried he; and the color mounted to his face. "Hush!" said he to D'Artagnan. "Hush!" in his turn said the musketeer. In fact, if Porthos had just been discovered by D'Artagnan, D'Ar- tagnan had just been discovered by Porthos. The interest you recognized me, we embraced; and ma foil if you like, imy dear friend, we will embrace again." "Ah! now it is all explained," said Porthos; and he em- braced D'Artagnan with so much friendship as to deprive tthe musketeer of his breath for five minutes. "Why, you are stronger than ever," said D'Artagnan^ "and still in your arms." Porthos saluted D'Artagnan with a gracious smile. Dur- ing the five minutes D'Artagnan was recovering his breath, he reflected that he had a very difficult part to play. It was necessary that he should question without ever reply- ing. By the time his respiration returned > he had fixed his plan of the campaign. 450 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONITE. CHAPTER LXX. WHEREIN THE IDEAS OF D'ARTAGNAN, AT EIRST VERI TROUBLED, BEGIN TO CLEAR UP A XITTLE. D'Artagnan immediately took the offensive. "Now that I have told you all, my dear friend, or, rather, now you have guessed all, tell me what you are doing here, covered with dust and mud?" Porthos wiped his brow, and looked around him with pride. "Why, it appears," said he, "that you may see what I am doing here." "No doubt, no doubt, you lift great stones." "Oh! to show these idle fellows what a man is," said Porthos, with contempt. "But you understand " "Yes, that it is not your place to lift stones, although there are many whose place it is who cannot lift them as you do. It was that which made me ask you just now, 'What are you doing here, baron?' " "I am studying topography, chevalier." "You are studying topography?" "Yes; but you — what are you doing in that common dress?" D' Artagnan perceived he had committed a fault in giving expression to his astonishment. Porthos had taken advan- tage of it to retort with a question. "Why," said he, "you know I am a bourgeois, in fact; my dress, then, has nothing astonishing in it, since it con- forms with my condition." "Nonsense! you are a musketeer." "You are wrong, my friend; I have given in my resigna- tion." "Bah!" "Oh, mon Dieu ! yes." "And have you abandoned the service ?" "I have quitted it." "You have abandoned the king?" "Quite." Porthos raised his arms toward heaven, like a man who laas heard extraordinary news. "Well, that does confound me!" said he. &< It is, nevertheless, true." "And what led you to form such a resolution?" "The king displeased me. Mazarin had disgusted me THE VICOMTE t>E BRAGELONNE. 451 for a long time, as you know; so I threw my cassock to the nettles." "But Mazarin is dead." "I know that well enough, parbleu ! Only, at the period of his death, my resignation had been given in and accepted two months. Then, feeling myself free, I set off for Pierre- fonds, to see my friend Porthos. I had heard talk of the happy division you had made of your time, and I wished, for a fortnight, to divide mine after your fashion." "My friend, you know that it is not for a fortnight the house is open to you ; it is for a year — for ten years — for life." "Thank you, Portlios." "Ah! but perhaps you want money — do you?" said Por- thos, making something like fifty louis chink in his pocket. "In that case, you know " "No, thank you; lam not in want of anything. I placed my savings with Planchet, who pays me the interest of them." "Your savings?" "Y s, to be sure," said D'Artagnan. "Why should I mot put by savings, as well as another, Porthos?" "Oh, there is no reason why; on the contrary, I always 1 suspect d you — that is to say, Aram is always suspected you ito have savings. For my own part, d'ye see, I take no con- icern about the management of my household; but I pre- rgurae the savings of a musketeer must be small." "No doubt, relative to yourself, Porthos, who are a mil- lionaire; but i ou shall judge. I had laid by twenty-live ! thousand litres " "That's pretty well," said Porthos, with an affable air. "And,' continued D'Artagnan, "on the 28th of last month I added to it two hundred thousand livres more." Porthos opened his large eyes, which eloquently de- manded of the musketeer, 'Where the devil did you steal such a sum as that, my dear friend?" "Two hundred thousand livres!" cried he, at length. "Yes; which, with the twenty-five I had, and twenty thousand I have about me, complete the sum of two hun- ; dred and forty-five thousand livres." "But tell me, whence comes this fortune?" "I will tell you all about it presently, dear friend; but as you have, in the first place, many things to tell me your- self, let us place my recital in its proper rank." "Bravo!" said Porthos; "then we are both rich. But what can I have to relate to you?" 452 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOKNE. "You have to relate to me how Aramis came to be named " "Ah! Bishop of Vannes." "That \r it," said D'Artagnan, "Bishop of Vannes. Dear Aramis! do you know how he succeeded so well?" "Yes, yes; without reckoning that he does not mean to stop there." "What! do you mean he will not be contented with violet stockings, and that he wants a red hat?" "Hush! that is promised him." "Bah! by the king." "By somebody more powerful than the king." "Ah! the devil! Porthos, what incredible things you tell me, my friend!" "Why incredible? Is there not always somebody in France more po erful than the king?" "Oh, yes; in the time of King Louis XIII. it was Car- dinal .Richelieu; in the time of the regency it was Cardinal Mazarin. In the time of Louis XIV. it is Monsieur " "Goon." "It is Monsieur Fouquet." "Jove! you have hit it the first time." "So, then, I suppose it is Monsieur Fouquet who has promised Aramis the red hat?" Porthos assumed an air of reserve. "Dear friend," said he, "God preserve me from med- dling with the affairs of others, above all, from revealing secrets it may be to th"ir interest to be kept. When you see Aramis, he will tell you all he thinks he ought to tell you." "You are right, Porthos; and you are quite a padlock for safety. But, to revert to yourself." "Yes," said Porthos. "You said just now you came hither to study topography?" "I did so." "Tu Dieu! my friend, what fine things you will do!" "Hew do you mean?" "Why, these fortifications are admirable." "Is that your opinion?" "Doubtless it is. In truth, to anything but a regular siege, Belle-Isle is impregnable." Porthos rubbed his hands. "That is my opinon," said he. "But who the devil has fortified this paltry little place ir this manner?" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 453 Porthos drew himself up proudly: "Did not I tell you who?" "No." "Do you not suspect?" "No; all that I can say is that he is a man who has studied all the systems and who appears to me to have stopped at the best." "Hush!" said Porthos; "consider my modesty, my dear D'Artagnan." "In truth," replied the musketeer, "can it be you — who _oh— !" "Pray — my dear friend " "You, who have imagined, traced, and combined, between these bastions, these redans, these curtains, these half- moons, and are preparing that covered way?" "I beg you " "You who have built that lunette with its retiring angles and its salient angles." "My friend " "You who have given that inclination to the openings of your embrasures, by the means of which you so effectively protect the men who serve the guns." "Eh! mon Dieu ! yes." "Oh! Porthos, Porthos! I must bow down before you — I must admire you! But you have always concealed from us this superior genius. I hope, my dear friend, you will show me all this in detail?" "Nothing more easy. There is my plan." "Show it me." Porthos led D'Artagnan toward the stone which served him for a table, and upon which the plan was spread. At the foot of the plan was written, in the formidable writing of Porthos, writing of which we have already had occasion to speak: "Instead of making use of the square or rectangle, as has been done to this time, you will suppose your place in- closed in a regular hexagon, this polygon having the advan- tage of offering more angles than the quadrilateral one. Every side of your hexagon, of which you will determine the length in proportion to the dimensions taken upon the place, will be divided into two parts, and upon the middle point you will elevate a perpendicular toward the center of the polygon, which will equal in length the sixth part of the side. By the extremities of each side of the polygon you will trace two diagonals, which will cut the perpendicu- lar. These two rights will form the lines of the defense." 454 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "The devil!" said D'Artagnan, stopping at this point of the demonstration. "Why, this is a complete system, Porthos." "Entirely," said Porthos. "Will yon continue?" "No; I have read enough of it; but, since it is you, my dear Porthos, who direct the works, what need have you of setting down your system so formally in writing?" "Oh, mv dear friend, death!" "How death?" "Why, we are all mortal, are we not?" "That is true," said D'Artagnan; "you have a reply for everything, my friend/' And he placed the plan upon the stone. But however short a time he had the plan in his hands, D'Artagnan had been able to distinguish, under the enor- mous writing of Porthos, a much more delicate hand, which reminded him of certain letters to Marie Michon, with which he had been acquainted in his youth. Only the India-rubber had passed and repassed so often over this writing that it might have escaped a less practised eye than that of our musketeer. "Bravo! my friend, bravo!" said D'Artagnan. "And now you know all that you want to know, do you not?" said Porthos, wheeling about. " Mordioux! yes, only do me one last favor, dear friend." "Speak; I am master here." "Do me the pleasure to tell me the name of that gentle- man who is walking yonder." "Where— there?" "Behind the soldiers." "Followed by a lackey?" "Exactly." "In company with a mean sort of fellow dressed in black?" "Yes, I mean him." "That is Monsieur Getard." "And who is Getard, my friend?" "He is the architect of the house." "Of what house?" "Of Monsieur Fouquet's house." "Ah! ah!" cried D'Artagnan, "you are of the household of Monsieur Fouquet, then, Porthos?" "I! what do you mean by that?" said the topographer, blushing to the top of his ears. "Why, you say the house, when speaking of Belle-Isle, as if you were speaking of the chateau of Pii" 'efonds." THE VICOMTE DE BRA.GELOXXE, 455 Porthos bit his lips. ''Belle-Isle, my friend," said he, "belongs to Monsieui Fouquet, does it not?" "Yes, I believe so." "As Pierrefonds belongs to me?" "I told you I believed so; there are not two words to that." "Did you ever see a man there who is accustomed to walk about with a ruler in his hand?" "No; but I might have seen him there, if he really walked there." "Well, that gentleman is Monsieur Boulingrin." "Who is Monsieur Boulingrin?" "Now we come to it. If, when this gentleman is walk- ing with a ruler in his hand, any one should ask me, 'Who is Monsieur Boulingrin?' I should reply,' He is the archi- tect of the house.' Well, Monsieur Getard is the Boulin- grin of Monsieur Fouquet. But he has nothing to do with the fortifications, which are my department alone. Do you understand? — mine, absolutely mine." "Ah! Porthos," cried D'Artagnan, letting his arms fall as a conquered man gives up his sword; "ah! my friend, you are not only a Herculean topographer, you are, still further, a dialectician of the first water." "Is it not powerfully reasoned?" said Porthos; and he puffed and blew like the conger which D'Artagnan had let slip from his hand. "And now," said D'Artagnan, "that shabby-looking man, who accompanies Monsieur Getard, is he also of the household of Monsieur Fouquet?" "Oh, yes!" said Porthos, with contempt; "it is one Mon- sieur Jupenet, or Juponet, a sort of poet." "Who is to come to establish himself here?" "I believe so." "I thought Monsieur Fouquet had poets enough yonder — Scudery, Loret, Pellisson, La Fontaine? If I must tell you the truth, Porthos, that poet disgraces you." "Eh! my friend, but what saves us is that he is not here as a poet." "As what then, is he?" "As printer. And you make me remember I have a word to say to the cuistre." "Say it then." Porthos made a sign to Jupenet, who perfectly recollected D'Artagnan, and did not care to come nearer; which natu- 456 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. rally produced another sign from Porthos. Thi? was so im- perative he was obliged to obey. As he approached: "Come, hither," said Porthos. "You only landed yester- day, and you have begun your tricks already." "How so, Monsieur le Baron?" asked Jupenet, trembling. "Your press was groaning all night, monsieur," said Porthos, "and you prevented my sleeping, come de boettf!" "Monsieur — "objected Jupenet timidly. "You have nothing yet to print; therefore, you have no occasion to set your press going. What did you print last night?" "Monsieur, a light poem of my own composition." "Light! no, no, monsieur; the press groaned pitifully with it. Let that not happen again. Do you understand?" "No, monsieur." "You promise me?" "I do, monsieur." "Very well; this time I pardon you. Adieu." "Well, now we have combed that fellow's head, let us breakfast." "Yes," replied D'Artagnan; "let us breakfast." "Only," said Porthos, I beg you to observe, my friend, that we have only two hours for our repast." "What would you have? We will try to make enough of it. But why have you only two hours?" "Because it is high tide at one o'clock, and, with the tide, I am going to Vannes. But, as I shall return to- morrow, my dear friend, you can stay here; you shall be master; I have a good cook and a good cellar." "No," interrupted D'Artagnan, "better than that." "What?" "You are going to Vannes, you say?" "To a certainty." "To see Aramis?" "Yes." 1 "Well, I came from Paris on purpose to see Aramis." "That is true." "I will go with you, then." "Do; that's the thing." "Only, I ought to have seen Aramis first, and you after. But man proposes, and God disposes. I have begun with you, and will finish with Aramis." "Very well." "And in how many hours can you go from hence t;' Vannes?" