• Armie* refc*«edL to "^ Me*. ~to bore* ~tn&m. STEPHEN B. WEEKS CLASS OF 1686; PH.D. THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY OF THE ME WEEKS OTJLECTIC 2^370^1.- F«7 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032757044 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION THIS I1TLE HAS BEEN MICROFILMED W* I *-y (frwfcVl ; QOMPL1RJENTS PASSENGER dEPARTMEWT 601"T0N BELT RbUtE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/flagsofconfederaunit The Flags OF THE Confederate Armies. RETURNED TO THE MEN WHO BORE THEM UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. 1905. DESIGNED, ENGRAVED AND PRINTED BY BUXTON & SKINNER, ST. LOUIS. "THE RETURNED BATTLE FLAGS." By Mrs. Eros' Opha Gregory Assistant in Mississippi Department of Archives and History. Oh, not with gayly spreading folds, And colors fresh and bright, They fling their gleaming stars and bars, Triumphant, to the light; But sadly 'round their broken staffs. They droop in faded folds, Their service 'o'er, their duty done. Their wondrous story told. Upon their wreck the warrior aged, Looks long, with moistened eye, Caressing each worn fold, the while Is heard his heavy sigh. Once more he sees the gleaming host, That pressed with fearless tread, Toward the heights of liberty, Strewn with its countless dead. And never pennon streamed above A rank, more fair than the Bright ensigns of that proud gray host Of Robert Edmund Lee. . To-day, with flowers springing where War's crimson currents ran, And peace and love starring all the Rich splendor of the land, These furled and silent banners stir No sad regret and pain, For we read our fairest history in The storv of their fame. -0 -J Flag of the Sixth Arkansas Volunteers. Surrendered with Johnson's Army, at the end of the struggle, April 26, I860. Returned Arkansas Confederate Flags. The following historical record of the troops from the State of Arkansas, -whose returned battle flags are reproduced as they now appear, faded and battle-scarred, is as complete as it has been possible to make it, much of the material having to be obtained from the memory of old veterans, there being no existing complete records. Lyons' Regiment — Sixth Arkansas Volunteers. Commenced the war with the follow- ing Field and Staff Officers: Richard Lyons, Colonel; A. T. Hawthorn, Lieutenant-Colonel- D. L. Kilgore, Major; C. A. Bridewell, Adjutant; J. F. Ritchie, Quartermaster-Sergeant. Company "A" — The Capital Guards, of Little Rock: Gordon N. Peay, Captain; John E. Reardon, First Lieutenant; D. C. Fulton, Second Lieutenant; John B.Lockman Third Lieutenant Company "B" — The Yellow Jackets, from Calhoun County: Philip H. Echols, Cap- tain; C. A. Bridewell, First Lieutenant. Battle Flag of the "Bloody" 7th Arkansas Infantry Regiment. Surrendered at Bentonville, March 19th, 1865. One of the last battles of the war. Company "C" — From Dallas County: F. J. Cameron, Captain, subsequently becom- ing Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment; M. M. Duffie, First Lieutenant. Company "D" — From Ouachita County: Captain Hodnet. Company "E" — From Arkansas County: Samuel G. Smith, Captain, subsequently becoming Colonel of the regiment. Company "F" — From Lafayette County: Samuel H. Dill, Captain. Company "G" — From Columbia County: D. L. Kilgore, Captain; J. W. Austin, First Lieutenant; N. J. Gantt Second Lieutenant; Thomas Seay, Third Lieutenant; Nations, First Sergeant; James H. Paschal, First Corporal, afterwards Orderly Sergeant on re-organization; Crown, Second Corporal. On Captain Kilgore becoming Major of the regiment, J. W. Austen became Captain. Company "H" — From Camden County: Captain Richard Lyons, but on his being elected Colonel of the regiment, Sam H. Southerland became Captain; E. W. Elliott, First Lieutenant; A. J. Griggs, Second Lieutenant; G. A. Proctor, Orderly Sergeant; 7 other officers and 57 men, total of company 69. Company "I" — From Ouachita County: J. W. Kingwcll. Captain; J. H. Scroggins. First Lieutenant; E. N. -Hill Second Lieutenant: J. C. Croxton, Third Lieutenant; H. T. Jones, First Sergeant; H. L. Grayson, Second Sergeant; C. C. Arnold, Third Sergeant; J. A. Thompson, Fourth Sergeant; 4 other officers, 58 men, total strength of company 70. Company "K" — Captain Barnes; Judge Joseph W. Martin became Captain on the re-organization. The strength of the regiment "ii organization was over 1.000 men. -\ .r SHILOH. ELK. H! ARK 7$m£ Battle Flag of the 8th Arkansas Infantry Regiment. Carried through the war and surrendered with Johnson's Army, April 26th, Also Battle Flag of the 19th Arkansas Infantry Regiment, which was consolidated with the 8th Arkansas Regiment. 1S65. Colonel Richard Lyons was killed at the Tennessee River, October 10,1861, and Lieu- tenant-Colonel A. T. Hawthorn became Colonel of the regiment. Gordon N. Peay, Captain of Company "A" was made Lieutenant-Colonel; First Lieutenant John E. Reardon became Captain of Company "A" and John G. Fletcher was elected from the ranks, First Lieuten- ant of the company. After the battle of Shiloh the regiment was re-organized, and Lieutenant Fletcher became Captain of Company "A", and served as such to the conclusion of the war. He was wounded and made prisoner at Murfreesboro and remained in prison four months, when he was exchanged. Major Kilgore served with the regiment until the summer of 1862 when he was trans- ferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department, under General Albert Rust. On reaching the Department he assisted in organizing the Nineteenth Arkansas Infantry, Col. Smead, and was made Major of it. The Sixth Regiment went first to Pocahontas, Arkansas; from there to Southeast Missouri; then to Columbus, Kentucky; then to Bowling Green, where it was placed in Hindman's Brigade. When Johnston retreated after the fall of Forts Henry and Donald- son, the Sixth Regiment was one of those which covered the retreat to Corinth, Mississippi. It took part in the battle of Shiloh, and lost many men. From Shiloh it went to Corinth and Tupelo, Mississippi, where the regiment was re-organized. From there it was placed in Bragg's Army, and went to Chattanooga; then into Kentucky, where it took part in the battle of Perryville, October 8, 1862, and Murfreesboro, December 31, 1862; January 2, 1865, at Liberty Gap; at Chickamauga, Septemebr 19 and 20, 1863; Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863; and Franklin, November 30, 1864. Battle Flag of the 30th Arkansas Infantry. In all of these battles it lost heavily, and particularly at Shiloh, Murfreesboro and Franklin. The Sixth Regiment belonged to Hardee's Brigade, afterwards Lidell's, and then Govan's, and was in Cleburn's Division. It was in General Joseph E. Johnston's armv, and took part in all the battles of his campaign opposing Sherman, and finally was sur- rendered with Johnston at the end of the struggle. The Seventh Arkansas Infantry was mustered into the Confederate Army with the ollowing field and staff officers: Robert G. Shaver, Colonel; William R. Cain, Lieutenant- Colonel at organization, but afterwards John M. Dean, became Lieutenant-Colonel; James J. Martin, Major,; Jack Horn, Adjutant; H. C. Tunsell, Sergeant-Major; William Atillo, Quartermaster; John D. Spriggs, Commissary; Ben Adler, Wagonmaster; Jenifer T. Spriggs, Ordinance-Sergeant. The different companies of the regiment were commanded by John C. McCaulev, of White County, Senior Captain; George B. Orme, of Jackson County, Second Senior Captain ; Joseph H. Martin, of Randolph County, Third Senior Captain; and Captains Deason. of Izard County; M. Van Shaver, of Fulton County; John H. Dye, of the "Pike Guards"; — Warner, of Lawrence County; Wm. Blackburn, of Marion County; Mellon, of Randolph County; and Brightwell, of Independence County. The regiment was organized at Smithville, Lawrence County, June 16, 1861; went into camp at Camp Shaver, near Pocahontas, Randolph County, with 1,250 men on the muster rolls. It was the first regiment drilled and disciplined by General Hardee, after its transfer to the Confederate service, and was the nucleus on which he formed his Fir-it Brigade, which consisted of the Second and Third Confederate; the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Arkansas Regiments, and McCarver's Regiment, with McCown's Battery. The Seventh Regiment was in the battles of Shiloh, April 6 and 7, 1862; Perry ville, Kentucky, October 8, 1862; Murfreesboro, December 31, 1862 and January 2, 1863; Chicka- mauga, September 19, and 20, 1863; Missionary Ridge, November 23, 24 and 25, 1863- Ringgold Gap, November 27, 1863; Resaca, May 29, 1864; Pickett's Mill, May 26, 1S64; New Hope Church, May 29, 1864; Kennesaw Mountain, June 17 to July 3, 1864; Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864; Atlanta, July 22 and 28, 1864; Ezra Church, July 28, 1864; Jonesboro, August 31, 1864; Franklin, November 30, 1864; Nashville, December 15, 1S64; and Bentonville, the last battle of the war, March 19, 1865. At Shiloh the regiment earned the sobriquet of "The Bloody Seventh" bestowed upon them by General Hardee, in person on the battlefield, for their gallant storming of Prentiss' lines, causing him to surrender, and by this name they were ever afterwards known. There was not a battle nor a skirmish by the Army of Tennessee, but that they bore in it their full share. The Seventh Arkansas Regiment, (Col. Shavers) had become so decimated from its losses that it was consolidated with the Sixth. After the battle of Franklin, at roll call only 45 men answered to their names out of the two regiments combined. At Peach Tree Creek, the regiment was nearly wiped out, and at Bentonville, the Second, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Regiments had become so depleted that they were all consolidated into one regiment, and barely made a good-sized regiment then. The Seventh went into the war with 1,250 men on its muster rolls, and came out with 150, of whom probably not more than 100 are now living. After the evacuation of Corinth, while at Tupelo, Mississippi, Colonel Shaver was transferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department, and in that department raised another regiment, which he commanded to the close of the war. The Eighth Arkansas Infantry Regiment was raised by William K. Patterson, who was made its Colonel, and who commanded it from its organization, of Jacksonport, in the summer of 1861, to the time of its re-organization at Corinth, Mississippi, late' in the spring or early in the summer of 1862. At the re-organization, John H. Kelley became Colonel; James H. Wilson, of Jackson- port, Lieutenant-Colonel; G. F. Baucum, Major. During the Kentucky campaign, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Wilson resigned; Major G. F. Baucum, became Lieutenant-Colonel; and Anderson Watkins, son of Judge George C. Watkins, Major. Afterwards Colonel Kelley was promoted to Brigadier-General; G. F. Baucum became Colonel; and Anderson Watkins Lieutenant-Colonel. The regiment was in the battle of Shiloh; then went with Bragg's Army on his cam- paign in Kentucky; was in the battles at Perryville and Murfreesboro; from there went to Chattanooga ; was in the battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold Gap Resaca Kennesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Ezra Church and Atlanta. In'this battle Colonei Baucum was wounded, Lieutenant-Colonel Anderson Watkins was killed, and the regiment suffered greatly in killed and wounded, Colonel Baucum was never able to rejoin the regiment after being wounded. This regiment was one of Cleburne's Division, and participated in all the marches and battles of that command, and surrendered with Joseph E. Johnston's troops April 26, 1865. The Eighth Arkansas Infantry entered the Confederate service with the following field officers: Wm. K. Patterson, Colonel; Henry M. Crouch, Lieutenant-Colonel; John A Price, Major; Dr. L. H. Dickson, Surgeon; Dr. Gee, Assistant Surgeon; and Tom Watson' Quartermaster. ' The Nineteenth Arkansas Infantry was organized at Nashville, Arkansas, in November 1861, with the following officers; C. L. Dawson, Colonel; P. R. Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel- Joseph H Anderson, Major; A. S. Hutchinson, Adjutant. Company "A" — Captain Castleman. Company "B" — Captain Gabe Stewart. Company "C" — Captain. Spars. Company "D" — Captain J. H. Carter. Company "E" — Captain Nathan Eldrigde. Company "F" — Captain D. H. Hamiter. Company "G"— Captain D. C. Cowling, afterwards Captain George U Clark, after the capture of Arkansas Post Company "H" — Captain Featherston. Company "I" — Captain Burton H. Kinsworthy. Company "K" — Captain Herndon. The regiment took part in the battles of Elkhorn, March 7, 1862, and Arkansas Post, January 11, 1863. At the capture of Arkansas Post, about one-half only of the regiment was made prison- ers, the remaining portion not being of the garrison. The portion which was captured was taken to northern prisons, and the men were exchanged at City Point, Virginia, in May 1863. After being exchanged, they were consolidated with a portion of the Twenty-fourth Arkansas, Colonel Portlock's Regiment, which had likewise been made prisoners. This new regiment went through the battles of Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863; Mis- sionary Ridge, November 23 and 25, 1863; in all the battles of the Georgia campaign, from Dalton to the fall of Atlanta; on Hood's raid through Tennessee, and in all the battles under Joe Johnston, in North Carolina, and surrendered with him, April 26, 1865. The strength of the. regiment at organization was 800 men; at the surrender 300 or 350. Adjutant A. S. Hutchinson eventually became Colonel of the regiment. That portion of the original Nineteenth which was not captured, was consolidated with a portion of a regiment which had been commanded by Colonel Thomas P. Dockery. The regiment thus formed took a new number. Thirtieth (Hart's) Infantry Regiment — Afterwards Rogan's Thirtieth; Robert A Hart, Colonel; Jos. C. Martin, Major; Jas. W. Rogan, Lieutenant-Colonel. Thirtieth (McNeil's) Fifth Trans-Mississippi — Afterwards Hart's Thirtieth Infantry Regiment: Gaston W. Baldwin, Lieutenant-Colonel; Robert A. Hart, Lieutenant-Colonel; Jos. C. Martin, Major; A. J. McNeill, Colonel; Jas. W. Rogan, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel. This regiment was in battles at Farmington, Mississippi, May 9, 1862, and Richmond. Kentucky, but records are not complete as to other engagements. A. T. Ellis, Editor, the Arkansas Homestead, Little Rock, Ark. Battle Flag of the 6th Regiment of Kentucky Volunteers. Captured at the Battle of Jonesboro, Sept. 1, 1864. Kentucky. It was believed, at the commencement of the great Civil strife, notwithstanding the neutrality declaration, that Kentucky would constitute the battle ground of the contending armies and many were the convictions that they would be needed at home and that it was unnecessary for even the most sanguinary to hunt for earlier opportunities to shed his blood than would be furnished in due course of time, ready-made to hand. Consequently camps were established contiguous to Kentucky and the work of recruiting troops for the Southern army was commenced. Some of the most wealthy and influential citizens of the State spent freely for transportation and supplies and aided in every laudable way the effect to recruit troops for the Southern cause. On the 20th of September, 1861, Col. Joseph H. Lewis, of Glasgow, Ky., established a Camp at Cave City, a few miles from Glasgow, in Barren County, Ky. ; Col. Martin H. Cofer, also had authority to organize a battalion in connection with Major Thomas H. Hays (then Captain of a Company of Kentucky State Guard). Col. Lewis and Col. Cofer, finding that they could not succeed in recruiting either two full regiments or battalions in time for the active operations which were now being inaugurated, agreed, after con- sultation with the officers, and through them with the men of the several companies, to unite the two battalions in process of formation, and organize a single regiment. Early in November, the tents were pitched together, and on the 19th of that month the organiza- tion of the Sixth Regiment took place. * Joseph H. Lewis was elected Colonel, Martin H. Cofer, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Thomas H. Hays, Major. On September 30, 1863, Col. Lewis was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General, and Lieut. -Col. Cofer succeeded to the Colonelcy The regiment was composed of ten companies of from seventy to eighty-five strong. In addition to the ten companies first enrolled, a company stationed at Hopkinsville, Ky., commanded by Capt. McKinney, of Logan County, Ky., was ordered by Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, on November 25th, to report to Col. Lewis, as on detached service, but to be incorporated with the Sixth Infantry. It was accordingly entered upon the records as "Co. L." When re-enforcements were sent to Donelson, this company was sent forward to report at that point and fought there with the Eighth Kentucky Infantry It was sur- rendered with the other companies of that command; and though Col. Lewis made an effort, after it was exchanged, to have it report to him, it was never with the Sixth Regiment and soon ceased to be considered a part of it. This regiment was a part of the famous First Kentucky Brigade, better known as the "Orphan Brigade," and this fact alone, to those who know the fighting record of the "Orphans," is evidence that the men of the Sixth saw hard service. The "Orphans Brigade" was composed of the Second Kentucky Infantry; Fourth Kentucky Infantry; Fifth Ken- tucky Infantry; Sixth Kentucky Infantry; Ninth Kentucky Infantry; Byrne's, Graves' and Cobb's Kentucky Batteries, and the First Kentucky Cavalry was also attached to this Brigade, and the men of this regiment were designated "adopted orphans". The "Orphan Brigade" was known as one of the finest brigades in either army. The following extract from an article by Prof. N. S. Shaler, a strong Union man, published in Scribner's Magazine (1890) will show something of the brigade's standing among those who had followed its career: * * "Some years ago I sought carefully to find a body of troops whose ancestors had been for many generations upon our soil, and whose ranks were essentially unmixed with foreigners, or those whose forefathers had been but a short time upon this continent. It proved difficult to find in the Northern armies any command which served the needs of the inquiry which I desired to make. It seemed necessary to consider a force of at least five thousand men in order to avoid the risks which would come from imperfect data. In our Federal army it was the custom to put in the same brigade regiments from different districts, thus commingling commands of pure American blood with those that had a considerable percentage of foreigners or men of foreign parents. I found in my inquiry but one command that satisfied the need of this investigation, and this was the First Brigade of Kentucky troops, in the rebel army." * * When first recruited, this brigade contained about 5000 men. From the beginning it proved as trustworthy a body of infantry as ever marched or stood in line of battle. Its military record is too long, too varied, to even be summarized here. I will note only one hundred and twenty (120) days of its history in the closing stages of its service. On May 7, 1864, this brigade, then in the army of Gen. Jos. E. Johnston, marched out of Dalton, Ga., 1140 strong, at the beginning of the great retreat upon Atlanta before the army of Sherman. In the subsequent one hundred and twenty days, or until September 3rd, the brigade was almost continuously in action or on the march. In this period the men of the command received 1260 death or hospital wounds, the dead counted as wounds, and but one wound being counted for each visitation of the hospital. At the end of this time there were less than fifty men who had not been wounded during the one hundred and twenty days. There were two hundred and forty men left for duty, and less than ten men deserted. A search into the history of warlike exploits has failed to show me any endurance to the worst trials of war surpassing this. We must remember that the men of this com- mand were at each stage of their retreat going farther from their firesides. It is easy for men to bear great trials under circumstances of victory. Soldiers of ordinary goodness will stand severe defeats, but to endure the despair which such adverse conditions bring for more than a hundred days demands a moral and physical patience, which, so far as I have learned, has never been excelled in any arm}'. Gen. Jos. E. Johnston, a trained West Pointer, a veteran of two wars and a native of another State, speaking of the "Orphan Brigade" said that they were the finest body of men and soldiers he ever saw in any army anywhere. One of the prominent Southern journals, referring to Gen. Hood's defeat at Nashville, had this remark: "A correspondent of one of our exchanges writes of the unfortunate disaster at Nashville, and incidentally pays the highest compliment to Lewis' Brigade, then absent, which was never known to falter." The "Mobile Advertiser and Register" speaking of a certain point of Hood's defense, on the same occasion, remarks: "Troops should have been placed at that point of whom not the slightest doubt existed. Had the Kentucky Brigade been there, all would have been safe." When a large portion of the Brigade, including the Sixth Infantry were captured at Jonesboro they were assured by Gen. Davis, Commanding the Federal troops, that they would be treated with the utmost courtesy, and no insult was offered them by any of the Federal soldiers, nor were they deprived of their watches and other private property as was the custom Since the close of the war the following members of the Sixth Infantry have been prominent in the affairs of the State of Nations : General, formerly Colonel, Lewis, was a lawyer of note and served for years as a Judge of the Kentucky Supreme Court. He was noted for his impartiality to all who had dealings with him as an attorney, Judge or private citizen ; Col. Cofer was elected as Judge of the Kentucky Supreme Court but died before the end of his term; A. M. Adair, was a successful lawyer and held State and Count}' offices; S. H. Bush, prominent lawyer; John T. Craycroft, U. S. Revenue Officer; Capt. Jno. Davis, State Commissioner of Agriculture, U. S. Revenue Officer, etc. ; Charles Dawson, Sheriff of Nelson County; Alec V. Duncan, and Thos. G. Duncan, both successful practicing physicians and business men in Texas; W. W. Franklin, physician, and for years Clerk of Barren County Court; Amos Fox, prominent citizen and business man of Atlanta, Ga. ; Capt. Richard P. Finn, Educator, member of Legislature; Thos. M. Goodknight, lawyer, Supt. of Schools of Simpson County, Postmaster of Franklin, Ky., Chief Clerk State Depart- ment of Education ; Virgil Hewitt, Chief Clerk of State Insurance Bureau, for years Assistant Auditor of State; A. L. Harned, member of Legislature; W. S. B. Hill, U. S. Revenue Officer, for years an officer of the Court of Appeals; Helm Hobbs, U. S. Revenue Officer; Jas. A. Hindman, member of Legislature; Alex