of tfce tHmbersittp of j©ort& Carolina Cnbofejefe bp C&e dialectic ana THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETIES HV71+3 •N5 B8 OCT | 1975 UNIVERSITY OF N ^|j||||j|||^'"" 10001815939 17 This book is due at the WALTER R DAVIS LIRRARv the last date stamped under "Date Due ? | hofon hold i may be renewed by bringing it to the library. DATE DUE R ET. DATE DUE RET. FEB 18 DEC 7 \ FEB ' 7199b 1995 4 ■ MAH si 7 3004 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 http://archive.org/details/dangerousclassesOObrac TIlE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK, AND TWENTY YEARS' WORK AMONG THEM. BY CHARLES LORING BEACE, AUTHOR OF * 1 HUNGARY IN 1851," "HOME LIFE IN GERMANY," "THE RACES OF THE OLD WORLD," ETC., ETC. " Am61iorer l'homme par la terre et la terre par rhomme." — Demetz. THIRD EDITION— WITH ADDENDA. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by CHARLES LOSING BRACE, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Wynkoop & Hallenbeck, Fine Book Printers. library, Univ. ef North G&rrimm DEDICATION. To the many co-laborers, men and women, who have not held their comfort or even their lives dear unto themselves, but have striven, through many years, to teach the ignorant, to raise up the depressed, to cheer the despairing, to impart a higher life and a Christian hope to the outcast and neglected youth of this city, and thus save society from their excesses, this simple record of common labors, and this" sketch of the terrible evils sought to be cured, is respectfully dedicated. rO O INTEODUOTIOK The great pioneer in the United States, in the labors of penal Keform and the prevention of crime, — Edward Livingston, — said as long ago as 1833, in his famons "Introductory Report to the Code of Reform and Prison Discipline": "As prevention in the diseases of the body is less painful, less expensive, and more efficacious than the most skillful cure, so in the moral maladies of society, to arrest the vicious before the profligacy assumes the shape of crime; to take away from the poor the cause or pretence of relieving themselves by fraud or theft; to reform them by education and make their own industry contribute to their support, although difficult and ex- pensive, will be found more effectual in the suppression of offences and more economical than the best organized system of punishment." — (p. 322.) My great object in the present work is to prove to society the practical truth of Mr. Livingston's theoretical statement : that the cheapest and most efficacious way of dealing with the "Dangerous Classes" of large cities, is ii INTRODUCTION. not to punish them, but to prevent their growth ; to so throw the influences of education and discipline and religion about the abandoned and destitute youth of our large towns 5 to so change their material circumstances, and draw them under the influence of the moral and fortunate classes, that they shall grow up as useful producers and members of society, able and inclined to aid it in its progress. In the view of this book, the class of a large city most dangerous to its property, its morals and its political life, are the ignorant, destitute, untrained, and abandoned youth: the outcast street-children grown up to be voters, to be the implements of demagogues, the u feeders" of the criminals, and the sources of domestic outbreaks and violations of law. The various chapters of this work contain a detailed account of the constituents of this class in New York, and of the twenty years' labors of the writer, and many men and women, to purify and elevate it; what the principles were of the work, what its fruits, what its success. So much interest at home and abroad has been mani- fested in these extended charities, and so many inquiries are received continually about them, that it seemed at length time to give a simple record of them, and of the evils they have sought to cure. INTRODUCTION. Hi If the narrative shall lead the citizens of other large towns to inaugurate comprehensive and organized move- ments for the improvement of their " Dangerous Classes," my object will be fully attained. I have the hope, too, that these little stories of the loi of the poor in cities, and the incidents related of their trials and temptations, may bring the two ends of society nearer together in human sympathy. The discussion of the Causes of Juvenile Crime con- tained in this work must aid others who would found similar reformatory and preventive movements, to base them on principles and motives which should reach similar profound and threatening evils. CHARLES LORINGl BRACE. . 19 East 4th Street, New York. June 1, 1872. CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. CHAPTER I. CHRIST IN CHARITY AND REFORM, AND CONDITION OF NEGLECTED CHILDREN BEFORE CHRISTIANITY. Exposure of Children in Rome— Comments by Latin Authors upon the Prac- tice— Terence— Seneca— Suetonius— Rebukes by Early Christian Preachers — Quintilian— Tertullian— Lactantius— I'irst "Children's Asylum" under Trajan— Charity of the An tonines— Legislation of the Christian Emperors — Influence of the Germanic Races — Legislation on the Exposure of Children — First Children's Asylums in the Christian Era — Brother Guy — Neglected Children the only Remains of Ancient "Dangerous Classes " — Change Wrought by Christianity — Influence of Christianity in Reform , pp. 13-24 , CHAPTER n. THE PROLETAIRES OF NEW YORK. Not so Numerous as in London, but more Dangerous — Dens of Crime and Fever-nests — Advantage of Breaking them up — The Unrestrained Vices of this Class — Their Ignorance and Brutality — Dependence on Politicians — Gangs of Youthful Criminals — Similar Dangers here as in Paris — The Riots of 1863— Numbers of the Vagrant Class — Composition of this Dan- gerous Element pp. 25-31 CHAPTER HI. CAUSES OF CRIME. Preventible and Non-preventible— Ignorance— Numbers of Illiterates in City Prisons and Reformatories — Orphanage — Statistics — Orphans in Mettrai — Emigration — Effect in Producing Crime — Numbers of Prisoners oi* Eoreign Births — Figures — Hopeful Features — Fewer Paupers Immi- grate — Want of Trade — Selfishness of Unions — Aversion to Steady In- dustry pp. 32-38 1 11 CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. CHAPTER IV. CAUSES OP CRIME— WEAKNESS OF MARRIAGE-TIE. Reasons why Second Marriage is Productive of Crime among the Poor — Force of Public Opinion in Preserving Marriage-bond — Weakening of it by Emigration — Fruits of Free Love among the Poor — Inheritance — Power of Transmitted Tendencies in Producing Crime — Hopeful Feature in New York^Few Continued Families of Paupers and Criminals — Action of Natural Selection in Favor of Virtue — Vicious Organizations Die Out — Explanation of Extraordinary Improvement in Children under Reformatory Influences — The Immediate Influences of Bad Parents Overcome by the Transmitted Tendencies of Virtuous Ancestors, and by New Circum- stances — The Incessant Change of our People Favorable to Virtue — Vil- lages more Exposed to Criminal Families than Cities — Causes pp. 39-50 CHAPTER V. CAUSES OF CRIME— OVERCROWDING. Form of New York — Its Effect on Population — Bad Government Increases Rents — Rate of Population to the Square Mile in the Eleventh Ward — In the Tenth, Seventeenth, and other Wards — In London — G-reater Overcrowding in New York — Instance of Overcrowding in the First Ward — Effect on the Criminal Habits of Girls — Thp, pens of Criminal Ravs — Cellar Population — Effect of Overcrowding on the Death-rate — Upon the Crime of the City — Remedies — Better Means of Distributing Population — Improved Com- munications with the Country — Cheap and Honest Government — Organized Movement for Transferring Labor to the Country — Remedy in Sanitary Legislation — Effect of British Lodging-house Acts — Cellar Population of Liverpool — The Model Lodging-houses — Great Need of them in New York pp. 51-63 CHAPTER VI. CAUSES OF CRIME — INTEMPERANCE. The Power of Alcoholic Stimulus on the Laboring-man — Attraction of the Liquor-shop — Terrible Effects of Drunkenness — Number of Criminals in City Prisons Intemperate — Little Drunkenness among Children — Great Effects of the Total Abstinence Reform — Good Influence of the Irish Catholic Clergy — Necessity for other Remedies — Cultivation of Higher Tastes — Influence of the Sydney Palace Gardens in England — Effects of Parks and Pictures — Open- Air Drinking not so Dangerous — Museums, Parks, Gardens, and Reading-rooms, the best Temperance Societies — Few Children of the Industrial Schools become Drunkards — Comparative Good Effects of Light Wiues— Liquor Laws— Former Sunday Law a Happy CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. iii Medium — The Habits of the Germans should have been considered — Mistake of the Reformers — Intemperance, next to War, the Greatest Evil of Humanity— Other Remedies than Total Abstinence must be employed pp. 64-73 f. CHAPTER YH. ORGANIZATION OF A REMEDY. Necessity of One Organization to Deal with Youthful Criminal Classes — Error made of using too Technical Religious Methods — Error of Following too much European Precedents — Asylums not so much Needed in America — Pioneer Work among the Dangerous Classes Twenty Years Ago — Captain Matsell's Report — Labors of the Writer in the Five Points — Num- bers of Homeless Children in the Streets — Sad Sight of Child-Prisoners — " The Social Evil " — Mr. Pease's Labors — The Necessity Felt of a General Organization — Novel Method of Reforming Young "Roughs" — Boys' Meetings — The Chaffing of Street-boys — Quick Repartees — Kind of Oratory Necessary — The Lads Open for Earnest Words — The Meetings only Pioneer Work — Succeeded by more Thorough Influences — The Pounders of the Different Meetings pp. 74-83 CHAPTER YLTI. A NEW ORGANIZATION. 'Foundation of the Children's Aid Society — Touching Procession of Homeless Children to the Office — The Eeeling at its Foundation — Its Objects — To Found Reading-rooms, Industrial Schools, Lodging-houses, and Provide Homes for the Homeless — Dens of Misery and Crime — Thieves' Lodging- houses — "Rotten Row " — "Poverty Lane " — Haunts of the Young Wood- stealers — Hopes of the New Work — Workshops — Want of Success — Causes — Necessity of General Education, rather than Industrial, for Street-chil- dren pp. 84-96 CHAPTER IX. HOMELESS BOYS — THE NEWSBOYS' LODGING-HOUSE. Their Relation to the World, like that of the Indians to Civilization— Life of the Street-boy — His Lightheadedness — His Moral Code — His Religion- Few Addicted to Drinking — Their Generosity — Policy-tickets — Choice of Night Resting-places — Necessity to treat them as Independent Dealers — First Lodging-house for Newsboys in the World— Mr. Tracy— Plans of the Boys for a Scrimmage — Their Defeat — Remarks about their Beds —Origin of the Night-school— And the Sunday Meeting— Surprise at the Golden Rule — Belief in Miracles— Pathos of their Songs— The Savings'- iv CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. bank — Breaking-up of Gambling and Money-wasting — Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor — Their Fitness for the Work — Immense Number of Lodgers — The Influence of the House — Payments by the Lads— Description of Rooms — The New Building — Extracts from Journal — Statistics pp. 97-113 CHAPTER X. STREET-GIRLS — THEIR SUFFERINGS AND CRIMES. Hard Lot of a Girl- vagrant— Sexual Vice — Dark Questions — Girls' Yices More Degrading than the Bdys' — Effect on her Habits and Character — Great Difficulty of Reform — History of Prostitutes not Romantic — Their Lives the Emit of Neglect in Early Childhood, aud of Lazy Habits — Their Good Qualities — Remedies for the Social Evil — Sad Incident of a Young Girl in the Tombs pp. 114-122 CHAPTER XI. LEGAL TREATMENT OF PROSTITUTES. Should License be Allowed ? — The Views of Physicians — Eoolish Argument s on the Other Side — Duties of a Physician Purely Medical — Objections to License under the Moral Aspect — Bitter Misery of this Class of Women — Effect of License to Encourage the Crime — The Recognition by Law — Prostitution can be Checked — Condition of this Class in New York Ter- rible — Necessity of Hospitals or Dispensaries for this Class in the City — The Absurdity of the Berlin License Laws — Non-licensing a Terror to Evil- doers — This Not a Proper Object for Legislators — Effect of License in Paris — Superiority of New York to other Great Cities in this Matter Partly Due to Non-licensing pp. 123-131 CHAPTER XII THE BEST PREVENTIVE OF VICE AMONG CHILDREN — INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. Public Schools not Reaching the Poorer Children — Numbers of Yagrant Chil- dren Twenty Years Ago — Foundation of the Wilson School — The Rook- eries of the Eourth Ward — Dance-saloons — Crime of the Ward — Numbers of Wild Children — Efforts to Form an Association among the Rich to con- nect the Two Ends of Society — All Sects, and those of no Sect, Invited — Foundation of Fourth-ward Industrial School — Description of the Chil- dren — Influence of Yolunteer Teachers — Their Self-sacrifice — Description of some of the Ladies Engaged — Effects of the Work on Crime in the Fourth Ward — Marked Improvement — Dr. Robert Ray's Services — Re- markable Diminution of Yagrancy in the Ward — Instance from our Journal — Average Expense of the School pp. 132-146 CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. V CHAP TEE. XIII. GERMAN RAG-PICKERS. * Their Quarters on the Eastern Side— Number in the Eleventh "Ward — Formation of an Association for their Benefit — Its Moving Spirit — Social Influences in the School— Its Effect on the Rag-pickers — Aid from the German Mer- chants — A Devoted Teacher — Dutch Hill and the Swill-gatherers — Descrip- tion of the Squatters' Tillage— Character of the People — Drunkenness — Faith of the Children — Personal Efforts — Discouraging Features of the Work — Influence of Roman Catholicism — Difficulties of a Protestant — Influence of the Priests — Formation of an Association of Ladies on Murray Hill— Foundation of East River Industrial School— Mrs. Hurley — Her Devoted Labors for Seventeen Tears — Attachment of Children to Her — Reform among the Children — Influence of Tolunteer Teachers — Incidents among the Poor — A Heroic Girl — Happy Changes of Fortune — Remarkable Success among Two Thousand Children — "Our Failures "—The Beggar's Family pp. 147-164 CHAPTER XIT. SCENES AMONG TIIE POOR. The Street-child — Effects of Drunkenness — A Mother Fleeing her Daughter — The Dying Sewing-woman — Severe Labor — Christian Faith — Changes of Fortune — Discouragement — The Iron- worker's Wife — A Little Beggar — Religious Trouble— The Swill-gatherer's Child— Danger of Ruin— A Re- form—Present Condition of East River School pp. 165-173 CHAPTER XT. THE PROTESTANT POOR AND STREET-ROVERS. Formation of an Association of Ladies on the West Side — Hudson River In- dustrial School — Perseverance of Tolunteer Teachers — Protestant Poor no Better than Catholic—" Muscular Orphans "—Wild Boys near East Thirty- fourth Street— Skillful Thieves— Efforts of the School— Transference to Eleventh Street— Dock Pilferers— Success of our Efforts— Need of Lodg- ing-house in Thirty-fourth Street pp» 174-180 CHAPTER XTI. NEW METHODS OF TEACHING. Generous Proposal of a Benevolent Lady — Her Labors among the Poor — Miss Andrew's Teaching — Pestalozzi's System — Old Systems too Mechanical and too much Memorising— Effects in Loose Habits of Thinking — In- accurate Observation — Children Found Incompetent for Practical Life — Object System begins with the Senses— First Learning of Colors and of Numbers— Sounds Taught before Names of Letters— Dr. Leigh's System— vi CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. Mr. Caulkins's Views — Words to be Learned First, Letters Afterward — Spelling to be Learned after Heading — Quotation from Mr. Caulkins's Work — New Method of Learning Geography — Geography Becomes a Natural Science — Natural History Taught by Objects — Lessons in Morality and Religion given in a Similar Manner — Weights, Measures, and Geometry thus Taught — Definition Learned through Objects — Spelling and Grammar in like Manner — Great Effort on part of the Teacher pp. 181-193 CHAPTER XVII. THE LITTLE ITALIAN ORGAN-GRINDERS. Italian Quarter in Five Points— Cruelty of the Padroni — Rev. Dr. Hawks — Signor Corqua — Description of the Five Points' Italian Settlement — Char- acteristics of Poor Italians — Foundation of Italian School in 1855 — Opposi- tion of Bigoted Italians — Anathemas of the Priest — Increase of the School — Mental Improvement — Moral Progress — Gratitude of Poor Italians — Visits among the Rookeries of the Five Points — Dens in Baxter Street- Feeling of Italian Children towards their Teacher — Assistants by American- Italians — Co-operation of the Italian Government — Generosity of Italian Children to other Charities pp. 194-211 CHAPTER XVII. THE "LAMBS" OF COTTAGE PLACE. Mr. Macy's Efforts — A Free Reading-room — Earnest Nature of the Work — Self-sacrifice of Lady Volunteers — Miss Macy's Treatment of Colored Chil- dren during the Riots — Good Effects of the School in Preventing Thieving and Begging — Cottage-place School — The Little Beggars of the First Ward — Application to Trinity Church — Mr. Lord's Valuable Assistance — Interesting Incident — Reform of a Street-sweeper in the " Lord School" — A Ragged School on St. John's Park — Fourteenth-ward Industrial School — The Colored Poor — Other Industrial Schools — The Shanty People near the Park — Interesting Night-school — Efforts to prevent a New " Nineteenth- street Gang" — No Children Admitted who can attend Public Schools— Improvement in the Teaching— Superintendent of Schools and Visitors .., pp. 212-222 CHAPTER XIX. THE BEST REMEDY FOR JUVENILE PAUPERISM. Effects of Overcrowding — No Local Charities a Complete Remedy — Asylums not Sufficient — Best Asylum, the "Farmer's Home" — Advantage in the United States — Unlimited Demand for Labor— Best Remedy Emigration to the West — Objections to the Plan — How they were Met — Incident of a Waif— Humanity of our Countrywomen — Method of Placing Out the Chil- dren — Difficulties of the Local Committees pp. 223-233 CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. vii CHAPTER XX. PROVIDING COUNTRY HOMES— THE OPPOSITION TO THIS REMEDY — ITS EFFECTS. Hostility of Ignorant Roman Catholics — Objections of the Poor — Opposition of the Asylum. Interest— Arguments of the Asylum Plan and for the Emigra- tion Method — A Practical Test to Apply — Advantages of the Discussion- Effort to Obtain Statistics — Figures of the Results in the West— Testimony from Great Numbers of People— Wonderful Improvement — Changes of Fortune — The Great Majority become Honest Producers — Unlimited De- mand from the West— No Indentures Required — Virtues in both Plans — Opposition of Priests— Our Action Unsectarian — Net Expenses for Each Emigrant-*- Amount of Returned Fares Collected — All the Pauper Children of the City could be thus Placed— Answer to Prof. Fawcett's Objection — Our Western Agents — Mr Tracy's Quaint Humor — Defective Children — No Accident has ever Happened pp. 234-245 CHAPTER XXI. RESULTS AND FACTS OF EMIGRATION TO THE WEST. Our First Party of Little Emigrants — A Description of the Waifs— Hard Journey in Emigrant Cars — Excitement of the Boys in the Country — Reception in the Western Village— Their Sweet Songs— The Runaway— The Placing out of the Boys— The Lost Boy Returned — A Later Party to the West— Eager- ness to Obtain the Children — Sympathy for the Boys— The Fortune of the Deaf-mute— A Hungry Child Placed in a Good Home— From the Gutter to the College — Once a New- York Pauper, now a Western Farmer... pp. 246-270 CHAPTER XXII. A PRACTICAL PHILANTHROPIST AMONG THE YOUNG ROUGHS. A Description of the Office of the Children's Aid Society— Central Figure — Mr. Macy— Labors with his "Lambs'] in Cottage Place— Stormy Meetings — His Influence over the Voung Vagrants— The Growth of the Mission— His Humor— The Effect of His Sermon on Stealing— Contest of Wits— His Tor- ments from the Girls —His Dread of Paupers— Efforts among the German Children— His Diplomatic Tact in Oflice-work— His Letters to the Children Stereotyped by the Thousand pp. 271-279 CHAPTER XXHI. RAISING MONEY FOR A CHARITY. Sensation to be Avoided— All Raffles and Pathetic Exhibitions Declined— Our Experience with a Concert— Labors through the Pulpit and the Press— Char- acter of the Trustees who entered in the Work— Sources of Income— Mr. ' Barnard's Bequest— Mr. Chauncy Rose's Great Benefaction— The Income of a Single Year— Different Sources from which it is Derived.. . .pp. 280-285 viii CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. CHAPTER XXIV. REFORM AMONG THE ROWDIES — FREE READING-ROOMS. They Require Peculiar Management to be Successful— The Eleventh-ward Reading-room— Its Failure— A Reformed Pugilist— " Awful Gardner" — His Career— The Death of His Son— His Reform— His "Words to His Old Associates — The Effect of Christianity — The Drunkard's Club in the Fourth Ward — Mr. Beecher's Address — Gardner's Speech — His Influence over the Rowdies— His Theory of Reform— Great Numbers Rescued from Drunkenness — Failure of his Health— Genuineness of his Reform — Mr. Macy's Reading-room — The First-ward Room — Mr. J. Couper Lord — Mr. Hawley's Exertions — The Free Reading-room a Recognized Means of Moral Improvement pp. 286-297 CHAPTER XXY. HOMELESS GIRLS. The President of the Society — Mr. William A. Booth— His Character and Capacity — His Policy in Regard to the Lodging-houses— His Suggestion about the Street-girls— The Histories of these Girls— Causes of their Condi- tion — Their Unstable Character— Their Condition Fifteen Tears Ago Hopeless— The Girls' Lodging-house— Its Plan— Means of Filling it- Miserable Girls who Applied for A dmission— Great Difficulties Encount- ered— Necessity of Confining it to the Young, and Those not Yicious — Principal Frequenters, Young Girls between Fourteen and Eighteen— The Matron — Her Characteristics — The House was not to be an Asylum — Our Effort to put the Girls in Places— Struggles of Mr. and Mrs. Trott— Inci- dents from the Journal— Cases of Reform— The Sewing-machine School —Its Great Success— Training School for Servants— Results from the "Work of the Lodging-house pp. 298-315 CHAPTER XXYI. the nineteenth-street gang of ruffians— "a moral disinfectant." History of the Formation of the Mneteenth-street Gang— Our Efforts to Reform it — Mr. Slater's Labors— Improvement of Yagabond Boys— Reform of Petty Thieves— Good Fortune of a Homeless Lad— "Warning, in 1854, from the Dangers of these Lads — Their Extraordinary Crimes— Murder of Mr. Swanton — Murder of Mr. Rogers — Failure at that time of our Reformatory Efforts — Renewed in 1865— Lodging-house Founded in Eighteenth Street — The Superintendent— His Characteristics— The Assistance of a Benevo- lent Gentleman— His Influence over the Boys— Mr. Gourley's Economy —A Test of his Patience— The Ingratitude of Two Boys— Their Im- provement—The Reformatory Effects of the Lodging-house— Its Tabular Statement pp. 316-329 CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. ix CHAPTEE XXVII. THE MINISTRY OF FLOWERS — THE LITTLE VAGABONDS OF CORLEAR'S HOOK. The Rookeries of the M Hook " — The "Gavroches" and " Topsies " of the Quarter— Great Number of Hpmeless Children — A School-building turned into a Lodging-house — The Superintendent —His Artistic Faculty— Flowers— A Novel Reward for the Children— Distribution of Flowers among the Poor— An Aquarium and Green-house— The Industrial School— An Earnest Teacher — The Children Like Little Indians— The Night-school and Free Reading-room— Sunday-evening Meetings — Assistance by various Gentlemen— A Young Army Officer and others— The Effect of these Meetings — The Purchase of the House— Begging Money for Charities— A Disagreeable Duty— Liberality of New York Merchants — Labors of Two of the Trustees— Gift of a Beautiful Conservatory to the Lodging-house — The Attractions of the School-room — Mothers' Meetings— Statistics of the Lodging-house— Eleventh-ward Lodging-house— The Little Copper- stealers — Difficulties of the Superintendent in this House — Final Success — The Mght-school, Day-school, and Bank— Sunday-evening Meetings —Labors of One Trustee— Our Hopes to Secure Better Lodging-house- Statistics „ I pp. 330-338 CHAPTER XXVIIL THE CHILD VAGRANT. Passion for Roving Among Children— A Rover Reformed— Sent to the West, and Wanders over the Woods and Mountains— The Habits of Little'Street- vagrants — Unaccountable Preference for Particular Lodging-houses — Greatest Number in the Spring— Different Class of Boys in each House — Mystery of what Becomes of a Great Number of Them— Down-town Boys Sharper than the Up-town — Influence of Theatres upon them — The Salva- tion of New York its Climate— A Corrective — A License should be Required of each Street-trader — A License to be Accompanied by a School Certifi- cate—Such a Law could be Executed— Success of similar Boston Laws — School-training Preventing Vagrancy and Pauperism — Truant-schools not Needed — Compulsory Education — Half-time Schools— Such a Law not Needed Formerly, Now Required Everywhere— Statistics of Illiteracy— The Ignorant Form the Dangerous Classes in this City— The Power of Prussia in the Compulsory Law— An Approach to in the Legislation in the Different States on Factory children pp. 339-352 CHAPTER XXIX. FACTORY-CHILDREN AND THE NEW LAW PROPOSED. Experience in the Night-schools— Great Numbers of Young Children Em- ployed in Factories— Their Eagerness to Learn— Experience of England— X CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. Statistics of Children Employed in Factories in New York— Facts and Incidents— Mr. Mundella's Views of the Evils in this Country— Massa- chusetts Legislation— Effects of the Law— Half-time Schools— " Double Gangs "—Rhode Island Legislation— Connecticut Legislation— Descrip- tion of the Act— Defects of the Law— Hearty Co-operation of the Man- ufacturers — The New York Law Proposed, Drawn up by Mr. C. E. Whitehead, Secures Education for all Children Employed, and Protects them from Dangers - pp. 353-365 CHAPTER XXX. ORGANIZATION OF CHARITIES. Enthusiasm of Humanity— Necessity of Machinery — Dangers of Routine — Im- portance of Interested Motives — Duties of Trustees— Compensation — Charity should not be Too Much of a Business — Importance of other Pursuits for an Agent of a Charity — Best Constitution of a Board of Trustees — Im- portance of their Personal Share in the Work— Rigid Inspection Necessary —Duties of the Executive Officers pp. 366-376 CHAPTER XXXI. STATE AID TO CHARITIES. Discussion How Ear the State should Aid in Charities — Dangers of State Endow- ments — Weakness of Individual Charities — Danger of Machinery Taking Place of Work— The Natural Family Better than the Asylum Machinery — The Needless Multiplication of Charities — Bad Effects on the Poor and on the Public — A Trade in Alms— Necessity of a Bureau — Should be Directed by the State Board of Charities pp. 377-387 CHAPTER XXXH. HOW BEST TO GIVE ALMS — "TAKE, NOT GIVE." Reply of the Missionary in East London— The Evil of Alms-giving— Experi- ence of the English— Everything given but Education— Charity Expenses of London — Good Fortune of this Country — Degrading Influence of Alms — Able-bodied Paupers in New York — Transmitted Pauperism — Terrible Instance in an Alms-house in Western New York— Outdoor Relief very Dangerous— Ought to be Limited in this City — Private Alms Better— Abuse of Private Benefactions— Great Number of Deserving Poor in the City — Policy of the Children's Aid Society— They Desire to Prevent the Demand ^ for Alms— Our Lodging-houses Cultivate Independence— Boys Obliged to Pay— The "Howland Fund "—Distribution of Gifts on Christmas— Objec- tions to the "Bootblack Brigade "—Our Industrial Schools Reformatories of Pauperism— Garments given as Rewards for Good Conduct— Begging Discouraged-Barents Induced to Save— Principle of this Society to give Education rather than Alms pp. 388-397 CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. xi CHAPTER XXXni. HOW SHALL CRIMINAL CHILDREN BE TREATED? The Child, above all, an Individual— TTnsuited to be put in a large Institution- Influence of a Number of Criminal Children on One Another — Absence of the Most Powerful Forces of the Outside "World — The Work of a Reform- atory not suited for After-life?- Working the Ground the Best— Garden- work very Useful for Criminal Young Girls— Mr. Pease's Success — The True Plan— The " Family System "—Each Child does the Small Work of the Cottage — Children near the Natural Condition — Only Defect the Un- profitableness of the Labor — The Most Successful Reformatories of Europe on the Family System pp. 398-403 * CHAPTER XXXIV. WHAT SHALL BE DONE WITH FOUNDLINGS ? The Need of Shelter for Illegitimate Children — Their Numbers in European Cities — Estimated Number in New York — Number of Still-births— Relation of Illegitimacy to Crime— Statistics in France— Foundling Asylums — Ter- rible Mortality of London Foundling Hospital, also of St. Petersburg and Paris Hospitals — Former Great Mortality of Infant-Hospital in New York — Recent Improvement— Mortality of the Massachusetts Alms-house, and in Dorchester Infant-Asylum— Great Difficulty in Raising a Child without a Nurse or its Mother— Best Course is, " Placing-out System "—Great Suc- cess of "Bureau of Ste Apolline "—Mortality Greatly Reduced— Children Scattered over France— The Outlay by the Government — The Moral Effects — This Bureau to be Distinguished from Private Bureaus— The Boarding out in Hamburg, in Berlin, in Dublin— The Family Plan — Tendency of all Civilized Countries towards this Plan— All the Illegitimate Children in this City might be Placed out in Country Homes— Duties of the Legislature in regard to Illegitimacy— Objections to the French Turning-tables — Too Great Laxness Injurious— The New York Law too Severe pp. 404-417 CHAPTER XXXY. RELIGIOUS instruction for street-children. The Difficulties of Religious Teaching— Street-children not to be Influenced like Sunday Schools— Rhetoric and Sentiment do not Touch Them— True Oratory and the Dramatic Method always Reach them— They are Peculiarly Open to Religion, but Exposed to Overwhelming Temptations — Solemn Aspect of their Position to the Speaker— The Problem— The Object to Im- plant Religious Love and Faith — Moral Influences not Sufficient — " Bread- and-Butter Piety " Doubtful— Objection to Prizes or Rewards— Religious Instruction not so desirable as Religious Inspiration — The New Testament to be Preferred to the Old— The Knowledge and Faith in Christ, Most of all Needed— What this Faith Has Done, and What it Can Do— Mistakes of Xll CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. Sunday-school Oratory— Rhetorical Pyrotechnics not Wanted— Allegory the Best Method — Our Best Speaker a Sportsman— His Sympathies with Boys and with Nature — "Bible in Schools " — Religious Instruction in Public Schools Desirable, if all were of the same Faith — Bible-reading used by the Priests Against the Schools —Free Schools the Life-blood of the Na- tion — Protestants should Never Allow Them to be Broken Up — Protestant Pluck— Are School Religious Exercises of Much Use— Separation of Church and State — Experience of England— Free Schools without Religion, rather than no Free Schools pp. 418-428 CHAPTER XXXVI. DECREASE OF JUVENILE CRIME — COST OF PUNISHMENT AND PREVENTION. Instance of the Three Brothers in the Newsboys 'Lodging-house— The Damage Inflicted by One on the Community — The G-ain brought by the Labor of the Others— Cost of Our Criminals last Year — Amount of Property Taken — Expenses of Prevention — Average Cost of each Child in our Industrial Schools— In our Lodging-houses— And when sent to the West— Number Provided for in the Country— Crime Checked — Commitments of Female Yagrants — Arrests of Female Yagrants — Commitments for Thieving — For "Juvenile Delinquency " — Number of Girls under Fifteen Years Old Im- prisoned — Great Decrease of Crime among Girls— Crime Checked among Boys — Commitment of Boys for Yagrancy — For Petit Larceny — Number of Boys under Fifteen Years Old Imprisoned — Number between Fifteen and Twenty— Arrests of Pickpockets — Of Petty Thieves — Of Girls under Twenty — Estimate of Money Saved in One Year by Reduction of Commit- ments pp. 429-439 CHAPTER XXXYII. THE CAUSES OF THE SUCCESS OF THE WORK. This Charity has always Encouraged Self-help — No Pauperism Stimulated under it — The Laborer in this Field sees the Fruit — Harmony with Natural Laws sought for constantly — Advantage Taken of Demand for Labor — The Fam- ily Home sought for, rather than the Asylum —Lodging-houses not Permit- ted to become Homes— Evening-schools — Savings'-bank, Religious Meet- ing, and Day-school— All Stimulates Self-help — The Forces under the So- ciety the Strongest Forces of Life — The Work Founded on Natural Princi- ples—Just Treatment of the Employes by the Trustees — This Charity as well served as any Business-house— The Aim of the Executive Officer with the Employes— Great Success of many of them— One Million of Dollars passed through the Treasury, and not One Squandered— High Character of the Board of Trustees— The Success much Dependent on them — Tabulation of the Accounts— Long Services of the Treasurer, Mr. J. E.Williams— The Sectarian Danger— Great Care to Avoid this— The Utmost Publicity a Necessity — Need for State Aid— Sensation to be Avoided— Hopes that this Charity will Scatter its Blessings for Generations to come., pp. 440-448 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK; AND TWENTY YEARS' WORK AMONG THEM. CHAPTER I. CHRIST IN CHARITY AND REFORM. THE CONDITION OF NEGLECTED CHILDREN BEFORE CHRIS- TIANITY. The central figure in the world's charity is Christ, An eloquent rationalistic writer — Mr. Lecky — speaking of the Christian efforts in early ages in behalf of exposed children and against infanticide, says : u Whatever mistakes may have been made, the entire movement I have traced displays an anxiety not only for the life, but for the moral well-being, of the castaways of society, such as the most humane nations of antiquity had never reached. This minute and scrupulous care for human life and human virtue in the humblest forms, in the slave, the 14 THE DANGrEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. gladiator, the savage, or the infant, was indeed wholly foreign to the genius of Paganism. It was produced by the Christian doctrine of the inestima- ble value of each immortal soul. "It is the distinguishing and transcendent char- acteristic of every society into which the spirit of Christianity has passed." Christ has indeed given a new value to the poorest and most despised human being. When one thinks what was the fate before He lived, throughout the civilized world, of for instance one large and pitiable class of human beings — un- fortunate children, destitute orphans, foundlings, the deformed and sickly, and female children of the poor ; how almost universal, even under the highest pagan civilization — the Greek and Roman— infanti- cide was; how Plato and Aristotle both approved of it; how even more common was the dreadful exposure of children who were physically imperfect or for any cause disagreeable to their parents, so that crowds of these little unfortunates were to be seen exposed around a column near the Yelabrum at Rome — some being taken to be raised as slaves, others as prostitutes, others carried off by beggars and maimed for exhibition, or captured by witches to be murdered, and their bodies used in their magical preparations ; when one remembers for how many centuries, even after the nominal intro- EXPOSURE OF CHILDREN. 15 duction of Christianity, the sale of free children was permitted by law, and then recalls how utterly the spirit of the Founder of Christianity has exter- minated these barbarous practices from the civilized world ) what vast and ingenious charities exist in every Christian country for this unfortunate class; what time and wealth and thought are bestowed to heal the diseases, purify the morals, raise the char- acter, and make happy the life of foundlings, outcast girls and boys and orphans, we can easily under- stand that the source of the charities of civilized nations has been especially in Christ ; and knowing how vital the moral care of unfortunate children is to civilization itself, the most skeptical among us may still put Him at the head of even modern social reform. EXPOSURE OF CHILDREN. The u exposure of children " is spoken of casually and with indifference by numerous Latin authors. The comedians include the custom in their pictures of the daily Eoman life, usually without even a passing condemnation. Thus, in Terence's play (Heauton: Act iii., sc. v.), the very character who uttered the apothegm which has become a proverb of humanity for all ages— " I am a man, and nothing belonging to man is alien to me v — is represented, on the eve of his departure on a long journey, as urging his wife to destroy the infant soon to be born, if it 16 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. should prove to be a girl, rather than expose it. She, however, exposes it 7 and it was taken, as was usual, and brought up as a prostitute. This play turns in its plot, as is true of many popular comedies, on this exposition of the abandoned child. It is frequently commented on by Eoman drama- tists, and subsequently by the early Christian preach- ers, that, owing to this terrible custom, brothers might marry sisters, or fathers share in the ruin of their unknown daughters in houses of crime. Seneca, who certainly always writes with pro- priety and aims to be governed by reason, in his treatise on Anger (De Ira: i., 15), comments thus calmly on the practice : " Portentos foetus extingui- mus; liberos quoque si debiles, monstrosique editi sunt, mergimus. Non ira, sed ratio est, a sanis, inutilia secernere." (Monstrous offspring we destroy ; children too, if weak and unnaturally formed from birth, we drown. It is not anger, but reason, thus to separate the useless from the sound.) In another work (Controversi, lib. v., 33), he de- nounces the horrible practice, common in Eome, of maiming these unfortunate children and then offering them to the gaze of the compassionate. He describes the miserable little creatures with shortened limbs, broken joints, and curved backs, exhibited by the villainous beggars who had gathered them at the Lactaria, and then deformed them : " Volo nosse," EXPOSURE OF CHILDREN. 17 " I should like to know/ 7 says the moralist, with a burst of human indignation, "illam calamitatum humanarum officinam— illud infantum spoliarium ! " — u that workshop of human misfortunes — those shambles of infants ! ?? On the day that G-ermanicus died, says Suetonius (in Calig., n. 5), u Subversae Deum arse, partus con- jugum expositi," parents exposed their new-born babes. The early Christian preachers and writers were unceasing in their denunciations of the practice. Quintilian (Deck 306, vol vi., p. 236) draws a most moving picture of the fate of these unhappy chil- dren lef£ in the Forum : u Earum est ut expositi vivant! Vos ponite ante oculos puerum statim ne- glectum * * * inter feras et volucres." " It is rare that the exposed survive ! ?? he says. Tertullian, in an eloquent passage (Apol., c. 9), asks: "Quot vultis ex his circumstantibus et in christianum sanguinem hiantibus * * * apud conscientias pulsem, qui natos sibi liberos enecent ? 79 u How many, do you suppose, of those standing about and panting for the blood of Christians, if I should put it to them before their very conscience, would deny that they killed their own children ? 11 Lactantius, who was the tutor of the son of Con- stantine, in a book dedicated to Constantine, protests: " It is impossible to grant that one has the right to 18 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YOKEL strangle one's new-born children ?? ; and speaks of ex- position as exposing one's own blood — " ad servitntem vel ad lupanar " — " for slavery or trie brothel." " It is a crime as execrable to expose a child as to kill him." So fearfully did the numbers increase, under the Roman Empire, of these unfortunate children, that the spark of charity, which is never utterly extin- guished in the human breast, began to kindle. Pliny the Younger is said to have appropriated a sum equivalent to $52,000 (see Epist., v., 7), to found an asylum for fathers unable to support their children. THE FIRST CHILDREN'S ASYLUM. Probably the first society or asylum in history for poor children was the foundation established by the Emperor Trajan (about A. D. 110) for destitute and abandoned children. The property thus established in perpetuity, with real estate and money at interest (at five per cent.), was equivalent in value to $920,000, and supported some five thousand children of both sexes. Singularly enough, there seems to have been only one illegitimate child to one hundred and fifty legitimate in these institutions. The Antonines, as might be expected, did not neglect this charity; but both Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius founded associations for destitute girls. Alexander Severus established one also for poor children. These form the only organized efforts made for this object, during many cen- ROMAN CHARITIES. 19 turies, by the most civilized and refined state of antiquity. The number, however, of these wretched creatures increased beyond all cure from scattered exceptional efforts like these. Everywhere the poor got rid of their children by exposure, or sold them as slaves. The rich, if indifferent to their offspring, or unwilling to take the trouble of rearing them, sent them out to the public square, where pimps, beggars, witches, and slave-dealers gleaned their horrible harvest. At length, under the influence of Christianity, legislation began to take cognizance of the practice. The Emperor Constantine, the Emperor Valentian, Valens, and Gratian, sixty years later, continued this humane legislation. They ordered, under strict penalties, that every one should nourish his own children, and forbade exposition ; declaring also that no* one had the right to reclaim the children he had abandoned; the motive to this law being the desire to make it for the interest of those " taking up" exposed children to keep them, . even if necessary, as slaves, against any outside claims. Unfortunately, at that period, slavery was held a less evil than the ordinary fate to which the poor left their children. The punishment of death was also decreed against infanticide. 20 THE DANGKEBOUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. It is an interesting fact that a portion, and prob- ably tlie whole, of our ancestral tribes looked with the greatest horror on abortion and infanticide. The laws of the Yisigoths punished these offenses with death or blindness. Their influence, of course, should always be considered, as well as that of Christianity, in estimating the modern position of woman and the outcast child, as compared with their status under Greek and Eoman civilization. At a later period (412 A. d.) the imperial legisla- tion again endeavored to prevent the reclaiming of exposed children from compassionate persons who had taken them. u Were they right to say that those children belonged to them when they had despised them even to the point of abandoning them to death It was provided also, that in future no one should "take from the ground 7? exposed children except in the presence of witnesses, and that the archbishop should put his signature on the document of guard- ianship which was prepared. (Cod. Theod., lib. 5, tit. 7, Be Expositis.) Hitherto, exposed children had generally been taken and reared as slaves ; but in A. d. 529, Justin- ian decreed that not only the father lost all legitimate authority over the child if he exposed it, but also that the child itself preserved its liberty. This law applied only to the Eastern Empire ; in REFORM UNDER CHRISTIANITY. 21 the Western the slavery of exposed children continued for centuries. (Lecky: Hist, of Europ. Morals, vol. ii., p. 32.) The Christian churches throughout the early centuries took especial care of orphans, in parish orphan nurseries, or orpJianotrophice. The first asylums for deserted and foundling chil- dren which are recorded in the Christian era are one in Treves in the sixth century, one at Angiers in the seventh, and a more famous one in Milan, A. d. 787. Societies for the protection of children were also formed in Milan in the middle of the twelfth century. At the end of that century a monk of Montpelier, Brother Guy, formed what may be called the first u Children's Aid Society,'' for the protection, shelter, and education of destitute children, a fraternity which subsequently spread over Europe. One great cause of the final extreme corruption and extinction of ancient pagan society was the existence of large classes of unfortunate beings, whom no social moral movement of renovation ever reached — the slaves, the gladiators, the barbarian strangers, and the outcast children. To all these deep strata of misery and crime Christianity gradually penetrated, and brought life and light, and finally an almost entire metamorphosis. As criminal and unfortunate classes, they have — with the exception only of the children — ceased to exist 22 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. under modern civilization. We have no longer at the basis of modern society the dangers of a multi- tude of ignorant slaves, or of disaffected barbarous foreigners, or of a profession of gladiators — brutal, brutalizing ; but we do still have masses of unfortu- nate youth, whose condition, though immensely im- proved and lightened by the influences of Christianity, is still one of the most threatening and painful phenomena of modern society in nearly all civilized countries. Still, unlike the experience of Paganism under the Eoman Empire and before it, rays of light, of intelli- gence, and of moral and spiritual influence pene- trate to the depths of these masses. The spirit of Christ is slowly and irresistibly permeating even this lowest class of miserable, unfortunate, or criminal beings; inspiring those who perseveringly labor for them, drawing from wealth its dole and from intelli- gence its service of love, educating the fortunate in the habit of duty to the unfortunate, giving a dignity to the most degraded, and offering hope to the despairing. Christ leads the Eeform of the world, as well as its Charity. Those who have much to do with alms-giving and plans of human improvement soon see how superficial and comparatively useless all assistance or organiza- THE EFFECTS OF FAITH. 23 tion is, which, does not touch habits of life and the inner forces which form character. The poor helped each year become poorer in force and independence. Education is a better preventive of pauperism than charity. The best police and the most complete form of government are nothing if the individual morality be not there. But Christianity is the highest educa- tion of character. Give the poor that, and only seldom will either, alms or punishment be necessary. When one comes to know the peculiar overpower- ing temptations which beset the class of unfortunate children and similar classes; the inducements to sharpness, deception, roguery, lying, fraud, coarse- ness, vice in many forms, besides toward open offenses against the law; the few restraining influences in social opinion, good example, or inherited self-control ; the forces without and the organization within im- pelling to crime, and then sees how immensely power- ful the belief in and love for a supernatural and noble character and Friend is upon such wild natures ; how it inspires to nobleness, restrains low passions, changes bad habits, and transforms base hearts ; how the thoughts of this supernatural Friend can accom- pany a child of the street, and make his daily hard life an offering of loving service ; how the unseen sympathy can dry the orphan's tears, and throw a light of cheerfulness around the wan, pale face of the little vagrant, and bring down something of the splen- 24 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. dor of heaven to the dark cellars and dreary dens of a great city: whoever has had this experience — not once ? but many times — will begin to understand that Christ must lead Eeform as well as Charity, and that without Him the worst diseases of modern society can never be cured. THE FORTUNES OF A STREET WAIF. (First Stage.) CHAPTEE II. THE PROLETAIRES OF NEW YORK. New York is a much, younger city than its Euro- pean rivals; and with perhaps one-third the population of London, yet it presents varieties of life among the u masses " quite as picturesque, and elements of pop- ulation even more dangerous. The throng of different nationalities in the American city gives a peculiarly variegated air to the life beneath the surface, and the enormous over-cro.wding in portions of the poor quar- ters intensifies the evils, peculiar to large towns, to a degree seen only in a few districts in such cities as London and Liverpool. The mass of poverty and wretchedness is, of course, far greater in the English capital. There are classes with inherited pauperism and crime more deeply stamped in them, in London or Glasgow, than we ever behold in Eew York; but certain small dis- tricts can be found in our metropolis with the unhappy fame of containing more human beings packed to the square yard, and stained with more acts of blood and riot, within a given period, than is true of any other equal space of earth in the civilized world. 26 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. There are houses, well known to sanitary boards and the police, where Fever has taken a perennial lease, and will obey no legal summons to quit ; where Cholera — if a single germ-seed of it float anywhere in American atmosphere — at once ripens a black har- vest; where Murder has stained every floor of its gloomy stories, and Vice skulks or riots from one year's end to the other. Such houses are never reformed. The only hope for them is in the march of street improvements, which will utterly sweep them away. It is often urged that the breaking-up of these u dens" and u fever-nests" only scatters the pesti- lence and moral disease, but does not put an end to them. The objection is more apparent than real. The abolishing of one of these centres of crime and pov- erty is somewhat like withdrawing the virus from one diseased limb and diffusing it through an otherwise healthy body. It seems to lose its intensity. The diffusion weakens. Above all, it is less likely to become hereditary. One of the remarkable and hopeful things about New York, to a close observer of its " dangerous classes," is, as I shall show in a future chapter, that they do not tend to become fixed and inherited, as in European cities. But, though the crime and pauperism of New York AMERICAN " ROUGHS." 2? are not so deeply stamped in the blood of the popula- tion, they are even more dangerous. The intensity of • the American temperament is felt in every fibre of these children of poverty and vice. Their crimes have the unrestrained and sanguinary character of a race accustomed to overcome all obstacles. They rifle a bank, where English thieves pick a pocket ; they murder, where European proletaires cudgel or fight with fists ; in a riot, they begin what seems about to be the sacking of a city, where English rioters would merely batter policemen, or smash lamps. The " dan- gerous classes " of New York are mainly American- born, but the children of Irish and German immi- grants. They are as ignorant as London flash-men or costermongers. They are far more brutal than the peasantry from whom they descend, and they are much banded together, in associations, such as "Dead Babbit," " Plug-ugly," and various target companies. They are our enfants perdus, grown up to young man- hood. The murder of an unoffending old man, like Mr. Rogers, is nothing to them. They are ready for any offense or crime, however degraded or bloody. Xew York has never experienced the full effect of the nur- ture of these youthful ruffians as she will one day. They showed their hand only slightly in the riots during the war. At present, they are like the athletes and gladiators of the Eoman demagogues. They are the "roughs" who sustain the ward politicians, and 28 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. frighten honest voters. They can " repeat" to an un limit ed extent, and serve their employers. They live on u panem et tireensesf 1 or City-Hall places and pot-houses, where they have fall credit. * We shall speak more particularly of the causes of crime in future chapters, but we may say in brief, that the young ruffians of New York are the products of accident, ignorance, and vice. Among a million peo- ple, such as compose the population of this city and its suburbs, there will always be a great number of misfortunes ; fathers die, and leave their children unprovided for 5 parents drink, and abuse their little ones, and they' float away on the currents of the street 5 step-mothers or step-fathers drive out, by neglect and ill-treatment, their sons from home. Thousands are the children of poor foreigners, who * =» have permitted them to grow up without school, edu- cation, or religion^ All the neglect and bad education and evil example of a poor class tend to form others, who, as they mature, swell the ranks of ruffians and criminals. x So, at length, a great multitude of igno- rant, untrained, passionate, irreligious boys and young men are formed,, who become. -the "dangerous class" of our city. <;They form the " Mneteenth-street Gangs," the young burglars and murderers, the gar- roters and rioters, the thieves and flash -men, the " re- peaters 79 and ruffians, so well known to all who know this metropolis. AMERICAN COMMUNISM. 29 THE DANGERS. It has been common, since the recent terrible Com- munistic outbreak in Paris, to assume that France alone is exposed to such horrors ; but, in the judg- ment of one who has been familiar with our u danger- ous classes 79 for twenty years, there are just the same explosive social elements beneath the surface of New York as of Paris. There are thousands on thousands in Xew York who have no assignable home, and u flit v from attic to attic, and cellar to cellar ; there are other thou- sands more or less connected with criminal enter- prises 5 and still other tens of thousands, poor, hard- pressed, and depending for daily bread on the day's earnings, swarming in tenement-houses, who behold the gilded rewards of toil all about them, but are never permitted to touch them. All these great masses of destitute, miserable, and criminal persons believe that for ages the rich have had all the good things of life, while to them have been left the evil things. Capital to them is the tyrant. Let but Law lift its hand from them for a season, or let the civilizing influences of American life fail to reach them, and, if the opportunity offered, we should see an, explosion from this class which might leave this city in ashes and blood. To those incredulous of this, we would recall the 30 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. scenes in our streets during the riots in 1863, when, for a short period, the guardians of good order — the local militia — had been withdrawn for national pur- poses, and when the ignorant masses were excited by dread of the draft. Who will ever forget the marvelous rapidity with which the better streets were Med with a ruffianly and desperate multitude, such as in ordinary times we seldom see — creatures who seemed to have crept from their burrows and dens to join in the plunder of the city — how quickly certain houses were marked out for sacking and ruin, and what wild and brutal crimes were committed on the unoffending negroes ? It will be recalled, too, how much women figured in these horrible scenes, as they did in the Communistic out- break in Paris. It was evident to all careful observers then, that had another day of license been given the crowd, the attack would have been directed at the apparent wealth of the city — the banks, jewelers' shops, and rich private houses. £To one doubted then, or during the Orange riot of 1871, the existence of " dangerous classes " in New York. And yet the separate members of these riotous and ruffianly masses are simply neglected and street- wandering children who have come to early manhood. The true preventive of social catastrophes like these, are just such Christian reformatory and edu- cational movements as we are about to describe. THE NUMBERS. 31 Of the number of the distinctively homeless and vagrant youth in New York, it is fliiBcfllt ti speak with precision. We should be inclined to estimate it, after long observation, as fluctuating each year be- tween 20,000 and 30,000.* But tojhese, as they mature, must be added, in the composition of the dangerous classes, all those who are professionally criminal, and who have homes and lodging-places. And again to these, portions of that vast and ignor- ant! multitude, who, in prosperous times, just keep their heads above water, who are pressed down by poverty or misfortune, and who look with envy and greed at the signs of wealth and luxury all around them, while they themselves have nothing but hard- ship, penury, and unceasing drudgery. * The homeless children who come each year under the charitable efforts afterwards to be described amount to some 12,000. f It should be remembered that there are in this city over 60,000 persons above ten years of age who cannot write their names. OHAPTEE III. THE CAUSES OF CRIME. The great practical division of causes of crime may be made into preventible and non-preventible. Among the preventible, or those which can be in good part removed, may be placed ignorance, intemperance, over-crowding of population, want of work, idleness, vagrancy, the weakness of the marriage-tie, and bad legislation. Among those which cannot be entirely removed are inheritance, the effects of emigration, orphanage, accident or misfortune, the strength of the sexual and other passions, and a natural weakness of moral or mental powers. IGNORANCE. There needs hardly a word to be said in this coun- try on the intimate connection between ignorance and crime. The precise statistical relation between them in the State of New York would seem to be this : about thirty-one per cent, of the adult criminals cannot read or write, while of the adult population at large about six (6.08) per cent, are illiterate; or nearly one- THE FORTUNES OF A STREET WAIF. (Second Stage.) CRIME AND IGNORANCE. 33 third of the crime is committed by six-hundredths of the population. In the city prisons for 1870, out of 49,423 criminals, 18,442 could not write and could barely read, or more than thirty-three per cent. In the Eeformatories of the country, according to the statement of Dr. Bittinger before the National Congress on prison-discipline at Cincinnati, out of the average number of the inmates for 1868, of 7,963 twenty-seven per cent, were wholly illiterate. Very great criminality is, of course, possible with high education; but in the immense majority of cases a very small degree of mental training or intellectual tastes is a preventive of idleness and consequent crime and of extreme poverty. The difference between knowing how to read and not knowing will often be the line between utter poverty and a capacity for various occupations. Among the inmates of the city prisons a large per- centage are without a trade, and no doubt this idle condition is largely due to their ignorance and is one of the great stimulants to their criminal course. Who can say how much the knowledge of Geography alone may stimulate a child or a youth to emigrate, and thus leave his immediate temptations and escape pressing poverty ? ORPHANAGE. J Out of 452 criminal children received into the House of Eefuge in New York during 1870, only 187 34 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF 1STEW YORK. had both parents living, so that nearly sixty per cent, had lost one or both of their parents, or were other- wise separated from them. According to Dr. Bittinger,* of the 7,963 inmates of the reformatories in the United States in 1870, fifty-five per cent, were orphans or half orphans. The following figures strikingly show the extent to which orphanage and inheritance influence the moral condition of children. Mettrai, the celebrated French reformatory, has received since its foundation 3,580 youthful inmates. Of these, there are 707 whose parents are convicts; 308 whose parents live in concubinage; 534 " natural" children; 221 foundlings; 504 children of a second marriage ; and 1,542 without either father or mother.f An intelligent French writer, M. de Marsangy,f in writing of the causes of juvenile crime in France, says that " a fifth of those who have been the objects of judicial pursuit are composed of orphans ; the half have no father, a quarter no mother, and as for those who have a family, nearly all are dragged by it into evil." EMIGRATION. j There is no question that the breaking of the ties with one's country has a bad moral effect, * Transactions of the National Congress, p. 279. f Une visite a Mettray. Paris, 1868. X Moralisation de l'enfance coupable, p. 13. CRIME AMONG EMIGRANTS. 35 especially on a laboring class. The Emigrant is released from the social inspection and judgment to which he has been subjected at home, and the tie of church and priesthood is weakened. If a Eoman Catholic, he is often a worse Catholic, without being a better Protestant. If a Protestant, he often becomes indifferent. Moral ties are loosened with the religious. The intervening process which occurs here, between his abandoning the old state of things and fitting himself to the new, is not favorable to morals or character. The consequence is, that an immense proportion of our ignorant and criminal class are foreign-born ; and of the dangerous classes here, a very large part, though native-born, are of foreign parentage. Thus, out of the whole number of foreigners in ]STew York State, in 1860, 16.69 per cent, could not read or write, while of the native-born only 1.83 per cent, were illiterate. Of the 49,423 prisoners in our city prisons, in prison for one year before January, 1870, 32,225 were of foreign birth, and, no doubt, a large proportion of the remainder of foreign parentage. Of the foreign- born, 21,887 were from Ireland ; and yet at home the Irish are one of the most law-abiding and virtuous of populations — the proportion of criminals being smaller than in England or Scotland. In the Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, ac- 36 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. cording to Dr. Bittinger, from one-fourth to one-third of the inmates are foreigners ; in Auburn, from a third to a half 5 in Clinton, one-half ; in Sing Sing, between one-half and six-sevenths. In the Albany Peniten- tiary, the aggregate number of prisoners during the last twenty years was 18,390, of whom 10,770 were foreign-born.