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 457 "Oh! pardieu! in six hours. Three hours by sea to Sarzeau, three hours by road from Sarzeau to Valines." "How convenient that is! Being so near to the bishopric, do you often go to Vannes?" "Yes; once a week. But, stop till I get my plan." Porthos picked up his plan, folded it carefully, and in- gulfed it in his large pocket. "Good!" said D'Artagnan aside; "I think I now know the true engineer who is fortifying Belle-Isle." Two hours after, at high tide, Porthos and D'Artagnan set out for Sarzeau. CHAPTER LXXI. A PROCESSION AT VANNES. The passage from Belle-Isle to Sarzeau was made rapidly enough, thanks to one of those little corsairs of which D'Ar- tagnan had been told during his voyage, and which, shaped for fast sailing and destined for the chase, were sheltered at that time in the road of Loc-Maria, where one of them, with a quarter of its war-crew, performed the duty between Belle-Isle and the continent. D'Artagnan had an oppor- tunity of convincing himself that Porthos, though engineer and topographer, was not deeply versed in affairs of state. His perfect ignorance, with any other, might have passed for well-informed dissimulation. But D'Artagnan knew too well all the folds and refolds of his Porthos not to find a secret if there were one there; like those regular, minute old bachelors, who know how to find, with their eyes shut, each book on the shelves of their library, and each piece of linen in their wardrobe. Then, if he had found nothing, that cunning D'Artagnan, in rolling and unrolling his Porthos, it was because, in truth, there was nothing to be found. "Be it so," said D'Artagnan; "I shall know more at Vannes in half an hour than Porthos has known at Belle- Isle in two months. Only, in order that I may know some- thing, it is important that Porthos does not make use of the only stratagem I leave at his disposal. He must not warn Aramis of my arrival." All the cares of the musketeer were then, for the mo- ment, confined to the watching of Porthos. And let us hasten to say, Porthos did not deserve all this mistrust. 458 THE VTCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. Porthos thought of no evil. Perhaps, on first seeing him, D'Artagnan had inspired him with a little suspicion; but almost immediately D'Artagnan had reconquered in that good and brave heart the place he had always occupied, and not the least cloud darkened the large eye of Porthos, fixed from time to time with tenderness on his friend. On landing, Porthos inquired if his horses were waiting, and he soon perceived them at the crossing of the road which turns round Sarzeau, and which, without passing through that little city, leads toward Vannes. These horses were two in number, one for M. de Vallon, and one for his equerry; for Porthos had an equerry since Mouston was only able to use a carriage as a means of locomotion. D'Ar- tagnan expected that Porthos would propose to send for- ward his equerry upon one horse to bring back another horse, and he, D'Artagnan, had made up his mind to oppose this proposition. But nothing that D'Artagnan had ex- pected happened. Porthos simply told the equerry to dis- mount and await his return at Sarzeau, while D'Artagnan would ride his horse; which was done. "Eh! but you are quite a man of precaution, my dear Porthos," said D'Artagnan to his friend, when he found himself in the saddle upon the equerry's horse. "Yes; but this is a kindness on the part of Aramis. I have not my stud here, and Aramis has placed his stables at my disposal." "Good horses for bishop's horses, mordioux!" said D'Ar- tagnan. "It is true, Aramis is a bishop of a peculiar kind." "He is a holy man," replied Porthos, in a tone almost nasal, and with his eyes raised toward heaven. "Then he is much changed," said D'Artagnan; "you and I have known him passably profane." "Grace has touched him," said Porthos. "Bravo!" said D'Artagnan, "that redoubles my desire to see my dear old friend." And he spurred his horse, which sprang off into a more rapid pace. ''Peste!" said Porthos, "if we go on at this rate, we shall only take one hour instead of two." "To go how far, do you say, Porthos?" "Four leagues and a half." "That will be a good pace." "I could have embarked you on the canal, but the devil take rowers and boat-horses! The first are like tortoises, the second like snails; and when a man s able to put s THE V1C0MTE DE BKAGELONNE. 459 good horse between his knees, that horse is better worth than rowers or any other means." ''You are right; you above all, Porthos, who always look magnificent on horseback." "Rather heavy, my friend; I was weighed the other day." "And what do you weigh?" "Three hundredweight," said Porthos proudly. "Bravo!" "So that you must perceive that I am forced to choose horses whose loins are straight and wide; otherwise I break them down in two hours." "Yes, giant's horses you must have, must you not?" "You are very polite, my friend," replied the engineer, with an affectionate majesty. "As a case in point," replied D'Artagnan, "your horse seems to sweat already." "Dame! It is hot. Ah, ah! do you see Vannes now?" "Yes, perfectly. It is a handsome city, apparently." "Charming, according to Aramis, at least; but I think it black; but black seems to be considered handsome by artists; I am very sorry for it." "Why so, Porthos?" "Because I have lately had my chateau of Pierrefonds, which was gray with age, plastered white." "Humph!" said D'Artagnan, "but white is more cheer- ful." "Yes, but it is less august, as Aramis tells me. Fortu- nately, there are dealers in black as well as white. I will have Pierrefonds replastered in black; that is the whole of it. If gray is handsome, you understand, my friend, black must be superb." "Da?ne!" said D'Artagnan, "that appears logical." "Were you never at Vannes, D'Artagnan?" "Never." "Then you know nothing of the city?" "Nothing." "Well, look!" said Porthos, raising himself in his stir- rups, which made the fore-quarters of his horse bend sadly. "Do you see that corner, in the sun, yonder?" "Yes, I see it plainly." "Well, that is the cathedral." "Which is called?" "St.. Pierre. Now look agaii- -ii? the faubourg, on the left, do you see another cross' ' "Perfectly well" 460 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. ''That is St. Paterae, the parish preferred by Aram is." "Indeed!" "Without doubt. St. Paterae, see you, passes for hav- ing been the first bishop of Vannes. It is true that Aramis pretends that he was not. But he is so learned that that may be only a paro — a para " "But a paradox," said D'Artagnan. "Precisely; thank you; my tongue slips, I am so hot." "My friend," said D'Artagnan, "continue your interest- ing description, I beg. What is that large white building with many windows?" "Oh! that is the college of the Jesuits. Pardieu ! you have a lucky hand. Do you see, close to the college, a large house with steeples, turrets, and built in a handsome Gothic style, as that brute, Monsieur Getard, says?" "Yes, that is plainly to be seen. Well?" "Well, that is where Aramis resides." "What! does he not reside at the episcopal palace?" "No, that is in ruins. The palace likewise is in the city, and Aramis prefers the faubourgs. That is why, as I told you, he is partial to St. Paterae; St. Paterae is in the fau- bourg. Besides, there are in this faubourg a mail, a tennis- court, and a house of Dominicans. Look, that where the handsome steeple rises to the heavens." "Well?" "Next, see you, the faubourg is like a separate city; it has its walls, its towers, its ditches; the quay is upon it likewise, and the boats land at the quay. If our little cor- sair did not draw eight feet of water, we could have come full sail up to Aramis' windows." "Porthos, Porthos," cried D'Artagnan, "you are a well of knowledge, a spring of ingenious and profound reflections Porthos, you no longer surprise me, you confound me." "Here we are arrived," said Porthos, turning the con- versation with his usual modesty. "And high time we were," thought D'Artagnan, "for Aramis' horse is melting away like a horse of ice." They entered almost at the same instant into the fau- bourg; but scarcely had they gone a hundred paces when they were surprised to find the streets strewed with leaves and flowers. Against the old walls of Vannes were hung the oldest and the strangest tapestries of France. From over balconies fell long white sheets stuck all over with bouquets. The streets were deserted; it was plain that the whole popula- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 461 tion was assembled an one point. The blinds were closed, and the breeze penetrated into the houses under the hang- ings, which cast long black shades between their places of issue and the walls. Suddenly, at the turning of a street, chants struck the ears of the newly arrived travelers. A crowd in holiday garb appeared through the vapors of incense which mounted to the heavens in blue flocks, and clouds of rose-leaves flew up as high as the first stories, Above all heads were to be seen the cross and banners, the sacred symbols of religion. Then, beneath these crosses and banners, as if protected by them, was a whole world of young girls clothed in white, and crowned with cornflowers. At the two sides of the street, inclosing the cortege, marched the guards of the garrison, carrying bouquets in the barrels of their muskets and on the points of their lances. This was a procession. While D'Artagnan and Porthos were looking on with a fervor of good taste, which dis- guised an extreme impatience to get forward, a magnificent dais approached, preceded by a hundred Jesuits and a hun- dred Dominicans, and escorted by two archdeacons, a treas- urer, a plenipotentiary, and twelve canons. A chanter with a thundering voice — a chanter certainly picked out from all the voices of France, as was the drum-mi^jorof the Imperial Guard from all the giants of the empire — a chanter escorted by four other chanters, who appeared to be there only to serve him as an accompaniment, made the air resound, and the windows of all the houses vibrate. Under the dais ap- peared a pale and noble countenance, with black eyes, black hair streaked with threads of white, a delicate, compressed mouth, a prominent and angular chin. This head, full of graceful majesty, was covered with the episcopal miter, a headdress which gave it, in addition to the character of sovereignty, that of asceticism and evangelic meditation. "Aramis!" cried the musketeer involuntarily, as this lofty countenance passed before him. The prelate started at the sound of the voice. He raised his large black eyes, with their long lashes, and turned them without hesitation toward