Lawson, U. S. Revenue Officer; Jas. M. Lee, member of Legislature; Maj. Geo. W. Maxson, for years an educator and "leading Presbyterian minister in the South; Lewis McQuown, prominent lawyer; Wm. L. Mudd, prominent lawyer; J. R. Nantz, Postmaster of Hodgenville, Ky., A. W. Randolph, City- Engineer of Louisville, for some years, for sixteen years County Suveyor of Jefferson County ; Wm. H. Read, for years Clerk of Allen County Court; Jas. S. Roby, member of Legislature ; Capt. Noah Smith, Judge Barren County Court; Jas. A. Smith, Postmaster of Glasgow, Ky. ; Capt. William Stanley, lawyer, but almost ever since was one of the leading ministers of the Christian Church; Pat Simms, U. S. Revenue Officer; Jno. L. Stout, Justice of the Peace, prominent business man; Elliott W. Thompson, Justice of the Peace, member of Legislature, for years Assessor of Livingston County, Mo. ; Ed. Porter Thompson, State Librarian, private Secretary to Governor Buckner, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Custodian of Public Buildings and Compiler of Confederate Records until his death; Geo. W. Wells, U. S. Revenue Officer; Smith E. Winn, prominent physician and business man of California. There are many others who have made excellent citizens of our State too numerous to mention here. On the 25th of March, 1905, the Secretary of War had the old regimental flag of the Sixth Infantry returned to the Governor of this State. This flag was returned in accordance with an Act of Congress entitled a "Joint resolution to return to the proper authorities certain Union and Confederate battle flags." This old flag, a reproduction in colors of which is given above, is made of red and blue flannel, the cross bars of white linen. It is mounted on a hickory limb about five or six feet in length. Printed across the face of the flag are the names of the following battle- fields: Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Chickamauga, Murfreesboro. This flag was captured at the battle of Jonesboro, Sept. 1, 1864, by the Tenth Michigan Veteran Infantry. Gov. Beckham has turned the flag over to the Kentucky Historical Society and it has been placed in the room of this Society where it will be carefully preserved. Ed. Porter Thompson, Jr., Compiler Confederate Records, State of Kentucky. Battle Flag of the 48th Mississippi Regiment. Date of capture not obtainable. M ississippi. Owing to the impossibility of obtaining a full history of the flags returned to the State of Mississippi, only a brief record of the flags reproduced is here given. Nineteen Confederate battle flags have been returned to the State of Mississippi by the War Department, in carrying out the provisions of the resolution of Congress, and arc deposited in the Department of Archives and History where they will be permanently preserved. Among the most famous of these flags are the Second, Eighteenth and Forty-eighth Infantry, all of which belonged to the Army of Northern Virginia. They represent the regulation battle flag of the Confederacy, and are in a good state of preservation when the rough usage to which they have been subjected is considered. The battle flag of the Second Mississippi Regiment was captured at Gettysburg, and has inscribed on its folds the names of the important battles in which the regiment was engaged, namely: Gaines' Farm, Malvern Hill, Manassas and Seven Pints. This regiment was commanded by Colonels John A. Blair and Bently B. Boon; Lieut. -Col. David W. Humphreys and Lieut. -Col. John M. Buchanan. The battle flag of the Eighteenth Mississippi Regiment is in a'good state of preserva- tion. It was captured at Fredericksburg, on the 5th day of May, 1S63. This famous regiment took part in all the great battles in which the Army of Northern Virginia was engaged, and was commanded by Col. E. R. Burt and Col, Thomas M. Griffin; Lieut.-Col. W. H. Luse and Lieut. -Col. Walter G. Kearney; Major J. W. Balfour, Maj'>r G. B. Gerald and Major E. G. Henry. The battle flag of the Forty-eighth Mississippi Regiment is full of bullet holes and is more tattered and faded than the others. This celebrated regiment took part in tin following battles, the names of which almost cover the folds of the flag: Vorktown, Williams- burg, Seven Pines, Beaver Dam, Gains Mills, Frazicr's Farm, Second Manassas. Sharpsbury. Harper's Ferry, Bristow Station, Gettysburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Deep Run. This regiment was commanded by Joseph M. Jayne, Colonel: Thomas B. Manlove, Lieutenant-Colonel, and L. C. Lee, Major. In the collection will be found the Eleventh, Fifteenth, two of the Twelfth, Thirty- third, Nineteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth. Sixth, Wigfall Rifles. Fourth. Sweets Battery, First, Forty-second and Forty-fourth. Many of them are still on their original staffs; others are attached to rude poles. Dun BAB Rowland, Stale Archivest, [ackson, Miss. Battle Flag of the 2nd Mississippi Regiment. Captured at Gettysburg. Battle Flag of the 18th Mississippi Regiment. Captured at Fredericksburg, May 5, 1863. Flag of Hood's Texas Brigade. Date of capture unknown. exas. Brief history of the Confederate Battle Flags recently returned by the Secretary of War to the Governor of Texas. The Flag of the First Texas Infantry Regiment. It was captured in the battle of Appomattox, April 8, 1865. Flag of Hood's Texas Brigade. The lower half of this flag is frazzled and tattered. It is a Texas flag in design, and inscribed upon it are the words "Seven Pines," "Malvern Hill" and "Gaines Farm." The Flag of the Third Texas Cavalry Regiment. It was captured in Georgia, August 20, 1S64. Upon it is inscribed "Oak Hill," "Holly Springs," "Hatchie Bridge," and "Thompson's Station." Unknown Flag. It was captured September 17, 1862, It is evidently the flag of a Texas Brigade, but cannot be identified by the public record or by private inquiry. All these old flags arc tattered, battle scarred and bullet riddled, but the colors are as bright as the day upon which they were first unfurled. Harry Haynes, Austin Statesman, Austin, Texas. Battle Flag of the ist Texas Infantry Regiment. Captured in the Battle of Appomattox, April 8, I860. Battle Flag of the 3rd Texas Cavalry Regiment. Captured in Georgia, August 20, 1864. Unknown Flag of a Texas Brigade. Captured Sept. 17, 1862. Battle Flag of the 4th Virginia Infantry. Captuied in the Battle of the Wilderness. Mav 12th, 1S64 This regiment belonged to the famous "Stonewall Brigade." Battle Flag of the 2nd Virginia Infantry. There is no record of the capture of this flag, but its condition plainly indicates the terrific conflicts through which it passed. Flags of Virginia. The return of the battle flags to the Southern States by the Federal Government has been hailed with great joy by the old heroes who wore the gray, and these tattered emblems of more strenuous days are highly prized by those who followed them so devotedly on so m.iny fields The Virginia flags returned, are carefully stored away in the Confederate Museum, which was the home of President Davis, during the Civil War. They were shipped from the War Department, each carefully wrapped in a separate package. The box also contained a number of flags on the poles on which they were originally used during the war. The box was placed in the Museum, pending the final decision of Governor Montague as to what disposition he will make of the valued relics, but it is thought the Governor will determine to allow them to remain where they are. The flags returned to Virginia are indeed interesting. There is, for instance, a flag of the state, made of fine blue silk, which saw service all through the war, and which was presented by the ladies of Bath County. "God Protect the Right" is the inscription. Another flag of great interest and historic value, is that of the Second Virginia Infantry. This old relic werft nearly all through the war, and is now but a mere fragment, having been torn almost into shreds by Federal bullets. A picture of this is shown above, and one has but to look upon it to appreciate the service it has seen. The Fourth Infantry Flag. It was in all the big battles of the famous "Stonewall Brigade", and was captured at the battle of the Wilderness, May 12, 1864. It bears an inscription "Rebel Battle Flag", showing also the date of its capture. Upon the flag is lettered the names of the battles through which it passed. These include First and Second Manassas, Winchester, Kearnstown, Harper's Ferry, Cold Harbor, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. The flag of the Forty-seventh Virginia Infantry is among the very interesting ones. It was captured by the First Michigan Cavalry, at the battle of Falling Waters. The Ninth and Forty-eighth Virginia Infantry flags are both interesting and are highly prized by the old veterans. The Joint Resolution under which the flags were returned, was offered in the House by Congressman John Lamb, of Richmond, himself a gallant officer in the Third Cavalry, and his old battle flag is distinguished among those returned. Captain Lamb also drew and offered the report which was adopted along with the resolution. . • Only one-fourth of the flag of the Tenth Virginia Infantry is left to tell the story of the thrillling battles through which it passed. It was captured at the battle of Sailor's Creek, April 6, 1865, only a few days before the surrender of General Lee's Army at Appomattox C. H. The Tenth Virginia Infantry was a regiment of striking gallantry, and many of its members laid down their lives on the field where their flag was captured. We give a reproduction of Gen. Jubal A. Early's headquarter's flag. Though soiled and bedraggled by rain, it is in a good state of preservation. It was the marker for the old hero's forces in all his engagements both in the Valley of Virginia and elsewhere, and was carried at the head of his army until the end came. It was with him in Pennsylvania, as well as in all his other engagements throughout the war. Unknown Flag of Pickett's Corps. This flag was in the major portion of the greatest battles fought by the gallant Gen. George E. Pickett. It is designated as having belonged to "Pickett's Corps", and this of itself is sufficient to mark it at once as an emblem of great historic value. There is no data at hand to show where this flag was captured, though it is evident it waved in the forefront of man)' fiery engagements. The flag of the Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry is one around which thrilling memories cluster. It was in many engagements both in and out of Virginia, and after having been borne gallantly on many victorious fields, was captured at Hanover, Pa., in July, 1863. The Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry was one of the most gallant of all the mounted regiments that followed the fortunes of the Confederacy from Virginia. Thirty-seventh Virginia Cavalry. This is evidently a flag with an interesting and thrilling history. It is battle scarred and shot and torn into shreds. It is officially desig- nated as the flag of "Dunn's Battalion, Thirty-seventh Virginia Cavalry". It was in many of the most striking engagements of the Valley campaigns and was captured in Luray (Va.) Valle)', October 26th, 1S64, by the Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. The flag is quite highly prized and is one of the most interesting of all those returned to Virginia. Flag of the Engineering Corps, Lee's Army. This flag is of striking appearance and it saw service all through the war, having been carried at the head of the Engineering Corps in blazing the way for some of the most historic battles of the entire struggle. The flag is