* It is another marked instance of the demoralizing influence of emigration, that so large a proportion of the female criminal class should be Irish-born, though the Irish female laboring class are well known to be at home one of the most virtuous in the world. A hopeful fact, however, begins to appear in re- gard to this matter; the worst effects of emigra- tion in this country seem over. The machinery for pro- tecting and forwarding the newly-arrived immigrants, so that they may escape the dangers and temptations of the city, has been much improved. Yery few, com- paratively, now remain in our sea-ports to swell the current of poverty and crime. The majority find their way at once to the country districts. The quality, too, of the immigration has improved. More well-to-do farmers and peasantry, with small savings, arrive than formerly, and the preponderance, as to nationality, is inclining to the Germans. It com- paratively seldom happens now that paupers or per- sons absolutely without means, land in New York. * Transact, of Nat. Cong., p. 282. CAUSES OF CRIME. 37 As one of the great causes of crime. Emigration will undoubtedly have a much feebler influence in the future in Xew York than it has had in the past. WANT OF A TRADE. It is remarkable how often, in questioning the youthful convicts in our prisons as to the causes of their downfall, they will reply that " if they had had a trade, they would not have been there." They dis- liked drudgery, they found places in offices and shops crowded,- they would have enjoyed the companionship and the inventiveness of a trade, but they could not obtain one, and therefore they were led into stealing or gambling, as a quick mode of earning a living. There is no doubt that a lad with a trade feels a peculiar independence of the world, and is much less likely to take up dishonest means of living than one depending on manual labor, or chance means of living. There is nearly always a demand for his work; the lad feels himself a member of a craft and sup- ported by the consciousness of this membership; the means of the " Unions v often sustain him when out of employment ; his associates are more honest and respectable than those of boys depending on chance- labor, and so he is preserved from falling into crime. Of course, if such a lad would walk forth to the nearest country village, he would find plenty of healthy and remunerative employment in the ground, 38 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. as gardener or farmer. And to a country-lad, the farm offers a better chance than a trade. But many city boys and young men will not consent to leave the ex- citements of the city, so that the want of a mechanical occupation does expose them to many temptations. The persons most responsible for this state of things are the members of such u Unions v as refuse to employ boys, or to encourage the training of ap- prentices. It is well-known that in many trades of New York, hardly any young laborers or apprentices are being trained. The result of this selfish policy will be to reduce the amount of skilled labor in this city, and thus compel the importation of foreign labor, and to increase juvenile crime and the burdens on the poor. Another cause of this increasing separation from trades among the young is, no doubt, the increasing aversion of American children, whether poor or rich, to learn anything thoroughly ; the boys of the street, like those of our merchants, preferring to make for- tunes by lucky and sudden " turns," rather than by patient and steady industry. Our hope in this matter is in the steady demand for juvenile labor in the country districts, and the substantial rewards which await industry there. CHAPTEE IV, THE CAUSES OF CRIME. "WEAKNESS OF THE MARKIAGE-TIE. It is extraordinary, among the lowest classes, in how large a number of cases a second marriage, or the breaking of marriage, is the immediate cause of crime or vagrancy among the children. When ques- tioning a homeless boy or street-wandering girl as to the former home, it is extremely common to hear "I couldn't get on with my step-mother/' or "My step-father treated me badly," or "My father left, and we just took care of ourselves. 77 These ap- parently exceptional events are so common in these classes as to fairly constitute them an important cause of juvenile crime. When one remembers the number of happy second marriages within one's ac- quaintance, and how many children have never felt the difference between their step-mother and their own mother, and what love and patience and self- sacrifice are shown by parents to their step-children, we may be surprised at the contrast in another class of the community. But the virtues of the poor spring very much from their affections and instincts; they 40 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. have comparatively little self-control ; the high les- sons of duty and consideration for others are seldom stamped on them, and Beligion does not much influ- ence their more delicate relations with those associa- ted with them. They might shelter a strange orphan for years with the greatest kindness ; but the bearing and forbearing with the faults of another person's child year after year, merely from motives of duty or affection to its parent, belong to a higher range of Christian virtues, to which they seldom attain. Their own want of self-control and their tendency to jeal- ousy, and little understanding of true self-sacrifice, combine to weaken and embitter these relations with step-children. The children themselves have plenty of faults, and have doubtless been little governed, so that soon both parties jar and rub against one an- other; and as neither have instincts or affections to fall back upon, mere principle or sense of duty is not enough to restrain them. What would be simply slights or jars in more controlled persons, become col- lisions in this class. Bitter quarrels spring up between step-son and mother, or step-daughter and father; the other pa- rent sometimes sides with the child, sometimes with the father ; but the result is similar. The house be- comes a kind of pandemonium, and the girls rush desperately forth to the wild life of the streets, or the boys gradually prefer the roaming existence of the a FREE LOVE." 41 little city- Arab to such a quarrelsome home. Thus it happens that step-children among the poor are so often criminals or outcasts. It needs a number of years among the lower work- ing-classes to understand what a force public opinion is in all classes in keeping the marriage-bond sacred, and what sweeping misfortunes follow its violation. Many of the Irish peasants who have landed here have married from pure affection. Their marriage has been consecrated by the most solemn ceremonies of their church. They come of a people peculiarly faithful to the marriage-tie, and whose religion has especially guarded female purity and the fidelity of husband and wife. At home, in their native villages, they would have died sooner than break the bond or leave their wives. The social atmosphere about them and the influence of the priests make such an act almost impossible. And yet in this distant country, away from their neighbors and their religious in- structors, they are continually making a practical test of u Free-Love v doctrines. As the wife grows old or ugly — as children increase and weigh the pa- rents down— as the home becomes more noisy and less pleasant, — the man begins to forget the vows made at the altar, and the blooming girl he then took ; and, perhaps meeting some prettier woman, or hearing of some chance for work at a distance, he slips quietly away, and the deserted wife, who seems 42 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. to love him the more the more false he is, is left alone. For a time she has faith in him and seeks him far and near 5 but at length she abandons hope, and begins the heavy straggle of maintaining her lit- tle family herself. The boys gradually get beyond her control ; they are kept in the street to earn some- thing for their support; they become wild and va- grant, and soon end with being street-rovers, or petty thieves, or young criminals. The girls are trained in begging or peddling, and, meeting with bold company, they gradually learn the manners and morals of the streets, and after a while abandon the wretched home, and break what was left of the poor mother's hope and courage, by beginning a life of shame. This sad history is lived out every day in New York. If any theorists desire to see what fruits " Free Love v or a weak marriage-bond can bear among the lowest working-classes, they have only to trace the histories of great numbers of the young thieves and outcasts and prostitutes in this city. With the dangerous classes, " elective affinities' 7 are most honestly followed. The results are suffering, crime, want, and degradation to those who are innocent. / IKHEEITANCE. A most powerful and continual source of crime with the young is Inheritance — the transmitted tend- INHERITANCE. 43 encies and qualities of their parents, or of several generations of ancestors. It is well-known to those familiar with the c rimin al classes, that certain appetites or habits, if indulged abnormally and excessively through two or more generations, come to have an almost irresistible force, and, no doubt, modify the brain so as to constitute almost an insane condition. This is especially true of the appetite for liquor and of the sexual passion, and sometimes of the peculiar weakness, dependence, and laziness which make confirmed paupers. The writer knows of an instance in an almshouse in Western New York, where four generations of females were paupers and prostitutes. Almost every reader who is familiar with village life will recall poor fami- lies which have had dissolute or criminal members beyond the memory of the oldest inhabitant, and who still continue to breed such characters. I have known a child of nine or ten years, given up, apparently be- yond control, to licentious habits and desires, and who in all different circumstances seemed to show the same tendencies ; her mother had been of similar character, and quite likely her grandmother. The u gemmules," or latent tendencies, or forces, or cells of her imme- diate ancestors were in her system, and working in her blood, producing irresistible effects on her brain, nerves, and mental emotions, and finally, not being met early enough by other moral, mental, and physi- 44 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. cal influences, they have modified her organization, until her will is scarcely able to control them and she gives herself up to them. All those who instruct or govern " Houses of Befuge," or " Reform Schools," or Asylums for criminal children and youths, will recall many such instances. They are much better known in the Old World than this ; they are far more common here in the country than in the city. My own experience during twenty years has been in this regard singularly hopeful. I have watched great numbers of degraded families in New York, and exceedingly few of them have transmitted new gen- erations of paupers, criminals, or vagrants. The causes of this encouraging state of things are not obscure. The action of the great law of "Natural Selection," in regard to the human race, is always towards temperance and virtue. That is, vice and extreme indulgence weaken the physical powers and undermine the constitution ; they impair the faculties by which man struggles with adverse conditions and gets beyond the reach of poverty and want. The vicious and sensual and drunken die earlier, or they have fewer children, or their children are carried off by diseases more frequently, or they themselves are unable to resist or prevent poverty and suffering. As a consequence, in the lowest class, the more self- con- trolled and virtuous tend constantly to survive, and NATURAL SELECTION." 45 to prevail in u the struggle for existence,' 7 over the tlie vicious and ungoverned, and to transmit their progeny. The natural drift among the poor is towards virtue. Probably no vicious organization with very extreme and abnormal tendencies is transmitted beyond the fourth generation ; it ends in insanity or cretinism or the wildest crime. The result is then, with the worst-endowed families, that the " gemmules," or latent forces of hundreds of virtuous, or at least, not vicious, generations, lie hid in their constitutions. The immediate influences of parents or grandparents are, of course, the strongest in inheritance ; but these may be overcome, and the latent tendencies to good, coming down from remote ancestors, be aroused and developed. Thus is explained the extraordinary improvement of the children of crime and poverty in our Industrial Schools ; and the reforms and happy changes seen in the boys and girls of our dangerous classes when placed in kind Western homes. The change of circumstances, the improved food, the daily moral and mental in- fluences, the effect of regular labor and discipline, and, above all, the power of Eeligion, awaken these hidden tendencies to good, both those coming from many generations of comparative virtue and those inherent in the soul, while they control and weaken and cause to be forgotten those diseased appetites or extreme passions which these unfortunate creatures inherit 46 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. directly, and substitute a higher moral sense for the low moral instincts which they obtained from their parents. So it happens, also, that American life, as compared with European, and city life, as compared with country, produces similar results. In the United States, a boundless hope pervades all classes; it reaches down to the outcast and vagrant. There is no fixity, as is so often the fact in Europe, from the sense of despair. Every individual, at least till he is old, hopes and expects to rise out of his condition. The daughter of the rag-picker or vagrant sees the children she knows, continually dressing better or associating with more decent people; she beholds them attending the public schools and improving in education and manners; she comes in contact with the greatest force the poor know — public opinion, which requires a certain decency and respectability among themselves. She becomes ashamed of her squalid, ragged, or drunken mother. She enters an Industrial School, or creeps into a Ward School, or "goes out" as a servant. In every place, she feels the profound forces of American life; the desire of equality, ambition to rise, the sense of self-respect and the passion for education. These new desires overcome the low appetites in her blood, and she continually rises and improves. If Religion in any form reach her, she attains a still greater height over the sensual and filthy ways of her ADVANTAGE OF CHANGE. 47 parents. She is in no danger of sexual degradation, or of, any extreme vice. The poison in her blood has found an antidote. When she marries, it will inevita- bly be with a class above her own. This process goes on continually throughout the country, and breaks up criminal inheritance. Moreover, the incessant change of our people, espe- cially in cities, the separation of children from parents, of brothers from sisters, and of all from their former localities, destroy that continuity of influence which bad parents and grandparents exert, and do away with those neighborhoods of crime and pauperism where vice concentrates and transmits itself with ever- increasing power. The fact that tenants must forever be u moving" in New York, is a preventive of some of the worst evils among the lower poor. The mill of American life, which grinds up so many delicate and fragile things, has its uses, when it is turned on the vicious fragments of the lower strata of society. Villages, which are more stable and conserv- ative, and tend to keep families together more and in the same neighborhoods, show more in- stances of inherited and concentrated wickedness and idleness. In New York the families are con- stantly broken up; some members improve, some die out, but they do not transmit a progeny of crime. There is little inherited criminality and pau- perism. 48 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OE NEW YORK. A QUESTION. Among these public influences on the young, it has been often a question with some, whether the Public Schools did not educate the daughters of the poor too much, and thus make them discontented with their condition, and exposed to temptation. It is said that these working-girls, seeing such fine dresses about them, and learning many useless accom- plishments, have become indifferent to steady hand- labor, and have sought in vice for the luxuries which they have first learned to know in the public schools. My own observation, however, leads me to doubt whether this occurs, unless as an exceptional fact. The influence of discipline and regular instruction is against the style of character which makes the prosti- tute. Where there is a habit of work, there are seldom the laziness and shiftlessness which especially cause or stimulate sexual vice. Some working-girls do, no doubt, become discontented with their former condi- tion, and some rise to a much higher, while some fall ; but this happens everywhere in the United States, and is not to be traced especially to the influence of our Free Schools. We have spoken of the greater tendency of large cities, as compared with villages, in breaking up vicious families. There is another advantage of cities in this matter. The especial virtue of a village community is the self-respect and personal independence of its VILLAGKE PARIAHS. 49 members. No benefits of charity or benevolent assist- ance and dependence could ever outweigh this. But this very virtue tends to keep a wicked or idle family in its present condition. The neighbors are not in the habit of interfering with it ; no one advises or warns it. The children grow up as other people's children do, in the way the parents prefer ; there is no machinery of charity to lift them out of the slime ; and if any of their wealthier neighbors, from motives of benevolence, visited the house, and attempted to improve or edu- cate the family, the effort would be resented or mis- construed. The whole family become a kind of pa- riahs; they are morally tabooed, and grow up in a vicious atmosphere of their own, and really come out much worse than a similar family in the city. This phenomenon is only a natural effect of the best virtues of the rural community. In a large town, on the other hand, there exist ma- chinery and organization through which benevolent and religious persons can approach such families, and their good intentions not be suspected or resented. The poor people themselves are not so independent, and accept advice or warning more readily ; they are not so stamped in public repute with a bad name ; less is known of them, and the children, under new influences, break off from the vicious career of their pa- rents, and grow up as honest and industrious persons. Moreover, the existence of so much charitable organi- 3 50 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. zation in the cities brings the best talent and charac- ter of the fortunate classes to bear directly on the unfortunate, far more than is the fact in villages. OHAPTEE V. THE CAUSES OF CRIME. OVER-CROWT>rNX>. The source of juvenile crime and misery in New York, which is the most formidable, and, at the same time, one of the most difficult to remove, is the over- crowding of our population. The form of the city-site is such — the majority of the dwellings being crowded into a narrow island between two water-fronts— that space near the business-portion of the city becomes of great value. These districts are necessarily sought for by the laboring and mechanic classes, as they are near the places of employment. They are avoided by the wealthy on account of the population which has already occupied so much of them. The result is, that the poor must live in certain wards; and as space is costly, the landlords supply them with (comparatively) cheap dwellings, by building very high and large houses, in which great numbers of people rent only rooms, instead of dwellings. Were New York a city radiating from a centre over an almost unlimited space — as Philadelphia, for instance — the laborers or the mechanics might take 52 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. up their abode anywhere, and land would be com- paratively cheap, so that the highest blessing of the laboring class would be attainable — -of separate homes for each family. But, on this narrow island, busi- ness is so peculiarly concentrated, and population is so much forced to one exit — towards the north — and the poor have such a singular objection to living beyond a ferry, that space will inevitably continue very dear in New York, and the laboring classes will be compelled to occupy it. To add to the unavoidable costliness of ground- room on this island, has come in the effect of bad government. It is one of the most unpleasant experiences of the student of political economy, that the axioms of his science can so seldom be understood by the masses, though their interests be vitally affected by them. Thus, every thoughtful man knows that each new "job" among city officials, each act of plunder of public property by members of the municipal govern- ment, every loss of income or mal-appropriation or extravagance in the city's funds, must be paid for by taxation, and that taxation always falls heaviest on labor. The laboring classes of the city rule it, and through their especial leaders are the great public losses and wastefulness occasioned. Yet they never know that they themselves con- tinually pay for these in increased rents. Every land- TAXES PAID IN RENT. 53 lord charges his advanced taxation in rent, and prob- ably a profit on that. The tenant pays more for his room, the grocer more for his shop, the butcher and tailor and shoemaker, and every retailer have heavier expenses from the advance in rents, and each and all charge it on their customers. The poor feel the final pressure. The painful effect has been, that the expense for rent has arisen enormously with the laboring classes of this city during the last five years, while many of the other living expenses have nearly returned to the standard before the war. The influence of high rents is to force more people into a given space, in order to economize and divide expense. The latest trustworthy statistics on this important subject are from the excellent Reports of the Metro- politan Board of Health for 1866. From these, it appears that the Eleventh Ward of this city, with a population of 58,953, has a rate of population of 196,510 to the square mile, or 16 T V square yards to * each person; the Tenth Ward, with 31,587 population, has a rate of 185,512 to the square mile, or 17 fff square yards to each ; the Seventeenth Ward, with 79,563, has the rate of 153,006 ; the Fourteenth, with 23,382, has a rate of 155,880 ; the Thirteenth, with 26j3SS y has 155,224 ; and so on with others, though in less proportion. The worst districts in London do not at all equal 54 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. this crowding of population. Thus, East London shows the rate of 175,816 to the square mile; the Strand, 141,556; St. Luke's, 151,104; Holborn, 148,705; and St. James's, Westminster, 144,008. If particular districts of our city be taken, they present an even greater massing of human beings than the above averages have shown. Thus, accord- ing to the Eeport of the Council of Hygiene in 1865, the tenant-house and cellar population of the Fourth Ward numbered 17,611 packed in buildings over a space less than thirty acres, exclusive of streets, which would make the fearful rate of 290,000 to the square mile. In the Seventeenth Ward, the Board of Health reports that in 1868, 4,120 houses contained 95,091 inhabitants, of whom 14,016 were children under five years. In the same report, the number of tenement- houses for the whole city is given at 18,582, with an estimate of one-half the whole population dwelling in them— say 500,000. We quote an extract from a report of Mr. Dupuy, Visitor of the Children's Aid Society of the First Ward, describing the condition of a tenement-house : u What do you think of the moral atmosphere of the home I am about to describe below I ^ To such a home two of our boys return nightly. " In a dark cellar filled with smoke, there sleep, all in one room, with no kind of partition dividing A TENEMENT-HOUSE. 55 them, two men with their wives, a girl of thirteen or fourteen, two men and a large boy of about seventeen years of age, a mother with two more boys, one about ten years old, and one large boy of fifteen ; another woman with two boys, nine and eleven years of age — in all, fourteen persons. u This room I have often visited, and the number enumerated probably falls below, rather than above the average that sleep there." It need not be said that with overcrowding such as this, there is always disease, and as naturally, crime. The privacy of a home is undoubtedly one of the most favorable conditions to virtue, especially in a girl. If a female child be born and brought up in a room of one of these tenement-houses, she loses very early the modesty which is the great shield of purity. Personal delicacy becomes almost unknown to her. Living, sleeping, and doing her work in the same apartment with men and boys of various ages, it is well-nigh impossible for her to retain any feminine reserve, and she passes almost unconsciously the line of purity at a very early age. In these dens of crowded humanity, too, other and more unnatural crimes are committed among those of the same blood and family. Here, too, congregate some of the worst of the desti- tute population of the city — vagrants, beggars, nonde- script thieves, broken-down drunken vagabonds, who 56 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. manage as yet to keep out of the station-houses, and the lowest and most bungling of the " sharper s." Natur- ally, the boys growing up in such places become, as by a law of nature, petty thieves, pick-pockets, street- rovers, beggars, and burglars. Their only salvation is, that these dens become so filthy and haunted with vermin, that the lads themselves leave them in dis- gust, preferring the barges on the breezy docks, or the boxes on the side-walk, from which eventually they are drawn into the neat and comfortable Boys' Lodging-houses, and there find themselves impercep- tibly changed into honest and decent boys. This is the story of thousands every year. The cellar-population alone of this city is a source of incessant disease and crime. And with the more respectable class of poor who occupy the better kind of tenement-houses, the pack- ing of human beings in those great caravansaries is one of the worst evils of this city. It sows pestilence and breeds every species of criminal habits. From the eighteen thousand tenement-houses comes seventy-three per cent.* of the mortality of our popu- lation, and we have little doubt as much as ninety per cent, of the offenses against property and person. * In 1865, the deaths in tenement-houses were 14,500 out of 19,813, the total for the city. The death-rate has, however, been brought down by sanitary improvements from 76 per cent., in 1866, to about 66 per cent, in 1871, or a gain of 2,900 lives in these wretched houses. EFFECT ON MORALS. 57 Over-crowding is the one great misfortune of New York. Without it, we should be tl^e healthiest large city in the world,* and a great proportion of the crimes which disgrace our civilization would he nipped in the bud. While this continues as it does now, there is no possibility of a thorough sanitary, moral, and religious reform in our worst wards. Few girls can grow up to maturity in such dens as exist in the First, Sixth, Eleventh, and Seventeenth Wards and be virtuous; few boys can have such places as homes and not be thieves and vagabonds. In such places typhus and cholera will always be rife, and the death-rate will reach its most terrible maximum. While the poorest population dwell in these cellars and crowded attics, neither Sunday- schools, nor churches, nor charities, can accomplish a thorough reform. What, then, is to be done to remedy this terrible evil? Experience has proved that our remedial agencies can, in individual cases cure even the evils resulting from this unnatural condensing of population. That * Our annual death-rate is now 28.79 per 1,000, while some of the clean wards show 15 per 1,000, or about the rate of the Isle of Wight. The rate of London is about 24, Liverpool has been as high as 40, but is more healthy now, owing to sanitary improvements. Our Sixth Ward reaches 43, and " Gotham Court," in Cherry Street, attains the horrible maximum of 195 per 1,0.00. 58 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. is, we can point to thousands of lads and young girls who were born and reared in such crowded dens of humanity, but who have been transformed into vir- tuous, well-behaved, and industrious young men and women, by the quiet daily influence of the charitable organization I am about to describe. Still, these cases of reform are, in truth, exceptions. The natural and legitimate influence of such massing of population is all in the direction of immorality and degeneracy. Whatever would lessen that, would at once, and by a necessary law, diminish crime and poverty and disease. REMEDIES. The great remedies are to be looked for in broad, general provisions for distributing population. Thus far, the means of communication between business New York and the suburbs have been singularly defective. An underground railway with cheap workman's trains, or elevated railways with similar conveniences, connecting Westchester County and the lower part of the city, or suburbs laid out in New Jersey or on Long Island expressly for working people, with cheap connections with New York and Brooklyn, would soon make a vast difference in the concentration of population in our lower wards. It is true that English experience would show that labor- ing-men, after a heavy day's work, cannot bear the jar of railway traveling. There must be, however, HOMES FOB LABORERS. 59 many varieties of labor — such as worjk in factories and the like — where a little movement in a railroad- train at the close of a day would be a refreshment. Then, as the laboring class was concentrated in sub- urban districts, the various occupations which attend them, such as grocers, shoemakers, tailors, and others, would follow, and be established near them. Many nationalities among our working class have an espe- cial fondness for gardens and bits of land about their houses. This would be an additional attraction to such settlements ; and with easy and cheap communi- cations we might soon have tens of thousands of our laborers and mechanics settled in pleasant and healthy little suburban villages, each, perhaps having his own small house and garden, and the children growing up under far better influences, moral and physical, than they could possibly enjoy in tenement-houses. There are many districts within half an hour of New York, where such plots could be laid out with lots at $500 each, which would pay a handsome profit to the owner, or where a cottage could be let with advantage for the present rent of a tenement attic. Improved communications have already removed hundreds and thousands of the middle class from the city to all the surrounding neighborhood, to the immense benefit both of themselves and their fami- lies. Equal conveniences suited to the wants of the laboring class will koon cause multitudes of these to 60 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. live in the suburban districts. The obstacle, however, as in all efforts at improvement for the working peo- ple, is in their own ignorance and timidity, and their love-of the crowd and bustle of a city. More remote even, than relief by improved com- munications, is a possible check to high rents by a better government. A cheap and honest government of the masses in New York would at once lower tax- ation and bring down rents. The enormous prices demanded for one or two small rooms in a tenement- house are a measure (in part) of the cost of our city .government. Another alleviation to our over crowding has often been proposed, but never vigorously acted upon, as we are persuaded it might be, and that is, the making the link between the demand for labor in our country dis- tricts and the supply in New York, closer. The sue cess of the charity which we are about describing in the transfer of destitute and homeless children to homes in the West, and of the Commissioners of Emi- gration in their " Labor Exchange," indicate what might be accomplished by a grand organized move- ment for transferring our unemployed labor to the fields of the West. It is true, this would not carry away our poorest class, yet it would relieve the press- ure of population here on space, and thus give more room and occupation for all. But admitting that we cannot entirely prevent the LAWS NEEDED. / 61 enormous massing of people, such as prevails in our Eleventh and Seventeenth Wards, we can certainly control it by legislation. The recent Sanitary Acts of New York attempt to hold in check the mode of build- ing tenement-houses, requiring certain means of ven- tilation and exit, forbidding the filling-up of the entire space between the houses with dwellings, and otherwise seeking to improve the condition of such tenement-houses. There only needs two steps farther in imitation of the British Lodging-house Acts — one removing alto- gether the cellar-population, when under certain un- healthy conditions ; and the other limiting by law the the number who can occupy a given space in a tene- ment-room. The British Acts assign 240 cubic feet as the lowest space admissible for each tenant or lodger, and if the inspector finds less space than that occu- pied, he at once enters a complaint, and the owner or landlord is obliged to reduce the number of his occu- pants, under strict penalties. A provision of this na- ture in our New York law would break up our worst dens, and scatter thej^i tenants or lodgers. The removal of the cellar-population from a large propor- tion of their dwellings should also be made. Liver- pool removed 20,000 cellar-occupants in one year (1847), to the immense gain, both moral and sanitary, of the city. New York needs the reform quite as much. There would be no real hardship in such a measure, 62 THE DANGKEROTTS CLASSES OF NEW YOUK. as the tenants could find accommodations in other parts of the city or the suburbs ; and some would per- haps emigrate to the country. One often-proposed remedy for the ills of our tenant-house system — the u Model Lodging-house " — has never been fairly tried here. The theory of this agency of reform is, that if a tenement-house can be constructed on the best sanitary principles, with good ventilation, with limited number of tenants, no over- crowding, and certain important conveniences to the lodgers, all under moral supervision (so that tenants of notoriously bad character are excluded), and such a house can be shown to pay, say seven per cent, net, this will become a " model" to the builders of tene- ment-houses ; some building after the same style, be- cause public opinion and their own conscience require it, others because competition compels it. Thus, in time, the mode of structure and occupancy of all the new tenement-houses would be changed. But to attain this desirable end, the model houses must first pay a profit, and a fair one. So long as they do not succeed in this, they are a failure, however benevolent their object and comfortable their arrangements. In this point of view, the " Waterloo Houses," in London, are a success, and do undoubtedly influence the mode of building and management of private tenement- houses; in this, also, the "Peabody Houses" are not a success, and will have no permanent influence. f MODEL LOD(HNG-HOTJSES. 63 The Model Houses in London for lodging single men have, as the writer has witnessed, changed and elevated the whole class of similar private lodging- houses. The experiment ought to be tried here, on a merely business basis, by some of our wealthy men. The evil of crowded tenement-houses might be immensely alle- viated by such a remedy. CHAPTEE VI. THE CAUSES OF CRIME. INTEMPERANCE. The power of the appetite for alcoholic stimulus is something amazing. A laboring-man feels it especial- ly, on account of the drag on his nervous system of steady and monotonous labor, and because of the few mental stimuli which he enjoys. He returns to his tenement-house after a hard day's work, u dragged out 77 and craving excitement 5 his rooms are disagree- able; perhaps his wife cross, or slatternly, and his children noisy; he has an intense desire for some- thing which can take him out of all this, and cause his dull surroundings and his fatigue to be forgotten. Alcohol does this ; moreover, he can bear alcohol and tobacco, to retard the waste of muscle, as the seden- tary man cannot. In a few steps, he can find jolly companions, a lighted and warmed room, a newspa- per, and, above all, a draught which, for the moment, can change poverty to riches, and drive care and la- bor and the thought of all his burdens and annoy- ances far away. The liquor-shop is his picture-gallery, club, reading- TEE FORTUNES OF A STREET WAIF. (Third Stage.) THE "MAGIC CUP." 05 room, and social salon, at once. His glass is tlie magic transmuter of care to cheerfulness, of penury to plenty, of a low, ignorant, worried life, to an exist- ence for the moment buoyant, contented, and hopeful. Alas that the magician who thus, for the instant, transforms him with her rod, soon returns him to his low estate, with ten thousand curses haunting him! The one thus touched by the modern Circe is not even imbruted, for the brutes have no such appetite ; he becomes a demonized man ; all the treasures of life are trampled under his feet, and he is fit only to dwell u among the tombs." But, while labor is what it is, and the liquor-shop alone offers sociality and amuse- ment to the poor, alcohol will still possess this over- whelming attraction. The results in this climate, and under the form of alcoholic stimulus offered here, are terrible beyond all computation. The drunkards' homes are the darkest spots even in the abyss of mis- ery in every large city. Here the hearts of young women are truly broken, and they seek their only consolation in the same magic cup ; here children are beaten, or maimed, or half-starved, until they run away to join the great throng of homeless street-rov- ers in our large towns, and grow up to infest society. From these homes radiate misery, grief, and crime. They are the nests in which the young fledgelings of misfortune and vice begin their flight. Probably two- thirds of the crimes of every city (and a very large •66 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. portion of its poverty) come from the over-indulgence of this appetite. As an appetite, we do not believe it can ever be eradicated from the human race. If we look at criminal statistics for the effects of this appetite, we will find that in the New York City prisons, during 1870, there were, out of 49,423 crimi- nals, 30,507 of confessedly intemperate habits, while no doubt, with a large portion of the rest, indulgence in liquor was the cause of their offenses. In the Albany Penitentiary there were, in 1869-70, 1,093 convicts, of whom 893 admitted they were in- temperate. Of this whole number only 563 could read and write, and only 568 were natives of this country. Among the children of misfortune in our city, the homeless boys and girls, and those compelled by pov- erty to attend the Industrial Schools (which I shall hereafter describe), it would be safe to say that ninety out of a hundred are the children of drunkards. As a direct cause of crime in children, drunkenness takes but a small place. This is not an appetite of childhood. Yery few boys or girls of the poorest class are addicted to it till they become mature. The effort for Total Abstinence has been, indeed, an untold blessing to the working class in this country and many parts of Europe. It may be said, in many regions, to have broken the wand of the terrible en- chantress. It has introduced a new social habit in TOTAL ABSTINENCE. G7 drinking. It has connected abstinence with the cere- monial of religion and the pleasures of social organiz- ations. It has addressed the working-man — as, in fact, he often is — as a child, and saved him from his own habits, by a sworn abstinence. Thousands of men could never have freed themselves from this most tyrannical appetite, except by absolute refusal to touch. In fact, it may be said that no vice is ever abandoned by gradual steps. The only hope for any one under the control of any wrong indulgence is in entire and immediate abandonment. With those, too, who had not fallen under the sway of this appetite, especially if of the working class, abstinence was the safest rule. The " Total Abstinence Beform" in this country, in Great Britain, and in Sweden, was one of the hap- piest events that ever occurred in the history of the working classes. Its blessings will descend through many generations. But in its nature it could not last. It was a tremendous reaction against the heavy and excessive drinking of fifty years since. It was a kind of noble asceticism. Like all asceticism, it could not continue as a permanent condition. Its power is now much spent. Wherever it can be introduced now among the laboring classes, it should be ; and we be- lieve one of the especial services of the Irish Catholic clergy, at this day, to the world, is in supporting and encouraging this great reform. 68 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. All who study the lower classes are beginning, however, now to look for other remedies of the evil of intemperance. It has become remarkably apparent, during the last few years, that one of the best modes of driving out low tastes in the masses is to introduce higher. It has been found that galleries and museums and parks are the most formidable rivals of the liquor- shops. The experience near the Sydenham Palace, in England, and other places of instructive and pleasant resort for the laboring masses, is, that drinking-saloons do not flourish in opposition. Wherever, in the even- ing, a laboring-man can saunter in a pleasant park, or, in company with his wife and family, look at in- teresting pictures, or sculpture, or objects of curiosity, he has not such a craving for alcoholic stimulus. Even open-air drinking in a garden — as is so com- mon on the Continent — is never so excessive as in an artificial-lighted room. Where, too, a working-man can, in a few steps, find a cheerfully-lighted reading- room, with society or papers, or where a club is easily open to him without drinking, it will also be found that he ceases to frequent the saloon, and almost loses his taste for strong drink. Whatever elevates the taste of the laborer, or ex- pands his mind, or innocently amuses him, or passes his time pleasantly without indulgence, or agreeably instructs, or provides him with virtuous associations, TEMPERANCE MOVEMENTS. 69 tends at once to guard him from habits of intoxication. The Kensington Museum and Sydenham Palace, of London ; the Cooper Union, the Central Park, and free Keading-rooins of New York, are all temperance- societies of the best kind. The great effort now is to bring this class of influences to bear on the habits of tlie laboring-people, and thus diminish intemperance. It is a remarkable fact, in this connection, that, though ninety out of the hundred of our children in the Industrial Schools are the children of drunkards, not one of the thousands who have gone forth from them has been known to have fallen into intemperate habits. Under the elevating influences of the school, they imperceptibly grow out of the habits of their mothers and fathers, and never acquire the appetite. Another matter, which is well worthy of the atten- tion of reformers, is the possibility of introducing into those countries where 66 heavy drinking v prevails, the taste for light wines and the habit of open-air drink- ing. The passion for alcohol is a real one. On a broad scale it cannot be annihilated. Can we not satisfy it innocently ? In this country, for instance, light wines can be made to a vast extent, and finally be sold very cheaply. If the taste for them were formed, would it not expel the appetite for whisky and brandy, or at least, in the coming generation, form a new habit ? There is, it is true, a peculiar intensity in the Amer- ican temperament which makes the taking of concen- 70 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. trated stimulus natural to it. It will need some time for men accustomed to work up their nervous system to a white heat by repeated draughts of whisky or brandy to be content with weak wines. Perhaps the present generation never will be. But the laws of health and morality are so manifestly on the side of drinking light wines as compared with drinking heavy liquors ? that any effort at •social improvement in this direction would have a fair chance of success. Even the slight change of habit involved in drinking leis- urely at a table in the open air with women and chil- dren — after the German fashion — would be a great social reform over the hasty bar-drinking, while stand- ing. The worst intoxication of this City is with the Irish and American bar-drinkers, not the German fre- quenters of gardens. LIQUOR LAWS. In regard to legislation it seems to me that our Kew York License laws of 1866 were, with a few im- provements, a very u happy medium v hi law-making. The ground was tacitly taken, in that code, that it subserved the general interests of morality to keep one day free from riotous or public drinking, and allow the majority of the community to spend it in rest and worship ; and, inasmuch as that day was one of especial temptation to the working-classes, they were to be treated to a certain degree like minors, and liquor was to be refused to them on it. Un- LICENSES. 71 der this law, also, minors and apprentices, on week- days, were forbidden to be supplied with intoxicating drinks, and the liquor-shops were closed at certain hours of the night. Very properly, also, these sellers of intoxicating beverages, making enormous profits, and costing the community immensely in the expenses of crime occasioned by their trade, were heavily taxed, and paid to the city over a million dollars annually in fees, licenses, and fines. The effects of the law were admirable, in the diminution of cases of arrest and crime on the Sunday, and the checking of the ravages of intoxication. But it was always apparent to the writer that, with the peculiar constitution of the population of this city, it could not be sustained, unless concessions were made to the prejudices and habits of certain nationalities among our citizens. Our reformers, however, as a class, are exceedingly adverse to con- cessions 5 they look at questions of habits as absolute questions of right and wrong, and they will permit no half-way or medium ground. But legislation is always a matter of concession We cannot make laws for human nature as it ought to be, but as it is. If we do not get the absolutely best law passed, we must content ourselves with the medium best. If our Temperance Reformers had permitted a clause in the law, excepting the drinking in gardens, or of lager- beer, from the restrictions of the License Law, we 72 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. * should not, indeed, have had so good a state of things as we had for a few years, under the old law, but we might have had it permanently. Now, we have nearly lost all control over drinking, and the Sunday orgies and crimes will apparently renew themselves without check or restraint. If a reform in legislation claim too much, there is always a severe reaction possible, when the final effects will be worse than the evils sought to be corrected. The true plan of reform for this city would be to cause the License Law of 1866 to be re-enacted with certain amendments. The u intoxicating drinks " mentioned should be held not to include lager-beer or certain light wines $ and garden-drinking might be permitted, under strict police surveillance. The Excise Board should be allowed very summary control, however, even over the German gardens and lager-beer drinking-places, so that, if they were per- verted into places of disturbance and intoxication, the licenses could be revoked. By separating absolutely the licenses for light drinks and those for rum, whisky, and heavy ales, a vast deal of drunkenness might be prevented, and yet the foreign habits not be too much interfered with, and comparatively innocent pleasures permitted. In small towns and villages, a reasonable com- promise would seem to be to allow each municipality to control the matter in the mode it preferred: some THE FORTUNES OF A STREET WAIF. (Fourth Stage.) INTEMPERANCE. 73 communities in this way, forbidding all sale of intoxi- cating liquors, and others permitting it, under condi- tions; but each being responsible for the evils or benefits of the system it adopted. If a student of history were reviewing the gloomy list of the evils which have most cursed mankind, which have wasted households, stained the hand of man with his fellow's blood, sown quarrels and hatreds, broken women's hearts, and ruined children in their earliest years, bred poverty and crime, he would place next to the bloody name of War, the black word — Intemperance. 2So wonder that the best minds of modern times are considering most seriously the soundest means of checking it. If absti- nence were the natural and only means, the noble soul would still say, in the words of Paul: "It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth." But abstinence is not thoroughly natural ; it has no chance of a universal acceptance ; and experience shows that other and wider means must be employed. We must trust to the imperceptible and widely- extended influences of civilization, of higher tastes, and more refined amusements on the masses. We must employ the powers of education, and, above all, the boundless force of Eeligion, to elevate the race above the tyranny of this tremendous appetite. 4 OHAPTEE VII. ORGANIZATION OF A REMEDY. In New York, we believe almost alone among the great capitals of the world, a profound and sustained effort for many years has been made to cut off the sources and diminish the numbers of the dangerous classes; and, as the records of crime show, with a marked effect. In most large cities, the first practical difficulty is the want of a united organization to work upon the evils connected with this lowest class. There are too many scattered efforts, aiming in a desultory manner at this and that particular evil, resulting from the con- dition of the children of the streets. There is no unity of plan and of work. Every large city should form one Association or organization, whose sole ob- ject should be to deal alone with the sufferings, wants, and crimes, arising from a class of youth who are homeless, ignorant, or neglected. The injuries to pub- lic morals and property from such a class are impor- tant enough to call out the best thought and utmost energy and inventiveness of charitable men and women to prevent them. Where an association devotes itself NEED OF ORGANIZATION. 75 thus to one great public evil, a thousand remedies or ingenious devices of cure and prevention will be hit upon, when, with a more miscellaneous field of work, the best methods would be overlooked. So threaten- ing is the danger in every populous town from the children who are neglected, that the best talent ought to be engaged to study their condition and devise their improvement, and the highest character and most ample means should be offered to guarantee and make permanent the movements devised for their elevation. The lack of all this in many European capitals is a reason that so little, comparatively, has been done to meet these tremendous dangers. Then, again, in religious communities, such as the English and American, there is too great a confidence in tecJmical religious means. We would not breathe a word against the absolute necessity of Christianity in any scheme of thorough social reform. If the Christian Church has one gar- land on its altars which time does, not wither nor skep- ticism destroy, which is fresh and beautiful each year, it is that humble offering laid there through every age by the neglected little ones of society, whom the most enlightened Stoicism despised and Paganism cast out, but who have been blessed and saved by its ministra- tions of love. No skeptical doubt or u rationalism" can ever pluck from the Christian Church this, its purest crown. 76 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. To attempt to prevent or cure the fearful moral diseases of our lowest classes without Christianity, is like trying to carry through a sanitary reform in a city without sunlight. But the mistake we refer to, is a too great use of, or confidence in, the old technical methods — such as distributing tracts, and holding prayer-meetings, and scattering Bibles. The neglected and ruffian class which we are considering are in no way affected directly by such influences as these. New methods must be invented for them. Another obstacle, in American cities, to any com- prehensive results of reform or prevention among these classes, has been the too blind following of Eu- ropean precedents. In Europe, the labor-market is folly supplied. There is a steady pressure of popula- tion on subsistence. USTo general method of prevention or charity can be attempted which interferes with the rights of honest and self-supporting labor. The vic- tims of society, the unfortunate, the enfants perdus, must be retained, when aided at all, in public institu- tions. They cannot be allowed to compete with out- side industry. They are not wanted in the general market of labor. They must be kept in Asylums. Now, Asylums are a bequest of monastic days. They breed a species of character which is monastic — indolent, unused to struggle 5 subordinate indeed, but with little independence and manly vigor. If PIONEER WORK. 77 the subjects of the modern monastery be unfortu- nates — especially if they be already somewhat tainted with vice and crime — the effect is a weakening of true masculine vigor, an increase of the apparent vir- tues, and a hidden growth of secret and contagious vices. Moreover, the life under the machinery of an "Institution" does not prepare for the thousand petty hand-labors of a poor man's cottage. But, greatest of all objections, the asylum system is, of necessity, immensely expensive, and can reach but a compara- tively small number of subjects. These various obstacles and difficulties, which im- pede thorough work for the elevation # 6f our worst classes, can, however, be overcome. PIOMER WORK. Some twenty years ago, the then Chief of Police of New York, Captain Matsell, put forth a report on the condition of the street-children of the city, which aroused universal anxiety, and called forth much com- passion. The writer of this was then engaged (in 1852) outside of his professional duties in rather desultory and despairing labors for the reform of adult prisoners on BlackwelVs Island and the squalid poor in the Five- Points district. It was a Sisyphus-like work, and soon discouraged all engaged in it. We seemed in those infernal regions to repeat the toil of the Da- naides, and to be attempting to fill the leaky vessel 78 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. of society by efforts which left it as empty as before. What soon struck all engaged in those labors was the immense number of boys and girls floating and drift- ing about our streets, with hardly any assignable home or occupation, who continually swelled the mul- titude of criminals, prostitutes, and vagrants. Saddest of all sights was the thin child's face, so often seen behind prison-bars, and the melancholy pro- cession of little children who were continually passing through that gloomy Egyptian portal, which seemed to some of us then always inscribed with the scroll over the entrance of the Inferno, "Here leave all hope behind V 7 It was evident soon, to all who thought upon the subject, that what New York most of all needed was some grand, comprehensive effort to check the growth of the " dangerous classes." The u Social Evil," of course, was pressed contin- ually on the minds of those engaged in these labors. Mr. Pease was then making a most heroic effort to meet this in its worst form in the Five-Points region. No one whom we have ever known was so qualified for this desperate work, or was so successful in it. Still, it was but one man against a sea of crime. The waves soon rolled over these enthusiastic and devoted labors, and the waste of misfortune and guilt remained as desolate and hopeless as before. It was clear that whatever was done there, must be done in the source and origin of the evil — in prevention, not cure. READINESS FOR THE WORK. 79 The impression deepened both with those engaged in these benevolent labors and with the community, that a general Organization should be formed which should deal alone with the evils and dangers threatened from the class of neglected youth then first coming plainly into public view. Those who possessed property- interests in the city saw the immense loss and damage which would occur from such an increasing com- munity of young thieves and criminals. The humane felt for the little waifs of society who thus, through no fault of their own, were cast out on the currents of a large city ; and the religious recognized it as a solemn duty to carry the good news of Christianity to these u heathen at home." Everything seemed in readiness for some comprehensive and well-laid scheme of benevolence and education for the street- children of New York. A number of our citizens, with the present writer threw themselves into a somewhat original method for benefiting the young "roughs" and vagabond boys of the metropolis. This was known as the effort of the "BOYS' MEETINGS." The theory of these original assemblages was, that the " sympathy of an audience" might be used to influence these wild and untutored young Arabs when ordinary agencies were of no avail. The street- boys, as is well-known, are exceedingly sharp and 80 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. keen, and, being accustomed to theatrical perform- ances, are easily touched by real oratory, and by dramatic instruction ; but they are also restless, soon tired of long exhortations, and somewhat given to chaff. The early days of those u Boys' Meetings v were stormy. Sometimes the salutatory exercises from the street were showers of stones ; sometimes a general scrimmage occurred oyer the benches; again, the visitors or missionaries were pelted by some opposi- tion-gang, or bitter enemies of the lads who attended the meeting. The exercises, too, must be conducted with much tact, or they broke up with a laugh or in a row. The platform of the Boys' Meeting seemed to become a kind of chemical test of the gaseous element in the brethren's brains. One pungent criticism we remember — -on a pious and somewhat sentimental Sunday-school brother, who, in one of our meetings, had been putting forth vague and declamatory reli- gious exhortation — in the words u Gas ! gets I " whis- pered with infinite contempt from one hard-faced young disciple to another. Unhappy, too, was the experience of any more daring missionary who ven- tured to question these youthful inquirers. Thus — " In this parable, my dear boys, of the Pharisee and the publican, what is meant by the 6 publican !>» u Alderman, sir, wot keeps a pot-house ! " u Dimo- crat, sir ! v u Black Eepublican, sir ! " REPARTEES. 81 Or — "My bo*ys, what is the great end of man? When is he happiest? How would you feel hap- piest?" " When we'd plenty of hard cash, sir ! " Or — " My dear boys, when your father and your mother forsake you, who will take you up ? " u The Purlice, sir (very seriously), the Purlice ! " They sometimes took their own quiet revenge among themselves, in imitating the Sunday-school addresses delivered to them. Still, ungoverned, prematurely sharp, and accus- tomed to all vileness, as these lads were, words which came forth from the depths of a man's or woman's heart would always touch some hidden chord in theirs. Pathos and eloquence vibrated on their heart- strings as with any other audience. Beneath all their rough habits and rude words was concealed the solemn monitor, the Daimon, which ever whispers to the lowest of human creatures, that some things are wrong — are not to be done. Whenever the speaker could, for a moment only, open the hearts of the little street-rovers to this voice, there was in the wild audience a silence almost pain- ful, and every one instinctively felt, with awe, a mys- terious Presence in the humble room, which blessed both those who spake and those who heard. Whatever was bold, or practical, or heroic in senti- ment, and especially the dramatic in oratory, was 82 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. most intently listened to by these children of mis- fortune. The Boys' Meetings, however, were not, and could not, in the nature of things, be a permanent success. They were the pioneer- work for more profound labors for this class. They cleared the way, and showed the character of the materials. Those engaged in them learned the fearful nature of the evils they were struggling with, and how little any moral influence on one day can do to combat them. These wild gather- ings, like meetings for street-preaching, do not seem suited to the habits of our population ; they are too much an occasion for frolic. They have given way to, and been merged in, much more disciplined assem- blages for precisely the same class, which again are only one step in a long series of moral efforts in their behalf, that are in operation each day of every week and month, and extend through years. The first of these meetings was opened in 1848, under the charge of Mr. A. D. F. Randolph by the members of a Presbyterian church, in a hall on the corner of Christopher and Hudson Streets. This was followed by another in a subsequent year in Wooster Street, commenced by the indefatigable exertions of the wife of Eev. Dr. GL B. Cheever, and sustained especially by Mr. B. J. Howland and W. C. Russell. The writer took more or less part in those, but was especially engaged in founding one in Sixth Street, BOYS' MEETINGS. 83 near Second Avenue ; another in 118 Avenue D, from which, arose the " Wilson School ?; and the Avenue D Mission; one in King Street, near Hudson, from which came the Cottage-Place Mission ; and another in Greenwich Street, near Yandam Street. CHAPTEE VIII. A NEW ORGANIZATION. Axl those who were engaged in these efforts felt their inadequacy, and we resolved to meet at different private houses to discuss the formation of some more comprehensive effort. At length, in 1853, we organ- ized, and, to the great surprise of the writer, his asso- ciates suggested that he should take the position of executive officer of the new and untried Associa- tion. He was at that time busied in literary and editorial pursuits, but had expected soon to carry out the purpose of his especial training, and to become a preacher. He never dreamed of making a life- pursuit of it in the beginning, or during a number of years ; but " the call " of the neglected and outcast was too strong for him, finally, to listen to any other, and the humble charity at length became a moral and educational movement so profound and earnest as to repay the life-endeavors of any man. He has never regretted having cast aside whatever chance he may have had for the prizes and honors of life, for the sake of the forgotten and the unfortunate, and, above all, for THE FIRST TRUSTEES. 