the spot whence the exclamation proceeded. At a glance he saw Porthos and D'Artagnan close to him. On his part, D'Artagnan, thanks to the keenness of his sight, had seen all, seized all. The full portrait of the prelate had entered his memory, never to leave it. One thing had particularly struck D'Artagnan. On perceiving him, Aramis had colored, then he had concentrated under his eyelids the fire of the look of the master and the impercep- 462 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. tible affection of the look of the friend. It was evident that Aramis addressed this question to himself: "Why is D'Artagnan with Porthos, and what does he want at Vali- nes?" Aramis comprehended all that was passing in the mind of D'Artagnan, on turning his look upon him again, and seeing that he had not lowered his eyes. He knew the acuteness and intelligence of his friend; he feared to let him divine the secret of his blush and his astonishment. He was still the same Aramis, always having a secret to conceal. Therefore, to put an end to this look of an in- quisitor, which it was necessary to get rid of at all events, as, at any price, a general extinguishes a battery which annoys him, Aramis stretched forth his beautiful white hand, upon which sparkled the amethyst of the pastoral ring; he cut the air with the sign of the cross, and poured out his benediction upon his two friends. Perhaps, thoughtless and absent, D'Artagnan, impious in spite of himself, might not have bent beneath this holy benediction, but Porthos saw his distraction, and laying his friendly hand upon the back of his companion, he crushed him down toward the earth. D'Artagnan was forced to give way; indeed, he was little short of being flat on the ground. In the meantime Aramis had passed. D'Artagnan, like Antaeus, had only touched the ground, when he turned toward Porthos, almost angry. But there was no mistak- ing the intention of the brave Hercules; it was a feeling of religious propriety that had influenced him. Besides, speech, with Porthos, instead of disguising his thought, always completed it. "It is very polite of him," said he, "to have given his benediction to us alone* Decidedly, he is a holy man, and a brave man." Less convinced than Porthos, D'Artagnan made no reply. "Observe, my friend," continued Porthos, "he has seen lis; and, instead of continuing to walk on at the simple pace of the procession, as he did just now — see, what a hurry he is in; do you see how the cortege is increasing its speed? He is eager to join us and embrace us, is that dear Aramis." "That is true," replied D'Artagnan aloud. Then, to himself: "It is equally true he has seen me, the fox, and will have time to prepare himself to receive me." But the procession had passed; the road was free. D'Ar tagnan and Porthos walked straight up to the episcopus palace^, which was surrounded by a numerous o-nwd. anx THE VICOMTE PE BRAGELOtflfE. 463 ious to see the prelate return. D'Artagnan remarked that this crowd was composed principally of citizens and mili- tary men. He recognized in the nature of these partisans the address of his friend. Aramis was not the man to seek for a useless popularity. He cared very little for being be- loved by people who could be of no service to him. Women, children, and old men, that is to say, the cortege of ordi- nary pastors, was not the cortege for him. Ten minutes after the two friends had passed the thres- hold of the palace, Aramis returned like a triumphant con- queror; the soldiers presented arms to him as to a superior; the citizens bowed to him as to a friend and a patron, rather than as the head of the Church. There was something in Aramis resembling those Roman senators who had their doors always surrounded by clients. At the foot of the prison he had a conference of half a minute with a Jesuit, who, in order to speak to him more secretly, passed his head under the dais. He then re-entered his palace; the doors closed slowly, and the crowd melted away, while chants and prayers were still resounding abroad. It was a magnificent day. Earthly perfumes were mingled with the perfumes of the air and the sea. The city breathed happi- ness, joy, and strength. D'Artagnan felt something like the presence of an invisible hand which had, ail-powerfully, created this strength, this joy, this happiness, and spread (everywhere these perfumes. "Oh! oh!" said he, "Porthos has got fat; but Aramis is ; grown taller!" CHAPTER LXXI1. THE GRANDEUR OF THE BISHOP OF VANNES. Porthos and D'Artagnan had entered the bishop's resi dence by a private door, as his personal friends. Of course, Porthos served D'Artagnan as guide. The worthy baron comported himself everywhere rather as if he were at home. Nevertheless, whether it was a tacit acknowledgment of the sanctity of the personage of Aramis and his character, or the habit of respecting him who imposed upon him morally. a vorthy habit which had always made Porthos a model soldier and an excellent companion; for all these reasons, say we, Porthos preserved in the palace of His Greatness Hie Bishop of Yannes a sort of reserve ^hich D'Artagnan 464 THI VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. remarked at once, in the attitude he took with respect tc the valets and officers. And yet this reserve did not go so far as to prevent hisasking questions. Porthos questioned. They learned that his greatness had just returned to his apartment, and was preparing to appear in familiar in- timacy, less majestic than he had appeared with his flock. After a quarter of an hour, which D'Artagnan and Porthoa passed in looking mutually at each other with the whites of their eyes, and turning their thumbs in all the different evolutions which go from north to south, a door of the chamber opened and his greatness appeared, dressed in the undress, complete, of a prelate. Aramis carried his head high, like a man accustomed to command; his violet robe was tucked up on one side, and his white hand was on his hip. He had retained the fine mustache and the length- ened royale of the time of Louis XIII. He exhaled, on en- tering, that delicate perfume which, among elegant men and women of high fashion, never changes, and appears to be incorporated in the person, of whom it has become the natural emanation. In this case only, the perfume had retained something of the religious sublimity of incense. It no longer intoxicated, it penetrated; it no longer in- spired desire, it inspired respect. Aramis, on entering the chamber, did not hesitate an instant; and without pro- nouncing one word, which, whatever it might be, would have been cold on such an occasion, he went straight up to the musketeer, so well disguised under the costume of M. Agnan, and pressed him in his arms with a tenderness which the most distrustful could not have suspected of cole' ness or affectation. D'Artagnan, on his part, embraced him with equal ardor. Porthos pressed the delicate hand of Aramis in his immense hands, and D'Artagnan remarked that his greatness gave him his left hand, probably from habit, seeing that Porthos already ten times had been near injuring his fingers, covered with rings, by pounding his flesh in the vise of his fist. Warned by the pain, Aramis was cautious, and only pre- sented flesh to be bruised, and not fingers to be crushed, against gold or the angles of diamonds. Between two embraces Aramis looked D'Artagnan in the face, offered him a chair, sitting down himself in the shade, observing that the light fell full upon the face of his inter- locutor. This maneuver, familar to diplomatists and women, resembles much the advantage of the guard which, according to their skill or habit, combatants endeavor to THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 465 'take on the ground at a duel. D'Artagnan was not the dupe of this maneuver; but he did not appear to perceive it. He felt himself caught; but precisely because he was : caught, he felt himself on the road to discovery, and it little imported to him, old condottiere as he was, to be f beaten in appearance, provided he drew from his pretended i defeat the advantages of victory. Aramis began the con- versation. "Ah! dear friend, my good D'Artagnan," said he ; "what an excellent chance!" "It is a chance, my reverend companion," said D'Artag man, "that I will call friendship. I seek you, as I always I have sought you, when I had any grand enterprise to pro- ipose to you, or some hours of liberty to give you=" "Ah, indeed," said Aramis, without explosion, "you have been seeking me?" "Eh! yes, he has been seeking you, Aramis," said Por- I thos, "and the proof is that he has unharbored me at Belle- t Isle. That is amiable, is it not?" "Ah! yes," said Aramis, "at Belle-Isle! Certainly." "Good!" said D'Artagnan; "there is my booby Porthos, without thinking of it, has fired the first cannon of attack." "At Belle-Isle!" said Aramis, "in that hole, in that desert! That is kind, indeed!" "And it was I who told him you were at Vannes," con- I tinued Porthos, in the same tone. D'Artagnan armed his mouth with a finesse almost ironical. "Yes, I knew, but I was willing to see," replied he. "To see what?" "If our old friendship still held out, if, on seeing each I other, our heart, hardened as it is by age, would still let the (> old cry of joy escape which salutes the coming of a friend. "Well, and you must have been satisfied," said Aramis. "So, so." "How is that?" "Yes, Porthos said hush, and you " "Well, and I?" "And you gave me your benediction." "What would you have, my friend?" said Aramis, smil- ing; "that is the most precious thing that a poor prelate . like me has to give." "Indeed, my dear friend!" "Doubtless." "And yet they say at Paris that the bishopric of Vannes is one of the best in Praace'*' 466 THE VICOMTE DE BRAOELONXE. "Ah! you are now speaking of temporal wealth," said Aramis, with a careless air. "To be sure, I wish to speak of that; I hold by it, on my part. 1 ' "In that case, let me speak of it," said Aramis, with a smile. "You own yourself to be one of the richest prelates in France?" "My friend, since you ask me to give you an account, I will tell you that the bishopric of Vannes is worth about twenty thousand livres a year, neither more nor less. It is a diocese which contains a hundred and sixty parishes." "That is very pretty," said D'Artagnan. "It is superb!" said Porthos. "And yet," resumed D'Artagnan, throwing his eyes over Aramis, "you don't mean to bury yourself here forever?" "Pardon me. Only I do not admit the word bury." "But it seems to me that at this distance from Paris a man is buried, or nearly so." "My friend, I am getting old," said Aramis; "the noise and bustle of a city no longer suit me. At fifty-seven we ought to seek calm and meditation. I have found them here. What is there more beautiful, and stern at the same time, than this old Amorica? I find here, dear D'Artag- nan, all that is opposite to what I formerly loved, and that is what must happen ;>t the end of life, which is opposite to the beginning. A little of my old pleasure of former times still comes to salute me here, now and then, without divert- ing me from the road of salvation. I am still of this world, and yet every step that I take brings me nearer to God." "Eloquent, wise, and discreet, you are an accomplished prelate, Aramis, and I offer you my congratulations." "But," said Aramis, smiling, "you did not come here only for the purpose of paying me compliments. Speak: what brings you hither? May it be that, in some fashion :t other, you want me?" "Thank God, no, my friend," said D'Artagnan; "it is nothing of that kind. I am rich and free." "Eich!" exclaimed Aramis. "Yes, rich for me, not for you, or Porthos, understand. I have an income of about fifteen thousand livres." Aramis looked at him suspiciously. He could not believe — particularly on seeing his friend in such humble guise — that he had made so fine a fortune. Then D'Artagnan, seeing that the hour for explanations was come, related tho THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. 