of extra large size, and is made of red material, the lettering being white, and perfectly distinct. It has also a white border on the side where it was attached to the pole. There is no data to show whether it was captured or simply turned over to the C. A. Boyce, Times-Dispatch. Richmond. Va. Unitnown Battle Flag of Pickett's Corps. No date of capture given General Jubal A. Early's Headquarters Flag. No record of when captured. Battle Flag of the gth Virginia Infantry. There is no date of the capture of this fla^. Battle Flag of the 47th Virginia Infantry. Captured in the Battle of Falling Waters. Battle Flag of Dunn's Battalion, 37th Virginia Cavalry. Captured in Luray (Va.), "Valley, Oct. 26th, 1864. Battle Flag of the 48th Virginia Infantry. There is no date of the capture of this flag. Company Flag. Carried by a company raised in Bath County. Virginia. Battle Flag of the 16th South Carolina Volunteers. Captured at Five Forks, Va., April 7, 1865. Fort Ripley S. C, Garrison Flag. No record of capture. South Carolina. Owing to the fact that many of the Confederate battle flags, returned to the States, were received so very late, and there being no r2cords at the State Capitols of the regiments that bore the flags, it has been impossible to secure information from members of the regiments which carried the flags, and give full histories of them. Particularly is this the case with South Carolina flags, and below we give only a very short history of a few of the South Carolina flags which are reproduced in this souvenir. Until there is some expression from the Confederate Veterans Association of the State, the battle flags captured during the war, and recently returned to the State by the War Department, arc in the keeping of the ladies in charge of the State Relic Room in the Capitol building. Writing to Governor Heyward, under date of March 25, 1905. Secretary of War Taft, said: "I have the honor to advise you that, under authority conferred upon the Secretary of War by the joint resolution of Congress approved February 28, 1905, entitled 'A Joint Resolution to return to the proper authorities certain Union and Confederate battle flags, ' I have caused to be forwarded to you to-day by express all the Confederate battle flags that were in the custody of the War Department at the time of the approval of said joint resolution, and that could be identified as belonging to your State or as having been borne by military organizations thereof. "A few of the flags that were described in executive document Xo. 163, House of Repre- sentatives, Fiftieth Congress cannot now be identified. Their numbers or distinguishing marks have been lost, and a few of the flags that could not be identified in 1868 have since been identified and are now returned to the states to which the organizations which bore them belonged." This "Executive Document" described other South Carolina flags that were captured but Secretary Taft makes no mention of what disposition has been made of them. A list of the flags returned follows:- Eighth Regiment Infantry. Fort Moultrie garrison flag. Eleventh Regiment Infantry. Citadel garrison flag. Sixteenth Regiment Infantry. Sccessionville (James Island) garrison flag Twenty-seventh Regiment Infantry. Fort Ripley garrison flag. Castle Pinckney garrison flag. Three Regimental flags, unidentified. The only history available, of the several flags returned, is the following: Eighth South Carolina Infantry Flag, captured Septempber 13, 1864. Flag of Eleventh South Carolina Volunteers, inscribed: "Port Royal, Cedar Creek, Swift Creek, Petersburg, June 24, Weldon Railroad." Flag of the Sixteenth South Carolina Volunteers, was captured during the engagement of April 7, 1865, at Five Forks, Va. Battle Flag of the Twenty-seventh South Carolina Regiment. Flag of Sumter Heavy Artillery, captured in the battle of Sailor's Creek, April 6, 1865. Garrison Flag of Secessionville, defense of Charleston, captured February, 1865. Garrison Flag of Citadel, Charleston, S. C, captured ' February 18, 1865. Garrison Flag of Fort Moultrie, Charleston Harbor, captured February 18, 1865. W. H. McCaw, Columbia, S. C. Garrison Flag of Castle Pinckney, S. C. No record of capture. Garrison Flag of the Citadel, Charleston, S. C. Captured Feb. ISth. 1865. Flag of the 1st Tennessee Battalion. Captured at the Battle of Chickahominy, July 27th. 1862. Returned Tennessee Confederate Flags. ■ The following brief information in regard to the Tennessee Regiments, whose Battle Flags were returned by the U. S. Government, is all that it was possible to obtain in regard to them from the archives on file at Nashville. First Tennessee Confederate Regiment Battle Flag. It has this inscription, "Con- federate Battle Flag of the First Tennessee Regiment, captured at the Battle of Gettys- burg, July 3, 1863." The battles inscribed on it are, "Cold Harbor," "Seven Pines,' "Mechanicsville," "Frazier's Farm," "Cedar Run," "Ox Hill," "Harpers Ferry," "Sharpes- burg," " Shepherdstown, " "Fredericksburg" and " Chancellors ville." Col. Peter Turney, the Commander of this Regiment, was badly wounded at the Battle of Fredericksburg. The Flag of the First Tennessee Battalion, bears inscription: "Captured at the Battle of Chickahominy, July 27, 1862." The Sixth Tennessee Infantry. This Flag is inscribed: "Captured at Sailors Creek, April 1st, 1865." The battles in which this regiment was engaged, were Belmont, Shiloh Perryyille, Murfreesboro, Tullahoma, Chickamauga, Cat Creek, Dalton, Resaca, Kennesaw, Dead Angle, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Franklin, Nashville, Missionary Ridge and Bentonville. 'Geo. C. Porter, was Colonel, W. H. Jones, Lieutenant-Colonel, and J. L. Harris, Major. Flag of the 2nd Regiment East Tennessee Volunteers. No record of capture "Colors of the Seventh Tennessee Regiment." This was General Robert Hatton's old Regiment. He was killed at the battle of Seven Pines. Fourteenth Tennessee Regiment Battle Flag, captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. The battles in which this regiment was engaged were, "Seven Pines, Mcehanicsville, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Cedar Run, Manassas," Ox Hill, Harpers Ferry, Sharpesburg, Shepherdstown, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville." This was Col. Forbes' Regiment, he was killed at the second battle of Manassas. The Battle Flag of the Twenty-Third Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers: "Captured. 2d day of April, 1865." This regiment was consolidated with the Seventeenth Regiment, which was commanded by Col. R. H. Keeble, who was killed at Petersburg, July 31, 1864. The Flag of the Forty-Fourth Tennessee Regiment: "Captured, 17th day of June. 1864, at Petersburg, Va." The battles in which this Regiment was engaged were Shiloli, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Hoover's Gap, Ringold, Chickamauga, Knoxville, Beans Station, Watthall Junction, Drury's Bluff and Petersburg. Col. John S. Fulton commanded the regiment. He was killed on the 30th dav of June, 1864. This regiment was finally consolidated with the Twenty-Fifth Tennessee, commanded by Col. S. S. Stanton, who was killed at Resaca, Ga., in 1864. The Second Tennessee Volunteer Regiment Flag. This must have been the Nineteenth Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers. Harvey H. Hannah, Adjutant General, State of Tennessee. 6th Tennessee Regiment Battle Flag. Captured at Sailor's Creek, April 1, 1865. Flag of Unknown Tennessee Regiment. No record of capture. Colors of Unknown Regiment of Tennessee Volunteers. No record of capture. Battle Flag of the 14th Tennessee Regiment Captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Battle Flag of the 45th Georgia Regiment. Captured at Appomattox C. H., April 9. 1865. Battle Flag of the 40th Georgia Infantry. Captured at Appomattox C. H., April n. 1865. Confederate Flags of Georgia. Photographs of twenty-seven flags returned by the Government][to the State of Georgia were received, but it was impossible to reproduce more than the fifteen shown in this publication, owing to the shortness of time before the Re-union at Louisville. The history, however, of all of the flags returned to Georgia is given, and if future editions of this publication are issued the other flags will be reproduced. Flag of the First Georgia Volunteer Infantry. This Regiment, commanded by Col. James N Ramsey, enlisted for twelve months, and organized at Maeon, Ga., April 3, 1861; fought in West Virginia under General Robert S. Garnett, taking part in the Laurel Hill engagement, and the fights at Garrick's Fork, Greenbrier River and Cheat Mountain. In April, 1862, this regiment having served its period of enlistment disbanded. All the companies re-enlisted, however; four Companies forming the Twelfth Georgia Battalion of Artillery. Served around Charleston and in the Western Army until June, 1864, when it was armed as infantry and assigned to Gordon's Georgia Brigade, with which it served around Richmond, in the valley, in Early's Maryland campaign, around Petersburg and surrendered at Appomattox. The other Companies of the First Regiment served in other commands under General Johnston and General Hood in Tennessee, Georgia, and on to Greensboro, N. C, in 1S65. Flag of the Seventh Georgia Cavalry. This Regiment was organized > in the early part of 1863, served in Georgia and South Carolina until June, 1864, when it joined Hamp- ton's Cavalry in Virginia. Took part in the battle of Trevillian Station, suffering con- siderable loss, but helped to drive Sheridan back to the Pamunky and defeating his efforts to join General Hunter in his raid against Lynchburg. Va. This Regiment joined in the fights in the Valley Campaign in 1864, where Early's small Command was overwhelmed by Sheridan. This flag is one of the latest designs adopted by the Confederate Government. Very few of them were ever used by the Confederate Troops in the field. It was captured by Sheridan's Cavalry, in October, 1864. Flag of the Benjamin Infantry. This Company was one of the Companies of the Tenth Georgia Regiment, and this flag was carried to the army when the Company entered the service. When the regiment was organized, and regimental colors given it, this flag was sent back to the County of Clayton, near Atlanta, and was put away in a bureau drawer as a sacred relic. Some soldier, belonging to Sherman's Army, plundered this private residence and carried off the old flag, Kilpatrick having raided in that neighborhood in August, 1864. Flag of the Twelfth Georgia Regiment. This Regiment was first Commanded by Col- onel Edward Johnson, and became famous for its heroic services in the Valley of Vir- ginia. When its Colonel became a General, it was commanded by another hero, Edward Willis, and then another, Isaac Hardeman. It became part of Doles-Cook Brigade of Rodes' Division, Jackson's Corps, taking part in all the battles of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. But the flag, purporting to be the flag of the Twelfth Georgia, was not its flag. Col. James G. Lane, of the One Hundred and Second New York Regiment, claimed in his official report of the battle of Chancellorsville, that his Command captured twenty-three men of the Twelfth Georgia Regiment, including the Color Bearer and his battle flag. Doubtless this New York Regiment captured some prisoners and a flag, but it was not the Twelfth Georgia's Flag. A number of the surviving officers and men of this most gallant Regiment assert most positively that their colors were never lost in battle, either at Chan- cellorsville or elsewhere during the war. The Regiment was a part of General Rodes 's