MINUTES OF THE FIFTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Qcuan. fiitljcran $m^ anli ^linjstcriuw. OF NORTH CAROLINA, CONVENED AT ORGAN CHURCH, N. C, MAY 1st, 18C2. WITif THE MINUTES OF THE SYNODICAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY APPENDED, SALISBUEY, N. C, : J. J. BRUNER, PRINTER, 1862. Mi:^TJT his. The Evangelical Lutheran Synod OF North Carolina, convened at Or- gan Church, Rowan County, on Thursday, May 1st, 1862, at 10 A . M., and was opened by a discourse of the Presid ent, irom the text, Ezekiel ix : 4th, 5th, and 6th verses. After an intermission, Synod again assembled, and was opened in the us- ual manner. The roll was called, and the names of the clerical members with 1 1 their delegates, were registered as folio ws: ORDAINED MINISTERS. Rev. JOHN D. SCHECK, Gibso7iviUe, GmJford Co.^ 1 \l C « WILLIAM ARTZ, Mount Pleasant^ Cabarrus^ It " SAMUEL ROTHROCK, RockviUe^ Rowan, " " JOHN II. MENGERT, . Wilmington, u '^ JACOB CRIM, South River, (( *' J. B. ANTHONY, Mount Pleasant, Calarrus, u '' JOSEPH A. LINN, Gold Hill, Roiuan, (< " JAMES D. STINGLEY, Granice Hill, Iredell, u " SIMEON SCHERER, Salisburtj, Roiuan, IS " L. C. GROSECLOSE, Salisbury, " u " JOHN SWICEGOOD, Shady Grove, Davidson, u " G. d: bernheim, aiarloite. a " JOHN S. HEILIG, MiU Hill, Cabarrus, a ''- D. L DREHER, Concord, " " '' B. C. HALL, Shaw's Mills, Guilford r. " CALEB LENT2;, Staiesville, li " WILLIAM A. JULIAN, Lexington^ u " J. L. SMITHDEAL, Newton, 11 " JAMES R. SIKES, Shady Grove, Davidson, n LICENTIATES. Rev. A. GRIMES,t Hay Meadow, Wilkes Co., i V. c '• L. A. BIKLE,? Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus, If " W. KIMBALL,§ Salisbury, (C " G. F. SH^FER, Concord, '> •Absent, but afterwards appeared. tAbsent and excused. ^Received this session. §Ordained at this session. MINUTES OF SYNOD. LAY DELEGATES. Mr. AUGUSTUS H. E. SCHECK, From Rev. John B. Scheck's Charge. Maj. L. G. HEILIG, " . '•' W Uiam Artz' PETER TREXLER, Esq., " " Samuel Roihroclzs » C. R. MILLER, Esq., " " Jacoh Crims Mr. DAYID BARRIER, " " J. B. Anthony s " " ELI LENTZ, " " Joseph A. Linn's " " D. HOFFMAN, " " Simeon Scherer's » " BENJAMIN F. FRALET, " '^ L. C. Grosedoses " " JOHN F. BLOOM, " " G. D. Bernheirns " " THOMAS J. DOTSON, " " John S HeiUg's " NATHAN KRIMMINGER, Esq., '' " D. I. Dreher's Mr. T. M. SHOFFNER, " '• B. C. Halls " JACOB LENTZ, " '' J. L. SmiihdeaTs " JOHN YOST, Esq., " " W. KimbalTs The President then read hi3 Annual Report, which was accepted and re- ferred to the proper committee. PKESIDEXT'S EEPOET. Bear Brethren: — More than fifty yeai-s have elapsed since the formation of this Synod; and during this long period, many changes have come over it. The past year begun with clouds of doubts and apprehensions, then followed a brilliant succession of victories which swept every cloud from the horizon, and then a sky darker and stormier than ever before. Alternate hopes and fears, successes and reverses, have kept every mind in perpetual excitement, and men have lived in the last twelve months, half a century of ordinary life. The battle field has drank in the blood of many of our parishoners, who at the commencement of the present ecclesiastical year, stood at ouf altars, and whom we followed with our prayers, and to whom we imparted our affec- tionate counsels, have fallen in defence of our homes, our lives, and our earth- ly all ; while we have mourned the departure of so many loved ones at home. But God be praised, our ministerial ranks remain unbroken ; and we are all here to-day to call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless the name of our heavenly Father, and to charge them not to forget the benefits con- nected with the past. The Constitution makes it my duty to furnish you with a statement of my official acts during the past y^ar, which I proceed to do : • OFFICIAL ACTS. Soon after the adjournment of Synod last May, I forAvarded, as you direct- ed me to do, a letter of honorable dismission to Rev. Wm. Gerhardt, with a view to connect himself Avith the Synod of Pennsylvania. On ihe Sth of