46? history of his English adventures. During the recital he saw ten times the eyes of the prelate sparkle and his slender lingers work convulsively. As to Porthos, it was not ad- miration he manifested for D'Artagnan; it was enthusiasm, it was delirium. When D'Artagnan had finished: "Well," said Aramis. "Well," said D'Artagnan, "you see, then.. I have in Eng- land friends and property, in France a treasure. If youi heart tells you so, I offer them to you. That is what J came here for." However firm was his look, he could not this tim:, sup^ port the look of Aramis. He allowed, therefore, his eye to stray upon Porthos — like the sword which yields to too powerful a pressure, and seeks another road. "At all events," said the bishop, "you have assumed a singular traveling costume, old friend." "Frightful! I know it is. You may understand why I would not travel asacaralier or noble; since I became rich I am miserly." "And you say, then, you came to Belle-Isle," said Aramis, without transition. "Yes," replied D'Artagnan; "I knew I should find you and Porthos there." "Find me!" cried Aramis. "Me! For the last year past I have not once crossed the sea." "Oh!" said D'Artagnan, "I should never have supposed you such a housekeeper." "Ah, dear friend, I must tell you that 1 am no longer the man of former times. Eiding on horseback is unpleasant to me; the sea fatigues me; I am a poor, ailing priest, always complaining, always grumbling, and inclined to the austeri- ties which appear to accord with old age — parleys with death. I abide, my dear D'Artagnan, I abide." "Well, that is all the better, my friend, for we aha)) probably become neighbors soon." "Bah!" said Aramis, with a degree of surprise be chd not even seek to dissemble. "You my neighbor?" " Morchoux! yes." "How so?" "I am about to purchase some very profitable salt mines^ which are situated between Pirial and Croisic. Imagine, my friend, a clear profit of twelve per cent. Never any deficiency, never any idle expenses; the ocean, faithful and regular, brings every six hours its contingent to my coffers. I am the first Parisian who has dreamed of such a specula* tion. Do not say anything about it, I beg of you, and in * 468 THE TICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. short time we will communicate on the matter. I am to have three leagues of country for thirty thousand livres." Aramis darted a look at Porthos, as if to ask if all this were true, if some snare were not concealed beneath this outward indifference. But soon, as if ashamed of having consulted this poor auxiliary, he collected all his forces for a fresh assault and a fresh defense. "I heard that you had had some difference with the court) ,but that you had come out of it, as you know how to come out of everything, D'Artagnan, with the honors of war." "I!" said the musketeer, with a burst of laughter that could not conceal his embarrassment; for, from these words, Aramis was not unlikely to be acquainted with his last rela- tions with the king. "I! Oh, tell me all about that, pray, Aramis." "Yes, it was related to me, a poor bishop lost in the mid- dle of the Landes, that the king had taken you as the con- fidant of his amours." "With whom?" "With Mademoiselle de Mancini." D'Artagnan breathed freely again. "Ah! I don't say no to that," replied he. "It appears that the king took you, one morning, over the bridge of Blois to talk with his lady-love." "That's true," said D'Artagnan. "And you know that, do you? Well, then, you must know that the same day I gave in my resignation?" "What, sincerely?" "Nothing could be more sincere." "It was after that, then, that you went to the Comte de la Fere's?" "Yes." "Afterward to me?" "Yes." "And then Porthos?" "Yes." _ "Was it in order to pay us a simple visit?" "NO; I did not know you were engaged, and I wished to take you with me into England." "Yes, I understand; and then you executed alone, won- derful man as you are, what you wanted to propose to us all four to do. I suspected you had had something to do in that famous restoration when I learned that you had been seen at King Charles' receptions, and that he appeared to treat you like a friend, or, rather, like a person to whom he was und^" "*» obligation," THE VICOMTE DE BRA.GELOK'NE. 469 "But how the devil could you learn all that?" asked D'Artagnan, who began to fear that the investigation of Aramis would extend further than he wished. "Dear D'Artagnan," said the prelate, "my friendship resembles, in a degree, the solicitude of that night watch whom we have in the little tower of the mole at the extrem- ity of the quay. That brave man, every night, lights a lantern to direct the barks which come from sea. He is concealed in his sentry-box, and the fishermen do not see him; but he follows them with interest; he divines them; he calls them; he attracts them into the way to the port. I resemble this watcher. From time to time some news reaches me, and recalls to my remembrance all that I loved. Then I follow the friends of old days over the stormy ocean of the world, I, a poor watcher, to whom God has kindly given the shelter of a sentry-box." "Well, what did I do when I came from England?" "Ah! there," replied Aramis, "you get out of my sight. I know nothing of you since your return, D'Artagnan; my sight grows thick. I regretted you did not think of me. I wept over your forgetfulness. I was wrong. I see you again, and it is a festival, a great festival, I swear to you! How is Athos?" "Very well, thank you." "And our young pupil, Kaoul?'* "He seems to have inherited the skill of his father, Athos, and the strength of his tutor, Porthos." "And on what occasion have you been able to judge of that?" "Eh! mon Dieu! the eve of my departure from Paris." "Indeed! what was it?" "Yes; there was an execution at the Greve, and in con- sequence of that excution, a riot. We happened, by acci- dent, to be in the riot; and in this riot we were obliged tc have recourse to our swords. And he did wonders." "Bah! what did he do?" "Why, in the first place, he threw a man out of the win- dow, as he would have thrown a bale of cotton." "Come, that's pretty well," said Porthos. "Then he drew, and cut and thrust away, as we fellsows used to do in good old times." "And what was the cause of this riot?" said Porthos. D'Artagnan remarked upon the face of Aramis a com- plete indifference to this question of Portho.s. "Why," said he, fixing his eyes upon Aramis, "on account 470 THE YICOMTE DE BRAGELOXXE. of two farmers of the revenues, friends of Monsieur Fou- quet, whom the king forced to disgorge their plunder, and then hanged them." A scarcely perceptihle contraction of the prelate's brow showed that he had heard D'Artagnan's reply. "Oh, oh!" said Porthos; "and what were the names of these friends of Monsieur Fouquet?" "Messieurs d'Eymeris and Lyodot," said D'Artagnan. ;< Do you know those names, Aramis?" "No," said the prelate disdainfully; "they sound like the names of financiers." "Exactly; so they were." "Oh! Monsieur Fouquet allows his friends to be hanged, then!" said Porthos. "And why not?" said Aramis. "Why, it seems to me " "If these culprits were hanged, it was by order of the king. Now, Monsieur Fouquet, although surintendant of the finances, has not, I believe, the right of life and death." "That may be," said Porthos; "but in the place of Mon- sieur Fouquet " Aramis was afraid Porthos was about to say something awkward, so interrupted him. "Come, D'Artagnan," said he; "this is quite enough about other people; let us talk a little about you." "Of me you know all that I can tell you. On the con- trary, let me hear a little about you, Aramis." "I have told you, my friend. There is nothing of Aramis left in me." "Nor of the Abbe d'Herblay even?" "No, not even of him. You see a man whom God has taken by the hand, whom He has conducted to a position that he could never have dared even to hope for." "God?" asked D'Artagnan. "Yes." "Well, that is strange! I have been told it was Monsieur Fouquet." "Who told you that?" cried Aramis, without being able, with all the power of his will, to prevent the color rising to his cheeks. "Ma foil why, Bazin." "The fool!" "I do not say he is a man of genius, it is true; but he told me so; and after him I repeat it to you." "1 have never seen Monsieur Fouquet," replied Aramis. with a look as pure and calm as that of a virgin who has never told, a lie. THE TICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNE. 471 "Well, but if you have seen him and known him, there is no harm in that," replied D'Artagnan. "Monsieur Fou- quet is a very good sort of a man." "Humph!" "A great politician." Aramis made a gesture of indifference. "An all-powerful minister." "I only hold of the king and the pope." "Dame! listen, then," said D'Artagnan, in the most natural tone imaginable. "I said that because everybody here swears by Monsieur Fouquet. The plain is Monsieur Fouquet's; the salt mines I am about to buy are Monsieur Fouquet's; the island in which Porthos studies topography is Monsieur Fouquet's; the garrison is Monsieur Fouquet's; the galleys are Monsieur Fouquet's. I confess, then, that nothing would have surprised me in your enfeoffment, or, rather, that of your diocese, to Monsieur Fouquet. He is another master than the king, that is all, and quite as powerful as the king." "Thank God, I am not enfeoffed to anybody; I belong to nobody, and am entirely my own," replied Aramis, who, during this conversation, followed with his eye every ges- ture of D'Artagnan, every glance of Porthos. But D'Ar- tagnan was impassible and Porthos motionless; the thrusts aimed so skillfully were parried by an able adversary; not one hit the mark. Nevertheless, both began to feel the fatigue of such a contest, and the announcement of supper was well received by everybody. Supper changed the course of conversation. Besides, they felt that, upon their guard, as each one had been, they could neither of them boast of having the advantage. Porthos had understood nothing of what had been meant. He had held himself motionless, because Aramis had made him a sign not to stir. Supper, for him, was nothing but supper; but that was quite enough for Porthos. The supper, then, went off very well. D'Artagnan was in high spirits. Aramis ex- ceeded himself in kind affability. Porthos eat like old Pelops. Their talk was of war, finance, the arts, and love. Aramis played astonishment at every word of politics D'Ar- tagnan risked. This long series of surprises increased the mistrust of D'Artagnan, as the eternal indifference of D'Artagnan provoked the suspicions of Aramis. At length D'Artagnan designedly uttered the name of Colbert; he had reserved that stroke for the last. "Who is this Colbert?" asked the bishop. 472 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Oh! come," said D'Artagnan to himself, "that is loo strong! We must be careful, mordioux ! we must be care- ful." And he then gave Aramis all the information re- specting M. Colbert he could desire. The supper, or, rather, the conversation, was prolonged till one o'clock in the morning between D'Artagnan and Aramis. At ten o'clock precisely Porthos had fallen asleep in his chair, and snored like an organ. At midnight he woke up, and they sent him to bed. "Hum!" said he, "I was near falling asleep; but that .Was all very interesting you were talking about." At one o'clock Aramis conducted D'Artagnan to the chamber destined for him, which was the best in the episcopal residence. Two servants were placed at his com- mand. , "To-mororw, at eight o'clock," said he, taking leave of D'Artagnan, "we will take, if agreeable to you, a ride on horseback with Porthos." "At eight o'clock!" said D'Artagnan. "So late?" "You know that I require seven hours' sleep," said Aramis. "That is true." "Good-night, dear friend." And he embraced the mus- keteer cordially. D'Artagnan allowed him to depart; then, as soon as the door was closed: "Good!" cried he, "at five o'clock I will be on foot." "This determination being made, he went" to bed, and "folded the pieces together," as people say. CHAPTER LXXIII. IN WHICH PORTHOS BEGINS TO BE SORRY FOR HAVING COME WITH D'ARTAGNAN. Scarcely had D'Artagnan extinguished his taper, when Aramis, who had watched through his curtains the last glimmer of light in his friend's apartment, traversed the corridor on tiptoe, and went to Porthos' room. The giant, who had been in bed nearly an hour and a half, lay grandly stretched out upon the down bed. He was in that happy calm of the first sleep, which, with Porthos, resisted the noise of bells or the report of cannula; his head swam in that soft oscillation which reminds us of the soothing move- THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONKE. 473 menfc of a ship. In a moment Porthos would have begun to dream. The door of the chamber opened softly under the delicate pressure of the hand of Aramis. The bishop approached the sleeper. A thick carpet deadened the sound of his steps, besides which Porthos snored in a man- ner to drown all noise. He laid one hand on his shoulder: "Rouse," said he; "wake up, my dear Porthos." The voice of Aramis was soft and kind, but it conveyed more than a notice — it conveyed an order. His hand was light, but it indicated a danger. Porthos heard the voice and felt the hand of Aramis, even in the profoundness of his sleep. He started up. "Who goes there?" said he, in his giant's voice. "Hush! hush! It is I," said Aramis. "You, my friend? And what the devil do you wake me for?" "To tell you that you must set off directly." "Set off?" "Yes." "Where for?" "For Paris." Porthos bounded up in his bed, and then sank back again, fixing his great eyes in terror upon Aramis. "For Paris?" "Yes." "A hundred leagues?" said he. "A hundred and four," said the bishop. "Oh/ mon Dieii !" sighed Porthos, lying down again, like those children who contend with their bonnes to gain an hour or two more sleep. "Thirty hours' riding," said Aramis firmly. "You know there are good relays." Porthos pushed out one leg, allowing a groan to escape him. "Come, come, my friend," insisted the prelate, with a sort of impatience. Porthos drew the other leg out of the bed. "And is it absolutely necessary that I should go?" said he. "Urgently necessary." Porthos got upon his feet, and began to shake both walls and floors with his steps of a marble statue. "Hush! hush! for the love of Heaven, my dear Porthos!" said Aramis, "you will wake somebody." "Ah! that's true," replied Porthos, in a voice of thun- dery "I forgot that; but be satisfied, I will observe." 