Division, and Gen. Rodes in his official report of Chancellorsville, mentions the loss of three battle flags by his Division. They were those of the Fifth Alabama, and the Second and Fourth Regiments of North Carolina Troops. The Twelfth Georgia flag was not captured at this place, and was never in any danger of being lost. Fourteenth Georgia Flag. The Fourteenth Georgia Regiment was one of the Regi- ments of General E. L. Thomas's Georgia Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division of Jackson's (2d) Corps, afterwards made a part of Third Corps, General A. P. Hill, commanding. It participated in nearly all the battles in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania and surrendered at Appomattox. General A. V. Brumby was the first Colonel, succeeded by Colonels Felix Price, Robert W. Folsom and R. P. Lester, in order named. The flag was probably among those surrendered at Appomattox. \0& Battle Flag of the 44th Georgia Regiment. Captured at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864 n Infantry, a Company of the 10th Georgia Regiment. Captured in August, 1864. Fifteenth Georgia Regiment Flag. The Fifteenth Georgia was one of the Regiments of General Robert Toombs's Georgia Brigade. After Gen. Toombs's retirement to other fields of duty, the Brigade was commanded by General Henry L. Benning, known by the troops as "Old Rock," companion Brigade to General G. T. Anderson, known as "Old Tige." "Hurry up, Tige, Old Rock has Treed," was the trooper's way of indicating that the latter had located the enemy and needed help. This Regiment was one of the best in Longstreet's Corps, and fought in the battles in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, and at Chickamauga and Knoxville. It sur- rendered with Lee at Appomattox. Col. Thos. W. Thomas was First Colonel, and Judge Linton Stephens, brother of Alexander H. Stephens, was Lieut. -Colonel. This Regiment's flag was lost at the "Devil's Den," Gettysburg, Pa., July, 1863. Sixteenth Georgia Regiment Flag. The Sixteenth Georgia was originally commanded by Colonel (afterwards General) Howell Cobb, one of Georgia's most distinguished men. He had been a member of Congress, Governor of Georgia, Speaker of Federal House of Representatives, and member of President James Buchanan's Cabinet. He commanded a Brigade at Crampton's Gap, Md., where his command was assailed and overwhelmed by several Brigades of McClellan's Army. The Regiment was afterward one of Wofford's Georgia Brigade, and fought gloriously at Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, around Richmond, Chancellorsville and other battles, and surrendered at Appomattox, crowned with glory although numbered among the vanquished. Flag of the Eighteenth Georgia Regiment; known also as the "Third Texas," by the Texas Regiments of Hood's Old Brigade to which it belonged until 1863, when it was Brigaded with other Georgia Regiments under General W. T. Wofford. It was one of the most gallant Regiments, and in the fight at Cold Harbor, June, 1864, together with the Fourth Texas Regiment and Hampton's S. C. Legion, charged one mile and captured part of Porter's line with fourteen pieces of artillery and held them. It took part in all the principal battles in Virginia (except Chancellorsville) and in Maryland and Pennsylvania, and surrendered at Appomattox. - Flag of the Nineteenth Georgia Regiment. Was one of the Regiments of General Alfred H. Colquitt's Brigade. Took part in nearly all the battles of Virginia and Maryland. Was in the battle of Ocean Pond, or Olustee, Florida, at Fort Sumter, S. C, and helped repulse Grant's assault at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, when 7000 Federals were killed and wounded in just twenty minutes by the clock. Later in 1864, Colquitt's Brigade was sent South again to re-enforce Joe Johnston's army before Sherman, and surrendered in North Carolina on April 26, 1865. Flag of the Twenty-first Georgia Regiment. This Regiment has the distinction of sustaining a greater percentage of losses during the four years of service than any other Georgia Regiment. At the second battle of Manassas it lost 64 per cent, killed and wounded, and the remnant held their ground. It was one of Trimble's Brigade in Jackson's Valley Campaign, taking part in all the engagements against Milroy, Banks, Fremont and Shields. Afterwards became a part of the Doles-Cook Brigade, Rodes' Division, and fought in all the battles in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Surrendered fifty men at Appomattox, where the flag was given up. Colonel John T. Mercer, its Colonel, was a West Pointer, and was killed at Plymouth, N. C, when Hoke's Division captured that place. Flag of the Twenty-sixth Georgia Regiment. This Regiment, one of the best fighting Regiments of Gordon's Fighting Georgia Brigade, was commanded by Col. Edmund N. Atkinson. It took part under Lawton, Gordon and Evans in all the battles in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, from June, 1862. to April, 1865, at Appomattox, when it surrendered with less than one hundred men. No better -Regiment ever fought for the South. Flag of the Thirty-fifth Georgia Regiment. Commanded by Colonel (afterwards General) Ed. L. Thomas, and formed part of Thomas' Brigade, A. P. Hill's Third Corps. Served under Jackson until his death, when the Third Corps was organized and placed under command of General A. P. Hill. Took part in all the battles and campaigns in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, and surrendered at Appomattox. Flag of the Forty-fourth Georgia Regiment. Commanded by the gallant Robert A. Smith of Macon, Ga., and was one of the Regiments of J. G. Walker's, then R..S. Ripley's Brigade, D. H. Hill's Division, Army of Northern Virginia. After General Ripley had been severely wounded, Gen. Geo. Doles became the Brigade Commander, and the Forty-fourth Regiment remained in this Brigade until its surrender. On May 10 1864, at Spottsylvania C. H., General Upton's storming column of ten picked Regiments assaulted Doles's Brigade of four small Regiments and captured about 60 per cent of this Regiment, among them the Color Bearer. For twenty minutes Upton's men held a small part of the Confederate line, but Gordon's Brigade came to the assistance Battle Flag of the 14th Georgia Infantry. Captured at Appomattox C. H., April 9 1865. Battle Flag of the 16th Georgia Infantry. Captured at Appomattox C H.. April 3, 186.5. Battle Flag of 35th Georgia Infantry. Captured at Appomattox C. H., April !). 1865 of Doles and the Federals were driven back. The Forty-fourth served during the war and surrendered at Appomattox. Flag of the Forty-fifth Georgia Regiment. The Forty-fifth Georgia Regiment, Colonels Thos. Hardeman, Jr. and Thomas J. Simmons, was one of the Regiments of Thomas's Brigade, Pender's Division, A. P. Hill's Corps. It fought wherever the Army of Northern Virginia fought, and was a most gallant command. They surrendered at Appomattox C. H. Col. Simmons is now the honored Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia. Flag of the Forty-ninth Georgia'Regiment. This Regiment was also one of General E. L. Thomas's Georgia Brigade of Pender's Division. A. P. Hill's Third Corps, Army of North- ern Virginia. It participated gallantly in all the campaigns in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, and surrendered at Appomattox C. H., April 9, 1865. The rank and file were from among the sturdy, full-blooded Middle Georgia Americans, many of them men of wealth, and all of them patriotic. Flag of the Fiftieth Georgia Regiment. The Fiftieth Regiment was from the Southern Counties of Georgia, and was one of the Regiments of General Paul J. Semmes's Brigade. McLaw's Division, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. It was commanded by Colonel W. R. Manning and Peter McGlashcrn, the latter now commanding the Georgia Division of United Confederate Veterans. This Regiment participated in all the battles in which the Army of Northern Virginia was engaged and surrendered at Appomattox. Flag of the Fifty-first Georgia Regiment. This Regiment was one of General Paul J. Semmes's Brigade, and served in the Army of Northern Virginia. It belonged to McLaw's Division, Longstreet's Corps, participated in the battles in Virginia, Maryland and Penn- sylvania, and surrendered at Appomattox. . It was a fine command and reflected honor upon Georgia on many a hard-fought field. Flag of the Sixtieth Georgia Regiment. This was one of the Regiments of the Georgia Brigade first commanded by General A. R. Lawton, one of Georgia's distinguished soldiers and citizens, who becoming disabled for field service by wounds, was appointed Quarter- master-General by President Davis. General Gordon succeeded him, and after his promotion, General Clement A. Evans subsequently commanded the Division to the close of the battle of Appomattox and is now Commander of the Army of Tennessee Department, U. C. V. This Regiment took part in all the battles in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, and surrendered at Appomattox; taking part in the last battle, joining in the last successful charge of Jackson's Old Division, commanded by General Evans, even after the flag of truce had been sent in. Notice of the truce and surrender was carried from Gordon to Evans by one of General Sheridan's Staff Officers, or Couriers. Flag of the Sumter Flying Artillery. This Company was from Americus, Sumter County, Ga., and was commanded by Captain Allen S. Cutts, who was afterwards promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, and given command of the Eleventh Battalion of Artillery, more familiarly known as Cutts' Battalion. This flag was surrendered at Sailor's Creek, near Appomattox, four days before General Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia. The Sumter Flying Artillery did great service in all the campaigns of the Army of Northern. Virginia, and was one of the best Artillery Companies furnished by Georgia. Flag of Cobb's Legion of Infantry. This Regiment was one of Cobb's Georgia Brigade, commanded by Col. Thos. R. R. Cobb, who was afterwards promoted to Brigadier-General. It was in all the engagements fought by the Army of Northern Virginia. At Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, this Brigade held the advance line in front of Mayre's Hill, and repulsed repeated assaults by Burnside's right wing. They were aided late in the fight by Kershaw's and Ransom's Brigades, but refused to leave the post of honor. Gen. Thos. Cobb was killed in this battle, and Gen. W. T. Wofford afterwards commanded it. At Crampton's Gap, Maryland, in September, 1862, this Regiment was overwhelmed by parts of Franklin's Corps of McClellan's Army. Lieut. -Col. Jeff Lamar was mortally wounded while commanding. He had received, one wound, and was lying on the field. Near by were other wounded men, among them Lieut. Wm. B. Lowe. Lieut. Lowe said that the command was being surrounded and called to Col. Lamar to order his regiment out of the perilous position it was vainly trying to hold. This heroic officer asked the Lieutenant to hold him up until he could give the command. The wounded Lieutenant crawled to his side, and with painful effort raised his Colonel to his feet. With super- human effort he ordered his regiment to move, "By the left flank, double quick." Just as he issued the order another vengeful bullet passed through his body and the Lieutenant gently laid him down to die among his heroic comrades. With such officers, Cobb's Legion could not have been anything except a glorious com- mand. W. H. Harrison, ' Adjutant, Atlanta Camp No. 159, U. C. V.. Atlanta, Ga. Battle