85 His sake to whom we owe all. Indeed, he holds him- self most fortunate in his profession, for it may be said there is no occupation to which man can devote himself, where he can have such unmingled happiness, as when he is assuaging human misery and raising the ignorant and depressed to a higher life. THE TRUSTEES. One of the most energetic members of this new body, in the beginning, was a nephew of Dr. Chan- ning — a Unitarian, Mr. Win. C. Eussell — a man of singular earnestness of character, now Professor of History and Yice-President in Cornell University. With him was associated a friend, Mr. B. J. How- land, of peculiar compassion of nature, whose life almost consisted of the happiness it shed on others — • he also being a Unitarian. Then, on the other side, theologically, was Judge John L. Mason, one of the pillars of the Presbyterian Church, from an old and honored Presbyterian family. His accurate legality of mind and solidity of character were of immense advantage to the youthful Association, while, under a formal exterior, he had a most merciful heart for all kinds of human misery. He was our presiding officer for many years, and did most faithful and thorough work for the charity. With him. representing the Congregationalists, was a very careful and judicious man, engaged for many years in Sunday-schools and 86 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. similar movements, Mr. Wm. C. Oilman. The Dutch Eeformed were represented by an experienced friend of education, Mr. M. T. Hewitt ; and the Presbyterians again by one of such gentleness and humanity, that all sects might have called him Brother — Mr. W. L. King. To these was added one who has been a great im- pelling force of this humane movement ever since — a man of large, generous nature, and much impulse of temperament, with a high and refined culture, who has done more to gain support for this charity with the business community, where he is so influential, than any other one man — Mr. J. E. Williams, also a Unitarian. Mr. W. had also been engaged in similar charities in Boston. During the first year, we added to our board from the Methodists, Dr. J. L. Phelps ; from the Episco- palians, Mr. Archibald Eussell (since deceased), who has accomplished so much as the President of the Board of the Five Points House of Industry; Mr. George Bird, and Mr. A. S. Hewitt, who is now the managing head of that great educational in- stitution, the Cooper Union ; from the Presbyterians, the celebrated Mr. Cyrus W. Field; and from the u Come-outers," Mr. C. W. Elliott, the genial author of the u Hew England History." Of all the first trus- tees, the only ones in office in 1871 ar6 J. E. Wililams, B. J. Howland, M. T. Hewitt, and C. L. Brace. On a subsequent year we elected a gentleman who u CHRISTIAN UNION." 87 especially represented a religious body that has always profoundly sympathized with our enterprise — Mr. Howard Potter, the son of the eminent Episcopal Bishop of Pennsylvania, and nephew of the Bishop of New York. And yet, of all the members of our Board, no one has been more entirely unsectarian than this trustee; and certainly no one has thrown into our charity more heart and a more unbiased judgment. Mr. Potter is still trustee. Through him and Mr. E. J. Livingston, who was chosen a few years after, the whole accounts of the Society were subsequently put in a clear shape, and the duties of the trustees in supervision made distinct and regular. It is an evidence of the simple desire for doing good which actuated these gentlemen, and of the pos- sibility of a u Christian Union" that, though repre- senting so many different sects, and ardently attached to them, there never was in all the subsequent years the slightest difference among them resulting from their divergent views on speculative topics. Nearly all of them were engaged practically in laboring among the dangerous classes. Mr. Howland and Mr. Eussell had struggled most earnestly for a con- siderable period to reform the morals and elevate the character of the degraded population near u Eotten Eow," in Laurens street, and their " Boys' Meeting" had been one of the most spirited efforts in this direc- tion to be seen in the city. 88 THE DANGKEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. Several of the gentlemen I have mentioned have become distinguished in their various professions, but it may be doubted if they will look back on any action of their public careers with more satisfaction than their first earnest efforts to lay firmly the foundations of a broad structure of charity, education, and reform. The organization was happily named " THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF NEW YORK." This association, which, from such small begin- nings has grown to so important dimensions, was thus formed in 1853, and was subsequently incorporated in 1856, under the general Act of the State of STew York in relation to Charitable Associations. A small office on the corner of Amity Street was opened, with a single lad in attendance, besides the present writer. The public, so profound was the sense of these threatening evils, immediately came forward with its subscriptions — the first large gift (fifty dollars) being from the wife of the principal property-holder in the city, Mrs. William B. Astor. Most touching of all was the crowd of wandering little ones who immediately found their way to the office. Eagged young girls who had nowhere to lay their heads; children driven from drunkards' homes; orphans who slept where they could find a box or a stairway; boys cast out by step-mothers or step- FIRST APPLICANTS. 89 fathers ; newsboys, whose incessant answer to our question, u Where do you live ? " rung in our ears, u Don't live nowhere 1? little bootblacks, young ped- dlers u canawl-boys," who seem to drift into the city every winter, and live a vagabond life 5 pickpockets and petty thieves trying to get honest work ; child beg- gars and flower-sellers growing up to enter courses of crime — all this jnotley throng of infantile misery and childish guilt passed through our doors, telling their simple stories of suffering, and loneliness, and tempt- ation, until our hearts became sick ; and the present writer, certainly, if he had not been able to stir up the fortunate classes to aid in assuaging these fearful mis- eries, would have abandoned the post in discourage- ment and disgust. The following letter, written at this time by the Secretary, is appended, as showing the feeling of those founding the Society : " W. L. King, Esq. : " My Dear Sir — We were very glad to get your first letter to ♦ Mr. Russell, giving us your good wishes and your subscription. It was read aloud to our committee, and we have several times expressed ourselves as very much regretting your absence. I should have certainly written you, but I did not know your address. I received yours from Macon yesterday, and hasten to reply. " Everything goes on well. We have taken Judge Mason and Mr. J. E. Williams (formerly of Boston) into the committee. I enclose a circular, to which, according to the permission which you gave us, we have placed your name. We have opened one room for a workshop in Wooster Street, where we expect to have 90 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. forty or fifty boys. The work is shoe-making. The boys jump at the chance gladly. Some three ' Newsboys' Meetings ' we are just getting under way, though the churches move slowly. Our Meeting in Avenue D is improving every Sunday, and is very full. Next Thursday eve, I have made arrangements for a lec- ture on the Magic Lantern to the boys of our Meeting. We gave out tickets on Sunday. The Girls' meeting is large, and you know, perhaps, is now widened into an ' Industrial School* * for girls, which meets every day in our Building in Avenue D. They have some fifty girls at work there — the worst vagrant kind. Public attention is arousing everywhere to this matter ; and the first two or three days after our Appeal was published, we had some $400 sent in, part in cash, without the trouble of collecting. We shall begin collecting this week. I have been interrupted here by a very intelligent little newsboy, who is here vagrant and helpless — ran away from his step-father. One of the pressmen sent him to me. We shall put him in our workshop. " I pray with you, dear sir, for God's blessing on our young enterprise. It is a grand one ; but without Him I see how use- less it will be. If we succeed even faintly, I shall feel that we have not lived in vain. Surely Christ will be with us in these feeble efforts for his poor creatures. " Very truly yours, " Chakles L. Brace. " New York, March 7, 1853. " P. S. — I forgot to tell you the name we have chosen — ' Chil- dren's Aid Society/ " Office, No. 683 Broadway, 2d floor, New York." The following is the first circular of THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. " This society has taken its origin in the deeply settled feel- ings of our citizens, that something must be done to meet the increasing crime and poverty among the destitute children of New York. Its objects are to help this class by opening Sunday ' The Wilson School." OUR PLANS. 91 Meetings and Industrial Schools, and, gradually as means shall be furnished, by forming Lodging-houses and Reading-rooms for children, and by employing paid agents whose sole business shall be to care for them. "As Christian men, we cannot look upon this great multitude of unhappy, deserted, and degraded boys and girls without feel- ing our responsibility to God for them. We remember that they have the same capacities, the same need of kind and good influences, and the same Immortality as the little ones in our own homes. We bear in mind that One died for them, even as for the children of the rich and happy. Thus far, alms-houses and prisons have done little to affect the evil. But a small part of the vagrant population can be shut up in our asylums, and judges and magistrates are reluctant to convict children so young and ignorant that they hardly seem able to distinguish good and evil. The class increases. Immigration is pouring in its multi- tude of poor foreigners, who leave these young outcasts every- where abandoned in our midst. For the most part, the boys grow up utterly by themselves. No one cares for them, and they care for no one. Some live by begging, by petty pilfering, by bold robbery ; some earn an honest support by peddling matches, or apples, or newspapers ; others gather bones and rags in the street to sell. They sleep on steps, in cellars, in old barns, and in mar- kets, or they hire a bed" in filthy and low lodging-houses. They cannot read ; they do not go to school or attend a church. Many of them have never seen the Bible. Every cunning faculty is intensely stimulated. They are shrewd and old in vice, when other children are in leading-strings. Few influences which are kind and good ever reach the vagrant boy. And, yet, among themselves they show generous and honest traits. Kindness can always touch them. " The girls, too often, grow up even more pitiable and deserted. Till of late no one has ever cared for them. They are the cross- walk sweepers, the little apple-peddlers, and candy-sellers of our city ; or, by more questionable means, they earn their scanty bread. They traverse the low, vile streets alone, and live with- out mother or friends, or any share in what we should call a home. They also know little of God or Christ, except by name. They grow up passionate, ungoverned^with no love or kindness 92 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YOUK. ever to soften the heart. We all know their short wild life — and the sad end. " These boys and girls, it should be remembered, will soon form the great lower class of our city. They will influence elections ; they may shape the policy of the city ; they will, assuredly, if unreclaimed, poison society all around them. They will help to form the great multitude of robbers, thieves, vagrants, and prostitutes who are now such a burden upon the law-respecting community. " In one ward alone of the city, the Eleventh, there were, in 1852, out of 12,000 children between the ages of five and six- teen, only 7,000 who attended school, and only 2,500 who went to Sabbath School ; leaving 5,000 without the common privileges of education, and about 9,000 destitute of public religious influence. " In view of these evils we have formed an Association which shall devote itself entirely to this class of vagrant children. We do not propose in any way to conflict with existing asylums and institutions, but to render them a hearty co-operation, and, at the same time, to fill a gap, which, of necessity, they all have left. A large multitude of children live in the city who can- not be placed in asylums, and yet who are uncared-for and ig- norant and vagrant. We propose to give to these work, and to bring them under religious influence. As means shall come in, it is designed to district the city, so that hereafter every Ward may have its agent, who shall be a friend to the vagrant child. ' Boys' Sunday Meetings ' have already been formed, which we hope to see extended until every quarter has its place of preach- ing to boys. With these we intend to connect ' Industrial Schools/ where the great temptations to this class arising from want of work may be removed, and where they can learn an hon- est trade. Arrangements have been made with manufacturers, by which, if we have the requisite funds to begin, five hundred boys in different localities can be supplied with paying work. We hope, too, especially to be the means of draining the city of these children, by communicating with farmers, manufacturers, or families in the country, who may have need of such for employment. When homeless boys are found by our agents, we mean to get them homes in the families of respectable, needy persons in the city, and put them in the way of an honest living. CENTRES OF CRIME. 93 We design, in a word, to bring humane and kindly influences to bear on this forsaken class — to preach, in various modes the gos- pel of Christ to the vagrant children of New York. " Numbers of our citizens have long felt the evils we would remedy, but few have the leisure or the means to devote them- selves personally to this work with the thoroughness which it requires. This society, as we propose, shall be a medium through which all can, in their measure, practically help the poor chil- dren of the city. " We call upon all who recognize that these are the little ones of Christ ; all who believe that crime is best averted by sowing good influences in childhood ; all who are the friends of the help- less, to aid us in our enterprise. We confidently hope this wide and practical movement will have its full share of Christian liberality. And we earnestly ask the contributions of those able to give, to help us in carrying forward the work. * * * # # * * " March, 1853." DENS OF MISERY AND CRIME. In investigating closely the different parts of tlie city, with reference to future movements for their benefit, I soon came to know certain centres of crime and misery, until every lane and alley, with its filth and wretchedness and vice, became familiar as the lanes of a country homestead to its owner. There was the infamous German "Bag-pickers' Dentin Pitt and Willett Streets — double rows of houses, flaunting with dirty banners, and the yards heaped Up with bones and refuse, where cholera raged unchecked in its previous invasion. Here the wild life of the chil- dren soon made them outcasts and thieves. Then came the murderous blocks in Cherry and Water Streets, where so many dark crimes were con- 94 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. tinually committed, and where the little girls who flitted about with baskets and wrapped in old shawls became familiar with vice before they were out of childhood. There were the thieves' Lodging-houses, in the lower wards, where the street-boys were trained by older pickpockets and burglars for their nefarious callings ; the low immigrant boarding-houses and vile cellars of the First Ward, educating a youthful popu- lation for courses of guilt ; the notorious rogues' den in Laurens Street — "Botten Bow" — where, it was said, no drove of animals could pass by and keep its numbers intact; and, farther above, the community of young garroters and burglars around " Hamersley Street and Cottage Place." And, still more north, the dreadful population of youthful ruffians and degraded men and women in u Poverty Lane," near Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets and Mnth Avenue, which subsequently ripened into the infamous " Nine- teenth-street Gang." On the east side, again, was u Dutch Hill," near Forty-second Street, the squatters' village, whence issued so many of the little peddlers of the city, and the Eleventh Ward and u Corlear's Hook," where the "copper-pickers," and young wood-stealers, and the thieves who beset the ship-yards congregated ; while below, in the Sixth Ward, was the Italian quarter, where houses could be seen crowded with children, MORAL DISINFECTANTS. 95 monkeys, dogs, and all the appurtenances of the corps of organ-grinders, harpers, and the little Italian street- sweepers, who then, ignorant and untrained, wan- dered through our down-town streets and alleys. Near each one of these " fever-nests," and centres of ignorance, crime, and poverty, it was our hope and aim eventually to place some agency which should be a moral and physical disinfectant — a seed of reform and improvement amid the wilderness of vice and degradation. It seemed a too enthusiastic hope to be realized ; and, at times, the waves of misery and guilt through these dark places appeared too overwhelming and irresistible for any one effort or association of efforts to be able to stem or oppose them. How the somewhat ardent hope was realized, and the plan carried out, will appear hereafter. The first special effort that we put forth was the providing of work for these children, by opening workshops. These experiments, of which we made many at dif- ferent times, were not successful. Our object was to render the shops self-supporting. But the irregular- ity of the class attending them, the work spoiled, and the necessity of competing with skilled labor and often with machinery, soon put us behind. We had one workshop for pegging boots and shoes in Wooster 96 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. Street 7 where we soon got employment for numbers of street-boys 5 but a machine was suddenly invented for pegging shoes, which drove us out of the field. We tried then paper box and bag-making, carpenter- ing, and other branches ; but it may be set down as an axiom, that " Benevolence cannot compete with Selfishness in business." Philanthropy will never cut down the expenses of production, as will individual self-interest. Moreover, these artificial workshops excite the jeal- ousy of the trades, while they are not so necessary in this country as in Europe, because the demand is so great here for children's labor. We soon discovered that if we could train the children of the streets to habits of industry and self- control and neatness, and give them the rudiments of moral and mental education, we need not trouble ourselves about anything more. A child in any degree educated and disciplined can easily make an honest living in this country. The only occasional exception is with young girls depending on the needle for support, inasmuch as the competition here is so severe. But for these we often were enabled to pro- vide instruction in skilled labor, which supported them easily ; and, if taught cleanliness and habits of order and punctuality, they had no difficulty in se- curing places as upper servants, or they soon married into a better class. CHAPTEE IX. HOMELESS BOYS. THE NEWSBOYS' LODGING-HOUSE. The spectacle which earliest and most painfully arrested my attention in this work, were the houseless boys in various portions of the city. There seemed to be a very considerable class of lads in New York who bore to the busy, wealthy world about them something of the same relation which Indians bear to the civilized Western settlers. They had no settled home, and lived on the outskirts of society, their hand against every man's pocket, and every man looking on them as natural enemies ; their wits sharpened like those of a savage, and their prin- ciples often no better. Christianity reared its temples over them, and Civilization was carrying on its great work, while they — a happy race of little heathens and barbarians — plundered, or frolicked, or led their rov- ing life, far beneath. Sometimes they seemed to me, like what the police call them, " street-rats/ 7 who gnawed at the foundations of society, and scampered away when light was brought near them. Their life was, of course, a painfully hard one. To sleep in boxes, or under stairways, or in hay-barges on the coldest 5 98 THE DANGEKOTJS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. winter-nights, for a mere child, was hard enough ; but often to have no food, to be kicked and cuffed by the older ruffians, and shoved about by the police, stand- ing barefooted and in rags under doorways as the winter-storm raged, and to know that in all the great city there was not a single door open with welcome to the little rover — this was harder. Yet, with all this, a more light-hearted youngster than the street-boy is not to be found. He is always ready to make fun of his own sufferings, and to u chaff v others. His face is old from exposure and his sharp " struggle for existence ; " his clothes flutter in the breeze ; and his bare feet peep out from the broken boots. Yet he is merry as a clown, and always ready for the smallest joke, and quick to take u a point ?? or to return a repartee. His views of life are mainly derived from the more mature opinions of "flash-men," engine-runners, cock-fighters, pugilists, and pickpockets, whom he occasionally is permitted to look upon with admiration at some select pot-house; while his more ideal pictures of the world about him, and his literary education, come from the low theatres, to which he is passionately attached. His morals are, of course, not of a high order, living, as he does, in a fighting, swearing, stealing, and gambling set. Yet he has his code ; he will not get drunk ; he pays his debts to other boys, and thinks it dishonorable to sell papers on their beat, and, if they come on his, he THE NEWSBOY. 99 administers summary justice by u punching ; " lie is generous to a fault, and will always divide his last sixpence with a poorer boy. u Life is a strife " with him, and money its reward ; and, as bankruptcy means to the street-boy a night on the door-steps without supper, he is sharp and reckless, if he can only earn or get enough to keep him above water. His tempta- tions are, to cheat, steal, and lie. His religion is vague. One boy, who told me he u didn't live no- where," who had never heard of Christ, said he had heard of God, and the boys thought it " kind o' lucky" to say over something to Him which one of them had learned, when they were sleeping out in boxes. With all their other vices, it is remarkable how few of these smaller street-boys ever take liquor. And their kindness to one another, when all are in the utmost destitution, is a credit to human nature.* Their money is unfortunately apt to slip away, especially for gambling and petty lotteries, called H policy-tickets." A tradition in the remote past of some boy who drew a hundred dollars in these lotter- ies still pervades the whole body, and they annually sink a considerable portion of their hard-earned pen- nies in u policy-tickets." * Only recently, a poor hump-backed lad in the Newsboys' Lodging-house gave his dollar, and collected nine more from the boys, for the family of the children who were lost in New Jersey. 100 THE DANGrEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YOE.K. The choice of these lads of a night's resting-place is sometimes almost as remarkable as was Gavroche's in " Les Miserables." Two little newsboys slept one winter in the iron tube of the bridge at Harlem; two others made their bed in a burned-out safe in Wall Street. Sometimes they ensconced themselves in the cabin of a ferry-boat, and thus spent the night. Old boilers, barges, steps, and, above all, steam-gratings, were their favorite beds. In those days the writer would frequently see ten or a dozen of them, piled together to keep one another warm, under the stairs of the printing-offices. In planning the alleviation of these evils, it was necessary to keep in view one object, not to weaken the best quality of this class— their sturdy independ- ence — and, at the same time, their prejudices and habits were not too suddenly to be assailed. They had a peculiar dread of Sunday Schools and religious exhortations — I think partly because of the general creed of their older associates, but more for fear that these exercises were a 66 pious dodge v for trapping them into the House of Eefage or some place of detention. The first thing to be aimed at in the plan was, to treat the lads as independent little dealers, and give them nothing without payment, but at the same time to offer them much more for their money than they could get anywhere else. Moral, educational, and religious influences were to come in afterward. Secur- THE FIRST LODGrlNGr-HOUSE. 101 ing them through their interests, we had a permanent hold of them. Efforts were made by the writer among our influen- tial citizens and in various churches, public meetings were held, articles written, the press interested, and at length sufficient money was pledged to make the experiment. The board of the new Society gave its approval, and a loft was secured in the old u Sim Buildings," and fitted up as a lodging-room, and in March, 1854, the first Lodging-house for street-boys or newsboys in this country was opened. An excellent superintendent was found in the per- son of a carpenter, Mr. C. 0. Tracy, who showed remarkable ingenuity and tact in the management of these wild lads. These little subjects regarded the first arrangements with some suspicion and much contempt. To find a good bed offered them for six cents, with a bath thrown in, and a supper for four cents, was a hard fact, which they could rest upon and understand; but the motive was evidently u gaseous." There was u no money in it " — that was clear. The Superintend- ent was probably " a street preacher," and this was a trap to get them to Sunday Schools, and so prepare them for the House of Befage, Still, they might have a lark there, and it could be no worse than u bum- ming," i. e.j sleeping out. They laid their plans for a general scrimmage in the school-room — first cutting off the gas, and then a row in the bedroom. 102 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. The superintendent, however, in a bland and be- nevolent way, nipped their plans in the bud. The gas-pipes were guarded; the rough ring-leaders were politely dismissed to the lower door, where an officer looked after their welfare ; and, when the first boots began to fly from a little fellow's bed, he found himself ' suddenly snaked out by a gentle but muscular hand, and left in the cold to shiver over his folly. The others began to feel that a mysterious authority was getting even with them, and thought it better to nestle in their warm beds. Little sleeping, however, was there among them that night; but ejaculations sounded out — such as, U I say, Jim, this is rayther better 'an bummin 7 — eh ? " " My eyes ! what soft beds these is ! " u Tom ! it's 'most as good as a steam-gratin', and there ain't no M. P.'s to poke neither! " u I'm glad I ain't a bummer to-night ! " A good wash and a breakfast sent the lodgers forth in the morning, happier and cleaner, if not better, than when they went in. This night's success estab- lished its popularity with the newsboys. The " Fulton Lodge " soon became a boys' hotel, and one loft was known among them as the " Astor House." Quietly and judiciously did Mr. Tracy advance his lines among them. " Boys," said he, one morning, u there was a gentle- man here this morning, who wanted a boy in an office, at three dollars a week." SUNDAY MEETING. 103 u My eyes ! Let me. go, sir ! " And — " Me, sir ! " "But he wanted a boy who could write a good hand." Their countenances fell. " Well, now, suppose we have a night-school, and learn to write — what do you say, boys ? " u Agreed, sir." And so arose our evening-school. The Sunday Meeting, which is now an " institu- tion," was entered upon in a similarly discreet man- ner. The lads had been impressed by a public funeral, and Mr. Tracy suggested their listening to a little reading from the Bible. They consented, and were a good deal surprised at what they heard. The " Golden Rule " struck them as an altogether impossible kind of precept to obey, especially when one was " stuck and short," and " had to live." The marvels of the Bible — the stories of miracles and the like — always seemed to them natural and proper. That a Being of such a character as Christ should control Nature and disease, was appropriate to their minds. And it was a kind of comfort to these young vagabonds that the Son of God was so often homeless, and that he be- longed humanly to the working classes. The petition for " daily bread " (which a celebrated divine has declared u unsuited to modern conditions of civiliza- tion ") they always rolled out with a peculiar unction. I think that the conception of a Superior Being, who 104 THE DANGrEE-OUS CLASSES OF NEW YOUK. knew just the sort of privations and temptations that followed them, and who felt especially for the poorer classes, who was always near them, and pleased at true manhood in them, did keep afterward a consider- able number of them from lying and stealing and cheating and vile pleasures. Their singing was generally prepared for by taking off their coats and rolling up their sleeves, and was entered into with a gusto. The voices seemed sometimes to come from a (lif- erent part of their natures from what we saw with the bodily eyes. There was, now and then, a gentle and minor key, as if a glimpse of something purer and higher passed through these rough lads. A favorite song was, u There's a Eest for the Weary," though more untiring youngsters than these never frisked over the earth ; and " There's a Light in the Window for Thee, Brother," always pleased them, as if they imagined themselves wandering alone through a great city at night, and at length a friendly light shone in the window for them. Their especial vice of money- wasting the Superin- tendent broke up by opening a Savings-bank, and allowing the boys to vote how long it should be closed. The small daily deposits accumulated to such a de- gree that the opening gave them a great surprise at the amounts which they possessed, and they began to feel thus the u sefise of property," and the desire of THE DISCIPLINE. 105 accumulation, which, economists tell us, is the base of all civilization. A liberal interest was also soon allowed on deposits, which stimulated the good habit. At present, from two hundred to three hundred dollars will often be saved by the lads in a month. The same device, and constant instruction, broke up gambling, though I think policy-tickets were never fairly undermined among them. The present Superintendent and Matron of the Newsboys 7 Lodging-house, Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor (at Ubs. 49 and 51 Park Place), are unsurpassed in such institutions in their discipline, order, good manage- ment, and excellent housekeeping. The floors, over which two hundred or two hundred and fifty street- boys tread daily, are as clean as a man-of-war's deck. The Sunday-evening meetings are as attentive and orderly as a church, the week-evening school quiet and studious. All that mass of wild young humanity is kept in perfect order, and brought under a thousand good influences. The Superintendent has had a very good prelimi- nary experience for this work in the military service — having been in the British army in the Crimea. The discipline which he maintains is excellent. He is a man, too, of remarkable generosity of feeling, and a good u provider." One always knows that his boys will have enough to eat, and that everything will be managed liberally — and justly. It is truly 106 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. ' remarkable during how many years he controlled that great multitude of little vagabonds and "roughs/* and yet with scarcely ever even a complaint from any source against him. For such success is needed the utmost kindness, and, at the same time, the strictest justice. His wife has been almost like a mother to the boys. In the course of a year the population of a town passes through the Lodging-house— in 1869 and ? 70, eight thousand eight hundred and thirty-five different boys. Many are put in good homes ; some find places for themselves; others drift away — no one knows whither. They are an army of orphans — -regiments of children who have not a home or friend — a multitude of little street-rovers who have no place where to lay their heads. They are being educated in the streets rapidly to be thieves and burglars and criminals. The Lodging-house is at once school, church, intelligence- office, and hotel for them. Here they are shaped to be honest and industrious citizens ; here taught econ- omy, good order, cleanliness, and morality; here Ee- ligion brings its powerful influences to bear upon them ; and they are sent forth to begin courses of hon- est livelihood. The Lodging-houses repay their expenses to the public ten times over each year, in' preventing the growth of thieves and criminals. They are agencies of pure humanity and almost unmingled good. Their THE ROOMS. 107 only possible reproach could be, that some of their wild subjects are soon beyond their reach, and have been too deeply tainted with the vices of street-life to be touched even by kindness, education, or religion. The number who are saved, however, are most en- couragingly large. The Newsboys' Lodging-house is by no means, however, an entire burden on the charity of the com- munity. During 1870 the lads themselves paid $3,349 toward its expense. The following is a brief description of the rooms during the past five years : The first floor is divided into various compartments — a large dining-room, where one hundred and fifty boys can sit down to a table; a kitchen, laundry, store- room, servants' room, and rooms for the family of the superintendent. The next story is partitioned into a school-room, gymnasium, and bath and wash rooms, plentifully supplied with hot and cold water. The hot water and the heat of the rooms are supplied by a steam-boiler on the lower story. The two upper stories are filled with neat iron bedsteads, having two beds each, arranged like ships' bunks over each other; of these there are two hundred and sixty. Here are also the water- vats, into which the many barrelsful used daily are pumped by the engine. The rooms are high and dry, and the floors clean. It is a commentary on the housekeeping and 108 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. accommodations that for eighteen years no case of contagious disease has ever occurred among these thousands of boys. The JSTew York ^Newsboys' Lodging-house has been in existence eighteen years. During these years it has lodged 91,326 different boys, restored 7,278 boys to friends, provided 5,126 with homes, furnished 576,- 485 lodgings and 469,461 meals. The expense of all this has been $132,888. Of this amount the boys have contributed $32,306. That the Lodging-house has had a vigorous growth, is shown by the following table: FIGURES. 109 o W 6 to M o p o Hi o a to o to S H a o B to to H a o,S '53 o3 & M O 03 d ° Hb. lO rH © Oi J> ^ iXM CO CO OOlOlCOlOCCHMNGOOOOO HiONHXOQOWOVflOOMOO CO CO WWQOOiOHHlOOiHNHOHWM THTHrHrHrHC^OSCOeOCO^CO COOiOCO'l'CONOOW^OOCOCiOlOTtHCO i>Q0l0O«lW5i0OQ0n05Hb.O^(MHO n^^0)HH^ls^i>HOQ0OC0^HQ0 .THWr^r^oi^CO^'CO^t^ ©O^oT CO^CO*^"^ rH tH rH CM tH rH rH COi>COCOOsCftCO(MCO© 05C0N^HH05^HO co^iocoi>Goaocoi>TH COrtirHCOCiO?OJ>l>COJ>(Ml>OOTt OiH^hOOOW^OMHOJO^H OOiOr-"^^ 1 - ^ -* 1 "" s -* *^ " QQ^fi^ooooioo toco co oi a> co to 10 2&22 < £2°2 i>0 ^ a5 ^cft<3> T! * 00 iOco ^COCOJOOW50CX)OCOi>(M»--it005COCDQO w^^ctfco^cT co^i>Tco^co^c©^t>roo" v ctr 00 00 GO 00 QO GO 00 GO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 CD o rH rH rH tH tH tH rH tH r- 1 tH rH rH rH rH rH g rH rH 000000000000000-.00 ^LOONQOOiOHWCOH'"' v.," > ■• 146 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OP NEW YORK. -by cursing the bodies and souls of thousands whom they never knew, and who never saw them. " Yet it is cheering — it cheered me even in that squalid hole — that the children are so much superior to their parents. It needs time for vice and beggary and filth to degrade childhood. God has given every fresh human soul something which rises above its surroundings, and which even want and vice do not wear away. For the old poor, for the sensual who have steeped themselves in crime, for the drunkard, the thief, the prostitute who have run a long course, let those heroically work who will. Yet, noble as is the effort, one's experience of human nature is obliged to confess, the fruits will be very few. The old heart of man is a hard thing to change. In any comprehensive view, the only hopeful reform through society must begin with child- hood, basing itself on a change of circumstances and on religious influences." The average expense of a school of this nature, with, one hundred scholars and two salaried teachers, where a cheap meal is supplied, and garments and shoes are earned by the scholars, we reckon usually at $1,500, or at $15 per head annually for each scholar, s CHAPTBE XIII. THE GERMAN RAG-PICKERS. Our next great effort was among the Germans. On the eastern side of the city is a vast population of German laborers, mechanics, and shop-keepers. Among them, also, are numbers of exceedingly poor people, who live by gathering rags and bones. I used at that time to explore these singular settle- ments, Med with the poor peasantry of the "Father- land," and being familiar with the German patois, I had many cheery conversations with these honest people, who had drifted into places so different from their mountain-homes. In fact, it used to convey to me a strange contrast, the dirty yards piled with bones and flaunting with rags,' and the air smell- ing of carrion; while the accents reminded of the glaciers of the Bavarian Alps or the fresh breezes and wild scenes of the Harz. The poor people felt the contrast terribly, and their children most of all. From ignorance of the language and the necessity of working at their street-trades, they did not attend our schools, and seldom entered a church. They were growing up without either religion or education. Yet 148 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. they were a much more honest and hopeful class than the Irish. There seemed always remaining in them something of the good old German Biederkeit, or solid- ity. One could depend on the children if they were put in places of trust, and in school they seemed to grasp knowledge with much more tenacity and vigor. The young girls, however, coming from a simi- lar low class were weaker in virtue than the Irish. The number of the Germans in the poor quarters may be somewhat measured by the population of the Wards which they inhabited. The Eleventh Ward at that time (1854) was reckoned to contain 50,000 inhab- itants; at present (1870) it contains 64,372, and the Sixteenth Ward, another strong German district, has 99,375. The Association of ladies which we called together for labors among this population happened to be com- posed mainly of Unitarians, a religious body that has always felt a peculiar interest in the moral condition of our German poor. The moving spirit in the asso- ciation was a lady of such singular grace and delicacy of character, that I hardly venture, even after these many years, to make public her name. She occupied then one of the foremost positions in 2few York so- ciety — a position accorded in part to her name, hon- ored for intellectual services to the Eepublic, beyond almost any other in our history, but above all due to her own singular sweetness and dignity of manner THE GKERMAN POOR. 149 and a very highly cultivated and strong intellect. . Her power, whether with rich or poor, was her won- derful consideration for others, and her quick sym- pathy. The highest inspiration of Christian faith breathed through her life and animated her in laboring with these children of poverty. The same inspiration sustained her subsequently in a prolonged and terrible trial of months under a fearful disease, and made her death a sun-set of glory to all who knew her. Never did the faith in immortal union with God through Christ attain a more absolute certainty in any human being. Her death, even to many skeptics who were intimate with her, became a new and aston- ishing argument for Immortality. She numbered among her friends many of the leading intellects of the country, as well as those among the poor who depended on her advice, sympa- thy, and aid. Into this labor of love among the Germans, Mrs. S. threw herself, in company with a few: friends, with profound earnestness. In view of the peculiar temptations of the young German girls, one of our objects in this school was to offer a social as well as educational resort in the even- ings. We furnished the rooms pleasantly and taste- fully, and proposed to vary our school exercises by games or an occasional dance and frolic. Mrs. S. and other ladies consented to be often present, to instruct 150 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. and talk with, the girls. Our visitors and myself at once gathered in a needy-looking assembly of the poor German girls of the Eleventh Ward, not as rag- ged or wild as the Irish throng in the Fourth Ward., but equally poor and quite as much exposed to temp- tation. The School went on day by day in its minis- trations of love and its patient industry, and gradually produced the same effects as have been experienced under all these Schools. The wild became tamer, the wayward more docile. The child of the rag-picker soon began to like in-door industry better than the vagrant business of the streets, and to lose something of her boldness and correct her slovenliness. After laboring thus for some years with a board of ladies, a strong effort was made to secure the assistance of the German merchants of the city. In 1859, a subscription of about $1,000 was ob- tained from them, and the School was enlarged and made still more attractive, so as to reach the young working German girls in the evening. At this time a young lady of high culture, from one of the prominent intellectual families of New England, offered herself 8 for this difficult task, and she was placed at the head of the School. For two years she labored unceasingly for this wild, uncontrolled class, being present every evening in the school, and bringing all her education and earnestness of character to bear upon them. They never forgot her, and she left an indelible im- "dutch hill." 151 pression on these children, and aided in saving tliem from the temptations which have ruined so many of their companions. OurtGerman patrons gradually left us, and it was only in 1870 that their assistance was secured again for a charity which was saving so many thousand children of their countrymen. The School is now held at No. 272 Second Street, and contains some four hundred children. "DUTCH HILL " AOT> THE SWTLL-GrATHEEEES. On the eastern side of the city, in the neighbor- hood of Fortieth Street, is a village of squatters, which enjoys the title of u Dutch Hill." The inhabit- ants are not, however, " Dutch," but mainly poor Irish, who have taken temporary possession of unused sites on a hill, and have erected shanties which serve at once for pig-pens, hen-coops, bed-rooms, and living- rooms. They enjoy the privilege of squatters in having no rent to pay ; but they are exposed to the penalty of being at any moment turned out from their dens, and losing land and house at once. Usually they remain while the quarrymen who are opening streets almost undermine their shanties, and then if the buildings are not blown away, they pull them down and pack them away like tents to another dwell- ing-place. The village is filled with snarling dogs, which aid 152 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. in drawing the swill or coal carts, for tlie children are mainly employed in collecting swill and picking coals through the streets. The shanty family are never quite so poor as the tenement-house family, as they have no rent to pay. But the filth and wretchedness in which they some- times live are beyond description. It happened that for many years (not wishing to scatter my efforts too much), I made this quarter my special u parish v for visitations; and very discourag- ing visits they were, many of them. The people had very little regular occupation, many being widows who did occasional u chores 7 ' in families; others lived on the sale of the coal their children gathered, or on the pigs which shared their domicile ; others kept fowls, and all had vast flocks of goats, though where the profits from these latter came I could never discover, as no one seemed to buy the milk, and I never heard of their killing them. Money, however, in some way they did procure, and one old red-faced swill-gatherer I knew well, whose bright child we tried so long to save, who died finally, it was said, with a large deposit in the Savings-Bank, which no one could claim ; yet one corner of her bed-chamber was filled with a heap of smelling bones, and the pigs slept under her bed. Another old rag-picker I remember whose shanty was a sight to behold; all the odds and ends of a great city seemed piled up in it, — bones, broken dishes, rags, A RAG-PICKER'S home. 153 bits of furniture, cinders, old tin, useless lamps, decaying vegetables, ribbons, cloths, legless chairs, and carrion, all mixed together, and heaped up nearly to the ceiling, leaving hardly room for a bed on the floor where the woman and her two children slept. Yet all these were marvels of health and vigor, far surpassing most children I know in the comfortable classes. The woman was German, and after years of effort could never be induced to do anything for the education of her children, until finally I put the police on their track as vagrants, and they were safely housed in the u Juvenile Asylum." Many a time have I come into their shanties on a snowy morning and found the people asleep with the snow lying thick on their bed-clothes. One poor creature was found thus one morning by the police, frozen stiff. They all suffered, as might be expected, terribly from rheumatism. Liquor, of course, "pre- vailed." Every woman drank hard, I suppose to forget her misery ; and dreadful quarrels raged among them. The few men there worked hard at stone-quar- rying, but were often disabled by disease and useless from drunkenness. Many of the women had been abandoned by their husbands, as their families increased and became burdensome, or as they them- selves grew plain and bad-tempered. Some of these poor creatures drank still more to heal their wounded 154 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. affections. The children, of course, were rapidly fol- lowing the ways of their parents. The life of a swill- gatherer, or coal-picker, or chiffonnier in the streets soon wears off a girl's modesty and prepares her for worse occupation. Into this community of poor, ignorant, and drunken people I threw myself, and resolved, with God's aid, to try to do something for them. Here for years I visited from cabin to cabin, or hunted out every cellar and attic of the neighboring tenement-houses ; stand- ing at death-beds and sick-beds, seeking to administer consolation and advice, and, aided by others, to render every species of assistance. In returning home from these rounds, amidst filth and poverty, I remember that 1 was frequently so depressed and exhausted as to throw myself flat upon the rug in front of the fire, scarcely able to move. The discouraging feature in such visits as I was making, and which must always exist in similar efforts, is that one has no point of religious contact with these people. Among all the hundreds of families I knew and visited I never met but two that were Protestants. To all words of spiritual warning or help there came the chilling formalism of the ignorant Eoman Catholic in reply, implying that certain outward acts made the soul right with its Creator. The very inner ideas of our spiritual life of free love towards God, true repent- INFLUENCE OF PRIESTS. 155 ance and trust in a Divine Bedeemer, seemed wanting in their minds. I never had the least ambition to be a proselytizer, and never tried to convert them, and I certainly had no prejudice against the Eomanists ; on the contrary , it has been my fortune in Europe to enjoy the intercourse of some most spiritual-minded Catho- lics. But these poor people seemed stamped with the spiritual lifelessness of Bomanism. At how many a lonely death-bed or sick-bed, where even the priest had forgotten to come, have I longed and tried to say some comforting word of religion to the dull ear, closing to all earthly sounds ; but even if heard and the sympathy gratefully felt, it made scarcely more religious impression than would the chants of the Buddhists have done. One sprinkle of holy water were worth a volume of such words. A Protestant has great difficulty in coming into connection with the Bomanist poor. I was often curious to know the exact influence of the priests over these people. The lowest poor in New York are not, I think, much cared for by the Bomanist priest- hood. One reason, without doubt, is that their atten- tion has thus far been mainly (and wisely) directed to building handsome churches, and that they have not means to do much for these persons. Another and more powerful reason is, probably, that the old " en- thusiasm of humanity" which animated a Guy, a Vincent de Paul, or Xavier, has died out among them. 156 THE DAN GrE H O ITS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. I have known, however, individual cases in our city, where a priest has exercised a marked influence in keeping his charge from intoxication. There were also occasionally, in this very region, something like "Bevivals of Beligion" among the people, stimulated by the priests, in which many young girls joined religious societies, and did lead, to my knowledge, for a time more pure and devout lives. When one thinks what a noble-minded and hu- mane Priest might accomplish among the lowest classes of New York, how many vices he could check, and what virtues he might cherish, and what public blessings on the whole community he might confer, by elevating this degraded population 5 and then as one looks at the moral condition of the Eoman Cath- olic poor, one can only sigh, that that once powerful body has lost so much of the inspiration of Christ which once filled it. The plan which I laid out in working in this quar- ter was in harmony with all our previous efforts ; it was especially to influence and improve the children. It so happened that near u Dutch Hill 79 was an- other hill covered with handsome houses and inhabited by wealthy people, " Murray Hill." The ladies in this prosperous quarter were visited, and finally assembled in a public meeting; and, with the same preliminaries as in the other Schools, we at length organized in 1854. A SISTER OF CHARITY. 157 THE EAST RIVER INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Early in the history of this School, we secured the services of a lady. Miss Spratt, now Mrs. Hurley, who has been ever since the main-stay of that most useful charity. For seventeen years this woman of refinement and education has spent her days in this School of poor children, and her hours of leisure in those wretched shanties — an angel of mercy and sympathy to every unfortunate family for miles around. Whatever woman falls into misfortune, loses husband or child, is driven from home by poverty, or forced from work by depression of business, or meets with troubles of mind or body, at once comes to her for sympathy and relief. She has become so used to scenes of misery, that to her, she says, u the house of mourning" is more natural than " the house of feasting." The present writer, for his own part, confesses that he could not possibly havfe borne the harrowing and disagreeable scenes with which he has been so long familiar, without making a strict rule never to think or speak of the poor when he was away from his work, and immediately absorbing himself in some entirely different subject. The spring of the mind would have been broken. But Mrs. Hurley lived in and for the poor; her only relaxation was hearing Mr. Beecher on Sunday 5 and yet, when she occasionally visited us in the country, 158 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. she devoured books — lier great favorite being a trans- lation I bad of Plato. The children , of course, became passionately at- tached to this missionary of charity. During her labors, she was married to a physician. Dr. Hurley, who subsequently was killed in the army during the War of the Rebellion. While she was temporarily absent, and a strange teacher employed, six of the wildest girls were expelled, so unmanageable were they. When she came back, they returned and welcomed her eagerly, behaving perfectly well ; and it was dis- covered that so attached were they to her, they had each carried fragments of her dress as mementos in their bosom ! The peculiar value of our common experience in this School was, that we were enabled through so many years to follow carefully the results of the School on a large class of very destitute little girls. We know personally what was here accomplished. A very hopeful feature appeared soon in the work. The children rose above the condition of their parents ; sometimes they improved, by their own increasing neatness and good behavior, the habits and appear- ance of their fathers and mothers: More often they became ashamed of their paternal piggeries and nasty dens, and were glad to get away to more decent homes or new occupations. One great means of in- fluence here was, as in the other Schools, through the THE FRUITS. 159 regular assistance of volunteer teachers, the ladies of the Association. It happened that there was among them more of a certain tenacity of character, of the old Puritan faithfulness, than was manifested by some of our co- laborers; having put their hands to the plow, they never thought of turning back. They gave time and labor, and money freely, and they continued at their posts year after year. The children felt their refining and elevating in- fluence. We soon found that the daughters of the drunkards did not follow their mothers' footsteps, simply because they had acquired higher tastes. We hardly ever knew of one who indulged in drinking; indeed, one old red-faced tippler, Mrs. McK., who was the best chore- woman on the Hill when sober, event- ually was entirely reformed by her children. ~No child seemed to fall back into the degradation of the parents. And recalling now the rank foul soil from which so many sweet flowers seemed to spring, one can only wonder and be grateful that efforts so imper- fect bore such harvest. I remember the F. family — such a cheery, healthy- looking family living in a damp, dark basement, and almost always half-starved, wretchedly poor, but very industrious ! The youngest daughter passed through our School, and is now becoming a teacher ; another married a mechanic (these girls never marry day- 160 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. laborers). Still another proved herself a heroine. We sent her as nursery-maid to a family, and as they were all sailing down the Hudson in the St John, the boiler burst; amid the horrible confusion and panic where so many perished, this girl had the cour- age to rush through the steam and boiling water, and save the three children entrusted to her charge. Of course, after this, she was no longer a servant, but a u sister beloved " in the family. A gentleman of for- tune, attracted by her appearance and intelligence, ultimately married her. He died, and she was left with a nice fortune. She bore her change of fortune beautifully. The following is another similar incident from our Journal : A ROMANTIC INCIDENT IN AN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. " A few years ago I remember an old shanty on ' Dutch Hill/ where a wretched-looking man lived with his pigs and goats, called K . He was considered a bad man even among his bad neighbors, and the story of him was (I do not know how true), that he had committed murder, and had escaped the law by some legal quibble. He was a swill-gatherer, and had two little bright daughters to assist him at home. These came to our Fortieth- street School. They improved very fast, and one used to attract much attention from the ladies by her pretty face and intelligent answers. Nellie finally left the school, and was sent by us to the West. She improved much there, and, after some time spent in different families, came back to the city, where she became an 'operator' on the sewing-machine. While at this business and living in a respectable boarding-house, she attracted the atten- tion of a gentleman of some means and position, much older than herself, who, at length, offered himself to her in marriage. CHANGES OF FORTUNE. 161 She declined, on the ground that she was so much inferior in position to him, and that his family would object. He insisted, and declared that ' he wished to please himself, not his family/ and they were married. " He took his wife away to a foreign country, where his busi- ness lay, and there she has been a number of years, gradually improving in manners, taste, and education, living like a lady of fortune, with her maid and carriage, and making herself, in every way, a most suitable wife for one who had been so much above her. We had often heard of her good fortune. But dur- ing our Christmas Festival at the East River School, she herself came in to see it again and thank those who had been so kind to her. We all knew her at once ; and yet she was so changed — a pretty, tasteful-looking young lady, with a graceful manner and a Spanish accent now — all the old stamp of ' Dutch Hill ' quite gone, even the brogue lost and replaced by foreign intona- tions. She was perfectly simple and unaffected, and thanked us all for our former kindness with the utmost heartiness ; and told her story very simply, and how anxious she still was to improve her education, seemingly not ashamed of her poor ori- gin. It is a pleasant circumstance that she has taken out her beloved teacher, Mrs. Hurley, a number of times to drive in her carriage/ ' Several changes of fortune of this kind have made it quite a natural question, when I visit Mrs. Hurley's School, " What about the heiresses V 1 Another girl, I remember in one of the6e shanties, who came to school in an old petticoat, and barefooted, a most destitute-looking child. She was subsequently employed in our own family. I doubt whether many girls of the highest classes show a greater natural refinement 5 and she was as clever in every part of household work as she was nice. She finally married a hotel-keeper in San Francisco, and is doing well. 162 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OE NEW YORK. Generally, tlie girls married mechanics and people above their rank of life. Some became Protestants ; those who married Catholics were never bigoted. A number went to the West, and have done well there. Mrs. Hurley reckons over at least two thousand different girls who have been in this school and under its influence, since she has been there during the past eighteen years. The condition of all these we know probably pretty well. We count but Jive who have become drunkards, prostitutes, or criminals ! Such a wonderful result can be shown by hardly any pre- ventive efforts in the world. Yet, there were certain cases which we used to call > 'OUR FAILUBES." There was the D. family — they lived on the lucra- tive spoils of their infant, who sold toilet-covers to compassionate ladies. This little Julia was an imp of deceit and mischief. She had, fortunately for her, a worn, sad face, and a capacity and imagination for lying unequaled at her years. With inarticulate sobs, and the tears coursing down her thin cheeks, she told of her dying mother and her labors to get her bread ; or, again, she was an orphan supporting her- self and her deformed little brother 5 or her disabled father depended on her feeble efforts for his slender support. The addresses she gave of her house were A LITTLE BEGrGrAR. 