474 THE VICOMTE BE BRAOELONNE. And so saying, he let fall a belt loaded with his sword and pistols, and ;i purse, from which the crowns escaped with a vibrating and prolonged noise. This noise made the blood of Aramis boil, while it drew from Porthos a for- midable burst of laughter. "How droll that is!" said he, in the same voice. "Not so loud, Porthos, not so loud." "True, true!" and he lowered his voice a half-note. "I was going to say," continued Porthos, "that it is droll that W3 are never so slow as when we are in a hurry, and never make so much noise as when we wish to be silent." "Yes, that is true; but let us give the proverb the lie, Porthos; let us make haste, and hold our tongues." "You see I am doing my best," said Porthos, putting on haut-de-ch misses. "Very well." "This seems to be something in haste?" "It is more than that, it is serious, Porthos." "Oh! oh!" "D'Artagnan has questioned you, has he not?" "Questioned me?" "Yes, at Belle-Isle." "Not the least in the world." "Are you sure of that Porthos?" " Parbleu ! It is impossible." "Recollect yourself." "He asked me what I was doing, and I told him — study- ing topography. I would have made use of another word which you employed one day." "Of castrametation?" "Yes, that's it; but I never could recollect it." "All the better. What more did he ask you?" "Who Monsieur Getard was." "Next?" "Who Monsieur Jupenet was." "He did not happen to see our plan of fortifications, did .he?" "Yes." "The devil he did!" "But don't be alarmed, I had rubbed out your writing with India-rubber. I was impossible for him to suppose you had given me any advice in those works." "Ay; but our friend has very keen eyes." "What are you afraid of?" "I fear that everything is discovered, Porthos; the matter THE VICOMTE DE BKAGELONNE. 475 is, then, to prevent a great misfortune. I have given orders to my people to close all the gates and doors. D'Ar- tagnan will not be able to get out before daybreak. Your horse is ready saddled; you will gain the first relay; by five o'clock in the morning you will have gone fifteen leagues. Come!" Aramis then assisted Porthos to dress, piece by piece, with as much celerity as the most skillful valet de cJiambre could have done. Porthos, half-confused, half-stupefied, let him do as he liked, and confounded himself in excuses. When he was ready, Aramis took him by the hand, and led him, making him place his foot with precaution on every step of the stairs, preventing him running against door- frames, turning him this way and that, as if Aramis had been the giant and Porthos the dwarf. Soul set fire to and elevated matter. A horse was waiting, ready saddled, in the courtyard. Porthos mounted. Then Aramis himself took the horse by the bridle, and led him over some dung spread in the yard, with the evident intention of suppress- ing noise. He, at the same time, pinched the horse's nose, to prevent him neighing. When arrived at the outward gate, drawing Porthos toward him, who was going off with- out even asking him what for: "Now, friend Porthos, now, without drawing bridle till you get to Paris," whispered he in his ear; "eat on horse- back, drink on horseback, sleep on horseback, but lose not minute." "That's enough; I will not stop." "This letter to Monsieur Fouquet; cost what it may, he must have it to-morrow before midday." "He shall have it." "And do not forget one thing, my friend.'* "What is that?" "That you are riding after your brevet of due and peer." "Oh! oh!" said Porthos, with his eyes sparkling; "I will do it in twenty-four hours, in that case." "Try to do so." "Then let go the bridle — and forward, Goliah!" Aramis did let go, not the bridle, but the horse's nose. Porthos released his hand, clapped spurs to his horse, which set off at a gallop. As long as he could distinguish Porthos through the darkness, Aramis followed him with his eyes; when he was completely out of sight, he re-entered the yard. Nothing had stirred in D'Artagnan's apartment. The valet placed on watch at the door had neither seen any light 476 THE VIC0MTE DE BRAGELONNE. nor heard a..y noise. Aramis closed his door carefully, seni the lackey to bed, and quickly sought his own; D'Artag- nan really suspected nothing, therefore thought, he had gained everything when he awoke in the morning about half- past four. He ran to the window in his shirt. The win- dow looked out upon the court. Day was dawning. The court. was deserted; the fowls, even, had not left their roosts. Not a servant appeared. All the doors were closed. "Good! perfect calm," said D'Artagnan to himself. "Never mind; I am up tirst in the house. Let us dress; that will be so much done." And D'Artagnan dressed himself. But, this time, he endeavored not to give to the costume of M. Agnan that bourgeoise and almost ecclesiastical rigidity he had affected before; he managed, by drawing his belt tighter, by button- ing his clothes in a different fashion, and by putting on his hat a little on one side, to restore to his person a little of that military character, the absence of which had surprised Aramis. This being done, he made free, or affected to make free, with his host, and entered his chamber without ceremony. Aramis was asleep, or feigned to be asleep. A large book lay open upon his night-desk, a wax-light was still burning above its silver plateau. This was more than enough to prove to D'Artagnan the innocence of the night of the prelate and the good intentions of his waking. The musketeer did to the bishop precisely as the bishop had clone to Porthos — he tapped him on the shoulder. Evi- dently Aramis pretended to sleep; for instead of waking suddenly, he who slept so lightly, he required a repetition of the summons. "Ah, ah! is that you?" said he, stretching his arms. "What an agreeable surprise! Ma foi ! Sleep had made me forget I had the happiness to possess you. What o'clock is it?" "I do not know," said D'Artagnan, a little embarrassed. 'Early, I believe. But, you know, that devil of a habit of making with the day sticks to me still." "Do you wish that we should go out so soon?" asked Aramis. "It appears to me to be very early." "Just as you like." "I thought we had agreed not to get on horseback before eight." "Possibly; but I have so great a wish to see you that T said to myself, the sooner the Better." "And my seven hours' sleep/' said Aramis; "take oars, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 477 I had reckoned upon them, and what I lose of them I must make up." "'But it seems to me that, formerly, you were less of a sleeper than that, dear friend; your blood was alive, and you were never to be found in bed."' "And it is exactly on account of what you tell me that I am so fond of being there now." "Then you confess that it is not for the sake of sleeping that you have put me off till eight o'clock?" "I have been afraid you would laugh at me if I told you the truth." "Tell me, notwithstanding." "Well, from six to eight I am accustomed to perform my devotions." "Your devotions?" "Yes." "I did not believe a bishop's exercises were so severe." "A bishop, my friend, must sacrifice more to appearances than a simple clerk." " Mordioux ! Aramis, that is a word which reconciles me with your greatness. To appearances! That is a mus- keteer's word, in good truth. Vive les apparences ! Aramis!" "Instead of felicitating me upon it, pardon me, D'Artag- nan. It is a very mundane word which I had allowed to escape me." "Must I leave you, then?" "I want time to collect my thoughts, my friend, and for my usual prayers." "Well, I leave you to them; but on account of that poor pagan, D'Artagnan, abridge them for once, I beg; I thirst for speech of you." "Well, D'Artagnan, I promise you that within an hour and a half " "An hour and a half of devotions! Ah! my friend, be as reasonable with me as you can. Let me have the best bargain possible." Aramis began to laugh. "Still agreeable, still young, still gay," said he. "You have come into my diocese to set me quarreling with grace." "Bah!" "And you know well that I was never able to resist your seductions; you will cost me my salvation, D'Artagnan." D'Artagnan bit his lips. "Well," said he, "I will take the sin on my own head; favor me with one simple Christian sign of the cross, favor me with one pater, and we will nart." 478 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "Hush!" said Aramis, "we are already no longer alone I hear strangers coming up." "Well, dismiss them." "Impossible; I made an appointment with them yester- day; it is the principal of the college of the Jesuits and the superior of the Dominicans." "Your staff? Well, so be it!" "What are you going to do?" "I will go and wake Porthos, and remain in his company till you have finished the conference." Aramis did not stir, his brow remained unbent, he be- trayed himself by no gesture or word. "Go," said he, as D'Artagnan advanced to the door. "Apropos, do you know where Porthos sleeps?" "No; but I can inquire." "Take the corridor, and open the second door on the left." "Thank you! au revoir." And D'Artagnan departed in the direction pointed out by Aramis. Ten minutes had not passed away when he came back. He found Aramis seated between the superior of the Dom- inicans and the principal of the college of the Jesuits, ex- actly in the same situation as he had found him formerly in the auberge at Crevecoeur. This company did not at all terrify the musketeer. "What is it?" said Aramis quietly. "You have, ap- parently, something to say to me, my friend." "It is," replied D'Artagnan, fixing his eyes upon Aramis, "it is that Porthos is not in his apartment." "Indeed," said Aramis calmly; "are you sure?" "Pardien! I came from his chamber." "Where can he be, then?" "That is what I ask you." "And have not you inquired ?" "Yes, I have." "And what answer did you get?" "That Porthos, often going out in a morning, without saying anything, was probably gone out." "What did you do, then?" "I went to the stables," replied D'Artagnan carelessly. "What to do?" "To see if Porthos was gone out on horseback." "And?" interrogated the bishop. "Well, there is a horse missing; stall No. 3, Goliah." All this dialogue, it may be easily understood, was Dot She vicomte de bragelonne. 