Flag of the 7th Georgia Volunteers No date of rapt Flag of Washington Rifles, a Georgia military organization. No date of capture given. ^■: Flag of an Unknown Georgia Military Organization. No date of capture given. Flag of the ioth Missouri Battery (Barrett's'). Captured at Columbus, Ga., April 16, 1865. Flag of an Unknown Missouri Infantry Regiment. Captured at the Battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864. Missouri Confederate Flags. We have been unable to secure any information in regard to the Confed- erate flags' of Missouri excepting .the information contained in the letter below from the Adjutant General of the State of Missouri: May 24th, 1905. Mr. Charles E. Ware, Manager Buxton & Skinner Stationery Co., St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Sir: — The flags recently returned to the State of Missouri by the War Department, and of which photographs were sent you by Mr. Simms of this City, are two in number. The first is of the Tenth Missouri Battery, otherwise known as Barrett's Battery. The flag was captured with its bearer at Columbus, Ga., April 16, 1865, by Private John Kenney of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry, after a struggle with its bearer for possession of the flag. The other, larger, flag is that of a Missouri Infantry Regiment. The number of the Regiment has been torn off, and I am unable to give it. The names of six battles, in which the flag was carried, have been sewed on the flag. They are "Big Black," "Elk Horn," "Iuka," "Corinth," "Vicksburg," "Port Gibson," also another beginning "Kers — ," with the last letters missing. Upon the flag' is printed in ink, "Captured by Sergt. Alfred (last name blurred) Company K, Ninety-seventh O. V. I., at the Battle of Franklin, Novem- ber 30, 1864." I regret that I am not able to give you further information. There are in this Office no Confederate Records, and none of the Confederate Veterans who have looked at these flags have been able to give me any further part of their history. I am, very respectfully, James A. DeArmond. Adjutant General. Battle Flag of the 15th Louis iana Regiment Captured at battle of Spottsyl vania, May 12, 1864. Flag of the 12th Louisiana Regiment Captured at Peach Tree Creek Ga., July 12, 1864. Battle FUg of the 2nd Louisiana Regiment Infantry Volunteers Captured at battle .if Spottsvl vania, May 12. 1S64, BELMOKT MWFRE£SBO«0- i;/ f/J Flag of Austin's Battalion, Louisiana. Captured at Columbus, Ga., April 16, 1865. Louisiana. CAPTURED BATTLE FLAGS OF THE CONFEDERACY. Returned to Louisiana Division, U. C. V. The presentation of returned Confederate Flags which occurred in New Orleans. April 13th, in Memorial Hall, was an event freighted with significance, and tinged with tenderest sentiment. The occasion was an auspicious one, being as it were an open avowal and assurance of the healing of all old wounds, forcibly indicative of the golden epoch of amicable rela- tionship between the north and south. Faded, blood-stained and bullet-rent these revered relics were unfurled to view, and, as they fluttered once again over the assemblage of Confederate veterans, associations were potent in recalling an era hallowed within the memory of every loyal-hearted south- erner. Like receiving an old comrade back into the ranks, these emblems of a loved lost cause were welcomed with reverent ovation by the old soldiers who fought so valiantly under their glowing standards. With uncovered head, softened tread and whispered breath, one pauses before the case of treasured mementoes, and, gazing upon their tattered remnants bearing time-faded inscriptions, is inspired with a feeling of sacred reverence for the silent story of heroism, bloodshed and sacrifice they reveal — while the following beautiful lines are brought to mind: 'Not long unfurled was I known, For Fate was against me; But I flashed over a Pure Cause And on land and sea So fired the hearts of men into heroism That the world honored me. Within my folds the dead who died under me Lie fitly shrouded, And my tattered colors, Crowded with a thousand shining victories, Have become for the people who love me, A glorified memory." Flag of the Second Louisiana Regiment Infantry Volunteers. This flag of regulation infantry battle flag, four feet square with two-inch yellow binding ornamented with white silk stars and half-inch wide silk fillet, bears the numbers 192 in black stenciled figures and between the bands of the cross on its red field are inscribed the following battles: Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Manassas. No. 2, Chantilly. Sharpsburg, Fred- ericksburg, Chancellorsville, Winchester No. 2, Harper's Ferry, Gettysburg. The flag of this regiment bears many bullet scars and tatters, showing the active service it has been through. This flag is very likely the one for the capture of which a medal of Honor was awarded, as the following extract from the list of such records as are to be found concerning it: "Charles H. Fasnacht, Sergeant Company A, Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania Infantry, Ma)' 12, 1864, captured flag of Second Louisiana Tigers, at Spottsylvania, Va." Flag of the Second Louisiana Regiment Infantry. This flag of regulation infantry design is made of bunting with white binding forming a border, white silk stars and white silk fillet half-inch wide forms an ornamentation around the blue cross. It leaves the number ISO in stenciled black figures on the white binding. • This flag is reported to have seen little battle service at the time of its capture, in consequence of which there are no bullet rents marring its wholeness and no battles inscribed. The only thing defacing its surface is a few moth-eaten spots. It is attached to a short, rough-hewn staff. Accompanying this flag is the following legend, which appears to have been written some days after its capture, and signed by Brig.-Gen. G. W. Getty: "The flag of the Second Louisiana regiment was captured in-the battle of the 22d of September, 1864. at Fisher's Hill near Strasburg, Va., by Private James Connor, Company F, Forty-Third New York Volunteers Sharp Shooters, at Headquarters, Second Division, Sixth Corps, in the earthworks occupied by Carpenter's Rebel Battery. Signed, G. W. Getty, Harri- sonburg, Va., Brigadier-General, commanding. In this battle the Second Louisiana was attached to Staffeed's Brigade of Maj.-Gen. John B. Geedon's Division. This brigade seems to have held its part of the works at Fisher's Hill until most others had left, when the Federals flanked the left of the Confederate line, which crumbled to pieces from left to right. Eighth Louisiana Regiment Infantry Battle Flag. The legend attached to this standard shows that its capture was effected November 7, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va., by Lieut. A. S. Lyon, Company K, Fifth Maine Volunteers. The flag is attached to a light staff, seven feet high that has been broken and the breaks secured by a tin tube. Accompanying this flag was a wooden spcar-head with battle ax cross piece painted black, which must have surmounted the staff and was broken off. Flag of the Twelfth Louisiana. This flag returned as having been captured from the Twelfth Louisiana Regiment Infantry, is a large national Confederate flag, 88 inches long by 50 inches wide. It is made of close-woven bunting, with a yellow fringe around it. It is the second pattern Confederate flag, white, field with white fillet along the blue cross. Painted in black on the white field is the following legend: "Twelfth Louisiana, One Hundred and Fifth Regiment, Illinois Infantry, Twentieth Volunteer Corps, of the Cumberland." This flag shows that it has been through active service by reason of the bullet rents and blood stains upon it. It is also very badly moth eaten. The Twelfth Louisiana Regiment in this battle was part of Brig.-Gen. T. M. Scott's Brigade of Loring's Division of Stewart's Corps, Col. Noel L. Nelson was in command of the regiment. In a charge of its brigade on the 12th of July in what is called the battle of Peach Tree Creek, in front of Atlanta, the brigade was repulsed, and the Twelfth Louisiana suffered heavily owing to the failure of an adjoining command to advance in line. In Col. Nelson's report of this battle he mentioned no loss of colors, but states out of 318 men the regiment had 57 killed and wounded, and 9 missing. The loss had fallen mainly on three companies of the regiment, that pushed farthest forward in the charge. In the same records is to be found the report of Lieut.-Col. E. F. Dutton, commanding the One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Volunteers. "Among the trophies captured by my command was one set of colors claimed by Rebel wounded to belong to the Twelfth Louis- iana Infantry." This is the flag described above. Flag (so called) of Thirteenth Louisiana Regiment — Really the Fifteenth Louisiana Regiment. This flag was sent and on the legends attached to it is designated as that of the Thirteenth Louisiana Regiment. This was evidently not properly examined at the time of its capture or when the legends were placed upon it. On the yellow figures one and one-half inches high it bears the number 15 and the letters La., proving it to be the flag of the Fifteenth Louisiana Regiment Infantry . The battles inscribed on it were all fought by the army of Northern Virginia to which the Fifteenth Louisiana was attached. The Thirteenth Louisiana Regiment Infantry was attached to the Army of Tennessee C. S. A and never fought in the held of operations of the Army of Northern Virginia. The flag described was captured by Philip Schlaterer, Private. Company F, Seventy- third_New York Infantry, May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. The flag is of bunting of Battle Flag of Bouanchaud's Battery, Pointe Coupee Artillery Captured at Battle of Nashville, Dec. 16, 1864. regulation battle flag size for infantry. It is four feet square, with two inches white bunting binding, white silk stars and three-quarter of an inch fillet along the blue cross. On the outside white binding it bears the number 1.33 in one and one-half inch stenciled black figures, and the same in ink on the cloth legend. In yellow paint stands the number 15 above the center star and La. below it in one and one-half inch figures. The following battles are inscribed upon this flag: Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Manassas No. 2, Chantilly, Sharpsburg, Harper's Ferry, Fredericksburg, Charlottesville, Manassas No. 1, Gettysburg, Winchester, Williamsburg, Seven Pines. The flag- is rent and torn in many places by bullets and shell, but otherwise is in a good state of preservation. The flag was captured at the same time as that of the Second Louisiana Regiment, when Hancock, the Federal General, carried the bloody angle and broke through the Confederate lines where stood Col. Johnson's division, on the 12th of May, 1864, at Spottsylvania. Flag of the Twenty-fourth Louisiana Regiment. The legend inscribed in ink along the white fillet that bordered the blue cross upon this standard is as follows: "Twenty-fourth Infantry Battle Flag, captured by First- Lieut. W. S. Simmons, Corn- pan}' Eleventh Missouri Volunteers at battle of Brentwood Hills near Nashville, December 16, 1864." Lieut. Simmons was awarded a medal of Honor for this capture. Two other flags were captured at the same time by the Eleventh Missouri, but in both cases it is stated that no definite idea exists as to the regiment they belonged. The Louisiana Infantry commands in that battle were the First, Fourth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-fifth, Thirtieth