163 always wrong ; and so, year by year, she gathered in a plenteous harvest from the pity of the ladies. At home, a little band of able-bodied, slatternly sisters were living mainly on the money thus begged- They naturally became each day more lazy and disso- lute ; and little Julia more bold and brazen-faced. We tried to bribe the young beggar to go to school, we paid her rent, we offered the sisters work, we remonstrated and threatened, we even set the police on her track, but nothing could check or turn her ; she eluded the police as easily as she did the ladies. If she came to school, she stayed but a day ; all effort failed against the ingrained slovenliness and vagrancy of the family ; day by day they sank ; one daughter was seduced, and to their number was now added an illegitimate child. They grew dirtier and more miserable; and here, years ago, we left them. No doubt, Julia is still pursuing her profitable vocation from house to house, and the girls are in yet lower depths. A STREET-CHILD. (EROM OUR JOURNAL.) " Some ten years ago, I made many efforts to save a little homeless girl, who was floating about the quarter near East Thirty-second Street. Her drunken mother had thrown her out of doors, and she used to sleep under stairways or in deserted cellars, "and was a most wretched, half-starved little creature. I talked with her often, but could not induce her to go to school, or to seek a home in the country. She grew up steadily vagrant. At length we succeeded in getting her away to the family of an excellent lady in Buffalo. There she speed- 164 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. ily gave up her roving habits, became neat and orderly under the influence of the lady, attended church and Sabbath School, and altogether seemed quite a changed child. Unfortunately, the lady was obliged to move to this city, and instead of placing the little girl in another family in the country, she brought her with her to New York, and, no longer having room for her in her house, let her go to her old associates. Jn a few weeks, the nice, tidy little girl began to look like the idle and vagrant young girls who were her companions. She became slatternly in her habits, and instead of seeking a place in some family, she joined a company of poor working-girls, who earned their living by manufacturing children's torpedoes. She lodged in the crowded tenement-houses, and gradually fell into all their low associations. The next I knew of her, I heard that she had been seduced under a promise of marriage, and that she was about to be a mother. Again I knew of her, with her unfor- tunate little babe, driven about from one low lodging-house to another, dependent upon charity for support. Finally, the child was adopted by the parents of her seducer, and she was left free again. Though in extreme destitution, she would not take a situation away from the city. She resumed her work at torpedoes, and lived about in the tenement-houses, a poor, be- draggled-looking creature. Again, after some time, I heard of her as having married a low fellow in that district. She had only been married a few days when her husband abandoned her, and never returned to her. She now hangs about the low lodging-houses between First and Second Avenues, in East Thirty-first and Thirty-second Streets, a forlorn-looking, slovenly woman, who will almost certainly end in the lowest vice and penury." Thus far in the Journal. Our constant pursuit of this girl did tend, I think, to keep her from utter ruin. She fell no lower ; and subsequently connected her- self with one of the charitable institutions, where she is living a virtuous life. CHAPTBE XIV. SCENES AMONG THE POOR. EFFECTS OF DRTTNTIENNE SS. (FROM OUR JOURNAL.) " It sometimes seems in our Industrial Schools as if each wretched, blear-eyed, half-starved, filthy little girl was a living monument of the curses of Intemperance. The rags, the disease, the ignorance, the sunny looks darkened, the old faces on young shoulders, are not necessarily the pitiable effects of overwhelm- ing circumstances. The young creatures are not always cursed by poverty principally, but by the ungoverued appetites, bad habits and vices of their parents. On ' Dutch Hill ' one can hardly enter a shanty where is a sober family. The women all drink ; the men work, and then carouse. The hard earnings go off in alcohol. No savings are laid up for the winter. The children are ragged and unprotected, and, but for the Industrial School, uneducated. It is sometimes the saddest sight to see a neat little shanty grow day by day more filthy ; the furniture sold, the windows broken, the children looking more thin and hungry, the parents falling out of honest work — all the slow effects of ungoverned passion for liquor. " I entered, yesterday, a little hut on the ' Hill/ where a middle- aged woman lived, whom I knew. She was sitting near the door, weeping violently. I asked her the reason, and, after a little time, she told me. Her eldest daughter, a girl of twenty, had just been in drunk, and had struck her over the eye ; and when her mother was looking at her bruise in the glass, she had dashed her fist through the glass. " There was no safety there, the mother said, when she came in. If they were away she would burst open the doors and break the furniture, and cut her sewing-work to pieces. ' She is a devil, sir, when she's in liquor ! ' Three times the mother had had 166 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. her arrested and sent to Blackwell's Island ; ' but somehow, sir, she's always worse when she comes out, and I niver heard her use bad words till she'd been there. " ' Now, God knows where she lives — they say it's in a bad house ; and it's I who am afraid she's gittin' Tommy, her broder, into the same way, for he doesn't come home now. O God ! I might as well he in hell ! ' Nothing can convey the tone of despair with which that was said. She told me how the girl had been such a bright little one. ' She was so pretty, sir ; and maybe we nattered her, and made too much of her. And her father, he thought she ought to learn the dressmakin' trade, but she felt somehow above it, and she went to be a book-folder down- town. And one day we missed her till late o' night ; and thin the next night it was later, and at last her father — bless his poor soul ! — he said she shouldn't be out so, and whipt her. And thin she niver came back for three nights, and we thought, maybe, she's at her work, and has to stay late ; and we niver suspected how it was, when, suddenly, Mrs. Moore came and said as how Maggy said she was at Mrs. Rooney's — the ould divil — and my husband wouldn't belave it at all ; but I wint and bust open the door wid a stone, and found her — my own child— there wid a lot of men and women ; and I swore at 'em, and the M. P.'s they come and cleared 'em all out, and there was the last of her. She's niver been an honest woman since, when she's in liquor- It broke her father's heart. He died the next Saturday ; people said it was some sort of dysentry, but I know it was this. God help me ! And, now, sir (almost fiercely), can't you get me out of this ? All I want is, to sell my shanty, and wid my two little ones, git away from her. I don't care how far ! ' " The mother fleeing her daughter. The pretty child becomes a drunken outcast ! So ends many a sad history in our city." THE DYING SEWING-WOMAN. " In East Thirty-fourth Street, in a tenement-house, a poor sewing-woman has lived for the last two years. She had for- merly been in very good circumstances, and her husband, a res- pectable mechanic, earned a support for her and her children, until at length he fell into intemperate drinking. With the THE DYING- WOMAN. 167 appetite for liquor on him, everything that he made was spent, and he himself was gradually becoming worse and worse. The poor wife was forced to the hardest work to keep her children and herself alive. Last winter, in a moment of desperation, the husband put his name down for a three-years' whaling voyage, and was taken off to sea, leaving the woman with an old father and three children to care for. Many a night, the old man says, has the poor creature walked up from the lower part of the city (some three or four miles) with four dozen shirts on her back, through snow and wet, and then, without fire or food, in her wet clothes, has worked till the dawn of day for the poor little ones dependent on her. He has seen the blood come from her mouth and nose after some of these efforts. Still more bitter than all this, was the sense of desertion by her husband. But it was all in vain. The children for whom she had slaved, and whom she loved more than her own life, were attacked with scarlet fever, and two of them died in the mother's arms. One only, a sweet little girl, was left. With them went the spring of hope and courage which had sustained the hard-working mother. Her father says she never shed a tear, but she lost heart ; and, though never doubting of the goodness of her Great Father, she had not the spirit for the remaining work of life. Her exposures and hard labor had brought on a cough, and finally a disease of the lungs. She was at last unable to work, and could only lie upon her bed and depend on the chance charities of strangers. " The teacher of our Fortieth-street School, who, in a way unseen and unknown to the world, is a minister of mercy and goodness to all that quarter of the city, first discovered her, and has managed, with a little aid here and there, to lighten her dying hours. " I was called in the other day and held a long conversation with her. She has no more fears or anxieties ; she is not even troubled about her little one. God will care for her. ' Once/ she said, ' I felt it so hard to lose the children, but now I am glad they are gone ! They will be much better where they are than here. I have put everything away now/ she added, with an expression of sublime faith and hope on a face whose worn features the hectic flush made almost beautiful again. ' I trust all to my Redeemer. Through him alone I hope. He will for- 168 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. give me and receive me/ She spoke of her many trials and sorrows — they were all over, and she was glad she was soon to be at rest. " We asked about her food. She said she could not relish many things, and she often thought if she could only get some of the good old plain things she had in Ireland at her brother's farm she should feel so much better. " I told her we would get her some good genuine oat-meal cake from an Irish friend. Her face lighted up at once, and she seemed cheered by the promise. " « Oh, sir ! I have thought so much of my mother in thi3 sickness, and those happy, happy days. I was such a happy girl ! How little she thought I would come to this ! We lived in the North, you know, and had everything very comfortable, as all the Protestant Irish do. But it's all gone, gone/ she said, dreamily, ' and I wouldn't have it back again, for God is the best friend — He knows, " ' Oh, how glad I am to die ! His rod and His staff they comfort me/ " The words were simple, but the whole was touching beyond description, forcing tears whether one would or not. " We were glad to find that her clergyman, the Missionary of the Calvary Church, had administered the sacraments to her that day. May she soon be where the sting of poverty, the rubs and blows of hard circumstances, the loneliness of desertion, the anxiety and care, and hopelessness, and disappointment which have followed her unhappy path, shall cease forever, and the unfortunate one shall enter on her new and blissful life of peace and abiding love ! " DISCOURAGEMENT. " I was lately visiting a poor woman, who had seen better cir- cumstances, the wife of a worker in an iron-foundry. The room was bare but clean, and the woman was neatly dressed, though her face looked thin and worn, and her eyes had an unusual ex- pression of settled, sad discouragement. A little girl of ten or eleven sat near her tending a baby, with the same large sad blue TROUBLE AMONG THE POOR. 169 eyes, as if the expression of the mother had come to receive a permanent reflection in the child's face. Her husband had been sick for several months, which put them all behind, though now he was getting work enough. " ' You know how it is, sir,' she said, ' with working people : if a man falls out of work for a day, the family feels it for a week after. We can hardly make the two ends meet when he's well, and the moment he is sick it comes hard upon us. Many's the morning he's gone down to the foundry without his break- fast, and I've had to send out the little Maggy there, to the neighbors, for bits of bread, and then she's taken it down to him.' " ' She is a beggar, then ? ' " 1 Yes, sir, and sorrow of it. We never thought we could come to that. My mother brought me up most dacently, and my husband, he's a very good scholard, and could be a dark or anything, but we can't help it ! We must have bread. I would be willing to do anything, wash, scrub, or do plain sewing ; and I keep trying, but I never find anything. There seems no help for us ; and I sometimes feel clean gone and down-hearted : and I'm troubled at other things, too." " ' What other things V "'At my sin, ye see.' " ' What do you mean V " ' Well, sir, if I could only have peace of mind ! But I work on from Monday morn to Saturday night, and I never hear or see anything good ; and when Sunday comes, I can't go out ; I haven't any bonnet for my head, or any dress fit for a dacent church. I just walk the floor, and I don't dare to think of ever meeting God." " ' Are you a Catholic ? ' " ' Yes, sir ; I was brought up one, and so was my husband, but now it's little we know, as they say, of mass, meeting, or church ; we ain't neither Catholics or Protestants ; I might as well be a hay then. We haven't any books, nor a prayer-book, or anything. I know it, sir, we ought to pray/' she continued, " but I kneel down sometimes, and I get up and say to my hus- band, ' It's no use my praying, I am too much distracted.' If I could only get some good to my soul, for I think of dying often, 170 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. and I see I should not be at all ready. Life is a burden to me* I spoke of the hopes and consolations which can come to poor as well as rich, and of her children. ' Yes, sir ; no one can tell the patience of the Lord. How much He has borne from me ! Oh, if I could only have peace of mind, and see those children getting on well, I should be glad to die. That little girl cries every time we send her out to beg, and she's learning nothing good. But I am afraid nothing will ever come lucky to us ; and oh, sir, if you could have seen how we started in Ireland, and what a home my mother had ; she was a very different woman from what I am/ " We spoke of her attending the mission meeting in Fortieth Street, and reading a Testament given by us. She seemed glad to do both. " ' Oh, sir, if I could only feel that friendship with God you spoke of, I shouldn't care ; I could bear anything ; but to work as we are doing, and to have such trouble, and see the poor wee thing grow thinner and poorer, and my man almost down broken, and then to get no nearer — no, we keep getting farther from the Lord ! Oh, if I was only ready to die ! I haven't nothing in this world.' " Let us hope that the peace-giving words of Christ, the love of the Redeemer, may at length plant in that poor, weary dis- couraged soul the seeds of hope and immortal faith, even as they have done in so many thousands weary and heavy-laden !" THE SWILL-GATHERER'S CHILD. " Most of those familiar with the East River Industrial School will remember a poor widow — a swill-gatherer — who lived in the notorious village of shanties near Forty-second Street, known as ' Dutch Hill.' She owned a small shanty, which had been put up on some rich man's lot as a squatter's hut, and there, with her pigs and dogs and cat in the same room, she made her home. From morning till evening she was trailing about the streets, filling up her swill-cans, and at night she came back to the little dirty den, and spent her evenings — we hardly know how. She had one smart little girl who went to the Industrial School. As the child came back day by day, improving in appearance, sing- THE SWILL-GATHEKEK'S CHILD. 171 ing her sweet songs, and with new ideas of how ladies looked and lived, the mother began to grow ashamed of her nasty home. And I remember entering one day, and finding, to my surprise, pigs and rubbish cleared out, the walls well scrubbed, and an old carpet on the floor, and the mother sitting in state on a chair! It was the quiet teachings of the school coming forth in the houses of the poor. "After a while the little girl began to get higher ideas of what she might become, and went out with another girl to a place in the West. She did well there, and was contented, but her mother was continually anxious and unhappy about her, and finally, after some years, forced her to return to the city. She was now a very neat, active young girl, far above her mother's condition, and the change ba^k to the pig-shanty and Dutch Hill was anything but pleasant. The old woman hid away her best clothes to prevent her going back, and seemed determined to make her a swill-gatherer like herself. Gradually, as might be expected, we began to hear bad stories about our old scholar. The people of the neighborhood said, she drank and quarreled with her mother, and that she was frequenting houses where low company met. Another of the worst Dutch Hill girls — the daughter of a drilnkard — was constantly with her. Soon we heard that the other young girl had been sent to Blackwell's Island, and that this one must be saved now, or she would be utterly lost. I went up at once to the old woman's shanty, though with but the feeblest hopes of doing anything, yet with many unuttered prayers. For who that knows the career before the street-girl of the city can help breathing out his soul in agony of prayer for her, when the time of choice comes ? " When I entered the shanty, the young girl was asleep on the bed, and the mother sat on a box, crooning and weeping. " ' Och, and why did I iver tak ye from that swate place — ye that was makin' an honest woman of yoursel' ! Ach, God bless your honor ! can ye help her ? She's a'most gone. Can't ye do somethin' ? ' " 1 Well, how is she doing now?' " ' Och (in a whisper), your honor, she brought three bad fel- lers last night, and she brake my own door in, and I tould 'em — says I, I'm an honest woman, and I never had ony sich in my 172 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. kin — and she was drunk — yes, yer honor, she, my own darlint, strak me, and wanted to turn me out — and now there she's been sleepin' all the mornin'. Ach, why did I tak her out of her place ! ' " Here the girl woke up, and sat up on the bed, covering her face in shame. I said some few sober words to her, and then the mother threw herself down on the floor, tears pouring down her cheeks. " ' Ach, darlint ! my own swate darlint ! will ye not list to the gintleman ? Sure an' ye wouldn't bring disgrace to yer ould mither and yer family ! We've had six generations of honest people, and niver wan like this ! Ach, to think of comin' to your ind on the Island, and be on the town ! For the love of the blessed Yargin, do give them* all up, and say ye won't taste a drop — do, darlint ! ' " The girl seemed obdurate ; so I took up the sermon, and wa both pleaded, and pictured the shame and pain and wretched life and more wretched death before her. There is no need of deli- cacy in such cases, and the strongest old Bible Saxon words come home the deepest. At last, her tears began to flow, and finally she gave her full assent to breaking off from liquor and from her bad company (it should be remembered she was only about sixteen) ; and she would show her repentance by going back to the place where she was, if they would receive her. I hardly expected she would do so ; but in a day or two she was in the office, and started for her old situation. Since that we have had a letter from her and her mistress, and she seems to be getting on wonderfully well. May God uphold her ! " The following is a letter we have received from her since : B -, Penn., October 11. " ' My dear Mother — I have the pleasure of writing a few lines to you, to let you know that I am well. I got safe back to my place ; kind friends took me back again ; I have got into the country, where there is plenty of everything to live on. Dear mother, I would like very much to hear from you. I hope you are all well ; please write soon. I want you to show this letter to Miss Spratt.* Good-by, dear mother. M. * Now Mrs. Hurley. THE LOST SAVED. 173 "'Dear Miss Spratt — As I was writing to my mother, I thought I would like to write a few lines to you. Now that I am so far away, I feel a grateful remembrance of your kindness. I am very sorry I did not have a chance of going to see you be- fore I left the city. Please tell Mr. Brace I am much obliged to him for his kindness : tell him I got safe back to Mr. M/s, and have a very good home. Good-by, Miss Spratt.' " The East Eiver Industrial School (at No. 206 East Fortieth Street) still continues its humble but pro- found labors of love. Mrs. Hurley is still there, the "friend of the poor'' for miles around, carrying sym- pathy, advice, and assistance to thousands of unbe- friended creatures, and teaching faithfully all day in the School. Two gentlemen have especially aided her in providing food and clothing for her little ones ; and the lady- volunteers still give liberally of their means and time. May the School long shine as a light in one of the dark places of the city. CHAPTEE XY. THE PROTESTANT POOR AND STREET-ROVERS. It is not often that our efforts carry us among Protestant poor, but it happens that on the west side of the city, near Tenth Avenue and Twenty- seventh Street, is a considerable district of English and Scotch laboring people, who are mainly Protest- ants. A meeting of ladies was called in the western part of the city, in like manner with the proceedings at the formation of the other Schools ; and a School was proposed. The wife of a prominent property-holder in the neighborhood, a lady of great energy of char- acter, Mrs. E. E., took a leading part, and greatly aided the undertaking 5 other ladies joined, and the result was thte formation of the HUDSON RIVER INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, the fourth of our Schools founded in 1854. With all these Schools, in the beginning, the ladies themselves raised all the funds for their support, and, as I have related, devoted an incredible amount of time to aid- ing in them, there being usually, however, two salaried teachers. PROTESTANT POOR. 175 The experience in the Edinburgh Eagged Schools, I was assured, when there, was, that you cannot depend on volunteer help after the first enthusiasm has passed by. This is not our experience. As one set of " volunteers " have withdrawn or leave the work, others appear, and there are still in this and some of our other Industrial Schools, most active and efficient voluntary helpers. Gradually, however, the support and supervision of the Schools fell more and more into the hands of the central au- thority — The Children's Aid Society. The obtaining a share in the Common School Fund enabled the Society to do more for these useful chari- ties and to found new ones. In the Hudson Eiver School, it cannot be said that the Protestant poor proved much better than the Catholic ; in fact, it has often seemed to me that when a Protestant is reduced to extreme poverty, and, above all, a Yankee, he becomes the most wretched and useless of all paupers. The work and its results were similar on the west side to those in the other districts which I have already described. "OTSCTTLAR ORPHANS." Our attention had thus far been directed mainly to girls in these Industrial School efforts. They seemed the class exposed to the most terrible evils, and besides, through our other enterprises, we were 176 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YOBK. sheltering, teaching, and benefiting for life vast num- bers of lads. We determined now to try the effect of industry and schooling on the roving boys, and I chose a dis- trict where we had to make head against a " sea of evils." This was in the quarter bordering on East Thirty -fourth Street and Second Avenue. There seemed to be there a society of irreclaimable little vagabonds. They hated School with an inextinguish- able hatred ; they had a constitutional love for smash- ing windows and pilfering apple-stands. They could dodge an "M. P." as a fox dodges a hound; they disliked anything so civilized as a bed-chamber, but preferred old boxes and empty barns, and when they were .caught it required a very wide-awake policeman, and such an Asylum-yard as hardly exists in New York, to keep them. I have sometimes stopped, admiringly, to watch the skill and cunning with which the little rascals, some not more than ten years old, would diminish a load of wood left on the docks; the sticks were passed from one to another, and the lad nearest the pile was apparently engaged eagerly in playing marbles. If the woodman's attention was called to his loss, they were off like a swarm of cockroaches. We opened a School with all the accessories for reaching and pleasing them 5 our teacher was a skillful mechanic, a young man of excellent judgment and STREET ARABS. MUSCULAR ORPHANS." 177 hearty sympathy with boys ; he offered to teach them carpentering and box-making and pay them wages. Common-school lessons were given, also, and a good warm meal provided at noon. We had festivals and magic-lantern exhibitions and lectures. We taught, and we fed and clothed. In return, they smashed our windows; they entered the premises at night and carried off everything they could find; they howled before the door, and yelled u Protestant School!" We arrested one or two for the burglary, as a warning, but the little flibbertigibbets escaped from the police like rats, and we let them go with the fright they had had. Some few of the worst we induced to go to the country, and others we had arrested as vagrants, without appearing ourselves, until a kind of dark sus- picion spread among them against the writer that he had the power of spiriting away bad boys to distant regions by some mysterious means. Those that did go to the country proved of the kind called by a Western paper " muscular orphans," for an unfortu- nate employer undertaking to administer corporal punishment to two of them, the little vagabonds turned and chastised him and then fled. The following case is noted in our Journal of these up-town boys : A HARD CASE REFORMED. " Mr. Brace — Dear Sir : You request me to send you some reminiscences of the early life of Michael S n. My most vivid recollection of him is his taking the broomstick to me 178 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. once, as I was about to punish, him for some misdemeanor. Being the first and last of my pupils who ever attempted any- thing of the kind, it stands out in bold relief in my memory. I soon conquered the broomstick, but on the first opportunity he ran out, thus ending his Industrial School career. " His most marked characteristic was a desire to travel, and he presented himself with the freedom of the city at a very early age, going off for weeks at a time, sleeping in entries and around engine-houses, and disdaining bolts and bars when they were turned upon him. One of your visitors calling to consult with his mother as to what could be done with him, found him vigorously kicking the panels out of the door, she having locked him in for safe-keeping till she came home from work. The Captain of Police, tired of having him brought in so frequently, thought one day of a punishment that he expected would effect- ually frighten him, which was — to hang him. His mother con- senting, he was solemnly hung up by the feet to a post, till he promised reformation. This failing to produce the desired effect, she placed him with " the Brothers," who put him in a kind of prison, where he had to be chained by the leg to prevent him from scaling the walls. Taking him from there, after some months of pretty severe discipline, he very soon went back to his old habits, when she had him sent to Randall's Island. Here he was discovered in a plan to swim to the opposite shore (something of a feat for a boy of twelve). Fearing he would attempt it and be drowned, she took him away and put him in the Juvenile Asylum, where he remained several months, and finally seemed so much tamed down that she ventured on taking him out and sending him to a place which you procured for him at Hastings. But, pretty soon, the ruling passion, strong as ever, took possession of him, and he started on a tour through the surrounding villages. " Being brought home again, he told his mother very delibe- rately, one morning, that she need not expect him home any more ; he was going to live with a soldier's wife. Knowing that if he went he would be in a very den of wickedness, she came to the resolution to give him to your care, and let him be sent to the West. " It would require a volume to tell of all his freaks and wan- A ROVER. 179 derings ; his scaling of fences, and breaking out of impossible places. Towards the last of his New York life he began to add other vices to his original stock — such as drinking, smoking, and swearing ; yet strange to say, he disdained to lie, and was never known to steal ; and his face would glow with satisfaction when, he could take charge of an infant. His mother hears, with trembling hope, the good accounts of him from the West, scarcely daring to believe that her wild and vagrant son will ever make a steady, useful man. "Truly yours, "Mrs. E. S. Hurley." The yOung rovers gradually became softened and civilized under the combined influences of warm din- ners 7 carpentering, and good teaching ; but we found the difficulty to be that we did not have sufficient hold over them out of school hours ; we needed more appli- ances for such habitual vagabonds. What was wanted was a Lodging-house and all its influences, as well as School, for the former gives a greater control than does a simple Industrial School. We accordingly transferred the whole enterprise to a still worse quarter, where I had done my first work in visiting, and which I thoroughly knew, the the region on East Eiver, at the foot of Eleventh Street. Here was a numerous band of similar boys, who slept anywhere, and lived by petty pilferings from the iron-works and wood-yards and by street jobs. In this place we combined our carpenters' shop with Day-school, Mght-school, Beading-room, and Lodging-house, and exerted thus a variety of influences 180 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. over the u Arabs," which soon began to reform and civilize them. Here we had no difficulties, and made a steady progress as we had done everywhere else. At present, some gentle female teachers guide the Industrial School. We have dropped the carpentering, as what the boys need is the habit of industry and a primary school-training more than a trade ; and we have found that a refined woman can influence these rough little vagabonds even more than a man. Subsequently, another school was founded in the quarter from which we removed this, and is now held in East Thirty-fourth Street. One of the benefactions which we hope for in the future is the erection of a suitable building for a Lodging-house, Beading-room, Day-school, and Mis- sion, in the miserable quarter on East Eiver, near Thirty-fourth Street. CHAPTEE XVI. NEW METHODS OF TEACHING-. A lady of high culture and position, who felt peculiarly the responsibilities of the fortunate toward the unfortunate, conceived the idea of doing some- thing to elevate the condition of the destitute classes in the quarter of the city between the East Eiver and Avenue B. She accordingly made the proposition to us of an Industrial School in that neighborhood. We gladly accepted, and soon secured a room, and gathered a goodly company of poor children, mostly Grermans. Fortunately for our enterprise, we chanced on a teacher of singular ability and earnestness of purpose, a graduate of the best Normal School in the country, the Oswego Training School, and thoroughly versed in the u Object System v — Miss Jane Andrews. The founder of our school proved as earnest in carrying out, as she had been generous in forming, her benevolent plan. She took part herself, several times each week, in teaching the children, and was indefatigable in pro- moting their pleasures, as well as aiding their instruc- tion. For many years now, this kind friend of the 182 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. poor has supported tMs school and labored among its children. They all know and love her, and her memory will not die among them. The great peculiarity of this school has now been adapted in the other Industrial Schools, under the name of the " Object System of Teaching v — a method which has proved so singularly successful with the children of the poor, that I shall describe it somewhat at length. THE OBJECT SYSTEM. u I began with children," says Pestalozzi, " as nature does with savages, first bringing an image before their eyes, and then seeking a word to express the perception to which it gives rise." This statement of the great reformer of education expresses the essen- tial principle of the Object System. The child's mind grasps first things rather than names ; it deals with objects before words; it takes a thing as a whole rather than in parts. Its perceptive and observing faculties are those first awakened, and should be the first used in education ; reflection, analysis, and comparison must come afterward. The vice of the former systems of education has been, that words have so much taken in the child's intellect the place of things, and its knowledge has become so often a mere routine, or a mechanical memorizing of names. The scholar was not taught to look beneath words, and to learn the precise thing which the word symbolized. He was ROUTINE TEACHING. 183 trained to repeat like a machine. He did not observe closely, he had not been educated to apply his own faculties/ and therefore he could not think afterward. The old system reversed the natural order. It began with what is the ripest fruit of the mature intellect — definitions, or the learning of rules and statements of principles, and went on later to observing facts and applying principles. It analyzed in the beginning, and only later in the course regarded things each as a whole. The consequence was, that children were months and years in taking the first steps in education — such as learning to read — because they had begun wrong. They had no accurate habits of observation, and, as a natural result, soon fell into loose habits of thinking. What they knew they knew vaguely. When their acquirements were tested they were found valueless. The simplest principles of mathematics were almost unknown to them, because they had learned the science by rote, and had never exercised their minds on it. They could apply none of them. Algebra, instead of being an implement, was of no more practi- cal use to them than Sanscrit would be. Geometry was as abstract as metaphysics. They had never learned it by solid figures, or studied it intelligently. Grammar was a memorized collection of dry abstract rules and examples. Natural history was only a catalogue, and geography a dictionary learned by heart. 184 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. Our manufacturers, who had occasion in former years to employ these youths from our Public Schools, found them utterly incompetent for using their faculties on practical subjects. Nor did they go forth with minds expanded, and ready to receive the germs of knowl- edge which might be, as it Were, floating in the atmos- phere. Their faculties had not been aroused. The " Object System 79 attempts to lay down the principles which have been tested in primary educa- tion, in the form of a Science ; so that the teacher not gifted with the genius of invention and the talent for conveying knowledge shall be able to awaken and train the child's intellect as if he were. Its first principle is to exercise the senses, but never during any long period at once. The play of the children is so contrived as to employ their sense of touch, of weight, and of harmony. Colors are placed before them, and they are trained in distin- guishing the different delicate shades — in the recogni- tion of which children are singularly deficient. Num- bers are taught by objects, such as small beans or marbles, and then when numerals are learned, regular tables of addition and substraction are written on the board by the teacher at the dictation of the scholar. The great step in all education is the learning the use of that wonderful vehicle and symbol of human thought, the printed word. Here the object system has made the greatest ad- SOUNDS OF LETTERS. 185 vance. The English language has the unfortunate peculiarity of a great many sounds to each vowel, and of an utter want of connection between the name and the sound of the letter. No mature mind can easily ap- preciate the dark and inysterious gulf which, to the infant's view, separates the learning the letters and reading. The two seem to be utterly different ac- quirements. The new methods escape the difficulty in part by not teaching the names, but the sounds, of the letters first, and then leading the child to put his sounds together in the form of a word, and next to print the word on the black-board, the teacher calling on the scholar to find a similar one in a card or book. By this ingenious device, the modern infant, instead of being whipped into reading, is beguiled into it pleasantly and imperceptibly, and makes his progress by a philosophical law. He reads before he knows it. But here the obstacle arises that each vowel, printed in the same type, has so many sounds. One ingenious teacher, Dr. Leigh, obviates this by printing on his charts each vowel-sound in a slightly different form, and giving the silent letters in hair-lines. The objec- tion here might be that the scholar learns a type dif- ferent from that in common use. Still, the deviation from the ordinary alphabet is so slight as probably not to confuse any young mind, and the learner can go on by a philosophical classification of sounds. Other teachers indicate the different vowel-sounds by accents. 186 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. One well-known writer on the " Object System," Mr. Caulkins, seems to approve of what we are in- clined to consider even more philosophical still — the learning the word first, and the letters and spelling afterward. Most children in cultivated families learn to read in this way. The word is a symbol of thought— a thing in itself — first, perhaps, connected with a picture of the object placed at its side, but afterward becom- ing phonetic, representing arbitrarily any object by its sound. Then other words are learned — not sepa- rately, but in association, as one learns a foreign lan- guage. Further on, the pupil analyzes, spells, con- siders each letter, and notes each part of speech. An objection may occur here, that the habit of cor- rect and careful spelling will not be so well gained by this method as by the old. Mr. Caulkins's remarks on this topic in his Manual on " Object Lessons" are so sensible that we quote them in extenso : — THE ABC METHOD. " This old, long, and tedious way consists in teach- ing, first, the name of each of the twenty-six letters, then in combining these into unmeaning syllables of c two letters/ 1 three letters/ and, finally, into words of c two syllables' and L three syllables.' Very little regard is had to the meaning of the words. Indeed, it MR. CAULKINS'S VIEWS, 187 seems as if those who attempt to teach reading by this method supposed that the chief object should be to make their pupils fluent in oral spelling ; and it ends in spelling, usually, since children thus taught go on spelling out their words through all the reading les- sons, and seldom become intelligent readers. They give their attention to the words, instead of the ideas intended to be represented by them. When the child has succeeded in learning the names of the twenty-six letters, he has gained no knowledge of their real use as representatives of sounds, and, consequently, little ability in determining how to pronounce a new word from naming its letters. Besides, the names of the letters constantly mislead him when formed into words. u He may have made the acquaintance of each of the twenty-six individual letters, so as to recognize their faces and be able to call them by name singly ; but when these same letters change places with their fellows, as they are grouped into different words, he is frequently unable to address many of them in a proper manner, or to determine what duties they perform in their different places. " Again, the words that are learned by naming over the letters which compose them seldom repre- sent any ideas to the young learner; indeed, too many of the words learned by this method are only mean- ingless monosyllables. The children begin to read 188 THE PANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. , without understanding what they read, and thus is laid the foundation for the mechanical, unintelligible reading which characterizes most of that heard in schools where the ABO method is used. This plan is in violation of fundamental laws of teaching ; it attempts to compel the child to do two things at the same time, and to do both in an unnatural manner, viz., to learn reading and spelling simultaneously, and reading through spelling. Eeading has to deal with sounds and signs of thought. u Spelling rests on the habit of the eye, which is best acquired as the result of reading. In attempting to teach reading through spelling, the effort of the pupil in trying to find out the word by naming the letters that compose it distracts the attention from the thought intended to be represented by it; the mind becomes chiefly absorbed with spelling instead of reading. When properly taught, reading furnishes natural facilities for teaching spelling; but spelling does not furnish a suitable means for teaching read- ing. Thus it will be seen that the usual plans for teaching reading by the ABC method compel chil- dren to do that for which their minds are not fitted, and thus cause a loss of power by restraining them from attending to the thoughts represented by the words, and to other things which would greatly pro- mote their development. The results are that a love for reading is not enkindled, good readers are not WORD METHOD. 189 produced. The few cases in which the results are dif- ferent owe both the love for reading and the ability in this art to other causes. u The pupils learned to love reading, and became able to read well, in spite of poor teaching during their first lessons. There is consolation in believing that this method, which produced so many halting, stumbling readers, is now abandoned by all good teachers of reading. May the number of such teach- ers be greatly increased. ###### a The £ word method' begins at once with teaching the words in a manner similar to that by which chil- dren learn to distinguish one object from another, and learn the names. It proposes to teach words as the signs of things, acts, and qualities, etc. It does not propose to teach children the alphabet, but to leave them to learn this after they have become familiar with enough words to commence reading.' 7 The Object System teaches geography very inge- niously. The pupil begins by getting into his mind the idea of a map. This is by no means so simple an idea as might be supposed, as witness the impossibil- ity almost of making a savage understand it. The child is first told to point to the different points of the compass ; then he marks them down on a blackboard ; next he draws a plan of the room, and each scholar attempts to locate an object on the plan, and is cor- 190 THE DANGrEIfcOTJS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. rected by the school, if wrong. Next comes a plan of tlie district or town ; then a globe is shown, and the idea of position on the globe given, and of the outlines of different countries. Soon the pupil learns to draw maps on the board, and to place rivers, bays, lakes, and oceans. The book-questions now to be presented will not be on purely political greography or merely arbitrary lists of names. The child is taken on imaginary journeys up rivers, over mountains, by railroads, and must describe from the lesson he has learned the different productions, the animals, the character of the scenery, the vegetation, and the occu- pations of the people. Thus geography becomes a kind of natural science, deeply interesting to the pupil, and touching his imagination. Certain dry geographical names are forever after associated in his mind with certain animals and plants and a peculiar scenery. Natural history is also taught in this system, but not by the usual dry method. The teacher brings in a potato, for instance, and carries the pupil along by questions through all its growth and development. Or she takes flowers, or leaves, or seeds, and stamps the most important phenomena about them on the scholar's mind by an objective lesson. Prints of ani- mals are presented, and the teacher begins at the lowest orders, and rises up in regular gradation, questioning the children as to the uses and purposes SCIENCE TAUGHT EARLY. 191 of every feature and limb. They work out their own natural philosophy. They observe, and then reason ; and what they learn is learned in philosophical order, and imprinted by their own efforts on their memories. It is astonishing how much, in these simple methods, may be learned in natural science by very young chil- dren; and what nutritive but simple food may be supplied to their minds for all future years. From lessons in science thus given, the teacher rises easily to lessons of morality and religion. Noth- ing even in moral teaching impresses a child's mind like pictures, stories, or parables, or some form of u object-teaching." The modern charts and books are extremely ingenious in giving religious lessons through the senses. The beginning of the higher mathematics may be taught children perfectly well under this method. Straight lines and angles are drawn, or constructed with little sticks, and named, and various figures thus formed. With blocks, the different geometrical figures are constructed and named — all being finished by the pupils themselves. On the blackboard certain lines are given, and with them " inventive drawing" goes on under the pupil's own suggestion. Weights and measures are learned by practical illustrations with real objects, and are thus not easily forgotten. Definition is very agreeably taught by the teach- 192 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. er's producing some object, say, an apple, and then making each scholar describe some quality of it, in taste, color, form, or material, and then write this word on the board. Very difficult adjectives, such as " opaque," or " pungent/ 7 or u translucent," or " aro- matic," may thus be learned, besides all the simpler, and learned permanently. The old bugbear to children, spelling, is by no means so terrible under these methods. The teacher writes two initial consonants, say, " th," and each scholar makes a new word with them, and it is written on the board ; or a terminal consonant is given, or certain combinations of letters are written down — say, ough, in u though," and words of corresponding sound must be written underneath, or the different sounds of each vowel must be illustrated by the scholar, and the varying sounds of consonants, and so on endlessly — spelling becoming a perfect amusement, and, at the same time, training the pupil in many delicate shades of sound, and in analyzing and remembering words. Grammar is conveyed, not by that farce in teach- ing, and that cross to all children, grammatical rules, which are, in fact, the expressions of the final fruit of knowledge, but the teacher writes incorrectly on the blackboard, both in spelling, punctuation, and gram- mar, and the children must correct this ; thus learn- ing from the senses and usage, instead of from abstract rules. INVENTIVE TEACHING. 193 Beading is given as nearly as possible in conversa- tional tones, and the old loud, mechanical sing-song is forbidden. The principle most insisted on in all this system is, that the child should teach himself, as far as pos- sible; that his faculties should do the work, and not the teacher's; and the dull and slow pupil is espe- cially to be led on and encouraged. But, as might be supposed, the teacher's task, under the object method, is no sinecure. She can no longer slip along the groove of mechanical teaching. She must be wide-awake, inventive, constantly on the qui vive to stir up her pupils' minds. The droning over lessons, and letting children repeat, parrot-like, long lists of words, is not for her. She must be always seeking out some new thing and making her pupils observe and think for themselves. Her duty is a hard one. But this is the only true teaching ; and we trust that no Primary School in New York will be without a well-trained "Object-teacher." CHAPTEE XVII. THE LITTLE ITALIAN ORG-AN-GrRINDERS. Among the various rounds I was in the habit of making in the poorest quarters, was one through the Italian quarter of the " Five Points." Here, in large tenement-houses, were packed hundreds of poor Ital- ians, mostly engaged in carrying through the city and country " the everlasting hand-organ," or selling statuettes. In the same room I would find monkeys, children, men and women, with organs and plaster- casts, all huddled together ; but the women contriving still, in the crowded rooms, to roll their dirty maca- roni, and all talking excitedly; a bedlam of sounds, and a combination of odors from garlic, monkeys, and most dirty human persons. They were, without excep- tion, the dirtiest population I had met with. The children I saw every day on the streets, following organs, blackening boots, selling flowers, sweeping walks, or carrying ponderous harps for old ruffians. So degraded was their type, and probably so mingled in North Italy with ancient Celtic blood, that their faces could hardly be distinguished from those of Irish LITTLE HARPERS. 195 poor children — an occasional liquid dark eye only betraying their nationality. I felt convinced that something could be done for them. Owing to their ignorance of our language and their street-trades, they never attended school, and seldom any religious service, and seemed growing up only for these wretched occupations. Some of the little ones suffered severely from being indentured by their parents in Italy to a u Bureau 77 in Paris, which sent them out over the world with their u padrone f or master, usually a villainous-looking individual with an enormous harp. The lad would be frequently sent forth by his padrone, late at night, to excite the com- passion of our citizens, and play the harp. I used to meet these boys sometimes on winter-nights half- frozen and stiff with cold. The bright eyes among these children showed that there was mind in them 5 and the true remedy for their low estate seemed to be our old one, a School. Eev. Dr. Hawks, at this time, brought to my atten- tion a very intelligent Italian gentleman of education, a Protestant and patriot, who had taken refuge here — Signor A. E. Oerqua. I will let him tell his own story of the formation and success of the School : THE ITALIAN SCHOOL— THE FIVE POINTS SETTLEMENT. " Coming up Chatham Street and bending your course to the left, you turn into Baxter Street, a dark, damp, muddy street, forming one of the Five Points. On each side of the way are 196 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. stores of old clothes and heterogeneous articles, kept by Polish and German Jews. Numerous ' Unredeemed Goods for Sale/ in the shape of coats, vests, and other unmentionable garments, are suspended on wooden stands in front of the doorways. There are also junk-stores, rags, bones, and old metal depots, and two Italian groceries, one opposite the other. Advancing further, you reach the centre of the Five Points, synonymous of what- ever is degraded and degrading, loathsome and criminal. Here Park Street runs parallel to Chatham Street and crosses Baxter Street at right angles, thus forming four of the Five Points. The fifth point is formed by the junction of Worth Street, lead- ing from this common centre in a northerly direction. This locality is very dimly lighted, and the few lamps scattered around only add to the repulsive nature of the place. The pestiferous exhalations of the filthy streets, and not less filthy shanties, inhabited by the lowest and most disreputable char- acters, are disgusting beyond any description. Scattered over this neighborhood, densely settled by the most depraved classes of all nationalities, there lived, and still live, some fifteen hun- dred of the poorest class of Italians, who traditionally cling to that locality. They are generally from the Ligurian coasts, which are over-populated. When the farms require working, the inhabitants usually have something to do ; but, at some sea- sons, want of employment compels them to turn elsewhere. Men, women, and lads went in ordinary times to the largest cities of Northern Italy for temporary occupation, leaving behind their children to the care of relatives or acquaintances, who, owing to their business, inability, or carelessness, neglected in most cases to exercise over tl^em parental duties, When the hand- organ came into vogue, they found it the easiest way to employ their unoccupied time. Seeing, afterward, that they could real- ize more by the organ than by the shovel, they went grinding all the year, and spread all over Italy at first, then over Europe and America. Some of the children left were sent for, while others were hired out to those who proposed a grinding-tour to America. Those who arrived here first having done well, others followed, and the tide of the organ-grinding emigration set in on a gradual rise. The failure of the Revolutionary movements of 1848 and 1849 having impoverished, to a greater or smaller extent, the THE FIVE POINTS. 197 several Italian provinces, gave a great impetus to this emigation, and it was not long before the Five Points were crowded to over- flowing. Accustomed as they were to agricultural pursuits and out of the reach of better social influences, and totally ignorant of the language, they formed a separate colony, associating only with those of their own country in the Five Points. Had they displayed the vices or criminal inclinations which prevail to a deplorable extent among the low classes of other nationalities, they would soon have been brought to public notice and taken care of by our benevolent and religious societies ; but they can- not be reproached with intoxication, prostitution, quarreling, stealing, etc. ; and thus, escaping the unenviable notoriety of the criminal, they fell into a privacy that deprived them of the advantages of American benevolence ; and there is no instance of any visitor having ever been appointed to explore this fruitful field of operation. OPENING OP THE SCHOOL. " Early in December, 1855, the writer, with Mr. Brace, visited several families. Our reception was not such as to promise suc- cess, although, considering their distrustful and suspicious dis- position, consequent upon their isolated existence, they did not treat us disrespectfully. Having thus prepared and informed them, on the evening of the tenth of the same month we opened our School in a room kindly furnished by Rev. Mr. Pease, on the north side of the Five Points' square. " On the first night of our operation we had an attendance of ten boys, six girls, seven young men, four young women, two men, and one woman (thirty in all), attracted, as may be evident by the age of the attendants, more by the novelty of the under- taking than by any definite purpose. Of that number, only two could read a little in Italian — not one in English ; hence I formed a single class of the whole in the alphabet. " By more frequent visiting, the attendance was, after a little while, nearly doubled ; but toward spring it dwindled to such an insignificant number, that it was deemed expedient to close the School. " Instead of being deterred by this discouraging feature, we determined to examine the field more carefully, and endeavor to 198 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. discover the immediate cause of the unexpected check our hopes had experienced. Proper exertions in visiting, and cautious and timely investigations, soon brought out the fact that some absurd rumors had been circulated among them to the effect that our purpose was to turn them away from their own church, alleging, as conclusive evidence, that our school-room was used for Sun- day religious meetings. These mischievous insinuations called for the utmost prudent activity on our part, for, although these people are not fanatics in religion, they, at that time, still clung with tenacity to the infallibility of their priest. I say at that time, because the unnatural and unchristian attitude assumed since by their spiritual guides toward Italy has forced even the uneducated class into a certain use of comparative rational free- dom, and, beyond the spiritual, they will not follow their relig- ious leaders. Meeting with only partial success by persuasion, I then promised shoes and clothing to pupils who would attend for three months consecutively ; and having thus prepared the way, and without ever failing to visit the most unapproachable, it was deemed advisable to reopen the School in November, 1856. The attendance increased by some thirty, with a minor sprink- ling of men and women. Shoes and clothes were distributed in March, but the number soon after commenced diminishing, until June, 1857, when the School, as in the previous year, had to be closed for a second time. Two great advantages had, however, been developed. Their ready acceptance of shoes and clothes given and distributed in our room was a powerful argument in my hands to answer their objection to the room ; and among the floating attendance I had noticed a score or so of regular pupils upon whom I concentrated my best attention and every possible encouragement, in the conviction that the result of my efforts in that direction would prove efficacious to attract others. And, in fact, when the improvement of these twenty attendants became known, it was found comparatively easy to persuade others to school. " It had now become evident to me that, with adequate exer- tions and inducements, the School could be established on a per manent and working order ; and on the following September we recommenced operations with better promise. But a narrow- minded opposition partially marred our success this year. An OPPOSITION OP PRIESTS. 199 Italian priest, called Rebiccio, from the confessional and from the pulpit, flung ferocious anathemas at all who permitted their children to attend our School. He even went from house to house to use his influence in the same direction. I sent a depu- tation of my oldest scholars to remonstrate with him and correct his misapprehensions by assuring him that we had no sectarian teachings. These same boys I took with me in visiting a num- ber of the most superstitious families, and for the same purpose, but in both cases of no avail ; only, instead of justifying myself, I found that these boys were equally suspected of complicity, some even assuming that they had already been converted. I felt disheartened, not because I did not hope to overcome all obstacles by patience, prudence, and perseverance, but because I could scarcely realize the actual occurrence of such un unflinch- ing, unprincipled, and unjust persecution, or, what was still worse, of such credulous stupidity as was shown by the very people we intended to elevate. Prompted by these feelings, I then wrote a letter to that worthy priest, inviting him to assist me in teaching, to take my place, to teach these poor children himself — in short, to do what he pleased, provided they were furnished with proper means to better their condition. The letter was couched in the most unexceptionable terms, and closed by entreating him to desist from his unjust attacks, and not to compel me to appeal to the public through the daily press, the last resort in this free country. Discouraged by the suspicious reception I met with from the majority of these people, and by the fruitless result of my aforesaid letter, I was then preparing a statement for the newspapers, when the whole opposition scheme exploded. Under the false pretext that he was going to hire a building to open a school for these children, in connection with a church, which he proposed also to build for them, this worthy priest had collected considerable money in the Five Points, when all at once he disappeared, and it was only after months that he was heard of in affluent circumstances in Italy. A natural and desirable reaction then took place among our people, and since then the School has been yearly in operation for eleven months, and with gradual prosperity. In June, 1866, desiring to extend our work and absorb all children exposed to 200 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. the bad influences and examples of the streets that attended no day-school, we added also successfully a day-session, so that now, with two hundred and twenty-eight (228) names on our books since October 1, 1867, we have a daily average of sixty -five (65), and one hundred and eighty-six (186) for day and evening ses- sions respectively. By these figures it will be seen that, while in other schools the proportion of the average to the names entered is, at the best, seventy-five per cent., nearly all our pupils on the roll-book attend regularly one of the two, and several both sessions. The attendants vary from five to twenty-two years of age, averaging about nine and a half. A little less than one-half of the whole are females. MENTAL IMPROVEMENT. " Whoever has not associated with this class of Italians before our School was opened cannot form an adequate idea of the result attained both in moral and mental improvement. Out of the whole number entered since the commencement of opera- tions, say, in round numbers, eight hundred and fifty (850), not over forty had a little and imperfect knowledge of reading the Italian, and only about ten had a slight acquaintance with the English. My first endeavors were directed to induce them to attend day-schools, and during the first three years over twenty became pupils of Public Schools. Later on, this number received accessions, amounting at one time to about fifty. " Our course of study comprises the gradual series of English reading, spelling, and writing adopted in most of the Public Schools ; geography, arithmetic, history, and grammar. The class in the last two branches this year is very small, as the students thereof, being mostly adults, cannot well attend regularly. " Some twelve years ago, and for a time after, there were only two among them who had some knowledge of letters, and on them the whole colony had to depend for writing and reading letters in Italian and interpreting in English, on payment of charges varying from twenty-five to fifty cents. On becoming acquainted with this fact, I resolved upon teaching also the Italian to the most advanced in the English, which addition met with general favor, for, a year after, the pupils who could and did gratuitously perform the offices of the two literati increased to HAPPY CHANGES. 