479 exempt from a certain affectation on the part of the mus- keteer and a perfect complaisance on the part of Aramis. "Oh! I guess how it is," said Aramis, after having con- sidered for a moment; "Porthos is gone out to give us a ( surprise." "A surprise?" "Yes; the canal which goes from Vannes to the sea abounds in teal and snipe; that is Porthos' favorite sport, and he will bring us back a dozen for breakfast." "Do you think so?" said D'Artagnan. "I am sure of it. Where else can he be? I would lay a wager he took a gun with him." "Well, that is possible," said D'Artagnan. "Do one thing, my friend. Get on horseback and join him." "You are right," said D'Artagnan, "I will." "Shall I go with you?" "No, thank you; Porthos is rather remarkable; I will inquire as I go along." "Will you take an arquebuse?" "Thank you." "Order what horse you like to be saddled." "The one I rode yesterday, on coming from Belle-Isle." "So be it; use the horse as your own." Aramis rang, and gave orders to have the horse M. d Ar- tagnan had chosen saddled. D'Artagnan followed the servant charged with the ex- ecution of this order. When arrived at the door, the serv- ant drew oh one side to allow M. d'Artagnan to pass, and at that moment he caught the eye of his master. A knit- ting of the brow gave the intelligent spy to understand that all should be given to D'Artagnan he wished. D'Artagnan got into the saddle, and Aramis heard the steps of his horse on the pavement. An instant after, the servant returned. "Well?" asked the bishop. "Monseigneur, he has followed the course of the canal, and is going toward the sea," said the servant. "Very well!" said Aramis. In fact, D'Artagnan, dismissing all suspicion, hastened toward the ocean, constantly hoping to see in the Landes, or on the beach, the colossal profile of Porthos. He per- sisted in fancying he could trace a horse's steps in every puddle. Sometimes he imagined he heard the report of a gun. This illusion lasted three hours; during two of them he went forward in search of his friepd. in the last he re- turned to the house. 480 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOtfNE. "We must have crossed," said he, "and I shall find them waiting for me at table." D'Artagnan was mistaken. He no more found Porthos at the palace than he had found him on the seashore. Aramis was waiting for him at the top of the stairs, look- ing very much concerned. "Did my people not find you, my dear D'Artagnan?" eried he, as soon as he caught sight of the musketeer. "No; did you send any one after me?" "I am deeply concerned, my friend, deeply, to have in- duced you to take such a useless search; but about seven o'clock the almoner of St. Paterne came here. He had met Du Valon, who was going away, and who, being unwill- ing to disturb anybody at the palace, had charged him to tell me that, fearing Monsieur Getard would play him some ill turn in his absence, he was going to take advantage of the morning tide to make a tour to Belle-Isle." "But tell me; Goliah has not crossed the four leagues of the sea, I should think." "There are full six," said Aramis. "That makes it less probable still." "Therefore, my friend," said Aramis, with one of his most bland smiles, "Goliah is in the stable, well pleased, I will answer for it, that Porthos is no longer on his back." In fact, the horse had been brought back from the relay by the direction of the prelate, from whom no detail escaped. D'Artagnan appeared as well satisfied as possible with the explanation. He entered upon a part of dissimulation which agreed perfectly with the suspicions that arose more and more strongly in his mind. He breakfasted between the Jesuit and Aramis, having the Dominican in front of him, and smiling particularly at the Dominican, whose jolly fat face pleased him much. The repast was long and sumptuous; excellent Spanish wine, fine Morbitran oysters, exquisite fish from the mouth of the Loire, enormous prawns from Paimbceuf, and delicious game from the moors, con- stituted the principal part of it. D'Artagnan eat much and drank but little. Aramis drank nothing, unless it was water. After the repast: "You offered me an arquebuse," said D'Artagnan, "I did." * "Lend it me, then." "Are you going shooting? 1 v "While waiting for Porthos, it is the best thing 1 can do, I think/' THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 481 "Take which you like from the trophy." ''Will you not come with me?" "I would with great pleasure; but, alas! my friend, sport- ing is forbidden to bishops." "Ah!" said D'Artagnan, "I did not know that." "Besides," continued Aramis, "I shall be busy till mid- day." "I shall go alone then?" said D'Artagnan. "I am sorry to say you must; but come back to dinner." ii Pardieu 1 the eating at your house is too good to make me think of not coming back. And thereupon D'Artagnan quitted his host, bowed to the guests, and took his arque- buse; but, instead of shooting, went straight to the little port of Vannes. He looked in vain to observe if anybody saw him; he could discern neither thing nor person. He engaged a little fishing-boat for twenty-five livres, and set off at half-past eleven, convinced that he had not been fol- lowed; and that was true, he had not been followed; only a Jesuit brother, placed in the top of the steeple of his church, had not, since the morning, by the help of an excel- lent glass, lost sight of one of his steps. At three-quarters past eleven Aramis was informed that D'Artagnan was sailing toward Belle-Isle. The voyage was rapid; a good north-northeast wind drove him toward the isle. As he approached, his eves were constantly fixed upon the coast. He looked to see if, upon the shore or upon the fortifica- tions, the brilliant dress and vast stature of Porthos should stand out against a slightly clouded sky; but his search was in vain. He landed without having seen anything, and learned from the first soldier interrogated by him that M. du Valon was not yet returned from Tannes. Then, with- out losing an instant, D'Artagnan ordered his little bark to put its head toward Sarzeau. We know that the wind ckanges with the different hours of the day. The Avind had gone round from the north-northeast to the southeast; the wind, then, was almost as good for the return to Sarzeau as it had been for the voyage to Belle-Isle. In three hours D'Artagnan had touched the continent; two hours more sufficed for his ride to Vannes. In spite of the rapidity of his passage, what D'Artagnan endured of impatience and anger during that short passage, the deck alone of the ves- sel, upon which he stamped backward and forward for three hours, could relate to history. He made but one bound from the quay whereon he landed to the episcopal palace. He thought to terrify Aramis by the promptitude of his 482 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOKNE. return; he wished to reproach him with his duplicity, and yet with reserve, but with sufficient spirit, nevertheless, to make him feel all the consequences of it, and force from him a part of his secret. He hoped, in short — thanks to that heat of expression which is to mysteries what the charge with the bayonet is to redoubts — to bring the mys- terious Aramis to some manifestation or other. But he found, in the vestibule of the palace, the valet de chambre, who closed the passage, while smiling upon him with a stupid air. "Monseigneur?" cried D'Artagnan, endeavoring to put him aside with his hand. Moved for an instant, the valet resumed his station. "Monseigneur?" said he. "Yes, to be sure; do you know me, imbecile?" "Yes, you are the Chevalier d'Artagnan." "Then let me pass." "It is of no use." "Why of no use?" "Because his greatness is not at home." '"What! his greatness is not at home? Where is he, then?" "Gone." "Gone?" "Yes." • "Whither?" "I don't know; but perhaps he tells Monsieur le Chevalier." "And how? where? in what fashion?" "In this letter, which he gave me for Monsieur le Cheva- lier." And the valet de chambre drew a letter from his pocket. "Give it me, then, you rascal," said D'Artagnan, snatching it from his hand. "Oh, yes," continued he, at the first line, "yes, I understand;" and he read: "Dear Friend: An affair of the most urgent nature calls me to a distant parish of my diocese. I hoped to see you again before I set out; but I lose that hope in thinking that you are going, no doubt, to remain two or three days at Belle-Isle with our dear Porthos. Amuse yourself as well as you can; but do not attempt to hold out against him at table. This is a counsel I might have given even u) Athos. in his most brilliant and best days. Adieu, de»r iriend; believe that I regret greatly not having better, and for a longer time, profited by vour excellent company." THE VICOMTE DE BRA.GELONNE. 483 "Mordioux!" cried D'Artagnan. "I am tricked. Ah! blockhead, brute, triple fool that I am! But let them laugh who laugh last. Oh, duped, duped, like a monkey cheated with an empty nutshell!" And with a hearty blow bestowed upon the nose of the still grinning valet de cliam- bre, he made all haste out of the episcopal palace. Furet, however good a trotter, was not equal to present circum- stances. D'Artagnan, therefore, took the post, and chose a horse, which he made to understand, with good spurs and a light hand, that stags are not the most agile creatures in uature. CHAPTER LXXIV. IN WHICH D'ARTAGNAN MAKES ALL SPEED, PORTHOS SNORES, AND ARAMIS COUNSELS. From thirty to thirty-five hours after the events we have just related, as M. Fouquet, according to his custom, hav- ing interdicted his door, was working in the cabinet of his house at St. Mande, with which we are already acquainted, a carriage, drawn by four horses streaming with sweat, en- tered the court at full gallop. This carriage was probably expected; for three or four lackeys hastened to the door, which they opened. While M. Fouquet rose from his bureau and ran to the window, a man got painfully out of the carriage, descending with difficulty the three steps of the door, leaning upon the shoulders of his lackeys. He had scarcely uttered his name, when the valet upon whom he was not leaning sprang up the perron, and disappeared in the vestibule. This man went to inform his master; but he had no occasion to knock at the door; Fouquet was standing on the threshold. "Monseigneur, the Bishop of Vannes," said he. "Very well!" replied his master. Then, leaning over the baluster of the staircase, of which Aramis was beginning to ascend the first steps: "You, dear friend!" said he; "you, so soon!" "Yes; I, myself, monsieur; but bruised, battered, as you see." "Oh! my poor dear friend," said Fouquet, presenting him his arm, upon which Aramis leaned, while the servants drew back with respect. 484 THE VICOMTE HE BRAOELONNE. c "Bah!" replied Aram is, "it is nothing, since I am here; the principal thing was that I should get here, and here I am." "Speak quickly," said Fouquet, closing the door of the cabinet behind Aramis and himself. "Are we alone?" "Yes, perfectly." "No one can listen to us? no one can hear us?" "Be satisfied; nobody." "Is Monsieur du Valon arrived?" "Yes." "And you have received my letter?" "Yes. The affair is serious, apparently, since it necessi- tates your presence in Paris, at a moment when your pres- ence was so urgent elsewhere." "You are right; it cannot be more serious." "Thank you! thank you! What is it about? But, for God's sake! before anything else, take time to breathe, dear friend. You are so pale, you frighten me." "I am really in great pain. But, for Heaven's sake, think nothing about me. Did Monsieur du Valon tell you nothing when he delivered the letter to you?" "No. I heard a great noise; I went to the window; I saw at the feet of the perron a sort of horseman of marble; I went down, he held the letter out to me, and his horse fell down dead." ""But he?" "He fell with the horse; he was lifted up, and carried to an apartment. Having read the letter, I went up to him, in hopes of obtaining more ample information; but he was asleep, and after such a fashion that it was impossible to wake him. I took pity on him; I gave orders that his boots should be taken off, and that he should be left quite undisturbed." "So far well; now, this is the question in hand, mon- seigneur. You have seen Monsieur d'Artagnan in Paris, have you not?" "Certes, and think him a man of intelligence, and even a man of heart, although he did bring about the death of our dear friends Lyodot and D'Eymeris." "Alas! yes, I heard of that. At Tours I met the courier who was bringing me the letter from Gourville and the dis- patches from Pellisson. Have you seriously reflected on that event, monsieur?" "Yes" THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOSHSTE. 