Regiments, and Fourteenth Battalion com- posing Gen. R. L. Gibson's Brigade of Gen. H. D. Clayton's Division, Stephen D. Lee's Battle Flag of 2nd Company Washington Artillery of New Orleans, La., Captured in battle of Appomattox Station, April S, 1S65. Corps. This division was the right of the corps. It repulsed the attacks of the enemy and left its works only after the whole line to the left had been broken. The flag is after the battle flag pattern for Infantry, being 5 feet square, made of loose woven bunting with white stars, border and fillet of cotton cloth. The fillet is an inch wide and bears the number 211 in black stenciled figures, one and one-half-inch high. It is marked with blood and torn by bullets and shell; appearing by these defacements to have seen much active service. Flag of Austin's Battalion. This flag belonged to Austin's Battalion and was captured at Columbus, Ga., April 16, 1865, with its bearer a sergeant, by private Andrew Tibbett. Third Iowa Cavalry, First Brigade, Fourth Division, Cavalry Corps, M D. M., inside the •line of works and to the right of the four gun battery on the right of the enemy's line. The flag is of the Confederate national pattern, white fillet with battle flag of the union in upper corner. It is of fine material and beautifully made. This flag was made by the ladies of Mobile and sent to the Battalion at the opening of the war. Inscribed on it in red letters two inches high are the names, Austin's Battalion, Shiloh, Belmont, Chickamauga, Farm- ington, Murfreesboro, and bears crossed cannons also in red cloth six inches long below the battle flag union. The stars of the battle flag are of white silk and the fillet along the blue cross of the same material. Andrew W. Tibbett received a medal of Honor for the capture of this flag. Flag of Bouanchaud's Battery Pointe Coupee Artillery. The following legend is inscribed on the red field of this flag, captured from Bouanchaud's Battery at the battle of Nashville, December 16, 1S64. Battle Flag of 2nd Louisiana Regiment Infantry Captured in Battle of Fisher's Hill, Sept. 22, 1864. "Bouanchaud's Battery Flag. Captured by William May, Private, Company H Thirty-third Iowa Infantry, Second Brigade, Second Division Detachment, Army of Tennessee, at the battle of Brentwood Hills, near Nashville, December 16, 1864." Report of Col William R. Marshall, Seventh Minnesota Infantry, commanding Third Brigade, First Division Detachment, Army of Tennessee, says: "Most bravely did the lines rise with cheers, breasting the storm of shot and shell from four guns in our front, charge and carry the strong works on the left of the Cranny White Pike. The splendid Pointe Coupee Battery of four Napoleon twelve pounders, a great number of small arms and 300 to 400 prisoners were taken. "William May, a private of Capt. Benson's Company H, Thirty-second Iowa, as the Com- pany approached the works, dashed forward and captured the battery and guidon. Several official papers of this battery were also captured, proving it to have been A. Bouanchaud's." William May's interesting account of the incidentals told as follows: "On the 16th of December when the Second Brigade, Second Division, Detachment Army of Tennessee, was ordered to charge the enemy's works as, my regiment, the Thirty-second Iowa Infantry, was on the right of the Brigade approached the earthworks, I saw this rebel battery flag with the guns, and ran ahead of the regiment over the works, and took it out of the Rebel's hand. In a valise close by, I found some brass buttons, manufactured at Mont- gomery with letter B., German text. Also a captain's shoulder straps, some papers, invoices of ordinance stores, etc., showing the Battery to have been A. Bouanchaud's'." The flag is about four feet square of crimson bunting with yellow fringe, bearing a diagonal cross, upon which are thirteen silken stars. The flag shows little of the wear and tear of active service, and must have been found in Capt. Bouanchaud's valise, which it is claimed, the captor must have thoroughly explored. Flag of the Washington Artillery. This flag, concerning the capture of which a con- nection of opinion has ever existed, is one of the most interesting of the group of tattered emblems. Many doubts were expressed as to the authentic capture of this flag. When, however, it was first removed from the case upon the night of the presentation, and after careful unrolling and examination all doubts were banished, for it proved to be the veritable standard of the Second Company of this Battalion. When straightened out, the binding revealed the inscription: "Second Company Washington Artillery of N. 0." Colonel John B. Richardson who commanded this company at Appomattox, testified to the identity of this returned flag as being the battle flag of his Company, and the writing upon it, as that of Sergeant Caesar Huchez, one of its members. The flag is of close woven bunting, three feet square, of regulation artillery-battery pattern, bordered with a two-inch white cotton binding, while white silken stars and fillets adorn the edges of the blue cross. It is numbered 303, in one and one-half-inch figures, stenciled in black on the red field. The name of the Company is inscribed upon the upper border in large letters. The upper border is separated from the main body of the flag by a rent extending its full length. This glorious standard of one of Louisiana's most valiant regiments shows the ravages of battle. Tattered, torn and streaked with blood, which in many places obliterate the bright, little white silk stars, while the black spots here and there show the passage through and along it of bullets and shells. This flag is still attached to the staff that bore it in its last battle. Of this flag, Col. Richardson says, that during that last battle of April 8th at Appomattox Station, he handed the flag into the keeping of Private William W. Davis, a splendid soldier, with instructions to secrete it on his person. Nothing was ever heard of this noble young hero after the trust imposed upon him by his superior officer. It was nightfall when the fighting began with the Federal Cavalry, that had cut through the column of the retiring Artillery, and the battle raged unceasingly throughout the night. The flag was evidently captured from Davis before he could carry out his commanding officer's instructions, and the blood which stains this flag must be that shed by the gallant soldier in his struggle to preserve it from the enemy. This flag was captured in the Battle of Appomattox Station, April 8, 1865, by Barney Shields, Company E, Second Virginia Volunteers Cavalry, Third Brigade. Cavalry Division, Brevet Major -General George A. Custer, commanding. Rebellion records show the following list of medals of Honor awarded is to be found: "Bernard Shields, Private Company E, Second West Virginia Cavalry, April 8, 1865, captured flag of the Washington Artillery at Appomattox, Va." Flag of an Unknown or Uncertain Louisiana Infantry Regiment. This flag is the regulation infantry battle flag of bunting, four feet square, white binding two inches around the flag, while the blue cross is ornamented with white silken stars and white fillet half- inch wide. It has several patches and its flying end is ravelled and torn: it shows bullet marks and is slightly moth eaten. The number 14 is marked on the white cotton cloth sewed in one corner, on which is written the following legend: "Confederate battle flag of the Eighth Louisiana Regiment, captured at Rappahannock Station, Va., November 7, 1863, by Sergeant Otis C. Roberts, Sixth Regiment, Maine Volunteers, Sixth Brigade, First Division, Sixth Army Corps, captured in hand to hand fight in trenches." There are no battles inscribed on it, nor any number or letters designating it as belong- ing to the Eighth Louisiana Regiment. This Regiment belonged to Brig.-Gen. Harry T. Hays' Brigade, which on November 7, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, was mostly all captured by the Federal Gen. Sedgwick's Corps. Gen. Meade reports having there taken four Colonels, three Lieutenant-Colonels, many other officers and 800 men prisoners, together with the capture of .four battle flags. The account of the capture of this flag is as follows: "Sergeant Otis O. Roberts, of Company H, with only five men rushed upon the color bearer of the Eighth Louisiana Regiment who was in the midst of his color company, and after a hand to hand fight, in which bayonets were freely used, succeeded in capturing the colors and compelling the company to surrender. Sergeant Roberts was awarded a medal for his valiant deed of capture." T. W. Castleman, Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff, Louisiana Division United Confederate Veterans. New Orleans, La. Flag Carried by the 47th Regiment, North Carolina Volunteers. No date of capture given. North Carolina Flags. Owing to the fact that the returned Confederate flags of North Carolina have been carefully grouped in large cases in the Hall of History, at Raleigh, it was impossible, in the short time before which this publication had to be issued, to secure pictures of all of the flags in the collection so they could be reproduced separately. Below, however, is given the history complete of the flags returned by the Government to the State of North Carolina. North Carolina bears the enviable record of having sent more troops to the Confederate service than any other state in the south and of having lost more men in battle. The flags which were returned here late last March by the United States War Department to Governor Robert B. Glenn were placed in the charge of the director of the Hall of History and were by htm arranged in four cases made of native woods, being so displayed as to produce a very fine effect, to show the number of the Regiment and also the inscriptions covering the battles in which each Regiment participated. It is thought that in no other state has such an arrangement been carried out. There are thirty-two of the flags. Eleven of these arc upon the staffs. Some of the staffs are mere poles, and in one case the staff is a pine stick, with the bark still on. In this ease a letter has been received from the color-bearer in which he says that the flag was being taken to the rear by the regiment, which was retreating from an overwhelming force; that the flag caught in the thick undergrowth, but that he tore it away and left the staff, stopping further in the woods and cutting the little pine sapling. The flags show the great number of engagements in which the North Carolina troops partici- pated. Most of them are from the Army of Northern Virginia, but one is from the Western Army, and this is specially displayed, living that of the Thirty-ninth Infantry. A monument is to be dedicated in July at Chiekamauga to the North Carolinians who lost their lives in that great battle, in which eight regiments from this state participated. There are also in the Hall of History a number of other Confederate flags of peculiar interest, notably among these being the "Bethel" flag, which is that which was borne by the Battle Flag of the 38th North Carolina Regiment. No date of capture given. First Regiment of Volunteers at the battle of Bethel, Va., in June, 1861, where the regiment, constituting the principal force of the Confederates and under command of Colonel (after- wards Lietitenant-General) Daniel Harvey Hill, so distinguished itself in the defeat of the Federals that the North Carolina Legislature, then in session, directed that the rarae "Bethel" should be inscribed upon the flag, this name appearing in blue silk. The regiment was also given the distinctive name of the "Bethel