201 such, an extent that one was usually found within each family or a circle of relatives. The time being limited, these studies are, of course, taught alternately, and the progress therein is not as speedy as would be desirable ; but, everything considered, they show remarkable intelligence, aptitude, and willingness to learn. I might quote from reports of the principal press of this city on our last examination ; but, as the School is free and always open to visitors, I will content myself with inviting our friends to look into the subject for themselves. How gratifying when I enter the School to see the oldest of the attendants, but a few years ago illiterate and totally ignorant of everything around them, reading papers, and quoting, dis- criminating, and discussing the topics of the day, and forming a more or less correct idea of the state of things in the land of their adoption and in other parts of the world ! Gratifying, indeed, to see these children, but a few years ago without any idea of patriotism, without any other principle to guide their judgment and actions than the natural impulses of a degraded selfishness, exchange intelligent views upon the moral standing and tendency of the political parties in this and in their native country ! Many times I have been astonished at the extensive information and sound opinions they display in commenting upon contemporaneous events. The MORAL IMPROVEMENT. which has been accomplished is still more extensive and sensi- ble. At first sight the visitor is enabled to draw a line between old and new pupils by noticing the intelligent and clean appear- ance, quick perception, and admirable behavior of the former, and the dull, downcast, rough, and thoughtless countenances of the latter. It is surprising that all these children were accus- tomed to wash their faces only on Sundays, and it takes even now some time to induce them to do it daily. Still, it is undenia- ble that, as a class, they possess an earnest appreciation of good habits, only it is, to say so, an abstract idea as yet with them, and needs development. " When the School opened, and for some time after, the attend- ance was generally composed of organ-grinders and beggars, 202 THE DATOEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. which vocations they indifferently acknowledged to follow, when- ever asked, by analogous gestures. To redeem them from those ignoble vocations was, in my opinion, of paramount importance, and to that end I devoted part of my time in visiting their pa- rents, to impress them with a sense of self-respect and human dignity, and talk them into the apprenticing into trades their offspring. As, however, these boys brought home from fifty cents to a dollar per day, it was quite a difficult task to persuade them to give up this source of Income for comparatively nomi- nal wages. With guardians and relatives my efforts remained entirely fruitless. I then concluded that if we could show them practically that trades in the end would pay better, it would become easy to accomplish our purpose. I concentrated, there- fore, my exertions on three families, the most approachable, and succeeded. One consented to place a boy of fourteen in the Printing Department of the American Tract Society ; another soon followed in the same line ; the third, a boy of thirteen, entered a machine-shop. All three did very well, and at the end of two years they were earning five and six dollars per week. Their success caused a moral revolution, and had I been able to place all, not one would at this day be blacking boots, which many do for want of better employment. It is a fact that speaks very highly of these Italians, that in every instance, whenever one has been employed, Italians are preferred. I have seen certificates given by manufacturers to some of them, speaking enthusiastically of their honesty, industry, and faith- fulness. There are also instances of extraordinary interest taken by employers in their behalf, and in no case has any ever been discharged for any other reason than for want of work. A large number of girls also find occupation in artificial flowers and confectionery. All now look with scorn upon their former vocations, and the term ' pianist ' is ironically applied to newly- landed organ-grinders. Now it is a fact that can stand the strictest scrutiny, that all those who follow decent vocations or attend day-schools, public or otherwise, either are or have been our regular attendants for years and that all grinders, begggars, and vagrants, in general, are not and have not, attended at all, or at most a few weeks, attracted only by the hope of getting shoes or clothes. THE GRADUATES. 203 "Without mentioning the many present pupils who are engaged in honorable pursuits, I can readily name about fifty old attendants who have left school, now employed in this or other States as printers, confectioners, jewelers, shoemakers, machinists, carpenters, waiters, carvers, and farm-hands. To these must be added two who keep and own a neat confectionery and ice-cream saloon in Grand Street ; a shoemaker in business for himself ; another, one of the first three above-mentioned, a foreman in the very machine-shop in which he served as an apprentice ; one a patented machinist in a steam chocolate manu- factory ; and, lastly, one who for the last three years has been foreman in a wholesale confectionery. I omit to mention those who have gone back to Italy and are doing well. As a rule, they all remember with gratitude their friends, to whose efforts and liberality they acknowledge they owe their present position. From every State in which they settle we receive now and then encouraging news from some boy ; and not long ago we heard, for the second time, from a boy in Italy, who, after having men- tioned that he was studying Latin, etc., gives vent to his feelings by conveying his most hearty thanks to all the teachers, men- tioning them one by one— to Mr. Brace, to Mr. Macy, and, not remembering the name of our good friend, John C. Havemeyer, Esq., he adds, " also to that kind gentleman who has an office at No. 175 Pearl Street." His letter is very touching, and reveals noble feeling and mind. " Nor are parents less grateful and ready to acknowledge the good of American benevolence. I was conversing one evening with a widow woman, while her boy was writing to her father in Italy, and called her attention to the advantage her son had derived from our School, adding that I still remembered how indifferently she received at first my advices. She felt a little mortified and replied : ' Caro Maestro (Dear Teacher), having never received any good from anybody, but plenty of harm, we could not believe that all at once we had become worthy of so much kindness. We used to have hard treatment at the hand of everybody, had no friends ; even our countrymen in better circumstances despised us, and, to tell you the truth, we had made up our mind that we would find charity only in the other world.' 204 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. VISITING. " I will not attempt to give an idea of the difficulty attending visiting in the Five Points, nor can I dwell at length on the extensive suffering and wretchedness that have fallen under my observation. Notwithstanding my comparative familiarity with those places, I cannot dispense yet with a guide and a light, and, in many instances, two of both. The rickety shanties, with crumbling stairs and broken steps, undergo as many changes in the interior as may be suggested by the wants of the successive inmates. The looms have been partitioned and sub-partitioned a good number of times, and now and then I have found even part of the hall, and the whole thereof on top floors, taken in by new partitions. Small wooden rear buildings are mostly tenanted entirely by Italians, but in large tenement-houses there is generally found a good Irish or Jewish mingling. Visiting, in the latter case, is often attended by most unpleasant occur- rences, owing to intoxicated and troublesome persons that are usually found in the stairs and halls. But to relate some of my experience : tf On Christmas-day (1866) a woman with five children — the oldest three our pupils — coming from church, fell, breaking her arm and giving premature birth to a sixth. Hearing of this sad * case, I took a few yards of red flannel and went to see her. I found the poor woman in the deepest agony and almost frantic from suffering. Her husband kept a fruit-stand in Nassau Street, but this accident, as she expressed it, had entirely stupi- fied him, and she suffered to a great extent, also, morally, from the hopeless condition of her young family. The stove was as warm (or cold) as every piece of furniture in the room, and the poor patient and the two smallest children had to manage to keep warm by lying on the same bed, with a pile of old clothes and carpets over them. Presently, however, the three elder children came in, half-frozen and barefooted, scarcely able to talk, and discharged near the stove the contents of their aprons and bags, the result of their coal-picking tour. Leaving to their father the care of reviving the fire, they, as of a common consent, started for a closet, and drawing out a good-sized tin pan full of boiled corn-meal, commenced a furious onslaught thereon. The outer room measured some twelve by fourteen CRUELTY. 205 feet, and had no beds, but its floor afforded sleeping accommoda- tions to the five children. The inner room was scarcely large enough to admit a middle-sized bedstead used by the parents. When I left, the young ones had taken their places for the night, and the man, having made a good fire, proceeded to assort a barrel of apples, and his wife said it was the fourth time ' that stupid man had gone through the same process without having done anything.' " Among guardians, especially, the custom was prevalent of fixing the amount the boy or girl had to bring home in the even- ing. But not seldom fathers were prompted by avarice to act still more cruelly against their own offspring, and while the former punished the shortcomings of their wards by furnishing them with meals of microscopic proportions, the latter, on the pre- sumption, I suppose, of paternal right, went so far as to whip and even expel from home the son or sons who failed to come up to their greedy expectations. At present, however, such cases are almost unknown, owing to the sense of independence felt by the growing generation and to our influence on the pa- rents. But as late as three years ago I had observed that a boy of twelve, who was very anxious to learn, now and then was absent. One evening I called on him for explanations, and he related tha he was ' taxed ' for eighty cents a day, and every cent short of that amount was balanced by a proportionate dose of cowhiding on his bare body. He entreated me most earnestly not to "Say a word to his father on the subject, otherwise he would fare still worse. Whenever, therefore, he failed to earn the eighty cents by his boot-blacking vocation, he would not go home. This unnatural father did not stop here ; he did not care in the least how long his son would remain out sleeping under market- stands and in newspaper rooms, but he insisted on the boy pay- ing over to him, when he would return, at the rate of eighty cents per day for all the time of his absence, without any allow- ance for food, etc. " The case was really heart-rending, especially as the boy was developing fine moral and intellectual qualities, and had to be treated With uncommon prudence. At first I told the boy to call on me for whatever he was short, and he did so on two occasions ; but somehow or other the transaction was reported to the father, 206 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. who, rather than desist from his pretension, as any other man would certainly have done, increased the tax to one dollar, with the remark that ' it would make no difference to the teacher, twenty cents, more or less.' The very same night this happened, seeing the impossibility of curing this man in any other way, I paid him a visit, which seemed to have surprised him to a great extent. I spoke to him calmly but determinedly, as I never had occasion to do before, but without eliciting any answer, and I left him with the assurance that if he did not desist at once from the vile abuse of parental authority I would have him arrested. After a few days he moved to Laurens street, and in about six months from this occurrence returned, with the whole family, to Italy. I never could learn anything afterward concerning his interesting son. " The filth prevalent in some of their abodes is really appall- ing, and in some cases incredible. In Baxter Street there is a bedroom, nine by twelve feet, occupied by four children and their parents. The door, hindered by the bed behind it, opens scarcely enough to give admittance to a person of ordinary size. At the foot of the bed there is, and was, and will be as long as they stay therein, a red-hot stove, between which and the window stands an old chest ; opposite the stove a table. The fetid air inside I would have thought to be beyond human endurance. The woman, at my request, opened the window, remarking ' that she did not see the use of burning coal inside, if the freez- ing air was to be permitted to come in freely/ The children sleep on the floor ; that is to say, one nearly under the bed, another under the table, a third by the stove, and the fourth is at liberty to roll over any of her sisters. I could not help noticing an old greasy piece of print, of no distinguishable color, hanging around the bed, and performing, as I learned with satisfaction, the function of a curtain to keep out of view its occupants. " During the last ten years some fifteen of our girls, and nearly as many boys, married — mostly, I ought to say, intermar- ried — and as the greater portion of them have children, say from four to eight years of age, in our school, I visit also occasion- ally among them, the new generation. And how different in their habits of cleanliness ! Floors, walls, ceiling, windows, BILLIARD-ROOMS. 207 everything faultlessly clean, their persons neat, so that their rooms are really an oasis in that desert called tenement-houses ; and the cordial civility they extend to me carries still farther the comparison by making me realize in their apartments, after a visiting tour at the Five Points, all the satisfaction the traveler derives by the fertile spot after a fatiguing journey across the burning sand. " I will omit many sad scenes witnessed at the death-bed of several of our pupils, it being my aim to dwell only on such facts as may convey an idea of the nature of the difficulties we had to overcome. But the monotonous scenes of suffering under its various forms are, however, succeeded now and then by others peculiarly exciting. " Often, of my own choice, but sometimes entreated by the pupils' parents, I paid visits to billiard-rooms. These are placed in the back-room of groceries, of which there are three in that neighborhood, and have, therefore, communication with the yard. Whenever I deemed it necessary to go on such errands, I had to organize previously an expedition of ten or twelve of our oldest scholars, who, in accordance with my instructions, would at a signal prevent all means of egress from windows and doors. I would then go in from the front, and a wild rush for the rear would ensue ; but, finding themselves surrounded, all the boys I was looking for, had no other choice but to follow us to school, escorted as deserters. Now, it is more than probable that ninety-nine out of one hundred of billiard-keepers in New York would not allow such proceedings against their interests, for our descents did not particularly improve their profits. Still, these Italian grocers not only countenanced and aided my endeavors, but gave me also all the information I previously demanded. Little by little, by repeated expeditions and an occasional peep- ing in these places before going to school, I succeeded in nearly breaking up their vicious habits in this respect, and it is only a rare occurrence that one of our boys on Saturday nights will go in to look on a game. In corroboration of which success I may mention that early last winter (1867), one Saturday evening, the police made a regular and truly formidable descent on these billiard-saloons, arresting, among others, in all twenty-seven Italians, I believe, of whom eleven were boys from seven to fif- 208 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. teen. Next evening I had an application to interfere for their release, as it is nsual for me to do whenever circumstances war- rant it, and in looking into the subject carefully I found that of them only two — namely, the youngest and the oldest — belonged to our school, and that both had gone to buy groceries, and, while the grocer was weighing and wrapping the provisions, they had walked to the door between the store and the saloon to look in, and were under that circumstance arrested. Upon my conviction that such was really the case, I applied for and obtained their discharge. The other boys mostly belonged to families newly arrived from Italy and directed for California, to which State these people generally move if unable to make a living in New York. " Now I will only add that the Maestro (teacher) at the Five Points has become an indispensable personage among them. He is assumed to be a lawyer, medical doctor, theologian, astron- omer, banker — everything as well as a teacher. A boy is arrested for throwing stones in the street ; the Maestro is applied to and the boy is released. One has fifty dollars to deposit ; the Maes- tro is consulted as to the soundness of the savings-banks- -and so on. But, to better appreciate their feelings on this subject, it must be known that these poor foreigners have for a long while been victimized by the grossest impositions. I have heard of as much as one thousand dollars lost by one family, through the sharp practice of a man (an Italian) who, taking advantage of their ignorance of the English, and of their confidence, depos- ited and drew in his name the money which was intended as part payment for a farm they had bought in Massachusetts, and gave them to understand that the bank had failed. And this is one of the many cases they had related to me on the subject. Nor less shameful imposition they suffered at the hands of the " shysters " whenever some juvenile delinquent was arrested for trifles. They had to pay from fifty to one hundred dollars, and, what was worse, often without obtaining their release. In order to explain the process by which poor people possess such cash amounts, I must say that in extraordinary circumstances they help each other with the most disinterested and prompt liberal- GRATITUDE. 209 lenders, who, being unknown to the bank, are refused payment. The Maestro then, of course, is applied to, and for the first two or three cases I found it hard to make them understand that I did not do it for money. They would insist on my receiving something for my trouble in procuring payment by the drawees, and one, especially, on having paid a draft of one hundred and sixty dollars gold, followed me for a block, with a coin piece in his hand, insisting that I should take it. ' My dear man, keep your money/ I would say ; ' I am very glad to have been able to render you this service/ ' No, Maestro, no. Well, take at least these five dollars ' (gold). That at least struck me that he must have been laboring under the impression that my services were worth considerably more, and I addressed him in that sense. In answer, he explained that an Italian, who has gone away from New York, charged him and others ten per cent, for cashing drafts to order. " " In conclusion, the Maestro is called uj>on for every emer- gency. Questions undecided between two or more dissentient parties are referred to my arbitration. Family quarrels are submitted to my adjustment. It is no exaggeration to say that the good which could be effected by thus visiting among this class is immense — in fact, far beyond the expectation of those who might take as a basis of comparison the result of visiting among the low classes of other nationalities. OUR FRIENDS. " As the work was done in a most quiet way, our patrons were at first few, and for six years all Americans. After that period, the few distinguished Italians in this city were applied to with favorable result. But it was not until the end of 1863 that their co-operation proved efficient, and relieved considerably the Children's Aid Society of the pecuniary burden. Previous to that time, five or six of them, headed by the Italian Consul- General, Signor Anfora, visited us, to look into the working of the School, and, becoming satisfied that a great good was being accomplished, later on, at the invitation of the Trustees of the Society, organized themselves into a Co-operative Sub- Committee f consisting of Prof. V. Botta, President ; E. P. Fabbri, Treas- urer ; G. Albinola and V. Fabbricotti, Esqs., and Dr. G. Cecarini, 210 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. The Treasurer, Signor Fabbri, with, that kind and unassuming liberality for which he is distinguished, to his annual subscrip- tion has added fifty tons of coal to the most deserving, thus relieving their sufferings to a great extent, and establishing a powerful inducement for indifferent parents. The Committee also reported to the Italian Government what was taking place for the advantage of its destitute and ignorant subjects in this city, and obtained some subsidy and other encouragement from that quarter. At the head of the Ministerial Department for Foreign Affairs was, at that period, Cav. M. Cerruti, a gentleman of learning and most enlightened views, who has done much in Italy to popularize public instruction as the speediest and surest means of promoting the prosperity of the nation. This gentle- man having lately been appointed Minister Plenipotentiary from his to this country, visited, last October, our School, and met with the hearty reception he deserves as one of our patrons. His visit elicited the following ietter from the distinguished Italian statesman to Rev. C. L. Brace, Secretary of the Children's Aid Society : — * " ' Clarendon Hotel, October 29, 1867. " f Dear Sir — I beg leave to be allowed to express, in behalf of the Italian Government and nation I have the honor to represent at Washington, the most heartfelt thanks for the Christian and noble undertaking unpretentiously assumed and most successfully prosecuted by the Children's Aid Society for the improvement of the poor class of the Italian population in your city. My visit to the Italian School under your charge, on the 23d instant, was to me a source of high gratification, and convinced me that, by your efficient and humane exertions, hundreds of poor Italian children have been redeemed from vagrancy and turned into industrious and useful members of the community. The cleanliness, mental training, and admirable behavior of the one hundred and fifty pupils assembled on that occasion, impressed me with a deep sense of gratitude toward the friends of the Children's Aid Society, and to you personally, for your unsparing efforts in devising and forwarding such a useful institution. I can only hope that your Society may ever LETTER FROM ITALIAN MINISTER. 211 prosper and continue its charitable work in the vast field of its operations with that truly Christian and benevolent spirit which distinguishes this glorious undertaking. " ' Believe me, dear sir, ' " Yours respectfully, [Signed] " ' MARCEL CERRUTI, " ' Minister Plenipotentiary from Italy at Washington' GENERAL REMARKS. " For brevity's sake I had to omit mentioning incidents which speak very highly of our pupils. Nor have I space to describe the many cases of articles and money found by them and handed to me for investigation as to the rightful owner ; and their spon- taneous liberality and hearty contributions to the Garibaldi Fund in 1859, to the New York Sanitary Fair in 1864, and to the relief of the orphans and wounded of the late war of Italy and Prussia against Austria. Suffice it to say that our aim is to ren- der them useful, honest, industrious, and intelligent citizens. In that direction we have been laboring, and with what success has been seen." CHAPTEE XVIII. THE "LAMBS" OF COTTAGE PLACE. Beyond a certain point, the history of these various schools becomes monotonous. It is simply a history of kindness, of patience, of struggles with ignorance, poverty, and intemperance ; of lives poured out for the good of those who can never make a re- turn, of steady improvement and the final elevation of great numbers of children and youth who are under these permanent and profound influences. In no one of the many branches whose labors and results I am describing, has probably so much vitality been expended, so much human earnestness been offered with such patience, humility, and faith, as in the humble Mission of u Cottage Place." It began with a u Boys' Meeting," under Mr. Macy, a practical philanthropist, of whom I shall speak again. The quarter is a very notorious one, and contains numbers of idle and vagrant boys and girls. The success of Mr. Macy with the meeting, and the expe- rience he gained there of a wild class of girls induced A LABOR OF LOVE. 213 him and his sisters to attempt in 1859 to found a School for girls ; to this was gradually added a " Free Beading-room," a library, and various temperance and other associations. Ladies of position and wealth were attracted to it, as well as others, from seeing the quiet and earnest nature of the work done ; there was no show or " blowing of trumpets," or any great ex- pense, but there were two or three men and women connected with it who evidently thought night and day of the rough boys and miserable girls that attended it ; who felt no toil too great, if it could truly benefit these unfortunate creatures. The lady-volunteers seemed to catch the same spirit of Christian sacrifice and earnestness. One who has since become a missionary in a distant hea- then land, poured out here for these American heathen some of the best years of her youth in the most en- thusiastic and constant labors. Others visited the homes of the poor, some taught in the classes, and all labored with their own hands to arrange the festivals and dinners which they provided so freely for the needy children. For twelve years now those young ladies or their friends have wrought Yinceasingly at this labor of love. The great burden of the School, however, fell on Miss Macy, a woman of long experience with this class, and a profound and intense spirit of humanity. I never shall forget the scene (as reported to me) when, 214 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. at the opening of the School, after the July riots in 1883 against the colored people, a deputation of hard- looking, heavy-drinking Irish women, the mothers of some twenty or thirty of the children, waited on her to demand the exclusion of some colored children. In the most amiable and Quaker-like manner, hut with the firmness of the old Puritan stock from which she sprung, she assured them that, if every other scholar left, so long as that school remained it should never he closed to any child on account of color. They withdrew their children, but soon after returned them. Like the other Schools, the Cottage Place gives a great deal of assistance to the poor, but it does so in connection with education, and therefore creates no pauperism. The same experience is passed through here as under the other Schools. The children are nearly all the offspring of drunkards, but they do not themselves drink as they grow up. The slovenly learn cleanli- ness, the vagrant industry, the careless punctuality and order. Thieving was very prevalent in the School when it was founded ; now it is never known. All have been beggars ; but, as they improve under teach- ing, and when they leave their homes, they never fol- low begging as a pursuit. Hardly a graduate of the School, whether boy or girl, is known who has become a thief, or beggar, or criminal, or prostitute. Such is FIRST WARD CELLARS. 215 the power of daily kindness and training, of Christian- ity early applied. Outside of the School, great numbers of lads are brought under the influence of the u Bands of Hope," the " Beading-room," and the lectures and amuse- ments offered them. The result of all this has been noticed by the neighboring manufacturers in the moral improvement of the Ward. THE LITTLE BEGGARS OF THE FIRST WARD. One of the eye-sores which used to trouble me was the condition of the city behind Trinity Church. Often and often have I walked through Greenwich and Washington Streets, or the narrow lanes of the quarter, watching the ragged, wild children flitting about ; or have visited the damp underground base- ments which every high tide flooded, crowded with men, women, and children ; or climbed to the old rook- eries, packed to the smallest attic with a wretched population, and have wished so that something might be done for this miserable quarter, which is in a Ward where more wealth is accumulated than in any other one place in America. First I induced our Board to send a careful agent through the district, to collect exact statistics. Then an application was made to the wealthy Corporation of Trinity Church, to assist or to found some charitable 216 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. enterprise for this wretched population under the shadow of its spire. For two years we continued these applications, but without avail. Then it occurred to me that we should try the business-men who were daily passing these scenes of misery and crime. Fortunately, I struck upon a young merchant of singular conscientiousness of purpose, who had felt for a long time the sad evils of the Ward. With him I addressed another gentleman of a well-known eleva- tion of character, and a certain manly persistency that led him never to turn back when he had " put his hand to the plow." A few personal friends joined them, and I soon saw that we were secure of the future. Our leader had a great social influence, and he at once turned it to aid his philanthropic scheme ; he himself, gave freely, and called upon his friends for money. The School was founded in 1860, and at once gathered in a large number of the waifs of the First Ward, and has had a like happy influence with our other Schools. Our treasurer and leader, Mr. J. Oouper Lord — alas ! too early taken from us all — sustained it himself in good part during disastrous years. Through his aid, also, a Free Beading-room was founded in the same building, which has been more uniformly suc- cessful and useful than any similar enterprise in the city. His devotion to the interests of these poor peo- ple has left an enduring harvest of good through the whole quarter. A STKEET-S WEEPER. 217 The following extract from our Journal will give a good idea of the changes effected by this charity, now rightly called the u Lord School 79 : — A STREE T-S WEEPER TS THE LORD SCHOOL. " For a number of years, the writer of this remembers a little girl in the First Ward School who was a kind of bete noir of the school — Ann Jane T . Both of her parents were drunk- ards, and were half the time on the Island under arrest ; she herself was twice found drunk in the School before she was thirteen years old ; once she attacked the teacher violently. She swept crossings for a living, and ' lived about/ often sleep- ing in halls and stairways ; for a year she occupied the same bed and living- room with eight large boys and girls from the school, and some thirteen grown people ; the lower part of the house was a dance-saloon and place of bad character. Annie seemed a hopeless case ; she swore and used the most vile lan- guage, and was evidently growing up to be a most abandoned woman. The teacher of the Lord Industrial School, Miss Blod- gett, was a person of singular sweetness and dignity of char- acter, as well as remarkable personal beauty. She soon acquired a great influence over the wild girl. Once little Annie was found waiting with her broom in a bitter storm of sleet and hail on a corner, and the teacher asked her why she was there ? and why she did not go home ? She said she only wanted just to see the teacher — and the fact was she hadn't any home — ' for you know, Miss Blodgett, there is no one cares for me in all New York but you ! ' This touched the teacher's heart. " At length the father died on Blackwell's Island, and the mother was in prison, and Miss B. persuaded Annie to go away to a place she had found for her in an excellent family in the West. When the mother came out she was furious, and often made Miss B. tremble for fear she would insist on having the child back ; but she gradually saw her absence was for the best. Now the mother is permanently in the Alms-house. " The following letter came recently about Annie, who has been in her place some three years. The liberal and kind 10 218 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. friends of the School will feel that one such case will repay all their sacrifices. Yet there are hundreds like them, though not so striking. " It should be observed that nearly all the scholars live a good deal as Annie did, in crowded tenements, and more or less asso- ciated with dance-saloons and places of bad character. Yet only one has ever gone astray. Here is the letter : " ' F , III., Feb. 15, 1870. ' ' My Dear Miss Flagg— Your favor of the 25th ult. was duly received. I am very happy to be able to give you good accounts of Annie, about whom you inquire. She has been with us con- stantly since she left you, and is now our main dependence. We have sent her to school a considerable portion of the time, and she is now in constant attendance there. Her truthfulness and honesty are something quite remarkable. We do not think she has eaten a piece of cake or an apple, without special per- mission, since she has been with us. Nothing seems to give her more pleasure than to be able to do something, especially for Mrs. W. or myself. We have been inquired of about getting such girls, by other people — our friends. Have you others whom you wish to place in situations which we could assure you would be good ? If so, please inform me as to the manner in which you are accustomed to do it. Do you pay their fare to their new home, and are there any other particulars about which parties would wish to be informed ? Respectfully yours, "'Geo. W. WY" Since Mr. Lord's death, another treasurer, Mr. D. E. Hawley, is bearing the burden of the School, and, in company with a committee of prominent business- men of the First Ward, is making it a benefit not to be measured, to all the poor people of the quarter. A TRULY "RAGGED SCHOOL." It is remarkable that the School which is most of a " Eagged School," of all these, is in one of the former A RAG-GED SCHOOL. 219 fashionable quarters of the city. The quaint, pleasing old square called St. John's Park is now occupied as a freight depot, and the handsome residences border- ing it have become tenement-houses. Between the grand freight station and the river, overlooked by the statue of the millionaire, are divers little lanes and alleys, filled with a wretched population. Their children are gathered into this School. An up-hill work the teachers have had of it thus far, owing to the extreme poverty and misery of the parents, and the little aid received from the fortunate classes. FOURTEENTH WARD SCHOOL. This is a large and useful charity, and is guided by two sisters of great elevation of purpose and earnest- ness of character, who are known as " Friends of the Poor ?? in all that quarter. THE COLORED SCHOOL. Here gather great numbers of destitute colored children of the city. Some are rough boys and young men, who are admirably controlled by a most gentle lady, who is Principal; her assistant was fittingly pre- pared for the work by teaching among the freedmen. The colored people of the city seldom fall into such helpless poverty as the foreign whites ; still there is a good deal of destitution and exposure to temptation among them. The children seem to learn as readily 220 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. as whites, though they are afflicted with a more sullen temper, and require to be managed more delicately — praise and ridicule being indispensable implements for the teacher. Their singing far surpasses that of our other scholars. Among our other schools is a most useful . one for a peculiarly wild class, in the Rivington-street Lodging-house ; one in West Fifty-third and in West Fifty-second Streets, and a very large and well-con- ducted one for the shanty population near the Park, called THE pake: school. A very spirited teacher here manages numbers of wild boys and ungoverned girls. The most interest- ing feature is a Mght-school, where pupils come, some from a mile distant, having labored in factories or street-trades all day long — sometimes even giving up their suppers for the sake of the lessons, with a hun- ger for knowledge which the children of the favored classes know little of. Two other Schools shall con- clude our catalogue — one in the House of Industry (West Sixteenth Street), and the other in the Eigh- teenth-street Lodging-house. Both Schools are strug gling with great obstacles and difficulties, as they are planted in the quarter which has produced the notorious " Nineteenth-street Gang." The teacher in the latter has already overcome most of them, and has IMPROVEMENT OF SCHOOLS. 221 tamed as wild a set of little street-barbarians as ever plagued a school-teacher. A rigid rule has been laid down and followed out in these Schools — that is, not to admit or retain pupils who might be in the Public Schools. Our object is to supplement these useful public institutions, and we are continually sending the children forth, when they seem fit, to take places in the Free Schools. Many, however; are always too poor, ragged and necessarily irregular in attendance, to be adapted to the more systematic and respectable places of instruction. As has been already mentioned, the plan has been steadily pursued from the beginning by the writer, to make these as good Primary Schools as under the circum- stances they were capable of becoming. The grade of the teachers has been constantly raised, and many of the graduates of our best training academy for teachers in New York State — the Oswego Normal School — have been secured at remunerative salaries. Within the last four years, also, a new officer has been appointed by the Board of Trustees, to con- stantly examine the schools and teachers, keep them at the highest grade possible, and visit the families of the children. This place has been ably filled by an intelligent and educated gentleman, Mr. John W. Skinner, with the best effects on our system of instruction. 222 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. Our plan of visitation among the families of the poor, whereby the helping hand is held out to juvenile poverty and ignorance all the while, has been effec- tually carried out by a very earnest worker, Mr. M. Dupuy, in the lower wards, and by a young German- American of much judgment and zeal, Mr. Holste, in the German quarter, and by quite a number of female visitors. " PLEASE, SIK, MAY I HAVE A BED?" (A sketch from life. ) No. 1 CHAPTEE XIX. THE BEST REMEDY FOR JUVENILE PAUPERISM. " Ameliorer l'homme par la terre et la terre par l'homnie." Demetz. Among the lowest poor of New York, as we stated in a previous chapter, the influence of overcrowding has been incredibly debasing. When we find half a dozen families — as we frequently do — occupying one room, the old and young, men and women, boys and girls of all ages sleeping near each other, the result is inevitable. The older persons commit unnatural crimes ; the younger grow up with hardly a sense of personal dignity or purity; the girls are corrupted even in childhood; and the boys become naturally thieves, vagrants, and vicious characters. Such apartments are at once " fever-nests v and seminaries of vice. The inmates are weakened and diseased physically, and degraded spiritually. Where these houses abound, as formerly in the Five Points, or now in the First Ward, or near Corlear's Hook, or in the Seventeenth Ward near the Tenth Avenue, there is gradually formed a hideous society of vice and pau- perism. The men are idle and drunken, the women lazy, quarrelsome, and given to begging ; the children 224 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. see nothing but examples of drunkenness, lust, and idleness, and they grow up inevitably as sharpers, beggars, thieves, burglars, and prostitutes. Amid such communities of outcasts the institutions of edu- cation and religion are comparatively powerless. What is done for the children on one sacred day is wiped out by the influence of the week, and even daily instruction has immense difficulty in counteracting the lessons of home and jjarents. For such children of the outcast poor, a more radi- cal cure is needed than the usual influences of school and church. The same obstacle also appeared soon with the homeless lads and girls who were taken into the Lodg- ing-houses. Though without a home, they were often not legally vagrant — that is, they had some ostensible occupation, some street-trade — and no judge would commit them, unless a very flagrant case of vagrancy was made out against them. They were unwilling to be sent to Asylums, and, indeed, were so numerous that all the Asylums of the State could not contain them. Moreover, their care and charge in public institutions would have entailed expenses on the city so heavy, that tax-payers would not have consented to the burden. The workers, also, in this movement felt from the beginning that u asylum-life" is not the best training for outcast children in preparing them for practical DEMAND FOR LABOR. 225 life. In large buildings, where a multitude of children are gathered together, the bad corrupt the good, and the good are not educated in the virtues of real life. The machinery, too, which is so necessary in such large institutions,-unflts a poor boy or girl for practical handwork. The founders of the Children's Aid Society early saw that the best of all Asylums for the outcast child, is the farmer's home. The United States have the enormous advantage over all other countries, in the treatment of difficult questions of pauperism and reform, that they possess a practically unlimited area of arable land. The de- mand for labor on this land is beyond any present supply. Moreover, the cultivators of the soil are in America our most solid and intelligent class. From the nature of their circumstances, their laborers, or "help," must be members of their families, and share in their social tone. It is, accordingly, of the utmost importance to them to train up children who shall aid in their work, and be associates of their own children. A servant who is nothing but a serv- ant, would be, with them, disagreeable and inconve- nient. They like to educate their own u help.' 7 With their overflowing supply of food also, each new mouth in the household brings no drain on their means. Children are a blessing, and the mere feeding of a young boy or girl is not considered at all. 226 THE DANGKEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. With this fortunate state of things, it was but a natural inference that the important movement now inaugurating for the benefit of the unfortunate chil- dren of New York should at once strike upon a plan of EMIGRATION. Simple and most effective as this ingenious scheme now seems — which has accomplished more in relieving New York of youthful crime and misery than all other charities together — at the outset it seemed as difficult and perplexing as does the similar cure proposed now in Great Britain for a more terrible condition of the children of the poor. Among other objections, it was -feared that the farmers would not want the children for help; that, if they took them, the latter would be liable to ill- treatment, or, if well treated, would corrupt the virtu- ous children around them, and thus New York would be scattering seeds of vice and corruption all over the land. Accidents might occur to the unhappy little ones thus sent, bringing odium on the benevolent persons who were dispatching them to the country. How were places to be found? How were the demand and supply for children's labor to be connected? How were the right employers to be selected ? And, when the children were placed, how were their inter- ests to be watched over, and acts of oppression or "PLACING-OUT." 227 hard dealing prevented or punished ? Were they to be indentured, or not ? If this was the right scheme, why had it not been tried long ago in our cities or in England? These and innumerable similar difficulties and ob- jections were offered to this projected plan of reliev- ing the city of its youthful pauperism and suffering. They all fell to the ground before the confident efforts to carry out a well-laid scheme ; and practical experi- ence has justified none of them. To awaken the demand for these children, circu- lars were sent out through the city weeklies and the rural papers to the country districts. Hundreds of applications poured in at once from the farmers and mechanics all through the Union. At first, we made the effort to meet individual applications by sending just the kind of children wanted ; but this soon be- came impracticable. Each applicant or employer always called for "a perfect child," without any of the taints of earthly de- pravity. The girls must be pretty, good-tempered, not given to purloining sweetmeats, and fond of making fires at daylight, and with a constitutional love for Sunday Schools and Bible-lessons. The boys must be well made, of good stock, never disposed to steal apples or pelt cattle, using language of perfect propriety, and delighting in family-worship and prayer-meetings more than in fishing or skating par- 228 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. ties. These demands, of course, were not always successfully complied with. Moreover, to those who desired the children of "blue eyes, fair hair, and blond complexion," we were sure to send the dark- eyed and brunette ; and the particular virtues wished for were very often precisely those that the child was deficient in. It was evidently altogether too much of a lottery for bereaved parents or benevolent employ- ers to receive children in that way. Tet, even under this incomplete plan, there were many cases like the following, which we extract from our Journal : — A WAIF. " In visiting, during May last, near the docks at the foot of Twenty-third Street, I found a boy, about twelve years of age, sitting on the wharf, very ragged and wretched-looking. I asked him where he lived, and he made the answer one hears so often from these children — 'I don't live nowhere.' On further inquiry, it appeared that his parents had died a few years before — that his aunt took him for a while, but, being a drunken woman, had at length turned him away ; and for some time he had slept in a box in Twenty-second Street, and the boys fed Mm, he occasion- ally making a sixpence with holding horses or doing an errand. He had eaten nothing that day, though it was afternoon. I gave him something to eat, and he promised to come up the next day to the office. "He came up, and we had a long talk together. He was naturally an intelligent boy, of good temperament and organiza- tion ; but in our Christian city of New York he had never heard of Jesus Christ ! His mother, long ago, had taught him a prayer, and occasionally he said this in the dark nights, lying on the boards. * * * Of schools or churches, of course, he knew A VAGKRANT RECLAIMED. 229 nothing. We sent him to a gentleman in Delaware, who had wished to make the experiment of bringing up a vagrant boy of the city. He thus writes at his arrival : — " ' The boy reached Wilmington in safety, where I found him a few hours after he arrived. Poor boy ! He bears about him, , or, rather, is, the unmistakable evidence of the life he has led — covered with vermin, almost a leper, ignorant in the extreme, and seeming wonder-struck almost at the voice of kindness and sympathy, and bewildered with the idea of possessing a ward- robe gotten for him. " ' So far as I can judge from so short an observation, I should think him an amiable boy, grateful for kindness shown him, rather timid than energetic, yet by no means deficient in intel- lectual capacity, and altogether such a one as, by God's help, can be made something of. Such as he is, or may turn out to be, I accept the trust conferred upon me, not insensible of the respons- ibility I incur in thus becoming the instructor and trainer of a being destined to an endless life, of which that which he passes under my care, while but the beginning, may determine all the rest/ " In a letter six months later, he writes : — " ' It gives me much pleasure to be able to state that Johnny S continues to grow in favor with us all. Having been re- claimed from his vagrant habits, which at first clung pretty close to him, he may now be said to be a steady and industrious boy. " ' I have not had occasion, since he has been under my care, to reprove him so often as once even, having found gentle and kindly admonition quite sufficient to restrain him. He is affec- tionate in disposition, very truthful, and remarkably free from the use of profane or rough language. I find less occasion to look after him than is usual with children of his age, in order to ascertain that the animals intrusted to his care are well attended to, etc. h -t , * * * Johnny is now a very good speller out of books, reads quite fairly, and will make a superior penman — an apt scholar, and very fond of his books. I have been his teacher thus far. He attends regularly a Sabbath School, of which I have the superintendence, and the religious services which follow/ " 230 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. The effort to place the city-children of the street in country families revealed a spirit of humanity and kindness, throughout the rural districts, which was truly delightful to see. People bore with these chil- dren of poverty, sometimes, as they did not with then- own. There was — and not in one or two families alone — a sublime spirit of patience exhibited toward these unfortunate little creatures, a bearing with de- fects and inherited evils, a forgiving over and over again of sins and wrongs, which showed how deep a hold the spirit of Christ had taken of many of our countrywomen. To receive such a letter as this elevated one's re- spect for human nature :— " S , Ohio, February 14, 1859. " I wish to add a few words to Carrie's letter, to inform you of her welfare and progress. As she lias said, it is now one year since she came to us ; and, in looking back upon the time, I feel that, considering her mental deficiencies, she has made as much progress in learning as could be expected. Her health, which was at first and for several months the greatest source of anxiety to us, is so much improved that she is, indeed, well. Her eyes are better ; though rather weak, they do not much interfere with her studies. She could neither sew nor knit when she came here, and she can now do plain kinds of both, if it is prepared for her. She could not tell all the alphabet, and could spell only three or four words. She now reads quite fluently, though some- times stopping at a ' hard word/ and is as good at spelling as many Yankee children of her age. I hope she has learned some wholesome moral truths, and she has received much religious instruction. Though really quite a conscientious child when she came, she had a habit of telling lies to screen herself from blarney to which she is peculiarly sensitive ; but I think she has been LITTLE EMIGRANTS. 231 cured of this for a long time, and I place perfect confidence in her word and in her honesty. I succeeded in getting her fitted to enter one of our intermediate schools by teaching her at home until the beginning of the present winter. I am obliged, on account of her exceeding dullness, to spend much time in teach- ing her out of school, in order that she may be able to keep up with her classes. But I think this has been a work worth doing, and I especially feel it to be so now, as I am employed in this retrospect. " I am often asked by my friends, who think the child is little more than half-witted, why I do not ' send her back, and get a brighter one/ My answer is, that she is just the one who needs the care and kindness which Providence has put it into my power to bestow. We love her dearly ; but, if I did not, I should not think of sending her back to such a place as your great city. She is just one of those who could be imposed upon and abused, and perhaps may never be able to take care of herself wholly." Having found the defects of our first plan of emi- gration, we soon inaugurated another, which has since been followed out successfully during nearly twenty years of constant action. We formed little companies of emigrants, and, after thoroughly cleaning and clothing them, put them under a competent agent, and, first selecting a village where there was a call or opening for such a party, we dispatched them to the place. The farming community having been duly notified, there was usually a dense crowd of people at the sta- tion, awaiting the arrival of the youthful travelers. The sight of the little company of the children of mis- fortune always touched the hearts of a population naturally generous. They were soon billeted around 232 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK among the citizens, and the following day a public meeting was called in the church or town-hall, and a committee appointed of leading citizens. The agent then addressed the assembly, stating the benevolent objects of the Society, and something of the history of the children. The sight of their worn faces was a v most pathetic enforcement of his arguments. People who were childless came forward to adopt children ; others, who had not intended to take any into their families, were induced to apply for them ; and many who really wanted the children's labor pressed forward to obtain it. In every American community, especially in a Western one, there are many spare places at the table of life. There is no harassing " struggle for exist- ence." They have enough for themselves and the stranger too. Not, perhaps, thinking of it before, yet, the orphan being placed in their presence without friends or home, they gladly welcome and train him. The committee decide on the applications. Sometimes there is almost a case for Solomon before them. Two eager mothers without children claim some little waif thus cast on the strand before them. Sometimes the family which has taken in a fine lad for the night feels that it cannot do without him, and yet the committee prefer a better home for him. And so hours of discus- sion and selection pass. Those who are able, pay the fares of the children, or otherwise make some gift to WESTERN HOMES. 233 the Society, until at length the business of charity is finished, and a little band of young wayfarers and homeless rovers in the world find themselves in com- fortable and kind homes, with all the boundless ad- vantages and opportunities of the Western farmer's life about them. CHAPTEE XX. PROVIDING COUNTRY HOMES. THE OPPOSITION TO THIS REMEDY — ITS EFFECTS. This most sound and practical of charities always met with an intense opposition here from a certain class, for bigoted reasons. The poor were early taught, even from the altar, that the whole scheme of emigration was one of " proselytizing/' and that every child thus taken forth was made a " Protestant." Stories were spread, too, that these unfortunate chil- dren were re-named in the West, and that thus even brothers and sisters might meet and perhaps marry ! Others scattered the pleasant information that the little ones " were sold as slaves," and that the agents enriched themselves from the transaction. These were the obstacles and objections among the poor themselves. So powerful were these, that it would often happen that a poor woman, seeing her child becoming ruined on the streets, and soon plainly to come forth as a criminal, would prefer this to a good home in the West ; and we would have the discourage- ment of beholding the lad a thief behind prison-bars, when a journey to the country would have saved THE OPPOSITION. 235 Mm. Most distressing of all was, when a drunken mother or father followed a half-starved boy, already scarred and sore with their brutality, and snatched him from one of our parties of little emigrants, all joyful with their new prospects, only to beat him and leave him on the streets. With a small number of the better classes there was also a determined opposition to this humane remedy. What may be called the " Asylum-interest" set itself in §tiff repugnance to our emigration-scheme. They claimed — and I presume the most obstinate among them still claim — that we were scattering poison over the country, and that we benefited neither the farmers nor the children. They urged that a restraint of a few years in an Asylum or House of De- tention rendered these children of poverty much more fit for practical life, and purified them to be good members of society. We, on the other hand, took the ground that, as our children wore not criminals, but simply destitute and homeless boys and girls, usually with some osten- sible occupation, they could not easily, on any legal grounds, be inclosed within Asylums ; that, if they were, the expense of their maintenance would be enormous, while the cost of a temporary care of them in our Schools and Lodging-houses, and their trans- ference to the West, was only trifling — in the propor- tion of fifteen dollars to one hundred and fifty dollars, 236 THE DAlSTGrEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. reckoning the latter as a year's cost for a child's sup- port in an Asylum. Furthermore, we held and stoutly maintained that an asylum-life is a bad preparation for practical life. The child, most of all, needs indi- vidual care and sympathy. In an Asylum, he is " Letter B, of Class 3," or " Ko. 2, of Cell 426," and that is aU that is known of him. As a poor boy, who must live in a small house, he ought to learn to draw his own water, to split his wood, kindle his fires, and light his candle ; as an u institutional child," he is lighted, warmed, and watered by machinery. He has a child's imitation, a desire to please his superiors, and readi- ness to be influenced by his companions. In a great caravansary he soon learns the external virtues which secure him a good bed and meal — decorum and appar- ent piety and discipline — while he practices the vices and unnamable habits which masses of boys of any class nearly always teach one another. His virtue seems to have an alms-house flavor ; even his vices do not present the frank character of a thorough street- boy ; he is found to lie easily, and to be very weak under temptation $ somewhat given to hypocrisy, and something of a sneak. And, what is very natural, the longer he is in the Asylum^ the less likely he is to do well in outside life. I hope I do no injustice to the unfor- tunate graduates of our Asylums ; but that was and continues to be my strong impression of the institu- tional effect on an ordinary street boy or girl. Of A WARM DISCUSSION. 237 course there are numerous exceptional cases among children — of criminality and inherited habits, and perverse and low organization, and premature cun- ning, lust, and temper, where a half-prison life may be the very best thing for them ; but the majority of criminals among children, I do not believe, are much worse than the children of the same class outside, and therefore need scarcely any different training. One test, which I used often to administer to my- self, as to our different systems, was to ask — and I request any Asylum advocate to do the same — " If your son were suddenly, by the death of his parents and relatives, to be thrown out on the streets, poor and homeless — as these children are — where would you prefer him to be placed — in an Asylum, or in a good farmer's home in the West ? n u The plainest farmer's home rather than the best Asylum — a thousand times ! 79 was always my sincere answer. Our discussion waxed warm, and was useful to both sides. Our weak point was that, if a single boy or girl in a village, from a large company we had sent, turned out bad, there was a cry raised that " every New- York poor child," thus sent out, became " a thief or a vagabond," and for a time people believed it. Our antagonists seized hold of this, and we imme- diately dispatched careful agents to collect statistics in the Central West, and, if possible, disprove the 238 THE DANGrEBOTJS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. charges. They, however, in the meantime, indiscreetly published their statistics, and from these it appeared that only too many of the Asylum graduates committed offenses, and that those of the shortest terms did the best. The latter fact somewhat confused their line of attack. The effort of tabulating, or making statistics, in regard to the children dispatched by our society, soon appeared exceedingly difficult, mainly because these youthful wanderers shared the national characteristic of love-of-change, and, like our own servants here, they often left one place for another, merely for fancy or variety. This was especially true of the lads or girls over sixteen or seventeen. The offer of better wages, or the attraction of a new employer, or the desire of " moving," continually stirred up these latter to migrate to another village, county, or State. In 1859 we made a comprehensive effort to collect some of these statistics in regard to our children who had begun their new life in the West. The following is an extract from our report at this time : — "During the last spring, the secretary made an extended journey through the Western States, to see for himself the na- ture and results of this work, carried on for the last five years through those States, under Mr. Tracy's careful supervision. During that time we have scattered there several thousands of poor boys and girls. In this journey he visited personally, and heard directly of, many hundreds of these little creatures, and appreciated, for the first time, to the full extent, the spirit with which the West has opened its arms to them. The effort to WESTERN CHARITY. 239 reform and improve these young outcasts has become a mission- woi& there. Their labor, it is true, is needed. But many a time a bountiful and Christian home is opened to the miserable little stranger, his habits are patiently corrected, faults without num- ber are borne with, time and money are expended on him, solely and entirely from the highest religious motive of a noble self- sacrifice for an unfortunate fellow-creature. The peculiar warm heartedness of the Western people, and the equality of all classes, give them an especial adaptation to this work, and account for their success. " ' Wherever we went ' (we quote from his account) ' we found the children sitting at the same table with the families, going to the school with the children, and every way treated as well as any other children. Some whom we had seen once in the most extreme misery, we beheld sitting, clothed and clean, at hospita- ble tables, calling the employer , father/ loved by the happy circle, and apparently growing up with as good hopes aud pros- pects as any children in the country. Others who had been in the city on the very line between virtue and vice, and who at any time might have fallen into crime, we saw pursuing indus- trial occupations, and gaining a good name for themselves in their village. The observations on this journey alone would have rewarded years of labor for this class. The results — so far as we could ascertain them — were remarkable, and, unless we reflect on the wonderful influences possible from a Christian home upon a child unused to kindness, they would almost seem incredible. " ' The estimate we formed from a considerable field of ob- servation was, that, out of those sent to the West under fifteen years, not more than two per cent, turned out bad ; and, even of those from fifteen to eighteen, not more than four per cent. ' " The former estimate is nearly the same as one forwarded to us since by an intelligent clergyman of Michigan (Rev. Mr. Gelston, of Albion), of the result in his State. Of course, some of the older boys disappear entirely; some few return to the city ; but it may generally be assumed that we hear of the worst cases — that is, of those who commit criminal offenses, or who come under the law — and it is these whom we reckon as the 240 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. failures. One or two of such cases, out of hundreds in a given district who are doing well, sometimes make a great noise,«ind give a momentary impression that the work is not coming out well there ; and there are always a few weak-minded people who accept such rumors without examination. Were the pro- portion of failures far greater than it is, the work would still be of advantage to the West, and a rich blessing to the city. " It is also remarkable, as years pass away, how few cases ever come to the knowledge of the Society, of ill-treatment of these children. The task of distributing them is carried on so publicly by Mr. Tracy, and in connection with such responsible persons, that any case of positive abuse would at once be known and corrected by the community itself. "'On this journey/ says the secretary, 'we heard of but one instance even of neglect. We visited the lad, and discovered that he had not been schooled as he should, and had sometimes been left alone at night in the lonely log-house. Yet this had roused the feelings of the whole country-side ; we removed the boy, amid the tears and protestations of the " father " and " mother," and put him in another place. As soon as we had left the village, he ran right back to his old place ! ' "We give our evidence below, consisting of letters from prominent gentlemen, clergymen, bankers, farmers, judges, and lawyers, through the West, where the main body of these poor children have been placed. We think these letters, coming from some hundred different towns, and the evidence on our books from the boys themselves, establish the remarkable suc- cess of the work. Some of the writers speak of the children as thriving 'as well as any other children/ and, in some cases, those who have become disobedient and* troublesome are said to have been so principally through the fault of their employers ; few instances, comparatively, from this four or five thousand, are known to have committed criminal offenses — in some States not more than four per cent. This is true of Michigan ; and in Ohio, we do not think, from all the returns we can gather, that the proportion is even so large as that. The agent of the Amer- ican and Foreign Christian Union for Indiana, a gentleman of the highest respectability, constantly traveling through the HAPPY RESULTS. 