October, I received a communication froni Rev. D. H. Bittle, in which he says, " I am about to unite with the Synod of Texas, and should be pleased to have a dismission from our Synod through you, its President. His request was complied with on the 9th of the same month. On the 2Gth of Dect-niber, I received a letter from Mr. G. F. Schicffer, of Concord, desir- ing to obtain ad interim license to preach the Gospel. Not having the pleas- ure of a p'.TSonal acquaintance with this brother, I conferred with one of the MINUTES OF SYNOD. ordained ministers of this bod}^ and being fully satisfied of his moral worth, .C0rHOQ0»0iV3Oi>-OC0lO^O I-t Death of Member's, . . 1 ^OCIr-HOOOOCOC^^C^tMlMMCSOr-HCOr-lO IS Expulsions, 1 0000000000000(MOO(MO— iCit^OCOvOCOOD'^COOO'^GO CO CO lOTjHr-lr-ii— i - OC000C0C:5C0C0"<*"C0OO->:tlt--00C3OT-(C0OO (M C<1(M COCOi— I COi— li— IC^r-lrHO »000 ' 8 MINUTES OF SYNOD. Thd Report of the Treasurer of Synod was read and referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Synod now adjourned by rising, until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock, to give time for the ministerial meetinc:. Friday, May 2d, 9 o'clock, A. M. The members of Synod assembled and spent half an hour in devotional ex- • ercises, having special reference to the sad condition of our country. The minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed. Brother Joseph Shive, commissioner from the Davie Mission, appeared, and was received as a member of Synod. The report of the committee on the Constitution for the relief of superan- nuated and disabled ministers was presented, and on motion, it was taken up seriatim^ considered and adopted. Pending this discussion, Synod took a recess until 1^ o'clock, P. M. During the recess, brother G. F. Schseflfer preached from the text, Gen. iii ch. 24 V. first clause: "So he drove out the man." After the aforenamed recess. Synod re-assembled, when the Rev. F. H. Wood^f the Methodist Episcopal Church, was introduced and cordially in- vited to a seat amongst us, as an advisory member. The Constitution deferred was resumed by discussing and amending its several articles, and finally adopted it as a whole. 2. Resolved, That the Secretary of Synod do not insert the Constitution of the Society of Special Relief in the minutes for this year, but that the Secre- tary of said Society retain the Constitution until such time as Synod may or- der its publication. The Corresponding Secretary made his report, which was adopted : ^ EEPOKT IN^O. 1. Your Corresponding Secretary would report that he has not been furnished with a single copy of the minutes of any sister Synod ; or any other vlata from which to make out a report, and therefore has none to present. Respectfully submitted, JOSEPH A. LINN, Cor. Secretary. The report on petitions and vacancies was next presented and adopted : EEPOKT XO. 2. The committee to whom the papers on Petitions and Vacancies were re- ferred, beg leave to report that the only documents which have been placed in their hands are : 1. A petition from Thyatira Church, Catawba county, for admission into MINUTES OF SYNOD. connection with this Synod. Your committee recommend that said Church be received into connection with this S3'nod. 2. A letter from Mr. H. B. Eilers, of Wilmington, giving a full statement of the present condition of our Mission Church there. Your committee reeora- mend that said letter be^rcadjbefore Synod. 3. Is a petition from the Church of Charlotte, requesting this body to hold its next annual meeting in that place. Your committee recommend the ap- plicatien to the notice of Synod, when fixing the place of meeting. 