Regiment" and hence had no number, even in the re-organization of the North Carolina troops. Another flag was that used at the headquarters of Major-General Bryan Grimes, the ranking officer of the North Carolina troops at Appomattox, under whose direction the last charge was made at Appomattox Court House on early Monday morning, April 9, 1865, when the Confederate infantry, under command of General William R. Cox, fired the last volley and drove back the Federal line, and the cavalry made a capture of four guns of a Federal battery of regulars, of the Fourth Artillery, while the Confederate sharp-shooters, posted in a house, kept up so accurate a fire as to enable the Confederates to retire after having accom- plished these two objects. The Grimes flag was displayed at his headquarters and was not taken down until after the surrender, when it was cut away from the staff and brought back to Raleigh by one of General Grimes' couriers, who wrapped it around his body, under all his clothing Another flag of marked interest is that of the Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment, which was in turn commanded by Z. B. Vance (afterwards Governor and U. S. Senator). Henry King Burgwyn and John R. Lane, the latter of whom is still living near Raleigh. Col. Burgwyn was killed at Gettysburg, where his regiment, as stated by Col. Fox in the latter's well-known book, "Regimental Losses in Battle," suffered a greater loss than any other regiment, on either side, during the entire Civil War. These flags attract a great deal of attention, as do the hundreds of other war relics shown in the great collection, the latter being grouped according to periods, so as to show the history of the state from its earliest settlement in 1585 down to the present time. A complete list of the flags is appended, which the writer made after a personal inspection of every flag. Supposed to be the Flag of the 12th Regiment North Carolina Infantry No date of capture given All the flags are what are known as battle flags, except four, the battle flags being square in shape, of solid red bunting, with cross-bars and with stars thereon of white. In almost every case the regiment is painted in yellow above the center star and with the letters "N. C." below the star. Unless mention is made otherwise, all the flags described are of the battle flag class. The following is the list: First Regiment. Captured May 12, 1864 by Private D. W. Harris, Company B, One Hundred and Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, in the charge of the Second Army Corps on the morning of that day. The names of the following battles appear on the flag, being marked in stencil, in black letters: Winchester, No. 2, Gettysburg, Boonesboro, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Mechanicsvillc, Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill. Fourth Regiment. No inscription as to its fate. Names of battles: Seven days around Richmond, First and Second Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, first and second Maryland campaigns, Spotsylvania, Valley campaign. Seven Pines. Battle Flag, Sixth North Carolina Regiment. Captured at Rappahannock Station. Va., May 7, 1863, by James H. Littlcfield, Company F, Fifth Maine Volunteers. Sixth Regiment. Captured at Sailor's Creek, April 6, 1865, by Private James Kimball, Company B, Second Regiment West Virginia Cavalry. No inscription showing battles. Seventh Regiment. Captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1S65, by Private John E. Mayberry Company F, First Delaware Regiment. Names of battles: Newbern, Hanover, Mechanics- ville, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Manassas Junction. Manassas Plains, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Shepherds town, Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Chancellorsville. Twelfth Regiment.. No inscription as to how taken, and no names of battles, the flag being very badly mutilated. Flag carried by the 46th Regiment North Carolina Volunteers This flag has been all shot away excepting the red field shown. No date of capture given. Thirteenth Regiment. No statement as to fate. Names of battles: Cold Harbor Malvern Hill, South Mountain, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville. Thirteenth Regiment. Captured May 6, 1864, by Sergeant S. Wrought, Company A, One Hundred and Forty-first Pennsylvania Regiment. Names of battles: Williamsburg, Seven Pines. Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill, South Mountain Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville. Sixteenth Regiment. Captured at'Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, by fourteen Connecticut volunteers. Names of battles: Seven Pines Mechanics ville, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Cedar Run, Manassas, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Shepherdstown, Chancellors- ville, Fredericksburg. Eighteenth Regiment. Captured May 21, 1864, by Lieutenant A. H. Mitchell, One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvania. Names of battles: Hanover, Mechanicsville, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Manassas Junction, Manassas Plains, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Shepherdstown, Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Chancellorsville. Eighteenth Regiment. Captured at Malvern Hill, July 20, 1864, by Private Timothy Connors, Company E, First United States Cavalry. Names of battles: Hanover, Mechan- icsville, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Cedar Run Malvern Hill, Manassas Junction, Man- assas Plains, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, "Shepherdstown, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg. Eighteenth Regiment. Captured near Petersburg, April 2, 1865, by Private Frank Fesq, Company A, Fortieth New Jersey. Names of battles: Wilderness, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg. Falling Waters, Cedar Run, Manassas Junction, Manassas Plains, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, Shepherdstown, Fredericksburg, Sharpsburg, Hanover, Mechanicsville, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill. Twenty-second Regiment. Captured by Private McDonough, Forty-second New York. Names of battles: Seven Pines, Mechanicsville, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Cedar Run, Manassas, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Shepherdstown, Fredericks- burg, Chancellorsville. Twenty-third Regiment. Captured by Second Division, First Army Corps, at Gettys- burg, July 2, 1863. Names of battles: Seven Pines, Malvern Hill, South Mountain, Mechanicsville, Cold Harbor, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg. Microfilmed SOLINET/ASERL PROJECT Twenty-fourth Regiment. Captured August 21, 1864, by Private J. A. Rccd, Eleventh Pennsylvania. No names of battles. Twenty-fourth Regiment. Captured by Private David Edwards, One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York Volunteers, April 1, 1865, in battle. No names of battles. Twenty-sixth. Captured by Sergeant Alonzo Smith, Seventh Michigan, at Hatcher's Run, October 27, 1864. No names of battles. Twenty-eighth Regiment. Captured by Corporal J. M. Condig, Company A, Sixty- third Pennsylvania, May 12, 1864. Names of battles: Hanover, Mcchanicsville, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Manassas Junction, Manassas Plains, Ox Hill. Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Shcpherdstown, Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Chan- cellors ville. Twenty-eighth Regiment. No statement as to fate. Names of battles: Hanover, Mcchanicsville, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Manassas Junction, Manassas Plains, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, Shcpherdstown, Fredericksburg, Sharpsburg, Wilderness, Chanccllorsville, Gettysburg, Falling Waters. Thirtieth Regiment. No statement as to fate. Names of battles: Seven days around Richmond, first and second Fredericksburg, Chanccllorsville, first and second Maryland campaigns. Thirtieth Regiment. No statement as to fate. Names of battles: Seven days around Richmond, first and second Fredericksburg, Chancellorsvillc, first and second Maryland campaign. (Right side of flag damaged, part being apparently cut away, also part of lower right section of cross removed. One inscription which was painted on a slip of cloth sewed to the flag has faded, and is illegible.) Thirtieth Regiment. Captured May 12, 1864, at the Wilderness. Names of battles: Mcchanicsville, Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill, Booncsboro, Sharpsburg Fredericksburg. Thirty-third Regiment. Captured by First Sergeant J. Kemp, Company A, Fifth Michigan, May 6, 1864. Names of battles: Newbern, Hanover, Mechanicsvillc, Cold Harbor, Manassas Plains, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Manassas Junction, Shephcrdstown, Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Chan- ccllorsville. Thirty-fourth Regiment. No statement as to fate. Names of battles: Mechanics- villc, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Cedar Rvtn, Manassas, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, Sharps- burg, Shcpherdstown, Fredericksburg, Chanccllorsville. Thirty-fourth Regiment. No statement as to fate. No names of battles. Thirteen stars of white in a blue field. Red, white and red bars. Thirty-eighth Regiment. No statement as to fate. Names of battles: Cedar Run, Manassas, Ox Hill, Cold Harbor, Frazier's Farm, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Shcpherds- town, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsvillc Thirty-ninth Regiment. No statement as to fate. Names of battles: Murfrccsboro, Jackson, Chickamauga. These names are cut from white cloth and sewed on. The border of the flag next to the staff is of home-made canvas. The name of the regiment is given rather oddly, as the Thirty-ninth, "N. C. I.," the usual designation of regiments being "N. C. T." Forty-fifth Regiment. Captured by Fifty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 17, 1864, in battle near Globe Farm, on the Weldon Railway, near Petersburg. No names of battles. Forty-sixth Regiment. No statement as to fate. No names of battles. This is merely the field of a State flag, the remainder having in some way been destroyed. The inscription is: "May 20, 1775, May 20, 1861," with a large white star between the inscrip- tions, and below them the words: Forty-sixth Regiment, N. C. V. The staff of this flag is shown. To it the flag was tied by a piece of shoe string and two pieces of twine. Forty-seventh Regiment. No statement as to fate. No names of battles. This is also a State flag. The inscription is: "May 20, 1775; May 20, 1861." On a red field with a white star between the inscriptions the remainder of the flag being a blue bar and a white one. On the lower part appears: "Forty-seventh Regiment, N. C. V." Forty-seventh Regiment. Captured by Sergeant Daniel Murphcy, Nineteenth Massa- chusetts Regiment, at the battle of Hatcher's Run, October 2, 1864. No names of battles. Fifty-second Regiment. Captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. No names of battles. Battle Flag, Fifty-Fourth North Carolina Regiment, on part of staff roughly made of wood, this flag being unique in having only twelve stars instead of the official thirteen. The War Department sends no statement as to the fate of this flag, but written with ink upon the fold of the flag around the staff are these words: "J, C. Gaunt, Company G., 104 O. V. 1." Col, F. A. Olds. Director of the Hall of History, Raleigh, N. C. V arious F J.a6s carried by the/ V^yoini &d&iale/ Armie/s.