241 State — a State w^ere we have placed five hundred and fifty- seven children — testifies that ' very few have gone back to New York/ and that 'he has heard of no one who has committed criminal offenses/ " The superintendent of the Chicago Reform School, one of the most successful and experienced men in this country in juvenile reform, states that his institution had never had but three of our children committed by the Illinois State Courts, though we have sent to the State two hundred and sixty-five, and such an institution is, of course, the place where criminal children of this class would at once be committed. "A prominent gentleman residing in Battle Creek, Michigan, in the neighborhood of which we have put out about one hun- dred and twenty, writes : ' I think it is susceptible of proof that no equal number of children raised here are superior to those you have placed out/ Two prominent gentlemen from Pennsyl- vania, one of them a leading judge in the State, write that they have not known an instance of one of our children being impris- oned for a criminal offense, though we have sent four hundred and sixty-nine to this State/' These important results were obtained in 1859, with but four or five thousand children settled in the West. We have now in various portions of our coun- try between twenty and tiventy-four thousand who have been placed in homes or provided with work. The general results are similar. The boys and girls who were sent out when under fourteen are often heard from, and succeed remarkably well. In hundreds of instances, they cannot be distinguished from the young men and women natives in the vil- lages. Large numbers have farms of their own, and are prospering reasonably well in the world. Some are in the professions, some are mechanics or shop- 11 242 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. keepers; the girls are generally well married. Quite a number have sent donations to the Society, and some have again in their turn brought up poor chil- dren. It was estimated that more than a thousand were in the national army in the civil war. With them the experiment of " Emigration 79 has been an un- mingled blessing. With the larger boys, as we stated before, exact results are more difficult to attain, as they leave their places frequently. Some few seem to drift into the Western cities, and take up street-trades again. Yery few, indeed, get back to New York. The great mass become honest producers on the West- ern soil instead of burdens or pests here, and are absorbed into that active, busy population ; not prob- ably becoming saints-on-earth, but not certainly prey- ing on the community, or living idlers on the alms of the public. Many we know who have also led out their whole family from the house of poverty here, and have made the last years of an old father or mother easier and more comfortable. The immense, practically unlimited demand by ; Western communities for the services of these chil- dren shows that the first-comers have at least done moderately well, especially as every case of crime is bruited over a wide country-side, and stamps the whole company sent with disgrace. These cases we always hear of. The lives of poor children in these homes seem like the annals of great States in this, that, THE STREET BOY ON it-^AKM. (A year later.) No. 2. NO INDENTURE. 243 when they make no report and pass in silence, then we may be sure happiness and virtue are the rule. When they make a noise, crime and misery prevail. Twenty years 7 virtuous life in a street-boy makes no impression on the public. A single offense is heard for hundreds of miles. A theft of one lad is imputed to scores of others about him. The children are not indentured, but are free to leave, if ill-treated or dissatisfied; and the farmers can dismiss them, if they find them useless or other- wise unsuitable. This apparently loose arrangement has worked well, and put both sides on their good behavior. We have seldom had any cases brought to our attention of ill-treatment. The main complaint is, that the older lads change places often. This is an unavoid- able result of a prosperous condition of the laboring classes. The employers, however, are ingenious, and succeed often, by little presents of a calf, or pony, or lamb, or a small piece of land, in giving the child a permanent interest in the family and the farm. On the whole, if the warm discussion between the " Asylum-interest " and the " Emigration-party " were ever renewed, probably both would agree (if they were candid) that their opponents' plan had virtues which they did not then see. There are some children so perverse, and inheriting such bad tendencies, and so stamped with the traits of a vagabond life, that a 244 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. Beforiaatory is the best place for them. On the other hand, the majority of orphan, deserted, and neglected boys and girls are far better in a country home. The Asylum has its great dangers, and is very expensive. The Emigration-plan must be conducted with careful judgment, and applied, so far as is practicable, to children under, say, the age of fourteen years. Both plans have defects, but, of the two, the latter seems to us still to do the most good at the least cost. A great obstacle in our own particular experience was, as was stated before, the superstitious opposition of the poor. This is undoubtedly cultivated by the priests, who seem seldom gifted with the broad spirit of humanity of their brethren in Europe. They ap- parently desire to keep the miserable masses here under their personal influence. Our action, however, in regard to these waifs, has always been fair and open. We know no sect or race. Both Catholic and Protestant homes were offered freely to the children. No child's creed was interfered with. On the committees themselves in the Western villages have frequently been Eoman Catholics. Not- withstanding this, the cry of " proselytizing ?? is still kept up among the guides of the poor against this most humane scheme, and continually checks our in- fluence for good with the younger children, and ulti- mately will probably diminish to a great degree the useful results we might accomplish in this direction. A CURE FOR PAUPERISM. 245 The experience we have thus had for twenty years in transferring such masses of poor children to rural districts is very instructive on the general subject of " Emigration as a cure for Pauperism." CHAPTEE XXI. RESULTS AND FACTS OF EMIGRATION TO THE WEST. OUR FIRST EMIGRANT PARTY. (FROM OUR JOURNAL.) BY A VISITOR. " On Wednesday evening, with emigrant * tickets to Detroit, we started on the Isaac Newton for Albany. Nine of our company, who missed the boat, were sent np by the morning cars, and joined us in Albany, making forty-six boys and girls from New York, bound westward, and, to them, homeward. They were between the ages of seven and fifteen — most of them from ten to twelve. The majority of them orphans, dressed in uniform — as bright, sharp, bold, racy a crowd of little fellows as can be grown nowhere out of the streets of New York. The other ten were from New York at large— no number or street in particu- lar. Two of these had slept in nearly all the station-houses in the city. One, a keen-eyed American boy, was born in Chicago — an orphan now, and abandoned in New York by an intemper- ate brother. Another, a little German Jew, who had been en- tirely friendless for four years, and had finally found his way into the Newsboys' Lodging-house. Dick and Jack were broth- ers of Sarah O -, whom we sent to Connecticut. Their father is intemperate • mother died at Bellevue Hospital three weeks since; and an older brother has just been sentenced to Sing Sing Prison. Their father, a very sensible man when sober, begged me to take the boys along, ' for I am sure, sir, if left in New York, they will come to the same bad end as their brother/ We took them to a shoe-shop. Little Jack made awkward work in trying on a pair. 'He don't know them, sir; there's not been a cover to his feet for three winters/ * Since this first experience, we have always sent our children by regular trains, in decent style. GOING TO MICHIGAN. 247 " Another of the ten, whom the boys call 'Liverpool/ defies description. Mr. Gerry found him in the Fourth Ward, a few hours before we left. Really only twelve years old, but in dress a seedy loafer of forty. His boots, and coat, and pants would have held two such boys easily — filthy and ragged to the last thread. Under Mr. Tracy's hands, at the Lodging-house, ' Liv- erpool ' was soon remodeled into a boy again ; and when he came on board the boat with his new suit, I did not know him. His story interested us all, and was told with a quiet, sad reserve, that made us believe him truthful. A friendless orphan in the streets of Liverpool, he heard of America, and determined to come, and after long search found a captain who shipped him as cabin-boy. Landed in New York, ' Liverpool ' found his street condition somewhat bettered. Here he got occasional odd jobs about the docks, found a pretty tight box to sleep in, and now and then the sailors gave him a cast-off garment, which he wrapped and tied about him, till he looked like a walking rag- bundle when Mr. G. found him. "As we steamed off from the wharf, the boys gave three cheers for New York, and three more for 'Michigan/ All seemed as careless at leaving home forever, as if they were *on a target excursion to Hoboken. " We had a steerage passage, and after the cracker-box and gin- ger-bread had passed around, the boys sat down in the gang-way and began to sing. Their full chorus attracted the attention of the passengers, who gathered about, and soon the captain sent for us to come to the upper saloon. There the boys sang and talked, each one telling his own story separately, as he was taken aside, till ten o'clock,* when Captain S. gave them all berths in the cabin ; meanwhile, a lady from Rochester had selected a little boy for her sister, and Mr. B., a merchant from Illinois, had made arrangements to take 'Liverpool' for his store. I afterwards met Mr. B. in Buffalo, and he said he would not part with the boy for any consideration; and I thought s then that to take such a boy from such a condition, and put him into such hands, was worth the whole trip. " At Albany we found the emigrant train did not go out till noon, and it became a question what to do with the children for the intervening six hours. There was danger that Albany street- 248 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. boys might entice them off, or that some might be tired of the journey, and hide away, in order to return. When they were gathered on the wharf, we told them that we were going to Michigan, and if any of them would like to go along, they must be on hand for the cars. This was enough. They hardly ven- tured out of sight. The Albany boys tried hard to coax some of them away ; but ours turned the tables upon them, told them of Michigan, and when we were about ready to start, several of them came up bringing a stranger with them. There was no mistaking the long, thick, matted hair, unwashed face, the badger coat, and double pants flowing in the wind — a regular ' snoozer.' " ' Here's a boy what wants to go to Michi^Ti, sir ; can't you take him with us ? ' ■ "'But, do you know him? Can you recommend him as a suitable boy to belong to our company ! ' No ; they didn't know his name even. ' Only he's as hard-up as any of us. He's no father or mother, and nobody to live with, and he sleeps out o' nights.' The boy pleads for himself. He would like to go and be a farmer — and to live in the country — will go anywhere I send him — and do well if he can have the chance. " Our number is full — purse scant — it may be difficult to find him a home. But there is no resisting the appeal of the boys, and the importunate face of the young vagrant. Perhaps he will do well; at any rate, we must try him. If left to float here a few months longer, his end is certain. ' Do you think I can go, sir?' f Yes, John, if you will have your face washed and hair combed within half an hour.' Under a brisk scrubbing, his face lights up several shades; but the twisted, tangled hair, matted for years, will not yield to any amount of washing and pulling — barbers' shears are the only remedy. " So a new volunteer is added to our regiment. Here is his enrollment : — "'John , American — Protestant — 13 years^Orphan — Par- ents died in B , Maine— A "snoozer ''' for four years— Most of the time in New York, with an occasional visit to Albany and Troy, "when times go hard" — Intelligent — Black, sharp eye — Hopeful' "As we marched, two deep, round the State House to the depot, John received many a recognition from the 'outsiders/ EMIGRANT CARS. 249 among whom he seems to be a general favorite, and they call out after him, ' Good-by, Smack/ with a half-sad, half-sly nod, as if in doubt whether he was playing some new game, or were really going to leave them and try an honest life. " At the depot we worked our way through the Babel of at least one thousand Germans, Irish, Italians, and Norwegians, with whom nothing goes right ; every one insists that he is in the wrong car — that his baggage has received the wrong mark — that Chicago is in this direction, and the cars are on the wrong track; in short, they are agreed upon nothing except in the opinion that this is a ' bad counthry, and it's good luck to the soul who sees the end on't.' The conductor, a red-faced, middle-aged man, promises to give us a separate car ; but, while he whispers and negotiates with two Dutch girls, who are traveling without a protector, the motley mass rush into the cars, and we are finally pushed into one already full — some standing, a part sitting in laps, and some on the floor under the benches — crowded to suf- focation, in a freight-car without windows — rough benches for seats, and no back — no ventilation except through the sliding- doors, where the little chaps are in constant danger of falling through. There were scenes that afternoon and night which it would not do to reveal. Irishmen passed around bad whisky and sang bawdy songs ; Dutch men and women smoked and sang, and grunted and cursed ; babies squalled and nursed, and left no baby duties undone. " Night came on, and we were told that ' passengers furnish their own lights ! ' For this we were unprepared, and so we tried to endure darkness, which never before seemed half so thick as in that stifled car, though it was relieved here and and there for a few minutes by a lighted pipe. One Dutchman in the corner kept up a constant fire ; and when we told him we were choking with smoke, he only answered with a complacent grunt and a fresh supply of the weed. The fellow seemed to puff when he was fairly asleep, and the curls were lifting beautifully above the bowl, when smash against the car went the pipe in a dozen pieces ! No one knew the cause, except, perhaps, the boy behind me, who had begged an apple a few minutes before. " At Utica we dropped our fellow-passengers from Germany, 250 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. and, thus partially relieved, spent the rest of the night in toler- able comfort. " In the morning, we were in the vicinity of Rochester, and you can hardly imagine the delight of the children as they looked, many of them for the first time, upon country scenery. Each one must see everything we passed, find its name, and make his own comments. ' What's that, mister ? ' ' A corn- field/ f Oh, yes ; them's what makes buckwheaters.' ' Look at them cows (oxen plowing) ; my mother used to milk cows/ As we whirled through orchards loaded with large, red apples, their enthusiasm rose to the highest pitch. It was difficult to keep them within doors. Arms stretched out, hats swinging, eyes swimming, mouths watering, and all screaming — ' Oh ! oh ! just look at 'em ! Mister, be they any sich in Michi<7 352 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. begun compulsory education by their legislation on factory children, compelling parents to educate their children a certain number of hours each day. Even Great Britain is drawing near it by her late School acts, and must eventually pass such laws. In our own State, where, of all the free States, the greatest illiteracy exists, there has been much backwardness in this matter. But, under the new movements for reform, our citizens must see where the root of all their troubles lies. The demagogues of this city would never have won their amazing power but for those sixty thousand persons who never read or write. It is this class and their associates who made these politicians what they were. We need, in the interests of public order, of lib- erty, of property, for the sake of our own safety and the endurance of free institutions here, a strict and careful law, which shall compel every minor to learn to read and write, under severe penalties in case of disobedience. OHAPTEE XXIX. FACTORY CHILDREN. In our educational movements, we early opened Night-schools for the poor children. During the win- ter of 1870-71, we had some eleven in operation, reaching a most interesting class of children — those working hard from eight to ten hours a day, and then coming with passionate eagerness for schooling in the evening. The experience gained in these schools still further developed the fact, already known to us, of the great numbers of children of tender years in New York employed in factories, shops, trades, and other regular occupations. A child put at hard work in this way, is, as is well known, stunted in growth or enfeebled in health. He fails also to get what is considered as indispensable in this country for the safety of the State, a common-school education. He grows up weak in body and ignorant or untrained in mind. The parent or relative wants his wages, and insists on his laboring in a factory when he ought to be in an infant-school. The employer is in the habit of getting labor where he can find it, and does not much consider whether he is allowing his little employes the time and 354 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. leisure sufficient for preparing themselves for life. He excuses himself, too, by the plea that the child would be half-starved or thrown on the Poor-house but for this employment. The universal experience is, that neither the be- nevolence of the manufacturer nor the conscience of the parent will prevent the steady employment of children of tender years in factory work, provided sufficient wages be offered. Probably, if the em- ployer were approached by a reasonable person, and it was represented what a wrong he was doing to so young a laborer, or the parent were warned of his responsibility to educate a child he had brought into the world, they would both agree to the reasonableness of the position, and attempt to reform their ways. But the necessities of capital on the one side, and the wants of poverty on the other, soon put the children again at the loom, the machine, and the bench, and the result is — masses of little ones, bent and wan with early trial, and growing up mere machines of labor. England has found the evil terrible, and, during the past ten or fifteen years, has been legislating inces- santly against it ; protecting helpless infancy from the tyranny of capital and the greed of poverty, and securing a fair growth of body and mind for the chil- dren of the laboring poor. There is something extremely touching in these Night-schools, in the eagerness of the needy boys and CHILDREN'S WORK. 355 girls who have been toiling all d&y, to pick up a mor- sel of knowledge or gain a practical mental accom- plishment. Their occupations are legion. The follow- ing are extracts from a recent report of one of our visitors on this subject. At the Crosby-street School, he says : — " There were some hundred children ; their occupations were as follows : They put up insect-powder drive wagons, tend oys- ter-saloons ; are tinsmiths, engravers, office-boys, in type-found- eries, at screws, in blacksmith-shops ; make cigars, polish, work at packing tobacco, in barber-shops, at paper-stands ; are cash- boys, light porters, make artificial flowers, work at hair; are errand-boys, make ink, are in Singer's sewing-machine factory, and printing-offices; some post bills, some are paint-scrapers, some peddlers ; they pack snuff, attend poultry-stands at market, in shoe-stores and hat-stores, tend stands, and help painters and carpenters. "At the Fifth- ward School (No. 141 Hudson Street), were fifty boys and girls. One of them, speaking of her occupation, said : ' I work at feathers, cutting the feathers from cock's tails. It is a very busy time now. They took in forty new hands to- day. I get three dollars and fifty cents a week ; next week I'll get more. I go to work at eight o'clock and leave off at six. The feathers are cut from the stem, then steamed, and curled, and packed. They are sent then to Paris, but more South and West.' One boy said he worked at twisting twine; another drove a ' hoisting-horse,' another blacked boots, etc. "At the Eleventh-ward School, foot of East Eleventh Street, there was an interesting class of boys and girls under thirteen years of age. One boy said he was employed during the day in making chains of beads, and says that a number of the boys and girls present are in the same business. Another said he worked at coloring maps. Another blows an organ for a music- teacher. » " At the Lord School, No. 207 Greenwich Street, the occupa- tions of the girls were working in hair, stripping tobacco, crochet, 356 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. folding paper collars, *house-work, tending baby, putting up papers in drug-store, etc., etc." In making but a brief survey of the employment of children outside of our schools, we discover that there are from one thousand five hundred to two thousand children, under fifteen years of age, employed in a single branch — the manufacture of paper collars — while of those between fifteen and twenty years, the number reaches some eight thousand. In tobacco- factories in New York, Brooklyn, and the neighbor- hood, our agents found children only four year's of age — sometimes half a dozen in a single room. Others were eight years of age, and ranged from that age up to fifteen years. Girls and boys of twelve to fourteen years earn from four dollars to five dollars a week. One little girl they saw, tending a machine, so small that she had to stand upon a box eighteen inches high to enable her to reach her work. In one room they found fifty children ; some little girls, only eight years of age, earning three dollars per week. In another, there were children of eight and old women of sixty, working together. In the " unbinding cellar " they found fifteen boys under fifteen years. Twine-facto- ries, ink-factories, feather, pocket-book, and artificial- flower manufacture, and hundreds of other occupa- tions, reveal the same state of things. It will be remembered that when Mr. Mundella, the English member of Parliament, who has accomplished MASSACHUSETTS LAW. 357 so much in educational and other reforms in Great Britain, was here, he stated in a public address that the evils of children's overwork seemed as great here as in England. Our investigations confirm this opin- ion. The evil is already vast in New York, and must be checked. It can only be restrained by legislation. What have other States done in the matter ? MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATION. The great manufacturing State of New England has long felt the evil from children's overwork, but has only in recent years attempted to check it by strict legislation. In 1866, the Legislature of Massa- chusetts passed an act restraining u the employment of children of tender years in manufacturing estab- lishments," which was subsequently repealed and re- placed by a more complete and stringent law in 1867 (chapter 285). By this act, no child under ten years of age is permitted to be employed in any manufac- turing or mechanical establishment in the State. And no child between ten and fifteen years can be so em- ployed, unless he has attended some Day-school for at least three months of the year preceding, or a u half- time school" during the six months. Nor shall the employment continue, if this amount of education is not secured. The school also must be approved by the School Committee of the town where the child resides. 358 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. It is further provided, that no child under fifteen shall be so employed more than sixty hours per week. The penalty for the violation of the act is fifty dollars, both to employer and parent. The execution of the law is made the duty of the State Constable. The report of the Deputy State Comptroller, Gen. Oliver, shows certain defects in the phraseology of the act, and various difficulties in its execution, but no more than might naturally be expected in such legislation. Thus, there is not sufficient power con- ferred on the executive officer to enter manufacturing establishments, or to secure satisfactory evidence of the law having been violated; and no sufficient certificates or forms of registration of the age and school attendance of factory children are provided for. The act, too, it is claimed, is not sufficiently yielding, and therefore may bear severely in certain cases on the poor. The reports, however, from this officer, and from the Boston " Bureau of Labor," show how much is already being accomplished in Massachusetts to bring public attention to bear on the subject. Laws often act as favorably by indirect means as by direct. They arouse conscience and awaken consideration, even if they cannot be fully executed. As a class, New Eng- land manufacturers are exceedingly intelligent and public-spirited, and when their attention was called to this growing evil by the law, they at once set about HALF-TIME SCHOOLS. 359 efforts to remedy it. Many of them have established " half-time schools, 7 ' which they require their young employes to attend ; and they find their own interests advanced by this, as they get a better class of labor- / ers. Others arrange " double gangs" of young work- ers, so that one-half may take the place of the other in the mill, while the former are in school. Others have founded u Mght-schools." There is no question that the law, with all its defects, has already served to lessen the evil. RHODE ISLAND LEGISLATION". The Ehode Island act (chapter 139) does not differ materially from that of Massachusetts, except that twelve years is made the minimum age at which a child can be employed in factories; and children, even during the nine months of factory work every year, are not allowed to be employed more than eleven hours per day. The penalty is made but twenty dol- lars, which can be recovered before any Justice of the Peace, and one-half is to go to the complainant and the other to the District or Public School. CONNECTICUT LEGISLATION". In matters of educational reform Connecticut is always the leading State of the Union. On this sub- ject of children's overwork, and consequent want of education, she has legislated since 1842. 360 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. The original act, however, was strengthened and, in part, repealed by another law passed in July, 1869 (chapter 115), which is the most stringent act on this subject in the American code. In all the other legis- lation the law is made to apply solely to manufactur- ers and mechanics ; in this it includes all employment of children, the State rightly concluding that it is as much against the public weal to have a child grow up ignorant and overworked with a farmer as with a manufacturer. The Connecticut act, too, leaves out the word u knowingly/ 7 with regard to the employer's action in working the child at too tender years, or beyond the legal time. It throws on the employer the responsibility of ascertaining whether the children employed have attended school the required time, or whether they are too young for his labor. Nor is it enough that the child should have been a member of a school for three months ; his name must appear on the register for sixty days of actual attendance. The age under which three months' school-time is required is fourteen. The penalty for each of- fense is made one hundred dollars to the Treasurer of the State. Four different classes of officers are instructed and authorized to co-operate with the State in securing every child under fourteen three months of education, and in protecting him from overwork, namely, School- Visitors, the Board of Edu- cation, State Attorneys, and Grand Jurors. The State CONNECTICUT LAW. 3G1 Board of Education is " authorized to take such action as may be deemed necessary to secure the en- forcement of this act, and may appoint an agent for that purpose." The defects of the law seem to be that it provides for no minimum of age in which a child may be em- ployed in a factory, and does not limit the number of hours of labor per week for children in manufac- turing establishments. Neither of these limitations is necessary in regard to farm-labor. The agent for executing the law in Connecticut, Mr. H, M. Cleaveland, seems to have acted with great wisdom, and to have secured the hearty co-operation of the manufacturers. " Three-fourths of the manu- facturers of the State," he says, " of almost every- thing, from a needle up to a locomotive, were visited, and pledged themselves to a written agreement," that they would employ no children under fourteen years of age, except those with certificates from the local school-officers of actual school attendance for at least three months. This fact alone reflects the greatest credit on this intelligent class. And we are not surprised that they are quoted as saying, " We do not dare to permit the children within and around our mills to grow up with- out some education. Better for us to pay the school expenses ourselves than have the children in ignor- ance." 16 362 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. Many of the Connecticut manufacturers have already, at their own expense, provided means of education for the children they are employing • and large numbers have agreed to a division of the chil- dren in their employ into alternate gangs — of whom one is in school while the other is in the factory. The following act was drawn up by Mr. C. E. Whitehead, counsel and trustee of the Children's Aid Society, and presented to the New York Legislature of 1872. It has not yet passed : — AN" ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OE FACTORY CHILDREN. Section 1. — No child under the age of ten years shall be employed for hire in any manufactory or mechanical shop, or at any manufacturing work within this State ; and no child under the age of twelve years shall be so employed unless such child can intelligibly read, under a penalty of five dollars for every day during any part of which any such child shall be so em- ployed, to be paid by the employer. Any parent, guardian, or other person authorizing such employment, or making a false return of the age of a child, with a view to such employment, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 2. — No child under the age of sixteen years shall be employed in any manufactory, or in any mechanical or manu- facturing shop, or at any manufacturing work within the State, for more than sixty hours in one week, or after four o'clock on Saturday afternoon, or on New-year's-day, or on Christmas-day, or on the Fourth of July, or on the Twenty-second of February, or on Thanksgiving-day, under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 3. — No child between the ages of ten and sixteen years shall be employed in any manufactory or workshop, or at any manufacturing work within this State, during more than nine months in any one year, unless during such year he shall have NEW YORK LAW. 363 attended school as in this section hereinafter provided, nor shall such child be employed at all unless such child shall have attended a public day-school during three full months of the twelve months next preceding such employment, and shall de- liver to its employer a written certificate of such attendance, signed by the teacher ; the certificate to .be kept by the em- ployer as hereinafter provided, under a penalty of fifty dollars. Provided that regular tuition of three hours per day in a private day-school or public night-school, during a term of six months, shall be deemed equivalent to three months' attendance at a public day-school, kept in accordance with the customary hours of tuition. And provided that the child shall have lived within the State during the preceding six months. And provided that where there are more than one child between the ages of twelve and sixteen years in one family, and the commissioners or over- seers of the poor shall certify in writing that the labor of such children is essential to the maintenance of the family, such schooling may be substituted during the first year of their em- ployment by having the children attend the public schools dur- ing alternate months of such current year, until the full three months' schooling for each child shall have been had, or by having the children attend continuously a private day-school or public night-school three hours a day until the full six months' schooling for each child shall have been had. Sec. 4. — Everymanufacturer, owner of mills, agent, overseer, contractor, or other person, who shall employ operatives under sixteen years of age, or on whose premises such operatives shall be employed, shall cause to be kept on the premises a register, which shall contain, in consecutive columns : (1st), the date when each operative commenced his or her engagement ; (2d), the name and surname of the operative ; (3d), his or her place of nativity ; (4th), his or her residence by street and number ; (oth)^ his or her age ; (6th), the name of his or her father, if living ; if not, that of the mother, if living ; (7th), the number of his or her school certificate, or the reason of its absence ; and (8th), the date of his or her leaving the factory. Such register shall be kept open to the inspection of all public authorities, and extracts therefrom shall be furnished on the requisition of the Inspector, the School Commissioners, or other public authority. Any 364 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. violation of this section shall subject the offender to a penalty of one hundred dollars. Sec. 5. — Every such employer mentioned in the last section shall keep a register, in which shall be entered the certificates of schooling produced by children in his employ ; such certificate shall be signed by the teacher, and shall be dated, and shall certify the dates between which such scholar has attended school, and shall mention any absences made therefrom during such term, and such certificates shall be numbered in consecu- tive order, and such register shall also be kept open to inspec- tion of all public authorities, as provided in the last section ; and all violations of this section shall subject the offender to a penalty of one hundred dollars. Sec. 6. — Any teacher or other person giving a false certi- ficate, for the purpose of being used under the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars, and be deemed guilty of misdemeanor. Sec. 7. — The parent or guardian of every child released from work under the provisions of this act shall cause the said child to attend school when so released, for three months, in accord- ance with the provisions of section three of this act, under a penalty of five dollars for each week of non-attendance. Sec. 8. — All public officers and persons charged with the enforcement of this law can, at all working-hours, enter upon any factory premises, and any person refusing them admittance or hindering them shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars. Sec. 9. — Every room in any factory in which operatives are employed shall be thoroughly painted or whitewashed or cleaned at least once a year, and shall be kept as well ventilated, lighted, and cleaned as the character of the business will permit, under a penalty of ten dollars for each week of neglect. Sec. 10. — All trap-doors or elevators, and all shafting, belt- ing, wheels, and machinery running by steam, water, or other motive power, in rooms or places in a factory in which operatives are employed, or through which they have to pass, shall be pro- tected by iron screens, or by suitable partitions during all the time when such doors are open, and while such machinery is in motion, under a penalty of fifty dollars, to be paid by the owner NEW YORK LAW. 365 of such, machinery, or the employer of such operatives, for each day during which the same shall be so unprotected. Sec. 11. — This act shall be printed and kept hung in a con- spicuous place in every factory, by the owner, agent, overseer, or person occupying such factory, under a penalty of ten dollars for each day's neglect. Sec. 12. — All suits for penalties under this act shall be brought within ninety days after commission of the offense, and may be brought by the Inspector of Factory Children, by the District-Attorney of the county, by the School Commissioners, by the Trustees of Public Schools, or the Commissioners of Charities, before any Justice of the Peace, or in any Justice's Court, or any Court of Record ; and one-half of all penalties re- covered shall be paid to the school fund of the county, and one- half to the informer. Sec. 13. — The Governor of this State shall hereafter appoint a State officer, to be known as the Inspector of Factory Children, to hold office for four years, unless sooner removed for neglect of duty, who shall receive a salary of two thousand dollars a year and traveling expenses, not exceeding one thousand dollars, whose duty it shall be to examine the different factories in this State, and to aid in the enforcement of this law, and to report annually to the Legislature the number, the ages, character of occupation, and educational privileges of children engaged in manufacturing labor in the different counties of the State, with suggestions as to the improvement of their condition. OHAPTEE XXX. THE ORGANIZATION OF CHARITIES. The power of every charity and effort at moral reform is in the spirit of the man directing or found- ing it. If he enter it mechanically, as he would take a trade or profession, simply because it falls in his way, or because of its salary or position, he cannot possibly succeed in it. There are some things which the laws of trade do not touch. There are services of love which seek no pecuniary reward, and whose vir- tue, when first entered upon, is that the soul is poured out in them without reference to money-return. In the initiation of all great and good causes there is a time of pure enthusiasm, when life and thought and labor are given freely, and hardly a care enters the mind as to the prizes of honor or wealth which are struggled for so keenly in the world. Xo reformer or friend of humanity, worthy of the name, has not some time in his life felt this high enthusiasm. If it has been his duty to struggle with such an evil as Slavery, the wrongs of the slave have been burned into his soul until he has felt them more even than if they were his own, and no reward of riches or fame THE TRUE REFORMER. 367 that life could offer him would be half so sweet as the consciousness that he had broken these fetters of injustice. If he has been inspired by Christ with a love of humanity, there have been times when the evils that afflict it clouded his daily happiness ; when the thought of the tears shed that no one could wipe away 5 of the nameless wrongs suffered ; of the igno- rance which imbruted the young, and the sins that stained the conscience ; of _ the loneliness, privation, and pain of vast masses of human beings ; of the necessary degradation of great multitudes ; — when the picture of all these, and other wounds and woes of mankind, rose like a dark cloud between him and the light, and even the face of God was obscured. At such times it has seemed sweeter to bring 1 smiles back to sad faces, and to raise up the neglected and forgotten, than to win the highest j>rize of earth ; and the thought of Him who hath ennobled man, and whose life was especially given for the poor and outcast, made all labors and sacrifices seem as nothing compared with the joy of following in His footsteps. At such rare moments the ordinary prizes of life are forgotten or not valued. The man is inspired with " the enthusiasm of humanity.' 7 He maps out a city with his plans and aspirations for the removal of the various evils which he sees. His life flows out for 368 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. those who can never reward him, and who hardly know of his labors. But, in process of time, the first fervor of this ardent enthusiam must cool away. The worker him- self is forced to think of his own interests and those of his family. His plan, whatever it may be, — for removing the evils which have pained him, demands practical means, — men, money, and "machinery." Hence arises the great subject of u Organization.^ The strong under-running current which carries his enterprise along is still the old faith or enthusiasm ; but the question of means demands new thought and the exercise of different faculties. There are many radical difficulties, in organizing practical charities, which are exceedingly hard to overcome. Charities, to be permanent and efficient, must be organized with as much exactness and order as busi- ness associations, and carry with them something of the same energy and motives of action. But the tendency, as is well known from European experience, of all old charities, is to sluggishness, want of enter- prise, and careless business arrangement, as well as to mechanical routine in the treatment of their sub- jects. The reason of this is to be found in the some- what exceptional abnormal position — economically considered — of the worker in fields of benevolence. All laborers in the intellectual and moral field are " INTERESTED MOTIVES." 369 exposed to the dangers of routine. But in education, for instance, and the offices of the Church, there is a constant and healthy competition going on, and cer- tain prizes are held out to the successful worker, which tend continually to arouse his faculties, and lead him to invent new methods of attaining his ends. The relative want of this among the Catholic clergy may be the cause of their lack of intellectual activity, as compared with the Protestant. In the management of charities there is a prevail- ing impression that what may be called u interested motives " should be entirely excluded. The worker, having entered the work under the enthusiasm of humanity, should continue buoyed up by that enthu- siasm. His salary may be seldom changed. It will be ordinarily beneath that which is earned by corre- sponding ability outside. No rewards of rank or fame are held out to him. He is expected to find his pay in his labor. £Tow« there are certain individuals so filled with compassion for human sufferings, or so inspired by Religion, or who so much value the offering of respect returned by mankind for their sacrifices, that they do not need the impulse of ordinary motives to make their work as energetic and inventive and faithful as any labor under the motives of competition and gain. But the great majority of the instruments and agents of a charity are not of thi^ kind. They must 370 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. have something of the common inducements of man- kind held out before them. If these be withdrawn, they become gradually sluggish, uninventive, inexact, and lacking in the necessary enterprise and ardor. The agents of the old endowed charities of England are said often to become as lazy and mechanical as monks in monasteries. To remedy such evils, the trustees of all charities should hold out a regular scale of salaries, which dif- ferent agents could attain to if they were successful. The principle, too, which should govern the amounts paid to each agent, should be well considered. Of course, the governing law for all salaries are the demand and supply for such services. But an agent for a charity, even as a missionary, sometimes puts himself voluntarily outside of such a law. He throws himself into a great moral and religious cause, and consumes his best powers in it, and unfits himself (it may be) for other employments. His own field may be too narrow to occasion much demand for his peculiar experience and talent from other sources. There comes then a certain moral obligation on the managers of the charity, not to take him at the cheap- est rate for which they can secure his services, but to proportion his payment somewhat to what he would have been worth in other fields, and thus to hold out to him some of the inducements of ordinary life. The > salary should be large enough to allow the agent and QUESTION OF SALARIES. 371 his family to live somewhat as those of corresponding ability and education do, and still to save something for old age or a time of need. Some benevolent asso- ciations have obtained this by a very wise arrange- ment — that of an " annuity insurance" of the life of their agents, which secured them a certain income at a given age. With the consciousness thus of an appreciation of their labors, and a payment somewhat in propor- tion to their value, and a permanent connection with their humane enterprise, the ordinary employes and officials come to have somewhat of the interest in it which men take in selfish pursuits, and will exercise the inventiveness, economy, and energy that are shown in business enterprises. Every one knows how almost impossible it is for a charity to conduct, for instance, a branch of manufac- ture with profit. The explanation is that the lower motives are not applied to it. Selfishness is more alert and economical than benevolence. On the other side, however, it will not be best to let a charity become too much of a business. There must always be a certain generosity and compassion, a degree of freedom in management, which are not allowed in business undertakings. The agents must have heart as well as head. The moisture of compas- sion must not be dried up by too much discipline. Organization must not swallow up the soul. Eou- 372 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. tine may be carried so far as to make the aiding of misery the mere dry working of a machine. The thought must ever "be kept in mind that each human being, however low, who is assisted, is a u power of endless life," with capacities and possi- bilities which cannot be measured or limited. And that one whose nature Christ has shared and for whom He lived and died, cannot be despised or treated as an animal or a machine. If the directors of a benevolent institution or enterprise can arouse these great motives in their agents, — spiritual enthusiasm with a reasonable grati- fication of the love of honor and a hope of fair compensation, — they will undoubtedly create a body of workers capable of producing a profound impression on the evils they seek to remove. It is always a misfortune for an agent of a charity if he be too constantly with the objects of his benevo- lent labors. He either becomes too much accustomed to their misfortunes, and falls into a spirit of routine with them ; or, if of tender sympathies, the spring of his mind is bent by such a constant burden of misery, and he loses the best qualities for his work — elasticity and hope. Every efficient worker in the field of benevolence should have time and place for solitude, and for other pursuits or amuse- ments. TRUSTEES. 373 t DUTIES OF TRUSTEES. A board of trustees for an important charity should represent, so far as is practicable, the different classes and professions of society. There is danger in a board being too wealthy or distinguished, as well as too humble. First of all, men are needed who have a deep moral interest in the work, and who will take a practical part in it. Then they must be men of such high character and integrity that the community will feel no anxiety at committing to them " trust funds." As few " figure-heads " should be taken in as possible — that is, persons of eminent names, for the mere purpose of making an impression on the public. Men of wealth are needed for a thousand emergencies; men of moderate means, also, who can appreciate practical difficulties peculiar to this class; men of brains, to guide and suggest, and of action, to impel. There should be lawyers in such a board, for many cases of legal difficulty which arise ; and, if possible, physicians, as charities have so much to do with sanitary questions. Two classes only had better not be admitted : men of very large wealth, as they seldom contribute more than persons of moderate property, and discourage others by their presence in the board ; and clergymen with parishes, the objection to the latter being that they have no time for such labors, and give a sectarian air to the charity. 374 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. It is exceedingly desirable that the trustees or managers of our benevolent institutions should take a more active and personal part in their management. The peculiar experience which a successful business career gives — the power both of handling details and managing large interests; the capacity of organiza- tion ; the energy and the careful judgment and knowl- edge of men which such a life develops, — axe the qualities most needed in managing moral and benevo- lent " causes." • A trustee of a charity will often see considerations which the workers in it do not behold, and will be able frequently to judge of its operations from a more comprehensive point of view. The great duty of trustees, of course, should be to rigidly inspect all accounts and to be responsible for the pecuniary integrity of the enterprise. The carrying-out of the especial plan of the association and all the details should be left with one executive officer. If there is too great interference in details by the board of management, much confusion ensues, and often personal jealousies and bickerings. Many of our boards of charities have almost been broken up by internal petty cabals and quarrels. The agents of benevolent institutions, especially if not mingling much with the world, are liable to small jealousies and rivalries. The executive officer must throw the energy of a THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER 375 business into his labor of benevolence. He must be allowed a large control over subordinates, and all the machinery of the organization should pass through his hands. He must especially represent the work, both to the board and to the world. If his hands be tied too much, he will soon become a mere routine- agent, and any one of original power would leave the position. Again, in his dealings with the heads of the various departments or branches of the work, he must seek to make each agent feel responsible, and to a degree independent, so that his labor may become a life-work, and his reputation and hope of means may depend on his energy and success. If on all proper occasions he seeks to do full justice to his subordi- nates, giving them their due credit and promoting their interests, and strives to impart to them his own enthusiasm, he will avoid all jealousies and will find that the charity is as faithfully served as any business house. The success in u organization ?? is mainly due to success in selecting your men. Some persons have a faculty for this office ; others always fail in it. Then, having the proper agents, great consideration is due towards them. Some employers treat their subordinates as if they had hardly a human feeling. Respect and courtesy always make those who serve you more efficient. Too much stress, too, can hardly be laid on frank and unsuspicious dealing with em- 376 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. ploycs. Suspicion renders its objects more ignoble. A man who manages many agents must show much confidence ; yet, of course, be strict and rigid in calling them to account. It will be better for him also not to be too familiar with them. CHAPTER XXXI. STATE AID FOR CHARITIES. An important question often comes up in regard to our charitable associations : " How shall they best be supported ? v — by endowment from the State or by private and annual assistance? There is clearly a right that all charities of a general nature should expect some help from the public Legislature, The State is the source of the charters of all corporations. One of the main duties of a Legislature is to care for the interests of the poor and criminal. The English system, dating as far back as Henry VIII., has been to leave the charge of the poor and all educational insti- tutions, as much as possible, to counties or local bodies or individuals. It has been, so far as the charge of the poor is concerned, imitated here. But in neither country has it worked well ; and the last relic of it will probably soon be removed in this State, by placing the defective persons — the blind and dumb, and insane and idiot, and the orphans — in the several counties in State institutions. The charge of crimi- nals and reformatory institutions are also largely placed under State control and supervision. 378 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. The object of a State Legislature in all these mat- ters is bonum publicum — the public weal. If they think that a private charity is accomplishing a public work of great value, which is not and perhaps cannot be accomplished by purely public institutions, they apparently have the same right to tax the whole com- munity, or a local community, for its benefit, that they have now to tax it for the support of schools, or Alms- houses, or Prisons, or Houses of Eefuge. In such a case it need not be a matter of question with the Legislature whether the charity is u sectarian" or not; whether it teaches Eoman Catholicism, or Protestant- ism, or the Jewish faith, or no faith. The only ques- tion with the governing power is, " Does it do a work of public value not done by public institutions ? v If it does; if, for instance, it is a Boman-Catholie Beform- atory, or a Protestant House of Eefuge, or Chil- dren's Aid Society, the Legislature, knowing that all public and private organizations together cannot fully remedy the tremendous evils arising from a class of neglected and homeless children, is perfectly right in granting aid to such institutions without refer- ence to their " sectarian v character. It reserves to itself the right of inspection, secured in this State by our admirable Board of Inspectors of State Charities; and it can at any time repeal the char- ters of, or refuse the appropriations to, these private associations. But thus far its uniform practice has "SECTARIAN schools." 379 been to aid, to a limited degree, private charities of this nature. This should by no means be considered a ground for demanding similar assistance for " sectarian schools." Education is secured now by public taxa- tion for all 5 and all can take advantage of it. There is no popular necessity for Church Schools, and the public good is not prompted by them as it is by secular schools. Where there are children too poor to attend the Public Schools, these can be aided by private charitable associations ; and of these, only those should be assisted by the State which have no sec- tarian character. Charities which are entirely supported by State and permanent endowment are liable, as the experi- ence of England shows, to run into a condition of routine and lifelessness. The old endowments of Great Britain are nests of abuses, and many of them are now being swept away. A State charity has the advantage of greater solidity and more thorough and expensive machinery, and often more careful organi- zation. But, as compared with our private charities, the public institutions of beneficence are dull and life- less. They have not the individual enthusiasm work- ing through them, with its ardor and power. They are more like machines. On*the other hand, charities supported entirely by individuals will always have but a small scope. The 380 THE DANGrEROTJS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. amount of what may be called the u charity fund" of the community is comparatively limited. In years of disaster or war, or where other interests absorb the public, it will dwindle down to a very small sum. It is distributed, too, somewhat capriciously. Sometimes a u sensation " calls it forth bountifully, while more real demands are neglected. An important benevo- lent association, depending solely on its voluntary contributions from individuals, will always be Weak and incomplete in its machinery. The best course for the j>ermanency and efficiency of a charity seems to be, to make it depend in part on the State, that it may have a solid foundation of support, and be under official supervision, and in part on private aid, so that it may feel the enthusiasm and activity and responsi- bility of individual effort. The " Houses of Eefuge " combine public and private assistance in a manner which has proved very beneficial. Their means come from the State, while their governing bodies are pri- vate, and independent of politics. The New York u Juvenile Asylum" enjoys both public and private contributions, but has a private board. On the other hand, the u Commissioners of Charities and Correction" are supported entirely by taxation, and, until they had the services of a Board care- fully selected, were peculiarly inefficient. Many private benevolent associations in the city could be mentioned which have no solid foundation of public STATE AID. 381 support and are under no public supervision, and, in consequence, are weak and slipshod in all their enter- prises. The true policy of the Legislature is to encourage and supplement private activity in charities by moderate public aid, and to organize a strict super- vision. The great danger for all charities is in machinery or "plant " taking more importance in the eyes of its organizers than the work itself. The condition of the buildings, the neat and orderly appearance of the objects of the charity, and the perfection of the means of house-keeping, become the great objects of the officials or managers, and are what most strike the eyes of the public. But all these are in reality nothing compared with the improvement in character and mind of the persons aided, and this is generally best effected by simple rooms, simple machinery, and constantly getting rid of the subjects of the charity. If they are children, the natural fam- ily is a thousand times better charity than all our machinery. The more an Institution or Asylum can show of those drilled and machine-like children, the less real work is it doing. Following u natural laws 77 makes sad work of a charity-show in an Asylum j but it leaves fruit over the land, in renovated characters and useful lives. 382 THE DANGKEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. THE MULTIPLICATION OF CHAEITIES. One of the greatest evils connected with charities in a large city is the unreasonable tendency to multi- ply them. A benevolent individual meets with a peculiar case of distress or poverty, his feelings are touched, and he at once conceives the idea of an " Institution" for this class of human evils. He soon finds others whom he can interest in his philanthropic object, and they go blindly on collecting their funds, and perhaps erecting or purchasing their buildings. When the house is finally prepared, the organization perfected, and the, cases of distress relieved, the founders discover, perhaps to their dismay, that there are similar or corresponding Institutions for just this class of unfortunates, which have been carrying on their quiet labors of benevolence for years, and doing much good. The new Institution, if wise, would now prefer to turn over its assets and machinery to the old ; but, ten to one, the new workers have an espe- cial pride in their bantling, and cannot bear to aban- don it, or they see what they consider defects in the management of the old, and, not knowing all the dif- ficulties of the work, they hope to do better ; or their employes have a personal interest in keeping up the * new organization, and jjersuade them that it is needed by the people. The result, in nineteen cases out of twenty, is that COMPETITION OF CHARITIES. 