4. Is a communication from St. Matthew's and Jerusalem Churches in Da- vie county, Avhich are vacant, requesting to be supplied with preaching by some member or members of this Synod tlie ensuing year. Your committee refer this petition to the consideration of the action of Synod. Respectfully submitted. J. B. ANTHONY, JACOB CRIM, T. J. DOTSON In relation to the first item in the foregoing report, it was 3. Resolved^ That the prayer of the petitioners from Thyatira Church be granted. In reference to the petition from the Churches in Davie county, it was 4. Resolved^ That the Churches above mentioned be referred to a commit- tee, who shall make such arrangements for their supply as may be deemed necessary, to-morrow. Committee— J. B. Anthony and G. D. Bernheim. EEPOET NO. 3. The committee on the state of religion in the several congregations report as follows : In Bro. Bernheim's charge there has been a revival of religion at his coun- try preaching place, which resulted in the addition of several members to our Lutheran Zion. He says : I have here a catechetical class composed of mem- bers of other churches as well as our own, who all study Luther's catechism together. Here we expect to erect a comfortable church edifice as soon as the state of the country will admit. In the town church, which is mostly attended by females, in consequence of the war, there has been a considera- ble addition of members, great attention is paid to the preaching of the word, and that in this interesting field there is strong hopes that our Zion will event- ually flourish. Bro. S[ke3 writes, that although his prospects are not so flattering as one could wish, yet the state of religion is better than it has been ; our prayer meetings are increasing in interest, and a general desire for religious instruc- tion prevails. Bro. Julian says : The state of religion in rny charge is not so good as formerly, owing to the changes that arc taking place in our country ; my salary will not be made up the ensuing year; yet we hope for better times in the future: may the Lord give great success. Bro. Scheck says : The pressure and excitement consequent upon the war, 10 MINUTES OF SYNOD. have not been without their eflfects on us: nearly fifty persons connected with my charge are now on ihe field, and the absence of some of them is sensibly felt. The preached word is well attended, and my charge is making an effort to increase my salary. Bro. Hall writes : The state of religion in the Guilford pastorate seems increasing ; especially at Lau's church. The ordinances are well attended, and a commendable liberality is practiced. During the past year some ten or fifteen persons have professed a hope in Christ and several were added to the church. Bro. Smithdeal says : I have not been long in the Catawba charge ; yet I believe it is doing more for the Gospel than it has ever done. We or- ganized a congregation which petitions this Synod for admission. We have a bright prospect before us, and by the blessing of Heaven, we hope soon to make an interesting report to Synod, as I am missionating in a new direction. Bro.^Kimball reports : That in his charge the house of God is well attend- ed. We have three prayer meetings and two Sabbath Schools. We had some special seasons of grace. Some sixty members were added to the church by the rite of confirmation. The revival spirit has not yet died out, many of my people are still hungering and thirsriug after righteousness. They have manifested a greater liberahty in the support of their pastor this than last year. Bro. Scherer writes : That he has served one congregation since the com- mencement of this year; and that a meeting had been'held by Bro. M. M. Miller, which resulted in the hopeful conversion of probably more than forty persons, who were added to the church. Prayer meetings have been attend- ed, and recently, I have commenced instructing an interesting class of cate- chumens. The usual interest is manifested in the ordinary preaching of the word. Bro. Heilig says : That the state of religion in one of his churches is par- ticularly encouraging; and in consideration of all the circumstances, he has no reason to complain ; but feels encouraged to persevere ; and with the blessing of God hopes to build up the Kedeemer's kingdom in that part of His moral vineyard. Bro. Mengert writes : The state of religion in the Wilmington charge, which is now vacant, has given me considerable concern from the commence- ment, and will remain a subject of solicitude