485 "And in it you perceived a direct attack upon your sovereignty?" "And do you believe it to ba so?'' "Oh, yes, I think so." "Well, I must confess, that sad idea occurred to me like- wise." "Do not blind yourself, monsieur, in the name of Heaven! Listen attentively to me. I return to D'Artagnan." "I am all attention." "Under what circumstances did you see him?" "He came here for monev." "With what kind of order?" "With an order from the king." "Direct?" "Signed by his majesty." "There, then! Well, D'Artagnan has been to Belle-Isle; he was disguised; he came in the character of some sort of an intendant, charged by his master to purchase salt mines. Now, D'Artagnan has no other master but the king; he came, then, sent by the king. He saw Porthos." "Who is Porthos?" "I beg your pardon, I made a mistake. He saw Mon- sieur du Valon at Belle-Isle; and he knows, as well as you and I do, that Belle-Isle is fortified." "And you think that the king sent him there?" said Fe v quet pensively. "I certainly do." "And D'Artagnan, in the hands of the king, is a danger- ous instrument?" "The most dangerous imaginable." "Then I formed a correct opinion of him at the first glance." "How so?" "I wished to attach him to myself." "If you judged him to be the bravest, the most acute, .and the most adroit man in France, you have judged correctly." "He must be had, then, at any price." "D'Artagnan?" "Is not that your opinion?" "It may be my opinion, but you will never have him." "Why?" "Because we have allowed the time to go by. He was dissatisfied with the court, we should have profited by that; since that, he has passed into England; there he powerfully 486 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONXE. assisted in the restoration, there he gained a fortune, and, after all, he returned to the service of the king. Well, ii he has returned to the service of the king, it is because he has been well paid in that service." "We will pay him still better, that is all." "Oh, monsieur! excuse me; D'Artagnan has a high sense of his word, and where that word is once engaged, that word remains where it is." "What do you conclude, then?" said Fouquet, with great inquietude. "At present, the principal thing is to parry a dangerous blow." "And how is it to be parried?" "Listen." "But D'Artagnan will come and render an account to the king of his mission." "Oh, we have time enough to think about that." "How so? You are much in advance of him, I presume?" "Nearly ten hours." "Well, in ten hours " Aramis shook his pale head. "Look at these clouds which flit across the heavens, at these swallows which cut the air, D'Artagnan moves more quickly than the clouds or the birds; D'Artagnan is the wind which carries them." "A strange man!" "I tell you, he is something superhuman, monsieur. He is of my age, and I have known him these five-and-thirty years." "Well?" "Well, listen to my calculation, monsieur. I sent Mon- sieur du Valon off to you two hours after midnight. Mon- sieur du Valon was eight hours in advance of me; when did Monsieur du Valon arrive?" "About four hours ago." "You see, then, that I gained four upon him; and yet Porthos is a stanch horseman, and he has left on the road eight dead horses, whose bodies I came to successively. 1 rode post fifty leagues; but I have the gout, the gravel, and what else I know not; so that fatigue kills me. I was obliged to dismount at Tours; since that, rolling along in a carriage, half-dead, sometimes overturned, often drawn upon the sides, and sometimes on the back of the carriage, always with four spirited horses at full gallop, I have arrived — arrived, gaining four hours upon Porthos; but, see you, D'Artagnan does not weigh three hundred-weight, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 487 as Porthos does; D'Artugnan has not the gout and gravel, as I have; he is not a horseman, he is a centaur. D'Artag- nan, see you, set out- for Belle- isle when I set out for Paris; and D'Artagnan, notwithstanding my ten hours' advance, D'Artagnan will arrive within two hours after me." "But, then, accidents?" "He never meets with any accidents." "Horses may fail him." "He will run as fast as a horse." "Good God! what a man!" "Yes, he is a man whom I love and admire. I love him because he is good, great, and loyal; I admire him because he represents with me the culminating: point of human powers; but, while loving and admiring him, I fear him, and am on my guard against him. Now, then, I resume, monsieur; in two hours D'Artagnan will be here; be before hand with him. Go to the Louvre, and see the king before he sees D'Artagnan." "What shall I say to the king?" "Nothing; give him Belle-Isle." "Oh! Monsieur d'Herblay! Monsieur d'Herblay!" cried Fouqr>et, "what projects crushed all at once!" "After one project that has failed there i« always another project which may lead to good; we should never despair. Go, monsieur, and go quickly." "But that garrison, so carefully chosen, the king will change it directly." "That garrison, monsieur, was the king'b when it entered Belle-Isle; it is yours now; it will be the same wi f h all gar- risons after a fortnight's occupation. Let things go on, monsieur. Do you see any inconvenience in having an army at the end of. a year, instead of two regiments? Do you not see that your garrison of to-day will make you partisans at La Eochelle, Nantes, Bordeaux, Toulouse — in short, wherever they may be sen 4 to? Go to the king. monsieur, go; time flies, and D'Artagnan, while we are los- ing time, is flying like an arrow along the highroad." "Monsieur d'Herblay, you know that each word from you is a germ which fructifies in my thoughts. 1 will go to the Louvre." "Instantly, will you not?" "I only ask time tc change my dress." "Eemember that D Artagnan has no need to pass through St. Mande, but will go straight to the Louvre; that is cut ting off an hour from the advance which remains to us." 488 THE VICOMTE DE BKAOELOXNE. "D'Artagnan may have everything except my English horse?, i shall be at the Louvre in twenty-five minutes.*' And without losing a second, Fouquet gave orders for his departure. Aramis had only time to say to him, "Return as quickly as you go; for I shall await you impatiently.'' Five minutes after, the surintendant was Hying along the road to Paris. During this time Aramis desired to be shown the chamber in which Porthos was sleeping. At the door of Fouquet's cabinet he was folded in the arms of Pel- lisson, who had just heard of his arrival, and had left his office to see him. Aramis received, with that friendly dig- nity which he knew so well how to assume, those caresses as respectful as earnest; but, all at once stopping on the knding-place, ''What is that I hear up yonder?'"' "There was, in fact, a hoarse, growling kind of noise, like the roar of a hungry tiger or an impatient lion. "Oh, that is nothing," said Pellisson, smiling. "Well; but " "It is Monsieur du Valon snoring." "Ah! true," said Aramis; "I had forgotten. No one but he is capable of making such a noise. Allow me, Pellisson, to inquire if he wants anything." -"And you will permit me to accompany you?" "Oh, certainly;" and both entered the chamber. Porthos was stretched upon the bed; his face was violet rather than red; his eyes were swelled; his mouth was w 7 ide open. The roaring which escaped from the deep cavities of his chest made the glass of the windows vibrate. To those developed and clearly defined muscles starting from his face, to his hair matted with sw'eat, to the energetic heaving of his chin and shoulders, it was impossible to refuse a certain degree of admiration. Strength carried to this point is almost divinity. The Herculean legs and feet of Porthos had, by swelling, burst his leather boots; all the strength of his enormous body was converted into the rigidity of stone. Porthos moved no more than does the giant of granite which reclines upon the plains of Agrigentum. According to Pellisson's orders, his boots had been cut off, for no human power could have pulled them off. Four lackeys had tried in vain, pulling at them as they would have pulled capstans; and yet all this did not awaken him. They had taken off his boots in fragments, and his legs had fallen back upon the bed. They then cut off the rest of his clothes, carried him to a bath, in which they let him lie THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 489 a considerable time. They then put on him clean linen, and placed him in a well-warmed bed — the whole with efforts and pains which might have roused a dead man, but which did not make Porthos open an eye, or interrupt for a second the formidable organ of his snoring. Aramis wished, on his part, with a dry, nervous nature, armed with extra- ordinary courage, to outbrave fatigue, and employ himself with Gourville and Pellisson, but he fainted in the chair, iu which he had persisted to remain. He was carried into the adjoining room, where the repose cf bed soon calmed his throbbing brain. CHAPTER L'XXV. IN WHICH MONSIEUR FOUQUET ACTS. In the meantime Fouquet was hastening to the Louvre at the best speed of his English horses. The king was at work with Colbert. All at once the king became thought- ful. The two sentences of death he had signed on mount- ing his throne sometimes recurred to his memory; they were two black spots which he saw with his eyes open; two spots of blood which he saw when his eyes were closed. "Monsieur," said he, rather sharply, to the intendant, "it sometimes seems to me that those two men you made me condemn were not very great culprits." "Sire, they were picked out from the herd of the farmers of the financiers, which wanted decimating." "Picked out by whom?" "By necesity, sire," replied Colbert coldly. "Necessity! a great word," murmured the young king. iC A great goddess, sire." "They were devoted friends of the surintendant, were they not?" "Yes, sire; friends who would have given their lives to Monsieur .Fouquet." "They have given them, monsieur," said the king. "That is true; but uselessly, by good luck, which was not their intention." "How much money had these men fraudulently ob- tained?" "Ten millions, perhaps: of «'hich six have been con- fiscated." 490 THE VTCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "And is that money in my coffers?" said the king, with a certain air of repugnance. "It is there, sire; but this confiscation, while threatening Monsieur Fouquet, has not touched him." "You conclude, then, Monsieur Colbert " "That if Monsieur Fouquet has raised against your majesty a troop of factious rioters to extricate his friends from punishment, he will raise an army when he shall have to extricate himself from punishment." The king darted at his confidant one of those looks which resemble the red fire of a stormy flash of lightning, one of chose looks which illuminate the darkness of the deepest consciences. "I am astonished," said he, "that, thinking such things of Monsieur Fouquet, you did not come to give me your counsels thereupon." "Counsels upon what, sire?" "Tell me, in the first place, clearly and precisely, what you think, Monsieur Colbert." "Upon what subject, sire?" "Upon the conduct of Monsieur Fouquet." "I think, sire, that Monsieur Fouquet, not satisfied Avith attracting all the money to himself, as Monsieur Mazarin did, and by that means depriving your majesty of one part of your power, still wishes to attract to himself all the friends of easy life and pleasures — of what idlers call poetry, and politicians corruption. I think that, by holding the subjects of your majesty in pay, he trespasses upon the royal prerogative, and cannot, if this continues so, be long in placing your majesty among the weak and obscure." "How would you qualify all these projects, Monsieur Colbert?" "The projects of Monsieur Fouquet, sire?" "Yes." "They are called crimes of Use majeste." "And what is done to criminals guilty of Use majestS?" "They are arrested, tried, and punished." "You are quite sure that Monsieur Fouquet has conceived the idea of the crime you impute to him?" "I can say more, sire; there is even a commencement of the execution of it." "Well, then, I return to that which I was saying, Mon- sieur Colbert." "And you were saying, sire?" "Give me counsel." "Pardon me, sire; but, in the first place, I have some- thing to a,^ " '' ~~ THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELOXNB. 