383 tlie two agencies of charity are continued where but one is needed. Double the amount of money is used for agents and machinery which is wanted, and, to a certain degree, the charity funds of the community are wasted. But this is not the worst effect. The poor objects of this organization soon discover that they have a double source from which to draw their supplies. They become pauperized, and their faculties are em- ployed in deriving a support from both societies. By and by, one organization falls behind in its charity labors, and now, in place of waiting to care- fully assist the poor, it tempts the poor to come to it. If it be a peculiar kind of school, not much needed in the quarter, it bribes the poor children by presents to abandon the rival school and fill its own seats ; if an Asylum, it seeks far and near for those even not legitimately its subjects. There arises a sort of competition of charity. This kind of rivalry is exceedingly bad both for the poor and the public. There are evils enough in the community which all our machinery and wealth cannot cure, and thus to increase or stimulate misfortunes in order to relieve, is the height of absurdity. One effect often is, that the public become disgusted with all organized char- ity, and at last fancy that societies of benefaction do as much evil as good. This city is full of multiplied charities, which are 384 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. constantly encroaching on each other's field 5 and yet there are masses of evil and calamity here which they scarcely touch. The number of poor people who enjoy a comfortable living, derived from a long study and experience of these various agencies of benevo- lence, would be incredible to any one not familiar with the facts. They pass from one to the other; knowing exactly their conditions of assistance and meeting their requirements, and live thus by a sort of science of alms. The industry and ingenuity they employ in this pauper trade are truly remarkable. Probably not one citizen in a thousand could so well recite the long list of charitable societies and agencies in New York, as one of these busy dependents on charity. Nor do these industrious paupers confine themselves to secular and general societies. They have their churches and missions, on whose skirts they hang ; and beyond them a large and influential circle of lady patronesses who support and protect them. We venture to say there are very few ladies of position in New York who do not have a numerous clientele of needy women or unfortunate men that depend on them year after year, and always follow them up and discover their residence, however much they may change it. These people have almost lost their energy of character, and all power of industry (except in pursuing the different charities and patron- esses), through this long and indiscriminate assist- THE TRADE OF ALMS. 385 ance. They are paupers, not in Poor-houses, and de- pendents on alms, living at home. They are often worse off than if they had never been helped. This trade of alms and dependence on charities ought to he checked. It demoralizes the poor, and weakens public confidence in wise and good charities. It tends to keep the rich from all benefactions, and makes many doubt whether charity ever really benefits. There are various modes in which this evil might be remedied. In the first place, no individual should subscribe to a new charity until he has satisfied his mind in some way that it is needed, and that he is not helping to do twice the same good thing. There ought to be also in such a city as ours a sort of u Board 79 or u Bureau of Charities, 77 where a person could get information about all now existing, whether Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, or secular, and where the agents of these could ascertain if they were help- ing the same objects twice. Lists of names and addresses of those assisted could be kept here for examination, and frequent comparisons could be made by the agents of these societies or by individuals interested. One society, formed for a distinct object, and finding a case need- ing quite a distinct mode of relief or assistance, could here at once ascertain where to transfer the case, or what the conditions of help were in another associa- 17 386 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. tion. Here, individuals having difficult, perplexing, or doubtful cases of charity on hand would ascertain what they should do with them, and whether they were merely supporting a person now dependent on an association from such an office. Oases of poverty and misfortune might be visited and examined by experts in charity, and the truth ascertained, where ordinary individuals, inquiring, would be certain to be deceived. Here, too, the honest and deserving poor could learn where they should apply for relief. Such a "Bureau" would be of immense benefit to the city. It would aid in keeping the poor from pauperism ; it would put honest poverty in the way of proper assistance ; simplify and direct charities, and enable the " charity fund 79 of the city to be used directly for the evils needing treatment. Both the public and benevolent associations would be benefited by it, and much useless expenditure and labor saved. Under it, each charitable association could labor in its own field, and encroach on no other, and the public confidence in the wise use of charity funds be strengthened. In such a city as ours ifc would probably be hardly possible to follow the Boston plan, and put all the offices of the great charities in one building, yet there could easily be one office of information, or a "Bureau of Charities," which might be sustained by general contributions. Perhaps the State u Board of Chari- BUREAU OF CHARITIES. 387 ties " would father and direct it 7 if private means sup- ported it. In one respect, it would be of immense advantage to have this task undertaken by the State Board, as they have the right to inspect charitable institutions, and their duty is to expose " bogus charities." Of the latter there are only too many in this city. Nu- merous lazy individuals make lucrative livelihoods by gathering funds for charities which only exist on paper. These swindlers could be best exposed and prosecuted by a u State Board." CHAPTER XXXII. HOW BEST TO GIVE ALMS! "TAKE, NOT GIVE." We were much struck by a reply, recently, of a City Missionary in East London, who was asked what he gave to the poor. "Give!" he said, "we never give now; we take!" He explained that the remedy of alms, for the terrible evils of that portion of London, had been tried ad nauseam, and that they were all convinced of its little permanent good, and their great object was, at pres- ent, to induce the poor to save; and for this, they were constantly urgent to get money from these peo- ple, when they had a little. They "took, not gave!" So convinced is the writer, by twenty years' expe- rience among the poor, that alms are mainly a bane, that the mere distribution of gifts by the great char- ity in which he is engaged seldom affords him much gratification. The long list of benefactions which the Reports record, would be exceedingly unsatisfactory, if they were not parts and branches of a great pre- ventive and educational movement. The majority of people are most moved by hearing ALMS-GIVING. 389 that so many thousand pairs of shoes, so many arti- cles of clothing, or so many loaves of bread are given to the needy and suffering by some benevolent agency. The experienced friend of the poor will only grieve at such alms, unless they are accompanied with some influences to lead the recipients to take care of them- selves. The worst evil in the world is not poverty or hunger, but the want of manhood or character which alms-giving directly occasions . The English have tried alms until the kingdom seems a vast Poor-house, and the problem of Pauper- ism has assumed a gigantic and almost insoluble form. The nation have given everything but Educa- tion, and the result is a vast multitude of wretched persons in whom pauperism is planted like a disease of the blood — who cannot be anything but dependents and idlers. In London alone, twenty-five million dollars per annum are expended in organized charities; yet, till the year 1871, no general system of popular educa- tion had been formed. This country has been more fortunate and wiser. We had room and work enough, we provided educa- tion before alms, and, especially among our native- born population, have checked pauperism, as it never was checked before in any civilized community. No one can imagine, who has not been familiar 390 THE DANGKEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. with the lowest classes, how entirely degraded a char- acter may become, where there is an uncertain depend- ence on public and organized alms. The faculties of the individual are mainly bent on securing support by other means than industry. Cunning, deception, flattery, and waiting for chances, become the means of livelihood. Self-respect is lost, and with it go the best qualities of the soul. True manhood and true womanhood are eaten away. The habit of labor, and the hope and courage of a self-supporting human being, and the prudence which guards against future evils, are almost destroyed. The man becomes a dawdler and waiter on chances, and is addicted to the lowest vices ; his children grow up worse than he, and make sharpness or crime a substitute for beggary. The woman is sometimes stripped of the best feelings of her sex by this dependence. Not once or twice only have we known such a woman steal the clothes from fyer half-starved babe, as she was delivering it over to strangers to care for. There are able-bodied men of this kind in New York who, every winter, as regularly as the snow falls, commit some petty offense, that they may be supported at public expense. When this disease of pauperism is fairly mingled in the blood of children, their condition is almost hopeless. They will not work, or go to school, or try to leam anything useful ; their faculties are PAUPERS. 391 all bent to the tricks of a roving, begging life; the self-respect of their sex, if girls, is lost in child- hood; they are slatternly, lazy, and dissolute. If they grow up and marry, they marry men of their own kind, and breed paupers and prostitutes. We know of an instance like this in an Alms-house in Western New York. A mother, in decent circum- stances, with an infant, was driven into it by stress of poverty. Her child grew up a pauper, and both became accustomed to a life of dependence. The child — a girl — went forth when she was old enough to work, and soon returned with an illegitimate babe. She then remained with her child. This child — also a girl — grew up in like manner, and, occasionally, when old enough, also went forth to labor, but returned finally, with her illegitimate child, and at length be- came a common pauper and prostitute, so that, when the State Commissioner of Charity, Dr. Hoyt, visited, in his official tour, this Poor-house, he found four gen- erations of paupers and prostitutes in one family, in this place ! The regular habitu 's of Alms-houses are bad enough ; but it has sometimes seemed to me that the outside dependents on an irregular public charity are worse. They are usually better off than the inmates of Poor-houses, and, therefore, must de- ceive more to secure aid; the process of obtaining it continually degrades them, and they are tempted 392 THE DANCEROTJS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. to leave regular industry for this unworthy means of support. " Outdoor relief" is responsible for much of the abuses of the English pauper administration. We are convinced that it ought to be, if not aban- doned, at least much circumscribed by our own Com- missioners of Charities. Still, private alms, though more indiscriminately be- stowed, and often on entirely unworthy objects, do not, in our judgment, leave the same evil effect as public. There is less degradation with the former, and more of human sympathy, on both sides. The influence of the giver's character may sometimes elevate the de- based nature of an unworthy dependent on charity. The personal connection of a poor creature and a fine lady, is not so bad as that of a pauper to the State. Still, private alms in our large cities are abused to an almost unlimited extent. Persons who have but little that they can afford to give, discover, after long experience, that the majority of their benefactions have been indiscreetly bestowed. When one thinks of the thousands of cases in a city like New York, of unmitigated misfortune 5 of widows with large families, suddenly left sick and helpless on the world; of lonely and despairing women struggling against a sea of evils ; of strong men disabled by accident or sickness ; of young chil- dren abandoned or drifting uncared-for on the streets, CARELESS ALMS-GIVING. 393 and how many of these are never wisely assisted, it seems a real calamity that any person should bestow charity carelessly or on unworthy objects. The individual himself ought to seek out the sub- jects whom he desires to relieve, and ascertain their character and habits, and help in such a way as not to impair their self-respect or weaken their independ- ence. The managers of the Charity I have been describ- ing have especially sought to avoid the evils of alms- giving. While many thousands of dollars' worth is given each year in various forms of benefaction, not a penny is bestowed which does not bear in its influence on character. We do not desire so much to give alms as to prevent the demand for alms. In every branch of our work we seek to destroy the growth of pau- perism. Nothing in appearance is so touching to the feel- ings of the humane as a ragged and homeless boy. The first impulse is to clothe and shelter him free of cost. But experience soon shows that if you put a comfortable coat on the first idle and ragged lad who applies, you will have fifty half-clad lads, many of whom possess hidden away a comfortable outfit, leav- ing their business next day, "to get jackets for nothing." You soon discover, too, that the houseless boy is not so utterly helpless as he looks. He has a thou- 394 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. sand means of supporting himself honestly in the streets, if he will. Perhaps all that he needs is a small loan to start his street-trade with, or a shelter for a few nights, for which he can give his " promise to pay/' or some counsel and instruction, or a few weeks' schooling. Our Lodging-house-keepers soon learn that the best humanity towards the boys is " to take, not give." Bach lad pays for his lodging, and then feels independent 5 if he is too poor to do this, he is taken in u on trust," and pays his bill when business is suc- cessful. He is not clothed at once, unless under some peculiar and unfortunate circumstances, but is induced to save some pennies every day until he have enough to buy his own clothing. If he has not enough to start a street-trade with, the superintendent loans him a small sum to begin business. The following is the experience in this matter of Mr. O'Connor, the superintendent of the News-boys' Lodging-house : — " The Howland Fund, noticed in previous reports as having been established by B. J. Howland, Esq., one of our Trustees, continues to be the means of doing good. We have loaned from it during the nine months one hundred and twenty-three dollars and sixty cents, on which the borrowers have realized three hundred and seven dollars and thirty-nine cents. They have thus made the handsome profit of two hundred and fifty per cent, on the amount borrowed. It has in many cases been re- turned in a few hours. We have loaned it in sums of five cents and upward ; we have had but few defaulters. Of the seventeen LOAN-FUND. 395 dollars and fifty-five cents due last year, six dollars and fifty cents has been returned, leaving at this time standing out eleven dollars and five cents/' When large supplies of shoes and clothing are given, it is usually at Christmas, as an expression of the good- will of the season, or from some particular friend of the boys as an indication of his regard, and thus carries less of the ill effects of alms with the gift The very air of these Lodging-houses is that of independence, and no paupers ever graduate from them. We even discourage the street-trades as a per- manent business, and have, therefore, never formed a u Boot-black Brigade," as has been done in London, on the ground that such occupations are uncertain and vagrant in habit, and lead to no settled business. Our end and aim with every street-rover, is to get him to a farm, and put him on the land. For this reason we lavish our gifts on the lads who choose the country for their work. We feed and shelter them gratuitously, if necessary. We clothe them from top to toe; and the gifts bring no harm with them. These poor lads have sometimes repaid these gifts tenfold in later life, in money to the Society. And the community have been repaid a hundredfold, by the change of a city vagabond to an honest and indus- trious farmer. Our Industrial Schools might almost be called 396 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. " Reformatories of Pauperism." Mne-tenths of the children are beggars when they enter, but they go forth self-respecting and self-supporting young girls. Food, indeed, is given every day to those most in need ; but, being connected thus with a School, it pro- duces none of the ill effects of alms. The subject of clothes-giving to these children is, however, a very difficult one. The best plan is found to be to give the garments as rewards for good conduct, punctuality, and industry, the amount being graded by careful " marks" ; yet the humane teacher will frequently dis- cover an unfortunate child without shoes in the winter snow, or scantily clad, who has not yet attained the proper number of marks, and she will very privately perhaps relieve the want: knowing, as the teacher does, every poor family whose children attend the School, she is not often deceived, and her gifts are worthily bestowed. The daily influence of the School-training in indus- try and intelligence discourages the habit of begging. The child soon becomes ashamed of it, and when she finally leaves school, she has a pride in supporting herself. Gifts of garments, shoes, and the like, to induce children to attend, are not found wise ; though now and then a family will be discovered so absolutely naked and destitute, that some proper clothing is a necessary condition to their even entering the School. "TAKE, not give." 397 Some of the teachers very wisely induce the pa- rents to deposit their little savings with them, and perhaps pay them interest to encourage saving. Oth- ers, by the aid of Mends, have bought coal at whole- sale prices, and retailed it without profit, to the parents of the children. The principle throughout all the operations of the Children's Aid Society, is only to give assistance where it bears directly on character, to discourage pauperism, to cherish independence, to place the poor- est of the city, the homeless children, as we have so often said, not in Alms-houses or Asylums, but on farms, where they support themselves and add to the wealth of the nation; to "take, rather than give;' 7 or to give education and work rather than alms ; to place all their thousands of little subjects under such influences and such training that they will never need either private or public charity. CHAPTBE XXXIII. HOW SHALL CRIMINAL CHILDREN BE TREATED? REFORMATORIES. A child, whether good or bad, is, above all things, an individual requiring individual treatment and care. Let any of our readers, having a little fellow given to mischief, who had at length broken his neighbor's windows, or with a propensity to stealing, or with a quick temper which continually brings him into unpleasant scrapes, imagine him suddenly put into an u Institution v for reform, henceforth desig- nated as " D » of " Class 43," or as " Eb. 193," roused up to prayers in the morning with eight hundred others, put to bed at the stroke of the bell, knowing nothing of his teacher or pastor, except as one of a class of a hundred, his own little wants, weaknesses, foibles and temptations utterly unfamiliar to any one, his only friends certain lads who had been in the place longer, and, perhaps, had known much more of criminal life than he himself, treated thus altogether as a little machine, or as one of a regiment. What could he expect in the way of reform in such a case ? He might, indeed, hope that the lad would CONGREGATED REFORMATORY. 399 feel the penalty and disgrace of being thus imprisoned, and that the strict discipline would control careless habits, but he would soon see that the chance of a reform of character was extremely slight. There was evidently no personal influence on the child. Whatever bad habits or traits he had, were likely to be uneradicated. The strongest agencies upon him were those of his companions ; and what boys, even of the moral classes, teach one another when they are together in masses, need not be told. "Were he to be there a length of time, the most power- ful forces that mould and form boys in the world outside, would be absent. The affection of family, the confidence of respected friends, the hope of making a name, and the desire of , money and position — these impulses must be banished from the Asylum or Eeformatory. The lad's only hope is to escape certain penalties, or win certain marks, and get out of the place. Now and then, indeed, a chaplain of rare spiritual gifts may suc- ceed in wielding a personal influence, in such an Institution, over individual children 5 but this must, of necessity, be unfrequent, on account of the great numbers under his charge. If the subject of a Eeformatory be a poor boy or girl, the kind of work usually chosen is not the one best suited to a child of this class, or which he will be apt to take up afterwards. It is generally some plain 400 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. and easy trade-work, like shoe-pegging, or chair- bottoming, or pocket-book manufacture. The lad is kept for years at this drudgery, and when he leaves the place, has no capital laid up of a skilled trade. He finds such employments crowded, and he seldom enters them again. Moreover, if he has been a va- grant (as in nine cases out of ten is probable), or a a little sharper and thief of the city, or a boy unwilling to labor, and unfitted for steady industry, these years at a table in a factory do not necessarily give him a taste for work ; they often only disgust him. Were such lads, on the other hand, put in gardens, or at farm- work, they would find much more pleasure in it. The watching the growth of plants, the occa- sional chance for fruit-gathering, the " spurts " of work peculiar to farming, the open air and sunshine, and dealing with flowers and grains, with cattle, horses, and fowls, are all attractive to children, and especially to children of this class. Moreover, when they have learned the business, they are sure in this country, of the best occupation which a laboring man can have ; and when they graduate, they can easily find places on farms, where they will get good wages, and be less exposed to temptations than if engaged in city trades. There seems to me something, too, in labor in the soil, which is more medicinal to " minds diseased " than work in shops. The nameless physical and mental maladies which take possession of these WORK IN THE SOIL. 401 children of vice and poverty are more easily cnred and driven off in outdoor than indoor labor. I am disposed to think this is peculiarly true of young girls who have begun criminal courses. They have been accustomed to such excitement and stir, that the steady toil of a kitchen and household seldom reforms them. The remarkable success of Mr. Pease for a few years in his labors for abandoned women in the Five Points, was due mainly to the incessant stir and activity he infused into his " House of Industry," which called off the minds of these poor creatures from their sins and temptations. But, better than this, would be the idea, so often broached, of a u School in gardening " for young girls, in which they could be taught in the open air, and learn the florist's and gardener's art. This busy and pleasant labor, increasingly profitable every year, would often drive out the evil spirit, and fit the workers for paying professions after they left the School. The true plan for a Eeformatory School, as has so often been said, is the Family System ; that is, break- ing the Asylum up into small houses, with little " groups" of children in each, under their own imme- diate " director 19 or teacher, who knows every indivi- dual, and adapts his government to the wants of each. The children cook meals, and do house-labor, and eat in these small family groups. Each child, whether 402 THE DANGKEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. boy or girl, learns in this way something of house- keeping, and the mode of caring for the wants of a small family. He has to draw his water, split his wood, kindle his fires, light his lamps, and take care of the Cottage, as he will, by and by, have to do in his own little " shanty v or " cottage." Around the Cottage should be a small garden, which each u fam- ily v would take a pride in cultivating ; and beyond, the larger farm, which they all night work together. In a Keformatory, after such a plan as this, the children are as near the natural condition as they ever can be in a public institution. The results, if men of humanity and wisdom be in charge, will justify the increased trouble and labor. The expense can hardly be greater, as buildings and outfit will cost so much less than with the large establishments. The only de- fect would, perhaps, be that the labor of the inmates would not bring in so much pecuniary return, as in the present Houses of Befuge; but the improved effects on the children would more than counter- balance to the community the smaller income of the Asylum. Nor is it certain that farm and garden labor would be less profitable to the Institution. If we are correctly informed, the only Alms-house which supports itself in the country is one near New Haven, that relies entirely on the growth and sale of garden products Under the Farm and Family School for children, legally committed, we should have, un- FAMILY REFORMATORIES. 403 doubtedly, a far larger proportion of thorough reforms and successes, than under the congregated and indus- trial Asylums. The most successful Eeformatories of Europe are of this kind. The "Rauhe Haus," at Hamburg, and Mr. Sydney Turner's Farm School at Tower Hill, Eng- land, show a greater proportion of reformed cases than any congregated Eeformatories that we are familiar with. The Mettrai colony records ninety per cent, as reformed, which is an astonishingly large proportion. This success is probably much due to the esprit du corps which has become a tradition in the school, and the extent to which the love of distinction and honor- able emulation — most powerful motives on the French mind — have been cultivated in the pupils. We do not deny great services and successes to the existing congregated Reformatories of this country. But their success has been in spite of their system. From the new Family Reformatories, opened in differ- ent States, we hope for even better results. CHAPTEK XXXIY. WHAT SHALL BE DONE WITH FOUNDLINGS ? Some of our citizens are now seeking to open in New York a Foundling Asylum to be conducted under Protestant influences. A Eoman Catholic Hospital for Foundlings was recently established, and is now receiving aid from the city treasury. In view of these humane efforts, attended, as they must be, by vast expense, it becomes necessary to inquire what is the best system of management attained by experience in other countries. Of the need of some peculiar shelter or shelters for ille- gitimate children in this city there can be no question. Those who have to do with the poorer classes are shocked and pained by the constant instances presented to them, of infants neglected or aban- doned by their mothers, or of unmarried mothers with infants in such need and desperation, that infanticide is often the easiest escape. Something evidently should be done for both mothers and children. ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN. 405 THE NUMBERS. Of the numbers of illegitimate children in New York, it is difficult to speak with any precision. In European countries, we know almost exactly the pro- portion of illegitimate to legitimate births. In Sar- dinia, it is 2.09 per cent. ; in Sweden, 6.56 ; in Eng- land, 6.72; in France, '7.01; in Denmark, 9.35; in Austria, 11.38 ; in Bavaria, 20.59. Among cities, it is between 3 and 4 per cent, in English cities ; in Genoa, 8 ; in Berlin, 14.9 ; in St. Petersburg, 18.8 ; in Vienna, 46. The general average of illegitimate to legitimate children in Europe is 12.8 per cent. Supposing that the average in New York is the same as in Amsterdam or London, say four per cent., there were in the five years, from 1860 to* 1865, out of the 144,724 children born (living or dead) in the city of New York, 5,788 illegitimate, or an average each year of 1,157 children born out of wedlock. More than a thousand illegitimate children are thus, in all probability, thrown upon this community every year. Though this is a mere estimate, there is a strong presumptive evidence of its not being exaggerated, from the enormous proportion, in New York, of still- births, which reached in one year (1868) the sum of 2,195, or more than seven per cent, of the whole num- ber of births. Now, it is well-known that the women 406 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. who are mothers of illegitimate children are much more likely to be badly attended or neglected in their confinement than mothers in wedlock, and thus to suffer under this misfortune. As to the relation of illegitimacy to crime, there are some striking statistics from France. Out of 5,758 persons confined in the bagnios in France, there were, according to Dr. Parry, in 1853, 391 illegiti- mate. Of the 18,205 inmates of the State Prisons in France during the same time, 880 were illegitimate, and 361 foundlings. " One out of every 1,300 French- men," says the same authority, " becomes the subject of legal punishment, while one out of 158 foundlings finds his way to the State Prisons." In the celebrated Farm-school of Mettrai, according to recent reports, out of 3,580 young convicts since its foundation, 534 were illegitimate and 221 foundlings, or more than twenty per cent. There can be no reasonable doubt, then, that a large number of children born out of wedlock, and therefore exposed to great hardship, temptation, and misery, are cast out every year on this community. A very large proportion of these unfortunate little ones die, or, with their mothers, are dragged down to great depths of wretchedness and crime. What can be done for them? The first impulse is, naturally, to gather them into an Asylum. But what is the experience of Asylums ? FOUNDLINGS. 407 ASYLUMS. The London Foundling Hospital, one of the most famous of these institutions, was founded in 1740. During the first twenty years of its existence, out of the 14,934 children received in it, only 4,400 lived to be apprenticed, a mortality of more than seventy per cent. The celebrated St. Petersburg Hospital for Foundlings contained, between the years 1772 and 1789, 7,709 children, of whom 6,606 died. Between the years 1783 and 1797, seventy-six per cent. died. We have not, unfortunately, its later statistics. The Foundling Hospital of Paris, another well-known institution of this class, was founded by Vincent de Paul in 1638. In the twenty years ending in 1859, out of 48,525 infants admitted, 27,119 died during the first year, or fifty-six per cent. In 1841, a change was made in the administration of this Hospital, of which we shall speak later. In this city there is, under the enlightened man- agement of the Commissioners of Charities and Cor- rection, an Infant Hospital on KandalPs Island, where large numbers of illegitimate and abandoned children are cared for. In former years, under careless man- agement of this institution, the mortality of these helpless infants has reached ninety to ninety-five per cent.; but in recent years, under the new manage- ment, this has been greatly reduced. In 1867, out of 408 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. the 928 "nurse's children," or children without their mothers, who were received, 642 died, or about seventy per cent. In 1868, 76.77 per cent, of these unfortunates died, and in 1869, 70.32 per cent. ; while in the same hospital, of the children admitted with their mothers, only 20.44 per cent, died during that year — a death-rate less than that of the city at large, which is about twenty-six per cent. ; while in Massa- chusetts, for children under one year, it is about thirteen per cent. It will be observed that the mortality of foundlings and orphans in this institution was reduced in 1869 from 76.79 per cent, to 70.32. Again, in 1870, a still greater reduction was made to 58.99. This most encouraging result was brought about by the erection of an Infants' Hospital by the Commissioners, the employment of a skillful physician, and, above all, by engaging paid nurses instead of pauper women, to take care of the children. In Massachusetts the experience is equally instructive. "In the State Alms- house," says the able Secretary of the Board of Chari- ties, Mr. F. B. Sanborn, "the mortality of these infants previous to 1857, reached the large proportion of 80 out of every 100." In the Tewksbury Alms-house the mortality in 1860 among the foundlings was forty-seven out of fifty- four, or eighty-seven per cent. In 1867, the most enlightened experts in charities in INFANT-ASYLUMS. 409 Massachusetts took up the subject of founding an Infant- Asylum, and resolved to institute one which should be free from the abuses of the old system. In this new Asylum only those children should be received whose cases had been carefully investigated, and no more than thirty foundlings were ever to be collected under one roof, so that as much individual care might be exercised as is practicable. Yet even under this wise plan the mortality during the first six months at the Dorchester Asylum reached nearly fifty per cent, out of only thirty-six children ; though this mortality was a great gain over that of the State Alms-houses. The truth seems to be that each infant needs one nurse or care-taker, and that if you place these delicate young creatures in large companies together in any public building, an immense proportion are sure to die. When one remembers the difficulty of carrying any child in this climate through the first and second summers, and how a slight change in the milk, or neglect of covering, will bring on that scourge of our city, cholera infantum, and how incessant the watch- fulness of our mothers is to bring up a healthy child, we can understand why from one-half to two-thirds of the foundlings, many of them fatally weakened when brought to the Asylums, die in our public institutions. Where the mothers are allowed to take care of their own children in the Asylums, as many survive as in the 18 410 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. outside world. But to support one mother for each infant is an immense expense ; so that two children are commonly put under the care of the mother. The neglect, however, of the strange child soon becomes apparent even to the casual visitor; and these poor foundlings are often fairly starved or abused to death by the mother forced to nurse them. The treatment of these j)oor helpless infants by brutal women in our public institutions is one of the saddest chapters in the history of human wickedness. What, then, is to be done for these unfortunate foundlings ? No Asylum can afford to board and em- ploy one wet-nurse for each infant. How can the children be saved at a moderate expense ? The feas- ible and practicable course for this object is the "PLACmG-OUT SYSTEM." This plan has been in operation in France for cen- turies, and is now carried out under a public depart- ment called u Les services des Enfants Assistes? recently under the direction of M. Husson, and known gen- erally as the Bureau Ste. Apolline. This bureau deals with the whole class of abandoned and outcast and destitute infants. Instead of keeping these children in an Asylum, this office at once dispatches them to nurses already selected in the country. The whole matter is thoroughly organized ; there are agents to forward the nurses and children, inspect- THE FRENCH SYSTEM. 411 ors to select nurses and look after the infants and take charge of the disbursements, and medical officers to investigate the condition of both children and nurses, and to visit them monthly, and give medical attend- ance. The nurse is obliged to bring a certificate of good character from the Commune, and of her being in proper condition to take care of a foster-child. She is not permitted to take charge of an infant unless her own is nine months old, and has been weaned. The nurse is bound to send her foster-child, as she grows up, to school, and to some place of religious instruc- tion. The bureau has thus relieved a great number of children during ten years, from 1855 to 1864, the total number amounting to 21,944. That it has been wonderfully successful is shown by the mortality, which is now only about thirty per cent., or nearly the same with the general death-rate among young children in New York. Under this new poor-law administration for destitute and aban- doned children, the famous Hospital for Foundlings has been changed into a mere depot for children sent to places and nurses in the country, with the most hax>py results in point of mortality. Thus, in 1838, the hospital admitted 5,322 children, and lost 1,211 ; in 1868, of 5,603 admitted, only 442 died, or about eight per cent. Of 21,147 sent to the country, the deaths were only 1,783, or less than ten per cent. Of 6,009 admitted in 1869, 4,260 were aban- 412 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OP NEW YORK. doned children, and the deaths from the above number were 495. The French administration does not cease with paying* the board of these foundlings in their country homes; it looks carefully after their clothing, their education, their religious instruction, and even their habits of economy. The outlay by the Government for these various objects is considerable. In 1869, the traveling expenses of these little waifs reached the sum of 170,107 francs. The payments to the peasants to induce them to educate the foundlings amounted to 85,458 francs for the same year j the savings of the children, put in official savings-boxes, amounted to 394,076 francs, while 15,936 francs were given out as prizes. The moral effects have been encouraging. In 1869, out of the 9,000 eleves from thirteen to twenty-eight years, only thirty -two had appeared before Courts of Justice for trifling offenses ; thirty -two had shown symptoms of insubordination, and nearly the same number had been imprisoned. It should be remembered that this bureau has charge of the whole class of juvenile paupers, or Alms- house children, in Paris, as well as foundlings, whom it treats by placing out in country homes. In 1869, it thus provided for and protected 25,486 children, of whom 16,845 were from one day to twelve years, and 9,001 from twelve to twenty-one years. For this pur- " PLACING-OUT." 413 pose, it employed two principal inspectors, twenty- five sub-inspectors, and two hundred and seventy- eight physicians. The expense of this bureau has been wonderfully slight, only averaging two dollars and sixty cents per annum for each child. In an Asylum the average annual expenditure for each child could not have been less than one hundred and fifty dollars. This Bureau Ste. Apolline must be carefully distinguished from the private bureaus in Paris for assisting foundlings, under which the most shocking abuses have occurred, the death-rate reaching among their subjects 70.87, and even ninety per cent. The " boarding-out 19 system has been a part of the Alms-house system of Hamburg for years, and has proved eminently successful and economical. In Ber- lin, more than half the pauper children, and all the foundlings, are thus dealt with. In Dublin, both Protestant and Catholic associations have pursued this plan with destitute orphans and foundlings, with marked success. The Protestant Society had, in 1866, 453 orphans under its charge, and had placed out, or returned to friends, 1,256 ; its provincial branches had 2,208 under their care, and had placed out 5,374. All the orphans placed out by the Society are apprenticed. Great care is used in inspecting the homes in which children are put, and in selecting employers. The whole Association is well organized. The annual cost 414 THE DANGKEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. of the children, dividing the whole expense by the number of children placed and cared for, is only from fifty dollars to fifty-five dollars per head. The Eoman Catholic Association, St. Brigid's, is even more eco- nomical in its work, as the labor is mainly performed by the members of the sisterhoods. Within seven years five hundred children were taken in charge, of whom two hundred had been adopted or placed out. The children thus provided for in country families are constantly visited by the conductors of the orphanage and by the parish priest. The expense of the whole enterprise is very slight. Similar experiments are being made in England with pauper children, and, despite Prof. Faweett's somewhat impractical objections, they have been found to be successful and far more economical than the old system. THE FAMILY PLAIT. The Massachusetts Board of State Charities, one of the ablest Boards that have ever treated these ques- tions, well observes in its report for 1868 : " The tend- ency in all civilized countries is toward the family sys- tem, through (1st) the Foundling Hospital and (2d) the Asylum or Home System; and the mortality among infants of this class is reduced from ninety or ninety-five per cent, under the old no-system, from forty to sixty per cent, in well-managed Foundling " PLACING-OUT." 415 Hospitals, from thirty to fifty per cent, in good Asy- lums, and from twenty to thirty-five per cent, in good single families, the last being scarcely above the nor- mal death-rate of all infants." The u placing-out v system, is of course, liable to shocking abuse, as the experience of private offices for the care of foundlings in Paris, and recently in Lon- don, painfully shows. It must be carried on with the utmost publicity, and under careful responsibility. But under a respectable and faithful board of trustees, with careful organization and inspection, there is no reason why the one thousand illegitimate children born every year in New York city should not be placed in good country families, under the best of care and with the prospect of saving, at least, seven hun- dred out of the thousand, instead of losing that pro- portion ; and all this under an expense of about one- tenth that of an Asylum. Why will our benevolent ladies and gentlemen keep up the old monastic ideas of the necessity of herding these unfortunate children in one building ? Here there are thousands of homes awaiting the foundlings, without money and without price, where the child would have the best advantages the country could afford ; or if it be too weak or sick to be moved, or the managers fear the experiment of placing-out, let some responsible nurse be selected in the country near by, and the foundling boarded at their expense. The experience of the Children's Aid 416 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. Society is, that no children are so eagerly and kindly received in country families as infants who are or- phans. Let us not found in New York that most doubtful institution — a Foundling Asylum — but use the advantages we have in the ten thousand natural asylums of the country. In regard to the question, how far the affording facilities for the care of illegitimate children increases the temptation to vicious indulgence, we believe, as in most similar matters, the true course for the legislator lies between extremes. His first duty is, of course, one of humanity, to preserve life. Whenever helpless or abandoned children are found, the duty of the State is to take care of them, though this care may, in cer- tain cases, offer an inducement to crime. The danger to the child, if neglected, is certain ; that to the com- munity, of inducing other mothers to abandon their offspring, is remote and uncertain. On the other hand, the State is under no obligation to offer induce- ments to parents to neglect their illegitimate children ; it is rather bound to throw all possible responsibility on those who have brought them into the world. The extreme French plan of presenting u turning- tables " to those who wished to abandon their chil- dren, was found to increase the crime, and the number of such unfortunates. It has been given up even in Paris itself. The Eussian Foundling Asylum in St. Petersburg found it necessary to make its conditions THE MIDDLE COURSE BEST. ( 417 more strict than they were in the beginning, as lax- ness tended to encourage sexual vice. The universal experience is, that if a mother can be compelled to care for her infant, during a month or two, she will then never murder or abandon it. But, if she is re- lieved of the charge very early, she feels little affec- tion or remorse, and often plunges into indulgence again without restraint. By requiring conditions and letting some little time pass before the mother gives the child up, she is kept in a better moral condition, and made to feel more the responsibility of her posi- tion, and is thus withheld from future vice. On the other hand, the extreme position taken substantially by the New York legislators, whereby no mother could get rid of an illegitimate child, ex- cept by publicly entering the Alms-house, or by infanticide, undoubtedly stimulated the crimes of foeticide and child-murder. No doubt the new Catho- lic and Protestant Foundling Asylums contemplated in New York will steer between these two extremes, will connect the mother with the child as long as pos- sible, and require all reasonable conditions before admitting the infant, and, at the same time, not drive a seduced or unfortunate woman with her babe out to take her chances in the streets. CHAPTEB XXXV. RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION FOR STREET-CHILDREN. The subject of applying Eeligion as a lever to raise up the class of neglected children whom we have been describing, is a difficult one, but vital to the Science of Eeform. The objects of those engaged in laboring for this class are to raise them above temptation, to make them of more value to them- selves, and to Society, and, if possible, to elevate them to the highest range of life, where the whole character is governed by Eeligion. The children themselves are in a peculiar position. They have many of the traits of children, and yet are struggling in an independent and hard life, like men. They are not to be influenced as a Sunday-school audience would be, nor as an audience of adults. Their minds are acute, sharp, and practical; mere sentiment and the amiable platitudes of Sunday- school oratory are not for them. Ehetoric sets them asleep. Bombast 'goes by the name of u gas n among them. Sentimental and affectionate appeals only excite their contempt. The "hard fact" pleases them. They know when the speaker stands on good bottom. OPENNESS TO RELIGION. 419 If he has reached u hard pan," his audience is always with him. No audience is so quick to respond to a sudden turn or a joke. Their faculties are far more awake than those of a company of children of the fortunate classes. And yet they are like children in many respects. Nothing interests them so much as the dramatic: the truth given by parable and illustration. Their education in the low theatres has probably cultivated this taste. The genuine and strong feeling of the heart always touches them. I have seen the quick tears drop over the dirty cheeks at the simple tone only of some warm-hearted man who had ad- dressed them with a deep feeling of their loneliness and desolation. And yet they would have " chaffed" him in five minutes after, if they had had the oppor- tunity. They seem to have children's receptivity ; they are not by nature skeptical. They unconsciously believe in supernatural powers, or in one eternal Power. Their conscience can be reached 5 the imagi- nation is, to a certain degree, lively ; they are pecu- liarly open to Eeligion. And yet their " moral" position is a most perplexing one. The speaker in one of our Boys 7 Lodging-houses, who addresses them, knows that this may be the last and only time, for years, that many of the wild audience will listen to religious truth. To-morrow a considerable portion will be scattered, no one knows where. To-morrow, 420 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. perhaps to-nigh t, temptation will come in like a flood. In a few hours, it may be, the street-boy will stand where he must decide whether he will be a thief or an honest lad ; a rogue or an industrious worker ; the companion of burglars and murderers, or the friend of the virtuous. Temptations to lying, to deceit, to theft, robbery, lust, and murder will soon hunt him like a pack of wolves. His child's nature is each day under the strain of a man's temptations. Poverty, hunger, andfriendlessnessadd to his exposed condition, while, in all probability, he inherits a tendency te indulgence or crime. The problem is to guard such a human being, so exposed, against powerful temptations ; to raise him above them 5 to melt his bad habits and inherited faults in some new and grand emotion; to create within him a force which is stronger than, and utterly opposed to, the selfish greed for money, or the attrac- tions of criminal indulgence, or the rush of passion, or the fire of anger. The object is to implant in his breast such a power as Plato dreamed of — the Love of some perfect Friend, whose character by sympathy shall purify his, whose feeling is believed to go with the fortunes of the one forgotten by all others, and who has the power of cleansing from wrong and sav- ing from sin. The experience of twenty years' labor shows us that what are called u moral influences" are not "bread-and-butter piety." 421 sufficient to solve this problem, or meet this want among the children of the street. It is, of course, well at times to present the beauty of virtue and the ugli- ness of vice ; to show that honesty brings rewards, and falsehood pains, and to sketch the course of the moral poor whom fortune has rewarded. But these considerations are not sufficiently strong to hold back the most pressing temptations. Moreover, we have often had grave doubts whether " the bread- and-butter piety " was not too much recommended in all religious meetings to children. The child is too continually reminded that righteousness brings re- ward in this world, though the Master calls us to "take a yoke," and " bear a cross." The essence of the religious impulse is that it is unselfish, an inspira- tion from above, not below, a quickening of the nobler emotions and higher aspirations. Wherever gain or worldly motive comes in, there spirituality flees away. We have, accordingly, always opposed, in our religious meetings, the employment of prizes or rewards, as is so common in Sunday Schools, to strengthen the religious influence. Experience, as well as reason, has shown us that all such motives mingled with religion simply weaken its power. Considering the peculiar position of these children, we have never set the value on what is usually described as u Eeligious Instruction" which many do. Of course, there are certain foundation truths which 422 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. should be taught to these audiences. But such sub- jects as the Jewish History and God's Providence therein, and many matters contained in the Old Testament, are not so immediately important for them as the facts and principles of Christianity. And yet there are passages in the Old Testament which seem peculiarly designed for the young. There are stories — such as those of Joseph and Moses and Samuel — which, if all others should forget, children alone would not let die. It does not seem instruction that these children need, so much as inspiration. A street-boy might be perfectly familiar with the history of the Fall of Man and the Flood ; he might repeat the Commandments, and know by heart the Apostles' Creed, and yet not have one spark in his breast of the divine fire which is to save him from vice and ruin. What the child of the streets, above all, needs to uphold him in his sea of troubles and temptations, is the knowledge and faith in Christ as his Friend and Saviour. Christ can be presented and made real to these children as a perfect Being, the Son of God, who feels with all their misfortunes, who has known their temptations, who is their Friend, and only demands noble hearts and love from them, who lived and died for them when on earth, that they might love God and be saved from sin. THE OLD FAITH. 423 It is the old Faith, which has thrown the glory of Heaven over millions of death-beds, and sus- tained uncounted numbers of weak and hard-pressed men, true to honor, virtue, and goodness, amid all temptations and misfortunes. It has comforted and ennobled the slave under his master's tyranny. If simply presented, and with faith in God, it can . re- deem the outcast youth of the streets from all his vices and evil habits, keep him pure amid filth, honest among thieves, generous among those greedy for money, kind among the hard and selfish, and enable him to overcome anger, lust, the habit of lying or profanity, and to live a simple, humble, God-fear- ing, and loving life, merely because he believes that this Unseen Friend demands all this in his children and followers. When this Faith and this Love are implanted in the child's mind, and he is inspired by them, then his course is clear, and sure to be happy and good. One mistake of Sunday-school oratory is fre- quently made in addressing these lads, and that is, a too great use of sensational illustrations, which do not aid to impress the truth desired. Attention will be secured, but no good end is gained. Where the wants of the audience are so real and terrible as they are here, and so little time is given for influencing them, it is of the utmost importance that every word should tell. There should be no rhetorical pyrotechnics at 424 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. these meetings. Above all modes, however, the dra- matic is the best means of conveying truth to their minds. The parable, the illustration, the allegory or story, real or fictitious, most quickly strike their mind, and leave the most permanent impression. One of the best religious speakers tlat ever address our boys is a lawyer, who has been a famous sports- man, and has in his constitution a fellow-feeling for their vagrant tastes. I often fancy, when he is speak- ing to them, that he would not object at all to being a boy again himself, roving the streets, " turning in" on a hay-barge, and drifting over the country at u his own sweet will." But this very sympathy gives him a peculiar power over them; he understands their habits and temptations, and, while other gentlemen often shoot over their heads, his words always take a powerful hold of them. Then, though a man particu- larly averse to sentiment in ordinary life, his speeches to the boys seem to reveal a deep and poetic feeling for nature, and a solemn consciousness of God, which impresses children deeply. His sportsmanly habits have led him to closely observe the habits of birds and animals, and the appearances of the sky and sea, and these come in as natural illustrations, pos- sessing a remarkable interest for these wild little vagrants, who by nature belong to the " sporting" class. A man must have a boy's tastes to reach boys. A QUESTION. 425 BIBLE IN SCHOOLS. In treating of this subject of religious education for the youth of the dangerous classes, the question naturally arises, how far there should be religious expression or education in our Public Schools. If it were a tabula rasa here, and we were opening a system of National Schools, and all were of one general faith, there could be no question that every one interested in the general welfare would desire religious instruction in our Public Schools, as a means of strengthening morality, if for no other purpose. As it is, however, we have at the basis of society an immense mass of very ignorant, and, therefore, bigoted people, who suspect and hate every expression even of our form of Christianity, and regard it as a teaching of heresy and a shib- boleth of ' oppression. Their shrewd and cunning leaders, knowing the danger to priestcraft from Free Schools, use this hostility and the pretense of 'our religious services to separate these classes from the Public Schools. The priests and demagogues do not, of course, care anything about the simple prayer and the reading of a few verses of Scrip- ture, which are now our sole religious school exer- cises. But these furnish them with a good pretext r for acting on the masses, and give them ground, among certain liberal or indifferent Protestants, for 426 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. seeking a separate State support for the Catholic Schools. * Were Bible-reading and the Lord's Prayer discon- tinued in the Schools, we do not doubt that the priests and the popular leaders would still oppose the Free Schools just as bitterly; but they would not have as good an apparent ground, and any pretext of oppo- sition would be taken away. The system of Free Schools is the life-blood of the nation. If it be cor- rupted with priestcraft, or destroyed by our dissen- sions, our vitality as a republican people is gone. The whole country would realize then the worst fruits of a popular government without intelligence. De- magogism and corruption, founded on ignorance, would wield an absolute tyranny, with none of the graces of monarchy, and none of the advantages of democracy. Jarring sects would each have their own schools, and the priests would enjoy an un- limited control over all the ignorant Catholics of the country. Under no circumstance should the Protestants of the nation allow the Free Schools to be broken up. They are the foundation of the Republic, and the bul- wark of Protestantism and civilization. They under- mine the power of the priests, which rests on igno- rance, while they leave untouched whatever spiritual force the Roman Catholic Church may truly have and deserve to have. The Protestants should sacrifice BIBLE IN SCHOOL. 427 everything reasonable and not vital, to retain these blessed agencies of enlightenment. We respect the sort of pluck of the Protestants, which looks upon the giving-up of Bible-reading in the Schools as being u false to the flag." But, in look- ing at the matter soberly, and without pugnacity, does spiritual religion lose anything by giving up these exercises ? We think not. They arc now of the coldest and most formal kind, and but little listened to. We doubt if they ever affect strongly a single mind. The religious education of each child is imparted in Sabbath Schools, in Churches, or Mission Schools, and its own home. The Free School under our system does not need any influence from the Church. The American trusts to the separate sects to take care of the religious interests of the children. We separate utterly Church and State. There may be evils from this ; but they are less than the danger of destroying our system of popular education by the contests of rival sects. We know how long every effort to secure popular educa- tion for England has been wrecked on this rock of Sectarianism. We behold the fearful harvest of evils which she is reaping from the ignorance of the masses, especially induced by the oppositions of sects, who preferred no education for the people to education without their own dogmas. 428 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. We desire to avoid these calamities, and we can best do this by making every reasonable concession to ignorance and prejudice. Give ns the Free Schools without Religion, rather than no Free Schools at all ! CHAPTEE XXXYI. DECREASE OF JUVENILE CRIME IN NEW YORK. THE COST OF PUNISHMENT AND PREVENTION. Very few people have any just appreciation of the comparative cost of punishment and prevention in the treatment of crime. The writer recalls one out of many thousand instances in his experience, which strikingly illustrates the contrast. THE BROTHERS. A number of years ago, three boys (brothers), the oldest perhaps seventeen, applied at the Newsboys' Lodging-house of this city for shelter. It was soon suspected that the eldest was a thief, employing the younger as assistants in his nefarious business. The younger lads finally confessed the fact, and the older . brother left them to be taken care of in the Lodging- house. After a sufficient period of training, the two brothers were sent to a farmer in Illinois. They were faithful and hard-working, and soon began to earn money. When the war broke out they enlisted, and served with credit. At the close they passed through 430 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. New York, and visited the superintendent while re- turning to their village, having already purchased a farm with their wages and bounty-money. They are now well-to-do, respectable farmers. This " prevention n for the two lads cost just thirty dollars, for their expenses in the Lodging-house were mainly paid by themselves. The older brother went through a career of thiev- ing and burglary. We have not an accurate catalogue of his various offenses, but he undoubtedly made away with property — wasted or destroyed it — to the amount of two thousand dollars. [We recall three lads who, in one night, broke into a house in Bond Street, and destroyed or made away with property to the value of one thousand three hundred dollars.] He was finally arrested and tried for burglary. It would be safe to estimate the expenses of the trial and arrest at one hundred dollars. He was sentenced to five years in Sing Sing. Allowing the expenses of main- tenance there to be what they are on BlackwelPs Island, that is, about twelve dollars and fifty cents per month, he cost the State while there some seven hundred and fifty dollars, not reckoning the inter- est on capital and buildings ; so that we have here, in one instance, the very low estimate of two thou- sand eight hundred and* fifty dollars as the expense to the community of one street-boy unreclaimed. Had the Lodging-house taken hold of him five years COST OF CRIME. 431 earlier, lie could have been saved at cost of fifteen dollars. His brothers have added to the wealth of the community and defended the life of the nation, and are still honest producers. He has already cost the State at least two thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars, besides much immorality and bad example, and he has only begun a career of damage and loss to the city. PREVENTION AND PUNISHMENT COMPARED. Our criminals last year cost this city, in the City Prisons and Penitentiaries, about one hundred and one thousand dollars for maintenance alone. Our police cost apparently over six hundred thousand dollars. The amount of property lost or taken by thieves, burglars, and others last year, in New York city, and which came under the knowledge of the police, was one million five hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and forty dollars ; but how many sums are never brought to their notice ! The expenses of the arrest and trial of two crimi- nals, Eeal and Van Echten, are stated, on good au- thority, to have been sixteen thousand dollars for the first, and twenty thousand dollars for the second. If the expenses of a great " preventive w institu- tion — such as the Children's Aid Society — be ex- 432 THE DANGEROUS GLASSES OF NEW YORK. amined, it will £e found that the two thousand and odd homeless children, boys and girls, placed in coun- try homes, cost the public only some fifteen dollars a head ; the three thousand and odd destitute little girls educated and partly fed and clothed in the " Indus- trial Schools/' only cost some fifteen dollars for each child each year; and the street lads and girls sheltered and instructed in the " Lodging-houses," to the num- ber of some twelve thousand different subjects, or an average of, say, four hundred each night, have been an expense of only some fifty dollars per head through the year to the public. It may, perhaps, be urged in reply to this by the doubting, that all this may be true. u We admit the cheapness of prevention, but we do not see the dimi- nution of crime. If you can show us that fewer young thieves, or vagabonds, or prostitutes, are breed- ing, we shall admit that your children's charities are doing something, and that the cost of prevention is the most paying outlay in the administration of New York city." To this we might answer that New York is an * exceptional city — a sink into which pour the crime and poverty of all countries, and that all we could expect to accomplish would be what is attempted in European cities — to keep the increase of juvenile crime down equal with the increase of population; that the laws of crime are shown in European cities EFFECTS OF THIS PREVENTION. 