and prayer with me after my pastoral relation with it has come to a close. May the great Shepherd of the sheep give unto this people a pastor after His own heart, and may they be brought more and more to realize the importance of our Saviour's declaration ; " He that heareth you, hearth me," &c. Bro. Artz says : Since the commencement of the war and the suspension of our College and other literary institutions at Mt. Pleasant, my meetings at Mt. Carmel church have been very sparsely attended, and that principally by the few remaining members. Most of these are singularly attentive, and we believe enjoy themselves in religion. Bro. Dreher writes : That the state of religion in his charge is not what he would wish to see, yet the attention to the preached word is respectable. But there is not that deep-toned piety and thirsting after righteousness which the troubles of the times demands. Bro. Anthony states : That there is nothing of interest in his charge. MINUTES OF SYNOD. 11 Bro. Linn reports : That the attendance on the ordinances of God's house and otlHM- means afjjrace is unnsnally large and strict. Though the congre- gations have bcconie somewliat lessened by a large migration to tlie seat of war. • Bro. CiuM writes: That the state of religion in his charge is more encour- aging than at any time past. Bro. Rothrock writes: That good attention is given to the''preaching of the word, although the number of hearers is not so large as in former times, as many of the members are in the army. Bro. Groseclose says: That in the Salisbury pastorate, the state of reli- gion is. under all the circumstances by which we are surrounded, as favora- ble as could be expected. The Lord, while chastening the nation for it sins, has~not utterly forsaken His people who call upon Him with the prayer of faith. In a meeting at Union church there were fifty-five professed conver- sion, and thirty-nine additions to church membership. In conclusion, your committee have reason to believe that notwithstanding the very great perplexity and pressure of the times, the labors of our minis- try have been blessed, and the course of religion and our Zion is still onward. Respectfully submitted, WM. ARTZ, J. L. SMITHDEAL, JACOB LENTZ. Synod now adjourned to meet again to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock, A. M. Closed with prayer b}'' bro. Swicegood. Saturday, 9 o'clock, A. M. The members of Synod re-assembled, when half an hour was spent in the usual devotional services, after which the roll was called ;ind Synod proceed- ed to business. Whereas, for some years there has been no correspondence between this Synod and the German Reformed Classis of N. C. ; and whereas our present political condition has liad the happy effect of uniting Soutliern Christians more closely together than formerly, therefore, ' 5. Resolved^ That we elect a corresponding delegate to present our chris- tian salutations to said body, and invite the re-opening of fraternal correspon- dence. The committee appointed to draft a schedule of appointments for the Davife Mission, reported the following, which was adopted. EEPOET NO. 4. ' In the month of June — Rev. G. F. Schaiffer the first Sunday at Jerusalem church — the second at St. Matthew's. Also, Rev. L. C. Groseclose, second Sabbath at Jerusalem church. 12 MESrUTES OF SYNOD. In July — Rev. C, Lentz, first Sunday at Jerusalem — second at St. Mat- thew's. In AuG^ust — Rev. J, Swicegood as above. In September— Rev. L. A. Bikle " " In October— Rev. J. Grim " '' In November — Rev. J. B. Anthony, first Sunday. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, 2nd " In December — Rev. S. Rothrock as above. In Januar}' — Rev. S. Scherer " " In Februarv— Rev. W. A. Julian " " In March— Rev. W. Kimball '•' '' Respectfully submitted, J. B. ANTHONY, G. D. BERNHEIM. The report on unfinished business was presented and adopted. EEPOET ^TQ. 5. Your committee on unfinished business have found but one item claiming the attention of this body, namely : the appointment of a Special Committee to report a plan for the successful establishment of a Female Institution with- in the bounds of our Synod. The Synod would no doubt like to hear from said committee. B. C. HALL, W. A. JULIAN. T. M. SCHOEFNER. Leave of absence was asked and granted to Messrs. T. M. SchofFner, J. F. Bloom and J. Yost during the remainder of the present session of Synod. The committee on the proceedings of Couferencial districts reported, which report was adopted. EEPOET ^O. 6. WESTERN CONFERENCE. This Conference li^ld two meetings during the past year. The minutes contain nothing demanding the attention of this body. CENTRAL CONFERENCE. This body convened four times the past year. In the minutes of this Con- ference, we find the following preamble and resolution. Whereas, the Executive Committee of the Synodical Missionary Society have fiiiled to hold any meeting for the purpose of making out an apportion-, ment of funds required to meet our Missionary liabilities as.contemplated by the action of our last Conference meeting, therefore — Resolved. That wo, as a conference, request the Synodical Missionary So- ciety to make the aforenamed apportionment for the several churches, and forward the same to each pastor as early as convenient. Your committee recompiend this subject to the favorable consideration of the Synodical Missionary Society. EASTERN CONFERENCE. This Conference held four meetings since last Synod. We are pleased to observe a commendable zeal in -the brethren composing thfl body. MINUTES OF SYNOD. 13 An entLM-piiso which bids fair to augment the interest of the Lutheran Churcli of North Carolina, is referred to in the following preamble and reso- lution, found on the pages of their minutes : Whereas, the above enterprise bids fair to become a great auxiliary in build- ing up the Lutheran Church within our bounds, and particularly that of the Eastern Conference, therefore — Resolved, That this Conference recommend to the favorable consideration of Synod this enterprise, with a view to secure it3 cordial co-operation. Li regard to the above, your connnittee would recommend — 1st. That the bretiiren of the Eastern Conference be invited to explain to Synod the nature of tlie enterprise, alluded to in the foregoing pieamble. 2nd. That, should said enterprise meet th(^ approval of this body, Synod extend to the brethren its sympathy and cordial co-operation. Respectfully submitted, J. S. HEILIG, C. LENTZ, N. KRIMMINGEE. Bro. D. M. Blackwclder, Corresponding Delegate from the Synod of South Carolina, appeared and took his seat among us, and was cordially invited to a participation in all our deliberations. The report of the committee on the President's Report, was next submit- ted and adopted. EEPOET NO. 7. With a view to economy in the publishing of our minutes, your committee have endeavored so to condense the President's report, as to preserve intact its general feature ; that part of it which relates to his correspondence with the Secretary of the Eastern Conference, has been altogether excluded. The items are as follows : L The application of Bro Miller for license, your committee beg to refer to the Ministerium. 2. The letter from Bro. Grimes, alluded to in the report, was not handed to your committee. We recommend that it h$ read before Synod. 3. With regard to the President's recommendation to^e-open North Car- olina College at the earliest possible day, your committee have no suggestions to offer, but would refer this subject to Synod for deliberation. Respectfully submitted, J. H. MENGERT, S. SCHEREH, DAVID BARRIER. The committee in the case of Mr. J. Rumple submitted the following re- port, Avhich was adopted. KEPOET NO. 8. The undersigned in compliance with a resolution on the 20th page of the Minutes of last year, state that they have had an interview with Mr. Rumple, who is now a student in N. Carolina College, and report I'avorably in regard to his religious experience and motives for seeking to enter the christian ministry, and recommend him to the benificence of Synod. VVM. ART2, J". B. ANTHONY. Mt. Pleasant, N. C, July 16, 1801. 