491 "Say -what?" "An evident, palpable, material proof of treason." "And what is that?" "I have just learned that Monsieur Fouquet is fortifying Belle-Isle." "Ah, indeed!" "Yes, sire." "Are you sure?" "Perfectly. Do you know, sire, what soldiers there are at Belle-Isle?" "No, ma foi ! D o y ou ?' * "I am ignorant likewise, sire; I should therefore propose to your majesty to send somebody to Belle-Isle." "Who?" "Me, for instance." "And what would you do at Belle-Isle?" "Inform myself whether, after the example of the ancient feudal lords, Monsieur Fouquet was embattlementing his walls." "And with what purpose could he do that?" "With the purpose of defending himself some day against his king." "But, if it be thus, Monsieur Colbert," said Louis, "we must immediately do as you say. Monsieur Fouquet must be arrested." "That is impossible." "I thought I had already told you, monsieur, that I sup- pressed that word in my service." "The service of your majesty cannot prevent Monsieur Fouquet from being surintendant-general." "Well?" "That, in consequence of holding that post, he has for him all the parliament, as he has all the army by his larges- ses, all literature by his favors, and all the noblesse by his presents." "That is to say, then, that I can do nothing against Mon- sieur Fouquet?" "Absolutely nothing — at least, at present, sire." "You are a sterile counselor, Monsieur Colbert." "Oh, no, sire; for I will not confine myself to pointing out the peril to your majesty." "Come, then, where shall we begin to undermine the Colossus; let Us see;" and his majesty began to laugh with bitterness. "He has grown great by money; kill him by monev, niro," 492 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. "It' I were to deprive him of his charge?" "A bad means, sire.'* "The good— the good, then V* . "Ruin him, sire; that is the way." "But how?'* "Occasions will not be wanting, take advantage of all occasions." "Point them out to me." "Here is one at once. His Royal Highness Monsieur is about to be married; his nuptials must be magnificent. That is a good occasion for your majesty to demand a mil- Sion of Monsieur Fouquet. Monsieur Fouquet, who pays twenty thousand livres down, when he need not pay more than five thousand, will easily find that million when your majesty shall demand it." "That is all very well; I will demand it," said Louis. "If your majesty will sign the ordonnance, I will have the money taken myself." And Colbert pushed a paper before the king, and presented a pen to him. At that moment the usher opened the door and announced Monsieur le Surintendant. Louis turned pale. Colbert let the pen fall, and drew back from the king, over whom he extended his black wings of a bad angel. The surin- tendant made his entrance like a man of the court, to whom a single glance was sufficient to make him appreciate his situation. That situation was not very encouraging for Fouquet, wha f ever might be the consciousness of his strength. The small black eye of Colbert, dilated by envy, and the limpid eve of Louis XIV., inflamed by anger, sig- naled a pressing danger. Courtiers are, with regard to court rumors, like old soldiers, who distinguish through blasts of wind and moaning of leaves the sound of the dis- tant step of an armed troop. They can, after having lis- tened, tell pretty nearly how many men are marching, how many arms resound, how many cannons roll. Fouquet had, then, only to interrogate the silence which his arrival had produced; he found it big Avith menacing revelations. The king allowed him quite time enough to advance as far as the middle of the chamber. His adolescent modesty com- manded this forbearance of the moment. Fouquet boldly seized the opportunty. "Sire," said he, "I was impatient to see vour majesty.'' "What for?" asked Louis. "To announce some good news to you." Colbert, in grandeur of person, legs lameness oi heart, THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 493 resembled Fouquet in many points. The same penetration, the same knowledge of men. Moreover, that great power of contraction which gives to hypocrites time to reflect, and gather themselves up to take a spring. He guessed that Fouquet was going to meet the blow he was about to deal him. His eyes sparkled. "What news?" asked the king. Fouquet placed a roll of papers on the table. "Let your majesty have the goodness to cast your eyes over this work," said he. The king slowly unfolded the paper. "Plans?" said he. "Yes, sire." "And what are these plans?" "A new fortification, sire." "Ah, ah!" said the king, "you amuse yourself with tactics and strategies then, Monsieur Fouquet?" "I occupy myself with everything that may be useful to the reign of your majesty," replied Fouquet. "Beautiful descriptions!" said the king, looking at the design. "Your majesty comprehends, without doubt," said Fou- quet, bending over the paper; "here is the circle of the walls, here are the forts, there the advanced works." "And what do I see here, monsieur?" "The sea." "The sea all round?" "Yes, sire." "And what is, then, this place of which you show me the plans?" "Sire, it is Belle-Isle-en-Mer," replied Fouquet, with simplicity. At this word, at this name, Colbert made so marked a movement that the king turned round to enforce the neces- sity for reserve. Fouquet did not appear to be the least in the world concerned by the movement of Colbert or the king's signal. "Monsieur," continued Louis, "you have then fortified Belle-Isle?" "Yes, sire; and I have brought the plan and the accounts to 3'our majesty," replied Fouquet; "I have expended six- teen hundred thousand livres in this operation." "What to do?" replied Louis coldly, having taken the initiative from a malicious look of the intendant. 494 THE VICOMTE DE BRA«ELONNE. "For an aim very easy to seize," replied Fouquet. "Yovi majesty was on cool terms with Great Britain. "Yes; but since the restoration of King Charles II. I have formed an alliance with him." "A month since, sire, your majesty has truly said; but \ is more than six months since the fortifications of BeP'*- lsle have been begun." "Then they have become useless." "Sire, fortifications are never useless. I fortified Belle* Isle against Messieurs Monk and Lambert, and all those London citizens who were playing at soldiers. Belle-Isle will be ready fortified against the Dutch, against whom either England or your majesty cannot fail to make war." The king was again silent, and looked under at Colbert. "Belle-Isle, I believe," added Louis, "is yours, Monsieui Fouquet?" "No, sire." "Whose then?" "Your majesty's." Colbert was seized with as much terror as if a gulf had opened beneath his feet. Louis started with admiration, either at the genius or the devotion of Fouquet. "Explain yourself, monsieur," said he. "Nothing more easy, sire. Belle-Isle is one of my estates; I have fortified it at my own expense. But as nothing in the world can oppose a subject making an humble present to his king, I offer your majesty the proprietorship of the estate, of which you will leave me the usufruct. Belle-Isle, as a place of war, ought to be occupied by the king. Your majesty will be able, henceforth, to keep a safe garrison there." Colbert felt almost sinking down upon the floor. To keep himself from falling he was obliged to hold by the columns of the wainscoting. "This is a piece of great skill in the art of war that you have exhibited here, monsieur," said Louis. "Sire, the initiative did not come from me," replied Fou- quet; "many officers have inspired me with it. The plans themselves have been made by one of the most distinguished engineers." "His name?" "Monsieur du Valon." "Monsieur du Valon?" resumed Louis; "I do not know him. It is much to be lamented, Monsieur Colbert," con- tinued he, "that 1 do not know the names of the men of THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. 405 talent who do honor to my reign." And while saying obese words he turned toward Colbert. The latter felt himself crushed, the sweat flowed from his brow, no word presented itself to his lips, he suffered an inexpressible martyrdom. "'You will recollect that name," added Louis XIV. Colbert bowed, but was paler than his ruffles of Flemish lace. Fouquet continued: "The masonries are of Koman mastic; the architects have composed it for me after the best accounts of antiquity." "And the cannon?" asked Louis. "Oh! sire, that concerns your majesty; it did not becom© ne to place cannon in my own house, unless your majesty lad told me it was yours." Louis began to float, undetermined, between the hatred which this so powerful man inspired him with, and the pity he felt for that other man, so cast down, who seemed to nim the counterfeit of the former. But the consciousness of his kingly duty prevailed over the feelings of the man, and he stretched out his finger to the paper. "It must have cost you a great deal of money to carry these plans into execution," said he. "I believe I had the honor of telling your majesty the amount?" "Repeat it, if you please; I have forgotten it." "Sixteen hundred thousand livres." "Sixteen hundred thousand livres; you are enormously Hch J monsieur." "It is your majesty who is rich, since Belle-Isle is yours." "Yes, thank you; but however rich I may be, Monsieur Fouquet — " The king stopped. "Well, sire?" asked the surintendant. "I foresee the moment when I shall want money.' "You, sire? And at what moment, then?" "To-morrow, for example." "Will your majesty do me the honor to explain yourself?" "My brother is going to marry the princess of England. 5 "Well, sire?" "Well, I ought to give the young princess a reception worthy of the granddaughter of Henry IV." "That is but just, sire." "Then I shall want money." "No doubt." "I shall want — " Louis hesitated. The sum he was going to demand was the same that he had been obliged to 496 THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. refuse Charles II. He turned toward Colbert, that he might give the blow. "I shall want to-morrow — " repeated he, looking at Colbert. "A million," said the latter bluntly, delighted to take his revenge. Fouquet turned his back upon the intendant to listen to the king. He did not at all turn round, but waited till the king repeated, or rather murmured, "a mil lion." "Oh, sire!" replied Fouquet disdainfully, "a million. What will your majesty do with a million?" "It appears to me, nevertheless — " said Louis XIV. "That is not more than is spent at the nuptials of one of the most petty princes of Germany." "Monsieur!" "Your majesty must have two millions at least. The horses alone would run away with five hundred thousand livres. I shall have the honor of sending your majesty six- teen hundred thousand livres this evening." "How," said the king, "sixteen hundred thousand livres?" "Look, sire," replied Fcuquet, without even turning toward Colbert, "I know that that wat'b four hundred thousand livres of the two millions. Bu' tnis Monsieur l'lntendance" — pointing over his shoulder to Colbert, who, if possible, became paler, behind him — "has is his coffers nine hundred thousand livres of mine " The king turned round to look at Colbert. "But — " said the latter. "Monsieur," continued Fouquet, still speaking indirectly to Colbert,"monsieur has received, a week ago, sixteen hun- dred thousand livres; he has paid a hundred thousand livres to the guards, sixty-four thousand livres to the hospitals, twenty-five thousand to the Swiss, a hundred and thirty thousand for provisions, a thousand for arms, ten thousand for incidental expenses; I do not err, then, in reckoning upon nine hundred thousand livres that are left." Thci turning toward Colbert, like a disdainful head of office toward his inferior, "Take care, monsieur," said he, "that those nine hundred thousand livres be remitted to his majesty this evening, in gold." "But," said the king, "that will make two millions fhe hundred thousand livres." "Sire, the five hundred thousand livres over may serv* 1 "* THE VICOMTE DE BRAG ELONNE. 497 pocket money for his royal highness. You understand, Monsieur Colbert, this evening before eight o'clock. " And with these words, bowing respectfully to the king, the surintendant made his exit backward, without honoring with a single look the envious man whose head he had, just half-shaved. Colbert tore his ruffles to pieces in his rage, and bit his lips till they bled. Fouquet had not passed the door of the cabinet, when an usher, pushing by him, exclaimed: "A courier from Bre- tagne for his majestj'." "Monsieur d'Herblay was right," murmured Fouquet, pulling out his watch; "an hour and fifty-five minutes. It was quite truel" rm bto, Note.— For the information of the reader, Dumas' Histories.] Romances should be read in their chronological order as follows: 1st, The Three Guardsmen; 2d, Twenty Years After; 3d, The Vicomte ie Bragelonne; 4th, Ten Years Later, 5th, Louise de la Valliere; 60^ l^he Man in the Iron Mask *~ ' ,V . ' *»►■