433 to be constant, and that we must expect just about so many petty thieves each year, so many pick- pockets, so many burglars, so many female vagrants or prostitutes, to so many thousand inhabitants. We might urge that it is the duty of every friend of humanity to do his little part to alleviate the evils of the world, whether he sees a general diminution of human ills or not. But, fortunately, we are not obliged to render these excuses. New York is the only large city in the world where there has been a comprehensive organization to deal with the sources of crime among children ; an organization which, though not reaching the whole of the destitute and homeless youth, and those most exposed to temptation, still includes a vast multitude every year of the enfants perdus of this metropolis. This Association, during nearly twenty years, has removed to country homes and employment about twenty-five thousand x^ersons, the greater part of whom have been poor and homeless children ; it has founded, and still supports, five Lodging- houses for homeless and street-wandering boys and girls, five free Reading-rooms for boys and young men, and twenty Industrial Schools for children too poor, ragged, and undisciplined for the Public Schools. We have always been confident that time would show, even in the statistics of crime in our 19 434 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. prisons and police courts, the fruits of these very extended and earnest labors. It required several years to properly found and organize the Children's Aid Society, and then it must be some ten years — when the children acted upon in all its various branches have come to young manhood and woman- hood — before the true effects are to be seen. We would not, however, exclude, as causes of whatever results maybe traced, all similar movements in be- half of the youthful criminal classes. We may then fairly look, in the present and the past few years, for the effects on crime and pauperism of these widely- extended charities in behalf of children. CRIME CHECKED. The most important field of the Children's Aid Society has been among the destitute and street- wandering and tempted little girls, its labors em- bracing many thousands annually of this unfortunate class. Has crime increased with them ? The great offense of this class, either as children or as young women, comes under the heading of u Vagrancy ?? — this including their arrest and punishment, either as street-walkers, or prostitutes, or homeless persons. In this there is, during the past thirteen years, a most remarkable decrease — a diminution of crime probably unexampled in any criminal records through the world. The rate in the commitments to the city DECREASE OF CRIME. 435 prisons, as appears in the reports of the Board of Charities and Correction, rans thus : — Of female vagrants, there were in 1857 3,449 1859 5,778 1860 5,880 1871 1861 3,172 1862 2,243 1863 1,756 1864 1,342 1869 785 1870 671 548. We have omitted some of the years on account of want of space; they do not, however, change the steady rate of decrease in this offense. Thus, in eleven years, the imprisonments of female vagrants have fallen off from 5,880 to 548. This, surely, is* a good show ; and yet in that pe- riod our population increased about thirteen and a half per cent., so that, according to the usual law, the commitments should have been this year over 4,700.* If we turn now to the reports of the Commission- ers of Police, the returns are almost equally encourag- ing, though the classification of arrests does not exactly correspond with that of imprisonments ; that * The population of New York increased from 814,224, in 1860, to 915,520, in 1870, or only about twelve and a half per cent. The increase in the previous decade was about fifty per cent. There can be no doubt that the falling-ofif is entirely in the middle classes, who have removed to the neighboring rural dis- tricts. The classes from which most of the criminals come have undoubtedly increased, as before, at least fifty per cent. I have retained for ten years, however, the ratio of the census, twelve and a half per cent. 436 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. is, a person may be arrested for vagrancy, and sen- tenced for some other offense, and vice versa. The reports of arrests of female vagrants run thus : — 1861 2,161 1867 1,591 1862 2,008 1869 ...1,078 1863 1,728 1870 701 1871 914 We have not, unfortunately, statistics of arrests farther back than 1861. Another crime of young girls is thieving or petty larceny. The rate of commitments runs thus for females : — 1859 944 1864 1,131 1860 890 1865 877 1861 880 1869 989 1863 1,133 1870 746 1871 572 The increase of this crime during the war, in the years 1863 and 1864, is very marked ; but in twelve years it has fallen from 944 to 572, though, according to the increase of the population, it would have been naturally 1,076. Another heading on the prison records is u Juve- nile delinquency," which may include any form of youthful offense not embraced in the other terms. Under this, in 1860, were two hundred and forty (240) females ; in 1870, fifty-nine (59). The classification of commitments of those under fifteen years only runs back a few years. The number DECREASE OF CRIME. 437 of little girls imprisoned the past few years is as follows : — The imprisonment of males, for offenses which boys are likely to commit, though not so encouraging as with the girls, shows that juvenile crime is fairly under control in this city. Thus, " Vagrancy' 7 must include many of the crimes of hoys ; under this head we find the following commitments of males : — 1859 2,829 I 1862. 1,203 | 1865 1,350 1860 2,708 1864 1,147 | 1870 1,140 1871 934 In twelve years a reduction from 2,829 to 994, when the natural increase should have been up to 3,225, Petty larceny is a boy's crime ; the record stands thus for males 1857 2,450 ! 1860 2,575 I 1869 2,338 1859 2,626 | 1865 2,347 | 1870 2,168 1871 1,978 A decrease in fourteen years of 502, when the natu- ral increase should have brought the number to 2,861. Of boys under fifteen imprisoned, the record stands thus since the new classification : — 1863 1864, 1865, 403 1868 295 1870 275 1871 289 218 213 CRIME CHECKED AMONG THE BOYS. 1864 1,965 I 1865 1,934 | 1869 1870 1,625 | 1871 1,017 1,873 438 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. Of males between fifteen and twenty, in our city prisons, the following is the record : — 1857 2,592 I 1860 2,207 I 1868 2,927 1859 2,636 | 1861 2,408 | 1870 2,876 1871 .2,936 It often happens that youthful criminals are ar- rested who are not imprisoned. The reports of the Board of Police will give us other indications that, even here, juvenile crime has at length been dimin- ished in its sources. ARRESTS. The arrests of pickpockets run thus since 1861, the limit of returns accessible: — 1861 466 I 1865 275 | 1868 348 1862,... 300 | 1867 345 | 1869 303 1870 .274 | 1871 .313 In ten years a reduction of 153 in the arrests of pickpockets. In petty larceny the returns stand thus in brief: — 1862 4,107 I 1865 5,240 I 1867 5,269 1870 4,909 | 1871 3,912 A decrease in nine years of 195. Arrests of girls alone, under twenty : — 1863 3,132 | 1867 2,588 | 1870 1,993 1871 1,820 It must be plain from this, that crime among CHIME LESSENED. 439 young girls is decidedly checked, and among boys is prevented from increasing with population. If our readers will refer back to these dry but cheering tables of statistics, they will see what a vast sum of human misery saved is a reduction, in the im- prisonment of female vagrants, of more than five thousand in 1871, as compared with 1859. How much homelessness and desperation spared ! how much crime and wretchedness diminished are expressed in those simple figures ! And, if we may reckon an aver- age of punishment of two months' detention to each of those girls and women, we have one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars saved in one year to the public by preventive agencies in this class of offend- ers alone. The same considerations, both of economy and humanity, apply to each of the results that appear in these tables of crime and punishment. No outlay of money for public purposes which any city or its inhabitants can make, repays itself half so well as its expenses for charities which prevent crime among children. OHAPTEE XXXVII. THE CAUSES OF THE SUCCESS OF THE WORK. In reviewing these long-continued efforts for the prevention of crime and the elevation of the neg- lected youth of this metropolis, it may aid others engaged in similar enterprises to note in summary the principles on which they have been carried out, and which account for their marked success. In the first place, as has been so often said, though pre-eminently a Charity, this Association has always sought to encourage the principle of Self-help in its beneficiaries, and has aimed much more at promoting this than merely relieving suffering. All its branches, its Industrial Schools, Lodging-houses, and Emigra- tion, aim to make the children of the poor better able to take care of them selves ; to give them such a training that they shall be ashamed of begging, and of idle, dependent habits, and to place them where their associates are self-respecting and industrious. No institution of this Society can be considered as a shelter for the dependent and idle. All its objects of charity work, or are trained to work. The conse- quence is that this effort brings after it none of the NATURAL LAWS. 441 bad fruits of mere alms-giving. The poor do not be- come poorer or less self-reliant under it; on the con- trary, they are continually rising out of their con- dition and making their own way in the world. The laborer in this field does not feel, as in so many other philanthropic causes, doubtful, after many years of labor, whether he has not done as much injury as good. He sees constantly the wonderful effect of these efforts, and he knows that, at the worst, they can only fail of the best fruit, but certainly cannot have a bad result. From the commencement our aim has been to put these charitable enterprises in harmony with natural and economic laws, assured that any other plan of philanthropy must eventually fail. In this view we have taken advantage of the immense demand for labor through our rural districts, which alone gives a new aspect to all economical problems in this country. Through this demand we have been enabled to accom- plish our best results, with remarkable economy. We have been saved the vast expense of Asylums, and have put our destitute children in the child's natural place — with a family. Our Lodging-houses also have avoided the danger attending such places of shelter, of becoming homes for vagrant boys and girls. They have continually passed their little subjects along to the country, or to places of work, often forcing them to leave the house. In requiring the small payments 442 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. for lodging and meals, they put the beneficiaries in an independent position, and check the habits and spirit of pauperism. The Evening School, the Sav- ings-bank, and the Eeligious Meeting are continually acting on these children to raise them from the va- grant class. The Industrial Schools, in like manner, are seminaries of industry and teachers of order and self-help. All the agencies of the Society act in harmony with natural laws, and touch the deepest springs of life and character. The forces underlying them are the strongest forces of society — Eeligion, Education, Self-respect, and love of Industry; these are con- stantly working upon the thousands of poor children under our charge. Thus founded on simple and natural principles, the Society has succeeded, because very earnest men and women have labored in it, and because its organization has been remarkably complete. The employes have entered into its labors princi- pally from love of its objects, and then have been retained by a just and liberal treatment on the part of the Trustees, and by each being made responsible for his department, and gaining in the community some- thing of the honor which attends successful work. A strict system of accountability has been main- tained, step by step, from the lowest to the highest executive officer. Of many engaged in the labors of FAITHFUL SERVICE. 443 this Association, it can be truly said, that no business or commercial house was ever more faithfully and earnestly served, than this charity has been by them. Indeed, some of them have poured forth for it more vitality and energy than they would ever have done for their personal interests. They have toiled day and night, week-days and Sundays, and have been best rewarded by the fruit they have beheld. The aim of the writer, as executive officer, has been to select just the right man for his place, and to make him feel that that is his profession and life-calling. Amid many hundreds thus selected, during twenty years, he can recall but two or three mistaken choices, while many have become almost identified with their labors and position, and have accomplished good not to be measured. His principle has been to show the utmost respect and confidence, but to hold to the strictest accountability. Not a single employe, so far as he is aware, in all this time, during his service, has ever wronged the Society or betrayed his trust. One million of dollars has passed through the hands oi the officers of this Association during this period, and it has been publicly testified* by the Treasurer, Mr. J. E. Williams, President of the Metropolitan Bank, that not a dollar, to his knowledge, has ever been misappropriated or squandered. * See testimony before the Committee on Charities of the Senate of New York, 1871. 444 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. A most important element of the success of this Charity have been, of course, the character and in- fluence of its Board of Trustees. It is difficult to speak of these gentlemen without seeming to use the language of compliment ; but, in making known to other cities the peculiar organiza- tion which has been so successful in this, it must always be remembered what the character of trustees should be, who bear upon their shoulders so impor- tant a trust. These men are known through the city, and indeed in distant parts of the country, as show- ing in their lives a profound and conscientious convic- tion of the responsibility which wealth and ability are under to the community. They are the best rep- resentatives of a class who are destined to give a new character to our city— -men of broad and liberal views on matters of practical religion, full of humanity, sens- ible and judicious, educated to appreciate culture anc| art, as well as business, with the true gentleman's sense of self-respect and respect for others, a profound and earnest spirit of piety, and that old Puritan per- severance which causes them not " to turn their hand from the plow," however disagreeable the task before them may be. Such men, when once morally imbued with the needs of a cause, could make it succeed against any odds. Two or three men of their position, wealth, and ability, who should take the moral interests of any THE TRUSTEES. 445 class of our population on their hands, and be m earnest in the thing, could not fail to accomplish great results. When they began to appear in our Board, I felt that, under any sort of judicious management, it was morally certain we should perfect a wide and "permanent organization, and secure most encouraging results. A great service, which has been accomplished by these gentlemen, has been in tabulating our accounts, and putting them under a most thorough system of examination and checking, and in allotting our vari- ous branches to each trustee for inspection. Many of the trustees, also, have their religious meetings at the Lodging-houses, which they individually lead and take charge of during the winter. They are thus brought in direct contact with the necessities of the poor children. To no one, however, is the public so much indebted as to our treasurer, Mr. J. E. Williams. For nearly twenty years this charity has been the dearest object of his public efforts, the field of his humanity and religion. During all this time he has managed gratuitously the financial affairs of the So- ciety ; begged money when we were straitened, and borrowed it when temporarily embarrassed ; never for a moment doubting that, if the work were faithfully done, the public would support it. At the end of this period (1872), having spent over a million of dollars, 446 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. and requiring now some one hundred and seventy -five thousand dollars per annum for our various branches, we find ourselves without a dollar of debt. THE SECTARIAN DANGER. One rock, which the manager of such a movement must always steer clear of, is the sectarian difficulty. He lnust ignore sects, and rest his enterprise on the broadest and simplest principles of morality and religion. The animating force must be the religious, especially the u enthusiasm of humanity v shown in the love for Christ, and for all who bear His image. But dogmatic teachings, and disputations, and sec- tarian ambitions, are to be carefully eschewed and avoided in such efforts of humanity. The public must learn gradually to associate the movement, not with any particular sect or church, but with the feeling of humanity and religion — the very spirit of Christ Himself. An essential thing, and often very disagreeable, to the earnest worker in it, is to give the utmost publicity to all its operations. The reason of this is, that such a charity depends for support and friends, not on an organized private association, but on the whole public. They need to know all its doings; this is often the only way of reminding them of their duty in this field. Moreover, the moneys spent are public trusts, and all that relates to their uses should be publicly known. CONCLUSION. 447 Gradually, by publicity, the general community come to ha^e something of the same moral interest in the enterprise, that the special attendants of a church have in its welfare; and it becomes a truly public interest. To attain this, the press should be the great agency, as well as the pulpit, wherever practicable. Annual reports, designed for all classes, wherein there are figures for the statistical, facts for the doubting, incidents for the young, and principles stated for the thoughtful, should be scattered far and wide. As the organization grows, State-aid should be secured for a portion of its expenses, that a more per- manent character may be given it, and it may not be suddenly too much crippled by a business depres- sion or disaster. Of the modes in which money should be raised, I have already spoken. In all these matters, the general rule of wisdom is to avoid " sensation," and to trust to the settled and reasonable conviction of the public, rather than to temporary feeling or excitement. Founded on such principles, and guided by men of this character and ability, and by those of similar purposes who shall come after them, there seems no good reason why this extended Charity should not scatter its blessings for generations to come through- out this ever-increasing metropolis. 448 THE DANGEROUS CLASSES OF NEW YORK. To those dow serving in it, no thought can be sweeter, when their " change of guard v comes^than that the humble organization of humanity and Chris- tian kindness, which, amid many labors and sacrifices, they aided to found, will spread good- will and in- telligence and relief and religious light to the chil- dren of the unfortunate and the needy, long years after even their names are forgotten 5 and for monu- ment or record of their work, they cannot ask for more enduring than young lives redeemed from crime and misery, and young hearts purified and ennobled by Christ, and many orphans' tears wiped away, and wounds of the lonely and despairing u little ones" of the world healed through instrumentalities which they assisted to plant, and which shall continue when they are long gone END. ADDENDA. THE SILENT WORKERS. • Since the above pages were written, some of the most earnest workers in this great charity have been called hence. The lapse of time, too, has made it less necessary to conceal the names of those who have done so mnch for the poor. All those who have built up this structure of good-will and wise charity will soon be gone from the stage of action, and it seems appropriate, so far as this humble record can do it, to preserve their names for those who shall come after — though their silent influence on heart and character will survive for generations. It is remarkable how little can be known in each generation of those before who have done the most to make the present better than the past. The best workers for human good seem the silent. It happens that many of those women who have by silent labors and sacrifices constructed this great organization of charity, came from the historical families of the State. Gertrude Livingston had at least for a collateral ances- tor the greatest penal and legal reformer whom this country has produced, Edward Livingston, the codifier of the laws of Louisiana, and the author or suggester of the " mark system n in prison treatment, and the juvenile Reform system of the United States. She took part as a young lady in our earliest efforts among the poor of the Fourth Ward, visiting in the worst houses of that abandoned district, and devoted with a rare consecration to those efforts of reli- gion and humanity. Since then, for twenty-five years she has been a faithful laborer in our field. At times, she took charge of the religious meetings in the " Girls' Lodging House," and had part in the various branches of the work. During the past few years, she was especially engaged in the Eighteenth Street School. She felt much touched at the low physique of the 450 ADDENDA. tenement-house children, and devised many means for provid- ing them with better food. She was assisted in this by her uncle, Mr. Robert J. Livingston, one of the most generous helpers of the poor in this city, who has been a Trustee of the Children's Aid Society for over twenty years. In her own nature, however, the spiritual and moral were the predominating interests. Having passed through many and bitter troubles, she had come to live habitually " above the world," and yet she " bore the sins of others." Her moral sense was so acute and her sympathy so intense, that she felt the wrong-doing and sufferings of others as if they were her own. The woes and sins of the world weighed upon her. Her life was sadder for all the evils of the great metropolis, and she had not bodily strength to rise up against the depression. Yet she consecrated all to remove these burdens, and to aid both those near and far away. Fortunately for her happiness, she had great capacity for friendship and a wide-reaching intel- lect. Her studies embraced all directions of thought relating to religion^ftd brought her into relations with our foremost American scholars and thinkers. Rev. Dr. Porter, President of Yale College, thus speaks of her in a private letter : " I need not say that she had by nature a very discriminating and active mind, and that she had used her mind to very great advantage by reading and conversation and observation — and yet she betrayed little or nothing of the desire to shine in conversation, or to display her knowledge or her intellectual power. She was too earnest, too noble and too unselfish for any such foibles — common though they are among very culti- vated and otherwise excellent people. She did not seem to value culture and knowledge as accomplishments, but solely for what they would bring in rest to her own soul and in strength to the souls of others. She had a very keen delight in intel- lectual activity ; but it was ennobled and transfigured by her warm and glowing love of Truth. For truth she searched as for hid treasures, and was ready to accept and obey it as soon as it was made known to her, and from whatever source. " Her unselfishness was conspicuous in all her bearing and in every action, but in it all she never swerved in the least from a steadying self-respect which gave her power, so that she ADDENDA. 451 could reprove and rebuke and command whenever her duty required. When I say this, I assert what I infer rather than what I have seen exemplified in any very trying case, and yet some very trivial things will often indicate much more than they seem to do. v "She was deeply and personally religious, having the hidden springs of her life in a very intimate communion with God, in earnest and believing prayer for herself and for others. From one brief allusion to her own experiences — which she had no sooner uttered than she asked me to consider it sacred — I was led to believe that her inner life was peculiarly consecrated by faith in and the use of prayers ; that in all the sorrows of her life she had found in prayer her solace and strength. She said very distinctly to me that in the later years of her life she had been coming back more and more distinctly to the views with which she began the Christian life and the simplest con- ceptions of Christian truth. From some two or three things which she said within two years before her death, I should most confidently infer that she had looked very distinctly upon death as near, and that in a certain sense it was not unwel- come. I do not believe that she expected to die away from her friends, but that she looked with confidence to a return to the city. Her last experience of consciousness preceded the fatal attack. Everything after that was a dream from which she awakened into a life more real and satisfying than the present ever can be, to a ' better morn than ours.' " She died (August 24th, 1878), as she had lived, forgetting herself in her consideration for others, and thus not informing her family of her dangerous condition ; all alone in a solitary mountain house, whence, as she wrote, it seemed to her she "might so easily go up to greater heights any summer morn- ing ; " — and yet not alone. For with her were the invisible com- pany of all those who sympathize with silent human heroism and with the spirit of utter love, and memories of a life of en- tire consecration to' the good of others, even the poorest, and thoughts of faithful and true friends who can never forget her and her unfailing sympathy, and above all the presence of One who had been her life and stay through years of trouble and disappointment, and who wes with her now in the " Valley 452 ADDENDA. of the Shadow of Death." It would seem that those who worked with her on earth for human welfare, can hardly be worthy to work with her there, so much purer and higher was her spirit than is often granted to man, and so absolute was her consecra- tion to Christ and the good of others. But it may be she will lead them there, as her example and spirit lead them here. There is hojje and rest in thinking that she is where those pro- blems which so perplexed her here, are all solved ; where evils shall not pain and depress her soul ; where affection hath no disappointment, and He whom her soul loveth is " All-in- All." JOHN E. WILLIAMS. We have already spoken in this volume (pages 86 and 445) of the remarkable services of Mr. Williams to this charity. He was its Treasurer during twenty-four years, and untiring supporter and friend. His death (September 20, 1877,) in what seemed the vigor of middle life though he was over 70 years, was a great shock to us all and a loss never to be fully repaired to the city. Not many men have given to their private interests the earnest- ness, energy, thought, and deep feeling which he gave to these labors of charity. To his Annual Reports, which have been read with so much, interest, he devoted weeks of labor, inspect- ing and studying closely every branch of our work. It was touching and characteristic, that m his last moments of con- sciousness, his mind reverted, not to his successful and distin- guished* business career, but to these labors of love ; and he i spoke with gratitude of u the solid comfort " he had derived from his association with the Trustees and all of us in this chari- ty, and said he had u hoped he could write one more Report!" which would have filled out the twenty-five years. But it was not to be. He has reported to higher authority, and received nobler gratulations than we can offer. In the meeting of the Trustees, after his death, each one, with broken voice, spoke of him and the loss we had all met. One said that, while most men keep to themselves what feelings of philanthropy they may have, Mr. Williams was different, in that he sought continually to implant in other minds his u en- thusiasm of humanity n ; another said, that he never knew a man who seemed so to embody the "love of man"; another, ADDENDA. 453 tliat if such a man needed a reward, he must have felt it in " the likeness of his life to that Divine Life, which we all seek to model our own after, and which we fall so far behind" ; an- other spoke of his almost fierce and sudden bursts of feeling, and then of his equal quickness and readiness to forgive and to express regret for his own hastiness. All felt what we who knew him well saw so clearly, that hie charity and humanity were the outflow and expression of his love to God, and for that reason, next to his duties to his family, his labors in this Society were the deepest interests in his life. Mr. Williams was not among the first three or four who talked over the necessity of such a Society as ours for New York, nor was he present at the first informal meeting ; but he was the first Treasurer, and in the first band of Trustees who, during 1853, laid the foundations of this great charity, and therefore were its true u founders." His experience as President of a Children's Mission in Boston fitted him for this work. He never gave a merely perfunctory attention to his duties as Treasurer, but looked thoroughly into all matters of which he had charge, and never even permitted a clerk to keep the Society's accounts, but performed all the work himself. He visited the Schools and Lodging Houses, watched the Emigration parties, studied care- fully the accounts and reports of the different agents, and knew the multifarious work of the Society thoroughly. His especial interest was in the Emigration plan, and for this he procured important assistance. All his books and accounts with the So- ciety were kept with the clearness of the books of a bank j and always on the soundest business principles. At his death the Society had no debt, except a mortgage obligation, incurred in building the Newsboys' Lodging House, which is now dis- charged. He was especially active in aiding to secure means for pur- chasing our five Lodging Houses, which are now the property of the Society. With no class of our workers did he have such sympathy as with the Teachers in the Industrial Schools. For them he twice prepared a delightful pleasure in an excursion and country party at his beautiful villa on the Hudson. When they visited 454 ADDENDA. again that picturesque house and lovely scene, to drop tears of deep feeling on his coffin, they all recalled their last excursion on the glorious June day, and how he stood on the dock, wav- ing almost sadly his farewell , while they sang, as if with pre- monition, " In the sweet by-and-by ! ' ? All felt, too, that had he been present in spirit, no ceremony would have been so sweet to him, as the plaintive voices of the children of poverty as they sang with tears over his coffin — 11 He is going down the valley, The deep, dark valley ; We'll see his face never more, Till we pass down the valley, The dark, death valley, And meet him on the other shore." In these later years, all of us have noticed in our friend a deeper and more earnest interest in all that was done for the poor children. It was more and more apparent that, as life slipped away from him, his profoundest feeling, next to that towards his family, was for humanity, and all that concerned the cause of Christ on earth. He felt that he must soon go hence, and then, the only thing enduring would be, not his success, or fame, or property, but the services of humanity done in the love of his Master, and the union of his soul through Christ with God. Such lives, happily, never die. They live in an eternal in- fluence here, and in blessed progress hereafter. It was his wish that Mr. George S. Coe, one of the leading bankers of the city, should be chosen his successor. It has proved a most fortunate choice. Mr. Coe has already rendered this charity great services, and from his high position in the business world, his devoted spirit of humanity and genial na- ture, will doubtless render even more important services in the future. Through him especially some new Trustees of high character and ability have been admitted into the Board. Nor have con- tributions fallen off. During 1879, the sum of $205,583 was re- ceived by the Society, making a total of $2,749,941 received by it since its foundation in 1853. ADDENDA. 455 A new impulse to its work also was given by the kind act of Miss Wolfe, in building a new Lodging House in place of the Rivington Street House, for the sum of $40,000, on the corner of Gouverneur street and East Broadway. It was planned by Mr. Vaux as architect, and is an admirable building for this purpose and a lasting benefaction to the city. Among our Trustees, who have finished their work, is Alexander Van Rensselaer, a man of a family well known in the history of this State, and himself much beloved for the singular amiability and sweetnes3 of his nature. He had done much for our poor Germans in the German school, and for the German Sunday-night meeting, and in the Girls' Lodging House. He had been Trustee some twenty years. He died May 8, 1878. Our greatest loss occurred February 9, 1878, in the death oi Theodore Roosevelt. On pages 325 and 326 will be found a sketch of his labors in our Eighteenth Street House. He wan of that class of men of whom no city possesses too many — least of all, New York. Fortune was for him a gift of God to be used for all. Social position was only one implement to aid him in all kinds of good causes. Courage, animation, love of pleasure, % sociality, all under the Christian inspiration, flowed into one channel to give him greater influence in the service of Christ and humanity. He was " in the world, yet not of it." He was a personal friend of the poor. The tears still come to the eyes of the poor and crippled little Italian children at the men- tion of his name. His services among the homeless boys of Eighteenth street, and the Italian children of the Fifth Ward, will never be forgotten. No one has aided our general charity more than he. We saw him but a few days before his death. He had known for a considerable time that he could not probably live ; but he concealed this fact from his family, and maintained the same lovely, manly spirit as in his best days. We were struck (not knowing his dying condition) with the joy and elation of his expression, as of one living in the Unseen ; with his sweetness to his daughters and his deep interest in our work. (Almost his last formal act was sending money to a poor crippled Italian child in the Franklin Street School.) His last thoughts were 456 ADDENDA. evidently on the work of Christ in the world, and full of humanity to all the needy and heavy-laden. Time can never repair his loss to the city. But his spirit still inspires and leads thousands who, like him, would enjoy heartily all God has given of innocent pleasure in the world, and yet consecrate wealth and health and time to the good of others and the service of Christ. The following is a report of some informal remarks made by the writer at a meeting of the State Charities Aid Society, February 15, 1878, held to com- memorate the death of Mr. Roosevelt : " Of the many striking qualities of Mr. Eoosevelt which endeared him to his friends, that which impressed me more than any other, was the combination in him of sweetness and thoroughness. It was very strongly seen in connection with the boys in the Eighteenth Street Lodging House of the Children's Aid Society. His work there was not perfunctory ; it was not done as a duty. He seemed to attract and win the sympathies of every boy in the house. He knew them by name, he knew their histories, and, whenever he came there, they would gather round him, and he would question each one as to what he was doing, and give him advice and sympathy and direction. You felt the moment Mr. Roosevelt was in the room, that he was a help to those poor fellows. When the news of sickness came, they were always inquiring after him, and all through his illness every notice in the papers was read by them. They would send messages to the house to ask about him ; some sent flowers as tokens of sympathy, and the feeling shown since his death has been wonderfully tender and deep among them all. "I have been struck also by the feeling for Mr. Roosevelt among the girls, the foreign flower-sellers and Italian organ- grinders, who live in the western part of the city, and attend the Franklin Street School. I remember especially one little forlorn lame child there to whom he had given a pair of crutches. That child looked up to him as to some superior being. Every morning those children bought a Sun or some paper that they thought would have news of their sick friend. During his illness they wrote their little notes of sympathy to him, and on the day before he died he sent down his. contribu- ADDENDA, 457 tion of money to give them pleasure. So all through our Society the unfortunate were in peculiar relations with him. The sweetness and strength of his character seemed to reach all men. Every eye at his death was full of tears. You saw, as you looked at those present at the funeral, that every one had lost a friend. " There was such an extraordinary thoroughness in him. Whatever he had to do he did out and out. If it were ferreting out a suspicious charity, if it were organizing a committee, examining accounts, whatever it was, he went into every detail, sometimes most disagreeable details, with the utmost thoroughness. I think this combination of sweetness and con- scientious thoroughness made the original charm of his char- acter. Undoubtedly the great impelling power of his life was a sense of duty stimulated, if not implanted, by his Christian faith. "I remember once saying to him that I thought he ought to allow some other gentleman to take his place in the Lodging House, at least on alternate Sunday evenings. He said : ' 1 cannot ; the fact is, Mr. Brace, I have such a troublesome conscience, I must be there every Sunday evening to really influence those boys.' " I do not believe in the sad sentence of one journal upon him, that such a life ' has been a shadow, and has pursued shadows.' No ; to me it seems a permanent Force in this city, that will work on generation after generation, through his family, through his friends, and all who have felt it. It is not a shadow, here or elsewhere, but a light going on brighter and brighter until it merge into the perfect day." THE SUMMER HOME. (BATH, L. I.) One of the delightful additions to this charity in the past few years, has been the " Summer Home," whose idea originated with Mrs. Stokes, of Staten Island. Here every summer, near the "sounding sea," some 2,500 poor children enjoy a week of fresh air, sea-bathing and good country fare. It has been one of the sweetest and most enjoyable gifts of the fortunate to the unfortunate which this city has ever seen. It is hoped, during the summer of 1880, that the Society will plant a " Sanitarium for Sick Infants " on the sea near Rock- 458 ADDENDA. away Beach. One of the Trustees who has done so much for the poor of New York will probably found it. THE SUMMER HOME. The following letter, written and composed entirely by her- self, is from a little Italian peddling-girl in the Fifth Ward School : Franklin Street, New York ) Thursday, September 30, 1875. Mr. Brace : Dear Sir — I am very glad to let you know I had a very nice time down the country. When I first got there I went into the washroom, and I combed my hair smooth and washed my face and hands clean, then I went out to hear Mrs. Seymour read the rules. After Mrs. Seymour had read the rules I went on the swing, but in a short time they told us we might go in bathing, at least I could, because I could swim. When they told me I might go in the water, I ran and put on a bath- ing-suit and jumped in. I swam fifteen minutes alone ; the girls were all astonished to see me. We saw many boats and Mrs. Seymour told us they were the floating hospitals. A big ship passed by, and they told us it was all the way from England. Dear Mr. Brace — I thank you very much, and the kind ladies who sent us down there. I had lots of fun. We went walkmg down the beach with Mrs. Seymour. We rolled on the gras3, played tag and croquet with two Mr. Smiths, who were very kind to us, and swung us in the swings. We were all very sorry to leave the country, it was so lovely. I should like to live there; but we were all glad to see dear Miss Satterie once more. Oh ! I do hope we can go there next summer. If we do go down next year, we have promised to be so very, very, very good, to show our gratitude to those kind friends who are so good to remember us. We would like to know their names. Please to thank them in my name for such kindness. I did not know they could spare me at home, but my mother said I might, and both my sisters went too; and when mother said yes, I jumped for joy, I was so glad. I never was in the country but once before, for a day, but I never spent a night in the country before this time. It eeemed so strange in the night to hear in the stillness the soft sound of the waves beating, beating ; it ADDENDA. 459 seemed like a tune being played all the time, never still. Oh, how I liked to hear it just before I went to sleep ; it seemed like music sending me off to slumber. I love to think of it now. I shall always remember it as long as I live. I felt I must tell you how much I love it all. Very respectfully, Maria Beronia. sanitary results. In the sanitary field, the results of this work are remarkable. Among 162,148 fooys who have been, during the 25 years, in the Newsboys' Lodging House, there has been no case of any contagious, or "foul air 99 disease, not even ophthalmia; only one death (from pneumonia, in 1858), has occurred, though there have been several cases of accidents. The other Boys' Lodging Houses have been almost equally fortunate ; a distinct sanitary result of scrupulous cleanliness, ventilation and proper food. The only exception has been in malarial diseases, during the past year, at the Hiving ton Street Lodging House, owing especially to the erection of a new, over-crowded tenement- bouse on the adjoining lots, and the bad drainage of these lots. Since our summer enterprises have begun, in the Sick Child- ren's Mission and the Summer Home, there has been a steady fall of the death-rate of children from diarrheal diseases in the summer. In producing this result, the Board of Health and other Associations have had a share, though the 2,500 children refreshed each summer in the Summer Home, and the hundreds relieved by the Sick Mission, must have materially affected the death rate of the City. DEATHS OF CHILDREN UNDER 5 FROM DIARRHCEAL DISEASES. 1871 3,250 1875 3,227 1872 4,480 1876 3,352 1873 3,634 1877 3,187 1874. 3,227 1878 2,598 1879 (9 months) 2,358 It will be observed, that in six years, over 1,000 lives annually have been saved under this disease alone. The general death-rate has been reduced from 33.76 in 1872 to 24.93 per 1,000 in 1879. ADDENDA. ECONOMY OF WORK. Owing to careful organization, the work, though on so large a scale, shows an economy of management which has never been surpassed in such enterprises. The total annual expense of our 21 Industrial Schools in 1879, for salaries, rents, food, clothing, hooks, etc., etc., was $71,540.15, which sum, divided by 3,632, the average number in daily attendance, would make $19,69 the annual cost for each child. The cost in 1878 for each child in our Public Schools, not including rents, was $38.41 ; this expense, of course, not including food or clothing. In our " Lodging Houses," 13,652 hoys and girls were fed, sheltered, and taught, during the past year, at a total expense °f $47, 143. 66. Deducting the receipts, together with the cost of construction, $26,916.17, the net cost was $20,227.49; dividing this by the nightly average attendance, we have the average cost to the public, of each child, for the year, $42.67. The average cost, per year, of each prisoner in the Tombs, is $107.75 ; an( l the Roman Catholic Protectory draws from the City Treasury over $100 annually, for each of its inmates. The total number placed out by the Society, mainly in Western homes, during last year, was 3,713: the total cost for railroad fares, clothing, food, salaries, etc., etc., was $29,679.48 ; the average cost to the public, accordingly, for each person was $8.04. Yet any one of these children placed in an Asylum or Poor House, for a year, would have cost un- doubtedly nearly $140. These statistics need no comment. Again, the number who enjoyed the benefit of our " Summer Home" was 2,912 ; the total expense, deducting cost of construction, $1,000. 28, and rent of 1878, $350.00, was $5,036.90, making the average cost for each child $1.89. Surely this is economical charity ! JACK AND ME. (Anonymous.) Here y'are, ? Black your boots, boss ? Do it for just five cents ; Shine 'em up in a minute, That is ? f nothin' prevents. ADDENDA. Set your foot right on there, sir. The mornin's kinder cold — Sorter rough on a feller When his coat's a gittin' old. Well, yes — call it a coat, sir ; Though 'taint much more'n a tear Can't git myself another — Ain't got the stamps to spare. Make as much as most on 'em — That's so ; but then yer see, They've only got one to do for; There's two on us, Jack and me. Him ? Why— that little feller, With a double up sorter back, Sittin' there on the gratin' Sunnin' himself — that's Jack. Used to be round sellin' papers, The cars there was his lay, But he got shoved off the platform, Under the wheels one day. Yes, the conductor did it — Gave him a reg'lar throw — He didn't care if he killed him, Some on 'em is just so. He's never been all right since, sir, Sorter quiet and queer — Him and me go together, He's what they call cashier. High old style for a bootblack — Made all the fellers laugh — Jack and me had to take it, But we don't mind no chaff. Trouble ? I guess not much, sir, Sometimes when biz gets slack, I don't know how I'd stand it If 'twasn't for little Jack. Why, boss, you ought to hear him, He says we needn't care How rough luck is down here, sir, If some day we git up there. 462 ADDENDA. All done now — how's that, sir ? Shine like a pair of lamps ; Morn in' — give it to Jack, sir, He looks out for the stamps. THE "PLACING OUT ,? SYSTEM. At the National Prison Congress, which met in 1876 in New York, two or three of the Western members took occasion to as- sert that the homeless children sent out to the West by the Children's Aid Society of New York, were " crowding the Western prisons and reformatories ; " one lady being under- stood to say that " their prisons and houses of refuge were half full of these children." The only reply we could make at the time was, that this did not correspond with our information, and that the number of "failures" under our plan was less, proportionally, than under any other for juvenile reform; yet, with so many thousands sent, this proportion might seem formidable. Immediately on the adjournment of the Congress, we des- patched our experienced Western agent, Mr. C. R. Fry, to thoroughly examine the prisons, houses of refuge, and reforma- tories of the three States especially indicated — Michigan, Illi- nois, and Indiana. His interesting and detailed report is ap- pended. From this it appears that in Michigan and Illinois, where we had sent over 10,000 children, not a single boy or girl from this Society could be found in all their prisons and re- formatories. In Indiana, where we had sent some 6,000, one girl was found in a reformatory, and four boys, the latter only sentenced for vagrancy, and not considered very bad boys. These remarkable results were a genuine triumph and great encouragement. Several of the Western members have since written that their objections were offered on mistaken informa- tion, and now express their entire approval of our plan. REPORT ON CHILDREN IN WESTERN PRISONS. Chicago, III., July 15, 1876. It affords me great pleasure to make known to you the result of my investigations at the State Prisons and Reformatories of ADDENDA. 463 Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. The facts show plainly that the statements made at the late Prison Congress, held in New York city, were greatly exaggerated, and certainly do not apply to the work of our Society. The little homeless children we have been sending out for the past twenty years cannot be found in the Prisons and Reformatories of the West. In visiting the Illinois State Penitentiary, located at Joliet, among 1,600 pris- oners I found not one to represent the Children's Aid Society. Mr. R. W. McClanghry, the warden, said that none of our children had ever come under his notice. I went through the entire prison, and my investigation was as thorough as it is possible to make it, where the rules forbid conversation with the prisoners. I next visited the Illinois State Reform School, located at Pontiac. This institution is intended mainly for criminals under twenty-one years of age, who are imprisoned for vagrancy, theft, and such petty offenses. One would very naturally expect to find in such a place some of the very large number of boys we have sent to this State. For this reason I determined to make my investigation very thorough. Dr. Schouller was absent, but his assistant, who is wonderfully familiar with the history of almost all the boys, gave me his very valuable help in examining the books. The record con- tains the name and a short history of each boy who has passed through the institution. These we carefully noted, and wher- ever there was a possibility of any of the present inmates hav- ing been sent by our Society, they were sent for and questioned. There were no facts brought to light to lead any one to suppose that there was or ever had been a boy in the institution who was sent to the West by the New York Children's Aid Society. The Chicago House of Correction (Mr. Felton, superintendent) came next in order. I found that I should be unable to gather all the facts desired from the books, and so obtained permission to go through the institution and converse with the inmates. I found not one from the Children's Aid Society. I also called upon Mr. Robert Turner, the former superintendent of the Chicago House of Refuge, which, a short time since, was abandoned or merged into the Pontiac Reform School. Mr. Turner informed me that, to the best of his knowledge and be- lief, he had never had one of our boys in his institution. This completed my investigations in Illinois. 464 ADDENDA. From there I went to the North Indiana State Penitentiary, located at Michigan City. There are 550 prisoners in this peni- tentiary at the present time. A very small nnmber nnder twenty-one years of age, and none under seventeen. Mr. Main, the warden, informed me that there had never, to his knowl- edge, been one of our boys confined there. I also visited the South Indiana Stare Penitentiary, located at Jelfersonville, with the same result. Col. Howard, the warden, was absent, but his deputy says, " There are no persons sent here under eighteen years of age. Each man is very carefully questioned when he enters, and I think if he had been sent West by your Society, the fact would come out during the questioning. I do not believe we have ever had one of your boys here, as a very small number of our prisoners are from New York." I went through the different wards of this penitentiary, but obtained no further information. I then gave my attention to the insti- tutions of Richmond, Indiana. I first called upon Mrs. S. A. I. Davis, President of the Board of Managers of the Home for the Friendless and Woman's Prison. Mrs. Davis stated that she knew personally every one who had been in the institution during the eight years of its existence, and there certainly has not been more than eight persons from New York during the entire time. She does not believe one of that number sent by our Society. I visited the institution, which seems to be a tem- porary home for women and children, with a prison connected. There were but two prisoners at the time of my visit, and per- haps a dozen inmates in the institution. I next visited the Orphan Asylum at Richmond, presided over by Miss Smith. I found eleven little children there; all born of parents living in the immediate vicinity. Miss Smith has had charge of the insti- tution seven years, and has only had one child from New York during that time. That one was not sent by our Society. From Richmond I went to Indianapolis, and there visited the Home for Friendless Women, Miss Mary E. Brower, superin- tendent. This is quite a large institution, and has a Woman's Prison connected with it. Miss Brower says : u I have had but few New York children, and never one I could say came from the New York Children's Aid Society." A girl named Tessie Ellis came to the institution about ten years ago, who stated that she was sent West by a New York Society, but she did not ADDENDA. 465 know what Society. I also visited the Reformatory Institution for Women and Girls, a very large institution about a mile from Indianapolis, Mrs. Smith, superintendent, In reply to my question, a Have you ever had any New York children in this institution W Mrs. Smith says : " Oh, yes ; we've had a great deal of trouble with New York children l ff She was, however, only able to mention the name of one girl sent West by our Society. This one she had placed in many homes, but she in- variably drifted back to the institution. From Indianapolis I went to Plainfield, and visited the Indiana State Reform School. With the assistance of Mr. James O'Brien, superintendent, and the bookkeeper, I examined the record containing the names, ages, and a short history of eight hundred and eighteen boys, all who have passed through the institution. I found the names of but ten boys from New York. By comparing this list with our record at the office, four of the number are found to be from our Society. They are reported by the superintend- ent to be "good boys," and were committed to the Reform School only because they were " homeless." This completes the work of Indiana. I next visited the Michigan State Public School for Dependent Children, located at Coldwater, Mr. Lyman P. Alden, superin- tendent. The institution is intended to reach a class of little children who have hitherto been sent to the almshouses of the State, because of the inability of their parents to support them. I found about 150 children there, but did not examine the records, as Mr. Alden assured me he was quite certain he had never had a child from New York. From this place I went to the Michigan State Reform School at Lansing, M. Frank M. Howe, superintendent. There are at present 236 boys in this institution. Mr. Howe stated that not one of the number was from New York, and that he has never known of one of our boys having been in the institution \ but in looking over the annual report for 1875, I found ten boys whose nativity was New York. I returned to the institution and asked for an ex- planation of this seeming contradiction. Mr. Howe gave me a statement in writing to the effect that the statement in the report was only intended to show that the boys were born in New York State. They removed to the West with their parents, and he is quite certain none of them were sent by any Society. 466 ADDENDA. I next visited the Michigan State Penitentiary at Jackson, Gen. Humphreys, warden. The result was the same as at all other institutions of a similar character. Not one of our Society boys imprisoned there. I went from Jackson to Detroit, visited the Detroit House of Correction, and examined the books. I found the names of many boys whose birthplace was New York, but there was nothing to lead any one to suppose they were ssnt by any benevolent society. Mr. M. V. Borgman, superin- tendent, was absent at the time of my visit, but his assistant, Mr. Oliver Webster, informed me that he had never known of one of our children having been sent there. My investigations ha ve been, in each case, as thorough as it is possible to make them, and, I think, clearly demonstrate the fact that the children sent to the West by the New York Children's Aid Society do not fall into criminal habits, and cannot be found in the penal institutions of the West. Respectfully yours, CHAELES E. FEY, Besident Western Agent New York Children's Aid Society. AN INSTANCE OF CRIMINAL INHERITANCE. A remarkable case of criminal inheritance was traced back during the year 1874, by the New York Prison Association, show- ing the overwhelming importance to the community of caring for even two or three vagrant children. About one hundred years ago there lived on the borders of two or three forest-lakes in Ulster County, New York, a little vagrant girl called " Margaret," and four sisters, some of whom were of illegitimate birth. They seem to have been in no respect different from hundreds of little girls in and around this city who yearly come under the care of this Society. Their parents were poor roving people, who made their living partly by hunting and fishing, and partly by stealing. They lived, like our poor city children, crowded in shanties, where old and young, male and female, slept in the same rooms. Like our street-children, they never went to school or attended church. They grew up almost untouched by the morality and religion of the day. In the winter they were aided by the out-door reliet of the authorities or by kind-hearted persons, and in the ADDENDA. 467 summer they lived on game and on their plunder from farms and barn-yards. Probably, as most people passed little " Mar- garet/' the future " mother of criminals," they looked on her, as people do now on the little ragged street-sweepers they meet on our streets, either with utter indifference or with hopeless- ness, as on an irreclaimable vagabond, or with disgust, as one with whom the decent and virtuous should have nothing to do. The little Margaret grew up thus to a wicked womanhood. In a recent visit to the Kingston jail, the able official of the Association, Mr. Dugdale, came upon the following criminals, all of whom he found to belong to the same family : The oldest, a man fifty-five years of age, awaiting trial for receiving stolen goods ; his daughter, aged eighteen (subsequently arrested as a prostitute), held as a witness against him ; her uncle, aged forty-two, for burglary in the first degree; the illegitimate daughter of the latter's wife, aged twelve years, upon which child he had attempted violence, and who was awaiting sen- tence for vagrancy ; and two brothers, aged nineteen and four- teen, accused of an assault with intent to kill, they having pushed a child over a cliff forty feet high, and nearly killed him by the fall. He traced back the genealogy of these criminals, and dis- covered that the ancestor of them all was the little vagrant girl of whom we have spoken, or her sisters. This stimulated his efforts, and after immense labor he finally brought to light the following striking facts as to this unhappy family. Seven hundred and nine (709) descendants of Margaret and her sisters are accurately tabulated, whose names are mainly taken from public records. Of these 91 are known to be ille- gitimate, and 368 legitimate, leaving 250 unknown as to birth. One hundred and twenty -eight (128) are known to be prostitutes, 18 kept houses of bad repute, and 67 were diseased, and there- fore cared for by the public. Only 22 ever acquired property, and eight of these lost what they had gained. One hundred and forty-two ( 1 42) received out-door relief during an aggre- gate number of 734 years ; 64 were in the alms-house of the county, and spent there an aggregate number of 96 years; 76 were publicly recorded as criminals, having committed 115 offenses, and been 116 years in jails and prisons. 468 ADDENDA. The crimes of the females were licentiousness, and those of the males violence and theft. But the record we have quoted is merely their public history of criminality, which is necessarily very imperfect. Great numbers of the offenses of this wretched family were never entered on any court records, and hundreds were never even brought to trial. It is well knowu that this young "mother of criminals" and her sisters have poured a stream of disease, licentiousness, insanity, idiocy, pauperism, and crime over the county now for a hundred years. This fearful current has not yet ceased to flow, as some of the descendants in the sixth generation survive in our own House of Refuge. Fifty per cent, of all direct female descendants of Margaret became prostitutes, and of the whole stock, from the age of twelve upward, fifty per cent, are found to be of disreputable character. Murder or attempts to murder appear among the males in every generation except the sixth, where the children are not older than seven years. Forgery is found but once on their records. Theft appears everywhere. Another appalling feature in this history of criminal inherit- ance is the disease spread through the county by these vagrant children, and the consequent lunacy, idiocy, epilepsy, and final weakness of body and mind which belongs to inherited pau- perism, transmitted to so many human beings. Mr. Dugdale has traced still further the line, and makes it probable that the aggregate of the descendants of these vagrant children reaches the large amount of 1,200 persons, living and dead. The cost of their alms-house relief he estimates at $15,000, and their out-door relief at $32,250, to Ulster County ; the maintenance of the prisoners of this family, at $100 per annum, as $14,000 ; the cost of arrest and trial, at $100 for each case, as $25,000 ; the amount of property stolen and destroyed by them, as $15,000, and so on in various items, until he reaches the sum of $1,023,600, as the cost to Ulster County and the State of New York for neglecting one vagrant child and her miserable little sisters.* * This most important study in criminal heredity has been made by Dr. E. Harris and Mr. R. L. Dugdale, and published in the Thirteenth Annual Report of the New York Prison Association. Nothing more im- portant in the facts of criminal science has ever been brought to light.