.^-^^^- •^ -^ ^s»-~ i'Mi^.f., m% -':t .■*^. i^i=f tKfje ISLibrarp oftlje ^nibersitpofj^orti) Carolina Cnboteeb bj> ®te 2SiaIe ctic antx ^})iIantf)ropit ^ocieticjs; UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROUNA ScKool of Library Science '■^. / Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2012 witli funding from University of Nortli Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.arGhive.org/details/dialoguebetweenGOOamer ■-^^^^ ' Nor be thou such a silly fool To mind tbj book, or go to school." DIALOGUE CHRIST, A YOUTH, AND THE DEVIL EMBELLISHED WITH CUTS FBOM ORIGINAL DESIGNS. SXWSD BY THE COMMITTEE OF PWBUCATION OF TH> ▲MSBICA.N SCNDAY-SCHOOL VMIOK, Ibilabelpbia: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, 1122 Chestndt St. Entered according to act of Congrets, in the year 1846, by the American Sunday-school Union, in the clerk's office of tho District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PREFACE. Multitudes of the children and youth of our country are already familiar with this dialogue ; and we have reason to be- lieve that it has oftentimes awakened se- rious thoughts, and impressed on their mmds sentiments of the deepest interest and solemnity. To make it still more useful and popu- lar among our young friends, we fiave published this embellished edition, and have, at the same time, kept in view the importance of a very low price, as the ^ means of securing for it extensive circu- lation, — especially among the children and 6 youth of the West, where we hope to scatter them by nundreds of thousands ! jf :■)/'•: May it please the God of all grace to use it as the means of alarming, convinc- ing and converting many youth from the service of sin, to the love and obedience of the truth as it is in Christ. YOUTH. Those days which God to me doth send, In pleasure I'm resolved to spend ; Like as the birds, in lovely spring, Sit chirping on the boughs, and sing,— Who, straining forth those warbling notes^ Do make sweet aiusic in their throats, — O I resolve in this my prime, In sports and plays to spend my time. Sorrow and grief I'll put away ; Such things agree not with my day. From clouds my morning shall be free, And nought on earth shall trouble me. I will embrace each sweet delight This earth affords me day and night ; Though parents grieve, and me correct, Yet I their counsel will reject. DEVIL. The resolution which you take, Sweet Youth, it doth me merry make. " And with thy brothers •wilt fall out, And sisters, with vile language, flout." Page 11. 11 F thou ray counsel wilt embrace, And shun the ways of truth and grace, And learn to lie, to curse, and swear. And be as proud as any are, And with thy brothers wilt fall out. And sisters, with vile language, flout. Yea, fight and scratch, and also bite. Then I, in thee, will take delight. If thou w^ilt but be ruled by me, An artist thou shalt quickly be > In all my ways, (which lovely are ,) There's few with thee who shall compare. Thy parents always disobey ; Nor mind at all what they do say ; 12 *>^: ND also proud and gj'(^f' I' ''A sullen be, And thou shalt be a child for me. When others read, be thou at play ; Think not on God ; don't mind to pray ; Nor be thou such a silly fool To mind thy book, or go to school, But play the truant ; fear not, I Will straightway help thee to a Ue, Which will excuse thee for the same. From being whipt and from all blame. Come, bow to me, uphold my crown, And m thee raise to high renown. 13 YOUTH. HESE notions I wil cleave unto, And let all other counsels go ; My heart against my parents now Shall hardened be. I will not bow ; Nor yet submit at all to them, But all good counsels will condemn : And what I list, that do will I, And stubborn be continually. CHRIST. Wilt thou, youth, make such a choicBi And thus obey the devil's voice ? 2 14 UCH sinful ways wilt thou embrace, And hate the ways of truth and grace ? Wilt thou to me a rebel prove ? And from thy parents quite remove Thy heart also ? then shalt thou see, What will ere long become of thee. Come, think on God, who did thee make, And at his presence dread and quake. Remember him now in thy youth. And let thy soul take hold of truth ; The devil and his ways defy. Believe him not, he doth but lie ; His ways seem sweet, but youth, beware ! He for thy soul bath laid a snare. • Remember Him now in thy yonth, And let thy soul take hold of truth." Page 14. 17 IS sweet will mt* sour turn, If in those ways thou still wilt run : He will thee into pieces tear Like lions which most hungry are. Grant me thy heart, thy folly leave, And from this lion I'll thee save j And thou shalt have sweet joy from me, Which will endure eternally. YOUTH. My heart shall cheer me in my youth, I'll have my frolics in good truth ; Whate'er seems lovely in my view. That will I greedily pursue. 2* 15 N mine own ways I still will walk, And with the thoughtless laugh and talk, To spend my days in joy and mirth : This will I seek while I'm on earth ! Thy ways, Christ, are not for me ; They with my age do not agree : If I unto thy laws should cleave. No more good days then should I have. CHRIST. Wouldst thou live long, and good days see, Refrain from all iniquity ; True good alone from me doth flow ; It can't be had in things oelow. 19 RE not my ways, ^ V / youth, for thee ? Then thou shalt never happy be ; Nor ever shall thy soul obtain True good, whilst thou dost here remain. YOUTH. To thee, O Christ, I'll not adhere ; Thy promises do not appear Lovely to me. I cannot find 'Tis good to set my heart or mind On ways whence many sorrows sprmg, And to the flesh such crosses br