14 MINUTES OF SYNOD. Bro. B. C. Hall asked and obtained leave of absence until Monday morn- ing, 10 o'clock. Synod now adjourned until Monday 9 o'clock, A. M. Closed with prayer by Bro. Artz. SABBATH DAY'S SERVICES. The public services commenced at 10 o'clock, when Bro. J. H. Mengert preached the Ordination Sermon, from text, 2 Cor. 5 chap. 20 v., first clause, " We are embassadors for Christ:' Immediately after which, Bro. G-. F. Schaefifer received license to preach the Gospel, at the hands of the officers of Synod, then brothers L. A. Bikle and W. Kimball were invited forward and were solemnly ordained to the Gospel -ministry by the imposition of hands and prayer. - In the afternoon the Holy Communion was administered to the members of Synod and about ^ive hundred other members of the church. The occasion was truly solemn, no doubt many felt it might be their last earthly commun- ion. May God sanctify the occasion to our eternal salvation. Monday, 9 o'clock, A. M. After the usual rehgious services, Synod proceeded to business, it was — 6. Resolved^ That ive heartily rejoice in the successful labors of our South Carohna brethren in establishing a Luthern Church paper. 7. Resolved, That we cordially recommend the Southern Lutheran to the favorable notice and patronage of all our church members in the bounds of this Synod. The committee of Finance next reported on the Treasurer's account of Sy- nodical fund ; also presented their report on Synodical contributions. REPOET jSTO. 9. Matthias Barrier, Treasurer, in acccount with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, Dr. To balance in hands of Treasurer at last Synod, $ 30.64-^ To cash received at last Synod, 118.22 To cash collected in Wilmington, May, 1861, 9.00 Total, $157.86i MINUTES OF SYNOD. 15 18(51 Vouche7's. C)r. May 11.— By cash to Prof. D. XL Bittle, as pr. order of Synod $ 19.00 Oct. IC— By printing Minutes, to J. J. Bruner, as per order of SucrMary, ^^'^^ 1862. April 29.— By traveling expenses to Rev. J. A. Linn, as per order of Synod, 10-00 '* " By balance in hands of Treasurorr, • 4:ts.abt Total, $157.86i Respectfully submitted, MATTHIAS BARRIER, Treasurer. April 29, 1862. • The committee to whom was referred the report of the Treasurer of Synod, have examined the same and find it correct. Respectfully submitted, SAM'L. ROTHROCK, (I. D. BERNHEIM, JOHN F. BLOOM. EEPOET NO. 10. The Financial Committee would respectfully report the following Synodi- cal Contributions : Hev, John D. Scheclc's Charge. St. Paul's Church, $3 50 Frieden's " 5 00 $8 50 Eev. William Artz' Charge. Mt Carmel Church, 3 00 Eev. Samuel Rothrock's Chain/e. Organ Church, 10 00 • St. Peter's 3 00 13 00 Eev. Jacob Crimes Charge. Salem Church, 4 00 ' Rev. J. B. Anthony's Charge. St. John's Church, 14 25 Bear Creek " 4 80 19 05 Rev. Joseph A. Linn^s Charge. St. Stephen's Church, 5 15 Luther's " 4 50 . St. Martin's " 2 65 12 30 Rev. J. D. Stingleyh Charge. St. Michael's Church, 2 40 St. Paul's " 1 20 3 60 Rev. Simeon Scherer'^s Charge. Bethel Church, 2 00 16 MLN'UTES OF STXOD. Eev. L. C. Grose close's Charge. Union Church, 4 35 Salisbury, 2 00 6 35 Bev. G. D. Bemheim^s Charge. St. Mark's Church, Charlotte, " 5 00 Rev. Daniel I. Dreher's Charge. Concord, ' 6 00 Rev. B. C. HalVsjOharge. Lau's Church, 3 45 Rev. William A. Julian's Charge. Sandy Creek, 2 35 Pilgrim, 2 18 Beck's Church, 2 30 6 83 Rev. James R. Sikes'' Charge. Hopewell, \ 1 49 Nazareth, 83 Bethany, o 00 Carver's Church, 20 4 43 ' Rev. W. Ki/inbalVs Charge. St. Paul's Church, , 3 33 Luther's Chapel, 4 10 7 43 Davie Mis^imi. St. Matthew's Church, 2 00 Jerusalem, 3 30 5 30 Mr. John Swicegood, 25 Rev. J. L. SmithdeaVs Charge. Beth Eden, Newton, 2 50 Tliyatira 2 00 .4 50 Rev. J. S. Heilig's Charge. St. Enoch's Church, 3 00 Trinity, " 2 00 5 00 Total amount, $119 99 Respectfully submitted, SxiMUEL ROTHROCK, a D. BERNHEIM. ' An election to supply the vacancy in the Board of Trustees for North Car- olina College was now held, which resulted in the choice of Rev. S. Roth- rock, Rev. J. A. Linn, C. Melchor and C. R. Mjla?. An election for Corresponding Delegates to 4